#my last draft :0
Since you want reqs how abt P1 dude drinking hot chocolate ? Tht poor guy deserves a break
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he does... i got a bit artsy with this one ^^ you guys's prompts are really good x3
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xinyuehui · 11 days
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—— The peach blossoms were all blown away, the springs and autumns had all passed. The clearest understanding came in that single moment within a dream. Life was long and full of drifting. When I woke, I was once again a wanderer. What does it matter how vast the earth is, or how beautiful the spring light is? I cannot ask for it.
Lyrics ♪ 不才Bu Cai - 寻常歌 Ordinary Song
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solcarow · 10 months
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theygender · 4 days
It doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to be done it doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to be done it doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to be done
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#i just finished a spanish assignment that was 5% of my grade at the last fucking minute. turned it in literally 2 minutes before it closed#it was an essay. AN ESSAY. a full out researched and cited essay#and i didnt KNOW THAT#our schedule and lesson plan and etc just called it composición 1#and in previous spanish classes (all the way up through advanced spanish)#that always just meant that we would be given a random topic out of a selection of 2-3 possible topics#and we would be given an hour to just write about that topic#but this was like. you pick a topic and research it and write about it and cite your sources#if i had known that i would have started on this a WEEK ago and not AN HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF BEFORE IT WAS DUE#so it was. NOT my best work. i didnt have time to do an outline or do different drafts or proofread it or anything#i didnt even have time to fully read the articles i was citing i just kinda skimmed them#i didnt even have time to FORMAT it correctly 😭 and it was NOT the minimum required length#but. i did it. i turned it in. i turned in SOMETHING thats ALMOST as long as its supposed to be and is hopefully coherent#(and hopefully. hopefully. HOPEFULLY. has minimal grammatical errors)#and like. i would prefer an A or a B. i know i can EASILY get As on essays when i have time to do them properly#but even if its a C. or a D. or even (god forbid. doing the sign of the cross and knocking on wood and everything else here) an F#it will still be better than 0#i would rather lose 1% or 2% or even (god forbid) 3% of my class grade than a full 5%#it doesnt have to be perfect. it just has to be done. it doesnt have to be perfect. it just has to be done#it doesnt have to be perfect it just has to be done and i DID IT#now lets GO GET HIGH#rambling
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popstart · 3 months
why is like every single gwuncaner insanely misogynistic and racist to courtney like their life depends on it.
like if you're bawling your eyes out about a fictional teenager that just so happens to be a woc being abusive then turning around and closing your eyes when the white guy she abused (was in a pretty mutually toxic relationship with) is similar amounts of fucking weird to two different girls get your priorities checked.
like honest to god i could not care less what characters other people on the internet like to play dolls with and imagine kissing i just think its in super poor taste to say omfg i fucking hate courtney total drama shes (insert weird racially charged language. insert comparing real human beings who like a fictional character to insects and saying you want to kill them) ok man. what. get help.
dislike or like whatever you want HONESTLY. I DO NOT CARE. im not 12 years old and i could not care less if you prefer a different fucking made up scenario where fictional characters kiss. at the end of the day literally 0 of this ship war fucking matters i promise you, i just want a similar energy back and not combination misogyny and racism fuled remarks towards the liking of a FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER. THAT DID ZERO THINGS TO ANY REAL LIFE FUCKING PERSON.
Harassment of any real life fucking person about anything that they like in fiction is way more harmful than whatever happened in fiction that theyre defending. LOL!
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kousuisetsu · 2 years
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final fantasy type-0 abilities:
Ace ➟ Jackpot Triad + Jackpot Shot.
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seadeepy · 3 months
saw that WIP ask game going around again, wanted to participate, then remembered I have an outstanding tag by @jamscandraw from back in April... I have been something of a ghost online recently... but now's my chance!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This is the ones marked as active, but truthfully I haven't written much of anything since starting grad school almost a year ago, and I would really love if ppl sent in an ask or something so I could get back into some of these ;w;
let the walls crack (Haven)
W&L Convo (DM, Whist)
disintegrate (Haven)
leaving (Basil)
watch you take the fall (DM, Basil)
a little different now (Basil)
ozification (RWBY)
as for tags, idk who's still around and likes this kinda thing, lmk if you want to be tagged for writer/fic tag games in the future and I promise I'll add you going forward!!
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druidx · 1 year
Heads Up, Seven Up (7 lines), Nine Lines, & Last Line tag games
As might be obvious, I’m really bad at getting around to doing things. I’ve been saving up all my Seven Lines, Nine lines and Last Line tag games because “I’ll get to it someday. Honest!”
I’ve now got so many, I figured out I could just mash them together to help me finish editing Alexis Dalliance vs the Evil of Titan, and call it good.
I took 5 random pages from the work and used a nice online tool to work out that I write an average of 9.8 words per line, which means I need to complete 2,166 words of editing.
Thank you to everyone who’s tagged me in one of these games (it's been so long, probably some of you don't even remember, and some of you no longer seem to exist any more):
@aetherwrites, @alexsidereus x2, @alias-levi, @aquadestinyswriting x4, @artdecosupernova-writing x2, @autumnalwalker x3, @blind-the-winds X3, @chauceryfairytales, @corkythewriteblr, @eli-writes-sometimes x3, @faelanvance x2, @lake-arrius-caverns, @laurabwrites, @mariahwritesstuff, @odysseywritings x2, @oh-no-another-idea x2, @rewrit, @ryns-rambling, @shadowlight-inkedthoughts, @sleepyowlwrites, @spacetimewraithwrites-archive, @strosmkai-rum, @toribookworm22, @tracle0 x2, @viawrites-andacts x2, @whimsyqueen, @winglesswriter, @writingamongther0ses x6, @writingmaidenwarrior, @writingonesdreams, @zmwrites x2, @iparisaltanwing
I ended up writing a little over the target; this is 2500 words.
CW war crimes, slaughter of innocents, a falling Paladin, unusual dialogue marks, swearing
"What do you mean?" Alexis asked after she’d overcome her surprise at seeing the gnome, "How is it sick?" "It’s the lizardfolk who live in the center of the swamp," the gnome said. "They used to live in harmony with the swamp, but recently…" He sighed. "I don’t know what’s wrong. Something’s gotten into them, something evil. They’re destroying vast swathes of the swamp, cutting down trees, burning the brush, befowling the waters." Alexis glanced over at the others. "We might know the reason for this change. The lizardfolk have been drawn into a cult which worships a Demon Prince from the Pit. They must be working on the Demon’s orders." The gnome paled. "Yes. I understand now. I have seen great holes carved in the ground, blocks of stone being dragged to a central site." "They must be constructing a new temple to base their portal on," Richard said. "My friend, we aim to stop these bloodthirsty monsters from bringing the Demon Prince through to this world and destroy the cult." "Stopping the cult will mean the swamp is safe again," Alexis added. The gnome lit up. "Then you have my thanks, Paladin!" "Call me Richard," he said. The gnome shook his hand. "And I am Wurzle Moslicker." "We aim to stop the lizardfolk," Alexis continued after introductions had been made, "but we’ve run into a small snag. The boat we were told was here isn’t, and we cannot cross into the swamp." "Oh!" Wurzle said. "Dear tree-child, you should know there are other ways to cross a watery path." Alexis frowned as Wurzle gave a peculiar call. A cluster of cypress nearby began to shake and shift. Bastet and Richard both reached for their weapons. Alexis gasped as she realised what was happening. "It’s alright!" she cried. "Don’t hurt it!" From the thicket, strode a tree. «You called, Wurzle?» it said, its voice a long and creaking thing. Richard leaned down to Alexis, hissing, "What is that?" "It’s a treent!" she squealed, face filled with wonder. "I’ve heard about them, but never met one before! Galana’s blessed hair, this is amazing!" "Mudwood," Wurzle was saying, "These fine folks need to get across the swamp to the lizardfolk settlement. They’re going to stop them from destroying the swamp." The treent grumbled and harrumphed as it gazed over the group, lingering on Alexis. «This I will do,» it said eventually, «For the presence of the tree-child tells me their intent is true.» "What did it say?" Richard asked. Alexis cocked her head. "You don’t speak sylvan?" "I barely speak elvish," he retorted. "It said it’d take us, but only cuz I’m here." Bastet rolled her eyes. "Of course it did." Alexis bounced on the balls of her feet, wide, pleading eyes focused on Richard. Richard sighed fondly. "Go on, then." Alexis gave a squeal of excitement, racing away. Richard watched her scamper off, springing into the branches of the treent, and scurry up the trunk like a squirrel. "My good sir, is there an easy way up for those of us not inclined to tree-climbing?" Victor asked. Wurzle chuckled. "Yes, of course." He gave another of those strange cries, and Mudwood stooped, holding out a limb for the others to climb on.
For the others, the treent crossing was dull or sickness-inducing, but for Alexis it was heaven. In between scurrying through the branches, relishing the feel of the breeze through her hair and bark under her hands, she pestered Wurzle and Mudwood with questions, some asked by Richard, pressing for more details about the lizardfolk, their numbers and armaments. The morning was wearing on by the time Mudwood dropped them off as close to the lizardfolk settlement as Wurzle would let him. Alexis was the last to dismount, dropping from the lowest branches with a happy sigh. «For you, little one,» Mudwood said, handing Alexis a small wooden pipe, a notch taken from just below a craved mouthpiece. «Blow this when your work is done, I shall return for you. The trees name you ‘friend’. We will pass this by root and leaf. Wherever you are, this whistle will call the nearest treent to your aid.» Alexis stared at the whistle, then hugged the treent. «Thank you for this gift.» "Lex, c’mon." With a final bow to the treent, Alexis took off after her friends.
They trekked through the dense undergrowth of the swamp, hacking at long vines and lush brush, the humidity mingling with sweat making everything uncomfortably damp. As the sun reached its zenith, the lizardfolk’s newly built ziggurat came into view over the tops of the trees. "We’re nearly there," Bastet said, relieved.
They pushed on and soon found their way blocked by a great wall. "Piss and blood," Bastet cursed. Alexis tilted her head back. "I don’t think even I can climb that." "Maybe we can tunnel under it?" Gorgut said, stepping over and using a dagger to dig at the dirt. "We don’t have the equipment," Richard said. "Victor, what about that muddy spell?" "Rock to Mud?" Victor scratched at his chin. "Could work. It depends on how they’ve structured the wall, and if I can get deep enough to find the unworked foundations." "Right. Alexis, you scale that tree to scout the lay of the land. The rest of us will investigate the foundations of the wall. Then we can make a plan of attack for once we’re inside."
Once at the top of the tree, Alexis surveyed the area. Some ways from the base of the ziggurat was the lizardfolk settlement. It looked like a normal village from this high up – low cottages of local foliage gathered around a central open space, one grander than the rest. Drying linens hung from lines on tall poles. Pens of animals and crops surrounded the village. People came and went, carrying pots or pushing hand carts. It could have been any village on the Pagan Plains. It could have been Toreguard. In the time it had taken them to travel down here, the ziggurat had been completed. Despite its apparent completion, people still worked on it, looking like ants scurrying over stone steps, adding carvings and other refinements to the bare faces of the stone. Under an open-sided pagoda at the top, Alexis could just about make out the workings of magic. A structure of bones stood over arcane markings, fires set at junctures of the markings. A priest, delineated by his golden, feathered headband, threw something into the fires occasionally, making them spark and flare unusual colours.
She slid down, relaying this reconnaissance to the others and Richard laid out the plan.
As Victor chanted out his spell, Richard and the others stood back, readying the weapons. Benevelor was summoned from the celestial realm. As the spell took effect, the wall wobbled and crumbled, the mortar loosening. "It’s now or never!" Victor cried, hurrying back to join the others. "Benevelor," Richard commanded, "kick it down." The holy oxen took up position and lashed out with its hind legs. The crumbling blocks shook and with a thundering crash toppled inwards, landing into the mire below. Richard raced forward, leaping onto his mount’s back. "Charge!" he yelled, as the pair of them vanished over the rubble, Gorgut and Victor following close behind. Alexis looked at Bastet. "Ready?" "Give them a few moments more to really grab the attention," Bastet replied. Alexis grunted in reply, finding the bush at her feet of vast interest. Bastet sniffed, looking up at the broken corner of the wall. After a moment, she said, "We’re both professionals." "That we are." "So are we-?" "Absolutely fucking not." "Right." Distantly the sounds of battle reached them. "Sounds like our cue." "Yep." With that, Alexis led the way over the rubble and toward their objective: the temple.
While the menfolk battled with the temple masons and the warriors who protected them, Alexis and Bastet crept behind enemy lines and up the ziggurat. As they approached, the scent of burning spices grew thicker as perfumed smoke wafted out of the pagoda, followed by an undulating chant. As Alexis and Bastet peeked into the pagoda, they saw the head priest, his headband glinting in the firelight, had been joined by two lesser priests wearing wide golden neckbands embossed with the Eye of Muyrr symbol.
With a signal to Bastet, Alexis fired through the smoke and the portal ring, her bolt driving through the head priest's neck. Bastet leapt from cover, her daggers flashing as she took out one of the lesser priests. As Alexis reloaded, Bastet turned towards the last priest, only to find he had armed himself. He slashed out at Bastet, catching her arm. She cried out, falling back against a pillar. The bolt from Alexis' bow took him between the shoulder blades, and he fell, hitting the steps with a wet crunch. "Thanks," Bastet said as Alexis moved up into the pagoda. "Don't mention it." Alexis glanced around. "You wanna deal with the fires while I deal with the lines? Then we can deal with that," her face scrunched as she waved at the bone structure, "together." With an affirmative grunt, Bastet turned her attention to extinguishing the fires, while Alexis scattered the red and grey powders forming the lines of the summoning circle. On a ceremonial table to one side, she found more of the dust and blocks of perfume on tarnished golden dishes. Collecting the plates together, she took them to the edge of the pagoda. The cloud of powder spread like blood in the air as she tossed the dishes away, down the ziggurat. "Lex," Bastet called, urgency in her voice. Alexis turned back to see Bastet was next to the table she’d found the powders on. "Yes?" Bastet held up parchment scrolls. "Can you read these?" Alexis took one, scanning the strange writing. She shook her head. "This is like no script I’ve ever seen. But these diagrams… they’re the same as the floor markings I destroyed. And this looks like the portal edifice." She held them up for comparison. "This one looks like a map," Bast said, spreading it on the table. It was indeed a map of Titan. Parts of the continents were crosshatched with different patterns, and arrows moved from the south of Allansia up and outward. "I might not know what it says, but this looks alarmingly like troop movements, like the ones Captain Hengar has in his office." She glanced at Bastet. "Whatever it is, it can’t be anything good." "Maybe Vic can read them," Bastet said. She tucked the scrolls away and looked at the mound of bound bones. "Let’s destroy this thing so we can get out of this place." Together they turned to the portal ring, a series of long bones lashed together with twine which stood on a small dais of skulls and pelvises, and began to hack at the binding ropes. When the ring was nothing but a pile, they used the table as a shunt, shoving the bones away to clatter down the sides of the ziggurat. Bastet raised a hand, shielding her eyes. "It looks like the fighting's stopped. They're all clustered near the houses." Alexis listened. A few screams and raised voices carried on the wind, echoing the calling of birds and rush of wind in the trees. "I don't hear any fighting. We should get down there and find out what's happening."
The sun was dipping lower in the sky, the tall trees casting shadows as they drew lower. There was indeed a group of people gathered close to the village. Alexis frowned. No, there were no sounds of fighting. But there was wailing. Sobbing. The high cry of a child. The sounds of terror. Fear gripped Alexis’ heart. She picked up the pace. The people were kneeling. Their hands raised, supplicant. Richard stood before them, sword unsheathed. Victor stood at his side, leaning close. Her feet pounded at the leaf-strewn path. Metal glinted. Pleas became screams. Alexis’ voice joined them. "No!"
By the time she arrived, there was nothing but corpses and blood.
Alexis dropped to her knees, voice rasping. "Richard… What did you do?" His eyes were hard as he turned to her. "What I had to." "But they- They were harmless. " The scene wavered in her gaze. "They were innocents!" "Ah, but there’s no such thing as an innocent lizardman, is there?" Victor said, grinning wickedly. "No. Alexis, you’ve seen for yourself what they’re capable of," Richard said. "They had to die." "There were children!" "Better to stop them now then," Victor said. "Richard… This is wrong. You must see that?" "All I see," Bastet said, coming to a panting halt, "is a hero doing what’s needed to keep our world safe." She waved the scrolls found in the temple. "We found evidence they were going to bring the whole world under their heel." Alexis gaped. "That’s not- We don’t know-!" Richard spat on the corpses. "That sounds like something these filthy rotten snake cultists would do." "Where’s Goregut? He’ll make you see-" "Goregut’s dead." Richard’s voice was hard with the faintest of tremors, his face turned to the jungle. "Stabbed through the back by one of these putrid cunts." He turned to Alexis and swallowed. "I’m sorry. I know you liked him. But now, do you see? They had to pay. They all have to pay!" Alexis’s mouth moved. She clutched a fist over her heart. Bastet crowded in onto Richard’s other side, her eyes alight. "Yes! Yes, you are so brave taking on this burden." "Such a true paladin!" "What can we do to help?" Richard kicked at one of the bodies. "We should move deeper. Take them all out. Stop them for good! Yes," he looked back at the others, "we must keep our people safe. We’ll keep all of Allansia safe forever from this evil!" Alexis pulled herself to her feet. "We can’t!" Richard turned back. The hate in his gaze took her breath away. She swallowed. "We, um, we need more provisions. We don’t have enough. To carry on. We should go back to Toreguard-" "To Port Blacksands!" Bastet crowed. "An excellent idea! We can find men and supplies!" "No… That’s not-" But Bastet and Victor were already guiding Richard back the way they’d come, already discussing what they’d need for such an excursion. Alexis watched them stride past, mouth agape, hands clenched and tears in her eyes. "Alexis. Come on," Richard called back over his shoulder. Mute and staggering, Alexis followed behind.
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ajdrawshq · 4 months
on the note of you not getting the best grade at DMing (but a good grade at friend!!!) did you ever get around to reading Kay's zero escape fic I don't even remember when I mentioned it but surely I mentioned it to you right did I :0
... also I have been getting a bad grade in getting back into playing rpgs I'm sory 😭
OH SHIT DID I...... I DONT THINK I HAVE..... i swear i remember u mentioning it to me at some point but i mustve just completely forgot after a while im so sorry;; maybe its somewhere in our dms.. ill check for it there after i wake up (< FOR REAL THIS TIME..) but maybe itd be easier if u sent it again just in case? thank u SO much for reminding me bc i would Not have remembered this myself,,
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talesfromthecrypts · 5 months
I'll see someone like a post I reblogged that obviously followed me for something very specific and I'm like "you're a brave soul for putting up with all this other crap I'm doing"
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aria0fgold · 7 months
Honestly, before I got the Alec that I have now, one of his many and earlier drafts for his trauma was caused by being possessed by demons and nearly dying from both the demons and the exorcism. Like, I don't know what my young self was cooking but it was clear pain was on the menu.
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ceramicbird · 1 year
They chuckle nervously. “I ran into the RA, Shiraishi, the other day. She wanted to know if I had, or knew anyone, that may have smuggled in a cat.”
In which Ena has a cat hidden away in her dorm room, and Mizuki makes sure she isn’t found out.
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dravidious · 3 months
You're absolutely neat
I did the IRL draft and went 6-0! Beginner's luck ftw! It definitely helped that I got 4 great rares, and out of the 42 cards I drafted only 2 were off-color, and only 5 total were bad. And everyone at the event was super cool too! AND my birthmom paid the $19 entry fee because the draft was my graduation gift and also gave me a bunch of store credit so I have enough to do another draft!
Decklist below the cut
Main Deck: Lost Jitte Visage Bandit Failed Fording Razzle-Dazzler x3 Outlaw Stitcher Spinewoods Paladin Shackle Slinger Stop Cold Loan Shark x2 Harrier Strix Duelist of the Mind Take the Fall Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius Oasis Gardener Thrown from the Saddle Geralf, the Fleshwrit Make Your Own Luck Fblthp, Lost on the Range Plan the Heist Djinn of Fool's Fall Lush Oasis
Sideboard: Bristlepack Sentry Spring Splasher Voracious Varmint Loan Shark Djinn of Fool's Fall Peerless Ropemaster Phantom Interference Dance of the Tumbleweeds Jailbreak Scheme Rise of the Varmints Reach for the Sky Shifting Grift This Town Ain't Big Enouch
Unplayables: Daring Thunder-Thief Slickshot Vault-Buster x2 Trick Shot Basic Swamp
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sysig · 3 months
Ranking Pepper’s hammocks A-F now that he’s made five of them
First - B - Not a bad start! But why did he put it on top of the pre-built nest. It is literally right there. Overall, good protection and well reinforced just... You didn’t have to make a new one, Pepper
Second - C - No reinforcement, no safety net, out in the middle of the top of the enclosure, extremely visible and see-through, which is great for me because I can see him napping - very cute, but Pepper, your safety and security!
Third - A - The molt hammock! Thick webbing, obscured under moss, easy to overlook and well protected! But he stayed in there for a literal week and scared me >:0
Fourth - D - Made a tiny, very sparse hammock in the cattails for one night and has since abandoned it. Why even bother at that point? He still fit in the first two hammocks!
Fifth - A - The best napping hammock so far! In the opposite corner from the pre-built so not directly on top of an easier solution, closer to the light source in the evening, decently thick and secure, and in a corner so he’s not just hanging out in the direct middle of the enclosure - protected on two sides! Bonus points for having caught a little video of him doing the booty dance construction :)
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reidswhre · 1 month
can you figure me out? ; spencer reid x fem!reader
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summary: you try everything possible so that spencer realizes that you are completely in love with him, but he just doesn't seem to notice it.
warnings: i had spencer from season 2 in mind, nothing dw!
a/n: I had this draft saved and I was improving it to be able to post it, I hope you enjoy it! I have a couple of requests, thank you very much!! I hope to be able to make them soon. 💗 By the way, english is not my first language, let me know any mistakes, have a beautiful day! 💘
Everyone at the BAU knew you were completely in love with Spencer Reid.
Except for Spencer.
Which was sometimes funny—most of the time it was—but other times it was frustrating. It didn’t seem logical to you how a genius with an IQ of 187 couldn’t realize that he was basically the love of your life. It’s not like you were trying to hide it or something. He’s just oblivious.
Because of this, Morgan and García proposed a little game to you.
“I bet you could flirt with him all day, and he’d think you were just being friendly,” Penelope laughed.
You lightly bumped your forehead against your desk, staying there defeated. “Don’t even say that,” you mumbled against the desk.
“Hey, hey, don’t be sad, cutie,” Derek gently lifted your head so you could see him. “It’s not as bad as it seems. He’s just… something else,” he laughed.
“Don’t say that,” you frowned at Derek.
Derek raised his hands in a gesture of innocence. "Hey, it's okay, I'm not offending your husband."
"He's not my husband, and he never will be if he never pays attention to me." You sighed.
"Look, sweetie, flirt with him all day, no filter." She laughed.
Derek played along. "That's right, let's see how hard it is for him to notice." He laughed too.
"Stop playing around, this is serious, don't be like that." You were quite sad.
"We're being serious too!" Derek exclaimed.
"I mean, it's what you want, right? For him to notice. It's not possible that you flirt with him all day and he doesn't notice." Penelope added. "And listen, babe, if he doesn't notice this, I'm sorry to say it, but he's ignoring you," she explained to you.
You groaned and rested your head on the desk.
After a while, you started thinking about what Morgan and Garcia had said. After all, you had nothing to lose; in the end, it was basically what you did every day. Although, of course, this was a bit over the top, but who knows if it was over the top enough for Spencer to notice.
"Hey, you." You smiled at Spencer, who was in the office kitchen making one of his coffees.
Spencer looked at you. "Oh, hey." He gave you a smile, one of those where he just closed his lips without showing his teeth. Pretty typical of him.
"Those glasses?" You smiled, trying to make conversation.
Of course, you had noticed them; how could you not? He started wearing them about a week ago, and he looked dreamy. So much so that you thought you stared at him for about five minutes straight a couple of days ago while Hotch was explaining a new case.
"Mm, the contacts were really bothering my eyes lately." He explained while continuing to prepare his coffee.
"Well, they look great on you; you look great, really handsome." You began your mission.
"They’re nothing special. I had to get anti-reflective coating because the glare was bothering me too. It’s a coating applied to both surfaces of the lenses to reduce the glare caused by reflected light." He started explaining, as he always did, not noticing your attempt to tell him he looked good.
Spencer’s obliviousness: 1 - 0 : You.
"Ah—right, yeah." You sighed and watched him leave the kitchen, giving you another one of his smiles.
Second attempt.
You were at your desks, which were next to each other, finishing paperwork from the last case.
"Are you done? It's almost lunchtime," you asked Spencer.
"I still have to finish the geographical profile," he said, looking at his papers. "But I can do it after lunch." He looked at you.
"Great! I was thinking, would you like to go to that sandwich place a couple of blocks away?"
"Oh, sure! Tito’s, right?" He said, recalling the name of the place. "Sounds great." He smiled at you.
You were a bit surprised. "Oh, really? Great—Yeah, perfect." You stumbled over your words a bit—he had just accepted a date with you!
"Great, I'll tell the others," he said as he tidied up his desk.
"Okay, sure," you replied without thinking. "Wait—what? Spencer—" Maybe you thought he accepted a date with you too soon.
"Morgan loves that place," he told you. "See you later, okay?" He smiled and left.
You sighed.
Spencer’s obliviousness: 2 - 0 : You.
You sighed again.
Hotch and JJ explained a new case to you—apparently, there was a serial killer in Mill Creek, and this other guy who called himself the "Empty Man." It seemed they had some sort of rivalry and were killing women without restraint. So now, you guys would have to travel to St. Louis to help solve the case.
Everyone boarded the plane, which took off immediately after the case was announced. Everyone was scattered around the plane, analyzing the case. You were sitting next to Reid, across from the little table that those seats have.
After that tragic and terrifying lunch, you were left thinking about the possibility that Spencer did know and was ignoring you to avoid hurting you. Maybe he just didn’t like you, which wasn’t such a big deal. But you wished that if that were the case, he would at least tell you.
"Are you okay?" you heard the voice of the man from Las Vegas next to you.
"Hm? Yeah, yeah, of course," you replied instinctively.
"You don’t seem like it," he said with a frown.
Great, now he was starting to notice things.
"Really, I’m fine. I was just—thinking," you replied honestly.
"About what?" he asked.
"About you," you blurted out. The truth was, it was now or never; it didn’t matter whether he felt the same way or not.
"Me? Why about me?" he asked, even more confused.
"You're incredible, Reid," you laughed—it was better than crying. "I’ve been trying all day to get you to notice how much I like you! And you don’t understand anything!"
Spencer’s obliviousness: 3 - 0 : You.
Double awesome.
"Do you like me?" Spencer said, completely clueless.
"Of course i do! Ever since I got here. And I've tried everything but—" You sighed. "You don't like me... And that's okay, I don't expect you to, I just wish you'd tell me, you know?"
Spencer let out the breath he was holding and laughed a little. "Where did you get that from? How do you think I don't like you?"
"I do?" You opened your mouth in surprise, which made him laugh.
"Of course you do," he laughed. "I just thought you were being nice to me, you're nice to everyone, I didn't think it was special with me."
"Of course you are!" You laughed.
"According to April Bleske-Rechek, the psychologist leading the task force that studied the relationship between men and women, males and females have a very different perception of the messages they receive from the opposite sex." Reid started to Reidplain as he always did. "This, especially in the case of men, leads them to misinterpret signals."
"Really?" You said sarcastically, leaning on your hand, watching him as he explained.
"Yes, which is why I thought I was misinterpreting you." He shrugged.
"Not at all." You smiled as you brushed a strand of hair off his forehead.
"We're in the middle of a case, I'd appreciate it if you two could behave," Hotch said from the back of the plane.
"Oh, right, right, yeah—I'm sorry," both of you mumbled a bunch of incoherent apologies.
Then you looked at each other out of the corner of your eye with a small smile.
You: 1 - 3: Spencer’s obliviousness.
Triple awesome.
Take that, silly mental scoreboard.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
A furious diplomatic spat between Israel and the United Nations has broken out, with Israeli officials calling for the resignation of Secretary General Antonio Guterres after he said Hamas’ October 7 attacks on the country “did not happen in a vacuum.” At a Security Council meeting, Guterres called for a humanitarian ceasefire on Tuesday amid the deepening crisis in Gaza, and told the Security Council that “clear violations of international humanitarian law” are being witnessed. He called Hamas’ October 7 murder and kidnap rampage “appalling,” and said “nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians, or the launching of rockets against civilian targets.” “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,” Guterres said. “The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished.”[...]
His comments angered Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who was in the chamber as Guterres spoke. “In what world do you live?” said Cohen. “Definitely, this is not our world.” Writing on social media later, Cohen said that “after the October 7th massacre, there is no place for a balanced approach. Hamas must be erased off the face of the planet!” Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, called on Guterres to resign, saying he had “expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder.” Then, on Wednesday, Erdan said his country will block visas for United Nations officials. It had already rejected an application by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, Erdan told the Israeli Army Radio channel. “It’s time we teach them a lesson,” added Erdan.[...]
In an effort to “set the record straight,” Guterres said Wednesday he was “shocked by misinterpretations by some of my statement yesterday in the Security Council – as if I was was justifying acts of terror by Hamas.”[...]
But Guterres did not back away from his Tuesday call for a ceasefire, or from his nod towards the historical treatment of Palestinians. The main United Nations agency working in Gaza said it would be forced to halt its operations by Wednesday evening due to a lack of fuel, with the territory having faced days of airstrikes and near-total blockade following the Hamas attacks. Efforts in the UN to endorse a ceasefire have so far been scuppered, with the US vetoing a draft resolution raised by Brazil last week.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday told the agency that “humanitarian pauses must be considered” to allow aid to reach civilians in Gaza, though he notably avoided the phrase “ceasefire.”[...]
The World Health Organization meanwhile reiterated calls on Tuesday for a ceasefire, saying it is “unable to distribute fuel and essential, life-saving health supplies to major hospitals in northern Gaza due to lack of security guarantees.” Six hospitals in Gaza have been forced to shut due to a lack of fuel, WHO added.
There's literally no (0 (zero)) purchase gained by equivocating w these people btw. It is in fact seen as weakness [25 Oct 23]
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