#mwah mwah you're awesome too!!
threadsun · 9 months
i think your nap was just the amount of time i had before class lol {/not mean}
nickname is tho! i just think it's cute :)
oritho usually hangs around bars and people-ie place so it's easier to slip out with a drunk under pretenses of spending the night together {which i mean. they do ha}
gets paid by the site it uses, tip functions by its audience, and does actual commission work so it doesn't seem weird he's home all the time and has a stable sense of income {from a different set of freaks than his usual snuff audience}
there are three main reactions he has to someone he's caught: if they're really freaking out and stuff he's in business more, if they're aggressive he gets short quick and gets harsher, but if they're basically unresponsive and deactivated he'll feel a little bad. not much, but enough it's like sympathy
doesn't usually get mad. he'll get agitated, or upset, but he is scary when mad because he doesn't just 'get mad' he gets irate and looks it. if someone gets him pissy during streams he'll be an asshole and make their short-term pain last longer
pretty jokey at times, very go with the flow and chill. can be mistaken for tired
mother taught him how to hunt and listen to his gut, animal things, while his dad taught him how to burn cd's, pirate, and human society {and technically the dark web} he also introduced tho to all kinds of music!
with the heat/rut and aflux stuff, he doesn't really plan on having sex. like if he does cool but he doesn't really plan on it, he likes being sexual though. gets aggressive during both times like tearing at pillows with his teeth and throwing shit since he's upset
likes cooking and cleaning! finds them calming :) general household chores are nice, likes sweeping the most
needs control in their own life or they will lose their mind
loves being outside {sketching, eating, sleeping, anything}
lives kinda in the middle of the woods, far away enough that no one can hear any screams but close enough to get to the nearby city via car, but tho prefers to walk everywhere
loves leaning into his animalistic side a lot more than his human side, but likes both
has probably eaten a part of someone on stream for enough money, before or after death doesn't matter
loves bugs! he looooves creepy crawlies :) thinks of them as his little buddies
however if oritho has something like mice in its house it'll just take care of the problem by eating them lol
usually drifts between aroallo and alloace since he uses the split attraction model, has a secret side that really wants romance but he doesn't pay much attention to it. and by the time he can he's drifted back into being aro lol
likes to put on music while working, so if someone is crying oritho will shove the back end of a hammer into their mouth and go 'shut up the good part of the song is playing' {the songs while working are sexual, he finds it funny to be ripping someone to shreds while it's playing} sometimes he does gay little dances!
forgets to shower and brush his teeth sometimes. he wants to do it more, he likes the hot water but just kinda forgets to
doesn't have many friends, prefers solitude but sometimes it does get to him which is sad :(
on a final note... i forgot tho's eyelashes. the thing that makes them look more femme while wearing their mask. augh _| ̄|○ he has them, they're long
{hope everything is going okay, you're awesome!!}
~ }i{
Ooooh I love them so much!!!!! Just a silly slutty murder lad :3c
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daz4i · 5 months
how and why is there discourse about whether or not certain queer identities exist/if people should be allowed(???) to use them. why is "people know their own identity better than you ever could, and they're the only one who get a say on what they are" such a tough concept to grasp
i think if you find yourself offended by the label someone uses (especially if they're a stranger) or think it invalidates your own, it's a good idea to look inside yourself and question why that may be. more often than not, it's a result of insecurity or uncertainty of your own identity (or many other things, but i won't make a whole list here). whatever reason it is, until you resolve it, you shouldn't take it out on people for having an identity you don't understand
many have said it before but it's worth saying over and over. infighting only helps our oppressors. conservatives don't care if you're a cis gay or a xenogender aegosexual aplatonic lesbian, they hate all of us either way. trying to fit in by going for people who are easier targets for them isn't gonna help you, it'll just alienate you from your own community, and you're never gonna please them. the momentary rush you get from hearing you're not like "one of /those/ gay people" is not worth it and is gonna do more harm in the long run, i assure you
also, it is important to me to say this, but having some less than nice kneejerk reaction caused by confusion about an identity you don't understand doesn't mean you're a bad person or anything. as long as you aren't mean to that person, and you take a second to think smth along the lines of "wait a minute, this isn't any of my business" after having said reaction, you're good 👍 a lot of reflexive reactions we have to things are ingrained into us simply by. well. living in a society 🤡 and you're not terrible for having those thoughts. it's your actions that matter, and your second thought (the "wait, why did i just think that?") is more defining of your actual character and morals than your reflex. i know that having thoughts like this, even tho they're unwanted, can very easily make one spiral, so it's important to me that whoever needs to hear this knows this doesn't make you a bad person 🙏 you're good, keep taking actions to be good, accept other people even if you don't understand them, and you're on the right track :)
#i considered adding that last part in the tags but i figured it'll be too long for that 😭#i noticed i'm posting a lot of rants lately. sorry. but i do wanna make sure no one's actually feeling bad over them#if i complain about something that you do or call it mean and such. that doesn't make you a bad person#you can always work to change and grow 👍 it's not easy but it starts with smaller steps than you'd expect#and now i just switched to a whole other topic from my original point. oops#i do firmly believe that any discourse about someone's identity is dumb as fuck#seeing it in poll blogs always makes me 😐😬 like how is it any business for any of us. why is this up for debate#if a person says they're queer then they are. they don't need to pass some test or go through initiation to be accepted#if they feel comfortable with a certain word that's awesome. why does it matter to *you* which word they use#'they're only using this microlabel to feel special' so? is there anything wrong with that?#'this label contradicts [insert other identity that falls under the same umbrella]' ok. but does that hurt anyone in any way#a lot of identities can even be self contradictory. does it matter tho? does it affect anyone in any way?#'they might realize that label is wrong later' again. what's the harm in that.#i don't blame anyone for these thoughts bc like. this is how cishets view a lot of the even more common labels#so you're basically taught to think this way from day one. that doesn't mean you need to stick to that thought process#you might have these reflexes forever no matter how hard you try. but you'll get quicker about moving on from them#but you do have to try. you do have to realize that other people's identities aren't about you#anyway. this post feels like batting at a hornets nest. really hope i don't get some bad faith readers here lol#(i noticed a lot of places one could apply bad faith but like it's 3:30 am i'm too tired to add this many disclaimer.#so i'm gonna trust you to not jump to conclusions and to approach this in good faith okay? mwah 🖤)#also my whole ramble abt morality (in the tags too) is relevant to. any topic really#i may just make a separate post about it really. .....tomorrow tho.
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chigirizzz · 1 month
val baby, may i ask you some questions? :(( i hope you don't mind :((
one, how do i rizz someone up (i need wisdom in case isagi pop out rl or something) two, how are you baby? i hope you are doing well and eating well muah
ok so, when it comes to rizz i think i can say i'm just naturally good at it (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ᴥ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ⁠ʋ⁠) but i advice you: 1. say it with a natural tone of voice, you can't sound neither too desperate nor too happy; 2. pay attention to the words they say, for example, if someone says for you to take the trash out, say something like "may i take you out too?" 3. practice but don't try it too often, or else they won't be surprised when you rizz them up :3
i hope someone like isagi becomes real tho (i want someone who's a mix of rin isagi and kaiser)
i'm doing well! i just felt really tired for a few days which is why i'm only answering this now, sorry :<
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edwardallenpoe · 22 days
Hullo! So this is just my opinion, buuuut for the "what vibes do I give off" post, I'd say chaotic, artistic genius!
omg thank you so much!!!! 😭😭😭 This is very high praise coming from you, bc you're amazing!!! If anyone is the artistic genius, I'd say it was you, but we can both be hobbit-nerds together lol.
To me, I'd say you give off sweet, compassionate, welcoming and creative vibes!!! You're like, half the reason I let The Hobbit evolved from a hyperfixation to a special interest bc you make the fandom a brighter place 🌟
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chorizoa · 7 months
entrail of faith — könig x reader
i have not properly written a fic or a snippet in so long, and I am physically aching to do so :3 plus, been obsessed with this man for like 3 months straight and it is NOT letting up— so, let me be indulgent, and nasty, and vile, and awesome while I cook up literary genius. (pls do not read my stuff if ur a minor ily mwah)
i hope u like :3 (cuz if u do I'm writing more)
cw: mentions of sex, force, and kidnapping, reader is mostly oblivious, Konig is just nasty and I'm shameless about it
synopsis(sorta): König has been a little crazy stalker, and you finally get close enough for him to make a move
Konig was a good man, a routine man. His mother and grandmother had beaten manners into him, and daddy had his face shoved into a bible every Sunday morning. Everything was intentional, down to the way he stored his razors, all the way deep down to the way he shamefully ruts into his calloused palm each night. It all mattered— obsessively mattered.
Konig was a good man, a strong man. He tried so hard to keep his thoughts pure, be gentle with himself and others— lumbering about as if he were an animal latched to a ball and chain, a monster in the eyes of rookies and civilians alike— but he tried.
He can kill a man in less than ten seconds without a weapon, five with. He can dismember a corpse, and make someone seem as if they had never existed to begin with— he isn't a man of softness, he isn't a man who deserves a gentle hand, only his own thick mits that've been stained with decades of blood.
He wasn't  a man of softness—until he saw you. Effortless you. With your smile, the flowery trail of scent that tickled his nose in your wake, those fucking eyes— Konig tried to be a good man, but he wanted to so badly see them glossed over, heavy with arousal and desperation. How they'd roll when he—
Konig tried to be a good man.
— Sir? Are you ready to order?
Scheiße. Those eyes again, the way they fluttered— it was almost enough to distract him from the way that dingy little waitress get-up clung to your all-encompassing frame— and hearing the word sir  so obediently drip from your swelled lips made his cock twitch in his pants. Thank God he'd opted for the cargos today, and thank him again because you were such a good girl, you'd never peek.
Not that you'd have a chance, he loomed over you even at seated height— forcing your eyes up to meet his, seeming just much too big for the booth he shoved himself in— but, he was still shameless in the way his eyes roamed over you. At least you had the assurance he'd tip well.
— Ah- Ja, sorry Kätzen..
He cleared his throat, nervously tugging at the lip of his black surgical mask, his eyes darting about behind thick sunglasses. You're so pretty— what was he doing again? Ah, right, food. He wasn't hungry, not for anything they had here, except for you— but that wouldn't be a suitable answer, no, not for a precious little thing like you.
He could practically taste the aura that rolled off of you, you were no whore.
— Coffee- black, please. If it's not too much trouble.
Of course it wasn't too much trouble, it was your job. He was cursing himself internally, saying such stupid things to such a lovely girl. It would be easier if you were stuffed with his girth already, crying and spluttering as you struggled to fit him properly— he wouldn't say stupid shit then, but then you giggle- oh, fuck, you giggle and all the sudden he needs a freezing cold shower.
— Of course not, sir, will that be all?
Sweet girl, you should know not to smile at a man like that. Not a man like him, especially when his mind is full of bending you over this table and ruining that pretty head of yours.
— Yes, thank you, schätzchen.
He hoped you didn't know German, he hoped you were oblivious enough to let the way he was ripping your clothes to shred with his eyes go unnoticed— and of course, because you're such a good girl, it did.
— My pleasure- I'll be back in just a moment.
You are so polite, so sweet and efficient. He'd been watching you for a time now, the way you'd bustle about the café, being so kind even when majority of the creatures in here didn't deserve your time of day, not like he did— no, not anything like he did.
If he had it his way, you'd never work again. He'd throw money at you like it was a religion, give you all the codes and numbers to every bank account in his name— let you go on a spending spree, spoil you with fine lace and even better food. KorTac paid him enough, and he didn't spend a dime unless he needed something— unless he was indulging in you.
If he had it his way, you'd be dumb and obedient, you'd placate yourself to being his sweet little toy— and, oh, how he'd reward you for it. He'd keep you full of his seed, and happy with whatever object caught your affections, he'd build a goddamn castle for you. He'd never deny you a thing, as long as you kept looking at him like the most important person to exist— even if you were just doing your job.
— Your coffee, sir— oh, and careful, I just had them brew it.
Oh, you're such a darling. Fresh coffee? Just for him? You might as well give him your ring size now, he hopes you want kids.
— Lovely, Schatz, thank you.
— Of course, enjoy.
He almost felt crestfallen as you placed the bill next to him, and sauntered away, but your swaying hips could heal even the most shattered bones. Angels above, you were such a perfect thing— so innocent and lovely, you'd need to be protected, you'd need to be saved.
The heat of the coffee was nothing compared to the widely gaped blood vessels under his skin— breath threatening to catch everything he got a glimpse of you traipsing about. He had to make sure you were well distracted every time he dove in for a sip, you couldn't see his face, not yet.
If he were a better man, a more confident man, he'd leave you his number. He'd clean himself up, start a good conversation with you— take you to a fine dinner, even though he so hated the idea of something so insanely public. If he were half the man he held himself as, he wouldn't be salivating over you in an empty corner of the café.
Konig tried to be a good man, but he was slimy. He was a pervert, a danger— he'd never harm anyone— save for the men whose blood stained his hands, but he'd found himself craving indulgence in dark fantasies more than once. He was nasty, he was a monster, but he wanted to be soft for you. Simply, he wanted you, but his therapist would strongly advise against it— counseling that maybe, just maybe it's not best for his obsessive psyche.
Whatever, you'd learn to love it.
He had his reluctant fill of ogling, the tightening of his pants becoming too much to ignore, and the clatter of dishes becoming grating on his sensitive ears— he had to leave at some point. His coffee cup had long run dry, and he hadn't had the courage to waive you over for another.
If he were a better man, he'd leave you his number, but a crisp hundred to cover the bill— and leave you a tip to keep you fed— would definitely suffice. He tucked it under his coffee mug shamefully, wishing he just had the sack to speak to you— but that irritating fear of rejection always held him just at arms length.
How badly he wished he could just take you.
Everything else that wasn't you was boring, the streets were dull and gray, and rain drizzled like piss— just another way for God to mock him, punishment for his lustful behavior. Father would have a field day with him, if only he knew.
He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his soft-shell coat, rain pattering against it in an almost melodic sound. Nothing like your voice, though, oh nothing like that sound.
— Sir!
See, nothing like it, and he can't stop imagining it.
— Sir, you forgot your phone!
Oh, oh, he's not imagining that.
He whips around almost too fast, seeing you skirt on your heels as you stop your quick advance in front of him— his phone outstretched in a waiting hand. You really were such a lovely thing.
— Oh! Gott.. thank you, liebling— would have lost my head.
He wished he sounded.. cooler, smoother. But, he sounded like an inexperienced teen, stuck in a giants body. Always cringing at the sound of his own voice, but you smile and his world just fucking shifts— he couldn't give a shit how he sounded.
— it's- it's no worry, sir, I understand that.
Oh, your laugh, it's so sweet. He wants to touch you, grab you and squeeze you.
— I wanted to thank you actually- for the tip, I mean.. that was very generous of you—..?
You pause, trailing off as you look up at him. You want something, oh what is it maus? Anything. Say it, tell him— Oh, you want his name. His name. He has to fight the grin on his face.
— König— and do not worry yourself, Maus, it is no trouble. You work hard.
Now he's nonchalant, now he's found his groove. Keep being so humble, keep pretending like you don't want him to shower you in his endless wealth; keep looking up at him with those eyes that would be so much prettier coated in tears as you gagged on his thickness.
— Well, regardless, thank you, König.
Fuck, the way those pretty lips move with the pronunciation of his name— and you didn't miss a single vowel, what a good girl, what a smart girl. Oh, how he wanted to praise you like the good puppy you are, a collar with his name attached would be so pretty on you.
— Truly, Schatz, don't mention it— but, uhm-
Ah, he trailed, his fingers fidgeting with the lint of his pocket. Did he say it? Did he go for it? Either she'd be creeped, and run, or she'd be flattered— maybe even accepting. He had to keep it black and white, or he'd explode.
— Do you mind if I give you my number, liebling? I'd uh- I'd very much like to see you.. more.
Oh, he sounded like a fucking fool, and you looked so cute and patient; he was so used to drunken one-night stands, or shooting blanks into his hand when one just wasn't enough— this was so much harder when you looked like a literal angel to him, and not some cheap bimbo.
So patient, he wondered if you'd be like that while he railed you— even when you couldn't take it anymore. You were blushing, and he wanted to add tears to it, you were nervously fidgeting with your fingers, and he imagined them around his cock.
— Not at all, sir..
Today's a beautiful day. A lovely day even, the clouds had split just for him to bask in the loveliness of heaven's light— you sweet angel, you had no idea what you'd signed yourself up for.
— Perfekt. Hand me your phone, little one.
And you did, almost eagerly, such a good girl already. Following his orders so nicely, of course you did, even unlocking it before you passed it over.
His fingers never felt so nimble over a touchscreen, typing in his contact as if it were as easy as breathing— you seemed so shy, so nervous, it only made him confident. You made him confident, and he couldn't get enough.
— There you are, send me a text later, hm?
He hands the phone back grinning, he'd reward her for being so compliant— maybe work her open on his fingers just for now, a window of opportunity was wide open for him, and you were blushing all innocent and star-struck in front of him. He could not wait to ruin you.
— Yes, sir- König.. I'll do that. See you later!
— See you, maus.
Oh, you're so cute. You're so shy and it letting him read you like a filthy book. He knew you hadn't been taken care of, he knew you desperately needed satisfaction— and he'd give it to you tenfold, a sweet little thing like you deserved it. Especially since you did such a good job of hiding it behind that precious little smile.
Those eyes, they told him everything.
pt.2 :3
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ive got 0 idea if you takes reqs, but i recently finished your yuri briar x reader AND IM IN LOVE
we got a slightly sick yuri, but what about an extremely ill y/n that yuri has to take care of ? with his stubborness theres sure to be some aruging
of course, if youre not feelig up to oneshots, some cute headcannons for them whould be awesome !!
youre such a great writer mwah i hope you have a good day !! :3
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        Sick! Fem! (Y/N) x Yuri Briar
        This can be read with or without reading my Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! (Y/N) series: An Alliance (part 1).
Beware! This fic DOES contain SPOILERS for the manga and for the Yuri Briar x Fem! (Y/N) series: An Alliance!
        Setting is AFTER the reader rejoined WISE (so Yuri and (Y/N) are married and [Y/N] becomes an official double-spy).
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        I rarely get sick. I think part of that is because of all the viruses and infectious pathogens I've been exposed to growing up. Growing up in the poor side of Luwen, Westalis. Joining the Westalis military and watching as doctors with not enough medical experience or knowledge bullshit their way through life-threatening procedures or even unknown viruses from Ostania get tons of syringes jabbed in their shoulders. Traveling through countries and hiding in sometimes very unhygienic places as a spy. All of those factors has probably helped with my strong immune systems.
        There's been times where I've been sick that it's completely left me bedridden for days, sometimes even a week or two, at a time. Every once in a blue moon, I'd get a common cold or sore throat, but if I can walk, then I can work.
        I figured today must've been one of small common cold days when I woke up with a foul taste in my mouth. You know when you're sick and you have that awful taste when you cough? It's taste like that sour, off-putting taste.
        I ignored the system and buried my head back into my pillow, hearing the annoying alarm shut off thanks to Yuri.
        "(Y/N), it's time to get up." Yuri spoke.
        We've both grown used to this routine now. Yuri spends a good ten minutes trying to drag me out of bed while I lay motionless, purposely ignoring him as I try to go back to bed.
        Today, however, I feel even more tired than usual. It feels awfully hot under these covers and my body feels really sore, almost numb.
        "Come on. Don't start this today! You know we have an important meeting with the Director!" Yuri groaned, getting back on the bed to crawl over to my side and grabbing my arm.
        Right, the meeting with the Director. I'm supposed to go over there and discuss any new information on WISE in correlation to the chase with Winston Wheeler (and Twilight).
        Me and Yuri finally healed up enough to where we can be sent back to work. I was getting real sick of that liquid diet, I never want to have soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner ever again (Yuri can agree with me on this). My broken nose is also healed too so now I can stop wearing that stupid bandage.
        Apparently, there's been a security breach in the SSS's latest website and I'm supposed to narrow down a list of potential suspects that could've caused the breach. I contacted The Handler last night and had her conduct a list of unfortunate Ostanian civilians to place blame on. I don't like having to bring innocent people into such matters, but I don't really have a choice. If the SSS finds out I'm still working with WISE, I'm royally screwed. The work the agents in WISE are given is far too important to sacrifice, so unfortunately I'm going to have to trade in unsuspecting civilians in order to keep the peace between Ostania and Westalis.
        I already know the true perpetuator of who caused that security breach; it was me. I needed information on Winston Wheeler so I hacked into the SSS's security files and emails and got information, then I snuck into city hall and got some public files of Ostanian citizens with the information I learned and was able to identify WISE's mole with just a tad bit of luck. The whole operation almost costed me my head with how I almost got exposed as a WISE agent to Yuri in the sewers along with almost dying to Winston (I'll never say this to her face, but thank God that Nightfall came when she did).
        "Fine, fine..." I groaned, moving my hair out of my eyes and slowly sitting up from my bed.
        I stood up from the bed and felt lightheaded, whiteish-black dots appearing in my vision as my body temperature raised and a nauseous feeling came over me, my ears ringing as I felt the dull thud of myself collapsing onto the carpet.
        I saw nothing for a long time, but a short time as well. I was able to regain my vision and found myself on the floor with Yuri hovering over me.
        Damn, I fainted.
        I've fainted a lot in my lifetime to the point it's probably unhealthy now. Exhaustion, extreme sickness when I'm bedridden, and sometimes even just from changing position too fast or standing in the same position for too long. By now I'm very aware of the symptoms, I just usually believe I can fight through it and continue on (the amount of times I coaxed myself into believing this then fainting afterwards is absolutely foolish of me by now).
        "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Yuri questioned, a concerned expression on his face.
        "I tripped over my feet." I lied.
        "You sure stayed on the ground for a while. You weren't responding to me." Yuri responded, a bit suspicious.
        "I was hoping you'd leave me alone so I could go back to bed." I lied, again.
        "Seriously? Come on, we've got work to do." Yuri sighed, grabbing my nightgown's sleeve.
        Luckily my sleeve was covering my arm so he wouldn't come into direct-contact with my skin and feel how hot it is.
        "Do we want to cook breakfast or go grab some?" Yuri questioned, lifting me up from the ground with ease, placing me on my feet as I mumbled a "thanks".
        "Let's go out. I don't feel like cooking. I'm still sleepy." I responded, watching as Yuri walked to his closet and grabbed a pair of mundane office clothes.
        "I was thinking the same thing. It'd be quicker too." Yuri commented.
        I inhaled deeply, feeling as though I couldn't breathe through my nose. I still felt light-headed and I feel like I'll topple right over if I take a step forward.
        "Can you choose my clothes today? I don't wanna." I breathed out, crawling back into bed and staying above the covers since it felt too hot to get under them.
        "Don't plan on falling back to sleep. I will drag you into the car with you still in your nightgown if I have to." Yuri grumbled, shooting me a glare but walking to my closet nonetheless.
        He looked through the hanging clothes before grabbing a green sweatshirt and finding a pair of blue jeans on a shelf. He threw the clothes at me as I worked up the energy to get today started.
        "You better be dressed by the time I'm done changing." Yuri emptily-threatened, grabbing his own clothes and walking into the bathroom.
        I huffed, wanting to do anything but get out of bed, yet I decided to listen to him. He's right, today is an important day. It'll help me prove my innocence to the SSS (and I have to make sure I keep Donnie's little trap shut in case he decides to put his two-bits in and expose that I was gone during the whole mole hunt.
        I stood up from the bed, ignoring my wobbly head and aching head as I changed into the clothes Yuri picked out for me. It's funny that even though we're both basically married now (just without throwing a real wedding), we still change in separate rooms. I'm completely fine with that though, it's nice to take things slow.
        I grabbed sock and brown boots and slipped them on, then immediately fell back onto the bed to get at least an extra minute or two of rest.
        Yuri came out and looked at me, crossing his arms as he stared at me with his laser eyes.
        "Are you sure you're okay? Your throat sounds sore. Do you want a cough drop?" Yuri questioned.
        "I'm just really tired." I spoke, adverting eye contact.
        "Should we get coffee too?" Yuri asked, tying his boots on.
        "Yeah, that's a good idea." I nodded, raising my hand up in the air for Yuri to grab.
        He grabbed my hand without question and lifted me off our bed, allowing me to plant my feet back on the ground. I reached for my glasses on the dresser (if you wear any) and grabbed my wallet, shoving it into my pocket.
        "You're really hot." Yuri commented.
        "Thanks." I smiled, still having some energy to mess with Yuri.
        "I meant your skin is hot. Are you really sure you're feeling okay?" Yuri questioned, his concerned expression appearing.
        "I'm fine! I'd tell you if I feel off, so don't worry about it, love." I spoke, giving him a smile in hopes to reassure him.
        His shoulders released some tension, but they still weren't fully relaxed, so he doesn't believe me just yet.
        "I just have a small cold, nothing I can't handle. Now let's go, we still have work to do." I spoke, grabbing his hand and leading him to the door through blurry vision.
        I bumped into the door and huffed, feeling around for the handle.
        "(Y/N), that's a wall. The door is behind us." Yuri pointed out.
        On normal days, he'd chuckle about how much of a dumbass I am, but today he seems really in-tune with my physical state.
        "My vision is still blurry 'cause I'm tired." I spoke, coming up with that stupid excuse on spot.
        "Here, let me help you." Yuri spoke, guiding me over to the bedroom door as he opened it, pushing me through before walking out and closing it behind him.
        "I got the rest." I reassured, taking a few steps forward to go to the front door.
        I stopped once I felt my stomach start to turn and my vision start to blur once more. My ears started ringing and it felt like I was swaying from side to side.
        I took silent deep breaths to calm myself down and hopefully settle my immune system, all while Yuri stood behind me, closely observing me.
        "Are you sick?" he finally questioned.
        "No." I huffed stubbornly, gathering my energy to take another step.
        It was a terrible idea as I immediately fell forward, my body going limp as I couldn't control my feet or hands or anything any longer. Even though I was unconscious, I felt pressure under my head and on my wrist. I saw darkness again and waited for it to pass, before finally regaining my vision once more.
        Yuri had his hand under my head, checking my pulse before making eye contact with me as the waves of blurriness started to fade from my sight. He gave me a look I'd never think I'd get shot my way for fainting, he gave me a scowl.
        "I'm not sick." He taunted in a high-pitched voice.
        "Oi! I don't sound like that!" I huffed.
        "You told me you weren't sick. You said you'd tell me if you were feeling off, you little lying brat." Yuri huffed, moving his hand from under my head and allowing it to hit the ground with a thud!
        "Ow..." I groaned, reaching up and grabbing my head as my head ached, probably a headache forming. "Jerk! I didn't treat you like this when you got sick!"
        "I didn't lie when I got sick!" Yuri retorted.
        "Y-yeah... but..." I paused, thinking of something to say. "Just shut up and help me!" I huffed.
        "You're lucky I'm a nice guy." Yuri muttered, grabbing my hand and picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
        He opened our bedroom door and placed me back down on our bed, making sure to keep the covers off me. He walked up to his separate nightstand and picked up the phone, sliding the rotary wheel to his desired digits until he raised the phone up to his ear.
        "Hello, Director? This is Yuri Briar speaking. Me and (Y/N) Briar are going to take the day off, she's terribly sick and I don't trust her to be by herself. We can reschedule the meeting another day?" Yuri spoke
        "Oi! I hear you!" I huffed, throwing a pillow at him (albeit weakly).
        "Yes, that was her. She sounds terrible, huh?" Yuri spoke, now just taunting me.
        "You're a horrible man..." I grumbled.
        "Yes, sir. Thank you so much." Yuri spoke before hanging up the phone. "Looks like you're going to get your shut-eye after all."
        "Thanks, Yuri!" I smiled.
        "Do you think you can stomach anything? Do you want some soup?" he questioned.        
        "Yeah, I guess." I sighed.
        "I'll go make you some. Now, you change into some more lighter clothes so you won't be as hot, then you can go back to sleep." Yuri ordered.
        It really wasn't something I'd fight him on as I nodded, taking the pajamas I was wearing earlier from Yuri's hands. Yuri left the room as I changed, then got back into bed. I closed my eyes (taking off my glasses if needed) and listening to Yuri's command on some shut-eye.
        Yuri woke me up sometime later, gently shaking me awake.
        "Hey, wake up." Yuri spoke, coaxing me to waking up.
        I opened my eyes to see Yuri's face. He picked me up from the bed and took me out and into the dining room, sitting me down on my dining table seat. A bowl of simple broth sat in front of me, something simple that I wouldn't throw up.
        "You can eat on your own, right?" Yuri questioned.
        "Nope." I smiled.
        "Of course..." Yuri grumbled.
        He grabbed his chair and pulled it up close to me, our knees touching as he lifted my chin up and grabbed the spoon.
        "You should keep your distance if you don't want to get sick." I spoke.
        "Don't worry about it. The only time I get sick is when Yor is out of town." Yuri spoke.
        Right, I remember having to take care of him when Yor left a few days for her job at city hall. He's surprisingly easy to take care of since he doesn't talk as much when he's sick due to his aching throat. I thought.
        "Open up." Yuri commanded.
        I didn't put up a fight as I opened my mouth, taking a sip from the spoon.
        "It's pretty good, Yuri." I complimented, opening my mouth for another spoonful.
        "I got the recipe from a cookbook." Yuri admitted, scooping up some more and putting it in my mouth.
        I finished the bowl and thanked him as he picked me up and carried me back to our room, placing me down on the bed.
        "I'll be back. You just hang on a second." Yuri spoke, walking out of the room.
        He came back with a towel and some medication in hand.
        "Do you like medicine?" Yuri questioned.
        "No, who does?" I questioned, looking at him funny.
        "I mean, will you put up a fight?" he questioned.
        "...I mean, I guess not since it's for my health?" I muttered.
        "Good." Yuri smiled, twisting open the cap and pouring the dark red liquid into a small medicine cup.
        He raised the spoon to my mouth as I sighed and opened my mouth, drinking the liquid. It tasted disgusting and I hated every drop of it, but I understood it was for my health.
        "Thank you for taking care of me, Yuri. You didn't have to take the day off too to take care of me, but you did anyways. I appreciate it greatly." I smiled.
        "It's the decent thing to do." Yuri muttered, not taking the gratitude.
        "Don't underestimate your kindness, Yuri. I was just messing with you when I said you're horrible." I admitted.
        "I know that much, dummy." Yuri huffed, flicking my forehead with his finger.
        He pushed my chest for me to lean back on my pillow, then grabbed the cold wet towel and placed it on top of my forehead.
        "Now get some more rest, I'll come check up on you in a bit." Yuri spoke.
        "Thanks again, Yuri. I love you." I smiled, watching as his face started to match his eyes as he covered his mouth with his arm to hide his smile.
        "Whatever... I love you too." He muttered softly, but I could still hear him.
        The whole day Yuri tended to my needs as I got my well-deserved rest. It's nice to finally be able to sleep all day again, the last time I did that was years ago.
        I can't remember the last time I was cared for when being sick. Before the war when I was a kid, I remember being bedridden for three days and being unable to do nothing. My dad was out working and my mom was sleeping because she worked night shifts as a nurse (she was able to find a hospital that allowed married women to work there), so she slept during the day and went to work at night.
        My younger siblings couldn't take care of me because they were too young to have any medical knowledge. My older sister was out collecting rocks and my older brother was out with his friends. Even if they weren't busy, they still wouldn't be able to help me since they've never gotten sick (or at least didn't remember it).
        Even after joining the military and ending up getting the Spanish Flu I wasn't care for. It was actually a miracle I survived it because of my age and size. I must've found a lucky penny or something around that time because I luckily didn't have any severe symptoms, but after seeing all the people dying around me from the illness, I took absolutely no chances to being transported in the crowded nursing tent. I stole a small tent and ran far out into the woods along with a bottle of medicine, eight water bottles, four cans of tomato soup, and a blanket, spending five nights out there before I finally felt better.
        Because I didn't allow myself around any others to worsen my sickness, my Memory T-cells were able to identify and grow an immunity to the disease and I was able to overcome it.
        Even when I became a spy, the first few missions I got sick pretty often because of all the traveling and sight-changes I had to endure, but I soon grew accustomed to the constant change in scenery all around Westalis and Ostania that my immune system was eventually able to get used to it.
        But even then, it's nice to be cared for and pampered. The last time I got fed by someone was when I was two. The last time someone tucked me in for bed was when I was three. I never did have someone make me soup for when I'm sick, or give me a wet towel to place on my head, or even just give me a bottle of medicine.
        Even those the gestures might be small and "what a decent human being does" as Yuri said—it means the world to me. To be swaddled in the warmth of protection and love, something I was once sure I'd never be able to experience again until I met Yuri Briar.
        The ring on my finger isn't just a ring; it's an everlasting vow between two lives now connected through life and death, sickness and health, wealth and poverty. It's a pledge of undying adoration, sincerity, unwavering loyalty, and shelter; all of this for Mr. and Mrs. Briar to share with one another.
        BONUS: Headcannons about Yuri and (Y/N):
        Yuri and (Y/N) have their own seats at the dining table they silently assigned to themselves. Yuri's seat is the closest to the front door, he chose this seat in case (Y/N) ever does try to run away to go back to WISE (in actuality, it's so he can protect her if an intruder ever breaks in from there).
        Believe it or not, Yuri and (Y/N) aren't much of physical lovers. The love languages in their relationship is quality time, acts of service, and (shockingly) words of affirmation.
        (Y/N) can't detect sarcasm despite being sarcastic herself at times.
        (Y/N) used sleeping as a coping mechanism growing up. She used it to escape from reality; the hardships of money and war, deception and betrayal. She slept so much she learned how to lucid dream on her own. Now she sleeps because she's tired often due to work.
        (Y/N)'s always tired no matter how much sleep she gets; 30 minutes to a day. She once slept for 22 hours once and woke up feeling miserable. She slept for twenty minutes while waiting for a target during a mission and still felt like total shit; so no amount of sleep can truly make her feel 100% awake.
        (Y/N) has problems with memorizing people and their names so she focuses on a certain attribute that helps her recognize a person (ex. someone's hair color, the shape of their eyes, their jacket).
        (Y/N)'s memory isn't good either, she'll be in the act of cooking then forget she's cooking and walk away. Yuri now supervises (Y/N) to make sure she doesn't wander off and let the smoke alarm go off again.
        If (Y/N) had the option to go to the past, future, or stay in the present, she would choose staying in the present in a heartbeat. She believes if she goes to the past she might mess something up that would make it so Yuri and (Y/N) never met, and she doesn't want to go to the future in case she discovers something then accidentally messes up the future by going to the present and changes actions that would've led her to something happy in the future to something disastrous instead.
        Yuri's side mission in life is to try to discreetly find out (Y/N)'s favorite flower without being caught. He wants to surprise her but refuses to ask her for the answer. So far it's been a month of trying.
        (Y/N) has absolutely no idea when she's being flirted with by someone other than Yuri because she doesn't believe it's possible that someone could actually have interest in her (she still secretly questions if Yuri's proposal was true or if it was a gig to gain trust for their contract).
        Yuri has memorized every speckle of color in (Y/N)'s eyes because of how often he stares into them. He is a firm believer of giving someone his attention when they're talking with him.
        Yuri does, indeed, like to mess with (Y/N) because he thinks it's cute when she gets frustrated.
        When (Y/N) gave Yuri's mother brownies as an offering he cried in his car the entire time that (Y/N) talked to Yuri's mother. That day was the day Yuri started to lower his guard without even realizing it.
        Even though Yuri and (Y/N) bicker a lot, they're very aware of their true feelings since they always look at each other's eyes when talking (the eye is the window to the soul after all).
        It's a known fact that Yuri and (Y/N) always work with each other at the SSS. They help each other with listening to bugged rooms, Yuri listens and (Y/N) writes. Whenever they do interrogations, they're always in the room with each other in case one of the interrogators decide to get hostile. During raids, (Y/N) prefers to be lookout while Yuri heads into action. Even though (Y/N) doesn't like Yuri fighting with the possibility of getting injured or possibly even killed, (Y/N) doesn't like fighting up close due to the hostility she experienced in the military (the same applies with guns due to this).
        Yuri learned about (Y/N)'s dislikes towards guns and does his best to get them both out of raids or missions that involve them. He doesn't want to have her forced into a situation that makes her uncomfortable or feel threatened.
        Yuri and (Y/N) have come to the comprise that Yuri cleans and (Y/N) cooks after Yuri complained a lot about (Y/N) doing all the housework. Yuri doesn't like the thought of using (Y/N) like that, even if they live in the 1950's.
        As previously mentioned in this fic, (Y/N) got the Spanish Flu. She got the Spanish Flu by walking into the nursing tent to bring a sick comrade in. While she was in there, she saw someone have a terrible reaction to the vaccine they were given, foaming through their mouth and blood pouring out of their eyes and nose, that started her intense fear of needles (want to know how Yuri helps? Check out this fanfic along with the head cannons in it!)
        Yuri and (Y/N) like watching sci-fi movies and debating whether the events could one day be true or not. These debates get very heated, logical, and serious; some are still ongoing to this day.
        Yuri's ([Y/N]'s really) teddy bear (teddy bear is introduced in the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! Reader series, part 9) is named Graham Cracker because of the fur's color (Yes, [Y/N] named it).
        (Y/N) once had a dream of being an astronaut because she loved the stars so much. Now, she's not exactly sure what she wants to be career-wise, but she wants to be truly happy and have an ordinary life (which means ditching the SSS and WISE).
        Yuri once took (Y/N) out on a roadtrip to go to a space museum out of Ostania. In the middle of the night he stopped the car on a hill and prompted (Y/N) out of the car and pointed up at the stars. Yuri's mind has the image of her stargazing engraved in his mind. (Y/N) had never seen as much stars as she did then and she started crying hysterically because it was the most considerate and romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. Yuri now takes (Y/N) out to see the stars at the same hill at least once a month.
        Sometimes Yuri goes on complete rambles about Yor, specific adventures he had during missions, some biology facts he remembers from school, or even just Ostanian politics and (Y/N) would look at him with the world's brightest eyes and soft smile. Once he notices, his voice becomes softer and he stumbles over his wording a lot. (Y/N) will bring him back to with a soft "go on, love" despite hearing this subject hundreds of times before, and it'll officially explode Yuri's mind and heart.
        (Y/N) got Yuri into Frank Sinatra and Doris Day songs. Yuri's mood could be terrible but if he hears any one of their songs he'll immediately start cheering up because of the memories their songs bring. His favorite is "Fly Me to the Moon" from Frank Sinatra and "It's Magic" from Doris Day. (Y/N)'s favorites are "Blue Moon" from Frank Sinatra and "Dream a Little Dream of Me" from Doris Day.
        (Y/N) absolutely loves Christmas music. She loves decorating the apartment with festive lights and baking holiday foods. Yuri used to be indifferent about the holidays but now he can't wait for the next Christmas because of the first Christmas they spent with each other and the Forger family.
        (Y/N) was given the code name "Vixen" because of how she lured and deceived others. She stuck to using her looks as a form of deception since she had a hard time switching personalities due to her morals and how opinionated she is.
        (Y/N) hates receives gifts because it feels like she's indirectly using someone for money, being too needy, and now has a debt she needs to pay.
        (Y/N) and Yor meet up every weekend after work to talk about work, their family, and get to know each other better since they're in-laws. (Y/N) still finds Yor scary, but now she's determined to protect Yuri because of how kind-hearted and nurturing she is. (Y/N) makes sure to walk Yor home so Yor doesn't get into any danger (unbeknownst to [Y/N], Yor is the true danger).
        (Y/N) meets up with Camila and Yor once a month to teach Yor a new recipe. It's a really good bonding experience and it gives (Y/N) a healthy amount of social interaction without having to try and lie to anyone for ulterior motives. (Y/N) loves being able to call therm her friends since growing up she didn’t have any (that are still alive, that is. Twilight and Franky are like brothers).
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Thank you so much for requesting! I love writing for Yuri, especially because of how dry the Yuri train is on Tumblr.
Want more Yuri content? Check out the Yuri Briar x Fem! Spy! reader series: An Alliance! Or perhaps something short and sweet? Check out another adored request WITH more head cannons!
        Have any other requests? Check my masterlist to see the characters I write for: Masterlist
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qulizalfos · 4 months
[runs in after abandoning my blog all week and throws this on the table] HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAYLI @wayward-sherlock PLEASE ACCEPT THIS FICLET AS A SYMBOL OF MY GRATITUDE TOWARDS HOW FUCKINF AWESOME U ARE ALWAYS <3 I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU BTW!!! anyways i hope u enjoy 2k of college byler shenanigans :) mwah
home (is wherever you are tonight)
“Oh, my God,” Will says, sitting forward, face alight in ways that terrify Mike. “There’s another reason, there’s a huge reason you're here, you—” “It’s Valentine’s Day, right?” The shift in Will’s expression is instantaneous. It might’ve qualified as comical, too, if Mike’s heart wasn’t about to explode.
You’d think Mike would have scrounged together a better sense of how to backpedal when he’s about to do something incredibly stupid. 
He’s trying not to think too hard about how quickly they rattle off in his head, the world’s most inconvenient list of reminders. What is wrong with you? We’re just… not in the mood right now. You’ve been on the bench all year. Not for the first time he’s gritting his teeth and wondering if it would have been entirely too much to ask for him to have acquired, by now, some intricate sixth sense for recklessness. He’s well aware that there’s no cosmic cure against the potency of his own mistakes, but he’d take anything to help him generally steer clear of these specific situations.
Encounters with murderous, eldritch entities ought to do that to a person. In his —for the record, totally impartial— opinion.
No goddamn dice, he thinks as he raises a fist to knock.
Maybe it is different, he supposes, because he’s less consumed by a wave of defensive volatility and less likely to bury the truth at the first sign of scrutiny, recoil at any chance of being left behind, and more willing to stop before he gains too dangerous an amount of momentum. It still happens, obviously— (case in point: now, loitering in an empty corridor, bland wallpaper finding a way to make it look like it’s laughing down at him, shifting his weight as he waits) he’d just convinced himself he had it more under control.
It’s ridiculous anyway. This whole thing is clearly careening towards a setup for a copious amount of slip ups on his part. But, it’s whatever.
Will’s probably out, anyway, he considers, belatedly.
It’s Valentine’s Day, —granted, a Wednesday evening dragging by with a sluggish, hazy quality— but a significant date all the same. Will is, Mike hedges, almost definitely out, maybe with the mystery guy in their joint history lecture, whose name Mike neglected to wheedle out of him last week. Maybe they’re both walking home from some fucking café, and Will would be getting cold like he does when the threat of snow looms at every waking moment, and to make matters worse, the other guy might do something sickeningly romantic like wind his scarf around Will’s neck, all while Mike’s standing at his dorm door like an idiot.
It’s possible he’s not very committed to the whole “breathe” thing El suggested, the day before the sky turned blue again, the day he was most convinced it never would again.
He threads a nervous hand through the disaster-prone section of his hair, hoping to smoothen it out, as he lifts his clenched hand, setting his face in concentration and aiming to knock one more time, and—
He has to flinch back to avoid accidentally punching Will in the face with his knock. Needless to say, that would be pretty counterproductive.
Will. Standing in front of him, soft furrow between his brows, loose sweater, lips parted.
He’s beautiful.
He shoves the thought to the side. It’s not the safest one to have when Will is less than two feet in front of him.
It hits him about an hour too late: Maybe it’s ironic, how this holiday, composed entirely of spontaneous lovesick bullshit and cordiform chocolate boxes, doesn’t warrant him showing up at someone’s door unannounced. Not when it’s already 7pm.
It isn’t that he hadn’t brought that into consideration, just that now it’s not just an inkling in the back of his mind he has to ignore if he has any hope of getting ready with minimal distraction, but a real, pressing concern, and—
Will’s face splits into a grin, and the thought vanishes as quick as it came.
“Hey,” Mike tries, too hastily. The longer Will stands, just blinking at him, the further Mike burrows his hands into the pockets of his jackets.
He snaps out of it fairly quickly, and the expression has melted into something pleasantly surprised. Mike can work with that. He’s done much more with much less. “Uh— hi.”
“Are you busy?” Mike cranes a neck to peer around Will’s shoulder, unsure of what he’s looking for but appreciating the lack of anything all the same. “If you’re busy, I’ll totally come back, to— fuck, maybe not tomorrow, you have that—”
“I’m not busy,” he says with bright eyes, stepping back from the door to accommodate him. “I— don’t just stand there, come in, of course I’m not busy. Why, what’s up?”
“Thought maybe you were off at a candlelit dinner,” Mike remarks, because it’s easier to get out than the other thing, kicking off his shoes and trying not to think too hard about Will, the same Will in the same shadowy alcove as him, whose expression is tinged with fondness, at dinner; with warm lighting and a muted hum of chatter and someone else sitting across from him. “With the fancy napkins.”
“I think I would’ve mentioned the horrors of scraping together enough money for anything like that,” he says, and Mike’s efforts at miming cradling the aforementioned, hypothetical napkin receive a raised eyebrow. “Seriously, is something going on? If Max—”
“Nothing’s happening,” Mike tells him, passing him out and swiveling around to keep walking backwards, reversing into the couch and pretending he didn’t whack his knee as he drops onto it, picking at the edge of the nearest cushion, sprawling out as much as he can manage to. “Which is precisely why I’m here. Well, one of the reasons.”
Will hums, folding his arms and leaning on the back of the couch, contemplative. It has no right to be as endearing as it is. “Are there a lot of reasons?”
“I’m not allowed to visit you anymore?” Mike jokes. “Should I have called and given you a week’s notice?” He sits up, relishing the back and forth. “Should I—”
“No, you’re just… I dunno.” Will pokes his shoulder and skirts the couch, settling in the space Mike makes for him. “You seem nervous. Like there’s something you’re not telling me.”
Mike lets out what may be considered as the fakest laugh he’s ever mustered, darting his eyes away and plastering on a frown. He gives a half-hearted attempt at an unconvinced, hopefully somewhat assuring scoff, tugging free the crease that’s formed at the ankle of his jeans. “What makes you say that?” he asks. He’d like to describe it as nonchalant. Maybe he’s not as good at hiding as the boy in front of him, but he’s been sidestepping the obvious for what feels like his whole life. He’s had more than enough practice.
“Oh, my God,” Will says, sitting forward, face alight in ways that terrify Mike. “There’s another reason, there’s a huge reason you’re here, you—”
“It’s Valentine’s Day, right?”
The shift in Will’s expression is instantaneous. It might’ve qualified as comical, too, if Mike’s heart wasn’t trying its damndest not to explode. Again, counterproductive.
Will’s mouth drops open a little, the line of his body stock still, and just hovers there, close enough that the warmth of his breath brushes Mike’s face, and the room slips into little more than a backdrop. Mike searches his eyes for a sign that’s not there. He lifts a hand from where it’s resting on a dark green cushion, weighing the implications and consequences of reaching out against the part of him that doesn’t want to consider technicalities until far, far later. The moment stretches, engraving itself into Mike’s memory. 
And then it shatters.
Will slumps back, clearing his throat twice in rapid succession, and the corners of his mouth quirk up in diplomacy. “I mean, you’re not wrong.”
Mike’s throat feels unreasonably dry. “Nope,” he says, omitting any mention of the crisis he’d had marching down the hall, questioning whether he’d gotten the date wrong and everything would blow up in his face tenfold, and just drumming his fingers against his thigh.
“So—” Will frowns, “what are you trying to say?”
This was all going much smoother during the numerous rehearsals in his head. “It’s Valentine’s Day,” he parrots, trying not to think about Will’s sharp inhale too much, “and I haven’t done something on Valentine’s Day for years, and you’re free, and I’m free, and…” he trails off, searching for the right words. “I don’t know, I thought we could hang out.” 
It’s about to backfire, he can sense it, so he rushes to add: “In solidarity.”
“Right,” Will says, faraway. Mike sort of needs to run outside and scream for an untold amount of time.
“Doesn’t have to be super special,” he says, sensing the need for a prompt change in subject. “Unless you want it to be special, but I just figured— like, what were you gonna do before I came?”
Will glances at him once, quizzical, but drops it. 
It’s a short walk from the dorm to the closest Circle K, and one spent wrapped up in pleasant, amicable conversation, catching up on the various aspects of each other’s lives that aren’t entwined already, and about halfway there Will stoops to tie his shoelace. As Mike waits he considers how scary it could be if he dwells too long on how noteworthy the most mundane tasks become in Will Byers’ company.
They wander inside, Mike leaning on the door to open it for Will in what he hopes is a courteous manner, and trails down an aisle beside Will, the faint beat of a trashy pop song barely covering the echo of their footsteps on the tiles.
“Just the sodas?” Mike checks, swerving to avoid a display stacked high.
“Yeah,” Will says, nabbing a coke and gesturing to the fridge. “Take your pick.”
Mike reaches for a 7Up.
“Knew it,” Will says, something indecipherable in his tone. And then he’s extending a hand, covering Mike’s for a split second — long enough for an odd sensation to bloom in his ribs, but short enough for him to want to say, fuck it, and tangle their fingers, but Will teases the can out of his grip, leaving Mike with a cool smear of condensation on his palm.
“We can pool our resources,” Mike quips as Will deposits the cans on the counter. The cashier flicks a lazy glance at them and tells them the price. “I have a quarter.”
“Generous of you,” Will observes, producing a crumpled dollar note from his back pocket.
They settle on a wall outside, and Mike kicks the solid stone intermittently with his dangling heels, sipping away as Will starts to talk. The sky runs like spilled ink above them, perforated with only a smattering of stars and a few dark clouds, but Will is bathed in the gold ring of a streetlamp. There’s a lull in conversation, but it’s fine. Mike’s content to stay here all night.
“This was nice,” he says, in lieu of everything else.
Will bumps against his shoulder. “Yeah?”
A tiny droplet of rain lands on Mike’s nose, and three more freckle more of his exposed skin. A low fizz kicks up, drilling into the gray landscape surrounding them, and more dots pepper on the wall.
“Yeah.”  Will turns away. Mike scans the area around them, but they’re alone save for a few empty chip packets strewn across the concrete. Will’s gorgeous. Mike can’t explain it, but he knows when warmth floods your veins it’s a sign that merits extra morosis, and his intentions are in the right place, and it’s so hard to steer himself in any direction other than pitching forward and propping up a hand on the other side of Will’s jaw. Mike doesn’t let himself think too much of it as he presses a kiss to Will’s cheek.
It’s as short-lived as it is sweet: Will’s answering gasp, all wide eyes and questions in every line of his face, the beads of rain on his skin, near lucent in the orange lighting, the tickle of his bangs getting in Mike’s eyes a little when he turns.
And then Will’s breaking away to set down his Coke, and closing the gap between them.
Truthfully, Mike didn’t know that kissing could feel like this. It seems like something so untouchable, so far from what’s in his own comprehension of the world, that finding this kind of warmth could happen, but Will’s slinging an arm around his back and all coherent thoughts promptly dissolve in the now steadily falling rain. 
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thenamesblurrito · 10 months
assorted Transformers fics to rec (part two!)
first list here! have more fics i missed the first time or discovered since then or were recommended to me by others! if you decide to read these, i recommend leaving a comment if you can to encourage the writers and show some love! 🥰 note: the ones marked with * were ones i read a long time ago and did not reread before adding them to this list, so i am going off the good vibes in my memory
An Act of Revenge for Crimes Uncommitted
canon soup, incomplete, AO3. young Orion Pax wakes up mutilated, empurata'd, and his assailants punished him for the crimes of one Optimus Prime. ooooo this is kind of heartwrenching, truly intriguing and unjust and mmmmm drama. time travel, gore, mind the tags here, a fascinating look at a bad timeline! some of the functionism stuff in here actually helped inspire my own functionist setup in SNAP
Blackout and Reboot
canon soup, complete multichap, AO3. amnesia was not on the table when Thundercracker agreed to go undercover as a human. giant robot aliens weren't on the table when Marissa took it upon herself to help the weirdest guy she'd ever met. it's a match made in heaven. i love this fic okay it's got some fantastic wth moments and TC being TC and Marissa being awesome and just. i like it. the writing could use some technical polish but the action and plot concept are good, and the fun alien/human interactions are my jam. has a sequel i haven't read
TFP, incomplete, Spacebattles. a series of harrowing updates from a poor hapless nobody isekai'd into the body of a Vehicon on dead Cybertron, and all the nonsense that spirals from there. i like this one, the pacing can get a lil jagged and the technical skill of the writing is a bit off but that's often the nature of these forum fics, i didn't mind it. definitely love the inclusion of Kup, and space video games, and the limited but interesting choices the protag can make when presented with such a dismal situation makes for a very compelling, journal-style story. if you don't know how to navigate forum fics like this, just use the links in the first post to skip to each snippet
Catching Feelings
TFA, oneshot with sequel, AO3. Bumblebee and Charlie are clearly a Thing, so what's Optimus doing thinking about her so much? honestly i just like this ship concept especially in a TFA context, it's very cute and awwwww poor Op, sorry you're experiencing emotions!
Commonality and Misunderstandings
canon soup, incomplete, AO3. a collection of scenes showing just how humans and mecha can figure each other out, no matter how wide the cross-cultural divide. this is cute! i like the human OCs and the shenanigans. talks about gender perceptions, has some mech-preg mentions, and hits some good emotional moments
the consequences of being a vehicle on Earth - even if only as a part-timer
TFA, oneshot, AO3. out of everyone who has to deal with the legality of autonomous sentient vehicles, it's Fanzone. dear god, save him. a very funny little read that honestly addresses some things i constantly wonder about re: driving laws and the bots. nothing more tortuous than the DMV!
Curious Thing, Isn't It?
vaguely G1, oneshot, AO3. the Ark crew, freshly crashed on Earth and uncomprehending of English, discover one of the tiny squishy native inhabitants. a very cute little scene, i love the variety of reactions and how they treat the kid they found
A Fourth to Remember
G1, oneshot, AO3. it's the 4th of July, and Wheeljack has taken it upon himself to make a fireworks show. lovely little story of his typical nonsense taken large-scale, and some interesting culture collision too!
The Great Space Opera
IDW/TFP crossover, incomplete, AO3. Brainstorm does a whoopsie and uh oh, is that Team Prime in the Lost Light? only a little bit written but VERY fun and i love the mindbending reactions of Ratchet meeting Ratchet. the whole premise is just. mwah
Introduction to Cybertronian Biomechanics
canon soup, incomplete, AO3. a small collection of medical essays and articles detailing a breakdown of anatomy. really fascinating, very coherent explanation that manages to condense canon and fanon into something understandable, perhaps even plausible!
Liberty Island's Decisive Battle: Godzilla vs Trypticon!
Aligned/Godzilla crossover, oneshot, AO3. when Trypticon is resurrected by dark energon and heads towards New York, Fowler remembers a certain other giant lizard monster that might be able to help. Rescue Bots cameo, Miko gets to speak Japanese, Godzilla is awesome, this is just the fic ever
Malto Family Search & Rescue
ES, oneshot, AO3. a Decepticon named Thundercracker shows up at the Malto home in the middle of the night to beg a vital favor: help find his lost dog! SUCH a cute and good and wonderful little fic that fits right in to canon!! i love TC and i love the Malto family interactions and just. oogh lovely little fic. has sequels that i am saving for a rainy day pick me up
marriages of convenience (and the inconvenience of explaining them)
IDW, oneshot, AO3. Minimus is a widower. this fun fact is dropped rather unceremoniously. the painful awkwardness is marvelously in character, there are feelings and funnies and an uncomfortably heartfelt discussion about this matter-of-fact revelation that manages to characterize each of them so well, especially Minimus
Murder Mystery Night
IDW, oneshot, AO3. it's NIGHTBEAT'S NIGHT, BABY! lovely little mystery following around the Lost Light's greatest detective when a fun game night is abruptly shut down by a real actual murder! can Nightbeat find the killer in time?
nothing is more sacred than any other thing
vaguely G1, oneshot, AO3. Skyfire is a nerdy scientist with nerdy friends, which means most shenanigans surrounding him are nerdy. very cute and fun little fic about friends and mushrooms and Starscream being duped! first in a series of oneshots that i haven't gotten around to reading yet but look equally lovely
G1, oneshot, AO3. a human and a Cybertronian have very different opinions on who exactly the victim is in an oversexualized music video. stupid funny and good, just the way i like it! last line kills me
Optimus Prime is Destined to Die!!
canon soup AU, incomplete, AO3. poor little Orion is isekai'd into a Cybertronian fantasy light novel as one of the soon-to-die forgettable side characters: the cold prince Optimus Prime. supposed to be MegOp but that hasn't really shown up yet. fantastic premise i leapt at immediately, with interesting royal politics and classic isekai tropey vibes. it's a little slow in places from a lot of (warranted!) purple prose introspection, but i find it cool enough to read through and follow poor Orion adjusting to his new existence!
Return Me to the Stars
TFA AU, incomplete, AO3. when a near-dead little Prime is picked up by the Nemesis, it sparks a lot of shenanigans, mysteries, and interesting political developments, all thanks to Optimus being Optimus. i really love the way this fic is developing, with a terrified Autobot in enemy territory doing the best he can, an expanded cast of Decepticons, a lot of fun worldbuilding, and very engaging and dynamic interactions. features a good bit of whump for our tough lil Prime. tagged as MegOP which is still slowly developing, pretty realistically taking their time to find some kind of even footing without breaking their characterization which i greatly appreciate! the writing itself could use some spellchecking but the plot and pacing are very engaging nonetheless
G1, oneshot, AO3. i love a good comedic misunderstanding and boy the assumptions people are making about Breakdown are WHOOF. kinda cracky, a smidgeon dirty, and just the right amount of loserness that is the entirety of the Decepticon army
The Season of the Smallest Stars
sorta IDW/Stardew Valley crossover?, incomplete, AO3. you weren't expecting a small troop of adorable little robots to help you with your farmwork. a very soft cute little fic, i love it!!! never played SV but it's easy enough to follow along anyway, and i love the cute beeping Lost Light bots helping out our farmer
Second Star From Morning
technically IDW, incomplete, AO3. only a little bit written but SELF INSERT BABYYYYYYYYY gotta love it when your protagonists are aware that this is in fact a fictional character! the panic, the questions, the wahuh?? captivating premise, i hope the author comes back to it someday
Skywarp And The Wonders Of The Unnatural World
G1, oneshot, AO3. their summary sums it up best: "The Elite Trine have a very serious and mature debate on the existence of mythical creatures." extremely funny to me, i LOVE when they're stupid and petty and catty and silly!! Skywarp is so dumb i love him so much
Small Problems*
G1, ongoing series, AO3. average human Crystal finds some shrunken Autobots lost in the big city, and her life only gets weirder from there. an OC-centric series that--spoilers for later in the series--may have been one of the original "human turned into Transformer" fics! the whole series goes from sweet and funny to heartwrenching and angsty, with a lot of in between. i love the OC and sympathize with the horrible things she ends up going through, and also the heights to which she rises! slowburn Prowl/OC, with a bit of love triangle with Jazz in there too (funfact this was the second ever piece of media in which i encountered Blurr)
TFP, incomplete, AO3. a Vehicon left behind finds itself fixed up by a human, and might just gain some personhood along the way. a VERY sweet little story oogh i love this Vehicon!! poor thing i want to give them hot chocolate and a blankie. it's a lovely story with an intriguing premise
Stop Me*
TFP, incomplete (but with over 200 chapters), FFN. Starscream nearly dies at the claws of the Predacons... and then he's alive again, in the past, as if none of that ever happened. a rather (in?)famous fic in the fandom, i've found, although when i first read it i didn't know that. a very interesting take on a Starscream redemption AU, paired with some fascinating outlier power moments! a little bit wooby about Screamer (maybe a lot wooby?), a lot of whump, a lot of emotion, maybe some hints of StarOP idk if that's become an actual ship since i last checked. ymmv on this one depending on your Starscream opinions but i was hooked for the whole time for sure! i need to catch up, it's technically still updating. also the author has another, shorter, complete Starscream redemption fic which i also enjoyed, check that out too
A Streetcar Named Traitor
G1, oneshot, AO3. Megatron doesn't take Starscream's defection well and Optimus has had enough. very stupid, very funny, makes me cackle as Megsy gets dunked on
Sudden Active Development... I certainly feel SAD at the moment*
TFP, incomplete, Spacebattles. another isekai forum fic, this time somebody gets dropped into the body of Nemesis Prime and has to deal with running around as an Optimus lookalike! i like the misunderstandings and the process of adapting to a strange new body. some stilted dialogue, and it gets a little weird about gender perception but i can gloss over that. ramps up with more canon characters, a sprinkling of OCs, and completely taking canon off the rails within the last few posts! this one has threadmarks for easy navigation
Turning Points*
vaguely G1 AU, incomplete, FFN. Prowl was one of the most brilliant tacticians among the Decepticons, and then they destroyed his home. it's gonna be a long climb into the good graces of the Autobots for this defector. an absolutely fantastic character driven piece with a brilliant premise, i love how Prowl is written. and the politics of defecting and dealing with a security hazard, mmmmm good!
An Uneasy Partnership*
sorta G1/Armada/canon soup?, ongoing series, FFN. Alexis keeps an unruly Starscream in her barn. this can only go well. this series is WILD, it escalates and gets worse and then better and then worse again, you root for Screamer and then you hate him, poor Alexis is on a constant horrid rollercoaster but hey, (spoilers), she gets a cool robot body and also a tyrant king boyfriend out of it??? but man is it a long, manipulative, whumpy road to get there. the powerplays and emotional turmoil in their dynamic just keep going and it's fascinating, although probably not for you if you don't like bad power imbalances. it's the end of the world as we know it and whatever comes on the other end is going to be only as good as you make of it. i think this series may also be sort of (in)famous in the fandom? idk i don't pay attention that well
IDW, drabble, tumblr. in an unexpected meetcute, Minimus finds himself rescuing Rung. honestly it's just a quick little concept of a conversation but it has captivated me and i'm obsessed with it
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224 w/ted! 🩵 (and congrats, my friend. you deserve it!)
224. beneath the mask - lyn (link to req info here)
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all your life, you've never really been that open of a person. it's not like you've ever had anything to keep secret. it's more just your personal philosophy: not to let people too close unless you truly trust them. and you've maintained that philosophy all throughout your career as a budding streamer and content creator. you never let anyone too far in, keeping the privacy barrier as a comfortable buffer around yourself.
you've created a mask for yourself. it's your place to hide, and you do not intend on taking it off any time soon. at least, that's what you intended.
but for some reason, you can't stop yourself from pouring your heart out upon meeting ted.
it happens at a party. you knew people who knew people who knew ludwig, the party's host, so you managed to snag an invite yourself. however, the longer you idle in the corner of the room, you realize just how awkward things are. awkward considering you recognize all these people's faces, sure, but you don't really know them. not like that.
you sigh to yourself. would it kill you to just leave? plus, these are big name streamers. a lot of them probably wouldn't want to bother connecting with an unknown content creator such as yourself. and you get it, to a point. you can't tell them how to see you. there's that undeniable dichotomy between the two groups. it's just the way things go.
you're snapped out of your daze as you look up, seeing an insanely tall and also insanely handsome brunette man gazing down at you. he's got a sideways grin on his face as he leans toward you. he clearly said something, but his attempts at yelling it over the music and loud chatter just caused whatever speech he just uttered to sound like garbled gibberish.
you lean in towards him. "what?" you call, craning your neck to hear him as he repeats himself.
at this, he bends a bit closer to your ear. "i said, i like your outfit!"
"oh!" you pull back, sending him a faint smile. "thank you. i like yours."
"thanks!" he sidles a bit closer to you, likely so he doesn't have to keep raising his voice to talk to you from a distance. he sticks out a hand, and you can't help but notice his fingers and how they're decked out in a plethora of silver rings. "i'm ted."
"(y/n)." you take his hand, his broad palm instantly swamping yours.
"(y/n)," ted repeats, almost as if he's testing how your name feels in his mouth, how it rolls off the tongue. "awesome."
and that's how it all starts. the two of you begin casually chatting, and before you know it, he's asking you all sorts of questions. where you grew up, your interests, all that stuff. and where you'd typically be guarded about your answers, where you'd be conscious of meticulously choosing every word in your response, all that inhibition is gone. you're spilling everything, and it feels good. and ted listens, his chocolate eyes lighting up with each reply you give him. maybe it's just the lights reflecting off his silver-rimmed glasses, but there's a certain twinkle in his gaze every time he looks your way.
for the first time, it feels like you've found the person that you can really open your heart to. where has he been? you've been searching all along for a person to discard your mask. you never imagined you would find them under such circumstances, and you especially never imagined it to be so easy for them to get under your skin, but here you are.
not only that, but leaving the party with ted's number, a plan to meet up for lunch and thrifting together in a few days' time, and a frenzied swarm of butterflies in your stomach at the thought of seeing him again were also not on your bucket list for tonight. or really ever. but something about ted was subverting any previous expectations for yourself, and you surely aren't opposed to it.
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whateverfiction · 5 months
I loved the Cold War Campaign! So glad to hear some new thoughts on it (especially because people seemed to have moved on. Sad 😔)
A couple little questions I suppose:
•At what point of the campaign did you realize “this campaign is going to be awesome!”?
•Do you play multiplayer? If so, do you have a favorite operator?
•Do you have a favorite mini-game puzzle?
•Any standout quotes?
•And of course, how would you rank this against any other CODs (if any) that you’ve seen or played?
Ohmigosh. HELLO 😊
Literally my first official ask to do with what I post about. I’m EXCITED to get into this for ya. Excuse me for the caps.
I think the moment I realised that the Campaign was going to be awesome was actually pretty early on. I fell in love with the first mission but it wasn’t until what happened next on the airfield with Arash, that I knew things were going to be pretty cool. But boy, oh boy, Fracture Jaw had me HOOKED. It was from fracture Jaw, that i knew the campaign would be awesome. I say that because it still lingers in my mind. Fracture Jaw was mwah chef’s kiss. I’d go on and on about it but I think I’ll do a lil post for the mission itself some other time.
I actually have played multiplayer and I must say, I do like playing as Adler and Woods quite a bit, I will admit.
Also, mini game puzzles EXIST?! Why have I not heard of this yet? Oh MY GOODNESS. I'm going to try that out. I've only touched one arcade machine and I don't even know what it was called; was like ping pong though.
And yes there are always standout quotes. Take Hudson's "there is no truth; only those who you choose to believe."
I also love Mason's sarcasm of "oh look at that, we perserve the buildings but not the people", when Woods, him and Adler confront Hudson about the Greenlight nukes.
I went for the bad ending on a side note and went back to play the good ending. (bad ending was so cool btw.)
"I just want you to know that his little thing between you and me; it was always for the greater good.
You're a goddamn hero, kid; you know that? Heroes have to make sacrifices.
Which is why, when I ask you for one more, I hope you understand.................
It was never personal."
Just that whole bit of dialogue hit me real good.
And of course we just not forget about, “we have a job to do.”
And now, for the last question you’re waiting on to be answered. I’m only going to rank off of based of what I’ve played.
So, I’ve played MW2(22) and the New MW3 along with COD; BOCW.
Okay so Campaign first.
2. MW2
3.MW3 being the lowest cuz of obvious reasons if you’ve seen/played it
But in terms of multiplayer……..
1. MW2
3. MW3
MW2 is my number one in terms of multiplayer because I like my movement. BOCW is number two because it’s crazy fun even though the movement is noticeably slower than today’s multiplayer. The flamethrower and the death machine killstreaks are way too much fun paired together in Mount Yamantu with a smg. MW3 is last as it’s literally MW2 but with a fancier perk system. It could’ve been an update. I don’t think I would’ve passed comment or noticed if it weren’t for the campaign but movement is better in a slight bit.
Thank you so much for this ask yet again. I’m sure you were waiting quite a while for this post.
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sweetfire01 · 2 days
i just did a performance and i killed it
i like to imagine all of the daddies coming to watch their little one goooo!!!
mama asmo is 100% the person who made their little one’s costume
satan and satan helped little one learn their lines
belphie lulled little one off to sleep whenever she got upset about making a mistake and started throwing a tantrum
grahhhhh i love the daddies so much… i just wanna mwah mwah on tjem
— (🍊) anon
Congrats Tangerine 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
All your daddies always come to see and cheers on you. They're the type to brag with the other parents because "did you see that girl? Well, THAT'S MY GIRL!". Mammon starts record you every time you step foot on the stage.
Asmo and Levi sew all your costumes, and it's the best among the other. It doesn't matter if you're a rat instead of the princess in the Nutcracker, you're going to be the most beautiful rat.
Belphie will totally calm you down, especially the night before the performance: he know it can be hard, so he makes sure you get enough sleep. And Beel takes both of you out to eat when you finish. You earned this treat!
You want to mwah mwah them? Do it. Send them kisses during the final bow and they just die on the spot (yes, even Lucifer). You're simply too cute and awesome
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mayxthexforce · 5 months
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🎙️ ― great to talk to
📚 ― nice threads to read
🎀 ― all-around kind person
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
📌 ― a staple on the dash
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
🧡 ― sender's choice ( sender can add whatever category they want ) - MICA I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU ❤️ you're the best mwah thanks for being such an awesome and cool friend ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ having you in my life has been PHENOMENAL!!! Thanks tons for the awesome joyride
💜 ― receiver's choice ( simply shout out whoever
*-cracks knuckles-* alright, let's do this!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
Shout-out goes to @prodijedi. I love Callie's Dooku, he has so much depth and layers and cares so much about the people he loves deep down but is too deep in the mess he made and doesn't know how to show it, but Callie doesn't erase the fact that he has done terrible things.
💻 ― excellent writing
Shouting at @tacticalvalor for this one. So far, I've only interacted with Paz but I love him, and I love how well he's written. Jay has a way of making Paz so expressive despite the fact he's covered head to toe in armor and -understandably- unwilling to take it off. His inner thoughts are always a delight to read and the things he says always manage to crack me up.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
I think there isn't a single person in this fandom that's not creative when it comes to headcanons because we're all pretty big brained with them. But if I have to name just one, I'm gonna go with @thrawnur I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS PJ! And I love the HCs and worldbuilding we've worked on together for Chiss. Our blueberries deserve more lore!!
🎙️ ― great to talk to
Shout-out to @corruptedforce/@crowsandmurder because Tanya is that one person you can always count on to be up to talk about literally anything. Everything I know about baseball, I learned from her. I also always love yelling with her about the stupid Star Wars questions people ask on Quora (still not over the person who had the audacity to ask why Obi-Wan didn't just kill Anakin, I'm outside their house with a baseball bat).
📚 ― nice threads to read
To this day, I still go into @d4gangera's blog just to read the stuff KT writes, and not just the threads I'm in, but everything she writes. I love how she writes Dagan, his inner monologues, his trauma after spending decades in bacta, his issues with the Jedi Order and the Empire and this new era he got yeeted into. I love it all.
🎀 ― all-around kind person
@vendettavalor IS THE KINDEST BEAN EVER!! I'm still absorbing all the analogical horror stuff that you recommended me and you bet I'm going to be yelling in your DMs once I'm caught up.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
Shout-out to @gwiazdowe for Cirz. HE'S BABEY!! I love him and how kind he is and how he sees good in people that nobody else would see good in. But he's not dumb. He's a smart boy and he deserved the world, I'm protecting him at all costs.
😍 ― admiring from afar
Not really from that far because we've actually talked but I have yet to start a thread with @alootus and that is a crime I should be in jail for. But I'm admiring because the blog theme is just so PRETTY, I love the color palette and the graphics.
📌 ― a staple on the dash
I love seeing @kylo-wrecked's posts on the dash. From the aesthetic stuff to replies to answers to ask memes, it's always god tier content!
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
@ofthestcrs AMAZING MUN, AMAZING CHARACTERS, AMAZING BLOG! Gee is one of the first people I interacted with in this fandom and honestly, I'm holding on like an orphaned monkey. 10/10 will not be letting go anytime soon.
💜 ― receiver's choice ( simply shout out whoever you want )
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lynzishell · 22 days
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i hope you're having an awesome day and lots of cake and presents! :] i'm very happy to be your moot, you're one of the kindest people! Mwah! <333
Awww thank you!!! You are so sweeeeet 🥹💖
Ahh but did you know that you were one of my first moots??? And you were one of the first people to rb my New Simblr post and welcome me to this amazing community!! I've just always been super grateful to you for that 🥰 And you are so creative and talented.. I'm so in love with your OCs and your edits! It's always a joy to see you on my dash and I'm so happy we're moots too!!!! ✨💖✨
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Lena: We have a problem!
Violet: You mean beyond the fact that we were unceremoniously ejected from a flying aircraft and are now plummeting rapidly towards the Earth?
Lena: My magic- it's not working! I think I drained it again or something!!
Violet: Perfect.
Lena: Perfect!?
Violet: I now have a solution to both our problems.
Lena: What the heck does that m- OOOOF!
Violet: Say hello to Webbigail for me.
Lena: VIOLET-!!!
June: Webby, quick midair question-
May: Do you trust us.
Webby: Well you lied to me and manipulated my friends and attacked me and tried to abduct me and were created and raised by evil people who wanted to hurt my family- so uh, yeah! Sure why not!!!
June: Oh good! Because Lena just gave us these wrist string things-
May: -and we owe her one for cutting that other string thing.
Webby: You mean the red string that I used to connect her picture to mine? The one she literally blew up over after watching it get severed?
June: That's the one!
May: Tell her "sorry" from us, okay?
June: And not to worry about Violet- we'll be hanging out with her until she's done.
Webby: Done? Done with wh- AARGH!
May: Sorry for kicking you and also you're welcome!
Webby: Thank you but why-???
Webby: Lena!
Lena: Webby!?
Webby: Oh wow I tried running scenarios of this conversation on the way to F.O.W.L. but they always involved more time to think and less falling from the sky-
Lena: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Webby!
Webby: -what?
Lena: I- I got all jealous and possessive again, just like you and Vi's first sleepover-
Webby: Lena-
Lena: It was stupid and dumb! I was-
Webby: No, no you weren't! June and May were TRYING to split us up- they were literally sent by F.O.W.L. to do that, and I almost-
Lena: What, gave them the same chance you gave me?
Webby: ...alright fine, you win that point. But-
Lena: No.
Webby: Hmm okay. Even so-
Lena: No, that's not- look- I get what it's like having a sister now. I've got Vi, and it's awesome. It's the best thing EVER. You deserve that too. Okay?
Webby: O-okay.
Webby: ..... you made them friendship bracelets.
Lena: Yeah. I- that's what I should've done from the start.
Webby: It was really sweet, super kind, they definitely needed that! BUT- I know the whole bracelet thing started with me- I mean- I was the one that tied a string between our pictures on the great big board of relationships! But...
Lena: ... but?
Webby: I don't think we need a piece of string to keep us together.
Lena: oh
Webby: We don't... Right?
Lena: ... yeah.
Webby: Aww, don't cry.
Lena: I'm- I'm not. It's the stupid wind-
Webby: OH RIGHT WE'RE STILL FALLING hey how's your magic?
Lena: Uhhh-
Webby: Right right I was worried about that, we really need to make sure you can have stable magic even if you're arguing with your friends- but we're short on time right now! So!!
Webby: ~Mwah~
Lena: wh-EBBY????
Webby: Glow, my beautiful angelic sorceress! Go save our respective shamelessly scheming little sisters!
Lena: I- you-
Lena: ...
Lena: N-nice.
Webby: Oh oh a FISTBUMP! We haven't done that since-!
Lena: The night we met, yeah. Wanna blow it up?
Webby: Sound effects or for real??
Lena: Oh we can totally do both this time.
Webby: YES! Can you try exploding me in the direction of the boys and Scrooge!?
Lena: Anything for you, Pink. Ready?
Webby: READY!
Lena: Ka-pwish.
Webby: BOOM!
Lena: Pop pop pop-
Webby: Neyooooooooo~
Lena: Kra-KOOM!
Webby: WOO HOO!!! Call me! Oh and tell June and May thanks for kicking me!!
Lena: I will!
Lena: ...I ..... definitely will... once I stop feeling like I just exploded...
Violet: Greetings, sorceress. You seem especially shiny today.
Lena: Don't. Ask.
Violet: Very well. I shall observe.
Violet: I see that your magic has miraculously recovered.
Lena: Ugh.
June: Does that happen every time Webby kisses you on the cheek?
Lena: ..I don't know.
May: Oh duck please tell me that wasn't the first-
Lena: HELLO! Thank you for flying with Sky Sorcery Services! This is your sorceress speaking! Would everyone PLEASE stay quiet until we've safely landed so I can get as far away from you all as possible??
Violet: Away from everyone except Webbigail I presume.
Lena: You know what? I've changed my mind, little sisters are the WORST.
June: Thanks!
Violet: We do try.
May: I count as a little sister too, right? June??
June: Heheh.
May: June tell me I'm a little sister too now and I have immunity- Why are you smirking!? JUNE-
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pinkyjulien · 2 months
⚡ WIP Whenever
I'm sure I was tagged somewhere forever ago so HGHFH I'm using this as my excuse to show my lil project of the moment 👉👈
Working on my proper Fallout AU ✨ Cause I caught the rot like everyone else 'round me ofc ofc
Watched the show (loved it!) and bought Fallout 4, playing a bit there and there but I'm eager to continue 👀 I enjoy it so far
AND SO, With all that came the inevitable AU rot
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HE IS OBVIOUSLY A BIG WIP STILL-- I quickly popped him in game to check if the mesh was ok, but I need to fix the different maps, especially the roughness one cause it got corrupted on import (got all kind of tiny artifacts/glowy pixels, that means it's the wrong compression!)
BUT Yeah so- I debated with myself if Mitch would be a ghoul or nah- I liked the idea, it fits him? Came up with a quick lil backstory too, War Veteran (duh) who "sacrificed" himself to help his folks get into a bunker (non-vault) when the bombs began to drop', he rushed to get everyone safe and didn't had time to get inside, making sure it was correctly sealed before runnin' away
He came back weeks / months later to check on them, knockin' on the door expecting another knock or some kind of life inside- but he couldn't hear anything, so he opened it and they were all dead
So he's the sole survivor of his lil group?? wandering the wasteland alone and all-- ghfhghfh hgf making myself sad
But then he met up with this awesome group of people who accept ghouls and all (cough aldecaldodaldlsld cough) and they help people without risking their own group security ofc :>
THEN COME Valentin lil gonkass
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He's gonna be a Vaultie, or Ex Vaultie, who got falsly accused of something bad (not sure what yet) and yeeted from his vault, punished to go OUTSIDE
Idk yet if it's gonna be a recent thing, or if it's been a couple of months / years already and while he's still struggling to "fit in", he got a bit of time to adapt to the surface
As always with my AUs, how the two meet is similar to my CP77 Canon; Valentin ends up in trouble, life or death situation, and Mitch comes at the right time and save his ass uwu (I'm a sucker for THIISSS DONT @ ME)
Need to find a Vault that would fit Val's lil lore, need to customize his outfits more- and I also have Sturges's outfit to port for Mitch because of COURSE he's a lil techie here too 😔👌 what can I say
Not gonna tag anyone but if you read all that, you're automatically tagged 👁👄👁 👈 mwah
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seokmashu · 11 months
moot appreciation & 1000th post ❤️
to celebrate the end of predebut era, zb1's debut, my lovely 5ever moots, and my 1000th post! (also bc this ask has been sitting in my inbox for a few weeks now and i figured it's time!) it's been a few months since i joined zumblr and i wanted to shout out a few people who have made this experience so fun and lively and wonderful and whose friendships i really treasure ❤️ i love all of you mwah now let's goo!!
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💌 cherrie // @cherriegyu 🍒
cherrieee tietie 🫶 when i first came on tumblr you were one of the only ppl i talked to and you made me feel so welcome in the community- i loved discussing lex's hp ideas with you, our bias lists and being a zerorat (💀) imy and love you lots <3
💌 moni // @taerrrrrae 🐨
moni you're always so sincere when reading and reacting to other ppl's works, responding to asks, and letting other ppl know you're thinking of them, that i find it so inspiring~ i mean who else would compose poems for their moots?? you're such a sweet person a 7 star hallabong fr <3
💌 riri // @chxrrymxxnlight 🌛
ririii my fav riyangi fangirl!! you're so cute and i appreciate how you always keep me up to date about zb1 stuff (like within 0.1 seconds of them posting, insane) even tho we always miss each other cuz we live in opposite timezones 😭 i hope u only have happy days ahead and i'm so excited to hear more about this story you're writing and drawing!! <3
💌 tee // @haesunflower ⛳
teee! i'm so glad you sent me that message when we first became moots bc it's so much fun talking to you~ remember the gyuvin cheeto ask i sent you? 💀 and all those times you were thirsty over wrote about zb1 ahem. i love discussing fic ideas with you because you simply give the best reactions and i'm so happy you get to live out your y/n fantasy fr fr 😭 <3
💌 rose // @ohdudedhesflirting 🐝
ah yes rose one of the only other seokryus that i know on tumbles 😭 your thirsty reactions to posts are so funny and always crack me up~ i'm sooo glad you started writing more bc i love reading your fics!! still mad you didn't tag me in the first one 😤 but it's ok since it literally wrenched my heart out ;; i hope you're doing better now and that you had a wonderful bday <3
💌 lex // @bp-zb1fics 🦇
lex i know you haven't been as active lately but it doesn't feel right to not include you in this since you were literally my d-1 bestie when i first started this blog- i loved discussing fic ideas with you and joking around making silly posts and sending each other twts and telling each other about our dreams and reading all the wonderful stuff you wrote! i hope you're doing well now, i'm thinking about you <3
💌 venom // @zerobaseonefics 🕸️
you were one of the first people i talked to when i arrived at zumblr and i remember thinking wow she seems cool i wanna get to know her! little did we know that was the start of a century long feud however thankfully we can say war is over now that you've admited defeat 😇 fr tho, you're such a talented writer and i really admire how you always make time to listen to and talk to everyone~ your love for spiderman is sooo cute you act cool all the time but you're actually the cutest yk? thank you for encouraging me to post my art back then, i really don't think i would've started posting my bday series if it weren't for you and ilysm <3
💌 hazel // @hanbeanz 🔮
aka the don 😎 hazel i think you're such a talented gifmaker and the way you include your stream of consciousness always cracks me up lolol i think you're an awesome leader and it's fun discussing ideas for zb1net tg, don't feel too discouraged and i also hope you don't get too burnt out either<3 also that time you sent me an ask about your emoji tag still cracks me up hahaha <3
💌 alma // @gunwookstan 🐭
my fav fav fav mattwook fangirl almaaaaa <3 i'm so happy you messaged me bc we are literally kindred spirits when it comes to reacting to our boys LOL it was sooo funny that one time i was scrolling twt and accidentally found your account and you were like sweats uhhh that's not me ok sure 👀 talking with you always brightens my day ily sooo much mwah <3
💌 rin // @jjanguri 🐳
rininining!! my sweet, kind, open-hearted friend who can't help but cry from simply existing 🥺 from our first interaction i could tell you were gonna be lots of fun to talk to~ i love being spymasters tg, hearing ab your feud with your cubicle mate, the tattoos you plan on getting, your reactions to hao, and your love of eating bricks and concrete <3 bc of you "goobert" and "monch" are imprinted into my mind LOL and also i think it's soo impressive how you churn out 10 gifsets every day even tho you're so busy all the time~ idk what's up with the whole ss and meow agenda you've been cooking up lately but grrrr i'm keeping my eye on you 👀 thanks for being such a fun but also calming presence my lovely friend and i hope you know i'm here for you when the going gets tough <3
💌 iana // @taeraex 🦖
iana our cute adorable bb <33 it's funny that your bias is taerae bc both of you could stand still doing nothing and i would still think it's the funniest thing LOLL i love talking to you about astrological signs and your stalker behavior and being petty and your random bursting out into song and playing codenames with you (we fr are connected to the same wifi bc it's crazy how similar our instincts are) it's always such a fun time when you're around 😛 you could talk for hours and hours and i would love listening to every second of it you're just so funny and endearing and cute <3 also thank u for always supplying the cute cat pics bc there is a SEVERE drought going on 🙏 i hope u get some sleep bc i'm always worried ab you y'know <3
💌 lili // @y--eontan 🦎
o lilicat how i adore you, you're so funny and brazen and sweet and every time i see you lurking in chat i just wanna go pspspsps 😽 before we started talking i remember seeing your emoji gifset and i remember thinking this is so cool i can't wait to see the part 2!! and then you messaged me and i was like :0 your reactions to gunwookie are soo cute that i just wanna spam you with every noot noot/cheek pic i see~ it's so funny the way you complain about stuff and block people you have no patience for lmaooo i am seated for our next complaining sesh 🫡 your comments and little quips always catch me off guard bc you're so deadpan and i love your sense of humor haha also when you drew that lil orange puppy on the art i made for you? *bursts into tears* <3
💌 hope // @zeroze 🕊️
my cute hopieee i'm so sorry i called u buzz lightyear when all u wanted to be was bubbles 😭 it's so much fun theorizing ab zb1 concepts with you bc we share one mind when it comes to our music tastes and thank you for always looking out for me and asking if i'm gonna watch stuff with you and making sure i go to bed at a reasonable hour 🫶 you're so sweet and kind and funny (thinking about the time you banned iana 💀) even tho you never let me have my own cute emoji reacts :'( i hope your exhibition wraps up well and you can fiiiinally have the break you deserve! and i also hope you have the best time in japan/korea (if we don't end up meeting up!!) and i SWEARRR i'll go to bed earlier (just for u 😚) <3
💌 maria // @sunghanbinie 🌺
aka jiff, lieutenant mario, and the other half of our shared braincell -- i love how we can talk about anything and everything, from when we wake up to when we go to bed, you've simply been there for everything. even though you torment me day-to-day with monkey allegations and thirsty matt gifs, you're also always there to listen to my troubles and check up on me when i'm feeling down - i appreciate you so so much from playing 49584 games together every night and spilling tea to fangirling over zb1 and giving me gif advice. you are my constant <3 i think you're so smart and funny and such a talented gifmaker and writer. i love our little jokes and making fun of each other at every opportunity, and i truly don't think being on zumblr would've been the same without you <3 i love you sooo much mwah mwah mwah <333
finally, a shoutout to moots who i haven't spoken to as much but who i want to get to know better because i just think they're so talented and cute and cool: @jinkiseason // @zb1s // @zerobaseone // @seokmatthewz // @sung-hanbin // @yunacoeur // @keiwook // @cinnajun // @juyomiao <3
this was written from the heart at like 4am and i hope you all know just how much i love and appreciate each and every one of you <3 1000 posts and 10000 more to go! can't wait to spend the next 2.5 years with y'all 😁
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