#my hand n my eyes hurt all righty
surunoita · 11 months
hm turns out if you hyperfixate enough you can unlock the dangerous powers of drawing your ocs for literally 8 hours straight ?
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pressureplus · 1 month
Ourmmm can I request a headcanon of nicknames Sebastion and the reader would give each other? Only if ur not busy of course 🙏🏾
This one's really cute, absolutely! nobody has any need to be shy here! ❤️
We're here for the fish content.
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💖Sebastian Solace Nickname Headcannons💖
Warnings: N/A
◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟◞꒷◟ ͜ ͜ ◞ྀི◟୨୧◞ྀི◟ ͜ ͜ ◞꒷◟
If You're Enemies:
• He's mean to most people but he's AWFUL to you
• Half of the things he uses to refer to you are curse words
• Bastard, Dumbass, Dickhead, ect... He can't even be bothered a good portion of the time, not with you
• And then there's days where he's feeling EXTRA
• "You look like your mother dropped you into a plinko machine."
• "Do you always act like you crawled out of the dredges of 4Chan?"
• "Oh, there's my favorite little insect!"
• The second he finds out you have mommy issues, he calls you motherless. You're missing your left eye, hand, leg, or ear? He'll call you Righty. Deformities and Mutations alike, he's petty and likes to take cheap shots
• Chance to call you by your name: 0%
If You're Acquaintances:
• You're probably a buyer, so Patron, Customer, Unfortunate Guest, and Expendable are all on the table
• If you work with him religiously, he might call you something special like 'Traitor' or 'Survivor'
• Customer Service says "try make sale", so he's most often short but sweet. Most of his mean commentary comes out when you're not in the shop
• "Oh, now, There's just the person I wanted to see! Welcome back."
• Doesn't talk to you much, so there isn't a ton of things he really calls you, you're towing a pretty neutral line
• Chance to call you by your name: 60%
If You're Friends:
• Actually genuinely wants you around, so now you get actual, meaningful interactions with this man other than buisness!
• He calls you Stupid and he calls you Clumsy, even occasionally calling you Reckless, Dummy, or Sucker
• If you're a little goblin, he calls you Crawler and Vermin
• And then he turns around and calls you Bestie, Favorite, and even Treat
• "Well if it isn't the Star of the Show!"
• Tends to lean towards positive interactions, as having someone he can truly call a friend to him makes him feel a little better about living in a place like this
• Chance to call you by your name: 40%
If You're Lovers:
• Oh God what have you done? How did you even get this far?
• He's SMOTHERING as a lover, and this absolutely extends to the way he refers to you
• Before, when you were Idiot, Crawler, or Treat? Now you're his little Idiot, Crawler or Treat
• "Is that my little star I see over there?"
• "Ah, there you are, my treasure, I was wondering where you'd gone off to."
• "There's my sweet little light, what are you doing?"
• "Are you doing well, my love? You aren't hurt?"
• "If it isn't my darling little diver."
• Likes that he's bigger than you not to emphasize that you're tiny and sweet to him
• Still hits you with something mean every now and then, probably poking fun at you in some way, most likely as an inside joke or a nickname from wherever your relationship started
• (RIP if y'all started as enemies, he's still going to be a bitch to you on his Extra days, it's a funny habit now... Though I guess now it's playful so you win some you lose some, right?)
• I'm sure you wouldn't have it any other way, you know the sassy fish you decided to keep very well by now
• Chance to call you by your name: 5%
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waitimcomingtoo · 9 months
Hot N Cold
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom can’t stop teasing each other in interviews
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“You three have spent a lot of time together making this movie. And you all seem to get along so great. Is it going to be hard to go back to making movies when you aren’t working with your best friends?” A journalist asked you, Tom, and Jacob one day on the press tour for your upcoming movie.
“No. I can’t wait for that.” Jacob answered. “I hate working with these two. They’re always arguing.”
“What? No we are not.” You insisted.
“We kinda are.” Tom said out of the corner of his mouth.
“No we are not. Why do you always have to disagree with me?” You asked and playfully smacked Tom’s arm.
“That’s a good point. You’re right. I do always disagree with you.” Tom said sincerely. “But maybe it’s because you’re always wrong?”
“You wish.” You scoffed. “Name one time I was wrong.”
“Yesterday, when you drove on the wrong side of the road.” He said immediately.
“That couldn’t happened to anyone, okay? It was not clearly marked.”
“It was clearly marked but you flew past the several giant “wrong way” signs because you’re a speed demon on the road.”
“That’s sexist.” You pointed at him. “You’re saying all women are bad drivers?”
“No. I’m saying this woman is a bad driver.” Tom said and pointed back at you. “You really don’t help the stereotype, darling.”
“Whatever. Fake news.” You rolled your eyes. “Ask us the next question please before I kill him.”
“All righty then. So, you’re all a few years out of high school now. How did you prepare for getting back into the mindset of a teenager?” The journalist asked.
“It was a really fun process actually. The director wanted to emulate a kinda 80s high school movie feel so he asked us to watch a few old movies so we could get the vibe he was going for. Like Breakfast Club, Back to the Future, stuff like that.” You explained.
“Yeah. We watched a few of them together.” Tom smiled as he looked over at you.
“Yeah, we did.” You smiled back at him.
“On your little movie dates in Tom’s trailer. That I was never invited to.” Jacob added. Tom blushed and looked down at his lap while you playfully rolled your eyes.
“They weren’t dates.” Tom insisted. “We were just watching the films we were told to watch.”
“You didn’t think those were dates?” You asked him, sounding hurt. Tom went bright red and scrambled to come up with something to say to explain himself.
“What?” Tom gulped. “No. I mean, I never thought of it like that but-“
“I’m messing with you.” You cut him off when you saw how flustered he got.
“Oh. You scared me so much just then. I didn’t know what to say.” He laughed and touched a cold hand to his hot face.
“I knew it would scare you. You’re so easy to make flustered.” You teased him, making him blush again.
“Hey.” He pouted. “I am not.”
“Yeah, okay.” You said sarcastically.
“Okay.” He mimicked you by sounding as dumb as possible.
“That actually brings me to my next question which was to ask you all to do an impression of each other.” The journalist said, making you and Tom remember that you were in an interview.
“If you want to impersonate Y/n, just whine and complain a bunch.” Tom said. “And leave your jumper on every plane you go on.”
“Okay, I’ve lost like three sweatshirts around you. That’s hardly anything.” You defended yourself.
“Imagine losing your jumper every time your travel.” Tom said to the camera.
“Imagine losing 13 colonies at once.” You snapped back.”
“Stop. You know I’m sensitive about that.” Tom jokingly whined, making you laugh.
“I can do a Tom impression. Um I want to ask Y/n to go to dinner with me um tonight but um what if I ask her and she says no?” Jacob said in a whiny voice coupled with a bad British accent.
“What?” Tom sputtered. “That’s not what I sound like.”
“Yes it is.” Jacob insisted. “I heard that every night during filming. In fact, I still hear it.”
“Aw. Wait, that’s so cute. Did you actually do that?” You asked Tom.
“Only in the beginning, okay? It wasn’t as pathetic as Jacob made it sound. I wanted to hang out with you but we didn’t really know each other yet so I was worried you’d say no.”
“Aw, honey.” You chuckled. “I would’ve never said no. I wanted to get to know you too.”
“I’ll never understand you two. You were fighting two seconds ago. Now you’re all nice and friendly?” Jacob pointed out.
“That’s just how we work.” You shrugged.
“Yeah.” Tom agreed. “We run hot and cold.”
“Exactly. But we’re friends most of the time. I don’t think we fight that much.” You replied.
“You kinda do, though.” Jacob insisted. “I’m expecting at least two more fights before the end of this interview.”
“We’ll see.” You shrugged but knew he was probably right.
“So, the press schedule is obviously very rigorous for a movie this size. Do you guys ever get a day off to do your own thing?” The journalist asked.
“We actually had a day off a little while ago. For Washington’s Birthday.” Tom answered.
“George?” You asked him.
“What other Washington is there?” He turned in his seat to ask you.
“You were just talking about one the other day. When we were asked what historical figure we’d have dinner with.” You reminded him.
“I remember the question but I didn’t say Washington.” Tom frowned on confusion.
“Yes you did. You said that Washington guy and then said it was a super British answer or something.” You insisted.
“Who are you talking about?” Tom shook his head and laughed endearing at you.
“That guy. Don’t you remember? You just said it yesterday.” You whined a little and pushed his arm. Tom looked at the camera in confusion before he connected the dots in his head.
“Wait, do you mean Winston Churchill?”
“Oh God.” Jacob groaned. “Here we go.”
“Oh yeah. Him.” You nodded and pointed at Tom.
“You thought his name was Washington Churchill?” Tom laughed incredulously.
“Well I don’t know who he is. It sounded right in my head.” You defended yourself.
“You don’t know who Winston Churchill is? He’s super important to history.”
“Oh yeah? So who is he?” You challenged Tom, knowing damn well he didn’t know the answer.
“He…” Tom started to answer and then trailed off.
“See!” You clapped your hands. “You don’t even know. I knew you were bullshitting yesterday. You have no idea what Washington Churchill-“
“Winston.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. You have no idea what he did. And yet you said you wanted to have dinner with him just to sound smart. Ugh. So pretentious.” You groaned and playfully rolled your eyes.
“All right, smart ass. Who was your answer?” Tom leaned on his chair and asked you. You were both in your own little worlds now and fully ignoring everyone else in the room.
“Jonbenet Ramsey.” You said like it was obvious.
“Are you kidding me? You’re making fun of my answer but you would pick Gordon Ramsey’s daughter out of anyone in the world to have dinner with?”
“First of all, dingbat, Jonbenet Ramsey is a little pageant girl who was murdered in 1996 and they still haven’t solved the case. I want to have dinner with her because I want to know who did it. It’s a very famous true crime case but I guess they didn’t teach you that in college. Oh wait. You didn’t go. You were too busy making movies nobody ever saw.” You said and poked his chest.
“Don’t even go there.” Tom warned. “If I pull up your IMDB right now, I’d have to scroll through dozens of commercials and straight to DVD films before I got to any substantial roles. Don’t think I forgot about all the time you spent on the Hallmark channel, darling.”
“Do it. Pull up my IMDB right now. I dare you. You know what, I’ll do it for you.” You said and pulled out your phone. Jacob immediately snatched your phone and put it in his pocket.
“No. Please, no more. We’re not doing this again. I can’t hear the IMDB argument again. You said you weren’t gonna fight anymore.” Jacob pointed out.
“All right. Fine. I’m disengaging.” You said and held your hands up in defense.
“Finally, some silence.” Tom sighed in relief. You gave him an icy stare and his smile immediately dropped.
When you sat down to do press the next day, you thought about what Tom had said about running hot and cold. You liked the playful fights you got into but you didn’t want him to start to think you actually disliked him. So when he came into the room and sat next to you, you got an idea.
“Good morning, darling.” He said politely.
“You know what Tom, why don’t we make a point to not fight today?” You suggested.
“Well darling, that’s the first good idea you’ve ever had.” He said with a smug smile. You smiled sarcastically at him as you narrowed your eyes.
“You’re so funny.” You said sarcastically. “How come you’re perpetually single?”
“Because I haven’t worn you down yet and gotten you to go out with me.” He quipped.
“Aw. You want to wear me down? So romantic. I can feel it working already.” You gushed and winked at him. Even though you were kidding, he felt himself blush and had to look away. The interviewer came in then and started to ask you a few questions. You managed to get through most of the interview before any fighting broke out.
“Okay. Now we’re gonna play a game called kiss, marry, kill. Your choices are Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr, and miss Y/n L/n.” The interview said.
“Oh God. That last actress is the worst.” Tom mumbled under his breath. You gave him a look and he faked an innocent smile.
“I mean I love her.” He corrected.
“Well Tom’s answer for kiss is obviously me.” You said simply.
“What? Obviously?” He scoffed.
“Yeah. Obviously.” You scoffed back to mock him.
“Excuse you. How is it obvious?” He asked and turned in his chair to face you. He mostly did this to keep the camera from seeing how much he was blushing.
“Please. You want to kiss me so bad. And marry me and kill me. So Tom’s answer to all of them is me.”
“That’s what you think, huh?” Tom smiled and leaned on his chair to be closer to you.
“That’s what I know. I can tell you’re dying to get with me. There is no use hiding it.” You shrugged, making Tom grow redder.
“Do you hear how conceited she is? What a diva you are. I’m gonna spread a rumor that you’re difficult to work with.” Tom teased you right back.
“Maybe you find it difficult to work with me because of how bad you want me.” You shrugged.
“Oh please. You’re just projecting because you have a big fat crush on me.” Tom replied.
“What?” You laughed. “In your dreams, maybe. I only go for guys over 5’9. You just missed the cut off, buddy.”
“Not just in my dreams. In my reality.” Tom insisted. “And I’m the average height of a woman so now you’re the one being sexist. But come on, we said no fighting. What would your answer be?”
“Oh yeah. I forgot about the question. Okay, let me think.” You tapped your chin. “I would kiss Bradley Cooper-“
“What? He wasn’t even an option.” Tom laughed in surprised.
“Oh shit. My bad.” You covered your mouth with your hand.
“How did his name even come up?” Tom asked you, feeling a little jealousy bubble up.
“Because.” You smiled coyly. “Have you seen him? He’s double handsome. He looks like a sexy UPS truck driver. I’d sign for that package I’ll tell you that right now.”
“I can’t believe you’re cheating on your husband with Bradley Cooper.” Tom shook his head.
“My husband?”
“Me.” Tom said like it was obvious, making you laugh.
“I know you’re kidding but you kinda are though. I was just saying that to Jacob the other day.”
“About me? You said I was your husband?” Tom smiled in surprise.
“Yeah. You’re my work husband. That’s why we’re so hot and cold. Because we’re like an old married couple.” You smiled and patted his arm.
“Aw. We are.” He gushed. “But you still never answered the question.”
“Oh my God. Who were the choices again?”
“Johansson, Downey, and yourself.”
“Okay. I think my answer is kill Johansson, sorry Scarlett, I love you. I’d marry Downey for that Iron Man money and then kiss myself.”
“You’d kiss yourself? Why?” Tom wondered.
“Because no one else will.” You groaned. “When I woke up this morning and I tallied in my head how long it’s been since I’ve been on a date and once I reached a conclusion, I started to cry.”
“Oh God. Has it really been that long?” Tom laughed.
“It’s been so long. We can’t talk about this right now. I’m gonna start crying again.” You said and pretended to wipe your eyes.
“Wow. I didn’t realize this game would bring out so many emotions.” The journalist laughed.
“Me either. God. I need a date.” You sighed in exasperation.
“All right. I got the hint. I’ll go out with you.” Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
“Oh, please. You wish I’d go out with you.”
“On every eye lash and 11:11, yeah.” He replied. You laughed and playfully smacked his arm as you wondered if he was telling the truth or not. The interview went on but you were barely paying attention as you were too busy wondering if you relationship with Tom was part of the reason you had been single for so long. No matter how nice or funny a guy was, you always ended up comparing them to Tom. If they couldn’t make you laugh as much or keep up with you the way he could, they just didn’t interest you. It didn’t help that In between your arguing and teasing, Tom always managed to slip some flirting in there. The more you thought about it, you realized he hadn’t been in a relationship since meeting you either. And maybe that had something to do with you.
“What do you think?” The journalist asked you. You blinked a few times and came back into the conversation.
“Sorry, what?”
“What was going on in there? You seemed so deep in thought.” Tom smiled fondly and poked your head.
“Don’t touch me, nail biter.” You said and swatted his hand away.
“At least I don’t stink up the whole hotel room by painting my nails every single day.” He shot back in a playful manner.
“Excuse me for wanting polished nails for these interviews. I just happen to chip them a lot. And if you don’t like the smell, go back to your own room. Stop always hanging out in mine.”
“But then how would I get to see you?” He asked with his stupid charming smile.
“What are you talking about?” You laughed. “We literally spend all day together in these interviews. Isn’t that enough for you?”
“With you, darling, there’s never enough time together.” He said with a sarcastic suaveness.
“Shut up.” You laughed again and looked down at your lap so he couldn’t see how that made you blush. He saw it anyway since he couldn’t never seem to take his eyes off you.
The next day, your relationship with Tom was heavy on your mind as you sat in your glam chair. You were spaced out all during hair and makeup as you thought about the possibility of becoming more than friends. You were more than ready to see him but when you walked into the press junket room, you only saw two chairs and Jacob occupying one of them.
“Oh. We’re paired together today?” You asked without realizing how disappointed you sounded.
“I’m sorry. I know you’d rather be with your boyfriend.” Jacob chuckled. You playfully rolled your eyes at him and hugged him hello.
“He’s not my boyfriend. But I do miss him.” You admitted as you sat in your chair.
“You know nobody believes that, right? You guys are clearly together.” Jacob snorted.
“We’re really not. I know how it looks but we’re just friends.” You insisted.
“Come on. There’s no way you two haven’t made out or something.”
“Maybe we have, maybe we have.” You shrugged, making Jacob gasp.
“Oh my God. I knew it. He wouldn’t admit it but I knew you two were hooking up.” He clapped his hands.
“We’re actually not.” You laughed. “It’s just funny to see people fight for their lives to prove that we’re together. I like to feed the flame sometimes with these interviews. You know, keep them all on their toes.”
“Really? Because I could’ve sworn you two were hooking up on set. You were always sneaking off together and no one could find you.”
“That’s just because we liked to spend time together. But we would never hook up. If we ever get together, it’s gonna be the real thing. I’m talking marriage and kids and a picket fence. And whatever the British equivalent of the American Dream is. Beans and toast maybe? I don’t know. But definitely not a hook up.”
“So what’s stopping you guys from being in a relationship now? You like him, don’t you? Why not just date?” Jacob wondered.
“I don’t know. We’ve gotten really close the past few months. I know we tease each other a lot, but I’ve never had that kind of banter with anybody. Talking with him and going back and forth is the best at part of my day. And of course I like him, but what if I say something but he doesn’t feel the same? That’ll make our friendship super awkward and don’t forget- we signed on for another movie. I don’t want to make things weird by suggesting we go out.”
“Oh my God.” Jacob laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“What?” You wondered.
“You can’t be this oblivious. Why do you think he’s always starting fights with you?”
“Because he’s irritating?”
“Well, yes. But also because he’s crazy about you.”
“What? No he’s not.” You scoffed. “He just likes to push my buttons.”
“Y/n, seriously, I’m telling you-“
Before Jacob could finish his sentence, the interviewer walked in with the camera crew. You and Jacob quickly dropped the conversation and turned to shake the interviewers hand. Your interview began and you had to force yourself to listen instead of thinking about what Jacob was about to say before he was interrupted.
Later that day, you went back to your hotel room and collapsed on your bed. It had been a long, long day of press and you weren’t with Tom for any of it. You saw him briefly at lunch but barely got a word in before getting shuffled to the next interview. You had just kicked your shoes off when there was a hasty knock at your door. You groaned and went over to it before opening it up.
“What?” You whined like a little kid. Tom put his hands on his waist and pushed you into the room before shutting the door behind him.
“If you’re gonna stay here I’m warning you right now that I chipped my thumb and I’m two seconds away from pulling out my nail polish-“
“I heard what you said.” He blurted to cut you off.
“Um, can you be more a little more specific?” You laughed. “You know I try to talk to you as little as possible.”
“Can we be serious for one minute?” Tom said hastily. You frowned in confusion but nodded your head and sat down. You’d never heard him sound so serious before so you dropped your usual mocking banter. You patted the spot next to you and he nervously sat down.
“What’s up?” You asked him. Tom scratched the back of his head before nervously cracking his knuckles.
“I just gotta talk to you about something.”
“Tom, you’re freaking me out. What’s going on?” You asked and put a hand on his back. He took a deep breath and looked at you.
“I heard you when you were talking to Jacob. I was walking by and I heard my name so I stopped and I listened.” He admitted.
“Oh, shit. You heard all that?” You grimaced. Tom was unphased and kept looking into your eyes.
“Did you mean what you said? Do you really think we’re gonna do the real thing one day? House and kids and-“
“-And beans and toast.” You cut in.
“Yeah. And that.” He chuckled softly. “Did you mean all that? Do you really see a future with us?”
“I mean, I did before I found out you were an eavesdropper.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“Are you kidding me? I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you for once in our lives but you can’t be serious for one minute.” Tom huffed and sat on the bed next to you.
“This is who is am.” You shrugged. “You came to the silly lake and you found a silly goose. I don’t know what to tell you.”
Tom let out a dry laugh before looking at you. You looked into his eyes and saw that for once, he looked completely serious. You frowned at the unexpected candor in his eyes and gave him your full attention.
“Tell me you want me.” He said. “As much as I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”
“You do?” You asked doubtfully.
“Why do you think I invited you to watch all those movies with me? Or hang out in your hotel room every night? I want to be around you all the time. I just didn’t know how to say that since we’re never…” He trailed off as he searched for the right word.
“Serious.” You finished his sentence for him with a knowing smile.
“Exactly. I love joking around with you. I love how much you challenge me to come up with a better insult. I even love being teased for my nationality. But I also love when we just get to talk. I love to hear your perspective on things. I just like being near you.”
“Is this a practical joke?” You asked skeptically.
“Bitch, do I look like four lifelong best friends who compete to embarrass each other to you?” Tom sassed you. You gave him a warning look and he mumbled an apology.
“So you’re telling me you actually like me? For my personality?” You asked him.
“No, darling. I like you in spite of your terrible, garbage personality.” Tom teased you. You rolled your eyes at him but found yourself leaning in closer.
“I hate you.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I hate you too. See how much we can agree on?” Tom replied and smoothly put his arm around you. You looked over at the arm that was on your shoulders as you thought about what he was saying.
“You do realize if you were my boyfriend, we’d be fighting all the time.” You pointed out.
“We do that anyway.” He shrugged. “Why not throw some kissing and domestic partnership in there?”
“Oh, so I was right? You do want to kiss me, huh?” You raised your eyebrows as you teased him.
“Well, I have lips, you have lips, why not put them to use?”
“You have lips?” You pretended to gasp. “Where have you been hiding them this whole time?”
“Oh my God. You are such a little-“
You cut him off by cupping his face and pulling him into a kiss. He insulted left his head immediately as he wrapped his arms around you to kiss you back.
“I want you too.” You told him once you pulled away. He smiled in surprise and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Even though we can’t agree on anything?” He joked.
“Even though your hairline is receding, yes.” You replied.
“That wasn’t what I-“
“Shh.” You hushed him and kissed him again. “Don’t ruin the moment.”
Tag List 🏷️
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of-elitiism · 1 year
“my knuckles were bruised.” - for terry!
𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ( 𝟑 𝐚𝐦 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ) - accepting
"...Yup, i can see that--" she comments as she's looking with scrutiny at his hands. But it's the good kind of scrutiny, the kind that silently screams stuff like 'i care for you' and 'i don't like seeing you hurt like this' and all the other cheesy stuff she can't properly expressed because of her pretty narrow vocabulary when it comes to this sort of thing. Still, her thin, feeble hands do carefully take one of his in their grasp, gently handing his digits as she caresser over older and newer scars alike. And, of course, the said bruises on his knuckles. She doesn't know much about fighting, but there's this eerie sentiment in her gut that screams 'he got those from punching someone or something' in ears. But she didn't address it directly, instead she tilted her head back to look at him confidently as she spoke back.
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"Righty soooo how 'bout we get ya cleaned up a bit with some warm water 'n' soap first. And then imma get ya a real good hand massage. I got this cream with like aloe vera and stuff in it on clearance--- it's supposed t'be super good for dry skin but--- hehehe, it can prolly help with the redness to a lil'bit, eh?" there's a light cheer to her tone as she slowly starts dragging him after her to the bathroom to follow up on her plans. But her cheer is a bit simulated as a keen person would've picked on the small worried inflexions of her voice and the way her eyes avoided him while she spoke.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. oatmeal with saltine cracker eater lefty eyebag 😅
Sorry I fell asleep early last night because of the headache. I still have it, I think it's because of my eyes. Not sure. But I am hating every minute of it.
How are you today?
Yes of course I read it! But it wasn't too dark. I enjoyed it. I have a few questions though. Since Nat has been gone for 2 months, why hasn't there been any fliers of her missing? Or when Dreykov was brought in, why didn't he ask why she was gone from work for such a long time?
Same, I wish they kept Love longer. I really liked their dynamic together. Even though it's toxic, but I like her character. Hm that's interesting, so Joe, Love and Joker.. that's a very interesting mix of characters combined.
No, I just ride the bus or Uber. When it is summer time, I usually bike.
Ah yeah overthinking sucks. It creates trouble thats not even there in the first place hahaha
So do you give second chances to people who have hurt you in the past? Or after the initial disappointment, you stop all contact and move on?
Same for PDA, I don't mind holding hands in public and the occasional hugging and all that. But if they act crazy and it makes me uncomfortable and others, then I can't lol
Hahaha I love that you add not the cereal at the end! You're corny!
Hello darling righty eyebag!
how r u feeling now? i'm sorry u hv another headache. yeah i think it's because u havent wear glasses the last few days right? when the glasses will be ready?
i'm okay.. not much..
oh yayy! i'm glad u enjoyed it! oh u r a reader who pays attention to detail pretty good! I love it. about the flier n stuff, it will be in future part,n i cant tell u which one. For Dreykov, i picture him as that pervert man who only care about himself n doesnt care about women more than just sexual object,n he is a selfish man. Plus R brought him home after dragging him on the road with her car and he is all bruised up n wounded, in pain, confussion, and fear for his life. So when he saw R talks to Nat, he instantly thinks that she knows R, n of course all he thinks at that moment if Nat can make R stop torturing him and he wouldnt care when Nat has been or why she hasnt come to work for few months. all he cared about was his life n to get out of there alive. I hope it makes sense?
Yeah i love Love too. She is pretty but so compulsive. haha. Sometimes I think she is worse than Joe haha but i feel bad for her. After what she did for Joe, n he cheats on her. I wish the same, i wish they didnt kill her character that fast.
Ah i see, okay. I'm like that when I was in indonesia. mostly use uber, taxi or motorcycle taxi. I didnt drive there.
About second chances, It depends on the situation. Even though if I give them second chance, I will not be the same person to them. It will be hard for me to be as warm n caring as before. I cut some ties to some people before. When it comes to toxic people, I will not hesitate to cut them out. I would cut ties with my ex gf if it wasnt because the promise i made to her. I promised her that we'll stay friends no matter what. N i always keep my promise so it's kinda hard for me no matter how much I want her out of my life.. so thats why i dont talk much to her like before but still sometimes reply when she messaged me.
Haha yeah, i like PDA but not a public soft porn one. 🤣🤣🤣 people dont wanna see that.
Haha i can b corny sometimes. Oh by the way, i learned it from u a bit.lol 🤣
Next question?
Cheerio! (Not the cereal one) 😅
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cheesagirl · 2 years
Vinny X Fem;Reader Part 2
Scenario: Vinny just recently got home, he isn't taking his temporary condition well and the reader is trying her best to reassure him..
Warning: Angst, cussing, sorta gory, I tried to avoid too descriptive. Mention of bile.
Includes: Soft Vinny
Word count: 794
Shoutout to: @amm22sblog
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"I feel like a metal detector." You boyfriend groans. You grab his hand, bringing it to your lips.
"Babe, it'll be okay." You reassure him.
"I can't even hold you Y/N. God damn it I can't protect you!" He says, anger in his tone. "I can't box." he pauses. "I can barely fucking feed myself."
"Vinny, it's okay, things will get better over time. You just have to he patient." You say softly."Well it's taking an awfully long fucking time." He snaps back. "I don't even know why I have to have this dam-"
"Vinny. Stop." You say sternly. Slamming your hands onto the dinner table. "I understand your hurting, but fuck Vin, I'm also hurting." You pause, trying to swallow your tears. "You think I enjoy sleeping alone at night?" you ask, voice weak. "You think I enjoy watching you lose yourself?" you add. "Well I fucking don't Vinny."
He stayed silent for a minute. "Baby, I'm sorry." You sigh, sniffling a little bit.
"Don't be sorry Vin. Just try to be patient. I know its hard, I know, but please. for me." You plead.
"I will baby. I will." He states. "Metal heads, right?" He adds, causing you to laugh.
"Yeah, metal heads."
"Those 7th grade braces count for something baby." He chuckles, moving his body to look at you.
You give him a bright smile. You point at your teeth. "They also gave me straight teeth." You say.
He let's out another laugh. This moment right here, showed both you and Vinny, that things would get better. Maybe not in a week or a month but they would get better and that's all that mattered
Today was the day, Vinny was getting his halo taken out. He asked you to stay, so here you were, his hand gripped yours, you could feel him shaking. Your heart ached seeing Vinny so nervous over something.
"Vinny. Are you sure you don't want any sedatives?" The doctor asked.
"Doc, I've never taken any kind of drug in my life and I don't plan to now." Vinny says determined. You sigh, you've already tried to convince him, he wouldn't even listen to you.
"Okay then, let's start." The doctors says, picking up a screwdriver. You wince, knowing what's about to happen. You looked down at your feet, trying to avoid looking at what the doctor was about to do.
You could tell the doctor had started when Vinny squeezed your hand painfully hard. "Fuck, doc you are turning it the wrong way!" He yells.
"I can assure you, I'm going the right way Vinny, you still don't want any sedatives?" He asked warily.
"No, no, keep going doc, I'm fine." Vinny says, waving him off.
The doctor started for only a second when Vinny jolts forward. "Lefite loosey, righty tighty, doc." Vin hisses out. You close your eyes, taking your free hand to pinch the bridge of your nose, having some trouble holding back the bile that was coming up your throat.
"Thanks for the info Vinny." The doctor says, continuing the process.
Vin lets out loud grunts of pain, his hand still squeezing yours tightly, but you could tell he wasn't putting all of his strength into your hand, as his other hand broke the arm of the chair. "It's okay Vinny." You say, kissing his hand. "Just a little more." You add.
You continue to say encouraging words until the doctor finally finished up. Vinny sighed in relief, letting go of your hand. You looked down, your hand was purple from how hard he had squeezed it.
The doctor had you step out of the room, so you sat patiently in the waiting room. Finally the door opened and there he was. Vinny walked out, he had a neck brace on but you didn't care. He stood in the sweater that you had packed him. You laughed, standing up quickly and rushing over to him. "Look at you!!!" You exclaim happily, jumping up and down a little. "Can I hug you?" You ask eagerly.
He chuckles, "Of course baby, not like you are anywhere near my neck when we hug." He teases. You gasp at the attack on your height. Huffing, but leaning into him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
You hear him sigh contently, his hand moves up and pushed your head closer to his chest. "I missed this. So much" He says, brushing his hand through your hair. You hum in agreement, taking in his scent. When you pull back, you look up at him only to be met with a large grin.
"Shall we kind lad?" You ask in a goofy voice.
"We shall my lady." He says, holding out his arm for you to put your hands arm through. This was the better side of things, and the both of you couldn't be happier.
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zarara · 3 years
something else?
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pairings: dense!diluc x traveler!reader, a little kaeya x reader moment plot: read it and find out (pls my brain is laggy but one day i will write a summary) genre: fluff, angst perhaps note: i am apparently capable of writing fairly straightforward stories
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if there was anything in the world you would pay to have an endless supply of, it would have to be tea… though the idea of infinite mora sounded as interesting, you were sure your talents in combat would make sure you didn’t find yourself broke or clueless like zhongli.
it’s just that tea was perfect — coffee was a close contender but the bitter aftertaste always found you having to pile it up with more sugar than healthy. tea also had no aftermath on your already deranged sleep schedule. it tasted sweet but rich, it was efficient, and it was warm.
you usually enjoyed your daily cup of tea in the solitude of your chambers but today you were making an exception because kaeya, your superior and over-the-top flirt of a friend, insisted you take your evening snack with him at the tavern.
“there isn’t even a snack provision at the tavern! it’s a tavern for archon’s sake!” kaeya is great at ignoring your complaints as he pulls you into the seat next to him.
“i asked sara to bring some honey roast over for us,” kaeya winks at the young man handling the counter in lieu of an order and you hurriedly pipe up a “tea for me please!”
“now, would you please stop your whining, you baby?”
your mouth drops open, “i’m the baby? you were the one begging to take me to drinks instead of helping me finish that pack of hilichurls!”
“i did mention that i got rid of that abyss mage for you when you weren’t looking.”
“i don’t understand you, kaeya,” you take hold of the cup that the man behind the counter sets down, “but anyway, what is it you want from me?”
kaeya smirks over his glass of dandelion wine, “ah, quite straightforward, aren’t we?”
you kick his shin ungently, “let me ask again: what do you want?”
kaeya takes a sip and becomes uncharacteristically quiet. in fact, he doesn’t even comment when you keep staring at him.
before you can continue to investigate what’s up with him, you hear a familiar voice behind your shoulder.
“well, what have we here?”
“diluc!” the red haired man takes place of the young man who looks relieved to not have to bear witness as a bartender.
“hello, y/n, how do you do?”
you smile, the warmth in diluc’s voice going unmissed, “i’m just fine, although a certain someone has taken it upon themselves to ruin my ritual of tea and silence.”
kaeya props a hand around your shoulders, “i’m just repaying you for getting rid of all those gnarly hilichurls.”
whatever was bothering kaeya a moment ago seems to have disappeared, especially in the presence of his arch rival, diluc.
diluc calmly reaches over to lift kaeya’s hand off your shoulder as if it’s the corpse of a slime he’s picking up and hurls it away. “please, kaeya, i thought you didn’t pursue women who’d clearly expressed their lack of interest.”
“and i thought you were too superior to everyone else to stick your nose in their business.”
“well,” you butt in before the two can actually slit each other’s throats, “i thought it was reasonable to agree to work under jean but i guess we all have things we’re wrong about, don’t we?”
diluc’s expression dampens into something like sadness when you mention your overworked state but you brush it off by chugging the rest of your tea. “oh, before i forget,” you rummage through your meagre backpack before removing a package, handing it over to kaeya, “this is for you.”
kaeya looks perplexed, looking between you and diluc, and slowly places a hand on the package, “for me?”
“a client painted the scenery from luhua for me because i found his paintbrushes and supplies, and i know you like your souvenirs, so you can have it.”
“....” kaeya is still speechless and diluc has you pinned with a look of suspicion.
“but why would give it to him?”
“because i go to luhua way too often already and i know kaeya is usually stuck around monstadt so…”
“that’s incredibly sweet of you, my love,” kaeya regains his senses and as you stand up to leave, he pulls you into a hug.
“you’re welcome, boss,” you smile as you pull away, “anyway, i must be on my way.”
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“do you think the traveller is with someone?”
maids at dawn winery sure do love to gossip.
“with her looks and strength, for sure! my bets are on master diluc.”
okay, look, you didn’t meant to eavesdrop on them but they were right there when you came out of the washroom. you were going to walk out and pretend like you hadn’t heard them but hearing diluc’s name shook you.
“no,, what about mr kaeya? i heard they hang out after long, tiring quests all the time.”
“but she and master diluc love to discuss-”
all righty, time to evacuate.
you manage to keep a poker face as you throw the door open in their faces and stride past them, making your way to the room with diluc.
you quickly dash in, closing the door behind you. you knOW your face is flushed so you turn away from diluc.
diluc frowns. that’s weird. why are you hiding from him?
he rises from his chair, “y/n? is everything okay? are you hurt?”
“y-yeah, i’m just embarrassed.”
you feel yourself being turned around by two big hands on your elbows.
diluc’s concerned eyes meet yours and you almost melt into a puddle of slimy plasma because he’s so hot even though he’s just worried.
“you’re red. why are you red?”
“...i’m fine.”
as if he’s aware of your flustered state, he moves closer to your face in order to look into your eyes which makes a new batch of blood flow to your face.
“y/n, you need to tell me what’s wrong. is it a fever? i can call—”
“nO! it’s nothing. just—!” you break away from his (very intense) hold and move away into the room for fresh air. “stupid me.”
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“no way, she did not!”
diluc is immensely frustrated with venti. he has the most unusual reactions to everything diluc says and usually he doesn’t give a shit, but this is about you and your weird state yesterday, so yES he gives a shit!! >:-(
“yes, she did. i’m telling you she did. why are you—”
“oh, i heard you, i just can’t believe that the calm and strong little traveler would lose her cool and around you of all people!”
“heY, what do you mean? i’m perfectly fine as a person to lose one’s cool around.”
yep, diluc has no idea what he’s saying.
it’s just
he thinks the world of you
he really, really likes spending time with you (even when you guys are just talking about the fatui’s next move! or how you found new cool ways to take down an abyss mage!)
you’re so sweet and you don’t take his words for what they’re not. you’re not taken aback by his bluntness and you’re able to make him laugh.
what more does he need in life
well, apparently, venti because he has no idea what to do after you suddenly left the dawn winery that day.
“you’re really worried, huh?”
“was that not crystal clear by now? i came all the way to windrise to talk to you!”
venti chuckles his annoying chuckle
“okay, okay, i’ll help you,” diluc sighs as he waits venti to go on, “here’s what i think: she likes you back.”
diluc.exe has stopped working
man just blanks out
short-circuits, fireworks, malfunction — you name it.
“what do you mean, no?”
“first of all, why did you say ‘likes you back’? i- i don’t like her or anything. and secondly, no, she does not like me.”
“i’m going to pretend like i didn’t even hear the first part. about the second thing, here’s a question for you: why?”
“because she likes kaeya!”
venti pauses, “i was not aware there was another contender. diluc, you bastard, tell me all the details next time.”
“does this mean she just hates my guts?”
“no, it just means she may or may not like you. back.”
“i told you—!” venti stands up breaking off diluc’s sentence midway, brushing grass off his palms.
“take her to dinner or something tonight and ask her.”
“ask her? ask her what— wait, where are you going, you stupid bard— ASK HER WHAT?”
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life is hard for a traveller
you’ve just managed to finish delivering grilled fish to a jack who wants become more manly when katheryne sets you thREE more commissions saying there was a crazy influx of requests suddenly.
you barely manage to uproot two hilichurl camps, and by the third quest, you’re quite dead inside. if only some rogue eye of the storm wasn’t terrorizing civilians.
you’ve gotten in a hit or two in when you skip over a stone and fall right on your face
ouch shit
that hurt
you manage to twist around and keep the eye away with a half-earnest windblade attack and try to sit up.
damn it, is this the pitiful way you die? dammit, you at least wanted to drink your evening tea—
a flash of fiery thunder catches your attention
is that…?
“y/n! stay where you are!”
yup, it’s diluc in all his dark knight hero glory. he finishes off the stupid green eyeball in less than three fire-charged strikes.
you sigh in relief, falling back against the grass.
“hey, hey, hey,” diluc enters your field of vision, red strands falling into his face as he leans down to cradle your head in his lean arms, “where did you injure yourself?”
you tremble a little as you try to lift your foot, “a-ah, my right foot. i twisted my ankle probably. thanks for fi—”
“shh-shh, you’ll have plenty of time to thank me. come on, can you sit up?”
you grab his wrist and prop yourself against his chest so that you’re practically in his lap.
“that’s great, let me take a look at—”
“mhm!! don’t move. please,” you can feel diluc’s breathing tense behind you as you lean into him, “i think the eye hit me while i was down- my neck— ah, fuck—” your hand comes away from your nape soaked in red, “it’s bleeding.”
“it’s all right, you’ll be just fine. just get comfortable and i’m going to lift you up. think you can manage?”
you nod as one of diluc’s hands comes to rest under your knees, folding them and the other tenderly embraces your upper back.
“tell me if it hurts too much.”
he heaves the both of you up and the shock stings your exposed neck a little but you’ll survive.
everything is beginning to become blurry so you lift your hand to feel diluc and meet his chest. despite everything, you smile, aware he’s speaking because you can feel him vibrating but the words are all mushed up and you can feel yourself slipping away.
even though usually you would panic at feeling your consciousness fading but right now, it’s okay because it’s diluc who’s holding you and you know it’s him because just before the black collapses on you, you hear him.
“you’re fine, kitten.”
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“—up! y/n, it’s me.”
mhhm, what a sweet voice. so soft and melodious.
“y/n, i can see you smiling in your sleep,” the voice comes closer, “come on, everyone’s really worried.”
the world materializes in front of you as you fight against the closing of your heavy eyelids. “barbara?”
“y/n! you’re alive!”
“i am?”
why would you not be alive?
the eye
stupid thing
wait a minute,.,.,.
you remember diluc saving your arse.
oh righT
that’s because he did!
he was holding you?
you were in his lap????????
wait a minute!! that sounds wrong
“am i dreaming?”
“really, of all the people you know, do you really see yourself dreaming of me, traveller? last time i saw you, you wanted to steal the holy lyre from—”
holy shit
that’s the voice of your saviour
stop the clock
you’re not ready to meet him!!!!!!!
“ah, it’s master diluc! he was so worried about you the whole time you were dead— i mean, asleep,” you redden as the tall man appears in front of you, “kaeya had to force him to leave and get some food but—”
“ahem!” diluc cuts barbara off with a strong clearing of his throat and she throws him a look before standing up from your side.
“i guess i’ll leave you two alone then!”
“wait, barbara, you should stay—”
and she’s gone.
you slowly look up to face diluc
“how are you feeling?”
“much better,” he sits next to you and you smile, “thanks to you.”
diluc frowns as if remembering something unpleasant, “i really wish you wouldn’t just bear all the load.”
“you found out from…”
“kaeya mentioned he hadn’t seen you around the town square as he usually does and when i went to speak with katheryne, she said she’d had no choice but to send you off on extra commissions.”
you look down, “i’m sorry. i wanted to ask someone to come along but everyone seemed busy and—”
“you never checked up on me though,” you bite your lip, “i would have known.”
“that’s- that’s because you’re always busy, what with the winery and your dark knight—”
“y/n,” you stop speaking with a pout and diluc raises your chin with his finger, “promise me you’ll tell someone next time things get so overwhelming. tell me, i’m never going to be occupied enough to not help you out.”
you blush agaiN
stupid kind diluc
“thanks, diluc.”
“and you can stop feeling sorry for me.”
when you look at diluc he looks he’s just caught you red-handed.
“i wanted to help you,” you nod, “what’s more, i think i quite enjoyed it.”
“enjoyed. . . carrying an injured woman to safety? you might have a saviour complex, diluc. or perhaps, some sort of a kink.”
you expect diluc to lash back with a defensive retort but to your absolute and complete surprise, he smirks.
the man smiRKS
he’s all ;)
“oh? i won’t deny that,” your stomach suddenly feels queasy all over again as diluc inches closer (and you’re wondering in your head WHEN DID SATAN, OR WORSE KAEYA, POSSESS THIS MAN?!), “but while we’re on the topic of kinks and enjoying ourselves, you seemed to quite like sitting in my lap.”
“diluc!” your exclamation is one of disbelief because you cannot believe that diluc, the man who has never once made an inappropriate joke around you, is openly accepting that he has a kink and is accusing you of having one.
“what? am i wrong? when i tried to move, you stopped me immediately.”
“y-yeah, i did, but—” you’re trying with all your heart to defend your actions but diluc has managed to come close enough to tap his fingers against your outstretched knee. “it was— you were warm and my neCK was bleeding. was i supposed to just die out there?”
“i suppose you’re right, i am warm.”
you seemed to have dodged a disaster because diluc is distracted by the cuts on your knee and the bandage around your ankle. his slender finger dance down your shin to touch the fabric of the white material tied tightly and he gently holds it.
“does it still hurt?”
“i don’t know, i haven’t tried walking.”
“do you wanna?”
you nod eagerly and diluc offers his hand but before you can be tempted into taking it, you cross your arms.
“why should i hold your hand?”
“because we need to first test if you can even walk without help.” diluc looks confused and you decide that whatever demon possessed him moments ago is long gone.
“correct answer,” you take his hand, and slowly stand up.
“hmm,” your right foot hurts a little but it’s better than you imagined. you tell diluc that.
“that’s a relief,” you reach the door of the empty cathedral and diluc puts his hand on the door, “would you like to take a walk?”
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“is diluc around?”
“ah, he said he’ll be back in five. he’s personally delivering some paperwork to the acting headmaster.”
“alright, thanks!”
you’re excited!! it’s friday and today, you and diluc are going aLL the way to liyue to get dinner and stargaze as a post-dinner activity. diluc said he was friends with xiangling who’d always wanted him to come and try her dishes out sometime and he’d asked you earlier if you’d be interested to join him.
of course you were. it sounded like a date! in fact by the way you had spent all afternoon choosing the deep maroon skirt and contrasting white blouse, you were convinced to view it as a date.
“y/n, i apologize to have kept you waiting,” a breathless (and dashing) diluc appears by your side and you smile.
“no problem, diluc, i heard you were doing some important work.”
the both of you leave the tavern, “not exactly important, but let’s just say that while i may not be interested in the knights of favonius, i do value my life somewhat.”
“jean’s scares you, too, huh,” you laugh.
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it’s not like diluc is realizing this for the first time but: you’re beautiful
like yeah, you have great hair and dazzling eyes that are bright when you’re happy and a dangerous smile but in the night, in this ethereal lighting, you’re taking his breath away.
“this place looks so fancy,” you’re seated across from him as you play with the ends of your hair. “when i come to this inn, i usually remain on the periphery but wow, this is quite impressive.”
“well, xiangling did say she got pretty famous as a cook around here.” diluc feels dazed especially since half his attention is occupied by how adorable you look.
the night progresses like this; diluc captivated by your blinding beauty and you trying to wrap your head around the fact that you’re on a daTE with diluc.
“oh, hey, look, it’s a silk flower!” you run over to the short, maroon plant, plucking a few flowers out, “xingqiu was telling me how much he loves these.”
he kneels next to you, smiling, “they are quite the pleasant plants.”
“they sorta remind me of you.”
diluc touches the stem as you play around with the buds, “yes. for starters, you’re both red. and you both smell nice. you make wine, these make clothes. and if you think about it, wine is the silk of alcohol.”
his fingers collide against yours in the quaint flower, “that’s an intriguing comparison. wine and silk. . .” before you can pull away, diluc takes hold of your hand, pulling you up after him.
he can feel you stiffen a little and then mold back into place, your tiny hand squeezing against his bigger one. the road has become quieter as you travel further from the inn, and more stars start to peek out from the sky.
“thank you for taking me out to dinner, diluc.”
“thank you for having dinner with me, y/n.”
you suddenly giggle a little as if remembering a memory. “what’s funny?”
you look at him and then back down, biting down on your lip — a terrible habit really but especially terrible right now, because it only draws his attention to the soft pink lips he was trying not to look at the whole night (which was made even harder when xiangling decided to serve you the spicier dishes).
“that time you saved me from the eye, you called me something right before i fainted.”
diluc smiles fondly, “kitten?” he is pleasantly surprised when you giggle again, cheeks tinting the loveliest pink. “what’s this? could it be you enjoy being called kitten?”
you squeeze his hand slightly, “maybe…”
diluc’s heart almost gives out on spot
he’s sO whipped for you it hurts physically
before he can say anything else, you pull him ahead with you because well,,,, you’re embarrassed
“come on, we should go stargaze before it gets too late.”
diluc smiles and allows you to drag him to the clearing at the edge of a cliff.
“i remembered this cliff from one of my adventures,” you plop down onto the grass and hesitantly, diluc follows
“hmm, it’s very peaceful here. i’m going to have to note this down as one of my future hideouts.”
you grin, “don’t reveal that to me. i might end up following you here and you won’t have any of your good ole introspection time.”
your tone is teasing but for once, diluc feels that his needs for alone time are being acknowledged by your light-hearted threat. he shifts closer, heart on the verge of bursting.
“i like you, y/n,” it comes right out of his mouth, clear and loud, the way diluc always dreamed of confessing but never managed to nail during his endless practices
you, on the other hand, are at the risk of a heart attack. you don’t want to pretend to be clueless and dense — diluc did ask you out for dinner when he could be spending the evening doing something more intellectually enriching — but at the same time, you feel like you can’t be sure enough
because it’s diluc!! he’s so complicated, he has so many layers
“you like me?” you keep your gazed fixed on the stars above just so you can mask your disappointment in case he clarifies that he likes you but, of course, as a friend who easily gets in trouble and happens to be around his tavern all the time
but inside diluc’s head are alarms. literal ALARMS. red, blaring alarms.
“i- you have no obligation to accept my feelings or give me answer but i’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now. i really like you in a way i didn’t think possible. you’re so kind and funny and you make profound judgements about people, without being swayed by the biases that surround them and you’re so brave. but i know you have many men courting you and you did seem to have a soft spot for kaeya so this is—”
“i like you, too, diluc.”
diluc.exe has stopped working part 2 the finale
no more brain cells for him
“you’re being honest?”
“of course i am. i’ve liked you ever since you took down that abyss mage with me. i don’t know how i’m expected to not fall for the dark knight hero.”
despite his dislike for the nickname, diluc blushes and you laugh at his small adorable smile
but the next moment it’s as if a switch has been flipped and suddenly his flustered face turns into a look of lust
his hands are on your waist, pulling you close until you can feel his hot breath against your lips
your hand comes up his face, tenderly cupping it and your lips crash
diluc groans against your lips when your other hand gingerly finds his hair and to say the least, you are extremely attracted to the sound of him groaning, low and deep
“come closer,” your plea is almost petulant as your grip on his hair tightens. diluc lifts you into his lap, arms around you
but he suddenly pulls away and it kills him to do so because you are a sight to behold, lips redder than ever, mouth half open, and breath heavy
“what in the fuck—” your dismay is clear as you frown at the concerned expression on diluc’s face, “hey, what’s wrong? did i—”
“why did you give kaeya that gift?”
for a moment you think you must be dreaming because it would be absolutely ridiculous if the man stopped your make-out session just to ask you—
“i mean, why not… me?” diluc’s voice has become small, gaze averted as if he’s scared he messed up
you sigh, bringing both your hands to cup his face, squishing his cheeks slightly to make him look at you
“listen, diluc, i have no feelings for kaeya. he’s just one of my nicer superiors and i wanted to thank him for being understanding. and i meant what i said that day — it genuinely reminded me of how he’s stuck around the favonius headquarters.”
diluc processes what you have to say and then, after a few silent beats:
“he’s only nice to you because he’s into you.”
“diluc, will you please just make out with me?”
you pull him back into a kiss and this time, he returns with more passion, one hand boldly cupping your ass and you can’t help but shiver at the sensation of his warm hand
you begin to reach under his shirt when you realize something
“wait, diluc,” you sit up, twisting to look up at the sky, “we were supposed to stargaze. you seemed so excited about it, you even called it the post-dinner activity.”
diluc caresses your arm as he slowly restores the distance between you, eyes on your lips.
he whispers against the nape of your neck, “i’m sure we can think of another post-dinner activity,” his fingers graze your stomach, “right, kitten?”
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Love and Medicine ~ 1
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Word Count: 2,300ish
Summary: You begin your intern year at Avengers Medical Center
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You let out a little groan as you turned around. You immediately knew you were naked as the cold wood floor sent chills down your bare body. Slowly opening your eyes, you took in your surroundings. You were home, in the house you had just inherited, boxes still pilled high around the living room you were laying in. Suddenly, someone else groaned beside you. You teased, clenching your eyes shut. The headache you had been ignoring since you woke finally broke free and you realized that your late night drunkenness must have caused you to bring a guy home.
You let out a long breath as you reopened your eyes and looked over at the hopefully-still-asleep man beside you. He wasn’t bad looking at all. You had really done well. He was blonde with a chiseled body. He had to have been at least six foot, which didn’t hurt. He was naked though, all out in the open on your living room floor. Cringing, you sat up, pulling one blanket from the couch to quickly cover yourself before standing and pulling one over him. You stood up silently, and began making your way out of the room. It was your first day of your intern year as a doctor, you couldn’t afford to be late.
You successfully made it to the doorway of the living room without a sound before the floorboard beneath you creaked. You should there, frozen, closing your eyes in hopes that the man sleeping behind you wouldn’t wake. You could hear him turn over, letting a small moan out of his mouth. Waiting a few more seconds, you started going again.
“You know…” the man started, clearly in his morning voice, “it’s usually rude to disappear on someone after spending a night with them.”
You quickly spun around to see him, still laying on his stomach, looking up at you with a sly grin.
“Well,” you cleared your throat, “it’s my house, so it’s not that rude.”
He stood up, not grabbing the blanket as quick as he should have, letting you have another look at him. When you met his eyes again, it was clear that you had been caught staring and that he was enjoying it.
“Why the rush to silently get out of here?” He asked, tucking the blanket around his waist. “Have a husband or a boyfriend you have to hurry and get ready for?”
“Neither,” you responded, tightening your hold on the blanket covering you. “I’m running late for my first day of work. So, if we’re done here, you should go.”
“We don’t have to be done here.”
“I think we do.” You kicked up his shirt, grabbing it, and throwing him at it. “You need to go.” He caught his shirt, slipping it on slowly over his clear cut abs. “So, um, goodbye… um…”
“Steve,” he reached his hand out.
“Steve. Right,” you shook his hand. “Y/N.”
“Y/N.” He smiled. It almost took your breath away, but you couldn’t let it show.
“Nice meeting you.”
“Yeah. Bye, Steve.”
You fled up the stairs, hoping that by the time you were done getting ready, Steve would be gone.
You made it to the Avengers Medical Center just in time to meet up with the other interns in your year. The Chief of Surgery, Dr. Nicholas J. Fury, was leading a small tour to the ORs. He started talking as the interns took in the OR.
“Each of you comes here hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors,” Fury stated. “The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you.”
He then told each of the interns which resident they were assigned to. You got Dr. Gamora. All of the interns were then taken to the locker room, where each of you were assigned a locker and given scrubs to change into and start your long day.
“Only ten women out of thirty,” you muttered as you slipped your scrubs on.
“Yeah,” the woman with fiery red hair next to you responded. “I heard that one of them was a model. Seriously, like that’s going to help with the respect thing?”
“You’re Natasha, right?”
She nodded. “You’re Y/N?”
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Which resident did you get assigned to? I got Gamora.”
“Me too.”
“You got Gamora?” A male intern repeated beside you. “So did I. At least we’ll all be tortured together, right? I’m Clint Barton, uh, we met at the mixer. You had a dress with a slit up the side, those shiny heels…” You and Natasha exchanged looks. “Now you think I’m gay.”
“Uh-huh,” Natasha hummed, heading out the door.
“No, I’m not gay! It’s, ah, it’s just that, you know, you were, I mean… You were very unforgettable,” Clint rambled as you both followed after Natasha. You shot him a sympathetic smile before hurrying to catch up with Natasha. “And I’m totally forgettable.”
“Barton, L/N, Romanoff, Valkyrie, Lang,” a doctor called at the door way.
“Gamora?” Natasha questioned that doctor that called you.
“End of the hall.”
The five of you that were called began walking. At the end of the hall, you saw a pretty woman working on paperwork. She didn’t look as threatening as you had heard she was.
“That’s Dr. Gamora?” Natasha wondered.
“From what I heard, I thought she’d look scarier,” the other male in your group of five said. You guessed it was Scott Lang.
“Yeah,” Clint agreed. “I thought she’d be… well, bigger.”
“Same,” you added.
“Maybe it’s professional jealousy,” a woman in your group suggested, Valkyrie, you presumed. “Maybe she’s brilliant, and they say things about her because they’re jealous. Maybe she’s really nice.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re the model,” Natasha said.
“Wait…” Clint said, looking at Nat. “I thought you were the model.”
Valkyrie shot Natasha a look before turning to Dr. Gamora with an extended hand. “Hi, I’m Valkyrie, but everyone calls me Val.”
Gamora looked her up and down, not even moving to shake Val’s hand. “I have five rules,” Gamora stated, clearly unimpressed already. “Rule number one, don’t bother sucking up, I already hate all of you, that’s not gonna change.” She turned and pointed to things on the counter. “Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run, that's rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours.” 
Gamora began walking away with you and the others quickly following, after each of you have grabbed the things off the counter. 
“You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop and don’t complain!” She continued. Gamora led you to a door, opening it to reveal a room with bunk beds. “On call rooms. Attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three, if I'm sleeping, don't wake me, unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woke me for no good reason, we clear?” There was a brief pause before you nervously raised your hand. “Yes.”
“You said five rules,” you tried to hold back a cringe as you spoke up. “That was only four.”
Suddenly, Gamora’s pager beeped. “Rule number five. When I move, you move.” She ran down the corridor, followed by you and the other interns. “Get out of my way!” She yelled at a few doctor’s blocking the hallway.
You had the others followed Gamora to the ER. There was a bustling trauma room that the six of you entered. There was a young female on the stretcher, already being hooked to the machines.
“What’ve we got?” Gamora asked.
“Savannah Chase, fifteen year old female,” the paramedic still in the room stated. “New onset seizures, intermittent for the past week. ID lost en route. Started gran mal seizing when the ambulance pulled up.”
“Alright, get her on her side, Val, ten milligrams Diazepam.” Val started to do as she was directed while the rest of you watched. “No, no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over fire, a large bore IV. Don’t let the blood haemolyse, let’s go!”
Val injected the young woman with the diazepam and she stopped seizing. A new Doctor entered the room.
“So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land?” The man asked.
“Absolutely Dr. Banner,” Gamora responded.
“Dr. Gamora, I’m gonna shotgun her.”
“That means every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem seven, a tox screen,” Gamora clarified for the interns. “Natasha, you’re on labs, Clint, patient workups, Y/N, get Savannah for a CT, she’s your responsibility now.” Gamora began to walk away.
“Wait,” both Val and Lang called out. Gamora turned back around.
“What about us?” Val asked.
“You two—honey, you get to do rectal exams.”
You were currently in an elevator with Savannah, the patient, trying to find your way to CT. Since it was your first day at the medical center, you didn’t know where anything was and you were too stubborn to ask.
“You’re lost,” Savannah stated.
“I’m not lost,” you defended. “How are you feeling?”
“How do you think I’m feeling? I’m missing my pageant.”
“You’re missing your pageant.” You wheeled her out of the elevator and around a corner, still not knowing where you were headed.
“The Manhattan Teen Miss? I was in the top ten after the first two rounds. This is my year. I could’ve won.” Savannah sat up as she was wheeled back around the same way. “Hello? You’re so lost. What are you, like, new?”
“I’m— just tell me what happened.”
“I twisted my ankle. I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is like, really cool. Nobody else does it. And I tripped over my ribbon, and I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless. And that was like, a nurse.”
You gritted your teeth, trying not to be over-the-line rude to a patient on your first day. It took you almost another forty five minutes to find CT. You helped her with the scan before taking her back to a room. Before you knew it, it was lunch time. You grabbed some food from the cafeteria, finding your group of interns alone at a table.
“Savannah Chase is a pain in the ass,” you grumbled as you sat down with your tray. “If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic oath, I'd Kevorkian her with my bare hands.” The others around her just stared. “What?”
“Good afternoon interns,” a new doctor came up. “I’m Dr. Maria Hill. It’s posted, but I thought I’d share the good news personally. As you know, the honor of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I’m running the OR today, I get to make that choice. I’ve been watching you all and I have to say, you’re all something. The intern I’ve chosen is, Scott Lang.”
Scott coughed up the drink he had been taking. “M-me?” He questioned.
“You’ll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon. Congratulations.” Then she left.
“Did she say me?”
“I can’t believe you were chosen over me,” Natasha grumbled. “It’s already clear that I’m a better surgeon that you.”
“Did she say… I’m sorry. What?”
After lunch, you went back to Savannah’s room to take care of her. As you did, a man and a woman, not doctors, came in.
“Savannah, honey, mom and dad are here,” the woman said, coming over to Savannah’s bedside.
“They gave her a sedative for the CT scan, so she’s a little groggy,” you informed them.
“Will she be alright?” The mother asked.
“Our doctor at home said she might need an operation, is that true?” The father wondered.
“What kind of operation?”
“She’s, um, well, you know what,” you tried your best to sound professional through your nervous stuttering, “I’m not, I’m not the doctor, uh. I am a doctor, but I’m not Savannah’s doctor, so I’ll go get him for you.”
You quickly left the room to go find Gamora. Thankfully, she was at the nurses desk just outside of the room. You hurried over but were too nervous to start speaking.
“What?” Gamora questioned, not looking up from the paperwork she was doing.
“Savannah’s parent’s have questions,” you responded. “Do you talk to them, or do I ask Banner?”
“No, Banner’s off of the case. Savannah belongs to the new attending now, Dr. Rogers, he’s over there.”
You follow in the direction that Gamora gestured to. You only made it a few steps before freezing. The man Gamora gestured to was talking to another doctor. But that wasn’t the reason you froze. Dr. Rogers was none other than your one night stand, Steve. Your eyes widened and you turned to go, but it was too late. Steve glanced your way, having to do a double take. You quickly left, feeling his eyes on the back of you.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.”
next chapter >
NOTES: Yes, this has been posted before, but I deleted it. I’m trying again. From now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Whiskey Titties
Day 16: Nipple Play
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Dean loves your boobs and whiskey.
A/N: Inspired by @deanmonandnegansbitch 's drabble, check it out! I know I'm late and sorry! Today's one will be posted too hopefully in the right time but no promises because I plan on going to my aunt's today. Also, have I mentioned how much I love that Dean's canonically passionate about women's boobs? No? Okay!
Ps: Certain names that will show up were also Yas' and a lovely anon idea! (no spoilers!)
Warnings: dirty talk, humping, nipple play
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Dean Winchester was a boob man.
You knew that before he even touched you. The not subtle glances that he threw at your cleavage in that bar back then made you roll your eyes and Sam give him an empty stare. But Dean was cute, hot, and funny. You let that first impression slide by the end of his hunt, giving in to his dumbfounded charm. And man, he wouldn't stop watching your boobs pounding while he fucked you that night.
It hadn't stopped. Dean would groan and place his head on your breast when he was frustrated, lay on top of you and rest on your boobs after fucking, or even just smirk at himself watching you walk around in summer clothes.
Undoubtedly, that translated into sex. He had left your chest full of hickeys, kisses, and bites. Dean relished into sucking your nipple, cupping your breast, or just kneading them.
That man really loved women's boobs. Especially yours.
They were just too good. So pretty and perfectly fitting in his large hands — like they were made for Dean to take care of. It might not compare to eating pussy, but fuck he could adore more than one thing about his woman's body, thank you.
So, you couldn't blame him for being distracted by your tities again. Come on, you had mixed boobs and booze, his two favorite B's. What did you expect?
“Fuck.” You groaned, impatient with the drop of scotch that dropped on your cleavage accidentally. Grabbing a napkin, you tried to clean it up, knowing that was helpless. It was a good old drink, you would be smelling like alcohol for the rest of the night. You sighed, throwing the stained napkin on kitchen's counter, where you were sitting. Your eyes went to him, a single eyebrow arched when you noticed his obvious lack of attention. “Dean?”
All he could emit was a hum, “Mhm.” 
Tilting your head to the side, mouth contorted into with a wondering expression, you moved on the counter — which made your boobs shake a little. Dean licked his lips, watching as carefully as he'd watch one of his private movies.
You followed Dean's eyes only to find your own breast under his adoration glare. A huff came out of your lips as you slapped his arm, waking him up. “Hey!”
You held an indignant glance. “Seriously?”
You rolled your eyes, pointing at your cleavage. Dean smirked, already a goner. How could a pair of titties look so good, all wrapped up with your red tank top like a christmas present? The fact that the tank was a bit too tight and squeezed them together, making them come out even more, was a big bonus.
“Can you stop looking at my boobs for two seconds?” She chortled in dismay, unable to discern whether he was  listening to you or not. Men and boobs. “Do you even remember what I was talking about?”
The male used all his inner strength to look up and focus on your words. Dean frowned, not even a slight glimpse of what you had been saying in his mind. Nonetheless, he attempted a shoot: “Something to do with Sam's date?”
You shook your head. “You are unbelievable.”
“It's not my fault my girlfriend's smoking hot.” He said, a devilish grin on his lips as Dean scooted closer to you, forgetting about the dishes he was cleaning. The hunter placed his hands on your lips as he got himself between your legs. “And got such nice boobs.”
“Dean…” It should come out a warning, it should come out as a refrain. You two were adults, Dean himself in his forties— you shouldn't just mess in the middle of the kitchen like two horny twenties. Yet, the crack in your voice made it sound vulnerable, like you were pleading for him.
You were.
Dean bent down, swiftly putting his face between your breasts. This was heaven. He couldn't help a moan, the sound slightly muffled by your boobs.
Your eyes shut instantly. The Winchester's tongue was already doing the dirty work, licking and caressing every bare spot the red fabric left for him to play with. He spotted a trace of whiskey mixed with your sweaty and apple soap.
He lifted his head, licking his lips as he glanced at you. If he looked down, he'd catch your boobs. If he looked at your face, he was seeing your features turned into an exciting expression; lips slightly open, eyes closed, and heavy breathing. All because of him. More than an ego boost, that made Dean feel proud of himself. To make you feel good was always his priority, as deeply as a religious obsession. “What if we add a little flavor here, sweetheart?”
“Like whipped cream?” You opened your eyes, frowning at the lack of friction.
Dean grabbed the half empty bottle that laid next to you, a malicious smile on his lips as he shook the bottle. “Like Whiskey.”
“You sure Sam isn't coming back tonight?” You bit your bottom lip, considering.
“He's busy with Eileen, training his sign language.” Dean wiggled his eyebrows, gaining a smack on his shoulder. “What? It's been awhile since he got some.”
You decided not to answer him, rather taking off your shirt and throwing it away. Astute hand grabbing the bottle from his hold and to open it, whiskey soon drizzling on your breasts.
A perverse grin appeared on your face. “Shut up and suck my boobs, Winchester.”
Dean might had been to heaven a couple times, but this was paradise. You, in the middle of the bunker's kitchen, legs spreading and whiskey titties.
“You know I love when you take control like that, honey.” He provoked before he burrowed his face between your boobs again.
All response you could give was a groan as Dean's skilled mouth started to work on you: he pecked the valley between your breasts, a gentle buss undercurve the right one — his personal favorite, the beloved righty. Your ass got the nicknames AC, the right one, and DC, the left one, so he didn't have the best naming for your boobs. — His lips went up, crashing against your chest as he gave it an open-mouthed kiss.
A shameful moan left your lips. Your head was falling back, legs wrapped around Dean's waist used to pull him closer. The green eyed man got your hint for more touching, licking around your areola (god, your skin felt even softer with alcohol), then swipping his tongue over your nipple until he made it as hard and got it between his teeth. Dean didn't bite it, only adding pressure to the arousal. Meanwhile, his other hand found its way to cup your bosom, kneading it with his fingers.
The hunter savored your breast a bit longer, caressing the left and finally sucking your nipple. This, this was everything he wanted to taste in his mouth besides your pussy. The strong taste of Whiskey, laced with your salty derm, while he also got his head between a pair of boobs.
His cock was already full awaken, protesting in his jeans. Yet, he didn't want to stop now. Dean simply slid his free hand in his pants, grabbing his cock.
You weren't that far either, the obvious slick between your legs reported your desire. You pushed yourself to the edge of the counter, and pulled Dean closer — such movement causing the clothed boner and your soaked panties to collide.
A howl left both lover's lips. Yours legs trying to bring Dean near — as if that was possible.
Your hand on his head, fingers between his fingers as you pressed him deeper into your breast. “Come on, Dean. Suck my boobs. Don't you love them, baby? Show me how much. Leave hickeys on them. Make me come just like this, and maybe I'll even let you fuck them later. Don't you want that?”
An animal noise echoed from the back of Dean's throat, the smell of whiskey invading his nostrils. He wrapped the most he could of your boob in his mouth, sucking it ferociously. His hand caressing, squeezing the other one. You moaned helplessly, moving your hips towards his while his mouth praised you.
You are trapped in pleasure. Dean was lost in wonderland. This was one hell of experience, he could spend all day just playing with your boobs, kissing them like he kissed your mouth, making you come like he was eating you out. All the things he could do to you just like this were going through his lustful mind.
It didn't take longer for him to hear the most beautiful music coming reverberating from your trembling body, announcing an orgasm. His cock was still hard, ruining his underwear with pre cum and hurting against his jeans. He wanted to fuck you right on the kitchen counter, make you a cooking mess more than you already was. But the picture of your pussy, all soaked by wetness and cum came to his mind.
He pulled away, licking his lips. Dean needed to eat you out. He had his drink, it was just natural that he went to the main meal; your cunt.
Next time, he was going to get his cock in the middle of your pretty boobs, and fuck them good. Right now, Dean had to use his mouth to make you come again and ultimately get his needy cock inside your tight walls.
Leave a comment and REBLOG. Feedback is magic! Tags on my reblog, send me and ask or dm if you wish to be on my taglist!
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oreosmama · 4 years
Can you please do a part 2 of Pumpkin Eater? With a fluffy ending please, this fic broke my heart 😅
Pumpkin Eater (Kuroo x Reader) ~Part 2~ Second Chance
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*GIF not mine*
Summary: Last night, your friend sent you pictures of Kuroo with some girl at a random club. Not only was he a liar, but he was also a cheater, and you couldn’t stand to be with him after this.
Part 1
Part 2 (Never Again)
A/N: Hehe, people can’t handle the angst. I get it, I’m the same way. All righty, as per request, here’s part two of Pumpkin Eater! Enjoy!
Word count: 2478
        “We were on a break-”
        “Identity theft is not a joke, J-”
        “I broke it. It burnt my hand so I punched it. I predict in ten-”
        The remote was taken from your loose grip and the television turned black. 
        “This needs to stop.”
        “What does?”
        Your friend sighed at the sight of you huddled deeply in a mountain of blankets. Dark circles hung like bags under your eyes, contrasting wildy with your ghostly pale face. Every muscle in your body ached with the slightest movement, too stiff from staying in one position for… three days? Four?
        “You’ve been sitting on my couch and moping for a week.”
        Oh, a week. 
        “You need to get up and move, or at least do something,” Christie groaned, throwing the blankets out of your reach and grabbing your hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze and softened her gaze. “I know it hurts, and it sucks.” Squeeze. “But maybe you should talk to him-”
        “I am not talking to him!” you cry out, ripping your hand away and standing on numb legs. “Christie, he cheated on me. There’s no excuse for that!” 
        Her eyes widened in surprise and she nodded solemnly. “Okay, but let me show you something first.” Before you could ask, she stood and left the living room, disappearing into the hallway leading to the bedrooms. 
        To a certain degree, she was right. You needed to get back to it. For the past week, it felt like your life had been set on pause. Every restless hour of sleep you got was filled with memories and nightmares mingling in the most stomach-churning way. Each dream was just about identical. It was always Kuroo and some faceless woman, laughing at you and leaving you behind in a mess of tears and shame as they walked away. 
        You always woke up with a whimper and forced yourself to stay awake after, too afraid to feel that pain again. 
        Some days… you wondered if he felt the same ache as you. If he felt just as empty and lost. Like a piece of his own body, his own heart was missing. Did he… did he feel the same way?
        Suddenly, Christie storms back into the room and drops an object on your lap. A phone. And with closer observation, you realize it’s your phone. 
        “Now, I am going out tonight and looking for a man at the club. If you want to join me, great. If you don’t…” she sighs and licks her red-shaded lips, “I guess that’s fine too.”
        It’s only then you notice she is completely decked out. In a signature little black dress and ruby pumps, she looks ready to knock men out dead. Bronzer sparkles in the brightness of her apartment’s light fixture and mascara makes her eyes bulge in the most baiting way. 
        You, on the other hand, are a complete mess. You’re wearing a week-old sweatshirt (Kuroo’s), and very loose, tightly cinched sweatpants (also Kuroo’s). Each piece of clothing has an emphasis on the sweat, and the only thing glittering on your face is the sugar from your cinnamon donut, aka yesterday’s breakfast. You felt like a trash can, and you certainly had the appearance to match. 
        Christie smooths the skin-tight skirt of her dress down as much as possible before taking a seat beside you on the sofa and grabbing your shoulder. After she turns you to face her, she gives you a tight smile and pulls a Cheeto out of your hair, tossing it to the floor with a heavily disguised sneer. “YN, all I ask is that you don’t let this hold you back forever. Just,” she grabs the phone in your lap and presses it into your hand, “read and listen to the messages. Please. For me.”
        She waits for your nod before standing up and grabbing her purse. With a flip of her straightened hair, she throws it over her shoulder and gives you a small smirk. “Now I might be coming back home later tonight, or I might not, we’ll see,” she winks. “But if I do, don’t expect us to be silent.” With one last giggle at your disgusted face, she disappears into the hall of her apartment building, slamming and locking the door behind her.
        You watch the exit for a couple more seconds before glancing down at your phone. While heaving a sigh, you press the power button and clench your jaw in anticipation. 
        99+ texts was the symbol on your message app, along with 65 missed calls. 58 of those were from Kuroo, and almost every single one held a voicemail. It was like he was trying to crank up your phone bill just to spite you. 
        After a much-needed shower, you were working your way through every one of them, listening and deleting in an incessant pattern. You rubbed the towel through your damp locks, drying them before trying to run a brush through it in a failed attempt at looking tamed. In the meantime, a message played in the background. Kuroo’s voice crackled through the speakers in a broken tone. 
        “YN… Kitten… I need you back-”
        “Voicemail deleted.” 
        “Hey, it’s me again. Look, please call me back-”
        “Voicemail deleted.” 
        “YN, I don’t care if I have to call you a million times, I’m going to win you back. I love you so much more than you realize. And I’m not gonna stop until you’re in my arms again Kitten. We’re meant to be-”
        “Voicemail deleted.” You pulled your trembling finger away from the screen and choked back a sob. The brush clattered to the floor as you snapped up the phone and hugged it to your chest. 
        You shouldn’t have- Goddamnit!- you should not have let the message run on for that long. But it was just so nice to hear his voice claim that he loved you again. Loved you still.
        But that’s all it was. A claim. 
        “Goddamnit,” you hiss under your breath, clenching your eyes closed as tears trickled down your cheeks. At a slow pace, you mosey your way out of the bathroom, dropping back onto the sofa and crying out the pain. 
        You wish it was as easy to get over some as they say, but the fact is that it’s not. You loved him, and-
        Knock knock.
        Shit, she’s back already?! You scrambled to your feet and tightened your robe around your bare form, approaching the door swiftly. You definitely did not want to stick around if Christie had brought home a male companion. That would just be… ick. 
        Knock knock. The person slammed their fist against the door harder this round, and you yelled back, “I’m coming, I’m coming.”
        Whipping it open, you instantly slammed it shut once more at the sight. 
        “Nope,” you shook your head, “fuck that.” 
        His fist bangs against the door once again, almost knocking it off its hinges. 
        “YN! Please let me see you!” 
        His voice sounded raw, like it was scraping past his throat with every syllable. You assumed yours sounded the same. 
        “Just open the door!” 
        “No!” you screamed back, evidently shocking Kuroo into silence. You stood in anticipation, waiting with your arms crossed for another retort, another plea. But nothing came. 
        Noises shifted outside in the hall, and you saw shadows moving under the door before the light was snuffed out completely. Kuroo’s back and skull made contact with the wood, echoing a dull thud as he settled into a seat on the floor directly outside the apartment. 
        “YN, please,” he muttered, quieter this time. As much as you hated him, you hated the sound of him sad even more. Seeing his presence today just reminded you that love doesn’t fade away after a relationship ends. At least not instantly. 
        You slumped to the carpeted floor too, sniffling and hugging your knees to your chest as you watched the entrance. Distractedly, you petted the fluffy fabric of your pure white robe as you waited. For what, you weren’t exactly sure. 
        Minutes passed, and all you could hear was the occasional snivel out in the hall. Your heart panged at how close he was. All your pain, all your suffering could be cured by a simple embrace of Kuroo’s. Your body and mind knew this, but your emotions refused to falter. 
        “Tetsurou,” he corrected tightly. 
        You sighed deeply and continued, ignoring the swift beating of your heart. “Why did you do it?” 
        A long pause left you dropping your chin down to your knees, and Kuroo cleared his throat before responding in a croaky voice. “I… I don’t really know. I was wasted, and I should’ve never drank that much. And she looked like you. And I- God, I was an idiot. But she was nothing to me, meant nothing to me.” His head banged against the barrier before he kept going. 
        “YN, you need to know you’re the love of my life. You’re,” he huffed out a breath, and you could hear him adjust his position on the floor. “You’re it for me. I can’t function without you. For the last week, I haven’t slept more than an hour, or eaten or anything. I just… please, I need you by my side.” 
        Not in a million years would you ever admit it, but you felt the same. Like you needed him to think straight, to help you focus, to keep you grounded. He was the one for you too. You just didn’t understand why he did what he did. 
        “I don’t know if I can trust you again.” You struggled to keep your words steady, and dug your fingernails into your knees when they cracked up at the end. 
        “I’ll work to gain back your trust, YN, God I swear I will. I just need you to give me another chance. I’ll never hurt you again, ever.”
        Tears streamed down your cheeks, but you pushed yourself up to your feet and approached the door anyway. It was the only wall you had left between you and him. He had broken down every other, and this was your last layer of protection. 
        With your hand on the doorknob, you hesitated to open it. You didn’t want to be hurt again. Never. You never thought he would betray you like that. You thought he loved you just as much as you loved him. You couldn’t even think about being with another man.
        So that’s why you pulled your hand away. 
        Four hours had gone by. You figured Kuroo had gone home a while ago, and you had settled onto the couch, forcing yourself to laugh at a comedian’s stand up just to feel better. A hot chocolate steamed in your hand as you curled up in a blanket, trying to erase the pain in your heart.
        Footsteps clicked outside. Stilettos. Then whispers occurred. You sighed at the inevitability of getting kicked out so Christie could get it on with her new friend, but then she knocked.
        “Hey YN, you mind getting the door for me?” Her voice didn’t slur in the slightest. In fact, she didn’t even sound buzzed. Shaking away your suspicion, you rose and opened it for her, keeping your gaze locked on the television to wait for the comedian’s punchline. 
        “Christie, did you even drink while-” You were cut off by the feeling of someone’s long, strong arms embracing you. 
        The sensation was too familiar to be her. It was tight and warm and loving and comforting. It sprung tears in your eyes and washed a wave of uncontrolled contentment over you. 
        “Kuroo,” you choked out. Said man’s arms tightened around you. 
        “Don’t,” he whispered, his low volume muffled against your neck. “Please don’t call me that.”
        “Tetsurou,” you breathe out, “you were out there that whole time?”
        He chuckled bitterly and brushed his lips over your bare shoulder. “I love you. Fuck, I love you so much. I would do anything for you.”
        You snorted lightly into his own shoulder, running your hands up and down his back comfortingly. You enjoyed the feeling of him. You missed it. “I love you too.” Lips curling into a grin, Kuroo leaned back and began to pepper your face in kisses at the words. Then his hands crept up to the back of your head and tugged you closer, slamming you against him in a passionate kiss. 
        You both moaned at the feeling. It had been too long, way too long since you had been with each other. 
        When a loud clearing of a throat sounded, you pulled away, giggling when Kuroo tried to follow you. Your forehead pressed against his and you both stared deeply into each other’s eyes, watching with adoring gazes. 
        “I missed you.”
        “I missed you too.”
        “Yeah, that’s great and all,” Christie chimed in, “but can y’all move in together again? YN, I don’t know if you noticed, but you made my place look like a rat’s nest.” You snapped away from Kuroo in a split second and glanced around the room. You finally had enough clarity to take in your surroundings and- shit- she was right. 
        Blankets and wrappers and clothing were thrown haphazardly around the room. With a nervous giggle, you shrugged and gestured to the sight. “Umm, sorry?”
        “Yeah, yeah,” Christie scoffs with a smile before tossing you your backpack. “Just get outta my sight, lovebirds.” 
        Kuroo unraveled himself from you and intertwined his hand with yours. “She’s right,” he mutters, nuzzling his nose against your ear. “Let’s go home.”
        You nodded and gave Christie a grateful nod before waving goodbye. 
        In minutes, you were downstairs and outside, walking home in the chilly, midnight air.
        “Shit, it’s cold out,” you whined, huddling closer to Kuroo’s side.
        “Maybe it’s cause you’re only in a robe,” he snickers. Your eyes widen in realization before you glance down and shriek. 
        “Shit,” you swivel around and lock your eyes on the apartment building, “we gotta go back to Christie’s!”
       An arm winds around your waist and halts you mid-journey, tugging you closer to a nice source of heat. “Oh hell no,” Kuroo shakes his head before throwing a hand under your knees. In one swift movement, you’re up off the ground, being carried bridal style in the opposite direction. “We’re going home. I finally have you back, and I’m not gonna spend another second without you in my arms.”
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
New Recruit - Part 1
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Pairing: Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Lt. Maggie Parker (OFC). Other Characters: Cmdr Spock, Lt. Nyota Uhura, Lt. Ruthie Warner (OFC), Ensign Miranda Nelson (OFC)
Word Count: 4040+
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first attempt at a fic outside of the Supernatural fandom. I have @spacedancer1701​ to thank for that little nudge. :) This particular offering got away from me a bit, so I split it in two. Enjoy, and happy reading!
Lieutenant Margaret Parker scanned the crowd as she waited for her turn to report to her assignment. She was one of six new recruits scheduled to board the shuttle that would take her to her next duty station as science officer aboard the USS Enterprise. The lieutenant grinned to herself, barely able to contain her excitement. The flagship of the Fleet. I can't believe this is happening, she thought.
The lieutenant then looked at her watch and frowned. She didn't want to board the shuttle without saying last goodbyes, but she could not be late. She wished that her parents could be here to send her off, but they've been gone for six years now. Her brothers had their families, so they couldn't make it either, due to work and school. This meant no immediate family to say goodbye before she left for her five-year mission.
However, there was one person she really wanted to make sure and say good bye to. Her roommate, best friend and almost-sister, Ruthie Warner. It was Ruthie who had supported her during her Academy years, helped with her studies and made sure she had some fun as well.
The two of them were well-known for their tag-team method of fleecing new recruits at Rocky's Bar by hustling games of 8-ball. Every year, the bar held an 8-ball tournament. Every year for the past four it had come down to Ruthie versus Maggie, as she was called by friends and family. Some of the time Ruthie won, and sometimes Maggie won, but they were always #1 and #2.
"I'm here! I'm here! Don't leave yet!" she heard as Ruthie came running towards her. The two women wrapped each other in a fierce hug, tears threatening for both of them. "You take care of yourself, you hear me, Lieutenant Maggie Parker, Science Officer for the USS Enterprise?" Ruthie whispered hoarsely.
"I will, I promise. You do the same, Lieutenant Ruthie Warner, Head Nurse of the USS Pegasus," Maggie chuckled dryly. "Love, you Sis," Maggie whispered.
"Love you too, Sis. Now get going," Ruthie ordered as she playfully pushed Maggie towards the shuttle's passenger loading area.
The energy waves of the transporter beams faded away, leaving Lt. Parker standing firmly on the pad. Waiting to greet her and the other recruits were Captain James T Kirk, First Officer, Cmdr. Spock and Chief Engineer, Montgomery Scott.
Maggie stepped down from the transporter pad and handed the captain a PADD with a copy of her orders and all of her information. "Lt. Margaret Parker, reporting for duty, Sir," she announced.
"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. At ease, please," Capt. Kirk replied, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. She waited while he accessed a copy of her orders on the PADD in his hand.
"All righty, Lt. Parker, you are cleared to report to Dr. McCoy in the MedBay for your incoming physical. After that, someone will show you to your quarters," Kirk explained. "Good to have you aboard, Lieutenant." With a smile and a wink, the captain left the transporter room.
"Please follow me, Lt. Parker and I will show you where the MedBay is," said Commander Spock.
The doors to the MedBay slid open, and Cmdr. Spock strode over to a strikingly handsome dark-haired man with sharp, hazel eyes. "Dr. McCoy, this is Lt. Margaret Parker, here for her initial physical examination. Lieutenant, when you are finished, I will have someone escort you to your quarters. Excuse me," Spock turned and left the MedBay.
"Well, Lt. Margaret Parker, welcome to the Enterprise," remarked Dr. McCoy. "Hop up here on the biobed and we'll get this started," he ordered.
"Maggie," she said as she maneuvered herself up onto the biobed.
"Beg pardon?" Dr. McCoy asked.
"Maggie. Short for Margaret, in case you were wondering. It's a family name," Maggie explained.
"Oh. Well, Maggie, let's get this show on the road. I've got a mountain of paperwork to sift through," McCoy grumbled.
"Yes, sir," Maggie said softly as Dr. McCoy gave her an initial scan with his tricorder.
Dr. McCoy was about to give Lt. Parker her final assessment when two members of the engineering team walked in. One of them was holding her head, and looked almost ready to pass out. It took both her co-worker and Dr. McCoy to help her up to sit on the edge of the biobed.
"I'll be right back over, Lt. Parker, so just sit tight," Dr. McCoy called over his shoulder. Turning his attention back to his new patient, he began his examination. After a few minutes, he left the area to get what he needed to treat the young engineer.
While Maggie waited for Dr. McCoy to come back, she looked all around the MedBay to acquaint herself with her surroundings. Her attention landed on the engineer brought in about ten or fifteen minutes ago by her co-worker, who had already returned to duty.
The young lady was swaying a bit from side to side, holding her head. Suddenly, she leaned over too far and was about to fall off the edge. Maggie jumped up and rushed over to the engineer to catch her before she could cause further injury to herself.
"Whoa, easy there, I've got you. Let's get you set back up on here. So what happened that brings you down here?" Maggie asked. She had a suspicion that since the girl had a head injury, it could possibly be a concussion.
"I was down in Engineering, repairing a machine when something exploded and knocked me back," she explained.
"Did you hit your head?" Maggie asked.
"Yes, I did. Can I please lay down? My head really hurts and I'm so tired," she begged.
"No, honey, I need you to stay awake. You might have a concussion, and if you do, going to sleep is not a good idea," Maggie replied. "My name is Lieutenant Margaret Parker, but you can call me Maggie. What's your name?" she asked.
"Um....I'm Ensign Miranda Nelson," she responded.
"Nice to meet you, Ensign Nelson. Or, is it okay if I call you Miranda? Anyway, today's my first day here, and I can already tell it won't be boring around here. So how long have you worked in Engineering, Miranda?" Maggie kept asking Ensign Nelson questions to help keep her oriented and from going to sleep. Every so often, Maggie would interject pieces of information from her life into the conversation.
Dr. McCoy checked the hypospray to make sure it was the right one, and returned to the main patient area. Maggie was now sitting with Miranda, with her arm around the ensign's shoulder. McCoy took a few minutes to observe the situation currently in play with the beautiful lieutenant.
From the moment she stepped into his MedBay, McCoy knew Lt. Parker was different from any other woman he'd met thus far in his life. She had bright, expressive hazel eyes, and he could see a bit of mischief in them. Her hair was a light chestnut brown, curly and was just long enough to brush the top of the collar on her uniform.
Maggie had a gentleness about her, which was obvious to McCoy from his observations of her conversation with Ensign Nelson. She had a soothing voice and refrained from showing frustration with Miranda's repetitive requests to go to sleep. Maggie looked around and when she locked eyes with McCoy, he returned to Ensign Nelson's biobed to step in and take charge of the situation.
"Well, Lieutenant, I hope I haven't been replaced as CMO for this case, now have I?" Dr. McCoy asked.
"No, sir! Not at all! This is Ensign Miranda Nelson, who almost fell off the biobed, but I got to her in time. She's complaining of a headache and really, really wants to go to sleep," Maggie explained.
"So, why shouldn't I give her a painkiller and send her back to her quarters for some rest?" McCoy inquired.
"Because she said she was repairing a machine in Engineering and there was a small explosion. She said it knocked her off of her feet and she hit her head. My concern would be that she may have a concussion, and it is therefore inadvisable to allow her to sleep," Maggie answered.
McCoy nodded and continued to examine Miranda while Maggie shared her hypothesis. "Well, Lieutenant, it turns out that your suspicions were correct, Ensign Nelson does have a concussion," he said. He motioned for Nurse Chapel to step back over to his position and gave her some treatment instructions for the ensign.
Maggie went back over to her biobed and resumed her sitting position while she waited for Dr. McCoy's assessment of her physical condition. "Thank you for your help with Ensign Nelson. Had you not been here, she would've sustained further injuries," he remarked.
"You're welcome, Dr. McCoy," Maggie murmured.
Returning to doctor mode, "Your vital signs look good, vision perfect. In general, you're in tip-top shape, Lieutenant. Except," he ran the tricorder along her limbs to check the joints. "You have a bit of tendon damage in your right wrist and right elbow. Are you a tennis player by chance?" he guessed.
Maggie smiled and shook her head. "Nope, I don't play tennis, Dr. McCoy," she replied.
"Leonard," he added.
"Huh?" she asked.
"My name is Leonard. You're Maggie, I'm Leonard," he explained. "Forget it, never mind," he grumbled. What the hell am I doing?!? he thought. Is this--Am I--FLIRTING?
Before he had a chance to answer the last question he asked himself, Maggie was asking him what he could do to fix it. She had felt some tenderness in those joints, and was hoping for some relief. Besides, it had recently kept her from doing any real damage at the tables against the new recruits. "Doc? Doctor? Dr. McCoy!" Maggie's voice finally broke through his mental fog.
McCoy shook his head as if to clear it. "Sorry, darlin', didn't mean to check out on you there. I'll just go get a hypo for the pain, then we'll get on to fixing that tendon damage," he told her.
A couple of minutes later, he returned with a hypospray and another device in hand. "I must say, Lieutenant, I'm impressed with your diagnostic capabilities," McCoy smiled at her.
"Well, Doctor, it helps to have a sister for a roommate. She's getting ready to serve as Head Nurse aboard the USS Pegasus. Staying up all those late nights helping her study must have stuck in my head after all," Maggie grinned back.
"So you got to room with your sister, that was convenient," McCoy commented.
"Actually, my roommate became my best friend, and we've been through so much together, we're like sisters. Her name is Lieutenant Ruthie Warner," Maggie explained.
"Friendships like that are rare and priceless. Do whatever's necessary to preserve it," McCoy advised.
"I fully plan on doing that, Doctor. I remember when we first met at Rocky's Bar, near the Academy, one night over a rack of 8-ball," Maggie mentioned.
"You shoot pool?" McCoy asked in surprise. Well, damn if that's not sexy. Wait, what? he thought.
Maggie chuckled. "Yes, Doctor, I sure do. 'M pretty good at it if I may say so myself. Anyway, I'm sure that the tendon damage you detected is because I'm right-handed when I play. In fact, the twinges I've been feeling lately have seriously affected my game," she muttered.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? Let's see what we can do to alleviate some of that pain," McCoy said. Maggie tilted her head to the right to give him access to her neck for the hypospray. After administering the painkiller, McCoy gently rubbed the injection site to ease the sting. Then he took the other device and slowly passed it over her wrist then her elbows.
"That should take care of mending those tendons. Now, all you have to do is keep a cue stick out of your hand for about a day or two," McCoy smirked.
Maggie chuckled. "I'm sure I'll have plenty of work to keep me busy to where that won't be a problem," she grinned. She appreciated his calm bedside manner and the feel of his hands on her neck after the hypo injection. When he smiled, there were these adorable little crinkles around his eyes. What am I thinking? she admonished herself. You just got here and you're already making goo-goo eyes at the doctor? Didn't you learn your lesson with Ryan? you chided.
At that moment, a slender, dark-skinned woman with long hair entered the MedBay and strode over to you. "My name is Lt. Nyota Uhura, and I'm the Communications Officer. Cmdr. Spock sent me to escort you to your quarters, if you're ready. That is, if Dr. McCoy is finished with his examination," Uhura remarked.
"Everything checks out, Lt. Uhura, her physical exam is complete. I'll send my final report over to Jim once I'm finished with it," McCoy replied.
Maggie hastily climbed down from the biobed, suddenly anxious to flee the MedBay and its attractive CMO. She began an almost speed-walk to the door when Dr. McCoy called out to her. She turned to face Dr. McCoy. "Yes, Doctor?" she asked.
"Once your tendons are healed, I'm looking forward to splitting a rack of 8-ball with you," McCoy gave her a wink and a smirk.
"Until then, Dr. McCoy," Maggie replied softly, giving him a small smile. She continued her retreat from the MedBay to catch up to Lt.Cmdr Uhura.
"First day, hmm?" Uhura asked.
"Yep, kinda nervous, too," Maggie admitted.
"I understand that, but don't be. This is the best crew I've ever worked with, and I'm sure you'll be a fantastic addition. Seems like you've already made an impression on Dr. McCoy," she remarked slyly.
"Oh? Why do you say that?" Maggie asked.
"Well, he's usually kind of grumpy, and he's not exactly known for socializing much. But he seemed to have warmed up a little, from what I saw," Uhura answered.
"I dunno," Maggie shrugged. "I didn't get the 'grumpy' impression at all. He was fairly sociable towards me, and we had some pleasant conversation. He seems very dedicated to his patients," she affirmed.
By this time, they had reached the door to her quarters. Once inside, Uhura gave Maggie the grand tour. She explained to Maggie how everything worked and where to find everything, in case it was arranged a bit differently than on her last assignment.
"Things are little informal on this ship, more like a big family than anything. It's not unusual for the captain to join us at meals, or for drinks after shift." Uhura laid a hand on Maggie's arm. "If you ever need to talk, please let me know. I'm hoping we can become friends," she remarked.
Maggie smiled warmly at Lt. Uhura. "Thank you, I hope so as well. Really missing my best friend right now, but she has her assignment, and I have mine," she replied with a watery smile. "I just can't believe I'm finally here, on the flagship of the Fleet!" Maggie exclaimed.
Uhura laughed. "I'm sure you've worked very hard to get here, because the Enterprise only lets in the best of the best. Relax, you have made it to the big show, my dear! Try not to work too hard, though," she advised. "Hey, some of us are getting together later for a drink, why don't you join us? It'll give you a chance to meet the rest of the group," Uhuru offered.
"Hmm. Let me think about it, and I'll let you know, if that's okay? I was just going to relax in my quarters for tonight," Maggie answered. "Wait, what time is everyone getting together?"
"I think Spock said to meet in the rec area at 2100 hrs. It'll be great, got to have fun while we have downtime," Uhura replied, then left Maggie's quarters.
I can't believe I'm here, and making friends already, she thought. The captain was relaxed, easygoing, but Maggie was sure he had the utmost respect of the crew. Nyota was quickly becoming a good friend, and Maggie couldn't wait to meet the rest of the group.
Maggie decided one night out wouldn't hurt, but she wanted to take a nap before meeting the rest of the crew. As she stared at the ceiling, she wondered briefly if Dr. McCoy would be joining them this evening. Nah, he said he had a mountain of paperwork to do, so he probably won't be there. Perhaps some other time, Maggie sighed. Her eyelids began to droop, then finally stayed closed as thoughts of a certain CMO danced in her head.
Captain Kirk made his way to the MedBay to speak to his CMO. He had gotten word from Nyota that some of the crew was getting together tonight in the recreation area. He had also heard that Uhura had invited the newest crew member, Lt. Maggie Parker to join them.
"Hey, Christine, is he in?" Kirk asked Head Nurse Christine Chapel.
"Yes, Jim, he's been holed up in his office all afternoon. Try and get him out of there, would you?" she pleaded.
Kirk nodded and smiled at Nurse Chapel and knocked on McCoy's office door. When there was no answer, he let himself in.
"Well, by all means, Jim, come right in," McCoy remarked dryly.
"Thanks, Bones. Hey, I was wondering if you were almost finished here, some of us are going down to the recreation area for a drink," Kirk mentioned.
"I've got a ton of paperwork, Jim. I don't think so," McCoy answered.
Kirk decided to try a different tactic. "Oh, by the way, thank you for sending over the results of Lt. Parker's incoming physical so quickly. Looks like Starfleet sent us a stellar recruit," Kirk remarked.
"Yes, Jim, she's fine," McCoy replied as he leaned back a little in his chair. "Actually, it was a good thing she was in here, or I would've had a situation on my hands," he added.
"Oh, really?" Jim asked.
Dr. McCoy proceeded to tell him of the engineer that came in with the head injury while he was conducting Lt. Parker's physical. "I left the room for a couple of minutes to get something. If Maggie hadn't been there, Ensign Nelson would've fallen off the biobed," McCoy explained.
"Lucky for you 'Maggie' was there," Kirk responded.
McCoy nodded, then explained how Maggie sat with the ensign and was able to detect her concussion. "She said her sister was on assignment as Head Nurse on the USS Pegasus, a Lt. Ruthie Warner," he remarked.
"Wait a minute. Parker and Warner, why do I know those names?" Kirk wondered aloud.
"Well, now how in the hell should I know, Jim?" McCoy retorted. "Anyway, I've got work to do, so if you don't mind," he said as a way to encourage the captain to leave.
"Come on, have a drink with us, Bones. You need to loosen up a bit. Besides, Nyota said she got Maggie to agree to meet us there," Kirk indicated.
McCoy thought for a moment. A chance to spend more time with the lovely lieutenant outside of a work setting could be promising, he thought. "I'll see what I can do, Jim. What time is everyone meeting?" he asked.
"Spock said something about 2100 hrs. Come on, Bones, don't make me give you a direct order," Kirk warned.
"Jim. I said I'd see what I can do, I'm not promising anything. IF I'm there, I may be a little later than 2100 hrs.--"
"Good! I'll tell everyone you're coming. See you there, Bones!" Jim hollered as he left McCoy's office, leaving the good doctor shaking his head as he returned to his work.
Maggie had contacted Uhura to tell her she decided to join them for a drink after all. She was almost finished getting ready when she heard the chimes at her door. "Come in!" she called as she spritzed some perfume on her wrist. During the course of her unpacking, she had found her favorite pale peach sweater and dark gray jeans.
Uhura and Spock stepped inside Maggie's quarters. "Maggie? Where are you, hun?" Uhura asked.
"In here, just finishing up getting ready. Can't seem to get this earring in--ah, there it goes," Maggie said, stepping out of the bathroom and into the main living area. "Good evening, Cmdr. Spock. It's nice to see you again," Maggie remarked.
"Likewise, Lt. Parker," Spock returned.
"Please call me Maggie. So what brings you two by my quarters? I was just getting ready to head out to the rec area," she asked.
"I thought we could go together, show you how to get there and all," Uhura explained.
"Sounds logical, thank you. Oh, will the captain be joining us this evening?" she inquired.
"He's supposed to be, and I believe he mentioned something about it to Dr. McCoy as well," Uhura replied, watching for Maggie's reaction.
"Oh, well, won't that be lovely," Maggie remarked nervously. Uhura looked to Spock and nudged him out the door, with Maggie following.
"And that's the last time I tried to out-drink my sister!" Maggie exclaimed, to a chorus of raucous laughter. "When I woke up, I had the hangover of all hangovers, then had my final Chemistry exam that morning. Fortunately, I passed my exam. Then I went back to my dorm room, took two painkillers and passed out!" she finished to more laughter.
"Now, you said your sister is Lt. Ruthie Warner?" asked the captain.
"Yes, sir. She's the new Head Nurse of the USS Pegasus. She and I met at the Academy and hung out a lot at Rocky's Bar, playing 8-ball," Maggie explained.
"Parker and Warner....THAT'S where I remember your names from!" Kirk exclaimed. "You and your sister always ended up taking the top two spots in Rocky's annual tournament. Four years running, if I remember correctly," he finished.
"That's us, Captain," Maggie grinned. "Alas, now that I'm here, Rocky's torch must pass to someone else. I just play for fun now, except I'm under strict orders from Dr. McCoy NOT to have a cue stick in my hand for the next day or so."
"Good evening, all, is this seat taken?" Dr. McCoy gestured to the empty seat. He was wearing dark wash jeans with cowboy boots, a burgundy-colored button-down shirt and a thin black leather jacket. He greeted Spock, Uhura and the rest, then placed his drink on the table and claimed the barstool next to Maggie for himself.
"Speak of the devil, Bones! Glad you could make it tonight, pull up a seat," Kirk greeted the doctor boisterously.
"Don't mind if I do, Jim, thank you. Lieutenant, lovely to see you again. How are you enjoying your first day on board the Enterprise?" McCoy asked.
"It's like a dream come true for me. I've always heard that the Enterprise crew is the best of the best, and it's long been my goal to earn my place here. I've already met so many wonderful people like yourselves, and I'm looking forward to becoming friends with all of you," Maggie finished.
"Well said, Lieutenant," McCoy held up his drink in salute, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Thank you, Dr. McCoy, and please call me 'Maggie'. At least when we're not on duty," she requested.
McCoy leaned closer to Maggie. "Only if you call me 'Leonard', darlin'," he replied softly.
Maggie reached over and placed her hand on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Agreed. Leonard," Maggie giggled. She'd only said it once, but already McCoy loved the sound of his name falling from her lips.
Across the table, Kirk and the others paid particular attention to the interaction between their CMO and newest addition to the crew. They exchanged glances with each other about what appeared to be happening between McCoy and Maggie.
It was clear to everyone that the pair were completely oblivious to what was going on around them except for each other. They liked Maggie already, and had hopes that something might happen between her and Dr. McCoy.
Part 2 here!
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Alpha mine
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Summary: A bad blind date, you not being a prostitute and hurt balls. What can go possibly wrong?
Request: Can I have Alpha Dean? I don’t have a specific idea. I just want Alpha Dean and some angst. Maybe smut too. Happy ending please.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
A/N: This is an AU setting.
Warnings: language, arguments, smut, unprotected sex, knotting, claiming, true mates, blood, use of handcuffs, hurt testicles (it’s painful, poor Dean), awful names for balls/a dick, fun, crack!fickish, mentions of medical eximinations, A/B/O
Sequel to: Omega for rent
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“I am going to knot you good…god…” Dean needs to stop walking as the pain in his groin becomes unbearable. “I think you made sure I’ll be…” Choking Dean has the feeling his stomach fights the breakfast.
“What’s wrong?” Walking out of your bedroom you must watch Dean whine again. He keels over, curls up in a fetal position as you kneel next to him. “Dean?”
“My balls feel like the little pup-producers are bruised.” You want to hold back a chuckle but seeing the tall alpha whimper and curse at the same time let little snorts escape your lips.
“Sorry. I’ll help you, Dean.”
Carefully helping Dean to get up you take small steps to help him sit on your bed. He hisses in pain, whining again as you help him lie onto your pillow.
“Okay. I’ll help you out of these tight slacks. I think your balls need more space. Hang free and all…” Giggling at your words you hold back the snorts.
“That’s not funny.” Dean grunts. “I wanted to knot you…”
Ignoring Dean’s words, you remove his shoes. “Breathe slow and even. I will open your pants now and try to be as careful as possible. Just relax.” A smirk on your lips you unbuckle his belt.
“I won’t kick you again, alpha.”
“You ruined my dick…” Watching you drag his pants and boxers down Dean gasps as he sees a tiny bruise at his left testicle.
“Oh—crap! You ruined leftie!” Now you cannot hold back the snort as you have a close look at his balls.
“Dean, that’s a fuzz.” With skilled fingers, you removed the fuzz and the tall alpha sighs. “Looks good to me. I suggest you lie flat on your back, cover your body with the blanket and I’ll bring you water. We need to replenish your fluids.”
Dean eyes you warily, not trusting you at all. “You want to make little Dean fall off. I know it.” Eyes narrowed Dean looks around your room. “I’ll sue you if I lose my dick!”
Giggling you sit next to Dean to pat his chest. “I know what I am talking about, okay. “
“Why? Do you kick a man in the groin every day? How many balls did you damage so far? You hurt leftie. I am not sure rightie will forgive you.” Lips pressed into a hint line you try to suppress the giggle bubbling up, but you can stop it.
Pressing your face into Dean’s neck you peck his mating gland before you burst into laughter.
“Honestly, you are the second guy - no wait the third. The first was a boy in high school. He tried to grab my tit and I kicked him.”
“That’s justified…” Humming you check on his balls. “What are you doing? Do you want to ruin me some more?”
“I am checking on your balls, now be silent. I said that I know what I am doing. That’s my job after all.” Dean’s eyes narrow again as you look at his crotch.
“You have a thing for my balls…” While you try to cover Dean with a blanket, he’s busy giving you one of his cocky smirks.
“I am a proctologist, Dean. Now let me…” Dean shoves your hands away, shaking his head furiously as you try to help him.
“You are one of the guys shoving a finger into a guy’s ass?” Face pale Dean clutches, the blanket to his chest to protect his anus for dear life.
“We are not doing this all day, Winchester. Now let me get you something to drink and some painkillers. Relax. I won’t kill you, idiot.”
“How can you do a job like that? I mean…” Choking on his words Dean scratches his head. “…Why did you choose a job which includes poking a guy’s ass!”
“Dean, we do not slide a finger into your ass to have fun. It’s a needed examination to check on your well…anus…” Not convinced Dean scrunches up his nose. “I know men do not like it, but we save lives.”
“By fingering my ass?” Throwing your hands up in surrender you take a deep breath. “Cancer, Dean. We do this to help people. Do you believe I like poking my finger into random guys assholes?”
“I do not know you long enough to answer your question.” This time Dean needs to hold back a chuckle. “You look like a kinky chick.”
“Gosh, you are one of those idiots making fun of my job. I chose it as my dad died of cancer. If he would have gone to see a proctologist before the pain became unbearable he could be still alive. Now shut up and let me help you…”
Grumbling you storm into the bathroom to wash your hands and get painkillers for the annoying alpha on your bed.
“I…I am sorry, Sweetheart. Uh—it’s just.” Chortling Dean bites his finger. “Imagining you shove a finger into my ass…”
“Did you forget my name again?” Poking your head into the bedroom you give Dean a dirty look. “Winchester?”
“Y/N. Your name is Y/N and I’d like to knot you again, even though you hurt leftie…”
“You’re unbelievable, Dean. One minute you whine about your hurt balls and the next moment you want to knot me. Hell, you are a rollercoaster of nonsense…”
“You forgot charming! I am adorable and charming!” Dean insists as you place the painkillers onto the nightstand.
“I will not encourage you, Winchester. Now stop wiggling your naked ass on my silky sheets.” Leaving your bedroom, you hear Dean purr into your direction. “Won’t get you any…”
“You will fall for me sooner or later.” Laughing you shake your head as you walk back toward the bedroom. Food, water, and a sports drink in your hands you watch him rummage in your drawer.
“Uh-huh! Dirty girl, kinky too.” Holding handcuffs, a vibrator and lube in his hands Dean looks like the cat that got the cream. “You will not need that tiny thing any longer, but we can keep the handcuffs and lube.”
“Can you not make fun for a few minutes? You need to drink a lot, take some painkillers and then we will have lunch.” Lower lip trapped between his teeth Dean looks at the food on the tray.
You warmed up some Chinese leftovers and he can barely hide the rumble of his empty stomach.
“You know how to get the guy. Naughty sex, perfect scent, and food. You want to bribe me…” You would roll your eyes, but Dean looks up at you, a soft smile on his lips and you remain silent.
“Drink, Dean and then give me a break.” Humming Dean gulps down the sports drink, not taking his eyes off you as he follows your advice. “I hope your balls feel better soon…”
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It’s a restless evening as Dean didn’t stop to hit on you. Followed by a restless night as he tries to rut his aching crotch against your ass, whining as it still hurts.
“Dean, give up. I am tired and tomorrow is Sunday. I want to sleep without an  alpha keeping me awake.” Not giving up Dean ruts closer to you, rubbing his cock against your ass, ignoring the pain.
“Want you…”
“You’re a needy bastard, Winchester. If you stop keeping me awake, I let you knot me when you are better. Now let me sleep.”
Dean’s arms wrap around you as he is nuzzling his nose into your neck, but he stops to rut his cock against your ass.
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“What’s that green rubbish?” Shoving the broccoli off his plate Dean retches as he spits parts of the healthy vegetable into his napkin.
He is residing on your couch, two pillows stuffed behind his back, feet propped onto your couch he watches you narrow your eyes.
“Winchester! I do not believe you one bit that your balls are still hurting! I know you are lying to get my attention. Needy bastard.” Humming to himself Dean looks at the food you cooked for him.
“You are taking good care of me.” Dean’s voice is barely above a whisper when he looks at you. “I’ve missed someone taking care of me.”
“Dean, we barely know each other. All we know are certain body parts. You can’t occupy my apartment for longer than needed.” Your fingers slide through his hair and you need to hold back a purr as he sighs every time you touch him.
“I…I don’t want to leave you…”
“How about a deal, Dean. Playing with his short locks you press a soft kiss to his ear shell.
“If you can walk, you can knot me, Winchester. You can stay till tomorrow morning and then we will see where this will lead us to…” Dean’s eyes darken, and you feel his hand cup your tit as he smirks up at you.
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He’s wild, loud and full Alpha again.
Your face pressed into the cushions; hands restraint behind your back with your handcuffs you can only take what the man you barely know offers.
“Such a good girl now…” Purring the words Dean smirks as he can feel your slick cover his dick with every thrust. “I could fuck you for days.”
“How’s leftie?” Giggles leave your lips, but Dean does not seem to care. While you try to push back onto him, he grips your cuffed wrists.
His brows are knit together as he watches his cock disappear inside of your slit. He can read your body; can sense you are close to your high.
“You feel perfect around me, Sweetheart. I think…” Pushing against your shoulders Dean causes your body to fall flat onto your mattress.
Helpless you wiggle against him as he holds you down with his weight.
“Dean…I want to cum.” You would scratch or bite him, even kick the cocky alpha again but the handcuffs around your wrists and his hands holding you down, bending you to his will, make you immobile.
“Sweet, so sweet for me…” His tongue slides over your mating gland and you shiver, knowing what Dean is up to. “Going to make you mine.”
Before you can give him a snarky comment his hips start moving again and your body gives in. Walls clenching tightly around him, sucking greedily at his thick length you can feel his teeth sink into your neck.
“Fucking asshole…” Dean does not care about your insults or that his orgasm hits him hard.
He will not let go of your neck, even holds you down to mark you as his omega.
“At least you can fuck like a stallion…”
“Love the way you say, ‘I love you’.” Dean grins before his tongue soothes the light sting. “The wound is already closing, Omega. Looks good on you. Perfect bite mark.”
“I guess this means your cute alpha ass is all mine now, including leftie and rightie. Now release my wrists and let me have a look at the mark. I dare you if you ruined my look.”
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“It will heal completely and looks good at your neck.” Dean cannot take his eyes off the mark, wants you to not put a band-aid on it but you slap his hands away.
“Let me put a sterile band-aid on it before I kick your balls.” He is looking at his mark one last time. “Barely any blood. Did you do this more than once?”
“No…I swear, Y/N. You’re my first…” Your hand slides over his naked chest and you look up at Dean, a dirty grin on your lips. “I was your first, lover boy?”
“That is not what I meant, Omega. Now be good and behave.” Face straight, eyes focused on the mark at your neck Dean tries to play the dominant alpha, but you simply pat his cheek.
“Oh, sweet alpha. I think there was a failure in our communications from the beginning. It’s more that you alpha are mine now…” Amused Dean drops the towel around his waist, gives you a dirty grin before he steps closer.
“All yours, Y/N. Now - where do you want me?”
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stardustintheabyss · 4 years
BNHA Headcanon!
How Kaminari, Bakugo, Todoroki, Shinso, Dabi and Kirishima ask a certain question 💍 x fem!reader, y'all in your 20's
Warnings: cursing, long af(I couldn't help myself, I love all kiri's and non kiri's equally) no regrets.
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Haha boi proposed on the first date tbh
You laughed at one of his cheesy pick ups. You did you unrestrained 'ugly' laugh. Like someone has to make you reeeaaallllyyy laugh.
Bb fell hard for that laugh,"marry me, y/n"
You fell just as hard "alright"
Him blushing like crazy 👍🏻⚡👍🏻
Fast forward a few years
If you don't think he's gonna do something big and romantic and on the verge of embarrassing, lol your wrong
This guy proposes with a fucking flash mob
1. How did he organize this? Bakusquad unite!
2. How'd this beautiful loud blonde keep it to himself? Mina threatened his existence & Bakusquad
So there you both are surrounded by family and friends, Denki down on one knee, opening a small box with a gorgeous ring inside.
"Y/n, can I do you the honor of telling you pickup lines for the rest of our lives?"
"You, dummy."
He falters a little. Um what? Sad boi
"I told you on our first date I would." You leaned down giving him a kiss.
Bb shines brighter than the three great sunshines combined. Yk who
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too, Denki."
Your guy's version of ily is some random pickup line unless your in a serious mood
Everyone collectively groaned at your guy's wedding vows lmao
They were literally all cheesy pickup lines, terrible puns and bad jokes.
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Bakugo fucking Katsuki is a closet romantic and you can't change my mind
He takes you hiking on one of your dates
You find a gorgeous spot accidentally you just had to take a short cut
Crystal clear lake w/ cherry blossom trees and a mt view? Heaven
This becomes your spot
You think nothing of it when katsuki suggests getting away for a weekend see romance
Getting in the car he throws a blindfold at you. "What's this for?"
"Just put it on idiot."
You roll your eyes, grinning like a fool but does what he asks
You drive for a bit then feel the car stop
"Can I take it off now?"
"No, I'll tell you when you can take it off." 😳 "I'm going to put noise cancelling headphones on you, do you trust me?"
You've learned to roll w/ his shenanigans cuz they are rare but always welcome. "Don't ask stupid questions, babe." Last thing you here is his 'tch'.
He gently tugs you out of the car and then sweeps you up into his arms. You can't help but smile.
He's been carrying you for at least 2hrs. "Kat, do you need a break?"
He just kisses you in response and silences you #1 hero bakugo doesn't do breaks
Al-righty then
Another hour goes by and you feel bakugo set you down softly, making sure you have your footing. He takes off the headphones
"Take off the blindfold."
You do. Your at your spot. You turn around to find your boyfriend toying w/a little black box
*heart palpitations ensue*
You look at him wide eyed.
He opens the box and you see a ring that is his mom's family heirloom. It's a vintage beauty that you've adored.
Tbh when he asked his mom for it he almost said never mind when she started asking a bunch of annoying questions.Old hag
"Will you marry me or whatever..." he's still bakugo lol
"Whatever." You say with the biggest grin
Bb narrows his eyes at you confused. "HUH?" Cuz how dare you???
"Saying 'yes' is too ordinary an answer. And you katsuki bakugo are anything but ordinary." You say as you slip the ring on your finger. Your man is stunned by your answer to do it himself. Lol
Just cuz you got him flustered and blushing does not mean he won't pull you into a passionate kiss.
Who's the mess now, dumb dumb?
Instead of saying 'I do' at the wedding you both say 'whatever'.
Nobody knows what the fuck is going on except kirishima because he's the one marrying you two.
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You've know eachother since high school and started dating your 3rd year
Now years later, your both well established pro heros
Did you say vacation?
Because Shoto heard 3 week romantic dream vacation w/ a proposal ending
He worked so hard for this. He didn't want to use his father's money for once. This was going to be all him, no one else.
Well except his mom and sister helped pick out a ring. Clueless bb
He took you to all the places on your bucket list, ending in greece.
It was your last night there.
On a cliff overlooking the moonrise over the sea, you were snuggled up next to him. Warm wind gently caressing your skin.
You've noticed him being antsy and fidgety the last couple days.
And that is not like your shoto, at all
"Sho, you okay? You've been acting weird." You ask gently.
"Um, yes. Can I ask you something?"
You give him a kiss and nod.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming mrs. shoto todoroki?"
At least that's what you thought he said. He was so nervous it came out a jumbled mess.
He pulled a ring out of his pocket.
It was perfect. In fact it was exactly what you and fuyumi talked about in one of your guy's games of crazy hypotheticals. Haha jokes on you
You definitely started crying
Your sweet oblivious sho "If you don't like it-"
"No. It's perfect, I love it. Just like you." You pepper his face with kisses. "And yes I will marry you."
He has the biggest smile on his face as he takes your hand and slides the ring on.
You thought the Todorokis and your family were chaotic before? Lol let's throw in wedding planning 🙃
Two months before the wedding you two are sick of everything. Everyone trying to do everything the way they want this wedding. You both wanted a somewhat small gathering. Yeah no *insert monamas hysterical laugh*
Elope? Elope.
You gather a small group of your closest friends. Ok. More like all of class 1a
Shoto buys first class tickets to greece for everyone. No qualms of using his dad's credit card this time lol
You and shoto get married in front of all your friends on the cliff where he proposed.
It was beatiful & perfect. Exactly what you guys wanted.
So when the 'real' wedding (endeavors words) happens you and shoto fuck with it any way you can.
You both have the best time messing around. Your guy's parents not so much. But they end up seeing how happy you both are so they give up on having the perfect wedding.
A few years later when you find out your pregnant you both seriously debate faking your deaths and going into hiding. Wouldnt be the first Todoroki to do so
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You guys frequently visit the animal shelter to give loves to all the animals
He saw how attached you were with a bonded pair of ragdoll kittens he loved them too
This gave him an idea, he had been having a hard time of thinking how he was going to pop the question
It was pur-fect don't judge me
It was early in the morning, you were still in bed when you felt something tickle your nose
"Mmh,...toshi. Your hair is tickling me." Still sleepy, not even bothered to open your eyes.
You were greeted w/ small meows
Your eyes never snapped open so fast in the morning
Two tiny kittens before you. The ones from the shelter
Wide awake now you began petting them and playing with them
Haha shinso who?
He was silently watching from the doorway smiling, waiting for his moment
You looked at the kittens collars. Scribbled in shinsos handwriting "marry" on one "me" on the other.
You gasped and your mouth formed a little o.
He was waiting for this. He walked over and got on his knee, ring in his hand
"Y/n, please, will you be mine, forever?"
Leaning in lips almost touching "only if you'll be mine."
Say no more, boi is putting a ring on it and closes the gap between your lips.
The only thing that breaks the kiss is a soft tiny paw patting your cheek and another playing with shinos hair
You giggle. "You got them for yourself just as much, didn't you?"
He just rubs the back of his neck and gives you a smirk
You spend the rest of the day trying to pick names.
You guys decide on satori & kotaro haikyuu reference ftw
The day ends. You come to find your two new bbs sleeping on a sleeping hitoshi a miracle ikr
A photo shoot? Hell yes! Dadzawa needs to see this.
You take the pic and send a quick text along with it to Aizawa. Your future f-in-l. 'Guess how toshi proposed?'
You get a quick response "I'm a grandpa now? I get them twi-three times a month."
Your snort woke your fiance
Him seeing your phone. "Did you take a picture of me? Creep."
"No." You say slyly. "I took a picture of my boys." You show him. As you set it as your wall paper.
"Send it to me please." You do, what you don't expect is a pic in return from him
It was of you in bed the s'morning. With your new kittens, kotaro and satori, before you even knew they were there. also his wallpaper
And damn if you don't smile "who's the creep?"
"What's this text from my dad about 'custody of his grandchildren'?"
You laugh and explain
Yes you had your cats in the wedding. They started all this yk.
They were ring barers. Complete w/little tuxes shinso insisted
Lmao it was like the hunger games when deciding who was going to take care of the cats when on your honeymoon.
Shota won obviously
"They are staying w/their grandfathers and that is final." *scary hair whoosh*
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When you joined the LoV, you confused dabi.
You were kind and caring to everyone. Wtf?
Even when they didn't deserve it
Why are you with the villians? Are you stupid?
That is until he saw the rage and hurt in your eyes the first time you fought together.
It reminded him of himself
Of how he got where he was
Slowly you had unconsciously worked your way into his heart
You caring for his wounds(new and old), your soft smiles and warm eyes. You never looked at him with disgust, fear or malice.
You were the first to ever do so in a long long time. Since his childhood.
He never wanted to fall in love but here was fate pushing you two together.
You fell just as slowly. You thought you were never really worthy of love. But it didn't stop you from giving it to those around you. Loophole you thought.
But you would find dabi doing little things. Things that made you feel something you shouldn't. Things you didn't think you deserved.
Throwing a blanket over you if you fell asleep on the couch.
Getting your favorite snacks
During fights he would casually move between you and your enemies. Protecting you.
Well shit here you both were. Madly in love, but still apprehensive.
But when he asked you to call him by another name and you did?
That's when dabi kissed you for the first time. It shocked you both tbh
It wasn't rough like you had imagined. But soft and sweet. Nothing like the mask he wears for everyone.
After about 8 months of dating dabi realized he wanted to be yours forever. And you his.
So fuck proposing. He did a surprise wedding. He didn't want to give you chance to change your mind. because insecure bb🥺
He got everything ready.
Now he just needed you
Their was a beautiful knee length white lace dress laying on your bed with a note "meet me here. Kurogiri will warp you.-t"
Running your fingers over the dress, you smiled. You always did like surprises from him.
You got yourself ready for your date with the love of your life and went to find kurogiri.
He met you with a blindfold that matched dabi's eyes
"He requested you wear this."
You nodded and let him tie it on
Next you thing know you feel dabi's warm hand in yours.
"You ready, doll?" You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Until the end, babe."
He slips off the blindfold
You're in a forest with twinkle lights strewn about and a blue flamed candle walkway to a beautiful arch covered in your favorite flowers. Your closest leauge friends are here too.
"Will you let me stand by your side, until the end?"
You gently cup his cheeks in your hands, brushing your lips against his. Whispering for no one else to hear
"Yes, toya. For you, even longer."
He doesn't even need to smirk. You can see the overwhelming happiness in his eyes.
When you say your I do's surprisingly enough all your friends have happiness written on their face too. Even shiggy
The next day he gets a new piercing on his ring finger and you a small blue flame tattoo on yours.
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You've had eijirou kirishimas heart since your first year of UA together
One day he was feeling insecure about his quirk and you showed up changing the way he saw himself.
"Kirishima, you're the unbreakable Red Riot. It's not about how flashy a heros quirk is, it's about their resolve. Your tenacity to protect and save people..." you smile, "if that isn't the making to be a great hero I don't know what is."
And tbh he had yours since that 1st yr too. You always admired his courage & his dedication to his friends even if they didn't want it cough bakugo
For two years you both danced around your feelings for eachother. Flirting but never taking the next step.
That is until bakugo not mina, & yes shes jealous she wasn't the one that set you 2 up got fed up one night of your guys flirting.
And I quote "Oi! Would you two go on a fucking date already. I'm tired of listening to shitty hair pine after you." he did out of love for his bestie
It was the only time you've genuinely seen kirishima want to kill bakugo
Shyly you answered, "I'd like that."
Bb turned his head around so fast he almost got whiplash.
You've been together 5yrs now and it was your birthday. Kirishima wanted to make it extra special.
A picnic in your favorite park, he was lucky your bd was at the same time as the cherry blossoms blooming. You loved them.
Setting up the picnic kirishima reminisced.
It was your favorite park because that's where your first date was. It was unusually hot. He got you both popsicles.
It was the first time he had seen you eat one. *crunch crunch*
boy was staring, shook
You blushing "I know, people say it's weird to eat popsicles like that."
"I dont think so." He smiled as he crunched his own. Must be fate.
Now here you two were cuddled laying down on a blanket, your head placed on his chest and his hand around your waist. Finished with lunch
"Thanks for the birthday lunch, babe. I loved it." You sighed contentedly.
What you didn't notice is that he was fiddling with a little red box. "Its not quite over yet. I have one more thing." He sat you both up and looked deeply into your eyes with so much love. " Y/n you-"
Just then a downpour of rain happened.
Kirishima scrambled to pick up the picnic supplies. His hair beginning to fall from its signature style
He turned to grab your hand to pull you under cover. So manly
You were a few feet away. Your eyes closed and head tilted back. A warm smile on your face. Letting the rain wash over you.
He'd never seen anything so beautiful
Picnic supplies forgotten. He knelt in front of you on one knee. He grabbed your hand with one of his.
You opened your eyes and looked down at your eiji. Your rock, your home.
"Y/n, you give me the strength to be unbreakable. Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He opened the little red box.
Your heart beating as wildly as his
Inside was the most beautiful ring. It held your favorite gemstone. Long ago in hs you and mina were doing girl talk while the guys played video games. You'd told her diamond engagement rings were lame and what you preferred.
He remembered? That was before you were even dating...
You smiled through happy tears "yes eijirou, yes I'll marry you."
"There's an inscription." He said softly.
You looked closer at the ring, even after 7 years of loving him he still found ways to make your heart flutter
'forever unbreakable'
"Oh, Ei, it's perfect."
He slipped it on you and pulled you into a kiss. "Let's get you out of this rain. Wouldn't want you to get sick." we stan a gentlemanly king
"Just a little longer, I hear rain is good luck for this type of thing." You wave your newly ring adorned hand.
"Anything for you." He whispered before kissing you again.
You've never loved the rain more
The wedding day came
You stood before the love of your life and he his
You slide his wedding band on
Engraved inside
'my rock, my home'
"Now the bride." said the person marring you.
"Here you go shitty hair." Said the best man, handing kirishima the ring.
Did you think bakugo wouldnt want to be best man? Haha he's the one that got you two together your welcome or whatever
Kirishima tenderly slipped the ring on your finger.
Of course it decided to pour just then
Everyone ran for cover but you two
Bakugo, "tch, those idiots are going to be sick for their honeymoon." he cares ok
Mina sighing, "so romantic."
You tilted your head to the sky laughing, "babe, the universe is wishing us good luck."
He gently grabbed your chin, making you look at him. "guess we were meant to be." He whispered as he pulled you in for a long passionate kiss in the rain, him still making your heart stutter.
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accomplice-tendou · 3 years
Chapter Twenty Three
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁
Y/N'S P.O.V.
"U-Uh anyway Y/N, we're here to talk to you about what happened last week."
"Last week?" I reply as I sit up, "What about it? I thought everything was okay?"
You watch as Tendou and Goshiki exchange glances before asking you to redescribe the event.
"Fine," you groan, "I was watching the cop talk to his friend about how he was determined to get me specifically because he's got some information from my file."
You shrug and wait for the guys to finally move on from the tedious conversation. Unfortunately for you, the opposite happens.
"What files?" they both ask frustratedly.
"I dunno, the police files I guess," you shrug, "we talked about this already."
Tendou narrows his eyes and shakes his head.
"No we didn't," he tells you, "Y/N are you hiding something from me?"
You shift your gaze to Goshiki and see he's got a serious look on his face. It's way more intense than what you're used to seeing from him, almost frightening.
"N-No, I'm sorry. I thought I told you guys."
You hang your head in defeat, the deafening sound of silence consuming you.
Suddenly, without a word, Tendou grabs your arm and pulls you up. You go with him, not putting up a fight as he roughly pulls you down the hall and into his room. You only notice Goshiki's presence when the door shuts behind him.
You watch as Tendou begins searching for something on his laptop. Once he's done, he pats his lap and ushers you to sit with him. You steal one quick glance at Goshiki, who now looks a bit worried, as you walk over to Tendou.
Tendou types something quickly onto his computer and a Youtube video pops up. Right away you notice the video's got thousands of views.
As the video begins, you squint slightly to get a better look at the poor quality of what seems to be from an older phone. However, the scene is still clearly recognizable.
You see a man, around the age of twenty, with a black eye and blood covering the majority of his face. In the background you hear a familiar voice laughing wildly. You gasp once you recognize the voice as Tendou's. Additionally, you hear muffled grunts from the assaulter who you recognize as Goshiki even though his face isn't shown.
What the hell?
Realizing that you've got a good understanding of what he's trying to show you, Tendou lifts his arm and points to the man getting beat up.
"That dude," he states confidently, "was hiding information from us."
Your heart starts beating out of your chest. You know exactly what Tendou is trying to say and you know one small screw up and you'll be done for.
"Y/N, I want you to know that I'd never even think about hurting you," Tendou whispers as he plays with your hair, "but if you hide something from us, I won't be able to control the others."
For the first time since being with Tendou, you feel tears streaming down your face. Not in fear of the police or getting caught, but of the group you were surrounded by. You know you didn't purposefully hold back information, but will these guys really not hold back after your mistake?
"Enough," you hear Goshiki's voice from behind you.
Quickly, Goshiki pulls you off of Tendou's lap and tries to embrace you reassuringly.
"I really didn't mean to hide anything," you sob to him, "I'm sorry."
As you continue to stay in Goshiki's arms, you hear the chair Tendou was in scape against the floor and heavy footprints walk towards you. Roughly, Tendou grabs onto your face and forces you to look into his eyes.
"Then tell us, Y/N, what did you hear him say?"
"H-He said that he has our files i-in his home," you reply shakily.
Tendou lets go of your face and nods to Goshiki. You feel his arms hold you tighter for a moment before he whispers a goodbye.
Once Goshiki walks away and out of the room, you feel less secure standing there with Tendou alone. In fact, you back up slightly until Tendou takes hold of your hand.
"Please, Y/N," he says calmly, "tell me the rest."
You begin to tell Tendou about the conversation you overheard the other day. You make sure to emphasize the part where Daichi said he could get in trouble if you and your friends weren't caught soon.
Once more you can't help the tears roll down your face. Thankfully though, this time it wasn't because you felt uncomfortable around your friends.
Tendou hugs you tight, letting you cry as much as you need.
"Don't worry, Y/N," he soothes as he rubs your back, "I'm going to protect you no matter what."
Your heart sinks. You felt awful for how you perceived the situation before. Tendou wasn't trying to hurt you, he was showing you that he needed you to be honest in order for him to take care of you. Knowing this, you throw your arms around him holding him tight.
"I'm so sorry."
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"They'll be here any second," Tendou tells you the following day as you wait for the others to arrive.
"Why can't we just text them," you groan as you cover your face, "they're all going to hate me even more."
"You know it isn't safe that way," Tendou rolls his eyes, "but anyway they're not going to hate you. They don't hate you now."
"Ushijima does," you sigh.
"He's just like that," Tendou laughs, "He still likes you. I promise."
Just as the doorbell rings, you roll your eyes. You watch as Tendou walks over to answer the door followed by the rest of the group shuffling inside, sitting near you.
"All righty," Tendou beams, "We're all here because Y/N has something she remembered from what happened last week."
"She just remembered?" Shirabu asks with a hint of confusion and sarcasm.
"No, but we didn't have time to set up a meeting until now," Tendo lies, covering for you, "Go ahead, Y/N."
"Well the other day when I heard the cop talking, he mentioned having our files at his house and-"
"I told you Tendou," Ushijima stands, "Y/N lies and we can't trust her."
Quickly, Tendou pushes Ushijima away from the group.
"You're always pulling this crap," he berates his friend, "Just sit and listen to her for once!"
As you watch the scene Goshiki puts his hand on yours, pulling your attention to him.
"They're not going to do anything," he whispers, "don't worry about Ushi, k?"
You nod and once more your attention gets stolen. This time by Semi who sighs before pulling out his laptop. Even Ushijima and Tendou stop bickering as they watch Semi type something frantically and stare down at the scene with a burning intensity.
"Alright, I got his address," Semi calmly explains.
"See Y/N I told you it'll be fine!" Tendou smiles as he practically skips over towards Semi, "but I am going to need to borrow you again."
You look over at Goshiki who shrugs before catching on to the situation.
"It's what you gotta do," he says with a small smile.
Shirabu then calls you and hands you a small device.
"Here take this," he says, "and place it in the room where the files are."
"Oi, why'd you bring that with you?" Reon laughs.
"Shut up, I just had it on me," he retorts.
"Ooo, Shirabu's a little freak huh," Tendou laughs.
Shirabu ignores the comments and continues to explain to you how to work the device. He mentions that it'll allow them to hear what's going on in the room after you're gone. Once he is done, you give him a thumbs up and look over to your partner.
"Ready to go?" he smirks.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
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harryshollands · 5 years
Requested:  Nope!
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A few months after your break up with Tom, you run into his brothers at the grocery store. Paddy manages to convince you to come to his football game by bringing up the pinky promise you’d made almost a year ago.
A/N: Let me know if you want a part two! I really really love writing imagines that involve Paddy and Y/N being adorable. This is no exception. Feel free to send me requests for the Hollands + Haz!
Masterlist! Send a Request!
Word Count: 2.3k
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You were doing good. You were drinking your water, you were getting the right amount of sleep and your skin was pretty clear.
That was the overall definition of good, right?
But by your definition, your heart was hurting and you couldn’t bring yourself to chuck out all of the crap that your ex-boyfriend had left you with. It sucked. You’d given five years of your life to Tom Holland and now you had to find yourself once again. Your routine had always revolved around Tom. When you’re dating a movie star you take what you can get.
During your post-breakup slump, you’d managed to eat all of your junk food and now you needed to stock up in general, because once you ran out of sweet stuff you managed to eat all of your cereal.
So, here you were, in the middle of Tesco’s with a shopping cart full of cereal, ice cream, frozen meals and milk, trying to choose between two different types of Oreos.
You spun around, glancing at the person who had called your name before breaking out into a grin.
“Hey there, kiddo” You joked as Paddy flung himself into your arms, squeezing you tightly as if you were about to disappear.
“Paddy! Jesus, where are you- oh! Y/N! Hi!” Sam was rushing after his sibling, coming to a halt as he saw Paddy wrapped around you.
“Hiya” You laughed awkwardly, setting Paddy back on his feet as your finger’s gripped your shopping cart in an attempt to calm your nerves.
“I made it to the finals” Paddy blurted, a grin on his face as he watched your own light up.
“I knew you would! Congrats, Paddy! That’s so cool” You congratulated, giving him a high five as Sam glanced around the isle awkwardly. 
You and Sam had been the closest. You had considered him your best friend, so when Tom had ended everything with no warning you both snapped apart.
“Can you come?” 
“Can you come to the game? You’re always there and we miss you” Paddy clarified, a hopeful look painted on his face paired with his best puppy dog eyes.
Your face fell slightly, but you quickly masked t with a small smile.
“I miss you guys, too, but I can’t just turn up, Padster. It’s different now” You told him softly, attempting to let him down easy before his older brother piped up.
“You should come. You’ve always been the only one who can stop Mum from screaming at people on the other team. Dad made her stay home at the last game” Sam admitted, trying not to laugh at the memory.
“I don’t know, you guys-”
“Tom is still filming in Italy so you won’t have to see him. Pleaaase, Y/N? You promised to be at all of my big football games” Paddy cut you off causing Sam to choke on a laugh at his little brother pulling out the promise card. 
Everyone knew that you kept your promises, and so, reluctantly you nodded your head, caving in to the youngest Holland’s puppy dog eyes and fake pout.
“Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Paddy cheered, hugging you before rushing out of the aisle in search of Harry who had been flirting with an employee in the freezer section.
“I think you made his day” Sam joked as he gave you a grin, you smiled back awkwardly before nodding.
“He definitely made mine” You mutter softly causing Sam to frown.
“I’ll text you the details for the game. Maybe we could get lunch beforehand? It’s been really weird without you” Your eyes lit up at the thought of hanging out with your best friend again.
“Righty-o, my number is still the same.” You agree, a goofy grin your face matching Sam’s.
“I’ll leave you to your big Oreo decision. Let me know who wins, yeah?”
And that was when you knew that you were going to be okay. With or without Tom, you were going to get back on track and you weren’t going to let him stop your friendship with Sam just because of a break-up.
“I’m stuffed” You laughed as you split the check for lunch with the Holland family. Harry let out a groan of agreement as Nikki and Dom tried to persuade you to let them pay for your meal.
“Really, I can pay. You guys don’t have to pay for me when we go out anymore” You stated, your tone soft but firm and you saw Nikki’s face drop. The reality of the break up was back in her mind.
She’d loved you. You were always a daughter to her, and she really thought that one day you’d be her daughter-in-law.
“I want to” She replied, equally as firm as she squeezed your hand, pressing a kiss to Paddy’s forehead and walking over to the counter. 
Sam gave you a grin from beside you and by the time his mother had come back, it was time to pile into the minivan and head to Paddy’s game.
“He’s got this” You muttered to Nikki as she sat beside you, passing her camera to Harry for photos.
“I don’t trust those punks on the other team. Broke poor Toby’s ankle last year, you remember how distraught Paddy was for his friend? Disgusting. Should be banned” The woman grumbled causing you to giggle as the kids poured out onto the field.
You were always the calm one at these games. It was always you. But not today.
You decided to stand up and cheer.
Sam’s eyes were wide and Dom watched in amusement.
“You’ve got this, Paddy!” You shouted as the game began, Nikki grinning and standing up with you.
It didn’t feel like it used to. It felt better, you felt at ease and happy.
Harry was laughing to himself as he recorded the two of you screaming encouragement at his brother, not thinking twice before posting it on his Instagram story.
Nikki was laughing loudly and holding you close to her, almost like she was scared that you would slip away from her and her family again. But you wouldn't. Nothing could make you leave them.
Tom was whining as Harrison drove carefully through the crowded parking lot at the football field.
“Just get out, you div. Walk over there while I find a park” Haz grumbled, eyes squinted as he tried to find a small spot for his car.
“Good idea. Good luck!” Tom called to his best friend as he rushed out of the small Prius, slamming the door behind him.
It felt weird being back in London so soon after his break up. He’d pretty much left the day after he’d called it quits with you due to filming. It felt abnormal.
The brit weaved his way through the crowds, looking for a glance of his family, but his eyes landed on you. Cheering next to his mom whilst his family laughed along.
Tom felt like he couldn't breathe.
Seeing you again was like a kick to the gut.
You were with his family.
Not that he forbid them from seeing you, but he thought that you’d all go your own ways considering he broke up with you. 
It really was because of the distance. It sucked. He’d let some things that he didn’t mean slip out, too, and then you cried and broke down whilst he wheeled his suitcase out the front door, not looking back.
Before he even knew what he was doing, his feet were carrying him towards his family.
Harry was the first to spot him.
“Look at what the cat dragged in!” He laughed as he pulled his older brother into a hug. Tom laughed along with him before hugging Sam and his dad.
His mom had her hands over her mouth in shock. She hadn’t expected him to be home for another three months. You, on the other hand, were trying not to frown at the sight of your ex-boyfriend.
Nikki glanced at you before pulling her eldest son into a hug and turning back to the game, screaming tactics at her son and his teammates.
“Hi, love” Tom greeted you softly, his eyes drinking you in. 
He didn’t think that you could have changed much but he was wrong. 
You looked stronger. You oozed capability.
“Tom.” You nod back before shrieking as Paddy scored a goal.
“GOOD JOB, PADDY!” you screamed causing Tom to jump a little.
Paddy had won. Everyone was ecstatic, except for Paddy. You’d all gone for celebratory ice cream and Paddy was quiet the whole time.
“Why are you back?” Paddy asked Tom suddenly, the whole group falling silent. Tom frowned, seeing the grumpy appearance his little brother was maintaining.
“I wanted to see your game, Pads, what do you mean?” He questioned feeling slightly dejected as Paddy frowned at his reply.
“It took me two months to see Y/N/N and get her to come to the game. I don’t want her to go away because you’re here” Paddy replied bluntly, looking between his brother and you.
You narrowed your eyes at the child lovingly, shaking your head.
“Padster, I would’ve come anyway. I’m really happy to be here, but your brother came all this way for you and I think he’s feeling a little left out. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon but Tom is. Catch up with him while you can” You told the kid, and he listened. 
Tom looked at you in awe as his brother finally warmed up to him again.
God, he missed you.
“But I don’t want you to go again” Paddy mumbled causing your heart to shatter again.
“Hey now. I’m here right now, okay? And that’s what counts. Don’t blame your brother. Breakups are a two-way street” You console, pressing a kiss to Paddy’s forehead before motioning to Tom.
“Now go and hug him”.
The whole table was back in their bustle of a conversation, Paddy and Tom getting along marvellously and you and Sam cackling about Harry’s blurry photos from using the wrong lens.
“So you guys are still close, huh?” Tom asked you eventually. You glanced at him with a grimace on your face.
“No. I haven’t seen them in a few months. I’m only here for today”
Tom grinned and you already knew what he was thinking.
“I’m not here for you. I’m here for Paddy”.
You glanced around the table, looking at the faces that were permanently ingrained in your memory. It was time for you to go and let them be, you thought to yourself. You leant across the table to Nikki, a small smile playing at your lips.
“I think I’m going to head out now” You inform her, trying not to linger on the way that her smile turned sad.
“Are you sure? You could always crash at our house, sweetheart. You always have a home with us” The mother of four offered, trying not to sound desperate. You shook your head, playing with your fingers.
“No thank you, I think I’m going to call it a night” You whisper back before pushing your chair back, gaining the attention of all of the family at your table.
You cleared your throat and smiled awkwardly,
“I’m going to head home now. It was nice seeing you all again” You address the table, a sad smile on your lips as Paddy rushes over to you.
“Do you have to? We can make Tom go? Will you stay then?”
“Pads, you can’t boot your brother out” You laugh lightly, pulling him into a hug and smoothing his hair down.
“I’ll see you guys around eventually, yeah?” You mutter, pressing a quick kiss to the youngest Holland’s temple bone. 
One by one, the family stands up and hugs you before sitting down once again. Tom doesn’t know what to do with himself as he says goodbye.
“I’ll see you around, Tom”.
The young adult watched as you walked out of the parlour, his eyes following you until you were out of sight.
Nikki looked at him with a frown, shaking her head at her oldest son.
“Why did you have to let her go again? It hurts every time, Tom. Every godforsaken time” The woman sniffled, leaning her head on Sam’s shoulder and grabbing napkins to dab at her tears.
Tom looked at his mother, jaw slack and completely flabbergasted at his family’s drop in mood. They were all less lively than they had been only moments ago.
“I didn’t- she wanted to leave. I’m confused.” Tom admitted, his eyebrows furrowing as his mother continued to sniffle.
“I haven’t seen her since you left her, Thomas. I loved that girl like she was my own. She would walk in the other direction if she saw us in public. Can’t even look at us, Tom. I thought that one day we’d be sitting in a church watching you marry her and now all I have is a photo of her from Christmas last year and the birthday present she got me. Today was the first time we’ve seen her since everything happened and I saw the way you looked at her as soon as you saw her with us. I thought that maybe- just maybe you would stop her, talk to her- something! Anything! But you didn't and it’s like I just lost a child all over again.” Nikki ranted, shaking her head and standing up from the table, brushing off her husband’s attempt to comfort her by grabbing her hand.
“I’m glad you’re home, darling, but I wish that it was different.”
And with that, Nikki paid for their ice creams and told Dom that she’d see them all at home, leaving Tom and the rest of their family in silence.
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Ok, so I'm gonna start posting one-shots from my post putting others first one-shot book onto here. First, we have Trust In Me which is Roceit obviously.
Synopsis: It's been an entire week since the video and Roman hasn't come out of his room at all, not even to eat. After a discussion with Thomas and a heavy scolding from Remus, Janus realises that Roman has had a severe creative burn out.
Can Janus help Roman recover?
P.s This is based on my head cannon that Janus can force sides to sleep if they're not looking after themselves. I know in the video it saids denial but I think Janus's core functions are Deceit and Self Preservation especially because of the language he used during putting others first.
Tw: Self Harm, not looking after one's self and creative burnout.
It had been nearly over a week since the video and Roman had refused to let anyone in his room. After a talk with Virgil and Janus, they had both managed to make amends, Patton was so relieved. Thomas not only took time for himself but he talked with Virgil and reassured him that he trusted him. The youtuber also apologised to Logan for ignoring him and reassured him that he would listen to him more often. However, Thomas was overworking himself and began to sleep less. Everyone including Thomas thought Roman needed time to heal, boy they were wrong.
That brought Thomas to today, he was sleep-deprived and barely functioning. He knew that Janus would be the best one to call to help solve the problem due to him being the expert on self-care.
Janus sunk up in his new spot in the kitchen. He looked at Thomas with deep worry and concern.
"How can I help you, Thomas?!"
"I haven't been able to sleep, I took your advice but then I kept staying up later and later jotting down ideas."
"Ah, I see, Roman hasn't come out of his room since the video, he hasn't come down for meals. Every time Patton has left a plate outside Roman's door it has remained untouched. We haven't even been able to sink into Roman's room."
"Oh no that's bad!"
"Heck yeah and you deserve it, Roman's half of the imagination was on fire and I had to put it out all by myself."
"That kind of language won't help Thomas, Remus."
"You don't have the right to tell me what to do! Especially after you abandoned me and broke my brother."
"Re, he made fun of my name, he needed to know he was wrong. I was just trying to teach him."
"Don't you lie to me, you know your comeback broke him, in fact, it was worse. Look at Thomas and tell me that's a sign Thomas is ok."
"Your right, Thomas im going to use my powers on Roman. Lie down as you may begin to feel yourself drift off. Also, I advise you take a creative break as that will help Roman fully recover from whatever state he's gotten himself into."
"Thanks, Janus, make sure to send him to me when he feels better."
"Don't worry I will do, now do yourself a favour and sleep."
Thomas sunk into the covers and looked up to the sky before trying to fall asleep. Meanwhile, Janus and Remus sunk into the mindscape and hurried to Roman's Room. Remus tried the door nob but it was locked.
"Remus break down the door!"
"Yes sir!"
Remus summoned his morning star and began beating at the door till it was nothing but splinters. When the duo walked in they were absolutely heartbroken at the sight they saw. Roman was at his desk trying to come up with more ideas. The creative side, looked as thin as a twig, his prince costume was on the ground torn and he had bags underneath his eyes that could rival Virgil's eye shadow.
Roman hadn't even taken notice of the door being broken by Remus. His focus was purely on jotting down in his crimson red note book. Remus grabbed the torn up Prince costume.
"Remus go fix his costume, I can handle this!"
"I'll take care of him, Remus."
"Thank you!"
Roman punched the desk in frustration, he was trying his hardest to help Thomas be productive and come up with good ideas. He couldn't remember the last time he slept or ate but he remembered that he needed to prove to Thomas that he was useful. He looked at his wrist and saw yet another bruise form on his already damaged body.
"Oh Roman, we've all been so worried, you haven't been eating any of the food Patton left outside of your door."
The creative side jumped at the sight of the snake. He was sure he had locked his door but when he saw the broken-down door he was highly confused. Roman looked at Janus with a cold expression.
"Roman, listen to me it's been over a week, Thomas is burned out for the constant input your giving. You need to rest, you've burnt yourself out."
"Why do you care snake, I'm the bad guy, I'm the one hurting Thomas and why did the others send you I thought they wanted me to be useful for Thomas and not hurt him."
"Roman, you're not hurting Thomas, you're hurting yourself, why can't you see that?"
"Because I'm always wrong, maybe we should go to the callback wrong, you're the bad guy wrong. Every time I share my ideas I'm wrong. It was wrong for me to make fun of your name it's actually gorgeous and suits you it's just I thought it was what the others wanted but clearly as always I was wrong."
"Oh Roman, how did we let you fall so far? I shouldn't have reacted the way I did you and Remus are not evil or similar your just both opposites and that's amazing. We all love you, Roman, when I nodded I was trying to reassure you that Thomas was telling the truth. You do so much for us."
"I-I how can I trust you, the others told me you were trying to manipulate me?!"
"I apologise for my behaviour I should have never targeted your self-esteem the way I did."
"It's ok it's my fault I should have been better but you see locked away I can be."
"No this is unhealthy behaviour, you're destroying yourself."
"I'll do- hey put me down!"
"Roman you need to rest!"
Janus gently placed Roman down on his King-sized bed. He closed his eyes focusing all of his energy on using his powers.
"N-no, need to help T-"
"Roman look at me you need to rest, you've gotten yourself severely ill."
"Shhhh, Roman you need to rest."
"It's ok, I'm right here, now sleep."
Janus gently stroked Roman's hair as his powers began to take effect. He continued to soothe the worn-out creative side.
"Don't fight it you need to rest."
"Janus how a-"
Roman wanted to fight it to stay awake but for the first time in weeks, he felt so relaxed. The creative side drifted off into unconsciousness. Janus tucked Roman in and gently kissed him on the cheek. He then grabbed the thermometer and checked the temperature of the creative side. Janus gasped out how hot Roman was, this indeed was a severe burnout and it would take at least a few weeks to nurse Roman back to help. Guilt struck his heart if only they'd bothered to barge into Roman's room after the video, then this wouldn't have happened.
"Rest well, my love."
Roman groaned in pain, he felt as hot as lava. Everything was blurry and the only thing he could make out was a blur of dark blue and black.
"It's alright Janus is in the kitchen, he told me what happened."
"I'm so-"
"I don't want to hear it Roman, I understand what it's like to feel like your not listened too. I forgive you, now drink up if you weren't a figment of Thomas we would have lost you by now."
"Pft thanks teach."
Roman accepted the cup of water and gulped it down as slowly as he could. His hand shook violently trying to hand the cup back to Logan.
The next time Roman, awoke was when he felt his mouth tingle. He adjusted to his surroundings releasing that he was still sick. The creative side gasped in shock weakly, when he saw the tall figure of his brother towering over him.
"You're an idiot you know that righty."
"Right, where's Jan?"
"In the kitchen again, he thinks some sweet things will help. Sorry, it's just I was so worried especially when we broke into your room."
"I understand, Rem I-"
"I know but promise me you'll stop this self-destructive, behaviour."
"I-I can't promise but I'll try my very best."
"Good Ro-bro, now open wide you need to take some medicine."
Roman's tongue tingled in delight feeling the strawberry flavoured liquid go down. He eventually once again felt drowsy and drifted off back to sleep.
Once again Roman awoke but this time he could hear soft Disney Music echoing across the room. He blinked and saw a soft blur of black and purple.
"Ha knew that would wake you up, princey."
"Before you start questioning your brothers with Janus making share the snake gets some rest. He's never left your side you know, for hours he would only leave to cook you food."
"I-I didn't think-"
"Of course you thought that, oh how I wished me and Patton were less hard on you during the courtroom. We should have realised that you're just a fragile little butterfly sooner."
"Why am I a butterfly?"
"Because butterflies are so beautiful and graceful."
"Im not beautiful a-"
"Roman Creativity Sanders, I will not sit here and watch you talk bad about yourself. You matter and you are so important, if it wasn't for you Thomas wouldn't be where he is today if it wasn't for you Thomas wouldn't have a fan base that adore and idolise him. You're the one who tries to make Logan loosen up, you're the one who makes sure Patton is happy and you reassure me that Thomas is safe to take risks. You make us better!"
"Well, it seems I've left you speechless, this is not your fault Roman, we're your fam-ILY we should have noticed that we were hurting you."
"Not everything is on you Roman, you always try to be better, you tried to be nicer to me but I didn't do that in return."
"Um thanks, I guess."
"Here Patton made you some healing soup."
Roman carefully chugged down the soup, his hands still felt extremely achy. The next time he woke up to someone other than Janus was when he felt water trickling down his forehead. Roman looked up to see a familiar light blue and grey blur towering over him.
"Shh it's only me kiddo, how are you feeling?"
"Your fevers died down, thanks to Thomas taking a creative break."
"He really did that for me?"
"Of course Kiddo, we've all been trying to help you recover especially Janus. In fact, he's talking with Thomas right now."
"I-I thought you all hated me, I thought everything I did wasn't good enough."
"Don't ever say that again I really do mean it kiddo we love ya. From now on I'm gonna show how much we care. I see it now that I wasn't just hurting Thomas with my strictness it hurt you too and for that I'm sorry. You're allowed to be flawed."
"Thanks, padre it-it um means alot to me."
"Now here you're still sick so you still need to take your medicine."
It took approximately four weeks for Roman to heal from his drastic creative burnout. The side crawled out of bed and changed into his black undergarments. He still didn't quite feel worthy of his Prince costume but he still felt ready to confront his others. As soon as he opened the door he was greeted by Janus who looked like he was about to burst into tears.
"R-Roman, you've fully recovered."
"Yeah, mainly thanks to you, why didn't you tell us your other main functions were denial and self-preservation."
"Only Virgil and Remus knew of my functions and powers. I just knew that you guys wouldn't believe me."
"Well, I'm very grateful you stayed by my side."
"Ah, it was nothing but seriously both you and Thomas need to learn that selfishness can be good sometimes."
"I remember me, telling you I went against you to please the others and that still stands. You were right from the beginning and I should have realised you were trying to tell me that giving up the call back to please the others was not ok."
"I'm glad you've learned and I promise you if you lie about how your feeling I'll call you out on it."
"Thank you, Janus."
"My pleasure Roman, I did promise to send you to Thomas as soon as you'd recovered but I'm sure your starving, Patton cooked your favourite."
"Mmmm lasagne."
"Bon appetite."
After that horrible burnout, Roman never ever bottled up his feelings, he even got to share his room with Remus. Thomas got another callback and he made sure this time that he compromised with his friends. It took a while but a lot of the fanders began to understand Roman's importance and problems as well. Roman stans were no longer the rarity.
The End
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