#my goth children where summoned
fenharel-archived · 1 year
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tagged by @leviiackrman to use this meiker for some oc’s! thank youu!! tagging @rkyloren, @solasan, @shadowglens, @necroticpetals, @arlathen, @queennymeria, @baldurians, @stephschoices, @denerims, @risingsh0t, @catacomb-chaos, @thefathersbride & you!
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sea-owl · 1 year
Gothic Featheringtons and childhood friends Phillip and Penelope?
The Featheringtons have a summer home in Gloucestershire. Portia likes to visit there from time to time, despite all that there are more ghosts in the city. Ghosts that died in the wilderness or the countryside with minimal to no other human contact have some the most interesting stories.
It is during one of these trips that Phillip and Penelope met each other. They were both looking for cherries when they just so happened to climb the same tree.
Little Phillip was just looking for a snack while he hid from his father. He sat on one of the branches eating his handful of cherries, and then spitting out the pits.
"Thank you!" A little voice said below him.
Phillip looked below. Sitting on a lower branch was a little girl roughly two years younger than him. She had bright red hair that stood out against her black dress. In her lap is a collection of cherry pits.
"Who are you?" Phillip asked the little girl. "And why do you have all those cherry pits?"
"I'm Penelope!" Penelope greeted. "Mama asked me to get some cherry pits so she can make Papa a cherry pit pie."
"A cherry pie?" Phillip asked.
Penelope shook her head. "No cherry pit pie."
Curious to what a cherry pit pie was, Phillip followed Penelope home.
"Oh! Muy guapo!" Portia gushed when she saw Phillip. "Don't you just look feral! Penelope, where did you find such a handsome boy?"
"In the cherry tree, Mama!" Penelope answered.
Little Phillip was never called handsome before, which was usually reserved for his older brother. All of Phillip's time in the woods as he tried to avoid his father had his nannies and governesses, saying he looked more like a wild child than the son of a lord. He found he rather liked this strange family.
Years later, Penelope rambles off to Eloise about her friend Pip in the countryside, who knows so much about poisonous plants, El! Oh, he's truly brilliant! You must meet him one day!
Violet and Mary, who are having tea with Portia, turn towards the red head. "Pip?" They ask her.
"A family friend from Gloucestershire," Portia answered.
That doesn't help clarify anything to Violet or Mary. The Featherington ladies befriend ghosts and all sort of creepy things if given the chance.
A squeal from Penelope as she runs out the door and across the square has her mother quickly following her.
There was a carriage outside of the Featherington home with a man and two children climbing out. The children were dressed all black clothing. The gentleman had on a lighter green jacket, but the rest of his clothes were also a shade of black.
"Pip!" Penelope exclaimed, quickly hugging the man. After she bent down to pick up the two small children. "Oliver, Amanda, you two look so handsome."
The two children giggle.
"Your father on the other hand," Portia said as she plucked a string from the jacket. "Phillip, who told you to wear such a bright green?"
"It is truly hideous," Felicity said as she came out of the Featherington home.
Phillip sighed. "The tailor was insistent that this would help blend better in London."
"Well, yes, some would wear this," Portia said. "But honestly, you would look so much better in a forest green."
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kazz-brekker · 2 months
hotd episode 6 thoughts
boy oh boy this episode was so full of many delicious character moments, i feel very well fed
aemond really was in his best goth villain era tonight, honestly good for him!
i have never seen tyland lannister look more uncomfortable than he did with aemond looming over him lmao
i enjoyed the scene where aemond is firing alicent from the council while also simultaneously holding her hand in place so she'll keep touching his face…tasty tasty family issues
loved that song that the dragonkeepers were singing while summoning seasmoke, it was a very cool detail
also, it was really fun seeing seasmoke again, especially since he's grown bigger since we last saw laenor riding him
man, aegon and rhaenyra really need to put out an ad in the paper for new members of the kingsguard and the queensguard, those guys are dropping like flies
ever since daemon's visions at harrenhal started i really hoped that we would get to see viserys since so many of daemon's issues stem from being cast aside as heir by his brother so i'm SO pleased we got those scenes, it was a present Just For Me
daemon bro stop threatening simon strong he's a nice old man who's done literally nothing bad to you
greatly enjoying this dynamic of daemon and his new bestie the weird witch who may or may not be psychologically tormenting him with visions of his past mistakes and issues
genuinely alys is my favorite new character this season, she's so fun and i just adore her scenes
madam sylvi, dyana, and ulf getting together to bitch about the food shortages…the greens better look out the smallfolk are unionizing
i am getting the sense that aemond and madame sylvi had a…less than amicable end to their working relationship
aemond tormenting aegon in his sickbed really made me go c'mon dude haven't you made him suffer enough, leave him ALONE!
from rhaena's scenes in the vale it appears that they've cut the character of nettles and give rhaena her storyline instead. not sure how i feel about this…i'm all for rhaena getting more to do but nettles is also an interesting character in her own right
knowing alyn and addam's parentage going into the show i suspected that alyn shaves his head because he inherited the velaryon white hair and i was pleased to see i was right
baby stormcloud is so cute! but holy shit my the pit of my stomach really dropped when jeyne arryn mentioned the ship the gay abandon. my fellow book readers, i am full of dread!
i really liked the scene between gwayne and alicent, since he wasn't in the first season it's interesting to see how their relationship with each other and otto has been affected by that huge distance
i kind of miss otto, i hope he comes back by the end of the season
daeron mention! facts about daeron! a personality! never thought i'd see the day!
one of my favorite hobbies is being emo about scenes of alicent physically putting herself between her children and physical harm so i liked her and helaena fleeing from the riot together
that scene with larys and aegon was sooooooo interesting, there's definitely some manipulation/attempts to curry favor coming from larys, but i also hadn't considered that he might now feel some genuine solidarity with aegon after his injuries and can speak frankly about his disability and offer advice
i have been waiting since daemon got to harrenhal and began being tormented for him to have a breakdown and start crying so i was quite pleased when that happened :)
knowing that seasmoke is chasing after addam because he wants him to be his rider made that whole sequence really funny to me
i have often blogged about how daemon and rhaenyra each have what the other one wants (freedom and patriarchal status vs. viserys's love and position as his heir) so it was super fun for me to hear rhaenyra actually verbalize that
i have been super into queer readings of this show since the beginning and all season whenever rhaenyra and mysaria interact i've been like "hmm…are they flirting…" but i truly did not expect them to actually kiss. rhaenyra targaryen canonically queer! on my tv screen! never thought i would see the day!
crazy to think that we only have 2 episodes of this season left after this, can't wait to see what unhinged drama still awaits us
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lotties-ashwagandha · 11 months
happy spooky season day babyyyy i luv u guys sm happy halloween happy samhain beginning of dia de muertos whatever the fuck u celebrate i hope it’s spooky and perfect <3
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honestly could not give two fucks about halloween but she celebrates it because you and callie like it
you could convince her into doing anything you wanted tho whether she likes it or not
one thing she will not do is dress up tho. no matter how hard you try the most festive she will get is an orange or red flannel
she'd be so into watching horror movies w you tho and she would enjoy old corny kids halloween movies (it reminds her of when callie was younger) ,, her favorite is frankenweenie
she'd also sit outside on the front porch on halloween and hand out candy,, she'd make sure she had an equal amount of chocolate vs hard candy
tbh she probably enjoys halloween more than she says she does
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queen of halloween
has a whole playlist that she blasts around the wellness center on halloween,, will hand out candy to any kids that live in the cult n shit and it's the one night of the year where it's not mandatory to wear purple heliotrope
let's be honest tho girl will also go full blown pagan ancient ass ritual witch on halloween
will lecture you about the history of halloween in different cultures and then will be like "brb gotta go summon my ancestors!!!!! go get me my black tourmaline we gotta make sure snackie doesn't pay a visit!!!!! the veil is thin!!!!"
also enjoys halloween movies but can't handle the scary ones bc she deals with enough shit in her life
favorite halloween movie is fucking great pumpkin charlie brown (it’s her lockscreen too)
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likes halloween because it gives her goth ass an excuse to dress alt as hell
binge watches horror movies and gets hyperfixated on the scream franchise
also probably has a halloween playlist but is less "spooky scary skeletons" and more alice cooper
gets drunk as hellll on halloween night and terrorizes little children
will like hide in trash cans dressed as chucky and run through suburban neighborhoods until lottie's acolytes chase her down and wrestle her back to the wellness center
lottie gets PISSED and misty has to come get her and take her home
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our girl lives for halloween
WILL wear matching costumes with caligula . they are handmade too
"caligula and i are being harry potter and hermione granger this year!!!"
will absolutely hand out candy
her and caligula binge eat all the leftover candy
will invite you over to make it a date night
is so unhinged tho and probably gets wasted and starts dancing to the monster mash
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will eat dirt instead of chocolate
MmmMmmMmmm simone lookie look i found MULCH!!! IT"S LIKE CHOCOLATE BUT FOR FLOWERS!!!! nom nom nom *rips open package of fertilizer* let's get this party started girlie ;)
im sorry i couldn't help myself
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decorates the store so cute for halloween
pumpkins and plastic bats everywhere and some vintage halloween movie posters
loooooooves halloween
will hand out candy to kids that come in the store (and rlly to anyone tbh)
on halloween night you’ll watch vintage halloween movies with her and she’ll either fall asleep by fucking 7:30pm or you’ll be up all night listening to her hot takes about dracula and frankenstein
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cranberrybogmummy · 1 year
Crumpy McDumpy the III origin story
How Crumpy Mcdumpy got his name.
Back in the mid nineteen sixties, in Lake Remorse, a small city on the shores of a namesake body of water, Lake Remorse in the United States.  There was a minor sorcerer whose original name is lost. He had a day job (math teacher) and had his magic as well, kept pretty busy, didn’t have much time for his family, he became the first Crumpy Mcdumpy.  How? Well, it starts with a death. His long-suffering, neglected wife, Mildred, was crossing a busy street and maybe she wasn’t looking both ways, maybe the drivers of the cars were reckless, or some say she just ran into traffic on purpose. It was tragic, but she died; they never caught the driver of the hit and run. This man and his three children, two boys and a little girl, mourned their wife and mother. Now this is where the story would end most of the time.
However, this minor sorcerer did not take the idea that his wife was dead as the end.  He knew a spell to summon the most tricksy god of all, Loki. I don’t know the particulars but I know the Eddas lied and Loki was never tied down by entrails, tortured by venom, or maybe it was something that happened in the future.
Anyhow some of the components of the spell were mistletoe and lingonberry jam.
So Loki was summoned. In this world of many gods, and pantheons, Loki hadn’t been alone when they were summoned, they showed up with grape leaves twined in their red hair and a wineskin in their hand.
“Whhaaa?” Loki blinked.
“Are you drunk?” Asked the Sorcerer.
“I was hanging out with my friend Dionysus,” Loki said. “So… yes.”
“No matter! I summoned you, I need you to let me enter your daughter Hel’s domain and get someone back,” said the sorcerer querulously.
Loki was drunkenly waving to a small child who had showed up in the doorway.
“Oh, you’re still talking,” they said.
“Not now, sweetie, Daddy’s busy,” said the sorcerer closing the door. “Should I repeat myself?”
“No, I got it, underworld, get someone back, right,” Loki repeated. “But what’s it in for me?”
“For you?” The sorcerer asked. “Well you get me and every first born son of my line as your--- you aren’t paying attention are you?”
Loki had started eating the lingonberry jam with their fingers. “Yes, right… if you manage to persuade the person to come back, you win and If you don’t I will punish you and every first born son of your line… or something.”
Loki waved jam-coated fingers, said words in a secret god tongue, and a passage opened to the underworld.
“Thank you,” the sorcerer said, rolling his eyes.
So they walked down to the world of the dead, it was dark and there was only a small orange light provided by Loki, who was hiccuping and swilling wine, down into the underworld.
“How do you know they're even here?” Loki asked. “They could be in some heaven or I dunno… some other gods’ underworld.”
“No, Mildred’s family was faithful to your gods since… well I dunno they all came from Norway in the 1870s…” said the sorcerer.
Hel, half rotted, half goth, sat on her throne and in her domain was dim light like pre-dawn. The spirits of the dead lounged and slouched around, resting from their earthly toils in the half light.
“Father,” Hel croaked in an alto monotone. “You’re drunk… why are you here?”
“Hi kiddo!” Loki hallo’d. “I brought a mortal will-worker! He wants to take someone back to the land of living, ya know bring them back to life.”
Hel sighed. “I suppose you get something out of this?”
“Yep,” Loki gave a roguish wink.
Hel said: “Then mortal, cast among the recently dead for your loved one, and see if you can win them back.”
The sorcerer called out: “Mildred, my darling wife, please come back with me.”
From the gloom stepped his wife, in the same house dress she was wearing when she was stuck by the car. She smiled faintly.
“My love!” she called. “You came for me, you braved the underworld because you love me?”
“Of course,” he said. “Also the dishes are piling up, we have no clean clothes, we’ve been living on ham sandwiches, the floors are dirty, the bathtub has a ring around it, the youngest keeps blowing her nose on everything…”
He continued to list all the chores and domestic duties that needed doing since her untimely demise: Mildred’s smile vanished, her left eye twitched, her expression, unnoticed by her husband, was hardening into a scowl.
“… and that’s why you need to come back with me, sweetie, back to the land of the living to take care of us,” the sorcerer concluded.
“No,” said Mildred.
“What?!” the Sorcerer exclaimed.
“No, do it yourself, I’m dead.” Mildred said. She flipped him off with both fingers and walked backwards into the milling crowd of spirits.
“Welp, that tears it,” Loki grinned.
Now they were back in the sorcerer’s house.
“That was rude and ungrateful,” the sorcerer sniffed.
“… yep, now you and your first sons are cursed,” Loki said.
“... wait, we are?” The sorcerer said.
“Yes by me, Loki. I henceforth… proclaim that you and every first male child of your line shall bear the name… the name… mmmm—” Loki hiccuped and grinned “— CRUMPY MCDUMPY!”
“WAA?” The sorcerer now called Crumpy McDumpy exclaimed.
“Yes, henceforth you can’t change it; it is your true name and every being that sees you and your sons will call you this, and see you as Crumpy McDumpies.” Loki belched happily. “I’m in a good mood so you got off lightly, and don’t worry: every generation will get the chance to change it… by doing stuff for me—  so tata for now!”
And Loki vanished, heading back to party with Dionysus.
So that is how the first Crumpy McDumpy gained his family name and curse.
Part 2:
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lumilasi · 1 year
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Proper ref for Spider family grandpa. He's not really a full on goth like his son, IDK what to call his style tbh lmao. His weirdly colored hand relates to a curse he has btw
I'll do Yui sometime later, RN I have no ideas for her.
.......IDK if he looks much older than Jurou tbh. he does have more lines on his face, but I'm still bad at drawing older looking people OTL (TBF, as a Soul eater, he's not gonna age like humans anyway, but still)
bio below:
Name: Harrow Araknos
Nicknames: Grandpa Harrow/Grandpa/Gramps (his grandkids), Father No/Dad no/goddammit dad (Jurou) Love/my rebel (Yui) Dad/Captain (Late meredith) That Weird Old Guy/Enigma/Guardian Angel/Steel Gramps/Mirror Dude (Various people he's helped in human realm)
Age: around 230, he'd be the equal of someone in their 70ties as a human (though he'd be a very fit grandpa/his kind when translated to human ages would still regularly live past 100)
Height: 190 cm
Occupation: Former Overshadower Council member, now a fugitive of the law
Family: wife Yui (A spiderwoman spirit/popular jazz singer) son Jurou (A tattoo artist/protagonist of this story) late daughter Meredith, grandson Ichirou, adoptive grandson Caelan, granddaughter Hitomi.
Friends: His manor staff Thalia, Mihail, Scarlet, and Aiden.
Love interest: Wife Yui
Soul Devouring: As a soul eater, he can devour the souls of anything that has one. He's also naturally very resistant to possession as a Soul eater, and can devour any soul trying to do so.
Inhuman body: He is incredibly durable and can basically only be damaged by light magic based weapons and attacks. He's also physically strong, able to tear people to pieces with his bare hands if he wants to, even now despite his age.
Shadow Magic: Since he is specifically a "Sorcerer" type soul eater, instead of transforming into a more powerful form, he has a full grasp of shadow element magic and is able to manipulate it at will in any way he likes, from changing its shape and composition from solid, to liquid, to gas. He can also use it to traverse/phase through walls and hide from people.
Soul Link: Like most Soul eaters, he can create mental links with people he trusts, and sense if they are in trouble. Soul eaters do this automatically with family, unless the said family didn't grow up with them; he had to establish Soul Links retroactively with Hitomi and Caelan for example.
Summoning Stone: Like most soul eaters, he creates "summoning stones" naturally, that appear in random places in human realm. He has no control over this process, apart from occasionally willing for one to appear in a specific place.
Demon knowledge: He is very familiar with demonic magic of all sorts and knows how to utilize or counter it.
Curse of Shadow: Harrow had a curse placed on him during the conflict, which was meant to essentially take him over and turn him against his own kind via madness of sorts. He however was too mentally resilient for that, so instead he's able to control the curse's powers to an extent; he's basically able to transform into a shadow (solid/liquid-like/seemingly normal one) and change his size and shape however he wants, essentially granting him the transformation ability he normally doesn't have. This comes with a great risk however.
Since he is not Spirit type like his children, Harrow doesn't naturally have a demonic form and is generally seen as a "weaker" Soul eater type; this means he's even more vulnerable to light magic than his son, where it can completely cripple his powers and seal them away.
What shapeshifting he CAN do comes from his curse, which mainly manifests as his blackened right hand in passive state. While the power is helpful, if he uses it too much he risks losing control of it, being unable to return back to his more physical, normal form. He could end up literally evaporating himself into nothing but a shadow.
He's impulsive and doesn't always consider what others might think of his choices/what the full consequences may be, even if he always means well. This has resulted in strained relationship with his son, difficulty meeting his grand-kids, and missing his beloved daughter's death. Given he's already lost one family, he really hates being apart from them, but doesn't want to go back to prison, or put them at risk for secretly hiding him from the law.
Harrow is quite eccentric character who prefers doing things his way, and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He's always been somebody who wants to have influence in a larger scale to be able to aid those weaker than him, given what he went through as a child.
While intelligent, his impulsive nature sometimes prevents him from fully thinking things through, and while Harrow has +20 charisma and charm, it doesn't always save him from getting into trouble. He does also have the "goofy eccentric grandpa" vibe to him, which also can help him deal with sticky situations, or just make his grand-kids laugh or in Hitomi's case, feel more confident and comfortable.
He's willing to do ANYTHING to protect his family, even things his family may not agree with/wouldn't necessarily want him doing, like murder. He's kind of a stubborn man and doesn't always listen to those he really should, although he is willing to admit if he fucks up, and apologize. He tends to not regret his actions though, only if the said actions hurt someone he cares for.
BG Story Summary
When Harrow was a child, there was a growing conflict between Soul Eaters and Demons on the isle his family lived in, eventually turning into a full blown conflict/civil war of sorts. Eventually the conflict was resolved by the Overshadowers council from Chrysalis city, but it was mostly too late for his family, as all of them had perished in the battle.
Harrow hadn't even reached his maturity age yet, where his aging would slow at the time, so he was put under the watch of the Council given S.E powers tended to be unpredictable at this stage. He did eventually get access to his late family's belongings once he became a proper adult, but did not want to move back to the isle where his trauma and horrors originated from.
Instead, he used his family's wealth to buy himself a humbler home within Chrysalis, though he spend little time there initially, preferring to travel around the human realm, wanting to understand why beings that were all essentially the same still fought each other needlessly, similarly to how demons and Soul Eaters were distant cousins.
He met Yui during his travels, and helped her save her villagers from a natural disaster. Her former home was destroyed by it though, so Harrow asked if she'd like to come stay in his realm until they could find her a new lake to reside in, which was admittedly difficult given the turbulent time the human world was in at the time (world wars). She ended up falling in love - both with him and a music type from human world that was becoming popular among the Mirror world citizens, Jazz - and decided to stay with him.
Due to the knowledge he'd gained from his travels, and his general power and family's past influence, Harrow was eventually asked to join the Overshadowers Council. He was hesitant at first, but accepted figuring he could perhaps have more influence through it.
During his time there, he didn't have much time for his kids, something he's rather mournful about even today, but did his best to spend time with both anytime he could, being especially close with his daughter Meredith.
Things would change soon however, as he realizes that his son was born with an ancient, forbidden power, and what's more, the Council knew it too, and some members were planning on kidnapping his child and trying to erase his power out of fear towards the ability. Overhearing this, Harrow ends up confronting the two, the resulting fight ending with the pair's death.
He was sent in prison because of this crime, with his family not knowing why he did something so drastic until after his escape years later, as the new Council member and the leader of the infamous Shadowless, Kenzo, revealed them the truth he'd learned from Harrow shortly before his escape. Harrow did keep in contact with his son during this time via the mental link, but has been unable to return to the Mirror World physically.
During his second time travelling in the human realm, he did eventually run across his son's human lover, but chose to stay away from her to respect his son's desire to not involve her in his world, which Jurou perceived as too dangerous for her. Unknowingly to Jurou she'd had his daughter, but Harrow chose not to tell his son about it, again, to respect his son's wishes.
It is one of those incidents where he wishes he'd actually gone with his usual style of talking to the two, rather than try to make amends to his son; ironically him doing what he was asked this one time, led to a sad outcome with his granddaughter losing her mother....
Fun Facts:
He's pansexual, and he and Yui often had discussions of which celebrity/public figure/widely known human they both found attractive. Or their confusion and disdain towards human world's homophobia, which to them sounds ludicrous thing to hate someone over (its not a thing in Mirror world, there's other things to discriminate people against.....)
Soul eaters generally fall under the 2 categories, with elemental types being "Sorcerers" and beast types being "Spirits" though this can vary. Harrows birth family had a Spider Soul eater father, and Shadow soul eater mother, resulting in his elemental power with Spider motifs
During his time in human realm after his escape, Harrow has ended up parenting quite a few people, and still keeps in touch with some of them. Some know he's Not Human, others don't.
Many of the people he met was because they either accidentally or purposefully used his summoning stone to bring him there. There are few cases where this meeting was more organic though
Since he can't visit his daughter's memorial in Mirror world, he tends to pay his respects to her by visiting whatever place dedicated to mourning exists within the region he's currently in. Temple, graveyard, church, etc.
He likes to pull the "old man" act around people who don't realize how strong and fit he actually is, to get away with things or catch people off-guard. He's used this to save the humans he's currently looking after, or just used it to not have to do chores. He jokingly does this with his family too, though they don't buy it, obviously.
Kenzo is actually secretly working to try and dig out the evidence needed/convince the Council to get his sentencing pardoned, which isn't the easiest task given the severity of the crime and the fear towards the God Eater ability that Jurou has, which led to those two members getting killed by Harrow for trying to take his son and render him powerless.
His main reason of trying to understand the nature of conflict through humans is due to a lot of the aspects that lead to fighting having come from them; plenty of beings in his world either originate from humans, or regularly interact with them (without the humans knowing necessarily) so he figured perhaps it was influence from them, that even his kind fall into this behavior.
His conclusion from these travels at the time was, that humans and his kin aren't that different, and it seems to be something inherent in all living beings to be complicated, messy and overall prone to both good and bad things to varying levels.
As a child he actually used to look down on humans/beings directly born from humans (like half-bloods such as his granddaughter) somewhat, just like the rest of his family, before his travels.
Needless to say, he absolutely adores all of his grand-kids, regardless of how they became part of his family.
His hat belonged to Harrow's father, which is why it still has their family insignia, despite it not being really used by rest of his current family.
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aus-from-undertale · 3 years
Summary of all AUs I talked about (with little descriptions) - Part 2
Part 1 Part 3
Dustbelief - a mix between Dusttale and Disbelief. Paparyus went insane after seeing his brother getting killed nonstop. Ohoho boy i love the concept :)
Feraltale - everything is the same as Undertale, but the underground is sick... This sickness makes some monsters go really feral. Hehe I'm into it
Feral! frisk- Frisk is a child who lived in the forest and grew up very feral. By accident they fell to the underground and got "adopted" by Papyrus. The art style is SO CUTE
Gaster's great escape- gaster is trapped by Chara and had to leave their sons, Sans and Papyrus. What was his surprise, when he found out that his children were living on the little project he was working : Deltarune !
Magustale- a super cute concept AU where Chara is a experiment that fell into a strange underground. There's not a comic yet but there's already our main cast :)
Damaged Tale - after a geno route, Frisk, Papyrus and Sans soul got merged and someone new was born: Rain. He is cheerful and alone... But not for so long :)
Floweypot Au - after a post pacifist route, Frisk decides to bring Flowey with them to the surface, even if Flowey doesn't understand why he should keep living. The art style is so cute it hurts
TerrorTale - in this AU there's not much info, just that the underground is dangerous, violent and sad :( . In this AU we meet the Terror sans, who is a mix between Underlust and horrortale :0
Twistedtale - after getting his skull smashed by Sans, Papyrus got a coma, went crazy, killed everyone and bla bla bla. The usual cute stuff 💕
Detale- this angsty AUs is based on a debug mode and OH BOI ITS GOOD
Quantumtale- Frisk wants to save all the monsterkind after a neutral run, so they accidentally go back in time :D
Tidetale - After 100 pacifists runs, the player who loved data mining, wanted to test if they can do something different. Somehow, Sans ends up with a new bloodthirsty, robotic, brother.
The skeleton games- post pacifist sans is living alone and meets a strange vampire neighbor. They hate each other, then become friends and then you shipp as hell. nice
Naturetale- concept au where the monsters are all peaceful and vegan lol
Fatal Error- Geno e Error merged after a big fight. Their memories is fuzzy and the speech is weird. But on their minds there's only one thing clear: "i want my Papyrus back"
Goth- the first Shipp child I'm talking here. It's the child of Geno and Error.
Paper Crane - A mix of many sanses with a survival instinct! He has a dangerous power and no memory :) ITS SO INTERESTING aaa
Charatale- in a fight between Charas and Frisks, the Chara lost and got trapped in the underground. But one day... A Frisk(?) falls... WTF THIS CONCEPT IS SO DISTURBINGLY FUNNY LMAO💕
Datatale- a post pacifist route where Frisk and their android brother, Data, are now living in the surface with a grumpy ghost Chara. It's a ask blog for now but it is cute :D
Revolutiontale- there wasn't a war between humans and monsters.... Yet :)
Exiletale- after a big fight, Frisk couldn't use the reset button anymore, instead he finds a new button: the exile.
Chance!tale- an AU talking about Ace's past and present. I absolutely love the concept, their powers are so COOL 💕
Fellswapx- another take on Fellswap, with a sassy Chara, a merciless sans and a hottie toriel 👉👈
Eclipsetale- a mix between Dreamtale and Underswap :), instead of mah boi Nightmare wreaking havoc, he's actually running away from his brother who is very into toxic positivity :D love this dynamic.
Unexpected guests- after watching some anime in a post pacifist route, Papyrus summons a Dragon freaking Gaster Blaster. So i guess we got a cute pet now :)
Accursed AU- A black mage revives the underground after a post genocide route... But what's broken, can't be fixed
Hollowtale- a mix between Hollow knight and Undertale! SO CUTE 🥰
Choromatale- a grown up Frisk lives with Toriel for a while, but after some scary stuff, they have to go
SwapOut- Papyrus from Underswap ends up on the Undertale world.... On a genocide route :D
Soulbound- after a lot of Geno routes, Sans has not other choice then to inject himself with Determination. AND THINGS GO DOWN FROM HERE UHUUU
Under/source- after getting the world destroyed again and again by a glitchy being. Sans thinks that enough is enough.
Impostortale- A copycat ends up on the underground and starts learning about themselves, their powers while discovering new things. Really nice 👍
Ferntale- a being with plant like powers ends up on a place full of nature. He ends up descovering another power of his, the power to travel AUs :D
Crystaltale- 3 humans end up on Undertale while messing up accidentally the flow of the multiverses :D
Kingdom of crystal sky- Frisk is a runaway princess who ends up falling to a really stylish underground huhuhu
The Alpha timeline- it's a fic about how a human very close with the Horrortale bone bros travelled to universe with a lot of different AUs :0
Moontale- After going geno route a lot, Frisk is excited to kill Sans. But the skeleton bails out tiredly, making Frisk reset angrily. But then, Sans just don't come back
The missing scarf- Papyrus scarf went missing after being found with a cute new and misterious skeleton :D
Undergate- a Frans AU were Frisks discovers a glowing key and uses it to find the monsterkind and film a documentary :D
Under orchestra- a concept AU where the battles are musical and the human soul is the "missing note" to free the monsterkind
Bark at the moon- one day, Papyrus shifts to a DRAGON GASTER BLASTER FORM, but oh no, he can't turn back :D
Feline bad. - Underfell sans loses his powers, becomes a cat and ends up on the surface with Frisk and Chara
Undying determination- while a genocide route is happening, Undine just refuses to die. She's got so much determination that she is on par with the human
Soulwarstale- after Frisk dies and go to an underground filled with monsters. Chara and Frisk will do anything to see each other again
Flowey is not a good life coach- flowey is kinda bored so he had an ideia. How about breaking slowly and cruelly his best friend papyrus?
Undergut- The underground is always hungry and craving for more after some experiment with DT went wrong
The other puppet- a mature Deltarune AU with swapped characters!
Ragnartale- a intricate AU featuring 2 runaway princesses, a love triangle and a lot of mystery
Underforgotten- this is another take on Underswap where everyone got killed but sans
Freaxtale- Undertale but everyone is weird
Blue and the band sanses- Blueberry changed sides and now is with the "bad guys".... But are they really THAT bad?
Songfell - a Frans fic on the Underfell world where sans escapes to the surface and ends up meeting a high priestess with a strange preposition
Lockfell- a Frans AU where mount ebbot is an actual prison for humans and Frisk gets sent there as a criminal
Omega Timeline: Poppy's story: it's an AU featuring Poppy :D, a cute little drawing who was born in the Omega timeline and got Core!Frisk as a parent. This is seriously so good
Entity NEO - after a neutral route, Mettaton dies and Napstablook accidentally ends up on his body.
Storyswap color- a human tries to survive in a swapped and shifted underground
Pairswitch - an interesting AU where things changed because every pair from Undertale switched with another
Undercrystal- it's prequel to another au called crystaltale! Frisk makes a contract with a powerful being to get their wish granted: a happy ending
Tantamount (reboot) - an AU where things are shifted while Chara tries to get out of the underground
Desperate times- another take on the Underfell vibe where a human is in constant danger and flowey is creepy af 💕
Storyswap nomad- a human fell to a swapped underground and tries to survive the chaos while a sua Temmie is stalking them scarily
Duotale- 3 humans and a ghost go through underground while wreaking havoc in the most hilarious way possible
Lusttale- a slice of life AU where the lustful and kind underground learns to interact with the human that fell there
Grimmstale- an AU featuring the same gist of Frisk and Chara traveling through the underground. The catch? THE READERS CAN INTERFERE
Growth Spurt AU - A post pacifist AU featuring our best goat man Asriel uhuuuuu
Don't have to hide - a short and cute comic about dadster and a son who is hiding something
Heavenfell - Frisk goes to mount Ebbot to end their life. But ends up in an edgy underground filled with violent monsters
A human named Aliza- a take on Horrotale where Aliza falls earlier and younger than the original :) it's a cute one 💕
Leaf gaster bros - Cute and funny shenanigans between the gaster bros (I LOVE IT AAAAAAA)
Sintale- this AU is about and concept where the monsters represent the 7 deadly sins ! Really cool :D
Reversed context - in this AU, Fight is actually a good thing! While acting is used to hurt others feelings :0
Anxietytale - Sans is an anxious boi and this changes everything
Ask fallen royalty- an incredible au where just because everyone is alive and free doesn't mean that everyone is fine :(
Eldritchrune - what if deltarune but eldritch?
Defragmentation - a Deltarune AU of a "what if" situation where the Addisons regret abandoning Psamton and try to get back in his life at his lowest
Underrune- an Au where there's a loose swap between Deltarune and Undertale characters!!
Sixbones- an au about an amagalmation between sans and papyrus
Over the void- DAMN THIS IS GOOD ! Kris, MK and Asriel post pacifist enter the Door TM
Help_tale - a Creepypasta multiversal au where there's a lot that doesn't make sense actually lol
Shifter-au - an AU where's the papyrus that we know is actually not the real Papyrus but a shifter who took the body!!!
Ghost switch- an au where the dead kids who interfere on the usual story are switched! And that changes everything!!
The Chara timeline-its a Deltarune au where Asriel comes back from college and brings Chara with him! Turns out, it's super normal for human kids to be possessed:D
Marlette- our protagonist marlette is a soriel child who we see grow up and figure out her life and relationships. It's adorable!
The old monster of the ruins- it's a shifted au where asgore was the one on the ruins!
Turmoitale - frisk and flowey try to end the war between monsters and humans but their journey will be filled with perils and turmoil
The overseer- a really interesting post pacifist au where Chara beings to have dreams about the other souls!
Alter heaven- a deltarune au where Asriel accidentally enters a dark world in the closet with Noelle!
Namelesstale - frisk goes through a genocide route but can't kill undyne! Everyone is tired of it ;)
Kris performs surgery - a deltarune au where Kris makes a dark world inside Rudy's body to beat the tumor's ass!!
Forgettable au- in this au, Gaster was/is Papyrus!! Who deals with ramifications and memory loss of that :)
Honeycomb ralsei- an outcode who archives and tries to protect the cycle of life of deltarune aus
Underwizard - an Undertale au where the premise is a bit more magical!
Aftergrave- a deltarune lonely player wants to "wake up" the characters of the game
Tartarostale - an Undertale au where the underground is a literal hell!
Hopeless experiment - this is a deltarune where there's a lot of changes and shifting with the characters and roles!
Flowey experiment - an au where Flowey offers protection to Papyrus for Sans. But everything has a price :)
Eepytale -frisk, Kris, Chara and Asriel live together as siblings and they are so EEPY AAAA
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fishcemetery · 3 years
Please no they're running wild tagging people again
Sims World Tag Game?
(all blame shifted to @bunnybananasims)
Tha roole: List your top 5 favorite Sims worlds
Let's see?
1. [TS1] Magic Town
I have a particular and keen fondness for videogames that share something similar with tripping on a substance: it feels like a bizarre dream while you're playing, it feels weird after you're finished. Maybe it's because I like getting lost in my head and observing the twisted little scenarios and imagery my brain can come up with (nothing beats falling asleep on caffeine in this relation), so I'm constantly hunting for the same experience in my entertainment.
The Sims 1 has enough of this delirious ambience as it is, and Makin' Magic ramps it up to 200%. I've spent too much time vibing at Magic Town's neighborhood screen, imagining all the things that transpire down there while I can't see. The western part of the town, the dark "graveyard" one, has never struck me as particularly creepy. Graves and bones are supposed to be creepy, aren't they? Over there, everything is in its place. The carnival feels uncanny instead. It's like the colors are deliberately bright, and the music is deliberately loud, and the clowns are deliberately smiley – all to blind and stun you and divert your attention. The glen feels like the spring woods that you like to stroll through falling deathly silent in a second. I'm convinced Queen Mara steals children as a pastime.
This place is eerie in a way that reading less-adapted fairy tales as a child is eerie ("yeah, they made her dance in red-hot iron shoes 'til she dropped dead, but she was evil so that sounds kinda fun").
I love it. In its eeriness, it's familiar and inviting. I'm sure I'd fit in.
2. [TS2] Strangetown
Is there anything new left to say? Strangetown is appealing on the instinctual level to every barely socialized starry-eyed weirdo. It's a home where there was never supposed to be a home. In a game about simulating life with jobs and kids and taxes and remembering to shower regularly and "who cheated on who" and all kinds of other mundane stuff, Strangetown stands distinct and curious like a girl in a leather trenchcoat and an Evangelion t-shirt in a 2012 class photo.
I've never developed a taste for Pleasantview. It's a soap opera with soap opera cliches, and I need to be surprised to take an interest. Strangetown, on the other hand, is a soap opera with cliches that have no business being in a soap opera. There are green people from outer space (one's got a picture perfect family and a picture perfect lawn, and other two are bickering roommate girls). There are mad geniuses in the castle on the hill. There's a serial killer on the loose (overly familiar with Death, one might say). There's a bunch of nerdy scientists with alien lifeforms bursting from inside their abdomens. There's a grumpy widowed soldier guy, who's probably one of the few relatively sane people around these parts. Boring sand-loving Ajay feels like a cherry on top among this menagerie.
Throw in the console sequels, and Strangetown very well becomes the most lore-heavy place in the Sims universe. There's a werewolf, a vampire, an array of zombies, a resurrected mummy, a pyromaniac teen girl with an extra set of eyes, a Will Wright reference married to a Stepford Wives reference, a cow cult, a goth chick summoning demons in the basement, and a guy who raised hell because of a personal pissing contest with God.
It's like they took all my favorite sci-fi/horror tropes, blended them into an obnoxiously giant smoothie and said "yo, dive right in!" – and I dove, and it felt spectacular.
3. [TS3] Twinbrook
The Sims 3 was made for gloomy rundown places. Try to understand me on this one. It's something about characters' eyes and the way light falls. It does make Sunset Valley, for instance, look a bit clayish, but then you find yourself on the Twinbrook bayou and everything clicks. I want to drop down there and wade these swamps dressed in a tarpaulin with a gun in hand.
This place have always reminded me of Skyrim, of Fallout, or maybe of Stalker. The massive shaggy trees, the stilted houses, the creaky rotten bridges, the simple unassuming town centre, the derelict railway, the old rust-eaten water towers that look as if they're ready to get up and start walking – it's beautiful in a hurt, sorrowful way. In the recent couple of years it's also started to remind me of Disco Elysium. I'd hunt for the Insulindian Phasmid in Twinbrook's wilted reeds.
Tidy sunny well-off towns don't simulate life close enough for me, because this kind of life exists somewhere on the other side of the globe. Twinbrook is the closest thing to my real home that I've ever had in The Sims without custom content.
4. [TS4] Mt. Komorebi
When I feel like I've had enough, I get out and walk. There are beautiful parks and forested mountains if you drive further south. Although Komorebi mirrors places that are several timezones away from me, the atmosphere and the serenity it brings are still the same.
When there's no time to get out, I send my sim on a hike and watch swaying trees and winding paths from behind their shoulder. It's beautiful, at times even more beautiful than the real things – but that's because Komorebi is a perfect virtual model, a three-dimensional idyllic Miyazaki-like space with a scoop of plumbobs, and I don't have to huff and sweat from trudging up a slope for an hour beforehand.
5. [TS4] Selvadorada
If there's anything about The Sims 4 that I can absolutely respect, it's the scenery. The Selvadorada jungle is breathtaking at any time of day. The intimidating, mysterious, ocean-like expance of rich-green tree tops, the clean white walls of local dwellings hidden between vine-braided tree trunks, the play of pastels in the horizon at dawn and late dusk, the diamond scattering of stars overhead in the night, the fireflies dancing around ancient gateways, the warm lanterns of camps peeking through the thick foliage like a beacon peeks through mist – the list goes on and on and on.
I can't love its beauty in the same gentle way that I love Mt. Komorebi's, as Selvadorada is a temperamental lady and rarely gives one a chance to feel at ease, but I love it nevertheless.
* honorable mentions: all three World Adventures worlds for providing many hours of thrilling gameplay, and Riverblossom Hills for being extra cozy
I'm passing this duty onto: @cobycobsy2k, @just-ornstein, @strangenight; a bunch of people I don't know but they're regularly in my field of view: @vidcund4ever, @sims2-electricboogaloo, @cringeassvidcundbaby, @curiousxsubject; and, of course, @baby-viddy whenever they decide to unjail me for crimes against Vidcund.
All the pressure, guys. I'm mean like that.
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sylensombrr · 3 years
Afterdeath Family Headcanons
No one asked for this, but I wanna talk about it and I don't wanna forget lol. Get ready, this is gonna be a long one. In my head canon, the Afterdeath family consists of Geno and Reaper,(obviously), who are the parents, and their kids Raven, Sorell, Silver, Goth, and Shino(as well as other fan kids like Candy, Momo, Demise etc. but they won't be mentioned. Might make a separate post about them if yall want/if I feel like it). They live in a huge gothic mansion, I don't know where it's located but if it's in an AU it would be next to a graveyard.(They give off huge Addams family vibes, so I had to take influence from that) They also share the house with two pets, a cat named Krueger and a raven named Archimedes, as well as three other people, Lotus, Rurik, and Palette, but I'll talk about those three later.
Geno(He/him) •Geno is in a group called "Triple Threat and Regret" consisting of him, Lust and Dance •They try to go out together every Tuesday, Geno's favorite location being Ccino's café •He's a bit of a hoarder but not much that it's a problem •Super fucking emo •Has a bit of a habit of adopting children he finds, ex. Lotus •Krueger is his cat. He found her in the graveyard. She was too old to live out in the wild, so he kept her •Horror movie fanatic, one of his favorites being A Nightmare on Elm Street •Coffee addict/Likes black coffee Reaper(He/they/it) •Best friends with Bill Sans •He's in a nameless friend group consisting of him, Bill and SD!Dream(Idea by @/_.dxnce.sxns.stan• on Instagram) •Huge heavy metal fan •Archimedes is his raven, which he treats like a familiar •Likes giving advice to his kids •Most of his kids vent to him rather than Geno •Surprisingly good cook •Wants to be or was in a band with Geno, Bill and 404 depending on the timeline/AU •He can play the guitar and scream Raven(He/him) •Loves to go to Comic-Con every time it comes around •Introduced Blueprint to rock •He and Blueprint and sometimes his cousin Gradient go to concerts together •He enjoys getting high with Blueprint and just vibing •Blueprint is a year older than him
Silver(He/it/xe) •May or may not be adopted(idk I read it somewhere, but now I can't find it) •Loves to play with Shino •His favorite siblings are Shino and Sorell •Trans male •He is a bit annoyed by Rogue but doesn't mind when ze stays there as long as ze doesn't talk to him •Has a tiktok and likes to make cosplay videos, mainly anime •Would cut you if you told anyone
Sorell(He/they) (If anyone has or knows where I can his canon info, please tell me I can't find it anywhere) •Afab nonbinary •Big anime and manga fan •Raven and them like to trade manga •He likes to hang out with Tatyana sometimes(They garden and take care of her animals together) •Asexual •Grayromatic Goth(He/they/she) •He knows about Palette and Cray's rivalry, but chooses to ignore it •He was originally pretty cautious around Lotus and Rurik but warmed up to them •Prefers to hang out with Lotus over Rurik •Cray is like a brother to him •Thinks Rogue is pretty weird but still likes zir •He tried to keep Rogue and Rurik from meeting out of fear of them fighting •Wants to wear heels so he can taller, but Geno doesn't let him(he's too young) Shino(She/her) •Loves to play with Sorell, Silver, and Rurik •She keeps trying to get Rogue to play with her and is mad that ze never does (I don't have much to say about her lol)
Miscellaneous Geno and Reaper(mainly Geno) doesn't let any of their kids ages 13 and under be in the house by themselves, so they have either Rogue, Bill, Dance, or Lust watch over them. As of recent, Geno and Reaper also like to have family get togethers with Ink ,Error and their kids(Paperjam and Gradient) as well as Fresh. It usually ends up with Error and Geno fighting/debating over something stupid with Fresh, Ink, and Reaper watching them while the kids play Mario Kart or Smash in another room.
Next onto Palette, Rurik and Lotus which is where I kinda diverted from canon mainly with Rurik and Lotus to the point it could be considered an alternate version of them. Palette(He/they) Because of being busy with battling against Nightmare and his gang, Ink and Dream couldn't and weren't prepared to take care of a child. So reluctantly Dream asked Geno and Reaper to take care of Palette until they could, who was a newborn at the time, which they gladly did agreed to. After that, Palette only saw his Dream twice again and never saw his Ink. They downright abandoned him. •Palette idolizes both Ink and Dream, seeing them more as these fictional action heroes rather than actual people •He refuses to accept that they abandoned him •He wants to go help them fight and reform Uncle Nightmare when he grows up •He didn't even know Ink's name until he met Blueprint's Ink •He has low self-esteem due to him believing he'll never live up to the fictional and unrealistic idea of his parents that he has •He can't use his magic properly due to never being taught by Ink or Dream, can only summon his roller but can't use it •Rurik will give him lessons on his magic later on •He loves and wants to be friends with everyone •Except for Cray •He thinks Cray is annoying but enjoys their rivalry •He's secretly jealous of Blueprint for having contact with his Ink Rurik(He/him)& Lotus(He/they) Rurik and Lotus somehow ended in the Underverse, and now they can't get back to the Fellverse. I have an idea why, but I'm not done with that yet. They didn't have any place to live, so Goth and Palette brought them to Geno and Reaper. Since they were most likely never gonna get back to the Fellverse, Geno offered to adopt them and let them live in their house. Lotus accepted while Rurik declined now but still decided to stay there. •Lotus did not want to go back to the Fellverse while Rurik did •They are the same ages as Palette and Goth(this may change) •They have never dated in this AU, but might in the future •Rurik idolizes his parents similar to Palette and doesn't realize that they are abusive •Lotus has never met Rurik's parents, so he doesn't know what he's going through •Lotus and Rurik have the same powers as Goth and Palette(this may also change) •Rurik refuses to use his roller since doesn't want to be seen as weak with his "girly" weapon •He uses knifes and daggers instead •Lotus hates his parents •Rurik really likes Rogue and later begins to idolize zir •Rogue sees zirself in Rurik and later acts like a parental figure towards him •Rurik likes to play with Shino •Rurik originally started to hang out with Cray just to piss Palette off, but then he actually began to enjoy his company
Okay, that's all my headcanons I have for now. Yall can steal these if you want, but a credit would be nice. Might illustrate or talk about these more in another post if I feel like it.
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needtherapy · 4 years
The Necromancer’s Apprentice
Xue Yang has seen The Dark House and he’s heard the rumors that a zombie, a witch, and a necromancer live there. It’s stupid, obviously, but...well...maybe he’ll just sneak in one night and find out.
It’s better than doing nothing. It’s better than going back to the group home. It’s better than sleeping on the street.
Aka, three mildly feral twentysomethings are forcibly adopted by one (1) very feral thirteen-year-old Xue Yang.
Read on AO3
Many thanks to @coslyons for co-writing this with me (all the funniest parts belong to them) and @kevinkevinson for beta.
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There is a Dark House in Ballard, and people say to avoid it.
It is probably not called the Dark House because evil lurks inside, although there is some debate about that. It is called the Dark House because it is black from threshold to cupola, from shutters to frames, and it looms on a block where whimsical shops of brick and steel are far more common. Unlike the thrift store and the record shop, the hiking outfitter and the vegan patissiere, no ivy reaches toward the roof of the Dark House. Unlike the local yarn store, no dogs sniff the Dark House’s gate, although at least two cats—also black, naturally—are always sitting on the porch.
It may not be fair to judge a house by its color, but the local legends are clear. If you step on the cracks in the sidewalk, the Dark House will steal your soul. The wrought iron gate of twining snakes comes alive under the light of the full moon to snap at unwary joggers. Children who walk alone after dark get eaten, and the yard is full of bones that wail songs of their murders.
Xue Yang sits on a bench, across the street, eating ice cream and admiring the house. He wonders about the sanity of people who mow the lawn and trim the roses, yet painted their pretty little house black, until it occurs to him that he could just go inside and find out.
He waits until dark, not to stay hidden, but because it’s a more terrible idea, and Xue Yang always gives himself permission to do more terrible things whenever he gets the chance. The high iron fence buzzes with a strange kind of energy that crackles in his palms, so Xue Yang wraps his hands tightly in his flannel shirt as he climbs over. His mother always said he was a practical boy, back when she was still around to say things.
Xue Yang lands in the backyard with a quiet thump onto thin and scraggly grass. The center of the yard is dark under the watery moonlight, with the dirt churned up and loose, and for the first time, a tiny twinge of warning pings in the back of his mind.
He ignores it.
With a flick of his wrist, he summons his knife, a long black switchblade that is seven kinds of illegal and which he loves more than anything else he has ever had, not that there is much competition. With nimble and practiced hands, he slides the knife between the door and the frame, twisting just right when he reaches the lock. With a grin of triumph, he turns the handle, shaped like a gaping mouth, and opens the door.
In the center of the room, there is a long sort of table that seems somehow to pull all the darkness of the room toward it. The shadows gather most thickly around a large, human-shaped lump laid out stiffly on top of it. Xue Yang reaches out to poke it and feels something unexpectedly warm give slightly under his finger.
The shadowy lump on the table sits upright with a sudden jerk.
The shadowy lump on the table sits upright with a sudden jerk.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Xue Yang shrieks.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the shadowy lump shrieks back.
“Why the fuck is everyone yelling?” a voice says, and the room is suddenly filled with light.
The shadowy lump rips off the sheet and turns into a guy in his early twenties with a scraggly little beard and wicked bedhead. The voice belongs to a grumpy-looking woman wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe. She squints at him in the oppressive brightness, glaring for a long moment before apparently deciding to deal with the man on the table first.  
“Wei Wuxian, I’ve told you a thousand times that the workshop is not a place for sleeping.”
“Technically—” the man begins, before being abruptly cut off by the woman.
“If the next words out of your mouth aren’t ‘yes, Wen Qing,’ then I don’t care. Go to bed.” She rounds on Xue Yang and he takes a tiny, involuntary step back. “You. What are you doing here?”
Before Xue Yang can answer, another guy—this one with long hair, killer tats, and a dedication to the goth look Xue Yang has to admire—runs in with a baseball bat held in his hands like a club.
“Jiejie! Is there something wrong?”
The woman—Wen Qing, she’d said—pinches the bridge of her nose and says, “It’s fine, A-Ning. I’m just trying to figure out what this little hooliganthinks he’s doing breaking into my house and tripping all of my wards while I’m trying to fucking sleep .”
Xue Yang is now convinced that what he’s broken into is some kind of madhouse, and he pastes a charming smile on his face, the one he uses when fists are clenched and the smell of alcohol burns in his nose. The smile whispers words like “anger issues” and “prone to destruction,” and it’s usually weapon enough, but he holds his knife a little tighter too, just in case.
The woman snaps around like she’s felt his fingers grip the handle of the blade and holds out her hand. “Give it to me.”
No. He will not. His chin tips dangerously, his smile grows icy spikes.
Her eyes narrow. “I could just take it.”
They face off for a minute, the tension almost palpable. Actually, Xue Yang thinks, it’s not tension after all. There’s something else in the air. It reminds him of the buzzing fence, and he doesn’t like the way it confuses him.
“Ah, Wen-jie, let him keep her. Can’t you tell? The kid is scared, they’re both scared, and it’s not like he can hurt us.”
Xue Yang is offended. He is not scared, but he’s relieved that Wei Wuxian spoke up all the same, because even though Wen Qing purses her lips and looks annoyed, she drops her hand.
“Fine.” She crosses her arms again. “Wei Wuxian, make sure our little guest leaves. I’m resetting the wards in five minutes and going back to sleep.”
“Yeah, sure.” Wei Wuxian grins and shoots finger guns at Wen Qing. “Sleep well and dream of me.”
Wen Qing rolls her eyes. “Yes, because I love having nightmares.”
“Oh shoo.” Wei Wuxian flicks his hand at the goth man and Wen Qing. “To bed with you both. I can handle it.”
Their footsteps creak on the wooden floors as they walk further into the house. Xue Yang and Wei Wuxian wait in silence until the footsteps quiet, and then Wei Wuxian turns to Xue Yang. The grin he’d been wearing drops off his face and he looks serious, his eyes shaded and dark.
“Look kid, you should know better than to piss off powerful witches. It tends to be bad for the health.” The side of his mouth just barely tilts upwards, more wry than mirthful, and he looks old now. Old and grey and tired. “So, we’ll just call this a learning experience, and you’ll never come here again, right?”
Xue Yang snorts. “Are you kidding? If you’ve got real magic why the fuck would I leave now?”
“Toddlers shouldn’t swear.”
“I’m almost fourteen, fuck you very much.”
“Ah yes, I am now so convinced you are an adult.” Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes. “It’s two in the morning. You want to go home and go to bed. There’s nothing here for you to be curious about at all.”
Something sibilant and musical weaves its way through the words, and Xue Yang has his hand on the door knob before he fights off the slithering compulsion.
Holy fuck that was cool.
“Nah, I think I’ll stay,” he says, sauntering back casually, pausing to look at a weird painting of a monster facing off with an axe-wielding guy in front of a lighthouse. He feels a very strong sense of camaraderie with it right now.
Wei Wuxian sighs. “Sure, maybe you’ve got a little gift. But you’re a kid. Don’t you have parents who are going to, you know, notice you’re missing?”
Xue Yang stares him in the eyes, willing himself not to flinch. Something tells him this is a chance he’s never going to have again, a chance that requires honesty.
“No.” Xue Yang lifts his chin stubbornly. “I don’t.”
Wei Wuxian stares back, and Xue Yang gets the feeling that he sees all the years and all the disappointments that fit into that no. He doesn’t care. No one gives you what you want unless you take it.
This standoff lasts forever, or maybe it’s only a few seconds.
“She’s going to kill me,” Wei Wuxian mutters, and a little louder, “You can sleep on the couch tonight, but I’m locking you in the room and if you touch anything, I will turn you into a mannequin.”
He turns to leave, but looks back with a frown. “Wen Qing builds beautiful, elegant wards that you’ll never feel, never even notice if she doesn’t want you to. Mine will hurt. Don’t. Touch. Anything.”
Xue Yang decides, in the principle of magnanimity, to agree. “Whatever.”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head and points a finger at Xue Yang. “Go to sleep, kiddo.”
The words hold Xue Yang’s hand and lead him to the couch, make him lay down, and within minutes, he is asleep.
He opens his eyes to piercing sunlight and a pale face inches from his.
“What the fuck!” he yelps, instinctively grabbing for his knife and snapping it open.
“Mr. Wei, he’s awake and noisy,” the face says, and Xue Yang focuses on its features.
It’s the goth guy. His arms have full-sleeve tattoos, matching patterns of stark black geometric lines and circles, but his neck has weird black veins tattooed on it. His eyes, which are still way too close to Xue Yang’s, are so dark they’re practically black.
“Where’s the witch?” Xue Yang asks, sufficiently recovered to be an asshole.
“Boiling children,” Wei Wuxian retorts. He’s leaning over the table and taking notes in a tattered book, poking something with a tiny screwdriver. “It’s the only reason we let you stay.”
“Really?” Xue Yang can’t decide if that’s cool or terrifying.
“He’s always like that in the morning,” Goth Guy says conspiratorially. “By ten, he’s pretty nice again.”
“I’m never nice,” Wei Wuxian grumbles. “A-Ning, can you take our miscreant home, please? The last thing I need is cops knocking on The House door asking if we’re kidnapping children. Again.” “Okay, Mr. Wei.”
Xue Yang panics. He can’t go back there. Not since they found him alone with the fire. He knows what they’ll do, and he can’t go back. He won’t . He ducks under Goth Guy’s arm and has his knife angled under Wei Wuxian’s chin before he’s even processed the motor function commands “get up” and “don’t let him send you away.”
“No! You have to…” He scrambles though thoughts, desperate ideas, each one crazier than the last before he hits on words that work themselves loose from his mouth. “You said I had a gift, you have to teach me to use it.”
Wei Wuxian frowns, but instead of being afraid or angry, he tips his head and whistles, two notes that almost sound like a name. To his great shock and horror, Xue Yang’s knife vibrates in his hand, and his fingers snap open like a broken trap, dropping the knife onto Wei Wuxian’s waiting palm. He carefully folds the blade back into the handle.
“Jiangzai,” he says, almost affectionately.
It doesn’t mean anything, but then it does , and it hits Xue Yang so hard he collapses to the ground. The knife has a name, and he knows it’s right as soon as Wei Wuxian says it. Xue Yang’s heart pounds, and he hates it. He hates this motherfucker who just took his knife away and he hates the Goth Guy who is helping him back to his feet. He doesn’t want to stay anymore, and he shakes off Goth Guy, wishing he could throw his kindness on the floor and stomp on it.
Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes. “Okay, maybe you have a little bit more than a little bit of a gift. But you still can’t stay, and I’m not teaching you anything.”
Xue Yang snatches his knife— his Jiangzai—out of Wei Wuxian’s hand and stomps to the door. “Fine. Fuck you.”
He gets as far as yanking the door open and slamming it against the wall before he realizes that there is a person in the way, and she doesn’t look inclined to move.
“Here you go, kiddo,” she says, handing him a bag. “I bought you some clean clothes and a toothbrush. A-Ning will show you where the bathroom is. Come back down for breakfast when you’ve changed.”
This is somehow more terrifying than when she was yelling at him. Yelling he understands. Now she’s just being...creepy. He stares at her belligerently, and she sighs.
“Listen, you little shit,” she says, bending over to look him dead in the eye. She doesn’t have to bend very far, he realizes. She’s actually tiny, even though she seems as big as the Fremont troll. “You will either go willingly with A-Ning, who is very nice, or you can test my patience and get buried in the yard with all the rest of the naughty children who break into my house. Your choice.”
Yeah, that’s more solid ground.
“Fine.” He grabs the bag from her and waves at the Goth Guy. “Lead the way, A-Ning .” He means it to be an insult, but Goth Guy just grins.
Xue Yang hears Wei Wuxian ask, “Wen Qing, what the fuck,” before Goth Guy herds him up the wide staircase, and he doesn’t hear any more of her answer than, “A-Xian, I can’t let him leave. You don’t understand, I did a location…”
This close to the Goth Guy, Xue Yang decides to acknowledge that the pale translucence of his skin is probably not makeup.
“I’m Wen Ning, by the way. I doubt Mr. Wei or jiejie introduced me,” Goth Guy—Wen Ning—says in a casual tone.
“So are you actually dead or what?” he asks Wen Ning, and Wen Ning grins.
“Or what,” he answers enigmatically, and gently shoves Xue Yang in a bathroom with pink tiles and a claw-foot tub.
Once he’s bathed and changed, Xue Yang heads back downstairs. Breakfast is bacon, eggs, and toast, and he doesn’t even pretend it isn’t the best food he’s eaten in a week. It is, in fact, the first food he hasn’t stolen in a week, and that alone is a novelty.
He’s halfway done with his food when Wei Wuxian, who hasn’t touched a bit of his and looks as sullen as an orange, says, “I have been informed that there is some arcane rule about teaching a gift you discover, and my...how did you put it, dear Wen Qing? My immortal soul and earthly being will be in danger if I don’t capitulate to the inevitable?”
He glares at Wen Qing, and she smiles sweetly at him.
“Whatever,” Xue Yang says around a mouthful of eggs. “Are you going to eat that?”
Wei Wuxian passes him the plate of food, and Xue Yang closes his eyes in bliss. Food is amazing.
“There are conditions—don’t look at me like that, Wen-jie. I agreed, okay? I get to set conditions. First of all, you do whatever I tell you. If I tell you to sell turnips on the street corner, you better sell some goddamn turnips. Second, you don’t touch anything unless I say it’s okay. A lot of this stuff,” he waves his hand around the white and yellow room, which looks surprisingly cheerful for a kitchen in a black house, “is priceless and dangerous, so…”
Wen Qing clears her throat and glares at Wei Wuxian.
“Uh...don’t touch anything.” Wei Wuxian finishes, snaking a piece of bacon from Xue Yang’s plate and shoving it into his mouth before disappearing back into his workroom.
Wen Qing rolls her eyes. “I promise he’ll actually teach you stuff once he pulls his head—” She visibly checks herself. “Once he stops being an idiot. More bacon?”
The rest is on AO3
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cheyningdiamond · 3 years
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First off!!! Adam!!
Adam is an angel resurrected by Jeb himself after being turned into a zombie. After begging resurrected, he wanted to be trained to become strong to help others and himself in need.
Adam is sometimes a timid soul but in a tough situation will snap out of it real fast. He's stronger than he looks. His relationship with Jebediah is very close, looking up to Jeb as a leader, a father, and a God pretty much. Adam's thoughts on Hank and his friends are very positive, despite Jebediah fighting with them in the past. He sometimes prays that Hank and Jeb wouldn't hate each other so much.
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Next up, Dallas!! Dallas is a vulgar and rather promiscuous incubus who spends most of his time flirting, drinking, gambling, anything bad, you name it. Once summoned by the Auditor due to getting the wrong summon, he and his gang worked for Auditor against Jeb and Hank until the Auditor got sick and tired of them constantly failing and throwing them to the curb.
That was when Jeb brought them to his hideout. Finally talking sense into the three, they work for him and pretty much make his life hell lol. But they made themselves useful.
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Roxxie is a small chubby female succubus who works along side Dallas. She's not the smartest but boy she is the sweetest! She shows that no matter what your body has, that there's always beauty in you somewhere. She mostly gets kinda rowdy with Dallas which leads to Diesel having to break them up.
Diesel is the brawns and the brains of the group. For being a strong looking guy, he's very intelligent and is the least flirtatious of the three. Probably faved by Jeb due to his calmer and smart behavior. Out of everyone in the team, Dallas has been known to be the hot-headed one.
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My adoptable baby boy Sunnyyy!!! He's a pineapple grunt I adopted from Twitter. He's a trans lifeguard who makes sure things are ok on his beach in Nevada. He absolutely does NOT condone bullying and will personally throw bullies off his beach. He is known for protecting children and adults who have been bullied even going so far as being abused.
Constantly uses words like "Bro, Tubular, Radical, Siiiiiiiiiick, Awesome-sauce'
He's a goof but he's a sweet goof.
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NemNem or Emily, is a childhood best friend to Skittles. She was once very timid and shy. Living in a family with a divorced mother and father, she mostly spent her time at Skittles' home. She looks up to Tricky as a father figure in a way. Growing up, with a lot of persuasion, Tricky trained her to be a stronger person so she could protect Skittles.
Emily met her now girlfriend Lilah in college. Skittles already was close friends with her so he got them to know each other and that's how they fell in love :)
Lilah is the girl on the right in the right photo. She's a goth gal who does witchcraft. She's actually from the UK but moved to Nevada when she was 5. Her mother left for a mission and unfortunately never had returned. She is presumed dead.
Lilah still wonders and even tries searching to find any sign of her mother.
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MAG AGENT: GEODE is another MAG-nified soldier of the Auditor. Being once a spy was captured by an agent and tested on until she became what she is now. She usually just spends time roaming the old abandoned facility crying and covering her face. When injured, Geodes will form where she was injured, healing herself in a... monstrous way.
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Next up is,oh boy, Gunk. Gunk is a failed clone of Hank, being the laughing stock of the A.A.H.W. Being a weird slime thing, he can't physically hurt anybody as much as he desperately wants to. Wants to watch the world burn. Hates Auditor and everyone in A.A.H.W and even Hank because he blames them for his existence. Isn't familiar with kindness and compliments so he'll cry if complimented and unlike Hank, he is PETRIFIED of blenders and grinders.
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Throw my sona here cuz why not. Pansexual ass lady who loves Sloths and is a fucking baby when it comes to pain. Probably gets killed a lot and somehow comes back as a butt of a joke.
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thesims4blogger · 4 years
The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff: Developer Blog (Part 2)
SimGuruConnor has released part 2 of the Sims 4 Paranormal Developer Blog series.
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Welcome back to another dev blog about our latest Stuff Pack! This week let’s talk about the Seance Table, Paranormal Investigator Career, and an interview with our Art Director!
 So let’s just get right into it!
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Thanks Doctor Ashely for this horrifying scene.
Seances for Everyone!
The Seance Table is here! Talk to ghosts! Scare your friends! Summon the unexpected! This thing is capable of all sorts of spiritual meddling, and functions on any lot!
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Your Seance Table can be decorated too! It’s a table surface, so feel free to put a Crystal Ball on top, or maybe a Sacred Candle? Slot any chair you want too!
When you use a Seance Table you’ll develop your Medium Skill, unlocking new Seances, the ability to host Group Seances, and the ability to draw chalk Seance Circles anywhere in the world! And if you’re a Spellcaster Sim, you’ll gain skill much faster due to your familiarity with the mystical arts. This skill and the Seance Table are available for Children and older too!
One of the main purposes of the Seance Table is to perform a ceremony that strengthens the spiritual serenity of the house, making it a little less creepy. However, if the Seance is interrupted for any reason, it might have the adverse effect, so make sure your Sims are protected (Hint: Sacred Candles!).
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Seance Circles for the Medium on-the-go.
Other Seances include the ability to commune with the dearly departed. Hopefully, they’ll offer some sagely wisdom, or perhaps they’ll just insult you. Who knows? Great for parties.
Or if you’re really looking to stir up some trouble, you can also invoke spirits from the Seance Table too. Kind of like a ghostly grab bag, just reach in and pull out something deceased. A great way to spice up any lot, or completely ruin it. Honestly, this Seance isn’t entirely recommended, but since when has that stopped anyone?
Bonehilda is back! She’ll clean, fix your electronics, garden, fight fires, lay out snacks, and more! Summon her on the Seance Table or Seance Circle whenever or wherever you need her!
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She’ll also be your buddy! As long as your Sims don’t mind being around a fully sentient skeleton that is, but I hear they’re pretty open-minded. Bonehilda won’t ask for anything in return either, she’s just here to have a good time.
Summoning Bonehilda is extremely useful while living in a Haunted House, she can help take care of the place while your Sims are preoccupied with other pressing matters. Bonehilda also has a great protective instinct, and will swiftly and enthusiastically show harmful Ghosts the door (with her fists of course).
Paranormal Investigators Wanted
The last feature I’d love to talk about is the Paranormal Investigator Freelance Career. This career is kinda special, and only available for elite Sims with a Paranormal Investigator License. Sims can get the License by becoming a master Medium and becoming certified by Guidry, or by purchasing one in the Reward Store.
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A properly certified Paranormal Investigator.
This career is aimed for Sims who have mastered the paranormal and will have to use everything they’ve learned while living in a Haunted House to their advantage.
The gigs for this career are pretty straightforward. You’ll be sent 3 gigs to choose from, either an Easy, Normal, and Hard Investigation. Once you select your preferred difficulty, you’ll be instructed at 9:30 pm to go out on an investigation to an undisclosed location.
Where will the investigation take you? Anywhere! (Well any residence at least!)
Sometimes the Packcakes will have a bit of a Specter infestation, sometimes Goth manor will need an exorcist. It’s your job as a Paranormal Investigator to go wherever the action is, and snuff out any unwanted spirits.
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You also won’t just be sent to premade Sim houses, but also your own created households! Your other played Sim families might be in need of a spooky exterminator too! And don’t worry, the house won’t be permanently haunted either (You’ll have control over that with the Haunted Lot Type!).
Finishing these gigs on time leads to all sorts of weird and strange rewards. Feel free to hang up your Specter-in-a-Jar as a trophy. Or amass a collection of exorcised dolls! There’s tons of strange stuff to acquire!
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Since this is a freelance career, feel free to take these gigs whenever you feel inspired to snuff out some spookiness. These gigs can be demanding on your Sims psyche, but thankfully they pay fairly well.
Art Direction
This pack has a ton of both fictional and real-life inspiration. To go over where these influences come from, and how they manifest in-game, I’ll take it over to our Art Director Stephan Edwards!
Conor: Can you tell us what an Art Director does on The Sims 4?
Stephen: The AD works initially with Production, Design and Marketing to define the visual direction. Once we have moved into production their role is to maintain and inspire that vision by providing direction and feedback to artists, from concept through to the final asset.
Conor: What goes into the creative process when concepting for the Sims?
Stephen: Once the general theme and tone is locked down and approved, the team then refers to the key visuals and goes broad on gathering reference that reflects that direction. We begin on concepting out room views/clothing to investigate different narratives and moods, identifying elements of style, construction, pattern and color. At this stage, we are still working loose to make sure we explore all options and don’t box ourselves in. As the team iterates on designs, we start to narrow down the selections and then turn to final renders. We draw on those early investigations to help inform our palette, material and pattern choices.
Conor: What sort of real-life examples were used for the Paranormal Stuff Pack?
Stephen: Reference gathering is a huge factor in designing assets and so it’s fair to say that all the content is based on real life to some degree. The team tends to deconstruct styles and translate them through a SIMS lens, the simplified and stylised art of SIMS4 has a further impact on the final result.
Conor: If you had to choose, what was your favorite feature to work on across all of the Sims?
Stephen: Aaarg! That’s a really tough question. Because the packs are so diverse each one has its own set of unique challenges. I would say the supernatural aspect of this stuff pack was a lot of fun and allowed the artists to get a little more fantastical and creative. Storytelling is such a fundamental part of the SIMS and that permeates through CAS and BB designs. While curating all the eclectic pieces we stuffed into this pack I was constantly making up little stories in my mind. Where the characters may have found it, what relevance does it have to them and ultimately is there enough depth in the design to spark the same questions in the players. Oh, and Guidry, he’s a composite of eras and characters. I would be really interested whether the players can pick apart the influences.
Thank you!
That about concludes our look at our latest Stuff Pack! Big thank you again to the SP18 team, working with everyone was an amazing experience and made the later part of 2020 a little less awful. Watching this pack come to life was an absolute thrill.
The prepatch including the new Scared Emotion is coming out January 21st, and the Paranormal Stuff Pack comes out January 26th!
Until next time, SimGuruConor
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savittski-writes · 4 years
Doppelgängers Part Seven
So this is part seven of my AU crossover fic between Beetlejuice the Musical and School of Rock the Musical. Anyway, usual disclaimer that this is my first time writing for these characters, so it might be a little out of character. The idea for the story is based off this post:
Title: Doppelgängers
Part: 7/9
Word Count: 1,117
Summary: Rosalie Mullins and Charles Deetz are cousins who have always been very close, if not a little emotionally stilted. When Charles and Delia invite Rosalie and her plus one to their wedding, what shenanigans will ensue? And why does Rosalie’s new boyfriend bear a striking resemblance to a certain stripey demon?
In this part: Everything has been explained to Ros and Dewey. Ros must come to terms with what is going on while Dewey is just glad he’s not the biggest screw up in the room.
Part One
Part Six
Part Eight
Chapter Seven: Whaddya Say, Amigo?
Deetz Residence, Living Room
“Remind me again why I couldn’t at least tell my side of it?” Beetlejuice asked grumpily from where he sat on the couch, arms crossed over his chest like a petulant teenager. Charles, Delia, and the Maitlands all rolled their eyes, glaring towards where the demon rested. Rosalie and Dewey, who was now sat on the floor in front of her armchair, both looked rather pensive as they took in the story the group had just finished telling them.
“Probably because you get very distracted, Beej,” Lydia drawled from where she sat upside down on the couch next to Beetlejuice.
“That and you tend to retell your Katherine Hepburn story a lot,” Barbara spoke up, glancing sideways to Adam. Both shivered in disgust as they remembered all the awful times they had to hear him recount the story. 
“Yeah, whatever,” the demon muttered as he waved a hand at the ghosts. “How’re you doing over there carbon copy? Still with us?” Dewey blinked, looking up at the demon’s words and gave a slight shrug.
“Well… I guess I’m a little relieved,” Dewey admitted at last, fighting back the smirk that was threatening to form on his face.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Beetlejuice asked at the same time Rosalie questioned, “Dewey?”
“Relieved that… someone actually fucked up more than I did,” Dewey said with a small chuckle before tilting his head back to look at Rosalie. “Hear that, Ros? Someone topped what I did!”
“That doesn’t make it any better, Dewey,” Rosalie chided in a disapproving tone, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.
“Ah, you love me. Besides, I only lied. At least I didn’t torture, extort, or attempt murder,” Dewey pointed out helpfully with a smile. Rosalie’s eyes narrowed at the man, almost forgetting the other people in the room. In truth, she was thankful for the banter between herself and her boyfriend. It was a welcome reprieve from the situation that would allow her a few extra moments to come to terms with everything going on right now.
“You kidnapped children under false pretenses!”
“I did no such thing,” Dewey argued back immediately, turning fully to face her now. “I mean, one, I had already come clean by that point. So there were no false pretenses to speak of. And two, they kidnapped me, if anything. They hijacked the bus and came to my apartment. I was totally prepared to spend a night wallowing in self pity and drinking alone.”
“That… is pathetic,” the demon doppelgänger commented from across the room. Dewey turned back to him with a glare, though it seemed the gothy teenager was on his side just this once.
“Not any more pathetic than moping on a roof with purple hair and singing about how you’re invisible,” Lydia pointed out, drawing the demon’s ire. Beetlejuice couldn’t stay mad at Lydia for long though, and he couldn’t really argue the point. “Touché.” 
“I’m not sure I even want to know what you’re talking about, Rosie,” Charles decided as he massaged his temples, looking about ready to pull his hair out.
“Is it hardwired into your DNA, and the DNA of pretty much anyone who looks like you to be… slightly unhinged?” Adam asked, mostly rhetorically from where he and Barbara stood by the stairs. He glanced between the two doppelgängers, shaking his head at their similar mannerisms, energy levels, and general chaoticness they exuded. The only thing Adam was thankful for was that Dewey obviously had a functioning moral compass and general understanding for boundaries.
“Definitely. You should see our actor. He’s just as chaotic as we are,” Beetlejuice added, nodding sagely.
“What?” Beetlejuice asked innocently, glancing between Dewey and Lydia, who had both spoken. “Nothing, nothing! Forget I said anything at all!” The room’s occupants stared blankly at the demon, looking slightly concerned. Even those who were used to his antics were rather confused and uncertain of exactly what to say. Deciding that the weirdness had reached a level she was not prepared to deal with, Rosalie cut the tension.
“So… back to the most important topic. You moved into a haunted house and your daughter summoned a demon who went haywire, you brought to life and killed, and now plays house with you?” Rosalie summarized, looking to her cousin. Charles could only nod silently, not really sure of what else he could say to alleviate the tension or to assuage his cousin’s fears or worries. 
“Yeah, and for some reason my dead dumbass looks exactly like your living dumbass,” Lydia added, gesturing between the demon and Rosalie’s boyfriend. Both men bristled slightly at her words and shot her almost identical annoyed looks. “Okay, that’s weird, and I’ve seen a lot of weird shit. Even your clones don’t look this exact, Beej.” 
“That’s actually a very valid point. Why do you guys look so much alike?” Barbara asked as she stepped further into the room, glancing back and forth between the two men. “It’s uncanny. I mean, you would look identical if you just-”
“-Did this?” Beetlejuice questioned with a grin as he snapped his fingers and disappeared behind a wall of green smoke. Once the smoke had cleared, he looked remarkably cleaner with similar messy dark hair and beard. The only obvious difference between the two at that moment were their outfits and postures.
“Holy shit!”
“Language, Lydia!” Adam chided tiredly, glancing between the now identical demon and man.
“Whaddya say, amigo?” Beetlejuice asked as he reappeared sitting next to Dewey, elbowing him in the side. “Up for raising a little Hell?” Dewey for his part, looked slightly torn between being responsible and giving into his immature urges to have a little fun and take advantage of the situation.
“Well… I never was great at following the rules. And a little fun never hurt anyone,” Dewey conceded with a small smile, earning groans from most of everyone in the room apart from the demon and the goth. He was pleased to note that Rosalie’s groan sounded more fondly exasperated than genuinely put out.
“Tomorrow will be a disaster,” Charles groaned as he dropped his head into his hands, leaning forward in the other arm chair he sat in. Delia tried to soothe her future husband once more, rubbing his shoulders.
“Everything happens for a reason, Charles, so try not to stress. As my guru Otho always says, every success-”
“Starts with sucks and ends with yes,” the Deetz family chorused in varying degrees of enthusiasm, much to the confusion of Dewey and Rosalie. This was going to be a long day, and probably an even longer weekend.
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illegiblewords · 3 years
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
Thanks for asking Chys! <3
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My guy Cenric is designed to evoke the classic Final Fantasy black mage, but a bit gothed up and with more realistic features. I wanted him to look like a walking shadow as much as possible. What that meant in terms of his experience is, he doubts his own nature a lot. He isn't sure if he's part Duskwight, if he's a voidsent, if he's the son of Thal, etc. Because he was adopted by a traveling medic, he got desensitized a bit to physical ailments and even death while also always being kind of an outsider. These things combined with his appearance made him subject to ostracism and suspicion, which in-turn snowballed into a series of terrible circumstances in his life including being left destitute on the streets of Ul'dah. He doesn't consider himself attractive, and if anything sees himself as inherently off-putting or intimidating. He's tried to turn this into a kind of strength by playing it up with all black clothing, expensive outfits that immediately announce him as a master of thaumaturgy at absolute minimum. He tries to broadcast his wealth and power without hiding that he does look odd and spooky. When he commits acts of heroism, he wants people to know that they are attributed to him with all the impressions he carries. Cenric tends to conceal at least part of his face a lot of the time, partly because classic black mage look but partly because he does have imposter syndrome and can't always control his expressions lol. He freezes up if children approach sometimes and it helps hide his deer-in-headlights reaction. He tends to wear black and gold that covers him up to a large extent, big hats, long coats. Sometimes he'll wear things that reflect his heritage or the region he's in. It's worth noting he's actually terrible at money and ends up broke pretty often because he prioritized trying to impress people with expensive things.
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Maerec looks at himself as pretty ordinary without armor. He has some scars on his body just from being Warrior of Light and isn't sure whether that's ugly, frightening, upsetting, or mundane to other people. He tends to wear black and red armor, favors helms mostly when he knows he needs to intimidate but removes them when he wants to assure those he means to protect. Adapts according to where he is, but favors Ishgardian/Fray influenced designs because that's where he comes from. He tends to be a little bit more worn or ragged than Cenric. Deathbringer with its symbol of Azem is his main blade, though he doesn't realize the significance for a while. He worries about alienating his friends/allies with how he comes across, and gets confused by the dichotomy of people acting entitled to his service but avoiding physical contact with him most of the time.
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Nivienne is an unapologetically feminine summoner who loves draping fabric, frills, jewels, makeup, you name it. Likely indulges in expensive perfumes too. She isn't always the most practical in this sense, since the Warrior of Light sometimes does get pretty filthy. But she enjoys and feels powerful on this front so it's something she embraces. She's originally Gridanian, but rejected a verdict of the Elementals with regard to family and left essentially to carve her own path. She initially looks far more in-line with Lominsan arcanists (including a more gray-brown color scheme) but as she goes through MSQ events begins to explore fancier aesthetics. Sometimes these fit where she is at the time, but some are all her own. She's largely settled on black and white silks, preferring to wear a summoner horn or reference to it at the third eye chakra.
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Eir is originally Ala Mhigan, but had to flee at such a young age that she didn't get to develop a strong connection to the culture there. It's something she regrets and sometimes tries to cultivate in her glamours to build a sense of connection. She is minimum height for a highlander and fairly petite within that frame, and this did bother her for a chunk of her life. In Ul'dah Eir's older brother had a knack for pugilism but she never did. Likewise, thaumaturgy was clearly not her discipline. She was very drawn to the Bloodsands with its gladiators her brother basically forbade her from participating due to corruption and rigged fights there. Eir didn't want to be dependent on anyone else to protect her and had a strong desire to make a difference/keep others safe, so she left for Limsa Lominsa to pursue marauding instead. As someone who had witnessed "What, is your mother a Seawolf?" barbs, she actually became more confident in her own femininity after befriending a very feminine lady roegadyn among her fellow marauders. She favors skirts, usually with armor but not always. She favors blue tones in color most of the time and leans into sea/storm motifs that combine her links to Limsa Lominsa as well as Rhalgr with his levin.
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mother-snake · 4 years
Headcanons? Headcanons.
Has blond curly hair (its like curly fries)
He HATES his hair so he wears the hat
Can flirt really well! But as soon as someone says anything he's a mess of blushy snek
He's the shortest
He's the youngest (Thomas was 10 when he appeared)
Virgil and him are brothers! But Virge acts more like a father to him due to age gap
Coping mechanisms are to watch Chicago on repeat and eat cookie dough by the buckets
He LOVES jazz!! Swing is his favorite but he also loves chigago jazz
He had multiple pet snakes
His scales go rainbow when he's excited
When he's blushing the scales go neon yellow
Is colour blind in his snake eye
He owns a record player
The other sides love Janus' hair so they always steal his hat
Janus is smol gremlin who is angry about hat theft
Big fan of Over the Garden Wall
Also likes the cat from Coraline
He's a little shit that likes to do pranks
The red patch around his left eye is a burn scar (Not turning this angsty. Not turning this angsty. I AM NOT MAKING THIS ANGST!) same with the line on his cheek
Uses his Shepard's crook to get things off high shelves
Really likes wine
Sleeps on top of the stove like a fucking cat
He hisses too
Cold blooded boi
He owns a heat lamp
Can, will and has fought someone for the TV remote... Let him watch his shows
Is a prolific flirt. He can't even stop it at this point
Watched Bill Nye as a child
"Logan whatca doing?" "I'm testing whether or not crofters tastes better by its self or inside cookies."........"you're baking cookies?" "Im baking cookies."
He has a cat!
Her name is Artimus and she is a BRAT.
Logan is the best cook
Second youngest (Thomas was 6)
Him and Remus watched Horrible Histories together as children
His glasses are ALWAYS dirty
Really likes Christmas (shhh don't tell anyone)
Roman and Remus
They share a room
It has a thick black line separating it in half
Roman's side is a complete mess. He doesn't know where anything is. He's summoned paint 50 different times and as lost all paint sets
(in reality, Janus keeps stealing them and hiding them in the others rooms.... Its revenge for them stealing his hat all the time)
Remus' room is always perfectly organized
Re gets super upset when Ro's mess spreads to his side
Doesn't actually eat deodorant. Its carefully shaped cheese
Re can use one weapon and one weapon only
Ro is better with a bow then his sword but keeps the sword bc aesthetics
Neither of them can cook for shit
Both are himbos
Both need glasses
The middle children (Thomas was around 5) Roman is slightly older then Remus
Can bake. Not cook
Had a pastel goth face as a teenager
Needs to get his glasses updated. Hasn't gotten around to it (never really will)
Can some how keep his glasses always clean... No one knows how
He can juggle
Second oldest (Thomas was 4)
Tired. Always tired.
Addicted to coffee
Has black hair
Sleeps on top of the fridge on a regular basis
Has a pet spider
Oldest side (Thomas was barely 1)
Janus may own the Shepard's crook but Virgil uses it the most to control the sides
Owns a glow in the dark, neon pink, holographic T-shirt and refuses to tell where he got it from
Is the second best cook. But always makes the same dishes
Has a tumblr
Memes are his main life source
Goes to bed at 4 am and wakes up at noon
Wants Janus to PLEASE listen to him for once and NOT eat buckets of cookie dough for a coping mechanism? Janus please just talk to someone. This is going to kill you from salmonella
Peanut butter cookies are his most favourite thing ever
Eyes glow purple when angry
General headcanons
The light and dark sides are assigned when the sides get created
There is a gray place.... We don't talk about the gray place.
V and J are brothers bc they are both self preservation
The sides love movie nights
Hmm I think thats ok for now. Let me know if you want more headcanons! I have alot....
(will put comment here once my brain has decided to function. But just know these are adorable and amazing headcannons)
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr/ Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
Word Count: 1,088 Words
Summary: Todo-siblings, teacher shenanigans, the 1-A twins accidentally freeze out the fifth floor, and Kirishima is best boy.
Warnings: Cursing, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, Abuse Mention, Mensuration/Period Mentions, Caps, Food Mention, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Anxiety Mention, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: Natsuo and Fuyumi's chat names are based on quirk headcanons I have for them. Natsuo's is because I headcanon him to have a quirk where he can manipulate and generate water like Shoto can with his ice and Fuyumi's because I headcanon her to have a thermal manipulation quirk. Touya's is 'wine' because white and red wine and his hair is red and white.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
We Love A Good, Caring Dadzawa In This House-Chapter 3
11:38 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
chaotic goth gay: so anygay we ever gonna talk bout the fact that the twins in 1a plan to take a week home?
kazoo cowboy: no??? it's their personal life????
needalegup?: I say we leave the boys alone.
screeching cockatiel: they don't like being referred to at 'the twins' Nemuri. They're separate beings.
chaotic goth gay: okay, the two canadian flags of Shouta's 25 nearly adopted children.
grumpy scarf cat: you're right but why say it?
bloody hell: I thought his class was 26 students now like mine? who tf you forgetting Nemuri?
chaotic goth gay: no one I be leaving out that little grapist tho. hate him and so does Shouta
screeching cockatiel: OwO oh worm?
grumpy scarf cat: never again Hizashi. never again.
screeching cockatiel: OvO
grumpy scarf cat: i hate you.
screeching cockatiel: love you too babe uwu
grumpy scarf cat: well,
grumpy scarf cat: i'm gonna go yeet myself off the roof for that one.
screeching cockatiel: Nuuuuuuu, how will me Hitoshi and Ayane ever survive without you!?
grumpy scarf cat: tru tru
grumpy scarf cat: I'll take Hitoshi with me.
screeching cockatiel: you wouldn't dare!
grumpy scarf cat: again tru tru
2:24 AM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
grumpy scarf cat: yeet yeet bitch he finally asleep [pic of Hitoshi asleep against Aizawa's side with Ayane asleep between them]
chaotic goth gay: that's perfect.
chaotic goth gay has changed their name to yeet yeet bitch
yeet yeet bitch: thank boi me sleep now
yeet yeet bitch is offline
4:14 AM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: so anyway I'm ready to yeet our dad into the sun but that's too good for him
chaoticdisastergay: oh worm???? same hat??? could stand to snow his eyes out first tho
immafirinmahlaser: why y'all puttin ur father on blast in the main chat?
WHERE?: wait, where? oh fuck wrong one Touya, wrong one! mayday mayday
SmolMight: I was summoned my the word mayday what happened
SmolMight: oh
SmolMight: well then
lostmymarbles: Dear? Please lay down? I was comfortable?
chaoticdisastergay: well, speaking of tmi, I thought it was just a bathroom run but turns out my monthly came a week early, Atsu. I'm coming back.
WHERE?: that was a long time in the bathroom but okay.
lostmymarbles: Yeah, almost an hour. I'm lonely, the bed feels cold without you, snowdrop!
chaoticdisastergay: I had to shower over in the 1a dorms too, calm down.
lostmymarbles: Kay, come back to bed, I wanna cuddle.
SmolMight: Such precious. Most pure. We have been blessed with witnessing this couple be cute.
WHERE?: so anNYway, Touya, you goin back to the family chat?
chaoticgaydisaster: yee
4:30 AM
Trauma? Yeet. Memes? Yoink.
vulpix: anygay. still wanna yeet our dad into the sun but it'd still be too good for him.
lapis: I??? feel that????? wtf???????
thermostat: oh? a mood? in this good household?
wine: i really just want to go back to sleep but the brain machine broke i'm woke
vulpix: oh worm?
thermostat: anyway gotta actually get outta bed soon, drop off your girls at daycare, get mine to school, and go to work.
lapis: fine, gonna go with ya
thermostat: mhmmmm sure you are, you're gonna fall asleep in 20 minutes Natsuo.
lapis: that may be but i'll at least try
thermostat: doubt
thermostat is offline
8:24 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: so anyway tea apparently shoto and touya are going home all next week
princessbubblegumknockoff: oh? drama?
WHERE?: family visit no drama
chaoticgaydisaster: just visiting our family
SmolMight: so anygay Aizawa told us we have someone special visiting a1 today for class!
Spider-Man: I wonder who it is!
Dadzawa: toshi cmon I gotta get to class and drop you off like a gay goth god of insomniac children
exhausted: hol up im eating still
exhausted is offline
Dadzawa is offline
cena: well, no answers from them i guess
Emergency Exit: Everyone, please get off your phones in class!
9:37 AM
We Are Number One™
itsmeyaboy: so who was it that came to your class?
TheGreatCreator: The Big Three of UA
itsmeyaboy: huh. we had Hawks, Ryukyu, and Mirko
Iron Man: The Three Greats of UA
HopeSummers: We win.
SmolMight: Meh, we both got good people to teach us.
HopeSummers: Valid, carry on.
2:28 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
gotta go fast: so anyway, am i ever gonna get told why there's someone named speechtotext in this chatroom and who all they are?
kazoo cowboy: That's Majima with the support course.
needalegup?: he couldn't figure out how to work his phone with his fingers when we first made this chat and he used speech to text a lot.
goth portals: we used to get a lot of text messages where Hatsume had spoken over him and it became too much of a meme so Nemuri changed his name to speechtotext.
gotta go fast: understandable, have a nice day.
7:24 AM
We Are Number One™
Spider-Man: um guys all of floor five is frozen what happened?
Galvan: the girls' side isn't but it's getting cold over here
GuyFieriIsGod: My door is frozen shut.
Spider-Man: Todoroki or Yukimura must have had a nightmare again
TheGreatCreator: Does this happen often?
Spider-Man: more than you'd believe.
GuyFieriIsGod: Does anyone have an ice pick?
Galvan: i'm going downstairs before it spreads
TheGreatCreator: That's a good idea, Tsu, we don't want you getting too cold and hibernating.
WHAT?: wow
Spider-Man: wow? just wow? dude, help us!
WHAT?: ...
WHAT?: perish.
baby shark: I'm coming!
7:45 AM
We Are Number One™
GuyFieriIsGod: He got us out.
TheGreatCreator: It was easier because Todoroki likely melted it.
GuyFieriIsGod: Anyway, now that we're free, I'm making breakfast if anyone wants any. 1b and Shinsou included
WHAT?: wow
cena: Is Bakugo okay?
SmolMight: Yeah, that's just his morning brain. That happens if he gets less than an hour of sleep. He kinda short circuits for about an hour.
Pichu: excellent. thank you for this knowledge.
princessbubblegumknockoff: sometimes I question if your have a death wish.
Pichu: a death wish to get him to hug me and tell me i'm cute dammit!
Pichu is offline
baby shark: a very pure death wish. we don't deserve you denki!
WHERE?: It's been made apparent to me that I froze the fifth floor and I'm sorry.
chaoticgaydisaster: and I made enough snow it was practically snowmen
princessbubblegumknockoff: THEY RISE!
WHERE?: too early for this i need a pot of coffee
chaoticgaydisaster: mood but also gimme half dammit
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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