#my eyebrows are thick and dark irl
spaceman-spaetzle · 5 months
dressed up nice to go see a show post-hair bleaching and im told i look like arthur kirkland
this is what karma looks like after years of gently roasting him
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yopossum · 24 days
The Laredo Javi gifs made me do this. I was powerless against them.
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Main Masterlist
The Secret Place
Pairing: Javier Peña x best friend f!reader
Rating/Warnings: E - 18+ only! Post S3 Javi, Laredo, no age gap, friends to lovers to no contact to friends and lovers like no time ever passed, filthy fluffy smut, Chucho being the best and also a troublemaker, brief mentions of narcos and sex workers (Javi uses the word whores, paraphrasing the people who bother him about Colombia), drinking questionable whiskey, oral (f and a tiny bit of m receiving), boob in mouth action, PIV with a condom *and* on the pill good job guys, sex in an old treehouse probably not a great idea irl. Reader is described as having dark, prominent nipples and genitalia, grown out black pubic hair, heavy hanging breasts, thick dimpled thighs and a fleshy waist and belly. Her hair (on her head) is not described, nor is her skin tone (she does not blush or redden). Both Javi and reader speak Spanish, which is in italics.
“Javier Peña. Long time. Back for good?” You reached out for a friendly handshake.
“Nah, for evil.” He winked, holding your hand in his a little more firmly, a little bit longer than he would anybody else’s. You acknowledged it with a fond squeeze, undetectable to curious eyes.
“Sounds about right. Catching up with everybody?”
“Trying to avoid it.”
You laughed, hand on your hip. “No surprise there either. Well, I just came over to your table to ask the handsomest man at the wedding for a dance.” You smirked.
“I’m not sure that’s me, cariño,” Javi said, eyebrow quirked and jaw tensing skeptically.
“Never said it was, Javi. I was talking about Chucho.” It was your turn to wink.
He huffed out his nostrils and shook his head with a smile as you turned to his father with outstretched arms, yelling, “Take me for a spin, viejo! Let’s remind your boy where he got all those smooth moves.”
“He won’t know what hit him, mija,” Chucho laughed, standing to take your hands. “Watch my beer, Javier.”
“You got it, Pop.” He nodded at the older man, whose eyes were crinkled shut in laughter at the way you twirled onto the dance floor and beckoned to him. Javier nursed his own drink, dark eyes following you under heavy lids as you and Chucho spun around the floor.
After several songs, Chucho bowed out, making his way back to the table, and Javi lost track of you.
“You’ve still got it,” he murmured to his father around the lip of his beer bottle.
“Damn right!” he crowed. He took a long sip of his beer, looking out at the wedding reception, and sighed. “Listen, I know it’s been a long time, but—”
“—Pop, don’t.” Javier cut him off, shooting him a stern look.
Chucho raised his palm. “Let me finish, son. You know it was always her. I know it was always her. Hell, all of Laredo knows it was always her.” He stared intently at Javi’s face. “Folks weren’t as surprised as they acted when things went sideways with Lorraine. Doubt Lorraine was.”
“Yeah.” Javi looked at the table, ran his thumb along the label of the bottle, the condensation on the glass making the paper ball up and peel as he rubbed over it. “Everyone knew. I was an idiot, fucked it up.” He swallowed the dregs of his beer and stared through the empty brown glass, his own frowning distorted reflection wobbling back at him.
“You got that right,” Chucho chuckled, running a weathered hand along the brim of his white cowboy hat. “Was saying, mijo, it’s been years. Don’t you think you’ve punished yourself long enough?”
Javi scrubbed his hands down his face, careful not to muss his hair and ruin any of the photographs, incur the wrath of a coven of tías like he had at Danny’s wedding. “The shit I’ve done? A life sentence wouldn’t scratch the surface, Dad. Things change, life goes on. Looks like your dance partner left, anyway.”
“She sure did, pendejo!” Chucho laughed from deep in his belly. “Why the hell d’you think I’m talking to you about it now? Our girl fue al lugar secreto, she told me to tell you.”
Javi’s guts stuttered, and he tried to school his features into a convincingly stoic look. “The secret place, huh? Not sure I even remember where that was.” His eyes were pulled to the clock on the wall. 9:40.
“No manches, Javier. You know exactly where it is.” Javier avoided his gaze. Of course he knew exactly where it was.
Chucho turned to chat with a relative while Javi rolled his empty bottle on the tablecloth. Several songs played through, the party still boisterous. From across the dance floor, Javi locked eyes with Lorraine, who smiled brightly. She waved, and Javi groaned, feeling obligated to stand and cross to his ex would-have-been wife.
“Javier. You look good.”
“Thanks. You too.”
“Oh gosh, you think so?” Lorraine tucked a lock of loose blonde hair behind her ear and flushed. “The kids make me feel so haggard sometimes. They sure keep me busy!”
Javier gave a half smile. “Sounds like it. I’m glad you, uh, got the life you wanted. I’m sorry, for… all of it.” He pursed his lips and glanced at the clock again. 9:57.
“Yeah, I know,” she nodded. “I forgave you a long time ago, Javi. Lord knows I wasn’t entirely innocent. And now I have Randy; I have the kids. It would’ve been wrong, the two of us.”
“Definitely,” Javi snorted, dimple deepening in his cheek. “Well, just… thought I’d say… something. You really do look good, Lorraine. I’m glad life’s treating you well.”
Lorraine smiled soft and a little bit sad. “Thank you. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
Javi gave her a tilt of his chin in farewell as a blur of a child crashed into Lorraine’s legs before striding back to his table.
“Taking a piss, Pop,” he muttered to Chucho, who was still deep in conversation with whichever cousin. He clapped a hand to his father’s shoulder.
“Sure you are, son,” he replied, patting his son’s hand without looking back at him. “Dile que I owe her another dance. See you in the morning. I’m cooking breakfast.”
Javier rolled his eyes and bit back a reply, just squeezed gently and made his way out of the reception hall into the night. 10:10.
“Took you long enough, Peña.”
“Mierda. How the hell did we used to do this every day?” Javi grunted, swinging precariously on the old knotted rope as he clambered into the treehouse.
“For starters, we weren’t fucking old,” you laughed, taking a drag of your cigarette. You offered it to Javi as he pulled the last of his body through the hole in the floor and flipped the hatch shut, sending the hanging lantern swinging.
“Nah. Tryin’ the gum thing.” He flopped onto the wooden floorboards and tried to find a comfortable way to angle his wide frame in the small space. Their lugar secreto.
“¡No mames!”
“En serio.”
You spit on the floor and stubbed the cigarette into it. “Well shit. Good for you, Jav. Must’ve taken a lot of willpower — I don’t imagine you have any less need for vices now.” You grinned at him.
“Yeah, no fucking kidding,” he sighed. His fingers tapped on the ground, antsy.
“You’ve always been a stubborn asshole, though, so if anyone could do it, it’d be you,” you said with a cackle.
“Vete a la chingada,” Javier grumbled warmly.
“Quite the mouth you’ve got on you, Javi,” you tutted, turning to sit with your back against the opposite treehouse wall and stretching your legs out parallel to his.
“You know better than most how true that is,” he said, eyebrow quirking suggestively.
“Sucio,” you chided. “Glad to see some things haven’t changed.”
Javi smirked, sat silent. He let his head tip back against the wall, looked up at the stars through the open hole in the roof of the old treehouse. The wood there had rotted through years before the two of you found the place, when your necks and shoulders had ached from sunburns and monkey bars instead of tension and grief. Back then, before Laredo was haunted, you’d climbed up here and patched each other’s hurts with bandaids, hugs, shitty liquor, and eventually, after some years, soft touches, kisses, hot skin sticky and desperate against hot skin.
“You’re not gonna ask me about Colombia?” he said eventually, leveling his eyes back at you.
You shrugged. “Do you want to talk about Colombia?” you asked.
“I figured as much. No, I’m not going to ask you about Colombia.” The treehouse was silent again.
“I came home, few years ago. Went back.” Javi said, eventually.
You hummed thoughtfully. “Why?”
He cracked his knuckles. “Got in some shit. DEA told me to leave. Then they asked me to come back. So I did.”
“You done now?” you asked simply.
“Feel like a hero?”
Javi gritted his teeth. “Feel like a piece of shit, usually.” He clenched his hands into fists, released them, repeated the action without looking up from the toes of his boots alongside your knees.
“Well, hey, at least you don’t look it,” you offered, and Javi couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re much better looking than you were in the 70s, even if your clothes haven’t changed.”
“Fuck you,” he snorted. “You didn’t seem to have any complaints back then.”
You scrunched your nose at him and stuck your tongue out. “I didn’t know any better back then. You’re not the only one who expanded their horizons, Peña.”
The smile slid from his face and he bit at his lip, a sneer creeping into his expression. “You too with the brothel shit, huh? Christ. All anybody fucking wants to talk about, what narcos I shot and what whores I fucked.”
“Did I say any of that, Javi? Jesus. Don’t try to pick a fight with me, it won’t work. I’m glad you were fucking around down there. I’m sure it was hell. Sounds like burying your traumas in warm pussy helped bring you back alive. I’m grateful for that.” You looked at him plainly, like it was the most obvious reaction in the world for you to have, like his confusion at your response was the strange thing.
“Besides,” you added, “I’m sure you treated them well. I know better than most, right?” You waggled your eyebrows at him and his frustration and surprise melted away, dripped out of his mind.
“So, I was memorable?”
“Stop fishing for compliments.” You whacked one of his boots with the back of your hand, and he tipped it back toward you, pushing at the hem of your skirt with his toe.
“You were memorable,” he said quietly.
When you glanced at him, moonlight brightening the piloncillo brown of his eyes, his expression was softer, less closed off. Echoes of a younger Javier, your playmate and closest friend and confidant and co-conspirator and lover, here in your secret space like he’d never left, never grown out of Laredo, never been hardened by the cruelties of the world.
Your Javi.
“So you definitely remember what we used to get up to in here, then?” you teased, reaching for a lidded crate shoved into the corner and pulling out an ancient bottle of whiskey.
Javi’s mustache twisted up at the corner. “I remember you were a handsy drunk,” he said, grabbing the bottle and twisting off the lid, taking a slow pull from the mouth of it and wincing. “God, this is awful.”
You laughed and took the bottle back from him, taking a sip of your own. “Beggars couldn’t be choosers! We didn’t have many options for sneaking liquor.” The whiskey warmth flowed through your body like bitter sunshine. “And handsy, hm? I don’t think I was usually the one to start anything.”
Javi pawed at the bottle, downing another gulp, and you watched his Adam’s apple slide down his taut, tanned throat. “Hm, maybe not,” he mused, rocking his jaw to the side and letting his eyes rake down your body. “But I always made sure you finished,” he grunted.
You grabbed the whiskey for a final slug and capped it, sliding it back against the wall before pressing yourself up to your knees. “Is that a habit you’re still holding onto, Peña?”
You leaned forward and placed your palms flat on the ground, crawling, partly seductively and partly pragmatically because you couldn’t stand upright in the treehouse, along the length of Javi’s legs. You knelt immediately next to him and reached out to smooth the red and blue plaid collar of his flannel, then cupped a hand to his cheek.
Instinctively, Javi turned into your touch, letting his eyes close for a second and giving a gentle kiss to the meat of your thumb. He looked back to you and let his face rest in the cradle of your palm.
“Still holding onto it. Held on to everything that had anything to do with you.” He worried at his plump lower lip with his teeth, then tongued at the plush cleft there.
You swung one leg over his lap and sat in a straddle across the tops of his thighs, denim of his jeans scratching against the bared skin under your dress.
“Should’ve held on to me, Jav.”
Javi placed his hands at the flare of your hips, splaying his wide thick fingers to knead at the flesh there, more plentiful and pliant than the last time he’d touched there. Where the world had made him rough, shattered, sharp, you’d been tumbled like sea glass. Smoother, softer, light shining right through you, spilling onto him.
“I should’ve.”
“I could’ve held tighter too.”
“I wouldn’t have let you.”
“You’re right.”
“That’s a first.”
You both snickered, and you let your body rest against Javi’s chest. He threaded his arms around your waist and pulled you tight to him, pressing the bridge of his nose into the shelf of your collarbone to inhale deeply.
“It was always you. You know that, right?” he breathed against your skin.
“I do. I knew then, I know now. Things happened how they happened. It’s been a long time.” You spoke the words into the dark waves of his hair, tickling at your mouth and chin.
Javi’s voice was smaller than it had been, more hesitant. “Do you think…” He paused for a beat. “Do you think it’s been too long? Or, not long enough?”
“I don’t know. Me vale, Javier. I don’t give a shit. ¿Sabes?” You ran a finger in a small circle around the top button of his shirt.
“I don’t know if I do,” he answered honestly. His grip on your hips tightened slightly, and he scooted you just an inch or two further up to the apex of his thighs.
“I think it’s a series of miracles that you’re here and I’m here and we can still manage to squeeze our ancient asses into this treehouse,” you said frankly. “I don’t need to figure anything else out right now. Tonight? It’s enough for me to know we’re both still here, that this is still here.” And when you said this, Javi knew you didn’t mean the treehouse, but the real lugar secreto, the secret place that lived inside you both, where neither of you had ever let go of the other.
“Lie back against the wall, cariño,” Javi ordered in a soft, even husk.
You climbed off his lap and crawled back to the place you’d been sitting before, legs out in front of you.
“Knees up,” he rasped. You obeyed, skirt of your dress slipping down your raised thighs to pool at your waist. “Let them fall open nice and easy for me, baby. Just like that,” he murmured, coming up onto all fours and rubbing a thumb on your ankle bone as you let your knees drop outward.
Javi failed to bite back the moan that fell from his mouth as you spread before him, only a slip of your black thong visible as the thin wet gusset nestled into your sex, dark lips and an Eden of black curls devouring the fabric. He, too, wished to be devoured.
He reached his hands up under your ass, hooking his fingers into the floss of your underwear and peeling them from your center, wiggling them down your legs and tossing them aside. Javi carefully lowered himself to his belly, flat across the floor, his body longer than he used to be so his knees were bent and his feet rested against the opposite wall. He looked up with wide, curious eyes, asking silently for permission.
“It was always you, Jav. Still is.” You carded your fingers through his thick hair and he growled.
Javi slid his hands along your thick thighs, trying to memorize the feel of every new dimple and stretch mark on the once-familiar canvas. When he reached the end of your legs, that divine join, he used the breadth of his shoulders to press your knees even further apart, sliding his forearms under your legs to grip around your hips.
Your folds pulled open languidly as your legs spread, stretching glossy strings across your entrance, the long dark sticky swollen petals of you blooming like something rare and tropical, heady and intoxicating. Javi nudged forward, nose brushing through the course hairs as he nuzzled its strong curve against you, dragging it in a lazy back and forth over your clit. Your pussy fluttered and you drew in a sharp breath through your nose.
“Looks like she remembers me too,” Javi chuckled darkly.
He pressed sloppy open-mouthed kisses to the creases of your thighs, over your puffy mound, running up and down along the seam of you, puffing hot wet air over your asshole to see it clench and quiver.
“She wants you to stop teasing,” you whined, but your complaint was cut short with a gasp when you felt a broad lick along your slit, Javi sliding the flat of his tongue through you and flicking at your clit with its pointed tip.
Your legs fought to fold closed on Javi’s head, but his arms kept them pinned open, on display for him, bisected and dripping. He ran his tongue over and around every fold, prodding and sucking and nibbling, stretching you gently with his teeth and slotting his lips with yours in an intimate, hungry kiss.
His tongue moved through you instinctually, patiently, reverently. A disciple, attending to the temple of his deity. Javier Peña did not believe in God. He believed in worship.
Javi slid one thick finger, then another, through your shining slick, swirled them at your clit before pressing them inside of you up to the knuckles. He relished the groan that clawed out of your throat, the clench of you around his digits, as he pumped them in and out, fingertips dancing on the spongy spot that made you writhe for him. He watched your face, lips parted and panting, brow glistening, both exactly as he’d remembered you and more perfect and beautiful than you’d ever been before this moment. And you’d always been perfect and beautiful.
He dropped his face again to suck the bead of your clit between his soft lips, alternating slurping around the hood with laves of his tongue as he continued to thrust and curl his hand inside you. The obscene thick wet sounds of your pleasure wove with mingled moans and soft gasps. Javi felt, sensed, the small escalations in your as they built on each other — the flickering tense of your leg muscles, the tightening of your stomach, your affrettando breathing. He increased his efforts, dribbling a stream of spit onto you, into you as he stuffed his fingers into your pulsing cunt over and over again.
“Oh, oh, Javi. Fuck, Javi. I’m…” Your legs began to shake, some overwhelming and impossible pressure building deep inside you. Javi didn’t slow, just lavished prayers into your pussy and ground his hips against the old creaking floorboards.
“I know, baby, I know,” he chanted over you, “I’m here, baby, it’s me, I’ve got you.”
Your fingers were thrust into his hair and twisted around the soft dark strands, and you tugged, pulling a guttural roar from Javier’s chest. “Dámelo, mi vida,” he snarled. You felt the irresistible urge to bear down on Javi’s hand, walls seizing up around his fingers until that delicious pressure burst. You arched and shrieked as a dizzying pulsing gush erupted from your cunt, cascading over the man between your thighs as he groaned, swallowed and suckled desperately as he rutted into the floor. The sensation continued to crash over you, waves smashing against a cliff without end. Your vision was flashing, teeth chattering violently as you keened and bucked at the overstimulation. Javi withdrew his fingers from your channel and slid them around your clit, using your release to slip rapid circles around the swollen pearl until the world around you exploded, a razor sharp orgasm ripping through you on top of a final wave of warmth that poured out from your wrenched body.
Javier looked up through long lashes, his pupils blown and lips swollen and red. He was dripping with you, drenched and devoted, as though he’d been dunked in a baptismal font.
You gestured faintly at him, not able to move your hands beyond a small wave up your body. Javi got the message, clambered up over you and let you throw your sagging arms around his neck so he could roll with you onto his back and drape you over him. You melted against his chest, still panting, and he ran his hand over your shoulders, down your spine, over the curve of your ass. His cock throbbed against the zipper of his jeans, straining painfully in the tight denim, but he tried his best to ignore it. To just hold on to you.
“I think I owe your informants a thank you card,” you wheezed finally, breath slowing closer to its normal pace. Javi snorted into your crown, kissed your forehead at your hairline.
“Quite the mouth, huh?” he teased softly, and you pinched at his waist through his shirt with a chuckle. “Mierda. That was…” Javi trailed off, running a hand through his sweat-curled hair.
“Yeah. It was,” you agreed, neither of you needing to finish the sentence. You reached up to touch his face, the deep furrows that creased his skin there smoother and shallower now. “So. Mi vida, huh Peña?” You smirked up at him.
Javi’s cheeks pinked and he bit at the inside of his mouth, bashful as if he hadn’t bathed in you minutes before. “Too much?”
“Nah, I liked it. Did you mean it?”
Javi paused before answering, looking down at you almost meekly. “If I did?”
You smiled against him. “Then I like it even more. Kind of how it’s always been here, right? How it’s always been for us.”
He smiled back with relief. “Yeah,” he huffed out. “Yeah, it has been. Could still be, maybe? It feels like… like we… fuck. It feels like this is the first time in a long time I’m where I belong. Here, with you.”
“Between my legs?” you said with a laugh playing at your eyes.
“Sí, yes, Christ, forever.” Javi groaned again, licked the taste of you from around his lips, nostrils flaring when his dick twitched insistently. You clocked it.
“Enjoyed yourself, guapo? Need some attention?” You rolled your hips slightly, pleased when Javi sucked in a breath through his teeth and shivered.
“Are you… can you…” he stuttered out, and you shushed him with a finger to his lips, which he kissed.
“Can I stand? No,” you chuckled, shaking your head. “But I want to stay right here in your lap and let you fuck me, Jav. Te quiero.”
Javi sat bolt upright, holding on to your body as he scooted to the wall and leaned back against it. “We’re gonna be so fucking sore tomorrow. Fucking in the treehouse.”
“We don’t have to,” you offered breezily, teasing. “If it’s too much for you in your old age.”
“Don’t you dare. Pinche chiflada. Yes, we fucking do,” Javi objected immediately. “Besides,” he jabbed with a pointed finger, “we’re the same age.”
You laughed at his urgency. “Ahí está. ‘Atta boy, Peña. You’re overdressed, in that case.” You moved to unbutton his flannel, revealing more of his smooth, freckled chest. “This is a nice shirt, by the way. You looked handsome as hell tonight.” You undid the last button and slid his shirt off his shoulders, running your hands over the firm rounds of his muscles.
“Not the handsomest, though?” he smiled, leaning forward to nip at your collarbone.
“Nope, sorry. That’s always gonna be your pops,” you said with a shrug.
“Pendeja,” Javi muttered. “Can we stop talking about my dad right now, please?” He fumbled at your dress clumsily. “This needs to go.” You guided his hands to the buttons that ran down the back and chuckled against his ear as his fingers flew over the closures and he yanked the thin cotton up over your head and discarding it to the side.
“Fuck, querida. These tits…” Javier lunged toward your chest, starved, pulling one brown nipple into his mouth and moaning around it while he palmed the weight of your other breast in his hand, lifting and squeezing. You tipped your head back as he swirled his hot tongue around and over, coaxing you to a peak, then pulled off with a slurping pop. “Gorgeous. Even better than I remember,” he groaned, wiping spit from the corner of his mouth with his thumb.
You wriggled your naked body back on Javi’s legs, eliciting a whine of protest before he realized your hands were deftly unfastening his belt. He reached down to assist and you swatted him away with a laugh. “Let me have my fun, huh?” you chided, slipping your finger through a belt loop and giving his jeans a firm tug before undoing the button at his waist. You smirked at the thatch of hair peeking out from the fly. “No chones? Hussy!”
Javi’s dimple deepened, his lip curling. “Always prepared, baby.”
You shook your head. “You’re still a menace, Peña. Pero, speaking of prepared, I’m on the pill, but…”
Javier cut you off. “Tranquila. Wallet.” You reached into his bulging front pocket and slid out the weathered leather, opening it and fishing through until you felt the telltale foil square.
“Thank god. I’m sure we have some stashed up here still but I don’t know I’d trust them to hold up,” you huffed with a smile, and sat back on your heels in front of him. With practiced ease, you tore open the packet, wiggling it at the man in front of you. “Now you can take your pants off.”
Javi didn’t break his gaze, just lifted his hips and slid his tight jeans down his thighs. You pulled his boots off for him, one at a time, then yanked his pants the rest of the way down his calves and over his feet, socks coming with them. You hurled them into the corner and let your eyes rest on Javier’s nude form. He brought one fist to his base and gave himself a few slow tugs, watching you watching him.
You crawled your way up over his body and relished the way his thick cock bobbed in anticipation, the way Javi’s stomach muscles quivered under your hungry stare. Glancing down at the blushing tip of him, you couldn’t resist when you saw the gleam of precome beading at his slit, and you dipped down to taste him, his distinct salt and musk making you dizzy with want. Javi’s hips bucked wildly at the unexpected touch of your tongue. You flicked your tongue over his frenulum, licked down his shaft to the seam of his balls, and back up along a delicious pulsing vein before taking his fat head into your mouth, giving a firm, but brief, suck.
Javi gasped, biting back a moan and sucking air in through his nose with a shiver. “Can’t… do… that…” he managed, his voice graveled and tight. He grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger to and pulled your head up level with his. “Need you too bad. Need to be inside you, cariño. Now.”
You pulled the condom from the foil and pinched the tip, then unrolled it down Javier’s throbbing length til the ring was snug around his base. His eyes didn’t leave your hands until you finished, and you reached up to his shoulders and eased yourself to straddle across his strong thighs, his latex-covered cock wedged between your stomachs. He was breathing heavily, sweat starting to pool at the dip of his throat. He brought both hands to the sides of your face, hooking his thumbs under your jaw, and looked into you with his big dark glassy eyes. They reminded you of the night sky that shone through that hole in the roof, the way if you let your vision unfocus it felt like you could see the deep blacks and browns reveal themselves to be layers and layers and layers of stars. You felt like you could see on forever, see the whole universe.
Javi brought your forehead to his, his nose pressed next to yours, and gently rolled his hips into you, the slight friction reawakening your still-sensitive clit and releasing a fresh stream of slick. You lifted up and brought your hips forward, bringing one hand from his shoulder to grasp him firmly and slide him through your folds before angling him at your entrance. Faces still flush together, breathing each other's air, you let yourself sink down onto him, both exhaling soft whimpers of pleasure as you stretched around his girth until you were fully seated in his lap, your channel squeezing around him greedily.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined. “Oh Jav, oh fuck. I missed this. I missed you.” You let your face drop to his neck, dangled yourself from his broad shoulders, and ground your hips in slow circles against his belly. Javi dropped his hands from your face and grabbed onto your sides, guiding your movements and digging his fingers into your skin, like he needed to be sure you were really there, needed to mash into your flesh and bone to know you weren’t an apparition, not some whiskey-conjured ghost in his empty apartment in Bogotá.
He let his head fall back, giving you space to lick and kiss at his neck while you rode him lazily. “You feel so good, baby. Christ,” he rumbled, words crawling out from deep in his throat. You pressed your open mouth to his collarbone, dragging your warm wet lips over the slice of it, sighed deeply. Javi could feel your legs shaking as they bracketed his own, fatigued from your earlier pleasure, and he slowed you to a stop before lifting you from his cock.
“Acuéstate,” he whispered, grabbing his forgotten flannel with one hand and fluttering it over the floor before turning you in his arms, nudging you onto all fours facing away from him and encouraging your cheek and forearms to rest on the brushed cotton.
“Mm,” you hummed sweetly, closing your eyes and wiggling your hips invitingly. Javi had to squeeze himself tight at the root, tried not to lose his mind when you presented your glistening pussy, swollen and stretched and desperate for him. “Need you, Javi.”
He sat up on his knees and pushed into your fluttering hole with a single thrust, crushing into the ring of your cervix and forcing a sob from your throat.
“¿Estás bien?” he panted, quaking with restraint as he held himself flush to your ass, letting you catch your breath.
“Oh fuck, yes. Cojeme duro, Javi,” you rasped beneath him.
He wasted no time. Javi withdrew quickly and slammed back into you, a deep wail spilling from your open mouth. He set a breathless pace, one hand clenched around your hip and the other spread possessively over the base of your spine. The brutal snap of his hips would’ve driven you forward across the floor if he hadn’t been holding you in place with such bruising force. His heavy balls swung and slapped against your bare skin with every thrust, and you could feel his sweat puddling at the sway of your lower back as it ran from his face and chest. The air was thick with the lewd squelching sounds of your bodies smashing together and the chorus of your breathy, rattling prayers and curses and cries.
Javi’s hips began to stutter, and he tensed his thighs and ass to try to control his thrusts. “Not gonna last. Need you to come, querida. Give me another, come on my fucking cock. Please, baby,” he rambled, an edge of desperation tinting his words. He slid a hand between your legs, bringing the rough pad of his finger to your clit to press and swirl frantically as he pounded into you. He could feel when you clenched around him, so strong he could hardly stay upright. When Javi hunched over you and pressed a hot, panting kiss between your shoulder blades, you broke apart with a hoarse scream. A burning climax crashed through you, your body going rigid with electricity, the overwhelming squeeze of your cunt ripping a howl from Javi as he came so hard his vision went white. He spurted with staggering jolts, thrusting weakly until your body went limp in his hold.
As the last of his seed dribbled out, Javier lowered you both gently to the floor, curling around your body as he pinched at the bottom of the condom and slipped his spent, softening cock from your clutch. He tied it off, set it aside, and laid back down to wrap around you again. You wriggled back into him and he tucked his arm into the plush fold of your waist, hand splayed over your panza and fingers tickling softly, no sounds but the breeze of your breaths and the thrum of your heartbeats in your ears. Eventually, you rolled over to face him, wincing as you turned.
“Won’t even have to wait until tomorrow to be sore,” you griped, rubbing at your neck. Javi reached out and covered your hand with his, dwarfing it, and massaged the knot that had started to form there with a firm thumb. You melted under his touch. “No regrets though,” you added with a reassuring snicker.
“Good,” he smirked, brushing his knuckles over your cheek. “Probably should put some clothes on before I get a splinter in my dick, though.” You snorted and nodded, sitting up to let him extricate himself and re-dress. Javi pulled his jeans up, not bothering to button them, and shoved his arms back into his shirt, leaving it hanging open. You scooped up your dress and pulled it over your head, your underwear nowhere to be seen. Javi sat back down against the wall and stretched one long leg out in front of him, bending the other at the knee. “Come here,” he said, his words lazy and syrupy.
You walked on your knees to the vee of his legs and turned to sit between them, letting your back rest against Javi’s warm, wide chest. He hooked his chin over your shoulder and nuzzled at the base of your ear with the tip of his nose, looped his arms around your ribs and squeezed you tight to him.
“My dad said to tell you he owes you a dance,” he muttered, dragging his teeth lightly over your trapezius muscle, his mustache ticklish against your overstimulated body.
“Ha! I knew it,” you said with a clap.
“Knew what?” Javi sucked at the thin skin at the base of your throat, just enough to make a small bruise begin to blossom there.
“We had a bet about you.”
He stopped peppering your neck with affections to look at you curiously. “A bet? What kind of bet?”
You cackled. “When I told him to tell you to meet me here, Chucho said you’d come running after me right away. I said you’d try to play it cool, sulk for a while, then when you got too desperate you’d tell him you needed to take a leak and disappear. If he was right, I’d buy him a six-pack. If I was right, he had to take me dancing.”
“Shit,” Javier chuckled under his breath. “That’s… yeah, that’s pretty much exactly what I did,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“You’re predictable, cabrón, what can I say?”
“I did talk, a little bit.”
“To Lorraine?”
“Damn,” he laughed. “How’d you know?”
You grinned and turned your face to rub your cheek against his skin, closing your eyes. “Like I said, predictable. Did you brawl?”
Javi hummed thoughtfully. “I apologized. So did she. It was… fine. It’s okay between us, I think.”
“That’s good,” you murmured, not moving from where you were snuggled into him.
He took a few deep breaths, and you waited patiently for him to say whatever it was he needed to work up to. He pressed his face to your shoulder again and kissed it softly. “I owe you an apology, too,” he exhaled against your skin.
You turned to look at him, to cup his face in your hand. “You don’t, Jav. You don’t need to apologize to me.”
His mouth began to move in protest. “I should’ve—“
“Basta.” You pressed a finger to his lips to still them, shaking it at him admonishingly when he tried to nip at it. “No should’ves, none of that. Everything brought us back here, right?”
Javier ticked his jaw, licked at his lip thoughtfully, before conceding with a half nod. “Nuestro lugar secreto survives,” he said with a soft smile.
“It does,” you agreed, running your thumb soothingly along the lines of his face, over the two creases permanently etched between his eyebrows. “You were gone, but you were still here, you know?”
“I thought about you. All the time.” His voice was quiet, somber.
“I know,” you grinned.
Javi huffed and snorted. “Oh, you already knew that, huh? How so?” he teased, pinching at the underside of your arm.
You squirmed away from his fingers, giggling. “You’re too predictable, ¿recuerdas?”
He sighed dramatically, quickly gave up his game in favor of hugging you close again. “I think you just knew me too well. Still do.”
“I know because I thought about you all the time, too,” you admitted, sitting back against him and tilting your head to look out the roof and up at the night. Javier did the same. “Eres mi vida también,” you said towards the sky.
“I fucked up tonight, though,” he rasped against the shell of your ear.
You stilled, raising an eyebrow in question. “¿De qué manera?”
Javi pressed a palm to your cheek and turned your face to his once more. “I didn’t kiss you yet.” You threaded your hands through the curls at the nape of his neck and pulled him to you, your mouths melding as easily as your bodies had. The kiss wasn’t heated or frantic; there were no clashing teeth and wanton cries. It was slow, soft, familiar. Two parts of a whole, slid back together where they were meant to be.
“So…” Javi breathed into your mouth between slips of tongues. “Pop is cooking a big breakfast. Want to come by the ranch?” He drew back enough for his eyes to focus on your face.
“Mm, a famous Chucho breakfast sounds great. What time should I come over?”
Javi grinned devilishly. “Right now.”
You rolled your eyes, shoving at his chest before kissing him deeply once more. “I don’t know what I was expecting,” you snarked. You both stood, joints creaking, both hunching over to avoid smacking into what remained of the ceiling. Your eyes scanned the treehouse for your missing thong while Javier pulled on his socks and boots, then fastened his clothes and tucked his wallet back in his front pocket.
“Missing something?”
You turned to answer him, seeing your underwear hanging from the tip of his index finger. He spun them around and smirked. “I’ll trade you for one of those cigarettes.”
“Keep ‘em,” you said with a wink. “We quit. We’re gonna try the gum thing.”
Javier beamed at you, sliding your panties into his back pocket. “Don’t have to tell me twice. You ready?” He lifted up the hatch.
“Mhm. But take that condom with you - there’s a trash can by the fence.” When he’d grabbed it, you flicked off the lantern, plunging the treehouse into darkness, moonlight just catching on the rough fibers of the rope below.
“Let me go down first,” Javi said, lowering himself through the hole, his boots finding a sturdy knot a few feet down, descending a short way before hopping to the dirt.
You grinned down at him from the treehouse. “You want to help me down? Tan caballeroso.” You dropped a pair of sandals to the ground and started to clamber down the rope barefoot.
“Of course, mi vida,” Javi said warmly, looking up at you with a wide, crooked smile. You’d made your way down a few knots when he added, “I’m also appreciating the view.” You shook your head and let go of the rope, jumping into Javi’s waiting arms and falling into another languid kiss before your feet found solid ground. When you bent down to grab your sandals from the dust, your skirt suddenly flew up, a hand cracking sharply over the bare flesh of your ass cheek, and you squealed, flying upright and glaring back over your shoulder.
“Shameless,” you tsked.
“Claro,” Javi shrugged, unapologetic. “But you love me.”
“Yeah,” you mused, slipping your sandals on and closing the short distance between your bodies to ruffle his hair. “I sure do. Always have.”
Javi leaned into your hand and purred, content for the first time in a very, very long time. “As long as I’ve loved you,” he said, quiet and firm. He nosed a kiss to your cheek and laced his fingers through yours. “Ready to go, mi vida?”
“Been ready for a lifetime, Peña. Take me home.” You walked hand-in-hand down the winding dirt road that led to the ranch, your path together lit, as it always had been, by a sky full of stars.
Some random taggies:
@timelordfreya @mothandpidgeon @hellfire-state-of-mind @maggiemayhemnj @beefrobeefcal @yourcoolauntie @jolapeno @whocaresstillthelouvre @schnarfer @jennaispunk @wordywarriorwrites @ameerawrites @survivingandenduring @freelancearsonist @artsy-girl-76 @goodwithcheese @javierpena-inatacvest @bluestar22x @carusolikey @beldroxramscal @tonysopranosrobe @toxicanonymity @for-a-longlongtime @luxurychristmaspudding @magpiepills @gasolinerainbowpuddles @oliveksmoked @sp00kymulderr @rebel-held
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aajjks · 6 months
Darkest Hour: Prisioner (m)
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synopsis. Who was really the prisoner? Him who was behind bars? Or you? Who couldn’t even escape him, even now
pairing: yan!prisoner!jk x fem!gf reader.
warnings: YÂNDÈRÈ MÄTÜRÊ, DÄRK, öbsëssïön, STÖCKHÖLM SYNDRÖMÈ, ünhëälthy öbsëssïön, pôsessïvènèss, côntrôl, gúïlt trïppïng.
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Your heart aches looking at him, his backis facing you as he is sitting on the old dirty bed, was he blankly staring at the walls? The walls that were the same thick grey stone as the dwellings of the region,
But instead of a wide window with a flower box there was a mean barred opening with thick metal bars and no glass. The weight on your chest was heavy. As your gaze travelled further, you felt suffocated.
The prison cell was a hollow cube of concrete, one way in, no windows. In there you could have no idea how much time had passed or even if it was night or day. It was totally disorientating by design. Given enough time a person could forget their own name in there. The isolation was total and the stimulation was zero. No sound, no light, no furniture or cloth of any kind. It was all an inmate could do to feel the cool walls, but even they were smooth.
pity, regret, guilt, frustration. The emotions embraced you like a second skin. In the time period of six months, this was your third visit. But this visit felt heavy.
This time... you had come here with a purpose. This time... without the overwhelming urge to see him.
This time with the urge to end this madness for once and all.
It was like this was written in the stars above to occur. your heart felt like someone had put thousands of bricks onto it. You were feeling guilty for what you were about to do.
This was just the weight of the guilt for your next step that would change yours and his life forever..
Maybe for the worst. This needed to be done nonetheless, you needed to overcome this incessant throb in your heart, you wanted it to stop, it wouldn’t.
But you needed to Do this for once, and all you need to end this.
And you will even though it’s not going to end so smoothly.
You knew it wouldn’t. You weren’t hoping for it. Because, after all. You were the reason why he was here in the first place.
You were reason behind your lovers imprisonment. “J-Jungkook. It’s Y/N..” your fingers wrap themselves around the metal bars, the voice from your throat barely managed to escape.
But he heard it.
The culprit turned around to look at you, and your heart skipped a beat, clenching tightly inside your chest. “Y-Y/N! M-My Princess!”
With teary eyes, you watched your lover as he jumped out of the bed and with shaking steps he came closer to the metal bars as much as he could. His long slender fingers wrapped around the bars tightly, you could only see his face barely. But the tattoos on his fingers made you recognize him. The ink on his knuckles being his only signature that could help you identify him in the dark hour.
“Y-Y/N! You’re finally here!” Hearing his voice in a tone so vulnerable made your heart break, you could tell that he was trying to hold back a sob. Jungkook tried his best to at least be able to hold your hands in his but was unable to because of the steel cuffs that held them captive, and the wall of the bars between him and you.
“Y-Yes Jungkook..” you finally look up to see him and your heart almost exploded in surprise. “Jungkook?! You’re cuffed?” To say you were surprised would sum it up. Your eyes widened to see that.
Only silence was your answer in return. Your heart was turning inside of your rib cage. You knew what this meant really well. Gripping on the rusty bars, you looked at him with your eyebrows farrowed and jaw clenched. “Y-You tried to escape,” horror took over you.
jungkook lowered his head, the darkness covering his face. You could only see his dark curly locks. “I-I just m-missed you.” Jungkooks shoulders were shaking, his voice breaking, tears falling. “Look at me jungkook...”
The crying man lifted his head up to look at you with glossy eyes and a red nose. “I-I love you Y/N.... I cant bear to live without you a-anymore. This squared box is starting to feel so suffocating... I want to be with you again Y/N... I can’t live without you..”
His words tugged at your heartstrings. The weight on your heart felt even heavier. He loved you so damn much and you were being so selfish. He killed him for you.
You were the reason.
“Y/N... there’s not a day where I do not shiver from the thoughts of you forgetting about me... or finding someone else. I cry day and night, only in your name... you’re my everything, baby.” Jungkooks gaze was holding so many unsaid emotions in them. His eyes were swimming in longing.
“I-I can’t bear to lose you.” Jungkook confessed, his voice was breaking constantly, coming closer to the bars, he cried. “I love you so damn much, princess. I can do anything to be with you.” The way he was speaking these words was starting to get passionate.
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” Jungkook cooed at you, while you cried softly. “No Y/N.. my sweetheart, don’t cry please..”
Seeing you like this broke Jungkooks heart into a million pieces. He wanted to see you happy always,
But with him only.
The way his heart was thumping inside of his chest made it very clear that jungkook’s plan was working. “I-I love you too Jungkook..” the way you called out his name made his eyes almost roll back to head in pleasure. “You’ll wait for me, won’t you, princess.” Jungkook had to be careful with the each word that escaped his mouth, his effect on you couldn’t falter.
He wouldn’t let it..
Waiting for your response was even more frustrating than when he was caught the day for murdering that cop, the handcuffs were the only witness for his crime, in front of you.
“Y-Yes jungkook I will... I’ll always wait for you. I love you.”
Oh... how happy just was he feeling... jungkook wanted to jump upside down. He still had you wrapped around his fingers. “My princess! Fuck I love you so fucking much... no one can love you as much as me.. didn’t I prove that to you?” His tone had transitioned from dark, gloomy to excited like a child getting his favorite food.
“My dad will get me out soon- baby just wait for me will you? I only stayed here just so I could redeem myself- my father has contacted our family’s lawyer.”
The psychotic man chuckled like a maniac. You just gave him a smile, of course- he’s connected. They practically own this country.
“Fuck,” he cursed, licking his bottom lip.
“baby I love you more than anything in this world... and you know it.” Jungkook presses his face against the bars.
You smiled at him again in way that he felt for a moment that he was at the gates of the heaven. Even he actually deserved to burn in the deep, agonizing flames of hell.
“I’ll be out soon Y/N, I promise. Wait for me...”
And you know that he will.
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badasbebi · 8 months
not my fault ➛ 1/2
part two
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✦ pairing: bada lee x fem!reader
✦ summary: discovering that a cute girl you saw at your college orientation is your roommate, you become eager to get to know her. however, things quickly go awry when she turns out to be much more difficult to get along with than you could've imagined and abruptly leaves you in the dust. fueled by your terrible experiences with her and rumors about her dating habits, you swear to stay away from her at all costs. will you be able to keep your promise?
✦ genre/au: fluff, my poor attempt at a rom-com, college!au, enemies to lovers, eventual smut, (very slight) roommates to lovers
✦ word count: 11k (im so embarrassed)
✦ warnings: isn't proofread bc this is toooo long. unrealistic portrayal of room-switching in college bc it's never that easy or quick irl. smut in part 2
✦ a/n: part 2 is already finished & will be posted very very soon. so, this is my first time writing a fanfic in like...years. this feels very strange, but i had a lot of fun writing it and i hope someone out there has a lot of fun reading it! also, although this fic doesn't really have anything to do with the lyrics, this song was somewhat inspired by not my fault by renee rapp and megan thee stallion. <3.
It was the first day of orientation at Seoul University, and you were utterly bored. 
You were sitting on a bench outside of the campus auditorium, people-watching as you waited for the opening ceremony to start. It was a hot day with the sun beating down on everyone, prompting an array of glistening foreheads and crinkling water bottles. There was a line of cars in front of you, people getting out with eager smiles and a mischievous glint in their eyes as they stepped onto the concrete, admiring what would be their home for the next four or more years. Your ears were filled with the excited chatter of hundreds of people meeting new friends and catching up with old ones.
You sat there, the sun warming your skin, looking for something or someone interesting while you waited for orientation to begin. 
You watched as a pairing, presumably mother and daughter, pulled up in a sleek car. They got out, and the mother began taking pictures of the daughter. The daughter looked around the campus with a wide grin on her face.
You looked away, taking a sip from your hydroflask. A boy wearing a shirt with your school's mascot. Boring. A congregation of girls who were so obviously here for sorority life, you almost laughed. 
A tall, dark-haired woman, with blue highlights, bangs, and thick, black-rimmed glasses, surrounded by a group of people.
You raised an eyebrow. That was interesting.
There were people crowded around her. Guys. Girls. Some, you presumed, were family. They all seemed to have their eyes on her.
You wondered why. As she talked, you studied her.
Her lips were moving, her facial expressions soft and open. Her voice was quiet, though, and you couldn't hear her words. She was pretty, extremely pretty, with luscious lips and a full nose. You liked her eyes the best. They were dark brown, but when the light caught them, they shined. 
She had a smile on her face, her head tilted, her hair cascading over her shoulders. It looked like a scene from a movie, her standing there, the wind blowing through her hair, the sun shining on her features.
She was laughing now, at something one of the guys had said. It was nice to watch. It made you feel warm. You smiled.
And then the girl looked at you.
You looked away, trying to pretend like you were not staring. But after a few moments, you stole a glance back. Her eyes were on you, her brow furrowed, a look of confusion on her face.
You blushed, feeling embarrassed. You looked down, staring at your nails.
“Holy shit it’s hot out here. If I pass out, I’m suing the school for child endangerment, because it is absolutely insane that we're still out here. Take your stupid water”
You looked up. Your friend, Lusher, was standing there, her hair frizzy, her makeup done, outstretching her hand to offer you the water bottle you told her to fetch,  and dramatically holding her other hand to her forehead.
You laughed, grabbing the water bottle. “Thanks, but I don’t think you can sue them for child endangerment if you’re not a minor, Lush.”
“I may not be a minor, but there are definitely some here. I’m just advocating for them! We need to make sure that children have a voice.”
You laughed, uncapping the bottle and taking a drink.
Lusher plopped down next to you. She looked around, scanning the place as you did. The attractive girl you were previously admiring was still standing there, laughing and chatting with others, people flocking to her like a moth to a flame. So, you did the only logical thing that a woman would do in your position—gossip to your friend about it. You tapped your friend on your shoulder repeatedly. She looked at you, an eyebrow raised.
You nod your head in the direction of the girl, and Lusher’s eyes follow. You could practically see her mind whirring.
"Well, hello there. Who is that?" Lusher said, wiggling her eyebrow, a smirk on her lips.
"I don't know!" you said, throwing your arms out. "That's what I was gonna ask you."
"Not you already having a crush. It's not even our first day, yet, y/n," Lusher teased. 
"Oh shut up," you groaned.
Lusher squinted. "She does look a little familiar."
You shifted toward her, excited. "Really? How?" 
"I think I saw her around when I was touring campus or something. Or Instagram? I'm not sure."
You nodded, watching as the girl said something, and the group around her laughed. Lusher glanced at you, observing your staring, and snickered.
"What are you even doing you stalker? Go talk to her!" She insisted, nudging your shoulder. 
"What!? No. No. Absolutely not. Not happening," you exclaimed, shaking your head.
"Why not?" Lusher whines.
"Because there are 5,000 people surrounding her, Lush," you said vaguely pointing at the group of people around her. "I'm not about to compete with that. No, thank you. I'll pass."
"Y/N," she groaned.
"Lusher," you replied, mocking her tone.
She huffed, rolling her eyes. You laughed.
"You're ridiculous," Lusher said.
"Thank you," you responded, a satisfied grin on your face.
You took a final sip of your water and then closed the cap. "Come on. It's almost time to go in."
You grabbed your friend's arm, pulling her up. She grumbled, and you chuckled, walking her toward the auditorium. As you walked away, you felt the gaze of a pair of shiny eyes following you. 
Your mother groans, dropping the last box into the tiny bedroom. "That's the last one. My back is officially fucked."
"Mom, please stop swearing," you say, cringing.
"You swear all the time," she retorts.
"And where do I get that from?" you shoot back.
"You're my child. I can swear in front of you," she responds, ignoring your comment.
"Uh, no. You can't. You're old," you say, picking up one of the boxes and ripping the tape off.
"I prefer the term 'mature'," your mother corrects.
"What about 'ancient?'" you ask, faking seriousness. 
She rolls her eyes, grabbing one of your shirts and throwing it at you. You giggle, ducking to the side and letting it fall on the floor. She laughs, and you laugh too, and then you're both giggling uncontrollably. When you're laughing fit is over, you begin taking things out of another box.
The two of you spend the next few hours unpacking and organizing. You are not surprised when your mother decides that she likes her decorating ideas better, and rearranges everything.  Finally, the two of you finish, and you step back, admiring the room. Your mom puts her arm around your shoulder. 
"I think it looks good. What about you?"
You nod, smiling. "It does."
She sighs, leaning into you, and you wrap your arm around her waist.
"Are you hungry?" she asks, squeezing you tighter.
"Yeah. Starving."
"Good. Because I have some-"
The sound of your door opening cuts her off. You both turn around, and your heart leaps in your throat. Standing in the doorway is the pretty girl from the first day of orientation, wearing cargo pants and a hoodie. 
You're too stunned to speak. She's staring at you, and you're staring back. Neither of you says a word.
After what feels like a long time, your mother speaks, her voice filled with curiosity. "Hello? Can we help you?"
The girl's eyes snap to your mother, her eyebrows raising slightly.
"Oh. Uh...hi. I'm sorry. I'm Bada. Your new roommate," the girl, Bada, says, her voice soft and smooth.
"Oh, yes. You are," your mom responds, a wide grin on her face. She extends her arm. "Hi, Bada. I'm Y/N's mom. Nice to meet you."
Bada's eyes widen, and she gives you an almost nervous smile, her gaze flickering between you and your mom. She reaches her hand out and takes your mother's. "Nice to meet you, too, ma'am."
Your mother laughs. "No need to call me ma'am, dear. Please, call me by my name. And please, come in."
Bada hesitates, her gaze shifting to you, as if she's asking for permission. You smile softly, nodding your head, and she returns the gesture, entering the room.
"So, you're Y/N's new roommate. Tell me about yourself," your mother prompts, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.
Bada's eyes flick back to you, her smile turning awkward. "Um, well, I'm from Incheon, and I'm a freshman. I'm majoring in dance," Bada says, her words sounding rehearsed.
Your mother nods. "Cool. Dance, huh? Do you perform?"
"Oh, um, yeah," Bada shuffles her feet a bit. "Sometimes. I was on the dance team back at my high school."
"Very cool. How's move-in day so far?"
"Good. Yours?"
"Great," your mother responds.
Bada's gaze turns back to you, and you shift, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Your mother seems not to notice, or she does not care.
"Are you here with your parents?" your mother asks.
"Uh, no. Just my mom and sister," Bada responds.
"I see. Where are they?"
"Getting dinner," Bada replies, her voice still soft.
"Ah," your mother says. She glances between the two of you, a knowing look in her eyes. "Well, I suppose I'll leave you two to get to know each other. It was nice meeting you, Bada."
"You too, Mrs. Y/L/N."
"Please, dear, call me by my first name," your mother responds, reaching out and touching Bada's shoulder.
Bada smiles, and then your mother exits the room, leaving the two of you alone.
"Nice meeting you," Bada says, her tone polite.
"Nice meeting you too, Bada," you reply.
A moment passes. The tension is palpable. You can tell she's unsure of what to do, or say.
"Do you, uh, need help bringing your stuff in?" you ask, breaking the silence.
"Oh, no. I'm fine," she responds.
"Okay," you reply.
More silence. Bada is still looking at you, her expression guarded. You clear your throat, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Is, um, this okay? Am I, uh, being a nuisance or anything?" you ask, choosing to stare at the wall behind her.
"I mean, I can leave if I'm making you uncomfortable or anything. I don't want to be a bother," you say, shuffling your feet.
"No. No. Not at all," she replies, shaking her head.
"Oh, okay. Good," you respond, smiling.
She does not return the gesture. Her eyes are still on you, and her body is tense. You wonder if she's afraid of you, or something.
"So," you begin, clasping your hands together. "I guess I'll show you to your side of the room, then."
"Oh, um, okay," she replies, her voice still quiet.
"Here. Let me help you with that," you offer, stepping forward and grabbing one of her suitcases.
"No thank you. I've got it," she says, pulling the bag back.
"Okay. Whatever makes you comfortable," you say, letting go.
She drags the suitcase across the floor and sets it on the empty bed.
"I hope you don't mind. I didn't really get much choice in the furniture department. You're lucky you got the bigger bed," you say, laughing nervously.
"No, it's okay. Thank you," she replies, a tight smile on her lips.
"No problem," you respond, rocking back and forth on your heels.
Another moment of awkward silence passes. Bada begins unzipping the suitcase, taking out folded clothes and laying them on her bed.
"Can I, uh, get you anything? Like, some water or snacks or something?"
"No thank you. That's very kind, though," she says, her back turned to you.
"Okay. Cool. If you need anything, let me know. I'm always here," you respond, smiling.
"I'll keep that in mind," she replies, not looking at you.
"Well, okay. I'll just...leave you to it, then," you say, and then turn around and go sit at your desk, deciding not to push her.
You pull your laptop out, placing it on the desk, and log onto the college's wifi. You lean back in your chair, alternating between reading your syllabi and watching as she unloads her belongings. She has a lot of things. Clothes, books, shoes, accessories, makeup. She even has a large speaker system, which is surprising, considering the small dorm.
After a while, Bada stops, having finally finished unpacking. She stretches her arms above her head, revealing a tiny sliver of her stomach and the waistband of her boxers. Your cheeks burn, and you quickly look away.
"Hey, y/n?"
"Hm?" you ask, spinning around.
"Do you know where the bathroom is?" she asks.
"Oh, yeah. It's just down the hall," you reply, pointing to the door.
"Okay. Thank you," she says, standing up and leaving the room.
You sigh, and then get up, going over and plopping down on your bed. You could not get a read on this woman. When you saw her at orientation, she seemed so open, so friendly, so charismatic. But, right now, it was like you were talking to a wall. You couldn't help but feel a bit peeved. You wanted her to at least like you a little bit, or even tolerate you, but she was barely willing to even talk to you.
You shake your head, clearing your thoughts. Maybe she was just tired, or had a bad day. That's probably it. That had to be it. Which, is fine. You were her roommate. You had a year to become friends. You'd be fine. 
You pull out your phone, deciding to scroll through social media. After a few minutes, Bada returns and sits on her bed.  
"Did you find it?" you ask, not looking up.
"Yep," she replies.
"That's good," you start, sitting up and scooting toward the edge of your bed. "Hey, I was thinking, since we're gonna be roommates and all, we should get to know each other, ya know?"
Bada turns, a blank expression on her face.
"So, dance," you continue. "What's that like?"
Bada's face changes, the guarded look falling away, replaced with an excited smile. "Dancing? Oh, it's wonderful. I've loved dancing for as long as I can remember," Bada gushes, her eyes lighting up. "I've been doing it my whole life. My mom and sister dance, too, actually."
You grin, her excitement contagious. "That's great. How many of you are dancers?"
"Just the three of us. Me, my mom, and my sister. Well, actually, my mom is retired now, and she's teaching classes at the studio," Bada continues, her smile growing wider.
"That's amazing," you respond, leaning forward. "Do you all perform together?"
"All the time. My mom owns a studio, and she teaches there. We teach classes and choreograph, and then, when we have enough students, we'll have shows," Bada answers, her voice becoming softer, and less animated.
"That sounds really cool. Do you, like, teach little kids and stuff?"
"Oh, no. Not really. I mean, we do, but only if a student's parents ask. Our main audience is teens, and adults," she explains.
"Wow," you say, nodding. "That's awesome. I can't imagine what that's like."
"It's a lot of fun," Bada replies, her eyes sparkling.
"What about your dad? Is he a dancer, too?"
"My father's not in the picture," Bada says, her eyes dimming a bit.
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry," you mumble, suddenly feeling awkward.
"It's alright," Bada responds, her tone flat.
"Well, anyway, that's cool," you say, changing the subject. "What's the studio like?"
"It's really nice. We have a small space,  but it's cozy," she says, her eyes regaining some of their previous luster. "We've got a lot of mirrors and equipment, and the lights are low."
"Really? God, what you do sounds so cool."
"You think so?" Bada asks, her eyebrows raised.
"Totally. I'm kinda jealous," you admit.
"Thanks. It's nice to hear someone say that," she replies, grinning.
"Anytime," you say, returning the gesture.
The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence, and you lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
Suddenly, your phone pings, and you glance at the screen. It's a text message from Lusher.
Lush: hey u ready for ur first college party???
Y/N: no lol i'm exhausted from setting up.
Lush: oh come on. im trying to meet some cute guys here. dont make me go alone
Y/N: haha i'm gonna stay in tonight. maybe tomorrow or next weekend
Lush: boo. well, the invitation is always open. if u change ur mind, come find me.
Y/N: ok will do. ttyl
"Is that your mom?" Bada asks, interrupting your thoughts. 
"Your phone," she clarifies, motioning to the device in your hand.
"Oh, no, just a friend from high school, Lusher. She goes here," you explain, sliding your phone onto your bedside table. "She was trying to invite me to a party to scout out the scene for boys."
"Ah," Bada replies, turning her attention back to her side of the room.
"But there's no way I'm going tonight. I'm way too tired after all of that packing," you continue, lying down.  
"Understandable," Bada replies, not looking at you.
"So, I'm pretty hungry? Wanna go to the dining hall and get some food, or something?" you ask. 
"No thank you. I think I'm just going to take a nap," she says, scooting under her covers and turning her body toward the wall. 
"Oh, okay. Alright," you say, feeling a bit disappointed.
It seems like you are back to square one. You sigh, and then turn around, facing the wall. This was going to be a long year. You reach for your headphones, plugging them into your phone, and put on a playlist, trying to ignore the slight ache in your chest. You were not sure why, but, for some reason, it hurt. You shake your head, pushing the feeling down. No, you were not upset. You were not going to be upset. Everything was going to be fine with time. You stand up, grabbing your backpack, and then exit the room, closing the door quietly behind you. The least you could do was give her some privacy. Maybe she needed some time to adjust to sharing a room with someone. 
You enter the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor, and try to clear your head. No. Things would get better. She would warm up. You just needed to be patient. The elevator dings, and the doors open, and you step out, walking toward the cafeteria. You just needed to wait. She would come around. You were sure of it.
Your alarm blares loudly. You groan, rolling over and snoozing it. The sun is barely up. You feel like a zombie.
You reach over and grab your phone. 7:30 am. Time for a run.
You slowly slide out of bed, wincing at the cold floor. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you glance around the room. It looks exactly the same, except for the fact that your roommate is gone.
You yawn, stretching, and then walk over to her bed. The sheets are perfectly tucked, the pillows arranged neatly, and the blanket is smoothed out. She must have made her bed before leaving. You frown.
"I wonder what time she wakes up," you murmur, running a hand over the blanket.
You throw on some clothes, put your earbuds in, and stretch, before leaving the room.
As you walk through the hallway, your thoughts are still hazy with sleep. You have never been a morning person. But, running helps.
You take the elevator down to the lobby, and then exit the building, jogging onto the sidewalk. A cool breeze whips your hair around. You shiver, pulling the drawstrings of your hoodie tight.  After a few minutes, you find a nice rhythm, your breathing steadying, the music calming your nerves.  You pass the same few people, most of them in a similar state as you. Groggy. Disheveled. Exhausted. After 30 minutes, you start feeling warm. Your heart is pounding, and your chest is heaving. You slow to a walk, and then stop, resting against a tree. 
You close your eyes and listen to the birds, the leaves, the wind. It's nice. Calming.
"Y/n?" a familiar voice asks. 
Your eyes snap open, and you turn. A woman is standing there, a shocked look on her face.
Oh no, you think, once you realize who it is."Aiki?" 
"Woah, I knew it was you," Aiki says, her eyes wide. 
"Yeah," you chuckle awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck.
"What are you doing here?" Aiki asks, her mouth hanging open.
"I go here now. I'm a student. I have clases here," you overexplain
"Wow, okay," Aiki says, taking a breath. "So, how have you been? What are you studying? What's been going on with you? God, y/n, it's been forever."
"Yeah, it has. Um, I've been good. Just, ya know, moving and stuff so far. Haven't declared a major yet, though," you respond, feeling taken aback by her excitement.
"I see. Well, I actually have to go, but we should totally hang out. Maybe have coffee sometime, or something. Catch up," Aiki suggests, her eyes sparkling.
"Sure, yeah, that sounds great," you say, nodding.
"Cool, well, I'll see you around," Aiki says, a smirk on her face.
"See ya," you reply, waving as she turns and jogs off.
You stare after her, a strange feeling in your stomach. You had not seen Aiki since junior year of high school, when the two of you were forced to go on a trip with the rest of your class. During that week, the two of you became close, and, by the end, you were basically inseparable. The two of you spent the entire week attached at the hip, going sightseeing, exploring, and, on the last night, you even kissed her. It was a perfect week. And then, after the trip was over, you never spoke again. She transferred schools, and the two of you lost contact. And now, here she is, back in your life.
You shake your head, chuckling softly. It is almost too much. First, your hot roommate, and now, Aiki. The universe is messing with you.
You start walking again, continuing your route. You run for another hour, the sun now fully risen. Your skin is glowing with sweat, and you can't help but smile. You are feeling great.
You stop by the showers, washing up, and then head to the cafeteria. The line is long, and, despite the early hour, it is packed. You grab a tray, loading it with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and a glass of orange juice.
"Oh my god, save some for the rest of us," a voice exclaims from behind you. 
You turn, startled, finding Lusher behind you, grinning.
"Jesus, Lush, you scared me," you say, shaking your head.
"Sorry, didn't mean to, but seriously, I'm starving. Move faster," she complains, her eyes falling to your full plate.
"What are you even doing here so early? It's Saturday. You're never up at this time," you question, raising an eyebrow.
"The beds here suck. Couldn't stay asleep."
"So, you just came here?"
"Duh. They have free breakfast," she responds, her eyes wide.
"Right," you reply, not convinced.
"I'm serious. Besides, it's not like there's anything else to do this early on a Saturday," she adds.  
"Okay, whatever," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"So, how was the rest of the move-in? Is your roomate cool?" Lusher questions.
"Actually," you begin. "You'd never guess who my roommate is."
"Who?" she prompts. 
"The hot girl I saw at orientation."
"No. Shut. Up," she responds, her eyes widening.
"I'm not kidding. Her name is Bada. She's a dance major."
"Holy shit, no wonder she looked familiar when I saw her. I think I've seen her around dance competitions and showcases."
"You have?"
"Yeah, a few times. She's really good. Damn," Lusher says, shaking her head.
"Well, I wish she'd open up more," you say, frowning.
"Why? Is she mean or something?"
"No, I mean, I'm not sure. She's kind of quiet. I'm not really sure how to describe it. She's not super friendly or anything, and we haven't talked a lot," you respond. 
"Hmm, that's weird. I have a few dance friends who've interacted with her before. From what I've been told she's super nice."
"I guess. Anyway, she's not really interested in being my friend, which is fine. But, it's weird, 'cause it seems like she's super popular. She knows a ton of people. I don't get why she's so weird around me."
"Maybe she's nervous or something. I mean, you're kinda cute, after all."
"Shut up, no, I'm not," you deny, rolling your eyes.
"Whatever you say, y/n," Lusher smirks.
"You're crazy," you mutter, grabbing a juice box. 
"Well, I hope you can change her mind. She's definitely cute."
"Thanks, Lush," you respond, not really meaning it.
The two of you grab seats near the windows. The food is mediocre, but your stomach is full and that's all that matters. You spend the next few hours chatting with Lusher about school, classes, and other things. Deciding you've had enough of the dining hall, you take Lusher to your dorm room, wanting to show her what your side of the room looks like. However, as soon as you open the door, you are met with the sight of Bada's side of the room-empty side of the room. Her bed is still perfectly made, and her closet is shut tight, and the desk is cleared off. Her things are gone, as if she was never there.
"What the hell?" you mutter, your eyes darting around the room.
"What's going on?" Lusher says, peering over your shoulder from the hallway.
"My roommate," you start.
"Bada, right?"
"Yeah. All her stuff is gone. Did she transfer or something?"
"Wait, what? Let me see," Lusher says, squeezing into the room and past you.
She scans the room, her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating her? Or having a strange wet dream?"
"Shut up. I'm serious. Look. Her bed is still made, and her side of the closet is completely empty," you insist, pointing.
"Well, maybe she's at class or something. Are you sure she's not just hanging out somewhere?"
"Why would she be? Class doesn't start for a couple days. And why would all of her stuff be gone?"
"Maybe she's one of those crazy studious types who starts early. And she has a very meticulous study routine that requires her room to be completely rid of stuff." Lusher suggests, shrugging.
"Who in the world would do all of that?"
"Someone who's organized. Maybe a person with OCD? A really anal-retentive neat freak?"
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
"Hey, you asked," Lusher says, throwing her hands up in defense.
You're about to curse at her, when your phone vibrates. It's a text from the college housing office.
"What is it?" Lusher asks.
"It's from the housing office. They want to see me about a roommate complaint," you read aloud, frowning.
"Roomate complaint? That's weird. Why would they call you instead of her?"
"Maybe they're not able to get a hold of her. I don't know. I'm not sure," you say, scrolling through the message.
"Well, whatever, go find out. We can talk more later."
"You're not coming?"
"No, I'm tired. Gotta catch some Z's. Go figure this out."
"Fine. I'll talk to you later, then."
"Later, loser," she responds, before walking away.
You sigh and exit the building, beginning your walk to the housing office.
"Hello? Anyone here?" you call, stepping inside.
"Ah, hello," a voice responds.
A man walks up, an overly friendly smile on his face. He extends his hand, initiating a handshake. 
"Hi. I'm y/n," you start, shaking his hand. "I received a message saying you wanted to talk to me about a roommate complaint?"
He nods. "Yes, yes, of course. Please, follow me."
He gestures to a door, and you follow him into a small office. He motions for you to sit down, and you do, the chair squeaking loudly.
"Now, let's see," he begins, studying a piece of paper. "You're living in the new dorms, correct?"
"Yup," you confirm. "The one with the fancy bathrooms."
"Right, yes. So, your roommate is a Ms. Bada Lee?"
"Yes, that's her."
He sighs, letting the paper fall onto his desk. Clasping his hands together, he asks, "And, is there a problem between the two of you?"
You shift in your seat, suddenly uncomfortable."I mean, not really. I haven't seen her since Friday morning. Why do you ask?"
The man clears his throat. "We received a notice from her this morning, stating that she no longer wanted to reside in her dorm with you. She requested a room transfer and had all her things moved out into another room."
Your heart sank. This had to be a joke
"I'm sorry, but...what? Why? Why would she do that? I barely know her," you protest, shaking your head.
"Unfortunately, the decision has already been made, and the paperwork has been processed," the man replies, a sympathetic look on his face.
"But, this doesn't make any sense," you insist, leaning forward in your seat. "I haven't done anything wrong."
"I'm afraid the reasons are confidential, as is standard practice. All I can tell you is that the decision was made by the student, and we must abide by it."
You fall back in your chair, scowling. "This isn't right."
"I apologize, Ms. y/n, but there's nothing we can do. I'll inform the RA's and staff to expect you for a new room assignment. You likely won't get a new roommate until next semester, though. Otherwise, we're done here. "
"Alright, thank you," you mutter, standing up and heading to the door.
"Thank you for your cooperation," he calls.
You slam the door and storm off, furious. This is complete bullshit. What could you have done yesterday that was so bad that Bada would request a room change and make a complaint? 
As you walk back to the dorm, a thousand thoughts race through your head. Were you too loud the first night? Too pushy? Did you say something offensive or insult her?
You rack your brain, trying to remember if you said or did anything wrong, but nothing comes to mind. There was the one moment when you asked about her father, and she seemed a bit upset, but was that really it? Surely she couldn't have built resentment for you after that one, small slip-up. You even apologized to her. 
Maybe she just thought you were annoying? You're as confused as ever, and, pissed off. Whatever the issue was, there was no way it was significant enough for her to go directly to the housing office. She could have spoken to you about it, and you could have worked something out but didn't give you the chance. From the moment you met her, she didn't give you a chance. And now you probably have some sort of criminal-esque record with the housing office because of it. Great.
When you arrive back at the dorm, you go straight to your bed, laying down and burying your face into the pillows.
"God damnit," you mumble, your frustration overwhelming.
The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, with you alternating between fuming, moping, and ranting to Lusher about the incident with Bada. The more you thought about it, the more irritated you felt. Why did such a sexy person have to suck so bad?
Despite the annoyance, you decided not to focus on the issue, opting instead to hang out with Lusher and your other friends. By Sunday night, however, your emotions had shifted back to sadness, and you were once again moping about the incident.
Before you knew it, it was Monday morning, and time for classes. You were excited, yet anxious, about the beginning of the school year. Despite the rocky start, you were determined to make the most of it. 
Currently, you're in your last class of the day, bored out of your mind. You're supposed to be taking notes, but your professor lost your attention halfway through the lecture. You fix your gaze on the window, where raindrops are running down the glass. It was cloudy and grey outside, and you could see a flash of lightning in the distance.
"And that concludes our lesson. Don't forget to check your emails because I will be sending you a reading assignment. Class dismissed." 
The sound of people packing up their things and moving around causes you to snap out of your trance. You quickly gather your own materials and head out the door.
On the way back to the dorm, the sky opens up, and it starts pouring. You pick up the pace, wanting to avoid getting soaked. As you approach the entrance to your building, you slow down, spotting Bada walking toward you. She looks just as unhappy to be out in the rain as you are, her arms wrapped tightly around her torso, her hood hanging over her face.  
Uh oh, you think, not expecting to see her.
"Um, hi," you stammer, attempting to appear friendly.
She stops in her tracks, eyeing you cautiously. "Uh, hey," she says, her tone cold.
You cross your arms. "So, um, how's your day been?"
"Fine," she replies curtly.
"Cool," you reply. "Enjoying your new room?"
"It's okay," she says, shrugging.
"That's nice," you respond, not sounding sincere. 
An uncomfortable, but at this point, familiar, silence follows. You couldn't believe she wasn't taking this as an opportunity to apologize or explain what happened. If she weren't so tall and admittedly intimidating, you'd do something petty, like snatch the hood off of her head. Or pin her down until she fesses up. Or throw something at her pretty face to remind her that—yes, you are hot, but that doesn't mean you can escape consequences! But you're too gracious and realistic to do any of that, so you take the peaceful (though painful) route. 
"Well, I should get inside, I don't want to get too wet," you state.
"Okay, yeah," she replies, giving you a curt nod.
"Uh, have a good day," you say, turning around and heading toward the door.
"Thanks, you too," she calls out.
She walks past you, and you can't help but turn around, watching her retreating figure. "What a weirdo," you mutter under your breath, heading up the stairs. 
You hurry into the building, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding.
Three months into the semester, you begin to hear Bada's name everywhere. Apparently, within the short time period, she's taken your school's dance team far and has gained quite a bit of attention for it. You're not surprised, given her athletic build and seemingly graceful demeanor. However, this has come with a price, and now, wherever you go, she seems to be there, her presence almost a constant. Similarly to when you first saw her at orientation, many people flock to her, and you hear a number of girls gossiping about how cool and attractive she is. With that, you begin to hear the rumors.
You've heard a lot of things about Bada, some good and some not-so-good. For example, you've heard that she's an excellent dancer and extremely talented. She's also very outgoing, sweet, and has a large group of friends. On the other hand, it seems as if she's built up a reputation for herself. You've heard people calling her a player and a flirt. Others have claimed that she sleeps with women just for fun, never sticking with anyone for too long.
You aren't sure what to believe, but you do know that your opinion of her is low. You still have no idea why she changed rooms and never gave you a straight answer, despite the numerous attempts you've made. In the beginning, you'd attempt to strike up conversations and casually ask her about it, but she would either ignore you or give you a short, vague response. You eventually stopped asking, knowing it was futile. Even when the two of you pass each other in the hallway, her eyes never meet yours, and you swear you can feel the disdain radiating from her.
But it's impossible to completely ignore her because, again, she is loved by many. To make matters worse, Lusher joined the dance team. Meaning, every time you visit Lusher during practice, Bada's there. Lusher tells you that she's a great teammate, but you aren't so sure. After all, you've only spoken a handful of words to her, and they haven't been particularly welcoming.
It's one of those days when you find yourself sitting on the bleachers, observing the dance team. You've come to watch Lusher, and you have to admit, the other dancers are amazing. However, your eyes always drift back to Bada. As much as you try to stop it, you can't help it. She's just so...stunning. She's wearing a tank top, showing off her arms, and baggy pants. Her hair is tied back in a bun, accentuating her features, and she has a serious, focused expression on her face.
You bite your lip, watching as she moves across the floor, her body flowing with the music. It's like she's gliding, and it's mesmerizing. You've never seen someone dance with such strength and power. You've been a fan of dance for a while, and you've never seen anything like it.
As the song comes to an end, everyone strikes a final pose. You watch Bada, her chest heaving, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.
You grab your water bottle, suddenly thirsty, and take a drink. You're still staring at her, and she glances in your direction. Shit.
You look away, hoping she didn't notice you watching her.
Lusher unfreezes herself from her ending pose and immediately comes running up to you.
"So, what did you think? Wasn't that awesome?" she asks, excitement evident on her face.
"Yeah, it was great. You guys were incredible," you compliment.
"Aw, thanks," Lusher beams. "You should come to more of our practices. They're a lot of fun."
"Yeah, maybe," you agree, noncommittally.
"Actually, do you mind coming to the locker room with me? I need to change, and we can grab something to eat afterward."
"Yeah, sure," you agree.
Lusher gives you a big hug, causing you to laugh. "Thanks, y/n," she smiles.
You follow her into the locker room, and she changes out of her sweaty clothes. You lean against the wall, tapping away on your phone.
"You can look, y/n, I'm not shy," Lusher teases, her shirt pulled up and bra strap undone.
"I know, but, I don't want to be a pervert," you giggle.
Lusher laughs. "You already are one, and I've accepted that fact a long time ago."
You pick up one of her spare pants, throwing at her.
"Hey!" she cries, feigning annoyance.
You smirk. "Sorry."
She rolls her eyes. "I forgive you."
You glance around the room, taking in your surroundings. You've never been in here before, and it's kind of fascinating. 
"Where's the bathroom in here?" you ask.
"Down the hall, to the left," she informs.
"Alright, I'm gonna go pee," you announce.
"Okay," she says, not looking away from her locker. 
"Be right back," you call, exiting the room.
You walk down the hall and open the bathroom door, making your way inside. You go to the first stall, shutting the door behind you. You take care of business, and as you're finishing up, you hear the sound of footsteps, and voices, entering the room. 
Not paying them much mind, you flush the toilet, standing up and zipping your pants. Until you here something that freezes you in your spot.
"Lusher's friend is pretty cute. Your type," a voice says.
"I guess," another, deeper, voice responds.
"Don't be so indifferent, Bada, she is pretty hot," the first voice chides.
"She's alright," Bada says, nonchalantly.
"Why not? It's not like she'd say no," the first voice presses.
"I'm not really interested, Tatter. She's good-looking but, I'm not attracted to her. At all. Not worth my time." Bada says.
You're stunned. 
"Really?" Tatter asks.
"Yes. Really." Bada says, firmly. 
You feel a rush of anger. She has every right to not find you attractive, but you can't help feeling insulted. Did she have to be so adamant about it?
"Well, damn," Tatter chuckles.
"Sorry to burst your bubble," Bada shrugs.
"No, it's cool," Tatter assures.
"Let's head out, the others are waiting for us," Bada suggests.
"Yeah, sure," Tatter agrees.
Their voices fade away, and their footsteps become more distant. You step out of the stall, making your way toward the sink. You glance at your reflection in the mirror. You look tired and upset because, well you are.
The more you think about it, the more things start to make sense. No wonder why Bada has been so aloof and unfriendly with you. She didn't find you attractive, and henceforth decided that you weren't 'worth her time.' But what kind of shallow thinking was that? You had plenty of things to offer. Your personality, wit, intelligence, humor, and a bunch of other things. So, what did it matter if she found you physically attractive?
You splash some water on your face, trying to wash away your frustration.
It's settled. You didn't want anything to do with her. She had no right to dismiss you, and, as a result, you didn't have to treat her nicely, either. Two can play that game.
You managed to go the rest of the school year without interacting with Bada. You saw her in passing and heard her name plenty of times, but you largely succeeded in your efforts to avoid her. For the most part, you didn't even think about her. Except, of course, when you got your new roommate after winter break, who was much friendlier, but ridiculously messy and, to be quite frank, annoying. Although this turn-out was not directly Bada's fault, throughout your 2nd semester you laid awake at night, cursing the tall sexy mean woman, as your roommate blasted Bhad Bhabie songs into the early hours of the morning. 
It's a new year now, though. And luckily, you do not have to worry about roommate troubles, because you you've gotten an apartment with Lusher. It's tiny and run-down, but incredibly close to campus, and after the issues you had your first year, you're just grateful that you're rooming with someone you actually get along with. 
Knowing that, you're excited to see what your second year will bring you. You walk to your first class of the day, which is, unfortunately, an 8 a.m. English class. 
You make it to the classroom, finding an open seat near the middle. You sit down, pulling out a notebook and pen.
As the seats fill, the professor begins his lecture, and the class starts.
However, about ten minutes into class, the door opens, and someone walks in. You look up, and your heart drops.
Bada is standing in the doorway, her expression unreadable.
"So sorry to interrupt. I'm late," she says.
"It's okay, take a seat. We're just starting," the professor replies.
Bada's eyes scan the room, and when she spots you, she frowns. You look away, pretending like you didn't notice.
She continues to stand there, looking uncomfortable, before she decides to walk further into the classroom. The professor stops talking and looks at her.
"Do you have a seat yet?" he asks.
"Uh, not yet," Bada stutters.
"Take a seat anywhere, we're getting started," the professor responds, continuing his lecture.
You hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and when you look back, Bada is walking towards the empty seat next to you. She sits down, dropping her backpack, and your heart races.
"Can I borrow a pen?" she asks, her voice soft.
"Sure," you mumble, handing her a pen.
"Thanks," she mutters, writing something down.
Your heart is beating out of your chest. She's sitting next to you. Why is she sitting next to you? Is she doing this on purpose? Maybe she has some sort of vendetta against you. You're not sure.
You try your best to focus on the professor, but it's difficult. You can't help but stare at Bada, your eyes drifting down her body. You take in her attire. She's wearing a white t-shirt, a pair of baggy jeans, and a cap. Despite the simplicity of it, she looks phenomenal. It makes you want to scream.
As the professor goes on, Bada takes notes, seeming completely invested in the lecture, and you almost scoff. Who was she trying to fool? 
Once the lecture ends, you quickly pack up your stuff and rush out of the room, eager to put some distance between the two of you.
"Okay," your professor begins, clapping his hands. "If you look at the syllabus, you'll see that a big portion of your grade in this class is determined by your final project. This is a research-based assignment, and will require extensive library work. I've randomly assigned you partners to help you out, so, if you'd like, feel free to move around and meet your partners once I call out your names."
A group project? Great. Those always went well. Who was the sorry excuse for a partner you were going to—
"Y/n y/l/n and Bada Lee."
You feel sick. What the hell is this?
You look around the room, frantically, hoping to see someone who shares the same name. Alas, no such luck.
You see Bada shift in her seat, turning toward you, and you try your best to conceal your irritation.
"Hi," she says, quietly.
"Hey," you reply, coolly.
"I guess we're partners, huh?" she asks, a small smile on her face.
"Yep, looks like it," you respond.
"I'm, um, sorry for being late today. I had a meeting with a counselor," she explains.
"I'm not the professor, Bada. I don't care."
Bada seems taken aback by your harsh response.
"Right, um, okay."
"So, uh, do you have any ideas for the final project? I've thought of a few things," she continues.
"I haven't given it much thought," you lie, knowing that you'd spent the majority of last night planning and organizing your entire project.
"Oh," she says, disappointed. "That's okay, we can talk about it some more."
"Sure," you shrug, standing up and grabbing your stuff. "I've got to get to my next class, so, I'll see you later."
You quickly pack up your items and rush out of the room, eager to put some distance between the two of you.
"Y/n, wait!"
You freeze.  
"Your phone number," Bada says, jogging up behind you. 
You turn around, eyeing her cautiously. "What?" 
"Your phone number, so we can communicate," she clarifies, her tone a little more stern than it was a few seconds ago.
"Right," you mutter, fishing your phone out of your pocket and giving her your number.
"Awesome, thanks. I'll text you," she smiles, and then, to your surprise, she turns around and walks away.
You watch her leave, still confused. What just happened?
The next few days pass uneventfully, and you've been avoiding Bada like the plague. It's not difficult, given that the two of you only share one class together and remain silent the entire time. Truthfully, you weren't expecting to get anything out of Bada for this project. As soon as the professor called her name, you were resigned to the fact that you'd probably have to carry out this project yourself. Between dance and the apparent trail of girls that Bada has to deal with on a daily basis, there was no way she'd make time for it.
As a result, you were shocked when, after a week had passed you received a text message from an unknown number.
Unknown: hi! it's Bada. do you have a chance to meet up sometime? i have a few ideas for the project and wanted to talk to you about it.
You're not sure how to respond. This is the last thing you expected from her.
"Who are you texting?" Lusher asks, suddenly appearing beside you.
"What?" you ask, locking your phone.
"I was asking if you'd be home later, but you're clearly too busy texting someone to listen," Lusher laughs.
"No, I'm listening," you insist.
"Then, who are you texting?" she presses, curiously.
"No one. Just a girl," you reply.
Lusher wiggles her eyebrows. "I knew it," she giggles.
"Shut up," you laugh, smacking her arm. "It's not like that."
"Whatever you say," she teases, grabbing her jacket and slipping on her shoes.
"Are you leaving?" you ask.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go study with a few people. You coming?"
You shake your head. "No, I think I'm just gonna stay here."
"Alright, I'll see you later then," she says, waving and exiting the apartment.
You sigh, flopping down on the couch and staring up at the ceiling. You're not sure how long you lay there, but the sound of your phone vibrating snaps you out of your daze.
You grab your phone, checking your messages.
Unknown: this is y/n, right?
"Shit," you mutter, realizing that you forgot to respond.
You: Hi, sorry, it is. I got busy. Um, yeah, I have time tomorrow if you're free.
Bada: i'm available after 5 tomorrow. meet me at the library? 3rd floor?
You: Okay, sounds good.
Bada: great! see you then.
"Fuck," you whisper, tossing your phone onto the couch.
This is going to be a horrible year.
The next day, you find yourself walking into the library, coffee in hand. You check your phone, noticing that it's already 5:30 p.m.
"Crap," you whisper, picking up your pace.
You finally make it to the third floor, scanning the room for Bada. To your surprise, you spot her immediately, sitting alone at a table in the corner.
"Sorry, I'm late," you apologize, speed-walking over to her.
"It's okay," she smiles.
You pull out a chair and sit down, feeling awkward.
"So," you begin. "How are you?"
"Good," she says, quietly. She glances at your coffee cup, a frown on her face, before looking down at the items scattered across the table. 
You furrow your eyebrows, looking at the array of items in front of you. Bada's textbooks, her backpack, her phone. Two coffee cups.
"Wait," you say, realization hitting you.
"Yeah?" she asks, looking up.
"You bought me a coffee?" you state, the words sounding dumb as they come out of your mouth.
She blinks. "No."
"But, there are two coffee cups," you point out, feeling more and more confused.
"It's fine, you already bought one," she rushes out, sliding one of the coffee cups farther away from you.
"Wait, no! It's okay. I'll take it."
She stops. "Really?"
"Yeah," you nod, reaching out and grabbing the cup. "Thank you."
"Of course," she shrugs, looking embarrassed.
You pick up the cup, analyzing it, wondering if she put any poison in it. Unfortunately, you are not a chemist, and cannot decipher the contents of the beverage, so, you opt for the safer route and place the cup back down on the table.
"Did you have an idea for the project?" she asks.
"I did," you nod.
"What is it?"
"I was thinking that we could write an article. One of the prompts that was on the syllabus is an exposé, and I figured that it'd be easy to do a deep dive into the school's athletic program."
"Huh, that's interesting," she replies, a thoughtful look on her face.
"Interesting, good or interesting, bad?"
"Interesting, good. I like the idea. How far did you want to go into detail with it?"
"Well, I was hoping we could focus on the women's athletic department. Have you heard anything about them?" you ask.
"A lot. I hear my friends complain a lot," she says.
"About what?"
"So much. The coaches are demanding and strict and don't give the players don't get enough breaks. They don't get as much funding as the men's athletic program, either."
Disappointing but not surprising. "Is there a particular sport or athlete that stands out to you?"
"Um," she starts, a slight blush covering her cheeks.
"I know a couple of basketball players. The captain, Doyeon, is really good, and I talk to her a lot. She'd probably be willing to help us out. They have a big game coming up, and their coach is going crazy because the school isn't giving them as much access to facilities as they did for the men's team. The basketball players were forced to practice outside, and the coaches are furious."
You can't hide your shock at this. Although you knew the women's team had it rough, you didn't realize there was so much drama happening behind the scenes. "Wow, that's...a mess. Did you want to talk to her about it? I'd love to meet her and get her perspective."
"Yes, definitely," she nods. "They should be practicing tomorrow. We can go watch them and interview her after. Would that work?"
"Sounds good," you agree, mentally making a note to cancel your plans tomorrow. You raise your coffee cup to your lips, momentarily forgetting about the possible dangers, and take a sip.  The moment the liquid touches your tongue, you are hit with a profusion of tastiness. It's sweet and delicious and everything you could have ever dreamed of. It's exactly the type of drink you'd order yourself. You glance over at Bada, seeing her watching you nervously, and decide to speak up.
"This is really good," you praise, taking another sip.
She smiles. "You like caramel lattes, right?" she asks. 
"Um, yes," you respond, confused. "How'd you know that?"
"Just, um, a lucky guess," she replies awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. 
You raise an eyebrow at this. Crap, you think. She must've put some sort of poison in here that mimics the taste of your favorite coffee flavor. You're screwed, but it's too late. You might as well enjoy the coffee. You take one last sip, savoring the flavor, then set it down. 
"Alright, well, I have some notes I want to go over, if that's alright," you say, pulling out your laptop.
"Okay," she replies, also taking out her laptop.
The two of you spend the next hour discussing the project, both of you getting lost in your own thoughts. By the time you're done, it's nearly eight o'clock, and the sun is setting.
"We should probably head back now," you state, packing up your items.
"Yeah, we should," she agrees, standing up.
The two of you walk out of the library, the campus quiet and dark.
"I'll see you tomorrow," she says, walking toward her car.
"Yep," you reply, waving and heading towards yours.
Once inside, you turn on the car, blasting the air conditioning. You turn on the radio, trying to distract yourself from the heat outside. 
"And in other news, the women's basketball team is still having trouble securing proper facilities. According to sources close to the team, the coach is frustrated and the players are exhausted.
"In other sports news, the football team is preparing for its season-opener against their rivals, the..."
You groan, turning off the radio and focusing on the road. Your stomach growls, and you realize that you haven't eaten anything since lunch. You consider stopping somewhere, but decide against it. You'll just eat when you get back to the apartment.
As you drive home, you think about the last few hours you spent with Bada. She was...interesting, to say the least. Today, she seemed more responsive to you than she had previously. In the past, she had mostly ignored you, rarely speaking to you unless necessary. Today, though, she'd been engaging and helpful. Perhaps, it was just because she cared about getting a good grade on this project. Once it's over, she'll probably return to her normal, snide self. That was okay with you, though. As long as she was cooperative while you worked on the project, you couldn't care less what she thinks of you or how she treats you afterward.
You park your car, heading up the stairs to the apartment, your mind wandering. Despite your best efforts, Bada is starting to worm her way into your head. It's stupid. You're being ridiculous.
This was going to be a long semester.
"I think I'm going to fall asleep."
Bada turns to you, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, please. You've never seen the game before. This is just the warm-up."
You glare at her. "It's been two hours," you point out.
"Yes, and the game hasn't even started yet," she says, matter-of-factly.
"I hate you," you grumble, crossing your arms. 
"You know you're the one who suggested we research a sports team, right?" 
"Shut up," you mutter, glaring at her.
The two of you have been sitting in uncomfortable plastic chairs for the past two hours, observing the team's practice as they ran around an outdoor basketball court under the sweltering heat. Bada was not lying about the terrible working conditions these women were put under. You didn't understand how they had the ability to exercise in these circumstances. You were dying. 
"I need a break," you declare, standing up and stretching.
"No, no, no, no. Sit," she demands, pulling on your wrist and dragging you back into your seat.
"Let me go!" you yell, struggling against her grip. Why the hell was this woman so strong? For christ's sake, she was a dancer, not a wrestler. 
"Not until the end of the game," she states, gripping tighter.
"This isn't fair!"
"Life isn't fair," she retorts.
"You're such a bitch," you seethe, finally ripping your arm from her grasp.
"So, I've been told."
"Why are we here again?" you ask, slumping in your seat. 
"Look, just try to pay attention. I'll buy you a smoothie if you stay focused," she offers.
"Deal," you say, straightening your posture and turning to watch the practice.
"And now, the final play," the coach yells, blowing a whistle.
The team scatters, moving to their positions. Doyeon, the captain, dribbles the ball down the court, passing it to another girl, who moves closer to the net. Just as she's about to shoot, the girl trips, sending the ball spiraling out of her hands and in your direction. You gasp, scrambling out of the way, but you're not fast enough. The ball hits you square in the face, causing you to yelp as you fall backward in your chair. 
"Fuck," you whine, holding your hand to your face.
"Oh, shit, are you okay?" Bada asks, kneeling down next to you.
"Do I look okay you goofball?!" you shout, removing your hand to reveal a bloodied nose.
"Ooh, ouch," she cringes.
"Are you okay?" a different voice asks, and you look up to see the woman who had tripped approaching the two of you.
"I'm fine," you mumble, feeling embarrassed.
"I'm really sorry," she apologizes, bowing her head.
"It's fine," you shrug, standing up.
"You should come see the nurse," Bada says.
"No, I'll be fine. It's not that bad," you insist, wiping away the blood.
"Are you sure?" the basketball player asks.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's not the first time this has happened," you explain, trying to alleviate her concern.
"What?" Bada chokes.
"Please don't ask," you sigh.
"Okay, well, I should get back," the girl says, gesturing toward the court.
"Of course. Go kick ass," you cheer, smiling.
"Thanks," she grins, running back onto the court.
You and Bada watch the girl's retreating figure. Bada then turns to you, a look of concern on her face.
"Okay, come on. Let's get you cleaned up," Bada instructs, pulling on your wrist and leading you towards to one of the entrances into the building.
"Where are we going?"
"The locker rooms," she states.
"What? No, no, no, no," you protest, planting your feet and resisting her.
"I'm not letting you sit here while your nose bleeds. Besides, the girls have to go in there eventually. We'll interview Doyeon once she comes in." she explains.
"Who cares? Come on, let's go," she urges, tugging on your arm.
"Fine," you concede, allowing her to drag you through the building.
Once inside the locker room, Bada leads you to a sink and forces you to stand still. 
"Hold still," she commands, grabbing a paper towel and wetting it.
"What are you doing?" you ask.
"Cleaning up the blood," she responds, bringing the towel to your nose.
"Don't!" you hiss, swatting her hand away.
"You have to," she argues.
"No, I don't. I can do it myself," you retort.
"Just let me do it," she whines. "I've had to do stuff like this more times that I can count. I'm basically a professional."
"What? You having to clean up your own bloody noses? Why? Because of the amount of times you've gotten slapped in the face?"
"Hey!" she pouts.
"Well, are you going to answer the question or not?"
"Dance injuries. Now, will you let me help you?"
"Ugh, fine," you groan, rolling your eyes.
She brings the towel to your nose, gently dabbing the blood away. Her hand brushes against your cheek, sending a tingle down your spine. She's standing so close to you, her chest nearly presses into yours. You can smell her perfume, a subtle vanilla scent that seems to surround her. It's intoxicating.
When you glance up, her eyes lock with yours, and for a moment, you forget how to breathe. They're a deep brown. Warm and inviting. You've never noticed how beautiful they are. Or maybe, you just haven't had the opportunity to study them this closely.
Her fingers linger on your skin, the tips grazing over the sensitive flesh.
"There. All better," she says, throwing away the paper towel.
"Thanks," you say, clearing your throat.
"No problem," she grins.
The two of you stand in silence, neither of you wanting to move.
"So," you start, breaking the tension. "Should we, uh, wait for Doyeon here?"
"Sure," she shrugs.
"Okay, um, I'm going to, uh, sit over there," you stutter, pointing to the bench behind her.
"Okay," she says.
You awkwardly make your way to the bench and sit down, keeping a safe distance between the two of you.
"How are you feeling?" she asks.
"A little lightheaded," you admit.
"Hmm, do you want some water?" she suggests.
You think of the possibly poisoned coffee. "No, I think I'm alright," you say.
"Okay," she nods.
Another awkward silence.
"So, you, uh, have a lot of dance injuries?" you ask.
"Yeah, a few," she laughs.
"Like, what kind?"
"Oh, nothing serious. Mostly bruises and sprains. Once, I twisted my ankle, but that was ages ago," she says, waving her hand dismissively.
"Mm-hmm," she nods.
"How many times have you had a bloody nose?" you inquire.
"That's a secret," she grins.
"C'mon," you press.
"Nope, not telling," she shakes her head.
"You're no fun," you huff.
"I'm lots of fun. You're just not asking the right questions," she smirks.
"Like what?"
The locker room door opens, and a group of women walk in, all chattering excitedly. Bada looks over, her smile growing wider.
"Doyeon!" she calls, waving her hand.
You turn, spotting the captain running over to you. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun and sweat drips down her face. As worn out as she seemed, she still looked incredible. In a flash, you became hyperaware of your probably still disheveled looks as a result of your recent injury. Way to embarrass yourself in front of a pretty girl. 
"Hey, Doyeon," Bada greets, standing up and smiling at her. Doyeon outstretches her arms, enveloping Bada in a lingering, tight, hug.
"Bada! I missed you," Doyeon sighs.
"Missed you too," Bada replies.
"And who's this?" she asks, pulling away from the hug and nodding in your direction. 
"Oh, um, this is y/n, she's working with me on the project. I told you about."  
"Nice to meet you," you smile, extending a hand.
"Likewise," she replies, shaking it.
"So, are you ready to do this interview?" Bada asks, eagerness dripping in her voice.
"Yeah, let me get changed first," she replies, walking towards the lockers.
"Sure," Bada nods, watching as Doyeon disappears into the showers.
You glance over at her, her eyes still trained on where Doyeon had just disappeared. Something in your stomach sinks. 
"Oh my god," you scoff.
"What?" she asks, turning to face you.
"Don't tell me we're interviewing one of your little girlfriends," you grimace.
"She's not my girlfriend," she frowns.
"Whatever," you say, rolling your eyes.
"Seriously, y/n, we're just friends."
"With benefits?" you inquire, raising an eyebrow.
"Why does this matter so much to you, anyway?" she asks, crossing her arms.
"Because, it's my project, and I don't want it ruined because you can't keep your hormones in check," you reply, glaring at her.
"I'm not going to 'ruin' anything, alright? I'm perfectly capable of keeping my personal life separate from my school work."
"Yeah, sure, whatever," you mutter.
"God, you're so frustrating," she huffs.
"So are you," you snap.
"Well, it's a good thing this is just for a project, and you don't have to deal with me outside of class, then."
"But it's a shame I can't get rid of you sooner."
"Believe me, the feeling's mutual," she growls.
You open your mouth, ready to unleash a verbal assault, but you're cut off by the sound of footsteps. Doyeon walks up, her hair still wet, and her bag slung over her shoulder.
"You two ready?" she asks, grinning at the both of you.
"As we'll ever be," Bada sighs.
The three of you sit on the locker room bench, a small space in between each of you. Bada is scribbling something down on a piece of paper while Doyeon waits patiently.
"Alright, um, first question. How have the recent changes affected the team's practices and games?"
"Honestly, it's been pretty tough. We're used to practicing indoors, so the outdoor heat has been brutal. On top of that, we've had less access to facilities, which has made things even more difficult. All of this has taken a toll on our performance, both on and off the court."
"That's unfortunate," Bada frowns. "How have the coaches and other staff members been handling the situation?"
"Not well, honestly. They've been pretty angry and stressed. They haven't taken it out on us, but it's been noticeable. And, honestly, they have every right to be upset. This is a big change for everyone, and it's not something that was anticipated."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Bada sighs.
"Thanks," Doyeon says with a smile, placing her hand on top of Bada's.
The sight of it makes your stomach twist, and a scowl forms on your face.
"Uh, next question," you start. "Do you have any idea when the situation might improve?"
Doyeon tears her eyes away from Bada. "Hopefully soon. We can't keep playing like this. Something needs to change."
"And if nothing does?" you ask.
"Then we'll have to keep fighting. Like always," she shrugs.
"I'm proud of you guys. You've all been handling this whole situation with a lot of grace," Bada compliments.
"Well, I have a great team. Everyone has really stepped up and supported each other. We've got a lot of good people," Doyeon smiles.
"That's wonderful to hear," Bada grins.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
"Anyways, let's wrap this up," you say, clapping her hands together. "Last question. Is there anything else you think is worth knowing for our project?"
"Hm, let me think," she hums, placing her finger to her chin. "I don't think there's anything..."
"Well then, I think we're done!" you announce, swiftly standing up.
"Already?" Bada asks, glancing at her watch.
"Yeah, time flies, huh?"
"I guess," she mutters. "Alright, thanks for your time, Doyeon," Bada smiles, reaching across the space and squeezing Doyeon's knee.
"Of course," she beams.
You roll your eyes again.
"Well, I'll see you later, okay?" Bada says, standing up.
"Absolutely," Doyeon agrees.
"Great," she grins.
Bada turns to face you, a forced smile plastered on her face.
"We done?"
"Yep, let's go."
You and Bada make your way out of the locker room, leaving Doyeon behind.
"That went well," Bada sighs, once the door closes.
"Sure did," you mumble, barely able to contain the sarcasm.
"I can't wait to write up the report," she exclaims, her eyes lighting up.
"It'll be nice, yeah," you say.
"Maybe after, we could—"
"I need to go," you blurt out, cutting her off.
"What?" she asks, frowning.
"I'm, uh, late. For class. Sorry."
"Oh. Okay, um, I'll see you around, I guess," she says.
"Bye," you say, rushing past her.
You're not lying. You are late for class. But not nearly as late as you're making out. You speed-walk across campus, a million thoughts racing through your mind. No wonder Bada was so eager to do this project. It was just an excuse to spend time with Doyeon. And, judging by the way the two of them interacted, it wasn't the first time they'd spent time together.
You're not exactly sure why this is bothering you so much. You knew Bada got around. Maybe it's because you're annoyed that Bada didn't tell you the truth. Or maybe it's because you feel stupid for not seeing this coming. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that you're upset, and you have no one to blame but yourself.
You make it to your lecture hall, and as quietly as possible, slip into an empty seat near the back. Your professor drones on and on about the importance of deadlines and punctuality, and you find yourself completely unable to pay attention. Instead, you replay the day's events over and over again. Each time, you cringe at the memory of how oblivious and naive you'd been.
read part two
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On the heels of coop with body hair 'nd all that, how would coop feel about his lover having a happy trail/body hair/clean shaved? Obvi it's different for everyone irl with preferences, just wanted your thoughts!! 💗
Anon, apparently you, me, and @love-affair-with-fandoms are forming some sort of dark triad with our brains, because they sent me this wonderful little Walton Goggins interview blurb that I think perfectly sums up how both versions of Cooper Howard would feel about body hair on a partner (it was literally the next ask in my inbox and they came within a few minutes of one another!):
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Prewar!Cooper Howard is so used to being around "L.A. people" who are all perfectly made-up, waxed, tanned, and toned constantly, so I think having a partner with any body hair would be strangely exciting to him. I think it would remind him of a kind of authenticity, a sort of comfort with oneself and one's body that he almost never sees anymore. And I think he'd like that a lot. Do you know anything about raising chickens, by the way...?
Also, this quote only confirms further to me that he would be a big ol' fan of bush of all kinds. Even if he waxes his chest, which I think he would for pretty boy actor reasons, his pubes are intact. Like I said, not unkempt, but he's certainly not shaving below the belt. He'd prefer it if you didn't, either. Granted, he's a sweetheart who respects your autonomy, so if you wanna be dolphin smooth, you won't see him complaining. Maybe you've always shaved or waxed, even just trimmed it short, and you get behind on your grooming for a few weeks due to life being hectic. The first time he sees you that way, I think it would turn him on a lot and you'd be due for a lesson on how much this man loves eating hairy pussy. Not bad incentive to ditch the extra work of shaving/trimming, or the extra cost of waxing (which he will happily pay for if you decide you still want to do it in the future, make no mistake...it'll just make him a little sad inside).
The Ghoul (like most ghouls, in my opinion) is just obsessed with human hair, period. Doesn't matter where it's growing from. Spending decades and decades with no hair will make you forget how nice it can feel, how unique its presence can make the human face and body, so I think hair anywhere on you would be constantly petted and stared at once you two got close enough. And I mean anywhere. Hairy knuckles or forearms? Happy trail/belly hair? Especially thick eyebrows? Fascinated by it all, hovering close the second you have anything bare enough for him to touch it. You tease him about it, and he tells you to shut up. When you get really close, you often fall asleep to the feeling of him stroking your hair.
He's long forgotten (and then remembered again) that women used to be expected to shave basically everything, and he's decided that he much prefers the way things are now, for once, on that front. He thinks your armpit and leg hair is cute and he'd be so sad to see you without it.
Would be similarly crazy about bush, but in a softer, more reverent way. I think he would like to take a long nap on a nice, soft bush.
148 notes · View notes
spicyseonghwas · 1 year
" illusory obsessions " - choi san
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pairing :: choi san x male reader genres/au's :: angst, smut, romance, subtle yandere viewer rating :: 18+ ; heavy emotions & sexual content content warnings :: cursing, very rough sex, unprotected sex, degradation, vaguely implied breeding, possessive/slightly yandere!san, sexual masochism, san is in his mid-30s & pretty much 10 years older than reader in the fic (hes 24 irl), the last sentence is a lil bit dark lol network tag :: @preciousillusions-net event :: preciousillusions net's grand opening event! word count :: 1,881 synopsis :: ah, choi san… your best friend since preschool… and the love of your life. but are you the same to him? or are you just a playdate to him?
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"ugh," san groaned, "i'm so bored, someone give me something to fuck."
"what the fuck do you mean, 'something to fuck'...?" you asked snippily, looking up from your phone to give your long-time best friend a suspicious, eyebrow-up look.
"what the hell do you think i mean when i say that? i want to fuck, m/n, you dumbass. i want a hole to stick my dick in."
you rolled your eyes, mumbling under your breath thinking san wouldn't hear.
"well maybe i'd give you myself if you'd fuckin' ask nicely."
but quite (un)fortunately for you, san did indeed hear every word you said.
and that was how you ended up in your current situation...
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"fuck, fuck, fuck!" you screamed, throwing your head back into the thick layer of blankets on san's bed and fisting the blankets as hard as you could in futile efforts to keep yourself from floating up onto cloud nine.
"yeah?" san purred, leaning in and biting your neck as hard as he could as he whispered filthy, possessive nothings into your ear. "you like that, bitch? you like being stuffed full of your best friend's cock, hm?"
he wrapped his hand around your throat and squeezed as hard as he could, letting loose a low, feral, wolf-like growl into your ear before letting his whole weight fall on top of you so he could fuck you harder.
"well your best friend likes it too, and now you don't get to fuck anyone else!" he said happily.
"fuck, s-san, right there," you whimpered weakly, wrapping your arms and legs around san's waist and shoulders and using all the strength you had left to squeeze as hard as you could in an effort to keep him as close as you could possibly get him to be.
"yeah, slut?" san hissed into your ear, pulling out to the tip before slamming back into you as hard as he could, making sure he was balls-deep inside you and nuzzling into your neck before he continued his beforehand movements of fucking you into oblivion.
"you love my cock so much, puppy, you're taking it so fucking well... you're gonna drive me insane..."
"fuuuck," you groaned, your face turning cherry-red and your eyes rolling back into your head as the tip of san's cock grazed your prostate again.
"f-shit, san, right there-"
san chuckled, deciding to change positions a bit. he pulled out, immediately replacing his cock with three fingers before you could register that you'd lost the feeling of his cock inside you. he wrapped his other hand around your cock and began to stroke it as fast as his wrist would let him whilst he continued to finger-fuck you into the clouds in the outer atmosphere with his fingers.
"such a filthy, slutty little bitch. such a cute little cocksleeve," san snapped, slapping your face- he didn't hit you hard, but he didn't exactly go soft on you either. he made sure to hit you just hard enough to get the cutest, most kitten-like little whimper out of you when you felt the light sting of his hand making contact with your cheek.
your face turned a little bit of a darker, bloodier shade of red when san slapped you, and despite your devout mental pleading with the universe that he didn't notice... he did.
"oh? you like it when i slap you around, you little whore?" san growled, giving you another, slightly softer slap on your cheek when you took a moment to respond- you were quite mentally unavailable at the moment with how hard and fast san's fingers were still fucking into you.
san smirked darkly when his second hit landed, taking his fingers out of your abused hole and reaching up and yanking you up by your hair. he moved you so that you were sitting on his lap, then wrapped his hand around your throat and yanked you closer.
"you said you wanted to try voyeurism, right?" he asked, looking right into your eyes with his dark, lustful, chocolate-colored ones.
you nodded vigorously, doing your dearest to pay full attention to san's words whilst imagining the things he was going to do to you next.
san let himself fall slightly out of character for a moment, a happy giggle escaping his throat as he smiled his shiny white trademark smile at you.
"yeah?" he asked, falling smoothly back into character as he leaned in to give you his next command.
"ride it, bitch." he hissed, "be a good, obedient little cocksleeve for your hyung, and maybe he'll let you suck it later while i talk with wooyoung."
you immediately obeyed san's wishes, taking hold of his cock and carefully sliding down back onto it. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and buried your face into his neck before starting to move.
"mmmm... fuck," san growled, slapping your ass cheek lightly. "speed up, slut. i'm feeling impatient tonight."
you once again obeyed san's wishes, speeding up the movements of your hips so that you were bouncing up and down quick and hard on his cock, fucking yourself on it like there was no tomorrow.
"you're so cute," san cooed, pulling you closer by your throat and smashing his lips onto yours as hard as he could while his hips started moving to help you keep up with the pace he had set for you.
after all, he wasn't completely heartless.
not completely.
"oh, m/n," he sighed dramatically, moving both hands to your hips to help you fuck yourself a little harder. "you're such a beautiful boy... tearing my heart up like a rabid dog. i love you so much..." he confessed, smiling softly and pulling you as close as he could physically get you while he sped up his thrusts and chasing his high like a starving cat after a plump mouse.
his hand strayed up to hold your chin, and he closed the distance again, pressing his lips to yours and nibbling on your bottom lip with his canines, just hard enough to draw a little bit of blood.
"fuck, san, i-i'm getting close-" you whimpered, biting your already-broken bottom lip and licking a little bit of the blood off of the wound.
"cum for me, prince." san whispered, tangling his fingers into the hair on your scalp and yanking it in a tantalizingly slow manner before moving his hand to the hair on the base of your neck and yanking it as hard as he could without any warning to you.
and that one little feeling, that burning sting on the back of your neck, was the last little thing that drove you fully over the edge.
you screamed into san's neck as your orgasm hit you like a ship hitting the beach, biting into his collar to keep yourself from falling too far into the blissful void of feelings that was your orgasm.
"good boy." san said softly, helping you get yourself off of him. then he wrapped his arms around you and let his and your weight fall backward into the bed. he squeezed you as hard as he could. then he turned you carefully over onto your back and beginning to leave little butterfly kisses all over your neck, lips, body, chest, thighs, and forehead in an effort to give you soft feelings to focus on as you came down from your high.
"san?" you asked after a short while.
"yeah?" san replied softly.
"were you telling the truth when you said you love me?" you asked hesitantly, turning over onto your side and looking right into his eyes.
san smiled softly, reaching over and brushing some strands off of your sweaty forehead. his hand strayed to your cheek and his thumb began to softly caress your cheek, which was still slightly red from having been slapped twice earlier.
"of course i love you, darling," san said softly, "truthfully? i always have." he confessed.
"wait, really?" you asked confusedly, "what do you mean, you always have?"
san smiled softly again, his face turning a little red as his eyes strayed away from yours for a split second.
"i've been in love with you since you were eighteen, m/n."
"wait, really??" you said astonishedly, "san, baby, how come you never told me?? you've been in love with me since i was eighteen?? that's like- shit..."
you had to stop talking for a moment, and san just grinned in anticipation, waiting for you to figure it out.
"san, you're... you're thirty-five years old. you literally turned thirty-five, like, two days ago. and i'm almost twenty-five."
"mhmmm... and?" san said, trailing off in an effort to prompt you to figure the rest of it out.
"and.... and so that means you've been in love with me for... HOLY FUCKING-"
and san started laughing.
"SEVEN YEARS??" you shrieked.
"yeah, and??"
after san got his breath back enough to answer you coherently, he said,
"and i'd gladly fall in love with you for a thousand more and not tell you until the day you die if you not knowing that information keeps you from loving someone else the way it obviously has this time around."
you had no response for this.
"san..." you started softly, but trailed off; you couldn't find anything to say.
"san, why so long?"
"i just told you, it's so that you'd keep trailing along after me trying to find out whether i loved you back or not, and that would keep you from giving in to someone else's advances." san answered, taking your hand and squeezing it.
"m/n, the thought of you falling in love with another man haunts my dreams, it's the only thing i've had a nightmare about for almost eighteen years. i don't... i want you to love me. i don't want you to love someone else, because i'm afraid that if you do, i'll hurt them out of jealousy, and that'll drive you away."
your heart broke.
"san, i..."
your eyes started to burn, and you screwed them shut as they filled up with tears. you tried to keep them at bay, but san knew this would happen, and he wasn't going to let you continue this self-destructive habit you'd always had of acting tougher than you were. because the thought in his mind might sound sort of sick, and one could rightfully judge him if they thought it so...
but san wanted you to cry.
and no, it wasn't because of some sick fantasy of dacryphilia... no, it was for the sake of your heart, because, you see...
l/n m/n never cried.
and every time you kept yourself from crying, it broke san's already-shattered heart into another ten thousand tiny little pieces. he wanted you to cry. he wanted you to let your walls fall down for a while. he needed you to feel better, because you feeling a little more at peace with yourself would make san hate himself a little less for loving you as long as he had.
it would make him feel a little better about the things he wanted to do to you when you were comfortable with him doing them.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
271 notes · View notes
itwasntimethatdidit40 · 3 months
Move, baby
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Gif credits
Pairing/Au: Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand x f!reader
Words count: 5768
Warnings: threesome, reader is a sex worker, she is female and has hair and breasts and vagina but apart from that no other description is given, fingering, nipples play, oral sex (m and f receiving), face sitting, unprotected p in v (WRAP IT UP IRL, FOLKS), pet names (mostly honey), basically p*rn with very little plot lol
Notes: No beta reader, mostly written at night on my phone (I really need to stop doing this, GOD) and English is not my first language so excuse me for any mistake, Oberyn and Ellaria have always been one of my biggest fantasies, so I decided to write something about them. I'm a bi person, I want both, this is very personal to me and it's my first attempt at writing a threesome so please be kind. Title inspired by “Movement” by Hozier.
I really hope you’ll like it ❤️
I also just want to say thank you all for giving so much love to my last story, I’m so grateful and my heart is full of love for each one of you!
When you move
I can recall somethin' that's gone from me
When you move
Honey, I'm put in awe of somethin' so flawed and free
So move me, baby
Shake like the bough of a willow tree
You do it naturally
Move me, baby
So move me, baby
Like you've nothin' left to prove
And nothin' to lose
Move me, baby
Oberyn and Ellaria are lying on the bed when you enter the room. You are intimidated, even though you have been doing this for years and have met many powerful people before. They have been here for a few days now and seeing them through the corridors of the brothel you couldn’t help but notice how majestic and beautiful they were. Oberyn is pervaded by a regal aura, he is like a feline who walks with a soft, elegant step and you immediately found him incredibly sensual.
His golden robe adorned with suns studding, the symbol of Dorne, almost entirely hides the splendor of his tanned skin, but leave his chest partially exposed and a large medallion accentuate the harmonious shape of his thick and incredibly attractive neck.
The fabric hug his torso and fall wider over his legs, framing his perfect figure. A large brown leather belt emphasize his narrow waist.
Rumors say that he is a formidable warrior with a spear and you can actually sense his physical prowess even under his clothes.
His face makes him look like a God, short black hair, high forehead and thick eyebrows, dark and piercing eyes, strong aquiline nose, voluptuous lips and sculpted jaw, covered by a strip of beard.
The signs that line his face give him authority and the appearance of a man who lives life to the full.
Ellaria is equally magnetic, some other brothel girl said to you that she comes from humble beginnings but she looks every bit like a queen who could have anyone under her feet.
A cascade of gorgeous black curls frame her face and falls over her bare shoulders, she has high, sculpted cheekbones and sensual lips, eyes like a dark night, deep and mysterious but shining like stars.
She wears a beautiful orange tunic that slides over her hips leaving little to the imagination, a wide neckline barely cover her décolleté and her tits are embraced by a gold bra.
She looked at you as you passed by her, and her inquisitive and teased gaze didn't escape you. You felt flattered, you never thought that a person like her could look at someone like you.
You saw her whisper something in Oberyn's ear and saw him nod with conviction, before putting his arm around her waist with a mischievous smile.
They walked away without speaking to you while you remained breathless for a few seconds as you watched them disappear together into one of the rooms.
You have experience, you never have this kind of reaction, even in the presence of the king who also frequents this brothel very often.
Most of the time you absolutely don't care about anything other than money you get at the end of the day but that feeling of being noticed by someone you actually like stayed with you and you spent the night torturing your clit because of them.
Today the brothel owner told you that Ellaria and Oberyn specifically asked for you. They previously require at least one man and a couple of women or more which perhaps would have helped you handle the situation better and be calmer. It wouldn't have all depended on you, you could have blended in with others, made yourself less noticed. Although when it comes to sex, it's impossible not to notice you.
You don't think so arrogantly, it's just that you do it every day, several times a day and you're good at it.
So damn good that some customers have fallen in love with you and became obsessed, forcing the brothel owner to kick them out and tell them not to show up again, so good that they often leave you extra gold coins before leaving the room.
You're an expert, but today you feel like it's the first time you've done it.
Your hand shake as you open the door, maybe they could have been wrong, it wasn't you they wanted.
You need to be detached in this job. You can't let your feelings influence you, at the beginning it often happened to you to be overwhelmed but now you've learned to leave the most vulnerable part of yourself outside the door.
There is no future for people like you in King's Landing other than doing menial work, this is the best paying job there is. It's certainly risky because you never know what can happen to you and often powerful men are also cruelly sadistic, you've found yourself in very scary situations at least a couple of times, fortunately much less than other girls who work here.
You saw with your own eyes the swollen faces, you heard the screams, you heard the cries. You've experienced bruises on your skin and not the kind you’ve been turned on by.
Your luck has been that the owner of this brothel cares about keeping you all safe, he is humane enough not to treat you like cannon fodder and let them do whatever they want with you.
He always says that it’s because he need to maintain his brothel the best one in King’s Landing but you know that there is a fund of goodness in him, after all you are pretty sure that he cares at least a little about all of you. You can see it from how he treats you, he never lacks clean clothes, decent meals, cleanliness and decorum of rooms and a maester to cure any ailment that may occur with this way of life. And he pays well, better than in any other brothel in the city, so you've always made sure to hold on to this job.
“We were waiting for you,” Oberyn says, sitting up in bed, his back leaning against the large red velvet cushions resting on the inlaid wooden headboard.
You hold your breath as you shyly step forward.
Ellaria is lying on her side next to her lover, her head resting on her right hand, while her other hand lies limply on her exposed side.
“Come closer, baby” she says “we want to look at you”
You take another step, exposing yourself to the dim light of the candles scattered around the room.
Ellaria's eyes sparkle, she glances knowingly at Oberyn and then back at you "It's really you, the one who looked at me in the hallway"
You feel her gaze wander over your body, you keep your eyes lowered to look at your bare feet on the wooden floor.
It feels like you're being seen for the first time in a long time, and you tremble slightly.
You are not afraid but you are in awe, fully aware of your exposed skin covered only by a light fabric draped over your hips and your torso, covering your breasts and pussy, leaving your shoulders and arms, your cleavage, your legs exposed.
“Are you ashamed?” Oberyn says “You don't need to”
Ellaria elegantly gets up from the bed and approaches you. She stops in front of you and places a finger under your chin “Look at me” she whispers “look into my eyes”
You do as you're told, her hand encircle your jaw, sweet and delicate like a caress.
She’s smiling at you “we've been thinking about you for days, you know? Since we've been in this crap city we haven't had many opportunities to relax, not as much as we'd like anyway. But today, we intend to do nothing else. And we hope you'll join us” It sounds like an invitation, one of the most tempting you've received in years. There is no obligation in her voice, there is kindness. And desire. The realization hits you in that moment, they weren't wrong at all, they want you at least as much as you want them.
Your gaze is fixed in Ellaria's reassuring eyes and you feel hypnotized by her.
“Do you want to stay with us?” she asks you.
You nod.
"Say it. Tell me you want us"
“Yes” you whisper
“Louder, babe, Prince Oberyn can’t hear you”
“Yes” you say, more convinced “I want to be here”
Ellaria's smile spreads softly across her face “Good. We’re glad to hear that, honey”
She moves her hand to your neck, stroking it, her fingertips like a breath on your skin, stopping at the edge of the fabric resting on your collarbone.
Oberyn is still sitting on the bed, Ellaria moves to your side, without taking her hand off your shoulder “what do you say, my love, is it time we got rid of this peplum?”
“Whatever my sweet paramore desires must be done”
She looks at him with so much love that for a moment you almost feel like you're not worthy of observing such an intimate moment between two people.
Then Ellaria returns to focusing on you, as if you were a gift that was delivered especially for her, making you feel part of the scene again.
She lowers the hem of your dress, letting it slide across your skin, revealing your breasts and then your tummy and letting it fall from your hips. It collapses at your feet like a white cloud.
She takes your hand and makes you take a step forward, letting you out of your dress.
You're naked.
And two of the most fascinating people you've ever seen are looking at you. They're looking at you.
A large number of your clients are impatient, rushed, they just want to satisfy themselves and leave.
Ellaria and Oberyn are calm and relaxed, and they seem in no hurry to send you away.
She admires you, you feel her gaze contemplating you and you fervently hope that she likes what she sees.
You truly want this woman to like you.
“She is beautiful” Oberyn says “my love, you really have impeccable taste”
Ellaria lets out a little laugh "it's no coincidence that you are my other half”
her eyes are languidly on him and then back at you.
She reaches down to caress your arm, your side, her fingers tracing the contours of your body so carefully.
You can literally feel the tension building in the room, pervading it entirely.
“She really is gorgeous”
Her hand travels up your stomach, barely touching you, while she continues to look straight into your eyes and reaches one of your breasts.
She cups it and weighs it for a moment "you have beautiful breasts" she whispers and then takes your nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pinches it, pulling it slightly.
A low moan escapes your lips.
You remain still, many have done it before but her touch is different, more attentive and graceful, it send you shivers down your spine.
She’s treating you like something precious, taking the time to tickle your body, looking at you like you're the only person in the room, the anticipation makes it all more exciting.
She does the same to the other nipple and then gets closer, she's so close that you can feel her scent of honey and flowers filling your nostrils.
She kisses you, her lips are luscious and velvety, she tastes like sweet grape, ambrosial and intoxicating.
She pulls away from you and runs a finger over your bottom lip and gently forces your mouth open, then kisses you again. You feel her tongue make its way, meet yours and caress your palate. She licks greedily inside your mouth, her hands squeeze your hips and caress them, her body adheres perfectly to yours, making you whimper and rock your hips to try to get more friction burying one of your hand in her hair, your fingers intertwined with her raven curls.
“Don’t be impatient, baby”
You try to calm down but when you look away from her you see Oberyn on the bed, in his golden robe, staring at you.
His eyes got even darker and are fixed on you, he is clearly turned on by what Ellaria is doing and that makes you even more needy.
“Eyes on me, babe” Ellaria gets your attention again “sit on the bed”
She turns you around and stands in front of you, making you walk backwards as she pushes you gently holding your hips.
The backs of your knees touch the bed and you sit obediently.
Ellaria caresses your cheek “spread your legs” she orders and you do.
She kneels in front of you, you already feel your skin getting hot.
Her hand runs along your inner thigh, her fingertips like feathers on your skin.
“You’re so good. Already glistening for us” she says quietly, eyes fixed on your wetness and you expect for her fingers to rise for reaching your folds but she doesn’t. She gets up instead and take your face in her hands again and gives you another kiss that leaves you breathless. It’s more urgent and sloppy than before and your mind goes blind.
You desperately want this woman to make you cry and beg for more.
Oberyn approaches you from behind while his lover deepens the kiss and put his hands on your shoulders, stroking, you whimper at his touch, his big strong hands expertly roaming on your skin. He lowers them to touch your tits, squeezing and caressing and then his lips are on your neck sucking, biting, licking your soft skin under your ear.
Ellaria has stopped kissing you and contemplates you melting under her man's touch, she has a pleased smile.
She then makes you lying on the bed and undress.
Her dress falls to the ground leaving her naked.
She looks like a work of art.
Her skin is smooth like silk and shines in the candlelight, her tits are perfectly round shaped, high and firm, her turgid nipples stand in the center of a dark rose areola, your eyes wander on her flat tummy and her flourishing hips and thighs, she has beautifully shaped legs, your mouth is watering at the vision.
She climbs up over your body while Oberyn is now on your side sitting on his heels, watching the two of you kissing again.
You whine in her mouth feeling her warm tongue dancing with yours.
Ellaria then whispers in your ear “Raise your arms for me, baby and stand still. Let me take care of you”
You do immediately, so eager to be pleasured by this stunning creature that now lay on top of you.
Her weight is deliciously crushing you.
She kisses your neck and cleavage and lowers herself on you leaving a trail of wet kisses on your skin.
She takes one of your nipples in her mouth sucking on it, making your entire body vibrate. Her tongue is swirling on it, licking all over your areola and then on your bud sucking again avidly.
You cry when she lowers one of her hand between your thighs, teasing your folds with just her fingertips.
She watches you with a languid smile “yeah, you like that, don’t you? Me sucking on your beautiful tits?”
And you nod, head empty, totally intoxicated by her.
You want more, more, more.
She’s on your tits again, mercilessly sucking, using her teeth to gently stiffen your nipples, humming low to your skin.
She dips her fingers into your glistening pussy, running them up and down, completely wetting them.
She put her index finger into her mouth licking it clean.
“Mmm you taste so good” and this vision only would be enough to send you over the edge, she is incredibly elegant even now, in a way that exudes pure sensuality.
She keeps sucking on your tits while teasing your pussy, until you find yourself begging “please, please fuck me”
She stop and look at you with a malicious smile “you want to be fucked by my fingers? You want that, honey?”
“Please, do. Please.”
“You’re so good for us. You should do me a favor, look at my handsome lover while I work my fingers into you, would you do that for me?”
“Yes. Yes, whatever you -“ your voice cracks in the attempt ‘cause she force your entrance with two of her fingers without waiting for you to reply “AH. whatever you want… my queen” you say breathily.
She’s deep into you.
“Well, technically I’m no queen but you can call me one if you want” she laugh heartily. “Look at my love, now”
You turn your face and next to you is a naked Oberyn. You don't know when he took off his robe, you heard movements around you but you were totally absorbed in Ellaria at that moment.
It never happens that you are not aware of what is happening in a room, you must always be vigilant to avoid dangerous situations when there is more than one person with you, you never let yourself be caught off guard.
He waited silently, he certainly enjoyed the sight of you two.
You can clearly see it in his hard, swollen cock in front of you.
He's jerking off slowly, a couple more strokes and then he finally speaks "Do you want to take it in your mouth, sweetie?"
You look at him for a second, filling your eyes with his beauty, while Ellaria continues to move in and out of you with her fingers and working on your nipples with her tongue.
You smile, pleased by his hungry eyes.
“Yes” you murmur “Yes, please”
He brings the tip close to your mouth and you instinctively stick out your tongue to lick it. It's already wet with precome, it's salty and musky and you wail at this, so eager to have it all into your mouth.
He enter your lips slowly, he’s bigger than most men you’ve met and you’ve met a lot of men.
“Yes, just like that, honey”
You take as much as you can of him through your lips, down your throat, filling your mouth with his hardened cock and mewl at his thick veins tickling your tongue.
You cup his balls with your hand, massaging them.
“Oh. You seemed shy before but you’re a little mischief, aren’t you?”
You pull out and a little laugh escape your lips “that’s exactly what I am” and you look at him “never underestimate a quite girl”
You’re challenging him, he knows you do things like that for a living so he shouldn’t expect you to be so innocent and naive.
You’re not.
“I knew it, honey, that’s why we wanted you. I know a little mischievous girl when I see her”
You stifle one more laugh and take his cock in your hand, licking his already sticky tip, swirling your tongue on his frenulum, then moving your tongue flat along his length, down to the base and back up again.
You fill your mouth again, taking him so deep that the head of his cock is now scraping at your throat.
You hold it still for a moment to get used to its size and the you begin to suck.
Ellaria is still circling your clit with her thumb while her index and middle fingers slowly pumps in and out of you.
You suck greedily on Oberyn cock and pride raise in your chest at his praises “you’re doing so good, babe, so good for me, keep going”
For the first time in years, you are a third person enjoying sex with others and not only a whore at their commands.
You're almost at your peak and rock your hips into Ellaria's hand, seeking more and more friction.
“Come on baby, flood my hand with your cum”
Your body shakes and you feel a heat rise from your core and invade you as you release your orgasm on Ellaria's hand.
She’s looking at you eagerly, you still have Oberyn cock in your mouth, you hold onto the sheets with your hand to maintain the position while you don't stop taking his cock.
“You have the most exquisite nipples I’ve ever seen, and they taste so sweet, god, I’m obsessed” she says, stroking your hair, making you feel tenderly spoiled.
Oberyn explode in your mouth a few moments later groaning loudly, you swallow everything you can and smile at him while a little ripple of cum runs down your chin.
“Such a good babe” Ellaria strokes your cheek and lick the cum that is making its way onto your neck.
The room is quiet for a while filled only with your sighs.
“What do you want now, love?”
She says to Oberyn that is now lying on the bed right next to you with a hand splayed over your tummy.
“I was thinking…what if you sit on her face while I eat her pussy?”
“Mmmm you always have the best ideas, my prince”
You're lying between them, they sit up for a kiss and you see their mouths come together and their tongues meet passionately right above you, you quietly enjoy the show.
Oberyn climbs on top of you, starting to kiss you and you immediately realize how different his touch and kisses are from Ellaria's, he is more urgent, less delicate than her, but no less exciting. His hands are bigger, his fingers longer and as he caresses and teases your nipples and kisses you you wonder what it would be like to have them inside you.
His tongue is voracious inside your mouth, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip, his kissing overall more demanding and authoritative but still kind.
Oberyn certainly knows how to let the love of his life take center stage but he also knows exactly how to take it back.
He wastes no time tasting your nipples after all of Ellaria's glorification, running his tongue flat over one of them and grunting in approval and then sucking like he’s starving.
“Fuck, they really are delicious, you’re so right, my love”
Ellaria smiles as she settles in to straddle you, her pussy is an inch from your mouth, you can smell it and you pant in anticipation.
“Lick me, dear, lick me deeply and fuck me with your tongue”
and she lowers herself into your face, your nose colliding with her clit making her gasp, your tongue is flat on her folds tracing them thoroughly, you taste her spicy savory flavor that instantly drives you wild.
You lick right in the middle, her folds caressing your tongue at the sides while you caress her center, alternating longer laps with small ones like a kitten, just the tip of your tongue on her clit.
And then you take it into your mouth, wrapping it with your tongue and then sucking it.
Her pussy clench and she grinds into your face “Yes, oh my gods, you’re fucking great” she mutters, hitting your nose again and again “keep doing that”
You try to focus on her even if you feel Oberyn moving on your body, licking and sucking your skin, probably leaving some light bruises that don't intimidate you anyway, he reaches your mound and continues kissing, attentive and caring. He is rough but also sweet, you can feel his beard scratching you delightfully, he makes space between your legs to settle on his stomach on the bed.
You continue lapping on her clit burying your face in her pussy when you feel Oberyn spread your lips with two fingers and give a long lick to your center and then sink his fingers between your lips, covering them completely in your juices, teasing your entrance while he swirling on your clit.
His fingers are thick, much thicker than Ellaria's, and even just a little force at your opening makes you feel full.
Ellaria is still rocking her hips into your face, squeezing it between her thighs. You stick your tongue right at her entrance, making her moan your name “yeah, baby, just like that, keep pushing your tongue inside me”
You do as she wish, darting your tongue in her hole.
She cries out loud, quivering, calling your name again, pushing her cunt into your face.
You’re almost breathless but you don’t stop, you want her to come all over your mouth and chin and you want to savor every drop of her pleasure.
You feel Oberyn’s fingers deep down into your pussy, curling up and reaching that pretty spot inside of you that always gives you fireworks, while he devours your clit. You can feel his nose deepening through your folds and it feels heavenly.
He’s great.
Really amazingly great.
You push into Ellaria’s trying to keep the same pace with he’s pushing into you and you’re pretty sure you’ve never had anything like that, even if you’re a prostitute and you do it all the time.
Ellaria is riding your face like there’s no tomorrow and Oberyn is eating you out so frantically that you feel a little bit overstimulated but you wouldn’t want to stop for any reason.
“You’re really making my sweetheart a big mess, don’t you?” He looks up at you, grinning as he watches his lover taking every bit of your tongue into her.
There's not even a hint of jealousy in his voice, he seems impressed by you, pleased by the fact that you're making the love of his life enjoy every moment.
“I understand that you are so eager to give her what she wants, it's the same for me. My woman is too precious to leave her unsatisfied, she needs to be worshipped” he says it slowly, sweetly, it reaches your ears muffled but still effective and unmistakable.
His fingers still move inside your cunt, and his tongue is on you again licking your clit rapidly, almost jerking it.
You see stars again, while you keep moving on Ellaria’s folds.
Your entire body is on fire, your legs shaking and your heart pounding in your chest so fast you feel like you’re on the verge of no return.
Ellaria comes a few moments after, whining and holding on to the sheets to maintain balance, releasing her cum all over your lips, on your tongue, in your mouth and you drink on her, all you can, continuing lapping her.
Oberyn is caressing your folds with two fingers, gently, letting you cool down.
When Ellaria moves from your face you try to suffocate a disappointed moan which does not escape Oberyn's ears “Oh, you still want more, honey? Yeah, my woman is addictive, I know” his mouth curve into a smile.
“So are you” you say, pulling you up to sit up in bed to give him a kiss.
His lips taste like you, you linger on his bottom lip sucking it gently to get the more of it.
“You’re such a horny little thing”
“Yes, I am” you whisper on his lips
“Good. We like that”
Ellaria is right next to you, palming the back of your head with her hand, stroking your hair.
“Naughty girl” she winks at you “you’re giving us great pleasure so we allow you to choose what to do now. What would you like, sweetie?”
“I would like..." you stop because you don't want to offend the splendid woman next to you.
“What? Speak, babe, whatever it is it’s fine with us” she smiles at you and Oberyn nods.
“I really want to be fucked…by Oberyn”
Ellaria laughs, a joyful laugh that makes your pussy throb
“Why were you afraid to say it?” she gently pinches one of your lobes, then tracing the outline of your ear with the tip of her finger.
“I didn't want you to feel left out”
“I don’t feel like that at all, honey. I know that you want to be fucked by this handsome prince, no one understands you better than me” her voice is low, tender, like a caress.
“It gives me great pleasure to see him enjoy it, you know? And who tells you I won't participate?”
“Oh. Okay” you feel relieved
“Don’t worry, hun, just take what you need. Haven't done this in a long time, right?”
It's true, you haven't been doing this for long, your job doesn't require you to think about your own needs, you have to dedicate yourself entirely to satisfying others.
Oberyn is between your legs again as Ellaria rests your head on her thighs.
“Spread your legs wider for me, babe”
He comes closer to you and slides his cock over your clit, up and down your folds, you get wet immediately, it slides so smoothly it feels like silk on you.
Ellaria is looking at you sweetly, she’s stroking your hair while your head is perfectly nested on her legs.
“You’re going to feel so good, honey, there’s no better cock than his”
And you actually think she’s right, despite all the other ones you’ve seen since you’re doing this.
He aligns himself with your entrance and you can feel the tip entering you, already stretching your crevice.
He’s careful and goes inch by inch with an incredible calm.
He stops when he’s entirely inside you, it fills you all up and you squirm at the sensation, arching your back to feel it even more.
“God it feels amazing” you moan “move, please”
“You ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Yes. Never been so ready in my life. Give it all to me, please”
Your pussy is dripping all over his cock and he starts thrusting, a grunt escapes his throat as he slides so easily into the deepest point of you.
He’s slow, really agonizingly slow and this makes you feel every single movement, every rolling of his hips, every rhythmic thrust so amplified that your mind starts going numb, completely drunk on him.
His hands hold your hips tightly, his fingers dig into your flesh and will probably leave marks but you don't care a bit.
It's like a dance, he’s dancing with your body, setting a leisurely pace that is giving you the freedom to simply feel center stage for once, like you didn’t even know it was possible anymore for you.
They say that's what he does even while fighting, dancing. It's light, nimble and agile like a panther, so they tell you.
Now he's not fighting, he's following your body and you do the same by moving your hips in turn at the same rhythm.
Ellaria was right, there's no cock like his, because what's going on now is him thinking of you first unlike the majority of men you’ve met.
He’s hitting that right spot inside of you again and again, so naturally that you could say that your cunt is meant to be his.
All is silent except for his grunts and the squelching sound of your fuck, every lewd noise from your pussy as he sink into you makes your head spin.
The candles light up the room enough for you to see his face and you fixate on his every little expression, on the vein on his neck swelling, on his clenched teeth, on his eyes squeezed shut with effort.
Ellaria holds you by the shoulders, you bounce on her legs deliciously.
You look up at her for a moment and she has the most delighted smile you’ve ever seen.
“Keep going, hun, you’re doing so well”
she whisper and you’re unsure if she’s speaking to you or his lover but she sounds so sweet and nicely aroused that you get even more turned on by the situation and you didn’t even thought it was possible.
You entwine your legs behind his back, pushing him further against you, he gasps as he tries to push your orgasm just right.
“Fuck, baby, you’re drenched”
“I know I know ..I’m so close Oberyn, please , don’t stop”
He places his thumb over your clit circling it frantically and doesn’t stop pushing into you until your orgasm washes over you leaving you breathless and worn out.
He pulls out of you coming on your tummy, thick streaks of his cum painting your skin as he moan loudly.
You look at him in ecstasy, every expression on his face captivates you as he fists his cock releasing his pleasure on you.
He falls onto the bed panting hard while you also try to catch your breath.
Ellaria moves from underneath you and puts a pillow under your head, goes back between your thighs and reaches down to lick your pussy clean.
Her tongue laps at you gently, caressing your lips until you calm down.
When she's satisfied, she lies down on the bed next to you, wrapping her arms around you, cradling you.
Oberyn kisses your neck, then stands up and grabs a bowl from the table at the side of the room.
You turn to see what he has and he takes a blueberry, runs it across your bottom lip before feeding you.
And then another one.
And one for Ellaria too.
A prince is feeding you blueberries.
You’ve never felt so spoiled in your entire life.
This has to be one of the best days you will ever have, something you thought you could only fantasize about just happened. There isn't much joy in your life anymore, not since you realized that every day would be the same. Not today.
“We leave tomorrow” Ellaria whispers
“Oh fuck, no” you find yourself saying, hiding your head on her chest, lost in the softness of her tits.
“Don't you want us to leave?” Oberyn tenderly rubs your back.
“No” you whine shyly on Ellaria’s skin.
“You’re so cute, honey” she says, hugging you even tightly.
“We’ll be back, don’t be sad” Oberyn says and he pauses for a moment “Actually, wait, have you ever been to Dorne?”
“I never left King's Landing”
"Come with us. What do you think my love, can she come?”
“Of course, she can, why not. When it comes to pleasure you know I have no sides and she’s the perfect addition to our bond”
“It’s a deal then. You want to come, baby?”
You can believe what’s happening, they are really offering you a different life, far from this cesspool of a city.
“Are you sure? I mean, it’s gonna cost you a lot, the owner won’t free me for a little price”
“Babe… I’m a prince. Money is not a problem for me.”
You can feel tears poking through your eyes, you look at him and it seems to you that it is a dream from which you will wake up soon.
“Thank you” he approaches you and you give him a grateful kiss.
“Your new life begins tomorrow”
For the first time in a long time you can't wait for the next day.
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hella1975 · 5 months
5. who do you feel the most you around?
6. say six nice things about yourself (3 physical and 3 non physical)
16. 😜
5. who do you feel the most you around?
oooo im assuming internet besties count if so then the tbosutuals EASILY like it is so ridiculous how like. much of myself i give you guys compared to how i am w people irl even people im super close with. we need another roadtrip boomstie
6. say six nice things about yourself (3 physical and 3 non physical)
i love my moles! this is a weird one but they're all over my arms and ive got two on my face and some on my back and stomach and they're like groupies to me. let's go girls!
i have naturally thick + dark eyebrows and i love them. the other day i was on tiktok like ohhh i really want to properly attempt alt make-up instead of half-assing it like i have been for years but the thin eyebrow is SUCH a staple of alt looks and i'd honestly rather die than do that
MY EYELINER <3 this is probably cheating but idc my eyeliner is more important to my wellbeing than a good portion of my organs
i have quite a confident, laid-back aura that as a result allows other people to feel at ease. that's probably a weird way of putting it idk how to explain it but like. i have a habit of even the most introverted do-not-approach-me people coming out of their shell in my company and it's always so <3333
my writing. probs should've put this first. she's like a brother to me
16. compliment the person who sent you this number
BOOMSTIE MY BELOVED MY BESTIE <3333 hmmm just one thing is hard. i think my favourite thing about you is how kind you are and how hard you work to keep that kindness :)
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gothmikasagf · 7 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you can do a Hazbin Hotel romantic matchup for me based on the given information provided below:
I’m 18+. I go by she/her pronouns and i’m bisexual. I’m a Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon and Libra Rising. My special interests include drawing, singing, cleaning and working out. I have almond shaped eyes, long, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes and dark brown wavy hair. I have small and dainty hands. I’m about 5’2.5ft (158.75cm). I have two beauty marks around my cheeks. I am apparently more psychically strong than I appear XD. My voice is kinda deep irl. I like candles, jewelry (especially gold jewelry), snakes (ball pythons are my favorite.), most genres of music (like pop and rock). I dislike focusing on small details, rude people, long explanations of things, how sensitive my skin is and the cold. I usually dressed in either athletic or causal attire. I’m a huge fan of bell bottom pants, hoodies, skirts, sweatsuits, sleeveless shirts, platform shoes and thigh high socks.
As for my personality, I would describe myself as sassy as I love to engage in playful banter and joking around. I’m very sweet and always do my best to support the ones I love through words of affirmations and acts of service. I get really anxious/flustered easily. I can be either really quiet or really loud (there’s no in between lol.) I’m in touch with my emotions, though sometimes it leads me to be hyper-sensitive. I am forgetful with materialistic items and with reminders.
I don’t think that I have a specific type in terms of a romantic partner just as long as they are patient and understanding with me then I’m good XD.
I match you with...
Sir Pentious!
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Did you say you like snakes?/j
He thinks you're so pretty and artistic!
He secretly listens to you when you sing but doesn't want to tell you in case you'd be embarrassed. He loves your voice!
He might need a bit of time before he's comfortable with the flirty banter but don't fret he's gonna surprise you one day and make you flustered.
He really needs someone to be of support to him and his interests and he'll do the same. He's the sweetest!
Introduces you to his egg boys and even lends them to you from time to time if you ever need them!
Hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is always appreciated!
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alykatsevents · 7 months
Hi there! I was wondering if you can do a Hazbin Hotel romantic matchup for me based on the given information provided below:
I’m 18+. I go by she/her pronouns and i’m bisexual. I’m a Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon and Libra Rising. My special interests include drawing, singing, cleaning and working out. I have almond shaped eyes, long, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes and dark brown wavy hair. I have small and dainty hands. I’m about 5’2.5ft (158.75cm). I have two beauty marks around my cheeks. I am apparently more psychically strong than I appear XD. My voice is kinda deep irl. I like candles, jewelry (especially gold jewelry), black, researching about snakes, American pop music, K-pop music. I dress in either slightly revealing attire or more covered attire.
As for my personality, I would describe myself as sassy as I love to engage in playful banter and joking around. I’m very sweet and always do my best to support the ones I love through words of affirmations and acts of service. I get really anxious/flustered easily. I can be either really quiet or really loud (there’s no in between lol.) I’m in touch with my emotions, though sometimes it leads me to be hyper-sensitive. I am often very forgetful so I would need to a lot of reminders from others.
I match you with....
~She thinks you working out is hot
~She also enjoys cleaning so often times y'all will just be found cleaning random rooms
~She loves your hands, She'll kiss them any chance she gets
~Your voice gets her flustered at times
~She loves your style, it makes her blush
~Lots of playful banter between you two
~Her love language is also acts of service
~Adores how kind and supportive you are
~She thinks your personality is beautiful
~She comforts you when you get anxious or upset
~While she often gets flustered by you she makes sure to do the same to you
~She makes sure to remind you of things you have to do or small details
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what I told my irl non-dream stan friends about the face reveal
his jawline is sharper than a swiss army knife
his eyes are huge and so bright
his eyebrows are thick and dark
his teeth are ridiculously white
he's got the stubble
he's skinnier than I expected
high cheekbones
smiley baby man
his hands are very expressive
he has a nose
I'm sobbing
he's so pretty
I wanna grab him and hold him
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topperscumslut · 1 year
are u ever gonna post the impractical jokers 90s au
ok ok so i was kinda hesitant to post it just bcuz it’s very… not well written lol. and i wasn’t really sure if anyone would actually want to read it but it seems like there actually is a demand for it so here y’all go ig 🤷🏻‍♀️
so i wrote this when i was 14 when one of my irl best friends introduced me to her online best friend who was also obsessed with impractical jokers and we decided to start a fan account on instagram and write a self insert fic together ab us going to HS in the 90s and meeting the jokers (even tho i ended up doing all of the writing which i was actually kinda happy about lmao). so you can very much tell that a 14 yr old wrote it and a lot of the plot doesn’t make sense lmaooo but im just gonna post it as it is and not try to edit it to make it sound better or anything. for now im just gonna post it chapter by chapter which is something i haven’t done before cuz i usually only write one shots nowadays so yea just lmk if y’all wanna be added to a taglist!!! but yea anyway here y’all go.
masterlist for this fic
chapter 1 word count: 475
The year is 1994. Two best friends are going back to high school after winter break, one of which newly single and sure no one could replace her so-called “Mr. Right” - until the pair meets four boys from Staten Island who just might change their worlds forever. Prepare for something amazing.
Chapter 1 - Stupid Boy
Sarah and Kendall hadn’t seen each other for weeks due to a fun, yet long, Christmas break. Both had been super busy and weren’t able to see each other or any of their other friends since school got out. The two girls hugged and greeted each other at their lockers, before greeting their friend Jasmyn the exact same way.
The three friends stood at Kendall’s locker as she put away her coat and her water bottle, the group of them talking and laughing about everything that they’d done over break.
“Guess what guys?” Jasmyn said, “I have a new crush!”
“That’s great,” Kendall sighed, forcing a smile.
“Oh no, Jasmyn, really?” Sarah said, “K, are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah. I think so. I mean Andy’s a great guy. He never meant to hurt me, so I shouldn’t let it get to me anyway. I mean, isn’t that what we both want?”
“Yeah, true. But we’re here for you.”
Kendall smiled and opened her mouth to thank the girls before hearing an eerily familiar laugh behind her. It was Andy, her ex.
The ex-lovers made eye contact for not even half a second before Kendall looked away, tears in her eyes.
“I, um,” she sniffled, “oh, I really have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” She ran off to the girl’s bathroom at the end of the hall, and didn’t even have time to lock herself in a stall before bursting out into tears like Niagara Falls. How did Andy have this effect on her?
She wiped up her tears with a scratchy paper towel, wishing she had tissues in her backpack. And wishing she had never met that stupid boy that broke up with her over the phone.
“Thank God for waterproof mascara, am I right?’
“Hey, hey, guys, did you hear that?”
Shit! She thought, Someone heard me.
She peeked outside to see a group of four boys, the voice had belonged to the ferret-like one, sandwiched between one with long, dark hair and thick eyebrows - Sarah’s type - and a handsome one with striking green eyes that she could both see and feel the empathy in.
Oh no no no, please don’t see me! Calm down, Kendall. It’s not like they could come in anyways.
“I think it was just your imagination, Murray,” the final boy said.
Thank God, Kendall thought as Sarah burst through the bathroom door, wrapping an arm around her, the four boys now lost from her mind - for the time being.
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hi. I’d like to get 🩸, please. I wrote this beast of a description some time ago and don’t really have time rn to be so kind & shorten it, so I don’t mind the potential wait/your refusal to do it. Either way, congratulations on your follower count, I look forward to interacting (in a more digestible form)
Looks: I’m in my teens. I look close to Mia Goth, though I have gray eyes. My hair is blond and thick, an overgrown wolfcut I always take care of myself. I’m 5’7, somewhat athletic. I switch between dressing like Bella Swan, dark coquettes (most often) and this masc casual style. I have a diy tattoo I did a few years back. I also have a few noticeable scars, don’t like them but the stories can be interesting. One big on my chest (sword fight), between eyebrows, left chin (knife), big few on the right arm (ironically, a crow). I wear dark fem makeup or coquette. My dominant hand is a little messed up bc it was broken in a fight as a kid and I never did anything with it so it didn’t heal well
Personality: Im an entj, he/she (male/female bigender), bi. I’m social, hardworking, brave, optimistic, ambitious, motivated. People tend to get frustrated with how closed off I can be. I’m careful with my words and I don’t talk about my life if I don’t need to. Actually, I’m not very honest at all, though if I care about someone it can change. I see it as valuing my privacy and looking after myself. Romance is a nice concept, love the books, but I tend to dodge all attempts people make at forming relationships. And the amount of people who see friendship w me as a degrading means to an end made me a tad cynical about it. Doesn’t mean I don’t like the occasional flirt though. In the right company I like to make friends laugh, unwind, be the life of the party. Doctors said I don’t have empathy and show many sights of npd. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s a part of me. I still can be decent to friends (where empathy fails I still have common sense). Honestly,I’m softer than I’d like to admit. I get on with kids nicely and I’d like a few on my own when I grow up. I’m protective of my family, my older brothers mean the world to me. Another thing that’s important is my faith. I’m polytheistic and very religious (but I respect other beliefs). I like to befriend local animals too, in my free time. People call me stubborn, I’m the kind of person to push until I succeed, even if it hurts. Privately at least. In any kind of structure I know my place and I help the team/my boss/other superiors dutifully. I try not to be very emotional, but sometimes i fail. Usually I turn to anger, though I wouldn’t turn on my loved ones. I try to be fair in my actions. Many say I’m comforting, though I see myself more as a problem solver. And yeah, perhaps I am filled with (rightful) guilt about the loss of my close family member. But that’s mine to know and for others to never find out. I have shared more here than I did (or will) with anyone irl. In private I believe I can be a little funny and silly, nonchalant even. Also soft, as my friend calls it, ‘homely’. In the end, I did manage to fit myself into quite a list of friend groups so I’d like to believe I’m not too bad to hang around
My type: I’d like someone I could relate to. Someone who would understand my ambition and drive, my issues, inspire me to try harder, but also someone who would understand my anger (even if by enabling my worse parts). Maybe even harder than me. As bad as it sounds I don’t care for morals all that much, not in a “I like bad girls/boys” kind of way. It’s just that if they don’t hold harmful beliefs (racism, sexism etc) I don’t look much further into it. Someone who wouldn’t jump on the whole romance thing right away and smother me. They have to have their own thing they do, other than love. My love language’s acts of service. And when they notice details, learn about me. It’s a running joke among my friends that I’ll end up in a rivals to lovers kind of deal bc of how stubborn and averse to romance I am. I need someone who would understand that my family comes first (before me too) and I do anything for them. And I will call my s/o out if needed too
Likes: physical activity (I used to do a ton of sports from cheer and dancing to basketball); money - having it, making it; romance novels; dogs; birds; writing stories, poems, making music, painting, though I’m not so open about it; parties; family; social interactions; my job (legal or not, anything that involves bulshitting ppl and supporting myself is nice, sry); taking care of others; cooking and baking; acting/performing; giving gifts; fashion; snow and the cold (my hand be damned, I view winter as a gift from gods); shows like Bridgerton (I’m so fine after watching Kate/Anthony storyline I swear), books like soc, pjo, the cruel Prince, dps;
Dislikes: losing/failing; deep bodies of water; whole concept of death, even if I know what comes next I can’t stand it; feeling useless; people with no drive; quitters;
Facts: Im Slavic; had basic medical training; my family would call me something akin to ‘little merchant’ in our language, bc of my talent for bargaining and talking ppl into things; normally I don’t flex half as bad; dark eyes r soo attractive to me, but if I like your goals and motives, I��m into you either way; like Hannah Montana I have the best of both worlds - I was born in the capital & I’m well versed in the life there but I spent my formative years helping on a farm (which I miss), I still more so identity as a country guy; I think revenge driven ppl are attractive but that's less of a preference, simply a thought
My guy you had me thinking for this one! It screams Kaz Brekker BUT that could also be problematic since reading your description gives a very similar vibe to his and he might not like it. ALSO YOURE THE OPPOSITE OF WYLAN AND INEJ SO THAT COULD WORK OR ABSOLUTELY NOT.
In the end, I decided… (cue drumroll)
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Your type description gave me the gentle love Wy gives <3 he’s patient, understanding and is his own person before being a lover. I can see you both reading together all the time as well as you cooking for him! I think we all perceived him (in the beginning of the books) as a soft and fragile boy but he’s a badass, he’s mature, and he’s always there to support you if you need it. He’s a sweetheart, you know him, you love him<3
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hazmatazz · 1 year
it’s me again :D
man i love the angst too!! and i could theoretically just draw them for you. but 1. i’m too lazy rn and 2. id have to go off anon and i love the mysteriousness hehe i feel like a secret agent whenever i’m on anon
SO :D first of all, they’re both afab and 15 years old
imma start with floryn!! she’s 1.58m tall, her skin tone is a darker sienna (a medium brown, idk how to describe it) she has an hourglass body type but is kinda chubby, her hair is dark brown and curly (hair type 2C if we wanna get rlly specific) and around shoulder-length. she usually wears it half down and the other half in a messy kinda bun. her eyes are pretty round (my art style is more on the cartoony side, not sure how it would look irl) and also brown. her eyebrows are pretty thick and dark as well. she doesn’t use a lotta makeup but sometimes draws a heart or star on her cheek with colorful eyeliner :D she usually wears dresses or skirts with cardigans or tank tops depending on the weather. and she prefers shoulder-less sleeves that are either a bit puffy or loose. if that makes sense?? the skirts are mostly around knee length and she always wears sneakers that are mostly white with different pastel colored accents. her clothes are always very colorful and she has dresses in genuinely every color of the rainbow, some pastel ones, some brighter ones, just no dark colors. she loves wearing all of them, although her fav color is orange <3
imma just hope i didn’t forget anything and move on to rory :D her skin tone is ivory and her face always has a visible light blush. and whenever she actually gets embarrassed or something her whole face goes red and it’s very cute tbh. her body shape is either the rectangle or inverted triangle one, i’m not 100% sure yet & she’s pretty muscular. in my style her eyes are more rectangular?? kinda like this shape ♦️but horizontal if you know what i mean? they’re blue & her eye brows are more round. her hair is wavy (hair type 2A maybe), around armpit length and a warm blond (pantone 4655 but a bit warmer, i’ve been searching for the perfect color for like five minutes and i give up) and at some point later in the story, once she gets more confident, she dyes her hair tips a light blue color!! her go-to hairstyle is usually a high ponytail. she usually wears jeans or corduroy pants and on warmer days she often wears bermuda shorts. she mostly wears crop tops but also tank tops and sleeveless shirts. when it’s colder she wears button-up shirts with long sleeves. she doesn’t HATE skirts but you’ll very rarely see her wearing one, usually it’s jean shorts and crop top :] her color palette isn’t that colorful, usually blue with accents of brown, grey, white and/or black but she has a few tops in other colors too. she definitely wears dark blue converse and those tennis socks with two colored stripes at the top
i have no idea if that was detailed enough, if you’d like to know anything else feel free to ask :D also if you have any questions abt their story or them as characters apart from their physical appearance, i just love rambling about them <3
i haven’t described their personalities in detail yet i think so maybe i’ll do that in another ask but my phone battery is running out aksbkajdkja
and i love florora tbh that sounds so magical <3
!!! they sound absolutely adorable!!! idk why but i was imagining rory to be like a redhead with a boyish cut and straight hair?? like that one girl from that "arcane legends" show or whatevr. but her with long blond hair also soumds adorable!! esp with round eyebrows as i'm imagining
ohh and their clothing styles <3<3<3 ehegehgtjehr rory does seem like the kid to wear sleeveless shirts and button ups snsbksebkshs. and flora!! she gives me very soft warm color vibes so i can see it!!!
and ohh w the little heart on the cheek <3 i think rory would absolutely stare at that
also flo's 5'2 :D??? awee little friend :33333
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starsinmylatte · 3 years
Tease (2/2)
Our beloved reader was fed up with the lack of attention from a certain Grand Admiral. To force his hand, she decided to send some pictures to tempt him while he was away, but things didn't quite go as they were planned. Now, we see the aftermath of those events.
Tease (1/2) link here in case you haven't read it!!
Pairing: Grand Admiral Thrawn x f!reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Minors DNI
Tags/warnings (for part 1): lingerie, m@sturbation, dom/sub relationship, y'all this is filth, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex (please practice safe sex irl), authority kink
Word count: 4k (I got a little... ok, a lot... carried away)
bat in’a- beautiful one
ch'eo ch'itiseb- my sweet
ch’eo vir- my dear
cseo cssah bat- so very beautiful
cseo ch’itrico- so hungry
cseo tsaco- so tight
You had known that you were in trouble, but you realized the true extent of how completely and utterly kriffed you were on the morning Thrawn returned to the Chimaera.
Clue number one: he didn’t spare you as much as a single glance when he entered the bridge. Usually, Thrawn would make a point to have at least one small moment of inconspicuous eye contact as a greeting, but not today. Today he didn’t spare so much as a glance in your general direction.
The second clue was far more direct; a simple note sent through the encrypted channel.
Wear it tonight.
Some small part of you hoped the video would finally push the calm, distinguished Grand Admiral over the edge. He was always a generous lover, that being somewhat of a massive understatement, but you could tell he was holding something back. During your most intimate moments, you could see it. Something sharp, dark, and glittering rose to the surface, and Thrawn pushed it away every time.
What would Thrawn be like if he fully let go? That thought sent delicious shivers down your spine, and his final audio message played on repeat in your head.
“Ch’eo ch’itiseb, you know you really shouldn’t tease me like this.”
Thrawn’s voice was normally a seductive purr, but that audio message…. It embodied the dark edge of him you had been longing to experience.
You felt your core clench as you desperately tried to re-focus on the screen in front of you, but an all-too-familiar presence suddenly appeared behind you. All of your racing thoughts screeched to a halt as that same smooth voice you were fantasizing about was now whispering in your ear. “Bat in’a….”
Thrawn’s warm breath was caressing your neck, raising goosebumps, and sending a chill down your spine. Your breath hitched almost imperceptively as he continued, “I see your gift fit you well; it certainly does seem like you enjoyed it.”
Your lover’s reflection was showcased on the darkened computer screen you were so intently studying. His eyes were half-lidded and blazing with barely contained desire. The knowledge that all the bridge officers were obliviously going about their duties while the most powerful man on the ship was leaned over and whispering sinful things in your ear was almost too much to handle. You had no choice but to blush and avert your gaze so you could keep some shreds of your dignity intact.
“Y… Yes, Grand Admiral. I did.” You may have been flustered, but you were feeling coy enough to tease him slightly. A “yes, sir” would have been sufficient, but you knew full well what Thrawn felt when you called him by his full title.
As if on cue, a growl so quiet and low you barely heard it emanated from the man behind you. Thrawn’s usual soft tone sharpened; the mysterious darkness resurfaced, and his perfect Imperial presentation cracked in half. The accent he worked so hard to conceal, the same one you loved to tease out of him, now marred his words. “Careful, Commander, if you want to be able to walk tomorrow, I suggest you close that pretty little mouth.”
Your mouth shut so fast on reflex that your teeth clacked together. His tone was utterly predatory; Thrawn, usually so prim and composed, sounded like he was moments away from ordering everyone off the bridge so he could fuck you now. But, stars, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t fantasizing about it now.
Your naked body flushed with desire, pressed up against the icy cold transparisteel of the viewport, and presented to the galaxy by your lover. Thrawn commanding your body as masterfully as he does his flagship, pushing you right up to the edge of completion before withdrawing, edging you over and over again until you can barely stand on your own. His muscular body pinning you in place against the wall, hell-bent on making you rely only on him for support, as he fucks you mercilessly from behind. Thrawn’s thick, ridged cock splitting you open and hitting spots so deep you see new stars appear in the galaxy with every thrust. The curved transparisteel to your side showing a perfect reflection of your bodies intertwining as Thrawn pulls your head aside to kiss and nip at your neck……..
Your blush turned at least three shades deeper as you shoved the thoughts aside. Thank the stars that most of the officers were gathered around a terminal on the other side of the bridge, or they would undoubtedly know exactly what was occurring between the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy and his Commander.
Like flipping a switch, Thrawn’s cool, Imperial tone resurfaced in an instant. “Apologies, ch’eo ch’itiseb, I have distracted you from your duties for too long.
Wordlessly, you watched him straighten, pick an invisible speck of lint off his already pristine jacket, and resume his usual impassive expression. The blue bastard had the nerve to walk away and leave you flustered in the middle of the command bridge as if nothing had even happened. As he walked away, you saw the barest hint of a smirk ghost across his face. He wasn’t sorry at all.
The rest of the day crawled by. Thrawn obviously had some plan for the evening, but not knowing the details meant the suspense was absolutely eating you alive. You managed to slog through the rest of your day without any major inconveniences, but as soon as it ended, you nearly ran to your quarters to prepare.
After showering and letting your hair dry, you turned your attention to what you would wear. Of course, Thrawn’s request that you wear the lacy, red set was a given, but you couldn’t exactly walk down the hallways of the Chimaera in that. You decided that it would be best for your trip to Thrawn’s office to seem like it was purely one of the extra duties you were finishing. You put on one of your looser fitting uniforms, hoping to hide the lines of the lingerie, and tied your hair back into its usual bun before leaving.
When you finally arrived at Thrawn’s office, the door slid open with a cool hiss of hydraulics as soon as you reached for your comm. You laughed softly to yourself. Well, he was definitely anticipating my arrival.
As you stepped through the door, you saw Thrawn’s back as he leaned over his desk. He seemed to be watching something quite intently, and as you kept walking forward, you began to hear hints of quiet audio. Before you reached his side, Thrawn paused what he was watching and turned his head to acknowledge you. A dangerous smile played across his lips, “Commander, I was hoping you’d be here soon. You are just in time for my favorite part.”
You raised an eyebrow and shot him a questioning glance, “What… what do you mean?”
His smile widened enough to show off his pointed teeth, “I do believe you should know exactly what I’m referring to because you played a starring role in it, ch'eo ch'itiseb.”
At that moment, you felt your soul leave your body. Kriffing sith hells, he saved it.
You didn’t think it was possible for his smug smile to get any bigger, but it did. “Oh, bat in’a, of course, I would save something so… artfully done.”
Thrawn stepped aside, and you were greeted by a projection of your video displayed between the other holos of priceless artwork on his desk. It was stopped at a very particular moment; you reclined on his bed with your legs spread open. One hand rested on your thigh, and the other was settled on your chest.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could, Thrawn hit a button, and the video continued to play. Breathlessly, you watched as your head lolled to the side, and Thrawn’s name left your lips in a broken moan. One of your hands pushed the lace aside to slip two fingers deep inside your cunt, and the other rolled a peaked nipple between your fingers.
A pang of lust immediately overcame any embarrassment you felt in the moment as you realized exactly what Thrawn must’ve felt when watching the video. Even though you had intended for the circumstance to be slightly different, it must’ve absolutely killed him to be away from you for that night and the several days following it.
Before you could react, Thrawn had closed the remaining distance and pinned your back against the wall. He leaned in to lavish his attention on the shell of your ear and whispered, “Naughty little thing….. teasing a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy like that. I could’ve canceled the trip to come back and fuck you, but then I would have been giving in. You obviously need to learn a lesson in patience.”
One of his powerful hands pulled your wrists above your head and roughly pinned them to the wall. A gasp fell from your open lips and your legs involuntarily clenched together as your cunt throbbed with desire. Watching the video had already lit a familiar fire in you, but now you could feel your arousal beginning to soak the thin, lacy material of your panties. Thrawn’s already wicked smile turned feral, and he forced his thigh between your legs. He grabbed your jaw and tilted your face up to look at him.
“Ch'eo ch'itiseb,” he cooed, “you don’t get any relief quite yet. You were so eager to tease me with that video, but now it’s my turn. Tonight, I get to take my time with you.”
As if to prove his point, Thrawn flexed and shifted his muscular thigh, so a hard ridge of muscle lined up perfectly with your clit. “It’s what you deserve, after all, for trying to tease me. You looked drunk with your own imagined power, writhing in my bed and begging for me…..”
All you could do was whimper at his sinful words as he tilted your face to the side again. You let out a low groan as Thrawn pulled the collar of your uniform aside and lavished all of his attention at the juncture of your neck and shoulder, taking turns sucking and kissing until he had left a noticeable mark. He hummed in approval at his work before trailing a line of kisses up the column of your neck, only to immediately double back and follow the line with his tongue.
Thrawn was the definition of commanding as he gazed down on you, already keening from his touch. He clicked his tongue in a mockingly disapproving manner as he moved his hand to trace the outline of the hickey. “Such a needy little whore for me. Maybe I should mark you up, so everyone knows you’re taken.”
He trailed a long, graceful finger up the side of your neck as if deciding exactly where to claim you next before stopping at the tender pulse point below your jaw. “I think here, to start.”
Another breathless whimper left your mouth as you tried to grind against his thigh, searching desperately for any purchase you could find, but Thrawn just pushed you harder into the wall, leaving you unable to move at all. “A visible mark on a pretty thing like you will have the whole ship wondering who owns this precious cunt.”
Thrawn paused to capture your lips in an all-consuming kiss that further ignited the flame burning deep in your core. By now, your panties were completely soaked through; arousal was beginning to trail down your leg, and your lover hadn’t even taken your clothes off yet.
The barest hint of the friction you were desperate for and his sinful words made you melt further into his embrace as you made another futile attempt to grind against his thigh. “P-Please… Thrawn... I need you to touch me. Take my clothes off. Anything.”
His silken voice was infuriatingly smooth, and it was apparent Thrawn was enjoying his revenge. “Well, bat in’a, you begged so sweetly for me, and now here I am. You’re going to get everything you asked for, but I decide how much you get and when to give it. Maybe my little dove will know better than to tease me after her own lesson in patience is completed.”
Thrawn swiftly stepped backward, and your knees crumpled at the sudden lack of support. He reached out and gracefully caught you; one of his strong arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt the other behind your knees. Before you even fully realized it, your lover had quite literally swept you off your feet and was carrying you towards his private quarters. Thrawn’s burning eyes met your lust-addled gaze, and his smug smile returned, “Already weak at the knees for me, ch’eo vir?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but at that moment, your back hit the silken black sheets of his bed. If the unexpected fall hadn’t taken your breath away, the sight of Thrawn’s powerful form leaning over you absolutely would’ve. Even fully clothed, you could see the hard lines of his muscles shift and move beneath his uniform. His arousal was becoming more apparent by the second as his thick cock strained against the fabric of his pants. You wanted to feel its heavy weight in your mouth so badly you had to bite your bottom lip to stifle a moan.
Thrawn curled his long fingers beneath your chin and traced his thumb over your plush lips, “Open your pretty little mouth for me; I want to hear every single sweet sound you make tonight.”
When you complied, he slipped the calloused digit inside to rest on top of your tongue. You met his gaze again as you licked up the underside of his thumb before briefly closing your mouth to suck on it.
Thrawn let out a groan that trailed off into a low growl. Removing his thumb, he leaned down for another kiss. The first brush of his lips was almost reverent in its gentleness, but that soon gave way to searing passion. Thrawn’s hunger for you seemed to grow as his teeth nipped at your bottom lip, seeking permission to deepen your embrace. You yielded to him completely, hands reaching to cup Thrawn’s face as his soft, breathy moans mixed with your own until he pulled away.
“Thrawn…..” you protested at the sudden loss of contact.
“You would do well to remember that tonight is about you learning patience,” he admonished as his fingers sought the closure of your uniform. “For now, I wish to see you.”
The air in his bedroom seemed to fill with electricity as he slowly undid your uniform jacket. Every so often, his fingers would barely graze your skin as they worked away at the fastenings, raising goosebumps and sending a thrill down your spine at the anticipation of each touch.
As soon as the last clasp fell open, Thrawn leaned back to admire you. “Look at you….” his tone of voice was reverent as he trailed his fingers across your décolletage, “cseo cssah bat.”
You arched into his touch, encouraging him to remove the rest of your uniform. Thrawn tossed the clothing unceremoniously to the side and pulled the pins from your hair, letting it fall and frame your face. One of his hands reached down to tangle itself in your hair. “You look just like you did in the video,” he cooed, “tell me, are you as hungry for my touch now?”
“Yesyes, please, Thrawn. Please touch me,” you pleaded.
His red eyes blazed at the desire in your voice, “remove my clothes, then.”
You eagerly started to unfasten his white uniform shirt, drawing a short chuckle from the normally reserved Chiss. “Cseo ch’itrico...”
Each exposed inch of Thrawn’s beautiful skin spurred the movement of your hands until his jacket lay open and his muscular chest was on full display. Now, it was finally your turn to touch him. Your fingers trailed hungrily down the center of his chest over hard lines of muscle and old scars to hook into the waistband of his pants. Finally, he shrugged the jacket off and threw it to the side to join the growing pile of clothes.
In one fluid motion, Thrawn pulled you up and into his lap. Being this close to him was absolutely intoxicating; the chill of his quarters combined with the warmth of his body and his deep, masculine scent was enough to send your head reeling. His hands continued their previous mission, trailing over your body, studying you as he would any of the priceless art pieces he was so fond of. They paid special attention to your breasts, rubbing your peaked nipples through the fabric. You couldn’t help but whimper at the delicious sensation, “mmmmhThrawn…..”
“Does that feel good?” he murmured into your ear before rolling his hips upwards, driving his erection against your core. You cried out in pleasure as he leaned forward to press a searing kiss on the soft swell of your breast. Your hands sought purchase in his hair as he bit the tender spot before soothing the sting with his tongue, leaving yet another mark on you.
Thrawn’s hand trailed down to drag two fingers over your clothed cunt, growling in approval as he discovered the thin garment was already completely soaked. He moved the strip of lace aside and repeated the movement before circling your clit, drawing more desperate cries from you. All the teasing combined with the anticipation from earlier already had you nearing your first orgasm. Then, without warning, Thrawn thrust two fingers deep inside, and you shattered with his name on your lips.
He let out his own moan at the sensation of your cunt milking his fingers as he fucked you through your orgasm. “Needy little thing, how many times are you going to cum for me tonight?”
Thrawn held his fingers up for you to see. Stars, your arousal was dripping down them. “Commander, you made a mess. It’s only proper you should clean up after yourself.” The mock-disapproval was back in his voice as he pressed them to your lips.
Your cheeks flushed at his words as you took the fingers into your mouth and sucked them clean. Thrawn leaned in for another kiss, “Don’t worry, I’ll have my own taste soon enough.”
He laid you back down and moved to kneel at the base of the bed, pulling your hips to the edge. You slid easily through the silken sheets, grasping them for stability as you felt Thrawn’s hot breath on the inside of your thigh. Once again, he languidly pressed open-mouthed kisses to the soft skin before sucking deep bruises into the tender flesh, murmuring quiet praises in Cheunh between each one. The kisses trailed higher and higher until his mouth was pressed intently against your soaked core.
He gently sucked at your clit before sliding his tongue in to taste you. Your grip on the sheets tightened as he devoured you like a starving man, drinking you in and bring you closer and closer to ruin as he held your hips in an iron grip. You ground against his mouth, desperately chasing your second orgasm as he returned to sucking your clit. He let out a low growl of approval at your desperation, and the vibrating sensation on his lips pushed you screaming over the edge.
Again, Thrawn fucked you through your orgasm before raising his face to look you in the eyes. The calm, composed Grand Admiral was long gone. Pieces of his dark hair had fallen into his face, which shined with your arousal. His red eyes were half-lidded but smoldering with unrestrained lust. “You’ll give me another,” he demanded, returning his attention to your cunt.
For the second time that night, he pushed two fingers deep inside, seeking the spongy spot that would turn you into even more of an incoherent mess. You whined at the feeling of overstimulation, but you were just as hungry for him as he was for you. Thrawn moved back up to ravish your neck with more kisses while he slipped a third finger inside. The wet sounds they made would have been deeply embarrassing to you under any other circumstance, but the noises only encouraged your lover. “Tell me, ch’eo ch’itiseb, were you this wet when it was your own fingers inside of you?”
He gave a particularly rough thrust and grinned wickedly, “I don’t recall your cunt being this musical in the video.”
You were in such a blissful, fucked-out state that it was nearly impossible to form any words, but somehow you managed to speak, “Thrawnnnnn…. pleasepleaseplease…... need you inside me now.”
It was altogether too much. You came hard, soaking the sheets underneath you and drawing a pleased growl from Thrawn.
This time, he withdrew his fingers immediately, leaving your cunt spasming in his absence. Again, you protested weakly, but the sight of him finally removing his pants immediately stopped your complaints. It was a sight you’d never tire of, one you could appreciate even when you were this far gone. Thrawn was breathtaking; his lithe, muscular body had been sculpted from a lifetime of training and discipline. His cock was equally beautiful, large and thick, with pronounced ridges running along the side. He looked like a figure from one of his paintings as he walked towards you, a god of war hell-bent on making you his greatest conquest.
All need for words was long gone as he returned to the bed. Thrawn was as desperate as you; he ripped through the thin, lacy material in his way and trailed his cock along your slit, coating it with your combined arousal. He entered you in one swift movement, and the word fell away. You felt the delicious stretch of him, teasing the line between pleasure and pain as he began to fuck you at a relentless pace. With each snap of hips, yours rose to match the pace, and you saw stars. Thrawn tangled his hands in your hair and pulled you into an all-consuming kiss. He greedily captured each moan, every sigh that fell from your lips. Your fourth orgasm was quickly on the way, and you could tell that your lover wasn’t far behind.
All of the earlier teasings seemed to have affected him as much as they affected you. Thrawn pulled your hips upwards, and the new angle sent him deeper and deeper with each thrust. You felt this tip of his cock hit so incredibly far inside that it sent you reeling as the sound of your lovemaking filled the room. The lingering pleasures from all your previous orgasms were piling on top of each other, driving you closer and closer to a final climax that you were sure would leave you unable to walk tomorrow. Thrawn locked his gaze with yours, watching tears of pleasure run down your face. “So… close….. I can feel you, cseo tsaco -so tight- around me. Cum for me once more,” he commanded with the barest hint of desperation in his voice.
That was all the encouragement you needed before the most intense orgasm of your entire life swept over you. You bit down hard on the juncture of Thrawn’s neck and shoulder to keep from screaming his name loudly enough to tell the entire crew of the Chimaera exactly what was happening. He exhaled sharply as he continued to ride out your orgasm, but the feeling of your cunt greedily clenching around his cock was too much. Thrawn came with a groan, coating your walls with his seed as his pace slowed to a halt.
Your spent bodies fell on the bed together in the afterglow. Thrawn remained inside of you, and you enjoyed the closeness as you felt him soften. He pulled you into a tight embrace, placing a tender kiss on your temple as he softly smiled. “I missed you too, bat in’a.”
Tagging some friends: @pala-din-djarin @handbaskethell @mittheresabosen @pretty-with-andorian-shingles @bluecynadi @ele-millennial-weirdo @mysticalgalaxysalad @rebelpitstop @jedi-mando @tibbietibbs @rexsjaigeyes @anna-the-godkiller @erinsusername @myevilmouse
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avrablake · 2 years
Meeting your OCs
Thanks for the tag @writingonesdreams and @emelkae
Rules: write a short snippet about if your OCs ever met you irl (or in their world, that’s up to you) and write about the conversation they would start with you (or you would start with them). Then tag some people
This was a tough one but it was fun. Open Tag for anyone who wants to do this. @blind-the-winds @odysseywritings @bloodlessheirbyjacques @diphthongsfordays have you done this one yet?
I stop short as I follow the waitress through the restaurant. There, in the corner table, by the window. I can’t believe it. It’s them. Or at least a group of people who look just like them.
The muscular man who appears to be older than the others throws back his head and lets out a howling laugh. The dark haired man next to him scowls while the young blonde woman tries to hide her smile. The blonde man says something, his eyes dancing, and then the blonde woman’s smile grows into a laugh.
“Can I sit over there, actually?”
The waitress raises her eyebrow at me then looks toward the group’s table with a frown.
“Are you sure?” She asks me. “That group has been pretty loud. I’ve already had other customers complaining about it.”
The older man’s mannerisms are so much like Gram’s, I can believe it.
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
The waitress leads me to the table across from the group. I try not to stare at them as I sit down but I just can’t help myself. Their clothes are fashionable and ordinary, but otherwise they look just how I would picture my OCs to look.
The man who looks like Gram has the same brown hair in the same style. The same hazel eyes. He even wears a stud in one ear. His eyes dance with amusement as he speaks and his laugh fills the entire restaurant.
The dark haired man next to him frowns with the same dark scowl that seems to grow deeper in proportion to the other man’s laughter. I don’t have to be able to hear the older man’s words to imagine them, The older man slaps the younger one on the shoulder with a grin and I hear him say “Come on dumbass why are you being so serious.”
I choke trying to hold back my laughter. As I cough I notice the man who looks like Nix leans in and says something too quiet for me to hear. The blonde woman stiffens just as I would expect her to do when feeling threatened. The older man glances toward me and his smile falters somewhat. The blonde man turns to look straight at me, his cheerful expression gaining a hint of curiosity. I hunch my shoulders slightly and look away, embarrassed that they caught me staring at them.
But I can’t stop myself. My eyes keep drifting back toward them. My ears strain to pick up their words. They are all stiffer now, like they can’t relax knowing a stranger is paying attention. The blonde woman keeps stealing glances at me too. The look in her eyes is one of panic, like she knows she’s not supposed to be there. She looks like she wants to say something to me but blushes and leans toward the dark-haired man, whispering something. His brow furrows even deeper and he glares in my direction before whispering something back to her.
Another man rushes up to the table suddenly, quick steps with his back straight. His sandy blonde hair is pulled back in a low ponytail. He’s wearing glasses with thick dark rims. It’s not a detail I ever planned for Lucan, but they suit him. The sleeves of his light blue, buttoned shirt are rolled up on his forearms, and he carries a cross body bag tucked under his arm.
“Sorry I’m late,” his pronunciation is very precise and his voice has a melodic ring to it, just as I always imagined. He sits down next to the man who looks like Gram and picks up the menu on the table. At first, he doesn’t seem to notice the subdued attitude of the others, but after looking over his menu for a few minutes, he stops suddenly. He looks around at the others, one eyebrow raised.
“You’re all being awfully quiet today.” There’s suspicion in his voice. If it were really Lucan he’d be thinking they must have done something troublesome. I nearly choke again when he asks, “Did something happen?”
The man who looks like Gram leans over to say something quietly to him. They both glance my way. The man who looks like Lucan places one hand under his chin, as though contemplating the information he was given. After a moment he looks at the others and shrugs slightly.
“Is it really a problem? Why not just ignore her instead of worrying about it?”
The others freeze and so do I. It’s the first verbal acknowledgement that I’ve been watching them. At least the first one loud enough for me to hear. The others look at me warily, except for the young blonde man who seems more curious than anything.
“Or maybe we should just ask her,” he says.
He stands up. The young woman grabs his arm and whispers something I can’t hear. Her hand seems to be trembling. He just smiles at her kindly and turns to move toward my table.
My face feels hot with the embarrassment I feel. I can’t believe I stared at them so much. Now one of them is coming over. Is he going to tell me to stop looking at them? Does he think I’m a complete weirdo. I suppose I am.
“Hey,” he says as he approaches my table. I can tell he feels awkward approaching me, but curious too. I don’t sense any disdain in his tone. “So we couldn’t help noticing you keep looking at us, and I guess we were just wondering. Do we know you from somewhere?”
I fidget with my hands in my lap, my mind suddenly blank with panic. What should I say? How should I answer? There’s no way I can tell him, ‘Oh sorry you look and act just like my OCs.”
“Sorry,” I mumble and my voice sounds all wrong. Too quiet and scratchy. I clear my throat and take a small sip of water before continuing. “Sorry, it’s just that you remind me of a group of my friends. You act a lot like them and I guess I couldn’t help it. I was just sort of sucked into watching you.”
It’s not entirely a lie.
The man looks back to the table and seems to lock eyes with the dark haired man.  His scowl deepens for a moment and then he shrugs before looking away from me, as though bored. The blonde man smiles wide and his eyes light up with amusement. I cock my head slightly, thinking of Nix and Kai. Kai would be able to read all my embarrassment but also my surprise and fascination. Nix would know I was thinking of them as my OCs. Would that irritate him? What kind of silent communication would they have just had? I can imagine Nix thinking “Do whatever you want,” with a snort, not wanting to admit that he’s curious too.
The dark haired man scoffs and my eyes widen with surprise, my mind reeling with the coincidence.
“Well why don’t you come sit with us then?”
The young woman turns all the way around to look at him, her expression a mixture of terror and betrayal. In that moment I know. It really is her. It really is them. There’s nothing to prove it and I know it’s impossible, but somehow I just know it’s true.
I follow Kai back to the table as though my body is moving on it’s own. He sits back down in his spot next to his sister but I just stand there, awkward, unable to move.
“So this is, uh, sorry I didn’t ask your name.”
“Avra,” I mumble.
“Avra. And she says she reminds us of some friends of hers. I figured why not just invite her to sit with us.”
I can’t look at them. Now that I know, I can’t look at them. Will they hate me? For what I’ve done to them? They probably should. I didn’t just make them suffer, I enjoyed it. I did it all for my own amusement.
Suddenly I feel sick. What kind of monster am I?
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Nix snaps. I’m so surprised by his words that my eyes snap up to meet his. Of course. It’s really him, so of course he knows what I’m thinking. “You aren’t some kind of God, whatever you may think. You think you control us? You don’t.”
Gram grins and slaps him on the shoulder.
“What did I tell you about being an asshole when you meet people?”
Nix just glowers at him but doesn’t respond. Gram’s grin grows and he looks back to me.
“Well he’s right though. Sometimes life just sucks. Maybe you made us, I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t feel like some kind of puppet. Like this dumbass said, we make our own decisions.”
“As terrible as they may be,” Lucan mutters.
I’m nodding then. I always try to let them make their own decisions. Maybe that counts for something.
I look at Thea, who has stayed quiet, her body stiff as though she’s ready to bolt at any moment. She doesn’t look at me, just grips her hands in her lap, her head down.
“Why?” She finally asks, her voice quiet. “Why did you do all this?”
I open my mouth but I don’t know how to answer her. I can’t tell her I did it all for fun. That would be a callous thing to say after all she’s been through. It’s not entirely the truth either. It was never about entertainment. Not really. It was about finding myself through them, but how can I tell them that?
I see her glance at Nix. He frowns then shrugs. Thea shakes her head slightly.
She finally looks at me and there’s an angry defiance there.
“Why did you take so much from us?” In spite of the defiance on her face her voice shakes.
Kai leans over and rests a hand on her arm.
“But she gave us a lot too.”
His words break my heart, as does the sad look that passes between them. They know. They know how their stories end. They know they shouldn’t all be here, together like this.
Thea shakes her head.
“I guess it doesn’t matter. Knowing why won’t change anything will it?”
I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”
“Will we have more moments like this?”
I nod, thinking of the different non-canon scenarios I’ve written, the Coffee shop AU, the happy scenes. “A version of you at least.”
She nods too, tears filling her round eyes. “Then thank you.”
My own eyes burn and I don’t know what to say. Slowly, as though worried I might frighten them if I move too suddenly I sink into the remaining empty seat. As soon as I do, I suddenly feel as though I was always meant to be part of their group. I suppose in a way that’s true. As much as they are a part of me, I am a part of them too.
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