#my god what I’d do to be able to focus like that
🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼 (yes I did twice)
YEAH! More BuddieShannon! 129 sentences:
“Eddie, come on. I thought we were trying to be better about talking through our crap.”
“This isn’t our crap, though, Shannon!” He protests. “My stupid sexuality crisis is my crap!”
Shannon’s eyes widen. It takes his brain a moment to realize what his traitorous mouth has said. Fuck. 
“Oh,” Shannon replies. “So it’s not, like… A kink thing?”
Somehow, that question serves to make this even more embarrassing. 
“What? God! No!”
“O-okay,” Shannon stammers. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I just didn’t know this about you.”
Eddie sighs, deflating. 
“Yeah… Neither did I.”
Shannon scooches a little closer to him. She moves her hand from his wrist to his shoulder. 
“Eddie, there’s nothing wrong with it,” she says. “You know that, right? It’s okay to be attracted to him.”
Something stirs in Eddie at this. Like a wilting plant dragging itself towards a light source. But he shakes that away. 
“That’s not true,” he replies. 
“Why isn’t it true?” Shannon asks. “You’ve never cared about that kind of thing before.”
“For other people,” Eddie agrees. “But I’m not… That’s not how it’s supposed to be for me. I’ve never loved anyone but you. I’ve never wanted anyone but you.”
Her lips part a little. 
“You love him?” She asks. 
He freezes again. Fuck. He needs to stop talking. 
“Of course you do,” she says. “I mean, how could you not?” 
Right. Because she’s into him, too. Jesus Christ. What a pair they make. 
“I love you, Shannon,” Eddie replies. Firm. Unflinching. Because no matter what else is going on in his brain, and in his horrible heart, that is still true. 
“I don’t…” She frowns, struggling to choose her next words. “Eddie, one doesn’t make the other not true.”
He furrows his eyebrows. “But isn’t that fucked up? That’s wrong. That’s… It’s like emotional infidelity.” 
“It’s not,” Shannon replies. “We’re separated.”
“Well, that wasn’t my choice.”
She sighs. 
Right. Probably not a great point to focus on right now. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles. 
“Even if we weren’t, Eddie… It’s not bad,” Shannon says. “I mean, there would still be nothing wrong with you.”
“How can you possibly say that?” Eddie asks. 
Shannon bites her lip for a moment. 
“Eddie, are you upset that you’re attracted to a man or in love with two people at the same time?” 
“Both!” He bursts. “Those are both things I am not supposed to be.”
She sighs again. He wishes she’d stop sighing.
 “According to who?”
Eddie’s mouth snaps shut. He doesn’t know how to answer that question. According to who indeed? 
“Your parents,” Shannon says. “The church they made you go to?”
The one they had to get married in.
Eddie nods sheepishly. “Yeah. I guess that’s it.”
“And if Chris has this same question about himself in fifteen years? What will you say?” 
“Don’t go there, Shannon.” Eddie feels a rise of frustration in his chest. “You know what I’d say.”
“Yeah, I do,” she agrees. “Say it for me anyway, Eddie.”
Eddie groans. “I obviously don’t care who, if anyone, our children fall in love with one day, Shannon. As long as they’re happy and safe, I don’t care.”
“But that doesn’t apply to you?” Shannon asks. 
“Shannon…” Eddie complains.
“No, Eddie, come on,” she presses. “Why do Chris and-and this baby get the freedom of your values, but you get the restriction of your father’s? That’s ridiculous. You know it’s not bad or wrong. You know that.”
He knows. He does know. He… He just can’t.
“They get to be whoever they want, Shannon.” Eddie tells her.
“And you don’t?” 
No! No. Doesn’t she see that? He has never got to be anyone at all. What he wants doesn’t even exist. He’s never been able to explore that. He is no more than this. This automaton on a set path. He doesn’t know how to be anyone else. 
“No,” he replies. “I don’t.”
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coredrill · 6 months
oh also headsup to everyone that i will be TRYING to see if i can’t catch the new bravern ep earlier than i usually do tomorrow so y’know. beware the Posts
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nathaslosthershit · 7 months
A Much Needed Interview (OP81)
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(Part 2 of Teen Dad) Summary: After the shock of Oscar revealing himself to be a former teen dad, he joins an interview in the hopes of clearing everything up and limiting the overwhelming amount of questions he has been getting.
“Oscar, it is nice of you to sit down with us. I know it has been an interesting few weeks for you and your family. How are you guys all doing?” The interviewer asks.
‘Yeah, y’know, I had expected to one day have to open up about it all, but I never thought I’d have to do it the way I did. It has been fine, obviously my kids are young enough to not be impacted because they aren’t on social media, but it has been strange for my fiancée who is now getting hundreds of requests on her private account. I have sort of decided to take a break from social media because the response has been overwhelming and like none before. Mostly positive but I think a few people have gotten the wrong idea so I was hoping to clear everything up.” Oscar rambled. He was more nervous about this interview than any he had done before.
“Of course. Why don’t we start at the beginning, how did you and your fiancée meet?”
“We actually met at one of my races. She went to support one of her close friend’s brothers. After the race that I sadly didn’t do too well in, I saw her with her friend and I was kinda frozen in my spot, immediately head over heels. Sadly, it seems like everyone but her noticed. I was too scared to do anything so I just watched her leave. I think I sulked for days, totally regretting my decision to do nothing. A totally heartbroken 16 year old. I looked for her every single race until she finally came back a few months later.”
“Oh please tell me you finally got the confidence to shoot your shot.”
“Nope! I just stared at her and stuttered when she caught me looking then ran off. I then had an amazing race, I think part of me was just trying to make up for the embarrassment and luckily it seems my car got the memo. After the race she came up to me and asked for my number.” God, he was blushing profusely at the memory. He knew he would be getting slack for this for a very long time. 
“Such a story! The young Oscar Piastri was no ladies’ man.”
“He was absolutely not. Soon after we started dating.” Oscar awkwardly laughed, sensing what was about to come up.
“And then kids came shortly after?” The interviewer asked with care in his voice, certainly able to sense Oscar’s change in attitude.
“Yeah. Uh, obviously not planned. I don’t think many people plan to become parent’s at 18. It was a shock… I didn’t handle it the best at first, something I think I will always regret. She was scared and while so was I, I should have been more supportive. I was embarrassed for a while. Felt like a total idiot. I didn’t tell anyone outside of my family and made them swear to secrecy. I also began to isolate myself from friends because I couldn’t bring myself to tell them but also felt terrible lying. A few months in I finally snapped myself out of it and began to focus on all the wonderfulness that was to come. I loved her more than anything and I would be lying if I said I hadn’t already imagined a life together in great detail. By the time we found out it was twins, a boy and a girl, I was ecstatic.”
“Well mate, I don’t blame you for your feelings. I definitely would have been a terrible father at 18 so I salute you.” The interviewer joked.
“Honestly, I had the same thought for a while, even when I was excited to have kids. I had so many doubts about it, I mean how could I not? But when it came down to it, I couldn’t afford to be anything less than a great father. Of course I had my moments, and still do years later, but I wouldn’t be able to let myself be anything less than I am. If you love your kids enough, you find a way.”
“How did having kids so young impact your career? Obviously it didn’t hurt it too much considering you are in your second year driving in Formula 1.”
“Well, I decided I wouldn’t advertise my situation unless a team was very serious about me. Prema knew, Alpine did too and of course McLaren does. All were welcoming and accommodating, as much as they could be. I don’t think I would have gone with any of them if they weren’t cool with it though. I realized the minute my kids were born I would give it all up for them, which scared the hell out of me.”
“That is admirable. All these years later you are still with their mother, correct?”
“Yes! I asked her to marry me over break. Everyone close to us had been confused as to why it took so long but we had discussed marriage together many times and made the decision that because our relationship moved so fast with having kids so young, we would wait a bit. I mean, we are still young but I honestly couldn’t wait any longer. She is everything to me and the most wonderful mother my kids could have.”
“Have your kids been around the paddock yet? I assume they are old enough to understand what you do.”
“They have been to the factory and come with me to meetings when we haven’t had a sitter for them. Luckily, they are both very well behaved in public, they also really like watching the races on tv and have somewhat of an understanding of what I do. They don’t believe I actually drive the car though.” Oscar rumbled. Trying to convince his twins that yes, their father actually does drive the cars they see going super fast, has been an ongoing issue. They seem to believe he is tricking them but have no problem believing Uncle Logan and Uncle Lando drive the cars. It has definitely humbled him immensely.
“Well you will have to fix that soon huh? Will they be attending races in the future?”
“I am trying to work that out with my fiancée actually. They are almost four so we don’t want them traveling too far, I also don’t believe they will be able to be entertained solely by the race the entire time so we have a lot to deal with. But I think seeing them on the paddock supporting me will be one of the best moments of my life. I selfishly can’t wait for them to come.”
The interview wrapped up shortly after that. Getting to reminisce on the start of his relationship and how far they have come and how many wonderful things are in the future put Oscar in a deliriously happy mood. He couldn’t wait to get home to his family. 
Walking through the door, he was immediately welcomed to the sound of toddler meltdowns. Fully entering the house, he saw his very tired fiancée rubbing her face as she tried to calm her babies down. Clearly this had been going on for a while.
Despite how upset she looked, she immediately perked up at seeing Oscar had returned. But that immediately went away as she remembered the screaming kids and how messy the house and herself were.
“Sorry honey, I know you are probably so tired after the interview and meetings earlier and these two missed their nap so they are so cranky and I just-” He cut her off with a kiss. Once he pulled away she looked at him, perplexed. A kiss from Oscar was never unwelcome but it was the last thing she expected at that moment.
“Hey, look at me.” He said as he put a hand on her cheek. “I love you and our little family so much and you never, ever have to apologize for something as trivial as this. Why don’t you go get in the bath and relax a little and I will try to wrangle these two, okay?” 
In her eyes, Oscar had never been hotter than he was now. Now it was her turn to surprise him with a kiss, even more passionate than the first. They would have continued if it hadn’t been for more screaming from their two kids.
Still, Oscar wouldn’t change a thing.
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euaphora · 1 year
✎ᝰ subby!needy!bf!dave x reader
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sitting on dave’s lap, while he reads a marvel comic, you facing him and give him quick kisses all over his face.
“I can’t focus babe..” he murmurs out as his breath sounds heavier than before. “Oh, should I get off then?” you suggested as you start hoping off him, he quickly wraps his large hands around your hips and holds you by your hips as he looks up at you. When you sit back down on his lap and move around to get comfortable again, you feel something poke under you.
It felt very rough and felt like it slipped through your panties—rubbing off on you— wrong day to wear a mini golf skirt.
“What’s this?” You ask, looking down to his shaft. “Are you-?”
“No, no! Not like that, its just im-“ he stutters out trying to find the right words without sounding weird about it, “Hard?” You question him as you tilt your head to the side. You loved teasing him, watching the way his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink each time you even so much as breathe.
God you made him harder, if it was even possible since his cock felt like a brick when massaged it through his clothed pants.
“Would you mind waiting for me outside? I’ll be quick…promise.” He nervously asked, giving you a awkward smile. “Can..i help you?” You ask him, clearly giving him a hint that you would if he was comfortable with it. He body stiffens when you say that and opens his mouth ready to say something just to close it.
“You don’t think I’d do a good job?” You question, messing around with him while you slowly rock you hips. He quickly shakes his head side to side and puts his hands up in defense. “No! Of course not baby it’s just-” he hesitated “would you even want to? I don’t want to make you feel like you have to just cause your my girlfriend.”
You don’t say anything as you pull him in by the back of his neck for a kiss as you start rocking your hips back and forth a little harder than before. He places his hands on waist, hands trembling, and pulls you in closer leaving no space between you both. You rock your hips deeper now, “god! I’ll cum inside my pants if you keep this up, sweetheart…fuck!” He cries out while gripping onto the plush parts of your thighs for support.
He can’t hold back any longer, not even realizing what he was doing when he pulls off your crop top over your head and and clips off your bra. You do the same with his oversized t-shirt and zip down his pants.
You pull out his cock from his breifs now on your knees kissing his tip, kitten licking it while keeping eye contact with him the entire time. “Don’t tease me…” he whimpers, breaking the eye contact by looking down at your hands wrapping themselves around his tip, looking like he’s ready to cry.
“My poor baby boy, why didn’t you just tell me how mad your cock was? I could have helped you hours ago.” You coo while you play with his balls, grabbing at them as he lets out a loud groan, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
“Momma, please! h-hurts so bad…” he starts taking off his glasses from fog in his glasses, not being able to see anything.
You stop your movements and lightly pull at him, “put them back on.” You scold him, giving him a warning look. “B-but I can’t see, I just wanna watch you, please baby..” he whines out as he pleads out a cry. You just shake you head and wait for him, your mouth ready to be used. “Okay! Okay! Just don’t stop!” He exclaimed, just wanting for you to not stop, almost reaching his climax, while you go back to going faster than before. “Good boy. So good for me, aren’t you?” You smile looking up at him while kissing at his tip. He nods rapidly while he watches you make him feel so so good.
“This is this stuff you get when you behave and do as your told.”
“Cumming…i-im cumming!” He moans out, thrusting his hips forwards trying to find more friction to your hands. You feel a warm seed pop inside your agape mouth as you look up at his tired body, sticking out your tongue full of his seed.
He half-smiles as he watches you swallow it all and stick your tounge out again. You straddle him and give a kiss on the lips making him taste himself. You pull away, him following you with his lips.
“How was it, baby boy?” You ask him with cum slipping out your mouth, quickly lick it it up from the sides. He looks at your lips than you with no words in his head. You giggle at him, and slip inside him, cockwarming him.
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rowdyslove · 11 months
𝐃𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃. | jack hughes
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꒰ genre: mature ;established!relationship!au | drabble
꒰ word count: 1k
꒰ warnings: 18+ themes !! MDNI ! literally 1k words of just raw sweet filth, pussy drunk!jack, unprotected sex (be safe people), soft sex, swearing, praising.
꒰ author’s note: surpriseeee !! my first ever time trying to write smut, i’d say it went well ? (i really hope it did..) butttt this is also what i chose to write for my 1k follower celly !! (this is part 1 of 3 different drabbles i am writing for this celebration) thank you all so much for getting me to this point, and i’m so excited to put out all of the works i have in my drafts coming soonnnn :DD i hope you all enjoy this !
next drabble >>
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it never ever mattered just how many times jack found himself sinking down into the heavenly feeling of your pussy, he knows for a fact that he'll never be able to get used to the intoxicating hug of your walls around his length.
he always felt like you were just silently begging for more of him, luring him in deeper with every needy stutter of yours hips whenever his palms squeezed at your waist as he bucked against you.
"come on, aghh—you gotta stop doing that, love." jack was already so out of it. he had just started, only a few thrusts in and he already felt like he could barely create a single breath when the deep kiss of his cock against your sensitive spot makes you purr his name and clench around him.
his hair is ruffled, a mess of light brown locks on his head and a few long strands hanging down, sticking to the light coat of sweat across his forehead. some other strands fall over his lidded gaze and framing his defined features, but thankfully he can still see you so so clearly; such a pretty sight seeing you underneath him like this, he thinks.
jack believes he’s never had a woman moan for him the way you do. he keeps chasing the intoxicating squeeze of your walls around him as he digs deeper and deeper for more of the sweet sounds that leave your lips—the sounds that are only for only him to hear. your back arches high off of the sheets as he lets his fingertips trace along the path of your skin, taking a slow and gentle handful of your hips with another tight squeeze before he whimpers low, pace slightly stuttering as he presses himself further into you.
he had a long day, dealing with the early morning practice and the tough game that was played just earlier that night—he really needed this; he needed you.
maybe that was why everything felt so good. because he had been imagining the feeling of your skin pressed up close to his all day. and now, through gritted teeth and restless hands just trying to touch every inch of your soft skin, he throbs long with his next withdrawal from you, right before he pushes straight back in.
"j-jack please!" you gasp at the feeling he sends through you, and his lips part to moan sinfully as he lets himself drop to rest on his forearms—just close enough for his lips to graze themselves along your prominent collarbones with tender open-mouthed kisses. he lets his eyes flutter closed, trying not to focus on how perfectly you're hugging around him, small hands grabbing ahold of his broad shoulders in a desperate attempt to pull him closer but also keep yourself steady as well.
"i know, baby, i know. s-shit, just be patient with me for a sec." jack feels so drunk on the feeling that is you. his mind and senses blurring all into one big blob as his name continues to fall from your lips between soft pants that make him feel like he's about to pass out right there from how sweet you sound. he starts mouthing his way at your neck, smearing messy and completely fucked out kisses along the expanse of your flesh as his movements slowly become even more desperate. "god, you just feel soo-so fucking—mmph—good baby.”
this feeling is dangerous. the heavy trembles of his hands where they squeeze at your skin, the painfully pleasing throb of his cock as desire begins to warm through all of his nerves, trickling down his spine as he grinds out another low drawled moan of your name.
his skin feels like it’s burning from every touch you give him, but he also thinks you're even hotter when you let him hear the sweet sound of praises and his name rolling off your tongue in rampant mumbles that has his abdomen tightening up.
"d-don’t do that, love. just gonna make me f-fucking cum." jack’s babbling every word, like sex-drunken mantras spurring out of him with every needy roll of his hips into yours. you can feel the blunt head of his cock grazing over ever sensitive and sinful spot inside of you that only have you squeezing him even tighter; just sucking him deeper and deeper down into you.
"jack-a-ahhhh.. doing so so good.” the whimpering praise falling from your lips is like honey as it drips in his ears, making him tilt his head to plunge his mouth right into yours before his body starts to shake, and his lungs continue flaring with every heavy pant of breath he exhales with his thrusts. his sudden orgasm catches him off guard when he feels your tongue tangling with his own, sliding across his top lip as he then cums, hot spurts of him filling you up to the brim.
a low grunt releases itself from jack through your kiss from deep within his throat as his pace starts to slow slightly, kissing at your lips slowly as his next wet withdrawal leaves you, right before he's pushing his load deep down into your cunt. every lewd squelch of your pussy makes him gasp against your lips as he kisses you, inturn making you even more wet for the man that’s fucking you absolutely senseless.
even though jack had already reached his high, he still doesn’t want to stop, not when you just look so pretty in your fucked out and inebriated state, and you’re doing so good for him.
"j-jacky. feeling any b-better? mmm" his body continues to clap against yours, speed slowing down ever so slightly before he pulls away from your lips to rest his head in the tight crook of your neck, panting as he grinds steady thrusts into your pussy, despite the way the sensitivity of his cock is hitting straight at his nerves. every thick throb and strained squeeze felt like it was knocking all of the air out of him, but every soft moan from your lips is just enough to remind him how to breathe and he knows for a fact that he's not stopping so soon as he sends you short lustful smirk before he's smearing a wet kiss upon your cheek.
"mmf.. all better, but i gotta take care of my little baby now."
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skywalkerslvt · 4 months
Phone Sex With Leon
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❥Pairing: RE2!Leon x F!Reader
❥Summary: Leon feels needy while out on patrol so he calls reader and they have phone sex
❥CW: 18+, smut, phone sex, mutual masturbation, sorta sub!leon, dirty talk, pet names
❥a/n: very rushed leon fic! not proofread. 1.3k words. hope you enjoy <3
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Leon sat inside his patrol car, the leather seat cool against his back as he scanned the empty streets of Racoon City. It had been a quiet night, the kind that made the hours drag on. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard, the green digits reading 10:26 PM. His thoughts wandered to you, imagining you getting ready for bed at home. 
You'd be in bed by now, probably reading or scrolling on your phone if you weren't already asleep. He missed you, even though it had only been a few hours since he last saw you, your hair smelling faintly of lavender shampoo as he held you close, hand perfectly moulded to your waist. He dreaded the moment he had to pull away, walking out the door and into his patrol car. Leon never considered himself the needy type, but something about you drove him wild. The bond between you two was strong, a comforting constant in the chaos of his life. He just needed to be near you all the time, whether he was next to you, on top of you, under you, inside of you…
Unable to resist the urge to hear your voice, he pulled out his phone and found your contact. As the phone rang, he imagined you reaching for the phone, a sleepy smile on your face. When you answered, your voice was soft and warm, already filling the you-shaped hole in Leon’s heart. 
“Hey, you,” Leon said, a smile in his voice despite the late hour. “Did I wake you?” 
“No I, just put my pyjamas on,” you replied. “How's your night?” 
“Quiet,” he said, glancing out at the empty streets. “Which pyjamas? The ones I like?” His tone turned playful, a hint of mischief in his voice. 
“Maybe,” you replied, your tone matching his. “You'll just have to come home and find out.”
Leon chuckled softly, the sultry sound of your voice sending a wave of arousal through Leon’s gut. God, it really didn't take much from you to turn him on. 
“I wish I could,” he replied, aching to see you, to touch you. 
“Yeah? What would you do if you were here right now?” you inquired, voice low with arousal. 
“I…I’d touch you,” Leon admitted, voice shaky with desire as he fought to control the growing heat in his body. His hand moved of its own accord, inching towards his quickly hardening cock. “Make you feel so good,” he continued with a whine, his breath hitching as he began palming himself over his uniform pants. The sensation sent a jolt of pleasure through him, not being able to focus on anything but the thought of your soft body as his hips involuntarily jolted upwards. 
He hears you tsk on the other end of the line. “Leon,” you chided, your voice laced with amusement and arousal, “you're not being specific enough.” The sound of your voice, so confident and enticing, made him ache for you even harder. He could picture the playful smirk on your lips as you teased him. 
With a shaky exhale, Leon gathered his thoughts, his mind clouded with desire. “W-wanna get on my knees and taste you. Make you scream my name,” he said with a moan, hand still working himself through the fabric. He closed his eyes, imagining the way your body would respond to his tongue, the way you'd arch into his mouth, hands pulling at his hair while you told him what a good boy he was. 
Lost in the haze of desire, Leon could almost taste the intoxicating blend of your arousal, the thought driving him to the brink of madness with longing. He longed to fulfil every fantasy, every desire, until you were both consumed by your overwhelming need for each other. 
As Leon described his fantasies, your own arousal surged, driving you to new heights of desire. With each word he uttered, you could feel the heat pooling between your thighs, your body responding eagerly to his filthy mouth. 
Unable to hold back any longer, you slip your hand beneath your silky sleep shorts, slowly beginning to circle your clit. “Oh God, Leon,” you moaned, the sound breathless with need. “I want that. Want you.” Your words were a desperate plea, aching for the fulfilment of his fantasies. 
As your words fueled his desire, Leon's own need became nearly unbearable. With a shaky breath, he unzipped his pants, freeing his cock from its confines, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through him. He could hear the wet sounds of your cunt through the phone, and he began stroking himself in earnest, his movements becoming more desperate with each passing moment. 
“I-I'm yours, baby,” he whimpered, his voice strained with desire. “Do whatever you want to me. Im y-yours to use…” His admission was met with a chorus of your own moans, driving him further into a frenzy of need. 
With each stroke he imagined it was your hand, your touch, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck,” he gasped, his hips thrusting involuntarily into his hand. “I need you, baby. I need you so fucking bad. Tell me what you want,” He pleaded, his voice rough with need. “Tell me how you want me, and I’ll do anything to make it happen.”
With trembling fingers, you continued working yourself towards that high, matching the rhythm of his strokes with your own. His words hung in the air, thick with anticipation, as he continued to pleasure himself, lost in the whirlwind of sensations. “I need you to fuck me, Leon. I need you now,” you whined, your movements getting sloppier. 
“Oh God, I'm close,” he gasped. His hand moved faster, wet sounds echoing through the car with his sticky pre-cum. As the intensity between them reached its peak, Leon's breath hitched, his strokes becoming more frantic as he approached his climax. With each movement, he could feel the pressure building, the coil of tension tightening in his gut. 
Across the line, your own arousal mirrored his, the sound of your moans and slick cunt mingling with his own. With each passing moment, the intensity of your pleasure grew, until it was almost unbearable in its intensity. 
“Cum for me, Leon,” you whispered, voice thick with desire, your words igniting a fire within him.
With a strangled cry, Leon surrendered to the overwhelming waves of pleasure, his hips and cock twitching as thick sticky ropes of cum coated his hand and uniform. In that moment, he was lost to the world, his senses overwhelmed by the overwhelming waves of pleasure.
As he rode out the aftershocks of his release, Leon could hear your own cries of pleasure through the phone, the wet squelching eventually coming to a halt with your orgasm. 
You both sat there panting for a moment, Leon cleaning himself up and tucking himself back into his pants. “Was that…alright?” Leon asked shyly, wanting to hear your approval. 
A soft chuckle could be heard from the other line. “Alright? That was… perfect, Leon. You're perfect,” you replied softly. 
Before Leon could respond, a crackle sounded through the car, interrupting your moment. It was the sound of the police radio, summoning him back to duty. 
With a reluctant sigh, Leon knew he had to go. “I gotta go,” he said regretfully, his voice tinged with longing. “But we'll continue this at home. I promise.”
There was a soft, sleepy murmur of agreement from your end, filled with understanding and anticipation. With a final exchange of affectionate words and goodbyes, Leon ended the call, his heart already yearning for the moment when he could hold you in his arms once more. 
With a sense of purpose, he shifted the car into gear and drove off into the night, the memory of your shared passion fueling him as he returned to his duties. And as he navigated the streets of Raccoon City, he couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the blissful reunion that awaited them when his shift was over.
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little-diable · 4 months
Who prays for Satan? - Priest!Tom Riddle (smut)
This isn't our usual dark!Tom, he's still fucked up, but not as dark as the other priest fics. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Priest Riddle is the reader's theology professor, a man she has always found herself interested in, but things escalate when she joins his church for her internship.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, guided masturbation (f), spanking, forced confession, smut in a church/in a confessional, choking, degrading, unaddressed age gap, power play, professor x student, religious connotations
Pairing: Priest!Prof!Tom Riddle x fem!student!reader (about 3k words)
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"Please remember that you only have time until Friday to tell me, where you will do your internship. Have a good week, and don’t forget the essays, please.” The sounds of students hastily rising to their feet echoed through the room, but while some were desperate to leave, getting away from the professor who looked like God’s finest creation, but spoke like the Devil himself, others were desperate to catch his attention with bland questions he found himself annoyed by. 
“(Y/n), do you have a moment?” His voice drew her closer, past the group of students who looked at her with hate swimming in their pupils. She didn’t look at them as she walked past them, coming to a halt in front of the tall man with a soft smile glued to her lips. “Walk with me.”
Neither of them spared the others another glance as he strode out in the hallway, expecting her to follow him. It wasn’t the first class of his (y/n) was visiting, and it probably wouldn’t be the last, as she found herself awfully drawn towards the priest, who had taken on a few theology classes at their university. Something about him was different. Something she couldn’t let go of, no matter how hard she tried to. 
“I knew you’d turn in your essay days before the others would even begin writing it, but I was pleasantly surprised by your work this week. It was smart of you to use the famous Mark Twain quote: “But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?” It always stuck with me.”
“Thank you, Professor Riddle. You once told me how much you think of this quote, so it only felt right to use it for this week’s focus on sinning.” The throaty chuckle rumbling through him left her feeling surprised, not used to seeing him this giddy. His smile didn’t waver, not as they came to a halt in front of his office, not as he guided her inside, not as they plopped down on their designated seats. 
“Your essay isn’t the reason for this chat, though. I was thinking of what you said to me, and I decided that you can join my church for your internship. But I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell others I’m allowing you to do this, I never give out internships, and I’m only taking you on because I know how dedicated and smart you are.” Heat rose in her system, crawling up her throat to force (y/n) to avert her gaze. She had been desperate to find a church to join, not wanting to spend her internship as a simple office help, she needed practice, something to help her figure out what she actually wanted to do with her life.
“I highly appreciate this, thank you, professor. I promise, I won’t make you regret your choice.” Her eyes flickered back to his piercing ones, instantly sucked into his mesmerizing grasp. He was like a siren, luring her into his trap to feast on her darkening thoughts – thoughts she hadn’t been able to shake ever since meeting the tall priest. 
“I know you won’t, (y/n). You will start Sunday morning to join me for the first service of the day, and then we can go through your task for the upcoming two weeks.” 
“Professor?” Her voice hallowed through the empty church. It was still dark out, an early morning she had struggled to adjust to, and yet her nerves had managed to get her out of bed, finding her way towards these holy halls. Her sneakers met the ground as (y/n) walked up to the altar, letting her fingertips dance over the cold marble, appreciating the grounding sensation she was instantly taken over by. 
“You’re early.” Professor Riddle's raspy voice made her jump, she had been too distracted by her surroundings to hear him approach, slowly turning towards him with wide eyes. He was wearing his black signature suit, paired with the white collar she’d see in her darkest moments, making heat pool between her thighs. 
(Y/n) clawed her fingernails into her palms to rip herself out of the hazy fog calling for her, needing to stay focused before she could do or say something that would end her internship right there and then. 
“I thought you may need some help preparing for the service.” A sickly sweet smile tugged on her lips, forcing his teeth to rot from the mere possibility of tasting her. He took a step towards her, with his hands clamped together behind his back, giving him an extra authoritarian touch. But while her body screamed at her to take a step back, to find shelter behind the altar, her mind murmured to (y/n) to hold still, not daring to give in to his intimidation scheme. 
“I certainly appreciate your help, (y/n). I knew it was the right choice to pick you for this internship.” He towered over her, staring down at her with his gaze reminding her of a snake, ready to pounce, to sink its poisonous teeth into her quivering body. At that very moment, she was Eve, tempted by the eternal sin, and he was her downfall. She stood closer to him than ever before, front about to touch his, seeking the warmth he emanated in a place as cold as this church. 
“So, what should I do?” (Y/n) needed to get away from him, no longer trusting herself with ignoring the shameless whispers ringing in her ears. But the tall man didn’t back off, he kept watching her with that smirk that told her he knew exactly what she found herself bothered by. A losing game (y/n) had never been destined to win, burning out like a cigarette setting a petrol station ablaze, destined to burn to the ground. 
“Why don’t you choose this morning’s prayers?” He reached for the Bible resting on the altar, way too close to her. His front brushed hers as he leaned forward, reaching for the leather-bound book before pushing it into (y/n)’s grasp. Their eyes kept holding contact, even as his hand disappeared inside the pocket of his jacket, pulling free a black rosary. “Oh, before I forget. Here, I want you to have this.” 
(Y/n) didn’t get any time to react or to ask questions as he pushed the rosary over her head to let it rest on her chest. His hand kept holding onto the dangling cross, while his eyes flickered back to her confused ones. “They will know you belong to me, wear it whenever you are working here.”
Her eyes were focused on the bright laptop screen as she was typing away her notes for this day, promising to give them to Professor Riddle before leaving. Even though her thoughts were still all over the place, (y/n) found herself growing more comfortable around the tall man most students were scared of. He treated her kindly, and yet something was hiding behind his words and expressions she couldn’t pinpoint. 
“Are you done with your notes?” Professor Riddle’s voice filled his office as he stepped inside. (Y/n) didn’t lift her gaze at first, hastily trying to type the last sentence before she gave in and dared to look at him. 
“Just finished, should I print them?” He didn’t reply to her question, eyes fully focused on her upper body, trying to locate the missing rosary. With her breath hitched in her chest, (y/n) watched him approach, rounding the desk to find his way towards her. (Y/n) struggled to breathe as the scent of his expensive cologne clashed against her frame, forcing her to get lost in his darkening eyes. 
“Where is the rosary?” She knew that she had forgotten it at home this very morning, too tired to care about any rules and regulations, but her hand still snapped up to her chest, trying to find the missing piece.
“I’m sorry, I forgot it at home.” He didn’t give in to the soft smile (y/n) shot him, didn’t pick up on the exhaustion dripping from her words, solemnly focused on the way she had gone against his rules. His tongue kissed his teeth before he took a step back and stretched his ringed hand out for her to take. “Where are we going?”
“I wanted to go over this with you tomorrow, but it seems like tonight is the perfect time to do so.” (Y/n) was led out of his office and down the hallway towards the dark nave. They walked up to the confessional, and as he opened one door for her, he shot her a look that made her tremble, letting any protests die on the tip of her tongue. 
“Have you ever confessed before, (y/n)?” She was engulfed by darkness, and could barely see her own hands, let alone the man who was sitting close to her, behind the wooden construction keeping them apart. The scent of incense hung in the air, sticking to her like a second layer of skin, a reminder of their sacred surroundings.
“No, professor.” (Y/n) had been addressing him as “Professor” for the past days, not daring to use any other title, let alone his first name. But the second she used this very title to address him, (y/n) could tell that it would be the last time she’d call him that tonight, a shift was happening, something she was now taken over by. 
“It’s Priest Riddle to you.” The barely audible gasp clawing through (y/n) left him chuckling, followed by the sound of him shifting around on the bench, making himself comfortable as she grew more tense. “You sinned, you went against my rules. I must punish you for that, (y/n).”
“Punish me?” She hated that his words pushed excitement through her, forcing her to sit even straighter as if he could see her. Her fingertips began to tingle, her legs were quivering, unable to hold still as something she had only dreamt of slowly began to unfold right at that very moment. 
“Honesty will be the price of your foolishness, (y/n). I notice the way you look at me, how you seem to long for something you aren’t allowed to even reach for. Tell me, (y/n), what is it you so desperately seem to want?” Embarrassment flushed through her, followed by anger she couldn’t shake. How dare he ask something like this? How dare he try to embarrass her for a simple mistake? She should have left the confessional, stormed out of the church, and reported the man for overstepping. And yet she didn’t, already stuck in the trap he had laid out for her months ago.
“I don’t know.” It was the truth. She didn’t know what she wanted from him if she was merely longing for his touch, or if something even more desperate was guiding her on. She didn’t know if she wanted a simple taste, or to be swallowed wholly by him. She simply didn’t know. 
“How far are you willing to go, (y/n)?” Her mouth felt dry, unable to swallow as his words began to sink in. (Y/n) was grateful that he couldn’t see her, the way her pupils were dilated by the lust flushing through her, the goosebumps covering every visible part of her body as if she was engulfed by an icy wind. 
“Farther than I should.” A part of her expected him to break the spell they were now connected by, to pull her out of the confessional and scold her for giving in this easily. But the priest didn’t move, and neither did (y/n). 
“Spread your legs, I want you to touch yourself like I bet you keep imagining me doing.” With her heart in her throat, (y/n)’s hand disappeared beneath her skirt, slowly pushing her damp panties aside. A soft moan clawed through the student, grateful that the others had left the church hours ago. “Good girl, fuck yourself with your fingers.”
Another moan left (y/n) as she pushed two fingers into her tightness, spreading her walls as if she was preparing herself for his cock, desperate to take every inch. She kept moaning for him, choking on her sounds that grew heavier with every passing moment. 
“I can hear how wet you are, I bet you taste so sweet, like the forbidden fruit.” His words guided her on, ringing in her ears as if the Devil was calling for her, wandering through the darkness to reach his open arms, getting lost in his sweet promises. “I should imprint my palm on your skin for going against my rules. You promised you wouldn’t disappoint me, didn’t you?”
“I’m sorry.” Her needy whimpers left the priest chuckling, sounds that almost managed to drown out the ones clawing through (y/n). 
“I’m sure you are, (y/n). Stop touching yourself.” It pained her to pull her hand away, she had been close to giving in, ready to call out his name as her orgasm clashed through her, seconds before she could have reached paradise. The sounds of Priest Riddle leaving his side of the confessional echoed through the evening, followed by the sounds of him opening her side and stepping into the small space. 
She was pulled to her feet and tugged in for a kiss that left her moaning. (Y/n)’s arms found their way around Priest Riddle's neck, trying to pull the tall man even closer as if she were addicted to him. He broke the kiss to turn her around, pressing (y/n)’s front against the wooden wall separating both sides of the confessional. His ringed hands felt cold against her body as he shuffled her skirt up to her waist, letting her panties drop to the ground seconds later.
“I hope you prepared yourself enough for this punishment.” His ringed hand came down on her behind, forcing a yelp out of (y/n) who pressed herself further against the cold wood. Pain stretched itself through her, an unfamiliar kind of pain that made her ache for more. Once again, his palm met her warm skin, knowing that she’d struggle with sitting for the next few days. “I can’t wait to finally fuck you, make you pay for all these times I felt your eyes on me like a needy whore who doesn’t know when to stop.”
(Y/n) couldn’t protest, she couldn’t speak up to beg him for any kindness he wouldn’t offer. Only as she felt him pull away for a moment did (y/n) allow herself to breathe, blinking away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. 
“What do you want, (y/n)? And don’t feed me another lie. I want your honesty.” Chills ran down her spine at his dangerous tone, shaking through (y/n) like an earthquake set on ripping her off her feet. She had to deeply inhale, had to heavily swallow before she managed to put her longings into words, needing to break out of his trap. 
“I want your cock, fuck me, please, Priest Riddle.” A satisfied hum left the man, followed by the sounds of him ripping open a condom, prepared for his very punishment. It didn’t take long until she felt him at her entrance, slowly pushing into (y/n) with a heavy groan that dripped with need and lust clawing through him.
It felt as if they had been created for his moment only, bodies made to fit. 
“I should tell you to never sin again, to stay true to your promises. But you’ve turned me into a sinner as well, no promise could keep me from you any longer.” His words left her gasping, walls clenching around this twitching cock. He fucked her with urgency, set on proving to (y/n) and to himself that she was his, his to guide, his to punish. 
“You take my cock so well, I bet you dreamt of being fucked by me in a holy place, didn’t you?” His warm breath clashed against her tingling skin as he spoke his words, drawing a heavy sob out of (y/n) as she lost her grip on their surroundings. Tom’s hand moved like a snake, slithering back up to her throat to hold onto her, letting go of a raspy, “Speak when I ask you to.” 
“Yes, I did. I dreamt of it.” It was a simple reply, yet it was just enough to make the priest hum in approval. He twitched inside of her as he could tell that they both were ready to let go with their hearts pounding and their limbs aching. (Y/n) struggled to breathe on as he tightened his grip on her throat, forcing her head to rest against his broad chest. The priest stared down at (y/n), her lighthouse in the darkest nights, the burning bush to rely on. An anchor of safety. 
“Let go, (y/n), be honest once again.” She came with a gasp, with her eyes squeezed shut and her lips parted. A sight so ethereal, the priest followed her moments later, letting his teeth graze his lower lip to draw some blood. He pulled out of her all too quickly, to turn her back towards him with his bloody lip finding hers, “Now you’re truly mine, bound my blood.” 
And who was she to deny a sinner a wish this pure? At least it was on them to pray for Satan that night, since God no longer would pick up on their calls. 
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Summary: The third part to 404*
The one where Harry is good for more than a good time.
But he's still good at that, too.
Word Count: 5.2k
*Contains Mature and Explicit content! Please only consume what you feel comfortable with!💞You are so much more important!*
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“Oh, come on…please. Please, don’t do this. Not right now. Not today…please.”
With a deep breath, you stick the key back into the ignition and try again. Waiting anxiously for the sound of the engine roaring to life. A sound you desperately need to hear more than anything.
Instead, all that follows is that familiar clunking of something heavy before there’s a rather shrill buzzing you can’t quite place.
Exasperated and woefully defeated, you take the key back out, groan, and drop your forehead onto the steering wheel. “This is not happening.”
Truth be told, you should have seen this coming. This isn’t the first time your poor car has made this unsettling noise, and perhaps it’s your fault for ignoring it for so long. You hadn’t meant to; you just didn’t realize it was this bad. Or that your car was this old.
Now, you’re trapped in the Juno Incorporated parking lot on a Friday afternoon with no way of getting you or your car home.
“The fuck is wrong with you?”
You don’t even bother to lift your head as Harry’s voice carries in through the window. “Nothing. Go away.”
You hear the sound of his boots scraping across the concrete before they stop, and you feel a large shadow fall over your side of the vehicle. “Can I assume that god awful noise came from this hunk of shit you call a car?”
Leaning back, you huff as you look over. “I’m sorry, do you want something?”
Harry smirks, arms crossing over his chest as he juts his chin toward you. “Pop the hood, let me see.”
“Come on,” he pushes, a few curls dancing across his forehead from a soft gust of wind. You realize he looks different outside of the lab. Normal, almost. It’s unsettling. “You wanna leave, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but knowing you, you’d probably cut my breaks.”
“If I were gonna take you out, I would have done it by now.”
“Oh. Wow. You’re really instilling me with a lot of confidence, thanks.”
He steps back and motions toward the front of your car. “Fucking relax, Tinkerbell, and just pop the goddamn hood.”
Regretfully, you do as instructed before leaning out the open window to watch him walk toward your engine. “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“I know enough,” he replies, using the back of his hand to push on his glasses before bending down.
“That…is not helpful.”
“Well, I’m your only shot. Everyone else is gone.”
“I can call a repair guy.”
He shakes his head once. “Won’t get here in time. It’s rush hour on a Friday. You’ll be here for hours if they even show at all. And chances are, they won’t be able to schedule you in till next week. So, unless you’re planning to sleep here, in your car, can you please shut the fuck up, and let me focus?”
You feel your expression morph into a scowl as you unclick your seatbelt and step out. “I’d rather sleep in my car than trust you to fix my engine.”
You notice his eyes roll, but he’s amused. “Well, I can’t fix it. Not here. I think it’s your spark plugs. They tend to wear out faster in older cars. You’ll probably have to get them replaced.”
Scurrying to stand beside him, you glance over your engine and the internal workings of the car with a heavy sigh.
“You’re kidding,” you mumble beneath another strained groan. “And let me guess, it’s gonna be expensive.”
“Probably,” he agrees, glancing over. “But it’s not like you can’t afford it.”
Your eyes narrow. “I know I can afford it, I just don’t like dropping thousands of dollars on something so dumb.”
“Spark plugs aren’t dumb,” he retorts while reaching for your hood to slam it shut. “You need them to fucking drive.”
“Yeah, but having to pay for a rental car, manual labor, and a tow truck is dumb,” you point out. “And this is the last thing I need right now.”
His eyebrow lifts but he doesn’t ask for elaboration. Instead, he begins to stride across the lot toward a dark, black Harley, leaving you and your crisis behind.
In turn, you reach for your cellphone to look up local tow trucks and mechanics that might be able to help you out.
To your dismay, most shops are already closed for the weekend, except for one. And after a very lengthy and frustrated discussion, you learn that they won’t be able to come by until much later tonight. Which means that all your hopes of having a nice, relaxing evening are for naught. 
Once again defeated, you slump back against the side of your car and drop your head. “Well…great.”
Harry’s smirk returns as he glances over and straddles his bike. “What?”
“I’m stuck here until midnight,” you mumble, running a palm down the side of your cheek. “You were right, everyone is booked.”
“Shit,” is about all he offers while pulling his helmet over his head. “That sucks.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Welcome.” He revs the engine, and just like that, the bike roars to life. The loud and somewhat startling sound echoing across the parking lot as you flinch.. “So, what’s the plan, Princess? You gonna call an Uber and come back later?”
“I can’t,” you shout over the noise. “I have to be here in case they come early, or they’ll leave.”
Through the open visor, you see him frown. “Ah.”
He studies you for a moment more, and you feel your skin grow warm under such a scrutinous gaze. Like he’s looking for something written between the lines of your face. “Well…make sure you lock your doors.”
“No shit.”
He smiles again before flipping the visor shut and steadying the bike with his leg. You stand back, ready to watch him speed out of the lot and onto the street, but to your surprise…he simply sits there.
In fact, a good sixty seconds pass before he suddenly slips the helmet off his head, sighs, and thrusts it toward you. “Get on.”
You blink. “What?”
“Get on the fucking bike, Tink,” he repeats. “I know a bar we can hang out in till they get here.”
“I…I just told you, I can’t leave—”
“You can see the parking lot from inside,” he interrupts. “If they show, we can just run back over.”
You step closer, drawn to his proposition, although still wildly confused. “Uh…okay. Why, though? I’m fine to just wait here.”
He looks at you, the grassy green behind his glasses somehow softer in this natural lighting. “S’not safe,” he says simply, shrugging one shoulder up. “Be better to wait somewhere public, and I don’t really want your death on my conscience.”
 And you aren’t exactly sure what to say. Because you think this may be the nicest thing he’s ever done for you – even if it’s still a little odd – and you don’t want to spook him by doing the wrong thing.
But as you debate a response, he shakes the helmet at you again, rather aggressively. “Tink, get on the goddamn bike, please. I’m wasting gas here.”
With a huff, you snatch it from his hand and join him on the Harley. The helmet slips on rather easily, and once you’re sure it’s snug and secure, your eyes trail down his back, unsure of how to proceed. 
You don’t exactly want to…hold him. Or touch him or straddle him. At least, not outside of the way you do in secret. In broad daylight. Where people could see.
In fact, you already feel as though you’re grinding against his ass from how small this goddamn seat is. Almost too close for comfort as you catch a subtle trace of his cologne and feel the warmth from his body.
But motorcycles don’t exactly come with seatbelts, and if he were to take a sharp corner, you might end up pancaked on the cement.
“Tinkerbell,” you suddenly hear him call over his shoulder, voice raised to carry over the growl of the engine. “Just fucking grab me, it’s fine.”
You glare at his curls, despite knowing he can’t see you. “I’m good.”
He snorts again before he’s suddenly reaching back, grabbing onto your wrists, and hoisting your arms around his middle.
You’re tugged forward, your chest pressing to his spine rather forcefully as he glances back.
“Pussy,” he murmurs, releasing the clutch until the bike jolts forward and takes off through the parking lot.
With a rather shrill squeal, you tighten your hold on his broad frame, and bury yourself between his shoulder blades. The sensation is exhilarating and frightening all in the same moment. The rush of wind, adrenaline, and the way he leans around the corner before taking off down the street.
You think you feel his chest vibrate with laughter, perhaps from the way your nails are scraping down his shirt. And despite your increasing terror, you find that you feel oddly…safe with him at the handles.
Not even two minutes later, he’s pulling into another parking spot on the other side of the street, right in front of the aforementioned bar. It’s a bar you recognize, one that a few of your other coworkers often frequent from time to time.
In fact, this is the exact same bar you and Harry first hooked up in all those months ago.
The memory makes you smile.
“What?” Harry asks as swings his leg over the side and stands up. “Why are you grinning like that?”
You quickly wipe the smirk from your face while wrestling the helmet off to hand back. “Like what? I’m just smiling, calm down.”
“I don’t like when you smile. It freaks me out.”
“You’re really rude, you know that?”
“What? I’m just being honest. You have a lot of teeth. It’s weird.”
You glower at him, swatting his chest as you brush by. “Bite me, Harold.”
“With what? Your teeth?”
You feign a snubbed gasp – to which he chuckles – before striding into the bar, leaving him to follow behind.
The large room is loud and crowded with people, the smell of alcohol and bad decisions clinging to the air. You make a beeline for the counter, exhausted and overworked and already annoyed by Harry’s future comments before he can even make them.
“Really? An appletini?” 
With a deep breath, you look over while the bartender turns around to begin prepping your drink. “Yes, really. I like apples. And it’s delicious. And the color is fun.”
He rests an arm on the edge of the marble bar and leans in. “How incredibly boring of you.”
Once again, your expression falls flat. “Are you gonna be this fucking annoying the whole time? Because I’d rather wait by my car and get murdered.”
“I make no promises.”
“Clearly. And let me guess, you’re gonna order something cool and manly like a scotch on the rocks.”
Harry’s eyebrow quirks up before he smugly turns toward the bartender and calls, “I’ll have a SnakeBite.”
You can actually feel your eyes roll all the way into the back of your head. “God, you’re fucking pretentious.”
“Thank you,” he says with a smile, and you grit your teeth. “Will you relax? I haven’t even had a drink yet and you’re killing my buzz.”
“I’m not killing anything, I just can’t stand you.”
“No? Ouch. I thought we were friends.”
The sarcasm is evident, but you huff, nevertheless. “For the love of god, shut up.”
“What?” He nods his chin at you. “S’just a drink, don’t be so sensitive.”
“I’m sensitive because you’re annoying.”
“No, you’re sensitive because you’re wound up,” he retorts, eyeing you closely. It makes your skin crawl. “When’s the last time you got off, Tink?”
The inquiry makes you step back, almost as though trying to avoid his judgment. “None of your business.”
“So…couple weeks ago? In the closet, with me?” He clicks his tongue in disappointment. “That’s a long fucking time, Princess. No wonder you’re so uptight.”
Your mouth drops open, ready to scoff your resentment and perhaps a quippy remark before he suddenly steps forward and lowers his voice.
“Bet it’s achy, huh?” he coos, and the slight air condescension and sympathy makes your head spin. “Bet you hump your little pillow every night trying to get it done, yeah? But it never works, does it?”
Stunned and left without much remark, your lashes flutter.
He moves closer. “See, if we were friends…I’d offer to take you into the bathroom and help you out. But since you think you can do better…go ahead.”
He leans back while you gape at him. “I’m sorry…go ahead and do what?”
“Find someone,” he answers, glancing around the packed bar. “Take ‘em into the bathroom and let them bend you over the sink.”
“You can’t be serious—”
“Why not?” His eyebrow raises. “That’s the whole reason people come to bars. To get drunk and fuck.”
“Well…that’s not why I’m here.”
“It could be.”
“Why? Seriously, why not? You need it.”
“I don’t…you’re so fucking rude, I don’t need to get off—”
“Coming is good for your health. And for your unfavorable attitude—”
“Oh, you are so fucking—”
“Rude? Annoying? Doesn’t make me any less right.”
You clamp your mouth shut and step closer, letting your gaze travel the expanse of his face. “Come on, Harry,” you murmur softly – salaciously – as his breath seems to catch. “Do you really think…you could watch me with some other guy?”
His expression twists, his mouth already forming around something else snappy and crude.
But it seems to get stuck on his tongue when you suddenly reach out and trail your fingers down his chest. Moving in until there’s only a single breath between you.
“Do you really think…you could watch me touch them?” you whisper, glancing down to your hand as it grazes over his pec. “Or know that they had me dripping down their cock…the way I always drip for you?”
He wants to fight you. Wants to snort and look away.
But he doesn’t. He can’t. He’s mesmerized by the power you so easily stole from him. Undone by the sound of your voice taunting him with an idea he can’t seem to stomach.
“Wanna know I’m whimpering their name the way I always whimper yours?” you continue, smoothing your other palm up the back of his neck. Squeezing just hard enough to make him straighten up. “Wanna see the marks on my throat from where they held me—”
“Easy,” he warns lowly, reaching up to snatch your wrist. But he doesn’t move you. “Not here—”
“Why?” You push up onto your tiptoes and let your lips ghost over his. “Who’s gonna see, hm? Who’s gonna care?”
His lashes flutter, eyes traveling down to your mouth. “Are you this desperate for it, Princess? Wanna fuck me right here in the middle of the bar? Make them watch?”
You smile, head tilting until the tip of your nose dances across his cheek. “Maybe,” you nearly purr. “Bet you like to be watched. You always like watching me.”
And maybe he knows you’re merely playing a game. Teasing him just to throw him off track and test his patience.
But he plays along, eager to see where it might lead. “Can’t help it,” he replies calmly, smirking himself. “Y’just always look so pretty when you’re three fingers deep in your cunt.”
“Yeah?” Your nails scratch at the soft curls near the nape of his neck. “Funny how I can make myself squirt better than you can.”
He exhales a rather sadistic chuckle while his arm reaches to loop around your waist, pulling your chest flush with his. “I wasn’t trying to make you squirt.”
His head shakes once. “No. Trust me, Tink. If I wanted to…I would.”
“Then maybe you should.”
His lips part just enough to tease you with a taste. “Maybe I will.”
“Yeah? Right here? In front of everybody?”
Another grin. “I could. Be so fucking easy, too. Bend you over the bar, pull your soaked little panties down…spread you open so they can see how much of a dirty little cumslut you are.”
And perhaps this started as a ruse, but just the thought and the tantalizing way he speaks breeds a new inspiration.
“Cause you are, aren’t you?” he asks quietly, large hand pressing hard against your spine. “My dirty, fucking Princess? Get all wet and weepy from just a couple words?”
You swallow a whimper trying desperately to come free.
“Should I check?” he whispers, now subtly moving you over until your back meets the counter. “Hm? See if you’re as wound up as I think you are?”
You rifle through your list of responses but find that you have none to offer as his fingers delicately begin to trace the edge of your jeans. Provoking you further.
You reckon you should probably stop him. Point out what an idiotic idea this is and remind him that he’s still very much in public, surrounded by people.
But his body blocks you from most of the crowd, and nobody else is close enough to notice. And you suppose that even if they did look over, they wouldn’t exactly be able to see or understand.
His eyes flick to yours, looking for hesitation. But when he finds none, the corner of his mouth twitches up into a pleased smile.
“Dirty Princess,” he teases, sliding his hand into your pants as subtly as he can while you quickly glance around for prying eyes. “That’s right, Tink. Look at them.”
 The feel of his cold fingers against your warm skin is like ecstasy, sending a rush of adrenaline straight down to your toes.
You gasp quietly to mask a whine, vision going hazy as you watch him study you. 
“Oh, sweetie,” he tsks, smoothing his touch through your folds. Spreading and stroking as you reel. “Poor fucking thing. Did’ya get yourself all wet for me?”
“No,” you manage to reply, heart hammering against your rib cage when he smirks. “I was watching TikTok’s of Andrew Garfield earlier. This is for him.”
“Ah,” he hums, but he’s wildly amused, hand still cupping you gently before he swiftly pulls out and leaves you to wilt. “Well, in that case…”
He steps away, fingers tucked between his lips as he pretends to turn around.
However, before he can get far, you manage to capture a fistful of his shirt and yank him back to you. 
And you kiss him. Without reluctance or fear. You kiss him, and you sigh against his mouth, and swallow his surprised but greedy moan.
His hands are on your hips, squeezing and pulling, desperate to tug you further into his frame. 
You go willingly, becoming pliable in his hands. A few people cheer from beside you, raising their glasses and whistling like drunken animals. 
But it makes you both smile, suddenly unencumbered by the ideas of what people might think or who might see.
And it’s strange to feel so at peace in his arms. Unnatural almost to find relief in his lips or safety in his presence. Because this is still the same Harry that would let you drown before he jumped in after you. That would rather tell you off than tell you he likes you – even as an acquaintance. 
You’re not enemies, per se. You imagine you’re both too old for such childish rivalries. But he’s cruel and rude and blunt. His ego rivals the size of the moon, and his lack of care and inhibitions is proof that he could never be who you’d need him to be.
But that’s okay, you realize. You find serenity in the sadistic, strange behavior. Because it means you don’t have to commit to giving him anything more than what he deserves.
His tongue leaves a quick lick to yours before he pulls back and studies you from behind the dark frames of his glasses. “I need to fuck you.”
And you almost laugh at the frank way he speaks. “Yeah?”
“Yes.” His palm slides over the curve of your ass, squeezing it one, twice, three times. “Meet me in the bathroom.”
“Ew, no. I’m not fucking you in a crusty ass bathroom in a sketchy bar,” you retaliate with a scrunch of your nose. “Pick somewhere else.”
“There isn’t anywhere else,” he huffs. “Unless you really do want me to fuck right here in front of everybody.”
“That’s not funny.”
“M’not trying to be funny. I’m trying to fuck you.”
“Well…try harder.”
His eyes narrow. “Fine, you wanna fuck me on my bike?”
You blink. “Okay, that’s really not funny.”
“What?” He’s grinning again, and you hate the way his dimples pop out. Hate how charming they make him look. “Come on, I ride the bike, you ride me.”
You snort as you turn around to take a sip of your drink. “I’d rather get herpes.”
“Wow. Classy. Real fucking classy—”
“Admit it, you’ve had it before—”
“Oh, fuck you—”
“Well, you can’t. Remember?”
He scoffs. “Then where the fuck do you want to go?”
“I don’t know. Literally anywhere else?”
“Well, I’m not taking you back to mine.”
“No? You don’t want me to see the bridge you live under?”
“Troll jokes. Funny.”
“Thank you, I thought so. It’s very fitting.”
His expression falls flat before he sighs and steps closer again. “Meet me in the fucking bathroom,” he repeats quietly, “and let me fuck you. Let me make it better.”
You want to remind him – again – that a dirty bathroom in a crowded bar isn’t exactly the best place. You’d never get a moment of privacy, and the position would most likely be wildly uncomfortable.
But suddenly, none of your reasons seem to matter. Because it hurts to be away from him. Actually aches between your thighs, forcing you to swallow thickly.
So, instead of responding with an actual answer, you simply take his hand, and drag him through the crowd.
You catch his smug smile – and resist the urge to slap the glasses off his face – before yanking him into the hall and toward the bathroom.
You both stumble through the door, already back on each other’s lips. Kissing, and groping, and groaning as you work to get the lock flipped.
You pause for only a moment to make sure the single stall restroom is in fact empty while Harry uses this as encouragement to begin nipping down the side of your neck. 
Your nails scratch down his scalp and he moans against the heat of your skin, exhaling his relief and lust all in the same breath.
His touch is firm – pointed and almost painful – as he pushes you back toward the wall. You gasp when you meet the cold, hard cement, lashes fluttering from the force and the sound of his belt coming undone.
He nods his chin at you, entertained by your fascination. “Come on, Princess. You’ve seen my cock before.”
“Just shut up and fuck me,” you murmur, swallowing thickly when he pulls himself out. “Before I change my mind and find somebody else."
He scoffs with a smile. “I’d like to see you try.”
He gives himself a few pumps, growing harder in his palm before he lets go and moves his attention to your jeans. He’s got them down your legs and pooled around your ankles in under thirty seconds flat, your panties soon following suit.
But he teases you for just a moment. Because of course he does, the sadistic fucker. Needing to hear you beg for him before he actually gives you what you both want.
“Harry,” you huff, glancing down as he presses a kiss to the inside of your thigh. “We don’t have time, and the floor is dirty. Just do it.”
“Just do it? How romantic,” he snorts before obliging and straightening back up. “Thought girls liked foreplay.”
“We do, but not in gross, dirty bathrooms.”
“Fine. Next time.”
And for some reason, the casual way he refers to the future makes your head spin. You always assume the two of you will continue from time to time. But hearing him promise to take care of you again…
It’s almost…nice? 
Pushing the thought aside, you begin to turn around, hands pressing into the wall to brace yourself in preparation for what comes next.
But just as you’re getting comfortable, he suddenly grabs onto your hips, and spins you forward once again.
“No,” he murmurs softly, pretty green eyes trailing down your face. “No, I wanna see you this time.”
“Oh,” you whisper, skin growing hot as he steps between your legs. “Okay…?”
He grins lightly before reaching up to trail his thumb along your bottom lip. “I like watching you get all sappy when I fuck you. The way you grin when it feels good.”
Suddenly, your pulse starts to stagger. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I like your smile.”
You suck in quiet breath. “I thought it creeped you out. That I had too many teeth.”
He chuckles to himself before taking hold of his cock and bringing it closer, trailing it between your legs. “You do. But that’s what makes you so beautiful.”
You think he must be out of his mind. Lost on the idea of sex and pleasure and SnakeBite’s. Tipsy and not all there. Because the Harry you know would never say something like that to you.
But you suppose you don’t really know Harry at all.
With that final thought, he hoists your leg over his hip, and begins to push in. It’s slow at first. You’re tense from the surroundings, from the loud sounds of the bar just on the other side of the wall, and from his admission.
But he loves it, cursing through gritted teeth before surging forward to kiss you. “Tink, you gotta fucking relax. Y’know I can’t do it if you don’t let me in.”
“Try…trying,” you pant, head falling back against the wall with a thud. “Sorry. Just go.”
He frowns, eyes rolling as his glasses begin to slip down the bridge of his nose. “M’not gonna go if you’re not stretched, Princess. I’m not trying to hurt you—”
“I don’t care,” you argue with a soft whine. “Really, I don’t care. Just go. Make it hurt.”
He releases your leg to slip his fingers just below your jaw, forcing your eyes on him. “Stop. M’not gonna do that, just relax.”
“I’m trying—”
“Try harder,” he murmurs, kissing the side of your mouth. “Come on, sweetie. Know you can do it. Know you always take me so well, don’t you?”
You nod fervently. “Yes…yeah, yes—”
“Then take me,” he whispers, his free fingers finding your clit. He rubs, and presses, and pinches until he feels you begin to unwind. “There you go…there she is, that’s my girl. S’better, isn’t it? Yeah? Gonna let me in now?”
You can’t exactly speak, already lost in the pleasure and the fullness his thick cock provides as it pushes past your walls and settles nearly in your belly.
The sound you make is depraved and eager, and it makes him smile. “That good, huh? So fucking cute how cockdrunk you get.”
“Shut…up,” you huff before reaching for his hair. “Faster.”
“Faster,” he repeats to himself, hips pulling back just to snap forward. “Always want it fast, don’t you? Never want me to take my time.”
“Cause I don’t want your dick in me longer than it needs to be,” you retort, but you both know that’s not true. “Fucking hurry—”
With a sharp and sudden thrust, he changes the pace. Obeying your command for fast and hard as your bodies shake with pleasure and force. 
And you imagine it should feel quite strange to be so enamored by one man – one cock. But here you are, panting, and gasping, and whimpering as he fucks you against this bathroom wall. Ignoring the pounding of the fists against the door from people wanting to be let in.
He kisses you. Kisses all of you. Your lips, your cheek, your chin, your nose, your jaw, your neck, your collarbone. Tugs on your skin with his teeth before flattening his tongue against the tortured flesh. 
His hand dances underneath your shirt. Palm smoothing up your stomach and over the cup of your bra. Slipping just far enough inside to knead you in his grasp. Make you whimper and push closer.
And he’s so warm. All of him is warm and soft and strong. He smells like mahogany and sex, and he feels like ecstasy.
You love his hands. The veins in his arms, the bulge of his muscles. The tan of his skin and the way he holds you. 
He might be infuriating, but my god is he fun to look at. 
“Fucking shit,” he snaps, readjusting his angle to make sure he’s fucking into you just right. “So fucking good, Tink. You’re shaking, sweetie. You close already?”
You can’t respond with words, instead clenching around him in an effort to prove his point.
He smirks, quickly reaching up to push his glasses back into place. “Good. Want you to come all over my cock, baby. Want you to soak me. Can y’do that for me, Princess? Can you soak my cock?”
You think you know what he means, but truth be told, you aren’t sure if you can. You’ve only done it twice before – by your own hand, not his – and you wonder if you’d even be able to like this.
But the question is answered for you when he moves just enough to find that sweet, spongy spot that unravels you faster than lightning. 
He hits it over and over and over – perhaps without even realizing – and when you suddenly begin to cry out his name…he understands.
He watches as it happens, aiding in your pleasure by spitting on his fingers and bringing them down to your clit. 
The ministrations are ruthless and beautiful, and it almost distracts you from the gushing between your legs, and the way you soak his thighs.
“Shit,” you think you hear him groan, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head. “So fucking good, Tink. Yeah, just like that. That’s good, baby, keep going. Give me all of it. Fucking all of it, sweetie, yeah.”
And just before you can go sliding down the wall out of pure exhaustion…he follows. Pressing his chest into yours to keep you upright as he spills inside your pussy, creating a bigger mess than before. 
Everything is wet and sticky and warm. He’s breathing into your neck, holding onto your body so tight, you imagine you’ll see memories of him tomorrow. 
And you stay, just for a moment. Learning how to take in air again and waiting for the feeling to return to your muscles.
“You okay?” he finally asks, exhaling the question into the sweaty skin of your throat. “Didn’t break you, did I?”
Your smile is lazy as you shake your head. “It would take a lot more than you to break me.”
And he laughs. In the kind of way that makes you clench around him again.
Which only makes him laugh harder.
“I fucking hope so.”
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Next Part:
~ Jealous*
Previous Part:
~ Off the Shelf*
~ Full 404 Masterlist
~ Main Masterlist
~ Blurb Masterlist
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @vane28282 @lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @daphnesutton
1K notes · View notes
Tell me how you hate me now (Miguel O’Hara x fem! Scientist! Reader) Drabble
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Hiiii, so I know I said I’d focus on my main series and I am! But I just had to whip this up after my comment thread from my last post. In my head I imagine this being with Miguel from the game Edge of Time but it can be any Miguel variant. Not proofread, enjoy!
Cursing, workplace enemies to lovers, the girls are arguing 🤭, make out session, slight NSFW (just some ass squeezing) but no smut.
Word count: 750
“O’Hara! Hey O’Hara!” You called out to the figure that sat alone in the lab room. Your irrational only building when you didn’t get a response, not even a glance in your direction. Your pace quicken, white lab coat flaring out behind you as you close the gap between you and the other scientist. Angrily dropping a Manila folder onto his desk, the force of which made a few of his own papers fly a few inches off his desk. Finally making him look up at you with huff and a scowl.
You two have been working together for the last twelve years at Alchemax, and never had you two gotten alone. Always fighting about projects, butting heads about deadlines, everything about and between you both always ended with fighting and arguing.
“Do you know what this is?” The question was rhetorical, a manicured finger pointing at the file that had the name of your last project proposal printed on top. Your angry gaze on his face never wavering as you watch his tired eyes lazily drop to the folder, before looking up at you once more rather boredly.
“Your last project proposal?” He deadpanned.
“Yes, my last project proposal.” You scoffed, “The one that got rejected because you decided to bad mouth it to Stone.” You glared at him, feeling your blood pressure rising higher than it already was as you stood up straight and crossed your arms over your chest. Your eyes immediately connected with his brown ones as he turned his swivel chair to face you properly, arms coping your mannerisms as you both had a miniature stare down before he finally spoke.
“You're acting like this thing-“ he abruptly stood up, making you instinctively take a step back. Grabbing the proposal and using the back of his other hand to lightly hit the folder before dropping it back onto his desk. The pages spilling out from the hazardous manner, making your blood boil. “wasn't already garbage-“
You had to close your eyes and take in a deep breath to stop yourself from lunging at the large man, wanting to tear him a new one. Once you were able to calm yourself down enough you looked back up at him. Despite his towering size over you, you didn’t find him all that intimidating.
“You’re just saying that because you wanted him to pick your project over mine-and don’t say I’m making shit up because you always do it, that’s how you got your project chosen last time!”
“Oh please, god forbid I don’t want to work under you for the next six months. It’s too chaotic! Just thinking about it gives me a migraine…” As if for dramatic effect, a hand goes up and he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Oh yeah, because you’re so pleasant to be working for.” You rolled your eyes, sarcasm dripping from your mouth like venom from a snake’s. “If an intern so much as breathes the wrong way, you lose it.” You're too busy ranting to notice he was making his way towards you. “And don’t even get me started on how you micromanage everything-“
You were cut off by the sudden warmth of lips on yours, eyes wide as you blinked yourself back into the current moment. You had to be dreaming right? Why else would Miguel be kissing you. You didn’t even get to fully process the action before you felt his large hand slip to the small of your back, gently guiding you to make sure you didn’t trip over your own feet as he pushed you up against the wall.
Yeah you weren’t dreaming.
He licks your bottom lip in a silent plea to let him in, you couldn’t help but to melt into the kiss. Once the initial shock finally wore off, your body began to feel hot all over. Eyes flickering shut as your hands landed on his chest, running up to lock around his neck, no doubt leaving wrinkles in their wake. His hand came down to give your ass a firm squeeze, making you involuntarily moan at the movement.
You felt like you could drown in him, he pulled away for air before you got the chance too.
“Been wanting to kiss that pretty mouth shut for a long time.” He admitted between heavy breaths, “tell me how you hate me now with my tongue down your throat.” He taunted playfully, before closing the gap between your lips once more.
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho
615 notes · View notes
slut4thebroken · 4 months
The Deal
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | frat/fuck boy!Robert Fisher x reader
Summary | You’re supposed to be tutoring Robert but he needs your help “taking care of something” before he can focus.
Warnings | Smut, public sex, dumbification, “accidental” creampie, fingering, kissing, him being kinda pervy, a little degradation, technically misogyny, coercion?, praise.
Words | 2.2 k
Notes | ty @hllywdwhre for all your help 😭🙏🏻
Ao3 link | <3
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Ever since the first time you tutored Robert at his place and he fucked you, you refused to go anywhere private for your sessions. Which usually meant you’d meet up at the library or a cafe. Today was no different. You met him at the library at 4 pm and, as always, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of your body. 
“Robert, you actually have to look at what I’m writing to learn this.” You huffed, getting annoyed when you caught him staring at your tits for the fifth time in barely ten minutes. 
“It’s not my fault you’re showing them off. I thought nerds were supposed to be prudes.” He smirked, making you blush a little. Honestly you didn’t get why Robert was paying for you to tutor him in the first place. He clearly didn’t care about learning the material. 
“I’m not... “showing them off.’” You muttered. “If you want to actually pass this class, you should figure out how to pay attention.” He smirked at your attempt to be stern with him. 
“You know, I’d be able to pay attention if my dick wasn’t hard.” He said casually, making you choke on your spit as your eyes widened. You still weren’t used to him talking like that. “And you look so fuckable in that sluttly little skirt.” His gaze dragged down your body to stare at your bare thighs. 
“Robert, stop.” You warned, making his smirk widen. 
“You said you want me to pay attention.” He said coyly. “So you can either get under the table and suck me off or we can go somewhere more private and I can fuck my load into that tight little cunt I haven’t been able to stop thinking about for the past month.” His voice was low and thick with arousal, and you swallowed audibly when his eyes fluttered back up to your face. 
“N-no. We’re not doing that again, it was a mistake.” You cringed when you heard the waver in your voice. 
“A mistake? Baby, if it was a mistake then why did it feel so good?” He purred. 
“I’m serious, Robert.” You’re not the type of girl who partakes in one night stands and you’ve felt embarrassed and ashamed for weeks because of how easily you gave into temptation. 
“So am I.” All of the amusement in this tone was suddenly gone. “Either stand up or get on your fucking knees.” You couldn’t help it when your thighs squeezed together a little from his words. “Well?” He asked impatiently. You bit your lip and looked away, trying to convince yourself that you didn’t want to do this again. And yet…
His smirk returned when you reluctantly got to your feet. “Good girl.” You followed him to the back of the library and once you were in a secluded area, he pushed you up against a shelf before pressing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss, forcing a muffled sound of surprise from you. His hands roamed your body, squeezing your breasts, going down the curve of your waist to your hips, then down even further to feel the soft skin of your thighs. As one hand snaked up underneath your skirt and cupped your heat, he let out a low groan into the kiss. 
“God- I’ve missed this fucking cunt.” He whispered, moving down to start kissing over your neck. “And these tits.” His free hand pushed both your top and your bra up above your breasts. 
“Robert, wait.” You whispered, trying to pull it back down. But he quickly leaned forward and took your nipple into his mouth, suckling on the hardened bud, effectively keeping you from covering yourself. “Someone could walk by.” You whispered more urgently this time, then gasped when his hand suddenly slipped in your panties to start rubbing your clit. 
“Shh… Just be quiet and we’ll be fine, baby.” He murmured against you before simultaneously moving his mouth to your other nipple and pushing two fingers inside you. He let out a low, appreciative moan when he felt the tightness of your walls practically suffocating just two fingers. “I forgot how fucking tight you are.” He groaned, curling his fingers against your walls, making your hands fly up to cling to his shoulders. 
“Robert.” You whimpered. He suddenly bit your nipple lightly, making you gasp as your hips bucked. 
“I can’t believe I’ve gone all these years fucking the whores who throw themselves at me and not the nerds who keep their cunts nice and tight by not sleeping around.” He chuckled, pulling back to look at you as he pushed a third finger in. You let your head fall back against the shelf as your mouth opened in a silent moan, your hips just barely grinding on his hand. You could feel the bulge in his pants pushing against your leg now and you started panting at just the thought of what was about to happen. 
When your back arched slightly, jutting your exposed breasts out more, he cursed under his breath and removed his fingers to start unbuckling his belt and opening his pants. You gasped as he suddenly spun you around and bent you forward a little. Wasting no time, he swiftly pulled your panties down just below your ass, then used one hand to hold your hip, while the other lined his cock up with your entrance. 
“Wait— Condom.” You said quickly, making him pause. He huffed but released you and you looked over your shoulder, watching him pull out his wallet and look through it 
“I don’t have one.” You bit your lip and glanced down at his cock. It was already beading precum and so incredibly flushed— your cunt pulsed at the thought of it finally inside you again. 
“Okay- okay, just pull out.” You said firmly and he nodded before eagerly getting back into position. “I’m serious, Robert.” You said, making him roll his eyes. 
“I know— I will.” He said impatiently. Once you got his verbal agreement, you turned back around, letting him line up again. The thick head of his cock dragged through your slit, spreading your arousal before pushing up against your hole. When his cock breached your entrance, you had to bite your lip to muffle the whimper that slipped out. He continued pushing deeper until his hips were flush with your ass and you let out a shaky breath as your walls struggled to accommodate the intrusion. 
“Fuck- ease up, you’re practically forcing me out.” He grunted, moving both hands to hold your hips as he paused. 
“Sorry.” You whimpered. You didn’t really know why you were apologizing though since you couldn’t help how tight you were. He kept a firm grip on your hips as he slowly dragged his hips back and when he moved forward again, your legs trembled and you quickly clung to the shelf to hold yourself up. 
“I swear… this is the best pussy I’ve ever fucked.” He said through a breath, making you whine quietly. “Wraps perfectly around my cock.” He started thrusting a little faster now, but not fast enough to make too much noise. You had to cover your mouth with your hand because you were getting just a little too loud and you knew Robert wouldn’t stop because of that. If anything he’d probably fuck you harder just to make you moan louder. 
When he leaned over you so your back was flush with his front, then grabbed your breasts, you bit down on your hand, trying to stay quiet. Robert squeezed and groped you greedily before focusing on your nipples, rolling them between his fingers until you were gasping out.  
“I bet the only reason you wanted to have these sessions here was so that I’d finally rail you in public, out where anyone could get a free show.” You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut as you shook your head a little. “I felt your cunt tighten up when I said that…” He scoffed in response to your weak protest. “Who would’ve guessed that the nerd was actually a little whore.” He chuckled, making your cheeks burn with a dark blush. 
“You wear these slutty tops that show off your tits, these tiny little skirts that barely cover anything…” He stood straight again and flipped your skirt up, giving him a clearer view of your ass bouncing with each thrust. “And fuck— when you wear those fucking glasses, I swear I get harder than I thought was physically possible.”
“Robert..” You whimpered, the sound coming out muffled beneath your hand as you reached down to rub your clit that was throbbing almost painfully by now.  
“I know.” He cooed mockingly. “You’re so smart all the time… I bet you’ve just been waiting for someone to finally fuck you into the brainless bimbo you pretend not to be, huh?” 
“Oh god…” You sobbed quietly, knees buckling as you got closer to your release.  
“You get a cock in this needy little cunt and all that IQ just disappears instantly.” He chuckled, the sound a deep rumble as he tried to stay quiet. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let you tutor me if I get to fuck all those thoughts out of your pretty little head after. How does that sound, baby?” You mewled and nodded, back arching, unintentionally pushing your hips into his. “Good girl.” He said through a breathy laugh. 
His hands settled on your hips again and he sped up even more. He wasn’t holding you enough to keep you from falling to the floor as your legs turned to jelly, so you had to take the hand off of your mouth and hold yourself up, wanting to keep rubbing your clit. All you could focus on was Robert, his cock, and your impending orgasm. 
“Wanna come.” You whined, making him laugh again. 
“Yeah? Does that needy pussy want to cream all over my cock?” He cooed, his mocking only pushing you closer to the edge. When you mewled and nodded again, he said, “Go ahead, baby. Show me how much you love being my bimbo bitch.”  
You rubbed your clit impossibly faster, now chasing your orgasm more eagerly since you had his permission. When the knot of arousal in your stomach finally snapped, your knees buckled, almost sending you to the floor, but Robert held you up and pushed you into the bookshelf a little more to keep you from falling. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through you and you tried to keep your sounds quiet, but with his cock still fucking you relentlessly, your efforts were unavailing. 
Robert was moaning quietly behind you at the feeling of your walls convulsing around his cock and with one final grunt, he pulled your hips back to meet his thrust. You whined as his cock twitched with each rope of come that spurted out, painting your walls. The sounds he was letting out were starting to make you needy all over again, but soon enough they quieted into heavy breathing as he rested his body on yours, panting against your neck. 
“Fuck…” He hissed, finally leaning up again and slowly dragging his hips back until his cock slipped out of your fluttering hole. He pushed you down farther so that your torso was almost parallel to the floor, then grabbed your ass cheeks and spread you open, watching his come dribble out of your puffy folds. 
His come. 
“Robert.” You whined once you realized that he didn’t pull out. 
“What?” He asked absentmindedly, playing with your sensitive pussy and pushing his come back inside before pulling your panties up around your hips. 
“You said you’d pull out..” You heard clothes rustling, then he was lifting you up and turning you around to fix your own clothes. 
“Sorry, baby, I forgot.” He said, with no remorse in his tone. “You just felt so good.” You stared up at him through your lashes as you pouted. When he realized you were about to say something again, he pulled you into another kiss. You draped your arms over his shoulders, needing a little help standing on your legs that still felt like jelly. 
“Excuse me!” An offended voice said from the end of the aisle. You both turned to look, finding one of the older librarians standing there with a cart full of books to be reshelved. “That’s hardly appropriate for this setting.” She scoffed. 
“I’m so sorry, ma’am. Thank you for the warning, it won’t happen again.” Robert said with an ingratiating tone as he placed his hand on your lower back to guide you past her. She even blushed when he gave her that charming smile he usually uses to get what he wants.  
As you walked back to the table, he leaned down to speak against your ear. “Next week I’ll see you at my place. I expect you to uphold your end of the deal.” Your fucked out brain could barely even remember what he was talking about when he said “the deal” but you blushed when you realized what you technically agreed to just a few minutes ago. Maybe you were still cock drunk… but the idea didn’t seem too bad now.
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hrts4doie · 6 months
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[10:23] 💭 jaemin texting you this..
warnings: masturbation, nsfw texts, mentions of unprotected sex, jaemin is obsessed with u and ur pussy like badly that’s literally all this is
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jaemin’s obsessed with your pussy.
recently, though, his obsession’s started to get out of hand. he thinks he’d do just about anything if it meant being able to have his face between your thighs for hours on end, mouthing at your cunt until he feels satisfied.
part of jaemin knows that realistically, he can’t just ditch everything to have you sit on his face every second of the day. you’re both busy people with things to do, and honestly, the thought makes him upset.
another part of jaemin thinks that, well, nothing is ever truly impossible. if he wants to have his nose in your pussy all day, then he can. responsibilities could come later if it meant getting a taste of you and hearing the way you moan his name so beautifully every time he eats you out.
jaemin’s just thinking about you and your pretty pussy, phone in his hand, and he’s already so hard.
without a second thought, he pulls up your messages, fingers flying across the keyboard. jaemin doesn’t think you understand just how badly he needs you.
jaemin: i need you so bad rn baby
jaemin: can’t stop thinking about your pussy
you: babe. i’m at work
jaemin: god
jaemin: your pussy is so nice i’d remove my ribs just to suck my own dick after fucking you so i could taste you longer
you: ???
jaemin groans and wraps a hand tightly around his cock. the thought of you at work in your tight little pencil skirt makes his mouth water. if it were up to him, he’d be under your desk right now, eating you out while you try to focus on whatever stupid task your boss assigned for you that day.
he slowly starts to work his hand up and down his cock, smearing pre-cum from his leaking tip all over his length. the slide is wet, just like your pussy, and jaemin seriously can’t get you out of his mind.
jaemin fucks up into his hand and can feel himself getting close already. it should be embarrassing how quickly he cums just by thinking about you but he thinks that at this point, he’s too obsessed to care.
he wishes it was your pussy he was fucking instead, desperately needing to feel your tight walls wrapped around his cock. nothing compares to the way you suck him in, taking jaemin’s cock like you were made for it.
jaemin cums all over his hand at the thought of fucking your tight pussy with a loud groan. his cheeks are red as a momentary wave of shame washes over him for how dirty his thoughts are, but he realizes that if any person were to ever get a taste of you, they’d be the exact same. who can blame him for being obsessed with his girlfriend’s pussy?
he’s quickly brought back to reality when he hears his phone pinging with notifications. he picks it up, looking to see who texted him.
you: jaemin
you: what was that ??
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a/n: quick silly jaem hard hour inspired by that text i saw on twitter 😭😭 literally have no clue why that inspired me but i hope u guys enjoyed.. jaemin i need u
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wyvernest · 1 year
Oh my god I saw your requests were open and I love eveything you write<33
I See many fics where Miguel is the one who is jealous, but what if the tables turned and the reader is the one who is jealous, maybe she’s a civilian and she feels like he’d be better of with a spider person who understands his work better? I’d love to see him feel sad that his love feels that way can you tell I like pain lol
Thank you so so much<33 wishing you all the best for your exam! I’m sure you’ll do amazing!
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pairing: bf!miguel x f!civilian!reader
warnings: jealousy, fluff, suggestiveness, public display of affection
summary: you're worried that miguel might be better off with a spider-person, but he is eager to reassure you (and everyone else) that you're more than enough
a/n:thank you and i hope you like it! im thinking of making a part 2 with balcony sex above nueva york let me know if yall would want it<3
divider by @cafekitsune
You are aware of the so called disadvantages of him being your boyfriend.
He is handsome, no doubt. But that means a lot more than being able to watch him work around the HQ, swinging your legs and wondering how you landed him.
It means having unfamiliar eyes linger over him more than you'd be able to tolerate. Flirty looks and remarks thrown at him like he's magnetic, regardless of everyone knowing he's with you.
Even walking through the glassy hallways and cloud scratching towers of Spider Society is a stab in the heart. 
Noticing all the single spider-women look him up and down, eyelids heavy with the seconds that passed as they unabashedly stared at his physique; his broad back, the bulky arms and toned thighs, at the way the muscles underneath his suit rippled with every heavy step he took, not letting his weight drop lazily on each foot but rather walking with the energetic strength of a man with insane stamina.
You couldn't stop a venomous surge of anxiety mixed with the most sour amount of jealousy from dripping into your nerves as you met their gazes, seeing how beautiful and charismatic they all were.
How agile and gracious they were, swinging by just to blow Miguel a fleeting kiss.
And you certainly couldn't stop wondering if he'd be better off with one of them. One of his kind. One that would be able to swing alongside him, to practise with him, to accompany him.
One that would understand him better than perhaps you ever could.
You know he loves you, or else you wouldn't be together. But the idea that he maybe even once looked at all the women lining up for him and thought they'd be interesting to try is gutting you out.
And he starts noticing it.
Of course.
He isn't oblivious to how you straightened your back or curled your arms around his when another spider woman passed you with flirty looks or remarks. How you'd shut down and become awfully quiet when you two would get home following one of these encounters.
He couldn't bear to see you unhappy. Some of the times he even felt the sharp sting of guilt poking into his heart, knowing that he was the reason others were upsetting you.
More so, your bond.
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You are heading towards his lab at HQ, walking beside him, heart pounding intermittently with anxiety and bubbling anger. Eyes darting around you swiftly, like those of a feral feline making sure no other animal is preparing to jump her and snatch her food from her.
Suddenly, two flowy silhouettes shoot mile long webs far up into a tunnel bridge, only to drop down and swing right past you and Miguel. 
Purring out a simultaneous "¡Hola, Miguel! Looking good today!", reaching their hands down to him while boasting perfect balance with their webs tied to their ankles, they disappear into the distanced skyscrapers of Nueva York, with echoing giddy laughters.
Miguel doesn't move his head in their direction, already way too familiar with such interactions, and already too interested in hearing only one particular ¡Hola, Miguel! - yours.
Only your focus isn't on him. Your mind is running wild with how talented they seemed to be, how flexible and enticing. Already imagining him, playfully swinging with them, his force and precision perfectly matching their grace and melodic rhythm.
A dance you could never participate in.
What you also fail to see is the frown on his face as he turns to you, intrigued and finally ready to catch you off guard.
"¿Qué pasó, amor?" (What happened, love?) He leaned into you, dragging you by your arm to stop you behind a glass pillar. 
You're hauled out of your reverie, eyes widening in panic as you think of something less pathetic and embarrassing to say than the truth.
"Hm? Nothing, I just think they're nice to look at." You motion with your head the direction the two women swung in, clarifying. "Everytime you bring me here, it's all so … breathtaking." You internally wince at the excuse, pulling the best poker face you could muster.
He takes a deep breath, annoyed but patient.
"You know you can tell me anything." He assures you, voice low and whispered so as not to embarrass you in front of the spiders passing by. He is aware that the place isn't the most fitting for the conversation, but any other time he'd tried to coax it out of you, you dismissed it with a "It's nothing. I'm just feeling off today."
Truth be told, he had his suspicions. He is by no means unacquainted with the ways of women, and without a single condescending bone in his body when it came to you, he wants you to spit it out so you could talk about it. So he could untangle the knots in your heart, the doubts about him and your relationship.
"I know." You reply shortly, something in you dying to snap out and tell him everything, but instead, you shut it down at the last moment and decided to leave it at that.
"Then why don't you?" He looms over you, unintentionally, but you start to feel utterly cornered. Your heart is drumming out of your chest, and you are more than certain he can at least hear it. His face reveals his disappointment, however hopeful and attentive he wants to seem.
And just like that, your fronts break down.
"I'm - Don't get me wrong," you trail off, not looking him in the eye. You feel his warm breath fan over your forehead, getting dizzy from the sudden proximity. "I love this place. All the work you put into it.." Your eyes meet his for a fleeting second. "But sometimes it reminds me of how different I am.", You pause, waiting for a response. When he doesn't interrupt, you continue, "How I don't fit in,... here, beside you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" He looks almost pissed, as if you had told him he doesn't fit in. As if he was the one that didn't fit you.
"I mean I'm not … them. I'm not a spider."
"I'm aware of that." he retorts, ironically. "When did that stop me from loving you?". His tone is scolding. He is trying to maintain an unaffected demeanor so you would keep talking, but inside, his heart cracks at your words.
Your face heats up, surprised.
"It's not that." You have to actively stop yourself from leaning into his body and hiding into the warmth of his embrace, so that maybe all the jealousy and worry will wash away. But he deserves an explanation, now that you've admitted your feelings. "They know a side of you that I can only imagine. How it feels to be…like you."
His face softens, full of love and pity.
"I'm the odd one out here." You spit out, frustrated with his silence. "I can't give you everything they can!"
"I don't want what they have." He answers quickly, sincerely. You find it hard to believe, even though he's never lied to you.
To you, he's perfect. He deserves everything. Everything he could get.
And you're not enough.
"Escúchame." (Listen to me) He leans closer into you, his breath hot on your face. "Estoy enamorado de ti." (I'm in love with you.) "I only need you to be happy." 
You finally meet his gaze, full of consideration and fondness. You pray to whatever god hears you that he means it, because you're too far gone in your love for him to go back now.
"What will it take for you to just relax and stop being jealous, hm?" He whispers, smugly and amused. It's clear that he's flattered with your sentiments and possessiveness, but wants to nonetheless fix your issues.
You feel yourself getting immersed into the scent of him, his body heat radiating onto yours. You don't quite know the answer yourself. He grabs your waist right above your hips, sending shivers up your spine. Pulling you closer to him, he moves his head to your ear.
"What if I kissed you right here, right now? Let everyone know that I love you, and only you."
Miguel was very clearly overjoyed with the excuse to show you some public affection, especially if it meant having you so flustered and pliant beneath him.
"Would that make you feel better? Knowing they'll be the jealous ones now?"
You nod, more or less consciously, lifting yourself up on your tiptoes almost reflexively.
His warm and eager hands on your waist strengthen their grip, lifting you further up against his body as your feet lose contact with the ground, your chest meeting his. His lips are soft and tender against yours, dancing in a slow, passionate kiss. With your eyes still closed, you hear a few gasps near you in the hall; some happily amused, some offended.
But you don't care. All you care about right now is how he's tilting your head to the side with one of his palms at the back of your neck, slipping his tongue into your mouth and deepening the kiss. 
You continue to make out without a care in the world, just for the whole Spider Society to receive a much needed reminder that Miguel O'Hara is taken. 
His hands knead the supple flesh of your lower back, making your hum softly into his mouth, your own arms curling around his neck in a vicious hold.
When you least expect it, you feel one hand descend swiftly, leaving you no time to react as he grabs at your ass hard, so hard you jolt up against him, eyes snapping open in shock.
Without moving his hand, he presses his nose to your pulse point, exhales sultry on the sensitive skin.
"I have another idea."
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byoldervine · 9 months
How To Always Have Writing Ideas…
For A New Story:
1. Keep a list. Any time you have one of those sudden bursts of inspiration in the middle of writing a separate story, don’t quit your current WIP or pretend you’ll ‘just remember it’, put it into a separate list. You can always go back to this later on
2. Writing prompts. Look them up, use random word generators, pick a random object you can see, whatever helps you come up with any idea at all. Write a few paragraphs. Can it evolve from there?
3. People watch. Go to a public place and make up backstories for the strangers you come across. That man in the hat is using it to hide his elf ears. That woman with the bright pink hair didn’t dye it, she’s secretly the main character of an anime trying to dodge all the tropes and cliches. That toddler is actually a guardian angel reincarnated to watch over their new baby sibling. What brings them to this place? Where did they come from? Where are they going next?
To Continue An Existing Story:
1. Act it out. Say the words aloud, act out what your characters are doing, get props or people to act off of if you need to. See what feels like the most natural progression of the moment
2. Coffee shop AU, or other substitutional one-shot. Good for establishing dynamics between two or more characters, or even just working out a lone character’s day-to-day. Just write a few paragraphs about your characters entering a coffee shop or similar appropriate establishment/ordinary location. What do they do? What do they order to eat/drink? What do they say to each other? How do they treat the staff and other customers? If all else fails, write what they do after they leave, as if it were an ordinary day for them
3. Rubber duck it. This is something programmers use to work out where they went wrong in their code, but I’ve found it can work for figuring out story stuff as well. What you do is get a rubber duck, or any other object of focus, and start explaining your problem to it out loud. In this case you can read your chapter to the duck, or even give it the full run-down of the plot so far. Warning; side effects may include getting frustrated that the problem was right in front of you and subsequently throwing the duck
For Both:
1. Writing graveyards. I talked a bit about them in a previous post, but writing graveyards are basically just the folder you store your deleted scenes in instead of yeeting them into the void. Reread those, see if they have anything you can recontextualise or repurpose
2. Combine ideas. My WIP Byoldervine is a combination of two separate plots I had that I realised I’d be able to combine - twice. I first realised I could put together my ‘angel and demon heroes protecting humans from a war between heaven and hell’ story and my ‘quest through the fantasy realm to find the ingredients to a cure for a dying god’ story into the same universe as two sides of the same story as a duology. Then I realised I could just remove a few characters, tweak a few plot points and mash them completely together into one book. Combining them works wonders and minimises worldbuilding
3. Go out with friends or family. I guarantee that the one time you’ll be flooded with inspiration is when you don’t have an opportunity to write it down
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ieatchromebooks · 8 months
i cannot put into words how fucking embarrassing it is that most of my comfort characters are also characters i think are hot. now what do you MEAN i wanna rearrange zappa guilty gear’s guts?? why can’t i just look at him and smile and giggle without thinking abt bending him over. he’s cute yeah don’t get me wrong but jesus man. i can count the amount of times i’ve drawn him with his pants on with one hand. the autism is strong but so is the libido.
i don’t know WHAT higher power thought this would be funny. like yeah sure i guess i do think avery pokemon is hot! sure man! cool! he’s not just blorbo to me or whatever he’s a slutty boytoy malewife! yep mhm! do you not understand how annoying this is. i went to the doctor and i got a note that says “you are NOT NORMAL!” like in dream’s mask music video. i understand porn addicts and gooners but at what cost. i never wanted this to be the case i think i’d rather turn into dust.
no, brain, i wouldn’t like to desire this character carnally today thank you. yes i do get joy from thinking abt tying up a funny guy to a bed (consensually) and whimpering, forgive my crudeness, but i would muuuuch rather be like. normal about it, y’know? like to just giggle and kick my feet. not to giggle, kick my feet, and immediately open up a blank canvas on ibis. not saying it gets hard to focus or anything i’m able to control what i focus on pretty alright but damn is it distracting. i would like it to be comfort only sometimes. even if it is kinda funny to be so down bad about a fictional british guy with a funny voice and a funny joyous charismatic personality. it’s so fucking pathetic !!!! and not in the sexy way !!!!!!!!
tl;dr i want to fistfight god for making me so horrendously down bad for some of the blorbos from my games
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jade-jini · 9 months
omg thank youuuuu g!p loser reader x sana pls 🥺💕
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(Perfect moment to bring Sha-rich AHHH)
Daddy’s rich girl who “works” at the company as well with you. Unlike her, you worked your way up to an important position in the company. You invested time, worked and studied hard, and had a position almost as important as her. Almost. Of course nobody could ever have more power than the owner’s daughter, right?
However, the fact that you were able to have such position already spoke a lot about how smart you were. Not a lot of people, specially at such a young age, could get there. If they didn’t know who Sana was, they’d wonder how tf is she technically your superior. Specially when you’re the one who basically does all the work for her.
“Y/n-ssiii” she called in her respective animated tone. You were talking with some coworkers in their desks when you quickly looked at her and gave her all your attention, feeling already cheered up at the sound of her pretty voice.
“Yes, Ms. Minatozaki?” You answered sweetly with those heart eyes you could hardly hide from others, happy to see her already ‘cause you were wondering when was she gonna get to the office (lost puppy behavior-). You knew it was common for her to just show up at any time she wanted to.
“Father has assigned me some hard hard work.” She said with a pout as she showed you a folder. “and I need the help and guidance of the smartest person here, Aka you. No offense, ladies.” She said as she gifted a charismatic smile and wink to the young secretaries you were previously talking to.
Everybody knew that when Sana said “help her”, it meant that you were gonna do all the work for her.
You, of course, would have gladly accepted right away, but you were full of work too, and wanted to take things slow this week rather than having to focus on working hard on your and her work as well. Again.
“I’d love to, but I also have this project and I act-” you tried to explained but she stopped you, already feeling bored hearing the excuse.
“Ah! This is important, y/n. You wouldn’t want our ceo to be missing such an important part of his presentation for this week, presentation that I remind you, you’re part of, right? Or is it that you can’t handle being part of it? ‘Cause If you can’t I can find somebody else that-” now it was your turn to interrupt.
“No!” You quickly said grabbing the folder from her hands. For some reason the idea of somebody else spending time with Sana like that made you horribly jealous (territorial puppy?). It felt like it had more than one meaning. It was more than just somebody helping her with work. “I can do it, ma’am. I’ll have it ready as soon as possible.”
“Sounds great! See you soon in my office.” She said with a big smile as she softly touched your forearm before leaving. You simply sighed, wondering why was it so hard to resist her. You turned around once her silhouette disappeared, just to see your coworkers looking at you and shaking their heads. You shrugged, and excused yourself to your own office to start working.
Some people would think Sana is using you to look good in front of her daddy and his important partners. You had coworkers looking at you with sad eyes, feeling empathetic about “the poor sunbaenim who is too good to say no and has to work so daddy’s girl doesn’t show how unprepared she actually is for this business”. Most of the people in the company liked Sana though, she was charismatic and that’s something that can get you far in life as well. You appreciated her qualities, and saw beyond. But of course there were always those few employees…
“Y/n sunbaenim should be the one with her position”
“Seriously, she’s so qualified. How unfair” some coworkers would whisper. What they didn’t know is that Sana was compensating you and very well for your help with her job.
In her own particular way.
“y/n! Oh my god. y/n~.”
Sana’s moans were getting loud to the point you were starting to concern that some people might be able to hear you guys from outside her office. But being drunk in her taste, you couldn’t care less about that. And Sana didn’t care at all when she was feeling this good, at the end of the day she (her dad-) owned this place. Who was gonna fire her?
You were almost naked, your upper body exposed, your wrists tied behind the chair you were seated on. Your pants were still on though, and your boner was already hurting but you didn’t dare to complain, focus on the task given to you. Not any important report that she needed to have on her daddy’s desk by the end of the week, or any structure analysis of who gives a fuck. No. right now the only thing that mattered was Making Ms. Minatozaki come in your mouth.
But how did you even get here today? Let me explain, it’s easy.
“Ms. Minatozaki, I brought you the latest report as you asked, with updates about last week’s movements in the graphs that our investment teams have been working on.” You said as you entered the woman’s office, several papers in hand battling not to fall as you fixed your glasses how you could.
Right as you stepped a foot on her office, she closed the door with your back against it and locking it behind your back, making you drop your documents and gasp in surprise “w-what’s going on, Ms. Mi-” but you couldn’t finish your question, as she started kissing you like she hasn’t seen you in years. You were caught off guard, moaning in her mouth as you grabbed her forearms. You always loved when Sana kissed you, sometimes you just wished she’d warn you before doing it out of a sudden.
“Ma’am, please, w-wait” you asked, feeling her hand traveling down to palm your dick over your pants “oh god…not there please…”
“Why not? I’m sure it misses me.” The older woman teased with a smirk, trying her best not to laugh. She went to leave wet kisses on your neck, biting it and grabbing your cock more ‘till she was basically masturbating you over your pants.
“Ms, Wait- fuck~ wait! Sana, wait!” You moaned, feeling weak in her hands, containing yourself from simply surrender to her touch was such a hard task, and slowly your brain almost forgot why would you even try to do it anyways.
“You have no idea how much it turns me on when you call me Ms. Minatozaki.” She whispered next to your ear, to then let out a mischievous giggle. “Although my name sounds just as good when it comes from your pretty lips, baby~” Sana teased, and went back to your neck, undoing your tie and shirt. Your trembling hands slowly tried to go to her lower back, but she had other plans “Ah Ah! You’re not using those right now, come here puppy.” Sana guided you to a chair she had in her office, and softly pushed you until you were seated. As she straddled you and went back to kissing you deeply, you didn’t realize that she tied your hands behind your back with your own tie until she stepped up to get something from her drawer and you tried to move.
“Sana? What’s going on?” You asked as you tilted your head, confused but clearly excited, already feeling your member pulsating, needing attention and missing the pressure Sana was giving it when seated on your lap. She was right. Your whole body missed her. Even when you guys hooked up very often you always wanted more of her.
“Nothing we haven’t done before, pretty puppy” she said as she showed you the leash and collar she bought just for you, with a blindfold as well, biting her lip clearly as eager as you were to start.
“You wanna do that here?!” You asked her, clearly surprised.
“What, are you gonna tell me you don’t want it?” She asked back giving you a “you know damn right” look. Sana knew, you could never tell her no.
“… no ma’am.”
And that’s how you ended in the position you were in.
“That’s it baby, keep going like that. I’m gonna come~” you heard the older woman say as you basically fucked her pussy with your tongue, and you wished you could see her facial expressions but again, you didn’t dare to complain, not wanting to be punished. Even though you couldn’t see her, all of your other senses were very awake. The taste of her pussy against your tongue, making you drool creating a mess on her cunt as you felt some of it on your chin. The sounds of her voice moaning your name, as praises also filled the air. The sensation of the leash being pulled, keeping you as close as possible to her. Everything was having you on edge. You felt you could almost come untouched just by pleasing this woman.
Just as she stated, Sana came in your mouth, holding the leash and your head in place as she grabbed your hair a little too hard, sending a little pain, but not too much that you were uncomfortable.
“Fuckk your mouth feels so fucking good…” she moaned as she moved your mouth all over her cunt, helping herself ride the last highs of her orgasm. “It’s time to help you now, isn’t it puppy?” She asked in a cute tone, teasing you over your pants with her bare foot. With how neglected your cock felt, your hips automatically moved towards her foot, desperate for friction. This made the older woman laugh, you were such a cute needy puppy for her. “aw don’t be weird, puppy. I’m not using my feet for that. Got something better for ya.”
And as the seconds feel like ages, with the uncertainty of the darkness, you felt her hands slightly moving your pants to let your member free, and you felt how it hardly slapped against your own stomach. The sensation of your own precum making you groan, but you didn’t find it bothersome actually. The fact that it was still coming even when Sana wasn’t stimulating you at all in any ways made her hungrier for you.
“Aww, poor you. That probably hurts, doesn’t it darling?” She cooed. You nodded, a pout decorating your lips as soft whimpers started to leave them. An almost too loud moan escaped you once she started to slowly jerk you off “Shhh it’s ok, I’ll take care of it.” She said as her palm was now all over your tip, playing with the precum. You thought she was gonna make you come like this, until you felt the overwhelming and warm sensation of her tight pussy. God it felt like heaven. With how sensitive you were, and the desperation of not being allowed to touch her with your own hands. You felt you could come in any second.
Sana started riding you at a steady pace, knowing you were close but also not wanting you to finish too soon. She was playing with the pace, torturing you and enjoying the sounds you’d make when she slowed down robbing you of your own orgasm. If only you could see that damn smile she had on her face. “Sana, please… stop playing with me.. I need to come, please.”
Ouh she loved the sound of that. How you desperately begged her, knowing she had full control over you in every aspect. She needed to hear it more. “Hmmm ask again baby. Ask again and I’ll think about it.”
“Please, please, I’m begging you ma’am, please..” you sobbed, needing your sweet release, unconsciously thrusting your hips up, fucking her as fast as she was fucking you.
“Fuck..! Just like that, baby. Keep fucking going like that. Fuck me good.” She moaned between teeth in your ear, feeling herself getting close to her second orgasm as well. As you came, the sensation of your seed inside her drove her crazy, jumping even faster on your cock making you sob and ask her to please slow down, feeling overstimulated. But of course Sana didn’t stop until she was making a mess on your cock, making you fill her up even more.
For somebody with her own office, she surely enjoyed rather going to more dangerous and small corners of the building.
“Wait, they’re gonna hear us…” you whispered with the little reasoning that was left in your mind as she quickly unbuttoned your pants while you were against the door of a janitor’s closet.
“No, I don’t think they will.” She said as she took her panties off and made you take them into your mouth before getting on her knees.
“Sana, we have a lot of work to do, please.” You said, taking her small piece of clothing out of your mouth for a second.
“Then let’s make it quick, and put that back in your mouth, now.” She said and before you could argue, she started sucking on your tip, moaning at the taste. Your eyes almost went completely white, getting already watery ‘cause of how sensitive you felt and how good Sana’s mouth was. You couldn’t help but to thrust your hips a little, hoping she’d get more of you inside her warm mouth. “Hey what did I tell you, hm? If you wanna fuck my mouth, you ask for it.” She scolded, teasing part of your shaft with her teeth “Understood?”
“A-ah~ yes ma’am. Can I please fuck your mouth?” You almost begged her, your voice coming out muffled ‘cause of her panties and you clenched the edge of the table next to you to try and have some self control while you waited for her answer.
“That’s better, yes you can baby.” She answered as she put her tongue out, giving you more access to her mouth, eagerly waiting for you to use it as your own fuck toy. And of course you did, getting deep inside her throat creating such wet and impure noises that would make whoever walks outside that closet turn around and leave the whole floor. Sana took it out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath, replacing it with her hand instead. However, you were quick to put it back in, grabbing her head firmly.
“Nu-uh, we can’t risk it falling on your clothes. We can’t go to our meeting all dirty. You’re gonna swallow it all, aren’t you, baby?” You told her looking straight into her eyes, and she nodded, knowing she had no other option. She looked so cute like that, giving you those puppy eyes. People thought nobody could have more power than the owner’s daughter. Yet here you had her, on her knees listening to your every word and letting you use her mouth. People could call you a pathetic loser if they wanted to. As long as you could enjoy Sana. Not so long after, you came in her mouth almost making her choke. Still, she made sure to take everything you gave her, licking your dick clean, and getting a little too excited that you almost were starting to get hard again. However, you grabbed her arms and pulled her back on her feet, you guys had an important meeting and you were almost already late. She groaned, complaining and clearly wanting more “I promise after this meeting we can go wherever you want and do whatever you say, but please let’s go. We worked hard on these papers, remember?” You told her with a pout, a surprising switch on you that Sana was still trying to get used to.
“Ugh, fine..” she sighed as she rolled her eyes, and you both carefully got out of the closet (be who you areeee) after making sure you were presentable.
Getting to your meeting like nothing happened, clearly in a better mood than earlier that day, your cheeks red and sometimes stuttering as Sana continued eye-fucking you, fantasizing about what you promised earlier and impatient for the day to end to take you home,but she had the biggest smile planted on her face ‘cause there’s nothing she loves more than playing with you and having you around her finger during office hours.
A lot of people thought she was just flirting and playing with you, making you nervous or dreaming about a chance with her just so you would do whatever she wanted, but never actually batting an eye your way. The way Sana thanks you for your help (which she very much enjoyed as well, so it was a win-win for her every time), you could honestly say it was very fair tho.
Now, Sana was no idiot. She knew damn right what it was told about her and the way she treated you. She knew some people thought she was taking advantage of you and manipulating you ‘cause you were too good and innocent. You looked so shy and well behaved. “If only they knew” she thought. Yes, you were sweet, but innocent? Impossible, and if you ever were then she was sure she already broke you ‘cause with how easy she made you hard, and with how hard you pound on her, it was impossible to consider you innocent. Well behaved? Of course tho, you were so obedient for her. Just for her<3.
Continuation here <3
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
The Other Wheeler 1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Wheeler!Reader
Summary: you’re normally the forgotten Wheeler to anyone other than Mikes friends but Eddie is captivated by you upon first glance.
Word Count: 7600
A/N: This series is just gonna be updated whenever I can get myself to focus on it. I was gonna wait till I had at least part 2 finished before posting it but Lea really wanted me to finally post it and who would I be if I kept my biggest fan waiting.
Eddie Masterlist
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“Mike, come on, let's go!” Nancy yells for your brother who’s waiting for his waffles to pop out of the toaster. This is how almost every day of school has gone so far because Nancy has to get there early to do stuff with the school's paper. “I swear to God I’m going to leave you here and you can bike to school!”
“I’m coming!” He yells back through a mouthful of Eggo.
“I could always drive you.” You offer watching him wince as he grabs his newly toasted waffles. You’re just now getting yourself breakfast since you don’t have to leave for another twenty minutes. You’ve offered the same thing almost every morning and each time you’ve gotten the same response.
“It’s fine, thanks though.” He smiles at you before shoving a waffle in his mouth.
“I’m coming!” He slings his bag over his shoulder as he runs out the door following your sister to her car. You’re not shocked that he picks Nancy again, it’s what everyone seems to do. To everyone other than Mike's friends you’re the forgotten Wheeler. Even your parents seem to forget you exist unless they’re comparing you to Nancy or other kids your age. You sigh before turning your attention back to the bowl of cereal in front of you. When you leave you make sure to grab the textbook Mike forgot on the counter again.
“Who’s that lost sheep over there?” Eddie asks after a while of watching the girl sitting alone bobbing her head along to whatever is playing through her headphones and doing what looks like homework while picking at the little food in front of her. He had seen her in a couple of his classes this year already and she intrigued him because she always was just listening to music or doing the work assigned. He’s not sure he’s heard or seen her talk until earlier that day when he spotted her talking to Mike and handing him a book. “Wheeler, you know her don’t you?”
“Huh?” Mike follows where the older man's attention is before turning back to him and shrugging. “Oh, yeah. That’s my sister Y/n.”
“I didn’t know you had a second sister.” Eddie leans forward and the rest of the club nods along, a little surprised to hear that. 
“Y/n’s the best, Mike doesn’t talk about her for whatever reason though.” Dustin chimes in, glaring a little at his friend. “If she was my sister I’d talk about her all the time.”
“You do talk about her all the time.” Mike rolls his eyes going back to paying attention to his food. “I’m shocked you haven’t told Eddie about her yet.”
“She never came up in conversation.” Dustin shrugs, turning back to look at Eddie. “She’s been driving me here in the mornings.”
“She’s been driving you to school? And you let her?” Mike sputters out not being able to believe this. But really he shouldn’t be surprised because from the first time you came down to the basement to offer the boys freshly baked cookies during a dungeons and dragons session Dustin and even Lucas and Will had all but claimed you as their own. Dustin even had a crush on you for the longest time before it faded away.
“Yeah, you should really take her up on her offers to drive you y'know, or you’ll be stuck coming in early with Nancy all year.”
“Y/n’s car is being held together with duct tape Dustin, duct tape. I’m not getting in that death trap.” Eddie smiles a little as he watches the two freshman bicker before turning his attention back to the Wheeler he didn’t know existed until now.
You’re oblivious to the attention you’re getting. You’re too focused on getting the math homework that’s due next period done that you didn’t have time to do after closing Elixir Records last night. You loved working at the little music store in town, it’s why you were so okay with working right after school till close, but sometimes you had to rush last minute to get your school work done because of how busy it could get. Normally you get your homework for that night done at lunch or at work with the rare time of having to stay up when you got home to finish it. Last night was one of those once in a blue moon times that you still had some to do but you were so tired from running around the shop trying to get the stock done that your coworker who walked out the day before, your day off, was supposed to do that you had passed out at your desk.
You’re distracted by finishing up the worksheet and the music flowing through your ears so you don’t notice Dustin walking up to you. His presence is so sudden and unexpected that when you glance up and see him standing in front of you you jump a bit in your seat. You pull your headphones down to sit around your neck and drop the pencil in your hand so he knows he has your full attention.
“Jeez Dustbunny give a girl some warning before popping up out of the blue.” 
“Sorry, I thought maybe you would’ve noticed me coming.”
“What do you need, bud?”
“I was just wondering if you were still willing to take me home after school? If not that’s fine Eddie offered to give me a ride since he wanted to talk to me about this new campaign he’s planning for Hellfire.” The boy in front of you points with his thumb over his shoulder at the older boy who ducks his head down when you peer around Dustin to look his way. 
You knew of Eddie Munson, it was hard not to have at least heard of him before. He was in some of your classes this year and Dustin’s told you about him and their club during the drive to school. You admired how he took your brother and his friends under his wing almost immediately. You’ve never interacted with him yourself but you knew he wasn’t the freak everyone wanted to see him as.
“Yeah I can still drive you home, I told Lucas I’d give him a ride too. But if you wanna go with Eddie that works for me. It’ll give me a smidge more time to get ready for work.”
“Okay, I’ll let him know. Are you closing the shop again tonight?”
“Yeah, you want me to see if there’s anything good in the clearance section for you again?” He smiles wide at the offer. He loved when you presented him with music you thought he’d like that you found on sale at work. Sometimes you’d even hand him a tape of an album that just came out.
“If you have time, yeah. I’ll let you get back to your work.” He motions to the almost complete worksheet in front of you. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/n!”
“See ya Dustin.” You smile at the boy before he turns and heads back to his table. You put your headphones back on, giving Eddie a small wave when your eyes meet, and get back to finishing up the last two problems before you can move on to the work you’ve been given for tonight. 
“Tomorrow we’ll be picking lab partners for the first big project of the year.” Ms. O’Donnell rushes out after the bell rings and everyone starts collecting their things. Picking partners is your least favorite thing and you wish she would’ve just assigned them like most other teachers. You have no idea who you’d pick with not really making the effort to become friends with anyone anymore. After Barb ditched you to be better friends with Nancy you stopped trying, you figured anyone else would just do the same thing. As you make your way out of the classroom you see Eddie in the corner of your eye finishing up a doodle in his notebook, something you’ve noticed he does a lot instead of paying attention. Maybe you’ll see if he wants to be your lab partner because you doubt anyone is going to be fighting to be his. You don’t even care about doing all the work if you have to.
You rush down the hall knowing that Lucas is probably gonna beat you to your locker. His last class is right next to his own and that’s down the hall from yours. You dive around people in the halls who are moving slowly distracted by talking to their friends instead of hurrying to get home. You smile when you see Lucas walking up to your locker unlocking it for you.
“You ready to go?” You ask, grabbing your bag and shoving your notebooks into it.
“Yeah, are we waiting for Dustin and Mike?”
“No, Dustin’s getting a ride with Eddie and Mike told me he’s going home with Nancy again.” You both make your way down the hallway towards the entrance of the school. “How were basketball tryouts yesterday?”
“They were alright, I think I made the team but I won’t be sure until next week.”
“Well if you didn’t make the team they’re dumb. You’re a great player, I mean you always beat me when we play together.” You bump your shoulder into his own and he laughs at you.
“Yeah that’s because you suck at sports.” You send him a mock hurt face over the roof of your car.
“That’s the rudest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Lucas just rolls his eyes getting into the car and you shoot him a smile once you’re seated next to him. “Seriously though Lukey I’m sure you made the team you’ve been practicing since you found out about the team.”
“Stop using that nickname Y/n, I’m not a little kid anymore.” He groans out but turns to look out of the window so you can’t see the small smile on his face.
“I’ll never stop. Now let’s go get your sister and blow this popsicle stand.” With that you pull out of the parking spot and start over to the middle school.
You make it to work twenty minutes early but after getting home and changing your dad started going on about how you need to do stuff for college already and how Nancy already filled out college applications. All you wanted to do was scream about how that’s because Nancy knew what she wanted to do after high school and the only thing on your radar is moving out as soon as you graduate. You didn’t though, you had stopped responding to his tangents with anything other than ‘yeah I’ll get right on that dad’ since the first time you got held back in the eighth grade. 
You searched through the cassettes on sale deciding on the Eagles first album to get for Dustin before checking that you can clock in. You spend the first hour of your shift restocking the vinyls that are getting low. Once that’s finished you switch out the album that had finished playing over the store's speakers for a new one before moving behind the counter for the next six hours of your shift. After checking out the two people that were in the shop you pull out the book assigned for English to get the next chapter read for the day after tomorrow. You’re halfway through it when the bell above the door chimes once more and you glance up from it to find Eddie Munson himself entering the store. You giggle at his wide eyes from the sound of the new bell and his head snaps from where it’s tilted up to examine where the chime came from to where you’re sitting behind the counter. His mouth parts slightly as you give him a friendly smile before looking back down at the book and continuing reading.
Eddie stumbles a bit at seeing you here. He’s been buying albums from this store almost exclusively since it opened and he’s never seen you here. He never would’ve thought that the intriguing girl he just found out was Mike’s sister would be working at his favorite music store the night he came for a fucking Abba album. His eyes keep finding their way to your slouched over figure as he makes his way over to where he knows he’ll find their Super Trouper album. On his way to the counter he grabs a Megadeth album that he definitely already has to make this situation less weird.
“Did you find everything okay?” You ask putting in the bookmark and shutting the book before placing it off to the side.
“Yeah.” He so badly wants to say something else to you but his mind blanks as he hesitantly places the tapes on the counter.
“Do you wanna be my lab partner in Ms. O’Donnells class?” You blurt it out as you ring him up.
“We’re in the same science class and she said we’re picking lab partners tomorrow.”
“No, I know that. You want to be mine?”
“Well yeah. Why not? Unless you already have one of course. I just don’t really have anyone else I’d want to do it with.” Your voice softens near the end and Eddie can see a hint of loneliness flash across your face before you try to cover it up with a smile. He can tell that’s what it is based on your words, tone, and the fact that he’s felt the same way before. It’s not often people want to hang around the town freak.
“Nah I don’t have one yet. So if you’ll have me Y/n I’ll be your partner.”
“You know who I am?”
“Yeah, I noticed you sitting alone at lunch today and Mike and Dustin told me about you.” He rubs the back of his neck a little embarrassed to admit that he was watching you.
“Mike was talking about me? Willingly?” The disbelief is strong in your voice and it shocks Eddie because as soon as the two boys had started talking about you they couldn’t seem to stop.
“Why do you sound so shocked about that?” Eddie leans his elbows on the counter resting his weight on them.
“Oh, it’s just I don’t know, Mike never seems to be all that interested in being related to me I guess. It’s not that we have a bad relationship or anything, he just seems to want to be around Nancy more. Probably because they’re closer in age.” You add in the last part more to reassure yourself.
“Really? He seemed to have nothing but good things to say about you and I’ve never seen him talk about Nancy with the sort of excitement he had today. And Dustin seems to absolutely adore you.” You can feel yourself getting flustered at his words and his scrutinizing gaze.
“Oh I love Dustin, he’s my little Dustbunny.” You look away as you begin to bag up his items and he chuckles at the nickname.
“Oh shit, don’t tell him you know that. As much as Mike's friends enjoy my nicknames for them, they hate when I use them in public for everyone else to hear. You should see Lucas’s face when I use his, he’s slapped a hand over my mouth before.” You laugh just thinking about it and Eddie finds himself hoping to hear the sound again. “Their friend Will gets absolutely blushy when I say his a little too loudly.”
“Oh I definitely need to know what all of their nicknames are.” You shake your head and mimic zipping your mouth shut and throwing the key over the counter. “You can’t just tell me they hate them and not tell me!” Eddie complains before diving to act like he’s searching for the key and jumping up victoriously and acting out unlocking your mouth. “Please, you’re killing me here Y/n.” You ignore the feeling of his fingers on your lips as he unzips them and laugh as you knock his hand away.
“Fine I’ll tell you Will’s since he’s all the way in Cali and it’s unlikely you’ll meet him anytime soon.” You let out another round of giggles at how he perks up at hearing that. “I call him Yam Yam. It started as just calling him Will Yam since his full name is William but then I discovered how much fun it is to call out Yam Yam instead. Now that’s it, forget you heard his and Dustins, no one needs to know that you know alright?”
“I’m not promising anything.” He holds his hands up and shakes his head before pointing at you. “You shouldn’t have fallen into my trap and told me.”
“That’s not fair, how's anyone supposed to deny your big puppy dog eyes?” The bell above the door chimes again and you quiet down since someone else has entered the store. “How about this, you don’t bring up the nickname thing to them and I won’t tell everyone about how our resident metalhead is a secret Abba head?”
“Fine, you drive a hard bargain.”
“Your total is thirteen dollars by the way.” He places a ten and a five dollar bill on the counter while taking the bag from you.
“Keep the change.” He motions towards the tip jar next to the register. “I know all about your taped together car.”
“Get out of here I will not tolerate disrespect towards my sweet sweet car. I’ll see you tomorrow Eddie.” He laughs as you shoo him away and listens to you greet the next customer on his way out the door. He can’t seem to shake his smile the rest of the night.
The next day you’re a little shocked when Eddie takes a seat next to you in your shared third period English class. As he pulls out the chair next to you he also pulls your headphones down to rest on your neck. It causes you to immediately straighten up not sure who it was at first but relax when you see the brunette take a seat next to you.
“So, do I get a fun little nickname now that we’re friends?”
“Who said we’re friends now?”
“Uh, you did when you asked me to be your lab partner. You signed a contract and everything. Is that Motley Crue playing?” He takes the headphones you’ve placed on the table while you went to stop your walkman and places them on his head just before the music cuts off.
“I don’t remember signing any kind of contract, you'll have to talk to my lawyer. And then maybe we’ll see about that nickname you want.” You smile at him, taking the headphones back and turning to face the teacher as he starts to speak. Eddie’s attention stays on you for a little bit longer before pulling out his notebook and starting to doodle instead of paying attention.
At lunch Eddie spends the first half of it with his attention drifting from the guys over to where you’re sitting doing the same thing as yesterday. His legs bounces up and down as he fights the urge to get up and go bother you. In the end he loses the battle and pushes away from the table the screeching of the chair on the floor causing Dustin to stop mid sentence as the group watches him walk over to you.
“So, I’ve spoken to your lawyer, sadly the contract is binding and you’re stuck with me.” He says after knocking your headphones down over your face. You let out a fake sigh of disappointment as he sits next to you spreading out.
“I guess I am, you sure he couldn’t find some sort of loophole? He’s normally so good at that.”
“Nope. What are you working on?” He pulls your notebook to sit in front of him instead of you. “This doesn’t look like a list of nicknames for you to choose from.”
“It’s my psych notes. I gotta study now for the test tomorrow because I probably won’t have time tonight after work. Don’t worry though Eddie I had a nickname picked out for you from the very beginning.” You pull said notes back to you watching how his face lights up at your words. You can’t help but match his smile with one of your own.
“What is it?”
“You’ll find out when you’ll find out.” You shrug and look away from him back down at your notes.
“What kind of an answer is that?” You laugh as his arms flail around with his question.
“Looks like someones cozying up with Y/n.” Dustin teases Mike as they watch the two of you laugh together.
“Shut up Dustbunny.” Mike grumbles to his friend as he turns away and focuses on his food again in a mood over Eddie seeming to be into his sister.
“You’re not supposed to call me that Mikey Mouse.” Dustin kicks Mike under the table. “You gonna go all overprotective little brother mode on him?”
“Pft no why would I?”
“Because you do that. You don’t notice how you start acting towards people who seem to want to get close to her? You come off real standoffish and try to seem tougher like that’s possible.”
“I do not, just shut up Dustin.”
“Dustin! Are you coming or what?” You yell out seeing him across the parking lot at Eddie’s van. “We gotta pick up Erica!”
“I’m coming!” Once he’s in the car with you and Lucas you drive up next to Eddie and stop. “If you were coming here anyway, why'd you yell for me?”
“Because you should’ve already been in the car.” You lean over the middle console and Lucas to stick your head out the window. “Hey Eddie, you coming over to work on the project still?”
“Yeah, do you want me to follow you?” He leans down so your heads are closer together.
“No you can just head straight there since I gotta drop Dustin off first. You remember which house it is right? I know you’ve given Mike rides home after club meetings before.”
“Yeah, I remember where it is. So I’ll meet you there?”
“You guys done throwing goo goo eyes at each other over me?” Lucas complains and you give him a side eye.
“Shut up Lukey Poo-” You’re cut off as Lucas throws a hand over your mouth wide eyed and pulls you back in the car.
“Okay bye Eddie she’ll see you in like not even twenty minutes! Y/n go, drive, Erica’s gonna be all crabby if we’re late again.”
“We’ll just blame it on Dustin again. See you soon Eddie!” Eddie laughs as you peel out of the parking lot turning into the middle schools. He’s pretty sure he was about to find out your nickname for Lucas if the kid hadn't pulled you back into the car. His mission is to find out your nicknames for each of the freshmen at some point.
“See you tomorrow Dustbunny!” You yell getting the middle finger in response from where he is on his doorstep. You laugh as you watch him get inside before pulling away and heading home. As you drive up your street you spot Eddie getting out of his van and Lucas groans.
“Y/n please do not yell that goddamn nickname as I walk away. Not with Eddie right there.”
“No Y/n do it.”
“Erica shut up, you’re just lucky for not having one yet.” You laugh at the Sinclairs pulling into the spot in front of the house sitting between your house and their own. You weren’t planning to use it before but now you think you will just because he complained about it. You let the kids get out first, giving Lucas time to walk away and feel safe before getting out yourself.
“Hey Eddie.” You step out of your car and give him a wave. “Hold on just one minute. Bye Erica, bye Lukey Pookey, see you both tomorrow!” Eddie laughs as the younger kids groan is loud enough that it reaches his ears.
“Lukey Pookey?”
“I normally just use the first part but when he annoys me or I can tell he’s really upset I use the full nickname. Now c’mon you get to meet the parents on our way up to my room.” Eddie’s head swims with thoughts of being a disappointment to your parents and immediately not getting an approval from them. Meanwhile you’re getting ready for whatever it is your father might say to you in front of your new friend. He’s sitting in his normal chair when you enter and you give him a wave and a smile. Your mom isn’t anywhere to be seen but you’re sure she’s in the kitchen making dinner. “Hey dad, this is Eddie, we’re gonna go work on our science project.”
“Nice to see you actually put in the effort. Maybe you’ll actually graduate this year instead of failing again.” Your heart drops at the same time that your eye twitches and your smile falls for the fraction of a millisecond, both things that Eddie catches. He doesn’t even look up from his paper to greet Eddie as he speaks.
“Yeah, that’s the plan.” You grab Eddie's wrist and quickly make your escape from the living room and into the kitchen where your mom is getting ready to make dinner it seems. “Mom this is Eddie, we’re gonna be upstairs working on a science project if you need us.”
“Is he staying for dinner?” You look at Eddie expecting him to answer the question while your mom straightens up.
“Uh, no that’s fine Mrs. Wheeler, I don't want to be a bother.”
“You wouldn’t be a bother. I normally make more food than I should in case one of Mike's friends stops by out of the blue. Not that I would need to worry about not having enough, Y/n barely ever eats with us anymore so her portion goes uneaten.” You stop the eye roll that wants to happen at how she’s trying to guilt trip you again. It’s not your fault you have to work all the time in order to pay off your car when they just straight up bought Nancy one. And you wouldn’t need to save up to get a place of your own if your dad wasn’t awful to you.
“Eddie would love to stay for dinner mom. We should really start working on our project now though.” You pull Eddie away and up the stairs pausing in your journey only to wave to Mike who’s jaw drops at seeing Eddie trail behind you.
“So, they seem interesting.” Eddie says about your parents once your door is shut and you’ve collapsed face first onto your bed. You wish you could scream into your pillow right about now. 
“Yeah, interesting is definitely a word for them.” You roll onto your back and Eddie sits next to you.
“What did your dad mean about failing again? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” 
“I’m two years older than Nancy. The first time I got held back and failed was in the eighth grade because I had a hard time getting myself to get out of bed most mornings so I just didn’t go to school. My mom helped me get through a lot that year actually. And then I failed sophomore year because I kept skipping in order to go to work to get my car. My dad refuses to let me live either of those times down, always bringing up how pretty perfect Nancy never had to get held back.”
“Well failing isn’t that bad, I mean look at me I’m going on try number three on senior year. Schools tough, especially when you’ve got other things distracting you from it. Besides, you're not gonna fail this year because everytime I see you, you're busy working on something for classes since all your free time is at the shop. So you’ll be off to college and out of here in no time.” You smile at his words and sit up to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks Eddie, I’ll make sure you graduate this year too.”
Dinner has an awkward vibe around it that night. Eddie sits next to you, the both of you across from Mike and Nancy, the two of them not seeming to know how to act with your guest around. Nancy keeps side eyeing him while Mike just stares into Eddie’s soul. Your parents both sit at the heads of the table silently eating until your dad clears his throat.
“You wouldn’t happen to be that Munson kid would you?” His words cause you to choke on your food and Eddie sends you a worried glance before looking at your dad.
“Yes sir, that's me.”
“Didn’t you flunk out of high school?”
“No sir, I just failed senior year twice because I was too focused on my club. I’m graduating this year though my friends are helping me stay on track.”
“Y/n are you sure this is the type of person you want to surround yourself with?” You nearly spit out your drink.
“I’ve heard some rumors about this kid and colleges aren’t going to want to accept you if you’re friends with freaks.’
“Ted!” Your mom exclaims while your siblings look at him wide eyes and mouths gaping. They haven’t seen the two of you in a fight in a while but Mike knows that this is definitely going to start one either between the two of you or with him and his dad.
“Eddie’s not a freak! I can’t believe you would call him that when Mikes into the same stuff that gets him called one. Eddie’s nothing but a sweetheart, you should see how he stands up for Mike and his friends and how at home they are with him. And who cares what colleges think of my friends, I don’t even think I’m going!” Your mom gasps along with Nancy. Mike is busy moving his eyes between you and your dad and Eddie places a calming hand on your knee. 
“Mrs. Wheeler, this meal is just delightful. I think it might be the best food I’ve had in a while.” Eddie says smiling towards your mom to try to break the tension a little bit. It’s not a lie either, with Wayne going to the plant early lately he’s mainly just been eating scraps.
“Oh! Thank you Eddie, feel free to come by for dinner whenever you like.”
“Sure thing!” With that everyone goes back to eating and Eddie leans over to whisper in your ear. “Next time, let’s do this at my place.”
“Yeah definitely.” You whisper back to him before focusing on your food hoping if you eat quickly enough you can escape with Eddie without another comment from your father.  
You walk Eddie to the door and wait until he gets into his van later wanting to kill time before having to go in and deal with the consequences of your words earlier. Hopefully you can avoid him altogether and go straight to your room but you can feel the storm brewing from outside. You just know he’s waiting inside getting ready for a screaming match. Something the two of you haven’t had since your second year as a sophomore and you started picking up every shift you could so as to avoid him as much as possible. 
“Y/n.” His stern yelling but not a yell voice reaches your ears as you start to walk past the living room making you wince before backtracking. 
“What?” You cross your arms standing in the entrance refusing to look away from him to glance at Mike and Nancy on the couch. You refuse to let him think he makes you even a little bit nervous by breaking eye contact first. 
“You really are stupid if you think we’re not talking about what you said at dinner.”
“I’m not stupid, I just don’t want to talk about it with you.” You grit your teeth feeling the anger boiling up inside you. 
“You’re going to college Y/n. You’re not going to be a burn out working at the music shop and living at home the rest of your life.”
“I won’t be. As soon as I graduate I’m gonna find my own place to live and you won’t have to worry about me anymore.” Mike’s eyes go wide at hearing this information, he didn’t know you were planning on moving out. Were you going to stay in town, or were you going to get the hell out of dodge? Was this year his last year to have a relationship with you before he only sees you on major holidays? Is he going to lose his big sister because his dad is that big of an asshole? He starts to get anxious at the thought and gets stuck in his head for a bit tuning out the fight in front of him.
“And I don’t want you hanging around that Munson kid anymore, he’s a bad influence on you. He’s probably the reason you think you don’t have to go to college.” You force out a fake laugh at his words and Mike’s attention goes back to the two of you.
“That’s rich, you never cared about who my friends were before so don’t try to care now. Why don’t you just open up and tell me exactly what you want to say about him.”
“No daughter of mine is going to be hanging around a known satanist!” You actually laugh at his words this time feigning wiping tears from your eyes.
“That’s funny, really it is. Because even if that were true, which it’s not, that means a satanist takes better care of your son than you do. And you should be embarrassed about that regardless of what religion Eddie may be. You’re supposed to be the protector aren’t you? So why is Eddie the one batting away the bullies and building up his self esteem and doing your job for you?”
“Get out! And don’t come back until you have a head back on your shoulders.” He points to the door and you put your hands up in surrender.
“What?” Nancy and Mike both look at each other in shock.
“Fine, I guess I won’t be coming back.” You turn on your heel and run to your room in order to pack up some clothes and buy you some time to figure out where you’re going to go. Worst case scenario you could see if Steve would let you crash at his place for a few nights. Sure the two of you aren’t the best of friends but you’re close enough after everything you’ve been through together to know that he probably wouldn’t say no. By the time you’re heading for the door you’ve decided on trying Eddie’s first, knowing where he lives because of seeing him here and there when you’ve gone to Max’s to pick her up.
“Hey, Y/n?” Mike stops you before you can leave. 
“What’s up Mikey Mouse?”
“Do you think you could drive me to school tomorrow?” Your heart swells at him wanting to spend time with you. 
“Of course I can bud.” You ruffle his hair. “Can you tell mom I love her when she gets home? I was hoping she’d be home before I left so I could say bye.” She had taken Holly out for ice cream after dinner and hasn’t gotten back yet. 
“How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“I’ll be back when he stops being an ass. So probably in a couple days after mom reems him out and makes him apologize.”
“Where are you going to go?” He follows you out the door towards your car and you can’t help but smile at his worry.
“Don’t worry about me kid, I'll figure it out. I’ll see you tomorrow morning okay? We’re driving the Sinclairs and Dustin too.” You get in the car and start it before thinking about it and winding down your window to stick your head out to look at your brother. “I love you Mikey Mouse.” 
“I love you too Y/n/n.” You beam at him and drive off towards your destination.
“Y/n?” The sound of Max’s voice calling out to you causes you to spin around to face her trailer instead of Eddie’s. She’s crouched outside feeding her dog and straightens up as she realizes it really is you waving and walking towards her. She meets you halfway letting you give her a hug, something she hasn’t really been letting anyone do. “What are you doing here?”
“Pops kicked me out so I’m gonna see if I can crash at Eddie’s.”
“Do you wanna just crash here? My mom won’t mind, I think she’d even be excited that I had someone over.” You can hear the worry in her voice at the thought of you being kicked out.
“Nah, I’m good, Eddie and I gotta work more on this science project anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah don’t worry Max and Cheese, if I can’t stay or I get uncomfortable at all I’ll come running right back over.”
“You better.” You nod at her letting go of her shoulders and heading back over to Eddie’s.
“Hey!” You yell out as she turns to head towards her door. “You want a ride to school tomorrow? I’m getting the others too. It can be like old times when I’d drive the clown car full of all of you down to the arcade.”
“Is there gonna be room in your car for that?”
“Even if there isn't, we'll make it work, we always have in the past.” There’s something on your face making her want to finally say yes to the question you’ve been asking her all year.
“Well then yeah sure. I’ll take a ride.”
“Great, see you tomorrow!” You’re smiling despite everything when you knock on Eddie’s door. Even if Max just has her headphones on and ignores everyone the whole way to school it’s still a win in your book.
“Y/n?” Eddie’s voice is full of shock as he opens the door to find you standing there with a duffel bag thrown over your shoulder. 
“Hey Eds, can I come in?” He holds open the door and steps to the side before smirking in your direction. Upon seeing him in his pajamas you worry that you may have caught him right as he was going to bed but then he probably wouldn’t have let you in so quickly.
“Eds? Is that the nickname you came up with? I thought you’d be more creative than that.”
“Oh don’t worry, you just have a couple of them.”
“What are you doing here Sweetheart? How did you even know where I lived?”
“Um well, funny story actually,” you offer up a sad chuckle, “my dad kinda kicked me out tonight. We really got into it after you left. I saw you over here when I helped Max and her mom move into the trailer across the street.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He steps closer to you wanting to scratch the itch he has to pull you into his chest.
“Not really, I basically told him he should be embarrassed that you’re doing a better job raising Mike than he ever did and that seemed to be the thing that crossed the line. So that’s that. Do you think I could crash here for a night or two until my mom eventually figures out where I am and convinces me to come home?”
“Yeah of course. You can have the bed and I’ll sleep out here on the couch.”
“What? Eddie no I couldn’t take your bed. I’m the one intruding, I'll sleep on the couch.”
“Nope, can’t let you do that besides Wayne might get weird if he sees a pretty girl asleep on the couch when he gets home in the morning.” He gently grabs your wrist and pulls you through the little space there is to his room. “Sorry it’s a bit of a mess, can’t say I was expecting company.” He’s quick to kick the magazines laying on the floor under his bed while ducking down to grab the dirty clothes strewn across the floor to throw them in his hamper. He’s blushing up a storm as your eyes drag across the poster covered walls.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve seen messier. I mean I live with Mike. Is this a lion costume?” Your eyes snag on his open closet and you reach out to touch it. And here Eddie thought he couldn’t get any redder.
“Yeah, I was the cowardly lion in the school's production of The Wizard of Oz a year or two back.”
“Oh yeah, I remember going to see that. Corroded Coffin’s your band right?” Eddie watches as you step up to look at the ripped poster he and the guys had made before one of their first shows. 
“Yeah it’s just me and the older guys from Hellfire.” 
“Are you the reason Mike’s been eyeing up the guitar in the music shop lately? I think I’m gonna get it for him as a really early Christmas present when I get paid next.”
“He’s asked me a few times about playing and I told him I would teach him how to. He doesn’t even need to have his own guitar; he could use one of mine while he learns.” Speaking of guitars Eddie grabs the one he left on the bed before going to get the door and leans it in the corner of the room. “So the bathroom is right out there, hopefully you brought your own toothbrush because we don’t have extras just laying around.” Eddie walks to the door and points to the small room hoping it wouldn’t make you claustrophobic or anything. “Feel free to use the shower if you need to.” 
“Thanks again Eddie.” You stop to place a kiss on his cheek for the second time tonight on your way out. He stands there frozen for a hot minute before rushing around his room and cleaning up some more making sure he gets all the junk, like his notebooks and his copy of Lord of The Rings that he’s rereading again, that he normally just leaves on the side of the bed is put away.
You glance at the shower wondering if you should but decide against it since you did last night and you didn’t even think to bring shampoo or conditioner or anything. You had barely remembered your toothbrush and toothpaste. So you just brush your teeth and get dressed before sitting on the edge of the tub with your head in your hands. Sure you’ve been kicked out before, it’s how you know your mom will come looking for you, but something about this fight feels like your relationship with your father will forever be changed. You sigh and stand up ready to just pass out and leave the day behind you. You walk back into Eddie’s room to find him organizing his desk like a mad man. The room is a lot cleaner than it was when you first walked in.
“Did you do all this cleaning just for little old me?”
“Can’t have a princess sleeping in a pigsty.” He straightens up and smiles at you while you drop your bag onto the floor and sit on the bed. “I’ll leave you to it, come get me if you need anything.”
“Why don’t we just share the bed? It’s big enough and I promise I don’t snore.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure it’s your bed anyway and I’m not gonna lie your couch doesn’t look too comfortable.”
“Okay fine, stop begging me to sleep with you, I’ll do it.” You laugh at his over exaggerating and he smiles in accomplishment at getting the dark cloud you came back into the room with to disappear. He turns off the lights before getting into the bed next to you making sure to leave you space instead of taking all of it up like he normally does. You take him by surprise though when you shimmy your way next to him.
“Sorry, I’m a cuddler. I can go back to where I was if you want.”
“No, you’re fine. I can be a cuddler.” With that he stretches his arm out so you can rest your head on his chest.
“Thank you for everything Angel Eyes.”
“Angel Eyes?”
“It’s your nickname, since your eyes are so pretty and you like Abba too.” Eddie never felt so grateful over the darkness as he is in this moment. He can feel how red his face is at your comment about his eyes and he’s nervous you can still tell and he’s glowing like a light bulb. He clears his throat before speaking.
“Pretty unoriginal to just steal the title of a song isn’t it. You should just come up with a new one.”
“Don’t worry Eddie Bear I still have a few different ones up my sleeve. Goodnight.” You place a kiss on his chest before nestling your head into it and closing your eyes.
“Goodnight Y/n.” Eddie beams up at the ceiling and wraps his arm a little bit tighter around you.
Eddie Taglist: @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​​ @munsonswhore86​​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​ @fromasgardandback​​ @rockchickrebel​​ @yourdailymemedelivery​​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @watercolorskyy​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ ​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​  @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​​ @eddiethesexy​ ​​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @redgetawaycar​ @eddies-lover​​ @alexis6699​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind​ @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ 
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