#my feet hurt sooo bad
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scar is not here because i’m actually part of hermitcraft and can confirm that he once touched an oven and it exploded. not lying!
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gardenhotspot · 2 years
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look at my 2 beautiful tables i made today
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sheerioswifties · 3 years
#in other news i am literally sick to my stomach over some new bad news I've recieved and a convo i had#i hate that i can't give details yet bc legal reasons but yeah like.#I'm sorry but this justice system is fucked up and really screws over victims#I've had to go through and do SO much to survive and try to rebuild my life from scratch but this time disabled so like#i can't do the things i did before to build up what i had#but anyways its like there's all these things the victim has to do and like deal with trauma & deal with putting security measures in place#sooo much work and paperwork and research that we have to do on our own bcwe don't get a lawyer#and they stole all our money so we can't hire one to help with all this#having to have all hope that the state does their job#spoiler alert: they don't. no justice#but it's like I'M THE ONE WHO GOT HURT. I'M THE ONE WHO THIS WAS DONE TO but it's harder and more work for me than the fucking monster that#...did this? ? they get to hire a pro criminal defense lawyer and work on a case all this time while the state drags their feet and haven't#even taken notes or obtained my evidence etc etc it's so fucked up and in the end i have no say#I'm going to fight hard but like. my hands are tied in so many ways because of how the legal and justice system is set up#I'll make posts about it when i can but like#ugh I'm hurt I'm stressed my whole life destroyed can't have friends my own family knifed me in the back and#i miss my dad so much and like.#we're totally on our own having to fight this big battle#& it's like i have to fight the state prosecutors too because they're not fighting for me the way they should you know like because JUSTICE#and accountability! every EVERY time they get away with things they are emboldened and escalate the dangerous behavior#and like Jeanette is. if u wanna know what she's like personality wise she is female trump#and just like there needs to be consequences for what happened at the Capitol etc or else left unchecked it will set precedent for more#if she/they're not to fully face the consequences they WILL do worse#and I'm not kidding they were trying to kill me but because they weren't literally walking around with a gun and saying it#then there's supposedly not enough there but what the fuck I've read the law and in great detail#it feels like they just want a quick easy thing and also? Jeanette is an old white lady. they're purposely going easy on her#the cops kept doing that with them#omg i have to tell yall about the swatting attempt that night too its crazy but shows how messed up the law enforcement system is#they called 911 on something fake got instant response. i called later that night when they were torturing me and they blew me off#if cops had responded they would have caught them both red handed open shut.but no
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hotgirlscoups · 4 years
u guys i’m FINALLY back home gimme a quick second to change and i’ll finish the asks off
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sunnywarrior · 5 years
Had my first shift of work today and it was so fucking hard I was miserable and as soon as I got in my car I was able to just cry and talk with my mom and sibling 
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#meows#work fucking sucked omfg. 9-6. kill me. it was so dark when i got out finally and i didnt get to eat til 6#and i barely ate dinner yesterday bc my mom made this weird ass ham that had the WORST texture and was super salty#it made me gag worse than normal so i basically ate like a few bites of ham/a spoonful of potato casserole/two small slices#of bread from a loaf/two eggrolls that my aunt gave me on thanksgiving#which sounds like a lot but like that was at like 6 pm the night before. thats like 24 hours. tummy hurts and brain does too :(#my body fights me if i go off the usual schedule. also it was frustrating bc my brother had friends over and that meant i had to park#down the street and carry my meal + my drink + my f*thers drink (bc for whatever reason my mom and brother didnt get it for#him despite the fact both were home most of the day) + my bags from work. all that down the street and up the driveway#after being on my feet for nearly 9 hours and being up since 7 am. and im STILL trying to figure out why my mom didnt get#my f*thers drink herself when it was obvious i wasnt gonna be off of work anytime soon. or send my brother out???#i s2g she doesnt make him do nearly anything shell clean the entire house except for his room/mine and he MAYBE#has to help vacuum or help her mop the floors bc of her foot/ankle. but otherwise??? like she couldve sent him out#oh and her excuse is that hes playing online w friends so she doesnt wanna make him do anything#then shell turn around and insist i need to stop doing homework to do something for her that literally anyone else could do#wish i got to go back to my gmas tonight but i couldnt bc i got out so damn late. i wanna move out sooo bad
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xmalereader · 2 years
Bruce Wayne X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors Note: Sooo, I wrote something sad and actually cried when I finished it. So, enjoy it!
Summary: Reader and Bruce have been childhood friends for years, but what happens when readers clock is ticking and coming to an end?
Warnings: Angst, unrequited love, slow burn, mentions of Selina, Bruce cares, mentions of cats, Alfred trying to be a good godfather, reader is sick, wanting to confess but can’t, sad, just really sad.
Word count: 5.8k
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Bruce was eight years old, nearing nine when his parents were killed on the night of their anniversary. He was an orphan at a young age with no one left but Alfred to watch over him. The young boy closed himself off from the world the day his parents were buried six feet under, standing near their grave in the gloomy and rainy weather. He listened to others sob and saying their final goodbyes.
“It’s time to go.” He hears his childhood friend whisper. The other boy was holding onto Bruce’s hand, tight and firm and never letting go. The boy in front of him was always with him since the day they met during a family gala hosted by the Wayne family. The two boys getting along and growing close throughout the years, now the boy was his only family and friend left.
Before they could leave, Bruce pulls the boys hand with a gentle tug. Tears staining his cheeks as his friend turns to him, giving him a sad and confused look. “Bruce—?”
“True or false.” The young Wayne starts.
His friend knew what the analogy meant, it was the only way the two could express their feelings without having too. They started it when they first met, too shy and scared to speak that the only way to know was their a truth or a lie.
“We won’t forget each other, right?” Bruce stares at his friend, his eyes full of sadness and lost hope, wanting a reassurance that he wouldn’t be forgetting or alone. He can feel his friend squeeze his hand and a small smile appears across his lips. “True.” One thought it was true and the other knew it was a lie.
Never did he think that it would come back to bite him in the ass. Proving him wrong and letting him know that he wouldn’t be around forever. Y/n is twenty-four when he first finds out about his disease. At twenty-five he stops taking his medicine and at twenty-six he finds out that time is slowly running out and that things wouldn’t be the same anymore once he’s gone.
“Mr. Y/n?”
Y/n was spacing out, lost in thought before being pulled back to reality. His gaze moves from the window behind the doctor and to the older man sitting behind the desk, a worried look in his eyes as he lets out a deep sigh, knowing what’s to come next.
“Mr. Y/n, We checked your blood results and brain scans and things aren’t looking to good. With you not taking your medicine anymore it’s been worsening your condition and sooner or later—“ the doctor stutters, hesitant. “Soon you’ll be—“
“Dead.” Y/n sighs out, looking down at his hand. They felt cold and dry, it was the middle of fall and winter will soon be approaching. All of Gotham will be covered in snow in the next month out. He knew how bad the weather affected his health but that wasn’t going to stop him from doing anything or from moving forward. He’s been hiding it for a year, another won’t hurt, right?
“You mentioned my time. How much do I have left?” He was curious to know. He remembers telling the doctor to never tell him because he didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to know the amount of time he’d have left with Bruce or anyone else. But, he can tell that he doesn’t have long. His health was getting worse and his memory was slowly growing foggy to the point where he won’t remember anyone.
“We did an estimate of two months.” The doctor whispers, papers shuffling to the side as he leans back in his seat, fingers intertwined in front of him. Y/n knew what this meant and the only thing he could do is act fast but also quietly. “Thank you.” He mumbled out, giving the doctor a smile before standing from the seat and leaving the office, ignoring the doctors expression, not wanting the man’s pity or reassurance. That’s all he ever got from this place.
He bids the nurses a goodbye, his coat in hand as he slips it on and wraps his scarf around his neck. Helping him stay warm from the cold weather that took over Gotham. The city of Gotham was a terrible place to live in, having to fear every day and night, not knowing if you’ll be safe or not. But, one thing that he loved about Gotham was the way it looked when it was covered in snow. Hopefully he’s able to see it one more time before his time hits zero.
He knew this whole time that his clock was ticking, waiting to go off and to end the race. This whole time he thought he would win only to lose with such little time that’s left.
Y/n takes his time walking back home, his nose hidden deep in his scarf as he focused on his breathing. He only had two months in getting things finished, completing his last few moments before he was officially gone. His hands shake as he pulls out his phone, checking the time and date. He is startled by his phone buzzing, a text coming through.
He checks the message to see that it’s from Gordon. His boss and partner in crime. He started working for GCPD awhile back, building a strange bond with Gordon who was always pushed around and never listened too whenever he worked with the Batman, the people claiming that he wasn’t to be trusted until the Riddler made an appearance, nearly drowning all of Gotham because of a little game between him and the bats. Gordon warned himself a name and a higher position, taking Y/n with him since the young man helped and believed in him. The two were always working together.
“Don’t be late tomorrow, meeting.”
Y/n sighs at the message, stuffing the phone away and stopping in his tracks. Instead of walking forward he instead crosses the street and goes down a different road that’ll take him directly to work. He knows that he’s isn’t suppose to come in today due to it being his day off but if things were slowing down for him, it’s best to give Gordon a final goodbye.
He walks in silence, ignoring the people who stared and judged. He couldn’t deal with any of that now when he had better things to do. The GCPD building is up ahead when he glanced up from his shoes, head held up high as he entered the building. He couldn’t allow others to know, not yet, not now and not ever.
“Afternoon y/n! Thought today was your day off?” Betty said from behind her desk, a wide smile on her face as she watched him. Y/n stares at the young women who he’s known for years. He still remembers the first time he met the women, she was tough and scary on the outside but soft and warm in the inside. Not many people here spoke to her due to her temper but he didn’t mind. He appreciated her hard work and kindness. The way the two became friends will always be the strangest thing to Y/n, but he will never regret meeting her. Her smile always made him feel at home.
“It is, I came to speak with Gordon about something. But I’ll be in tomorrow.” He promises, waving her off and not wanting to keep her worried as he steps backwards down a hall and to Gordon’s office. He stands in front of the door, his body frozen as he hesitates to knock. He tells himself to calm down before releasing a large deep breath and finally knocking on the door.
Y/n turns the knob and pushed the door open, stepping inside to see Gordon sitting behind his desk, case files open and spread out as he looked up to give Y/n a confused stare. The man checking the time on his watch and the days on his Calendar. “I said to come in tomorrow—it’s your day off.” The older man says. Y/n chuckles, closing the door behind him as he steps forward. “Everyone thinks I’m forgetting what today is.”
“Trust me, it sometimes feels like you are forgetting.” Gordon rolls his eyes, y/n’s nervous smile going unnoticed. “So, what are you doing here?” He finally asks, focusing back on the case files as he organized the papers in front of him. Y/n is silent for a few seconds before answering. “I came here to give you my resignation.”
Gordon’s hands froze, hovering over the papers as his head shot up. Shock written all over his face as he stutters out. “What—why—what?”
Y/n nervous fixed his scarf around his neck. “I came to give you this.” He pulls his hand out from his coat pocket, handing Gordon an envelope with his resignation letter inside. “I’ll only be here for a short period of time. I’ll be leaving next month and moving to London due to a personal matter.” He explains, not wanting give too much detail.
Gordon can only hold the envelope in hand, staring at it in disbelief, not believing that his own partner would resign without any notice. Not work notice but friendship notice. Gordon looks up from the envelope and clears his throat. “I’m guessing you won’t be returning.”
“Unfortunately, no.” He whispers in return. “I’m sorry, Gordon. I should have told you ahead of time but this is all last minute.”
“I understand, whatever personal matter you need to take care of is your business—I still would have appreciated a notice or a call.” Gordon sets it down, not opening it yet but will soon. “Damn, really gonna miss having you around kid.”
Y/n smiles. “Me too, but everything comes to an end. Besides, Betty would be a great partner for you. She’s a hard worker and I’ve taught her a thing or too.”
Gordon scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Do you really think she’ll handle well around the Batman?” Gordon knew how serious the Batman took his job, he didn’t play around and only trusted few people who worked under GCDP. It took Gordon some time to trust the man until he got his approval. For y/n, if was easier for him since he knew the man since childhood.
“I think the Batman will give her a chance, besides she’s always wanted to work with him. She’ll be perfect.” Y/n wanted Gordon to move forward without him and getting a new partner like Betty will help him out. Again, like he said. Betty is a wonderful women and smart, she knows how to deal with the hard stuff and is up for a challenge.
“Very well, I’ll see how it goes with Betty but in the meantime. I still expect you to come to the meeting tomorrow. Just because your leaving doesn’t mean you can skip out.” Y/n laughs at him, already knowing the lecture that’s to come. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gone by next week, you still have me for seven days.”
“Hm, I’ll make sure to make those days count.” Gordon grumbled, knowing that he will make him work every case that he is on in order to spend his last few days with him. Y/n nods to himself, knowing that the conversation was over and giving himself the chance to escape the dirty office. He gives the door a glance, staring at the name tag as his smile slowly fades away. He always hated working for the GCPD since majority of the people he worked with always got on his nerves. But, the one thing he liked about it was Gordon.
The man was always helping him go the point where the two were always doing something considered dangerous or stupid. The two liked living on the edge, completing cases together and being a step ahead of everyone. Gordon always brought him joy and excitement into his work, excited to start something new and getting the job done.
Once he leaves the building he makes sure to give the building another glance over his shoulder before calling for a taxi to take him to Wayne tower. He makes sure to pay the driver well after he’s dropped off a block from Wayne tower, he didn’t mind walking the rest of the way and would rather take his time organizing his thoughts before arriving. He was always welcomed by both Bruce and Alfred. The two giving him a room to use in case he never makes it back home on time, which he didn’t mind. He loved staying at the Wayne tower, it brought many memories both good and bad.
But as long as Bruce was their, he wouldn’t mind calling it home.
“Evening Master Y/n, I made tea once I heard that you were visiting.” Alfred calls from the living room, setting down a tray with two teacups filled and set aside. Y/n shakes the cold off and unwraps the scarf from around his neck, draping it over the chair and removing his coat. “Thank you, Alfred.” He mumbled out, taking a seat and claiming his tea.
“Did the doctor say anything?” Alfred catches Y/n off guard. The young man startled as he looks around frantically. “Master Wayne is downstairs, no need to worry he still doesn’t know.” The other sighs in relief his body growing calm as he stares down at his tea. Alfred was the only one who knew about his condition and how long he’s been struggling with it. “Doctor told me that I wasn’t getting any better.” He clarified, knowing that Alfred was listening. He taps his finger against the rim of the cup. “He also told me that I only have two months.”
“Excuse me?” Alfred sets the tray down, his eyes wide. The older man kept opening and closing his mouth not knowing what to say. Y/n took the opportunity to continue explaining. “They offered me more medications but I denied it. It’s already too late and I only have two months left, I’d rather get this over with then continue pushing back.” He sighs out. “I already put in my resignation letter with Gordon and will have to start putting my apartment up for rent—then I’ll deal with Bruce later.” He already knew that Alfred would ask about Bruce.
The two have been friends since they were children and told each other everything, but lately things have been changing between them. Yes, they still get along well and still spoke with each other, the only difference is that one of them is in love with the other. He’s been trying his best to keep his feelings buried deep and locked away from Bruce. He’s been doing great so far and has been trying to move on, he couldn’t allow Bruce to find out.
Their were many times that he wanted to confess but was afraid of the response he would get back from the Wayne. He didn’t want to mess up the friendship they’ve had since childhood and he couldn’t bare losing Bruce after being with him for years. He knows that he’ll have to tell him about his conditions but not right now, later. He still has time, right?
Alfred eyes the man nervously, knowing what he was thinking. Alfred was their since the death of the Wayne family and the day Y/n lost his own parents too. His father passed away due to a sickness when he was only a baby and his mother was badly hurt during a drug bust when she first worked at GCPD. Her injured caused her to lose to much blood and pass away on the scene. It was a devastating time for the young man but he wasn’t alone. Bruce stood by his side as the two promised each other as children.
Now, y/n’s clock was ticking and his time was approaching. He would be gone at such a young age and Bruce will be alone again, but this time we won’t have the same support he had when he was only a kid.
“Please, don’t.” Y/n whispers. He couldn’t deal with any of this, he didn’t want too. “Let’s just pretend that everything is okay, that I’ll continue to visit with a smile on my face with no worries.” He knows that’s a lie, but a lie can always be seen as the truth.
Alfred can only sigh, giving him a nod before turning away and heading towards the kitchen where he can finish up his tasks while Y/n remained seated, waiting for Bruce to come back upstairs. He stares at the tea cup, full and growing cold. He gently takes the cup in his cold hands and sighs in relief when the warmth hits. He takes a small sip, noticing Bruce at the corner of his eye as he looks up.
“You’re here early.” Bruce mumbled, squinting his eyes at the sunlight and sitting across from him. He gives the tea a glance and ignores it, not in the mood of drinking it even though Alfred spent time making it. Y/n hums to himself. “You eating?”
Bruce grins. “Always looking out for me.”
“I made a promise and I tend to keep it.” Y/n smirks back as Bruce sits up straight and finally takes a sip from his tea. “You look pale.” Y/n avoids his eyes, focusing on the dark liquid that’s in his cup. He hasn’t been sleeping, eating, drinking, or even having the energy to move. He looked weak and unhealthy, his eyes always carrying bags underneath them. He didn’t look great in the past few days but somehow found a way to keep his condition a secret.
“Just haven’t been feeling well lately, probably just a cold—winter is approaching and many people get sick around this time.” Y/n explains, nervously tapping the side of his Chi before pushing away, changing the subject quickly. “Anything interesting happening?” The older Wayne groans, remembering his schedule and the events he is suppose to attend. The man hated social gatherings and would rather stay locked indoors.
“City hall is hosting a gala and they want me to come but, I, do not wish to go.” Bruce was always broody and awkwardly social. He wasn’t very good at speaking with others since he kept himself closed off to the public. “Wow. Good luck.” Y/n teased, earning a glare from Bruce. “Why don’t you join me?”
Y/n chokes on his tea, coughing and laughing as he shakes his head. “Wearing a fancy suit and speaking with rich bastards isn’t my thing.”
“Neither for me.” Bruce adds.
“I know but I don’t like going to those events and your always dragging me with you and dressing me up in the many suits that you have, why not take a lovely women with you?” Y/n coughs softly. Not knowing how Bruce will react at the thought of taking a strange women with him. It’s not like he’s never seen him around them before.
Out of all the events he was forced to go, he always sees a crowd of women around Bruce. Wanting his attention and his approval, wanting to be his side and doing things that no other women has done to him before. He couldn’t help but feel hurt at the thought of Bruce loving someone else who wasn’t him. He knows he can’t change anything between the two, he had no idea if Bruce even saw him in that way.
He can help but grow sad at the thought of someone else kissing him. He still remembers the time that both Bruce and Selina Kyle kissed on the tower. He saw everything that morning though the monitoring and didn’t know if Bruce knew that he was their watching. He was silent the whole day, pretending that he didn’t see anything and didn’t mention it to Bruce.
But he saw the way he looked at her. It was the same way he looked at Bruce.
He shakes himself from his thoughts and stands. “Well, I came to visit for a bit—I should get going. I have some things to finish.” He starts to collect his things when he feels Bruce brush his hand against his arm, startling him a little and turning around. Bruce was slightly taller than him, he used to be taller than Bruce when they were teenagers, not anymore.
“Please come, I’ll pick you up tonight.” Bruce pleaded. He really didn’t want to be there alone and deal with all the snobby rich families and couples. Y/n groans, shaking his hand away and slipping his coat on. “I’ll go if you take me shopping.” He narrows his eyes.
Bruce’s eyes spark with excitement a smile gracing his lips as he nods. “Deal.” He is quick to accept as the other rolls their eyes and laughs. “I’ll see you tonight.” He wraps his scarf around his neck and leaving the Wayne tower. He knows he’s going to regret tonight’s event.
Like he said, regret.
He’s wearing the suit Bruce provided for him and convinced him to join him for tonight’s gala. Bruce had picked him up as promised and arrived to the event on time. The cameras flashed their way as the two kept their heads down and entered the building quickly before Bruce got bombarded by couples who began to ask him many questions.
Instead of helping his poor friend he instead leaves him, wishing him luck on all the conversations he is to have tonight. He instead keeps himself occupied in a corner, leaning against the wall as he watched everyone dance and laugh with each other. A nice drink of alcohol sounded nice but knew that it’ll worsen his health and he couldn’t have that happening.
“Alone tonight?”
Y/n looks over to his right to see a young women standing near him, she was short but beautiful. He tilts his head to the side as he takes her in, his eyes widening in realization once he recognizes the women. “I—yeah, well, not really.” He shrugs, giving Selina a small smile.
Selina chuckles at him. A champagne glass in her hands as she stood next to him. “Don’t be nervous, Honey. I can tell you don’t feel too comfortable being here.” Y/n bites his lip, looking away from her gaze. “Never have been.”
“Do you attend these often?” She questions.
“Only when your friend forces you.” Selina smiles at his words. “Yeah that must really suck.” He can help but chuckle in return. As much as he envied them women he can’t help but feel warm and comfortable around her. Maybe this is why Bruce warmed up to her so quickly. She was quiet but yet firm and comfortable. She was someone you can easily open up too and she wouldn’t judge your life style.
“Do you have a date?” He questions back to her, catching the womens attention as she blushed. “Not tonight, I just came alone and you?” He shakes his head in response, he wasn’t entirely alone. He had Bruce but as lovers, he had no one. He was moving on alone until he time ends, he’d rather keep it that way.
He was lost in thought that he doesn’t feel Selina’s hand on his arm. Her gentle touch pulls him back to reality as she looks at him with worry and pity in her eyes. “I don’t want to be rude but, you look sad. Can I ask why?”
Y/n open and closes his mouth, looking into her soft brown eyes. “How do you tell someone that the reason you are sad is because you love them?” He feels the room grow quiet as if the two were the only ones in the room together. Her expression knits into a sad one, her eyes growing sad as she whispered back. “Oh, sweetie.” She gives him a sad smile. “Do you still love them?”
“I knew I did from the first moment we met. It was—not love at first sight. But, familiarity, like: oh, hello, it’s you!” He chuckles out, remembering the first time he fell in love with Bruce. The way he smiled at him and would hold his hand whenever he had nightmares, wanting his company, craving for it.
“But I’m recovering, I’m moving on and I think I can do it.” He adds, reassuring her that he can do better and that he can move forward without any worry. He gives her a smile, showing her that everything will be fine. “That’s up for you to decide.” Selina mumbled, giving his arm a soft squeeze. “Thank you for your company.” She added and lets him go, walking away and disappearing into the crowds to do as she pleased. He watched her disappear and could no longer see her. He sighs deeply and turns to look through the crowds, spotting Bruce from a distance as he spoke to another wealthy couple.
He smiles to himself as he watched Bruce from across the room. It took Bruce a few seconds to know that someone was watching him. His gaze shifts from the couple towards Y/n, the two staring at each other as Bruce smiles. Y/n gripped his pants nervously. “I was just start to recover. But then you looked at me.” He says to himself, giving Bruce a nod who turned his attention back to the couple.
Those feelings were only getting worse, it’ll be harder for him to keep it bottled up as time ticks by. He’s kept them hidden for years he can go a little longer, just a little longer and it’ll all be gone. The pain will soon ease. The thought of pain causes him to start coughing, covering his mouth with his hand as he steps away from his corner, hiding behind some curtains as he coughs and gags horribly. He’s wheezing at this point and it becomes difficult for him to breath.
He pulls his hand away to see blood, his eyes clouding with tears as he whimpered in pain. He closed his hand into a fist and pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket, cleaning the blood on his hand and his lips. He wasn’t feeling too good, his legs were growing weak and he was close to passing out. He had to leave, he couldn’t faint in the middle of a party full of guests. He had to get back home.
Y/n is quick to sneak out of the party, without telling Bruce anything as he calls for a cab to drive him back home. He continues to cough up blood again, using his handkerchief to cover his mouth as he curled up in the back seat of the cab. He didn’t know if he should head home or to the hospital, but he already knew that getting home was the only best option. Once he arrives he pays for his ride and runs inside, unlocking his door and slamming it shut as he ran to the bathroom.
He removes his coat and tie, tossing everything aside as he coughs over the white sink that was getting covered in red. After he finishes he turns on the water and groans, cleaning the sink and drinking some water. His throat felt dry and scratchy and he was tired and cold, the bathroom felt cold and all he wanted to do was sleep the night away.
He stumbled inside his bedroom, stripping from his clothes and slipping on some sweats as he crawled underneath the bedsheets. He doesn’t bother to turn on the lights or to check on anything else. He was already out the minute his head hits the pillow. He wakes up after a few hours, feeling soft warm fingers against his head as he slowly opens his eyes.
He gets adjusted to the dark to see Bruce standing in his room, dressed his his bat shit, cowl over his face. Y/n sighs and closed his eyes again. “M’sorry…” he mumbled out, apologizing for ditching Bruce at the gala. He hears Bruce shuffling in the background as he skilled his glove back on. “It’s fine. Got worried after you went missing, thought something happened.”
“Mhm, I work with GCPD, I can handle myself.” Y/n mumbled back, hearing Bruce chuckle as he pushed his hair back. “I know you can but I also worried about Romeo.” Y/n opens one eye to see his black cat sitting at the end of the bed, tail flicking side to side as he sneered at him. “Shit.” He groans out after remembering brag he forgot to feed the little demon. “I forgot to feed him.”
“Don’t worry, I gave him something a few hours ago after I came to check up on you.” Bruce explains, stroking a gloved finger over the cats head who purred in return and stood up.
Y/n watched the two carefully, Bruce has grown to love Romeo, the cat had grown attached to the Wayne and always followed him around. He was well behaved and rarely caused trouble. The two fit each other.
Y/n sighs, after he leaves Romeo won’t have a home to go too. He will have to re-home him before anything else, so, best make the last memories of them together count. “Shouldn’t you be patrolling?” He tilts his head to the side as Bruce gives Romeo one last pet. “I was just heading out, wanted to make sure you were fine first.”
Y/n pulls the blankets close to him as Bruce heads towards his balcony, pulling the door open—“True or False.” Bruce froze at the sound of his voice, looking over his shoulder. “You won’t forget me, right?”
Y/n smiles. “True or False.” Bruce asked this time, his hand gripping the railing. “You’ll be here when I get back.”
Y/n shivers as Bruce stood outside his balcony, the cold air getting in as he stood there. Waiting for his response.
He lets out a shuddering breath. “True.” False.
Bruce jumps off his balcony and disappears into the night. Y/n is slow to stand up and walking over to his balcony door, closing it up and locking it before getting back to bed. He grips the covers around his body. “I’m sorry.” He whispered in the darkness as he let the blanket fall from his shoulders, walking around his room to get dressed into something warm. He knows he’s suppose to have two months left, but the way his body was failing him and breaking apart only meant that he had a few hours maybe a day or two.
He takes everything he needs and picks up Romeo, setting him inside his back up as the cat calmly allows him and sits inside, his head sticking out as he looked around in wonder. Y/n slips on his shoes and leaves his apartment, calling for another cab to take him to Wayne tower. In the ride their he’s coughing again, using his coat sleeve to cough into, knowing that it’ll be stained with blood.
When he arrives he checks the time. Bruce won’t return back until sunrise, that was still a few hours out. “Alfred?” He calls out softly as he grips the straps on his bag close, walking around the top floor where he sees Alfred near the fire. “Master Y/n.” Alfred approaches him, helping him take a seat. “You look terrible—“
He takes notice of the stains on his sleeves, knowing what it meant. “Y/n.”
“Alfred.” He cuts him off, slipping his bag off and allowing Romeo to hope out. “I have to go.”
“No, you need a hospital.”
“Master Wayne won’t be happy seeing you gone. What will you say to him? How do you think he will feel if he finds you dead?”
“It can’t be changed, you cannot save me. What is done is done.” Y/n chokes out, glaring at Alfred who went silent at his words. “It’s already too late, my time is up and I can’t be here when Bruce shows up. So please,” His eyes are filled with tears. “Take care of Romeo and give him this.” He hands Alfred a sealed envelope, a letter to Bruce.
“Y/n,” Alfred shakes his head. “You should give it to him.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry but I can’t.” Y/n stands from his seat, putting the bag over his shoulders again as he takes in a deep breath. “Tell him that I’m sorry, please take care of him.”
“Always.” Alfred said back.
Y/n smiles, bending down to pull Romeo into a soft hug, kissing his head as he sniffles. “Don’t cause any trouble.” He muffled against his fur before seeing him back down. Romeo sits near Alfred, the two watching him leave the Wayne tower once again and disappearing into the night. He doesn’t know where to go, but all he wanted was some peace and quiet. He’s able to buy himself a train ticket to the next city over, it’ll take a few hours for him to arrive but at least the train was empty and warm. He sat in the back seats with his head against the window, watching the city go by as the train moves out of the city.
He lets out a deep breath, listening as the train moves against the railing. His heads pressing against the cold window as he closed his eyes.
Dear Bruce,
I’m sorry for lying.
I told you that I was doing fine when in reality I wasn’t. I started growing sick a few years back, my body growing weak and my health getting worse, I didn’t want to say anything and cause you to worry. I know I promised that I’d still be there when you returned but unfortunately I am unable to keep this promise. Please, don’t come looking for me, you won’t be happy once you find me and I wouldn’t want to see you devastated.
Please, don’t let my condition stop you from moving forward. You’ve been through so much grief and pain and hate to be the next person to give you that again. Don’t let this stop you from being a better person, listen to Alfred and don’t lose him. I know death doesn’t scare you and if you must die, die knowing your life was my life’s best part.
I can say goodbye to everyone, but not you. Our goodbye will always be the hardest. Nothing has made me sadder but knowing that I’ll never be able to return back home to you. If I had my life to live again, I would come looking for you…
True or false.
We won’t forget each other, right?
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literally-inlove · 2 years
sooo, i saw in your what i write for list that you write for dr stone. can i get a hurt/comfort scenario where senku and (fem) reader are married in modern au, and he always ignores her and doesn't give her attention while she loves him from the bottom of her heart and she gets upset and tells him she wants a divorce, but he says no bcs and confesses his true feelings. if that was too detailed then its ok if u don't do it.
LET'S GO! DR STONE! Very little Dr Stone on Tumblr now. Making me sad. 😢
Also, sorry it took so long. I try to do headcanons first as in my opinion, they're a lot quicker and easier to do. ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑)
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I'm Worried is All
Senku Ishigami x Fem!Reader
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Genre: Comfort Angst
Summary: Senku has been going to work too often and it's making you worried. Is he cheating? Is he talking bad about you to his friends? Does he just not care about you anymore? Either way, you're sick of it...
Warning: Slight cussing
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Lately, Senku has been out of the house way too often for your liking. You would make dinner and pray they could talk about his day, only for him to come in to eat and collapse on the couch. So much for his constant scoldings about how napping on the lounge can cause back and neck pain.
The most he would do now is look your way at night. He leaves early in the morning at gets home late. What is more important than you? What was more important than your marriage?
You looked a photo of when you were in the most gorgeous white dress. The day of your wedding. You sighed before grabbing the frame of the small tabletop picture and lay it on its face. Your eyes glistened as tears threatened to fall from your face.
You had just woken up from your slumber to walk around the house. You saw the clock on the wall that said that it was six in the morning.
6am and he wasn't even home. "He never has time anymore..."
You began to do your daily life chores alone, as per usual. You washed the dishes, did a quick shop at the local market, had a bath, and finished the day with a call with your best friend.
"Listen. If he doesn't care about you, then you don't have to care about him." She groaned to you over the phone. She happened to be divorced with four kids so she has more pain you'll ever have.
You laughed. "I know that, but I still care about him. And deep down, I know he cares-" "He obviously doesn't if he's not talking to you!!"
You heard her start yelling at her two middle kids, telling them to shut up. That was until she sighed. "Listen. I have to go. But divorce is always an option."
"I'm not finished yet-" You hung up the phone and slammed it back down.
These past few weeks, your best friend has been trying to convince you to leave Senku. But you could never do that. The most you do to acknowledge each other is you cooking him dinner.
So for once, you'll cook for yourself and yourself only. You had finally taken the eggs off the pan and on to the plate. You couldn't think of much to have so you're having what would normally be a breakfast as a dinner.
You were half way through your meal, which isn't being very filling at this moment, when you heard the front door open.
Despite it being one of the first photos you see in your house when you walk in, he didn't even notice that your wedding photo wasn't there.
You heard Senku's back crack after he stretched and heard the soft thumping of his feet as he walked to the kitchen. You could tell he was looking around until he finally said something.
"Honey? Where's my portion?" That's it.
You clicked your tounge before placing your fork on the plate you had in front of you. "You haven't spoken to me in weeks, and that's the first thing you say to me?" The sound of metal clashing with glass echoed the room which was then followed with the sound of the chair being pushed out.
"You know what, Senku?" You looked at him with a stern look in your eyes. "I've had it with you. With-..." You motioned to the both of you. "-This."
You saw as he just stared at you with confusion. He shook his head before walking up to you slowly. "Look. Whatever it is, we can sort it out later-"
"And when is later?! Huh?!" You could see him swallow his saliva that was stuck at the back of his throat. "When will that be, Senku?!" His red eyes were easier to see with how wide he had them open. "When will later be if the last real conversation we had was weeks ago?!!"
He blinked in surprise before sighing. Senku opened his eyes to see yours tearing up. "(Y/n). Listen. We can work this out."
"Work what out? This mess of a relationship?!" "Okay. You can quiet down."
You threw your arms up and slammed them against your thighs. "Rich coming from someone who hasn't spoken to me in-" "-Weeks. I get it."
He sighed and pinched his nose bridge. You held back your tears before storming upstairs, forgetting about your plate. He saw this and chased after you. "(Y/n) where are you going?"
"I'm fucking done." Senku stopped after hearing your words. He managed to mutter out "what" as you spun on your heels. "I'm done with whatever you have going on here! I don't care who you're sleeping! I don't care what you say to your friends about me! I do not care anymore!!"
At this point, the water built up in front of your eyes were streaming down your face. You flinched at his touch due to sensitivity as he put his palms on his cheeks. "Okay. We'll sort this now." He pulled you into a tight hug, he head only just being above yours. "I'm not cheating on you. I'm not talking shit about you to any of my friends. And even if I was, Taiju and Kohaku would've told you. I love you so damn much that I can't imagine either of us being with anyone else."
You arms slowly lifted up so that you both were holding on to each other. Senku smiled as he spoke some more. "The truth is, I've been extremely busy with this latest project over in the labs these past two months. Lucky for us, it's almost finished." Holding on to your shoulder, he pulled away to look at you. He had a large smile on his face. Larger than what you've ever seen on him. "And I'm sure with all the pay I'll be given, we can go on a nice holiday. Just the two of us."
You felt him wipe your tears. "And me? Cheating? Honey that is simply i-" "-Illogical... I know..." You laughed softly.
Senku gave you a small pat on the head as he laughed with you. "Ever since we met in college, I doubt I would let you go. Based on my research, we were and still are a perfect match for each other." You smiled at him as he rested his forehead on yours.
He then pulled away and patted down his clothes. "Well. I'm hungry and you didn't make anything. I think your food is half cold and you looked as if you weren't enjoying it." "You saw?"
Senku looked at you and grabbed your hand. "Honey. I look at you almost every day. You just never notice." He tapped you on the nose before walking down the stairs. He halted his step and turned around slowly. "Looking at the time, there's not enough time to cook so.." He lifted his hand out. "Let's just go get take out."
All you could do was laugh as you took his hand. You both walked to the door as you put on shoes. "What happened to junk food being bad for you?" "Well, I'm hungry. You're hungry. Food is food at this moment."
You both closed the door, not knowing he lifted the frame back up on your way out. Based on his completely logical research, you were bound to have fights but were not bound to ever break up.
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And we are done. Sad but not too sad. Yayyyy.
Again. I am sorry this request took so long. But it is here now. I hope you liked it. I am not strong in the angst part of writing but yk.
Requests are open!!
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rafescoke · 3 years
i’m sooo obsessed with your entire page holy moly. if you’re taking requests can i get kinda an angst one where the reader is with jj and finds out him and kie have been doing stuff behind her back, and the rest of the group knew the whole time? so she ends up getting close to rafe and hanging out with his friends so it eventually ends up with rafe x reader??? sorry that’s so long lol pls never stop writing, i love your fics too much <3
All I Ask ; Rafe Cameron
#Part 1
#Part 2
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader x JJ Maybank
Summary: Reader finds herself in the arms of her best friend’s brother after finding her boyfriend cheating on her 
Warnings: Cheating, substance, mentions of sex, jealous Rafe, JJ & Kie being an asshole
A/N: Thank you so much for the amount of love I received from my last two works! It has been so overwhelming and I love each one of you with all my heart <3
p.s, my request box is always open! Send random ideas and I’ll turn them into a fic <33
p.p.s, so sorry if this isn’t my best work :(
“Come on, (Y/N), don’t be a party pooper!”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she pulled her best friend aside from all the commotion, “Sarah. I’m serious. I feel like he’s cheating on me.”
“He’s not!” Sarah groaned, and when (Y/N) gave her a look, she sighed. “I’m serious. He loves you too much, okay? Look, tomorrow’s your birthday, right? I’m sure JJ’s just ignoring you as a part of your birthday surprise.”
(Y/N) wanted to believe her so bad, but she couldn’t deny the strong feeling growing inside her. Ever since a month ago, JJ wasn’t there for her like always. When she tried to hold him in the van or at the Chateau, he would flinch and scoot away from her. She didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Look-” Sarah cupped her face, her eyes boring into hers. “I promise that he’s not cheating on you. Can you please let this go? How about you go and find him, have a smoke, and then come back to me with the verdict?”
(Y/N) hummed back in response, thinking about what Sarah had just told her. When she first moved to Obx from the city 4 years ago, she had been spending most of her time with the other kooks. When she bumped onto JJ one particular evening while he was too busy mowing down her lawn, that was when most of her happiest days started. 
(Y/N) made her way towards the far end of the beach where JJ and the other pogues were hanging out, her feet lightly patting against the hot sand. (Y/N) took a deep breath when she saw the love of her life laughing on a log, and quickly walked towards him.
“Hey,” she started, sitting on the empty space beside him. JJ shifted, giving her more space, and muttered a quick ‘hi’ back. He offered her a beer, to which she shook her head to, and he shrugged before downing the whole content.
“You’ve got some beer here,” (Y/N) said, leaning forward to wipe the tiny droplet on his chin. JJ hurtled backwards as if on cue, and quickly wiped the stain with the back of his hand. (Y/N) stared at him, being caught off guard, but decided to not create any drama.
“You really don’t have to do that,” (Y/N) muttered, wrapping her cardigan over her tighter. The cold night air swept over her, causing her hair to fall over her shoulders. She didn’t bother to fix it as she watched JJ scoffed, the fire in front of them reflecting on the surface of his blue eyes.
“Do what? Wipe my mouth? Come on, (Y/N), it’s really not that big of a deal,” JJ sighed. He didn’t even bother to hold her hand, to reassure her that it’s really okay, and instead he continued his conversation with John B about some kind of a movie. She noticed Pope looking at their way, but he quickly turned to look at the waves when she returned his gaze.
“Do you want to smoke?” she tried again, this time with her hands on his lap. He didn’t move, and (Y/N) took this as a good sign, her heart fluttering happily. 
It’s progress.
“You sure?” he asked, fumbling with his back pocket to reach for his extra blunt. When he grasped the rolled up herbs between his fingers, he handed it to her, smiling when she scooted closer. He lighted it for her, watching her took a deep huff before blowing the smoke.
“That’s good?” he asked before taking a blow for himself. He felt his heavy mind getting lighter, the weight he has been holding since forever slowly lifting into the air. He laughed, and turned to look at the state of the girl beside him.
“Thank you, baby,” (Y/N) smiled, this time with her head on his shoulder. She saw Pope looking at them with some kind of a heavy look again, but just like before, he turned away before she could ask him anything. 
Pope’s attention from the crashing waves turned completely to (Y/N), his eyes wide and his mind panicking. His eyes glanced to the blonde boy beside her for a second, but it settled back to her. “Yes?”
“You’re okay? You keep looking at me. Is there anything that you want to tell me?”
“Me?” he pointed to his chest, and when he saw the look on JJ’s face, he laughed, making an action of swatting his hands against the air. “Oh no. I was just thinking about something else. I guess I involuntarily looked at you.”
(Y/N) laughed with him, her head still on JJ’s shoulder, her eyes slowly squinting against the glowing fire that seemed to be too bright. She turned to whisper to JJ, “Can we go home?”
“Tonight? But It’s Bonfire night. We can’t leave yet,” he protested, glancing at both of his friends for help. Pope, not wanting to spend anymore time with them anymore, quickly stood up from his seat and walked towards the main space of the party. 
“I’m gonna go with Pope, okay? Find Sarah. Go and talk to her? I’ll call you later,” JJ quickly added, standing up from his seat, stirring (Y/N) from her previous position. She sighed, her head still woozy, but she didn’t want to think about the possibility of him cheating on her.
He wanted her first, it’s just not possible for him to suddenly lose feelings for her. The countless times he would tell her that he loves her, that she’s the only girl he will ever mark as his, and now nothing?
She groaned, kicking the sand, all while the muffled music thrumming against her eardrums. She turned to look at John B, the only guy left with her, and opened her mouth to say something.
“Do you see the problem, John B?” she asked, her voice slow. When he didn’t reply, she sighed again, this time standing up from her seat to return to the ongoing party. “This is exactly the fucking problem.”
She didn’t understand; why is everyone treating her differently? What did she do? She sacrificed almost everything to be apart of their group, including her relationship with her kook friends. At that moment, she longed for her bedroom, where she knew she will be totally safe, all cuddled up with Netflix to enjoy.
“If it isn’t the princess,” a voice said from behind her back, and (Y/N) rolled her eyes before turning to look at the source. The tall figure of Rafe Cameron loomed over her, and (Y/N) tried to block his scent of cigarette and expensive cologne. She never really stopped liking his smell.
The Camerons and her family are business partners, and that was the core reason for her family to move to Obx in the middle of July 4 years ago. Meeting Sarah and her siblings for the first time, she couldn’t deny the strong attraction she felt towards the oldest sibling, but she had thought of it as nothing more than a silly crush and tried to focus more on her relationship with a certain blonde boy living on the other side of the island.
“You can take a picture, it’ll last longer that way,” he smiled, and (Y/N) groaned when she could hear the amused tone lacing in his gruff voice. She made to walk away, but was halted by Rafe’s fingers around her wrist.
“Come on, I was just playing. That’s not the way to treat an old friend,” he laughed, letting go of her. He looked around her, noticing her odd behaviour, and suppressed his smile. “Where’s the boyfriend?”
“I don’t know,” she finally replied, and returned the gesture of looking around him. “Where’s the girlfriend?”
Rafe laughed, throwing his head back as his hair messily slicked to the back. “Girlfriend? I don’t do girlfriends. Come on, (Y/N), you know that.”
“Not a surprise,” she said in a singing tone, giving her attention towards the dancing bodies next to the speaker. “Look, Rafe, just say whatever you want to say to me, okay? I’m tired of trying to figure out what people wanted to say to me.” 
“I just want to make a conversation,” he shrugged, chugging down his beer before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His actions reminded her of JJ, and she quickly looked away when she felt a pang of hurt across her heart.
“Uh-oh, I know that look,” Rafe said, tugging her chin to force her to look at him. (Y/N) grunted, feeling his cold skin against hers, but she let him stare into her eyes before quickly pulling away. “Yeah. It’s that look you’ll put when you’re worried about something. What’s up?”
“Rafe, it’s really nothing,” she sighed, scooting away from the boy. She looked around again, and her eyes landed on a certain blonde boy, and she could feel her heart soaring up again. Rafe’s eyes followed her gaze, and when he saw JJ, he turned to look away.
“I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Rafe replied, already making his way towards the keg station.  (Y/N) noticed the change in his behaviour, seeing how cold he turned, but decided not to mention it. She was being cold towards him first, so she guessed it was fair for him to be acting that way. 
Rafe didn’t understand how blind she could be. Couldn’t she notice the pattern of the girls he fucked? How they all looked so similar to her? 
He scoffed, sipping from his red cup as he watched her walk towards the boy that stole her from him. Everything was going perfect; they were hanging out almost every day; just her and Rafe, either it was in his swimming pool or (Y/N)’s hot tub. When her father had hired JJ Maybank to mower his lawn, that was when everything went downhill. 
“Cameron,” a voice greeted from beside him, and when he turned to look at the figure, he expressed a sly smirk.
One more person that looked like her.
. . .
JJ’s phone was beside her.
She kept telling herself no, that she should trust him since they are in a relationship, but her brain was yelling for her to go through his phone.
He’s cheating on you.
She groaned, unable to contain herself anymore as she grabbed his phone, looking around briefly before typing his passcode. 
The phone vibrated in her hands as she failed to guess his passcode, and she frowned before the screen. It had been her birthday’s date, so why wouldn’t it open? She tried again with their anniversary date, and again, was met with the same fate.
“What the fuck?” she said to no one in particular, and sighed before trying out random numbers. Lastly, she pressed all 1, not thinking much of it and already accepting her defeat. She exclaimed in happiness when his home screen appeared with his background a picture of a dog.
(Y/N) frowned again, remembering how it used to be a picture of them, but decided to not question it as their picture had been replaced by a dog instead of something else. She went through his Instagram, scroling down the many direct messages, through his Imessages; where he texts the pogues a lot and through his Snapchat, only finding their private pictures in his ‘my eyes only’.
She released the breath she didn’t realise she was holding, shutting the phone off and letting it lay in its previous position. She smiled, secretly cursing at herself for ever doubting JJ. He must’ve been busy with his life, just-
Involuntarily, (Y/N) picked up the phone and watched as Kie’s name appeared. She typed in his passcode quickly, trying to see what she needs so that she could try and help her with anything in case if it’s urgent. Her heart stopped for a minute when she saw her text.
Kie: You’re sleeping with her tonight?
Why would she even text him that?
(Y/N) sat up straighter, her fingers gliding across the screen in a swift motion.
She watched as the typing signal appeared, biting the insides of her cheeks. She looked at the direction of the toilet again, hearing the blonde boy humming to a Nirvana song. She looked at the screen again.
Kie: You promised me you would be with me tonight
Kie: Just us two
Oh my god.
She could feel the hot tears coming in, but her bathroom door creaked open, so she threw the phone back to its initial position and cleared her throat, looking to the ceiling and randomly muttering words to herself.
“Huh?” JJ asked, looking at the direction she pointed. He saw nothing, and looked back to her. 
“I said white’s not the color anymore. I think I’m changing it to grey. What do you think?” She asked, feeling her throat hurting. She cleared her throat again as JJ stared at the ceiling one more time, his face all scrunched up.
“I think grey’s okay?” He said, but it was more to a question. He took his phone and sat beside her, shielding his screen from her. She watched him from the corners of her eyes, silently interpreting his strange demeanor. 
She cursed when it finally hit her; she hadn’t delete her text to Kie.
She bit her lips, curling her toes and randomly tracing circles on her lap. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t see clearly, she couldn’t think.
How could she forgot to delete that one, single text? 
“I have to go,” JJ stood up, slipping his phone into his pocket. (Y/N) looked at him, ready to ask if she could follow, but halted her action when he put a hand up.
“I’m seeing John B. Something about, um, Sarah stuff. Just me and Pope. The boys,” he muttered, clearly trying to tell her that he wouldn’t be bringing her to the Chateau. (Y/N) nodded, feeling her heart sank, because she finally understood everything;
The glances he would give to Kie in the HMS Pogue, the brief moments where he would put his hands around Kie’s waist when he tries to slip in between her and someone, the flirtatious laugh he’ll emit when she makes a joke - it all made sense.
(Y/N) used to think that it was all just friendly behaviour and how he had known her longer hence it must’ve been normal for best friends to do that. One thing that (Y/N) likes about herself is how she’s able to guess things correctly - 
But she had never wanted to be so wrong about something before.
“You’re okay by yourself tonight?” 
“Huh?” She finally looked up to him, seeing his blue eyes staring straight into her boring ones. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay,” he smiled, proceeding towards the open window to exit her bedroom. (Y/N) ‘s father would never give his blessings towards this relationship, so he had to enter and exit his girlfriend’s room through the window. 
He hesitated before reaching the seating girl, placing a soft but immediate kiss on her cheeks. (Y/N) smiled weakly in return, not trusting herself to say anything.
How could he?
Ten minutes after his departure, (Y/N) quickly grabbed her father’s car keys before fleeing after a particular black motorcycle. She didn’t even think about turning the car radio on, and her mind was set on only one thing; JJ and Kie.
When she arrived at the Chateau, her fingers trembling and her hair all over the place from the wind while she was driving down the road, forgetting to close the window, she quickly made her way to their usual hanging out place.
Before she could enter the room, Pope’s voice interrupted her actions.
“(Y/N)? What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked, his eyes widening. He looked at her palm around the doorknob, and let out a nervous laugh. “You’re looking for JJ? He’s not here.”
She gets it now.
“Pope, I know,” was all she said before opening the door. 
She felt her world shattering right after she was greeted with the sight of Kie on JJ’s lap, running her fingers through his blonde locks while she kissed him tenderly like  (Y/N) always did. John B and Sarah were right next to him, cheering him on, but stopped when they finally looked up to the looming figure.
“Oh my god,” Kie exclaimed, pushing herself off JJ and fixing her hair. (Y/N) made a look, disgust filling every inch of her body as she quickly walked away from the scene, not wanting to hear any apologies or explanation.
None of that mattered to her; she just wanted to go home.
“(Y/N)!” she heard him yell, but she exited the Chateau as fast as her feet could take her, not stopping to look at him. She cursed when she couldn’t find the right key to open her door, her fingernails clanking against the metal.
“It was a dare!” JJ said, right after he reached her. He watched as she didn’t pay any attention towards him, still fumbling for her keys. “I swear! The kiss was just a dare!”
“Was the text a dare as well?” she asked, finally putting the right key into the keyhole and stepping into the car. JJ cursed and stepped aside, feeling drained and tired from the screaming.
Of course he didn’t send the ‘wdym’. He never like short forms, only using them when he is in the toilet and typing with his left hand. Why didn’t he realised this sooner?
“I’m sorry,” he said, but before he could say anything else, the girl drove straight towards the exit, away from him. 
The worst part of all wasn’t about not having a chance to explain himself to get out of the mess he made, but it was when he saw the pained look on her face. 
“Fuck!” he yelled, kicking a stone and making his way back towards the Chateau. 
(Y/N) fingers scrolled down the many contacts in her phone as she tried to focus on the road simultaneously, and finally stopping when she reached the letter ‘R’ contacts. 
She tapped on the first name under the R letter, putting the phone call on speaker and placing her phone on her lap. She shuddered, suddenly remembering the way she had found JJ and Kie in, but shook her head when his voice filled the atmosphere.
“Hey, Rafe.”
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crazycookiecrumbles · 2 years
A Wish Fulfilled
A/N: This takes place late in this series of one-shots. I haven’t written in so SOOO long. THis is just a quick drabble I put together. IDK if this will go anywhere, but that’s why this is jsut a series of one-shots. IDK, might lead to the Crumble!Verse
Okay. So this is in my Stark!ReaderVerse! Feedback, as awlays, extremely appreciated and desired. ​
Pairings/Characters: Shang-Chi x Stark!Reader, Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Warnings: swearsies, Minors DNI none of my stuff bc I said so
Summary:  You want to know what else is out there, while Steve’s wildest dream has come true.
WC: 1,779
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Shangqi didn’t have to be a mindreader to know something was wrong. You had been in your lab for most of the last three days, and while he didn’t necessarily feel neglected about this because he himself was off on a mission with Katy, it was knowing that you were locking yourself away to work that had him worried about you.  So when Shangqi returned from work and realized that you were, once again, stuck in your lab, he sighed and stared up at the ceiling to think about what he wanted to do.
“Yes, Shangqi?” Your AI responded. “Would you like me to order dinner again?”
He cringed, “Are you mocking me for constantly ordering takeout?”
“No, I am simply picking up on your habitual ordering,” she replied. “What may I do for you?”
Feeling sassed, but ignoring it for now, he went on, “Can you kick Y/N out the lab?”
“You’d have better luck making pigs fly.”
Shangqi snickered to himself as he started to head towards the lab, “Technically, footballs are made of pigskin. So shouldn’t they fly?”
“I’m not here to argue semantics, Shangqi,” Wednesday said. “I’ve opened the door to her lab. You have access.”
“Thanks, Wednesday,” he slipped in through the door and spotted you immediately. You were reclined in your chair, feet up on the desk, staring at, at least, ten different monitors showing various reports. It took him a moment to gather that these were various different seismograms. Frowning, he managed to sneak up behind you and pull over a chair right beside you before you finally noticed him.
You blinked a few times and sat up, “Oh, shit. Hey! I did not realize you were back from your mission today. I’m so sorry. I was going to make food, and, and — “
Shangqi, with a knowing look, grabbed your hand and pulled it to rest on his lap, “What did you do?”
“Why is it that I did something?” You squeaked. “You know, that’s insulting. I’m insulted. Dare I say, I’m hurt.”
You pouted, “Okay. Fine. That’s warranted, I usually do something. Or Tony does. Anyway, I did nothing. Or at least I don’t think I did.”
He blinked a few times, “Okay. You’ve got me hooked. What’s happening now?”
You cleared your throat and shifted in your seat a few times as you stared at the screens, “Well, you know, we uh, we met the uh, the evil Shangqi.”
“You know, Leader of the Ten Rings.”
“No, I got that.”
“Totally has a hard-on for me, you know, that one?”
He blinked as he stared at you, “Is there a point to this or are you just trying to rile me up for sex reasons?”
You cackled and squeezed his hand, “Yes, I have a point. Well, we saw your evil counterpart. We have an all-new Natasha, a parallel Tony, Steve is young, Strange, I think, mentioned a zombie version of himself. And I just —“
It clicked, “You think you’re out there.”
“What if I am?” You replied. “What if some multiverse version of me is wandering around here? What if she’s the super cunt of the galaxy and she’s badder than bad? That’s someone that has to be put down without prejudice.”
He frowned, “You’re telling me that you’re trying to find an evil version of you out there to kill her?”
“That’s kind of insane, babe.”
“No, it’s not. Because I know what I think, and the things that I’ve accidentally done or nearly did. Now imagine I’m one of the millions of versions of me out there that are fucking Steve or you or, I don’t know, I bet there’s some other fucking superheroes out there that I’m shacking up with. Or villains, even —“
“Okay, are we establishing that in the multiverse, the different versions of you are playing superhero fuck bingo, or are we establishing that there’s a version of you out there that’s homicidal and trying to destroy the planet?”
“Okay. Let me get back to the point,” you sighed. “Imagine just trying to do any of that on purpose?” You shrugged a shoulder. “I stopped Steve’s heart out of rage. I took down some giant Chitauri the same way. I almost split the planet down to the core when my dad died. If I were me, and I went full supervillain because I had lost everything, well, I’d turn this place into my own personal playground, and who could stop me if I’m not holding back?”
You raised a good point, and Shangqi understood that. You were powerful, he knew that, everyone knew that about you. They also knew how your powers were linked to your emotions, and while you’ve accidentally done some pretty scary things, the things you did when you tried were just as bad, if not worse, and yet, tame in comparison to what you truly could do.
“Are you sure?” Shangqi asked.
“Sure that I’d kill everything and everyone? Well, I’m sure there’s some version of me out there that’s threatened that nothing would ever get in my way — “
“No, I know that. You said that when we went to get ice cream the other day,” Shangqi joked while you snorted. “I mean, are you sure that you would do these horrible, bad things?”
“What are you getting at?”
“Well, babe, I mean, if there’s a version of you out there that lost everything and went dark side, don’t you think, well, if you saw the opportunity, you’d just try to take it back?”
Your eyes shifted to stare off to the side as your brow furrowed and thought about this. Would you? If everything you had once loved and held dear was gone, could you do that? Could you be the type of person to slip into a new world and take over, just to selfishly get back everything you had lost?
“I don’t know —“
“I think you would,” Shangqi nodded. “I’ve heard you call this new Tony ‘dad’ so many times. I know how you’re avoiding Natasha every time you see her, but you ask Clint about her about six times a day. Maybe you’re not looking for a battleground. Maybe you’re looking for a new home.”
“I guess.”
He nodded, “But that’s only if there was some evil version of you walking around. Given that, ya know, there hasn’t been any crazy earthquakes or mudslides or anomalies any more different than the usual, I think we’re good, babe. I think this Earth just got the bad version of me, and not you.” Shangqi said as he stood up and pulled you with him. “Besides, this planet couldn’t handle the two of us on our worst behavior.”
“I suppose you’re right,” You sighed dramatically and let him drag you out of the lab. “I bet I’m so hot when I’m evil, though.”
“So you do like a bad boy. I knew it. See? Totally cheated on me with me.”
“That was — I thought we were over that!” You wailed while he laughed at you and pulled you into his side. “Maybe you’re the evil Shangqi, you know.”
“Nah,” he shook his head. “Katy said I’m too much of a simp for that.”
“I mean, yeah.”
Meanwhile, Steve had been outed by the press since he appeared in Manhattan following Doctor Strange and Peter fucking up, well, everything. They knew he was young, and alive, and had so many questions, but Steve was opting not to say anything and was letting them go about with their theories. Besides, they had a Captain America in Sam. That wasn’t him anymore. Instead, he was returning to his Nomad identity, and brought back the arm guards that they had made for him back in Wakanda.
Steve was currently heading back to his room in the compound. He had a training session that day, worked out, and caught up with Bucky over the phone who was currently on his way back from a mission he completed. As Steve rounded a corner, he stopped in surprise when he spotted you standing there, cracking your fingers nervously as you looked up at him and saw him before he nearly walked into you.
“Y/N,” Steve nodded is head and stared at you, admiring shamelessly how you looked in that old blue sweater of yours that he loved so much, that he hadn’t seen you wearing in years. “I thought you were home.”
You smiled and nodded hesitantly as you stared up at him. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Steve, your hand reaching out to him before quickly retracting it back and settling for staring at him, “It’s not the same without you, Steve.”
His eyebrows flew up. Was he dreaming?  No, this couldn’t actually be happening, could it? Granted, it was everything he wanted. From the moment he was back, all he wanted was you. He lived through his mistakes, and now he was living yet another lifetime where he couldn’t be with the one he loved. Here you were, standing there in front of him, vulnerable, something you hadn’t been with him for a long time, gazing at him adoringly like he held the world in his hands, like you used to when you first dated.
His eyes flew down to your hand and spotted the absence of a ring, nothing left but a tan line, “What about Shangqi?”
“He’s not you,” you replied before surging forward. Your hand grabbed the back of his head and brought him down so his lips could meet yours. A stunned moment from Steve turned into a quick, hungry reaction. He groaned softly and grabbed you around the waist with one arm, pulling you against his chest while his other hand flew to your hair. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around Steve and he quickly adjusted his arm so he was holding you up against him with his arm under your butt like it was the best seat in the house.
He pulled away with a loud pop, “You and Shangqi, you’re done?”
“You’re the only one for me, Stevie,” You replied, smashing your lips against his.
Steve carried you back to his bedroom, his mouth never once leaving you. But in the back of his mind, he was ignoring a very obvious point, something nagging him that was screaming at him from the depths of his mind and he was making himself push it down because he needed this, he wanted this, he needed this to be true, but what really bothered him was one thing: you never called him Stevie.
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lexxiie · 2 years
Hey! Read your fic where Dabi dances and I was wondering if you'd be able to do headcanons on the lov about them dancing? Like how they dance and all of that? sorry if it's confusing.
of courseee~
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Featuring: Tomura Shigaraki | Dabi | Kai Chisaki | (bonus) Hawks.
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How They Dance
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He's definitely an awakward dancer.
But he also has natural talent, if that makes sense.
The only thing keeping him from being an exceptional dancer is the lack of past experience.
He likes to press your body very close to his, placing arms around your torso, like a hug.
He's not really into anything crazy, mainly because he would have no idea what to do.
Loves it when you bury your face in his chest, he can place his chin over your head that way.
He honestly couldn't care less for dancing, he does it because it's an excuse to have you close.
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He knows what he's doing.
Absolutely loves dancing with you, it's a great excuse to be handsy.
He likes to place his right hand on your waist while slow dancing, but i'd say he's more of a free style guy.
For example, he sometimes randomly starts dancing around you in your house. Usually when you are having a bad time, to cheer you up, but also just because he feels like it.
He has so much charisma while dancing, I swear. It's incredibly charming.
He's the one who guides you whenever you dance, a complete natural.
Has a great musical taste, only high quiality tracks that remind him of you.
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He only knows how to slow dance.
Unlike Dabi, he has no charm when it comes to other types of dancing.
And he couldn't care less.
However, he does the thing where he dances with you around the house randomly as well, except that it's a waltz.
Quite a romantic dancer, if that makes sense.
He'll pull you close to him and whisper things in your ear that make you go all red.
Also likes to place sweet pecks on your cheeks when you dance.
He may not admit it, but he adores to dance with you. It makes him very happy.
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Ngl I feel like he's into tango or something like that.
He's a GREAT dancer.
Has no problem with slow dancing, but prefers quicker stuff.
Will spin you around until you start to feel sick.
If I'm honest, he's probably a better dancer than you are. He's got some great moves.
He obvioulsy loves dancing with you.
And you do too, but you must admit that your feet hurt sooo much afterwards.
He just never gets tired.
He'll massage them for you, though.
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everybloom · 2 years
Can I request about punishing kitten!taeyong?
Heey, I just finished your ask, sorry if you see any mistakes, sleep is really getting to me, btw, let me know if you notice. Hope you like it💕
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Taeyong never gave you much trouble, he always tried to be the best kitten he could be, being at your feet when you asked, looking at you with his eyes almost shining. So it was to be expected that punishments would be scarce in your relationship, and in fact they were, he received so many rewards that you were more like a softdom.
All that kind aura of his would go away the moment his heat approached, he would become more aggressive in his advances, more direct when asking for you, sometimes too inquisitive, which was understandable but irritated you deeply. It was during this period that he seemed to forget who was in charge and any opportunity he had to hook on you, he would. He loved to surprise you with a semi-erection rubbing against your ass, letting out ragged moans in his ear, you knew he wasn't aroused enough to moan like that, but it didn't stop teasing you.
Dealing with this kind of behavior from him was easy for you for a day or two, but by the time you reached the third, and therefore the day before the start of heat, you had already lost patience for Taeyong's debauchery. You were watching television when you saw him approach you only in his underwear, he sat on your thigh and everything was acceptable until he started rubbing there, what started subtly was already with him riding your thigh with all the strength he had, until then you could confront him and leave strong slaps on his ass, which instead of making him give up, only made him work harder.
He made you lose your sanity as soon as he got to your ear and told you he had a plug up his ass, that's when you moved to make him lie on the couch his chest crumpled in his hands, his face smeared red and fear for never having seen you so angry. The erection he sported just felt tighter and tighter in the fabric of his underwear, that was already bothering him so much, he tried to close his eyes to hold back, but all he could think about was you, you taming him, you on top of him, slapping his face. face and making him gasp in pain and pleasure.
"Did you really think you could get away with this? Rubbing up my thigh like a needy slut?" you growled and felt him shrink.
"Hmm... Please touch me, I want you so bad, and I'm so hard it hurts."
"To be honest I hope it hurts a lot more." his sarcastic voice made him shudder.
Before he could ask one more time, you pulled his boxers off of him faster than he could keep up, the red cock showing imposing. Taeyong trembled all over when you took his cock with your hands, one squeezing the base and the other caressing the glans, his eyes rolled just by the sensation of touch, the moan was muffled by one of his hands.
"I hope you're not trying to hide your noises from me kitten. Because if you are, your punishment will be much more severe."
And just like that you felt his cock grow wetter under his touch, the hand that had once covered his mouth was now twisting your own hair, hips wobbling with the speed you brought him closer to orgasm. You took your hands off the cock just to spit on it, not that it needed to get wetter, quite the opposite, Tae was dripping, but because you know how excited that would make him. When you put your hands on him again, he let out a scream so loud you were surprised, and from there it took little movement for him to start a chorus of "I'm close, I'm close, very close, please, please! ".
"Do you want to cum kitty?"
"I-I want, pretty please!"
"How much do you want to cum?"
"Sooo badly!"
When you felt his cock throbbing incessantly your hands were gone, but Tae's body was already too prepared, so all his load was dumped into his milky belly to the sound of loud and frustrated moans. When he shook off the shudders of the ruined orgasm, he managed to say:
"Give me one more please, that one wasn't all good."
"And why not?" you asked ironically.
"I wish you had milked me to the end, but you ruined my orgasm, please!"
"Only good kittens have completely good orgasms, bad kittens are denied or ruined orgasms when I'm feeling especially good."
"But please! I swear I'll be quick, please!"
"Ohh kitten, you're only going to cum when your heat comes, understand?"
"Yes, owner."
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femdomlieeh · 3 years
Cheek (m)
Bratty sub!Mingi ✧ Dom!F!Reader
WC—5.4 ✧ k
WARNING—69 ✧ oral sex ✧ face-sitting ✧ begging ✧ teasing ✧ stripping ✧ praise ✧ minnie being the cutest fkn boy out there ✧ light degradation ✧ light hair pulling ✧ competition (Woosan) ✧ mommy kink (mami) ✧ baby boy kink
THEMES—smut ✧ fluff ✧ relationship au ✧ jealousy
[A/N.] first shit i ever posted on wp lmao
not edited so kinda messy ngl
M.LISTS—ateez ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
For a very long time I'd known that femdom is my cup of tea. Something else I'd known for a long time was that the thought of my boyfriend, Mingi, calling me Mami is one of the main factors of my wet dreams.
As I was driving the car home from a date, the only thing on my mind was how sexy he looked when he put his head on my lap in front of everyone in the café when he saw the waiter eyeing him up and down as an act of showing that he belongs to me.
I wanted him.
But I didn't just want him.
I wanted him in a way I'd never had him before.
I wanted him to call me Mami.
He liked it when I called him Babyboy so it shouldn't be too weird to call me Mami. Right?
I blurted out what I had wanted to say for too long: "I have a mommy kink."
He turned his head to me and looked at me, grinning as if I were joking. After a few seconds of not getting a similar reaction back his mouth gaped out of shock.
"Or to be more specific, I like being called Mami," I said in an attempt to get him out of his trance.
When he'd done enough thinking, which was five long seconds, he replied in the brattiest voice ever, "You're not my mother."
Of course it hurt that we weren't into the same kink...but all relationships have their flaws. At least we had femdom in common.
If he were dominant there'd be a problem.
And he didn't leave me for it, nor did he act weird around me.
But something that changed was that he got bratty.
He started using my kink against me! Like when I would accidentally walk into a table or drop my plate of precious food, he'd sarcastically say "Good job, Mami," and start applauding.
He'd always been my good boy so I wasn't sure how to react at first, but soon turned to punishments.
He liked it.
He liked it a lot.
He turned into a bad boy, but at least we found more common kinks that way. Mommy still wasn't one of them and that would always be in the back of my mind.
As long as I pleased him I was pleased. It didn't matter if he called me Mami or not.
___'s pov
"How does it feel?" I ask him enthusiastically.
"I'm excited since you've told me so many stories about them and it's a bigger step in our relationship," he says with a small, shaking voice.
He's nervous.
Knocking is heard from the entrance door of the apartment, which signals that they've arrived. Thus I move my feet towards the large door and open it, revealing the three people we've been expecting.
"San, you're even cuter than before!" I squeal out when I notice that his hair color is different from the last time I saw him, lilac and blue.
Last time I saw him he had bleached hair, but I'm assuming that was just to prepare for the ocean blue.
He throws himself at me in a needy hug and whines out "___-ie, I've missed you sooo much."
San is a very touchy person and that's one of his best traits - according to me - but it can be a less good one in a situation where you're in a relationship and your partner isn't aware that the guy acts like that around all his best friends.
Therefore Mingi stands there awkwardly and breathes quicker at the view of a stranger, who is an attractive boy, latch onto his girlfriend.
Suddenly I can hear San sniffling, which is weird until I hear him utter "I missed your smell! You smell like something I can't describe: like memories, like home, like ___."
I squeeze my arms extra hard for a moment just to be a little more dramatic when I state that I missed him more.
Letting go of him, I turn my gaze to behind him and go in for another awaited hug.
"Wooyoung!" I say with a big smile on my face when I see his eye-smile.
"___! Missed you," he says with a muffled voice from him burying his face in my neck.
He usually is louder and more jumpy, but he's very shy around new people.
My boyfriend turns his gaze to the ground, finding his feet more interesting than the scene in front of him.
I repeat the same process and pull away from the hug to go to the next person.
When I turn to the last friend I immediately get tackled into a hug.
"Why didn't you bring me in your suitcase?" Lisa whines.
"I missed you too," I say with a pout of guilt as I look down at her.
"If you missed me you would've brought me with you!" she fake wails as if it's my fault that's it's illegal to bring a human inside a suitcase.
"ANYWAY, meet my boyfriend! Mingi, meet San, Wooyoung and Lisa," I ignore her plaints and drag Mingi to my side so their attention's on him.
"H-Hi..." he stammers with insecurity as visible as a melon in a pumpkin patch.
"Hello," the oldest boy says loudly as he reaches out to shake his hand.
The tense boy next to me takes the other's hand and shakes it, probably wetting it with sweat.
"___-ie has told us a lot about you," Wooyoung says with a friendly smile.
"Why did you steal ___-ie from us?" the remaining girl asks as she crosses her arms, with an angry look.
"I-" my boyfriend tries to form a sentence and looks at me when he fails.
"I was just joking," she says with a smile this time and winks playfully.
He smiles a little as he gets calmer.
"I was kidding on the square," she says quietly for herself.
MG's pov.
"Now I understand why she got with you! Like, you're cool, bro," Lisa laughs and high-fives me while I'm blushing slightly with pride because of the compliment, but also at the mention of my lover.
During the past hours me and my girlfriend's best friends have bonded and I'm now comfortable enough to hang out with the three of them without her.
But being one hour without her gets very boring since she's the funniest person ever, but we have to wait because she's cooking food and we don't want to eat burnt chicken nuggets.
"How does the TV work?" San asks me, since it's my TV.
We're in my apartment since ___ didn't want me to be able to escape, in case I got embarrassed around her friends — which I'd very likely do after 10 minutes at her place. She describes me as an antisocial cutie.
"I don't know," I reply, feeling a little dumb for not knowing how to use my own TV. But in my defence I only use the TV when me and her watch Netflix together.
"Forget what I said about you being cool before," Lisa says, obviously joking...I think.
"___-ie!" Wooyoung calls out.
"No," she replies monotonously from the kitchen.
"PLEASEEE, WE NEED YOUR HELP, MAMI," the oldest out of the male guests yells with a nice tone.
That action got me in a state of shock for a few seconds.
Why did he call her Mami?
Soon she shows up and asks tiredly "What do you want help with?"
Slowly a bad feeling creeps inside me.
She's not afraid to say what she wants, so why doesn't she tell him off? Why am I thinking this? It's not as if it matters or anything. She should at least raise her voice a little, right? But why does she need to do that if it doesn't matter? Wait... What if he's her other baby boy?!
By the time I stop thinking, she's already helped with the TV and Wooyoung is looking through Netflix.
"Can you please get me a blanket, Mamiii?" the devil on Earth, also known as San, asks my girlfriend with a cute voice on purpose and makes grabby hands at her.
I look at her, expecting something I'm not sure of...
...And then she's gone.
Yes! She just left him hanging! Fuck ye-
My thoughts get interrupted when I see her...
...with a fluffy, red blanket in her hand.
"Thanks, Mamiii," he exaggerates the title once again, making my face turn red in anger.
"Don't interrupt me again, folks, or else you'll eat air," she warned before she went back to cooking the food that might or might not be ruined already.
I try to act like nothing happened when Wooyoung put on RuPaul's Drag Race.
But it's very hard.
My thoughts keep racing so I decide that I should confront that shitbag.
"Why did you call her Mami?" I ask bluntly, not caring about sounding rude.
"___? Oh, well, I always do that when I want her to do me-"
I clench my fists. This fucker-
"-a favour and it works! She loves being called that so," he explains with no regret or guilt in his voice.
"But you prolly know that already..." the short girl says and winks at me.
"We also say it when she's being protective of us and acting like a mom," Wooyoung suddenly adds, making me even more shocked.
"Which is, like, all the time."
He calls her Mami too! Wooyoung?! I thought he was the most innocent out of them...
For the rest of the night I am in a bad mood. I don't like it when they call my girlfriend Mami
Mingi's been ignoring me for the past days and I don't know why. But I do know that I hate it. He's usually very affectionate, so it feels weird in a very bad way when he isn't.
Thank God, he replied to one of my texts. It was the one where I asked if we could meet up. He responded, saying he wanted to meet up at his place.
I didn't know what to expect so I put on a nice outfit, which consists of a skirt with a zipper that goes all the way down to the edge and an oversized T-shirt. My make up was done by Lisa since she's talented and I really want to look good since I miss my baby. She also drove me there since I was hoping that I'd spend the night.
And that's how I ended up in front of this familiar door.
I knock gently, waiting for him to open it. If we weren't having problems right now I'd just open the door without knocking nor waiting for him to open the door, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that anymore...
Hearing no footsteps concerns me. Is he gonna ignore my existence this way too...?
When I realize that he might've not heard me I just go for the door handle and walk in.
"Mingi?" I say out loud, waiting for him to show up.
With no response this time I get a little worried.
"Minnie? Baby?" I call out his nicknames, hoping it'll show him I came to solve our problems, not argue.
"Here," I hear his beautiful deep voice coming from the living room.
After I hang up my jacket and take off my shoes I slowly follow his voice.
Walking into the living room I didn't expect to see the sight I'm met by.
There he is. My boyfriend, Mingi, laying on his stomach on the L-shaped sofa, facing the TV...
Plump butt, godly thighs, muscular back, honey smooth and colored skin...all on display for me.
Confused about why he's naked when we were supposed to talk, I ask him with a light tone "What happened? Why are you...naked?"
He turns his face to me, putting his cheek on the armrest of the sofa and whines with a pout, "I hurt myself!"
My protective nature kicks in and I get worried and ask him where he hurt himself.
He turns around onto his back exposing yet another surprise.
That surprise being his throbbing, red dick up in the air.
He whines out louder "I walked into a table."
The view of my boyfriend laying naked with a red, untouched hard-on and pout for the most innocent reason is one of the sexiest things I've seen in my whole life...and is also making me unconsciously clench.
I'm not sure what to say since I wasn't expecting to see him in this state, so I stay quiet.
If I was shocked before, I'm speechless when I hear the next sentence coming from his delicate lips...
"Can you kiss it better? Please, Mami, it really hurts so, so much," he asks, still with the pout as if he's an innocent church-boy and not a kinky masochist.
For some people this might sound like just a very kinky sentence, but for me it sounds like the gates to the heaven of sins have opened.
This flips me from worried-about-our-relationship mode to sexy mode.
I don't need to give him an answer, I simply walk over and look down at him.
"My safeword is disco. What's your safeword?"
"Disco too," he answered.
He feels small and submissive compared to my height and powerful aura.
Crouching down to the same level as his cock, I look at him and see him staring at me while breathing audibly. Smirking, I bring my face closer to his member and stop a few centimeters away from it.
"Where exactly did you hurt yourself, Minnie?" I ask him teasingly, making him groan.
"Everywhere, Mami. Everywhere. Kiss me everywhere, please," he begs, though he's sexually frustrated he keeps the cute tone.
"Please, Ma-" I interrupt him from his begging by squeezing his cock lightly.
He wants to be a good boy for me, punishment not even being on his mind.
Turning my gaze to him I can see his eyes glistening with curiosity, mouth slightly agape from where his sentence stopped, and hear his breathing growing a little louder at the unexpected touch. His dick is warm and pulsing from the resistment he's been surviving the past minutes...or hours.
I place a small kiss on his tip and hear a small, flustered whine escape his mouth.
He must've denied himself for a long time before I arrived if he's this sensitive.
"Waited for me instead of touching yourself? What a good boy you are," I say proudly before I start placing light kisses all over his dick, making it, if possible, even redder than before.
"I'm Mami's good boy," he barely lets out, having a hard time speaking. He wants to be claimed by me. He wants me to know that he's dedicating himself to me. He wants me to know that the only one he could see himself with is me.
The kisses are light yet full of power. They are so small yet they make him high on ecstasy.
With satisfaction visible in my eyes I start nibbling slightly, making him groan louder and instinctively close his eyes.
After a few seconds he opens them again and asks for another request "Mami, can you sit on my face?"
He wants to please me too. My baby isn't completely selfish.
"I don't want you to sit on the carpet," he says in the same made up innocent voice he's been using during the whole not-so-innocent evening.
"Why not?" I ask him, to get on his nerves a little bit more than I already have.
"Your knees will get red. The carpet's so uncomfortable. A-And you told me my cheeks are the softest cheeks in the world so you should sit here, Mami," he argues cutely and points at his face, showing me where I should sit.
How can he look so innocent in a moment that's everything but that?
"My Babyboy," I say and kiss his button nose, making him flash his beautiful smile.
I want to sit there, until I remember the fact that he ignored me for these past two days. So I decide that teasing him is what he deserves. Therefore I stand up and sit...
...on his chest, not his face.
Close yet far.
Hearing him complaining behind me motivates me to start sucking him, that'll maybe shut him up.
But no.
It doesn't.
Instead he lets out more moans, showing that I'm pleasing him is also his way of trying to make me wetter since he knows my weakness is his pleasure.
I twirl my tongue around the tip and get a high-pitched moan in return.
I love it.
His tip is his most sensitive part and he doesn't know if he should be happy or complaining that I know it.
With a smile I suck the tip harder and the moans leaving his mouth go straight to my core.
When I start sucking harder, he brings his hands to my thighs and rubs them gently up and down. That's OK until his fingers find their way to the edge of my skirt, slowly and sneakily trying to pull it up my legs.
"What are you doing?" I ask fast, sending vibrations that makes his dick twitch.
Grunts of pleasure is heard from the boy under me, yet he miraculously finds a way to talk.
"Mami, you smell so good. Can I taste? Pleaseee? I'm hungry, I haven't eaten for so long," he says in between low moans.
How can he care so much about my pleasure in a moment when he's so pleased?
"A good boy who asks so nicely deserves to be rewarded," I reply to his plead.
His face lights up at the thought of getting to please me; it's been his wish to do this for a while now.
It's usually me who gets to please him and not the other way around, but I've told him so many times that his pleasure is my pleasure.
With smooth hands he touches me from the ankles beside his head up to the thighs that are hidden under the material of my skirt. He enjoys it so much. Getting to feel my thighs under my skirt. It feels like he's doing something dangerous; being in contact with something nobody else can see, something no one else touches...
He feels like a bad boy.
Confidence and curiosity makes him tug the damned skirt and jerk it upwards until he can see the ivy blue panties with a big dark patch covering the entrance to paradise.
His Mami is wet for him.
I move my pussy further back until I can feel his hot breath on it through my panties. As soon as its arrives close enough to him, he happily puts the fabric to the side, so he can get to my wetness, and starts kissing it.
He kisses it smoothly and slowly, showing how much he appreciates it, since he rarely gets to do it this way.
Unlike him, I go rough.
Sucking his member harder and lower and hollowing my cheeks causes him to groan, sending wonderful vibrations to me.
He keeps whining and turning me on more so I start deepthroating my boy.
Because he earned it.
In return he chants my name sinfully and dives his silky tongue inside me, trying to retreat the sex drug I keep giving him.
Though it makes me gag, I go deeper.
Because his moans are so addicting. He has this specific type of moan that sounds like a mixture between a sad whine and a virgin getting fucked for the first time.
He licks deeper, though his moans are getting louder and making it harder for him to focus, he really wants me to cum first.
For a whole hour he's been trying to restrain himself from touching himself at the thought of what we were going to do tonight. He couldn't keep himself from thinking about it; it wasn't his fault that his girlfriend was the sexiest woman he's ever met and that the thought of pleasing her and showing her a new side of him was so hot!
The thought alone was enough to make his cock red.
But what we're doing together right now is nowhere near his fantasy...
This was way better than he ever could've dreamed of and he's really creative and has a huge imagination, which says a lot.
To actually experience this was so much harder.
He's been restricting himself from cumming since before my tongue met his sensitive skin. Here he is now, laying with the back of his head on the sofa and his face between my thighs, doing his best to send me over the edge.
Suddenly my skirt that was curled up on my thighs sinks down and barricades his head, not letting the cold oxygen from the room get in, which makes him even hotter. His hair is sticking to his forehead and his hands are cupping my ass, because he loves the thickness.
I can sense that he's on the verge of cumming and I want him to cum, he deserves it.
"Baby, cum for me," I say against his skin, blowing on it to make it cooler.
"Wanna wait for you, Mami," he moves his lips against me softly.
"But, Baby, you've been waiting for me for so long. You've been treating me like the queen I am. You deserve to cum," I encourage him.
"Do it, Babyboy. Your cum is my pleasure," I whisper against him and bite lightly.
All this praise is too much for him, he can't hold it in anymore so he finally lets go. The white liquid spurts out of him in strings and land on his abs. I lick it up and hear him groan tiredly.
Looking back I see that my skirt has surrounded him and I can't see his face when he licks me so I stand up.
With his tongue out in the air he looks disappointed and confused, "B-But, Mami...I-I didn't get my dessert."
I smirk at his cuteness and bring my hand to hold his cheek softly, "Be patient, Babyboy."
He's a little impatient now.
Or maybe that should be rephrased to desperate for my cum.
"You're gonna get it soon," I chuckle lightly at his eagerness.
When my hand leaves his cheek and my steps take me a few meters away from him, he gets confused again, but keeps quiet.
He's listening to his Mami.
I turn to him and watch his longing face as he lays there beautifully, looking like an angel, yet like a sinner.
Without breaking eye contact I drop my panties and his mouth opens more than before.
I'm putting a spell on him.
I'm like an enchantress, having power over his mind, body and soul.
He's like a puppet with the strings I have the control of...
...except he's aware of it.
And he loves it.
Walking over to him with my mighty aura makes him gulp, he has no idea of what I have in store.
But he really wants to see me drop more garments.
This time I sit on his chest with my front facing him, making him gulp again with anticipation and look down...
"I just wanted to see your pretty face when I ride it," I say innocently, looking at him and witnessing him getting redder.
He lifts his gaze to my face and locks eyes with me when I suddenly knot my oversized shirt, since I don't want it to cover his handsome face like the skirt did. This exposes my abdomen, which makes him even more excited.
"Show me! Show me, Mami," he begs with his needy voice.
"Let's see if your tongue is worth it, Baby," I reply, making him feel small, but determined at the same time.
There's no chance he's not witnessing a strip tease and my golden body.
He goes back to kissing my folds, keeping our eyes locked, wanting to see my reaction to everything he does.
He explores my body and desires, since he usually doesn't get the opportunity.
I love it.
When he's being affectionate and can make sex romantic by showing he loves and appreciates my body.
Soon he starts using his tongue, stimulating me, but I stay silent with a straight face, showing that this isn't the best trick out there. When his face falls a little, I start touching his hair to get it out of his face while still looking at him to motivate him.
He licks between my folds and a stray groan escapes my mouth. That's a clue to keep it going, which he catches, making more groans leave me.
I grind on his face which forms a confident smile on it, making him go deeper and damn that feels great.
This is oddly good for being his first time eating me out.
A surprised moan escapes my lips when his tongue accidentally comes in contact with my clit.
He notices it, he's been keeping track of what makes my body react and what doesn't. When he realizes that the clit is one of the g-spots on the female body, he mentally slaps himself for not thinking of that.
Kisses are peppered on my sensitive bundle of nerves, sending shivers down my spine that makes me arch my back.
Smiling at my reaction, he starts licking it, leaving either a suck or a kiss after every lick.
He's going crazy down there.
Is he on ecstacy?
He doesn't do drugs of any kind.
Is he getting paid?
There's no amount of money that can make up for this kind of treatment.
No, he's simply aware of my worth.
"Good boy," I praise him and watch as his smile grows even bigger when I zip down my skirt and toss it away in a random corner of the room.
He puts his hands on my knees, that are on each side of his head, in an innocent matter...until he moves them up my thighs and stops at my ass, kneading each stretch marked cheek in each hand.
"Hey! No touchy-tou-" I get interrupted by my lover's magic hands pushing me into his face deeper and make me moan louder than before.
With loud moans escaping my mouth uncontrollably I grab a fistful of his wet hair. He likes it, it's rough and shows that I fucking love what he's doing.
"So desperate to see Mami naked?" I ask him as teasingly as possible when I'm grunting.
He responds by vibrating mhm repeatedly against my clit, making me pull his hair harder.
As I grab the edges of my shirt, I see his eyes full of lust. When I pull it up and throw it away he gets disappointed.
I'm wearing a lace bralette.
A wine red one because fuck matching underwear.
He wants to see more.
But he still thinks I'm sexy and purrs against me.
With the desire to make me cum and show my all for him, he puts his cute lips on my clit and suckles the harshest he can.
His craziness down there makes me scream out loud, "Good, Babyboy. Make Mami proud."
As he keeps on pleasuring me, I decide he should get something back.
He has earned it.
The sound of me unclipping my bra makes his doe eyes twinkle with penchant.
He takes one of his hands away from my butt and puts two fingers inside me to pleasure me even further to the edge.
The other hand he brings up to cup my right boob with.
I'm on the verge of cumming.
He notices and starts pinching my nipple.
How does he already know what he's doing?
I can't hold it anymore and release my juice.
Looking down below me I'm met by his face of accomplishment and pride.
He licks everything up as if it, in fact, were dessert.
"Thank you, Mami," he says and breathes loudly.
I move away from him and lay back against the cushions.
"Don't leave me, Mami," he whines lightly at the lack of contact.
He moves towards me and puts his head between my boobs.
As he's laying and relaxing with his eyes closed, I play with his hair.
Maybe I went a little too rough on his cute hair...
I put on Netflix on the TV and look through shows to find something we can watch.
We've seen almost everything already.
But there's one show I never grow tired of: RuPaul's Drag Race.
I've seen all seasons but rewatching them is still entertaining.
He suddenly puts his chin up on my left tit to look at me and hurts me in the process.
"Ouch, that hurts, stop," I tell him.
He immediately moves his chin to the middle of my chest instead and apologizes "Sowy, Mami."
No praise makes him pout.
So he starts licking my left nipple lightly while pinching the other.
I take his chin between my fingers and bring him away from my skin and up to face me.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask seriously and look into his eyes.
"Doing what, Mami? You? Well, because I love you," he plays unaware.
"C'mon! Since when do you call me Mami, hm?" I ask, still keeping eye-contact.
He looks away.
"Look at me and tell me the truth," I demand him.
He sighs and prepares to admit it.
"I-I don't like it when San calls you Mami..."
"Baby, I've told you you're my baby boy. My only baby boy! Okey?" I tell him, sad that he's insecure.
"But you gave him the last taco and you LOVE food!" he argues with emphasis on love.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to change yourself so you can prove that you're better than other boys. You hear me? You're my only lover and I love you more than I love myself," I say and kiss his forehead.
He nods and looks down.
He's still insecure.
I sigh.
Ding! I get an idea.
I gently push him away from me and start walking towards the blankets.
Suddenly I hear the annoying radar ringtone that means someone's calling my phone.
I pick it up and see it's San. Why would he call me at this time?
"San? What's up?" I say tiredly.
"I'm eating waffles with chicken," I hear Wooyoung's voice mimicking San's.
Ohhhhhh, he's trying to prank me or something.
"I just called to say that I took your bra," he says very convincingly.
How long has he been practicing that voice?
"Because watching Drag Race has inspired me to become a drag queen, thank you. Have fun watching me win season 12," he says, still with his San-wannabe voice.
"Okey, Sannie. Byeee," I say and giggle at him.
"Wait, don't you want your bra ba-"
I end the phone call and grab the blanket to finally go back to my boyfriend.
With the soft blanket covering me I turn back to him on the sofa and am met by him crying.
I hurry and sit down next to him, "What's wrong?"
Through tears he says, "You don't wanna know."
That makes me confused and offended, "Why wouldn't I wanna know what's hurting my Baby?"
"Because I'm not your only baby and because I'm annoying with my feelings," he wails out.
"How many times do I have to explain you're my only one? And why would you think that your feelings are annoying, Baby?" I ask him, genuinely confused about where those thoughts came from.
He starts laughing hysterically.
Full of sarcasm.
"SanNIE," he tries to make his voice sound like yours.
"Here, get the last taco! Here get the taco between my legs while you're at it!"
"He's my friend since kindergart-"
Before I can finish my sentence he interrupts me with a cracking voice, "Right after I make love to you you go back to him!"
"Baby, I just went to bring a blanket and he randomly happened to call me," I say and dry his tears.
His eyes won't look into mine.
He's still upset.
"Why would he call you this late?"
"Because it was Wooyoung. He wanted to prank me so I guess San left his phone unprotected for once. But I pranked him back by acting like I believed him. That's why I said Sannie instead of his name."
"I still think he likes you!"
"Baby..." I smile widely.
"What?" he says, slightly annoyed at my expression.
"You do know they're in a relationship together, right? Or did I forget to mention that?"
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
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❝ Shoot it up, shoot it up 빨간 향기가 타올라 날 구속해 뭐가 있는지 수사할 게 ready 출발하면 뛰어 가빠지는 우리 racing ❞
( Shoot it up, shoot it up The scarlet scent burns up and restrains me Let me investigate what's in there ready Run when we get started, we become breathless racing )
—song mingi; 2021
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Photos and Crushes - Cowboy AU Jotaro x Reader P1
Look, I’ve been playing some Red Dead Redemption 2 again and I just got this idea. Sooo, rooty-tooty-guns-n-shootie, takes place in 1887 ish, America.
Part 2  |  Part 3
Word Count: 7704
You are a kindhearted, positive, gentle person. Despite the harsh reality you live in, you try to see the good in people, even if it sometimes might not be there.
It has gotten you into plenty of trouble before but, it has gotten you so much more positivity as well.
Jotaro was one of those positive points. Angry, aggressive and dangerous in the eyes of others, you were one of the few who didn’t judge him for how he looked and carried himself. And thus, a miraculous friendship was born.
Whenever you would hang out together, people would always be wary of the strange duo, more so for your safety than what you would be up to. But you never paid them any mind. If they wanted to judge Jotaro, that was fine, but you wouldn’t let it ruin the time you had with him.
Jotaro, of course, noticed all the stares and whispers, but he didn’t give a shit.
When he had met you two years ago, you were being cornered by a couple of guys who had taken advantage of your kindness, pretending to ask if you could lead them to the general store, only to drag you into a secluded alleyway.
It just so happened that Jotaro had been across the street, seeing you happily chatting about the town to the boys, oblivious to the malicious glint in their eyes.
At first he didn’t want to get involved. He had seen you around before but never talked to you and if you were dumb enough to not see their true motive, why should he involve himself? But then you looked around and crossed eyes with him, and instead of instant swooning or darting your eyes away and cowering in fear, you sent him a polite smile and a wave, since you recognised him from around town. It surprised him, seeing you act so casually and greet him like a person.
Gritting his teeth, Jotaro looked down at his feet for a second, grabbing the bill of his hat in frustration, only to abruptly let it go and stand up, discreetly starting to follow you and the boys.
Not a few minutes later and the boys executed their plan, pulling you into an abandoned alley, much to your surprise. They didn’t get even twenty seconds before Jotaro slinked up behind them. Just the image and threat of the imposing nineteen year old was enough to get the boys to scamper off with their tails between their legs.
Upon being saved, you practically dragged Jotaro along, insisting on paying him a drink as thanks and from there on, the two of you hit it off.
Ever since then, you two regularly hung out. And Jotaro had taken it upon himself to become your self-appointed bodyguard.
Right now he was headed to the church.
The town you two lived in was of moderate size and, since there were so many people in one place, a small church was built there. But Jotaro wasn’t going to the church so he could pray to God, no, he was going because you were there.
He knew you had started teaching kids how to read. Most of them were homeless, piss-poor or sticky-fingered little brats, but you taught them all the same.
Jotaro had once pointed it out and asked if you knew what those kids were actually up to every day. You had answered with a shrug, saying it didn’t matter and that you just wanted to help them. Jotaro had just grumbled at that and pulled his hat down. It didn’t matter to him, as long as they kept their grubby hands off of your belongings and didn’t harm you.
He rounded a corner and the church finally came into view further down the dirt-path. For a second, Jotaro reconsidered whether he wanted to visit you or not. He had nothing to do and wanted to share in your company, but he also knew that if you weren’t done teaching yet, you would not go with him until you were; which would mean Jotaro either had to leave with his tail between his legs in front of a bunch of brats, or he had to sit down and endure their incessant squabbling.
Shaking his head, he just decided to go for it. Regrettably enough, Jotaro just really wanted to see you right now. Recently, a gang of thieves and murderers had swept through town and pretty much everyone had been holed up inside, making him unable to see or spend time with you.
Finally reaching the church, he looked past the gates to see you sitting on the steps, about eight kids with you, of which five were sitting around you, while the other three were fooling around on the small grass churchyard that sat in front of the steps.
God, you were beautiful. Jotaro could immediately tell some of these kids were violent, thieves and just straight nasty, yet you talked with them as if they were your own.
Your own.
Jesus, how his stomach twisted at the thought. You both were 21 now and Jotaro knew he should be looking to the future. If there was someone he wanted to be with, it was you. And just the thought of you, your belly swollen with his child? It shook him to the core.
As he reached the gate, he must have stared at you for a little too long because as soon as he had put two steps inside, the three boys that were kicking around on the grass stopped in front of him, seeming to be between the ages of eleven to thirteen.
“Whoa there, mister! What do you think you’re doing?” The dirty blond to his right said and Jotaro looked down at the boys, raising an eyebrow at them for stopping him. “We don’t like that look in your eyes.” The boy continued.
“Yeah, need we remind you you are on church grounds?”
“What were you staring at Miss Y/N for, mister? What do you want with her?” The third kid spoke up and Jotaro was now annoyed, feeling ticked off at their questioning.
“That’s my business, now get out of my way.” He glared, but though he could see he scared them, they held their ground.
“No! We are not letting you hurt her!”
“You wanna fight for it? Let’s go then!” The one right in front put his fists up.
“Yare yare daze, just move, kid.” Jotaro sighed, tilting his hat over his eyes to stay calm.
“Now you’ve done it! Haaa-!” The blond yelled out, punching Jotaro in the stomach, but the man didn’t even flinch. The kid’s eyes went big.
He looked to his friends for help and they got the hint, all three of them now rearing up for an attack as they each shouted a battle cry, going to throw punches while Jotaro grit his teeth in annoyance. As much as he despised these little shits, he couldn’t punch them, and so he just decided to let them vent and then move on.
Someone else however, heard the screaming. “Hey! What’s going o-! Oh! Hey, Jotaro!”
Your sudden happy greeting stopped the boys in their tracks and two of them stumbled as they made their punches go wide to miss the intimidating man.
Jotaro put his hand up in greeting and you beamed a smile, much to the confusion of the kids. You excused yourself from the five around you and walked over.
“So, what’s going on here?” You asked sweetly, yet there was a warning undertone in your voice.
“N-Nothing!” The blond squeaked, holding a not so convincing smile, his face screaming ‘guilty’.
“Good grief, I told you they were brats.” Jotaro once again lowered his hat over his eyes, feeling a kick to his shin that made him glare at the boy beside him, instantly making him run off in fear, the other two following not a second later.
“Oi, don’t be mean to my kids.” You scolded him, rapping your knuckles on the top of his head.
“They’re not your kids.” Jotaro deadpanned and you sputtered a bit.
“Yeah, well, not technically no, but-“
“That little shit stole from me two weeks ago.” He pointed to the auburn haired boy that had been standing to his left earlier.
“He did? What did he steal?” You questioned, your brows furrowing.
“Pack of cigarettes and my lighter. That shit ain’t cheap you know.” He grumbled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Oi, stop swearing every other sentence. You’re on church grounds.” You lightly smacked him on the chest while Jotaro just gave you a look that said ‘does it look like I care?’. “So... why are you here?” You then asked, diverting the subject.
“Just came by to see you.” Jotaro shrugged.
“Aw, how sweet.” You teased a little but a small blush did make its way onto your cheeks, making Jotaro’s heart skip a beat. Could that mean you...? No, he shouldn’t jump to conclusions. “Why don’t you come sit down?” You suddenly asked and Jotaro looked down at you.
“No, I don’t-“
“Too bad, too late!” You grinned as you grabbed his hand out of his pocket and dragged him back to the stairs with you, not even giving him any time to protest. “Everyone, this is Jotaro! Jotaro, this is everyone.” You smiled as you introduced him to the terrified kids on the stairs.
A small girl then slowly stepped forward, her hair almost white-blonde and braided in two braids down the sides of her head.
She looked up at Jotaro with big eyes, the man staring back, before smiling wide, holding her arms up at him and making grabby hands. “Uh.” Jotaro hesitantly looked at you while you just held the biggest smile.
“That’s Amelia, she’s seven years old and mute.” You explained before urging Jotaro with your eyes to do as she asked and pick her up.
Sighing, he leaned down and grabbed the girl under her armpits, easily lifting her up into his arms and looping an arm under her to hold her. Amelia immediately wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, smiling brightly as she looked into his eyes.
Jotaro averted his gaze from the girl in his arms, over to you, to see you nearly melting on the spot. He rolled his eyes in response to you freaking out. “Happy?” He grumbled out and you just nodded vehemently.
A tugging broke Jotaro from watching you and he looked down behind him to see a little boy tugging on his pants, pointing up at him.
“You want to go up too?” You questioned and the boy nodded enthusiastically, shouting out a ‘yeah!’.
“Wait, Y/N-“ Before he could do anything about it, you had lifted the boy and placed him on Jotaro’s back, letting him cling by himself since Jotaro was using both hands to hold the girl.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the disgruntled look on Jotaro’s face as the boy giggled loudly, clinging tightly on his back.
The other children were suddenly a lot less terrified, as two others stood up and started tugging on his pants as well. It was clear that the younger kids had stayed around you as you taught the lesson, while the older three had drifted a bit away. This meant however, that Jotaro was now surrounded by small kids, two of them on top of him.
“I’m not a horse you know.” He grumbled, looking at the two hanging on his pants a little warily, watching where they put their hands.
“You’re not, but you’re just as tall, if not taller, and a lot less dangerous.” You grinned, earning a glare from the man though you knew there was no real hostility in it.
Just then, the doors to the church opened and a nun came walking out. “Ah, miss L/N! How goes the reading?” She questioned and you turned your gaze from watching Jotaro, to the nun.
“Ah! It’s going fine, thank you! And thank you again for letting me use this space.” You smiled sweetly.
“Of course, our doors are open for you anytime.” The nun smiled back before turning to see the remarkable sight of Jotaro, surrounded by kids, holding a small girl while another child clung to his back. “Mr. Kujo.” She smiled, pleasantly surprised.
“Hello, Sister.” Jotaro greeted back. He may be a hardass, but he at least had respect for those who deserved it, unlike a lot of other people.
“It is good to see you again. Coming to visit Y/N I see?” She smiled and Jotaro dipped his head a little in response, both as a way to answer yet also as a way to hide his eyes from the Sister, for he knew she could look through him as though he was shouting out his thoughts and emotions. “Well, no matter.” The nun smiled slyly to herself, seeing through the action. “Who here is hungry?” She then spoke out a little louder and almost every tiny head perked up.
You giggled at the sight and swiftly moved to behind Jotaro, grabbing onto the boy hanging there and lifting him down from his back while Jotaro himself carefully sat the girl down. In a matter of seconds, all of the kids were lined up in a row and quickly started following the nun into the church, the doors closing behind them and leaving you and Jotaro on the steps.
“Whoo, they are always a lively bunch.” You chuckled, turning a little to face Jotaro before walking up to the stairs and sitting down on them, grabbing the book you had been working on with them, as well as the notebook and pencil.
“What book were you reading?” Jotaro asked, sitting down next to you. You took notice of how close he sat though, his arm touching yours as you sat side by side.
“King Arthur and the knights of the round table.” You said it in a fancy manner and held the book up for him as he took it from your hands.
“Knights? Really?” He scoffed as he briefly leafed through the pages and you playfully bumped your shoulder into his.
“Hey! It’s good for their imagination.” You chuckled. “Besides, it needs to be engaging for them. Lord knows I can’t try to teach them to read with the kinds of books you read. ‘How wagons are assembled’ or ‘how nature works’. Oh! Oh! ‘How a steam train or steam boat functions’.” You giggled a little as you poked fun at him, lowering your voice near the end to match his as best you could as you spoke.
“That’s not what I sound like.” Jotaro rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Sure you don’t, tough boy.” You leaned forward until you could look at him from under the brim of his hat, now hovering over his lap as you cocked your head with a smirk. “I have heard you rant about inventions and discoveries made more than anyone else, I’m pretty sure.”
Jotaro just scoffed and looked to the side, unable to hide his slightly embarrassed blush since you were right below him. Oh god, you were right below him, your face so close to his. He only needed to lean down a little and- Clearing his throat, Jotaro leaned back a bit, giving himself some space and prompting you to sit up again, none the wiser from what was going through his head.
“Hey, did you know they were setting up a new shop last week? Apparently you can get your picture taken there.” You suddenly started, looking forward through the churchyard as you mused.
“Oh?” Jotaro spoke, trying to sound disinterested yet listening intently.
“Would you... perhaps want to take a picture with me there?” You hesitantly asked and Jotaro’s heart skipped a beat though he didn’t show it. “I always wanted to see what I would look like on one of those.”
“Not very different from what you look like when you look in a mirror.” Jotaro cringed at how roughly that came out but he had said it before he could stop himself. He just hoped it didn’t dissuade you from wanting to take a picture with him.
“Say, are you insulting me, Mr. Kujo?” You teased lightheartedly, nudging him again and a tiny relieved smile played on Jotaro’s lips.
“I wouldn’t dream of ever insulting you.”
“Alright, now I know you’re just taking a piss.” You laughed. “Either way, what do you say we-!” You suddenly stopped your excited exclamation, catching Jotaro’s attention. “Oh wait, it’d probably cost a lot huh? Shoot, never mind, we can go do something else...” You deflated but quickly shook it off, perking up in feigned happiness again. “Do you have anything in mind!?”
Jotaro however, studied your face close. He hated to see how your excitement got washed away so quickly. “Yare yare.” Standing up from the stairs, he held his right hand out to you.
“Oh, you’ve got something?” You asked, seemingly back to your happy self as you put your hand in his and allowed him to pull you up.
“Let’s go get that picture taken.”
Your face turned into shock as he said that. “Wait, really? But I just said- I- you- You mean you’ll pay?”
“As long as I can be in it as well, yes.” Jotaro gently tugged your hand, still holding onto it as he now used it to coax you along. “Let’s go then, we don’t know when it closes and it is getting late.”
Jotaro started walking, very consciously keeping hold of your hand. As you fell into step with him, excitedly buzzing, he made a bold move as he re-gripped your hand to fit more comfortably in his; as if you were intentionally holding hands from the beginning instead of just still awkwardly holding on after Jotaro pulled you to your feet.
You didn’t seem any wiser while Jotaro felt his heart pounding in his throat, relishing in how his hand fit around yours, your hand unconsciously still holding onto his. He was so tempted to rub his thumb over the back of your palm or to actually entwine his fingers with yours, but decided against it since that would definitely draw your attention to your hands and he didn’t want that. Right now, he would just hold on, silently musing to himself how small your hand was compared to his and how right it felt to have your hand sat in his.
In this moment, it was one of the few times Jotaro was actually glad for your obliviousness.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach the photography shop and you both stood in front of the door, slogans and examples of pictures slapped everywhere to lure people in.
‘Get your photo taken with your loved one and display the memory, so you may never forget!’
That and more was plastered on the display window, yet Jotaro couldn’t take his eyes off of that particular one. ‘With your loved one’. His attention automatically reverted back to how you were still holding hands and he had to try everything in his power to keep his face from heating up.
“Let’s go in!” You jumped once, breaking him out of his focus as you started dragging him to the door, opening it not a second later, the tall male in tow.
“Good afternoon, how can I help the lovely couple tonight?” A man standing in front of a camera asked when he saw you two come in, hand in hand.
“Oh, uh. We’re, uh.” Your face burst into flame as he commented that, your eyes drifted up to Jotaro and then to your entwined hands, realising you were still holding onto him.
You quickly made a move to let him go but Jotaro kept holding on, preventing you from pulling away as he squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“We’re here to get a picture taken, old man. What else.” He snapped a little and you sighed good-naturedly. Good ol’ Jotaro: intimidating people and being scary upon meeting them for the first time.
“Oh, haha, of course.” The owner chuckled nervously, though you swore you could hear him mutter a ‘I’m not that old’ as he turned to check his camera. “Uhm, you can just take your place in front of the background there.” He then smiled, motioning to the wall the camera was set up in front of.
The ‘background’ was a painting of an open plain, a rock formation with a modest waterfall in the back, as well as an eagle in the right hand corner.
Your jittery yet excited nerves for doing this came back, making you forget the flustering comment of the shop owner and you started walking towards the wall.
“Hope it’s gonna turn out alright.” You grinned up at Jotaro and he sent you a rare reassuring smile. It was small, but it was there, and suddenly, you were completely calm and ready to get this photo taken. The two of you took your place, Jotaro standing right up against you, making you blush.
“Alright.” The owner nervously rubbed his hands together, obviously still a bit scared of the nearly two meter tall man in black. “Ah, you are already in the perfect positions, you are naturals at this.” He tried to crack a joke but it came out a little awkward and he cleared his throat. “Look here please.” The man pointed at a spot right above the camera before ducking behind the device.
And just like that, the photos were taken.
After this entire time, Jotaro relinquished his hold on your hand, figuring it was best to let go, lest he was too obvious and even you would notice. Hell you, probably already did but thought nothing of it. Your obliviousness shining through again.
In the end, the two of you picked out the two best ones, nearly identical, and took one each.
That night, as Jotaro walked back home, he admired the photograph in his hand. He didn’t care much for how he looked in it, but it was the exact opposite with you. You looked so happy in it. Your smile shining bright and your energy nearly radiating off of it even through the photo. Yet what Jotaro treasured more than all in it, was the way your hands were entwined in the photo. Right in the middle, screaming for him to look at it. And look he did, feeling his cheeks heat up a little.
Opening the door to his home, he was immediately bombarded as his mother latched to him, wrapping her arms around his torso.
“Jotaro, you’re home!” She cheered happily. “You missed dinner so I put some to the side for you.” She smiled and Jotaro just huffed a little, pushing her off of himself. He wasn’t even hungry, he just wanted to go to bed.
That wish was short-lived however, as someone suddenly tackled him from behind, making him face plant into the floor.
“Jotaro! My boy!” The oh-so familiar voice of his grandfather sounded.
Question marks went off in the younger man’s head. His mother hadn’t told him the old man was coming for a visit?
“Get off.” Jotaro grunted as he attempted to shake his grandpa off but it was futile, as Joseph instead put him into a deadlock, pulling his arm behind his back and trapping it there, which made his eyes widen. The fucking photograph was in that hand and if that old man got even a single crinkle or fold in it, he would have his head.
“Good evening, Jotaro.” A familiar accented voice spoke and Jotaro looked up from under his hat to see Caesar sitting in the arm chair facing him, giving a disappointed look at Joseph.
“Caesar.” Jotaro grunted back a greeting as Joseph found that exact moment to twist his arm a little further.
“Oh, what’s this?” The voice on top suddenly curiously spoke and Jotaro felt the photograph be swiped from his fingers, making his eyes widen.
His grandfather was an expert at pinning people down thanks to years of random fights and being friends with Caesar. Yet you should never underestimate a desperate man trying to keep his dignity who also has a temper to match.
Thanks to Joseph using one hand to look at the paper in his hand, he had lost his hold on Jotaro’s right arm and the young man took full use of it.
Pushing himself up a bit, he threw the older man off of himself and turned around to swipe the photo back, but Joseph was way quicker and had used the momentum to get to his feet and run over to Caesar, standing behind his chair as he turned the paper around, feasting his eyes on the photo again.
“What’s this, Jotaro? Who’s that with you?” He asked in disbelief and Jotaro clenched his jaw. His mother, upon hearing her father say the sentence, zipped over and curiously looked at the photo as well, gasping a little once she saw it, before looking up at her son and sending him a giant grin.
Jotaro pulled his hat down a little and stomped over, attempting to swipe at the photo. “Give it back.” He growled as he tried to grab it, but Joseph moved it out of his reach.
“No way! You have some explaining to do, I mean, you’re smiling in this!”
“I’m not.” Jotaro grumbled, once again lunging forward to get it back, but Joseph tittered away, way too giddy and happy about what he was finding out about his grandson.
“Yes you are! Look! It’s small, but it’s there!” He turned the photo around and pointed at Jotaro’s face in it. Holly took a closer look and her proud grin grew even more.
“Would you stop, old man? It’s nothing, so just give it back.” Jotaro once again walked across the room to try and reach his grandfather, but Joseph danced out of his grasp once more, skipping over to Caesar who had stayed seated in this entire ordeal and showing the photo to his lifelong friend.
“Look Caesar! You see it too right?”
Caesar, who had had his eyes closed, opened them and slowly looked up at Joseph, grasping the photo with his left hand before harshly grasping his friend’s wrist, prying his hand away from the photo before getting out of the chair and moving over to the younger man.
“Here you go.” He spoke as he returned the photo.
“Thanks.” Jotaro spoke, a little unsure of what to say.
“Tell her how you feel soon. Don’t let it slip through your fingers.” Jotaro blinked a few times, feeling his face heat up a little as the Italian man gave the advice, speaking loud enough for only him to hear it. With a soft tug, he pulled down the brim of his hat over his eyes and nodded, quickly making his way out of the room so he could finally just go to bed.
As he walked through the hall, he heard his grandpa’s despairing cries, questioning Caesar why he would do that, and a small smirk appeared on Jotaro’s face. He could always trust in Caesar.
- - - -
Two weeks had passed and Jotaro was sitting on the steps of the church. To his left, he heard your gentle and caring voice reading passages of the book to the kids around. To his right, the little girl, Amelia, was practically glued to his hip as he read his own book, just silently sitting through your class.
He had been doing this more and more frequently, just coming by every once in a while, not really saying anything and just sitting with you as you taught the kids.
As he turned the page of his book, he suddenly felt something being lifted from his front pocket however and he snapped his head up, looking to his left to see the dirty blond, who he now knew as Jack, lifting his pocket watch from its place. The boy immediately noticed he was found out and bolted, laughing as he ran across the grass to the fences on the other side.
Jotaro however, was pissed as he slammed his book shut and walked over to Jack with large strides. “Give it back.” He spoke lowly, a threatening glare directed at the boy.
Jotaro physically saw him gulp, smirking a little to himself to see he still had his intimidating presence with these kids. But it was short lived, since Jack seemingly found a bit of courage again - continuing on with the plan, unknown to Jotaro.
“Why? I’m sure you can buy another one. Unless... this one is special?” Jotaro narrowed his eyes dangerously and Jack could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He clicked open the watch and there was a triumphant glint in his eyes. “Aha.” He spoke and smirked up at Jotaro, only for that smirk to leave as he saw the dangerous aura radiating off of the man. “Tommy!” He yelled and threw the pocket watch, making Jotaro’s heart sink for a moment, scared it would drop on the stone steps and break.
“You little shit.” He glared at Jack before turning around to Tommy, who was standing on the steps of the church.
“Hey, what’s going on!” You called out, looking up from your book while the children around were trying to write letters in your notebook.
Tommy immediately took this chance and rushed over to you when Jotaro started taking threatening strides towards the boy. He didn’t want to hit a kid but so help him god, he would get that pocket watch back. Jotaro wasn’t fast enough however, as Tommy zipped over to you and flipped the pocket watch open, shoving it in your face.
Jotaro faltered in his steps, nervous sweat rolling down the side of his face. Those little brats had planned this all out. They knew. Jotaro hated to say it, but he had made it too obvious that he was sweet on you and they knew.
“Jotaro!” Your exclamation of surprise ripped him from his thoughts and he looked over at you, doing his best to keep an expression of indifference. “How did you manage to do this? I had to make a bigger frame to fit mine!” You turned the pocket watch around so he could see the inside, showing the clock on the right while on the left, on the inside of the cover, he now had a perfect view of the photograph of the two of you that he had stuck in there.
Jack and Tommy groaned while Jotaro’s shoulders slumped a bit. In both relief, as well as disappointment for some reason, seeing you were none the wiser.
Jotaro just waved his hand a bit, dismissing your question as he walked over and took the pocket watch back from you. Looking it over to see if it was damaged but luckily, it wasn’t. Concluding that, he flipped it shut and put it back in the pocket where it belonged.
“Well?” You looked up at him with hopeful and curious eyes and Jotaro pulled his hat down over his face. You looked... cute.
Jotaro didn’t lift his hat as he took his spot next to you again. “I went back and had a photograph taken of the photograph.” He said through gritted teeth, reluctantly telling you how he did it, embarrassment flooding through him over having to admit that.
“Oh, that’s so clever! I should do something like that as well.” You giggled, then dreamingly looked forward.
You were pulled out of it by a small tug on your sleeve. “Miss Y/N, can we have a break?” The small boy asked and you smiled sweetly, nodding.
“Of course, you go ahead and play for a bit.” You shoo’ed all the kids and they erupted into talk and laughter, all of them getting up and finding a place to play.
As the kids were running around a bit during the break, a shadow got cast over a specific pair of boys, making them freeze and slowly turn around to the imposing figure. “Tommy. Jack. Any of you touch my shit ever again and I will make you severely regret it.” The threat and danger in Jotaro’s voice was real and the boys swallowed heavily, nodding frantically before busting out into a sprint, running away as far as possible before squeaking as Jotaro made his way back over to them, since they had ran towards where you sat on the steps and that was where Jotaro wanted to sit down again as well.
“Did you have to scare them like that?” You questioned with a chuckle and Jotaro just huffed in amusement as he sat down.
“Yes. They need to know not to take my stuff.”
“You know, you’re right. That is a good lesson to learn.” You chuckled, only for your smile to slowly dim down as your attention got taken by several pairs of horse hooves thumping across the ground. “What’s that?” You questioned as you looked at the large group of riders, watching them trot closer and closer, slowing down the closer they got to the church. All of them carried rather large guns and other weapons.
You nervously looked up at Jotaro, who had his eyes narrowed as he looked at the large group as well. “Stay alert.” He spoke quietly and you nodded, the both of you getting up.
Jotaro whistled loud and curtly, gaining the attention of all the kids. You quickly motioned your arms for all of them to come, not wanting to verbally shout it just in case the riders would hear and take it the wrong way.
Taking the hint, the kids all started to run into your arms and Jotaro took a step forward, holding his arms out a little to keep you and the children behind him.
Everyone had fearful looks as Amelia was the last to reach you, running behind you and around, hanging on the back of Jotaro’s pants. It wasn’t a few seconds later that the riders all stopped in front of the church.
“Howdy, partner.” The leader of the herd spoke up after a few seconds but Jotaro immediately picked up on the false friendliness in the voice.
“What do you want?” He bit back, glaring vehemently.
“Whoa, so angry.” The man mocked with a large grin, turning back to his friends behind him who laughed softly. “You should show me some respect you know.” He then continued, turning back to Jotaro with that grin still on his face. “Did your momma never teach you respect?” He continued jesting but Jotaro didn’t give any reaction, just holding the intimidating glare on the man.
This made him feel as if he was losing grip of the situation, so the man decided to take another approach and laughed a bit while calling out. “Why don’t I teach you some then?” He jokingly pointed his gun at Jotaro and the children whimpered and gasped in fear from behind him. Your grip on his trenchcoat tightened and Jotaro’s reaction was immediate, his right hand pulling back to behind his back before snapping forward, a gun now pointed at the man’s head.
“Try it.” Jotaro’s voice was low and dangerous and even the rider took note of it. “I know exactly what you’re up to. This is a community church, it has nothing of value for you, so take your little group and piss off. You’re scaring the children.” Jotaro calmly spoke as he stared down the barrel of the gun, showing not even a hint of fear, nervousness or hesitation.
“Now... calm down, friend.” The man tried, re-gripping his gun a little nervously.
“We ain’t friends and you know it. Get the hell away from here.” Jotaro’s hand was as steady as ever, his gun constantly pointed at the man’s head without even a single tremor or twitch from holding the iron up.
This angered the man. “You seem to not understand that you are outnumbered here, friend.” He spoke, calling Jotaro that again on purpose, signalling his mates in the meantime, who all grabbed a gun and pointed it at Jotaro as well.
The children cowered even more, small shrieks leaving them and you tried to shush them. “It’s alright, just stay behind me and Jotaro. You’re alright.” You spoke in a hushed tone, petting the heads of those you could reach. You discreetly saw the door to the church open and saw the Sister poke her head out. You quickly and frantically shook your head, a message for her to stay where she was.
“Are you really going to threaten children on church grounds?” Jotaro questioned calmly and the leader growled a bit in anger.
“Stop acting so smug or I’ll blast your head off! And that of that girl too! Give those brats something to look at!”
“Threaten her again and I’ll make sure you’ll never speak again.” Jotaro’s retort was immediate as he glared at the man, lowering his gun just a little to point directly at the mouth of the loud-mouthed bastard.
“Hit a nerve?” The guy smirked. “I’ll say it again, you’re outnumbered.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure, son.” A new voice spoke up and everyone’s head whipped to the source. “What’s going on here?” The sheriff spoke, tilting his head a little while two of his deputies joined his side, all of them having their hands hovering over the guns strapped to their belts.
Now that there were a lot more possible enemies, the man wavered. Slowly and reluctantly, he lowered his gun. “Nothing, sheriff. Just a bit of harmless fun.” He spoke and his friends took it as a sign to lower their guns as well.
“Was it? ‘Cause as far as I can see you are threatening innocent children. Now, will you move on yourself or will we have a problem?”
“Tch.” The man gritted his teeth before hitting the reins of his horse, simultaneously softly kicking his feet into its belly, making the animal start calmly stepping forward, the rest of his group following his example as they started riding away at a slow pace.
“Follow them and make sure they leave proper.” The sheriff whispered to his deputies before leaving them to their business and walking over to the gate leading into the church grounds.
Jotaro kept his gun up the entire time the gang of riders were riding away, all of them sending occasional glances back that kept Jotaro on high alert. Only once the deputies rode past and started tailing the men did he finally lower it.
Once he un-cocked the gun and sighed out, the children still cowering behind the two of you finally relaxed a little, two of them bursting into tears as the sheriff walked through the fence and towards the steps of the church - to which you immediately started trying to console them.
“Holy crap! You just won that standoff singlehandedly!!” Jack shouted as the sheriff stepped into earshot, the boy jumping in front of Jotaro with his hands thrown in the air as he looked at the man before him in awe.
“That was so cool!! It was like twenty to one and you still won!” Tommy piped in with an exaggerated number and Jotaro lowered his hat over his eyes, softly letting out his usual catchphrase.
“Are you boys all alright?” The sheriff walked up and Jotaro lifted his gaze again, briefly looking back to see you had succeeded in calming the children down, four of them now clinging to you in a group hug as the doors to the church opened properly, the nun quickly walking out to help comfort the children.
“Yes. Thank you for stepping in.” Jotaro spoke back, nonchalantly putting his gun back in its place, hidden behind his trenchcoat.
“Well, that’s my job.” The sheriff joked before turning a little more serious. “What happened exactly?”
Jotaro looked back at you once again, seeing you now quietly talking with the kids to calm them down. This earned him an elbow poke in the ribs from Tommy and he glared at the kid, making said boy giggle to himself and drag Jack with him, running over to you.
“They came to rob the church, believing it to have many riches like those city churches have, probably.” Jotaro sounded a little indifferent as he turned back to look forward and the sheriff hummed.
“Mr. Kujo saved us, sheriff Miller.” The sister spoke as she walked up, placing a hand on Jotaro’s shoulder blade. Jotaro just looked down at the nun, getting a grateful smile from her and he gave a small barely noticeable nod back.
Something suddenly latched onto his right leg and Jotaro looked down to see Amelia hanging on his pant leg, burying her head into the fabric.
Jotaro just looked at her for a second. He didn’t know what he had done to get her like this, but Amelia had really attached herself to him. Jotaro on the other hand, still had no idea what to do around children. He awkwardly patted her on her head, making her look up. “Go to Y/N, it’s alright.” He spoke, trying his best to sound gentle but it still came out quite gruffly, regrettably enough.
Amelia didn’t seem to care though and stayed latched on his leg while both the nun and the sheriff chuckled discreetly at the young man trying his best. Crouching down to get on eye height with the girl, the sheriff got her attention. “Are you alright?” He asked and Amelia turned her head, half of her face still buried in Jotaro’s trousers but still paying attention. She nodded softly and the sheriff smiled.
“Why don’t you go to Miss L/N, Mr. Kujo? I’ll handle the rest.” The Sister smiled and Jotaro nodded at her, turning around.
Amelia let go of his leg and instead grabbed his hand, trying to pull him along now as she tried to hurry over to you.
Once he was close enough, you noticed and got up, turning around to face him. Amelia let go of his hand and ran to her friends while your eyes crossed with Jotaro’s.
Tears were pricking in the corners and that shocked Jotaro slightly. He had no time to react as you ran over to him and jumped into him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you buried your head in his shoulder.
He immediately caught you, wrapping his arms around your body and holding it against himself to hold you up. Yet, his eyes were wide as he felt his heart thump. He had no idea what to do. He felt you pressing your face even deeper into his neck, trying to keep yourself from crying in front of the children but Jotaro knew you wanted to, more than anything.
His brain short-circuited and all he could think to do was tighten his hold on you, letting you know he was there.
Some noises to his left caught his attention and he looked over to see Jack and Tommy making kissy faces at him. In an immediate reaction he kicked a rock that lay at his foot to them, making them dodge it and giggle while running away again, joining the other kids while Jotaro silently grumbled to himself, trying to calm his beating heart.
“You alright?” He asked after a minute more of silence and he felt you nod into his shoulder.
“Yeah... you?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Jotaro questioned and you lifted your head, leaning back a bit to look at his face. Your eyes were a bit red and you sniffled softly.
“Well.” You started with a small sad chuckle. “You did just nearly die.”
To that, Jotaro rolled his eyes. “You clearly read the situation wrong then.” He put you back on your feet, looking to see the nun walking back over to the children while the sheriff was now walking away, sticking his hand up as he looked back in a goodbye before turning around fully and walking back to his horse.
Because he was looking to the sheriff walking away however, he was unable to brace himself when you took a few steps back and jumped right into him, tackling him to the floor.
A heavy ‘oof’ left him as he crashed to the ground with you right on top of him. You immediately sat onto his stomach and Jotaro had to try very hard to suppress a blush at the sight.
“Don’t you dare accuse me of seeing things wrong when I am just worried for your safety.” You spoke, poking his chest in warning, but the teasing look in your eyes told Jotaro exactly what you were thinking.
In return, Jotaro grabbed your wrists and rolled the two of you around so that you were now pinnend under him. “I will accuse you, because you will always remain oblivious.” He spoke, his voice sounding a little strained even though he held a small smirk.
“Oblivious to what?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes. Jotaro didn’t say anything, just looked deeply in your eyes. Neither of you really noticed he was leaning down until his face was inches from yours.
Yet before anything else could happen: “GET HIIIIMMM!!” A young voice screamed out and Jotaro jerked his head back up, looking up past his shoulder only to have three different bodies flung on top of him.
You burst out laughing at Jotaro’s surprised face that only you had a view of, even though you were still trapped under the man, his hands on either side of you as he attempted to keep himself from toppling over and crushing you.
“No, no! Oh dear.” You heard the Sister laugh, having tried to stop the children, only to fail miserably as six of the eight were now on top of Jotaro, trying to bring him down.
Part 2  |  Part 3
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2ynjns · 3 years
enhypen with a cute and small s/o headcanon
pairings: ot7 x gn!reader
word count:
notes: fluff!
request states “enha reaction to a short and cute s/o please thank you"
Tumblr media
this boy is tall and we all know that
so comparing to u he could come off as a giant
he also gives off domestic vibes
a whole boyfriend material
he doesn’t really give off clingy vibes but with you it’s different
he would protect you at all cost
but it’s not obvious
he would watch you from afar while you do something by yourself but as soon as he sees you struggle he would immediately help you
"i got it i got it"
he doesn’t baby you in public but he babies you SOOO much when you’re alone
he teases you yet he’s so sweet about it at the same time
would call you cute names like “little one” or “little kitten” because you remind him of a small cat
oh my goodness
he would baby you every single time it actually gets tiring
you’re so small comparing to him his favorite thing he always does is carrying you
either like a baby or giving you piggy back rides
he teases you because when you sit on the chair, your feet doesn’t reach the floor
would always compare his height from yours
then you’d get pissed
"jay shut up" 👊
like damn he didn’t need to slap it on you that you're short af tf
besides that tho he loves cuddling with you because you’re like a little doll
although you're adorably cute you two always fight and wrestles
and though you're smol you'd always win
and you're convinced that he purposely lets you win bc he's strong af but bc you're his someone ofc he's gonna give you the W
the sweetest boy EVER??
he doesn't tease you about your height!!
mainly because he doesn't want you to get insecure or he doesn't want you to feel bad about your height
he would look at you with so much sparkles in his eyes
like that "omg you're so heckin adorably smol" typa in love look
just like other bfs out there, he would help you reach high stuff
and he's not gonna be a jerk about it
he is genuinely sooo nice
giggles at every single little adorable thing you do
one time you sneezed, tho no matter if it was an ugly sneeze or a cite sneeze,,, he giggles so much
its kinda concerning
"hehehee you're so cute"
"i'm literally having terrible allergies and you're calling that cute??"
but whatever right thats okay
as long as you make him happy,
you'd sneeze from allergies from him i guess 🙄
like jake, he would look at you with heart eyes
but he wouldn't make it too obvious like heeseung
one time you're playing on your phone sitting on the floor
and sunghoon was just watching you from the couch all smiling by himself
like little smirk/smile that he does
sunghoon simp wbk
and the way you screamed was so cute
you looked like this: ╰(‵□′)╯
then you heard sunghoon giggling so hard
then he sat on the floor with you and rubbed the back of your head
"you lost again?"
then you pout "yes >:("
he giggles again then he pulls you into a hug
"it's okay, i'll teach you"
then he pulls you it between his lap and you'd hold the phone together
is a baby himself
a whole babie couple
if you're whiny, he's even whinier
and shy af
but thats okay because you guys are the cutest couple
so many cuddle and cheek kiss exchange
a day of you hanging out with each other consists of you cuddling or doing home activities
and because you're cute like him yet tinier
imo sunoo appears to be smaller than he actually is
because we all know this boy is TALL
he's 5'10 and you're def WAY shorter than 5'10, it hurts
regardless, your height we would cling on you in every way possible
he would cling on you like a koala, or he'll cling on you like a lost child
like i said earlier, babier than you
but thats okay because his hugs and cuddles make up for it.
like jay, but worse
he could be sweet but he's definitely meaner than sweet
you'd look at him like (。•́︿•̀。)
puppy eyes
look jungwon you made your baby sad HHH hHH HH H H h h H
he's immediately apologize
"i didn't mean it !! o(TヘTo)"
you'd just sit there hugging your knees because he made you sad
then he's feel even worse
"i'm sorrryyyyy" (ಥ﹏ಥ)
you'd resort to making yourself feel better and the other members are gonna notice
"don't make y/n sad! you're a bad bf!" heeseung would tease
anyways he'd treat you out because he made you super sad
buuuTTTT he's def gonna film you eating bc,,, well you're cute
this boy is yoUNG but TALL
it doesn't matter if you're older or younger than him but he's more like a clueless bf
so he would treat you normally
yes you're short, but he's not gonna discriminate you bc of it HJSBDd
a sweet baby
"do you want to eat?" "do you need help?" "do you need to grab it? i can help you."
would tease you a *little* bit
"look, you're not even past my shoulders hehehe"
gets a crispy smack from you
your tall giant helper
"ni-ki, can you get the plate for me?" "ni-ki, can you reach the frame?" "ni-ki--"
"okay okay i got it"
would compare heights
no matter what
he will not be fazed, there's no day when he WONT compare height
"do you sleep? i heard sleep helps."
"shut up riki, just 'cause youre tall youre gonna treat me like this... AND YES I DO SLEEP"
498 notes · View notes
bluefacebeauty · 3 years
chapter one: in which quil leaves y/n
y/n grit her teeth as she watched Quil goof off around with his new friends. People, he and y/n would make fun of, Sam Uley and his little gang of hall monitors on steroids. Quil had been ignoring her for the last week or so, the two of them being the only ones Sam Uley hadn't managed to recruit into his little gang. 

Then suddenly, he turns up to school buff and 5 inches taller. She rolled her eyes and turned her gaze back to her concerned friend. "y/n, he left you, you're too good for him." Aliya, a close friend of hers whispered. 

"I know," y/n chuckled to herself bitterly, "We were friends for 6 years, I'm just wondering what happened."
Aliya shook her head, "If he thinks he's too good for you then you should just leave it at that, don't fight for anyone who wouldn't do the same for you."
y/n felt slightly better and squeezed Aliya's arm gently in thanks, picking at her lunch. Quil turned to look at her not soon after, but y/n was busy trying to stop Aliya from stealing bites of her food. 

He gazed at her longingly and let out a pitiful whimper. Paul winced and whacked Quil upside the head, "Quit it, you're making the rest of us feel bad."
"Didn't mean it," Quil mumbled, hanging his head, "I miss her."
Paul rolled his eyes, "We know you do, your thoughts are kind of loud, it's always, does y/n miss me? What if I call her? I'm not supposed to see her. Is she gonna call me?" 

Quil ran a hand through his shaggy brown locks and breathed out deeply, "I just don't get why I can't talk to her. I won't hurt her."
Embry narrowed his eyes, "It's safer that way, I had to go through this as well, leaving you, Jacob and y/n."
"It was different for you."
"What?" Embry snorted, "I'm not head over heels in love with y/n?" 

Quil grumbled to himself, angrily picking up his lunch tray, dumping the contents in the bin and putting his tray up. He walked off into his next class. 

y/n merely only spared a glance towards Quil, not quite catching his eyes. Quil desperately tried to lock his gaze onto hers as he passed by y/n's table. y/n continued to pick at her food, shoving a piece of lettuce in her mouth as Aliya whispered something to her. 

"Go away Quil," y/n uttered from inside her house, she would, of course, recognize the sharp taps of her ex best friend's knuckles against the hardwood of her front door. 

"y/n, please." Quil sounded pathetic, absolutely heartbroken. He had shown up at the front door of her house in the later hours of the day, begging and pleading with her to just come outside so they could talk. 

"Go away," 

Quil huffed to himself, before ramming his shoulder into the door. y/n flinched and pushed against the door, hoping to hold him off. 

"Leave, Quil! I don't want to see you."
"But I need to explain, please y/n.... please."
"No! You left, you left me alone, no calls, no text messages. That's six years of friendship down the drain, Quil!" 

"I didn't mean to." He whined out, resting his forehead against the door, pausing his assault of her front door. "Sam told me I wasn't allowed to, he was scared I'd hurt you, it's why Jacob and Embry didn't talk to us." 

"You didn't even say goodbye," y/n whispered out, slumping against the door, her emotions were a whirlwind. 

Quil's superior hearing managed to pick up the words and he let out a slightly inaudible whine, he too slumped against the door, his emotions getting the best of him. "We can still be friends y/n, I just.. I just want to see you. I need to see you, open the door."
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, but complied. Quil was standing on her front porch, hair drenched from the rain. Her expression softened, as much as she wanted to get over her friendship with Quil, it was hard. 

She ushered Quil in, bustling around the house to find him a towel. She stopped in front of him and handed over a towel, awkwardly looking towards the floor. 

"y/n.." Quil said softly, bringing a hand up and tilting her face. 

Their eyes connected and Quil gasped, images flashing through his mind. He felt warm, comforted, it felt right. He noticed y/n staring up at him curiously and froze, he ripped his hands away from her face and bolted right out of the house. 

y/n's expressions hardened and she scoffed. She didn't know why she expected the meeting to go any different. Why she had hoped for Quil to go back to the way he was before. 

Quil breathed in deeply, resting his head in his hands, thinking over the previous events. 'Why did I leave. She could have..... if I told her.....maybe...' Images of the two of them kissing and holding each other flashed before his eyes. 

"Stop it Quil," Sam commanded, leaning back against the couch. 

Quil didn't move but his thoughts quieted. 

"You imprinted on her." 

"Yeah," Quil's voice came out shaky, "And I just left, I don't know why, I could have told her, she knows about the legends, she'd, she'd-"
"It's not fair," Leah says bitterly, "He gets to imprint on the girl he's in love with."
Jacob groaned from his spot in the room, "We get it Leah, you're going through your angst phase." 

Jacob, himself was jealous as well, of course he would be, he and y/n shared some of the fondest memories he had to date. He missed her of course, they all did. She was great to be around, always offering advice and support, and yet she still had a bit of an ego. 

Quil, the first to imprint, out of all of the pack. The first to experience the emotions that went hand in hand with the process. 

"What do I do now? She hates me."
"Just talk to her." Paul said roughly, getting up and leaving the house. 

It was unfair, stupid, heartbroken, Quil got to imprint on y/n. Pathetic, weak, Quil got to imprint on HIS mate. 'Quil thinks he's sooo special, stupid... I imprinted on her first.' 

All thoughts from the rest of the pack ceased and Paul paused. 

Quil got up angrily and marched up to Paul, "You what?"
"You heard me." Paul taunts. 

"She's mine!" Quil roars out suddenly, gripping onto Paul's shirt, "She's mine, my best friend, my mate!" 

"Ex best friend."
Quil reels his arm back and punches Paul with the hardest punch he could muster. Paul stumbled back a few feet clutching his nose and growling. The two began to twitch, hands balling up into fists. 

"CALM DOWN!" Sam ordered, his voice booming out towards the clearing where Quil and Paul had begun to physically fight. The two ignored their alpha and the sound of tearing clothes and snapping bones could be heard. 

Paul clamped his jaws around Quil's front leg, eliciting a whimper and Quil managed to headbutt Paul off of himself. 

Sam growled to himself and shifted as well, quickly using his alpha voice to make the two stop. Quil and Paul both struggled and tried to fight against Sam, but they bowed their heads down to him, snarling and baring their teeth. 

'Go phase back.' 

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