#my brain isn't at full power but i had to scream with you how much i love lata
wigglebox · 2 years
Hi sorry I've come to gush in your inbox about how much I love lata. I LOVED the way she talked about choosing peace and anger not being fulfilling because it's super similar to my own philosophy and own happiness in a world where everything seems to always be Going Bad All The Time. Choosing peace is so powerful and freeing because it comes totally from within, you can't change people but you can change how you react to them! And I love how there's a character doing exactly that in this world filled with angry punchy people who never find any absolution.
choosing peace and then having John come to her at the end of the episode to choose to learn how to be peaceful and calmer it's just ... idk
we know it doesn't last obviously, but just that she was so centered with herself, and she CHOSE to work on that over the years, and she had every right and was justified if she wasn't, but god she's just amazing.
and so amazing that the character we know to have issues with anger and PTSD and sadness chose to come to her at the end to choose to learn how to start to overcome that.
she's so amazing i love her so much. it meant so much she said that, chose all that, and it meant a lot that john came to her for help.
ugh i'm tearing up lmao
kjlfkawjalfjw nonny you got me in my feels this morning
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itsgodepi · 1 year
If I lose my mind | Ch. 1
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Series summary: When you're buried under a mountain of problems and can’t seem to catch a break, it might feel like you need a complete reset. But did it really have to come with a one-way ticket to a new dimension? Surely, a little problem-solving would’ve done the trick. Or, one day you go to sleep as a normal person and the next you wake up as a Formula One driver. You've never been a fan but isn't it like, one of the most exclusive sports? Pairing: CL16, LH44, CS55, DR3 x fem!reader Chapter: Next Word Count: 1.8k Also on AO3
There is not a word to describe the overwhelming sense of anguish that invades your body as soon as you lay down on bed. The tears keep burning their way down your cheeks, unrelenting ever since you first stepped into the apartment. You blindly reach up for a pillow, hugging it close to your chest as if that could calm the emptiness consuming your heart. Even breathing is getting more and more difficult, the air not reaching your lungs as you keep sobbing uncontrollably. 
“No puedo más (I can't do this anymore)" you cry into the pillow, voice rough with sadness. Curling in on yourself as you close your eyes, the pressure that has been building up inside your chest getting to a point that is unbearable. Your fingers digging into the pillow with such force they hurt, while sobs keep your whole body.
There is no saying how many hours pass by until you finally fall asleep, cheeks sticky with tears and lips bitten raw. Finally, a moment of rest after this nightmare of a year, a streak of sleepless night broken by sheer exhaustion. 
Although you can feel yourself letting go of your consciousness, the fire in your heart does nothing but grow. Your breath picks up the pace mere seconds later as well, seemingly following the rhythm of your heart, which has started beating like it will break out of your ribcage any minute now. You try to calm yourself down, mind floating in a strange limbo that you cannot escape. What is happening? Why can’t you open your eyes? You can feel them moving behind your eyelids, trembling from the effort. Actually, you belatedly notice, it is your whole body that is shaking with tremors. You attempt turning around or moving in whichever way you can, desperately trying to get out of this half-conscious state. Still, that plan quickly backfires, every single muscle on your body is tensed up and locked on position, it hurts to even think of stretching them. 
Suddenly, a bright light starts shining with such force that you can feel it heating your face. Although your first guess is that you have slept through the whole night and the sun is finally coming to save from this awful dream, as its power keeps increasing, you realize how wrong you are. It feels like a spotlight is being pointed right at your face, the brightness so powerful that your eyes are burning even though they are closed. You seek protection under your hands, your pillow, anything, but your body is still refusing to obey your orders. 
The sounds at the back of your mind start gaining prominence as you fight to wake up. It had started as a beeping noise, but as your anxiety grows, you realize there is something else. Screams, claps, music,… 
And then, it all comes crashing. 
Your eyes forcefully open at once, blinded by sunlight and moving side to side in complete distress. There are voices and noises coming from all directions, but it is impossible for you to understand anything, the sounds echoing as if you were trapped under water. You try to move around and feel your surroundings, where is the bed? Where am I? However, before you can do as much as stretch your hand forward, something collides with your body in full force. The impact makes you lose your balance, the realization that you are actually standing up being too vague for your still woozy brain to process. A pair of arms come to envelop your body, keeping you upright and even lifting you up in the air at some point. 
The words have become clearer now that you are regaining consciousness. “That was amazing!” “A fucking P10, oh my god” “You were flying out there” the screams accompanied with irregular bangs that keep bouncing off your head. 
What is happening? 
Head filled with the worst ever case scenarios and fear flowing through your body like thunders, you break down. There is no use in standing around and politely asking who the fuck are they and how have they entered your house. Your mind is running wild with possibilities. So, with your voice coming straight from your heart and those awful feelings taking control over your body, you start screaming and trashing around like a mad woman. Feet kicking everything and everyone that dare coming close to you. 
Unexpectedly, you are released without having to put much of a fight. The sudden lack of support leaving you to fall down to your knees, legs too numb to do anything to stop it. That seems to not only surprise you, but also those around you, the yelling dying down after that. Now the only thing filling your ears is the erratic beating of your heart and the distant music. The tears do accompany you yet again, feelings swarming your mind with such force that you feel out of breath. That fight or flight mode you were hopping would save you is promptly drowned by them, a nervous attack building inside your chest so powerfully that it leaves you frozen in place. 
“Hey, calm down, it's okay” someone shushes you, a pair of hands coming to rest on top of your shoulders with such care that you do not notice them at first, too focused on trying to even out your breath. It is only when your head is suddenly pulled forward, that a panicked gasp breaks out of your lips, hands flying up to grasp at your head that feels like it is being pulled out of your body. 
But instead, what you feel is the rough scratching of fabric over your cheek and something that bumps into your nose. What-? 
That awful sensation of being underwater is instantly relieved when whatever had been covering your head slides right off it. You first thought is that someone must have put some sort of fabric over your head to restrict your vision, that this people have broken into your house and tried to get you out of the way, but when you see a light blue helmet being taken from you, you can only stare at it open mouthed. 
Your field of vision has finally been cleared up, and for better or for worse, your surroundings have also been discovered before you. The helmet is the center of it all, being held by a man dressed in a weird bright orange jumpsuit that would stand out anywhere but even more so in this situation. Who is he? His worried-filled eyes are making you feel so uncomfortable that you cannot hold his gaze for more than a second, it is like they are trying to dig into your mind and fix whatever is scaring you right this second, but how can he when he is the main culprit? 
Well, not only him, but there is also a group of at least 20 men surrounding you, all of their eyes set on your trembling form. Your anxiety increases by the second, gaze flying everywhere as the sound of your heartbeat rings on your ears. You cannot recognize this place or anyone for that matter, where are you? This is not your bedroom. What happened? 
The man in front of you claims your attention once again, his hand reaching up for your arm as his lips move without making a single noise. You want to stop him, back away and put some space between the two of you until you figure out who the fuck he is. And yet, you remain completely still, your body pulling you down like dead weight. Even the muscles on your chest seem to have been locked in place, the air stuck on your throat as your mouth gapes open. His hand comes up to cradle your face when he notices, the heat of it comforting even though his expression is filled with concern. He talks and talks, the words not registering on your woozy mind since you cannot concentrate in anything but how heavy your eyelids feel. 
The man quickly catches those signs, his eyebrows furrowing as he tries to shake you out of it. He also seems to call for help, because yet another face pops into view, their expressions matching. But it is too late. 
That is the last thing you see before once again falling into the darkness. 
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A sigh passes by through your parted lips, body melting into the soft bed sheets. It feels a bit too hot under the covers, the fabric sticking to your skin uncomfortably as you sleepily move around. 
Stretching your muscles feels wonderful after hours of uninterrupted sleep. The sun seems to still be down, the room drowned in complete darkness as you turn on your side to get a better hold of the pillow. Your alarm has also not rung yet which means that there is still some time to laze around. 
However, before you can get a hold of that precious sleep you have been chasing, a few knocks on the door come to wake you up. 
With a groan, you sit yourself on the middle of the bed, hands covering your face as you try to keep yourself upright. Who could be outside? It is not like you have invited someone over and forgot, right? God knows you are not in the best condition for a visit right now, did you even put your pyjamas on last night? Cannot remember.... You have not ordered anything lately either. 
Rather than giving up at the lack of response, the person outside starts banging harder on the door, the noise fully waking you up. You decide to get out of bed and attend whatever is so urgent, body screaming in disapproval as you drag yourself out of it. 
Maybe you should have noticed something was strange the second your foot stepped down into the carpeted floor, or when you knock your knee on something that definitely was not there before, but the visitor does not let your mind wander too far. The knocked ceases before you can reach the door, instead there is a strange mechanic sound and a couple of beeps followed by the door opening on its own. 
“Hey, are you awake? I wanted to let you sleep in a bit more but-” comes a man’s voice, one you have never heard in your whole live and that freezes you in place. Yet, that is not even the most surprising thing, he is somehow talking in English for some reason. 
The man has the audacity to take a peek inside the room, his eyes searching in the shadows while you are freaking out. You recognize that face, the memories come crashing as soon as his gaze meets yours and he smiles. He was there in your dream, when you fainted, dressed in white like the rest of the men surrounding you. What the hell is happening? 
Was that… real? 
Next chapter
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seramilla · 2 months
Looking at the poll I haven't really thought of Emily and Velvette but I do like the idea. I am imagining that in a AU where Sera and Carmilla are already together and Carmilla already See's Emily as a daughter. I wonder which of them would be more upset upon learning they are dating
(I am easing back into answering asks. Please be kind to my inbox.)
Sera doesn't know Velvette like Carmilla does. Sure, she's one of those annoying Vees Carmilla comes home and complains about after every Overlord meeting, but she's never really met the woman. She's never witnessed how manipulative and calculating the Vees and Velvette can be. And Emily is just so new to Hell and innocent to the ways and wiles of Sinners. She never stood a chance. Especially not when Velvette uses one of her patented love potions on her to...help Emily along.
The first time Sera sees Velvette so much as touch Emily's arm, putting her face close to Emily's and working that spell on her, Sera's instinct is to freeze, brain not quite understanding what she's seeing. Emily...with a powerful Overlord...who is hanging off the smaller angel's arm like an accessory. Like she is so obviously up to something. Velvette doesn't quite have the reputation of Valentino...but she can sure romance with the best of them. Even if most of the time it's artificial and manufactured in a lab. Sera is as rigid as a statue, unsure how to react or process what she's seeing.
How had she...how had Velvette even gotten close to Emily?? She and Carmilla were in the gardens of the Carmine estate that afternoon, just enjoying one of the least hot and humid days that Hell has seen in a while, and suddenly, Emily waltzes right through the gate with Velvette in tow, smiling like one of Carmilla's mortal enemies isn't holding her hand delicately in her grasp.
Sera becomes rigid, too stunned to speak. Carmilla has no such qualms. Immediately, she clocks what Velvette is doing. Carmilla bolts across the yard, faster than the time it takes Sera to blink, and slams Velvette against the hard angelic steel rungs of the fence erected around her home. Carmilla holds her large claws to Velvette's neck, threatening to squeeze the life out of her if the shorter woman even dares twitch in her grasp.
"Emily," Carmilla says, voice so full of mirth and rage, it barely even registers as Carmilla's. She doesn't once take her eyes off Velvette. "Go to Sera. Right now!"
"But Carmilla..."
"Do what I fucking said! I won't ask you again! Now!"
Emily doesn't question her further. Just looks on in concern as the natural disaster that is Carmilla Carmine in a bad mood turns back to face Velvette, presenting her with the full force of a mother whose child is being threatened. That's what Emily is now. Hers and Sera's responsibility. Not Velvette's, or anyone else's. HERS.
"I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play, you insolent little brat," Carmilla grows, shoving Velvette up against the fence again for good measure, until she practically pushes Velvette's head between two of the slats. "You're lucky I don't tear your face off and shove it up your ass for using that girl to break in here."
Velvette cries out at the feel of angelic steel beginning to burn through her clothing, but despite the pain, she grins up at Carmilla, knowing she'd very nearly gotten the better of her.
"Then why don't you, you old fossil?" Velvette chortles, squeezing Carmilla's hand around her neck with her own claws, very nearly breaking the skin. "Maybe I actually like her. Would that be so hard to believe?"
Carmilla snarls and shoves Velvette even harder into the fence, until she can practically smell smoke coming off the younger woman's skin. Velvette tries to maintain her cold demeanor, but can't hide the whimper of pain, and then the scream as the steel burns through her dress around her shoulder blades.
"Because I don't want a fucking civil war on my hands, you petulant child!"
""All right!" Velvette shouts, squirming and writhing fruitlessly to get out of Carmilla's grasp. "Carmilla, please! Fine! You win! I fucking give! Just let me down!"
Carmilla drops Velvette on the ground with a thud, the smaller overlord landing hard on her knees and having to catch herself before she falls over on her side. The back of her dress is burned through, and there is a charcoal-like scorch mark on the fence where Carmilla had been holding her up. Velvette staggers to her feet. She winces, trying to reach around to her back to soothe the pain, but unable to reach it.
"You can walk out of here with just that injury today," Carmilla warns, never once taking her eyes off Velvette, as the fashionista limps her way pathetically back toward the gate. "But if I ever catch you near Emily again with one of your potions, I will murder you. There will be nothing left for your comrades to find. Truce, be damned. Do you understand me?"
Velvette ignores her, opening the gate, and squeezing herself weakly through the barely open slats.
"Velvette! Answer me! Do you understand?!" Carmilla shouts again.
"I'm not promising you anything, windbag," Velvette responds, even though there is no energy behind it. Carmilla has taken all the fight out of her. She slams the gate closed behind her, pathetically weak, and Carmilla keeps an eye on her as she disappears down the street, back toward the Vee's tower.
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ovaryacted · 6 months
I got one for yea. Anon off because I’m a degen and if I’m going to be sacrilegious, may as well show my whole ass
Leon was raised Catholic. This is canon. Now, he ain’t religious. We know this. But let’s just say he loves an s/o who’s Catholic.
To sum this up rq, us Catholics go through lent. So for 40 days after Ash Wednesday we give up one thing (or do more charity work) for those 40 days. We can have what we gave up after Easter.
Now. With that out of the way, time for me to get excommunicated.
Let’s just say Leon is curious about catholic traditions. He may not go to church but if his s/o gets the ashes on their forehead, he may as well join ‘em.
Now lent begins. And his s/o wants to give us orgasms. Not theirs. His.
For 40 days Leon is edged. At first he thinks he can handle it. It’s a challenge for him. He’s game. He gets edged once, on day 1. Edged 2 times on day 2 etc etc.
But by day like, 10, he’s cracking. He’s being brought to the edge so much and so often he’s damn near desperate. Day 20 he’s sobbing, begging to cum.
Day 30 he’s promising to go to church more he’ll convert back to Catholicism. He’ll get baptized again, just let him cum.
Day 40, on Easter, the most holy day for us Catholics, his s/o finally lets him cum. I think his brain literally shuts down from how powerful his orgasm is. Like neurons full on fizzle out processing the pure pleasure and ecstasy. I’d even bet he orgasms twice from how intense it all is.
He’s trembling, shaking, practically screaming from how good feels. He probably passes out. Leon only realizes he had completely blacked out when his s/o is stroking his cheek and praising him.
It takes a good bit of aftercare for him to return to the world but once he’s back, he’s already counting the days until lent again.
Aight Catholic Church it’s been fun. I’ll see you all in hell lmao.
I think it's kind of funny that I unintentionally saved my response to this for Easter weekend LMAO. But even though I personally am not religious, I think the idea of lent or having to give something up is an interesting one and I applaud people who do that. That being said, Leon voluntarily giving up the ability to have an orgasm because he loves his partner and wants to respect and support their faith would turn him into a reborn catholic.
This is on another level of No Nut November, military-grade abstinence that is slowly killing him over 40 days and 40 nights. He thinks he can handle it when it's first suggested, he's gone without feeling pleasure for years, and he'll make it.
He's wrong, so very wrong. In reality, he gets humbled very quickly, and after the first few edging attempts he thinks it isn't so bad until it feels like his dick is about to fall off from being on edge constantly. His body pulses, rigid as hell, he's antsy and is constantly bouncing his leg when he sits, and now has a hard time sleeping. It'll get so bad that he'll propose not being near his partner for a while because just being in the same room with them makes him hard, and the fact that he can't do anything about that kills him.
But after Leon survives the Lent period and finally gets what he wants, he almost regrets agreeing to it in the first place. The orgasms he experiences after 40 days are intense and overwhelming, and the way he has an out-of-body experience really makes him think that a God does exist. In the back of his mind, he's just thanking this Godly figure for allowing him to live this long to experience something like this. Perhaps he does black out from it all, I think he would, but it would probably change the way he thinks about everything in his life at that moment.
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The thing about that post-match promo is that it's absolutely brilliant but kind of hilarious too
1001% a fantastic angle to take on Swerve's character as a whole as well as the Wembley match, I was talking about how Hangman's arc as the only one to call out that the emperor has no clothes is great, where MJF had a bit of the same thing when he had his heel turn again but Swerve? Swerve is on another level. Generational Champ level. Make the crowd chant Swerve's House as you break into someone else's house. Make the crowd chant 'Yes' for you while you beat the snot out of Wheeler Yuta when there was a famous Ramp up of people screaming for Yuta as the fan fave almost overnight as the underdog. Beat fan fave Ospreay. Snap arms as a finisher. Drive the OG beloved mascot of the Franchise to Insanity, obsession, and near heel status. Swervemania just grows by the day. They just love you more.
Is it the song? Nana and the dance? The athletic skills and variety in the ring? Attention to character detail? Just the killer swag and (let's be real we see it) massive dick with accompanying BDE? Whatever the star power we have The Derangement and they're playing with it.
MJF and Hangman and others have made the audience the villain this season. It's great. We've ruined things, but they need us and our approval so they're stuck. But where does that leave Swerve?
I have this thought, this recurring quote from Rick and Morty actually: "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer." I'm thinking about the inverse of that effect. How if nothing you do is now tied to any threat of social failure or success... You start building your own metrics for success, or you have a meltdown when you realize that the void is meaningless.
Jericho and the Young Bucks are having the time of their lives revamping themselves as Heels doing whatever they want as often as they want pretty much. Swerve has spoken about how he came in and identified Hangman as the main character of AEW, now living without conflict after resolving his arcs, happy and loved by all at the Top. Bryan is at the end of his career as possibly the GOAT, preaching his 'i'm just here having a good time, so mentally healthy, proud of my kids and #grateful for every moment' philosophy.
If Swerve understands he can do no harm, or cannot fail / be killed in any way that truly matters... That's boring. There's no fight, no challenge, no real opposition no matter who steps up that week.
So if there aren't any storebought, make your own.
Breaking Hangman psychologically until he becomes as mutually obsessed as Swerve was, then more so when Swerve reverses on him to ignore him when he comes back, desperately screaming that he lost Everything to Swerve for no reason, and we love Swerve for it... Yeah. He's right.
Now we're taking another legend that can't be bothered with more than just phoning it in despite what he says, whom the audience can't turn against in any way that really matters, absolutely just fumbling around until we finally flick that switch in Bryan's brain from '#blessed' to 'i am no longer having a Good Time, call PETA and have them revoke my lifetime membership already because I'm going to beat you up and down this road like the 4H cow placing last at the country fair on the way to the slaughterhouse'. He's been full on Vibing all night, and suddenly the pale blue shirt isn't just Dadcore for cheering Yuta on but doing that thing where his Icicle Eyes are full blast.
And I'm recognizing this switch is hot AF and intense and I am Much more hype for Wembley, but also I'm just thinking about everything from Swerve's POV and laughing because so many things about this evening and promo are just a little ridiculous:
Yuta just being Jobber for the stars but man he isn't allowed to do much more than be pathetic
Hey babe I heard you and your gang like complicated intense submission holds that hurt like a motherfucker and you're still pretending not to notice me when I stand in the corner and flex my tits at you every 15 seconds so I invented one that's so complicated and cool looking the announcers are flabbergasted into stopping interrupting the match with exhausted repetitions of the PPV card at the bottom of the screen. You like it?
'And you know Yuta's tough he's no Punk' Tony I can't tell if that was a CM Punk joke or a genuine comment lmao
The walk back to medical taking so long
Claudio is in the building and Swerve said he wanted to feast on the rest of the BCC but he's already booked with Okada for Cardiff so they locked him in that same room Will Ospreay was in and he couldn't come out and watch or help carry Yuta
Yuta isn't allowed to say things he's 100% in dead cat mode and you can see him fighting it in the promo while they walk down 8 halls or something which is supposed to build tension but is like two aisles too many
Danielson shooting the cameraman the dirtiest look before he starts talking and ending with 'now get the fuck out out of here' like damn what did the cameraman do
Yuta slowly crawling off the cot on hands and knees as soon as Bryan is talking exit stage left
Actually I'mma headcanon the cameraman was Prince Nana sent to get a statement that's funny
Once again 'he's like a son to me' yes ok Bryan you were cheering enthusiastically and encouraging Swerve to beat the crap out of your 27 year old son at ringside you're sending mixed signals here
'CHECK. What happened to the last person who broke into my house.'
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Love it. So we're still in the 50/50 space but it's been escalated to 'Retain / Peak Insane Automatic Violence.'
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I don't have a comment here I just love that this is how he has always spoken and that he followed through.
Imagine being the other guy. You get back to your gang of likely other felony warrant holding criminals, and they say 'Where's the loot? And where's Sosa?
And you have to turn to them and deadly serious say 'I think Daniel Bryan killed him. I wasn't stopping but I could swear I hear him whispering something about cowardice, his kid, and cardiovascular health into his ear before Sosa's eyes closed.
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frickatives · 1 year
[teaser] against better judgement [f!reader bounty hunter x mando]
[read on AO3] [masterlist] [next chapter]
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[a/n] HI HELLO I've had this enemies-to-lovers fic idea rattling around in my brain for a year or so, and I decided I'm going to put it out into the world! I've had so much fun reading everyone's Mando fics over the years, and I'd love to be more active in the community. Setting is post-season-2, and will deviate wildly from canon from there. I'm planning to have the first chapter ready to go (hopefully) next Monday (8/14), but until then I wanted to get the first snippet out into the world to get more comfortable sharing my writing after not doing so for... at least a decade, whoops. I HOPE YOU ENJOY AND I HOPE YOUR WEEK IS FULL OF DELIGHT ❤️❤️❤️
[warnings/tags] canon typical violence, gore (? light body horror??), mentions of death and injury, thirst for sweet vengeance, fem!reader, no use of y/n, the slowest burn, enemies to lovers, bounty hunter reader, comically hostile workplace
[wc] ~700, just a lil' preview/intro
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You crouch down behind the rock, not believing your eyes.
They have to be wrong. Misinformed. You must be imagining things, because you think you're seeing an all-too-familiar quicksilver jackass creeping up on your bounty, and that simply isn't possible. 
You look again. Quadruple checking. 
Sure enough, it's him. He's kneeling by the entrance to the bunker, tracking fob in hand. You'd know that ridiculous helmet anywhere.
Rage boils over in your gut, so fast that it physically cramps something. You knew that the kriffing Guild– that kriffing Karga offered to keep the sentient trash chute on as a hunter, even after what he did to them – to you – on Nevarro, but being confronted by it makes you break into a cold sweat. You'd heard he'd turned the Guild down, but the very real hunter taking a few paces away from the bunker's hatch says otherwise. 
The scar that bisects your chest and abdomen aches and tightens. Your hand settles over it, out of habit.
He blows the bunker door open with a charge. 
The sound echoes, ricocheting across the barren, rocky surface of the valley, bouncing up the stony hillsides around you. You flinch. You've been on edge this whole damn time, even before that bastard showed up – you don't like being forced to take the low ground. It feels too much like begging to get shot. 
Your armor scrapes against stone, and you duck down as quickly as you can in case he's heard – it's unlikely, over the sound of the blast, but you remember what it was like to be hunted down by those Mandalorians on Nevarro. 
Their reflexes were preternatural. 
You remember waking to the sound of a gunfight outside, and rushing out of the hostel with your sidearm in-hand, and stepping into a street overflowing with chaos and screaming. You didn't know what was happening. It seemed like nobody did.
You saw Guild hunters, a few you recognized from Karga's place, taking aim at the sky. 
You remember looking up, too, and then fighting for your life against a small army of Mandalorians. You had no idea where they'd come from, why they were attacking the city, but you knew the men from the Guild and you didn't want to see them killed. 
You fought for what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes, until you were cornered in an alley by a big brute with a wicked curved blade of mirror-polished beskar.
You remember being cut open. Filleted. One powerful swipe of that blade, one bad misstep of your own treacherous feet. You remember the feeling of parts of you shifting – slipping around inside, spilling out, moving to places they didn't belong. That sensation haunts you, yanks you out of sleep by your throat some nights, even now, even months and months later. 
You remember the indignation. The wrath. How dare they do this to you? How dare they kill you here, like this?
But they hadn't. You'd woken up a few days later in a half-rate bacta tank, and you'd heard the story of the siege on Nevarro. 
Heard that it was his fault. That loner Mandalorian, freshly kitted out in head-to-toe beskar, who never so much as had a conversation with any of you before he decided to sic his underground militia on you all.
You ought to be afraid, you think. This ought to be grounds for scrapping this whole job. Any reasonable person would turn tail, run back to the shuttle depot, and catch the fastest ride off this rock, rather than risk a repeat-filleting.
You've never been a reasonable person.
You're too focused on the astronomical odds of the situation: him, here, unaware of your presence; you, alive, armed, angry, and poised to do something about it, after all this time. The opportunity for vengeance is too sweet, too ripe. It's like the universe is placing it in your palm, wrapping your fingers around it with her gentle, generous hands. Whispering for you to just take it. 
Tucked into your hiding spot behind the rock, millions of clicks from Nevarro, resolve settles like a brick in your stomach. 
You're going to kill the Mandalorian.
[continue to chapter 1]
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tuesday again 1/30/2024
a good 60% of my brain is screaming in unemployment terror at all times so these will be somewhat abbreviated until that situation resolves itself
sleeping on the ceiling by friday pilots club. this is a song by a five-piece alt-rock band from chicago that could EASILY open for mid-aughts fall out boy. i would like to think it is from the point of view of a freshly-turned vampire. listen this slot isn't about the best song i heard this week it's about the one that got stuck in my head the most
Hey, I swear I'm okay Honey, I been sleepin' on the ceiling all day Yes way, like hey I swear I feel great Looky, looky, love the feeling of being okay Yes way
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and the Amulet of Power by Mike Resnick. it was in a dollar book bin and i got it as a joke gift for a friend. mike resnick is a remarkably prolific writer who's done a lot of tie-ins. i don't have anything particularly notable to say about his star wars books but they are a sort of minimum viable product? they feel star warsy and don't annoy me on every page.
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this book was published in 2003 and treats the people of the Nile delta and their beliefs with all the delicacy you might expect from a 2003 video game tie in novel. i do think the twist is being telegraphed way too hard. perhaps i should say instead of sending a telegram mr resnick has simply set the telegraph office ablaze as a signal fire. the titular triangle-pointed woman herself ms croft is VERY insistent she's just as good as the boys. this is pretty on par for my experience of 2003 empowering womens' feminism AND my experience in a male-dominated field so i can't really ding it too hard? aside from the racism, in the notably racism-free fields of archaeology and video games and archaeology video games, this book is aging a little strangely overall. i do not know if i will finish it before i mail it out to my friend, but despite its sins it is a very fast read.
watched the four dungeon meshi episodes. it's cute! ProzD was an unexpected delight! it made me want to make something fancy for dinner but alas i still have to go food shopping!
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some posts on my dash were talking about how the episode with the mollusks inside the living armor really got them hooked and i have to agree. i also saw the full potential of the show's speculative biology unspooling before me. i don't know if i currently have the brainwidth for the manga but it is going on my reading list for after i finish berserk. which is kind of like saying i'm going to watch chopped after i finish up hannibal
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forgot i had an original gen switch, given to me through a complex series in a complex series of friend barters back in uhhhh late '21? early '22? i got through 3/4 of the divine beasts the first time around and then could not crack the camel. it was well past time to create a new switch profile so i could start a new game without losing the old one.
omg twinnsssssssss
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i did forget how goddamn big the map is. i have just now unlocked the camera and the memory quests, i have not really. done much more than basic tutorial and beginning of game stuff.
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anxiously junebugging between a whole bunch of shit. finally figured out the correct charger/extension cord setup for my bedroom. replaced all the fluorescent lightbulbs and took them to be recycled. fixed the hall door enough so it latches closed and an irritated cat can't claw it open. tidied up the balcony and patio and repotted the surviving houseplants.
in textile news, started this cross stitch. this is a Bless This Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy Star Wars themed sampler, i have made two as gifts and had to throw out a mostly-completed one i made for me bc of the moths. but i now know exactly where this will go in this apartment and i already have the frame and i bought all the floss pre-being fired, so might as well? the real bitch of the situation here is backstitching the buildings. it's so start and stop. it's so much tan. i talked about this on the weekly siblingchat facetime and now my brother has requested one lmao. that's his christmas gift settled. i suppose.
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i had somehow forgotten how loadbearing textile crimes are for me. i haven't done much of anything since the moth debacle, and that was almost two years ago. last night i found some suspicious holes in a camisole and i'm really really hoping it's just cat claws and not moths or carpet beetles or any other fun things that eat clothes.
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wandixx · 1 year
It's first time ever I post something on Tumblr and I probably won't do it ever again, but this idea kinda stuck with me, so here you go, dp x dc prompt.
Danny is on a family trip in some hero adjacent city (preferably not Gotham, as much as I love Batpham fics, let's give others time to shine). It would be a great chance to rest if ghosts knew and respected words "free time." They don't, so he has to constantly fly back and forth between Amity and wherever he is. He doesn't know how to make portals yet, so he spends quite a lot of time on transportation alone, and then he fights and goes back ASAP, because as much as he can always count on Jazz to cover for him and the fact that Fentons aren't most observant, at some point they have to realise if he didn't pop up from time to time.
So now, he is running like a third day without so much as five minutes to sleep, purely on caffeine and spite, just got this okay looking sandwich from petrol station and strongest coffee he could buy and eat/drink in some secluded place (rooftop, abounded building, some really quiet alley, you know), right before he has to return to his family and act like he had nice night sleep and isn't "the Phantom menace" his parents are always threatening to post mortem murder AND THIS RANDOM PIGEON DARES TO TRY TO STEAL HIS FOOD!!!
Yes, he proceeds to yell at the pigeon because ✨️misplaced aggression✨️
He rants about his life right when local hero is near enough to hear him and just is like "You ok kid?"
They're not even too surprised hearing news about ghost (I mean, there is Deadman and also they probably had seen weirder), but still this boy shouldn't be the only one handling it (how old is he anyway, thirteen?). Oh, he isn't alone in it, ok, that's good. He has two friends (without powers or training) and two years older sister and not even his parents are in the know about his hero gig, well that's bad, gotta help him somehow.
From here, there are two ways it can go (at least I thought about these two)
1. Danny let's out one (1) scream of absolute terror and vanishes from the sight (especially if hero is in costume)
2. He proceeds to yell at the hero, because there is so much steam he has to let out and you know ✨️misplaced aggression✨️ once again (probably would work best if chosen hero was in civies, on their way grocery shopping or something)("There is no way this random civilan will belive me I may as well just continue" Danny Fenton, probably)
This is how Justice Legue lears about Amity (maybe because no one in Amity ever called because "Phantom can handle it" and Danny really didn't want to handle possessed heroes, I like this headcannon)
It can also start when Danny screams at someone's pet, but I don't know enough about dc to tell who would fit (I literally know it only from fanfics. This tag fanfics). Like, I know Damian Wayne is supposed to have a thing for animals, there are Klarion with Teekl (though they may not be the ones Danny would like to meet at the moment) and I think Captain Marvel/ Shazam had some connections with a tiger? But like, I don't think Danny would scream at tiger. I don't know, though. I've seen only a few episodes of the show, but he as well could just do it.
Idk, I just really want to see Danny full on screaming at the pigeon. And a hero. Take it from here, I'm really curious how someone who knows more about these fandoms (and English, it's not my mother tongue, I hope my brain hadn't gone "ah yes, it sounds similar, 'day' is how 'they' is supposed to be written" or something like that anywhere in this post) handles it. Who would even fit?
How do I even end post?
Have a great day/night, fellow Tumblr user
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vyrantium · 1 year
requesting ambrosia for that ask game pretty please 🙏
ofc!! also tagging @invinciblerodent because they also requested her ♥
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this got quite long, so I'm putting it under a cut. thank you both for asking about her, i adore her so much and being able to talk about her is always so wonderful 💕
Full Name: Just Ambrosia. Her "real" name is Lysarra, but circumstance had led to that name being dropped. In her original campaign, the name change was a conscious choice on her part on her journey to becoming a cleric of Nusemnee. For bg3 though, it was a result of the memory loss! When she woke on the nautiloid she was clutching a holy symbol with "Ambrosia" etched on the back, so she assumed that was her name.
Pronouns: She/her!
Gender and Sexuality: Ambrosia has never really thought about her gender and feels comfortable in her gender. She also has never tried to put a label on her sexuality, and struggles to put it into words. She also believes she can't and shouldn't get close to anyone, given who she is and what she struggles with. She doesn't want to hurt them. She's also never really assumed she'd be lucky enough to be in a relationship, and life has... really not been kind to her. Knowing what I know about her, and her past, I'd pin it as like... demiromantic-bisexual? She definitely has to know someone before she can open up to them romantically, even though she desperately craves that connection.
Ethnicity/Species: I don't have a lot to say here. She's a human, she didn't grow up in one place, and given she's trying to shed her past, there isn't anything she feels a strong connection to.
Birthplace and Birthdate: Ambrosia was born small village named Triel, north east of Elturel, to parents that did not care about her. Before she was sold, they never celebrated her birthday, and the mercenary group she was part of didn't care about any of that either. She doesn't know her exact age, but she'd estimate she's in her late 20s. (I'm going to say her birthday is in 1464, making her 28 at the time of the events of the game.)
Guilty Pleasures: murder drinking an entire bottle of wine on her own. Ambrosia is quite Large so it doesn't hit her quite as hard as it might others, but she still feels bad when she drinks an entire thing herself sometimes.
Phobias: I haven't really thought about this before, but something in my guy tells me Ambrosia is a bit claustrophobic.
What They Would Be Famous For: Ambrosia is delightfully unremarkable in most ways. She doesn't want to be famous, she doesn't like that kind of attention. If she had to be, though, she would hope it wasn't for the murders. Something that would leave a positive impact on the world.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Beating up people who are mean to kids. She might not consciously remember what happened to her as a child, but there's some scrap of it there in her subconscious, and it really shaped who she is. If she sees a child getting mistreated, especially by their parents, it takes a lot for her to keep her cool. She'll do anything and everything to care for that kid and show them their worth. The Arabella situation was hard for her, because she had half her brain thinking about the tragedy of it all, and the other part of her screaming to step in and ruin Kahga's week.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Ambrosia grew up poor and then was sold off to a mercenary group, so she doesn't actually know how to read 💔 But if she's listening to stories, she loves a slow-burn romance. Not that she would ever admit it out loud. But her life has been such a mess, just a simple slice of life story of people falling in love despite the circumstances always gets to her.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Fake happy endings, especially if the happy ended was worked for/deserved. To rip it away at the last second is the worst thing you could do to someone, she just hates it. (She does not realize how this relates to her own life.)
Talents and/or Powers: Mechanically, Ambrosia is a War Cleric with proficiency in Intimidation, Persuasion, Medicine, Athletics, and Insight. Despite having no proficiencies in it, Ambrosia is really good with animals, she loves them a lot and they're her lil buds! Original Ambrosia loved dogs, so getting Scratch in this game was just so!! good! she got to live her best life and have a friend!
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Ambrosia is. So stubborn. About even the most trivial things. She has her way of doing things, she has ideas of how things are going to happen, and she doesn't back down. Back in her original campaign this was a huge problem, because she was convinced she could show Strahd the harm he'd done and convince him on the path to be better. That obviously did not go well, but she never gave up.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Ambrosia is so stubborn. She refuses to accept a bad outcome to situations, she works hard to make sure everyone's happy and getting what's best for them. That includes herself, she's very hard on herself about the mistakes she's made and for the things she's done, the people that have died because of her. But it also means she pushes her party members into what's good for them and their well being! And she's always searching for solutions to whatever they might be dealing with, because her friends deserve good things happening to them.
How They Change: This is likely still a work in progress, as I'm only in Act 2 with Ambrosia, but so far she's learned to be a lot kinder with herself when it comes to her urges. She was actually able to open up to her party about what she was dealing with, initially out of necessity because of what happened at camp, but as time went on she realized she could trust them to help her through dark times.
Why You Love Them: Ambrosia was my... second? Third? D&D character ever. She was made for a Curse of Strahd campaign that sadly never finished. It makes me so happy to have her have a place again, and to get a story that has been so satisfying! I've always wanted to see how her story ends, and while a lot of her original plot was dropped (she ran like a redemption paladin, though mechanically a war cleric), she's still very much herself and it's just. So amazing. I'm hoping there's a happy ending option for Urge, because my girl has been through a lot, and I'd like to see her happy.
as a bonus for making it to the end of this post: here is my playlist of all of my ambrosia vibes music! it's all stuff from her old campaign, but most of them still apply. i'm going to make a bg3 version soon ♥
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quinloki · 6 months
Well, I have nothing on the brain lately regarding Arlong and while Beckman has been on the brain I still have nothing really to share. So, per @kazieai's sharing I got to thinking about one of my snake OC's that I sent in the previous time you asked for gushes.
I'm going with Modeus, or as you described him the "not friend-shaped" & "too bitey" OC. I talked about him since then and honestly couldn't remember anything I had come up with for him because I'm a dork. I had forgotten that I had gifted him a Hiss-Hiss fruit and I now would like to rescind all of that.
As you pointed out to Kaz, her OC could just inherently have wind powers just as easily as all Minks glow like Tesla coils. I've found that how I've constructed Modeus' characterization in terms of personality and diet do not lend themselves well to devil fruits. We haven't really seen a Zoan Devil Fruit that makes the user eat other people. At least, as far as I know, X Drake hasn't regularly consumed a steady diet of people based out of nutritional need.
So I'm thinking Modeus' DF would not give him reason to consume people when he was in full Yuan-ti form. And if he's going to be as old as I want him to be, then he can't have a DF because as far as I know, Marco has the only immortal fruit. Or are there more immortal DF users walking around (because let's face it, I am never going to catch up to speed)? Anyway, I think he needs to actually be a snake person.
Not necessarily the Yuan-ti from the D&D Monster Manual (3.5 edition), but definitely a snake creature that I pattern strongly off the physical appearance of a Yuan-ti.
Is he a member of a reptilian based tribe? Is he a bastardization of some fishman hybrid with god only knows what else? Is he some kind of mutated hybrid offspring of a Sea King? Is he a lab experiment? Is he a demon?
I don't know what the hell he is at this point. But, he does eat people. He does hate pretty much everyone. He can shapeshift sort of into a human-esque being for ease of mobility through populated areas. He does end up joining the Cross Guild.
He still hates that he can't figure out how to eat Alvida. He hates that Buggy is smart enough to avoid being eaten as well. He has a healthy fear (respect) for Daz since he could theoretically skin Modeus alive with literally any part of his own body. He has a solid respect for Mihawk both as a person and as a swordsman (because remember, Modeus dual wields scimitars). And he HATES Sir Crocodile with an unyielding passion.
No one really knows. Sir Crocodile doesn't care, he just knows Modeus hates him and he banks on that for every last one of their interactions. I still think Trafalgar and Bepo should end up with the Cross Guild now that the Heart Pirates are no longer. Modeus desperately wants to eat Bepo but he has learned not to try because Trafalgar is dangerous enough to be a threat to Modeus' immediate safety and comfort.
Having skinned just enough off of Modeus for a pair of new snake-skin boots certainly got the point across. Trafalgar's people are his people and therefore not for eating.
Mihawk, because he is quite possibly the only HUMAN who gets along with Modeus, makes the suggestion that instead of collecting the bounties of the Marines he could save the Cross Guild the payout by simply eating his bounty. Modeus loves this idea and proceeds to take the most difficult bounties and devours them when he catches them. To make sure he is an honest and contributing member of the Guild, he always brings the bounty back to the Cross Guild alive first, so they can see he isn't lying (this was his own idea, no one has ever questioned his honesty/loyalty) and then takes them into the woods to eat them.
It has been requested by the Guild higher ups that he not eat his quarry at night as it is increasingly difficult to sleep to the sounds of murder and the dying screams of terrified men. Bepo has been suffering profusely from nightmares since they joined the Guild and Mihawk thinks it best that mealtimes for Modeus coincide with everyone else's regular mealtimes.
Once Modeus realizes he's in love with Avalon, he starts offering to share his quarried meals with her. Being the lady of grace that she is, she declines most of the time. Her lamia form does have a "feeding frenzy" mode and when that is active then she takes him up on mealtimes and they eat together.
Which creeps even Trafalgar out. But that only occurs about once every quarter or so. Avalon lives on a DF-mandated schedule whereas Modeus simply is as evil as he can get away with.
Fun facts regarding Modeus and the Admirals. He is ill-paired with former Admiral Aokiji, the popsicle ability does exactly as you would think with a reptile-based lifeform. Slows him down considerably and makes him sluggish. Fleet Admiral Sakazuki has the opposite effect on Modeus and makes him "better" in every way. While Sakazuki strives to avoid confrontations with Modeus, Modeus strives to avoid confrontations with Kuzan.
Issho and Borsalino are neutral regarding Modeus. He doesn't like the gravity effects of Issho's fruit but can work around them if he needs to. Likewise, he isn't as fast as Borsi Baby but the Admiral has a hard time getting through Modeus' scales.
Aramaki on the other hand, well, he's a royal pain in the ass just as Modeus is a royal pain in the ass for him. Modeus is at home in a forest. The Admiral can go as woodsy as he wants and it just helps Modeus. However, the whole regrowing bit drives Modeus up a wall because he cuts a tree limb there and another grows here to replace it. They are equally matched and equally mismatched at the same time. Their fights always end up a stalemate with them hating each other's guts immensely.
Aramaki takes after the Fleet Admiral and tries to avoid confrontations for these reasons whereas Modeus takes after Kuzan and goes out of his way to confront Aramaki just to annoy him. Kuzan in turn likes engaging with Modeus to irritate him, I don't think Kuzan wants to kill him but he does like aggravating him when the opportunity presents itself.
And that's all I have this go-around.
I gotta be honest one of my most favoritest parts about this is how you have the relationships worked out. Who has a leg up where and who doesn't, and it all makes great sense too, I love it.
(I admittedly think it would also be good for Modeus to "experience" Bepo going Sulong during a full moon. I think Law suggests it as a way for Bepo to stand up for himself. At least for a few minutes Modeus realizes he's food to Bepo, not the other way around).
I just really love all the little details though, the slight differences between him and Avalon and how their different circumstances and vibes intertwine and vary.
I look forward you to sorting out the exact details of his origin too ^_^ He might not be friend shaped, but he is interesting.
To clarify, Marco's DF doesn't make him immortal in the "live forever" sense, it just makes him nigh indestructible. He still ages, and will likely die of old age at some point.
That said, there are possibilities for people who are immortal thanks to earlier owners of the Ope-Ope No Mi, so immortality is still a canonical viable thing.
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bangytell · 1 year
The day after | myg m
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Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all. Someone you loved — Lewis Capaldi
Summary: The love of your life slips through your fingers, and only you can see the way to keep him alive.
Genre: angst, fluff
Rated: m, +18
Pairing: Yoongi x y/n
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Mention of gunshots, blood and very much full of angst, petnames used [kitten, baby, etc]
a/n: This idea came from a dream and i had to make it come through words, please remember that english isn't my first language in case you notice something misread
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Burnt tire, hot blood on your hands, desperate screams, and whimpers leaving your mouth as you feel the cold body beneath you, all of this because you couldn't take care of this situation. You feel getting dragged out from him "Don't please don't" you shout struggling to be with him, but it's too late, emergencies are lifting him to the litter, his hand falls off, he's leaving lifeless and you feel lifeless again. As you cry, closing your eyes covering your face, the loss of air gets to you.
 You wake up at the sound of your alarm, turn around, and he's next to you, breathing slowly, his hairs falling into his eyelids and looking so full of life. A single tear runs down your face, and you can't help but hug him and kiss his face as he wakes up. 
"Hey kitten, how did you sleep?" Remember not to worry him
"I slept like a baby" he chuckles, and his beautiful gummy smile makes you happy
"Are you ready for a few hours?" Right, can you make him not go? Can you convince him not to do this, but he's been waiting forever to go, and you can't kill that ilusion that fills his eyes. "Kitten?" The worry look on his face makes you pout 
"I'll be there, baby, you'll see me right next to you," he smiles but not forgetting your lack of answer at the beginning and the pouting 
"Are you sure kitten? I can just not go" you don't know how your power works, but you're sure that it doesn't have to stop things from occurring, just doing it differently so you can make the best of the situation 
"I'm sure we'll be fine. Go get a shower, you stink," he laughs and throws you a pillow on his way to the bathroom
He's the love of your life for sure. 
You get your laptop and start a google search, a very deep one. 
After getting your brain full of information, the door of the bathroom opens. He's wearing his towel mid body, and with another towel, he's getting his hair dry. 
"Kitten, I already called everyone, and they'll be there" you smile, closing the laptop  
"You look hot" he smiles, oh that smile has you in a chokehold 
He leans in, gives you a peck that tastes so sweet in your lips, a drop of water fall in your face and you chuckle 
"Don't hold me here or I'll be late" he chuckles 
"I'm not doing anything" he grabs his clothes, starts to dress and you feel that nothing else matters, except that it does 
He leaves after a deep kiss and you get yourself ready, a bottle of water, an antibacterial gel and an extra shirt on you. Be ready, be calm. 
The event is at the Central Bridge, hundreds of motorbikes for a showcase. The goal is to go through the bridge and get all the way to downton, but some dispute between some gangsters gets to the middle of the event and… well. 
Your boyfriend is right at the beginning, with his friends, the ones that ride bikes and the ones who don't, all there to support him, this is what he loves doing. 
He waves and smiles at the sight of you, his black hair, all grown and shiny and that amazing black jacket. 
Surely he owns every look up on him. 
"Kitten, you're here" you grin 
“I’ll be always here” his friends laughs, and he hits the one next to him
“You guys are so corny” his friend… Jimin said that 
The show begins, motor bikes begin to run through the bridge, he will be leaving next, you get in your car to follow, as close as you can. The start is calm, music from the bigger bikes, laughs, burnt tire smell and the sweet sound of starting the engine.
By the middle, you hear it, two gunshots behind you, when it gets to him, pull the break of your car, and run to him. Three gunshots, one to the car they’re chasing, one to a tire in the bike in front of him, and the last one, to his lower abdomen, if it were a bit higher than that maybe you wouldn't get that much time.
His warm and thick blood is getting out at a fast pace, his friends reach to you.
“Please, someone call 911” you shout while taking your extra shirt off to push to his body.
“You’re gonna be okay baby” he notices the desperation in your voice, you're still pressing, trying to stop the bleeding and tears start to feel your face, you clean yourself with your elbow, now is not the time. 
The shirt stops flooding with blood, now is the next thing, the bottle of water, with your hands clean; pouring the water to his injury, you ask for a shirt and Jimin is helping you with that.
“Emergency it’s on its way” he gifts you a small gummy smile while you wrap around his abdomen with Jimin’s t-shirt, he locks his gaze with you and caress your face
“Kitten, you never told me you knew how to take care of this kind of thing” you see him starting to drift away, no, you need him conscious.
“Hey, hey, baby, c’mon, don't drift away now” the tears still run down your face, he caresses a tear and closes your eyes at the warmth of his body, wishing never to leave him.
“I know it is weird to ask, but please let me hear you calling by name” you grin, the sound of the sirens from the police and the ambulance seems too far away by now. You don't know if you really did it, you're desperate, the calmness leaving your body and then, him, pulling you back to reality, caressing your face with watery eyes. You didn't notice but the blood started to flow again. No, no, no, please. 
“Yoongi, please, don't leave, please just wait, help is coming” 
“I love you Y/N” you shout when his hand leaves your face, just like life left him.
“I love you Yoongi” you whisper to him, caressing his cold hand and letting the tears fill your face. 
No, no, no.
The time, 20 minutes away from emergencies, they arrive and before something else can happen, while you bawl your eyes out, your alarm wakes you. 
You scream, frustrated. 
Yoongi in bed next to you wakes up, scared as ever, you cry, and cry. 
5 times, 5 times you’ve seen him die, and his last words are always the same, calling your name in love.
Yoongi is scared, it is not normal of you to have nightmares, as if it were just that.
He’s hugging you and you love the warmth of his, life.
So you try something different this time.
“You think you can skip this event?” your voice is squeaky and raspy for all the crying
“Kitten I-...” you keep crying, and he can't seem to say no to those watery eyes
“I know you've waited a long time for it to happen but I feel really bad, and I need you” lying, that's what you came to? It's not fully a lie, it's skipping events.
“It’s okay, it's okay, i can stay” you smile a little, and you cuddle back to bed.
After a warm shower together, a few call his friends to let them know his plans, and you feel like this is the answer. 
At the time where things occur if you were at the crime scene, Yoongi calls out your name.
“What’s wrong baby?” you see the tv, the news, a different person died, for the same reason as him, so it's meant to happen, it has to happen, even if it's not… you look around, silence, Yoongi isn't there anymore. 
You close your eyes, scared, and wake up; by the sound of the alarm. 
That didn’t work… but almost. 
Next thing, you try and convince Yoongi this is a power, something you must do, and only you. 
The alarm sounds, and you think, how can you prove to him you've lived this day before? 
Before he speaks you say the same thing he's about to say.
“Hey kitten, how did you sleep?” you speak at unison 
“How did you know?” he looked confused 
“I can sound crazy right now, but i need you to listen” he agrees 
“Yes, talk to me” he grabs your hands
“I've lived this day before. Seven times. And today, you die” he opens his eyes widely “I know it sounds crazy, but i think that i can save you,  that there’s something i can do that can help you live”
“What if… I'm meant to die?” you deny with your head
“No, why else would I be living the same day over and over again?” he nods
“Then what can we do?” you begin to sob 
“I don't know Yoongi, i've tried almost everything, try to help you by myself and I don't know if i'm able to see you slip from my hands again” by now the tears roll from your face, he cups you and pulls to hug you.
“Shh, try to stay calm kitten, well figure this out, how do I die?” you nod, swallowing your tears
“A gunshot, emergency takes too long and you bleed out” he nods he looks calm given the information you're giving him
“Who shoots?” he ask
“Some gangster that were pursuing a car, the car up front, to get more time shot at you and a bike” he nods mistrustful looking at you trying to think a way to do things
“Where do I get shot?” you touch his abdomen, a little lower than the ribs almost to his belly button and stop there “Does the bullet go through?” you think for a second, relieving everything in your head, no, it stays there.
“No, it stays inside you, and it's not that big, but it hits something crucial” he nods
“Have you tried calling emergencies before it happens?” you look confused, it hasn't crossed your mind and you deny with you head 
“I haven't, i think i just need like 15 minutes for them to treat you right when it happens”
“Let's do that, i ride my bike, as planned and you call when you know everything is occurring” you nod “Let's take a shower, we’ll be late” you nod again
Again, the same events, after you got into your car and the bikes begin their way, you call 911
“Emergencies, how can we help you?” you began your act, sounding so desperate
“Help, we need help here at the central bridge”
“Ma’am please calm down, what's the emergency?”
“A gunfire, someone’s been shot and I think he’s going to die” you're driving, right next to him, he smiles at you while you hear the lady at the other side of the line 
“15 minutes, units will be there in 15 minutes, please see that everyone is okay and remain hidden while units arrive”
Ten minutes later, you're at the middle of the bridge, you begin to listen to those cars going high speed, the smell of burnt tires hits you and when you listen to the shot he's already on the floor. 
You run and pour water on your hands, take your shirt off and begin to put pressure on his wound, he's looking at you, breathing shakily and you're crying already 
“Everything will be okay, i can hear the ambulance already” you nod, his friends are around, looking for more injured but you know it's just him. You can't stop the pressure this time.
“I don't know Yoongi you're still bleeding” he smiles at you
“I love when you say my name” you smile. The ambulance has arrived and you see him drifting off, when the paramedics reach to you and you step away for them to take care of things 
Everything becomes blurry, and you pass out, hitting yourself in the head.
You wake up to the sound of a beep, a slow paced drip and the sound of voices around you.
Huh? Is this a good scenario? 
“Hey Y/N you're up” Jimin said, reaching closer to you 
“Is Yoongi okay?” your heart is pounding heavy on your chest, scared and anxious 
“He’s still in operation, we came to see how you were in the meantime” you sigh and cover your face a doctor comes in and starts telling you that you fainted for the adrenaline and for what happened 
“You did a great job with your boyfriend, we’re finishing up with him, try and take a rest for him” you smile, you’re relieved, and happy, you begin to cry when you hear Yoongi’s parents coming in, and next yours.
“Oh my sweet girl, how are you?” your mom hugs you and you look at Yoongi’s mom, you can tell she’s been crying
“How 's Yoongi? We just arrived”
“The doctor said that Y/N saved his life and that they’re doing the best they can about the bullet” Jimin answered for you, your dad hugged you next 
“You saved him?” his mother asks, she wouldn’t approved you dated him, that was one of the reason you moved together “I’m so thankful”
“I think you can talk to Yoongi once he wakes” she nods, you had no hard feelings, you didn’t do it for them anyway.
That day passed, you didn’t wake up again in the same one and you felt grateful, maybe your answer was with you all along, with him.
When the doctor discharged you, two days after the incident, Yoongi still hadn't woken. He was in intensive care, his hands were warm and not cold like you remembered the last times, he kept his warmth. 
His obsidian hair adorned his porcelain skin, his lips were dry and a bit light blue.
He was alive and you couldn’t ask for more.
You were holding his hand by the fifth day, taking a nap resting your head on his bed when you felt him squeeze your hand.
“Y/N?” his voice was raspy, for the lack of water 
“Are you mad at me or something i thought you'd only call me kitten” he chuckles and begin to cough and bends in pain 
“Hey, hey, don’t pressure yourself, let me talk to a nurse” he grabs your hand to stop you, pulls you and kisses you soft and needy.
“I’m fine, and alive, all thanks to you” you smile and your eyes become watery 
“Thank you, for everything” he smiles
“You did everything, kitten.” you both smile
The days coming along were a bliss, pure blissfulness around you.
Seven tries, seven times. 
That power wasn't that bad, after that day you understood what was involved, what it meant and why it happened to you, and you were grateful for it happening to you.
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©️bangytell please do not copy or steal my work, any translation can’t be done this is the only way to read it.
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ANALYSIS #1: 03/06/24
My first specimen, and what a nice find. I had quite a lot of fun going through this list, and I hope you're able to find something valuable within my research, #1. I know I certainly did myself while investigating.
What exactly was inside that list you gave me again?
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Ah, yes. You gave a hearty dose full of useful information. Many great places for analyzation.
Why don't we start off with the data I've gathered on your background then, hm? 
Context is always the first step into investigations like these. And yours seems rather intriguing..
Let's address the elephant in the room first: your parents. My god, do they seem horrific.
They clearly didn't care for you, or at least not in the way you needed to be cared for. Violence has definitely plagued your home, whether it be verbal or physical, though I'm leaning more towards verbal in this instance. Anyone who's said "words don't cut" has clearly never stepped near your family. I can imagine the scars are unbearable. Hell, it seems like even the smallest things can take you back to that wretched excuse of a home, and it makes you feel pathetic. It's not by the way, in case you were wondering, but me saying that will never be proof enough, is it? I know you're smart (something I'll expand on later). I know that you recognize that all your reactions to these memories are completely valid, but it must be hard to believe in your own thoughts when they've been pushed down by others over and over again, right?
The saddest bit is that I think deep down, you do want to love your parents. You yearn to feel the kind of affection you've seen in all your favorite shows. You want somebody to pick you up off the street and care for you unconditionally. You never wanted to feel this kind of pain from them.
It seems your parents weren't the only harsh parts of your life. You've lost unbelievable amounts from your childhood as well. Maybe you've lost everything. It's why you pay so much attention to the small things in life. Not because you want to, but because you need to. You wouldn't have anything if you didn't take the time to enjoy the little details in life.
Adding onto this loss, I feel like abandonment might play a role in this specifically. You've been abandoned and you want someone to truly care for you this time. To remember you and keep remembering you.
You yearn to do more with your life. Something is holding you back. It could be your self doubt, or your values, your loved ones, maybe the entirety of the world itself. It's hard to pinpoint, but something has held you back. I can feel how close you are to cracking. And I think you should keep in mind that cracking isn't as bad as people might make it out to be. Remember, we wouldn't have glass paintings without picking up our broken pieces.
All in all, I can confirm one thing: There are people in your life that you're still restraining screams from. Parents are obviously one of them, as stated before, but I feel like there's more. Much more. Maybe old friends, partners, it could be anybody, really. All I truly know is that your screams could leave a cave echoing for years, and I think your heart has been a replacement for that cave for far too long. It's not fair. It never will be. You and I both know that an eternity of screaming could never make up for the damages you've been dealt.
Now, I know I've left a lot of these threads untied, but trust me, we're getting there. Now that context has been provided, that gives us room to determine what exactly your true issues in life are. What's really been weighing you down? How exactly does your brain function with all of this in mind?
You don't trust yourself. Maybe you've hurt someone before (or believe you have) and it has never left you since. Maybe it's just the fact that you've grown up in such vicious conditions that you're afraid you'll unknowingly do the same to the people you truly love. You will do everything in your power to make sure you never hurt anyone like the way they hurt you, even if it means destroying yourself.
Sometimes you wonder if destroying yourself would finally get you the help you've been waiting for all these years. Nothing seems to have worked in giving you the aid you need, so clearly there's something you're missing, right?
It's either that or you find the quickest way to forget everything. You want to forget everything, don't you?
It's why vulnerability is one of your greatest fears. True vulnerability. You've never shown a single soul what you are when completely defenseless. Or maybe you have. Maybe it was the last time you ever did. Either way, there is a reason that nobody has seen you without a mask on. Some may have seen you with thinner masks than others, but nobody has seen your true face. You want to show them, but it's too much to bear. Not only for you but for what you believe others should not be burdened with as well. You'd rather drown in yourself than risk drowning another.
It's thoughts like these that consume your mind when at your lowest. 
Do not fall for their deception.
And I have all the proof I need to show how these thoughts could never be more wrong.
You care. You genuinely care. You care for strangers that  you'll most likely never come across again in your life. You know this and you choose to care anyways. You are one of the few who still wears a tender heart on their sleeve, and you wield it as if it were armor. Choosing to stay kind in even the harshest situations, even when rage feels like the only thing you know. I know you want the world to feel your wrath, and trust me, the world knows you could end her. It takes a hero to manage such a beast. Take pride in that.
You seem highly intelligent, or at least highly emotionally intelligent, which is one of the most for-granted and powerful type of intelligence people can have. People might not recognize it at first, but you're able to understand others in a way that most cannot. Ironically, "empath" is a term that could genuinely suit you, despite the amount of jokes surrounding it. Because in all honesty, you are the exact type of friend that everybody needs. It's just a matter of whether or not they deserve your kindness.
Adding onto this, you're very protective over the people you hold close to you. You're protective in a very special way though. Instead of jumping into battle, you fight on the sidelines, away from the crowd. And once you get the chance, you heal as much as you are able to. Not only are you protective and loyal, but rational and understanding. That doesn't make you any less fierce. It makes you much stronger than people even realize. 
Honestly, you've always been a soldier. A fighter. You've been fighting your whole life and I can just imagine that it still feels like the war has only begun. Remember these battles though, and I mean every one. The ones you've won, and the ones you've lost, because frankly the outcome doesn't matter. It's the fact that you survived and kept fighting that matters. Not only that, but the fact that you're able to still care for the world after all it's done to you? That's how the finest weapons are made.
Also, a fellow analyzer I see. That's always a plus in my books. Welcome to the team.
And with that, I think I'll leave my thoughts there and take my bow.
With utmost gratitude (and hopefully utmost accuracy),
Dr. WZ
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shirogane-oushirou · 11 months
8,6,7,5,3, and 9 for whichever f/o you're feeling right now! (for the spicy asks)
i forgot i had that ask game in my queue. screaming crying sobbing. i don't know why this is making me nervous, i'm CONSTANTLY in nsft post tags blabbering on about how i want to give my otter man a brain-melting orgasm to cure him of his Conditions... ;;;
answering these for ren bc he's the one i'm most... in tune with? i COULD answer some spicy asks about some of the others (mars is a good runner-up), but i've never put as much thought into this side of a relationship as i have with ren. SO!!!
whether i ramble on with details nobody needs to know or i just give a-few-words-long answers is up to fate. 🙏🏻 (edit post-writing: ......you wanna guess which option fate went with? 😩 i'm so sorry in advance kjNKJN)
3: Is the sex between you and your f/o usually sensual? Passionate? Animalistic?
more sensual and passionate, if i have to pick among those options.
r!ren's much more passionate from the start, since he isn't forcing himself to play a role and can just be open with his affections. he's the kind of guy to quickly go from a light kiss while we watch something to Full Throttle if he's given the OK kjndfkjn.
doc!ren starts out playful and sensual, and he has more control wrt things like light affection staying light, but as things heat up the mask starts to slip and the passion comes out in him as well.
but, with both rens, we're also very silly. like, he's intentionally being a goof the entire time (see: that one post about an f/o saying "shoot your goo!" when you're about to cum), and if his hands get shaky while he's trying to put on a condom, that isn't gonna ruin the mood... if anything i'd be like, "oh no, he's failing to put the condom on... oooh he's struggling so hard... 💕" and then offer to help with my own shaky hands kjsndkjn. like this is us when something silly happens or we have trouble with something stupid:
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5: Do you and your f/o prefer having sex in the dark or with the lights open?
lights on! he wants to be able to see everything... not only in the "i love your body" sense (which is also true), but in the "i want to see every facial reaction so i can figure out what works for you and what doesn't" sense.... whether he's doc!ren or r!ren, he has a mind for study, close examination, and analysis.
and -i- want to see his every reaction bc he's handsome and cute and veeery expressive :3 i wanna see him Fucking Lose It in full hd quality.
6: What was the most embarrassing thing to happen between you and your f/o before, during, and/or after sex?
i can't think of anything in particular that's truly embarrassing tbh. i think there are also things that both of us could feel embarrassed about individually that the other would find endearing, but i don't really count that... :/
idk, it just isn't something i've put much thought into in spite of the fact that something would inevitably happen at some point!
7: Any favourite positions?
nothing too creative! we both enjoy missionary, cowgirl, pretzel dip, and reverse spooning, and he in particular loves giving and receiving oral so face sitting + kneeling at the edge of the bed... really anything that's face-to-face and as close as possible.
and if i'm not up for anything on my end, i'm usually more than happy for us to sit or lie next to each other while i help get him off (often a good chance for some fun power play, teasing, etc) or give him JOI if i'm not up for anything physical at all (ALSO a good chance for power play and teasing lol). he understands that we have VASTLY different "batteries", so even if i'm just sitting next to him while he takes care of things himself, to him that just means we're sitting close and spending time together, yippee~!!
8: Any favourite places (ex. bedroom, kitchen, on a desk, against the wall  etc)?
honestly, if it were up to him, i think he'd be up for just about anywhere, and in my wildest dreams i'd also be up for more creative use of space... but because of my pain and health issues, the best places are the bed and sofa ;;; kissing elsewhere for a bit would be okay, but once things really start to get going we need to get somewhere soft and cushioned lmao.
9: Any kinks and/or fetishes?
OKAYYYY. the Big Question. so. i imagine us, when we start discussing the possibility of sex, sharing our most searched "tags" as a starting point to see what we have in common, figure out if one of us is squicked by one of the other's kinks and need to avoid it, etc. the most relevant kinks are:
femdom (no shit lol, we VERY quickly figure out we're a perfectly matched sub top and dom bottom/service dom)
light bondage (nothing too intense, just a "hands tied to the bedposts, blindfold over the eyes" every now and again kind of deal)
edging (gotta make my boy sooooo desperate~)
body worship (self explanatory)
scent (i can't decide if ren's like... a scent guy or a MY PERSON'S SCENT guy... but he loves to bury his head in my hair and neck, especially if we're doing our ro's-battery-is-empty sessions and he just wants to lean into me.)
sound (to complement his scent Thing i guess ksjdkjn voices are a huge things for me, and i think moaning is super cute, and uh. welp...!! he's good at it!!)
i'm not gonna lie, i think it'd be hot as fuck to fuck doc!ren in gloves and his labcoat KJNJLJNKSJM i have a thing for hands and labcoats so the double whammy would knock me out cold.
aaand i simply enjoy seeing my lovely boyfriend blissed the fuck out ^^ my cocktail of being ace, what i can feel, how often i feel it, etc. is a little fucked, but even when everything is at its lowest possible levels, i'd still get some indescribable Thing out of helping push ren to his limits, watching him completely lose it, and enjoying as he comes down from the high. it'd make me feel good to see him feel good, even if the source of that good feeling is different for both of us. 💕
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barovianbitches · 1 year
if the party had spirit animals what would they all be? according to the players
and what do the characters think their spirit animals are, if you were to ask them?
(Note; due to the cultural appropriation in the word 'spirit animal' we will be saying these are animals that represent them the best)
Yvan: Oh, I do not know this "spirit animal". But I think, maybe if I was an animal, I would be a great big bear! They are strong and brave, just like how I want to be. I do quite enjoy a lazy nap every once in a while as well. Player: (@mysticmothi) Yvan is a big ol wolfie boy. Look at him, he's got puppy dog energy.
Bettany: I think I’d be a bat, they tend to travel alone but they can also be members of a family that works as a team. They are skittish and a bit shy, but they are very strong and powerful creatures despite their size. Player: (@sh4rkb0y-004) he’s a bat because he’s a little weirdo who eats bugs and probably echolocates when he gets overwhelmed. Also bats have heightened senses, as does Bettany- or should I say… BAT-tany? I will see myself out.
Constantin: “I, eh….. Hold on.” -vague, offscreen whispering- “eh, okay. I think I… Sort of understand now? Perhaps, hmm. I am thinking that I would say a Raven? I am sorry, I do not really get this question. But I like ravens.” Player: (@yardyarm) Constantin is almost definitely a bear. He is a fierce guardian of those he considers family, can be extremely aggressive when provoked, but balances it out with a rare, but pleasant and playful attitude at times. He’s also large and hairy. And he eats a lot of fish.
Thalassia: 'Ooo animal, animal… I'm a horse! I like them. They're strong but apparently full of personality and life. And they're pretty! I…. try to be like that. When I can.' Player: (@deepthalass) Thalassia is actually a False Killer Whale. They are social, generous creatures that tend to not be too picky when choosing a meal. They frequently share their findings with group mates. They also live in deep water, finding comfort in the Deep and diving great distances. They are intelligent and large, but are misjudged and occasionally killed for meddling in fishing or otherwise. They are also curious, and playful when they're comfortable. Thalassia embodies these traits very well, and in fact has found resonance with the False Whale Sharks she has met before.
Rorali: The Boogeyman. Easy. Player: (@enrichmyenclosurenow) As the player, I think a fox best represents Rorali because of their associations with mischief, cunning and curiosity. I think Rorali would think of her self akin to a cat or more specifically a panther because of their affiliation with danger and over all a more calculated and necessity driven approach to life- she often sees her more explorative side and creative traits as a downfall of her character that distract her from the task at hand and make her naïve and easy to fool, so she tries to block out that joyful part of herself and stay laser focused on her work. She is successful for the most part, however when it comes to her friends it is pretty much impossible for her to keep up this blockade which results in an overflow of very uncharacteristic playful energy and troublemaking that she often regrets later on. At her core she is just a mischievous little shit that just wants to mess with and get into trouble with her friends, however she struggles to feel confident enough in herself to let down her guard purposefully.
Tyyran: Uhhmm... Animal that most embodies me.... Well, I am a Dragon. But my favorite animal would have to be frogs. They're musical and adorable little critters! Player: (@chroncruik) Guh. This is a hard one. I have to say Goat. Mostly because everyone in the discord is like "JUST DRAW A GOAT AND U GOT TYYRAN!" and they're not wrong. Plus Tyyran is a dumpster and eats whatever is in front of him. Not to mention he a little bit of a silly man. His brain isn't always there. Sometimes he makes weird noises and screams like goats do too.
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jinkicake · 2 years
Michael is hilarious if he thinks I would EVER choose him over any of my boys lmao like ngl might have to test drive👀 but just to know how much I don’t need him😇 however I am not above being a menace and I will lay All over him to get the brother jealous. He’s like younger brother by 5 seconds to Lucifer so my HC for him is that he’s very petty but will seem nice on the outside like imagine Lucifer energy but diavolo vibes. Like he seems like a strict Headass but he’s so anti Lucifer league energy on the inside 😂 like he can so clearly tell what’s going on. He def won’t stop me from getting too close to his face under the guise of “oh wow you have really pretty eyes!” Or “wow you have really nice hands” or my wandering hands trying to feel him up (god dresses those angels up like sluts it’s not MY FAULT😡). Doing that anime thing where it’s like oh I’m giving you a hug but his face is in my chest AGSHDHD. He enjoys watching the brothers trying to set him on fire with their minds and also it’s been a while since he’s had a human👀 ik when Lilith was down there other angels had to be too lmao Michael is like a worse version of Lucifer but he’s the boss now so he has to pretend to be a saint. Has some brat tamer in him with a voyeurism streak with a sprinkle of exhibitionist🥰 so he will ruin you in his cute little corner of heaven that the brothers know where he would be hiding. DEFINITELY wants Lucifer to hear you beg for his cock, definitely the “younger sibling didn’t get enough attention” energy. Probably has some freaky angel power where he knows what’s on your heart or something so he’s gunna secretly fulfill your every desire so your brain is absolutely broken by the end of it. Little less control than Lucifer and that’s saying a lot since you just have to give Lucifer the eyes and he’s hard asf already😭 so Michael is on the brink of having his cum gushing out of you by you screaming his name for more. Gets off on you begging for him to ruin you and eyes rolling to the back of your head. Accidentally forget humans have sensory systems for a REASON and will fuck up tour body for like 14 hours like Lucifer will make it hard to walk for a week Michael will have you shuddering like a ghost is touching your shoulder bc when you walk your body is reminded of being overstimulated for so long😭 mans wants to absolutely rewrite your body chemistry and honestly,,, I would let him🤭 bc when I go home w my demons and angels they’re going ti nurse me back to heath but be pissed the whole time; however they need you to be at full max health to absolutely destroy you permanently💀💀 maybe even diavolo will rip apart reality to make some kind of Bruno zipper universe where time isn’t real so ti feels like they’ve been fucking you for a full year but in the devil some it’s been 4 hours😂 and barbatos will also pull a giorno and reset your body until your begging to be free and unfortunately apologizing doesn’t help in the slightest 😔 they’re going to fuck you until you pass out and wake you up by fucking you again
Michael is a damn fool! He couldn't PAY me to pick his old ass over Luci or any of the other demons smhhh
also, isn't it canon that he acts 'childishly' like.... i could see how that is endearing i suppose! and if it were to make luci jealous then I would def toy w him!! #anythingforlucifer!! so you're so right LMAO fine i see the appeal, you got me!
i cant imagine how he would be in bed because like he's an angel-a high up one!!, i feel like he would be a PRUDE BUT then again when I think about my love simeon... HES NOT VANILLA so like what is the truth?! eek but the thought of doing shit up there in heaven teehee where all the other angels are... wait a min- maybe i was too harsh on michael!!!
it's just so hard to think straight with Luci possessing my every thought! sigh
i feel like biggest threat in the game literally is getting dicked down by the other characters... like we dont have to worry about getting taken out by another random demon but we DO have to worry about barbatos and his endurance!!!
... is- michael going to be in the new game?? is- is he?!
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biolightning · 2 years
five things you love about Zeri? Go!
an excuse to ramble about how much i adore my girl? 👉👈 don't mind if i do
i. first of all i really love and admire her spirit! it's what pulled me to her in the first place — the way she's all about fighting for a world where everyone has a right to belong and have a good life. she really believes in a world that can be good and in the strength that lies in connecting with others and forming a community. i find that sort of outlook inspiring in general — i wish i was more like that myself —and from a writing perspective it's also a character trait i find interesting since it's not the kind of life philosophy i've gravitated towards in the past when picking up a muse.
i think it shows that she's filipino rep from a filipino perspective. i'm not an authority to speak on this but it's so clear that her character and especially this side of her have been crafted with love and passion. i hate that her most memorable voice line — i belong here. we all belong here. — is a direct response to a real life hate crime because those things shouldn't happen but it really drives home how important she and characters like her are.
ii. this is in a similar vein but her personality!! zeri really isn't the type of character i tend to pick up and get attached to ( i usually like them moodier gfdigh ) but something about how full of life she is and how strongly she feels and how positive she is at her core really speak to me? she has a strong personality — bubbly and fun but still grounded. i really like that.
iii. i love love love love how physical she is. she's sooo punchy despite classifying as a spellcaster / lowkey a gunslinger. granted this is partly my personal portrayal but something about her just screams brawler to me and i've chosen to lean into it. her in - game mobility and the way she's described to move in her short stories is very parkour-y too and i just !! something about how she's all about movement ( and then how that translates so seamlessly into her magic ) tickles my brain just right.
iv. her magic!! specifically how uncontrollable it is and how she's still learning to deal with that. i love that the amount of control she does have is a community effort and labours of love from her mother and father specifically. "her jacket, a neighbor’s hand-me-down, was modified by her father to dampen her powers and let her hug her family." / "with the help of their neighbors, zeri’s mother had fashioned her a rifle made of materials given by those zeri fought for: the people of the entresol." help i will cryyyyy. i just really love how she was born with her magic and that it's connected to her emotions because it's shaped her life experiences and who she is—there's so much room to explore so many different emotions that comes from that, the good and the bad. also the electric eel imagery is cute and fun and i love it!
v. let's end this on a simple note: i love her hair!! and her jacket and gun. those aspects of her design are so cute. the fluffy bright hair with the half up pigtails and big jacket especially are such an adorable combo, i can't get enough of it. while i find the rest of her outfit a bit ehhh — especially the top — she embodies the aesthetic of the parts of zaun she represents really well and i love that. overall, her design from her looks to her powers to her backstory is a strong and cohesive whole from a lore standpoint; she's a well - made character which makes her easy to love and interesting to explore in writing. also? i know this is something of an unopular opinion and her patch history is a nightmare but i find her really fun to play as well (even if i suck lmao).
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