#john lennon x Oc
nevertraveled · 9 months
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xxlonelyspider · 18 days
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Here’s my X-Men OC with Deadpool and Wolverine. He is also the adopted child of Logan if you want to know some information about him. Feel free to ask about him in the comments.
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𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 (part one)
pairing: teen!noel gallagher x fem!oc
summary: noel's going nowhere, and fern's going everywhere
word count: 2.2k
warnings: mentions of drugs, smoking, swearing (possible ooc noel but i wanted to write a soft lil' teen fic 😩)
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it had hardly been in fern's nature to do anything other than keep her nose close to the grindstone in the run up to her a-level exams, so when noel knocked on her bedroom door one evening proudly announcing that he was done with his qualifications at the tech college it was fair to say she'd fallen silent.
the crackling of her record player and the subsequent crooning of john lennon was all that could be heard in the room, fern eventually breaking and laughing at noel as he pushed open the door further to cross the threshold of her room. "what ya laughin' for?" he questioned, taking a ball-point pen out of a pot kept on the desk and balancing it on the tip of his finger whilst he waited for an answer.
"because i assume you're joking." fern retorted, glancing at him from over her shoulder before returning to scribbling away at her flashcards. when there came no responce, and noel had fallen uncharacteristically silent, her hopes plummeted. "oh, noel, you haven't."
his sheepish smile gave him away instantly.
instantly, she had snatched the pen away. "what were you thinking?" noel had moved away from hovering near her desk and instead used two fingers to peer out of the curtains. the window in fern's room backed onto the large garden, and if you tilted your head at just the right angle the city-scape of greater manchester hoved into view. from the large suburban houses and roads worlds away from burnage, noel saw that between the pair of them only fern had a permanent ticket out.
after thinking, all he could muster up was "dunno."
"you've only been there for two weeks. you're lucky they let you onto the course - you applied three months late and you got expelled from school before you could take your exams."
"don't make me feel worse, fern." he groaned, falling backwards onto the ottoman at the foot of the bed. reluctantly, fern tore herself away from her revision and tucked it all away again so she could sit next to him. "i bet your mum went ballistic."
even the way she spoke was different - not once would she shorten a word for the sake of a mancunian dialect, something she tried and succeeded at after winning a scholarship for one of the grammar schools in order to 'fit in'. privately educated girls and secondary-school dropouts weren't meant to fit together on paper, yet fern and noel did. they met accidentally, whilst she was working part-time in a record shop and they'd gotten to talking.
"still, r'kid thought it was hilarious. nearly pissed 'imself laughin' i think."
they sat in silence for a few moments, until the call of fern's mum broached the peace of the room. "fernie, tea's on the table." she waited patiently at the foot of the stairs until the pair of teenagers descended the stairs into the hallway. "staying for tea, noel?" she questioned.
fern and noel acted in routine, him pulling out the plates and her extracting the cutlery from the draw before trooping into the dining room. "hiya, audrey. if tha's not a bother." it wasn't, he just asked out of courtesy because that's what his mum had taught him. more often than not, noel would stay for tea or if they'd eaten audrey was more than happy to put something into the oven for him.
they sat around the dinner table, fern's dad at the head eventually putting his newspaper away to ask her about her day. then he moved onto noel as if it was second nature to do so - the boy even had his own designated seat at the table. "alrigh', mr gibson. n'owt interesting me at the moment, so i-"
fern kicked him under the table, catching his eye in warning. mr gibson looked at him expectantly, patiently waiting for a continuation of the answer. "-decided to give it a week or two more. y'know, see how it goes."
this received a nod in approval. "good lad."
there was the sound of cutlery scrapping on china plates as the four sat around the table finishing their food, fern and noel finishing in synchronisation before getting permission to leave the table.
if he was at home, liam would have said something he thought to be comical within five minutes of sitting down to eat, and noel would have left the table in a huff to dig out a spliff from a pocket of a strewn-somewhere jacket. at fern's house he abided by the rules of matriarch audrey gibson, where correct manners were used at the table and teenagers didn't go about declaring they'd quit college and were relying on music-making to provide them a stable ground for the future.
after climbing up the stairs and re-entering her bedroom, noel beelined for her shelf full of records and mixtapes whilst fern made herself comfortable at her desk again. "hey, where'd all the singles go- fuck me. you're not revising again are ya?"
"test tomorrow. that cow jessica thinks she can get through the whole thing without an ounce of revision. i'm trying to prove her wrong."
"by constantly revisin'?"
"she doesn't have to know that." they stared at each other for a few tension-filled moments, fern daring him to question her logic with her glare. noel held his hands up in a motion of concede, turning his attention back to the records organised perfectly on the shelf. "ye' know you don't have to revise tha' much. i'm sure you could do it without."
"i don't think i should be taking academic advice from you, noel, no offence."
he sighed, tried to take offence as he lay down on the freshly washed sheets of her bed, and found he couldn't. watching her scrawling away at her revision, textbooks and wider reading strewn about around her all over the desk as she tried to absorb the written word on each individual page. fern's shoulder's hunched upwards in focus, vaguely aware of noel flicking through a book left on her bedside table before twiddling his thumbs, restless. "give 'em to me, then you loon."
"them cards. i'll test ya, see how yer doin' an all tha'."
fern could hardly believe what she was hearing. more often than not, noel would catch the train for the hour-long journey from burnage to hale without paying for a ticket just to get a change of scenery from the council estate and liam's nagging. sometimes, he'd stand by the window and try to light a cigarette without getting any of the ash onto the windowsill. fern would chastise him, but eventually join him and the pair of them would lean against the window passing a marlboro between them.
"yeah. you'll get good grades and piss off down south for uni - you'll go everywhere and i'll hold down the fort in burnage. always meant to be that way, since ye won tha' scholarship to a school for posh twats."
"you're going everywhere too, noel. i know it. no-one writes songs as good as yours and stays in a council estate while living on the dole their whole life. something good'll come along, you wait."
noel stared at her, watched her move around the room before settling herself along the foot of the bed, laying her head on his stomach. "you're a sop."
"i thought you were helping me." fern handed noel her stack of flashcards, patiently waiting for him to read out questions about thomas cromwell's reformation and katherine howard's promiscuity, her essay about cardinal wolsey abandoned half-completed on the desk. "obviously they're purple."
the two of them sat like that for two hours, not registering that the record player had stopped spinning only twenty minutes into the constant firing of question and answer nor noticing when audrey poked her head into the door to supply them with two mugs of tea (lots of milk and one spoon of sugar for fern, black and the tea bag still steaming for noel) whilst her daughter was busy working her way through more and more questions.
steadfast darkness had fallen by the time they'd finished, fern passing over a new stack as soon an noel thought he was finished. she was rubbing at her eyes as she glanced to the clock - 10pm. "bollocks, you'd better go. your mum'll go mad if you're not back soon."
"trains won't be runnin' this time of night, love." he only ever called her that on nights where the two of them knew he'd be spending the night. "and i won't let you drive me in the dark - mam'll kill me if she knew i'd left you to drive home alone at this time of night."
"alright. i'll go and let mum know."
slowly, fern padded down the stairs leaving noel to get changed into some clothes he always kept in a draw somewhere in her room, popping her head in through the door of the living room. her mum and dad were settled together on the sofa watching the tele, the latest episode of 'emmerdale' flickering from the screen. her dad held a shallow glass of brandy in his hand, her mum a small glass of wine. "everything okay up there, fernie? you two were very quiet when i popped up to check on you both."
"yeah, everything's fine. i was revising for that test tomorrow and noel was helping me. and by the way, he's going to stay over tonight - the trains have stopped and you know what he's like with me driving in the dark." she shrugged, leaning on the door as it swung forwards to peck her dad on the balding patch at the crown of his head. "alright, lovey. don't forget to ring peggy and leave the door open. i don't want to walk in on you two-"
she cut him off immediately, "yes, thank you daddy... oh. look what the cat dragged in!" fern immedietely bounded over to the window, where her small grey cat was clawing at the glass panes. she cracked them open slightly, enough room for him to slink in, a quivering door-mouse clamped between his sharp teeth. "you little assassin." she muttered close to his ear, holding the rodent in the palm of her hand and opening the front door to settle him under a bush on the driveway before heading back inside, taking the feline from her mum waiting in the doorway. "night, mum."
as fern walked across the landing upstairs, she stopped en-route to her bedroom to grab a fresh pair of pyjamas out of the airing cupboard and darted into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. she exited the tiled room, padded the few remaining steps to her bedroom door and pushed it open by the toe of her slipper with the small grey cat still in her arms.
when she stuck her head round the door, felix wrangled against her arms and eventually set himself free from the warm confines of fern's hold, and began to paw against noel's chest from where he was lying down in the middle of the bed. absently, he lifted his fingers up to scratch the cat behind the ears. "mum says you can use the phone to call home, and dad wants us to leave the door open."
noel turned his head, "used the one on the landing, mam sort of assumed i'd be here. better than her thinkin' i'm out with me mates from down at college."
they lay on the bed in silence, noel eventually stretching his arm out to allow fern to roll into his side. "what are you going to do now you've dropped the course?"
"was wonderin' how long it would be until you asked that question."
fern looked up at him expectantly. "if you don't know it's alright. i still don't know what i want to be."
he pressed a light, awkward kiss to her head and reached into the pocket of his jacket tossed over the back of her desk chair. noel produced a packet of cigarettes and his lighter, flicking the box open to pull one out with his teeth. the lighter clicked until it produced a flame, and he pointed it towards the end of the cigarette - took a long drag before settling further back onto the pillows on the bed. "it don't matter if you don't know what you wanna be. you can go to uni and get a degree then work for some posh toff at a publishing house in london or edinburgh."
"what will you do?"
"i don't know. probably end up the same as every other burnage kid. on the dole, a dad at twenty and a drinking problem." at fern's wide, shocked stare, he smiled at the corners of his lips. "only joking. r'kid will have definitely knocked up some bird by that age, though. i'll probably try and get some gigs roadying if i can. just to keep me busy n'all that."
"you should be playing those guitars instead of warming them up for someone else if what you've let me hear is anything to judge by. playing and writing. but for the meantime, stay out of trouble and wait for me after school every once in a while?"
he truly smiled then, in the dark and towards the ceiling so she couldn't see. out of the corner of his eye, noel could see that fern had shut the door upon her return. his fingers tapped out the cigarette in to a burnt out candle against which he crushed the stub with his fingertips. then he titled his head enough to press gentle kisses that held more confidence against her jawline and down the delicate column of her neck. between ministrations he spoke, "if i do that, the lads'll think i've gone soft for my posh bird."
"and have you?"
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ganymede-princess · 2 months
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who the fuck is ganymede-princess?
☆ Hi! If you clicked this link, you're curious about who I am, so here is an info-dump of my gen-Z-unlimited-internet-access-at-a-formative-age villain origin story ☆
But first, rapid fire facts:
Name: Aenya/Erin
Age: 21
Sign: Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, Pisces rising
Nationality: Australian 🇦🇺🦘
Gender/pronouns/sexuality: female, she/her, somewhere on the bisexual spectrum
Current fandoms: ASoIaF/GoT/HotD, Interview with the Vampire, Doctor Who
Main writing style: MxF, canon x reader/oc, first or third person, SFW
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On to my fandom story:
TW: mentions of grooming and sexual exploitation
I have been a part of various fandom spaces for 10+ years, starting with a pre-teen obsession with those "who is your [insert fandom here] boyfriend" quizzes on Quotev, where you would answer some arbitrary questions and they would serve you up a gif of some teenage boy and a cute blurb about how you two got together. This quickly evolved into ravenously consuming The Hobbit, Maze Runner and Narnia fan fictions like a starving creature that can only be sustained by pink fairy floss levels of mindless sugar-rush fluff. Shout out to the long ago deleted Edmund Pevensie fic 'Cupid's Arrow.' You never forget your first...
From there, I published my first fics to Wattpad at age 13; a series of short and shit Game of Thrones imagines. Yes, I was far too young to be watching that stuff, but my parents were notoriously liberal with what I was allowed to watch (they showed me The Rocky Horror Picture Show at age eight.) I gained a few thousand views from other gullible kids, and the praise I received was my first true addiction. When I fell deep into an obsession with 60s-80s rock music around my 14th birthday, I fed this addiction by writing xreader fics about the likes of John Lennon, David Bowie, and Syd Barrett. As a lonely, self-deprecating kid from rural Australia, I found a sense of community in these fandom spaces, and I have sought them out time and again even into my early 20s.
At age seventeen, while deep in the classic rock community and with the world on the cusp of a global pandemic, I was groomed by an older man. He was tall, Scandinavian, and beautiful, with long blonde hair, and had been in a glam metal band in his early 20s before moving on to a psychedelic rock band in his late 20s to early 30s, much like the men I idolized. It was the perfect trap, and during this time my obsession with him consumed me. I pivoted away from fan fiction, feeling like it would be a betrayal to my "boyfriend" to write about any other man in a romantic context (and frankly I was incapable of even thinking of anyone else in that way at the time) and instead fervently wrote dozens of love poems over the course of the next eighteen months. Eventually, I got away from him. Or he grew bored of me. I don't know. But I got out and I got wise, and started to live my life outside of the internet.
When I was nineteen, I saw what would become one of my favourite bands live in concert at a shitty university bar in my home city. The Murlocs. I fell into a deep obsession with the lead singer of the band, and this reignited my love for fan fiction. Let Me Mend the Past would become the first fic published under the ganymede-princess moniker, and the rest is too recent to be history.
I owe so much of my identity to fandom culture. My love for writing, for live music, for film making, it all stems from fandom, and despite the danger and depravity my young self was exposed to, I am forever grateful to it. If you take one thing from this autobiographical ramble let it be this: keep your community alive, and for gods' sake look out for eachother.
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One of my most formative fandoms was the Beatles. I got into them through my devotional obsession with Thomas Brodie-Sangster (who stars as Newt in the Maze Runner movies) which lead to me trying to watch every one of his movies, which happened to include Nowhere Boy in which he portrays Paul McCartney.
My username ganymede-princess comes from a lyric from the King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard song Ice V, which is part of their overarching concept album universe, known colloquially as 'the Gizzverse.' This is a fandom unto itself, and one that I hold near and dear.
During the first few months of my time in the King Gizzard fandom, I went by the name Iris (after my favourite flower and the song by the Goo Goo Dolls) because I was so ashamed of how much I loved Ambrose and didn't want him to know who I was. Before I had been in the fandom for a year, I had already met both Amby and Joey, so you can see how that turned out.
I met Ambrose through befriending his mum on Instagram, approaching her at a gig, and her offering me a AAA pass to get backstage and meet him. I think this was somewhat unethical and I'm still embarrassed about it...
My longest fan fiction ever is the AO3 exclusive We Share the Same Sky at over 38k words and counting. While it is not explicitly autobiographical, it is my most personal work in many ways, not the least of which being the fact that I hold Isaac very close to my heart; closer than any other musician.
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rosemaryblossoms · 2 years
Beautiful boy
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A short story
Author note: just of a scenario I thought of, No Ships! (So if you thought It was a character x character, a character x reader, or a character x oc then you’re wrong my friend)
This= Varai’s dialogue
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 = 𝚅𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎´𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐
This= Aubrey’s dialogue
This= Jeff’s dialogue
This= Dice’s dialogue
This= Jatay’s dialogue
and loveless biker boys belongs to @ewwwabug .
Vince walked into the garage and saw Varai, Varai was on the floor crying and sucking his thumb. Vince knew what was going on, he would sometimes see Varai like this and Jeff would come and rock him back and forth in his arms to comfort him. Except Jeff is not here, Jeff was out getting drinks for the gang.
Vince slowly took a few steps towards Varai, being careful not to scare him. Varai hearing soft deep steps, he looked up to see Vince with a soft look on his face with his arms opened wide. “V-Vince?” "𝚑𝚎𝚢, 𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚒𝚝´𝚜 𝚘𝚔 𝚒´𝚖 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎." Vince gently scooped up Varai in his arm, making sure not to drop him, he then wiped his tears and pat his hair. Varai cried and hold on to him, letting the warmth of the embrace consume him.
Vince then began to rock Varai back and forth like he held his siblings for the first time and how is father would when he woke up from a nightmare.
As he rocked him back and forth he started to sing a lullaby that his dad would sing to him and siblings.
"𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜, 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚛. . ."
He once again wiped Varai’s eyes, his finger getting tickled by the tape worm that started to peek out.
"𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛´𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝙷𝚎´𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚒𝚐 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚅𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎."
Varai’s eyes started to close as he let out a small yawn.
"𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕, 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕, 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕. . . "
"𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚋𝚘𝚢.”
Vince smiled as he held Varai’s sleeping form, he remembered how he would help his parents put his siblings to sleep, they were so young and small, he is tearing up at the thought of them.
He then sat varai on a chair he found and then reached into his bag and grabbed his book, humming softly as he waited until the others came back.
He took one last look at Varai before attending to his book, he had a soft smile in his sleep as he sucked his thumb.
Vince just chuckled and continued reading.
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sodascherrycola · 2 years
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Full Name: Alice Victoria Lennon (nee Walker) DOB: June 18th 1940 Age: 84 years old
Parents: Matthew and Margaret Walker Siblings: George, Daniel, and Timothy S/O: John Lennon (1962-1978) Married: May 11th 1962 (22 years old) Hometown: York, England Nicknames: Allie, Al Job: Fashion Designer Personality Traits: Kind, Generous, Stubborn, and Proud
Children: Hugo Winston Lennon (17, 1957) Alexander Daniel Lennon (23, 1963) Julia Diana & Joel David Lennon (27, 1967) Emma Hope Lennon (30, 1970) Gregory Andrew Lennon (34, 1974) Holly Cecilia Lennon (36, 1976) Appearance: - Brown Hair - Brown Eyes - Dark Eyebrows and Full Lips - Very Fashionble for the Times
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shanardo13 · 2 years
Hey everyone! Times are tough, and I’m trying to save some money for my university. That’s why I’ve decided to try and open commissions and see if there is any interest.
I would be charging $10.00 for every 1000 words, and you can decide how long you’d like it to be based off that.
Here’s a list of things I can think of which I would write:
Self insert
A letter written to you from your favourite character
NSFW content (within reason: I won’t write pedophilia, beastiality or non consensual scenes; but I would be open to writing a comfort scenario where one character comforts another who has been abused)
And now here’s a list of some of the fandoms I know and would be comfortable writing for (however if you’re interested in something else, just PM and we can discuss your ideas.)
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
David Bowie
Pink Floyd
The Who
(Honestly, just Pm me which band you’re interested in)
The Outsiders
Law and Order: SVU
Gilmore Girls
My idea is: if you commission me, you will receive a digital copy of the written piece, as well as a hard copy which I will mail to you, all included for the price of $10 per 1000 words. I have this stationary set which I would write the piece out on and send to you via mail (there’s a pic of the stationary included below and you can choose which design you would like)
So yeah, just shoot me a pm if you’re interested and we can discuss any ideas you have. I’m open to pretty much anything, so even if you don’t see what you’re thinking listed here, just message me and we can go over it.
Thanks so much 💜
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ringospinkyring · 3 years
Hi! I’ve been really bored lately and I’ve been wanting to make new friends! I was also looking for someone to do a Beatles rp with me. I’m semi-lit and I do BxG! Feel free to DM me if you’re interested! ✌️
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nevertraveled · 9 months
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ringotheestarr · 5 years
Being the only woman in The Beatles include!
– being one of the youngest in the band as your birthday falls only a day before George’s
– people being apprehensive about you in the band as you’re a woman in the sixties and gender roles were more existent back then
– the instrument you play is the piano although sometimes, like George and Ringo, you take the lead vocals on a song
– loving the boys as though they were your brothers and, in a way, they are. you still see them as family even in the bad times you later go through
– experiencing some of the best years of your life with your four favourite boys
– getting along well with the girlfriends and eventual wives of the boys
– embarking on a solo career after the band split and being surprised when it goes better than planned. you’re one of the most successful musicians of the seventies and eighties
– finally meeting someone you love, settling down with them and having children of your own
– mourning John and George due to their untimely deaths – you miss them more and more as you grow older
– eventually deciding to retire but still performing with Ringo and Paul every now and then
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tapala10 · 6 years
New Chapter is out!!!
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Blackbirds; Mysterious and intelligent.
A lot like a girl who shares the same name, Lilith Blackbird.
But a lot like a blackbird Lilith still needs to learn how to find her true power. A power that she has long since forgotten as Lilith becomes weaker.
That is Lilith's problem. After the loss of one parent and the neglect from another, it is quite clear that Lilith is fighting battles with herself and the world every day. When she loses her dad, Lilith must move from her home in Washington, all the way to Liverpool.
Once she gets to Liverpool she meets a boy who goes by the name of John Lennon.
Will this teddy boy be the one to fight alongside her in her battles? Or will he be the one who finally pushes her over the edge?
A So Dear to My Heart re-write.
There are mentions and hints to the following; Anorexia, Depression, Suicide, Self-Harm, Bullying, Drugs & Alcohol, Swearing and Sex.
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freddieswhistle · 6 years
The Beatles: "Baby you can drive my car! Yes I-"
Roger: "what the fuck?"
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insfiringyou · 4 years
Would you say there’s any parallels between V/Cassandra’s relationship to yoko ono/john lennon? I feel like in real life, they’re the best example of someone who lives their life as if they’re characters in a story.
I think they both (but mostly V) would love to think that people on the outside would see them as that kind of timeless couple, who have become almost essential within popular culture, like John and Yoko. I also think RM and Ji-eun would also slightly relate to them in a way, as I think they both have that philanthropist vibe. (I also know both V and RM are big fans in real life of John Lennon. I believe RM had the famous Annie Leibovitz photograph of John and Yoko taken very shortly before he was killed, in his studio or bedroom - I definitely saw it somewhere.)
I think the best example of how V and Cassandra see themselves as a couple, is possibly the very fiery relationship of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Even after divorcing and his death (and more romances on her part), Elizabeth Taylor always said he was the love of her life. And the jewels he bought her!!! :O
V and Cass would be suckers for watching old Hollywood movies together (Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, Brief Encounter etc.) and would sort of see themselves within those famous, timeless couples. They are definitely the protagonists/heroes within their own narrative, shielding themselves from the conformity of the outside world (though, not really!)
V and Cassandra’s relationship can be followed from the start here
& RM and Ji-eun’s here
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joj-parisol · 5 years
Heartbreak Hotel (Paul McCartney x reader)
summary: just some teen fluff then angst
warnings: death and angsty shit and potentially shitty writing
A/N hi this is the first fic I’ve ever posted so I’m FUCKING TERRIFIED YAY. pls enjoy and don’t be mean! im kinda proud of this and teen paul is precious so fun. this might be bad but hopefully whoever reads this enjoys !! now as she helped boost my confidence enough to actually post this, I especially hope that @casafrass enjoys !!here we go !!!!
Paul and Y/N had been best friends for years. Pretty much their entire lives. They’d gone through everything together, grown up from little kids who ran around the playground hand in hand singing to teenagers who sang and played their guitars, in the others bedroom.
They didn’t go to the same school, unfortunately. Paul went to a nice grammar school in Liverpool whilst Y/N didn’t go to school at all. She took books from the library and studied whatever topics she cared for. Granted, this made her quite slow and dim when it came to maths, but she could spout fact after fact about Victorian fashion.
Y/N locked herself in her room during the day, hiding away in her bedroom at the back of the house. Not that she hid from anyone. The house was empty. It always was.
But at half three every day, Y/N would leave her books and walk down to Quarrybank Grammar School. She waited outside the gates, until Paul appeared. He would sling his arm around her waist and pull her close as they walked to their spot.
It was in the summer he plucked up the courage to ask her to go with him. It was the last day before the summer holidays, so there was an excited buzz in the warm summer breeze. Daisies littered people’s front gardens, except for those who had freshly cut grass sprinkled on their lawns, which kicked off peoples hay fever but gave the air a fresh scent. Paul had discarded his school blazer and jumper into his bag and his white shirt was unbuttoned and rolled up at the sleeves. His guitar case occasionally bashed his knees and the breeze swept his hair back even more.
Their footsteps led them down a secluded path, away from the roaring and rowdy school kids who didn’t care about the motor cars on the roads as they ran across them at the last minute. The path was grassy, but had been treaded by many others so the grass was smushed into the earth. The pair of teens chatted idly, strolling along at a leisurely pace, without a care in the world. Black birds chirped above their heads in the blue afternoon sky.
They halted once they reached a small apple tree, which had provided a bed of blossom petals for the pair to sit on. Y/N pulled a crisp red apple from one of the low branches and sat next to Paul. The tree shielded their eyes from the sun and the blanket of shade reached Paul’s knees and the middle of Y/N’s shins. This was a usual occurrence now that the nights were long and light and the grass only held dew in the mornings.
“Play me somethin’, Paulie.” Y/N asked, nudging the guitar case with her foot.
“If I must,” Paul teased, opening his guitar case and slinging it into his lap. He dug a pic from out of one of his blazer pockets. “Any requests?” He raised his eyebrows at her. He knew the answer to his question. It was always the same song. Their song.
“You know what song, you ass!” Y/N’s use of an ‘affectionate’ nickname as she put it made Paul laugh.
“No need for heckles already, Love. I know the one.” Paul smirked at her and strummed the guitar, checking if it was in tune before beginning to play.
The first few notes of Elvis’ ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ where, quite literally, music to Y/N’s ears. She smiled as Paul played, engrossed in his guitar. When he began to sing, Y/N’s vocal chords couldn’t help themselves as she jumped in, singing along, her feet tapping and shoulders swaying to the tune.
Paul’s singing faded out as Y/N’s got more passionate, her voice going up and down. His eyes flicked up to her every once in a while, enjoying seeing her so engrossed in her singing. She was so effortlessly beautiful with closed eyes and knitted eyebrows. Her hands moved expressively as she sung and her cute nose scrunched when she sung certain notes.
The song was nearing the end and Paul focused back on his playing until Y/N’s voice changed drastically. It was deep and expressive and sounded strangely exactly like Elvis. Paul stopped playing for a moment and looked up at her. She was mimicking Elvis with her face as well.
“Well now, if your baby leaves you,
And you got a tale tell
Well just take a walk down lonely street-“
She was dancing like Elvis, well as good as she could whilst sat down.
It made Paul laugh and stop playing completely, which made her stop singing, with a pout and a glare. Paul’s laughter doubled up on him and he fell onto his back, laughter still tickling him. Y/N couldn’t help herself as laughter crept up on her.
“It’s a brilliant impression, love, yeh just don’t quite have the hair.” Paul rolled onto his side to face her and gestured to her long, soft hair that was the opposite of Elvis’ dark greased pompadour.
“Well, my performance would have been even greater if my guitarist hadn’t just stopped randomly.” She raised her eyebrows accusingly and stuck her tongue out at him. He stuck his out back at her.
“Your guitarist? I was the one who was singing first! You took over from me.” Paul teased straight back with a grin. She rolled her eyes and brushed him off.
“And it’s a good thing I did. Your an awful singer, McCartney. Absolutely dreadful.” Her comeback was overcome with a laugh as Paul gave her an exaggerated shocked look. He held his hand up to his heart protectively.
“Well. I know who I’m no longer singing to.” Paul ‘humph’-ed dramatically, crossing his arms defensively. It made her laugh even more and her laugh seemed contagious because Paul soon gave up and laughed.
They sat next to each other under the apple tree for three more hours. The sky turned a muted blue and the birds had stopped chirping, nestled in their nests rather than soaring through the sky.
They left the apple tree, hand in hand. Paul’s hands were warm and Y/N’s were cold against his warm skin. They always held hands so she thought nothing of it but Paul burned up, avoiding her gaze so she wouldn’t see the dusting of pink on his cheeks. He walked her home, sticking to the everyday routine. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shirt clad shoulder.
“Are you doing anything this weekend?” Paul asked out of the blue, blurting it out into the comfortable silent air between them.
“You mean tomorrow, Paulie? Today’s Friday, you ninny.” Y/N laughed and slowed down her steps as they reached her home.
“Well yes, I guess.” Paul’s voice was awkward as he stopped completely. There was a slight red blush on his cheeks. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed and she took a step toward him, resting her hand on his arm.
“Are you alright, Paul?” She used his actual name out of concern. He nodded, but a grim sort of smile was on his face. “Ok, well I am free tomorrow and Sunday and everyday after that, it’s not like I have anywhere to be on school days but it’s the start of the holidays so I really don’t have anywhere to go.”
“Good, well would you maybe want to maybe come with me?” Paul asked, staring into her eyes.
“Come with you where?” Y/N returned his question with a question, staring back at him expectantly.
“Oh right. To the Fair in Woolton?”
Y/N was confused. They always went to the summer Fair together. Why did he need to ask if she was busy if it was tradition they went together?
“Paulie, we always go together. Of course I want to go with you.”
“No-I mean like, together together.” Her eyes widened in shock and realisation and Paul’s heart dropped.
“Like a date?” She asked breathlessly, her eyebrows raised.
“Yes, if you want. And please stop doing that with your eyebrows. It’s making me nervous.”
Y/N grinned at him, with normal, unraised eyebrows.
“You know what, yes. I’d love to go with you. Only, and I mean only, if you apologise about your rudeness towards my Elvis impression.”
Paul laughed, so damn relived she said yes and didn’t just run into her house and never speak to him again.
“Ok, my sincere apologies about my rudeness towards your Elvis impression.” Paul apologised. sounding as serious as he could. She laughed and nodded.
“That’ll do, I guess.” She cheekily smirked. He began to protest but was cut off as her soft lips pressed into his cheek.
A bright red blush followed the kiss. She smirked and Paul smiled bashfully, stroking his cheek subconsciously.
“See you tomorrow, handsome.” She winked and his blush became severe. Before she could leave, Paul caught her arm and plucked a daisy with pink petals from the grass in someone’s garden. He tucked it behind her ear and kissed her cheek. He pulled away, his warm fingers brushing over her skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. She shivered but grinned.
The pair walked away from each other, cheeks burning. It felt as if Paul could still feel her fingers intertwined with his and her tender kiss made his cheeks tingle.
Paul could still feel her kiss on his cheek many years later. It was their parting kiss that young summer day in 1956. And they would use that kiss everyday afterwards. No matter what, they would both end up with a kiss on their cheeks
Every time they met after school. Every time they met after Paul preformed in the cavern. After every performance he played on TV or played in front of thousands and thousands of people, she would be the one to kiss his cheek and receive one in return.
Paul kissed her cheek after they had their first night together. After she got a promotion at work. After she then lost her job at work. After every fight. After he had carried her bridal-style into their first apartment. After she had cried watching him preform on the Ed Sullivan show. After she accepted his marriage proposal.
After they said ‘I Do’ and started the next chapter of their life together.
But one day, Y/N couldn’t return his kiss.
The pair weren’t much older now, only twenty four. They were beginning their own family and had been driving home from dinner with John, Cynthia and little Julian, who was excited to soon have a cousin.
Despite Paul’s drunken protests, Y/N affirmed she could drive. Unable to drink anyway, she had to deal with Paul, who had been drinking with John for who knows how long.
His speech was slurred and woozy, laughing at random things which made Y/N think that maybe it wasn’t just alcohol him and John had occupied themselves with.
It was when he leaned over to kiss her, that another car came speeding round the bend. Y/N hadn’t noticed the vehicle as she laughed at drunken Paul who tried his hardest to be seductive.
The impact of the other car made her scream. The car spun out of control, making her scream. The car smashed into thick trees but she didn’t scream. Paul screamed, the alcohol leaving his system. He sobered up when he didn’t hear her. His head throbbed and he couldn’t feel his legs properly but his vision was hazy. He couldn’t tell if it was through tears or impact.
His beautiful wife. His beautiful, beautiful wife. It looked as if she was sleeping. Her eyes were closed, arms wrapped protectively around her stomach. She looked so peaceful. Paul reaches out for her. His hands felt as though they’d been set on fire.
He shook her shoulders as gently as he could.
“Y/N....Y/N please.” His words came out in sobs and he grew more desperate. She had to wake up. “Wake up, Y/N! Wake up!”
He shook her but she didn’t wake up. Her body just fell into Paul’s lap. His body was overcome with sobs. He held her close to his shaking chest. His body shut down, overcome with pain. Paul brushed the hair away from her eyes.
His forehead rested on hers, Paul’s tears poured onto her cheeks. He kissed them away. Kissing her cheeks, pleading with every being that her eyelashes would flutter and she’d lean up to return the kiss.
But she didn’t. Her eyes didn’t open but a tear that wasn’t his rolled down her temple. It escaped her closed eyes - She was gone. Completely. And as Paul used all of what was left in him to wipe the tear from her face, sirens bleared outside the wreck of the car.
Officers approached the vehicle, trying to pry open doors that were smashed beyond compare. They wouldn’t be able to. And if they did they wouldn’t be able to pry him away from Y/N. Not until she kissed him back.
He couldn’t go, it was his fault she couldn’t. It was all his fault. With one last feeble kiss, his face fell into the crook of her neck. He sobbed and sobbed, that was the only thing he could hear. His sobs. No heart beat.
But all of a sudden there was a crackle in the radio. The only thing that wasn’t damaged. Paul didn’t bother to look up from her neck.
His sobs stopped for a moment as the radio fuzz cleared into the first bars of ‘Heartbreak Hotel’.
He screamed out weakly and hugged her tighter. Holding her against him, he just cried. But he couldn’t drown out the lyrics.
Well, since my baby left me
Well, I found a new place to dwell
Well, it’s down at the end of lonely street at
Heartbreak Hotel
Where I’ll be so lonely baby
Well, I’m so lonely
I’ll be so lonely, I could die
87 notes · View notes
annelizabethwrites · 3 years
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Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Third-person, Scarlett, Star & Roger
Warning: This chapter will briefly talk about abuse, losing someone close, substance abuse & Death this could be triggering for some readers so please read at your own risk
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
Sometime in December of 2019
As Scarlett Walker walks home, she starts to listen to a playlist of her favorite bands. Her music got interrupted by a text from her mother. In all caps, it stated, "Scarlett Marie Walker get your ass home this instant!"
"I'm only a few blocks away," Scarlett texted back. She rolls her eyes when she read the text. Help! by the Beatles started to play as she walked into her house. Her mother gave a ferrous expression while Scarlett paused her form of therapy.
"You're failing Biology!" Her mother screamed.
"Not a 'hey Scarlett, how was your day?'," Scarlett sarcastically said.
"You are going to fix your grades, or you're not going to see that Queen concert on Saturday," Her mother stated.
"Mom, those tickets were a fortune, and it's Thursday! I can't bring my grade up until Monday," Scarlett yelled.
"Well, you shouldn't be failing in the first place. I'm giving the tickets to your sister, and that's final," Her mother said.
"It's not my fault that my teacher didn't teach me." Scarlett protested.
"You're not going. That's final. Maybe if you didn't lock yourself in your room, just laying there and watching Queen and Beatles documentaries instead of doing your homework. We wouldn't be having this conversation." Her mother shouted. Scarlett ran to her room with rage and locked her door. She started to play her playlist again, and Yellow Submarines by The Beatles came on. I wish my mom understood me. Why can't I live in a decade that I belong in? She thought, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. She placed her back gently against her Queen poster and started to do her homework. Then her sister, Vivian, walked into her room, rubbing in that she was going to see Adam Lambert. She doesn't even like Queen. She thinks she's going to an Adam Lambert concert. Scarlett thought to herself while rolling her eyes. Then she went back to doing her homework. She just wanted to go to the concert and listen to her favorite songs. Scarlett worked hard for those tickets, she had to do some extra chores, babysitting, animal sitting, house sitting, and a few more odd jobs, so she could get those tickets. Scarlett always loved The Beatles and Queen, she loves Roger Taylor from Queen and wanted to meet him so bad, but now that is just a dream. For the Beatles, she loves John Lennon and wishes she could go back in time to meet him. Although Roger and John were her favorites, she loved all the Queen and Beatles members' equality, but if she could just meet one from each band, it would be Roger Taylor and John Lennon. Scarlett was the youngest but had the oldest soul in her family. Both of her parents are in their late 30s early 40s. In contrast, She and her sister are in their early 20s, late-teens. Scarlett is almost 17, but she would rather be older. So she could live through her adulthood in the 70s-80s.
Later that night...
Scarlett was on her porch listening to her music and stargazing. She and her friends did that before they all moved away. Scarlett is a military kid, and all of her friends are too. That's how they met in a small community center room for all the military kids. They all moved away, and she hadn't heard or seen them since then. She will get an occasional text message from them, but that's it. Her friend's parents all got deployed in different time zones, and they all decided to go with their parents. Because of that, none of them could talk to each other anymore. She doesn't have that many friends around her, just her internet friends, with whom she had never had a physical interaction at all, only online. As she was looking at the sky, and she noticed how beautiful the stars were, her mom came storming in, drunk, as always, and told her to clean up her room. Even though her room was spic and span, then her mom trashed it by throwing things. Her mom became a nighttime alcoholic soon as her dad got deployed, and Scarlett was closer to her dad than her mom, so they were never a great mix. As soon as her mom left, she cleaned the mess that her mother had made, and Scarlett wished that her life was different and she could have her role models in her life like her friends. After she cleaned her room, she grabbed her stuff from the porch and went to bed, dreading for the next day to occur. As Scarlett woke up, she went down to grab something to eat and saw her mother passed out on the couch with a bottle of Russin Vodka in her hand and munchies in the other.
"She has been out for an hour," Vivian said, coming from the laundry room. Scarlett sighed and now knew she had to walk to school.
"We had a choice to go with dad, but she said no," Scarlett's voice broke, "But she didn't want to go and blame us."
"Dad deployment is almost over," Her sister looked at her. Scarlett shook her head and walked away to finish getting ready. She started to walk on a cold December day. I'm getting my license in a few more months. She thought to herself in the cold as her fingertips were freezing over. She ran to school, and made it before the first bell rang, then she started her day off. During the day, Scarlett was quiet and thinking about how she wished all of her wishes from the night before came true. How she would live in the 70s and 80s because she thinks that's where she belongs. How she would love to have the Beatles and Queen members in her life as friends, so she didn't feel lonely and to have friends to do the things she loves to do. It was the 5th period of the day, and Scarlett was called down to the office. It was her sister. She had to drive from college to bring her home. The car ride was quiet, and when the two girls got home, Scarlett noticed a police car and another car that she had not seen before. Scarlett and Vivian walked in, and their mother, a police officer, and an Army man were all in the living room.
"The Walker family?" The Army man spoke after they were told to sit.
"That is us," Scarlett's mother said.
"I am so sorry for your loss, Admiral Stephen Walker died in action," The army man told the family.
Scarlett's POV
"I am so sorry for your loss, Admiral Stephen Walker died in action," The army man said. My heart dropped. I was just told that my only favorite person on this planet had died. I can't breathe. I can't do anything. I just dropped on the floor in tears. When I finally had the strength, I ran to my room and locked myself in there. Then all of my Military kid friends started to text me hearing about the news. I just wanted to go back in time when I could grieve in peace without my so-called friends texting me from all different time zones. My mom broke my door drunk again but this time with white power on her nose. Not only did she drink about my dad's death, but she also started to snort drugs. I just wish that I had grown up already and left her and this place behind me.
Days later...
I didn't go to school for a couple of days. I just couldn't get out of my bed. I felt stuck. The only time I got out of my bed was when I went to the bathroom. It's been a week, the funeral is tomorrow, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to my dad, but I have to. I've been listening to my Beatles and Queen mix and watching old interviews, and that helped a bit, but it was more like a distraction than anything else. I started to hear banging from downstairs, and I thought it was time to face my demons, so I got out of my bed. I went downstairs, and my mom was passed on the couch with more than one bottle of booze and some drugs on the table. Is this her way of coping?! Vivian started to come upstairs from the basement with filled boxes.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You finally got out of your room, Scar," She hugged me, "I'm still moving to Virginia for my job."
"What?" I said Vivian is still moving from Washington to Virginia after we bury our father.
"I need this job, and it's hard to live here," She leaned to me and whispered, "With mom getting worse, dad passing and all."
"So you're leaving me," I said. I can't live with my mom if so then I will add more than 2 hinges on my door.
"Scar, you know this was going to happen one day, but I need to finish packing. I'm leaving in 4 days," she said then started to finish packing.
The Next Day...
It's the day, the day I have been dreading for a week but I knew it would come. Today is my father's funeral, so I'll give my mom some credit for being sober, but not for long. My sister was already packed and only had today's outfit and tomorrow's, she wanted to leave a couple of days early. As the day went on, I learned it was harder than I thought. We had to be in front of the casket for the viewing, and I just wanted to run until I couldn't anymore. Everyone paid their respects and we finished the day. At the lunch-in, everyone tried to make me do anything besides sit there, eating with music blasting in my ears. As I was eating, I noticed that my mom made her way to the bar, that's not going to end well. Vivian walked up to me and pulled out an earbud.
"You know shutting everyone out is not going to help you," She said.
"Neither is moving away," I said, "And drinking and doing drugs but we all have our ways of coping."
"Okay, moving away is a bad move and mom has a drug and alcohol problem that she should fix," Vivian started. We both looked at our mother, "We should go grab her before she fucks this up."
Vivian and I agreed and walked to my mother, one took the drink and one shoved water in her throat.
"You are not getting drunk or high today, this is not the time or the place to do so," Vivian said shoving the water down our mother's mouth. To be honest, it was funny to see my mom trying to fight with us, as Vivian is easily shoving water down her throat, I ran to the bar and gave back the drink.
"If that woman comes back up here for an alcoholic beverage, refuse and give her a soda or water," I pointed to my mom with Vivian still shoving the water down her throat. I'm guessing the Bartender knew why because we were making her sober up.
Later that night...
All my "friends" left without a text, call, or even a goodbye, I found out by Snapchat. My mom went back to doing her nightly routine of drinking and my sister went to bed early because she was moving tomorrow. God, I wish I could live a life I want and where I'm crying happy tears not sad, or hanging out with my friends knowing they are my real friends not fake, to not have an alcoholic mother, a self-centered sister, and A not dead father. I wish I lived in a decade that I fit in to, I wish I had a main best friend that will be like a sibling to me, I wish I didn't live this life and lived a better one, I wish my life wasn't so Shitty. But only one could hope but in my case, that is not going to be true, but I can only dream, hope, and Wish.
The Next Day...
My sister left early this morning, just a note of her goodbyes and what she wanted to say but couldn't do face to face. I had my first day back at school, it went quick thank god but it felt long since it's school. I closed my door and played my Daily playlist from Spotify and looked at all the homework I have from not going to school for over a week. I opened my computer to start my work.
"SCARLETTTTT!" I heard my mother scream, what is the bullshit of today? She opened my door and grabbed me by my hair and pulled me downstairs to her mess from last night.
"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU, YOU ARE CLEANING THIS!" She screamed in my ear.
"And I said I'm not cleaning your drunken mess because you're a drunken slob," I said with an annoyed and sarcastic tone, what happens next I didn't expect. She started to hit me, I dogged some of the hits and punches but she punched me in the face and started to scream at me. After she passed out from the drugs I ran to the bathroom and locked the door to see one of my hazel eyes starting to swell to show my new black eye and my brown hair covering my new cuts and welts that she gave me.
Later that night...
I watched the stars and talked to my dad or said things to the air, hoping he would hear me from heaven.
"She lost it," I said, "Dad, she hit me, and her drinking got worse and she is now starting to use drugs!"
I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks, I wish I could go and never come back, I wish that I could have a life I love not loath. After I washed myself up, I ran to my room and started to pack. I'm done. I want to run and never come back. I plan to leave at midnight and escape and probably live with Viv. If she lets me stay, if I can get there before my mom notices, I'll give it 2 months. I started to play a random playlist from Spotify. Once I had finished packing, I quietly walked downstairs, I stole my mother's keys. I have been getting ready to take my permit test, so I know the basics of driving. It's foggy, plus a bit icy but I should be fine, I started the car and drove to my sweet freedom. As I started to go, the light turned yellow, I pressed on the gas trying to make it before the light turned red. I wasn't fast enough and a big flash blinded my eyes before a car had collided with me and the next thing I knew everything was black...
Third-Person POV
As Scarlett closed her eyes, everything in that life had ended but her life had just begun. Once Scarlett closed her eyes, she saw an old face. It's the same face she has but instead of Brown hair and Hazel eyes, she has blonde hair and gold eyes.
"Star?" Scarlett's eyes fixated on her old imaginary childhood best friend. Star smiled, as Scarlett ran up and hugged her. Scarlett thought it was weird that one minute she was feeling the car hit her and the next she was able to hug her imaginary best friend. The two caught up and Scarlett ranted on how much her life had gone to shit. Star asked Scarlett one simple thing, "What would you wish to do about this?"
"Honestly, I would love to live a life that The Beatles and Queen were still around," Scarlett sighed and went on about all of her wishes to live in another generation. Scarlett thought it was a little weird that she is having a dream about Star. Since Star has not been thought of since Scarlett was nine years old.
December 13th, 1968- Scarlett's POV
"Is she alright?" I heard.
"She hasn't woken up yet," I heard a more feminine voice say. I started to open my eyes, at first everything was blurry, then my eyesight started to clear up. I looked around, nothing looked up to date, everything looked like it came straight out of the 1960s. I turned around and saw a group of people quietly arguing outside of the room, I examined them trying to make out the faces. I moved a bit and sat up to examine the room some more.
"Scarlett?" I heard someone with a British accent say, I turned around to see a blonde, she has green eyes and her hair was in a messy bun, soon as I responded to my name she ran up and hugged me, "Thank god you're awake!"
For some sick reason, I'm relieved that some stranger is hugging me and is happy that I'm awake.
"Um... Not wanting to be rude or anything but who are you, may I ask," I asked, noticing that I too have a British accent.
"Scarlett, it's me, Elaina, your flatmate," She softly uttered, as I got more confused about the whole situation.
"I have a flatmate? For what?" I asked with more confusion in my life.
"For college, we bought a flat together in 1967, after our sophomore year."
"Wait for what? What day is it?"
"It's Friday, December 13th,1968, you're a senior in Uni."
What?! The last time I checked It was 2019 and I am a junior in high school.
"What happened," I tried to puzzle together what is happening.
"You had a basketball game yesterday, you were driving to dinner and got into a car crash, you were taken to the hospital right away. We were told that you had hit your head when the collision had happened but you have no other injuries. You've been out since," Elaina told me. That explains why I woke up with a splitting headache.
"Do you remember anything at all?" Elaina asked me. To think about it, I had a weird dream before I woke up. I had gotten into a car crash in 2019, passed out and suddenly I was in the 1960s! Well the late 1960s, but all my wishes came true I escaped my mother, but I have no clue what went on in this life, so I played the amnesia card. We talked before nurses and doctors rushed in. Elaina had to step out as I got examined by the doctor and got asked loads of questions. The doctors left with Elaina walking back in, she sat on my bedside and smiled.
"I have a question," I looked at a nervous Elaina.
"What's up," Elaina smiled at me.
"When is my birthday? What major am I? Where do we go to school? What's my middle name?" I started to ask questions about myself.
"Your birthday is February 22nd, 1947. Your full name is Scarlett Rosemarie Walker. Your major is Apparel Designer and we go to Ealing College of Art." Elaina answered. My birthday is right, but my middle name is different. Back in 2019, my middle name was Marie, here it's Rosemarie. The Doctor walked back in reading his notes.
"I have good news and bad news," He said.
"Bad news first," I asked, I always like to hear the bad news before the good.
"You have a concussion and total Amnesia. We don't know if you're going to get your memory back," He then turned into Elaina, "Start telling her memories but give her all the important information first."
Elaina nodded to the doctor.
"The good news is that you don't have short-term memory loss or anything broken," the doctor said, turning to me, "I might release you tonight or tomorrow morning. Depending on how fast the paperwork can get processed. If your head is in unbearable pain come here, but if you have just a headache take aspirin. If you get any memory back don't hesitate to call here's my card."
"Thank you, doctor," I smiled, grabbing the card. The doctor smiled then walked out and I looked at Elaina, "Do I have a family, like a mother, father, or siblings?"
I mean if I'm probably going to live here forever I might need to know this information.
"Yes, but you and your mother never got along, because she was an abusive junkie," Elaina said, Yay the worst part of my life is in this one, "But she died because of an overdose when you were 15. Your father died when you were 14 and you were close to him, He died serving a tour."
The worst parts of my life are here but are my sister in this life as well?
"Siblings?" I asked.
"You have an older sister, six older brothers, and a twin sister," Elaina nodded. So apparently I have more siblings in this life, sweet.
"What are their names and oldest to youngest?" I asked.
"Your sister, Venessa is the oldest out of all of you guys, she's turning 36 in three days. Your brother Stuart is technically your honorary brother but you always said he's your brother. He's 28 and lives in Germany. Your brother Richard is also your honorary brother but yet again, he's your brother, he's also 28. Your brother John is also honorary but also was your legal guardian until you were 18, he's 28 as well. Your brother Paul is also an honorary brother, he's 26. Your last honorary brother, George, is 25, your birthdays are close to each other. Your only biological brother, Payton is a few months older than you, he's 22. Your twin Star is the younger twin out of you two. You're both 21," Elaina responded, "It's funny because you and Star are identical twins but act nothing alike and look somewhat different, one chooses Apparel design, and the other chooses Journalism. Star has blond hair while you have brown hair and she has gold eyes while you have hazel eyes."
"Does Star know about the accident?" I asked.
"Yes, all of your siblings know. Well, the ones that live here at least...Star and the lads have been with you since they arrived. I told them to go home and freshen up. They should be coming back anytime now," Elaina answered.
"I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep now... but thank you it's nice to meet you," I smiled.
"Night Scar," Elaina smiles, then got up and walked out as I fell back asleep.
I shifted to my side, I heard talking, the voices sounded similar. I heard footsteps and felt people sitting around me. My eyes opened once more and I noticed four very familiar faces. I'm in shock, the four men on my bed are the Beatles. All with caring and soft looks. I'm my past life John Lennon and George Harrison was dead and now they're looking at me, sitting on my bed! My inner Beatles fan started to thrive just from them looking at me, I wanted to do it burst and tell them how much I loved them but sadly I had to pull the amnesia card on them too.
"Umm... who are you lots?" I coughed.
"Told you she wouldn't remember you lots. What do you idiots not understand when they said she has amnesia," I heard a girl's voice as I turned around and there was the imaginary best friend I had dreamt about before I woke up into this madness.
"Sod off, would ya?" John rolled his eyes.
"Ummm," I coughed as John looked at me.
"Hello, I'm John Lennon. You probably don't remember right now but I'm your brother... well honorary but you just refer to me as your brother," John coughed, I love Star if she made this happen.
"How long have you known me?" I asked.
"Since you were two days old," John responded.
"Who are you three?" I asked, I can't believe I just asked the Beatles who they are! Of course, I know who they are!
"I'm Paul, I've known you since you were 10," Paul smiled, "I'm also one of your brothers."
"Ringo, I have known you since you were 15," Ringo chirped, "You were the first to welcome me into the group."
"I'm George," George shyly said, "I've known you since you were 10, you're my little sister."
"Hi," I nervously waved at the four boys and looked at Star, "Can I talk to her in private, please?"
The four all looked at each other, nodded, and walked out, closing the door.
"Your welcome by the way," Star smirked.
"What the hell Star?" I looked at her.
"What did I do now?" Star rolled her eyes. I forward my look at her as she rolled her eyes with a smirk, "I didn't do this, this was all you, I just helped."
"Please explain how it was my fault I woke up in the 1960s," I got out of bed walking up to her.
"You started to make all these wishes during one of the busiest months in the solar calendar," Star explained, "Every time you wished about something they listened."
"And after so many wishes and the pain you have received in the past week," Star started to explain, "All those wishes, plus your dream about me, all happened during a Solar event. Then you wished one more time then crash happened on a Friday the 13th, and someone made them all true."
"So is this just one big dream? If not, is this permanent? What happened to my life before this?" I asked with more confusion in my life.
"No, this is not one big dream and if you don't believe me, you won't feel the pain in your head and won't feel this," Star said as she kneed me in the crouch, I know girls don't have balls but it still hurts like hell and now I know this isn't a dream. Then Star continued, "Yes this is permanent, you got into a car crash in your old life, and when you were in transition, do you remember what you said?"
"I said, 'I wish I could move on and never look back," I said in a low tone.
"What else did you say?" Star asked.
"I said, 'I wish I could leave permanently and live a life I loved and no one remembers me,'" I remembered.
"Yep, so whoever did this, brought you to the 1960s so you could start your life," Star said, "And you were never born in the 21st century, that life is completely erased in this timeline."
"So how do you get wrapped around in all of this," I asked because she's the missing piece of the puzzle.
"I am your guardian angel, just kidding. I have no clue why I'm in this life, but everything happens for a reason, so I'm not complaining." Star shrugged but she was right everything does happen for a reason but you also want to be careful about what you wish for.
"But what happened to me in 2019?" I asked.
"Do you really want to know? It's depressing," Star looked at me as I nodded, "You died, the car hit you and you died. But instead of, y'know, dying, god, or whoever, sent you here in a timeline where I exist and we're the Beatles sisters. Not a bad exchange, yeah?"
"I died?!" I looked at her.
"Not here, you're alive, really alive... If you weren't then you wouldn't have the pounding headache and your crouch wouldn't now hurt because I kicked it... sorry about that... but if you still don't believe me, check your heart rate, if you're dead there won't be one," Star shrugged. I quickly checked my heart and it's beating, a bit fast since Star sent me to an anxiety attack, but it's there, so she's right. I'm very much alive.
"So let me get this straight, I kept on wishing on living in a life I belong and love in, during a busy month of something. I got into a crash, died, and when that happened it sent me to the 1960s where I already have a life?" I asked for clarification.
"Yep. Well, your 2019 crash and this car crash were Parallel. So when you crashed, you time-traveled to this life. This is a permanent switch, no going back and no more changes. So congratulations you got the life you always wanted," Star smiled, "Just try not to think that hard about it because I have no clue what just came out of my mouth."
"Okay," I sighed going back to bed, "Was kicking me in the crouch necessary?"
"Depends," Star opened the door and the lads walked back in. I sunk in my bed a bit, trying not to totally fangirl over them.
"How are you feeling?" Paul sat on my bed.
"Eh, my head hurts and I'm a bit confused but that's all," I shrugged, "Where did Elaina go?"
"She had to go and meet up with your friend group," George explained, "They're all worried about you."
"Oh... okay," I smiled. Then I heard arguing outside, I looked over and saw, in complete shock, the Freddie Mercury, but during this time he still goes by Farrokh Bulsara, fighting with a nurse or someone meanwhile Roger Taylor, yep Roger Meddows Taylor, looking at him and laughing.
"Oh for Christ's sake stop fighting she's right here," Elaina walked up and pulled them inside. Freddie's face perked up and ran to me, embracing me. At this point, I'm just dying inside from the fact this is my real life and not a dream.
"Roger and I were driving behind you and saw the car collide with yours. I kept on worrying about you until Elaina said you finally woke up today but you have amnesia," Freddie started talking fast then quietly and slowly spoke, "Right you have amnesia, you probably don't know who I am."
"Yeah, may I ask who you and Roger are?" I gave him the 'who the hell are you' look.
"I am Freddie Bulsara, I go to uni with you and we meet freshman year of university and we have been best friends ever since," Freddie's eyes broke a bit while he started to explain.
"So, Bulsara, what else do you know?" I replied with a snarky tone.
"Well, we have been through thick and thin since we met."
"Okay, I believe you, but who is he," I pointed to Roger.
"Oh that's Roger, He and I are planning to open a little store in Kensington market."
"May I ask why he's here?"
"Still don't like me even without your memories, princess?" Roger smirked as Elaina and Star elbowed him.
"Shush," The two girls looked at him.
"He's been worrying about you too, just being a prick at the moment," Freddie said.
"When is he not?" John scoffed as Roger tensed up.
"Well, we were driving to dinner last night. We were going to try to make you two get along and get to know each other properly," Freddie explained.
"Why?" I asked.
"I think you two will like each other, mostly because your personalities are somewhat alike," Freddie whispered so the lads didn't hear him, "Enough about that how do you feel?"
"Confused," I laughed a bit.
"Hey guys, have you told your partners that she's awake?" Star coughed as the lads' eyes widened.
"We'll be right back," they smiled and quickly walked out.
"I have to call the Liverpool siblings on what's going on, you two coming?" Star looked at Freddie and Elaina.
"Oh, yeah," The two smiled and walked out leaving me in the same room with Roger. It was quiet and awkward, I examined his style. Looks nothing like any of the pictures I have seen from the early years. He has short hair, looks a bit longer from the mop-top style. He tried his best not to stare but kept on looking my way and looking off. I didn't know what to do, but words escaped my mouth before I thought anything through.
"Hello, I'm Scarlett," I smiled then coughed.
"I know, I've known you for a few months now," Roger smiled, as I got a bit embarrassed, "Not to mention I saw you crash your car. That thing is Totaled."
"Right, forgot," I quickly said. Forgetting that I have "Amnesia" then I realized what I said. I grabbed my pillow and buried my head in it to hide my embarrassment from Roger.
"Yeah, that's the main symptom of Amnesia," Roger laughed, as I awkwardly laughed, getting my head out of the pillow. It wasn't long before everyone started to come back in. We talked a bit, I started to warm up to the group. After a couple of minutes, My head exploded, all my life I wanted to see Queen in concert and cry when the hologram Freddie goes on and see Roger looking like Santa, now I am in the same room with Freddie Bulsara, Freddie Mercury in two years, and Roger Taylor who doesn't have a dad vibe yet. Not to mention I lived in a generation where John Lennon died almost 40 years ago and he's sitting on my bed, talking about memories we shared growing up. Plus George Harrison has been dead since my existence but right now, he's adding onto John's stories and laughing along.
"You were at the Beatles' first gig, I reckon you were 9 about to be 10 in a few days," John said talking about my history with the Beatles.
"How did I meet all of you guys?" I asked the lads.
"We live next to each other, your family is well known in Liverpool but your dad and my mum went to school together. Then your dad moved right next to my aunt Mimi. When you and Star came home from the hospital your dad brought me over and I got to hold you two. You met Paul when I met him back in 1957, you were 10. Then when George joined, it was the same thing, you and Star told me to give the lad a chance," John shifted his spot on my bed, so I practically grew up with the Beatles, sweet! Then John finished saying when I met Ringo, "Then, in 1962, you were 15, you met Ringo, I was you and Star's legal guardian by then, and you two traveled around with us."
"You and Star are our little sisters, while we are your older brothers, it's always been like that. Our family, that we have going on, is the most important thing to me in the world." John smiled.
"To all of us," Ringo, George, and Paul added. Must. Not. Go. In. Fangirl. Panic.
"Aww...were important to you lots," Star teasingly interrupted.
Minutes later...
We talked a bit more then I heard a knock, I turned around to see Pattie Harrison, Maureen Starkey, Linda Eastman, and Yoko Ono, along with Brian May and Tim Staffell. Bri's hair isn't big and puffy like it is known for. Pattie and Maureen ran up and hugged me with Brian and Tim.
"Ummm...." I coughed.
"She has amnesia, she can't remember you lots," Star coughed. The four backed off as I smiled, trying to be nice. I examined them and seeing Roger and Brian in person, I can see Brian is taller than Roger by a lot more than I thought.
"Hey, Scarlett," Brian and Tim shyly waved at the same time, Tim walked over to me and added, "You don't remember me but we're high school best friends. I'm Tim, and over there is Brian."
"Hi," I smiled, I don't really know what to say, "Nice to meet you guys... all over again."
"Hey Scar, I'm Pattie your sister-in-law. I'm George's wife, I've known you since you were 17," Pattie welcomely smiles.
"Hi," I shyly wave, she's much more beautiful in person than the pictures from the internet.
"Hey Scarlett, I'm Maureen but you usually called me Mo. I'm Ringo's wife, we met when we were both 15/16," Maureen smiled, she seemed more beautiful but also very intimidating.
"Hi," I repeated.
"What do you know, or was told?" Brian asked.
"My name is Scarlett, my birthday is February 22nd, they're my brothers, that's my twin, you guys are my friends and they're my sister-in-law," I pointed to everyone, "And Elaina mentioned something about having a sister named Venessa and brothers named Payton and Stuart."
"That's pretty much it," Tim shrugged.
A few minutes later...
Everyone had to leave, so the doctors could check me out, some tests got ran. The doctors left but not too long after Star walked back in.
"Everyone else had to go, they promised to be back later," Star half-smiled walking in and closing the door, "Your crotch feeling better?"
"You had to kick me there?" I groaned.
"It was the only way to show it's not a dream!" Star shrugged, bouncing on my bed, "Anything you want to know?"
"How come you know I time jumped but no one else does?" I looked at her.
"Simple, in 1947 when we got popped out, you were already from 2019, I went with you knowing the same knowledge. When you got into the crash, I fell asleep waiting for you to wake up and got the knowledge. We're twins, we're connected but as time went on we slowly forgot about the future. I guess this is a reset button," Star shrugged, "But enough about that mumbo jumbo I'm sure if we keep on talking about it we'll get caught and who knows what happens there. Anything else you want to know?"
"Earlier Elaina told me we have a brother, Stuart... am I missing something because last time I checked the only Stuart they knew that lived in Germany died on April 10th, 1961," I looked at Star.
"Funny story, due to our existence we saved Stu. We broke up the fight that later on killed him just in time before any brain damage occurred," Star shrugged.
"Really? That's amazing what happened after?" I asked.
"Well months later Stu and Astrid got married, and just like your previous timeline they came along for the ride but they haven't visited since July of '67. We all went on a family trip, they came but that was the last we'd seen them. They call frequently but stopped visiting, every time we invite them over here, they always find some form of an excuse not to come," Star explained.
"What about the Beatles? How are we with them?" I asked.
"Really well. Also...Umm, you see... in the early years when John had just got custody of us and on, they had some separation anxiety with us... so we had to get a title because the fans constantly kept on attacking us... were known as The Beatle Twins, John's idea for the name. It's just assuring the fans we are their sisters and nothing more," Star smiled but I could tell at the end it was fake but I left it, "But we're really close with them, they're all we have left. Yes, sure there's Payton and Venessa but they're in Liverpool and the lads were always there for us this past decade and on."
"What about us and the Beatles girls?" I asked.
"We got along pretty well with Mo, Cyn, and Pattie. We were fine with Jane at first but as her relationship started to crumble our friendship did as well. We kinda just met Yoko and Linda so no comment there but in all, they're just glad your okay," Star softly smiled while gently touching my arm, this set some form of a reaction. I screamed in pain, holding my head as a memory appeared... I was little and Star was next to me, we were walking to some house. Star knocked on a door and John opened the door...
"Scar? Are you okay?!" Star gave a concerning and worried face.
"I'm actually better than okay! I remembered something!" I looked at Star, whose face was just brightened by the news.
"Stay here let me get the doctor!" Star rushed out with excitement and rushed back in with the doctor. I told them what happened.
"What exactly do you remember?" Star asked as the doctor was examining me for like the fourth time today.
"Us, when we were little, walking to John's then he opened the door when you knocked on it," I explain the memory as I'm replaying it in my head.
"This is normal, every case is different and for some, they will have physical pain while unlocking memories," the doctor explained to me and Star, we thanked them and they walked out.
"I feel like that is something I should tell the others... eh they'll figure it out," Star talked to herself.
Later (Star's POV)...
I'm outside smoking a bifter, it's a joint that has the strength of a cigarette. Scarlett fell asleep, feeling a little tired from everyone testing her and whatnot. Everyone started to walk back over, John realized I was smoking something, he ran over, smacked the bifter out of my hand, and stomped on it.
"What the fuck!" I glared.
"Are you trying to kill yourself?! You know you can't fucking smoke tobacco!" John snapped at me.
"It's weed dipshit," I looked at him.
"Why are you smoking weed?" John started.
"Listen I don't have the time nor the energy but I have important news. Scarlett got a memory," I stated.
"Really?!" John, George, Ringo, Paul, Roger, Elaina, Tim, Freddie, and Brian were all amused.
"Not all happy, she got physical pain from it, she screamed in pain then got the most vivid memory she could get," I rolled my eyes, everyone's face's dropped.
"Is she okay?" Roger worried, surprisingly.
"You know for a girl you fucking hate so much, you're really concerned for her," I crossed my arms glaring at Roger.
Roger's POV
"You know for a girl you fucking hate so much, you're really concerned for her," Scarlett's twin sister, Star, said crossing her arms. To be fair I don't actually hate Scarlett, I just love pissing her off. I don't know why but I have the urge to protect her, it's probably because Scarlett has been my celebrity crush since I was 15. I never really had the chance to actually talk to her before since the first time we met didn't go so great. But I always get this feeling around her that I just can't ignore.
"Yes, I am. She's a likable person," I responded.
Star's POV
"Never to you," I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, just be careful, I just touched her arm and she got a memory."
"Got it," They all said, we started to head to Scarlett's room and Elaina tapped my shoulder.
"You moving in soon?" Elaina asked.
"Not now," I rolled my eyes.
"Star, I still would like you to be our new flatmate and it would be nice if you lived with me and Scar to help her," Elaina looked at me.
"Yeah, but it would be too much to have Scar in her condition and me moving in," I looked at Elaina.
"You're fine, it would help her. You also have to start to move somewhere because after this semester you don't have a dorm." Elaina protested, a little too loudly since when we walked into Scarlett's room, everyone looked at me. Scarlett was awake and talking to the doctor about something.
"You could be discharged by tonight if everything goes well," The doctor said.
"Thank you," Scarlett smiled, the doctor left while everyone still looked at me.
"So what is this about Star moving in?" Scarlett looked at me and Elaina.
"Not-" I started.
"She was going to move in today but now refusing. But if not, she's going to be homeless," Elaina pointed to me.
"I am not going to be homeless," I said with frustration.
"Star, you are moving in and that's final," Scarlett looked at me.
"Someone is getting bossy like old times," John laughed taking a seat.
Scarlett's POV
"Why did the doctor come in?" Tim jumped on my bed.
"Told me I can go home. They checked and everything is fine besides the concussion and amnesia. So I'm allowed home," I shrugged, "But I need a change of clothes."
"On it," Star walked out with Elaina following her and bickering about something.
That Night...
I'm changed and waiting for the discharge papers to go through. I got my bag of things but I figured I'll go through it later. For past time, everyone is all telling stories, probably hoping I will get my memory back.
"Remember when you two pushed us into the pool," George said, "And we were in clothes for a photoshoot."
"How could I forget your faces were priceless," Star laughed.
"You and Star photobombed our photoshoot," John looked at me.
"May I hear the story?" I said, I kinda wanted to know what we did. John rubbed his chin and started to tell the story.
Flashback: John's POV (John)
(We had to do a photoshoot for some bloody magazine. They wanted poolside pictures, you and Star were god knows where...)
"Smile boys," the photographer said, "John, you need to give me more of a smile."
(They were annoying not going to lie but what you two did next was funny.)
As soon as the photographer said that, the girls walked out in bathing suits.
"John doesn't smile," Scarlett said, dropping her towel on a chair.
"Why aren't they in a pool," Star asked, "It's a very boring poolside if they aren't in the pool."
What are they about to do I thought to myself as they walked closer to the photographer.
"Scarlett Walker," Scarlett put her hand out for the Photographer.
"CANNONBALL!" Star screamed then a huge slash hit me and the boys.
"They can't get wet," The photographer freaked out.
"Why? To make the pictures boring?" Scarlett jumped in the pool by a backflip. She had a bigger splash because the water hit her on the front side.
(By this time we are soaked and the photographer is freaking out.)
"See, now they are perfect for the poolside," Scarlett said as we saw Star in the corner of our eye and she pushed Paul and George in the pool. Scarlett was laughing her ass off, and the photographer was mortified.
"You are dead," Paul said to Star as she is laughing still on the ground.
"Am I though?" Star said, then jumped in, "You guys look like you're having fun."
"Come on John and Ringo," Scarlett said, "Don't make Star push you guys in too."
(Scarlett kept on asking a few more times but then the photographer was said, 'No, they cant get wet')
"Oh shut it, the other two are already in the pool," Scarlett said to the Photographer. Then she got out of the pool and pushed me and Ringo in, then she jumped in.
(The Photographer took pictures of us in the pool and then left. Then we stayed in there for a bit)
Flashback ended (Scarlett POV)
"You guys had fun," Star told, "You were in the pool for hours."
"You still pushed us in the pool," George said, "But why me and Paul first."
"Because you guys were sitting on the end of the diving board," Star laughed.
"Hey, I can't remember anything so don't ask me why I pushed you two in," I chuckled.
"You probably pushed them in because they were being buzzkills," Star joked. It wasn't long before I was free, I got into Star's light blue 1966 mustang with a white convertible top. We drove to this building, I followed the girls up as they talked. We got to the third floor then walked down the hall to the door that has '3W' on it. We walked into a mini hallway, it ended at the living room, across from us is the entrance to the kitchen, on the wall to our left has three doors and on our right has two doors. The last wall, it's filled with mostly windows. There's a little high rise with a piano near the windows. The couch is in the center of the room, with two chairs on each side. The coffee table is located at the center of the couch and chairs while the television is between two doors and parallel to the couch. I walked into the kitchen, when I first walk in there is a bench attached to the wall, with the bench there is the kitchen table and two seats across from the bench plus a chair at the head of the table. A few feet from the dining area is the actual kitchen, the left wall has a few countertop cabinets and cupboards with the stove in the middle. The wall parallel to the bench has a window in the middle, below the window is the sink, with countertop cabinets on both sides. The right wall is more countertop cabinets and cupboards with the fridge parallel to the stove. I was next shown my room, once I walk in I saw my bed and nightstand against the parallel wall, at the end of my room had a little loft area, on one side was my vanity and on the other side was the closet door. In the loft, there is a couch bed. My dressers were on the same wall as the door and there was this small empty space of the wall that has art supplies in front. I looked around, and the wall above my bed had pictures hung up with lights around them. There is one picture of John, his sister Julia, Star, and me all at some park playing, there is another one of a teenage me and Star with John in the middle of us then there is one of me, Freddie, Tim, and Elaina in front of Ealing College of Art. I looked around to learn more about my new life, with this overwhelming starstruck feeling taking over my body.
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undefined5posts · 4 years
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Credit: Jordan J. Lloyd
I've been trying to dive deeper into politics, discover the genuine roots of our society, the origins of our beliefs, and the consequences of our economic system. It's a big, long, wide journey and through multiple sources such as articles, images, videos and multiple social media platforms, I've been trying to educate myself more on important subjects.
Communism, capitalism, libertarian, conservative, the left, the right, the history, the impact. It is scary to commit to everything because once you start, you simply cannot stop, once you start waking up your conscience about the horrible reality, the lies, the truths, you cannot put it back to sleep. You can't just ignore prejudice, especially when you're extremely conscious of it's omnipresence. I have continually tried to build my own opinions all while actively creating bullet point arguments in my mind because I just know that at some point I will have to defend my thinking, and I want to do it right.
Now, I am so far from being enlightened, I am a beginner and an amateur in all of those themes, but I am trying, which is the only way to start and grow.
So to tell you about my beliefs, I am a militant human rights activist, I believe in equal opportunities regardless of gender identity, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race and disability. This is a fact, not a belief, but the system was obviously not built to protect all people, its wasn't created to serve everyone equally but to grant a privilege to some and harm others. The current state of the world is not a slip, an accident or a misfunction of our brilliant system but a testament of it operating remarkably well. I believe that equity leads to equality, and I believe that we cannot "fix" methodologies that were immorally created with absolutely no honor whatsoever. I believe in reproductive rights, in legal, safe abortions for anybody who needs one. I believe in the decriminalization of marijuana. I believe that the death penalty is a despicable punition that should be banned as soon as possible. I believe in defunding the police and the military. I believe that it is a shame that I even have to talk about police brutality, I don't want to have to say that it is one of the most horrible things our world has originated, I feel extremely dense when I do because it seems like the most obvious certitude and I refuse to believe that this is a controversial statement. I believe that everything I have just stated, along with many more, isn't anything grand but the bare minimum, the bar is low, and yet, we still have the fight for basic human decency.
Humanity has become an option. We have normalized supporting people that represent everything wrong in this world under the name of tolerance. The left has never claimed to be tolerant towards hateful beings, We have never accepted homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism and sexism. We cannot, for exemple, accept nazis, as too much tolerance inevitably leads to intolerance. This picture explains it perfectly:
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I consider myself a communist/ socialist. The two terms still confuse me a little, some say they are the same, some say they differ quite a bit. What I know is that socialism is the transitional period between capitalism and communism. At the end of the day, the final result and goal is a stateless, moneyless and clasless society that will provide to each his need.
Our capitalistic society has brainwashed us way more than you may think. It is the root of so many of our issues, the underground demon of our problems. Every idea, thought, belief, and misconception of ours were all affected by our current economic system. It has sold us the billionnaire dream which is one of the most toxic things capitalism has offered. We have looked up to billionaires for way too long, why are they so idolized? Most of them come from high upper class families that can easily afford to invest in their inventions and creations. After starting up their companies and occasionnaly stealing other's people ideas to ultimately get undeserved merit, they then can start to properly exploit their hardworking employees's labour. And for unlimited hours and a minimum wage which probably won't even suffice you to survive, you will have to either pick up more shifts or a second or even third job, especially if you have a family to support. All while the CEO barely does any of the work and gets all the praise and money. So no, they don't all come from really poor families and have built everything for nothing.
The worst thing is that we've been so gaslit and brainwashed that we're proud of our own exploitation, we are wired to think that to be successful we have to suffer, work 10 jobs we all hate, constantly pick up extra hours, have 2 hours of sleep, have no free time to do anything we love, waste our entire youth, be depressed our entire adulthood, to finally have a few pennies to spend when we're eighty. We so strongly believe that this is the only right way to be successful that I don't think many of us have dared to question it's authority, and even if we do, we quickly accept that this a truth, a fact we cannot change and this is just the way things are.
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We have capitalized water, food, land, forests, oceans, space, and everything in betweeen. Money is social construct and we have deliberately let it take over our lives. To think about the wasted opportunities and the misery that we have to endure so others can enjoy life truly angers me.
Also, communism is not an ideology that has every actually taken place. Despite what they say, there was never actually a communist country. However, every nation that has attempted a socialist system, for exemple Burkina Faso, has thrived. But of course, once capitalist countries noticed that, they decided to murder it's leader. So in conclusion, the only reason socialism failed is because of capitalism and it's interventions.
"As President (1983-1987), Sankara initiated economic reforms that shifted his country away from dependence on foreign aid and reduced the privileges of government officials; he cut salaries, including his own, decreed that there would be no more flying in first class or driving Mercedes as standard issue vehicles for Ministers and other government workers. He led a modest lifestyle and did not personally amass material wealth. President Sankara encouraged self-sufficiency, including the use of local resources to build clinics, schools and other needed infrastructure. [...] President Sankara promoted land reform, childhood vaccination, tree planting, communal school building, and nation-wide literacy campaigns. He was committed to gender equity and women’s rights and was the first African leader to publicly recognize the AIDS pandemic as a threat to African countries. Although Sankara became somewhat more authoritarian during his Presidency, his ideas, and the possibility that they could spread, were viewed by many as posing the greatest threat. President Sankara was assassinated during a coup led by a French-backed politician, Blaise Compaoré, in October 1987. Compaoré served as the President of Burkina Faso from October 1987 through October 2014, when he himself was overthrown."
I have been reading and watching some amazing human rights activists, notably Angela Davis, Malcolm X and James Baldwin. The people that were villainized, labeled as violent and radical, when every single word that came out of their mouhs were pure facts. They are probably some of the most eloquent people I have had the pleasure of hearing. Every sentence, every argument, every single detail made so much sense and opened my mind to so many new realizations. This is the perfect exemple of how the media tarnishes the reputation of wise black women and men. I would strongly advise you to research more about them.
"Socialism & communism are demonized in the west to the point of erasing influential individuals' socialist advocacy. Heres a short list of people you may not have known were socialists/ communists:
Albert Einstein
Nelson Mandela
Frida Kahlo
Tupac Shakur
Mark Twain
Malcom X
Oscar Wilde
Bertrand Russell
Hellen Keller
Pablo Picasso
George Orwell
Shia LaBeouf
John Lennon
Woody Guthrie
Socialism & communism are not dirty words. Some of the most brilliant minds of our history were socialists and communists. Embrace it." Via @sleepisocialist on twitter
So what else can I say, capitalism has ruined our society and the way we act and think. I know a lot of people refuse to support communism because they think it's too much of a perfect ideal utopian world for it to ever actually exist. And to that I say, first of all, so you agree, it is a wonderful theory, and second of all, a world without racism, sexism, homophobia or any kind or discrimination could also be perceived as "too ideal to actually exist", but does that mean I'm giving up on talking, educating myself and others, protesting and trying to build a better future? Absolutely not. This is the objective, it would be so dumb to think that we just couldn't achieve that so let's not even try.
I want to talk more in detail about communism, theory, human rights, etc... but I don't want to make this post any longer. I will however be posting more about it soon enough.
I know this is a little different than what I usually post, but I want to speak, tell you all my own opinions, I don't want to just repost activism related stuff. I'll continue to do that, but not exclusively. I know it won't get as many interactions as my other posts, but this is what I needed at some point in my life, and if I could make understanding some basic informations easier to some people, it'll already be a great accomplishment.
Thank you for reading.
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