#my brain…
boyjehanne · 2 months
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sex, lies, and videotape 1989, dir. steven soderbergh / 1937 state park, car seat headrest
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heartonxions · 1 year
gajeel’s eyes dilating when she sees something he likes……….. seeing levy and just instant dilation and everyone that is remotely paying attention/notices is like ewwwwww
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haganez · 7 months
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narugen · 3 months
my brain started cooking up narumina high school au and now i kinda have to write it
au where mina is part of a shooting club (don’t know if this is a Thing or sport in japan but it is in some places so) and she’s the Only Member. the only other member (kafka) graduated before they could do it together so . it’s just her now and Has been her ever since her first year (she’s a second year now)
cue: narumi. annoyed. frustrated. angry. at some stupid shit the teacher said about him skipping classes or playing games in class and the baseball club doesn’t want to let him use their bat and he’s not a member bc they have practice and he doesn’t have any other outlet so he’s trudging along the school compounds walking further and further away from the main buildings when he hears a loud Bang
he doesn’t know what it is, but he plays enough games to recognize a gun going off. he doesn’t run, just finds his aimless walking a bit more pointed. more motivated. as he walks in the direction of the noise
there he finds. to his surprise. a shooting range. there are targets placed on the opposite stretch of the …?? grass?? idk i’m visualising a setup similar to archery rn but once i do more research this is subject to change the MAIN part is that the targets all have bullet holes in them and they’re ALL bullseye
he drags his eyes away from the targets and finds the source of the damage.
a girl with short hair he feels like he’s seen before Somewhere and she’s in her pe uniform the jacket sleeves rolled up to her elbows with the little googles and headphones on and narumi watches in (he hates to admit it) admiration as she loads up the gun with such precise accuracy he can’t follow with his eyes and the next moment he hears another resounding bang
“holy shit.” he finds himself saying and in the next moment the pin drop silence as she aims at the next target is broken because she turns to him immediately.
thankfully the gun isnt pointed at him, and she’s kept her arms in position. the only thing that’s moved is her head and narumi sees the pure confusion on her face and wonders if he’s somehow walked so much he isn’t on the school grounds anymore
“oh.” she says, and puts the gun down and pulls the headphones off her head and keeps them resting around her neck. “it’s you.”
and narumi knows what that tone means. she knows him. he doesn’t know her though.
narumi hates to think about how his face must scream confusion because she follows up before he can say anything with: “we’re in the same class.”
he doesn’t attend classes often. or at all really. so that’s why she seemed a bit familiar. like a blurry after image.
“what is this place,” he says, not a question because narumi doesn’t ask questions, he simply gets answers.
“a shooting range.”
“i’ve never heard of a shooting club in this school.”
“because it doesn’t exist.”
he waits for an explanation. because a building so obviously made to host students or whoever with all this equipment and yet there’s no club?? narumi doesn’t believe it. but he doesn’t think she’s lying to him either.
she takes a painfully long time to find her words, or maybe she just doesn’t want to talk to him, because she keeps her eyes trained on the targets far away.
“i’m the only member. so it doesn’t exist.”
narumi thinks he’s heard somewhere that school clubs need a minimum number of members. he never really cared though. since his after school activities consisted of doing what he does during school hours - play games, pick fights, etc. he doesn’t go to school in the first place. so he doesn’t need an after school club.
he looks at the guns lined up. they’re all clean. he looks around him. everything is spotless. no indication of abandonment.
“well. i don’t care about your circumstances,” he says, and points at the gun she was holding. “i want to shoot too.”
he recalls the image of his form teacher, or maybe it was his science teacher, narumi doesn’t know - he doesn’t even know why he came to school today
(but he does. it’s because they kept begging him to attend at least once a week and narumi can’t say no to family)
but that teacher. with his bald head and smoker breath just kept on saying he should be more responsible blah blah he’s almost a third year god what does narumi care? he shouldn’t even have lived this long but here he is! and just thinking about it has narumi balling his fists up in anger.
“you need to be a club member.”
“does that really matter.”
she’s finally looking at him again. and narumi observes how she has really round eyes. a mole under each one. despite looking pretty innocent, she seems to be serious about this, mouth drawn into a frown and eyebrows furrowed.
narumi can’t really be bothered but he has so much pent up energy. and shooting a gun sounds really fucking awesome.
“okay. whatever. just let me shoot.”
she hurries off somewhere, through a door narumi hadn’t really noticed before and he takes off his school jacket, rolling his sleeves up.
he observes the equipment on the table, and then sees there’s spares in a nearby box. those will have to do.
as he puts on the goggles, he looks around for headphones, ear muffs, whatever, narumi knows their purpose - doesn’t need to know what they’re called but can’t find any.
the girl. he doesn’t know her name still. not that it matters. returns with a piece of paper and he almost barks out a laugh
“fill it in.”
“you’re not gonna tell me to wait until it’s approved before i get to shoot, are you.” he glares at her, because narumi seriously doesn’t want to wait any longer. he wants to let out all these restless energy now.
“i’m the one approving new members.”
“you’re not a teacher.”
“i’m a good student.”
he doesn’t know what the fuck that means but it manages to piss him off a bit more so he scribbles his details into the damn form and shoves it at her.
“approve it.”
“say please.”
he feels himself snap.
“are you trying to piss me off?”
she’s not the least bit intimidated. in fact she doesn’t look away from his glare. most people in the orphanage would have run away by now. and she repeats herself, “say please.”
he takes one look at the gun on the table. the guns on display. the painstaking effort of keeping all these equipment clean despite no one using them. the painstaking effort of keeping a club no one cares about alive.
“please approve the fucking form.”
if she has a single thing to say about it, she doesn’t. she doesn’t say anything. takes a stamp out from her jacket pocket and stamps his club registration.
it takes him a bit later to realize he’s joined a fucking after school club.
he’s being handed a gun, similar to the one she was holding and he grabs it. she doesn’t tell him to watch and follow when she starts loading it up. he got the memo the moment she side eyed him and started preparing, much slower than she had earlier when she was alone.
that annoys narumi a bit.
but he follows everything to a tee. commits the steps to his memory. doesn’t know why. doesn’t think he’ll be back. but he makes sure to remember anyway.
she looks around the area for a bit, as narumi feels the weight of the gun in his hands.
while he’s distracted, he doesn’t realize she’s in his personal space until she is, and he has to hold back from throwing a punch.
their heights aren’t that different, which adds to narumi’s list of annoyances from today, and he takes the split second to calculate how tall the girl must be. above 165cm that’s for sure.
how surprising, she’s got a baby face, so narumi had expected her to be shorter.
when her face is finally drawn away from his, he feels the weight of something around his neck and understands what had happened. she could’ve just passed the ear muffs to him though.
what a weirdo.
she puts her own earmuffs on, and narumi mirrors her actions.
she shifts her stance, and he follows.
she shoots and narumi forgets how to breathe.
the atmosphere around her changes for the split second she releases the trigger, and for once - narumi feels fear.
everything seems to move in slow motion, as he watches her. her face. her eyes narrowed. concentration the only thing there and time resumes as the bullet pierces through the air.
narumi doesn’t have to look to know she’s hit bullseye again.
it’s a challenge. to him, at least. he knows she probably doesn’t care about him. but narumi wants to shoot like that too. so he takes a deep breath and steadies himself and pulls the trigger.
“you’re surprisingly bad.”
not a single bullet hit even remotely close to the center of the target.
“aren’t you just absurdly good?! who the fuck hits bullseye consecutively? look at all your targets!” he screeches, tugging the ear muffs off.
“kafka-kun did say i was weirdly accurate…” she muses, has to think about it- as if she wasn’t aware. as if she only had this realisation.
narumi wants to sock her in the eye or something.
he lets out a deep sigh. at least he released his pent up anger. although he’s kind of angry at a whole other thing now.
“so? what the hell are you doing here if you’re this good. there are competitions aren’t there.”
he doesn’t know why he’s making conversation
“i’m just taking care of the club.”
“the club that doesn’t exist.” he points out.
“i made a promise.”
and narumi remembers he’s not the type of person to give a shit. so he shrugs, ending the conversation.
he refuses to ask for help. for advice. so he keeps his eyes on her as she shoots, and narumi thinks there’s no need for her to train at all. her. accuracy is crazy. he doesn’t know why she even bothers coming here.
by the end of the day, two hours later, he’s managed to get a bit better. or so he likes to think.
he can’t believe he stayed until the sun is about to set. in school.
as she starts cleaning up, narumi finds himself mimicking her actions, the same way he has been doing the entire time.
to his own surprise, his back is sweating, and it must’ve taken a bit more effort than he’d considered.
“ashiro!” somebody calls, and narumi nearly jumps out of his skin. he doesn’t get surprised though. so he pretends he isn’t.
ashiro. he says the name in his head. so that’s who she is.
doesn’t ring a bell.
“hoshina.” she says, and despite a friend (?) - narumi presumes, showing up to this side of the school - she doesn’t smile.
in fact, narumi doesn’t think she’s seen her make any sort of expression that wasn’t a straight face or brief concentration.
well. not that he cares.
“who’s that?”
she looks over to him.
and he looks back at her.
“narumi. from my class.”
so she does know his name.
“ahhh the problem child?”
this guy is pissing him off.
“and who the hell are you? club activities ended ten minutes ago, for your information.”
he doesn’t know if they did end ten minutes ago. but it’s when ashiro started packing up. so he assumes that’s the case
the guy laughs - loud and annoying and narumi held back against punching ashiro but he won’t back against this guy.
“you bastard-,” he growls, walking up to him and glares at ashiro who stops him.
she doesn’t stop him. per say. doesn’t say anything really. but she’s moved closer to him. and she has one eyebrow raised.
he doesn’t know why he stops.
narumi gen doesn’t stop for anyone.
and that annoys him even more. his list is pretty long now.
longer than it should’ve been.
“so you managed to increase your club numbers? good for you.”
it sounds so sarcastic, but narumi knows it’s not. everything just kind of sounds like shit when it comes from that guy.
“i’m not-,” narumi starts, and then stops. that’s twice now. “i’m not.”
ashiro holds the piece of paper up. the fucking club form and points at the stamp in red. “he is.”
“i’m not coming back here.”
“you probably should though? your aim doesn’t seem to be the best.”
the guy says, and damn this fucking bowlcut guy because the next time he speaks narumi will definitely slam this guy face’s into the wood floor.
“hoshina.” she says, and the tone is a warning. narumi doesn’t need somebody else giving out warnings for him. “your aim is just as terrible.”
“but i’m not a member of the club.”
“he’s new.”
narumi doesn’t know if she’s insulting him or defending him. doesn’t think he’d like either option.
the guy shrugs. before looking at ashiro. “are you done? let’s go.”
she nods and turns to him. they walk out together.
ashiro locks up, and narumi leans a little away from her to take one last glance at the shooting range.
“see you tomorrow, narumi.” it’s the first time she’s addressed him by name. even though she knew it.
“i’m not coming to school.”
“you’ll be here though.”
she doesn’t have to specify for him to know she means here - as in the shooting range.
“i’m not coming to school.” he repeats.
she shrugs, like she already knows.
narumi watches as the two leave, talking about something he can’t hear from where he is, still standing by the door of the shooting range.
he’s not coming back tomorrow.
“you’re here.”
“took you long enough. unlock the door.”
“i told you so.”
“shut up.”
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birf · 2 years
hey so those whole addiction warnings on opioids
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raphieartz · 1 year
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lume-nosity · 1 year
just finished the psat’s!!!
i know i absolutely butchered the math portion but the english portion wasn’t too bad
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koobiie · 4 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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candycatfalls · 1 month
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She's being supportive! 🥰💖
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temporalteardrop · 8 months
bass makes a dollar. i make a dime. that's why i think about lesbian sex on company time
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Something something, living rent free in my mind and such, anyway I love them.
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soracities · 6 months
happy "everyone forgets that icarus also flew" monday. i want to throw up !
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heartonxions · 10 months
i have the need to be cringe and draw sg+gajeel+lily+maybe juvia in like …. stupid 50s outfits … my outsiders and rise of the pink ladies brainrot is coming back oh dear
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nariarts · 2 months
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Spent a ridiculous amount of time last night obsessively editing my hand written zines in Photoshop to take away any tiny blemishes so they were definitely readable.
Whatever. Understand or don't.
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atalana · 6 months
the curse of adhd:
i will remember with absolute clarity, when the thought strikes me that i have a text to send someone, that this is the fourth time in three days i've attempted to send this specific text
i will forget, in the time it takes me to pick up my phone, that i picked it up intending to send a text
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ducktracy · 3 months
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sharing a very sage bit of advice from The Simpsons' own John Swartzwelder that i've been trying to hamper down in my writing and drawing alike. let your inner crappy little elf do his worst
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