#my crap fan art critiquing each other
vaicomcas · 6 months
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Crowley: Feathers, you look constipated and your head is misshapen.
Castiel: At least I don't look like Barbie.
Crowley: Aw, it's OK to just call me doll.
Castiel: I am savagely lampooning your unrealistically large eyes.
Crowley: Oh Cas, such a flirt.
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(Sorry for the spamming with my opinions but hhhh) I just couldn’t stop thinking about this whole ‘spongeboomer’ stuff.
As that disgusting event happened on the SB cosplayer post, which weren’t the sb-boomers, more like plain stupids, there were other issue that triggered me when I read comments on the official IG account. For Thanksgiving, they posted an artwork made by one of their storyboard artist, which imo opinion was a really creative way to show how the families will mostly spend that holiday. However the very ‘clever’ “fans” could only say that the new design of the characters were bad and they miss the old ones.... I’m sure the admins facepalmed as much as I did, and they had to write a comment stating it had been a personal artwork, aka a fanart of the storyboard artist, not any kind of official art. This triggered me, because I’m also an artist and even in the team who works on the show have different artstyles, and they just tried to show it. This is how spongeboomers understand art and animation, why are we surprised they don’t like the change of the animation style?
It saddens me they go that far they harrass the crew, invading their personal life. The fact they did that with poor Hillenburg for the reason of ‘saving the show’ just makes my heart broken: he was probably sick enough in those times, yet they didn’t leave him alone. Now that he unfortunately passed away, they feel even more free to continue talking shit about the show and blaming on the members: the writers (the old and new ones) and the animators mostly - who work hard on each and every frame to keep the show going. I can see the VA cast enjoys doing that too, they are so enthusiastic about it, watching the interviews uplifts me. One of those BTS/interview kind where they talked about the SB’s big birthday blowout, Lawrence, who was a co-writer of that episode, said he couldn’t wait for everyone to see that episode - which melted my heart yet break it because those annoying ‘fans’ will continue to bring it down, telling how this series turned into piece of crap. I just soo soo agree with everything you said in the recent posts/answers!
In the end, they tend to forget what’s the show really is about, what Hillenburg’s aim was with that. We just can’t have this kind of community of a cartoon which highlight love, accept and optimisim. So sorry for this long ass paragraph😅
Hey its okay! I enjoy reading these anyways and they're always fun to answer!
But yeah I fully agree with everything you said. While the SB cosplay was just because of racists (and as of lately instagram seems to have a growing racism problem as of late)
Stuff that goes on with the SB insta and some self proclaimed "true SB fans" is concerning and the things they do are just awful. They are ready to praise the show when they post a clip from a classic episode and so quick to tear it down when they show a clip from a modern episode.
And they really do the worst when someone has the guts to disagree or share their opinion.
This isn't very different compared to what they do on twitter anyways. I think thats the worst since they spam p0rn in the replies to every single post for months. And like I said before, keep bugging the writers about their personal lives.
Hillenburg worked on the show the best he could even while sick! That's what makes me upset sometimes. He really wanted to work on the show for as long as his health would allow him and he really did his best but these spongeboomers expecting him to be some sort of messiah to return the show to season 2-3 carbon copies and reject anything that doesn't fit that ideal in their heads. They don't really want his creative input on the show. They just want a recreation of their nostalgia.
They nitpick everything and don't even see the irony in their behavior and they're so selfish.
That storyboard artist who got their art featured sounds so so sweet. They took time out of their free time to make that and they have the audacity to nitpick it and whine?? Like jeez spongebob's art style is the most inconsistent. Literally episode to episode has different styles especially in the classic seasons, not to mention like you said, storyboard artists have different ways of drawing things. Its a bit of individuality which adds a nice touch. Honestly these people deserve the same hate they give others to really understand what kind of damage they are causing.
Spongeboomers really don't understand the process of animation. I've noticed this a lot with the very toxic parts of cartoon critical people. Who really don't understand animation or anyway how it works and act like they know more than people who spent years at this craft refining it. Of course you are free to critique things but there's a difference between critiquing and talking out of your ass.
(Also I find it funny how they complain about how the new SB movie is a ripoff of Have You Seen This Snail? When HILLENBURG literally pitched this idea since the very beginning. Gary getting kidnapped/lost and Spongebob going to go save him is in pretty much every draft of the film that we've seen so far. even the alien cats one!)
I feel bad for all the people who worked so hard holding this show together. It wasn't just Hillenburg. There was a bunch of brilliant creative minds. Shows is a large group effort. It takes a lot of time and energy to create a single episode. They were having fun and eagar to share their work. They don't deserve the treatment they get. (Also drop the interview for SBs big birthday blowout 👀 👀 it sounds adorable)
I just wish they would get more support than hate. They get hate for every small step they take. I just want them to know how appreciated their work is and to enjoy and critique these things respectfully.
Sometimes you need to take a step back and accept this is just a fun silly innocent show and should be treated as such.
I really don't mind this at all! It was an interesting read! Sorry about the late reply but I really did enjoy reading and replying! Its fun!
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espship18 · 4 years
Kpop ship for yeoli-tranbolie
Sup my quarantine lads lol. I have a ship for @yeoli-tranbolie​ ! This is the first ship of the new group, so let’s start this group off fresh!
Based on your request I learned these things about you: 
You’re 5′0 and African American 
Lover of all types of music 
A social-butterfly
A musician, you play the french horn
You enjoy singing
You also dance and like ballet the best 
And in your request, you asked to be shipped with BTS, Monsta X, NCT, and WayV. Let’s dive right on in!
BTS: Taehyung
Happy babes who can vibe the f out, but also be jumpy happy-hyper babes. I can also totally see you two as more of the artsy couple too. You each would enjoy taking little classes and work shops to expand your skills and abilities, which would lead you two to taking the same music workshop class. The whole class would be split into groups and each group would have to make a performance. You and Tae would be put in the same group, so you would be spending a lot of time together with your group mates. Luckily, everyone is grown adults so everyone does their part. You guys put on a great show, and you’ll begin to find yourself hanging out with Tae, in a coffee shop, even more, despite the workshop being complete. You two would develop a huge crush on each other, and you’re both too shy to tell each other. You’re also worried that you two don’t like each other because you can’t get into each others brains, so you’re like “..crap.” But Tae would make the first move, like the babe would have this elaborate idea on how he was gonna tell you he liked you, but then he would get so nervous, forget what he was gonna tell you, so he was just like “okay, I like you.” And you two would soar as if there was never an issue or worry. I can see you two being one of those couples who enjoys staying at home. That doesn’t sound super exciting to some people, but I feel like you and Tae would much prefer to be in the company of each other, and you wouldn’t want to feel the pressure to conform to what people want you and Tae to be. And since you two are so into music, you enjoy chilling at home if you’re not working or doing school things, and you just listen to music. You enjoy searching new music styles together, also critiquing styles you don’t like and getting a taste for what you two have similarities and differences to. You two also enjoying doing research on artists and genres as well, so there is a lot of time that you two can spend days upon days watching documentaries on the history of classical music and Beethoven or Prince. You also enjoy joining Tae when he goes to the studio to see him work every now and then. Which Tae enjoys showing off a bit, and it’s honest really cute because he’s clumsy so sometimes he’ll forget a thing or two, or he will hit the wrong button, or even trip over a wire in the floor- it’s honestly really cute. PDA wise, Tae is a needy boy in this one. He’s not afraid to be like “hug me” and you give in bc it’s Tae. He also loves to steal kisses, so watch out for that, he’s sneaky. 
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Monsta X: Kihyun 
For this particular member, I can see you two bein the hyper social-butterfly type of couple. And omg imagine this, you two have that classic high school sweetheart gig going on and omg it’s so adorable! You’re smitten kittens who have been together for years. A lot of people and fans would be shock to know what your secret is to a happy relationship and to put it simply, it would be taking life day by day. Being flexible with each other, making each other laugh, living in the present instead of the future- that’s your secret. You two would be quite humorous to each other, so I can definitely see you two constantly making jokes to one another, being goody around one another to make each other laugh, and overall just hitting that humor spots where it counts. Communication would also be a HUGE factor for your relationship success. You can’t have a relationship without communication, and being completely honest and open with your feelings can work wonders for your relationship. You two would also be very observant of each other, it doesn’t matter what the change or topic is. Plus, you two like to keep the element of surprise in your relationship, it keeps the flame alive when you least expect it. It can also be for something that is goofy and small, like the cute stuffed alien riding a skateboard you saw at a grocery store. Kihyun will get it for you, TRUST ME. Along with being observant, you two can really read each others emotions and auras when you’re upset or if you need some space from one another, it’s completely normal, and it’s a virtue to have for you two. I also love the idea of you two working together to create beautiful music and beautiful dance. The harmonies, the way you move with each other..aaahhh, it’s magic! Imagine making a beautiful ballad together and making the SWEETEST harmony and dance to it, PURE ART MY FRIEND. P U R E ART. Another reason why y’all work is that you’re able to keep home life and work life separate. You have minor disagreements here and there for work, so you get to take your grievances out at work, then you’re peaky keen at home. Be prepared to be pampered because date nights are on Kihyun. Getting a little dressed up, going to get some good food, it doesn’t even matter if it’s ramen or fancy sushi, you’re together and that’s all that matters. You’ll take a little walk after if it’s not busy and you’ll sometimes find a little spot to sit and relax. PDA is very mild and supple. You don’t feel the huge need to put your love out there, so very soft and heart fluttering kisses, a lot of hand holding, and, knuckle kisses with “i love you’s” are his signature trademark. 
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NCT: Yuta
Y’all are both fire crackers and I am living for it! You two definitely would keep each other on each others toes, there’s so much energy, in the best possible way. In my opinion, Yuta is very versatile. That being said, be prepared for a LOT of pick-up lines, one-liners, and cheesy jokes! To be honest, you’ll want to pull your and his hair out at some of them, because jokes aren’t always his best, but you can always laugh, rather it’s out of genuine laughter or embarrassment. You two are such cuties too, and it’s hard not to just grab him by the cheeks and tell him how cute he is. He’s that type of boyfriend that will drop a compliment bomb on you, and if you start to out do him, he will come back two times harder, he’s always determined to tell you know how much he loves you and wants you to know how pretty you are, inside and out. He’s also the type of boyfriend who likes to spoil you every now and then. Matching outfits or matching concepts are something he would enjoy, so he would know all of your sizes for clothes, and don’t be surprised if he comes home like “loOk wHaT i GoT, pHoTO sHoOt” And those photo shoots are always fun. I love to think that your and his hang out/date spot is in a practice room or recording room. You two don’t feel like big special and extravagant date night type of couple. Something like a practice room would serve as a perfect hang out spot for multiple reasons. One, you two can hang out and snuggle and relax, two, you can also be productive such as: Yuta working on an upcoming comeback, while you’re doing homework. I have this cute idea that Yuta would also want your hang out spot to be a practice room because he would want you to be near him when he worked. Yuta has a very busy man, which as we know, he works so hard, so he would actually prefer you near him when he worked. You would help him keep his stress level down and he’s also a confident boy, so he would want to show off a little, hehe. But you honestly don’t mind it, you love seeing him when he works, and you can also appreciate and let him know how good he does with his work. PDA wise, you two are adorable! I honestly believe Yuta is a snuggle bug. He loves to show his love to you in little ways, which would include the softest of hand-holding. He loves the size comparison to your hands, he also loves to touch you, so hand holding would be his favorite. Hugs, so many freaking hugs, this guys nickname could be teddy he loves to hug and snuggle so much. You don’t mind it though, because you know that if you ever need a hug or someone to hold, Yuta is right there by your side when you need it. 
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WayV: Hendery 
He is your smol bean who’s a bit chaotic at times. He’s the ultimate stress-reliving boyfriend, he’s goofy, sweet, and sympathetic. He also has his own little thing going on every now and then, which makes him even more irresistible. I like him with you most because he’s the cure to your stressful life. Life with Hendery is anything but stressful, I’ll tell you why. He’s the best freaking listener- he’s also an amazing advice giver. Hendery can shut up for two hours if it means letting you vent out all of your frustrations. Advice needed or not, he’s got your back, making him one of the best support systems you can get. He also is the king of support systems because he does these things called “you nights.” They’re simple nights in, most of the time they’re during the time when you’re having a lot of stress- when you need it most to be honest. He makes a blanket fort, fit with snacks, your fav food, pretty lights, and some of your favorites. Sometimes, he’ll even come up with fun little games to get your mind off of the stress you have, normally in a slightly destructing form. You can laugh while also taking out frustrations and anger without giving Kun a heart attack. Think of the wet paper towels thing in Friends! Hendery’s plans never seem to fail, because once you get to throwing those paper towels, your mind goes into happy mode, and all of the frustrations you have are wiped away in the blink of an eye. I also like to believe that Hendery’s curiosity card would be drawn because he would take a fascination with your ability to play the french horn. I used to play instruments myself, so I understand that you forget to practice every now and then, but Hendery would love watching you practice, he would make sure you remembered every now and then. Then, a real treat would be when Hendery would ask for a lesson or for some light tutoring. This cute son of a gon wouldn’t be able to get his mouth in the right position that’swhatshesaid so you’d squish his lips and cheeks into the right position, it would be so freaking hilarious. Date night is your specialty too! You make up for date night since Hendery does your “you nights”, so you make little thoughtful dinner dates or go out and do something that will help you two bond. Hell, sometimes you even try to cook for him! PDA is more reserved since I feel like he’s a bit more shy than Tae or Yuta. Hand holding is what’s he’s most comfortable with, to be honest, he prefers to love on you in private, he feels like he can be sweeter that way. But, if you want to woller all over him and give him the biggest kisses in the world in front of the world, he will let you, trust ya girl.~ 
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 245
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Last time, Goku teased a new form, one beyond the Super Saiyan 2 form Vegeta and Gohan used against Buu at the start of this arc.   But he’d prefer not to use it if possible.  
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The idea here is just to keep Majin Buu busy long enough for Trunks to fly there first and get the Dragon Radar.   After that, it won’t matter (as much) if Buu destroys the place, because the Z-Figthers can use the Dragon Radar to collect the Dragon Balls and wish back all the casualties.   But Trunks is distracted by Goku’s abilties.   He can sense that Goku is about as strong as his father, and he’s apparently unfamiliar with Goku’s teleportation ability.    The reason he’s got his eyes closed here is because Babidi is psychically broadcasting Buu vs. Goku to the world, so Trunks can watch their confrontation simply by closing his eyes.
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And Goku uses that trick to speak directly to Trunks, telling him to quit gawking and do his job. 
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With that taken care of, Goku decides that he’s got no choice but to demonstrate his new form.   First, he powers down completely, presenting this as a review of the Super Saiyan forms.   Babidi doesn’t see the point, but Buu’s interested, and that’s the one Goku’s worried about.
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So this is Goku in his base form.   
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And then he turns Super Saiyan.   This is the form he used to beat Frieza.   No worries there.
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Then he transforms again, into the form Gohan used to beat Cell, and the one Goku and Vegeta used when they fought each other about fifteen episodes ago.
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Crucially, Goku dubs this form “Super Saiyan 2″, about sixty episodes after it was introduced.    So now we can finally stop calling it “beyond Super Saiyan”, “ascended Saiyan”, and whatever else this show has been throwing around.    The funny thing is, everyone kind of stops referring to this form altogether after this.  Goku and Vegeta continue to use it, but you almost never hear anyone spell out “Oh, he’s using Super Saiyan 2″.    I don’t think anyone mentions the form in GT at all, even though a lot of guys use it.   
The story I heard was that when Movie 14 happened, Akira Toriyama was so rusty with DBZ continuity that he forgot Super Saiyan 2 was ever a thing.   That seems kind of odd, considering that he must have remembered the higher levels, but it doesn’t surprise me a whole lot, because it looks so similar to Super Saiyan 1, and for a very long time the form didn’t have a true name.     I know that when I was watching this arc back in 2001-2002, I just considered this “Ascended” nonsense to be irrelevant.    To me, the forms were one and the same, and SSJ2 was merely a Super Saiyan fighting at full power.  But then I got to this episode, where Goku made it clear that Super Saiyan 1 and 2 were different things.   
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And this is important, because we need to establish these things so that it means something when Goku decides to go... even... further beyond!    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
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Back in Otherworld, King Kai is freaking out, begging Goku not to do this.   It’s too much!  This form he’s going to use is so extreme that it’ll use up the rest of his 24 hours in the living world!
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It’s called “Ssj3 Power Up” on Bruce Faulconer’s DBZ American Soundtrack volume IV.   
The Japanese version, sadly, does not have a theme song this badass for this moment.    I really don’t understand that, because they should have known one was called for here.    Let’s face it, not much happens during this scene, and they seemed to recognize that issue when Gohan turned Super Saiyan 2 for the first time.     Then again, Faulconer kind of whiffed it on Gohan turning Super Saiyan 2, so I can’t critique the Japanese score too harshly.    But if you’re a subs-only fan and you want to give the American dub a chance, this is one of the better episodes to sample.   
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konekoryuugamine · 5 years
Riffing the Reef: “Good Neighbors”
This was written with the intent to start riffing apart Spongebob episodes since going about it in a general way would lead me to rant on everything under the sun. I will select episodes that need to be riffed, immediately and definitely, and begin riffing them as needed. Also, I will not take requests unless I can have a valid reason to riff them, other than a character being out of character. With that in mind, I am only criticizing the episodes and not the show in general. The show is credited to Stephen Hillenburg. Please enjoy.   
We can't go on and deny it. Spongebob Squarepants used to be one of the greatest and funniest cartoons on Nickelodeon, nay on the air. It took inspiration from 'Ren and Stimpy', another classic Nick cartoon, and the evidence remains to this day. It had pizzazz, humor, and a sort of distinct charm with Spongebob being a likable protagonist while still having moments of advanced stupidity. Sometimes he was in the right, other times he was in the wrong.    He always learned his lessons and kept being the same happy-go-lucky sponge we watched on Friday Night Nicktoons.    Sure, he had some downer moments, but he was always perked and peaked, and soon became a cultural icon.    But then . . . it all turned sour. How you may ask?    Let me answer that question with this small tangent.     The Spongebob Squarepants Movie was planned to be the final Spongebob Squarepants animation, with the creator himself having gone off to start a career in marine biology. Smart move. The film was made out to be Spongebob's biggest adventure, and it was: King Neptune, an adorkable princess, Mr. Krabs getting frozen, Squidward showing brains, Plankton actually winning for once, Dennis, David Hasselhoff successfully being shoehorned in, an epic quest, and a Twisted Sister parody song with awesome guitar riffs.
   The movie. Was awesome.    More importantly, it demonstrated how Spongebob had come of age in his own time and how he was ready to move on. He was even shown in the epilogue images doing the things he always does, but now with the respect and responsibility of being the manager of the Krusty Krab 2.    Given this information, continuing the series after the movie would have killed the movie. The lessons and experiences Spongebob had learned from the movie would not be remembered, the Krusty Krab 2 would be gone and everything would remain unchanged. That being said, since the movie was considered by many to be the true ending for Spongebob and friends, the fourth season was a large slap in the face.    To Nickelodeon, it was a business decision. The movie brought in a record amount of viewers and cash, and was generally well-recieved, aside from some negative criticism about the amount of singing and unnecessary filler in some parts, but that's beside the point. Hillenburg decided to move on from Spongebob and do what he wanted, but Nickelodeon decided to cash in on the movie's popularity, and created new seasons with new writers and artists for Spongebob Squarepants.    And since everyone watched the new episodes with the added expectation of it being like the movie, even the specials of Spongebob from season 4 onward, Nick gained the ratings and money needed to continue producing more seasons. Now the show is going on season nine, and the show has become what most would consider 'adult swim' channel entertainment.    Thus, the series became what is called in the trope community a 'franchise zombie'. This means the show is continuing down the same path as before, the Status Quo is God, and it is constantly brought back from old drenches.    I could go on about how Nick jumped the shark, how their newer writers were also old writers from previous seasons, and how most of the season four to five episodes were shorts cut up into 5-7 minutes each, but that would take all day and I want to tackle things like this one at a time. Not all at once.    Way too much vernacular for my fingers to type out.        Thus, I feel it necessary to state that many, if not all, of the post-movie Spongebob Squarepants episodes are crap.    Many names come to mind in how bad they are: "The Splinter". "Pet Sitter Pat". "Smooth Jazz at Bikini Bottom". "A Pal for Gary". "One Coarse Meal". "Squid Baby". "The Thing". "Driven to Tears". "Rule of Dumb". The list goes on from there.    These episodes and more are given the harshest of critiques for children's programming, and are often scrutinized by longtime fans of the series, if any still exist. The main reasons for these episodes' condemnation?    Their quality and quantity.    These episodes feature characters who are placed into horrible situations for no reason than to either be tortured, placed there just for the sake of plot convenience, or placed with a deus-ex-machina that makes everything completely unnecessary. Sometimes these characters are flanderized beyond belief, others are defined as jerks throughout, and in the case of Mr. Krabs, Spongebob and Patrick most of the time, are made completely unlikable.    These episodes also feature some, if not all, of the following: mean-spirited humor, anti-humor, disgusting shots, clunky dialogue, out of character moments, torture, gross out humor, gore, adult jokes that go over children's heads, severe sterotyping, insulting humor, false outcomes, cliche plot devices, and just plain bad writing in general.    Making episodes and cartoons like this in general is a bad idea. Kids watch this show not only because it's their demographic but because they like watching cartoons about funny things. Constantly writing and creating episodes where a character gets a toenail ripped off, or abuses a pet snail for no reason other than plot, immediately send the wrong messages to kids. They'll either be grossed out or be forbidden from watching a violent show by their own parents.    The creator himself even stated the show has become something that should be aired on 'adult swim'.    I can believe it. I also know my mom has banned my sisters from watching the show.    After re-watching a few episodes, I can see why.    If we take all of the previous statements made before and try to form a given conclusion, we always come to this: Spongebob Squarepants has become one of the worst cartoons in history. It has come to deserve this title wholeheartedly. And considering it has to compete with Family Guy, I'm not surprised at all.    Spongebob episode quality had a drop in many seasons, with seasons 6 and 7 being the most devious with the most infamous episodes. Season 4 had a few hits and misses, while season 5 had less hits and more tries. The once splendid animation to me has now become creepy and despondent, like it was purposely making me want to turn off . . . my . . .TV . . .    That may be their true intent, but I need my TV for anime.        Sorry, writers. No dice.    As to why I'm just now bringing up the episodes when earlier I was praising it is because a good show can have bad episodes. Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends had 'Everyone Knows It's Bendy', and Powerpuff Girls had 'Town and Out' and maybe 'PeePee Gees'. Spongebob Squarepants has had a good run, but the episodes have shrunken in quality and merit, and it reflects that through the writing and characters.    And, considering how everyone keeps talking about the show while I have had almost NO say in the matters, I feel it necessary to take a stance on some of the episodes that either tugged at my heartstrings or yanked out my heart and stomped on it. These episodes have to be taken apart, lest the writers of now never learn what the show did wrong.    That way, these mistakes can never be made again.    Hopefully.    One such episode that left me scratching my head was "Good Neighbors" from season 4.    I consider this to be the first truly 'bad' episode of Spongebob. Not only are some of the animations and screenshots disturbing, but Spongebob and Patrick become incredibly stupid for the sake of the plot while Squidward is placed as the butt of their torture and jokes. Another name for this from other critics is a 'Squidward torture porn'.    Now, before I go on, I have to admit: I hate Squidward. He's an egotistical, spineless and spiteful squid who often reviles at his own employment, longs for the fancy life and enjoys only his pursuits of arts. His artwork is terrible because he sees himself as perfection and sophistication, thus uses himself as a muse. This in turn makes his artworks hard to look at, and like what happened with 'Bold and Brash', get thrown away. He is shown as selfish, self-centered and a stickler in many an episode, and often reviles in Spongebob's happiness and positivity.    Now you see why I hate the guy.    Of course, he gained his moments of sympathy, such as when he is confronted with his high school rival Squilliam Fancyson, who seems to be his antithesis. Squilliam can even be stated as what Squidward wants to be: perfection, a god and even a fancy gentleman. However, something will always hold Squidward back, either by plot device, plot or some sort of personality trait. He does have moments where he impresses Squilliam, such as hosting the Krusty Krab as his own restaurant with Spongebob's help, or rocking out at the Bubble Bowl, also with Spongebob's help.    That being said, it is also wise to note that I feel Squidward placed too much hate onto Spongebob most of the time. The yellow cube was often doing his best to help the cephalopod, and often times his own quirks made the good deeds backfire. Episodes like "Are You Happy Now?" and "Tiki Dream" are two that come to mind with this.    I'd say a word about PATRICK, but THAT is for another time.    So, I've stated Squidward is a prick, can be a major jerk, and Spongebob often helps him see the light. It just takes a while for Squidward to see it. Hmm . . . Spongebob and Squidward are opposites in this case, but not with just being happy and sad. The two are two sides of the same coin; Squidward is mopey and pathetic, fed up with fulfilling his dreams while Spongebob tries his best to become a fulfilled character with goals and dreams.    Aside from that depth, and given that I've gone on this tangent with a purpose in mind, consider this: Squidward has often liked Spongebob, and admits it in certain episodes like "SB-129".    In "Good Neighbors", however, Spongebob is showing his usual brand of stupidity and naivety, while bothering Squidward, who later yells loudly at Patrick and Spongebob for being horrible neighbors. Something once touched on in "Naughty Nautical Neighbors" and "Opposite Day".    Why did that work there and be funny while here it was a bad idea?    A few reasons, actually.    "Good Neighbors" revolves around Squidward wanting to just enjoy a nice, quiet day, like a previous episode of Spongebob called "Squid's Day Off".    The first problem is this episode is borrowing and/or stealing a direct plot line or idea from a previous episode. This is considered rehashing, and this is a major author no-no. You never rehash an old storyline or plotline unless you can expand on it, make it better and more detailed, or solve the problems that were with it before.    Rewriting it into a newer season with a different style and name is still rehashing, and looks like copy-pasting on paper. In other words, THIS IS CHEATING.    Furthermore, "Squid's Day Off" did this well to begin with, because Squidward's conscience kept playing with him. It was actually funny to see him worry his head off about things Spongebob would never do, such as destroy the Krusty Krab. He even admitted he wanted his job back at the end of the episode because he was worried.    Showing morality with the character is the best way to connect with the audience. Much better than some cheap laugh.    But no; Squidward ends up planning out the perfect Sunday, and Spongebob and Patrick come out of nowhere to ruin it.    The second problem with this episode is Spongebob and Patrick in general. They are flanderized to be stupid and naive as possible, when in previous episodes, Spongebob was accepting of limits and wants for others of the sea. He saw his own faults when he shrunk everyone in Bikini Bottom, and stopped himself from doing dangerous things with Patrick in "Life in a Day". He knows limits and accepts them.    In this episode, however, Spongebob is completely ignorant of Squidward's frustration and anger, nor does he seem to be aware of his own morality index. What he was doing is wrong, he should have known it was wrong, but he did it anyway.    Patrick being there is more of a double-marker of him being stupid for stupid's sake. That's another nitpicky rant for another time, but for now, having there just furthers the stupidity.    The two constantly barge in on Squidward as he tries to relax on his only day off, (in a comfy and casual way no less, which actually looks peaceful), and cause trouble for him. The two end up being told to paint polka dots on trees and accidentally paint Squidward to where his eyes are hurt and he looks ill.    They steal his fancy pedicure and Sunday time relaxing, ruin his Sunday paper, and drive him mad, and for what, you may ask?    To let Squidward become the leader of their Secret Royal Order of the Good Neighbor Lodge.    Again, this was touched on before, and done better, in other previous episodes of Spongebob. This episode is a continuity rehashing of over ten separate episodes of the previous seasons, with less humor and more anger filled dialogue. Squidward ended up deserving the hurt he needed in those other episodes as well because he acted like a jerk in "Club Spongebob", "Naughty Nautical Neighbors" and "Squid's Day Off".    Moreso, Spongebob, and Patrick just randomly break into Squidward's house, wearing fezes, and just decide to annoy him right when he wants to relax. This is a case of plot convenience gone wrong and a Squidward Torture Porn in the making.    Furthermore, Squidward only wanted to relax, something we all can relate to. He was only trying to be himself and enjoy a day off from his terrible job with a terrible boss. Mr. Krabs, I'm looking at you! He had no reason to be tormented or tortured by the two of them. This came out of nowhere for him.    You could say it was because he tossed Spongebob out of his window by saying it was Sunday and he didn't have to go to work, but again, it makes Squidward look like he's in the wrong because Spongebob is portrayed as being in the right.    Thus, the third problem here is who the real protagonist and antagonist of this episode really is.    Squidward, Spongebob and Patrick: who is the real jerk?    I say it varies in interpretations, given Squidward is still his pre-movie self, and Spongebob and Patrick are dumber than hell, but either way, it falls the outcome of the episode is still the same.    The only saving grace of the episode is that Squidward manages to pierce their veils of idiocy by yelling at the two of them at the top of his lungs. He lets ALL his anger and frustration out. That is the only time within these newer seasons that ANYONE has managed to break through their idiocy.    Savor the moment, people. SAVOR IT.    The final part of the episode, or what I consider the undoing of the episode, is pretty much the reason I thought it was entertaining as a kid. Now, I find it cruel and unusual. Squidward finds an ad for an advanced security system and purchases it with the intention of keeping the two knuckleheads out of his house for good.    After installation, the two materialize into his house with an apology cake that says "Sorry for Bugging You So Much".    This is another making or breaking of the episode, surprisingly. They realize what they did was wrong, and they accepted it as such. However, Squidward is still reasonably upset by the fact the security system did not get rid of them. They even bring in a cake, but the fact is the end up barging in, but still pose no real threats. Had this been handled well, Squidward would have ACCEPTED their apology and admitted he was in the wrong as well for being so overly upset.    However, Status Quo is God dictates he must get punished and get severely angry at them for coming in, and at the security system for not responding to their annoyance. It goes haywire and the system hurts Squidward in the process.    AND then the cake flies on the machine, it goes haywire and . . . makes Squidward's house come to life and destroy Bikini Bottom . . .    This is COMPLETELY unnecessary, and completely over the top. There are so many questions for this and a lot of writing plot holes here. If the security system was on the inside of his house, how did the house grow arms and legs? Why would the system go haywire when cake hits it when drinks and beverages would do far more significant damage than smear the screen with frosting? Why does Squidward seem in the wrong here? And . . . if Mr. Krabs is so cheap, how the hell did Squidward afford that much of a security system?    The point remains; this is completely unnecessary. It only serves to cause more trouble for Squidward, get him kicked out of his own house, have it destroy Bikini Bottom with Patrick and Spongebob inside, and cause the terrible conclusion of this episode. I'm not going to go over how contrived this is or how forced this is, mostly because I think I've already covered it before.    An angry mob - why is it always an angry mob? - forms outside of his house and is placed at fault for causing the damage. Then he gets a court summons to clean up the town every Sunday for the rest of his life. Spongebob and Patrick get it as well, and they take it as naively as possible. 
   I think Squidward’s look in the final scene summed everything up nicely. He was stuck in purgatory he could never relieve himself from.     Overall, this episode is the basic example of a Squidward Torture Porn, and of modern Spongebob episodes to boot. The lack of consistent writing is jarring, their behavior is off-putting and the whole episode is mean-spirited to Squidward, even if all he wanted to do was relax. There are a few moments that can make or break the episode, but given the overall quality of the episode, it's more weighed down with them than weighed up.
   It’s an indicator of things to come in the world of Spongebob and should have set off alarm bells for us.     Good Neighbors is often called one of the worst episodes of Spongebob now, and I can firmly see why.
   Although, I can see much worse episodes on the horizon from later seasons that could possibly contend with it. 
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I had an epiphany today
I know that I’m not a professional artist by any means - I’ve only been using my drawing tablet for a little over 2 years and I’ve only been getting serious for the past 18 months or so - even more so recently, but I want to share some valuable advice that I haven’t heard anyone say until now. It’s something I’ve needed to hear so some of you beginners will probably need to hear this now or in the future.
Recently, I’ve been feeling shit about my art. I’ve been wanting it to be better and I keep falling into old habits and I know that i see something I’ve drawn and that it’s just not good or correct at all. I know it sounds corny but I want to put my heart and soul into what I work on and so I want it to be perfect. Right now, the problem is that i don’t know how to fix certain things so I have to ask for help (which is totally something you SHOULD be doing) but the fact that I can’t do it on my own annoys me. There’s an old post from here that i saw a few years ago, which showed a graph (I cant for the life of me link it because i’ve tried multiple times in the past to find it again) a little like this.
Tumblr media
I really believe in this chart. It shows that your perception of what’s good and your physical drawing skill almost step up in complete opposite bursts from each other. This is why you will start to see your drawings “get worse” when in reality, your skill just isn’t increasing at that current time - however, your perception is.
You need to understand that you cannot become an Art God (tm) right away. You also can’t have your skills incubate without doing anything and think “oh i’ll be good in a couple years so i wont try” no bitch thats not how the game works.
Constant practice is what drives constant improvement. You may not be absolutely great now, but you are still allowed to enjoy it! You’ll get there eventually, why not have a little fun along the way?
I might not like my art teacher all that much but today she actually said something that I took to heart. Today she explained what we have to complete for our course and she talked about how you may not like some of the things that you do, but keep those in a folder. The examiners will look at them, but only save your best work for your exhibition. Your folder shows your journey. It’s a necessary journey, but there is still work that you’ll produce that will be your best. That’s the work you can show off and be proud of, but still appreciate the not-so-good work because you’ve learned something from it. You tried something, you learned how to do and not to do something. You can use that art to improve your further endeavours. It’s all about the journey. Art is a journey.
Let me put this into an online art world perspective for you:
Say you have a portfolio on the internet that you only upload your best art to so you can show it off to your friends and other artists because you’re proud of it. And say that you also save all your art into one folder on your computer. Not all of it is good in there. some shit with wonky proportions. the head was too big, that lineart was crap, their hands look like they were mangled by a fucking combine harvester and then reattached, etc.
Your portfolio is your best work. You’re proud of it. Cool.
Your art folder is full of unfinished sketches that you went back to and thought “ew thats awful” and so you vowed never to do that again. See? you learned something. You learned not to make the head that big. You learned that the way you drew that hand was not in sync with the rest of the drawing.
To finish: some quickfire tips that I’ve learned.
Find communities where you can share your art and get feedback. Discord servers, Deviantart groups, etc
Make art friends! Holy shit bro if you dont do that then who are you going to
Send artists you like asks and questions in DMs (if they have them open to non-mutuals)! If you are ignored, just fire them an ask on anon or another quick message cause they might either be a) busy or b) they didn’t see the notification for the messages
Participate in collabs and fandom projects or even make your own! like holy queen elizabeth II on a wheel after starting The Beach City Witch Project (a Steven Universe fan episode animatic) in 2017, I got the chance to meet and work with artists whom i’d been looking up to for LITERALLY YEARS. They are really super nice and chill people and I actively ask for a quick redlining of a pose or a question about commission etiquette or something and it really helps me. I now have a discord full of over 100 people who create music, art, literature, etc. Not everyone in the server is active all the time, but we have a core active user-base of about 30 people. We have a chat for art references, a chat for sharing links to cool art we’ve found (the #1 rule is that you credit or link directly to the artist/art) and we have a chat for posting and critiquing art that you’ve made. It’s a really good system and one that I recommend to anyone with an art-focussed server.
I hope that there is at least something in this block of text that someone has needed to hear. Please reblog this so I can spread my kinda shitty wisdom because i know how y’all feel. I felt that way once. I feel that way now and I will again in the future. You aren’t alone.
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hellacre13 · 6 years
It’s been brought to my notice a clois shipper is taking my comments on CBR without my permission, screen grabbing and pasting in his tumblr to talk trash . So glad you think my comments so worthy that you need to pull out your straw man arguments instead of being honest enough to reply to me there. But I won’t give any credence to your cowardice. You know, some people have been making a habit of this. Taking what I and other posters have said on public forums and going on twitter and tumblr and trying to act all smug and smart and trying...TRYING...to ridicule us. But you know I tend to ignore these cowards. I don’t like wasting my time on shipping wars which is why I rarely get into to and fros with these folks here. Fact, I have most of them blocked. But this I decided has given me a great opportunity to share with my fellow comic fans. 
In retrospect, my post my post must have been thought provoking . 😉 😚 Glad to see it got him reacting. So I thought why waste it on CBR alone? I MEAN I DON’T HAVE TO ASK MYSELF PERMISSION. Let me share what it was about.  Here was my thoughts on that debacle Batman #39 before it was released based on the Bleeding Cool article that it seemed to have ripped from that notorious Action 571 by Joe Kelly 18 years ago. Now some people, usually clois fans, love Action because it, in their eyes, hold their pairing up as some great love because of this issue. But then there is another side to it and I ask people to sincerely think about this given the fact we have moved on in terms of how we view relationships and dynamics. I am not talking about political correctedness gone mad. Not at all. And no way I would be so disrespectful to call Joe Kelly the man a sexist or anything like that the way some clois fans attack Superman/Wonder Woman fans and writers because they so “hurt” fiction simply paired up two single people in one story line ie the new 52 despite them having tons of stuff in other books and media. Some writers just do stories using outdated troupes that have evolved into sexist plots because times change  and they at times  miss their mark with a section of the fandom or can be a hit depending which side of the fence you are on. And they should never be personally attacked for it. You can critique them but don’t for the love of god try to label people you don’t know anything about other than you read a comic that you don’t like. 
I hate Action #761. Not because of the premise that two people who have been attracted to each other, who have a long history of closeness in BOTH their comics...ie they actually have been shown in the narrative...it's not just dragged in left field... that they can end up closer or intimate. It's actually pretty normal I'd think if two friends with some unresolved tension, after they lose their spouses etc find solace or love again. It's morbid to be so guilt ridden that a dead partner you cannot recall and who you think is dead makes you close your self off to love, when it's clear you really really tempted. But this was never the point of Action #761 to explore love and loss. How can you as a writer if you want to sincerely tackle it when you full well KNOW you cannot shake the boat? It's not AU. It's not an altered timeline where you can follow through without messing up canon. You obviously, in such a scenario, will set up one character to be humiliated by doing something so absurd and heavy handed to try to prop a relationship that supposed to great because it's human etc etc...and being human is supposed to encompass the highs and lows of love, including tragedy and honoring a love by living etc. It tries so hard to beat you over the head Clark would rather be a monk for the rest of his life to honor one dead woman's memory. I did not come away and go aww that's love. I thought sheesh, what a dysfunctional love . Superman is actually crippled by Lois memory or lack thereof. Diana seemed pretty normal to me. And SHE never crossed boundaries or propositioned him. HE was the one raising it. And she backed off and never made him feel at all as if he did anything wrong by rejecting her. She was selfless in one vein and just a prop in another with no pov about how she dealt with it as a woman and someone who left behind friends and loved ones too. It was all about Superman and Lois to prop them at her expense. She comes off as the reject when in fact it's a story that used her in a cheap way knowing all the time that was the only outcome. Can't we all just assume Superman would be faithful to Lois while they together simply because he is that kind of a dude? Why did Joe Kelly need to drag Diana in as some temptation? Just like Superman fans hate when they use Superman as the punching bag to show the strongest character can take a beating by all and sundry, am I to assume Diana has to be used as the apple because she happens to be beautiful and THE premiere female? So, if you refuse Wonder Woman of all people...wow...you gotta love Lois so much. That's pretty sexist crap right there by Kelly. It was a poorly thought out story. But it was 18 years ago and we have moved forward in terms of the way women are used. So color me totally unimpressed King takes this lame troupe and play with it again.Because you can do nothing good with it. Neither Batman or Diana are single. It is not AU. Unless there is a plan to make them dump Selina and Steve. I hardly think this likely since why would DC make such a big deal of the Batcat stuff only to dump on it in this manner. BOTH are with their "love interests". Bruce has made a huge step in his canon. Love with commitment and pending marriage. Diana is shacked up with Steve Trevor. I am not fan of Rebirth. But she is with Steve cureently so why is there this need to muddy the waters at this stage? They could have done this easily when both were single. People might not like or might like it depending on your shipping preferences but at least they free, single and disengaged. They can kiss or date who they please as single people. Batman sure as hell has umpteen women in his books. Wanting a beautiful woman is not exactly strange for him. And King is cheating by trying to say they have some deep, great friendship based on one lame two parter? Because they spend some time in a pocket universe where time passes but is only two issues we to assume their friendship has the same magnitude as say Clark and Bruce's which has had so many books devoted to it? Diana pre new 52 and new 52 could never be seen to be Bruce's close friend and boast of a friendship to equal Superman and Batman or even a romantic dynamic as her other canonical love interests because they had limited stories together. King premises this as some great deep friendship because he wants to retroactively in a paltry two issues cement something they never earned? That's how lazy and arrogant DC and Batman writers are. It was done by Joe Kelly in the JLA run where Batman sucked Diana's face with no build up. It was done by Rucka in Black Night. Seems King is doing it again. Pushing something that just has not been earned. And using the cheapest way to try to claim it. It is baffling he uses Superman and Lois is positive ways and supportive of Selina and chooses to put Diana, a symbol of sisterhood in a story where you have to dredge up sex and intimacy to show how good friends they are. I don't get it. This arc is supposed to be about Batman's friends response to his pending marriage . So he and Diana couldn't spend some time bonding in any other way? What is the purpose? It does not sound at all good to me. So this is why I think that him even borrowing the premise or homaging or whatever he's done a poor choice. Diana will come off looking bad again and a prop or mouthpiece because it is a Batman book and about his issues. 
Then Batman 39 hit and I said this.
I'm sorry to say I told you so. But yeah. Whenever batman fan boy writers handle Wonder Woman this is what you get. Lazy ooc plots to claim her as hooked on Batman's irresistible charms. They don't build anything over time. They just slap it in your face. Bruce Timm. Joe Kelly. Greg Rucka, Now Tom King and no doubt soon Liam Sharp. Like I say it doesn't bug me two friends who are close and attracted to each other if they are single try a relationship. But Action wasn't about that. It could not any way explore anything in canon. And no one I know who liked smww or ww cared for it. It was one sided to ensure smll came out smelling rosy and Diana ...oh poor Diana...just rejected because if you turn down Wonder Woman...wow, what a man. What a love! So dumb. Like he couldn't just be seen as faithful because he's a loyal guy in a normal situation. They just needed to go all heavy handed to make a pointless point at WW expense.
Batman 39. Worse. The pacing in Action at least tried to show a bond already there knitting tighter...they did not need this issue to show they are friends. They already were close etc. Diana did not proposition Clark. They maintained boundaries and yadda yadda for a moment looked at each other and then Clark pulled back and Diana is fine with it blah blah. This shows a Wonder Woman in terms of the art, flirting heavily in her body language from the get go. Batman as you clearly see is still trying to be faithful in his body language.   She even suggests they get it on knowing he will go back to Selina. I just don't how to take that. No Diana I know would openly suggest that. It's so out of character. She's the apple/ temptress. She has no pov or remembers she has her own lover and life. He's a non issue. Poor Steve prob sitting in their apartment waiting for her.
Now if this is based on Rucka's Diana...then this is not the way I want my Wonder Woman. Not so lacking in empathy, emotional intelligence and wisdom . I don't understand how any one as old as she is with so much relationships under her belt as suggested by Rucka, cannot understand and respect the nuances and boundaries in relationships  at this stage. That she views all that she has "loved" as not able to teach her anything. It is baffling to me this Rucka Diana with all this delusion and madness nonsense. She's not a naive here but comes across as very self centered and stiff for a character who is about sisterhood and compassion. You'd think as she has her own lover she would empathize how much Bruce misses Selina...is bizarre what we have here. So whether they kiss or not is not the point. It's the set up and Diana's poor characterization. [/SPOIL]
DC  dropped the ball on Diana with Rebirth. Badly and this is where she is now. Batman writers are getting to dictate her motivations, character, personality in throw away arcs and they just don't feel right at all. No matter how people say they hate the new 52...Diana maintained her core personality under the pens of Azzarello, and Soule and hell even Finch and Johns wasn't all bad.
For those who never read either books...you’re missing nothing but Action is the lesser of two evils. You can go read them to at least keep make your own minds up but context is important in everything and timing. Personally I say don’t give DC $ for nonsense. I’m pretty sure you can get it online free to read or see many spoilers around. As much as I don’t like Wonderbat, if it had been done when both were single...(and to be fair it had been back in JLA in 2002 by Joe Kelly  and went nowhere)...it would have not been so bad as to raise so much ire. Pissed off fandoms, sure, but I am not so into shipping wars that I would be writing about any issue on this blog. Same way I ignore clois in Rebirth because they are not my new 52 Superman or Wonder Woman. So not sure why in God’s name DC wants to force it now when they did a Batcat engagement and choose to put Diana with Steve. I mean, are they crazy to be playing with that kind of fire when people are so sensitive the way women are used? And then that mini coming up by Liam Sharp is hinting at the same kind of crap trying to write retroactive wonderbat stuff just to have his own shipping preference. After Batman 39, I’d say, he needs to thread carefully.  I mean come on, DC. Treat Diana better. It’s no skin of Batman’s nose. He sells no matter his status quo. He can have a harem his fan boys don’t care. But DC chose to go a very important step and make Bruce take a huge decision to tell the woman he loves he wants to commit to her and her be a part of his life. This is not something you sully with this kind of thing at this time.  And let’s just say Bruce and Selina break up someway along the line does DC really want it to be because people blame Diana for it? Now is not the time for it. God, DC, you had your chance and never took it. Don’t mess about now. Now maybe King might have a better part two to subvert what we are seeing here but I still think using Wonder Woman imagery as the temptress was ill advised. 
And those trying to drag SuperWonder into this. Please. Our New 52 couple is dead. They are not part of this. Try reaching somewhere else. The clois shipper using my CBR comments, your example is so silly of trying to use DC Presents #32 as the same as Batman #39. That story was set in the Silver Age where there was an innocent whimsy and silliness in stories. Eros shot SM and WW with arrows and they kissy kissy for a bit while trying to find a cure. Both were dating Steve and Lois but most pointedly neither had told Steve and Lois they were Clark Kent and Diana Prince in those stories. Both Steve and Lois use to treat Diana and Clark like shit in favor of Wonder Woman and Superman back then. So let’s not even start with the faux outrage. It was just a different time and the Batman Brave and the Bold kids comic replicated it because again, it’s the context and kind of story. No one batted an eye lid nor cared Bats and Wondy kissed under a love spell. The innocence is there unless you’re reaching big time. 
Here is that lovely thread people. http://community.comicbookresources.com/showthread.php?106190-Batman-39-Could-Be-Borrowing-A-Plot-From-An-Issue-of-Action-Comics
And here is Bleeding Cool’s pov. 
Oh and since I am an admin on Hellyeahsupermanandwonderwoman...it has permission to reblog me. 
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paintmyreality · 6 years
Dear Writers: The Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Feedback
"But I'm more than a little uncomfortable with writers who don't just ask for feedback, but who more or less demand it, even making threats that they'll stop writing altogether unless they get more positive comments. I don't react well to emotional blackmail from people I actually know, and it really bothers me when someone I only know as a screen name tries to manipulate me into saying something nice."
—Tell me again how much you love me by The Divine Adoratrice 
 "I tend not to send helpful feedback to people because I don't particularly want to be accused of flaming. It's a damn shame, because so many people out there do want honest, helpful, critical feedback, so that they know if they're walking around with broccoli stuck in their teeth or not. I think it really sucks that people who can't stand the heat are not only staying in the kitchen, they're insisting that everyone else turn off the ovens for them." 
 —This was good, but I thought it could ise some work... by Arduinna 
"I guess it all boils down to why you write. Do you write for enjoyment, or do you write to be read? There's nothing wrong with writing to be read, but you can't force people to read it, and you definitely can't force people to send you nice comments. The harder you try, the more of an annoyance you become."
"So to everyone who begs for feedback, please stop making a scene. And please stop threatening to abandon the story if you don't receive feedback. The next time I read a message from someone saying "If I don't get feedback, I won't continue this story," I'm going to reply "Then don't." Something you can abandon that easily isn't something I'm willing to spend my time reading anyway.”
“We are not here to feed your ego."
—Begging for feedback by Jane
“Just like writer’s aren’t there solely for the readers’ entertainment, readers aren’t there solely for giving you words of encouragement
It’s okay to ask for feedback or remind readers to leave you feedback 
But don’t try to make them feel guilty about it if they don’t.
I know that feedback is incredibly important to us and helping us become better writers, but leaving feedback is the reader’s choice”
—Reply by villagecrazypeggy
"Your story sucks and they hated it. For some reason, you didn't reach the reader. Too obscure, too lyrical, too sparse, bad plot, crappy characterization, poor grammar, pedantic prose. Whatever. Well, it's possible, isn't it?"
"Because they don't like you. You personally. They think you suck. Not as a writer, but as a human being. They are incapable of separating personalities from the fiction those personalities produce. Just as many writers don't choose or have any desire to separate themselves from their work."
"They hate those stupid blackmail schemes: "If you want more fic, send me feedback!" or "If I don't hear from people, I guess I won't bother going on." If folks wouldn't take that crap from a writer like Stephen King, what in the world makes any fan fiction writer think people will cave in to this manipulation? Oh, wait. Must be because so many readers do."
"They're annoyed by those "Only send me positive feedback!" demands. Dictating what kind of feedback you're willing to accept decreases your chances of actually getting any at all."
"They're afraid to tell you what they really think of your story, in case you're one of those morons who thinks feedback is only about ego stroking and can't tell a flame from constructive crit. In other words: they'd like to write you some feedback or constructive criticism, but after debating it with themselves, they'll probably decide it's so not worth it."
"They wrote you once before, and you either didn't bother to respond or you were a bitch to them when you did. Either way, now they're done with you."
"Because they don't see your story as a gift to them, and they bristle at the notion they are somehow obligated to thank you in return. In fact? They probably think their feedback to you is the gift. And who's to say they are wrong? Not me."
—24 Reasons Readers Don't Send Feedback by Destina
It is incumbent on you, as an author, to grin and bear it gracefully. Don’t respond to your bad reviews. Don’t justify yourself. Find a close friend and vent if you need to, but in public, thank everybody and move on to your next story. You took the good stuff that came from publishing your story; cope with the bad stuff. Maybe fix your spelling by finding a line editor? Some critique is helpful! But if the commentator didn’t like your ships and complained about the things your story set out to do, ignore them and keep on shipping.
—Reply by antennapedia
“It seemed like some of the same entitled rhetoric I’ve seen from “writers” here on Tumblr. You know the ones. They’re the ones that feel that writers don’t owe their readers anything, they’re doing us a favor. Even going so far as to dictate how readers are to leave only positive comments, and essentially bow down to their charity and reassure them that they each have flowers blooming out of their asses simply because they’re writing fanfiction.”
If readers have to tip toe around your emotional state as a writer, I hope to God you never experience what an actual publishing house will do to you. Because if you’re going to eat up the praise with a spoon, you��re going to also have to learn to buck up and take the criticism as well. Otherwise, you’ll never be as good as you potentially could be.”
“Like it or not, these are the people that will either cultivate your art, and you as an artist, or rip you to shreds and make you question if you’re cut out for this.“
—Let’s Talk Fanfiction: Writers vs Readers by stilettoroyalty
Look, I know it’s frustrating to work hard on a piece and get one or two comments when you were hoping for more. It’s frustrating to think that no one is enjoying your work because they’re not telling you. But here’s the thing: odd as it may sound, your readers are not your bitches (to paraphrase Neil Gaiman). They are not obligated to give you ANYTHING. By demanding that they do, you’re coming across as a narcissistic writer whose fragile ego needs to be constantly boosted at any cost.
How to Make People Not Want to Read Your Fics by forficwritersbyficwriters
“You asked why people don’t post, even if it’s to say, “this isn’t my cup of tea but thanks.” As a reader, I personally don’t like to post the equivalent of “I don’t like this and won’t be reading it anymore, but good luck” because I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve seen writers eviscerate readers on tumblr for doing just that. I hear a constant refrain of: 
“Don’t like it, don’t read it.”
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t anything at all.”
“You don’t like it? Leave. I’m not writing for you.”
You’re upset in this post because you feel that readers are withholding support/reviews because they don’t like something you’ve written…. at the same time writers all over tumblr are all saying that they don’t want to hear anything that could even be remotely construed as negative to the writer and that it’s better to not say anything at all if you don’t like what you’ve read.“
— Reply by ellesjourney
 "Fandom is NOT a group therapy session, okay? We don't all love each other; hell, many of us don't even like each other. I'm not going to pat you on your little head and stick a gold star on your forehead for being such a brave girl and posting a story. I expect people to be aware that it takes more than just showing up to get applauded." 
 "I can understand why people want praise -- it's a very glowy-making thing, praise is, and I like it just as much as anyone else, and I've saved every compliment anyone's ever sent me on my writing -- but why on earth do people think they deserve it just for finding their keyboards?" 
 —What does "LOC" mean anyway? by Arduinna 
 ""Oh, nobody ever comments on my work! Pity me! You don't like me! Boohoo!" I personally have no idea why anyone would want a "nice story" which was extorted from the poster by this sort of emotional blackmail, but it's apparently just what floats some people's boats. There's always someone nice enough, or tolerant enough, or just new enough to fanfiction mailing lists to respond to this with a "nice story." It's really just a waste of time. The person giving you the guilt trip doesn't care what you say in your comment, or how much of your life you wasted typing it just so you could make them feel better. It's not enough to satisfy them, and it won't ever be enough, because they know deep down they extorted it out of you." 
 —Hey sailor, got some comments? by Martha Wilson 
"You can't take criticism. I once pointed out a missing word to an author, very nicely, under my regular slash writing identity. She said it was her story and she could do what she wanted with it, and basically that I was interrupting her creative process, and who did I think I was. I was just a fresh set of eyes that spotted a typo, not someone who was interrupting Rembrandt. Anne Rice insists on her books being published unedited, when almost every other successful author makes no such demand. What makes her so special? The same thing that makes you so special. A big fat ego."
"You have an FAQ on your web site. What are you, Microsoft? Please, please tell me what I need to know that's so important that it requires a list of frequently asked questions."
—Check your head by Jane 
 "A writer's words are no more sanctified because they're in story format than anyone else's words are. You don't have to have some kind of training and be paid, in order to say something critical about a story, all you have to is read the thing and have a opinion. Because the reader's words matter, too."
"I also do not believe in coddling the poor ickle writers and enabling "OMG my feelings are hurt, I'm never writing again!" behavior. Rather than cocooning people in cotton wool, how about we teach them healthy reactions to criticism and mockery?"
—oh goody. round 3.45 billion of "the writer is god and every word is sacred by Mary the Fan 
“The ‘if you don’t like it don’t look’ mentality can be harmful, even dangerous, because it’s giving writers leeway to normalize things that should be treated with care. We have a right to speak about whatever we want, to post whatever we like, but that does not give us the right to be rude or to mistreat someone with a different opinion.
We cannot normalize the fact that we should never get criticized, or that readers should never express their opinions if they’re not the same as ours. It’s not healthy and it’s only perpetuating a distorted image of the writing community. “
—Reply by inktae
"You are not guaranteed success, in fandom or in profic writing. You can do literally everything “right.” You can write the popular fandoms and pairings and tropes. You can type until your fingers hurt. You can put up fic after fic on AO3 and become a damn good writer and still never achieve even modest success."
"You’ll pour your heart and soul into a story only to watch it sink like a stone. You’ll write the best damn fic you can write and then watch someone else’s fic, that does ALL THE SAME THINGS, get recced everywhere while people ignore yours. You’ll read a fic that is absolutely perfect, that makes your heart sing, and the only comment on it will be yours. There is no “if” about this, only “when.” This is not your readers’ fault. This is not your fault. And blaming your readers for being inadequately appreciative will not make you more successful."
 —Let's Hear It For The Lurkers by laylainalaska
"You've given it (your story) to someone else. What that story means to you cannot possibly mean the same thing to the person you've given it to. That person has their own history, opinions, and viewpoints, and interprets literature their own way, and no two people do it exactly the same. You don't get to hand it to them and say, "Wanna read this -- but you can't have an opinion on it." That's nuts. It's a story. People think about stories. Stories affect people. THAT IS WHY MOST OF US WRITE THEM -- TO AFFECT OTHERS. You don't get to say -- This story can only have THIS KIND of an affect on you. The reader can't control the effect it will have on them, how can you assume to? To likewise say, "You can read this but I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK UNLESS IT'S POSITIVE," denies the reader the right of expression, something the writer hasn't been denied in producing the story!"
"I recently had a person subbing into VP who expressed great concerns about how she had "learned" what was "appropriate to say" and what wasn't. And she hadn't spent a minute on VP where we say pretty much anything we want! The net is about free expression and writing is all about free expression. Story writers don't get an exclusive on this. "
—Convoluted Writing Thoughts by Flamingo
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Resource Management, pt16
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Word Count: 2774 Tags: @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @feelmyroarrrr @anyakinamidala @dirajunara @anotherotter @little-study-bug @rampant-salamander @goodnightwife @samaxraph99 @anotherotter  @outside-the-government @kingarthurscat @coyote-in-space @originalpottervengerlock @dolamrothianlady @curiositywillbethedeathofme @superheroesofbothuniverses @mtriestowrite @wanderingkat77
Barton glared at me from his seat at the kitchen table. I leaned against the counter, as far from him as I could get. His speed had taken me completely unaware, which was something I was going to mention to Natasha the next time we met. That meeting was going to need to include Phil now that Barton knew. I could feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. It was making me nauseated. As there was no strategic reason to keep Phil’s survival a secret, I was feeling resentful that this had fallen apart with me at the centre of it. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a quick text to Director Fury to fill him in. I also mentioned I was going to be out of the office. And then I turned my phone off completely. I didn’t want to hear from anyone for the rest of the day.
Phil was mostly dressed when he reemerged from the bathroom. He was buttoning up his shirt as he stepped into the kitchen. I handed him a cup of coffee and excused myself.
“Would you rather stay here and answer Agent Barton’s questions? I can find my own way to Philly.” I offered. Phil shook his head.
“No, you two still need to get to the range. Clint has questions, but catching up can wait,” he decided.
“Okay, I’ll be in the bedroom,” I excused myself and padded down the hallway. I prepared my things for going to the range, packed a small overnight bag in case the trip to Philadelphia took longer than anticipated, and checked out an online map to figure out where exactly we were headed. I made a few notes in my phone and then picked up a book and stretched out on the bed.
“I owe you an apology.” Clint’s voice brought me off the bed with a start. I dropped my book and clutched my chest.
“I’m sorry?” I wasn’t completely sure what he’d said.
“No, I am sorry. I am sure my reaction was terrifying. I haven’t been really,” he trailed off, “my head’s been kind of –“ he stopped speaking again, looking for the right words.
“It’s okay,” I shook my head.
“It’s not okay. You were trying to protect Phil. And protect me. And do your job. I haven’t really been – I’ve been having a hard time trusting myself since New York. And subsequently, anyone else,” he fumbled with the words.
“It’s okay, Agent Barton,” I reassured him. I wasn’t sure what had happened in New York, but whatever it was had obviously messed him up.
“Yeah, I guess you’ve seen my file.”
“I don’t actually make a habit of rooting around in personnel files unless it is absolutely necessary. I don’t know what happened. I don’t need to know. It’s okay. I accept your apology,” I clarified. He looked surprised.
“But you’re the director of HR,” he protested.
“And until there’s a Stark filed against you, I don’t bother reading files. It’s not my business to know,” I shrugged. “Anyhow. I need to get to Philly today. Are we going to the range?”
“Yeah, Phil’s going to join us. You can leave from there,” he nodded.
To my delight, the work we’d done on Saturday had stuck. I was improving steadily. I was never going to be a marksman, not by any standard, but I was becoming more accurate. And more importantly, I was becoming more comfortable holding the weapon. It didn’t feel as foreign in my hands, and I didn’t feel as nervous handling it. While Barton worked with me, Phil stood in the furthest stall from us, practicing on his own. I may have been improving my own comfort level with the sidearm, but it became very clear that I was still wildly uncomfortable with the thought of other people using them. I flinched every time I heard Phil’s weapon discharge. Barton would have been a crap instructor if he hadn’t noticed. He beckoned Phil back toward us and asked him to set up in the stall beside us. And then he made me shoot while Phil was shooting. And wouldn’t hear my complaints.
“Honestly, Ellis, do you think everyone is going to stop shooting so you can concentrate during a firefight? Focus on your shit,” he snapped. He went as far as to taking my hearing protection away so I could hear how loud the guns really were. I glared and snatched at the muffs. He gave me this look that was part contempt and part amusement. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the target. I could focus. I knew all the different ways to achieve focus. I had learned to block the sound of a tournament from my mind when I was 13 years old. Essentially, I told myself, this was the same thing.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I held it for just a moment and slowly let it back out, centering myself. I felt each foot connect with the ground, through my shoes, and I lengthened my spine, straightening my posture. Rolling my shoulders back and relaxing, I opened my eyes, and raised my weapon at the target, hearing nothing around me. I sighted, and shot. Sighted and shot. Sighted and shot until my clip was empty. After placing the gun on the counter in front of me, I hit the button to reel the target toward me. It was unbelievable. Barton yanked down the target before I could get a good look at it, but I knew it was the best I had ever shot.
“How did you do that?” He demanded. I held out my hand for the target and he handed it to me. Every single shot had gone through the ring at the heart.
“You said I needed to be able to focus. I focused.” I didn’t know how else to respond. Phil peered around the corner and raised an eyebrow at my target.
“It’s probably the martial arts training, Clint,” he offered.
“Do it again.” Barton hung another target. “Aim for the head this time.”
I stretched my back a little and put a fresh clip in my sidearm, and then went through the steps to gain my focus again. I aimed at the head and emptied my clip. Again, it was an incredible improvement.
“So you’ve got this part down. Now you need to figure out how to do that without needing two minutes of breathing exercises to block everything around you. You won’t ever have two minutes. You might not even have two seconds,” Barton mixed his praise into a heaping pile of criticism. He was a realist. I could respect that. Even if I did want one shining moment of brilliance, unmarred by the critique of my weaknesses.
“Thanks, Agent Barton,” I smiled despite myself.
“You know, you could probably call me Clint,” he allowed. I smiled all the way to the car.
I’d only ever driven through Philadelphia, and I was kind of disappointed that we wouldn’t be sticking around, but sightseeing was not on the agenda. We drove through an older residential neighbourhood and pulled up in front of a small red brick house. The paint around the windows was peeling, but the windows were spotless, the early afternoon sun reflecting off them and preventing us from seeing the house number from the blinding brightness. The blinds were drawn against the sun, in the futile hope of preventing the front room from turning into an oven in the late afternoon. The garden was overgrown, but it looked deliberate, like someone had thrown down wildflower mix so as to not worry. The flowers were a riot of colour, garish against the dignified brickwork. There was a gabled window poking out of the roof of the house, and a large fan was secured in the window, a poor man’s air conditioning. I checked the address against my notes before grabbing my purse and stepping out of the car. Phil followed, a discrete single step behind me.
I reached up to knock on the door, but it swung open against my hand. I was just about to peer inside when Phil grabbed me and pulled me back, without a word. He pointed at the door jam. It was splintered around the latch, like it had been forced. He stepped in front of me, sidearm drawn.
“Are you comfortable enough to draw your weapon? And use it if needed?” His voice was a soft murmur. I swallowed thickly and nodded, reaching into my jacket to unholster my gun. We stepped in, almost back to back. It felt like a cheesy buddy-cop crime show. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, other than from what I may or may not have learned from watching police dramas, so I followed Phil’s lead, and kept my eyes open. He checked each room off the main living room and nodded to me. We stepped further into the house, entering the kitchen. I could see the edge of an old, wrinkled hand behind the bathroom door. I darted forward, unthinking. Phil grabbed me and pulled me back, stepping in front of me to check the bathroom. He nudged the door enough to see inside, and then slipped in. I followed.
It was Cecelia Banks. And she was lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Her breathing was shallow and she was grey. Not typical old-people grey, but loss-of-blood grey. I slipped my fingers across her neck to try to find her pulse. Phil was already on the phone calling an ambulance. Her pulse was weak, barely there.
“Mrs. Banks, it’s Anna Ellis. We spoke yesterday on the phone. My partner has called an ambulance. You’re going to be just fine,” I spoke clearly, near her ear, slipping my fingers into her hand. She squeezed weakly.
“I’m not, dearheart, but I appreciate the lie,” she replied weakly. “I shot one of the bastards before they ran off.”
With considerable effort, she slid her arm out from under her, revealing an old Colt. Phil picked it up and slid it into his jacket.
“We don’t want the cops grabbing that.” He explained when I looked at him. “Did you see which direction they went?”
“No. But he bled,” she coughed. I checked her for gunshot wounds, or stab wounds. She was bleeding from her side. I pulled a towel off the rack and pressed it against the wound, applying pressure.
“Is there anything else you can remember about them, Mrs. Banks?” I asked. Her eyelids were drooping, and I was scared she was going to die in my arms. I rubbed her arms to keep her warm.
“Just the bug bomb, dearheart. Remember, you need to destroy the entire nest.” Her words were a whisper. Her eyes fluttered shut, and I thought she was gone. But her breathing stayed even, despite how shallow it was.
“There’s more to that analogy than she’s letting on. We’ll search the house when the ambulance has taken her to hospital.” Phil looked troubled. Mrs. Banks coughed again, and her breathing slowed. While I knew it had only been minutes, it felt like hours had passed since Phil had called the ambulance. I could hear the sirens as it approached. Phil stepped out of the bathroom to the kitchen entryway so he could direct the paramedics back to us, and then cleared away as they came charging through. I was glad he had been able to come. He gave a quick report to the paramedics, and flashed his badge to clear the cops away when they arrived, neither of which I would have been capable of doing. I was just barely holding together as it was. The paramedics applied a proper pressure bandage, and started and IV before gently lifting Mrs. Banks onto the gurney and wheeling her away. When the house emptied, I looked up at Phil and sighed, blinking back tears. He offered a hand and pulled me to my feet, and into his arms.
“Nothing quite like baptism by fire,” he commented.
“We need to search this house.” I couldn’t think of what else to say. He just nodded, and headed back into the kitchen. Near the backdoor, he found a few drops of blood, and a hole in the wall where the bullet had passed through Mrs. Banks’ attacker. He pulled on a pair of dish gloves and used a steak knife to pry the bullet out of the wall, dropping it in a plastic sandwich bag before slipping it into his pocket. I looked around the bathroom. Aside from the aftermath of the attack on Mrs. Banks, nothing was disturbed.
“Do you suppose she was trying to get in here to hide?” I asked.
“Maybe. The back door was closer to her than the bathroom though. There’s a warm teacup on the kitchen table.” Phil answered, feeling the cup in question. I flipped open the medicine cabinet, but there was nothing to see. I got the feeling that Cecelia Banks had come to the bathroom for a reason though. I checked the cupboard under the sink. Again, nothing. Then I saw it. In the bathtub, there was a step stool. A lot of old people needed a special chair in the bath, but not a step stool. I pulled back the shower curtain and looked into the tub. Just above the tiles, there was a drawer. It would have been hard to see from anywhere in the bathroom other than the tub, just because of the angle of it. Not really secret, but secure enough. I kicked my heels off and stepped into the bathtub, stepping up onto the stool. I reached for the drawer, but couldn’t quite feel the inside of it. I jiggled the sides of the drawer until they wiggled free of the track, and pulled the drawer down carefully. I brought it out to the kitchen and placed it on the table. The first thing, on top of everything, was Mrs. Banks’ SHIELD badge, the eagle just a touch different than the one on my badge. Her was issued in the 1950s though, so there was bound to be some difference. There was a notebook and a small bug bomb can. When I picked it up, it was light, and rattled. I gave Phil a puzzled look, and put the can down on the table. He picked it up and fiddled with it for a moment, but couldn’t figure how to open it.
“Let’s take all this with us, and get out of here before whoever did this comes back to finish their search.” Phil put the can back into the drawer. He dug around under the kitchen sink and came up with a white garbage bag. We emptied the drawer into it, and I went and put the drawer back as I’d found it, removing the step stool from the tub and putting it under the kitchen table.
We gave the rest of the house a quick search, but nothing else was obvious. We stepped out into the late afternoon sun and stopped to talk to the police officers waiting in the yard. Phil turned the investigation back over to them while I put the items we’d found in the trunk of the car. I waited to get in until he approached the car.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
“I’m sweaty and overheated, but the car has a/c so I’ll survive,” I shrugged.
“I meant about finding Cecelia Banks,” he clarified. I looked him in the eyes and took a deep breath.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up and get something to eat, and then we’ll decide whether we’re driving back tonight.” He drew me into his arms, not caring if the cops saw. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and breathed in the tang of his scent, musky and masculine with a hint of fabric softener. The man never bothered with cologne. He squeezed me close before releasing me, and opening the door of the vehicle. We’d taken a SHIELD SUV. I climbed in and buckled the seatbelt. I looked down on my lap and saw blood on my knees, soaked into the hem of my skirt and took a deep breath, fighting the wave of panic that was trying to wash over me. We were on the cusp of something huge and horrible, and nothing was ever going to be the same again.
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renaroo · 7 years
Wednesday Roundup
We have a new addition to the party this week! Ghostbusters 101 -- and I’m very excited to see where all our continuing stories lead us. So let’s look into ‘em without further ado...
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DC’s Batman Beyond, DC’s Detective Comics, IDW’s Ghostbusters 101, Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, DC’s Wonder Woman
DC’s Batman Beyond (2016-present) #6 Dan Jurgens, Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo
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Well, I will give this comic one thing: it truly understands what attracts fans like me to Batman Beyond as a franchise to begin with: everyone giving Bruce crap for his stupid, stupid ideas and the consequences he doesn’t think out all of the way in canon. And Matt and Max are easily the best parts of each issue for that reason. That and Max’s undercut. The best things.
Alright, so I was completely accurate in my assumption last issue that the fact that every batboy in the franchise got a shoutout because it’s going to turn out that Damian has now been brought into the fold of the Beyond universe. And it’s probably going to have something to do either with the AI of the new Batsuit or with the plot from the DCAU where Ra’s takes over a younger descendent’s body in order to regain his own youth -- formerly it was Talia, now it is logically Damian. 
It still makes me angry that we don’t get shoutouts to Kate, Cass, Steph, Harper -- literally any woman in the franchise while the boys get every solitary universe but whatever.
Not really whatever, but I am willing to grant that the comic is still young and there’s an opportunity that as ‘Tec works to make the extended Batfamily’s stars rise, that they will receive some due credit in the Beyond timeline as well. Batgirls: Futures End anyone? Just food for thought.
Anyway. This was an enjoyable issue, but a rather quick read compared to everything else this week. Most, if not all, of the meat was put into that last page reveal because of course it was. But here’s hoping the pace picks up next issue now that everything’s out of the way. 
DC’s Detective Comics (2016-present) #957 James Tynion IV, Christopher Sebela, Carmen Carnero, Karl Story
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A one-shot issue? A complete story that focuses on character development and world building with previous setup being paid off and future setup being presented? Are we sure this is the Detective Comics run I’ve criticized for its pacing and drawn out stories for the past year? Are we sure this isn’t a bizarro world issue I got a hand on somehow?
Okay, all joking aside, I have been harsh on this run in the past but I think this issue proves pretty much everything I have critiqued before because Tynion, with help from Sebela, focuses on his strengths -- character, voice, simple storytelling devices, and presenting a critical opinion of the genre while also very much showing a love for it.
This is honestly why I have been baffled by people who have said they hated Tynion’s characterization of Steph in this run. I didn’t like how he wrote her in Batman and Robin Eternal, but almost everything in this issue embodies the parts of Steph I have loved about her character over the years. Striding the line between insider and outsider, loving and protecting Gotham while questioning and being critical of the harm Batman’s crusade has don, not wanting glory but still wanting to be be better and to help. She’s confident, she’s resourceful and clever, and yet there is a loneliness and sacrifice to how she’s chosen her path. And even if she doesn’t mention it directly, because we’ve followed Steph as she got to this point we know there’s still a question about how she’s affording her equipment, where she’s living, who she’s in contact with, whether or not she’s going to school.
This issue gave me so many feelings and it really does reward me for having confidence in the creative team seeming to have a plan and direction for Steph as a character. Something, I should note, I don’t always feel the most confidence with when it comes to this run thus far.
More comics like this, Tynion. I’m begging you.
IDW’s Ghostbusters 101 (2017-present) #3 Erik Burnham, Dan Shoening, Luis Antonio Delgado
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On the basis of my three-issue policy, I am happy to say that I am as excited as I can be on the direction of IDW’s Ghostbusters 101. The quality of the Ghostbusters franchise as it’s been handled by IDW for over a decade now has always been among the top tier of comics and probably one of the more under appreciated productions of the medium. I mean, I read them but how many of you read them?
Erik Burnham has become the defining crafter of what I consider “my” Ghostbusters as it comes to the original cast, and I have been very excited to see how he and Dan Shoening translated the recent 2016 cast into the multiverse and into their distinct styles of writing. And I’m more than happy to say that it translates beautifully.
The team ups we’ve all been waiting for since the very first announcements of the rebooted movie has finally come...
And by that I mean that, finally, in the third issue, after two issues of buildup, we finally have some interactions between the Original Crew, the Real Crew, the EXTREME Crew, and now the Answer the Call Crew. 
... See, one of the barriers for entry into these comics is you kind of have to accept that almost all the comics are written with the Big Picture in mind. Erik Burnham has always been a slow burn of a writer, and that was very much evidenced not only with my favorite of his Ghostbusters runs -- the  Ghostbusters (2013-2014) run --  but especially in the IDW crossover of Ghostbusters/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He takes his time, and the buildup will have payoff, but it might be a bit slow to wait issue-by-issue for for some fans who want the immediate excitement of the characters interacting. 
I mean, I’m a fan and I waited until I could read all three of the first issues together, if that tells you anything.
It is a joy, and worth picking up for fans. Just be aware of your tastes before judging too hard. 
Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2015-present) #19 Brandon Montclare, Natacha Bustos, Tamra Bonvillain
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If you care about the future of the medium and about comics attracting younger fans, or just having goo wholesome comics for all ages, I have no idea why you aren’t already reading Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur because it is just one of the prettiest, most inventive, and most genuine all-ages books that I’ve read in a long time. 
Lunella and Devil have become such an iconic pair, and the beauty of this comic is how the effort and storytelling are treated with the authenticity and effort of “adult” aimed readers, including having Lunella’s point of view be prominent but obviously still marked by immaturity and lack of experience, while still very much at its heart being the story of a child in a world of superheroes, growing and learning and becoming herself even when she doesn’t necessarily know what that means. 
The at is gorgeous, specifically the coloring of this issue is just jaw dropping, and getting Lunella into space and having her so attached to Devil to bring him along in a ridiculous but wonderful dinosaur-sized space suit is just amazing. 
I love everything here in this comic and really hope those of you with kids in your lives or just the love of good superhero comics with unique tones and stories are picking this up already. 
DC’s Wonder Woman (2016-present) #23 Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp, HI-FI
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We’re coming to the end of Rucka’s amazing run and I’m just very grateful at the moment. I’m grateful to this run and I’m grateful that the Present Day stuff finally actually caught up in quality with the Past storylines because man it was super shaky for a while there. And it really took the whole picture unifying for it to really work for me and that’s probably going to mean that on re-read, at least for me, the parts I have been critical about when it comes to this run will read better.
Okay the racism won’t read better. Seriously, what was the point?
But Diana won with love. Veronica will still have a reason to be antagonistic with Wondy even though she saved her daughter. Diana and Hippolyta met each other again for at least momentarily. There were so many good things -- especially good conversations. Liam Sharp’s art was pretty top notch.
Just overall this was a good Beginning of the End, so to speak, and I’m really looking forward to where we go from here. 
So the books this week were very different in tone and story overall, but it has to be said, with the maybe exception of Batman Beyond which still had a pretty prominent female characters feature, this week is really the week of Superheroines. And I love that. I love that we’re at a time and place in comics where women and girls are allowed to be so many varieties of characters and still heroic, still masters of their own stories, and still geared toward so many different tastes and audiences. 
It really shows, at least for me, what’s going right with the industry at the moment, and I hope it progresses that way.
But it’s time for the pick of the week, and as much as I really enjoyed all the comics this week, I’m going to give this week’s pick to Detective Comics. It was a great stand alone, it was very focused and character driven, and it’s just so wonderful seeing Stephanie’s independence and more individualized view of justice getting to be front and center of a ‘Tec comic. The times where she was treated with this amount of respect as Spoiler were few and far between in the previous continuity and it’s good as a fan to see that the current creative team can love and appreciate the 2000s comics and draw from them while still adjusting and moving past their flaws. 
But that’s just my opinion on today’s pull! Do you guys agree or disagree with me on any of them? Think I missed picking up something great? I’d love to hear from you! See you next week <3
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captaindoubled · 7 years
All my old psych text books and notes are in storage so I don’t remember the exact terms but there is a concept in psychology that says if you’ve worked very hard or paid a lot of money for something (joining a club or frat for example) you have a harder time critiquing said thing. It’s because you’ll look like a damn fool if you’ve spent all this money or put forth all this effort just to hate it in the end.
I wonder if anyone has looking into it in terms of Video Games.
Like I’ve been getting more and more into video games lately and Video Games as a Media Form has been getting really interesting to me as far as Psychology In the Media.
And beware, under is just a really long thought piece on media and critique:
Music, Movies, Tv Shows, Books, Comic Books, either don’t cost a lot of money or don’t cost a lot of time as far as investments. Or both.
Music- You can hear a new song on the radio for free or through apps like Spotify or Pandora before investing money into it.  And it only lasts less than 4 mins on average so you aren’t exactly investing a lot of time into a new song.
Movies- You can watch a new movie that comes out for as cheap as the cheapest theater in your area is. If I want to splurge on a new movie that I want to see, I can go to the big theater for $13 bucks but if I don’t give a crap either way, I’m dropping $3.50 for a matinee at the cheap seats. It’s an hour and a half of my time at most and I can’t even buy a good cup of coffee for that price. After the movie comes out and you’ve seen it in theaters you have rent the movie or buy it, for no more than $25 for most movies, including blue ray now a days.
Tv Shows- Other than the Cable bill, Tv is free and shows are plentiful. The only time investment is when you’ve watched a few seasons of a show and then it starts going downhill. I plan on watching every episode of Supernatural even though it’s hot garbage because I’d already invested 5 seasons into it before it went down hill (for me). I can understand why some people would have a hard time parting with it even hating it 12??? Seasons in. I can’t stand it and I’m still going to watch it.
Books- They take a lot of time as far as investment depending on how fast you read but books of all subjects are variable and if you buy books like I do (Thrift shop!) it’s a very cheap entertainment source. Even if you buy it full price, on average it’s about 12 bucks a book, more for hardcover. Book series though (*cough cough* Harry Potter *cough*) Can fall into the “This is actually a long investment” to the point where it becomes impossible to critique. Many people in my generation grew up with Harry Potter, it was a cultural phenomenon. It also took a very long time to get through the entire series because of time.
Comic books- Comic books are a bit more expensive (depending on what you are reading) and here is probably the closest to video game culture bubble. Comic book issues don’t release book sized editions like well, books. 30 or so pages per issue over the course of months. It can take you a year to wrap up a story line or more, (depending on the writer and the actual plot or just release dates). Comic issues can run a wide varitiy of prices which many not seem like a lot but some comics cost more than the movie cheap movie price I listed. They also may be printed in limited quantities? Or because the nature of comics (especially in the big name companies) the plots are so complicated, cross comic spanning and just down right hard to grasp sometimes that getting into comics is an intimidating venture.
For people who get into comics, are really into the decade long stories sometimes, it may not be an expensive hobby (or it can be if you make it so) but it is a laborious activity that requires a lot of time if you plan on getting invested in it. By the time you get to a point in a story where it’s highly offensive, you may find ways to excuse the problem because it’s harder to criticize something that’s you’ve spend so much time on.
 But Video Games are the nexus of time investment and monetary investment.
Video Games require first an expensive system in order to play them. Unlike movies and music that can literally be played on any device that you own (with the exception of Blue Rays but even though multiple companies make Blue ray players) Video Games have to be played on the system they are made for. And over the past few decades, the variety of game systems have decreased to Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and PC. PC having the most variety as far as games but require a system that can handle the graphics of the new games and just general knowledge of computers to figure out if your computer can handle a game. This has people buying overpriced Alienware computers or other marketed Gaming Computers because they are considered “game ready”.  This is a huge money investment for a lot of people, including having a decent TV to play these games on, or a monitor , ect ect.
(the only person I know who is an exception to this is my mom who bought a ps3 just to watch Netflix. But I worry about her act first think later thought process doesn’t count)
Then Video Games themselves cost a lot of money. Especially your big name AAA games. $40 and up is pretty standard. Smaller games and indie games tend to be a lot cheaper and they are honestly they saving grace for the video game industry because of that.  They also release on PC but don’t require NASA level computers to play them a lot of the times.
I looked at my first play through of Dragon Age: Inquisition that I’ve been doing a completion route on and so far I’ve done 100+ hours on this play through alone. This doesn’t include the 6 other inquisitors I have with anywhere between 10 and 30 hours of play time on each of them. Just looking at the time I’ve spent between the entire series (Origins, 2 and Inquisition) I have over 400+ hours of time invested into this one game series.
And for someone who tends to have at least one Completionist run per game the website https://howlongtobeat.com/ has beating these three games at about 284 hours. But just beat them at BARE MIN, main story only – It would take 121 hours!!! That is a lot of time!
This doesn’t include the time I’ve spent non game time. (Fanart -fanfic, ect)
Fun part is:  I fucking can’t stand Dragon Age 75% if the time. I could complain about that game series until the sun consumes this planet in a heat death. But I’ve invested so much time in character creation, headcanons, ect that I’m ready and waiting for new information about the next game!! I understand this bias, I understand that if I had to pick between Mass effect and Dragon Age (Mass Effect being a game I enjoy infinitely more Dragon Age) I’d pick Mass Effect every single day, I’m still going to give Bioware my fucking money and time in art and headcanons, and I don’t even feel bad about it.
I don’t feel bad critiquing it because I’m a Bad Fan ™ and I understand being able to still enjoy something but look at it with a critical eye. There are people who don’t understand this concept though and have absolutely invested more time than I have in just this one series and absolutely go through mental gymnastics to justify some of the absolutely disgusting things that exist in this game.
Video Games as a fuels allows this sort of blind loyalty. If you’ve invested that much time and money into even just one game (Still going dragon age) like Dragon Age 2, which is the shortest of the series, you are still spending more than most of the mediums up there. It’s very hard to hate something you’ve spent so much time and money on. Psychology tells us that.
There is a bright side for the future of video games and why I think the bubble of gamergate busted. With the rise of Let’s Play, people on youtube posting videos of cut scenes (I rely on these people a lot before I go out and buy a new expensive game), and just the general main streamness of video games, it’s harder for Video Games to be as closed off as they are.
And I’m not saying that this is an excuse, this is just a reason. You can, I am like this and a lot of people I know are, can consume media that is bad, call it out, regardless of how long or how much money they’ve spent on it. But I understand why it happens the other way around, because big video games have creature a culture around it that makes it above critique.
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Weblistposting
New Post has been published on https://weblistposting.com/the-kitchen-devices-you-do-not-know-you-need/
The kitchen devices you do not know you need
I don’t think about myself as having Luddite dispositions, but I confess that when I see fridges with monitors set into their doors, my first notion is: “Why?”
No, don’t inform me that you could circulation tune or look within the refrigerator. I already have era for that — respectively, my Amazon Echo and this app called “starting the door”. Neither fees the hundreds of extra greenbacks I might pay to get my fingers on a Samsung Family Hub fridge. And if my track streamer breaks, I will replace it without calling an equipment restore business enterprise and spending a fortune on components.
I have comparable sensations approximately a number of the technology on providing in nowadays’s appliances. Each major appliance producer appears to be looking for a manner to stick c084d04ddacadd4b971ae3d98fecfb2a into their products, as an instance. And that I confess, I have sometimes fantasized about starting a pie cooking in my oven, sauntering to the opposite facet of my 5, four hundred-rectangular-foot domestic for a dip in the pool, and being capable of use my phone to turn down the warmth at the pie after 10 mins. Alas, in the trim 1,700-rectangular-foot rowhouse I truly stay in, I’m in no way some distance sufficient from my kitchen to surely justify resorting to my cellphone instead of my feet. We’re at a curious moment in the cooking era. The remaining decade or so has in all likelihood introduced greater technology capability into the kitchen than any previous decade except the Thirties. Sous vide, electric stress cookers, fuzzy logic rice machines, induction cooktops, food processors that also cook dinner, controls, web connections… this stuff at the moment is commonplace sufficient for normal cooking fans to have at least heard of them, if not attempted them. It is a technology of substantial potential. And yet, that ability is often now not realized, because we can’t absolutely parent out what to do with all our new toys.
Don’t get me incorrect: I’m no longer pronouncing that all of this new era is useless. Ways from it! I’m a fanatic for many of them. And but, almost some of these whiz-bang technologies fall prey, to a point, to considered one of the problems. Either they are no longer truely very useful, or they’re so spectacularly progressive that the average home cook can’t parent out what to do with them.
For example of the primary, we go back to the trouble of. It’s now not just ovens and fridges which might be getting, regularly bundled with cameras that will let you see your food. It’s also coffee makers, virtual thermometers, crock pots and truly some other small equipment you could imagine. I’ve tried a number of them and got here up towards the equal hassle elaborated above: Maximum of us don’t get a long way enough from our kitchens during the cooking procedure to make extra convenient than simply on foot over to open the oven. And home equipment which is designed to prepare dinner whilst we’re away — substantially the crock pot — have a tendency to be optimized for cooking without interference; I don’t have any crock-pot recipes that question me to alter the temperature halfway thru. On-line Kitchen Device Save – The Nice Place to Make Your Kitchen Entire There’s absolute confidence that the kitchen is an essential part of our home. Not anything feels extra gratifying than pampering the taste buds with the home made ingredients. they’re not simplest nutritious however extra hygienic too. You may experience having dinners in restaurants, but it may not ultimate for lengthy. At the give up, anybody goes back returned to the house cooked meals. We usually love to proportion our kitchen with our mother, wife, spouse, or even children. We enjoy experimenting with various dishes and love to bring some thing new out of it, of course some thing scrumptious.
Like Each a part of the residence, it is also critical to decorate the kitchen as well. There are numerous ways to decorate a kitchen. Modular kitchen sets have emerged as the Maximum preferred way to decorate a kitchen inside the right way. It no longer best does make your kitchen greater lovely but also top off the kitchen with the essential matters. devices are one of the high determining factors in the beautification of a kitchen. A fixed of nicely maintained kitchen devices can also end up a be counted of pride for you and cause of envy for your associates. you may buy them out of your nearest kitchen Device Save or can surf the internet for the Wi-fiWireless great and cheap kitchen gadgets. Aside from beautification, they also serve several functions as nicely.
These days it has come to be pretty necessary to equip your kitchen with the state-of-the-art and the Most advanced
kitchen gadgets With the application of the gadgets it turns into quite easy if you want to put together food. They make the system of cooking so speedy that the Family contributors will preserve questioning approximately your cooking capabilities. It’ll additionally help you to try out new matters. As a result, you could surprise the one that you love with a Whole new dish. It’ll offer you a Whole pride when each person will gormandize at the dish organized by way of you. So, There are numerous motives to say that gadgets can grow to be a critical part of your kitchen.
Kitchen gadgets can be categorized into several categories. The two main classes are cooking and baking. As we know that baking isn’t a smooth assignment. It takes lots of ability and expertise to bake whatever properly. But the gadgets can absolutely make the things smooth and speedy for you. There are several devices available inside the marketplace in recent times. A number of them are Y-shaped potato peeler, garlic press, tongs, grater, tenderizer, virtual thermometer, shears, colander, corkscrew, melon baller, warmness evidence spatula, and many extras. you may buy these merchandise from various On line kitchen Device shops. they’re the SatisfactoryWireless Region to shop for these things. you could evaluate the rate of various products, and might get the Wi-first-rate one for you. It is ideal to move for the cheap kitchen devices, however, along side, it is also essential which you need to but excellent products.
Four Simple Steps For Selecting The High-quality Kitchen gadgets
Deciding on the Wi-first-class KITCHEN gadgets is all about making the proper choice in relation to searching for kitchen utensils. Having regrets after shopping your utensils may also Either be which you did not make properly studies (critiques) at the product; did now not remember your kitchen finances; did now not consider your kitchen size and primarily have much less need for the equipment. In Maximum kitchen, about 9% of the kitchen price range is going to kitchen add-ons, and You may absolutely do no longer need to misuse your fund by using getting accessories that may not be useful for your kitchen journey; so ensuring better choices all through your quest for kitchen devices will secure you from lot of issues. Of course deciding on your Gadget cautiously is to understand about its sturdiness, overall performance and durability of your add-ons making sure the value of your cash and improving high overall performance throughout your meal prep time. This article seeks to clear your concerns whilst Selecting the WiWireless kitchen gadgets in your kitchen.
those are A number of the laid down factors to take into account even as planning on getting your Excellent Kitchen gadgets:
Capabilities, durability, and performance Your kitchen finances Your kitchen size System emblem call Capabilities, sturdiness, and overall performance:
We agree with that there are particular Features in an appliance that makes you pick out a particular appliance over some other. So understanding and know-how what will remedy your kitchen worries are important as you might not regret after making a choice. additionally, the Device overall performance might be what you’ll want to don’t forget too as the principle intention of going for them is to enhance overall performance in your kitchen; gadgets emblem, Materials they’re made off and how robust they’re may come up with a clue at the Machine’s performance.
Your Kitchen Budgets:
Of path you may not need to spend a 4 digit for your account for a piece of device in order to be a total crap after few weeks; so in making finances or plans on your kitchen devices it must be for the Excellent of it service. Having careful plan installation is very important as it will assist you spend less for a strong and durable kitchen gadget’s. Make no errors shopping random kitchen devices without assessing the use it is going to be positioned into because it would certainly be a ache within the head while it serve no purpose to your kitchen.
Your Kitchen length:
In Deciding on your kitchen add-ons, you should understand the size of your kitchen and as well recognise how to Vicinity the few recommended as soon as for comfort. Stay off from bulky appliances whilst your kitchen size is small; as you need extra working area in your kitchen for comfort. The best information is that each large and small kitchens may be well equip to render the identical offerings at any point in time.
Gadget brand call:
Buying with lengthy standing manufacturers with a reputable logo call gives an area while searching for your Wi-first-rate kitchen devices. That is vital as so many crappy things won’t appear along the road because of their superb offerings and if it does, You can return at no cost upkeep or have it replace if It’s far still inside the warrantee period. As you’re considering Device overall performance, durability and durability you’ll need to recollect the Device logo name too.
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