#musical recomendations
pippinlvr · 2 months
musical recomendations!
looking for a new musical to watch? want to see which musical matches your vibe? you're in the right place!
send me over some information about yourself (see below), and I'll analyse it and give you a musical to watch as well as why I chose it. I'll also give you a mini playlist mood board, or a ship depending on what you want <33
please send something over in my inbox if you would like one, it would mean the world to me, as I'm just jump starting this account!
here's some info you could add to your request (not required at all, add what you want!!):
favorite musicals
favorite subject
favorite genre outside of show tunes
your favorite color
your favorite actors/actresses
thanks soso much! muah muah!!
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 5 months
a good animated show must have at least 4 of the following:
- gay
- existentialism/nihilism
- morally grey lead characters
- horrendously depressing themes/messages
- psychedelic weird shit that highlights the absurdity of life
i don’t make the rules (i do make the rules pls recommend me shows—i’ll put the ones i’ve watched in the tags, feel free to add any you think of)
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The Bad Kids and their taste in music:
Gorgug: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Gorgug will listen to anything and everything. I feel like at the start of freshman year he would definitely be listening to more of the angsty stuff (evanescence no doubt…) but as he gets more into music with Fig i feel like he’d just be listening to anything he can get his hands on and finding something to love about every song he hears. He would find the most obscure bands and by merch for bands that literally no one has ever heard of, but he would also love a lot of mainstream music as well. Nothing is beneath him, he has respect for all of it. (basically he’s fantasy james acaster). I also feel like he would be the kind of person to change up what he’s listening to depending on who he’s with? And he would definitely have hundreds of playlists made to fit whatever other people want to hear for when he’s allowed to choose the music. He would also probably be the only one whos allowed to choose the music when the bad kids all hang out just because hes the only one with music in common with each of the bad kids, so they know all their favourite music will be included. But when it’s just him alone he’s for sure just playing all his music on shuffle, jumping through genres like nobody's business, and everyone else thinks hes crazy for that.
Fig: definitely starts freshman year with a complicated relationship to music. I like to think that pre teifling discovery she would be very into pop music - but not just whatever was on the radio. I think she would have still taken pride in having great music taste, it just would have been more poppy and cheerful than what she’s starts listening to at the start of the freshman year. She would then make the transition to punk music and i think she’d be one of those ‘i was born in the wrong generation’ people for a little while. But later on, when she starts becoming more comfortable in herself, and she starts to forgive her parents, i think she’d become nostalgic for the music that used to mean so much to her, and she’d start introducing back into her playlists. (She would LOVE punk covers of pop songs). I think for Fig sharing her favourite music with other people would be a really big deal. Like I think she would always be trying to get people to listen to obscure punk bands, and would be doing it in a kind of jokey way, but once she actually starts to trust you and form a bond, thats when she starts recomending her real favourites, and thats when it becomes more serious. She would for sure be the kind of person to take it personally if you dont like her favourite song. (for this reason Gorgug is her favourite person to share music with) She would absolutly LOVE introducing Ayda to all her favourite bands. Ayda is the only person who can tell Fig she doesn't like her music without it being an issue.
Kristen: Like Fig I feel like she would end up with a very complicated relationship to music. She would start the year listening to nothing but helioic music - she would know all the 'cool' helio songs, as well as the cheesy kids songs they sing at camp, and the more traditional songs they sing at church. For a long time that would be the only music she knew. As she starts to lose her faith, she would probably just stop listening to music entierly, finding it hard to figure out what she actually likes to listen to. When she eventually starts listening to music again she would 100% be the kind of person to find a new song, fall in love with it, listen to it a million times, and then never listen to it again. She goes through songs quicker than she goes through new deities. She is consantly asking her friends to recomend her new music because shes sick of everything shes currently got downloaded. I think sometimes she would get nostalgic for the old helioic music, but then she'd listen to .5 seconds of a song and realise just how god awful it really was and it would leave her feeling just really lost and dissapointed for a while. It would be just another thing from her childhood that has lost all of the usual warmth nostalgia brings and instead just leaves a sour taste in her mouth.
Riz: Riz would start the year claiming to be one of those people who just 'isnt really into music'. He doesnt have time to be listening to music when there are so many mysteries to solve. He would probably tolerate other people playing music around him but probably wouldnt enjoy it. Fig would be absolutly outraged to hear this and would make it her mission to find something he likes. She goes through like every genre she can think of and hes just indifferent to all of it, then one day gorgug would reccomend something really bizzare and obscure (like fantasy drowned shrimp) and Riz would just lose his mind over it, just immediatly obssessed, and Fig would just be absolutly baffled. (i can also low key see him really like fantasy Canterbury Scene, specifically fantasy Caravn)
Fabian: I'm sorry I feel like I'm always shitting on Fabian but he would absolutly have the worst taste in music out of all the bad kids. He grew up on a combo of weird elven music, sea shanties, and whatever was playing on the fantasy radio. I fully believe he would be the kind of person who couldnt tell the difference between good music and shitty cash grab music if it hit him in the face. This would cause endless arguements between him and Fig where he would defend his taste in music to the death while Fig gets more and more frustrated trying to show him actual Good Music only to be met with complete indifference. HOWEVER this would completely change in sophmore year, after his journey of self discovery. He would have to learn more about music to facilitate his dancing and i feel like he'd have like a full on epiphany of like 'oh that music really is shit...' He would stubbornly not admit it to Fig, just discreetly ask Gorgug for some recomendations of good High Elven music that he can dance to.
Adaine: Similar to Kristen and Fabian in that she only ever listened to what her parents played her. She grew up exclusivly on Classical Elven music. I feel like she probably wouldnt even really know that there was other music out there? Or maybe she was aware but just felt decision paralysis trying to find something new to listen to. I think her transition to other music would be very slow, and she would always use Classical as her background music for when shes studdying. I can see Adaine loving songs with complex lyrics (I'm thinking fantasy Mitski, and fantasy Hozier type lyrics.) Then one day shes invited along to a cig figs gig and she would discover a whole new style of music and fall slightly in love. Punk deffinitly wouldnt be her favourite genre, but it would be so perfect for the days when shes feeling particularly bad about her shitty childhood, and Fig would absolutly support that. Adaine definitly wouldnt like anything too heavy, the proper loud, screamy songs just a bit too jarring, so Fig would take the time to hand pick the most low key punk songs she can find for Adaine. (she has definitly made her more than one mix CD, Adaine treasures every single one)
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candyskiez · 1 year
daily reminder you should all listen to the amazing devil. seriously go listen to love run, the horror and the wild, and ruin. you're missing out. I'm begging you if you want to brainstorm stories or aus or animatics they are PERFECT for daydreaming to, they have SUCH good lyrics and instrumentals do yourself a favor. if you like the crane wives or the oh hellos, this might be up your alley (although it's not exactly the same obviously, a lot of differences)
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caruliaa · 8 months
i know some of u had hamilton phases and its okay, i forgive you. anyway now that i know you like musicals or at least liked one at one point ahahaha have u heard of this thing called team starkid they put their shows on youtube for free you can watch them really easily and they have this show called the gu
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lightineventide · 16 days
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Welcome all to curtain call, at the opera - today marks the 17th anniversary of Kamelot's Ghost Opera!
Highlighted text on the picture: "Ghost Opera came out on 04.06.2007 via SPV"
/That's apparently the European release date./
Hey, hey, the (best) record I share a birthday with has been thrown upon ya! Now, in 2007 I was still an annoying just-out-of-kindergarden kid that only listened to Alestorm (the magazine is from my father's collection), but a few years later I was delighted to learn this fact!
My Top 3 song recommendations from the usual version of the album:
The Human Stain
Ghost Opera
My absolute favourite song from Ghost Opera - Season's End (Spotify link). This video is my best deep-dive find from Kamelot and I just wish the quality was better, because Tommy Karevik's version is just as good as Roy Khan's original!
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cordeliaflyte · 2 months
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luksi27 · 3 months
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Reblog/reply with a music and I'll give you a music :D
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herbirdglitter · 1 year
@eleilinnrallin sea shanty and folk music recaps not centered around romance for prime aromantic celebrations on this fine day:
- Oak and Ash and Thorn by the longest johns
- Mermaids and Queers by the misbehavin’ maidens
- the Wild Rover live by the High kings
- Irish Pub Song by the high kings
- Eulalia by SYR
- Haul Away Joe by the longest johns
- the Mary Ellen Carter by the longest johns
- Wayfaring Stranger by the longest johns
-Excursion Around the Bay by the Derina Harvey band
-Bones in the Ocean by the longest johns
-really just all of the longest johns’ music
- Go On Home British Soldiers by Seth Staton Watkins
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catherinekal · 10 months
Going down a rabbit hole of Japanese music on youtube and just discovered Necry Talkie. Holy shit I love what I've heard so far.
Also I adore the energy of the lead singer and wish I had hair like this. It doesn't match the energy at all of what I'm writing haha. Will make good background music all the same.
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the-chaotic-snek · 5 months
reblog if ur a palaye royale fan i need to KNOW
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s1lly-gh02tz · 9 months
Me after getting the most jaw dropping, terrifying, flashy, bright colored animation ever after listening to this song😫
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hello, ive been learning portuguese for a bit and i was wondering if you had any recommendations for media? like youtubers, blogs, movies or series. if you do, thanks in advance
uff fuck, i will sure try my best but i can’t promise anything
I normally get my dose of Portuguese via going to academic workshops or working alongside Brazilian people, so I don’t exactly engage with media in Portuguese as a conscious learning process, I'm afraid. Like, for example, i normally just get a bunch of Instagram reels and TikToks cause I'm on the Brazilian side of instagram/tiktok, and not exactly because i follow any particular account or something, and i don’t level or recognize how hard the Portuguese is in each one, etc 
I have some series that i remember watching and liking tho, which are:
De volta aos 15: a drama/comedy series around a 30yo woman that time travels a few times to when she was 15 and tries to fix everyone's life, as one does
A sogra que te pariu: a very absurd sitcom in the best latinoamerican style (and set during covid)
Samantha!: Another comedy, now about a kid star from the '80s who is trying to launch herself back
Lulli: comedy, drama and romance. A medic student gets electrocuted and starts hearing everyone's thoughts
3%: suspense, fiction, drama. Set on a diasporic word where, while everyone gets a one-time change to better their life, only the 3% makes it
Ciudad invisible: Drama, mystery. This one has lots of references to folk culture and stories! It's about a man who, after a family tragedy, starts seeing different mythological creatures that will help him uncover the past
omnisciente: sci-fi, drama, thriller. The city is controlled and watched all the time everywhere by drones. A woman tries to solve a murder that the drones never picked on + plus discover how fucked up the system and the drones are
Coisa mais linda: Drama, romance, set in 1959, after getting cheated on and left alone, a woman sets herself to open her own bossa nova club
ninguem tá olheando: comedy, drama, fantasy after discovering some secrets of the bureaucratic angelic system, a guardian angel set himself to break every rule that there is for protecting humans
Valentina: drama a young trans girl moves to a more conservative rural town 
Alice júnior: Coming of age film about a YouTuber trans girl as she challenges her catholic school's conservative ways 
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roachmattea · 5 months
listening to men i trust because they were on my pinterest
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eliotcloud · 7 months
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chlorine1 · 11 months
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I love love love jack off jill their sso amazing and are a really good band for people who are part of the alternative umberella my favorite sings are vivica star no star hypocrite
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