#my favorite thing is his nuanced take on mercy
limpfisted · 11 months
A WYLL poll to cheer me up bc I keep thinking about all the wyll polls I've seen in the tag where he loses
There are many more things to love about wyll.... but of these things, which are ur faves..... reblog add ur own favorite things in the tags... perhaps I will make a part 2 of more things such as "approves when a goblin kisses ur toes" "refuses to engage in bdsm with a strange white man in a goblin camp, but supports ur decision anyway." "Gets kind of horny when u lick a spider." "Believes in the rights and dignity of the disabled like himsel and will tolerate nothing else" "THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS SALUTE!!!!!" "Ex-president of the dribbles fan society (of which he was the only member) this is a joke however if u pick up the clown pieces he goes 'sorry dribbles' and is the only one to laugh at dribbles joke and pretend he doesn't but still goes I love a good clown... [blade of frontiers vc] and dribbles.. is THE BEST!!!" "Meows in public." And so many other wondrous things....
Wyll warriors, ravenguardians. I know... truly an impossible choice to pick just one thing... but u must.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 1 month
"Yeah, I think I could imagine that."
"I could imagine Aemond reading a book by the fire and he just puts it over the fireplace and then he’s privy to the information of Aegon’s dream."
"But I can’t confirm nor deny it."
"I think that’s a good question."
"I think if he was to go to Harrenhal, I think, I don’t know."
"It’s similar to what we were saying with Helaena."
"Like, if there was some sort of way that he would be able to harness that power and to use it to his advantage, he could be quite dangerous."
"I think just finding all of that multifaceted nuance in Aemond, and really exploring that shadow side even more…"
"You know, just constantly keeping the audience on their toes and presenting an angle of Aemond that we hadn’t really seen before."
"He always kind of looked for surrogates for his mother."
"He found it in Vhagar, so to speak."
"An old she-dragon parallel."
"And he found it in the madame."
"But is that enough? So he’s always looking for his match, so to speak."
"Whether or not he finds it is another thing."
"Maybe there’s no one good enough for Aemond."
"Maybe he’s not good enough for anyone either."
"I think it’s interesting."
I think when he approaches Alicent and Helaena in Episode 8, he kind of says, 'Like, look, it’s either them or us and I’m choosing. It’s gonna be them.'
"We can’t go down without a fight."
"Because if the Blacks were to come into power, it would be the Greens heads who would be on the chopping block."
"And Aemond especially."
"So it is a fight for self preservation."
"But whether or not he has his family’s interests at heart or whether or not he’s just thinking for himself?"
"I want to leave that out there."
"I want to let people make their own judgment on that."
"I think he definitely loves his mum and he wants his mum at the end."
"I mean I remember doing it a few different ways, but I always kind of settled on the idea that Aemond, throughout those first four episodes, he’s just so composed."
"We see other players around the council table and they raise their voices, and Aemond is the kid who’s just acting from the peripheries."
"He’s waiting for his moment."
"He never raises his voice too much."
So in that moment, when he very much seizes a chance to attack Rook’s Rest and work with Criston Cole, he very much says, 'I’m taking over now.'
"It is a public humiliation, but he does it in such a way that Aegon is able to save face because only him and Aegon can understand it (and maybe Grand Maester Orwyle can, as well)."
"It’s something quite merciful in a way.
"I – I have not."
"I mean, I’ve obviously seen Gayle Rankin’s phenomenal performance in the show, but also like the Harrenhal set itself is in a different studio to the studio of the Red Keep."
"So I never really brushed shoulders with Gayle Rankin or Matt Smith this season, other than that moment when Daemon sees the vision of Aemond in Harrenal."
"I think — I think I briefly [met Gayle] at the read through."
"No comment."
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beesmygod · 8 months
What are some of your favorite pieces of art/ art that has made you think a lot?
this is such a cheesy cop-out answer, but there's a lot of things that im going to struggle remembering because of 1. how situational the experience was (as in, the context in which i experienced the piece) 2. how wide the word "art piece" is. 3. the great fortune to have been born to parents with strong artistic sensibilities and a love of travel/education. so these are like. really weird and specific but maybe thats the way it should be:
let's start with the most overly dramatic: st. paul's cathedral in london has guided tours where they take you into rooms and let you mill around before moving to the next one. my family took a trip overseas as a really, really big special vacation to celebrate my sister and i graduating from high school (we're not twins, we just combo'd it after she graduated) that i was too brain-broken and teenage to fully appreciate. its a beautiful cathedral but i was in my edgy internet atheist stage and refused to be impressed by it until i stood over a grate in the floor. through the grates you can see the crypt that you visit next. but standing over the grate, someone below started to sing something hymnal and very catholic. and i realized i was the only one who could hear it because of the crowd chatter. and it made me feel, in the moment, so special and so lonely in a way that i still think about, a lot. it was for me only. divine providence.
a date with adam to a place i had no idea existed but he had been to before: the bad art museum, which is split over like 3 different buildings in a bizarre way. we only went to the one where you have to buy a ticket to a movie as entry and it was some truly lovely bad art and made me sad how inaccessible it was but resolute about my love of the nuances of uncelebrated anti-art masterpieces. then we watched "assassination nation" and it was fucking terrible. great date.
reading the theory regarding the "venus of willendorf" being a self portrait as a 20-something year old and running into the bathroom to take my clothes off and look down at myself and having my mind blown. not just by how much i instantly understood it, but because of the tugging feeling on my heart when i feel that strand of history connecting women artists driven by that unknown compulsion to create for creations sake!
similarly, seeing artemisia gentileschi's work next to her fathers and realizing how much she outclassed him in every single way and feeling the tugging feeling again, but this time with a dark woe of realization of how history minimizes achievement and talent when it eases a narrative
reading jane erye's descriptions of herself and her approaches to her plights and for the first time feeling like someone had walked a path that i currently found myself lost on.
reading 1984 as a middle schooler and becoming so angry at the ending i threw the book across the room (something i had never done before and never did again in my life) and stormed out of my room to complain to my mom lol. IT REALLY UPSET ME!!!
reading les miserables for the first time and weeping piteously for days after the ending and having it impact my brain so hard it re-wired how i think about the concept of "legacy" and what it means to matter in the world and how love is nothing without the courage to stand up for it. and that mercy should, and will, always supersede unwavering justice (hard lesson to remember, maybe im due for a re-read)
sneaking into my parents room to read the books i wasnt supposed to yet as a really little kid lol. my mom used to get "dykes to watch out for" in a newsletter she was subscribed to! but i didnt read those bc they were dumb relationship comics for grown-ups. i wanted to read about opus the penguin and lee iacocca, as if i knew who that was. my mother's comic collection was the single most influential constant in my life. knowing that i was exposed to bill watterson's commentary about his own work via the big collections my mom owned probably explains a lot about what's wrong with me. but she also had a lot of berke breathed before he fully wussed out
the general experience of playing a video game that you arent supposed to/when you arent supposed to is probably one of the most freeing means of meaningless rebellion as a kid that everyone should experience. i used to be up playing pokemon past my bedtime under my covers with a huge heavy rubber flashlight i stole from the kitchen and had to replace every morning without getting caught once i was done with it. god, the days before backlit screens we had to get really fucking wild with it. in high school i would wake up at 5:00am, sneak into the computer room where the ps2 was and play an hour of FFX bc its the longest fucking non-persona game in the world, stop playing before my mom woke up at 6:00am and sneak back into bed. if i hit a part where i couldnt save i would just turn the screen off and come back to it tomorrow lol. secrets......
reading the "pictures for sad children" arc about paul, who is a ghost, finally losing it and going on a rant about how it has never mattered how thin a computer screen is. they were right and reading it helped me articulate and understand a growing feeling of restless frustration at the world around me that i felt singular and alone in. im glad that last i heard that artist is doing ok. i hope they recognize the incredible value in their work as imperfect as they perceived it to be. i do not think they would be happy to know that their old work was impactful, but i hope they realize that what people are able to tease out of their work is meaningful, at least to me it is. ill transcribe the comic rather than repost it i think: paul [while smashing electronics]: "have i told you about [bam] how nerds destroy the world take conspicuous consumption as a lifestyle choice and combine it with early hardware adoption and you have great swaths of gadgetry out of stock because they're incrementally better than the last model and there are landfills full of functioning electronics wasted time, resources, money, etc. the best part is that these things were never necessary it has never mattered how thing a computer is." [smash]
this is too long. i like art.
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spinningbuster98 · 1 month
Since yesterday we talked about my *favorite* story: I think what really confuses me about the NFCV fans who defend Hector's writing by praising his final action, letting Lenore go, as the rightful conclusion of his character arc... is that it only works if you completely memory hole S3.
Hector is introduced as someone who burned his own parents alive after a childhood of abuse, bitter enough to believe humanity needed to be culled. From this perspective, him learning to forgive Lenore, or at least granting her mercy and dignity, could be a good character development. But Hector through the show was not written to be bitter, vengeful and violent: that was Isaac.
Or alternatively, Hector's biggest flaw is that he needs to be loved, so much that his favorite spell is reanimating dead animals so that they could love him unconditionally. He forces those creatures to him. He keeps this behavior by clinging to Dracula, then Carmilla (he could have ran away, he chose to stay with her after Dracula's death), then Lenore (after Carmilla's death and Isaac making him live, Lenore became his only certainty in life). From this perspective, him not forcing Lenore to live an existence she didn't want to live, but accepting her decision, could be poignant. But Hector never actively sought anyone: he was swayed and lured in. Besides, his pets stopped being relevant after S2.
Hector's arc was one of passivity. You can't miss it: even Isaac points out that Hector lacked agency. Hector spent his entire arc being thrown around left and right, lied to, beaten, humiliated, dehumanized, and he simply... existed. He has no objective, he barely has any negative emotions. Hector in S3 was a blow up doll, and we audience were meant to laugh at his stupidity while jerking off over the submissive and breedable peggable guy being called "good boy". S4 pretends he grew, with his working behind the scenes to resurrect Dracula, but it's not enough, for all the reasons we know. That's why him letting Lenore go feels like the last spit in the face for him: not only Hector is the only character in the season who is left with a bittersweet ending at best, but... he didn't do anything to affirm himself. He didn't choose to leave Lenore: Lenore chose to leave him, and he simply nodded to that. He didn't talk to her about their problematic relationship, now that nothing was between them. He didn't take the chance to recognize his own self-worth in the same way Isaac did. We don't know what he plans to do with Isaac, we don't know if he plans to leave the castle at some point. The pattern of him going "sure why not" at everything thrown at him was not shaken.
(I don't need to tell you that as someone who loves the original Hector's story precisely for the way he seizes agency for himself, this pisses me off something fierce. More idealistic? Maybe, but also encouraging.)
I'll be honest: Hector as a character is so empty that I feel his fans simply project themselves into him, especially victims of abuse who see the way he crawled back to Lenore and think that it was an intentionally nuanced representation of the way abuse twists your mind and priorities. And if his story resonates with you, I can't take it away from you, but I can assure you that the guy who spent a whole episode writing his puppy fetish for no reason other than fanservice does not give a single shit about the realism of abuse, let alone the things he was accused of.
And I wonder if the same can be applied to other aspects of the show, like Trephacard's friendship that straight up doesn't exist on screen, or Isaac's "development" which might resonate with people similar to him. Just a lot of projecting and filling in the holes, of which the show has plenty because it would rather waste its time with pointless filibustering and people being mean and crass to each other or piss jokes.
This is gonna sound very cynical but the main reason for the show's success is, essentially, that it's superficially deep and insightful.
Superficial presentation can go a very, very long way in hiding very egregious writing flaws, stuff like great fight scenes, emotional music and dialogues that sounds very cool, philosophical and deep can easily convince people that what they're watching is far more than it really is. These are cases where, if you don't pay attention to the finer details, you would really be led to believe that it's exactly what the show is presenting itself as
As another example: Sonic fans, even after all of these years, still like to parade Mephiles around as the best written villain in the series, even though his plan makes less than zero sense. This is because he looks cool (?), has cool powers, has a cool voice and the game consistently presents him as a mastermind...so folks fall for it, it's all about the vibes and how they emotionally impact the viewers, who in turn don't tackle the material with actual critical thought. Some seem to do so, given the plethora of in-depth analysis of characters like Isaac, but, and I know this is really offensive of me to say, I think they are still being influenced by the emotional impact of the way the story likes to present itself, preventing them from truly being 100% objective
People see Hector's pseudo philosophical speech to Lenore, they see her killing herself with the beautiful cinematography and music, and they mistake it for actual art, because it makes them forget or reinterpret the likes of S3. The reason why so many undermine or even justify Lenore's treatment of Hector in S3 is not, I believe, out of genuine rape apologism, but rather becaus people have a subconscious need to have everything neatly fit into their view of events
The ending of S4 looks so beautiful and deep and meaningful, but their relationship in S3 is in direct contradiction of that, so instead of recognizing that they twist the facts in their own head in order for all of it to make sense, because if you admit the existence of S3 as it truly was to yourself, then S4 and it's "beautiful" emotional impact falls apart like a ton of bricks
This is sounding very arrogant if not downright misanthropic I know, as I'm essentially saying that people don't know how to consume the media they like and that they don't even truly know what it is that they like. I feel a bit ashamed in saying this because it's the type of reasoning that would anger me usually, especially if directed at me, so in a way I guess I'm being hypocritical...but I truly don't see any other way to explain this phenomenon
Isaac is, of course, another good example: it's "easy" for most people to forget his hypocrisy because the show puts such a laser focus on his "development" and emotions and philosophy etc. It's like dangling keys in front of a toddler in order to distract them from some other thing
Something like Other M could have had the same effect, but the difference I feel is that Other M is far more egregious in its superficial dialogue: Samus sounds boring and stupid even at a surface level, she can't fool the audience, and Adam's character doesn't feature nowhere close as many "distractions" from his shitty behavior, especially since the authorization mechanic is pervasive throughout the whole game, so people immediately see what a douchebag he is and how self contradicting the story is about him.
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charlenasaxen · 1 month
The Grandest Game Favorite Quotes
“There was a price to be paid for power, always. The only question was how steep that price was”
Rohan opted for a different tactic. “We both know I’m a magnificent bastard.”
There it was: the game, the stakes, the threat.
“Go,” the Proprietor said, blocking the way back to Rohan’s rooms. “Now.”
“Look for an opening. Look for a loophole. Look for a weakness. His mind churning, Rohan looked for a pint.”
“Fortunately, Avery Grambs had never been a member of the Devil’s Mercy.
Hello, loophole.”
“Rohan’s lips curved, more on one side than the other”
“Were two of them opposites? Did one of those opposites vary from the remaining choices only by nuance?”
“I’m not in this class,” Lyra repeated. “I fell asleep in the prior lecture.”
“trick questions backfires if the person taking the test knows how to look for tricks.”
“For the past three years, Lyra had done everything she could to seem normal, to be normal”
“the woods and the creek and generations of Kanes carving their names into the same tree”
“Lyra had grown up at Mile’s End. She’d carved her name into that tree”
“She was just treading water.
But that was better than drowning.”
“But sometimes, all you could do was push.”
“No, Lyra thought, picking up the ball. A circus. The circus of assholes probably wasn’t expecting her to punt the ball over their heads.”
Ricocheted off, and smacked the jerk who’d catcalled her in the back of his head.
“No,” Lyra called out. “I didn’t.”
“a message scrawled across it in dark-blue ink. YOU DESERVE THIS.”
“The words engraved above the code were instantly recognizable.
The Grandest Game.”
“A steady hand caught her elbow. A suit-clad arm encircled her waist.”
“He made things happen in an instant. Grayson Hawthorne bled power.”
“He won arguments with a single arch of his sharply angled blond brows!”
“Grayson, however, was impossible to take off guard”
“A group effort between the Hawthorne brothers and the Hawthorne heiress”
“Avery and Jamie requested I be boots on the ground. I’ll be running things.”
“Gigi had gathered—through her powers of inference and also snooping”
“Grayson was the grandson that billionaire Tobias Hawthorne had molded from childhood to be the perfect heir: formidable, commanding”
“Am I to take it that your mahogany bedframe is now residing in someone else’s home?”
“Anticipating—correctly—that he was about to have a very large cat placed on his head”
Grayson did not vamoose. “I have something for you.” He reached inside the jacket of his Armani suit.
“It’s yours if you want it.” Grayson’s voice was softer now. He wasn’t a soft person.
“If I had a tenner, Rohan thought, for every time someone pointed a gun at the back of my head…”
“Sitting on the edge of a bed that was not his, wearing nothing but a lush Turkish cotton robe, Rohan twirled a knife slowly”
“He lost the robe but kept the knife”
“A bishop, a rook, a knight, two pawns, and a queen.”
“if any of them had the versatility of the queen”
“A Hawthorne did this.
And then, a riddle: What begins a bet? Not that.”
“You’re late,” he called.
“If by late, you mean early.”
Lyra froze. She knew that voice.
Grayson Hawthorne.
“I assume, Jamie, that you’re aware that you’re being watched.”
“his gaze going back to Lyra’s, his lips slowly curving into that smile”
“Jameson flew the helicopter, which surprised Lyra less than the fact that Grayson deigned to ride in back”
“a sharp jawline, and he wore an expensive fleece sports vest over a collared shirt”
“worse things in the world than being handed a strategic advantage, right off the bat”
“rich, dark blue woven through with shades of green just as deep”
“He had the kind of face that looked like it had been carved from ice or stone—sharp angles, hard jaw, lips full”
“Grayson Hawthorne looked, in Lyra’s opinion, exactly like he sounded, like weaponized perfection”
“Or would you prefer I rephrase the question: On whom am I about to hang up?”
“Lyra’s heart rate ticked up. Forget Grayson. Forget the Hawthornes. They’d been children.”
“Jameson looked from Grayson to Lyra and smiled”
“Lyra’s eyes flew open. Grayson Hawthorne stared back at her.”
The two of them were standing far too close.
“You are aware that there is a cliff here?”
“Lyra looked down at his hand on her arm, and he dropped it”
“if you intend to make your recklessness my problem, you should expect that problem to be solved.”
She hadn’t even heard him move.
Lyra swallowed. “You’re in my way.”
“There was something gallant about the motion, a match for the finely tailored black suit”
“A recovering physicist?”
“The entire ocean-side wall of the house looked to be made of glass”
“She’d won her ticket, one of only four wild cards in the world”
“Gigi hadn’t spent that much time with her half brother’s half brothers”
“This was a competition. Gigi scuffed the chalk off with the heel of her hand.”
“They were talking about a girl, and, from what I gather, she’s dead.”
“She slid her arm under the chain, looping it over her shoulder, and began to climb.”
“Oh, he liked her. Rohan had a certain appreciation for being put in his place.”
“She let go with one hand and lifted the chain off her shoulder and up over the top of the flagpole”
“Your knee, Savannah.” Grayson Hawthorne bore a striking resemblance to his half sister.
“there is some chance he’s carrying a grudge about that whole business with the ribs.”
Ran a little experiment. “But that would require turning all of my attentions to Lyra Kane.”
“when her entire body was on fire? Then she climbed, exploring the cliffs and the rocky shore below.”
“More pages.
She bolted from one tree to the next.”
“She watched as her biological father’s name—all of his names, variations on a theme—burned to ash”
“so pale a blond it looked almost silver”
“The last thing Lyra noticed was the girl’s eyes. Grayson Hawthorne’s eyes.”
“But cruel? Avery Grambs and the Hawthornes four? I think not.”
“Ignore him,” Savannah advised. “It’s good for the soul.”
“And just like that. The gloves come off.”
“A delicate gold chain held a stone the exact deep blue-green as the ocean”
“I’m talking drawer in the morgue, I’ve been refrigerated, and steps have been taken to prevent me from resurrecting myself.”
“she hadn’t said anything to suggest that it was a particularly nefarious death”
“I take back my appreciation of your eyebrows.”
“Tick-tock, little girl.”
“Sunset’s coming, and you’re on the wrong side of the island. I run a five-minute mile. I’m betting you don’t.”
He sighed. “If this is about your brother’s ribs…”
“But Nash Hawthorne wasn’t looking for another little brother”
“Congratulations, by the way,” he called after Nash. “On the babies.”
“Crossing the threshold into an enormous foyer, she saw a white spiral staircase”
“It had been built into the cliff”
“marked by a card on which a name had been written in extravagant calligraphy”
“Conceited vest, darkened soul. Lyra had to hand it to Gigi: That was descriptive.”
“bodice was a dark navy blue, almost black, like the ocean at midnight”
“She lifted the gown off the bed, revealing a mask, delicate and jeweled, underneath”
“Surely those were rhinestones. Surely those weren’t diamonds, arranged in elaborate, hypnotic swirls.”
“inch by inch, to a brilliant blue that gave way to a light, frothy one”
“but not this. She hadn’t expected it to feel like this. Like magic.”
“Lyra stared at herself, and then the words on the mirror changed. GAME ON.
She put on the mask.”
“A library. Lyra took three steps forward—and spun.”
“stained glass that, in daylight, would have cast colored light across the gleaming wood”
“the skirt full and covered in breathtaking stitching in a shade of silver like moonlight on water”
“black gold? If so, some artisan had cajoled it into delicate, interlocking tendrils”
“Not a player. “You’re Avery Grambs.” The Hawthorne heiress.
“The one at the center of this game. The billionaire. The philanthropist. The Avery Kylie Grambs.”
“When she’d gathered herself, when she glanced back—
The Hawthorne heiress was gone.”
“Avery Grambs was nowhere in sight. It was like the heiress had disappeared into thin air.”
“Towering chocolate and white chocolate fountains sat opposite Greek columns. Each column boasted a platter piled high with meat or fruits.”
“Soaring ceilings boasted an elaborate crystal chandelier”
“an unvarnished panorama of the Pacific Ocean at twilight. Thousands of fairy lights dotted the rocky shore.”
“based on the number of tuxedo-clad masked men present, at least some of the Hawthorne brothers had to be there”
“Not Grayson. Lyra couldn’t shake the feeling that she would have recognized him instantly, no matter the mask he wore.”
“how striking the other girl looked draped in ice-blue silk”
“they walked in a slow, seductive circle around each other. The dance looked like it had been lifted from another era, watching the two of them circle each other, Lyra found it hard to breathe.”
“The stork flies at half past ten,” he said dramatically. “The hummingbird eats a cookie. My dog is named Tiramisu.”
Grayson had displaced him. “May I cut in?”
“She’d known that she would recognize him, no matter the mask. His was black. No adornments. Just… black.”
“They were circling each other now, their hands barely touching. Lyra had never felt so aware of every inch of skin.”
“The music changed, and with it, the dance. Grayson effortlessly took Lyra’s hand.”
“A Hawthorne did this. Lyra steeled herself against the feel of Grayson’s hand on her back, the interweaving of their fingers.”
“he would have—the way Avery Grambs apparently had for the Grandest Game”
“Grayson Hawthorne could damn well move mountains with a flick of his wrist”
“she would have cut him down, but he was Grayson Hawthorne”
“Except,” Grayson said, the oddest undercurrent in his tone, “for me to stay out of your way.”
“That’s the only thing I could ever want from you, Hawthorne boy.”
“Focus on them. Not him. Never him.”
“the remaining Hawthorne brothers took up position around Jameson and Avery”
“think of the five of them as anything other than a unit against the world”
“The masks you’re wearing tonight,” Jameson said, “are yours to keep.”
“The people in this room with you tonight are the only ones who will ever know what it was like to play.”
“From now through the ends of your lives, that’s something you’ll share.”
“Growing up,” Jameson said, looking at each of his brothers in turn, “it was something of a rite of passage in Hawthorne House to receive a pin.”
“Win or lose, you’re all a part of something now.”
Avery smiled. “You are not alone.”
“Every story has its beginning, Knox.” Avery’s voice took on an almost musical lilt.
“Until then…” Avery held out an arm out for Jameson, who took it. “Follow us.”
She realized that she’d just stepped from rocks to sand. Black sand.
“Shoes off,” Jameson called out. Clearly, he was enjoying this.
“like she was some kind of demented Olympic discus thrower. Knox had cursed her out and gone after the bag”
“Through the bathroom wall, she heard someone in the next room turn on the shower.”
“Instead, she looked to the floor, where Brady’s tuxedo was strewn”
“Odette hurled the glass box to the ground. It shattered, shards raining down into the crevices.”
“Neither the gown nor the chain seemed to slow her down. They should have.”
“I am not in the habit of wanting things. I set goals. I achieve them.”
“Grayson Hawthorne stepped into the room unaccompanied”
“suddenly unmistakable now: a heart, a diamond, a club.
Three symbols. Three teams.”
“There are three teams,” Avery reiterated, her voice coming from all around them. “And eight players.”
“Search that tuxedo, Mr. Hawthorne. I wager you’ll find one of these.”
“Ten feet away from Lyra, Grayson executed an efficient search of his tuxedo”
“In the end, to win it all, one must best a Hawthorne.”
“for that dance and the way she could still feel his hand on her back—Grayson Hawthorne owed her”
“face the last person on the planet she wanted to be locked in a room with”
“Grayson stared back at Lyra, his pupils expanding, inky black”
“It hardly seems I have a choice,” he said. “I value my life, and you appear to have a temper.” Muscles shifted over his granite jaw, like he’d entertained the idea of smiling.
“Locked in. With Grayson Hawthorne.”
Grayson walked to stand directly behind her and translated: “And so it begins.”
“but there was an intensity to him that could not be ignored”
“covered in the remains of the hourglass. Shards.
A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling.”
“Ask me how often I won my grandfather’s games,” Grayson suggested silkily
“Lyra reached for the poetry magnets. Grayson did the same. Her fingers brushed the back of his hand.”
Grayson’s gaze settled on hers. He arched a brow. “Are we going to have a problem here, Lyra?”
“Rest assured, Lyra.” Grayson’s voice was low and smooth
“Tuxedo Abs, because hey, the man was built”
“on the three obvious desk drawers and the hidden one on this side, which I’m sure you’ve both already noticed, right?”
“And speaking of, am I the only one who’s noticed that chair is made of swords?”
Gigi could see the effort it took Knox not to look down.
“She knew what it was like to be a part of that kind of we.
And then, suddenly, not to be.”
“The eighth player is your brother.”
“Half brother.”
“Do you intend to keep that appendage?”
Savannah caught his wrist.
“I assume that you are also attached to your appendages.”
“A beam of light and a concave mirror.”
“Grayson flicked a button open on his tuxedo jacket with one hand”
“I could do that. Lyra looked up to see a single strand of blond hair fall into that stone-carved face of his.”
Certain words cropped up again and again.
“Power, crown, adage.”
“It took Lyra a moment, but she got there. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
“Grayson Hawthorne had the kind of presence that extended well past his body”
“Or do we have to earn that information, your highness?”
“I’m feeling magnanimous.” Grayson’s lips twitched.
“That same damn strand of blond hair fell into Grayson’s face a second time. He brushed it back.”
“Grayson ran his hands over the granite, left to right, then down, his movements automatic”
“aware on some level that she’d adopted Grayson’s exact pattern of movement”
“The number of scars my brothers have obtained directly after uttering the statement I can handle a little glass means you will have to forgive my skepticism.”
“Suddenly, Grayson’s fingers were right next to hers. True to his vow, he didn’t allow their hands to so much as brush.”
“It sank inch by inch, crystals vibrating with the movement, clinking”
extended her gesture to encompass Lyra. “You’re going to have to lift her up.”
“She knew already how Grayson’s touch could linger”
“Remember an interview she’d seen, years earlier. Grayson Hawthorne and Avery Grambs. That kiss.”
“there is again an adage and a crystal chandelier.”
“And there is, again,” Odette added, “a girl.”
“Grayson’s touch was gentle, but it wasn’t light”
“His fingers wrapped around the front of her body, spanning her hipbones”
Lyra ripped the bandage off and beat him to counting. “Three.”
Grayson lifted her up and over his head.
“Grayson’s hand moved upward to her back, which arched in response”
“Grayson slid the other one down, gripping her thigh through the gown”
“It shouldn’t have felt like a pas de deux. Swan Lake. She shouldn’t have felt Grayson Hawthorne’s touch like an invitation, a beckoning.”
“Not on him. The gown, his hand, my thigh—”
“beneath her, Grayson began to rotate. Slowly. Delicately.”
“Crystal after crystal after crystal.
Lyra breathed, and she felt him with every damn breath.”
“The next thing she knew, both of Grayson’s hands were on her thighs”
“Got it.” The words came out guttural.
“Grayson caught her around the waist an instant before she would have landed”
“Just like that, his touch was gone”
“a honey-whiskey whisper that sounded raw, even to her own ears”
“I need a moment.” The muscles across Grayson’s shoulder blades pulled visibly.
“What are you doing?” Grayson’s moment must have ended—either that, or he could multitask.
“The Grandest Game is a real family affair this year, isn’t it?”
“Gigi could feel another nepotism rant coming”
“Gigi fell. Knox caught her. His rehabilitation had officially begun.”
“every visible muscle tensed beneath his apparently thin dress shirt”
“I triple-majored in undergraduate. My brain likes A Lot.”
Gigi smiled—and not slightly.
“glorious though she might be, is an asset—a queen, perhaps, but a game piece nonetheless.”
“He’d spoken those words from the floor. Lyra’s eyes flew open. Grayson was kneeling.”
“Being wrong,” Grayson said.
“You have to practice being wrong?”
Grayson kept right on. “And some of us live with each and every mistake we make carved into us, into hollow places we don’t know how to fill.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “About the nature of this puzzle.”
“Grayson’s voice was edged, each word precise and as sharp as the tip of a knife”
“An anagram.” Grayson was suddenly right there beside her.
“The intensity radiating off Grayson’s body came out in his tone. Lyra matched that intensity.”
“the same word at the same time, his voice low and clear, hers husky, their tones blending together”
“so intense that Lyra could feel it, like a fire burning inside her, like a hollow place suddenly filled”
“A sword. The hilt was simple but beautifully made, gold at the ends.”
“Another second passed, and he turned and gestured—gallantly, of course”
“No.” Lyra gave the sword a test swing. “After you.”
Knox looked away, his body wound tight. “And constellations.”
Brady went very, very still.
“what it might be like to touch Brady’s stomach the way he was touching hers”
“saw the answers, all three of them, all at once”
He could hardly blame her for doing the same. “Then by all means, love, go around me.”
The staircase turned, and Grayson’s voice cut through the darkness. “Take my hand.”
“she could tell he’d turned to face her, and somehow, her body’s sense for his was so strong that she knew exactly where his hand was in the darkness”
“Why would an eighteen-year-old with a multi-million-dollar trust fund need to win the Grandest Game?”
“Do I seem as though I consider myself playful?” Grayson replied
“Something she couldn’t quite grasp.
Something forever just out of reach.”
“the cruel beauty of a moment, gone too fast and burned into skin”
“everything makes perfect sense. If an answer fails to reveal the trick.”
“Grayson took the sword. Something about the lines of his body and the way he stood.”
His silvery-gray eyes coming to rest on hers. “I’m rather starting to like them.”
“like it had killed his puppy or given him a wedgie or both”
Whatever advantage Brady’s size gave him, it wouldn’t last.
“Push the button, Gigi.”
“Everything okay?” A voice—Avery’s—sounded
“pretty sure that Avery wasn’t the one snorting”
“Brady, if I win the Grandest Game, I swear I’ll make sure your mom is taken care of.”
“Eventually, I started eating dinner at his house, too. Every night.”
“My mama’s a good cook.”
“Terrified,” Rohan replied. “You have yourself a wager.”
“Grayson Hawthorne’s body was never far from hers”
“She saw that one, stubbornly imperfect bit of his pale blond hair fall carelessly into his eyes. Again.”
“He crossed the chamber in two long strides and slid under Odette’s other arm”
“I also do not need living crutches, and yet, here the two of you are.”
“Has any good ever come of telling a Hawthorne they were wrong?” Odette retorted. She shrugged off Grayson’s arm.
“her chocolate chip pancakes with cream cheese icing and rainbow sprinkles”
“She jabbed the Pointy Finger of Accusation”
“And maybe the players and the game makers aren’t the only ones on Hawthorne Island.”
“he deeply suspected the only way he’d be able to get that chain off Savannah Grayson was by invitation”
“She lunged for the rotary phone, and Rohan remembered her promise”
“He locked an arm around her body, and she bit him, hard enough that he felt it”
As calmly as if they didn’t have each other in painful holds. “Black and white.”
Some whispers were weapons. “One that caters to the very powerful.”
“I can only hope that you appreciate the truly undervalued art of yodeling.”
“Always.” Savannah strode past him into the unknown.
“The man’s was sizzling, as she plucked the martini from his hand and downed it. He leaned forward and brought his lips within inches of hers.
The danger of touch…”
“She’s four years old. Today. Today is her birthday.
Another bang.”
“Lyra.” A voice washed over her, familiar in all the right and wrong ways.
skin against her skin, warmth
“You will come back to me, or I will make you come back to me.”
The real world came into focus, starting with Grayson Hawthorne.
“the lines of his face, sharp cheekbones, stone-cut jaw”
“so warm and steady and gentle and solid and there”
“Grayson’s thumb lightly stroked her cheek”
“What are you doing?” Grayson said, his voice softer than it had any right to be
He adopted what he probably thought was a very pleasant tone. “Why would you want to stay bugged?”
“A something-to-behold, earth-shattering, hope-you-don’t-ever-want-to-breathe-again kind of smile”
nearly so quiet. “Being human. You should try it.”
“that the laws of physics and man did not apply to you”
“Lyra pushed down the urge to follow him. She didn’t need to be close to Grayson.”
“Grayson moved like a shadow, silent and swift”
“In other words,” Lyra said, her voice dry, “yes, you can read Greek.”
Grayson held out a hand. “May I?”
“Fair assessment.” His Majesty seemed to consider that high praise.
“allowing herself to take in the lines of his body”
Grayson said in that same quiet, steady voice, “I once ended up locked in a cello case for six hours.”
Grayson bent to block out the rest of the world from her view. “Give me your eyes, sweetheart.”
“A kitten?” she managed.
“A calico, I believe.”
“the kind of voice that reverberated down her spine”
“Lyra wasn’t even aware that she’d reached for Grayson, but suddenly, her fingers were clamped down on his arm”
“Grayson leaned his head toward hers, until their foreheads brushed”
She reached over to pat Knox’s shoulder. “I call that nickname progress.”
“like she’d slowly started turning into a moose, which was actually a pretty common response”
His throat tensing against the words, “is Calla Thorp. Orion is her father.”
“Knox was set on playing the Grandest Game, and he wanted a partner. I guess some part of me wanted us back, so…”
“And knowing that, Knox sold me out to Orion Thorp for a ride.”
“all Gigi could think was that Knox had never denied that Orion Thorp was still his sponsor”
“The detailing work was exquisite. Tiny pearls lined the bottom and accented each knife-sharp point of the crown.”
“The largest of the crowns, it looked like something out of a dark fairy tale, the metal carved in a way that called to mind antlers and thorns.”
He moved his game piece next to Savannah’s. “Your turn, Savvy. My dice or yours?”
“Grayson pulled back from her, just enough to turn his head”
“Grayson cocked his head slightly to one side, a tiger sizing up his prey”
“Tell, Mr. Hawthorne.” Odette stared Grayson down. “Have I told a single lie?”
Grayson’s gaze flicked toward Lyra. “No.”
“Never trust a sentence with three ifs,” Grayson told Lyra. “Particularly when spoken by a lawyer.”
“The last thing. Lyra wondered just how much time Odette had left.”
“Grayson ordered. He was obviously trying to protect her, to spare her.”
“Grayson’s pale eyes locked on hers with an odd kind of recognition”
“who’d met gazes across a crowded room only to realize they’d met before.
Like they were the same.”
“It has taken me a lifetime,” Grayson said softly, “to learn how to be weak.”
“Look away from his eyes, Lyra told herself desperately. Look away from him.”
“all she could think about was the poem she’d destroyed, the one he’d pieced back together”
“she did her best to not think about Grayson Hawthorne and mistakes—about weakness and running and living”
“Lyra watched that kiss with Grayson Hawthorne beside her, unable to keep herself from thinking about the kind of mistakes that were worth making”
peeled the long, velvet gloves off her hands. “And also: This one is one of mine.”
“The man I married never made my father a star,” she said, an odd glint in her eyes. “I was another story.”
“Dollhouse was an understatement. Gigi took it all in. The entire spread was eight feet long.”
“In between, the streets were lined with shops—some Victorian, some medieval”
“If you can get them to spit you out, it’s pretty much just a massage.”
“When she grasped the tiny scepter between her forefinger and her thumb and tried to pull, she was met with resistance.
The head of the scepter was a dragon.”
“Tiny, plastic books spilled out onto the dollhouse floor.
Scrawled onto each of them, there was a number.”
“After all,” she continued, her eyes like knives, “society is kindest to women who do what they should.”
“where the game makers’ command center was and what they had been doing to pass the time”
“three objects: a silver hairbrush, a pearl-handled knife, and a glass rose”
“Not poker.” Avery Grambs was the one who replied. “Truth or Dare.”
“The two of you are most welcome to try and risk not getting your hint. Bonne chance.”
“making it clear that he and Avery knew exactly what was at stake”
“Compared to the Proprietorship of the Devil’s Mercy, what was one little game of Truth or Dare?”
“Truth.” She reached for the pile of white and gold cards.
“the past had clawed its way to the surface of his mind twice, and that was two times too many”
“That’s the most vivid part of the memory. I’m in the water. I can’t swim. I can’t see anything. And it’s not the first time.”
“I can come up with another dare.”
“I want,” Savannah said, “to win.”
“Rohan.” The way she said his name was like a knife slid between ribs.
“Rohan took the knife in his hand and wondered if she was punishing herself for feeling—or him for making her feel”
Savannah stood, towering over the strands of her hair that littered the floor. “Your turn.”
“And now what he likes or wants or expects no longer matters.”
“You want an explanation, Rohan? Try this one: Money isn’t the only thing you get if you win the Grandest Game.”
“That was the truth of Rohan’s life. The Mercy was his, and he was the Mercy. Without it, he was just a five-year-old boy drowning in dark water.”
“It was all connected. Why she was here. That anger. Her father. What else does the winner of the Grandest Game receive, besides money?”
It shattered into pieces.
“There you are, Savvy,” Rohan murmured. I see you.”
“He tried to destroy me.” Odette smiled that eagle-on-a-hunt, grandma-baking-cookies smile. “It didn’t take.”
“And both of them had connections to Tobias Hawthorne, to that List of his.”
“It makes one wonder, doesn’t it, what else they arranged just so?”
“Jameson Hawthorne’s wicked smile, back on the helipad. Right after his brother heard my voice for the first time.”
“Minutes and hours had lost all meaning. It felt like they had been locked in for days, but soon enough, one way or another, this night would end.”
“Lyra would never have to speak to or look at Grayson Hawthorne again”
Grayson angled his lips downward, toward her ear.
His voice was just barely audible—and only to her.
“pushing down the incredible urge to look at him”
“What drawers?”
Like magic, a section of thick, velvety fabric fell away from the wall.
“The metal bore only one word.
“Gigi took one of them from him, her fingers brushing his outstretched palm”
“We’re in the library.” Her eyes widened. “Books and books. Little ones, big ones.”
“And so it went, book after book. The moment they decoded the last one.”
“A stained-glass panel on the ceiling swung down like a trapdoor, creating an opening overhead.
And down fell a rope.”
“I don’t get to make you feel like that? Like what, precisely, love?”
“Careful, Rohan. He could still feel the moment the knife had cut.”
“There were pieces made of marble and glass, crystal and wood; boards that folded and boards that were bejeweled; simple sets and works of art”
“Beneath, there was writing: USE ME.
Rohan lifted the board, sending the pieces scattering.”
“Veritas.” Rohan said it out loud. There was a beep.
“This moment in time, was coming to an end. Soon the two of them would no longer be a team.”
She was a player, too. “I believe it’s time,” Rohan said, locking his eyes on to hers, “that you and I struck a deal.”
“How long did they have until the first haze of soft morning light would appear?”
“Memory was a physical thing. Back arching. His fingers, my thighs.”
Grayson said behind her. “Every time you move, you dance.”
“I do not.” Arguing with him was the easiest thing in the world.
Grayson’s voice was deeper now. “You never stopped dancing.”
“with Grayson Hawthorne saying things like that?”
“Yes, well, doubt has never been my strong suit.” Grayson’s gaze cheated toward Lyra’s.
“keenly aware of the way she moved and the way he watched her”
“A person could have written a book about all the ways that Grayson Hawthorne could almost-but-not-quite smile”
“Grayson actually smiled then, and Lyra wished that he hadn’t. She really, really wished that he hadn’t.”
“Unable to keep her eyes from going to Grayson’s hands.
His fingers were long and dexterous. The skin of his hands was smooth, the muscles leading to his wrists defined.”
“She thought at first, just from his tone, that Grayson had seen something”
Looking up at her like he might never look away. “And last year, when I told you to stop calling—I didn’t mean it.”
Knox said, putting on the sunglasses.
“The rhinestones really bring out your eyes,” Brady deadpanned.
“That sucked the oxygen out of the room. Brady didn’t so much as check Knox’s reaction, but Gigi did. Wounded eyebrows.”
“She’s not missing. She didn’t meet with foul play. And I know that, because the night before Calla left, she came to me to say good-bye.”
“Knox pulled his collar roughly down, baring the skin at the base of his neck—and a white, puckered, triangular scar”
“An alliance where the end goal is betrayal.”
“He could see Savannah from every side. Angles. Curves. Power.”
“shining, silver thread. SURRENDER.”
“Half brother.” And there it was.
“I’m…” She almost said fine, but that word felt loaded now.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Hey, uh, about the "retcons" in Overwatch's story, do you know which ones are genuine retcons and which ones are additional lore added into the story?
That's a good question, because I've been in this fandom for 6 years and I've seen a lot of people call things retcons that were really just lore reveals that went against fanon. Like for example, when Moira was introduced to the game, a lot of people were saying that it retconned Mercy being the creator of Reaper, when that's not true--a lot of people headcanoned the idea of "Mercy created Reaper" into fanon because Reaper had an elimination line for Mercy that said, "Don't forget, this is all your fault" but it was also never clear if that was an elimination line he had for Overwatch members in general, or if that was referring to something else, or if it was just a taunt. In any case, there simply weren't enough details on Reaper's condition before for Moira's addition to the cast and her corresponding lore of giving Reaper his abilities to call Moira's entry into the lore a retcon. (Also it's just fucking dumb to saddle literally every medical science thing Overwatch was up to onto Mercy I mean come on, people.)
Reaper having a family? Also definitely not a retcon, we see him stalking what is presumably his son and his family in the Christmas "Reflections" comic way back in 2016--and his family is mentioned again in Ana's "Bastet" short story.
Is the Cassidy Name change a retcon? I mean there had been hints at Cassidy using pseudonyms before in certain voice lines and also in the "Joel Morricone"/"My name's not Joel" bit with Sombra. But anyway I think the meta factor of not wanting to associate a fan favorite character with a predatory Blizzard employee is justifiable enough to just... hand wave the name change. I mean they still have the old name on his "Trainhopper" comic so I guess the Pseudonym lore bit is just there so they don't need to worry about changing it back in older media---but also that just shows that Blizz is lazy as hell because if I can edit and replace over a 1000 mentions of Cassidy's old name in my 300k+ word main fic continuity, I'm pretty sure they can edit a 10 page comic.
I feel like they've also always been a bit iffy on the whole status of God AI's, particularly Anubis. Like the lore says "Anubis and other god programs were quarantined in Egypt" but we never hear anything about any other God AI and it's Anubis that kicked off the omnic crisis, apparently, But I'll have to read the Sojourn novel to be clear.
For me the most egregious and clear retcon is the changes they made to Widow in what is clearly a hamfisted attempt to give her more 'agency.' In the previous lore, as we see in Ana's comic "Legacy," Overwatch thought Amélie Lacroix was either kidnapped again or dead following the death of Gérard LaCroix. She disappeared off the face of the earth (presumably doing super secret assassinations for Talon) and basically didn't appear again until she put Ana's eye out. In Widowmaker's new bio, which came out with Overwatch 2, they say that the police were pursuing Amélie as a suspect in Gérard's death and Amélie willingly went to Talon because she had nowhere else to go and quote, "Killing Gérard made her feel alive." Like, when you're being pursued by the cops, and you've literally already been brainwashed to kill your husband, I don't think there's actual agency there.
For me the old Widow backstory was a lot better because it made her scarier and more nuanced as a character, it made the stakes feel higher in the universe, and it doesn't make the timeline confusing with what Moira was up to at the time. And also Widowmaker taking out Ana's eye is vital to Ana's character because Amélie is part of the body of Overwatch's failures. All of Ana's thoughts leading up to the point where Widowmaker takes her eye out indicate how Talon has been in Overwatch's blind spot, both figuratively and literally. So all around it's just kind of a dumb choice that turned a genuinely eerie character who partially represents the failures and vulnerabilities of Overwatch into a boring generic Femme Fatale.
But yeah anyway I would say, compare the new Overwatch 2 bios to the old comics and kind of make your own judgments from there.
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fkevin073 · 2 years
damn idk what everyone in the comments on ao3 is on, BECAUSE OMGGG JACE IS NOW MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN IKYLAO! pardon the pun, but what a prince of a guy! sensible, compassionate, and honorable (i hope there isn’t a surprised twist that will make me eat my words and look like a clown lol)
like he is seriously the only one using braincells, and duh he wants aemond to kill daemon for him, for one vermax is a baby compared to caraxes. him not wanting to fight daemon isn’t cowardly it’s just sensible! what is he supposed to do? go on a suicide mission to kill daemon, and leave his siblings in daemon or the green’s mercy????
even aemond who is supposed to hate him, admires him and sees his point. they’re in a war the micro issues of relationships, endgames is naturally gonna be secondary to the greater issues at hand. my favorite thing about this fic is the nuance of the character dynamics, cause most often in fics it’s like romantic love trumps all despite everything. but here romantic love exists, but so does familial love, and the duties you and loves have to the realm and others. and it’s clear that even if aemond and alysanne love each other, they can’t just forsake everything because of that.
i know it’s not in line with escapist angle of fanfic, but it makes your characters more realistic because they behave like actual human beings. most people are multifaceted and they understand that love doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and that romantic love and platonic aren’t mutually exclusive.
and people calling alysanne selfish, like huh???? she is literally trying to be everything for everyone??? is she were selfish she would’ve parked herself right on aemond’s dick steered him and vhagar to essos and never looked back! and i think they’re forgetting that aemond’s family killed her mother! and she saw her die in the most excruciating way possible, and that she died indirectly because of her. obviously she is going to feel tremendous guilt over that and that she will in her grief try to make up for what her siblings lost. because in her mind she caused that loss.
i’m so sorry that you’re receiving so many criticisms and negative comments on the direction of the story. i just want you to know that i understand your vision and i appreciate you so much.
i hope you’ll follow your own vision for the story and don’t let others influence it. but most of all i hope writing IKYLAO gives you happiness and fulfillment. thank always for sharing! (SORRY FOR THE LONG AF MESSAGE)
((actually most most of all, i hope for a happy ending for jace. idc what happens to anyone, i just want jace to be happy, healthy and flourishing at the end. between this and your jacegon fic i am now 100% a jace stan. pls don’t hurt my bby:())
AHH omg this is so amazing of you to take the time to write this comment! it really means the world. but yeah, Jace's decision to ask Aemond to kill Daemon is definitely controversial, and with reason! I mean it's that balance between being brave and cowardly. Jace isn't an idiot - he knows his family needs him, and he's been tasked with the Song of Ice and Fire. He's trying to keep the realm together as much as possible.
Jace is kind of Robb when he refused to fight Jaime following Whispering Wood - he's smart enough to know when he'd lose a battle, and he knows he'd lose against Daemon. Aemond is the only dragon rider with a CHANCE. and he gives Aemond a pretty fair deal, from my point of view. Besides it'll benefit the Greens greatly if Daemon dies, namely because then there'll be no one to kill them even after Jace takes the capital.
and yeah, I get that this fanfic is perhaps a bit heavier than some of the other aemond x oc ones. maybe that's not fair to say, idk. I think I've made Aemond and Alysanne very attached to their family and their ability to be protectors, so it might make things murkier? idk.
I'm going to be honest, people calling Alysanne selfish for wanting to be with her family after what Otto did is something I'm not going to understand. I respect different interpretations, even tho I don't agree with it. she's certainly flawed - impulsive, naive, righteous, and occasionally ignorant. but yeah, she's trying her best lmao.
I wish people were a bit uh, kinder in their criticism. idk if it's me being sensitive, but there are definitely a few takes I've seen that makes me doubt whether I've conveyed anything properly in this story. I digress!! Jace is a fave of mine always, so writing for him has been sm fun!
thanks sm for the ask!!
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rise-my-angel · 5 months
The funniest thing about hating Rhaegar is his stans assuming we love Robert and then they begin arguing how he was an abuser and a pos as if we don't know lol. Hating Rhaegar and Robert is not mutually exclusive. It reminds me of takes like if you love Jon, how can you love Catelyn? 🤦🤦 People need to stop living through characters I beg. Liking/disliking certain characters based on who your favorite character likes/dislikes is NOT normal behaviour.
The amount of Rhaegar stans who jump on you like OH YOU LOVE ROBERT HUH like okay lets take it back friends and show me where we said that.
Now, I am a bit biased because I do rather like the Baratheons in general but I am the first to pick those grown ass men up by the scruff of their necks and hold them up over a cliffs edge telling them that they're asses are gonna get dropped into the sea unless they smarten up.
Like yes Rhaegar stans, Robert is a piece of shit. But the reasons Lyanna did not want to marry him was because he was a womanizer whom already had bastards and she knew he was not a man who would be faithful or respectful to her. (My personal headcanon is that Lyanna was not interested in marriage at all but thats only my personal speculation).
Robert didn't even mistreat her, because he did not know her. She didn't want to marry him because she knew, she as a wife, was in for a life of a husband prone to massive infidelity, something any reasonable 14-15 year old girl would object to. And we have no way of knowing if he would have mistreated her the way he does Cersei. How he treats Cersei is absoutely horrible and abusive, but the circumstances of their marriage DO play a part in the manner which they mutually mistreat each other in different ways. Theres no real evidence that Robert would treat Lyanna as horribly, we can only say for sure, he would have been insultingly unfaithful and Lyanna would have at the least still been miserable.
So their assumption that Lyannas life with Robert would've looked just like Cersei's is wrong. Cersei's life also is played due in part that most of her family do not care about her well being. She was mistreated and miserable and no one cared. Lyannas family all cared about her deeply. The Starks are all very close and protective, so the idea that Ned would stand by and allow Robert to treat his SISTER that way is to say Ned views Cersei exactly in the same level of respect he does his little sister, which is wrong.
In Lyanna vs Robert in Neds eyes, Lyanna wins. We know this. He keeps Lyannas secret from Robert half their lives which could be a secret considered treason. Ned chooses Lyanna, and would not actualy let her be treated by Robert the way he sees Robert treat Cersei. Also by the time Ned sees the extent of his marriage to Cersei it is far too late to intervene meaningfully and thus he does nothing because by this point there is nothing he can do.
In fact, Ned while still going to tell Robert the truth, extends mercy to Cersei and all but begs her to take her children and run as far away from Robert as they can. Ned defies Robert by telling Cersei to spare her and her childrens lives by running before it's too late. Something which again, could be considered treason once Robert knows the truth.
Robert has MANY problems, and ironically, the show is actually the version of the story that handles this better. Robert in the show is still not a good person, but he has so much more layers and nuance to make him less black and white unlikable. This version of Robert you can actually understand what about him does Ned like and why other people still care about him. Its a rare example of an adaptation improving something from the books.
But Book Robert just sucks. We all know that. He sucks. No one likes Book Robert not even Baratheon fans like me.
But because Rhaegar stans depend on Rhaeyla for their characterization of Lyanna, they can ONLY imagine an opposite where it is Robert and Lyanna because their views of her depend on her in a romance. They don't see her as an individual character who probably wanted nothing to do with either Robert or Rhaegar.
In my personal opinion, Lyanna did not want to marry any man, and probably hadn't even considered if she wanted children. Since the earliest we know anything substantial of her is the Knight of the Laughing Tree, which is a story that tells me shes still just an adventurous girl who wants to see what the more exciting parts of life can offer her. And while dreading one marriage, she was kidnapped and forced into an even worse scenario with an even worse man and died because of it.
Like, at the very least, Roberts side of the war was partially fighting to save her life. Rhaegar fought the side of the war that led her trapped on the other side of the country, almost dying alone in a bed of her own blood.
There no nuance here with these people. They don't see Lyanna outside of Rhaelya and thus they are obsessed with proving that Robert was worse then him even though most discussions about Lyanna have nothing to do with Robert in the first place.
But to be clear, Rhaegar is worse then Robert. They both suck, but Rhaegar is still worse because at least Robert never kidnapped and raped a 15 year old girl which started a war and ended in her death.
The only reason its easier to dunk on Robert is because he was still alive when we met him at the start of the series. A lot easier to shit on a character when we directly followed their actions before they died.
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I'm sending Alphys the fastest i can
First impression
I was kind of caught off guard by how she seemed "genre savvy" compared to the other Undertale characters? Like, everyone else saw themselves as the hero of their own stories (Papyrus and Undyne) or at least prioritized their own perspective on what course of action you should take (Toriel and, to an extent, Sans). But one of Alphys's first lines is this:
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From her perspective, I couldn't think of why she would see Asgore and the other monsters as the "bad guys." It was interesting that she was the first monster in the game to definitively empathize with us. I couldn't help wondering what her angle was, since she obviously wanted us to trust her. (Though after the quiz show I quickly trusted her more, all the way through Hotland, to the point where I didn't believe Mettaton saying that she manipulated the puzzles and stuff lol)
Impression now
Best character love of my life. She is so flawed and so perfect. I would listen to her ramble about anime I dont care about for hours
Seriously though I think she is so smart and talented and has such interesting connections with all of the Undertale cast!! I don't know how to boil that down to one impression lol
Favorite moment
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There are so many perfect Alphys moments, but any time she gets confident like this is just so hilarious and amazing to me. At this point she had Undyne have been dating for less than a day and it's still so obvious that Alphys really is the less shy one out of the two lol
Idea for a story
I have written most of my Alphys fic ideas at this point... OH!! ok so technically I have already started it but it's an Alphys/Alphyne Megamind AU :D (With Alphys as Megamind, Mettaton as Minion, Papyrus as Metro Man, and Undyne as Roxanne. Who Hal is is a spoiler ;) Of course the roles aren't exactly like in the movie but that's the base of it)
Unpopular opinion
Probably every opinion I have about her?? Idk man. It's not even an opinion but she's confirmed to work faster than Gaster by one of the Gaster followers.
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Also she IS confident, just not in the traditional ways. She's very confident that her opinions about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 are right. She's confident enough to flirt with Undyne (shown earlier). There's just a lot of her personality that isn't often portrayed in fanworks because she has so much depth and it takes a lot of effort to accurately present her nuances. The contradicting parts of her are what make her feel so real and wonderful though.
Favorite relationship
I really really love her friendship with Mettaton!!! So important to me. They are besties <3 I can't stop thinking about how when he left his family for the first time, she was the only friend and the closest thing to family he had.
Favorite headcanon
How can I have a favorite. There are so many good ones. I do really love the headcanon that she was the one to boost up Sans's powers for the no mercy run. I also like to think she freelances in tech repair on the surface, and also makes youtube videos of crazy science stuff featuring her friends (ex. her and Undyne doing mythbusters-level nonsense)
Oh yeah and the headcanon that she has dated/crushed on nearly every main character in the game. U get it girl
(p.s. all images have alt text)
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Period Comfort
All Brothers x gn!MC
NOTE - obviously this story is about people with uteruses. But it’s still gender neutral because more than just females have them. This is based on my personal experience with my horrible periods. Some people may feel differently and that’s ok too. 👍🏻
Format - Headcanons / Scenarios
Words - 1895
Content warnings - talk of periods, but other than that just lots of fluff and cuddles
Prompt/Inspiration - self-indulgent comfort piece, (aka I’m on my period and feeling grumpy)
Summary - You’re looking forward to your date this weekend with your favorite demon when the unthinkable happens - your period starts. The boys drop by to check on you.
Scene -
Things had been going so well. The sun (well, the moon) was shining, the birds (crows) were singing (squawking). It was a lovely day in the Devildom. Who cares if you had been a little emotional the past couple of days? You didn’t. You had plans for this weekend with your favorite demon and you were not about to let anything get you down.
That’s when you felt it. It must be my stomach, you thought, so you ignored it. Then you felt it again. Is it a cramp? Nah can’t be a cramp, you argued with yourself.
And then you realized what you were doing - it’s the same thing you do every time your cycle rolls around: you try to convince yourself that your accursed uterus wasn’t deciding to shed it’s lining at the most inconvenient time. And you knew from experience, anytime you had that conversation with yourself that that is exactly what was going on, and only disaster awaited you if you continued to ignore your own intuition.
So you dragged yourself to your bathroom, inserted/applied the period product of choice, and popped a couple ibuprofen as a preventative measure, before crawling into bed. It occurred to you then that you should probably message the other residents of the House of Lamentation to inform them they were not to disturb you for a week or there would be...consequences. But before you could even turn on your DDD, there was a knock on your door and in walked….
You were relieved to see it was Lucifer, you knew he wouldn’t pester you.
He had come to check on you, and remind you of your upcoming date
Was immediately concerned when he saw you glaring out from under your bundle of blankets
He asks if you’re feeling ok, and you explain about your situation
He’s not all that familiar with human anatomy, but this isn’t the first time you basically went into hibernation mode
It occurs to him you’ll probably not be feeling up to your date, so he says you can reschedule when you’re feeling better.
Offers to bring you anything you might need, and promises to keep his brothers away so you can rest
Kisses you on the forehead before leaving, but you pull him back for a real kiss. He smirks at you because he knew that’s how you’d react.
No one else comes to your door for the rest of your cycle (except Lucifer when he brings your meals)
Lucifer had to string Mammon up a few times when he caught him trying to sneak into your room
You love your precious idiot to bits, but he’s a little clueless sometimes. Like now when he didn’t immediately realize the death glare you shot him when he came into your room unannounced and started talking to you about your weekend plans
Finally stops to see why you aren’t responding and notices the look you’re giving him from under your blankets. His blood runs cold and he starts to panic internally...did he do something? Did he say something?
You have mercy on the poor boy and call him over, he sits on the bed next to you and holds your free hand while you explain what’s wrong
You tell him that you’ll need to reschedule your date, and he’s a bit disappointed at that, but he reassures you it’s fine
Huge sigh of relief from him when he realizes he didn’t screw anything up. Immediately switches gears to wanting to know what he can do for you.
You let him know you really just want quiet and to sleep, and he asks if he could stay, cue the biggest puppy dog eyes 🥺
You tell him he can, but he has to promise to sit still and not to talk. He swears that he can manage that.
To your great surprise, he does. He distracts himself by browsing Akuzon, and you cuddle up next to him for a nice, cozy nap, with him occasionally pressing kisses to the top of your head
Unlike Mammon, he notices you glaring at him immediately and freezes. He knew he shouldn’t have come. You might have been a couple but of course you wouldn’t want him around all the time, right?
Once you realize it’s Levi, you relax a little and smile at him. He’s still nervous so reach out your hand to him until he comes over.
He stands next to your bed holding your hand while you explain to him what’s going on
He really doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do here. Do you want to be left alone? Should he stay? It’s not contagious is it? You aren’t going to die right?!
You reassure your poor panicking otaku that you aren’t dying, it’s not contagious, and that you really just want to rest.
That’s when he realizes that you probably won’t want to go on the date y’all had planned and he’s really disappointed, he can’t even hide it
You kiss the back of his hand, making him blush, and promise you’ll make it up to him
Feeling a little better, he asks if you want to watch an anime or something with him instead and you agree.
He sits next to you in bed with your head in his lap while you cuddle up to his legs.
He gets so engrossed in the show he doesn’t even notice when you fall asleep until the episode is done. He doesn’t want to wake you, so decides he’s just going to be stuck like that forever and picks out one of his favorites series to binge watch instead.
He raises an eyebrow at you when he sees the look you’re giving him
He notices the bottle of ibuprofen next to your bed and quickly pieces together what must be going on
He does have a basic understanding of human anatomy, but the nuances like your food cravings and self comfort measures are unknown to him
He catches on pretty fast once you explain it though, he may make a couple odd suggestions that he read about once or twice
You let him know that you won’t be able to go on your date that weekend, and he is only concerned with comforting you
Gives you a sweet kiss to your forehead before asking if you need anything, which he’ll fetch immediately
You ask him if he’ll stay with you, just so you can have him close and of course he agrees. He heads back to his room to grab a couple of books for himself, and one for you too, just in case you feel up to reading.
By the time he returns, you’ve already fallen asleep. He’ll make sure you’re tucked in and comfy, giving you another forehead kiss or two.
Takes a seat in the large lounge chair in your room and quietly reads until it’s time for dinner
He’s the kinda guy that has been tracking your cycle for you. He just can’t help it.
So when he opens the door, he already has some of your favorite snacks and a heating pad in his arms
You’re really relieved to see him. If there is one thing Asmo knows how to do, it’s pamper you! (Besides his other talents of course)
He makes sure the snacks are within easy reach of your bed, and sets up the heating pad for you so you can cuddle with it when needed
Tells you right away that you don’t need to worry about the date, he’s already had it rescheduled.
Asks you if there is anything he can do for you, and you ask if he can just cuddle with you
He’s happy to agree, and crawls into bed alongside you, with you resting your head on his chest.
If you’re feeling up to it, he’ll even brush and braid/style your hair. But if you don’t feel like being touched he’ll just gently hold you in his arms
While you’re sleeping, he does manage to sneak in a few cute selfies snuggling with you. He’ll send you the best ones...once your period is over and he knows you'll no longer be mad about it 🙃
He is really confused when he walks in and sees how grumpy you look. It kinda reminds him of how Belphie looks when his naps get interrupted so he doesn’t take it personally.
You smile at him once you realize it’s Beel and not anyone else
He comes and sits on the bed next to you, brushing your hair out of your face so he can get a better look at you
You explain why you aren’t feeling well, and he immediately grows concerned. It takes a lot of convincing to assure him that you’ll be fine in just a few days
Realizes that your date will need to be rescheduled and tells you not to worry about it. He just wants you to feel better soon.
When you mention that you have some favorite foods that you crave during this time of month, he is all too happy to fetch them for you
Like seriously - he gets Beel-sized quantities for you, and you’ll probably get sick of whatever it is by the time your period is over, so be sure to ask him to share otherwise you won’t finish it all in your own
He asks if you feel up to cuddling or if you’d rather be left alone (he really doesn’t want to leave you alone though)
If you agree to cuddles, he’ll wrap you up in his arms, holding you securely. It’ll be so nice and warm and comforting you’ll fall asleep really quickly. He won’t be far behind you either.
Doesn’t hesitate to ask you who peed in your Cheerios
You have to laugh at that, and then explain how you’re feeling and why
He realizes right away you won’t be able to go on your date, but won’t say anything about it unless you bring it up. He doesn’t want you to feel pressured.
He also gets a little nervous at first about your health and safety, so expect to need to explain to him that it’s a normal part of human life
He’s still going to be feeling really protective of you though, and will make sure under no circumstances that his brothers bother you. Beel can come visit because he gives good cuddles, but that’s it.
When you mention that you really just want to sleep, his face lights up. Naps are only his favorite thing in the world to do with you, so he’s happy to be able to comfort you this way
You’ll lay on your side and he’ll spoon you from behind. He’ll even give you his cow pillow to snuggle as he holds you. It smells just like him, which you find very relaxing.
For once, he doesn’t fall asleep until he’s sure you’re asleep. Then he’ll give you plenty of gentle kisses to your neck and shoulders before cuddling up to you and falling asleep himself.
His arms will stay wrapped around you the whole time, making sure you stay warm and comfortable.
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
Hi there! Can I request hcs of kuroo, kita and semi with a big brain s/o? It doesn't just apply to s/o academically, but more so about life in general (like having ~streetsmarts~) thank you!
you said street smarts my mind went to jj bittenbinder. ngl i kinda used the wisdom proficiencies from d&d as reference for this hahaha nerd i hope it’s what you want! also i just want to thank you for requesting my not-so-secret fav semi semi
Kuroo, Kita, & Semi with a big brain s/o
* * * * *
Kuroo Tetsuro
oh this man appreciates it. he’s so entertained
you know that drinking game that Tyrion does with Shae where he guesses something about your past and if he’s right you have to drink, if not he does? that’s what you do minus the drinking part obv,, unless
as a person with high charisma himself, you make it a game to see who can bluff out and/or fool the other (you almost always win)
any time there’s a game night and you’re playing a social deception game you always win. no one can get a lie past you
if it’s a teamwork one, you and Kuroo crush everyone else
you find ways to skimp on your hw but still come out fine. he has no idea how, and it both annoys and impresses him
“i thought you stayed up watching buzzfeed unsolved instead of studying last night??”
“yeah so what?”
“but you got a 96%”
he knows that intelligence isn’t just defined by what you’re able to memorize out of a book, and you’re a perfect example of that. he respects you a lot
you’re the type of person that reads random articles and therefore has the most random bits of trivia that you throw in conversation
he can have an intellectual conversation with you, since you always come up with unique perspectives. he loves asking your opinion on things, bc who tf knows what’ll come out of your mouth
you don’t know what a derivative is to save your life but you know the location of every 7/11 in a ten mile radius, and if they carry a specific type of onigiri or cup noodle flavor
but fr you give the best advice and are always there to lend an ear
you watch murder mystery movies together and try to figure out the culprit, sometimes actually arguing over it
other times you’ll watch a drama and make bets on who’s gonna do what or end up with who
rip Kenma in the corner just trying to live his life
it’s hilarious seeing you interact with someone who is not “big brain” or street smart
let’s just use Lev as an example for no particular reason, just bc
you quickly learned that Lev would believe almost anything you said, he was that fascinated by your apparent wisdom
so you and Kuroo will sometimes join forces and see what you can get him to believe. you once convinced him that if you kill an insect you’d become that insect in your next life and die the same way, and for a solid month he would start crying if he ever stepped on an ant
chaos couple™
you have this whole atmosphere about you that is just “do not fuck with me” bamf if i do say so myself
which tbh is one of the things he finds most attractive about you. you knew exactly what he was up to the first time he started flirting with you, but you weren’t intimidated one bit. you became a challenge~
10/10 best looking couple of the three
* * * 
Kita Shinsuke
the two voices of reason, bless you both. you’re very similar, but also very different
he’s the definition of high intelligence & high wisdom with low charisma cleric kita omg, while you have both high wisdom and high charisma with an intelligence stat you barely use (high or low lol)
he’s the kind of guy who always thinks things through with logic, and he’s always sure of his decisions
you on the other hand, have an intuition based logic
freaks him out when you rely on your gut instinct but somehow it always pays off
“just because” 
“but why??”
you’re adaptable in almost every situation, always know what to say, and have an uncanny ability to read people
which actually comes in handy in your relationship
he’s not the best at expressing himself but you always seem to know his emotional state and thought process, something no one else except his granny has really cracked yet and you do it so easily. sometimes he wonders if you’re a mind reader
you knew he liked you before he did & you asked him out first ~
“Shin-kun, you look happy today!” 
“Ah, I was able to clean all the volleyballs after practice and still had time to fold and organize the scrimmige vests by color.”
meanwhile Atsumu: “hE litERALLY?? looks the sAME??!”
speaking of the twins, you’re great at handling them
Atsumu tried to scare you away the first time you showed up at practice before you and Kita announced your relationship, but you were calm and polite
which tbh put him off more than if you’d clammed up or gotten angry. he almost felt bad for being rude. almost.
imagine how bad he felt when Kita found out
the both of you are both feared and respected by the team 
you’ll help Kita out with his self-assigned chores sometimes, figuring out new ways to be efficient and not lose quality
he also loves how he can trust you to take care of yourself, whether it’s walking home alone or losing you in a crowd or just looking after your health. he still worries and dotes on you but it’s out of love, not because he’s concerned you’ll hurt yourself unintentionally 
he loves a person with common sense @ inarizaki
you’re both really good at getting gifts for each other, since you’re both very perceptive
one time you guessed his favorite flavor of ice cream and it made the butterflies a’flutter
there’s this silent competition between you two of who can give the better gifts
wishes you would study more though ngl. he knows you’re smart you just don’t always dedicate that intelligence to your schoolwork
he finds it charming how you’re always looking at things from different angles rather than the straightforward path. he thinks it’s a very good quality
that “yeah but what if...” kind of mentality
we already know he appreciates that attitude if he doesn’t really take it on himself
you’re both able to appreciate the nuances of life and enjoy the moment together
your relationship is one of the most balanced and strong out there tbh,,
* * *
Semi Eita
you’ve got this charm that makes people respect you. a certain type of confidence, if you will, that made him first notice you
lots of students were intimidated by the members of the volleyball team, for their height and reputation etc, but you never showed any reservation, not even with Ushijima
as well as your conviction, you have take no shit attitude that comes in great handy with certain members of the team it’s also hot af
you can banter with Tendou and you provoke Goshiki all day long but never Shirabu bc you know what’s up
you do however irritate him with mind games, bc you know he’s a little shit who stole your bf’s spot and needs to be taken down a peg sometimes
you: *describing the quantum wave trolley problem”
Shirabu: *screams*
all the while Semi is trying and failing to hide the smug little smirk on his face
with Semi though, you’re able to just talk
he enjoys conversation with you bc he’s never bored. you make him think and you make him laugh, both good things
sometimes you’ll point something out that just makes him go “oh” bc it seems so obvious when you point it out
other times it’s something so outlandish that he can’t help but crack a smile or let out a laugh 
sometimes it’s the connect the dots meme “you didn’t connect shit” lmao
again, solid advice giver with no holds barred. anyone who needs to be straight up told what they need to hear comes to you, bc you're usually right
and Semi himself can get lost in his own head so it's nice to have you to ground him
you’re decent in your classes sure, but where you really impress is your strategy in game. any game
once you were invited to play laser tag with the team and you whipped out a battle plan that annihilated the other team
alternatively, you show no mercy in monopoly or uno, damn your relationships
it’s actually very annoying how quickly you pick up the rules and nuances to games and use them to your advantage
if you’re both very competitive, it’s usually better for everyone if you’re both on the same team
but he likes a challenge heh
okay, we know he’s bad at dressing himself when it comes to casual outfits. no common sense. you notice this too
“Eita, sweetie, if you go out like that you will get mugged,, even in Miyagi.”
you’ll walk down the street hand in hand and you make random guesses or stories about the people you see 
“that guy is totally a scammer” or “bet that lady looking at the papaya is trying to start a diet for the third time, look at her face” and he’ll chuckle
he knows there’s always something going on inside your mind and he wants to know
when you’re lost in thought he’ll tap your forehead
“hey what’s going on in there?”
he enjoys listening to your musings and thoughts and opinions. you either have a crazy gut instinct or have some unique thought you’ve internally debated over for months
gets inspiration from you actually, even if he doesn’t realize it
likewise, you realize he has a lot on his mind he doesn’t say, but you have a way of making him say it, even if he is hesitant and abrasive at first
you’ll call him at 3am with a random thought and he’ll grumble a bit but actually will listen to you with the smallest smile on his face
* * * * * 
i hope??? this was good??? also lmk if this is too long without a read more i’m not sure :P
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Filip “Chibs” Telford x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: NSFW, SMUT
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford ✨
Author comments: You know, another dirty dream. I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @minnicelli ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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“Do you know where is Oswald's warehouse?”
“Bring the crane”.
That's enough information from Jax, before he hangs up the call. You don't ask. You only take the orders and you execute them. Zipping the jacket of Teller-Morrow and wearing the black sunglasses, you walk towards the big van to check for the direction in your phone. Following the navigator indications by some secondary roads, it takes you almost twenty minute to reach the property. For some reason, you don't get surprised when finding the motorbikes practically destroyed, the guys try to stand them up dragging them close to the crane.
Stepping out of it, you raise an eyebrow somewhat curious, pressing the button in the remote control to lift down the ramp. Their faces are torn between frustration and anger. Pursuing your lips, you look at the president rubbing his face with both hands.
“Who is that beautiful lady?” A strong irish accent makes you twist your neck slightly.
You didn't repair on the four unknown men presents there. You know Romero and Luis. You have seen them sometimes at the club. But not the others.
“I'm talking to you, lady”. The man says again.
Jax is looking at you pleading with his blue eyes to not reply. But that suited man seems like the problem there, and who gave you more work than you can handle having to fix their motorbikes. Or, at least, having to try it. The crew is behind you, knowing well that they're going to enjoy your protective and savage mood because of them. Jackson took you out of the streets. Jackson gave you a home, a family. Jackson saved your life without asking him to do it. No one fucks with him in your presence.
With a soft and falsely smile, you walk close to the irish. The president tries to stop you, by raising an arm on air. Holding his hand for an instant, you nod at him, letting him know that it's okay for you, before continuing your steps. Shorting the distance. Your hands travels to the lapels of his black jacket, seeing sideways how his men point at you, waiting for a false step to shoot you. But the irish one not even flinches, touring your body from top to bottom with his dirty orbs.
“If I would… want to drink a good whisky…” Your voice is melodious and sweet, putting on well the tie around his pale neck. “I would drink an old scottish aged in Jerez's barrels. Not a whisky mixed in the bathtub from a basement”.
You can hear the chuckles behind your back. Are you making a reference about Chibs? Maybe. That man drives you crazy. He's intelligent, has a good aim and his accent is insane for your mind. Even so, you're not into the irish game.
“Do you know I could cut your throat right now, and that your… friends couldn't do anything to avoid it?” He says slowly, dragging every word above his tongue.
“I'm just a mechanic, sir, who cares?”. Palming his chest, you pull your body some inches away. “But, you have already made a fool of yourself, don't you think make it twice it would be too much?”
Actually, you don't give a shit about him, nor about what he can do. He's not going to scare you. Turning over your sneakers on, you come back to Jax position.
“I'll see what can I save of the bikes, boss”.
“Thank you”. His smile is sincere, full of pride because of you.
“I know those magic hands can do miracles”. Tig says placing a hand on your shoulders while Happy is opening you the crane door.
“I appreciate the faith you have in me”. You joke on him, sitting on your seat. “See you at the club, guys”.
Chibs is looking at you, supporting his body against Jax, having a drag of a cigar. You know how much he loves his Harley, supervising every fix up you have had to do. Without no words, Happy close the door narrowing your hand, before drive out of Oswald's property.
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“I think the girl has pretty clear what she wants, brother”. Jax palms Chibs back, earning Tig, Happy and Bobby's laughs.
“Scottish whisky”. Happy says with a singing voice.
“Now you don' have any doubts, man”. Bobby tease him, while the other chuckles.
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“Lass!” A rough voice claims for your attention, giving you some chills and almost drowning with your own saliva.
Even if Jax smiled when you talked to the unknown irish, sounds like Chibs disagrees. Standing up from the floor, you turn at him hiding your tremble hands behind your back. He's walking towards you with firm steps and somewhat like an angry look. Facing you, he licks his incisors with a nod.
“Walk”. Pointing with a forefinger the clubhouse, you raise up your worries eyes to Jax. He's too serious too, and you're sure he's not going to say anything in you defense.
You obey. You fucked up what they gave you for a misplaced comment by your pretty mouth, which can't stand being closed. Moving your feet over the asphalt and your hands kept inside the pocket of your jacket, you follow the way into the empty club.
“Samcro meeting-room”. He just say, stopping his steps close to the main door. Again, you keep yourself in silence, nodding a little scared swallowing.
Probably they're going to kick you out from there and Chibs is in charge of letting you know because, maybe, he's european and has a direct connection with the irish. Resting your waist against the big wooden table with the grim reaper carved on, you wait impatiently moving a leg in a nervous gesture. The blind covers the window to the clubhouse, so you don't know what's happening, until Chibs opens the door carrying a bottle of whisky and a short glass, specifically for that kind of drink. Closing again the door behind his back, he places the glass to serve it before offering you. Showing him a confused look, you hold it with your right hand.
For a moment you think it's poisoned, but that doesn't have any sense. Obeying again, you have a sip feeling how the liquid rips your throat, noticing every nuance in. Above all, the aged flavor that wood gives it.
“Tha' is how a good wheske' tastes”. He says taking it off from your fingers and leaving it somewhat away on the table. “And now, 'em gonna shew'ya how a good old scottesh' wheske' tastes”.
All your doubts disappear when the man crashes his lips against yours. You weren't expecting it, but definitely, whisky tastes better in his tongue. The kiss is more needy than you want to show him, nailing your fingers on the back of his head to pushing him closer while his arms get tangled in your waist. You can hardly breathe, but this doesn't look like a problem when he guides you blinded to the sofa, forcing you to sit on his lap. The heat running under your clothes when he urges your waist to move over the lump on his tight jeans.
Biting your lower lip, one of his hands covered by the leather gloves toures your nipples over your shirt, squeezing it and making you gasp. Chibs seems like he knows pretty well your body, as if he studied it before, one of the many times you've caught him looking at you. His hand going down your stomach gives you some delighted chills, while your tongues keep fighting anxious, sneaking it under your sweatpants and your panties. And before you can do any move, Chibs thrusts hard his middle finger inside you, screaming out loud his name on his mouth. The scottish chuckles licking your lips, feeling how the big golden ring below the leather press your narrowness with delicious pounds. Tangling your fingers on his jacket, you let him do with you whatever he wants, enjoying every moan that comes out from your throat.
“Ya like't?” He asks with shaky breath and a scratchy voice that turns you a little more heated.
“Yeah…” You mutter looking for his eyes, bouncing on his hand needing for more contact.
“Do ya wan' me ti fuc' ya?” He asks, sliding a second finger into you with a hard push hiting your g-spot.
“Please… Please”. You beg then, nodding as you can.
“Tonig'”. He just say, knowing how much it teases you making you sob for a second. “Enjoe' my hand, lass”.
His fingers pound you faster, nailing both hands on the back of his head, while he's drinking every gesture you draw on your face under his mercy. He's dominant by nature, like an alpha, but he could never imagine that dominate you would be his favorite thing, making you squeeze under his fury and sexually caresses. A third finger being slide inside your wetness forces you to scream because of the pleasure. Two big rings pressing your tightness, with the leather provoking a friction that burns your skin in a good way.
“Don't stop, please, Chibs…”
“Beg fo' cum, princess”. He demands.
“C'mon… please… fuck, your hand feels so good”. You cry noisily touching his nose with yours. “Fuck… let me cum, please… I need it. Fuck! It… It feels so fuckin' good, holy shit”.
“Good girl, ya have my permission”. He says after some seconds watching your pleading face, whilst your lower lip.
“Thank you, daddy”. You whisper right on his mouth, after containing yourself for a while.
Your body can't handle anymore his hand fucking you so hard, making tremble your legs as he nails his free fingers on your throat to support your body, in the moment you're about to fall when the ecstasy finds your body hitting it with heat and pleasure.
“Fuck, Filip!” You moan as loudly as your voice lets you.
But he doesn't stop, with the wetted sound the leader makes every time it thrusts your pussy flooding the room, so naughty and dirty that you forget for a second the soft stinging the glove makes you feel.
“Tonig' 'em gonna fuck ya harder”.
“Yes, please…” You beg for it, really needed.
His fingers go slow, moving his hand calmly, until he pulls it out to direct it to his mouth licking it before look for your mouth. Your cum, the taste of whisky on your tongue, the taste of beer on his, all getting mixed with your saliva in a dearly and gently kiss.
“Wei' fo' me tonig' here. Alrai', princess?”
“Yes”. You just say, trying to fill your lungs with some air.
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thetypedwriter · 3 years
A Curse So Dark and Lonely Book Review
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A Curse So Dark and Lonely Book Review by Brigid Kemmerer
My gosh, I feel like I have enormous feelings about this book. 
So, I had seen this book for awhile bestow the shelves at Barnes & Noble and while it drew the eye, it also didn’t entice me right away. I must have read snippets of the backside summary a dozen times before I finally succumbed and purchased it when the store was having a buy one, get one 50% off deal. 
Lame, I know. 
That being said, A Curse So Dark and Lonely surprised me in a lot of pleasant ways and at the end of the experience it was a book I genuinely enjoyed reading, despite the flaws throughout. 
First off, somehow, in ways that I don’t even fully understand, I did not realize that this was a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. 
You might ask, seeing the title, the reviews on the back literally calling it a retelling of a classic fairytale, the summary itself, and the basic premise, how did I not realize what the true nature of this book was?
I genuinely have no idea. 
I really don’t. 
It’s so flabbergasting that I don’t even have a proper answer for you other than Beauty and the Beast was not my favorite Disney movie growing up and that I probably should have spent more time checking out what bargain books to buy before I laid down the cash. 
Oh well.
That being said, retellings of classic fairy tales has been a fairly popular phenomenon in the YA literature scene (and popular culture as a whole, really) for the last couple of years and while I can see the appeal, it was never something that beckoned me. 
I’m not a huge fairytale fan to begin with so a retelling of the original doesn’t hold much sway in terms of intrigue and buy-in. 
If I had known what A Curse So Dark and Lonely truly was, I never would have bought it. Frankly, it’s a little sad because I genuinely would have missed out on a very fun and engaging read. Fortunately enough, however, my dumb actions actually paid off in good luck this time around. 
The whole premise is exactly what you’ve probably surmised up to this point: an enumeration of Beauty and the Beast with some modern fanfare and twists and turns along the way. 
Rhen is the current Crown Prince of Emberall, a country in some parallel world to the one that you and I currently exist in. With a series of twists, the main protagonist, Harper, is unwillingly hoisted from her homeland of Washington D.C. to the magical world of Emberfall, which unfortunately is not all that magical with a looming war on the horizon involving a neighboring nation, rumors of a savage beast that has wreaked havoc on the country, and a wicked witch that delights in torment and carnage to sadistic glee.  
Soon enough, a high school dropout with cerebral palsy soon finds herself in the imaginary role as the Princess of Disi, an allying nation that has promised aid and troops to Emberfall and potentially betrothed to the Crown Prince, Rhen. 
To make matters more complicated, Harper finds herself often in the company of Grey, the lone soldier of the Royal Guard and Rhen’s constant shadow, a figure she soon begins to trust despite herself. 
With a war on the horizon, the ever-present threat of the witch Lillith, the haunting promise of the beast’s return, and evolving feelings, A Curse So Dark and Lonely is a lovely concoction of both fast-paced action, romance, humor, and fantasy. This whole book gave me a pleasant buzz from start to finish. 
The plot itself, while recycled at its core, is fresh enough with the modern flare of Harper being from D.C. (Disi-this still makes me laugh), representation in the form of a character with a disability like cerebral palsy, interesting and complex relationships, and opposing enough with the threat of Lillith and future battles that it never seemed pithy or banal. 
While the world building is...mediocre, I don’t think it was amazing nor do I think it’s awful, it’s a useful enough background for the characters and their emotions to take place, which honestly is the real focus throughout the entire novel (although the author did take some liberties by inputting in things like the castle automatically regenerating food-how much more deus ex machina can you get?). 
  Kemmerer’s writing style is also fine. Nothing groundbreaking, but also not writing I find abhorrent or even unlikeable. She comes across as a typical YA author to me in terms of her vocabulary, her figurative language, and her writing style. 
The real focus, if you haven’t caught on by now, are the characters. 
I genuinely like all three main characters quite a bit, which, if you regularly read my reviews, is quite the anomaly. 
Rhen I find to be strangely complex. While he fits the mold of the brooding, arrogant prince that actually cares deeply for his people and his country quite well, I also found him more interesting than just the archetype of the royal son. 
He’s surly, dark, and quite temperamental. While he does care deeply about his people, he’s often selfish and petty. Honestly, he shouldn’t be very likable at all, but it’s for that reason alone that I do like him. 
I like that while he might be a good ruler he’s not necessarily a good person and I like the dichotomy and the conflict that implicitly comes with that struggle, a struggle often shown to the readers and the two other characters he’s closest with: Harper and Grey. 
In addition, often in YA I feel like authors constantly feel pressured to make romantic love interests “perfect” which to me, translates to being stereotypical and boring. Very often my favorite characters are the ones who are flawed and complicated-just like Rhen. 
Grey is also a character that I thought would be more simple than he actually turned out to be. I originally thought Grey was going to be the stoic, soldier type and while he is, I also really enjoyed seeing his lighter side, his sense of humor, his love for children, and the deadly loyalty that binds him not because of a curse or a spell, but because of his own stubbornness and dedication to the decision that he made and the refusal to break it.
I found this honor code fascinating and his adherence to it almost obsessive. His loyalty to Rhen is both baffling and intriguing and often it was the best part of the novel for me. 
Which brings me to my next point: Rhen and Grey’s relationship is hand’s down the best part of this book. It’s a complicated relationship and, therefore, really fascinating to read about it. They have a serpentine history involving Grey being the one to let Lillith into Rhen’s chambers which sets off the whole curse business in the first place. 
However, as Rhen says later on in the book, it was his choice to keep Lillith overnight and to pursue romance, not Grey’s. 
There is guilt, blame, affection, loyalty, ownership, friendship, frustration, anger, sacrifice and more to their relationship. Their history stops them from being true friends, as do their roles as prince and guard, yet they are the only companion the other has for seasons upon seasons. 
At the end of the day, Grey is all Rhen had for a very long time and it shows. 
Their relationship was always so engrossing to read about due to its complications and its nuances. Very few YA relationships, especially that of platonic male friendship, gets even near the level of depth and grey (I couldn’t help this pun) area shown between Grey and Rhen. Their relationship alone is a huge draw for why I found this novel so captivating. 
I did wonder for a while if perhaps there were more than platonic feelings involved, but I could never quite put my finger on the true nature of their relationship or their feelings towards each other, which I find absolutely amazing. Their relationship is messy and complicated, just like real life relationships are. 
That leaves the third piece of the puzzle: Harper. 
Out of the three main characters, I like Harper the least, but I do still like her. I like that she’s strong and tenacious, not in spite of her cerebral palsy, but in addition to her already present bravery and ferocity. She’s headstrong, stubborn, kind, merciful, and compassionate. 
My dislike from Harper stems from the fact that she’s a little too perfect, especially compared to Rhen and Grey, who I found to be much more convoluted characters. 
Again, harping (hahah) back to stereotypical YA, other than her cerebral palsy, I don’t think there’s anything in particular about Harper that makes her complicated, flawed, or especially interesting. 
She’s a good girl willing to give it all up for a country she’s only known for a few weeks even though her mother’s dying at home and her brother is most likely involved in some kind of gang violence. 
The best scenes with Harper are the scenes were she is struggling to choose between the two worlds and weighing her options, as at some points it does depict her as selfish and wanting to go home, even though she knows it would doom thousands of people. 
But of course, this is all taken care of later when she realizes D.C. isn’t her true home any more and that Emberfall has become where her heart lies. 
Kemmerer made Harper just a little too pristine for my liking, which is why she ranks lower than both Rhen and Grey when on paper she is by far the best in terms of personality and character traits. 
This especially grates on me when Kemmerer tells us that Harper is fantastic instead of letting us glean that for ourselves. I really dislike when an author tells me instead of shows me that someone is brave or kind or amazing or whatnot and I feel like there were enough instances of Harper being all of those things without having needed Rhen or Grey to point it out all of the time. 
I also do feel like there is some weird shaming regarding things typically seen as “feminine” in relation to Harper and why that makes her “better.” For example, Rhen talks often about how no girl ever has ever done what Harper has done, like attacking him. 
I’m sorry? You’re telling me that Grey has kidnapped hundreds of girls and not one of them before Harper tried to attack them? In any form? Really? 
I find that preposterous. 
Other instances of Harper being unique in this fashion is also sprinkled in, like how most girls apparently only care about the dresses and the jewels in the castle, but not Harper. Or how most girls would be crying from a scar on their cheek, but Harper is just upset that she misses her target.
 I get what Kemmerer is going for, but these force-fed characterizations really bothered me and were the most irritating thing about the book. 
Being feminine or caring about stereotypically feminine things like jewelry or dresses does not mean that someone can’t also be strong and brave and fierce. I dislike a lot of the subliminal messages in the novel in regards to that. 
In terms of romance, again I have to ask myself when the trope of the love triangle will die. Perhaps it never will. Perhaps it will live on for eternity, forever immortal and present in nearly 90% of YA literature. 
The love triangle between Grey, Rhen, and Harper doesn’t bother me so much in this novel as I feel like it isn’t truly focused on very much, which I appreciate. I understand that Harper has feelings for both Grey and Rhen, but her feelings make sense. I don’t feel like Kemmerer is just foisting a love triangle onto the readers for the sake of having a love triangle. 
It felt somehow...natural. 
In addition, most love triangles suck as they’re very one sided, usually in terms of the female’s POV. 
In this case however, the love triangle is influenced by Grey and Rhen’s relationship, where the lines are very blurry and for a good portion of the book I thought perhaps they were in love with each other and Harper. 
Frankly, I would have been ecstatic if this was the route Kemmerer had taken. Not many YA authors go down this route, but examples like Mark/Cristina/Keiran from The Infernal Devices and Niall/Irial/Leslie from Ink Exchange are actually the only examples I know from YA literature so this would have been so welcome and anticipated. 
If Kemmerer had gone down the route of looking into a polyamorous relationship I would have been over the moon. I don’t think she is sadly, but polyamrous relationships are still so few and far between in YA that it would have been utterly captivating, especially as she has all the ingredients to do so. 
Or, I thought she did. 
Until it’s revealed at the very end that Rhen and Grey are brothers. Or, at least half-brothers. 
It’s super unfortunate. 
I’m genuinely disappointed that this is the route Kemmerer decided to take it as it seems so grossly safe. It’s almost like an intense male/male relationship can’t exist unless it’s romantic or they’re brothers and I despise that. 
Hence, why I have also decided that I won’t be reading A Heart so Fierce and Broken. I want to keep the memory and the interesting relationships between the three characters as it is: interesting.
 I have a very strong feeling that if I read the sequel that will all be shattered. 
When all is said and done, I really enjoyed this book. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to reading it and I wasn’t expecting very much, but it met all of my expectations and more. 
I am sad that I won’t be finishing the series as a whole, but I know that the direction it's going will only make me frustrated and annoyed and I would rather preserve the positive emotions attached to A Curse So Dark and Lonely than ruin it with a sequel that I know won’t meet the expectations I have. 
Perhaps that’s unfair to say, and rightly so, but I know myself and I can see where the sequel is going and I’m almost certain that I won’t like it. 
So in this case, I’m going to quit while I’m ahead and savor the moments I had reading this novel in all its fairy-telling glory. 
Recommendation: If you love Beauty and the Beast, fairytales with a modern twist, interesting characters and interesting relationships set in a fantasy world where the music never stops playing and a savage beast runs rampant, than this book is calling for you.
 I didn’t know that I needed this novel in my life and now I’m so glad that it is. Captivating from beginning to end, if you’re anything like me and a sucker for interesting romance and strong, nuanced characters you won’t be able to put this down either. 
Score: 7/10 
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its-a-branwen-thing · 4 years
“We Can Kill The Man Who Put Us Here...”
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[Hey! it’s my first discussion of RWBY season 2020 and guess what? It’s totally about Qrow and Ironwood and Robyn, who’d have thunk it?] Also I promise it isn’t that long...
I know we’re being lead to believe that Qrow is talking about Ironwood here, and I totally think that may well be the case BUT I also think there might be a bit more at play in the narrative than what we’re seeing. The scene transitions directly to an image of Ironwood after this and it seems the most obvious target of this anger is definitely Ironwood. These two have been set up for a fight since V3, and I think that confrontation is a long time coming but--and this is important--Robyn says something earlier that makes me think the threat of murder might be a red herring of sorts.
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“He didn’t kill anybody.”
Because Qrow clearly blames himself for Clover’s death and I think they’re going with “everyone will believe he’s a murderer” as his new scarlet letter. If we have, once again, Qrow believing that he’s this awful person that got someone murdered, having him throw himself down the path of revenge seems more tragic than redeeming, even if his opponent is a despot who we’d very much like to see thrown from his perch. The thing about terrible people is that getting rid of them sometimes involves good people having to resort to terrible things, but it’d still be tough to watch Qrow pull that particular trigger. 
And yet there’s something that got me stewing after I thought of all of this and it has everything to do with a past fake-out in V3:
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I don’t think this scene will necessarily repeat itself, although that’d be a cool callback, but I do think it planted some seeds in my brain for what would happen if the writers decide to take that track. Ironwood mistook Qrow here for coming after him but, really, Qrow knew Ironwood didn’t call the attack, and he knew the grimm were a bigger threat. He didn’t say anything because he’s just that kind of ass he probably didn’t think he needed to. Now, obviously, things have changed, but not enough for me to think Qrow is going to straight up murder Ironwood like the general did with the councilman. I predict this going one of three ways:
1. Qrow actually landing the blow this time. No fakeout, full fight. Oof. outcome TBD, cool fight song, lots of yelling
2. Ironwood being the one to defend the team when they think he will attack them as a last showcasing of his humanity before he ultimately perishes ala Ozpin’s V6 nugget about Lionheart being remembered for who he was leading up to his fall rather than his fall itself. But...I think that’s too kind.
3. A repeat fake-out of the same kind--all season we’re built up to think Qrow has it out for Ironwood, perhaps even cheering him on as the pieces fall into place, only for him to focus on a greater threat at the last minute and show little care for getting revenge on Ironwood. In fact, forgoing it totally in order to focus on their single greatest threat: Salem (or he’ll finally 1v1 Tyrian, not to the death though, because reasons I have stated and also I hate/love Tyrian and don’t want him to die yet). This is my favorite little theory.
Because instead of being responsible for passing judgement on Ironwood himself Qrow will instead, at the end of the season, offer him up for his due process punishment to those who now hold the people’s loyalty--Robyn and the Happy Huntresses. And that punishment might not be death. It might be mercy.
Not dissimilar to a reverse Tin Man, just as we saw with Lionheart’s fate to die as a coward, the great general would be frozen in place, ensconced likely metaphorically but maybe also physically, in his own rusting morals, unable to do anything as the world and his people move on without him. A chess piece taken off the board.
Ironwood’s fate could be death, but he could also very well be left alive knowing what he has done, the good and the horrible, so that his reputation never has a chance to become legend. He’ll never be a martyr like he seems to want so desperately to be, likely because he thinks it will help remediate some of his bad choices. By living he doesn’t get the chance to die in glory and his actions gain less nuance; the last few decisions will be a burden he has to bear. For the rest of his life.
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foursideharmony · 4 years
The Cat, The Prince, and the Doorway to Imagination (Chapter 1)
Summary: In the wake of the events of Putting Others First, Roman is desperate to feel like the hero, even if for just an afternoon. He invites the core Sides on an adventure in the Imagination, patterned after one of the great works of children's literature that features heroes and villains. But stories in the Imagination can take on a life of their own, and this one seems bent on pushing Roman to be the villain... 
Pairings: Platonic/familial LAMP/CALM, Platonic/familial DLAMPR
Content Warnings: None so far
Word Count: 1463
Read on AO3: here
“I thought I was your hero.”
Roman’s own words echoed hollowly in his memory. The fact was that the…the occurrence with Deceit—Janus—had just been the culmination of a long, slow crisis of purpose for the prince. It wasn’t just the wedding vs. callback dilemma; it had been going on for months. Thomas’s cringing recollection of past phases he had gone through had gotten him wondering whether his current life path would eventually be added to that pile. There had been the encounter with the old friend who didn’t seem to think YouTube was a proper career. Before that had been the dispute with Logan over whether developing his artistic career was even valuable for its own sake, or just a way to keep the lights on and the fridge stocked. In fact…
It seemed to Roman that the period of misgivings had actually begun when Deceit was introduced to Thomas in the first place. Roman himself had inadvertently drawn the connection between acting and deception, and for all Logan’s reassurances to the contrary, a seed of doubt remained.
If lying was wrong, and acting was a form of lying, and Roman was the linchpin of Thomas’s acting abilities…did that make Roman the bad guy all along?
“I thought I was your hero.”
Was that why Thomas seemed to be hitting so many blocks when it came to his passions? Had Roman tainted his own function?
What did it even mean to be a hero?
It had been so simple when they were young. A hero was someone who helped others, preferably by doing flashy, impressive things. Little Thomas had loved the idea of being a hero, and Roman—just Creativity, back then—had dutifully provided him with a portfolio of daydreams. In the fantasies Roman constructed, Thomas could be a firefighter, charging into a burning building in order to rescue a puppy. Or he could be a sheriff in the Old West, rounding up bandits and cattle rustlers. Or he could be a superhero, foiling bank robberies and catching crashing airplanes. But his favorite kind of hero to be was the fairytale prince with a magic sword, defeating wicked witches and saving fair maidens from dragons. He had sent his Creativity to tap that well so many times that the Side himself took on the form of the prince.
As Thomas grew, his ideas about heroism became more complicated, the focus of his imagination shifted, and Roman’s job changed drastically, to cover his Center’s artistic ambitions (and in time, his romantic ones). He hadn’t minded for the longest time, because Patton had been there to handle the new complexities. If Roman’s understanding of right and wrong was a floodlight sweeping across an open field, then Patton’s was a fog lamp, cutting through the gray haze of moral ambiguity. Roman had always been perfectly content to follow Patton’s lead, knowing that the father figure would never steer them wrong.
But now…Patton was sharing control of the fog lamp with Janus, whom Roman had always understood to be one of the greatest villains of Thomas’s mind. Janus embodied dishonesty, selfishness, temptation to evil—exactly the traits a true hero should reject. The gray haze was where he thrived the most; how could they possibly trust him to help guide Thomas through it?
Roman just wanted to understand.
“I thought I was your hero.”
And until he could understand, he just wanted a break from it all. A day where he could just follow his bliss without worrying that he was either playing into evil’s hands, or pushing Thomas to the breaking point. A day where he could just be the hero, and know that he was the hero, and that he wasn’t about to be sucker-punched by all these nuances.
A day like the old days.
He wanted—he needed—a simple adventure, one where good and evil were obvious, and he was the leader of the good guys, and they were able to beat the bad guys with a certain amount of peril and excitement but no actual doubt that they could do it and that it was the right thing to do. And he needed…he needed his fellow Sides (his fellow light Sides) to be involved, so that they would see him as the hero. He needed that. He could set it all up in advance and take them through it, smooth as cream. And they would all have a great time and the other three would lavish praise on him for treating them to something so beautiful.
And as long as he was revisiting Thomas’s childhood understanding of the world, why not go all the way and model his adventure on a story Thomas had loved in childhood? Not a Disney one, for a change…something a bit more intentionally meaningful than that.
He knew just the thing.
Roman set aside his current project and marched himself into the Imagination, intent on his mission.
Hours later, the prince burst into the common area, practically vibrating with anticipation. Four heads swiveled to notice him. He took in the scene in an instant: Logan, standing at an easel with a large whiteboard propped upon it, bearing the heading “WORK/LIFE BALANCE” and a number of bullet points scrawled in three colors of dry-erase marker; Patton and Janus (ugh) sitting on the sofa nearby, engaged in relaxed discussion with the Logical Side and each other; Virgil at the other end of the sofa, headphones clamped over his ears, keeping a wary eye on the proceedings across the room while simultaneously scrolling through something on his phone.
Roman faltered, uncertain of how to begin.
Janus sighed loudly through his teeth—and it was a sigh, not exactly a serpentine hiss—and proclaimed “Mercy me, look at the time.” (There was no clock within his line of sight.) “We’ve been at this for so much longer than I expected while making hardly any progress. I’d best be on my way so we can pick it up again later once our heads have cleared.”
“Aw, Janus, you don’t have to go just because Roman’s here,” said Patton.
“Perhaps not, but I prefer to,” Janus said, shooting Roman a look before spinning on his heel and exiting the room. He assiduously swerved around Roman on the lower steps as he passed, making no physical contact.
“For the record,” Logan said, dismissing the whiteboard and easel, “we have actually made excellent progress in our discussion. I suspect that Janus was engaging in his trademark falsehoods.”
Roman squirmed internally a little. So did that mean…Janus didn’t prefer to leave? Then why—
“So!” Patton said, shifting the room back toward a chipper mood. “What’s going on, kiddo?”
Roman found his voice. “I would like to invite you three…on a quest! Well, more of an adventure than a quest, if you want to get technical. Please come! The story is all set up and we just have to run through it!”
Logan frowned slightly as he often did when considering new information. “Approximately how long do you expect it to take?”
“Hardly any time at all,” Roman stated with absolute confidence. “It has this sort of time…warp…thingie, built in. We go into the Imagination, have the adventure, and come back out at the moment just after we left.” No one replied, so he forged ahead. “And it should be totally safe! A little scary or sad in certain parts, maybe but I can personally guarantee a 100% happy ending.”
“A happy ending sounds pretty good,” said Patton.
“My principal objection has been eliminated as well,” Logan agreed.
Virgil heaved to his feet. “Sure, why not. Got nothing else to do tonight.”
Roman felt his heart swell with pride and affection. It was working! This was going to be amazing! “This means a lot to me, guys. Really. Come on, then! I can't wait to show you!”
He led them upstairs and to his room, where the doorway to the Imagination had been transformed for the occasion. It was always an ornate double door, made of dark-stained hardwood and covered with carvings of fantastic creatures, but now instead of being flush with the wall, it was part of a tall cabinet, a couple of feet deep and smelling faintly of cedar and camphor.
Roman took hold of the door handles and paused theatrically, looking over his should. “Do not be alarmed by what you see inside.” He threw the doors wide, revealing an assortment of fur coats.
“What is this,” Virgil scoffed playfully, “a wardr...wait a sec.” His eyes widened. “Wardrobe full of fur coats...time warp thingie...dude. Are you taking us to Narnia?”
Roman nodded, beaming. “I'm taking you to Narnia.”
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breadfractals · 4 years
3, 17, 22!
3. What were your top five books this year?
- To be perfectly honest, I can barely remember and separate out what I read specifically in this year (we can blame it on the 2020, shall we) buuut out of what I can think of
1. Just Mercy had such a beautifully nuanced take to the concept of justice, and how it is irrevocably wrapped up in compassion (truly living up to its title) and agape love that it made me weep on the twelfth page. It is frank and honest with the tragedies and horrors that can accompany our broken world, but it is still hopeful and uplifting, using those horrors as a reminder for us all to have even more grace for one another. It also delights in the small joys and triumphs that occur when we treat each other with kindness decency and when we act with integrity - the loveliness of an offer for a glass of iced tea, or the promise to fight for someone even when it looks hopeless. I could go on and on... but gosh. 😭 Stevenson is so unpretentious yet eloquent in his presentation of the stories he has seen.
- “The only thing they needed was hope. Not that pie in the sky stuff, not a preference for optimism over pessimism, but rather “an orientation of the spirit.” The kind of hope that creates a willingness to position oneself in a hopeless place and be a witness, that allows one to believe in a better future, even in the face of abusive power. That kind of hope makes one strong.
2. The Lord Of The Rings needs no explanation, right? I have yet to complete my reread, but I haven’t done a good revisit for many years now, so even my splintered attempt at tackling Fellowship was joyous. Reading each chapter makes me feel like coming home, even with all the bits and bobs I had forgotten or missed from before. There is such a delicious comfort to the tale, even in the moments of tension and grief, and I think part of it has to do with the fact that it believes in something much bigger than itself. There are men of character and honor who feel and fight for what is just and true, and they do so unironically and unabashedly, and isn’t that so wonderful! (I use the word “men” there quite deliberately- it is not a slight at the women who deserve whole posts of their own some time, nor a synonym of “humanity” - rather, I have missed stories that let men be strong and weak and flawed and vulnerable and... people.)
*ahem* Maybe I need to. make this a separate post.
heyo, I love Tom Bombadil.
- “‘Was I chosen?’
‘Such questions cannot be answered,’ said Gandalf. ‘You may be sure that it was not for any merit that others do not possess: not for power or wisdom, at any rate. But you have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have.
3. The Way Of Kings is largely significant to me because of the discussions it inspired this year - my good friend lent it to me (it’s his favorite book), my dear Beastwaffle picked it up after me and FINISHED before me, and my dad, excited at the prospect of a new fantasy series to try, read it right after I did. I had a bit of trepidation while starting, because although I like Sanderson’s writing style, his metaphysics hurt my head at times, but I did very much enjoy reading the story, and he always gives me plenty of food for thought even when I think he’s wrong! I am a sucker for themes of honor and friendship and stew, so the main plotline held me firmly in place, and the main character’s constant desire to PROTECT AND SHOULDER THE WORLD resonated perhaps a bit too strongly.
But most of all, I liked (and felt bad about) terrorizing my friend with my criticisms and endless questions, and engaging with my dad and beastwaffle. :)
I am realizing all of these books could use posts of their own..
- “And so, does the destination matter? Or is it the path we take? I declare that no accomplishment has substance nearly as great as the road used to achieve it. We are not creatures of destinations. It is the journey that shapes us. Our callused feet, our backs strong from carrying the weight of our travels, our eyes open with the fresh delight of experiences lived.”
4. Love Does is just a bundle of joy, and a refreshing reminder that, as important as critical, studious theology is, so is faith like a little child’s. Bob Goff’s excited sense of wonder and love of moving is infectious and reminds me to rejoice! always! and to put peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on top of my future spouse’s car!
- “We aren’t just supposed to be observers, listeners, or have a bunch of opinions. We’re not here to let everyone know what we agree and don’t agree with, because, frankly, who cares? Tell me about the God you love; tell me about what He has inspired uniquely in you; tell me about what you’re going to do about it...”
5. Anne Of Green Gables will forever by my girl. Deliciously flawed and beautifully real in her embrace of feeling everything deep within her bones... I’ll never get over it.
- “I'm not a bit changed--not really. I'm only just pruned down and branched out. The real ME--back here--is just the same. It won't make a bit of difference where I go or how much I change outwardly; at heart I shall always be your little Anne, who will love you and Matthew and dear Green Gables more and better every day of her life.”
Boy oh BOY THAT WAS LONG. Was I only supposed to list the five titles? Oh dear. Thank you for bearing with me, anyone who reads this.
17. The Way of Kings, I suppose! I mostly reread books this year, which is nothing out of the ordinary, but I think I gravitated towards older, familiar stories for comfort especially. But I do have a chronic habit of being suspicious when I read Sanderson, so I was happy with how much meat he gave me to sink my philosophical teeth into, especially.
22. Probably the above! Or The Food Lab, though I’m not quite done with it yet.
Thank you for the ask~~~!
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