#my bby girl... my malewife...
microwave-core · 9 months
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Every time I sit down to write... he haunts me...
Anyways, today's Leon headcanon is that I think he's scottish rather than british
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franchugb-art · 1 year
@teacup186 gave me the idea to draw Alex getting all flustered over the farmer being extremely strong and i just lost it (this is my farmer oc sorry)
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dyk3ist · 2 years
god I'm in the WORST zutara brainrot I've been in
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hannahmanderr · 11 months
One aspect I love - No one can be more of a family man than Jack can. If he and Maddie both weren't already SAH parents, he'd be the absolute epitome of malewife SAH dad and he'd rock it. Beyond that though, I adore how much he loves his family and just how feral he gets when they're in danger. This man will go to any lengths for them, and he is as loyal as they come.
One aspect I wish more people understood - CARTOON JACK IS NOT REALISTIC JACK PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY STOP WRITING JACK AS "GHOSTS AND FUDGE" MAN HE'S A COMPLEX CHARACTER AND HE DESERVES JUST AS MUCH LOVE AS THE REST OF THE CHARACTERS anyway uhhhhh yeah, I feel like of the main crew of DP characters, Jack often gets done the dirtiest in terms of characterization in fan works, and it's no thanks to goofy writing in the OG cartoon. He has his hyperfixations, but he's also just as three-dimensional as any of the rest of the cast, and he deserves to be written as such.
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have - Team Autistic Jack all the way bby. NO BUT UHHH yeah that major one aside, I headcanon that while the Fenton bloodline does have a history of supernatural dealings, there were a handful of generations before Jack that tried to sweep it under the rug. It wasn't until he was digging around in the attic as a young teen and found old family records that Jack realized the family history, and he decides to singlehandedly bring back the Fenton name as paranormal hunters and experts. Needless to say, what with Danny and Jazz's involvement in the supernatural many years later, he's successful at restarting the Fenton tradition of supernatural dealings.
One character I love seeing them interact with - UGHH okay I know this is my answer for everyone, but HEAR ME OUT, I love seeing him interact with Danny. Their father-son bond is entirely unique, and somehow both of them are excellent at wearing their hearts on their sleeves but absolute crap at trying to communicate those emotions, so we just get these two bumbling and fumbling around each other but in the most loving way possible (especially as Danny grows out of his "my parents embarrass me" phase)
One character I wish they would interact with more - we got so robbed of seeing Jack and Vlad interactions beyond "VLADDIE"/"go die in a hole". I want to see so much more of these two, like how did they meet? How was their relationship in college? How did they meet Maddie? How did Jack react to Vlad's ectoacne? How do Jack and Vlad rebuild their friendship after Vlad decides to Not Be A Creep anymore? etc. etc.
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character - Jack and Maddie originally thought Jazz was going to be a boy thanks to a faulty ultrasound. Jack was so excited to get to name his son Jack (or, for a real pun, Jackson, or Jack Junior, or any combination thereof), so when Jazz popped out a girl, he was admittedly disappointed. Maddie came to the rescue and suggested Jasmine, aka Jazz, as a name, arguing it sounds like Jack (she was still in the throes of post-labor and was not about to suggest Jackie as a name). Jack loved it and was thrilled to have his little girl Jazz. Plus Maddie then still got to lay claim to naming Danny.
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rist-ix · 2 years
I don't know if you're watching/following House of the Dragon, but I just saw the scene where Daemon kills a man for insulting Rhenyra and now I can't get the idea of Bloom's royal consort Valtor doing the same/similar thing and then just being like "What? He was being rude to my wife."
If that makes sense.
First of all, EXCELLENT MOVE BBY GIRL THATS THE MALEWIFE MANIPULATE MANSLAUGHTER WE WANT FROM U BOO!!! I actually clapped at that, was holding my breath ever since he said “say it”.
As for if Valtor would do that, depends on whether he's like an official court member as her consort or the badly kept secret. Former case, ABSOLUTELY he would, latter case, he'd never be so impulsive. Would poison him at dinner tho
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hellaephemeral · 9 months
OMG, HI!! And yep, I made an ask game! Didn't think so many people would be reblogging it, honestly! 😆
Hope your day has been going well! 💫
For the Character Ask Game, this is for any character you feel like rambling about right now...
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
hii kiya!! <33 it‘s a v fun ask game!! def deserved 🙏🙏
yes!! hehehe my day went well :)) hope yours went well as well!!
nooow any character i feel like rambling about?? hmmmm hard choices 🤔🤔 i haven‘t talked about my husband and bbg in a while sooo sanji!!!
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1. why do you like or dislike the character?
good question 😭😭 most time i am wondering that myself because i love sanji!! mwuah mwuah bby best bby best husband ever!! buttt he is also crINGE and embarrassing and sometimes i will deny i even know of his existence. just yk husband things. but!! what i like about sanji is that he is very kind. he isn‘t a petty person (zoro is an exception) and doesnmt easily hold grudges against people unless they hurt his friends or women (period). he extends forgiveness easily and he is very loving and caring. he is the definition of a malewife <33 and i am kissing his cheeks. why i don‘t like him?? he is a pervert but i decide to ignore oda‘s choices because it doesn‘t suit sanji at all 😭😭 like he is so respectful?? usually?? and yes he is a simp but it‘s so?? weird?? why he‘d suddenly ignore boundaries like it‘s just not him (ik him the best cuz we‘re married).
25. What was your first impression of this character? What about now?
That‘s quiiite funny hshshshs. Because my first impression was basically: ew. hahahahaha. my friend (mis mwuah mwuah) was showing me one piece men she thought i‘d be into when i start the show (to convince me to start) and she showed me sanji and i was??? doubting her hARD CORE. like??? sorry dhshdh but i thought op men were all ugly (not ace <3 or yamato <3) and sanji as well. wnd then he showed up on screen for two seconds and i fELL HARDCORE in love with him. i was vvv upset and in denial about it for a while. sanji and me went through a lot of ups and downs. but now we are married <3 and i adore him <3 (might change any second i have my moods with him. we divorced like?? three times or so. which was justified cuz he chEATED on me with aN AWFUL GIRL) dhhshshs i am sane btw
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zhongrin · 2 years
I- what did I miss. Why's Albedo your theme now, wasn't it Zhongli?- What's all of this about memory loss???- You know what, screw it. Albedo is very bby girl, so I'm not complaining.
Live, laugh, love Albedo
one day i believe these glitches are gonna get fixed. one day. but in the meantime i have to painfully screenshot every asks smh
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you didn't miss anything!!! and yes bedo babygirl babyboy malewife 2023 president my adorable sweet prince <3333
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excelsiorss · 6 months
Hoping on here to say I finished my reread of trk like…months ago? and any meaningful discussion i could write has been lost. so instead here’s some notes i wrote in the margins!
“Blue saying she wouldn’t have been friends with Noah when he was alive?? Bitch I would! This kid is rad”
“I will eat her” — about Gwenllian being mean to Noah
Lots of sad faces anytime Noah does anything
“Go look in a mirror, Ronan”
Lots of “oop” about pretty much anything revolving Blue/Gansey
“Aww, he’s a dad.” — about Ronan (though he’s more malewife tbh)
“Ronan Lynch is a LIAR”
Lots of notes on PTSD and how Gansey obviously has it
“If Whelk wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him”
“Letting Calla touch a ghost that’s been moving through time for 7 years seems like a very bad idea.”
“We get it! Gansey is the cutest boy that ever lived and has a huge heart! Whatever!”
“You can’t tell me that Gansey isn’t a little bi!”
“Here we go!” — about 6:21
“Just be poly”
“Fiat lux?? Amabo te??” Ronan’s latin is terrible
“Get him Adam!” Ronan’s latin is terrible pt. 2
Lots of notes about how Orphan Girl/Opal is a mirror of Adam and how Adam loves her and protects her bc he sees himself in her and how Ronan loves them both so much.
“Oh, Noah.” “My angel!” “bby :(“ “Noooo” (I’m a Noah stan through and through)
“Yo fuck this demon!”
“Sooo interesting that Piper kills Greenmantle with wasps right after Gansey puts himself in front of possessed Noah to protect Blue.”
“I love her. My toxic wife” — about Piper
“She was feeling a special sort of extravert. What? A narcissist?”
“Gansey, love, don’t start with ‘She’ll keep the eye.’”
“Stop flirting” — about Henry and Gansey
“Wooow. A korean criminal and we just learned Henry was kidnapped as a child bc of his mother?? No way that’s related at all!”
“Gasp” — Henry / Seondeok reveal
“Stop flirting” — about Ronan and Adam
“Seeee? Declan can be funny!”
“Adam saying ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and it’s just Ronan having to talk to Declan.”
“So Niall did the magical equivalent of a parent using their child’s social security to get a credit card.”
“About time” — about Blue realizing she’s a hypocrite
Lots of screaming about the kiss
Notes on racism and how Henry is Korean, not Chinese.
Lots of confusion bc I thought we (and the characters) already knew Ronan had dreamt Cabeswater, but everyone is acting like they didn’t know. But then Gansey mentions that HE also thought he already knew that? So more confusion.
A note about how Gansey tells Adam not to break Ronan and then a note about how off the rails Ronan goes in TDT bc Adam doesn’t text him back immediately.
“His native language is thought. That’s so powerful. Henry, I wish we got more of you.”
“Mr. Gray, put the gun away, he’s just a kid!”
“Laumonier rubs me the wrong way and I don’t know why. Like, yeah they’re criminals, and they’re Piper’s dad/uncles so there’s already something wrong with them, but there’s something super weird about them that goes beyond that. Weird vibes. Super weird vibes.”
A break down of “unguibus et rostro” and everything Adam could have meant by that.
“Yo FUCK this demon”
“Not Henry and Blue being immediately accepted by Gansey’s parents. You’re telling me they’re not poly????”
“Everyone knows and everyone knows that they know and nobody is saying it.” — about Gansey
I’ve studied both Korean and Latin (among other languages) and every time an author plays with linguistics or uses foreign words to describe something the characters or going through, I get so giddy. The section on 정 or jeong, and how easily Henry explains it to Gansey is probably one of my favorite parts. I have a whole break down over it in the margins followed by “just date already!!”
“Noah reliving his death over and over is just like Gansey having PTSD.” (I probably could do a lengthy post on this, but I will refrain)
“No!! (yes!!)” — about the sweater
“Yes! It was!!” — about the story being about Noah. (It’s not really, but it also really really is)
“I could write essays upon essays about you Noah. You are my tragic little boy, and I love you.”
There’s more, but I’m bored and have things to do. I already started on rereading TDT, so maybe I’ll do more posts on that series at some point.
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previously: kaitogeijutsu
for myself:
-> #private: thing for myself i wanna remember
-> #personal: anything related to me or anything i want to keep for some reason
-> #stories: self explanatory
-> #e: miscellaneous stuff hfjwhdjd
-> #classic posts: classics lmao
-> #beatdown: when people are just getting absolutely beatdown in arguments its funny or just something/someone getting a beatdown
-> #life: just. yknow. stuff abt being alive and making life as good as you can and enjoying yourseld ans loving yourself and loving others and yknow living
-> #long post: looooong boy posts heh
-> #nsfw: anythin nsfw
-> #heritage posts: heritage posts fjjsjd
law and political stuff:
-> #law: stuff related to law
-> #court: stuff related to court
-> #politics(?): stuff i think??? is sorta related to politics maybe??
books/show/anything else literary:
-> #sherlock holmes: sherlock holmes stuff
-> #writing: stuff that's original work or something
-> #analysis: analysis stuff, jokey or otherwise
-> #poetry and quotes: self explanatory
-> #oda: anythin related to oda that isn't really like really really related to one piece
#op: ONE PIECE STUFF! i love one piece with such a burning passion but yes anything one piece related
#strawhats: the strawhats fjjdkfkqkq or anyone in the strawhats
#heart pirates: anythin heart pirates related
-> #honor among thieves, #dndhat, #hat, #dnd movie: the dnd honor among thieves movie stuff jdnakkdjs
#xenk yendar, #xenk: anything related to this hot ass paladin that i love with my whole entire being my gods
#edgin darvis, #edgin, #ed: edgin my beloved bard??? rogue??????? anyways he's somethin alright
#kira darvis, #kira: the child
#holga kilgore, #holga: gods ifbkadjskjdkfjwkjsjfjwjsj hot mommy
#simon aumar, #simon: simon hehe
-> #marvel: marvel stuff
#spiderman: anythin spiderman related
#atsv: across the spiderverse stuff
#miguel o'hara, #miguel, #spiderman2099: the truamatized old latino man that i am absolutely feral for
#miles morales, #miles: miles sweetheart i love him hes so bby
#gwen stacy, #gwen: gwen the drummer my beloved also
#pavitr prabhakar, #pavitr, #pav: pav my bby boy i loooove him heheh
#miles 42, #prowler: MILES 42 HHDKSKDJE I LOVE LOVE LOVE
#peter b. parker, #peter: tired man whos' sexual appeal i get cause he be hot man😩
#mj watson, #mj: my wife.
#spidernoir: my malewife.
#peni parker, peni: sweetest girl, she deserves the world
-> #cod: anythin call of duty
#price, #john price, #captain price: anythin price relateddd
#soap, #john mactavish, #johnny: johnnyyyyyy my bby
#ghost, #simon riley: ghost my mofo beloved gods id die for him
#gaz, #kyle garrick: the prettiest fuckin man i've done laid eyes on
-> #dc: dc stuff!!!
#batman: the batman stuff or batman comics stuff so also the robins and shit
#robin: robin stuff!
#superman: superman stuff!!
#wonder woman: the queen the absolute boss the best the man the myth the legend wonder womannnnn
-> #tolkien: anythin tolkien related that isn't really lotr or the hobbit (or i cant tell which is which jdkadfkak)
#lotr: lord of the rings
#aragon elessar, #aragorn -> aragorn
#gimli -> gimli
#legolas greenleaf, #legolas -> legolas
#thranduil oropherion, #thranduil -> thranduil
#the hobbit: the hobbit
#bard -> bard omg i love the man hes so fjqbkdndnd
#kili -> kili my sweetheart my beloved
#legolas greenleaf, #legolas -> legolas
#thorin oakenshield, #thorin -> thorin
#thranduil oropherion, #thranduil -> thranduil
-> #lok: legend of korra
#asami -> asami sato
-> #star wars: star wars duh
#anakins -> the anakins
-> #classic lit: literature considered classics ig
#shakespeare -> shakespeare?? obv??
-> #fanfics: fanfic stuff fjandj
-> #mythology: mythology
#greek myths -> greek mythology/stories
#aztec myths -> aztec mythology/stories
#mayan myths -> mayan mythology/stories
#egyptian myths -> egyptian mythology/stories
#norse myths -> norse mythology/stories
-> #movies: any movies, films, short films
-> #drama: anything drama related (think like live stage productions)
-> #musicals: musical related stuff!!
-> #anime: anything anime hfjajdj
-> #comics: anything comic related honestlt
-> #books: books! all kinds any kinds!
anthropology/archaeology/paleontology/other sciences and history:
-> #environment: stuff related to earth, the sun, positionings, nature, etc etc.
#ocean: anything ocean-related or ocean-based
#forest: anything forest-related or forest-based
#air; anything air-related or air-based
#earth: just everything nature in general
-> #animals: animals but like informative and like cool facts and stuff
-> #aminals: animals but like the dump posts not infortmative jdjahd
-> #plants: plants fkhajsja
-> #prehistoric creatures: self explanatory
#dinosaurs: DINOS!!!
-> #humans: self explanatory
-> #paleo: paleontology stuffsssss
-> #anthro: also human stuff but recent
-> #archaeo: human stuff but like looooong ago
-> #bio: biology stuff
-> #astronomy: planets! stars! more stars! galaxies!
-> #invasive species: invasive species!
-> #history: more modern history of science and so like archeo/paleo and others but... like... younger
-> #social issues: just stuff going on around the world and issues that've happened and also anything related to that
-> environmental issues: issues that involve the environment and stuff
-> #languages: languages! and posts that involve the use of languages!
-> #religion: anything about/on religion
-> #science: literally just anything science related jdksjf
-> #art: just art stuff
#modern art, #contemporary art -> modern art
#classic art -> art from like other periods in time like the renaissance and stuff
#my art -> my art if i ever post it
-> #music: anythin music related
-> #fashion: fashion stuff! includes dresses, suits, etc. but also jewelery!
-> #ttrpg: tabletop rpg stuff!
#dm, #gm: dungeon/game master stuff (tips and tricks)
#campaigns: campaigns! all types!
#dnd: dnd related stuff
#pf: pathfinder related stuff
-> #sports: sports stuff
#vball: anythin volleyball related
#bball: anythin bball related
resources for stuff:
-> #resources: resources (art, history, etc.)
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cringecanto · 2 years
i miss my encanto ocs. salome bby girl im sorry i abandoned you for luisa's malewife oc
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kidsinsaturn · 2 years
Well I need itachi hcs, right now. so how would he be in a relationship and what would his type be? So what does his girl have to have (can go on looks and character). If you don't accept it, that's fine, i still love you<3
itachi general headcanons
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[🗼] itachi bb he has so much boyfriend material this wasn't enough
characters: itachi uchiha
genre: sfw
warnings: none, weird crow boy things; fem!reader
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-itachi my little meow meow. he is such a weird little guy hahah I love him so much
-the other day I was thinking why I like him so much, and I came to the conclusion that apart from his godly looks, he is such a kind and gentle person, always thinking of everyone, considering other people's feelings, and that his ultimate dream was being a malewife pfff that says a lot about him
-ok itachi observes everyone, literally no one goes unnoticed by him, but after he sees them, he doesn't pay too much attention to them anymore
-so a way to catch itachi's eye is by being somewhat different, having something that makes you stand out from the crowd. say you have a nice hair color, or you have a weird talent, or you are versatile lol
-but something that is even canon is that you have to talk to him, like my boy won't talk to you unless it's super necessary but otherwise he prefers not interacting with people lmaoo
-literally the reason shisui and itachi are besties is because shisui talked to him, like I imagine itachi not having any friends if shisui didn't approach him aaay no bby
-itachi appreciates someone who is a little more extrovert than him, he sometimes believes that opposites attract so he doesn't mind when he is with a more outgoing person
-he wouldn't settle for a naruto type of partner however, like he appreciates the extravagance but please stop you are overwhelming him,,,,
-so imagine you talked to him first and you and him slowly became friends, and soon lovers. because let's be honest, boy is popular with girls, but he won't even talk to a fly so he loves to death his little circle of friends, which includes you
-itachi enjoys your outgoing presence, I think he would like someone who has a sense of humor, deep down he does like some jokes, and also someone who has their feet on the ground; someone who cherishes peace–because that's his whole character at the end of the day–; and someone with realistic goals that would not only benefit them, but also other people,,, he is selfless, we have to recognize that
-i don't really think itachi would have body preferences on his girl, as long as you are taking care of yourself. let's remember that boy was always over his baby brother to make sure that he was okay, the last thing he wants for you is to stop taking care of yourself,,,
-if he senses any downfall, my boy will rush in to be there with you, making you food and even controlling your schedule so you can rest and get well <3
-he does enjoy taking care of you–that's in his nature–, but of course it would make him happier and prouder to see you loving you and looking after yourself
-BUT if he had the chance to be a little picky,, I think he is such a tits guy, like he really loves titties, he don't care if they are small or huge, boy just wants to hold some boobi
-and idk why but I also feel he would prefer a girl shorter than him, it could be that protective sense acting up,, but he feels he can protect you best if you are a little smaller than him
-however, itachi doesn't care entirely on your body–almost nothing I would dare to say–, but how you are and act is something important to him
-we know that itachi believes in not judging on people right away, so he would take his sweet time meeting you deeply so he can decipher what kind of person you are. but if from the beginning you act hostile and lie not only to others, but to yourself, then that's a bye from him, itachi can't stand people who don't recognize themselves [kabuto pfff]
-itachi doesn't believe in perfectness, so he doesn't seek that either on himself and on other people. he would accept you with your flaws and all, and if you can touch this man's heart once, he is yours forever <3
-itachi is such a patient, gentle, and selfless lover, always seeking your peace and comfort first
-he is such a gentleman agh im getting sick,,, the type of guy to open all the doors for you, pull your chair, carry your things. in a modern setup, he would always pull the car door for you, waiting for you to settle down and then closing it after; if you are walking on a sidewalk, he would pull you to the other side so he is on the side of the road aaaaa marry me
-the type of boyfriend to always give you a flower, like during your honeymoon phase, he always gifted you bouquets of your fav flowers, but then he didn't do as excessive but continued giving you a single rose or such mmm aaa
-he is the sweetest boyfriend there is, ok prepare for more hcs because he has such husband material stapp
-the kind of boyfriend to wear on his wrist one of your hair bands AYAY like he does it so nonchalantly it’s so hot mmm
-itachi is very supportive of your goals and activities, as long as they aren't potentially harmful. he will always voice his worries if he senses the sightliest of dangers, of course he is realistic all the time
-he enjoys so much seeing you perform those activities, he is so smitten looking at you all happy with yourself
-selfless king, if you are not feeling 100 one day, do not worry, your boyfriend itachi is there to make you all your meals, read to you, message your feet if you want, cuddle with you ayyy no I can't
-always watching over you, either if you are a ninja or not, he will always have a selected crow with you. you may have already noticed this and you even named the little crow
-when assigned to long missions away from the village, he has shisui looking for you at least three times a week. shisui reports to itachi with crows ahah weird guys
-best cooker because uhh duh itachi is good at everything. if you ask for something, he will do it for you and only you. he has a sweet tooth and if you do too, ay ay he found his soulmate
-he doesn't really like pda, all his touches and kisses are done inside privately with you only. when in crowded areas, he keeps his hand on the small of your back, or he might as well hold your hands. there aren't kisses, not even pecks sorry but baby is shy ok !! understand him plsss
-ohh but when you are in your house, or his, mmm itachi is all in and accepts all. he loves so much your cuddles and kisses, they brighten up his days always
-itachi gets so flustered from make out sessions at the beginning of your relationship it's so cute,,, he can't just keep up with you, he feels so hot he can't continue
-but after some time, he gets used to them and it is you now who is left breathless. WHICH happens often, because itachi is such a gentle yet rough kisser, pecking your lips so softly but also nibbling on your tongue and tasting the insides of your mouth with his own
-itachi also loves touching you, this part comes along with the kissing one because at the beginning he is also shy to even brush your hands, but thennn,,,, he loves putting his large hands on your waist and thighs
-and as I said, itachi loves holding your titties, especially when cuddling. he prefers putting his head on your breasts while you massage his scalp
-itachi is so touch starved. his love language is acts of service, but ohh he would melt with someone whose love language is physical affection
-when going out, itachi is such a young gentleman. helping you with your dress, your jewelry, and if you trust him that much, with your hair too. always kissing you–making out– right before going out, leaving you so hot and steamy gosh he knows damn well what he is doing I hate you itavhi please kiss me
-beautiful boyfriend. if being the prettiest man alive wasn't enough, being the best partner is
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noa-ciharu · 3 years
hannibal for the fandom ask!
I've seen it ages ago and only reblog memes nowadays so this will be very hannigramy and memey:
Blorbo: Will, I'll always remember his bimbofication from empath poor meow meow bby to whatever homoerotism is going on in s3. I'm sure Hannibal does too. Jack said fix him and he heard make Will worse so thus whole series happened. Also let's add Abigail cuz I liked that girl. Also murder family so 👌
Skrunkly: Is there even a character that's pure cuteness and uwu in this show?? And who hasn't killed anyone?? Or eaten human flesh on one of Hannibal's dinner parties?? So it's either nooone or entire cast...
Scrimblo bimblo: Jack, sole reason being that he had to deal with Will and Hannibal not only solo but together as well. Imagine hearing Hannibal courting Will with sophisticated quotes like "I imagine what you see and learn touches everything else in your mind. Your values and decency are present, yet shocked at your associations, appalled at your dreams." - and Will being like 😳. Jack couldn't possibly get paid enough for disaster gays.
Glup shitto: you know what: Bedelia. She sees Will and he hisses at her like some jealous wet cat it's so hilarious, and she's like I don't even want Hannibal you can have him, dumbass. She's this beautiful intelligent woman and Will is personification of 10 in 1 body wash and who did Hannibal choose? No other show could ever
Poor little meow meow: I think this is like, definition of s1 Will, before his sluttification. Also more of a poor little woof woof since I can imagine him going fishing with 15 dogs like some sort of pack, watching water unseeingly and regretting every life choice so far (oh baby you've just started bad life choices,it's s1 after all). Pathetic little fave man. Empathy did suck him dry back then no I must resist cracking innuendos here, you guys have imagination, use it
Horse plinko: I wanted to say Will again for obvious reasons, but you know who'd be even better? Hannibal. FBI couldn't catch him like ever and then Will rejected him and he couldn't accept that and he turned his ass in so "Will would always know where he is". Also caught feelings so bad for first time like ever and I'll always live for that emotional torment. It's manipulation manwhore malewife time baby, until it backfires ;D then it's manslaughter.
Eeby debby: Can we add Freddie here? Also Will and Hannibal should go to superhell for not getting it on on ep1 s1 and sparing everyone 3 seasons of homoerotic horror romcom Greek tragedy gay drama. I'd have more brain cells left.
Send me a fandom and I'll tell you my:
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romeomahbromeo · 4 years
guys i’m back on my bullshit
thoughts on rewatching the les mis movie
⁃ wow they really messed up the musical timeline
⁃ stop changing the fUCKING LYRICS
⁃ jackman is... ok, but still. valjean ought to be DILFier. buff, with white hair
⁃ javert looks like a beauxbatons reject. where’s the ponytail. where’s the sideburns. this isn’t a wolf, this is a guy who read warrior cats once and now identifies with one of them (idk i haven’t read the books since elementary school)
⁃ the seggsual tenshun between a bastard police officer, his club, and the criminal he’s hunted for 14 years with single-minded homoerotic precision...
(more below the cut duh)
⁃ anne hathaway really is a fantastic fantine, good for her
⁃ got to admit, i’m not a fan of the shaky camera, except for in the riot scenes
⁃ love the aesthetics in this movie, feel less so about the costumes
⁃ ah yes we will have fantine be the only one in pink and with her hair down to signify that she is Innocent ™️
⁃ i’ve always thought this but why didn’t fantine just say that she was a widow like it’s not like anyone could prove it
⁃ i feel like switching Lovely Ladies and I Dreamed A Dream made it more powerful but i still prefer the original order
⁃ like i said, timeline is fuckt
⁃ also some of these accents are just. hard to listen to
⁃ i wish we had a movie of the original french musical
⁃ okay i love the shot of little cosette where they recreate the original poster they did a great job at casting her
⁃ sacha and helena are great but i’m still partial to matt lucas tbh
⁃ hello baby gavroche
⁃ the santa part was not needed, it was uncomfortable for everyone involved
⁃ ok that one guy madame tried to seduce in her verse of Master Of The House is pretty damn attractive
⁃ can you imagine the actress of little eponine on set while they filmed that number
⁃ sHoW mE wHeRe yOu LiVe
⁃ “i’ll be father and mother to you” wow #girlboss AND malewife <3
⁃ no stop idc about an original song give me Grantaire’s verse in Drink With Me
⁃ ah yes #hoistthechild
⁃ glad they brought fauchelevant in, he shoulda been in the musical (besides ya know, the cart)
⁃ heehoo javert singing in a high place no foreshadowing there Oops I Hope I Don’t Fall
⁃ still love gav’s elephant home. and gav.
⁃ god i fuckin love gavroche.
⁃ *pauses* *deep breath* *screeches* ITS MAH BOIZ
⁃ enjolras is the only blond i’ll ever find attractive
⁃ god samantha barks is just SO pretty. and SUCH a good eponine omfg she’s almost TOO pretty
⁃ joly my bby 🥺
⁃ why they got rid of enj’s classic vest idk
⁃ still mad they made it seem like marius and enjolras were actively friends are you kidding me
⁃ okay but the waterfall chords when marius and cosette make eye contact for the first time 🥺😭
⁃ why does parnasse look Like That 😬
⁃ the thenardiers are supposed to be funny but they just make me so uncomfortable
⁃ why on earth cant i remember pontmercy’s actors name holy shit its not evan, right?? anyways he’s good but i prefer gareth gates personally </3
⁃ heLLOOOOO PRETTYBOY (grantaire, obvs)
⁃ literally how dare george blagden be so pretty
⁃ goddammit marius you slut
⁃ *insert mean girls quote here*
⁃ literally the amount of eyefucking in this scene... get a room. whether you argue or fuck, grantaire will be satisfied either way
⁃ i love the courf+gav friendship in the film but you know i’m a slut for that grantaire+gav friendship in the musical
⁃ a travesty they don’t ever let lesgles be bald </3
⁃ listen. i love amanda seyfried. what a queen. but as cosette she sounds like she swallowed a vibrator. we don’t need that much vibrato girl, it’s okay
⁃ tbh the same goes for a lot of the movie actors in this as opposed to the musical actors
⁃ i’m so sorry but i’m skipping the marisette garden shit i don’t have time for heterosexual bs right now
⁃ i fuckin adore samantha barks did i mention that already
⁃ a queen. you know all the girls in 2012 wanted to be her
⁃ jesus christ it’s been almost 10 years do you think they’ll do a reunion concert
⁃ god i can’t stop thinking about all the behind the scenes from this movie
⁃ hell yes there’s one day more
⁃ cosette “your neighbor is gnc af” marius “you’re insane”
⁃ yes queen bind those breasts. give me gender envy why don’t you
⁃ mmmm enjolras tastey
⁃ stop making javert this important figure he’s just A Guy
⁃ and in that moment, i swear, we all wanted to be Madame Houcheloup
⁃ the flags waved throughout the streets 😀 this will def end well
⁃ tbh i kinda like Do You Hear The People Sing as the start of the revolution
⁃ in 8th grade i would have this scene as a youtube video on repeat while i did my homework
⁃ ok yeah this will never not move me to pieces
⁃ fuckign yeah enj wave that flag
⁃ ooh yuh get it i guess grantaire, drive that coach
⁃ and in that moment, i swear, we were infinite
⁃ pontmercy: *doesn’t know how to hold a gun* also pontmercy: *steals a fuckin horse*
⁃ gEt oFf yOuR aRsE iTs bEgUn yeah mate i was already there driving the fuckin coach i’m just that fast mynameisbarryallenandimthefastestmanalive—
⁃ ah yes the demonic pontmercy smile how i’ve missed that
⁃ i sincerely wish i could have been there
⁃ okay so if gavroche was there to say “fleas will bite” then why didn’t he recognize.l javert right then and there
⁃ yes daddy enj you can shoot me with your rifle any time 😏🤤😽
⁃ enjoltaire shippers in 2012: “oMg eNjY pRoTeCtEd R fRoM jAvErT tHaT mEaNs he LoVeS HiM bACk 😍😍”
⁃ and they were absolutely right
⁃ no joke aaron tveit could beat me with a pipe and i would be grateful
⁃ “who’s there?” “french revolution!” plz tell me that wasn’t pulled directly for the brick but i feel in my heart of hearts that it was
⁃ the assthetics 😫🤌 the simbalism....
⁃ marius really is dense not only did he not notice the girl in love with him for literally uhhhh years? he also didn’t notice the fuckin rifle two inches from his face
⁃ the lines shouted at marius as he retreats from the gunpowder gambit... initially poetic cinema
⁃ no but boyponine is so gender
⁃ oh man little fall of rain
⁃ i wrote a songfic to this for miraculous ladybug back in freshman year 💀
⁃ oh to be cradled in the arms of the boy i love as i die and also look super hot as i do it
⁃ eponine deserved better but better is not marius
⁃ lol drowned rat enjolras sheds a single manly tear you can’t fool us you fuckin twink
⁃ dammit gavroche hasn’t even died yet but still. get him AWAY from that BARRICADE
⁃ i already know the final battle is gonna end me
⁃ (just like it ended les amis 🤪)
⁃ oh to have a pistol held to my head by george blagden as grantaire
⁃ he really is so pretty
⁃ lol you know valjean’s internal monologue the SECOND he spotted javert at the barricade was just. so much cursing
⁃ lmao enjolras grinning as he shoots the roof dude
⁃ who gave the child a gun dammit
⁃ russell crowe javert singing usually: 😬😐
⁃ russell crowe javert singing while tied up at the barricade with a knife held to him by his long time nemesis: 🥴🤭
⁃ *cries in Drink With Me*
⁃ these boys want to hold out hope but they know there’s no getting out of here
⁃ Where Are The Barricade Ladies
⁃ *guiltily skips bring him home*
⁃ you know what i was saying earlier about certain characters singing like they have a vibrate stuck in their throat? yeah
⁃ ah that shot that pans out to show that they’re all alone
⁃ gavroche singing won’t save you from dying i fwu tho 🥺
⁃ my little brother loves singing and acting out this song complete with delicate collapsing at the end
⁃ fucking courfeyrac, always gotta make me cry over gavroche more than i mean to
⁃ i have beef with everyone involved
⁃ combeferre holding back and then comforting courfeyrac 😭😭😭
⁃ let others rise to take our place until the earth is free. god damn. i fuck with that quote too hard.
⁃ CANNONS *queue that one post about the tumblr re-enacting les mis and nearly killing the window cleaner guy when she dramatically opened the windows to scream cannons*
⁃ And In That Moment They Knew. They Were Fucked.
⁃ i don’t need to see any more of my boys die explicitly but i wish we could have had prouvaire’s death scene from the brick, it was really powerful
⁃ let them in you HEARTLESS BASTSRDS
⁃ i could do with less time looking at pontmercy’s arse and more time watching the carnage, thanks
⁃ oh god oh fuck the final four
⁃ *remembers that post i saw where people calculated how long it would have taken for them to die based on bullet angles and that joly and combeferre were both medical and had to watch each other and courfeyrac die and not be able to do anything about it *
⁃ oh god oh fuck permets-tu
⁃ if there’s one instance they could have kept the line from the book it ought to have been this one
⁃ *remembers the post that says that grantaire was not only staggering of drunkenness, but also because he was tripping over the corpses of his friends*
⁃ *remembers hadley is the guard*
⁃ god fukcign. fuck. that orchestral rendition of red & black as exr martyr theirselves for a doomed cause.
⁃ their deaths in the book are so poetic— enj pinned to the wall, crucified by the 8 bullets representing les amis and the cause being worth dying for, while grantaire died at his feet with one bullet representing that enjolras is worth dying for— but something about enjolras dangling out the window, wrapped in the flag... damn
⁃ did you see them, lying side by side...
⁃ *vivid flashbacks to behind the scenes and them singing a jazzy version of On My Own*
⁃ ok that’s enough for now *skips to finale*
⁃ like i love turning and empty chairs but i don’t have the emotional capacity for that rn
⁃ nope i can’t
⁃ i love it too much
⁃ this is the version of DYHTPS that i listened to on repeat during Homework Time for the first several months of quarantine last year
⁃ i have too many feelings about it to put into text
⁃ goddamn i love this show fuck
⁃ *cries*
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mazojo · 3 years
Ngl I have know idea why Mihoyo did the next patch’s banners that way. I kept telling myself that there was no way that they would put Tohma on Hu Tao’s banner since they’re both fire pole arm users.🤡 Then the new bosses are about to rip me to shreds and this would be my first time with the corrosion mess. But at least they gave Xinyan something. The weapons look nice too.
RIght?? ASDFGHJ I am........
Imagine the power of Thoma and Childe both in the same banner ASDFGHJK My favorite ginger malewifes <3
Ngl i dont understand why we need a Childe rerun xdd And this is coming from me, where my favorite character in game is Childe, I just.... Dont understand why it wasnt Ganyu or Xiao (or albedo ya know, bby if you are out there come hoMe)
I AM SO HAPPY FOR THE XINYAN EVENT THO AAA MY GIRL FUCING FINALLYYY Ngl the best thing about the patch is Xinyan best girl and my favorite boy Childe getting an event, the rest I am not really that excited about if I am being honest xdd
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