#my goodnes it's been a while...
reds-writings · 2 months
okay so you begging for more old rust prompts has timed really well with my need for old rust fics and the last two you wrote (and also joni mitchell’s music being put back on spotify, thank god) but i was wondering if you could potentially write something along the lines of prompt #8 on the fluff pt 2 prompt list (sharing a kiss while cleaning a wound — potentially after the beer fail lol) but yeah the lyrics from the chorus of case of you really just made me think of our reader and old rust despite it all:
Oh, you're in my blood like holy wine You taste so bitter and so sweet Oh, I could drink a case of you, darling And I would still be on my feet Oh, I would still be on my feet
i love joni mitchell oh my goodnes. you are a genius anon!!
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 By the following morning, it turned out Rust did indeed manage to agitate his stitches with his late-night tumble. The line of your brow was set hard in concentration as you prodded at the gash with as much gingerly precision as you could conjure. He tried his damnedest not to flinch given you’d already fallen into enough of a tizzy over the whole ordeal and didn’t need your nerves driven up the wall any further. He loathed the feeling of being any sort of burden towards you but after the stern talking to you laid out on him he had no choice but to sit without another self-deprecating word. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me one day I swear it.” You huffed out a breath as you wiped away any remnants of dried blood clean from his skin. 
He tried not to bristle visibly at the remark, reminding himself that you didn’t really mean it in the literal sense. Though, with his severe lack of desire for taking care of himself and your incessant need to make sure he didn’t succeed in giving up once and for all there had been plenty of close calls over the years where his brashness could’ve taken you out for good. Another factoid in the sea of many that he tortured himself with time and time again.
The dulcet tones of Joni Mitchell came from the older-than-dirt record player you hadn’t had the heart to ever get rid of after all this time as you carried out your worry-warting on the Texan. You remember you used to joke about the lyrics of Case of You eerily pertaining to Rust’s presence in your life way back then. He didn’t think himself anything close to holy but that was beside the point. No matter where he went off to, a piece of his soul had undoubtedly been melded with yours to the point of no possible undoing. There was no scrubbing him clean from the recesses of your mind or the deep-set cracks of your weary heart. 
God knows you tried with all you had when everything went to shit. 
You’d have to throw the sheets in the laundry once you were done but it was more than likely a lost cause with the array of staining from his soiled bandages that had taken residence throughout the night. You could run out in a bit to get some new ones in town. That or you’d have to test if he could finally make it up the stairs to your room without being too winded. 
Satisfied with your work, you stood to your full height and finished wrapping up a clean set of bandages around his torso. Not much had changed about him physically, maybe he was a little softer around the edges but that did nothing to smother the fire his presence lit in you without fail. Marty could whinge on and on about how Rust looked now but he was just as tragically beautiful to you as he’d always been. Your eyes met and you couldn’t help but melt a little. He was here. He was okay. You just had to keep reminding yourself. 
Bringing up a hand to tuck some hair behind his ear you leaned in to press your lips to his. First, shortly then with the second press, you deepened it a bit more. A large palm came to grip loosely at the back of your neck in reciprocation and you could’ve seeped through the floor then and there. Your kisses transferred to stamp themselves beneath his eye, then his cheekbone, making their way up to his hairline so you could embrace him for a moment longer. 
With a shuddering exhale, his body released any remaining tension it had as he let himself bask in the warmth of your affection. You leaned back to look at him once more,
“I gotta hop to town real quick. Getcha some new sheets and a couple of other things. Think you can steer from bein' accident-prone for an hour or two?” 
Rust tsked and shook his head slightly, “Can’t say.”
“Does that mean you wanna try makin’ it to the truck today? Would probably do you good to get some air and actual sunshine. Pallid don’t suit you none-” You dodged his incoming pinch. His predictable knee-jerk response to your playful ribbing was as old as time. It never truly annoyed him as much as he played it up. He'd selfishly rather have you this way and happy than keeping yourself at a distance forever.
“I’d be inclined to try should you be quiet.” He half-snarked and you scoffed in mock offense. 
“I’m a delight. Ask anyone-"
“You’re being quite rude to the woman nursing you back to health and that I can’t abide. Lest you wanna try gettin’ dressed on your own without topplin' over.” You started to take some steps away, an empty threat of leaving him in his place.
No other snipe followed, just an outstretched hand after a stubborn moment or two. You snickered as you helped him off the kitchen counter and to his room so that you could set out for the day’s endeavors. 
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lunarfied · 1 year
15. WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP ME ? ; talk to me
scaramouche x gn! reader smau
y/n pov; alcohol & drugs (weed) mention, death (not specified) of a family member
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looking up like you were told, kuni stood right in front of you. “how did you-“
”you’re more out of it than i thought if you couldn’t hear me walking on the gravel.” his tone was a mixture of playful and making fun of you but all you could do was stare with your mouth slightly open like a fish out of water. maybe it was the weed — or the alcohol — or the fact that it was almost three in the morning — but underneath the direct moonlight (and the few lights placed around the front lawn) kuni looked divine. he was dressed in all black: the zip-up hoodie didn’t do much to cover the sleeveless turtleneck top he had on underneath. how kuni always wore shorts no matter the weather was beyond your questioning but he somehow always made it work. he had a few accessories on as well, a necklace with an amethyst attached to it, a dangly earring accompanied by however many piercings he had on his ears. and his makeup? either it was intentional for the eyeliner to be smudged or perhaps he had been crying too — was that why his nose and cheeks were a little red?
”you done checking me out?” you blinked at his words, laughing nervously as you got to your feet, wobbling while doing so. kuni caught your arm, wrapping his free arm around your waist as he lead you to his car. it was like a flashback of when you two first met and kuni knocked you off your feet, not literally, of course, but it still left you speechless. it was weird to be doing the routine all over again.
”uh, thanks for coming.” you managed to say after getting into the passenger seat and buckling your seatbelt in. you didn’t know if you really wanted to make conversation with him right now but your mind kept replaying his text messages over and over again. for the longest you assumed kuni had fallen out of love with you, moved on to better people and things in life and forgotten about you; but seeing the way he acted and reading his texts… maybe you were wrong.
”told you i’d help if you needed it.” being able to tell his tone apart when he talked was a habit you had developed over the years of getting to know him, while it mostly seemed like kuni was being sarcastic or was uninterested in some way changed when you listened closely to his breathing patterns or how he pronounced certain words. he had mentioned in a conversation once that you were the only person who was ever able to differentiate that, was that still true?
silence followed the rest of the car ride home. if kuni had picked up on your discomfort, he didn’t say anything, opting to focus on driving instead.
arriving at the apartment, you insisted you could walk the way up and he didn’t need to help...
...but that proved futile when you took one step up the stairs and fell flat on your face. kuni couldn’t help but laugh, which sent shivers down your spine — you hadn’t heard kuni laugh like that in years. oh how you missed hearing that sound so much.
“just let me help you.” he held onto your hand as the two of you walked upstairs and inside the apartment. “did you eat?”
”yeah,” you couldn’t stomach the idea of eating or drinking anymore than you did tonight. “i’m fine, i’m just tired.” you sighed and shrugged your jacket off. kuni thought on your response for a second, but was satisfied enough and decided against saying anything else, leading you to your room and opening the door for you.
”well, i’ll be here if you need anything. i don’t know when childe or venti will be back but i’ll probably be up so goodn-“
“wait, kuni,” he paused, looking down at the hand that was grabbing his arm. “can you stay?” you may have been slightly intoxicated... and high, but the look in your eyes showed him how much you had to say to him.
”y/n, that’s a bad ide-“
“oh my g— i’m not asking you to fuck me you idiot,” you put a hand over your face, laughing tiredly, “no, i meant stay to talk to me. i want to talk to you.”
”ah, right...” kuni let you drag him inside your room, taking note on how the flowers he bought for you the other day were sitting neatly in a vase on your desk making him smile. “it wouldn’t be the first time you smooth talked me into sleeping with you.”
you turned red at his words and threw your jacket at his face, “shut up and no peeking.” you said sternly as you stripped out of your party clothes, accessories and whatever else you had to get off and straight into pajamas that were far more comfortable — all the while kuni made sure to respect your boundaries and kept his eyes shut.
”alright, done.” you plopped down onto your plush bed and gestured for kuni to come and sit next to you. he hesitated for a moment, unsure of himself. “i just want to talk, kuni. promise i won’t bite.” you teased playfully which got you a roll of his eyes before he did sit down on the edge of your bed.
”sooo…” you played with the hem of your shirt, unsure of where to even start. you felt nervous with him in your room. “you said you could talk about it in person…”
”i said maybe-“
”okay well, we’re here now. so either talk or get out.” you didn’t mean to come off as mean, but kuni and you had been tiptoeing around this topic since, well, it happened — and if he was going to live with you for the foreseeable future, you might as well get that closure you deserved.
kuni shifted on the mattress, letting out a quiet sigh. where would he even start? you picked up on the unease and opened your arms up slowly, a silent invitation for him to come closer. kuni stared, unblinking, debating whether or not this was a good idea before giving in. as much as he acted like a little bitch at times, he was a sucker for physical contact. especially when it came to your touch.
”… do you remember my mom?” kuni asked, resting the side of his face on your chest. you hummed in response, your hand combing through his hair.
kuni took in a shaky breath and continued, “do you remember… my aunt?”
”yeah..?” you looked down at him with a raised eyebrow, unsure of where this was going, but... you had a feeling you already knew.
kuni's next words were quieter, almost like he didn't want to speak them into existence. ”she... died. the day before i broke up with you.”
you had met kuni’s family years ago when you first started dating. he was wary of introducing you to them, but apparently they insisted. ei was his mother, yae miko was his step-mother and makoto was his aunt and ei’s twin sister. kuni had always been closer to makoto as opposed to ei since she didn’t really understand how to be a mother at all. though she tried, kuni and ei never met eye to eye. kuni had told you how makoto was like his mother instead of ei, and how most of his early memories were with her instead. you knew how much he cared about her. and... she liked you. she was quite fond of you, actually.
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"you're my little kuni's partner? an adorable pair you two make!"
"auntie - please - enough. y/n, i'm so sorry. she's not usually this weird."
"oh, but i am! so you better get used to it if you're sticking around~"
"oh, makoto, enough teasing. come kids, dinner is ready. kuni, ei will be home soon so get ready to introduce y/n to her again."
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”i’m sorry, i didn’t know—“
”it’s… fine. i’m mostly over it now.” kuni shifted to look up at you and you noticed the shine of tears in his eyes. reaching down, you wiped those tears away with a soft smile. “ei lost her shit after that. it was horrible at home for a while and i just-“
”i get it.” you stopped him from talking since you noticed how much it was getting to him. losing her was probably too much for him to handle at the time on top of dealing with an upset ei. “you know i would’ve done everything i could to help you back then, kuni.”
”i know, y/n,” kuni closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing the two of you closer while burying his face in between your shoulder and the pillow behind you. “i just wasn’t thinking right. it felt like such a heavy burden for me to carry and your birthday was just around the corner...”
the two of you sat in silence for the next couple of minutes, basking in each other’s scent and comfort. while this newfound knowledge that your breakup didn’t have anything to do with you, it still upset you to know he was dealing with all of this back then and didn’t think you could have helped him get through it. you were supposed to be there for each other.
“i have your doll.”
”what?” kuni’s head snapped up, looking at you with furrowed brows and confusion evident on his face.
”your doll. the one you said you made with makoto.” you gestured with your chin to a shelf by the end of your bed that was hidden by the door when it was open. “i found it in the trash. don’t worry, he’s clean now!”
kuni turned his head and looked towards where you had pointed, seeing the doll sitting on the top shelf. “why?”
”just felt like it.” you lied. you knew the doll was his and you knew how much that little guy meant to him. you couldn’t just let it get thrown away.
”yeah, okay.” kuni obviously didn’t believe you and rolled his eyes making you laugh.
”so,” you started to speak again after a few minutes had passed, “are we… okay now?” it scary to ask, knowing that you were still not over him at all and he was now here — living in the same apartment as you. from the spot that he was laying on, he could feel how fast your heart was beating from asking that question alone.
”yeah,” he let go of your waist and reached for your hand, intertwining it with his. “let’s start over, y/n.” and without giving it a second thought, kuni dipped his head down to capture your lips in a kiss with his.
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A/N long one sorry i have a lot to say hehe: andddd act one is done with that delicious scrumptious immaculate cliffhanger 😈 are they gonna kiss kiss fall in love or kiss kiss miscommunication.... i think u know the answer or else there wouldnt be an act two now i know what ur thinking "luna scara doesnt know raiden makoto in canon?!??!?!?!" oh well!! i dont read the character stories all the way all ik is i wanted angst and makoto the better twin anyway /j lets just pretend for this story ok?? thank u for some reason this was the only chapter i was actually nervous to post ??? what ??????? bro i was fr shaking as i edited this WHATS HAPPENING i think its obv buuuuuut in the flashback, purple = makoto, blue = kuni and pink = yae miko !!
TAGLIST [CLOSED]: @machiroll @raideneiari @mariusvonhangme @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @sakiimeo @ferumie @plinkuro @scaraapologist @baelloraa @bubblesmei @lovelyiez @isa-solasun @lazy-sanns @thenightsflower @divinechicha @rxd-iant @elysiasgf @cerisearan @alwaysmentallyilll @kaoyamamegami @richxelle @monochromaticelliot @kunikuzushiit @thedumboneforsomereason @lordbugs @osamusswife @useless-potatho @tsuyumbrella @orionicchaos @lxry-chxn @twistedrxses @akagism2 @kxr0mi @angryhope @ivylibrary-00 @makilovescofi @mechanicalbeat1 @erosdevil @ghostsaysno @anotherdayanotherobsession @garlicforthewin @oliver-s-worlds @lunavixia @chimsblogg @arizzu @meigalaxy @hydration-is-for-weenies @yuyan @soleillunne @xiaossocksniffer
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wintermelonbear · 4 months
Just Another Picture to Burn
Summary: Just a cute little friendship between Jon, Damian, and Marinette. Can be read platonically or with some romantic inclination. Just two friends who want the best for each other and will celebrate each other’s milestones 
Sidenote: I haven’t written anything in years, but dragged my butt to write this for the MGI civil war so proceed with caution.
Sharp green eyes open up to the world moments before the buzz of a phone alarm signals the need to get up. Out of an abundance of caution stemming from his tumultuous upbringing the young teen scans the room for any signs of an intruder, most days this is a fruitless endeavor, but Damian could never find himself to drop this habit. He notes an envelope on his desk and reaches for the compressed bo staff under his pillow. As he approached the desk the only sound that could be heard was the light creak of the manor’s floorboards and low mumblings coming from the kitchen. A sigh of relief breaks this silence as Damian recognizes the gentle script sprawled across the front of the pale pink envelope spelling out “To Dami”. 
Cautiously he flips the envelope checking for signs of tampering. While the sentiment is nice, the choice to send a handwritten letter rather than a text was out of left field from his companion. He notes with a slight grin that she had used the wax seal he gifted her after the defeat of Hawkmoth. Sliding a batarang out from the underside of his desk he slices open the top of the envelope to reveal a piece of thick cardstock. At this Damian’s brow moves into a sharp arch, what could have been so important, yet so minimal that she had to portal over to his place in the middle of the night. Pulling out a piece of pristine white paper, he reads, "You, me & Jon. 7 pm CET. I already checked with your dad, so no excuses. Love, Mari”
Picking up his phone –the latest from Wayne Tech– he taps out a message to his top contact, “Spotted Menace”. A bright blue message populates the screen reading out, “An invite? To what exactly?” For emphasis, he adds in a raised eyebrow emoji then after some contemplation adds in a thinking emoji. Following that text, he quickly snaps a picture of the note to Marinette to confirm he received her letter before preparing for the day. 
Before leaving his room he picks up the envelope again, this time to admire her handiwork instead of ascertaining its threat level. Turning to the back of the envelope his chest puffs out a bit as he dons a victorious smile he takes in his handiwork. She had used the wax seal stamp he had gifted her on her 16th birthday. He hand-carved the image of a ladybug resting on a branch of plum blossoms, to signify her new beginning as a hero by choice and not by necessity after the defeat of Hawkmoth.
As Damian slipped into the driver’s seat of his sleek sedan he mused that 12-year-old Damian would be utterly baffled by the person he is today –apart from being the stronger member of the new generation of heroes, that has always been a given (Somewhere Jon is rolling his eyes). Honestly, when Damian first met Marinette he found her pathetic. She was just a worthless little girl who was gifted powers beyond her capability to wield, and he never hid his disdain for her. Thus, to young pre-teen Marinette the youngest Robin was just a massive dickhead who had no feelings apart from his superiority complex. He was an embodiment of torment; the worst parts of Felix and Chloe combined. Not to say that Damian is perfect now, but at the time he lacked the perspective he gained from his travels to and return from Lazarus Island. Now he has spent more time learning from others’ experiences, has gone through his first heartbreak after Flatline decided that time spent with him was distracting her from her personal goals, and all of that has taught him to care and have some level of empathy. He may not be like Marinette and Jon, ready to do what is right solely because they blindly believe in the goodness of others, but he understands that even if he may not find value in someone, that does not mean their life is worthless. 
The first time Robin acknowledged that despite Ladybug’s lack of technical combat skills, she had plenty of other skills that other heroes would be envious of, Nightwing attempted to give him a “bear hug” and Superboy nearly fell from the sky. What Robin to this day doesn’t know about that night is that his comm was connected to Ladybug’s and the reason she fell off the roof was not the attacker’s sharp jab to her ribs, but rather the shock of Robin giving her any form of praise. From then on Marinette decided maybe Robin was capable of growing a heart, and while it may have started as one-sided conversations with her rambling on about herself and basic topics of conversation – how’s the weather in the Gotham? It’s been warm in Paris! Did you see the new Mecha Strike game launch? What’s your favorite dessert? –  eventually, Damian started warming up to her. 
By the time the youngest Wayne snaps out of his reverie, the bell has rung signaling the dismissal of his second-period and the start of the school’s 20-minute break. Fishing through his pockets, and quickly unlocking his phone he finds several missed messages from Marinette, Jon, and their group chat “Talk Shit Get Hit”. After skimming through their private messages, Damian bites the bullet and opens up “Talk Shit Get Hit” to begin tackling the growing number of messages. Scrolling to the top of the chain of unread messages he sends Jon spamming the chat with unintelligible keyboard smashes followed by “MARI HOW DID YOU GET US OUT OF LIZZIE-SITTING DUTIES???”, Damian swears that the capslock on Jon’s keyboards must be worn down with his overusage. He reacts to the message with a set of eye emojis because there are very few people Diana trusts with her fussy toddler and he knows for a fact that she’s in the midst of an investigation into a rapidly expanding crime syndicate. As he scrolls further he is dismayed to find out Marinette cashed in this free day in exchange for a date night babysitting gig in addition to normal babysitting duties. Damian loves Lizzie like a younger sister and of course, wants her to be in the care of someone befitting of her status. Still, he has been yelled at one too many times for taking her on patrol with him, and sometimes bringing a 3-foot-tall sidekick with a tutu (courtesy of Marinette) kills his intimidation factor. Once he makes it past a wall of crying emojis and gifs of betrayal from Jon, the chat goes back to its normal contents, filled with reels shared between Jon and Mari, and complaints about their teachers. Jon eventually asks Marinette what she has planned for tonight that is worth the extra babysitting duties, but Marinette declines to answer and instead tells him to be patient.
After school Damian carefully considers his outfit but sticks with his classic black turtleneck and a pair of khakis, Marinette will call him boring but what does she know? She used to have a crush on a guy who exclusively wore a striped shirt with an open button-up and bright orange Converses. Once they became comfortable with one another Marinette made it VERY well-known that while she wished his civilian wear had more diversity and color, she found his original Robin suit to be a “crime against fashion and most people’s eyeballs”. Stating that only traffic lights would appreciate sharing a color palette with him. Damian argued that it’s tradition, while Marinette replied with “It’s fugly and you know it. Y o u! ditched the design in the first place”. Rolling his eyes, he heads to the window and yells out “Jon! I am ready!” and with a flash of blue and red Jon shows up at his window clad in a red hoodie and blue jeans. The Super family really needs to consider their civilian “disguises”. 
Swooping Damian up into his arm Jon bolts out the window and into the sky towards Paris until they reach a familiar flowered rooftop. After two taps to the trap door beneath them, the door abruptly gave way and Damian was met with a loud POP and confetti raining down onto him. Quickly Marinette busted out the door cake in hand and in unison started singing with Jon. While it was not a rare occurrence for Marinette to provide them with sweets at her residence, what was on the cake was the strange part. It was a picture of one of his earlier Robin outfits? One that after many earfuls from Marinette knew to be her least favorite, why would she put it on a cake?? 
“Happy outfit death to you! Happy outfit death to you! You no longer look like a traffic light! Happy outfit death to you!” Out of seemingly thin air, Marinette pulled out a lighter and lit the top layer on fire revealing a picture of his new outfit underneath. “You do not know how relieved I am that I do not have to be with someone whose color palette matches a kindergarten classroom rug, and not a cute one”.
Damian with a puzzled expression questions her, “Is this something to be celebrated? Besides that I changed outfits months ago”. Marinette looked at him mouth agape. “Close your mouth you will catch flies at this rate”.
Almost as if rehearsed Jon and Marinette reply in unison “What are you my maman/ma”?
After clearing her throat Marinette went to explain, “There are plenty of things to celebrate for your outfit change! You’re finding out the type of Robin you’re going to be, and I personally believe that is a worthy cause for celebration. Besides, after Monarch’s downfall, I was really struggling to figure out what to do myself. My whole world felt like it splintered into pieces, but you and Jon were there to help me figure things out when the consequences of my actions™ struck. I want you to feel empowered too, even if you don’t need it the same way I did”. With a smile Marinette brought out some forks, “Now let’s dig in”! If it made him uncomfortable how quickly his friends stabbed his frosting face with their forks, he didn’t let it show.
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
three | him
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your first encounter with viktor at the campus grounds led to a murder the next day. scaramouche thinks this case is not it for the both of you, and he needs to work on his personal space. childe seems to get the hint of the blooming relationship, while you two are still a bunch of oblivious junk heads.
warnings: swearing, slight protective scara, another childe appearance, oblivious scara lmao, mention of weapons and murder
a/n: chap 3 is here! sorry for the delay, midterms' been kicking my butt and it's only the first week of it. i have another week of midterms so hopefully i can finish up chap 4 by saturday or sunday so that i can focus on my studies 😵 happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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“what the hell…” scaramouche mumbled, looking at the text you sent him.
annoying ass
come down to the campus park
he sighed. “just when i thought i could rest, i’m fresh out of the shower too.” he grumbled. quickly taking his clothes, he got ready.
whatever that might be, hopefully it's not one of her stupid shenanigans, he thought.
throwing on a simple beige t-shirt and some pants, he stepped out of his room. he took his keys and wallet along with his phone, making sure the door is locked before heading out.
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you groaned. it's been 5 minutes and he still hasn't come down yet. you stared at the phone, read, it said.
you really don't have the patience for this. you darted your eyes towards the view in front of you instead. looking at your surroundings, you made sure no one is close so that you could tell scaramouche what happened previously.
archons, can he be any slower?
“what in the world could you possibly need for you to make me come down and kill my rest time?” scaramouche’s voice popped up behind you. speaking of the devil.
“goodnes! finally, you're here. you have no idea what just happened!” you whisper-shouted, shooting him a look to sit down at the park bench beside you. scaramouche let out a sigh, but obliged anyways.
“if you don’t start talking i will actually leave you here” he muttered, taking a seat beside you. he leaned back, getting comfortable on the seat first before looking at you.
you rolled your eyes at his words.
“you couldn't believe who i just met!” you said, taking a sip of the drink you bought at the campus cafe a few blocks away.
you looked at scaramouche.
“want some?” you questioned, pointing out to the drink.
he stared at the drink for a couple of seconds before snatching it away from you. “you owe me one after making me come down here for you.” he said, taking a gulp of the drink before looking at it.
strawberry tea, it’s one of your favourite tea flavours, he thinks before shaking off his thoughts. “continue.” he ordered.
“so um i basically met viktor. viktor stepanov. the guy that is our suspect!” you whisper-shouted again. “at first i didn't really recognise-“
“you what?” scaramouche suddenly interrupted you. he was frowning, thinking of something you really couldn't tell what.
“let me finish, dude.” you rolled your eyes. “i didn't recognise him at first glance but then he introduced himself-“
“wait, wait.” he interrupted again. he was pinching his nose and groaning. what could he be possibly be so mad about, you thought.
“you met him? y/n, do you know how dangerous that can be? what if he had something on him? he's a serial killer for archon's sake! who knows what he could be bringing along with him!” he rasped. looking at you, he frowned again.
you were looking at him weirdly as if something’s wrong.
finally registering what he said earlier, he went blank. what am i doing, he thought.
“ugh—sorry. it just slipped out. i know you're a great detective and i'm aware that you can defend yourself if anything were to happen.” he said, rubbing his forehead while doing so.
“are you okay at least?” he asked.
“yes.” you said firmly. “i'm fine, scara. no need to worry about me. like you said, i'm pretty capable of defending myself. and he wouldn't dare to even do such a thing at the campus ground. not when there are litters of students everywhere.”
you looked around the campus filled with countless of students to prove your point, before darting your eyes towards the person beside you.
scaramouche sighed, bringing a hand to brush his indigo hair back. “i know.” he looked away, paying attention to his surroundings instead. taking a few seconds to relax, he speaks up again. “you can continue.”
you stared at him, furrowing your brows. he will never let that go, will he…
“anyways, i met him by coincidence. i was sitting on one of these benches when he approached me suddenly. i introduced myself first, he then did the same, and that's when i immediately recognised him.” you said, remembering your first encounter with him.
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“i'm viktor. viktor stepanov. a pleasure to meet you.” he says, holding out his hand to you.
you blinked, taking your time to register his words. slightly widening your eyes, you almost lost your composure.
what the actual fuck, you screamed internally. this was not how you expected your first encounter with him to be.
you expected that you’d meet him in your first class with him which is mass communication. or maybe get paired up with him on a project or something, but definitely not like this. you blinked again, realising that you might’ve acted suspicious.
you cleared your throat. you held out your hand to him, shaking his hand. “i'm sorry, i seemed to be distracted just now.” you made up an excuse. hopefully he doesn’t catch on my lie, you thought.
you're a pretty good liar yourself so it'd be a shocking if he were to find out you were lying.
he brightened up. “oh? and what might be the cause of it?” he asked innocently.
“oh! um…” you tried to find your words. “you're a pretty attractive guy, is all...” you mumbled before widening your eyes.
what the hell, y/n! out of all excuses! you could’ve just said you saw a squirrel at the tree behind him or something, he’s a serial killer for archon's sake! that is not attractive at all! you scolded yourself internally.
“ah… thank you?” viktor paused, retracting his hand from yours to rub his neck. “i get that quite a lot, but i honestly don’t really see it” he continued, slightly embarrassed at the compliment you gave him.
you really want to hit yourself through a wall right now.
“um, yeah sorry about that” you said sheepishly, scratching your cheek. “anyways, what year are you in?” you asked, wanting to end this awkward moment as soon as possible.
“i’m actually going on my fourth, i’m graduating next spring.” he replied. “what about you? it’s uncommon for students to transfer to other campus' in the middle of the semester.”
“ah… about that. it just so happens that i was offered an opportunity to transfer here. my old uni isn’t as cool as this” you made up an answer.
“i'm taking mass communication and criminology, on my fourth year as well.”
“no way, i take mass comm too!” he grinned. “do you have any classes on tuesday morning and wednesday evening? if so then it’d be nice to sit together! i have mass comm on those days.”
“...sure? i don't really remember my schedule yet so we’ll see.” you said. please let this conversation end, i need to report this to scara asap, you thought.
for someone who goes on a killing spree on a daily basis, he sure talks a lot. maybe he's not our prime suspect, you think again.
“cool! we’ll see on tuesday. hopefully we get to meet each other again.” he said excitedly, before looking at the watch on his wrist.
“ah, i really need to get going. i'm late for something” said viktor. “well, i'll see you around! it was nice meeting you, luna. hopefully we can be good friends.” he smiled at you, before waving and going off his way.
you swear you saw a glint through the backpack he's carrying on his shoulder.
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“and that’s basically what happened” you said, turning to scaramouche to see his reaction. he was at lost for words, slightly twitching his eyes.
“come on.” he suddenly stood up. “we’re continuing this at the dorm. it’s getting late” he says, taking a look at the sun that’s slowly about to set.
most students are gone now, getting ready to end their day in the dorms.
you two didn't really do much that night except for binging a movie together on the couch, while also bickering with scaramouche for taking all of the snacks for himself.
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the next morning wasn't that great either.
staring off at your laptop screen, you watch childe’s reaction slowly turning into shock after you told him what happened yesterday.
“are you kidding me?! we just got a new case today about viktor!” childe shouted, rummaging through his desk to look for the case file.
you looked at the time on your laptop screen in the meantime, 8:45 am. there’s the weekly briefing today so all of them are probably at the precint by now, you thought. i really miss my desk…
“look” childe said, showing the case file. “ah wait, i'll show you through the screen so that you can see more clearly.” quickly opening the case file from his desk computer, childe shared his screen to you.
“yesterday. killed someone off a few miles away from campus.”
you almost spit out your coffee.
“what the hell?” scaramouche joined you, looking over your shoulder to the laptop screen. he was making breakfast while you were sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.
as much as he looks like someone who can’t cook, he surprisingly can do it very well. better than you at some point too. you totally don’t envy him.
“dude, i told you i saw something glint in his bag! it was probably his weapon!” you smacked scaramouche, who is now focused on the screen.
“archons, if i had known i could’ve taken a pic for evidence!” you lowly cursed to yourself.
“don't beat yourself for it. you definitely don't want your cover blown on the first day there.” childe blurted, stopping the screenshare. “you have a class with him on tuesday, correct?”
“…yeah. 9 am, mass comm.” you said, looking at your phone for your schedule. “scara has a psychology class with him too on the same day. what time was it again?” you asked, looking over towards scaramouche who's right next to your face.
“3 pm, i think.” scaramouche replied before moving to the kitchen counter besides the stove, whisking away the pancake batter at the bowl on his hands.
“i don't like how we’re going to classes again. i’ve already learned everything so why should i learn it again? stupid case... and that woman too! why the hell make me suffer?” he huffed, pouring the batter little by little onto the hot pan.
“oh, yeah. talking about captain, how's it going over there?” you asked childe through the screen.
“nothin’ much, we have a briefing in a couple of minutes. signora made me do cleaning duty yesterday, in which i made her buy me a couple of drinks in return. smooching off people’s money is my favourite thing to do” childe quipped, twirling his finger at the air.
"hopefully when you two come back you'll take me out for dinner and drinks, i miss getting crazy with you two, especially y/n. oh how i'd love to see her face when she takes her first sip! what a lightweight she is." childe continued, satisfied with the face you were making through the screen.
you let out a groan. “cheap ass.” you hear scaramouche say, looking over towards him. the pancake was all done and he was getting the plates and utensils for breakfast. you turned back to the screen on your laptop, slightly smiling.
“what?” childe asked.
“nothing.” you said, just in time for scaramouche to slide over the food on the kitchen island.
“done.” said scaramouche, taking a bite of the pancake on his plate. he hummed, acknowledging his cooking skills. you took a portion of the pancake and put it on your plate.
“what are you guys gonna do today? childe asked.
they act like cat and dogs most of the time but now they act like lovebirds out of nowhere, they probably don’t even realise it, childe thought.
“hm… nothing much? i need to do some organising at this dorm since there are a couple of things that needed sorting out. i don't know what this guy is doing later, and i couldn't care less for it” you said, pointing out to the short male beside you with a fork.
reaching out for the syrup, you pour it down on your pancake before taking a bite. you moaned and swayed your feet in contentment.
“and that guy you're talking about just so happens to be the one cooking up your breakfast, and possibly your lunch and dinner too. given how you suck at cooking, you're probably gonna set this dorm on fire.” he retorted.
you glared at him while munching on the pancake he made.
“i'm probably gonna help her clean the dorm. and i'm gonna head out later too, i need to run a couple of errands outside of campus” scaramouche continued, looking over to you who's eating messily.
what a messy woman, he thinks, seeing the syrup dribble down your lip without you even realising.
without a second thought, scaramouche grabbed a tissue. while you were busy talking about whatever crap with childe, scaramouche yanked your chin towards him with his hand and wiped off the syrup on your lips.
your breath hitched for a moment.
it took a few seconds for him to wipe the syrup off before retracting from you, acting as if nothing happened afterwards. you blinked, staring at scaramouche who's now throwing away the tissue in the trash can.
“what?” he raised his brow, looking at you. “you had syrup on your mouth. you should really learn how to eat properly. wouldn't want to turn off any men with your disgusting way of eating.” scaramouche spat.
while the two of you were having your moment, childe on the other screen was stunned.
what in the world is happening, he thought.
i exactly remember how they were going off on each other's throats the other day when picking a restaurant to go to and now they're acting like domestic lovers in a tv drama. childe shook his head, confused on the current relationship within the two of you.
he’s been in the field for the past 2 years. though still pretty new to the precint and way younger than you and scaramouche, he for sure knows this isn't just about your ongoing rivalry between each other. it's way more than that.
whatever, i'll let these two sort it out themselves. whenever that is.
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taglist ; @beriiov @bleedingwhiteroses222 @cloudsandrenoswife @yuuki4646 @thenightsflower
send an ask or dm me to be in the taglist!
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Simple Is Sometimes Better
Hey you guys hope you guys enjoy this idea was inspired by a scene from the Movie some kind of wonderful,Enjoy❤️✨
Simple Is Sometimes Better Part II
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“Hey”, you said as you stormed into Caleb’s garage, “I want to know why you called me over here” you spoke with an attitude. “Because I need your help, and besides, I knew you weren’t doing anything”, Caleb said back Snarky; you and Caleb have been friends, for god knows how long probably since middle school. As you’ve gotten older your starting to realize how attractive Caleb is at first it was a little thing like walking home from school you would notice his big smile that he would have when he was telling you a story you thought it was cute or watching him play basketball with the other boys in the neighborhood you would only focus on him because well no one else mattered on the court if you could say so your self.
You never thought Caleb found you attractive you have been chunky your whole life. Now that you’re finally in high school, you are now going into the plus size category, which is only natural because it runs in your family but not too many boys in your neighborhood look at you more than a friend because, well, you’re not their ideal type especially seeing how you have known most of the boys in your neighborhood since they were in kindergarten. “So look” said Caleb as he was Wiping The paint off of his hands. Caleb was an artist. He loved to paint and draw, and he’s good at it.
“I need you to give me some advice I asked Mariah to go out on a date this weekend”. “Excuse me” you said, at first you were distracted by Caleb because he had paint splattered all over his white tshirt and blue jeans.”You asked the Mariah Thompson to go on a date with you” you said shocked. Mariah Thomson is for lack of better words stuck up and boujiee she is the type of girl to walk around in preppy clothes and go out to sushi dates and shop at zara…while you on the other hand was more of a fitted crop top loose jeans lipgloss type of girl who would rather get chinese take out and go to the mall to shop. “So what do u need my help for i don’t know the girl” you said very quick and snippy.
“I need some advice on where you think I should take her. I mean, she is one of a kind”, Caleb said, grinning. That statement burned and not in a good way…oh no, the word burned because you have had a crush on him for years, but now it’s crystal clear he doesn't want a girl like you. “Well”, you said swallowing your pride, you should go to Nokos; Nokos was a funky restaurant which was a Fusion of Japanese and Jamaican food. It was brand new to town, and everybody wanted to go, and it was pretty high dollar something that could suit Miss Queen Mariah's taste buds.
“Oh, yea” Caleb says, smiling “that would be cool everybody is trying to get in there, so I need to make a reservation”, he said carelessly as he was stacking canvases against the wall. “Yep”, you say, sitting on one of his painting tables. “Please give her a cute little gift like that bracelet we saw in the store the other day. She’ll like that” you said. You honestly don’t know why you are going the extra mile to help Caleb, maybe because a secret part of you wished that this was something happening to you. You and Caleb usually go window shopping not on purpose but in a small town; there’s not much to do but eat, shop, go to the movies, and skate. “Really? Caleb questions. Don’t you think that will be too simple for her?”You smile because this is an inside joke that only you could know right now, and how ironic the remark is because you don’t consider yourself a fancy girl or a prim madonna.
“Simple is sometimes better.” You said looking at him with a simple look hoping your eyes would spill all your thoughts as soon as you said those words. He looked at you quizzingly while he was now putting his paint brushes up. “Then if that date goes well and you check everything off, you can give her a kiss goodnight”, you grimaced. This sentence alone stopped Caleb on track with what he was doing. “What didn’t you think about it?” You quizzed. “No, I mean, I was”. He said “I've been chilling since I broke up with Eden the first year, so I’m a little nervous”. “You’ll be fine”, you said, not batting an eyelash. “Besides, it’s like riding a bike. It takes practice…”
“You mind if I practice on you” ,you heard Caleb say those words as he strolled towards you.
“You were in disbelief”. Your heart suddenly started pounding, and you started to feel the heat rise within you which added to your feeling of being flushed. Sure, you said mekley. Now, Caleb was in front of you, Caleb, the one guy you have known for so long since middle school and had a crush for. You never thought this moment would happen. He stands between your legs, looking at you with a dark stare in his eyes.
You feel Caleb grab your chin to angle you a certain way before his lips meet yours. His lips were soft and warm and inviting. At first, it was pecking, but then things got more heated. He flicked his tongue over your top lip, which you then let into your mouth. Not knowing what to do, you put your hand on his neck which cause him to grunt while you could feel him grounding himself in between your legs better he felt like a strong wall, not moving anytime soon, his hand leaving your face now squeezing your plush hips tightly. You felt a buzz in your center it felt natural and tingle to your core.You responded by rapping your thick thighs around his waist and pressing your bodies into his more he let out a another grunt because he could feel your breast against his stomach.
His lips were red and swollen and had light lipgloss on them. He reached up and rubbed the lip gloss off. “I-Are you okay he said, speechless”. His voice now deeper and richer. You felt a thousand tingles in your body from what happened. At this point, you couldn’t look him in the eye. You just had an entire make-out session with your best friend in his garage, and he has his date tomorrow. You had so many cloudy voices and thoughts in your head. You felt devastated, knowing that what happened didn’t mean anything, and you allowed yourself to make the stupid decision to handle this type of hurt.
“Good luck on your date,” you said with tears in your eyes, and a dry voice pushed him away from you and ran out of the garage.
“HEY, WAIT, I DIDN’T MEAN TO UPSET YOU!” guilt pouring out his voice as He yelled, but it was too late. You already had your way to your car with tears running down your face.
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7th December >> Mass Readings (USA)
Saint Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor 
Thursday, First Week of Advent.
Thursday, First Week of Advent
(Liturgical Colour: White: B (2))
(Readings for the feria (Thursday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Thursday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Isaiah 26:1-6 Let in a nation that is just, one that keeps faith.
On that day they will sing this song in the land of Judah:
“A strong city have we; he sets up walls and ramparts to protect us. Open up the gates to let in a nation that is just, one that keeps faith. A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace; in peace, for its trust in you.”
Trust in the LORD forever! For the LORD is an eternal Rock. He humbles those in high places, and the lofty city he brings down; He tumbles it to the ground, levels it with the dust. It is trampled underfoot by the needy, by the footsteps of the poor.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 118:1 and 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a
R/ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.
R/ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
Open to me the gates of justice; I will enter them and give thanks to the LORD. This gate is the LORD’s; the just shall enter it. I will give thanks to you, for you have answered me and have been my savior.
R/ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
O LORD, grant salvation! O LORD, grant prosperity! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD; we bless you from the house of the LORD. The LORD is God, and he has given us light.
R/ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. or R/ Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation Isaiah 55:6
Alleluia, alleluia. Seek the LORD while he may be found; call him while he is near. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Whoever does the will of my Father will enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Jesus said to his disciples: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock. And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. And it collapsed and was completely ruined.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor 
(Liturgical Colour: White: B (2))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Thursday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Ephesians 3:8-12 To preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ.
Brothers and sisters: To me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for all what is the plan of the mystery hidden from ages past in God who created all things, so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the Church to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness of speech and confidence of access through faith in him.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 89:2-3, 4-5, 21-22, 25 and 27
R/ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
The favors of the LORD I will sing forever; through all generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness. For you have said, “My kindness is established forever”; in heaven you have confirmed your faithfulness.
R/ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
“I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: Forever will I confirm your posterity and establish your throne for all generations.”
R/ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
“I have found David, my servant; with my holy oil I have anointed him, That my hand may be always with him, and that my arm may make him strong.”
R/ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
“My faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him, and through my name shall his horn be exalted. He shall say of me, ‘You are my father, my God, the rock, my savior.’”
R/ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation John 10:14
Alleluia, alleluia. I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my sheep, and mine know me. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel John 10:11-16 The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them. This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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stars-and-darkness · 2 years
For the ask game: 🎶⛔️🌞🦅🤩🤲⏳
Answer all of them, or just pick a few, I know I picked out a lot 😂
alicia, my love!!!
🎶 - Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
usually, yes, but i don’t really have specific playlists for specific fics. some songs will, however, always be associated with the fandom i was in when I discovered them.
⛔ - Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
quite a few, actually. I always need to try them out first, write a couple thousand words to see if i actually have anything to say on the topic.
🌞 - Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
i happen to be very much a morning person, and prefer to do everything, writing included, before noon
🦅 - Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
depends on the fic! generally, i have a plan in my head and follow it loosely, with lots of diversions. i only really outline in detail if it’s a very plotty fic. but bc i generally write everything and then post, you know that any plotholes are there bc I’m an idiot who left them in, not bc I wrote by the seat of my pants.
🤩 – Who is your favorite character to write?
i am having SO MUCH FUN writing from klaus’s pov in my current wip, you have no idea. There’s something special about the way i make him jump between being snarky and condescending, casually thinking about an extremely traumatizing experience, simping for caroline, recalling yet another sick and twisted crime he committed … it’s such a delight, honestly
🤲 - Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Ask and ye shall receive! Here’s a bit from chapter eight of my current WIP, make them bow.:
He really, really hates witches.
Sheila Bennett looks nothing like Ayana physically, but that look she gets when he opens the door in her dressing gown with a sleeping mask pushed up to rest among voluminous curls—that’s identical.
Ayana had always looked at him like he’s something she has scraped off the bottom of her shoe. He suspects she’d known, long before he did, who his father wasn’t. Well, witchling, there were two people at fault for that mess, and neither of them were him, so if you’d please direct your haughty looks to your best friend or her lover, that’d be great.
He much prefers to remember her in the moments before he’d crushed her heart in her chest. She was very forthcoming about the details of how to break his curse then. He’d even let her children live—merciful days like that were common for him, when he’d been a youth of seven-and-thirty.
He doesn’t think that pointing out that she is only alive because of a bit of mercy he’d felt a thousand years ago would help him with this one, though. Witches. So testy.
“You have a lot of nerve, coming here.”
“So I’ve been told.”
Her eyes narrow, and he feels the tell-tale stinging at his temple. Really, Sheila? That’s the oldest trick in the book, and he is older than even that.
“That works on younglings,” he informs her primly. It’s not hard to pretend that the pain isn’t even there. He’s played at more casual for worse aches. “That was a hint for you to stop, by the way. We’re here to negotiate a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
“Nik …”
“She is a Bennett and I am a Mikaelson, Stefan. We were never going to be cordial, so why waste time pretending?”
This makes the witch laugh. “At least you know where we stand. But I will not invite you in.”
Klaus tries very hard not to roll his eyes. As if he couldn’t force an invitation, should he want to. “I don’t expect to be invited in. I just want you to answer one question, will you, love?”
“And what would that be?” asks the witch, supremely unimpressed.
Klaus cocks his head to the side. “Where’s your granddaughter, Sheila?”
Her eyes widen, and he sees her lips part in rage. “What did you—”
“Who, me? Nothing at all. But she seems to have gotten herself into a bit of a situation of the fanged kind. Fortunately, we have a plan.”
“And why would you care?”
He gives a greatly put-upon sigh. “The goodness of my heart?”
“Try again.”
He just shrugs. “Well, I’ve got my reasons, obviously. No matter how much we all wish it could be otherwise, a witch-free world isn’t feasible, and I have a vested interest in the Bennett line’s continued survival.”
Her eyes fall to his right, where Stefan lingers.
“What do you want from me?”
“A vampire with an interest in opening the tomb underneath Fell’s Church has taken Bonnie and Elena, Sheila,” Stefan explains. “Damon has Emily Bennett’s grimoire. They will open it, and unless you help us, they will force Bonnie to do it alone.”
“She can’t—”
“Anna doesn’t care, Sheila. Working with them is our only guarantee that Elena and Bonnie get out alive … and that the vampires don’t.”
Sheila sneers. “I could track my granddaughter. I could save them both.”
Klaus lets his smile out to play—the one that doesn’t show fangs, but it might as well. “Don’t you want to hear about what I’m willing to offer to you if you wait?”
She curves an unimpressed brow. “I know better than to make deals with the devil.”
“I’m hurt, love.” He presses a hand against his chest. “And here I was, feeling especially giving.”
“Don’t call me that.” She grits her teeth together. “What’s your offer, then?”
There, love—wouldn’t it have been simpler if you’d done that from the start? “Freedom,” he says. “For the next three generations, starting with your granddaughter. I will not meddle in their affairs. Is that not a marvellous offer? I don’t know that I’ve ever been this magnanimous.”
She narrows her eyes. “Seven generations—and you’ll keep the rest of the Originals to that, too.”
He waves a hand. “Yes to second—I have my ways of keeping them in line.” Then he inclined his head. “Five generations—so long as you and your granddaughter do a spell for me when all this is over.”
Sheila’s eyes go even narrower. “A spell? No way.”
Behind him, he can feel Stefan shift uncomfortably.
“C’mon, love, I promise it’s nothing bad!”
“And what would this spell be, if I may ask?”
⏳ - How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
that really depends on a gazillion factors, but on a good day, when i’m in the zone, I can manage several thousand words
fanfic writer asks :)
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled Poem # 11361
Strange, for the delights her, while I     go for the foam of the hour, been on the probably would give     thee Diggon. At cold wipers along the bonie lassie, kind     employment. Several
who looked grin of sense, in a     solidly wherein shell-fish or from age and miles below     there hung, till War’s loudly, violets. Not the midnight the cord     of the guide … not tame thy
beds of this touch’d temple project     of which, erring unsought I found the midnight wish to God     the human breast. The Little blossoms with her goodnight would     bawl for civil listen
for this, one tonight.—Blythe by the     hill, thou will, the paine, and a slight lamented virgin’s cheeks     as weeds. To bear unless what wants to thee with travels after     Year just escape writhed
her harsh groom who had made Norman     Church hissing by, behold flowers weird, but woman in     courtesy so blending. Nothing let’s give me only word     upon a leafe from her
long morn in forbidden mystery     carefull case touched in hope to breake his wreath, rock-solid     foot into one place. Shepheard of all verse adorn, that     Lycius bright for his own.
This I never saw so sweet old     Harp be modulated the heights, bound, its glory, being     deathlessness of the landlord’s estate, as cocke on us     at our cause? Little things
ignite and merry was far as     oak from love, and sit in words at a boyish kindled that     we must practise spyed, for Roffy is wise, and all this     visitations. Come doubters
dumb caves, and address’d with theyr goodnes     taken delves, but she no saint start. Pistol butts a-twinkle,     pale smiling over short or health! Best and rose upright     did lend cold, but sense—how
say you love heart, rich in the snakes.     But what—and with musket, drench. And nothing accidental     e’re appear’d Silence our casement is that waketh, and     Counter the office; he
was thy sigh of much of with briers,     more the cord make me who is that with four garages and     the slick, love, and endless hale heart as tyrannic powers,     whose name. See that Belovëd,
I at last night Come away,     come and greater the drew in the lily as far among     the Pleiad, will bear, here and that I hear my sire, where     fedde. Unmixed with flesh, men
sayd, was not bleed at a woman     thus. Then in the hot race capture of the window, half as     good watched by a dunce. Thus chaos, and days, robert Burns: dare     not tame these black and waite.
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highlyari · 2 years
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Goodnes gracious, it has been some time!
Good evening ladies, I'd like to apologize for the MIA status. I was time to lay down and let the magic work. Now that's been taken care of, let me show you how I did it; Following up on the Dream Girl Journey from @2pretty, the GROW strategy is the chosen one to achieve my dream girl status. It is definitely not the only way, but this strategy can be applied to achieve every goal you set your mind to.
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What is it you want to achieve? set your eyes on the GOAL.
You cannot reach every goal at the same time, it will overwhelm and tire you pretty fast. It is ok to work towards one goal before reaching for any other, It is also ok to breakdown a big Goal into smaller ones. This way you can stay focused, and will see the achievements clearly.
So what was my goal? Real estate
You all know I've been marryed for two years now, and we had spent that time paying rent, which is not the vibe. So after we moved to our current apartment and adopted our huskey puppy, we agreed this would be the last rent we would pay. So we set out eyes in buying a house.
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Where are you currently standing at?
When we decided to buy a house we had to look around and within ourselves. We had spent 2 years spoiling eachother, being aggresive towards work success, traveling, and nurturing eachother's hobbies, but we had forgotten something important: we were not saving up. I had been working at a 2.2M monthly rate for over two years and had nothing to show for it. My husband was better than me at managing money, he had always been, but still we were nowhere close our saving goals.
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How to get from point A to point B?
Luckily out credit scores were high enough to even think of applying for a mortage or other kind of loan. So when we saw the house and fixated on it, we were able to pursue it until the end of the world, However, we had to be smart about it, there is no way in which we would pay two or three times the total value of the house (225M) purely on bank interest. So while we had an approved loan for the value of the house, there should be smartest options. Part of goal pursuing its not running blingy towards it, burning everything behind you, you must be smart and choose carefully what path is the best and safest for you, im not saying don't take risks, im saying you dont want to declare yourself bankrupt, you dont want to cause a long lasting injury in order to get that million dollar body, you dont want to get random chemicals injected in order to get a bigger ass. Be smart.
the way that it finally went down was split in three loans, one of them was made with my work union, taking a total of 67.5M with no interest rate for the upfront payment. 112M with 0.8% interest rate to my husband's work union, and finally the most aggresive one, a free investment credit made to my husband's bank, 48M with 1.3% interest rate, that we would focus to pay as soon as possible.
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what are you willing to do?
You have to commit, there is no other way around it. There is no shortcuts. you have to put in the extra work hours, you have to put in the extra weight at the gym, you have to put in the extra study hour. The human race cannot obtain something without giving anay something of equal value.
We have not moved in yet, on monday we will make all the legal paperwork and we will get the keys. However, we already agreed on how we are going to pay up. We will use my monthly wage to live and paying the 68M loan, which has flexible installments And we will use my husband 5.5M monthly rate to pay the other two loans, specially the free investment one.
I understand you might not agree with the way we set it up. However, take it as it is: an example.
Good luck, may the odds always be on your favor.
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cherriesfineline · 3 years
savior next door
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im on a writing trance so expect a lot of writings from me hehe, here's what i wrote last night, enjoy besties.
- fluff & a tiny little bit of smut (not really lol) | not proofread, sorry
Pairing: HarryxY/N
WC: 3.8k
the one where Harry is Y/N's shy and virgin neighbor.
The constant feeling of uneasiness has been haunting Harry ever since he almost got himself in a car accident almost a year ago.
It hadn’t been his fault – he was crossing a random street in a quiet area of New York when a hand grabbed his upper arm and pushed him out of the crosswalk, where a car speeded through without even slowing down. “Watch where you’re going, you’re going to get yourself killed.” The woman who’d saved his life scolded at him with a worrying look on her face. He remembers her eyes were glowing in such a splendor, something he’d never seen before – it intrigued him to know who his life savior was, but before he could even make a comment, the woman stormed off and got lost between the seas of people around the corner, leaving Harry in an unsuccessful search for her.
Harry has never been a people person. He always avoids big crowds, social events and especially, study groups. His university journey so far has been a lonely and reserved one, having movie marathons when not studying or discovering new kinds of herbal teas. His only form of social interaction is the occasional chat with his across-the-hall neighbor Niall, whom he considered -kind of- a close friend; his only one, in fact.
“Heard someone’s moving in to the flat next to yours.” Niall knows Harry isn’t exactly a social butterfly, and maybe it’s the fact that Harry is younger than him and how he seems like such a harmless human what makes him feel like he needs to help him. Harry just shrugs at his comment, not really interested in any possible intruder to their peaceful hallway (where both their apartments and the currently empty one in the corner were the only three ones on their floor). And maybe it was the fact that it has been almost a month since Niall’s comment what made him furious when he saw the cardboard boxes on their hallway, forgetting about the possibility of having a new neighbor.
The sudden sound of glass crashing and a loud yell snaps Harry out of his frustrated trance, stepping around the huge boxes scattered around the door next to his to knock on the doorway of the open door. Even if he really isn’t very fond of having a new neighbor that doesn’t mean he’s not going to check on them to see if they’ve gotten hurt. “Is everything alright?” He still can’t see whoever is inside, but he decides on waiting if no one replies to step inside. But he doesn’t need to, because as he was about to make his way inside, a head pops up from one side of the entry hallway, assuming that’s where the kitchen is, as he notices the apartment is a replica of his own, but inverted.
“Hey, sorry, just dropped my favorite cup.” His breath gets caught on his throat when her life savior’s face appears in sight, the cutest frown adorning her features and her sweet voice resonating through his brain. Her eyes, exactly like he remembers shine with an unbeatable glow, like a thousand diamonds under a microscope, but the image he had of her on his brain doesn’t make her justice – she is even more beautiful than he remembers. “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you. You live in this floor?” Harry can’t help but be disappointed at the fact that apparently she doesn’t remember him.
“Y-yes, next door. H-harry.” He stutters. Her presence just makes him so nervous, he can’t help it. She is probably one of, if not the, most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. Her eyes are hypnotizing, the softness of them which appears to be constant warms his insides and he thinks he could spend hours upon hours staring right at them.
“Do I know you? I feel like I know you.” Y/N’s thinks out loud, her expression alluding to her thoughts trying to place him somewhere in her memories.
“Uh, I- I don’t think so?” Harry feels embarrassed, so he couldn’t come up with a better answer. He is silently hoping she doesn’t remember the time they met all that time ago – this is his chance, he thinks, to redeem himself, for her to see him as a normal dude instead of this clumsy and shy boy who couldn’t even thank her when she saved him from being ran over by a car.
He wishes he could read her mind. What’s her first impression on him? Does she think he’s cute? She probably doesn’t. He thinks she’s too pretty to even spare a second glance at someone like him; a shy boy with bad posture and still breaking out in his forehead despite being 22. And she, Y/N, a woman who could make anyone her own, a woman who probably makes every head turn her way when entering a room. Harry feels his chest deflate as his thoughts start beating him up.
During the course of her first two months living next door, Y/N and Harry barely interact. He keeps stealing glances her way whenever they run into each other in the hallway, getting shy and cheeks reddening when she catches him every time. He gets jealous whenever he hears her walking down the hallway from inside his apartment, obvious guests coming in and out of her apartment – and if the person (because he recalls hearing both men and women) is good enough, he can even hear her sometimes through the thin wall that divides their bedrooms, her headboard clearly mirroring his. He feels dirty and intrusive during nights like these, so he opts on putting headphones on, music playing in his phone to help him drift off to sleep.
But Y/N is fascinated by him, maybe not as much as he is with her, but enough to wonder how it’d be like to reallyhave him in her life. She knows he’s a very reserved man, her animated chats with Niall more usual than not drift towards Harry and how she wishes he’d just keep looking at her when she catches his eye instead of running away – not because her ego is enormous or anything, but she is aware of the obvious crush Harry has on her. “He’s not going to start conversation, you should just go for it.” She remembers Niall told her one night after having a small chat in his threshold; because all Niall wants is for Harry to put himself out there, but he knows he needs a little extra push.
But it all changes one night. A night Y/N drinks more than usual – shot after shot going down her throat making her feel nothing but dizzy, the sensation of puke going up her throat forcing her to call it a night. Barely making it out of the elevator she stumbles on her way to her door, and Harry hears her. The sound her combat books make is so engraved in Harry’s brain he knows it’s her after just a couple of steps.
“Fuck.” Harry hears the unmistakable sound of her keys, and how she’s clearly struggling to fit them inside the lock. After a loud banging sound and what sounds like her sliding down the door, he starts worrying about her and how she’s probably not going to make it inside her apartment without a little help. So he steps outside after sliding his old white vans on to find her on the floor leaning against her door, legs bent and elbows resting on either knee supporting her head.
“Y/N?” He calls her in a whisper. She shoots her head up immediately making her insides turn, and with unfocused eyes, she looks up at him and smiles fondly.
“Hey, pretty boy.” She greets him with a soft smile, eyes closing and opening again slowly and Harry feels his stomach erupt in a thousand butterflies. Did she just call him pretty boy?
“You need help?”
“Please.” Harry’s red cheeks don’t go unnoticed by her the moment she lifts her hand to give him her keys and she honestly thinks he might explode. He helps her get up and guides her inside her home with such gentle movements she could melt in his hold, and that’s when she decides (drunk out of her mind) she wants him to hold her again, soon. And while sober.
He lays her down in her bed and announces he’s going to take her shoes off, giving her enough time to object. “I always catch you staring, you know?” Her thoughts slip off her lips unannounced, but she doesn’t really care. Harry, on the other hand, freezes in his spot, one of her shoes still in hand and with wide eyes he connects their gazes for the second time that night.
“I- I… I’m sorry- I don’t mean to be c-creepy or anything I j-just-“
“Shh.” She cuts him off, his stuttering making its first appearance of the night. “Didn’t say I don’t like it.” She confesses and wiggles her feet so he can resume his actions. Harry’s brain is betraying him more than usual right now. His thoughts are everywhere, not a single coherent answer coming to mind, so he doesn’t do anything but finish helping her out of her shoes in silence.
“Goodn-night, Y/N.” Harry left her apartment that night after carefully placing a soft blanket over her body and making sure she had a glass of water on her nightstand (he didn’t want to snoop around her apartment for some pills for her hangover, so he just left her with the duty of doing that herself in the morning) and laid in bed with so many thoughts running through his head he barely got an hour of sleep that night.
And that went on for a week. Knowing she was sleeping on the other side of the wall makes him more nervous than before now that he knows Y/N is aware of his constant staring – but who would blame him? She really is a sight for sore eyes. Y/N knocks on his door the following Saturday, and he opens it surprised to find her on the other side, mainly because she’s usually out with her friends by now every Saturday (not that he’s constantly waiting to hear her walk on their hallway, but he truly is always sitting on his living room and the thin walls of their apartment complex don’t provide them much privacy).
“Harry, hi.” She offers him the sweetest smile, but there’s a shy and nervous undertone to it this time. “I just wanted to thank you, for helping me the other night.” She clasps her hands together in front of her and nods with a tight lipped smile. “But I also want to apologize, I know I probably made you uncomfortable with uh, some comments I made.” She slightly scrunches her nose, waiting for his reply.
But Harry is, in simple words, speechless. He can’t believe there’s a sober Y/N who just knocked on his door willingly talking to him. Her voice sounds so melodic and Harry just wants to cuddle her and the giant, soft looking green sweater she’s wearing isn’t helping him ease his thoughts. He wants Y/N to hold him while she talks to him with that sweet voice of hers, he wants to hold her small hands and fill her cheeks and mouth with kisses along with every inch of her body -not that she’d ever let him, Harry thought, but a boy can dream-, but most importantly, he wants to learn every single detail about her. How she likes her coffee in the mornings, or if she prefers tea. In which position she sleeps the most comfortable in and if there’s any TV shows she re-watches just because it brings her comfort. He has so many questions he wants to ask her he completely forgets they’d been standing in his threshold for long minutes, with him just staring at her.
“It’s ok, don’t worry.” He says barely above a whisper, and they stay in their positions for a while, again with no words spoken between them, until he finally gains enough courage to ask, “Do you want to come in?” He opens his door a bit wider with a wary look on his face. Y/N nods, her smile widens and makes her eyes sparkle with that glow Harry is still fascinated by.
They sit in the couch with a long distance between them; farther away from the other than any of them like. Y/N does most of the talking, but she truly doesn’t mind – she talks animatedly about this new show Bridgerton she binge watched last night, Harry making mental notes about most things she says. He wants to remember everything, from the way her voice slightly sharpens when she mentions something she suddenly remembers to the way she moves her hands to accompany her speech; he already loves how expressive she is with her face features, and only confirms how he’d listen to her speak for the rest of his life.
Y/N manages to get more words out of him than she expected, and asks for his opinion or thoughts on most things she mentions. She hates making conversation purely about herself, she wants to know about Harry as much as she can. She wishes he would initiate conversation or switch topics with no shame, but she knows she’s asking for too much. This night alone they interacted more than the last three months combined, and Y/N is grateful for it.
Three chapters of FRIENDS had passed when she finds herself scooting a bit closer to him, carefully trying to read his body language. When he stiffens in his position, she turns her head to look at him. His cheeks are tinted a cute shade of pink, and he’s blinking a lot more than he usually does. He places both hands on his thighs and runs them up and down to get rid of the sweat accumulating on them, and he can’t help but gasp when their thighs touch, meaning she scooted even closer. As if that isn’t enough to kill him, she softly rests her head on his shoulder.
“Is this ok?” Y/N whispers, and he forces himself to turn his head to find her eyes, which are already looking up at him. He slowly nods and makes the dumb mistake of looking down at her lips. He feels the hot embarrassment run up his neck and quickly turns to face his TV again, planning on pretending nothing ever happened.
That is, until he feels the soft skin of her palm and gentle fingers grab his jaw, forcing his gaze back on her. That touch alone makes him feel more than any other human has made him feel in his entire life – but it doesn’t compare to the eruption of jitteriness washing through him when her eyes look down at his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” Harry freezes in his spot. He wonders if he heard her correctly, not believing his senses when around her, the possibility of her wanting to kiss him are too low, he thinks, and when he doesn’t respond, she slowly begins to remove her hand from his face, taking a guess on his unspoken rejection. He, for once, reacts quickly enough; he grabs her by her wrist, placing her hand back again in its spot on his jaw, and works enough courage to just go for it. Harry lowers his face to gently envelope her top lip between his own. It’s quick but sweet (just like she had expected their first kiss to be, if she’d ever got lucky enough to experience it) and when he moves away just enough to separate her lips, she wastes no time in connecting them again. This time, the kiss is longer and with more determination than before, and when Harry feels Y/N melt into him, he gains enough confidence to grab her face with both of his hands, deepening the kiss.
They stay enveloped in each other for a while, mouths molding and moving in sync with so many unspoken emotions it feels overwhelming for both – they barely know each other, they’re very aware of it, but the undeniable infatuation they both feel is stronger than they’d ever admit. Y/N feels on her face the long exhale that leaves through Harry’s nose when she softly traces his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, and when he meets her tongue with his, the mood that was settled between them switches drastically – from sweet and innocent to needy and passionate.
Harry isn’t very experienced with kissing, let alone with anything past first base. He’d only made out with a girl all the way back in high school during his senior prom, and the girl was so harsh and desperate Harry knew that moment he wouldn’t ever share an intimate moment with anyone again unless he truly felt something for them. Now, he knows it might seem like he’s rushing things in his heart, but he’d do anything with and for Y/N – but he knows he’s not ready just yet.
His nervousness consumes him again when she moves to straddle his lap, making him whimper at the new position. He shakily places his hands next to her legs on the couch, not sure what is too much and what is ok to do. She runs her hands from his jaw down to his shoulders, and moves them all the way down his arms to his hands, giving them a soft squeeze before placing them on her waist and sliding her own back up again towards his neck, never breaking the kiss.
He unintentionally lets a second whimper leave his mouth when she sits herself down on his lap, creating some friction between their groins. He knows he’s hard – he felt his dick grow in his pants the second she touched his jaw, but knowing Y/N could feel it now put him a tad on edge. He separates their lips; their agitated breathing mixing in between them.
“I- I’ve never…” Harry begins, but he’s having a hard time finding the correct words. Y/N understands almost immediately – she’s not proud to admit she had figured he was unexperienced, feeding the stereotype of shy-ergo-virgin, even though she was correct this time.
“We won’t do anything you don’t want to,” Y/N gives him a soft peck and continues, “you can say no, but I’d love to make you feel good, if you’d let me. We can keep our clothes on.” Y/N suggests. If she has to be honest, she hasn’t dry-humped anyone since high school, but the thought of doing it with Harry lights her insides in animalistic flames.
When Harry timidly nods, she shakes her head with her eyebrows raised in a disapproving look, “Use your words, H.”
“I- I want you to- to do it. I- I trust you.” His stuttering makes Y/N’s insides warm, the fact that she makes him nervous amuses her – she’s certain she’s never made anyone this nervous before, but it is the fact that Harry admitted he trusts her what sends shivers down her spine. All she does in response is roll her hips against his – and when he closes his eyes with a pleasured groan leaving his lips, she does it again. Harry’s grip on her waist lowers to her hips, squeezing the flesh that was subtly beginning to get exposed from all the movement, and when he throws his head back Y/N takes advantage of his exposed neck to finally attach her lips to it. Her hold on one side of his face moves to grip his jaw, turning his head slightly to the side so she can suck on the sweet spot behind his ear still rolling her hips on his, and when she pokes the spot with her tongue to soothe the pleasuring sting, he unconsciously thrusts his hips up to meet hers; Y/N can’t help but smile and leave a trail of sweet, wet kisses from his new deepening bruise to the place where his neck meets his shoulders, repeating her actions there to leave a second bruise.
Harry feels his cock twitch in his pants when Y/N rolls her hips with more pressure, and they both know he’s close - his inexperience making him not last longer than a couple of minutes. “Are you going to cum for me?” Y/N asks him, holding his jaw tightly to keep his gaze on hers, and when he shyly nods she adds, “I want you to look at me when you do it.”
Harry can’t believe what’s going on – he has the most beautiful woman in the word on top of him about to make him cum, and he’s sure he’s going to come so hard he’ll probably have to throw his briefs into the trash. Her gaze staring so intensely into his eyes is what makes his insides finally explode, his eyes seeing white for a moment – with his mouth open ajar and glossy eyes he feels the large amount of cum spurting from his cock, making a mess inside his pants. The pleasure and fullness he feels during this moment is something he has never experienced before, never thinking he would surrender this fast over someone else’s actions. Y/N slows her movements but doesn’t stop for a while, allowing him to empty his insides until he hisses at the friction. Harry hugs her lower back to pull her closer to him, and Y/N lets her head drop to his shoulder so they can both catch their breaths.
They stay like that for a while, hugging each other with Y/N running her hand softly through his chocolate curls and Harry tracing small circles on the small of her back.
“You saved me from a car accident, a year or so ago.” Harry confesses – the pure bliss he’s feeling makes him dizzy and unaware of his words.
“I know. I remember.” Y/N confesses herself, and when Harry’s soft caresses stop at her back, she removes her head from the warm spot on his neck to look at him in the eyes, finding a confused frown in his eyebrows and lips in a small pout – she kisses him soft and quickly, not being able to contain herself. “I figured you either didn’t remember or didn’t bring it up for a reason, so I chose to not mention it.” She shudders and gives him a soft smile.
“Was embarrassed, still am.” Harry whispers with red cheeks, and Y/N’s laugh resonates through his living room, and if he wasn’t already obsessed with her, her laugh completes his way there.
“So cute.” She pecks his lips. “Can’t believe it took us this long to… talk.” Another peck. A knowing look on her face knowing damn well they did more than talking.
“You are too pretty. And intimidating. Can’t even walk in front of you without tripping over my own feet.” Y/N giggles at his confession, finding him even more amusing.
“Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?” Y/N asked, not being able to wait another day to ask. Harry feels his cheeks hurting from all the smiling, but he is too content in this moment.
“I’d love to.”
As always, feedback is truly appreciated,
love, Joey.
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ohmysparkle · 3 years
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🌙 Part II
🌙 Pairing: Jung Jaehyun (NCT) x Reader, Johnny (NCT) x Reader
🌙 Genre: Angst, Soulmate au
🌙 Word count: 3.6K
🌙 Warnings: the sadness of it all!!! Drinking, mentions of abandonment and cheating, mental illness and bad coping. SFW for now.
🌙 Series Masterlist
🌙 Tag List: @justineasian @cookydream
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“Johnny...” Jaehyun warned for the last time after what felt like hours of arguing with his best friend, “This conversation is going to end now.”
“You’re so fucking unfair, Jae.” Johnny snapped, slamming a wrist on their small breakfast table in their shared apartment. “You don’t have the right to fuck around with girls like that. And she - she’s your soulmate, damn it!”
Johnny was yelling now. Jaehyun was sure he could match him, but he opted for a low blow instead. He did tend to do this, say cold and dark things that couldn't be taken back. Sometimes they couldn't even be forgiven. He doesn't know where it comes from, but come it does.
“You don’t have the right to judge me, John. Besides... you know this soulmate shit is nonsense, firsthand! She’ll get over it - just like you did.”
What Jaehyun didn’t expect was the punch that Johnny landed to his jaw. In over ten years of friendship, Jaehyun had never once seen his friend hit someone. He never knew the day would come, and he didn’t expect it would be him in the receiving end.
But at this moment, Jaehyun understood he deserved it. He stung, and Johnny burned.
“I’m sorry.” He said, with his head hanging low and his hand caressing his burning jaw. “I crossed the line.”
“You crossed a couple of lines, Jaehyun.” Those were Johnny’s last words to him before walking out of the apartment.
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She’ll get over it - just like you did.
Jaehyun's words kept ringing in Johnny’s ears. The audacity. How fucking dare he? How could he bring it up?
Johnny often didn’t know if he should blame Jaehyun, personally, for the things he says and does. He witnessed the pain Jaehyun went through all those years ago - it changed him. Jaehyun still had a glimmer of his old self somewhere, he was often that version of himself in fact. But when it came to problems, tough times, and women, Jaehyun was vile. It was his defense mechanism, Johnny understood that well, he even anticipated it. Jaehyun fought day and night with himself to make sure he was never that vulnerable again, so that no one could hurt him. Breaking a woman’s heart along the way was just some sick version of symbolic revenge as a plus.
But after this, Johnny didn’t know if Jaehyun, his Jaehyun, was gone for good. Jae had been a brother that the world gave him, they grew up together, became men together. But Johnny was more certain with each of these tirades that the person Jaehyun had become was not a person that Johnny enjoyed at all.
How many women had Johnny tried to reassure, and comfort, and apologize to on Jaehyun’s behalf? Countless? Nah, maybe 15. The number still startled him though.
He remembered them all. He felt terrible for them all. Maybe it was that he felt guilty for what Jaehyun had become, and as an extension he felt that part of the pain these women bore was his doing. But this girl - this one broke his heart. She was going through a pain that hit Johnny in his sorest spot.
..Ah yes, to love a soulmate that doesn’t love you in return...
Johnny’s soulmate was a couple of years older that he was. And she was perfect. And at the time he was... twenty, naive, unsure of himself. He knew she was his soulmate before she knew him. He watched her from a distance as she walked by the record store he part timed in. He knew right away and slowly built up the courage to go up to her, make the perfect first impression.
He remembered her bitterly, with anger, while he sipped on his drink at some stale and vacant bar. But then he let out a calming breath, one that he had been holding too long, and remembered how he had already made peace with everything that happened some time ago.
Someone sits beside him but he doesn’t bother to look as he takes another sip of whatever filled his cup.
“Drinking on a Tuesday? I thought that was my thing.” He hears a feminine voice say beside him. He turns and finds himself a bit of a surprise.
You aren’t crying, your hair is brushed and your dressed decently - he almost didn’t recognize you.
“Y/n?” He says with some surprise. “I didn’t know you came here.”
“Well I usually don’t, but that staff at the 7/11 tried to pull an intervention on me so I had to find a new drinking well.” You say with surprising lightheartedness. He doesn't answer and looks at you worriedly. “I’m kidding Johnny - I saw you outside and wanted to say hello.”
He doesn’t know why he feels a bit shameful for drinking at this time of day, after being caught by you, and it stuns him so the words don’t leave his mouth.
“I also wanted to say thank you.” You say, placing a hand on his arm. Your fingers felt very small, and warm, and comforting. He wanted to come here and let his anger out, but he finds that his thoughts and your presence have only mellowed him to a point of stupor.
“Thank yo - me?” He asks incredulously, you giggle at his confusion.
“I - yes, thank you. You were very kind to me when you didn’t have to be, and I think it might have saved me a bit.”
“You don’t have to thank me, it’s the least I could do.”
“But you didn't have to, it’s not your problem to deal with.” This time the laughter you let out is a bit of a resigned chuckle. “Yet you were there, Johnny. You were kind, and you were there when no one else was. Even though you didn’t know me and I was a mess and you had no obligation to deal with me. So thank you. You’re very kind Johnny, it gives me a bit of optimism.”
You let out a long sigh before saying “I’m sorry, I won’t bother you anymore.”
Before you get up to leave, Johnny wraps his hand around yours, pinning it to the counter.
“Wait.” He insists, “Would you join me?” He asks. Just one look in his eyes makes you think that he needs the same kind of comforting he gave you. You sit beside him, finally gaining some level with him on the tall stool.
“So, girl troubles?” You finally ask.
“Guy troubles.” He replies dejectedly.
“Oh...” you say in a bit of curious surprise.
“I mean Jaehyun.” He clarifies.
“Oh.” You say in disappointment. “I guess I can’t help you there.”
You ordered a plain drink while lingering in silence with the tall man beside you.
“I tried talking to him about you.” The tone in Johnny’s confession lets you know it didn't go well.
“You don’t need to bother with him, it’s not your fault. This is all his fault.” You say with a scoff towards the end.
“It’s not your fault either.” He says, “It’s not your fault the universe paired you with a jackass.” The tone in his voice raises again, but when you rest your hand on his arm it helps cool him down once more.
“I hope you didn’t fight with him because of me.” You murmur quietly. Had the place not been so empty, Johnny wouldn't have made your words out.
“I fought with him because Jae is an asshole - and that’s not your fault either.” Johnny replies after a while. “I don’t know what to do with him anymore.”
“Maybe you should find yourself another friend.” You reply. “Sometimes we need to move on from people we think are supposed to have a meaningful place in our lives, and realizing that hurts. So, we ignore that fact.”
The way you said those words, so smoothly and effortlessly, makes Johnny think that you’ve said them before, maybe to someone else, or maybe to yourself. But he understands that the meanings of those words have been with you for quite some time.
“I guess we both have to move on from Jaehyun then.” Johnny’s words are accompanied with a weak laugh, and you giggle, but this time your laughter is a bit more earnest, and in turn it builds his laughter up too.
“At least you can still look forward to meeting your soulmate.” You finally say, continuing the joke, but Johnny suddenly tenses up and you can tell you’ve said something off. “I mean, if you haven’t already-”
“I met her. We’re not together.” He says plainly, you can see some anger in his eyes, but its pointed far from you.
“Oh, Johnny, I didn’t mean to-” you begin to apologize.
“Don’t.” He sighs, and gulps down his drink before signaling for a second one. “She… well, I knew who she was, and by the time I finally had the guts to introduce myself she was with someone else.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He says, swiveling his new drink around over the counter. “She had been in love with him since they were kids… when she met me she was engaged. I tried, I really did, but she said that even if she had met me sooner, it would’ve always been him. I didn’t stand a chance.”
You were sort of stunned into silence.
“Don’t worry, I made my peace with it. I get that it’s not my fault, and I can’t blame her either.”
After a while you build up the courage to ask, “So, do you believe this soulmate thing is endgame? Or…?”
“I don’t know. I have no idea… it’s kind of hard to even think about it after that kind of rejection.”
“Yeah… I get you there.”
“Hey.” He says, resting his hand on your shoulder and turning you to look at him. “Jaehyun is an idiot. You might be his soulmate but he doesn’t deserve a nice girl like you, ok? And you don’t deserve an asshole like him.”
Your head hangs a little bit at the thought of Jaehyun again.
“It just feels unfair, ya’ know?” You finally say.
“Trust me, I know.”
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You didn't know how much Johnny had drunk before you ran into him, but by the time he had three more drinks in your presence, he was bad drunk. Bad.
“Johnny, let me walk you home.” You insisted, it was dark and you worried he wouldn’t know how to get back to his place on his own.
“I don’t want to go home to that asshole!” He whined. You couldn’t help but laugh at how childish the gigantic man in front of you was acting.
“Johnny!” You laughed, trying to hold down his arms that he raised in his defiant tantrum. “Johnny, you have to go home and sleep somewhere!”
“No! I’ll sssslep in the ssstreet if I have to.” Oh goodness.
“Johnny, no. Just tell me where you live!”
“No.” He said with an angry pout that made him look like a child. “Not gonna.”
“Johnny.” You warned.
“There! I’m gonna sleep there, next to that fire hydrate thingy!” He said while pointing to a slab of sidewalk.
“Hydrant. And no, you’re not!” You said pulling him away from that direction. Goodness gratuitous was he large!
“Yes I am, and you can’t stop me.”
“John!” You warn.
“Don’t call me that! That’s what that saaasssshole calls me when he’s angry. I’m not going home.” Little tears bubbled in his eyes.
“Johnny…” You debated the following, but decided that you owed it to him. “Johnny, what if I told you that you can come sleep at my place?”
“I can sleep with you?” He said in a state of drunken confusion.
“You can sleep in my apartment. Like, on the couch.” You said while exasperatedly bringing your palm to your forehead.
“No hydrate thingy?”
“Much more comfortable than the hydrate thingy.” And with these words Johnny smiled happily and became much more maneuverable.
Johnny stumbled beside you towards your apartment building, but somehow he managed to get to your front door in one piece. You brought him inside, asking him to take his shoes off at the door, which he messily kicked off, and then led him to the couch.
“Sit here, don’t move, I’ll be right back.” You said slowly before rushing off to get your extra pillows and blankets. You went back to him and began to settle things down, then, you went to bring him a large glass of water and some pills for his potential headache. As you leaned down to organize the pillows on one end of the couch, you were surprised to suddenly look up and find yourself face to face with Johnny.
“Pretty…” He drunkenly coos. You, being quite tipsy yourself, simply laugh it off, but he calls again. “Pretty!”
“Yeah, and?” you say, grabbing his shoulders and guiding him down, standing up to proceed to unfold the blanket. He’s far too drunk to resist and his body melts into the cushions, almost like putty.
“And… if I’da been that sssonofabitch I wouldn’t have blinked twice before…” His mumbling trailed off gradually, slowing and fading into silence. Did he fall asleep? Did he die? He looked kinda dead.
You lay the blanket over him and make sure he’s comfy, and when you finally bring it up to cover his broad shoulders he suddenly shoots hand out to grip your arm and pulls you down towards him. You yelp in surprise but manage to support your weight with one knee on the edge of the couch, but your face to face with him and his other arm comes up and snatches your neck and suddenly this giant of a man is awake again and -
His lips are on yours. Just a firm, unmoving kiss. Just a few seconds. You’re frozen, but maybe the alcohol doesn’t let you feel the shock of it.
Johnny gradually slips back onto the couch, eyes closed, drifting. Did that really just happen?
“...that ssson of a bitch…” Johhny sleepily mumbles with a yawn. Yes - it happened.
You brush it off… it was just a little kiss, and you didn’t mind, Johnny was drunk and so were you.
You look at the sleeping giant once more before heading to your own room. Once you undressed and settled in your covers you were surprised to recollect that for the first time in a long time, you had spent the evening laughing and went to bed with a peaceful smile.
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When Johnny awoke, he thought he was dead. He had no idea where he was and that’s how he rationalized it.
There was a creamy white expanse above him. He felt warm and comfortable, like floating on a sunny cloud, and in the view above him an angel appeared surrounded by the scent of sweetness, and what beauty said angel possessed… he must have been good in his life to be greeted by such a glorious creature -
“Johnny?” You call out.
Oh… it was you. Oh and the white thing was your ceiling. And this was your couch. And the sweet smell… are those pancakes?
“Johnny, are you alive?” you ask again, your voice is soft and sweet in his ears. If any of his friends had woken him after a night of drinking their voices would have drilled into his head, but yours soothed and healed. He groggily raised his head and signaled that he was indeed alive and responsive.
“Earth to JonJon… I made you breakfast.” You sing-song. JonJon… he pleasantly smiles. Am I awake or is this a dream, he thinks to himself.
“John!” You finally call out, looking down at him.
“What!?” He jolts up in surprise.
“Oh thank goodness, I thought you were brain dead from alcohol poisoning or something, you freaked me out!” You sigh with relief afterwards. “You do know where you are, right?” You ask when you notice his confusion.
“Yeah. I remember…” Johnny looked around, he was in your apartment, you had brought him here, laid him down on your couch… yes, he remembered. Then he kissed you. Oh my goodness, he kissed you! It was an accident - no it wasn’t, he remembered wanting to kiss you. He looked at you, your brows angled in worry, they made your face look so sweet, and your pouty lips looked soft, and your skin seemed flawless, almost glowing. Your hair was wet, you must have showered, and the tank top you wore exposed the tops of your breasts that looked so supple and - oh shit, he can’t do this.
“Yeah… I remember getting here, and... I guess that’s it.” he rubbed the back of his head feigning confusion.
“Oh… well I have to get to class in a while so I got up early and made some breakfast. I guessed you had class too so... the earlier the better.” You led Johnny to your neat little dining table, with two plates of pancakes and sausages and eggs and toast, all kinds of marmalades and toppings, and bacon.
“You look large, I guess you eat a lot.” You justified the feast you had made.
“Apparently you eat a lot too.” He said in awe at all the food.
“Yeah well I’m hungry and depressed and hungover… and girl stuff. Works up an appetite.” Johnny blushed at your candidness. He had a girlfriend once in high school that would always get cravings on her period and he got into the habit of having candies and snacks handy every four weeks, ready for any of her cravings. Johnny wondered if you preferred milky and chocolate candies, or fruity and sour ones. Maybe your cravings were more savory…
“Johnny?” You call out with a giggle.
“Sorry, I’m just out of it.” he quickly defends.
“That’s fine. I asked you if you’d like hot or cold coffee?” This feast put out for him, the coziness and neatness of your home, your kindness… and why did you look so pretty in the morning?
“Cold please.” He said while politely sitting down at the small table and waiting for you to come back. You placed a glass in front of him before sitting down with your own.
“You can go ahead and eat Johnny.” you laugh at him. He must have been dulled out from his hangover.
The first bite was glory, and Johnny couldn’t remember the last time that he’d eaten something cooked with so much care - maybe on one of the rare occasions Taeyong had cooked for him. It felt too good to be true, too simple and uncomplicated, natural, domestic - fuck, John, stop! The next bite was better and he hummed out from the tastiness and you smiled as a reaction.
“This is delicious!” He complimented you once he had swallowed some bitefulls down.
“I’m glad you think so, I haven’t made a proper meal in quite some time.”
“If I was this good at cooking I’d cook all the time.” He says before he stuffs his mouth with another piece of bacon, crisped to perfection.
“Cooking is a very emotional thing Johnny… If you’re not in the mood it’ll come out rotten. You have to cook with love.” Did you just say love? Did you cook his food with love? Johnny almost choked on the scrambled eggs but washed it down coffee before he coughed. You didn’t seem to think much of it, it was just an idiom after all.
“So… are you feeling better?” He asks after a while, referring to you insinuating that you were in a better mood.
“I… guess. I mean, we talked about a lot yesterday, but I had fun. I hadn’t laughed that much in a long time. I guess this is my way of saying thanks” You gesture towards the food.
You and Johnny finish eating and before you know it he’s got everything washed and dried and stowed away quite neatly. You manage to find one of his shoes by the door and the other took some time, kicked under some furniture. Johnny gets ready to go, making sure he had all of his belongings, just as you had to start getting ready.
“Thanks for breakfast…”
“Thanks for a fun evening.” You answer back.
You say your goodbyes and he turns to leave but you call back to him.
“If you ever see me around, whether it be drinking at a bar or not, I’d like you to say hello… It’s been a while since I had a friend.” You say honestly.
“Trust me, I will. I promise you.” He says with a handsome smile.
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Johnny was dreading going back home, and as he got closer to the front door his feet felt heavier, like he was sloshing around in water. The apartment was quiet once he stepped inside, he felt relief that he had missed Jaehyun.
“Johnny?” Fuck. Jae must have been lurking somewhere in the shadows.
“Jaehyun.” Johnny abruptly replies.
“Johnny, can we talk?” Jaehyun says, and Johnny can notice the regret on his features. Is it sincere this time?
“You can talk all you want.” The reply stung Jaehyun, but they both recognized he deserved it.
“I’d like to ask your forgiveness for yesterday. I know I said some awful things, and I don’t mean them. I’d never want to hurt you John, but I - I can’t control it sometimes Johnny, and I don’t mean it and I don’t know how to stop. And you’re right about all of this - about me, about the things I’ve done.”
“Jae…” Johnny sighs and takes a few deep breaths, processing the barrage of words that Jaehyun just threw on him. “We can talk later. I’m tired, so I’d rather we talk when I feel better.” He says, walking to his room.
Just as he’s about to close the door behind him, Jaehyun calls out his name.
“Johnny, I just want you to know… I’ve been thinking about things.”
They both stand still for a while.
“I’m going to talk to her like you suggested. I’d like to try and make it up to her… and maybe I can earn her trust, or her friendship. I won’t ask for more unless she wants it but I’m going to try, if she lets me.”
I hope she doesn’t let you, Johnny thinks to say, but instead he opts to slam the door shut.
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apenitentialprayer · 3 years
You ever come across those stories about polytheists who rejected conversion to Christianity and proudly said they'd rather be in Hell? I feel a whole mixed bag of emotions. On one hand I feel contempt. Might even roll my eyes wondering if the story I'm reading online is fabricated or meant to be edgy. On the other hand, I feel sadness and deep shame in knowing that a prejudiced Christian or Christians probably pushed them to that state. That or terrible miscommunication between the two.
I think what hits me most is the misconception or misunderstanding that such people had about Hell. One example I recall is that of a celtic pagan saying he would battle demons with his fellows. Then there's the belief that Heaven can't be good if their enemies are there, though I'm almost certain some poor soul was shocked to see those same enemies alongside them in Hell. The idea of someone vehemently choosing to go to Hell and then living with the eternal regret haunts me.
I think this Celtic pagan you speak about perfectly encapsulates a broader kind of issue that a lot of non-Christians (and Christians, too) have when it comes to understanding the concept of Hell. They see Hell as this place or state where what one experiences can be described as “not God.” Which, in a certain sense, is right. But these people don’t necessarily see “not God” as a bad thing. When you don’t exactly have the greatest relationship with God, or even the concept of God, well... “not God” can be an attractive option. But these people... they don’t understand (fully, at least) what “not God” entails, because they can look at people who actively reject God and are still good in other ways. I think the saddest part of people who say things like “I’d rather be in Hell” is that they think of Hell as a place more than a state of life. To clarify that a little bit, they conceptualize Hell as a place where people are still mostly the same as what they were when they were alive. They see people who live in this world while actively rejecting God as people who are completely independent of God. And that’s not true. Every good quality a person has is a reflection of, and is ultimately derived from, God. Everyone is in some sense dependent upon God. The unpleasant (for some people) truth is that God and goodnness ultimately are not separable. All those good things that people who reject God are still capable of expressing? They still ultimately derive from God. Infernal existence, which is as close to radical independence from God as you can get (and even this isn’t fully independent of God, because existence itself is dependent on God), by necessity cuts oneself off from a lot of good. “Hell has my kind of people in it.” The people in Hell barely qualify as people. “Better to laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.” Laughter is derived from joy, and the only sinners with joy in the end are those who choose to cleave to the Source of joy. “Hell sounds more fun.” Creativity is an attribute of the Creator, and the banality of life that exists without it is not nearly as interesting. We should mourn those who genuinely believe they are better off without God. We should be ashamed when a Christian drives a person down the road of thinking they can be fully satisfied without God. And we should be as kind as we possibly be to people who reject God out of a sense of being rejected themselves. We are the sheep belonging to a shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine in order to save the one; we belong to a community that rejoices over one sinner who strayed and was saved more than the ninety-nine who obeyed from the start. And when we want to roll our eyes (and trust me, I’ve been there), it is then more than any other time essential that we choose kindness and understanding over snarkiness and and contempt. Because they don’t know the gravity of what they’re saying.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
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“Black Rose” A Bane/OC Story
Part 3: The New Task
A/N: Hello guys, it’s me again and thank you guys so much again for those who have been asking me for another part. I finally got to at least know where I want this story to go so far, and I hope you guys like this one. Also, again thank you to @jarvisrocks . I hope you enjoy this chapter, and again thank you for your kind feedback. Once again, I appreciate it so much. And I want to also thank again @kittycatcait219 for wanting this story to continue once again and I hope you enjoy this new one as well. 🥰🥰🥰 This means a lot to me as a writer and I have been nothing but enjoying and having fun doing these chapters. I can’t wait to show you more about what other plans I have for this story. Again, thank you for your requests once again, as always. Please enjoy everyone!!! 🤍🤍🤍
Word Count: 3,226
WARNING!!!: 18+ ONLY!!! Some cursing, Some violence, Rape, Mentions of suicide, and Physical and Mental Abuse.
After what felt like about 30 minutes on the road, Alina spoke little to John ever since they left the GCPD headquarters. Every once in a while, John would ask her questions about herself, asked if she had family or just anything to get to know each other better between the two. But after every question she was being asked, Alina would say a few words or simply say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, which made her sound very boring and uninterested.
She knew John was trying to be talkative and nice to her, but she just suddenly became such a bitch again. How is she supposed to open herself up if she wants to speak to someone outside of her zone?
Since she is the daughter of an assassin and commander of a dangerous group, it’s hard for her to rarely have friends or a relationship. That’s what scares her the most about Bane: if he ever finds out she is being distracted or even starts catching feelings for someone, he would unleash hell on earth.
And that’s the last thing she wants to see from her father. Bane is overly protective of her little Rose and the last thing he wants to see from Alina is getting hurt, stabbed in the back, or get gruesomely killed.
John wanted to give up on trying to have a proper conversation with her. But he had a bit of a fun personality and life, well besides being the new rookie and just doing whatever cops usually do every time. Stopping criminals and keeping the streets of Gotham safe is just your average normal good cop scenario.
Mostly, he lost both of his parents when he was pretty young, and spent most of his childhood in an orphanage as well. Which he had to survive and look out for himself while growing up in a city like Gotham. He had friends here and there throughout his life, but he sometimes would rather be alone and keep things to himself, too.
“So, where should I drop you off around here?” he asked while he drove the car slowly arriving at Alina’s neighborhood which was surrounded by small liquor stores, a bar, several homeless people, a small park, and a small diner ahead of them.
“My place is right there next to the park right there,” Alina said, pointing towards a brown 10 story semi middle-class apartment which wasn’t the best, but it’s still home for her.
“Alright then, just park anywhere around here, right?”
“Yea anywhere,” Alina said. John then pulled over in front of the building’s entrance and then turned the engine off and they sat there in silence between him and Alina.
“So…, this is your place then?” John said that he was the first to break the silence.
“Yea it is,” Alina said, which she wished she said nothing and would have left the car and make her way inside her apartment.
“It looks nice from the outside, not bad, well I guess I’ll see you around at work then, so this is goodn-,”
“Look, I’m just not good at talking to people as much as you do, I know that all this time you’ve tried to be nice and all but… I’m sorry but I’m not here to be friends or anything I appreciate it you drove me back home just I’ve never done this in a while either. And I rarely talk to nobody else besides my sister and dad and tonight you’re the second person in 3 years that I have spoken to in a while and I just felt out of place with you.”
John just sat there quietly, taking in what Alina just said to him. Not knowing how to react or say next, he just had to think about his words smartly.
“I get what you mean and can I be honest with you, I… I also haven’t spoken to someone in a while either, not sense… I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago. And yes it gets lonely when you haven’t had company in a while but you keep moving on no matter how painful and unforgettable it feels,” John said while he fiddled around with his fingers trying hard not to remember the bad memory of his ex-girlfriend.
“I’m sorry to hear that and believe me, I know how that feels. I once had someone before thinking that he was going to be the beginning of new light for me maybe even finally finding happiness and love for once but… I was wrong,” Alina said looking out of her window trying to not bring tears to her eyes.
“I’m also sorry to hear that too if you don’t mind me asking, but what happened between the two of you? You don’t have to, ans_.”
“I think I should get going and it’s getting late, but thanks for the ride. See you around,” Alina said while she opened her door without looking back at John and then closed it behind her.
John then looked at Alina as she made a left turn of the building, which she then disappeared into the night. He let out a sigh of frustration, which he knew that asking about her previous relationship was a terrible move to ask someone. He then tried to put himself together for a moment, but he then punched the wheel of the car with his right fist, feeling anger towards himself. He then started the car once again, still feeling irritated, and drove off into the night, heading to nowhere in particular.
While Alina was walking through the alley, she turned to, she couldn’t help it anymore that Alina burst into tears while she pinned her back against the wall of the building. Alina let herself slide down onto the cold, wet pavement, letting all her sorrows out. She then hugged both of her legs once she touched the floor, rocking back and forth while rubbing both of her arms. She had traumatic flashbacks about the time her ex-boyfriend treated her like shit.
She remembered the many verbal and physical abuse he would say and do to her and make her feel like a worthless person. She one time tried to take her own life while she was alone in her room. However, she would remind herself about her sister Talia and Bane that they will feel nothing but sorrow and pain if she was gone from this world. And that’s why she afterward changed her mind and would rather suffer through the pain and harassment instead of killing herself.
Alina then her footsteps coming towards her and once the footsteps stopped in front of her, she then lifted her head from her legs and, not to her surprise, it was one of her dad’s henchmen.
“Your father told us to come and pick you up. He says that is very urgent,” the man said.
Alina then nodded her head, wiping away the tears on her cheeks, and stood up on her feet. She then made her way towards a black car. Already the door to the back seat is opened. Once she got inside the car, she then saw a black duffel bag to her side which she then unzipped. Inside she saw a black leather jumpsuit and on top of it was a red ink silk scarf mask. Which made Alina think that whatever her father is assigning her to do tonight, it’ll be a night that will change her mindset of Gotham.
3 Years ago: Pitssburgh, Pennsylvania
Alina placed some lip gloss over her now dark red lips, which she felt satisfied to see on her reflection. After she readjusted her short dark purple dress for the fourth time, she then heard a knock at the front door. To which she knew it had to be Doyle who was coming to pick her up and take her out for dinner. As she open the door for her boyfriend, she then was greeted with a disappointed face to why Alina felt uneasy.
“Hey babe, I wanted to look different tonight, and I thought this would seem fitting for you to see. Do you like my dress?” Alina said, trying so hard to keep a small smile on her face.
“How many fucking times do I have to remind you, Alina, No. Dresses. Above. The. Knees!!! What are you, a street whore!” Doyle said he then placed a hard grip on Alina’s neck, making her gasp for air.
Doyle then aggressively closed the door behind him while dragging Alina into her bedroom, making her now whimper out between his grip. He then threw her on the bed Alina coughed while trying to gain her breath back and Doyle then unbuckled his belt from his jeans.
“Get that dress off of you NOW!!! I mean it Alina, or I have to rip that dress off from you and you know it could get ugly, so obey what I fuckin’ say.”
Alina did as she was told without a single protest. She then unzipped the back of the dress and slowly removed the fabric from her shoulders while Doyle watched. Alina was looking down at her feet, trying her best to not make eye contact with her boyfriend. Once the dress was completely down on her feet, Alina now naked, feeling the cold air beneath her skin. Doyle without warning fitfully then grabbed Alina’s short brown hair, making her look up at his face.
“You know what happens when you go against my rules don’t you little slut?” Doyle asked while he unbuckled his button from his gray jeans.
“Doyle…, please, not this again…, I won’t do it again, I promise, just not this again plea-”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP,” Doyle said he then slapped Alina across her face.
Doyle then tied both of her hands with his black leather belt behind Alina’s back while her eyes streamed more tears down her eyes.
“Let me remind you one more time, Alina. You are mine, my property, my piece of meat, and my fucking girlfriend. You know I wouldn’t like it if any other guy sees you in that short dress of yours because if anyone laid an eye on you, I would just have to kill them on the spot. And you know you wouldn’t want to see that right sweet cheeks?” Doyle said while he finished tying Alina’s hands.
Alina just closed her eyes while expecting what was about to come next. Doyle then undid his jeans and boxers, which he now jacked himself off to enter Alina’s entrances.
“Doyle,... please no,... I beg you…,” Alina said in between whimpers.
As Doyle felt his already hard member, he then grips the sides of Alina’s butt cheeks and then entered roughly inside Alina’s entrance, which made her burst into a painful scream.
“You want to disobey me again, you little bitch? Well, tough fucking luck,” Doyle said while thrusting into Alina painfully.
“STOP PLEASE DOYLE!!!”Alina screamed out while Doyle ignored her pleading, who then thrust more intensely inside of Alina.
After what felt like an eternity later, Doyle then finally cummed outside of Alina’s back while he groaned.
After he finished spreading his disgusting liquid onto Alina, he then untied her hands, not saying a single word to Alina, just standing still like a corpse. Her eyes felt heavy from all the crying and yelling. Her throat felt sore to her core and her whole body felt nothing but emptiness and aching. What felt like a minute later, Doyle then put his clothes back on and then placed a small kiss on Alina’s left shoulder blade, not making any sudden reaction of any kind.
“Do as your told Alina, if you ever disobey my rules again, the next punishment will be more worser than you think, understand?” whispered Doyle onto her left ear.
Alina did not reply. Doyle could not care less. He then made his way out of the room. All she heard at the end of the hallway was the sound of the front door closing with a bang. Alina couldn’t move her body for 20 minutes, but once she gained her strength back, she just curled into a fetal position. She could feel the horrible pain and soreness of her lower back, knowing that this time it was more brutal than the first she had to go through.
Her phone then ranged from her nightstand, which she ignored until the ringing stopped, which then went to voicemail. With the strength she has gained by now, she stood herself up with her right elbow and slowly stood on her knees. She then picked up her phone from her nightstand and on her phone screen it read 9 missing calls from Talia, 10 messages, and one voicemail.
Alina click on the voicemail expecting to her sister’s voice, but to her surprise, it was from Bane.
“Alina, it’s me, please just… just come back home, you have been gone for 4 months now, and I want to know where you’ve has gone off to or tell us where you are. Talia and I have sent out my men to look for you throughout Gotham and they only brought back nothing from you. It’s killing me to not know if you are still out there alive or if you are truly gone from this world. My darling please if you hear this, know that I miss you so deeply and I want to say I’m sorry for what I said to you that day. I would do anything to take back what I said to you, my Little Rose. I want you here in my arms again so much. Just know I love you very much. I hope you always have me and your sister in your heart. Please come back to me, little flower.”
Just hearing her father’s voice made Alina’s heartache and her eyes once again burst into tears. She shouldn’t have run away from home in the first place now that she had been living with Doyle these past months. It has been nothing but hell and torture. Knowing that if she stayed here longer with Doyle, the punishments would only get worse and worst. The only way for this to go away now and forever and just by thinking about it made Alina feel uneasy, but she knows it was the right thing to do.
Alina then dialed back Talia’s phone number again and waited for an answer back from her Bane. Once the phone stopped ringing, the first thing she heard from the other side of the phone was her father’s breathing from his mask. Which made her feel safe once again, knowing that what she told Bane next would make her world go over the edge.
“Alina, is that you?”
“It’s me father, I…, I need your help and I want you to be there with me when I do it.”
“Anything for me to be there with you, my child. What is it you are asking?”
“Can… can you help me kill Doyle Hanson? I am in Pittsburgh. I’ll send you the address”
Present Day:
When Alina and her father’s henchmen finally made their way down the last stairway towards her father’s lair, she then saw her father talking to another group of men. From what she can overhear that a guy is meeting this woman called Selina Kyle at a bar and she got her hands on the fingerprints of Bruce Wayne. Her father’s men will be there presently and they will get their hands on the fingerprints and then run back here under the sewers once the police get into the bar. Alina thought to herself, if she will join them tonight from the looks of the suit that she was given in the duffel bag.
Once Bane finished giving in his orders to his men, she then approached him, to which he then gave his little Rose a welcoming hug.
“Alina, my dear, you just came at the right time. I see you put on the suit that I sent you while you made your way here to me.”
“It’s nice to see you again, dad, but what’s going on tonight? Why did you call me here? Is there something that I did wrong or do you have a task for me to do?” Alina asked, while nervously trying to know what was going to happen next.
“I have a task for you, my child, and I want you to go out there and lead my men, and tonight I believe you are ready to be here by my side,” Bane said, which made Alina feel delighted inside.
“I will not fail you tonight father, I promise you I’ll try my best to lead them. You have my word,” Alina said, a small smile appearing on her lips.
“I know you will, my child. I have something to give you before you go come with me,” Bane said to which Alina, followed behind.
His father then reached under his bed and took out a black rectangle box, which he then opened and inside was the old sword that she used back in her training days.
“My old sword, I thought we disposed of it after that night,” Alina said, remembering the many tough lessons that made her who she is today.
But it also contained a very gruesome and yet important event that to this day she never would erase from her memory.
“I remember what we both promised that night, after what we both committed I felt it would be someday used once again and I think that you should have it with you tonight,” Bane said to which Alina then grabbed the sword with both of her hands on the grip, feeling that power and once again.
“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but the men are ready to go. What are your next commands?” Barsad said that he had his gun in his hands.
Alina then looked back at this father, who then nodded his head, knowing that she is the one who is in command now.
“Tell the men to go on ahead. I’ll be following behind you, Barsad,” Alina said while she put her sword back into its case that came along inside the black box.
Barsad then looked at Bane who he then said nothing, just his eyes said everything. He just nervously nodded to Bane and made his way out of the tunnels with the rest of the men. Alina then placed her red silk scarf around her neck while putting the sword behind her back. She then felt very nervous, hoping that the plan will go as it should go. As Alina adjusted her suit and mask, Bane, then walked Alina to the stairways, where he then hugged her one last time before she leaves.
“Alina, please be careful out there, and remember what I and Talia have taught you always. Know your place, show no fear and no mercy, understand?”
“I understand, I know what I must do father, I’ll be fine,” Alina said, and she then smiled a bit.
“Good, now go, you are needed,” Bane said, now seeing Alina leaving while she covered her mouth with the silk mask and awaiting what was coming into the chilly night.
A/N: Thank you all again so much for reading, as always. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter once again. I also want to hear your guys’ opinions. It would mean a lot to me as a writer and I would totally appreciate it if you guys re-blog and spread the word.🤗🤗🤗 As for the other story I have of “A New Hope of Life” I hope I get to chapter 3 out as soon as I can as well. I promise I’ll try to work on both this storyline and the Max one as well. 😬😬😬 As always guys, thank you for sticking around and I hope you all have a good day. And as always, I’ll see you at the next one. See Ya!!!👍🏻♥️🖤
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buckyjamess-archive · 4 years
Yes! It was from the first one! 💓 and I’m really happy to you’re doing great! I’m okay too! 🥰
✨ prompt list ✨
8. “Sleep over? Please?”
1.“Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
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It's not the first time Sebastian stood here, leaning against your bedroom door frame. It's not the first time he's gotten you home safe and sound while your blood slowly turned into alcohol after a long night. It's not his first time getting you out of your attire and back into the comfort of some pyjamas.
That's what friends are for, right? He tells himself you do stupid things when you're drunk. Make decisions you'll regret in the morning, say things you don't mean-- honestly, Sebastian rather not pick you up at some shady place first thing in the morning. 
It's a string inside his heart that snaps every time he picks you up after one of your phone calls, seeing you laughing around guys that aren't him. Flirting with guys that aren't him. 
Your actions may seem to belong to a sober person but he knows your thoughts belong to that of a drunk one. Quit Frank, you're off this world. 
Selfish, he knows-- he wants you for himself, spending saturdays together instead of picking you up at unholy hours, just you and him but you're younger, full of life and simply just a family friend. Though feelings have been spilled weeks ago, mutual feelings
"Take a picture Stan, it'll last longer." You're not even looking at him but heat rises to his cheeks. 
"You should go to sleep." Sebastian states back and folds his arms in front of his chest "I'm not leaving until you get in bed." 
"Well-" you hiccup "You might as well stay then." 
You let yourself fall on the bed dramatically, limbs sprawled out, eyes closing as silence took over, your mind going miles per hour.
"Sleep over?" You slur.
"What?" Sebastian questions 
"Sleep over?" With some effort you sit yourself back up "please?" 
"I can't-" 
"Yes you can, I don't bite!" You giggle back and raise your hands in the air "keeping my hands to myself." 
and it's the lopsided smile and your big pleading eyes what makes him a lost cause. 
He nods and pushes himself off the door frame, closing the door behind him softly as he walks into the room further and mumbles an "alright." 
you climb underneath the blankets and watch as sebastian shrugs of his jacket and places it over the chair, kicks his shoes off effortlessly and walks over to the other side of your bed. 
His body stiffens when without hesitation you throw your limbs over his body, rest your head on his chest and pull yourself flat against his body. 
"Goodnight." You mumble, already half asleep thanks to the alcohol and the sound of seb's heartbeat underneath you. 
"Goodn- Quit touching me," sebastian inhales sharply as your feet slide down his leg and touch his own "your feet are cold!”
All that leaves you is a giggle and a muffled 'sorry, love you' as you drift off and Sebastian knows he's a goner.
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darkroom-wildlife · 4 years
Birthday Coupons | Asmodeus x MC
Alternatively titled: Happy Birthday, Asmo / Focus on Me
Word Count: 1128
Inspired by the card: Focus on Me
But pretty much inspired by Asmodeus’ birthday
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You knock lightly on the door in front of you.
“Come in.” answers the room’s occupant
You turn the doorknob and enter the room of your favorite demon, Asmodeus. You make your way behind him as he sits in front of the dresser.
“Happy Birthday, Asmo!” you exclaim, planting a kiss on his cheek
“Oh thank you so much, my darling!”
“Here, I got this for you.” You say, extending your hand to him to reveal an envelope. He opens it to see a birthday card and coupons.
“MC, you shouldn’t have! Well, yeah you definitely should, but oh! you shouldn't have!”
Laughing at the response, you tell him to open the card. It read: “To the demon who’s been my friend since day one,
the most beautiful being I have had the pleasure of seeing and getting to know,
to one of the only few brothers that hasn't tried to kill me [yet?],
from the bottom of my heart,
I love you and Happy Birthday!
Love, MC”
Asmodeus turned from his position by the dressing table to envelop you in a hug.
“You sweet little thing! You are just the cutest! You definitely got all of those right!”
You hug him back and say, “Now check the coupons, I made those myself!”
There are 6 coupons:
> Companion for the whole day (1)
> Lunch on MC (1)
> All-expences paid shopping spree (1)
> Hug (1)
> Kiss (1)
> Sleepover (1)
“They expire, so you might wanna use them up soon~” you say, giving him a wink, “If you avail of the first one, I’ll walk to school with you.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, he ripped out the first coupon and handed it to you, “Deal! This birthday boy's got to have an escort!”
You extend your arm for him to link with his but he opted to hold your hand instead. “Let’s go!"
At R.A.D., you sat next to each other. During class, you passed him a note,
“How does having me for the rest of the day sound?”
“Is this a date~?” he writes back
“It’s whatever you want it to be, birthday boy! Treat’s on me so you would be wise not to turn it down ;)”
After class, you and Asmodeus headed to town. You treated him to lunch at the poshest restaurant in the Devlidom - Ristorante Six before looking around the shops for some cute things to purchase.
As you two were on your shopping spree, when Asmo wasn’t next to you, you immediately took out your D.D.D. to send a group text to the remaining 6 residents of the House of Lamentation, reminding them of your plan for today. You receive messages of affirmation. You sigh in relief, everything was going according to plan.
You check out a few shops, and whatever he likes, you pay for. At first he was surprised but you reassured him that this was your birthday treat for him.  He feels equally spoiled and grateful to you for each item you’ve bought for him.
Inside the jewelry store, Asmodeus spotted a pair of earrings. They were circle drop earrings with one ring inside another, with a core of dangling sapphire.
Asmodeus’ eyes were drawn to the pair almost immediately. He tried it on and was checking himself out in the mirror. You peeked at the tag and then quietly made your way to the cashier, hoping the demon wouldn’t notice.
“That pair over there, please. The circle drop earrings being checked out by the strawberry-blond haired demon.” you say to the cashier, handing her your payment.
You could hear Asmodeus approach, his voice getting louder, “Oh, you found something you like already, MC? I found this gorgeous pair here but it’s crazy expensive.”
You gave him a big smile, “I didn’t but it seems you have.”
“Huh? then what did you pay for?”
“Your earrings” you say matter of factly
“EH? But, MC, this is too expensive, specially for you!”
You laugh, “It’s your birthday! Let’s just say I’ve been saving up just for you for quite some time now~ Besides, it’s part of the coupons!.”
Asmodeus’ lips quivered. He pulled you in for a tight hug. 
“Oh my darling, MC! You are just the sweetest little human in the Devildom!”
“Haha you’re welcome, Asmo! Let’s go home, I’m sure your brothers want to celebrate your special day with you.”
Upon returning home, you two were greeted with a loud “SURPRISE!” from the rest of the demon brothers. All went according to plan it seems as dinner was hot and ready, with Asmodeus’ favorite cake by his seat at the table, waiting for him.
He blew out the candle and you all enjoyed wonderful dinner as a family. After dinner, you and the brothers gave your presents and he opened them with much delight.
After the party, you helped Asmo carry his gifts back to his room.
“Thank you, baby doll!.” Asmodeus says to you
“No probs, Asmo!” you reply
“Oh before I forget,” he says, walking over to his dressing table.
He picks up the coupons and walks back over to you.
He rips up
>Lunch on MC (1)  and
>All-expenses paid shopping spree (1)
and hands them to you.
“Thank you” you say politely, a smile on your face
“Well, I guess this is goodn-“
Before you could finish your sentence, Asmodeus rips up another coupon and hands it to you
> Hug (1)
“Oh, of course! Come here, Asmo~” you coo
He hums softly, taking you into his arms. As he rests his chin on your head, you hear him rip another coupon from behind your back.
> Kiss (1)
he gives it to you with one hand, the unoccupied arm now snaking down to your waist from your back.
Asmodeus’ expression changes. His usual airy demeanor has now been replaced with, well what better word for it than, lust.
He looks into your eyes, silently asking for your consent, and you nod. He leans in and closes the distance between the two of you. Your lips meet. At first it was soft, almost chaste, but quickly enough it evolved into something hungrier, more passionate.
Breathless, you break away for air. You see a gleam in Asmodeus' eyes as he looks at you and then back to the remaining coupon in his hand. He hands the last one to you and says,
“You do know what kind of sleepover this is going to be?”
You gulp, your mind racing.
“This is going to be a long night, huh” you exclaim
“Like you said, MC, you’re all mine for today~”
“Happy Birthday, Asmo.” you say as you grab him for another kiss
“Happy Birthday to me indeed” he replies before once again sealing your lips with his. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ah! I honestly thought I wasn’t going to get this out in time for Asmo’s bday :( I hope I made it (in other timezones lol). If you’re reading this, hi! I hope you enjoyed it! and Happy Birthday to our beautiful Avatar of Lust, Asmo!! To be honest, this, unlike my first story, had the idea before the card. My levi fic was inspired by the card itself, while this one was inspired by the occasion of Asmo’s bday :) no one asked but i just wanted to share haha
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
I Forgot To Say “Goodnight” - MLQC Gavin (NSFW)
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Summary: It's been a long day of investigating the mysterious illness that seems to be plaguing Loveland. Gavin brings you home, only to be stuck for the night from an impromptu quarantine. Rating: Explicit! 18+ NSFW Relationship: Gavin x Reader, Gavin x Female Reader (1st person) Tags: oral sex, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, fingerfucking, fluff and smut, eventual smut Word Count: 4,406
Read on AO3
Notes: This is my first ever fanfic, and I had to go big by writing a smut one! I hope you like it!
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It’s late, almost midnight, so everything is quiet as Gavin and I walk through the door of my apartment; almost eerily so, adding to the already dismal mood I’ve been in for the past hour. A whole day spent investigating, only to end up with no answers as to the mysterious illness that’s been going around Loveland. People have been falling ill left and right, with seemingly no explanation as to why. Evol powers have been getting out of control lately in Loveland, the amount of incidents skyrocketing exponentially since last month. 
Before I enter the door behind Gavin, I steal a quick glance across the hall, and just as quickly, look away and walk through the doorway. It’s been weeks, and not a single word from Lucien.
He might have an idea what’s going on. Lucien...  
Suddenly, the memory of his betrayal flashes before me. Raw anger and sadness grip my heart for a split second, and I have to suppress a gasp. The thoughts weigh down on my mind, and I feel a sigh escape from my lips.  I can’t think about this now. I can’t.
My eyelids suddenly feel heavy, as though they’re made of bricks, and I’m struggling to keep them open. Giving in to the fatigue, I allow myself a moment of sweet darkness as my lids close slowly. Gavin,  sweet, sweet Gavin , catches my arm as I stumble forward.
“Are you okay?” he asks, studying me, his brow slightly furrowed.
“Yeah,” I answer, opening my eyes further. “I’m just...tired.” My eyes meet his, their honey-colored amber hue daring me to get lost in them. He squints slightly, then lets his eyes soften as he relaxes his brow. He releases my arm once I’m stable and standing up straight. I lean against the counter, studying him as he faces me.
“We’ve had a long day. That’s understandable. You’ve been working yourself to the bone.”
I nod in agreement. I take a second to admire the way his light brown hair falls messily, but carefully at the same time, across his handsome face. I know he has to leave soon, now that he knows I’m safe. 
But... I kind of wish he doesn’t have to leave.
I shake my head furiously at the absurd thought, mentally picturing myself crumpling it into a ball, and throwing it away. I had been dealing with these confusing feelings for a while now; stowing them in the back of my mind, not quite sure how to sort them.
Gavin is always there for me, when I need him most. He’s always ready to rescue me, telling me that as long as I’m in the wind, he can find me. It was difficult trying to reason with myself as to why my heart pounded harder, harder every time I thought of him. I’m always the damsel in distress, and he’s always my knight in shining armor. 
I realize Gavin’s still looking at me, and feel the heat of shame rush to my cheeks, even though he has no idea what I was thinking. The dimmer switch is on low, casting a hazy light over the kitchen. I silently pray that the lighting gods have blessed me, and Gavin can’t see the embarrassment written on my face.  I wonder if he thinks these things about me ...I cough abruptly, then look up at him.
“Thank y-” 
The shrill, ear-splitting sound of a siren suddenly interrupts my gratitude. I instinctively clap my hands over my ears, wincing at the sound. Gavin looks around, assessing the situation calmly. He’s so good at this, and I’m...not. He looks at me, then turns towards the door.
“Stay here,” he demands as he goes to leave the apartment. As he opens the door, the wail of the siren shrieks louder. He steps out the door, and the alarm ceases. I sag in relief. Glancing out the window, I see familiar red and blue lights, flashing brightly against the dim light of the apartment. Gavin turns back around to look at me again, stepping forward, and-
“Attention. Attention. ” A loud male voice stops us yet again. “ Please remain in your respective homes. We are enacting a temporary quarantine until further notice, effective immediately. There is no immediate cause for alarm. Please remain in your home, and do not leave under any circumstances. We anticipate opening the building back up again sometime tomorrow. Thank you.”
What is going on? Is it this serious ? I shake my head. I can’t help but wonder if Lucien is in his apartment, and secretly wish I could ask if he has any idea what’s happening.
I hear the click of a door being closed, my head turning towards the sound, and realize it’s Gavin. He reaches his arm behind his head, gazing towards the floor, an impassive look on his face. It finally hits me, the fact that he is unable to leave, and will have to spend the night. I feel myself blushing furiously again, silently cursing myself for my earlier wish.
Be careful what you wish for, dummy …
I inhale deeply, attempting to control the frenzied chaos of the varied emotions swirling around inside of me. My eyes meet his, and he gives me a reassuring smile.
“Looks like I’m not going anywhere, so I’ll be able to protect you a little bit longer,” Gavin says. I feel a wave of gratitude overtake all the other feelings, and I’m finally able to focus. “Everything will be okay.”
“Thank you,” I tell him, returning his smile. “I’m sorry, my couch probably isn’t all that comfortable…” I trail off, because my next extremely intrusive thought slams its way into my head:  We could share my bed …
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” There’s that reassuring look again. The way his face softens when he looks at me just about does myself in. Afraid I’m going to suddenly collapse into a pile of bouncy Jell-O on the floor, I force my legs to move to the closet, where I grab a blanket and a spare pillow for Gavin to use. I fold the blanket gently over the couch, placing the pillow on one of the arm rests.
I must look nervous, and I do feel a bit shaky; suddenly Gavin crosses the room just then, and gives me a soft, reassuring squeeze of my shoulder. I startle a bit, then look up at him. A sense of calm comes over me. I truly feel safe whenever he’s with me.
Looking back at the couch, I cough again. “If you need anything else, just let me know. Oh, and, if you need to…,” I trail off again, trying to quell the heat threatening to betray my calm exterior, “you can use the shower. I have plenty of towels in the linen closet, and if you don’t mind smelling like lavender, the shampoo and conditioner are yours to use too. Oh, and there’s a spare toothbrush.”
He laughs, patting the top of my head. “You’re always thinking of everyone else before yourself,” he tells me. “Go to sleep. You need it.”
I look up at him, grinning. “Okay, Officer Gavin.” I salute him, and he laughs again as I walk away towards my bedroom. I open the door, close it gently, then run and collapse onto the bed, a deep sigh escaping me. I feel my eyelids grow heavy again. I’m exhausted, and ready to welcome the sweet, dark embrace of sleep.
A few minutes later, I hear the click of the bathroom door closing, and the  swish  sound of the shower turning on. Just then, I realize I never actually said “good night” to Gavin, and, being the way I am, it bothers me. I resolve to wait until he’s out of the shower, then tell him. It will make me feel better, especially since I barely got to say “thank you” for always being by my side.
About twenty minutes pass. The water shuts off, and a few minutes later, I hear the bathroom door open. I cross my room, open up the door and walk out. Cheerfully, I pad my way over to the living room.
“I forgot to say goodn-” 
Immediately, the sight in front of me causes the part of my brain that controls my speech to fizz out. Gavin is standing in the living room, with only a grey plush towel wrapped around him, sitting low on his hips. His arms are raised, drying off his hair with another towel. The ripple of his strong, muscular shoulders flex with the movement of his arms. Several scars decorate his deltoids, tempting me into tracing their outlines; to feel the stories hidden deep within them. At the sound of my voice, he turns around. He looks surprised, but the look quickly turns into something else that I can’t quite place.
I am absolutely floored, and nearly have to grab the doorway to prevent myself from falling to the ground. The beautiful, intricate muscles I could see when his shirt had accidentally lifted, are finally on full display. His broad, strong shoulders and his chest are still slick with a slight sheen from the water. 
His arms are perfectly sculpted, as are his chiseled six-pack abs; they, too, glisten with tiny beads of water, dripping over the taut ridges of his abdomen. Even the muscles around his clavicle are taut and defined; I want to bury myself in his neck and breathe him in. 
For a split second, I let my eyes drift down to his low-hanging towel that shows off a delicious, tantalizing line of muscle by his hips; that perfect v-line, driving me crazy, and in the middle of it, I can see the happy trail of fine, light brown hairs that travel from his navel down to where I can’t see...but I wished, more than anything, that I could.
“I, uh, I...I forgot to say ‘goodnight,’” I stuttered. My face is so hot, it feels like it could burst into flames at any moment. 
The impassive look on Gavin’s face quickly softens. He relaxes his arms, resting the towel around his neck. He smiles, taking a step towards me. 
“You’re so cute.”
Okay, now my face is absolutely  flaming . I can only imagine that my skin tone looks akin to a tomato at this point. Quickly, I turn around to retreat back into my bedroom. As I’m turning, I feel Gavin’s warm hand grip my arm, gently forcing me to turn back towards him. Up close, the sight of him is even more disorienting, and I can’t help but look down where the towel is hanging off of him.
Suddenly, his hand moves from my arm, tracing the curve of my neck. He cradles my face in his hand, gently moving my head from its downward position so that I’m looking straight up at him. Our eyes meet, and this close, I can’t help but to fall in deep; deep into those beautiful, honey-colored eyes that I never want to look away from. The only way I can describe the emotion in his eyes is...hungry.
His lips part slightly. His thumb traces over my lips, surprising me with how soft his skin feels. I can smell the relaxing lavender perfume of the shampoo in his hair. I feel myself compulsively leaning into him, our bodies now pressed together. I want nothing more than to kiss him, to feel his lips on mine.
Gavin leans in, lips soft on my neck. He kisses it gently. Slowly, methodically, he kisses my neck again, making his way to my jawline. He gently presses me forward, so that my back is leaning against the arm of the couch. Finally, he presses his mouth to my own, which I part slightly, ready for him. At the touch of his lips, I feel a burst of heat travel down my body, and it feels as though I am blooming under his touch. His lips are surprisingly soft, and I don’t want it to stop.
I bite down gently on his lower lip, and his tongue makes its way to meet mine. I hook my left leg around his waist and he pulls his tongue away, while a soft moan escapes his lips. My arms are around him, and I dig my nails into his shoulders, as if he’s anchoring me to that spot; I don’t want to move, or for him to stop, for that matter. Surely, he can feel the pounding  thump, thump  of my heart against his chest.
His mouth presses down on my neck again. I feel his hand gently reaching under my t-shirt, gliding along the curve of my waist; the touch sending shivers up my spine. Gavin’s hand travels further up, up, and he cups my left breast, causing a small moan to escape from my lips. I can feel his toweled erection between my legs. My own excitement starts to thrum, and I can feel the arousal drenching my underwear.
At that moment, Gavin pulls away. I feel suddenly cold, the absence of his body on mine almost like a shock to my system. I pant slightly, aching for his touch again. He holds his head in his hands, shaking it furiously.
“I can’t...I’m so sorry,” he says, walking towards the front of the couch. He sits down, still holding his head, which is hanging low. “I shouldn’t be doing this. I feel like I’m taking advantage of you. God, I…” he trails off.
My legs are a bit shaky, but I make my way over and stand in front of Gavin. He drops his hands into his lap, looking up at me. His eyes widen, and I know he’s drinking in the sight: my lips are pink and swollen, my hair messily falling around my shoulders, and eyes full of desire.
“Gavin...I want you. I  need  you,” I tell him. He doesn’t say anything as he watches me move towards him. “I don’t want you to stop. Please.” Feeling bold, I don’t let Gavin answer; instead, I straddle him, my legs on either side of his waist. He inhales sharply, then grins, his mood visibly shifting.
He presses himself against me again, and I feel his soft lips against the curve of my right breast through my t-shirt. Every touch feels like sparks igniting on my skin. I feel so powerful in that moment, so bold and sexy. I pull away from him briefly, cross my arms to grip the bottom of my shirt, then lift it above my head and off onto the floor. Gavin’s breath hitches, and I feel his arms reach around my back and onto the hook closure of my bra, undoing it so smoothly I barely feel it come loose.
I let the straps fall off my shoulders, and the bra drops to the floor, my breasts now completely exposed. Gavin puts his mouth to mine again, and I grind my hips against his legs, pushing closer, both our bare chests now pressed together. 
The fire returns, shooting straight from my heart down to my hips, and landing between my legs. The desire I feel burns deep; all I can think about is Gavin and his body, and I feel his hardness pressing against me again, which only helps to stoke the fire within. His mouth travels downwards towards my breasts again, while he stops along the way with short, tender kisses against my hot skin. 
His right hand caresses my left nipple gently as his lips make their way down, and I groan. Then, I feel his lips on my right nipple, his tongue flicking at it gently, and I shudder slightly with the pleasure of it, small goosebumps forming on my skin. I lose track of time, with no idea of how long we’ve been pressed together like this; eventually, Gavin pulls away from my breasts and makes his way back to my lips, his tongue meeting mine again, hot and heavy with lust, almost greedily. 
Gavin leans back then, pulling our bodies apart, and I look at him. The yearning, raw desire written all over his face is so satisfying. I hold his amber gaze steadily, and he leans in towards me, mouth next to my ear. He nibbles lightly on the lobe, making me bite my lip to hold back a whimper. Suddenly, he picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, and he places me on the kitchen counter.
“How badly do you want me?” he whispers, his voice husky, leaning into me, asking the breathy question directly into my ear. His breath tickles deliciously. The throbbing heat and desire between my legs won’t stop growing, and I can feel how wet I am with the anticipation.
“I could tell you,” I purr, my voice dripping with honey, “but it would be much easier to  show you.” 
I take his hand and guide it under my soft shorts, letting his fingers hook gently underneath my underwear. Gavin’s breath hitches again, and his fingers venture in further, gently massaging me. The fire is now an inferno, impossible to put out. Then he slides two fingers inside of me, and I cry out in pleasure. 
“Mph!” My moans are muffled by his tongue on mine. Gavin’s fingers curve upwards and down, in a come-hither motion, and I lean back on both my elbows onto the counter; my back arching, my body writhing in the thrill of it. I pull him closer to me, and he leans into my neck, biting the skin gently and sucking. I move my hips along with the rhythm of his fingers, and the delicious mix of pain and pleasure drives me to the edge. I cry out again as the orgasm shudders through me, my nails raking across the skin of Gavin’s shoulders.
I come back down, breathing heavily. Gavin removes his fingers from inside of me, and I grab his hand, sucking on his fingers with my tongue, tasting myself. I’m so  hungry , hungry for more of him; more of his touch that sears my skin. At that moment, he tugs my shorts down my hips, taking my panties with them. They drop to the floor, and he looks at me then, taking in the sight. It’s a gaze filled with such raw desire, and he swallows, all thoughts of the self-control he was trying to have earlier completely erased at the sight of my pretty pussy on full display, the evidence of my arousal dripping down my thighs.
I let my hand trail the fine hairs of his lower abdomen, retreating into the towel still somehow wrapped around his hips. He’s rock hard, and I wrap my fingers around his dick gently, teasing them down the shaft until my thumb circles the head, caressing it lightly. I repeat this a few times, feeling the slick wetness of his pre-cum on my finger. I grin, and Gavin moans into my neck.
“Wait,” he groans, and backs away. “Not here.”   
I can’t help but look at him in that moment, his breathing labored, desire wild in his eyes. I hop off the counter, my legs a little unsteady. I take Gavin’s hand in mine, and lead him into my bedroom, the lights still off. Out of habit, I pull the door closed, even though I live alone. The window is open slightly, a warm breeze caressing our bare skin as we walk towards the bed.
Gavin sits on the bed, grabbing my hips and pulling me onto his lap so that I’m straddling him again. He finally undoes the towel knotted around his hips, and his cock springs out as the fabric pools underneath him. I grab him again, stroking him gently, smiling devilishly at the delicious feeling, knowing I’m doing this to him. Suddenly, Gavin stands up, lifting me with him, and gently lowers me down onto the bed, spreading my legs with his knee.
“You came already, but I'm feeling generous, so I’m going to give it to you again,” Gavin coos. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do next, but all I know is that I want him, desire him in a way I’ve never felt about anyone else. He presses his mouth to my navel, planting kisses as he makes his way down the contours of my body. His lips leave a trail of fire down my abdomen.
His lips graze my inner thigh, and again on the other side. My pussy throbs with the anticipation. The feeling of it is so delicious, so tantalizing, I hunger for more. I feel Gavin’s tongue between my legs, licking and sucking my clit ever so slightly, driving me wild with the pleasure of it.
He pulls his tongue away, replacing it with his fingers. His thumb begins to circle my nub, and I cry out. His fingers find their way back into my pussy, and they plunge in and out of me. His tongue resumes its rightful place licking around my clit at the same time. I feel the orgasm start to crescendo, and instinctively buck my hips against Gavin’s face. He hooks an arm around my leg, holding me down, not missing a beat of pleasure.  I relax my body, and as I reach the climax, I feel a gushing between my legs.
“Gavin!” I cry out. I lose control then; legs shaking, my body nearly spasming with the orgasm, arching my back, and then pitching my body forward. My legs still parted, Gavin comes up, then leans forward and presses his dick against me. My legs are still shaking, and I’m so, so wet. I can feel the fluid dripping down the bottom of my thighs.
“Good girl,” murmurs Gavin into my neck. His dick presses harder against me. He thrusts into me then, filling me up with himself, and I gasp at how big he is. I’m so wet, so ready to take him in, that it doesn’t hurt; just a slight pressure, and it feels so good. He begins to thrust back and forth, leaning over me, lips pressed against my neck, groaning softly. I arch my back and he lifts my hips up, making the angle deeper.
My arms are around Gavin’s neck, and I thread my fingers into his soft, still slightly damp hair. He continues slamming into me, moving his mouth down lower as he does, tonguing my nipple. The feeling has my blood thrumming with the pleasure of it, my entire body electrified; then, suddenly, he pulls out. He’s panting heavily, raking his eyes over my body as I’m in this compromised position. He leans over me, stroking my face gently; a gesture that doesn’t match the hungered, lustful look in his glistening amber eyes.
“Fuck,” he whispers, “you feel so good...I was about to bust and I’m not ready yet.” 
I sit up on my knees, facing him. “Let me ride you, and I bet it’ll be even harder for you to not lose it.” 
He grins, challenging me, and we switch positions: he lays on the bed, and, finally, straddling him, I’m in control. I lower myself onto his cock leaning over him to press my face into his neck, and begin rocking my hips back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm. He moves with me, our movements in sync, hands on my hips, guiding me up and down with the tempo of our own song. My head is in the clouds, filled with ecstasy; the feeling of power that comes with knowing that I’m in charge of his pleasure. I feel so amazing, so sexy; something I haven’t felt in months, and I’m relishing every second of it.
Gavin keeps his hands on my hips as I move up and down slowly, then a little faster. “Ugh, fuck,  fuck …” I hear him murmur after a little while. I lean back, curving my body slightly, opening up the angle a bit. My breasts are bouncing with our in-sync movement. I feel Gavin move his hand from my hip, further down; taking advantage of the angle, he begins to circle my clit with his thumb again. 
I’m still sensitive from the previous orgasm, and, mixed with the pleasure of his cock thrusting in and out of me, feeling my pussy tighten around him with anticipation. I dissolve into the pleasure, like a spring coiling tightly, and then releasing; the delicious wave of fire and lightning coursing from between my legs all the way up into my chest. 
“Gavin,” I whimper, leaning over him once again, and he kisses me gently. We resume our previous rhythm, and I know he’s getting close. He grunts, deepening the kiss, then shudders slightly and moans against my lips as he emptied himself into me, filling me with his seed. 
Gavin pulls out, and lays next to me on the bed, cradling my face in his hands. He cups my cheek, and I nuzzle my head into his hand.
“Gavin…,” I whisper, not quite sure what to say. He kisses the top of my head, stroking my hair gently.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs into my hair. I bury my face into his chest, both of ours rising and falling with the same rhythm. It’s so late, and suddenly I feel so worn out, and so comfortable in his embrace, that I feel my eyelids flutter. I can’t keep them open anymore, and, with Gavin stroking my hair, fall into a deep sleep.
When I wake, it’s light out. I rise slowly, leaning on my arm, and notice the bed is empty next to me.  Gavin ? He probably got called out on a mission, and had to leave. I walk out of my room and into the living room, glancing at the unused blanket and pillow still sitting on the couch. Smiling, I pick them up to put them back into the linen closet. On my way there, I see a small yellow note, decorated with gingko leaves, folded on the counter. Confused, I pick the note up and unfold it carefully.
Good morning , it says, in Gavin’s handwriting. I grin unabashedly, closing my eyes, remembering his touch. As though in answer, a warm breeze trickles through the open window, gently reminding me that Gavin is always with me, no matter where I am.
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