#my girl was not about to risk phil being suspicious of them again
sootsz · 10 months
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truly the absolute best way to say there’s going to be an admin switch
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 3 years
Some Of A Kind
Chapter 1: Virgin in the Chapel
(Michael Langdon x reader)
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Summary: When you accompany your friend to a black mass at the Church of Satan. You pick the wrong time and place to let him in on the fact that you’re a virgin, garnering the attention of the ‘chosen one’ himself.
Warnings: murder, mentions of drug use, poorly represented Satanism
Word count: 3,666 (that’s right)
It was a typical Wednesday night when you got a text from your friend Tyler.
‘So what do you say? Is tonight the night?’
He had been bugging you for weeks to come see a sacrifice at the satanic church. And since the first time he asked, the conversation always went the same way.
“I’m telling you, just one slice and then you can have whatever you want”
“You mean I can have powers beyond compare?”
“Yes” he answered back, in a hopeful tone. Clearly he hadn’t picked up on the sarcasm in your voice.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the excitement in his voice.
“I’m sorry, you do whatever you want over there with your edgelords but I’m perfectly happy in my boring powerless existence”
“First of all we aren’t edgelords, we're satanists. We just see the world for what it is. A dreadful place full of selfish people.”
“Well I can’t say I argue with that”
“Exactly, so give in to being selfish, and start doing what you want. You work so hard, and for what a one bedroom apartment you can barely afford and bags under your eyes that are only getting bigger by the day?”
“Hey” you interrupt, slightly offended. Which only earns a laugh on his end.
“I’m just saying, you put in so much effort for no pay off, when you could do this one thing and have everything you deserve”
“What a cable package and a ‘skip the line’ pass at Disneyland?”
“I also get unlimited snacks!”
“Oh sorry how could I forget, well if one soul is all it takes to get a free waffle cone then what are we still doing here?!” You ask back, your tone full of mockery.
“Have you ever wondered why I can snort as much coke as I want and have never OD’d? Or why every girl I bring home is a certified 10?”
Actually you had, the two of you had met the year prior in a religious studies class when you were partnered to write a paper on whether morality was dependent on a god. He could barely get through a sentence without tripping over his words or looking away in embarrassment. It was sweet really, and by the end of the class you two had basically become best friends.
But about 2 months ago things started to change. There was almost always a girl leaving his house when you would come over.
You swore at least two of them you recognized from Victoria Secret runways.
One night you even saw a man leaving whose resemblance to Ryan Reynolds was suspiciously uncanny.
He got a new car without any explanation as to where he got the money, and he had so much coke in his living room you assumed he started dealing, before he told you it was just his stash for the weekend.
At first he was vague about everything, but eventually he told you the truth, or at least what you assumed was a version of it.
For his final project he wrote a research paper on the church of Satan.
You went with him to a couple of services when he was writing it, him being too nervous to go alone.
You both thought they seemed a little kooky, but relatively harmless.
Yet what you didn’t know was that he kept going back after the class ended and had gotten himself sworn in, and eventually given the honor of participating in a black mass.
Where he had sacrificed a school teacher in order to get these new “gifts”.
Now you weren’t naive enough to think he actually killed someone!
You were sure his new lifestyle was a part of some religious Ponzi scheme, and one day the debt collector would come calling.
You’ve watched enough documentaries to know better than to get involved with this.
But he is still your friend so you take it upon yourself to be supportive and let him have his moment, while simultaneously letting him know you’ll be here for him if the day comes that he gets excommunicated.
“I love you and I am so happy for all you’ve gotten, especially when you share it with me, but I’m good, really. I’ll let you know if I ever change my mind”
That dropped the subject for a while.
That is until a few days ago when you lost your job.
Well actually when your job was stolen from underneath you by your boss's son.
All it took was one night of bitching to your best friend for the talks of satanism to start up again.
So here you were bored on a Wednesday night actually considering his offer to watch a black mass.
He texted back after a few minutes of no response on your part
It’s not like he’s ever going to let up, you might as well go see what all the hubbub was about.
After he picked you up, you made your way to the church.
More precisely the back alley with a hidden door. Not at all unsettling.
And the rain pelting down on the robe he gave you just adds a nice ominese touch to what you're sure is going to be a long night.
Now inside you sit in a pew in the back. While the choir above you sings as the others file in.
They actually sound pretty good if you’re being honest. Maybe on your way out you’ll pick up the album you saw for sale in the lobby (for $6.66 no less).
You haven’t been sitting more than 10 minutes before the mass begins.
And in that time Tyler roughly explained what you were about to see.
You weren’t paying too much attention though. More enamored with the atmosphere.
It was a sea of red cloaks and black pentagrams. And the thunder outside appeared to clap along in sync with the crescendo or the choir.
This place seems vastly different from the shabby collection of misfits you encountered when you visited the first time. Who spent most of the service complaining and handed you a stale donut on your way out the door.
“...Y/n are your listening?!”
“Hmm Yea”
“Yea the guy’s gonna sacrifice some ‘innocent soul’ say a few hail satans and voilà he gets his hair back and starts getting laid again” you answer back, waving him off. You’re more interested in watching two Satanists in the front of the room give each other the “sign of the cross” gesture in reverse order.
“This is serious, the things you see might shock you but you can not react! If they think you’re some sort of threat to our secrets or even just afraid of them, it won’t end well. I’m kind of taking a risk by bringing you here”
That brings your attention back to your friend.
“So you hound me for weeks to come with you, but I’m not even allowed to be here?” You ask back, starting to wonder why you actually said yes to this.
“Well yea, I just really want you to see what I’ve seen, I want what’s best for you”
That was actually really sweet of him.
Now you felt a little bad for making fun of this so much.
That is until you see a man in the next row pull out a flask with “unholy water” written on it and rub it on his chest like Vick’s.
But before you get the chance to ask Tyler where he keeps his flask(which you're certain he has). The choir stops singing and the Priestess has the room's attention.
Everything goes as Tyler explains at first.
The “sacrifices” are brought in in their underwear. (They couldn’t even keep their clothes on, what does the devil give them a level up if the victims are humiliated before they die?) and tonight's chosen one, Phil, is about to take his position, before you hear a voice behind you.
You turn your head to see an older woman rushing in, but it’s not her that steals your focus it’s who walks in behind her.
He is quite possibly the most attractive person you have ever seen. With cheekbones that could slice butter and soft blonde hair falling around icy blue eyes.
She says his name is Michael and this honor belongs to him.
You look over to Tyler to see what’s going on. He didn’t explain what part of the performance this was, was this some sort of second act surprise?
You were expecting this night to follow like a church service, watching Phil take his vows and minimal audience participation. Now you wonder if this is all rehearsed, or if the Satanist’s are partial to improv?
But Tyler pays you no mind, he can’t take his eyes off the blonde either.
It’s not until the Priestess mentions the “mark of the beast” and that he is the chosen one, that you get why Tyler is looking at him like he’s some sort of god.
Because to him he is, this guy is supposed to be the Antichrist.
Tyler says nothing only glances in your direction when he sees you’re the only one still standing, before he pulls you down to your knee like everyone else.
The rest of the performance is really top notch.
The flickering of the lights was a nice touch, but you can’t help but feel a little uneasy wondering how they keep getting the thunder to time up with everything they do.
Plus the bodies of the sacrifices fell to the ground almost too well.
How did they manage to get their bodies to look that lifeless, and why did those cuts look so deep?
But you try not to focus too much on it as you walk to the ceremonial Wednesday night potluck.
After the Antichrist has dismissed his followers from fawning all over him, you sit with Tyler at the end of the table and dig into your lasagna.
“So does the antichrist part happen at every sacrifice or is this one special? Is it some Satanic holiday I wasn’t aware of?” You ask, breaking Tyler out of whatever trance he appears to be stuck in.
“I gotta say the dramatics were very entertaining, but if you really wanted to get me here all you had to do was tell me the guy who plays the Antichrist is really hot” you snicker under your breath.
“Play? Y/n your don’t understand he IS the Antichrist” he explains in a hushed voice before continuing
“That doesn’t happen every time, he really has come. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Don’t you see?! I think it was fate you came here on this night!”
“Ha, why do you need a virgin to sacrifice or something?” You laugh and take another bite before you look over and see Tyler staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’re not serious are you?”
“Well yea, what’s the big deal, I didn’t realize you were so caught up on a social construct”
“I’m not, but you can’t say things like that around here” he looks around the room nervously and you follow his path of vision until your eyes land on Michael, who’s own gaze is locked on you.
There’s no way he heard you, you were across the room and you were whispering.
Still he continues to stare with eyes that speak only of intensity. No smile, no nod, no hint emotion whatsoever.
It’s only after you raise your brows and mouth a “What?” That he looks back down at his plate with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Oh Satan, I think he heard you. You should go” Tyler’s tone becoming more erratic by the second.
“What?” You’re sure he's joking, but when he looks at you there is nothing but worry in his eyes.
Now you’re starting to get nervous, this is too far.
He actually thinks these people are going to do something?
He’s practically shaking with fear, and because of the man in the turtleneck? Who barely knows how to hold a spoon?
Okay you’ll play along for tonight, but tomorrow you are having a serious talk, he might need professional help.
“Alright let's go then” you huff out as you start to grab your belongings.
“I can’t just leave, especially since our savior is here, but I’ll make sure everything is good and you’re not followed or anything”
“Okay, is there some sort of satanic shuttle bus that can take me home? Or should I call an Uber? Does this place have an address or should I just send them an inverted cross?”
Still unamused by your inability to grasp the gravity of the situation, he just shakes his head and hands you his keys.
“Here just take my car, I’ll get a ride later, in fact stay at my house incase you’re followed”
He’s basically pushing you out of your seat and nodding to the door.
“Okay...bye I guess”
And with that you take off down the hall.
You know you’re supposed to go straight to the car. You’ve never seen Tyler look so serious in his life.
But when you walk past the chapel you can’t help but stop. You can still see the bodies up at the altar.
Why are they still there? Was there a trap door you missed and these were just doubles?
Or were these people so committed to the role and as crazy as your friend that they had to stay in the character of “dead sacrifice” all night?
Curiosity got the better of you, the car could wait, you had to see for yourself.
Closer inspection did nothing to stifle your suspicions.
It looked so real.
They weren’t breathing, so there was no way they were still the two actors, but you had never seen fake bodies look so real.
You're reminded of an anatomy class you took last semester.
Those cadavers looked suspiciously close to these.
Just colder and with less life left in their faces.
And there was so much blood, the iron was thick in the air.
But that couldn’t be true. Your friend wouldn’t kill someone would he?
He didn’t actually think they would kill you?
If you got a closer look, if you just swiped some of the “blood” with your pointer finger it would surely taste like corn syrup and not like…
“Are you afraid?”
You whip your head around, blood still staining your finger and beginning to drip onto the linoleum. To see Michael walking in the same way he had an hour earlier. Only this time without the cloak, but with some newly added confidence.
“They’re really dead aren’t they?” You know it’s true, but you still wait for his confirmation.
“Yes, that tends to happen when you slice someone’s throat” He acts as if this shouldn’t be a shock to you. It didn’t shock any of the other members of the congregation. Yet you know without him saying it, that he’s well aware you’re not like the others. That you don’t belong here.
“So you really sacrifice people, just to get stuff” you blurt out. Still trying to wrap your head around the fact that everything you witnessed tonight was real. Perhaps you shouldn’t have taken that last crescent roll you’d seen another satanist eyeing at dinner, you definitely have a curse coming your way. That is if you live through the night.
“Well not me” Michael says, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
“Oh of course, you’re the one they do it for”
“Well my father more specifically”
“Does that upset you?” You know you should be more careful about how you proceed with this conversation, but the words leave your mouth before your mind can stop them.
The question seems to catch him by surprise as he ruffles his brow, you’re not sure if it’s in anger or just shock at your brazenness. But he doesn’t answer. Just goes on to question you.
“Have you ever witnessed a murder before?”
“How did you feel watching it before your eyes?”
“Well I didn’t feel much, considering I thought it was all fake” That earns you a smile from him.
“And how do you feel now?”
“Really? Not scared?”
“No. Why should I be?” You’re really digging your own grave here. But your mouth seems to have a mind of its own.
“It seems your friend would say otherwise”
“Ah so you did hear.” You say, seeing his smile grow wider. “These aren't the days of the Old Testament, virginity doesn’t equally purity. Just ask sacrifice number one over there, with a body like that I doubt she was a virgin” you laugh, partially at your joke and partially out of sheer uncomfortableness. Michael doesn’t even spare the bodies a glance, eyes latched onto you, you go on to add
“I’m no saint. Despite my sexual history, or lack thereof”
“No, I’m sure you’re not” he emphasizes by swiping some of the liquid from your finger with his own, before taking it into his mouth. Making a show of it by closing his eyes as he releases it from his lips, slow as molasses. Smiling when he opens his eyes and sees you’re practically drooling.
Before his little show can go any further, you continue with your own questions.
“Have you killed people before?”
“How many?”
“You don’t have the time”
He’s looking at you waiting for your response. Waiting for the shock to subside and the shrieks of terror to take over.
Instead you just pause thinking everything over.
You should be scared, you know you should.
In one night you have watched two people die, found out your friend is a murderer, and that the Antichrist is not only NOT a myth, but is standing in front of you, conversing with you like he’s nothing more than your new neighbor.
Yet you search and search in your mind for any hint of fear and come up empty. All you feel is curiosity. You must be losing it too, you feel bad for judging Tyler so harshly. Maybe it’s his youthful face and the little outburst in the dining hall earlier, but Michael seems like more than simply the ‘incarnation of evil’. He seems so...human.
And more than anything he just seems confused and dare you say, lost.
“Do you like killing people? Or do you do it because it’s expected?”
“It depends”
“Would you like to kill me?”
Now it’s his turn to take pause, looking like he’s trying to decide if he’s “in the mood” to take your life.
“Not right now”
You can’t help but laugh at that (yea you’re definitely in shock). Soon enough he joins in too, and the mood feels lighter than it has all night. You might even say you feel comfortable.
That is until the laughter subsides and you meet his eyes. He’s now staring at you with the same intensity you’d met earlier at dinner.
It’s like he’s looking right through you, into your soul. You feel on display and more than anything afraid of what he might find.
“Stop that”
“Stop what?” He says with a playful tone and a tilt of his head.
“You’re..well..I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t like it. You’re trying to get a read on me or something.”
He just smiles at that, because of course he does.
You know there is no avoiding playing into his hand. He wants to get a rise out of you, in one way or another.
“And what do yo-”
At the mention of your name you both turn to see Tyler standing in the doorway.
Antichrist or not, the look Michael gives him is enough to send a wave of fear up your spine.
He appears as though he’s about to snap his neck through just a look(and you're afraid to find out if he could).
Noticing his anger, Tyler stops and bows before Michael, apologizing incessantly for interrupting him.
You don’t miss the twitch of Michael’s lips. He’s clearly loving the effects he has on his followers.
You just roll your eyes at your friend.
“Calm down Tyler, get up”
He just let’s your words pass over him as if you hadn’t even spoken. If he hadn’t been the one to call your name a moment ago, you wouldn’t be sure he even knew you were in the room.
Every sense he had was aimed at Michael, and it was only when his precious dark lord gave him a nod that he got up and looked your way again.
“What are you doing? I thought you were going home?” He says through clenched teeth.
If he weren’t so worried about keeping you alive he would be pissed at you for not listening.
“I was. I am” you reassure him turning to Michael.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Michael, I’ll see myself out”
You are scurrying out of the room, grabbing a frozen Tyler and tugging him along with you, when Michael calls after you.
“No y/n, the pleasure was all mine.”
You’re at the end of the hall, and in the middle of Tyler’s scolding session, when you realize there is still blood on your finger.
It feels like it’s vibrating where Michael touched you, begging you to take notice.
Just wipe it on your jeans, you tell yourself.
Wait until you get to the car and find a napkin.
Do anything rational other than what you're thinking.
As you pass through the exit door, you cave and take a taste of the crimson on your finger.
Although you can’t see him, you know Michael is smiling. You can feel his smugness in the air around you and you're sure he knows what you just did.
This started out just as me wanting to make some jokes about Michael and the Satanists and has somehow turned into a multi-chapter fic. I still don’t really know where it’s going I’m just letting it take on a mind of it’s own. If it looks familiar it’s cuz it’s been on ao3 for a little bit now, so sorry it’s not a “new” new story! If you liked it that makes me very happy, and if not I hope it was at least entertaining! Either way thank you for reading!
(I wasn’t sure who wanted to be tagged just in my Xavier fic and who did in general so I didn’t add a tag list to this one)
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"... Till There's Absolutely Nothing Left!"
Monday 28th September 2020
Good evening everyone! Hope you've all had an enjoyable weekend! As of today I will back being up to date with my blog posts. I'm looking forward to seeing what this week of episodes have in store! Let's not waste any time and jump right into it!
Tonight's episode started with Max still looking for Ian, Max is wanting to get his hands on his money, he's already fuming at Ian for dodging him and ignoring him. Ian has come up with excuses upon excuses to Max for not being able to get his money to him urgently. As Max leaves after having a word with Kathy, Ian is seen peering behind the door-frame, as if he's been hiding from Max, which we know he is - he's avoiding him like the plaque! Ian is such a weasel isn't he? Why doesn't he just grow a pair and admit to Max the truth, it's only a matter of truth before all his secrets come out!
Meanwhile, Gray and Karen are catching up at the club. Karen informs Gray that Mitch is currently sleeping at the salon as he's not welcome at the house for having doubts about Gray. Gray tries to ask Karen not to act harshly on Mitch, as everyone is still grieving for Chantelle. Karen can't believe he's sticking up for the man who's basically accused him of murder, it's then she turns to him and says "You're such a good man!" ... the only thing my brain is saying is "If only you knew Karen, if only you knew!" Ooooo I can't wait for Gray to be found out, it's going to be SO good when he finally gets seen for the murderer he truly is!
Oh yes! At the hospital, Denise is still watching over her biological son, Raymond. Ellie seems to be surprised that Denise is back visiting him, as they chat she informs him that Raymond made it through the night and he seems to be slowly recovering. Denise is visibly relieved, Ellie also seems surprised by her reaction. -  I'm not 100% sure what to make of Ellie, it's been revealed she's going to be a type of villain? I have my speculations about this current storyline, I'm really excited to see where it's going to go, but something tells me it'll be a battle of who gets custody of the young child. I think, perhaps, Denise will try and get Phil on side - if she tells him everything she knows about the adoptive family passing away, Phil will probably do the right thing and help Denise get custody of her son. But how is Phil going to act when he learns about Ellie and what will she do to get in their way? - Ellie asks Denise if she'd still like to help out and Denise insists that she'd love to, she's instructed by Ellie to get some new pyjamas for the young boy, Denise is only willing to do whatever she can for the boy so she goes off without hesitation. As she leaves, Ellie looks really suspicious - why would Denise want to help? Is she just being a good Samaritan? Or is there more to it? (Oooo I can't wait to see when Ellie finds out who Denise actually is!)
At the club, Mick walks in on Frankie taking pictures of Ollie, at first it seems only friendly and as if she's doing no harm, of course Mick is a little suspicious as Frankie barely knows the child. But it's when he grabs the camera without her looking and takes a look at the photo's, he realises there are quite a lot of photo's of Ollie that she's taken, plus also ones of other family members. When Frankie realises, she makes the excuse that it's Street Art Photography that she's doing. Mick does seem very uncomfortable at the fact that he's been photographed without his knowledge, he asks Frankie is kind of polite way to not to post them on social media and maybe to delete the images, mainly because Linda would feel uncomfortable about it. Frankie promises to do as he asks, but surely his mind must be racing? Who is this girl and why is she taking photos of him and his family?! I've heard some kind of rumour that perhaps Frankie could be Mick's secret daughter, but I'm not 100% sure whether to believe it's true, I mean, it could be - but who knows?!
In the cafe, Stuart is visibly excited to be marrying Rainie, both Callum and Ben are watching on as he's happily smiling as he's having a conversation on the phone with his future wife. I thought it was cute, personally, after so long of being such a dark character, Stuart is finally getting some happiness - and I think he bloody deserves it, as does Rainie! As they're saying their goodbyes on the phone, Ben makes a silly comment to Callum "A tenner says this marriage doesn't last as long as this goodbye!" - It's lovely seeing Stuart all smiley! When he finishes the call and turns to the boys he starts talking about how weird it feels, him getting married and then Callum moving in to the Mitchell's, it's then Ben says that he'll be a Mitchell now he's living under their roof! It's funny as all these one liners comes out, I'm thinking to myself, he's pretty much there now after what he's doing to Phil! As Stuart leaves after reminding Callum of his Best Man duties, Ben again makes a comment of Callum and his Dad being best mates, it seems as if Callum comes clean to his boyfriend, he reveals that he and Phil have been chatting a lot recently, plus he reveals the big news about Phil offering him a job to work on the family firm side of things, Ben is clearly surprised and perhaps confused to hear this news.
In the laundrette, Kathy and Bobby are picking up their clothes from Linda, I just want to say that I absolutely loved the moment when Linda couldn't remember where she had stored their dry-cleaning - B for Beale or C for Cathy, only for it to be under K for the correct spelling of Kathy! I don't know why, I just thought it was brilliant! As she finds the clothes, she overhears Kathy and Bobby talking about Ian's money problems, Kathy informs Bobby that Ian needs this new contract otherwise he wont be able to pay Max back! Linda knows the situation regarding Max and his money, is she going to do the right thing and tell Max? He deserves to know what's happening and what's happened with his share of the restaurant. I kind of hope she does.
Back at Ruby's, Denise and Jack are catching up. He questions Denise on where she has been, she claims she's been shopping and the thing she bought she's planning on taking back anyway. Suddenly Jack's phone rings and he excuses himself to take the call, as he moves to one side, Denise watches as Phil makes his way into the club and sits by the bar. Will she tell him the truth about his son? Next minute, Isaac and Sheree are seen in the club corridor, they appear to be talking about Isaac's run in with his boss about the allegation of him using drugs, as they both walk in they see Denise on the other side of the club, and then Phil sat at the bar. Phil is the one to break the silence and makes a snide comment about him coming to see his dealer. Isaac isn't wanting to hear another word, it's only then that Denise gets involved in the conversation and reminds Phil that's he's not as innocent as he makes out, claiming he doesn't his granddaughter to be taught by a druggie, when he was addicted to crack a couple of years back. She basically insults the Mitchell family name, accusing them all of being criminals! Isaac, Sheree and Jack watch on in disbelief as Denise stands up to Phil! It's a pretty brilliant scene I have to say! Something tells me though that Denise is only doing this because of being reunited with her son, Raymond, who Phil just so happens to be the Father of. As she leaves the club, she appears to be holding a gift bag, we see that it's a set of boys pyjamas that Ellie asked her to buy for Raymond, she then suddenly decides to bin the clothes and walk away.
Back at the Mitchell household, Ben is looking like he's wanting answers from Callum, he wants to understand what his boyfriend has been asked to do. Then suddenly it clicks, he realises that Phil has asked Callum to perhaps get him inside information about what the police are looking for and what they might want. Ben can't understand why Callum would risk losing his job and his future if he was to do what Phil was asking him. He explains to his boyfriend that he is good and that is one of the reasons why he loves him. It's then that Phil walks in, Ben wants answers now! Why is he bringing his boyfriend into this? Why is he making Callum do dirty work? Phil explains to him plain and simple, it's good for business and he's part of the family now, which is why it will work! As Callum and Phil both leave the room, Ben is stunned!
Back at the Vic, Karen is drowning her sorrows in a pint when Kheerat walks in. She tells him not to even think about causing any more trouble, he tries to defend himself, whether it was right or wrong, he cared for Chantelle. He loved her. Karen asks him to picture Chantelle if she was to hear their conversation, she'd hate everything that was happening. Kheerat pauses for a second, thinking that actually what Karen is saying is true. He agrees, he apologises to her and promises not to say anything again and peacefully leaves her with her drink.
At the Beale's house, Ian is looking ready for his meeting, he greets Charmaine and welcomes her into his home. At first, she feels perhaps his house is a little bit unprofessional, as she's after a catering company, you'd think the restaurant would be a better place. Ian insists that she enters his living room where there appears to be a dining table very elegantly displayed with cutlery and dishes. It's then Ian introduces Bobby to Charmaine, and she is instantly aware of who he is. She reveals, much to Ian's surprise, that Bobby and herself had been emailing about a charity named The Lucy Beale Foundation, which Bobby has designed and created himself. Ian's shocked and his ears are ringing as Charmaine admits that Bobby had her reaching for her cheque book, he instructs Bobby to get themselves some food and invites him to join them both for lunch.
Meanwhile, back at the laundrette, Max is opening up to Linda, revealing that Jack is wanting to be a proper family with Denise and the kids, he's worried that Jack might end up asking him to move out. He reveals he's contemplating going to New Zealand to go and see Lauren and Louie, even promised little Abi that he'd take her, once Ian returns his money to him. As Max is revealing all this to Linda she can't help but look guilty, she tells him not to get the little girl's hopes up. Instantly, that doesn't sit right with Max, why would she say such a thing? Why would Abi be disappointed? He moves in on Linda and can see that she's hiding something, he asks her why she's looking so guilty, she backed into a corner, she can't let him think everything is okay when truthfully it's not, she lets out a sigh - will she tell him what she knows?!
Back at the Beale's, Bobby is talking confidently to Charmaine, explaining how much he had to rebuild his life and how much he wanted to focus on turning such a tragic event in his life, to potentially something positive. Charmaine is truly touched by Bobby's honesty and asks whether Ian will match her donation to the charity, Ian insists he will but turns the whole subject back on to the catering contract. She says that she can see how much it means to him, it's then that Ian starts to take advantage of Bobby's idea and - I don't know whether you guys think so too - but does he actually lie saying he's doing it to honour Lucy?! Or is he just playing at her heartstrings just so she'll sign on the dotted line?! Bobby is clearly annoyed with his Father for making such a claim, just then Max storms in - (Linda has told him everything then!) - Max storms in on their meeting and bellows to Ian that he knows he's been lied to for weeks, he's stolen his share of the restaurant, his life savings and he wants them back!!
Back to Denise, we can she's on the phone to Ellie, explaining that something has come up regarding the little boy's pyjamas. Suddenly, Jack walks in on her phone call and she hangs up almost immediately. Jack is already realising that something isn't right with Denise, he asks who it was that she was talking to on the phone, but she brushes it off saying it wasn't important. It's then Jack is asking her for answers, asking why she let rip on Phil earlier in the club, she explains she was trying to stick up for Isaac. Jack informs her that that is not their fight and they don't need to get involved. Denise apologises and reassures him that there is no need for her to speak to or even go near Phil Mitchell ever again!
Meanwhile, back at the Beale's - Max is keeping quiet as Charmaine apologises to Ian and states that she can't do business with him after what has been revealed. Once again, Ian is trying to worm his way out of the situation, telling her that him and Max had an informal loan arrangement in which the terms have been disputed. Max isn't having anymore of Ian's lies! As Charmaine leaves, he reveals he knows about him using his money to buy the Vic! Max instructs him to sell the pub so he can get his money back - I don't know whether you guys noticed, but as Max and Ian are arguing, Bobby is seen counting under his breath, quite tensely squeezing or pinching the side of his arm - is this a coping mechanism? Can he not handle confrontation and big arguments at the scene of where his sister died? Max almost goes lashing out at Ian, as he does so, Bobby shouts at them to stop fighting! Ian tries to calm the situation, he explains to Max that they will find a solution, but not in this current situation where everyone is shouting to have their say.
I'm not 100% sure where Mick and Linda are staying right now? To me it looks like Kush's old apartment, or it could be Ted's old apartment? Who knows? I know I'm wrong, so if anyone could shed some light on where Mick and Linda are currently living, I'd appreciate it! Anyway, Linda admits to Mick about telling Max everything she knows about Ian buying Sharon the Vic with Max's money. He jokingly calls her a "Grass!". As they both get comfortable on the sofa, Mick opens up about his concerns about Frankie taking photos of Ollie. He explains to her that she had taken pictures of the family from a distance, he tells her that Frankie told him it was art, but should they be worried? Linda seems pretty unfazed, she suggests that that is what teenagers are like nowadays, taking pictures of people and things and calling them art. Which, to be fair, is kind of true?! It's clear to tell that Mick is unsure, only time will tell exactly what Frankie's obsession with Ollie and the Carter family will be.
The final scene of tonight's episode, I feel was an absolutely brilliant one! Ian walks into the Queen Vic cellar and realises the light isn't working. As he goes to grab some alcohol, we can see Max lurking in the shadows. He softly speaks to Ian and slowly approaches him, now Bobby isn't around they can carry on their conversation from earlier on. Ian is now finally backed into a corner as Max gets closer. Ian proposes to pay Max back in instalments, at first Max sees that as an insults, why would he agree to that?! But then Ian confesses, it's the only way he'll be able to pay him back the full amount. Max looks to floor, nods and agrees to the arrangement, but he gives Ian one final warning, if he missing any payment, then he will come for him!!!
I think it's finally about time that Ian got what was coming to him, let's just hope he'll be able to pay Max back every penny. What do we think tomorrow's episode will have in store?! I hope you enjoy this post and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening. I'll be back tomorrow folks! Goodnight! xXx
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kariachi · 4 years
We are finishing! Season! 3!! Today is Roundabout day. Season finale, I’m finally gonna be something approaching up-to-date, at least with regards to Kevin, who is the only thing that matters
I’m just going to preemptively say Fuck the Forever Knight sideways with a pineapple
That house looks like something out Dexter’s Lab, if Dexter had been into shoddy constructionwork.
Goddamnit! Think of your neighbors before you build shit that fails that explosively in your garage!
Billings. I should’ve fucking guessed. Your constructionwork sucks and you suck.
Did that man just take a break to build a lightsaber? Stay on track, Billings!
Ben vanished and Max and Gwen had to turn to Phil, those poor two, they don’t deserve this.
(btw is case you haven’t picked up on it, I still don’t trust Phil further than I could throw him. He spent four series being a sack of shit and now suddenly he’s a good guy? I think not.)
Don’t go in there, that machinery looks like it could collapse at any moment!
Max acknowledges the ‘hunk of junk’, does not acknowledge that it’s a danger to everyone and thing within 60 ft of the damn house. We had a pumphouse in better shape that wasn’t half the size and we had it torn down as a safety hazard
“Sure brings back memories though, right Max?“ I’m with Gwen, wtf does that mean?
Max is hiding shit, of course he is. Is it Plumber shit? Immortal shit? He and Phil used to be supervillains shit? Who the fuck knows
“Ever since Ben fought Vilgax, I’ve been tracking the Omnitrix to further study it’s abilities.“ Because that’s not suspicious at all. Especially given who else has been tracking the Omnitrix and it’s bearer for a good while now
(am I saying Phil has ties to the FN? No, I’m just not not saying it)
Yes Phil, many machines work like that, most with any sort’ve radio or wifi whatever do, which we already knew the Omnitrix had by the time Ben fought Vilgax because that’s how the fucker tracked it down. You didn’t find out shit, you’re just taking credit for information that was handed to you on a plate.
Okay, this map on this show is a disaster, but I’m going to estimate Ben is in the Germany/Austria/Switzerland region. But anything could be true given this is the least accurate to real life Europe map I’ve ever seen as far as landmasses
Okay, Phil says Switzerland, I say we head to Austria.
Max he’s already grounded.
Also who the fuck is calling? And why does Phil ‘I’m tracking the Omnitrix’ Billings still have a landline? You’re in the suburbs, man, are you even legally allowed a landline?
Oh look, we cut to the FN, or at least one of his stupid jets. More openly evil than Bezos
Oh my gods that is the smallest round table I’ve ever seen! And if way too big a space that’s clearly not even set up for it! FN you fucking loser!
Okay though, okay, backing up, entering ‘pick at details mode’. The table looks like it’s set to seat eight and it already has at least six. Counting out the FN we have, going clockwise- Kevin, then Vin, then Charmcaster, Billy, and what is probably Simon though if it is I will have to slowly kill a bitch. So, I gotta say, smart move putting Vin between Kevin and Charm, because if those two were next to or across from each other it would probably be unsafe for everybody. Having Vin in particular in that spot is smart because 1) he’s managed some sort’ve management of Kevin before (which is better than FN has managed even if it didn’t last) and 2) he’s bigger than both of them put together so Kevin would have to go through or around him to get at Charm’s throat.
But, on Vin in particular- what the fuck dude?! You get into the evilest looking vehicle in the show so far, owned and run by a creepy adult corporate nasty, see a bunch of kids are involved, why the fuck are you and the children still here? This better get touched on because if you’re actually okay with this set-up you are not half the man I thought you were
If Kwarrel were here the FN already would’ve had his gear wrecked and been thrown out the jet, woulda happened as soon as he saw even one of the children “Why are there kids here?“ “They’re your coworkers“ and out the jet he’d go
Charmcaster, unimpressed
Seats to either side of the FN are empty
And because there is no adult in existence with any of the skills the children have, apparently.
Kevin, also unimpressed and glaring off in the direction of Vin and Charm, presumably at Charm specifically
Oh gods, Vin’s special skill is ‘loyalty’ what the fuck is he a digidestined?! Although I guess when you’ve specifically gone out and gathered up the children least likely to do a single thing you say the way you want it done...
Charmcaster’s spells, if she can manage to cast any decent ones without a copy of Shel Silverstein involved
Billy’s skill is money. Bitch you own three major franchises you do not need the 10-yo for his money. The most dumbass golddigging attempt I’ve ever seen, and I watched OV!
Also nobody is impressed so far. Nobody.
Okay 1) they gave Simon a helmet and he is adorable. 2) I am going to kill every adult in that room. Painfully.
Kwarrel wouldn’t stand for this!
oh my gods Simon is too damn precious how did I not like him in his premiere?
Oh look, it’s a Ben. Welcome to the cesspit, Tennyson
Kevin, not fucking having it
Simon is happy though
“What are you thinking?! He’s obviously gonna betray us the first chance he gets!“ Kevin talking sense. He watches tv, he knows how this goes.
Honestly even without the betrayal risk, you wouldn’t be able to blame Kevin for not wanting Ben involved here. They’ve got the same skill set, as far as FN is concerned, and Kev already very clearly has issues about being seen as the lesser option, which FN has previously played into.
Vin trying to talk sense, it’s not working especially because I’m still angry with you
Kevin demanding Ben’s reasons for being here.
Ben’s reasons being ‘because my family thinks I’m the boy who cried FN’
“Why should we trust you?“ “Because Grandpa and Gwen don’t.“ “What? What does that even mean?!“ Kevin looks about this close to throwing in the towel and quitting right here and now. ‘Fuckit, I’m leaving and replacing you all with a rat’
FN stopping shit before it gets too out of hand
And we cut back to the Tennysons with still no sign from Vin that he has any problem with kids being involved in this mess
“We’ve been tracking the Forever Knight’s movements over the last few months“ “Who is ‘we’?“ “Best to just focus on the task at hand, Gwen“ Max pls
‘We came to the conclusion he was recruiting some sort’ve team’ what was your first clue?
Phil made Gwen a magical girl armor transformation.
Gwen is Pleased. Also dangerous.
The fuck sorta ugly-ass building is that? Did they hire a weaverbird to build it, what the hell?
Kevin, continuing to be a little shit, as per the norm
I’ll admit, I appreciate the transformation sequences if just because they’re nothing special enough for me to note and so it takes seconds off the time I have to liveblog. It adds up when you’re stopping to type every few seconds.
Ben pls
Ben- runs in to intimidate researchers into giving them access to whatever Billy- already got his father to pay the people to let them in
Again, may I say, the FN has money. He doesn’t need Billy’s! He has his own! He’s just cheap!
Kevin is just gonna spend the whole of part I giving Ben shit
The fuck we looking at
It is becoming more and more blatant that the FN got Simon here by inviting him to a fake birthday party and have I mentioned I want this man to smolder down to ash?
Time portal. We’re constructing a time portal. If this is Paradox’s premiere I’m cancelling this damn series. We can try again when people learn to fuck off on the time travel plots (they’ve been done well three times and all of them were in Pern books)
He is having Kevin and Ben construct a time portal. Together. Kevin does not look impressed by his coworker.
1) Ben you’ve been the dweeb forever. 2) Finally somebody on this show acknowledges Kevin’s mullet. 3) I’m with Kevin on the ‘let’s see if he can keep up’ thing, given one of them built an Omnitrix and the other I’d be surprised to see set the time on a vcr
“You’re the one with a mullet!“ “Yep.“ Oh gods! Oh damn! The fact he just looks so damn smug as he says it, like ‘you can’t get under my skin about things I’m actually cool with’, this little disaster! And Ben just looks like he’s gonna punch him. Are we sure they didn’t swap bodies prior to this or something?
FN starts pulling the ‘you will do as I say’ and that’s when Kevin starts getting prickly. Of course it is. Again, this is why I keep giving him rankers, do you really wanna see how long a Weyr would last if he was on a chromatic?
These boys today. Ben is just itching for a fight and Kevin is... The change between Kevin before the FN threatens to start putting them in their positions his own damn self and after is very pronounced. One he’s being a little shit and enjoying it, the other he’s very... I’m really not sure how to word it, distanced maybe? Like he emotionally stepped back from the situation
Simon you precious little bean, put a happy birthday sign and some balloons on a piece of machinery. And a little party hat.
Billy was not prepared for Simon. He doesn’t deserve Simon.
Well, Gwen is infiltrating shit at the fucking 6 minute mark, which is a shame because I was hoping to have more of her and the adults doing their thing so we could get some more interactions between the child antagonists.
This child
And of course she ends up in the vent right above the lab the others are working in, it’s not like we’ve got another episode and a half to fill.
Seriously, I love her, but I was really looking forward to seeing more of the dynamic between the characters that are already present in the lab and adding her changes the odds there. If they’d waited another fur minutes with her I’d have been good, but this feels too early and is setting my hackles up that they’re going to throw a load of Gwevin into what was shaping up to be a full marks episode so far
1) Yes Gwen, wtf are they doing, 2) I see everyone but Kevin and Ben so wtf is going on there?
Well, she seems to be leaving to regroup with the adults, so there’s hope there
“Watch wearers“ I’m gonna throw that man off something tall
Ooo, Ben’s been promoted to ‘Loser-son’ and also might be losing his nerve? Either that or the just ran out of ways to shoot back at Kevin verbally.
Rush and XLR8
Boys both going at 456 mph through a fucking tube
‘You boys are gonna have to hit 888 miles an hour’ Vin, have you considered fucking right the hell off? Has the FN? I’m with the boys that’s fucking insane
They pass each other in the tube and Kevin finds the energy to still joke on Ben, because some things just matter
SImon and Billy get distracted from doing their jobs by Simon drawing a picture of them and Ben in which Billy is taller than Ben. Billy is pleased. Simon is precious.
Ya kniw what I need? I need a fic where this time/space portal opens up and UAF/OV Kevin tumbles out, judges the shoddy construction, and then fucking handles this mess. I don’t know what FN wants, but I’m fairly certain a bigger, meaner, stronger, more violent Kevin is not it. And so it would please me.
When there is enough speed and lasers going around to cause earthquakes
Gwen has successfully let the rest of her team into the Weaverbird Nest
Gwen that is not a shortcut that is a vent. A vertical vent.
Charmcaster magicking up a portal, for extra specialness
So she stabilized the rift and also made FN a fuckign space/time cuff.
Simon got to her, she’s in a party hat
This child really needs to stop talking like she’s the fairy that blesses/curses the king in a 90s fantasy film
“I will only require on of you to accompany me into the rift. It’s your time, Ben.“ Fucking welp.
Everyone except Ben, Kevin, and the FN has a party hat
Kevin, baby, this is not safe or fun let somebody else go do not let your well-battered pride and your issues get your hurt or worse
“I’m sick of him getting everything when I’m obviously better!” My son. My dearest son. My precious child.
“Are you questioning me?“ Said in the most intimidating voice FN can manage and all I can think is, dude, how long have you been working with this child? Did you not actually meet him in all that time? Was he dealing with a body double. Did you think opening a rift in space and time would somehow change the fundamental aspects of his being that resonate throughout every Kevin that has ever been?
“The grease child is right!“ Okay, it’s official, somebody needs to find Kevin a shower and some soap
Kevin and Billy all for kicking Ben’s ass
And then Charm joins in the fun, because why not
“All this pettiness proves that Ben is worth more than all of you combined“ I’m gonna kill ‘im.
Charmcaster just looks defeated at that line. Like, honest to fuck, stick a fork in her, she’s done.
Kevin, on the other hand, doesn’t, not even a bit. He is straight up trembling with his anger. Or hurt? Both most likely, though I think the anger is in the lead.
Billy, meanwhile, looks shocked and angry at being called out like this.
And Simon looks just straight shocked.
And no response shown from Vin.
Ben, no, this is a very bad idea.
And we cut to the old folk and Gwen.
Welp, looks like everyone is all together
The ‘good’ news is half the children really wanna hit something right now. Especially Kevin.
‘Take out the Tennysons to prove your worth’ Welp
And there our hero goes with our Big Bad
I think we’ve hit part II and it only took like 3.5 hours. I’m gonna be a while longer I think.
Ancient Egyptians telling ancient Egyptian bad jokes
Gotta give the show one thing- at least it’s Egyptians are black
Also too drunk to be impressed by two weirdos stepping out a glowing purple portal. I can’t even roll my eyes because somebody needed to laugh at the FN
Ben: Unimpressed by FN’s taste in vacation spots
FN is using Ben to track alien attempts to contact Earth. The first of which was here, apparently.
Also this adds a whole new level of jackass to his behavior towards the other kids, given he could’ve very easily and truthfully pointed out that he needs a feature on the Omnitrix that Kevin’s watch presumably doesn’t have, but instead used the whole thing as an opportunity to tear the other kids down further. tl;dr: I cannot wait to see him become reboot!Kev’s first kill
We want to prevent the alien contact. Why? Who the fuck knows. Who the fuck cares. I want to stop him just out of spite.
And so we learn that he wants to get rid of all Omnitrixs so that he can take over Earth. Wonder how that would play out with regards to Kevin’s watch though. Because his didn’t come from space, to my knowledge we don’t know where it came from. Fuck, it could be contact from another dimension that lead to it (I mean, you saw OG!Kevin, whose to say Reboot!Kevin doesn’t also have some serious weirdness going on there that, combined with the fact his house has two radio towers in the backyard, that could lead to him getting messages from other dimensions like that). tl;dr: If FN succeeded, would that just lead to him having to worry about a Kevin he can’t use Ben against, rather than Ben himself?
‘Forever Nut’ that’s a good one, nice job Ben!
‘Forever Losers’ Ben’s on a roll
Ben out to kick this man’s ass
“I’m too powerful“ I really wanna drop OG!Kevin on this dude, I really do. Or fuck, can you picture him vs Kevin 11k? He’d be drawn and quartered, possibly eaten, within a minute and a half.
Well, there goes the Sphinx
Timed out and still raring to go
FN comes all the way out to ancient Egypt to stop aliens making contact, turns out they didn’t even do it
Kidnapping the child
Back to the present day, in the lab, with the fighting about to begin
Charmcaster and Kevin v Gwen. Charmcaster is already smug. Kevin, meanwhile, is offering her the chance to back down and not get hurt. Which, for Kevin, is pretty nice.
Billy and Simon v Phil. Is certainly a thing, but nothing interesting
Vin v Max. Both using the concept of ‘family’ against each other. Forklift v forklift. I wish I was surprised.
FN and Ben are in renaissance Italy now. Florence specifically.
Ben: I will stop you! FN: Kid I already kicked your ass. Ben: Well you’re gonna have to do it again!
Oh look, it’s the descendants of those two guys from ancient Egypt. It’s nice to see that their friendship has carried down through the ages.
“Serve your leader” has that worked on any of the people you nabbed? Besides maybe Vin? Because I’m fairly certain if you called yourself Kevin or Billy’s ‘leader’ to their faces they’d come at you harder than Ben is
FN, so far you have gone to two places and times, neither of which was where aliens made contact. Have you considered, quite possibly, that the problem is you?
You know Kevin is in a foul mood when he’s down to destroy Gwen.
Gwen, trying to give the ‘FN is a using pos’ realization to at least Kevin
Charmcaster interrupting her and also do you really think you of all people are the one who should be trying to bolster Kevin’s confidence? I mean, your history with him is enslavement and reading his private poetry to a crowd. You should be glad he’s not going after you.
Vin v Max, moved on to segway racing. And slapfights.
...small Phil and Max. By which I mean like, late teens. Apparently this is the third ‘alien contact’ option. Also Phil built that deathtrap as a teenager and he’s living in his parents’ old place. That is an old-ass suburbs given we don’t know how the fuck old these two are
Oh for fuck’s sake, have you considered getting a fucking hobby Forever Bitch? Take up scrapbooking or something, get into Minecraft
We’ve still got 7 minutes btw. We’re going faster in this half, but we’ve still got a third of the episode to go
Ben Shockrocking it up
Vin vs Max take 3- racing matchbox cars
Max decides to have a conversation with Vin, find out why he’s working with FN despite the latter being about as pleasant as a rabid zombie skunk in your pillow.
...1) Vin has a child. 2) That child is grown. 3) That child is a lawyer (congratulations Mr. Vin’s Kid) 4) Between said lawyer child moving on with their life and LaMoron being a dick Vin was lonely so he joined up.
“This is the closest thing to a family I have now“ One would think the fact you have a child would say otherwise, but if the fact that you seem to be totally fine with a bunch of kids being drug into this mess, including a 6-yo, says anything about your parenting then I’m not really surprised.
Max offers to let him become a Tennyson, which, if the family reunion episode is anything to go by, he may already be
Max and Vin are friends now. Phil is still being pursued by children. And Charm and Kev are still trying to take Gwen out.
“Once I finish you off, Forever Knight will easily choose me over Tennyson“ Oh Billy no... Have I mentioned I really wanna kill hat man? Painfully?
Simon is about to obliterate a man for the chance at being best friends with Billy. I would be even more concerned if he wasn’t FUCKING SIX-YEARS-OLD, VIN
Phil is going to survive via appealing to Simon’s inner and outer juice-loving six-yo
Welp. Sorry Billy.
Ooo, Gwen almost blasted Charm before Kevin deflected it, good job son!
“Kevin finish her off“ Bitch you finish her off
“Why? All we were supposed to do is keep everyone away from the portal.“ My son talking sense and also notably sticking only to orders. Out of spite, because he wants to, because the last time he tried to bend orders the FN nearly killed him? (and do any of the others know that that’s a risk I wonder, that if the FN doesn’t feel you’re doing your job ‘right’ he’ll decide to just off you)
“You’re soft“ You’re the one that wanted him to do the dirty part, Charm
Charm tries to kill Gwen and Kevin just fucking, shatters her amulet in retaliation.
Charmcaster: This is why you’ll never be Forever Knight’s right hand! Kevin: I handle things my way.
I love my child.
Kevin literally just used his last second before timing out to vine Charmcaster to the ceiling
That moment when you have a crush but hate that you have it, I recognize the look. Been there.
“Well yeah, I’m not a monster.“ On the topic of saving Gwen. My precious child
Gwen: *heading for portal to figure out what’s going on* Kevin: *heading for the portal because he’s got revenge to take*
Somebody needs to kick FN’s ass. And then eat him. Slowly. Painfully.
FN damn near killed Ben before Kevin fucking saved his life! Literally, man was gonna strike Ben down!
“I’m here for that ungrateful tin can!“ Yesss!!! My son!! Kick his ass!
Gwen is helping!
“You wanna know why I didn’t choose you? It’s because you’re just a cheap Tennyson knock-off.“ .....
..........this motherfucker gotta go
Ben joins the fray!
“Cheap knock-off, huh?“ I, for one, am proud to be here for my son’s first kill
FD does not get to stop alien contact because he’s being dogpiled by a bunch of pissed-off preteens. Good.
The children got a hold of FD’s portal control. Gwen is gonna be working portals, Kevin is on ‘keep the FD from killing Ben’ duty. This was his decision. Which says a lot about how he feels about the FD
Kevin, looking for some sort’ve explanation for the fact FD is a dick and will always be a dick, because this is what abused children do
“I was the best fighter you had.“ “You were only a useless pawn.“ “I’m nobody’s pawn!“ My son
Battle in the rift
FD demands Kevin hand over the Tennysons “and make yourself for once“. Gwen is concerned he may do it when I believe anyone who can read facial expressions and/or a room knows who he’s growling at
“Kevin, think about this, you’re not a bad guy!“ “See, that’s where you’re wrong“ At which point Kevin lets go of the Tennysons and fucking dives at Forever Dipshit
Kevin sacrifices himself to take out FD and what’s Ben’s reaction? “Kevin, no! I’m the cool one!“
These fucking children.
“And Kevin steals the spotlight again“ “You really wanna be trapped in the past?“ “Alright, I’ll let him have this one“
Glad to see Ben recalling the tale. Glad to see he’s still grounded. Gwen is Good. Fuck off Vin.
1) the portal is still open 2) FD’s helmet came through it. Whether that’s because Kevin threw it through it as he beat the living hell out of him remains to be seen
And season 3 is over.
11/11, because my son fucking deserves it no matter what else goes on
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The Look in Her Eyes- Chapter 9
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***While on a case, Dean and Sam meet a beautiful woman, Ava. She makes a large impression on the brothers, and ends up convincing them to take her on the road with them. It isn’t long before the shared experience, car rides, motel rooms, and risky cases pushes Ava and Dean together in an unlikely story of love, family, fate, and friendship. ***
Chapter Nine, Tonight
The four of us were cramped in Bobby's car. Dean sat in the back with me and Sam sat up front, claiming the back seat was hard for his long legs. I guess he didn't listen to me after all. I had my bare feet up in the seat, and I was braiding and unbraiding my hair over and over again, trying not to stare at Dean. Which was hard, considering he was only wearing that white T-shirt. Droplets If sweat were on his neck, making his skin glisten.
"So what's the plan when we get to town?" I asked, leaning forward, ripping my eyes from the muscles on the back of Deans neck that connected in to his shoulders, under that thin cotton shirt.
"We will do our suits routine." Sam said, "interview the locals."
"Fake FBI agents?" I asked, eyeing Dean. "Like the shit you pulled on me?"
"Works most of the time." He grunted, avoiding my gaze.
"Great. I have practice being, ya know, actual law enforcement."
"I think you, and I will be doing research, kid." Bobby said from the front seat. "We don't need all four of us surveying the town."
"So, why do I have to be on research?"
"The boys are good at what they do, and I'll need help hitting the books"
I laughed. "I found Dean out in under ten minutes, no offense." I said eyeing Dean.
"Yeah, well most locals we meet aren't like you." Dean said smoothly, almost sounding annoyed.
"Thank god for that or this car would be pretty full." I snapped, moving my feet back to the floor board. "I just don't want to be benched, because you're all afraid I'm going to get hurt."
Sam glanced back at me. "We aren't benching you. Someone has to do the research, and usually it's me. It's important to know what we are up against."
"I thought we knew..."
"We assume." Bobby said. "But we don't know. We need to know how the Vic's are connected. You're good at putting the pieces together. That's why I want you to research."
I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "Fine. You got it."
I could feel Deans eyes on me, but when I turned he was looking out the window, too, still snapping the band on his wrist.
We pulled up to the motel. "I booked you a single." Bobby said with a grunt, tossing me my key card. "I assume that's how you've been traveling."
"Yup." Dean, Sam, and I said at once.
"I'll bring my stuff inside." I added, clearing my throat.
"I'll meet you in a minute and we can start in." Bobby said with a nod.
When Ava was out of sight Bobby turned to me. "What were you two thinking?"
I groaned and shook my head. "Come on, Bobby. What do you want us to do, throw her out?"
"No you idgit. You're stuck with her now, but I swear if something happens to her I'll kill ya."
"Trust me, Bobby, if something happens to her I'll let you." I said seriously.
Sam and I made our way to our room and I fell back onto my bed with a groan. From me and the old mattress.
"Want to talk about it now?"
I didn't bother looking at Sam. I closed my eyes. "No, Dr Phil. I don't want to talk about it."
"Well then get up. We have a case to work."
"You're a thorn in my side, Sammy."
"Yeah, yeah."
We got into our suits. I tied my tie, buttoned my sleeves, and strapped myself in. The real Dean camouflaged into Agent Jacob Sampson with the FBI.
Sammy and I decided to go to the morgue first.
We held up our badges. "I'm Agent Sampson, and this is Agent Rogers. We are here investigating the deaths of Rob Thompson and Ali Becker."
"The FBI is interested in an animal attack?"
"Could be a part of a fighting ring." I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Man, in this town?"
"Can we just see the bodies." Sam said giving me a look.
The coroner slid out the trays, and sure enough their hearts were missing. Their bodies torn at as if by an animal. "Is there anything else suspicious about the case?"
"Other than their hearts being eaten?" The coroner asked.
"A simple no would do it pal." I said annoyed. "Come on, let's go."
We pushed out of the morgue. "Definitely our kind of thing." I told Sam.
"Sure looks like it."
We crossed the street back to the Impala. We had lost valuable daylight getting stuck, and waiting for Bobby. It was getting close to feeding time. I dialed Bobby's number. "Hey bobby. This is definitely our thing. Do you have anything connecting the victims?"
"Other than them being dog chow, not much."
"Great. We will look around. Call if you find anything."
"Nothing?" Sam asked.
"Nada. Let's go ask some locals."
"Which is Dean for visit a bar?"
I shrugged. "I could use beer."
Sam laughed. "Just one, we are working."
"We are always working, Sammy."
We pushed through the front door of the bar and sat at the bar rail.
The busty blonde bartender leaned over and smiled brightly at me. "Hey, cutie. What can I get you?"
"That's Agent cutie." I said, flashing my badge.
"What can I do for you Agent?" She asked, pushing her cleavage together with her arms.
"You can start by covering that up." I frowned, gesturing to her exposed chest.
"Sorry." She said standing up.
"We are wondering about these people. Have you seen them around here?" I asked, laying out the images of the victims.
"Actually, yeah." She said picking them up. "They were regulars here. I don't understand, though, I already talked to the police about this."
Sam and I exchanged a look.
"Because they were found out back?" She asked, looking between us. "That's why you're asking, right?"
"Right." Sam said with a grunt. "Let's go check it out." He whispered to me.
I nodded and we stood. "Thanks for your time."
We walked toward the back exit of the bar. "What was the deal with you asking her to cover up?"
I looked at him. "She shouldn't be half naked serving drinks." I shrugged. "It's unsanitary."
"I've seen you have a girl grab money out of your mouth with her boobs, Dean. I don't think that's ever been a problem before now."
"I'm getting older, Sam. I can't risk herpies like I used to."
"Uh huh."
We pushed through the back door, causing a ding.
The back alley looked, and smelled like a regular back alley. Dumpster, rats, the whole nine. "Anything look suspicious to you?"
Sam was crouching. "No." He frowned. "I don't remember the article saying they were found here. Do you?"
I turned and squinted into the darkness. "No. I don't." I turned to see a flash of blonde before pain, and darkness.
Bobby had left an hour ago, saying he needed to check out a lead since Dean and Sam weren't answering. I was laying on my stomach clicking through the victims social media. I sat up and pulled the laptop into my lap when I saw that they both had a mutual friend. Holly Barnes. She was Rob's ex and Ali's friend. It was pretty obvious that Ali and Rob we're together. Every picture of them together was kissing. Except for one of the three of them, but in that photo Holly looked enraged. Her hands were fists at her side despite the fake smile plastered on her face.
"Looks like a motive to me, and hearts? Could be symbolic." I took out my phone and rang Bobby. It rang five times before rolling to voicemail, I tried Sam and Dean with the same result. "Come on, boys. Where are you?"
I exhaled and slid into my shoes and coat and headed to Blue, the bar Holly worked at. I pushed through the door and looked around the room for the slutty blonde. If she was a wolf she would be changing at any time, the moon was high in the sky. My silver knife, and gun felt cool against my bare skin.
She was nowhere in sight. “Excuse me." I said, waving down the bartender. "I'm a classmate of Holly's, and I was supposed to pick up my half of our project. Is she here?"
He shook his head. "She was sick so she left a few hours ago."
"Do you have her address? I'd love to drop by and get the homework. We will fail if we don't get it completed."
"Sure thing." He said, and he scribbled it on a napkin.
"Thanks!" I said, taking the address an putting it in my pocket.
I jogged out the back door and immediately noticed the droplets of blood near the dumpster. "Damn it, boys." I said, before running to Hollys house Thankfully it was only a few blocks away, and I was still in pretty good shape from working on the force.
The house was small, and I didn't see any lights on, but part of me knew they were there. I circled the house and stopped at the storm shelter in the back corner of the yard. Bingo. I jogged over to it, watching my back. The yard seemed empty, quiet.
There was a light coming through the cracks in the door. I crouched down and listened for any kind of sound. No one was talking. That's either good or bad. They're either alone, or they're dead.
I pulled a bobby-pin out of my hair, and after a minute the lock on the doors clicked open. I opened the door and slowly descended the stairs, taking care for the creaks.
They were definitely alone down there. The three tied in opposite corners of the room. Bobby and Dean were knocked out, but Sam looked like he was gaining consciousness.
"Sam." I said, going to him. I cut through his rope restraints, and tried to pull him back awake. "Hey, good morning.” I smiled at him, hoping to keep him from panicking.
He blinked a few times. "Ava."
"Hey big guy, we have to hurry." I said patting his cheeks. “Can you get Bobby? I'll cut Dean loose." I handed him my extra silver knife.
"Yeah." He nodded standing. "Ava it's the bartender." He said quietly, weakly.
"I know."
He went to Bobby and started to untie him. I went to Dean. I cut his hands and feet free and patted his cheeks. "Dean." I said, my face close to his. "Dean wake up." His eyes fluttered a little. "Come on, wake up." His eyes opened slowly, but he looked groggy, his eyes glazed over.
"Am I dead?" He mumbled.
"No. You're fine. I'm here to save your ass. You and the boys club." I grinned. His eyes fluttered again, like he was about to pass out. "Nope. Get up." I pulled on his arm, flinging it over my shoulder. "Guess it's my turn to stay up all night with you."
Bobby stood up, able to shake off his sleep pretty quickly. "Let's get out of here." He said.
"Not so fast." A voice said from the top of the stairs.
"Holly." I said looking up at the blonde. I looked to Sam for help with Dean. "You did it because she hurt you, right?" I asked, trying to stall.
"You don't understand." She said slowly walking down the stairs.
"I might." I grabbed for the gun in the elastic of my jeans.
"The two people I loved most in the world betrayed me. We were supposed to be together and he left me for her."
"So you turned and you killed them."
"I didn't mean to, not really. My wolf must've felt the hate." She held her chest.
"So why did you kidnap them?" I gestured to the guys.
"He basically called me a slut." She pointed past me to Dean, slumped against Sam.
"Doesn't sounds like him."
"People can surprise you, trust me. Killing him will do you a favor."
"I can't let you do that." I said, resting my finger on the trigger, ready to pull it on her if she moved.
"It's not really up to you." She said with a growl, lunging forward off the stairs. In a second I pulled my gun up and shot. She landed, limp at my feet. She died instantly there, blood coming out of her mouth.
“Good shot, kid.” Bobby said quietly, his mouth hanging open.
Sam looked to Bobby. "Let's get rid of the body." Then he turned to me. "Can you manage to get him back to the motel? We can meet you there."
"Sure, can you guys help me get him to the street? I'll call a cab." I said, sliding myself under him. "Dean." I whispered.
Sam took his other side and we got him to the street and into a cab. His head rested on my shoulder as we got back to the motel.
"He drank too much?" The cabby asked, eyeing him.
"Something like that." I said, handing the cab driver some cash. "Come on, Dean." I said, pulling him along with some difficulty. I was strong, but he was over two hundred pounds of dead weight, making my shoulder scream out in pain.
He groaned and opened his eyes. He was awake, but obviously foggy. He continued to lean on me until we reached my room. I realized I didn't have his key and I wasn't about to search through his pockets while he was so unstable. I helped him sit on my bed and I sat next to him. "How're you doing?" I asked him, shining my flash light in his eyes. His pupils were responsive. That was a good sign.
"Ow." He complained, waving my light away.
"You're like a drunk girl." I complained.
"You are a girl." He countered.
"What gave it away?"
"You're pretty."
I smiled and rolled my eyes. "I wish you were more with it. It'd be nice to rub in this save."
"I am with it." He whispered. "You're just pretty. Thought you should know."
I stood up and took a beer from the fridge, avoiding his heavy eyes. I could feel heat roll up my neck and onto my cheek bones.
"Where'd she get you?"
He patted the back of his head, and I pressed the cold bottle to it. He winced but nodded. "Thanks."
I crouched in front of him, resting my hands on his knees. "I saved your life."
"You did."
"Don't ever underestimate me again." I stood, pushing off of his knees. I grabbed another beer and opened it. I took a drink.
I looked back at him after a moment. "Why didn't you go for Holly? From what I understand it isn't like you to turn down a busty blonde."
He shrugged. "I guess I just want more."
"Hm." I said, finishing the beer. I cracked open another, eyeing him.
"Do you ever feel like the world is screwed up?"
"Daily." I said.
"Ava, I.." he stood and started to fall, I reached out to grab him, but ended up shoving him back down. I came down with him. His weight was heavy on me, and his lips were near my face causing my heart rate to raise rapidly.
"Dean! You're crushing me." I said, gasping.
He propped himself up, still hovering over me. "Sorry." He breathed. His head slumped a bit before meeting my eyes. "It hurts, ya know."
"Yeah." I said, touching his head. "She knocked you good."
"Not that." He sighed. "Being this close to you and knowing I can't kiss you."
"I know you don't want me to talk about it, but when I was tied up in there. Before she hit me again I just kept thinking I may never see you again, and I couldn't think of a shittier way to die."
"You don't even know me." I whispered, cupping his face.
"Maybe, but I want to know more."
"This is just the head trauma, isn't it?"
"You tell me."
I bit my lip.
"You're so cute when you do that." He groaned. "It's torture, you know? Being around you. Everything you do is just so... fucking cute."
My nose winkled in annoyance, and I shoved him off of me by his chest, causing him to land on his back on the mattress. "There you go again! Treating me like a little helpless girl. I just saved your ass, ya know!" I stood up, poking his chest.
"I didn't say you were helpless. I said you were cute." He propped himself up on his elbows. "You are. You're also smart, daring, and unbelievably sexy, Ava." He drawled our the word sexy, and then my name rolled off his tongue like it was meant to be there. Holy shit.
"And what if it is a fever dream?"
He sat up all the way. "Then we can forget about it when we wake up."
"You say it like it'll be easy."
"It won't. But one night is better than nothing. If you want it."
I bit my lip again. I definitely wanted it. "Until the sun comes up, Winchester. Then things are back to normal. No more flirting. No more fighting. No more keeping me off cases." I walked to him.
"I like it when you're bossy." He said with a grin. He seemed to be feeling better.
"Shut up." I said resting my palm on his chest.
"Yes mam." He said pulling his arms up. He cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine. I melted into him, my lips parting, allowing his tongue to touch mine. He moved his hands from my face, and ran them down my back, gripping my thighs and ass in his hands. I groaned against him and I felt his mouth turn up into a smile. His hands slid into my shirt, feeling over my stomach and around to the skin on my back. His fingers were like electricity.
He kissed from my lips on my jaw, and down my neck. He nibbled against my skin but not enough to leave any marks. There would be no breaking our rules. I tugged at his shirt and he lifted his arms so I could pull it off of him. I pulled my face back to examine his chest. He had a tattoo, a circle with a pentagram design in the center. It was surrounded by deep black flames. I touched it with gentle fingers.
"It's so I won't get possessed." He explained.
He was strong. It was obvious by the muscles that rippled below his skin. By the scars that littered his chest. From cuts and bullets he won in battle. I reached forward to press my lips against them. He shivered against my lips and I smiled.
He ran his fingers along the hem of my shirt, and pulled it up and over my head. "You're beautiful." He commented, taking in my body.
"You've seen me before." I said shyly, thinking back to him pulling my stitches out.
"I was being respectful then." He said with a devilish grin.
My heart fluttered at the idea of him being disrespectful. My stomach was doing flip flops.
He pulled me against him and with one flick my bra was loose around my breasts, hanging. I wiggle out of it and pressed my bare chest against his. He pulled me closer, needing me as much as I needed him.
The job was exhausting, it was painful, terrifying. I got the feeling that he's been lonely for a long time. Not tonight. I can break my rule for tonight.
He flipped me over and hovered over me, taking everything in. I wanted to feel self conscious, but there was nothing but desire and adoration in his eyes. He kissed from my lips down my chest, and stomach. He unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down.
I eyed him, and he grinned unbuckling his own pants. We were on equal ground he climbed on top of me our bodies touching. He reached a hand out and brushed a hair out of my face. "Thanks for saving my life."
"Ditto." I said with a smile.
"You're not gonna thank Sam like this are you?"
I pursed my lips. "Are you?"
"Let's stop talking about Sam."
"Good idea." I said with a smile, bringing his lips back to mine.
I knew it was a bad idea. It could mess up everything. It probably would, but his hands and lips on my skin made me feel more alive than I'd felt in a long time.
My back arched as his hand slid under the black lace. He chucked low. He was unbelievably sexy. He rolled my underwear away and tossed his next to mine. I opened my eyes, and I knew in that moment that he would never hurt me. I could see it in his eyes. He was a killer. He fought monsters, shot first and asked questions later, but he was gentle, too. The people they love die. Bobby's words echoed in my head. Love.
"Come back to planet earth." He whispered in my ear. "You're here with me." He smiled, and leaned into my lips. Our lips pressed together tenderly. It was slow, and gentle. Not what you'd expect from Dean Winchester. I opened my eyes and nodded to him. He put his hand under the small of my back, arching me upwards as he slid into me.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and stared into his eyes. I knew we could fight it all we wanted, but something changed between us. It was more than sex. It was more than the threat of death. Maybe it didn't have a name, or maybe I just wasn't ready to say it out loud yet.
"Dean." I whispered, pressing my forehead to his.
"Ava." He whispered back.
He cut me off with a kiss, not letting me set fire to our moment. He was right, after all. One night was better than nothing.
Chapter Ten, Family
Get caught up!
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iammarylastar · 6 years
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3. Back to the U.S.
I’m dead. After I’ve travelled more than half of the world, I’ve finally reached Washington. So much wasted time which had kept me away from Angie, more than 10 fucking months. It already took me forever to heal from my wounds and be able to walk again. Thanks to the help and good care of Mikomi.
Hope. That’s what her name meant. That’s what she gave me. That’s what helped me to stay alive, what gave me the strength to go on, along with the sweet memories of Angie’s face.
Hope is exactly what left me as I put my feet on the ground. Sacred ground of United States of America. The land that bore me. And Angie. Maybe my child if I’m lucky.
I left Mikomi and her dad, on a fishing boat heading to China. Not really, in those times of war, Japanese and Chinese were like cats and dogs. I’m already lucky I landed on that tiny island where Sensei and his people lived like in the 17th century, they even don’t have electricity. They live in their own world, far from the war.
The ship’s master kicked me out on a Chinese island in the middle of nowhere in the East China Sea, then I sailed from tiny islands to tiny islands until I reached China.
I managed to find a cargo ship heading to America. U.S.A. Read on my lips: U.S.A. My Japanese was quite decent, but my Chinese totally non-existent and I I swear when I found out I’d landed in California, I cried my eyes out. Fucking fate.
My original plan was to land somewhere on the East Coast, then ride a train, a bike or a fucking horse to Washington, where I could gather clues to find out what had happened to Angie. Or Jessie. I was even ready to face Gessepp again if he was back in the Mother land and beg him on my knees, even kiss his bloody ass to know where she lived.
I ’d rather ask the War Department which was supposed to have all the slightest information available about that damn war, all the shit about our base included.
I struggled so much to make myself understood on that Chinese pier, unable to even write U.S.A. with current letters, those damn Chinese hieroglyphs still totally unknown to me. My face lightened at the sweet and weird sound, rolling off that Asian’ s tongue:
“America? Yes, there!” OK, he didn’t really say that, but enthusiastically nodded his head, pointing at a big ship. My tired brain was so relieved and happy that it assumed the boat was heading to the East Coast. Fuck. Me.
San Francisco was beautiful though but I didn’t have time for tourism. I had to survive, find a job to have money, clothes and somewhere to sleep. I did dirty jobs, exhausting physical works; I was alternatively a beggar, a cow boy, a farm hand, a thief, whatever I could do to earn my keep. Keep going. Keep walking. Keep dreaming of Angie and my baby. I made my way across the country, heading East by foot, sometimes hitchhiking, sneaking into a freight train when I was lucky. I never rested, I never stopped, until I finally reached Washington.
Now, I’m losing my nerves at the War Dept, South East Asia sector office, biting my lips bloody as the bitch in front of me repeats her shit for the umpteenth time.
“I’m sorry, but it’s classified as…”
“ I don’t give a fuck about classified! I risked my goddamn life in Japan to save your bloody American ass, I’ve travelled the whole country by foot to be here, so just give me the fucking answer I need! Where is She?? ”
She startles as I slam violently my palm on the desk, marking each word I’m barking so I’m sure she fucking gets the point. I’m aware the whole hall turns silent and feel a thousand sets of eyes stabbing my back but I don’t care. I keep staring at her with a murderous glare, leaning half my upper body over the desk, pointing a threatening forefinger to her face.
I’ve wasted a whole week, getting sent from offices to offices, from stupid to haughty or suspicious secretaries, claiming I had no appointment, no military ID, no reason to be here.
Fuck me I have all the reasons to be here. I have one. I lost the love of my life and my survival, the only chance I get to have her back, depends on you, bitch! But all I’ve earned by now are closed doors and mouths.
Oh, I forgot, one smart ass asked me if I was a deserter, another told me that I could be stamped “fit for duty” if I couldn’t submit any evidence of a “serious injury”. I laughed so hard she almost sent me to an insane asylum.
The truth is there’s nothing to be happy about. Angelina McCarthy just doesn’t exist in their files, all that’s Colonel Gessepp related is marked secret. Mac, Louie, Phil and myself are MIA, assumés KIA, end of story.
“Sir, I’m asking you to step back and calm down or I’ll call the security guards.” The frightened bitch barely whispers, swallowing hard. Jesus I wish she would choke on her spit.
Two shadows appear behind my back and I feel defeated, I know that being thrown to jail is not the best option to get Angie back.
“OK…” I drop my head and lean my hands on the desk for a second, waiting for the weakness in my knees and the bile rising in my throat to pass.
“FUCK!” I grip and pull on my hair as I howl in frustration, kicking out the chair I was supposed to sit on.
I told you I’m dead. This is the end of the road. No hope left. I could knock at every single door across the whole country, asking for Angie, looking for her but I’m so tired. I just want to lie down on the ground, curl up like a baby and sleep for the next 50 years.
“CUP! CUUUP!” A scream. A call. A female voice. I turn around to the sound, terrified by what I’m about to face. Who I am about to face. That’s not Angie’s voice, I’m sure of it, though her voice could have changed, by dint of cries.
My sight is still blurry with tears and rage, but a woman is running towards me, calling my name out loud.
I have no choice but let the hysterical stranger jump on me, kiss my face and hug me, her face widened in shock that I was back from the dead. Which I actually am.
“Oh Jesus, Cup, is it really you?” She asks between cries, patting my cheeks and shoulders.
I know that voice. I know those hands. Stop crying on my chest so I can see your face. I gently pull the woman back to study her face. I lost some parts of my life because of the crash, but not her. Debrah.
“Step back guys. It’s OK. He’s with me.” She orders to the guards who surround us, waving her ID card that proved she works here.
“ Cup, what the fuck happened to you? We all thought you were dead.”
“Yeah, I thought it myself. But I survived. But tell me, please Deb, tell me about Angie. Is she safe? Does she live here in America?”
“Come with me. We need to talk. We need a drink. You need to know.” She states, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside.
It was a long talk. A fucking long disaster. I wish I haven’t survive just to hear this. And the dozen of cups of coffee I downed hasn’t helped me to calm my nerves.
“ We all waited for your plane to come back. Everything was ready for the wedding. Angie has been waiting for you in her wedding dress for hours. All eyes scrutinized the skies until dark. Past midnight, we lost hope. It’s been too long. You were supposed to be back around 5, and for the first hours, it was still OK. You never know how long a mission could last. The crowd started to leave but I stayed with her. And Mac and Phil’s girlfriends. Then it was done. The other pilots stated you should be lost, crashed, that at this time the plane was out of gas anyway.”
“ Two engines died, there was no chance to fly back. I don’t know what happened to the others.” I explain.
“ There must be survivors, the lifeboat was found few days later. Empty. I’m sorry Cup.”
As sad as I feel knowing that my bros were likely dead, there’s only one life I want to hear about.
“Gessepp showed up on the tarmac and dismissed everyone, yelling the party was over. He summoned Angie to go home but she didn’t budge. She has stood up there, clung to her bride’s bouquet for 3 days. She never cried.” “ She broke down the morning of the third day, dissolved in tears. Jessica came to bring her home and she has disappeared for weeks. I tried to visit her, despite my fear of the Colonel, but nobody answered at the door. Marla managed to have some news but they were so bad. As expected, she was devastated. She stopped talking, stopped eating and was just waiting to die of grief.”
As Debrah goes on speaking, I feel my chest tightening, my heart crying as bad as my eyes. Angie, my love letting herself starve, willing to die. No. Please no.
“After a month, the doc forced her to the hospital. That’s where they found out… Oh Cup, how could I tell you?” Debrah wipes her tears and grabs my hands.
“She was pregnant, wasn’t she?” I knew it from the beginning, I knew about my baby girl. Oh fuck, a month of starvation and grief should have killed them both.
“Yes, how do you know about that?” I can’t answer but try a shy smile. I felt it. I knew.
“She was so weak but the baby made it. She decided to live for that. To have your baby, so you would be alive somehow. We were just a few in the secret, she made me swear to never tell anyone.”
My face lightens at the news, but Debrah bursts into more tears and tries to speak between sobs and cries.
“ She resumed eating and gained weight back. It was hard without you but she managed to smile, laughed sometimes. She was on her second trimester when… When…”
“What? Fuck Deb, what happened?” I’m losing my mind. I know it’s bad, I know the story will end with my baby… gone but I need to hear it from her mouth.
She covers her face with her palms, leaving mines naked and cold.
“ She started to show and… Gessepp… he found out she was pregnant. He lost his shit and turned furious. It was Sunday, we were having a picnic after the office. He barged in in the meadow next to the church, totally enraged, calling her a whore and all that shit, saying you lied and fucked her before marriage. He was screaming like a damned maniac, and…” Her cries increase and she has to gasp for air before she’s able to speak again.
“He beat her up, Jesus, he couldn’t stop yelling and kicking her belly. Some guys tried to intervene and protect Angie but he threatened them to death, yelling he was a fucking Colonel and that nobody could get in his way without paying the consequences.”
Tell me about it. That’s exactly what he said to me that day he almost killed Angie at the café. And I cowardly stayed still and denied my love for her. I’m biting my lips so hard I taste my own blood.
“He even told the pastor to go fuck himself. He grasped Angie and dragged her through the meadow, leaving all the church members in shock.”
OK. I got it. Stop it there. I don’t want to hear what’s next. My jaws are clenched, my fist balled so tightly my nails are piercing my palms. But she keeps talking.
“The next day, knowing that Gessepp had a meeting with the Defense Staff, we went to his home. Jess opened the door, she’s been beaten up too. We brought them both to the Army hospital, begging the docs to keep them safe from him. But at night, he arrived, enraged like a bull, hit some nurses and tried to choke Angie. It took 3 docs to snatch Angie from his claws and finally a nurse stabbed a hypo in his thigh which knlcked him out for a while.”
Hearing that motherfucker was out comforts me just a bit. I would have given anything to be there and finish him off. But I’m still worried to death about Angie. And Jessie. And little Abi.
“What happened next nearly blow up the whole base. The case got back to the top of Gessepp’s hierarchy. The docs testified, Angie and Jess testified, we all did. Gessepp couldn’t remain unpunished for what he’s done. He got arrested and impeached for his indecent behaviour, ashamed and kicked out of the Corps of the Army. All of us who testified were held incommunicado and offered a job at home, that’s how I ended up in Washington.”
Jesus. I’ve held my breath for too long. I need a break, I need a drink, but above all I need to know more about Angie. I rub my face vigorously, then scratch my beard, giving Debrah some time to gather herself.
“And the baby?” I whisper.
“Cup, honey, I’m so sorry. I don’t know. Angie and Jess left within the week. Back to the States, but nobody knows where exactly, to keep them safe from Gessepp. All I know is that she had to stay in hospital, she suffered bad bleeding… Oh Cup don’t hate me for telling you all that.”
“The military Court suggested Jessica to ask for divorce and the full custody of Abigail, which she accepted. They provided adequate resources for her and Abi, for damages and official apologizes for letting Gessepp act with complete impunity for too long. Me and the girls at the office made false certificates so Angie could benefit widow’s pension, making sure she would be free for rant.”
Jesus all that shit makes me want to puck out.
“Think Cup, think. I’m sure she’s somewhere waiting for you. You guys are made for each other. We became close friends after you… vanished. She talked to me. She loves you Cup, she’ll never stop, baby or not.”
I shake my head no and drop it between my hands. I’m too devastated to think, too tired to keep hope.
Debrah moves to sit next to me and gently grabs my chin and lifts it up to search my gaze.
“Honey, I know what’s like to be crazy about you. I was not the one for you, but Angie is your soulmate. You know it. Promise me to find her.”
I finally look up at her, we dated for a while when she worked in the base. She was pretty disappointed when I broke up for another chick. I now realize what prick I’d been.
“I’m sorry Deb. Sorry if I hurt you.”
“Nah it’s good. I found a good guy to forget you. I got married last year.” She smiles heartily. “ You deserve to be happy. With her. You know her by heart. If you were her, where would you settle down? Did she have any family? Friends? Relatives?”
“No. Nobody. She had just Jessie and Abi. And me.”
Poor me. I’ve never felt so alone. You know, like the entire world thinks you’re dead and you’re not but you have no chance to spread the news. Debrah is basically the only human being who knows about me. And that’s freaking terrifying. My fingers are fidgeting on their own, rubbing circles on the tattoo on my wrist. Mikomi. Hope. I swore I wouldn’t give up, so think Cup, think.
“Did you plan to live somewhere? I’m pretty sure you talked about what you’d want to do when the war ends.”
I stiffen, yes we did talk about it. Our dreams, on our first date.
She wanted to be a teacher. I planned to go back home, to take over the family business. The farm where I grew up.
Fuck me. I jump out of my chair, ready to sprint my final stretch.
I’m back, Alabama.
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Second Thoughts || Phan
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/410757529-phan-one-shots-~-second-thoughts
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Second Thoughts
Words: 8382
Summary: Dan's dared to date Jessica Lester. However to do so, he needs to befriend her brother and be approved by him.
"It's pointless mate - she might like your mug but she doesn't date anyone unless her brother approves. He has a 'good guy' radar or something." Joe snickered at Dan who stared at Jessica Lester as she walked by. She was the most beautiful girl in school with her long strawberry blond hair, porcelain skin and bewitching blue eyes. Her curves prominent as she swayed.
"Give it up Howell." Derek chuckled, "You'd never bag a girl like her." Dan turned round and glared at his friends. Well, he said his friends - more like the assholes who were in the 'popular' clique that he happened to be a part of. Putting up with them at least got him a lot of positive attention and no endless line of girls. He liked the attention, liked being popular. However he did miss having a real friend; the closest person to that description was his neighbour Louise but she went to a different school.
"I could so." Dan rose to challenge - ego flaring. "And I'm not going to get just any girl like her, I'm going to get her." Dan smirked. He was an idiot - but he always found himself doing stupid things to remain on his popular pedestal. It earned him respect ... something Dan could do without if his ego was anything to go by.
"Yeah right." Sam grinned and stuffed his lunch in his mouth.
"You'll see. All I have to do is be friends with this Lester guy right? It's easy." Dan boasted although he was panicking a little inside. Why did he always dig himself into these messes?
"Alright but if you haven't bagged her by the end of the month you owe me ten quid." Joe smirked.
Dan was an idiot.
Dan bit his lip, staring at the back of Phil Lester's head. How the hell could he spark a possible friendship without being too obvious with his intentions? He frowned as he tried to figure out a plan. The lesson was nearly over and Dan was frustrated with his lack of ideas. He felt like a failure by the time the bell rang and was already thinking of the smug expression on Joe's face when he forked over ten pounds.
He eyed Phil as he left, noticing how Jessica joined him in leaving the classroom - clearly they were close so he couldn't chance offending Phil in any way when he finally got Jessica. "Mr Howell." The teacher drawled as he was about to leave. Dan stiffened before gritting his teeth and turning towards the maths teacher - Mr Archer. Dan had the daunting suspicion that this was about his grades - he'd been slacking off because of all the parties he'd been invited to. Honestly he'd rather stay in bed and watch anime but he could never let his friends know. They'd class him as one of those hentai weirdos. Besides, Dan had an image to uphold and going to parties was cool.
"Yes sir?" Dan asked with a false smile.
"I don't think you should be smiling young man. We both know what this is about. You should spend less time socialising and more time studying. Exams are coming up y'know. I suggest you get a tutor or risk failing your exam." The teacher spoke sharply and Dan felt a sinking in his gut. Despite his popular-boy image he really did care about his grades. He didn't let anyone know but he was the top in English - it was his strongest subject and he hoped to pursue it in university. Once high school was over he didn't need to worry about labels anymore - he could be his normal anime loving self.
"Yes sir." Dan muttered before trudging out of the room. Well his day got ten times worse. He'd have to cut down on the parties. Dan gave a huff before an idea struck him. Phil was smart right? He grinned. "Thank you Mr Archer." Dan whispered to himself before hurrying to his next class.
Fortunately he shared that with Phil as well. He waited impatiently for the hour to pass until the bell rang again. He almost jumped out of his seat. He waited as a few of his friends were having a conversation with him. Just before Phil was about to leave Dan tapped his shoulder, feeling a little nervous. The boy turned round and Dan was struck for a moment - most of the time he saw the back of his head and wasn't prepared for the similarities he and his sister had. He had the bright blue eyes and porcelain skin - not to mention the natural smile that seemed to rest on their pink lips. However instead of strawberry blond a black fringe adorned his head which was a stark contrast to his skin like ink on snow. Dan was momentarily speechless; he had never admitted it to anyone other than Louise, but he was bi and Phil was definitely ticking all the boxes for his male type. Dan quickly shook that thought away. He may have been attractive but Jessica was like an angel - pure and beautiful.
"H-hi." Dan found himself blurting and internally groaned as he stumbled back to normality.
Phil continued to smile, a hint of curiosity behind his eyes. "Can I help?"
"Uh, yes you can actually." Dan began, finding his confidence once more and smiling charmingly at the boy. "Basically my grades have been a bit lacking in maths recently - which was brought to my attention by the ever charming Archer who politely suggested that I get my shit together and find a tutor." Dan explained and Phil chuckled a little at Dan's tone. "So, basically, with a slight loss of dignity, I'm asking if you'd help me." Dan asked and bit his lip. He would have had to kiss Jessica goodbye if Phil said no - trying again would only make the boy suspicious. He probably wouldn't be allowed to kiss Jessica goodbye now that he thought about it. Phil'd probably kick him in the nuts.
Phil clicked his tongue, thinking it over. Dan found a bit of desperation leaking through his eyes; he honestly couldn't stand Joe's gloating. A loss of ten quid wasn't anything to celebrate either. "Alright, but if we're doing this we're doing it properly. No being a dick, no blowing me off for parties and I don't want any shit from your asshole friends ok?" Phil laid out the rules and Dan felt an anxiousness wash over him. Phil knew about Dan and his friends; he was a lot more cautious than he predicted. Dan would have to tiptoe on eggshells to lower Phil's guard - especially within a month.
"Aye, aye captain." Dan found himself replying with a smirk. Phil just smiled.
"Alright, we'll start tomorrow after school. We can go to mine as Jessica has volley ball practice and my parents are working." Phil suggested - more like commanded.
"Sounds peachy." Dan grinned cheekily and Phil shook his head lightly before turning to leave. He got two steps before turning round again. "We should probably exchange numbers so I can schedule our sessions." Phil added.
"Kinky." Dan found himself saying with a grin before internally panicking. Oh god did he just let his flirty bisexual side out a little there? God he needed to get a handle on that quick or Phil could get the wrong idea.
Phil looked a little surprised at his comment but laughed anyway. "Well, give me your phone then." Dan found himself fumbling about his skinny jean pockets until he clumsily handed it over. He needed to get a fucking grip. Phil typed in his number and created a contact before swiftly handing it back. "If you don't text me before tomorrow afternoon then I'm not tutoring you, I don't have time for trouble." Phil warned, staring right into Dan's eyes. Dan swallowed, did he actually feel ... intimidated? Phil did have a bit more muscle than him - specifically in his arms and shoulders ... jesus his shoulders ... focus Dan!
"Don't worry about it." Dan assured and finally Phil was gone. Dan stood alone in silence for a moment, trying to comprehend his actions from the previous conversation. "I need a slap." he sighed to himself before leaving the classroom.
"You're late." Phil raised an eyebrow. Dan furrowed his brows.
"By five minutes." He pouted.
"You're still late." Phil smirked. Dan rolled his eyes in response - was Phil going to be one of those strict teacher types? Dan felt a curl of frustration in his gut at the thought of holding back around him. He naturally liked to challenge people and hated the thought of censoring himself.
"Who are you, the time police?" Dan snorted before internally cursing. He was supposed to make Phil like him, not insult him. Although, he doubted anyone would really call it an insult. Dan was cautious though - he needed to leave a good impression.
"No, Time Lord actually." Phil smirked and started walking towards his car, expecting Dan to follow.
"More like a Judoon with that nose." Dan muttered under his breath. However Phil turned back to him with wide eyes. Crap.
"Excuse me?" Phil laughed in shock.
"Hm?" Dan played dumb, internally cursing himself once again for not holding back on the retaliation.
"I'd make a crack about how bad of an insult that was but honestly I'm too shocked that someone like you actually watches Doctor Who." Phil smirked. Dan felt oddly offended.
"Someone like me?" Dan asked and watched as Phil slid into the drivers seat. He jumped into the passenger before repeating, "Someone like me?"
Phil giggled. "Yeah." Dan scowled, just who did he think he was?
"And what exactly am I like?" Dan asked as Phil turned the key in the ignition.
"Oh you know ... popular ..." Dan couldn't argue with that. "... pompous ... arrogant ... egotistical, proud, petty, vain." Dan's jaw dropped.
"I beg your pardon?" Dan spluttered. Making friends seemed like a goal out of reach at this point. Phil only chuckled again. Dan opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. He let his frustration leak through, "I am not petty or arrogant or pompous ... and I don't see how that makes me someone who wouldn't enjoy Doctor Who." Dan ranted.
Phil's lips quirked, "Touché, I apologise if my stereotypes wounded you." Dan was about to retort but held his tongue. Patience Dan, you're here to make friends not enemies.
"I am wounded." Dan pouted instead.
"Aw I'm sorry." Phil grinned brightly - his expression seemed to contradict his apology. Dan felt blinded - god he was like a ray of sunshine. How the hell was he supposed to be mad at someone like that? Dan flushed at his thoughts.
"Mhm." Dan hummed before staring out the window. God Dan just act normal. You need to get on his good side not act like a fool.
A few minutes passed by with comfortable silence until Phil spoke up again. "I am actually sorry. I don't usually stereotype. I'd hate if someone did that to me." Dan turned to see a more serious expression on Phil's face. Dan didn't like it, he preferred Phil's happy face.
He smiled despite himself, "It's honestly fine Phil. I get why you think that way." Dan sighed, feeling a stab of self deprecation in his gut. Sometimes he hated who he was - most of the time he liked being popular - there were nights however where he wanted to tear through the polished skin of high school douche bag and be the anime loving sexually ambiguous nerd he truly was. He pushed the feeling down - he didn't need to start feeling insecure in front of Phil. They hardly knew each other and Dan didn't feel like revealing his inner demons so early into the friendship.
"Well I believe in getting to know the person before judging them, I guess it just slipped out." Phil continued.
"What all those words just slipped out one after another. I dunno you sounded pretty sure to me." Dan teased.
"Shut up." Phil smiled softly before turning into his driveway. It wasn't long until they were in the door, up the stairs and approaching Phil's room. Dan was tempted to ask when Jessica would be home but knew it would only arouse suspicion. Soon they were in Phil's room and Dan paused in the doorway, taking in the onslaught of colour. Posters covered almost every inch of wall, faded blue peeking through the cracks.
Dan felt excitement swell in his chest when he spotted the 'Origin of Symmetry' and 'The Resistance' posters above his bed. "You like Muse?!" He found himself blurting before he could process this information. Almost everyone he knew at school had no idea who they were - too obsessed with the mainstream crap looping the charts. He'd tried to engage Louise in his obsession but she just didn't share his absolute adoration for the band and Matt Bellamy's glorious vocal range.
"Duh, they're my favourite band." Phil beamed and Dan felt a jolt in his chest. Dammit I can't not like him now. He tried to tone down his inner fanboy.
"Yeah they're cool I guess." Dan tried to pass off and Phil chuckled again. Dan was a little annoyed with how he could see right through him. "Anyway." Dan coughed, subtly admiring the other bands and TV shows that adorned his walls. God dammit does he have no faults? Dan pondered.
"Let's jump right in. Get your maths notes out." Phil instructed, settling comfortably in his desk chair. Dan sat on the bed.
He went to reach for his bag then paused. "Oh ... um ..." Dan started, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks. Phil raised an eyebrow. "I um ... I don't have my notes ..." Dan admitted sheepishly. Phil stared at him incredulously, trying to process Dan's idiocy.
"You don't ... what?" Phil frowned. "Why the hell don't you have your maths notes for a maths tutoring?" Phil asked, confusion clear. Dan felt his body get hotter in embarrassment.
"W-we didn't have maths today, I didn't pack it." Dan tried to defend himself.
"Unbelievable." Phil shook his head before tossing his notes to Dan. "You can use them this time but please don't forget them again." Phil chuckled.
"Thanks." Dan muttered, trying to calm his red complexion.
"Okay, let's start with surds..."
"Uuuuuuuuuuugh." Dan groaned - textbook squashing his face. He was done with Maths - absolutely completely fucking done. He didn't give a shit if he failed the exam - his brain couldn't cope.
"Hush up cry baby." Phil chuckled from his desk chair. This had been happening all week - three days of tutoring and fractions and algebra and vectors and AAAAAAAAAH. Dan thought he'd explode; he was so sick of numbers he felt ill whenever he saw them.
"Can we please take a break?" Dan pleaded weakly, textbook sliding off his face as he turned to look at Phil.
"It's only been half an hour." Phil scoffed.
"Yeah out of 10 hours this week!" Dan nearly shrieked in protest. He could hardly process in class and felt tired from the evenings with Phil and his damn Algebra.
"More like 2 hours, you get distracted too easily." Phil muttered.
"Oh I'm sorry we spent the whole time talking about more interesting things!" Dan huffed, sitting up and crossing his arms at the other boy.
"I'm here to tutor you not chat with you." Phil countered.
"Sorry if I thought friends actually talked to each other." Dan snorted before pausing. Oops, had he really let that slip? Wasn't that being pushy? Shit shit shit.
"We're friends?" Phil asked with a smirk and Dan felt himself flush. Crap - he doesn't want to be friends - it was all for nothing and now he had a math-induced headache. What a waste of fucking time, honestly. He'd really liked talking about his interests too! Ungrateful Lester who didn't appreciate his efforts.
Instead of voicing these thoughts he stuttered, "W-well I-I dunno, m-maybe I thought- but maybe not I-I guess we're not- I just assumed 'cause w-we'd been talking- but whatever forget it." Shoot me and my god damn bumbling mouth. Dan thought bitterly.
Phil giggled - breaking Dan out of his depressed bubble. Honestly the guy didn't have to laugh - how could he have a 'nice guy' radar when he was such a douche? "I was just kidding Dan. I'm just a little surprised you'd label us that way after knowing each other only a few days. Then again that might be me stereotyping you again. So sorry ... again ... I guess." Phil finished sheepishly.
I take it back. He's not a douche. Dan found himself smiling. He hadn't failed; he felt so happy. He shouldn't feel that happy - it was just a step on the ladder leading to Jessica. He had enjoyed speaking to Phil though ... and they had tons in common. Come to think of it he hadn't acted like his 'normal' self like he had in school. If anything he was a completely different person around Phil which wasn't good. Being friends was good, sure, but for Phil to have so much power and blackmail over him wasn't wise when he was trying to get with his sister for admittedly selfish purposes. God Dan really was a shitty person.
"Dumbass, stop embarrassing me." Dan mumbled and Phil only grinned. Stop grinning at me you're doing weird things to my chest. And he was - Dan had noticed it every time Phil smiled or got excited with him over something; they hadn't reached Dan's anime fanboy material yet as that was one thing he was determined to keep under lock and key. No way was he risking his asshole friends finding out - his popular career would be over.
"Yeah yeah whatever." Phil dismissed. "Come on let's at least get another half an hour's study done before you give up completely." He insisted.
"Fine." Dan reluctantly agreed.
"Party tomorrow night Howell, you better be there." Derek instructed as the four of them left school.
Dan frowned, "You know I can't guys."
"Are you serious?!" Joe asked in irritation. "What the hell's happening to you?"
Dan scowled a little. "Hey it's your fault in the first place. I'm having to go to Lester's house every day after school for tutoring just so I can win this stupid bet. He told me if I miss one then he will stop because he doesn't put up with that shit." He retorted.
"Ugh, it can't be that bad. No one's that strict - just make up an excuse or something." Derek shrugged.
"He'll find out. Besides it's a school night - he'll definitely notice if I'm hungover tomorrow." Dan insisted.
"Then don't drink." Sam suggested.
"No point going if I can't drink." Dan grumbled, feeling frustrated. Couldn't his friends stop being peer-pressuring assholes long enough for him to just get this bet done? It was hard enough juggling two different personas.
"For god sake Howell stop being a killjoy." Derek sneered and Dan glared at him.
"Hey, it's not your money or pride on the line is it? I just need to not party until the end of the month - then I'll be back to normal." Dan explained through gritted teeth.
"It's like you're hiding who you are. Probably won't be believable to Lester if you don't slip up even once. Won't he get suspicious?" Sam asked. Dan internally groaned.
"I want to stay in his good books." Dan tried again a little desperately.
"God this bet is such a pain. You're no fun anymore." Joe rolled his eyes. "Just pay up now and let's get pissed." He added. Dan fumed.
"No, I'm not giving up ... look I'll just tell Phil I can't make it." Dan finally admitted defeat. He was slipping. He still had a reputation to uphold and although he liked being popular - the things he had to do to keep it up were starting to become an annoyance. God could his friends not fucking back off?
"That-a-boy. Don't forget the voddie alright?" Derek grinned.
"Yeah, 'course." Dan didn't sound as enthusiastic as he'd have liked.
'Sorry Phil, can't make it to tomorrow's tutoring session. Got plans for a family dinner - mum'll kill me if I miss. Sorry, see you Wednesday instead :)' ~ Dan
Dan felt like dying. He had a pounding headache and his mouth felt like cotton. Why did he always have to get shitfaced at parties?
"Last night was epic. Can't believe you made out with Joanne. What a dog!" Derek snickered and loomed over Dan's slumped being. Dan's eye twitched in irritation. He actually hadn't made out with Joanne - that's just what she told everyone after he helped her drunk self find an empty room to sleep in. He had been nothing but gentlemanly in his tipsy state but she took advantage of it. Not that Dan was going to bother to correct them. It only added to his popular image so why bother?
"Yu-huh." He added non-comittedly and glared at his friend who somehow was unaffected by hangovers despite drinking just as much, if not more than Dan.
"You look like a zombie." Joe chuckled and poked Dan's cheek that rested on the desk. Dan swatted his hand away and lifted his head up to yell. However the words caught in his throat when he saw Phil walk in and stop to stare in his direction. Dan gave a dry swallow and tried not to show how guilty he felt.
His body tensed as Phil studied his form. Once finished Phil's eyes flashed angrily before sitting down at the front - posture rigid. Dan panicked - Phil had caught him. Dan was an idiot - he should have never given into his friends. He may have just ballsed up the whole thing. Weirdly enough he wasn't even thinking of the bet. He was worrying about whether Phil would ever talk to him again and if he'd give Dan a second chance.
"Phiiiiil." Dan whined later at lunch as he followed said boy outside. "I'm really sorry, please just listen to me!"
"No Dan. I warned you that if you blew me off for some party then I wouldn't give you a second chance. I have no time for this shit and I don't care to deal with or be a part of that world." Phil snapped, picking up the pace.
"Phil I'm sorry! Really, I wasn't thinking - it's been a while and my friends were hassling me." Dan tried to explain.
"I should have known." Phil grumbled to himself. "You told me that you and your family don't get along that well, so why the hell would you cancel to have an oh-so-important family dinner?! You lied to me Dan, what further reason do I need to stop tutoring you?" Phil spat, swerving round a corner onto the green behind the school. Dan persisted.
"Please Phil, one more chance - I promise I won't fuck it up! I really need the help, I don't want to fail my class. I actually care about my grades contrary to popular belief and I've really enjoyed spending time with you." Dan urged a little desperately.
Phil scoffed, "Yeah right, you're just using me. I bet you go home and laugh about my interests with your friends afterwards. I know how people like you are Dan! All you do is manipulate."
Dan found irritation rise up before he could stop it, "People like me?! What happened to you not stereotyping people huh? Was that all a bunch of crap?" For some reason Phil seeing him as a douchebag blow-off was really annoying him. How dare Phil say that when Dan had shared quite a bit of his real self? How dare Phil throw that back in his face?
"Well you're certainly not helping me by blowing me off for a stupid party!" Phil returned angrily.
"It was a moment of weakness! My friends wouldn't stop pestering me alright?! I'm sorry I'm weak ok? I'm sorry I'm scared to lose my reputation! I'm sorry I'm too much of a coward to say what I want and act how I want! Honestly I would have rather spent last night talking to you and hanging with you than getting buggered with those assholes!" Dan burst, panting a little after his monologue. However he hadn't processed his little speech whilst it came out and paled a little at letting his true feelings through. He didn't think Phil could get to him so much.
Phil was quiet for a moment, studying Dan with a cautious gaze. "You're not a coward." he sighed after a while. "I'm sorry for stereotyping you again. I didn't know that was how you really felt." He apologised sheepishly.
Dan flushed at his words. "U-um, it's okay. I wouldn't expect you to want to understand anyway. I really am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or piss you off and I tried to get out of it but ... I guess I'm a bit of a push-over when it comes to that area of my life." Dan sighed, feeling exhausted from the conversation and the last dregs of a hangover.
Phil smiled a little. "It's okay Dan ... and I do like talking to you as well. I kind of forgot you're not like that all the time ... look, I'll give you another chance. If you need help blowing off your friends we can come up with an excuse together." Phil offered and Dan wanted to cry. Phil was too nice. Dan felt awful for exploiting that kindness for a bet but after that show of determination and commitment he put on for his friends about the bet, there's no way he could just give up now.
"Thanks Phil. I'm glad we're still friends. You can be- no, you are probably better company than my other friends are." Dan found himself admitting with a shy smile.
Phil blushed himself and Dan marvelled at the contrast of his rosy cheeks on porcelain skin. Honestly the happy smile that took over Phil's face made Dan all warm inside and his heart beat fast. He was starting to get attached to the loveable goofball and really didn't know what he was going to do about this bet. At this point it didn't seem worth it - not worth Jessica's affections or the money or the gloating. He really didn't want to hurt Phil ... but he couldn't not continue the bet. He wasn't ready to give up his popular pedestal. He didn't want to suffer possible ridicule from his supposed friends. He didn't want to feel like an outcast even if it was his last year of school. Phil was wrong - dan was weak and a coward.
"Well thank you Dan." Phil grinned. "You're not so bad yourself." He winked.
Dan couldn't help but want the ground to swallow him whole. He was a despicable human being. "Thanks." Dan replied with a strained guilty smile.
"You did WHAT?!" Louise nearly shrieked. Dan winced. He deserved the yelling though - honestly agreeing to Joe's bet was such a stupid thing to do.
"I know ... I'm the worst." Dan pouted as he was sprawled across his best friend's bed. He couldn't find the courage to tell her about the bet or Phil for the past 2 weeks and only now did he feel guilty enough to admit his shame. I'm a shitty person.
"Daniel I expected better of you!" Louise [mum] pentland scolded. "All this so you can get in someone's pants!" Louise hissed looking thoroughly displeased. Dan sat up with a scowl.
He felt his defences flare up. "I'm not doing it to get in her pants. I actually really like her. I have some morals y'know." Dan snapped and Louise scowled back. The room fell into silence, both fuming silently. Eventually Louise let out a breath and her sharp expression softened. Dan's own face relaxed in response and he flopped back down on the bed. Louise joined him shortly after, blond curls fanning across his chest.
"You do get yourself into the most ridiculous situations Howell." Louise sighed, sounding fonder than before.
"I know. I'm sorry."
Phil couldn't stop laughing and Dan flushed in annoyance. "Stop it." Dan grumbled, taking a sip from his milkshake. Phil's laughter only increased and he put a hand over his mouth to muffle it. "Seriously shut up you moron." Dan scowled.
"S-seriously Dan? I-in-" Phil broke into giggles again and Dan couldn't help but smile despite himself. "In his parents' bed?!" He asked incredulously, eyes shining with humour. Dan grimaced at the memory.
"I shouldn't have told you that." Dan sighed.
"Hey I shared an embarrassing memory!" Phil protested, shoulders still shaking a little with laughter. "What did you say the next morning?" He prodded.
Dan glared at him. "I just told him he should probably wash his sheets after a party." he muttered. Phil broke into laughter again and Dan couldn't help but grin at the contagiousness of it.
"Oh fuck off." Dan chuckled and looked out the window in embarrassment. Phil noticed Dan's flushed cheeks and calmed down.
"Hey sorry. It is really funny though." Phil snickered and took a sip of his own drink.
Dan huffed. "Shouldn't we be studying?" He grumbled as he flicked at the corner of his textbook.
Phil smirked, "I said that five minutes ago but you insisted I tell you an embarrassing memory."
Dan just smiled in response. It had been two weeks now of being in Phil's company. There was a week and a half left until the month was up. The thought made Dan feel sick. He really enjoyed Phil's company. He had let down his guard more and more around the other boy and found himself not minding the lack of his other friends at all. He hardly thought of Jessica - the infatuation seemed to have faded but he didn't feel disturbed by it one bit. He just enjoyed being around Phil with no barriers. He enjoyed not being an asshole and talking about things that made him feel happy and excited. He liked Phil.
And he didn't want to hurt him.
The bet was a stupid idea and Dan knew that from the beginning but at the time he had something to prove and he liked Jessica at the time. Now he didn't want to prove anything to his asshole friends and Jessica seemed long since disregarded. He just liked being with Phil and he didn't want it to end. He didn't want to hurt Phil and if Phil ever found out it would crush him.
'Just tell him the truth. It might be hard to accept at first but he deserves to hear it from you. That way he can trust that you feel badly about it and want to make up for your stupidity.'
Louise's words rattled round his brain as Phil started waffling about something else. Dan felt too scared though. He didn't want to lose what they had. If he just stopped the bet then there'd be nothing to tell, right? Right?
"Seriously, you're giving up already?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.
Dan scowled, "weren't you the one telling me to just pay up and get pissed?" He handed a crumpled tenner over to Joe who looked pleased with himself.
"Yeah but I didn't take you for a quitter. Not with how sure you were that you'd win." He shrugged and took a drag of his cigarette. That was one thing that Dan refused to be a part of and he'd done a good job of evading his friends' pressure with carefully thought-through excuses.
"Yeah well, I'm sick of it. Plus I'm not really into Jessica anymore. Feels pointless." Dan tried to reason although he felt a little nauseous.
"How can you not be into Jessica?" Derek frowned, "she's the fittest girl here."
Dan swallowed the lump in his throat. "Just seems like a lot of high maintenance to me. I don't have time for that shit." God I can be an asshole.
"Probably still a good shag though." Derek smirked and high-fived Joe. Dan really hated his friends.
And he hated himself a little too.
"Are you ok?" Phil asked. Dan snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at the worry in his friend's blue eyes.
"Yeah. Nothing you have to worry about. Just my friends." It was only half true. He had been feeling like shit all week. He thought the guilt would go once he ended the bet but he couldn't help but feel like he was still lying to Phil. He had spent even more time with him since and found his life as a popular becoming irrelevant when he could have the security of Phil's smile. Dan felt himself getting smitten. The thought of 'tutoring' ending made him feel ill. He didn't want to go back. His mind briefly drifted to Louise once again. He'd gone to her for advice on many an occasion.
'It's not like he's going to find out Louise. Besides it's over so ...'
'That's not how it works Dan. They always find out, trust me. Just tell him!'
'I can't ... I don't want to lose him ...'
'But you will lose him if you don't tell him and he finds out. Believe me the consequences will be much worse the more you wait.'
'But ... I can't- I just ... alright-okay just ... I'll tell him but not right now. I just ... I need him. He's the only thing besides you that makes me feel happy right now ...'
'Don't wait too long Howell'
Dan knew she spoke the truth but when he pictured the look of betrayal on Phil's face he felt like throwing up. God he was fucked.
"Just know you can tell me anything Dan." Phil smiled and Dan felt his heart rate increase. This boy. "Anyway, what do you wanna watch?"
Dan spied his movie collection and felt himself yearning to watch a ghibli film considering his vast collection. He still hadn't let his weaboo side out yet but he found himself wanting to surrender himself to Phil. Wanted to be completely himself around the boy. He wanted to be as genuine as Phil.
"Um ... Howl's Moving Castle?" Dan mumbled shyly. Phil's eyes seemed to light up and Dan's breath stuttered a little.
"You like anime?" Phil beamed. God he was too good for Dan. Dan couldn't help smile at the expression.
"Y-yeah ... just don't tell anyone yeah?" Dan stuttered sheepishly.
"Oh this opens up so many avenues for conversation!" Phil cheered. "You better believe I'm going to find out all your favourite ships. God I can recommend you my favourites too! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Phil grinned.
Dan was momentarily speechless. Phil's pure reaction had him swelling with affection and he found himself wondering why he hadn't said so earlier. Phil would never judge him ... "I don't know." Dan found himself smiling.
"Well strap yourself in we're in for an anime-filled afternoon! Hey, that alliteration though!" Phil giggled and went to find the movie. Dan looked at Phil with an expression so full of fondness. He just couldn't contain how much he liked the other boy. Dan liked Phil ... maybe even love him a little. It scared Dan upon realisation but made him feel so warm inside. It was a nice feeling. He liked it. He liked Phil.
Dan couldn't stop smiling all afternoon.
When Phil kissed Dan, his brain short-circuited. He'd been mid-sentence when Phil suddenly put his hand on his cheek gently and fitted their lips together. They were in the park and Dan had been ranting about how his 'friends' were badgering him to go out with them. Dan had been running out of excuses and he could tell they were getting angry with him. Dan didn't really care, he wanted to cut himself off from their toxic opinions. However he couldn't help letting out his frustration to Phil.
He'd been ranting about his 'friend's' disgusting behaviour towards this gay kid in the year bellow and how no one should belittle someone for something they couldn't change about themselves. Before he could finish however, he felt the fingers glide over his cheek and then his mind went blank. This had caused him to not respond so Phil pulled away anxiously. When Dan felt the cold on his lips instead of the consuming warmth he jumped into action.
He grabbed at Phil, fingers securing around his neck and pulling him back in for a slow and heady kiss. Their lips moved enthusiastically together and Dan couldn't help feel a happiness he'd never experienced before consume him. God, this was so much better than faux popularity. So much better than getting drunk and hooking up here and there. So much better than flirty looks in the hallway and people knowing who he was. Better than everything.
They pulled away when they couldn't stop smiling against the other's mouth. Phil laughed shakily and pecked Dan's lips once more before pulling away. "I like you." Dan blurted out, brain a little muddled.
"I'd like to think so after a kiss like that." Phil smirked and Dan pouted, only encouraging Phil to go in for another, slightly hungrier kiss.
Dan was in heaven.
Dan was panicking.
Phil hadn't spoken to him all day. He kept rattling off excuses and avoiding him. Dan felt sick with worry and couldn't help think of all these awful scenarios. What if Phil realised how pathetic Dan was? What if he realised he could do better? What if he was just playing with Dan's feelings? What if he was a bad kisser?
Dan sat in his room, everything tearing at his stomach. He phoned Louise and she told him to calm down. She asked if Phil had found out about the bet which only made Dan feel even more panicked. He should have told Phil sooner. They'd been 'going out' for over a week now, not that anyone else knew. It had been the best time of Dan's life and he had been so caught up in the affection that he forgot all his problems and worries.
Phil hadn't talked to him since the previous afternoon before a family dinner. The guilt and worry was eating him alive. He needed to see Phil, he couldn't let him think he was using him if he did know.
And if he didn't know ...
The thought of losing Phil so soon made Dan panic. He had to tell him. He should have told him sooner. He should have ... Dan tried Phil's phone once again and was shocked to find him answer after the third ring.
"Dan." Dan felt his stomach sink.
"A-are you okay? I-i just, I've been worried and ..." Dan trailed off, his voice shaky with nerves.
"I'm fine ... well I'm not but ..." He sighed on the other line.
Dan felt even worse. He needed to speak to him face-to-face. He couldn't have this conversation over the phone. He needed to see how guilty and sorry Dan felt. "C-can I come over? Please?" Dan almost begged.
There was pause. "I'm not sure ... I don't think-"
"Please Phil. I need to talk to you. Clearly I've done something to upset you. I don't ever want to do that. Let me fix whatever it is. Please, I don't ever want to hurt you." Dan found himself pleading. The silence was deafening and he only caught on to the slightly shaky breath of Phil over the phone.
"O-ok. Um, yeah."
Dan felt relief consume him. "I'll be there in ten minutes." Dan assured. Phil hummed on the other line before hanging up. Dan had never gotten ready so fast and arrived at Phil's door with two minutes to spare. His lungs burned his calves ached but it was worth it. He knocked urgently and waited impatiently. The minuted passed like hours until he finally heard footsteps.
Dan was ready to launch into apology but his words caught in his throat when he didn't find Phil at the door. Jessica stood there, eyes just as fiery as her hair. Dan was confused, but before he could comprehend her expression the door was shut firmly in his face. Dan stared in shock before feeling the dread in his stomach once again.
She knows.
She must have told Phil. Dan can only guess one of his 'friends' had let the cat out of the bag. Louise had warned him that it was inevitable. Dan should have told Phil earlier when he had the chance. "Jessica! Please! I need to talk to Phil!" Dan pleaded, knocking on the door once again.
He ceased when he heard muffled yelling on the other side of the door. Dan bit his lip, trying to calm his racing heart. He just needed to see Phil. A minute passed and the door opened once again. This time Phil stood in his pyjamas, eyes tired. If Dan hadn't had a shit-tsunami of worry raging through his mind he'd take the time to admire how adorable his boyfriend looked. If he could call him his boyfriend anymore ...
"Phil." Dan breathed, mind suddenly going blank. Phil had that affect on him, he always seemed to make Dan feel secure. Although there was underlying uneasiness, he still felt at ease. He knew he couldn't let the boy go.
"Come in." Phil sighed and opened the door further. Dan swallowed when he spotted the narrowed eyes of Jessica Lester behind him. He followed them into the living room. Luckily the parents seemed to be no where in sight. Dan kind of wished Jessica left them to talk though. As soon as he sat down, Jessica burst.
"You asshole! Who do you think you are? Playing with my brother's feelings like that? You're a selfish coward!" She shrieked. Dan shrunk into himself, tears prickling at his eyes. He felt the guilt eating him alive. The volume of her voice made him shake - he'd never been good with people shouting at him. His father had often made him cry as a result. Dan couldn't help but curl into himself a little - a habit.
Phil, although he felt angry himself, saw the way Dan flinched and knew they needed to talk privately. "Jess, please can you just let us talk?" He asked softly.
"NO! This involves me too! How dare he? He used you Phil! To get to me! How could you let him into this house?!" Jessica shouted, anger clear. Dan clutched the armrests tighter. He felt a tear escape and quickly wiped it away. He shouldn't be able to feel sorry for himself. He was an awful person.
Phil, despite himself, felt anger at his sister making Dan cry. He couldn't help it, he had feelings for the boy whether he wanted them or not. "JESSICA." He found his voice raising. "Leave or I will leave." Phil warned. Jessica looked ready to argue but bit her tongue at her brother's expression. She scoffed, glared at Dan, then left the room. Silence enveloped the room.
Dan sat there, inner turmoil clear on his face. He should have told Phil, now he's lost him forever. "I-I'm s-sorry Phil." Dan shakily let out. Phil didn't say anything, he felt defeated almost. He had given Dan the benefit of the doubt. He'd seemed so genuine. Phil never even suspected ... Well he was a little suspicious at first but Dan had been so ... real somehow. Phil didn't want to believe it. He didn't at first and considered talking to Dan about it but ... it all seemed to make sense the more he thought about it. There was no reason for Dan to approach Phil of all people. He could have chosen anyone to tutor him - there were people better at maths in their class.
He didn't want to say anything though. He didn't like being angry. He wanted an explanation. That's why he let Dan come over. He just wanted to know why. He looked Dan straight in the eyes. Continue he urged with his gaze.
Dan tried to gather his thoughts. "Yes, it started off with a bet. I was caught up in my popular bubble and let my pride get to me when Joe dared me. At first I really did fancy Jessica and felt I had to prove something. But ..." Dan stopped, swallowing the lump in his throat. He couldn't look Phil in the eye. "But ... then I got to know you and you ... you're so beautiful. You were this ball of fucking sunshine and I felt the guilt eat me alive. I approached you out of selfish reasons and I hated myself for it. I tried to convince myself that it didn't matter but the more time I spent with you, the more I found I couldn't stand to hurt you. So I paid up, I told Joe that I wouldn't go through with it - fed him some excuse. After that ..." Dan took a breath and built the courage to look Phil in the eye.
Phil felt tears reach his eyes. He could hear the pain in his voice. He was conflicted - he really like Dan. He liked the Dan he got to know. He was cute, he was shyer than he made himself out to be. He was slow to crawl out of his armour but Phil loved him all the more for it. For showing him the true Dan. He didn't want to believe it wall all a lie. He wanted to forgive him.
"After that-" Dan continued, "I spent as much time as I could with you. I liked you. I stopped lying to myself. I never felt anything close to how I feel for you with Jessica. She was a passing fancy but once I got to know you, nothing compared. You're perfect. I've been agonizing how to tell you for weeks. I know I should have told you earlier and god knows how much shit I got from Louise for waiting too long. She's right - she's always right. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you Phil and ... I ... I understand if you can't trust me anymore ... if ... if ..." Dan choked up and Phil's heart clenched. "if you don't want to see me anymore I understand ... but I don't want to stop because you've become everything Phil. I don't ..." Dan trailed off, wiping away a tear. He couldn't speak anymore.
Phil felt his own tears reach his eyes. Godammit. He thought almost angrily as he saw his boyfriend shaking, crying and almost pleading with his eyes. He knew Dan. He got to know the real Dan. Phil found himself refusing to believe it was all a lie. No matter how much it hurt to know about the bet, Phil couldn't dismiss his feelings. He didn't want to lose Dan either.
"Dan." he said hoarsely and cleared his throat. He got up and walked over to Dan who sat on the opposite couch. Dan winced and looked down at his lap in shame. Phil's heart clenched, he looked so small. He couldn't find it in himself to be angry when Dan looked so scared. He let out a sigh and knelt in front of him. He scooped the boy into his arms and squeezed him tight. Even though Dan was taller than Phil, he felt small in his embrace.
"I love you Phil, please don't leave me." Dan said shakily, arms curling round his waist. Phil felt a warmth in his chest and couldn't help smile against his shoulder.
"I'm angry at you." Phil found himself blurting out and Dan tensed and tried to pull away but Phil held tight. "But I also don't want to lose you. I was afraid that it wasn't real ... that the Dan I got to know didn't exist. I was scared to lose what we have. I'm still angry that you didn't tell me and you need to gain my trust back but ... I love you too Dan. I still want to be with you." Phil chuckled. "God you're frustrating you know that?" Phil smirked, pulling back only to press him forehead to Dan's.
Dan couldn't help but smile shakily. "I'm angry at me too. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry. Are you sure you want to be with me? You could probably do better-" Dan found himself anxiously rambling. Phil's heart clenched at Dan's self-depreciation and knew he was fucked. He couldn't be mad at Dan for more than a day. He smiled softly and kissed his boyfriend to shut him up.
Dan made a surprised sound but melted into soft lips. He felt that swell of happiness once again. He felt safe. He clutched Phil tightly, he never wanted to let go. When they pulled apart, Dan breathed against Phil's lips and looked at him with heavy lids. He couldn't help but grin. "Love you." Dan mumbled.
Phil beamed, he couldn't help it. His boyfriend was an idiot ... but he was a cute idiot. "Love you too." He gave Dan an eskimo kiss and Dan couldn't help giggle and the sound melted Phil's heart. Dan went quiet, enjoying the moment. However his brow furrowed as he let his mind wonder.
"You're sister's going to kill me isn't she?" Dan asked anxiously.
Phil laughed and hugged Dan to his chest. "I won't let her."
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imagine-loki · 7 years
The Powers That Be
TITLE: The Powers That Be CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Eleven AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki discovering a hidden mutant when he realises they are at risk of being found by S.H.I.E.L.D. who experiments on mutants, he is the one to help them.
RATING: Teen and Up
“Yep. JARVIS was able to dig out all the specific files on SHIELD’s little experiments. Each ‘test subject’ inherited the genes from the male donors to their DNA, their fathers.” Stark explained, taking another drink.
“As if she didn’t hate me already.” Coulson turned to the sofa, where Alexia was lying, pale and clammy as she slept.
“Yeah, you’re hardly ‘Dad of the Year’ material on any front.” Stark snarked as he walked by, looking down at Alexia. “How is she sweating yet.” He placed a hand on her. “She’s normal temperature. JARVIS?”
“Ms Coulson is currently 96.8 Fahrenheit or 36 Celsius Sir.” The computer stated.
“So that’s not normal.” Stark stared at her for a moment.
“What is normal for her now?” Banner argued. “We have no idea.”
“I say we move her off the sofa and into a bedroom,” Coulson suggested.
“No, too dangerous, each room here has only one entrance and exit. If they come for her, we need more options.” Barnes growled.
“He’s right.” Barton agreed. “She is going to need one serious shower after all of this.”
For three days Alexia only slept and ate. She felt as though she would never be clean again with her temperature fluctuating as she fought off the fever. Banner and Stark explained their findings to her, making her feel all the more isolated and alone. And any time Coulson tried to speak with her, Alexia would not pay much attention, stating she needed the bathroom or to get more rest.
“She is blaming me for all of this.” He stated in frustration to the only one who really listened to him still, Agent Hill.
“No, she doesn’t; she actually is getting annoyed you keep bringing that up,” Romanov informed him as she walked into the kitchen, Hill nodding in agreement.
“Apparently you are making her issue ‘all about you’,” Hill informed him.
“But I am the reason she is the way she is.”
“She doesn’t care, apparently there is no way to determine it happening before it does, it develops in adolescence so there is no way to check for it. It was simply chance, nothing else.” Romanov stated. “Stark has read everything SHIELD on file at the time of the Battle of New York, so he has concluded, as much as it is from your genes, there is nothing else you can take credit and/or blame for. Alexia’s avoidance of you is because of what happened when you went to the Tower, that’s all.” She turned to Hill. “She needs to go for a shower. You, Wanda and I are the only women here, so we have to help her.”
“She won’t like this, small enclosed space, no idea if they are coming for her,” Hill grumbled.
“Thor, Steve, Barnes, Sam and Loki are all taking up points inside and out to ensure she is secure. Also Tony has engineered a special silent radar set up so that nothing will come into a five-kilometre radius without being spotted. It is as secure as we can make it. But no, she isn’t too pleased.”
“Well, no time like the present. Phil, she is angry, but about how her situation is, not why.” Hill stated, placing a hand on his arm for a moment to comfort him.
Alexia insisted on walking to the bathroom herself, she was slightly unsteady on her feet, but a few days of rest and eating had perked her up. She was still weak from blood loss, but she was strong enough to stand unaided, so she was grateful for that. “I stink.” She groaned as she took off her t-shirt and string top at the same time while sitting on the toilet seat.
“No, you don’t.”
“Don’t lie, Tasha, she’s been stinking up the house for two days,” Barton commented as he passed outside the bathroom door.
“Want me to give him nightmares?” The young woman called Wanda offered.
“No, that’s just Barton.” She smiled back. “But if he keeps it up, I may take you up on it.”
“Well, Pietro and I have to leave soon. They don’t know we are helping, so we are going to see what we can find out.” She explained, eyeing the green bruising on Alexia’s arm where the proof of the failed blood sample attempts was slowly fading.
“It’s not like they can catch you if they do realise,” Hill commented, earning a smile from the younger woman.
“No one catches Pietro.”
“He runs, fast,” Wanda explained. “We are sort of like Captain Rogers; we offered to be experimented on to see what would happen.”
“At least you consented,” Alexia commented as she got to her feet in just her underwear.
“Guessing you want everyone to see you in your birthday suit, we’ll wait outside with the guys.” Hill and Wanda left, leaving Romanov in the corner, sitting on the toilet seat cover flicking through a National Geographic.
“Are you…?”
“Staying, yes. The shower isn’t see through and you need someone here in case you faint or if there is a sneak attack.” The red head replied.
“Well, at least I can trust you.”
“What makes you so sure?” The idea the girl could trust her made Natasha curious.
“You hate guys thinking they can take you, and will gladly prove them wrong.” She shrugged, turning on the water. Romanov smiled to herself as Alexia got into the shower, moaning in delightful pleasure as the water hit her skin.
She took far longer than she really needed too, cherishing the clean feeling after everything that happened. The warm water caused her to become somewhat cheerful.
“Are you alright?” Romanov asked, somewhat perturbed by the giggles coming from the shower.
“I just really needed this,” Alexia replied, looking around her for the conditioner. When she found it, she poured some into her hand, cursing the falling water for diluting it and causing some of it to begin to slide around. As she found herself trying to get it to her hair without getting any more water in it, the water seemed to move. Staring at the shower head, it seemed to be remaining the same, so she put it down to a trick of her mind. She lathered on the product and began to wash her body as she allowed the conditioner to soak. Again the water was annoying her in the small cubicle as she tried to wash different parts of herself. Bending forward to wash her lower legs and ankles, she realised the water was not falling in her, but around her. Looking up she gasped. It was as though the water was being parted by an invisible force above her.
“Alex, you alright?” Romanov asked.
“Yeah, just…”
“Just what?” She could hear Romanov getting off the seat.
“Nothing, just give me another minute.”
“Well you’ve made it as humid as hell in here, so don’t take much longer.”
“Sure, sorry.” She continued to look at the parted water, while wondering how she would get her hair washed now it was not falling on her. A moment later, the water fell as it should once more, soaking her and causing her to curse as the conditioner washed out of her hair and into her eyes.
“Damn, sorry, just got conditioner in my eyes.”
“You sure you are alright?”
“Yeah, just give me a towel to clean them off.” The assassin handed her the towel, which after Alex finished washing herself, she used to dry her eyes before drying herself. “Thanks.”
“Sure.” Romanov looked into the shower suspiciously.
Alexia said no more as she got into the spare clothes that someone of the Avengers seemed to have procured from somewhere for her and went back outside.
“I thought you were after dissolving or something.” Barton quipped as she re-entered the living area.
“I was in close proximity to you for three days, it takes a long time to wash off that much stink.” She retorted.
“Oh, that’s cold.” She stuck out her tongue at him. “Wow, mature.”
“Well better than using my middle finger as you seem obsessed with doing.”
“Yeah yeah.” Stark entered the room holding a small vial of fluid. “The twins are gone to see what they can find out,” Barton informed him.
“Good, until then, this.” He handed the vial to Alexia. “Should increase your natural regeneration of blood.”
“Do I drink it?” She asked looking at it.
“No, you look at it and hope osmosis comes into effect. Yes, you drink it, and it tastes like crap.” He warned.
“Does anything you ever take to rectify your own reckless behaviour ever taste good?” She scoffed.
“Nope, otherwise I would continue to do the reckless things, to begin with. Penance isn’t supposed to taste good.”
It was as vile as he said it would be. “How long will it take to work?”
“Results within twenty-four hours, your blood loss should be only at ten percent then, so you should be as good as new.”
“Anytime kid. I mean it.” He gave her a small smile and a wink before turning around and walking out of the room.
“He acts like such an ass,” Wilson commented.
“It’s a defence mechanism, his ability to deal with emotions is severely stunted, like to the point of crippling, but he is actually good, deep down.” Alexia smiled.
“Ooh, I see there was accidental lesbian kissing at the premier last night, and me not there to see it.” Came stark’s voice from down the hall.
“Really, really deep down.” She reiterated.
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Hiched chapter 11
Jeez . . . maybe I should have. If I was going to endure an awkward morning after, I might as well have enjoyed a fun night beforehand.
Wait, hell no. Don’t even entertain the thought of fucking Justin. That way lies madness. Even though he clearly wants me and part of me wants him back, because his damn sexy face and voice and body and wicked words always hit me right in the . . .
Cheeks burning, I hurry to my office. I e-mail Dad the draft of our proposal, pour myself a giant cup of coffee, and check my backlog of messages. The tedious task works almost as well as a cold shower.
Half an hour later, I get a reply from Dad.
Proposal looks great. Let’s discuss? I’ll order in pastramis from Sal’s.
I smile to myself. Dad knows that place is my favorite deli. And evidently, he also knows that I haven’t eaten since before our flight. I close my laptop and walk to his office.
As I open his door, Dad beams at me from behind his desk. “Your work is top-notch as always. When did you even find the time to write this?”
“Justin and I worked together last night.” As much of a nuisance as Justin made himself, he deserves due credit.
Dad’s expression morphs from pride into pity. “Last night? Oh, sweetie—”
“It’s fine,” I say, interrupting him. I don’t want to hear two different men protest about my wedding night in less than twenty-four hours. And even though my sex life is nonexistent, discussing it with my own father would still be just way too gross. “So, what were your thoughts on the proposal?”
Dad sighs, but takes the hint. “It looks better than anything I’ve come up with. I guess I made the right decision, putting you kids on the case.”
Something in his tone makes me narrow my eyes. “I sense a ‘but’ coming.”
“I’m not sure where we’re going to get the money for all this training.”
“What do you mean? I double-checked our budget. Unless . . .” I trail off, worrying my lip. “Did something happen while I was gone?”
He nods grimly. “Red Dog Optics pulled out. Halfway through a project. They’re paying us for the deliverables we finished, plus our early termination fee, but everything we had in progress . . . labor down the drain. And of course, we can’t count on that future income anymore.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose hard, trying to ward off an impending stress headache. That’s one of our biggest clients—well, it was, anyway. Son of a bitch. I’m out of the office for less than two full workdays, and look what I miss.
Thank God I didn’t let Justin persuade me to catch a later flight.
“Why the hell would they do that?” I ask. “We’ve lost clients before . . .” By which I mean, we’ve been steadily bleeding them for years now. “But never so suddenly. Why not ride out our current contract and then just avoid signing another one?”
Dad shakes his head. “No idea. Our work on that project seemed up to our usual standard, as far as I could tell. The only explanation I can think of is that something spooked them.”
“What, they thought we’d collapse before we could even finish their project?” I lick my raw lip nervously.
Tate & Cane certainly isn’t doing great, and I knew our reputation would take a hit after the board started meeting with buyers and word got around . . . but our situation isn’t nearly bad enough to make Red Dog react like this.
I take a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. I’m being paranoid. Some dumbass probably just made a careless comment to his golf buddy, it got misinterpreted, and the rumor mill spun out of control. If anything suspicious happens again, then maybe we should investigate. But for now, we don’t have the time or resources to spend on a wild goose chase.
“Then we’ll just have to find a consultant who’s willing to handle our training for cheap,” I say with a lot more confidence than I feel. Hopefully we won’t get what we pay for. “And we can concentrate on winning back some old clients before we try to court new ones.”
“Sounds like a plan, sweetie. I’m behind you kids all the way.” Dad leans forward on his desk. “I’m counting on you to get creative and save this thing we’ve built together . . . not just for the sake of your futures, but for your children too.”
I give him a confused look. “Children? That’s a pretty long ways off, Dad.” Reproducing isn’t on my radar at all. I haven’t wanted babies since I learned they weren’t really brought by storks.
Dad gives my confused look right back. “Not that far off . . . ?”
My phone chimes. I pull it out and see a text.
Justin: You hear about Red Dog?
“Sorry, Dad.” I sigh, not very sorry at all to get off the topic of children. Thanks for the conversational escape hatch, Justin. “I should probably go meet with Justin to get started on this. Can you tell the delivery guy to take my pastrami to my office when he gets here?”
Dad nods good-bye and I hustle to Justin’s office, far away from any ten-pound hints about starting a family. That last part of our chat was surreal. I’m sure Dad has a whole fairy-tale ending envisioned for Justin and me, but seriously? I’m not even close to the motherly type.
Okay, back into work mode. We have to figure out how to start implementing our business plan on the cheap and recovering at least a few old clients. Justin can definitely help on both of those fronts. Persuasion is his specialty . . . sweet-talking, haggling deals, calling in favors. And if there’s a woman in any position of influence, he can turn on the playboy charm and use his handsome face to help sway her. Like he did with Estelle Osbourne at Clair de Lune.
I set my jaw as I walk a little faster. Remembering that dinner still pisses me off way more than it should. It’s not like Justin is really my husband. Hell, I never wanted him to be “mine” at all, in any sense of the word.
At least, I didn’t want that a month ago. Maybe even two weeks ago. But now, maybe . . . I think I might. God, I don’t even know. My feelings have gotten so complicated lately. I think of Justin’s mischievous smile, his low, smooth voice saying my name . . .
Then I push those thoughts right out of my head. We are professionals. I’m a professional. Our job is to get our company through this quagmire. That one single problem is what we’ll eat, sleep, and breathe until we convince the board to reverse their decision about selling Tate & Cane. We have no room for emotions or desires.
Maybe Justin is right about me being an ice queen sometimes. But right now, with over six thousand futures hanging in the balance, that’s so much safer than being human. I just need to maintain my focus and composure, and pray that we’ll get through this.
Chapter Five
When Sterling texted me asking how the wedding night went, rather than answer, I asked him to meet me for lunch.
My best friend has a way with the fairer sex, and I’m hopeful he has some advice for me about how to proceed after my less-than-stellar wedding night. It wasn’t that I expected Selena to drop to her knees and service me, or spread her legs in our marital bed, but a good-night kiss would have been nice. Sheesh.
“That bad, eh?” Sterling asks when I slide into the chair across from him.
“The wedding night? A fucking disaster.”
He doesn’t have to reply because his eyes say it all. In those honey-colored depths fringed in dark lashes that women go nuts over—the lucky bastard—is a mixture of pity and curiosity. But he says, “Tell your good mate all about it,” leaning back in his seat with his fingers laced behind his head.
Thankfully I’m saved from his Dr. Phil-style self-help entertainment with the approach of our waitress.
“What can I get you gentlemen?” she asks.
When I asked Sterling to lunch, he agreed on the condition that we go to his favorite British-style pub. Despite having English blood pumping through my veins, I despise the food. Sterling was born and raised in the countryside outside of London. He still has a taste for it—reminds him of his youth, I guess.
He places an order for the ploughman’s lunch, and I choose the least noxious thing I can find on the menu—fish and chips. Tea is the one thing we can agree on.
When the waitress saunters away, he’s back to smirking at me expectantly. “So, do tell. How’s the wifey?”
If he bats those fucking eyelashes at me one more time, like we’re having girl talk, I’m going to slug the son of a bitch.
“At least let me get my tea before you badger me,” I mutter.
The waitress delivers a little porcelain kettle with piping-hot brew. It reminds me of the one I have at home. I think of Selena and something inside me pinches. She tapped away on her keyboard until late last night; whether she was determined to get her thoughts on paper or to keep her distance from me, I wasn’t sure.
“I’m not trying to badger you,” Sterling says with a sigh. “Just wondering what’s the problem. I take it the wedding night wasn’t all you dreamed it might be?”
“You could say that.” I take a sip of my tea and find it’s the perfect temperature.
“Is she still as icy as ever, or is she warming to you?”
“We spent all night going over a new business plan,” I say.
“Christ on a cracker. The woman is a ballbuster.”
“Tell me about it.”
It’s true that Selena is relentless in her pursuit of perfection. She’s smart and determined, and she never wavers in confidence. It’s sexy as hell. Frustrating. But admirable.
Nothing fazes the woman. She’s smart as a whip, and doesn’t take shit from anyone. I’ve never once seen her back down from a challenge. What I have seen is her effortlessly dominating executive meetings filled with industry veterans—men old enough to be her grandfather, who were in business suits before she was out of diapers. And she doesn’t even notice or care how beautiful she is . . .
I realize Sterling is still watching me and snap out of my thoughts. They were getting too gooey for my own good, anyway.
“She sure as hell doesn’t act like anybody’s wife,” I mutter.
He shrugs. “So she isn’t a romantic.”
Actually, according to her friend Camryn, she is. But I don’t tell that to Sterling at the risk of sounding like a total cliché.
“She fell asleep at her desk sometime after midnight.”
“You don’t become that successful at the age of twenty-six by taking your eye off the ball.”
“I guess.”
“So I can assume that baby-making isn’t going well?” He chuckles.
“Not exactly.”
“What are you going to do? A woman’s never refused you before, and now your own wife won’t fuck you.” He makes a disappointed noise in his throat.
When I merely flip him off, he excuses himself for a visit to the restroom. When Sterling is gone, I pull out my phone and check my messages.
There are three e-mails from Fred, all of them about the dire situation of the company, and another from Preston informing me that the board is having an “exploratory meeting” with a rival firm next week.
I close out my in-box. Since Sterling still isn’t back, I pull up the business news app on my phone to scroll through the headlines, hoping to take my mind off all the bed news at work.
“Can Manhattan’s New “Power Couple” Turn a Marketing Dinosaur Around Before It’s Too Late?”
I begin reading the top article, only to discover that it’s about Selena and me. Financial advisors are speculating about the future of the company and predict a plummet in our stock price as leadership changes are shaken out.
Well, fuck that. I won’t watch our company go down in flames. But the truth is, we’re not even close to being out of the woods yet. And all this bad press is bound to hobble us even more.
Frustrated, I slam my phone down on the table just as Sterling approaches.
“What now?” he asks, sliding into his seat and laying his napkin across his lap.
It feels like my work life and personal life are both imploding. I’m not used to failing so miserably. Feeling so helpless.
Then I realize something—the solution to both my problems is winning over Selena. We have to work together to save this shipwreck, and I’m tired of her rejections, her pessimistic idea that we can never work. Fuck that.
“I know what I need to do,” I blurt.
“And what’s that?”
“I need to seduce my wife. I need to show her how good we can be together.”
Sterling nods. “So, what are you going to do? Plan some big elaborate date to woo her?”
I think it over, then shake my head. “No. Selena’s much too skittish. It’ll take more finesse than that.”
• • •
When Selena arrives home from the gym at seven, I’m ready. I turned down the lighting in the penthouse and put on some smooth jazz to play softly in the background.
She sets her gym bag on the floor, giving me a skeptical look. “What’s going on?”
She’s probably reading the mood as a romantic one, and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. My goal is just to get her to relax tonight.
Trying to act natural, I reply, “I got some dinner for us and thought we could take the night off from spreadsheets and numbers.”
She shrugs. “Sure. Let me grab a quick shower, then I’ll be right out.”
I expected more of a fight. Maybe the gods are looking down on me tonight with pity.
Toeing off her hot pink tennis shoes, Selena heads toward the bathroom. When I hear the spray of the shower, I head into the kitchen to finalize everything.
The food arrives by the time I hear the shower shut off. I arrange the contents of the takeout containers on a couple of small plates, to keep with the tapas theme.
There’s goat cheese with roasted figs, seared scallops, and a potato-and-gruyere gratin. It smells great. I pour two glasses of cabernet sauvignon and carry everything to the coffee table in the living room.
I hear Selena’s footsteps on the wood floor and look up. Fresh out of the shower, she’s dressed in a pair of black leggings that hug every last curve of her shapely legs and round ass, along with a gray sweatshirt that’s cut to hang off one bare shoulder, exposing her lightly freckled skin. She looks dewy and flushed from the shower, and I want to touch her to see if she feels as warm and soft as she looks.
“Wow. What’s all this?” she asks, sitting down beside me on the couch.
“Just a casual dinner. I thought we deserved some relaxation, considering the pressure we’re under at work.”
She accepts the glass of wine I hand her, and takes a sip. “How thoughtful.”
The sweet scent of her honeysuckle-and-vanilla body wash hits me square in the face, making me want to lean in and taste her skin, her lips, her breasts.
I need to get it together. My plan is to win her over, to woo her, not to push myself on her with unwanted advances.
She may have a tough exterior, but I’m starting to learn that she’s actually a little timid when it comes to getting physical with me. Which is not at all what I’m used to. Most other women would love a ride on Justin Tate.
Selena helps herself to a portion of each dish—cutting off a little bite of sea scallop, letting out a little murmur of pleasure as she chews, blowing on a steaming forkful of potato gratin before closing her lips around it.
“So good,” she says with a moan. “How did you know I love tapas?”
I shrug. “I may have pumped Camryn for information.”
Her eyes flick over to mine as she takes another sip of wine. “Why would you do that?”
Returning her gaze, I decide to make myself vulnerable. “Because I like you, Selena. I want this to work.”
And I don’t just mean that in the sense of taking back our company and making a fuck-ton of money. I genuinely think that if she is willing to try, we can have a shot at being a real, happy couple. But I don’t clarify all that extra stuff. Selena appreciates honesty, but there’s such a thing as baring too much too soon. Or possibly at all.
I already know we’re compatible when it comes to the major stuff—politics, religion, and work ethic—but I’m starting to think that together in the bedroom, we’d be explosive. She tries to deny it, but the way her body responds to me is ridiculous. Not to mention the desperate way I crave her luscious ass and her perky tits, even her smart mouth is ridiculous. I’m normally a hit-it-and-quit-it type of guy. Once I’ve had a taste, I’m done and on to the next course. But something tells me that with Selena, once wouldn’t be nearly enough.
First, though, I need to know how she’s feeling about all of this. With the threat of Brad’s blackmail looming over us, demanding all our attention, I’ve barely gotten a chance to talk to her about the wedding, the contract, and especially the baby-making that needs to happen. We need to discuss this elephant in the room like mature, responsible adults.
“So, how do you feel about kids?” I ask.
Her eyebrows shoot up. “Kids?”
I nod slowly, now confused as well as nervous. Why is she so shocked?
“I, um . . . well, I guess I haven’t really thought about them,” she stammers.
My stomach grows uneasy. How in the fuck has she not thought about it? This is Selena, the woman who weighs every decision with a list of pros and cons. Her childhood letters to Santa were probably formatted in official memo style with bulleted requests.
“Why? You’re not thinking about . . .” She’s so flustered that she leaves the rest of her sentence unfinished.
Of fucking course I’m thinking about it. We have a contractual obligation to fulfill. Period.
Then realization slams into me all at once.
Holy. Fuck.
“On the day of our wedding, did you read the contract or did you just sign it?” I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral.
She shrugs, curling her legs under her on the couch. “Signed it. I already knew what it said. Dad and Prescott must have explained everything a hundred times at all those meetings we had.”
I never expected Selena of all people to sign a contract without reading it. I’m so stunned that I just stay quiet as the minutes tick past and we continue sipping our wine.
I try to calm down and think through this. But I’m stumped. The contract is finalized now—we’re legally bound. We’ve been legally bound for almost a week at this point. And now that I’ve been quiet about it for so long . . . how do I tell her without making it seem like I was lying all along?
Plus, I’m ninety-nine percent sure she’ll rip up the contract and storm off, and the deal will fall apart. I can’t let that happen. No inheritance means no second chance from the board. Which, in turn, means that everyone at Tate & Cane—innocent people like Rosita, who depend on the jobs we provide—will be royally fucked.
I can’t let anything happen to jeopardize this deal. I can’t afford to take even the smallest risk. I’ll just have to win Selena over with my charm and let it all happen naturally. Well, as natural as impregnating your fake wife can be.
Besides, even if I told her about the heir clause and she miraculously didn’t go nuclear, that would just put pressure on her to get pregnant for our company’s sake. Having a kid wouldn’t be a free choice. It’s better if I pitch her the idea on its own merits.
I’m up to the task, right? I’ve already done something similar; she used to hate my guts, and it took me less than a month to woo her into marrying me. Changing her mind about kids will be a lot tougher, but I just have to take things up another notch. Really put my back into it. Be my most charming, appealing self. If anyone can make a woman fall in love, deep enough to start a family . . .
But Selena isn’t just any woman. I suppress a despairing groan. Fuck me sideways . . . I’ve got my work cut out for me.
What in the hell do I do now?
“So, what else is on the agenda, Mr. Tate?”
Selena smiles warmly at me like she has no idea about the inner war I’m waging. I’ve refilled her wineglass twice, and something tells me she’s feeling tipsy and carefree.
That makes one of us.
I stack the empty plates, carry them into the kitchen, and pile them in the sink. Then I just stand there, my hands gripping the edge of the countertop. I need a minute. I feel like the apartment is closing in on me.
Before I make any big decisions about how to approach this problem, I need to think carefully. But with my head spinning and Selena waiting expectantly in the other room, I can’t do that here. I have to take things one step at a time.
So the question is: what the hell do I do right now?
“Justin? Are you coming back?” she calls.
I take a deep breath and return to her side. Realizing I can’t let this unpleasant surprise distract me from my plan, I decide to push forward. Tonight was supposed to be about getting her to relax, unwind, and trust me. There’s no point in ruining the whole evening by thoughtlessly blurting out everything. I’ll figure out a graceful way to tell her later.
“You’ve been so wound up from work. We both have,” I say as I sit back down.
She nods, agreeing.
“Tonight I was hoping we could set all that aside and chill together.”
She smiles at me. “Very good idea. I don’t chill nearly enough.”
Part of me is almost shocked that she’s going along with this so easily. The rest of me is still busy reeling from the realization that she has no idea I’m supposed to get her pregnant within the next three months. Actually, it’s more like two months now.
Selena sets her wineglass on the table and rolls her shoulders, sighing softly.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
“Just a little tight, is all.”
I inhale through my nose. I have to shove the pregnancy stuff to the back corner of my brain. We’re a long way off from Selena letting me pump her full of my semen anyhow, so why am I stressing about it now? The first step is showing her how compatible we can be.
And that starts now.
I smile at her. “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.”
I grab a bottle of massage oil from the hall closet and return to the living room. The soft jazz music seems to float in the air, creating a pleasant buzz in the atmosphere.
Selena’s eyes widen when I rejoin her on the couch, but she doesn’t question me.
“I’ll give you a massage,” I suggest. “Take off your sweatshirt.”
Selena flinches, chewing on her lip while she watches me. “But I’m not wearing anything underneath.”
That’s the idea. “I promise not to look.”
She hesitates for another second, then turns her back to me and pulls her shirt over her head, dropping it to the floor. The creamy canvas in front of me is one to be admired. The twin dimples in her lower back near the band of her leggings would make lesser men weep.
I warm a few drops of oil between my palms and rest my hands on her stiff shoulders.
“Relax. Okay?”
She gives me a swift nod.
I work my fingers into the knots I can feel under her skin, and when I press my thumbs in next to her spine, she moans.
“Dear God, that feels good.”
“Been a while?” I ask, just a hint of mischief in my voice.
“Since I had a massage? Yeah.”
I meant to ask if it had been a while since she enjoyed a man’s touch, but at the last second, I decide not to clarify my question. The last thing I want to hear about is my wife’s past conquests. No fucking thank you.
I continue caressing her tense muscles and feel her slowly begin to relax. Knowing her breasts are bare and just out of my reach is practically a cardinal sin. Trying to figure out a way to entice Selena for more, I say, “If you turn around, I can reach the front of your shoulders better.”
Total lie. I’m hoping she can’t read my mind.
When she hesitates for a few seconds, I lean in and kiss the back of her neck. “You’re my wife, sweetheart. It’s no big deal.”
Those words hang between us, blossoming into something more than I think either of us ever dreamed.
She swallows, then slowly begins to turn toward me.
Catching her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes glossy with desire, Selena faces me on the couch.
Without saying a word, I drizzle a few more drops of oil into my palms before rubbing them together. I massage the front of her shoulders, her upper arms, and fight off the erection pressing against my zipper.
Selena’s breathing has changed—the entire mood surrounding us has changed. My gaze dips down briefly, and I watch as her nipples harden into little pebbled knots.
Unable to resist the temptation she’s placed before me, I cup the weight of her breasts in my palms and rub my thumbs across her nipples.
Selena draws a shuddering breath, her lips parting in surprise.
My fingers, slick from the fragrant oil, glide easily over her skin as I rub her nipples in small, circular movements.
A tiny groan—just barely audible—slips past her lips, and I dive in for a kiss, knowing she’s silently aching for more. My tongue pushes past her lips and she kisses me back, hard and passionate. I’ve got her right where I want her. Wet. And ready for me.
As we kiss, I move my body over hers until she’s lying on the couch and I’m balanced over her. Her thighs part, inviting me even closer, and I nestle in until my steely shaft finds her warm center. Selena gasps, breaking apart from the kiss. The contact is deliciously frustrating—so close and yet so far, separated only by a few layers of clothes. But if I have my way, they’ll be gone soon enough. My mouth moves to her neck as I continue circling my hips, bumping against her clit with each movement.
“Is this okay?” I murmur and wait in agony as she pauses, her eyes searching mine.
“Don’t stop,” she breathes, her hips lifting to find that friction once again.
I lean down and take one ripe nipple in my mouth, rolling my tongue over it and sucking on the firm tip.
Selena cries out in pleasure. “Justin . . .”
My name on her lips, in that sweet, gravelly voice laden with desire, snaps the last thread of my restraint. I kneel and grab the sides of her yoga pants, peeling them and her panties down her legs until she’s bare to me.
Christ. My cock surges, leaking pre-cum in my boxers. Selena’s body is perfection. Soft milky curves, full breasts, and a bare pussy with a pink clit peeking at me from between her juicy lips. I want to wrap my lips around it and suck until she screams. I won’t—not yet, anyway, but I can’t help reaching down to touch her. Running a fingertip down the length of her cleft, I stroke the soft, swollen bud lightly. Selena lets out a tiny, pleading whimper.
I’m trying to go slow, I swear I am, but with Selena naked and writhing on the couch, looking up at me with those huge blue eyes of hers, it’s nearly impossible. Fighting with myself to slow down and remember my manners, I stroke her clit with one careful fingertip, while my other hand caresses her breasts, thumbing her nipples.
Is there a polite way to say, Ride my face until you come all over my tongue?
“Everything okay, princess?” I ask instead, my voice husky with desire.
“It feels so good.”
She watches my hand as I continue my slow, torturous movements, lightly rubbing her clit, wanting to draw out her pleasure. I can feel how wet she is for me, and use the moisture to sweep across her swollen bud, back and forth, back and forth.
A whimper of frustration rises up her throat, and I know I have her right where I want her. There’s no way she’s walking away from this—from us—until I’ve given her what she needs.
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