#my friend reacts to sanders sides
firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
Hi i was wondering if you could do a law x timid fem reader that has a devil fruit that can rewind and stop time but when she uses it to much she gets burns on her hands thats last about a day but hurts a lot when not treated, i was thinking of a scenario were she gets the burns but doesn’t go to law because she sees that he’s treating other crew members and she doesn’t want to bother him but he notices and confronts her while she tries to hide it from him but he finds out and is upset that she didn’t come to him sooner, then shes tells him why and comforts her about it (could you also make it to where they are together already)
I know it a lot so please tell me if its too much thx 💕
Hi. Of course I can do it! I love Law so much. I mean come on, I’m Trafalgar D Nami after all lol! But anyways, I’m happy I got a Law request, it was super enjoyable to write. I hope you like it! Enjoy my friend!
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Always Have Time for You
Everyone wishes they could turn back and fix things.  Time was a valuable thing.  You more than anyone knew that.  But with changing time came with repercussions.  You also knew that more than anyone.  When you were young, you ate a devil fruit, the jikan jikan no mi (the time time fruit).  It allows the user to rewind time and also stop it.  The only bad things: you couldn’t swim and you got burns on your hands after using it.  And did they hurt a lot.  But the good thing, you had a doctor for a lover, Trafalgar Law.  He took care of you, while you took care of him.  You hated it though.  You hated that he had to take care of you.  But you didn’t have many people other than the crew to talk to because of your shyness.
While docked, a small fight broke out between the Heart Pirates and another group of Pirates, nothing deadly, but there were a good number of cuts, broken bones, and bruises on both sides.  So when Law came back from picking up some medical supplies, he started taking care of everyone’s injuries back on the Polar Tang.  You had frozen time at one point so Shachi wouldn’t get stabbed by one of the enemies.  Law was taking care of him first obviously.  You looked down at your hands.  They were covered in burns, too painful to even touch.   You didn’t want to bother him when everyone else was in worse shape, so when he came over and asked you if you were okay, you hid your hands in your long sleeves and told him you were okay.
A few days later, you arrived on a new island.  You decided to try to muster up the courage and talk to the doctor on the island because the pain was so unbearable.  “I’m going to go look at some new earrings, mine are getting a little worn out,” you told everyone, “I’ll see you guys later for dinner.”  They all nodded.  But Law didn’t buy it.  You usually never left without someone to do most of the talking.  He decided to follow you.  You walked through the small town, passing jewelry booths, bars, etc.  You finally saw the sign Dr. Sanders’. You went to walk in but got nervous.  You didn’t feel comfortable.  With Law and the crew, you knew they cared about you and looked out for you.  But you didn’t know how this man would react.  You turned around.  When you did, you crashed into a muscular chest.  “Care to explain Y/N?” a familiar voice said.  You looked up into his steel eyes.  It was Law.  You looked down at your shoes. “Nothing,” you answered.
“No, it’s not.  You can tell me.  We’ve been together for years.  Come on, let's get back to sub.”
He grabbed your hand, but you quickly pulled away.  Just him touching your hands made a sharp pain shoot through your hand.  He looked down at you, seeing the pain in your e/c eyes.  The two of you then walked back to the Polar Tang in silence.
When you two arrived, you sat in the medical room.  He rolled up your sleeves that had been hiding your hands for days.  “I thought so,” he mumbled to himself.  You kept staring at the floor, refusing to look at him.  Eventually, tears started to flow from your eyes.  He stooped down to your level looking at you with nothing but concern.  “Hey, hey,” he said, “I’m not mad.  I’m just concerned.”  He started wiping your tears away with his tattooed thumbs.  He pushed a few strands of hair behind your right ear.  “Why didn’t you tell me about this?  Why did you wait so long?”
You finally looked into his eyes, “because everyone else needed help and I didn’t want to be a bother.”
“You’re my girlfriend, you’re not a bother and I’m not mad.  It’s okay.  I’ll treat it whenever you need it because I love you. I always have time for you.”  He hugged you as you cried into his crest.
“I love you too,” you cried into his chest.
You wished you could freeze time without the burns, so you could stay in this moment together for as long as possible.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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lolia21 · 6 months
I have an angsty sanders sides hc
Hear me out
Virgil is Thomas' fear/anxiety so he reacts to when Thomas or any of the sides are upset about something. I came up with the when I was watching the intrusive thoughts episode and they point out that virgil and Patton where the ones freaking out. What if it was Patton freaking out and virgil was just reacting to how anxious that made Thomas?
So the hc is that Virgil doesn't actually dislike Janus or Remus. It's just his job to make sure that Thomas something is wrong or upsetting. Like he knows that those parts of him upset him or parts of him, so he naturally rejects them. He's like an unwilling Warden. In charge of making sure the parts of Thomas that could cause hum distress don't.
Janus knows this and knows it actually hurts Virgil a lot to go against sides that he used to (and still kind of is) be friends with. Janus and Remus are constantly referencing this secret Virgil has. Even after Thomas knows about the other dark sides. My hc is that they know the truth and what Janus, especially, is pushing for is Virgil explaining the impossible task he has.
Janus knows that part of Thomas taking care of his mental health is Virgil not constantly working over time reacting to Patton and Roman's negative reaction to them.
Virgil doesn't want to bring it up because he knows how guilty Patton and Thomas would feel. He also thinks being honest would make them and Roman feel like they have to change instead of letting them do it naturally.
Idk I just like the idea that Virgil is torn between the two sides not only because he wants the light sides and Thomas to like him but also because it's literally in his nature to react negatively to them regardless of his personal feelings.
I really like leaning into the nature of them being representations of emotions and the limitations and complexity that would bring.
I like to imagine that he just collapses at some point and asks for Janus to take care of him becuase that what he always does. Janus takes him back to where the dark sides are and finally explains the situation. It's a moment of really healing and comfort for Virgil and we get to see peak mom friend Janus. Also the light sides and Thomas trying to figure out how to navigate this.
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decent0distraction · 8 months
Hi! You may know me as the person who does all of those Our Flag Means Death AUs, theories, and posts that either ruin your day, make you laugh, or both. Mostly both.
But I have something else for you.
My take on family!Sanders Sides - based off of the whole family roles the Sides gave themselves in the Five Years video.
To refresh your memory, Patton labeled himself as the dad, Logan as the mom, Roman as the son (the hotshot), Virgil as the (gay, emo) cousin, Janus as the (sassy) aunt (who talks shit about everyone), and Remus as the (fresh out of jail) uncle.
This AU of mine is… messed up.
Ok ok ok SO
We begin with Janus Duke, who has just moved back to the town of Sanders Bay, a lovely seaside community.
Janus has spent the last 10 years raising their son (Janus uses they/them pronouns bc I said so), moving from place to place for reasons that Virgil doesn’t know about yet that we’ll get into later. Stay with me.
Virgil is 16 and on his first day at Sanders Bay Secondary Academy (what a name, huh?), his dad, Remus, is getting out of jail.
When Virgil was about 6, Janus and Remus had decided to walk from their house into town to pick up their son from the babysitter. They were about halfway there when someone attacked Janus, cutting his face (resulting in scars on one side of his mouth, eye, and cheek, resembling a snake like face). Remus reacted violently towards the person who just hurt his spouse, the cops are called, and it’s made out to look like Remus had hurt Janus, who was unconscious.
When Janus finally came to, they were in a hospital, being told that their husband had been arrested and arranged.
Cut to present day, Virgil’s first day is met with a slight complication when an idiot threatre-jock hybrid accidentally knocks into him, causing him to hit his head.
Roman Hart insists that Virgil allow him to escort him to the nurse, who just so happens to be his dad, Patton Hart.
Roman’s other dad is their home room and history teacher, Logan Hart.
By the end of the school day, Roman and Virgil are sort of friends. But when Roman asks Virgil if they’d want to hang out or something, Virgil explains that he has to get home because his dad is finally home.
Roman just assumes that Virgil’s dad is in the military. He doesn’t even actually get to ask, because Virgil is too busy running out to Janus’s car.
Everything is going fine for a little while. Virgil studies with Roman after school, or they go to the mall, eventually going to Roman’s house.
The Harts are the nicest people in town, and Patton simply adores having Virgil around.
Janus, one day, is waiting with Remus in the school pick up lane for Virgil. The two of them are having a nice, causal conversation that is interrupted by Janus seeing their son talking to them.
“Oh, my God!” Janus slammed his foot on the break and put the car in park. “It’s them! It’s them!”
Remus looked to see their son standing with another boy, while the boy’s parents talked to Virgil.
They were Patton and Logan Hart, two people the Duke parents were happy to never see again.
When Patton put his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, Janus struggled to rush out of the car. Remus followed.
The anxious teen turned to watch his mom run to him and pull him away from the Harts.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
Virgil was beyond confused. “What? No! I’m fine. What are you-“ He stopped when Remus started to approach.
“Dad? Dad, I don’t know what’s happening, but nothing happened. Dad!”
But the man ignored his son in favor of getting in Logan’s face. “You’d do right by you and your family to stay the fuck away from mine.”
Logan didn’t even flinch. “And it would be correct for you to avoid threatening my family.”
Virgil was ready to try to defuse the situation before Janus began to have a panic attack. “Mom?”
Remus is then distracted by his spouse needing his help. He gets his little family in the car and they get home, where the parents sit down and finally tell Virgil the truth.
The truth is, Patton Hart and Janus Duke were friends. When they were 20, and Janus had a child and Patton didn’t, he got upset. And when he saw baby Virgil, he decided that he needed that child.
He acted like everything was fine. He offered to babysit Virgil so the new parents could have some time to themselves. He paid for Janus to be attacked, for Remus to be framed.
But when Janus woke up, he called Patton, screaming, begging. He knew Patton had the baby.
And Patton knew that if he kept Virgil, everything could be traced back to him eventually.
So he returned Virgil, acting like he was just watching the child for his friend.
But Janus moved away, moving from place to place so that they couldn’t be found.
Janus was so desperate to have their husband and their son’s father back that they believed Patton and Logan had moved on.
But to see that man anywhere their baby, Janus couldn’t handle it.
Virgil knows the truth now. How can anything be the same?
Before they can try to figure it out, the doorbell rings.
Janus flinches and Virgil is still busy hugging his Mom to bother with the door.
“I got it,” Remus tells them, answering the door to a man in all black and sunglasses.
“Look, whatever you’re selling, we’re not interested. Try the neighbors across the street. A lot of packages. Maybe they like sunglasses, or whatever you’re situation is-“
“-I’m not selling anything, sir. I’m looking for Remus Duke.”
Turns out, this guy isn’t a salesman. He’s Detective Remy Dormir (idk, I got the name from a human!AU fanart), hired by Roman Hart to find his birth family. (He arranged for this a year before the Dukes moved back to Sanders Bay)
This eventually leads to the discovery that Remus Duke’s father, Romulus King, got a woman pregnant before his passing. By this time, his son Remus had moved far away and changed his name, never successful at pleasing the man.
So yeah, Roman and Remus are half brothers. Which means Virgil’s only friend in Sanders Bay is his half uncle, since Virgil is the biological son of Janus and Remus Duke.
Yeah, there’s no romance between Roman and Virgil. Sorry to disappoint you Roman/Virgil shippers. There’s nothing wrong with that ship, it just doesn’t work for this AU.
That’s all I have so far. If I find that I missed something, I’ll add it later.
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Perhaps a Janus shedding fic? Idk with who, but maybe with him getting some scratches on itchy scales, from whoever is helping him through it, especially after scratching wayyyy too hard himself. Even better if he’s shedding because Thomas is going through a change, so he’s never actually done it before :) so he doesn’t know what’s happening :) – cherry-sofa-756
Okay, so. You are hands-down one of the best Sanders Sides fic writers out there and I will die on this hill. I will die on this hill and take everyone down with me. Anyway. Dramatic declarations aside (heh), I was wondering if I could make a request? I know this has been done before, but a fic where telling the truth actually hurts Janus, but he does it anyway because [insert one of several reasons here]? You just do Janus angst so well (you do everyone so well, how are you this good, how do you exist, can I tuck you into my pocket for safekeeping and appreciation) and I am honestly excited whenever I get a notification from you, so I figured why not ask? No pressure, though. I wish you all the best, may your ideas flow endlessly as you wish them, my friend! - anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: shedding and body descriptions therein
Pairings: gen
Word Count: 2347
    It starts as auspiciously as it could have, he supposes, with a slight twinge of pain on the inside of his glove.
"Hey, Janus, do you remember what the consensus was of cinnamon versus blueberry?"
"Oh, great, thanks. Is the good baking tray over there?"
When Janus doesn't say anything, Patton glances up only to see him staring at his hand.
"Uh, Janus? You okay?"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine, I just—mmph."
"You sure? You don't sound okay. Is something the matter?"
Janus looks at his hand for a moment longer before shaking himself and smiling at Patton. "Yes, I'm quite alright. You wanted this tray, correct?"
Patton gives him a strange look but doesn't push, taking the tray and continuing to gather the ingredients they need.
Later, back in the safety of his own room, Janus hisses as he carefully peels his glove from his left hand, wincing as it tugs and sticks in all the ways it shouldn't. When the last of the fabric is gone and he can see his hand properly, it's a curse he hisses between his teeth.
He's shedding.
"Of course I am," he spits, reaching for his first-aid kit tucked on top of his desk, "of course, can't just be a snake in the abstract and metaphorical way, no, I need to be a snake literally too, hmm? Have to molt and shed and hissssss…"
He takes out a tube of ointment and opens it, wincing at the crack of the scales on his hand.
"Sure. Why not?"
Getting a little bit of the ointment on the very tip of his finger, he starts to smooth it over the cracked and peeling scales only to stifle a cry of pain when it burns, leaping up from his desk and rushing to the bathroom to wash it off. He shoves his hand under the cold water and scrubs, almost chewing a hole through his lower lip as the pain flares bright and sharp up his arm.
"And of course, I don't have anything that would actually be useful," he grunts as he finally gets the pain to stop, "why would things I have already be helpful? That would be easy, and god forbid things be easy for me."
Alright. So no ointment. Shit, what do snakes do when they shed?
He could ask Logan, although Logan would want to know how he's feeling, what the scales are reacting like—would want to examine him to determine what snake he resembles the most, would want to see how much of him is covered in scales, because Logan is always curious.
He could ask Remus, but Remus might not understand that Janus wants this to be, well, as painless as possible, that he wants to just have a little bit of help and not find out what happens just for the fuck of it.
He could ask Virgil, who is the only one who might know what this is like with his molting cycle or whatever, but…
But trying to ask Virgil for a favor now, especially after all they've been through, seems like rubbing salt into an open wound.
Or rubbing that goddamn ointment over shedding scales.
"So," he grunts, sitting back down at his desk, cradling his hand in his lap, "the Internet it is."
He finds a dubious-looking article that says to try and keep the snake's environment moist and humid, suggesting paper towels and a plant-mister to keep the humidity levels high. Warm water…orchid bark substrate…and oh, not to forget that a snake's scales will become duller in appearance and their eyes will go all cloudy and blue before they really start shedding.
Great. Just great.
He looks back down at his hand, which is already starting to look dull.
"This is going to be fun."
The extra fun thing about it is that it seems that telling the truth makes it worse.
Try to tell Patton that yes, he'd like another cup of tea? Burning on the inside of his glove.
Try to tell Logan that no, he's not being ridiculous with his new paper idea? Side of his face itches like crazy.
Try to tell Remus that he needs to calm down and start trying to clean up? His clothes hate him now, actually.
Try to tell Virgil that everything's alright, that he can work out of the spiral he's in? No legs for him, he has to sit down and not move until his scales settle down.
Try to tell Roman that he cares?
More like try not to jump at the sight of his reflection in the mirror, one eye clouded and blue and almost blind.
The good news—if you can even call something good news in a time like this—is that he's forced to lie to keep up appearances for when the others start asking questions, which at least staves off the very worst of it in public. But when he hides in his room at night, he has to wince and tremble as he peels his clothes off of himself and clambers into a bath that is either too cold or too hot, trying to help the shedding go faster.
This hurts. This really fucking hurts.
Shit, how often does he have to do this?
He crawls out of the bath and dries himself gingerly on a towel, crawling into bed and curling up into a little ball. He closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep, tries to get away from the terrible itching sensitivity that's starting to break out across his scales. If he can just weather this until it's over, he can figure out what to do next time and make sure he does it. If he can just fall asleep…
He lies awake for hours that night, fighting the urge to toss and turn to get some relief on his itching scales and fighting the urge to cry out at every rasp of fabric against his oversensitive skin.
The others are starting to get worried. He managed to plead off the issue with his eye by pretending it was a colored contact from Remus when Virgil cornered him about it, but he knows sooner or later Virgil's going to go confirm that with Remus himself and discover that it was a lie. He's got to figure out something before they all bust down his door, demanding to know what's going on.
"I'm fine," he chants in the sheets, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine…"
It's the only way he's able to get to sleep that night, because the lies make the pain a little bit easier to bear.
Of course, no lie lasts forever, and Janus wakes up in a dizzying blur of sensation, body on fire and eyes clouded over, twitching and groaning in pain as his scales do their very best to rid themselves of his body. A cry traps itself in his throat, his eyes welling up with furious tears as he tries in vain to find some comfort on the blankets that feel more like hot coals.
It hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
No sooner does the pain swallow his senses does he feel the tug of two Sides appearing in his room.
"J? J, I felt that, are you—holy shit."
"Oh, Snakey, you're an idiot."
"Now is not the fucking time, Remus, go go go!"
"Alright, alright, I'm going."
"Hey, J," Virgil's voice says, muffled through layers and layers of cotton, "hey, hey, it's okay. We're here now, we're gonna help you."
Help? How in the fuck are you gonna help me with this?
"Don't worry," he continues when all Janus can do is groan in pain, "I'm sure whatever quip you were trying to make was a winner."
Thank you.
"C'mon," Remus's voice says from a ways away, "I got the door open, bring him through. The cot's still in the spare greenhouse, we can put him there."
"Ready? One, two, three, up we go."
He's hoisted as gently as possible into two strong arms and carried like a babe through to somewhere warm and sweet-smelling. A confused moan leaves his mouth as he's laid to rest on something soft, a gentle breeze following him.
"We need to get your clothes off you, Snakey," comes Remus's voice, "they're only gonna hurt you. It's okay, it's just us."
Hands, gentle hands free him from the worst of his clothing, leaving his boxers to protect what little modesty he has left. When the slightly humid air touches his scales he could whimper from relief. Then there's something soothing and wet pressed against the scaled side of his face and he blinks awake, only able to make out fuzzy shapes as he turns his head.
"Shh, shh, lie still," Remus bids—Virgil must be the one holding the thing to his face— "we gotta get you in a bath, okay? You've started shedding in pieces, we gotta help make sure you get all of it off, okay?"
"Yeah, Snakey, it's me. Virgil's here too."
"Hey, J. Long time no see. Oh, shit, uh, I mean—"
A small laugh works its way through Janus's throat and Virgil chuckles.
"Swear that wasn't intentional." He leans down too and oh, there's the blurry Virgil. "Do you think it's okay for us to move you? There's a warm bath over there that'll help loosen up the process for you, okay?"
"I know, bud, it's gonna hurt for a little bit until we can get you calmed down."
"Blame it on biology if you want. Stress makes the shedding process harder."
"That's stupid."
"Yes, yes, it is. Unfortunately still true."
Janus grunts and leans into Virgil's touch. Remus carefully cards his hair back from his face. "You okay to let us move you, Snakey?"
"Up we go," Virgil says again, carefully lifting him up to carry him across the greenhouse and set him down in a large basin of warm water. "Can we help wash you?"
"Mhm." He turns his nose into the crook of Virgil's neck, breathing in softly. "Smells good."
"What, me or the greenhouse?"
Remus chuckles. "That's good to hear. C'mere, give me your arm…"
There's something terribly intimate about letting someone else bathe you. Remus's hands are gentle as they work over the smooth scales—well, less smooth now—and rinse the beginnings of shed skin free from his body. On the other side, Virgil carefully does the same to the scaled parts of his torso, careful to avoid any red and angry bits as Janus begins to drift under the sensation of it.
"You're doing real good, bud," Virgil murmurs, "really good. We're almost there."
"Can we wash your hair," Remus asks, "we'll bring another basin over so the shampoo won't get near your scales, but it might feel nice to not be all greasy anymore."
"Just be careful?"
"Of course." Virgil gets up and he laments the loss for a moment, but then Virgil's sitting behind his head and smiling down at him. "Hey, bud. You wanna let me wash your hair?"
What kind of greenhouse is this, he finds himself wondering as Virgil starts to spray his hair with a faucet, and why is Virgil so good at this?
Then Virgil starts to work his fingers through Janus's hair and there goes his capacity for higher thinking. If he could be slightly more aware, he might be embarrassed of the noises leaving his mouth, but as of right now he's just going to enjoy not being first and foremost in pain. The shampoo Virgil's using smells really good, not too strong, and leaves a pleasant cooling effect on his scalp even after it's been rinsed out. Remus's hands are sure and gentle as they finish cleaning the last of his scales, sitting back and running a damp hand through his own hair.
"Let's have you soak for a little longer," he says quietly, "then we'll get you out and see what else you need, okay?"
"Don't mention it." Remus levels a stare at him. "Just come to us next time, yeah?"
Janus shifts a bit sheepishly under the look. "…yeah, okay."
"You look sleepy," Virgil murmurs, still working the conditioner through his hair, "if you wanna doze off, that's okay. We'll wake you up when we need to move you."
"Yeah, bud, go on. It's okay, we're right here."
And so he closes his eyes, drifting off to the feeling of Virgil's hands in his hair and warm water lapping against his scales.
Maybe…maybe he needn't have been so scared about asking them for help.
Perhaps the worst of it truly is behind him, because the truth doesn't hurt as the warmth and safety lull him to sleep.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @ultrageekygirl
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agerefandom · 1 year
Fanfiction Masterpost
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In the current absence of AO3, may I remind everyone that my fanfictions are accessible on tumblr? ;p
If you'd like a full list of my writing, including both headcanons and fanfictions, my story page is accessible on desktop but I think some mobile users may have trouble accessing it! So here's a mobile-friendly version of my fanfictions.
Animaniacs  Yakko To The Rescue: big brother!Yakko with regressor!reader 
Avatar:The Last Airbender Flourishing in Sunlight: cg!Zuko and regressor!Katara, post-canon
Be More Chill Safety In Numbers: regressor!Rich, worried Jeremy
Boku No Hero Academia Sound and Silence: domestic regressor!Aizawa and cg!HizashiSomething Wrong: regressor!Katsuki gets cornered by Izuku and doesn’t react well (heavy fic)  Class Outing: Izuku regresses while at the mall with Class 1A
Calvin and Hobbes Old Friends: regressor!Calvin with Hobbes
Critical Role (C2) Books and Pigments: regressor!Jester and regressor!Caleb playdate Picking Up The Pieces: struggling regressor!Caleb and helpful Caduceus  Through Anything: regressor!Beau and Jester, doing Yasha’s hair
Death Note Restrained: Classification!AU with regressor!Light struggling in confinement 
Doctor Who The TARDIS Playroom: regressor!Thirteenth Doctor and an unexpected Graham
Good Omens  Evenings Of Eternity: regressor!Crowley, cg!Aziraphale (chapter two)  Mornings and Knights: sequel to the above story 
Harry Potter What Family Is: regressor!reader and their cgs, Remus and Sirius Golden Slumbers: regressor!reader, big brother!Harry Potter, and cg!Fred Weasley (cglre terminology) 
Hazbin Hotel Angels At The Window: regressor!Reader and caregivers!Vaggie and Charlie
Hetalia Bedtime Tears: Human AU, regressor!Italy with cg!Japan&Germany 
Homestuck Cupcakes and Moms: regressor!Dave and his mom Roxy  >Dirk: Regress: self-indulgent Dirk regression Big Brother, Little Brother: regressor!Dave and regressor!Dirk, regressing together for the first time, cg!Roxy and John.  Simple Days: minific with regressor!June and cg!Rose
The Magnus Archives Song of the Hive: regressor!Jane Prentiss horror story 
Marvel Quiet Days: cg!Natasha and regressor!reader drabble Kitchen Friends: regressor!reader (he/him) and cg!Bucky/Steve
Les Miserables Calling You Home: regressor!Enjolras and caregiver!Grantaire
Minecraft  It Takes A Village: regressor!reader in a minecraft world, ft. cg!villagers and curious enderman 
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812  Natasha is Young: regressor!Natasha and cg!Helene
Night In The Woods Shapes and Friends: regressor!Mae with Gregg and Angus
Ouran High School Host Club  To Weather The Storm: Tamaki finds out that Haruhi regresses (cglre terminology)  Taking Care of Mori: regressor!Mori and cg!Hunny, ft. observant!Haruhi Fancy Tuna and Frantic Texts: regressor!Haruhi, cgs Tamaki and Kyoya (cglre terminology) 
Pinky and the Brain The Joy of Theatre: Pinky puts on a play, Brain indulges him All The Great Men: Brain is having a hard day: Pinky does his best to help Yakko To The Rescue: regressor!reader and their big brother Yakko 
Phantom of the Opera Forever More: regressor!Erik and cg!Christine, established dynamic
Resident Evil VIII Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To: regressor!reader (she/her) and cg!Dimitrescu (cglre terminology)
Sanders Sides Just Plane Overwhelmed: regressor!Virgil and cg!Patton on a stressful plane ride The Playtime Solution: regressor!Logan needs a break, cg!Patton To The Moon And Back: regressor!Logan, cg!Roman
Steven Universe Safe and Sound: regressor!Steven tries to stop regressing, cg!Crystal Gems (also rewritten here with transfem Steven going by Stephanie)  system/REGRESS.Steven: a rewrite of the Spinel fight, the rejeuvenator works on Steven and Amethyst is the one who has to collect all her regressed friends
Twilight Cold Palms, Warm Words: regressor!reader with cg!Alice and Jasper Sugar Sweet: baby-regressor!reader with established cg!Alice and Jasper  The Doctor’s Office: regressor!reader with cg!Carlisle  Home Sweet Home: Carlisle and Esme as parents, the other Cullens as regressors with varied age ranges Baby Steps: regressor!Bella with caregiver!Charlie (cw depression) 
Undertale A Story For Sans: regressor!Sans is exhausted, and Papyrus is worried Sweet Pea and Papyrus: cg!Papyrus and a regressor!reader who’s had a bad day 
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anxiouslyfred · 2 months
There was a Patton in a Dingy
Summary: Thomas checks a self inflating dingy works before a trip with his friends. Patton gets silly over it.
Author's note: I love Edward Lear and his limericks enough to have written my dissertation on him, how has it taken this long to write something silly based off one? The limerick I used and my idea are at the end of the story.
There was a small boating lake that Thomas’s friend had decided they should go to, and Logan had suggested getting a self inflating dingy to take, just in case something happened with the boat they would rent. It was mostly to assuage one of the many worries Virgil came up with, especially since Remus had decided to agree with all those worries being certainties.
None of that really helped him now, looking into Thomas’s living room where the dingy had already been inflated and had Roman cheerfully singing nursery rhymes in it. That was relatively expected. It wouldn’t do to have the dingy be necessary without having tested it and Roman was one to find a reason to sing at any opportunity.
The issue was the other occupant of the boat, Patton, cheering that they were afloat and drifting merrily along.
“You are not afloat at all, Patton. Do recollect that you’re on the living room floor.” Logan had said upon first hearing him.
That had Patton gasping, falling back against the sides; Something Logan was pleased to see did not disfigure them much at all. “We’re sinking? I’ll faint. I’m too young to drown.”
“Drowning doesn’t have an age limit.” Logan pinched his nose, entertained to notice that Roman instead of reacting to the overly dramatic scene was now singing ‘Kiss the Girl’. “And I repeat, you are in Thomas’s living room. There is nothing to be floating on, unless you class sitting in a dingy on solid ground to be floating.”
It didn’t help particularly, but when Virgil turned up in response to Patton’s apparent worries he smirked. “How is Roman being the less dramatic one of them?”
My Idea for this Fic: Take an Edward Lear limerick and fit Sanders Sides into making it a story. It'll be nice doing that bit of chaos, maybe using one of the many animals living on a person ones + Patton.
There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, ‘I’m afloat! I’m afloat!’
When they said, ‘No! You ain’t!’ he was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 months
I started The Magnus Archives a few months ago and I've been having trouble not interacting with spoiler-y fan content because it all looks so yummy. I've been following you for a couple years but after I stopped watching Sanders Sides your posts stopped coming across my dashboard as often. This morning I saw your Lore Olympis post and thought to check your blog and was really surprised and happy to see you were reacting to TMA eps and that I'm more or less on the same place as you. I just wanted to send my appreciation I really liked seeing your thoughts on things in the past and I'm happy to be doing that again now. No rush or pressure or anything I just dont send asks very often and wanted to say thanks 🫶🫰I hope you're having a good day/night whatever when you see this!
Awww, it's so nice to meet you again in other fandoms! It's a bit like meeting an old friend <3 and we have the chance to do something new and exciting together, like losing our minds over TMA, fearing for Jon's life and enduring useless episodes, only to be blown away by the ones immediately after XD
I'm glad we're more or less in the same place, so we can explore more of this series together. I hope you will enjoy my stupid ramblings and my ton of theories - some were apparently right, others were dramatically wrong but hey, that's part of the fun, isn't it? ;)
And if you're interested and want to try more stuff, there's a lot I offer now. Feel free to linger around, if you feel like it <3
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royalprinceroman · 1 year
Hey everyone. I'm Riley and I used to be pretty active on here and youtube for the Sides. You might know me from my react videos? Thomas shared mine a lot and it always made me dhakdjs back then.
Sanders Sides was my hyperfixation back let's say 2017-2018? I joined the fandom on tumblr just before Virgil's two part name reveal sooooo ye lol I'm an oldie.
I just rewatched AA part 2 before writing this and im all smiles I miss when the sides was something smaller. Not that I don't like it now but yeah.
anyways i need to rewatch the sides and get back into the lore thing and maybe fics in the future? there's a lot i never wrote.
if you're interested in my react videos and theory discussions from days past you can visit my YouTube channel http://youtube.com/alteridolriley :)
I'd like to make new friends in the fandom sooo let me reintroduce myself. I'm Riley, or Amanda. I'm 33 years old and my favorite side is Roman followed closely by Janus and Logan. Outside of the sides, I also enjoy anime and video games. Feel free to message me if you'd like to chat! :)
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loganslowdown4 · 9 months
Sanders Sides:
All In The Details!
Remus Disturbing Frame in DWIT + Filming for Incorrect Quotes 3!
Patton Frames Editorial Birthday Shoot (2024)
Janus Is Cold Blooded Confirmed
If Wes Anderson Directed Sanders Sides Details Part 1
If Wes Anderson Directed Sanders Sides Details Part 2
My Quotes (Incorrect Quotes Vol 3)
Logan’s Lip Bite (Crofters The Musical)
Janus Calling Logan Sweetie (Inside Out 2 reaction)
Theatre Adult/Roman’s Spot (10 Misconceptions About Me)
The Sushi Slip Up (DWIT)
Valerie as The Sides (Making Some Changes)
Twinning (Ro & Re Hand On Chest Looking Sad)
C!Thomas laughing reaction image (ROTB)
Rise of The Bloop Pics
Did Roman Regift His Nerd Socks
Thoughts On What Makes The Perfect Gift Part 1
Thoughts On What Makes The Perfect Gift Part 2
Sides Sweatshirt Design Easter Eggs
Orange Side Tease Thumbnail SvS Redux
Real/Fake Food Anime Detail (Delicious in Dungeon)
SvS Redux Lily Padton/He-Man Comparsion
The Bagel Joke Needs A 3rd (AOVD/SVS:R)
Janus Calling Patton ‘Honey’ SvS Redux
LilyPadton/Stardew Inventory SvS Redux Easter Eggs Part 1
LilyPadton/Stardew Inventory SvS Redux Easter Eggs Part 2
Do We Kiss Now Or… SVS Patton
Cartoon Therapy: Steamboat Willie Lego
2020 Livestream: Who’s Your Fave Side To Play
April 2024 Charity Livestream Summary
Patton/Atticus Finch Comparison (SvS)
5 Shot Split in ATHD
SvS Redux Patton’s Blink-&-U-Miss-It Look at Virgil’s Spot
Virgil’s Shoe Laces (Skirt Look) Tutorial
Logan Detail from Make Assumptions About Me Vid
The Notebook/Logan Keeps Receipts Running Joke
Patton & Logan in FWSA
The ‘that’s what she said’ joke SVS
Janus’ Dramatic Lighting Throughout The Series
Bridgerton Short Janus Coat
That Time Janus Called Logan a Bitch (svs:r)
GRWM Janus Makeup Tutorial Thoughts
Food Pages Running Gag Shorts
Joan And That Activia Computer Gag (Shorts)
Roman Short Where Is The Love/Glam Makeup/Deserves a Proper GRWM
TTH The Box Poses
Logan’s Skirt Reshoot Thoughts
Roman Hates Mustaches (SVS REDUX)
Remus Drops A Hint (HAVE I GROWN)
Remus Sitting Comparison (WES ANDERSON SIDES)
Logan’s Onesie Has Wings?! (INCORRECT QUOTES 4)
Roman’s Editorial Look Makeup Question Answered
Thomas Giggling While Singing Oh Yeah (IQ4)
Patton’s Dad Moment ‘Calm Down Time’ (LNTAO)
Friendship Bracelets For Patton (CAN PLUSHIES IMPROVE OUR HEALTH)
The Different Offices Of Emile Picani
Logan Copying Roman’s Mannerisms To Be Dramatic (MOVING ON; DWIT)
Virgil Reacts To Inside Out 2 PART 1
Virgil Reacts To Inside Out 2 PART 2
What Roman Says About Virgil (VIRGIL REACTS)
Sleep Is The Eyelashes Meme (WHY IS SLEEP DIFFICULT?)
Sleep’s First Appearance Easter Egg (WHY IS SLEEP DIFFICULT?)
Remus And Roman Matching/Opposite Editorial Looks
Lego Movie Batman Reference (CARTOON THERAPY 3)
The Bagel Prophecy (CARTOON THERAPY 3)
Janus!Patton’s Smile (CLBG)
Dom Steals Roman’s Rhyming (ROMAN DISNEY TIERS)
Roman’s (and Dom’s) Disney Films Tier Ranking ALL THE DETAILS!
Rom & Dom moment/possible running joke? (MIND MELD OLD VS NEW FRIENDS)
Logan’s Glasses (MY TRUE IDENTITY)
Roman & Remus Twinning Outfits reoccurances
Roman Writing With His Right (MY JOURNEY ON YOUTUBE)
Called Sleep A Bitch (Because He Is) 😂 (MY CHARACTERS READ YOUR TWEETS)
Transcription Of Argument Between Core 4 (the best I could make out) (RETURN OF THE JAM)
The Liar Liar Test Joke Explained (SVS)
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tscritical · 2 years
Hello there 👋🏻
I left the sanders sides fandom and blocked every tag just short of four years ago, just after the release of DWIT. Now, there is no obligation for you to answer this ask, but if you feel up to it, think you could fill me in on everything that’s gone down? Has there really not been another ‘proper’ episode since then? Like I said, you aren’t obligated to answer. It just, seems like there’s been a lot. Thought it would be easier to ask someone. Thanks for your time.
im putting this under a read more cos. shit gets extensive
ok so here’s the shitty rundown:
if you remember, at the end of dwit virgil confessed to having been a “dark side” in the past, and thomas didn’t seem to take it well
the next episode was a sanders asides, which is basically,, shorter videos that were promised to give us more content (lie)
in this asides, thomas found out his friend was like. an ex homophobe. and somehow that’s a parallel to virgil having been a dark side??? ok
basically thomas realized he needed to accept virgil for everything he was, including his past. but they couldn’t come up with a better allegory. so it’s apparently canon that thomas thinks of dark sides as being the same as. ex bigots. idfk
about a year later, the svs redux came out. oh boy
thomas got back from the wedding, sang a song with patton and roman about how it sucked because lee and mary lee didn’t drop everything to spend time with him instead of. celebrating their fucking wedding. thomas basically said “wahhh why won’t lee and mary lee talk to me instead of focusing on themselves at their own wedding 😡😡😡😡” which like. whatever i guess
they debated on whether it would’ve been better to discuss the wedding vs callback decision with lee and mary lee beforehand and patton was like “but they may have been sad if you picked the wedding, and they would’ve been sad if you picked the callback” blah blah
logan came in as a pixelated pop up (called “logans lowdowns”) and was like “im gonna give helpful information via text box” and no one bothered to read them cos they’re jerks (I DID. MY REACT VIDEO PROVES IT. real logan stans read the text and then had to rewind the video to hear the other dorks jshdjdjfjf)
ultimately patton ended up suggesting that thomas should sacrifice himself for others. and also he should only take care of himself in emergency situations. and he turned into a frog
oh yeah and then deceit popped in and was like “patton you’re being a little extra” and explained that if you only take care of yourself in emergency situations, you won’t be nearly as equipped to handle it as you would be if you. you know. utilized self care a more reasonable amount
then roman was like “shut up deceit” and deceit was like “my name is janus” and roman was like “shut up janus, also that name is stupid” and janus was like “well you’re the evil twin so suck on that”
im doing a bad job of explaining the tension but holy SHIT this video…
anyway, after the redux was flirting with social anxiety, which is another asides. it’s an animatic because covid prevented thomas from actually going to the mall but anyway
thomas went to the mall having one mini moral crisis after another, until he saw a cute guy he wanted to talk to. but virgil was like “hell no” and roman was like “hell yes” and they basically spent the entire video arguing over whether it was a good idea to approach a stranger (regardless of how cute said stranger was)
ultimately, thomas and the stranger, nico flores, managed to get to talking, and they really seemed to hit it off! thus followed a really cute end credit scene back at the apartment, i really recommend watching that part on its own i fucking love it
the next episode was the third and final (so far) asides, in which thomas has sought help from logan in basically getting his life together, starting with cleaning his apartment
throughout the endeavor, thomas tries to follow the plan logan helped him get together in order to get it done, but remus has plans of his own. with every step thomas takes, remus puts a bear trap in his path. you know. metaphorically
oh yeah and the subplot is that thomas texted nico something stupid and he hasn’t responded and thomas is like “pls god why” probably because he’s worried he scared nico off (i can’t remember what the text said but i think it was cringe? idk hsjdhdj)
logan is trying to help thomas work through his intrusive thoughts… hence the title of the video jsjdjfkfk but remus is pretty relentless. finally, logan approaches remus and is like “what the fuck dude” and remus is like. well y’all know what remus is like akdjkdjfkf
remus starts ignoring logan and logans eyes glow orange and he’s like “STOP IGNORING ME” and remus is turned on or something and he’s like “but who do you really wanna scream that at?”
nico calls thomas and is like “wanna look at art?” and thomas is like “hell yeah” and leaves in the middle of cleaning which makes logan sad and ill kill thomas for making logan sad /j (there was also ominous vague foreshadowing from janus eating an apple in a tree or some shit idk)
then there’s the five year anniversary shit. which is like. pointless skhddkjf it’s basically thomas asking the sides shit about the series and it’s mostly fluff until you look into it. pretty much on the surface level kahdjdfjfk
i don’t remember it well i only watched it a couple times so
im not gonna talk about can plushies improve our health it makes me too mad
then the last video in the sanders sides playlist is the over the garden wall cover which i recommend simply because thomas/janus’s voice is so good and the vibes are so soft i cant
and there ya have it. you’re caught up now. now i have a question for you; what the FUCK do you mean, “four years ago, just after the release of dwit”. that was two years ago you are lying to me /j
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puzzled-pegasus · 11 months
Do y'all think I should write this au for Sanders Sides
So I have this one au similar to my one where a teenager Janus has a crush on Teacher Logan, which is a thing I've done some writing on, but the thing is I also have a spinoff thingy that goes on in a different AU, where Roman has severe Daddy Issues(TM) and becomes friends with Virgil and then he goes over to his house and Patton His Dad is there and Roman has the very intense Gay Panic
What's funny about this one is that obv he and Remus are brothers and they react to the situation in totally opposite ways than you'd expect, cause on the one hand Roman is sweating at the sight of Patton but Remus has the opposite thing with Logan, Virgil's Other Dad, where he just kinda becomes a 5 year old and it's very funny and sad
Anyways what do you think should I write it or nah
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What’s up? I’m 21, autistic, biromantic-demisexual, and use She/Her pronouns. Storytelling is really important to me, and the stuff I make is almost always dark, unhinged, and macabre.
This is a list of all the stories I’ve written so far (and I’ll be making updates in time with future stories). The characters I mainly write for are YouTuber Egos; those of Nathan Sharp/NateWantsToBattle, Markiplier, MatPat, Thomas Sanders, etc.
(You can also find all of these stories here, if you prefer AO3.)
Ŧħɇ ⱣɇnŧȺs FȺmɨłɏ [Ŧħɇ Fᵾŧᵾɍɇ Møƀ Ᵽɍøɉɇȼŧ]
The Pentas Family Encyclopedia
(Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Running on Empty (Caliban, Murdock)
God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting (Sam, Murdock, Caliban)
What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ? (Azalea, Caliban)
Update the Letter Board! (Azalea, Murdock)
Toxic Tutorials (Azalea, The Newcomer)
 (ꝀɨnđȺ-SøɍŧȺ?) ØɍɨǥɨnȺł ȻħȺɍȺȼŧɇɍs/Ɇǥøs
Characters and Headcanons and References, Oh My!
What’s This? Natemare is EVOLVING!
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So. . .(But It’s Kinda Dark This Time)
ȻȺsᵾȺł Fɨȼs 
From Candygram to Requiem (Noah Walker and the Paranormal Investigators from Random Encounter’s Phasmophobia The Musical)
What’s a Detective Without a Case? (Noir!Engineer Mark, Noir!Mack, Noir!Captain)
Nobody Likes Rude Clients (Patty, Delux/Porniplier)
Caught Between a Monstrosity and An Abomination  (EldritchPlier, LeviathanPat, The Reader)
Sɇɍɨɇs Fɨȼs 
A Week of Goretober 2022
Day 1: Voodoo Doll (Phantom, Bones)
Day 2: Cannibalism (Caliban, Murdock, The Newcomer)
Day 3: Broken Glass (Damien, Celine, The District Attorney, Darkiplier)
Day 4: Suffocation (The Captain, Head Engineer Mark)
Day 5: Revenge (Natemare, FNAF’s Missing Children, Purple Guy/Afton/Springtrap)
Day 6: Specimen Preservation (Phantom, Anti-Matter)
Day 7: Lyric Inspired (The Reader, Scaredy/SCARED-E)
Gifts for a Bat (an ongoing saga of snippets based off of @that-bat’s awesome Resident Evil: Village AU, where the mutated personifications of Nate, Mark and Matt are Lords serving under Mother Miranda and Ethan Nestor/CrankGamePlays is playing the role of Ethan Winters.)
Part 1: A Spider-Human Monster and A Necromancer Walk Into a Bar. . .  (Nate/Lord Ophio, Matt/Lord Loxosceles)
Part 2: Chaos, Compromises, and Meal-Prep (Ethan Nestor-Winters, Matt/Lord Loxosceles, Mark/Lord Isurus)
Part 3: A New Face In Town (Nate/Lord Ophio, Hunter/The Baron)
The Sides of A Nightmare (short drabbles inspired by @fangirltothefullest’s amazing Sanders Sides Little Nightmares AU)
The Actor (Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
The Professor (Logic “Logan” Sanders/Indigo, Creativity “Roman” Sanders/Red, Character!Thomas Sanders)
ɌȺnđøm Ɉᵾnꝁ 
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM (Parts 1 and 2) Edition
Incorrect Quotes: ISWM Edition (The Second One)
How Mack Snapped and Became the Way He Is in Part Two
ISWM Meets Pokemon
Matt and Ro are Soul-Siblings, So. . .
Headcanons for Phantom and Monarch Being Allies(?) Since Nate and Amanda Are Friends
RE8 AU Incorrect Quotes
How a Lot of My Followers Probably Reacted to My Hyperfixation on Caliban
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vent-and-advice · 17 days
Hello there, I’ve made some horrible mistakes and it caused me to unintentionally hurt people and lose a lot of friends. This is going to be all over the place and I apologize for that. This all started on Discord. I’m a huge fan of Thomas Sanders. He changed my life in a lot of ways because he inspired me to be a better version of myself. Thomas is so full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. He’s kind, sweet, loving, affectionate, caring, and has the heart of gold. He’s very genuine, open, honest, and real. He touched so many lives, he’s an inspiration to so many people. I was on Discord and I was in a bunch of Sander Sides servers, I made friends with a lot of people and it was fun interacting with others and sharing our love for Thomas and his characters that are called “The Sander Sides” and everyone were very welcoming and sweet towards me! A lot of Fanders made videos for Thomas wishing him a happy birthday, anniversary, or just showing their appreciation towards him, and that’s what got me inspired to collaborate with a group of friends and make a video wishing Thomas a happy birthday. One of them decided to create a server because it’ll be easier for everyone to discuss what kind of videos, edits, fanart, and cosplays they want to do. So everyone can submit their creations and I added all of our creations into one video, edited it, posted it my YouTube channel, and Thomas reacted to it! He brought all of us together and the collaboration made us even more closer. We weren’t doing this to fanboy, fangirl, get a famous person to notice us or 15 minutes of fame. We did this out of the kindness of our hearts because this man truly touched our hearts.
The server wasn’t just about Thomas Sanders and video collaborations. It’s also a safe space for those that are going through difficult times such as homophobia, transphobia, abuse, and any sort of discrimination. A lot of members on the server are LGBTQ+. Their parents are not supportive and they are mistreated for being gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, pansexual, etc. My heart was bleeding for them because they deserve to be treated with love, care, compassion, and respect. My co-owner decided to become the server dad because of it and we were becoming a close-knit family already. I asked if I can be the server mom because I have that motherly and nurturing personality. I don’t have any kids in real life but like I said before, I have that motherly and nurturing personality. I’m a shoulder to cry on, ear to listen, and hand to hold. I always encourage people and make them feel loved, accepted, appreciated, and happy. So, it was a natural calling to me. I literally tell people this “If your parents don’t support you for being gay or if they abuse you, I’m your new mom now.” The co-owner said yes and I was happy. They’re 18, polyamorous and dating two different people. I’m 26 and a heterosexual. I’m one of the oldest members of the server. The majority of the members are teenagers ages 15, 16, 18, and 19. Everyone was happy to have new parents that finally loved, accepted, respected and understood them. It brought all of us closer together. Everyone called us “Mom and Dad.” Everyone had a family role too. We had server aunts, uncles, sons, and daughters. Because of the age gap, I thought it would be weird for us to be server husband and wife because again, I’m 26 and they’re 18. One day, they gave me the role to be their server wife and I figured as long as they’re comfortable with it, I’ll accept and I gave them the role to be my server husband. It wasn’t meant to be taken literal because we don’t have feelings for each other and I wouldn’t date anyone who’s 18 or 19. It was just for the family dynamic. We called each other “Wifey and “Hubs/Hubby.” One of his partners was a member of the server and he was okay with it and he called me “Mom” also. We all called each other nicknames out of endearment. I called one of my friends “Kitten” and I didn’t know that it was inappropriate to call people. I was saying it in a motherly way for example a mother cat and all of her kittens. One person said “Kitten” and I explained that it was my way of saying sweetie, my dear, dear, and darling and the person I called that understood and told me they were cool with it. They never told me they weren’t comfortable being called that. Not on the server or a DM. Nobody on the server educated me or explained whey calling people “Kitten” is inappropriate either.
One day the co-owner messaged me, venting to me about their personal struggles and I was trying to encourage them but they wouldn’t listen to my advice. They told me that they valued his partners more than me as a friend and that’s the day I made a terrible decision. I overreacted and told them that I felt like my heart was stomped on, it felt like a kick in the throat, I was thrown into the dirt because I’ve done a lot for them and everyone else in the server. I guilt-tripped him and that was very rotten of me to do. One day he told me to stop calling him “Hubs” asked me to message him privately and he told me he wanted to take a break from the dad role. They told me they were hurt about those awful things I said. They also said that I seem to be clingy too. I respected their decision but I asked them are we no longer going to be a family because I didn’t understand the sudden change. I was pressuring and forcing them to be in a family dynamic they were no longer comfortable with. I felt horrible for the way I spoke to him, I took full responsibility for my actions, held myself accountable, and took ownership of my mistakes. Days later we made amends but they told one someone about the situation and they posted a thread about it on Twitter and I was accused of grooming minors, being inappropriate, and manipulating them. That wasn’t the case at all. They also mentioned the “Kitten” thing too. They said that I kept calling individuals kittens despite them telling me they were uncomfortable, but they never did. I only called one person that and they never told me that they were uncomfortable. I found out they were too scared to message me and tell that they were uncomfortable. There’s more but I don’t think I can fit everything into this. Everyone unfriended and blocked me. I had no idea what was going on because I thought me and co-owner made amends and I was working on learning healthier boundaries and trying to recenter myself. I was messaging our mutual friends constantly and daily because I went into a panic and I had no idea what was going on until I saw the thread on Twitter and the post on Instagram. It wasn’t my intention to hurt anyone because I would NEVER treat a child that way. Everyone called me a groomer, predator, and I was even told that I should register as a sex offender. The person I called “Kitten” didn’t give me the chance to apologize to them because they unfriended and blocked me. All I tried to do was be there for those in need and make everyone happy, not hurt them. Everyone hates me, and I feel like they’re going to tell Thomas about the situation and make him hate me too. I’ll never get to meet him one day because if I do, people will probably say “There goes that groomer over there!” All of this happened last month in June. I’m consumed with anxiety. I feel unloved, unwanted. I really need your advice because this has been weighing on me for too long.
Oh dear, this sounds complicated. Take a deep breath, drink some calming tea, and let's think about this.
So, you messed up. That's ok, everyone does. But you have to understand that people who aren't willing to hear your side of the story and make baseless accusations against you are never truly worth it in the end. I recommend saying your piece to these people and letting them choose to do with what you have said. And, I recommend also taking a break from online spaces in general. Being the constant shoulder to cry on in vent Discords may feel like an honor, but being responsible for the mental health of so many people can consume one with anxiety. Take some 'me time' to sort everything out.
And all that matters is you know who you are, and I know you'll find the people who will be able to judge your character as it is as well.
Now take this flower my friend and go off. Everything will be ok. You will be ok. You've got this. 🌺
0 notes
t4t-apexeclipse · 1 year
9. Do your sides interact with the Sanders Sides? If so, who gets along with who? Who hates each other?
14. How do you feel about people making fanart or fanfiction of your sides?
16. FREE SPOT FOR ANSWERERS! Ramble about anything you want!
15. How would your sides react in the wedding vs courtroom scenario?
- @transfemlogan
*cracks knuckles* let’s a go
9: i never actually thought about this as a general concept but they do in one specific au i have in mind (it’s where i get transported into the mindscape and over time discover i have sides of my own and it’s a whole thing. i also probably end up making out with my sides but i haven’t gotten that far yet)
i imagine mortimer would get along really well with janus and logan and they’d have debates. ebony and remus would be besties i am certain of this. roman would be constantly comparing himself to arthur since they’re both creativity, and he’d be like “how come you’re a nerd instead of a prince?” “are you also blue’s romance and self esteem?” “do you have a twin brother?” like just so many questions
speaking of questions, and mildly related, my GOD logan would ask so many <3 he’d be especially interested in asking leo how it functions as logic while also functioning as emotions
anyway arthur would get along with roman and they’d go into the imagination together, and he’d probably also get along with janus and logan. the nerdy trio <3
angel would be wary of everyone. she’d keep them kinda at arm’s length, and maybe warm up to logan first because he has a grounding presence
actually ebony would get along with all of them, or at least try to. pup wants to be everyone’s friend <3
trying to think of dynamics. it’s so hard jajddjdj
14: if anyone did that i would hold them so gently <3
angel doesn’t relax a lot but she’s much more relaxed when we’re in the same room. it took her a very long time to say i love you and that’s okay <3
mortimer really thrives on being in control, and often takes the lead in romantic settings. they try to act all suave and smooth in everyday life but during romantic moments they’re a mess <3
arthur is like. the opposite. he acts all jittery and caffeine fueled normally, but when he flirts, he is soooo god damn smooth. he pulls out all the stops too like if he loves you be prepared for acts of service and gifts galore
leo is a puppy <3 it loves cuddles and kisses sm, and it looks for any opportunity to provide. it’s also surprisingly possessive (but not to an extent that’s like… unhealthy. just mildly). if it’s cuddling me, no one else can stand in the way
ebony looooves making me kandi jewelry <3 he wants to get matching tattoos <3 she will take any opportunity to kiss my cheek <3 they wanna take me on a date to legoland <3
15: angel would overthink it and never reach a decision. mortimer would give the pros and cons of each decision but not weigh in with their own opinion. arthur would insist on the callback, and leo would agree. ebony would wanna go to the wedding for the cake
god i love these guys <3
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skylerscull1 · 2 years
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I posted 4,383 times in 2022
That's 4,334 more posts than 2021!
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4,120 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,278 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 3,962 posts
#gotham - 295 posts
#jerome valeska - 157 posts
#gotham jerome - 155 posts
#quotes - 145 posts
#jeremiah valeska - 142 posts
#daily life - 142 posts
#gotham jeremiah - 141 posts
#the umbrella academy - 132 posts
#quote - 132 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#a deathnote fanfiction about the love between two men one of which being l who has kidnapped the other man and is keeping him in his basemen
My Top Posts in 2022:
Lanyon, slams Hyde against the wall: "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HENRY? DID YOU BLACKMAIL HIM YOU SCOUNDREL?!"
Hyde, suddenly blushing: "You are so hot right now- NO WAIT I DON'T EVEN LIKE LANYON, I HATE HIM WTF??????"
47 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My Sortinghatchats Houses: My Results
I did the Sortinghatchats quiz over on itch.io, https://ejadelomax.itch.io/sortinghatchats Your Primary House defines WHY you do things: your reasons, motivations, and drive. Your Secondary defines HOW: your methods, actions, and behaviors.
And these are my results: I’m a Slytherin Primary (Or possible Burned Hufflepuff Primary).
I care about those close to me, and I’d do almost anything for the people I consider my friends and family. I’m ambitious and I follow my own rules. I actually have a list of directions of how to react, act in and deal with certain situations. My empathy is actually rather low, so I learned my own brand of ‘empathy’ to make up for that, so I can be there for the people I care about. I can be selfish at times, or seem that way. My own desires are what drive me, a good portion of my desires though are for the people I care deeply about to be happy. I try to stick with the ones I care the most about. 
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47 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
Slay The Princess, colored-in
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57 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Sanders Sides “Florida Man” p1
Janus / Deceit Sanders
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Remus Sanders
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514 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Results of the Failed Tumblr Crash Flopocalypse of 2022, April 1st
1. The Queue got significantly delayed and messed up, some peoples queued up posts didn’t even post and they had to post it manually. I experienced this personally. 
2. We caused a spike of Tumblr outages around the time the Flopocalypse took place as seen below: 
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https://friendofthecrows.tumblr.com/post/680352856907317248/well-we-tried-and-caused-a-spike-idk-mine-was <--- Thank you @friendofthecrows for your find.
3. A bunch of people on Tumblr came together to organize this as a community, and while we didn’t crash tumblr, the tumblr outages and delayed queue speak for itself.
4. Those who didn’t already know how to use the queue system finally got the chance and opportunity to learn.
5. Apparently now we can access the blogs of people who have blocked us, which we couldn’t before, and send asks. This may or may not have something to do with our attempt to crash Tumblr on April Fools Day. Thank you @pupperish for your find. Check out the link to their posts below: https://pupperish.tumblr.com/post/680440429294075904 https://pupperish.tumblr.com/post/680441329142169600/so-uh-time-to-put-the-hell-in-hellsite-i
6. https://staff.tumblr.com/post/680353868570378240/brickwhartley-please-see-above Tumblr is having issues with malfunctioning widgets, this may be due to the crabs, this may be due to our efforts in the Crash Flopocalypse, or a mixture of both.
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777 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wooflesthatwoof · 6 years
So I dragged my friend into the fandom pt. 4
Jayden’s back at it again with the screaming, I wish I could have squished in their reaction to the Moving On videos but it was too long- (parts one, two, and three!)
ACCEPTING ANXIETY, Part’s 1 and 2:
“The title scares me more than you could ever know”
“Wow Mo you didn’t tell me you were in a video”
“My son”
“Is ‘you good fahm’ a joke now?”
“Can we keep the fourth wall in once piece please-”
(”Time out for thee and time out for thee, focus on issues or focus on me”) “I can actually see you saying that-”
“Heck ye Mulan”
“So many Disney references-”
“Oh is that where the “famILY” comes from?”
“Thank you Patton, for pointing out the obvious”
“Logan is the first to try and summon Anxiety”
“Roman how dare, Anxiety is important”
“Roman please”
“That wasn’t an actual laptop right?” (”[Me] It’s a prop, don’t worry” “Okay good”
“Roman quit denying it, Anxiety is important”
“Wait rooms? They have rooms?”
“Really? A cliffhanger? Well heck”
“Roman is salty, this whole intro is pure salt”
“Patton is relatable”
“Roman’s scream tho-”
“Logan is the one to apologize?”
“Quack” (”[Me] ..you don’t understand why that upsets me” “it’s because you saw something angsty and now you can’t unsee it” “[Me] Okay maybe you do understand-” “*fingerguns*”
“I’m gonna start using ‘I love my dark strange son’ now”
“Roman stop-”
“Logan is the one to defend Anxiety?”
“I like the eyeshadow, subtle, sleek, beautiful”
“Oh how my Analogical heart screams with joy”
“Roman stop-”
“Is ‘pump the breaks Princey’ a joke now?”
“‘A prince has got to slay’ is probably the best thing I’ve heard all day”
“I lov Patton”
“My son, calm down”
“Is the curve thing a joke now?”
“Calling Anxiety an alarm clock is really accurate tbh-”
“I was wrong, “E=MC scared” is the best thing I’ve heard all day”
“Aww, Princey being fluffy”
“Oh heck, I use that breathing exercise thing sometimes-”
“Patton being relatable again”
“Same, Patton, same”
“i love it, it isn’t related to roman like i thought it would be, but i love it” (”[Me] Mm, well..” “sHUT UP, YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING” “[Me] Watch the Q&A, trust me”)
“I’m upset I can’t do the crab claw thing”
“I like that this all came from one random little video, I’d bet money that they didn’t expect it to become a legit series”
“Sometimes I forget they aren’t real” (”[Me] Most of us do” “Oh good, I’m not completely insane yet”
“Wait I was right about the L-O-G/P-A-T thing-??” (”[Me] I told you it was right-” “Yeah but still, I thought you were joking-”)
“Oh my god Virgil is related to Roman-” (”[Me]” I told you this!!” “i thOUGHT YOU WERE LYING”) 
(”People liked the clock”) “I loved the clock”
“I lov these dorks”
“Usually I don’t like behind the scenes things but this is cool”
“Oh it was Talyn screaming for Roman, that makes a lot more sense than it should-”
“M’kay so while I’m thinking about it when do we meet the snek that you always scream about” (”[Me] That’ll be a while honestly” “Well heck”)
“‘Vetal miking’ is most definitely a joke now isn’t it?”
“Can’t you do the thing? Like the ‘not having friends to stand in for eye-lines’ thing” (”[Me] Uh, no..?” “Shut up yes you can”)
“I love all the positivity in these things, it’s so nice”
“This is such a happy lil video”
Fitting In:
“I’m warning you right now I will be screaming about this”
“Logan is salt”
“’Panic at the everywhere’ is my second favorite nickname from Roman” (”[Me] Second?” “Hot Topic” “[Me] Ah”)
“My dark strange son”
“Yes yes exposition cool whatever let’s get to the houses”
“Oof, Virgil needs hugs”
“Tonks was great”
“I’m still salty about that line, calmly they said”
“Patton is relatable once more”
“No that isn’t right- The houses are wrong-”
(”You didn’t ruin anything”) “Logan defending Virgil again”
“Roman isn’t a Slytherin either you fools”
“and back to being wrong okay”
“Roman chill please”
“Virgil is a Hufflepuff and you can fight me”
(”[Me] Just for clarification, who’s what house?”) “Roman’s Gryffinpuff, Virgil’s Ravenpuff, Patton’s Ravendor, Logan’s Slytherin” (”[Me] That.. actually makes a lot of sense?” “Mhm”)
“Roman is salt”
“Yes, Logan is a Slytherin you  f o o l s”
“Virgil is the one to point out Gryffindor Patton?”
“okay fine the hat would take your opinion into consideration bUT STILL”
“Logan is salt”
“virgil is a ravenpuff, f i g h t m e”
“Ooo new outfits”
“My goodness, the way Virgil looked at him-”
“Patton is relatable again”
“Roman said shook”
Stay tuned for next time, where Jayden screams in panic about the Moving On videos-
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