#my ex gf who tried to run me over with her car' my one friend turns to me & goes 'uh oh! baggage!' it was so fucking funny
sydmarch · 1 year
will never forget this time I was at arlene's grocery for a concert & it had been advertised that as part of the show the band would take whoever wanted to go ghost hunting after the set & in the bathroom before the concert this random older woman hears us discussing the ghost hunt & gives us a ted talk about all the spirits she knew that were haunting the place & after the show im chatting w the singer (we were acquaintances who chatted after several shows & on social media & I had helped promote this particular show) & I'm like "oh yeah btw what's the deal with this ghost hunt?" & he's like "honestly I have no idea some other group was supposed to be doing that and we decided might as well just tag along" and it literally just did not happen
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crucified-bloodhound · 6 months
being single for almost two years (not counting the gf i had in december, ill address that later) has made me learn a lot about love.
trigger warning - mentions of sa, eating disorders, and self harm
i've learned about how i want to love. how i want to be loved. what compromise is. what communication is. i have learned from the friends that i have made into family that love is not always easy. no one is perfect and no love is perfect.
i've learned what i'm not willing to take from someone. when i asked my ex to be my girlfriend, after months of talking, i drove 45 minutes for our first in person date. she commented on my body and what i ate at dinner. she made me do things when i clearly showed and said outright i didnt want to. we cuddled in my car in the dark parking lot of her hometown shopping mall and, just a few days after i told her i wasnt ready to do more than hug and lay together and hold hands, she pressed into me and told me she had a boner. just a few days after i confided in her about my recent lapse into my old habits of body dysmorphia and hitting the gym too hard and resting too little, she squeezed the fat on my hip and stomach. i learned that i don't have to say yes. that i dont have to pressure myself in my own head to lay and wait when i want to begin the long drive home north on 76 and through the lonely streets of my city square. i learned i dont have to be quiet and wait until i am calm to share my discomfort. i learned how to stand up for myself. i learned how to see the road through the tears.
i learned what is not worth doing because of pain. i learned i dont have to hurt on the outside to validate what's on the inside, to make it real. i learned how to talk to strangers kind enough to ask, with genuine fucking care, "are you okay?" and "what's going on?" i learned that no matter how many scars i have, no matter how stupid and small i feel watching them fade, that my pain has always been real. my pain is more than "big feelings" and "crying it out." i learned that there are people who care about that pain enough to let me sit in it, still and unharmed, for as long as i need, no matter how much they wish they could just make it go away. i learned that high beams dont work in the rain.
i learned that there are good people. not people that are inherently good or above me - people that want to be good. want to do good things for people who ask or need or neither. i learned that sometimes, people just care. there's no transaction in that. no expectation, no "owing you one," no long road of penance for being treated as both fragile and strong, both big and small. i learned the joy in letting someone pass me on the four lane busy streets and seeing the good old midwest wave through the back windshield.
i learned how to give. i learned that everyone else is in pain too. i learned that it is vulnerable in the most exalting of ways to offer up your soul for the family you choose. i learnes how to comfort my friends at college missing their parents two states over or halfway across the country, even if i dread coming home to mine each day. i learned to acknowledge how hard it must be to be someone else. i learned to opem my arms when a friend comes running. i learned how to warn my passenger before we hit a bump, brake fast, gas it hard, or turn sharp.
i learned that even on the shitty days, loving is the best thing for my soul. i learned that no matter how much ive bled or been hit or touched when i didnt ask for it or stared in the mirror for too long, that my skin is worth caressing, my body worth protecting, that i'm still a virgin if i say i am, that the reflection will always be worth smiling at. i learned of mirth. of pain. of how to feel good. that my body is still mine no matter how many people tried to take a piece of it with them and no matter how young and stupid i was when i let them. i learned that love is so much more than a peck on the cheek in the morning or water after sex. i learned when to pull over to breathe.
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worksby-d · 3 years
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐈𝐭
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Request: “Chris x Reader where they’re friends and had a one-night stand that resulted in a child between them, and although they aren’t together romantically, they maintain a close friendship while raising their kid. The kid is like 3 or 4, and Chris is dating someone, but he hears her make a comment about how Reader just got pregnant on purpose to trap him for his money...”
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Warnings: RPF, mention of a one-night stand, dad!Chris, Chris’ ex gf is shitty, starts a little slow maybe?? but stick around for some classic protective!Chris and friends to lovers vibes hehe
Word count: ~1,500
series masterlist
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Barging into Chris’ house in a hurry, the first thing you hear is your son’s feet hitting the hardwood floor as he runs to greet you. “Mom!”
“Oh,” you chuckle seeing him run around without a shirt on. Crouching down, he runs into you, opening his arms for a hug. “Hi buddy. Did you have fun? Where’s your dad?” You continue asking him about his weekend as you stand back up, and take his hand, pulling him along with you to find Chris. “We gotta get home. He has plans tonight, and I’m late–”
He's standing there laughing when you turn the corner into the kitchen where he just got done cleaning up from dinner. “Very late,” he teases, hoisting the boy up on the counter so he can put his shirt back on him.
“I'm sorry,” you cringe, genuinely feeling bad even though he's clearly not bothered by it. “My meeting just kept going and going. No one would shut– be quiet,” you correct yourself in front of little ears. “I sped here though! I know you have a date, so–”
“It’s okay,” he laughs, cutting off your rambling. “I don't want you speeding, by the way,” he warns playfully, shooting you a look. “Why don't you stay and give him a b-a-t-h so he’s ready for b-e-d. Maybe he’ll s-l-e-e–”
“Wow okay, yeah.” You wave your hands to get him to stop talking and help your son back onto the floor, telling him to race you to the upstairs bathroom. “I had too long of a day for you to be spelling things at me. But that’s a good idea. Then we'll get out of here, I promise.”
“Take your time,” he smiles, watching you turn away to book it up the steps.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
It’s only a couple minutes later when his girlfriend arrives. Setting her stuff on the counter, she heads to the bathroom to freshen up quickly before they go out.
While he waits, he rummages for a spare key to lay on the counter for you so you can lock his door when you leave, but in the process he gets distracted by her phone vibrating loudly against the marble countertop. She mustn't have locked it before setting it down, so without meaning to, he finds himself engrossed in the text conversation she was having with a friend just minutes before.
Maybe that's what I should do. She's set for life now, is what the newest message reads. He wouldn't have given it a second thought if he hadn't caught a glimpse of your name a few messages up.
His face falls as he scrolls through the chat bubbles, even more so realizing she was sat just outside in her car having the conversation.
Oh God, Y/N is still here 🙄 Probably trying to talk him out of going out with me.
His baby mama. Apparently they're still best friends. They had a one-night stand five years ago, I guess. Hence he's stuck with the kid.
That was no accident lmao
That’s what I say. She obviously did it on purpose to keep him and his money around.
“What are you doing?”
Her voice from across the room when she sees him looking at her phone barely fazes him, anger having taken over every one of his senses.
Exhaling a deep breath through his nose, he finally looks up, running a hand over his beard, trying to gather his thoughts. “Just reading these nice messages you were sending about Y/N.”
“Oh, come on,” she tries to wave it off. “I was kidding… You know?”
“Kidding about which part exactly?” He looks back down to reread the messages to her. “The part here where you imply I’m stuck–” He emphasizes the word with air quotes. “–with my son. Or… This part where you accuse Y/N of being some kind of gold digger? Which part was a joke?”
“I'm sorry,” she says carefully. “But everyone thinks it, Chris.”
“No,” he shakes his head, finally putting her phone down. “No, not people who know me and her. People who know me know I love my son, and I love his mother. She is one of my best friends. Sometimes my only friend, I think.”
“Babe, don’t say that–”
“Stop.” He steps back when she reaches to rest a hand on his arm. “You need to leave before they come back down here.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Upstairs, you were oblivious to the entire exchange until the very end. The only part you hear is Chris telling her to leave when you step into the hallway to quickly grab a towel for your son.
Not knowing what caused it, you take your time getting him in his pajamas and getting all his stuff together to go home, giving Chris a minute alone.
When you finally reappear downstairs, he’s sitting at his table with a beer, tie removed and buttons on his shirt undone, clearly not going anywhere anymore tonight.
“I thought I heard someone come in,” you break the silence, deciding to play clueless, not wanting him to know you heard anything. “Where'd she go?”
“Oh,” he jumps, sitting up straighter now that you guys are standing there. “She decided she wasn't feeling well,” he shrugs. “So she left.”
Nodding slowly, you let it go for now, and start to tell him you're on your way out, but he’s quick to interject.
“It’s getting late. Would you guys just wanna stay the night?”
“Oh, I don't know,” you pretend to ponder, as if you don't already know what your son’s answer is going to be. “Buddy,” you squeeze his hand and look down at him. “You want to spend one more night here with dad?”
“Sleepover with daddy!” He nods excitedly, running off with his blanket to claim his spot on the sofa, knowing that means a movie night is in store.
“Sleepover with daddy it is,” you laugh.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
The young boy ends up falling asleep pretty quickly, his head resting on Chris' legs while the rest of his body separates the two of you.
“Hey…” Your voice softly pierces the quiet of the dark room to get his attention. “What really happened before? I heard the part where you told her to leave.”
He drops his head back and lets out a deep sigh before facing you and telling you everything.
“I wish I was with you for the money,” you scoff jokingly when he's done. “You haven't given me any!”
“Yeah because you refuse to take it,” he laughs, but pauses suddenly and looks at you more seriously for a split second. “Do you want money?”
“No,” you chuckle, shaking your head. Silence consumes you both again momentarily while you move over to sit closer to him, having to lift your son’s legs so he's on your lap too. “Oh my God,” you groan. “He's heavy. Gonna be fucking huge like you.”
“Uh yeah, better be. I wanna see him in that Patriots defensive line in 30 years.”
“Whatever,” you snort. “I'm sorry your night went to shit.”
“Nah, it didn't go to shit,” he assures you. “I’d rather spend time with you guys anyway.”
You hum and both turn your attention to the movie again for a few seconds.
“Did I tell you about my last date?” He shakes his head no. “He left halfway through because he saw my lock screen, which is a picture of him,” you explain, pointing at your sleeping kid. “I usually don't tell them right away, but he asked so I had no choice, like who else's kid would it be, you know? So he got real nervous acting and did the classic go-to-the-restroom-and-not-return move.”
“Gees,” he sighs, letting out a short laugh. “Sorry.”
“I'm just gonna stop letting guys convince me to go out with them. Never ends well, I swear.”
“Maybe we’re both just meant to be perpetually single.”
“Maybe,” you nod, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Would you ever let me convince you to go out…” His question comes out slow and quiet, once again averting your attention from the TV. “On a date with me,” he clarifies. “I meant.”
“Is this really how you're asking me?” He can't see it, but the grin on your face is impossible to repress. “With Nemo still playing while our kid sleeps on us?”
“Yup,” he laughs quietly. “Apparently so.”
“Well,” you sigh, lifting your head to look at him. “I suppose I let you knock me up… I don't see why I shouldn't let you take me on a date.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Tag list: @chris-butt @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @flovds @starlightcrystalline @stargazingfangirl18 @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @christhickevans @cevansfans
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1kook · 4 years
some way, some how
jeon jungkook x (f) reader
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Summary: Maybe you don’t know Jungkook as well as you thought you did. Maybe he doesn’t know you. Warnings: emotional constipation, toxic ex, internalized misogyny, jk has bad experiences w/his ex’s dad, one scene where jk throws up, brief episode of panic, mentions of terminal cancer (minor); smut; fingering, praise kink, face fucking, spitting kink, cunnilingus, unprotected sex on top of a car im sorry Misc: autoshop owner!jk, businesswoman!oc, slice of life, childhood crushes, friends to lovers, ex gfs, pining, country bumpkin pjm w/crush on oblivious oc, ex-bf kth but it’s not real lol Wc: 19.4k (wow!!!)
the spirit of auto shop jk possessed me n next thing i knew i was 11k into a drabble. if ur curious: the 1975 corvette, car at the end, the tweed suitskirt (not actually chanel ☹️sowwyyy) also: this is the longest fic I've written!!!!! clap for me!!!!! i proofread the first few paragraphs n was like thats enough professionalism for the day
inspired by ain’t no mountain high enough one of my fave songs ever🥺 the title is a lyric from the song bc i love it so much enjoy !!
The garage is mostly dark when you enter, the faint hum of a radio quietly filtering through the stagnant room, its source coming from the back wall, where the only light is. It’s a rolling lamp, shining down an ugly yellow glow onto the figure of one man.
Jungkook’s sitting in that same rolling stool he always is, the metal one that’s rusted beyond repair, the cushion so uncomfortably flat. He’s caught up in whatever paint job he’s been tasked with this time around, a classic muscle car from what looks like the 80’s. He’s humming along to the radio, so caught up in stenciling out his design that he doesn’t notice you creep behind him until you’re very purposefully rattling the tool cart beside him, a teasing “boo!” making him jump.
“Fuck, you scared me,” he gasps, rubs over his chest as if to check if his heart is in fact still there. You grin, brandish your bag of takeout out for him before he can lecture you on the dangers of startling people who work around very complex machinery. Instead, all he says is, “you’re an angel.”
Once you’ve got the food carefully scattered across his work bench, your cherry cola tucked next to a canister of gasoline like that’s the safest practice, Jungkook wastes no time diving into all the details of his project, the 1975 Chevy Corvette behind him. The longer you look at it, the more you feel you’ve seen it somewhere. Probably a car show, you presume.
“Purrs like a kitten,” he sighs dreamily, completely ignoring the way half his toppings slide out from the opposite end of his cheeseburger. You don’t, and you swipe a fallen pickle from his tray before he can catch you.
“A kitten?” You ask, glance over at the car. It’s desperately in need of a paint job, and you only realize this now as you stare at it more in depthly. The niggling feeling that you know this car is still there, but you ignore it in favor of indulging your best friend. “Don’t people usually compare cars to bigger, better cats?”
There’s a taped stencil running alongside the car, a thick stripe followed by a thinner one, and you suppose Jungkook’s trying to spice her up, give her back the same youthfulness she probably had in her prime. What better way to do so than by adding some classic stripes alongside it.
Jungkook hums, gulps down his soda noisily. “Not this one. Never heard an engine as soft as hers.”
You roll your eyes. For a minute, the two of you quietly chew through your burgers, the radio filling in the gaps while you analyze the car. You know this car, but you can’t remember where. Jungkook coughs into his palm, probably from trying to inhale his fries too fast like he does every time you go to the diner you’re eating from today.
The diner.
A mouthful of braces. A pretty waitress. A strict dad.
“Holy shit, this is Sojin’s dad’s car,” you inhale, the memories from high school suddenly hitting you full force. Jungkook chokes, out of surprise this time, and furiously goes to deny your claims. “This is totally his car. The one he tried to run you over with when he caught you trying to put her on the back of your bike.”
“He didn’t try to run me over,” Jungkook whines, and the tips of his ears are red from your revelation.
You glare. “Why are you fixing that asshole’s car for him?” You interrogate, the last quarter of your burger forgotten in favor of squeezing the truth out of him. You’d had enough of that treacherous woman and her equally deranged father causing Jungkook trouble, and to catch him still helping her now, almost ten years later, was enough to make a brain vessel pop.
He shrugs, avoids your eyes as he picks through his fries. The radio is still on, some tune you recognize from those old days at the diner when Jungkook had become so unbelievably smitten with the part timer that served you milkshakes every Wednesday afternoon.
He had been in love with her the moment he saw her, and the look in his eyes was only magnified by those dorky glasses he wore pre-lasik. You'd been his friend long enough, recognized the jump of his scrawny thigh beneath the table. Like a bunny, thumping in excitement at the sight of her.
Sojin was... full of surprises.
She was nothing less than a supermodel, long legs carrying her around the diner as if it was her runway. She was nice too, so you hadn’t originally had an excuse to dislike her. She was nice, and so endeared with your best friend that it was inevitable when they began dating. Her presence consumed the end of your high school careers, overtook the time that should have been yours and Jungkook’s last year before being thrown into adulthood. He decided on studying at a technical school nearby—per your encouragement to save money—while you travelled five hours out for your degree in business. That last year, when you had finally come to terms with your feelings, had been so painfully ripped away by Sojin and her never-ending list of teenage drama, and by Sojin’s dad and his overbearing need to police her and Jungkook every chance he got.
Jungkook still hung out—“Sojin was busy, do you wanna do something?”—but more often than not those hang outs consisted of Jungkook telling you about her and her dad, about how hard he tried to get into his good graces.
The bike incident had only been one of many. Times where Jungkook would put his heart—and life—on the line for that girl only for it to be in vain every time she broke up with him over the simplest things. You’d heard stories from Jungkook, all told with a tight smile, of a handshake that would bruise, a man chasing him with a bat, of a car following him to school. All things he put up with for a girl who didn’t care for him. One day, after Jungkook had grudgingly sat through an hour long dinner with her family, the stare of her father piercing through him, she broke up with him because she didn’t like how long his hair had gotten.
(If anyone were to ask you, he was handsome with long hair. Dreamy even.)
He cut it that same day.
As her childishness grew, you quickly came to dislike her. She strung Jungkook around, you thought, and just when you thought she was finally done toying with him and making his life difficult in the sneakiest ways, the damn kid started hitting the gym. His growing frame, toned arms and now straightened teeth had turned him into a heartthrob, and Sojin was just as aware of this as you were. “Don’t we look perfect together?” She’d ask, twirl around him like they were on the cover of a magazine and not standing on his chipped front porch.  
Needless to say, by the time graduation had rolled around you despised the woman. You absolutely disliked how she treated Jungkook, how she let her father treat Jungkook without ever stepping up and defending him. Granted, you didn’t know exactly what went on in her household behind closed doors, you’d seen enough of her uncaring attitude to want to ram her and her dad’s head against the hood of the car.
Which is why seeing the old car, in Jungkook’s shop nonetheless, was rekindling a boiling hatred in your chest. “That man should rot in hell for all he put you through,” you huff, glare at the car like it holds some magical connection to him and he can feel the intensity of your stare.
“___,” Jungkook scolds, swirls his cup around to distract himself. “He was just trying to protect his only daughter,” he defends, quietly, like it’s what he tells himself to justify all those years of mistreatment. Even when he and Sojin had continued through college, it had never stopped. You, being five hours away, couldn’t do a damn thing. “Besides, the guy’s old as hell now.”
You snort, finally breaking your staring match with the car. Glancing at Jungkook, he’s got that same forlorn expression on his face, the one he started wearing when he first came to terms with the fact that her dad would never like him. There was a time it was stuck permanently on his face, the pressure and the discomfort that came from the father of the girl you’ve dated for five years looking at you like you were nothing more than a speck of dirt on the bottom of his shoe.
When you came back from school, educated and confident, you almost didn’t recognize your best friend. Tall and broad, tattoos splattered over his arm. Hair long like you loved it, but eyes still as round and wondrous as they’d been when you were kids. He had his own place now, he told you, and you vaguely remembered all the times he mentioned him and Sojin moving in together, mentally preparing yourself to see that wench for the first time in a while.
Much to your surprise, there was no Sojin in sight. No lingering artifacts of her presence. Nothing that showed she existed in this space besides an ugly orange mug she’d given him for his birthday one year, tucked into the very back of his cabinets. They’d broken up, he explained. Almost immediately after graduation.
After stringing him along for the better part of five years, she had decided this wasn’t what she wanted. No, what she wanted was a man ten years her senior with an abundance of cash to flow. Jungkook hadn’t cried. Hadn’t even looked the tiniest bit upset when you ordered pizza and drank some beer, watched your favorite episodes of The Simpsons like you were seventeen and avoiding your homework again.
You stayed the night, a little too tipsy to drive home. Besides, Jungkook had a spare bedroom. It was a room beside his, just a full bed with a chest of drawers. You liked it, liked the scent of him surrounding you after only seeing each other for a couple weeks in between months of distance. You liked it, because when he shifted in bed you realized the beds were pressed against the same wall, and you liked it until the shared wall spared you no secrets, and you listened to him quietly sob into his pillow.
“Old or not, he’s still the devil,” you murmur, snapping back to the present where Jungkook is wheeling himself closer to the car again. “Where did you find that thing anyway?”
He stays silent, quietly pretending like he still has something to do on the car besides paint it. Then, “I bumped into Sojin at the store.”
You sigh, drop your head between your shoulders. You can only imagine what whirlwind of a sob story she had to throw on him to win this favor.
“Kook,” you start, gauging his reaction only from his backside. His muscles ripple beneath his dark t-shirt, his usual red jumpsuit knitted around his waist. “What happened?”
Again, silence.
You say nothing, let him sort through the hurt on his own while you creep up behind him, sliding your hands over his shoulders and pressing down on the cricks behind his neck. He melts into your touch, head lolling forwards as a quiet sigh escapes him.
“She told me she was low on cash, and she needed the car to get to work,” he confesses, and from his ducked position, his voice trembles. You roll your eyes.
“And the paint job?”
A particularly rough press of your fingers has a whimper escaping him. God, this boy needed to see a chiropractor and a masseuse soon. All that hunching over and under these cars was doing a number on his back.
“I… I figured I might as well fix up the exterior too.” Of course he would, you think, Jungkook’s heart was stupidly big and easy to manipulate. He would get so swept up in it sometimes, trying to do the best he can for everyone’s benefit that he’d ignore himself.
You sit in his confession, fingers digging into his skin for a few minutes as you consider what to say.
The mature adult in you, the logical half of you, wants to hit him upside the head, scold him for letting that wench into his life again so easily. You were going on twenty-six now, all three of you, and you didn’t have time to be fixing him every time that childish woman decided to toy with him. Granted, it’s been four years since you last saw her, since you heard him muffle his cries on the other side of the wall, and you liked to think Jungkook was a respectful adult of society now. He didn’t have time to get dragged around by self-absorbed women with insane fathers.
The other part, the best friend since childhood, wants to run away. Wants to pack Jungkook into a suitcase and take him far away from here and from her. Unlike you, who now lived in the city, Jungkook had stayed in your small hometown, a quiet place just outside the bustling city. It was difficult to ensure his happiness when you were always forty-five minutes out of reach. It would be so much easier to just take him and fly to another province, maybe on the beach, Jungkook loved the beach.
“Listen,” he says, successfully pulling you out from your spiral. “I know what you’re gonna say and I just wanna tell you it’s not like that.”
You blink, hands stilling on his shoulders. Your lack of movement allows him to spin around on his chair, gaze up at you with the same shiny gaze he’s given you ever since you were kids. “I’m just doing her this tiny favor. She looked...” he trails off, face scrunching to find the words.
“Like shit?” You propose, and he smiles. “Like flaming dumpster shit behind a club?”
Jungkook laughs, loud and beautiful. You want to kiss the mole beneath his lip.
“She looked bad, okay?” He settles, reaches forward to take your palm in his. You’re standing between his thighs, and you wonder how he would have acted if you were Sojin. “Don’t think things worked out with that CEO she was dating. I’m just giving her a push.”
You sigh, try to push those crestfallen sobs to the back of your head. “Okay,” you agree, briefly glancing back at the damn car. “You fix her car, and that’s it,” you state. Jungkook nods, makes a little X over his heart. He knows how much you hate that woman. “No funny business.”
“No funny business,” he agrees, then reaches down for a white spray can. “You wanna spray some dicks on it before I paint it?”
“Please,” you laugh, taking the face mask he offers you with a grin.
One day your car starts making a weird noise as you pull out of the underground parking garage of your building. It’s somewhere between a pig squealing and metal scraping. You’ve been around Jungkook long enough to know this is probably something to do with your breaks, something about them being loose or old, one of the two. You have a short day at work today. There’s repairs being done to the office you work at, so everyone’s been spending more time working from home.
You leave work a little after two pm, head pounding from the hour long meeting you sat through, the mediocre business proposals your boss had asked you to look through and file. There’s a hefty load of emails waiting in your inbox, mostly the interns requesting you write them a recommendation letter. You’ll have to look through those later, pick out the good ones and write them each a unique piece kissing the ground they walk on.
The scent of freshly fried donuts hits your nose as you pull into your old town; the bakery down the road from Jungkook’s has their windows open. You can already taste the sweetness on the tip of your tongue, the iced coffee cooling your insides as you sit and watch Jungkook work on your car.
Jungkook’s shop is on the corner of the street, takes up a huge chunk with it’s massive garage and driveway; the office area is tiny compared to the sheer size of the actual work floor. There’s music blaring through the overhead speakers, and when you pull in you recognize it as Jimin’s playlist.
“Morning, Miss,” the country bumpkin says, leaning against your car door as you rifle through your purse. “What’re you in for?”
“Hi, Jimin,” you reply sweetly, take his hand as he helps you out the door. You very vaguely explain the noise your car had made that morning, glancing around the shop as Jimin gets to work inspecting it. “Where’s Jungkook?”
Jimin’s waving over some other employees, all greeting you in their matching red jumpsuits. “Kook’s in the office,” he tells you, and it’s almost sensual the way his hand glides over your palm for your keys. God, you needed to get laid. “Has some lady friend in there with him.”
You pause, the bustling of the crew behind you fading into the background. Something inside you snaps, and you whirl around the garage, before catching sight of a 1975 Chevy Corvette, almost unrecognizable from how you’d last seen it. It’s bright red now, a color you only briefly saw before you’d left the other night, with two, lightning bolt racing stripes decorating each side. It looks new, almost in mint condition, and the fact it’s still here has you storming through the garage.
Your heels clack loudly, the crew moving to the side as you torpedo straight into the offices. You barely remember to greet the receptionist before you’re stomping straight into the main office.
There’s no knock, no warning given, before you’re flinging the door open, seeing exactly what you’d expected. 
“___,” Jungkook stutters, jumping onto his feet from his position on the couch. He looks frantic, wide eyes flickering between you and the woman sitting in front of him, her back turned to you. But you’d recognize that silhouette anywhere.
“Did you say ___?” She says, and she’s still as tall and as beautiful as you remember her. Had it not been for the heels you wore, you don’t doubt she’d tower over you. She flashes you a killer smile, lips carefully painted red. It almost looks murderous. “My! ___, you haven’t changed a bit,” Sojin exclaims, rushing around the couch to pull you into a tight hug. You don’t return it.
You let her cling to you for a second, before pushing her away as gently as you can by the shoulders. As much as you’d like to rip her in half, tear her apart for all she did to Jungkook, you won’t. You’re older now, elegant in all the ways you weren’t before. It would be a huge disservice to your maturity if you shoved your heel up her ass right now.
“It’s lovely seeing you, Sojin,” you smile, taking her hand in yours.
Besides, being a woman in business meant you knew better, more creative ways to strike.
“And your boyfriend?” You ask, tilting your head in staged confusion. You even glance around the office, like you’ll find the geezer hiding behind the potted plant or Jungkook’s frozen figure. “The rich one with the huge company? Did he come with you today?”
Her smile tightens, red lips pursed as she gauges you with those cat eyes that haunt your nightmares every now and then. “My ex-boyfriend,” she corrects after a minute, pastes a forlorn expression onto her features. “We’ve separated, and you know how it is for women like us,” she jests. “We need a man to push us along—“
“Do we?” You ask, think back on all those years of school, of studying and working and pushing yourself, all the time you spent investing in yourself for yourself. “I don’t think so,” you contemplate. “It’s really embarrassing if you can’t care for yourself without the help of a man. Almost like you don’t trust in your own abilities, and ride other’s coattails instead.”
A beat of silence. Two completely different worlds, and Jungkook hovering awkwardly beside you.
Two palms grasp your shoulders from behind, and when you turn Jungkook is smiling at you, forced and stressed like he can’t stand to be in this uncomfortable situation any longer. “Well,” he announces, pushing you behind him as he guides Sojin towards the door. “There was an issue with her car, so I’ll just check on it real quick, okay?”
You nod, feel empty as he takes her by the wrist, and not you. He hands her her purse, palm on the small of her back as they exit the office. When the door clicks shut behind them, you throw your own handbag at the ground, barely stop yourself from stomping like a child.
Instead, you breathe in, hold it, and exhale, just like your Tuesday yoga instructor taught you. By the time you’ve collected yourself a few minutes have passed, so you kneel down to gather your fallen lipstick tubes and cellphone from the floor, scooping them back into your purse.
Tugging the door shut behind you, you mindlessly wander down the hall, until you reach the small receptionist area and nearly get jumped by Kim Taehyung. “Holy shit, you won’t believe this,” he gasps, takes you by the shoulders and nearly shakes you until your brain falls out through your ears. You would have slapped him, had this been any other man, but he’s quite possibly the only man besides Jungkook you’d let jostle you like this. “You’ll never guess who just left the office with J—wait,” he pales, suddenly connecting two and two, your exit from said offices definitely a key factor in whatever conclusion he’s drawn. “You were in the office with Hwang Sojin and you didn’t kill her?!”
You huff, let him shake you again until you’re nearly tripping in your heels. “Yes, I know,” you groan, finally slap his hands away when you begin to feel this morning’s breakfast bubbling from all the motion. “I’m surprised too.”
“Wow,” Taehyung marvels, leans back against the receptionist desk even though the poor girl has told him time and time again not to. He ignores her, something he can do as second best friend to the boss. “Remember when she showed up crying outside his mom’s house and you threw a potted plant at her? Oh how the great have fallen.”
Rolling your eyes, you drift over to the plexiglass window in the office that looks out across the entirety of the garage floor. In the corner, Jungkook’s got the hood of the Corvette open as he works away on something, Sojin tapping at her phone beside him. “Why are you here, Tae?”
He steps beside you, tuned into the same scene. “Can’t visit my ex-girlfriend every now and then?” He teases, you groan.
“We dated for three days, dude, let it go,” you whine, and watch with rapt attention as Jungkook motions for her to start the engine. She does, and it purrs to life, soft and silky just like Jungkook said it does. She squeals and claps, launches herself into his arms in thanks. You look away.
“Yuck,” Taehyung gags and you couldn’t agree more. “Can’t believe you ended the best 72 hours of my life for that pinhead and the hussy attached to his hip.”
He shrieks when you pinch his side, and you take great satisfaction in the judgemental stare half the crew sends him through the glass. After all, they weren’t soundproof. “You embarrassed me and my brand,” he huffs, crossing his arms as the two of you return to watching Jungkook and the hussy.
“He’s not a pinhead,” you softly retort, watch him wipe a bead of sweat off his forehead as he waves her off. Sojin sends him a brigade of air kisses, none of which he catches. A sick sense of glee consumes you at the sight, but then he’s turning to stare directly at you and Taehyung through the glass, and the both of you quickly whirl away.
“His ability to find you in less than a second is so weird,” Taehyung shivers, and you ignore it, taking the candy from the bowl on the receptionist desk. She doesn’t care, having heard these conversations more than enough times to get the general gist of what you and Taehyung gossip about. You’re surprised she’s never mentioned it to Jungkook before.
Regardless, you listen to Taehyung complain about his life for a few more minutes, before Jimin’s sweet voice pops into the room. His ash blonde hair is all ruffled, and there’s something dark smeared over his otherwise perfect skin as he tells you your car is fixed. Taehyung bids you goodbye, and Jimin walks you back to your car out on the garage floor.
“All set, miss,” Jimin grins, puts a hand against the car so you don’t hit your head as you go in. You thank him, and don’t miss the way he lingers by your window.
“Is something wrong?” You ask, tilt your head quizzically. Jimin’s cheeks flush, and he looks shyly at the ground.
“Actually, I was wondering if—“
“___,” Jungkook calls, jogging over beside Jimin, who looks almost ashamed to be caught doing...whatever it was he was gonna do. Jungkook glances at him, catches him in some weird staring contest before crouching down to your window. “You needed your car fixed? Why didn’t you tell me?”
You blink, don’t know how to politely tell him he was too busy kissing the ass of his toxic ex-girlfriend to help you out. “Jimin helped me,” you smile, the same practiced expression you’ve mastered since college. You usually get by, usually trick people with that look, but not with him. Jungkook knows you too well, knows that look, and knows you’re holding yourself back. “You were busy.”
His lips part in surprise, tugged downwards with the hint of a frown. “I,” he stutters, looks at Jimin, who doesn’t seem that impressed with him either. “I… I would’ve came if you called.”
You tug your sunglasses out from their little case, slide them over the bridge of your nose as you strap your seatbelt over yourself. “Would you though?” You ask, flash him another polite smile before shifting your car’s gears. Jimin walks off, clears the path for you to exit, and with just Jungkook standing there, you speak freely. “I would hate to distract you from something important.”
Some of the proposals end up being better than expected, and after carefully sifting through them, your boss asks you to sit through presentations for the next few days. Your time gets consumed in graphs and budgets. There’s a multitude of businesses you have to look into, some big and well-known, and others small and local. You drive around the city one day, visiting business after business, until your ankles hurt in your heels and your cheeks hurt from all the smiling. Your only comfort is the nice Chanel skirt suit you’re wearing that makes you feel like the most important person in the room wherever you go.
By the time the week’s over, there’s a thin cut forming on the back of your ankles from all the walking you’ve done in your heels. You slump against your front door, tossing your heels in the vague direction of the closet before padding through your house.
You nearly scream yourself sore at the figure in your kitchen, hunched over what looks to be a hastily made cake with a number three candle. “Oh my god,” you seethe, turning the overhead light on to illuminate Jungkook’s grinning figure, dirty and sweaty from work. You glance at the clock on the stove; it’s only been about an hour since his garage closed.
“Surprise!” He exclaims, and you’re not the slightest bit amused when he begins humming the happy birthday song on a day that is definitely not your birthday.
When he’s done, you don’t clap and his beaming smile doesn’t waver. “It is not my birthday,” you calmly state, placing your leather padfolio on the counter.
Jungkook blows the candle out for you. “It’s the birthday of when we first met,” he explains, and gets to cutting the cake. How he remembers such a day, you don’t know. You do know that this is his mom’s birthday cake recipe, and you love that. “Can you believe it? Friends for almost three decades.”
“Almost,” you repeat, dutifully sitting across from him and taking the plate he offers. He nods at you like a bobblehead. 
His eyes are sparkly and big, like he’s drunk, and it’s only then you notice the red wine on the table, bottle open and halfway done. You set your fork down, grasp the neck of the bottle in your hand. “Have you been drinking?” You ask, even though the answer stares you right in the face. You frown. “You hate drinking.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, shovels more cake into his mouth to delay his response. “Needed it,” he offhandedly explains, nearly eats the candle but you jump forward to snatch it off his fork before he can.
“What do you mean?” You inquire. You’re not hungry anymore, too interested in whatever’s going on in his head to make him think he needs to be drunk around you.
Jungkook gulps, reaches forward for more wine but you cradle the bottle to your chest. You nearly gasp when he levels you with a real, stony glare, the expression out of place on his face. “Cuz you’re mad,” he huffs. “At me.”
There was a time you would coddle Jungkook’s every mistake, never let him think he was at fault for anything. You’d grown out of it shortly before high school, recognizing boys were stupid no matter how much you tried to prove otherwise. Since then, you’ve watched him get into trouble time and time again—Sojin being the prime example—and only intervened when absolutely necessary. Some part of you, the half that hates seeing him upset, wants to tell him you’re not. The mature part in you, however, doesn’t let that happen.
“I am,” you agree, watch his eyes widen almost comically at your admission. You set the wine bottle back on the table, leaning your chin on your palm as you level him with the most unimpressed gaze you can. “I’m furious, actually.”
He whimpers, actually whimpers like a kicked puppy, and you can almost see the metaphorical ears pressed against his head and the tail tucked between his legs. His lips are big and pouty, stained from the wine. You’d love to know what they feel like.
Jungkook’s vulnerability lasts all of three seconds, before he’s shaking himself out of whatever emotional pit his foggy brain has him in. “Well, it’s dumb,” he spits, and it’s your turn to sit in shock. “You can’t tell me what to do.”
“Excuse me?” You ask, incredulously, because this has never happened before. Are you overprotective and sometimes overbearing? Sure. Has Jungkook ever voiced discomfort with that before? Never. “I’m not telling you what to do,” you sneer, crossing your arms over your chest.
He rolls his eyes, pushes away from the table like a moody teen. You know it’s because he’s drunk, because he’s not himself, but you have to remind yourself that he obviously felt this way somewhere in his heart to voice it to you now. “You’re not my mom.”
You choke. “I’m not!” You angrily agree, pushing away from the table as well.
Jungkook snarls, “well you sure do love acting like her.” He picks up his plate, glances over at you with a look in his eyes that can only be likened to that of a sneaky cat, and then purposefully shoves the bread and frosting down the garbage disposal in the sink. You shriek, fly around the table and shove him away.
“What is wrong with you?” You seethe, push him away rudely with a hand on his face. Jungkook stumbles back, slips on the floor and nearly cracks his head on the corner of the counter. “Oh my god,” you exclaim, abandoning the sink in favor of watching the way his face twists up at the sudden motion, stomach contracting beneath his black t-shirt, cheeks puffing. “Oh god, oh god,” you stammer, tugging him to his feet with the strength only a panicked individual about to see an entire cake regurgitated onto their kitchen tile can have.
You’ve barely kicked the door to the bathroom open when Jungkook begins throwing up, gooey vomit spewing from his mouth and onto the floor. It touches your arm, and you shriek before shoving him in the general direction of the toilet.
“Ew, ew,” you freak, shoving your hand under the sink faucet to get that gross feeling away. You wanna vomit yourself, but you tell yourself there can only be one sick person at a time, and right now it’s Jungkook.
He’s got his head in the toilet, disgusting sounds echoing off the ceramic of it. By the time you’ve calmed down and washed your arm thrice, you move over to pull his bangs away from his face, letting him hurl in peace.
“I’m sorry,” he mopes, spews another round of birthday cake into the toilet.
You look away, blindly reach out to turn the bathroom fan on. “Mhm,” you nod, rubbing a hand over his back. Jungkook nods sadly against the toilet seat.
“‘M sorry,” he repeats, gags around nothing but the gross feeling left in his throat. “I-I know you just want…” a pause as he considers throwing up some more, “...want what’s best for me.”
“I do,” you agree, wipe a hand down the side of his face that he leans into. “Not trying to be your mom,” you assure him, and he snorts.
“Be a good mom,” he murmurs, so soft you don’t hear him. You hum, leaning closer and he repeats it. “You’d be… a good mom.”
Not knowing what to do with that information, you just pat his back until he falls asleep, cheek against the toilet seat.
“Woah, the sexual tension in this garage is off the charts,” Taehyung blurts from behind you, and you smack your clipboard against his chest. “Oof,” he grunts, rubbing his chest like it actually hurt. “You doing finances for him again?” He asks and you nod.
In an ideal world, Taehyung would leave upon finding out you’re busy. In this world, he simply leans into your personal space, nearly knocking you into an empty tool cart. “Oooh, an extensive list of all the money Jungkook’s stupidly blown this month. How much did he spend on neon signs this time?”
You relent, showing him the shop’s finances. Anywhere else, revealing a business’s finances without the consent of the owner would be a federal crime. Here, it’s the equivalent of showing Taehyung Jungkook’s browser history. “He spent how much on window tint?!”
“A lot,” you say.
There’s a whistle from across the garage, the shop’s resident country bumpkin Park Jimin standing at the huge garage doors with his hand on his hip. “No fraternizing, please.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “Boooo,” he shouts, peels himself away from you to flick an impolite finger Jimin’s way. “He’s just jealous,” he tells you, and you frown.
“Of what?” You ask, and Taehyung nearly loses his shit.
“My precious ___,” he sighs, leans his forehead on your shoulder. “So beautiful and smart, yet so slow.” You flick the side of his forehead just as Jungkook strolls by and, seeing your attack, slaps the back of Taehyung’s neck. “Why do you guys hate me!” Taehyung exclaims, jumping at least five feet away from you and Jungkook’s giggling forms.
“How’s it going?” Jungkook asks you, completely ignoring Taehyung’s soulful cries as he glances over your shoulder at the clipboard. You tilt it his way, but he stands close anyway, until you can feel his breath huffing against the back of your neck.
“Okay, but you’re spending a lot of money stockpiling on things that haven’t shown signs of running out yet,” you explain, pointing at the window tint that had astonished Taehyung only a moment ago.
Jungkook grimaces, pink tongue swiping across his lip as he looks at the total amount he’s spent the last three months. “Well, it’s a good thing I have my accountant,” he grins, throwing an arm over your shoulder.
“Not your accountant,” you correct, “just a friend who doesn’t wanna see you run your business to the ground from overspending.”
Jungkook waves you off, and Taehyung tries to sneak into the receptionist office behind you, but Jungkook catches him with his free hand. “This is the life,” he sighs, wistfully gazing over the garage floor. It reeks of motor oil and car paint.
“Count me out,” Taehyung snorts, voicing your disinterest toward such greasy and smelly work. He tries to wiggle out of Jungkook’s hold, but the muscle bunny only straps an arm around his neck, until Taehyung’s squirming and clawing for air against the red sleeve of his jumpsuit.
“My own successful business, a shitload of sexy cars, and of course,” he pauses, squeezes the two of you tighter until you’re both groaning. “My two best friends.” The sap has the gall to peck the top of your heads, and that seems to be the final straw for Taehyung who rips himself away.
“Have this lovefest somewhere else, man,” Taehyung says, flattening his rumpled clothing down. “You’re really putting a nail in my reputation around here.”
Jungkook cackles, mindlessly goes to wrap himself around you from behind. “Your reputation has been trash since that scream you let out the other day,” he informs him, swaying the two of you back and forth. Your heart thunders in your chest, and you just barely manage to avoid Taehyung’s pointed stare.
“Whatever, I’m outta here.” With Taehyung peaced out, you’re left in Jungkook’s arms, gazing over his business like two old lovers. It makes your chest tight, so you quickly go to shake him off.
“We’re okay?” Jungkook murmurs, so soft you almost don’t hear. He’s got his hand wrapped around your wrist, thumb massaging over the bone there like he’s afraid you’ll bolt the second he lets you go.
You nod, tuck the clipboard to your side. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
Those sad puppy eyes, pouty lips turned southward. You want to wipe that look off his face. He sighs, glances at where your skin meets and gives it a squeeze. “I’ve been an ass lately,” he settles on saying. “Said some mean things and ruined your bathroom rug—I’m sorry.”
You don’t know what to say.
Jungkook takes your silence as understanding, reaching down to hold both your hands in his slightly dirty ones. “It won’t happen again. I’d rather lose a million friends than lose you,” he confesses, and something about it feels too real, too raw. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You nod, the constricting feeling in your throat only tightening when he smiles at you, those gentle eyes and plush lips for only you to see. You want to kiss him, swallow him whole. Right here on the garage floor so everyone knows he’s yours.
But you can’t because he’s not.
You settle on swinging your arms between you. “Just don’t do anything stupid,” you warn him, narrowing your eyes playfully. There’s a heavy feeling in your heart, something akin to anguish, but you could never voice it out loud.
“I won’t,” Jungkook promises.
Jungkook visits again on a weekday, and you nearly send him straight home when he brandishes another bottle of wine in your face. “It’s nonalcoholic!” He exclaims before you can shut the door on him, foot lodged against the frame. You give in.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” You ask, curling up on the couch in just your shorts and huge t-shirt. Jungkook pops the bottle open, pouring the wine into two limited edition Shrek 2 cups you pulled out from the depths of your cabinet.
“Can’t hang with my bestie?” He throws back at you, snatching the remote from your hands before you can click on another episode of that dumb housewives show. You end up watching National Geographic, some documentary about the role of bioluminescent shrimp in the sea.
“Aw look, they’re kissing,” he cooes at a pair of seahorses that wander across the screen halfway through a shot of some school of shrimp. “How romantic.”
“Wonder what that’s like,” you comment, not thinking too much on the meaning behind your words until you can feel Jungkook’s stare pierce your cranium. “What?”
“You’ve never been kissed?” He blurts, and you choke on your wine.
“You were my first kiss,” you remind him, flush at the memory of the two of you sitting criss-cross applesauce on his bed, knees knocking in what was probably the worst first kiss in the history of first kisses.
Jungkook blinks. “Oh yeah,” he laughs. “With the Tony Hawk poster behind my bed, right?”
“The one and only.”
Jungkook hums, and the two of you melt back into the silence. Nice aquatic sounds fill the room, the camera panning over more colorful fish that Jungkook oohs at appreciatively. You don’t really pay attention, more interested in the way the wine swirls in your cup and the way you can feel Jungkook’s thigh pressed against your knee, like when you were thirteen and trying something new.
You know it doesn’t mean a lot to him. Just another silly childhood memory of you. Not like you have hundreds, thousands of them with each other. By the way he’d blurted the question, you doubt he even remembered it most days. But you did.
It plagued your mind all the time, the soft feel of his mouth and the trembling hand that had held yours. You wonder if he kisses the same still, lips gently puckered. He’s had years to learn, half a decade to get creative with Sojin, and the past four years of being a bachelor to explore more.
You’ve kissed too, plenty of guys who had no meaning and ones you thought would replace him. But it’d been a long time since you’ve let anyone into your bed, more content to please yourself without the overbearing weight of feelings and emotions to wrap around your throat.
Jungkook coughs, and you shake yourself from your thoughts.
He’s looking at you inquisitively, like he can’t get his usual read on you and would rather just ask what’s wrong. “You don’t,” a pause, “hang out with guys?”
It’s devastatingly cute, the way he asks if you’re fucking, and you want to pinch his cheeks. Instead you shake your head, try to hide the grin on your face from his inquisitive expression. “Just you and Taehyung,” you admit.
Jungkook nods. “Do you and Tae…?”
You shake your head furiously. “No! God no, we don’t do anything like that,” you clarify, the thought of Taehyung in your bed enough to make you want to gag.
Jungkook says nothing, just turns back to the documentary to watch more Nemos and Dorys flit across the screen. You polish off your cup of wine, leaning forward to settle it back on the coffee table. As you settle back into the couch cushions, Jungkook speaks again. “So you take care of yourself?”
You freeze.
“Yeah,” you admit after one complete meltdown in your head. Where was this coming from? Why did he want to know? You and Jungkook were close, but you never did this. You never divulged the details of your sex life, never bragged about who you slept with or how many there were. What was going on?
Jungkook doesn’t say anything after that, just turns his attention back to the tv screen, where you’re almost certain the sea horses from before are fucking. Not that you know what it looks like, but you hope at least someone in this room was enjoying themselves and not drowning in the mortification of having their life long crush ask them if they masturbate.
“So, do you use your hands or a toy?”
You choke, slap your chest to ease the pounding of your heart at Jungkook asking such a question. “E-Excuse me?” You ask, scandalized that Jungkook, your sweet and caring childhood friend turned Fabio, could ask you such a bold question about your personal affairs.
“What?” Jungkook says, like he truly doesn’t see the inappropriateness of the situation. He even raises his eyebrows at you, as if urging you to answer the question.
You sigh, fight the flush of your cheeks and stare idly at the cups on the table. “A toy. Hands don’t feel good,” you curtly reply, crossing your arms over your chest and straightening your legs off the couch, hoping that’s the end of his curiosity. This was enough to fuel your 3am anxiety meltdowns for the next five years.
Jungkook nods, and you can feel his penetrating gaze on the side of your face again. A great white shark swims across the screen. Jungkook strikes. “My hands feel good.”
“Jungkook!” You exclaim in horror (and excitement, but you’ll pretend it wasn’t there). “What has gotten into you?”
“What!” Jungkook defends, Bambi eyes looking at you like you’re the unreasonable one here. “We’re having a civil conversation in which I’m trying to open up your worldview.”
You’re flabbergasted. “This is not a civil conversation, what are you even talking about?” You scold, tug your arms around yourself like it’ll actually protect you from the words that don’t seem to be filtering out of his mouth properly. “Why are you so concerned about that?” You interrogate, hope your forceful tone will scare him away.
It doesn’t. Jungkook shrugs, some noncommittal i dont know sound. “I can’t be interested in what you get up to? What my best friend gets up to?” It’s the obvious emphasis on best friend that makes you step down.
“No,” you sigh, rub a hand down your face. “You can be interested,” you tell him gingerly. “We just never really… talked about... those kinds of things,” you rush out, turn away from him as the narrator on screen dives into the intricacies of bioluminescent shrimp in the animal food chain.
As if sensing your discomfort, Jungkook softens, scooting closer to you. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, too close and too warm. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he says, places a palm on your knee.
“I’m not!” You rush to assure him, facing him head on again. His eyes are big and implorative still, and you wonder why he became stuck on that of all things today. “It just surprised me.”
His lips quirk to the side, an unsure grin that has you leaning into his shoulder. You sit in silence, the rise and fall of his body with every breath lulling you into a sense of comfort.
A false one that Jungkook zeroes in on.
The documentary’s wrapping up, soothing ocean sounds and wind instruments playing as the credits roll across the screen, when the hand that had been laying so comfortably on your thigh inches up. At first, you don’t notice it, writing it off as Jungkook just shifting around. You tell yourself it’s just that, until his pinky makes contact with the end of your shorts.
Slowly, you turn towards him, catch his mocha irises lustfully lidded as he toys with the hem. “Kook?” You murmur, so soft, barely there.
“Hm?” He replies, continuing to play with the edge of your shorts, until he gets brave and his fingers slip beneath, index finger just barely grazing the panties underneath. You gasp. “This okay?”
Stuck between your arousal and your common sense, you flounder for a response. He’s so close, and smells so good, curls brushing against your temple the closer he gets. You want him so bad, want him to find his place between your thighs and put those pouty lips to use. But you know it’ll make things different, change whatever it is you’ve had for the past almost thirty years, and you’ll never bounce back. Another brush against your panties, pointer finger wiggling it’s way beneath the fabric, and you’re choking out a “yes.”
“Good girl,” he murmurs, and something in your core tingles at the name, thighs clenching together. “Uh uh,” he chides, nudges them open. “Stay still for me,” he commands, and you do, for all of ten seconds, but then he’s pressing his finger on your clit, panties and shorts muting the sensation. Still, it makes you squirm, fingers clutching the couch cushion beneath you as you struggle to keep them open. “Too much?” He asks, and you shake your head no.
“I-It’s fine,” you whisper, and Jungkook smiles.
He pets you, almost wondrously, for a few beats, watches the way the muscles in your thighs twitch with every press against your mound. Eventually, he decides it’s enough. “Hands don’t feel good for you?” He inquires, your words from earlier obviously having left their mark on him. Slowly, you shake your head. He glances down at the fist you have on the couch, composed features sliding up your face. “Well, yours are so small, princess. Of course they don’t feel good.”
He manhandles you around, tugs you onto the couch until you’re laying down, legs sprawled on either side of him. Pleased with the arrangement, Jungkook glances back down to your bottoms. “These have to go,” he tells you, hooks his fingers in the waistband and abruptly yanks down, leaving you just in your t-shirt.
You go to shy away, but Jungkook stops you, palms resting on the insides of your thighs, thumbs pressing into the skin soothingly. “My fingers are long, see?” He says, raising a hand to wiggle his fingers at you. You nod, heartbeat thundering in your ears. “They’ll feel nice inside.”
You know they will.
You can tell he knows his way around a woman’s body just from the way his hands glide over yours, carefully like he’s mapping you out. Ever so slowly, one hand grows closer, until his thumb is gently circling your clit, and you inhale sharply.
“So wet,” Jungkook hums, his other hand traveling further down, until he’s spreading your pussy lips with two fingers, trailing them through the arousal that gathers there.
You’ve never been so attentively cared for, never had a man zero in on your cunt like it was his first meal in ages. Jungkook’s eyes are clouded with lust, tongue peeking out from between his lips as he watches your pussy lips flutter at his touch.
He swirls his hand over your clit, pressing down. The first sound escapes you, a soft whimper that has you clamping your hand over your mouth in embarrassment. Jungkook grins down at you, shifts closer to press a kiss to the knuckles over your mouth.“Don’t hide from me,” he purrs, pulling away and pressing a kiss to your neck.
You cry out when he gets back to it, massaging your pussy with gentle hands and a thumb against your clit to placate you. “Jungkook,” you choke out, and he beams at his name, takes it as a sign to finally slip two fingers inside. “A-ah,” you whine, arching beneath him.
He basks in your noises, leans close again to press a kiss beneath your ear, against your jaw. “This okay?” He murmurs, curling the fingers inside of you. You mewl, throwing your arms around him as he begins working you open. “How does it feel, baby?”
“G-good,” you pant, turn your head until you can bury your nose in his hair, drown even more in his all-consuming aura.
Another kiss to your neck, before he’s suctioning his lips right below your ear, nipping and sucking at the skin to brand you his. “You like my hands?” He husks, and the patch of saliva he leaves on your neck feels cold without his mouth there. You nod, and Jungkook rewards you with a soft smooch over the hickey he’s left.
His fingers inside you curl and scissor, brush against every inch of your walls until you’re quivering beneath him, gasping his name out. You could melt if his fingers weren’t holding you together. “So tight,” he groans, curling his fingers. The movement touches upon something sensitive within you, and you moan his name loudly.
“O-Oh,” you pant, wiggling beneath him as you try to feel that again. Jungkook lets you, watches you desperately rut into his hands. He drifts away, lets his tongue mouth over your breasts, licking until there’s a damp spot on your t-shirt, the flimsy house bra you’d worn and the t-shirt combined not enough to hide your pebbled nipples.
The drag of his hands against your pussy isn’t enough, the motions not quick enough. Jungkook glances at your twisted features, your quivering pussy, and then, ever so gently, ducks over you, puckered lips letting one, long glob of saliva touch down on your pussy, trickling around his knuckles.
“Fuck,” you choke, watch his tongue swipe over his lip to break the thin bridge that connects you too. Suddenly, everything is smoother, the combined lubrication of your arousal and his spit making the glide of his fingers sinfully slick.
Frantic for release, you lose yourself in him, ready to free fall into your pleasure so long as Jungkook is there to catch you. “That’s it,” he encourages, picks up the pace of his fingers inside you. “Come on, beautiful, let me see that gorgeous face of yours when you come.”
“K-Kook,” you sob, and he smiles against your neck. His fingers work fast, until your muscles are all pulled tight, waiting for that final push to unravel. You make the mistake of glancing down, only to be caught by that pearly smile and adoring gaze. You’re in heaven, you know you are.
There’s no other explanation for this—the way Jungkook holds you like you’re his, hands so gently caressing your most intimate parts. You’re almost convinced you’re having a fever dream, a sick, too realistic dream, but then Jungkook’s biting down on your shoulder through your t-shirt, subtly rutting against your thigh.
“Cum for me,” he purrs against your neck, and you do, sobbing as your orgasm rolls over you, the heavy weight of his cock against your thigh. “Jungkook,” you cry, so pitifully, it has him lunging forward, a kiss pressed to the corner of your mouth.
You feel sweaty and gross, unbelievably tired from the gentle way he opened you up. Blindly, you reach down, feel the hardness of his cock beneath his sweatpants, but Jungkook nudges you away. You huff. “Let me,” you whimper, reach for him again even though you can see the slowness in your movement. “Need your cock in my mouth,” you drawl, almost sleepily. 
“Shh,” he soothes, lips pressed against your neck, where he’s still licking and sucking over every inch of you. You whine. “You don’t have to do a thing, gorgeous,” he assures you, “just wanted to make you feel good.”
Work gets stressful shortly after. There’s a new batch of interns coming in this season, new faces who will mess up your coffee orders and jam the printers for a good few weeks. There’s normally a team of employees who train them, a mix of relatively older people from different departments who show them around; a girl in the finance department, the one who usually trains them, is on maternity leave. With no one else to fall back on, the head of the department pushes the duties off on you, claiming your flexibility and work ethic make you the perfect candidate for such a role.
Normally you’d thrive at the praise, eat up every single word like it sustained you. In a way, it did. It was nice to be appreciated and recognized for your hard work, to be thought of so highly, especially in a male-dominated company. However, this time, you know it’s out of convenience that the head kisses up to you, and you end up begrudgingly taking the role.
The gaps in your schedule you’d normally spend relaxing or catching up on other projects are filled with bumbling interns, calling for help every chance they get. It’s like they’ve never done anything on their own, this group, always asking you the correct way to do this, the right way to do that. You haven’t mentored interns in a while, so you spend the first day breezing over old powerpoints and print outs you made years ago. You remember why you’re not fit for mentoring when one of them asks you how to navigate Excel. You nearly rip their head off.
There’s so much going on, you barely get time to see Jungkook, let alone text him. You saw him once the morning after, stack of pancakes on your kitchen table as he rushed you off to work. The shop didn’t open for another hour. He was sweet, kissed your forehead as you left, but he’s always done that. You didn’t have time to talk about whatever the night before was, or what that made the two of you now.
On Friday night, one week into your nightmarish role, you pull into the shop. You'd like to convince yourself it was routine, visiting the shop, but that’s a lie. You desperately miss Jungkook. 
 Most of the garage doors that are usually pulled open during the day are shut, save for one. The last of Jungkook’s employees are leaving, bidding you adieu as you step out of your car. Park Jimin is there, repairing some rickety car in the back corner.
“Boo,” you call playfully, and Jimin doesn’t flinch, merely pulls his head from out of the hood to flash you an easygoing smile.
He whistles at the sight of you. “You look like you’ve been through one of helluva week,” he says, and you, despite your strong personality, feel yourself blush at his comment. Jeez, did you look that bad? Jimin doesn’t elaborate, just pulls out a stool for you to sit on beside where he’s working. “Penny for your thoughts?”
You glance at the plexiglass, the offices hiding down the hall. Jungkook could wait, you presume, settling down beside him. Your skirt tugs up as you settle onto the pleather seat, so you cover your legs meekly with your purse. “Work’s been crazy,” you explain, and Jimin laughs at the obvious.
“You’re telling me,” He hums, and you roll your eyes playfully. “What’s going on at work?”
What hasn’t been going on, you think to yourself, before launching into a full retelling of your new horrendous position, of all the interns with their clueless eyes and useless notebooks. Jimin chuckles, indulges you in a few comments here and there that only fuel you on. He’s just about done with whatever he’s doing to the car at the same time your story wraps up, explaining how you found yourself here, desperate for Jungkook to whisk you off to that arcade you loved as kids. “Jungkook?” He asks, and you nod. “He left a while ago.”
You freeze. “Huh?” You say, dumbly. You almost want to laugh at your own impulsiveness, for showing up without sending him a text or a warning to let him know you were coming. You almost do laugh, but then you remember you and Jungkook never did that anyway. Hell, he showed up at your house a few weeks ago unannounced and drunk. The two of you were hardly the type to plan ahead, so it was weird for him to not be here. He’s been at the shop almost every night since it’s opened, the days he’s not usually a holiday.
“Jimin…” you begin, glancing at the receptionist window once more. “Where’s Jungkook?”
Jimin shuts his tool box, kicking a cart off to the side. “He left with that lady,” he tells you, doesn’t hear the way your heart rips straight out of your chest. No way. “Tall, pretty. Had that nice Corvette he fixed up a while ago.”
“Sojin,” you mumble, and Jimin nods.
“Think that was her name.” As if sensing your tumultuous thoughts, he steps closer, one hand reaching out to steady you. “You alright?”
“God,” you exhale, pushing yourself away from Jimin and the garage and the window. The stool rolls away, almost hits the side of another car but Jimin catches it. He rushes over towards you, watching you wobble in your heels.
“Honey,” Jimin says, steady and warm beside you. “Sit down for me, yeah?” He guides you to a row of seats against the wall, nailed into the floor so you can’t push them away and make even more of a mess. Not that that’s your concern, your mind and heart too preoccupied with thoughts of Jungkook lying to you, going out with that woman again, despite your obvious hatred for her and his promise to you.
Jimin disappears, rushes over to the other side of the garage before returning with a water bottle for you. He cracks it open, presses it into your hands, and then against your lips when you don’t move. “Drink,” he encourages, watching you with worried eyes that only grow more and more concerned the deeper you fall into your thoughts.
You want to cry and beat Jungkook up at the same time. You want to scream at him for lying to you after treating you so nicely, holding you so warmly. Instead, you gasp for breath, clutching your face in your hands like it’s the only thing that grounds you.
There’s a beep outside, chirpy and cute in the way only older models are, and you whip your head up, the headlights of the Corvette painting you in shades of yellow as it rolls to a stop, the tears you hadn’t felt glistening under the light.
Jungkook flings himself out of the driver’s seat, and a sob catches in your throat when Sojin steps out of the passenger seat. Jungkook shoves everything in his path to the side, carts flying into the few automobiles on the floor, tools clanging loudly onto the cement, and just as those arms you love so much are reaching out for you, there’s a hand on his chest stopping him.
“What did you do to her?” Jungkook snarls, pushing Jimin roughly to the side. Jimin, smaller but not weaker, holds his ground, clutching Jungkook by the material of his jumpsuit a second time. “Let— go!” Jungkook shouts, finally worming away from his employee.
He nearly trips before you, stumbling to his knees as he takes your quivering hands in his. “What’s wrong,” he asks, throwing a nasty glare back at Jimin who watches silently from the side. Sojin is still by her car, leaning across the driver’s side now. “What did he do, what did he say?”
You shake your head, dropping your head to tuck your chin against your chest. You hate this. Hate letting him or Jimin or Sojin see you cry. It’s not the person you are, not the self-made woman you claim to be as you cry over the same man who is unknowingly defending you from himself.
“Let go,” you whisper, hoarse and choked. You shake your arms, but he doesn’t let up.
“Tell me what's wrong,” Jungkook pleads, inching closer to you. His breath is warm and he smells like oil, just like he always does. He also smells sweet and floral in a way only a woman could. He smells like Sojin.
You sob, rip your hands away from and scurry blindly towards Jimin, who catches you in his arms despite the shock that paints his face.
Jungkook watches with an expression of hurt, watches you snuggle into the arms of another man over an issue you won’t tell him about. Jimin says nothing, just rubs his palm over your back. He gestures towards the red corvette, the woman standing by it and Jungkook takes the hint.
You hear the kitten-like purr as it pulls off, the silence that follows afterwards. You don’t know where Jungkook is, if he’s here or if he left with her, and you don’t want to. “Tell me he’s gone,” you beg Jimin, quiet gasps against his neck.
He nods, slowly lets you untangle yourself from his arms as the two of you stare over the empty garage. The Corvette is gone, and so is Jungkook. Before Jimin can tell you where he is, you’re wiping a hand over your face, embarrassed at the moisture it comes back with. 
“I take it he’s not supposed to be with her?” Jimin tries to joke. 
Neither of you laugh. 
You sniffle, process what just happened, how you acted. You’ve never felt that way before, never experienced such brutal heartbreak. 
You don’t know what you expected from Jungkook. In your heart, you convinced yourself what happened in your apartment was the start of something new between the two of you, a natural result of your long friendship. Realistically, you know you should’ve waited until the two of you spoke, discussed whatever happens next. But you’d spent the past week comforted by the fact you’d finally gotten to experience something like that with him, daydreaming about him every chance you got. 
Somewhere in your mind, you had convinced yourself your involvement with him would finally be what broke his connection with Sojin, the final nail that would make him forget about her. It’s painfully funny how such wasn’t the case. 
Jimin breaks you out of your thoughts. “You okay to drive home?” He gently inquires, and you turn your gaze over toward your car. 
Did you trust yourself to make it home without shedding a single tear? Absolutely not. But between Sojin and Jimin, you had let enough strangers see you fall apart over a man tonight. 
“Perfectly okay,” you tell him. 
The interns pick up on your sour attitude the week that follows. They don’t ask dumb questions, and don’t mess up your order. You talk them through a presentation, show them how to properly organize finance charts. There’s a slide that has clip art, a goofy dollar sign with a smile and shoes. Jungkook put it there when you first made the PowerPoint. After the little lesson, you go to the bathroom and try not to cry.
A week later, and the interns don’t need you anymore. They do well, and your boss praises you for being such a good mentor. You thank him and he lets you go home early.
Home is empty. Jungkook doesn’t show up unannounced, mostly because you’ve changed the number lock on the door. You want to eat salad today, for some reason, but don’t have any of the ingredients for it, so you walk to the supermarket a few blocks away.
The supermarket feels the same as it always does at night. That ghostly feeling of being watched in an empty aisle, the scratchy tune of whatever Top 50 radio station they settled on today. You get there and decide you don’t want salad anymore, so you buy ingredients for a stew instead, all of which you probably had at home.
When you step outside, the air around your bare thighs is cold. Summer was ending, which meant Jungkook’s birthday was coming up. You ball the receipt in your hand and fling it at the trash. You miss, so you hobble over to pick it up.
The trash is beside a red Corvette with two racing stripes.
“Hey,” Sojin says, arms crossed over her chest as she walks up behind you, sizing up your crouched form beside her car. “What’re you doing to my car?”
You breathe in, shake the crumpled up receipt at her, before stuffing it in the garbage. She says nothing as you stalk by her, and you’re back on the main road when she pulls up next to you, window rolled down to speak to you. “Get in,” she gestures, “it’s gonna rain.”
“No,” you say, and a fat raindrop falls right on your nose.
The door unlocks and you climb in, plastic bags crowded by your feet.
The drive is silent. You only live a few minutes from the store, and you point out an empty spot by the sidewalk for her to pull up to. A dry thanks is on the tip of your tongue, but you never get to say it.
“My dad has cancer,” Sojin says.
“That sucks,” you respond, feel bad right away and say, “I’m sorry.”
Sojin doesn’t seem bothered by it, shifting the Corvette out of drive and cutting the engine. “He’s probably not gonna see Christmas,” she adds, and you don’t know what to say. You don’t care about her or her crazy father.  “I wanted to do something nice for him before he, y’know.”
“Died,” you fill, and at that she glares.
“Yeah,” she huffs. “Before he died. So I fixed up his car. But the place I took it to didn’t know how to fix an engine so old, and ended up fucking it up even more.” You nod, she continues. “Then I bumped into Jungkook and—“
“Took advantage of his kindness,” you finish, remembering the twinkle in his eyes when he’d told you about their encounter, that day in the empty garage that seemed lightyears away. “Well congrats. Hope your dad liked it,” you sigh, push open the door and get soaked to the bone immediately.
“Wait!” Sojin calls, hopping out after you. She’s still as beautiful as she was when you were seventeen, even with rain soaking her entire being. “I didn’t ask him to repaint it, but that’s what my dad loved the most.”
You want to go inside, make your stew, and cry in it.
Sojin doesn’t seem bothered by the bangs that stick to her forehead or the water that washes down her spine. “When I told him Jungkook did it… he wanted to see him. Apologize and stuff.”
You snort. “Apologize,” you repeat, tightening your grip on your shoppings bags. “For what, Sojin? For almost killing him with this car or for treating him like shit for five years?” She says nothing, stares at the hood of the car like she doesn’t know what you’re talking about. “He was crazy for you, you know that? He would have done anything for you and not once did you stand up to your dad for him. You let that man call him worthless, stupid, a waste of space. And for what? For you to break up with him for some rich asshole who would never treat you half as good as Jungkook did?” You sneer.
The rain feels cold and your groceries feel heavier, so you whirl on your heel and make for your building entrance.
“He never liked me,” Sojin calls out, and you wonder if she even heard the second half of your emotional outburst. You turn to face her with fire in your eyes, and are only a little surprised at the sadness that paints hers. “He never liked me the way he said he did.” You could knock her teeth out.
“You’re stupid,” you spit, and she rounds the car at an insane speed until she’s glaring down at you over her perfectly sculpted nose.
“He never liked me,” Sojin repeats angrily. “He was always busy looking at you—for approval, for attention, I don’t fucking know. He would hold me and touch me but it never felt real. It always felt like practice for him…” she sniffles and your breath hitches in your throat. “We dated all through college,” she says like you don’t know, like you didn’t stress about it for years. “Everyday closer to graduation felt like a ticking bomb. Like he was just waiting for you to come back. To come home.”
You remember it.
The excited texts he’d send you everyday, the plans he made for you. Jungkook was more excited than your parents about you coming home. The five hours had done a number on him, and after four years all he wanted was to have you close again. You remember the hug in his driveway, the way his mom had told you he’d waited all day for you. It’s weird hearing it from Sojin.
Too overwhelmed, you decide to deflect. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you murmur, and you’re surprised she hears it over the pouring rain.
A loud scoff. “You’re stupid,” she repeats back, jabbing a finger at your chest. You glare, and so does she. Like two animals in a cage you size each other up. “You’re stupid and ugly and I hate you,” she spits, and you drop your shopping bags to lunge at her.
You don’t swing, just grab her by the shirt and move to slam her against the wall, but she’s tall and a little strong, bony fingers wrapping around your wrists like spiders. “Why can’t you see how much he likes you?” She screams, like it hurts to admit it. “He’s been in love with you since forever, and all you’ve ever done is run away!”
“I never—“ you gasp, pushing her away from you. Sojin stumbles, but she doesn’t fall. “I’ve never run away,” you defend, heart beating in your chest too fast to be normal. “Some of us have careers and lives we want to live—I don’t want to depend on a man for the rest of my life!”
She growls, tugs at her wet hair like you’re giving her a headache. Stomping up to you once more, she pushes you hard with both hands, and you barely catch yourself in time. “He would have followed you to that fucking fancy school, but you told him it was better to save money here! Told him to not waste his time and just settle there! You did this to us—to all of us!”
You choke. Lightning flashes behind her, and for a moment all you can see is your gentle prodding, sitting behind him as he filled out applications, big wannabe business brain telling him the easiest way to save money for his auto shop was by going straight into technical school. The small frown on his face that day you’d packed for college, and the way he’d stood in your parent’s driveway until you couldn’t see him anymore, a little spec in your rearview mirror.
Sojin, sensing she’s made her point, says nothing. She scoops up your fallen grocery bags and shoves them into your trembling hands, stomping back to her car and pulling off with a roar, loud and ferocious, and nothing like a kitten.
The groceries in your bag end up in the trash.
Taehyung invites you to lunch one day, and you go. You’re starving and desperate to get away from work, where you’re paranoid everyone knows there’s something wrong with you. You meet up at a cute little bistro, and he smiles and hugs you when you arrive. You sit in comfort for all of two seconds before he jumps into his interrogation.
“What’s going on with you and Kook?” He asks, casually flipping through the menu. Your hand stills around your glass of water, and you eventually set it down without ever taking a drink. Your mind instinctively maps out a lie, but Taehyung has known you a while now, knows the quirk of your lips when you’re about to lie your ass off. “Don’t lie to me. I haven’t seen you at the shop in almost a month. And he doesn’t go out,” he mentions. “I think he spent four nights at the shop before I made him go home.”
You deflate.
Too embarrassed to explain, you flip through your own menu, and when the waitress comes you order the first words your eyes focus on. Taehyung doesn’t push you, just patiently gazes out over the bustling street.
Finally, you break. “We… did a thing.”
“Uh huh,” he nods, reading some ad on the side of a bus that passes by. “Need you to elaborate, babe.”
You squirm. “We… fooled around,” you say for lack of more appropriate wording. There’s a family sitting beside you, and you’d rather die than let some nooby pre-teen listen to the details of yours and Jungkook’s night.
“You fucked?” You choke, make a loud sputtering noise like it’ll drown out Taehyung’s voice to the other patrons. “What’s wrong with that? We all knew it’d happen sooner or later,” he shrugs.
“No,” you seethe. “We didn—I didn’t.” Taehyung rolls his eyes, the same way Sojin did that day on the sidewalk. You almost throw your glass of water at him. “We…” you sigh. “We did a thing, and then the week after he went out with Sojin.”
Taehyung scowls at the mere mention of her, so the glass of water is returned to its coaster. “Really? He went out with her right away? He’s cancelled.”
You nod, rubbing your hands over your face. “He… her dad has cancer and is literally on his deathbed so she wanted to fix up his car for memories sake, which he loved, so he wanted to apologize to Kook and thank him for fixing up his car,” you rush out, and now Taehyung chokes, water spewing out of his nose. You shriek, drawing everyone’s attention as you pat down your soaked blouse. “Tae!”
“I’m sorry,” he cries, wiping at the sting in his nose. “He-she, what?!” You ignore him, focus on battling the damp spot on your blazer. “God, that’s crazy,” Taehyung snorts, winces at the feeling in his nose.
After the two of you have settled, the manager kicks you out for your inappropriate conversations and childish behavior. You leave with your tails tucked between your legs. Taehyung holds your hand as he walks you back to your workplace, you quietly fill him in on all the other details surrounding yours and Jungkook’s fallout, from your breakdown in the garage to your weirdly dramatic confrontation with Sojin. “Well,” he claps, slamming a hand down on the traffic light button, even though both of you know it doesn’t work. “That explains a lot of things.”
“Yeah,” you agree, pushing down the crosswalk when the light finally changes of its own accord. “Do you,” you pause, feet glued to the sidewalk. “Do you think she was right?”
Taehyung glances back at you, so small and unsure in the midst of a bustling crowd. He smiles, sweet and soft. Rare coming from him. His free hand ruffles the top of your head, and he brings you into his chest. “Babe, the hottest guy in your grade was intimidated by scrawny, pre-muscle bunny Jungkook. I’m pretty sure he feels some type of way towards you.”
Your lip wobbles dangerously, and you bite down on it to stop. Taehyung pats your head, barks at some old guy when he yells at the two of you for standing in the middle of the sidewalk.
When you’re outside your office, you speak again. “You were not the hottest guy in our grade, by the way.”
Taehyung snorts. “I totally was.”
You hideout for the rest of the week.
On Friday night, you finally have the balls to show yourself again, and you hop on the highway leading out of the city before you can overthink it. The buildings slowly melt away, replaced with cozier homes, tinier shops, and by the time you’re pulling up the street, you’re deep in doubt again.
It’s not that late yet, only a little past sunset, but the garage doors, usually open to the street, are all shut. You frown, pull around the block, reverse into a spot across the street. Locking your car, a gust of wind nearly trips you as you cross the street. The front office is dark, metal shutters pulled over the entrance.
Eventually, you stumble around until you find the tiny backdoor squeezed beside some dumpsters, grateful for the key Jungkook had given you so long ago.
Just as Taehyung predicted, a pair of red jumpsuit clad feet stick out from beneath a car. A nice car, an even older Corvette than Sojin’s dad’s, still shiny despite the model it is. It looks like a show car with the way it glints at you, black paint almost glossy. The only light in the entire garage is a lamp, positioned over the area where the legs are working, and a flashlight that occasionally beams at you when the holder loses his grip. No music today, just the hum of a rotating fan. You creep over.
Jungkook’s humming a song when you get to him, foot tapping idly on the ground. You suck in a deep breath and nudge his foot with the tip of your heel. You have exactly two seconds to jump away when he abruptly rolls out from beneath the car, concentrated features scanning quickly around until they land on you.
The garage is still, until Jungkook jumps into action. “___,” he stammers, stumbling to his feet. The rolling board drifts away, bumping into the corner of the metal table beside you. “Hi, um,” he flounders, brushing his fingers through his hair, palms wiping over the front of his pants. Finally, “hi.”
The bad bitch Chanel skirt-suit you’d worn today fails you for the first time in a long time. Your hands feel sweaty, so you clutch them behind your back. “Hi, Jungkook,” you exhale, and all the emotions you’d swallowed for so long, the feelings that tightened around your chest and throat like boa constrictors, come oozing out, until all you can see is his puckered mouth and twinkling gaze.
He coughs, tries to casually lean against the car, but greatly miscalculates the distance. “What, um, what brings you here?” He asks, foot tapping nervously against the ground.
There’s a box of takeout on the floor he tries to subtly kick beneath the car, and a plastic bottle of soda that makes a loud noise when he tries that too. You twist your lips, watching the anxious shuffling of his feet. You breeze over his question, plaster a tight smile into your face, and ask your own question; “how long have you been here?” Tentatively, you lower yourself onto a rolling stool. “It’s late,” you state the obvious.
Jungkook’s leg bounces, and he pats his hand over it nervously. “Um, an hour? Just working on something,” he answers, cheeks warm as his eyes flicker everywhere but you. “What brings you here?” He repeats, and you know you can’t deflect it this time.
Shrugging half heartedly, you wait for him to finally look at you. When he does, he almost looks away but the glint in your eye stops him from doing so. “We need to talk,” you finally say. Jungkook visibly deflates, lips pulling into a thin line. You contemplate letting him relieve his thoughts first, but you came here with a point to make, for questions that needed answering, and you’re scared one word from him will wash them all away.
“Listen,” you start, smoothing your hand over the edge of your skirt. “I know something weird happened between us, and then I kinda freaked out on you, but… I need you to tell me the truth.”
Jungkook doesn’t hesitate. “Always.”
You swallow, try to push back the frustration that builds in his throat. “Did you ever even like Sojin?”
Jungkook blinks. “Huh?” A snort. “You’re joking,” he snickers, wipes at faux tears in the corner of his eyes, before your unsmiling face registers and he’s schooling his features. “___, I did like her. I dated her for five years. How could I not like her?”He says seriously, like he can’t believe you would ever question such a thing. 
You exhale, pick at your fingernails. “I met her,” you admit, and Jungkook’s face twists in confusion. “At the supermarket last week. She said you never liked her.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Of course she’ll think that—we’re exes. I doubt she remembers all our best memories,” he sighs, turning back to organize his tool cart like he’s done with this conversation.
Raising to your feet you call his name again, and he hums absentmindedly. “Sojin said you never liked her because you were always chasing after me,” you accuse, laying all your cards out on the table. Your claim startles him, and you watch as he jostles half the tool cart with his surprise.
“She, what?” He huffs, cheeks as red as his jumpsuit. He forces out a laugh, airy and tight like you’re starring in your elementary school play again and the nerves are eating him up. “I-I don’t know why she’d say that.”
He’s flustered, obviously so, as he scoops the metal tools back onto the cart, bumping into three other things before settling back down on the floor to roll under the car. He pushes himself under, and you sternly call out, “Jungkook.” He freezes.
You strut over, brush your hands behind your skirt as you crouch beside him. “Always,” you quietly remind him. Jungkook says nothing. For a moment, you wonder if you’ve grossly misread the situation, if this was just another one of her schemes to drive the two of you apart.
Slowly, Jungkook appears from under the car. There’s a new stain on his cheekbone, brown and slick. He sits up, wide eyes tracing over your features likes he’s trying to seal them in his memory. “Yeah,” he admits, lips twisting as he watches the surprise take your features, before he’s lolling his head back to stare at the ceiling, leaving you to stare at the column of his neck.
“I do,” Jungkook admits, pushing through his emotions. It’s hard for him to confess, you realize, watching the way his Adam’s apples contracts and his jaw twitches from having to say so. “I like you so much it hurts.”
His confession leaves you feeling weird. On one hand, you want nothing more than to spring yourself on him and kiss his face until the stray oil marks are gone and replaced with the outline of your lipstick prints. You want to smother him and hold him, let him know he’s yours, always has been.
On the other hand… it’s sad. Going on thirty years and never did the two of you guess your feelings for each other. You doubt either of you are good at hiding them, with the way everyone seems to have known except you two. Maybe you don’t know Jungkook as well as you thought you did. Maybe he doesn’t know you.
A hand touches your knee, and you return your attention to his downtrodden appearance, chin tucked against his chest. “Please,” he murmurs. “Say something.”
You say nothing.
Tentatively, you reach a hand out, run it along the side of his head, through his mane, chocolate waves touching his cheekbones. He almost looks like when you guys were kids, round eyes watching your every move. Your hand continues down the back of his head, cupping the nape of his neck comfortingly. Jungkook leans into the touch, even though his shoulders are tense. You soothe your fingers over the tight muscles in his neck.
“Since when?” You inquire.
Jungkook blinks, lets your palm trace along his jawline and cup his cheek. “Since you dated Taehyung when we were sixteen.”
Mentally, you curse every deity in existence for putting Kim Taehyung in your life. “God,” you groan, burrowing your hands in your palms. Jungkook, surprised by your reaction, rolls closer, moves around until you’re crouched between his long legs. “Since me and that pinhead dated for twenty minutes?” You repeat.
Jungkook shifts closer, rubs your back. “It was 65 hours, actually,” he corrects, and the exact duration of your relationship makes you cringe. “I… counted.”
Small and shy, almost embarrassed. You glance back up at him. “Why?” You prod, and Jungkook’s cheek flush, palm stilling.
“Uh,” he starts. “I was nervous? That you two were in it for the long run. And I, I don’t know. It was easier to just count,” he lamely finishes, and his dangly earring whips around with him when he avidly avoids your gaze.
You sigh, catch his hand in yours. “Tae and I would have never lasted,” you tell him, remembering all the times the guy made you pick him up from one night stands in the last few years. “He wasn’t who I wanted.”
His foot jumps, toe tapping against the wheel of the car next to you. He wants to ask, you know he does, but Jungkook was quite possibly the only other person on this planet who could overthink something more than you.
Deciding to ease his worries, you give his hand a squeeze. “It was you,” you confess, feel like an elephant lands straight on your chest. “It is you,” you correct.
His forehead knocks against yours, hard, and you hiss at the bump that probably forms. “What the fu—“
“Tell me it’s not temporary,” Jungkook pleads, eyes crinkled in worry. You’re going cross eyed from trying to look at him like this, so you flit your eyes off somewhere to the side. His hand is heavy in yours. “Tell me you’re not just doing this for closure, or because you want to see what it would have been like, please,” he begs, “that would be so fucked up, because I’m so in love with you I actually think I might die.”
The dramatic confession makes you painfully warm. You nod, your lower lip trembling at the way he looks at you, like you single-handedly controlled this entire world with a flick of your wrist. “I-I love you too,” you parrot back, the first time you’ve ever said it, the millionth time you’ve ever thought it.
Jungkook visibly relaxes, pulls away from you to drop his head on your shoulder instead. Your legs are starting to cramp from the tight crouching position, ankles wobbly in your heels. His hair smells good still, despite the hours he’s probably spent beneath a car, and you gingerly pat the back of his head.
“I love you,” he murmurs, and you repeat it. “I love you,” he says again, and you repeat it. “I lov—“
“Me, yes, I’ve heard,” you cut him off, smile at the snort he releases, and when he turns his head, his lips brush against your neck. You’re instantly thrown back a few weeks, to that night on the couch with the limited edition Shrek 2 cups and the wine; the gentle touches that left you trembling for weeks. You inhale quickly, grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him away.
His eyes are too soft, face too relaxed as he stares at you. “My legs hurt,” you tell him, quickly getting up. You whirl around, facing the car and digging through your purse like you suddenly have something to do.
“Oh,” you gasp, watch two arms wind around your waist, the dirty red jumpsuit contrasting against the tweed material of your high-end Chanel jacket. Jungkook sighs lovingly by your ear, snuggles his face into your neck. “W-we should go out,” you blurt, nerves jumping when he squeezes tighter, burrows closer. “To celebrate!”
Jungkook hums. “Yeah?” His voice is too low. You’re in trouble. “Celebrate what?”
You squirm, breath catching in your throat when he presses you closer against the hood of the car. “Um,” you shakily exhale, hands splaying out over the sleek surface of the black hood to steady yourself. It’s so shiny you can almost see your reflection. “U-Us!” You finally manage to exclaim.
A kiss against the side of your neck, and your spirit just about exits your body. Your knees feel weak, and you're just about ready to throw another mediocre excuse his way, when something warm and wet traces up the column of your neck. “Kook!” You gasp.
“Shh,” he murmurs, deep voice instantly soothing over your nerves. His hips nudge against your behind, and you jump at the bulge that presses against your lower back. One hand unwraps from around you, gliding down your arm sensually until he’s trapping your fingers on the hood of the car with his own. A swift kiss against your ear. “You owe me, remember?”
You flush, remember the filthy promises your list-addled brain has spewed that night at your house, the almost erratic development of your thoughts as you became consumed in the thought of him. Reminisce on the prod of his fingers against your cunt, his hot breath against your ear.
Suddenly, Jungkook whirls you around, traps you with his gaze as two hands flutter to rest on the small of your back. He’s looking down at you with those lovesick eyes, hooded with lust as they trace over the dip of your Cupid’s bow. “You’ll do that for me, won’t you?” A soft brush of his mouth against yours, pouty lips guiding you through a kiss, until you’re sighing against him, and he’s pulling away.
Numbly, you nod, almost hypnotized by the soft smirk that overtakes his features as he pushes you down, watches you sink to your knees before him. The concrete feels cold and hard beneath your knees. His jumpsuit is knotted around his waist, and you shakily unravel it, the elastic waistband staring you in the face afterwards.
“Take your time,” Jungkook croons, hand coming to rest on the side of your face, knuckles brushing over your skin delicately.
You tug it down, and one flash of that underwear band has your nerves flying out the window. You shove his t-shirt out of the way, let your hands trail over the ridges of his abdomen in your haste. He helps you by tugging it over his head. With that gone, his black boxers stare you in the face, and you yank those down with no hesitation.
“Jesus, baby,” Jungkook chuckles, though it’s choked off when you grasp his engorged cock in his hand. You should be surprised, marveling at the sight, considering it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him like this. But you brain is working overtime, too immersed in the vein that runs alongside it and the tip that throbs back at you. Later you can worship it, you think. Right now, you needed it down your throat.
The tip is flaming and swollen, his cock still growing plump in your hold, your hands slowly dragging up and down the length. You lean forward, press a gentle kiss below the mushroom head, trail kisses down the length until you're meeting your knuckles, and trail them back again. Jungkook sucks in a tight breath, leans to rest his palms on the car behind you, as he watches you on him.
A head of precum escapes, and you lunge for it, swirl your tongue in and around the slit on his cock, until his entire body tenses up. “Fuck,” he grunts, watches you ease his cock into your mouth. You groan at the stretch, the drag against the corners of your lips making your eyes roll backwards. “___, baby, a little more?” He asks, voice hoarse as he watches you sink down further on his cock.
You comply, close your eyes and focus on relaxing your throat. There’s a hand on the back of your head, impatiently pushing you down his length. “Shit,” he cries, unconsciously ruts against you. You gag, and he shushes you with a caress against your cheek. “Sorry,” he huffs, “just a little more for me, okay?”
Eyes squeezed shut tightly, you let him push you down until his cock hits the back of your throat and you can’t take anymore. The prod against your throat has tears springing to your eyes. “Gonna move now,” Jungkook announces, thumb brushing away the tears that collect in the corners. “Be good.”
He drags himself out, your saliva coating every inch of him, and when just the tip is resting on your tongue, he shoves back in. You whimper, palms digging into his thighs. Jungkook brushes a hand down your hair, soothes you for all of two seconds before he’s pulling out and doing it all over again. He picks up the pace, loses himself in the feeling of your hot mouth around him, tongue dragging over his cock.
The feeling in your throat burns, each thrust of his hips against your mouth making your jaw more and more sore. But god, it feels good to have him so close, his scent swarming your sense, groans like music to your ears. You want to please him, want him to feel as good as you did at your place. You want it even more now that you know how he feels, know he’s probably thought about this before.
A brutal thrust has you gagging, throat contracting around his length. “Shh,” Jungkook sighs, the fingers buried in your hair flattening out to run over your head. “Doing so good for me, beautiful.”
You bask in the praise, let a hand flutter down to the apex of your thighs, pressing down to relieve some of the pressure. Jungkook groans, rolls his hips against you and keeps you there for a second. Your throat spasms, his dick pressed hotly against it, and you feel your panties grow embarrassingly sticky. Eventually, he draws back out.
“You like this?” He hums, rutting against you faster now, nose brushing against the sparse hairs on his pelvis with every slam of his hips. You nod around a gag, eyes clouding with tears, lips slippery with saliva and precum. One particular thrust is so hard, it nearly sends you knocking back into the car, Jungkook’s hand on the back of your head barely saving you. “Fucking hell,” he spits, “look so pretty with my cock shoved down your throat, princess.”
You moan around him, feel a subtle twitch against your tongue before he’s pulling himself out. “Shit,” he cursed, pushing you away as he goes to grab his own dick in his hand, tugging at it like a madman. “Wh-Where?” He asks, and you stare dumbly at the sight of him playing with himself, almost don’t realize he’s asking you a question.
You take too long, scramble for words too long, and even if you did have one your throat is far too sensitive yo answer. Jungkook grows impatient. Pulling you closer by the collar of your Chanel suit jacket, tugging it open until the flimsy buttons snap, and the tank top you wore beneath comes into view. He aims the tip of his cock towards your sternum, and a few jacks later, he’s coming, cum spurting against your chest. You watch the cum trail down between the valley of your breasts, until the feeling comes to rest against the inside wire of your bra, sticky and gross, sliding along the underside of your boobs. “Shit,” Jungkook repeats, eyes furrowed over you.
Your knees ache, and you nearly trip when you stand up, steadying yourself against the side of the car. Jungkook seems to regain his sense by then, hand trailing around your waist. You meet his eye, and almost immediately turn away, the blood in your face rapidly rising.
Jungkook laughs. “Don’t get shy on me now,” he teases, gets too close and your noses bump. “Sorry,” he smiles, too shiny and bright for the sinful acts you just committed in an auto shop.
“Put your dick away,” you huff, let him nuzzle closer to you, and when he doesn’t move to tuck himself into his pants, you go do it for him.
Jungkook frowns, swats your hand away. “This dick has places to be,” he informs you, and you scoff.
“Refractory period,” you remind him, and he rolls his eyes.
“Well I’m not exactly gonna stick it in you this instant,” he drawls. “Gotta stretch you out first.”
You go to complain, tell him he doesn’t have to over exert himself. Truthfully, with Jungkook you feel like one good session was enough to sustain you for weeks. After last time, your skin had flowed for an entire week. But then his hand is slithering up your backside, sneaking under your skirt to grab a handful of your ass.
There’s quickly drying drool collecting at the corners of your mouth, saliva from when he’d fucked your throat just a few moments prior, that he kisses away. His mouth slots over yours, and your heart and pussy both flutter at the kiss.
It’s gentle and sweet for all of ten seconds, his mouth moving against yours until you feel the wet press of his tongue against your bottom lip, tracing along until you open your mouth. He wastes no time shoving his tongue past your lips, letting it dance with yours as he pulls you closer, hands gripping the globes of your ass. You let him lick his way into your mouth, more and more saliva catching in the corners of your mouth until he’s pulling away with a wet pop.
He pulls away, doesn’t stray too far, proud smirk crossing his features at the sight of your slicked lips. “You liked that, didn’t you?”
“Huh?” You ask dumbly, tongue mindlessly swiping over your lips.
Jungkook’s eyes track the movement. “The saliva,” he clarifies. “The spit. You liked it at your place too,” he reminisces, moving in on you again. “Liked watching me slobber and spit all over your body. Isn’t that right, baby?”
You blush, discreetly rub your thighs together. “I-I do,” you admit, willing the warmth of your face away because at this distance he must certainly feel it.
Jungkook nods, doesn’t say anything else as he captures your lips a second time. He doesn’t bother with the gentle prodding anymore, jumping straight into tongue right away. He’s messier, letting his saliva coat your lips and drip down your mouth, and as messy as it is, you love it. You whimper when he pulls away, but gasp when his hand tugs at the hair by the nape of your neck, pulling you back until you’re looking up at him.
“Open,” he murmurs, and you do, tongue pressing against your bottom lip.
It should be disgusting, the rev of his throat, the sound of his saliva collecting, and the way his jaw shifts when he’s got enough. It should be filthy, the way he shoots it down your open lips, the way it splatters against the back of your throat. It should be gross, but god do you love it. “Swallow,” Jungkook commands, and you do, feel his spit drip down your throat like it’s your own, whimpering at the feeling. A quirk of his lips. “Good girl.”
You have to bite down the pride that grows in your chest.
Jungkook’s hands continue their mapping out of your behind, eventually ending with a hard squeeze that has you squealing. Automatically, your back arches in surprise, breasts pressing against Jungkook’s chest. He smirks down at you.
“Bet you taste good,” he says, pressing a kiss against your cheek. “Let me taste?”
“Please,” you beg, nearly losing your shit when he lifts you up onto the car, the cool metal making you jump, heel on your foot nearly kicking the side view mirror clean off. “Wait, Jungkook,” you sputter, glancing down at the sleek metal. “This is someone’s car.”
Jungkook ignores you, pushes your legs apart to slot himself between them. His palms run up your legs, over your thighs, until they’re toying with the hem of your skirt. Mocha eyes glance up at you, as if daring you to question him again, so you promptly zip your lips shut. The skirt goes, ever so slowly, over your thighs, bunches up at your waist until he’s staring at your lace panties.
He presses a kiss against the inside of your thigh, nose faintly brushing against your skin. The kisses trail over your skin, until he’s hovering over your panties, and he’s staring like a man starved. He gives no warning, suddenly leaning down to press his mouth over your party-clad folds, nose flush against your clit. “Kook!” You squeak, hands flying to clutch at his hair.
Jungkook mouths at you, drags his tongue against your panties until they’re soaked in both your essence and his saliva, just how you like. A hand slithers around your leg, wrapping around until he’s got a firm grip on it that he uses to hold it open.
“J-Just take them off,” you gasp, squirm when his mouth moves towards your clit, lapping against you. “Please,” you cry.
He doesn’t.
Jungkook tortures you with those kitten licks, muted through your panties, until you’re begging him to stop, to take them off and do it right. He loves it, you can tell, dazzling smile peeking up at you every time you tug against his hair, until finally, he’s had enough.
The underwear comes off, dangling uselessly by your ankle, and then the show really begins.
“Wait,” you choke, head falling back against the hood of the car when he finally gets his mouth on you, suctioning his lips around your swollen clit. The niggling reminder that this is some stranger’s car he’s eating you out on rings in your brain, and perhaps that’s what makes it more exciting.
His mouth is warm, tongue flicking over your sensitive bud like it’s candy and he needs the sugar. The sounds are so loud and wet, the squelching of your pussy every time he pulls off a pop that resounds throughout the garage. He pampers your clit for what seems like hours, switching the movements of his tongue every time he gets the chance until you’re quivering.
When you think he’s done, he’s not.
Fingers slide up your thigh, featherlight, as they reach your drenched cunt. They drag over your lips, and you mewl, feeling the muscles jump and tighten at his touches. “Jungkook, please,” you moan, rolling your hips against him, but it’s hard and everytime you move, you feel the sweat on your skin weigh you down, glued to the metal beneath you.
The first finger breaches you, just the tip of his index slowly wiggling inside. You muffle a moan in your palm, and Jungkook pulls away with a huff. “No hiding,” he warns, slowly lowering back to your cunt with a stern glare. You nod, but can’t help it when his second finger pushes its way in and you bite down on your knuckles.
“Oh,” You sob, body quivering as he begins scissoring his two fingers inside you. With your attention focused on the digits sheathed inside you, he pulls away from your clit, bestowing one final kiss against it that has your foot kicking out wildly. “Th-there.” His other hand catches your palm in his, presses it against the metal by your head.
Jungkook smiles, curls his fingers around until he finds the soft spot inside you that turns you to jelly. “There we go, beautiful,” he purrs, pushing himself to his full height, leaning over your trembling form. “So sweet for me,” he sighs, licks his lips like he’s remembering your taste.
“I'm gonna,” you choke, become hypnotized by the dark cloud in his gaze, the arrogant smirk on his lips. He curls his fingers, palm brushing against your abandoned clit. The touch makes you jump, nerves tingling.
“Cum for me,” he encourages, silky tone swarming your head as your pleasure slowly washes over you. It’s probably the most relaxed orgasm you’ve had in your entire life, his low voice and delighted eyes guiding you through it, until your entire body clenches, dissolving in a puddle of contentment. Your arousal surges around his fingers, trickling down onto the metal.
“Oh, Jungkook,” you pant, overwhelmed from the touches and the kisses. Jungkook’s smile gets swallowed by your greedy mouth, desperate for more kisses now that he’s made you feel like this.
The kisses only placate him for so long, and when he presses his body against yours, there’s an awfully hard cock that slides against your dripping cunt. “Think you can go again, gorgeous?” He murmurs against your jaw, nipping at the skin on the way down. You nod, eyes falling shut at the warmth you feel in your bones.
Jungkook kisses your neck one last time, before leaning back once more to line himself up.
This was a scene straight from your teenage fantasies, a dripping, shirtless Jungkook at full mast between your thighs, looking at you so lovingly. It makes your heart thunder, imagining how long you could have been doing this if you weren’t both so stupid. As if reading your thoughts, Jungkook rubs a palm over your thigh, eyebrow quirked. You nod his concern away, squirm closer until the tip of his cock nudges against your hole.
“Fuck,” Jungkook sighs, moving his hands to your hips as he slowly pushes in. His fingers, bless their intentions, could have never prepared you for the size of Jungkook’s cock, thick and veiny as it pushes inside. You whimper, clawing at the hands on your waist that stop you from impaling yourself on it fully. “Waited so long for this.”
“Then fucking do it,” you beg, nearly pass out when he shoves in harshly at your tone. “J-Jung—“
“I got you, baby,” he assures you, jostles you until you’re flush against his cock, clit brushing against his pelvis. Your back arches, and Jungkook slips his arm around you, the other lingering on your waist.
Every subtle shift has him brushing along your swollen clit, and you sob at the sensation, begging him to move. He complies, changes his stance to make it easier, and finally begins thrusting into your throbbing pussy.
“So good,” he huffs, eyes zeroed in on where the two of you meet. You would have looked too, if your body hadn’t felt so completely boneless beneath him, the grinding of his cock sending shocks of pleasure up your spine. “So pretty and mine.”
“Yours,” you choke, heart swelling in your chest at his words. It’s almost animalistic, the way he ducks down to bite at your neck, like some animal staking its claim, and you like it. You like it because it’s all you ever dreamed of for so long. “Faster, Kook,” you urge, wrapping your arms around him.
He does as you say, slow and careful thrusts transitioning into a fast piston that would have had you bouncing out of his reach if he wasn’t holding you so tightly. “Fuck,” he chokes, lost in the way you clench around him, lips dragging against his cock with each thrust. “Baby,” he grunts, sweat trailing down his temple, eyes furrowed shut. Eventually, his head falls into the crook of your neck, his weight pressing down on you uncomfortably, subtle ridges on the hood making you ache. At this point, you’re too far gone to care. “All I ever wanted,” he gasps.
You could cry, right now and he’d pull out right away, big heart fretting over your emotional well-being. Which is exactly why you hold your emotions in, let yourself get fully immersed in the feeling of Jungkook pounding you against some stranger’s car and not the inevitable emotional crash you’ll have later.
He fucks like he’s waited all his life for this, and you guess he sort of has if what he’s saying is true. You have no doubt it is, and when his lips suck a mark against your neck, you feel like you’re in heaven. “Almost,” you pant, legs wrapping around his waist tightly. Jungkook nods, his hair tickling your jaw and neck, as he picks up the pace. Your cunt swallows him up every single time, suctions him in until he’s shaking, and so are you.
It can only last for so long, your heart and body eventually reaching their peak, and you unravel. His arms are there to catch you, to pick up the pieces and hold you together. You want to cry, you really do, and when the coil in your stomach snaps, you finally do. “I love you,” you sob, and Jungkook shudders, glances at your tear-struck face to push himself off.
“Love you too,” he mumbles, grinds his cock against your spasming folds one last time, and comes mid-thrust, cum spurting inside you. He holds you, just like you knew he would, as you come down from your highs, hot breath fanning across your skin.
You feel warm, loved, and in love, body trembling in sensitivity afterwards. He’s pulled out since, soothingly rubbing a hand against your side. You’d like to say you wouldn’t be anywhere else, but one shift reminds you of where you are.
“Shit,” you groan, taking in your surroundings before letting your head fall back against the hood. Jungkook hums, round eyes looking your way. “We really just confessed and had sex on some stranger’s car.”
Jungkook snorts, leans away just the slightest to look you in the eye. He’s lost in thought, chocolate irises swirling as they drink you in. “Say thanks to Taehyung,” he finally says.
You roll your eyes, and when you shift beneath him, your sweaty skin sticks uncomfortably against the metal hood. “Yeah, let me thank Taehyung for dating me for three days and awakening your crush,” you huff sarcastically, resigning yourself to your new life stuck against the hood of some classic automobile from the 50s. Jungkook laughs, tucks himself back into his underwear. “Thanks Taehyung, for your noble sacrifice ten years ago that allowed me to fuck Jungkook on some stranger’s car—“
Jungkook hums, snuggles closer to you. “Tae’s car.”
“—after confessing our—Taehyung’s car?” You shriek, sitting up with the strength of three football players, Jungkook toppling off you. “Oh my god. No.” Jungkook rubs his elbow where he knocked it against the hood, looks at you with solemn eyes. Slowly, a smirk crawls over his features. “No,” you gasp, mortification crawling up your spine. “We didn’t.”
He tugs you off the car, tugs your skirt down when you wobble on unsteady heels. “Yup,” he says, pops the end of the word like a child. “Say hello to Taehyung’s new car!” He exclaims, patting the hood you just defiled. “Straight from the car auction he went to this morning,” he beams.
“Oh my god,” you groan, covering your face with your hands when you finally spot the puddles of... something on the black hood. “This is terrible.”
Jungkook ignores you, wipes up the mess with some napkins from his takeout bag, but there’s already some that's dried, only fueling your mortification. “Not like he’ll find out,” he shrugs, then narrows his eyes at you. “Or will he?”
“No!” You stutter, carefully rounding the car as if inspecting it for any more signs of the treacherous things you and Jungkook did on or around it. “I-I won’t tell him.”
“Uh huh,” Jungkook teases, settles on that rolling stool and pushes himself towards you. There’s a hand easing itself around your waist, tugging you between open legs. Still in shock, your hands flutter around his neck, muscle memory causing you to immediately begin massaging the skin there.
Jungkook sighs into the touch, eyes falling shut. “Too bad Jimin’s not here,” he sighs, and you visibly see his nose grow in arrogance. 
“What? Why should Jimin be here?” You ask, pushing your fingers against the knots in his neck. 
Jungkook levels you with an unimpressed, one-eyed glare. He scoffs, “maybe you are as dumb ad Taehyung says.” And then, “hey!” when you tug his ear. He isn’t upset, just tugs you closer until his face is buried against your stomach. “You know country folk like him marry on the spot right?”
“What are you even saying,” you huff, burying your hands in the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging his head back to properly look at him. “Why do you care who Jimin marries?” He doesn’t bother answering. 
Instead, Jungkook sighs into the touch, an easygoing smile thrown your way, and for a moment you forget about the trauma Taehyung will have when he inevitably learns about this. “This is the life.”
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi there! I don’t know if you got my ask before😭 but I did sent one about Daniel being jealous type? Like Max is Reader’s ex and got bit too touchy and familiar to the reader at party, and like Daniel and Max got into a fight and where other drivers need to break them up. Angst story please! I wanna see Daniel super jealous and protective over his gf.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I am so sorry for not writing the last request!!! I had an extremely busy period and there will be a few more crazy weeks! At first I tried to write in order but I didn't have much inspiration so I started writing randomly! So sorry again!
Summary: You are Daniel's girlfriend and he is jealous on Max, your ex.
Warnings: angst, a little swearing
Word count: 1.7k
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Jealousy is an insane feeling... It comes out when you are very affectionately attached to someone or that even the thought of its possession with someone else creates a rage in your heart.
It can be constructive or destructive depending on how you presume to take it.
For him, in any way, it feels like his heart is in a constant state of dropping, his legs get shaky, he feels a twisting in his stomach and all he wants to do is snap at people. It's a horrible feeling that he feels a lot.
Jealousy can come from the fear of losing one or more of the following: power, love, sex, and possessions. Jealousy is a powerful emotion. It exists for a reason, to protect ourselves, but can cause havoc if left unchecked.
A jealous man who feels insecure in himself believes he’s not good enough to keep another person attracted to him over time. He fears that someone better than him is going to make his loved one reconsider their relationship.
Daniel never showed you that he was jealous. Although you were Max's ex-girlfriend, Max should be the one upset and jealous of the two, right? Because after you two broke up, friendly, of course, you soon got together with his best friend.
"Hey, love!" Daniel called to you from the bathroom. "I know you won't let me see the dress, although it is bullshit to me because we're going to a gala, not to our wedding, but can you at least tell me what color it will be? I need to choose a tie."
"Red." you answer from the bedroom, focused not to ruin your nail polish. "And it's not bullshit. I want to surprise you."
"For all I care, you can come dressed in a sack of potatoes and I will still think you are the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Mmm I smell bullshit!" you joke.
The FIA Prize Giving Ceremony is an annual event promoted by Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile which honors the achievements of all drivers over the past season.
Although you are not new to this sport, going to Grand Prix as the girlfriend of a driver for more than 5 years, you have never been present at a gala. Of course, you were invited every year, only something always happened and you couldn't go. This year, however, you wanted to be present, especially since Daniel was going to receive the Action of the Year award.
Daniel left before you, he and the boys rented a limousine with which they would get there, and you and the other girls would arrive, also with a limousine. You're not the type to refuse a limousine, especially since you've never been in one, but Daniel and the other boys had to leave their personal cars at the gala because the limousine won't leave you at home, you'll each go to your homes with your own cars.
You were wearing a beautiful backless, tight-fitting red dress, having almost like a silk texture to it, perfectly shaped to fit your figure, strapless, having a corset that makes your breasts bigger than they really were.
When Daniel saw you, you were sure he forgot to breathe for a few seconds. His already large eyes seemed to protrude from his pupils. Your heart had started beating faster, and you had butterflies in your stomach. Even though you had been together for more than three years, you still felt like you were looking at him for the first time.
"You're splendid," he tells you when he helps you out of the limousine. He kisses your hand and you see the dozens of paparazzi flashes towards you.
"You don't look bad either," you answer and enter the building.
Inside were hundreds of people talking to each other and looking like they were having fun. Daniel leads you to your table where you two were seated with Max, Charles, Esteban, and Sebastian with their girlfriends.
"What do you want to drink?" Daniel asks you as he takes off his jacket and leaves it on the back of the chair.
"A glass of white wine."
Daniel kissed you on the cheek and went to get you your drinks. You look around to try to recognize someone and notice that Max is coming towards you.
"Hey, Y/N! Wow, you're so beautiful!" he says and takes your hand to spin you to see you well. "Daniel is a lucky man."
You giggle.
"I saw Kelly, she's gorgeous too! And you're a lucky man because you have her."
He laughs and takes a sip of his drink.
"Yes, you're right. She looks great," he says and looks after her.
Kelly was talking with two women you didn't recognize. It was as if she felt the two of you looking at her, she turned her head towards you and waved.
"Daniel will receive an award, right? Good for him."
"Yes!" you say joyful. "I'm so proud of him."
Max leans over and lightly touches your cheek. You look at him with wide eyes, not understanding what was happening.
"You had a fallen eyelash," he says. "Make a wish."
Before you even thought about a wish to make, you heard glasses breaking, then you saw Max thrown to the floor by someone. Not just someone. Daniel.
Your head was buzzing and you couldn't hear what Daniel was shouting. But you could hear the sound of his fists and the screams of several people who immediately came to separate them.
"What the fuck? Daniel!" Max said as soon as he was lifted from under Daniel.
Kelly immediately ran to him and took his face in her hands, looking for the wounds. He was going to have some pretty big bruises.
"She's my girlfriend!"
Your eyes widened and you immediately looked at Max, who mimicked your movements. What the hell was Daniel talking about?
"Yeah, and Kelly is my girlfriend too. Are we still getting to know each other or are you going to tell me what the fuck happened to you, dickhead?"
"And your girlfriend, Kelly, does she agree with this intimacy between you and Y/N? And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you earlier, you almost kissed!"
"Do you hear what you're saying, jerk? She had a fallen eyelash! Get your head out of your ass and realize that no one is trying to steal your girlfriend. Neither I nor anyone else."
You snort and everyone turns to you. Your face had taken on the color of the dress: red. You were angry. You were shaking and you wanted to beat Daniel, but you were at a formal event; although that didn't stop Daniel from punching Max a few times. You take a step towards Daniel and slap him across the face, hard enough to sting.
"In the car. Now!" You command Daniel and head for the exit, all the people who had gathered around you now getting out of your way.
In the car, none of you had said anything. You didn't know if you had to start saying something or you should wait for him. You had so much to say, but how did you get started? You had so many curses prepared for him, but in what order did you tell them? You wanted to die of shame because of the little stunt Daniel did inside.
You snort, probably for the hundredth time in just a few minutes, and get out of the car.
"Where are you going?" Daniel shouted after me.
He's joking? Because it seems so to you. How dare he ask you where you're going, considering that since you got back in the car he hasn't said a damn thing. He even acted as if your presence bothered him. It's like he doesn't care about you.
You wanted to leave. Go home.
It's just a small problem. The building where the gala took place was in a part of town where you had never been before. You didn't know the way back to the house, you didn't have any money with you to get an Uber and you didn't want to enter the building you just left, ashamed, to ask someone to take you home.
Even though you didn't know where you were, you got out of the car and head for the gate you entered by car.
You snort angrily and hurry up. You try to keep calm and not run away, although you are sure that you could not run considering that you are wearing huge heels. You don't realize when he got behind you but now he grabs your hand and stops you. You try to jerk, but he only tightens his grip around your wrist. You face him, giving him the angriest look you're capable of, but he doesn't even deserve it.
"Let me go, please."
You frown. Daniel doesn't say anything and doesn't move, as if he were a stone sheepfold. He is tense and slightly agitated. Finally, he withdraws his hand, then passes it through his curly hair, then puts it in the pocket of his cloth pants.
"I am sorry," he says softly and you can barely hear what he said. "I was jealous."
"Jealousy? Why?"
He shrugs.
"I have no idea."
"You do not trust me?" you ask, feeling like you're about to cry.
He nods frantically.
"It's not like that at all... My jealousy does not come from a lack of trust. It comes with the insecurity when I thought that someone may take my place or was trying to take my place."
"But Max and I are in the past, you are my future..." you say and bite your lip. "You had to talk to me, not pull that little stunt inside. Do you realize what the papers will say tomorrow?"
"Do you think you can forgive me?"
"You need to apologize to Max. I won't have the whole face bruised tomorrow."
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theringers · 3 years
V-card anon: hi sorry about that first ask i kinda went into a fugue state (spelling?) altered state of reality maybe when i wrote that and damn near outlined a fic in your inbox
The way we played hot seat was either part of a larger drinking game when a certain card was pulled from a deck, or just on it's own. You sit in a circle, everyone has a drink, usually a beer or cider. In the card pull version, the one who pulls the card gets asked a question by every person playing and if they refuse to answer they drink from their drink. In the standalone, you do that but everyone gets a turn being asked until people get bored and leave. Fun way to find out shit about people. Usually the unwritten rule is that you can't lie. I imagine everyone sitting on shitty chouches and chairs in a semi circle around a table full of cups and bottles playing it
Questions i have been asked: are you a top or bottom? Do you like anal? Wheres the weirdest place you've fucked? Body count? Favorite position (sexual)? Fuck marry kill/ignore people in this room (EVERY TIME I PLAYED I GOT THIS QUESTION)? Tits or ass or other? Favorite non sexual body part ex. Thigh? Ideal fuck buddy? Sex regrets? Etc
Also more weird details i have head cannoned out for some drivers and most likely does not fit with irl personalities, do with this what you will, use it or don't i just have feelings. Also everyone is like compressed in age to like 20-27ish except for some of the grid who i will just think of as younger alumns who come back:
Danny R: social chair, owns a jeep he takes the doors off of in the summer, walks girls home at night to make sure they're ok, tries to DJ house events and is rebuffed by literally everyone, has like 30 pairs of vans you trip over in his room, stolen roadsigns everywhere, masters in something arigcultural or physiological, cutoff frat shirts for days, fuckboy but nice, a bit cringe, will drive around with you at night so you can scream, met reader bc she had a band tee on and wanted to talk to her about it (no gatekeeping)
Charles: some kind of engineering or math degree but no one has any idea how the fuck he's gotten so far, 4.0 never studies, games with other house members, will show up at events randomly you will have no idea how he gets on your couch but he is there, the best and worst taste in clothes, is the only one allowed to play the piano in the house, sweet, cannot help you with studies but is always down for helping you out after, has to be reminded to clean stuff, disaster bi, reader met his gf first and they probably met through that
Pierre: good fashion and music taste, shirt is gone halfway through the night, also fuckboy but wholesome, actually studies, plays a sport for sure probably soccer in some way either club or Division he's too good for rec, will hold your hair back so you can throw up, will tell you your outfit sucks, good at math, also part of the squad that games, econ major, workout buddies with reader anday have taken a math class together
Max: is part of the hockey team he will go pro, also actually studies, got into gaming because of Charles, has the nicest car, is serious until he gets a couple drinks in him, he and Daniel are close and roomed together at some point, owns like 30 sets of the same outfit a white tee and jeans, knows reader through Dan and they get dragged by him to some of the same stuff
Lando: is a pledge or new member his big is Carlos, undeclared major, just happy to be here, gaming squad, used to play lacrosse or something equally obscure, king of knowing where the good snacks are, weirdly good at beer pong, growing into a fuckboy wholesomeness level tbd, probably sweet with reader as she helped him through a blackout or something, met her because she's basically house mom for some of the new boys (the kind of mom who will teach you to do laundry or iron ONCE)
Carlos: hockey flow but does not play hockey, actually studies and is smarter than what people give him credit for, came from a private high school and uni really opened his horizons, also good study buddy, gets along with most people, goes to office hours the most out of the actually studies gang, fun at parties, owns the frat dogs, he and reader met at Office hours (they were the only students) and found they had mutual friends too
Lewis: is/was president of frat, great grades greater bod, did full evolution from fuckboy to good man, has the back tests and the moral support, up for late noght talks about life, definitely was a D1 athlete, best fashion game, implemented no hazing policy, fits into notable alum or PhD category
Mick: undergrad like Lando, also plays soccer or something, too sweet, also walks girls home/holds your hair back etc, cleans parts of the house that aren't his responsibility, higher alcohol tolerance than you expect, everyone is bizarrely protective of him, legacy member (his dad was a legend), drives a motorbike around campus and can't decide between law and psychology, actually studies, met reader through the frat and she would die for him, brings her to class on the bike sometimes because the bike is faster
George: business major, frat treasurer, three ring binder business casual in class kind of guy, nice enough, shirt comes off when drunk, runs marathons and a podcast about investments, best notes in the game and great study partner, actually studies, is drinking monster at 6AM but not because he stayed up late, he and reader met through the frat and sometimes drink wine and bitch together
Lance: hockey player, legacy member, studies sometimes, sarcasm on point, great at stack cup, very chill, knows every good nap spot on campus, also has high alcohol tolerance, is the kind of person who does well in the cold but does not like it, wears headphones so people don't talk to him, great one on one but not in crowds, business major and minor in computer science, probably also met thru Lance's gf but vibe as more introverted people and will cover for each other if one does not want to go out
Nicky: a good boy, part of the walks people home squad, sets up designated drivers for parties, good snack game, future in medical field, good listener, pretty good study buddy, midnight snack enabler, met reader through frat and his gf he and reader are on babysitting duty together sometimes when others get too drunk/high
Yuki: also a pledge or new, majoring in games or computer science as they gave me the same energy as him, games squad, bit of a mad lad, has several stolen street signs, good, met reader through frat and Yuki is the only one patient enough to explain some games to reader, they cuss people out on mic
Esteban: good man, has a full ride scholarship, actually studies, also good study buddy, Dan's little, plays soccer but maybe on a rec team because he prioritizes school, very sweet guy as well, probably chose a really practical major/dual major, met reader through Dan and are also dragged similar places by him
Antonio: manbun, philosophy or classics major possibly business dual, generally good natured but can be seen supplying his own wine at parties, used to be really into metal but kept the hair, does not know that people find him attractive, soccer boi, met reader through frat and she's the only one who will (pretend) to listen to him rant about philosophy
Alex Albon: another full scholarship guy, somehow gets along with everyone, switched majors due to an asshole professor, electrical engineering or computer engineering, actually studies, helps with frat pets,will show you pictures of his cats at home, sweetie, another contender for will hold your hair or walk you home, probably met reader through a class or club and found they had mutual friends and that reader is friends with his gf
Notable alums:
Checo - dad, successful in finance somehow (he looks like an really successful accountant of CFO to me idk why)
Kimi - dad but people forget he is, holds the record for most drinks in 24 hours that will never be come close to by anyone else, shows up on random alum weekends with 2 kegs, legally cannot tell you what he does or he would actually have to murder you
Valterri - was good at a sport when he was there, now a very effective lead engineer at an architectural firm
Seb - environmental or mechanical engineering, all around good guy with someone the best grades in frat history
Alonso - legendary for sexual exploits (consensual)
Anyone I put as actually studies is probably the type reader would hang around for more serious stuff/schoolwork and would probably be closer to, with the exception of Dan bc I feel like he'd be like we're friends now :)) we shall hang or Charles bc he will just show up. I also imagine she has a pretty good friendship with any existing gf, however if a driver does have a gf and he is the love interest sorry bb girl u gotta go for the purposes of this fic
Sorry this is so long hahaaaaaaa glad you liked my Charles thoughts ilu
i honestly wasn’t going to share this like the rest of the anon asks i’ve gotten that i keep close to my heart but this was just too good to keep to myself.
f1 drivers as frat bros/college students headcannon
i’m writing a series - each “chapter” will be a smut with a different frat bro and i’m hoping to post a sneak peek this week some time but here’s something to hold you over and give you some ideas
to my vcard anon - i appreciate this so much. my inbox is always open for ur thoughts bc they are SO GOOD !! can’t wait for you to read the first part of the series bby
PS if some of this doesn’t make sense to u feel free to send in asks (i know a lot of this is focused on american college culture so if u don’t get it i’m happy to explain)
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imagine-lcorp · 4 years
Wandering Hearts (One Shot)
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"I know we're not together anymore, but it doesn't mean that I stopped caring about you" ex-gf reader offering to share her umbrella with Lena. R walks Lena home and they have a heart to heart talk about why they broke up that leads some passionate I'm-sorry-and-im-never-letting-you-go sex
A/N: Well hello, my dears, hope you’re enjoying the holidays and I’m here with a long due request. Yeah I know I’m falling behing but we’ll get there when we have to. In the meantime pls enjoy and again HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Let me know what you think and love y’all!!!
Lena Luthor x Fem!R//Word Count: 1,674 -------------------------------------------------
Big dark clouds, a cold breeze and a soft drizzle. With a weather like this, it was best to have a nice umbrella with you, you had said. If you didn't want to get yourself soaked in that same drizzle that could turn into pouring rain. She should have listened to you, she thought, and not just about the weather.
Standing outside the L-Corp building, Lena had been sheltering herself, waiting for the rain to stop so she could head to her apartment. She had been thinking about you more than she would have wished that day, making her tasks in the company almost insufferable. It seemed better to think about you in a more private place, where at least you could not distract her any further. The rain, however, seemed to have other plans for her.
She took her phone then with a defeated sigh, and was about to call her driver, when a silhouette approached beside her, putting a shadow between her head and the grey sky above.
"Going home?" Your voice eased the growing alarms in Lena's head.  She turned to look at you, an apologetic smile on the corner of your lips.
She was startled for a moment, trying to share a smile that didn't reach her eyes with you. "Trying to."
"Waiting for your driver?" You moved under the umbrella, close enough to feel Lena's warmth but still putting some space between you. So near and yet so far, Lena thought.
"No, I sent him home for the day. I was hoping I could walk myself home for a change." She admitted and shook her head. "I should just take a cab."
"I shall wish you good luck.." You turned to look at the street in front of you. "The traffic is horrible with a rain like this and most taxis are probably taken by now."
Lena observed the car lines in front of her as if for the first time. The cars advanced slowly under the rain with irritated drivers while other people tried to find some shelter. Doing the math, it was faster to walk to her apartment than to wait for another car to take her there.
"I could walk you home." The words left your mouth before you could even try to stop them and, this time, Lena was taken aback.
She didn't want to reject you but the idea of walking with you, of sharing some time again, together, made her feel unsure of herself.
"That's if you still want to take that walk." You said hesitantly.
"Oh, I wouldn't want to bother." She said with a too polite tone.
"No bother at all. It's just a few blocks away and there's enough room for both of us here. Unless you don't wanna get your Louis Vuitton wet." You said teasingly, bouncing the umbrella in your hand as some drops were making their way down the floor.
It made Lena chuckle. When you talked like this, it almost seemed like not a single thing had changed between you two. "Alright, just because I'm getting cold."
"Sure." You offered her your arm, the one holding the umbrella so you could walk side by side.  "Careful with the puddles."
There was a hint of hesitation as Lena took it but you decided to ignore it. You shouldn't have to make it hard on each other, you thought, but after a few steps a rather awkward silence settled between you two. You knew it was not ideal. Things had not ended quite well last time you had seen each other but that didn't mean you wouldn't help her if she needed. Although you would have preferred to see Lena again with other settings, with less sour memories stuck in your head and with a heart that didn't beat like crazy every time you thought about her.
As you two walked you tried to appear distracted, trying to find something more interesting to look at. You had no idea what to do but keep walking and hope it wasn't long before you reached Lena's apartment, where you would say goodbye again and then go about your day like nothing had happened. However, that was a thought that didn't sit quiet well with you either.
After a few minutes of walking, you realized it was a bit difficult to keep walking beside each other with all the people that was now coming to the sidewalk. The rain had lessened for a little, so it was safer for people to run where they needed. At some point, you had to squeeze yourselves against each other, trying not to collide against the people passing by.
"Sorry." You said as you came face to face with Lena.
"Don't worry, it's nothing." She said with a little smile.
"No, I mean...I'm sorry." You said, realizing something after a long time.
Lena was confused for a second. "What for?"
"For everything." You said and she understood.
Lena looked into your eyes for a moment, looking for words unspoken. She looked for a shadow of reproach or complain, whatever sign that could confirm just how bad she had messed up your past relationship. There was nothing there but longing and honesty. She shook her head and parted from you, continuing with your walk.
"I'm the one who should have said it. You had every right to be angry with me then." She kept her pace, carefully avoiding the people passing by.
"Still didn't mean I had to lash out at you the way I did." You almost missed a step, but you didn't stop.
You remembered your last conversation, wincing a bit at the memory. If you had a chance to make it up to her for the way things had ended that day, you were going to take it. Even if that was by simply holding and umbrella over her head.
"I didn't make it easy for you." She sighed. "I kept so many things and every time you tried to reach out, I would just push you away."
"I knew you had to sometimes but..." There was a burning question in the tip of your tongue. "Was it really that hard to talk to me?"
"My life's not easy, (Y/N). I wanted to protect you but... I only ended up putting you in one of my little boxes."  
"Yeah, little boxes, all the time." You said quietly.  
"It should have been a relief, not having to worry about me after all that." Lena turned to look at you again, noticing the little frown you had now in your expression.
"Honestly? Not really." You sighed heavily this time, leaving the warm air leave your lungs into the cold of the evening. "If anything, it's been harder trying not to do that. Sometimes I'm watching the news, and they talk about you, and I wonder If you're doing alright or if anything has happened because I think you look more tired than usual. Then I wanna ask if you're okay but then I'm not sure if I should. "
"I wouldn't mind if you asked."
"That worries me too. That you wouldn't mind anymore." You said defeated. "We're here." You said after a moment stopping in front of a large building.
Lena recognized it as her own and she realized the walk was over. She wished to say so much more, to let you know you were still important to her, that you were still in her mind at all times. It was hard to open up, and she wondered if after all this time that could even make a difference. But just like you, she thought she could take one last chance.
"Would you like a cup of tea? Or something?" She said before you had to let her go.
You raised a brow in surprise but managed a little smile in the end. You understood it as it was, an invitation to enjoy yourselves a little more. "I would like that very much."
The conversation in her apartment had a lighter tone you both waited for your beverages to be ready. Topics about your works, friends and family were revisited with cordiality until your conversation started to feel more familiar and comfortable, even making a couple of jokes and complaining about whatever thing. You had never talked this much before.
"I missed this." You said after a while. Both of you sitting close to each other around her kitchen counter.
"What?" Lena smiled.
"Talking." You said with a little smile of your own.
"Me too." Lena looked at the cup between her hands. "If we had only talked like this before..."
"We still could, you know." You said a little bit hesitant but ready to make amends. "We could just talk, listen to each other. I know we're not together anymore, but it doesn't mean that I stopped caring about you."
"I know." Lena looked into your eyes again. "I didn't either."
At that moment, the world seemed to shift into its axis. Simple words held so much more meaning after all this time and all the circumstances. None of you could, nor wished to, stop the kiss that came after this.
In a second, you felt Lena's lips over your own, nervous but sweet as you returned the kiss. It had been too long since you had been apart but it felt like the first time. Before of after, nothing mattered but that moment. Words weren't needed anymore as you reached with hands and lips, to confess all the longing you had been holding for each other.
Your lips find their way to Lena's neck, her hands roaming your waist and back, pushing you together as if it were possible to melt against each other. The raind and cold weather didn't bother you anymore as you made your way safely under Lena's covers. Clothes discarded and skin on fire.
When morning found you again, wrapped in each others arms, you knew this time your wandering hearts would find a home in each other. Something that needed no words. An apology and a promise, that you would never let each other go again.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
Hey dearest. You surprised me with another drabble from my fave PERFECTLY WRONG again 😍😭 If I may, I would like to request something,like a back story or whatever. I just wanted to know more about the Tae's exgf who made him the f*xkboy that he is now. What if they meet again, then what would be y/n's reaction like she would be jealous or a little insecure, yet Taehyung reassures her SHE REALLY IS THE ONE for him 😍😍😍
perfectly wrong | drabble [4]: parties are meant to be fun, except when taehyung’s ex shows up at the same party.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: cussing, jealousy, insecurities, alcohol consumption, party scene, flashback scene towards middle of drabble, hints of infidelity, angst, implied smut, just an emotional rollercoaster pretty much
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That voice always used to trigger Taehyung. He knows it so well. That's why when you, him and your friends are at Jimin's house for a party, he tries to shy away from the bigger crowd and keep you trapped in the corners of the room with him.
"Babe, I wanna get another drink." You say as you fiddle around on his lap while he hugs you tightly. He looks past your frame to see the familiar face looking over the rim of her cup, already knowing she was plotting on the perfect opportunity to make her way over.
"Here, I'll go get you one. What do you want?"
"Surprise me?" Your eyes are glazed, Taehyung already knowing you're pretty tipsy at this point. He lightly taps your hips in order for you to get up so he can tend to your needs in peace. No issues, no drama, no nothing.
"The fuck is she doing here, Jimin?" Taehyung asks him through gritted teeth as he pours half of the vodka into your cup, with a dab of cranberry juice.
"How do I know? I never invited her. It's just a small ass world, you both know too many of the same people." Tae groans under his breath. Honestly, don't get him wrong, he was completely over his past. He just hated coming face to face with it cause he really wanted to leave it where it belonged - in the past. Away from him as far as possible, especially since he's done so well trying his best to grow up from all the immature shit he had been doing and going through. "I'm sorry dude, I can't ask her to leave, that's shady."
"I'm not asking you to do anything."
"Look, I'm sure she won't do anything or say anything to--"
"Hey, mind if I grab a drink?" Tae and Jimin turn, only to come face to face with Hana, Taehyung's ex-girlfriend. The girl that broke his heart repeatedly. The girl who he allowed to walk all over him. The girl who made him the fuckboy he was.
"Hana, hey. Sure, go for it." Jimin gives her a tight lipped smile before shooting a look at Taehyung and walking off.
"Excuse me-" Tae tries to shimmy his way out of the crowded room, only for her to block his way. "Hana, please move." He sighed.
"That's no way to say hi to an old friend." He shrugged.
"We aren't friends."
"Look, I'm not doing this. Please just move so I can be out of your way."
"Is that your girlfriend?" She nods over to you at the couch, talking to Jungkook and Hoseok. "She's really fucking pretty. I didn't think you'd be in a relationship after all the shit I've heard about you."
"Mind your business, yeah? I don't keep tabs on you, so I appreciate it if you did the same." Hana doesn't move from her position, causing Taehyung to sigh heavily once more before swiping his hand down his face. "Please move."
"Jeez, and I thought we could talk and catch up. See how things have been going." She placed a hand on his arm, causing him to move away from her touch.
"No, I'd rather not. I'm not gonna do this shit with you and start reminiscing on the past like shit never went down between us two, alright?" He said sternly, his jaw slightly clenching. Hana was always the one who could get him started. He could easily go from happy to incredibly angry in a matter of seconds. That toxic shit. She always knew how to do it with him and he was passed that. "We done here?" She doesn't respond, allowing him to brush past her and make his way back to you.
"Baby." You happily wrap your arms around his neck, which made Taehyung ease up and relax in your touch. "What took you so long?" You asked, a little tipsy.
"Too many people."
"Who were you talking to?"
"Oh." He looked around to see Hana finally minding her own business. "An old acquaintance." He shrugged.
"Ohhh, okay." You furrowed your eyebrows, but quickly brushed off how weird he had acted. You continued to party with your man and your friends, enjoying the music Dj Min Yoongi was playing on the turntables. You excused yourself for a quick minute to use the bathroom and freshen up, the heat from the crowded home slowly getting to you mixed with all the alcohol running through your veins.
"Did you know Hana and Taehyung dated for awhile? She's here, it's so awkward between them." You oveheard someone say behind you as you walked out of the restroom. "Apparently he was really, really into her and was totally different in their relationship, can you believe that? Like he actually treated her like a queen. It's so hard to see Taehyung doing that now after all the shit he's done. I don't know how his current gf doesn't question every move he makes." Your heart immediately drops. You're not sure if you're angry, jealous, or both due to the alcohol heightening all your feelings at once - but why in the fuck did he not tell you she was his ex? You knew it was the same girl he was talking to in the kitchen, you weren't dumb. Your gut just told you otherwise. You always listen to your fucking gut.
Suddenly, you don't wanna be at the party anymore. Your insecurities were getting to the best of you because of that one statement - Taehyung treated her like a queen. Not saying he didn't treat you well, but you couldn't help but think that Taehyung placed on her on the highest pedestal. Like all of a sudden, you couldn't compete. Like you were merely just another name in his book, another lover. You weren't Hana.
"Mm, come here." Taehyung says, slightly drunk at this point, trying to grab your wrist but you snatch it away from him.
"I'm going home." He furrows his eyebrows as he gets up from his seat next to Jungkook to come after you. Your friends are also appalled at the sudden flip of the switch, but they figured Taehyung would be able to work out whatever it was with you, so they don't budge although they still worry.
"Going home? By yourself? I don't think so." Taehyung says, gently pulling you back and turning you around to face him. "Talk to me, Y/N. What's going on with you?"
"Why didn't you tell me she was your ex?"
"Sure, whatever the fuck her name is!" You almost yell.
"I didn't think it was important--"
"You didn't think it was important to tell me your ex-girlfriend was here at the same party as you? The same fucking girl you dated for years? Really smooth, Tae." You grab his jacket and swing it over your shoulders as you walk out, leaving Tae to powerwalk after you in his shirt and jeans. Honestly, you were hella mad! Because why would he pull that shit? Was he trying to hide it? You thought you both had done a good job of building your relationship and being completely open with each other. This shit ticked you off and pushed you over the edge. Why couldn't he just tell you?
"Y/N, can you just stop for a second?"
"Go the hell back inside, Taehyung. Leave me alone." He groans, slipping himself into the same Uber car you're getting in. "I said--"
"Quit it. I'm not going anywhere without you." He turns to the driver and nods for him to keep driving. The ride from Jimin's isn't too far, and as soon as you see the car pull up into your roundabout, you hop out of the car, leaving Taehyung to tip the driver extra in cash before running after you. You almost shut the door in his face, but he's able to make it in time to push it open with his arm. "Y/N! Can you just slow down?" You turn to look at him before you walk into your room and slam the door shut. "Fuck." He whines as he drops his things onto the kitchen counter before meeting you in the room. "Baby."
"I told you to leave me alone."
"And leave you like this? No." He gently shuts the door close and crouches in front of you as you sit on the edge of your bed, tears falling down your eyes. "Why are you crying, baby?" He asks, genuinely worried and concerned as to why your emotions were at an all-time high right now.
"Why didn't you just tell me? Were you trying to hide her from me?"
"No, I would never do that to you." He shakes his head as he gently wipes the tears from your face. "I would never do that to you, love." He repeats.
"Then why didn't you just tell me it was her?"
"I'm sorry. I fucked up on that part. I really just didn't think about it." He sighs. "Look, to be honest, I really hate revisiting that part of my life and I felt like I could just tuck it away without having to face it again, but I know it's not an excuse." He begins to talk to you a little more about his relationship with Hana.
[start flashback]
Taehyung slammed his fist against his wall, before he sat on his bed and dug his head into his hands.
"Hana, just tell me the truth. Please. I think I've given you everything, the least you could do is give me that."
"I'm not even doing anything, Taehyung. You're fucking crazy. I just told you I haven't felt like myself lately and you straight up accused me of cheating on you."
"Are you serious?" He stood up. "You've barely spent any time with me during these past weeks. You always blow me off with some stupid ass excuse. And every time you're with me, you're always on your phone. I know you've been getting closer to Mark, too. I'm not dumb, Hana. How can you expect me not to accuse you of that?" Taehyung is on the verge of tears, every part of him close to crumbling thinking of the worst. She didn't care like she used to, and he continued to give her everything. All of him. And she just didn't care.
"You're ridiculous. That's your problem--" He runs his hands through his hair.
"Fuck, stop beating around the bush! Just tell me the fucking truth!"
"You want the truth?" She yelled back. "Fine, yes. I'm fucking over this relationship Taehyung. I'm fucking done. I'm seeing him and it's honestly amazing because I'm way happier than I've been lately. There, are you happy?" She said in his face. He didn't know how to respond because he truly expected her to have some kind of sympathy. Empathize with how he was feeling. How vulnerable he was being. But she didn't. She just continued to push the knife in like it didn't hold any weight to her.
"Hana." He says, his bottom lip trembling as he shakes his head. "W-why couldn't you just--"
"Fuck, Taehyung. This relationship had been over for awhile, how could you not see that?" No. Because he loved her, more than anything. He gave her everything. He gave her the world and he wanted to keep doing that.
"N-no. I thought we were fine, I-I," He paused as the tears came down faster. "I gave you every bit of me. I was patient with you, I let you use me as your punching bag on days you weren't happy, I-I brought you places, I surprised you with the things you liked, I-I took care of you. I fucking chased after you every single fucking argument even though it wasn't my fault. I fixed us even when you should've been the one fixing us. I kept my word every single time even though you always went back on yours. I fucking did it all for you!" He yelled as he paced around the room. "How long have you been seeing him?"
"Does that--"
"How long?"
"A little over a month." And it makes sense. Hana had been so disconnected from the relationship for that period of time. She was always on her phone. She didn't want to see him as much. She didn't touched him the same way she used to. They never made love the same way, she was always too tired. She would fall asleep and leave early in the morning.
"How could you?"
“How could I? You didn’t even realize our relationship was falling apart!”
“Bullshit, don’t turn this shit on me! I’m not dealing with this anymore.” He shook his head. “Get your shit and leave.”
[end flashback ]
"Tae." You say softly as he sits next to you and brings you onto his lap.
"It was the one relationship that fucked me up. That did it for me. That made me believe relationships weren't really worth it. All this energy wasn't worth it. It hurt so bad to know she was cheating on me and I honestly thought I wouldn't be the same since. I continued to give and give even when I felt like I couldn't. I suddenly thought that if people you cared about could just use you like that, why would I care?" You stayed quiet, the anger and jealousy in you slowly subsiding the more he talked about his relationship with her. "When I finally got over it, I told myself I'd never revisit that and let myself feel that hurt again. I would remind myself not to feel insecure or worthless over the shit she did to me. It took a really, really long time, which is why I've kept it tucked away in the past, where it should be." He brushes the hair out of your face before wiping the remaining tears streaming down your face. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, but honestly, it was just a defense mechanism for me. I-I really have no interest in ever rekindling that or even being friends with her."
"I'm sorry." You say softly. "I left the bathroom and I overheard people talking about how you used to treat her like a queen and that you were so different with her. And people were even questioning how I'm sticking around and not questioning your every move. I felt like I couldn't compete with her, like I would never be Hana."
"You won't, because you're so much better than that." He says almost at a whisper. "Y/N, I don't ever want you to compare yourself to someone from my past like that. Don’t listen to the stupid shit people have to say because all that matters is me and you. There's a reason why they're in the past and why you're here with me now. I love every single thing about you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. " He caresses your thigh as he holds you closely to his body. "I love your laugh, and your smile." He smiles at you. "I love how annoyingly cute you are when you catch an attitude with me. I love how you can stand your ground. I love how creative you are. I love how you take good care of me and I love that you show me how much I mean to you. You never hesitate to put me or your friends before yourself, and that's something I really do value. You make everything worth it and you don't even have to try. I don't wanna be anywhere that isn't with you."
"I'm sorry." You repeat. You instantly felt bad letting your emotions get to the best of you, but you couldn't help it. This was someone that once meant a lot to Taehyung and you couldn't help but feel insecure, or like you would never measure up to that. You just wanted to be the best for him so that he saw no one else but you. That he wanted a life with you and nobody else.
"Don't be. I understand where you're coming from, and I'm sorry you felt that way. But I promise you, there is no way anything or anyone else could compare to you. You push me to become better every day and I want to do this for you. Only you."
"I love you."
"I love you too." He chuckles before placing a kiss on your lips. "Feeling better? Want a massage? A bath? Hot chocolate? Cake? What can I get you?" You laugh.
"You're a suck up."
"Sure, call it what you want, but I just want my baby happy."
"I'm gonna take a shower and lay my ass in bed." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"You mean we're gonna take a shower and lay our asses in bed." He quickly follows you to the bathroom, causing you to squeal when he shuts the door and plants kisses all over your neck from behind.
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hellreads · 4 years
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navigation for all the ficqueries sent over to me, ficqs with “lost” and “unknown” status will be sorted from oldest to newest while ficqs that are “found” will be sorted from newest to oldest.
if you have an idea what the fic these people are looking for please help out by sending a message/an ask/or a comment to the actual ask. [ askbox here 📮 ]
⇢ [ ficqueries google spreadsheet ] ⇢ [ back to main navigation ]
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[ #67 ] ⇢ spacecrew!ot7 x oc + where she asks for porn, films porn for jimin and jungkook gets a hold of it, eventually everyone signed a form to fuck.
[ #64 ] ⇢ idol/bf!kth x gf!oc x idol!pjm + where taehyung cheats on her with ara so she decided to stay with jimin.
[ #62 ] ⇢ idol!ot7 x oc + where they are soulmates but she was afraid of army so she got her soulmate tattoo covered.
[ #58 ] ⇢ spacecrew!ot7 x oc + where she asks yoongi for porn but was told to get some from jimin.
[ #56 ] ⇢ couple!kth+pjm x surrogate!oc who gets eaten out by taehyung on their bathroom sink and sucks her breast milk because her tits hurt.
[ #44 ] ⇢ 365 fresh!au + where yoongi is running away from a gang, jimin accidentally killed the mayor, and hoseok is su*cidal, they ran away and ended up falling in love.
[ #43 ] ⇢ mafia!jjk x oc + where taehyung hosts a party and jungkook was dressed as a cop and oc loses a bet againt taehyung and was told to take him home.
[ #34 ] ⇢ myg x pjm + they met when they were toddlers at a playground and that’s where their friendship began.
[ #32 ] ⇢ bff!jhs x oc + who gets treated like crap so she dates yoongi and turns out he knows hoseok and it results in a big angsty love triangle. 
[ #30 ] ⇢ bff!kth x bff!oc + he dates a ton of girls then dates yoongi, but when she dates jungkook he gets jealous and ends up realizing he’s in love with her then kisses her.
[ #29 ] ⇢ bff!ksj x oc x fubu!jhs + she likes jin but he only sees her as a friend, hoseok catches feelings but she doesn’t feel the same, eventually, they end up together leaving jin alone with his feelings.
[ #25 ] ⇢ 365 fresh!au + jjk x pjm x barber!oc + who kills a man (follows the storyline of the mv) then there’s a sequel where they’re all together and have kids.
[ #14 ] ⇢ jjk x oc x kth + mafia!au + where she gets amnesia from a car accident and gets separated from jungkook because he was betraying his group.
[ #07 ] ⇢ greek gods!ot7 x oc + soulmate!au where oc reincarnates with every member.
[ #04 ] ⇢ rich brothers!ksj + pjm x oc + who wants their father’s inheritance so they ask the other members for help, oc is their maid who overhears their plans.
[ #02 ] ⇢ jjk +kth x myg x oc + taehyung and jungkook are listening to yoongi and oc at the door then yoongi invites them in.
[ #59 ] ⇢ yandere/professor!knj + who manipulated oc to be with him or he will fail jimin.
[ #19 ] ⇢ idol!knj x foreigner!oc + sm!au where she’s learning korean, they met at a cafe then introduces himself as “joon” and helps her with some pronunciation.
[ #53 ] ⇢ prince!myg + who replaces his brother prince!ksj to marry princess!oc
[ #50 ] ⇢ gynecologist!myg x wife!oc + who rekindles their dull marriage with sex.
[ #47 ] ⇢ idol!myg x oc + who looks for her lost earrings and sees yoongi, inspired by what happened in kobe.
[ #39 ] ⇢ myg x oc + contractual relationship to prove some theory for his degree. [ #38 ] ⇢ myg x oc + arranged marriage, she slept on the couch in her wedding dress because yoongi was sleeping with someone else. he wants to end the marriage but she’ll have to go back to her abusive father.
[ #20 ] ⇢ priest!myg x oc + blasphemy.
[ #41 ] ⇢ brother’s best friend!jhs x oc + where she’s taehyung’s sister, in the end the two got caught in a closet together by jimin.
[ #40 ] ⇢ werewolf!jhs x oc + where she finds him and asks “why is there a wolf in my living room?”
[ #06 ] ⇢ jhs x oc + e2l!au where they set-up a christmas party together, the smut was intense because they hated each other.
[ #66 ] ⇢ bf!kth x gf!oc + they roleplay as professor and virgin student with fake virginity.
[ #35 ] ⇢ gangster!kth x oc + who was told to quit her job at a bar.
[ #27 ] ⇢ prankster!kth x oc + where he helps oc get with jungkook but ends up falling for her and he confesses publicly in the end.
[ #26 ] ⇢ cheater!kth + he cheats on his gf with oc, she confesses but he doesn’t feel the same so she travels to jeju and falls in love with jungkook.
[ #13 ] ⇢ kth x oc + fake dating!au they go to a wedding on a cruise then falls in love.
[ #05 ] ⇢ yeontan + oc, she thinks he doesn’t like her but one day it was raining and she was scared of thunders then yeontan cuddles with her as a way of protecting her.
[ #03 ] ⇢ idol!kth x fangirl!oc + she goes to his hotel then they hook-up.
[ #70 ] ⇢ jjk x oc + where he hunts for her and if she survives they will get married.
[ #69 ] ⇢ idol!jk x back-up dancer!reader + where the two got together and she gets all the hate and threats for being his girlfriend.
[ #68 ] ⇢ bf!jjk x gf!oc + where long hair jk gives her morning kisses *down below*
[ #57 ] ⇢ tattoo artist!jjk x ex-wife!oc + who are divorced but have a daughter together, they threw a party for her at jin and joon’s house.
[ #48 ] ⇢ bf!jjk x gf!oc + who gets touched by him under the table even after being caught by taehyung and he continues watching ‘til she comes undone but jungkook wasn’t willing to share.
[ #33 ] ⇢ bf!jjk x oc x gf!oc + in a poly relationship but he makes it obvious how unhappy he is with her.
[ #32 ] ⇢ yandere!jjk x oc [idk what happened but tumblr deleted the actual ask content]
[ #28 ] ⇢ artist!jjk + he is a drug addict/alcoholic who abandoned his daughter, taehyung and namjoon helped him see her after a long time.
[ #24 ] ⇢ swimmer/nerd!jjk x volleyball player!oc who keeps making a fool of herself, she confesses to him in a yellow dress which was inspired by an anime character.
[ #23 ] ⇢ jjk x oc + they’re classmates and he managed to make her wear a vibrator and he turns it on during class and they ended up fucking in a library.
[ #21 ] ⇢ jjk x oc + where she planned a heist and they fall in love but she continued her plans.
[ #15 ] ⇢ jjk x oc + he kept telling her as they grow up that he’ll marry her, “what’s a prom dance compared to a wedding dance”
[ #12 ] ⇢ ceo!jjk x oc + she’s his assistant who’s part of a group planning to rob him to pay off debt and hospital bills.
[ #11 ] ⇢ drummer!jk x oc + they hook up in a cool apartment with a window wall and end up banging against it, someone was watching them but jungkook doesn’t care and they kept at it.
[ #09 ] ⇢ idol!jjk x oc + she gets into an accident and forgot all her recent memories of them together so she only knows him as jungkook of BTS.
[ #01 ] ⇢ fratboy!jjk x feminist!oc + there’s a talent show where she stands on the stage and shouts “fuck men!”
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[ #08 ] ⇢ fic based on the movie the haunted mansion.
[ #10 ] ⇢ college!jjk + he’s horny and fucks oc against the library shelves.
[ #17 ] ⇢ lovers!kth+pjm + oc moved to korea then met the two and was offered to enter a polyamorous relationship.
[ #18 ] ⇢ fuckboy/sub!jjk + new student!oc: “he didn’t fuck me, i fucked him”
[ #22 ] ⇢ coffee shop!au (ao3) + oc worked for namjoon’s club and she likes yoongi.
[ #36 ] ⇢ bts x dating company!au + oc gets chosen in a draw to date every member.
[ #37 ] ⇢ jjk x oc make-up/hate sex + they do it on the stairs and get carpet burns.
[ #42 ] ⇢ detective!myg (he had vasectomy) + kidnaps oc and keeps her in his house.
[ #45 ] ⇢ fratboy!jjk + everyone thinks he’s fucking around but he’s just taking care of his bunny.
[ #49 ] ⇢ villager!ot7 + spiritual event where oc in red hoodie gets marked and sacrificed then runs off into the woods, they found her and smut ensues. 
[ #51 ] ⇢ yoongi is attracted to his best friend’s younger brother.
[ #52 ] ⇢ single dad!pjm + ex-gf!oc who takes care of his baby.
[ #55 ] ⇢ pirate captain!jjk + oc who later forms a crew with the betrayed captain.
[ #60 ] ⇢ bff!jjk + bff!oc who accidentally grinds against each other one morning but it didn’t lead to smut so taehyung makes jungkook jealous so that he'd confess to her.
[ #61 ] ⇢ jjk x oc + secret party that requires you do dares/tasks to be invited, then he gets to skinny dip with her on namjoon’s pool because he has access to it.
[ #65 ] ⇢ kth x oc + exes!au where they meet again after a long time.
[ #71 ] ⇢ tourguide!jhs x oc + they have sex at the church’s confessional box.
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[ #16 ] ⇢ idol!jjk with short amnesia + oc tries to get his memory back.
[ #46 ] ⇢ yandere/prince!maknaeline + maid!oc is working a job in the castle.
[ #54 ] ⇢ co-worker!jhs + co-worker!oc buys his videos from his onlyfans (?)
[ #63 ] ⇢ jjk x father’s gf!oc and they have an affair.
83 notes · View notes
furyfought · 3 years
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abernathy is a small town, surely you’ve met AGATHA KLEIN ; they can be a little IRREVERENT & OPPORTUNISTIC but have no fear , the TWENTY SEVEN year old definitely makes up for it by being IMPISH & SENSITIVE . most of the time anyway .  they’re usually seen around KLEIN & ASSOCIATES, LLC , as a CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY . you know, i hear they’re affiliated with the local mc, iron kings as an ATTORNEY . they’ve got this vibe of A HEART GROWN RAVENOUS, A CYANIDE CENTER ENCAPSULATED BY SACCHARINE FRUIT, AND A SOUL IN THE FORM OF A SCRIBBLE WITH FANGS going on , makes them easily recognizable.
loosely inspired by jennifer check (jennifer's body), wendy byrde (ozark), ginger fitzgerald (ginger snaps), elizabeth sloane (miss sloane), john silver (black sails), & BBHMM.
+ pinterest, stats.
hey, friends. i’m devin (or dev) & very tickled to be here. agatha’s a combination of two of my favorite muses, and i can only hope that you’ll love her as much as i do. 🤎
agatha’s story isn’t one that she likes to tell anymore. she feels it’s useless: to be defined by the actions of others, to attempt to battle the preconceived notions that run rampant regardless of what one says or does. she doesn’t want to beg for understanding anymore, or to claw her way from beneath the filth she’s made of her life. all that most know is all that she can bear to have known. the rest? it’s confetti; a meager concession in a game of chess. if you know her, is that a fact or a weapon to be used against her?
when it comes to the stories that can be told, however.. perhaps the most important is background. agatha’s an abernathy native: raised in grandiose park, flew the coop for college, only to settle back down in bordeaux apartments. klein & associates, llc. has been in her family for generations, each forefather serving increasingly questionable clients. agatha’s life, like that of many kleins before her, was already planned before she’d ever even been a thought in her parents’ minds. under her mother’s rule, there wasn’t any room for straying from that path. agatha would be smart; she would be clean; and she would be, without fail, someone. in other words, she would be her perfect replica. imagine the disappointment when agatha was anything but. 
agatha’s childhood can be summed up by three things: a door slammed shut in her face, an ear-piercing howl, and the chronic longing to go home — wherever that was. it’s another thing she doesn’t talk about, another thing she tries not to think about. those three things have followed her into adulthood, but they’ve taken different forms now. no longer is agatha a child screaming her throat raw — no; now, she cries out in other more productive ways. if you were to ask her, she’d tell you that she’s a woman grown; the past is behind her, buried in the sand where it belongs. the truth is trickier, less absolute. agatha is a child in the form of a woman; forever in the midst of a metamorphosis, unsure if for better or worse. she lacks foresight & lives largely in the now. she can’t imagine a future for herself and her choices in life reflect that.
agatha succeeds because she’s pretty, powerful, and convincing. wherever she falls short, her father is sure to more than make up for it. it’s amazing what people will do for the right price, and when they want to keep certain secrets from ever seeing the light. nepotism & immense privilege have done wonders for her, but she does.. actually work hard, too. she has an incredible memory & is really good at digging for more information & making her case. if she tells you that she’s going to do something, then she’s going to do it right no matter what. she’s dogged in that way, blinded to the outside world by her stubbornness. she works long hours & values her career above all else. she thinks it’s the only sure thing she has & views it as the one stable, secure thing in her life.
agatha is lonely to the point of defect. she lacks a sense of security in her life, which is why she’s so career-focused. she genuinely thinks that the only person ever looking out for her is her dad. she becomes very predictable once you realize that she will always pick the winning team; that she will forever follow the money; and that she is always going to make the decision that most benefits her. that isn’t to say that she doesn’t have any friends omg, but.. she doesn’t really trust easily. if she trusts you and considers you near and dear to her heart, then she’ll choose you. but until she has that reassurance? you’re on your own, bro. 
but like.. you literally would not know that unless you got burned by her. agatha is really good at listening and really good at playing parts for people. the thing with having no story is that she’s free to create her own. if you need a hero, she can be that. if you need a villain, she can definitely be that. she’s eerily good at getting chummy enough to make people think she’s close, only for them to realize.. they don’t actually know anything real about her? fun stuff. 
i think.. her entire life is a vie for power while also wanting to let go of that desire while also being afraid of what might happen if she were to let go of that desire. she’s not tht bad. she can play decent, be a guy’s guy. and she does come off tht way. it’s jus.. underneath there’s tht like .. tht rot tht she can’t scrub away. n it rears its ugly little head smtimes. but. :^) she can be cool n shoot the shit u kno.. heheh.
anyway.. lighter stuff<3 puts the gaslight and gatekeep in girlboss. talks just like her daddy, except for when she’s in the courtroom. egocentric without ever meaning to be. (spoiler: it’s a smoke screen.) she can, must, and will find a way to twist your words into something she can make sense of. believes in mixed drink supremacy. will absolutely smoke all of your weed + play dumb about hogging the blunt. plays dumb a lot actually, until it’s time to be smart. she’s touchy-feely, but freezes up whenever someone touches her. stares — a lot. can’t ever be the person to pick you up after a rough night out, because she’s likely there with you egging you on to do one more shot. every event is a tits out event / she has to be the most overdressed person in the convenience store at all times. can, must, and will be your unsolicited sugar momma. YOU SPIL-DBFDHFDJHBF LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG? energy. thinks everything is a competition because it is. if she loved you once then she loves you forever. thinks going 20 over the speed limit isn’t speeding, actually. a bit of an emotional anarchist. can’t actually take what she’ll dish out. teases u if she likes u. teases u if she doesn’t like u. doesn’t care abt the feud as long as she’s gettin’ tht shmoney. big fan of an emotional sucker punch. 
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"𝐌𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈 𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋."  + below are some ideas open to any & all muses no matter the age, gender, affiliation, etc !
i’ve left how she got involved with the mc totally absent from this intro bc i was hoping to plot it out! i’d love it if someone wanted to be her “in”. could be they were a childhood friend in need of help, a client she got close to, jus smth tht happened by chance.. whtever we come up with works! <3
if anyone needs an evil ex gf .. She’s Here. she will lie, cheat, scam, trash yr car, empty yr bank account.. whtvr you need, baybee<3
conversely.. not-so-evil ex gf? agatha can be nice & caring without there being a catch sometimes. maybe they still talk. maybe they’re friends. u tell me.
fwb / ex fwb? she do be sending them ‘u up?’ texts. 
someone tht agatha only got close to bc she wanted them to testify/be a character witness in court oopz<3
omg actual friends pls.. ppl tht Know her. tht See her. ppl tht she cares abt n would actually do anything for. friends!!!!!!!!!!!!
agatha has “get off my lawn” energy so i think it would be very funnie if someone needed a place to crash n she let them stay at hers thinking it was temporary n then they jus.. did not leave. n she’s like 🤨 hello?
an almost smth? anything weird n awkward n unspoken tht maybe fizzled out or maybe still lingers under the surface?
agatha doesn’t have a budding drinking problem but if she does no she doesn’t but if she does then<3 drinking buddy? someone that she’s gotten into questionable shenanigans with? poor bartender tht has to deal w her trying to “help” them as she waits for her uber to come? the possibilities are endless.
agatha’s all bark n very little bite but i still think it’d be funnie if she had a hateship. jus putting tht out there<3
if yr muse wnts an ego boost via unrequited crush.. lmk. i’m willing to hulk smash all of agatha’s dignity jus for u.
omggg a dealer? >.> who said tht omg #hacked.. 
on n off again thingz? lorde wrote tht "i am my mother's child i'll love you til my breathing stops / i'll love you till you call the cops on me" line abt her</3
budding friendships!!!!!!! ppl tht she goes to pilates or yoga with; people she gets brunch with; ppl she keeps running into n its like heeey u :); little platonic crushes jus . all of the cute platonic thingz tht make her go wtf is this 🤨. 
i mean.. if anyone wants a sugar momma.. I MEANNN..
college friends!! law school friends!! ppl she met over the summer while interning somewhere!! i left tht purposely vague, hint-hint.
tinder dates gone wrong. ghosted tinder dates. tinder thingz.
agatha’s been attending galas / banquets / office partiez for ages now so if anyone wants to be her plus one or her lil fake date... :^) could be cute. cld be angsty. world is our oyster. 
speaking of which.. coworkers n maybe even a lil personal assistant would be so sexie.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Nin’s Matchup!
Matchup Profile: Sfw+nsfw matchup pretty pls! (1/5) Name: Nin>Female>5’4>Film & sfx/theatrical makeup freelancer>V athletic in MS-HS: ballet, was in volley ball, soccer &Basketball teams>Miss my prime days>Scared to start workout again b/c I’ll get lightheaded>If sum1 helps push me through initial fear, I’ll keep growing from there> Likes chilling in ballet stretch poses>paints, photographs&draws as hobby>draws a pic a day (mostly portraits)>writing a comic atm >Always plan contingencies.🦄
(2/5) >embarrassed of my loud laugh(it’s like Kuroo’s)>introvert>not afraid to lead a team tho> V shy & quiet most times>8/10 times, feels awk in public,like idk what i’m saying, but others told me I seem social>Once I’m comfy w/ u, i joke a lot(occasional mum jokes 2 annoy+Sassy dirty ones w/ S/O)>hides behind ppl who likes 2 talk, but not when they’re 2 loud>laughs @ mistakes/when embarrassed>Will stop mistreatment, even if I get in trouble>values communication&genuine discussions🦄
(3/5) Sings when home alone>competes @ Street Fighter tournaments, trains everyday 4 it>Sings “Hit Me W/ Your Best Shot” when fighting bosses in game&swears melodically when i lose>eats chips w/ chopsticks >make hats out of my cat fur when bored>Workahokic night🦉>likes 2 teach >full convos w/ my 🐱>LIVES in oversized hoodies & flip flops, regardless of weather>no pants@home!>Feels incompetent sometimes, but keep practicing 2 improve>Analytical fast learner>idk why ppl think i look innocent🦄
(4/5)>Forgets 2 speak eng when tired (Thai 1st lang.)>Headrubs 4 s/o every night b4 bed>will miss u but is bad@texting>yelps like puppy when I’m surprised>Unconventionally resourceful: Wire hangers’s fixes everything! >stress bakes & will gets pouty if it didn’t turn out well.>overwhelmed to water my 50+ 🌱 >Doodles on smt (always have a pen on me)when i feel socially anxious> 2 dance sober @ clubs> Wants a stable relationship where we work tgt like a team to bring out the best in one another🦄
(5/5) I like a s/o who is lovable, kind, genuine, mature, independent and caring, but can also joke & be silly with like best friends. NSFW: open 2 try new things>❤️restraints, blindfolds & sensual tickle sex (as lee+ler) but had always been too shy to share it with any1>occasionally self conscious of food baby+stretchmarks>🥰edging/teasing >has a thing 4 height differences (likes to feel smol lol!) & primal play.>Is a switch. I’m so sorry if it’s too much info! Thank you for doing this!🦄
A/N: HI LOVE @crushzone !!!! I SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS GIRL I WORKED HARD ON YOURS OF COURSE💖 But no matter whaaaat I’m going to be very authentic in my matchups bc they’re based on compatibility and therefore, without further ado, lemme introduce you to your NEW BAE:
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so you’re a theatrical makeup artist.
Mind if I offer you a word of advice? :
Startled by someone’s loud booming voice, you smudged the eyeliner you were applying to your actor’s face all over their forehead. Whipping around to see who had disrupted your work you were faced with a beautiful black and grey haired owl. A rather tall... and very attractive ‘beautiful black and grey haired owl.’
He started walking around the dressing room like he owned the place, touching everything.
“Excuse me, you don’t have a badge. You can’t be backstage—!”
“Pretty obvious don’t you think, Miss ________?”
You didn’t take his bait, refusing to give this stranger your name. Bokuto shrugged.
“Well since I don’t know your name I shall label thee—Miss HOT GIRL of the 9 Kingdoms!” He nudged the knight actor who was sitting in your makeup chair with his elbow. “Did I sound 15th century ish or what??” The owl turned to you expecting to be praised. “I had to meet the person who made the medieval vampire look so scary in the last act. But that guy with the lights didn’t tell me anything about you being so hot.”
You were speechless because he was hot too
But he shouldn’t be back here so you tried to shoo him out anyway
He allowed you to try to shove him out but he was way bigger than you so nice try sis
When he yawned while you panted because you weren’t able to budge him an inch....
Bokuto wagered that he would leave if you agreed to make him look like the Hulk with your makeup skills for a Halloween party he had to go to
You didn’t really want to because you were a professional and you had no idea who this owl was but because you had 15 minutes until the second act and you needed peace and quiet if you were going to finish your job!!! ....
( This boy was not peace NOR quiet )
You agreed.... but because you answered so fast Bokuto kicked it up one notch
Prince of pushing his luck (king is reserved for Shōyo‘s extra ass)
He pretended to allow you to push him out of the makeup room a few steps but before you closed the door he stuck his foot between the door so it couldn’t close.
Smiling, he peered back in, looking down at you:
“AND...... you have to agree to go on a date with me. Tomorrow night?”
“Ugh FINE!”
Bo removed his foot and let himself out with a bounce in his step.
Needless to say, after a few dates, mans won you over like he wins EVERYONE over
It surprised you how comfortable you became with him but he just has that affect on people
In terms of your athletic relationship Bokuto does many things:
He pushes you to go to the gym with him for one
He signs the two of you up for impromptu Beginner 30-day challenges that you both must stick to
So every morning for 30-days straight he jumps on you in bed to wake you up:
“Kōtarō, please shut up.”
he doesn’t
He drags you there and eventually you get back into the swing of things.. killing it in the weight room with your supportive man cheering on your every rep!
You don’t even need him to wake you up during the second challenge!
Your volleyball player boyfriend also signs you up (without permission) for the neighborhood soccer team that Akaashi’s girlfriend is already on
You hated it at first because it was uncomfortable going back after not playing for so long but you soon realized that all the girls there were ex-athletes too and not stars
You formed amazing new girl friendships (especially with Akaashi’s gf) and double dates with them were one of your favourite nights of the week!
You owed that happiness in your life all to your Owl 🦉🥰
He and Akaashi came to every soccer game y’all had and you and the three of you went to all of Bokuto’s games, obviously
Btw you all were FITTTTTT OML
In addition...
You already know that your man finds your artistic talents insanely fascinating
On your first anniversary together Bokuto gifted you with a new paint set and new French stand:
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Because he admires you Bokuto also tries to draw and paint seriously just like you
You stand over his shoulder and give him corrections and baby owl learns so fast it’s amazing
You two make ‘paint night’ a thing when you move in together and it’s always the most fun event!!!!
Bokuto CONSTANTLY and I mean CONSTANTLY asks for you to add him to the comic you’re writing but you say no because he wouldn’t fit in
He sulks but one day you surprise him by showing him that you drew a cute soaring black and gray owl in the background of almost every outdoor scene in your comic,
you pointed out that it was him
He called Akaashi right away and almost cried tears of joy hahahahaha
Your contingent based lifestyle has saved your reckless boyfriend’s life and career many-a-times
It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
Also, it is important to mention that he is in LOVE with your laugh
Bby owl does anything to hear it and showers your face with kisses when you laugh to draw it out
He loves you so freaking much
When you don’t make sense and speak gibberish in public because your awkward side randomly comes out......your boyfriend loves to make fun of you:
“Huh? Nin, that wasn’t Japanese, that wasn’t Thai and that definitely wasn’t English. What planet is my adorable baby girl from, again? And how do I return her in exchange for a floating space car instead?!”
suh cute
All of Bokuto’s teammates really like you because you work in conjunction with Akaashi which means you actually have the magic ability to get Bokuto out of emo mode even faster than his best friend 🤯🤯🤯
When he’s at an away game in emo mode his teammates will literally FaceTime you and point their phone in his general direction
“Hey, Kōtarō!!!! Look, Nin’s on the phoneeee!”
Bby owl turns around slowly when he was sulking in the corner and when he sees you on the screen he’s running and jumping on whoever is holding your phone.”
“Kōtarō baby. You’re going to stop this emo mode right now. If not I won’t let you paint me nude like we discussed.”
mans was like: 😨😨😨😨🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
YEP the next second you see him hitting his best practice spikes and his teammate thanks you profusely
You do this several times until Kōtarō just knows to not go into emo mode anymore because you won’t be happy
A year into his professional volleyball career The Black Jackal’s coach sent a surprise fruit bouquet to your work one time:
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With a note that read:
To Nin,
Thanks a lot.
The Team
I know you don’t really like people who are considered “too loud” and Bokuto is like...... “MEGA LOUD 🎙 “ but you and Akaashi work together to quiet your boy down as he gets older
He’s perfect
And you love him
You know how you like standing up for people (even strangers) and stuff?
Well one day, you and Bokuto get caught on a show called WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
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Where the two of you cussed out this cat-abusing actor on the show in a convincing scenario!
Bokuto literally tells everyone that y’all are movie stars because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More in the relationship:
Bo is always singing with you 💞 when y’all make breakfast it becomes a national sport to sing at the top of your lungs!!
And when he sees you eat chips with chopsticks he’s pulling a Hinata “🤩🤩🤩” face .
He begs you to teach him how
So you try
......and try
..................and try
He can’t do it bruv 😞
You see bby Owl’s emo mode return for the first time in like a year when the chip shatters between his sticks again
This time, you have to enlist Akaashi as the FaceTime saviour and Keiji just tells him:
“Bokuto. You should prefer eating chips with your hands anyway. It gets to your mouth faster.”
cue Bo’s 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 face
........And all is well again
There’s more:
So you’re a workaholic?
Bokuto is fine with that. He just makes you promise that he gets to take you out on your lunch breaks a few times a week or whenever he can
He’s so sweet and your coworkers are BIG jealous of your relationship
Your man BEGSSSSS you to teach him Thai but you find it too hard so when he’s travelling on a long flight he spends the time learning the language on YouTube (and actually get decent at it) so that he can understand you when you’re sleepy😴🥺💕
When Bokuto surprises you by wishing you goodnight in Thai before he falls asleep (while you’re giving him head rubs), your heart explodes BECAUSE why is he the cutest thing in the world ?!?!?!
You don’t text/you’re bad at texting? That’s fine, mainly because bby owl is so busy with volleyball anyway, but if you don’t text him back when he is feeling needy the boy will call you 20 times in a row
When you finally pick up, your heart is beating like thinking it’s an emergency
But he will answer saying:
“Oh, no emergency. I just want booty pics. Please, Nin babyyyyy?”
you’re like: 😑
It’s cringey but.......
When you’re at work all day doing makeup and he’s home he will send you pics throughout the day of him taking care of your plants like they are y’alls newborn children:
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His text:
Baby look!!! Ollie the Orchid grew to 7 inches today!!! Yesterday he was 6.8 inches!!!!! They grow up so fast 😭😭😭”
Your reply:
Not quite as long as your dick, Bo
His reply:
I hate when you get me horny when I’m trying to take care of the kiiiids 😭😭😭😭
Of all the factors you look for in a man, Bokuto has all of them
Like I said he becomes much more mature when you and Akaashi are his closest compadres
What people don’t know is that Kōtarō is actually very mature he is just a hardcore optomist (besides emo mode lmao) so people often mistake him as immature or dumb
But He’s far from it and you see that everyday
It’s why you fell for him
When dealing with serious issues that life has to handle, you see a different side of Bokuto, a real side, the side he shows in every tough volleyball game when he makes you metaphorically step behind him so he can deal with any problem that comes your way
He would literally withstand all your battles if that meant you’d remain happy forever
We stan a relationship like yours💞
okay so you know how you chill in ballet 🩰 stretches sometimes?
It turns him on so much and he is constantly testing how flexible you are in the bedroom
When you keep meeting his expectations he is POUNDING you cause he is so turned on
He fucking loves it
It also turns him on when you’ll be acting shy and stuff but then randomly you’ll lead your neighbourhood soccer team like a BAD BITCH
When he sees that he’s already asking Akaashi how long until the game ends because he’s horny:
Akaashi deadpans. “Too much information. And the game just started 3 minutes ago. Get a water and calm yourself.”
Bo is sad but it makes for one hell of a I’m-proud-of-you sexscape when you get home from your game!!
Your dirty jokes also turn Bokuto on.
A lot.
A lot a lot:
“Bo.....I was joking.”
“I know but if I hear the word ‘dick’ coming out of your mouth I automatically think of you blowing me so now I want us to go home.” He whines.
You sigh. He’s lucky he’s so fucking hot.
When you’re playing street fighter every night this boy will not leave you alone until you cockwarm him
“Nin can you pleaseeeeee warm my cock while you train? I miss you.”
Your concentration turns him on so he has to ask nicely 😊
You love his dick so of course you oblige
Bby owl is so happy just sitting there being in your company and in your warmth but sometimes or every time he ends up thrusting into you
Sometimes while he’s giving you deep slow thrusts he orders you to keep playing or he won’t get you off
Damn 🤤
Let’s not forget also that you drive your man wild by walking around the house in hoodies all the time and nothing else
Every day, another hoodie will be found in various RANDOM places in the house because Bo flings it off you before he makes love to you wherever, and they go missing
Finally, when you get all sad and pouty because one of your baker trials goes to shit (ruined chocolate brownies this time, boo 💔), your boyfriend is taking your hand gently in an instant, leading you to the bedroom:
“Don’t be sad my beautiful girl, you know how much I hate seeing you sad. It makes me sad.! Here, come in the room and sit on my face—I promise I’ll make you feel better.”
Maybe you should screw up brownie recipes more often.
A/N: do you know the show what would you do??? Watch it on YouTube if you haven’t haha I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Bokuto being on it after reading your matchup profile!!!! I hope you liked it bb! Give me all your reactions, I want all the smoke 💞💞💞
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/adventuresbyhenrik | 53.1k followers — “imma wild boi🌿🌏🧗 | happily taken👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
23 (24) years old
Parents are both Swedish and only speak Swedish, leaving henrik to also become fluent
His father Halvi is a pilot
His mother Lova is a race car driver
Siblings? Probably a brother, named Jahan & younger by two or three years + they get along quite well
Born & raised in Isle of Wight, England + loves it there & thinks it’s the best place for him to live, it’s his own private island in his mind plus he’s always finding something to do. He stays active
Climbing & wilderness survival instructor, he gets to talk as much as he wants while also teaching people AND all while being active! Sounds like the perfect job for him
Probably developed ADHD around his pre-teen age, leaving his parents to find him something he enjoys + can slow down and focus on
used to be on meds for it
Was well-known in high school, probably in the yearbook club since he was able to run around & get to know people but was kinda shit at knowing the functions of a camera
His selfie game has gotten a lot better now but he mostly posts anything but his face. You’ll see more of his face on his stories & location shots on his feed
Feels his hair is his best physical feature & his prized possession, would never THINK about cutting it. Even just a trim is a bit much for him
Always tries to be positive but at the same time can be condescending since he sometimes won’t pick his words wisely ex.) when he gave MC a backhanded “compliment” about makeup, being active, + wanting them to “think of others ” feelings — just because someone is opposite from you doesn’t mean you have to shit on the way they carry themselves...that’s my issue with him
maybe he’s a Taurus?
Loves fall & spring, more so fall since that’s when the weather feels nicest to him plus allergy season is a REAL bitch
The guy’s real Adventurous & always managing to find something to do. If you’re ever bored just hit him up, he has plenty of recommendations 
Family owns a cottage & he’s the one who goes out there more than his own family does! “You should just sell it to me at this point!” He tells his parents over dinner often & it is strongly considered
Has five birds & a husky, when he goes on road trips they’re always with him. Which can get a little hectic at times but they’re his family, he’s a, “birdog dad”
BLAKE secretly dislikes them all, feeling like they take up space sometimes (especially when she wants to cuddle) but she deals with it since she cares for the guy — yes, they’re still dating
She’s been convincing him to cut a few inches off of his hair which he took like a slap in the face, “that’s like me asking you to quit speaking up for humans!” “No, no it’s not.”
They’re polar opposites with flaws which causes disagreements between the two of them by putting each other in their places but they learn to compromise? (*insert eartha Kitt gif laughing here*] if they want this to work
His mother seems to be the only one who dislikes blake (she strongly feels he should have bought MC back home...that’s right she watched the show from time to time. Not always since she doesn’t care for reality tv but her friends encouraged her to watch bits and pieces) while his dad and brother approve
It is tense when Blake and his mom are in the same room which makes Henrik sad since he believes Blake deserves a chance. He took a chance on her and it seems to be going pretty well so why couldn’t his mother just be happy for him like the rest of the family is?
Henrik loves his low-maintenance girls who are open to trying new things with him, Blake is usually down most of the time but she likes her personal space too..which henrik struggles to understand
He wants her to live with him, he’s sure his parents will let him have the cottage if Blake decides to live with him but Blake loves her freedom in Kingston
It’s hidden but I feel like he might be one of those guys that feels like “a woman should follow a man” since that’s what his father installed into his boys— which failed because his wife isn’t just a housewife, she has goals and went after them
I feel like Blake turns to social media almost always to post about her feelings (I can’t remember what I picked the first time around as my occupation but as I’m currently playing I picked human rights campaigner so) but it’s mostly subtle shade & it always goes recognized by fans which brings drama between her, mc x Bobby
Henrik jumps in because what kind of guy would he be if he didn’t have his gf’s back? Doesn’t care for the drama but he & Bobby usually said slick shit to each other in the villa, it’s safe to say they’re not really friends but they’re not enemies either that’s mostly between their gf/wife
Henrik doesn’t care enough about Bobby to dislike him but he won’t put up with his shit any longer and what easier way to do that than online? He feels like they can settle this with a phone call but Blake & MC aren’t with the shits and don’t want their men speaking to each other
Henrik & Bobby eventually have a chat in secret anyways
Henrik warns Blake that this can effect her job status if she doesn’t calm down since she uses social media for her cause
She usually knows when to stop but can’t help it if it slips out sometimes
They talk it out and move on usually with whatever fun idea henrik may have
Owns a ford bronco from the 90’s that used to be his uncle’s who builds tree houses for a living and is still running, a jeep gladitor, or some sort of pickup truck
Knows how to make the best apricot jam
All about saving the bees
Loves animals, probably on his journey to veganism if he’s not already there
We all know this fucking guy likes eating M0sS
“Embarrassing fact” but uh big fan of twilight, feels like Seth Clearwater and him are meant to be best buds but he also stans the Volturi 😷
Him and Lucas of course remained the best of mates, since they live 2 hrs away from each other and are always busy living their lives they always have to plan out when they can hangout but that fails 60% of the time when henrik pops up at Lucas’ job or at his flat not giving him a choice but to hang out
They’re always vacationing together too? Sure Henrik is his own version of low-key while Lucas likes a bit of luxury...they still find a balance to just have a good time regardless if they live different lifestyles...they’re basically married
Always texting if they’re not hanging out, henrik with his memes that Lucas doesn’t understand & Lucas just checking in on henrik’s well being which leads the conversation to many topics
He’s actually cool with Gary now? They like/comment on each other’s posts & even text here and there
Even ran into Rocco once on a road trip, that was interesting but when life gives you lemons...we’ll just say that
Even him and Ibrahim share recommendations through text or DM’s which is nice! Henrik is always down for friends even tho they’re not like his personal friends (except for Lucas, he fits into his criteria)
Most of his work is physical and talking but he goes the extra mile by hiking every Sunday either with his friends, Blake, or family — he’s genuinely likes being one with nature
If he’s at the cottage, he’s always outside, chopping extra wood, making sure the yard looks like it belongs on a magazine, or takes the boat out on lake to nap since he doesn’t like to fish as much anymore
Currently trying to grow strawberries but some animal keeps eating them :/
Adores adventure time, the x-files, bobs burgers + animal planet, and travel channels—like he’s a real dad
If he could shower outside everyday, he would, it’s such a freeing experience to him
His outings consist of being in the woods 24/7 so in his mind when he brings Blake out there with him, it’s a version of a date, whenever they spend time together is a date to him, which she has to remind him that she wants to do something different like getting dressed up every now and then + go out to dinner which he HATES but he’ll do his best to please her, as long as the restaurant is more earthy than snobby he’s okay
100% would survive the apocalypse, he knows how to make due with what he’s got, he’s always been that way
Enjoys rom-com’s so he’ll laugh at how cringe they are but still enjoy it, indie films, ALITA was the best film of 2019 to him & currently his fav film is, “the call of the wild” with Harrison Ford
His favorite films ever are Indiana Jones, Lara Coft: Tomb raider, Terminator, and I am legend
Aliens ARE real, they’re out there and he’ll be part of the reason they’ve been exposed
I feel like he wanted to be an astronaut growing up but then realized he’d be a confined space for long periods of time and said cancel that shit lol + he isn’t the greatest at science. History? He did real well in that subject
I think he loves Lorde, listens to Bon Iver—especially on early morning commutes to work, Rex Orange County, Omar Apollo, Joji, the nbhd, the driver era, kid cudi...yktfv
Celeb crushes?/types: The main girls from Charlie’s angels 2019, Alexa PenaVega... “you know Carmen from spy kids?” Diana silvers, Dove Cameron, JAMIE CHUNG, & VANESSA HUDGENS
Anthem = Wallows, “OK”
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever dated someone more than twice your age? >> Yes.
Have you ever “dined and dashed”? >> No.
Have you ever been cut off by a bartender because you were too drunk? >> No, but I’ve been with someone that was. They responded just the way you’d expect, lmao (spoiler: negatively).
Have you ever borrowed money from your mom & lied about why you needed it? >> No.
Have you ever dated someone just because they had money? >> No.
Have you ever lied to your spouse about the money you spent shopping? >> There is literally no reason why I would ever have to lie about money. 
Have you ever flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket? >> No.
Have you ever gone on a first date with no underwear? >> No.
Do you treat attractive people better than others who aren’t as attractive? >> As far as I’m aware, no.
Are you more comfortable with friends that are less attractive than you? >> That’s not something I think about, no.
Have you ever hated a job to the point that you tried to get fired? >> No, I just stopped going.
Have you ever lied about your weight on a driver license? >> No.
Have you ever lied during a job interview? >> I’ve never had a job interview.
Have you ever lied to your boss to get out of work? >> No.
Have you ever lied under oath in court? >> No.
Have you ever bought alcohol for someone underage? >> Not to my recollection.
Have you ever started a rumor to ruin someones reputation? >> No.
Have you ever switched tags on an item to pay less for it? >> No.
Have you taken any pics of yourself that you wont want your parents to see? >> Yeah.
Did you ever tell your BF/GF you like their outfit when you really didn’t? >> No.
Did you ever get fired and tell someone you were laid off? >> No.
Would you turn a family member in if you saw them commit murder? >> ---
Have you ever turned in a school paper that someone else wrote for you? >> No.
Have you ever written a check that you knew was going to bounce? >> No.
Do you feel accepted by your BF/GF ’s family? >> Meh. I’m not really interested in being accepted by them, so it doesn’t matter anyway.
If you were an employer, would you hire someone with your exact work ethic? >> ---
Do you lie about your age? >> No.
Would you risk your life to save a total stranger? >> I don’t know. It’s difficult to say what I would do in a position I’ve never been in.
Have you ever trashed your ex’s car after an argument? >> No.
Have you ever snuck out of the house to go out with friends? >> No.
Have you ever shoplifted? >> Many times.
Have you ever done something because of peer pressure you are ashamed of? >> No.
Have you ever been embarrassed to introduce your parents to anyone? >> I’ve never been in this situation to begin wtih.
Would you leave a note on a car claiming responsibility if you damaged it? >> Possibly.
Have you ever dis-liked some because you thought they look better than you? >> No.
Have you ever used someones handicapped parking pass to get a parking spot? >> No.
Hve you ever held back a well deserved compliment because you were jealous? >> Yeah.
Do you guilt people into giving you what you want? >> If I’ve ever done this, it wasn’t intentionally.
Would most ppl consider you better than average looking? >> I don’t know or care what most people would think about my appearance.
For yourself, would you rather have a perfect body or high IQ? >> Neither of those things interest me very much.
Have you ever embarrassed some intentionally in public? >> I’ve Naruto-run in a store parking lot while with Sparrow. :p
Have you ever used a false ID? >> No.
Are you embarrassed to tell people your job? >> I’m not embarrassed to tell people that I don’t work.
Would you give up your car to save the planet? >> I don’t even have a car. I’m definitely not going to try to convince Sparrow to give up her car, considering personal vehicles are the most reliable form of transportation around here. Maybe we can convince some CEOs to give up their high-carbon-footprint corporate practices? Hmm?
Are you more likely to believe a man or woman? >> The gender of a person doesn’t play much into whether I believe them about something or not.
Has your credit card ever been declined? >> Sure. I’m poor, lmao.
If you ran over an animal would you keep driving? >> I don’t drive but if I did, maybe. Depends on the situation. If I hit an animal on a highway it’d probably be more dangerous for me to try and slow down or stop than it would be for me to just keep going.
Do you think your parents are too critical of you? >> —
Would you cover up your boss’s wrong doing for a promotion? >> —
Do you avoid conversation with ppl you think are smarter than you? >> No, I just talk less and hope they fill in the silence with delicious, delicious information.
Ever blame a sibling for something you did wrong? >> No.
Have you ever dated someone you met through a personal ad? >> Yes.
Ever lie about you [or your kids] age to get a discount? >> No.
Have you ever accepted credit for someone else’s work? >> No.
Did you ever buy something expensive,wear it once and return it? >> No. This reminds me of that Shameless arc where Debbie had a whole racket based on this, lol.
Have you ever re-gifted something? >> Of course. No use keeping something I’m not going to use, or that someone else would enjoy more.
Do you really care about saving the planet for future generations? >> I care about the planet and I care about supporting future generations. That doesn’t mean I know what to do about either one.
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minbbydoll · 5 years
Can you write a sad angst where a maknae member (preferably Kook) sends his gf y/n to jail because of a misunderstanding(maybe like a fake murder of his family member, friend, or ex and they frame y/n). Soon he finds out the truth but y/n died before he found out the truth. Maybe she died from depression or was already sick but no one knew and she died in jail. This devastates everyone who went against her and they regret it so much.
Word Count : 4,508
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Jeon Jungkook 
They say that love makes you do crazy things but Jungkook wouldn’t expect you to be the type of person to hurt anyone. You seemed so innocent, nice, and always forgiving but then again, you’ll never truly know someone and what they’re capable of.
Jungkook found himself wondering what went wrong on his drive over to your office, the countless days that you told him it would be okay and that he was going to catch the son of bitch that murdered his brother; it was you all along.
Jungkook tightened his grip on the steering wheel, he clenched his jaw and sped up a little still keeping within the speed limit. It took Jungkook awhile to come to terms with the fact that you actually killed his brother.
He went over the evidence again and again making sure that nothing was left unturned, but you still became the main suspect and out of all the suspects you were the unlucky winner.
He begged his coworker to let him arrest you, but the condition was he do it as soon as possible which was right now, Jungkook wiped the tear that fell from his eye as he parked outside your office and took a deep breath.
His heart was racing, he hasn’t been this nervous since he asked you to be his girlfriend but now, he was arresting you. Jungkook looked at his cellphone to see that he had to hurry so he opened his car door and nervously walked towards your building.
You missed your boyfriend, the sound of his voice, his warmth, his everything, it’s only been a few hours since you last saw him in the morning, but my god do you miss him like he’s been gone for weeks.
That’s the hold Jungkook has on you, he has the power to make you a lovesick puppy and according to him you have the same hold over him. You knew he’d be busy on the job but couldn’t resist a small little text, something simple, something to get you and him by until you see each other again when you both get home.
[Name] : I miss u, can’t wait to see u later and give u kisses. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) — 2:30pm
You smiled at the cringe worthy text you’d written up but decided to send it anyway, Jungkook always enjoyed your dirty comments and hidden dirty meanings about stuff you would say sometimes.
Jungkook usually replied instantly and the fact that he left you on read has you worried, even if he’s on the job Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to break the rules for you.
One minute turned into two and two into three and three into four and that four turned into ten minutes, you had never been so anxious before, you wondered if he was okay, was he hurt?
Was he just busy—, no, no matter what even if he was busy, he would have replied, he always does. You anxiously bit your nails, your mother always told you it was a disgusting habit you needed to stop but you couldn’t care less, biting your nails wasn’t something you could just stop, especially when you’re stressing like this.
You stared at your phone as you heard gasps run through your office, you switched from biting your fingernails to your lip as you continued to refresh your messages hoping to see a new message from Jungkook.
You didn’t bother to look up or tear your gaze from your screen as you heard mutters and gasps continue through your office, all you cared about, all that mattered right now was Jungkook.
You decided that another text would help your curiosity as to whether Jungkook was truly too busy to even look at your new text or whether he was just ignoring you for some reason you would find out about soon enough.
You flinched when a hand came to touch your shoulder, you finally looked up to see Jungkook, you smiled seeing him and initially you were confused but nonetheless happy.
His gaze was icy and held no smile he seemed so dull, you wondered why and also wondered why your coworkers were staring at the both of you and whispering, your heart racing in anticipation as Jungkook gestured for you to get out of your seat.
Jungkook was never rough with you and even if you hurt anyone, he could never bring himself to be forceful with you. “Kook, what’s going on.” You were surprised when Jungkook softly grabbed your hands and put them behind your back.
You tried turning to see him, but he held your wrists tightly before getting out his cuffs and placing them as gently as possible on your wrists. “Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.”
You were for some reason trying to break the handcuffs by pulling your wrists away from each other in a fast motion, you’re not she-hulk you can’t break the metal handcuffs, but you continued to anyway.
“Kook, why are you reading me my Miranda rights, what the hell are you doing?” Jungkook didn’t tell you why but he just looked down and continued reading your Miranda rights.
“Kook, what the fuck?” You started to struggle and panic as he wasn’t unlocking the cuffs and you knew he wasn’t playing. “You are under arrest for the murder of Jeon Jung-hyun.”
Your eyes widened as your mouth gaped open, it was purely silent as he started to perp walk you. “His own brother,” you heard people calling you names and trash talking you as you let your head hang low.
Jungkook softly helped you get into his car, he couldn’t look at you, you were crying and just the sound of it made his heart clench in pain. “Kook, w-what’s happening?” He didn’t answer but started the car and closed his eyes for a second before pulling out of the parking space, this wasn’t going to be easy.
When the both of walked in you received dirty looks from other officers that you thought you knew well. “Jeon, I’ll put her in the cell you go take your break, you look like shit man.”
Another officer you knew as Hoshi had stopped by Jungkook and gave him a small nod to try and get him to go. Jungkook huffed, “Thanks Hoshi but I’m fine.”
Hoshi patted his back, “Come on man, I’ll do it, you don’t look so good. I’ll even cover for you so you can rest longer.”  Jungkook hesitated but nonetheless nodded, he had to admit he was so tired and hungry he could barely keep his eyes open and he didn’t even realize it.
Hoshi pushed Jungkook away and laughed when he almost lost balance, “Go rest Jeon or eat or find a way to do both.” Hoshi grabbed onto your arms and he unlocked the cell before unlocking your handcuffs.
You grabbed onto his arm just before he closed the cell door, “Hoshi please, you know me, you know I wouldn’t do this to Jungkook please.” Hoshi shook you off, he looked disgusted by just the touch of you.
“Listen [Name], all the evidence points to you, no one else is a bigger suspect, what am I supposed to do?” Hoshi pushed you further into the cell, “please Hoshi you know I’d never do anything like this.”
Hoshi held his hips and looked to the ground sighing before looking back up at you, “[Name] there’s nothing that I can do.” You held the cell bars tightly and tried to get closer, “Please Hoshi please don’t give up please continue to try and find something, anything. I love Jungkook, and I would never hurt him, you know that.”
Hoshi bit the inside of his cheek, it’s true he knows just how much you love Jungkook. He had gotten cold feet when he was going to get married and you were the one who found him, you were the one to tell him what love is like, and that’s how he know she was the one.
You told him how you felt with Jungkook, how you’d do anything for him, how he makes your heart race when he smiles and how you cry from just the thought of him leaving you.
“Okay, I’ll keep looking but it’s not a guarantee.”
You nodded vigorously, “I’ll take it, I am innocent I’m sure there will be something to prove it too.”
Everything went as expected, at your trial because of the evidence you were found guilty. Your lawyer did everything he could but whoever framed you was an extreme perfectionist from how well everything was planned out.
Your first day in jail you were scared and tried your best to keep to yourself, the others respected you enough to not mess with you, lucky for you no one knew you were betrothed to the man that put most of them in jail.
Everything was going smoothly until one of the guards stupidly let out that you were Jungkook’s girlfriend, “I still can’t believe Jeon’s own girlfriend got thrown in jail.” He said and sure enough you had eyes all over you as you stood in the middle of the lunchroom.
Another guard hit the one whom spoke too loudly, and he noticed the mistake he made, he didn’t realize how loud he said it.
You felt your heart beating fast, all the eyes on you, you gulped dryly the guards were looking at everyone in the silent lunchroom trying to ensure your safety.
It was silent so silent you could hear a pin drop, one woman who absolutely hated Jungkook made the first move. Unfortunately, she was the closest to you and unfortunately for you she had been planning to take someone out anyway, so she already had a shiv with her.
She swiftly charged at you and since your back was facing her when you turned it was too late, she plunged the shiv deeply into your stomach. The guards also charged for her, but they didn’t get to you in time, by then she had plunged the shiv into you three times ensuring your death.
You fell to the ground and the surrounding inmates kicked you, the two guards had tried to pull the other inmates away from you. When that didn’t work, they grabbed their batons and started to use force to get them away from you.
More guards were called but once they finally got all the inmates away from you, you weren’t breathing. The health care at the prison was shit so there was no use in trying to get you there, but they felt bad because you were Jungkook’s girlfriend and they knew you pretty well.
The guards still called an outside hospital and decided to let them officially call your death and also tell Jungkook because they weren’t going to be the ones to do it.
The guard who outed you decided he would ride in the ambulance with you, he felt absolutely horrible, even though you murdered Jungkook’s brother he knew how good of a person you were. You would try your best to bake or make food for the guards because you knew some of them would hardly eat.
In the ambulance you were barely conscious and had to wear an oxygen mask but at least there was still a chance. You were bleeding out too quickly and the paramedic tried everything he could, but you still died on the way to the hospital.
It was a given that would happen, the guards knew that you were going to die from how deep that woman stabbed you and how many times she did. There’s no way she didn’t hit a vital organ that caused you to bleed out so much and so quickly that it was unstoppable.
Jungkook slept for the day, in his dreams you were there, and everything was normal. Jungkook ones in his heart that he still loved you, he didn’t even visit you in jail it was too painful for him. He tried to rack his brain for answers as to why you would murder his brother; had he done something to you.
You weren’t just hurt anyone without a reason, right? Especially not murder, Jungkook preferred to stay in his dreams where you were and that’s why he wanted to kill whoever woke him up from his peaceful dream with you.
“Are you Jeon Jungkook, emergency contact of Park [Name].” It was a woman’s voice, probably a nurse and Jungkook’s heart dropped, why would you be in a hospital?
“Yes, who are you and why do you have her phone?”
The nurse sighed, “Please come to Bumin Busan hospital.”
Jungkook arrived to see a guard from the prison standing in front of the door waiting for him, “Where’s [Name]?!”
Jungkook pushed the guard up against the outside door, Jungkook was causing a disturbance but he didn’t care. “I’m sorry sir there was a problem at the prison-,” Jungkook cut him off by punching him in the face.
The guard fell to the floor with Jungkook on top of him, “What do you mean problem, it’s your job to prevent people from getting hurt!”
His only concern was getting to you, he never should’ve trusted the evidence, “Sir Jeon there’s something you should know.”
Jungkook’s phone interrupted the guard, Jungkook got off of the guard, “You are no longer any of my concern get out of here before I have you fired.”
The guard widened his eyes and nodded thinking it would best to have the doctor tell him about you. “Hello, Hoshi?”
“Jungkook you need to come to the station right away!” Jungkook winced a little from how loud Hoshi yelled from excitement into the phone.
“I’ll come by later, something’s come up.” Jungkook hung up on Hoshi before he could say anything else.
Jungkook didn’t care about anything else but seeing you right now and making sure that you were okay, he ran into the hospital and looked for reception.
His main concern was you, making sure that you were okay, he was going to have a lot of apologizing to do to you. “Excuse me, where’s Kim [Name]?” The receptionist looked up to see Jungkook’s worried expression, “Uh…what room is she in?”
The receptionist looked at him with pity, “Give me one second and I’ll call the doctor.” Jungkook blinked slowly and nodded before turning around, the receptionist called any available doctor to try and explain what was happening.
Jungkook was looking around the hospital and walked further away from reception, she took that chance to phone someone, anyone. Jungkook was far enough so that he wouldn’t hear her, but she didn’t take her chances and kept her voice low anyway.
“He’s right here, right now please get a doctor to tell him.” The receptionist couldn’t be the one to do it, she didn’t know how, what just plainly say that you died, he deserves better.
“Mr. Jeon a doctor will be coming shortly to fetch you and go into further details of [Name]’s condition.” Jungkook walked closer to the receptionist, “Listen I don’t understand what you can’t get through your tiny brain but all I need is her room number so I can see her.”
The receptionist understood how frustrated he was, so she bit her tongue, “I’m sorry Mr. Jeon but I think it’d be best for the doctor to explain-,” Jungkook slammed his hands on her desk making her flinch, “explain?! I don’t need an explanation I just want to see her.”
Jungkook flinched surprised when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, “please don’t yell at her Mr. Jeon she’s just doing her job, come follow me.”
“Okay Dr. Lee, can’t I just see my girlfriend?” Dr. Lee had brought Jungkook somewhere private and definitely not where you were, the space was empty and looked like a used old medical practice room.
“Listen Jungkook I’ll be frank with you, [Name] didn’t make it and I’m really sorry but the fetus inside her didn’t make it either.”
Jungkook felt lightheaded from what he heard, “P-pregnant?”
He tightly held onto the edge of a table trying to grip the reality of this, “I’m sorry Mr. Jeon did you not know [Name] was two months pregnant?”
“You’re lying she would tell me; I did not put my two-month pregnant girlfriend in jail only to be killed.”
“I’m sorry Jungkook but it seems that way, we found an unborn fetus inside of her.” Jungkook shook his head furiously, “I’m sorry Dr. Lee I can’t deal with this right now I-I need to work-, I need to go.”
“Jungkook!” Dr. Lee called out for Jungkook again, but he just ran away, “ah Jungkook you don’t know what you’re doing.”
“Hoshi!” Jungkook looked through the room of the station to try and find Hoshi, he stopped in the middle of the room seeing everyone crowded around a board Hoshi pushed through to try and get to Jungkook.
“Isn’t it great Jungkook, we have evidence that [Name] didn’t kill Jung-hyun.” Jungkook fell to his knees with regret, disappointment, sadness, pretty much anything you can think of.
“No, no that can’t be true.” There’s no way he sent his pregnant girlfriend to jail, there’s no way he killed his pregnant girlfriend, the woman he thought he’d spend his life with.
He had gotten a ring just for her, “what’s wrong Jungkook this is a good thing, we can get her out.”
Everyone’s blood ran cold when Jungkook put his hands on the floor and lowered his head to the ground, “She’s dead.”
Jungkook was panting, he was so upset he couldn’t even cry instead he laughed, “she’s gone, my life is gone.” He laughed until he cried, and his fellow officers thought he was a madman.
“Jungkook I’m sorry-,” Jungkook jerked away when Hoshi tried to pat his back, “Don’t! She was pregnant Hoshi, I killed my pregnant girlfriend, the woman I was gonna marry, the woman I love I killed her and our unborn child.”
Hoshi gasped in awe, what could he say, why didn’t he find the evidence in time, you were pregnant? The entire station was silent and heard Jungkook’s confession, they were surprised that you were pregnant out of wedlock but that was forgotten when he mentioned that you had passed.
You were his bestfriend, you were there for him when he could’ve made the biggest mistake of his life and he just threw you in prison to let you rot, you didn’t deserve to die like that. “W-what,” Hoshi fell on his ass when it hit him too, why didn’t he find evidence sooner?
“S-she’s dead, [N-n-name]’s dead.” All of the officers looked down in desolation as Jungkook burst into tears like he was a lost child, and maybe that’s all he is right now a little lost child with no home, no comfort, no nothing, just his lonesome self and all he can do is cry.
Another officer tried to step up since Hoshi the only person who knew how Jungkook was feeling was in a lonely silent despair. “Jungkook we should plan a funeral for her and your baby.”
As soon as the other officers heard the younger say, “your baby,” they expected Jungkook to lunge at him and hit him for mention the poor soul, but he didn’t. Jungkook cried louder, “m-my baby, I killed my little baby.”
Hoshi just continued to stare blankly at the floor, “Jungkook, you didn’t kill them, someone else did because of you.” Another officer hit the younger and whispered, “you’re not helping.”
Everyone couldn’t tell whether Hoshi or Jungkook took your death worse, Hoshi was silent and so was Jungkook they were both inside a stage of pain and guilt. Neither of them left their houses, hell they didn’t leave their rooms.
A few of the officers decided to try and get them to get out of their rooms because not even Hoshi’s wife could get him out, he was just too dejected about not getting new evidence in time and everyone was worried about Jungkook because he didn’t have anyone (more like he wouldn’t let anyone in).
“Come on Jungkook [Name] wouldn’t want to see you like this.” Felix tried to pull the blanket off of Jungkook but Jungkook wouldn’t let go of it either, “Well she’s dead so she can’t see me like this, now get out.”
Felix sighed, “Jungkook please you couldn’t have known.” Felix kicked around beer bottles that surrounded his feet, “you can’t substitute beer for food Jungkook, we all messed up.” Jungkook sat up and harshly pushed Felix away and then started to hit his chest, “yeah but I should’ve known, I should’ve believed her, I should’ve visited her, but I didn’t.”
Felix tried to grab Jungkook’s wrist to stop him from hitting his chest, “please Jungkook stop this, there was too much evidence against her, you couldn’t have believed her.”
Jungkook shook off Felix, “Even if I couldn’t, even if the world was against her, it doesn’t matter I should have been there for her so leave me alone.”
With one hard push Felix fell to the floor, “I’ll leave you for now, I know you still need time to grieve.” When Felix left Jungkook pulled out his phone and looked at the last text he had gotten from you on that day.
He silently cried knowing that Felix was probably still in his house doing cleaning or something like that, if only he had done what he wanted to that day you wouldn’t be dead, he would have a beautiful child with you and he would be happy instead of cowardly hiding from the world to avoid seeing you everywhere.
Jungkook was freaking out just outside your building, how could he arrest you, did you really kill his brother, why would you do it, you wouldn’t, would you?
He heard and his phone ding and in came a text from you, he laughed and chose not to respond before turning away from your building and walking away.
Jungkook walked back to his car and opened the door, he sat in his car for a minute before deciding on quitting and running away with you.
Jungkook put his phone down, maybe it’d be best if he left with you first and then informed his officer that he was quitting. He’d have to go, and pack first and then get you and then leave, yeah that’s probably best.
Jungkook started his car, “Am I really letting my brother’s killer go free?” Jungkook shook his head, “No, no I have to throwing [Name] in jail isn’t going to bring my brother back.”
But on the other hand, she’s a murderer, I’m running away with a murderer.
But what if she really didn’t kill him, what if there’s something I’m missing?
But what if she really did kill him, my elder brother someone who I treasured and looked up to.
Jungkook continued to fight with himself trying to decide which choice was right and wrong, “I became a police officer to put bad people away and just because I love her doesn’t mean she gets to break the law.”
Jungkook tightened his fist around his steering wheel before slamming his fist onto his horn making a loud noise no one could hear since there was no one else in the parking lot. “Fuck, why is this so hard?”
Jungkook took a deep breath and turned off his car again, “Just because I love her doesn’t mean she gets to break the law.”
“I tried but he won’t come out,” Felix was talking with one of his seniors that asked him to try and get Jungkook out while he went to Hoshi. “It’s fine just clean up and make him food, make sure he eats, I’ll call you later to see how it goes with Hoshi.”
Felix nodded, “Hopefully he’ll finally talk, he hasn’t talked since he found out.”
Mingyu sighed, “Yeah I know,” he knocked on Hoshi’s door and hung up his phone.
Hoshi’s wife opened the door, “Oh thank god you’re here Mingyu he’s not even eating.” Mingyu scratched his head, “It’s that bad?”
She nodded, “I can’t get him to eat, he refuses to look at me, I don’t even hear him cry.” Mingyu nodded and stepped into their house, “Where is he right now?” She gestured for him to follow her and he did.
“Hoshi, Mingyu is here.” She softly knocked on the door with the back of her finger three times, she waited for any noise, any signal that he was okay with them coming in.
She didn’t hear anything though, “Hoshi?” Mingyu pushed her away softly and knocked on the door again, “Mingyu, we’re coming in.” They still didn’t hear anything but opened the door, Hoshi wasn’t in sight and their anxiety level began to rise.
She looked towards Mingyu, “I swear he was in here.” Mingyu put his hand up letting her know she didn’t have to say anything, “the bathroom.” Mingyu looked at Hoshi’s wife, she was walking towards the bathroom with shaky hands.
Mingyu beat her to the bathroom and tried to open the door, “It’s locked, do you have a key for it?”
She nodded and rushed out of the room, “Hoshi are you in there?!” Mingyu twisted the locked knob, he knew he couldn’t get it open, but he still tugged on it anyway.
“Mingyu I found the key, here.” She quickly threw the key to Mingyu, he caught the key and quickly opened the door, “Hoshi?!”
Mingyu ran into the bathroom to an indescribable scene, “Call an ambulance,” he managed to yell to Hoshi’s wife through his own shock and horror.
Mingyu tried (keep in mind tried) to pull Hoshi out of the bathtub filled with watery blood, “No, no stop let me die, I want to die.” Mingyu was appalled by this, how is he still alive?(Mingyu was thankful but shocked).
Hoshi resisted, “I want to die, leave me alone, go away.” Hoshi fought Mingyu but he was weak from blood loss, “I-I miss her.” A broken sob left Hoshi as his consciousness faded away, “I miss her too buddy.”
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Note I : Okay so to the anon who requested I hope it’s okay I added this little plot twist of reader being pregnant, I thought it’d add more dramatic effect. Sorry I took so long writing this I have a lot of schoolwork I don’t want to do and I lowkey think I have ADHD but my mom doesn’t want to let me take a test to find out so I will forever be unable to focus. Anyway, hope you enjoy.  
Note II : My god I dragged this on way too long 😩I didn’t know how to end it. Forgive me anon if you didn’t like the ending 👉🏻👈🏻 and I feel like I haven’t posted in forever. ☹️
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psychefm · 4 years
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talk to the hand [ TIMOTHEE CHALAMET ], [ REED ‘NEWT’ NEWTON ] is the new kid on the block around here. at [ TWENTY ], the [ CIS BOY] works at [ BABBAGE’S ] in the mall and, like, [ HE ] totally reminds us of [ CHANDLER BING ]. oh snap! what? their favorite movie is [ HOME ALONE ]???? so is mine!
ABOUT THE MUN.  i used to lie to y’all, my mom didn’t say no, i did
i hate this site man. and that’s it, that’s all you gotta know about me. 
BIO. good news!!!! i’ve successfully replaced all my emotions with jokes !!!! tw bullying
reed newton was born in london england to sylvia anne bixby and cornelius otis newton and honestly, he’s regretted it ever since.
newt was an accident. he was the product of one of his mother and father’s first ever lustful encounters, and their subsequent shotgun wedding so honestly they both spent most of newt’s formative years in the honeymoon period. some of newt’s earlier memories are of him walking in on his parents doing the devil’s tango in the broom closet and his nanny rushing to cover his eyes. good times. 
honestly newt walked in on his parents doing the do more times than any kid should have before the age of nine. and then he walked in on a parent doing the do with a non parent. in other words newt got an eyeful of his father and the pool boy and it wasn’t long after that that his parents went through a long and messy divorce. once again, good times. 
his mother decided to pack up their things and move herself and her nine year old very impressionable son to nebraska, because fuck that kid amiright. newt was quickly designated as the skinny weird nerdy kid with glasses and a funny little accent, and so as you can guess he was pretty mercilessly bullied from age nine to eighteen. he really never stood a chance.
i feel like this is a good time to mention that newt’s mother was a sex therapist, which is not the same as a regular therapist but still, therapist is in the name. he should have been able to talk to his parent in this time of strife and get some level of support right? nope. sylvia bixby is well known for writing a men are from mars, women are from venus like book on communication and dating and all that, so his mom was generally on book tour after book tour. but maybe she would have been supportive if she was ever actually around, right? again, nope. 
unbeknownst to newt whenever his mother was around she was not only just casually psycho analyzing her only child for shits and giggles, no, she as also writing about it. newt’s mother wrote an entire book about raising a highly repressed teenage son with newt as the star, and you can only guess what that did for newt’s stellar high social status in high school. nothing great. 
did newt ask her not to publish it once he realized she had wrote it? yes. did she still publish it? also yes. so newt and his mother no longer have the greatest relationship. holidays are awkward.
things were not better on his fathers end, but it wasn’t because his father particularly did anything nearly as tone deaf as his mother. yes, his father was a famous erotica novelist and yes that made newt’s life a living hell, but newt luckily wasn’t the subject of those books. neil transitioned from writing fabio like novels to writing some lgbt fiction which, great for representation, horrible for your teenage son who is now known around school for having a dad who writes porn. to top it off, neil ended up starting a long term relationship with the pool boy and gaining a pseudo step son from it. benjamin caley was not only more athletic than newt, not only more attractive than newt, but also better than newt in every single way imaginable which was a real self esteem booster. his father actively prefers benji and every time newt visits him in england over the summers he comes home hating himself a bit more.
which works out because after the book being published, most people kind of hated newt too so at the very least he was on trend. there was a lot of classic nineties bullying you know, wedgies, swirlies, shoving newt into lockers. all very cliche. newt would tell his bullies as much, but it never really went over that well. 
but then finally newt graduated. he was free from the hell that was the public education system and his childhood household. he graduated with honours, moved out of his mother’s house, and got himself his own apartment with a roommate near the mall where he got his first real job. 
goes to university for software engineering. has an internship at apple that he’s absolutely terrified to mess up. has an old beat up car that was like the first big purchase he ever made with his own money, so he loves it to death even though it’s a piece of shit. 
PERSONALITY.  do you fear me? don’t feel so special now. i have social anxiety. i fear everybody.
this is my first time playing newt so all of this is subject to change BUT
INSECURE. newt is a weird mix of cripplingly insecure and weirdly confident and there is no in between ever.
WITTY.  humour is and always will be the only defense newt has against anything, so he makes a lot of jokes especially when he feels uncomfortable.
EMPATHETIC. newt is a big push over when it comes to emotions like he would never do anything to hurt someone unless it was by accident or he was provoked or you’re his step brother benji or either of his parents in which case he will run you over with his car on sight. but no really, if newt is in a position where he has to hurt somebody he will do absolutely everything in his power to either not or avoid the situation completely. 
AWKWARD. sometimes honestly, although it depends on the day. v clumsy though. usually he can try to make his awkwardness funny but does he always succeed? the answer is no. 
HEADCANNONS.  actually all of my systems are nervous.
has to drink like six cups of coffee or tea a day. very serious about his tea because english. also has vegemite on his toast. 
can actually cook pretty well even though he prefers to eat takeout. cooks because it’s cheaper and he’s a broke ass student yk. won’t take money from his parents ever, and will straight up give it away if it’s forced upon him. 
writes star trek fanfic for fun and has a kind of weird relationship with writing because of his parents honestly?? but he enjoys it so, maybe the apple in fact does not fall from the tree. 
has commitment issues because of his parents divorce but don’t we all. 
developed a stutter after all the divorce drama because he thought it was his fault. he later had to see a speech therapist. his mother later had a fwb relationship with this same speech therapist. newt wanted to die. 
traded his glasses for contacts and you will literally only see newt in glasses if he rips or loses his contacts or if he’s at home. 
in love with all things sci fi, will rent and see every sci movie ever made if he can 
accidentally knocks down at least one display in babbages per day so there’s that.
speaking of newt runs a small side gig out of babbages where he fixes up tech because paying for university, rent, and car insurance out of pocket gets up there. so if you need someone to fix your desktop newt is your guy. 
is actually a pretty good flirt when he’s drunk or feels comfortable. is constantly teetering between painfully insecure and confident. 
is very bi and very hesitant about it because of his father and all his feelings towards that, but he will eventually stop fighting it so much soon hopefully. has probably had a few drunken hookups with guys but tries to convince himself that is just a drunk thing yk. 
is allergic to bees so death has a kiss just for him i guess. 
loves video games but that goes without saying
has anxiety and takes medication for it, one of the few healthy things his mother has ever done for him. 
speaking of his mother if newt ever sees her book about him in a book display he will spend as much time as needed taking each book and hiding them in obscure places so that no one will ever be able to find them and buy them. he read the whole thing because he had to know and yep he absolutely hates it. 
goes by newt and only newt so that no one can make the connection between him and his mother or his father upon first meeting him or hopefully ever. a lot of the kids he went to high school with still know though and with the accent and everything, he’s not fooling anyone who has at least heard a rumour 
idk what else y’all imma fite tumblr for making me write this twice
WANTED CONNECTIONS.  actually wait, i take that self deprecation back, i’m great.
ROOMMATE. because newt can’t afford his place on his own between all his expenses. please. think of the shenanigans. 
ON AGAIN OFF AGAIN THING. kind of inspired by chandler and janice tbh. these two are pretty incompatible and whenever they’re together all they talk about is breaking up with each other but whenever they’re broken up and they see each other they somehow always find themselves waking up in bed together the next morning. it’s a mess.
NERD SQUAD. give me newt’s friends from high school please and thanks. just a crew of absolutely dweebs and misfits. 
FWB/EWB. self explanatory considering newt’s big commitment issues but i just imagine like making out in the back room and like hooking up in the break room and someone leaving like a damning article of clothing in there and the two of them scrambling to get it before anyone notices. just fun. 
EX. self explanatory but yes, an ex gf or bf, an ex fwb or ewb, give me all the exes please. 
REPEAT CUSTOMER. this person is always paying newt to come fix their computer and other tech and newt just doesn’t understand how they mess it up so badly. like he doesn’t get how or why technology hates them as much as it does, but he’ll take the money.
HATESHIP. just good old fashion animosity. could be hate from school or the fresh hate upon working in the mall together or they can just be newt’s least favourite customer and he can hate them for that. 
CRUSH. maybe newt had a crush on them in school. maybe they had a crush on newt in school. maybe newt has a crush on them now. maybe they have a crush on newt now. 
and anything else tbh. i’d love a smoking buddy for newt, a friend who he can never get any work done around like when they’re together they’re just like !!!, someone who used to be one of the popular kids who he is now getting along with or still holding a grudge against, his big gay awakening in school maybe like the first masc person he had a crush on, someone who tries to get newt to party and come out of his shell, someone who idk steals from babbages skjsdj idk man i am open to anything at all so just like this and we can brain storm if anything!
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a personal, super long vent. i don’t expect anyone to read it. tl;dr i’m sad about how unbalanced by breakup is and especially sad bc when i move out i will be leaving behind a cat that i have a really strong bond with but who, literally every way you cut it, belongs to my ex
so as i mentioned my gf and i broke up last week. it was amicable, i’m sad, etc
even though the end of our relationship was, and still is, really difficult and painful, worse than that is the cat situation
she has two cats. they moved out to our apartment in january. one was very skittish and tbh seemed unhappy in her parents’ home, he spent most of his time hiding. i really liked that cat. i gave him affection while respecting his space and boundaries. also, this apartment is smaller, quieter, and more predictable than the family home. so he really came out of his shell. he stopped hiding, he started hanging out on the couch with me. we had a routine where in the morning he would (impatiently) wait for me to get out of bed and then run into the living room and jump to the top of the cat tree where he would wait for me to pet him. we really, really bonded.
the other cat and i never really bonded that much. he’s also a bully and kind of terrorizes the cat i was talking about. but he’s my gf’s favorite, and she’s his. so it worked out well. she had her favorite, i had my favorite, and it matched up with the cats’ favorites. i was fully invested in the cats, paid for a lot of their food, vet bills, spent a lot of time with them, considered them “our cats.”
but the fact of the matter is they aren’t actually our cats. they’re hers. they’ve been hers for years and there’s no way around that. so, when i move out, i have to leave them behind. even my baby, who i love with my whole heart and who really loves and trusts me. it’s not fair to either of us. i lose a cat i love, and he loses a human who is really invested in him and making sure that he’s getting the affection he needs and his attention seeking brother doesn’t take it all. 
now, i’m not saying my ex will ignore him or mistreat him, because she won’t, at all. but i do worry that he’ll fall back into old habits. maybe he won’t! i hope he won’t. but i am concerned.
it just fucking sucks and breaks my heart. there’s literally no way of thinking about this that gives me any ownership over this cat or any reason to take him with me. but it feels so unfair. even though it’s literally not.
he’ll get over it eventually and forget about me, but i’ll never get over him. i can (and will) get my own cat in my new place, and i will love that cat. but this is such a major loss for me. i bring him a lot of comfort, but he helps me, too. he’s loving and patient and we’ve really become each other’s companions.
so here i am, losing my home (owned by my ex’s parents) bc i can’t stay here without it being too painful, losing my partner of three years and therefore losing my best friend, losing the support and love of her family who i grew very close to and really relied on. also losing a lot of money, because moving is expensive and i don’t own anything bc my ex or her parents bought everything in our apartment. losing access to a car. and losing the sweetest cat in the world.
meanwhile, what’s she losing? a roommate, pretty much. some extra financial support for the cats that her parents can pick up. she’s barely losing a relationship bc she’s already practically in a new one (we tried an open relationship before breaking up and she fell for someone online (who she wasn’t actively seeking out but met in a discord) really hard, really fast -- the passion i saw for that girl was kind of what pushed me to want to break up, because we honestly never had that much passion, and whatever we did have was gone). they’re not officially together but like... they’re basically dating. so it just feels so unbalanced and unfair and i’m so sad and hurt. 
i’m not trying to trash her or diminish what she’s going through. i know she’s hurt too, even if she doesn’t show it as much as i do, and i know she feels guilty about the fact that she’s kind of moved on already. just, for me, from my perspective, i got the short end of the stick in pretty much every way possible and i’m fucking sad and even a little angry about it.
god i’m going to miss that cat so much. i’m here for another month and a half. and i can visit after i move but. shit man. he’s my baby and i’m losing him
it’s like i want her to tell me, “yeah, of course you can take him with you!” when i make a joke about it to hide the pain. but that makes no sense and if i were in her position i would be like “wtf no that makes literally no sense, it’s my cat” but i still want it to happen that way anyway
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