#my drawing style is forever inconsistent
raticalshoez · 7 months
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Green, Crimson, Gold
i've been following @autumnwhistles' Last Life Musical project and i've been going INSANE over the song concepts and ohhhhhh the song about joel going red really caught my attention because joel is one of my fav loserboy lifers
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licollisa · 2 years
AAA I absolutely adore how your still in the undertale fandom! I would pay you to draw my sans! But of course don’t feel pressured. Lets keep the undertale fandom alive!
YEP i'm still going strong!!! If i'm being honest, i'm not sure how to get into other fandoms at this point.
Also 'course, i'd be honored to draw your sans..... if only i'd stop proscinating making my commission sheet lmao
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fihas · 2 years
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wtfreak even are these….nature is so beautiful
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comradekatara · 2 months
Genuinely asking—what changes would you make to the adult gaang designs? :)
this is such a fun question thank u for enabling me. i mean i draw them as adults sometimes so also check out my /oldergaang tag if u want visuals (altho i also change my designs a lot because my art is nothing if not inconsistent) but if i was just going with like standard character designs like if i could redesign that hideous “old friends” poster for example…
aang: get rid of that fucking. chinstrap. don’t give him white man features because what the hell is that. and let him wear his off the shoulder monk robes from book 3 because he was slaying with that fit. actually the way aang is drawn in imbalance is basically perfect i would retain that design into adulthood. thank u peter wartman for all that u do….
katara: i don’t mind the older katara design (from the little we see of it) but it’s also not nearly as cunty and slayful as i would like. katara is genuinely interested in fashion and loves experimenting with clothes and hair and makeup, i refuse to believe that as she ages and has more resources to tailor her style to her own personal tastes she wouldn’t get a little funky with it. like she kind of just looks boring and uninspired in her older design, and that’s unacceptable to me because she should be hot. adult katara should be the hottest woman you have ever seen in your life. and she should be buff, also. shredded, even.
toph: any signifiers of copness are obviously unacceptable to me. but even more that than, it’s very important to me that older toph is distinctly butch. i think she would cut her hair the second she realizes that there is no reconciliation to be found with her parents and that there is no reason to adhere to those confucian values. and she would wear a lot of sleeveless outfits (sort of like the shirt korra wears in “korra alone”) to show off her biceps and also space bracelet (spacelet) that is her prized possession forever. and she’s just kind of a hot hippie butch legend . period.
zuko: in the old friends poster he literally looks like a lizard so just like. no. wtf. and i like his long hair in theory but i don’t like that it’s styled after ozai and not ursa, i think his hair would be shwoopier and frame his face more. and his robes should be less spiky and militaristic and more designed for comfort because that’s what makes him feel most like his true authentic self and he deserves that. also weird for a guy who is trying to demilitarize the fire nation to wear an armor-adjacent type of outfit. so mainly he’d just look softer and more like his mom.
sokka: i hate buff goatee whitewashed sokka that is some kind of demon. lok did so little with him and yet said so much (all of it egregiously wrong, ofc). sokka would be fairly tall (although not as tall as aang) and have defined muscle but in a sinewy, lanky way. and despite always having enough to eat he’d still look somewhat malnourished just because he’s constantly overworked and exhausted and never takes care of himself. and his ponytail would be longer but he’d still shave the sides. and the older he gets the darker his clothes get until he basically just wears black all the time because at some point he realizes that it’s more advantageous to remain culturally ambiguous if he’s gonna be a cosmopolitan. and he wears glasses (which were a gift from kuei). and sometimes he uses a cane because he didn’t sufficiently take care of his broken leg after the war ended and now he’s paying the price for it. and his cane has a blade inside too, but he rarely ever even pulls out the blade because he can incapacitate someone with just a wooden stick anyway. so he looks like if a nerd was a shadow was about to collapse at any given moment was secretly ruling the entire world. and he’s not in any sort of front-facing position of power whatsoever but he’s actually pulling all the strings from behind the scenes, and it’s exhausting. his eyebags are visible from outer space.
suki: i don’t even think there is a “canon” adult suki character design besides her in her kyoshi warrior armor and makeup but to me casual suki just starts dressing more like sokka. like the loose baggy sleeveless shirts (except in a lighter shade of blue bc kyoshi island colors) and tight pants and boots. it’s a very dykey look already and they’re basically girlfriend twins so their styles would merge even more than it already has within the show itself. like sometimes people think that sokka and suki are siblings because they dress so similarly and give off such a similar vibe and they’re just like “but we’re literally different ethnicities??? and also we are currently making out????”
okay bonus round bc i can’t just neglect them
azula: she cuts her hair really short and as an adult leaves it to shoulder length for the most part because that’s more comfortable for her. like zuko, she also starts dressing for comfort, and for a period in her late teens stops wearing makeup altogether. she gets back into wearing makeup as an adult, but she stops caring about whether or not she leaves the house with lipstick on, and it becomes more about the process for her than the result. she’s comfy and cute and dykey.
mai: sokka is her lesbian style icon so after her first haircut that was inspired by toph’s haircut to piss off her parents, she gets an undercut and starts wearing her hair in a ponytail like sokka. as she gets older she also gets more confident in her body and doesn’t feel like she needs to wear baggy long-sleeved clothing at all times or she’ll die. and she isn’t rail thin as an adult either because she starts letting herself eat more than a single grain of rice at a time. also, she gets a sword.
ty lee: she becomes a kyoshi warrior so she starts incorporating more blues and greens into her wardrobe, but also more oranges and yellows after she embraces her air nomad heritage. and she just dresses very colorfully and has a vast rotation of different cute little outfits. and i think she’d also experiment with different hairstyles once she has the freedom to define herself outside of the aesthetics expected of her. she looks beautiful always
haru: he finally shaves that thang
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citrus-cactus · 5 months
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Citrus' Art Summary 2023!
The year is almost over, so here's my art summary for 2023! I got this template from here. This is my third year in a row being able to populate every month with a finished(/digital) piece (and really, I did a LOT more than what's shown here!), so that feels like something to celebrate!
Technically some of these choices don’t match up with their post dates; I counted some months as “when I was primarily working on them” and some as “when I actually published them,” but the sentiment remains. Like I said, it was a busy year! :)
Some more rambling + links to all featured artwork beneath the cut:
I remember last year I was quite worried about/was actually teetering on the edge of artistic burnout. There were definitely some months during this year that I felt a bit overwhelmed (particularly during the summer, when I was working on a 5-illustration series in a style that was DEFINITELY outside my norm, PLUS a bunch of other stuff), but I also appreciated the stylistic variety, and doing a lot of sketchbook drawings/marginalia that were(/are) just for me, so they never had to be "finished” or even "good." Even though almost everything pictured here is Digimon(/anime) art, I did experiment with a more "realistic" style for the Dracula Daily series (Aug/Sept), as well as trying to relearn the "Disney" style I started drawing in waaaaaaay back in high school, only now with a LOT more understanding of facial structure and anatomy. Largely, this style shake-up has been incredibly freeing (these are still sketchbook-only studies at this point, but I'm planning on some digital illustrations in the Disney style in 2024). I'm sure they still look pretty anime-influenced, and I'm not sure I'll ever truly be able to escape that, but honestly I don't mind; the anime aesthetic IS a part of my preference/style!
Let's see, the prevailing fandoms for what's shown here are Digimon Survive and Adventure 02. I really want to draw more Survive art next year!! Really happy with the collabo between @vidramon and myself (July), and honestly most (if not all) of these pieces. I worked hard, I branched out, I took on some really ambitious projects, and finished a ton of things (looking at you, March! That Knight drawing was a WIP for an entire year, but I finished it instead of abandoning it, which is what usually happens when things sit around that long!). Ultimately, I believe I told (and helped tell!) some great stories through my creative projects and art this year, which is my true goal forever and always.
Honestly I'm happiest with April's drawing. That one was a ton of fun to do, but I would have to work really hard to replicate that coloring style because I don't remember my brushes/settings, ahaha. Sadly this is how it usually goes with coloring for me; I make it up as I go almost every single time, which is why series are so difficult for me. I am nothing if not inconsistent -_-;
I would be remiss to mention that a huge part of my productivity this year was due to setting and tracking monthly goals for myself. I gotta thank everyone on the @campdigimonth server for their help in keeping me organized and motivated throughout the year! I plan on continuing my creative check-in posts in 2024.
Next year, I want to a) make more Survive art (particularly with Survive Week coming up), b) draw some more flippin' gargoyles (CRIIIINGE, but no, cringe is dead, I'mma do what I want!), and c) keep working on my personal project! And I am, once again, thinking about bookbinding. That's a "maybe" for next year as well!
Descriptions and links to the full artwork pictured for each month:
January: Survive Week, Day 5
February: Survive Gang Aromantic Week
March: Knight Unryuuji and Friend
April: “Rose-Tinted” fic illustration
May: Happy Birthday Vi!
June: Happy Birthday Haru Shinkai!
July: Happy 1st Anniversary Survive! (aka BEST SOCK FRIENDS)
August: Dracula, September 13
September: Dracula, September 20
October: Adv 02 Countdown Event, Day 7
November: “Boo!” on the Cob
December: Digimon Secret Santa 2023
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marasschino · 9 months
hi! I noticed that aigis looks taller than minato in your drawings. might I ask about your height headcanons regarding SEES + Ryoji pretty please 🙏🙏 love all your doodles btw! akechi looks stunning in your art style. you have such a good feel for using expressions & colours to set a mood (sorry for my wacky english, good god)
oh anon I am so sorry it took me forever to get to this. I forgot this was in my inbox 😭 BUT YES I can give you my height headcanons.
Putting this under a cut bc I used hikaku sitatter to compare my headcanon heights months ago + my reasoning
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so I'll start out with the ones that didn't change from their canon heights: Yukari, Akihiko, Ken (he is a child and also I couldn't fit him on the chart. it was max 10 people unfortunately), and Koromaru (dog). For Yukari and Akihiko I feel like their canon heights suit them in my very biased opinion.
For Junpei: He just gives tall guy that just had a growth spurt and doesn't know what to do with the extra like 6cm he's acquired. so I went with his height that is canon for P4AU (177cm) instead of his P3 canon height (170.5cm).
For Mitsuru: Her canon height is actually 166cm, but I refuse to believe that. She's still shorter then the guys (excluding Minato) but she is their height by proxy because she always wears heels and boots. It adds to her aura I think.
For Aegis: she is physically a battle robot, built to fight supernatural beings born from the heart. and also her hooves. I actually always thought she was taller than average instead of 163cm just because she was a robot (I've played more P3P then P3fes so I always imagined her to be tall). She was built to be a protector and a tank. There is a lot of juxtaposition in her being a tall robot made of metal and her soft human heart underneath that. Also she needs to be taller than Kotone AND Minato. It's a requirement.
For Fuuka: she is canonically 150cm. I think I made her 154cm because I felt bad that she was so much shorter then everyone... she is still the shortest (not including Ken) but its a smaller gap.
For Shinjiro: his canon height is 177cm. I don't know why I made him 178cm. maybe because I felt he deserved to be at least 1cm taller than Junpei. But you can come to your own conclusions for this.
For Kotone: I never imagined her as being super tall but at least taller than Fuuka and Yukari. And she is a short menace but not a 160cm short menace to me. She stole 5cm from Minato as comeuppance. Also I think it's funny when Minato and Kotone are the same height. not because of the twin headcanon but just because
For Minato: Kotone stole 5cm. and he needs to be shorter than Aegis or its Incorrect. Also considering how inconsistent P3 character heights are displayed (looking at you P3DAN) I kind of default to the way Sogabe draws Minato. Tiny.
And for special-est boy Ryoji: as far as I know I have never found a canon height for Ryoji (which is fine) and I often go off vibes for character heights anyway + I used screenshots from the P3 movies just to get a general idea of Ryoji's possible height. which is probably about 180cm to Minato's canon 170cm (for the movies). I thought it was funny if I kept Ryoji the same (approximate) height despite making Minato shorter. Also there's something endearing about Ryoji being ridiculously tall AND taller than the rest of SEES. godspeed to him. he has probably knocked his head on plenty of doorframes in the span of two months.
And that's all!!! again sorry for taking so long to get to this anon I love getting asks like this but the executive disfunction sometimes makes me forget that people actually send me asks. I'll do better next time o7
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quinthejester · 2 years
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anyway, this is my design + doodles for Celegorm, and also Huan I guess! Forgot to add notes to these drawings, but got one armoured version of him and one of him in more casual wear. 
I decided to give him more tattoos than just the star of Feanor (which in itself I decided to make rather big and on his back). The other tattoos mostly just represent his time with Orome and Huan/being a hunter and stuff, and idk I just saw Celegorm as having them. 
Also despite how kinda feral I made him look, I imagine he can be very charming, and is a lot smarter than he looks. Is quite good at acting more heroic than he actually is, and can be just as manipulative as his younger brother, Curufin. He’s less book smart than Curufin, but surprisingly socially smart, along with being a scarily talented at tracking people and things down. though he’s also very crude and frat bro like more often than not, and as a result people often underestimate his intelligence. 
for other designs, see: Maedhros and Maglor (edit, the rest of the brothers:) Caranthir, Curufin, Ambarussa
(also sorry for inconsistent style, i’m forever working on figuring that out and experimenting with things)
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scammysmileroksuu · 9 months
Me drawing random doodles for my fic and how I imagine the characters to look like in next chapters instead of updating it because writing this chapter is taking me forever-
here’s a dragon!roksu in my (very inconsistent) art style. He isn’t coming out as I want at all😭🥲 he’s supposed to be a tiny short boy but he always somehow come out as a teenager ;; stay smol pls
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ask-yunjin-lee · 1 year
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Yui walked over to Yun-Jin, holding two marshmallows on different sticks, one in each hand. She took a bite out of the one that was burnt, extending the other out to Yun-Jin. "We're making s'mores by the fire. Do you want one?"

//i know i mentioned this blog months ago, and then took forever to actually do an ask haha. sorry about that! but yeah hope you don't mind the interaction :'D
if you do decide to interact, know that my style is super inconsistent! so i apologize for that.
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"Ms. Kimura, how kind of you to offer."
Accepting the other marshmallow, Yun-Jin gave an appreciative nod.
( @yui-kimura )
// I don’t mind at all! Don’t worry about having an inconsistent style- I’m the same way lmao, can’t have my drawings look too similar for the life of me ^^ hope you don’t mind the traditional drawing! Committing digital art has not been my thing lately 😔
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inquisitoradaar · 2 years
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haters mad that i can experience childlike wonder <- joke caption real caption under cut
hii so ive mentioned my own version of tmnt a few times by this point i think? and since ive finally managed to start finalising the designs for The Boys i decided to post some of the art ive done so far! its a little bit inconsistent but thats bc this is literally a brand new art style LMAO
id love to ramble on about it forever but ill only go over whats present in this post since otherwise ill end up spending all night typing this. the first third and last images are the only ones that really need explaining soooo here we go!
leo is a diamondback terrapin whilst mikey is a box turtle, raph is a spiny-necked turtle, and donnie is a softshell. each of his brothers have biological disadvantages theyve had to overcome (mikeys inability to swim, raphs neck, donnies shell) whilst leo hasnt and because of that he has a bit of a case of impostor syndrome. oops!
raph and donnie are the youngest two, with the story starting on donnies thirteenth birthday. mikey is eighteen, leo is fifteen, and raph is fourteen. there is a reason for their ages being like this :3c
leo uses a wakizashi instead of twin katanas. other weapon changes include raph using tekkō (then tekkō-kagi later on) and mikey uses a kusari-fundo (technically a change since only rise mikey uses it but changes back to nunchaku in the end)
the designs are pretty simple mainly so i dont stress myself out when drawing them lol. and also so i can focus on the human designs. I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAT LAST SENTENCE
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golden--doodler · 7 months
I am a firm believer that this random deleted Gene line deserved to stay in the show! They fully animated it and everything, so it's a crime that they deleted it (I believe this was supposed to be in the episode Father of the Bob). Yes, yes, they don't want kids to eat a ton of Tylenol, but still, it's freaking comedy gold, I tell you. It forever lives rent-free in my mind, so I just had to try animating it myself. It's not that good, but I haven't really animated much before, so for a first try, I'd say it's passable. I also think I have a set art style now!! That's pretty exciting! My art's probably going to still look inconsistent in the future, but I like drawing in this specific style.
Eugene Mirman's delivery and the fact that he can't stop himself from laughing is my favorite thing ever.
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I also had to make a quick sketch of my OC, Alexis, reacting to Gene saying this, because now I can't draw anything Gene-related without drawing Alexis too. I like to imagine them thinking something like: God, he's so dumb. He's actually perfect and I love him so much.
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hdra77 · 2 months
(pfp anon back again im just gonna call myself rory)
More fun questions since ur my favorite tumblr acc :3
What made you initially start shipping ragequit, if anything in particular? Did it just kind of happen?
A lot of people don't finish Rain World when they try it due to it being too hard/not beginner friendly - what was your experience like? Did something in particular motivate you to finish? Did you spoil yourself for the lore ahead of time?
Are your designs more slug, more cat, a balance, or would you say there's no "line" and they are just Slugcat?
(In any AUs) Why does Hunter have the Rot? Lots of different depictions for why they have it - e.g it being an accident or smth, it being deliberate, Sig not feeling bad/feeling guilty forever, etc.
If a slugcat ate a slug would it be cannibalism
Feel free to skip any questions you don't want to answer I'm just enjoying myself tbh :P
YAY QUESTIONS!! 1) funny enough i started shipping ragequit when i was very new to the fandom (it just for some reason clicked even if i dont have wide knowledge about their characters yet) so yeah!you could say it just kind of happen! i find it silly at first actually but then i thought about it and went 'oh actually this is pretty neat this could actually work' 2) my first experience when playing rainworld was me experiencing PAIN AND MISERY as expected to new players like me. but i kept going because i wanted to know the lore and explore because damn the whole world building and game design alone took my breath away its just so pretty literally every single screenshot i took are wallpaper worthy. also i wanted to beat the game !! beating a difficult game is such a big achievement for me. also i accidentally spoiled myself in the process like a few times already but they're not major spoilers thankfully 💀 3) hmm.. well my artstyle when it comes to drawing slugcats is so inconsistent LMAO i started with the 'more cat-like' having some of them with more fluffy,curly or short fur then my style would eventually settle with a balanced style (and also cat and slug). it is very simple yes but i seem to be more content with leaving it simple as possible 4) (critical system failure/disarray AU) - NSH sent hunter to search and investigate five pebbles after he had mysteriously disappeared for several long cycles, long enough to grow suspicion throughout the group. Hunter does not have the rot when he was sent for the mission though however. something had gone wrong when he entered Five Pebbles. and you can pretty much guess just what happened to hunter next 5) hmm nah, slugcat and slugs are both different organisms
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fluffyhare · 4 months
Personal insecurity battle in the form of internal monologue below the cut. It's not really meant to be negative but could be triggering -- it's just the best way I know to fight my demons, and I wanted to write it out.
You're way too old to be getting into this drawing game. Your art looks childish.
Nobody is too old to learn anything, and I like how my art looks, which is all that matters.
Your style is inconsistent.
My style is varied.
You're never going to be able to draw bodies fluidly.
I've only been drawing for three months and I've already improved significantly, even I can see it. Imagine where I'll be in a year.
If you don't make enough content with Avery, nobody is going to love him.
You're wrong, because people already love him, but even if you weren't; in my heart is an entire world of love for Avery, and my love is enough. Also, Gaster's source material is literally just a tiny pixelated image from a hidden file, and... *gestures broadly to the metric fuckton of art and stories for him.*
Not to mention, the amount of content I have made for Avery in a single month is staggering considering my skill level.
People don't reblog your art and stories, which means they don't really like them. They just pity you.
Not even I reblog everything I like, and this is a niche community. Even so, plenty of people do reblog my writing and art, even despite the fact that it isn't fanart, which is the majority of content on this platform. That is proof positive enough that people like what I make.
You need to make what people want to see.
I'm making what I want to see; that in itself is enough, but also, I know that there are people out there who are just as starved for what I'm cooking as I am. If there were enough already, I wouldn't feel compelled to make so much.
You're going to run out of ideas.
I have 20 years worth of ideas in my head that I never put to pen. I have so many ideas that I have literally developed insomnia because I can't stop thinking about them. Even if one day I do run out of ideas, they're not a finite resource. I am constantly inspired by other people's art, music, and life. I will make more.
You're going to burn out.
Maybe! But burnout doesn't last forever.
You can't do this.
Yes I can.
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kkoct-ik · 1 year
rule number one of my blog you are Not allowed to point out the inconsistent art style. everything i draw looks identical and cohesive and this is true forever
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machidielontheway · 2 years
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“Ryou offered a hand to help Matt up, then half dragged him out the door.” 
From For All The World, ch.4, by @bosstoaster
[ID : a black lineart drawing of two characters from the tv show Voltron Legendary Defenders. A grinning Ryou Shirogane with white hair is running towards the left of the picture. With his prosthetic right arm behind him he is gripping and dragging in the air Matt Holt, whose limbs are in disarray. Matt looks both surprised and annoyed. The background is a light purple gradient and ground shadows of the characters. /End ID]
Ramblings under the cut !
Sooo this drawing is born of : 1) instant imagery reading the quote, which made me very merry. Is being half dragged different than pulled through the air ? yes, but it’s funny so who cares
2) i have so, so much ideas of things i want to draw, and neither the energy nor the drive. But i’d like them to exist, especially as the voltron fandom will not exist forever. Because one of my hang ups that saps my energy before i draw is “Things Take Too Long” i thought that maybe i could try make things not be long, if i made it easier. a. in terms of planning / roughs i definitively found the way it works best for me as of now, and it makes the whole process easier and more interesting (less grueling) b. chibis ! over simplified forms ! their arms should have been like, floppy rectangles. the idea was to let go of perfection and by this i mean accurate anatomy (yes i know to draw good chibis you actually need to be good at anatomy. jokes on you i don’t do either)
Ryou... DID begin as more simplified than i would do. his face took me a whopping 2mn. but you can see as i finished drawing him that already i wasn’t doing it really well (altho his legs have been lengthened only at the very end when Matt looked taller than him. rip)
I’m very into Matt right now and couldn’t not try to make him pretty. His hair took me an hour and many, many ctrl+Z. But the good thing is at this point i didn’t care anymore about whatever and just drew. Rough shape was done, Ryou (i’m so sorry bby i keep writing Shiro) was done quick so it gave me a bit of satisfaction and i actually liked drawing the whole Matt i think. ALSO LOOK I DREW ALL THE FEET AND 3/4 HANDS.
tl:dr : - is the anatomy fucked up ? YES ! - is the style inconsistent ? YES ! - did i manage to stop myself to beautify ryou after matt was done, in the name of finishing something ? YES !
did it : - remind me that actually if i go at it with a mindset of ‘it’s ok if it sucks anatomically’ i spend less time overthinking it for basically the same results ? YES ! - gave me more motivation for future drawing knowing i can put stuff out there without months of procrastinating ? YES ! - enable me to draw a piece in one (1) week, and be reasonably happy about it ? YEAH !!
no ryou does not have eyebrows shhhh
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distorted-graffiti · 2 years
Hi!! I was showing my friend Reece some of your art and she wanted me to tell you that she LOVES your artstyle, and just some of the stuff you draw too. Just wanted to tell ya!! :))
WHEEWHERRWGBQ THANK YOU :] ik my style can be very inconsistent sometimes whgswihs
i will cherish this ask. forever i think
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