#my kingdom for a cubicle
The unaccountable cost of being perceived all day
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cube-toast · 1 year
Brought my switch to work to play Totk on the clock because ain't no way im missing out on this
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Trunk or Treat with the Student Council
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Based Off This Post About These OCs and a continuation from yesterday Happy Halloween to those who celebrate 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
The muffled sounds of the cheering student body and the themed music filled the small room. It was a small place with no windows, a single door, and walls as small as a public cubicle. It was an uncomfortable comparison but you were feeling just that. Shoved by none other than the pushy June you were put in a padded chair dressed to look like a golden throne adorned with jewels and pearls. 
You guessed it did match your costume. With a wine-red top that stopped just below your ribs and a matching pair of exercise shorts. Both were covered with fake golden chains or you at least you hoped they were fake. They were a little heavy on your chest but it was minor compared to the weight on your head. Per your dragon-ghost character you were given horns also adorned with golden chains and various necklaces. 
Surely it made it easier to shove you around when your attention was on not simply crumpling to the ground. It came as a surprise to you considering this was the first time you were officially allowed to wear it, let alone see the finished product.Not too long after Gill ushered you into the dark underground of the stage, June was waiting there rattling incessantly about something you could barely follow. He must have meant for it to be that way because without getting a word in edge-wise he pushed you into this chair. 
“Here you are! For your own safety you probably shouldn’t get up anymore so I’m just going to–”
“There you are we’ll see you later! So stay put, puddin’!” 
“June w-w-wait–”
No time at all the door was shut and you were practically enveloped in darkness. Other than a small hole of light bleeding in from the outside you had nothing but your thoughts. Instead straining to hear what you could from outside. 
“---kingdom with our lovely and dead King!”
The cacophony of an adoring kingdom rang out.
“---followed by our powerful queen–”
A roar of applause.
“--ruling alongside our ghouly duke and duchess.”
Some whistles this time.
“--our oh so talented dungeon master–”
Were those toy-clackers?
“--And me your lovely lovely advisor.”
Another bout of adoring praise. 
“My outspoken advisor of the dead–”
You recognized that as Lucoa. The crowd sounded dead silent.
“--you’ve done well to introduce our court but you seemed to have forgotten the most proud and prided treasure of our ghostly court.”
“My King you’re correct as you are always. And on this day, the one day of this year that our court allows the common ghosts to behold our grandest wealth.”
The ground beneath you began to lightly move upward. Suddenly the sweat accumulated from the stuffy room turned cold as a glaze of self-consciousness came over you. Nonetheless, you ascended as a triumphant theme began to play. As the roof opened up you shut your eyes at the brightness of orange lighting. 
“Here’s our lovely, show-stopping, stunning, all-commanding, all-demanding ghostly dragon!!!”
Looking at the crowd was the first thing you did, nervously searching for any sign of disapproval finding that it was very difficult with all the lighting directed at you. You instead looked around yourself to find yourself surrounded by an abundance of fake piles of gold on a painted foam castle. 
Just beyond your elevated stature, you looked to the sides of the stage to see the members of the student council. Each stands in front of their settings–the ones you worked to paint and create before, illuminated by single spotlights. They all looked at you as Lucoa went to speak.
“Now our ghostly people, don’t be afraid! For our beloved kings and leaders of our ghostly kingdom will tame them!”
With a stronger spotlight on him, Lucoa made his way toward your tower. Calmly climbing a set of stairs that led up to your place. The crowd began to whistle and holler in a hushed tone; no doubt whispering of the illusive Council President making his way to you.
His blue hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, flaring out under the crown he had on. Along with the red and gold of a typical king costume, there was a transparent golden veil draped over his face. Matching the golden shackle binds on his wrists and ankles clink with broken golden chains. 
As he got closer you could make out the smile on his face grow as he came closer to you. The typical silver piercing on his lip was replaced by a gold one. The same could be said for his ear cuff.
“I’m starting to think you just wanted an excuse to dress up in something gold.”
“Really? Is that all I wanted?” 
The teasing tone of his had you rolling your eyes. Despite being so far away from the crowd you both kept your conversation to a whisper. 
“Seems like it. That and humiliating me.”
He trailed his hands along your arm, doing it lightly and quick enough to be written off by you. Resting his hand on your shoulder he brought his hands to the hanging golden bangles on your horns, pulling them over your shoulder as he lay it over and around your back. Bending down he whispered into your ear. 
“I’d prefer we call it, showing you off.”
You turned your head to ask him more but were stopped by his hands squeezing your cheeks. Forcefully turning your head back to the crowd he kept his grip on your cheeks firm as he signals Roman with a look.
“The King is the expert at taming them but as your beloved Council we will do everything together!”
Wanting to ask what he was talking about you tried to move your mouth, finding he was refusing to let your jaw open let alone turn your head as you heard the other members of the Student Council come up to your platform. 
“Ugh even if it’s not a real dress; the transparent veil over the harem pants is too much for me!”
“Awww don’t be such a sourpuss, Spencer! Once you get in one you’ll never want to go back~!”
“So you’ve said.” 
“June looks lovely in dresses.”
“Of course, you’d say that Gill.”
“I bet (Y/n) would too.”
“I-I-I say it’s a missed chance then.”
June was the first to approach skipping over to you, smiling smugly in your face. He hopped onto your lap laying his legs across both of yours, nuzzling into your chest. Keeping eye contact with you he traced his fingers along the skin he could reach from beneath the golden features of your costumes. You tried to squirm away from his touch, stopping when the hands on your jaw forced you to look up. 
A single look was all you needed before you stopped your attempts. Annoyed with your attention being changed, June slipped his hand under the golden accessories around your chest, playing with the hem of the red crop top you fought to wear underneath. Any normal person would have doubts that anything was there at all but for someone whose boyfriend drew the designs himself—it was an easy target. 
“Probably but I’m in no way disappointed with this at all.”
Feeling the cold touch of lips touching your left hand, you turned your attention–the best you could–to Gill who had stationed himself there. Kneeling on the side of your chair he gingerly held your hand occasionally kissing it tenderly. Subtly trying to pull your arm away wasn’t working as June got more daring and Gill refused to release your hand.
“I am glad. I too thought this would be more desirable. Especially with June already in a dress.”
“Aw you tease~”
“O-o-oh don’t m-misunderstand,” Min spoke up. Dressed in some arbitrarily skimpy dungeon master costume he came close kneeling in front of you. “I-i-i-i’m very happy with the accessibility in this design.”
His hands were smaller, very nimble, and oh so cold. You couldn’t help the involuntary hitch in your throat as he held your leg letting his fingers get to the underside of your thigh. Feeling the vibrations of laughter Lucoa’s voice made your cheeks burn. 
“Sensitive, huh?”
Looking away from him the best you could, you gauged the others' reactions. Gill and June shot Min a glare, whereas the man in question was blushing intensely. The treasurer let his hand lightly squeeze at the meat of your thigh letting out a noise when you bit your lip to stop yourself from saying anything more. With an apologetic look, he moved himself down gingerly caressing your ankle as he eyed the closed-toed sandals you chose. 
“I think…m-m-maybe next time we’ll have you wear something m-more open! B-b-but this is a gift nonetheless. ”
Placing a passionate kiss on your ankle instead, he kept his hands on your leg, occasionally rubbing his reddened cheek against your knee. If that wasn’t enough June was getting annoyed changing his focus to the hem of your shorts. Smiling at you when you sent a look of warning. Taking your mind off it, Spencer came to your side lightly bending down as he offered a hopeful smile. 
“Well if it’s worth anything…you are the prettiest ghost dragon I’ve ever seen.”
You sent him a thankful look and opened your hand when he politely prodded with his fingers. Opening your hand, you let him clutch your hand intertwining his fingers with yours as he leaned against the chair. His happy smile was enough to distract you as the final member of the student council trudged up. 
“And finally folks your dearest advisor will properly finish taming this beast!” 
He turns to cutely wink at you, giving a final address to the audience who were still whispering amongst each other. 
“Finally a final call from our be-loved King!”
Still holding the microphone Roman turned to you. He moved to sit on your lap, curling a lip in disgust when he saw June’s legs across the other leg. June mockingly smiled at him, expecting him to sit beside Min who was happily on the floor. Roman shot him a look and shoved his legs off, causing June to lightly yelp while he repositioned himself on his half of your lap. 
Not even flinching at Gill’s glare he leaned his head on your unoccupied shoulder as he held the microphone up for Lucoa. 
“I encourage all of you to look this Halloween but don’t touch.”
At that, Roman tucked away the microphone playing with the the gold around your chest. The audience on the other hand let out a mighty roar. A ghoulish obsessive yowl that was only illuminated by the constant flashes of high-grade cameras and cell phone video. 
No one name could be pinpointed that the crowd was calling for. 
But among those names were a few familiar syllables that had you questioning. 
But what remained clear was the power and confidence of the Student Council. 
To have you on a stage for all to see. 
Now that…was creepy.
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funnyexel · 7 months
banter between you and loki
a/n: I can imagine this happening between black fem reader and Loki. this was in the vault too
“I was not expecting visitors today.” He snarks, his eyes staying on his book.
“Right but then again you’d rather words to a person.” You speak casually, shoulders easing its tension as you grow comfortable in the new presence. 
“What poor soul did you agitate to be here today.” He closes the book standing from his slouched position on the chair and rests the book down behind him. His eyes drinking you in as his words express otherwise.
“You move to insult me.” Your lengthy sleeves lift from dragging against the floor along with your dress to dangling faintly as your hands cover your heart.
“No, I’m more so impressed.” He eases, your light colored dress mixing nicely with your skin color, providing a satisfying palette to his eyes.
“A compliment? Maybe the dungeon is changing you for the better.” Your attempt at a joke is taken wrongly when his arms fold across his chest. 
“It is not.” In the pause, you take another step.
“When will you be released. My coronation is very well near.” You change the subject of conversation to pressing matters.
“That is not how these tasks are completed here.” He says regarding the way you think these procedures are run in Asgard. Everything is run according to Odin, whatever he says, whatever he wants, everyone must abide.
“Of course not.” He paces back and forth in his confinement. The ticking of a pocket clock compelling the attention of your mind, you are running out of time.
“It will be lengthy but you might be capable.”
“There it is.” You urge, calf length braids flowing over your shoulders and hiding your expressions from the guards. “What ever you acquire me to do, be sure it is within reason and time frame.” You say, making sure you’re stern with him.
“Break me out.” You scoff halfway through his words. His stance not helping his unserious statement, looking as if you quite literally popped his bubble.
“You’re kidding.” You fail to bite back a chuckle. Your face shifting back to business. “I refuse.” 
“Then you will not have a coronation.” He shrugs.
“That’s not how my obligations work. Remember my realm doesn’t revolve around a king.” You remind him that your kingdom needs a queen more than a king and it revolves around its people more than anything else. 
“Ah yes, the elves way of life.” His slender fingers run through his jet black hair and you had to curse him for getting himself in this mess. Something in you wanted to yank him out the human fish tank yourself, take him home with you and make him king in two different ways.
“Can I ask you something?” He nods, eyes scanning your swift change in expression. “Does he.. Is he always that odious to you?” Your low voiced statement takes him aback. Straightening his posture and clothing as if you hadn’t said anything at all. Although his eyes are telling a different tale, a tale of hurt and misunderstanding. Tucking your luscious braids behind your ear, you are expecting to leave without an answer.
“I will continue negotiations between our realms. When I return it will be to release you from this cubicle.” You give him a soft smile and turn back down the looming hallway. Taking two steps with the guards behind, you sigh. Already feeling the weight on your shoulders.
He calls out your name. Looking back, you watch him closely, “he is and always will be.” Turning away from each-other at the same time, the eclipse you both were under, breaks and you ascend the steps lifting up your dress. Having your staff returned to you, you need to talk to someone who’ll listen. In order to get your husband off the hook. Treading through the hall with a female guard four paces behind, you heard distant whispering. Handmaids conversing in a hushed manner in the corner of your eye. Fixing the hair you casted behind your ear to dangle in front your face and hide the flesh. 
a/n: why do I actually miss writing like this??? anyway black history month is almost over and I gotta get these posts in.
more writing
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It's Wednesday my dudes and I come bearing the gift/curse of writing. I know most of you don't go here, I'm sorry, COD has infected my brain and I can't get it out so FC5 is on the back burner for a little while (i'm still writing it, it's just my brain needs a break from the deranged army woman and the darker stuff I have going on in that canon for a bit) so have a taste of a little fic I'm working on set before the events of the call of duty: modern warfare (reboot) games.
tagging: @anonymousmalkavian @fourlittleseedlings @harmonyowl @mccarthycormac @mxanigel @madparadoxum @jillvalentinesday @confidentandgood @afarcry5fromstraight @nightbloodbix @roofgeese @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @clicheantagonist @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @statichvm @neverthesameneveranother @sukoshimikan @josephslittledeputy @marivenah @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @josephseedismyfather @v0idbuggy @direwombat @florbelles @poetikat @fangsandroses @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @strangefable @stacispratt
writing tag list here to be added/removed
October 13, 2017 09:37 - Special Reconnaissance Regiment Headquarters, Stirling Lines, Credenhill, Herefordshire, United Kingdom 
Rory sat in her cubicle, grey plastic walls surrounding her, free of any personal items. Scouring hours of footage shot during a scouting mission in thermal vision, taking note of timestamps and important location details for her report, she couldn’t help but taste the acrid pang of jealousy. It was the duty of her and the other SRR operators in the office to painstakingly comb through reports and footage, collecting intel. The nerve center for army intelligence. Keyboards clacked and phones rang as information was filtered and passed along to where it was needed.
"Sgt. Sinclair."
A deep voice broke the monotony around her, it was one that few ever heard unless the powers that be deemed it so. She’d only heard it once before when her transfer to the SRR was approved. Spinning in her seat at her desk, she rose to stand, her hand raised in a salute as she stood at attention. "Colonel Rourke, Sir?"
Rourke, a man with decades of experience as part of the British army, stood at her desk. Brusque and stern, he was a bulldog of a man trapped in an office space. He would have been more comfortable leading a fleet of tanks rather than an infantry of analysts. "At ease, soldier." She relaxed, hands held behind her back as he continued, "I don't make a habit of personal visits, but I've just left an important meeting and I need your attention for a moment, Sergeant."
"Of course, sir."
“Follow me.” Leading her away from the bullpen she was sitting at and towards a quiet corner, a potted plant was the only company there. Free from prying eyes and ears, he turned his back to the rest of the room, and lowered his voice. "There's a joint operation happening between the Americans and the SAS, and they require our assistance. However, they're looking for boots on the ground experience, and a fair portion of the SRR operators currently available for missions of this sort of nature just don’t have that. But you –"
She nodded, her face falling somewhat. She'd only transferred six months ago and was still settling in. The SRR HQ provided a different type of work than she was used to, but she appreciated the change of pace it gave her, utilizing a different portion of her skill set. It also meant she was closer to her father rather than being half a world away in the middle of a war zone – but a soldier could only be at peace for so long. 
"I understand you were transferred here to clear the headspace, but I can’t think of anyone better suited. You have an impressive record, Sinclair. A real asset. You’ve a history with counter-terrorism, been in the thick of it, and I have a Station Chief with the CIA here who wishes to speak with you."
It wasn't a question or an offer. She had been selected. An honor bestowed upon her. There was no turning it down. Not that she would. Ambitious, career-oriented – she had no reason to say no. Walking past the cubicles of operators, it was a stark contrast to where she was less than a year ago. The ground no longer shook as bombs dropped overhead, bullets didn’t tear through the air or rip through kevlar, it was quiet here. Safe. She still played an important part in the war effort, but without the risk to life and limb. The blood no longer dripped from her hands, though that still didn’t make her clean. 
The colonel stopped outside a large meeting room and opened the door for Rory, directing her inside with his hand. The room was empty except for one woman with a coffee and a laptop sitting at a long table. Dressed in business casual clothing, she looked prepared for a day at the office compared to the soldiers around her wearing their uniforms. Looking up, her face serious, she tilted her head in Rory's direction but spoke with the Colonel, "Is this her?"
"Yes, this is Sgt. Sinclair."
Like a child being spoken about between a parent and a teacher, she was recognized as being there, but not as part of the conversation. Things had been set in motion, all of which she had yet to be made privy to. Rory was no stranger to working on a need to know basis, moving up the ranks meant for much of her career she often merely had to follow in the direction she was being pointed. This was certainly no different.
"Good to meet you," the American said with a nod of her head. "I'm Kate Laswell." Holding her hand out to the open seat beside her, she directed Rory to it. "Take a seat."
Appearing sure in her steps, even while the stress took hold, she stopped at the table and took a seat, exhaling her breath finally as she settled into the chair, still trying to hold the proper decorum expected of a soldier. 
"You can relax, Sinclair. It's just you and me." Laswell looked at the Colonel and the door quickly closed, leaving the two women to sit alone in the large, echoing, blank slate of a room. She sipped her coffee, her eyes shifting to the screen of her laptop before speaking again. "I assume the colonel didn't reveal much about what's going on here, did he?"
Shaking her head, the short choppy locks of her chestnut bob hovered around her neck. "No, not really. Just that you're looking for boots on the ground?"
"Not exactly. We have the boots, it's more so a certain expertise." Kate glanced over at the younger woman, her brow lifting. "Why's a soldier like you working behind the scenes?"
Rory stretched her neck from side to side, cracking her knuckles. A cigarette suddenly seemed like a very good idea to her. "It was suggested I take a transfer from the field after I completed my last tour.” Glancing over at Laswell, she noticed the woman had begun looking right at her, scrutinizing her. “I spent the last several years in Iraq during the civil war. Working with CIA, PMCs, whoever my unit was assigned with." Her eyes fell to her fingers as she started to pick at the hangnail on the edge of her thumb, the skin underneath as sore and raw as the memories.
"Off the books?"
She cleared her throat and returned Laswell’s eye contact. "Oftentimes, yeah."
Kate paused, her head tipping to the side. "Seen some things, huh?"
Rory tried to get a read on the woman, it was hard to get much from her face or her demeanor. There was empathy or at the very least some form of understanding. Was she a soldier in the past? Or just an overpowered cop like some of the other CIA agents she'd met? She scratched her brow, clenching her jaw. "Did some things too."
"Not afraid to get your hands dirty then." Laswell’s face never seemed to change, her mouth drawn in a straight line as she folded her hands on the table. 
"I did what was asked of me."
"Like?" The station chief seemed genuinely interested in her, trying to get a beat on her all the same. Both of them were in the process of figuring out who they were about to get into bed with. 
"Primarily I focused on targets of high importance to prevent further incursion from the insurgency. Assassinations, interrogations – been there, done that."
"Assassinations?" Kate's voice rose, her interest piqued.
"I”m SSC trained. Ran a fair few missions that left me in some nests in high towers."
"A sniper, huh?"
"Yeah. When needed."
Nodding, Laswell’s straight face seemed to break for just a brief moment into a nearly unnoticeable grin. "How many confirmed kills?"
"High importance targets? Thirty three. I lost count of the random sods," she said with a shrug.
Laswell sipped her coffee, unfazed, hearing news like that was just a walk in the park for this woman. "No stranger to deep recon then?"
"It's in the name,” Rory confirmed. “It's what the SRR does. It used to be part of the SAS, but broke off and focused on the intel part of things. It’s why I was specifically transferred here and not just put on leave. Command didn’t want to lose someone with my experience."
"You have some connections with intelligence?"
"I have friends at MI6."
"Good.” Laswell’s attention fell on her completely. “Well Sinclair, I have a friend who's running this op – he's SAS – and you sound like just what he's looking for. If you're up for it, of course." 
Rory contemplated the decision for a moment, she hadn’t thought she’d be back out in the field quite so soon, and considering the fact that none of the details of the mission were being revealed to her until she agreed to come, she assumed she was heading into some real shit. Her hands slipped from the tabletop and into her lap, a tremor shaking through them out of sight, before she nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that."
"Great." Laswell shut her laptop and scooped it under her arm as she stood, collecting her coffee cup in her other hand. "Come with me."
Her brow lifted. "Just like that?" She was well accustomed to the bureaucracy and strict measures the British army seemed to enforce, things didn’t just happen, not without cutting several layers of red tape and after being passed through multiple hands first.  
"Just like that."
She stood up and followed behind the Station Chief, keeping pace with her as they moved through the halls. Rory was in no position to argue, nor would she want to, it was nice not to be beholden to the rigidity of the chain of command. This was more cavalier. Very American. 
"So, you straddle the line between spy and soldier, huh?" Kate asked, her eyes kept forward.
"Sort of like you, I assume?" Rory asked with a sideways glance, her lips curving into a half grin.
"Sort of." Kate huffed out a laugh. "Yeah."
They turned the corner and headed down the stairs, the reverberations of their shoes on concrete stairs bouncing off the walls. Once an RAF base, now the headquarters of the SRR and the 22 Special Air Service Regiment in the midlands, it was sprawling with large open fields. Out on the parade, a helo sat waiting, it’s rotor warmed up and the blades spinning. There was no time to grab her things, it was get up and go, the moment she said yes she was being tossed from the frying pan into the fire. The urgency was clear, she had likely already been transferred and meeting Laswell was simply a courtesy. 
Ducking under the blades, the shadow of each one cutting across the sun as it broke through the dense cloud cover above, Laswell pulled open the door of the helicopter. “Head inside,” she said with a tip of her head towards the waiting entrance into the vehicle, raising her voice to be heard over the engine. 
Rory climbed in and looked over at the row of seats, noticing another soldier sitting there, already strapped in. His face stern as he shifted, adjusting his hat, the overwhelming scent of cigar smoke drifting from him. Scratching at his cheek, his nails dragging through a thick fuzz of facial hair, he glanced over at her and then turned back to Laswell who took the seat across from him. "I assume this is the one, Kate."
"Yeah, John, this is her.” Laswell pulled on the front of her jacket as she sat back and got comfortable. “Sergeant Sinclair, meet Captain Price."
Rory's brow furrowed for a moment at the name. It was familiar, but she couldn't pinpoint how. Was it one she'd seen in a report? As she strapped into her seat, steely blue eyes measured her up before turning his attention to lighting the Villa Clara cigar he’d pulled from one of the pockets of his vest. 
"Nice to meet you, Sergeant."
His voice was deep, rumbling, and it stirred something in her. She was no stranger to appreciating someone’s timbre, but this was something different. He seemed so familiar, she couldn’t place how, but she knew it. Intimately. And then the memory hit her – the bathroom stall. Five years prior, one night in a bar. The sheer chance of them meeting like this damn near improbable. Her stomach dropped. Jesus. His face was nearly recognizable beneath the facial hair that hadn't been there the first time they met. His voice had become more gruff, lower than she remembered. The cigar he was currently smoking gave a clear indication as to why. Swallowing down the embarrassment that threatened to burn at her cheeks as she looked at him, she gauged his reaction to her name - if he recognized her the way she suddenly did him, he didn't show it.
"Good to meet you too, sir," she said. Her gaze fell to her hands, remembering how it felt when he had held them. Trying her damnedest not to look at him, she preferred to appear nervous over the mission and not the man who had suddenly become her commanding officer. 
Tugging at the tactical vest he wore, Price tilted his head back, puffing on his cigar and looking out the window as the helicopter began to move, the inside shaking as they lifted up off the ground. 
There was no backing out now.
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coochiequeens · 11 months
The girl had reportedly told her teacher that she felt unsafe using the unisex washroom, and that she had concerns about its hygienic upkeep. While the exact age of the girl is not known, Bune Park’s student body ranges from 11 to 16 years old." Boys can leave piss everywhere and/or harass the girls but how dare insist on using the women's restroom.
By Reduxx Team October 29, 2023
A teen girl was suspended from her school in Gosport, United Kingdom, following her refusal to use a gender neutral bathroom and contacting a parent for help. The girl, who attends the Brune Park Community School, told her father she was given the option of either using the unisex facility, or not being allowed to go to the bathroom at all.
Speaking to the News, the father of the girl, who has not been named, reported that his daughter received a 1-day suspension on October 11 in an incident that began with her refusing to use the mixed-sex lavatory.
“A male teacher at my daughter’s school refused her access to a female toilet, giving her an ultimatum to use a unisex toilet or not to go at all,” the father said, outraged. “To add to the problem, my daughter was subsequently suspended because she contacted me to tell me what was going on and refused to hand over her phone.”
The girl had reportedly told her teacher that she felt unsafe using the unisex washroom, and that she had concerns about its hygienic upkeep. While the exact age of the girl is not known, Bune Park’s student body ranges from 11 to 16 years old.
“My daughter now has a suspension on her school record for stating she wanted to use a female toilet because the unisex ones make her feel unsafe and dirty, without so much as a question asked of this teacher,” her father said, adding that while the unisex washrooms are “always open,” the single-sex options are sometimes closed off to students for unknown reasons.
The father said there had never been any issues before with his daughter using female toilets, adding: “I’ve spoken to a lot of other parents who aren’t even aware of the unisex toilets being introduced, let alone male teachers having control over what toilets their sons and daughters can use.
“If a girl wants to use a female toilet she should be able to – especially at a sensitive age when they are going through changes. The same applies for boys, some might be too shy to use a unisex toilet … There is absolutely no excuse in today’s world for a male teacher trained in safeguarding children to refuse a young girl access to a female toilet. There has been no repercussions for the teacher whatsoever, so they can do this again.”
The school declined to comment, instead sending a letter justifying the suspension to the child’s parent.
“The decision to suspend (the child) has not been taken lightly. (She) has been suspended for this fixed period because on October 11 (she) was persistently defiant,” they told the girl’s father.
Issues concerning the introduction of unisex toilets in schools have been persistent over the past year, with many reporting incidents at schools across the United Kingdom.
Earlier this year, a mother in Coventry reported that her 13-year-old daughter had been assaulted in the mixed-sex washrooms at the Caludon Castle School in Wyken.
The mother explained that a teenage boy had kicked the cubicle door open to take photographs of her daughter while she was using the toilet. He kicked the door so hard that it hit the teen in the face, leaving her with marks on her arm and a large cut on her forehead.
The girl had to be taken to hospital after being attacked while using the facilities.
Not to be gross......but what if the girls protested by leaving sanitary products everywhere in the restroom except the trash? The same porn obsessed boys that want access to girls restrooms would lose their shit at the sight of used tampons and pads. Then their mommies would get pissed that their sweet boys are being triggered by nasty girls having to share the same restrooms. Any girl who wanted to take part but it wasn't that time could just fake it with red paints.
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noirandchocolate · 1 year
The word has gotten out among the younger folks in my office that I have legos in my cubicle because TWO of them stopped by today expressly to look upon my faux plants. One also noticed my Breath of the Wild posters and then told me he built a “cannon tank” in Tears of the Kingdom yesterday.
I am pleased to be considered cool by these kids.*
*They’re in their late 20s but are baby lawyers.
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readtilyoudie · 10 months
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All The Queen's Men by Rhea Watson
Brides of the Frostwolf Clan by K.L. Wyatt
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas | Claws and Cubicles by Kate Prior | Coils by Barbara Ann Wright
A Deal With A Demon by Katee Robert | Devil's Dance by Dalia Davies | Duskwalker Brides by Opal Reyne
Fates & Fables by Willow Quinn
Grayslake: More than Mated by Nova Carlyle
Hunter's Moon by Lori Handeland
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
Just My Type by Lucy Bexley
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree | The Little Monster by Jennifer Ellision
Mead Mishaps Series by Kimberly Lemming | The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall | The Monsters Ball by Dee St. Holm | Monstrous Matches by Lillian Lark
RELIC Series by Maz Maddox
The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember | Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris
Tangled Wires by Lillian Lark | To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Valley of the Old Gods by Dalia Davies | Vicious Lost Boys by Nikki St. Crowe
We Are Nepenthe series by Octavia Hyde | The Witch’s Wolves by Ellie Mae MacGregor
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survivingsusac · 2 months
Jesus and Dating
They can-And Should-Go together
In my March 30, 2024, Andi Boudoir post, I casually mentioned that I am venturing into dating.
What it really breaks down into is that God has a couple things in His master plan for his kids lives. And those things do be stirring in me recently. They do be a brewing and a stirring in my heart.
God wants us to be equally yoked with a partner. This means that your faith and dreams align and support one another. This synchronicity is intended to strengthen the way you both pursue God together as well as the impact you both have on serving His kingdom. I, in my rebellious nature, have not dated a practicing man of faith. That one Catholic Cowboy I dated in college does NOT count as a practicing man of faith.
Being unequally yoked slows you down and can deter you altogether from God's plan for you. I definitely went through this phase for a good portion of my life with every other partner I choose for myself. So eventually I was just single and working on me and my connection to God. Who, in a loving way, let me know that He was glad that I had knocked it off and was practicing my active listening training.
Then I partnered myself with Ideal Partner, who was very extremely close, but still not an equal yoking. We unyoked. Pretty much, I unyoked us. I can take accountability for that.
I've spent about ten months healing from that unyoking and growing in the Lord, healing in my body and spirit, developing my work and hobbies, and being a mom.
Though I am always busy, my heart still stirred. Andi came along and gave me the pep talk of a lifetime, practically using a KitchenAid blender to do the stirring for me.
I went through some life crap, as one does. Went through life crap the sequel and then also the trequel. I made some really poor decisions out of confusion and desperation and a lack of the Lord.
I don’t know why I rebelled against it for so long. *Aurora is stubborn* But in April I was in my cubicle praying over other people and then the prayers turned to myself and God slapped my hand (metaphorically) and told me, “You know what to do. Come on, it hasn’t been that long.”
God told me to stop doing something my desperate broken human self was doing. Then I started listening to Him better.
I got in touch with two people on the internet (thank you Instagram) who tout their ability to help with finding and fostering healthy relationships. We ended up not working together for various reasons.
Then I was doom scrolling in bed on a work night.
And I get an ad for Upward, a free Christian dating site.
On May 1, I launched my profile after seeking some advice from friends on Facebook. Some ladies helped provide input on what I should put on my profile that wasn’t boring af and was going to be honest and catch the attention of the type of men who are of high value and – let’s be honest – who I’d have the patience to deal with.
I was overwhelmed with responses from dudes on Upward. So to help control the deluge, I set up a rules for myself.
Only like profiles based on the <=b>text on the profiles, not the photos.
Don’t message the guy first.
Don’t respond to messages unless the content is actual conversation.
So not just. “Hi” or “Nice smile.” That initial message was like a litmus test for a fellow’s reading comprehension capabilities. If they can’t demonstrate that some actual words in my bio caught their interest haven't earned my attention.
I went on two dates with amazing men, one of whom I still keep in contact with through Facebook. The other I pray for often because he’s been served a helping of life crap, too.
I met someone who led me to break rule number 2.
He super liked my profile. I was like, “Aurora, if he super likes your profile, the <=i> least</=i> you can do is look at his profile.”
Hook, line, and sinker.
He works with youth in the 7-12th grades. Which means he practically does the Lord's work. Our youth need good quality leadership. He has the same undergrad degree as me so we already of a ton of conversation capabilities built in. He is an entrepreneur, has career goals and aspirations. Plus he is often out in nature in the absolutely gorgeous area he is from.
I promptly sent him a message. Of course using the rules I had set for the messages I will respond to; directly refencing content in the text in his profile and asking an open ended question to invite conversation. I needed to know more about this man.
We met in person on day 6 of knowing each other, and were talking about seeing each other again by the end of the date. I was already entirely smitten.
He already had me hook, line, and sinker with our online interactions. By the end of the first date he had completely capsized my fishing boat.
I am a little ship wreck at the bottom of the lake my boat was in.
I may or may not update you guys. I tend to keep things of high value very private. You know, to protect them.
Don’t take it personally!
Surviving Susac,
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rafor · 11 months
Chapter 19 - Day 2 - The Glitch
The first day of “pre-training” was a whirlwind of new experiences and sensations. I wished I had more time to learn from Leo, but I was grateful for what he taught me. The next day, however, I noticed something odd: I had not eaten or drunk anything for two days, and I felt no hunger or thirst. I realized that maybe I was no longer a normal living being but something else. An entity, perhaps, or a hybrid. An entity that could bleed and touch, that was visible, and that was learning. Everything seemed convenient for me. I wanted to share this with Akira, but when I saw her again in the late morning, she had a companion. A young dragon who looked timid and scared. We exchanged a few words, but he did not introduce himself. He was a thirteen-year-old dragon without an element, or so Akira said. He had trouble distinguishing reality from his nightmares. She added that some dragons manifested their element later in life, but it was rare.
I did not see Leo that day. Instead, I was summoned to the castle that loomed over the city. A guard escorted me through the gates and into a building that amazed me. It was not a royal palace but an office complex. There were bureaucrats and clerks working in cubicles and meeting rooms. The guard led me to the highest and farthest room, where I met the most unusual dragon I had ever seen. She was pink. A bright, punchy pink that hurt my eyes. Her name was Aura Aetherius. They even called her the Ascended Guardian. She was the ruler of this kingdom and the only dragon known to have more than elemental powers.
She greeted me with a smile and said, “So you’re the Raphael that everyone is talking about, aren’t you?” I did not know who she meant by everyone, so I said, “I guess I am. I’m Raphael.” She asked me, “Nice to meet you. I’m Aura Aetherius. Do you have a surname too?” I tried to remember my surname from my previous life, but it was just not there. I said embarrassedly, “I don’t know. I just got my name. I’m sorry.” She said, “No problem. We can pick one for you. You’ll need it. How about Raphael Lightbringer? Or Raphael Human?” I did not like those suggestions, and I wondered why she cared so much about my surname. I said, “Can I think about it for a minute?” She said, “Sure, or you can look at this book. It has a list of names you can choose from.” That seemed ridiculous to me. You don’t pick your surname from a book! I racked my brain for my old surname and finally remembered it: “I think I’ll go with Raphael Martin. That was my old surname.” She pondered for a moment and said, “Martin? That’s an unusual surname. But since you’re an unusual case, I suppose we can allow it. Can you spell it for me?” And so I did: M-a-r-t-i-n.
She wrote it down on paper and signed it without even touching it. Then she put it aside, and it vanished into thin air. I gasped and said, “Where did it go?” She said, “It’s being processed. You’ll receive your official documents soon. Everyone in our kingdom has an ID card. You do know what an ID card is, right?” I said, "Yes, of course I do. I used to have two in my old world: one classified and one civilian. But they are gone now."
She said, “Well then, you’ll have one again soon enough. Signed by the Queen herself.” That’s when my heart stopped for a moment. She was the queen. No one had told me who I was meeting today. I said in shock, “You’re the Queen?” She looked at me with amusement and conjured a crown and some golden jewelry on her head and neck.
She said proudly, “That’s right, I’m the Queen. Some call me the Ascended Guardian too, because that’s what I am. Don’t let my appearance fool you. There’s no one older than me in this world.”
I did not know what to say to that. Then another question came to my mind: how did she know my age? She had not asked me that either.
I said cautiously, “You look very young for your age, then.” She chuckled and said, “Thank you for the compliment. You’re 25 years old, by the way. Exactly one hundredth of my age.”
I was stunned again by her revelation, especially by her ability to read mine.
I said incredulously, “You’re 2500 years old? How is that possible? How old is this world?” She said, “It’s possible because I’m a rare breed of dragon. Almost golden, but not quite. This world is ancient, my dear, but major changes have only happened recently. And according to the soothsayer who assigned you, something more interesting is about to happen soon. I can’t wait to see it.”
I was speechless. I tried to make a joke and said, “I’ll be ready for it.” She said, “Oh, I’m sure you will. But don’t get too excited. You haven’t seen mass exterminations yet. They are terrible, but necessary.”
That was the second time I heard that phrase. I had seen war and death in my old world, but not on that scale. I said quietly, “No, I haven’t.” She said, “But you have died yourself, haven’t you? So have I. More than once. We have something in common: we both got a second chance to live.” I said, “I suppose we do. It’s good to know I’m not alone.”
We did not talk much longer after that. Someone knocked on the door and handed us a letter. The Queen gave it to me and told me to open it. It was a pile of papers for me. They had my name, my signature somehow, and some basic information. There was a date of birth and a date of first appearance. The date of birth was 25 years ago, and the date of first appearance was two days ago. There was no month, only a day and a year.
I asked her, “Why is there no month here?” She said, “We don’t use months here. Only days. There used to be a system based on moons and seasons, but it’s obsolete now.” Amazed, I thanked her for the explanation.
She wished me good luck and told me I could continue with my mission. She said she supported me and that I could ask her anything if I needed help. I thanked her again and left her office.
The guard escorted me out of the castle and back to the city. The day was still young, but I felt lost and confused. I wandered around aimlessly, hoping to find someone to talk to, but no one paid attention to me. I was little and alone. Like a ghost. Like before.
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cubikzoa · 1 year
This week I’m in R’lyeh City, South Pacific Ocean, during summer break. I received a visitation passport from my school, Vyr’los University of Occult Sciences. Today I’ll be rating my stay on this travel vlog!
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Picture I took of the city. Super cool view, accommodations for air-breathers and void-breathers were pretty good as well. You do have to pay a fee for a respirator however so come prepared. I booked a room at the Motel 666 on the Main Street. It was pretty nice compared to mortal Motel 6’s. The blood rainfall shower head was really relaxing, it wasn’t too clotted either. Good breakfast. Wi-Fi at the bottom of the ocean was a bit spotty. 8.5/10, would stay here again.
The city was really crazily beautiful and clean, no issues with blood-drinking barnacles or leviathan larvae. Found a really cute ritual resale shop and bought a very pretty cursed abalone talisman. Great souvenir, go for stuff other than the city gift shop stuff. Cheap and overpriced, they use human skin pleather instead of real human skin leather on the souvenir Grimoires.
Had a very good lunch at the local Burger King in Yellow. They had vegetarian options as well as carnivore, sanguine, and omnivore. Went for a barbecue brain coral burger with cheddar and a very nice seaweed coleslaw. Staff was great, sociable and pleasantly surprised that I knew a bit of Old Tongue lol. Seems they get a lot of uptight scholarly types who only want to speak English or Latin. Ugh. I tipped extra. I’d give it a 6/10, only because the burger was very heavy on the mustard.
Finished the day at the Grand Library. A bit of a line for precautionary check in, you have to go through a True Sight check before they allow you in. Very considerate that they don’t want damage to anyone’s brains and/or soul. Sight check went excellently, they do get a few humans down here who don’t test well. Seems they had some blathering idiot wander down here a bit ago complaining about sunken unsinkable ships and exploding submarine refunds. An intern ate him because he was so annoying and honestly I can’t blame them.
The library was magnificent! The architecture was in the Non-Euclidean geometric style, with beautiful frameless candle lighting and individual cubicles and tables. You do need to grab a pair of cleated boots off the shoe rack to use the shelf ladders if you aren’t gravity-resistant or can’t fly, as they’re a bit unreliable. Twisty and upside-down in places, and follows the architectural curve. And the scale of it was astonishing. The most books I’ve ever seen in one place! They had some Old-Kingdom Egyptian classics ofc, a few Educational Necronomicon Textbooks levels 1-7 for student checkout, a bunch of mentally paradoxical novels, an entire Truthful Nonfiction section, and a rare books area that had a Sibylline Scroll and a Inter-Mentalic Elder Tome among other things (you need academic permission for these ones).
They don’t get too many Human students, it was super fun to see how different dimensional cultures interact. Hung out with a shoal of Deep Ones, Tyreemek and Ordantuuk were exchange students at Vyr’los, and I had some snacks with me from the surface so they and their buddies were ecstatic about the taste and concepts of tangerines and ritz crackers. The Library’s help desk was run by a very nice Shoggoth, she appreciated my compliment that her 2,437 turquoise-painted nails were very well done. I was struggling with directions to the Library Café, I don’t speak Shambler and it seems that the Café was a bit difficult to perceive at the time. Could be location, but I was pretty tired as well after a full day.
Ordered a nice steaming hot cup of mint-flavored insani-tea with extra honey and a dream puff pastry for the road. Tea was delicious, just sweet enough & not too hot and not cold either. Dream puff pastry was a little heavy on the powdered sugar, but the nightshade and lavender jelly with cinnamon was good. Came in a very cute paper bag with a little grinning book on it that said: “Recycle! Keep our oceans clean or else!” I’d give the Cafe a solid 9/10, and the wonderful library a very definite 10/10.
Went back to my Motel room for the night, the bioluminescent nighttime lighting is great for good rest. The wiggly-shaped glass aquarium on the bedside table had live eels and purple jellyfish in it and was very calming. I’ll have to remember to feed them in the morning.
Tomorrow will be a solid day of studying, 1/4 day classes, and maybe a trip to the nearby Taco Hell for lunch. I’ve heard they have really good nine-layer dip that Dante gave them 5 stars for. So far this trip has been thoroughly enjoyable, I definitely recommend a visit here, whether for occult academics, touring the city, or to see the nearby deep sea wilderness. There’s definitely a lot to see and do!
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (381): Sun 2nd Apr 2023
Another night of WrestleMania…man this is becoming a real chore! Dad and I spent the afternoon wandering around the local area enjoying the sunshine. I went into a nearby pizza place and asked for a small pizza and was presented with a pizza the size of a wheel from a monster truck. Holy shit if this is what a small sized pizza looks like then it’s no wonder they’re all fat as fucking pigs! I only got through about half of it before I was full. I was assuming that I’d bump into a homeless person on the way back to my hotel but I didn’t see a single one and so put it in the bin. There should be an app where you can see where the nearest homeless person is so that if you have some half eaten food you can donate it to them. After a quick charging of the phone back in my hotel room I set of for WrestleMania night two. I understand why these shows are now two nighters (bloated roster and more money) but all the WWE have done is made it more stressful and more expensive for their fucking fans than it would be if they just trimmed their roster and give us a loaded four hour show. As anticipated the Brock Lesnar vs Omos match was Omos dominating Brock for most of it then Brock making his comeback, getting the F5 and winning. This was a nothing match that felt like a complete waste of a man who is clearly winding down his career. They should have done Brock vs Gunther. For me Hell was working in a call centre with Kevin Craggs and trying to take a shit in the toilet cubicle next to him while he was in the phone making dirty calls to the girls at BabeStation. But up next at Mania, Edge and Finn Balor experienced a different kind of Hell: a Hell…IN A CELL! Early into the match Edge threw a ladder into Balor’s face who didn’t get his arm up to protect himself in time and he needed stitches at ringside. As if one nasty injury was t bad enough the next match featured The Miz and a returning Shane McMahon who legitimately tore his quad a few seconds in and needed to be replaced by Snoop Dogg who very cleverly called an audible and pinned Miz for the win. I know people love Shane partly because he is more preferable than his obnoxious sister but he shouldn’t be anywhere near a wrestling ring. Next was the much anticipated main event where Cody went up against Roman Reigns. I know Cody had been the favourite to dethrone Roman but personally I just don’t see it. Not yet anyway. There has been no storyline other than Cody winning the rumble and this should not be the lead up to someone beating Reigns. It should be the conclusion of a personal storyline spanning several months. There were so many nearfalls and I was on my feet cheering and counting along with the ref’s counts. In the end with help from Solo, Reigns got the win and will now power on towards celebrating 1000 days as WWE Universal champion. I was so happy that Reigns won but little girl next to me was practically in tears but who cares about her. What an experience this has been. Of all the items I’ve crossed off my bucket list in the last 15 years this one felt the most personal and satisfying. Even though the guild hasn’t been great this doesn’t really matter because now I won’t have this constant niggling feeling in the back of my mind that I’ve never gone to Mania. As awesome as this has been I don’t think I’d do it again. Forcing fans to sit for five hours two nights in a row is fine once but that’s it. With Mania off my list I can move on to other wrestling related stuff, namely the Royal Rumble, Wrestle Kingdom and later this year: AEW! I got out of the stadium in good time but the traffic was so bad that I ended up walking all the way back to the hotel. Once I was there Dad and I chilled before heading down to reception to wait for the taxi I’d booked to take us back to our original hotel. Fifteen minutes after it was supposed to be there we lamented the fact that it had t turned up and there was no way to contact them because our UK phones wouldn’t work here. Luckily we got talking outside to an American lass named Stephanie who’s been to Mania with her kids. She very graciously helped us out by contacting the taxi company and telling them that their guy was late and they wouldn’t be able to contact us. The company said they’d send us another taxi right away and it was there within 10 minutes. We thanked Stephanie for her help and told her that if she ever came to the Uk and needed anything she could count on us. The taxi got us back to our first hotel in less than half an hour and we immediately headed to bed. Now that Mania is done we have a guided tour of LA to look forward to tomorrow, then another day to spend however we want before making our way to the Crypto arena to watch the LA Lakers thrash the Clippers!
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yukina-is-egg · 2 years
Action, Violence, Monster killing, and a few curses
Chapter 1 - It Was My Day Off!
Human Kingdom - 9:57 AM
Gunfire, explosions, magic, the sound of monsters roaring, and a cloaked woman being launched through the 7th floor of a skyscraper.
Luckily for her, her speed was slowed by several office cubicles. Stopping her from flying right through the other side.
"Normally," she grunted, getting to her feet as she dusted herself off. "I'd be glad to kill something on a Saturday morning." She ran her fingers through her black hair as she spoke. Beginning to walk towards the hole in the window.
"But today?" She grit her teeth as she spoke, pulling her dagger out of a nearby monitor. "I didn't sign up for monster killing on my day off!" As she yelled, one of the monsters leaped in through the hole in the window.
"Well, I should probably stop talking to myself before Light gets jealous." Shadows began to swirl around the cloaked woman as she got to a fighting stance. "Name's Shadow, I'll be your executioner this fine morning."
Druid Kingdom 10:32AM
The monsters were... animalistic in appearance. Taking the form of wolves, bears, snakes, and other such things. Yet they were twisted. Some had spikes, others dripped with poison, and some could even use magic.
Lucky for the druids, the forest itself protected them from most of the monsters. Tree roots became spikes, flowers spit pollen to blind them, and seeds shot from plants like bullets.
Though there was one that slipped past all of these defenses...
A female druid watched as a humanoid monster ran right towards her. Preparing to take her head off with its claw. She stared helplessly, watching as its claws neared her neck.
Bang. The monster dodged a bullet, jumping away from the druid as she fell to the ground. Panting as she looked towards her savior. A blonde haired human male.
"You mind running? I'd rather not have to waste another bullet saving your ass." He spoke, glaring towards the druid as she began running towards safety. "Raven, status report."
He pointed the barrel of his gun towards the monster, readying himself for the creature to attack again.
"Every kingdom is under attack, queen says you are to protect the druid capital till further notice. Keep civilian deaths to a minimum." A mechanical voice came from a Raven shaped pin on his jacket. "Or, in other words, slaughter these creatures and ask questions later."
"Noted, keep the lab safe." He clicked his tongue as he watched the monster begin running towards him.
"Please get yourself killed Tech, Raven out." The mechanical voice shut off as Tech blocked one monster's claw with his pistol.
"Some days, I question where I was mentally when I built them."
North Fenrir Kingdom - 11:13 AM
The clash of metal and claws could be heard all across the capital. Accompanied by usual sounds of lava bubbling from the nearby volcano.
"Hey Sally! I'd like to reschedule my day off." A woman said, her hair lit-a-flame and her wolf ears twitching angrily. Her claymore hilt deep in a bear-like monster.
"Nope! Should've chosen a better day Flame~" Sally let out a snicker. Using one of her floating rock hands to send one of the creatures flying through a fruit stand. Her hair looked to be sending out sparks, excited by the combat. "...oof that's coming out of the taxpayers' pockets. Sorry."
The owner of the fruit stand, who was having a sword fight with a snake, glared over to the fruit stand destroyer.
"...Some days I question how you became Queen." Flame pulled her claymore free from the creature's flesh. "Wonder how my ex is doin' right now."
Kyuubi/Kitsune Kingdom 12:30 PM
Snow fell from the sky onto a particularly elephant-like monster. A white-haired (and tailed) kyuubi sheathed his sword as he looked around the area. Property damage, dead monsters, and plenty of ice...
He hummed, pulling out his phone. Beginning to call someone.
"Hey, it's Frost. Can I-"
"No. See you tomorrow, we have a meeting with the other kingdoms." The woman on the other end hung up the moment she finished her sentence.
"...I was just gonna ask who was gonna watch Aqua." He chuckled, putting his phone away as he began walking home. "It felt nice using a sword again.."
Chapter End
Expect Character bios/descriptions before the next chapter.
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landroverphotoalbum · 3 years
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My friends camper is up for sale: 1994 Land Rover Defender 110 300TDi Left Hand Drive (Factory) USA exportable. Absolutely mint condition, original chassis. Original engine and running gear. Unmolested and impeccably maintained. 300tdi 2495cc Engine 194kms R380 5 Speed Transmission LT230 Transfer Box Salisbury Rear Axle Disc brakes F&R Ashcroft HD Drive shafts and Flanges LOF drilled and grooved discs Super HD F&R anti-roll bars Polyurethane bushes all round Old Man Emu Suspension, twin rear springs (130) 75ltr main fuel tank 100ltr auxiliary stainless steel fuel tank Warn Tabor 9.5 Winch 4x Lightforce Spots Navigattor GPS unit Rear view camera Camper: Globe Camper Off-road 250 Cell 3 berth Toilet under bench seat (Portapotti) 80 Ltr water tank Webasto 49ltr fridge freezer Webasto ThermoTop Diesel Heater Webasto Thermobox cabin and water heater 2 burner gas hob and single oven, 2 gas bottles. Sink unit with hot and cold water Shower extension and cubicle 2 x sofa and dining table Message @thesuicidemachine for more info #landrover #Overland #Defender110 #camper #landroverdefender #landroverphotoalbum #landroverforsale (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY_EfJLtt_o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Men in dresses made it possible for other men to spy on women
A London Metropolitan police officer who secretly filmed a woman in a unisex Primark fitting room will not serve a prison sentence — despite also possessing hundreds of “disgusting and extremely distressing” pornographic images and videos of children and animals.
Former officer Swaleh Chaudhry, 36, pleaded guilty to to one count of voyeurism, one count of possession of extreme pornography, and three counts of making an indecent image of a child. He was handed a 10-month prison sentence at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, suspended for 18 months. 
In the United Kingdom, a suspended sentence indicates that the offender avoids jail completely and is instead released into the community and expected not to commit another offense within the timeframe of their conditions.
On March 30, Chaudhry was spotted recording video of a woman while she was changing at the Primark store in Wandsworth, South West London. Prosecutor Stephen Apted said that Chaudhry, who was off-duty at the time, had entered the gender-neutral changing rooms 15 minutes before the woman arrived. The woman, who was in her mid-twenties, noticed Chaudhry pointing his phone up at her from the next cubicle after she heard a “rustling” sound, the Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court heard in April.
The victim then shouted “Are you recording me?” and heard Chaudhry respond “No,” an interaction which was overheard by her boyfriend. Following a confrontation, Chaudhry was escorted to a separate room while the victim called the police.
Initially, Chaudhry had “continued to protest his innocence.” Yet Prosecutor Suleman Hussain said officers found “various videos of the defendant upskirting… and the videos actually show the defendant’s face.”
Following his arrest, an investigation of his Wandsworth home uncovered a collection of “horrific” pornography. More than 1,000 Category B and C indecent images and videos of children were uncovered on numerous devices, as well as at least 52 files of the most serious kind, the court heard.
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In 2015, a trans-identified male named Joni Bendall shopping at a Primark in Suffolk was directed towards the men’s changing area by a sales associate “who was about sixteen years old.”
Bendall said: “I paused to take a breath and said: ‘I’m not a man.’ And the assistant turned around and kept folding clothes… It made me feel dysphoric.” Writing about the incident, Bendall described himself as “6 foot 1 and built like a refrigerator,” and compared himself to butch lesbians.
Additionally, in 2018, Primark was ordered to pay £47,000 to a trans-identifying male retail assistant who filed a lawsuit for harassment. The court found that Primark had conducted “very severe” injury to Alexandra de Souza E Souza’s feelings.
Labour MP Rosie Duffield responded to news of Chaudhry’s sentencing by highlighting the necessity of preserving safeguarding measures for women and girls. “Women need safe, single-sex spaces,” Duffield tweeted.
Yet the issue of mixed-sex spaces has been controversial in recent years, with supporters framing opposition as intolerant or transphobic.
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Discussing the policy in March 2019, novelist and broadcaster Lucy Beresford told Good Morning Britainhosts, “My worry is that there’s too much segregation in society… We should break away from this idea of segregation because that sets up this idea that there is something very hostile about somebody who is different to you.”
Beresford went on to say that she believed gender-neutral facilities ought to have cubicles. At the time of Chaudhry’s voyeurism offense, Primark’s changing area had single-stall cubicles in place.
Journalist Eleanor Mills hit back by saying “This is the transgender lobby [pushing] really hard against companies to try and get them to change these policies. The vast majority of the public do not want this.”
Numerous studies have found that unisex changing areas are more dangerous for women and girls than single-sex spaces. Research conducted by The Sunday Times in 2018found that nearly 90% of sexual assaults, harassment and voyeurism reported in locker rooms and changing rooms occurred in unisex facilities.
According to Nicola Williams, spokeswoman for women’s rights organization Fair Play for Women, “spaces where women are undressed should be single-sex as a matter of course. This is obvious, elementary safeguarding.”
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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adrianicsea · 2 years
i’m the sleepiest man in kentucky today.... conking out on the emergency tiny head kingdom lion i keep in my cubicle specifically to serve as a pillow.......
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