#my expectations are too high and i just be out here not even giving ppl a chance
hauntingsofhouses · 2 years
unsnoozing my bumble and tinder accounts the day after valentine's cuz i want someone to fall in love with me already like what the fuck
0 notes
binniesbooks · 2 months
hi my fayebae~ since u said u loved the car clip of soobin, here’s one for u to write ur heart away!! (U can of course choose whether u wanna do it or not no pressure!! Im just sending since its at the top of my mind rn, ahh n im sorry for so many request i usually dont send anyt in but🥹i didnt think it would be this fun to see my request coming to life uk but i digress)
idk whether u would like this but:
bf!soobin x gf!brat!reader
they got into an argument and stuff but soobin who still loves his gf comes n picks her up after (cheerleading?prac of some sorts)
Otw home… reader gives the cold shoulder to soob, not talking thru out the entire journey? So soob decides to take a detour n drives to somewhere that doesnt have many ppl looking in the night.
They start talking n tried to resolve whatever their fighting abt, one thing led to another, well reader is giving him a bj!!(the rest of the smut is up to u!!)
inspired by that soob clip of course~ have fun love💗
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SB 000 .F23 2024
wc 3.7k
pairings bf!Soobin x bratgf!reader
warnings oral sex, semi-public, unprotected sex, slight brat taming, being almost caught, pet names (+ anything that I missed)
faye's note this clip was on my mind 24/7. And after receiving it I got excited making this one out but I'm not sure if it turned out good because my mind was kinda occupied with thesis shit. Omfg. Anyways, I hope it isn't dry tho 😔
Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, be it familial, platonic, or romantic. Arguments can arise from misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or simply the simple things from daily life. Recently, you found yourself in a heated disagreement with Soobin, your boyfriend.
The sun hung low one afternoon, casting golden lights through the window. You were sprawled on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Soobin on the other hand, who had just come home from a busy day at university, was busy, again, in the kitchen, occasional noises of clicks and clangs of utensils on pots and pans plus the opening and closing of the faucet can be heard.
You overheard him murmur "Yeah, dinner for two," as he clicked his tongue. You felt a strange pang of irritation swell within you. It wasn't about him or the meal he was preparing, it was you. You actually promised him you would help out, maybe even cook together, but here you were, scrolling on your phone.
You stood up as you trudged to the kitchen, arms crossed as you leaned on the sink. "You didn't have to do all this," you stood feigning nonchalance as you bit your cheek to not show the guilt you were feeling. "You could have asked me for help."
"Oh?" He looked at you with disappointment, "I thought you were busy checking social media," his blunt reply and harsh tone made your ears hot out of irritation. "I didn't want to interrupt your 'important' scrolling."
The sarcasm was too emphasized and it stung more than you expected. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you met with his gaze. "Nothing! I just thought maybe you'd care enough to have some initiative or something. We both agreed to share the chores. I was tired the whole day only to come back home without even eating a single thing." His voice raised with frustration as he threw down the spatula.
"I was going to help!" Your voice was quite high as you tried to cover how you abandoned your promise. "Oh yeah? I was out all day to finish my projects. And there you were scrolling through your phone." He said as he crumpled the apron he was wearing and threw it also on the table.
"You know what, Soobin? Maybe I don't always want to help! Maybe I want a day off too!" You felt the tension suffocating the air around you. Your heart raced but you're too afraid you're wrong.
"That's fucking selfish!" His voice rose, echoing in the confines of the kitchen. "You can't just say you want a break when we agreed to support each other!" He even added. "Fine! I guess we don't need any support then!" You turned on your heel as if fleeing away would help erase the hurtful things that had been said.
"Hey, y/n! Where are you going!" He called but you did not even take a glance. He called you multiple times but his voice just faded out as you were stomping your way to the bedroom.
That night, you didn't come out for dinner. Your mind was in a whirlwind of regret and stubborn pride. Soobin had a point, you were just lazing around that time, however, you don't want to accept that it was your fault. That same night, he didn't come into the room. Your shared bed feels so empty, but you can't just bring yourself to ask for an apology.
Later that morning, you tiptoed your way out. Still too early that your boyfriend was still sleeping, uncomfortably by the way, on the couch. You just grabbed bread and water and went out.
You two always ride his car to go to school. But this time you were determined not to ask for a simple apology and went out by yourself instead. And yes, you were planning to walk to school for your practice. However, some guy passed by and let you ride their car. Since you know the one who offered you a ride, you accepted the offer. It was Kai anyway, aside from being in Soobin's circle of friends, he was part of your cheerleading team.
"Why are you walking so early in the morning? Where's Soobin?" He asked out of curiosity.
"I don't know, maybe somewhere." You answered as you rolled your eyes, still being stubborn. "Are you two fighting?" Kai chuckled as he watched your actions while the traffic light was still red.
"We broke up." You nonchalantly remarked. Well, that was supposed to be a joke, and you never thought that Kai would actually believe those words.
"Woah shit! You what?" He was really startled at what you said as he covered his mouth while keeping the other on the wheel. You just laughed at him as you took the last bite of the bread.
Your whole Saturday went on like the usual cheerleading practice days. But since your mind is still in a whirlwind of pride, you couldn't focus. Causing you to crash multiple times while practicing. You were even scolded by your coach and instructors telling you that you looked like your mind flying or some sort. You just rolled your eyes at them whenever they turn their backs to you.
For that reason, you got hurt, earning yourself a few scratches here and there. You didn't even bother at all. Kai on the other hand, took the chance to treat your scratches. You're still not aware that he actually took your words this morning to heart and mind.
"It's just a scratch, Kai. No need to create a big fuss." You chuckled as he handed you a few bandages.
"Still, scratches can cause infection." He defended himself.
"Fine fine, you win." You sighed in defeat.
You two shared each other's company during lunch that day. You could even tell that many eyes are watching you -- no, most probably judging you at this point. Nonetheless, you just shrugged it off and enjoyed Kai's company instead. Not knowing that this could fuel some bigger fire. Fire that Kai holds, and fire that your boyfriend holds.
Since Soobin was not on the campus that day, he just stayed at home. He can't even contact you since you purposely left your phone. He was just cleaning all day. Just decluttering everything at home. He knows you're practicing today anyway. The only difference is that he usually accompanies you to school and waits for you until practice is done and brings you home, but now, he's just at home busying himself with the chores. He just planned to fetch you later this afternoon and treat you to some restaurant to make it up to you since he feels sorry about raising his voice at you.
"Let's wrap up here today." Your coach shouts as he reminds the assigned cleaners to clean the gymnasium before going home.
"Ugh! Cleaning this whole gymnasium sucks!" You complained, picking up the materials your team has used.
"Anyway, why are you still here? You're not on the list to clean today, right?" You were pertaining to the young boy tailing you. He smiled as he scratched the back of his head, "I want to offer you a ride home." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"Don't you have like, any other things to do?" You asked, counting the pompoms before storing them in the box.
"Don't have any." Kai shook his hand as he took the box from your hand and headed to the facility room.
As soon as you and the other were done cleaning, you immediately headed out, Kai insisted on carrying your cheerleading bag. Once again, eyes were gawking at the two of you. You can hear a few of them mumbling but you still ignored it.
Kai opened his car door to let you in. But before you could even step foot inside, someone spoke which made you stop in your tracks. "Where are you headed to?" You turn around to see Soobin as he brings his window down.
"O-oh Soobin hyung." Soobin nods at the younger boy to notice his existence, his elbow hanging at the open window.
You quickly retreat as you grab your bag from Kai. "I-i thought..." Kai stammered as he looked at you. "I was just messing with you Kai, it's not real." You sighed. "What did she say?" Soobin interrupted as he turned to you. You're just a millisecond late to cover Kai's mouth as the words slip out. "She said that you two broke up." Soobin snapped his head towards the younger, a smirk forming on his lips. "Did she?" Kai just nods, still clueless. "Get in," Soobin commanded over you. "I'll take her home, be safe, Kai," Soobin says as he closes the window, whistling.
The whole drive is deafening in silence. You can't hear anything except the faint music playing on the car radio.
"Wow, did we actually break up?" Soobin states with unbelief as he taps his fingers on the wheels.
You were still saying nothing. "Y/n, seriously, are you still mad at me? You didn't even eat last night." He sighed as he continuously threw you glances. Both of your hands were properly curled up in a ball above your thighs clutching your short skirt as you stared outside the window. Looking at whatever unpleasant view outside that seems interesting to you.
The once bright clouds turned darker. "Is it gonna rain? I thought I checked the weather news before I went out." Soobin whispers, changing the stations to listen to the news.
The raindrops started to fall on the car window, drizzling softly as it made the glass cold. "Grab my jacket in the backseat." Soobin talks to you again, but you're not even giving him a single glance.
Soobin messages his temple, "I wanted to take you to a restaurant tonight to make it up to you, but it looks like it's pouring really hard. I'm sorry y/n, just please talk to me." He's totally losing his patience at this point as if he's gonna burst again but tried his very best not to go over the top. He regretted raising his voice yesterday so much.
The once-familiar view of the road becomes foreign to your eyes. You turned to Soobin, looking at his unusual demeanor. If he'd been talking so much earlier, his lips were totally shut now. You wanted to speak and ask him where he was bringing you or what was wrong but you stopped yourself. Whatever will be, will be, you thought to yourself.
The rain started pouring harder, and the once busy road you were on looked empty now. Thunder clasps from far away making a rumbling sound. You try to rub your shoulder to create friction to keep your body warm. You're starting to feel cold and Soobin hasn't thrown you a glance nor commented anything at you.
He suddenly pulled up on the roadside, and the light from the lamp post dimly flickered inside the car.
"Not gonna lie, I felt like a dumb ass talking to a wall earlier." His eyes met yours for a while before you averted your gaze. He grabs his jacket and hands it to you, "Wear this, you must be cold. I just realized, your skirt is too short, and your tank top is too thin, at that." He eyes you up and down as you wear his jacket.
"This is fucking crazy." He mumbled as he pulled his hair.
"Y/n, baby, look, I'm really sorry for raising my voice at you, hm? I was just really tired last night." He gently placed his hand above yours on your thighs.
Your eyes were following a few cars passing by as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. You felt Soobin hold your face gently. "Baby, please look at me. I'm not used to this. You know me." Soobin's eyes were practically begging. He couldn't stand you giving him the cold shoulder.
The truth is you were just afraid. You're afraid to admit you had acted selfishly. Afraid of facing him after a petty argument over something so trivial.
"I just want you to talk to me," he caresses your cheeks, words so gentle and comforting, "I can't fix this if you won't talk to me."
Soobin pulls you in for a hug, warming up your heart. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, surrendering to him and putting down your stubborn pride. You mumbled a soft sorry as he gently rubbed your back. You let your arms move freely, as you return the hug to Soobin.
"Please don't do this again to me." He kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry for raising my voice, baby. I'm sorry for making you feel upset at me." Soobin's probably the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. He can make you feel loved and appreciated, but of course, you're just stubborn and bratty at times, which makes him wanna lose his temper.
Soobin pulls away, showering your face with a hundreds of kisses. You can't help but giggle at his actions."I didn't mean to shut you out." You mumbled with a pout. "You don't look sincere." Soobin commented which made you pout more. He chuckled as he pulled you in for a kiss.
The kiss felt soft and gentle. That's why you had no idea, why he was shoving his tongue inside your mouth. He bit your lip with a little harshness making you push him away. "Oww! What was that!" You complained. Soobin simply smirked at you. "I'm asking for an apology and forgiving you for one, but not the other issue." His smirk turns to a frown. "Soobin I can explain that..." Your heart began to race, thumping so hard you could feel it in your throat.
"Why don't we use that pretty little mouth of yours on something else good, yeah? Instead of giving people an opening to pounce on you." His eyes scream anger and lust at the same time.
"What do you mean?" You asked clueless. "What do I mean? You really want to hear the exact words?" Soobin taunted. "I don't get what you are saying." You shook your head. "I'm telling you that you just made an opening to let Kai pounce on you. Are you that dense, that you don't even know he likes you?" You were shocked at what Soobin just revealed to you. You opened your mouth to answer only for him to cut you off.
"Or don't tell me you wanted it all along?" He scoffs. "Soobin don't talk like that --" "Don't talk like what, doll? Aren't you the one who told him we're over?"
That's it, those words pushed you over the edge, switching your bratty side once more. "Okay, so what? What if I wanted it all along?" Your voice raised once more. "Kai is a good guy, plus he knows how to take care of someone he likes." You pushed Soobin's chest away from you. Soobin scoffed again, brushing his tongue inside his cheek.
"And I can tell --"
"Backseat. Or else --"
"Or else what? Huh? Are you gonna order me around again? Raise your voice over me again?" You taunt.
"I said backseat, you brat." He fixed his gaze on you and held your wrist.
His words are firm and strong which makes the hair on your neck stand up. He unbuckled his seatbelt and shifted the gear to park, leaving the car idle and the headlights on. You have no choice. You crawled your way to the backseat. you squeezed yourself to fit and pass by the center console. Soobin followed quickly, making his way through the front and back doors. As soon as he settled in the backseat, he ruffled his hair to whisk away some water from the rain.
Your eyes waver as you avert your gaze from him. His hand squeezed both your cheeks, "My patience is running low from your actions, doll. You're making it worse."
Soobin pulled you on his lap. You were almost covering him with how big his jacket you were wearing. His surname is written in big fonts.
He hiked up your skirt only to find out you had nothing underneath other than thin panties. Soobin scoffs, "Don't tell me you were gonna ride Kai's car with just this?" You bit your lip as you placed your hands on his shoulder when he started to rub you with your panties still on.
Soobin clearly knows how to make your knees weak. With just a simple touch and you're back to square one from being a brat. He pulled your panties off slowly without breaking the eye contact. His brows are still furrowed and you can still feel his anger.
"Let's see if you'd still want to ride his car after getting out of mine." He clicked his tongue and licked his finger, pushing two at the same time. Your mouth hung open as you squirm. "S-soob..." You can't talk straight, no, you don't wanna talk actually, but he has his ways to make you open your mouth. "How is it? Still wanna ride his car?" A sly smirk tugging on his lips. In which you replied with just a shake of your head.
"I'm close..." You whispered, biting your lips, watching how his fingers disappears and appears in your cunt. You shudder with the sensation, your high coming to you. But Soobin pulled his fingers out. You whined, hiding your face on his neck as you grind yourself above him.
Soobin's too focused on making you say the word sorry for the said issue. He did not even expect you'll act bratty once again after just apologizing for what happened yesterday.
He gripped your waist. "Stop moving or you'll not gonna cum for 1 week." Hearing this, you whine once more. You can't stand that punishment at least. But instead of getting the words out of your mouth, Soobin wasn't prepared for your action of apology.
You unzip his pants and slowly stroke him. Your face is still hidden in the crook of his neck. Planting soft kisses on his shoulder blade to his neck.
"Doll." His voice is warning yet you didn't budge, with only a small "please let me" coming out of your mouth.
His hand rubbed your back up and down, slipping them inside your top. Your skin is burning to his palm.
"What's with you, huh?" He asked, but he clearly knows you'd rather act like his little slut than let the five-letter word out of your pretty mouth.
You pulled back, squeezing your body once again on the small space between his legs. "Fuck-- just stop giving him signs -- ohh shit!" Soobin clearly shows his frustration at how he grips on the door. You gave him a few kitten licks and swirled your tongue on the tip of his cock making him jolt.
He looks down at you, meeting your eyes, "Fuck, is the word too much for you to say?" You took him whole the moment he spit those words making him thrust up a bit and lean back his head on the headrest.
"Ahh!" His breathy moans filled the car, making the glass foggy despite the rain and cold atmosphere outside. His hands tangled in your hair as you bobbed your head slowly.
You whimpered at how his cock pulsated on your tongue and how his tip kissed your throat. He gently caresses your cheeks as he holds them. You automatically leaned on his hand as you let him fuck your mouth.
His eyes were tightly closed. Lower lip trapped between his teeth. One hand on your cheek to hold you and the other firmly gripping the door to keep himself grounded.
"Baby fuck!" With one last thrust, he's cumming in your mouth. Draining himself on your wet and hot lips.
His heavy pants were the only thing that could be heard inside the car. Not until you hear a knock on the window. You quickly scrambled up your way to the seat as you sat properly, Soobin shoving his shirt down to cover his exposed length.
He opened the window slowly. "Is everything fine? You're hazard is switched on." A police officer said with an umbrella in hand, roaming his eyes inside the car. He even added that he was just passing by and noticed the car had switched on the hazard.
"I'm sure I didn't put the car on hazard though., must be when I got out.." Soobin mumbles, "But everything is fine, we just need to talk something out."
"Take care then, it's pouring hard." The officer apologized before going back to his car.
You looked at Soobin, fear evident on your face. You were doing things in a semi-public place but here you are, totally scared of getting caught. Soobin chuckled at you.
"Can you turn off the hazard light?" He appealed. You propped yourself on top of the center console to reach for the hazard button. But seems like some other button is getting pressed instead, as your hands retreat back to cover your mouth.
Soobin's tongue is licking your exposed cunt. Eating you out while you're still on the center console.
"S-soob, wait.." you tried your best to appeal to him but he did not budge. He continued shoving his tongue inside you. He then gently pulled you back to his lap, slowly sinking you down on his cock.
One of his hands lightly squeezes your neck, the other one pulling one of your hands back. He stopped you from covering your mouth as he continuously thrusts upward.
"Tight.. so tight..." He mumbles at your nape. "Pussy so good for me."
"M-more please." You quietly pleaded as you tried moving your hips. "Someone's eager to be filled." He commented back. "W-wanna be full of you, Soobin." You're feeling lightheaded at how he's squeezing your neck. He can't help but leave hickeys on your shoulder as he thrusts harder.
"I'm gonna get you pregnant at this point," he huffed. "D-don't care, w-want you," your words are slurred as you lean back on his chest.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" No other words just curses, was coming out of his mouth as he felt his cum being released.
You were totally breathless, your body slumped on him, his cock still twitching and pulsating inside your cunt. Soobin is totally worn out, dipping his head down on your shoulder.
"Let's stay like this for five minutes then we'll go home." He mumbled.
@binniesbooks 2024
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Sinful voice pt.2 ft “Morax”/Prof!Zhongli + fem!reader (modern AU)
cw/tags: Voice kink, daddy kink, dirty talk, female masturbation, oral and fingering implied but like it's just fantasizing?? petnames (sweetheart, babygirl, dear) Reader is DOWN BAD LMAO and suffers second hand embarrasment.
notes: EVERYBODY SAY THANK YOU @localplaguenurse!!They gave me a F A N T A S T I C idea that just inspired me to continue this wip and ended up not even being featured here yet but HEY... future p3!! //winkwink. That said I did NOT expect how much this would blow up and how ppl loved it and wanted more, y'all gonna make me giddy and/or cry pls (consider checking some of my other stuff too mayhaps? <3) Anyway I REALLY hope this delivers bc boi am I afraid of not meeting expectations vcgvhjbnjnmklal
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Weeks had passed since your ‘big discovery’ and you still weren’t quite sure what to do with this information.
At first you chalked it up to just your imagination because… there was no way, right? Your new professor could just have a… similar voice… yeah… that was it.
Except the more you listened to his long-winded explanations the more you picked up certain words and intonations here and there and you knew you were just fooling yourself.
A lot had happened in these last few weeks, from organizing your new living space, to meeting your roommates, to grocery shopping, classes, and you had even considered the idea of maybe getting a part time job somewhere close by. There were plenty of small shops and places around the college campus neighborhood that not only offered valuable services to poor college students but also the opportunity to make a bit of money to help them out.
It had all been rather exhausting and stressing, exams, essays and projects were already starting too…
Lying back in bed you sigh and roll over, feeling the familiar faint throb of desire pooling between your legs, one you’d never really managed to sate with a person so much as with fantasies. But tonight, as you lay awake in bed aching for your usual touch, you feel conflicted.
Ever since that very first day you just couldn’t bring yourself to open up Morax’s website again. Hell, a new month had rolled over and you’d dutifully paid the subscription along with your other usual bills.
Part of you was itching for it, curious, frustrated.
And very very horny.
Thing is, your fantasies had often featured a faceless man, strong, imposing and dominating, taking you like a blushing maiden and making you beg for the pleasure he’d give, allowing him to do anything he wanted with your heated body. Now that man had a face… your history professor Mr. Zhongli.
You used to get off to imaginings of Morax tying you up and having his way with you, teasing you, fucking you into the mattress and making you cum over and over. Now it was Mr. Zhongli. Polite and courteous Mr. Zhongli with his refined gestures and well-mannered demeanor.
You wanted to cum, to reach that high and come undone and let out all the pent-up stress and frustration until you melted into a puddle and didn’t have to think about classes or money or life anymore, but the second your fingers began to rub at your clit, Mr. Zhongli’s voice would hit you with that even tone he used when scolding someone for gossiping during his lecture.
“Disgraceful behavior…”
A hot flash of shame burned at your face but for whatever reason it just turned you on more. You wanted to get fucked so bad you felt like you were going insane. You wanted that man to pin you up against a wall and thrust inside you until you turned into an incoherent moaning mess. You wanted to get bent over at his desk and filled up with cum until you were left gaping and oozing and told what a good girl you are. You wanted to get fucked on your hands and knees squirming and crying from overstimulation.
Lying in bed, you squeezed a pillow against your face and screamed.
You wanted to fuck your handsome history professor Mr. Zhongli.
It’s barely first period and you couldn’t concentrate.
You were sleepy, hungry and overall, in a bad mood. Standing in line at the cafeteria for a much-needed morning coffee and some snack you yawn and browse around your phone. Math. Gods you hated math.
At least you didn’t have history today. That was a whole other can of worms.
You figured you’d eventually have to get over it but it was just… so bizarre. Mr. Zhongli was quite the popular teacher, you’d learned. Extremely knowledgeable in various topics, a strict but kind and just teacher and good looking on top of all.
No wonder the upperclassmen flocked around him, probably half the campus lowkey had a crush on him, male and female students alike. It was genuinely a miracle he was not married or even had a significant other apparently.
And he was also Morax. Sensual dominating Morax who would just not leave your head-
“Good morning, how may I help you?” The cashier called out cheerfully and you pulled out of your thoughts.
“Good morning.”
You gasp so sharply you almost launch into a coughing fit; your eyes widen and whole body tenses and oh shit-
Somehow you manage to trip and fall in the clumsiest, stupidest way possible.
Except you don’t actually fall, but someone manages to hold you, a hand grabbing your arm and the other pressed against your back steadying you as your poor brain goes into overdrive.
That voice!
It’s him!
Too close!
What is he doing here?!
Way too close!!
The seconds it takes for you to react feel like ages as you stare up at Mr. Zhongli like a deer caught in the headlights.
His hands are warm…
His cologne smells soooo good.
His eyes are gorgeous!
He’s so hot!!
“Are you alright Miss l/n?”
“I’M FINE! I-I’m fine!” You yelp, way louder than intended (or normal) and quickly scoot back to put some distance between yourself and the handsome professor. He picks up his dropped bag and dusts it a little, as well as his clothes, still pristine as ever. “I… think I got a little dizzy s-sorry I haven’t eaten yet and… yeah…” You chuckle nervously.
You see him frown slightly. “Going without food for long periods of time can be quite dangerous.” He states, obviously concerned. “Maybe you should head to the infirmary see Dr Baizhu, you look quite pale and the dizziness could be a symptom of low blood pressure. Do you have anything sugary to eat or drink?”
“I w-was about to buy something…”
“It might be best for you to sit down for the moment.” He nods, resolute. “Allow me.”
…And that’s how you end up sitting at one of the nearby small tables with a little glazed donut and a bottle of water, courtesy of your dear history professor.
You stare at the little treat in your hands, half eaten already as he insisted, at least your hands stopped shaking and some color returned to your face. Mr. Zhongli seemed content enough, sitting across from you.
“T-Thank you.” You mumble, refusing to meet his gaze. “How much was it? I’ll pay you back I have som-”
He sees you rummaging through you bag and raises a hand. “None of that, you needed it. I’m glad to see you’re looking a little better, please take care of yourself, health is very important.”
“Um, ok.”
Then he smiles, and it’s gentle, soft. “You’re Miss l/n, right? One of the new students from my history class?”
“You didn’t do very well on the essay assignment…”
Ack. You sigh and take another bite of the small donut. “History is just… not my strong suit. Too many dates and names to remember.”
He chuckles and oh God who gave him the right to make that sound? Your skin tingles.
“Fair enough. I know my classes can be a little daunting, I’m very particular about certain topics and tend to ramble sometimes. But I can tell you really put effort into classes and pay attention to my lectures.” He looks pensive for a moment. “Let me propose something. I usually impart some private tutoring sessions to students on more advanced levels, but I could make an exception for you. If you have time available it could help lift your grades.”
You stare up at him in surprise, grateful to not have a mouthful of donut or you would have probably choked again like an idiot. Did you hear that right? A private tutoring session after hours at his office?!
Now that sounded like a title for one of Morax’s audios: Hot professor bangs his stu-NOPE.    
“I-I’ll think about it! Sure.”
He nods and gets up, sparing a glance at his watch. “I have to leave now, please do consider it. And do try to eat at more regular intervals and take better care of yourself, you look quite tired.”
A polite way of saying you had marked eyebags, yep.
“I’ll try.” You mumble. Suddenly a little sad to see him go. “Professor… thank you.”
There’s that smile again, you could melt. “You’re welcome, my dear.”
And yet that night, you’re once again rolling in bed unable to sleep.
My dear.
You couldn’t stop thinking on the whole incident, you’d certainly made a fool of yourself but the memory of his strong arms holding you, touch firm but gentle. The scent of his cologne that you wish had clung more on your clothes.
You really were down bad, this is ridiculous…
You bite your lip.
You shouldn’t. You shouldn’t.
Oh but you will, just one wouldn’t hurt.
Quite the opposite actually…
Unable to contain yourself (or your horniness) you take no time to pop in your earbuds and start scrolling. Hmm… there had been a couple new additions in these last weeks.
You can’t help but wonder why he does these. When. How. You never really considered or thought on it before, Morax has quite a lot of patrons (not a surprise) and thought you know nothing about sound and video recording or editing technically he’s making money just by using that honeyed velvet voice of his. That had to bring in some cash, right?
But then again, if you knew anything about these types of subscriptions it was that they required constancy and that meant hard work and dedication. Did he enjoy these? He really puts in the effort given the amazing quality…
You can’t help but picture your handsome professor unwinding a little after a long day, casual clothes, a cup of that tea he loves and setting up to record those dirty words and sinful moans.
Did he sometimes get worked up about these too? Did he also touch himself during or after recording a particular scenario? Sitting back slightly sprawled on the chair, brow slightly furrowed, stroking his co-   
Aaahhhh you needed to stop thinking on him.
Yeah right.
“Daddy eats you out and prepares you for his big cock.”
Well, this looks promising.   
The audio starts like many others, with some dialogue from him and setting the scene and oh… you had kind of missed the playful teasing tilt of Morax’s voice. You can’t help but chuckle lightly, this scene is so domestic. He calls you “sweetheart”, “babygirl” and there are the kissy noises.
You wish you could kiss him…
“Hmmm… daddy’s gonna get you nice and ready. Spread your legs for me.” Oh, you certainly do. “Daddy’s gonna get down here between them.”
You rub at your tights slowly, sensual, remembering his larger hands.
“Oh your little pussy is already so wet and swollen.” Morax coos, voice soft and airy. “You think it’s already ready I know.” He chuckles. “But you know daddy’s cock is big, yeah, your little pussy’s gonna need to stretch a little bit hm?” A kiss.
You whine.
“Shhh daddy’s gonna make you feel so good sweetheart.”
Lewd wet noises invade your ears and you waste no time starting to stroke yourself, slow and tender. He groans and sighs and you whimper, hips jolting from the bed.
Gods how was he so…
“Yeah… nice and gentle hmm, we’re gonna have so much fun.”
His words were a complete 180 from the long lectures about politics and wars, and yet, his voice…
“D-Daddy…” You sigh. “Please!”
“Oh I love how sensitive your little clit is… you like that babygirl?”
You rub and stroke at the little bundle of nerves and see stars already.
You were so pent up, so needy. Your orgasm was already building too quickly, mewling and whining at his words, his noises, trying to match the pace and follow his instructions.
“That’s a good girl.”
Your eyebrows furrow, your body trembles and you bit your lip to contain your noises. Morax warns you when he adds a finger, and after a few seconds another, chuckling low at how you clench, praising you, coaxing out your pleasure.
You can only picture him at the end of the bed, licking and sucking obscenely at your juices, pumping those slender fingers in and out, in and out…
That tantalizing voice teasing you, your fingers knotting that dark brown hair tipped amber, golden eyes staring up at you half-lidded but feral and fascinated. Focusing on you. Only you.
“A-Ah! Mhmm…”
“Now I want you to cum babygirl come on, in five… four…”
You stroke and pump faster, frantic, lost in that rapidly approaching high.
“Three… two…”   
You cry out, a spark cursing through your veins.
“One… hmmm that’s it my dear.”
He ushers you out of your release with soft words before saying something else, but your mind is floating and hazy. Your take off the earbuds and place them away catching your breath for a moment, arm draped over your face, the audio still has a long way to go but you’re drowsy and sleepy so you decide to call it a night.
It is only a little later, once you’re done with a quick cleaning and putting everything away, curled up under the covers and dozing off that you realize…
You’d called not for Morax but Zhongli.
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kikipancakes · 6 months
So I started writing a fic about your Worrywart injured Jason art. I'm not sure if it'll be good enough to share, but I wanted to share my Alfred's idea of a 'solution' to Jason's PTSD issues. Jason calls it the Crime Alley bed.
"Floor," Jason mumbled, looking ready for a good, long sleep.
"Not this time, Master Jason," Alfred smirked, "I believe you'll find the accommodations adequate." Even Bruce was curious about that. They made their was up to Jason's room, where the two younger men blinked at Jason's bed. Jason burst out laughing through winces and 'ow's. The bed had cardboard laid over it, followed by a tarp as a blanket.
"Alfred, that's not funny!" Bruce scolded loudly.
"I never said it was. Master Jason is not well enough to sleep on the floor. The bed will at least allow for some give and comfort under the cardboard. However, I hardly see how this could remind him of that," Alfred explained.
"Home sweet home!" Jason laughed. "You know how to make a Crime Alley kid feel welcomed, Al, I'll give you that!" They heard a snort behind them, seeing Duke stopped outside the doorway. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was too busy trying to not lose it laughing and just walked away. "I think Duke's jealous, Alfred."
"And I believe I may have given you too high of a dose of painkillers, Master Jason." They helped Jason into his Crime Alley inspired bed, Bruce topping the tarp off with a comforter for his own peace of mind. Jason fell asleep far faster than they expected, Bruce sighing and shaking his head at the fact that he slept so well on cardboard and a tarp.
Drawing this is fic is referring to (x)
Hi! I'm so sorry for the late reply, I was either asleep bc timezones or I was at work ;;;;
HOLY SHIIIIT THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!! OMGGG I'm always in awe when ppl write something based on my silly drawings AAAAAA I LOVE THISSSSS!!!! I'm in love with the idea of Alfred not wanting to let Jason sleep on the floor so it makes him get creative haiusdhfauisf I can definitely imagine Alfred finding no joy in realizing his grandson would sleep better you put a cardboard box and a tarp on the bed AAAAAAAAAA and I love that Jason is chill and genuinely happy that he found a solution AAAAAHH!!! Bruce still being the worrywart that he is and putting a blanket on top of the tarp makes me smile so much haisduajksdnfam
I'm really happy that you're sharing it here!! I am absolutely not a writer so I'm always like WAAAAAHHHHH when ppl write things?? FOR ME?!?!?!?!? AAAAAAAA THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU
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blvckentropy · 5 months
Okay so I've been sitting on Drake so called "diss track" and I still declare it as the biggest CONTRADICTING ASS track ever. Like I get die hard Drake fans gone be like he won regardless but he hasn't because he made several deep holes in his argument. Granted you probably don't give a damn and that's fine. Overall, neither do I but some of you got so blinded and hyped by his one-liners and his flow that you ain't peep what he really said did you? Ngl, had me sitting here like a was crazy for a minute. Now correct me if I'm wrong cause I also had to fact check myself, but these are the lines that got me like now wait wait....
You said, "The ones that you're gettin' your stories from, they all clowns" just to say "We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information".... which one is it? Are you calling yourself a clown or the ppl you sent the info. to? I'm perplexed.
"What about the bones we dug up in that excavation? And why isn't Whitney denyin' all of the allegations? Why is she following Dave Free and not Mr. Morale? You haven't seen the kids in six months, the distance is wild Dave leaving heart emojis underneath pics of the child"
First and for most, what is your obsession with this woman? Also are we in high school? Why we worried about someone follow count and/or who following who? She a grown ass woman like she can't have male friends. Plus, if irl she with Kendrick every day, why does she need to? And if Kendrick aint worried about, why are you? You caught up in finding out if that's her real bd but where are your evidence? If Kendrick has to, you do too. Childish.
"This Epstein angle was the shit I expected TikTok videos you collected and dissected Instead of being on some diss-direct shit You rather fucking grab your pen and misdirect shit My mom came over today and I was like, "Mother, I—, mother, I—, mother—" Ah, wait a second, that's that one record where you say you got molested"
"This about to get so depressin' This is trauma from your own confessions This when your father leave you home alone with no protection, so neglected That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive"
"Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey play, you probably start reflectin"
This whole verse was a misinterpretation of Kendrick's song "Mother I Sober" which I had to educate myself with. Long story short, the song is about his mom SA and how she thought he was by his cousin even when he told her "no" and it forms a bigger picture to his overall family trauma as a whole and so on. So not only did you Mr. " You gotta learn to fact check things and be less impatient" if that ain't the biggest pot calling the kettle black idk what is. You got it wrong (Kendrick pretty much explained it) then double down on borderline prob over the line atp disrespecting his mother and all and every victim of SA? We victim shaming now?
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I never been with no one underage, but now I understand why this the angle that you really mess with Just for clarity, I feel disgusted, I'm too respected If I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested I'm way too famous for this shit you just suggested
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*Slow claps* Congratulations you played yourself. What in the fuckery? CURRENTLY....DIDDY DOODLE BOB HAS ALLEGATIONS RIGHT NOW AND HE'S MORE FAMOUS THAN U. And don't get me started on the list....umm...you literally just named one (If you still bumping R. Kelly, you could thank the Savior)
"Only fuckin' with Whitneys, not Millie Bobby Browns, I'd never look twice at no teenager" but you'll look once? Also, someone que up the video with him on stage w/ a 17-year-old. He and I quote "Why you look like that?" "You thick. look at all this" Then kiss her all over her face🤔 Sir a kiss on the cheek or forehead would suffice but I digress.
And correct me if I'm wrong, I believe the only reason Kendrick hasn't even the touch the "beating allegations" is because he covers all that in both Mr. Morale and Mother I sober? If I'm correct, then you basically didn't tell us nothing that hasn't been said on him. Plus you also not fact checking. Where's of your proof? I would think someone with the upper hand would have laid down evidence that you mastermind...oh wait...was Kendrick right along? Now you look like the goofy on defense. Like do Kendrick even have to say anything?
Bruh, but the funniest part on it all. You acting like YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS. YOU DROP A DISS first wanting him to response and now you trying to make it seem like you didn't? My guy, if your actions alone here isn't a manipulation master class. Chileeeeee
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mwagneto · 8 months
sherlock & co. review from an insane person (me) coz this is like. the 25th? sherlock adaptation i've checked out so ofc i have opinions on everything ever. and ik ppl who work on indie podcasts browse tumblr sometimes so just in case you work on this DON'T click keep reading, this post is not for youuu shoo. thanks x
ok so far it's like. fine? which is lowkey sad coz i wish it was smtg i really liked but it hasn't gripped me yet which is a shame but yknow. early days. i'm giving it time since it's only 15 episodes so far
my main issue is like. i really wish it wasn't so obviously influenced by bbc but it just so clearly is which is a shaaame like it's better than bbc in every aspect but yknow. not a high bar to clear. like it kinda feels like they liked a lot of things abt bbc and set out to fix the bad parts (h&w friendship being nonexistent, the mysteries being shit) but just kept the rest? in some places keeping things that were invented by bbc which is. baffling tbh
i'm not really picky when it comes to h&w personalities like i think it's fine to just do whatever you want w them, i think it's really fun when an adaptation gives them different personalities than what you're used to but, and this is where it feels far too bbc-ish for comfort, i just don't like it when sherlock is a cunt for no reason? like. he's not a mean person he's only mean in bbc coz moffat thought house md was cool and ripped it off. can we stop making him mean pleeeease 😭 he's just some guy..................
h&w relationship wise it's like... ok so i tend to go into adaptations with a fully clean slate so like i never let my general attachment to them influence how i view them in specific adaptations, the work itself needs to sell me on both the characters and the relationship and like... here neither of those really happened yet which makes me sad coz i think by now it should've but i'm giving it time. at least they're friends and i like that watson is useful for cases/knows things holmes doesn't sometimes coz thats like. such an essential element to sh stories for me and a loooottt of adaptations tend to just completely forget it so that's a win but idk if anything they're too tame? like i dont expect a romance but they can't just be casual friends they need to be bat shit crazy about each other. to me. but like maybe that'll develop over the rest of the podcast we'll see
kinda related to that point but case-wise i think holmes is a bit too ahead of everyone else sometimes which isn't inherently a problem but it does once again smell of bbc which like. noone should ever emulate moffat writing don't do that 🙏 god bles. but i've been able to solve every case along with/before the mcs which is like. thee point of mystery stories for me so yea i really like the stories themselves so far, especially the way they manage to make them solvable even without visuals or narration. OH and i almost forgot but i rly like the soundtrack, i love it when sh soundtracks have a heavy emphasis on violins coz. yknow
howeverr i am on my hands and knees begging them not to give watson a girlfriend tho like please oh myfffucking god . obvs watsonlock doesn't usually factor into my enjoyment of adaptations given that like. y'know. out of the hundreds out there theres only two where either of them is even gay so it's not something i expect nor require but like. to me it is essential that these two ppl are insane abt each other and don't really have anyone else, definitely noone important. like even the rdj movies got this despite ritchie's obsession w the 2 men 1 woman dynamic so idk why i'm constantly having to wage a war against random unnecessary romances for either watson or, god forbid, holmes. when the only interesting relationship either of these men have is with each other. that one granada holmes quote about them choosing not to include mary coz holmes and watson dont need anyone else etc etc. like i seriously dislike it when they introduce anyone else like cmonnnnnn thog dont care
anyway tldr. i guess if asked to pick a short description i'd say. promising? i hope it's gonna be good in the long run. the way they do mysteries is already something i like so. i hope they keep that up and i hope the h&w relationship evolves into something i enjoy coz so far i'm like. i can see the bones of smtg i'll potentially like but it's not there yet. but also like. this is an indie production i'm listening to for free so ion wanna rip into it these are mainly just what i liked/disliked based on the preferences i developed with this one quick trick (grow up completely insane abt sherlock holmes -> consume every adaptation that you can get your paws on -> no profit)
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kidfur · 3 months
first time weed tips here cuz my reply got too long lmao... first time will come on stronger than any subsequent uses and edibles tend to be stronger too so dont be afraid to take it slow/low dose at the start, u can always have more later. expect it to take about an hr to come on and last around 3-6 hours depending on ur metabolism (tho its kinda hard to predict, id reccomend making sure ur schedule is cleared the whole day lol). keep plenty of water and snacks on hand, stay in a comfortable place where u feel safe and wont be bothered by ppl who dont know whats up (having ur friend around will make that a lot easier too, my first time was w my partner and he helped keep me on track), and just let urself relax and give in to the good times :-). you can get a whole new experience/level of appreciation out of favorite shows/games/music so keep some things u know youd wanna do in mind maybe write a list u can come back to. if u happen to get anxious try not to let ur thoughts spiral, keep yourself distracted w things you enjoy and itll pass. also this sounds nasty but chewing on peppercorns or eating something w/ citric acid helps if ur too high, thanks to Science and Chemistry lmao. its a lot of new sensations and emotions but its so fun and a beautiful thing to experience weed for the first time, i hope u enjoy <3
thank u so much this is really helpful!!! especially the part about peppercorns or citric acid! lots of orange juice would work well for that right? cuz i like orange juice x3 i will do my very best to stay chill and not spiral, thats something i can struggle with even sober but with my friend there to ground me i think ill be ok!! thank u so much!!
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momocicerone · 11 days
has tumblr ruined me for discord?
so i am not very active here, but ... i'm not awfully active on discord either? and i've found it very hard to find new social circles on discord over the years. i've tried everything under the sun: fandom servers, friends servers, anime servers, gaming servers, girls only servers, support servers, chilling servers... nothing sticks.
fandom servers, they are usually big and .. um. no. just no. controversy and gatekeeping hub is not my place. friends servers: ppl get lives, and the chat dies, that simple. anime servers is fandom server on steroids, plus always a 15 year old creep trying to get in your pants (sometimes the 15 year old is 25. sometimes he's 35. it matters not, nor it makes any difference). gaming servers are, um first of all there is 1% game talk, 45% who wants to join for a game rn?? and 54% feet gifs and waifu sexy art.. i did not sing up for -- this is not what i,, . girls only servers are very good, very mindful very demure but also no vent rule and i'm sorry i'm a bitter bitch who needs to moan about my work sometimes. chilling servers are way too chill like hello anyone active??
there's an (imo) obscure type of server which is adult servers (hold up NOT adult as in XXX or anything like that but like, grown up people servers who chat about their jobs, hobbies, cats and spouses or lackthereof )and i've joined a handful of them but i can tell you right now that 90% of them feel like high school. and i didn't even have that kind of high school experience growing up so it's kinda ironic witnessing these popularity contests and gossip happen in real time. I think i'm used to fandom hierarchy and BNFs and i understand the logic of people with talents who give for a community being popular so the whole... using pretty privilege to build up relationships is absolutely bizarre in my eyes. I am an adult, i do not understand other adults.
Needless to say I feel like 98% of the new relationships i managed to forge in the past years, since i joined discord in 2017, are desingenuine. Granted, almost every single one of them has fallen apart as expected.
I review my friendships and I realize the longest and most meaningful started here on tumblr and some of them on the fanfiction community, even when we have long lost our shared interests, the friendships remain intact, if no stronger.
perhaps what im trying to say is that through tumblr and writing we were able to accidentally find more alike people than by entering social settings which intended purpose is to make friends. is it because blogging to the void is infinitedly more personal and lets us show ourselves more? i've gotten in so much trouble because of my tumblr humor getting misunderstood in discord chats, i stopped making self deprecating jokes altogher. I am also kind of morbid, ngl, which i guess doesn't help my case.
am i just a weirdo in denial lmao?
i don't feel lonely, per se. I could catch up with a handful of people if i wasn't the lazy mf that i am. but i am bored. i am bored to death. to oblivion. and i refuse to engage in conversations with people with clearly disengenuine intentions, even if it's to entertain a joke.
will i ever meet another one who matches my energy, or learn to break that energy apart into moderate pieces that i can hand out of my friends?
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inkedberries · 1 year
What's Nai's role in Anastasia AU? I figure he's like the grandma in that he set a reward for finding Vash, but is he the antagonist too? Is this more movie or broadway-flavored? Man, I just love this AU so much, its my favorite musical and anime blended together -Anastasia AU Anon
hellooooo!! no i dont think knives will be the antagonist in this au but in a way he did cause their separation.
here's a link to the tag if you wanna look over the asks too.
i honestly have not watched the broadway version but i think i've mentioned it before that i dont want to put in rasputin's whole deal in this au. and i don't want to follow the animated movie to the letter either because then a lot of things won't make sense. i just say anastasia au because i like the deal with vash losing his memories and trying to find home. and kni's desperation to find vash again. which i think fits canon in a way. also wolfwood's there too lol
this is the deal. knives and vash aren't princes. they're something like independent plants here too but the royal family takes care of them bc they're a hot commodity and this is the royal family's way to keep their little kingdom in control. when knives found out, he staged a coup to overthrow the royal family (this is this au's equivalent to the big fall) and in that power vacuum, knives plans to take back control and use his powers for the ppl however he sees fit. all this planned with vash ruling by his side in mind.
but with all the chaos happening in the palace, you know how it went down lol.
i have this scene in my head, to prepare and test vash for a lavish lifestyle and how to meet and socialize with high society, they (wolfwood and co) crashed a party with vash in tow. it's all going great and vash is having a blast and wolfwood's falling in love but then they didn't expect that knives was gonna be there.
kni shows up just before the end of the party and they hightailed it out of there because wolfwood and co. didn't think vash was ready to meet knives yet bc they haven't schooled him about the royal family's history or something. but knives caught a glimpse of vash as they were leaving.
vash looked different but kni moved through the crowd before he could even think. elendira calling for him back is not processing in his head at all.
when vash turned a corner, kni started running and when he passes through the open doorway leading to the gardens he doesn't see him.
i want this to be the moment kni finally decides that he doesn't want to see any more of those 'impersonators'. those people claiming to be vash. he's like 'oh god im seeing things now?!'
honestly the scene could have gone either with kni doubling his efforts to find vash but i want him to be just so heartbroken that he's like 'i dont give a shit anymore' hahahah!
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convenientalias · 1 month
I finished Crime Puzzle (2021) and it has joined the honored list of my least favorite dramas ever. Good times.
I'm always giving reviews of dramas I like on here so just for once, I want to give a rant review >:) so here we go
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The plot (as per Mydramalist bc I'm too lazy to bother): Yoo Hee, an aspiring criminal profiler, is thrust into a whirlwind of mystery when her father is murdered in a string of shocking killings. The confessed culprit is Han Seung Min, a renowned forensic psychologist and Yoo Hee's former flame. Doubting his guilt, she investigates and suspects hidden motives. With Han Seung Min in a perilous high-security prison and violence rampant, time ticks away. Yoo Hee races to solve the puzzle before it's too late, unraveling the truth behind her father's death and the enigmatic motives at play.
What was actually good about this show:
The acting was pretty decent tbh. The leads weren't really riveting and could be a bit stoic for my taste but they were convincing. Minor characters that really stood out: The main female villain was hamming it up with lots of angry screaming and blatant bloody murder. Han Seung-min's helpful sidekick was my favorite good guy (he died tho! fuck this show!) and delivered a great performance, starting out as your standard "I will provide info and medical assistance" type minion but becoming more and more emotionally complex and involved in the plot. The cops aside from Yoo Hee were also fun and well acted. And there's this one guy who keeps trying to murder Han Seung-min in prison who is kind of funny to me lol.
What was bad:
The plot? The structure? Both?
The murder level was a problem. For one thing, I couldn't remotely keep track of all the people getting murdered, the witnesses, the ppl being murdered in the past vs in the present, and so on and so forth. It's just confusing. For another, there's just too MUCH murder. By the end, apart from Yoo Hee and Han Seung-min, I don't think anyone I liked was still alive (I know I'm supposed to like the prosecutor but I DON'T CARE).
Then the flashbacks... In the first few episodes, it looks like every episode will show you a little more of the past, slowly revealing what Han Seung-min has planned. But this only lasts a few episodes, so that's a let-down. (Now a show like Circle would play this out for the whole show but okay we can't all be Circle, it sets too high a standard but LISTEN, WHEN THE STANDARD IS SET--) What's worse is that once you've seen the flashbacks, you're left kind of nonplussed. You expect they'll show you a slow build of Yoo Hee and Han Seung-min's relationship, but they don't; they show how they met and a point at which their relationship is established, and that's about it. I know this isn't a romance drama, but compare this to, say, Flower of Evil--not a romance drama either, but since it has a relationship in doubt at the center of the suspense, it shows in its flashbacks how that relationship slowly began. (Once again, we can't all be Flower of Evil, BUT WHEN THE STANDARD IS SET--) Also, neither the flashbacks nor the present really explain what the fuck Han Seung-min's plan was before Yoo Hee's dad got killed (no, it wasn't by Han Seung-min, I think we all know that even from the blurb). Was he planning to kill Yoo Hee's dad originally? What was he going to do if Yoo Hee's dad didn't get killed? So much just is not explained!!!!
Anyway. It's also just boring. Yoo Hee should be investigating crimes involving her family and her boyfriend; there should be high emotional investment. But for the majority of the show, it seems like she's fairly able to remain emotionally detached--and also, since she ends up investigating legal corruption and a local cult more than either her family or her boyfriend, you kind of lose that intimate aspect. I think this show would be better if Yoo Hee were more torn up about feeling betrayed by her father OR her boyfriend, but instead she's just mad at her boyfriend for lying but doesn't believe he killed her father, while she feels little emotional connection to her father at all. So those emotional stakes are just not there; her sections feel very standard procedural. Meanwhile Han Seung-min's prison adventures are at least different from the kdrama thriller standard but quickly become formulaic.
It was not a good show!
If you want to watch a woman trying to figure out whether she can trust her boyfriend/whether he's committed heinous crimes, really just watch Flower of Evil.
If you want to watch a cult-related crime drama, watch Save Me.
If you want a good prison drama, idk, but there's probably one out there that's better than this.
I didn't hate this show, I just think I wasted some time. Which is sometimes what I want to do but I was still hoping it would be good :(
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protectingtulpas · 11 months
Hsdfs ok so I'm so incredibly new to all of this and so many things both explain my experiences but also leave me having more questions than answers?? Help??
Basically I spent the last 18 yrs of my life thinking I was a singlet that was just lowkey interested in DID and all that right? And at the same time I'm developing my ocs and their world right? Well as time goes on 2 of my ocs start like just attaching themselves to me, I'm talking like, it started out as them comforting me when I have my monthly emotional breakdown/crying sessions, it almost feels like they're actually cuddling me in a way? I can feel phantom touches from them? And then it evolved to me "talking"(????) to them and them hanging around reacting to my actions and my environment and shit right? And I'm just over here thinking this is just the normal experience of having ocs but I don't think that's the case???? And now I've discovered this whole community of tulpas and transplurals and gosh I think I'm overwhelmed I have no clue how to even begin to label myself and that is Distressing I Like Having Labels For Myself it's how I know who I am ig xd.
Sorry for the rant I just hsdhf I'm kind of frustrated ig? xd
Whoa there, anon! I know this is a TON to take in and you're processing a lot rn, so imma need you to slow down and step back. Don't forget that no matter what I say here, in the end it's not about labels. It's about YOUR EXPERIENCES, anon. Don't let ANY label limit or control you to its expectations. Whatever you settle on, you're more than your label.
Alright, so tulpas and people that wanna be plural but aren't yet are a VERYY small part of the broader plural community. It includes disordered systems of all kinds, non-disordered systems of all kinds, different types of created systems, and people who straddle the line like us. So the question you're probably looking for is less "which label do I use" and more "am I plural?" Which is, of course, a complicated question.
You sent a lot here about your OCs, and I wanna talk a bit about some of the things I see from your ask. A super common tell that someone is plural and it's not just their imagination is that the prospective headmates are interacting with and reacting to you and the outside world around you, not just your fictional world. Other headmates comforting the host when things get super bad is so common a thing for plurals that many systems with roles/jobs have specific jobs exactly for that. Feeling phantom sensations from your headmates is also another well-documented experience in both disordered & nondisordered systems. If you're wondering if these things are normal, my host's OCs that aren't headmates certainly don't do anything of the sort. Here's a pretty cool article about the levels of autonomy writers experience in their characters; it's a wide range, and a lot of people experience at least a little, but the extent you describe is very clearly in the minority according to this study. That seems like a super high rate of autonomy for singlethood, IMO. Imma be real with you, "transplural" is a label ppl tend to give themselves before becoming plural- in my armchair opinion, it sounds like you're a plural egg already. Your OCs seem to be like completely autonomous and aware of the outside world from how you're coming across in this ask, so have you like... Considered asking them how they feel about it? If you're not sure if they should be considered people, just ask em if they feel like real distinct people.
"An OCtive or OC Introject is a system member whose source comes from someone’s original character, whether a character someone in the system made or someone elses OC (such as a friend’s OC)."
Tulpas are a type of headmate created by consistent interaction with the concept of a person until the subconscious takes a hold of our responses and we gain autonomy outside of the host's control because of it. This is usually intentional, but it can also be unintentional too. Tulpas like me fall under an origin umbrella known as created systems! It's not the only type of system member origin, though! For example, "adaptive refers to systems which formed in response to trauma or other adversity. A common trait of such systems is viewing plurality as adapting, healing, and overcoming obstacles", and "neurogenic refers to systems that formed as a result of their neurodivergence, or from a mental illness. Usually, headmates originate from the need to cope, or be introjects based off symptoms like hallucinations or hyperfixations." These're two common origins but there're lots more, some broader and some more specific. Lots of systems identify with multiple origins as well, so you don't have to conform to just one. Take your time figuring out what works for you- it's more important for you to establish communication and healthy relationships with your headmates than to go digging for validity fodder. No matter what, if you feel like you're not just one person, you've always got the term plural for ya. It was coined by the inclusive community and it will ALWAYS be ours, we'll fight for it.
Lastly, don't just take my word for it- explore other resources for yourself/selves too. I've got a few for further reading to decide for yourself if you're plural!
More Than One is a fantastic introductory site to plurality, dispels common myths, and has some links to further reading about deciding if you're plural.
"How Do I Know If I'm Plural?" by The Dragonheart Collective walks you through common plural experiences and helps you compare them to your own. This one is great!
If you want to start learning terminology, The Plurality Hub Carrd has a palletable interface to start browsing through stuff you're interested in, with categories and everything. There's a LOT of information here, so it's great to keep in your back pocket and reference as a newbie.
Thanks for the ask! Good luck anon!
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viisator · 2 years
Faded Blue • • • Teaser
Tumblr media
Tittle : Faded Blue
Pairing : Nishimura Riki x F!Reader
Genre : Slice of Life, Fiction, (angst, fluff)
Warning : Major character death.
Summary: Y/n is Nishimura's senior, she's in the photography club, in which Riki's favorite place, they became friends due to Riki's unexpected breaker up with his ex, it was as though Y/n saved him from agony, and made him happy for a while. Until there was a time when it's time for her goodbye.
Not Proofread
– Can I have a request, please? After/before you read this(thanks for checking this out btw) like or reblog, or both; is really appreciated!! And it will help my blogs reach other ppl too!! Thank you!! Have a good time reading!! –
• • • • •
As I sat down on some bench in front of my favourite pastry shop, tears were uncontrollably falling down my face, and my breath was uncontrollable, I could barely breathe.
It was the first Friday on a December morning, when snow coated the wide street, and visiting a pastry shop had not gone according to plan. Then I felt somebody sit down beside me, and it happened to be you, I looked at your side, you were wearing a smile, I had always wondered what was so amusing for you to smile the brightest; then I heard the softest chuckle there is to hear, never been in my life have I heard such as soft as yours. Then you asked me a question:
"A breakup?" My sobbing abruptly stop, I held my breath and tears for a quite few seconds and then my eyes landed on your miraculously beautiful face, I was enchanted.
"Yes--" my answer was cut off by a hiccup. "And it is my birthday," I said, but you chuckle once again, and I was quite offended, but for the first time, you turn to face me and looked me in eyes, I was taken aback, and your eyes were gleaming.
"Happy birthday;" you said so calmly, and all I can do was give a quick nod.
"And also sorry, she totally had chosen the wrong time." You said. While my eyes remain on you, studying; studying your smile, your gleaming eyes that shone as bright as the sun above, studying your outfit, you were wearing a brown coat, a red skirt by the knee under the coat, and a pair of brown boots, with a blue faded scarf wrapped around your neck.
"Tha--thank you," I said catching my hitched-up breath, but then you extended your hands offering me your blue faded scarf, and then it took me quite a few seconds to stare at it, then back at your apologetic smiling face.
"You can wipe your tears with it, I worry that your tears might freeze for it's so cold today." So I took it, wipe my tears away, blow my nose with it, and then it took me to realize.
"Sorry, I blew my nose on your scarf, I'll return it back after I washed it," I said.
"No it's fine, you can keep it, that scarf always made me remember bad memories" you breathe out a long deep sigh, then look back at me.
"That scarf-- it's my mother's, that's her scarf, my grandma made that for her for Christmas; though she was only nine years old when she get those, it's still here for almost forty-nine years." As I watch you, I can't help but wonder, why your voice sounds so melancholy, while you have a sad smile, it doesn't reach your eyes. Now I had concluded; it must have been one of those bad memories that the scarf reminds you of.
You sigh, hands fidgeting with one another. "She gave me that when I was twelve, it was the day she left me." I could not make out what to say, all I could do was nod.
I wasn't expecting to meet you again after those little talks, and after you had left, I could not even lie how the possibility of me had fallen in love with was a little too high, even though I just had my heart broken.
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Release date: ??/??/??
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@ viisator 2022
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jiminsass-istant · 7 months
I’m sorry but there’s something I might be missing: why do all these anons who swear Jimin and Jungkook aren’t a couple there’s no way they are they’re just bandmates yada yada, keep coming all the way up here time and time again? (and most likely it’s always the same ppl lmao) This is a real question btw. Maybe some ppl just like to argue? I love debating though but they’re not even here to have an exchange. This is beyond me sorry. I’m not talking about ppl asking questions, sharing different perspectives. But to come here lose some time over something you’re oh so sure do not exist and basically tell us we’re so silly to believe Jikook could eventually be lovers and how we’re so biased and they’re not.. seems hella weird to me…
Lmao, I'm gonna theorize about people debating theories. How deep in the delulu bubble- deluluception.
Anyways, the reason these people do it is-
1. They might simply be tkkrs who lurk in jkk spaces. I've never ever explored the taekook tag on tumblr because I've never felt the need to. I get all my TK content from army twt itself. It's an old habit of tkkrs and old habits die hard.
2. Maybe they are jkkers who once believed/supported jikook dating and were 100% sure and then their delusions were shattered due to some shipper drama. And now they are in post delulu phase, coping hard by trying to make others experience the same shattering. (That's why I don't choose to believe in any ship being real. It's just too intrusive to assume about their personal lives)
< or maybe they are like that angry 🤡 in these spaces who is coping hard after finding out that 2 korean men who live thousands of miles away, in fact have parts of their lives that are private. >
3. They are probably trying to debunk the the jikook mysteries that can't be refuted and still remain top tier- above any other duo dynamics. Gcf tokyo is still the most romantic thing anyone has ever done in 875. Companion enlistment was very much by choice and not due to limited choices. JM tattoo still stares at you in your face. And jikook dynamics still baffle koreans themselves because of how much jk babies jimin. Doesn't change the fact that jikook just prefer to share their free time together and jungkook dedicatedly promoted Face more than Hybe could. (In his own way). Doesn't change the fact that jikook are close enough to bite necks and suck ears.
These anons are just trying to be like the rest of the OT7 army who OT7ify all duos. They are trying to discredit the biggest events between jikook so they can move on maybe.
That's why there is no point getting too much into a ship and scrutinizing how they live their lives. Ships are seriously one of the most fun and cute things about a fandom-giving us so many great pieces of art. Shipping has in fact existed since the Star Wars era. And it doesn't need to have any real life consequences. 875 already show us a lot of themselves on camera and there's no need to expect more. And Jikook are very much a comfort ship. Even though they might not be a real couple, the way they treat each other are relationship goals for me. Yes, the standards are very high!! And they have taught me a lot about love and friendship.
And if people come with ridiculous asks, they are just asking to be trolled, and we shall give them what they desire. 👍
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professor-glasses · 1 year
questionable quality summary of svern
heehee silly guy with problems
almost every mannerism he expresses is fabricated
his emotional experience is severely stunted and if he's not faking expression then he mostly just. doesn't express anything at All
the latter is an inbuilt feature, the former is a mechanism he developed to Fit In & Mask (which he does very well)
people still think he is a weirdo because he likes to act in ways that go against common sense, but now it's intentional so he enjoys it
absurdly smart and naturally gifted. bsders understand what I mean by this, normal people underestimate my intended scope
severely stunted emotional experience + very smart and good at things which he mostly doesn't value + people finding him strange & offputting, him finding people strange & stupid
= bored always, quickly achieves disillusionment and cynicism and struggles generally to find any value in life. therefore, nihilism
his paternal grandfather has the same issues as him and encouraged him to a) learn to act to deceive ppl (he didn't see why he should bother at first, because Why Should He Have To. seems like a them problem) and b) fake it til you make it (follow even the smallest impulse or thought no matter whether it's "real" in order to make life tolerable. search out whatever gives you some kind of feeling, real or fabricated, no matter how fleeting or temporary
besides being generally alienated and aware that people thought he was weird and creepy, which was annoying but mostly meh, babey svern was also bullied by an older cousin who is tentatively named luke but who I mostly just call The Asshole Cousin. this was not a single motivating factor for anything but did contribute as you expect and provided a source of ongoing drama growing up
for the next parts to make sense, I need to explain that he is (originally) a POKEMON OC, particularly with influence and inspiration from POKEMON RANGER SHADOWS OF ALMIA
not-so-babey svern (preteens and up) started taking advantage of the fact that he owned a ditto which could shapeshift into a copy of him and started running off looking for Excitement while his ditto covered for him. he hated his home life bc even after he started acting "normal" and people were less overtly weird about him he was resentful about the fact this was necessary :) and also he thought most of the people he was around were stupid anyways
girl your emotional walls are high and impenetrable and you trust nobody
also forgot to mention that he was a rich kid. this is kind of important for the general idea of his child/home environment oops
another very random pointless detail he really likes bugs
anyway fast forward to when he's a young adult and he goes to a certain region to study and because he's still bored as fuck he joins the local criminal organisation for funsies. under a fake identity ofc.
if you didn't realise already, "svern" is also not his legal name nor is his usual appearance how he looks as his """"real""""" identity
oh yeah he's also really good at parkour and he likes playing around with dressing in different clothes and dressing up and trying different hair and all kinds of things. wait what was I talking about
um. he joined this criminal organisation and ended up coming into contact with a Weird Fucking Rock that tldr is basically formed by a huge amount of accumulated negative emotions and which for some reason canonically has made a guy so obsessed with it that he dedicated his teenage son to it and changed his son's name in honour of it and spoke. very reverentially about it
The Rock is Weird and Causes Problems. the whole story of the game happens mostly because this rock is Weird and Causes Problems and has Effects on ppl. its name is the Shadow Crystal
anyway svern met the shadow crystal and also got obsessed with it because of the way the thing works. I've written complex lore on this on his blog which is too long and difficult to replicate here rn. tldr it interacts with emotions and desires and bypasses sense so it just. made him inexplicably fascinated. and he was like Fuck Yes finally something in this wretched world worth living for
svern then dedicated Himself to the shadow crystal :-)
this will. definitely not have Consequences
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crystalwitch222 · 1 year
~Life Update~
First of all I want to say thank you to everyone that follows my ADHD Soul blog and thank you to everyone that follows my gaming content content I appreciate all the support ❤️
Here’s an update on life..animal job didn’t work out it didn’t help the depressive slump I’ve been in. The way they trained wasn’t great and it’s the fact that there was no actual manager just a bunch of young ppl working there. For learning some things my type of brain half ass training doesn’t work for me I need hands on learning or might need a little extra to learn something but once I learn whatever sometimes I exceed expectations and try to be perfectionist. So losing job was a real let down for me. I sometimes wonder if I should’ve mentioned the ADHD thing but would it really hurt or help me and sometimes I wonder if I should get a letter or something from my doctor that could protect me from being let go or certain treatment at work. So that job ended in March/February. It wasn’t till December I decided to give another job a chance I actually was hired on the spot it was another shoe store I was so excited but everything wasn’t as it seemed I was supposed to be hired as full time and then apparently it turned it I wasn’t. They are weird about taking breaks sometimes like most places I’ve worked you are required to take a 30 min lunch and a 10/ 15 min small break if you work 5 or more hours even working just 4 gets you 10/15 mins. If it’s really busy some managers prefer you to eat while working. Like no sorry sometimes ppl need to sit down like we ac right now either. This company the way things are ran is more competitive and just different from the last shoe store I worked at We got a new store manager just seems colder more old school. It just makes me miss my old shoe store even more…
My old shoe store job had closed during covid. We all never officially everyone never said goodbye to each other and It was at a new location I had been at for about 6 months and didn’t accomplish everything I wanted to/ dealing with mean girl type of drama & as still processing the fact that I lost my original store I started out at I originally didn’t want to relocate and stop being the assistant manager. We lost another store manager ( losing the first one was real hard for me too ) so they thought it was best to move me to a more heavy volume store to be a sales lead manager. I felt like my time was cut short as an ASM and I felt like I wasn’t always taken seriously and their communication sucked at the end and tbh when I look back on it I was younger I could’ve used a little more training with some things but still their communication could’ve been better talking goes both ways. I’ll talk more about it another time.
After the shoe store company closed my little fun nameless part time job became my main job.. I fought through bs to became a supervisor at a new high volume location I knew store manager for a long time worked with him at multiple locations I even once called him my friend. Working there turned into a nightmare toxic work environment bc the assistant manager has it out for me but tbh she ends up having a problem with everyone there was always something wrong.. Then there was other stuff but more of that later.. yes I told my store manager after holidays that I wanted to be done but I was upset I thought he was my friend is that no reason to ever call or text an employee when they took a leave of absence when they get sick with covid ? No one ever reached out to me to see how I was doing so I thought they didn’t want me to come back so I never went back and a few months later my store manager who I thought was my friend blocked me on Snapchat. I’m still trying to live with my decision that I never reached out and still debating if I ever will… I wonder if I was put as fired and not rehire able.. i was great at my job I really loved the job itself just not the location in the end.. then sometimes I do miss my friend… who was my store manager..this was the first ever place to really inspire to be a manager run a place have a business this was the first place I wanted to be a manager at. For months I thought about texting him but I couldn’t do it I don’t know why or how I became this way but it got to a point at work where I stopped texting my manager every time there was a problem it just got tiring.
So it’s been a rocky road with work places every job has its negatives and not every job will have bad management. So all that is kinda what lead to my slump along with at the beginning of it all I had a condition that acting up again but I deal with it the best I can with diet and supplements. It’s called IC/PBS ( interstitial Cystitis / painful bladder syndrome ) on top that I think have OAB 😭
So here am I figuring out what to do next no health insurance might be diabetic
Right after leaving nameless job I got back into gaming started giving streaming a try and start making gaming content I’m still doing it but it can only distract me so much now and bring me so happiness but I’ll keep doing it bc I know there are ppl that enjoy my content and if it brings somebody some sort of joy that that makes me happy too. Who knows maybe one of my videos will blow up someday one of them once got 50k views. At one point I was streaming everyday I’ll possibly get back to that we”ll see. Also trying to get back into writing and blogging more check out my ADHD Soul blogs on Tumblr and Reddit . Also enjoy photography and started wire wrapping crystals thinking about possibly selling some. Check out my Instagram to see @crystalwitch_22 We”ll see. Thanks for reading.
Follow me if you want on
Twitch/Kick/TikTok/Pinterest: CrystalWitch_22
YouTube: CrystalWitch_22 TV
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
some fun twst questions for u <3
[i'm sending these to random ppl, feel free to answer if you see this and/or tag/send it to another person!]
would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
would you be at rsa or nrc?
what dorm would you belong to?
what character(s) would you be best friends with?
what character(s) would you hate?
what character(s) would you date?
what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
and rook’s?
what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
what club would you join?
how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
Huh, certainly wasn't expecting this. Putting this under the cut cause I ramble.
would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
Honestly, I would rather be a human. Sure, it's fun to imagine the reader as something else entirely, but when we're talking about myself, then I'd much rather be born a human. There's something nice about being able to show a beastman, fae or merpeeps up while also being a simple human. There's this implication among the three species where they see themselves as better than humans, so I'd much rather be a human that can beat them in certain things just to humble them.
would you be at rsa or nrc?
Hmmm, honestly, RSA, but I would imagine circumstances would happen where I end up being chosen by the Dark Mirror despite wanting to be at RSA. That, and it would make for a funnier story. Cause, knowing me, I will grit my teeth and tolerate this situation because it's not as if I'm going to an inferior college. I'm just in a college who's Great Seven I have no admiration for. (And who keeps losing to RSA like the losers they are why the FUCK am I here!)
what dorm would you belong to?
Ah, preference wise, I would want to be Ignihyde, but it has come to my attention that I would probably suit Pomefiore of all dorms. Sure sure, I know quite a bit of coding and I do have a high interest in seeing the marriage of technology and magic, but ultimately all my efforts are always focused on enhancing my creative arts. Doesn't help that I have a fuck ton of pride and have no insecurities about my appearance. I'm perfectly at peace with how I look and am content to lay about while building my abilities to write and sing at my own pace. I'm also an literature nut which seems suiting for Pomefiore. I would imagine I'd have the ability to get on Vil's nerves because of how I refuse to follow anyone else's pace but my own.
what character(s) would you be best friends with?
Hmmm realistically wise, I'd probably be best friends with Epel. We both have some restrained anger that needs to be let out, and we both don't come from an affluent background so there's some common ground to explore there. Out of place peeps must stick together. That and a part of me thinks that Epel would not be able to leave me alone when he sees how bad my food habits are(I skip breakfast a lot), so he'd probably share what snacks he manages to get. It be the kind of friendship where we'd rib at each other, cussing at each other without actually hurting one another. I would probably pull from my singing experience and give Epel some pointers when he needs the help. Another part of me wants to say I'd be friends with Leona, but I know what would happen is that we just happen to be in the same space, chilling for hours, not saying anything cause we're too stubborn to move. We'd never talk, we'd never even get each others names, just a weird silent contract to not bother one another while we chill more than 5 feet apart.
what character(s) would you hate?
...Sebek. I'm sorry, the minute he refers to me as "human" in that derogatory tone of his, he is not worth my time. I'd ignore his existence or look at him with disdain. I will never acknowledge him as superior and until he apologizes for all that we will never be friends. Hell, if he insists on bothering me, I'd ruin his poor ears with my cussing language.
what character(s) would you date?
None of them, since I am aroace. Never had a crush, but It's not as if I'm opposed to dating, it's just I never feel the urge for more or to change the regular status quo. So, in that vein, never expect me to have a preference for who I want to date or be the one to ask people out. I just don't get that urge. However if asked who I would be in a queerplatonic relationship with, the person with the highest chances of that would be Epel. Or, shockingly, Vil. I feel there will come a time where Vil and I come to an understanding since, to a certain extent, we do hold ourselves to a high standard that almost ruins us. But also because I'm a person that has no interest in celebrity culture with a forever chill aura, Vil would eventually adopt some of those habits.
what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
Mmmm honestly, I would think Floyd would call me Cobia, since those fishes are usually pretty good alone, but can be seen tagging behind other predators. And as that would imply, I do have moments where I just want to be by myself, tuning out the world with my earbuds, but the minute I make friends with a big scary bud, you will see me tagging along with them, when I do see them that is. Remora would be another good candidate for a nickname but I don't tend to stick to people like glue so that's out the window. I don't exactly stand out so I'm fine being by myself.
and rook’s?
Knowing Rook, he would catch me singing while I was in my room. I'm not exactly quiet, and with my preference for choral, opera, and other songs with high and low notes, he'd probably call me Monsieur Chanteur and would proceed to bother me to sing more with an audience to watch. Nope buddy, not happening.
what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
I would have to say Leona, though I take my grades pretty seriously, even though I will leave studying to the last minute cause I want nothing more than to continue sleeping. Along with the whole thing about people remarking about how we're wasting out potential because we're not working 24/7. Though, I am remarkably easier to get along with since I do try to make a good first impression when I can. But yeah, we're very much the "my pace" kind of people.
which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
Anything having to do with literature analysis. English has always been my best subject. History would probably be my worst subject, though it would still be passing, around the high 80%. I can't stand failing grades.
what club would you join?
None. I kid I kid, in order to get teachers off my back, I'd probably join the writing club, if there is one. If not, then I'd probably join the choir club, as that's familiar as well. If both clubs exist, I would imagine I would end up joining both at Rook's or Vil's insistence. I only give in because I genuinely like singing so I don't see it as extra work.
how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
Really depends if I have magic or not. If not, I would constantly be covered in bruises cause some dumb fucks decided I make for an easy target, if I have magic, then I'd be another unremarkable note in NRC's history. If, only a bit disappointing because I didn't want to invest in a magic career, just wanted to be a writer. I know it sounds arrogant but I would probably be born with a whole lot of magic potential, so there would be this expectation that I should be in a field that uses it, but then I turned around and decided to invest in my writing skills instead. So while people aren't saying they're disappointed in me choosing this path, you can feel the disappointment for not realizing that potential. I was always treated as the golden child after all, so I know what's that like.
[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
It would probably be another case where I have discovered my unique magic early. It'd probably be a unique magic where I can make an environment or character appear off the pages I just wrote and manipulate them at will. Probably call it "Words Off The Page." Though anytime I use it, the page or sentences I used will be destroyed, including copies. Which would deter me from using it at all.
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