#my blog title is 27 lyrics
alphabetblue · 11 months
do i. do i tell my therapist about how sad i am over not getting to hear 27 live. do i. i see him in like 7hrs so i have 7hrs to reconsider. patrick pete joe andy why would u all do that to me, personally
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1. What medium of creativity do you like best?
2. What art would you want on a sticker/shirt/other physical object of your choice? (link to it or make a tag for it)
3. Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
4. Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
5. What genre do you like reading the best?
6. What genre would you probably never read?
7. What's the last fic you finished reading?
8. What's a good fanfic in the [fandom] tag on Ao3 that needs more love?
9. What's a good original work on Ao3 that needs more love?
10. Look at the newest fics in the [fandom] tag on Ao3 and comment on one (or more) that you liked.
11. Look at the newest original works on Ao3 and comment on one (or more) that you liked.
12. Do you like it when authors answer your comments on Ao3? If yes, what kind of answer do you like the most? If no, why not?
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
15. Worst fanfic tropes ever?
16. What makes you immediatly close a fic that otherwise seemed good?
17. Which artist/writer do you wish would get into the thing you like?
18. What media do you want to get into because of artists/writers you like?
19. If you had all the money in the world, which artist/writer would you comission? (Provide a way to find them if possible)
20. You are hosting an art exhibition for your mutuals and followers. Make a tag for it and tag a few pieces (drawings, poetry, photos, whatever else) with it, tag this ask as well so your mutuals and followers can go and enjoy the exhibition! Bonus points if you choose some kind of theme
21. You are given a bookshelf in a library that your mutuals and followers attend. What pieces of written media are you putting on that shelf?
22. You now own Netflix/other big budget streaming network. What shows/movies are you buying? Are there any pieces of media you would adapt into a show/movie?
23. What would you make a 5 hour video essay on, if you had enough time and motivation?
24. What drawing would you get as a tattoo?
25. Which poems do you want to be able to recite from memory? (If you already can recite some, name them too)
26. Which medium of creativity speaks to you the most? What has the easiest time clicking with you?
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
28. Have you ever considered reading/watching/listening to [thing]?
29. What are some assumptions you have about [thing] based on tumblr?
30. Share a quote (from whatever media you want) that has changed you as a person
31. What song lyric could totally be used as a fic title but hasn't yet?
32. Go through a bit of my (the asker's) blog, then recommend something to me.
33. Go through a bit of my (the asker's) blog, then assign me a painting.
34. Read a fic from a fandom you're not in. Make assumptions about the thing based on that one fic.
35. If you had a perfectly organised online archive, what would it be an archive of?
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louisprojects · 2 years
👻 Freak in the Future 👻
🎃 Hallouween 2022 Fan Project 🎃
Building on the success of last year's edition, we are happy to present the 2022 edition of Hallouween!
This year, we are offering 2 suggested themes per day, in collaboration with Louctober 2022.
Day 1 (Monday, October 24): Title or lyrics from a FITF track OR The Wicked
Day 2 (Tuesday, October 25): Pumpkin Spice Lou OR Hidden Faces
Day 3 (Wednesday, October 26): Favourite LTWT 2022 show x Halloween OR Salem
Day 4 (Thursday, October 27): Louis as a mythical creature OR Ghost People
Day 5 (Friday, October 28): Out of my System OR Fallen Angels
Day 6 (Saturday, October 29): Fear or Fall OR Friday the 13th
Day 7 (Sunday, October 30): The Mysteries of 369 OR Bloody Tongues
Day 8 (Monday, October 31): Free Form - HALLOUWEEN!
# Tag: Tag your post(s) #LouiesForHallouween
🚫Are There Restrictions? Your creation(s) must focus on Louis as a solo artist.
🧶 What Will the LouisProjects Blog Do?: We will reblog posts that have been tagged #LouiesForHallouween and respect the project’s rules and spirit.
🕯 Reminder! If you're not participating, you can still reblog posts and support the fandom's content creators!
🩸 Happy creeping creating! 🧛
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skibasyndrome · 2 months
Hey Simon 💜,
9, 10, 11, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29 and 30 for the music ask thingie (sorry I know those are a lot feel free to just answer to the ones you want to answer)
Hope you'll have a wonderful rest of the day!
Hiiii Sophia! Thank you so much for all the numbers! I skipped some that I already got in another ask 💜💜💜
9:A song that makes you happy
Ohhh, I immediately think of photosynthese by Dilla & emi x because we somehow always end up listening to that when we are having a fun game or dance or just vibing night with my friends and so I've been pavloved to get instant happiness from it!
10:A song that makes you sad
Oh god, SO many!!! But Little Death by +44 will aaaaalways hit so hard. Aaaaand I love that we had those talks about connecting it to Wilmon hehe <3
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
Oh this question feels like a biiig commitment. But I thought of I'm Ready (specifically the MTV Unplugged version) by Bryan Adams and I feel like that's a very good slow dance wedding song, although it also makes me wanna cry, but maybe that's a good thing?
19:A song that makes you think about life
Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face just feels like... idk. Nostalgia and future at the same time? I can't explain it tbh. Also I don't even think I know the lyrics, whenever that song comes up I am 100% vibes.
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Pheeeeew hmmm, this is very difficult because I usually settle on one interpretation for most songs I listen to. I guess one of my all time favorites that I don't have a fixed interpretation for is Stockholm Syndrome by blink-182
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
Is it cheating if it's a name from ancient myths? Because if not, I've got two for you! Icarus by Bastille (this song fucks, I have no other way of explaining it) and Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths (thanks for the fire fanfic title and for the beautiful ache in my heart I get literally every single time I listen to this)
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
This is so much harder than ALL the other questions, omfg. One song that feels so... magical that I want lots more people to know it is Familiar by Agnes Obel
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
Okay instead of going kinda philosophical with this: Walking Disaster by Sum 41 will not only forever be the soundtrack of my teenage years, but "Son of all bastards" (aka the title of this very blog lol) is easily one of my favorite lines ever and feels very me
Send me music asks
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jules-has-notes · 30 days
Moana medley — VoicePlay music video
Combining the powerhouses of Disney animation and writer Lin-Manuel Miranda was almost guaranteed to produce a hit movie in Moana. So it was no surprise that these former theme park kids loved it, and wanted to put their own spin on those catchy tunes. With a stroke of good timing and a social media boost, this medley became a bit of a runaway hit for VoicePlay, as well.
title: Moana medley (feat. Rachel Potter)
original songs / performers: "Where You Are"; [0:56] "How Far I'll Go"; [1:56] "You're Welcome"; [3:04] "Shiny"; [4:04] "Know Who You Are"; [4:47] "How Far I'll Go (reprise)"; [5:08] "We Know the Way" by the cast of Moana (2016)
written by: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Mancina, & Opetaia Foa'i
arranged by: Layne Stein & Hannah Juliano
release date: 27 July 2017 17 August 2017
My favorite bits:
Layne's bouncy opening percussion line
everyone's baffled tone on "The what?!" 🥥
Rachel's bright, soaring lead vocals (No wonder she was a theme park princess for so many years.)
Earl's fantastic braggadocio as Maui 💪
Layne spitting bars and blending it right back into his beatboxing
the stacatto harmony lines leading into "Shiny"
Geoff's laid back preening as Tamatoa 🦀
the gentle, solemn tone of "Know Who You Are", enhanced by the lighting change
Rachel's fantastic belt on the final ♫ "We know the waaay!" ♫
the shenanigans in the outro
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According to Layne, the decision to do this medley was one of VoicePlay's least contentious. He suggested it, and the other guys all agreed. Usually, there's at least a little hesitation or dissent.
Everyone's wardrobe was purchased from The Gap, because Layne wanted the aesthetic of the video to resemble the clothing store's fun, carefree commercials. (They all look so comfy.)
Eli lip syncs to the bass line for part of "Shiny", but the vocals are actually Geoff on a second track. (He can and does cover the occasional bass part during live performances, though.)
The public release of this video was delayed by three weeks so that it could premiere on Yahoo! Music, which exposed VoicePlay to a much broader audience. It was also featured in an article on the Yahoo! Entertainment blog.
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The Facebook upload reached 20 million views in less than a week, and 40 million in just five months. (Based on social media comments, a lot of those views were kids and their parents watching repeatedly.)
It took a little longer on YouTube, but they reached 10 million views there in seven months.
Constructing the set involved Earl moving "half a ton of sand" twice. Good thing he's got those big muscles. 💪
Since Rachel lives in Nashville, they scheduled filming of both this video and their "Attention" video for the same weekend to minimize the amount of travel needed.
This medley was released as an album on music streaming services, with each song being an individual track. The audio version also includes bonus dance remix versions of "Shiny" and "Where You Are".
The YouTube description assures us that "[n]o coconuts were harmed during the filming of this video." It doesn't mention what became of them after filming, though.
It also includes an intentional mistranliteration of the Polynesian lyrics: "Taco belly, belly… Oh, hey, a hockey leaguer, we know the way!!! (Mmmmm… Tacos.)"
Fan artist Leon King made a drawing of Earl, Rachel, and Layne as their characters based on one of the Moana promotional posters.
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VoicePlay also included "How Far I'll Go" in their next video, an "Aca Top 10 – Disney Heroes" medley.
A couple in The Philippines was so impressed by this video that they invited VP & Rachel to perform at their daughter's first birthday party the next summer. They also arranged for a public performance two days beforehand as a means of sharing with their community, and to ensure that the group wasn't traveling halfway around the world for a single gig.
A few years later, Layne did an interview / demo of his audio production process with Elizabeth Zharoff on The Charismatic Voice channel.
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notthatangry · 1 year
I was bored :)
1.Favourite Slipknot era?
vol3 subliminal verses and self titled
2.Favourite song/s?
The virus of life The shape prosthetics the nameless me inside iowa scissors purity Everything ends spit it out diluited
3. Have you ever seen them live? If so what was your experience like?
It was brutal literally I almost die and im 99% sure that corey saw me throw up
4. If you could spend a day with any band member who would it be and why?
Corey bc im almost 100% sure the we would love each other or hate each other no in between and i wanna know
5. Favourite lyric/s?
-I am not a dog but im the one you’re dogging
-You won’t bother me if you let me bother you
-Keep in mind, I watch you Never leave my side, never leave me, fucker
6.When and how did you discover the band?
When i was like 9/10 I downloaded a song and had the all hope is gone album cover and i was so curious about it i look it up and they where Slipknot i loved the masks and I found it kinda halloweenish what i loved but until 13 I didn’t actually hear their music
7.A song that means a lot to you?
Everything ends helped me to accept my rage and actually let me be mad at things
8.Favourite album/s?
Self titled ofc
9.Out of every mask each member has had which one do you like the best and which one do you like the least?
I love mick jim and joey masks those are top tier i like craig and corey masks too i like almost all of them my least fav is that bandage clown mask
10. Favourite Paul Gray photo/s?
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11. Favourite music video?
Duality and psychosocial classics
12. If you could choose any artist/band to
collaborate with Slipknot, who would you
Man idk MGK lmaooo nah mmm chino moreno
13. Ever been to Knotfest?
yes again brutal i loved it
14. How do you feel about the newest members?
They’re good I don’t like to compare, very different vibes tho
15. Favourite group picture?
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16. If you could make the world listen to one Slipknot song which one would it be?
Dead memories or snuff bc those are pretty chill
17. Favourite gif?
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18. Do you have any band merch? If so what?
I have like an obsession with band shirts so yea
19. What do your friends/family think of the band?
That they scream a lot and my mom says that she likes the “jason masks”
20.What's your dream setlist?
Purity,Scissors ,The virus of life,The nameless,Vermillion ,Prosthetics,Me inside,Nero forte,Everything ends,Disasterpiece,Get this,(Sic),Eyeless,Liberate,Snuff,Gehenna,Killpop,Spit it out,Yen ,The shape,Metabolic
21. Tag your favourite Slipknot blogs
If i follow you you’re my fav
22. Name a song that gets you pumped
Nero forte get this people = shit
23. Favourite Corey Taylor quote?
“I can’t take full credit but i will”
“Pay attention to ME!”
“Lust gets me in trouble so wrath”
24. If you could be any band member for a day who would you be?
Sid bc I would jump everywhere like crazy (i have both feet fucked up too) or mick i like how scary he looks
25. Favourite song that's been performed live?
(Sic) the blister exists purity
26. Use one word to describe Jim's beard
27. Any songs that have helped you through tough times?
Everything ends snuff
28. First impression of the band?
29. What do you think of the newest album?
Good but the old vibes is on top always
30. Ever heard of the tribute band Knotslip? If so what do you think?
They r better than Slipknot lmao
31.Did you discover any other bands through
Slipknot? If so which ones?
Stone sour murderdolls
32. You're feeling angry which song do you put on?
People = shit nero forte everything ends
33. You're feeling happy which song do you put on?
Me inside the shape vermillion spit it out custer killpop yen
34.Have you met any band members?
Sadly no hopefully corey someday
35. What song would you love to hear Slipknot
The summoning by sleep token if you know what i mean ;)
36. Got any Slipknot related tattoos?
No but i want the knot
37. First song you heard?
38. Vermillion part 1 or Vermillion part 2?
Part 1 aghh
39. Got any cool pictures you've personally taken of the band that you'd like to share?
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40. Your chance to say anything you want about the band.
Sometimes I would like to have been born earlier or they would have been born a few years before me ;(
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ladyveronikawrites · 7 months
Handwriting Asks
Send me a number and I’ll handwrite the answer for you! from @mysticdoodlez *numbers crossed out our questions I do not feel comfortable answering. Please respect my boundaries or your ask will be deleted - no anons.
1. write your URL
2. write the URL of the person who sent the ask
3. write your blog title
4. write the blog title of the person who sent the ask
5. your name
6. your birthday
7. where you live right now
8. where you were born
9. today’s date
10. current time
11. relationship status
12. the first 5 words that come to your mind
13. your number of followers
14. the number of blogs you’re following
15. the URLs of your tumblr crushes
16. draw your tumblr activity graph :)
17. describe the latest post on your dashboard
18. favorite band(s), musician(s)
19. favorite song(s)
20. favorite lyric(s)
21. favorite album(s)
22. favorite color(s)
23. celebrity crushes
24. favorite food
25. favorite beverage
26. favorite TV show(s)
27. favorite movie(s)
28. favorite actors or actresses
29. describe what you’re wearing right now
30. write something for the person who sent the ask
31. ships?
32. favorite season(s)
33. favorite ice cream flavor(s)
34. a place you wanna go on holiday
35. favorite number
36. favorite meme(s)
37. favorite animal(s)
38. favorite quote(s)
39. a random fact about yourself
40. write your name with your non-dominant hand
41. handwrite a message to your followers
42. something of your choice (specify in ask)
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I posted 425 times in 2022
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315 posts reblogged (74%)
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I tagged 326 of my posts in 2022
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#i need a queue tag - 141 posts
#exu calamity - 55 posts
#critical role - 41 posts
#final fantasy xiv - 26 posts
#kitty! - 26 posts
#exandria unlimited - 19 posts
#exandria unlimited calamity - 19 posts
#ffxiv - 16 posts
#ruins of avalir - 15 posts
#acofaf - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#or unsleeping city but that's the only dimension 20 i've watched a significant amount of so don't expect anything beyond that
My Top Posts in 2022:
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246 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
Y'all talking about Caleb being lonely is introvert erasure
351 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Dumb Theory: Wanessa is actually named Vanessa. She just remembered that you're not supposed to tell fey your name and panicked.
440 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Nasty Ends I want to see the Exandria Unlimited: Calamity cast come to:
- Zerxus is clearly a Fallen Paladin waiting to happen, so I really want him to get yoinked by a Betrayer God (Asmodeus seems likely, given the dream at the beginning) and be responsible for the death of at least one of the party members
- Loquacious and Laerryn are clearly not over each other, so I want them to reconcile just before the end (or one to die when the other is just about to confess that they still love them)
- I want Nydas to go out in an ultimately futile blaze of glory, ideally protecting some children (if, for example, he goes out trying to keep a corrupted Zerxus away from his (Zerxus's) son, I will weep in the best way possible)
- Cerrit has big "discovered an awful truth that could change everything but gets killed on the way to reveal it" energy. I really can't imagine him going out any other way.
- As for Patia, I just really want her to die at the foot of her grandfather's statue.
442 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There is an old folk song that is sung in Exandria.  It goes by a lot of titles--In Marquet it’s commonly known as The Liar’s Love, while natives of Xhorhas would know it as The Fey Groom, and the elves of Syngorn’s version has a title that translates to “The Sacrifice of Truth for Love.”
It is a story ballad that tells the story of a fey who journeyed to the Material Plane in search of stories (interestingly, the Dwarvish version here uses a word that translates closer to “truth” than “story” and shares a root with their word for “news”).  While there, the fey meets and falls in love with a brilliant woman from a city in the clouds.  The two are happy together, until a day that the woman’s brilliance backfires, and the fey, who had left his home out of admiration for the stories created by mortals living their lives, chooses to forge false stories of his own to protect her.  The two are driven apart by this deception, until one day the city in the clouds begins to fall.  In her brilliance, the woman is able to save it, but nearly falls in the process--until the fey speaks one last truth to inspire her to finish (the version from the Dwendalian Empire has an extra verse where while the fey is able to help the brilliant woman save the city, the two still die shortly after).
The origin of the song is unknown--there are variations from all over the world, and no one has ever been able to determine which version came first.  The lyrics’ reference to a city in the clouds has led some scholars to speculate that the song may be referencing events of the Age of Arcanum, but most consider that unlikely.  After all, there are many stories in Exandria of a mortal stumbling into the Feywild and falling in love with some enchanting faerie they met there, but there are almost no stories of a fey who came to the Material Plane and fell in love.
1,935 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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darlaynaaa · 1 year
BGYO: Aces of P-pop
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Who is BGYO?
BGYO is a five-member P-Pop boy group under ABS-CBN’s Star Magic consisting of Akira, JL, Mikki, Gelo, and Nate. The group’s name is not a shortened version of the Tagalog word "bagyo" which means storm or a tropical cyclone. BGYO is an acronym for "Becoming the Change, Going Further, You and I, Originally Filipino."
During their pre-debut, BGYO is also referred to as SHA Boys or Star Hunt Academy Boys. They trained for more than two years with Korean coaches before debuting on January 30, 2021, with their single "The Light." The members themselves wrote the Filipino lyrics to reflect their experiences in training.
You can watch the official music video of "The Light" below!
BGYO Members Profile
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Angelo Troy Rivera, also known as Gelo, is the leader of BGYO. He was born on April 18, 2001. He was competing with his dance team, called A-Team, in the Philippines and other countries before making his debut as an idol.
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Akira Morishita is the lead vocalist of BGYO. He was born on April 27, 2001. He is an Indie Filipino Actor in the Philippines and is known for starring in Sundalong Kanin (2014), Alienasyon (2014), All of Me (2015), and ‘Tol (2019). He recently co-starred with Francine Diaz in the teen comedy miniseries Bola-Bola. Also, he has appeared in a few commercials.
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John Lloyd Toreliza, also known as JL, is the main vocalist of BGYO. He was born on September 17, 2001. In 2018, he joined "The Clash," a singing competition that aired on national television and had Regine Velasquez-Alcasid as one of the judges. He did not make it to the finals, unfortunately.
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Michael Claver Jr., also known as Mikki, is the main rapper of BGYO. He was born on February 13, 2002. He was the last person to audition for Star Hunt Academy to get a scholarship.
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Nathaniel Porcalla, also known as Nate, is the main dancer and the youngest of BGYO. He was born on June 06, 2003. He competed in World of Dance Philippines in 2019, but he did not advance to the finals.
Accomplishments of BGYO
BGYO has taken the world by storm since making its debut in 2021. They are renowned for notable vocals, synchronized dance moves, commanding stage presence, and undeniable visuals. With that, the group is regarded as "P-Pop's Breakout Act of 2021" and has earned their so-called "Aces of P-Pop" in just a year.
In the first two years of their career, BGYO released thirteen singles, seven B-sides, nine soundtrack singles, two promotional singles, two remix singles, and eleven music videos. In addition, they have been holding concerts both locally and globally, making them the proud flag bearers of P-pop worldwide. The group was featured by Privé Alliance, an upscale streetwear line that lists Baekhyun, a Korean singer, as its co-creative director. They have also been nominated for and won several awards locally and internationally. The members keep their feet on the ground despite the achievements they have been receiving. They always honor their ACEs, or their fans, for their unending love and support since the beginning. 
BGYO continues to dominate the world, representing P-pop on the scene.
Why did I choose this topic for my blog?
I chose this topic to feature BGYO. What their background is, how they overcame challenges, and who are the persons behind the title, "Aces of P-Pop?" I have been their fan since before their debut. I saw how much effort and time they invested in their preparation for their performances. They almost couldn't debut because of the ABS-CBN shutdown. But thankfully, the management didn’t disappoint them. 
P-pop groups used to be made fun of because people thought they were copying K-pop. This is why many groups have disbanded. Nevertheless, the biggest thanks go to highly trained Filipino talents like SB19, who revived P-pop on the mainstream scene. Upon BGYO's debut, P-pop and other P-pop groups like BINI, Alamat, and VXON get more opportunities to gain international recognition. They prove that P-pop is Filipino pop music rather than a K-pop copycat. Therefore, P-pop—the embarrassing subgenre of OPM or Original Pilipino Music we previously knew—became an instant sensation, the reason why new P-pop groups are constantly making their debut nowadays.
Many people have found reason in BGYO, especially the ACEs. Akira frequently reminds the fans to treat themselves with the same love that they give to their members. Hopefully, with the help of this blog, I can make you understand the journey of BGYO. Remember that you can become whoever you want to be.
Stay updated with BGYO by following their social media accounts! We will be glad to welcome you to our fandom.
Twitter: @bgyo_ph Instagram: @bgyo_ph Tiktok: @officialbgyo Facebook: BGYO PH YouTube: BGYO Official
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I posted 2,199 times in 2022
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I tagged 737 of my posts in 2022
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#yeah - 4 posts
#👀 - 4 posts
#(honorific) - 3 posts
#acd holmes - 3 posts
#👀👀👀 - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#sorry those are different measurement systems its just that i have no idea what the celsius was in texas and no idea what the farhenheit was
My Top Posts in 2022:
netflix witcher truly made the funniest decisions wrt jaskier bc like. im reading the books now and i’ve played a fair bit of the wild hunt and listen dandelion is fruity as hell and geralt is also clearly not straight but they rly do not come across as anything other than friends, but having jaskier b like. desperately following him around hoping for a shred of affection and then geralt outwardly claiming not to like him but being so visibly fond of him anyway like none of this was necessary sdkfkdf they chose to do it this way.
27 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Bad news guys im doing timeline math and im pretty sure holmes and watson are 27-28 and 24-25 respectively in study in scarlet
55 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
hi im not done thinking about the empty house actually, it's in the fact that the title literally references the setting of morans arrest but also the emptiness of baker st itself without holmes and watson. and within that, the idea of holmes and watson in baker st as A Complete Home despite the gender and family norms of the time. idk. much to think about
61 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Ok so we all know how the amazing devil lyrics use a lot of recurring Themes and Motifs, well a few wks ago i made a table to try and get like a visual overview of all the songs' connections to each other, and im still working on a good way to display that bc its A Lot. But in the meantime i dropped all 59 threads i was following into a perchance generator so u can get ur own tad vibes songwriting prompts!
72 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hey whats up idk how many of yall r in ireland but if anyone wants 2 tickets to mcr at kilmainham hospital (dublin) on may 24th, i cant use them so i have to resell, just dm me and we’ll sort it out :)
76 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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hauntedqt · 26 days
@HAUNTEDQT.  independent   and   extremely   selective   multi   muse   writing   blog   for   ORIGINAL   CHARACTERS   based   off   of   the   lyrical   genius   of   MANY   ARTISTS   .     tortured   by   PHANTOM   ,   twentySEVEN+
muse   list   can   be   found   under   the   read   more   !!
AJAX   WILDER   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   break   stuff   by   limp   bizkuit   .   he   resembles   DREW   STARKEY   .   age   range   is   23   -   28   . BAYLOR   RUSH   ,   bisexual   ,   based   off   of   are   you   gonna   be   my   girl   by   jet   .   she   resembles   SABRINA   CARPENTER   .   age   range   is   21   -   26   . BECKETT   FOX   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   everywhere   i   go   by   hollywood   undead   .   he   resembles   RUDY   PANKOW   .   age   range   is   24   -   27   . JOURNIE   MASTERS   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   break   up   with   your   girlfriend   ,   i'm   bored   by   ariana   grande   .   she   resembles   TARA   YUMMY   .   age   range   is   22   -   25   . RYDER   SANTANA   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   for   the   last   time   by   $uicdeboy$   .   he   resembles   SANTIAGO   SEGURA   .   age   range   is   24   -   28   . RAYNE   LYNCH   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   boyfriend   by   dove   cameron   .   she   resembles   DINA   DENOIRE   .   age   range   is   21   -   26   . BROCK   ROWE   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   title   by   artist   name   .   she   resembles   JONATHAN   DAVISS   .   age   range   is   24   -   27   . ROWAN   PRICE   ,   pansexual   ,   based   off   of   hot girl bummer   by   blackbear   .   he   resembles   VINNIE   HACKER   .   age   range   is   22   -   25   .
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potatoesandsunshine · 1 month
hiii anna:) !! for the fic ask game, 1, 18, 23, 27, 35, 38? lots of em but i know what we're about here on potatoesandsunshine dot tumblr dot com LOL
thank you abby!!! you absolutely know what we’re doing on this blog i will always talk about my fic
1. Compliment your writing!
hmmm i think i’m really good at setting! i used to have a really hard time figuring out how much description environments/scenes needed but now i think i usually strike a nice balance of details and ‘the reader can fill this in in their mind’ :) i’m really proud of this actually! 
18. What trope have you not written yet, but want to?
it has taken me so many years to even be comfortable writing a modern au... i wanna do an arranged marriage thing really bad because that’s my fav thing for a fic (‘how can they be pining when they’re married?’ nomnomnom i have eaten it before i will eat it again) and time travel is like the holy grail. someday we will have a long convoluted beau time travel cobalt soul agent au. maybe if i ever actually do my c2 rewatch :P
23. Where do you usually write?
sitting on my bed and it’s the best spot. on rare occasions i write at my desk, but usually it’s like wall->pillow 1 (has arms)->pillow 2 (vertical)->me->lap desk->notebook or computer.
27. Which fic do you think is your most adventurous?
hmmm as of right now i’d say it’s she moves through moonbeams slowly, which is all about ‘well why shouldn’t i hook up with the dragon who might kill me at any moment, she’s hot!’ but i also really went out on a limb with my andor ‘why not improve this failing marriage by adding a third member (toxic) (sexy) (doomed)’ au. luckily that seems to have found my beloved fellow sickos
35. Have you ever written a fic because you were inspired by a title?
yes but not as often as you might think! Fly, Dove! Sing, Sparrow! exists because i heard gimme gimme from thoroughly modern millie and could not get it out of my head until i used it, but that’s the only one i can think of right this moment. i’m definitely a Song Lyric Title person, but it usually happens idea first
38. Pick three of your fics and share a song to go with each
oh you know this question was made for me. i do a lot of little playlists for my fic actually and i tend to share most of them! they can be found here :) i’m gonna try not to use ones i’ve already done on those!
for like flowers and blue skies, my extremely silly elle/vivian d&d au, What Do You Want from Me Tonight? by Sidney Gish: And I'm born too tall to contort my spine into a ball / And I wanna disappear, but I'm not adequately small
for spend your days biting your own neck, the ‘what if beau got mind controlled?’ angst/fun fic, Limp by Fiona Apple: So call me crazy, hold me down / Make me cry, get off now, babyfor oh, lend a mending hand, I Don’t Feel It Anymore by William Fitzsimmons: No map can direct / How to ever make it home / We're alone, we're alone, we're alone
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thebowerypresents · 10 months
Reunited Le Tigre Come Home to Brooklyn Steel to Close Out Tour
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Le Tigre – Brooklyn Steel – July 27, 2023
Here’s a thought: It’s a little out there and a little … scary? But this is just an exercise, and this is just a blog post. What if, for now, just for a couple of hours, we chose joy? Yes, it’s 2023. Yes, the world is boiling like a hot pot. And it’s the worst year in modern memory for trans rights, gay rights and reproductive rights. But no one’s asking you to ignore that, least of all, Le Tigre, the high-energy, unrelenting, unabashedly political project of Kathleen Hanna (of Bikini Kill), Johanna Fateman and JD Samson.
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But 20 years on from the band’s last live show, can we have a little fun too? Thankfully, the answer was a resounding yes on Thursday night at Brooklyn Steel, the first of the hometown band’s three sold-out nights in Brooklyn — and their last three on tour after many years away. It’s hard to name an album that I wore out more in my early teens than Le Tigre (1999), so witnessing its songs and lyrics live, bursting with the same hooks, howls and drum loops, was the most special of treats. After rousing and delightfully warm MC’ing by Murray Hill, the band took the stage and launched into the scuzzy guitar loop and dance-y backbeat of “The the Empty,” with Hanna, in puffy purple dress and yellow tights, unleashing her signature battle-cry vocals: “Why won’t you answer me? Answer me! Answer me!”
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“TKO” (This Island, 2004), with punchy Pop Art backing graphics, followed, then “FYR” (“Fifty years of ridicule”), from Feminist Sweepstakes (2001), whose lyrics flashed behind the trio, the effect landing somewhere between protest poster and APPLAUSE sign: “Can we trade Title IX for an end to hate crime? / RU-486 if we suck your fucking dick.” “What's Yr Take on Cassavetes,” among the most innovative tracks on Le Tigre, brought me back to the band’s lo-fi bedroom-project humor that made me fall in love: You can be this funny and this jaded in music? 
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It was nice to know the songs brought them back, too. Fateman took the wheel on “Mediocrity Rules” (From the Desk of Mr. Lady, 2001), a song she said made her feel like she was in her 20s again. Even “Viz” (This Island), which Samson said was about the very real experience of being treated like shit at a party (seemingly not fun to revisit) had the whole room grooving. I struggle, reader, to not detail every moment. “My My Metrocard” in Brooklyn, video art of random garbage-like products, stop-motion scuba divers. “Eau d’Bedroom Dancing” as the set closer. But the real barn burner, of course, was the final song, the encore closer — “Deceptacon,” that singular, perfect bop that somehow opens Le Tigre. “Who took the bomp?” Hanna — and everyone else in the room — screamed. Pure, pure happiness. —Rachel Brody | @RachelCBrody
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(Le Tigre play Brooklyn Steel again tonight and tomorrow.)
Photos courtesy of Adela Loconte | www.adelaloconte.com
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chdatz9000 · 1 year
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I posted 2,187 times in 2022
That's 790 more posts than 2021!
266 posts created (12%)
1,921 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 241 of my posts in 2022
#wwe - 159 posts
#wwe royal rumble - 57 posts
#royal rumble - 57 posts
#rrparty - 56 posts
#wwe wrestlemania - 43 posts
#wrestlemania - 43 posts
#korrasami - 33 posts
#elemental fever challenge - 27 posts
#wwe wrestlemania backlash - 26 posts
#wwe backlash - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#if i wake tomorrow and see that the vas for korra and/or asami hate korrasami or say some derogatory comments about the ship
My Top Posts in 2022:
i accidentally thought of a SMALL story of a red lotus korra and an equalist asami.
god damnit. I don't really enjoy the trope but......i found out lyrics of a certain song...and damnit...now i can't stop thinking about it
15 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
I'll give you a squeezer any time, bud
16 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Where the Snow Takes Us...thoughts??
I caught up/finished this....AMAZING fic...
I have NOTHING but high praises for this story. Thank you so much author for providing us your fantastic story.
99% of the time I had the BIGGEST smile on my face while reading this. The Love and Care of their characters just...breaks through your screen and immediately takes root in your mind.
(more under the cut) (mostly just me rambling)
I'm gonna try to be vague JUST IN CASE.
The 1% was me fucking CRYING. FUCK. I mentioned it before but the entirety of the scene where they go to the airport together KILLED ME. It legit brought up the time where I had to go through something similar to that and ugh. I forgot those....powerful feelings and those memories and feelings (and story) CLUNG to my damn head all day.
The pining was expected honestly. lol. makes sense. I just didn't really expect the length of it. it is (currently) 35 chapters long and I expected some length before something lol. What i didn't know is that this story, essentially, has seasons.
i THINK I can boil it down to 3 or 4, depending on how you view story beats.
Season 1 was probably my favorite. It sets up everything. Everything you WANT in a slow burn and honestly met all expectations in those regards. The author also *did the thing* where they put the title in the story.
I hated season 2. NOT because it was bad or poorly written or whathaveyou. It was the entirety of the situation. The pain it caused me lol.
[SMALL SPOILER: The connection it had with the real series kinda hit me in the face once I kinda realized. The 3 years. the letters. it was honestly really well done]
Season 3 just fucking melts your heart and kicks ass. And I HAVE to spoil this because of the immense feelings I had. BUT KORRA WINNING THE OLYMPICS. I HONESTLY CHEERED I HONESLTY CRIED. THE BIGGEST SMILE ON MY DUMB FACE. I WAS SO PROUD OF IT ALL. One of my favorite scenes had one of my absolute favorite lines in it. I left a comment that was just me screaming lol. (the author was probably confused when they read it lol)
"A few clouds traveled lazily across the blue, blissfully ignorant of the life changing events that had just transpired below. Just as they’d done eight years ago,..."
And while I said season 1 was my favorite, season 3 is probably the most fulfilling portion of the story to me.
Season 4 (maybe? depending on how you look at it lol) is where we are left off. We are dealing with reality checks. We're dealing with the, in my opinion, the must surreal amount of realism, in the non fiction sense. It slaps you in the face. lol.
And we're left on a different kind of cliff hanger. No real life or death scenarios or a "will she say yes" like deal. But one that. pricks your brain on what the possibilities be. While it's more than likely resolved, i kinda see how it can be turned (even though there's 2 chapters left lol) but all that's left after all of this is what's next for our favorite couple.
honestly, after my dumb ramblings all that's really really left to say is that I am GLAD I've read this. I know that I can't do Roll with the Punches, the fucking hurt I experienced from Where the Snow Takes Us, I would imagine, would utterly be eclipsed with RWTP. In this story, the trip to the airport, took me about a day to get over it. lol.
The author has a real talent with their writing. The moods they can capture, the characters, their individual stories, the scenes come to life I tell you.
If you're reading this still. I'm sorry for my dumb ramblings and thank you so much for doing so. Read it if you haven't already. Give it props, leave comments, share it.
My only complaint....there's no more snow. put it back. there's no more snow to take them.
17 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
25 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just wanted to say
I loved the Bob's Burgers movie. Animation was beautiful and I couldn't stop from tapping my foot. And i'm REALLY glad that i'm not in the minority. It has a 86% on rotten tomatoes (95% audience score). And like. the biggest part of it for me is that I ACTUALLY want to rewatch it. I don't really do that for movies until much later.
I guess it's mostly because it's like just a (VERY LONG) episode of the show, it has that rewatchability. But there's like...5 or 8 scenes I just want to rewatch right now lol
106 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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patrickstumpshand · 1 year
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I posted 67 times in 2022
That's 67 more posts than 2021!
27 posts created (40%)
40 posts reblogged (60%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 63 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#fall out boy - 26 posts
#patrick stump - 22 posts
#pete wentz - 8 posts
#ps: little drummer boy - 7 posts
#star wars - 7 posts
#fob - 7 posts
#star trek - 5 posts
#ps: litte drummer boy - 5 posts
#queue all the love to leave my heart - 5 posts
#falloutboy - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#love this fall out boy patrick stump patrick freaking stump yeah i love him more i gotta be honest
My Top Posts in 2022:
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (The Sad Truth Of The Matter) Lyric Analysis
I have a theory that 'Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying' is about the fans. Most of FOB's songs are love letters, but 'Get Busy' sounds like more of a hate-letter to fans. If you look at the lyrics, it's half us clamoring at their feet, and half Pete yelling at us to stop. 
Lets start with the title. The song is called ‘Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows).’ It’s pretty simple; basically asking Fall Out Boy to live or die instead of wasting all their time on the band. The second part of the title says basically the same thing, which is ‘stop going to shows.’
The first lines of the song itself say ‘This has been said so many times that I'm not sure if it matters, but we never stood a chance, and I'm not sure if it matters.’ Exactly what it sounds like. Most fans like certain bands on a crush-y level...heck, even I do. The lines here are trying to convince the fans that ‘no, you never stood a chance with any of them.’ It’s pretty depressing, but probably true, since most of us haven’t even met them in person in the first place. 
The next lines go ‘If you are the shores, I am the waves begging for big moons. I'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town’ Again, simple. The songwriters are now speaking from the fans’ point of view, suggesting that if Fall Out Boy was the shore, the fans would be the waves, begging for big moons--or ‘big tides’--to push them up to touch the shore. All fans want the opportunity to meet them, touch them or get their signature, right? Then there’s fanmail. The song talks about ‘mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town,’ implying that the letters will never reach the recipients they were meant for. No matter how much their fans might try, they’re saying our letters will never reach them. Or there’s a good chance they won’t, anyway. 
Next part I’m going to translate: ‘I know this hurts, it was meant to (it was meant to) Your secret's out and the best part is it isn't even a good one--and it's mind over you don't, don't matter.’ Now these lines are sorta heartbreaking. The band is saying ‘I know this hurts, it was meant to,’ as if they’re saying once we figure out the meaning of this song, it will hurt. And it’s supposed to. All the lines of this song point to the fact that 2005 Fall Out Boy didn’t want fans at all. Kind of contradictory to some of their other stuff, but the proof’s right here. The next words say ‘your secret’s out and the best part is it isn’t even a good one.’ We like them. They know. And it’s embarrassing. Then theres ‘and it’s mind over you don’t, don’t matter.’ This one’s split into two meanings, putting a twist on the popular saying ‘mind over matter.’ The first half implies that our love and obsession with the band is mind over matter. We don’t have to like them, but we do. The lyrics are kind of a jab at the fans’ self-control, basically saying ‘you’re obsessed with us. Please stop.’ The second half goes ‘you don’t matter,’ which is kind of a stab to the gut. Plain and simple, we don’t matter to them nearly as much as they matter to us.
The following section of the song goes ‘But it must be said again that all us boys are just screaming into microphones for attention, because we're just so bored. We never knew that you would pick it apart, oh, I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts.’ Fall Out Boy (because literally all of them wrote this song I think) is saying that they write music for fun. They’re bored, so they sing. It’s a hobby to them, but the Bible to their fans. All they wanted was attention, but what they got was screaming and crying crowds of fans, worshipping them and letting the lyrics of their songs dictate their lives. We’re ‘picking it apart’ and ‘falling apart to songs about hips and hearts.’ They’re saying junk music. We listen to their hastily written songs they made for fun and take it to heart.
The next lines: ‘I used to obsess over living; now I only obsess over you. Tell me you'd like boys like me better, in the dark lying on top of you.’ Straightforward. Singing from the fans’ perspective again, accusing us of caring about them more than our own lives. If the line was re-written to make sense, it would go something like ‘I used to have a life, and I used to like it--now all I can think about is you (the band).’ And the next part, switching back over to FOB’s perspective, they say ‘Tell me you’d like boys like me better, in the dark lying on top of you.’ Explaining that we’re not satisfied enough just knowing about them, or being their fans. We need to be in some sort of relationship with them, and they don’t like that. They can’t date all of us.
The last lines, told in Pete Wentz’s ‘ugly singing’ voice (I’m pretty sure that’s what they call it), are delivered somewhat like a poem. Sort of pleading, like he’s asking for something; ‘From day one I talked about getting out But not forgetting about how my worst fears are letting out He said why put a new address On the same old loneliness When breathing just passes the time Until we all just get old and die Now talking's just a waste of breath and living's just a waste of death And why put a new address on the same old loneliness And this is you and me And me and you until we've got nothing left.’ These lines are kinda sad, because it basically sounds like he thinks there’s no point to anything. Some of the last words kind of imply that his fans seem like part of his life, but really, they won’t matter in the end. So why would he have them in the first place? The lyrics seem to say that we needn’t waste our breath on pointless things, live our life in pointless ways, and we can’t disguise our true selves no matter how hard we try. What a depressing end to a song.
Anyway, that wraps up my interpretation of the song; it probably clashes with other people’s versions of it, but I scoured the internet for a translation and I couldn’t find anything convincing. If you’d like to talk about some of the points I brought up, feel free to comment or reblog! Long live the Car Crash Hearts :)
12 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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See the full post
29 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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See the full post
30 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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Happy birthday to the sweetest, shortest, handsomest, most talented person in the entire universe <3 <3 <3
Love you Patrick! I usually make a sketch of him on his birthday, so here’s the latest; hope you guys enjoy it. Feel free to reblog to support a small artist!
31 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This is an old and dead meme. I’m so sorry. I have revived it.
514 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Okay well basically I just learned that I'm a Fall Out Boy freak ig
...which I already knew XD
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gabzlovesu · 2 years
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"Lord, you know how hard it is dealing with the pain day-to-day over one man."
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To celebrate reaching 200 followers, I have created a collab based on Summer Walker's new album titled Still Over It. This entire album has been on repeat since it dropped. All of the songs convey so much raw emotion as she dishes out everything about the relationship with her ex that ended in shambles.
There's no such thing as the perfect person and every relationship will endure its own trials and tribulations. So pick a song and write a piece disclosing a toxic relationship, breakup, or any kind of heartbreak with one of your favs. You can also choose other songs from Summer Walker! If you decide to use one of those, let me know which one when you send in the request to join.
Theme: men (or women) ain't shit/toxic relationships
Deadline to join: Feb 1. | Submission deadline: Feb 13. Dog out your fav in your works and then make up the next day to secure the Valentine's Day you deserve! A prefect way to demonstrate a toxic relationship.
[There is no pressure to submit your piece by this day. If you need more time, want to withdraw, or anything else, please don't hesistate to reach out and let me know. I promise I'm a very understanding person!]
*My inbox and messages are always open for questions or concerns! :)
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MUST BE 17+ TO JOIN. Please have your age in your bio or somewhere it can be easily accessed on your blog. Ageless bios will not be accepted.
There isn't a minimum or maximum word limit, so write as much as you desire. However, if your work exceeds 1k words, please include a read more break!
NSFW and dark content are welcome, just tag them properly.
Each song has 4 slots available on a first-come-first-serve basis. My submission does not count as a slot, so there can be 4 other submissions in addition to mine for whatever song I choose.
Character repeats are allowed.
Feel free to incorporate the song lyrics, videos, art, or whatever you like with your work. You can also include other characters, especially if it creates a messy, drama-filled story!
Tag me in the final work or send me the link, and include “f*ck love collab” within your first five tags.
— included fandoms: haikyuu, jjk, aot, mha, tokyo revengers, demon slayer —
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Just send me an ask with the song and character of your choice! If you'd rather send me a message privately that's fine as well!
If you have any warnings at that time let me know; if not, that's okay, but let me know later or include them in the final work.
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[masterlist below]
track 1 — BITTER ▷ 4:41
track 2 — EX FOR A REASON ▷ 3:45
1. “ex for a reason” toji x reader (jjk) @happygoluckyalexis
track 3 — NO LOVE ▷ 3:51
1. “could’ve been us” geto x reader (jjk) @indiecursor
2. “no love” gojo x reader (jjk) @angwritez
3. “smother” toxic!eren x reader (aot) @tyga-lily
4. “fuck love” geto x reader (jjk) @rinhoes
track 4 — THROW IT AWAY ▷ 2:31
1. “throw it away” toji x reader (jjk) @hellavile
track 5 — RECIPROCATE ▷ 3:02
track 6 — YOU DON'T KNOW ME ▷ 3:20
track 7 — CIRCUS ▷ 2:12
1. toji x reader (jjk) @sintiva
track 8 — INSANE ▷ 3:09
1. “a lovesick fool” toji x reader (jjk) @misss-chrisss
track 9 — CONSTANT BULLSHIT ▷ 3:17
1. “where were you?” sanzu x reader (tr) @suspirihah
2. “constant bullshit” jason x reader & aomine x reader (knb) @maydayaisha
track 10 — SWITCH A N**** OUT ▷ 2:57
track 11 — UNLOYAL ▷ 3:27
1. “unloyal” rindou (tr) x reader @quinntheebrain
track 12 — CLOSURE ▷ 2:11
1. “3:14 AM” ukai (hq) x reader ME &lt;3
track 13 — TOXIC ▷ 4:26
1. sanzu x reader (tr) @festive
track 14 — DAT RIGHT THERE ▷ 3:10
track 15 — SCREWIN ▷ 5:33
1. “screwin” geto x reader (jjk) @mastermindenoshimaalicia
track 16 — BROKEN PROMISES ▷ 3:03
1. “broken promises” eren x reader (aot) @saintkiri
track 17 — SESSION 33 ▷ 2:07
track 18 — 4TH BABY MAMA (PRELUDE) ▷ 1:15
track 19 — 4TH BABY MAMA ▷ 3:45
1. “4th baby mama” ushijima x reader (hq) @dejwrites
2. “fuck love” tengen x reader (kny) @mitsuyasfavorite
track 20 — CIARA'S PRAYER ▷ 1:54
1. “ciara’s prayer” gojo x reader (jjk) @p-antomime
BONUS TRACKS [other songs]
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© 2021 gabzlovesu — The reposting, plagiarizing, or alteration of these works are prohibited. All Rights Reserved.
tagging: @arielspoem | @dejwrites | @misss-chrisss | @indiecursor | @rinhoes | @nanaminshousewife | @presidentmonica | @arean | @tyga-lily | @angwritez | @sexy-lil-nugget | @haikyutiehoe | @brattsumu | @syomi | @mossygreys | @6sens | @suget | @rxxicole | @hellavile | @pervysenpaix | @simpliheavenli | @nneedynymph | @seyawrld | @gardenof-venus | @jojothebimbomilf
i just wanted to tag all of my amazing moots and other writing blogs that showed interest in the collab event. i'm sorry if you didn't want to be tagged! 💗
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