#new wattpad chapter
lyralee333 · 6 months
"If Percy Jackson ever went to therapy, his therapist would probably need therapy."
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emiimagination · 7 days
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Howdy ^^
And here is the last chapter on Wattpad to be up to date with AO3 ^^
I will post a new chapter later today and then, it will be a chapter every Saturday ^^
Looking forward to seeing many of you and having your opinions ^^
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harrryshome · 4 months
Need a new Harry Styles Fanfic?
If you said yes....
Check out "Code Blue" on Wattpad @harrryshome
••• Doctorry
•••Enemies to Lovers
••• Workplace Romance
••• Grumpy x sunshine
••• Hate sex
••• Greys Anatomy core
••• Dadrry
••• and more !!!!
Sierraaa :)
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devilheartsblog · 8 days
Chapter 6 of DH will be delayed!
Really sorry, but hope you lovelies understand it’s because of school submissions and other fics in the work, as well as leaning the electric guitar (still need ti get distortion tho lol)
Good news is I’ll upload it when it’s ready so you don’t need to wait till next Friday!
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killkiyo · 14 days
I needed her, in the rawest, most primal way possible. The ache for her was overwhelming, a craving that went beyond physical touch.
I wanted to crawl inside her skin, to feel her heartbeat against mine, to connect in ways I hadn’t with anyone else.
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- Salute to Seduction 2024
My book will be out soon, on Wattpad!
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rithiathemoth · 1 year
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Some art I made for a Rain World fanfiction I'm working on! This is for a special event! I'm so happy with how it turned out, I hope you guys enjoy it too! (Forgot the link, thx for pointing it out XD: https://www.wattpad.com/story/349583170-five-pebbles-x-reader-fanfiction)
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willinglyghoulified · 11 months
It's me, ya girl, here to bring you more updates on fallout fanfic bullshit ♥
So I've revitalized and transferred 17 chapters of my Fallout: New Vegas fanfic from Wattpad to AO3. So if anyone is interested in that one, the link to my profiles are below. (This one's my smutty one tho, just an fyi, because my courier's a selfish little heathen.)
Just a reminder, books 0, 1, and 2 of Fallout 4 have been fully transferred and are completed. Book 3 will come to AO3 after my FNV fic is complete because it's currently considered "on hold."
As a side note, my Solas x Lavellan fanfic from DA:I has also been transferred so, knock yourselves out. :) Thanks to all who have checked out my work so far, and thanks in advance to those who do in the future.
My Wattpad | My AO3
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myloveforhergoeson · 4 months
writing a little tasw short story about the boys new town high appearance and i got so fucking distracted in doing research about the universal studios (aka colossal studios) lot and i forgot what i was originally doing. did you know it takes 3 days for them to fill their fake lake. 10 hours if you only fill the pit. 4 days to drain and it will never, ever be clear water. they have 47 soundstages. a gym. 2 banks. a coffee bean and tea leaf. the bates motel is there if you even care!
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bananadrinkxxx · 1 year
[Aemond Fanfiction ]
Pairing:  Aemond Targaryen x OC female!
Warning:  Dark Romance / Enemies to Lovers.
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"You need to open your eyes, Rose."
Rose wondered how he knew hers were closed. He sat behind her.
She clawed harder into the saddle as Vhagar flew even higher.
"I think it's safer this way," Rose replied. She heard Aemond laughing behind her, her fear amusing him, how nice.
He said nothing more, instead he wrapped his arm around her body, even tighter than before, and pressed her against him. A tingling sensation ran through Rose. She felt safe in his arms. Safe. He had promised her that he would protect her.
Tentatively, Rose opened one eye and immediately closed it again.
She would die. Her body would hit the ground, shatter, and shatter into a thousand pieces. She bit her lip. She should have refused. Cry, she should have cried, thrown herself on the floor and pressed herself so hard on it that not even ten horses could have moved her.
But now she was here, on Vhagar's back, the biggest dragon in the world, wondering if she was tired of living.
"Open your eyes, Rose!" it was worded like a command, but Rose knew he would not force her. Aemond's lips were right next to her ear, and he held her to him so tightly that she was sure his grip was the only reason she hadn't died yet. "You're missing out on the best part."
"I don't think I can do it," Rose doubted.
"Trust yourself. I'm holding you. Open your eyes."
And she opened her eyes. One by one.
Sunlight blinded her, cold air fluttered around her long lashes, and the harsh vapor of the clouds burned her eyes.
Sunlight streamed through the cracks in the clouds and the ground below them, the houses, the horses, the people, everything seemed so small and tiny.
The great beast below her roared and her whole body trembled with it.
Vhagar beneath her felt powerful, and regal, and for a moment Rose imagined that she was the one Vhagar obeyed. That she was a dragon rider, a Targaryen, and she was flying the great dragon, Vhagar, the Queen of Dragons.
She felt free, and she felt all worries slipping away from her.
How the last days were blown away and she suddenly could breathe again.
Aemond had hated her, she was sure of it, she didn't even know what he felt for her now, but never in her life had she felt so safe. It was as if time stood still.
Suddenly the fear was gone and she felt only happiness and joy. Aemond Targaryen had put her on his dragon, a dragon she had only heard about, and showed her the sky. He laid the world at her feet.
Rose turned her head slightly to the side.
Aemond had his eyes forward, focused, but when she looked him in the face, his eyes met hers and before Rose knew what she was doing, she moved closer and pressed her lips to his.
For a moment Rose thought he would not return the kiss when he made no response, but then Aemond's grip on her waist tightened. He pressed her against him and when he returned the kiss, he tilted his head, kissing her with such passion that Rose had never felt before. His kiss was dominant and she submitted to him, willingly and pining for more. Her fingers buried in his soft white hair, he let her slide through her fingers, playing with them, and a rumble from his chest told her he liked what she was doing. Her lips burned. They burned and it spread like fire across her cheeks, down her neck, around her heart and dripped into her core.
Suddenly she felt Vhagar begin to fly lower and the fear of falling returned. She parted from his lips, but before she could turn away, Aemond's other hand slid down her neck and pressed her back up against his mouth. He had let go of the reins, but she didn't care. The only thing she could think about was his lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth, how their tongues began to dance and tangle and how his hard body was pressed against her soft one. She wanted him and he wanted her, that was clear.
As she moved in the saddle, the curve of the leather pressed against her spot just right and Rose groaned as she suddenly felt a pulsing warmth between her legs. It coursed all over her body and before the sensation disappeared again, she pressed harder against it. Her eyes closed and when Aemond's hand slid between her thighs, she let him. She was willing him and at this moment she would do anything he wanted.
He rubbed his hand against her most intimate part, just the thin piece of fabric between his hand and her burning lust separating them. Rose threw her head back, released her kiss, and turned around, pressing her head against his shoulder. What Aemond was doing to her was a sin and she loved it.
"Aemond," left her lips before she could stop it. She felt Aemond press against her, felt the hard and pulsing against her back, and redness spread across her face. Heat rose in her body and she knew they were both doomed.
She felt Aemond's hand move under her skirt, fighting its way to her weeping spot, about to sink into her before a roar made her flinch. She wrenched her eyes open and saw Vhagar, suddenly sinking lower, without Aemond having ordered her to do anything. Rose felt Aemond suddenly tense up and grab the reins. The passion that had existed between them moments ago had faded, and suddenly there was something dangerous in the air.
"Vhagar," Aemond called out, adding something in Valyrian that she did not understand. Vhagar approached the ground, flew through a hard cloud cover, and came down with a booming bang on a field that was covered with flowers. Irritated, Rose looked around before wincing.
Not far from them, stood another dragon. With blood-red scales all over its body, the dragon looked like a red ball of fire. He was inferior to Vhagar in size, but the eyes of this dragon were more dangerous, more angry, more aggressive. On top of him, a man Rose did not know, but who could not mean anything good. White-blond hair, a middle-aged man who looked hard at them.
"Nephew, how nice that we meet here, what a coincidence," the man greeted the prince with a smile, and Rose realized that she was looking at Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince, a man known for his toughness and temper. The husband of Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Black Queen, as she called herself. As her followers referred to her.
"Yes, what a coincidence," Aemond replied harshly, and she sensed his tenseness. "Have you come to swear allegiance to my brother here and now and bend the knee?"
Daemond spat on the floor. "I'll tell you what I told your cunt of a grandfather. I'd rather slit the throats of any of my children before I do it."
Rose winced at this formulation. What was wrong with this man? Was he crazy?
"That is most unfortunate."
"The only unfortunate thing is that your drunken brother is sitting on the throne that belongs to my wife."
"Rhaenyra is a woman. She is not made for the throne."
"But your brother?," laughed Daemon, and Aemond fell silent. Rose felt out of place. "Nephew, your family is doomed. I demand the surrender of Lucerys Velaryon, or I will disembowel each and every one of you before I let Caraxes eat you."
She felt sick. This man was capable of anything, she sensed. He would not stop until he saw every one of the Hightowers dead, then she saw it in his gaze, and heard it in his words.
"Ah, little Lucerys," Aemond began, and mockery was in his voice. "He decided to bend the knee yesterday. A letter should be on its way by now."
Rose knew he was lying. Even today she had overheard a conversation from Lord Lannister complaining that the 'bastard' still had the gall to refuse to cooperate.
Daemon drew and pointed his sword at Aemond as if to lunge away from Ceraxes' body and plunge his blade through Aemond's eye.
"Your lie is as bad as your taste in women, nephew."
It took a moment before Rose registered the words. Indignation spread through her body.
"Give me back my son and I'll spare your whore while I rip your head off," Daemon shouted, on the other side, his voice booming over the slow wings of Ceraxes and Vhagar. She felt his hatred. His burning hatred. She had heard much of this man before. She believed his every word.
"Nephew, why don't we settle this as men?" asked Daemon. "You hide behind your wife like a trembling worm."
"The only trembling worm is your son, uncle. If you don't bend the knee, if the cunt doesn't bend the knee, then I will put him out of his misery. Whereas maybe I'll send his mother his eye first, piece by piece, so she can say goodbye to it all."
She wondered if Aemond was really that cruel. He was lying, wasn't he? He had to be lying.
Daemon's bloodthirsty smile froze on his face as Aemon's words reached him. But he was not the only one. Rose was startled by the sudden coldness of the man behind her. He was suddenly so cruel, so different. She sensed his hatred, his tension, his hostility, and she was reminded again of the man who had received her so harshly at King's Landing.
"What did you say?"
"You want to know what I start with, Kepa?" asked Aemond, laughing coldly.
She saw how his words hit the right spot.
"If you touch just one hair on that boy's head-," Daemon hissed warningly. His sword trembled in his hand. But it wasn't fear, it was hate.
"Maybe I'll start with what makes him a man. That, by the way, is the only thing that makes him approach a man."
Then everything happened quickly. Vhagar roared as Daemon commanded his dragon to breathe fire and he charged at them, his sword raised high.
Vhagar reacted quickly and jumped up, into the air, and for a moment Rose feared that Aemond would order her to attack, but then Vhagar turned around, taking her to safety, while Daemon continued to stand below, watching him surrounded by fire. The ground around him turned black and clouds of smoke rose into the sky.
Another puff of dragon fire hit the ground, drying up the entire field.
She felt Aemond tense up. His body shook.
"Aemond, please-," she pleaded, clawing at his thigh. "Please-," she didn't know exactly what she was asking him, but she just wanted to get out of here.
He wouldn't attack with her on Vhagar's back, would he? He had promised her. He had said he would protect her. He was not a liar. He wasn't.
She felt Aemond's gaze on the back of her head, his eye boring into her, and for a momet she was afraid he would ignore her request and lunge toward his uncle, but then he ordered Vhagar to turn around.
Rose breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Daemon, who was looking up from below. His gaze was hateful, ready to fight, but he did not fly after them. He watched them as they flew away, following each wing beat, and for a moment, for a small uncertain moment, Rose felt that he was not following Aemond with his cold, hard gaze, but her.
And for the first time, Rose realized that this distant danger posed by the blacks was closer than she had feared.
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lyralee333 · 6 months
“I could live a hundred lifetimes- die a thousand times, by a thousand swords, and I still wouldn’t stop trying to kill you." ~~ Percy Jackson and the Illusion of Time.
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circusmania · 6 months
SIN Chapter 9
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Notes: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Let's try this again.
I woke up, gasping. A nightmare…
I slid out of bed and yawned. The floor creaked as I walked toward the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, god… I looked like a mess. My hair looked like a drenched mop. 
I ran my hand through my hair and flinched… argh… since when did I have a bump on my head? I must have bumped my head yesterday… or something. 
I did my business, brushed my teeth and got out. Opening the closet door, I put on a navy blue hoodie. My eyes landed on a pair of jeans. 
Good enough. 
I put them on and walked down the stairs. I heard the bustling and movements of my parents. I've always been a dependent person. I always clung to those close to me…kind of like my boyfriend-
“Hello? Don't make me repeat myself. Do you want a sandwich for lunch or not?” My mom brought me back to Earth.
“O-oh! Yes please, Mom!” 
She smiled. 
I sat next to my father, he was submerged in his newspaper. I grabbed the bowl of cereal that had already been made.
“Hm. Remember that church down the street?” My father spoke.
I assumed he was speaking to my mother, so I stayed quiet. 
“Yes.” My mother sighed. “What about it?”
“It burned down.”
My mother gasped to fill the silence that rested in the kitchen.
“Did… oh dear… what happened?” 
My father shrugged. “No one knows. Could've been an accident… or something else.”
My mother leaned against the counter and placed a hand on her face.
“Did that priest, oh… what was he called again?”
“Father Pierre.”
My mother looked toward me, and my dad only spared me a glance.
How… did I remember his name? I must've read his name on those pamphlets that he kept passing around…
“I hope you weren't fooling around with him…” I shook my head.
My father cleared his throat.
“Regardless, there were no bodies found amongst the rubble. So, he could still be alive.”
My mother shook her head and turned her back to finish whatever she was doing. I finished my cereal and put my bowl into the sink. My mom handed me a paper bag, which I stuffed into my backpack.
“Well, I'm off to school!” I put on my shoes and my mom kissed me on the cheek.
“Be safe, hun.”
“I… will.” I smiled, waved them goodbye and shut the door behind me. 
Sighing, I walked off the porch and commenced my walk toward my school. As I walked, I passed the burned-down church. Ashes filled the air and a strange sense of guilt overcame me. 
Ugh… I quickly power-walked away. My school came into view, Cheshire High. The smell and feeling quickly vanished as I saw my three friends. 
Omar, Judy and Vanessa.
Judy Presley never missed a trend. She always put her light brown hair in a ponytail with a white bow, wore perfect matching season clothes, and had well-made makeup. She even had matching baby blue eyes to go with her looks. I'm honestly surprised she'd rather hang out with us than the more popular kids. 
Next to Judy was Vanessa Kareem, Judy's BFF (as she calls it). Vanessa and she have always been friends. She was pretty much the spitting image of Judy except for her black silky hair that was in a grunge haircut, her blue eyes, and her much paler skin.
And finally, my best friend, Omar Thomerson. We're practically convinced we were best friends in our past lives. I've always thought of him as the geek in our friendship. He's always been obsessed with any fantasy fiction he can grab on. Greek mythology, science-fiction, astrology, you name it. He has dark brown hair with a shag haircut, freckles, and brown eyes. His typical wear is a worn-out hoodie and cargo pants.
Wow… I'm getting some sort of déjà vu.
I quickly ran toward them, catching Judy's attention. 
“Hello everyone!”
“Hi, buddy! How have you been?” Omar asks.
I shrug. “The same, nothing new.”
“Except for that church being burnt to a crisp,” Judy says.
“Yeah, my bus passed by it this morning. The windows were open and that horrid smell crept in… ugh!” Vanessa adds.
I nodded. “To be honest, that church and its priest always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it's for the best…?” It felt wrong to say that.
They all nodded in unison. 
“I guess God wasn't on his side.” Omar shrugged. 
No one laughed. Something hung above our heads.
“Well, shall we get going?” Judy asked while pointing to the school. 
We nodded and followed her. I put my hand in my pocket and — wait a second. 
I stopped walking and reached into my pocket to pull out a paper. It was folded and incredibly creased. I don't remember having written anything. I carefully opened it. Remarking that the paper had a small splatter of red on it, paint perhaps. Judy likes to paint, maybe she slipped this into my pants when I didn't notice?
The handwriting was messy, and I could tell that the message was written in a hurry. However, I noticed that it was MY handwriting. 
I read the message. 
Each word that I read made it seem like I was unlocking new passageways in my brain. And suddenly, it clicked, well, more like it flashed in front of my eyes. 
Everything that had happened moments ago… everything that I had forgotten… Marcus. 
What… why can't I remember what happened yesterday? What are my parents' names? Why… can't I remember anything from this timeline?
Maybe because there was no yesterday. Yesterday was when Marcus kidnapped me and then… Uhm… Killed me. I looked back at the paper, that splatter of red… blood… my blood.
I checked my head for the bump, and sure enough, it was there.
I sighed, remembering the gruesome scene I was forced to bear. 
What about Judy? Omar? Vanessa? 
They were just going about their day when they knew of it all. It's not their fault, but anger couldn't help but rise in me. What would Marcus show himself as now? My neighbour? My friend? My teacher?? 
I grimace at the thought. 
The bell rang and shivers went down my spine that urged me to run to class. But I stopped. What even was the point anymore? It wouldn't matter anyway, since my whole life is a lie. 
I ended up walking to class. My teacher left me off with a warning, but was disappointed with my first impression… on the new kid.
“Marcus…” I blurted out like AN IDIOT.
I hoped Marcus didn't hear it, but he did, he gave me a big smile. And it wasn't a nice one. 
We both took our seats, I sat next to Judy, and he sat in the back. 
It's like a repeat, except in this timeline, Judy and I aren't dating. Suddenly, Judy starts to whisper to me. 
“What's with this guy? He's so … depressed, looking.” Word for word. 
I debated on agreeing with what she said, but that would eventually lead to Judy having to switch seats with Marcus. 
“Shh, Judy, we're in class,” I told her. 
I couldn't see her face, but I could feel her confused expression. Either way, It didn't stop her from continuing to talk. God… have I ever noticed how annoying she was?
“Judy! Since you can't help but disturb your peer, switch seats with Marcus.”
I grimaced as Judy tried to defend herself. 
Marcus took his stuff and sat next to me, I didn't look at him. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Marcus displaying his many poems that I complimented last time… last time. 
It's making me question what exactly am I accomplishing by faking this. I need to change something… I need to put an end to this timeline, permanently. 
I felt staring, I turned to see Marcus looking at me. It doesn't seem like he knows I know yet. Mm… his staring reminds me of those gorging red eyes… they were thankfully covered by his bangs right now. 
“Do you need something?” I asked, trying to mask any hatred. 
He looked at me, a bit confused. I held my breath. For a second, he didn't smile, and I thought I had blown my cover. However, he quickly returned to his normal demeanour. My shoulders relaxed as he simply replied: 
I turned back to face the teacher. Their voice drowned itself as my brain deemed whatever they were teaching unimportant. Questions started to rise like alerts in my head. 
How old am I really?
What else do I remember besides my name?
What else is there beyond this town?
All these questions continued to rise, just like bile…-
Before I could process what was happening, my head turned, and I threw up on the floor. I could hear chairs screeching as students stood up to avoid the vomit. Then, a cold hand lifted my hair from my face.
“Marcus, please take him to the nurse's office.” My teacher said nonchalantly.
I feel the same hands grab my shoulders and lift me to my feet. He, Marcus, makes sure I don't walk into the colourful puddle as we walk out of the class. I fight the urge to flinch away as he walks me into the nurse's office and makes me sit on the bed. 
The nurse comes out, she smiles when she sees me.
“You again? You practically live here! This is the 3rd time this week only.”
I have never seen this woman in my entire life. 
She wiped my mouth clean as Marcus loomed over my shoulder. She then put a pill in my hand.
“Make sure you eat something before taking it.” She turned to Marcus. “Young man, if you please, watch over him for the time being.” 
Marcus nodded and we watched the nurse leave. He crouched down in front of me, I backed away instinctively. 
“Feeling better? You've been acting off all morning… Do you not recognize your boyfriend?”
My heart stopped, and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so I played it off with a muffled chuckle. He chuckled as well and kissed my cheek. 
“I thought I'd surprise you by applying to your school… but it seemed like you're the one who surprised me first.”
I guess in this timeline, he's my boyfriend, a huge step from the other timeline. I fought the urge to not back away when Marcus caressed my face. 
The bell suddenly rang, there was no way class went by that fast.
I stood up. “I'm feeling better… thanks … Marcus.” 
I walked over to the door and reached for the doorknob.
“Woah, woah, where do you think you're going without me?” He holds my hand.
I don't say anything as he opens the door himself. I noticed a trashcan near it, I swiftly dropped the pill in it. I can't trust anything.  
We walked over to my friends, who were just oddly standing in the hallway.
“Ohhh~! Who's this?” Vanessa remarks while Judy squints.
“Woah! You already romanced the new kid?” Omar playfully punched my shoulder.
They were all fake… all except Judy, who was giving Marcus dirty looks. For some reason, Judy always seemed to be the bad guy. Hmm… I think I have an idea. Judy could be the only person that I have on my side.
“Judy! Oh, god! I just remembered I need to talk to you about something super top secret!”
I grabbed her arm. “Talk to you later Marcus, Omar and Vanessa! Try to get to know each other!”
I dragged her away to the library, but she pushed me into a nearby janitorial closet. 
“What are you doing?” She asks as she narrows her eyes. “Want to tell me why you're dating that weirdo? Or perhaps why you threw up in class?”
“I… Judy.” I sighed and shook my head. “Listen, I know about everything.” She tenses. “Marcus, the timelines… uhm… are you ok?”
Judy's eyes were like two big white saucers. She grabbed my arms, I thought she was about to shake me.
“You're… you… how?” 
“Long story… but Judy, how can I put a stop to this?”
She shook her head. “I'm… I'm…not sure. I would say to try to kill Marcus, but that's quite literally impossible.” Judy said, with no reaction. “I've tried.”
“You… are like… weirdly… okay with all this gorey shit…” I remembered the scene I had seen of her body swinging peacefully in that art room. 
“I stopped caring long ago.” She looked me in the eyes. 
How long is long ago?
“Until we come up with something, try to act the best you can. We can't let Marcus find out.” 
I nodded and we both exited the closet. 
“Can we tell Omar and V-” She quickly shushed me. 
“Everybody in this school is his eyes. You can't say this stuff out loud”
I looked around, everyone was minding their own business. But… it was wiser to just believe Judy.
Marcus patiently awaited my return with Omar and Vanessa. 
“Done talking so soon?” Marcus strolled toward me. 
“It's not any of your business, now, is it?” Judy snapped at him and crossed her arms.
Marcus looked at me and I bit my lip.
“Judy… don't talk to my boyfriend like that. Can't we all just get along?” She scoffed and turned her head away. 
God, she was good at this.
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I didn't get a chance to talk with Judy for the last 3 weeks. Marcus always seemed to be around me. I sigh. If I remember correctly, in the last timeline, something was… different. 
This must be the first time that the church isn't here. Marcus is stronger… like he just broke through a barrier. If I hadn't found that note, Marcus could've easily messed with my emotions. 
Either way, the only way to stop these loops is to kill Marcus. No more waiting. However, 3 people stood in my way.
Omar, Judy and Vanessa. 
They are like a force field around Marcus. A force field that messes with me and my emotions. As long as they are there, they will mess with my perception of normality. Whether intentionally or not, they are always making me think that perhaps I'm the crazy one. That perhaps the nightmare 3 weeks ago was just a bad dream. I can't risk forgetting everything and succumbing to him. 
I was thinking of sparing Judy since she's the only one who's actually trying to make a difference, who's actually still fighting. But, something is telling me that she would prefer to be dead than continue living. 
I pull at my hair in frustration. Thinking about how I'll feel after taking the life of my three best friends isn't making anything seem better. 
Though, those aren't my 3 friends anymore… Just shells of what they used to be. If they were in my position, they would do the same.
I'm sure of it.
Want to read ahead? Click here!
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storywriter12 · 1 year
Rick x negan the house mate has a new chapter in wattpad
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devilheartsblog · 29 days
DH Episode 5 had to be split in two parts cause the full thing would be 10,000 words. That’s about 2.5 regular episodes and over 27 pages when usually they’re 17 pages. Anyways, sorry I’m again posting at like 9pm, I kinda just forgot ngl, again.
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dia-l · 1 year
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Thrilling eren fanfic!
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Alone No Longer Ch. 8- Ties That Bind
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"Sabine. How may I be of assistance?"
Her smile stretched to reveal four sharpened canines.
"I'm so glad you asked. As I was just explaining to this gentleman-"
She turned slightly, inclining her head toward the guard.
"I am here to see my husband and I am not leaving this hallway until I do."
Walter's violet eyes widened behind his monocle. He stared at her in disbelief, but Sabine gave no indication that her demand was anything but serious.
"You know I cannot allow that. He's a war criminal. A political prisoner of the Hellsing organization."
Sabine pursed her lips. Her eyebrows drew together as she glanced at the cell door. Hans was in there. She knew it. She could feel him.
"Yes I know, but prisoners have a right to visitation."
The guard behind her snorted.
"That bastard doesn't have any legal rights. He's a bloody-"
Sabine whirled around to face the soldier. His mouth snapped shut at the sight of her glowing red eyes.
"Werewolf? And what do you see when you look at me, hmm? A monster?"
She ignored Walter's warning and advanced on the guard. A low growl of frustration built behind her voice. She wasn't technically a prisoner of Hellsing, but she was close enough.
"Just because I am not human does not make me less of a person!"
"Sabine, calm down!"
The soldier slid his finger to the trigger of his rifle. Sabine spun away from him and closed her eyes, willing her temper back under control.
She felt as if the pain in her chest was driving her mad! She didn't know if it was the bond between them, or if her feelings for Hans were genuine, but the separation had become physically unbearable. What started as a dull throb of longing grew into an agonizing stab of loss. Something inside Sabine was withering… and dying.
If she perished from a broken heart, who would be left to care for Barrett?
Desperate tears threatened to fall as she took a deep breath through her nose and out of her mouth. It required every ounce of willpower not to throw herself at the cell door and claw at it like a rabid beast.
"Valtah, please. Open the door. My son is a month old and has yet to meet his father."
"Sir Hellsing would never approve-"
Sabine stomped her foot. The sound of her heel connecting with the concrete floor echoed down the sterile hallway.
"I do not care what Sir Hellsing would approve! He has refused to answer my questions and I am tired of waiting! Valtah, I am so tired."
Barrett stirred in her arms. She soothed him back to sleep as she turned to face Walter. Something dark passed over his features, but was gone in an instant. Sabine was left wondering if she had imagined the look.
"I have to see Hans. Unless you plan to shoot an unarmed woman and her baby, I am not moving from this spot until you open that door!"
"Fine. If you wish to see him so badly, then be my guest. You have ten minutes."
Sabine and the soldier both startled at Walter's sudden change of heart.
"Unlock the cell."
The guard stared at him.
"But, sir?"
His lips pressed into a thin line. He scowled at the soldier as he folded his hands behind his back.
Walter was just as tired of waiting.
"That's an order soldier. Unless you doubt my ability to keep a single prisoner under control?"
"No Sir."
The sullen guard removed the key ring from his belt and began to unlock the cell door. Sabine couldn't seem to catch her breath. Her fingers restlessly combed through her hair, tucking every strand back into place. Anxiously, she tugged at her garments. After one month of endless seclusion, she was finally going to be reunited with Hans!
The last image she had of him was on his knees, kneeling before Sir Hellsing in defeat. The last time they touched was his goodbye kiss in the woods.
The reinforced door swung open. Sabine rushed past the guard.
The overwhelming presence of silver crawled across her skin. Every hair stood on end. Instinctively, she shielded Barrett's delicate body from the deadly metal.
The sight that greeted her inside the cell ripped a gasp from her lips before she could stifle the noise.
"Oh… Hans."
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Capitolo 11
La seconda tappa del viaggio è la Guglia, un antico magazzino di manufatti e oggetti magici.
Un misterioso dialogo tra il custode della Guglia e madre Gothel stuzzicherà la curiosità della giovane protagonista.
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