#my first public fanfic was a crossover fun fact
Just wanted to say thanks for writing your fic! It has inspired me to starting writing my own Splatoon fic (albeit this one is a bit of a crossover.) I hope you keep doing what you love. :)
Crossover or not, it's honestly amazing to hear that I've inspired anyone in any capacity! I'd love to see it whenever it's finished!
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sky-high-my-beloved · 11 months
Why did DR. COFFIN no longer continue publishing fanfics?
DR. COFFIN began publishing his fanfics about Sky High for the first time on Nov 3, 2005, this being "Flight" with Warren Peace as the protagonist since she is, in his own words, his favorite character.
May 18, 2006: It would be the day on which Sky High would publish the series: a synopsis compilation with his writing partner WARRENFIRE.
WARRENFIRE: I publish 84 synopsis. DR. COFFIN: published 78 synopsis.
(Remember that these are in no specific order.)
As it says in the same publication, they decided to only publish 5 stories chosen by the fans since they did not believe they could write them all. From the votes it was decided to change the number to 14 of which were going to be written but only a few arrived and others were deleted since they were published on the WARRENFIRE account which disappeared, leaving only the message below.
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Published: Dec 18, 2006: but moving on to the controversial issue, WARRENFIRE showed a fanaticism for Sky High which is not known how it ended, since if we go to his account we can see that his love for the movie turned to hatred for it, it is not known why, perhaps a fight or a disagreement but as DR. COFFIN in the story "Sky High Christmas Special: Snow Ball Fight" disappeared.
As many of you know, this idea was a joint effort by myself and Warrenfire to give us all something as close to a Sky High tv series as we're likely to ever get (at least until Paul Hernandez gets the rights back from Disney unless they wake up and realize they're sitting on a million dollar opportunity). It has been fun, and Warrenfire and I have bounced over a hundred ideas (EACH) off of each other to come up with a series. Sadly, things haven't worked out as well as we had hoped. Recent events at home have really screwed up my time to get anything written, resulting in long delays that have frustrated me to no end. Combine this with the fact that Warrenfire has apparently dropped off the face of the earth after deleting all the episodes he "produced" so far, and things don't look so good for this idea to continue. But that depends entirely upon you, the readers. Do you want me to continue this series of stories? There are a lot of good ones in the works (including ones featuring appearances by Disney characters such as Dr. Drakken and Shego, and the gang from "Hercules"), and we have yet to learn the plans of Royal Pain and Barron Battle. Warrenfire e-mailed me the rough drafts for a few of his stories from him, and I'd really like to put those out for you all to read, and there is a great cliff hanger "season finale" coming up as well. While I personally would love to continue doing this, my time is still rather limited, and there are three other projects I need to work on. These include the sequel to "We're Not In Kansas Anymore" (Sky High/Smallville) which takes place a year after the first story with Clark, Layla, Warren and the others in their sophomore year. Due to continued demand, I also want to continue the Sky High/Sharkboy and Lavagirl crossover I did as a couple of little one-shots over a year ago, turn it into a full blown story, and also add the characters from "Zoom: Academy for Super Heroes" (yeah, the movie was a bad Sky High rip-off but the characters have a lot of potential). Finally, I am laying the groundwork to writing a novel. Actually I have ideas for several of them, but I need to settle down on one idea and take it from there.
So there you have it. Please let me know if my continuing to work on the "series" is something you all want to continue to read, or if I should just wrap it up as a "miniseries" and go on to the other projects. I look forward to getting your feedback.
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penny-anna · 2 years
I just binged "He Says He Is an Experimental Theologian" by ErinPtah (Night Vale daemon au but also HDM crossover) and I'm now on the sequel and it's INCREDIBLE. I love how the author thinks through things like public transit and football games with daemons (they also cite an animorphs daemon au as being formative but I cannot remember the title or author. They're somewhere in there)
He Says He Is An Experimental Theologian by ErinPtah
Ever since Carlos was little, he and his daemon have been fans of Dr. Lyra Belacqua. Both as the most groundbreaking experimental theologian of the 20th century, and as the heroine of dozens of fantasy-adventure children's stories (based very loosely on her own mysterious childhood).
But Lyra's true legacy is still bigger than Carlos ever imagined...until he took a team of scholars to study Rusakov particles in the most theologically interesting community in Hispania Nova. Now his own day-to-day life is full of things like angels, witches, hooded spectres, portals between worlds, vague yet menacing branches of the Magisterium, and a man who walks around without his daemon and can read an alethiometer as easily as a stop sign.
AH so i have read this one (at least all of the first fic, i think?) and it is a good one, however it tends not to make my rec lists when the subject comes up bcos i gave up on the series after the length of it got kind of overwhelming. also, some aspects of it just aren't to my personal taste as daemon AUs go.
and YES i know the animorphs series you mean!
Daemorphing by Poetry
They can't tell you their real names, or their dæmons' names. The Yeerks are everywhere. But they're going to fight back.
i've read some of it but it's not a personal fav of mine due to the exact same reasons cited above ^
fun fact tho, i actually knew the author a bit waaaay back in the day on a web forum and i remember when they first started posting the series on livejournal so the fact that it turned into such a Huge thing just blows my mind. author living their best fanfic life. love that for them.
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Shiny tagged me and I love Shiny so I guess I gotta do the thing: “Fanfic Writer’s 20 Questions” lmao kill me
Thanks @shinyfire-0 , je t’adore despite my self-loathing
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
6, working on 7, don’t give me performance anxiety about it pls
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
86,334. And the file I’m working on right now has a wordcount of another 37,357 words to date. This is hilarious for several reasons. I got a Masters degree on less than 50,000 words in that file, so this qualifies me to be some special Masters degree of copyright-skirting pervert, does it not?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh god. More than I have represented on AO3, because some of them date to my several past lives on Livejournal and FFN. The only thing I’ll admit to in public is the fact that I started out in X-Files fandom in the late 90′s and early 2000′s. On AO3, what I’ve got represented is mostly POTO but also one Star Trek Lower Decks and one Team Fortress 2. The TF2 thing is a repost of something I originally wrote in 2011, can you imagine? Jesus! I’m old and dull
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Hard not to say when I’ve only got 6 on AO3! Christine Triumphant is definitely the frontrunner, and her sequel right behind. I am pleasantly surprised by how many people liked my crackfic on the sole basis of the cookie recipe that it included. I really hope that they made the recipe because it’s really fucking good you guys. Make the cookies. There’s no good reason to make oatmeal raisin when could just as easily make oatmeal cranberry.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I responded to absolutely everything up until I made friends in the fandom, and then I felt too self conscious to respond to everything THEY said just because, oh god, they know me, and I feel so seen, and it maybe hurts a little! Or maybe it hurts a lot! I love every stranger who comments, but when someone comments who ALSO knows stuff about my personal life, I don’t quite know how to formulate the phrase “thanks I love you” in a way that’s a tiny bit less cringey. I might never be able to. One day, maybe I will grow a new ability! That would be nice.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
As far as what’s already present on AO3 and not consigned to the dustbins of the 1990s? The thing I’m working on now, LOL! However, ! I wrote something pretty sad on anon which I plan to take un-anon during POTO Dark Week. I guess that’s the angstiest thing I’ve published to date. (Almost all the characters die LOL)
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I did. Back in the wild days, I did something that was technically a Doctor Who and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy crossover. However, I don’t think that is *really* a crossover given the fact that Douglas Adams worked on DW and crossed over both properties quite extensively in his own work. It was kind of a fun and funny story but I never actually finished it.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think the commenter meant it as "hate,” per se, but one person did really dislike an early relationship that one character had in one of my stories, simply because it wasn’t the same relationship that the character entered into once they were in the right time/space/age to actually have it consensually. So yeah if you were trying to parse that, they hated the Raoul/Christine relationship that was a healthy learning and growth experience before the eventual Christine/Erik. I mean, I get it, but what are the odds that you find your soulmate right out of the gate? It’s more than OK if you have another few relationships beforehand, and those relationships can also be important and meaningful in their own way. So when I got those comments I kind of have to laugh. But like . . . I also hope that people know it’s OK to mess around and not get it right the first time.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not published . . . yet . . . LOL. Working on it.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I have seen a sentence or two in other stories of the same fandom which made me think “HMMMM that’s a very specific thing to say” but the similarities ended there; and I can loan anyone a sentence until payday, it’s cool. You can take it.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and I was quite shocked and flattered that they offered. Someone translated my Star Trek Lower Decks story into Russian.
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I am a solitary creature and I deal very poorly with deadlines external from my day job. I don’t think I could hack it.
13) What's your all-time favourite ship?
All time? God, no. I love any pairing with chemistry. Certainly there are specific dynamics that I favor, and certain characters that I favor together for selfish reasons, but I’m quite sure that a good author could make any given character pairing work in a specific context.
14) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Anything I started writing in college and didn’t finish. Most of that was Doctor Who stuff. I remember being really drawn to a couple different eras of stories. The Second Doctor I loved, particularly Jamie and Victoria. I wrote something for them which I DID finish but would never re-integrate into my current activity. Secondly, I loved Ace for so, so many reasons. Apparently I started writing several stories which included Ace but which I never finished (I just looked through my old files and was impressed/horrified at what I’d started but never completed writing). And of course, because this is a property which deals with time travel, there was a BIG FIC which involved SO many Doctors and Companions from different eras . . . I got reasonably far for a Big Bang event, but never finished, and backed out of the event; that was like more than a decade ago so I don’t even remember quite what I wanted to do with it except love all the characters. I’ll definitely never return to this, but I’ll also never stop wanting to see all the characters happy in the end.
15) What are your writing weaknesses?
Uh I have so many weaknesses I don’t know where to start. I actually had a dream once that someone reviewed each chapter of my stories with a totally accurate critique of what was going through my mind at the time -- not like flames, more like “gee I can tell you had a harder time with this chapter” -- “wow I can tell you weren’t as inspired in this part, and you repeated a lot of the same adverbs as in previous chapters” -- etc.
My strength, on the other hand: I find it easiest to write dialogue, particularly contentious or bitchy dialogue. I’m sure that says too much about me but whatever
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Only if I’m fluent, baby. I’m not out here trying to fuck it up with false cognates.
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
The X-Files. This makes me feel so old.
19) What's your favorite fic you've written?
Man, I don’t quite know. Every written thing that’s come out of me has emerged under totally different circumstances from its neighbors. Each specific thing I’ve posted has at least a few sentences within it which I felt like HAD to be pushed out of my body onto paper/the screen, or else I had to scream them into the sky instead. At the same time, none of these things were particularly deep or meaningful; they were just a combination of words! I don’t actually expect anyone else to read them at all, much less to like them. They were just very specific details about imaginary humans interacting with each other, which felt meaningful to me at the time, and some of which had to do with processing feelings about something completely unrelated in my own life.
The concept of “favorite,” man! To be honest, there is some paranoid, anxious part of me that is scared that if I let “good” sentences out into the world for free, I’ll never again be able to generate “good” sentences in any other context . . . like there’s a finite reservoir of good-quality sentences that I can generate in my life, ever, and so if I let these go for free, I have less capital later on.
This is actually false. I’ve only found that since I’ve started dumping my writing out in the form of fanfic, I’ve started generating even more new ideas inside my arguably sick brainmeats. You DON’T have a finite reserve of resources. You only have to execute one thing at a time, and let that feed and  inform the thing that grows in your head afterwards. And in reality, it’s draughtsmanship: Practicing only makes you better.
20) Who do you tag?
I’m nobody!
Who are you?
Are you -- Nobody --too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
I’d say, apologies to Emily Dickinson, but I 100000% believe that she’d be a top tier fanfic poster if she had lived in our age.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 3 years
Writer Tag Game
I was tagged specifically by @sapphosewrites and generally by @cemetrygatess lol! Thanks! :D
I'm tagging @asgardian--angels, @ernmark, @xenobotanist, @conceptadecency, @philosopherking1887, @macneiceisms, @damnhardwork, but anyone can feel free to do this! (and tag me if you do so I can seeee!)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) vicarious 2) the spy who married me 3) latent attraction 4) if all our defenses come down 5) delavian chocolates (anything you desire)
So that’s... all of my completed longfics and the two one-shots I wrote for the Just In Time fest haha
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
YES!! I love comments, I love responding to comments, I love to know that someone has read my fic and had feelings about it, I love seeing what resonated with people about my story! I usually have thought about every word in my fics A LOT, so if someone picks out a sentence, I will try to tell them a fun fact or a dumb joke about it. XD 
For me one of the big appeals of writing fanfic is being able to talk to people about my writing and talk about these characters we all love!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
It’s probably ELIM’S THINGS: DO NOT OPEN!!! which is uhhhh hilarious given the extremely silly title hahaha! It’s the one that ends most ambiguously for Garashir in the actual text of the fic (but in the author’s note I do explain that it then would go on to be an actual happy ending... but I guess I only wanted to write the angsty part lol). I have some TRULY angsty-ending fics in the works, but I get sad when I work on them, so it’s slow going haha
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Hmmmm, maybe Kukalaka Hurt/Comfort? Or latent attraction? Hard to choose, because pretty much all of my fics have ridiculously happy endings haha
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Nope, not really! I wouldn’t mind doing crossovers with other Treks, I suppose, but, like, in general??? Why would I write a crossover when the holosuite is RIGHT THERE? lmao
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Unfortunately yeah.... but only on ff.net, like, over a decade ago. Back in those days it was typical to ask for constructive criticism in the comments, so MOST of the comments I received contained some amount of negativity, even if the commenter had good intentions, like... “remember, this is concrit, this isn’t a flame! <3 [a few paragraphs detailing all of the ways in which my fic is abysmally written]” (And there were also a handful of comments of the less nuanced “this fic sucks” variety.) At the time, I thought that soliciting concrit would help make me a better writer, but instead it eventually made me not want to write fic again for years and years, hahaha, WHOOPS! Lesson learned, don’t give blanket permission to internet strangers for scathing and VERY PUBLIC writing critiques when you are still a fledgling writer who is insecure about your work! XD
Anyway the Garashir fandom has been very kind to me with comments and I love you all! <3
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes! Writing smut is def a skill I need to work on. 
Idk what “what kind” of smut means? Usually the smut I write is more focused on the emotions, with the actions described as vaguely as possible? And usually it involves a human man and an alien lizard man going to town on each other? lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Wouldn’t mind it at all, though, that sounds cool!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet (unless we’re counting round robins?), but... @delicatetrashstranger and I have a great Killing-Eve-inspired Garashir AU that we intend to get serious about working on once she wraps up her amazing ongoing fic Keener Revelations.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I don’t like saying never when it comes to my WIPs haha
What are your writing strengths?
Coming up with comedic or interesting scenarios!  
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue lol... I have to have two characters convey information to each other verbally? And it has to sound like something they’d normally say? Wtf??? XD
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
No thoughts, head empty, star trek brand Universal Translator on...
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably HP?
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
latent attraction! I had so much fun writing it, and I think it turned out spectacular! I thrive in writing extremely fluffy scenarios with underlying mutual pining angst! ^_^
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alisinchainmail · 3 years
More from the crossover fanfic no one asked for but everyone's getting...
Kylo + Quinn: The Last Harlequin: Ch. 1.2
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[Gif sources: Part 1, Part 2]
Writers' favorite excerpt from Kylo + Quinn Chapter 1.2 of The Last Harlequin:
He exhales sharply through his nose and straightens. "My Knights of Ren detected you in our no fly zone. You didn't respond to our warnings we sent, so we mistook you for a threat."
She rolls her eyes, annoyed at the jab. "I guess I'm going to have to forgive you and your little Space Knights of Ni for not knowing who I am..." She does a flashy roundoff back handspring and flips over him so she's between him and her bat. "Harley Quinn, nice to meet ya." She extends her now uncuffed hand to the dark knight.
Overcompensating with stillness to hide that he's impressed with the stunt from an Earth girl, he looks down his nose at her hand. "Kylo Ren," he says quietly, giving her the decency of a reply. 
Harley withdraws her hand, slightly offended he still doesn't seem to have heard of her, "Never heard of me? The Cupid of Crime? The Maiden of Mischief? Princess... of Darkness." She trails off on that last one, unsure if she recently lost that title. "Formerly..." she corrects it quickly.
Kylo plays her game, "Leader of the Knights of Ren, Champion of the First Order, and Apprentice to Supreme Leader Snoke." He takes a step towards her, towering over her. She tilts her head acknowledging she has no idea what any of that really means, either.
"You're not part of the Resistance," he states more than asks. "However, the vehicle you stole has connections to the Rebellion. How?"
Clearly there's a lot of space politics that is not public knowledge on Earth. Why would Bruce Wayne be involved in space wars? He's probably friends with that Elon Muskrat. He's pretty sus with all that Space X shit.
She responds innocently, "Look, I just saw the thing in some local billionaire's driveway, and thought, 'Why not go for a joy ride?'" Kylo steps closer studying her expressions. Harley squints, "What?!" 
Kylo shakes his head, "The Empire has no use for you then. We'll decide what to do with you, or what remains of you, when we're done searching the vehicle."
Harley squints at him, gathering a pretty clear psychological profile from that golden threat of a response, his list of self-important titles, and his demeanor. It all screams of daddy issues.
If he wanted to kill her, he would've done it already. Is he her enemy or a potential new ally? How far can she push this guy before she finds out the hard way? 
She smirks and fires off, "So...you're building a crown-rule empire because daddy kicked you out. And you think this is a big fuck you, but in actuality it's a very misguided attempt to win back his respect." Kylo grips his helmet, and narrows his eyes at her.
Harley slowly steps back towards her bat, she looks at his mask grinning, "Daddy wanted a son, so now he has to hide behind a mask...I get it!" Kylo slams his helmet down on a sidetable next to him. This was too easy!
Harley continues, "Awh it's ok! I bet your mom still loves you. Mom's usually do... if they have the time to notice you through your desperate attention-seeking behavior." He looks in shock. 
She's really hitting a nerve with this guy. How is he so easy to read? "Or maybe you're trying to destroy the very thing that distracted her from you in the first place. Classic only child syndrome. She's part of this rebellion thing isn't she? Gotta love a rebel girl." Kylo lurches at her.
Harley lunges for the bat, but Kylo quickly raises his hand at it, sending it flying across the room. Harley looks at her empty hand, then across the room where it landed. What is he? Some sort of space wizard?
Harley shakes off her confusion, "Won't let me play with your toys? What would I expect from an only child with deep-seated father issues?"
Kylo yells, "Stop...TALKING," as he grabs at Harley. She dodges. Time to go all in.
"Tell me, what did dear old dad do to you? Or was it someone else? Got an uncle who paid some unnecessary visits to your bedside when mommy and daddy were away?"
Kylo clenches his fist and rolls his eyes. That was a hit. Harley taunts, "Awwhhh did I sink your battleship?"
"ENOUGH," he roars, grabbing a handle from his hilt and firing out a massive red flaming greatsword.
Harley stares at the new weapon in disbelief. "Come on! Lazer swords?! At least let me use my dinky baseball bat. I'm Little League compared to that!"
Co-Writer's (Brian) Notes:
I love this as an introduction to their relationship. Harley always has to get the last word in and Kylo is always struggling to keep his composure. Both their characteristics make them butt heads, and also is why they work.
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They’re always gonna have a back forth with their personalities. A yin and yang basically where he’ll constantly try and stay level and she’ll try to trip him up.
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Writer's (Alisin) Notes:
I like this part of the scene for their chaotic, impulsive energy playing off each other in different ways. Also for her first exposure to the world of Star Wars, which her inexperience with the world helps me get away with the fact I still haven't seen all of the Star Wars franchise yet and am newer to the fandom. We're sort of figuring out the world together.
I wanted them to be fairly evenly matched, which — much like with Rey— is Kylo's first experience with someone on equal ground like that, so it throws him off at first.
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Harley is skilled with getting in people's heads from a psychoanalytical standpoint, whereas Kylo uses more of a brute force approach later in the scene. Luke criticized the way the Knights of Ren use the dark side of the force as being unskilled "like a hammer". I bring that characterization into Kylo.
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Kylo wields his emotions and fighting style with a lot of intensity rather than precision and agility. In spite of his bloodline making him a more powerful force wielder, he can be quite clumsy with it. As though his power is greater than himself and the conflict he carries disrupts his clarity in his actions, while also fueling the power of the dark side through his raw emotion.
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With Harley, I like to keep her dancing in between both, since as a character she is more morally gray.
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Her weapons of choice are sometimes literal hammers but her fighting style and wit can be very fluid and agile, similar to the fighting styles of those who utilize the light side of the force. Her actions are impulsive, but not clouded in self-judgements. Without the Joker's influence, she knows herself well enough to have some faith that her impulses are in alignment with her fluid morality.
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And to bring it all back ti Brian's point:
Kylo is brute force like Harley’s weapon and she’s skilled and precise like a sword, his weapon. Neither will admit it but both could run into situations where the others methods work better. Harley has been forced to be chaotic in her approach for so long she’s sort of rebelling against it in her style. Kylo has been wielding the force like a hammer for so long that everything looks like a nail. This further adds to their yin and yang relationship dynamic and how they’ll be able to survive by adapting the others' strengths when they need them.
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[GIF Source: Part 1, Part 2]
Check out the full chapter on Wattpad: The Last Harlequin. For mature audiences only.
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Kylo and Harley's first meeting was originally going to be more simple, but then it just took a life of its own. This whole chapter was originally 4 parts for the Tiktok series, and now it's pushing 16 on Wattpad...and I'm still not done writing it. I have a drug trip scene in the works where they take an intense hallucinogen called Jabbawaska. Yes, this is how ridiculous the Wattpad gets. They're fun characters to write for and it's interesting to see how they bring new characteristics out of each other.
Episodes are currently being posted daily on Tiktok: @KyloQuinnCrossover. Chapter 1 exists in full on YouTube.
Part 1: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNHnKH/
Part 2: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNAJAE/
Part 3: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNGWTx/
Part 4: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNGwEn/
Ch.1.10 WP Promo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePN4pAy/
Ch.1.11 WP Promo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNPmUS/
Ch.1.12 WP Promo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePNsnY7/
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shiavanzin · 4 years
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💀  * [ timothee chalamet + cis male + he/him ] —— have you met zigmund ‘shia’ ivan vanzin? they are a twenty  year old junior currently studying political science. they live on decker house, and word around campus is that this gemini is witty + charming, as well as manipulative + self destructive. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. snorting lines off a priceless mirror, writing ancient runes in cigarette ash, the thrill of victory that accompanies a low ‘checkmate’. 
hello all, my name is pepper and i have never been on time for anything, ever, in my life so this is very on brand for me! that said, i am very excited to be here. shia is one of my favourite muses but because of his background it’s kind of hard for me to find places to play him, so i really jumped at the chance to be a part of this rp. that said, he is heathen so sdkjdsjk you’ve been warned, i suppose.
ABOUT THE MUN. fuck this *unfocuses my eyes*
fun fact about me, i’ve been working every day for the last ten days so i love that for me dkjdkj which is literally why me getting myself here was so chaotic honestly but i’m here i made it and we love to see it. honestly i am just a humble fergie enthusiast (patiently waiting for my girl to come back from her hiatus. any day now). i would die for a good aesthetic like pinterest owns my ass. i am big fan of the bachelor and specifically demi from the bachelor (demi from the bachelor if you are reading this i would like to hang out with you friday when i am free. please contact me if you’re able to hang out (on friday when i am free)). i am a huge superhero nerd. the first fanfic i ever wrote was a teen titans/danny phantom crossover and honestly? most ambitious crossover of all time, sorry endgame. i’ve never seen star wars or lord of the rings, and i’m okay with that. oh, and funnily enough i have never played chess which is about to be very ironic and i think that’s the perfect transition into shia’s bio.
BIO. child abuse tw, addiction tw, drug tw, and i think that’s it rip. 
(tldr literally just click the link in the second bullet point for a summary because that’s how shia grew up, with psychologist parents determined to make him a prodigy. he is technically a prodigy now as the youngest grandmaster in history. his family is weird and fucked up and cold blah blah blah takes a lot of drugs, drinks a lot of alcohol to cope with his messed up childhood blah blah blah went to boarding school for high school. oh, and there’s a meme of him. and that’s pretty much it.)
okay first of all here is shia’s pinterest board and here is his playlist, which is honestly just??? really messy and just filled with songs that remind me of him (like it doesn’t flow at all i’m pretty sure yk) so! yeah!
second of all, shia’s backstory is thoroughly inspired by a true story. like I legitimately found this (look at the early life portion to see what i’m talking about if you want but i’m about to explain it all below anyways) and was like !!!???? so yes, that’s how this mess was born (although i highkey think that gerard way got inspo from that family for the umbrella academy like??? that’s my little conspiracy theory. WHERE ARE THEIR ROYALTIES GERARD!)
Shia doesn’t remember life before he was adopted. Before he was Zigmund Ivan Vanzin, the fourth child of the carefully selected Vanzin 6. Honestly he’s not quite sure his life prior is of much importance, because things didn’t truly get crazy until after he was officially taken in by the Vanzin family at the tender age of two.
Shia and his five siblings were all part of an educational experiment carried out by their parents, Moira and Yakov Vanzin, in an attempt to prove that children could be trained to be prodigies if immersed in a specialist subject from a very early age. ‘Geniuses are made, not born’, was the tagline of their parents thesis, and the foundation on which Shia and his siblings’ entire childhood was based on. They would all be molded into prodigies, and they would be living, breathing proof of their parents achievements.
Because of the magnitude of their experiment, and Shia’s parents reputation (both of Shia’s parents was a very famous educational psychologists in their own right, and due to their fame, their experiment and their children were covered in magazines and newspapers worldwide. To this day a quick google search will lead you pictures of the Vanzin 6 growing up slowly on the covers of publications such as Times Magazine, Forbes, People, and of course a myriad of academic magazines as well.) they received heavy criticism at the time from some western media for ‘depriving the siblings of a normal childhood.’ But since all of the Vanzin children were born and raised in Russia, that criticism didn’t do much in the way of stopping them. Shia’s parents coolly ignored it all. They wanted to leave a mark. To change the future. And they both truly believed that their research would do that. They believed their work would completely revolutionize the way that children were educated, and that therefore, they would revolutionize the future.
And so the children were affectionately dubbed The Vanzin 6 by the media that wasn’t completely against the experiment. A cute little nickname smacked on what would normally be considered a child endangerment lawsuit. Sure, there were still those that protested, but their cries were quiet in comparison to the roars of the intrigued, of the curious, of the fans, because of course there were fans. So it goes without saying that Shia’s first photo op was when he was still in diapers. He smiled cheekily through the whole thing, in striking contrast to his siblings all staring empty eyed into the camera. Their lives were pretty much put on constant display from that point on, and honestly, at least in terms of Shia’s approach to photo ops, not much has changed on that front.
Shia’s parents educated their six children at home, each with their own specific subject to focus on. From the age of four, Shia, or Zigmund, as his birth certificate so lovingly displayed, (it should be noted that Moira and Yakov named all of their children after psychologists, and that Shia was simply unlucky enough to get Freud. So perhaps lovingly wasn’t the right word.) showed a talent for chess, and therefore that talent was ‘nurtured’. In other words, Shia was only allowed to live and breathe chess from the cursed day his chubby little fingers picked up a chess piece to, presumably, the day he died. If he wasn’t eating, sleeping, or doing his school work, Shia was playing chess. First he played against his father, and mother, and siblings and when that stopped posing a challenge, he got involved in official competitions. Those were somehow even less of a challenge, but granted, his siblings were being trained into geniuses. At first he played children his age, and then slightly older, and then much older, which Shia will admit, was the most fun. Even as a child there was just something about seeing a grown man go red in the face with frustration as he lost to a child. Something amusing. Something powerful. Admittedly, chess got old. But that specific red faced look never did.
Shia rose up the ranks slowly and steadily from then on, already creating quite a stir in the world of chess by the age of six. And considering this was what they wanted, you would think his parents would be proud. Thrilled even. However that was not completely the case.
For as long as Shia can remember his relationship with his parents had been more ‘professional’ than affectionate. To start, he and his siblings all called them both by their first names. Considering he was adopted, Shia would never know what his first word was, that memory was lost to him and kept only by the parents who didn’t want him enough to keep him in the first place. But even if he was born to Moira and Yakov, if the two were his flesh and blood, he knows with absolute surety that the first words to come out of his mouth wouldn’t have been ‘Mama’ or ‘Papa’. The two never referred to themselves that way, and they didn’t expect their children to either. Shia remembers with painful clarity first and only time he tried. Or rather, he remembers the stomach turning look of both confusion and contempt from Moira that followed the one time he tried. He never tried again.
His parents didn’t offer much when it came to what normal parents did he supposed. He didn’t receive much physical affection from them, or sugar coated words. They were their parents, yes, but they were also their handlers, and being raised with that emotional distance definitely had an impact on Shia’s psyche. All Shia wanted to do was impress his parents. Maybe get a good job, or a hug, or a smile. The kind of things he’d seen other kids get just for breathing, or using a toilet. But he knew his parents expected more. He knew they expected the best. So the only way he knew how to achieve his goal of attaining his parents affection was to work harder. To be the best he could at chess, the best anyone could at chess, and once he did that he knew his parents would reward him. He knew they would love him for taking the first step to make their dreams come true. When he was young he used to have dreams of that reward. Of how good it would feel to know they were proud of him. He imagined it feeling warm. And light, like he’d read in books. He imagined it feeling worth it.
Shia and his siblings were never the children that got asked that question, you know, the question that all children can relate to answering with bubbling wide eyed excitement. ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ The answer was laid out for them. It was decided before they even had a chance to think about it, and any time someone made the mistake of asking them the question, their parents  answered for them. She will be the world’s youngest prima ballerina. She will be a legend in the musical field. He will be grandmaster. No, dreams weren’t for the Vanzin children, so Shia’s kept his quiet. Kept it close to his heart where his parents couldn’t admonish him for being sentimental or fickle or any of the other large words they used that Shia was only instructed to look up in the dictionary. His dream of gaining their favour was his, and his alone. Shia learned very quickly in life to keep your cards close, and your heart buried.
And after years of hard work and dedication, and a lot of blood sweat and tears, Shia did it. He won. He finally beat everyone there was to beat, and at the youngest recorded age of ten to boot. Shia was officially the world’s youngest grandmaster. His record has still yet to be beat to this day. And that day, he looked to his parents, ready for them to run to him and shower him with the affection and praise he longed for. It didn’t take long for the ecstatic expression on his young face to fall.
The most Shia got was an approving nod from his mother from across the room. His father, for his part, was on a phone call. That was it. The crowd roared around him, and the audience clapped with the enthusiasm usually reserved for sports games and concerts. The reporters at the event stumbled over their words trying to communicate the record breaking event that they had just witnessed, from one of the lionized Vanzin 6. It was chaos, beautiful, celebratory chaos, all for Shia, but it was all a blur around him. He couldn’t see it. All he could see was Moira and Yakov, turning away from him and towards each other, whispering god knows what. He had their full attention for maybe all of a minute. They didn’t even smile.
(There is live video of Shia having his dream crushed right before his eyes. Recordings of it on youtube. How many people can say that, aye? The true power of celebrity. The gif of Shia’s shocked and empty expression amidst a crowd of ballistic celebration even became a meme at one point, a meme that Shia later bitterly used on occasion, because what was more powerful than using a meme of yourself? Than using your own pain for humour? Nothing, in Shia’s opinion.)
After Shia became grandmaster everything stopped. After all, there was nothing more to train him for. He had achieved his goal. He had won. And with his parents no longer focusing on training him and leaving him completely to his own devices, well, they stopped paying attention to him completely. Shia was all at once almost completely emancipated. The freedom of it all was freeing for all of a week. Then, Shia started to feel painfully invisible.
Prior to becoming grandmaster, Shia was quiet. Polite. Very calm, very observant, a bit distant and reserved for a kid, but no real red flags. Afterwards, however? After he felt like his parents no longer had any use for him, no longer had any anything for him, well Shia lashed out. Rebelled. Became louder, sharper tongued, more mischievous. He started acting out in hopes that they would give him some of the attention he so desperately craved, and while they did, none of it was positive. Shia quickly became the problem child of the Vanzin 6, somehow both his parents pride and joy as the first of their children to reach their goal, but also their greatest disappointment as the first one to turn against them.
Without chess to focus on, Shia turned to his siblings for entertainment. However Shia’s version of entertainment was never completely harmless. From a young age he had a habit of using people like chess pieces, of manipulating them and turning them against each other or towards each other for his own cheap entertainment. Shia could singlehandedly trick his siblings out of an argument when he was younger (or into an argument, when he was feeling particularly chaotic). He could trick the few peers he came across into simply giving him their toys or snacks, and trick bullies into leaving him alone a good amount of time too. It was both a gift and a curse, because people were never quite happy when they caught on. Most didn’t but the few that did were memorable in the violence of their anger. And besides, his parents never liked it. Shia would come home with an armful of toys that other kids ‘gave’ him and his parents would always force him to go bring them back, despite the fact that the Vanzin children were never really allowed toys of their own. The fact was, Shia’s moral compass was faulty. He never quite understood why what he was doing was wrong no matter how many times his parents tried to explain to him that people were not to be used as tools. Shia didn’t get how what he was doing was that much different from what they were. After all, weren’t Shia and his siblings nothing more than tools in his parents experiment? He asked them the question once. All he got for his efforts was a stinging cheek and a cold reminder from Moira not to be cheeky.
As Shia got older his rebellion got worse. In his defense, he was left unsupervised. While his siblings were busy with their training, Shia would be sneaking out to parties or bars or clubs. It was in those places that he was introduced to his first great loves. Drugs and alcohol. Moira and Yakov kept the Vanzin mansion dry as a monastery, so Shia had never even had a sip of beer before the age of thirteen. But the moment he did, he was a goner. Or rather the moment he got drunk he was a goner. There was something so beautiful to him about intoxication. So addicting, for lack of better word. When he was high, or drunk, or preferably, both, he felt happy. He didn’t remember his parents, or his responsibilities, or his failures, or even his successes. He was warm. And light. And content. Turns out he didn’t need his parents to make his dreams come true. Just a bottle of vodka and a line or two of coke.
After about a year of Shia coming home drunk or high or a combination of the two, eventually his parents couldn’t take it anymore (in the sharp words of Moira Vanzin, ‘Zigmund your behaviour is distracting your siblings from their training’) and sent him off to boarding school. Honestly, it hurt. His parents were basically getting rid of him because he was inconvenient, and he could never forget their out of sight out of mind approach to the whole thing.
Boarding school flew by in a mess of Riot Club like antics during which Shia did things like discover his bisexuality and somehow, against all odds, graduate. (TBH I wanna leave this pretty open in case there is any other boarding school kids who could have perhaps gone to the same school Shia did, so hmu if you have a boarding school kiddo.) He definitely attributes his acceptance to Holloway on his name completely, because honestly Shia was completely high when he wrote his college application, so high that he can’t even remember why he did it. He had no plans of going to college before that, but he figured... why not party in america and waste his parents money? What was stopping him?
So here he is, a whole mess in another country, and honestly he’s having the time of his life. Well, you know. Until people started dying. That isn’t ideal.
PERSONALITY. emotionally damaged, but make it sexy.
manipulative (we been knew) sometimes without really trying to be though. will manipulate people to get what he wants, but sometimes he just thinks of it like a nudge in the right direction. like he’ll manipulate a friend into talking to that girl they’ve had a crush on for half the year just because he wants them to be happy (and also he’s tired of hearing them talk about her)
selfish/self centered cause it’s just not?? his first instinct to think about other people’s feelings?? and it’s also kind of hard for him to empathize sometimes, especially if he’s never been in that situation or he doesn’t like KNOW and CARE about the person.
charming and charismatic, he’s got a great smile and he knows how to use it. also just very endearing if you don’t know him well, and even sometimes when you do. this is mostly a facet of him being very manipulative because he usually uses his charm to get what he wants, but still.
witty oof, this boy’s humour is inspired by klaus hargreeves and villanelle (what a duo,,, when will they meet) and he’s very rarely serious. always telling jokes, always pretty nudge nudge wink wink, even in very serious situations when he shouldn’t be. uses humour as a coping mechanism 100%, whether that’s at his own expense or someone else’s. honestly, can be kind of mean with it? like if anyone can go for the jugular with a joke it’s shia.
a big flirt honestly. will flirt with anyone he’s interested in, and will sometimes flirt without really noticing it? sometimes will flirt just for sport, or for fun, or to bug someone, or throw someone off. the type to flirt with his professor as a joke (why has he not been kicked out of here already) and has probably slept with a professor as a result. not really a player, but he enjoys physical intimacy and he knows how to get it. has been in more than a few relationships in the past, but is never very good at it because he’s almost constantly looking out for number one, aka himself. so? a mess basically.
vengeful, petty, spiteful, vindictive, all when angry or jealous or feeling as if he’s been wronged in some way but we been knew,,, we been knew.
rebellious !! still the type to suggest skipping town and partying instead of sticking around for exams. not really invested in school tbh. he has no idea what he’s going to do with his future.
a big superiority complex! cocky as hell! kind of acts like he’s the best thing since sliced bread because he was over praised as a child by like everyone but his parents. the type to think he ain’t shit deep down so he acts like he’s The Shit yk
craves love and intimacy but thinks romance is a sham. a big pessimist like ‘we’re all just floating on this rock life is meaningless we’re all gonna die anyways’ pessimist but kind of a realist tbh, he just doesn’t see the reason to sugar coat things unless ofc he’s manipulating someone then he’ll say whatever he needs to
trust issues, after his parents tbh. the only people he trusts 100% are his siblings and maybe a few close friends. i honestly may put in a wanted connection for his siblings at one point, but that’s for later.
HEADCANNONS. running for your life (from shia labeouf) he’s brandishing a knife (it’s shia labeouf)
a thick russian accent. speaks pretty impeccable english though because his parents tutored him in the english as a child. He also speaks a bit of french, german, and latin, and is currently taking mandrin chinese.
Is taking political science because he figures being a politician is just manipulating people on a larger scale, and he’d be right. However he’s not sure if that’s what he’ll actually end up going into. Honestly, Shia isn’t the slightest bit sure what he actually wants to do with his life.
His eldest sibling Jean was the one to give Shia the nickname ‘Shia’ after he confided in her that he’s always hated his name, and he’s gone by it ever since. His parents still call him Zigmund, and some of his siblings probably still call him Zig or Ziggy but like i said sdkdsk he has always hated the name (he does not want to be associated with the guy who invented the concept of the Oedipus complex). The only nickname he can stomach sometimes is Z, but other than that he’ll only accept Shia (or Shy to a select few).
was never raised with a television?? didn’t even go to a MOVIE THEATER until he was like fourteen??? so he has absolutely NO idea who Shia Laboeuf really is. People keep making jokes about it to him and he’s like ???? Honestly he googled him once and just gave up after thirty seconds, convinced people were fucking with him because this person couldn’t be real dlksdskld anyways yeah, knows next to nothing about a lot of pop culture, especially anything like before 2010, but has learnt a bit since coming out of his families little bubble. But there are still times where Shia’s like ??? what tf is that and someone’s got to explain what rolly polly olly is to him yk
Shia has a photographic memory, but honestly he doesn’t really care about it. In his eyes having a photographic memory doesn’t make you a genius, it just makes tests easier. Like to him it just means he doesn’t have to flip through his source material for quotes sdkjsdjk. It’s nothing exciting to him sdkdsk he skipped a grade because of it though but honestly?? All he really uses it for now is receipts like a little shit. Shia will legit be in an argument like “oh that wasn’t what you said in that text you sent to me at 4:45 on monday june 3rd 2017???” sdkjsdj. Occasionally he also uses it as a party trick, like if you give him a specific date he could probably tell you the newspaper headline on that day.
Has zero athletic skill. Absolutely none. Would one hundred percent lose in a fight, which is funny because he talks SO MUCH SHIT. He talks constant shit, and yet if you were to throw a punch at Shia he would go down like a rock. He doesn’t particularly care if he gets his ass beat though, so he continues to talk large amounts of shit, occasionally from a safe distance but usually not.
Honestly if you were to see him and his parents interact today it’d be wild, like you wouldn’t even know they were related. They literally act like strangers or acquaintances. Like it’s all like ‘Moira, Yakov, good to see you.’ and ‘You too Zigmund. I trust you’ve been well?’ and that goes on for like five minutes and then Shia has to hyperventilate in a corner for a bit. Like it’s so weird but it’s just been like that all his life. Normal healthy affection??? He doesn’t know her
Has a tattoo of a queen piece on the index finger of his left hand, as a little nod to what used to be his passion. Is also left handed.
Has a scar through his eyebrow that he got on a wild night out when he was thirteen. He got drunk and like passed out, and hit his head hit the edge of a table in the process. There was a lot of blood and a lot of panic, but in the end Shia only had to get a few stitches and he was very quickly back on his bullshit the moment he left the hospital. Literally, he went straight from the hospital to a house party (after all, it’s not like his parents even came to visit him and make sure he got home, so Shia simply did whatever he wanted to.)
Has a helix piercing in his right ear. It’s just a very basic silver hoop though.
His parents never really let the siblings have hobbies, but I imagine one of Shia’s siblings is a horse riding prodigy so he has some experience in that. One of them is a language prodigy, hence why Shia is conversational in so many. Jean, the eldest, is a musical prodigy and has lovingly taught Shia a bit of piano and violin. He is nowhere near as good at those things as he was at chess, but doing any of them reminds him of his siblings, so he tends to actually turn to them more often than chess. If I’m being honest I don’t think that Shia has played a game of chess since he became grandmaster unless forced to by his parents?
Mentally Shia knows he’s an adult now and that his parents technically have no control over him, but emotionally whenever they look at him he just… feels like that empty little kid again.
Tends to always have one of those travel sized bottles of vodka on him so if you’re feeling stressed hit your boy up.
Has honestly been rich since the day he was adopted, like literally has no idea how to function without copious amounts of money?
Shia is staying in the Decker dorms because he thrives on the chaos.
Definitely an addict, definitely high functioning though but also like? It isn’t a secret? I contemplated making it a secret but once again Shia has always got a travel sized bottle of vodka on him sdkjsd you can see him casually spiking his drinks if you’re ever out with him, he pops whatever pills he can find in his pockets in the morning. So yeah it is not a secret that Shia is an addict, he is rarely sober and that’s the way he likes it. Doesn’t consider himself an addict though, funnily enough.
WANTED CONNECTIONS. god we finally got here sjsdj if you got this far you’re the real mvp.
okay to start here is my wc tag for shia so i would absolutely love anything inspired by anything in that tag.
FRIENDS FROM BOARDING SCHOOL. i already talked about this a bit but i would absolutely love it so i’m mentioning it again sdjds i am really flexible about where shia went to boarding school, so literally wherever your muse went works for me. all i want is some dead poets society antics you feel me.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND. listen to me. i love childhood friend connections so much give it to me please and i will give you my first born child in exchange. again, shia grew up in russia, but it could be a long distance friendship if need be. we can make it work, i will literally change stuff around to make it work.
PREVIOUS ONE NIGHT STANDS. honestly shia would have multiple of these cause he’s a hoe. did he ghost your muse? did they mutually ghost each other? was it a one night stand gone wrong?
ENEMY. it’s so easy to hate him man. anyone who wants to hate him please feel free. did shia screw your muse over? did he manipulate them? did he i don’t know throw up on their shoes while particularly drunk? maybe shia was high when he did the thing they hate him for, maybe he doesn’t even remember but he just hates them cause they hate him. it’s the principle of the thing really. (me in my head: *junie b jones vc* princiPAL cause he’s your PAL). unreasonable completely baseless hate for no reason at all? 
FLIRTATIONSHIP. a fun ‘will they, won’t they’ kind of situation because why not. what’s stopping us. just fun banter on both ends. 
EXES. shia doesn’t date so he wouldn’t have too many of these but it would be fun. maybe their relationship was toxic because of shia’s toxic ass traits skjdsj maybe things were getting real and shia dipped like the coward he is. maybe it’s was a the colonel x sarah esque relationship where no one got it because they both seemed to hate each other the whole time and they very much did hate each other but were dating anyways. maybe it’s maybeline. 
FWB/EWB. honestly this is more shia’s speed, so he’d probably have more of these as well as ex-fwbs/ewbs, which is such a fun concept. did it stop because someone caught feelings? or did they just get bored of each other? some other reason? but okay, back to the point, yes sexy enemies. sexy friends. we love to see it. 
HIGH SOCIETY. someone he gets fucked up with! multiple people he gets fucked up with! they party together, drink together, do lines together. it’s a beautiful relationship of them all enabling each other. 
GOOD INFLUENCE. counter actively. someone who tries to get shia away from his self destructive tendencies. someone who’s door he comes knocking at when he’s black out drunk because he knows they’ll give him a place to sleep. Someone he calls when he ends up in butt fuck nowhere with no shoes after a crazy night. Also, as wild as it is, flip it, where Shia’s hypocritical ass cares about your muse enough to try and take care of them. High off his ass but still trying to stick his fingers down their throat so they don’t get alcohol poisoning. They text him when they’re ‘going home’ when they were pre-gaming at their house in the first place. Shia is very ‘you would die without me’ about this person.
BAD INFLUENCE. shia is the devil kronk on their shoulder. he tempts them to the dark side with promises of a good time, and he delivers thank you very much. 
A DRUG DEALER. i mean??? i’m ngl shia i very dependent on drugs, so he would probably keep this person close and do his best to keep them happy.
SOMEONE SHIA CHEATS FOR OR CHEATED FOR. maybe shia did their homework or took a test for them, all for an ominous ‘you owe me’?
SOMEONE SHIA SCREWED OVER. he does this all the time so yeah there can be multiples of this skjsdj shia is honestly like genuinely loyal to only a few people, so there are probably more than few people he left in the dust to save his own skin. maybe he saw the cops closing in on a party and left your muse for dead! or whatever else yk.
ANNOYANCE. it’s shia he’s the annoyance. 
okay i think that’s all i’ve got, and if you made it all the way down here you’re??? an icon??? wow, i really can’t believe. please like this if you want to plot and i will come running!
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edgy-ella · 4 years
Future Smash Memes: An explanation
As I’m sure most of you following this blog are aware, I run a smash bros meme blog called Future Smash Memes. I’ve been updating this blog daily since mid-December, and people seem to like it. As I’m writing this, the blog has over 500 followers. That’s crazy! Never did I think that my stupid little meme blog would get this popular.
However, with that surge of popularity comes a lot of new viewers who may not be in on the joke. I get a lot of questions asking something along the lines of “what is this blog about?” So instead of continuing to answer these questions individually, I’m going to make a long post here that I can redirect to in the future. I’m keeping this off the Future Smash Memes blog so as not to “break character.”
The entire joke behind the blog is that all of these are jokes from the future that we don’t get because they haven’t happened yet, but they could theoretically happen (or it’s fun to think that they could, anyway). I make a lot of memes about scenarios for “Subspace 2” because a lot of people really, really want to see another big story mode in smash again in the same line as Subspace Emissary from Brawl. Fans like to see their favorite characters from different franchises interact with each other, that’s pretty much the main reason that crossovers are popular to begin with. In the context of Smash, we almost always see these characters interact with each other by beating the ever loving shit out of each other. That’s all well and good, it’s a really fun game, and Smash is already brimming with fanservice (no, not THAT kind). But lots of fans crave something a little more; especially so when you compare Smash to other big crossover games and even to itself through SSE. So, I’m happy to deliver. Also, it’s a lot easier for me to make memes about subspace 2 rather than memes about the future competitive scene since I’m not super competitive with Smash to begin with.
With all that said, the most common question I get concerning this blog is this:
“Are your Subspace 2 memes all based off of a fanfiction?”
The short answer is NO, they’re not. The long answer...
While these memes are all technically a big fanfiction in and of themselves, I’ve never produced said fanfiction in any other form, be it literature or a fan game or an animation or whatever. I did think about writing down some little “short stories” surrounding the context of some popular memes, but ultimately decided against it. I think that writing this all would kind of kill the fun because people like to look at these memes and speculate how exactly they would come to pass. Writing it all down as a big fanfic would ruin that (and make the blog just feel like a promo for some shit Smash Bros fanfic, for that matter). It would just make the whole thing feel too fanfic-y something that I’ve tried very hard to avoid. There’s also the fact that I don’t really have a big plot structure for this all in my head, just some certain segments and story beats. For the most part, I’m making it up as I go. I do try to maintain some level of “canon consistency,” but it’s not my priority when making these memes. I apologize if that’s a disappointment to some of you.
That being said, while I still have everyone here, I’d like to take this time to continue to break character and answer some more common questions.
“Did you come up with the idea for ‘future’ memes yourself?”
No. Plenty of people have posted “future smash memes” or “alternate timeline smash memes” in the past on Twitter, Reddit, and even here on Tumblr. It’s even got it’s own KYM entry (though unfortunately, I’m not on there). I think that I am the first person to let out a constant stream of these at a consistent rate, though. I don’t own the concept, if you want to make your own “future meme” blog, you don’t have to ask me.
“What program do you use to make your memes?”
Some of the really early memes were made in Kapwing and Imgflip, but aside from that all of them were made in Photoshop.
“Why so much JoJo?”
JoJo already has a lot of memes to pull from and is known for its strange, out of context moments. It’s a prime target for meme templates. Also, Sakurai himself is a JoJo fan, so there’s some plausibility that a Smash story mode would have some JoJo references. It’s also my current hyperfixation so there’s that too.
“Why don’t you make memes about non-video game characters in Smash?”
I feel like a broken record every time someone asks me this. Sakurai has, at every opportunity, rejected the idea of having non-video game characters in Smash and I 100% agree with his reasoning. Even in the context of this, a future meme blog, I don’t want to see non-video game characters in Smash. For anyone interested in my more in depth thoughts on the matter, please go here.
“Why do you answer some of your asks with a block of glitchy Zalgo text?”
Whenever I do that, it’s because I either think it’s funny or because I don’t want to comment on how real people (like voice actors) are involved in Subspace 2. The block of text says “The information you are looking for is protected by the TTA. For your own safety, this information is being withheld from public knowledge in your timeline as making it accessible to all could put your timeline at risk of a paradox.”
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m-feys · 4 years
for the fandom ask thing: ima be super predictable but im curious for your answers 😂😂 torchwood, janto, ianto
kjashdkjahsd thank you anon!!!! :D i got another ask with torchwood so im gonna answer that on that one and do janto and ianto for this
When I started shipping them: ooh this one is a little tricky bc i first encountered janto in doctor who fic, i hadnt watched torchwood at that point but i wanted fics about jack, so it comes with the territory. I think i was very sort of shocked by their kiss in cyberwoman and about the moment in they keep killing suzie cause how those happened so abruptly sort of took me kind of off gaurd, like i knew jack and ianto would be a thing but i didnt know how it would come about? I think i really started shipping them in captain jack harkness, when ianto said ‘jack needs me’ that just cemented their relationship for me and in end of days when Ianto was the one jack was holding onto.
My thoughts: they deserve to be happy!!! but really, this is just such a good ship, it really has everything, betrayal, reunions, the always tragic immortal/mortal, friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers. jack and ianto were unfortunately left with so much never resolved about their relationship, but they have a lot of depth to how they interact and there’s a lot of room for fans to make it their own
What makes me happy about them: they’re just really understanding of each other, like its canon they both have a hard time communicating but you can see they both give each other room in their relationship but still support one another
What makes me sad about them: its obvious that ianto’s death makes me really sad but more than that it’s the fact that he died so quickly, ianto and jack should have had 60-70 years together. its what they deserved. but jack will remember him no matter what
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: ianto so often gets forced into the more “submissive” role in the relationship, its so weird and it makes me really uncomfortable...
Things I look for in fanfic: communication. i love it when jack and ianto acknowledge their relationship, thats all, canon tried to deprive us of that, but no. fanfic comes thru
My wishlist: not??? entirely sure?? what this means??? I wish they hadn’t done a bury-your-gays with ianto
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: gonna say lisa for ianto, and for jack, eeeeh, idk, the doctor? not even like romantically, but as a life partner. I wouldnt mind if jack and the doctor traveled around together forever
My happily ever after for them: they get an house they decorate themselves and its all old antiques jack has has forever and random junk they accumulate together, along with iantos choice of curtains and carpet because, “no, jack, we will not be getting shag carpets in the house, I dont care if its great for sex, I don’t care if it was all the rage in the seventies, we’re not having shag carpets” also towels because ianto just has particulars about fabrics. they paint the walls themselves and end up covering in paint after jack smears it on ianto’s face and of course he retaliates. They’ll have house plants and at some point a case leaves loose ends and the end up adopting a kid. and ianto dies of old age and jack will remember him forever
oops that got long haha, but now ianto
How I feel about this character: I really love ianto!!! hes such an interesting character and he’s also just a lot of fun, like this “normal” young man who’s wrapped up in this strange organization but hes so good at what he does and on the outside he seems so unmoved by it all but he really feels so much, hmm i love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Jack of course!!! and Lisa as well, the two people he loves dearly.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Tosh and ianto’s friendship is my favorite!!! i wish we got to see more of them, i love them both so much
My unpopular opinion about this character: hmmmm, I wish people would appreciate ianto’s character a bit more for how strong he is and how much he’s overcome rather than just how traumatized he is. because yes, he’s canonically suicidal and he’s been through so much and he’s pretty young, but like, he also came out of it, and he carries it with him but he’s learned how to carry it, you know?? idk
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish his sexuality had been explored further, i know it has in some of the audio dramas but within the show i wish they had better acknowledged his attraction to men with someone outside of jack.
Favorite friendship for this character: oh oops i already said tosh up top, but i do consider tosh and ianto to have more of a brother/sister vibe anyway so for friendship i will say martha!!! i love her and ianto’s interactions, it would be nice to see them confide in each other about all kinds of stuff
My crossover ship: i have no idea, what would i even cross over with torchwood (im not gonna count doctor who as a crossover theyre the same thing basically) buuut, um, maybe ill cross it over with star wars and ship him with mando from his show, bc that would probably be cool, theyre both the type to be really tender in private moments and super distant in public so they’ll be cool with each other, and they’re both super dedicated to the people they love
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korora12 · 5 years
Tagged by @corisanna
1. What is your favorite relationship type to write/read? Romantic, platonic, familial, and any subtypes.
I like romantic relationships that don’t rely solely or primarily on physical attraction, but instead on a deep similarity between the two characters. I like when two people meet eyes and realize that “You understand me. You get me better than anyone else I’ve ever met, and I feel less lonely knowing that someone else sees the world the same way I do.”
2. How much or what kind of research do you do for your fiction? If you don’t write, has a fic ever made you curious enough to research something?
Only as much as is necessary. I usually use research as a springboard for inspiration when I hit a block, letting myself wander the fields of Wikipedia until I stumble upon something that knocks the block loose.
Of course, sometimes I research stuff just for fun, with no relation to my writing whatsoever, until some random point down the line where it suddenly does and I’m super happy I already know [Random Fact #237].
3. What was the first work of fiction you remember becoming completely engrossed in?
Hmm. Probably Animorphs. I remember doing everything I could to hunt down the numerous books in the series (back in the ancient, pre-Amazon Prime days). I’d prowl the various school and public libraries near me, ask for specific books in the series for Christmas and birthdays, and even buy the occasional book at the yearly Scholastic Book Fairs, using what little money I got for an allowance.
I made it most of the way through the series, but then there was one book, near the end, that I couldn’t find, no matter how hard I looked. And it was an important, plot-changing, book that I had to read before continuing. Which meant I never actually finished the series.
Of course, nowadays you can find them all online as pdfs. Maybe I should revisit the series sometime and finally finish it. I already know how it ends, but I still feel like those last few books deserve to be read.
4. What work(s) had a lasting influence on you or your writing style?
Going back to Animorphs again. There is a straight-line connection between me reading that series as a child, through my elementary school friends Brooke, who was obsessed with dogs, and Caitlin, who was even more obsessed with dolphins (I used to find pictures of dolphins in magazines and cut them out just to give to her), through my Grandma’s love of science, all the way to my decision to study Zoology in college. If I had never read those books, I wouldn’t have developed the passion for animals and animal behavior that has shaped my life for over two decades.
Also, stylistically speaking, I really respect that series for how it treated its readers. Its target audience was grade schoolers, and yet it never shied away from showing the realities of violence and war. I don’t know that I’ll ever write children’s literature, but I’ll always have this series to remind me of what kids are capable of understanding and handling.
5. What kind of sound environment do you prefer for writing/reading? Silent, white noise, music with/without words, sitting in a public place with the ambient noise of humanity, etc.
Depends on how well my brain is cooperating. Pure silence is ideal, but more often than not there’s some manner of song stuck on repeat in the background of my mind, and the only way to drown it out is with non-lyrical music of some sort. Usually I try to pick songs that match the mood of whatever scene I’m trying to write.
6. Are you or do you like authors who are teases, in story or out?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m a big fan of the Death of the Author trope, so I tend not to get too worked up by whatever the author may be saying and just let the story speak for itself.
My first instinct is to say that an author shouldn’t worry too much about what their fans think and should write the story they want to write, and it will find readers that appreciate it. However, I recognize that the nature of serial online writing, such as fanfiction, changes the game a bit. Such authors have a much more immediate, direct connection with their readers than authors who release one or two physical books every year or so. Some authors take that to an extreme, turning stories almost into a dialogue with their readers, each new chapter in some way defined by how people reacted to the previous one. And that doesn’t even touch on Quests, a type of story on forums sites such as Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity that require player input on a regular basis to continue. In these types of situations, I can hardly blame an author for playing with their readers heads a bit. The reactions they have can be a form of entertainment all their own.
7. Have you ever experienced a “the characters write themselves” or “character rebellion” mental state?
Not yet. For the time being, I remain in complete control of my universes, but I recognize the hubris of assuming this to be a permanent state.
8. Do you have a favorite franchise crossover? Like Bleach/Harry Potter, Madoka Magica/Card Captor Sakura, etc.
I don’t know if I have a particular favorite. I was really fond of Secret Trio for a while, which is Danny Phantom, American Dragon Jake Long, and Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja. I’m still very fond of the Disney/Square Enix megacrossover that is Kingdom Hearts, despite being very disappointed in the most recent game in the series. Then there’s Kino’s Journey/Anything, mostly because I love Kino’s Journey, and I love seeing her response/reaction to various other worlds.
Also, Stargate/Anything. The only reason I ever started watching the show was because I’d read several different fics, all in different fandoms (Avatar, Yu-Gi-Oh, Star Wars, Naruto), and all of which crossed over with Stargate. Despite the similarities, both being sci-fi stories set around the turn of the millennium involving mind-controlling aliens, I’ve yet to see a good Stargate/Animorphs crossover. It’d be pretty easy to do, too. There’s a point in the Animorphs series where they decide to bring knowledge of their guerrilla war to the attention of the US government. If they’re already in the Stargate universe, I’m sure the president will quickly pass the problem along to the experts, and suddenly you’ve got the perfect setup of adults who think they know how to handle the problem, are mostly right, and don’t want kids fighting in a war, vs child soldiers who have no intention of giving up the fight so near its end, even if the adults are more competent than they expected.
I’m gonna have to write it myself, one of these days, if no one else gets around to doing it.
9. Do you remember anything about the first fanfic you ever read?
Two Halves by DameWren. My first fandom was Naruto, and my first fanfic was a NaruHina fic that both introduced me to the concept of fandom, and also sold the ship for me in a way that I’ve never shaken. I remember very little beyond that, except that it managed to correctly predict that Naruto would go on a training trip, despite being written before such an event happened in canon.
10. Is there a work of fiction that you are annoyed doesn’t have much if any fic? Like Bizenghast.
Kino’s Journey, Cowboy Bebop, Double Arts (just never got enough attention in general)
11. What fictional character do you strongly identify with?
Weiss Schnee, from RWBY. While I’ve never been accused of being rich, I am a middle child with a much older sister that cut ties with the family when I was young and a younger brother that I never got along with while growing up. My parents were also abusive, my father physically and both of them emotionally, and they taught me a number of unhealthy ideas about race, amongst other things, that I’ve had to put serious effort into unlearning. And I have, since becoming an adult, traveled long distances across the world, partially for my own benefit, and partially to distance myself physically from a family I’ve never felt particularly close to, resulting in a drastic personality shift that took a couple years to complete, but ultimately left me a very different, and much better, person.
So, yeah, Weiss is basically my favorite RWBY character, and one I really need to write more often, all things considered.
That was fun! I’ve never been tagged in anything like this before. My turn for questions!
1. What is your the most recent fandom you’ve gotten involved in? Have you made any content for it?
2. Do you have a favorite AU/plotline that you love regardless of fandom (ie. Peggy Sue, Coffee Shop AU, Space AU, Self-Insert)? What about it do you like?
3. If you write, how do you go about deciding a character’s sexuality? If not, do you ever have any sexuality headcanons for characters?
4. What’s the longest fanfic that you’ve ever read, beginning to end?
5. How often do you make something you’re proud of? Doesn’t have to be writing, just has to be something that wouldn’t exist if you hadn’t made it yourself.
6. What are your opinions on OCs in fanfiction?
7. What is your favorite storytelling medium (ie. television, written word, spoken word, video games, song, etc.)?
8. What was the last song you had stuck in your head, and what was it about?
9. Do you prefer reading/writing stories set in fictional worlds, or stories set in the real world/real world analogous (ie. Supernatural or Marvel Comics)?
10. If you could bring one fictional character into the real world, who would it be and why?
11. Pick your favorite of the questions I was asked to answer for yourself.
I just realized that I don’t know how many of my followers are writers. I guess @hunkygoddess @tmifangirl21 @queendarktigress @ladyvallhalla @i-mushi @xekstrin @shinobicyrus and anyone else who sees this and might be interested. No pressure, it’s just for fun!
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misssugarpinkshome · 5 years
Author Interview
Note: Apologies to Mobile Users for the amount of links.
Note 2: I’ve mentioned a bunch of times my Alt Account on Ao3 and FiMFiction. I’m not saying the name of my Alt Account because it’s a Public Account and I don’t particularly care for MissSugarPink to have anything to do with that other account. Thanks.
Tagged by the almighty @tricktster
Interview under the break (there’s a lot of links sorry)
Name: MissSugarPink here and on Ao3, Miss Sugar-Pink on [NSFW] FiMFiction [NSFW] (though I’m planning on deleting that abomination of a past soon), and another username on Ao3 and FiMFiction that I won’t share here.
Fandoms: Undertale, Homestuck, and still a little MLP. I recently fell in love with Dragon Prince but I’m not big on writing anything yet. I also wrote a omgcheckplease fiction not long ago.
Where You Post: Ao3 mostly for this account, FiMFiction for my other account.
Most Popular Oneshot: Unfortunately, going by hits/views, that’s my MLP Porn Fic, Heat Of The Moment, with 4,280 views. A sordid past leads to unfortunate outcomes. Going by likes/kudos, however, it’s my omgcheckplease fiction, The Story of How Derek’s Entire Wallet Ended Up in the Sin Bin, with 240 Kudos!
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Fic: By hits/views, that’s What’s Keeping You Here, my Sans/Male Reader Undertale fic that I adore with all my heart, racking up 11583 views! By kudos, however, it’s my other gay fiction, Dave: Tell Him About The Quadrant(s), a Homestuck Dave/Karkat with 734 kudos!
Favorite Story You’ve Written: This is so so hard. The fact is, I hate everything on the FiMFiction, but I love mostly everything on the Ao3. I think my favorite experimental piece on MissSugarPink’s account is torn between What Makes It Worthwhile?, which is a Homestuck/Undertale crossover (with a sequel coming someday, I promise) that just... I still go back and reread it from time to time, and then White Light, the Gaster (tm) fic I have. But in terms of fics I just adore that are normal? What’s Keeping You Here takes the cake.
Fic You Were Nervous To Post: All of them, always, at all times. Always anxious that I’ve done something W R O N G and will immediately die from being awful. But the fact of the matter is, even the ones I’m most worried about (I think it’s Skeleton Song in this case) still get views and comments. Just... not many.
How You Choose Your Titles: The titles used to be easy little “ah yes let us use a song lyric”. To be frank, I’m still in that cliche world, and hey, I love it. But I think my favorite titles are the other cliche I use - The Character Says The Thing. In my favorite fictions, the title is a meaningful thing the character says. [Fun fact: In What’s Keeping You Here, the chapter titles all answer the question the title presents! There’s your extra bonus content for the day!] But yeah, I’m a slut for symbolism.
Do You Outline: Uh yeah sometimes but also how do you define Outline? I like to put down all my ideas of “I kinda want this to happen.” on paper. Then, I organize them into a logical progression, like “oh yeah I should probably have Twilight BUILD that Mecha before she uses it to destroy Nightmare Moon” or something. And as the story goes on, I tend to add new things, because the characters do something different than I originally anticipated. It’s fun! But awful for planning.
Complete: Heat of the Moment, What Makes It Worthwhile?, The Story of How Derek’s Entire Wallet Ended Up in the Sin Bin, Skeleton’s Song, and 10 Requests.
Incomplete/In Progress: Ew gross never working on the MLP porn again, Run To You, Palemates, 30 Minutes, Dirty Night Clowns, Dave: Tell Him About The Quadrant(s), Close To You, White Light, Undertale: Lyrical Journey, about 5 Requests, and What’s Keeping You Here.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I’m also gonna interpret this as “completed but sitting in drafts because you’re still not satisfied with the random ass idea you had.” Old Friends, Unbridled Emotion, Untitled UnderMafia Fic, Untitled UnderSwap Fic, What Do You Meme (A COBC FAN FANFIC SAY WHAT OH DANK), Scars, Untitled Undertale/Moana Crossover Fic, Untitled Undertale/Heathers the Musical Crossover Fic, What Makes It Worthwhile? Second Chapter/Fic, Memories Of The Past, Opposite Day, Responsibility, I Do It For Love, An Ending, Cracked, But It Refused, Face The Sun, The End, Black Parade, Apartment Number 17776 (a 17776 fiction), Blinded By Love (a Miraculous Ladybug fiction),  a FNAF Musical, and The Origin of the Harmony Gyms (a Pokemon Go Fic). Not all of these would end up on MissSugarPink if I posted them though. Some would go to my alt.
Do You Accept Prompts: Sure, but read up on my rules first. Also I think I’m gonna make a FAQ for this blog, so you’ll be able to read the rules there too. Requests are on Ao3!
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: I think it has to be What Do You Meme, or else the second chapter of What Makes It Worthwhile?. I’m also really excited for my personal story, which is called Simplicity Shatters. I have a blog for it actually! Check it if interested.
Tagging: nah
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clarislam · 5 years
Writing Progress as of August 26th, 2019:
“Finding The End” Writing progress:
I would say, in terms of overall main plot, that I’m about 75% done for the first draft. My goal: Finish the first draft by the end of this year! The question is: Will I ever get to the end?
Other Original Fiction Writing Progress:
Working on a short story to submit for possible publication.
Fanfiction Writing Progress:
1. Chapter 15/THE FINALE of my The Last Story fanfic, “Friction,” is coming TOMORROW!
THANK YOU to everyone who’s read and supported this fic so far! I’m excited to post the finale of this fic tomorrow, and I hope you all enjoy reading it! 
Catch up with “Friction” so far on Fanfiction.net or Archive Of Our Own!
2. A follow-up oneshot to my Bravely Default/The Last Story crossover,“Empire Knights and the Council of Six,” is in the works.
It’s still in progress. I still don’t know when this will be posted, but hopefully sometime during September.
Read “Empire Knights and the Council of Six” on Archive Of Our Own or Fanfiction.net!
3. A sequel to “A Different Sorceress” will be posted later this week or early next week!
More of The Sorceress/Arganan is coming up, and the official title is “A Different Kingdom.” I hope you all enjoy reading it!
Fun fact: I started writing the sequel halfway through writing the first fic.
Want to see Arganan and the Sorceress’ first fic? You can read “A Different Sorceress” on Fanfiction.net or on Archive Of Our Own!
4. The follow-up fic to “Down The Rabbit Hole” is in the works!
I’m not sure if this will become a super-long oneshot or a multi-chapter fic yet, but it’s definitely in progress. Not sure when I’ll start posting the first chapter or so, but when it comes, I hope you all enjoy reading it!
Read “Down The Rabbit Hole” on Fanfiction.net or Archive Of Our Own!
I hope you all look forward to reading more of what I have in store!
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jkl-fff · 6 years
5 The Hierophant, 8 Strength, 9 The Hermit, 10 Wheel of Fortune, 12 The Hanged Man and 14 Temperance.
5 The Hierophant– I suppose the traditions with which I have the deepest connection are therather silly but fun ones that seem to be quite specific to my family. 
For example, even though “International Talk like a Pirate Day” (Sept 19th)is allegedly something celebrated around the world (it isn’t; it’s totallyparodic, but go big with your ambitions or go home, right?), I’ve never knownany group other than my family to actually dedicate a day to talking likepirates. Also, apropos of pirates, whenever someone achieves some sort ofvictory (say, when my lawyer family members win a trial, or when someone nailsa public speaking event, or when my sister-in-law sells a painting, etc.), wehoist a Jolly Roger on our flagpole.
Likewise for “Black Cat Appreciation Day” (Aug 17th), when we feedour 5 cats (all black) special wet food, make them wear little hats, and havethem dance.
And, in particular, there’s “Black and White Days” (the week of May 15th)which serves as a kind of family reunion on my mom’s side of the family (Iswear, it’s not racist! It’s a festival for Holstein cows, because she comesfrom Cache Valley in Utah, where dairy is the basis of the local economy! It’sbeen going on for literally over 100 years.). We do a barbecue and watch the town’sparade.
8 Strength – Youmean I only get *one* subject to go on about for hours?! But I could blatheraway about *so many* different things! 
Critical Literary Theories (especially those related to gender and sexuality)and how they’re based off of and apply to real life—they ain’t some “IvoryTower Academic” bullshit, but real and meaningful methods through which toexamine and freakin’ improve the world!
Story-telling and writing, including the hows and whys of various techniques toimprove a person’s competences in both! Complete with examples both classic andcontemporary, esoteric and popular, of instances where it fell flat or shoneforth!
Animation and Video Games and Graphic Storytelling, and how rich and valuablethey are as individual artforms in their own right (they’re not specific*genres*, for all 79 hells’ sake! do we consider “film” to be a specific genre?no, it’s a mean to convey different stories in different genres!)! I swear, Icould RANT FOR A SOLID WEEK about how ludicrously unfair it is that they’redisdained and belittled as “kids’ stuff” when, quite frankly, in many waysthey’re way more advanced than standard “live action” cinematography orconventional novels!
9 The Hermit – Asof right this moment, what I like best about myself is how my reflexive habitof analyzing most everything critically is making me both a smarter and a morecompassionate person. 
Like, of course, I don’t see *everything*; I miss a heckof a ton and still have more ingrained prejudices than I’d like, sometimes evenstuff that seems surprisingly obvious once pointed out to me … But what I dosee has made me more aware of the suffering of others, and more driven to begentle with them because of it. Also to dismantle the societal structures thatperpetuate needless suffering.
And when something new is brought to my attention, I try to ponder over it andbecome more educated about it. I like this trait about myself, and wish it wasmore common than it seems to be.
Also, my hair. It’s freakin’ FAAAAAB-U-LOUS!
10 Wheel of Fortune– No matter how much changes in my life, I find I can always count on myimmediate family. I’m extremely lucky in that regard.
And I can always come back to some really engaging stories, too. Final Fantasy9, 10, and Tactics, for example; Gravity Falls and Steven Universe, The LastUnicorn and ParaNorman; Terry Pratchett’s novels, Balzac, Alexandre Dumas …Those will always be there for me.
12 The Hanged Man– This one is a bit trickier to answer, because it feels like all the majorparadigm shifts in my perspective (regarding philosophy, religion, politics,social justice, and all big similar issues) happened a few years ago. Anythingsubsequent to those—anything more recent than those—feel like simply anexpansion and application of those ideas, in a way.
However, one thing that tumblr in general has helped me to learn is that fanficand fanart and fandom in general … really do exist only for the fun of thefans. Kind of an obvious realization when said out loud, right? Yet my attitudeto crossovers and self-inserts was dramatically different when I first got ontumblr several years back.
It also has helped me to nuance my understanding of queer identities andsexualities, to broaden my appreciation and acceptance of them.
14 Temperance – If we’re talkingabout me personally (meaning what *I* cannot indulge in safely), then theanswer is alcohol and other drugs, whether they be stimulants or depressants. 
Because of my Depression and my Anxiety, I’m constantly trapped in my own headand fighting not to spiral down. As a result, the idea of something that couldremove me from myself is … intriguing. Downright tempting, in fact. Like, *not*feel the heaviness or the emptiness that I do feel all too often? Or *do* feela rush of energy and elation (ecstasy, anyone? ba-dum-chee!), or a long anddreamy haze of felicity? Who wouldn’t want that?
But all of those substances are wretchedly addictive, and I’d lose myself tothem far too easily. So I can’t risk indulging in them, not even once.
In addition, I can’t really safely indulge in existentially depressing storiesfor too long at a time, or I start getting all … what’s-the-point-of-it-all angsty.Even when the stories are ones I enjoy full of comedy, albeit dark comedy, like“Bojack Horseman” or “Rick and Morty”. 
Thanks for the asks!
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sandstonesunspear · 7 years
Writing questions
I got tagged by @crimsoncat21
1) How many works in progress do you currently have in progress?
Urk, way too many. Currently working on Grimstone Manor right now because I'm determined to get it done before Finals start up. Whether or nor that'll actually happen remains to be seen.
2) Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Do I? Abso-fucking-lutely. I’ve got a few Supergirl fanfics under my belt, along with a bunch of other unpunished fan works that will never see the light of day because reasons.
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Eh...I’m gonna have to say paper. I love that e-books are super portable and that I can carry as many as I want and still have room in my bag for lunch, but until an app comes out that includes the ‘fwip-fwip’ noise that pages make when they’re turned, I’ll be a paper book kind of person. Plus, paper books smell good.
4) When did you start writing?
My first real story was done in 6th grade. I’m embarrassed to admit that it was a Twilight multi-crossover fanfic that was absolute rubbish. I mean, I’d like to think that it was probs loads better than the actual set of books, but it was complete and utter rubbish. 
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
@nerdsbianhokie and I usually trade ideas that lead to me writing fics when I should be writing papers or studying for exams. @crimsoncat21‘s gone through my work and has expressed that what I write isn’t half bad, so I send her gifs of tea, foxes, and hugs as payment because she’s awesome.
Also have random friends who’ll read my work when I send it to em. 
6) Where is your favorite place to write?
Campus Starbucks with headphones on, usually. It used be at the benches by the elevator when I was living at the freshman halls.
7) Favorite childhood book?
That’s a pretty hard one. Going to have to say the Harry Potter series. I know, its a cop out, but I’ve read so many books that it’s hard to pick.
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
Most of the time it’s for fun. Given that I’m still in uni, I do a lot of academic writing but none of its been published.
9) Pen and paper or computer?
I really like writing on paper, but my hands usually aren’t fast enough to keep up with my ideas so I tend to write on a computer. Most of my writing ends up on my computer, on way or another.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
Just the ones mandated by my university.
11) What inspires you to write?
Um, pretty much anything, I guess. If your asking for my main motivation for writing what I do, then I’d have to say that providing proper representation and expanding queer media. 
If you’re asking what inspires me to write in general, then yeah, it’s pretty much anything. Grimstone Manor came about because I was listening to an album by Nox Arcana (the album’s actually called Grimstone Manor) and some of the songs provoked images that just had to be put to paper. Other pieces of come about because I liked the fact that it was raining on a particular day or just stumbled across a prompt from @writing-prompt-s.
I love to write. It’s fun for me and a great way to relieve stress for when I can’t get to the gym because I’m bogged down with work. If I couldn’t write what I do, I’m pretty sure I'd be miserable and even more sullen than I already am.
@sapphicscholarwrites @go-sullivan @ressick @bathtimefunduck and I guess whoever else wants to answer these questions themselves. 
Totes no pressure if I’ve tagged you. Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to fill it out or don't have the time to do so.
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spankedbyspike · 7 years
I was tagged by @grey-haven so here I am answering her questions :)
1. Tell me 5 things you like about yourself?
I know myself by now, what I like and what works... I am easy going... I love culture, travels and education: always feel that there is so much more to learn, to read and to try... I have kind eyes and a beautiful smile... I don’t lead a double life so I avoid people who stress me and the ones that are a pleasure to be with well, I bend in all directions to make our time together memorable...
2. What’s your favourite time of day?
Morning because I live for breakfast and late evening because I feel like the/my world is at peace and I can focus on the things and people that matter to me. 
3. If you had a boat, what would you call it?
Tropical beauty or Sunset Blazing (really I never thought about that so it was a hard question!)
4. Which fictional character would you most like to meet?
Why is there no S to character? What can I say? My heart is big enough for much love ... Non exclusive list starts with:  Mulder & Scully, Dean Winchester, Peter and Derek Hale, Angel and Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Elijah Mikaelson, and all 3 Gulls (Nate, Audrey and Duke)
5. Which fictional character would you least like to meet?
The father in The Shinning (in particular if it is in a deserted hotel, lol)
6. What’s your worst kitchen disaster?
Sauces... I can survive most things, I am even okay with deserts but I can’t create a sauce, so I really appreciate anything that only asks of you that you add water and let the thing simmer... Thanks to the fact I know myself, I manage not to get over my head (except that one Thanksgiving but that’s worth a fanfic, lol)
7. What’s your favourite quote?
It’s an old one but it really talks about how much I hate status quo and the fact that many of the horrors our societies survive are due to the fact that people stay un-involved when they should speak up and take a stand so here it is, it’s a quote that has been often re-appropriated but I believe the original is:
“If not you, then who? If not now, when? If not here, where?” ― Hillel first- century Jewish scholar 
8. What’s the best thing you’ve read this week?
It’s called Service Rendered by Yume Arashi and Nicole. I had read it before but was feeling slightly low and as the first time I discovered it, it lifted my spirits right away. it’s about Duke Crocker sending a bill to his dear Nathan and Audrey for all the contributions he makes to their lives and showcase how involved they are in each other well being. A pleasure!
9. If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
Another tough one, yet easy... Bruce Springsteen. 
I would love to see how his mind works at creating and perfecting his art, and how he manages in few sentences to convey so much!
10. Do you believe in ghosts?
Nope, I could be persuaded Were exists...
11. What’s been your best holiday/vacation?
I travel a lot... so it’s hard to pick but I spent quite some time in Spain and Portugal and have to confess, there isn’t a cloud marring these discoveries. 
Okay, now to anyone that managed to stop scrolling long enough to read this and get to the bottom of this post and is also okay being challenged, here are my 11 questions:
1. Your favorite toy growing up
2. Your favorite public building/structure (library, museum, lighthouse, etc)
3. One thing you would love to say to a member of your family, that you couldn’t when you were younger
4. Your favorite painting or photo
5. The fandom you loved the longest and why
6. The topic/theme of a poem you would want to write
7. The place you dream of enjoying when you retire
8. The Artist (acting, music, dance, etc) you’d love to dine with
9. The book or TV series you’d love to contribute to
10. The song(s) that always lift your spirit
11. Your top 2 fandoms (independent fandom or crossover); who would you Kiss, Marry or Dump?
Thank you for taking the time to fill those, have fun and don’t forget to mention me so I can read them :)
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prinzenhasserin · 7 years
Dear Trick or Treater
Dear Trick or Treater!
Please don’t feel obligated to use my prompts! This letter is just in case you might want to poke at some more of my prompts/likes. Generally, I’m open to a lot, and I will be delighted with any rating from gen to explicit. My AO3 account is here.
If you want to write me a crossover, great! If you need to check if I know the canon please go through the mods.
My prompts are pretty ridiculous in places. That is not a preference to the treat-side, that’s just where my brain goes first. If you want to scare me, then definitely go for the creeping existential horror. It doesn’t even need to be detailed, I freak out really easily.
(If this letter cribs a lot from my other letters, it’s because I’m lazy, and my likes don’t change around that much :D You can find some of my other letters under the exchange letter tag. I hope you have fun creating!)
General likes:
odd couples
found family, dysfunctional families that nevertheless love each other
historical stories for same-sex pairings that aren't unhappy but that fit with the society of the time (so like, spinster ladies living together; bachelors-for-life)
cultural differences, age differences, height differences
heists, rescue missions
dragons, fairy tales, magical realism, urban fantasy
competent characters
people not realising they’re the most competent at their job/hobby
people failing their way to success
happy endings, earning your happy ending, open yet hopeful endings
cynical humour
mutual pining
suits, corsetry, fancy dresses
Identity shenanigans (secret identities, mistaken identities)
Blatant Lies
Enemies becoming friends and/or lovers
outsider POV
orange/blue morality (that is, not entirely human morality); grey/grey morality
people not usually found in law enforcement solving crimes
non-verbal expressions of affection
wall sex
shifting power dynamics
semi-public sex
lots of foreplay, drawn out orgasms, edging
desperate sex, drunk sex, we-just-can’t-help-it!sex, sex for life-affirming
sex toys
sex toys in public (though I get embarrassed if someone else notices)
General dislikes:
infidelity in mentioned pairings
non-con (dub-con is totally fine though; as are consent issues due to power imbalances, people not knowing all the facts, or drunken sex-polleness)
The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
Silas, Miss Lupescu
trick or treat; fanart or fanfiction
I'm very interested in their backstory, alone and together -- how did they meet? What's the purpose of the honour guard aside from killing all the Jacks?
But if you want to explore Miss Lupescu’s death — that would also be terrific (fix it! or make me cry because I will cry; either way is good)
Also here for: what scares a vampire? Other adventures Miss Lupescu went on. Where did she learn how to cook? What's up with the ghoul fighting? (How do Silas and Miss Lupescu earn a living? Do they pay taxes?)
Wynonna Earp (TV)
Xavier Dolls
trick or treat; fanart or fanfiction
Xavier Dolls is (SPOILER ALERT) a dragon. What's up with that? Does he hoard weapons? books? uncomfortable situations?
I'd be very interested in something that explored his supernatural side. Does his dragon-self work like a werewolf? Is he only mostly dragon? does he need to bathe in lava to grow?
Also terrific would be: Xavier Dolls knows that dragons exist, and revenants -- but ghosts?
Alternatively, Dolls hoards a collection of hats. Doc and Wynonna can never know.
Nirvana in Fire (TV)
Consort Jing
Trick or Treat; fanart or fanfiction
Consort Jing is very quiet. She also has a lot of dead friends. Maybe she's constantly surrounded by them?
Or: The real reason nobody stands in her way is that she’s a world class assassin. Or a witch, maybe.
Would also most definitely read a lot of words before anyone died and she was happy. Would also read her mothering her son, or Lin-shu, or quietly helping the other concubines in the palace.
Gokusen (Manga)
Sawada Shin, Yamaguchi Kumiko
Trick or Treat; fanart or fanfiction
Holiday-appropriate fic! Ghost houses! A school trip to the ghost forest where people kill themselves. One of these three is not like the other, but I would read all sorts of stories about these characters. Post-canon would be great, but anything goes really. I'd like additional appearances by any other of the cast, but it would be icing on the cake.
Focusing on just one character would be terrific. Kumiko has adventures with another class, or her minions! Shin goes to Africa, but gets lost in a different universe on the way there!
I ship Shin/Yankumi but gen is delightful also.
10 Things I hate about you
Kat Stratford, Patrick Verona
treat or trick; fanart or fanfiction
Kat and Patrick go to make-out in an abandoned factory. Too bad there's a ghost interrupting them every five minutes.
Would also read: Zombie apocalypse; Kat is a literal witch who devours boys and Patrick is her (virgin?) sacrifice. Obviously, you can probably come up with much better stories :D A look at what they do in ten, twenty years would be great, too! Separately, even!
Miss Marple - Agatha Christie
Jane Marple
treat or trick, fanart or fanfiction
St. Mary Mead’s police is convinced there’s a ghost robbing/murdering people. Miss Marple is convinced they have all been too deep in the bottle.
Miss Marple has always been able to see ghosts. They usually have nothing much to say, and are quite nonsensical, but this one is different.
Or: zombie apocalypse! Or it’s Miss Marple who is the ghost.
Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch
treat or trick; fanart or fanfiction
Tbh, I just want Molly to be the protagonist of her own adventures. Molly is the best at riding the Folly of vermin like bed bugs, ghosts and the occasional angry spirit. Her cooking is a little bit magic.
Or: She has to fight with the traders at the market for magic ritual ingredients every time, since the Folly isn’t well liked among the demi-monde.
Also, what’s up with her heritage? Fae? Not Fae?
Original Works
Space Traveler, Incubus, Ghost Jellyfish, Incompetent Fortune Teller, Part-Time Ghost Exorcist, Eldritch Abomination In A Human Skin-Suit, Time-Travelling Artificial Intelligence, Long Abandoned Sentient Ship
trick or treat; fanart or fanfic
I think these tags speak pretty much for themselves. Feel free to combine them! I read anything from gen to explicit. Femslash, slash or any other relationships are great, too. If you want to take a look at my likes/dislikes see my letter.
How would a ghost jellyfish be different from a non-ghost jellyfish? Why would it turn into a ghost?
What kind of ghost stories do they tell in space? Space halloween traditions?
Tbh, I would read a story containing all those characters. It is by no means necessary, though!
Space Traveller: Tell me of the Halloween traditions that survive into the space age! Are there new traditions? What kind of scary stories do they tell in space?
Incubus: I have a thing for magical creatures doing totally mundane things, while being supernatural about it. Would also work for me if combined with any of the other characters! Also here for an Incubus dub-conning someone with sex pollen.
Ghost Jellyfish: How would that work? How would a ghost jellyfish be different from a non-ghost jellyfish? Why would it turn into a ghost? Maybe it’s a familiar of the Part-Time Ghost Exorcist?
Incompetent Fortune Teller: Ooh. In what way are they incompetent? Do they tell people what they want to hear, because they are incompetent at telling the future? Or are they incompetent at being a fortune teller, and tell people their future? Maybe they only see two seconds into the future -- maybe they are cursed and nobody believes the truth they are telling ;) Would also read if the Incompetent Fortune Teller was made incompetent by the Time-Travelling AI and was pretty angry about that... or any other combination, really
Part-Time Ghost Exorcist: As I mentioned, I love when the mundane meets the supernatural. What’s the other part-time? Is the ghost exorcising business only hiring part-time workers so they don’t have to insure their workers? (This is admittedly very US centric. Would also love an AU where a part-time job can have a living wage! Or any other setting) Would also love a space travelling ghost exorcist. 
Eldritch Abomination In A Human Skin-Suit: Existential horror freaks me out pretty quickly, but this is such an interesting concept. Why is the Eldritch Horror using a Human Skin Suit? Because they can? Is it like, a life-style choice? Is the EA doing it for the experience, or to be edgy? Would also read if the Eldritch Horror is the thing that gets exorcised. Would also read if there’s no existential horror.
Time-Travelling Artificial Intelligence: What is the AI doing while time-travelling? Does anyone find them out? Why is it time-travelling? Does it abide by Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics? Would also read a story where the AI figures out to be human -- or tries having sex with someone, or maybe they get best upon by an Incubus and there’s confusion all around.
Long Abandoned Sentient Ship: How does the sentience work out, did it become sentient through its abandonment, or is the ship even self-aware? Does it model itself on its creators? Is the ship going crazy in a mild way, or in a creepy way? Or maybe the sentience isn’t very human-like, and it doesn’t need contact at all, and is just merrily continuing its mission to map the unknown space? Maybe it collects hitchhikers. Maybe nobody knows how or who had created it, and it’s just there.
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