#my friend asked me to draw her donnie with a cat
risegoobie · 8 months
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cuzisaidso · 2 years
The Mistake Pt.1
Series: 1/? (Add when series complete)
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(Don’t own the art! Got it from Pinterest, wonderful drawing )
Huggy Wuggy!FEM!READER!
Warning: swearing
Light blue- narrative/dialogue
Summary: You and your friends decide to visit that run down old toy factory. Not knowing what lies inside. You deeply regret your decision soon as you step in and face the consequences.
Walking up to the multi-colored factory, shifting my backpack on my shoulders, I look back at the dumbasses who dragged me here in the first place. Tyler, Donnie, Shaggy, and Cheryl the four dumbass musketeers doing stupid shit on a daily basis.
This is probably one of their biggest dimwitted ideas so far, and sadly I'm a part of the group. Tyler is the player of the group, being almost six foot, with dirty blond hair and blue eyes, lean and kinda muscular body. Basically the stereotypical rich boy.
Having nothing better to do with his life but raise hell, he decided that breaking an entering is more fun than smoking weed and playing video games with Shaggy.
Donnie being the second tallest of the group is highly nonchalant, and I don’t think he gives a fuck what we do, just as long as his shoes stay clean and his hair stays cut, he tags along.
Cheryl is Tyler's girlfriend. I don’t like her much but he likes her so she is a part of the group… until he gets tired and she gets replaced.
Cheryl is what you call a “pick me girl,” she feels everyone, and everything should be about her. Especially when it comes to Tyler, he gotta be giving her that monster dick the way she’s always up on him.
Shaggy… well he’s Shaggy, the pot head of the group. Not going to lie, what he brings calms my nerves especially when Tylers lil girlfriend or whatever tags along with us, she’s soooo fucking annoying.
Stopping at the entrance of the building. Tyler blinks confused. “Hmm, that’s weird” I look at him “what you mean?” He opens the door “last time I checked this place the doors were locked” I look confused “and?” He sighs and shakes his head “never mind let’s go” Tyler walks in. We follow.
“I think we should turn back….this place looks hella creepy” Tyler rolls his eyes at my response.
“You can go home y/n, but me and the others are going in. I always knew you were the pussy of the group” I glare
“Hey, let’s get this straight. I ain’t no pussy. And I’ll never will be one.” Tyler smirks
“Only pussies say they aren’t pussies” I take a slow inhale of air.
“Okay” I step forward purposefully bumping into Tyler in the way in. Shoving the door open. I walk in and down the dimly lit hallway.
The others follow behind me as we all look around the dark, dirty, and musty place. “Definitely a kids place for sure” grumbles Donnie.
“Heh, looks kinda dope” replies Shaggy. “Only you’ll think this place is dope shags, are you on shrooms again?” Shag smiles suspiciously “probably “
Cheryl Grimaces as her high platform flip flops sticks to the floor as we walk. “Baby, it’s all nasty in here” she whines. Tyler wraps his arm around her waist kissing her head.
“You will be fine, we are going to look around for a bit, turn around and go home” Cheryl doesn’t look convinced but nods along to what he says.
As we walk farther into the building, we stop. “Poppy playtime co?” I repeat as I read the sign.
“Oh! I know this place! Daddy got me a little toy kitty cat that was a bee. Hmmm what was it named…oh! a cat-bee it was soooo adorable” squeals Cheryl.
Of course the rich bitch will know what this place is, if I was lucky, what I got from the store that was probably the most expensive is Walmart. Cheapest is the dollar store. And that was the usual go to.
My mother will always say “I ain’t spending my money on unnecessary shit you only gone play with for a week than get tired and ask for more.” Most of the toys I did have were pass me downs from my older siblings anyway.
Below the sign is a board, I walk over and look down at the board. One side is a blue circle as the other is a red circle. The sign is worn down and most of the words are dusted over. “Hmm, it’s says…Huggy Wuggy, no… oh…His name is Huggy, Huggy Wuggy when he hugs he will never stop Your friend Huggy, Huggy Wuggy He'll squeeze you until you pop” Donnie chuckles
“Isn’t that cute” I frown “more like weird. I look at the empty space in front of the board.
“Isn’t there supposed to be like a…uh…whatever it is in front of the board? Since it says the name of what the toy is?” Ask shaggy
I shrug my shoulders “probably”
Tyler kicks one of the alphabet blocks, it doesn’t budge. “I knew it was glued down” grumbles Tyler.
“I always knew you was low key slow Ty” I say as he glares at me.
“Haha so funny” he growls. I smile and walk toward the gift shop.
“Y’all think it still has shit inside?” Shaggy shrugs “probably” Cheryl looks over. “Y’all should go in” I roll my eyes at her and push open the doors.
Nothing much can be seen, discarded broken toys lays on the floor. Along with other stuff. I hum as I walk around the room. Stopping and picking up a flyer. It shows a tall blue mascot, will I think it is. “That’s huggy” I jerk and turn around.
Cheryl smiles, I glare “you lucky you ain’t no random bitch from the street, your ass would have gotten knocked, don’t pop up behind people. That’s how you get hit”
She giggles “sorry Y/n. But for real. That’s huggy. I had the mini version of him back home”
“Uhuh, did you have all the damn dolls than?” She shakes her head.
“No, some of the dolls I wasn't allowed to get, like Poppy. I always wanted Poppy, she was cute and small. Perfect for tea parties”
“Ok…um..did your dad work here or something?” She nods “yeah, daddy was in charge of something. I don’t remember. But he will bring back toys. They were all so cute”
Cheryl giggles “I had things the other girls couldn’t get, it was so fun.” And there goes the conversation. Out the window.
I walk around her and out of the shop, Tyler walks down some hallway. Looks like the door was unlocked and open.
Donnie and Shaggy follows him. I tag along as well.
“Sooooo…what are we going to do since we are here?” Questions Donnie. “I don’t know, look around. Find shit we want. Take it. Than leave”
“So we're stealing? Not only this is breaking and entering but stealing as well” Tyler stops and turns around glaring at me “if you have such a problem. You can leave. No one forced you to come” I nod
“No one did, but I ain’t gon let this be on my conscience if something happens” he groans rubbing his hands on his face. “Y/N, nothing is going to happ-“ i high pitch screech can be heard.
We look up at the vents, thunks and bangs can be heard. “What the hell…” exclaims Donnie.
“Probably the building creaking. It’s old” I look at Tyler not convinced “old enough to make sounds like that?”
“Yes, now let’s go. I want to see the toy making machine” I blink slowly as Tyler walks the rest of the way. Donnie, Shaggy, and Cheryl follows.
“This is some mad sketchy shit man.”
“Oh, shut up Y/n” I glare at Tyler.
A/N:Hello, I decided to make a series of Huggy Wuggy. Mostly likely talking to myself at this point. But I saw that there isn’t a lot of Huggy Wuggy fics. So. I decided to make one for myself and others who will like to read this. Yes I know it starts off slow. But it will get better. I did do some research, I’m still researching so please point out any mistakes I have made during this series. Along with grammar mistakes as well. It will help me.
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no-white-dress · 11 months
Who are your OCs? Could you introduce them a little? (i am not familiar with winx)
Wanna know the best part about drawing my own OCs? I have a list of them ready anytime. I will link the posts with the corresponding drawings.
Roughly by order of appearance:
Cassandra, fairy of celestial bodies: my winxsona, despite the title she is actually both a fairy and a witch. This ability to use both magic polarities is called magic bipolarism (more on this headcanon here). Just a version of me who speaks her mind more than I do, although I was very careful with what I actually wrote down. If you wanna look for me in my fanfic, she is not the real vessel.
There's also the winxsonas of my high school friend group, though a good chunk of it fell apart way before I finished writing the story. Some hard feelings made it to the page, but not all. Sadly I wasn’t able to coherently kick one of them out of the story and had to keep her till the end.
Aire of Magix, witch of time: she is co-owned with a friend of mine, and some of her first appearances are co-written as well (hence the shift in tone in some parts). She starts off as a freshman in Cloudtower, school for witches, she's impulsive and eager to prove herself and go on cool adventures.
Laverna, witch of ghosts: she exists because I wanted a minor annoyance for Aire. Your classic mean, bossy witch, with a nod to the Roman goddess of thieves she is named after for the little trial she imposes on Aire.
Henna of Zenith, witch of maps: along with Laverna and Yami, she shares the Cloudtower apartment with Aire. She's very unserious and her moral compass is basically whatever sounds entertaining for her. Her powers are a valuable strategic asset.
Yami, witch of natural disasters: she likes to present herself as calm and innocent when she can be quite mischevious. She does have a stronger sense of limit than her roommates (she is 60% of Henna's impulse control), and generally wants to avoid trouble if it can harm her or get out of hand.
Walter of Linphea: advanced class Specialist (student of Red Fountain, school for knights and mages), he has some form of magic but he isn't interested in it and never cultivated his powers. Hopeless romantic, he thinks critically and can make solid impressions of any teacher. Absolute Darcy simp.
Vanir: captain of Walter's Specialist team, he is a background character in winx's season one and I liked his design enough. Also his wolverine gauntlets are cool. He is pretty outgoing and cares about the safety of his teammates above all.
Takeshi: computer guy of Walter's team, insecure and a bit of a scaredy cat. To say he prefers behind the scenes jobs is an understatement.
Misha: the last element of Walter's team, tall, quiet and strong. I didn't really do much with him, not much to say.
Alec of Magix: third year Specialist, nephew of Codatorta (teacher at Red Fountain), a pretty vain boy who has no problem with dating around without putting in any work. Until a first year witch tells him off and he is shocked to find out that he'd do anything to impress her, actually. (Also co-written with Aire's owner, the first part of his arc is her doing).
He also has a team but they appear once to joke around with him about his date so...
Xavier: an old mage and famous professor, expert on magical artefacts and always busy in some new research he got a sudden interest in. Not the most social person, most of his colleagues dislike him due to his absolute lack of diplomacy, but he is right more often than not. He grumbles a lot but will help if asked.
Donnie of Whisperia, mage of metals: Stormy's little brother, Xavier's apprentice. He has a very sweet personality and desperately wants to reconnect with his sister and her friends.
Andrea, fairy of alchemy: based off a dear friend of mine, also a pupil of Xavier. She wants to advance her magic but without having to enroll in a magic school, so she stays with professor Xavier and in return she helps him study fairy forms. She's pretty sassy and direct, but unlike her mentor she knows when to hold her tongue.
There's a bunch of random characters for a parallel universe the cast briefly ends up in in the fanfic, but everything relevant about them is too closely knitted to the story to make sense out of context.
Nixie of Whisperia, fairy of thought: a third year student in Alfea, she only appears in a spin-off chapter so far but I really like her design. Her middle and ring fingers are fused together on both hands.
Harkan of Whisperia: Darcy's dad, doesn't resent his daughter at all, actually he feels guilty for not intervening when she cut them off.
Elle of Domino: Darcy's mom, same as her husband, with the extra of feeling responsible for Icy's troubles too because of her friendship with her mother Sitara.
Egan of Whisperia: Stormy and Donnie's dad, absolutely identical to both children except that he's short and they are not. Owns a restaurant.
Ambra of Whisperia: Stormy and Donnie's mom, works in the restaurant as well. When Stormy cut them off she focused on Donnie, like Egan did, while still keeping the door open in case Stormy wished to return.
Icy's dad: deadbeat who literally first saw his daughter 23 years after her birth. She wants nothing to do with him.
Mocca: Icy's coworker at the Magix disco, best wingman ever, loves to joke around with Icy and tease her. He knows he can afford it because she actually likes hanging out with him and won't freeze him off. Not for long anyway.
Robin: Mocca's boyfriend, isn't around much to tell the truth. His most interesting trait is his visor, a special device that helps him see colors.
Manuel of Earth: oh look, a male Earth fairy!! Long story short Earth was magicless for centuries due to canon events that involved cutting the wings of all fairies and apparently leaving only some female fairies alive on an island where they never aged, but the winx brought magic back and that... was never talked about again. Manuel is one of the people who developed magic without any guidance and had to learn on his own, until he went to a concert...
Dave of Magix, mage of smoke and fog: MY BELOVED- ahem. I need to pretend I don't have favorites. Certified Icy simp, loves to make her flustered and joke around with her, but also very good at advice. He's easy-going, flirty, has enough self-esteem to make up for the lack of it his partners sometimes experience. Very caring, he can speak five languages and works as a translator. He may not be much of a fighter but he can stand his ground.
Nadia, Alohi, Olivia, Viveca: some of Icy's freshmen students when she starts teaching at Cloudtower. Their drawing is still a work in progress but I can tell you I love their designs very much and I am very sad I don't have stories to write for them.
Daria of Solaria, witch of gravity: another one of Icy's students and later on her colleague, @dariaslore's winxsona. We have the best time imagining this fancy witch who can't go a day without a walk in the sun confuse the entire school. Her classmates think she'd be better off as a fairy (she would not), her teachers wonder how the hell she gets good grades when she's at school only during class and is at the Lake sunbathing every single day (she studies on the Lake's shore or directly on a boat in the middle of it). Super fan of princess Stella, of course, very into fashion, puts great care in her workout routine.
Then there's a lot of second generation characters who have no drawing or story (well, most of them) yet, so I'll keep them for myself for a while more :)
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donnetellotheturtle · 10 months
The Great Divide
Chapter 1
Not yet, she had said. Leo muttered to himself the maroon cape fluttering behind him as he kicked the dummy. It was currently 3 in the morning at the battle nexus. It was silent save for the red eared slider training by himself. He just wanted to fight. He wanted to be a champion for his mother.
He wanted to prove he could win.
His mother had refused, again. It just made Leo so angry.
“Hey Leonardo.”
A voice spoke from the rafters. Leo paused, looking up. He saw the familiar face of Usagi Miyamoto who was smiling down at him.
“Usagi... What are you doing here so late?”
“Big mamma asked me to check up on you.” He replied simply.
Leo glared. “I don’t need my mother sending a baby sitter. I’m fine.”
Usagi jumped down and approached Leo, pulling out his sword. “in that case…you feel like sparring?”
Leo let a smile creep up onto his face as he grabbed his own sword from the stomach of a dummy. “Always.”
The twos swords could be heard throughout the arena.
“She says that everytime!” Leo raged, slicing at the yokai, who dodged. He was listening but also making sure he didn’t lose.
Usagi blocked a sword coming directly to his face and kicked at Leo, who skidded backwards a bit. “Youre her child. Leonardo. You have to understand she wants to keep you close.”
“I am much more capable than any of the fighters she sends in! I would wipe the floor with all of them!”
Usagi grinned. “really? You’re not doing so hot right now.” That hit a nerve in Leo and he moved fast, slicing at Usagi as the rabbit yokai dodged and blocked, then kicked Leo to the ground. “Point, Usagi.” He held his sword over Leos throat with a grin. “you gonna yield?”
Leo glared, staring at him, then hooked his foot into usagis ankle and pulled him down to the ground. Usagi yelled out and face planted. There was a pause.
“…Well played.” Usagi said, not bothering to take his face out from the dirt. “point Leonardo.”
Leo sighed and put his sword down, helping Usagi up. “I don’t feel like sparring anymore tonight. Draw?”
Usagi nodded. “Sounds good. You up for a late night hidden city walk?”
Donnie sighed as he sat next to April O’Neil, his honorary big sister and best friend. She was fast asleep, cuddling into SHELL-DON. The robot himself was powered down, looking like a very comfortable cat in April’s arms. He pulled the blanket from the armrest and threw it over the two.
“Where are you blue…” Donnie mumbled to himself. They had run out of leads, and what was worse, Donnie was starting to doubt “blue” was even alive at this point.
No, he would have found that out a long time ago. Blue had to be alive somewhere. He could feel it in his….well not his heart but something close to that. Like a missing piece.
His brothers and father gave up looking years ago, deciding it was better that they didn’t torture themselves.
Donnie couldn’t do that. For some reason he had to find him.
Although, sleep was sounding pretty good right now. He pulled off his battle shell, grabbed an adjacent blanket from the floor, and curled up next to April. Blue could probably wait a couple hours.
Usagi and Leo wandered the quiet streets of the hidden city. It was quiet between the two. This wasn’t uncommon during these late night excursions but Usagi could tell Leos mind was just whirling with thoughts.
“You have that thinking face again.” usagi said, taking a bite of carrot cake from their favorite stall. “That’s a dangerous pastime for you.”
Leo glared, then sighed as he put down his slice of dandelion cake. “I don’t know why she doesn’t think I’m ready.”
“still on that huh.”
“Maybe its not about being ready. Maybe its about something else. Your moms been grooming you to be her right hand and eventual successor. I don’t think she’d want you killed by some rouge fighter.”
Leo let the thought settle in his brain for a moment. “….sometimes I wish I wasn’t her son.”
Usagi softened. “She can be…tough.”
“You only work for her. You don’t know how bad she can be.”
Usagi paused, not sure what to say to that. He took another bite of his carrot cake.
“….We should head back.”
“Yeah…see you tomorrow?”
Donnie woke up to April poking him in the forehead. He grumbled a bit as he opened his eyes.
“Morning Dee.”
He grumbled a reply as she shoved a cup of iced coffee into his hands. He sipped it, just the way he liked it.
April nodded. “Raphs been worried about you…saying you should stop.” She sat next to him.
“tell me something I don’t know.” Donnie had been hearing the same speil for a couple years now. Always the ‘He’s gone, Donnie. We cant kill ourselves to save someone who’s already gone.’
“I think you should stop too.”
Donnie paused mid sip. “what?”
“Its not that I don’t think he’s alive but you’re exhausted. I know that when I’m not here you pull all nighters.”
Donnie stood, leaving the room wordlessly.
“Where are you going?”
“out.” Donnie replied simply. He needed some space. He needed to get away from everyone telling him to give up.
He left for the surface.
Leo sipped the coffee at the shop he had been told to scope out in the upper world. His mother had lended him a cloaking broach so as far as all the gross humans up top could tell, he was one of them. He thought about the words Usagi had said the night before as he waited for his target.
He was ready to fight in the arena. He just knew it. He was more than just a hitman he could be a star.
The door opened, bringing his thoughts to a halt. There his target was. He clocked the cloaking broach immediately. Hard to miss if you knew what to look for.
Rupert swaggart. Better known as meatsweats by big mammas goons. Leo stood and he and him made eye contact. Leo started to head towards him, and meatsweats backed tracked. He knew he knew. But it wouldn’t be so easy for him to get away. Not when he owed his mom.
Meatsweats ran as soon as he was out of the shop. Leo grinned. He loved it when they ran. Made it much more fun.
Meatsweats shoved through people. “you gotta watch where you’re going man!” One person yelled out. He shoved him to the side as he kept chasing.
Meatsweats paused when he got to a dead end. Leo dropped the cloaking, brandishing his swords, walking closer, slowly raising them up. “Ready to give up, mutant?”
Then the weirdest thing started to happen.
His stripes started to glow.
Leo paused, looking at himself.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
Howdy howdy hey <3 I’ve finished papers for this week so next week papers are a later problem lol <3 there might be multiple asks with recs so apologies in advance!! (update: this is only 1 & I went a lil crazyy on it - so there will be more🤣) -Doors girlie🥰
-> I can totally picture beloved coming up with the idea one night, just randomly during one of their 3am talks when they both couldn’t sleep, for them to try psychedelics. I feel like Terry would almost immediately be on board with this? Partially because he loathes the concept of time & partaking in this would “grant” that feeling of foreverness; and another part of him feels like this could rekindle some nostalgia of his Twig days? After the goods have been acquired by Terry and the two decide what day they want to clear their schedule- I can totally picture beloved doing research on how to have the best experience with your partner while on psychedelics. Cut to the morning of; beloved wakes Terry up with breakfast in bed, and while excited to show him her research findings- she was somewhat embarrassed he would think it was silly/childish? Wouldn’t a man of his stature be familiar with this already?? I can just see her sheepishly handing over what she researched & saying something along the lines of “I was just looking at some ways we could have the best experience with each other today, but if you think it’s silly…” & bracing for the impact of Terry’s laugh. But it never comes? He’s just intently reading through what they should plan out for the day? I think he’s just genuinely surprised someone would go out of their way and do this? The staff could have easily filled him in on any pressing information needed to be known- but she went out of her way to make a fucking DIY “booklet” for the day; filled with spaces to write their intentions for this experience, pages where they could draw (I feel like he would secretly eat this shit up), and even pages with prompted questions?? I’m just imagining Terry’s heart swelling to the max - and him taking it upon himself to draw the two a bath to start the morning. <- and most importantly queueing up songs for the evening (old man Terry making a playlist so he can play it on the TV🥺). Suffice to say, after the night they shared, they planned to turn it into a monthly tradition <3
Terry’s playlist <3
I Can’t See Your Face in my Mind - The Doors (https://youtu.be/KElzMBKBGZo)
Spanish Caravan - The Doors (https://youtu.be/6zrwCjjUqs0)
Land Ho! - The Doors (https://youtu.be/T6ula2LIFu0)
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane (https://youtu.be/pnJM_jC7j_4)
China Cat Sunflower - Grateful Dead (https://youtu.be/DWgjKDlvjDM)
Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix (https://youtu.be/BkEPBiMbgxs)
Hurdy Gurdy Man - Donovan (https://youtu.be/CHxfOZH8cew)
The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin (https://youtu.be/TRt4hQs3nH0)
These Arms of Mine - Otis Redding (https://youtu.be/VA3SbP6IlA8)
Baby - Donnie & Joe Emerson (https://youtu.be/7TdLNiys27A)
Hot Love - T. Rex (https://youtu.be/kKoaHw8gy88)
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cowabunga-doll · 3 years
🐢🥀Aliyah Rose Facts🥀🐢
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⚠️BEFORE WE START: This post will be about Aliyah’s pastimes, personality traits, quirks, habits, hobbies, some of her phrases etc. So you can know my OC better. Also, this is just for fun.
Let’s Begin!
Aliyah is so trustworthy, if you had any problems then she’ll give you a good advice.
When is about the romance.. she’ SUUUPER shy and she’s quite a softie.
She rarely slightly smiles when she gets a complement (Or when she sees Leo! hehe)
She can be sarcastic and cocky.
She’s short tempered but manages to control herself… sometimes
Can be very stubborn and cold sometimes.
Since she’s a part-time waitress at daytime, she knows how to cook (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Desserts)
Her eyes are unique! It’s a strange gift that she has. Her eyes glow red when sense imminent danger so she can defend herself (Yeah, it’s like a spider sense) and when she’s angry
“I just hope I don’t throw away my SHOT” (Hamilton reference XD)
She’s loyal to her friends and family. You mess with them, you mess with her too!
Quiet and keeps things to herself, but not when she’s angry
“Don’t you ever raise your voice on me”
She a HUGE Animal Lover! She likes dogs, cats, hamsters.. dare to say she even likes insects too!
She’ll be willing to fight back, but not in the right way!!
She dislikes dresses and skirts!
She can be a bit aggressive (but not at the point to hurt someone)
“This princess doesn’t need a man to protect her!”
Has severe trust issues, trying to show her feelings to words verbally is SO HARD!!
She often draws some doodles when she’s bored.
She worries too much! At the point she gets paranoid
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress and I have to handle this on my own. So have a nice day buddy”
Her favorite videogame is Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter
Her favorite flowers are White roses, she thinks it symbolizes “Purity”
“I Normally don’t like looking for trouble. But when I see something that it’s not okay, my body becomes a weapon, and then my heart and my mind say “you have to do something!”. I’m not being a gossip, I just want to do the right thing..”
Loves Dragon Ball Z and Parasite
She can be clumsy and disoriented.
Bites her bottom lip most of the time (This fact I got it inspired from Anastasia Steele, don’t ask me why please)
She’s a wrestling fan too, she likes to the “You can’t see me!” when she spars with the turtles.
She know how to ride a motorcycle. She once got chased by the turtles and they almost knocked her down.
Spends rest of her time in the library where she works, it’s a quite place where she can be at peace reading
She loves to read books while drink a bit of coffee in the morning, it’s s good way to start her day.
She sometimes slowly starts to sink in her own sorrow, when she tries to stay strong and not break down, but she’s not strong enough.
She doesn’t hang too much with Donnie, but they’re good friends
Loves to her Rock/Metal, Pop, movie soundtrack etc.
Hates when some people say that “A woman’s role is to be a housewife” She gets really pissed, that she yells: “SHUT THE HELL UP!!”
“You wanna to call someone a monster? Look yourself in the mirror first!”
Knows sign language, it’s a thing she does with her sister in law Jennifer
Likes to hang out with April when they go to shopping
Loves to train with Leo, and staying on his side when they stayed in the meditation room (and others stuff )
She adores Hamilton. She often listens the ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK!!
She likes both DC and Marvel, loves to read both brands comics! She’s such a nerd!
She learned ninjitsu when she was a kid in her school. So you might guess she does not need anyone to protect her ;)
Likes to hangs out with the turtles, whether is going on a patrol or eating pizza at the sewers.
Mikey and Casey are her partners in crime at pranking on the other brothers to have some fun together
She practiced with her ninjato to use it better, she didn’t know how to use it at first.
She knows the Japanese language, and she uses it in her language (She swears and insults Leo in Japanese cuz he knows)
Spends time with Splinter to drink tea, so she can learn some wise advice from the sensei
She’s a huge a fan of horror movies, and her favorite character is Freddy Krueger.
Raph and Aliyah are frienemies! Sometimes they get along, sometimes not.
She doesn’t want to admit her feelings for Leo, she’s really shy private to those things. (I told you she’s super shy!)
If anyone has more questions about my OC or want to roleplay with me, DM me and I’ll quickly answer. Thanks ^^
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sylvain-writes · 5 years
Medianoche (Donatello TMNT x Reader)
For @arandomsewer in memory of their sweet feline companion. 
Established relationship, domestic setting, emotional hurt/comfort after suffering loss of a dear pet.
You bustle around the kitchen in a daze.  Sadness hangs over you like a heavy fog, but there are things that need to be done before your company arrives.  Food needs to be prepped.  The table needs to be set.  
Doing these things is easy.  You’ve done them so many times before that there's almost no thought to them.  Which, unfortunately, allows your mind freedom to wander.  And your thoughts are none too kind.
There’s a dark hole in your heart, an empty tug on your center.  It’s what’s left after saying goodbye to your oldest companion.  The living room feels empty without her here--your precious Medianoche.  Her bed no longer sits at the foot of the couch.  Though she much preferred to sleep while pressed up against your thigh or cuddled on the pillow of your bed, you had kept the round flannel cushion for her so she always had a place that was her own.  The cat tree that had once filled the corner of the room is now tucked in the closet.  You’re hopeful that by putting her things out of sight, your visitors will ask fewer questions about your dear pet that has passed.  Perhaps, they won’t remember you had a cat at all.  
You frown as you move to the pantry; that may be the saddest thought of all.  
When Donatello comes up behind you and sneaks his hands around your waist, you're a little startled by his presence.  You've gotten so wrapped up in doing things that you lost track of the time.
"Estará bien, mi amor." Donnie whispers into your hair as he places a kiss atop the crown of your head.  'It's going to be OK.'
With him holding you, you can almost believe him--until you see where you are and what you’ve done.  You look down and Donnie realizes the second you’re going to break.  His arms tighten around your middle, just a fraction.  He places another kiss on your head.  
In one hand is your cat’s bowl.  In your other, is her food.  Your shoulders start to tremble as you place them on the counter.  For over a decade, it’s been part of the natural order of things to set up her dinner while you prepared your own.  But not anymore.  
Donatello turns you in his arms and wipes away your silent tears.  More fall in their place.  
You suck in your bottom lip and hold it between your teeth to keep it from quivering, but Donatello releases it from your bite with the touch of his thumb.  You don't have to hide from him.  You don't have to pretend the pain isn't there.  Although it’s been difficult for you to process your grief, with Donatello, it’s easier. 
Your face flushes; it always feels so hot when you cry.  Donnie's lips feel cool against the heat of your forehead.  You rise into his kiss to feel it just a little longer and your eyes close.
As he combs his fingers through your hair, his voice is low.  "We don't need to do this now. My brothers can come another time."
You give a small shake of your head. The distraction will be nice. You've been looking forward to bringing Donatello's brothers to your place for weeks.  With a full house, maybe you can put a pause on your cycling thoughts.  Maybe their company will help to numb the pain of missing your sweet Medianoche, even if only for a few hours.  
And you’re right, in part.  The distraction is nice.  Donatello’s brothers compliment your home and hospitality.  They make good conversation, as they always have during your visits to the lair.  But even they can tell you aren’t your usual self.  
You spot Raph quietly tucking tiny toy mice in his pocket and nudging stray cat toys under the sofa so as not to draw attention to Medianoche’s absence.  When it’s time to leave, Mikey’s hugs are extra soft.  And Leo lingers in the doorway just a little longer than his brothers to wish you and Donnie a heartfelt ‘good night’.  
When they’re gone, you collapse onto the couch with Donatello.  All too aware that your baby isn’t around anymore to weave her way between your ankles, you fold your legs under you and lean into your boyfriend’s side.  His forearm is firm as you slide your hands down from his elbow to his wrist.  His muscles twitch under your touch.  You find his strength a source of grounding and calm. 
Your hand slips into his and starts a gentle massage, but your eyes drift to the clock.  It’s nearly midnight.  Your thumbs dig into Donnie’s palm, increasing their pressure as your grief takes hold again.  
Donatello raises your hands together with his to place a kiss on your knuckles, but he doesn’t stop you from working your fingers around his.  With his free hand, he coaxes your head to lay on his arm.  He pets your hair and reminisces about Medianoche in a hushed whisper. 
“She wasn’t scared of me,” he recalls as you nod in agreement.  “She used my shell as a scratching post.”
You huff and sniff.  It’s almost a laugh, but your heart is too heavy to follow through.
“I wish I had known her when she was younger.”
You give your eyes a quick wipe with your sleeve and clear your throat before suggesting, “She’d have tried to patrol with you.  She was never one to be left behind.”
“I would have welcomed the company.  As long as she stayed out of real trouble.”
“Donnie?” Your voice breaks, but you meet his eyes for the assurance they bring--assurance that everything will be OK.  
“What is it, amor?”
You duck your chin.  What you’ll say probably sounds silly to a guy who has never had a pet before, but it’s the truth.  “I see her everywhere.”
“OK,” he says, and he doesn’t sound freaked out or sarcastic.  He’s as calm, curious, and supportive as always.  It’s his unerring support, you think, that breaks the dam of your emotions time and time again.  
Your shoulders shake as you curl tighter around his arm.  Your words are trapped against his skin as you bury your face.  “I miss her so much.”
He pulls you into his lap and his large arms fold around you, pulling you into his hard chest.  He rubs your back as you find comfort resting your head upon his shoulder.  “She’ll always be with you,” he says as his palm smooths wide circles over your back.  
You nod into his neck, knowing in your heart that you will see her again, but your body is tense with the pain you’ve been carrying all week.  It’s supposed to get easier with time, isn’t it?  That’s what your friends have been telling you.  But it doesn’t feel like letting go is any easier now than when you last held her in your arms and said goodbye.
Donnie’s hand rises up your spine to your neck and shoulders, finding the tension there without a word, and gives your muscles a light squeeze.  You sigh into his touch, and it becomes more insistent.  His hand explores the breadth of your shoulders in slow, sweeping motions as you lay upon his chest.  
It’s usually you who gives the massages.  You've always found it easiest to show your affection through touch.  And you truly enjoy working out the knots of Donatello's muscles after a long day of training.  Now, to be on the receiving end of such a touch, you feel like you’re starting to melt.  You nuzzle into the crook of Donnie’s neck and release a small yawn as the weariness of the week settles upon you.  
His fingers find their way into your hair again and offer soft scritches until you start to drift off to sleep.  With your eyes closed you can imagine Medianoche is resting on the back of the couch, just to Donatello's side, purring in harmony with your lover's churr.  
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yukiwrites · 6 years
Tharja, Invisible
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @xpegasusuniverse! I love writing about random hexes going wrong hehehe laksçjksadjm I hope you like it!
Summary: Tharja married Kellam after the war with Plegia, choosing to stay with him at the Shepherds garrison for as long as his duties lasted. However, watching him get more and more depressed about his issue of not being noticed made her come up with a new potion to help him...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
After the war with Plegia, Ylisse could finally enjoy a short time of peace. One year had passed; enough time to turn the Shepherds into a routine.
Kellam sighed as he did every single day after coming back to his quarters after work, sitting down by the empty dinner table.
His wife, Tharja, groaned by her worktable, at the farthest corner of the room. "Is it your little issue again?" She put away whatever it was that she worked on, taking a vial with transparent liquid inside and hiding it behind her back.
The silent knight almost puffed his cheeks, a slight frown over his brow. "No one noticed me today, either... I wonder if I'm still a Shepherd at all." He slumped on the table, hiding his face inside his arms.
Tharja twisted her lips, walking towards her husband. "Isn't it enough that I notice you, quiet man?" She touched his shoulder, prompting him to look up at her. "You've yet to surprise me since we married."
He looked up to his beautiful wife; her eyes on his made his shoulder sag with relief. "Yeah, thank you for being there for me, Tharja. I just..." He looked down resting his head on her stomach, daring to wrap both arms around her slender body. "I dunno, I just wanted to... get along with everybody, I think. Gosh, it sounds so selfish when I say it, even though you're here for me and all."
The dark mage rolled her eyes, "it's not selfish to want to make friends, though I can't say I relate." Uncertain of what to do, she hesitated before simply resting her hand over his head.
Kellam smiled, rubbing his face in his wife's warm body. "Mhm, thanks again, Tharja. Knowing that you're there for me makes it less painful."
"Well, how about I make it pleasant instead?" She clicked her tongue, sick of seeing her loved one suffer because of an inherent trait of his. She downed the contents of the vial in a heartbeat, grabbing his face to look up at her on the next.
"What do you mean-mmph!" He widened his eyes with the sudden kiss, opening his mouth to gulp whatever it was that his wife made him swallow. "Th-Tharja?"
"Humph," she licked her lips, then dried her mouth with the back of her hand. "A stamina potion, if you will. For... practical purposes." She smirked, lifting one eyebrow lest she laughed aloud at her husband's bewildered face.
"Stamina-" he cleared his throat, realization sinking in immediately. He could feel the heat on his cheeks as his eyes glanced from the bed to his wife.
"Care to test it out?" Using the tip of her nails, she trailed her fingers from his temple to his neck, inviting him.
The day's woes were forgotten there and then, replaced by sweeter thoughts.
Of course Tharja wouldn't waste her time making a stamina potion, pfft. But she wasn't about to raise Kellam's hopes by telling him she came up with a solution for his lack of presence with a new brew without testing it first, so making him think with his body instead of with his brain was the only solution she found.
That, and stalking him all day to check if the spell worked or not.
So far, she's seen him greet twelve people, a cat, five horses and three birds -- being greeted back by only four of those. All four were animals, by the way. They all ran after he approached them enough for their reflexes to kick in.
"Hah..." Tharja face-palmed, dragging her hand through her cheek. "Back to the drawing board, I suppose." The moment she turned around, she almost bumped into Robin, quickly uttering an 'eek' and stepping back. "R-Robin! I didn't see you the-"
The tactician simply walked past her, as though she were invisible.
"Ho there, Kellam!" He waved to the depressed knight who was on guard duty. "Thanks for your tip on that poultice the other day; my papercut healed overnight!"
"Oh!" Kellam smiled brightly, always happy to receive a visit from a friend. "I'm glad that worked, Robin! If I find any other useful mixture, I'll be sure to tell you!"
"I'll be counting on you for that," he smiled back, nudging the knight with his elbow. "How's today fared for you? I hear Donny's been asking around for your help on the vegetable garden since earlier this morning."
"B-but I have guard duty now... I wonder if it's urgent."
"Don't worry, I'm sure he can see- er, find you any time!" Robin laughed awkwardly.
Tharja watched from a nearby column, still processing what had happened. Was that how Kellam always went through? People walking right past him after he greeted them?
"That's... That's..." She muttered, biting her lower lip. "That's wonderful!" She giggled darkly, widening her eyes with the prospect of almost invisibility. "I am going to enjoy this thoroughly."
For the rest of the day, Tharja went around the castle grounds testing her newfound trait on random people. She greeted ten men, twelve women, a crow and two horses, bumping on their snouts. None of them spared a glance in her way, but she laughed when the beasts spooked themselves, neighing loudly.
Their uproar called for more people, who simply couldn't understand what had spooked the horses, despite actually bumping on Tharja on their way there. She had to wrap both arms around herself to contain her excitement, her breathing so uneven she panted.
All the curses she could cast! All the 'personal material' (also known as hair strands, nail clippings and so on) she could take without being seen! She could sneak inside rooms and browse as much as she'd like without being bothered; she would be able to stay away from Frederick's Fanatical Fitness Hour without making herself invisible only for him; she would be able to eat right there at the mess hall without bothering herself with how other people would feel while breaking bread with a plegian dark mage.
Ahh, she was going to live the best time of her life!
Kellam came back to their quarters that day with a wide smile on his face -- Robin AND Donnel had seen and talked to him! Maybe that stamina potion Tharja gave him last night made him more noticeable, after all!
He came running to his wife, taking and twirling her on his arms the moment their eyes met. "Thank you so much!" He laughed as she shrieked.
"Wh- Husband! Let me down- let me down this instant-" She kicked her feet, helplessly flapping on his arms.
"Haha, s-sorry, I got a bit carried away. Today was so fun, I can't wait to tell you!" He carefully placed her back on the floor, pressing his forehead on hers.
"Well, I know I can say the same." She bit her lower lip, pulling a tuft of his hair.
Smirking, Tharja put the tuft of hair between her cleavage. "Payback for spinning me around."
The week that followed was the most productive Tharja had ever had in her career as a dark mage: she had access to so much material! Well, personal material, at least. Castle Ylisse was unfortunately located in a very civilized and busy area, away from any caves or muddy streams for her other... peculiar materials.
Regardless, she made the most of whatever had gone wrong with her potion. Did it exchange Kellam's little trait with her? Did it simply make her the same as him? It didn't matter so long as she could go around every room without reservation and dine every day at the mess hall with her husband.
On the fifth day of her 'disappearance', Robin sat on Kellam's table during dinner, somewhat nervous. "Kellam -- where in the seven heavens is your wife?! I haven't seen Tharja in a week!" He felt something prick on his scalp, quickly scratching it away. "I asked the rest of the soldiers, but none of them heard anything, either, so I got worried."
Confused, Kellam looked at the seat between him and Robin, then back at the tactician. "She's right here, you know? Why can't you see her?"
"Heeheehee," Tharja giggled, pulling yet another hair from Robin's head. "I don't know why you don't like this, husband."
"WAH!!" Robin fell over his chair. "T-Tharja? Are you pulling my hair?! Why are you suddenly here?!"
The dark mage intertwined her arm around Kellam's, resting her head on his shoulder. "I wonder why, indeed." She chuckled. "Hopefully the effects will still last," she whispered to herself, "but alas, I know the formula by heart now... I suppose I'll have to make a few spares now."
Kellam furrowed his brow, digging himself in confusion. Was Tharja invisible to everyone but him? Since when? He opened his mouth to ask, but to see her holding onto him like an affectionate cat made him stop.
Maybe that wasn't so bad, after all.
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createdtogetbored · 6 years
1) what is your favorite color? 2) describe your first/recent crush 3) favorite hobby 4) favorite blog to follow 5) your best friend 6) favorite memory 7) first memory 8) place you want to visit 9) lock screen + home screen 10) favorite movie 11) favorite show 12) favorite actor/actress 13) favorites meme | put in the inbox of 10 people |
1) what is your favorite color? Black, maroon, dark green 2) describe your first/recent crush Oh man, i'm not sure if i still like him since i don't go to school right now but he is just a blondie who has blue eyes and a nice beard lol. Just a chill guy i guess3) favorite hobbyDrawing or doing sports4) favorite blog to follow Oh nooo every one of them honestly but i'll probably send them this ask so 😏5) your best friend I mean over here i have some people i talk to but i don't know if they consider me a their best friend. I have one irl who i don't even see her much lol6) favorite memory Omg there is no way i can remember the best moment 7) first memory Peeing my self while playing hide and seek cause i didn't wanna go home 8) place you want to visit North Europe or Alaska 9) lock screen + home screen A stupid cat 10) favorite movie Into The Wild and Donnie Darko11) favorite show Fargo 12) favorite actor/actress JAKE GYLLENHAAL 13) favorites memeProbably a cat meme honestly or a youtube meme | put in the inbox of 10 people |Than you for the ask, and sooo sorry for replying late ❤️❤️❤️
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soitmightgetweird · 7 years
Dog Days
Kate's Cards Against Humanity Challenge Prompt: Kid tested, mother approved
Steve x fem!reader. Plus! Your daughter, your sister, Bucky, and some fur babies.
Summary: You went to the animal shelter to buy a dog for your daughter.. and ended up leaving with something for yourself too.
Warnings: everything's fine, I promise
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Weeeellllll here's another thing I wrote. Challenge courtesy of @emilyevanston so check out her Masterlist because it's great! :D
You hadn't even shifted the car into park when you heard the sound of a seatbelt release behind you. When you met the eyes of your six-year-old daughter through the rear-view mirror, the girl stilled immediately, seat belt still clinched tightly in her hand. The look of oops and amusement plastered on her little face kept you from getting upset, and you shook your head in response.
"Can't get mad at her," your younger sister said from beside you. "All rules go out the window when it comes to dogs."
"I know, Donni. That's why I invited you--so you can keep us from leaving with five different animals."
"I made no such promises. Besides, I'll take the other four."
"Yes!" the little voice chimed in from the back seat. "Five dogs!"
"Addie, no. One dog," you said before you raised a hand to point at your sister. "One. Dog."
You rolled your eyes at the identical pouts you received from the other two females in the car. "I swear, Donni. She gets more like you everyday."
"Which means she's awesome," she sang, drawing out the 'o' in the word.
"This is true." You paused and scrunched your nose at your daughter in the mirror--an expression that Addie readily mimiced. "Alright ladies, let's go fall in love."
"Stevie, I gotta tell you somethin'," Bucky started, pacing through the rows of kennels.
Steve muttered a distracted "what is it, Buck," as he glanced inside each cage to make sure the dogs still had plenty of water and there were no messes to clean.
"Did you know the internet compares you to a golden retriever?"
That called for Steve's full attention and he turned slowly to face his friend. There was a look of confusion on his face as if he'd misheard the brunet. Maybe it was just so loud with all the dogs barking that his mind filled in the gaps of what he couldn't hear.
Bucky took the silence as his cue to continue, barely concealing the smirk as he offered an explanation. "Blond hair, fiercely loyal, loves catch, kinda goofy and clumsy sometimes. So hey, it's perfect that we're volunteering here. Maybe you can adopt a sibling!"
Steve reached out and pushed against Bucky's shoulder as his friend finally released the laughter he'd been holding back. "You're hilarious," he deadpanned.
"Or... oh! Or maybe you'll meet someone. Dames loves dogs; it's perfect."
"C'mon, not you too. I get enough of this from Nat."
He groaned as Bucky laughed again but in all honesty, he loved that his friend was back to making jokes and was comfortable enough in public to volunteer at an animal shelter. He shook his head and turned around to resume his check of the kennels, stopping short when he realized a little girl was standing right beside him.
"The lady at the desk said you can help me find a dog."
You heard Addie before you saw her. Soft giggles floated from the far aisle of the kennels and you started speaking before you even rounded the corner. "I swear, kid. I dunno how you always manage to disappear so fas- oh. Hello."
You definitely weren't expecting anyone to be with Addie, much less the very built, very handsome man that quickly stood from his crouched position beside her. "She's not being any trouble, is she?"
"Not at all. I was just telling her a little about these two," he replied, pointing into the cage in front of them that held two German shepherds. One of the dogs was sitting quietly by the gate, nose pressed through the openings and sniffing tentatively at Addie. The other dog was alternating between playfully nipping at the other's ear and yipping at the humans standing in front of it.
"Mom, this is Steve," Addie said, her eyes never straying from the two animals that were almost as large as she was.
You reached out to shake his hand and introduce yourself as Addie spoke up again.
"He's Captain America."
You and Steve both froze mid-handshake and looked down.
A fresh round of barks sounded as Donni's voice called out your name from the kennel entrance. Your head turned just as your sister appeared around the corner, expression bright and red hair bouncing. "Captain America is... here." Her excitement faltered when she realized her announcement wasn't necessary.
You didn't miss the way your sister's eyes darted down to where your hand still rested in Steve's and you were quick to pull your hand back, brushing a section of hair behind your ear as you tried to keep your composure.
"So much for subtlety," Steve said with a chuckle as he looked down at Addie. "How'd you know?"
"You have the same smile and it's nice."
Addie could make you blush with the most innocent of compliments. A quick glance at Steve told you that the kid had the same effect on him. He cleared his throat as he knelt back down and you turned around in time to see your sister give a knowing little wave and turn to leave the area. When you looked at your daughter again, Addie was all smiles. She had both hands through the fence, little fingers tangled in the fur of the two dogs and you just knew you were going to have a hard time leaving this place without the pair.
It was a couple more seconds before you realized they were having another conversation.
"Are they boys or girls?"
Steve brought his hand up to scratch the scruff of the calmer of the two dogs. "This one's a boy. The feisty one is a girl."
It wasn't long until you, Addie, and Steve were in one of the bonding rooms with the female German shepherd. Addie was dutifully tossing a tennis ball away from her and giggling when the dog returned it and dropped it at her feet. Instead of throwing the ball a sixth time, she crouched down and scratched both sides of the dog's face. There was a hesitation on the shepherd's part at first, but as soon as Addie cooed "good dog," she burst into laughter as the dog leaned forward and covered her face with kisses.
You were in love too. Your daughter's smile had always been your favorite thing in the world and you beamed as you watched how the two were getting along.
Steve was beside you the whole time, talking about the dog's health. She was spayed, had no worms, was microchipped, and was only two years old. There was also a couple personal questions, like whether you had a fenced yard and if there were other people or animals in the house.
When he mentioned the other shepherd, your heart broke a little.
"I feel kind of guilty," you mumbled.
"Why?" Steve asked. He got Addie's attention and tossed her a rope toy then grinned as she engaged in a game of tug-o-war with the dog.
"The paper on the kennel said those two are siblings and I don't wanna break 'em up."
A soft smile crossed Steve's face. "If it makes you feel any better, I really want the other one. Some colleagues and I would benefit from having him around." There was a slightly embarrassed look on his face as he spoke and he brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck. "That's the reason Bucky and I volunteer here; dogs help with PTSD."
You reached out and placed your hand on his forearm, reassuring words perched on the tip of your tongue--
The bonding room door opened suddenly and the other German shepherd bounded in, followed by a brunet with a metal arm.
"Sorry Steve, he looked lonely."
You reached up and covered your face with your hands, muffling your voice when you spoke. "Oh that doesn't help at all."
Steve huffed out a sigh. "Let it be known that the Winter Soldier is a giant marshmallow when it comes to dogs."
Laughter bubbled from your mouth as the other man's head whipped to the side and a faux betrayed expression crossed his face.
Addie finally took a break and approached the adults as the two dogs wrestled playfully with each other. "I like her," she said, then turned to Steve. "You should take the boy and then sometimes you can come over so they can see each other."
Bucky choked on a laugh and Steve's face turned slightly pink. You just stared at your daughter, wondering when the hell the little girl became so mischievous. You're saved from further embarrassment when Donni poked her head into the bonding room.
"So. Do you know if the dog is alright with cats?"
Thirty minutes later, there was a small group of humans and animals surrounding the main desk in the humane society's front office. Donni decided to take home a little black kitten curled up in the hood of her jacket because she'd "rather take it home than put it back." Both German shepherds were present as well--the girl had her front paws propped on the countertop, tongue out and panting as she stared around the room while the boy was sitting on his haunches between Steve and Bucky.
"What do you want to name her?" Steve asked as he pulled up the dog's information on the computer.
Addie's answer was immediate. "Kix."
You raised an eyebrow as you looked down at your daughter. "Like the cereal?"
"Yeah! Kid tested, mother approved."
"That's not the only thing your mother approves of," Donni muttered under her breath.
There was a chorus of noise as the adults reacted simultaneously. Bucky erupted in laughter and raised his hand to offer Donni a high-five, Steve chuckled quietly and you coughed and smacked your sister's hand as soon as it returned to her side.
Once Bucky's laughter subsided, he glanced at you and Steve then cleared his throat. "Want some help getting this stuff in the car?" he asked, pointing to the new crates and little bags of pet food.
"Yeah, I think I'll go put Addie in her seat and try to get this little dude out of my hood," Donni added.
You watched as they grabbed the pet supplies and headed out to her car. Addie helped as well, grabbing the little bag of cat food and following her aunt, leaving you alone with Steve. Even the lady who'd been watching the desk when you all arrived had taken her break, and you were grateful for that because you didn't want anyone to witness if you ended up embarrassing yourself more.
You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Sorry about the comments? The women in my life are a little devious."
Steve finished printing the final papers and receipts for the purchase of the pets and placed them on the counter in front of you. "Trust me, I'm used to it. Buck can be just as bad sometimes."
You glanced down at your fidgeting hands and suddenly found you were having trouble looking up again. You weren't going to deny that you found Steve insanely attractive and incredibly charming but you just couldn't accept the idea that he'd even be remotely interested in you--just some single mom with a comparatively unexciting job. You didn't feel like you had much to offer an Avenger.
You were so lost in your own head that you jumped when you realized Steve had joined you in front of the desk.
"So," he started, bringing his hand up to the back of his neck again. "About play-dates for the dogs--"
"Oh, no, don't feel obligated to do that. It's... Addie's just... you know, kids don't really have a filter and--"
"It's not that. I just... thought it'd be a good excuse because I would like to see you again." His cheeks were tinged with pink before he even finished his statement. "If that's alright with you,"
At first, you were too shocked to respond. After a moment, you gathered your thoughts and smiled brightly through the butterflies in your stomach. "Oh! Yeah, that... I would like that. That's definitely alright with me."
"Great! How's dinner on Friday sound?"
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kwonhozhi · 8 years
Everybody Needs A Nervy B Now And Then
Bitch In A Uniform 
On the verge of turning 18, grown-up-to-be James sets his sights on the new girl at school, “gorgeous sex-god” Lily, bass player for the Stiff Dylans. Unfortunately Lily appears to already be dating James’ evil archrival: the greasy and bitter Snape. With his ridiculously named cat Sir Jeremy and his band of brothers, the Ace Gang, by his side, James sets his mad schemes in motion to nab a snogtastic girlfriend and have the best birthday party ever. 
it’s here !!!! its here despite my computer shitting itself and drawing a total blank on a title and not being able to leave it alone its HERE we MADE IT
my eternal love to @alrightevans and also @alrightpotter @prongsyouignoramus and @gxldentrio 
James Potter to Ace Gang: cnt believe u wankers fucking abandoned me
Remus Lupin: james we were RIGHT THERE
Sirius Black: it’s spelled hors d’oeuvres
James Potter: i think you’ll find its spelled ‘betrayal’
James Potter: why did you all bail???????????????
Peter Pettigrew: Mum wouldn’t let me go as a cocktail sausage, seeing as she’s veggo and all
Sirius Black: jam you KNO yellow washes me out idk what you were thinking trying to make me be a cheese and pineapple stick
Remus Lupin: i’ll square idk how the fuck i was supposed to be a vol-au-vent
James Potter changed the group name to Betrayal Gang.
Sirius Black changed James Potter’s nickname to olive boi.
Sirius Black to James Potter: u should have been at mine 2 minutes ago
Sirius Black: wher r u
James Potter: coming
James Potter: was talking to mum and dad abt my party
Sirius Black: howd it go
James Potter: :///////:
Sirius Black: double ended :/
James Potter: yeah.
Sirius Black to Ace Gang: just saw snape on the way to bio. god hes so wet up close
James Potter: wearer of the wettest haircut known to humanity thy name is snape
Peter Pettigrew: Omg i kno i saw it this morning like imagine turning up for the first day like that
James Potter: youd think hed have least timed his yearly bath to coincide with the start of school
Remus Lupin: you guys shouldn’t be so mean about him
Remus Lupin: im just kidding can you imagine
James Potter to petition for dumbledore to make a rule about school bathing regulations: lupin we all saw u go off with that bird at break
James Potter: whats the 411 lil mama
James Potter: whats the hot goss
Remus Lupin: nothing, she’s the new exchange student i was showing her around
Sirius Black: sure
James Potter: that hickey under your collar get there by itself did it
Remus Lupin: we’re not talking about this
Peter Pettigrew: Guys shut up i have English and McG is giving me the worst look
Sirius Black to now taking bets for how long it takes sirius to get a detention off mcgonagall: where have you and the swedish girl got to on the snogging scale???
Remus Lupin: shes danish
Remus Lupin: and what the fuck is the snogging scale
James Potter: me and siri invented it
James Potter: 1) holding hands                        2) arm around                        3) good-night kiss                        4) kiss lasting over three minutes without a breath                        5) open mouth kissing                        6) tongues                        7) upper body fondling—outdoors                        8) upper body fondling—indoors (in bed)                        9) below waist activity                      10) the full monty
Remus Lupin: why am i friends with either of you
Sirius Black: we were thirteen
James Potter: oh so suddenly now that you’re 18 you’re too COOL for the snogging scale????????
Sirius Black: o i thought this was the chat without peter
Peter Pettigrew: Fuck off
Peter Pettigrew to Remus Lupin: You don’t really have a chat without me do you ?????
Peter Pettigrew: ??????????????????
Peter Pettigrew: Remus
James Potter to Ace Gang: NEW GIRL ALERT
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah, we’ve already seen her. You were there when we walked in on lupin in that EXTREMELY compromising position
Remus Lupin: if you don’t drop it im leaving the chat
James Potter: NOT HER
James Potter: ANOTHER ONE
Sirius Black: you walked in on remus doing HWAT
Remus Lupin has left the chat.
James Potter has added Remus Lupin to the chat.
James Potter: WE NEED A PLAN
Peter Pettigrew: Maybe say hello to her
James Potter: WHAT
Remus Lupin: pete don’t be ridiculous. james would NEVER do something that easy and straightforward
James Potter: i am having a CRISIS here
Sirius Black: please tell me what you walked in on remus doing with the danish girl
Remus Lupin has left the chat.
James Potter added Remus Lupin to the chat.
James Potter: everyone is on intel until further notice
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah okay
Remus Lupin: alright
Sirius Black changed the group name to Lupin’s Nonspecific But Indisputable Lovers’ Tryst With Eddie Redmayne.
Remus Lupin has left the chat.
Remus Lupin to Ace Gang and don’t you dare change it sirius black: her name’s Lily Evans
Remus Lupin: Marlene McKinnon says she just moved here from Derby
James Potter: omg remus i could kiss you
Remus Lupin: Mar also said her family’s opened an organic shop on high st
Sirius Black: how nutritious
James Potter: no one asked you
James Potter to Sirius Black: what categories have you come up with for the physical attractiveness test
Sirius Black: skin hair eyes nose figure mouth teeth
Sirius Black: all out of ten
James Potter: fab ill do up a table in word now and go to the library first thing at break to print us 4 copies
Sirius Black: marvy
James Potter to sirius no one is going to dare you to hack into the school and play gasolina over the loudspeaker at assembly on monday so stop angling for it: which of you fuckers gave me a 3 for my eyes
Sirius Black: it was purely based on their functionality
Sirius Black: you can barely see without ur glasses
Sirius Black: very poor eyes
James Potter: so it wasn’t abt how i look
Sirius Black: i didn’t say that
James Potter: sirius uve rly hurt me
James Potter: what about the 4 for my mouth
Sirius Black: that one was bc you ordered pineapple on the pizza
James Potter: i told u it was an ACCIDENT
Remus Lupin: im retrospectively docking 2 points off every single category for both of you
Peter Pettigrew: Im docking 3
Remus Lupin to Ace Gang: have to ditch saturday afternoon lads
Sirius Black: um why
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah whats more important than season six of the simpsons
Remus Lupin: i got a job
Sirius Black: where
Remus Lupin: Evans’ Organic Trade
Remus Lupin: im literally telling you right now dickhead
Remus Lupin: also it’s time travel
Sirius Black: it is NOT time travel it is CLEARLY an alternate universe you dithering FOOL
Peter Pettigrew: You’re both wrong its a time loop
James Potter changed the group name to donnie darko is BANNED from the group discourse.
Peter Pettigrew: Just because YOU thought it was a dream
Sirius Black to Friends Of James Potter Support Group: OMG
Peter Pettigrew: Whats happening tell meeee
Sirius Black: we just went into lupins shop
Sirius Black: evans wasn’t even here
Sirius Black: she just came out with a cup of tea for lupin and james ACTUALLY screamed,,,,,,,,,,,, evans almost dropped the mug
Sirius Black: lupin just introduced us and shes given him this look like “they better not be loitering” so hes selling me onions so she doesn’t kick us out
Sirius Black: lupin i dont want these and i shant pay for them
Sirius Black: evans is trying to talk to prongs but hes just giving her heart eyes
Sirius Black: she just asked if hes in her french class and he SQUEAKED
Sirius Black: day 13. james has still not spoken a word of english to evans
Sirius Black: day 27. hes said “mfngggg” instead of yes the stupid git
Peter Pettigrew: Fucking hell im still in this stupid mother son bonding thing for another half hour
Sirius Black: siri set a reminder to mock peter later
Sirius Black: lupin just took the tea and evans has revealed shes in a BAND
Sirius Black: prongs has found his voice (!) and hes making the aziz ansari :D face which, unfortunately, makes him look like a total prat
Peter Pettigrew: Rookie error
Sirius Black: she just told him they’re called the stiff dylans and he just nodded really seriously and said “great name” im going to knock him out if only to stop him embarrassing himself further the stupid git
Sirius Black: fun facts about lily evans: she plays bass and she thinks james has brain damage probably
Sirius Black: “……………………okay”
Peter Pettigrew: BIG HANDS
Sirius Black: HER CAT just came out and prongs has jumped on the opportunity my boy he did it he managed to steer his way onto a topic he knows something about
Sirius Black: more fun facts about lily evans: her cat is called elizabeth bennet and she thinks james has brain damage definitely
Sirius Black: evans laughed at “we just call him sir jeremy but his real name is sir jeremy cattington the third, prince of purrsia and king under the meowntain” thank god
Sirius Black: he told her about how he used to take sir jeremy on walks by the beach but he ate his collar and his lead why is he like this
Sirius Black: prongs my man you sound like an eharmony profile gone wrong
Sirius Black: she mentioned hr sister,,,,,,,,,,,petunia
Sirius Black: the evans parents had a thing for matching names me and evans have so much in common
Peter Pettigrew: Noooo omg
Sirius Black: monty: “james????? what are you doing here? you hate vegetbles”
Sirius Black: james: “haha dad you’re so funny but of course i LOVE vegetables as we all know”
Sirius Black: monty: “james. the last time your mother tried to serve you broccoli you threatened to run away from home”
Sirius Black: james: “haha i was a picky kid, wasn’t i”
Sirius Black: monty deadass just looked right at evans and said “james that was wednesday” that man is my Hero
Sirius Black: lupin literally ducked behind the counter so prongs couldn’t see him laughing the lucky git prongs is glaring daggers at me
Sirius Black: evans is giving him the WORST pitying look omg poor jam he looks like he did when chelsea lost the final last year
Sirius Black: evans is gone holy shit i cant believe u missed this pete
Peter Pettigrew: :(
James Potter to Sirius Black: how am i ever going to be able to face her again ??????
James Potter: i love my dad but he can be so beyond the valley of the thick sometimes
Sirius Black: he wasnt that bad
Sirius Black: i dont think evans even took any notice
James Potter: are u SURE my dad hasnt ruined it ????
Sirius Black: j
Sirius Black: it was reaaaally fab
James Potter: fabbity fab?
Sirius Black: with knobs on.
Sirius Black: besides im sure evans will understand
Sirius Black: all parents say stupid things sometimes
Sirius Black: shell probably like u more bc shell feel bad uve got a dad who’s BEYOND bonkerdom
James Potter: you’re right
Sirius Black: i kno :~)
James Potter: i love you but don’t ever send me that face again
Peter Pettigrew to James Potter: I can’t believe you told evans she has big hands
James Potter: you werent even THERE
Remus Lupin to Ace Gang :~): anyone seen black
James Potter: hes in detention
Remus Lupin: what for this time
James Potter: handing out onions at assembly
Peter Pettigrew: The onions from sunday??
Sirius Black: no peter, a completely different set of onions
Peter Pettigrew changed the group name to Sirius stop being mean to me.
James Potter to everyone be meaner than usual to peter: what the fuck is evans doing with snivellus
Sirius Black: wot
Peter Pettigrew: We just walked past them and it looked Really Bad
Peter Pettigrew: She was holding his hand
James Potter: what the FUCK has he got going on that i dont
James Potter: this is fucking ridiculous. snape. who the fuck does he think he is
Remus Lupin: ill see what i can find out at work on monday
James Potter to Peter Pettigrew: is it weird to like evans’ band on fb if we’re not friends
Peter Pettigrew: Just fucking add her dude
Sirius Black to James Potter: look ive been doing some thinking and if u rly want 2 impress evans ur gonna have 2 up ur snogging game
James Potter: what the fuck
Sirius Black: dont argue im the best judge of this
Sirius Black: ur like. ok at kissing but i feel like u could b better
Sirius Black: there’s a kid on andy’s block who does snogging lessons after school his name is frank and hes a 7 maybe 7 and a half if u don’t wear ur glasses
James Potter: what is wrong with u
Sirius Black: u say that like ur not gonna look into it
James Potter: fuck off
Peter Pettigrew to the queen does NOT wear a 44DD: Hes just gone in
Peter Pettigrew: Cant believe neither of you came you missed OUT
Remus Lupin: what happened
Peter Pettigrew: He knocked on the door and this bloke came out and like. Objectively and all but he is Fit™
Peter Pettigrew: And he looked prongs up and down and was like
Peter Pettigrew: "I dont usually do boys but christ if you dont look like the saddest git ive ever seen"
Peter Pettigrew: I gave him a thumbs up on the way in
Remus Lupin: cant believe i missed it
Sirius Black: how did u get the tm thing like that
Peter Pettigrew: Copy it and save it as a keyboard shortcut
Sirius Black: ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™
Peter Pettigrew: Stop
Sirius Black: no™
Remus Lupin: what have you done
Sirius Black to James Potter: so its like THAT is it ??????????? my kissing not good enough for you ?????????
James Potter: babe
James Potter: ur my first kiss ull always hold a special spot in my heart
Sirius Black: i need time
James Potter, Snogging Sensation to i, sirius black, am giving james potter the cold shoulder: he put on careless whisper
Sirius Black: WHAT
Sirius Black changed to group name to i, sirius black, am now only giving james potter the lukewarm shoulder.
James Potter, Snogging Sensation: and hes from saliva CITY hes got nothing on u babe i promise
Sirius Black changed the group name to in light of new information, james potter and i, sirius black, have reconciled.
Remus Lupin changed the group name to Ace Gang.
Sirius Black: buzzkill
James Potter to gasolina is a Bad Song: mum’s got a promotion???????
Remus Lupin: tell her congrats
James Potter: it’s back in india though??????????????
Remus Lupin: oh
Sirius Black: you’re not moving are you
James Potter: i honestly don’t know
James Potter: im freaking out
James Potter: come round please
Peter Pettigrew: Holy shit
Peter Pettigrew: Ill pick everyone up
James Potter: they’re ruining my life and they still won’t let me have a party
James Potter to Rip in pieces james’ life in england: i have a plan
Remus Lupin: here we go
James Potter changed the group name to don’t message me in that tone of voice lupin.
Sirius Black: whats the plan
James Potter: evans likes cats. i like cats. i have a cat. and if that cat got lost i would be distraught. and if evans knew how upset i was shed help me find him.
Sirius Black: but sir jeremy isnt lost
James Potter: evans doesnt know that OBVIOUSLY
James Potter: honestly sirius sometimes i think youre half boy half turnip
Remus Lupin: jesus christ
James Potter changed the group name to im warning you lupin.
James Potter: i “””lose””” sir jeremy but you lot have him at the park then when u see us coming u let him loose and evans will chase him down and shell feel like a hero and shell get so caught up in the euphoria of the moment that shell kiss me and realise that we’re perfect for each other
Remus Lupin: ur insane
James Potter removed Remus Lupin from the chat.
Peter Pettigrew: You GUYS you KNOW im in english right now
Sirius Black: ffs peter just turn your phone on do not disturb when ur in mcg’s class
Peter Pettigrew: But i always forget to turn it back
James Potter to Sirius Black: i went round her shop but she said she was too busy helping her mum
Sirius Black: rip™
Lily Evans has sent you a friend request. Accept / Decline
Lily Evans to James Potter: begged off work. kno id be devo if i lost lizzy. wher r u?
James Potter: the beach
Lily Evans: be there asap x
James Potter to Sirius Black: plans back on
Sirius Black: oh okay
Sirius Black: small prob™ sir jeremy actually got loose
James Potter: she ended her message with an x
James Potter: does this mean she likes me
James Potter: wait WHAT
James Potter to Lily Evans: thanks so much for your help on sunday
Lily Evans: it was my pleasure. even if your cat IS mental.
James Potter: im telling him you said that
Lily Evans: noooooooooo
James Potter: so
Lily Evans: ominous.
James Potter: are you glad you moved to eastbourne?
Lily Evans: i guess. it's pretty chill
Lily Evans: have u always lived here?
James Potter: yeah
James Potter: its called gods waiting room
James Potter: because people come here to die
Lily Evans: ur being dramatic.
Lily Evans: i heard eastbournes the new brighton.
James Potter: yeah
James Potter: as if
Lily Evans: idk i like it here. its more peaceful than derby and the beach is soo good for ~song writing inspo~
James Potter: what do you write ur songs abt ?
Lily Evans: idk. life
Lily Evans: the universe
Lily Evans: how reality tv’s brainwashing us
James Potter: wow
Lily Evans: ikr
James Potter: careful, you’re starting to sound like my dad
Lily Evans: i dont mind so much, your dad’s pretty cool.
James Potter: ????
Lily Evans: he comes into the shop a lot.
James Potter: oh my god
James Potter: promise you wont take anything he says about me seriously
Lily Evans: no problem aha
James Potter: what about your dad? does he work in the shop too?
Lily Evans: no, he’s :/
Lily Evans: he died.
James Potter: oh. im so sorry, lily.
Lily Evans: its okay. its why my mum moved us out here and opened up the shop.
Lily Evans: she always wanted one
Lily Evans: eastbourne is such a step back from derby and i like it because it means me and petunia can keep an eye on her you know?
James Potter: i think i understand why you like it here
James Potter to evans showed prongs her O face: mum and dad are fighting about india again
Remus Lupin: fuck
Sirius Black: ):
Peter Pettigrew: )):
Sirius Black: stop trying to one up me, pettigrew
Frank Longbottom has sent you a friend request. Accept / Decline
James Potter to longbottom has the hots for prongs: mum’s just left
James Potter: so thats that then
Peter Pettigrew: Drinks at mine?
James Potter: yeah
James Potter to Remus Lupin: will you mention how shit snape is and how good i am when ur on shift with evans today
Remus Lupin: no you sad git i will not
James Potter: remus i LOVE her
James Potter: ill buy you a twix from the vending machine
Remus Lupin: alright
Sirius Black changed the group name to twix are grim.
Remus Lupin changed the group name to twix are grim but not as grim as curly wurlys.
Sirius Black: you’ve really hurt me, lupin
Remus Lupin: good.
James Potter to Remus Lupin: ???????????
James Potter: ur off shift now did you talk abt me ???????
Remus Lupin: no
Remus Lupin: and i already ate the twix so dont ask for it back
Peter Pettigrew to evans thinks snape is a clingy sod #confirmed: Watch out prongs
James Potter: for what
Remus Lupin: for that, i assume
Sirius Black: im in lunch detention what happened
Remus Lupin: longbottom’s making a come on at james
Sirius Black: McYikes
Remus Lupin: “why havent you accepted my friend request?” – longbottom
Remus Lupin: “because were not friends” – james
Sirius Black: james ur gonna get urself decked one day
Sirius Black: so can u stop being a little shit when im not around to watch thanks
James Potter: no promises
Remus Lupin to twin peaks season 3 fan theories club: sirius can you link me to that compilation video of diego luna saying he wants to touch jabba the hut
Remus Lupin: i want to show it to lily at work this afternoon
Sirius Black: ya sure
Sirius Black: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGKrc3A6HHM
Remus Lupin: if i follow that link and it isnt to the video i asked for im not going to be your partner for the history assignment
Sirius Black: ………………..
Sirius Black: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDU3PojzaHk
Remus Lupin: thank you
Peter Pettigrew changed the group name to Gasolina is banned from the group playlist.
James Potter to Gasolina (INCLUDING all derivative remixes reimaginings and covers) is banned from the group playlist: EVANS LIKES STAR WARS
James Potter: ???!?!?!?!??!!!!!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Remus Lupin: james that was three hours ago get with the times
James Potter: but i was at P R A C T I C E
Sirius Black: too bad so sad
Remus Lupin to Peter Pettigrew: WHOA
Peter Pettigrew: U watching from chem window?????
Remus Lupin: ya what just happened??????????????????
Peter Pettigrew: Snape tripped up james on the way to goal
Remus Lupin: is he ok??????
Peter Pettigrew: Hes got a bloody nose but hes okay
Remus Lupin: i meant snape
Peter Pettigrew: O na
Peter Pettigrew: I think james is gonna murder him lol
Sirius Black to marauding fools quote unquote minnie mcgonagall: mary mcdonald in the year below is having a party tomorrow night n i charmed her into giving us all invites
Sirius Black: well, she invited ME and i guess u lads can come as my collective date
Remus Lupin: im already invited
James Potter: me too
Peter Pettigrew: She invited me three weeks ago
Sirius Black: i got invited after PETTIGREW ????????? who the fuck
Sirius Black: Im Not Going™
Remus Lupin: yes u are
Peter Pettigrew: Yes u are
James Potter: yes u are
Sirius Black: Yes I Am™
Peter Pettigrew to Ace Gang: Why did you tell her i lost a SOCK ??????
Remus Lupin changed the group name to kickstarter to find peter’s missing third sock.
James Potter: i had to say SOMETHING
Remus Lupin: james, ever ridiculous under pressure
James Potter: besides, YOU’RE the one who pushed us behind a bush as if she would have thought it was weird that we at SCHOOL
Peter Pettigrew: I panicked
Peter Pettigrew: Lily said she thought snape tripping you was a dick move though  
James Potter: trying to distract me by mentioning evans, huh???
Peter Pettigrew: Is it working
James Potter: i wish i could say no
Remus Lupin: id like to point out lily also said you should go up for the school team
Remus Lupin: so she clearly doesn’t care enough about you to know that you’re already. captain
Sirius Black: lupin stop being a flaky bitch
Sirius Black: thats my job
Peter Pettigrew to pres at james’ because its closest to mary’s NOT because its in any way a superior house to any other house accessible 2 the group: Did i just hear ur dad call u a minger
James Potter: if u have 2 ask u already kno the answer
Sirius Black: In Fleamont We Trust™
James Potter: he fucking ambushed me
James Potter: evans didn’t see did she ?????????????????????????
Peter Pettigrew: Nah dont think so
Sirius Black: hes lying she absolutely did
James Potter: fuck this im going home
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: i swear to god if you’re the one who just put on gasolina im blocking you
Sirius Black: (:
Remus Lupin: we arent friends
Remus Lupin to James Potter: me and lily are going to the pool this afternoon
Remus Lupin: 2:30pm
Remus Lupin: in case you wanted to coincidentally turn up
James Potter: what so i can aggravate her by drowning snape?
Remus Lupin: snape isnt coming
James Potter: oh. why not?
Remus Lupin: probably afraid of water
James Potter: explains why he never washes
Remus Lupin: lmao
James Potter to Sirius Black: me and moony are going to the pool and you’re coming
Sirius Black: as in the public pool????????
James Potter: obvi
Sirius Black: excusez-moi, c’est très grotesque
Sirius Black: im NOT going to the public pool little kids pee in that and the chlorine makes my hair go all frizzy
James Potter: i cant believe you’re abandoning me, your best friend, in his time of greatest need
Sirius Black: and you say IM dramatic
Remus Lupin to Ace Gang: what happened after we left yesterday???????
James Potter: idk it was weird
James Potter: we did handstands and she made fun of my pale legs ): then she tried to drown me but in like a ~playful~ way
James Potter: and i told her im not with frank longbottom in any capacity and she said “well that’s good then”
James Potter: and then she kissed me
Sirius Black: SHE KISSED YOU
Remus Lupin: get in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter Pettigrew: Result omg
James Potter: but then she said she had to go sort some stuff out and that she’d text me
Remus Lupin: oh, james
James Potter to Sirius Black: evans should text soon then that’s sorted and we should step up the party plans
James Potter: we’ve got so much left to sort
James Potter: venue, fashion statements, colour scheme
Sirius Black: you should do black and white
James Potter: ! marvy
James Potter to Remus Lupin: what does it mean when a girl kisses you and says she’ll text you does it mean she’ll /text you or does it mean she’ll message you on facebook
James Potter: because there’s a big difference
James Potter: remus ???????????????????????????
Remus Lupin: james its 4 in the morning
James Potter: so???????? ur awake arent u ???????????????? what does it mean ??????
James Potter: remus uve kissed the most girls u have to know
James Potter: remus
James Potter: remus please
Frank Longbottom has sent you a friend request. Accept / Decline
James Potter to Sirius Black: i need a drink
Sirius Black: what happened????
Sirius Black: im omw btw
James Potter: mum called and she wants me and dad to move out to india with her
James Potter: dad doesnt want to go but he also doesnt want to be away from mum any more im freaking out siri i might actually move back to india what the fuck
James Potter: and on top of that longbottom showed up at my house and tried to apologise how did he even get my address
Sirius Black: im here come open the door
Alice theLaugh to James Potter: is it tru that ur gay?
James Potter: idk i dont reckon
Alice theLaugh: didnt think u were, lily said u werent
James Potter: really? what did she say ???????????
Alice theLaugh: just that she knows 4 sure u arent
Alice theLaugh: are u going to the stiff dylans gig saturday?
James Potter: not sure yet
James Potter to Sirius Black: she kissed me and then left me on read at 3:45
Sirius Black: aw :/
James Potter: shut the fuck up
James Potter: she didn’t even tell me abt her gig in brighton
James Potter to james’ wet dream about evans: sirius i cannot believe you told my father about lily evans
Sirius Black: thats not fair
Sirius Black: u kno monty has an uncanny ability to get info out of me
Sirius Black changed James Potter’s nickname to the naff boy who had the sad party that no one went to.
the naff boy who had the sad party that no one went to: stop taking advantage of my vulnerability !
Remus Lupin to Everyone sign up for hindi on duolingo out of solidarity to james: watch out lads james has his plan face on
Remus Lupin: brace for impact
Peter Pettigrew: Oh geez
James Potter: fuck off then lupin i wont tell u then
James Potter removed Remus Lupin from the chat.
James Potter: now that we’re alone
James Potter: im gonna make evans jealous
Peter Pettigrew: Im afraid to ask how
James Potter: im going with alice the laugh to the stiff dylans gig
Sirius Black: christ james that’s pretty shitty
Sirius Black: that was lupin
Sirius Black: i say first, what could possibly go wrong
Sirius Black: second, what the fuck is alice the laugh’s real last name
Sirius Black: ive known her for 6 years and i dont know what it is
Peter Pettigrew to Friends Of James Potter Support Group: Say aye if ur completely unsurprised to learn i just overheard james respond to alice the laugh telling him he looks good tonight with “thanks, you’re very honest”
Sirius Black: aye
Remus Lupin: aye
Peter Pettigrew: “Alice you make me laugh like a loon on loon tablets”
Sirius Black: #yikes
Sirius Black: i have the shot
Remus Lupin: take it
Alice theLaugh to James Potter: i had a great time tonight
James Potter: haha me too
Alice theLaugh: best night of my life x
James Potter: o.k. see you at school on monday
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: so ur the one who put on gasolina at mary mcdonald’s party.
Sirius Black: what makes u say that ?
Lily Evans: you shouted “play gasolina” no less than 11 times last night.
Sirius Black: that doesnt sound like me
Sirius Black: are u sure it wasnt lupin ?
Sirius Black: that worldly bastard he sure does love puerto rican music
Lily Evans: i just texted him and he said “im surprised sirius even knows what puerto rico is”.
Sirius Black: fucker
Sirius Black to James Potter: oi cheer up
Sirius Black: what are you thinking about?
James Potter: poor alice
James Potter: i keep seeing her face when she tried to kiss me
James Potter: god i feel like such an arse for leading her on
James Potter to Alice theLaugh: you okay? you looked pretty upset in maths
Alice theLaugh: hope your plan worked
James Potter: what?
Alice theLaugh: marlene mckinnon overheard black telling lupin that you only went out with me to make lily jealous
Alice theLaugh: you’re a heartless user
Alice theLaugh: what you did, that’s just pants, that is
James Potter: i’m really sorry, alice
Alice theLaugh: i really thought you thought i was a laugh
Sirius Black to James Potter: i told you im sorry
Sirius Black: are you really going to ignore me over this
Sirius Black: like for real james pull your head out of your arse for twenty seconds and realise how shitty you’re being
Sirius Black: all your scheming and pretending
Sirius Black: honestly it’s no wonder evans never fucking texted you
James Potter: don’t talk to me again.
Lily Evans to James Potter: you’ve really pissed off a lot of people.
Lily Evans: alice is really cut up. she’s my mate, james.
James Potter: i didnt mean to use her.
James Potter: you never texted me when you said you would
Lily Evans: i handled it really badly, i know
Lily Evans: things got messy
Lily Evans: i didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
James Potter: so you were thinking of breaking up with snape and then you were gonna text me?
Lily Evans: lmao what
Lily Evans: severus and i aren’t together.
James Potter: but you hold his hand
Lily Evans: i hold marlene’s had too but that doesnt mean im dating her.
Lily Evans: you know how much he hates you and it makes it hard, james, but yeah, i was gonna text you.
Lily Evans: and then i saw you with alice at my gig and i was gutted.
Lily Evans: but that’s different now.
Lily Evans: i thought YOU were different than that james but you’re not, you’re just some fuck off rich kid who only thinks about himself.
Lily Evans: i think it’s probably best if you don’t message me again.
James Potter to Remus Lupin: had a talk with lily. turns out shes not actually with snape.
Remus Lupin: i actually do not care, james. work things out with sirius or fuck off.
James Potter to Peter Pettigrew: i think i might have just gotten my mum fired
Peter Pettigrew: Go on, i guess
James Potter: i went to her office and talked to her boss and i think i just made things worse
Peter Pettigrew: Yeah, you’re getting pretty good at that
James Potter: i guess i am, yeah.
James Potter: im cancelling the party and ive told dad i want to move to india
James Potter: if either of the others ask
Peter Pettigrew: I’ll pass it on.
James Potter to Lily Evans: hi.
James Potter: i know you didn’t want me to message you again and i don’t blame you for that but i have to say this and then it’s done.
James Potter: what you said really hurt, but you were right. it wasnt me. it was beyond pants, and i really am sorry. i messed everything up with you, and with alice and with sirius and i guess i just got caught up in my own idea of how our lives should be and i got carried away
Lily Evans: i cut all ties with severus last night.
James Potter: oh.
Lily Evans: yeah.
Lily Evans: you know, i wrote a song about you.
James Potter: really?
Lily Evans: its called Bitch In A Uniform.
Lily Evans: i wrote it when i was pissed off with you.
Lily Evans: but i still like you, james. even though you’re mental.
James Potter: no you don’t
Lily Evans: i do.
Lily Evans: i cant stop thinking about you. i was hoping
Lily Evans: maybe
Lily Evans: we can go out?
James Potter: oh, fuck
Lily Evans: ?
James Potter: im moving to india
Lily Evans: what the fuck is wrong with you
Lily Evans: you’re so
Lily Evans: random
James Potter: 100% legit this time.
Lily Evans: that’s a goddamn shame.
Lily Evans: im at the beach if you wanted to come hang out.
James Potter to Sirius Black: feels really shitty without you
James Potter: im so so sorry
James Potter: can you ever forgive me?
Sirius Black: ur gonna have to buy me at least 16 curly wurlys
James Potter: its done.
Sirius Black: happy birthday you massive tosser xxx
joe to the jonas brothers: operation stun-the-pants-off-james-with-an-amazing-surprise-party is a go
joe changed the group name to Friends Of James Potter Support Group.
nick: oh thank GOD
kevin: I was wondering how long you’d hold out
nick: you’re both so stupid
James Potter to prongs is finally legal ;): cant believe all you wankers are busy tonight
James Potter: like i know we were all in a fight but you ALL have plans ????????
James Potter: dad’s taken pity on me and is taking me to a club this is the saddest 18th ever
Remus Lupin: sry fam
Peter Pettigrew: Lol
JAMES POTTER’S SUPER SECRET 18TH BIRTHDAY PARTY Private º Hosted by Sirius Black and 2 others.
312 going º 167 maybe 27 March 19:30 – 28 March 8:00
Details james is a prat but hes our best friend so lets all get together and show him that being legal to drink doesnt take away the fun of it !! event will have an open bar courtesy of mr & mrs p
theme is black and white !
only one rule : DONT TELL JAMES ABOUT IT anyone who does will be blacklisted from the party loool good luck telling your grandkids about how you didn’t get to come to the most important party of our generation
Peter Pettigrew to Fleamont Potter: The eagle has landed i repeat the eagle has landed
Fleamont Potter: Thanks son :~) Jem’s going to be so excited to see his mum.
Fleamont Potter: We’re up on the balcony by the bar, send her our way :~)
Peter Pettigrew: Will do, sarge
Lily Evans: happy birthday xxx hope you like ur present.
James Potter: my present?
James Potter: OH MY GOD
James Potter: YOU WROTE ME A SONG ?!?!?!
James Potter: lily evans i honestly think i love you
Marlene McKinnon to Remus Lupin: we can’t hear properly from up the back what did snape just say
Remus Lupin: “james potter is a girl-nabbing letch who can’t keep his slutty minx hands off other peoples’ girlfriends”
Marlene McKinnon: WHAT
Remus Lupin: “you’re just a big fat minging minger with horridious eyesight and the opposite of a haircut”
Remus Lupin: don’t worry, black’s filming the whole thing im sure it’ll be on youtube asap
Sirius Black to Ace Gang except all of us are legal™ now: id be lying if i said i remembered anything past monty and effy swing dancing
Remus Lupin: im fairly certain i walked in on frank longbottom and alice the laugh fucking in the mens
Remus Lupin: but i, too, am fuzzy on the details
Peter Pettigrew: I woke up at the lido. No idea how i got there
Remus Lupin: i just found this in my camera roll
Remus Lupin set a photo.
Peter Pettigrew: What the fuck
Remus Lupin: i have no memory of taking this and im glad of that fact because the camerawork here is shameful
James Potter: YOU’RE KIDDING
Peter Pettigrew: I mean that definitely sounds like me
James Potter changed Peter Pettigrew’s nickname to cryptid: ratboii.
cryptid: ratboii: Cheers
cryptid: ratboii: Where did you get to, anyway?
James Potter: me and evans went to the beach
Remus Lupin: cuuuuuute
Sirius Black: and you didnt invite ME
James Potter: sirius you were passed out by 11 o clock
Sirius Black: WHAT
James Potter: yeah, evans poured you a quadruple shot of jager after you played gasolina through your iphone six times in a row
Sirius Black: you convinced me to drink JAGER??????????!?!?!?!??!!!!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?
James Potter: i told you it was sambuca black and somehow that was okay with you
Sirius Black: wtf™
James Potter added a life event. DIDN’T move to India 56 likes
James Potter commented: love reacts only pls
Peter Pettigrew commented: A N G E R Y R E A C T
James Potter replied to Peter Pettigrew’s comment: ???????
Peter Pettigrew to James Potter: I did duolingo every day even though ur not actually moving and im not gonna let it go to waste
Peter Pettigrew: बकरी मेरी प्रेमिका है
James Potter: peter you know i. cant read hindi i can only speak it right
Peter Pettigrew: ):
James Potter: i showed mum and she laughed and said it was cute
Peter Pettigrew: (:
Sirius Black shared a video to James Potter’s timeline: “Stiff Dylans performance interrupted by GREASY RACIST exclusive”
Lily Evans commented: tag urself im the girlfriend
Remus Lupin commented: im peter in the background trying to get out of the shot but sirius keeps moving so hes still in frame
Sirius Black commented: im prongs’s slutty minx hands
James Potter commented: im the look on snapes face when lily kisses me
Peter Pettigrew commented: Im james drawing attention to the fact he conned lily into kissing him because he thinks weve all somehow missed him telling us every two seconds for the last three days
James Potter is in a relationship with Lily Evans. 346 likes
Peter Pettigrew commented: Love react
Sirius Black commented: jealous react
Remus Lupin commented: L O V E R E A C T
1K notes · View notes
donaldresslerfanfic · 7 years
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language (little bit)
Word Count: 2278
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Thirteen.
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
“Bennett” Gina said dramatically “it sounds powerful and hot” I just ignored her while drawing thin lines in my sketch. “For how long has he been your fuck buddy?” She asked bluntly. I stopped drawing and looked at her with a smirk.
“For how long are we doing this?”
“You can’t just show me the picture and the text of an Adonis and be like ‘yeah we fuck occasionally’ and don’t expect me to not make a fuss. I know hot people date hot people”
“I’m not hot. And it’s been like 10 years”
She just waved at me angry
“Don’t be modest now Maggie, you’re a babe. Why aren’t you making cute babies again?”
“Because he’s a friend?” I said going back to my sketch
“Can I meet him?”
“We don’t go out and have coffee or go to the movies, it’s uncomplicated sex, once or twice while he’s in a conference, I doubt you’ll meet him”
“And are you happy with that?” I stopped again and looked at her.
“Yeah, and the fact my sister doesn’t approve of my friend with benefits ways makes it better”
She chuckled and remained quiet in her seat next to me, I was about to go back to my sketch when I stopped again, looking at her with defeat
“I’m not telling Donald I’m in love with him”
“If you never tell him, he’ll never find out he was in love with you too”
“And if he isn’t in love with me, he’ll never speak to me again” my phone dinged with my alarm “I have to pick up Bennet from the airport, if you had let me finish, this project would be done by now and you’ll have to go back to work and stop annoying me”
“I’m sorry your life is more interesting than mine” she said standing up. I picked up my bag and rolled my eyes at her
“My life is not interesting”
“Your hook ups surely are” she followed me out of my office, and I walked with her to her own, before she closed the door in my face I smirked
“Want me to tell you something that will get you even more hot and bothered?”
“No” she said firmly
“He’s British” I closed the door, and even from outside I could hear the grunt of frustration Gina let out. I chuckled and walked to my car.
Bennett’s visit came at a perfect time, nothing better than to let out your frustrations with good sex, the uncomplicated one, the one that left you panting and unconscious for a good while, and in that while there’s nothing else but pleasure.
“Once again I have been blessed with the magnificent view of your ass” I smirked and turned around, Bennett was holding a bag on his shoulder, his eyes moved upwards to me with a little smirk “Hi Mags”
I walked a short step to him and gave him a little hug
“Just what I needed, when I needed it” I pulled back, he was still holding me by the waist.
“A good toss in the sheets?” He continued to smirk giving me a twist of his eyebrows
“Keyword good”
We began walking, his hand still holding me by the waist, this wouldn’t be weird for two people who sleep together, except for the tiny fact that Bennett had never been a PDA guy, in a night club or a party sure, but never in random places like an airport.
“Who told you I was in DC?”
“Your sister” he replied nonchalantly
“You talked to my sister?”
“I called her house, it was the number I called last I saw you, she said you were here and gave me your contact info. So Mags has stopped nomadism”
“About time I’m almost 30” we were walking to my car, stopping when we got to it.
“I’m sorry about your dad” he said, I opened the trunk and gave him a little smile
“I know, you told me that at his funeral” he put his bag in the trunk and I closed it.
“Are you busy now?” I looked at him while he walked to the passenger side of the car, we both got in, I was frowning at this point.
What I told Gina was true, we never hung out when we knew it was just sex, except for a drink the night we knew we were going to do it, he never asked if I was busy, if I could have a cup of coffee or lunch. Bennett thought this acts would only make us fall in love with each other which wasn’t at all what he wanted.
“I have to get back to work in 45 minutes, I was going to drop you at your hotel and then head on to work.”
“Well, I’m free until tomorrow and bored out of my mind. Does your work allow visits?”
I was baffled at this point, giving him the biggest frown I had.
“Come on Maggie we’re friends, can’t I be interested in your work?” He said with a shrug
“You can, but that doesn’t take the weird out of it” I looked at the road and began driving. “So how’s your work?”
“It’s OK, lots of traveling my boss doesn’t want to do to conferences like this”
“What kind of conference is it?”
“It’s about a company that came up with some innovative way to prevent highways and high density roads’ pavement from crashing and having to pave it all again. I came to see if it’s worth my firm’s time”
Bennett was a Civil Engineer, road building was his thing, which is why he had to travel a lot, which is why he felt comfortable with a toss in the sheets, he couldn’t even handle normal relationships, he wouldn’t be able to do long distance ones.
“And you’re living in the states?”
“Yeah, Cali, I hate winter” I knew that much. His dad died from a car crash caused by a hard blizzard when he was in Switzerland for a job interview.
After we met we complimented, his mom was like my mom, and my dad was like his dad. In each we found our missing models.
“So, you’re going to work with me?” I said heading to my workplace
“Yeah, I want to see what you do. Then you can drop me to my hotel and come back in the night”
“I’m not going to be your cab driver”
“I’m a big boy with money, honey” he said patting my thigh, keeping his hand there “it was enough you came for me to the airport.”
I smiled and parked in my workplace. As soon as I crossed the lobby with Bennter Brenda walked alongside me.
“Agent Ressler is waiting for you in your office”
I thanked her, frowning a little.
“Agent who?” Bennet asked from next to me
“Is a friend, why don’t you go flirt with someone while I go and talk to him?”
“Since you’re not that eager of me meeting him I’ll defenetly follow you like a puppy starved for love”
I let out a chuckle and opened my office door. Don was standing near my desk, hands in his pockets.
“Donnie hey” I saluted, letting Bennett in. He was a little taken a back by him. “This is Bennett, the friend from the airport I had to pick up?” I reminded him, I was sure I told Don about it.
“Yeah, Hi” he said stretching his hand to him, Bennett took it and moved to sit on my chair, I gave him a little eye roll and looked at Don. His eyes followed Bennett to the chair. He must’ve noticed me staring dead at him, he cleared his throat and looked at me.
“Is something wrong?”
“No… When you said 'friend’ I never pictured 'male friend’”
I could see from the corner of my eyes Bennett’s Cheshire cat grin.
“I didn’t think it mattered”
“It doesn’t” he rectified “I need to steal you for a second, I need a second opinion”
“Sure” I said nodding “is it going to take a while? I’m babysitting” I said with a shake of my head towards my friend sitting in my chair.
“Not longer than an hour” he said with a shrug.
“OK then, let’s head out” Maggie said picking up the bag from her coat hanger. My eyes followed her through the room, trying to not land back on her friend.
I think it was my turn to be unjustifiedly jealous, aside from the fact that her friend appeared to be out of a Hugo Boss commercial, but then again, Maggie always looked right out of a magazine.
She moved to him while checking inside her purse
“Here, just in case I don’t make it and you get bored” she said dangling a set of keys in front of him.
“No need love, take my things to your place and I’ll drop by tonight” he replied with a little smirk and a second meaning on his undertone.
“Suit yourself” she put the key back in her purse and turned to me
“Wait you have something” he said, she turned her back to him “my mistake, it was just a nice ass”
She sighed and let out a smile as she walked to me, still with a grin on her face.
“Bye agent” he saluted, I just have him a nod while exiting the office behind Maggie.
“Is it normal that your friends flirt with you?”
“It’s normal of this friend” she gave me a look from over her shoulder. “Where are we going?”
“Liz is finally turning Tom in, I need you to check her house for any other possible hiding spots.”
“Sure no biggie” we got to my car.
I couldn’t stop myself from asking her about her insanely good looking friend.
“So, this guy, he’s here for a conference”
I couldn’t see her, my eyes were on the road and making a damn good job avoiding hers, but I could sense her victory smile.
“Yeah, for five days”
“And he’s staying at your place?”
“No, his firm pays him a hotel room”
“So why is he’s staying at your place?” I pushed, I don’t know why, because her answer made my stomach turn.
“Because, more than likely, he’ll fuck me. And I’ll let him”
I parked in front of Liz’s place, my hands were inexplicably sweaty, and I felt weird. Was a jealous or disappointed? Or angry?. I looked at her, who gave me a smirk and exited the car.
I just watched her go up to the house that was clearly Liz’s, it wasn’t hard to find it had police surrounding it. She exchanged a few words and soon enough Liz cane out to talk to her.
Meanwhile my stomach was in knots. I wasn’t supposed to care this much about Maggie’s love life, she seemed fine with me doing the same she was doing, so why did I feel so shitty?
I exited the car when Maggie entered the house. Liz was looking at me with amazement.
“You’re in love with her too” she declared when I got near to her, I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.
“I’m with Audrey”
“It doesn’t take away the fact that you hate the idea of her being with someone else” I walked inside, but Liz stopped me by holding me gently by the arm “tell her Ressler”
“I’m with Audrey” I repeated.
“But it doesn’t bring you the same satisfaction that being with Maggie does”
“Maggie got me over”
“She’ll never be over you, and if she says she does she’s lying. She’s doing this to stop thinking about you for two seconds”
“Then I’ll let her, because I’m not in love with her, and I’m not leaving Audrey because I’m a little jealous of someone getting sexual with Mag”
I felt the pressure of her hand leaving my arm, then walked inside without saying a word.
Walking in I saw Maggie bent over and looking at the corner of the room, tapping gently with her hands.
I let her work, didn’t talk to her after that and had someone drop her back at her work when the hour passed
She found two other money stashes in one of the plints of the walls and in a false wall socket. I could’ve blamed my team for missing then, but then again, she knew where people would hide stuff, the stashes had been searched two times before she came, and nothing came up, she had a gift at hiding, and not just money or valuables but her emotions.
When she was getting ready to leave she saluted me from a distance, but in her eyes I found a little glint of satisfaction, and I could clearly read her mind and her eyes when she looked at me. 'It hurts doesn’t it?’. Yes, it did.
Maybe I shouldn’t have been that hard on Donald, but I was lying if I said I didn’t enjoy making him jealous, which constitutes another problem. Donald wants me for himself, even though he has a girlfriend he can’t stand the idea of me seeing another person, it drove him angry.
I knew I shouldn’t be this vindictive, but it felt good for a second, and besides, Bennett was only here for five days, and we might see each other just one, whilst Don will still be with Audrey by the end of the week.
Which is why when I got home and Bennett entered behind me, I let him do me good.
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 7 years
Mr. Perfect (Chapter 15)
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TITLE OF STORY: Mr. Perfect CHAPTER: 15 AUTHOR: hiddlestoner-and-cumberbabe WHICH TOM/CHARACTER: AU Gigolo!Tom GENRE: Romance, Fluff, Drama FIC SUMMARY: Mr. Tom Hiddleston is an international gigolo and renowned playboy that has sent London women’s hearts aflutter, and also all the women around the world. He’s charming, sexy , tall, smart, sophisticated and extremely handsome. But with his new client, Julie Rose Trillo, his life will change forever. RATING: T WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: Just two chapters left! Oh no. But at least, this chapter contains a few bittersweet moments, but not that serious though. FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Once again, for all the readers, thank you very much for following this fanfic. I mean, without your likes and reblogs, I wouldn’t be able to continue to have a motivation to write this. I should save all the gratitude for the last chapter anyways :D Thanks a lot dearies ^_^
When J.R. told Tom to stay away, he wouldn’t dare disobey her. And now, he is leaving Baguio City; would he also leave the good memories?
Meanwhile for J.R. and Martin, Macky is still their problem, or is it?
He zipped his baggage up and then took his satchel bag on his right arm.
It has been five days since he was shot and the wound on his left arm is healing.
J.R., on the other hand, has not been discharged yet, Donnie had told him. They are still analyzing her CAT scans, while Martin arrived two days ago, but Tom didn’t talked to him or met with him. He wanted to leave, not bearing any good memories from them; because it will just hurt more for him.
Before leaving the room, he let out a sigh and looked around.
Goodbye, Baguio City. He thought.
Slowly, he made his way out of the corridor and into the living room.
He looked up over his right; and then he saw J.R.’s room. Tom couldn’t resist it, he went upstairs to look at her room for the last time. The door was open and her bed had already been changed to new bed sheets. But her portraits still hung over the wall, and they were so captivating as ever.
Tom inhaled slowly as he felt his heart weigh his chest down with sadness. And suddenly, all of the memories of J.R. flashed over his mind-eye;
The first time he saw her; her smile when he sang her a lullaby so she could sleep; when J.R. slipped and fell into his arms when they were in the shore in Palawan; but of all the memories he loved the most was when he kissed her forehead.
He placed his fingers on his lips, as if feeling once again the way he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Told you, mate... You’ll never get the girl. He pondered to himself.
Before Tom could stare out longer at J.R.’s portraits, he left the room and went downstairs.
He quickly grabbed his baggage and was ready to go. But there was a side in him that wanted to stay and be with J.R.
Don’t be dumb! She told you to stay away, and that is what you are going to do… You’ll go home and forget about her. There is nothing for you here now.
He shook his head of all the sentiments and pain. He has to move on, or he’ll be buried with the pain of losing J.R. ultimately.
And with all of his strength, he walked towards the doorway and with that, he said his goodbyes.
Goodbye, Julie Rose. ——–
Three Weeks Later…
The afternoon sun shone from the frosted windows of the room. It had been a hot day that sweat glistened from Macky’s neck, then came rolling down to her orange detainee uniform.
She was to be interrogated today and she knows that it would be a lawyer sent by Martin. Her patience was beginning to shrink in every minute passed that she was left alone in that empty room.
Then, the door was opened, and it was not a lawyer at all that entered the room– it was Martin, followed by J.R..
She almost gasped when she saw how J.R. looked now; she still had a wound on the side of her forehead that had a small patch of gauze on, but her hair was neatly tucked behind in an elegant bun, and her clothes; cream-colored blouse and black slacks. She was herself again, not the childish and almost disabled self that Macky had caused her to be.
They both sat down opposite Macky who is restrained in handcuffs. She eyed J.R. as she sat down slowly to face her.
“Julie Rose. You are yourself again.” Macky gave a mocking remark.
“I know, and you’re not blind, Macky; I know you can see me now, alive and well, and also restored of my memories.” J.R. sarcastically retaliated.
“What have we done to you, for you to do this to us, Criselda? Did we mistreat you?” Martin began bitterly. He used her name instead of her nickname, and there Macky knew that Martin is intimidating her but it won’t work.
J.R. placed a gentle hand on her brother’s arm and nodded at him, “Kuya, let me.”
But Macky snickered, “What? You’re going to use on me your conversational skills.”
J.R. stared directly at her, but not with anger, instead, with gentleness.
“I want to ask for your forgiveness, Macky.” She said it with such sincerity that anyone would think that J.R. may have lost her mind.
But she continued, “Can I also tell you a story? The story when you came into our lives?”
Macky did not said anything, she is waiting for where J.R. is getting on.
“Mama told me that I will have a big sister, and I was so happy because I have a big brother, then I will have both sibling– then I saw you, do you remember that?”
She indeed do remember that time-- a little and adorable J.R. running to her for a tight embrace as soon as she arrived in their home.
“Since then, I’ve always loved you, Macky. But through the years, I became distracted with school, my friends, my work and everything that, I forgot about you.”
Slowly, J.R. reached for her hand, and Macky could see that tears fall from her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Macky… I know you may never forgive me, but– I’m deeply, truly sorry.” J.R. tearfully said.
But, Macky withdrew her hand away from J.R..
J.R. wiped her tears away with Martin’s handkerchief. Macky remained resilient with her pride.
“But– I also love Kuya, and that I will obey him.”
Then she looked at Martin so he could take over the conversation.
“J.R. wishes that we will not file any charges against you; we will forget everything you have done to our family. But, you will be cut off from Mama’s will. Every financial savings, investments and even credit cards that belonged to you--will be taken away from you.” Martin then clenched his jaw and sat back.
Macky couldn’t help but draw back a sob from her throat, “You are not incriminating me– to let me suffer on my own?!”
Martin slammed the table with his fist, “That is not enough for what you have done to J.R.! You are lucky that she convinced me not to file charges!”
Then J.R. held Martin’s elbow to hold him. “Kuya, please…” She whispered.
Martin exhaled through his nose in anger, and so J.R. took over again,
“That is what at least that we can do for you, Macky.” She explained.
“Leave me, that is what you can do for me.” Macky sneered at them.
Martin was about to say something, but J.R. held tight on to his elbow again, so he would not speak out again.
“Then we will. Goodbye, Macky.” J.R. spoke out so softly.
J.R. stood first to help Martin stand up. Martin immediately turned his back, but J.R. stole a glance from Macky, who was fuming and in tears. When they finally left, she bursted into with violent tears.
She could feel it all; the anger, guilt, and pain.
She never knew that J.R. would bring herself to say such things, such as that she loves her; even though, she has done worse things to her.
But to think that she may have to rebuild herself once again, not just her financial status that she recently lost; but her reputation and her promise to fulfill her job as a nurse and caregiver.
Macky only cried to herself alone. And somehow she accepted, it’s not J.R.’s fault in the first place, it was hers all along. ——
When Martin and J.R. went back home, they both sat together in the quiet living room, and with two strawberry taho (soy) and also some potato chips as their snack.
They ate together and talked. Martin started,“J.R., would you forgive me, for hiring Tom so he could be Nathan?”
J.R. paused for a while before answering the question. It has been weeks since Tom left and this is the first time that the two of them talked about Tom.
“I know that you saw no other way for me to get well, Kuya. But there is nothing to forgive. Tom may have looked so much like Nathan; but he will never be a Nathan in my life.”
He exhaled slowly as if letting go of a big burden, then J.R. laughed at her because she said that he looked like a kettle whistling. They both laughed and jeered at each other, like they always did before. Martin was just in a bliss that J.R. is now herself again.
Her disease was never there, that Macky had been conniving with J.R.’s new neurologist that they invented a fake disease so Martin wouldn’t notice that Macky is feeding her up with ketamine.
J.R. would’ve had a fast recovery if not for Macky. But when she crashed her car and hit her head, she told Martin; that is when her memories were fully restored.
Martin shoved four pieces of chips in his mouth, then J.R. said to him, “What do I do now, Kuya?”
Martin tried to speak with his mouth full, but J.R. giggled and stopped him, saying that he should finish his food first.
When he was done he said, “What do you want to do, J.R.? Would you like to go back to modelling again?”
J.R. only looked away and closed her eyes for a second. She suddenly imagined Nathan holding a camera, viewing her from an eyepiece. But she looked back at Martin.
“No. That’s a busy world to live in. And I don’t want to get caught up again with that. I guess I am done with that phase in my life.” She sighed then placed her hands on her lap.
“You could go home with me in London. There’s a job waiting for you there.” He smiled when he mentioned job.
“What job?” She inquired quickly.
“Mr. Woodley has retired as head of HR in Renovis, I guess he needs a replacement. At least an OIC, like you.”
J.R. gasped, “Kuya! I mean– you would give that position to me? Shouldn’t I start from the bottom?”
“You already hit rock bottom, luv. Now, you need to be on top again; to get you back to the present world.” Martin encouraged.
J.R. embraced Martin, “Oh Kuya, thank you very much!”
He laughed as J.R. gave him a tight hug.
J.R. let go for a while and she said, “I promise that I won’t let you down.”
Martin patted her head, “You never did, J.R.. And I know you will make a good HR Department Head.”
J.R. smiled so sweetly, something Martin missed and now seeing again for a very long time.
“Ready to go home? To Westminster?”
“Ready as ever, Kuya.”
J.R. has everything back again. But one was missing, and that is undeniably Nathan. But she thought to herself, is he the one really missing in her life?
On the other hand, Tom did left without any goodbyes. But deep inside, she didn’t wanted to say to herself that she lost Tom because to begin with, he was never hers.
I could never tell if what I felt for him was just an illusion. An imaginary love for a man that I may never meet again.
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brightlotusmoon · 8 years
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OMG, you guys. Angel123 drew me a Gaia! This is my Original Character from my sequels to my TMNT fanfic “Cold Fire Rising” - Gaia Anastasia Mako is a 19-year-old human-cat hybrid who was mutated after touching a calico cat. She and Michelangelo met via telepathy, became best friends and eventual lovers, and then Gaia became the polyamorous partner for all the turtles, as well as psychotherapist. She’s a student of neuropsychology at an online university, she’s psionic, she’s autistic with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and chronic pain, and she’s of Japanese, Swedish, Greek, and Russian descent, and she speaks and reads Japanese and Greek. Her debut is in “CFR Ouroboros Chapter 4 Mikey And The Telepathic Friendship”. The poly thing starts in “CFR Lightning Crashes” which is a follow-up story. Mikey, Karai, and Donnie are her physical lovers; Leo and Raph are only astral plane lovers. There are Reasons. http://archiveofourown.org/works/7203764/chapters/16347245 https://archiveofourown.org/works/8205403 http://archiveofourown.org/works/8817580 (I admit: Gaia got my disabilities, and I used one of my hobbies as her career. Also as my own ancestry is made up of Sicilian, Greek, Mongolian, Russian Jewish, Moldovan, Romanian, Hungarian, I wanted to feel comfortable as possible while writing her. She has an older sister named Rhea, who is a veterinarian and former clothing model; Rhea’s wife, Freya, is a makeup artist who works with film prosthetics and used to be in the Norwegian Navy. She’s also very familiar with inhuman things as a former Hunter, and I wound up writing a crossover with ‘Supernatural’ sprung from that idea. I have yet to really expand on the Mako-Siggur family’s entire backstory. I did my best to avoid a Mary Sue style character.) Angel123 is working on another drawing depicting a sad Raph holding vigil over a comatose Mikey, and I got to see a preview, and it’s gorgeous, I’m so so grateful to Angel I will write anything she asks for.
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donnetellotheturtle · 10 months
Summary: Splinter managed to save everyone but Leo. Draxum, realizing Leo was not the warrior he wanted, gives him to big mamma. Growing up as her right hand child wasn’t so bad and he couldn’t ask for anything better.
That was, until he came across a purple color coded soft shell mutant like him.
What’s worse, both their markings glow whenever they’re together.
Chapter 1
Not yet, she had said. Leo muttered to himself the maroon cape fluttering behind him as he kicked the dummy. It was currently 3 in the morning at the battle nexus. It was silent save for the red eared slider training by himself. He just wanted to fight. He wanted to be a champion for his mother.
He wanted to prove he could win.
His mother had refused, again. It just made Leo so angry.
“Hey Leonardo.”
A voice spoke from the rafters. Leo paused, looking up. He saw the familiar face of Usagi Miyamoto who was smiling down at him.
“Usagi... What are you doing here so late?”
“Big mamma asked me to check up on you.” He replied simply.
Leo glared. “I don’t need my mother sending a baby sitter. I’m fine.”
Usagi jumped down and approached Leo, pulling out his sword. “in that case…you feel like sparring?”
Leo let a smile creep up onto his face as he grabbed his own sword from the stomach of a dummy. “Always.”
The twos swords could be heard throughout the arena.
“She says that everytime!” Leo raged, slicing at the yokai, who dodged. He was listening but also making sure he didn’t lose.
Usagi blocked a sword coming directly to his face and kicked at Leo, who skidded backwards a bit. “Youre her child. Leonardo. You have to understand she wants to keep you close.”
“I am much more capable than any of the fighters she sends in! I would wipe the floor with all of them!”
Usagi grinned. “really? You’re not doing so hot right now.” That hit a nerve in Leo and he moved fast, slicing at Usagi as the rabbit yokai dodged and blocked, then kicked Leo to the ground. “Point, Usagi.” He held his sword over Leos throat with a grin. “you gonna yield?”
Leo glared, staring at him, then hooked his foot into usagis ankle and pulled him down to the ground. Usagi yelled out and face planted. There was a pause.
“…Well played.” Usagi said, not bothering to take his face out from the dirt. “point Leonardo.”
Leo sighed and put his sword down, helping Usagi up. “I don’t feel like sparring anymore tonight. Draw?”
Usagi nodded. “Sounds good. You up for a late night hidden city walk?”
Donnie sighed as he sat next to April O’Neil, his honorary big sister and best friend. She was fast asleep, cuddling into SHELL-DON. The robot himself was powered down, looking like a very comfortable cat in April’s arms. He pulled the blanket from the armrest and threw it over the two.
“Where are you blue…” Donnie mumbled to himself. They had run out of leads, and what was worse, Donnie was starting to doubt “blue” was even alive at this point.
No, he would have found that out a long time ago. Blue had to be alive somewhere. He could feel it in his….well not his heart but something close to that. Like a missing piece.
His brothers and father gave up looking years ago, deciding it was better that they didn’t torture themselves.
Donnie couldn’t do that. For some reason he had to find him.
Although, sleep was sounding pretty good right now. He pulled off his battle shell, grabbed an adjacent blanket from the floor, and curled up next to April. Blue could probably wait a couple hours.
Usagi and Leo wandered the quiet streets of the hidden city. It was quiet between the two. This wasn’t uncommon during these late night excursions but Usagi could tell Leos mind was just whirling with thoughts.
“You have that thinking face again.” usagi said, taking a bite of carrot cake from their favorite stall. “That’s a dangerous pastime for you.”
Leo glared, then sighed as he put down his slice of dandelion cake. “I don’t know why she doesn’t think I’m ready.”
“still on that huh.”
“Maybe its not about being ready. Maybe its about something else. Your moms been grooming you to be her right hand and eventual successor. I don’t think she’d want you killed by some rouge fighter.”
Leo let the thought settle in his brain for a moment. “….sometimes I wish I wasn’t her son.”
Usagi softened. “She can be…tough.”
“You only work for her. You don’t know how bad she can be.”
Usagi paused, not sure what to say to that. He took another bite of his carrot cake.
“….We should head back.”
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anactualhyena · 8 years
Answer literally all the OC questions pls
1. Your first OC ever?
That would be Seren! She started out as my Warriors OC in sixth grade - Dragonclaw, a neon green, red, and orange cat with spike collars and bat wings. I called her the leader of Blood Clan and made her Scourge’s mate and oh lord it was a nightmare. She’s gone through a lot of redesigning through the years and now she has a feral cat form and a human form? As a cat she’s like a partially albino Norwegian forest cat with moss growing on her back and bits of fur matted with blood and an old torn dog collar she probably found on the streets and thought looked cool. As a human, she’s a muscular tribal woman bearing a large spear of sorts and clothing made from torn fabric and a tiger pelt. I like her human rendition a lot better tbh.

2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?

3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
I have! One of my old cat characters, Mandy, was a black cat with rainbow accents that I adopted years ago on DeviantART for like 5 points. Then my friend gave me her old Hetalia OC…I believe it was D.C.? As in Washington D.C.? But I don’t use my Hetalia characters anymore now that I left the fandom.

4. A character you rarely talk about?
That would definitely be Flint. Flint is a steampunk pirate character made for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign I had with a couple buddies last year. I’ve hardly talked about him at all but I love him too.

5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Iagan!!! Iagan is my little ball of fluff and happiness that would love to brighten anyone’s day. Plus I’m pretty sure he’s the most likely of all my OCs to become popular if any of them did.

6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
YES. Flint and Feuhorbe (as a human) look a lot alike because Flint’s design was based off of Feuhorbe’s. The difference between them is that Flint is thicker than Feuhorbe and their hair, eye, and skin colors are different. That and Flint has scars and is more Spanish-based whereas Feuhorbe has vitiligo and is Brazilian.

7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Well…Iagan is (and I cringe when I say this) an Undertale OC, and Rev is a part of a story/universe that Griffin created. Carlisle and Vincent used to follow this sort of post-apocalyptic storyline I had going for an RPG my buddy Roman was making, but the idea got scrapped and I kept the characters, so now they aren’t exactly a part of anything. And then…there’s my old Hetalia OCs…Riccione (originally Sparta), Toronto, and D.C.

8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I don’t actually RP as my characters anymore, but I used to RP with Riccione all the time in middle school. She’s a chubby professional dancer who runs a night club in Italy and maybe plays the violin? I can hardly remember.

9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I mean, their old designs? Absolutely. I’m slowly selling those on my DeviantART - mostly ones I don’t use anymore, like Warriors cats and my old fursona and a few others.

10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
FEUHORBE MY LORD. He’s actually not that complicated, but his vitiligo can be difficult to draw and as a furry, he’s a horse piñata whose colors follow a specific pattern based on an actual piñata I stole from one of my friends in the dorm room across from mine after their birthday. But there’s also Zane, a genderless dog dragon demon thing that someone gifted me as an avatar on the website Whirled, who I turned into my own character. I’m not sure if they were originally someone else’s OC that was given away or what, but I can’t find any other pictures of them or their species anywhere, so I’m keeping them as my own until further notice. Their design features horns and blue to black gradients and wings with holes in them and various scars.

11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
IAGAN!!! I can’t explain it enough, he’s literally a ray of sunshine.

12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
Oh man…there are these animators on youtube who I watch all the time and I’m in love with their characters/fursonas. There’s Mystery, who belongs to Sleepykinq, Puppers(?), who belongs to kittydog, and Yagi, who belongs to Scotch.

13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Sonni is my little troublemaker. He’s a jokester and also a Dungeons and Dragons character, and his only purpose is to mess with my buddy’s characters and mess up their quests.

14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Carlisle had his arm blown off in an explosion, which also claimed his vision, but Vincent was able to build him a robotic prosthetic arm and these special goggles with LEDs that allow him to see again. That’s as tragic as it gets, really.

15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
I do! But I rather people ask me about my characters because if people don’t show initial interest, I just think I’m annoying them. A lot of times, that’s how I further develop or redesign my characters.

16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
That would have to be…Seren and Roc, honestly. Because they are “”“warriors,”“” they know things like how the body reacts to certain toxins and which vital organ, if impaled, causes the most suffering before death. But that’s more like anatomy.

17. Any OC OTPs?

18. Any OC crackships?
I high key ship Iagan with Scotch’s character Yagi? I have no real reasoning behind it. But that’s about it.

19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Geez…that’s kinda hard to pick. I’d probably have to say Donovan, because I’ve projected a lot of my own traits and issues onto him (being a trans guy, having depression, letting him to do all kinds of things I wanted to do but couldn’t, etc.) and he helped me cope with a lot of shit until I just relied on my persona and let Donny have his own life.

20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Axwell actually was a choir kid growing up and can sing pretty dang well. My headcanon for his voice would be some sort of mix between Brendon Urie and David Bowie’s voices? His taste in music actually heavily varies and he doesn’t have a set favorite genre or anything - just anything with vocals. Feuhorbe love to hear him sing.
Iagan can kinda sing as well? He’s partially based off of a Samoyed, which are known as singing dogs, but it’s not one of his prominent talents. Although he can freely manipulate the sound of his voice as he pleases, his standard voice is that of JonTron’s. He’ll sing and listen to everything upbeat and cheerful.

21. Your most artistic OC
That would be Piper. Piper is a male Lolita, a ferret, sounds like cr1tikal, and is about four feet and ten inches tall. He does a lot of art, mostly of Lolita fashion and mainly uses watercolor paint.

22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
No one mischaracterizes my OCs because they aren’t popular enough for other people to even notice.

23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Since I already talked about Seren, I’ll talk about Carlisle. He started out as my original fursona, which was a generic twinky fox with long ears and black circles around his eyes and a MLP jacket. Then he was a feral fox that became my mascot? Now he’s my bara babe (other than Vincent) and had his metal arm and LED goggles And a way better color scheme.

24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to meet either Iagan or Feuhorbe because I know I would have a really great time with either of them???? Hanging out with either of them would literally make me 10 times happier.

25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
That would have to be Donovan. He’s only two inches shorter than me (not counting his ears), about 10 pounds heavier than me, huge into music, and a trans guy.

26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope. I made all changes to my characters freely.

27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
No, but I do like to think of what my characters’ theme songs would be. I’m still making that list.

28. Your most dangerous OC?

29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
That would probably be Feuhorbe and Sonni. In it for the adventure but will not tell anyone specifically to potentially cause trouble.

30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I would say Iagan, but it wouldn’t be a secret. So I’d have to say either Skyler (a dragon character of mine) or Carlisle.

31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Piper would try to run a pastel aesthetic blog but it’d be riddled with too many memes and shitposts and videos of him just saying and doing stupid shit.

32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Alcatraz. He’s a lawyer but has a huge secret passion for ghosts and ghost hunting and all things paranormal, so he’d fit right into a game revolving around those things.

33. Your shyest OC?
Lukas! Lukas is a small quetzal that’s big into Harajuku fashion and he is the shyest little guy alive. But he’d probably get along well with Piper.

34. Do you have any twin characters?

35. Any sibling characters?
Yes!!! Donovan, Carlisle, and Alcatraz are my three fox brothers. Donny is the youngest and Alcatraz is the oldest.

36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Yes! But they’re only with my boyfriend because I haven’t found anyone else who wants to ship their characters with mine.

37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I mean,,,the only set human characters I have are Flint and Axwell and my Hetalia characters, unless you count the human designs for my furry and feral characters. None of them are really a mix and could be considered not quite human except for Sonni, who is the most humanlike out of my non human OCs. He’s very lanky and appears malnourished and has three eyes and is covered in short, dark hair/fur. He has a short stubby tail and tall “ears” and has six arachnid-like appendages protruding from his back that he can crawl on.

38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
That would be Riccione and Donovan, who are actually dancers! Riccione is a professional dancer, whereas Donovan shuffles and such as a hobby.

39. Introduce any character you want
Bow Echo is a griffin that’s a mix between a bobcat and a peregrine falcon. She can fly super fast and I need to develop her more.

40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
A few people have! They’re on my ArtFight profile under Defenses!

42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
That would be Rev. The universe he’s from revolves around many entities similar to those found in Greek and Roman mythology, with him being basically the embodiment of the Ragnarök.

43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Ok…I love making them around six feet tall or taller and giving them facial hair and choppy short hair that can be pulled back in low ponytails. But I’m trying to stop that and make them more diverse.

44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all represent different aspects of my personality and I make really deep connections with them because of that.

45. A character you no longer use?
Jacobi. He’s just some Scottish guy that wears flannels. I’m selling him on DeviantART eventually.

46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nah. It’s mostly anons that tell me things about my OCs, like how they look like internet cancer. Not that I mind, I mean, come on. They all look like hell lmao

47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I think? When I first joined the Osomatsu-San Network, one of the first things I did was talk about my OCs with some other the other members. One might’ve claimed Iagan or someone else, I can’t really remember.

48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
IAGAN!!!! And also Lukas!!

49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
That would be Piper, Sonni, Donovan, Feuhorbe, and Iagan.

50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Uh…I think I’ve talked about literally everything I can think of off the top of my head. Feel free to message me though if you want to talk about OCs!
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