#my expectations were low but holy fuck
captainlynxx · 17 days
Jesus fucking Christ…
One thing I’ve seen nobody say about dot and bubble so far is that it’s scarily accurate to things now. This is the average internet echo chamber except, because the dot controls bodily functions, movement, work (if you can call it that) and all elements of socialisation, they can’t really just go out and touch some grass. They can never be de-influenced from their radical ideas. As technology becomes more advanced, we could end up in a dot and bubble type future and that’s fucking horrifying because what happens when people stop becoming educated against the racist ideologies that they’ve been taught?
I’m going to be thinking about this for the next 3 days at least now, that may be the best episode of the season.
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maddymoreau · 2 months
No shade to any mutuals who are going to watch it but I’m not touching or watching the Fallout TV series.
Especially since ⚠️ Spoiler ⚠️
They made Fallout New Vegas not canon anymore.
AI was used for the promotional work despite this fandom having some of the MOST INCREDIBLE artists I’ve ever seen.
Shoutout to this Reddit comment for making me laugh and being the biggest mood:
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xo-zizi · 21 days
She has the fucking audacity to be doing interviews. Praising herself. Having other people praise her. And she has not one ounce of integrity in her body. Selfish bitch. How do you write an episode like this and pat yourself on the back. It’s not even just that she’s bad at writing. She has a clear bias. And she shows it EVERYTIME she writes. Instead of her to put her pride aside and focus on what this show is actually about and what it means to people, she pushes her own agendas. Literally no one cares that Jordan and Layla aren’t getting married right now, you literally said that last episode. No one cares that Asher doesn’t wanna play football. We settled this in season 4. She had the opportunity to fully take us through Spencer’s journey of his final college game. And instead she filled it with nonsense. I’m actually pissed
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st0l3nlull4bi3s · 1 month
So far I've liked only Emma Chamberlain and Zendaya
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presdestigatto · 2 months
this news is devastating. HP Scuderia Ferrari is not a serious name
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matt-eldritch · 1 month
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My immediate thoughts after watching the X-Men 97 season finale
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edgepunk · 5 months
I was skeptical about the Megamind show because nowadays reboots/revivals are more miss than hit, but nothing prepared me for that atrocious cgi quality. put Megamind back. leave him alone!!!
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ca4n-0-worms · 4 months
Throw back to when my ex s3d4t3d me and bvrned his initial into my hip 💀💀
I seriously was intoxicated with this man because wtf💀💀 I thought he loved me so much. Pics taken one year ago a week after the incident
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handsomelyerin · 5 months
no dominic sessa, charles melton, or greta lee
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sentys · 11 hours
out. i'm trying to feel anything other than disappointment and annoyance.
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300iqprower · 1 year
Uh oh, so Camazotz and Ixcalli are NPCs
Congrats Lostbelt 7 you are officially a waste of everyone's time
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Aaaand Kamala’s ‘new name’ is disappointing and not even a new name
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palidan-sheep · 5 months
Well… at least it wasn’t Hal.
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Leave it to Germany to fuck up the state visit big way, still do it somehow, do the most formal and stiff German reception ever, have a Chancellor with the charisma of an ice block, serve the most pathetic breakfast in the history of breakfasts, have a cringeworthy press conference AND spell the name of your guest wrong in the official guest book.
Ah, yes.
So great to be German. 🙃🫠
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Sueing the euphoric bros for all the brain cells I lost on their piece of shit games
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ridiculoser06 · 11 months
Barbie movie review from someone who can’t string a sentence together without keyboard slamming or yelling.
How queer coded the discontinued/weird barbie’s are PAINS ME. THANK YOU GRETA MY GOD.
Allan is for the all the gender non conforming mfs but also he’s so ✨bisexual✨ HELP. Like he’s not barbie, he’s not Ken, he’s just in between he’s to kenly for the barbies and too barbie-y for the Ken’s so he’s like his own category please that’s my existence 99% of the time.
Like he’s not manly (kenough) to be accepted by the Ken’s but also the barbies don’t really pay much attention to him either???!? Who hangs out with Allan! Allan is ALONE. Allan has no one to relate to because THERE’S ONLY ONE ALLAN. He feels so fucking disconnected from both sides of the spectrum, he has no one to connect with, he’s just THERE. He’s just ALLAN. There’s only one of him he doesn’t have the same connection that the barbies have and the Ken’s have because they ignore his fucking existence.
Also I’m MAD about midge. Why wasn’t she in any of the film she and Allan should’ve been like power duo. Also barbies little sisters like do they exist. Also where do the Ken’s live? Do the live at beach? So many questions. (I think they’re gonna do a sequel, like- I’ve just got a gut feeling. I sense the sequel material yk yk.)
Weird barbie? The experience of most queer girls. Excluded ✅ Called weird ✅ Funky hair ✅
Like she knows what it’s like to be cast as the dog and the dad in games of house. She did the man voices for the Ken’s because she’s just ‘better at them.’ She made her Ken’s leave for work trips so that the barbie bffs could stay in the dream house together. She put her barbies on her disco ball and re-enacted the Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball music video. She is me I am her. She took the faces off of her dolls with nail polish remover and drew them back on with sharpies and cut up their hair and gave them Ken’s leather jackets. I LOVE WEIRD BARBIE AHAKGAHA.
But also stereotypical barbie is such a good representation of what growing up is like tho. Being a woman is so fucking terrifying. Growing up is terrifying and this movie absolutely subverted all my expectations like I thought it’d be some “we have to not let this little girl grow up! Ah- she’s 13 now she’s getting rid of her dolls, no don’t grow up you’re still young, yippee we saved the day now we can all play dolls.” BUT NO! They respected the fact that we all grow up and at a certain point we stopped playing with dolls. BUT ALSO Gloria shows the fact that a love of playing with dolls doesn’t always end for women, we still have such fond memories to look back on and some even relive those memories when they have daughters of their own.
The Ken’s are so interesting too tbf. The alt-right pipeline is so dangerous for impressionable minds (like Ken’s) and so many men fall victim to it, be it intentional or not. The patriarchy does not just hurt women it hurts men to.
This movie is such a great explanation for feminism imo, feminism isn’t to put men down because no one benefits from the patriarchy except those in a position of power.
This movie tells the story of women, and how damaging the patriarchy can be to society and tells it in such a unique, fun and beautiful way. EEK I LOVE ITTTT!!!
P.s can you tell I had fun with the text colours AGAAGAHAGAG
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