#my friend said those shots looked like wedding pics
frostbite-yinny · 1 year
YINNY RATES MAN EPISODE TWO: @professor-amaryllis
WELL WELL WELL. First of all, I would like to start this episode by saying that I catered for his and Dave's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony. They are such a nice person. Also, I would like to say they use they/he pronouns but I'll be mostly using 'he' pronouns because my keyboard is fucking crazy and freaks out <3
Welcome everyone to; Yinny Rates man~ episode 2
Amy Amaryllis; The wild guy turned Pokemon proffesor aged like fine wine
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Yes, this 'Daddy issues good ending' male lead. Look at that ekans shirt. Look at his dress shirt and assassin haircut. Sadly, the 1 point he got by being exactly 10 years older than me is imminently crossed off by the fact he is 5'5. I like my man with issues, and what better way to build character than getting bullied in middle school by getting called a girafarig.
For one too many times, I got drunk with handstand shots at a frat boy's party and watched this guy's show piled on a couch smoking things I would rather not say in public. High girls LOVE their funky clothes and watching him wrestle with Krookodile's. If that's real. Might be a fever dream I dunno the only thing I know is I watched the whole show and it was fucking amazing. 10/10 would do it again with no hesitation. I would try to do it sober this time.
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Now back to the daddy issues good ending part. I would like you to observe the kind and heartfelt way he is looking at those babies. Look at the compassion in them. I would like you to take a second to drink it in. This man would give you the male validation your father never did without it being weird. I would like to simp harder but this pure-hearted golden man doesn't deserve any type of filth coming anywhere near him.
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Get yourself a man who is as stylish as him. Beautiful pink skirt, matching scarf with a yellow blouse, AND an Ekans walking stick????? Well, Dave hit the jackpot. ALSO when I got drunk and asked him about the shit in meowstick ears they just said I must be having a good time and calmly explained it to me with a warning not to touch their ears.
I would let this short beefcake ruin my life only if they let me pet Beans the internet celebrity Zorua.
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Okey my mom went to the other room let me real quick: He looks like the main character of a 'One had a flower shop and one had a tattoo shop romance' and you will never know which one he is running. He is the mom friend of the group everyone secretly has a little crush on. The hair is ON POINT and combined with those clothes?????? a solid 10 pls give me fashion advice. They have done nothing wrong in their lives. If I saw them slaughter a man with their bare hands I would lock myself in an asylum because this man had never been wrong not even once in his life and I must have gone crazy.
I like pathetic man. This guy is a ray of sunshine in a pathetic world.
Yes, please continue restoring out faith in humanity, king. We need it.
Final verdict: 8/10 he is a spectacular person that does NOT deserve to be in this show. I know when someone is above this shit. 2 points off because he is not evil or ridiculously old or has issues.
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
do you have any headcannons or behind-the-scenes for "it's something new (because of you)"?
oh DO I
for starters i'm sorryyyyyy for letting this sit so long I have no excuse other than life and brain chemistry are Nuts.
BTS-wise, this one-shot within the universe was inspired by a photoset I stumbled across here on tumblr, and I thought: "that could be my blorbos" and lo! it came. I started drafting it while at was at my folks' for christmas, and then it sat in google docs in purgatory before I summoned the spoons to complete it. which at the time I thought was odd, because my general technique with smut is to write it all within the space of a couple days--they just flow differently than things with, ya know, plot, but this one incubated for a while, and I think it served it.
HCs-wise, I've jotted down a few about this universe and specifically the beginning of dair's marriage within it :)
this is how Dan & Blair (mostly Blair) announce the wedding:
Epperly guest writes a post for Blair Necessities covering the event/interviewing Blair
The morning the post goes live, Blair & Dan each post one (1) thing to their accounts
They each pick a photo from what their photographer sent them (both candid, because they look stupidly in love in those)
Dan’s caption is from the Auden Blair quoted in her vows to him: The years shall run like rabbits, / For in my arms I hold / The Flower of the Ages, / And the first love of the world.
Blair’s is a quote of a different kind: Reader, I married him. 
They make their posts from a sidewalk cafe in Firenze then shut off their phones. 
And the internet goes WILD
immediately there’s all these buzzfeedesque articles like “Blair Waldorf, Former Princess of Monaco has remarried,” and “Blair Waldorf’s New Husband Is Hot” and “Who Is Mr. Blair Waldorf?” and “Blair Waldorf Totally Won Her Divorce”
Just to fuck with everyone Blair posts another pic of Dan a couple days later. it's of him sitting at the window in their tuscan villa, pretty much the view Blair wakes up to in the beginning of it's something new. Caption: my huckleberry friend
They don’t see any of it til they check their messages over breakfast the next day. Dan loves the nomer “Mr. Blair Waldorf” and immediately adds it to his profiles (which he only made bc his agent made him). Sherri, said agent, almost makes him change them back before she sees the spike in his book sales. He was doing well enough on a debut, but now he’s doing really well. 
Thanks to his family’s caution (and the NDAs signed by the wedding vendors), no photos of Milo surface, he’s mentioned by Blair in her interview of course, and outside of W he’s only known as “Humphrey’s grade school-aged son”
Nate has a good laugh at it all, which he calls payback for all the good natured ribbing he and Serena got in the summer with “Serena van der Woodsen and Nate Archibald Eloped, Apparently”—a headline that spurred several never-ending phone calls from a horde of van der Bilts, and one—as Serena calls it—“ugly-ass gravy boat” (and yes, she did have to contribute to the swear jar for that)
I actually have MORE mostly about the work after something new, so don't mind me if I share those too ;))))
Speaking of Serenate, they’re on the move a lot and bring Sophie when they can, but she’s old so long haul trips to LA that are only a few days aren’t ideal. So they ask the Humphreys to dog sit a lot. Dan always outright refuses, because he knows that dog-sitting is only one degree of separation from “Why can’t we get a dog, Dad?” and he just cannot have that conversation. Again. 
There’s a lot of anxiety from all parties when Blair gets pregnant. There’s her traumatic history which flares up when it is most inconvenient, plus Dan’s trauma coupled with the fact that  he hasn’t done this part before. He missed almost all of Georgina’s pregnancy, so he doesn’t really know how to be. 
Milo expresses a flicker of concern because he knows on some level that the upcoming baby is genetically connected to his parents while he isn’t and he needs reassurance. 
Dan consults his brother Scott, who lived through a similar situation being an adoptee, and being an adoptee with a younger sibling that was born to his parents, and his perspective helps. 
They move from the loft to a Park Slope townhouse just after the New Year and just shy of the beginning of Blair’s third trimester. She’s not allowed to pick up anything, so she just stands in the center of the first floor and directs the moving until Dan makes her sit on the first chair they bring in (the one from his home office). A joke about a sedan chair is made, and then Dan immediately regrets it when she looks like she’s considering it. Milo’s her assistant when he gets back from school. It’s adorable. 
It’s more house than either Humphrey boy knows what to do with, but they follow Blair’s lead in putting it together. Her nesting instincts kick into overdrive—it’s quite a thing to witness. Dan acquiesces to hiring Dorota full-time so Blair doesn’t do too much. 
The fetus of when everything else changes is male, despite Blair and Milo’s good vibes. After he’s born Blair—hopped up on drugs—is like “A boy? I don’t know anything about boys. How do I raise a boy?” Dan gives her a funny look and reminds her that she’s been successfully mothering a son for a few years now, actually. 
I haven’t an earthly idea what that baby’s first name is (Otis? — I’m KIDDING) but his middle name is Nathaniel. 
Blair and Milo are very precious and anxious and fussy when the baby comes and Dan is much more chill. He jokes that it’s because he’s Blair and Milo’s first baby
Dan becomes a stay-at-home dilf, fulfilling his potential ♥️
Rufus leaves the decision of what to do with the loft up to Dan and Jenny, and they can’t really bear to part with it, so they keep it in the family. It becomes Jenny’s crash pad when she’s in NY, and eventually morphs into her makeshift atelier, where she works while she’s in NY. 
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I thought that, too. But at 41, why would he start giving a shot about that? Not coming for you, I promise! But he was all over Margo. / Thank you anon for being respectful with your response. He did a lot of self reflection when he turned 40, he said himself that he did. I think that's part of the change we see with him, why he's doing so many things differently than he has in the past. One of the things that has definitely changed is how much of himself he is willing to share with fans. Like no more SM. I believe sharing his private life is one of those changes. Even to the point of not wanting to openly share his feelings about the people in his life. Generally the fandom has not behaved well toward the people in his life whether it be girlfriends, friends or just fans who spot him or get a pic with him. Like fans who get a pic are flooded with questions and hate to the point they often go private or remove the tweet. His friends have stopped posting him for the same reasons, fans flooding their IG with questions and hate. As for the pics we got when it wasn't a staged pap shot the only ones I can think of right now are the wedding pics. (Are there more I'm not remembering?) I think, just my opinion, is that the fandoms expectations of how they should act is skewed weirdly. The expectations I see of how they should act sound like what people write in fan fiction which is not how people act in real life in my experience. Look at the recent pap shots of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. They aren't smiling, barely touching each other, don't look loved up in any way shape or form. If you go by the same criteria people use to judge Seb and AW's relationship you'd have to say Blake and Ryan can't stand to be around each other. I don't believe that. So I find using that criteria, how affectionate we see them being isn't a legitimate way of judging the nature of their feelings. The stuff we got from the wedding was less than a minute of days of interaction. Personally I don't think we saw enough of that interaction to judge how they act all the time. Again just my opinion. Sorry this got so long but it's a complex issue that isn't a simple this or that. There are lots of shades of gray to it.
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aeronbracken · 2 years
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They are so...
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skippyangel16 · 3 years
A perspective from a newbie, started watching outlander feb this year…..never heard of any of the actors, books, author…
Watched the first half season one, like everyone else googled “ Are Sam and Cait a couple?” Told “no” she’s married and he dates other women, last one being MM. I look at the few pics with his “partners” and her “husband” (didn’t take long, lucky if there’s a total of 6) and I sigh internally ☹️. I carry on watching… ( a voice inside my head is screaming “they have to be together” as I watch each episode). What is wrong with me?
In drought lander I watch every interview and con since it started and now I am even more convinced they are a couple. I eventually find tumblr and fill in blanks and timeline, thanks to all those out there that have receipts 🧾 It was so good to read it all. Now it all made sense!
So we know Cait can “ act in love”
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With different actors
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And she can pull it off!
So why was it so difficult with?
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Why did we get this after marrying “the love of her life!”
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If privacy an issue even a hand shot of the rings would have been better than the goat? Even her child got a hand shot !
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……then we have Sams (pre) wedding IG/ tweet, ref black beauty and cait 🤣
Sams (post wedding) IG/tweet there was not even a congrats or bride 👰‍♀️ and groom 🤵‍♂️ emoji? ( that I can remember, can’t find it now ) As I remember it was just stating a remarkable day and plugging the suit? C’mon! I am supposed to believe this? Really?
If the narrative was to be believed they would have made it so…..
My perception, no facts -“The meeting” prior to IFH was sprung on them, they went in unprepared and without representation to a room full of power,money, TPTB and lawyers. Whatever happened on that day and in that room has silenced them. Until outlander is finished the narrative soap opera will continue and they will continue to do what they can with breadcrumbs. Once it’s over I don’t think we will get much more than they did it to protect their characters, but at least then we’ll see them out together freely at awards, premieres etc, and if they want to post a picture with the kids they can and if they don’t that’s fine to.
If you look at it from all angles the constant smoke and mirrors actually keeps ALL sides of fans interested, that’s what outlander wants…$ everybody’s and viewing figures, everybody’s. Those who think he’s gay, bi, single, womaniser, married to Cait all get something but no one gets anything concrete.
If you look at just TWO of the people that have congratulated Tony as the father they have ALSO implied Sam and Cait a couple over the years.
Graham, we all know what he’s declared over the years and John Gary Steele who hinted Tony was her Gore Vidal. (Added bonus her hairdresser who posts congrats then deletes?) It’s all beyond weird.
A large portion see Graham’s action as 💵, another view could be that he was helping his very close friend. If you were Sam and Cait and still stuck in a narrative that you have no or little control of because you cannot for whatever reason tell the truth. Who would you want saying congrats to Cait and Tony ? Well I read Graham’s message and didn’t believe it, no way ! Not after everything Graham has said and implied. Based on Graham and John’s congrats messages alone, I thought what a load of bull***! So if you want the narrative not to be believed use people that already have “outed” you as a couple that way the narrative is unbelievable!
My view 🧐…they are a couple since 2013/14, married 2015, with a family since 2016.😍 Congrats to both of them !🥂
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Post 6 Sept 2021
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 14) - Keep Close
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Summary: The Ackles have the Padalecki’s over for dinner and let it slip that they’re engaged. Things seem to be going well but the anniversary of the accident is coming up and the reader comes up with the Ackles taking their first vacation together as a means of distracting Jensen as well reconnecting with Ray...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of sex, mention of a dead parent/spouse, anxiety
A/N: Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
“I’m stuffed,” said Jensen that night, the kids running around playing soccer in the yard after dinner. 
“I need that chicken recipe,” said Jared.
“I’ll write it down for you guys,” you said, sitting back in your chair. “You can do it with breast too if you like that better.”
“I want exactly this like, everyday from now on,” said Jared. Gen rolled her eyes and Jensen pulled out his phone. “Want me to take a pic?”
“I don’t need your freakishly long arms just yet,” chuckled Jensen. He turned around and took one of the four of you at the table before handing off his phone. “Mind getting one of us?”
“Your mom harassing you for engagement photos already?” asked Gen.
“By the time we were leaving they were both asking for photos and being obnoxious. Better than they were though,” said Jensen, smiling beside you. Jared took a few more and handed the phone back. 
“I still can’t believe your parents would act like that,” said Gen. “I mean obviously I’m super happy it got fixed but that’s so unlike them.”
“They made a mistake is all,” you said with a smile. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to finish this beer in the pool.”
“I think I’ll join you,” said Jared. He stood up and had a look on his face you caught too late. Before you knew it he had you picked up and was jogging over to the deep end and jumping in with you.
“Jared!” you said when you popped up. He giggled and swam off to the shallow end. “After I helped pick up the plates ya big lug.”
“We got it,” said Jensen, carrying over two beer cans and handing them to you. “We’ll join you guys in a few.”
About ten minutes later Jensen was leaning against the side of the pool in his bright red swim trunks, handing you the other half of his cookie cake piece.
“So any big plans for the wedding?” asked Jared, sat on the pool steps with Gen.
“I have a thought,” you said, turning to Jensen. “I haven’t discussed it with Jensen yet.”
“Vegas. Shotgun wedding,” he laughed. You shook your head and he grinned. “You’re thinking the farm, aren’t you.”
“What do you think? It could be outdoor or indoor, whatever it needs to be depending on the weather.”
“I’d love that,” he said, giving you a squeeze. “That’d be perfect for us.”
“You own a farm?” asked Jared. 
“Yeah, ten minutes from the brewery.”
“Dudes. You can open bar with your own beer. Oh and dibs on being a groomsmen.”
“Like that wasn’t gonna happen,” said Jensen.
“I don’t know on that,” you said. Jared’s face fell and you shook your head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that you wouldn’t be one. Of course you would. I just don’t have a lot of close girlfriends. I think it’d be weird if Jensen had a ton and…”
“I don’t think it’s weird,” said Gen. “We didn’t have an even number at our wedding.”
“We got time to figure that stuff out,” said Jensen, holding your waist. You finished the last bite of cookie and hummed. 
“So you two having a kid?” asked Jared. Gen whacked his chest and he shrugged.
“Jesus, Jare. Don’t ask that.”
“They’re our best friends and godparents to our children...although I guess Y/N didn’t know that she inherited that until now but come on, I know you’re wondering too.”
“Shut up,” said Gen, crossing her arms. “Obviously if they decide, they’ll tell us when it happens.”
“Yeah, I think there’ll be at least one,” you laughed. Gen lit up and turned to Jared.
“Last time they said they were having a baby guess what we did? I can’t handle no more babies,” said Jared.
“Can you even get that thing up anymore?” teased Jensen, sipping on his beer.
“You’re one to talk, old man.”
“That shit still works just fine.”
“Just fine?” shot back Jared.
“Oh my God. You’re both good at sex. Y/N be grateful you’ve missed this same conversation over and over for the past sixteen odd years,” said Gen. 
“I’m still taller,” said Jared with a smirk.
“I can last longer,” said Jensen with one of his own. They narrowed their eyes at one another and Jared stood up.
“Go wrestle on the grass,” groaned Gen. They both huffed and got out of the pool before starting to playfully wrestle. “See, what you may not realize yet is you have another child right there.”
“Yeah but he’s hot,” you said, Gen laughing while you sat beside her. “Do you guys really talk about sex with each other?”
“Yes and no. The boys are you know, boys. They’d combust if they didn’t tease each other. I wouldn’t say there’s like, intimate details or anything ever shared. They’re both pretty private about that sort of thing. Dee and I would talk but more so say we had fun the night before. Shit we probably talked about sex toys more than anything.”
You stopped mid sip of your beer and she laughed.
“When your guy is thousands of miles away for that long out of the year, you gotta get off on your own. You get pretty good at phone sex too. You’re lucky. Jensen won’t be staying away so long ever again he said.”
“No, no. But uh...before Jensen I’d had the same boyfriend forever and he was as vanilla as could be. We didn’t do that stuff really together.”
“I can text you some links to stuff. It’s not like you have to go in some scary store or anything. It’s discrete and I think a small vibe would be great to start with. You can use it during sex or foreplay or whatever. Just you know, have fun.”
“Jensen and I kinda got busted by the cops a week or so back for...activities in the backseat,” you said. She started to laugh and you groaned. “Thankfully it was his friend that caught us so he let us off the hook but...it was kinda fun.”
“Good,” she said, sighing as Jensen pinned Jared down. “Hey so yeah about that wedding thing. Jared had two more groomsmen than I had girls. It doesn’t have to be matchy, matchy, you know?”
“I know. I don’t know if…” you trailed off. “I lost my friend group when I broke it off with my last boyfriend. We’d been together for over ten years and I kept turning down his proposals and they didn’t like that. I have some nanny friends but not a lot and no one I’m really close to. I don’t know if I’d even get more than five people to come for me. Everyone else is his family and friends and I didn’t think about that until just now. I mean what would they think, seeing that? I don’t know if I even want anyone there now.”
“I think what they’d see is someone they care about marrying someone he loves. Just because we’re Jensen’s friends doesn’t mean we’re not your friends too. I know we’re still getting to know each other but we’ll be as close as those two eventually. Ruthie was texting me and we’re having a girls night the next convention in Dallas. You literally have a built in crew ready to go from the show, the girls and the guys. You are so coming with me to the next night I have with my local girlfriends and you got our family. You even got Dee’s parents. You have more than you know, sweetie.”
“I never had a best friend growing up except for my mom. Until Jensen,” you said. “I’ve never really been good at the friend thing.”
“Were you bullied in school?” she asked quietly.
“Don’t tell anyone besides Jared but my dad wasn’t a good person. He hurt me and so I was afraid of getting in trouble so I didn’t talk to other kids all that much until I got old enough to understand what he was doing was wrong and that’s how I ended up being adopted.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Can’t do anything about it now. But I can have it not control my life too. I’ve been pretty good since I was nine in that department. My mom dying sucked and things have been up and down but I like where I am now. This is easily the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”
“Jens’s not perfect.”
“I know. But he’s good enough. He gave me a certain confidence to live my life, like really live it.”
“He’s alright,” she smiled. “You know I have an idea about this bridesmaids thing you might like.”
“Oh I would for sure but I meant more so I know two little girls that wouldn’t mind. Maybe there’s a boy too,” she said.
“I’m gonna need you to be my wedding planner at this rate,” you said.
“Job accepted,” she said. “I say we go farmhouse modern style.”
“Gen. I got engaged like two weeks ago. We have time,” you said. “We don’t even have a date.”
“At the very least can we go dress shopping?” she asked.
“I’m going to regret this,” you sighed as Jensen stepped back in the water.
“Get yourself a stronger man, Padalecki. That one is weak,” he said. Jared followed him right after and went to tackle him when Gen caught his arm.
“Boys, not in the water,” she said.
“Chicken?” asked Jensen.
“Losers pick up the tab for when we go out this weekend for dinner. Deal?” asked Jared.
“Well in that case, you’re on.”
Two Weeks Later
“Jensen,” you said, carding your fingers through his hair while he absentmindedly burnt some eggs. “You okay babe?”
“Yeah. We ought to pack up the kids, get on the road soon if we’re gonna hit the beach.”
“I’m gonna drive, okay?” you asked. He nodded and you got out the eggs again, making up a new batch. “Do you want to talk to Ray?”
“Why?” he asked quietly, leaning back against the counter.
“Anniversaries of traumatic events can be triggering,” you said. “My mom died two days ago. Well, you know what I mean.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked.
“Because it doesn’t trigger me anymore. But it did and this is the first time...the first one is the roughest.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I ought to talk to him.”
“Eat your breakfast. I’ll give him a call and get the kids ready while you guys talk, okay?” you said.
“Thank you,” he said. You kissed his cheek and hugged him before you went upstairs for your phone. It rang a few times but Ray finally answered, noise in the background.
“Y/N. Everything alright?” he asked.
“Hey. Yeah. We’re...we’re pretty good. Today’s the first anniversary of Jensen’s-”
“Ah. I understand.”
“Listen, I know it’s a Sunday and you don’t work the weekends but would you mind talking to him for a few minutes? We’re going down to Galveston for the week in a bit but he’s off this morning.”
“I’d talk to him even if he wasn’t your fiance but especially because of that. You know we’re actually down here ourselves for a few days. Just got down yesterday. If you guys are around...maybe we could get together for that swim.”
“I’d like that. You okay?” you asked.
“I always get a little down on the day but Sarah understands. You understand.”
“Yeah. I’m gonna put Jensen on and um, maybe we can meet at Arillo’s for dinner?”
“We got a reservation there ourselves tonight. How many in your crew? Five? I’ll call and ask for an update.”
“Yeah there’s five of us. Um, Ray?”
“I’m sorry for being so horrible as a teenager after mom. You loved her as much as I did.”
“Thank you but you don’t have to apologize for that. You got too much pain in your life. I’m glad you found the good stuff too.”
“Are Geroge and Taylor there?” you asked.
“Yeah kids are here. Taylor’s got some internship but she does it online half the day and George is some research assistant thing for one of his professors but same kinda deal. We leave them to work in the morning while Sarah and I have some fun. Want me to let them know you’re coming?”
“Probably a good idea. Not sure how they’ll react,” you said, Jensen poking his head into the bedroom. “Here’s Jensen.”
“Okay, sweetie. We’ll see you guys soon.”
You handed the phone to Jensen and finished up packing while he sat on the bed. You tried to leave him be but couldn’t help listening in.
“Yeah I’m anxious...I don’t want her to drive down today...you know why...I guess...probably...I don’t want to be freaking out for three hours in the car...because it’s today...I know...I know...so I have to suck it up...I don’t want to have a panic attack in the car with the kids...no I haven’t...I’m scared I will though...yeah...I understand...dude that sounds so stupid...that’s not medically anything...no I don’t have my doctorate...I don’t wanna ask her...I said I don’t want to, not that I wouldn’t...I know...I will...maybe I’ll try that too...yeah, Y/N said the first year is the roughest too...I’ll let her be in charge until we get down to the beach today. I think I’ll feel better after the car...yeah I kinda figured out what she was doing planning a trip on today of all days...I need it...really? Yeah, I’m looking forward to meeting up down there too...thanks Ray.”
You finished with your suitcase and had his open for him when he walked into the closet. He swallowed and handed your phone back.
“All good?” you asked.
“Ray thought it might be a good idea if I had something of yours with me on the way down, to keep on me since I’m...anxious this morning about being in a car.”
“Something of mine…” you said, looking at your side of the closet. “Why don’t you pack up and I’ll get you something before the road, okay?”
He nodded and twenty minutes and about three bathroom trips later the SUV was packed up. You hopped behind the wheel, Jensen tapping the arm rest from the passenger seat. 
“Here,” you said, reaching into your pocket, pulling out a bracelet. It was fabric, the kind made from craft string, white, rusty orange and a light tan color mixed together. 
“I’ve never seen this,” he said as he held it between his fingers.
“I got it on vacation with mom and Ray. Last one we went on,” you said, tying it around his wrist. “You have it.”
He stared at you as you turned the engine on, watching you backout. 
“This is too important for me to take,” he said quietly.
“It’s fabric. I want you to have it, okay?” you said, pulling onto the street and closing the gate. He nodded and you turned the radio on low. “Coffee run?”
“Yeah. Coffee sounds good right about now.”
You were only about fifteen or so minutes away from the beach house you’d rented. The kids were either taking naps in the backseats or watching a movie on the ipad. You risked a glance at Jensen, his fingers absently toying with the bracelet while he looked out the window, the radio on low. 
“How you doing big guy?” you asked as you pulled off to the exit ramp. 
“Pretty good now,” he said softly. 
“Mind navigating for me?” you asked. He hummed and picked up your phone from where it sat in the console the past few hours. About twenty minutes or so you were stretching outside of the car, Jensen opening the front door of the house with the code you’d been given. The kids climbed out and were good about each taking their own backpacks while you and Jensen gathered up the rest. 
“Come here,” he said, leaving the bags by his feet and kissing you against the side of the car. You grinned and he picked you up in a big squeezing hug. “I love you.”
“I know,” you said. He set you down and kissed you again. “You seem like yourself again.”
“I needed that push, get over that fear. But now, I can enjoy my day with my girl and my kiddos and apparently we are having dinner with Ray and his family tonight?” he asked.
“If that’s alright,” you said.
“One hundred percent,” he said, Arrow jumping up and down nearby. “Honey, go use the bathroom in the house if you have to go.”
“No I’m excited!” she said. “Can we go play on the beach? Pretty please?”
“Hm, give daddy fifteen minutes and then we can go?” he asked. She turned to you and grinned.
“We’ll go really soon sweetie. I promise.”
“Hey guys,” said Jensen an hour later, the five of you down on the beach and mostly watching them build a sandcastle together. “Y/N and I want to tell you something.”
“Is it that you guys are getting married?” asked JJ, patting some sand with her shovel. You glanced at Jensen and he shrugged. “You were talking to Aunt Gen and Uncle Jared about it last night, right?”
“Well, yes we were,” said Jensen. “I suppose we were a little louder than we thought. But yes, Y/N and I have decided to get married. We’re not sure when exactly but in the next year I can say.”
“So we have a mom again?” asked Arrow, fixing her corner of the castle that kept caving in.
“Well you guys are kinda lucky. You’ll get two moms,” he said. “How’s that sound?”
“We missed mom’s day,” she said with a sigh. “Right?”
“We’ll catch it next year, promise,” said Jensen. “Do you guys have any questions or anything you want to say?”
“Do we call you mom now?” asked JJ. 
“You guys call me whatever you want,” you said.
“Can we call you mom?” she asked. You nodded and she went back to playing in the sand. 
“Anything else guys?” asked Jensen.
“Can I get a giraffe?” asked Zeppelin while he figured out how much water to add to the sand to get it to stick together.
“No sweetie. They wouldn’t fit at our house,” said Jensen. 
“Darn it,” he said.
“I can tell you’re all so invested in this topic,” chuckled Jensen.
“Oh! Can my flower girl dress be purple?” asked JJ. 
“Your dress can be whatever color you want it to be,” you said.
“Awesome,” she said. “Or black and purple. With lightning stripes.”
“Ah, I knew the classic rock would finally pay off,” said Jensen.
“Maybe Daddy’s suit can be black and white stripes, like a tiger,” you said.
“Like a White Snake music video more like it,” he laughed. “We’ll figure all that stuff out. We wanted to make sure you guys knew was all and if you have any questions or were nervous or anything you know you can ask either one of us.”
“Mom makes you happy again. Of course you gotta marry her!” said Arrow. “Oh and get her a pony. Girls like that.”
“Would you care for a pony, sweetheart?” asked Jensen as he shook his head. 
“Are we talking mustang kind of pony?” you asked.
“That’s my girl,” he said, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, kissing your cheek. “Let dad get a picture of you guys. We’re on vacation after all.”
Five Hours Later
“Jensen,” you said, changing into a light summer top and a pair of denim shorts after your shower. He was standing by his suitcase undressed, trailing his finger over his scar. “Honey?”
“A year ago was the worst day of my life and today was a really great one. I get to meet Ray more and even Sarah and the kids who all sound great and...I’m really happy I’m still here to see all this.”
“Me too,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. “Wear your red underwear.”
“Is that a request?”
“I like how you look when you take it off,” you said, gently smacking his ass as you went to go fix your hair.
“I am so grateful I found you,” he said to himself. You smiled and brushed your teeth quickly before checking yourself over and taking a selfie. You sat up on the counter and opened instagram, still silently grateful you’d always had it on private. There was nothing bad on it but Jensen and Jared had tagged you before and all of the comments always seemed to be negative.
“How do I look?” asked Jensen, walking in wearing a short sleeve navy button down and his red underwear.
“So sexy,” you giggled, Jensen digging through his other bag and finding his khaki shorts. 
“Can I get away with sneakers and a backwards baseball cap at this restaurant?” he asked.
“Totally. We always eat outside. It’s near the pier,” you said, putting up your post.
“Taking more pictures I can show off of you again?” he asked, grabbing your brush and getting some control of his damp hair back.
“Nobody even sees my instagram hardly,” you said.
“You know the internet knows we’re dating, right.”
“I’m pretty sure your fans still aren’t okay with that fact, even if they know.”
“Oh you’re mistaking the nutjobs for actual fans. The real ones, those guys are cool and nice. I actually got a lot of care packages and things from them last year. Still do. They really are good people. Those other ones that leave nasty comments? Fuck them. That shit don’t bother me anymore.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying family and friends know. Can I show off the woman I love to the world?” You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in front of you, his head cocking. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Better late than never.”
“Okay,” he said. “For now though, I’m looking forward to this dinner.”
“I hope it goes well. It’s George and Taylor I’m more worried about. They were kids when I decided to stop coming around. I only knew them maybe two years, if even that. I know they were upset.”
“Give them some credit. Ray raised them too after all.”
“I’m all set!” said Zeppelin, walking into the bathroom with his paw patrol shirt and nothing else on.
“At least I was gonna wear underwear,” chuckled Jensen. “Little dude. Get some undies on and shorts in the next two minutes or else…” he trailed off as he came in and hugged Jensen’s leg. 
“I love you, daddy,” he said.
“I love you.”
“Can we get a giraffe now?” he asked. Jensen rolled his eyes and you released him.
“Let’s go finish getting you dressed, buddy.”
“So you guys were Sarah’s fosters?” asked Jensen towards the end of dinner, all three kids passed out asleep in the stroller or on the bench besides you while you picked at your shared dessert. Neither George or Taylor had said much aside from introducing themselves. 
“Guys,” said Ray, nudging Taylor. “I’m sorry for our children’s rudeness. I was afraid of this.”
“Shut up,” they both said, Sarah sighing.
“The kids were both big fans of Supernatural. They grew up watching it with me. It was something we bonded over at first in fact,” she said. 
“Oh,” said Jensen, a smirk forming on his face. “Sam or Dean girls? George come on buddy, it’s okay.”
“This isn’t happening,” said Taylor, her eyes squeezed shut.
“So you guys don’t want to hear about the movie, gotcha,” he said, both of them snapping their heads up.
“He really is a dork,” you said. 
“Movie?” asked George.
“Someday. You can count on it,” said Jensen. “Maybe I’ll go easy on you guys and ask what mom was?”
“You boys are a little young for my tastes but honestly the guy who played John was very attractive,” she said.
“Even I’d hit that,” said Ray, Sarah laughing to herself.
“You can see Ray wins his ladies over with his charm,” you said, glancing at Taylor and George. “Like you guys could literally ask anything you ever wanted about the show and get an unfiltered answer if you want.”
“Did you really keep the car?” asked George. Jensen nodded and held up his finger.
“When we’re back in town, you guys come over and you can take a spin in it,” he said.
“Okay, he’s cool with me,” said George. You cocked your head and he smiled. “That was the car from the show I always told you about.”
“Oh. I thought you were talking about batman or something,” you said, pursing your lips. “Sorry I wasn’t…”
“You always sucked at pretending to be happy,” said Taylor. You looked down and nodded. “We get it. You had to do your own thing.”
“Don’t hate me for leaving?”
“Maybe when we were little,” she said. “But we’re older and we get that you probably felt like a fifth wheel.”
“Yeah. A lot really,” you said. “It worked out though.”
“She’s a Dean girl by the way,” said Ray, cracking up as Taylor whacked his arm.
“Dad! Oh my God no I’m not! I like Sam!” she said.
“Want to talk to him?” grinned Jensen. Her face went red and you heard a quiet chuckle at the table. “You’re right, we’ll save that for in person.”
“You basically are marrying Dean Winchester without like, the trauma,” she said. Jensen tensed up but kept a smile on his face. You knew Ray caught it when he gave him a simple nod.
“Trauma’s not inherently bad,” said Ray. “Everyone at this table has gone through some.”
“I know, dad,” she said quietly. She looked at George and he nodded. “Our parents were in a house fire. So were we. I was five and Georgie was four.”
“She carried him out and went next door for help,” you said.
“I was in a car accident last year,” said Jensen. You turned your head. It wasn’t public knowledge that he was in the car. He’d flat out told you that aside from family and a few friends, no one besides you knew. “I almost died. My wife did but for other reasons. You can still have trauma and a really good life.”
“Very good point, Jensen,” said Ray. “You two rugrats wouldn’t be around if mom and I had moped around in our misery forever.”
“Was he always such a sap?” asked George.
“From the day I met him,” you said, Jensen grabbing your hand under the table. “Would you mind watching the kids for a second?”
“Not at all,” he said. You excused yourself and brought Jensen along with you, walking out to the beach area, the breeze cool but light.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. I can talk about it now. I went from having the worst year of my life to one of the best. Nothing bad’s gonna happen for saying what really happened. I want to let all that shit go and have the rest of that really good life I was talking about.”
“For someone who keeps a lot inside I sure have noticed a difference in you the past few weeks.”
“To quote both of the loves of my life, I gotta let that shit out more regularly,” he said. You smiled and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, giving him a kiss. 
“You know that’s what we call growth, babe.”
“I very easily could have gone the opposite way this year.”
“But you didn’t, cause you tried even though it sucks sometimes. I love you but I extra love happy you and you’re definitely a happier guy now than when I met you.”
“So are you, honey,” he said. “Must make a pretty good team or something.”
“Oh yeah, maybe that’s it.”
“We should honestly get like, married or something, you know?” he teased.
“First I have to know though, are you willing to do cookie cake for a wedding cake?”
“I’m willing to make that sacrifice,” he said. “The real questions is, are you willing to deal with the eventual dad bod that will happen as a result?”
“I love this bod, but I don’t love you for this bod,” you said. 
“Thank you for today,” he said softly. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said. He grinned and kissed your cheek, hugging you tightly. “What are best friends for?”
“Hell yeah they are Ackles.”
A/N: Read Part 15 here!
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
sweet as pie.
a/n: please join me in welcoming sam wilson to the page. first story dedicated to this classic man, surely not the last.
pairing: sam wilson x black!reader
rating: 💙
main masterlist | taglist | divider © @whimsicalrogers
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sum: sam is home. although times have changed, his sister’s intentions for him have not. sarah would love for her brother to settle down, and she knows the perfect person to make him do it. but when sam gets caught up with work, he misses the date sarah has set up for him.
words: 2.3K
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It’s funny how the human mind works.
How easily certain moments can slip through its cracks. Names, dates, songs, conversations, faces lost to the wind, never to be remembered again. In the same turn, how those same things can be retained, recited down to the last detail in perfection.
Sam Wilson has seen enough in his lifetime--more than most men. No one could condemn him for forgetting the smallest of details from time to time. Sometimes he does. He is human. But, strangely, he can never forget a single detail when it comes to you.
Sam can still remember the first time he saw you.
The coffee-colored, cardboard box you carried in your arms--'living room' written across the front panel in your mother’s flawless penmanship. The dark curls pineappled to rest atop the crown of your head--a last-ditch attempt of fighting the Louisiana heat. The oversized Purple Rain t-shirt faded from too many runs through the wash. The round, black sunglasses sliding down the brim of your nose as you paused to take note of the boy watching you from his front window. Down to the scuffed, worn high tops that could barely pass for white.
He even remembers the soft smile you gave him once he froze--too embarrassed to move from the window after being caught watching you for the third time--before turning to lug the box up the steps of your front porch.
It was the summer of ‘94, and Sam Wilson was running late. He was expected to be at the docks assisting his father. Instead, he was peeping around his mother’s powder blue curtains, attempting to score glimpses of his new neighbors. Primarily their teenage daughter.
It’s not every day that Delacroix welcomes a new resident--let alone an entire family. Later that night, over dinner, his mother shared that you were entering your senior year--same as him.
He still remembers the knotting of his stomach. The strange and unusual experience of being tongue-tied when he’d tripped over his name--his name for god’s sake--that morning, you opened your front door to find him and Sarah on the other side. The kindness of your dark brown eyes as they met his, the soft giggle you released as you ignored his sputtering to accept the chocolate chip cookies his mother sent her children to deliver.
He also remembers the vision of you in your wedding dress. The smile he had to keep plastered on his face the night he learned his skepticism, surrounding death by broken heart, faded. You’ve never felt pain until you’ve seen the woman you love marry another man.
Sam must admit. When he returned, he expected--hoped--that those feelings would have disappeared. That they would have been erased from his life. Only, the moment he returned home, Sam discovered those feelings remained--were stronger even.
Five years later, he found you in the same house. Your parents no lived there. After their return from the blip, they packed up their things. Suddenly, tackling their bucket list was their main priority. You still had your husband’s last name but no husband. He was gone, lost to a younger woman.
Five years later, and Sam Wilson finds himself still frozen by the sight of you.
The long-sleeved maroon shirt he’s tugged on is not his number one choice. It’s all he had in his bag. The time on his watch had forced him into an ultimatum. Either run home, shower, and change into the outfit Sarah helped him pick out and risk being five hours late. Or head straight to your house, and risk being four hours and forty-five minutes late.
Sam opted for the latter.
Flowers in hand, he stands in the gateway of your backyard. His eyes admire the glow of the string lights against your skin. The yard has been transformed. Several tables and chairs, enough to host the entire neighborhood, squeezed into its space. Filled with music and laughter a few hours before the backyard is now quiet. Only the sounds of crickets, and the rustle of the trash bag in your hand, can be heard over the racing of Sam’s heart.
“Hey.” Sam takes a step forward, clearing his throat. “Sorry, I’m late.”
“Late is an understatement.” You don’t bother looking up from the plates stacked in your hands. Dumping them into the black trash bag, you move towards the next table. “You missed the entire party.”
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After dumping the trash, you realize that Sam is no longer in the backyard. You find him in the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” You ask, coming to a stop in the doorway.
Sam glances up from the soap-covered glass in his hands. “Helping you clean up.”
You glance around the kitchen, only to find that he’s managed to wash nearly the entire stack of dishes you’ve been dreading the entire night.
“I didn’t realize you still did stuff like this,” you tease. “What with you running off to save the world. Figured you’d just hire someone to do it for you.”
“Guess it’s a good thing I got you to keep me humble,” he winks.
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Sam dries his hands with the bumblebee printed hand towel, a satisfied grin on his lips as he takes in the spotless kitchen. He’s too busy admiring his handiwork to realize you’re standing alongside him.
He turns, the snarky comment he’s prepared lost in his throat as he takes you in.
You can’t deny him a smile as you watch his eyes widen, a boyish grin brightening his face as he takes in the plate you’re holding. On it rests a single slice of homemade apple pie, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and perfectly drizzled caramel.
“I think you’ve earned this.”
“You saved me a piece?”
“No,” you sigh, allowing your eyes to roll. “I actually saved it for me. But if I have to look at your pathetic attempt at puppy dog eyes one more second--”
“You were hoping I’d show up.” The grin on Sam’s face has morphed into a trademark smirk, the sight pulling a giggle from your lips. “You and I both know you don’t save, or share your pie with just anyone.”
Sam’s observation is spot on.
You don’t share your pie--or food, for that matter--with just anyone. In the chaos of hosting the neighborhood, you didn’t have a moment to stop and enjoy your own party. Let alone a slice of the apple pies you’d spent the previous night preparing.
Apple pies--specifically yours--were Sam Wilson’s true weakness.
The moment he sees you lugging home a bag full of granny smith and macintosh apples, he’s on full helicopter mode. You’re not sure how he knows, but he’s got a radar. One that somehow allows him to prophesize the exact moment the pies are out of the oven and set aside to cool.
He’ll show up, stopping by to say hi, or to see if you still need the drainpipe your ex-husband never got around to working on fixed, or to “pass along a message” from Sarah--as though your best friend couldn’t pick up the phone and call. Whatever the excuse Sam Wilson always manages to be the one to get the first slice of your apple pie. He’s smart enough to know that once the children of the neighborhood catch a whiff, they’ll show up on your doorstep. And as much as he loves the kids--Sam isn’t letting them steal his pie.
Sam’s words come out muffled through a mouthful of apples and crust. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Y/N. You should sell these. You'd make a killing.”
“And I’ve already told you, it’s just for fun,” you dismiss his advice, taking another spoonful of ice cream. “Besides, what do you expect me to do? Quit my good paying--although painstakingly boring--job in the hopes that enough people will like my baking to keep me afloat?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Sam nods, a smile growing as he watches your eyes roll.
It’s a conversation the two of you have had for years. Here is the rundown of how it plays out--every single time.
Sam: suggests that you finally open up the bakery you’ve been talking about since your teenage years.
You: dismiss his words of advice, reminding Sam that most teenage dreams are foolish.
Sam: ends the conversation with, “I’d show up every day for a piece.”
You: spend the rest of the night wondering if he’s right, about taking the chance, only to psych yourself out before going to bed.
“I’m just saying,” Sam sighs, sliding the plate to the side. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned. Life is going to pass you by, regardless, no matter what you do. If you give it a shot, and it fails--which is never going to happen--your life isn’t going to end.”
You glance up from the table, a tiny smile on your lips as you take in his soft smile.
“Maybe you’re right,” you shrug. “If all else fails, I’ll just tell everyone it’s the Falcon’s favorite pie--”
“You’ll have people flooding in from across the country.”
“It’s settled,” you giggle. “I’m using you in my business model.”
“Hey,” Sam chuckles. “As long as I get a cut, I’m not complaining.”
A silence falls over the tiny kitchen as your gaze drops from his.
Sam lightly raps his knuckles against the table before pushing his chair back.
“Uh—I should probably head out. You’re probably tired. I just wanted to come by and apologize...again.”
“Wow,” the light laugh you release halts Sam’s act of standing up. “The second you get what you came for you hit the ground running?”
The response is automatic. The chance to tease him is one you never pass up.
Sam’s brow raises as he takes in your smile.
“That’s not what I came for,” he admits.
“What did you come for then?”
“To ask you over to my place for breakfast tomorrow.”
The proposition hangs in the air, Sam nearly squirming in his seat as you take your time studying his gaze. You let out a sigh, your shoulders shrugging lightly, once you finally speak.
“I don’t know, Sam” You shake your head. Picking up the plate, you stand and cross the kitchen to the sink. “You just have so many responsibilities, nowadays, running around trying to save the world--”
“I’m not going anywhere tonight,” he’s quick with the reassurance. “Or any day, until we get through that date you promised me.”
You turn to face him, arms crossing over your chest as he comes to a stop before you.
“Say I show up. You have to promise me something.”
“Whatever you want.”
He knows that promise can end up being a slippery slope, depending on how hard you’re willing to make him work for it.
“If something comes up, in the future, you call me. And you tell me exactly why you can’t be here. Nobody gets to stand me up. Not the Falcon. And sure as hell, not Sam Wilson. Understood?”
Sam’s eyes drop to your interlaced fingers, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” Standing on your toes, you place a kiss against his cheek. “Now, go get some sleep. You’re making me breakfast in the morning. I’m expecting waffles, bacon, freshly squeezed O.J.--the works.”
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if at any point you would like to be removed from the taglist, just message me
sam wilson tags: @missroro @fangirl-swagg
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Fri 8 Jan ‘21
Zayn's new song Vibez is out! And the Vibez video is here! It is indeed the video he filmed at the theater last month, though you barely see the place- but you can in shots where we see Zayn sitting in the audience of the production, watching himself perform and travel through various stage sets, indoor to cityscape to woods to sea. Much to think about! The sets are very cool, I love Z's visual imagination always, and, no shocker here, he is looking extremely good. He never doesn't but it's always a punch in the face all over again what with him parceling out glimpses of himself so rarely! And he's doing some lowkey promo-- he (well, someone) tweeted “Vibez out now! Nobody is Listening” which was really weird, but it was them announcing that NIL (VERY cool acronym) is out the 15th so I guess I'll have to get used to that phrase being thrown around, and he (himself) talked to fans on insta which was, of course, THE BEST. I'm so excited! said a fan. “Me too,” said Zayn; “might do some promo,” plus “all tears will be saved to power the next project,” and “fanks mate,” but also: “calm down.” Then sure enough he retweeted promo links off and on all day, WHOA THERE PAL SLOW DOWN! I think he's passed his whole 2020 tweet count just today! PLUS NIL merch is here and it's SO NICE, the album cover art looks GREAT on all the stuff- hoodies etc plus notebooks and pins (promo codes are also available see tags). AND the tracklist is up!! Look at all those songs we're gonna hear so soon, omg. There are two collab tracks-- one with Syd (Odd Future/ The Internet) and one ft UK hip hop artist Devlin (see below for a REAL GOOD Devlin TB moment*).
Break My Heart, a new song by JC Stewart, is also out now-- and you can not only hear Niall's influence as a writer on the track, you can hear his voice as a singer on the track! Just background vocals but very distinctive, and so's his writing- the chorus sounds just like a HBW track, am I right? Niall was on twitter in honor of the occasion (might do some promo!), commenting on a wedding post where they play Black and White about what a good song it was
I guess we're taking the day off from Holivia pap pics cause it's Fri (or cause they ran out) but soon it will be the weekend and they can shoot a new batch for the next week I guess! Or maybe it's pause time to make space for all these articles about how much Olivia's ex misses her and wants her back and how 'his friends' think her relationship with Harry 'is a PR thing' and isn't real (GOSH could it BE) but look out, people are also using the downtime to dig up all her past PR relationships and their similar looking trajectories (we already knew all about Harry's copy/ paste routine). Copy of a copy of a copy indeed. Anyway, iheartradio says they've now played Watermelon Sugar a BILLION times (which sounds like a lot unless you had the radio on even once in 2020 in which case you already knew this), and Fine Line is climbing to new highs on the UK album chart-- it might make number one next week? Getting that headline payoff!!
*some may remember Devlin from when Louis tweeted about his album, leading people to go check it out and discover the following lyrics: “So is it true did William father Kate's baby?/ I don’t really think so, if you ask me he don’t like ladies/ Could have been Harry, yeah, I bet it was Harry.”
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Veteran Author of The Month: September 2021
The featured veteran author for September is a well-known and beloved name in the fandom, @rckyfrk !
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Rckyfrk can be found on AO3 and FFN under the same penname.
When asked what got her into Bethyl and what the fandom means to her, she said:
I did not start watching TWD until late into Season 3. I don’t do well with horror. My husband would watch and I would just read a book in our bedroom or something. Well, one fateful night, I needed to get some work done on my laptop and didn’t feel like sitting in bed to get it finished, so I just stayed in the living room (our house was teeny tiny - there weren’t a lot of other places to go), and I turned so I wasn’t looking at the TV, plugged in my headphones, and got to work. Well, I glanced over and there was the wonder that is Daryl Dixon gracing my screen. I was instantly intrigued. (I believe my exact words were, “Who is that? What is he...DON’T DO THAT THERE’S ZOMBIES THERE!” and I was instantly hooked. Dammit. I found that as long as I could watch some of the behind the scenes stuff on how they make the walkers, it took some of the horror out of it and I could just focus on the artistry of all the makeup and stuff. Season 4 premiere, we had some friends come over for a “watching party,” (remember those?) and I was actually up getting refills for everyone (being the good hostess that I am) so I completely missed the hug in Beth’s cell and when I came back into the room, NO ONE THOUGHT THAT WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO TELL ME ABOUT. (I thought they were my friends…) So I really didn’t start *shipping* Bethyl until “Alone.” I mean, I saw how close they were getting during “Still,” but I guess I didn’t realize what I was really seeing, you know? (Keep in mind, I was still a relatively new fan and had missed most of Season 3 and THE HUG.) Anyway, I couldn’t stand waiting for the next week to find out what happened to Beth, and thus began the ONLY time I have EVER looked for spoilers. That’s how I happened upon this crazy thing called “fan fiction,” (I honestly had never known such a thing existed before that fateful search.) I got to know some of the Bethyl writers, and someone suggested joining tumblr and writing my own stories, and the rest is history. Bethyl is the only pairing I’ve actually, actively shipped, before or after. The only two characters I’ve invested time in. The only two I’ve cried over (just ask @jbird9...hubs has seen me go through all kinds of emotions over these two). My boys can identify Beth and Daryl (they’ve NEVER seen an episode, not even a commercial for TWD, but recognize them from pics I’ve shown them.) The Bethyl fandom has brought me to meet some wonderful people, who probably know me better than members of my actual family. This fandom has been such a bright spot in my life, and has been so supportive even when the well has been dry for years (at least as far as new content from the show). I love you guys.
For her personal fic rec list, she recommends:
(Ugh. I’m really hesitant to come up with personal lists because I’ve read SO MANY WONDERFUL STORIES and I don’t want to leave any of them out, but I also know my brain and I’m not always the best at recalling names and places when I need to. I do want to give some love to:)
@gneebee [AO3] Love’s Highway and One Cold Night live in my head rent free
@piper1016 (basically anything she’s written) [AO3]
@inkinmytea (Audriss) [AO3] especially By Any Other Name
These ladies have been super supportive of my writing, and I can’t thank them enough.
I also really miss Pussyfoot by SaraiVe
is this how you say hello (in the zombie apocalypse) by the queen conquers (dastardly_dame)
Also, @leftmywingshome [AO3]
and @majicmarker​ [AO3] who not only write amazing Bethyl stories, but have their own original work published, all of which I strongly recommend reading.
There’s about a gazillion other stories that I’d like to recommend, but we’d be here all day if I listed them all. PLEASE don’t feel left out or disheartened if I didn’t pull your name from the deep recesses of my brain. I swear I’m not doing it on purpose. There are so many gifted writers in this fandom - we are SO lucky! - and I truly do appreciate @ultimatebethylficlist​ for recognizing the veterans and newbies equally.
Rckyfrk’s Works & Personal Thoughts:
Lady in Red and Man in Black Summary: It's finally the big day, Maggie and Glenn's wedding day. Beth is maid of honor, Daryl is the best man. - This started as a one-shot/prompt for Bethyl Week on Tumblr, but has evolved into becoming a full-sized story. Thoughts: I miss these babies. I had to take a break to try and get Terms and Conditions going because they are so drastically different from it, but now it’s been so long I almost have to get T & C out of my system before I can get my head back in the syrupy sweetness. Lady in Red started as a prompt (technically two) WAY back in the day. We’re talking back in the summer of 2014. The first two chapters received such a supportive response that it took on a life of its own, but it was solely from Beth’s POV, and I had Daryl in my head basically screaming to be heard, so Man in Black made its way in. The goal is to get MiB caught up with LiR, then write them simultaneously (mainly so no one knows what will be coming next and the reader gets to decide which “side” to read first).
Terms and Conditions Summary: It was Beth's first time in Atlanta by herself when the world decided to end. When she lost her way home, she winds up meeting a crossbow-toting man with steel blue eyes and a smile that gives her chills. This is not your typical Bethyl story - imagine if Daryl were more like Merle. Thoughts: I think this is the darkest thing I’ve written (and really, it’s not even that dark). I had this idea in my head for Daryl to be a lot more like Merle and all these little scenarios kept popping into my head of Beth “taming the beast,” and having them slowly fall in love despite how they met and him being a total jerk - at least in the beginning. I think there’s only going to be a couple more chapters of this one, I just need to buckle down and write them. Maybe that’s why I’m dragging my feet to do it. 
And once upon a time, I was writing a non-Bethyl story called “Summer of Learning,” which is actually kind of misleading. Back to that summer of 2014, where I was going through some fandom drama and was about to give up writing and tumblr all together when this group of Norman fans (we called ourselves his Harem...I miss you @basswipe and @unicorns-and-myblacksoul) came along and included me into their shenanigans. Anyway, they gave me the prompt “Imagine Sean Patrick Flanery is your dad’s best friend and teaches you everything there is to know about sex.” In the story, the main character’s parents are Norman and Emily, so it’s...Bethyl adjacent?
34 notes · View notes
The Critique of Manners Part VI
An Attempt at an Objective Review of Emma (2009)... VOLUME TWO
Haha, bitches you didn't think I could wait a whole week did you? Nah, not me. and guys, I added to it--all total, it's 9,023 words now. this half of the review is 5,214. HOW DO I HAVE SO MANY WORDS FOR THIS THING? I'm not gonna split it into a third part, because I don't need to for picture limit purposes, but buckle in.
If you didn't catch it, read part 1 here
Here it is, the stunning conclusion to my Emma Adaptation Review series (but this isn't really the end because I plan on doing some rankings later). In this half of my review of BBC'S Emma (2009) we'll discuss Costumes and all the very specific things that I love about this version, and some things I don't like, and some things I'm here to defend.
Let's dive in!
Generally I liked these costumes pretty well. They were designed and facilitated by Rosalind Ebbutt, also known for her work on PBS’s Victoria and Vanity Fair (1998). And her work is, as her filmography would suggest, by turns, great and so-so.
These costumes are definitely in line with the adaptation’s general aesthetic: warm pinks and golds, with mints emeralds and blues to cool it off a little, are the order of the day. I really appreciate that every character has a definite color palette. The tradeoff is that this adaptation is the WORST EVER offender for the Jane Fairfax Blue™ trope.
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Emma’s daywear is full of warm and muted colors. Salmon and magenta are commonly seen. I love that most of Emma’s daywear consists of sleeveless or short-sleeved gowns with wide-sleeved linen blouses underneath. It’s not a commonly seen aesthetic so it feels light and fresh. My favorite of Emma’s daywear dresses is the pale yellow with purple floral print.
There’s one other in particular that I love.
Emma’s blue, sleeveless dress. I love this because of HOW OBVIOUSLY it’s a reference to this portrait of Charlotte, Princess of Wales. I mean...
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I’M NOT IMAGINING THIS, RIGHT? WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS? This is a REAL dress. They still have this exact gown of Princess Charlotte’s. It’s on display. It’s faded, but it’s the same dress.
Harriet has a fresh and innocent green, white and purple color scheme with healthy doses of peach and pink showing. I particularly like her white and purple floral print dress.
Mrs. Weston’s color palette varies, but leans heavily on tans and purples, which is very flattering, I must say, to Johdi May’s coloring and is really refreshing for Mrs. Weston who seems to get stuck in pinks and yellows a lot. No idea what’s going on with the laced-front dress though? This doesn’t quite read as authentic to me, but I do like that her first dress seems to be an apron-front.
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I know I already said that this is the worst Jane Fairfax Blue™ offender, but guys I can’t stress it enough. WE ARE 5/5 ON DAYWEAR HERE. LOOK AT THAT. (Also of note, Jane 5 is one of Gwyneth Paltrow’s dresses from the '96 Emma.)
Mrs. Elton seems, at all times, to be wearing some form of pink, but I think I’m right in saying that the white day dress with the rose patterned bodice under the yellow and pink spencer is one of Jane’s dresses from P&P ’80. Can anyone confirm that? They did sneak in some Mrs. Elton Orange™ though, for Box Hill, and it’s worth noting that Mrs. Elton is the only lady who’s appropriately dressed on that occasion.
Isabella gets some understated day gowns that are very nice and also VERY “Jane Austen” in the sense that I feel like Jane Austen herself might have worn them.
Miss Bates, unfortunately is slapped with brown at just about every turn, but at least her “Nice” day outfit has some subtle leaf patterns, which is refreshing. Also Mrs. Goddard has a slappin’ cap. Love that.
Also, Harriet’s Grecian costume for the painting (upper right hand corner). What can I say, but that I love it. I love that it hints at the neoclassical influences on Regency fashion too. This is my favorite interpretation of the painting too.
Evening Wear
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You know what I love about this version? It’s the first version of Emma where her gown for the Crown in Ball isn’t WHITE. I know, I know white was fashionable, but it’s just… it’s nice for not EVERY gown in a ball scene to be plain white friggin muslin and also, it’s not one she’s ever worn before, which is great.
Harriet does have only white evening gowns but that’s okay. My only complaint is that, specifically on her Crown Inn dress and in a lot of her costumes in general, the waistline seems just a little low. Hmm. I really like the pale blue pattern on her first evening dress though.
Mrs. Weston though. Woo. Look at those. She has a dark chartreuse gown with black lace trim that any other version would have put on Mrs. Elton, so you know from the dark tones that she’s a bitch. Not so with Emma '09, and that’s good. And her teal dinner number is a favorite of mine. I never paid much attention to her green and gold ball gown but it has some really beautiful, subtle leaf or maybe peacock feather patterns on it and I love that. My only problem is that there seem to be some fit issues. She’s got muffin top way too often. Her orange evening dress is a bit of a dud though, firstly, because it has long sleeves (which is an evening gown no-no) and the fabric slaps a bit too much of sari fabric for my tastes.
Jane, not only is put in blue with both of her evening gowns (although one is so pale it borders on white), ONE of them is another Emma ’96 repeat and not only that, it’s one of Jane Fairfax’s dresses in that film! Perhaps that’s enough to make it an homage, and I have to say, I think Laura Pyper wore it better.
Miss Bates only has one evening wear ensemble, but at least it’s cream and not brown.
Mrs. Elton’s gowns are surprisingly understated, and yet still seem to be annoyingly fussy and, what’s better? They’re not sickly green. One of them is actually a very pleasant mint.
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Outerwear is roundly pretty great here. Emma’s primary choice of color for spencers is emerald/evergreen and one of them is Elizabeth’s Bennet’s from the 1995 P&P (though to be honest, I think Jennifer Ehle filled it out better.) I do love Mrs. Elton’s pink and yellow number with the slashed sleeves. Jane Fairfax’s only spencer is, you guessed it, blue, but her friend Miss Campbell has a rather fun mauve one.
There’s no shortage of pelisses and redingotes either. Harriet can be seen in one borrowed from Elinor Dashwood in the '08 S&S, Mrs. Weston has a rather fabulous purple one which she wears with the most delicious looking hat I’ve ever seen.
Emma has two. The first one is a great magenta number with military braiding (and I think she wears with it one of the brown slouch hats that Kate Beckinsale wore in the same role) and while the other pelisse is brown, they had the sense not to make her wear a hat with it that was also brown. Instead, they gave her a contrasting color. Good on ya, Rosalind!
Speaking of hats, I don't often single them out for commentary, but I want to here because… the hat authenticity is… kinda spotty. Let me show you.
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Okay first of all, Emma may be a teenager in this pic on the upper left, but she is not dressed formally enough for her sister’s wedding (which is what’s going on in this scene) but at least her hat is pretty good. You can see the ribbons are on the inside of the hat here, which is as it should be… but she never wears this hat again. At any point in the series. Instead, we next see her in the one on the upper right and ye gads this is atrocious. WHY IS HER HAT NOT PINNED ON? IT’S SLIDING DOWN THE BACK OF HER HEAD. SOMONE FIX IT. PLEASE. But wait, there’s more. This kills me because these bottom two are so similar to the one she wore earlier (the correct one) but crappier looking. Jeez.
This is not a hat. It’s a peanut. You know who doesn’t have this problem? Harriet. She only has one sun hat but at least it’s correct.
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I also wanna touch briefly on this ^ costume continuity issue.
WTF is this? She’s in the hall, her ribbon is contoured to the line of her dress; she goes into the drawing room and… it isn’t anymore? Wha happun?
I took more menswear screencaps for this version than any other version. And that’s because the men just have more outfits that are, y’know, different from each other.
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Mr. Knightley is as understated as ever, but I wanna highlight the first pic there and why I love it. This is Knightley’s first appearance in the series and it’s the perfect establishing shot that shows the viewer everything they need to know about Emma and Knightley’s relationship and how it has always been. He sort of materializes, out of focus in the background, but Emma immediately knows he’s there. And to accentuate how much Knightley is part of her home and scenery, his clothes (similar shades of pale tan, white and minty green to the wall behind him) almost camouflage him and make him seem at one with the moulding.
He also has a rather lovely blue evening waistcoat that I WISH I could have gotten better shot of (although I do believe it’s also worn by Henry Crawford in the '07 Mansfield Park, so for further reading…)
Mr. Weston finally gets to wear clothes that aren’t all brown! He only has ONE brown outfit. He gets PATTERNED waistcoats, one of them a rather spiffing blue and brown striped number. And he wears TROUSERS! Because he’s a gentleman, and he’s not that old and trousers are worn by fashionable gentlemen in this period!
You know who else gets to wear trousers and at least one fun waistcoat? Mr. Woodhouse. Check out that lovely Sunday Best™ waistcoat. The red striped one. That’s delightful.
John Knightley’s evening wear intrigues me. That’s a double-breasted jacket, and you know I’m not totally sure that’s very authentic for evening-wear of this period, but it is different. Unfortunately he also has a flared top hat and that is definitely not on for this period.
One of my favorite things about this version is that they don’t dress Mr. Elton as a clergyman all the time. Yes, he may be the vicar, but he’s also allowed to dress like a fashionable, handsome young man. So I’m really happy that he gets to flex his fashion muscles here.
And speaking of fashionable young men, FINALLY frank gets to be COLORFUL and his trousers are even tight enough. Both he AND Elton are often seen wearing TWO waistcoats, as I would expect them to, and even though Frank’s a dandy, he knows that flashiness is gauche so his pops of color are bright, but not in your face. His green and red waistcoats are always worn under more muted colors, and I just love it.
The only problems are… what’s with the turned-down waistcoat collars? There’s no precedent for this, in fact I think it’s directly contradictory to the style at the time, and also it makes the cravats look a bit unruly.
A Critique of Manners
A lot has been said about the manners in this adaption. Like, the actual manners, body language and facial expressions, specifically vis-à-vis Romola Garai.
And, oh yeah, there’s a lot to pick at here, but first I’d like to talk about the facial expressions.
I'm mostly gonna be talking out of my ass here, but this is my take, so if anyone can make a better argument against my points, I am listening, because I don't really like talking out of my ass and I like to be informed. That said...
I tend to be lenient on the… exaggerated facial expressions because, something I’ve noticed reading Austen’s works through the last several months is that Austen is very descriptive when it comes to facial expressions and I just find it hard to believe that people in the Regency Era never made exaggerated expressions like this.
I’ve heard a lot about how Garai’s Emma is not dignified or lady-like. But let’s think about the context of Emma Woodhouse – she’s never been in society. She’s only had a governess to teach her, and we know Emma’s always been sort of averse to being told what she can and can’t do. Emma is the highest ranking woman in her social circle (barring Isabella’s occasional presence). Emma doesn’t have to be ladylike. At 21, she’s already her local Lady Catherine. She puts a lot of stock in her position in society but, as Mrs. Elton will be the first to hypocritically point out, she’s very poorly behaved. I'd be very curious to see what would happen if Emma went to London for the season. Probably, she'd be seen, comparatively, as a country bumpkin. Can you imagine how she might get on in a sea of accomplished young ladies? She can barely handle having ONE rival with any kind of grace.
Austen never describes bodily movements of the kind we’re looking at when we watch adaptations, so why not have Emma’s body-language be un-ladylike in the conventional sense of the time? I’m not saying this to excuse the absolutely inexcusable (Frank’s head in her lap, kneeling on the sofa backwards etc.), but while Emma’s mannerisms aren’t exactly ladylike for her time, they’re not overtly masculine either (which was one of my biggest problem with Death Comes to Pemberly for example.)
Yes, there’s an ideal for manners. But we know real people didn’t always follow those ideals. In dancing for example, many dancing guidebooks of the day were full of repeated instructions not to be too loud or rambunctious when dancing. What this tells us is that people were doing just that, and probably quite a bit, too. I think that, while taking societal strictures into account, we shouldn’t totally discount the idea that people in the Regency weren’t really that different from us, and young people especially.
Now I’ve already mentioned some of the inexcusable aspects of interaction in this adaptation and they’re so notorious at this point, I don’t think that I really need to go over them much here. Although I will say: is it ridiculous to have Frank Churchill put his head in Emma’s lap? Yes. Did it make me more viscerally uncomfortable with the situation on Box Hill than any other version? Yes.
I was like, 14 when I watched this the first time. This was an effective way to telegraph to young people like me that Emma is being extremely inappropriate here in a way that no other version really managed to, even when I watched them when I was older and understood the period more. I’m far more acquainted with Regency manners than I was then, but to be honest – if they had been accurate with the manners here, when I was 14 I would not have understood what the big deal was. Is there merit in circumventing historical accuracy in favor of reaching a less-informed but still-interested audience? Yes, I think so. There were three other versions of this, at that point, that did this scene with more or less pristine manners. Not every version has to follow the manners of the time to-the-letter to be good. That’s my feeling on the matter.
There are things that do really bother me though. Like the idea that Harriet Smith doesn’t know how to spoon soup, for instance. As I said in my review for the Miramax version, table manners are pretty basic, there’s no reason Mrs. Goddard wouldn’t have taught Harriet this. It does provide a good moment to show Emma tacitly coaching Harriet and showing the trajectory in which this relationship will go, but personally I don’t think it was necessary—there are plenty of other ways that could be done.
Also: kids at the dinner table? I know this is part of building the familial atmosphere but it really does annoy me, because apart from building the familial atmosphere (which they do very well and frequently in other ways) it really didn’t need to happen, and it doesn’t add anything.
The Heart of Highbury
So, as I’ve hinted at throughout this review, the bread and butter of this adaptation of Emma is emotion. This version goes hard and heavy on showingthe relationships – Emma’s relationships with Mrs. Weston, Mr. Knightley, her father, her sister, her brother-in-law, Miss Bates; Jane’s relationship with Frank; Frank’s relationship with his father; The John Knightleys’ home life – and it illustrates things that can be surmised from just reading the story, but really draws your attention to them in ways that other adaptations just don’t.
It does this from the very beginning with the prologue which explains in detail (not just in quick exposition between characters) how Jane and Frank were separated from their families at young ages. We know now, from psychological study, that being taken away from their primary caretakers during their formative years is one of the most psychologically traumatizing things for a child. This is deeply important context which is explained in detail by the narrator in 2-3 large pages (in my Barnes & Noble anthology) in the book.
In the featurette on the houses, they talk particularly about Hartfield and the Woodhouses being the heart of Highbury and how they particularly wanted it to feel homey because Hartfield is Emma’s house and they wanted the audience to feel why everyone is so drawn to it, and to Emma; to me that is what they did with the whole adaptation in microcosm.
I usually talk a bit about the dancing and I'm going to here as well because this is maybe the most special dance scene in any Austen for me. Of course I'm going to link to Tea with Cassiane as usual because she knows what she's talking about and I don't. But I wanna add some comments. She gives this a pretty low rating in spite of a generally favorable commentary because of two big oopsies, the circle dance formation is one, and the other is I believe, an issue with the style of dance not matching the tune in Emma's dance with Knightley. Throwing out any objective technical analysis though, this is my favorite Ball in any Austen and it all comes down to the cornerstone of this adaptation--emotion.
All of the songs and dances were original compositions and choreography made for this adaptation. So they're not period per se, but the tunes at least are representative of how Regency dance music should sound. These dances are upbeat, and lively and, damn they look like fun. Everyone is excited here and it makes me understand why dancing was such a big thing. Best of all that excitement adds to the emotional charge of the scene. "The Ship's Cook" is the most fast paced dance and I'm glad they made this the dance where Elton snubs Harriet because it really hits for me just what Harriet would be missing out on if Knightley wasn't so fucking aptly named. In all other versions you get the insult, but the dance that's taking place is usually a Baroque walker so it doesn't seem terribly like she's missing out on much. Here, this is like not getting picked for kickball-- not only is it a slight that no one wants you on their team, but you miss out on even playing the game. Harriet looks so lonely, and her feeling of being out of place rolls off of Louise Dylan so forcefully it chokes me up just thinking about it because I've been there, man. I feel this shit. *dabs eyes*. Ahem. So, yes, when Knightley engages her for the dance the excitement the viewer feels is that much more forceful and Harriet's exuberantly starting to jump in when the timing is off and Knightley gently pulling her back, it just hits me in the feels center, guys. (I wanna take a moment to give a shout out to every camp counselor who ever partnered with me for any game at summer camp.) Emma's reaction too, is gold. Her genuine relief at Knightley swooping in is one of those great reminders that Emma is Harriet's friend, and she does care about her.
Finally on the dancing front, I wanna talk about Emma's dance with Knightley and why I prefer it to the one in the 2020 version. I already talked about this a bit in the 2020 review, so I'm gonna try and keep it brief. That shouldn't be too hard, because I'm probably mostly going to repeat a lot of what I've already said about Emma and Knightley in this version as a whole.
The big thing everyone loves about the Crown Inn dance in the 2020 is the yearning, the sexual tension, the quivering touches etc. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all of those things but... not all the time. Not in everything, and definitely not in Emma. Because Emma, to me, isn't about repressed sexuality or heated tension or seething passion. Emma and Knightley are the opposite of that, to me, really. One of my mutuals put it best, I think: "Emma and Knightley are more suited to stolen glances than hot touches."
In Part 1 I talked about how Knightley is Emma's comfort object. When Emma is out of sorts, Knightley re-centers her. It helps set up, and puts emphasis on, the crisis of the story in the last act--Emma not knowing what she has until [she thinks] she's lost it. Emma and Knightley are Friends to Lovers done as it should be. She is already so comfortable with him she doesn't even realize her own feelings. She just feels right with Knightley and that's what this dance is here to show you--a foreshadowing of matrimonial harmony.
The dance itself, of course, is always up to interpretation, because Austen never describes how it goes, just that Knightley asks Emma to dance and Knightley doesn't dance (barring charitable causes). If you prefer the sexual tension take, if that, to you is an improvement on Austen's story and gives you what you've always felt was missing, I'm glad that there is a version now that gives you what you've been looking for, but for me, I think the 09 approach hits closer their dynamic in the book.
Now do I do think the Emphasis on emotion maybe went a little too earnest in some places in this adaptation? Maybe. Just a little.
In my last review (1972) I went on a rather lengthy tirade about the scene where they turn Emma’s appeals to Harriet to exert herself and move on following Mr. Elton’s marriage into Emma guilting Harriet into thinking she’s a bad friend for being heartbroken and then throwing her into the situation most likely to rub salt in that particular wound.
In this version, while I love the emphasis they put on the stress Emma puts on her own guilt for being the reason for Harriet’s situation in the first place, I think it’s maybe a little too… much.
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That’s the only way I can put it. I know I’ve just said that I think there should be a bit more expressiveness in period drama, but this doesn’t quite match the way I read it (Emma’s a bit less desperate in Austen’s prose. Very dedicated to helping Harriet feel better, but just a skosh more composed). I think she’s even crying in this scene.
While we’re here let’s go over to Box Hill ONE. MORE. TIME.
First of all, this is where this screenplay shines, in my opinion. This is the big turning point in the story and as such, should be a touchstone for the judgment of any adaptation. This sequence in the 2009 version is a perfect crystallization of everything I love about this version—namely that this is the version that, to me, most feels like someone read the book thoroughly, paid attention to what Austen was describing and then actually tried to convey it on screen. A lot of other versions sort of feel (to me), like the director glanced at the page and said “here’s what I want to convey in my version”. Insofar as making a piece of art goes, that’s good. Directors are artists as much as painters are and movies are their canvass, but it’s seldom that you find a director who honestly wants to hit as close to the author intent as possible and this Box Hill sequence makes me feel like that’s what Jim O’Hanlon was going for. I have the book open next to me as I write this and it’s shocking to me how minutely the atmosphere described in the book is conveyed here. Most of all, the fact that Emma’s insulting Miss Bates is not the only thing faux pas she makes here. Box Hill as a whole is a disaster, and it’s largely because of Frank.
“When they all sat down it was better; to [Emma’s] taste, a great deal better, for Frank Churchill grew talkative and gay, making her his first object. To amuse her, and to be agreeable in her eyes, seemed to be all that he cared for—and Emma, glad to be enlivened, and not sorry to be flattered, was gay and easy too, and gave him all the friendly encouragement, the admission to be gallant, which she had ever given in the first and most animating period of their acquaintance; but which now, in her own estimation, meant nothing, though in the judgment of most people looking on it must have had such an appearance as no English word but flirtation could very well describe. “Mr. Frank Churchill and Miss Woodhouse flirted excessively.” They were laying themselves open to that very phrase—and to having it sent off in a letter to Maple Grove by one lady, to Ireland by another. Not that Emma was gay and thoughtless from any real felicity; it was rather because she felt less happy than she expected. She laughed because she was disappointed…” --Emma, Chapter 43
Most other versions rush through Frank’s “excessive” flirting with Emma (Right in front of Jane) to get to “Three Things Very Dull Indeed” as fast as possible, and yes that’s the crowning horror of Box Hill, but there’s a very intricate setting here, too, and this version has the time to lay back and let it all unfold in the oppressive discomfort of an English summer day.
Even better than all of that though is Knightley confronting Emma after it all goes down. This treatment is neither plaintive, nor aggressive as it was in ‘96 and ‘97 respectively. I’ve already extolled the virtues of Johnny Flynn’s Box Hill rebuke, but for a change I’m not going to zero in on Miller’s performance which is, at least as good as Flynn’s, but on Romola Garai’s, which I find superior to Anya Taylor Joy’s. Specifically, her reaction once she’s alone.
ATJ in the 2020 version immediately breaks down sobbing and it’s hard for me to feel that she’s sobbing for “anger against herself, mortification, and deep concern” or that there’s much self-reflection going on there. To me it rather just feels like she’s crying because she got shouted at. The theatrics of it, to me, feel childish and self-centered.
I don’t feel that with Garai’s performance.
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“She was vexed beyond what could have been expressed—almost beyond what she could conceal. Never had she felt so agitated, mortified, grieved, at any circumstance in her life. She was most forcibly struck . . . How could she have exposed herself to such ill opinion in anyone she valued! And how to suffer him to leave her without saying one word of gratitude, of concurrence, of common kindness!
Time did not compose her…” --Emma, Chapter 43
Of course one can make the case that Emma's reaction should be a bit childish because Emma is an immature character, but that's the thing--I can agree with you anywhere else in this story but this is Emma's maturing moment. This is her turning point as a character. It's where we should see her reactions shift from the same childish denial we're used to seeing when Knightley scolds her, because this is different. It's not the usual brushing off of big brother Knightley, this is a young woman reacting to an esteemed friend pointing out how abhorrently inappropriate she's been and her having to admit that to herself.
I didn't really want to drag comparisons to the 2020 film into this, not on this scale at least, but this just jumped out at me the last time I watched the new film and I have to express it somewhere.
What I see in Garai’s performance is desolation and mortification. That shocked tearfulness of knowing you’ve been justly reproached for wrongdoing, but being too frozen in a pretense of composure to actually cry about it until you’re quite sure that no one will see you. And especially when it’s someone you esteem rebuking you, the horror of them leaving before you can admit that they’re right. There’s so much more depth here, I think, and I can’t even quite express what it makes me feel.
The aspect of time not composing her is another thing that they decided to put stress on in this version. Emma looks fucked up in the following scenes. When she goes to see Miss Bates, she clearly either hasn’t slept or has slept very badly. I feel like this is maybe an anticlimactic conclusion to this section but I’m afraid I’m very close to reaching incoherence, so I’m just gonna leave it here.
My absolute favoritest thing about this version though—something that sets it apart from ALL other versions and even adaptations of other Austen stories—is the inclusion of the post-confession conversation.
This is something of a trope in Austen books but it very rarely finds its way into adaptations: confessions of love are out of the way, the hero and heroine settle into an easy an comfortable conversation, glowing with happiness as they explain and laugh over their actions and misinterpretations of each other’s choices. It happens in Pride and Prejudice, in Persuasion, and yes, in Emma. This is the only Austen adaptation, that I've seen, to include this kind of conversation in any kind of detail. The 1995 Pride and Prejudice alludes to the corresponding scene in it its source material, but the lines pulled from it get tossed into the confession scene itself and then it flies through to get to the obligatory wedding—a side effect of rushing through endings, a convention I’m rather tired of.
Emma (2009) takes its time with this, as with all other aspects of this adaptation. For a version that’s so full of energy, its pacing is extremely laid back and comfortable, without dragging. When you hear the gentle musical swell and Emma and Knightley have their kiss (this whole confession sequence is so sweet and wonderful in its own right), you expect that to be it. But no, we cut to them, the picture of contented happiness, sitting together on a bench overlooking Hartfield’s garden, just talking and enjoying being together, with no teasing, no pretense. If Jane Austen stories emphasize anything, it’s the importance of communication in relationships, and I think that’s maybe why she made it a point in almost every story to show her characters communicating their feelings in words, even after all the conflict has been resolved. This is my favorite scene in the whole series (In case it being my header image didn’t make that obvious.)
This is followed rather promptly by a cut to the next day, with Emma bursting in to Donwell in hysterics about how they can’t be married because she won’t leave her father alone.
This is one of those maybe over-the-top choices that a lot of people don’t like, but guys, it was so funny to me when I was fourteen and it still makes me laugh. It might seem outlandish, but to me it’s just the emphasis on personal relationships and emotion coming through again and it always makes me smile.
Final Thoughts
It’s hard for me to give a proper round up of my feelings for this section because I think I’ve poured just about all of my feelings on each aspect into its dedicated sections.
At the end of the day, the only thing that really disappoints me about this version is the number of missed opportunities there are here. One of my favorite parts of reading Austen is when I run across a line in dialogue or narrative that just… slaps. But they never make it into the adaptations. Emma is full of them and I just wish that Sandy Welch could have taken an opportunity to slip a few of them in.
In summary, I think this is a wonderful, heartfelt adaptation aimed at getting to the emotional heart of a story that often gets caught up in the Mean Girl-ness of its main character than the coming of age story that it is. It's one of my favorite period dramas because it's one of the few that really captures the spirit of the source material as it's always felt to me. There's really only two other period dramas that I esteem on the same level as this, and they're North & South (2004) and Jane Eyre (2011) and it's for the same reasons; because they impact me deeply on an emotional level--which is what art is supposed to do--because of how well it captures the essence of the story that I know and love.
So did I succeed in a more objective review of Emma 2009? I' feel like probably not. But I tried my best. It’s so hard to be objective about something that makes you as happy as this adaptation makes me.
Ribbon Rating: Most Agreeable (83 Ribbons)
Tone: 10
Casting: 9
Acting: 9
Scripting: 7
Pacing: 10
Cinematography: 7
Setting: 9
Costumes: 6
Music: 8
Book Accuracy: 8
40 notes · View notes
unmaskedagain · 5 years
Marinette’s Week Off
This is a one-shot. Sorry, I kind of forgot Adrien.
           One week. Just one week. Marinette took one week off a year. One week where she didn’t work herself to death as Marinette. Or nearly get herself killed as Ladybug. One week where she didn’t do any favors, any designs, didn’t work in the bakery, didn’t save anyone. A week to relax. A week to meditate. A week to destress and just take care of herself. Just one week every year. To prepare for it she sent reminders to all her friends and family. She posted a flyer on the class bulletin board. Marinette finished all her commission and school work in advance. 
She made Fu aware that Ladybug wouldn’t be active, told Chat Noir that Queen Bee would be his partner while she was gone. Marinette always made sure everyone was prepared for her absence. And made it clear that she would be unavailable. No matter what. She didn’t care if the world was ending.
           However, this year was different than the ones that came before. For starters, Marinette now only had two or three good friends in class, and one or two mediocre ones. She only warned those three people. While she still posted her usual flyer, she had done it knowing it would be disregarded.
           Marinette was no longer class president either; she no longer had to plan class trips, parties, or dances. Or anything of the sort. When she was class president, Marinette always made sure to plan her week off around the class’s busiest time of the year. That year, she didn’t have to so she didn’t. In fact, she planned her week off during the biggest dance of year, the class musical, the class’s big fundraiser. It was usually her most stressful week of the year.
           Not this time.
           On the Friday before her week off, Marinette reminded Bustier of her absence for the next week, and then walked out of class with a relieved smile on her face. She was almost there. Just two more days. She used her weekend to finish up any last minutes details of her vacations; confirm her reservation; spend most of the time with her parents.
           And on the stroke of midnight that turned Sunday to Monday, Marinette got her bags, kissed her parents goodbye and was gone in her Uber. She knew how this week worked. By six am, the ‘emergency’ calls would start; everyone screaming fire. However, she wouldn’t be there to put them out, metaphorical fires or real ones.
Not today, Satan, Marinette thought.
           Marinette got to the airport, slept on the plane ride, arrived at her luxury beach resort, a little after sunrise. She had saved up her money and did extra commissions all year to pay for it. It was beautiful. However, there was just one problem…
“Marinette, love!” Jagged called, somehow looking more awake in the wee hours of the morning than he did at 3 in the afternoon. Penny, however, looked half-asleep. Even Fangs slept on the luggage being moved by a rather fearful looking bellhop.
           Marinette’s parents couldn’t get time off the bakery; it was their busiest time too. Her grandma was in Peru. Mariette needed an adult with her at the resort. Jagged happened to overhear her mother asking if she found a chaperone yet. It wasn’t like Marinette had any other options.
“I have so many Rockin’ plans!” Jagged said. “Scuba diving! Sky diving. Swimming with sharks. Parasailing! Bungee jumping!”
           Marinette narrowed her eyes at her favorite rockstar and honorary Uncle, “Sleep.” She said.
           Jagged waved her off, “We’ll sleep when we’re dead.”
“Sleep,” Marinette hissed darkly.
           As amazing as that all sounded it could wait. Marinette was there to relax, not fight a shark. “Not today, Satan,” She whispered when she checked into her room. Leaving Penny to drag away a protesting Jagger to get some sleep as well. She called her parents to let her she had gotten there safely, called to re-confirm her spa reservation for that afternoon and then check her texts.
           She had gotten quite a few as expected. Chloe wishing her a good vacation and promising to keep an eye on Chat. Luka sent her funny vacation memes. Nathaniel sent pics or didn’t happen texts; he found the possibility of Marinette all people actually taking a vacation hilarious and improbable. She’d show him though.
           Then there were a few texts from her ex-friends. And it seemed like the fires had started…
           When class started on Monday, most didn’t realize that Marinette wasn’t there until Bustier reminded Chloe to remind Chloe about the test next week. They all shrugged it off. Glad not to have to deal with the drama Marinette brought to class.
           When Alya, the new class president, brought up the dance that Friday, things got a little tense.
“We need volunteers,” The glasses-wearing girl said. “People to decorate and to clean up and all that. We also need to get decorations.”
           She received confused looks.
“Isn’t that your job?” Alix asked. “The class president does all that.”
           Alya crossed her arms, “No it’s not my job. I organize and plan but I can’t do everything by myself.”
“Marinette did,” Kim shrugged. “It can’t be that hard.”
“Do you wanna do it?” Alya asked him but he quickly shook his head. “Thought so. We don’t have a big budget. So can anyone chip in for decorations and food?”
           Mylene frowned, “Marinette made all the decorations and food.” They never had to chip in before. “Maybe she’d do it again.”
There were nods. They may not be friends with the girl anymore but she was still very helpful.
“OH! I need a dress,” Rose brightened up the room with her smile. “Marinette made mine last year. It was so beautiful. I’ll ask her to make another.”
           A few of the girls said the same.
“Not gonna happen,” Chloe smirked. “You guys are on your own.”
           Alya shot her a glare. “And we’ll be just fine.” She wasn’t happy about asking her ex-bestie for anything, anyway.
           They were not fine.
           Monday they had all talked a big game about not needing Marinette but by Tuesday, they realized that was a lie.
           Because everything was falling apart.
           Mylene’s musical was Friday, the day before the dance. More than half the class were either in it or helping with it. That meant Alya had barely any volunteers for the Dance committee. And had been reminded by Bustier about the annual fundraiser they did every year to pay for the class trip. Alya had been class president since the beginning of the year, and had been responsible for planning it. She had forgot all about it.
           Alya was confident she managed though. They’d pull in enough money to pay for the entire trip and she’d get to rub it in Marinette’s face that no one needed. Alya hoped Lila was back in time from her trip with Prince Ali to see it.
           In addition, neither she nor Bustier seem to remember that the fundraiser was always biggest because it was the last one of the year. Marinette usually had done several different ones by then.
           Mylene was struggling. None of the sets were done. The costumes were terrible. The entire play seemed to be falling apart. They had forgot to only put up flyers promoting the play but they never even made them. She didn’t understand, normally everything would be going as smooth as silk by then. Silk…
“Marinette,” She gasped. Yes, she remembered, Marinette always helped out with the school plays. The Bluenette would fix the costumes. She’d even help out with the flyers and the set. Mylene pulled out her phone and quickly called her ex-friend. It went to voice mail. She frantically sent a dozen texts, all screaming emergency. But she never got a reply.
           Marinette laid on the beach, drinking virgin Pina Colada, while talking with a boy she met while surfing and subtly eyeing him. He was a seventeen-year-old, tanned, dark haired Adonis, literally named Adonis. He was ripped in a way Marinette had only every previously seen on guys in magazines or on TV. Marinette was fifteen, (Sixteen in just a few months) had grown remarkably into her looks, and smirked a bit every time she caught Adonis eyeing her back.
“I got to go,” Adonis said. “Work.” He leaned a bit closer to Marinette. “If you wanna drop by, I wouldn’t mind. Maybe we can go for a swim together.”
Marinette flushed with excitement and blushed a lovely pink by the offer, “That sounds amazing! What do you do?”
           He grinned a sparkling white smile that lit up his gray eyes, and caused Marinette to let out a dreamy sigh. “I work with my dad. We do underwater scuba tours and explore sea wildlife and dormant underwater volcanos. We just got be careful to avoid sharks.”
           Marinette’s fell open, and she just stared at the older boy for a moment, “I’m a little busy today. But can we meet up later,” She squeaked.
           They said they goodbyes. And once Adonis was out sight, Marinette’s eyes narrowed, “Not today, Satan.”
           An image of the first time saw Adonis suddenly floated to the front of her mind. Adonis coming out of the water, with his surfer board and red swim trucks, running towards dry land.
           Marinette took a deep breath to stead herself; fight the urge to go running after Adonis. Because there was no way in hell she was going to deal with a “Dormant” volcano. And she didn’t mess with sharks. Neither did Jagged anymore and he had to learn his lessons the hard way. He was lucky to come back with all his limbs.
           By Wednesday, everyone was panicking. Alya refused to give in and attempted to rally her troops; with a divide and conquer plan. Lila had even come back early and graciously offered to take time away from her busy schedule to help. Alya decided they’d work on the play first. Then prepare for the dance, it shouldn’t take that long to decorate anyway, Alya had guess. Then finally they work on the fundraiser.  Everything would go perfectly.
           …Everything went wrong.
           They worked the entire morning on the Mylene’s musical. They tried to work on the costumes. But they had no one who could fix the costumes. Any tailor they went to cost an arm and a leg. Lila’s personal tailor was away helping the Duchess of Manchester with her wedding dress. Max could print flyer but only generic ones. Not the creative ones Marinette had always made. And it wasn’t like they could ask Nathaniel for help without him spitting acid at them. The sets had to be rushed; and ended up poorly painted. Not even close to as good as the ones Marinette had help do the year before and even worse than the ones other classes had done. To make matters worse, the light fixtures they had installed started a small fire.
           Mylene had a full blown panic attacked that caused one of the strongest Akuma Queen Bee and Chat Noir had ever faced.
           The musical had taken up most of the day. So Alya and the class spent the rest of it and most of the night trying to prepare for the dance. The problem was their budget was small. Apparently it had always been that small which had shocked Alya and the others as they remembered the amazing dances Marinette had always thrown. The only decorations came from the local party story and were as cheap as possible. But they hadn’t gotten nearly enough when they got to gym and fully realize the size of it. But most of their budget was already shot on what they did get.
           While for the last few years, Marinette’s had supplied most of the food for the dances from the bakery. It was clear to Alya that, it wouldn’t be happening. Most of the class had been banned from the shop. Alya ended up having to buy dollar store chips and drinks; and ended up with a cliché fruit punch bowl.
           Everyone got in trouble with their parents for being out so late. Even if they had been at school. All the kids were exhausted and overly stressed. When Alya got home that night, she got a text from Nino that caused her to burst into tears. His DJ gear had fried. They had no music for the dance.
           Not to mention Alya hadn’t even thought about the fundraiser. What was she going to do? What could she do?
           Alya cried herself to sleep. Knowing that in the morning she’d have to swallow her pride and call in the big guns. She needed Marinette. They all did.
           Marinette was having the time of her life. She laughed as let Heinrich and Mila twirl her around the dance floor. She was at a local teen club, out late, and truly partying for the first time in her life. He was a sixteen-year-old, six foot tall, blond, gorgeous fut-baller, with cheekbones that could cut glass. He had come to the city with his team for a charity match all the way from Germany. Mila was a beautiful redhead from Ireland, with startling blue eyes and a face dusted with freckles. She was a futballer too and was the most competitive person Marinette had ever met.
           Marinette had met the futball players, the girls’ team and the boys’ team at the beach. When the girls realized they only had five plays to the boys’ six and needed another girl. They saw Marinette alone and invited her to play. They all had a blast. Afterwards, they invited her to the club that night.
           Marinette had danced with everyone. However, somehow she had found herself smashed between Heinrich and Mila, more often than anyone else.
           The three laughed their way off the dance floor when Tonya, a local girl with green hair, and a futballer herself, had waved them over.
“We’re going to Fairy Ridge,” Tonya shouted over the music.
           Marinette’s interest was piqued. “Fairy Ridge?”
           Tonya answered happily, “It’s beautiful at night. An underground cave, near the ocean. It has this opening at the top and you can see all stars. It has a bunch of colorful crystals that glow in the moonlight, and fill up the cave.”
“Sweet,” Mila said, her arm still around Marinette. “Sounds like a party, mate.”
           Everyone agreed quickly. But Marinette wasn’t too sure. It was really late to the point where Jagged would be proud when she got back. Penny had made Marinette promise to avoid doing anything that would make Jagged proud; apart from the Bluenette’s usual awesomeness of course.
“You are coming, yes, Marinette?” Heinrich gave her his most charming smile that made Marinette go weak in the knees.
“Marinette, the ridge is so cool,” Tonya exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. “It’s supposed to be magic. They say fairies used to really live there. It’s cursed. They say all who enter are given a test of worth. Those who pass are stolen away to live under fae rule forever more as a fairy.”
           Marinette just looked at her. She thought of Tikki, the small magical god of creation, who was enjoying her vacation in the luxury sweet as well. When Marinette left her, she had been in a bowl of cookies finally getting caught up on Game of Thrones. A god who’s power turned Marinette into a magical superhero. Magical was real. And if A kwami was real, fairies could be too.
           The bluenette pursed her lips, and feigned a look of disappoint, “Sorry, guys. It’s so late. I’m already super passed my curfew. You guys go. We’ll hang tomorrow, okay?”
           The other teens expressed their disappointment, though Mila and Heinrich tried to convince her a bit more as they left the club. Jagger’s personal driver already waited for her.
           Once they had parted ways, Marinette got into the car and drove off. She waved brightly to the backs of the beautiful teens, “Not today, Satan.”
           Thursday, the entire class was freaking out. They had all gotten there early, desperate to try to fix the mess they were in. Even Alya could admit she needed some serious help. They all waited for Marinette to show up. Surely, it had to be back by now, right? They needed her!
           When the school bell rang starting class, and once again, Marinette didn’t appear. Alya nearly screamed. “Where is she?” She asked. “Marinette can’t miss this much school!”
“She’s not replying to my texts,” Mylene said, her eyes frantic with worry. Her boyfriend Ivan tried to calm her down.
“She never got back to me either,” Rose frowned. “Normally I’d get a bunch of questions asking about the style of wanted for my dress by now.”
           Alya stomped her foot. “Marinette hasn’t answered a single of calls. What part of S.O.S doesn’t she understand? The dance is falling apart. I have no idea what to do about the fundraiser on Sunday. We need her. I swear if that girl lost her phone again…”
“You’ll do what?” Surprising it was Nathanial who asked this. There was silence at his questions. “That’s what I thought. You’ll do nothing. One, because you have no right to text the girl you disowned as a friend and ridiculed for the last year for help. Two, you couldn’t take Marinette in a fight with everyone in this class helping you. And three, you’re the one who turned down her offers to help all year; citing that you didn’t need her. You don’t get to beg for help at the last minute, and be surprised that she can’t do it.” The speech had turned into an angry rant by the end as the once quiet redhead glared at them with poorly concealed disgust.
           Chloe knew bringing Nathanial into their fold had been a smart idea. She sent a vicious smile to the class, “Marinette’s on vacation. She won’t be back until Monday.” Chloe relaxed in her seat. “For her ex-friends; it’s her one week. You should know what that means”
           There were gasps. Alya’s face drained of color. They all knew what that meant. Marinette was gone in the wind, and she wouldn’t come back or answer her phone even if fire rained from the sky as furbys finally revealed the truth of their evilness and declared themselves the new rules of earth.
           They were on their own.
           Lila watched with a frown as her classmates fell apart. She didn’t think this would happened when she got Alya to replace Marinette as class president. Who knew the idiots could survive without the girl?
“No dresses,” Rose realized. All the girls in class looked ready to cry. Marinette always made their dresses, always. What were they going to do? They never saved up any money for a dress because they never had to before.
           Mylene started crying, “The play is ruined.” She sobbed. “I worked so hard on it.”
“What about the fundraiser?” Alix asked. “So much for going to New York or anywhere! Our class trip is ruined!”
           Bustier looked at a loss of what to do as her student began to panic. “Now everyone calm down. Breath.” She said calmly. “It. Will. Be. Fine.”
           Alya paced around the class, her hair wild, her eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep. “Ok, we can do this! I can do this!” She hissed. “I don’t need Marinette. I’ve never needed Marinette!” She looked around at the class. “None of us do. Anything she can do, we can do better, right?” Some looked unsure but Alya manage to rally everyone. “We can get our own dresses!” She yelled. “We can decorate our own dance. We fix the school play. And we will do the fund raiser. Without her, who need that bully anyway?”
           Nathaniel and Chloe shared a look and rolled their eyes. This would be good.
           The next few days would go down in Bustier’s class history as the worst three days of the students’ lives. And the most embarrassing.
           Barely anyone showed up for Mylene’s musical. None of the costumes were finished. The sets were a disaster. The actors were so frazzled, they couldn’t remember their lines. Three people walked out. One of them was Kim’s grandmother. Kim who had been one of the lead actors.
           On the day of Mylene’s play, Marinette woke up from her second nap of day to Penny banging on her door. When the bluenette opened it, the woman screamed, “Get ready!”
“What?” Marinette yawned, still half-asleep.
“Get. Ready. Now,” Excitement shown in the older woman eyes. She bounced around the room, opened Marinette’s closet and started throwing out clothes. “Hurry!”
“Why?” It was her vacation. Marinette didn’t want to rush. Or move.
“Zac Efron,” Penny squealed. That got Marinette’s attention and it was all Marinette need to shoot to attention and start scrambling to get ready. “Tom Holland, and Zendaya are filming a movie on an island close by. Jagged got us passed to go set.”
           As Marinette got dressed she asked, “What’s the movie about?”
           Penny gave a dreamy sigh, “Pirates and adventures. It’s a musical. Zendaya plays a kickass pirate who takes control of her father’s ship after he dies to rescue her genius half-brother, played by Tom Holland, who managed to figure out the location of the greatest treasure in all of history, from the evil Pirate King, played by Zac Efron.”
“Now that’s a musical I’d watch,” Marinette finished her make up in the mirror.
“And get this!” Penny paused for dramatic effect. “Harry Styles is the love interest. He supposed to be on set sometime this week.”
           Marinette screamed.
           They took a helicopter to the island. It was the best day of her life. She got to meet the goddess that was Zendaya, Her real life prince charming Tom Holland, and the man of her dreams Zac Efron. They were nice. They were sweet. They took so many pictures and videos with her.
           When Jagged mentioned Marinette designed most of his wardrobe. Marinette even got to show off her sketch book she had brought when the cast was too busy and it got boring. Zendaya commissioned a dress. She nearly right there.
           Then the director got a call, “Okay Harry’s arrived. He’s waiting at the cave. Time to shoot the act 5, scene 1.”
           They all moved to leave.
“Cave?” Marinette found herself asking.
           Penny nodded, “Its historically accurate. The real life Captain Wolfblood, the guy who’s treasure everyone wants, supposedly buried his there. Pirates fought and died there all the time trying to find it. Supposed to be cursed. So whoever died was bound there for eternity; their ghosts protect the treasure. Killing all who enter their domain.”
           Marinette found herself stopping in her tracks, “Pirate Ghosts.” She stated. “Cursed treasure.”
“Harry Styles…” Penny sang, causing Jagged to give her a sour look.
           Harry Styles… For the first time that vacation Marinette was tempted to go. Tempted to risk pirates’ curses and murderous ghosts just to see the man who had caused ten-year-old Marinette to write Mrs. Harry Styles in her diary for a month.
“I actually have to facetime my parents,” Marinette frowned. “Reception terrible out here.”
           After promising to meet them for dinner, Marinette booked it off the island. As it faded from sight, and all her wishes of being the future Mrs. Harry Styles burned, she whispered, “You stepped of your game. I’m impressed.” She glared at the window. “But Not today, Satan.”
           The dance was a catastrophe. Everyone in class could admit to that. All the girls wore their dresses from the year before. For the first time, there was no live performance. Just Nino’s play music from his phone. Until it died midsong. They forgot to get helium for the balloons, so they had to blow them up themselves. The chips were stale. The punch tasted like rotten bananas. No one alerted the proper staff regarding the dance so no one warned the janitor not to wax the gym floor the night before. Five kids hurt themselves. Alya forgot to get chaperones. And found Damocles and Mendeleiev shut down the entire dance before it even got passed its first hour.
           The night of the dance would go down as the best night of Marinette’s life. The director from the day before had liked Marinette so much that gave her the role of Lunaris, mermaid princess, originally played by an actress who had backed out of the role at the last second. Like literally right before they were supposed to shoot her scenes. It was a small role; Marinette didn’t have many lines and only two songs to herself (and fillers song lines throughout the movie). Plus she died. (The entire part took five days to film, and Marinette ended up staying on her vacation an additional two days. Her parents instantly approved; wanting their daughter away from the drama of her ex-friends. However, Marinette would be called in for additional reshoots and scenes, a month later. Then more after that as they would expand her role) She spent the entire time in a mermaid costume. Up until the last act of the movie.
           However, her character was in love with Harry Styles�� character, a mermaid prince who became human for chance to win the love of Zendaya’s character. Her character more or less had been the prince’s childhood best friend who never admitted to being in love with him until it was too late. She had spent the entire movie supporting him to win the main character’s heart. Her first song was sang as she helped him escape the underwater kingdom to go to his true love while she hid her own; choosing to put him before herself. The next day it was revealed that they were supposed to have been betrothed and united their kingdoms. Her second song happened after she chose to fight on land to save her friend and taking a killing blow for him; she died singing to the prince about not waiting to tell someone you love until its’ too late; especially if the love’s worth dying for. Or walking on land for.
           After shooting her scenes for the day; she was invited by the cast to go meet Chris Heimsworth who was vacationing at a nearby island resort. They were going to go budging jumping of the highest mountain on the Island, near shark infested waters. Again Marinette only had one thing to say to that, “Not today, Satan.” She was not going to fight a shark. Not that week. No matter how much she loved Thor. (She’d later find out Tom Hiddleston was there and cry.)
           The fundraiser had cost more than it raised. That was all anyone was willing to say on the subject. Particularly Alya who was missing her eyebrows.
           The day of the fundraiser, the Day Marinette was supposed to return home, was bliss. At the end of it, Marinette found herself watching the sunset with Jagged and Penny.
“We should visit mermaid isle,” Penny suggested. “I heard it’s magical. There’s a spot that grants wishes… At a price.”
           Marinette didn’t bother to ask for anymore. She just smiled, “Not today, Satan.”
           The next morning, the Monday Marinette should have already been back home, instead she was getting ready to shoot some more scene for the movie. Then she got a call.
“Hey Marinette!” Kimi, the director, said. “We were hoping you could come in early today. We have to shoot your death scene.”
“Oh! Sweet! Where?”
“Shark cove. It will be perfect,” Kimi said cheerfully. “This time before your last breath, Harry’s going to kiss you goodbye. So eat a mint.”
           Marinette mind froze. Kiss… Harry? “Shark cove?”
“Yeah, we’ll have to be careful not to attract any, you know?” Kimi sighed. “It’ll be a bit dangerous. You okay with that?”
           The bluenette wanted to scream no way. But it was a new week. “I’m there,” She said firmly. For a kiss from Harry Styles, she’d do anything.
           Vacation time was over. Marinette was going to fight a shark.
           When Marinette returned to school on Wednesday, it was to the frustrated faces of her classmates. None of them talked to her. Just glared coldly. Though Alya did give her a sarcastic, welcome back.
           Marinette just shrugged and went to sit at her desk next to Chloe and Nathaniel, who were both grinning.
“How was it?” Marinette asked them.
           Nathaniel smirked, “Epic! Three fires. Two poisonings. A kid broke his leg. Four more ended up in the emergency room.”
“The play was a disaster,” Chloe added. “The dance was shut down after an hour. The fire department came to the so called fund raiser. You were gone for little more than a week and these morons nearly got themselves killed like four times.”
“We got in on video!” Nathaniel laughed.
           Marinette laughed.
           She looked at the stressed and embarrassed students of Bustier’s class, even the teacher looked worse for wear.
           Marinette smirked.
           Somebody obviously needed a vacation. Or rather… Everybody.
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
another kevison fanfic none of you asked for (also on ao3):
[Thread] Who's the nicest celeb you've met in real life?
Kevin Pearson. Was an extra for one of his movies and couldn’t be any nicer. Chatted with us even though technically you weren’t supposed to. He joked around a lot and showed us pics of his family. Real top bloke.
I met this guy once on vacation in Italy. We were at a table next to him and my newborn was screaming bloody murder, mom was in the bathroom. Couldn’t quite calm my son and I was getting real embarrassed with the loud noise. Some of the waiters came over to their table to ask if they wanted to move but Kevin shut them down immediately. Actually got a bit cross that they even suggested it. His wife suggested to rock my baby on the side to make him stop and he did! She knows a few tricks having twins and stuff. Also shared that joy/misery thing of being first time parents. Anyway, they left first (they got there earlier) and we learned after that they paid for our meals too. Couldn’t believe it.
replied: Wow. That’s the so fucking nice of them.
replied: Yeah made my wife cry haha
I’ve heard only good things about him too! My mom lives in Philly and his brother was running for city council a few years back and he was there and took photos with all the Korean mamas including my own and my grandma! apparently he smells really expensive :P
Didn’t know that I was fully chatting up his wife at Starbucks until I saw a pic of them at the premiere for one of his movies. I’d be embarrassed by my god she was fantastic! 10/10 would’ve gone for it if I wasnt such a potato
replied: And wasn’t married.
replied: That too
My daughter was an extra on one of his movies and says he’s the nicest guy and “such a dad” lol! And her dad’s a real “dad” dad so for her to say that about a famous actor is funny
I used to teach his kids in my kindergarten class. Daughter’s wicked smart. I can tell you all the mothers would have a fit every time he’d come by to pick them up and if it’s not his wife or them together, it’s him. Very hands on. I’d say that counts for nice.
Rocked out to a Lady Gaga show with him and his wife in Vegas. His wife and I are practically best friends now! We’re on first name basis ;)
replied: Sounds fun! What were they there for if you don’t mind me asking? Coz isn’t he like sober now?
replied to a reply: I think it was for a niece’s birthday or something? Couldn’t remember, was pretty wild night :P And I didn’t see any drinks.Even his wife wasn’t drinking I think? They were literally there to enjoy Gaga like the rest of us
I love hearing stories about him like this because it always looks like he’s such a pretentious pretty boy jerk especially back in the day
replied: Getting your life sorted can change a man
replied to a reply: Yeah he’s pretty mellowed out since getting sober. He’s had that DUI and rehab stint but now he’s a real family man and seems to love his wife very much. Good for him.
Doesn’t he remind you of George Clooney? Got married late and had boy girl twins and is loving life!
replied: True!!
Not sure if everybody knows but his wife Madison is pretty big in the interior design space especially coz she like pretty much runs their fam construction business. I follow her on Insta and I know everyone has a crush on Kevin but I’d pick her over him any day!
replied: OMG YES SAME! She puts together these amazing DIY palettes and I’m obsessed! I’d also pick her over him any day even just to pick her brain
replied to a reply: She also recommends the best books!!!
My mom’s in the planning side of construction and met his wife in West Chester. She did a presentation and afterwards her and my mom shared parenting tips like they’re in some mom club. Apparently she was the sweetest and her babies are adorable and also Kevin calls a lot lol
Met him at the airport, wife’s a huge fan of the manny so sucked my gut to ask for a pic. When he found out it’s for the missus, he recorded a special vid saying his iconic line. Missus was over the moon. Real good fella
replied: That’s so nice
replied: He did for my mom as well! All the moms love him!
Kevin Pearson helped re-build my grandparents’ burned down convenience store. Couldn’t thank him enough even if I tried
replied: Wow, that’s real generous. How are the grandparents?
replied to a reply: Thanks! They’re over the moon. They have a house near the area but gran said he’d come by with his kids from time to time. Even if gran didn’t want to, they always insisted to pay for whatever the kids wanted.
Delivered the cake for his uncle (grandpa’s?) wedding and he gave a seriously generous tip. Oh and his wife packed me pigs in the blanket.
replied: Pigs in the blanket?! What in the middle school
replied: Apparently it was the uncle/grandad’s favorite or something and they double ordered. But who cares free food!
replied to a reply: Did it come with ketchup?
replied to a reply: Hot, wrapped in foil and handful of ketchup packets. I felt like one of the kids
Not him but his brother who’s like a big shot in politics right now. Real top guy and had the best laugh
This doesn’t sound real but I’ve bumped into him literally five times over the past year he’ll probably think I’m some stalker. Rarely saw him without his family and once his kid threw a ball at me. He apologised but c’mon you either throw a ball or bounce it no big deal. Besides, that kid has David Beckham’s kids manners. Real like English folk polite it’s insane
replied: That’s always nice to hear that celebrity kids aren’t spoiled brats. We know a few good of them are
replied to a reply: Celebrity kids are different from kid celebrities though
replied to a reply: Didn’t say they were the same? Just saying that for a kid of someone so rich and famous you’d think they’d be a bit more spoiled but they weren’t at all and was beyond respectful and that’s a testament to the parents.
replied to a reply: Agree. I’ve met this particular celebrity’s kids and mind you they’re teens now but god they were just awful and pretentious. Even more than their famous parent which is saying something
Not him but I did meet that actress that was so embarrassingly flirty around him during the press conference of hat film he did a few years back. She’s a real bitch and so fake and I’m so glad she’s been dropped from the sequel
replied: Oh god yeah I remember her. She was so obnoxious laughing at everything he said like stfu it’s not that funny!!!! The secondhand embarrassment watching her and him being all polite about it *chills*
replied: She’s the worst. No talent
replied to a reply: I was an extra for some scenes in that movie and she was WAY worse and such a diva for someone unknown. Kevin’s a real nice guy though and just let her be. He talks about his wife and kids a lot but she would not take a hint!
replied to a reply: That is just embarrassing
Alright story time. Was working as a barista at a cafe and it was one of those really shitty days. He came in, ordered and waited and was all nice and took some pics with fans. Anyway, like I said shitty day so I mixed up his coffee order and got him two lattes instead of cappuccinos. Mind you, it was a busy asf day as well and I was the only one making coffees. He comes over and tells me and I apologise but by this time my manager’s already all up on my ass for serving Kevin Pearson incorrectly. He kept apologising to him and berating me till Kevin himself stepped in and told the manager off. But like calmly and stuff like it’s no big deal and people make mistakes whatever and I kid you fucking not he apologised to me too and said I was doing a good job. He probably won’t know how much that meant to me after an already shitty as day but it did. I made sure to make him the best fucking cappuccinos
replied: I’ve met him in irl too and he is this!
I saw him sitting at a cafe with his daughter. Super nice. Asked him if I could get an autograph for my mom who’s a huge fan. He asked me some questions about her and wrote a really nice autograph, for her. His daughter stuck one of her stickers on there too and my mom loved that even more. I told him where she works (at a grocers) and he went out of his way to shop there the next day and made a point to look for her and chat. Great, great dude
replied: That is so fucking cool man. And your mom must’ve been so happy!
replied to a reply: She was over the moon! She loves his wife too! Apparently she was even chattier than Kevin haha
Met him at the airport. I was an employee and he had some TSA questions. Genuinely nice and friendly, chatted for about 15min. After he was set, we shook hands, he had his kids say thank you individually with a high five. Adorable. His wife was super nice and friendly too. Very good social interaction, would participate again
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Fools Rush In
Part 1
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles prompts: “I don’t plan to stop”
A/N: In this, MC does not exist in Liam’s social season. OC Riley lives in Las Vegas.
A/N/N: This series is crazy lol
Series Premise: With two weeks until Liam is to marry Madeleine -- his pick during the social season -- the guys throw him a bachelor party in Vegas. After a drunken night, he finds himself with more than he bargained for.
Book: The Royal Romance
Word Count: 1152
Inspired by Carrie Underwoods song, ‘Last name’
Perma tags: @emceesynonymroll​ @romanticatheart-posts​ @burnsoslow​ @dcbbw​ @ao719​ @jessiembruno​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @texaskitten30​ @janezillow​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​ @mskaneko​ @loveellamae​ @queenjilian​ @sirbeepsalot​ @pedudley​ @caroldxnvxrs​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @desireepow-1986​ @bebepac​ @kingliam2019​ @lovablegranny​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @amandablink​ @blueaster-blog1​ @liamsx-world
High above the Las Vegas strip, on the rooftop lounge of the Rio Hotel and Casino, the Voodoo Nightclub was rife with energy and spirited chatter. Covered overhead by only a cluster of twinkling stars, the patio's dancefloor was packed with rhythmic freestyling movements to the DJ's techno beats. A large crowd gathered around the flair bartenders who wowed with their acrobatic-like tossing of bottles and shakers. Nightlifers admired the vast cityscape of flashing neon and rolling gold letters from fifty-one stories below. 
It was noisy and upbeat. 
It was full of gigantic cocktails and mixers. 
And on this warm spring night, surrounded by loud music and drunken tourists, Liam sat at a table alone, wondering how the hell he got abandoned at his own bachelor party.
Well, he wasn't completely alone, the ringleader of this little shindig was at the bar drinking shots out of the bellybuttons of some randos while dressed as Elvis.
He could almost kick his brother's ass for getting him into this position. He was the spare. This was supposed to be Leo's problem; he was born and bred for this position. Now Liam was stuck unhappily engaged to be married to his brother's former fiance in two weeks, who coincidentally was also his step-cousin. I'm the white trash King of Cordonia, he mused, that's what they'll call me.
The second in command: his best friend, Drake, took off 30 minutes ago to spend some of his big winnings on the boulevard while bitching about ending his dry spell.
And the last time he saw Maxwell, the youngest Beaumont was trying to show off a dance move on the balcony's railing. One of the cage dancers assured the mesmerized crowd he landed safely on cloth awning a few stories below.
At least the lovely couple having sex behind him briefly engaged in conversation, even if it was only to ask him to be their lookout. 
He had nothing better to do and liked the concoction Leo ordered him, so why not. Viva Las Vegas!
While he sipped the rum and fruit-flavored cocktail and tried not to choke on his straw from the couple behind him repeatedly banging into his chair, he looked up to see a young woman approaching him.
"Jax?" She flashed a hopeful smile at Liam.
Liam shook his head, trying not to get lost in her beautiful smile and scintillating brown eyes that reflected the clubs flashing neon like glass. "Uh, no. It's Liam." I wish I were Jax.
Her smile faded. "Oh! Well, shit. I'm sorry. He was supposed to meet me here 20 minutes ago, and you resemble his tinder profile pic."
Do I pretend to know what the hell that is? He nodded with an awkward chuckle. "Good old Tinder."
She unlocked her phone and held it out to him. Liam studied the picture of the man who did look a lot like him. He read the bio aloud: "Jax, 28. I always keep a loaded gun beside my bed in the event of intruders so I can shoot myself to avoid meeting new people." He grimaced with wry amusement before glancing back to her. "I think we know what happened to Jax."
"Damn." She slumped her shoulders in disappointment until she noticed the activity taking place at the table behind Liam. She stooped down with a slight smirk and leaned into his ear. "I hate to tell you this, but there are people having sex behind you."
Liam scratched the tip of his nose. "Yeah, I know. I'm their lookout. And I don't plan to stop until those two lovebirds are finished."
The woman winced and scrunched her brows. "Really?"
"Noooo," Liam whined. "Get me the hell out of here," he pleaded.
She laughed and grasped onto his wrist. "Come on, Liam. We can sit at the bar together if you'd like."
He looked down at her tiny hand wrapped around his wrist; it was so soft and warm. He smiled up at her. "I'd like that a lot, Miss ..."
"Brooks. Riley Brooks."
Liam rose from his chair, knowing he probably shouldn't go with her. Riley was pretty and sweet, and he was already two sheets to the wind. He couldn't help himself, though; there was something about her.
They took their seats at the bar and ordered a Witch Doctor to share. When the bartender set the massive cocktail in front of them, Riley took a sip from her straw and turned to Liam. "So, what's a good looking guy like yourself doing here alone?"
Liam twisted his straw between his forefinger and thumb, not wanting to discuss his complicated situation, but he was never one to lie. "It's... um ... my bachelor party." 
"Ohhh! I see." Riley scooted away and, with a half-hearted smile, said, "I guess congratulations are in order."
Liam scoffed. "If you knew the whole story, you might not congratulate me so quickly."
"Is she that bad? Surely there's something good about her."
He took a long sip of his drink, then looked at her with a deadpan stare. "Not one."
Riley chuckled. "Do I even wanna know why you're marrying her then?
"Probably not," he quipped.
Liam told her how his friends threw him the bachelor party as one last big hoorah to his freedom and then ditched him for their own pursuits. And how he really wanted to see the Statue of Liberty at the New York New York Hotel, but it wasn't in the guy's plans.
Feeling bad for her new friend, Riley offered to make his dream a reality. After finishing their drink and downing a few Jager bombs, the two of them staggered out.
Liam and Riley swayed down the bustling sidewalk, holding onto one another for balance and cackling the whole way.
"Liam!" Riley animately pointed. "Look! There it is."
Liam lifted his heavy head, and his droopy eyelids widened when he gazed up at the 150-foot replica of Lady Liberty. "Whoa … She... Is … Magnificent." He stood at attention and saluted. "Here's to freedom and … other cool shit," he slurred.
Riley lowered her head and placed a hand over her heart. "God bless America."
Liam shook his head in agreement. "Yes. Yes. Just ... bless the hell out of it. And you know what? The rollercoaster makes it even more ... bitchin."
Riley grabbed his upper arm and shook it hard with excitement. "We gotta ride it, Liam!"
He smirked. "Try to stop me!"
After riding the coaster, both laughed through nausea as they stepped off. 
"Ahhh, that was so much fun! We should go again!" Riley shrieked while hovered over a trash bin.
Liam thought about it until he caught sight of a couple coming out of a wedding chapel across the street.
Liam swung his arm over her shoulder with a grin. “You know what else would be fun?”
Riley giggled. “What?”
“Getting married.”
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scarletwinterxx · 4 years
Timeless pt.2
this was a fun chapter to write, plus a little added bonus pic. Hope you like it! -A
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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It wasn’t a secret that I was engaged to be married, but I also wasn’t telling it left and right every chance I get. So when the news got out, courtesy of our parents,  I was bombarded with a mixture of congratulatory messages and a whole lot of who is the guy I’m getting married to. 
One morning, the news was apparently announced to the world with no warning given to me or my fiancé. To say I was taken aback would be an understatement. 
The first one to corner me was my long time friend, Soo Young or who also goes by the name of Joy. 
“WHY IS IT SUDDENLY BROADCASTED TO THE WORLD?” were her first words to me when she saw me walking across the field
“What’s being broadcasted?” I asked back
“That you’re engaged! I know it’s not a secret but it’s literally on the news” 
I admit it was too early for me to process her words, and I wasn’t aware they were going to make such a big announcement about it. 
“My engagement?” I asked again repeating what she just told me, clearly still very confused “So you didn’t know they were going to announce it today? Oh wow, I feel bad” Joy said, she took her phone and scrolled through it before passing it to me,
Just like she said it was already announced online, 
“Son and Daughter of Business Magnates engaged to be married: Son of chairman of Kim Industries and current COO: Kim Doyoung and the daughter of the current chairman of Lee Tradings Corp was announced to be engaged and soon to be married. Sources say that the two have been close friends since childhood and it was no surprise that the two would end up together...”
“Did they really have to include a whole story-telling portion to it?” I asked then passed her phone back to her
“Does this mean the wedding is close? I mean I know it’s some time after graduation” she said as we walk towards campus
“Yea, our mom’s are probably already planning it behind our backs as we speak. We said we wanted to talk about it first, Doyoung and I, before we settle on anything but I guess they decided to announce it”
“Is it bad that I feel bad for you?” this question made me turn to my friend, 
“Because why would you want to put yourself through something like that? I know you and Doyoung are friends and all but don’t we all deserve to atleast choose who we end up it” Joy had a point and I know she only means well. 
There was no malice behind her statement, only concern for me. I appreciate that. 
I’m glad you’re the one I’m marrying
The words Doyoung told me a few nights ago ringing in my head, a ghost of a smile forming on my lips
“It could be worse, don’t you think?” I told her “I like Doyoung, we’re friends. It’s complicated in a very non-complicated way”
“Remember when you confessed-" “I really don’t want to refresh that memory”
She put her hands up, an action that says she wasn’t about to continue her story, a story that involved on too many counts of soju and maybe a bit of tequila. Not that I remember, all I can recall from that night were the stories Joy have told me.
“You got turned down hard” She mumbled under her breath
My face heats up at the memory, still hazy because I had one too many drinks during that time but Joy would not let me live it down. 
“Stop it, I don’t even remember it. All I know from that night is from all the stories you’ve told me”
She had a knowing smile on, something I’ve noticed she has whenever she’s not saying the full story
“There’s something you’re not telling me” I told her, she quickly put on a blank face then walked ahead of me
“Ya Park Soo Young!”
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After a very long day of repeated congratulations and thank you’s thrown my way, I was finally on my way home. Just as I was about to exit the building, I see someone from afar. His back to me but I would recognize that profile anywhere. 
I walked quickly to where the guy was, calling him out when I was close enough
“Doyoung? What are you doing here?” At the sound of my voice, Doyoung turned around to face me
“Came here to get you, Your class wasn’t finished yet so I decided to have a look around. Nothing much has changed here” He said while looking around the hallway. 
When you’re in college, people usually don’t care what happens around them if it doesn’t concern them directly. One of the things I love the most about being a college student, most people know how to mind their own business. 
But I think the sight of Doyoung still in his full suit and tie outfit, standing in the middle of the hallway while the rest of us were dressed as casual as we could be on a school day was enough to catch the attention of students passing by. Some even recognized him. 
“You just graduated last year”
He went to the same university as me but he was a year ahead. We hung out when we could but since we had different schedules before we weren’t seen together in campus that much
“My guess is you already heard the news” I told him as we make our way out of the campus
“First thing that welcomed me when I got to the office, where were you?”
“Joy literally ran to me screaming about it” I chuckled “Did they tell you they were going to make an announcement?” I asked but he just shook his head.
When we got to his car, he opened the door for me before walking to the driver’s side
“Where are we going anyways?”
It wasn’t usual that we see each other on weekdays, with him busy at work while I had classes to attend. 
“Just somewhere, are you hungry?” he asked, his eyes focused on the road. I studied his profile for awhile, trying to read his mood at the moment. But it’s Doyoung. Even if I’ve known him for pretty much my whole life there are times he put his walls so high up I’m left with no choice but to wait for him to tell me himself. 
“We can grab dinner, if you want” I suggested, opting on not asking him any other questions.
For the rest of the ride we didn’t really talk that much. The man beside me looked like he was deep in thought, I didn’t dare to disrupt him. I just looked out the window and enjoyed the scenery passing by. 
We decided to eat a ramen place, it was like one of those spontaneous trips you go on and try out places you’ve never been too. When we saw the little restaurant, we decided to stop by and check it out. 
“So what’s this little surprise trip for?” I asked Doyoung after we ordered, it took him a while before he looked up from the menu he was staring at
“Just wanted to get out of the city for awhile”
“You okay? Something bothering you?”
“More like what isn’t bothering me nowadays” he mumbled, he looked like he did need this time away. I didn’t want to ask more questions because he looked like he didn’t want to talk about it but I also wanted him to know I was here to listen.
“If it’s work related, try and not to think about it after you’ve left the office” I said, he looked up at me with one brow raised
“There should be a good work and life balance, just like how you try not to bring your issues at home to the office then shouldn’t be the same way around?”
“I can’t just stop worrying about it”
“Well try atleast when you’re back at your place, if you don’t then you’re just stressing yourself more. Wouldn’t be better for you and more effective if you can get some rest at home” I said, trying to reason out with him
“I’m relaxing right now”
“You don’t look one bit relaxed, Doie. Don’t try and pretend when you’re with me, it’s not going to work” I told him. with this I leaned forward the table to reach across the table. My thumb on the middle of his forehead, trying to tell him not to frown too much
“You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that” I mumbled, he was just looking straight at me before taking my hand in his
“You haven’t called me that in a while” He said with a small smile on, his eyes on our hands
“Doie” this time he looked up at me, I don’t know why I suddenly felt all flustered under his gaze but I couldn’t keep the eye contact and opted to look around the place
“You used to call me that a lot when we were kids” he still has my hand in his, now his thumb was lazily drawing circles on the back of my hand. All I’m hoping for is that right now my hand won’t get all clammy. 
“I still call you that, it’s still your name on my phone” I answered, this time I looked back at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I mumbled, he shot me quick smile and gave my hand a squeeze before letting it go. 
I pulled my hand back, waiting for his answer
“I’m trying to decide whether we should really just runaway”
That was not the answer I was expecting but I also am not sure if he’s being serious or not. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. Where would we go anyways? My backyard? I don’t have a backyard anymore” I told him, this time he let out a laugh. We both know what I’m referring to. 
It wouldn’t be the first time, one time when we were kids we decided to ‘runaway’. And by that we mean, hide somewhere in our backyard the whole day. We even packed some snacks, blankets and some toys. I don’t know who convinced who to runaway but we always stuck together. We only separated after we were called inside the house and Doyoung had to go home. 
Those were the days when it felt like 24 hours weren’t long enough to be together, when we were just two kids living in our own world. 
He looked like he was genuinely thinking about where we would go, I almost wanted to tell him to pack his bags and just go.
“This time we won’t have to go home, we can stay out as long as we want, go wherever we want” he said, I just smiled back at him. We didn’t say anything for awhile, just enjoying the silence and each other’s presence. 
“We should decided on a date, for the wedding I mean. If we don’t, our parents might decide for us like they did today” he said, long gone was the smile he wore only a few seconds ago and was now replaced with a more serious look
“Can it be some time around fall?”
“If you want” he told me, “Sounds good and I know you hate hot weather”
“That wasn’t so hard, should we plan the whole thing?” I asked jokingly
“I’ll have to see my schedule, see if I could squeeze you in”
“Yah, this is your wedding too. Make time for your future wife”
“I’ll give you an hour to present, how about that?” he asked, this time looking less serious. Less like COO Kim Doyoung and more like just my Kim Doyoung
“That’s all the time you can give me? I might have to re-think this marriage Mr. Kim”
“An hour and another dinner date, how about that?” 
Good thing I was looking down at the food on the table because when he said the word date my eyes went big as saucers. 
I cleared my throat before giving him a reply, praying that he won’t see my burning cheeks
“Is this how it’s going be? you bargaining with me? You know you always do that” 
“You always say yes to me, so it’s not really my fault” he replied, I could see the smile he was wearing and I wanted to say yes to him over and over again just to see it again. 
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godsporncollection · 3 years
Saturday Morning Session
(personal commentary in italics) (sorry for how inconsistent i am at this, i’m trying new medication, so my focus comes and goes unpredictably, but i didn’t want this to take weeks)
Russel M Nelson -  strengthen your testimony (?)
"I understand better what he meant when he said 'behold, i will hasten my work in this time.'" 
Y'all have been strengthening your testimonies and i, and your children, thank you. did that inclusion of "your children" feel off to anyone else?
I can see the work on the temple outside my window and that makes me think about how we need to remove the old debris from our lives. I too think of the temple as 'old debris' that should be removed from my life.
"the gospel is a message of joy" I cannot roll my eyes hard enough
that was short. what was the topic? blab for a five minutes?
Dieter F. Uchdorf - god is Among Us
I had to move lots when I was a kid because there was a war on. i thought about the missionaries who came to the country of their enemies to bring us the gospel.
i was a kid in a war-torn country > missionaries > god has not forgotten us > we will be heirs of god > how could we complain when we have that? > the atonement > mistakes are okay, just gotta keep repenting.
what would jesus teach if he was among us today? the same thing he's always taught. "the savior always teaches timeless truths, to everyone, a message of hope and belonging, a testament that god has not abandoned his children that god is Among Us."
jesus says to love one another and to be full of charity towards all men. i would like to see it.
anyone else feel like these talks are just. empty? like, they're not feeling it either?
if jesus came into your home today, he would see into your heart and i'm gonna waste a couple more minutes by expanding on that. one look into his eyes and we would be forever changed by the realization that god is Among Us.
back to me, i wish i could go back and tell myself to stay on the right track because god is Among Us, so i'm gonna tell you instead. god is Among Us.
"line upon line" *gag*
god is Among Us
Joy D Jones - abuse is wrong unless you use it to teach kids about the gospel
"have you ever wondered why we call 'primary' 'primary'?" as someone who understands how language works, no.
because kids are importanter than everything else
god trusts us to be nice to our kids; that means no abuse, even if we're angry. whoever needed this reminder should be shot.
hey, maybe you can "combat the evils of abuse" by not fucking raising your kids in an abusive cult!
analogy of a kid who fell out of bed because he "didn't get far enough in" = he wasn't indoctrinated enough, with awkward collage of pics of kids for a minute.
eyring said to get 'em while they're young
love all the pics of black people that try to say "see? we don't think black people are inherently evil (anymore)!"
analogy of a soldier in boot camp. drill seargants are mean, but that was necessary because apparantly it's the only way this guy can learn how to hide. also, apparently this guy is "our friend". not my friend, thanks.
"how can we do the same for our children?" don't fucking act like a drill seargent to your kids! ffs
"wouldn't we rather have them sweat in the safe learning environment of the home than bleed on the battlefields of life?" first of all, fuck you. second, dramatic much? third, fuck you, kids shouldn't have to learn about life in a hostile environment. does this woman have kids? are they okay? fucking hell, five kids were raised by a woman with this mentality. what a bitch.
"eternity is the wrong thing to be wrong about." i got news for you. of course, if i ever spoke to this machine, that topic wouldn't be my top priority.
I need a fucking drink.
Jan Eric Newman - teaching the gospel is good, but you can't force a testimony on others
anecdote about a local old woman getting birthday gifts. she taught us some good things when we were growing up, so thanks, sister davis.
another teacher, at college, was a "master teacher." he loved me and the lord. he taught me to learn doctrine on my own and that "changed me forever."
just sayin', if you're taught how to learn on your own, but didn't exercise enough critical thought to gtfo of this cult, maybe the teacher wasn't the best.
it's good to have good teachers.
the ancient nephites and lamanites had good teachers, and "there was no contention among them!"
"how can we teach more like the savior and help others become more deeply converted?" nope, nope. nope.
1st, "learn all you can about the master teacher hismelf." so, we're sticking with the term "master teacher." cool. doesn't sound weird at all.
ask yourself questions about how he taught, then do that.
read "teaching in the savoir's way."
2nd, use bullshit stories. oh, no, it's a story about how somebody is grateful for the pandemic because her adult child read the BoM for the first time during it. she said it had made "literal miracles."
3rd, "remember that conversion must come from within." guess jan and "joy" should have compared notes before speaking.
"children inheret many things, but a testimony is not one of them. we can't give our children a testimony any more than we can make a seed grow; but we can provide a nourishing environment, with good soil, free of thorns that would choke the word."
Gary E. Stevenson - kindness
story about a study where rabbits were fed a high-fat diet, but those under the care of a loving researcher didn't gain as much weight.
only christians can intuitively understand that this means there's a reason to be kind to others.
jesus said love one another.
addressing primary kids - be kind. here's a story about a kid who stopped being a bully because the bullied kid said it hurt.
to the teens - social media makes bullying worse, clearly satan is using social media against your generation. do what you can t make these spaces safer. if you're a bully, "stop it."
to the adults- "we have a primary responsibility to set a tone and be role models of kindness (get wrecked "joy"), inclusion and civility."
from ballard- "i have never heard members of this church to be anything but loving, kind, tolerant and benevolent to our friends and neighbors of other faiths." k, but, like, you know it's not just a difference of religious belief that’s the problem, right?
i'm heartbroken to hear about prejudice against blackasianlatino people or of any other group. i love how that section was really only about race, with a blanket "any other group" thrown in as an afterthought so they can't be accused of being homophobic.
in the winter of 1838, jo smith was in prison and why do you think that happened, gary?
church members were driven from their homes and the residents of a town across the river gave them food and shelter. that generosity saved the lives of many of them.
god is a compassionate care-giver.
Gerrit W. Gong - disjointed anecdotes of human experiences, idk
i miss my dad. he was adventurous, except regarding food.
i saw a guy be mean to a lady selling ice cream. he smashed all of her cones. the image of her trying to salvage the cones haunts me to this day.
story of the good samaritan.
be like christ this easter.
"we recieve inspiration as we counsel together, listening to each person, including each sister and the spirit."
does this guy have a topic?
he’s is just giving a list of random human experiences and parables.
*displays a lack of understanding of instagram.*
he's listing something throughout this, like, he keeps counting, but i have no idea what and his voice is making my adhd medication run away, so i'm not listening to this again.
Henry B. Eyring - temple worthiness
today i'm feeling light and hope, like the first day i went to the salt lake temple
i'm an oblivious fucker who didn't notice my name being pinned on me, so i thought the woman who greeted me was an angel because she knew my name.
thought he could remember being in the temple before, but a voice that was not his own (that's how you know it's true and not something he just told himself) told him he was remembering heaven.
confused "holiness to the lord" with "this is a holy place." i know both phrases use the word 'holy', but like, those contexts mean separate things.
i also had this feeling during my wedding in the logan temple.
i think henry should get checked out, he suffers from frequent hallucinations and it's good to know how your brain works differently from others when in a leadership position.
during my wedding, i had a vision of a house and the officiant said to live in a way that you can walk away easily. a year later, my father in law bought the exact house and my wife and i lived in the guest house for ten years. then i got the call to move somewhere else on assignment from the church and we walked away easily.
scripture from jesus about temples.
if you're unworthy in the temple, you won't be "able to see, by the power of the holy ghost, the spiritual teaching of the savior that we can recieve in the temple."
"when we are worthy to recieve such teaching, there can grow, through our temple experience, hope, joy, and optimism throughout our lives. that hope, joy, and optimism are available only through accepting the ordinances performed in holy temples."
i forgot how simple a baptism is, so i'm gonna tell you how amazed (and a little concerned) i was when my youngest daughter stayed to do baptism for the dead for all of the names on the list that day. maybe i'm just super comfortable in the water, but that doesn't sound hard, actually. i used to almost enjoy doing those.
quotes the primary song 'i love to see the temple.'
remember to be worthy so you can live with your family forever.
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years
The Great Marriage License Mystery
Read on AO3
Magnus groans, back feeling like hell. He lifts himself up and immediately falls off the couch landing directly on his back onto a stack of red solo cups.
“Fuck,” he shouts out as he rolls to the side to lift himself up, a party mask on a stick digging into his side.
“Stop being so loud,” a female voice he knows well grumbles from above. Magnus finally lifts himself up into a sitting position to see Isabelle lying face down surrounded by a nest of multi colored feather boas on the couch opposite the one he’d just fallen from.
Magnus finds the inner strength to stand looking around the room. It’s his apartment, not that he remembers coming home at all, and it’s a wreck. Cups, half empty bottles of liquor and an array of party favors from the evening’s festivities cover every surface. His paintings on the walls are crooked, the strip of photobooth pictures that he and Alec had taken on their trip to Tokyo for their one-month anniversary are sitting sadly in a puddle of something. He walks over squinting his eyes against the sunlight streaming in and pics up the photo strip shaking them out best he can.
He sniffs them confirming the liquid to be vodka and not something worse. He pins them back up on the corkboard where they belong smiling at the happy looks on their faces despite the fact his head feels like there’s a tiny gnome with a hatchet running around inside of it.  
Isabelle shifts on the couch lying on her back now.
“Did we die?” she asks eyes still closed.
“Unfortunately not,” Magnus says picking up a pink cowboy hat from the chair nearest to him and plopping down into it heavily.
“What time is it?” she asks pulling a few of the feather boas around her like a blanket.
Magnus looks down at his watch about to answer when his bedroom door suddenly slams open. A flash of long red hair streaks across the apartment headed straight for the bathroom.
Clary shuts the door behind her and an unfortunate heaving sound follows. Izzy sits up quickly eager to get to her fiancée, a decision she clearly immediately regrets if the way she woozily lies back down is anything to go by.
The bathroom door swings open a moment later, Alec steps out looking disheveled as hell wearing a Hunter’s moon t-shirt he definitely hadn’t been wearing when the night before had started.
“I don’t recommend sleeping in a bathtub when you’re 6”4,” he says voice gravelly from misuse. He squints his eyes grabbing a pair of sunglasses laying on the table as he walks past it and slips them on. “You might want to check on your fiancée, she’s throwing up half her body in there.”
Alec sits down heavily on the couch beside his sister patting her on the shoulder. She nods, takes a deep breath and centers herself standing up slowly. This time she makes it picking her way through the trash littering the floor her 8-inch heels somehow still secured to her feet.
“Your weddings in like four hours, just a reminder!” Magnus shouts and wishes he hadn’t. Judging from the way Alec plugs his ears and Izzy flips him off no one else does either. Hangovers all around it seems, a sign of a good bachelorette party.
Magnus listens for a few moments to Isabelle softly reassuring Clary, heels clicking on the tile of the bathroom floor. He looks over at his boyfriend once again heaving himself to stand and flop down beside him on the bed of boas.
“Good morning baby,” Alec grumbles lifting his arm and wrapping it around Magnus’ shoulders. Magnus hums reaching up and entangling his fingers with Alec’s. He shifts enough to toss his legs over Alec’s and looks down noticing a piece of white paper sticking out from his pocket.
He raises his eyebrows leaning back enough to pull the paper from his pocket. He unfolds it and practically jolts up from the couch. In looping script that looks like Isabelle’s is his name and what appears to be one half of a marriage license.
“Ummm Magnus!” Isabelle yells rushing out of the bathroom and directly to them on the couch. Alec shifts seemingly having fallen back asleep. She shakes a piece of paper in his face almost identical to his half. “This was in MY pocket.”
Magnus takes it from her lining it up with his. A piece of the full sheet is still missing only the last name Lightwood on Isabelle’s section the first name missing. She falls beside him seeing the almost full document.
“There’s no way,” he says laughing nervously. There’s no way.
Isabelle is just as alert as he in now, eyes in a panic. Alec sits up taking off his sunglasses. He looks from the papers to Magnus’s eyes, his eyes just as wide as his sisters.
“I also have this,” she says holding up her left hand revealing a diamond band on her thumb. “It’s stuck.”
“That’s one of mine,” Magnus says looking down at one of his empty fingers. “Oh, shit that’s one of mine.”
Alec falls back into the couch, no longer pressed into Magnus’ side.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Isabelle says dropping her head into her hands.
Clary comes out of the bathroom, eye makeup resembling a raccoon with a huge bottle of mouth wash in her hands. Chairman Meow appears circling around her socked feet trying to trip her up, she takes it in stride and steps over him easily.  
“Just in case,” she says when she notices Alec judging the bottle. “So, I’m guessing from those repetitive oh my gods it’s not us that got married last night.”
“No,” Isabelle moans dramatically throwing herself on the ground, arms tossed over her eyes. “I married my brother’s boyfriend probably as a dumb joke or something the night before my wedding. Jace will never let me live this down.”
“We don’t know that. It just says Lightwood, it could be us!” Magnus argues looking at his boyfriend uncertainly. Alec looks a little bit like a deer in the headlights so Magnus scrambles. He’s not really sure what’s the better option: accidentally marrying your boyfriend of two months in a drunken stupor or marrying your boyfriend’s sister as a joke in a drunken stupor. At least he hopes it was a dumb joke if it’s the latter, the former well he’s not sure if he and Alec are ready to get into that no matter how quickly their relationship has progressed. “Or you know it’s fake, fake is an option.”
Clary steps over inspecting the paper.
“Paper’s too high quality for a fake,” she shrugs sitting down on the coffee table. Magnus gives her a pointed look, making it clear she’s not helping this situation.
The four of them sit there silently for a while. Alec is the first to speak up.
“Okay, what does everyone remember from last night? Let’s piece this together,” he says reasonably opening the floor to whoever wants to start.
It takes about twenty minutes but they get a vague timeline from memory and other evidence pulled from their pockets. They scour the apartment as they talk making hangover remedies while desperately searching for the missing piece of the license.
So far they’ve determined things started here, pre-gaming with cocktails and dinner then it was the Hunter’s Moon where Magnus absolutely demolished Alec in a series of pool games. That’s when Alec lost his shirt as well, a beer spilled on him by Jace who’d already had far too much to drink. Magnus had forgotten the detail, but Alec recalls it with annoyed clarity.
After the Hunter’s Moon, Jace had been sent home in a cab, Maia, Bat and the rest of their friends had come along with them to Pandemonium and that was where things got blurry. By 11:30 their friends had all called it a night, but the four of them had hit the dancefloor. Dancing then turned into competition when Izzy had challenged Magnus and Alec to a couple’s tequila shot off. Magnus assumes they won considering how Clary handles her liquor.
Then it all goes well and truly blank for them all. Clary’s phone is missing entirely, Alec’s is dead and seemingly has been since at least midnight. Izzy’s phone is just a series of back and forth drunken texts with Jace that are increasingly sarcastic and misspelled.
Magnus is the only one with a possible lead. There’s evidence of a Lyft being called that took them to the venue where Izzy and Clary are getting married in mere hours and a 15-minute call with Raphael somewhere around one in the morning.
Magnus dials his number immediately hoping for answers.
“You asked me to go through the whole ceremony,” Raphael says after five minutes of making fun of them all. Magnus’ childhood best friend never did finish the process of becoming a full-blown preacher, not finding it for him in the end, but he’s ordained for weddings and had happily offered to do the ceremony when Clary and Izzy still hadn’t found someone two weeks before.
“Why?” the four ask in frustrated unison.
“Dios, I don’t know. You were all trashed but you insisted, so to get you to leave me alone because some of us who are involved in this wedding wanted to get a good night’s rest, I went through the whole thing, start to finish,” he explains.
“Did vows get exchanged or anything?” Alec asks.
“Not really, but you did all say ‘I do’ at some point I couldn’t tell who though, I’m pretty sure you were all outside,” Raphael answers. “Which in theory I guess would mean someone got married, but not that it matters I mean ordained or not without a license it’s not legally binding.”
They all sigh.
“That’s the problem,” Magnus grumbles. They end the call after that saying goodbyes and see you soons.
“Alright,” Alec says sounding the level headed big brother and leader he always is. “Here’s the plan’ everyone needs to shower first. We’re short on time so that means couples, no funny business though. Raphael said we were outside, so that probably means we couldn’t get into the venue when we decided to go. Magnus and I can ask around while the two of you get ready since we have to be there anyways.”
Everyone nods their heads in agreement.
“And what do we do if it was us that got married?” Magnus asks gesturing between him and Izzy.
They’re all silent. Clary is the first to pipe up, taking this whole situation surprisingly well. Maybe throwing up half of one’s body weight brings clarity.
“I mean only the four of us saw it, it hasn’t been officially filed, just signed and if we give Raphael permission to mock us about it for the rest of our lives he won’t say anything,” she reasons.
She grabs Izzy’s hand pulling her to the shower leaving no room for argument.
Magnus blows out a long breath leaning against the kitchen counter where they’d all gathered. Alec joins him, crossing his arms.
“Are you mad I may have accidentally married your sister?” Magnus says quietly.
Alec snorts.
“No, we were all beyond drunk last night and knowing you and Izzy it was some competitive dare that went a step too far.”
Magnus chuckles, that does sound like them.
“And what if,” he pauses a little worried. “What if it was us that accidentally got married?”
Alec turns reaching up to pull a piece of confetti from Magnus’ hair. His hand slides down brushing Magnus’ cheek.
“Then we got married,” he shrugs.
Isabelle’s phone rings breaking the moment, on today of all days he’s fairly certain she’d appreciate them picking it up. It’s the caterer and the call takes long enough that he and Alec have barely five minutes for a shared shower before calling a cab to get to the venue. They don’t get to talk about Alec’s casual shrug about them being married like it wouldn’t be a big deal.
Once they’re at the venue people start filing in Maryse and Maia take charge of Isabelle while Clary is drifted away by Simon and Jace. They both lock eyes with Magnus and Alec trusting them to get answers or burn the pieces of marriage license before the days over.
Alec is the first to be fully ready so he heads around to ask the staff some questions. He eventually is led to the night security guard who simply shrugs saying he’d fallen asleep on the job. The only evidence that they were even there is in the form of Magnus’ Lyft history and a feather boa exactly like the ones in Magnus’ apartment tangled in a bush outside. Alec sends him a picture of it attached with the message, ‘I have a feeling we’re going to be finding these around New York for the rest of the year.’
Everything goes by in a rush after that. Magnus never gets the chance to bring up anything to Alec as they take their places as groomsmen.
The wedding is beautiful, Raphael does an excellent job so much so that Clary’s stepdad bursts into tears only two lines in. Clary and Izzy exchange vows that make everyone else cry and Izzy dips Clary as they kiss to everyone’s delight. They look the happiest they’ve ever been, clearly no longer thinking about the possible mistake marriage that was.
Magnus however can’t think of anything else. The sun has fallen and the cake has been cut by the time he gets a moment alone with Alec. He steps outside for some fresh air just beside the bushes where the feather boa still flaps in the wind and Alec slips out behind him. Two long arms wrap around his waist and Magnus leans back into a strong chest.
They stand there quietly, the muffled sound of music behind them.
“You know,” Magnus says eventually. “You were pretty casual about the concept of us being accidentally married this morning.”
Alec once again the picture of nonchalance just shrugs.
“I mean at first it was a lot, but once the worst of the hangover subsided I realized if it was us well, that’s not the worst thing. I love you; I have intentions to be with you for as long as you’ll have me so that works.”
Magnus shifts so that Alec is standing in front of him eyes a little glassy. Alec takes the tears to be a bad thing.
“I get it though if it’s way too soon to be thinking or saying anything like that, or,” Alec freezes as Magnus puts a finger in front of his lips.
“I feel the same way,” he smiles. “I mean it’s not ideal and like Clary said it’s not official till it’s filed, but I do feel the same way. I have no doubt in my mind we’re heading that way one day.”
Alec smiles kissing the tip of Magnus’ finger where it still rests against his lips. He pulls Magnus into a hug. Magnus rests his chin on Alec’s shoulder eyes still open and that’s when he spots it. The feather boa shifts in the wind and a small white piece of paper is revealed skewered on the prickly end of the bush.
He pulls back from Alec leaping down the two small steps to pick the piece of paper from the bush.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he says snatching up the sliver of paper and flipping it over. The missing piece of the license. Alec steps over, joining him.
“Is that?” he starts looking over Magnus’ shoulder.
Magnus nods holding it up for Alec to read. Alec smiles, pulling the Lightwood piece he’d been holding onto from his pocket as Magnus does the same with his part.
Alexander the missing piece reads in Isabelle’s looping script.
“Guess your stuck with me now,” Magnus says with a smirk.
Alec rolls his eyes fondly.
“Technically it hasn’t been filed, so not officially,” he jokes, pulling Magnus in by the waist. “Plus it’s in three pieces I don’t think the courthouse is going to accept it.”
“Pfft, just needs a little tape,” Magnus says gathering the three pieces of paper and folding them carefully before placing them in the inner pocket of his wine-red jacket a compliment to Alec’s black one and Isabelle’s deep red dress. “Plus, Clary’s stepdad is the Mayor, we can totally get some strings pulled.”
Alec laughs shifting to drape his arms over Magnus’ shoulders.
“You mean it?” he asks.
Magnus nods. “We have to have a party bigger than this one at some point though,” he says gesturing back to the reception hall. “I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Of course,” Alec says seriously.  “So we’re gonna be Mr. and Mr. Lightwood then?”
Magnus hums tapping a finger to his chin in thought.
“I was thinking Mr. and Mr. Bane actually.”
“I like the sound of that,” Alec says before pulling Magnus into a kiss.
They never do piece together the night exactly. Eventually Izzy gets the ring off her thumb and it fits Alec’s ring finger perfectly they discover, Magnus in turn realizes he has an exact double of it that he starts wearing himself. Why Isabelle filled out the license or if they kissed after they said I do or even actually said it is never truly answered.
Their actual marriage will be a mystery for the rest of their lives, but Magnus does get his party an acceptable six months after Clary and Izzy’s.
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