#my cat has gingivitis
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super fun new years day adventure of take elderly cat to the emergency vet
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petcatandkitten · 10 months
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What symptoms indicate gingivitis in cats?
A frequent dental condition that affects many different animals, including cats, is gingivitis. It can progress and turn into periodontal disease, a more serious problem, if left untreated. Learn all the root causes of gingivitis in cats and how to recognise the symptoms by continuing to read. Read More...
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this FIV+ man needs a home!
hello! this very friendly little stray orange boy in Houston TX needs somewhere to live that is not my house! I’m willing to drive within the texas triangle, or meet someone halfway. He has had some basic vetting.
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why is he in my bathroom and why can’t he stay here?
He is a known community cat that is the bane of my first cat’s existence, and wanted to be friends So Bad I had to put bird spikes up on my windowsills. My two cats are FIV negative, and I can only hold onto him for two more weeks.
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what’s his deal?
He's about two, about ten pounds, and is extremely people social to the point it is genuinely difficult taking pics of him, bc he is convinced both hands should be petting him at all times. You can sling him around with one while he purrs up a storm. I’ve seen him peaceably hanging out with other colony cats outside, so I assume he is cat social with a slow introduction.
He is not thrilled about having his ears touched (he is ear mite free) or having his paws touched, but we are working on desensitization. He is also extremely bad at being restrained for a blood draw at the vet.
what care has he received?
Basic exam
Rabies vax
Revolution II flea/tick/mite treatment
FeLV/FIV test (negative and a faint positive respectively, he can be retested in six months to see if it was a false positive but should be treated as if he is a positive cat in the meantime)
He’s eating (grain free dry kibble since that’s what my girls are on) and drinking and healing well from his neuter.
He's correctly using the litter box with basic clay litter, he's not spraying in my bathroom or pissing up the sides of the litter box, but he is a very enthusiastic advocate of burying waste as thoroughly as possible.
He will need a dental at some point for some gingivitis, and he will need to get the rest of his vaccinations and have a second round of dewormer (I’ll give it to you) in two weeks.
who else has been contacted?
Over forty local rescues and shelters, who are all at capacity or haven’t responded since I tried to contact them a week ago. I've also been posting on local Facebook FIV+ cat groups.
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snobgoblin · 2 years
✨️ headcanoning how the band would name their children ✨️
2-D: his pets usually have generic names like Paul and the same thing probably would apply to his kids
Murdoc: Pink Stinkfishes this thing and just slaps 2 words together and calls it a day. he probably changes it a few times before he settles on a name
Russel: would probably either name his kids after his friends or old musicians he likes. Maybe he names one after Del or Rick
Noodle: has a tattoo on her arm that says "arm" and named her cat "Katsu" so she would probably name her kids just "Kid" "Child" or "Human" or anything like that
Ace: "this is my daughter Gingivitis I heard it at the dentist office and thought it was pretty"
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tittyinfinity · 3 months
Was not expecting gingivitis to be the cause of my cat's stress issues. There's no way I would have thought of that as a reason. Well shit
But she also said that he has "the type of skin that looks allergic to everything;" fleas weren't the problem, we gotta figure out what he's allergic to. Lil dude's just prone to health issues like me
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ricky-croissant · 1 year
Hey guys, my brother need some help. Hes still in college so anything is appreciated
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prismatixxkhaos · 4 months
Hi so sorry to make another post asking for money but: My cat, Kumquat, who was a stray cat until recently, has a real bad case of gingivitis and needs that taken care of. However, it’s gonna be a little expensive so if you can donate anything that would be great!! If not, that’s also ok, all I ask is that you spread the word.
If you’d like to donate whether it be going to the goal link directly or commissioning me (also on kofi):
The cat in question btw:
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ghostyhost · 2 years
Hello! I normally don’t do this because I don’t have a lot of followers, but I recently made a GoFundMe for my cat’s dental needs! 
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We recently took our poor kitty Leota to the vet and were told that she has gingivitis and has recently lost a main tooth because of it. They want to do more dental work like a cleaning and tooth extractions but have found that she has a heart murmur. In order to put her under anesthesia, they need to do blood work and x-rays to make sure that the heart murmur is not life-threatening or not will complicate the anesthesia in any way, which could complicate the dental process.
As you may understand, this means that the vet bills have piled up and we are struggling to put together the needed finances to get Leota the help she needs. Any amount will help us out tremendously, and we would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you so much for your consideration and if you cannot donate, just spreading the word would also be extremely helpful. Thank you again!!   Please click the link below, and it will send you to the GoFundMe page.
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So Mr Gold has been having some issues lately. He recently started grinding his teeth and vomiting daily.
I took him to the vets and first time round they said he has gingivitis in his back teeth which means they need removing.
The vomiting is a separate issue and they gave him some anti-nausea medication which worked for just under a week and then stopped. So back to the vets on Sunday where they took a blood test. They were expecting to find pancreatitis. I get a call on Wednesday to say he is clear of pancreatitis but that he could either have kidney disease and liver disease or he merely has gastritis. They also gave him some more anti-nausea meds that Sunday.
They said his behaviour and appetite though suggests it may be a false diagnosis due to dehydration caused by the constant vomiting. So they want a urine sample to check things over.
Meanwhile aside from the constant vomiting, Gold is his usual self and just attempted to jump out of the window to kill a pigeon 🤦‍♀️😂 I should note, he got nowhere near the pigeon and he is fine. He’s an indoor cat, so it is probably his first ever attempt at live prey larger than a fly.
I really don’t think we need to be giving the vet anymore work though.
EDIT: To be clear, my point was with all the other issues he is having I don’t think it would be ideal for Gold to injure himself by jumping out of a window.
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redfagdiver · 2 years
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#uh oh🥺🥺🥺! it looks like gingivitis the cat has infiltrated our servers😔! why don't you go make yourself some tea and come back😉🙂🙂😊
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keroinnie · 2 months
brushing my teeth in front of my cat that has gingivitis: why can’t you do this
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Welp, I finally pulled the trigger and smoked for the first time in like... a week or more. The time passed went real quick. I guess I still have most of my tolerance because I was using the tincture at night, but the high with that is suuuuper subtle, very different. I'm definitely feeling it, even though I only smoked like half a hit tonight. Didn't wanna get obliterated. And I smoked a mix of the two hybrids. So it's a nice kinda energetic but still glowy kinda high. I'm still pretty sleep deprived so I wanted to play it "safe", I'm noticing that I'm much more prone to freakouts when I'm stressed and sleep-deprived.
But I feel good right now, which is overdue and earned. I started the morning with a text from my dad, who has been giving me advice on my business by quoting Warren Buffett and Richard Branson (I think?) to me. You know, two very well-known successful self-employed solo multimedia artists... Not two elderly billionaires...
Apparently the problem with my art business is that I am bad at "marketing and communication". Not that I have no social media presence, no friends, no clients and literally no one even asks me what I'm working on or shows half an interest in my libraries of past projects. And the worst part, I said this to him verbatim. Maybe a 2 page text is just too fucking long for people to read and retain the information. Maybe they just skim looking for key words, something that confirms their biases. Then they start writing their own 2 page thesis to complete the cycle. What a waste.
I was on the fence about reopening this can of worms. It's clearly not good. I just start the day with a critique of my life. Not with questions to learn more details, not with offerings of assistance or contribution, but with unsolicited criticism and analysis. Like my life is an interesting article he found and wants to study until it bores him. He's not the only one I've known that's done this, a lot of people do this. It's... well... it's decimating. It destroys your sense of self-worth, it makes you a paranoid wreck, you start questioning your own perceptions of reality. At least I do. But I'm a very romantic, imaginative type, so... maybe I shouldn't speak in generalities, but if you're anything like me this is what it does.
I got a bit upset. I asked him what he was offering. He withdrew, saying he was just going to offer his theories, and then ran off to lunch and essentially hung up on a text conversation. I couldn't be fuckin bothered, I went about my day. But I left a message there that I might send him an unsolicited critique of his business, see how that goes over sometime.
Ugh. Enough of that, lets go on to something more positive - drugging my cat and bringing her to get her blood drawn. Yay! So... I got Max her meds after the text stuff. Put it in chicken. She was really doped up in the AM, like... wobbly on her feet, barely awake, bumping into things. It's always hard. With Cerry it was easier to just go "yeah, she's just really high right now" because Cerry was much more laid back and bubbly. Max was just... fucked up. And clearly very fucked up. Like I was afraid the dose might have been too high. But yeah, kinda went a little helicopter parent with that one. We did have some fun with it eventually. But I got the meds to her around the time window needed. I got her to the vet. She was great, barely even flinched or pulled. Got the blood first try. It went great. I got some stuff for her gingivitis to put in her food, even more supplements. I'm sure she'll get used to it in time.
We got home. My mom and I talked in the driveway for like... an hour or something. It was helpful, she's on the same page as me now on a lot of stuff, and it's really helping me not feel batshit crazy. When everyone just treats you like "oh making art is easy", "oh starting your own business with no help and no friends is easy", "i have no idea why you would be struggling with this", "you just need to try harder" Stupid, ignorant, lazy, ill-informed shit like that. When you get nothing but that, you (well... I) start to question reality. I wrote it on my whiteboard like 2+ years ago in red ink - Stockholm Syndrome.
I think it might be one of my big blindspots. Where I kinda just default to "well they probably know what they're talking about, I should defer to their judgment". Like "doctor's orders". I don't know how to define it... but if I'm surrounded by the deprecating opinions of someone that I consider a friend - someone bonded, who I trust and defer to for perspective - then I often start questioning my own perspective, in an effort to grow, optimize and improve. And I just sorta absorb their contradicting information, assuming truthfulness, because what reason would anyone have to lie to my goddamn face? Why would anyone put on the mask of a friend, lover or family member and use that costume to lower my defenses and earn my trust - only to hide their true self, and use it for their own personal amusement?
Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm a dreamer. But I feel like a big part of being a good person yourself is to give others the benefit of the doubt that they are works in progress as well. That we're all constantly in flux, and learning every day. Well.... at least we are all capable of growing and working on ourselves every day. I truly do believe that. My faith is rooted in it. That even a wild coyote or shark has a heart, and is capable of learning. Okay... well a shark might be a good analogy for the shit I must be missing, because I'm looking at that again and going... well... a shark is always going to be a shark...
So with wild dogs, totally, you can get them to come around. I believe that about domestic dogs too. I try really hard not to question my faith with that. I'm sure with some they're just so deeply traumatized that there's really not much left there... so that I'm really not sure? I guess I'm just not personally experienced with that level of extreme first-hand? Or maybe I am? I don't know. I'm really trying to keep an open-mind across the board on this one. So... what about wild cats? Like a mountain lion or something? Can you domesticate those? Can you expect warmth and affection, bonding out of those? I mean... I've seen panthers cuddling with dogs and people before, I think it's well within reason... So the further down the animal kingdom we go, the tougher it gets. Bugs and shit it's like... I don't know how much there really is the bond with there...
But people, we're all in the same group, and we're all way up at the top as far as complexity of bonding and cognitive function. At least, as far as we know. So... we should all be much more capable than sharks or cats to learn how to coexist and adapt. To learn and see at very least at a survival level that being a good friend, good mate and good family member - keeping that relationship in good standing - is mutually beneficial to survival. Power in numbers, safety in numbers. There is a biological imperative to take care of eachother, at a core level. So I really don't know how people can just... have that shut off. Or voluntarily turn that off. I don't know. Maybe some people have that function impaired? I guess that's a theory of modern psychology? Genetic mutation, or chemical imbalance or something? I imagine if that is the case it would have to be phenomenally rare. But maybe the population boom is making those statistical anomalies more visible? I don't know anymore, it's all so complicated.
So maybe my whole thing of just having faith in the goodness of people is a coping mechanism to keep me from thinking about the evil of people. To not even entertain the thought, because of how horrifying it is. And how you can just turn into a paranoid wreck who trusts absolutely no one in the drop of a dime, and have mountains of evidence to reinforce that decision. Maybe having faith in the goodness of man is the only thing that keeps me from running off into the woods in like Alaska or some shit and just never coming back. Just hanging out with dogs and cats and racoons and foxes and shit, exploring the woods, collecting stones and elk and moose antlers. Making art and recording music. For who? Oh... there it is.
I guess we're going full circle. Let's really think about that. If I were on the North fucking Pole alone, in a bunker, for 20 years. Knowing full-well that no one would have any contact with my work until the time was up... I would still make art and music. And write. Constantly. As much as possible. And collect stories and memories. Memorable moments in video games, like when me and my friend Reaper made a bridge to drive a giant drilling rig across a canyon in Space Engineers, and I flew my Pelican shuttle backwards right in front of him so I could guide him across because he couldn't see the wheels and needed to have them perfectly lined up or else the whole thing was going into the canyon. Like making an Apothecary Shop in Minecraft creative mode with Chisels and Bits, and putting actual animated fluid bits into the little potion jars and making glass display cases full of them. Like a Rimworld colony I had way back when Sparkles (my builder) and the other builder (I don't remember his name) had spent so much time building together that they fell in love and got married, and it warmed my heart so much! Memorable moments in life, like when I went hiking at the river and came across a Red-Tailed Hawk that was on the ground for some reason. He flew up to a broken tree trunk that was like... 12 feet tall? And just perched up there and eyed me for a bit. I just stood there with him, probably... 5 yards away? Barefoot, sleeveless tee, backpack on, just staying still and sharing the space with him for a few minutes until he decided to move on.
To me, life is all about these moments. And capturing and cherishing these moments. Even the bad ones, unfortunately, in their own way. And I really feel like even if I were tossed in a rocket and blasted off to a moon base for the rest of my life, I would be doing this. I would be making a garden in my head and tending it regularly, waiting for inspiration to bloom. And when it inevitably does, to capture it to the best of my abilities. And bring it into the world, like birthing a child. I see that as my purpose, as a human. The purpose of my life. And I think I'd really be doing it no matter what circumstance you put me in. Like Picasso said --- okay, it's not what I thought it was. See, in college I was taught that the quote was like... if you put me in jail, I would paint with my own blood. But maybe that wasn't him? Or maybe someone misquoted? The actual quote is:
"We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell."
So yeah, I got lost in reading quotes there. I'm kinda saying for like the third time that this life kinda just keeps choosing me. And a few years back, I stopped fighting it. It worked very well for me in college, I was very prolific. I just needed the right facilities, company around me to keep me sane during grueling 10+ hour marathon painting sessions, and some form of loose guidance (wasn't really necessary, honestly). A few years back, like 6+ months after my breakup, I really just... really decided to stop trying to superimpose a new life on top of mine. I stopped trying to just cram myself into a 9-5 formula and mold myself into what "society" wanted me to be. I went the other direction. I tried to engineer custom careers, relationships, workflow, all of it around what I naturally tend to gravitate back to. To stop fighting my natural impulses. To discern between primitive impulses (like wanting to smoke, wanting to have sex, being hungry, wanting to distract myself) and creative impulses. To be a bit more deliberate and mindful of the way I use these things, rather than just doing things for the sake of doing them. Which has never really been my style at my core, but society can teach a lot of nasty habits.
So I started to be deliberate about when and how I smoke tobacco, what I used it for. That one took the longest and was definitely the hardest. Sex has always been pretty easy to control, especially in isolation and having a very deeply strong link between physical and emotional feelings. I feel like... a really big part of being present in your life, is not just being on autopilot or doing things because it's what you're supposed to be doing. Like actually actively engaging with things and... well I guess that would make me a fan of mindfulness. I hate how people just... fuck with words and add subtext to make them "lame" or whatever.
Actually chewing and tasting your food, paying attention to the flavors and the textures. Not rushing to chew it as fast as possible and get it the fuck over with so you can get on to your next thing that you're going to get over with too. Slowing the fuck down and being in the moment. I try to live in that place. The Now. And people who are frantically trying to generate money, or consume "content", or rush rush rush to the next thing on the agenda? They would claw the fucking walls screaming if they were in my life for like... an hour. Tops.
So... I would consider this life "work". Considering most people choose the safety and security of a 9-5 and that kinda shit. And I seem like I'm oddly built for it. So I've been leaning in to it. And I've made some of my best work by leaps and bounds because of this. I am eternally grateful that Past Me made the decision to reconnect with all of the best parts of his past, and revive them. Create a home for them. It's the foundation on which my life today stands.
I'm still trying to figure it out, of course, how to make it work financially and everything. But it'll come together in time. Once I find people who believe in what I do, and want to experience my creations and share them with others.
Wow, all that off of a convo with my mom. It clearly went well.
Me and Max spent the rest of the day laying low. I was going to smoke during the day... for the third day in a row... and blew it off. "I don't want to be high in case Max tries to jump off something and hurts herself", "I don't want to cook when I'm high", "I don't have any media that doesn't have potentially dark content to play in the background while I'm playing Minecraft". So I just put off smoking until before this. Still a bit more paranoid than I'd like, half a hit isn't gonna fuck me up so bad that I burn my house down... that's paranoid shit and I don't like it. But yeah. That's just kinda where I was at today.
So Max is doing much better, she's walking more naturally now, much more alert. Almost wanted to play a bit towards bedtime. And we'll hear back on the blood results... whenever they get back to me, probably a few days.
Big day, get to catch up on sleep now. This was a hell of an existential tangent tonight, thanks for taking the ride with me.
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lizzibennet · 2 years
hi friends!! i come here today on behalf of my friend milena who is in need of some help with her beloved cats. i’ve translated her words below:
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“These are my cats, Pedro and Romeu. About three months ago Romeu had a bout of gingivitis, which demands total extraction of his teeth. To do so he needs medication before and after the surgical procedure, also a hemogram (complete blood count) and anesthesia. Two months after that Pedro seemed to be unable to urinate and in a lot of pain when he managed to do so. Besides the veterinarian consultation I had expenses with his desobstruction and medication before we even left the vet’s office. Later, under the vet’s recommendation, I bought specific food for his urinary tract issue and several other medications. I still need to get him an ultrasound to check for problems in his kidneys, alongside complete blood count and urine exams. To cover all of this 4000 reais (around 750 dollars) would be necessary, seen as the teeth extraction alone costs 2200.”
milena has set up a payp*l at [email protected]. Any dollar anyone can spare would be greatly appreciated, seen as 1 dollar corresponds to more than 5 reais. i’ve included some of the vet’s exams and prescriptions under the cut so as not to make this post too long. reblogs are appreciated! pls help my friend and her babies ❤️
(Please do not tag as m*tual a*d, as tumblr might nuke the post!)
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milena does not currently have a tumblr, but she’s on ig as @/milenosas, if you feel the need to contact her. thank you for reading this <3
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romanticmoonchild · 2 years
Hey, it’s RaShae again! I’m asking for help in getting my cat in for a teeth cleaning. She’s got a cracked tooth I think and she has gingivitis really bad. I’m gonna do everything I can but she’s at least 4 now (she was a stray and the vet said she looked about 3 last year) so she’s got to get a cleaning anyways since this is the age real bad gum troubles begin. All together it’s 228 + tax. I already have 150 so I’m only asking for help with the last $78. Any extra I get will go towards the taxes plus any meds etc needed. I will be lowering the amount once I’m able to save more money, I promise. I’m just trying to be a good cat mama. Thanks for the help. For sharing, please don’t tag donat*ns.
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paperbrain-kun · 2 years
Commission me!!
Now I have to pay for my cat's treatment!! He has constipation and tartar/gingivitis, and here are only few meds I just bought and I will need more other
Please share if possible and thank you 🙏 Dyusha's doing ok but I don't want it to get worse
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Since I can't use PayPal now, I'll ask you to send me payment via Paysend. It won't take too much time yo sign up there!
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