#my first doodles of these characters were them hanging out and being siblings
vaugarde · 2 years
girl help im thinking of a major oc rehaul again
#okay. pains me to consider this twice with the main group now. but im thinking of downsizing the mcs to just asha and valerie#NOT because im ignoring skylar thats actually why this is difficult to see if its a betterchoice bc i love their relationship w asha#and i do love them being taken in by atlas but like. im wondering if its necessary#and if itll serve asha's character better if she's aloof and cold bc they've been so isolated#and valerie is the one to bring her down from that. but then that feels weird when skylar is there#and skylar couldve had that effect on her yknow and its weird that they dont since theyre so close#like idk how to make that work without making asha come across as more unlikable than they should be#bc then the implication is ''skylar is really enthusiastic and always trying to get asha to try new things and she doesnt#but then val does that while showing her kindness so clearly skylar doesnt mean as much to asha''#skylar does get an arc regarding their relationship with asha but it also feels too similar to quinn's arc w atlas#and i was trying to make it a parallel but it feels less like that and more like retreadingground since im telling both stories#or i want to anyways#and like. skylar wouldn't be kicked out of the story they'd still appear and be a character!#a main character in fact! theyre extremely important to the plot they're arguably the heart of it#(which is another reason im so conflicted)#they may appear later in the story and join later? but then they feel kinda similar to valerie augh#also im soooo attached to skylar and asha being adopted siblings :( thats been a thing since like my very very first draft#my first doodles of these characters were them hanging out and being siblings#maybe ill try and figure out a best of both worlds scenario where they can keep beingsiblings#but asha spends a lot of time with valerie alone at first#echoed voice
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usaigi · 2 years
Jake vs Steven
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Lunar sys au character cards | Read all chapters on ao3
CW: Panic attacks, implied past self-harm
Birdy doesn’t remember their room, if she didn’t know better, it could have been any stranger's room. Impersonal, generic, foreign. Whenever she pictured their childhood bedroom, she imagined something like Steven’s old flat, filled with books and trinkets and personality. With band or sports or hot lady posters or whatever it is that teenage dudes like instead of a nearly blank blue wall. 
There was an old desktop on the corner that she doubts will even turn on. A high school diploma hanging above, Birdy has to assume that her dad was the one to hang it up. An old calendar still displaying May 2004. Scribbles reminders of appointments, work shifts, and finals. Birdy traces her hand over “graduation” written in big letters on May 15th. But other than that there wasn’t much. 
‘Your room is lame. Did you have like any hobbies growing up?’ Birdy asks Marc.
‘I hide everything under my bed or in the closet,’ Marc replies.
‘Why?’ Birdy asks, looking through the stuff in his closet. A binder pull of baseball cards. Another one with pokemon. Some books on Maya mythology, some about Aztec, but mostly books about Egypt.  
‘Used to be really into NASA and space and all that. She used it to belittle me for it. Can’t do that if she doesn’t know what I like.’
‘Oh. I’m sorry,’ she mumbles. 
‘It’s ok. I’m glad you can have your hobbies now.’ Marc says as Birdy pulls out the box of CDs under his bed. Flipping through the collection. A majority of them are burned mixes tapes, song titles and doodles are written on them with sharpies. Lots of Green Day, Nirvana, Fall Out Boy. Mostly American rock and punk pop bands with the occasional appearance of some old British pop song or a Spanish rock classic. One of the only authentic CDs in the collection was Selena’s Amor Prohibido.
‘At least you had a good sense of music.’
‘Dad used to hate it,’ she smiles, imagining a younger Marc blasting his music while her dad sits there with a stoic face, pretending to be interested. 
‘Yeah. But he still knew what bands we liked and bought us some CDs when we were in the hospital, do you remember that?’ Marc shrugs sheepishly. 
He stays silent for a minute before saying, ‘I used to stay up all night listening to all that crap on the highest volume so that I could dissociate in peace.’ 
‘Maybe we’re not so different…’ she says, pulling out another box, an old unassuming shoe box. She pops it open and finds some magazines, a pipe and a raz– oh no. oh no. marc please don’t, stop stop stop. 
that hurts, please. 
i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt you, i’m sorry
‘Hey, hey, hey we’re ok. It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re not hurt, we’re okay,’ Jake repeats, wiping the tears from their face, sliding his hand up and down their other arm to soothe them. ‘We’re safe, don’t worry, it’s just a memory.’ 
“Hey, Dad? We want to try to see the pictures with Randall, is that alright?” Steven asks as they finish kneading the dough for the challah bread, wrapping the plastic around it. 
“You do..? Of course, but are you sure?” Dad says, looking surprised at his request. 
“Kid wants to.”
“Ok.” Dad returns to the table with the other photo album, the one Marc refused to even touch last night, and sits next to them, letting them take the lead. 
‘Do you want to front? I’ll stay here with you,’ Steven gently offers. 
‘Ok…’ Kid says, taking control of the uncomfortably big body with its long limbs and big hands. He takes the album papí hands him, slowly flipping through all the pictures of him and his little brother. The first one is him holding a picture of Roro while he was still in mamí’s tummy. Another one of him meeting Roro for the first time. Other pictures of them wearing matching outfits, both of them with big smiles. 
Kid really missed being an older brother, especially now he had so many older siblings. 
It’s nice! He loves his big sister and brothers. But it’s not the same. Looking down at the pictures of Roro, he really misses having someone to protect, he misses being the smart one, the brave one.    
“Randall was really cute…” Kid whispers. He should be here, he should be looking at these pictures with him, there should be more pictures. 
“You wer– are cute too, Kid,” papí tells him, patting his back.
“Gracias, papí,” Kid smiles. 
‘Kid, if you need a break I’m here,’ Steven reminds him but he’s ok. So he shakes his head and flips to the next page. 
Near the end of the collection is a picture of a birthday party. His birthday. One with cake and hats and a bounce house. He’s blowing out his eight candles and Roro is right there beside him. Roro’s cheering for him in celebration, anxious to catch up to him. But he never will, will he?
Because he let him drown. And that’s why you don’t have anyone to protect. What’s a dead boy going to protect? Mamí asked you to protect him and what did you do? 
I can’t breathe! Someone, please help –
‘Kid, it’s okay. Come here, come here, buddy. Take my hand. It wasn’t your fault. You’ll alright, you’ll alright,’ he hears, feeling his blanket wrapped around him. Steven hugs him tight, running his hands through his hair to soothe him. 
He misses Roro. 
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Oh hey here's some more art I forgot to post! The first picture is a sooooorrrrrt of genderbend of Twisted Alice. He's from an AU where Susie was transmasc. He would have liked to be called Simon but he never really came out to anybody except maybe Sammy. Upon being turned into Alice, he still had his dysphoria and tinkered with the Ink Machine and the template until he was able to recreate himself as a male angel, and from then on he named himself Ambrose Angel.
The second pic is an OC I made. Pronouns they/he. Their name is Ashton Angel, and they're Alice's younger sibling. They were never revealed to be a boy or a girl during their time in the cartoons, so audiences were left to wonder about it. They're actually nonbinary, but there wasn't really a word for that at the time they were created. They were originally created by Susie's younger brother, who I have yet to name but he loved the cartoons enough to come up with a character of his own. He was hanging around in the studio doodling Ashton and Alice one day and waiting for Susie to finish her voice work, when Joey Drew happened to walk by and notice. Joey asked him what he was doing, Susie's brother told him, and Joey thought it was a nifty enough idea that he asked him if he'd like for Ashton to actually be in the cartoons and if he'd be willing to voice them. He was, of course, elated, and happily accepted, but after Susie was replaced by Allison, Ashton was dropped from the cartoons, and both siblings were heartbroken.
Fast forward to Joey Drew asking Susie and her brother to come back and bring the Angel siblings to life one more time. When Ashton was born from the Machine, they were almost perfect(and AMAB because when Thomas was creating the templates, he thought Ashton sounded more like a boy's name) but they had a few flaws, namely having a voracious appetite that couldn't be sated by anything but ink flesh. No matter how much bacon soup or other food Ashton eats, he's never satisfied, so he hunts searchers(especially swollen ones), Lost Ones, the Butcher Gang, and Borises if he can catch one. However, he's not the brightest bulb when he's super hungry. He's gone after the Ink Demon and the Projectionist multiple times, and it never ends well for him. It's a good thing he's faster than both of them, or he would have been killed a long time ago. He stays with Twisted Alice, and they share the inky organs of whatever they can catch and look out for each other. I'll probably write some stuff about the two of them having cute sibling moments.
This also applies to Transmasc!S AU. Ashton didn't know who Ambrose was at first, because having the memories of the cartoon character, they remembered having a sister, not a brother, but when Ambrose told them who he was, something clicked in their head, some ghost of a memory from another life where they had a brother that everyone else thought was actually a sister, and they accepted what Ambrose told them as truth. When they were both alive, Simon would have told his younger brother that he felt more like a man than a woman but asked him not to tell anyone else because he wasn't ready for others to know yet.
Also, just to make this clear, even though they have a cute baby face and happen to be shortish(he's 5'5"), Ashton is NOT a child nor is he "child coded", and Susie's brother was an adult by the time he was turned into Ashton. If I decide to ship him with anyone, I don't want weirdos coming at me about him being too young. I created him, I get to decide how old he is. I am also a short nonbinary with a cute baby face who regularly gets mistaken for being half my age by strangers(and every time I buy alcohol I swear they're scrutinizing my ID like they think it's a fake lmao) but I'm a grown ass adult and no amount of weirdos screaming that short people are Actually Minors or whatever is going to change that.
Anyway I hope y'all like these pretty ink boys! 🖤🖤🖤
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bluepallilworld · 3 years
Here we are again! Time for the last big writing of my dark cream family stories ! This time it's better to read the other writings before or you're gonna be confused for some parts I guess XD.
Here a link to the other writings ^^.
It's really long so it's cut into parts, I'll post one each day in case you wanna do theories between OwO.
Characters of mine that will appear: Mimosa, Mu, Fancy and Lint ✨
Meeting or missing (part 1)
The cold air was tickling his bones.
He grabbed his blanket harder and rolled it around his body before spreading himself on the bean bag he chose to sleep on for the night. The returned warmth he felt after a few minutes made him sigh with contentment. Comfy clouds.
He didn’t have the slightest idea of what hour it could be but he must still have some time to go back to sleep. He rubbed his face into the soft fabric. Well, it couldn’t hurt to stay there for a bit longer. Or forever.
He opened his eyes to the darkness of his room, blinking sleepily. Now on his back, he let his eye lights trailed the star path on the ceiling. Orienting himself towards his door, he peered at the luminous words written on the paper hanging on it.
“We’re in the house!” it said, followed by hastily drawn doodles of two faces.
It was quite silly, he knew that. Now that he was nine years old, he shouldn’t need to be reassured that he wasn’t alone anymore like that. Mimosa blushed as he remembered the tantrum he threw once when he had thought they had left the house without telling him first.
He should have told them that he didn’t need that paper anymore. Perhaps. But the thought of a cold and empty house came back to his mind and he shuddered.
Cuddling his squishy tendril, the child took a deep breath. He didn’t really need to breathe, all skeleton he was, but he found the action was soothing. He focused on the faint noise of the air coming in and out.
In and out.
His eyes closed again, he imagined some wind blowing through the room, creating invisible swirls and making the fabric of the curtains move. It was a peaceful sensation and he felt himself slowly being pulled back to sleep by the soft daydream…
He didn’t fall asleep, however, as he felt something was wrong.
Upon cracking upon a socket, he noticed the window was open. Didn't he close it before going to sleep?
He put his weight on his elbows to upright his upper body and gazhed around in the darkness.
A shriek escaped him when something heavy fell on him from who knows where.
The newcomer was now sitting on his ribs, a malicious smile on her face.
He should have expected that, it wasn’t the first time his friend -or more his “half-sibling from another multiverse”- sneaked inside his room.
Lint was just like that.
He would have greeted her as cheerfully as usual if it wasn’t for the slumber determined to keep him trapped half-asleep. So he just grabbed a pillow, searching to hit the too awake girl.
The sloppy hit didn’t touch the target. But his friend slipped from her seat anyway and dramatically faked her death as she flopped on the floor.
Silence filled the room as Lint kept wiggling until she stopped moving at all.
Mimosa stared at the fellow skelekid as if waiting for something else to happen.
The girl made the longest fart noise he ever heard.
The boy lost it and started wheezing like crazy. He slided down to the floor and the two children laughed together for a little while.
Each time they thought they were done, a glance at the other and they were set again for another round.
When the bubbly noises finally died down, Mimosa felt finally fully awake. He guessed there was no bad way to wake up!
He shot a look at the door, nobody came to investigate their noisy feat. Perhaps they were still asleep or just at the other side of the house. Shine should be awake as she was often at night but maybe Malignance was still in bed. He tilted his head, lost in his thoughts.
He realized his mistake when two enthused hands suddenly grabbed his shoulders.
“Let’s go!”
The room was now empty, the two monsters having abruptly disappeared.
A post-it slowly fell on the bean bag.
On it, was written in bright colors:
“I’m borrowing your bro <3”
[End of part 1]
[Go to part 2?]
Shine and Malignance are Mimosa's adopted siblings, they belong to @creative-firebug ❤️
That's it @zu-is-here ! I finally finish it XD
@turtleduckrabbit dark cream shipkid's time ahead UwU
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karasunology · 4 years
╰─ ─ ゚headcanons of how would it be if akaashi was dating you & how would bokuto react.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ akaashi keiji & bokuto koutaro <3
[ trigger warnings ━ none !! ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting. requests on my inboxes are all almost done, and i have nothing to do so send out a request and i'll write 'em !!
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➜ you and akaashi probably met through bokuto
➜ since he was apart of the team, and you were his younger sister, you guys were bound to meet one day.
➜ and when you guys did meet, there wasn't anything special between you two ― you were just his best friend's younger sister which was also in the same year as him, and he was just your brother's best friend.
➜ you guys would smile at each other whenever you were near each other, a polite bow as well but, weirdly enough, that was all.
➜ and koutaro was totally depressed about it
➜ he wanted you guys to be best friends too, like his first best friend and his kouhai, setter best friend being good friends as well? OF COURSE HE WANTED THAT
➜ bb boy just wanted to have lunch with you three
➜ and maybe along the other vbc members
➜ and when you guys did have lunches together, which wasn't rare but also wasn't common either, since you have a different group of friends as well, it would always be when the other vbc team were there.
➜ and you would occasionally share a laugh and coversation with the members along with akaashi, but you were always closer with koari and yukie.
➜ but one day, you've gotten sick at school but you didn't want to burden and worry your brother because he also has volleyball practice later and his class was still ongoing so you had no choice but to try and walk home before you faint.
➜ but that day, oddly enough, you have forgotten to look at the weather.
➜ and it was fine since you would always do that like?? WHO EVEN CHECKS THE WEATHER BECAUSE I DONT
➜ but that day was said to have a rainy weather, and when you were about to leave to the school gates after having permission from your teachers, akaashi called out for you, running up to you
➜ phew some kdrama shit going on rn😳✋
➜ or some miraculous lady bug & kaguyama sama love is war typa shit😳💅
➜ you were confused, nevertheless stopped yourself as you saw his figure coming closer to you
“ oh, akaashi-san. ” your hoarse voice was evident, after trying to clear your throat, you bowed slighty at him in greating
“ i heard you were sick and you had to go home. ” he started off, wiping off the sweat trickling down from his forehead.
“ here, ” he handed you an umbrella you didn't notice he held on his right hand.
“ heard that it was going to rain today and saw that you were didn't have an umbrella ”
➜ bb boy is so reliable and thoughtful
“ no i could't i ― ”
“ bokuto-san wouldn't be happy since you're already sick, and we still have volleyball practice and i have a spare umbrella. get well soon. ”
➜ akaashi's speach was short, and straightforward. would have left you wondering what was his real intentions were in the end, and that's what actually happened to you.
➜ as you accepted his umbrella, you walked home with nothing but akaashi wondering in the deepest cevices of your mind that you didn't know existed
➜ but before akaashi, you didn't know many things at all; the unfamiliar thumping on your chest, butterflies in your stomache & flushed cheeks.
➜ you didn't know of them until the day akaashi decided that HE was the one to make you feel that way and no one else
➜ after that day, something kinda changed between you guys.
➜ don't get me wrong, smiling at each other in the hallways were still a thing, bowing at each other are still a thing; but there were a bit newer accompanies, the peach on your cheeks, and the nervousness on akaashi's nerves.
➜ the both of you would have a small chit-chats with each other even if it's just the two of you inside a classroom, occasionally laughing at a literature joke akaashi had up his sleeves.
➜ and it wasn't only you and akaashi which have noticed the slight changes in yours and akaashi's behaviour.
➜ yukie and kaori would share knowing glance at each other whenever you and akaashi would share a long conversation with each other than usual by every lunch time with the vbc team
➜ and also your older brother, kou-nii, has also noticed it😳
➜ the way you and akaashi would hold unusual, and long gazes at each other ― the one would also look at the other when they aren't looking, and vice versa
➜ koutaro was ecstatic !! since at first he thought you guys were already best friends not knowing both of you had different thoughts😳
➜ it wasn't only until valentines day did it really click on him what the weird tension between akaashi and you was when you stayed up later than usual baking some sweets ― at first, thought it was for him, but before he could say how honoured he was, he saw the scribbled up tags scattered, and it all lead him up to a piece of paper which you have forgotten to scribbled out which said,
“ to akaashi ”
➜ and a small, yet noticable doodled heart on the side
➜ and that was when something in kou's brain malfunctioned.
➜ you weren't by any chance ,, infatuated with his best friend ??? righT?? RIGHT??
➜ the next day he snuck a glance on the box of sweets and still saw his best friend's name on it and boy did it click to him
➜ you ! like ! his ! best friend
➜ normaly he wouldn't mind since akaashi's a great guy, but you were his little sister
➜ and bb boy couldn't help but get protective
➜ but it was your life and your relationship, he's glad atleast the person that took your heart was akaashi
➜ when you confessed to akaashi, you were in a haze and before you knew it ― akaashi has pulled you onto a warm yet careful hug and with infatuated tainted cheeks, he returned your feelings
➜ and the day you told your brother that you and akaashi were dating, bb boy kinda kinda knew it was coming but nevertheless has never felt SO proud of both of you
➜ would support you till no ends
➜ he already knows about akaashi's information so ,,,
➜ you know just in case homeboy breaks ur heart😌🗿
➜ hope fully not because akaashi COULD NEVERRRR
➜ as i said in my older brother headcanons, he would step up as a big brother when he needs to & he had the bro talk with akaashi & akaashi was never the same after that
➜ but honestly had called dibs being akaashi's best man and for him and your father to walk you down the aisle
➜ mans mind was gOING PLACES Y'ALL LMAOO
➜ would have sleepover with the three of you guys on the living room but he'll be the one sleeping with akaashi on the other sofa because nuh-uh, you ain't ready for that shlt yet
➜ would also 8/10 of the time has clung onto akaashi while sleeping while akaashi was regretting his life choices at 2 am in the morning when he found himself sprawled, his other half of the body hanging off the sofa while the bokuto siblings are sleeping peacefully
➜ but akaashi wouldn't have it any other way. and koutaro too, since both of his best friends are happpily together, he couldn't ask for anything more as both your best friend, and brother.
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . this was requested by a fellow filipino anon !! love this request so much & it's so cute. hopefully you liked this bubs, also, REQUESTS ARE OPEN, i need me some entertainment and i have almost finished writing all the requests in my inbox. i promise i'll write them😳✌
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paperclipsandchalk · 5 years
Good Kids: 
Patton Pascal- Son of Rapunzel- His hair has the same magical properties Rapunzel's had, he uses special scissors to cut them since he doesn't like his hair being too long. There will be some days where he's too tired to cut his hair, it's a daily chore since his hair grows at a fast rate overnight. He has brown hair and green eyes, he has rectangular glasses and wears a golden flower crown. Patton wears a grey sweater that has many types of flower patterns down the sleeves, he wears khakis and no shoes. He is a happy go lucky guy who thinks brightly about the world, however, reality hits him little by little and he realizes the world is a messed up place. Patton and Logan are betrothed and have been since they were kids. Patton helps bring out the emotions in Logan and Logan helps bring out the rationality in Patton. Roman and Patton are close friends who are both on the track team. Patton and Remy get along nine times out of ten, the other one time out of ten is when Patton lectures him about not sleeping. Patton is around 5'7 
Remy Bubbler- Son of Ariel- Remy is a half merman with a caffeine addiction, when he was younger he had sleep paralysis and it scared him into staying awake. He eventually found comfort in coffee, since he couldn't really talk to anyone about it he just bottled it up. There are some days he can't speak due to Ursula cursing him when he was five, that was because he talked to her son, Emile. Remy inherited his dad's black hair but his mother's blue eyes, his hair is a bit poofy. Remy wears a black leather jacket with a white shirt that says 'Sleep is for the weak, and I'm weak so see you in a week' and every time someone goes to read it he says "my eyes are up here". Coincidentally he wears glasses to cover his eyes from the sun, he has scaly freckles that shimmer in the sunlight and when he blushes they flare pink. He says "what up bishes" at least three times a day, unless he can't speak, then he signs it. Oh, and Remy is 5'11
Roman White- Son of Snow White- Roman, surprisingly, is really tan and fit. He's on the track team with Patton and he's always active outside whether it's putting on small plays for the children in town square or hanging out with his friends. Roman also knows a few languages such as Spanish and French, he was born into a big family consisting of six brothers and a cat named Acorn. He absolutely despises apples and prefers red grapes instead. Roman is tall, taller than Remy but shorter than Logan. Roman is about 6'1 with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He often wears a white button up shirt with a red vest over the top, he wears black dress pants and dress shoes. Roman always wants to stand out and he really cares what others think about him, that all goes out the window when he meets Virgil. Surprisingly, the two have a lot more in common than they thought. 
Logan Rose- Son of Belle- Logan is a well read kid who's betrothed to Patton and he wouldn't have it any other way. However, one thing has been bugging him the more he studied the past fairy tales, the villains kids were never given a chance. So he decided that his first decree as future king is that let the kids from the island come to school with them. Logan is 6'2, he wears a long black sleeved shirt with a blue tie, he also wears black jeans with dress shoes. He has circular glasses, he has brown eyes with light brown hair. No matter what he can't keep his hair tame, it bothers him all the time but Patton help brush and style it. He also carries around an enchanted rose, he doesn't know what's going to happen when all the petals fall off. It worries him, he doesn't even know where the rose came from but he can't get rid of it either. Sometimes Logan loses sight of his emotions but luckily he has Patton to help bring him back down. 
Villain Kids: 
Emile Picani- Son of Ursula- Emile is literally the friendliest person you'll ever meet on the island. He has a passion for swimming but doesn't get to do it often due to a barrier surrounding the island. One time he managed to escape the barrier somehow and met a boy, they became friends quickly but their parents found out. His mom cursed the boy despite her son's wish, time passed by and now Emile wants to right the wrong his mom did. He doesn't have tentacles but he has a pet octopus named Tentacles. Emile is around 5'4, he has blonde almost white hair and dark brown eyes, he has square glasses. He wears a black cardigan with a purple shirt underneath it, he also wears black pants. Emile also wears a seashell necklace his father gave him, he also has the warmest smile anyone has ever seen. 
Virgil Malevolent- Son of Maleficent- Virgil and his mom never get along, she wants him to do stuff that he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to be like her when he gets older. Virgil can cast spells, all he has to do is remember the correct words and he can cast it, or he can use his spellbook. However, his mom takes the spell book all the time so he's learned to memorize the spells that are important. Virgil wears a purple cloak that covers his outfit that his mother forces him to wear, it's a black suit with black gloves. He absolutely hates it, but he hates his hair even more. His hair has black roots but silver tips, he dyed the tips purple to spite his mom. Virgil also has dragon wings and piercing green eyes. He often doodles thing from different fairy tales, one time he accidentally draws Roman. Roman finds out and asks Virgil to teach him how to draw. 
Remus Queen (White)- Son of Evil Queen- Remus was taken when he was a baby, the queen raised him to he her own. Since he grew up with the evil queen he has been obsessed with mirrors and the way they reflect things. Remus was given a magic mirror of his own, and sometimes he would see someone who looked just like him in the mirror, he would always have a sinking feeling that he was missing something. Remus has dark humor and often expresses it into stories of the different fairy tales but instead of a happy ending they all end how they were originally intended to. His favorite fruit is an apple specifically yellow/golden. Remus looks a lot like Roman except for he's pale, also he wears something similar to his real outfit except the shoulder pads are toned down a bit. 
Deceit Facilier- Son of Dr. Facilier- Deceit is cunning and tricky, he plays with fate all the time but he'll never know his own. He messes with his tarot cards all the time because his friends in the shadows tell him to, but they can't seem to tell him how to handle his massive crush on his dark humored friend. Deceit has a problem with telling the truth, he believes a lie is way better than something true. Deceit basically wears the same thing he does in the videos except the cloak thing is actually a suit jacket with the tail that Dr. Facilier has on his. Deceit covers half of his face with a smiling mask that's white. He had a past relationship with Virgil but again it was a mutual break up. Deceit ends up becoming good friends with Patton, he also loves building things. 
This took so long to do holy hecking heck! But those are in depth character descriptions and more information on them. You guys are gonna make me cry with how much support you guys gave that post, I did not expect it to blow up like it did! Now I'm motivated to create a plot and story to this that's loosely based on the movie, however, I wanted to get opinions on a few things:
1- With Emile's design, instead of actual hair should he have tentacles for hair instead? Like a splatoon character? 
2- What should the name of the island and school be? I was thinking something along the lines of Mind Palace High. 
3- What should the au be called???? 
Also a few side notes: 
~ There will be ocs in here to fill the role of the unwelcoming crowd of students. I think Roman would fit in that role but I just can't see him being that mean to exclude them out, maybe at first he's hesitant to approach them but he quickly gets over it. 
~ Who's ready to see some sibling bonding between Remus and Roman? 
Ok, but thank you so much for supporting the idea, I didn't think people would actually like it. I really appreciate it <3 
Tag List: @rainboots-are-for-snobs @thelesbianspoon @slitherynchiken @icequeenoriginal @rainbowgirl157 @scorching-scotch
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sakura-blossom28 · 5 years
Finished this wayyy sooner than I ever thought I would.  Finally some new characters and not as sappy.  Just projecting what I hope happens in the future.  And of course finally some Gaara. Worried he’ll seem out of character too. Let me know what you think! Part 1 /
Sakura was in a good place.  Spring was finally here!  The dead of winter was over, and she was leaving painful memories behind.  She was finally ready to start again.  The cold months turned into bright sunny days that thawed out the growing flowers, reminding Sakura of her gown growth.  Her days passed without much going on, but some days were filled with laughter because of Naruto and Hinata.  The days that she spent with them were her favorite. They would spend nights together in Naurto’s tiny apartment watching as many movies as they could, baking a million treats, and just talking to help Sakura heal. 
Hinata knew how important time away from boys was for Sakura, so she made sure to give her much needed girl time.  They went shopping, stayed up some nights just talking about everything and nothing, and just spent needed time together.  Hinata was a true friend to Sakura.  Anything that Sakura needed, Naruto and Hinata were there for her.  Any time she felt the need to talk after a hard day or wanted to share any good news, those two were there for her.  
Between the times that both Naruto and Hinata were busy, which was pretty regularly since Sakura had long days in the surgery center, she had to entertain herself.  This was the hard part, but Sakura started to enjoy her time alone.  She found that there was a lot to learn about herself.  Baking was one of her favorite things to do.  Naruto and Hinata loved it when she baked the day before they were supposed to hang out.  At the bottom of her list was exercising.  Working out by herself just wasn’t as fun.  She was making some progress, her energy was way up, but she didn’t look any different.  Maybe she should take a class…
One night Hinata and Sakura were hanging out at Naruto’s apartment.  It was just like any other night when there was a knock on the door. 
“Oh good, they’re finally here!” Naruto exclaimed as he jumped off the couch and Hinata followed.  Sakura thought that it was just going to be the 3 of them as usual.  She wasn’t particularly dressed nicely to meet new people.  Just her usual t-shirt and work out pants, even though she didn’t work out that day.  
Her color had been better since the breakup and she was starting to feel okay.  No word from Sasuke in the months, but she didn’t expect him to.  She could finally think about him and not miss him like she used to.  Dating was still off the table for her, she just didn’t have the desire to open herself up to someone new. Sakura was still trying to find out more about herself. She needed to think more about what she really wanted from a relationship.  Plus the dating scene was just so exhausting.  She and Hinata had spent hours and hours on dating apps with no luck whatsoever.  Mostly it was just fun seeing what guys would post thinking it would help them get a date.  
At the door, there was a big commotion mixed with different voices that Sakura had never heard.  She noticed a male and female voice that she didn’t recognize.  As they walked into the living room where Sakura was she saw who Naruto and Hinata invited in.  
A tall man with brown hair in a ponytail walked in with a woman with blonde hair, they both looked happy and friendly as they chatted with Naruto and Hinata.  
Oh good, they look like they’re dating, was the first thought that popped into Sakura’s mind.  Even though Naruto knew how she felt about dating at this point, it still didn’t stop him from trying to set her up with some of his friends.  Thankfully Hinata was there to steer him in the right direction.  A few times Naruto invited other friends over while Sakura and Hinata were spending time together.  Only one guy that Naruto brought around was stuck in her mind, and not for a good reason.  Lee was kind and sweet, but so intense.  It reminded Sakura that she was so not ready to be dating just yet.  
“Sakura! Sakura! This is my good friend Shikamaru! And his girlfriend Temari! They just got back from vacation!” Naruto said as they all settled on the couches.  
They exchanged their pleasantries and Shikamaru and Temari went into their story about their trip.  He seemed very laid back and she was full of energy, polar opposites, but they looked happy and comfortable with each other.  At one point Sakura thought this is how people must think about her and Sasuke, but she was so wrong.  Shaking her head slightly she focused back onto their words.  
The evening was enjoyable, better than she would have thought if she was told she would spend her night being the fifth wheel.  Temari seemed like the kind of person that Sakura could be friends with.  She was easy going but still fun and feisty.  
“Hey, Sakura, I’m going to visit Temari at her job tomorrow and then hang out. Want to join us for a little girl’s night?” Hinata asked as the conversation was dying down.  
“Sure! I don’t have any plans tomorrow," Sakura wouldn’t turn down a girl’s night for anything.  
“Cool! Do you know the tattoo shop around the corner?” Temari said as she moved over to the couch that Sakura and Hinata were sitting on.  
“Oh yeah! Isn’t that where we went to get your ears pierced a few weeks ago?” Sakura asked.  “Are you a tattoo artist there?”
“Yeah! My brother was probably the guy who did the piercing! We run the shop with a few other people but we’re mostly in charge,” Temari said with a proud grin.  
Sakura couldn’t really remember because she made it a rule to not look at any guy who was remotely close to her age.  She had the bad habit of developing little crushes on any guy who makes eye contact with her.  To focus on herself Sakura could not afford to get attached to anyone while she was getting over Sasuke.  That guy Lee really helped with keeping her focus on herself.  
“Okay so we’ll meet up at 7, my other brother owes me a favor so he’s closing the shop for me,” Temari said smugly.  
“Ugh if you guys are having a girls night I’m gonna take advantage of a quiet apartment,” Shikamaru said from under his arm as he stretched out on the other couch since Temari moved.  
“Oh, you would just love that!” Temari quickly turned on her boyfriend, “Now I’m gonna get drunk and you’ll have to deal with me.”  Shikamaru went stiff, but then quickly relaxed. 
“Fine do what you want,” he said with a smile and Temari laughed too.  Sakura felt a twinge of jealousy at how easy their relationship is.  Had she ever been like that with Sasuke?  With both of them looking happy?  Before her thoughts could upset her and send her spiraling, Sakura felt Hinata gently grab her hand without breaking her conversation with Naruto.  Sakura gave her a small squeeze back as a silent thank you.  
Their plans were set for the next day, meeting up, grabbing some food, and maybe some light shopping.  Sakura could handle that. 
The tattoo parlor was the same as Sakura remembered. Artwork all over the wall from past clients and well sat in chairs showing how much business the shop did.  The theme was mostly purple and black, but the room was still light and open.  There were chairs and tables that people could get their tattoos and where Hinata got her piercing, while towards the back was an office and rooms for more private tattoos.  
Temari was running back and forth from the front desk and the back office.  She seemed to be yelling at someone. 
"Kankuro I swear if we miss one phone call because of you I'll beat you!" Temari screamed into the office.  They could only hear a low grumbling as a response.  
Temari finally turned towards them and smiled brightly which seemed to be her style.  
"Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm just trying to make closing as easy as possible for them." She then continued to organize the large counter that was past the seating area.  Hinata went over to help Temari while Sakura wandered around the room looking at the artwork.  
Sakura had always admired tattoos and their artist.  Secretly she always wanted a tattoo but couldn't set her heart on anything.  Doodling was the best she could do, and it amazed her that all this work could be done on flesh, the hardest canvas to work on in her mind.  She found different designs, people and flowers mostly up on the wall. 
What really caught her eye was a few sketches that were in a notebook sitting on a low counter.  No color, just all pencil work.  There were people and animals, but mostly small bites of different things like eyes and hands that this person seemed to practice a lot.  It was mesmerizing to see how lifelike everything was. Sakura was so caught up in the book that she didn't notice the front door of the shop open.  
The person immediately walked towards Sakura without her knowing.  They were about to grab the book right out of her hand, but paused at seeing how content she was looking at the pictures.  She had a slight smile on her face as she traced the lines of a pair of eyes filled with sadness.  Curious, the person quietly moved around her towards the end of the counter to face away from her. 
"Gaara there you are! Okay everything is done for you, you just need to turn all the lights off when you're done.  My appointment book is here in case someone comes in, but otherwise you should be fine!" At the sound of Temari's voice Sakura broke out of her trance and walked over towards them.  
Sakura noticed someone at the end of the counter but his back was turned towards her. He had dark red hair, seemed tall but he was leaning on the counter and clearly went to the gym.  Ugh the gym, she thought to herself.  This must be Temari's other brother that she mentioned yesterday. 
Gaara didn't seem to notice their presence because he never turned around to look at them. Temari didn't seem to mind that he wasn't answering, it must be a sibling thing. Sakura took one last look around the tattoo shop as they were walking out.  Right at the door was a huge cork board filled with different flyers and business cards. A bright pink flyer caught Sakura's eye.  
Big bold letters said kickboxing right at the top followed more information. All different levels were offered, even just a women's class. This was perfect! The less males to stare at the better.  She took the small flyer off the board and folded it up and stuck it into her purse. If Sakura had looked up, she would have seen the look of shock that was all over Gaara's face. 
Sakura quietly made her way to the back seat of Hinata's car, not noticing the excited faces of the other two girls.  She buckled herself in before she even saw their faces which seemed to be bursting at the seams with how they were smiling. She gave a nervous chuckle. 
"Why are you guys smiling like that? You both look crazy," Sakura said, eying them nervously.  
"My brother was so checking you out! He never does stuff like that! You were looking at his sketchbook and he never lets anyone touch it! I swear he was about to rip it out of your hands but he stopped.  He wouldn't take his eyes off of you until you turned around! He's never shy, it's so crazy!" Temari practically screamed. 
"I totally saw it Sakura," Hinata said with a sly smile on her face. Oh she was spending way too much time with Naruto.  
"Well you're both crazy and he definitely wasn't, but hey I saw this flyer inside for kick-boxing! We should really try it out!" Sakura said trying to change the subject. She reached into her purse and handed the slip to Temari.  
Looking it over Temari recognized the gym name immediately.  She smiled slyly to herself.  Playing matchmaker was Temari's favorite thing to do and it was high time her brother landed someone.  He tried not to show it, but he was extremely kind and considerate to his friends and family.  Always going out of his way to do something nice without anyone knowing it was him.  And poor Sakura was heartbroken. Temari could see it clear as day.  Sakura was someone who could appreciate Gaara for his good days and bad.  Communication would be their biggest struggle, but having heard her whole story from Hinata, Temari was sure Sakura was on the upswing.
"Oh awesome! I know the owner of this gym! It's pretty close to my apartment.  I can see if they have room for 3 more tomorrow if you're free!" Temari said, knowing exactly who she was going to text. 
The gym was conveniently located below Gaara's apartment. More importantly, Gaara owned the gym. He would most likely be teaching the class too. Sakura was making this too easy for Temari.  She had to act fast before someone snatched Sakura up. 
"Really? That's almost too good to be true! I really appreciate it, Temari!" Sakura gave her a genuine smile of pure happiness, the first that Temari had seen.  Her heart went out to the poor girl.  She couldn't imagine what it's like to be her, giving everything she's got just to have the person she loves not feel the same way.  Temari had met Sasuke once or twice in passing while his band was hanging out with Shikamaru's.  She could see the attraction, not only was he good looking, he gave off a cool and calm vibe without seeming like a jerk.  Gaara was similar in a way, but he was a bit more direct than Sasuke seemed.  Hopefully he doesn't scare poor Sakura off. 
Temari: Got room for 3 more for your beginner kick-boxing class tomorrow morning? 
Gaara: You finally convinced Shikamaru and Kankuro to join you? I can barely get him out of bed most mornings. 
Temari: NO! I actually have my own friends. Hinata and Sakura that you so rudely ignored want to come.
Temari: Actually it was Sakura, very cute and very SINGLE, girl who found your flyer and wanted to go to a class! 
Gaara: ……
Gaara: Does she know I'm the one teaching the class?
Temari: Haven't told her yet. Figured it would be a good surprise! I'm setting up the shot, you need to take it brother. Plus she didn't get a good look at you since you IGNORED us!! 
Gaara: ….. Fine.  You 3 can come, but don’t run it for the other people.  You know how you get.  This is the last time I’m doing something nice for you.
Temari: You know that’s not true! Love you little bro!!
Temari turned back to Sakura.  She actually looked happy.  Maybe she was looking to try something new.  Temari was glad to help out her new friend. Especially if it meant getting her brother to loosen up for once.  Maybe they could both help each other to open up more.  Sakura seems to be a giving person, but never got the same energy back.  Temari knew Gaara could be up for the challenge, if Sakura could accept him for who he is inside and out.  
“Okay we’re all set for tomorrow morning ladies! I hope you’re ready to get your butts kicked!” Temari said happily.
Maybe kick-boxing wasn’t such a good choice...
Part 3 
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Bonus Diversion: Horikoshi’s Sketches
of all the things I could have spent time writing a post about on my morning off, it ended up being this. but in my defense, Horikoshi’s sketches are actually amazing and this was kind of overdue.
so! as you may know, Horikoshi Kouhei frequently gets bored and doodle-y and is then kind enough to share the resulting drawings with us. sketchy boi. but not sketchy like that. though he did invent Mineta so maybe a little. 
anyway, because he’s so disgustingly talented, these pictures are usually amazing. and there are a lot of them. when I finally got around to doing this post, I ran a search for “Horikoshi sketches” and it turned out there was a whole wiki page dedicated just to them (god bless whoever is running the BnHA wiki, they do such a good job). and, well...
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two hundred and eighty-eight. you may recognize this as being nearly fifty more than the current number of chapters. this would mean he’s releasing at least one sketch a week and has been doing so for the past five years! fortunately (for me, who has to do a recap of all these), this number is slightly misleading, as this page apparently includes some of the character sketches he did for the volume omakes. so I don’t have to go through 300 sketches omfg. but still, there are a lot! so I’ll just go through them and post my favorites and see how many we can get through in this post I guess.
these are all in alphabetical order according to their file names on the wiki, and like I said, I’m not doing all of them, just the ones that catch my eye the most. which is still a ton of them. honestly we’re about to find out whether tumblr text posts have image limits. (ETA: the limit does not exist!)
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right off the bat we are getting off to a great start! love me the ladies of class 1-A. these girls are all so, so valid. I love how Deku is there too and his hair is transforming into a tree or something.
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this is a sketch from chapter 10. this cat I guess just came up to them and they were like “...” and the cat was like “...” and long story short they’ve been like this now for a whole hour. meanwhile Aizawa is wondering where his cat has gone.
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why are they dressed like it’s world war I. ??
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holy fuck this cat. did it eat the other cat. anyway do you guys think Momo and Todoroki were walking to school together because that’s some cute shit omg. we know there is a cat that hangs out around Shouto’s house, so he’s probably good at playing with stray cats, and they probably really like him because he is calm and kind.
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holy shit.
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oh my god I need Tsuyu’s siblings to come visit the dorms at U.A. and play with Eri!! now.
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posting this one because it’s cute, but also because it notably has nothing at all to do with the actual chapter 120. but that’s okay.
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what, and I mean this sincerely, the fuck.
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are they making chocolate?? you know, canonically we haven’t actually had a Valentine’s Day yet in the series, and now I’m really hoping we get a little mini plot. things that would happen:
every single girl makes chocolate for Todoroki and he just accepts it very politely and obliviously.
they actually make enough chocolate for everyone (except Mineta. and honestly they would have, except they know how that’s gonna go down, and no. Tsuyu really would have made you some pity chocolate dawg, but you brought this on yourself). but don’t end up giving it to everyone. specifically several of them thought better about giving some to Bakugou after seeing him react to the first unlucky person to give him some (y’all know that song I THREW IT ON THE GROUND by the Lonely Island? I’m sure you can understand my meaning here). and also Jirou gets way too flustered about giving some to Kaminari and chickens out. she gives it to Momo instead. hmmMMMM.
Satou also makes chocolate for everyone, EVEN BAKUGOU, and it’s delicious. no one is throwing his chocolate on the ground.
Aoyama makes chocolate for Deku because!!  ☆ ☆ WE ARE FRIENDS, MON AMI  ☆  ☆  ☆ oui oui baguette.
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I love everything about this, but especially Ochako’s face. she’s just like. sincerely trying to figure out exactly where she went wrong.
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excuse the fuck out of me but DID HORIKOSHI SERIOUSLY HINT AT THE FUCKING A-BAND A WHOLE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CHAPTERS BEFORE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. omfg. “what a cute AU!” “yes... AU,” Horikoshi agrees, nodding to himself. although after giving it some thought, he made the wise decision to switch Kaminari and Bakugou’s instruments. because we all know Bakugou was born to play the drums.
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NO!!! VIDEO GAMES!!! IN CLASS!!!!!!!! [does a fucking aerial while emitting furious little huffs and bitchslapping Kirishima in the face]
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I can’t figure out what’s going on in this picture. it appears to be baseball, except that Bakugou doesn’t have a bat. which I guess is the joke?? because his quirk is so strong he doesn’t need the fucking bat? except that I feel like that would result in either a broken arm or a blown-up baseball. idk this would make more sense with him as the pitcher.
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“we really do love this AU, Horikoshi-sensei.” “yes... AU.”
this time it’s Shouji on the drums. I get that we all want to see Bakugou shred guitar, but it feels like he was just postponing the inevitable.
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a full 85 chapters before he actually did this in the manga. god he really does enjoy foreshadowing with these things. I need to start paying more attention to these.
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I have no words.
actually I do have words, and they are, “is that a fucking toothbrush.”
also is it just me or does he look, like, really swole in this pic. like, this is what the scarf has been hiding the whole time?? here we all thought he was a beanpole who subsisted off of energy bars and plain rice, but like. nope.
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:) showing that there’s no hard feelings about the whole shooting-you-in-the-fucking-face thing. All Might is squeezing his hand awfully tightly, though.
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all of them are so good-looking when they’re not trying. and then they open their mouths.
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I am pained that there hasn’t at least been a karaoke chapter in one of the light novels yet, guys. pained. I NEED THIS.
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holy fuck Todoroki. what are you, a mermaid?? I feel like this is a result of a prank gone wrong. like the other guys were sick of the girls always pining after him, and so they tried rubbing a balloon on his head in an effort to make him look ridiculous, only IT BACKFIRED COMPLETELY. shit.
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fuck me I love this. of course Kami blowdries his hair and puts a ridiculous amount of effort into achieving the same kind of boyishly tousled look Todoroki is JUST NATURALLY BORN WITH. some things in life just aren’t fair. also lmao Deku.
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oh my god. how are they all so cute. this was from episode 12 btw. you’re welcome for saving your life All Might.
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I don’t have the slightest idea wtf is going on here but omg.
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this was for episode 16 of the anime, a.k.a. the obstacle course episode of the Sports Festival arc in season 2. I can’t read what they’re saying, but I’ll tell you what, I know Bakugou is being a rude little shit and I’m here for it.
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SHINSOUUUUUU. this was for episode 20. his one and only appearance in the anime so far. he knows he’s here for a good time not a long time.
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lmao. my headcanon is that Monoma actually ended up losing after this, but somehow still managed to be smug about it.
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lmaoooo. Kacchan refusing to even acknowledge that this is a thing that is happening for some reason.
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I feel like taming Deku’s hair is arguably even more of a feat than taming Bakugou’s. meanwhile Iida looks 90% the same. and Todoroki is. well. just goes to show that this look is not for just anyone.
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I have never in my life seen Katsuki so full on just done with life. like he is so fucking over this shit. he’s just rolled over and accepted it. I have never seen Bakugou fucking Katsuki just sigh and be all, “you know what, this might as well happen.” not until this moment. wow.
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you guys I’m crying.
is it just me or do the little matroyshka dolls actually look like little nun Jeanists. though the hair swoosh is going the wrong way. Monomas, maybe.
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HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS? my god, how useful would Shouji’s quirk be for this sort of thing. and Shouto looks so surprised (on like, a Todoroki scale) to have actually caught something. oh my god. so fucking cute. c’mere you. someone needs a hair ruffle.
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I feel like this is how Tokoyami would want to be remembered. yes I know he’s not dead.
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oh my god. so I’ve seen this one floating around on tumblr, but like. ffff. it’s my favorite ever. they are. so. fucking. cute. both looking up to All Might. and then the contrast between their innocent happy faces and their shocked and worried expressions watching All Might at Kamino. god it fucking destroys me. all four of these kids need hugs goddammit. the older ones because they’re heartbroken, and the little bubbas just because they’re so stinkin’ cute omfg.
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I LOVE HER AND I’M NOT SORRY. please Horikoshi give me more Bakufam in this upcoming arc. who do I have to bribe or threaten.
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STRANGER DANGER omg. Toga no. that’s not nice.
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Horikoshi what did my heart ever do to you for you to treat it like this.
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villain Iida from episode 7 holy fuck I’m dying.
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here come the New Year’s sketches! I’ve been looking forward to these. Kacchan photo strategy: never look directly at the camera.
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I wonder which animal year 2016 was. rooster, probably.
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fucking look at Todoroki fucking Shouto stuffing his face yet again. can you stop chewing for one fucking second. we’re trying to take a picture you slob.
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the year is 2018. Horikoshi Kouhei attempts to draw a dog, because it’s the year of the fucking dog. it does not go well. panicked, he takes the All Might he’s already started drawing, and for some reason attempts to turn it into another dog. it goes even worse. now he’s really starting to sweat. “oh shit,” he whispers, drawing Deku upside-down in his unrest. “oh fuck.” finally he just draws Bakugou shouting the words HAPPY NEW YEAR in giant letters across the screen, hoping that’ll be enough to distract everyone from all the rest of it. it is not.
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oh my god. thank you so much to everyone who went to SDCC and made him so happy. this is the purest thing I’ve ever seen. also loving Bakugou tolerating the shit out of All Might leaning on him omg. I’m so fucking weak for this as always.
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this is Horikoshi’s most recent sketch! lookit, he’s so happy with the toy him omg. it actually is really badass.
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league of dorks. I love Toga’s face. and how Horikoshi clearly put more effort into drawing Tomura’s Face Hand than the entire rest of the picture.
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I don’t understand a single element of this. wow. also this is twice now that Horikoshi has drawn the fucking Predator in these sketches. just pointing that out. of all the films to make multiple references to. what’s going on here. and is Mineta playing the fucking little sister in Totoro. am I losing my fucking mind.
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this was for the season 3 premiere. I love how Bakugou and Deku are wrestling for control of the screen. but he knows better than to touch Mineta I guess.
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Iida and Ochako are the only two reacting appropriately here. Bakugou just looks concerned. to be fair I guess that’s appropriate too. but Deku is all “fuck YEAH All Might you go ahead and SMASH YOUR FACE RIGHT THROUGH THAT MONITOR” and I feel like his blanket approval of all his mentor’s actions has finally gone too far.
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this just goes to show you that even a very simple sketch concept can pay off dividends if you play your cards right. good job Horikoshi.
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he could run faster if he just pulled his fucking pants up. does anyone have any brain cells to spare for my son here. please he needs them. I don’t know what he thinks a belt is actually for...?
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hello this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and also is Kirishima doing the kage bunshin pose from Naruto or.
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sob Aizawa I’m dead. I fucking love how Mineta is like HE’S CLEARLY FINE IT WAS A FLOP as though Kirishima is not literally covered in fucking grape balls. something else I also love is that Katsuki is number 10 and Deku is number 11. even in a soccer match he can’t stand to be lower then his rival sob. also Ochako is straight up about to rip off Mina’s head jesus christ girl run.
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there aren’t even words for how much I ship this. just emotions. omg.
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this is one of those pictures that keeps getting more wtf the longer you stare at it. naturally your eyes are drawn to Todoroki’s reindeer antlers first. by contrast, Ochako looks relatively normal, even with the odd pose. but then you notice Deku’s Christmas tree hair. from there your eyes are drawn down to his strange lack of a shirt. and then, finally, you spot him. Tokoyami. you wonder if the mangaka has finally gone too far. you’re still not sure.
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for once it’s not Todoroki who’s leaping into action with his mouth full. never one to back down from a challenge, Bakugou has picked the absolute least practical food to consume whilst in the middle of battling. I can barely eat spaghetti without making a mess when I’m not throwing down. I’m not sure what a good food to eat while throwing down would be, but maybe something more portable, like a calzone.
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I feel drawn to him the same way one might be drawn to a stray cat, even though you’re pretty sure the cat is really wary of people and will probably try to claw or bite you if you get too close. I would like to pat him on the head, but he might try to blow me up. eh, worth it.
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look at the Baku Protection Squad trying to do some fucking Abbey Road thing. damn you can really see how short Tokoyami is in this. also Bakugou buys pants that are at least three sizes too big I s2g.
and that’s it! anyways, this was fun as heck. I’ve bookmarked Horikoshi’s Twitter now so I can keep up with the new sketches as they’re released. this is fucking great, and a whole new bonus to being caught up with the manga that I haven’t been appreciating until now. fucking love it.
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geewithluv · 4 years
jungkook ♛ meeting her parents
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Pairing:Jeon Jungkook x Fem!OC Emmie
Warnings: none
Word Count:1.4k
A/N: «this belongs in my headcanon universe and you can read the other parts in the masterlist, the description of the characters is [here] so you get a summary of who they are. »
Emmie had a big family. A really big family. Big enough that she had to triple check she brought gifts for everyone because a double-check had proven inadequate. She was one of 8 children and her aunts and uncles all had at least 3 kids as well. Annual family reunions looked more like concerts and despite having moved to Korea after her study-abroad turned into a dream job 3 years ago, she hadn’t missed a single family reunion and she refused to.
 Emmie and Jungkook had been together for about a year when family reunion season came around. It was between the Europe and Asia legs of the Speak Yourself Tour which worked out really well for Jungkook who wanted to meet Emmie’s family. 
 Emmie had explained to Jungkook that you didn’t just meet her family, you experienced them and she wasn’t sure a family reunion would be the best idea. They’d only been dating for a year and sure she wouldn’t be the first person to bring their partner, her cousin once brought a guy she had only been dating for a month and they broke up during the barbeque. But she was still worried. She knew it would be the 3rd year where her relatives would wonder if she was secretly miserable in Korea. She knew they did it out of concern for her but that didn’t make it any less annoying and she didn’t want to throw Jungkook into that.
 He insisted, however. And she agreed. Her mother was so excited Emmie thought she’d come to Korea herself to gather the couple. Her father shared similar feelings but played his ‘protective dad’ role well over the phone when she called them. 
 To Jungkook, this trip was an adventure. It was also a way to prove how serious he was about their relationship. He was so deeply in love and no matter how many times he said it and how many times she said it back and told him that she knew he loved her, he still felt like she didn’t really get it.
 “I think my mom had to straightjacket Amber.” Emmie tells Jungkook, referring to her 15-year-old sister who was a huge fan and upon figuring out Emmie was dating THE Jeon Jungkook had done her best Mariah Carey “Emotions” whistle note only cover on the phone. And she nearly fainted when she figured out she’d be able to actually meet him and talk to him. Emmie was less than thrilled as she tried to guide her sister into not being weird around her boyfriend (“No you cannot call him Jungkook-oppa.” “Why not?” “Because it’s weird.” “But he’s my oppa…” “He’s not your-- never mind.”). She loved her sister but not this part of her.
 Jungkook laughed. “She’s that excited?”
 “You have no idea. She might try to kidnap you.”
 “I’m always up for a little danger to get the blood pumping.” He said as the flight attendants started their spiel on safety protocol.
 Emmie had told Jungkook about her life back home. Her parents didn’t have a lot of money even before they decided to have 8 kids but they made ends meet, even if it meant small dinners and stocking up on cafeteria food at school to bring home. Bills were paid, water running, clothes on their back. They couldn’t complain. But it wasn’t great. There was still stress over paying bills and buying clothes as the children grew that carried over into their adult lives. It’s actually how Emmie started sewing, at first it was fixing holes and buttons and then sewing shirts and dresses for school.
 Emmie explained that her parents named all 8 kids after jewels. Crystal, Garnet, the twins Jasper and Jet, herself Emerald, Sterling, Ruby, and Amber. They hoped that the names would serve as some sort of prophecy and it seemed to work. The 6 old enough to had gone to college or got into a trade, the two youngest were doing good in school, and 2 of them were in happy marriages. 
 It really did work out well. To the relief of many who worried that the couple just birthed 8 children into the poverty cycle. 
 The couple caught a cab to Emmie’s house after deciding that she didn’t want to settle the ongoing argument over who will go to the airport to pick them up.
 “Oh my god…” Emmie said as the car pulled up to her home. Written on a banner hanging from her porch was “welcome home Emmie & Jungkook!” with some accompanying doodles she’s sure is the work of Amber. Though Jungkook found it endearing, Emmie found it embarrassing and her cheeks tinted a color similar to her hair.
 “That’s so nice!” Jungkook smiled as they got out of the cab, paying the driver and grabbing their bags. They hardly had time to stretch their legs before the whole family piled out of the house and straight into a group hug that Jungkook was not expecting to be pulled into. Questions started flying from everyone’s mouth, ‘how was the plane’ ‘did you bring anything’ ‘how’ve you been’ ‘are you excited’ it reminded Jungkook of all the times he was accosted at the airport.
 “One at a time, please.” Emmie huffed as her family started to release from the hug. “Can we get inside?” She asked with a laugh.
 “C’mon, c’mon. I got your room all ready for ya’ll!” Emmie’s mother clapped her hands together excitedly as various siblings started grabbing suitcases.
 Jungkook learned quickly that Emmie’s house was organized chaos. He wasn’t too surprised, the BTS dorms were similar in that way especially when they were younger and there were 3 less people there. 
 “Now, Aunt Betsy wants us over there a little early. Says she’s got some clothes she wants you to fix up and I tried to tell her you were on a vacation but you know how she is. Your father’s sister, truly.” Emmie’s mother tutted at the dinner table as food got passed around. 
 “It’s alright, momma.” She said truthfully. She never really took vacations anyway, she was always thinking about her job no matter how much Jungkook tried to get her to take a full break.
 “Now, Jungkook.” Her mother spoke and Jungkook jerked his head up from the mashed potatoes. “I was fully planning on showing you all Emmie’s cute little baby photos--”
 Emmie interjected with a gasp, “Momma!”
 “--I’ve got binders full of pictures of all my children, but Miss Amber here would just die if you saw her in ‘em too.”
 “Momma!” Amber screeched.
 “My god, you banshee!” Sterling, Emmie’s 21 year old brother, scolded. “You’ll make the guy lose his hearing and then how will he be able to sing, huh? Gonna sue you for damages or something, I can see the headlines now--”
 “The kid’s already a tomato, Sterling, cut it out.” The eldest, Crystal pointed at her youngest sister. Emmie was trying not to laugh and she could tell Jungkook was too. 
 “Ya know, Amber called every damn radio station she could find trying to win tickets to your show!” Ruby, only a couple years older than Amber, chimed in.
 “Really?” Jungkook’s eyebrows raised, he knew fans did a lot but he couldn’t imagine the time it took.
 “Yeah! She spent more time doing that than she did on her homework.” Ruby continued.
 Amber was quick to defend herself. “I wasn’t alone! You called like half of ‘em when you weren’t busy flirting with Jake from your--”
 “We are not talking about that!” Ruby dropped her fork in shock.
 “Whose Jake?!” All four brothers started.
 “Here we go.” Emmie groaned.
 “Now, look. I got one sister married, one dating, and now I gotta worry about another with some guy named Jake? I’m driving you to school from now on!” Garnet, the second eldest said.
 “Cut it out. You guys are gonna make Jungkook think we’re crazy.” Emmie’s father finally spoke up. “We should all just sit here and have a nice meal. See, Emmie’s not bickering back and forth. Being real mannered. C’mon y'all.”
 “Emmie’s only quiet cause she’s trying to impress her boyfriend.” Jet scoffed.
 “Hey, did Emmie ever tell you about the time when she was 8 and a girl in her class--”
 “Oh this has to be good.” Jungkook motioned for Jasper to continue.
 After the evening had settled and Emmie and Jungkook had gotten ready for bed, Jungkook turned to her.
 “Your family is a lot.” He said.
 “Sorry.” She murmured with a sigh as she turned out the light.
 “No, no. I like it. It’s nice.” He spoke with a fond smile. “I just hope I’ll fit in.” He wrapped his arm around her. 
 “You already do. Get some sleep, I love you.” She kissed his lips softly.
 “Love you too.”
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quackspot · 5 years
ok i want to talk about my cookie run ocs so i will but below the cut because thats just how it be sdkljklsjklea (im going to TRY not blab out everything i think so then if you want you can send asks)
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ok so hes a liddol baby . he likes to hang out with sand ! theyre best friends and sometimes go to beaches and other places together. he’s very sweet and a little quiet. just a baby.
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speaking of sand here they are!!! they dont talk much but when they do it sometimes freaks cookies out due to it being a drippy sand hole like
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frog doesnt care about it too much . sometimes he tries to put sticks or something in their mouth just to see what’d happen. sand just eats the stick
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rabbit’s foot is ! very lucky to say the least. hes also pretty gullible and easily fall for tricks but due to his luck they never seem to work out. very rarely does something harmful happen to him, though things like disappointing or saddening other cookies can happen. 
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SPEAKING of disappointing or saddening cookies... fun dip! he’s often disappointed due to his tricks not working on rabbit’s foot but that only motivates him more. someone once said he looks like he’d be gumballs brother and honestly that’d be a chaotic pair of siblings (while im hesitant about canon relations with ocs..... who cares????). so yeah fun dip and gumball are brothers. 
rabbit’s foot is very much like a young child (though he is aware of a lot of things, he just has a personality alike to a young child. not a brain alike to a young child) and fun dip is a goofball prankster.
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almond is very grumpy and they want to be a powerful wizard . honestly if they knew how to contact de or find her they would. also they are very emotional but tend to bottle it up (becuase in their tags on their ref its like “bad boy or crybaby” and i was like ‘’ok both’’). 
they dont hang around cookies often
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and now for your local gamer boy. basically mlg jokes all the way around. mtn dew cookie references all that old stuff! theyre likely aware of other things too but theyre like “ah, nah, no thanks bro lolololol” and somehow they have that one robotic male voice? you know  the one in all of cowbelly’s videos that reads the memes? yeah that one. idk how to describe it
they also live off of doritos! besides their pet because it’s kind of obvious that’s a different dorito (plus g4m3r br0 has been existing for a while so it’d taste bad)
(mtn dew cookie is pangender)
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garlic cooky! hes a dad and he’s married but that was on ponytown . i made him when me, kiley, and jamie decided to make a lil oc family . kiley made bread cookie his husband and jamie made butter, their daughter. garlic cookie had a very chaotic family when we all actualy messed around on there !
he also adopted some one’s herb pony on ponytown who acted very feral . we joked about dog with a blog because garlic called him the family dog . garlic cookie thinks toe toe (what he named the feral herb) is a dog unironically. like legit. also he’s a vampire ! he’s allergic to himself but isn’t dead yet somehow.
i could talk more about his family but yeah ! 
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ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli (this oc was made on ponytown as well ! she acts like plankton) 
she is a gremlin. pretty small. why is there so much evil in you, little cookie? also i was playing with styles in that doodle so like  ? if you want me to draw in that style a bit more then just mention it
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ngl i dont like how i doodled corn dog in that one but! corn dog is a baseball player and she’s very much ur classic jock. but nicer. she will want to play with you no matter what you want to play she loves ball games ! considering shipping her with orange cookie for some reason idk why but. if you want corn dog x orange then ig just ask for it sdkljdsljskl ;) i might doodle it too. corn dog x orange x lime? maybe but probably not since it seems like lime would get too jealous too easily
ASIDE from ships i really like how i first drew corn dog
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what i struggled with with my doodle was her hair and i need to practice that a bit so i might look up things to practice with that ;-O
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birthday cake ! he is chaotic party. very energetic. i completely imagine him whacking his face right into cake at a birthday party like if u gave him the 2nd anniversary cake his message would just be like. “*SPLAT* feels good on my face!” just to make it obvious he threw his face into the cake. also he has eyes he just likes to cover them up. maybe he’s blind but i based the blind fold thing off of terezifjseakljklw jklfjkldjkl jfkljwlkjioKLSJKLFJEKLRwer
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gasoline cookie! i only made this character just recently on ponytown. he is very tired and lacking energy and is overall soggy in a sense. party pooper and very serious. i made this guy because i was joking like “if there were a gasoline they’d have a tension with fire spirit thats like ‘’DONT DRINK MY HAIR’’ or something” and then i made him
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JAM!!!! they are my baby child and i love them a lot! i even made a blog for them but idk if its still up uhhh @cookiestuckinspace ! send asks there if you’d like i guess? the blog is very dead.  mtn dew is also there! there’s also unicorn cookie but i didn’t draw her.
they are a very sweet cookie who wishes to befriend many aliens! they’ve learned many languages and often mixes things up (as in, like, you know, accidentally saying an alien idiom in english or an english idiom in alien, forgetting words from either language then trying to describe it then BAM remembering. probably said an alien idiom in ANOTHER alien language while speaking in an english conversation). they know plenty of written languages and honestly? they try so hard to make sure every one is heard. theyre not very professional and theyre kinda bad at driving a ship 
whcih is why they let their space buddy drive the ship! yeah their dog, buddy, drives a spaceship. its funky but their dog is literally a spaceship itself.
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phoenix!!! i only made him because.... on ponytown there was a mythical beast cult. he likes bugs and orange juice i think? capri suns? i dont know but i think he’s had a drink from a juice box before. theres not much about him but! yeah
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RYE COOKIE! hes not really exactly a cookie. more like bread than gingerbread, if you catch what i’m throwing. jam tries really hard to be his friend but he doesnt speak any of hte languages jam knows and jam is trying really hard to figure out what he speaks so they can be friends.
thats all i guess ! please send asks about them or say “would ___ and ___ be friends?” i like to think about the relationships my ocs would have with each other ! 
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heres the image i posted earlier with all my ocs with their names! if you read through this then i love you and have a good day <3
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eliniei · 5 years
Those Hard Days - Chapter 37
Summary: Rae’s brother always made sure she was tough as nails. But when her father flips her world upside down, will she find that there’s a limit on how strong she can be?
Warnings: Rape/Non-con (non-graphic, fade-to-black), child abuse, underage drinking, underage smoking, drug use, violence, major character death
A/N: I’m so sorry for lack of updates. I’ve been busy and sick and its been awful.
AO3: here Fanfiction.net: here
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Chapter 37 - News
Recovery was slow. 
The first thing Rae did was apologize profusely to Ms. Douglas for the way she’d been acting. She’d explained the situation as best she could, and while her foster mother forgave her, the little freedom she’d been given was taken away. 
School. Home. Nowhere else. 
The next problem she faced was food. After subsiding on a diet of nothing but alcohol for days, the smell of real food made her gag. The best she could do was eat a few crackers at a time for a day or two. 
She couldn’t say she was happy, exactly. Not yet. But seeing Curly spring back into his normal self sure brightened her mood. 
She apologized to him, too, of course, but he waved her off.
“I love you,” he’d said with a relieved sigh and a gentle smile. “It’s what I’m here for.”
But by the end of the week, her recovery was halted. The word got out that she was in foster care. It spread through the school like wildfire. The Socs in this part of town had many good laughs at her expense, and they usually took place within hearing distance of her. 
They didn’t bother Rae. She was used to it at her other school. But it bothered Curly something fierce. The greasers in this part of town didn’t get bullied like the ones at her school, she guessed. The Shepard outfit wasn’t to be messed with. 
She told him to ignore it. She tried to get him to chill out. But one day near the end of the week, they were sitting at lunch when some kids at the table behind them were snickering, and he’d had enough. After slamming his carton of milk back down onto his tray, Curly stood up and threw himself at one of them and started wailing on him. 
Rae shot out of her chair and yelled at him to stop, but by the time a couple members of the gang had pulled Curly off the poor kid, his nose was broken and his mouth was bloodied. Her boyfriend was fuming with red ears and a murderous expression in his eyes. 
“Curly Shepard, principal’s office, now!” screamed one of the teachers from across the cafeteria. He shoved off his friends off and stomped out. She started after him, but Angela grabbed her arm to hold her back. They both watched his back as he turned the corner and went down the hallway. 
That weekend, Ms. Douglas allowed Angela to come over for a while. She may not have allowed Rae out, but she seemed worried that something would happen if she didn’t let the other girl in. 
“Curly’s been shipped off to a reform school,” the youngest Shepard sibling informed her after sitting down on Rae’s bed. 
“Reform school?” she cried, alarmed. “How long?”
“Well,” Angela started. She looked down at her lap. “The kid’s parents wanted to press charges. They wouldn’t accept anything shorter than six months.”
The breath was knocked out of Rae’s lungs. She pursed her lips, eyes turning icy, and thoughts racing. The girl next to her gasped. The sound broke her out of her trance and she shifted her attention. 
“Your eyes,” her friend said. “That was...real scary.”
“If you think that, you should see my brother’s when he’s pissed.” Angela held her hands up.
“No thanks, man. You’re frightening enough.” She reached down and rifled through her backpack. “I figured you’d be upset, so I brought these.” When she had found what she was looking for, the bag dropped to the floor again and she held out two blunts. “Wanna light up?”
Rae hesitated, looking for to the closed bedroom door. 
“Oh, it’s alright. We’ll just open the window.”
“Alright, sure.” She leaned across the bed and flung the window open, letting the cool Autumn air in. 
For nearly two weeks, their routine was the same. Go to school. Come home. Angela would come over after they’d both done some homework and get high, hanging halfway out Rae’s bedroom window. It was better than being depressed, she supposed, and she was eating more than she had in a while. 
At the start of the new week, Rae sat in History class, doodling on a piece of loose-leaf paper. She really hated Mondays. No one here shot spit balls at the backs of people's heads. She had no one to gossip with except for Angela, but her friend was a year younger. It was boring without Curly around. She spent the last half of class dozing off, but finally the bell rang and it jolted her out of her half-asleep state.
"Did you hear?" she heard a girl ask a group of friends when she reached her locker. Rae wasn't prone to eavesdropping, but for some reason, she felt compelled to listen in. She pulled out a book.
"Hear what?"
"You know the very east side of town, right?” Now, she was listening intently.
"Some kid got knifed there last night!" Rae's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat.
"No shit? Did he die?"
“Yeah, it was some Soc.” She turned to look at the group of girls, knitting her eyebrows together. “And the guys that did it are on the lam.”
“Who were they?”
“A couple of hoods, of course. One of ‘em had a really weird name.”
"Ponyboy?" Rae asked, walking up to the group. The girls gave her a strange look. “Was that the name?”
"Y-yeah," the other girl stammered. "I think so." 
“And the other boy?”
“I-I don’t really remember. Maybe something that started with a J?”
Rae bit her lip and went to stuff her books in her locker, leaving the group there with mouths hanging open. Johnny, kill someone? There's no way that can be right… She left the school grounds as fast as she could and ran back to the Douglas house. No one would be home yet. Surely if Ponyboy was on the run, Darry would be home from work, right? She could call the Curtis house and-
"Rae?" a voice asked. She came to a sudden stop and looked across the street. Tim Shepard stood there, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. He had a shiner on one of his eyes. “I figured you’d have heard by now.”
"What happened?" she asked, rushing across the street to meet him.
"I dunno much, either. Saw it in the paper this mornin’. That tiny kid, Johnny?" Rae nodded. “Yeah, he stabbed some Soc name Bob Sheldon with a switchblade and took off with that Ponykid.” Her mouth dropped open. She was dumbfounded. 
“So...so it’s true.” 
No way would the boys have done this. She knew Johnny always carried a blade after the Soc beat him up, but he couldn’t hurt a fly. And what was Pony doing there? Her head spun.
"They went to see Dally. He was at Buck's."
"What?" she barked. “I thought he was still in jail!”
"So did I," he responded with a sigh."I was goin’ on a date with that blonde friend of yours- Carrie?” She raised an unamused eyebrow. 
“She’s been hangin’ around your outfit a lot since you got moved. She’s a cute broad- with a sharp mouth to boot.” Tim smirked. 
“Yeah, she’s a smartass. Focus.”
“Oh, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “We found my tires slashed. Matty said he’d seen Dally do it.”
"That sure sounds like him," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, no shit. Went lookin’ for him- but I found the two kids and Two-Bit at the movies. Told me he’d just left. I found him and beat the shit outta him, but he got me good too.”
“But you said Johnny and Pony went to see him?”
“Oh-right. I just got back from Buck’s. He asked me to make sure you didn’t do anythin’ stupid. Told me they boys had visited him- asked him to help them get out. He gave ‘em some money and sent them out of town.”
Dally was involved too?
Her head went from spinning to light and she grabbed onto Tim’s jacket sleeve to steady herself.
“Whoa-okay, kid.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t get all worked up. We don’t know anythin’ yet.”
“I need to see him. I need to go home and-”
“Now hold it,” he ordered. “Dally wants you to stay put.”
“What? No, but-”
“No buts. You’ll be safer if you ain’t involved.” She let out a frustrated groan, but acquiesced.
“Fine,” she said, exhaling an angry breath. “Fine. I’ll go back to school and I’ll ‘sit tight’.” She thrust her finger into his chest. “But if you hear anything, Tim Shepard, you’d better find me quick as hell.” 
“Damn, kid,” he scoffed with a shake of his head. “You’re gettin’ to be more like Dally every day.”
Rae paused. Should she be proud of that fact or worried?
“The Winston gene,” she said with a shrug and stomped off back to the school.
“Oh, Rae?” he called to her back. She stopped but didn’t turn, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “Just...get ready, yeah? There’s prob’ly gonna be a rumble. I’ll spring ya for it.”
“I’ll be waitin’.”
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twilightvolt · 6 years
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I kinda was saving this for when i had the time to type everything out in one go, so let’s just get this over with before Smash drags me back into the depths of hell. XD
So, like, things happened back in 2017. a lot of things. graduated highschool, felt the winds of freedom as i stepped into the world of adulting and.....fell into a deep abyss of crippling depression as my life took a rather....wild turn to say the least. these feelings would linger and continue to haunt me throughout the majority of 2018. if you’d like to hear them or just need a refresher, my 2017 summary WITH that in depth description is on my DA that i no longer use cuz all i can think of when i go there is that year as a whole.
That’s not to say the year was cruddy, though. it really looked up by the end and it’s been one of the better years of my life as an artist. i’m about to go into that, so sit tight if you wanna actually read everything.
January: Arcus ~Collab with KLou
Things got heated at grandma’s after the holidays and we left in a huff cuz yeah, big fight the night before. it wasn’t something i ever wanna remember, but i gotta acknowledge it happened. thus began the struggles of living life as a nomad basically. From this point on until May, i won’t say much about our situation cuz honestly, time grinded to a halt after hotel life began.
February: Let’s Save the World
Believe it or not, this was a mobile drawing. i still didn’t have my tablet or my computer, so i tried using my phone for awhile. this was, of course, after i got Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory for PS4, so this right here was my Dracomon babu Takumi, named after the former wearer of the goggles i equipped to him.
March: Let’s Kick It!
A brief moment of light as i fINALLY GOT MY TABLET BACK ONLINE! i felt like things were going to be different, we’d finally get somewhere and i felt like i could do anything again! this drawing, while super simple since it was just me around most of my current OCs at the time, was meant to represent me being back in business after around 4 or 5 months of being restricted to traditional work, a medium i, at the time, didn’t have much development in. (although, those months sure did help me learn how to draw that way in more than just sketching. so i’m actually kinda grateful i was stripped of the tools that i realize i may or may not have taken for granted.)
April: Spyro the Dragon
The Reignited Trilogy was announced and that’s why i drew that cuz literally everyone was doing Spyro fanart. i remember also doing a bunch of little doodles of other people’s characters in this same coloring style since some of the drawings i did before like the mobile drawing and my traditional work gave me inspiration on how to go about doing this new watercolor/marker like style that i started to experiment with throughout 2016 and ‘17.
May: Memories in Pieces
Remember how i said time grinded to a halt after hotel life began? yeah, this is where it reeeeaaally started to effect me. the days dragged on and blended together, we STILL could secure a home to house all of us and it just felt like my life was just....over. like, all the important stuff happened and now my story’s just done. it didn’t help that memories from the year before decided to come back and hang over me like an undying demon cloud. my anxiety and depression couldn’t have been higher. and yet i still managed to wake up. in fact, i woke up bright and early every day somehow. it felt like there wasn’t anything to believe in and yet....i still had hope that we could get through this. i knew deep down we weren’t gonna be completely out of luck.....but i still hurt at the same time.
I never uploaded this drawing anywhere, but this was, to put it simply, partly a new direction for a future project but also a vent art of sorts, representing the negative thoughts and regrets that never seemed to leave me alone no matter how much time has passed.
June: Digimon Atlas Adventures Ultima Vocal Collection
My second commission ever made since i opened that month. it was also the first time i really cel shaded along with made a logo since the year before. this day marked the turning point along with the end of my depression for the most part as the parents finally gave up and took...some of us down to Florida. a couple of siblings had jobs to keep up with, so they had to stay back in NY with.....eghh....grandma. to this day, i’m still hearing stories even if some of them eventually found their own place. i swear, the more i hear about what’s going on, the less i wanna go back to NY. >_>’
July: Drake ~Art Fight 2018
Oh yeah, we moved down to FL, but we were still in hotels IN FL, so there was change, but still pretty similar circumstances. we quickly found a place at some point, though. a cozy apartment complex that i’m happy to live in.
This is when Art Fight began....or rather when it was supposed to begin cuz they had technical difficulties for the first week or so. the day i revamped Drake for it was like i was saying hi to an old friend after parting ways years prior. it was a really fun experience that i’d gladly partake in again next year if i’ve got the time.
August: Gathers Under Night...
A very ambitious looking piece i did as an attack against a friend during Art Fight. it was my favorite attack i ever did and could quite easily be my favorite drawing from this year. after leaving hotel life behind me, i rarely, if ever, had war flashbacks or anxiety over the past. i felt like my life was finally getting somewhere again. for real this time. and that it did, thankfully.
September: Lost in Thought
A gift i made for a longtime friend and art senpai to try and cheer them up. i still look back at this and think “yeah....this is the style i’ve been longing to emulate. and i’ve finally achieved it.” granted, it took a lot from Kingdom Hearts II’s title screen, but where do you think i got my love of watercolor from?
At this point, i started to become a new person. i mean i already was considering the summer also involved me trying to become a little less total weeb at least in terms of music taste and also leaving my hoodie lifestyle for a good few months, but yeah. in fact, i think this was the month i buzzed off all my emo hair and really ended up resembling how i looked like back when i was little, anime cowlick and all.
October: The Lethal Protector
Oh yeah, Venom happened. i should’ve disliked that movie with all it’s flaws and unused potential, but instead i wholeheartedly stan it and i luv the portrayal of Eddie and Venom to the point where i forgive where it went wrong.
Yeah, i completely moved on from everything that tied me down at this point. i yeeted the past into the stratosphere and focused solely on what i wanted to do now. what my next move was. and i can thank these two losers for helping me stay focused on my craft. i also kept branching outside of Digimon. i wanted to be more than what i used to be.
November: My Favorite Ninja Frog
Didn’t do much this month, so all i had was a doodle of my starter partner for Pokemon Y. i never evolved him past Frogadier cuz i preferred him over Greninja. it was the tongue scarf, dude.
Why? ehh, it was most likely Warframe. i got into that game at some point cuz a friend persuaded me to do it. i don’t regret anything. i luv this game when i’m playing with friends.
December: Draw Your Roster Ultimate: The Winds of Reunion + Holiday Arcus
The Winds of Reunion cuz Wind Waker and the fact that everyone including Wolf, Young Link and even Pichu returned to Smash Bros. when Ultimate happened. this game cured my depression, cleared my skin and reignited my love for Starfox oddly enough since Starfox Zero AKA 64 with a new coat of paint and motion controls that weren’t as bad as you think didn’t exactly do it for me. i haven’t been so content with the way things are in a long time and i’m happy i finally got my hands on this treasure of a game. now, to wait for Kingdom Hearts III. ;w;
And now we finally get to the end of this long as heck recap. thank god Tumblr gives you unlimited characters, amirite? XD
Overall, this was a year of recovery and rebirth. it was a long and rough winding road, but in the end i think i’ve healed enough to finally get on with my life.
I’m not the same kid i used to be when i graduated highschool, and i’m definitely not the same kid i was when i was first starting out as an artist. my journey has been full of ups, downs and all arounds and it was all a much needed learning experience. even if i felt like i was suffering at times.
My future is mine to decide, and i’m not letting anything stand in my way again.
For the future i want to believe in.
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bastardsonofday · 6 years
Look at Yourself
Prompt: Abuse. 
I wrote this because of the video posted by PajamaParty Doodles ‘My Mentally Abusive Father.’ Please, if you watch her video be warned it is extremely dark (as it should be, she went though a horribly dark thing. I am so proud of her strength to rise above what happened to her). But she made a lot of good points that I want to expand on those things. This is written to speak about the abuse that Lucien went through because it is never gone into in the series. This is something that needs to be said. I don’t want to… compare these experiences, I am aware that PJ’s experiences actually happened and in no way do I want to minimize or trivialize what she went through.
I am basing most of his mentality off her video, since I am someone who has no basis (thank god) for such a thing. I am not, nor have ever been abused.
If you find yourself in an unhealthy situation, please get help.
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
Day One Crisis Hotline: 1-866-223-1111
Crisis Text Line: 741741 (from anywhere in the USA)
Pathways to Safety International Toll-Free: 833-SAFE-833
HotPeachPages list of European Crisis Agencies and Hotlines
Stay Safe <3 You’re not alone, and you deserve help.
Slight stylistic change ahead. Reminder you can still comment/dm me a final prompt for the upcoming (only one more then this one left!!!) prompt in this series: Wild Card. 
This is also by far the longest prompt! Netting 4k+ words!
ao3     bingo prompts series        ko-fi      commission me
When Lucien was little he thought that his father was supposed to protect him. When Lucien was little he thought his father was supposed to care for him. When Lucien was little he thought his father was supposed to set a good example.
Then, Lucien grew up.
Lucien sat on the roof, watching the lights of Velaris dance in the distance. It wasn’t so cold up there, just a light chill from the night. Lucien pulled the blanket he had grabbed around him tighter, and watched the festivities.
Lucien heard the door open, and heard the steps that came closer and closer. He could smell the perfume of paint and ginger cookies… A smile lit his face. He loved ginger cookies.
Feyre sat next to him. She nudged his arm and he handed her one end of the blanket. She snuggled close to him, breathing him in as he breathed in her.
Her words broke him from his retrospective haze and he was grateful. Because, while Feyre didn’t know it, his memories weren’t the place to be on holidays and he needed something to keep him anchored, especially on this night of all nights—The Autumn Equinox.
The day when night and day are equal. The day everyone in the Night Court and Day Court danced and were merry, for it was a day of friendship and love and comradery. A day when friendships and non-romantic relationships were valued on high.  Not a day for flashbacks. Not a day for sadness.
At least, not in the Night Court.
“What are you thinking about?” Feyre asked.
Lucien shrugged. “Nothing.”
“C’mon, tell me!” Feyre insisted, nestling in. After all, they were friends, were they not? And friends shared thoughts. “How about this, it’s a game Rhysand and I play: a thought for a thought.” Feyre said.
Lucien ran his fingers through Feyre’s hair, gently. “Alright. I’ll bite.”
“You go first.”
“Why do I have to go first?”
“Because, I asked you first.”
“Fine.” Lucien said slowly… what could he tell her? He certainly couldn’t tell her the truth. He couldn’t tell her about how the lights in Velaris below were so close to those he could still remember from home. The smell of cinnamon and cocoa and pumpkin and ginger and-
The smell of ash.
“You smell like ginger.” Lucien said softly.
Feyre smiled. “It’s the cookies Mor and Elain made for the dusk-meal.” A customary feast, then everyone parties all night (in the Night Court) and have their last meal at dawn before they crash and sleep through the shining day. The festivities are the opposite in the Day Court, Lucien knew. Since the fall equinox wasn’t a big deal in the Spring Court Lucien and Tamlin had once been invited to Day for the nightly feast. It had been delicious. Though, he had to give props to Morrigan, she had certainly put together a stunning meal. She had even convinced everyone to put aside their differences and come to the feast, and it was no weak feat to manage to get Lucien, Elain, and Nesta into the same room. “She had some left over and I was hungry.”
“Exhausted already?” Lucien asked with a laugh. “The night isn’t even close to finished.”
Feyre giggled. “Definitely not! Just in need of refueling.”
Lucien grinned at her, squeezing her hand in his. Then he looked back off the roof, and his smile vanished.
“What’s your thought?” Lucien asked, though he felt as though he wasn’t the one controlling his own mouth.
“I’m worried about you.”
That… hadn’t been anything close to what Lucien had expected. “… What?”
“I’m worried about you… Lucien, are you okay? Because all night you’ve been-”
“I’m fine!” Lucien snapped. He wasn’t fine, and all these questions she was going to ask would only make him worse. “I’m fine! Of course I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? I’m fine.”
Feyre glared at him, her jaw steely, her eyes hard. “Say it one more time and I’ll believe you.”
Tears bit at Lucien’s eyes. “I’m cold. I think I’ll head in.”
“Good night, Feyre.”
Lucien stood, leaving the blanket with his friend, and walked back into the House of Wind so he could head to the ground and then to his apartment.
Feyre wondered what she’d done.
When Lucien chose his apartment he was encouraged to decorate it any way he liked.
Lucien hadn’t known what to do.
As he stood in the apartment after leaving Feyre on that roof he looked around, glad for the dull greyscale theme he’d ultimately settled for. Color was bad. Color incited thoughts. Color made him feel… things.
He walked to the bed. He could still hear the pounding of parties through the walls. When he peeked out the window facing the Rainbow he could see friends in merriment. He closed the shades.
Brothers were supposed to take your side. Brothers were supposed to stay with you when your parents fought. Brothers were supposed to keep you safe from your father when they needed to.
That was what he was always told by his friends. Rhysand and his sister. Tamlin and his brothers. Kallias, Thesan, Helion—they had all had someone to care for them and to care about. A sibling they could and would protect even when it hurt.
Lucien walked over to his dresser and opened it. There, amongst his cross-Court attire (for business usually), sat his Autumn costume.
He called it a costume because that was really what it was. Another part of his character of Lucien Vanserra. The suit he wore with the mask of the Fox Boy. With a burnt auburn base and autumn colors for decoration: the embroidery; pattern; beading; trim; etc. He’d always had one commissioned, no matter the Court he’d ended up in. Just in case. The colors: red and gold and yellow and brown, they swirled around in his head making his temples burn and his eyes water and-
Lucien shut the drawer with a slam. Think happy thoughts, his therapist had told him, something to center yourself.
But how could Lucien be happy, on today of all days?
Lucien dressed in his pajamas (Night Court style, as an unconscious purge of all Autumn), and climbed into bed.
His first mistake was closing his eyes, and his second was not opening them when the thoughts and memories inevitably came to him.
You’re useless.
Lucien was eight. He sat on his father’s knee, watching the High Lords argue incessantly in front of him. The High Lord of Night threw a vase, and the High Lord of Winter ducked. From his spot in his father’s lap he could see Rhysand behind his father. Rhys winced at every shout, and flinched when his father would raise his hand.
Lucien smiled. Rhysand was just like him. Maybe he would want to be friends?
But no, he reminded himself, Rhysand liked to hang out with the Big Boys who would torture Lucien until he left them alone. Lucien sighed. At least he had Tamlin.
“Lucien,” Beron whispered into his ear. Lucien felt himself puff up in his chest, sitting upright. Lucien had been very good to land the seat on his father’s lap. He had worked all year since the last conference, he had made his father breakfast and shined his shoes and done all his chores and had never spoken out of turn. Lucien had gone a whole month without being yelled at, too! That was a record! “What can you tell me about their relationship?” He asked, pointing to one of the High Lord of Dawn’s consorts and the Winter minor lord he was side-eyeing.
Lucien concentrated. The Dawn consort’s pupils were enlarged. He kept shifting in his seat, one leg over the other and then back. His eyes would occasionally dart to his High Lord, making sure the High Lord couldn’t catch him. The Winter lord wasn’t making eye contact. Instead he boredly lay his head on the table, drawing lazy swirls on the surface. No blush on his cheeks, no looking at the consort, though his eyes did roam. Sometimes he would sit up and mutter something to one of his cohorts before stretching himself back on the table.
“The Dawn male is in lust with the Winter lord, but the Winter lord is oblivious to it.” Lucien whispered in his father’s ear.
Beron snorted. “Fine. What about them?” Beron indicated another couple of Fae in the room.
Lucien concentrated. He watched their mannerisms, their micro-expressions, studied their faces and bodies… and finally he told Beron that one was the other’s illegitimate father but the child didn’t know whereas the father did.
Beron’s face stayed stony and for a second Lucien worried he was wrong and that he would be punished. But he wasn’t.
Beron sneered. Back then, Lucien interpreted it as a smile, the first smile his father ever gave him, but now he remembered it clearly as a sneer.
“You’ll do just fine. So long as you continue to be useful.”
Lucien vowed he would never be anything but.
Nothing Lucien could ever do was good enough. Lucien was in his early forties, and had just finished giving in a rather good report to his father, if he did say so himself. His handwriting had been clear, his information had been simple. His advice was easy.
And yet, Lucien knew what his father would say.
“Please! This is child’s work!”
“He’s useless, Eris! Like we couldn’t figure all of this out on our own!”
“He’ll never been a good ruler! Nor a good spy!”
“Useless! Unreliable! Unforgivable!”
Of course, Beron didn’t need to say these things to Lucien’s face, which was good for him because he hadn’t spoken to his son face-to-face since their spat a year ago about blackmailing a minor consort on her sexual history with a different Court’s High Fae.
But the words still came to Lucien.
Lucien’s brothers would whisper them in the halls.
Lucien’s mother would scream them back at Beron.
Nobles from other courts would feel the echos and amongst them the gossip reigned.
Lucien was useless. Nothing he ever did was good enough. His talent for making friends and seeing things others couldn’t meant nothing, not to Beron—not anymore.
Lucien had done everything he could to stay sane. He ignored the whispers. He bit back the tears weak, he was weak, real males didn’t cry, especially princes.
He could hear his father’s rebuke wherever he went. It followed him like a bad smell.
Lucien would close his eyes and try to bring that smile sneer he had seen on his father’s face from his memory. “I’m just pushing you to be better. Don’t you want to be better?” His father used to ask when he was little. Yes father, of course father. Anything for your approval, father. Lucien was the useless seventh son, begging to be worth something, to have some kind of value—any kind, Lucien wasn’t picky. “You’re useless. You can’t see anything helpful? Anything we can use?” He just wanted approval. Just wanted value.
If he wasn’t of use to Beron, what could he possibly do to prove his right to live? To exist? He had to be useful. He had to.
“You’re nothing. You can’t do anything. You never loved this family, otherwise you would bring me something to use. You are letting us down. I could kick you out, you’re too much work as is. I have six other children, who would care about Little Lucien—who has no use.”
Tamlin cared for him. Lucien had just run away from Autumn Court. Tamlin was his friend, never asking for anything in return. Never requiring a value of him. So when Tamlin offered him as a job as an Emissary, Lucien was overjoyed to start working for him. Anything to be useful, he didn’t want Tamlin to look at him like his father did, and think it was time to get rid of him. That he was too much—too much to feed, too much to clothe, too much trouble.
Lucien stayed low maintenance so that his profits would out weigh his costs. He was useful. Every compliment from Tamlin was like honey in his mouth, like water after days without anything to drink. Lucien craved it. And it was all because for once, he was being useful.
You’re a liar.
As long as Lucien could remember he had been a liar. It was especially bad when it came to his family. He would lie about if he’d had dinner. He’d lie if someone asked him what happened to his eye or leg or arm. If he didn’t lie his family would be mad at him: telling the truth would have brought someone else into their affairs. The Vanserras were private, Lucien had to understand that.
The Vanserras were also particular. Had Lucien cleaned his room? “Yes,” he lied. He wanted to play with his friends outside. Had Lucien eaten all of his meat? “Yes,” he lied. Lucien was disgusted by all the meat they ate in his house, he would always give it to his brothers when his father wasn’t looking. Why couldn’t he eat vegetables? Lucien liked vegetables. Had Lucien betrayed his friends? “Yes,” he lied. He hadn’t done it—he couldn’t, Kallias was so nice to him, he couldn’t pit Kallias against Helion just for the sake of Beron’s entertainment. Had Lucien whispered behind the High Lord of Summer’s back? “No,” he’d lied. He hadn’t been the one spreading rumors, and certainly not on his father’s behalf. Lucien was a good boy, he would never do such a thing.
Was Lucien seeing anyone? “No,” he lied.
Was Lucien in love? “No,” he lied.
Was Lucien’s father hurting him? “Never,” he lied.
Did Lucien want to run away with her? “Never.”
All he had to do is stop seeing her. Would he do that? “Yes.”
What was her name? “Veronica.”
Where is she? “I don’t know.”
Is this her? “No.”
Is this her? “No.”
Tell the truth! Is this her?
Lucien looked up at her body, bloodied and broken. They knew, he knew they knew, and they knew he knew they knew.
“Please don’t hurt her!”
Is this her?
He saw her blink at him. He swallowed and closed his eyes. Maybe if he told the truth she’d be saved… Maybe they’d be able to stay together… Maybe they’d be safe… Maybe they’d be alive…
“Please… I’m begging you… leave her alone… please… hurt me instead...”
Is this her?
Broken, tired, cold, pleading: “Yes.”
And then came the snap, and betwixt Lucien’s screams he vowed to never tell the truth ever again.
Lucien was a liar.
Lucien! Oh Mother, that looks bad! Are you okay? What happened to your arm?
“Nothing. I fell.”
You cheat.
Lucien was a cheater.
He betrayed friends. He betrayed enemies.
He was known to all as a fox, and sometimes Lucien thought that nickname was apt, because it was the only animal that came close to his treachery.
You had to be a cheater, didn’t you? To do such horrible things and to get away from them, unscathed.
He seemed sweet, he would get close to people but then when he took what he needed for them what his father needed what Tamlin needed he dropped them, and their lives were ruined, yet somehow he cheated people into believing he wouldn’t hurt them again, wouldn’t turn on them again, and they continued to trust him. He cheated them from their lives and their privacy, and yet caught nothing in punishment.
He cheated death when all Amarantha took from him was his eye.
He cheated Feyre of happiness when he didn’t help her when she needed it.
He cheated Tamlin, of friendship, of love in his time of need and in prevention of what he ended up becoming.
He cheated Jesminda of life.
He cheated Elain of a Mate who she could have loved.
He cheated his father of a son who could have listened. He cheated Eris of a brother who could have been his partner in crime and everything else. He cheated his mother of a son she could have been proud of.
Worst of all, he cheated himself of a life he could have had, of love and happiness and pride. Of all those wonderful things, because he couldn’t accept love from his friends, and give up on people who hurt him. It was worse, because he cheated himself and he had vowed that was the one thing he would never do. He was the only person he could rely on and he cheated himself of all these things because he thought he didn’t deserve them—knew he didn’t deserve them. So he cheated himself, just so he could finally feel as though he received what he deserved. A fox didn’t deserve happiness.
You’re a villain who ruins the lives of others.
Lucien had to run. There was Tamlin at the border. He held a hand over and Lucien grabbed it. He was safe now, he was in Spring, and anyone who crossed the border would be attacked. Please don’t cross the border, please don’t cross, He begged them in his mind. But his brothers kept coming. The cold wind burrowed between them and even the Spring air was cold tonight, the chill of Autumn crept in with Lucien.
“Run! Down!” Tamlin shouted. Lucien dove into a flowerbed of pansies as Ash and Aiden ran at Tamlin. Tamlin roared, changing into his beast form. Lucien screamed but Tamlin was stronger than they could ever be, and he was already tearing them apart.
Then Lucien saw Ignatius creeping around the back. Ignatius was always the quiet one, but just as deadly as the other brothers, if not more. Tamlin didn’t see him, all Tamlin saw was Ash and Aiden and red.
Lucien couldn’t lose another friend, not someone else he loved, not now, not again.
“Tamlin! Get down!” Lucien screamed, and Lucien let the fire fly. Ignatius used his own fire to shield himself.
“This! This is all your fault!” Iggy snarled. “Why couldn’t you just stay in your lane? Why couldn’t you just break up with her? All you had to fucking do! Was! Break! Up! With her!” Iggy sent out a volley of fireballs with every exclamation.
Lucien dodged each one of them. The fire that burned in him… “I love her!”
“You ruined everything! All of us! We were a happy family until you came along, making trouble for everyone!” Iggy grabbed Lucien by his collar, burning it. The smoke filled Lucien’s nose and the smell of sweat made Lucien’s eyes water. The fire consumed his clothes slowly, Ignatius was one who loved a slow, painful death—making death by burning perfect for him.
That was Ignatius’s mistake. “Then just leave me alone!” Lucien closed his eyes and let all of his magic out. Even though Lucien didn’t know it, a bright light burned from inside him along with his fire. When Lucien opened his eyes all that was left of Ignatius was a charred skeleton.
He’d killed his own brother.
Tamlin turned to him, bloody and covered in innards.
“Ready to go?”
Three down…
Three to go.
Lucien vomited.
The laughter of children… He could hear it for the first time in years. He was the villain. Every night when she vomited her guts out in the room next door, he was the one who didn’t comfort her. The one who didn’t notice, and the one who didn’t care. He saw her grow thinner, he saw her grow pale, saw her wilt and curl into herself until she was nothing but a shell of the Cursebreaker she had been that he had forced her into. He’d ruined her. He’d chased her when he should have defended her, wanting to put her back in that… Situation. He’d betrayed Tamlin when he’d run away with her. Elain was forced into a relationship with him that she didn’t want. He was behind her turning into a Fae, and Nesta too.
He had ruined their lives, and had enabled Tamlin when they had both ruined Feyre. He was a villain to the Archeron Sisters. Ruining their lives one interaction at a time.
He was the villain to everyone, not just the Archerons, if he had to be honest. The one who hurt people and the one who ruined them. He imposed himself on others.
It was him who Feyre had to save in the Second Task.
It was him who caused the deaths of three of his brothers and the love of his life.
It was him who caused his father to hate Lucien’s mother like he did.
It was him who had caused all the trouble in their lives, the one who had made them all miserable.
It was all his fault. All his fault.
You’ll never amount to anything.
He was nothing. No title. No Court. He ran from everything he’d ever been, and had nothing left. He was curled up on his bed crying for Mother’s sakes!
“Hey,” She said softly.
“Hey.” He responded.
They cuddled together, eyes gooey and bodies entangled. She kissed his cheek and he giggled and they were all that they needed in the world. “What’s on your mind?” Lucien asked Jes.
Jes chewed on her lip coyly and Lucien kissed her, because he had to. Jesminda grinned. “What do you want to be? You know, when you grow up?”
“… What?” The mood was shattered.
Jesminda’s eyebrows pulled together. Lucien pulled away from her on his their bed. She didn’t know it would be a serious question. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Jes asked again.
“I… don’t know.” No one had ever asked that of Lucien before. He’d always just done what he was supposed to do-what his father told him to do.
“What do you mean ‘you don’t know’? Didn’t you ever have aspirations? Hopes? Dreams?” Jes asked, pulling her long red hair up into a ponytail.
Lucien opened is mouth, but said nothing. He was at a loss for words, for the first time of his life.
“I’ve never… thought about it before.”
“I’ve been… I mean, I’m the son of a High Lord-”
“The seventh son though, you’re not going to be High Lord. Surely you had-”
“-I’ve always been… busy. I have royals to spy on and befriend, and politics to deal with, and everything… I just, I never thought about… ambitions, you know?”
“Well, think about it now. What do you like to do?”
Jesminda flushed and giggled. She slapped Lucien’s arm playfully and soon they were in a tickling battle, rolling across the bed. When they finally calmed down, Lucien’s head on her breast, did she resume the topic. “Seriously,” she said softly, playing with his hair, “what do you like to do that could conceivably be a profession?”
Lucien shrugged. “I’m… a befriender. I befriend people. Which is ironic, because I hate meeting new people-”
Jes laughed.
Lucien laughed himself, “-but, I don’t… think I know how to do anything else. I’ve never done anything else.”
“Fine.” Jes said triumphantly. “Then, I guess we’ll just have to try everything until you have an ambition.”
Lucien looked up at her. “You-You would do that? For me?”
“Of course, Lucien. I love you.”
Jesminda smiled, and Lucien did too. And then the door burst open, and there stood Lucien’s brothers and father, and the rest… was history.
Lucien would never accomplish anything. Here he was, years later, and no job. Two friends, only his friends because they all were alone in the world, with no one to hold onto, no future for any of them…
He would never be anything.
He never was anything.
You’re better off dead.
Here he was, curled up on his bed. He cried himself through his flashbacks on the Day of Friendship because the lights throughout the city reminded him of the bonfires in Autumn. The way they shone had reminded him of the holiday as it was back there. The day of brawls. Of drunken anger and seductions. The night he’d met Jesminda; the only Equinox there he hadn’t been beaten within an inch of his life. The only time he’d never felt useless, or hurt, or like he would have been better off dead.
He met her by a bonfire. She’d been dancing with some friends, and the alcohol had given him the courage. He’d walked up to her, all bravado and strength lies all lies and she had smiled and taken his hand in hers.
She was so soft and kind red lipstick, he could smell roses… no… Jesminda hated roses…. Her life was so strong and vibrant. She used to love to dance with him, and though she couldn’t carry a tune she loved to sing. She loved to kiss him. Her lips so gentle and when she touched his bruises she was always kind the priestess wasn’t, every kiss rough and left him bleeding, every thrust left him black and blue but they had to do it. She would kiss his neck, and whisper how much she loved him. He would whisper how much he loved her.
She was the opposite of everything Ianthe was.  
The slapping of skin on skin and muscle on muscle. He could feel the magic explode from them, but the priestess didn’t stop, they were no longer obligated and yet she didn’t stop!
The opposite of everything Tamlin was.
The opposite of everything his father was.
Why was he still here? The question burned in his mind. Why was he still here? Why hadn’t he gone away once she had. It made sense, so why hadn’t it happened?
Why wasn’t it happening?
Lucien opened his eyes. The voices in his head end it end it end it it can end just do something right for once and eND IT-
“I’m so glad I have you Lucien… I’m so glad you’re alive… I love you.”
“You’re better than Tam, Lucien. I don’t blame you. You were a victim just like me.”
“My baby boy, my sweet boy… it doesn’t have to be this way.”
It didn’t have to be like this.
He could survive. He would survive.
Look at yourself. He thought. Lucien’s eyes traveled down to his hands. His hands came to his face and he came to his feet and ran to the bathroom. He looked at his face. I’m here. I’m strong. He felt it beneath his fingers, the scar, the ridges and curves of his cheekbones, the hair of his eyebrows, the indention of his lips…
He didn’t want to feel like this anymore.
I’m still here, and that is why I am strong. I got up.
If I could get up… I can do anything.
I am strong.
I can end this cycle.
I can end it.
But he couldn’t do it alone—he needed help.
It was so hard, he could never do it alone. because he was so useless he couldn’t even save himself couldn’t even SHUT UP!
Lucien grabbed his coat and shoes and pulled them on. He ran to the House of Wind, not looking back because he was afraid he would lose that strength that he felt. When he arrived at the House of Wind he found Feyre and Mor in the living room.
Feyre frowned at his entrance, standing. Concern on her face. “Are you okay, Lucien?” She asked.
Lucien shook his head. He fell to the ground and the women ran to him, holding him tightly as he wept.
“I-I know you have no reason to-to help me. I-But I can’t do this alone-I don’t-It’s not so bad-”
“Shhh… Lucien…” Feyre cooed, holding him so close he thought she would never let go. “Shh, it’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. If it does this to you, makes you feel like… this. It’s bad enough. It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
“I don’t-deserve this-this kindness of yours I know-”
“Yes,” Feyre whispered. “Yes, you do. Of course you do-”
“I can’t give you anything-anything in return,” he hiccuped between tears, “I’m so sorry-”
“It’s okay. We forgive you for everything.” Feyre responded.
“You don’t need to give us anything.” Mor added.
“I need help.” He whispered to them between sobs.
“Then we’ll get you help.” Feyre whispered as she pressed a kiss to his hair. “Because, that’s what friends do.”
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ffxiv-angora · 6 years
Looking for RP FC/Contacts - Angora Khilo
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Name: Angora Khilo
Age: 27
Race: Miqo’te (Sunseeker)
Gender: Female
Server: Balmung
Angora is a mage/archer who is constantly on the move and loves to study all matters involving aether, the void, and just about anything out of the ordinary. She is very secretive, but will open up if given time. Her goal as of now is to simply see and experience everything Eorzea and neighboring areas have to offer, usually getting herself into trouble in one way or another.
The majority of this post will be under the cut, but I am going to go ahead and include the art credits here above it:
@tiergan-vashir​ @ferai-caolann​ @drgriswaldandco​ @chocographs​ @udon-doodles​
I’ll be making one of these posts for Wyra’to as well ASAP
Physical Appearance
Hair: White mixed with some grey. The length varies from very short to just under her shoulders. 
Eyes: A bright yellow in color with the Sunseeker slitted pupils
Height: 4’ 11”
Build: Fairly muscular, but has a leaner form due to her strength coming from years of running, climbing, and archery.
Distinguishing Marks: She has yellow face paint on her cheeks that partially cover her red Miqo’te markings. There are a few scars on her face, the largest being over the bridge of her nose. Her whole body is covered in scars but those are usually covered. There are scars around her wrists from shackles and fading burn scars covering her hands due to some magic mishaps.
Common Accessories:
Mask:  It varies now a days since her beloved one was shattered. She will always be seen with it on while out in public. Though it may be off if she feels comfortable removing it.
Necklace: She also wears a bone necklace around her neck that is the only remaining memory she has of her parents.
Claw gloves: Given to her as a gift from her adoptive sister, Lurial. The metal and leather are etched with various symbols to help her with casting her magic. They were made so she could use them as a focus for her magic and cast with her hands should she lose her staff. They also are helpful with tearing someone’s face to shreds.
Staff and Bow: Both were created and covered in elegant carvings for her by her deceased fiance. She refused to use them for the longest time so they would not get ruined, but she has since decided that he would have wanted her to make use of them defending herself instead of letting them just gather dust.
Spouse: None. She once had a Moonkeeper fiance named Rhaj'ir who died suddenly while away from home.
Children: None.
Parents: Both deceased. They died when she was only 5 years old when Garleans invaded their tribe. When she first made her way into Eorzea at 20, two Elezen took her in and she saw them as her mother and father figures.  
Siblings: None, by blood. She has two older adoptive siblings named Tiergan and Lurial. 
Other Relatives: None, that she knows of. (Always up for creating some more lost/adoptive family connections and such!) 
Pets: Aster the chocobo. She rescued the white feathered bird from a raided caravan where he’d been left to die. The two have a very close bond and she never goes anywhere without him.
Profession: Angora does a variety of things. She mostly get hired to collect information, but has also been hired to steal and kill. She used to help out in a workshop as their weaver as well.
Magic: Angora has studied thaumaturgy for years and used it alongside archery. With the rise of red magic, she has started to study it as well. She has always been partial to fire magic over thunder and ice. 
Hobbies: Angora loves to read and research. She often studies aether, the void, and field medicine. Music has become a newer hobby of hers and she has started to pick up both violin and piano. She sings as well, but usually only to herself or her siblings. Angora can sometimes be found playing music in small, quiet inns. 
Location: Angora doesn’t stay in one place for long. She does have an apartment in the Goblet though and also visits her brother who also lives in the area.
Fears: Tight spaces, Morbols, Garleans (though it’s more of a hatred), Mines
Fighting style: Angora mostly fights from a distance via bow or magic. But she also can get up close and personal if needed. With close combat, she’ll usually use the metal claws she wears or her sword. She is still a bit new to the sword though. When using a bow, Angora remains hidden up high and takes on more of a sniper role.
Tag: http://ffxiv-angora.tumblr.com/tagged/angora
Another post with some more IC info: http://ffxiv-angora.tumblr.com/post/162693967331/looking-for-rp-contacts
Mask (Now broken): https://imgur.com/pgx1tvb
Outfits**: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Various pieces of art of Angora: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
**The Angora I have on Balmung right now isn’t the original one I played with, so I’m missing most/all of the clothes. I’m working on getting them back though! In the meantime, I’ll be creative and come up with some other stuff.
Angora can be just about anywhere since she wanders around, so your character could have spotted her in passing
Your character could have run into here while she’s on a job. Be it stealing, sneaking, or killing. Maybe your character had a mark put on them and she was the one who got the job.
She has a tendency to stop and offer aid via field medicine or punching, which usually leads her into trouble of some kind.
If you character visits small inns or pubs, it’s possible Angora was there resting or playing music.
She can be spotted fairly often in the Thaumaturgy guild or various libraries. If you character studies/is involved with the void, they might run into her in various spooky places.
Angora is very attuned with aether and can usually sense if something is off, especially if the void is involved.
She can sometimes be found sleeping in random places in Gyr Abania and that is where her current main hiding spot is.
Angora has an apartment in the Goblet and hangs around the apartment building fairly often. ( I still need to deal with leveling GC stuff so I can get my apartment back. I’m not currently in an FC so I don’t have a room either )
OOC info
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About Me: Hello! You can call me Lavi or Angora, I don’t mind either. I currently live in Arizona, which is on PST at the moment. I work in retail, so my available days/times shifts around a lot. I have quite a bit of free time still, though. Feel free to give me a poke on Tumblr, Discord, etc. any time. I’m always up to chat. I left the RP scene almost 2 years ago at this point and have lost most/all of my RP contacts so I’d love to meet some new people and get involved with some plots! Maybe even join a RP FC again. I’m still working on regaining my writing motivation and I’m a bit rusty, so bare with me.
Contact me Via:
Tumblr: @ffxiv-angora
Discord: Lavi#1396
In Game: Angora Khilo or Wyra’to Polaali
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July 10, 2018
The Owl House looks super cool! I have a feeling it’ll have a Gravity Falls-esq atmosphere, what with the horror-comedy genre. I don’t expect it to be anything but gorgeous, and even the skeptic in me saying that every show I love will have a disappointing cop-out ending is quieter than usual. I’m super pumped for this series, and I just wanted a place to collect promotion material and analyze them. Currently I’m going by the description and a few images from Tumblr and the Disney Wiki page, but if you have any other official information or doodles from twitter, I’d love to hear about them!
“The series is a horror-comedy series that follows Luz, a self-assured teenage human girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to the Demon Realm. There she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and an adorably tiny warrior, King. Despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda's apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting”
I want to know how to pronounce her name. I call her ‘Luz’ in my head, with a short ‘u’, but I wonder if it’ll be pronounced ‘looz’ which sounds...well, like a term used to describe a certain room in the house. It also sounds like ‘lose’, which is interesting as well.
I’d put her age at around fourteen or fifteen, certainly not lower than thirteen. But this is coming from someone who though Gideon Gleeful was in his thirties, so I’m probably not the best at age estimates.
‘Accidentally stumbles upon a portal’? I wonder if it’s a sort of rip in reality, a magical artifact, a magical portal opened accidentally by a spell, or a villain's doing? Like perhaps they were trying to gain entrance to the mortal realm? -Like another demon we know?-
(That aside, I wonder if we’ll get a little Bill cameo. Like I’m guessing well see a little triangle doodled on the corner of a book. A really tiny easter egg.)
Back to Luz; what about her family? Does she have parents? She goes on to (I’m assuming) live in the demon realm for a while, so I’m super curious about her mortal world family. Is she an orphan? Are her parents awful? Does she have any siblings? Friends? I worry for them and I worry for her.
Is Luz safe in the demon realm? Will she have to be wary about being a human surrounded by supernatural creatures?
How will she get to know Eda and King? Will they rescue her from some sort of threat? Will they be the first people she meets?
How old is King? What about his family? Was he training to be a warrior? How do he and Eda know each other? Was he an acquaintance of hers before she started rebelling?
I’m very interested in the magical system and this world in general; who rules the place? Who is Eda rebelling against? Societal convention or an authority figure?
What exactly is “The Owl House”? I’m taking a guess and saying that it’s either the name of a class in this world or is a name given to people who associate with Eda, given that she’s known as ‘The Owl Lady’ (more on that later).
I’m also intrigued by the fact that the description implies that having ingrained magical abilities is one thing, and being able to perform magic just by training is another. I’m wondering if she actually has no potential to do magic and trains to be able to from scratch/ learns how to use the staff, or if she actually does have some magical abilities and has to work to discover and hone them.
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Luz’s character design is so cute!
She and Eda have the same gold eyes; I wonder if this has to do with magical abilities or is symbolism. OR *puts tinfoil hat on* Luz is actually Eda’s daughter, and she was sent to the mortal world- yeah, probably the former. In fact, there seems to be a sort of gold motif around these three; Luz and Eda’s eyes, the latter’s nails and necklace (or whatever that gold thing on her dress is), King’s collar, the sparkles all around them...food for thought.
I see the creepy looking building in the background with “The Owl Sh-” (I can only assume it says ‘shop’)  written on it; more on that later. I’m assuming this is where Eda lives/works. I suppose she runs a shop of sorts?
There’s a massive stained glass design of a red eye on the top of the building. Hmm.
Eda looks a little villainous in this image, so I’m wondering if she will be introduced or come off as sinister. King is also so darn cute.
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Cool mom nonchalantly throws magical bug at son, unfazed by daughter’s bewilderment.
Luz seems to have a slightly different outfit here; the pink gradient on her shoes is gone (maybe that was a trick of the lighting) and so are the pink shapes on the bottom of her leggings. The strings of her shirt are gone, and her irises aren’t visible here, though that may be because of that expression. The irises return in later drawings.
So, front and center in the background; ‘The Owl Lady’ is at large with a comically heavy price on her head.
So, first of all, she freaking framed her ‘wanted’ poster. I’m guessing Eda is quite proud of this. I love her for that.
This photo also implies that she’s known King for a while, and he’s likely wanted as an accomplice.
I’m curious as to whether this reward was placed by a personal enemy or by a governing body or other authority figure.  
She’s known as the ‘Owl Lady’; she’s probably a bit of an enigma. That being said, the building on the first photo probably said ‘Owl Shop’ on it, so...Maybe whoever wanted to capture her could search the building that looks pretty darn suspicious? This points to the building being either abandoned or obscured heavily by magic. Or the fact that they know where she is but can’t actually capture her.
Has she failed to have been captured because of her power or because of her being in hiding?
The shop thing is so weird. I don’t even know what to make of it. I guess she owns or lives in this store, but maybe I’m taking the ‘living in the workspace’ thing straight from Gravity Falls.
It seems that they use a dollar sign to represent whatever currency they use.
On to the rest of the background; Eda has an accordian. I need answers. Somebody came in second place for something at some point and she felt the need to hang the medal on her wall. Eda, you better have a good explanation for the friking hand on your wall because otherwise I’m dubbing you ‘Hand Witch 2.0’.
She also has a foam finger and radio; does the demon realm just have similar technology to the mortal world or is it something that perhaps ‘fell through’, maybe through a portal like how Luz did? If so, how interested is she in these items to have kept and displayed them in her home? Was this a reason she was interested in Luz and agreed to teach her magic?
It’s a little hidden by Luz’s hand, but it looks as if there’s an eye with a slitted pupil as a decoration in the center of the couch. HMMM.
The lamp, I’m assuming, is lit by magic, but it would be pretty darn cool if the demon realm had electricity.  
Other notable items; an umbrella, what looks like a small photograph of sorts, or something else in a little frame, an askew corner of what looks like cardboard or paper thumb-tacked to the wall, a cow skull, the thing in a oval frame that King is obscuring, the sword and axe.
I suppose the satchel belongs to Luz; it looks brighter than everything else and has a little purple dinosaur sticker that matches her shirt. I guess this may be her school bag?
Why is King wearing a collar? Is it an identification thing from when he was working/training as a warrior?
I’m so curious about the recurring owls! The frame has an owl on it too. Is Eda known as ‘The Owl Lady’ just because of her staff?
I’m curious about that staff too; Eda holds it here but other official doodles show only Luz with it. I’m guessing that the staff helps her enhance/control her powers, or it’s just a sort of broom, and that she will eventually pass it on to Luz.
Eda reminds me of Pearl for some reason? Just the way she looks, and seems to carry and present herself, coupled with the fact that she’s rebellious and carries a long, stick-shaped weapon. I doubt her personality would match up, though. I think she’d be a bit more like Garnet in that she’ll be hard to impress and powerful, and a bit like Stan Pines in that she will be very sly and deceitful along with wanting to bond with and protect others. Of course, you can’t always describe a character completely in terms of others. She’ll likely be an interesting person nonetheless. I’m looking forward to seeing what she’s like and seeing just how wrong my guesses are.
I have a feeling Luz is going to be a smartass. She looks like a snarky person, but also a little bit of a dork.
I love King already. I’m guessing he’ll be quite loyal to both Eda and Luz. I feel like he’s going to be a sort of younger brother type to Luz.
Other photos of interest, though I’m not sure how official they are;
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Luz doing some magic with her hand. I’m wondering again about the magic system; is she only able to do this because she’s holding the staff or because she’s practiced?
Is she reciting a spell or just speaking or yelling while doing magic?
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So her staff doubles as a ‘broom’ sort of thing? Interesting!
Please tell he that owl isn’t sentient. I’m hoping it falls more into ‘magic that works like technology’ than it does full on sentience like Aladdin’s magic carpet.
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Confirmation that King has two eyes; when I first saw the first two photos, I was worried because his right (?) eye was closed.
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They’re eating ice cream here, and again I’m wondering about how technology will work in this show. They had to get this ice cream from somewhere and had to keep it cool somewhere, so it looks like there’s a market for ice cream in the demon realm and Eda either has a freezer or keeps them cold with magic.
Or maybe I’m completely wrong about the premise and Luz is hopping between realities. I’m so worried for this child. Is she going to get home she’s probably been reported missing are her family/friends okay.
There’s...another eye shape on the side of the couch. What. Is. With. The. Bill. Cipher. Eyes.
Eda is unimpressed by tiny demon trying to steal her ice cream. Threatens to light him on fire. I wonder what that little guy is doing there. Perhaps those little creatures are the equivalent of mice.
More evidence for King being a little brother type to Luz! I’ve got a feeling that I’m going to love their interactions! Cuties!
The fact that King is eating ice cream from a cone suggests that they got it in the demon realm. You can get ice cream in a cone prepackaged (like with those drumsticks ice cream) but it’s more common to get it at an actual ice cream store.
Or maybe I’m just over analyzing a couple of doodles for an animated kids show that’s not going to air for almost a year from now. I don’t know what I’m doing. I wrote five pages. Twelve if you include all the photos.
Some plot predictions;
I imagine Luz will be adamant about wanting to learn magic, and Eda will be skeptical about teaching her. I’m thinking they’ll have a bit of tension going into it.
I don’t know where the exact tweet is, but Alex Hirsch described it as ‘making the censors want to quit’. Gravity Falls definitely pushed the boundaries (hard) for the creep factor, but I’ve got a feeling this show will do much worse. I’m looking forward to seeing a deeply unsettling world and some very dark story elements.
I’m sure that all of them will get to be badass together at some point and I look forward to that day.
Just waiting here to see how yet another ‘goofy kid’s show’ tears my heart out. Fun times for all.
Images and description pulled from:
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artemisrae · 7 years
Stranger Things - A Wonderful, Awful Idea
Title: A Wonderful, Awful Idea
Rating: T
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Mike/Eleven, plus the rest of the gang (and the Wheeler siblings too I guess)
Word Count: 5,777
Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful, awful idea! - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Mike wants to recapture the Christmas magic of his childhood, but mostly he accidentally makes his girlfriend cry.
Note: Christmas fic!!!!!! Silly lovey Christmas fic where everyone is pretty much happy and Mike is very much a teenage boy. No spoilers for the show, but spoilers for Christmas cartoon specials from the 50s and 60s.
AO3 Mirror
Frosty was the one that, in hindsight, he could concede was probably not a good idea.
He had been too enthusiastic. It was the first Christmas after Hopper’s year of exile - meant to make sure that El was no longer being hunted, the Wheelers were no longer being monitored, that Hopper was no longer being followed - and Mike Wheeler, nearly giddy from the high of having lunch with El every day, and being able to hang out after school and work on homework together, and make plans for the weekends, was a one-man army to make sure that El was never made to feel like she had missed out ever again.
If Mike was an army, then Dustin was his general. During their study hall they would meet and brainstorm, trying to remember every precious childhood memory, anything that could recapture that spirit for El. They discussed everything from popcorn garland for the Christmas tree to waiting up for Santa on Christmas Eve, surprising each other with Christmas traditions that the other hadn’t known about and reminiscing about fun times that had involved the party.
“Caroling?” Dustin asked, and Mike made a face.
“Do you want to sing? I don’t want to sing.” Mike thought about it. El liked music, and it was easier to engage her in a new experience if it involved music, but she hated being cold. “Maybe we can go to the park when they do the candlelight service if it’s not freezing out. There’s always a choir there, she’ll like that.”
“Build a snowman?”
Mike made a face. He wasn’t sure how long she’d tolerate that. “If it even snows during Christmas break… sometimes it doesn’t, and it’s not always enough to even make a snowman. Besides, that’s not really Christmas, that’s something you do when you get a snow day from school.”
“It can be both,” Dustin argued. “Snowmen are part of traditional Christmas decorations.”
“Yeah but I don’t want to rely on the weather doing us any favors. I want El to have the best Christmas ever. She’s got 14 years of shitty ones to make up for.” Mike doodled in the margin of his notebook. “Plus she keeps saying she doesn’t want school to go on break, because she likes it, and I keep trying to tell her that Christmas break is, like, the answer to our prayers, not a punishment.”
“We still have so much to teach her,” Dustin intoned dryly, reaching into his backpack. “Which reminds me - I remembered the TV Guide.”
“Yes!” Mike practically lunged across the table to snatch it out of Dustin’s hand.
“Be careful with that!” Dustin protested. “My mom will kill me if anything happens to it.”
“Tell me about it. I think my dad wants his in his coffin with him.” Mike rolled his eyes as he remembered the reason he’d needed Dustin’s copy in the first place. He flipped through the pages, eyes scanning. “I’m just hoping none of them are on Wednesdays, Wednesdays she stays late for English tutoring and Hopper always takes her to the diner afterwards.”
He glanced up from the TV Guide to find that Dustin was staring at him, with a weird, unreadable look on his face.
“What?” he asked irritably. That had been happening more and more often - it used to be only when El was around, that he could look at any one of his friends and see them watching with that strange, muted expression. Lately it had been happening when he was alone too, usually when he was talking about El.
“Nothing,” Dustin said quickly. He looked down at his Snack-Pack, and then a teasing grin wormed across his face. “Do you have a Christmas present for her yet?”
“None of your business,” Mike snapped.
“So that’s a no,” Dustin countered. “I was just asking, geez. You know, I can ask Steve for help if you need it.”
“I really don’t want to know what kind of presents Steve Harrington used to buy for my sister,” Mike said stiffly. His eyes caught a listing. “Look, Frosty the Snowman is on next week. Holly loves that one. If I say she can watch with me and El that’ll make my mom happy.”
And his mom had been happy. Despite the fact that it was right after dinner she’d made them a giant bowl of popcorn, and hot chocolate - actual hot chocolate heated up and melted on the stove, not the instant kind, because Mike had impressed upon her how important this was to him even if Karen Wheeler still hadn’t gotten a straight answer on how El had somehow missed 14 years of Christmases.
All three of them had sat on the floor, huddled under a crocheted blanket, Holly cradling the massive bowl of popcorn.
“Santa is bringing me a Barbie sleeping bag,” she told El, licking oil off her fingers and sticking them right back into the bowl. “Mom took me to the mall yesterday and I got to tell him and he said I’d been good this year, so that means he’s going to bring me one.”
El glanced at Mike over her head. He gave her an encouraging smile. They’d talked about Santa - with no way to explain why he’d skipped over her for ten years in Hawkins lab, Mike had been forced to explain that it was a myth, thus depriving her of some of the Christmas magic he’d been trying to recreate, but he’d also told her that Holly very much believed he was real, and that it was important not to spoil it for her.
It was obviously hard for her to reconcile “Friends don’t lie” with “Friends let their friend’s little sister continue believing in the myth of Santa” but El was making a good show of it, nodding attentively and letting Holly chatter mindlessly.
Nevertheless, it was a relief when Holly realized that El had never seen Frosty before, and thus transitioned from talking about everything Santa was going to bring her (which consisted of pretty much every toy advertised during the commercials) to explaining the plot of Frosty to El, even as they were watching it.
“Holly,” Mike finally interrupted. “Let her watch. If she has any questions, she’ll ask you, right El?”
El quickly nodded. Her hair had grown longer in the last year, having only been trimmed a couple times by Joyce, and now the curls that had formed went past her shoulders. She favored pretty bows and headbands to keep her face clear. Tonight, paired with her jeans and a plain gray sweatshirt, she was wearing a pink bow with white polka dots, and Mike had been resisting the urge to yank on it the entire evening.
She wouldn’t be mad at him if he did it though. He could already picture the look she’d shoot him - chagrined and exasperated, but not angry - and then when she tried to fix it he could help her.
He was contemplating the best way to accomplish this - was there any possible way to get rid of Holly without her crying? - when Santa arrived to the greenhouse, and discovered that Frosty had melted into a puddle.
El gasped. Holly patted her hand - “He’ll come back just watch -”
But it was too late. El had burst into tears at the sight of young cartoon Karen crying over the puddle that was formerly Frosty. Mike practically upended the bowl of popcorn reaching for her. “El, it’s okay, it’s okay! Holly’s right, he comes back!”
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, gesturing to the TV. She was sobbing as Frosty the Snowman played cheerfully over a montage that Mike realized was ultimately a eulogy for Frosty. To his dawning horror, Holly’s lower lip began to tremble too.
“Holly,” Mike said desperately. “You know it’s fine. It turns out fine. Frosty goes to the North Pole with Santa, remember? They see him every year.”
“He’s not the same!” El cried. “And they only get to see him once a year!”
“Is everything okay in there?” his mother called from the doorway.
Their backs were to her; Mike pulled El closer, letting her press her face into his neck, and snapped in a way that only people who did not want to explain why everything was not fine could accomplish: “Everything is fine!”
“Is Holly crying?” his mom asked, stepping into the room. Holly jumped up, tripping over the blanket to go cry on her mother’s hip. “What on earth did you say to her Michael?”
“Nothing!” Mike shouted. “El’s never seen it before. She didn’t know Frosty melted. Holly did, so she has no reason to be crying.”
“Michael what have I told you about upsetting your sister?”
“I didn’t upset her!” Mike responded hotly. “Frosty did! Can you just give me a minute with El please?”
“We will talk about this later Michael,” Karen promised, but then she did, blessedly, retreat - mostly, Mike knew, to tend to Holly. He didn’t really care if it got him a minute alone with El.
“I’m really sorry,” Mike told El. He lunged for the box of tissues on the side table, offering them to her. “I never thought it was sad. When I was a kid I was just so happy he made it to the North Pole, ya know?”
“I’m sorry,” El said softly, her cheeks coloring. She wouldn’t make eye contact with him.
“No, no! Please don’t,” Mike insisted. It made total sense to him that someone like El - someone who had fought tooth and nail to come back to her friends and family - would find Frosty so upsetting. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about it. I should have known.”
She wrapped her arms around his waist, pillowing her head on his shoulder. “At least,” he finally said, “it’s only on once a year.”
He was rewarded with her soft laugh, and that, Mike decided, was a victory, considering how the evening had turned out.
(Of course, that was before Hopper picked her up and saw she’d been crying.)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer went better - but that was only because Frosty the Snowman had set the bar so impossibly low.
The evening before it aired, Nancy had finished her finals and come home from Bloomington. The house was tense - she’d really only come home to see Jonathan Byers, who was home from New York for Christmas, and Mike wondered if his parents could tell. She’d stayed for dinner, and to Mike’s eternal frustration, had slipped from the house before he could corner her alone.
He stayed up to talk to her; it was after midnight when she got back to the house, tiptoeing even though he was sure that his parents were awake too.
Sticking his hand in the door just before it clicked shut, he managed to slip in behind her.
“Jesus Christ, what did you and Jonathan do?!” he asked, taking in her rumpled appearance. Her belt was missing, the top three buttons of her blouse were undone, and somehow even her newly acquired rebellious pixie haircut was sticking up in all directions.
She gave him a crooked smile. “Nothing you want to hear about. Or that I’d want to tell you about.”
They had a brief stand off, sizing each other up. They never talked when she was at school - Bloomington was a long distance phone call, and neither one of them was a letter writer. Mike finally shrugged at her. “I’m glad you came home.”
Her mouth twisted. “I wanted to see you and Holly and my friends,” she conceded, sitting on the edge of her bed.
“And Jonathan,” Mike couldn’t resist prompting.
Instead of rebuking him though, Nancy smiled. “And Jonathan.”
“So speaking of…” he leaned back against the door, trying and failing to appear nonchalant. “Since you’re home anyway, I thought maybe you could help me with something?”
Nancy looked at him, raising an eyebrow. Then her eyes narrowed, and her forehead wrinkled in thought.
“You don’t have a Christmas gift for El,” she decided, and Mike’s mouth dropped open.
“How the fuck could you know that?” he demanded, and Nancy gave him a condescending smirk that used to infuriate his prepubescent self.
“Mike.” Her tone was lilting, and patronizing. “You do whatever the hell you want. I’ve heard stories. The only reason you’d ask for my help is if it’s about El because she’s pretty much the only person whose opinion you care about.”
“That’s not true!” he argued, genuinely surprised at her words - he had friends; he cared what Lucas and Dustin and Will all thought.
“Mike,” she said flatly. “You DM the majority of your games just because you like to plan whatever you want for your little campaigns.”
“Okay, so, if you knew anything about being a good DM you would know that you have exactly no control over the story,” Mike said, completely distracted from the point as his mind raced to formulate a list of examples that would prove her wrong.
She got up from the bed, shaking her head at him. “It doesn’t matter. It’s fine, I’ll help you find a gift for El. She deserves a nice gift from her boyfriend.
“Yes, she does. Thank you.” He felt relieved. He’d already been worried when Dustin had asked the previous week, and hadn’t made any headway even though he’d wracked his brains trying to come up with something perfect. “She’s coming over tomorrow, maybe you can talk to her?”
She took him by the elbow and reached for the doorknob. Despite his height, she could still manhandle him as if they were little kids. “Tomorrow, yes. But now,” she said, putting him back out in the hallway, “I want you to get out of my room.”
Then she shut the door in his face.
Rudolph started off better than Frosty - Mike had played the song for her, and warned her, “It’s a good show, but they’re kind of mean to him. But it turns out okay, because they end up loving him. But don’t get upset when they’re mean to him, okay?”
And she hadn’t - he’d looked over during the scene with Clarisse and the flying lessons and while she certainly didn’t look happy, with her eyebrows drawn low and laser focused intensity on the television, she didn’t appear upset like she had when Frosty had melted.
His hand crept into hers, and while she didn’t spare him a glance he saw her face relax a little.
He had really thought about Rudolph, describing it to her as they strung tinsil on Hopper’s tree (it was pointless to help decorate his own - his mom would just rearrange all the ornaments and fix it the way she liked it anyway) and he felt pretty confident with this one. It was a classic; she would like Yukon Cornelius, and most importantly, nobody melted or otherwise died.
Where he had miscalculated had been the Island of the Misfit Toys.
Even Holly got quiet as the toys sang about how they were broken and didn’t fit in, how they’d miss all the fun with the boys and girls because they weren’t wanted. Mike realized that El’s hand had gotten uncomfortably tight.
His heart sank as he saw the look on her face - she was wearing what he called her Bambi face (and there was another movie he could never show her), with a blank expression and big doe eyes. She pulled it when she was trying to lie (often unsuccessfully) or otherwise didn’t want undue attention.
The tears streaming down her cheeks kind of ruined the effect, however.
“El,” he said in a low tone, giving her hand a little jiggle. She turned to look at him, gave him a pained frown, and he felt a stab in his heart. “It turns out okay. They all get to good homes. I promise, I wouldn’t show you something -”
Something that glorified people who were ostracized for being different. He knew she constantly felt pressure at school, already singled out for being the weird girl who was homeschooled until high school, and then to be behind in English on top of that. Sometimes he thought that it was mostly in her imagination - but he’d already had two detentions this year for punching people who’d called her weird.
“I just - I promise,” he finished lamely. He reached for the box of tissues again.
Strike two Wheeler, he thought. He heard it in Hopper’s voice.
At least she got through Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. El couldn’t make it the whole way through the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
The weekend before the entire group had descended upon the Sinclair’s - a rare event, but the Sinclair’s were the only ones with a fireplace, and Mike had wanted to show El the joy of sitting in front of a roaring fire and making s’mores.
They probably could have asked Jonathan to help them set up a fire pit at the Byers’, but the fact was that El hated being cold, and had already spent enough time huddling in front of crappy little camp fires. While Mike thought El (and her sweet tooth) would love gooey s’mores, he didn’t think she’d like the part where she had to sit outside in the cold and make them.
Instead Mr. Sinclair built them a fire - and much like Karen Wheeler, never got a good explanation for how El had missed out on s’mores her entire life - and the six of them crammed around, marshmallows speared on pokers (with reluctant promises to share with Erika, even if she wasn’t allowed in the room to bug them.)
“It feels like lying,” El was saying to the group, and Mike, exasperated, threw his hands up.
“She’s five. It would be so mean to tell her Santa isn’t real.”
“Not to mention your mom would kill you,” Dustin added.
“I mean, I didn’t lie to Erika when she asked me,” Lucas said, taking a melted marshmallow from Max and smushing it onto a graham cracker. “But I didn’t go out of my way to tell her the truth either.”
“And your mom still almost killed you,” Dustin reminded him. “Am I the only one who remembers you being grounded that entire Christmas break?”
“Holly’s cute though,” Max said. She had a hand under her s’more, trying to prevent the melted chocolate from dripping onto the blankets underneath them. “Erika is… not.”
“I think you mean,” Lucas supplied, “that she’s a goblin that they replaced my real sister with.”
El snorted, and choked on her bite. Spraying crumbs everywhere, she laughed and coughed while Mike patted her on the back and Dustin scrambled to save her marshmallow from the fire.
“Look, Nancy didn’t spoil it for me when she learned the truth. It’s not fair to do that to Holly.” El shot him a look, and he quickly added, “I know party rules, but Holly isn’t in the party.”
“Jonathan told me,” Will piped up with a shrug.
Nobody laughed at that. Mike shifted uncomfortably. Will wasn’t referring to a funny story. He remembered when this had happened.
“Why?” El finally asked, surely unable to imagine gentle Jonathan, who loved Will more than anybody else on earth, ever being cruel to him, even in the name of sibling rivalry.
Will shrugged again. “It was right after my dad left. He was really mad a lot of the time. He got a detention right before Christmas break and when I told him Santa would put him on the naughty list he told me Santa wasn’t even real. Mom told me he was lying because he was mad about being on the naughty list, but I knew he was telling the truth.”
Max, to the surprise of no one, was quiet. If her and Billy had ever talked about Santa, or Christmas, it would have been in the interest of putting her down, or making her miserable, and they all knew it.
Silence fell. Lucas leaned into Max’s shoulder, and she leaned back against him. They would have held hands, Mike suspected, if they didn’t need both of them to deal with the messy snacks.
Then, without even trying, his eyes tracked El’s hands - she brought her right hand to her lips, scraping chocolate off the pad of her thumb. He couldn’t tear his eyes away.
When she noticed him watching, she gave him a sunny grin. There was a streak of marshmallow at the corner of her mouth.
The others started to fade away. He wanted to reach out and touch her. It seemed like it was just the two of them in the room - and then Max dropped her poker, cursing as she smeared melted marshmallow against the blanket.
Lucas scrambled to help her - “Don’t touch it, it’s hot!” - but Will and Dustin, Mike saw, were both watching him with that same curious expression that Dustin had worn the other day at lunch.
“What is it?” Mike asked them. El hadn’t seem to notice their scrutiny. She was holding her hands delicately away from her body, sticky fingers searching for one of the napkins that were strewn about.
“Nothing,” Dustin demurred yet again. Will just shrugged. Mike got the sense that they were telling the truth. They didn’t seem to have words for whatever was capturing their attention.
“Hey,” El said, tugging on his sleeve. Her fingers stuck to the material, leaving tacky fingerprints behind. “Hopper says you can come over Thursday. To watch Charlie Brown.”
More like Hopper had insisted that they watch Charlie Brown at his place because he’d noticed that El had come home crying twice already.
A smirk crossed Dustin’s face, and Mike shot him a warning glare. Mike had told him about their previous attempts at watching Christmas specials, but had pointed out that if they tried to make fun of him then El would surely think they were making fun of her for crying.
It wouldn’t matter if they tried to explain that they weren’t laughing at her. El had noticed that the boys and Max didn’t express their emotions the same way she did - cooped up in Hawkins lab the only way to express anything she was feeling strongly was to explode. Now she worried about it, no matter how much Mike and Will (the only person she confided in as much as Mike) had tried to reassure her.
He understood, and could help her cope with distress - but he was completely taken aback by her anger at the Charlie Brown Christmas special.
It had started out so promising too. He’d told her how Charlie Brown had always been his favorite, and unsurprisingly, she had loved the music, even trying to impersonate the kids dancing and making both of them laugh until they couldn’t breathe. Upbeat, peppy music helped her feel at ease, and Mike had suspected that the jazzy soundtrack to Charlie Brown would appeal to her.
And then Charlie Brown had brought his little Christmas tree back to his friends, and the montage of Charlie Brown’s friends berating him - telling him he was stupid, saying he had picked a bad tree, calling him hopeless - stopped the evening on a dime.
Suddenly the television turned off with an electronic squeal. Mike blinked at the still glowing screen, initially thinking that there had been some kind of power failure - but no, all the other lights were still on, even the lights on the little Christmas tree in the corner.
Then he saw the look on El’s face - jaw set, eyes blazing - and knew that she had turned the television off. She hadn’t even bothered reaching for the remote. She looked like she was ready to go ten rounds with the demogorgon.
“Uh…” His mouth was open. He absolutely did not want her rage turned on him. He wasn’t even sure what had triggered it.
She swung her head to look at him. “They are so mean to him!”
“Well - I -” Mike licked his lips. He didn’t think now was the time to explain the basic nature of Peanuts and Charlie Brown’s relationship with his friends. “I know I’ve said this every time, but if you would just turn it back on -”
“Those. Aren’t. Friends.” El said sternly. She didn’t look like she was going to cry; she looked like she was going to punch him. She stood up and glared at him, hands on her hips. “You don’t treat your friends that way.”
Mike, searching for a way to de-escalate the situation, went for a joke. “I mean, Dustin sometimes, when he’s being an asshole.”
She stamped her foot impatiently. “You don’t treat me that way.”
“You’re not an asshole.” Mike said flatly. “And also you’re not just my friend, you’re my girlfriend.”
It worked. She deflated, flashing him that quick, elated grin that was involuntary every time one of them reminded the other that they were dating (dating like actual normal teenagers holy shit) but it didn’t completely replace the cross look on her face. “Charlie Brown isn’t an asshole.”
“No, he’s not,” he agreed with her. At least she wasn’t crying this time.
He held up his arm, and gestured to the empty seat next to him on the couch. She consented to sit down next to him.
Mike slung an arm around her shoulders.
“Mouthbreathers,” she muttered.
It was such an unexpected thing to hear out of her. He started in surprise, and then began to laugh. Before he had learned the simple pleasure of a well placed asshole or fucker, mouthbreather had been one of his favorite insults. He’d forgotten that he’d taught El that one.
“All right,” he conceded. “We don’t have to finish Charlie Brown Christmas.”
The one she liked the best ended up being the one he’d had no plans of showing her.
It was just a couple days before Christmas, and she was visiting the Wheelers so they could exchange presents - he had relatives coming in from out of town, and she and Hopper would be joining the Byers for dinner on Christmas Eve, so there was a good chance they wouldn’t be able to see each other for several days.
They were in the basement, because El had just given Mike his gift - a large binder for him to keep their Dungeons and Dragons characters and campaigns organized. Previously they had been scattered through notebooks and scrawled on loose pages, mixed in with his science and English notes as ideas came to him in class, and El had wanted to give him a safe space to keep everything together.
She had teamed up with Will to make it - he had done the drawing and delicate lettering on the outside cover and if Mike weren’t already in love with the gift the fact that she had included Will had made his heart feel full to bursting. The holidays were always hard for the Byers, and she had known that Will would need something to work on, to be distracted.
He had all of his game books piled on the table - trying already to flip through them, looking for notes to shove into the binder. The two of them had even thought to put in tabbed separators, which were decorated, but not labelled - leaving it to him to decide how to organize the thing.
Out of the corner of his eye he could see El admiring herself in the mirror, wearing one of his gifts to her. Despite Nancy’s attempts to lead him towards jewlery, which he thought was too flashy or too expensive, he’d ended up finding on his own something that he knew she’d love even though other people might find it a bit silly - a pair of hot pink, heart shaped sunglasses.
She caught him looking at her.
“They look good on you,” he said, clearing his throat. Her cheeks blushed as pink as the glasses, but she was smiling. “Like you could be in a magazine.”
He was sure she’d be pleased with his other gift, as soon as she could listen to it - the little cassette, a mixtape that he’d slaved over, was resting in the inside pocket of her coat upstairs. He wondered if she would realize that he’d put every song they’d danced to at the Snowball on it, if they weren’t all burned in her memory the same way they were in his.
She came over to stand next to him, resting her hand on the table next to his. He took it without hesitation. “This is perfect, El, just perfect. Thank you so much.”
“Thank Will too. He let me give it to you but it’s from him too,” she said, very seriously, like Mike could ever forget Will.
“No, of course, I’ll…” he trailed off as she lifted their entwined hands and wriggled into the safe circle of his arms. Her chin tilted up; she still had the sunglasses over her eyes, and Mike could see himself in the reflection.
I’m gonna kiss you, he thought, but right as he was leaning down the door at the top of the cellar steps banged open and Holly shouted, “Mike! The Grinch is starting!”
“Not now Holly!” he barked over El’s head, but she was already twisting away from him.
“What’s the Grinch?” He reached out and with one fingertip pushed the sunglasses up onto her head, letting him see her dark, serious eyes again.
“Eh,” he shoulders slumped. “It’s another one of those dumb shows. We don’t have to watch it.”
“Mom says come and watch!” Holly shouted again, too lazy to come down the steps. “It’s the Grinch, Mike!”
El was already heading up towards her. “I’ll watch with you,” she was telling Holly, and Mike rounded the bottom of the steps just in time to see her disappear into the first floor, holding Holly’s hand.
By the time he reached the living room, ten steps behind them, Holly had already deposited El on the couch and crawled up next to her. With a sigh, Mike grabbed the granny-square blanket off the back of the recliner and threw it over their legs.
“Can I see your glasses?” Holly asked, big eyes looking up at the pink sunglasses on El’s head.
“Hell no,” Mike answered for her. “You’ll break them, and they’re El’s Christmas gift. You gonna let her come over and play with all your toys Christmas morning?”
He thought for sure Holly would shout for their mother, but instead she frowned at him and stuck her tongue out. He stuck his out back at her, crossing his eyes so she’d giggle instead of cry.
“Look El,” she said, patting the older girl’s leg. “That’s the Grinch.”
The girls made themselves comfortable. El was watching the television with the same childlike intensity as Holly. Mike, however, was braced for the worst - everything else they’d watched had triggered some sort of emotional response in El that he hadn’t been able to predict, and this evening had gone so well until this point. He hated the thought that she might go home crying again, and that he wouldn’t see her for several days as they each celebrated the holiday…
So he was tense, barely able to crack a smile as Holly bellowed her way through You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch, though El had certainly laughed as she had emphasized Stink! Stank! Stunk! and pointed towards Mike. The nature of sibling relationships was something he’d tried to explain to El, and they’d come far if, instead of worrying that Holly was upsetting Mike, she could just laugh along with his sister.
Holly was settling down by the time the Grinch was sledding into Whoville, head resting on the arm of the couch and her little feet pillowed on El’s thigh. El had taken his hand, and was resting her head on his shoulder, and so he missed it when she started crying.
His chest felt hollow. Mike couldn’t for the life of him think of what could be so upsetting. “What’s the matter?” he murmured, leaning so close their noses were almost touching.
El always found a way to surprise him. Instead of sounding distressed, or angry, she patted her chest with the hand that wasn’t holding his. “His heart grew,” she said simply. “They’re friends now.”
His face must have still looked mystified, because she shrugged. “It’s happy,” she tried to explain. “He was alone, but they’re all friends now, even though he tried to steal Christmas.”
Mike mouthed for words. “You didn’t like the other shows!”
“The other shows weren’t happy.” El sniffed, shaking her head like she was trying to get a bad taste out of her mouth. Then she looked at him, her face softened, and she leaned up to kiss him -
“Mike?” It was Nancy interrupting them this time, and Mike was not shy about his irritation as he heaved a huge sigh. “Hopper called, he’s on his way from the station to pick up El.”
He helped her stand up from the couch, but as they reached the doorway, Nancy blocked them, standing in the kitchen. “You liked the Grinch, El?”
El nodded, still holding onto Mike’s hand.
“That’s good,” Nancy said, utterly sincere. “Mike was really excited to celebrate some Christmas traditions with you.”
Alarms started blaring in Mike’s mind. There was something off about Nancy’s tone, and she was still standing in the doorway…
“Of course, he almost missed one of the most important ones, didn’t you Mike?” she asked with with a cheerful grin, the cat having cornered the mouse, and pointed up.
There, hanging above their heads, was a perfect sprig of mistletoe.
“Merry Christmas!” Nancy trilled, and left them, El with a confused look on her face, and Mike feeling an intense cross between frustrated (how dare Nancy set them up) and excited (he’d been looking for an excuse to kiss her anyway).
“What is it?” El asked, reaching up to touch her fingertip to the mistletoe.
Mike squeezed her hand, redirecting his attention to her. “It’s called mistletoe. It’s - if you’re under it with - with your boyfriend, you’re supposed to -”
He was surprised when she cut off his explanation by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him firmly for as long as was probably safe knowing that his family could walk in any moment.
When she pulled away, he gaped at her.
“Max already told me about mistletoe,” she said with a little smile. Then, “Oh, I hear Hopper.”
She was almost at the door before he found a response. “How did Max tell you about mistletoe?!”
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