#my beloved crazy man
snowbunnyw1 · 9 months
Guys, hear me out
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ontosgold · 2 months
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happymimi01 · 1 year
they are definitely…
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sunshine-colaa · 6 months
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he’s off to go find some bugs :)
i might animate this if i ever get an ounce of motivation to do so
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proxythe · 1 month
i start getting emo when i think about how shinji always asks others to make sure akihiko is eating well. and then i curl up into a little ball when i think about how akihiko knows shinji sleeps a lot but he lets him unless he absolutely must wake him up. and how akihiko is constantly bragging about shinji’s strength and his talents. and how shinji knows akihiko is a crybaby but its something he smiles about. or how obvious it is that shinji is literally always thinking about akihiko ………..and and and
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lenateliier · 1 year
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Fyodor manga panel redraws 🫡🫡
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foundinthevoid · 2 months
Guess who started watching house!!
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dreamerlynx · 8 months
the immediate “you sound tired how long have you been streaming- four hours??” from sap 😭
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houseofborgia · 10 months
i really find cesare and lucrezia's intense and destructive relationship so interesting and captivating. their love for each other fed off all the energy from the people who ever loved them, they even pursued substitutes as lovers as they were unable to attain what they truly desired - each other, with cesare taking ursula's love and affection, lucrezia taking paolo and alfonso's innocence, and both of them alienating juan by pushing him away and making him feel lonely and excluded. it's almost like they didn't rest until all of them were dead. their narcissistic and extremely dangerous love led to tragic outcomes, leaving only each other behind.
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raayllum · 1 year
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He a friend of yours? Not anymore.
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snowbunnyw1 · 10 months
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Doc Scrapton doodle dump.
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goldensunset · 4 months
there are games that i enjoy playing more and there are games i enjoy thinking about more. sometimes the overall story and themes and blorbos are delightful but actually playing it is a little annoying so i just rotate it in my mind instead. sometimes i get absolutely sucked into the gameplay and the world and the experience for dozens or hundreds of hours and i enjoy listening to the soundtrack but it has little to no lasting impact on me as a person bc something in the story just failed to hit and that’s ok. both are good both are beloved. obviously the ideal piece of media is one i both enjoy actively consuming and thinking about but my mindset is that if a piece of media has any single good thing in it it’s a good piece of media. give me literally anything to work with and i’ll extract joy out of it. i’ve literally never played a game i didn’t like btw
#first category includes games like skyward sword and og twewy#for the record i do love both of those games even as actual games i enjoy a diverse variety of gameplay styles#but compared to some other stuff i’ve played yeah it’s not my absolute favorite#but the THEEEEEMES. the stories of those games give me brainworms#the kh mobile games fall into this category (<- has never played them per se but knows enough about em)#(in terms of gameplay i mean)#(also it is true that watching 6 hours of cutscenes isn’t always appealing)#second category is like. hyrule warriors age of calamity and tears of the kingdom#i bet you’re surprised to hear me put those in the same place#neither of them had the best writing in my humblest opinion but MAN did i enjoy playing both of those sooooo much#i got so sucked in they’re both really fun. in completely different ways lol#this is not to say i didn’t get driven crazy by totk’s story but just compared to other games maybe not as much#and that’s ok!!#oh also neo twewy is in this category. they kinda dropped the ball on the writing (even though i do have blorbos from that game)#but it is a really fun and cool game#botw does both things for me. beloved fav game#most perfect piece of media in existence#every pokémon game i’ve played has done both for me#well idk platinum didn’t have a Blorbo so it loses story appeal to me. but it makes me smile a lot i enjoyed playing it#even if it doesn’t like Live In My Brain like the others#i uh. can’t rank most of the kh games bc i haven’t played most of em 🫠#someday…#twilight princess is hmmmm ok so like the gameplay and music and world experience were PHENOMENAL#midna HARD CARRIED the story is the thing. i didn’t generally like the writing but she alone makes up for it.#in my view it still deserves to be docked points for that but like they did pop off nonetheless#peach rambles#this is the reason i have so much joy in my life btw#it’s because i simultaneously have a very critical eye and i have the ability to put into words exactly what i do and don’t like#AND i have the ability to turn off that part of my brain and optimistically embrace everything in good faith#i give everything the benefit of the doubt and focus on the good
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wheelercore · 11 days
Falling down the rabbit hole of whether henry creel even really exists, or whether he exists but was framed, because really what we have is a "silly terrible play", els flashbacks which is riddled with questions about their veracity, and an insane asylum inmate who claims to be Victor Creel (and even if he is, his recounting of events is suspect) in a subplot where it was all too easy for nancy and robin to swindle their way into the Pennhurst basement (and get away?? From what should be a very high security area of the hospital??) while the "inmates -at -an -insane -asylum -participate -in-an-elaborate -ruse -orchestrated -by -the -psychiatrist -to -convince -the -main -character -of -an -elaborate -lie" movie (Shutter Island) is right there on the inspo board with direct parallels.
How do you trick someone very convincingly? You let them think they are outsmarting you instead. Dr. Hatch and his associate Dr. Brenner Brantley would know this, they are academics after all.
Which is super fun to think about it, like why would they want to lead the gang down on a wild goose chase for a demon that victor creel claims killed his family- and the oh so convenient lore dump by vecna in which he repeatedly refers to himself as the demon.
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kolektsiakomah · 6 months
IM EXPLODING list of things from the ocean saga from epic the musical i think abt A Lot
[this is a long fucking list]
the heartbeat accompanying odysseus' reminiscing of penelope n telemachus . im gonna cry [the horse and the infant]
violins intensifying when zeus mentions penelope n telemachus 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening when zeus' verse comes on [the horse and the infant]
this . IM IN PAIN . this is sickening this is sickening this is sickening ive been crying abt this for 15 mins and counting. might be my father issues talking but the way telemachus probably doesnt even remember odysseus and knows abt his existence only thanks to penelope meanwhile this man is fighting for his LIFE every day to see them and hug them ☹☹☹☹☹☹ save me SAVE ODYSSEUS ↓ [just a man]
'i look into your eyes and i
think back to the son of mine.
you're as old as he was
when i left for war...
close your eyes
and spare yourself the view.
how could i hurt you?
i'm just a man
who's trying to go home
even after all the years
away from what i've known!
i'm just a man
who's fighting for his life,
deep down i would
trade the world
to see my son and wife!!'
PENELOPES WAITINGNGGGGG FOR HIKMMMMMM ¡¡¡¡¡¡ RUHHEGHHEHHGGGGG also eurylochus and polities are so bro . they were literally sworn bros stop it [full speed ahead]
the lil spooky sounds at the start of open arms ¿ so good . POLITIES I LOVE YOU YOU DIDNT DESERVE TO DIE SO SOON . he so was what odysseus needed at the time ↓ [open arms]
'a cave!!
you're saying there's a cave where we could feast?
and where do we sail to find this food-filled cave?
thank you :)'
athenas clock motive ¡¡¡¡¡ so good . the dont disappoint me was SO . OMINOUS . I LOVE QUICK THOUGHT MOMENTS [warrior of the mind]
THEYRE BROTHERS ¡¡¡¡¡¡ ↓ [polyphemus]
'over here!'
'look at all this food,
look at all these sheep!
i can't believe this cave has all this for us to keep.'
'i've gotta hand it you, pol,
this is quite the treat.
there are enough sheep here
to feed the entire fleet.'
POLYPHEMUS IS SO SCARY I LOVE IT . LIKE ACTUALLY SCARY i had actual goosebumps i gasped so hard when the whole boss battle started it was so full of suspension and tension and there was sm going on i was like ?@*@*#*×£@£€$£×*@*('(@(#(,"*"*' i cant fully express how this particular part makes me feel but when i was listening for the 1st time i was clenching my armchair so hard . deadass was on the verge of tears when polities got sniped and odysseus' men were screaming for their captain while polyphemus just slaughters them all . ALSO IM TELLING YOU ODYSSEUS LEARNED THOSE NEGOTIATION TACTICS FROM POLITIES [polyphemus + survive]
the complete silence after odysseus reveals his name . no triumphant music no cheers NOTHIJG just the creaking of the ship . and knowing that polyphemus is supposed to just Stare at the crew w his bloody gory eye and a smile ......... god fucking damn [remember them]
'this hurts athena.' in the script after odysseus snaps and goes YOURE ALONE ...... i mean go odysseus but ohhh . athena . ATHEJNNAAAAA [my goodbye]
the absolute divine Island In The Sky melody in the middle of the goddamn storm made me levitate . i had goosebumps . polities would fucking love it [storm]
i was so sure for some reason that 'lead from the heart and see what starts' was a callback to open arms but it wasnt . hmm . WELL STILL . eurylochus literally says odysseus is the brother he could never do without oughhhhh ..... AND eurylochus is so real throughout this whole thingg no wonder hes the right hand man . [luck runs out]
aeolus' lil HAHAs are wonderful . i feel like shes def friends w hermes . also her song is such a bop ¿¿¿ got me grooving ¡¡¡¡ winions are so fjsjjsjwjwjaja theyre the definition of skrunkly . [keep your friends close]
this also broke me . any fucking interaction odysseus has w his kid and wife is sure to send me straight into my coffin . the way odysseus is pulled out from his bittersweet dream straight into new chaos and new problems . bro cant even communicate w his fam thru prophetic dreams hes so tired GIVE HIM PENELOPE N TELEMACHUS NOW ↓ [keep your friends close]
'the bag is still closed and i'm getting closer
to you.
i can't wait to make some new memories...
time for me to be the father i never was...
'just keep your eyes open...'
'why are my eyes and my heart and my soul
so heavy?..'
'just keep your eyes open.'
'i keep on trying to embrace you both,
why won't you let me?'
'just keep your eyes open!'
'so much has changed, but i'm the same,
yes, i'm the same!!'
'just keep your eyes open!!'
i lauf dramatic entrances poseidon is so extra ↓ [ruthlessness]
'OOOOOOOOOOOODYSSEUS OF ITHACA ‼️‼️‼️ do you know who i am.'
sea grandpa you absolute NUT ¡¡¡¡ HE SOUNDS SO GOOD ¿¿¿¿ AHHHHH the raspy voice fits him so well . the chanting at the start of the song made me chant too . POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON . he tried to chill w the waves guys . [ruthlessness]
PPL SCREAMING FOR THEIR CAPTAIN ¡¡¡¡¡ it always gets me idfk why [ruthlessness]
HES SO SILLY W IT ↓ [ruthlessness]
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Anyways. Wukong was WAY too chill with MK being a Moneky. Just like "Yeah hahaha we're both monkies! Isn't that so cool!" the whole entire special. LIKE NO. THAT'S NOT COOL. YOU SO CLEARLY KNEW ABOUT THIS
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lights-on-the-ridge · 2 years
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