#musix oc
joyarting · 1 year
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Homework ad Havoc oc!
@taterswithranch Approval?
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zeebtrolls · 2 years
also tiffey playlist drop 💗
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alex-dontknow · 10 months
*overdramatic drumroll*
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A species of Stix whose true origins are still being debated today.
This species will be replacing our Musix OCs. They'll still be the same characters, however their lore and attributes will be altered heavily.
Text version for those who can't read the image:
a species of humanoid figures whose origins are scattered across the universe with very little knowledge to who they are or why they arrived here.
theorised to originate from a new universe entirely.
this interstellar species of stix is incredibly diverse with colour variations across the spectrum in regards to skin, eyes, hair etc.
some have a furry / fluffy dermis while others may have scales, physical light or tissue identical to a human's. Their organs follow the same rules.
they show classic human intelligence and personal moral codes, though some hold knowledge normal humans are incapable of comprehending.
when tested on, the readings only showed various letters and numbers that alluded to their origins and genetic makeup.
these were nicknamed "binary souls" for simplicity.
these binary souls included readings ranging from objects of space to manifestations of controversial theorems, e.g. the Boltzmann Brain (see subject).
with each unique binary soul, the stix had unique abilities. for example, the subject on display is capable of telepathy and "spontaneous manifestation" – teleportation.
a common trait amongst subjects is they each had markings across their body, prominently on the back.
some were opaque, others glowed under certain lighting e.g. blacklight.
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taterswithranch · 1 year
Quick question for possible future reference, do musix OC’s in the homework and havoc AU have to be in color?
Like, the reference sheet?
I can’t and won’t dictate what medium you use for it lol
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orangelovesyou · 1 year
I have a spotify acc exclusively for joesyaoi play list and making oc ones becayse noone takea my yourube musix seriously😞😞😞
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musix-finderz · 3 months
Welcome 2 musix-finderz!!!
Do u like music?!? Do u want basic ass music recs?? Then this blog is 4 u!!!!
Go in da askbox and put some info about yourself, ocs, kintypes, paras, or wuteva, and we'll output some songs based on that info!!! Pls specify whether u want ur playlist made on Spotify or Youtubes!
Hoppe 2 see u soon!!!
- Galaxy
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tapala10 · 6 years
New Chapter is out!!!
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Blackbirds; Mysterious and intelligent.
A lot like a girl who shares the same name, Lilith Blackbird.
But a lot like a blackbird Lilith still needs to learn how to find her true power. A power that she has long since forgotten as Lilith becomes weaker.
That is Lilith's problem. After the loss of one parent and the neglect from another, it is quite clear that Lilith is fighting battles with herself and the world every day. When she loses her dad, Lilith must move from her home in Washington, all the way to Liverpool.
Once she gets to Liverpool she meets a boy who goes by the name of John Lennon.
Will this teddy boy be the one to fight alongside her in her battles? Or will he be the one who finally pushes her over the edge?
A So Dear to My Heart re-write.
There are mentions and hints to the following; Anorexia, Depression, Suicide, Self-Harm, Bullying, Drugs & Alcohol, Swearing and Sex.
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e8luhs · 7 years
ok tho: what is one song u Really Really Relate To. what is one song that u cant disconnect from a particular memory and now it will 5ever remind u of that. what is one song/band that u were :// abt in the beginning but somehow started liking. and when do u remember that ur interest in music started ?
UM ONE SONG I REALLY REALLY RELATE TO .. thats hard bc i relate to so many diff songs for all diff reasons?? um maybe a tie between are you satisfied by m&td and gronlandic edit by of montreal those are the Closest i can get probs but i have a whole selfmix on spotify too if anyones curious (still a wip tho)one song i relate to a particular memory.. uh alot of mine are jus Trauma™ Songs (god especially like, the entire sunset tree album by the mountain goats. really Gets Me with dat trauma shit. same w the songs family jewels n scab+plaster by m&td) but a good memory one is probably like in the aeroplane over the sea by neutral milk hotel bc it reminds me of my s/o and qpp and how much i lov em which ig isnt MEMORY based but im gay so anywaysWHAT ELSE UH OF MONTREAL WAS ACTUALLY THE ONE I WAS :/ ABOUT AT FIRST LIKE i listened to hissing fauna bc of my qpp saying gronlandic edit was a very Me song and i was just like “eh idk this sounds weird” but now hissing fauna is my favorite album and of montreal is like a super favorite band of minemusics been one of my favorite things for a long time!! i always listen to it for inspiration with art and writing and everything and it can always put the way i feel in better words than i can plus it helps me understand other people a lot better too. im p much listening to it all the time honestly it just Gets Me and next to homestuck its one of the things that makes me feel less alone and like its my Big Fuckeng Favorite SORRY THIS IS LIKE SOOO EXTENSIVE I LOVE MUSIC AND I LOVE TALKING ABT IT THIS QUESTION IS GREAT
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ocrecording · 7 years
@asaffulks DRIFTIN' AWAY #musicvideo #np via @YouTube
#rnb #soul #ballad #piano #ocrecording #asaffulks
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saltygirafe · 8 years
when i finally release all my gays(OCs)into the world im gonna cry if someone makes those amazing musix videos with my drawings i will legit give you my soul
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joyarting · 1 year
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Made a Librarian.
Their named Eli
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zeebtrolls · 2 years
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:) thought of nadjya… JUST. HOW EMOTIONAL THE SINGER IS…
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alex-dontknow · 1 year
Torrential Escape
OCs: Faraday Heath and Cresc (@taterswithranch)
Story type: Action, Whump
Necessary warnings: near-death experience, drowning
I knew exactly what I had to do hehehehehe
the first addition to the AU 🤩🤩
this'll prolly have a part 2 xddd
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Faraday had no clue how long he had been running for. The sun had been high in the sky when he first bolted out of the school building, now sprinting through the forest it was beginning to dip below the horizon, shadows distorted and distended. The time of day was the least of his concern, however; all he focused on was escaping with his life.
When word had gotten through to him that a sinister group had arrived in the city, of course Faraday had immediate suspicions of who they were. There was every chance it could have simply been a gang of troublemakers looking to start a fight, which would hace been preferable to the other option. It was only after one of them turned up at the college reception shortly after the day had ended that he knew exactly who they were, and what they wanted, epecially when they began stalking the other Musix students and teachers.
The day they turned up at the school was when Hell was raised. Not even lockdown protocol kept them safe. Faraday didn't know if he'd gotten everybody in his class out safely, he could only hope.
He could feel his lungs giving out within his chest, but he willed himself to keep going. He couldn't stop now, not when he was certain they were still on his track. Were those more trees he saw as he ran, or the other members of the Deadly Musix? It was all a blur around him that he couldn't tell, charging faster and faster through the foliage...
At least until he knocked into something and they both tumbled to the ground in a heap.
Faraday let out a surprised yelp and fell backwards onto the dirt, pushing himself back up and rubbing his head with a sleeved hand. He could hear the other thing–or person—shuffling and groaning in front of him. He forced his eyes open and scrambled over to them, recognising the jet-blue hair and too-noticeable crimson tie.
"Cresc?!" he exclaimed in shock. He grabbed the younger teacher by the shoulders and pulled him up to his feet, the latter stumbling and shrieking at the abrupt contact before his eyes then landed on Faraday. A relieved grin spread across his face.
Unfortunately, the reunion was short-lived. A twig snapped behind them and they both took it as their cue to run.
So they did, pushing past bushes and wading through leaves and plants, never daring to enter the city again for fear of more lurking to ambush them. Faraday would throw a glance over his shoulder now and then, making sure his colleague was still in his area as they ran for their lives.
"Run, little souls!" a mocking voice cackled in the distance, one they understood too well. "It's an eternal chase, until you surrender or your body fails you~"
"Stop!" The elder teacher grabbed Cresc and pulled them both to a halt, directly in front of a wide, fast-flowing river. Faraday could hear Cresc gasp and grab onto his arm in return, doing little to ease the seeping dread in the pit of his stomach as he heard not one, not even two footsteps approach from behind and the group of pursuers began to surround them.
The first he made eye contact with was clearly the leader of the gang, raven-dark hair with obnoxiously-bright red highlights and a piercing gaze sharp and refined enough to pierce even a titanium soul. Faraday glared at this man, and while he knew exactly who he was, there was something too familiar in that sneer of his that deeply unsettled him.
"You know," the stickfigure mused, stalking with an arrogant strut towards the duo, "this is all for a good cause! Your precious souls wouldn't go to waste, no..."
He was twirling a keyring on his left hand, one of a circus tent with red and white stripes. Faraday's eyes widened—so did Cresc's—and the two colleagues shared a look of horror as he recognised the charm of one of his devoted students.
That monster.
Even with his rage culminating inside, Faraday forced himself to rationalise. The two of them were cornered, no matter which direction they went they would run directly into one of the hunters.
Faraday glanced towards the river, currents speeding along in torrential waves.
Unless they didn't run.
The hunters were coming closer.
Unless they swam.
"Cresc," Faraday inched closer to his colleague, who had a look of terror and confusion on his face as he did the same, "Cresc, jump."
"Wh–" Cresc stared, bewildered, "jump?!"
"It's either that or them, Cresc, now jump!"
"You know I can't swim, right–?!"
"Oh for the love of—"
With a swift grab of Cresc's arm and ignoring the scream of protest, Faraday pulled them both into the river. The shocked and frustrated shouts of the Musix goons were quickly drowned out by the scream of surging waters. With the unforgiving waves tossing the two about, Faraday didn't notice Cresc's arm slip from his hand.
After tumbling against rocks, weeds and riverbanks for countless minutes, the river finally dispersed into a deep but steady opening and Faraday could easily grab ahold of the ledge. He coughed and sputtered as he caught the breath he held for so long, peeling a strip of pond weed from his neck. He quickly gathered his bearings and waited.
He heard no running footsteps, no shouts or voices coming closer. The fearful weight in his chest settled and when he realized Cresc was no longer in contact, he called out for his colleague.
"Cresc, we lost them, you can come out now."
A splash caught his attention and he whipped around to see a hand flailing above the water before vanishing below. Faraday's heart dropped as he imminently realised that he had resurfaced, while his friend had not.
Faraday dove under the water and swam with all his strength. Through the murk of the lake, he could just about see Cresc sinking deeper and deeper towards the bottom, thrashing about in terror but ultimately failing to tread water. The drama teacher willed himself to swim faster when he saw the other's movements grow sluggish and tired.
Their eyes briefly met as he hooked an arm beneath Cresc, and he could see just how frightened he was before they slipped closed. How long was he holding his breath for? Dismissing that question, Faraday pulled him upwards towards the surface, struggling with the added weight and his heart pounding loudly in his ears.
Come on, kid...
At last, they breached the surface and Faraday gasped for air, paddling the two of them towards the riverbank and flopping down on the grit. Faraday pulled Cresc up by the shoulders and shook him half-dry until he burst awake, coughing and wheezing in shallow breaths.
"Hey, hey, shh," Faraday helped him sit up and patted his back, "deep breaths, kid, deep breaths, you're okay now."
He stopped thumping his back when his coughing slowed down, changing to smooth, gentle rubs as he gradually calmed down, his rapid, strained gasps quieting into steady, albeit shaky breaths. Faraday let out a sigh of relief.
"There we go, I'm sorry for doing that, but it was either that or getting captured."
Cresc didn't speak, only staring wide-eyed at the ground as his hands trembled. Faraday stared in pity for some time, waiting but receiving nothing. Poor kid must be in shock, he thought to himself.
They couldn't stay here for long. They had to keep moving, lest the Musix would find them.
"Alright, let's get going," Faraday spoke, lightly nudging Cresc's arm to get him to focus. He only looked up at the other with the same wide, petrified eyes. Faraday's brows furrowed in even more worry. "Can you stand?"
He gripped Cresc by the arms and slowly raised him to his feet, but the latter staggered on the way up. Faraday sighed, seeing that they wouldn't get very far with the other in this state.
"'Kay, up we get," he muttered as he hoisted Cresc onto his back, slinging his sodden jacket arms around his shoulders and holding him firmly there. He felt a sliver of comfort when he felt Cresc's arms tighten their hold. "Hopefully we'll come across Kitts or Scarborough somewhere..."
And hopefully stay out of sight. They couldn't risk another scenario like this.
Angelica's going to kill us...
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zeebtrolls · 9 months
another SLAY tiffey core song
idk if yall have noticed but i LOVE music and i love assigning them to characters …added 2 her playlist
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alex-dontknow · 1 year
Seeking Refuge
OCs: Faraday Heath, Cresc and Angelica (@taterswithranch) and Frenzi Kitts (@k1rameki )
Story type: Action, Whump, Hurt / Comfort
Necessary warnings: near-death experience, mention of drowning, hypothermia
Part 2 to this thing right here
I'm not sure about adding other characters in just yet simply cuz I asked the creators tagged above first and idk others' boundaries, lmk if you want your character written in at some point.
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Cresc hadn't said a single word for the entire journey, and that was beginning to worry Faraday. While he could've simply put it up to shock of what had happened, but considering their prior escapade via a harsh river and Cresc being submerged underwater for longer than ideal, the elder was beginning to fear the worse of possibilities.
They had finally reached the treeline behind the neighbourhood streets, although Faraday didn't dare breach past the woodland. Any member of the Musix could be lurking behind a building or standing guard across the road. If they were seen again, there was no way they'd be able to outrun them again.
Faraday carefully dropped Cresc against a tree and crouched next to him, reaching in his jacket pockets for something he desperately hoped didn't fall out while they were in the river. When his fingers closed over the cold metal of his phone, he breathed a sigh of relief and pulled it out. He shook it a couple times to wring out any water in the circuits and switched it on.
He only now noticed how much he was shaking as he fumbled for his contacts, and as he glanced over at Cresc he saw the other was also shivering considerably. As he found and rang the correct contact, he gingerly wrapped an arm around Cresc and pulled him closer, hoping that he'd trap any heat between them.
He raised the phone to his ear.
"Mr. Heath!" a sharp, notably panicked voice cut him off, "Where on Earth have you been?! You dare to just disappear after what happened at the college earlier?! I've been worried sick! I have a bone to pluck from Cresc too—"
"A-Actually, Angelica," Faraday spoke up, suppressing an amused chuckle at the dragon lady's concern, "Cresc is with me—"
"Then pass me over to him right now! You both have a lot of nerve disappearing during a school invasion!" Faraday could practically see the rage seething in Angelica's voice.
"I would, but you wouldn't get much out of him," he replied with an exasperated huff, glancing at his colleague again, "he's been stone-silent for about half an hour, probably from shock—" his worry rose as he felt a trembling, clammy hand on his shoulder,"—however I fear the elements might've done a worse number on him."
Angelica finally fell silent.
"Where are you right now?"
Faraday strained his eyes for a roadsign beyond the trees.
"Downside Avenue."
"Both of you stay there, I'll come find you. Keep a close eye on Cresc... and I expect a full explanation when I get there."
The phone clicked off and Faraday pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. Placing the phone down, he turned to Cresc and reached to gently shake his shoulder. The other stickfigure's eyes were lidded and barely open, his entire body quivering and shaking in the cold air of the forest.
"Hey, come on now..." Faraday murmured in an urgent tone, shaking the man awake again, "you can't pass out on me now." With a pang of dread, he realised what was happening and went to peel off the sodden jacket from Cresc's limbs. The other stickfigure grasped onto it weakly, making a strained noise that vaguely sounded like a plea and made Faraday's chest heavy. He sighed as he carefully eased Cresc's fingers off the garment, stood up and began to wring it out, shaking and flapping it in hopes of drying it off. Faraday would've given Cresc his own jacket if he'd not been soaked himself.
Once the jacket was somewhat dry, he knelt back down besides Cresc and helped him pull it back on. The poor lad was now shivering harsher, tugging the jacket around his shoulders like a feeble blanket. Seeing as he was now somewhat responsive, Faraday snapped his fingers in front of his face to see if he'd react. It was small, but he flinched, giving the elder a dazed glare, which was a relief as it showed he wasn't totally losing himself to the cold.
Hopefully Angelica would find them before any of the Musix did.
"Hey, hey, c'mon, kid, stay with me!"
In the short time that had passed, Cresc had weakened significantly, eyes unfocused and no longer as responsive as before. Faraday resorted to tugging him close to protect him from the harsh winds, staring out into the road beyond the treeline.
Where the Hell is Angelica?!
Faraday grimaced at the cold, finally feeling it seep into his bones as his adrenaline finally fizzled out. He too began to shiver and the two stickfigures were forced to huddle together. It was agonising.
It was getting harder for Faraday's thoughts to remain coherent.
Just a little longer and we'll be fine...
At last, he heard the sound of a car engine come into earshot and he staggered to his feet, pulling Cresc up with him. They limped— in truth, Faraday was supporting Cresc with an arm slung under his, the latter could hardly remain upright —towards the red car near the treeline and barely made it three feet before Angelica came rushing towards them.
"There you are— oh dear God!" her eyes widened at their state, quickly taking them both by the arms and ushering them towards the passenger doors, "you're soaking! What on Earth have you been doing—?!"
"Spare the scolding, Angie, please," Faraday grumbled jitteredly, pushing the younger into the car first before clambering in himself, "just get us out of here!" He fumbled with tremoring hands to fix the seatbelts, wrapping his arms around himself and throwing a worried glance at his shivering colleague. The dragon lady made a face as she hopped back into the driver's seat, slamming the door and practically thumping the pedals.
"You both have a lot of explaining to do."
Faraday sat at the kitchen table with his head down on the surface, listening to Angelica fuss over Cresc upstairs as he beared his own bone-numbing chills. He'd never seen his coworker so detached before. He partially blamed himself for the ordeal; he did throw them both into a speeding river, after all. A reckless move. Careless. Endangering. He chose to ignore the guilt settling in his stomach.
Angelica soon returned downstairs and tapped him on the shoulder. When he lifted his head, he saw a neatly-folded pile of clothes and blankets in the dragon's hands.
"You need to change too, you're no less at risk than he is," she ordered, shoving the pile into his chest.
Faraday stared down at the dry covers now clutched in his arms. "I'll be fine, Angie, please don't fret-"
"I'll fret so long as your lives are on the line." She had that certain glare that meant she wouldn't take no for an answer. "Please."
The other couldn't help but give a small smile in return, rising shakily and nodding. "Thank you," he murmured softly, making a move to walk away until he stumbled over air. Angelica caught him by the shoulders and aided him up the stairs, and he could feel her hands radiating with warmth through his clammy clothes. He suddenly felt incredibly grateful for her company.
As they passed the main bedroom, Faraday caught a glance at his colleague inside. Cresc was tucked under layer upon layer of blankets, yet he could still see his decrepit form shivering violently underneath. He felt deeper pain and guilt in that moment. He caused this.
But if I didn't, then we'd both be dead anyway.
Angelica had guided him to the bathroom, helping him sit down on the toilet lid and closing the door behind her as she left.
"Just let me know when you're done, 'kay?"
Faraday sifted through the clothes Angelica had given him. There was a large long-sleeved sweater with a red trim, orange tracksuit pants and a t-shirt with a chilli pepper graphic and the phrase "just Chilli'n". He chuckled at this; somehow he didn't take Angelica as the type to wear tees like this. It was better than nothing, so he quickly changed out of his sodden clothes and into the dragon's, which he was surprised to find out fit him almost perfectly. He knocked on the door to let Angelica know he was done, and she came in to take his wet clothes and be his crutch again.
Faraday spied a photograph on one of the stands in the hallway, squinting to see Angelica next to another woman standing over a small child in front of their house. "Looks like you'll be the one with a lot of explaining to do," he remarked with a taunting tone.
The dragon rolled her eyes and set him down on the bed, tossing the blankets into his lap. "Focus on yourself and not my home life, Heath," she snapped back, but her tone turned light when she glanced back over to Cresc. She sighed worriedly and went around to the other side of the bed, placing her hand on the man's shoulder. Faraday watched as his friend tensed up and tried to shy away, only to ultimately weaken and cave to the touch with a shuddering whine. It was heartbreaking to see.
"So," Angelica spoke up, staring at Faraday with that same serious glare as before, "since he obviously can't explain what happened earlier, care to enlighten me?"
Faraday didn't know where to begin. Where could he? There was so much he had to explain in order for Angelica to understand, and even he didn't have the full story. He tried his best nonetheless, explaining what and who they were after, how he'd pulled Cresc down into the nearby river, how the latter nearly drowned, how he'd seen these people before but his memory cut out before then—
"Alright, alright, I understand," Angelica raised her hand, though the other noted the increased concern in her voice and expression, "so... you two are essentially fugitives in my home from a group of people hunting you down specifically, yet you have no memory why?"
"Yep," Faraday shrugged, "that sums it up pretty well."
Without warning, a loud banging from downstairs startled them both. Angelica's expression shifted into a protective anger and she took off. Faraday's heart pounded in his chest and he shuffled against the backboard, clutching the blankets to his chest with one hand and instinctively resting the other on Cresc's shoulder.
It's them.
It's them and they found us.
What would they do to us? To Angelica?!
His thoughts raced until he heard a familiar voice screaming downstairs.
"Are they here?!"
"Just upstairs, now hurry inside!"
Footsteps thumped rapidly up the staircase. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who it was.
"A bit of notice ahead of time would've been nice, Kitts."
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