#my lego architecture collections
moronkyne · 23 days
hi ive come with morgan headcanons and they range in silliness so strap in
- transmasc morgan with pretty floral tattoos over his top surgery scars (he's a plant guy i can tell from the vibes)
- morgan has sharper canines than other people. not cause he's a vampire but because of genetics
- i feel like he collects something i just can't pinpoint what. right now im thinking candles or stationary supplies
- he has one of those erasable calendars with a little pin board (future thing — on their first date he and obscura take a picture together and he got it printed and pinned it on the board; every time he checks his calendar afterwards he sees obscura and does a cute little smile)
- oldest or middle child
- architecture nerd (has the architecture lego sets nuh uh im not projecting, id never do that)
- he bakes very well. obscura mentioned their favourite baked good as an offhand thing while talking and he made it for them like, the next day
okay this is all i have for now xo (platonically)
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trickostars · 7 months
What r your thoughts on each Futuristic Four member 👀👀👀 (i am holding back a flood of excitement i like ur art btw)
WAHHH thank you I am also very excited. I have soo many thoughts. More under the cut
- I am totally unbiased abt her she totally isn’t my favourite incredibles character. I totally didn’t basically kin her when I was little
- also her speech about like “the government only gives rich people a slap on the wrist and lets them go” like girl the second supers get legalised you work for the government!! your mom works for a billionaire!! Do you know that?
- down to some headcanons. I think she’s very much the voice of reason in the four, between both of the boys being kinda impulsive and penny just eager to do things, someone has to make sure they don’t blow themselves up. She’s the only eldest child amongst the four and it heavily shows, half the time she looks like this:
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- that said she isn’t above the mischief they all get up to, she likes being able to relax and not think with reason for a wee bit as long as it doesn’t cause mass destruction. She’s the logical friend but she isn’t like the mom friend or anything like that.
- she’s also the tank which is funny considering she looks like a twig but those shields + two traumatic experiences sure do a lot in terms of fighting skills.
- I also think she involves her life the least in the sphere of the four. she has a decent social life at home and she almost sees the four as an extension of her hero life rather than her personal life, they don’t know anything about tony and have never interacted with dash and Jack jack, maybe one time one of them interacted with her parents but it wasn’t what she wanted. this might cause problems down the line.
- she’s a very musical girlie, I definitely stole this from someone else but her friends like dropping off vintage vinyl in their homes to her since she doesn’t like buying them herself and she’s very much a teenager with music blaring from her room but it’s like. The Beatles or something instead of my chemical romance. until it IS my chemical romance because penny drops off one of her old cd players and you know violet would THRIVE with early y2k pop rock and it only gets better when Wilbur donates his mom and dad’s old cd collections. this ends up with her having insane taste, half franny’s broadway tracks, electro swing and emo phase and half lewis’ lonely island and weezer tracks
- she also very much is an “acts of service” kinda affectionate for her friends. She’s the tallest so she grabs things from high shelves, opens jars, luges things around the lab for Hiro, organises Penny’s stuff for her sometimes, definitely helps organise Wilbur’s space cause it’s a mess etc.
- oh and. idk if you wanted lgbt headcanons but. bi violet. she learns what it from one of the others (probably Hiro considering his friends are a fruit salad) and is like “OHHHH that makes sense.”
- there’s something wrong with him. I fully believe that it is not the future that is Like That but in fact just the Robinsons that are Like That and that becomes more believable when you realise most of the weirder robinsons’ family members were kids, teens and young adults right between y2k and now. They are pretty much eccentric rich people, but like morally good.
- he’s not much of an engineer or inventor like his dad but is actually way more artsy like his mom, but instead of music he likes model making and Lego like stuff. he’s thinking of studying architecture when he’s older though he’s pretty unsure of his path forward in life in general. He’s only a kid.
- in general actually he’s pretty unsure of himself, often dotting back from interest to interest, whim to whim until it doesn’t interest him. 99% sure he has adhd tbh but surprisingly he doesn’t struggle with things like school, but more with his sense of identity, he cannot define himself properly quite often and is constantly driven to find a purpose in life, since both of his parents knew who they were rather early in life and as he gets older this is just a more stressful prospect to him. He is very loud and boisterous to make up for this
- so as can be expected, the adventure that landed him to meet the others was just a whim that stuck. And maybe he feels guilty for that but he’s happy it happened.
- he’s very much the kinda teenager boy who sees himself as invulnerable and he often is the one who creates humiliatingly dangerous scenarios the other three have to save him from. Sadly, none of these saves have halted his own belief in his invulnerability, but instead made him wanna reach greater heights of almost dying. at least he’s pushing his friends’ limits, both power wise and nerve wise.
- I headcanon he didn’t really do school, more like a private tutor, as the youngest in his entire family and only child he very much is the kinda kid who’s best friend is one of his uncles or his cousins. No, he doesn’t let any of the others come around to his, his parents would kill him, does he steal the Time Machine to visit at least one of them at least ONCE a day, of COURSE what ELSE will he do all day??
- to no ones surprise, he’s very much the distraction of the group, a master of distracting people as much as himself so Hiro and violet can GET em. It’s how he makes up for being the one who starts most of the fights.
- definitely organises group dnd sessions that he dms and when he gets bored he sculpts their characters for funsies. he has 10k+ word docs worth of lore.
- speaking of which, loves giving gifts, usually little models and projects he makes.
- he is the most social member of the group but it was not his decision, he inherited his brother’s friend group of full grown adults and I’m not entirely sure if he would be socially conscious enough to keep up with the four if not for everyone wanting him to finally have friends his own age. It’s not that he doesn’t like any of his friends, in fact he loves a lot of people pretty easily, it’s just that he gets dragged down in his personal projects so much that he maybe struggles to put in effort a wee bit sometimes.
- he is also the main host for hangouts, in his workshop or the cafe because the other four can poke around too much in his bedroom and he doesn’t really like anyone going near tadashi’s part of the room or messing around with his “order” of things, aka the mess he understands.
- it was priority one after they all become besties that he design supersuits for them, he especially liked the challenge of actually working and amplifying violet’s power while creating abilities for penny and wilbur. for penny he of course included bolt as well, copying a lot of the tech shown in the movie to make them a tag team duo with matching coloured armour while wilbur he just gave green lantern construct thingies. He gave them these as a gift and sadly none of them get a lot of use out of them but they appreciate it none the less and he enjoyed the project A LOT.
- he is also very much a gift giver, he’s not good with words so effort is the best he can show.
- he’s a little bit hypocritical in that if he gets hurt he’s very stubborn with baymax’s attempts to heal him but if ANY of his friends get even a scratch on them he’s pushing Baymax on them like “no no, get that cleaned up. get a bandaid. come on. Don’t fight him about it.” With his arms crossed
- he felt so awkward when he introduced the six to the four. they got along great, besides some lingering awkwardness and Fred’s joking attempt at a rivalry but he couldn’t help but feel like SOMETHING was gonna go wrong at every turn. He was surprised in fact to see them get along so well.
- Hiro often acts as the secondary fighter for them all, most of the time when he’s with them he doesn’t have access to Baymax so he just tries his best with armour and it’s small amount of gear.
- he’s the one who gets talked into doing dumb things for the sake of doing them. He doesn’t have the teenage boy invulnerability of Wilbur, more like the scientific mind that wants to do the most dangerous version of every test on mythbusters. He always has Baymax on stand by, his fatal flaw is just thinking that will always be enough.
- oh and just as a wee add on, I like to imagine him as autistic and aroace. And maybe trans, mostly because the idea of Baymax doing t-shots is fun to me.
- probably my biggest character change, cause penny is a wee bit nothing in the original movie. Not her choice really but there are things to expand on which I do. I know one of the more common things to do is make penny an actual secret agent like she in her show but I think it’s funnier for her to just be like. a retired child actor who hangs out with a bunch of superheroes and geniuses by accident. She is just a guy.
- But she is a very traumatised guy, between the fire incident and just y’know- being a child star for a semi Disney coded network, she’s got some stuff going on. Mainly breathing problems and some panic attacks. Thankfully, Bolt is a very job-oriented dog so with acting out of the picture, they had him trained up as a therapy animal which of course he does amazingly and diligently. Her mom moving them onto a farm was also very much a part of this, the clean air and work she thought would be good for her.
- She’s just now adjusting to being a more regular child, having acted for a long time, and is on the path back into integrating into school but she has yet to make any friends, especially not her own age. She’s often stuck at home so she’s very welcoming to her friends’ visits to her as it eats up her time.
- Penny’s place is the most common hangout spot for all of them as it’s just her, her mom and the animals and a lot of room to do whatever they want. Penny is always find with them being around and actively makes attempts to keep em around as long as possible so she doesn’t go stir crazy, week long sleepovers in summer and stuff like that.
- She also likes how if she travels to any of their own time period, she doesn’t have to deal with the fear of paparazzi and gossip tabloids and that’s probably why she’d rather travel to San Fransokyo for anything like buying a toothbrush or a snack rather than drive down the road.
- Treats Baymax like a pet quite often, petting him and calling him a good boy just out of habit, the others find it funny but she always gets embarrassed.
- she’s the healer of the group, when Baymax isn’t around, and Bolt acts as an attack dog part time. she gets panicked a lot by seeing her friends hurt so running in with a medkit to clean them up is always her top priority. She hides it well but it stresses her out when hiro and violet aren’t around cause she’s worried they’ll get grievously injured in battle.
- she’s also big on words of affirmation, team hypeman to the extreme. She cares about her friends a whole lot and she will tell them exactly why with no excuse or insecurity allowed. This doesn’t go over well most of the time considering violet and hiro can’t handle compliments and wilbur will soak it in with way too wide a grin.
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My Experience with Lego Friends
So way back in 2011, when I was but a wee 8ish year old, my mother and I were walking through the Walmart toy aisle. We moved through the girls section and saw this:
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And my mom screamed. No Joke. An employee came over to ask what was wrong and she yelled. "There's Lego's for girls!!!"
That was my first introduction to the franchise/Lego theme. Now I was just as excited as her. Before Friends, I only had one Lego set that Mom had to search extensively for because there weren't really any proper sets for little girls.
So she bought me Lego Friends.
And more Friends.
As a budding Lego lover, I built them. I watched the corresponding TV shows on Netflix. I talked about them with my friends. I received a bunch of sets on my Birthday and Christmas.
A few years later, Lego started to release Disney Princess sets and Lego Elves. While I never got into Elves while they were released (something I regret now that I'm older), I watched the mini movie and series that were released on Netflix.
And then in 2018, Lego rebranded Friends for the first time.
Originally in 2012, Lego Friends advertised a young group of highschool girls and their subsequent adventures in their hometown of HeartLake City. This is what the lineup looked like:
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(From Left to right: Emma, Stephanie, Olivia, Andrea, & Mia
Four white girls and one African American, and an extremely light skinned one.
And the "new" line-up in 2018:
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(From Left to Right: Andrea, Mia, Emma, Stephanie, & Olivia)
One Asian, one one Hispanic, one African American (dark-skinned not light), and two whites.
Now my 12 year old brain was mad about the changes, especially since American Girl (another toy brand I loved) had rebranded one of there lines and honestly, butchered the best parts about the line.
But after someone told me it was wonderful that they were being more inclusive, and after I looked at some of the sets, I came around.
So I continued to collect the sets. I watched the corresponding show on Netflix.
Then January 2023 rolls up, I innocently stroll down the toy aisle at target and see
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"What the hell is this? What's wrong with the logo?" (<- Actual thought from my brain)
After a quick scope around the Friends section, I figure out it's another rebrand. Now, I'm on the fence, holding out judgement.
A few months pass, I see a few new Lego models. A boy in a wheelchair, a girl with half an arm, a girl with Vitiligo. I'm starting to feel hopeful about the rebrand.
However, the core 5 girl squad don't seem to appear as much. So finally, I turn to google like a normal person. And find out that they got rid of the core 5 girl squad and that there's a "New Generation of Friends".
Yeah, that ticked me off. The girl squad was my favorite part of the Friends brand.
So after finding this out, I go on a mini-boycott, because apparently, I am still a petulant child when it comes to Legos.
And then around September, I tread into the Lego section of a store for the first time in a while.
And spot a set that has the cutest animal in it. The familiar longing itch to buy a new set returns. My mom approaches me, and we start talking about the rebranded sets. She points out a couple sets with cool architecture.
And I let myself enjoy window shopping for Legos again.
Fast forward to Christmas, I get a set titled HeartLake City Community Center. I haven't built it yet, but I'm looking at the box \/,
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Wait a minute, who's that in the corner? Is that who I think it is?
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So I make a red string/conspiracy board theory, that this 2nd rebrand of Legos is *literally* the next generation of Friends. Like, the core 5 grew up and these are all the new kids that live in the city.
I bring this up to my parents, and Mom's thinks it's an awesome theory since it's been a decade. The girls should be allowed to grow up and have adult lives.
I don't think much more about it until I'm browsing the Lego store this afternoon for Lego Monkie Kid Sets, and come across a new set titled Andrea's Modern Mansion. Of course I click on it.
(All following pictures are screenshots from the Lego website)
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Front ^ and back \/
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Wait, what's that in the middle?
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Are those pictures?
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THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephanie and Mia graduating! Family portrait! Andrea with her baby! Olivia and Emma!
That's it. The rebrand has won me over. I love seeing all this later in life core 5.
Stephanie's the Mayor, like her idol from the original show. Andrea's a singer, has won some awards, is married, and has a child.
I can't wait to see what they do with the other girls.
Also, look at the reunion!
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They're doing karaoke! I can't take it.
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nyx91 · 3 months
What are some of your favorite things in general? 🖤
It got long, so I undercut 🤣
The smell of a new book when you open the pages for the first time.
Cuddles (when I'm comfortable with a person touching me.)
Having my back stroked... 🫠🫠🫠
Feeling clean.
Talking to my friends I met through Tumblr
Music (huge variety) and I used to love dancing before I had my accident I would spend hours on the dance mat everyday when I was young, it kept me fit 🤣 I could do it on expert mode...
Playing games (Xbox, pc, ps etc) (before my accident, it often makes my dizziness worse now 😩 I love RPGs the most but I was pretty good at other things like FPS and Guitar Hero for example.)
Creative writing.
Cooking and baking.
Watching TV series (when I can concentrate.)
Holidays and waterparks.
Animals (mostly 🤣 because I'm actually allergic and a huge cowards for things like snakes/spiders etc.)
Collecting stuff... Mainly Pokémon cards... But also other cards, swords/daggers/knives, skulls, games, books, coins, badges...
Shiny stuff!!! I'm a magpie in disguise, 🤣 or a crow, or a dragon, you pick. 🤣
I used to love walking, just in general going for walks etc.
Crafting, drawing, colouring, making stuff etc, whatever strikes my fancy at the time.
Touching hard smooth surfaces, that glossy feeling.
Touching something really soft and fluffy.
Savoury food.
Vanilla Lattes (😭).
Jade plants.
Having people who care about me.
Rain, the sound, the smell, the feel, the way it makes the air feel once it's over.
Making others happy.
Making others laugh.
Learning about other cultures and people.
Learning (in general.)
Helping people.
Harry Potter was my first fandom and will always have a place in my A(u)DHD heart as it's literally saved my life on multiple occasions.
Hazbin Hotel
The Lord Of The Rings.
Greek Deities.
Arthurian Legend.
Norse Deities.
Roman Deities.
All genders 🥰
All sexualities 🥰
Sex 🤣
The smell of Vanilla.
The smell of my favourite lavender shower gel.
Being clean shaven.
Heritage history.
Modern designs.
I learned partially how to be a masseuse, so I'm good at giving massages, which I enjoy too.
Metallic stuff.
Dark aesthetics.
Dr Who.
Assassin's creed.
Bike shows.
Fireworks. (Not so much the noise tho)
The smell of fuel. (Not in a weird way 🤣)
Marvolo, Rowan, Alastor, Lucifer and Vox.
The internet.
Coloured and pretty lights.
Glass blowing.
And I'm rambling now so I'll shut up 🤣.
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ronanceautistic · 4 months
8 and 27 for the ask game?:)
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Not really? I have a lot of things but I'm not like actively collecting something. I have a lot of the LEGO Architecture sets but I quite literally ran out of space for them
Do you have any keychains on your home or car keys? Describe them!
On my normal house keys I just have like an 8 ball key chain. But I have a fuck ton of other keychains lying around, too, I just like to only have one on keys cos otherwise it gets cramped. But I have two Robin Buckley funko keychains, the Family Video outfit, and her finale outfit. And then I have an Eddie playing guitar one as well. I also have two ST one's that's like, the sign when you drive into Hawkins and then the logo for the arcade. I have a few LEGO Star Wars ones - a Stormtrooper and R2-D2. Oh I have this, like, ceramic (?) ball that's like got the Mind Flayer on it that I think someone gave me for my birthday. Uhhh yeah that's all I can think of. Oh and I have like literally every other pool ball outside of the 8 Ball as well bc I wanted to buy a specific one but they only sold them with like, all of them. I've given a few to people though.
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cherryvovolcano · 1 year
To celebrate the launch of another 100 days with harry, here's some trivia with some of my data I've inadvertently collected from him from 52 days. Leaving out the obvious ones (like carrots or the horse head).
has a family crest
mf can be like "ur so dense" when u dont catch what hes sayin but then's like "??? what" when he doesn't catch something
His grandfather is Scottish or Irish.
^that would explain why he likes whiskey
He's afraid of butterflies even though he can kill bugs with his bare hands
He is afraid of and allergic to cats
is interested in architecture, builds with legos and scale models
does not handle strong flavors (weak)
his favorite ice cream is lemon ice cream because its not sweet (based)
falls asleep on the floor LIKE NOTHING
Under the mask hes an heir to a famous corporation AND HE RENTED THE WHOLE FUCKING THEATER FOR HIMSELF.
even if the game tells you "harry is good at everything" it only explains that the ssum is a lying simp mowed down by love. The son of a btch (harry) can't water plants or make a fried egg (I say this affectionately, I swear)
I'll add more the days I'll keep playing lol
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boycorruption · 4 months
I’ve been collecting for 5 years and also have adult money and no one stops me from buying legos so yeah,, big collection lmao. But this is so fair they are so expensive.. definitely didn’t drop over 200 yesterday on Notre Damethat came out on the first!!
Favorite set is 100% Fallingwater! It’s from the architecture series and is a retired set that came out in 2009, and was like the first “adult” set I got to build with my dad!! has really good memories and also is just a beautiful set (and a beautiful building love Fallingwater sm) but yeah!! Love the architecture series is my favorite <3333
Again so very normal about legos 😭😭
DUDEEE THAT IS SO COOL. i’m trying to get like you… the notre dame set looks soo awesome you should show me once you finish it :D and feel free to dm pics of your sets to me too if you ever want to nerd out about them!!
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sohido · 5 months
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Just finished building the iconic LEGO Architecture Seattle Space Needle and I'm feeling sky high! This detailed model perfectly captures the futuristic charm of the landmark. Major props to the designers for all the clever building techniques. Thinking about adding it to my collection or maybe it deserves a special spot on its own?
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torind · 10 months
Theme Project Proposal
For this themed project, I intend to photograph different elements from the Danish toy company: LEGO. LEGO has been around since 1932 and expanded with its diverse themes of plastic interlocking bricks. Not only has the brand been recognized under its original themes including CITY, NINJAGO, and FRIENDS, but they’ve become an icon for their various intellectual properties of pop culture ranging from architecture, art, music, movies, and TV shows. Now having a personal passion for collecting their various sets and minifigures, I would imagine it would be convenient and fun for me to use it as my subject. The variation in this project is that using LEGO would make the subjects more staged and set up. Although it may not have a natural setting, the creative freedom opens for stronger control of subjects, settings, lighting, and camera angles. Although the scale with LEGO requires the camera to be closer, but if done correctly can allow one to play with perspective and scale. Now with this open hand of choices, having a specific theme to shoot would be difficult to consider. But I propose to re-create certain iconic imagery from the sets I have based on either representative or well-known ideas but through the lens of LEGO. I imagine as I explore the potential possibilities I will see what united theme I would want for all the photographs to have. In the end, I would expect my audience would take away the creative capability that can from the LEGO brand. As much as it allows you to build whatever you can imagine, I would hope that it can also serve as an interchangeable model to use in photography.
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bluenpinkcastle · 1 year
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20230911: Whew! BrickCon was a very memorable experience! This was my third time attending and my first attendance as someone displaying a MOC (My Own Creation). I learned a lot and it really helped reiterate how much more I have yet to learn. Before I get started with my Halloween builds (yes, I am aware that it's still only September, but Halloween shouldn't be limited to just October :) ), I thought it would be fitting to show some of my own LEGO resources. This is a really eclectic selection of LEGO references, including building ideas, history books, storybooks, small game books, and even some of the large catalogues from 1997 until today. One of the things that really moved me while I was unpacking this box was finding the small catalogues that used to come with every set. I loved those small catalogues SO MUCH. I would carefully unfold each one and look at everything coming out, trying to decide which ones I could ask for as birthday and holiday presents and whether or not I could build anything with what I had. Even my LEGO Ideas book from 1990 was coveted to young me :) You can find out more details about the books pictured by doing a search for them on LEGO-specific websites such as rebrickable.com or bricklink.com Picture includes (Official LEGO logo books): -LEGO Ideas and Games Collection 9780744050417-1 from 2022 -Architecture the Visual Guide 5004799-1 from 2014 -LEGO Minifigure Year by Year a Visual History 5002888-1 from 2016 -NEXO Knights Knight's Code 9781338112283-1 from 2016 -Masters' Book of Secrets 5006978-1 from 2021 -Absolutely Everything You Need to Know Stacks of LEGO Facts 5005469-1 from 2017 -the LEGO Book New Edition 5002887-3 from 2018 -the LEGO Book 5002887-1 from 2009 -Idea Book 260-1 from 1990 -the LEGO Ideas Books 5000672-1 from 2011 -Magical Ideas 5007215-1 from 2021 -Castle Brickmaster 9780756672812-1 from 2009 -Legend of Chima Brickmaster the Quest for the Chi 5002773-1 from 2013 -DK Reader's Level 1 Pirates Brickbeard's Treasure 9781465415318-1 from 2013 -Pirates Brickmaster 0756672805-1 from 2009 -Minifigure Ultimate Sticker Collection 9780756659844-1 from 2009
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epersonae · 1 year
For random asks: fibonacci numbers :3
Friend, I love you, and I can't believe you're making me look up the goddamn fibonacci sequence. (Which I feel like I should be able to work out on my own but fuckit)
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
First three from the little notebook that I keep next to my couch: Strange New Worlds (started but haven't finished), Abbott Elementary, Derry Girls
3. Do you like smoothies?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't hate them, but I also sort of associate them with the before-beforetimes, which is not great, and also I don't own a blender. (I used to! And then I loaned it to Ryn to take to work at the eldercare place, and then Ryn quit and forgot to take it with them. And clearly I don't use a blender that much, because that was more than two years ago.)
5. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled, with salt and pepper, or in an omelet. (or tbh: Starbucks sausage egg muffin, or McDonalds biscuit with sausage and egg)
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I feel like I have several tiny collections: enamel pins, dice (weird dice in particular, altho I haven't added to that collection in a while), squishmallows (mostly inherited), vinyl records (ditto, altho I've been gradually adding to it); I have a little bit remaining of what used to be an extensive Lego collection (most of which I left behind). The thing I feel like I'm most deliberate about collecting is probably art, especially from friends. I LOVE getting friend art. (I have art from several mutuals in my house!) I also love curating and displaying it in my space, doing the whole color/shape/theme arranging thing. It makes me very happy.
13. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
I used to be particular about my pens, and then I took this architectural design summer class like 10 years ago and got really into writing with pencil, and now that's my favorite. I got one of these a few years ago at a museum gift shop and fell in love, and then discovered that a bookstore downtown carries them, and now I am a person who has a favorite pencil.
21. What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? If you don’t know any that’s ok!
Like with trees, I have MANY favorites, but I will say that I imprinted like a tiny baby duck on the Impressionists when I was 9 going on 10 and there was a HUGE exhibit at the LA County Museum of Art. I was obsessed with the Monet haystacks, and with this specific Van Gogh (somewhere I still have a postcard that I got in the gift shop!)
34. Can you read analog clocks?
So yes, of course, because I am An Old, but I do have a funny story about that, which is that there was a clock in the office at my last job, that a former employee (who later ended up being my boss, you know the guy I mean) had covered all the numbers with the wrong numbers, and we all just kinda got used to it. Like, he had left before I even got there, and it was still like that when we left the office when the pandemic started almost 8 years later, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's still like that. (I even replaced the battery on it twice, I think.)
[50 questions just because]
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championofapollo · 2 years
I'm just starting to think that my family are just a bunch of DnD characters irl. We all have Tragic Backstories TM and an absurd amount of feats/skills
My mom is an Elf Ranger who went to cosmetology school, had her own radio show in Uni, graduated with an English degree, yet now has a job as an Engineer?? Plus, she used to speak 3 languages, but she hasn't spoken French or Spanish in a while, so she's forgotten vocab (I vividly remember her holding full conversations in Spanish when I was little). She's the reason we live out in the middle of nowhere, beside a pond, with many horses.
My dad is a Human Paladin (I guess). He's been GMing since High School, used to play precussion, and is now part-time Engineer part-time Writer. Don't ask me how, but in 24 hours, he can give you detailed records of just about any city. Original maps, who lived there, and pretty much general information about the town history n some fun facts. Also, when he dies, he insists that he wants to be thrown in a volcano that's about to errupt so that his ashes will travel the globe. Oh! And he throws axes.
Idrk what my older sister would be? She's certainly an elf like my mom, but I can't decide if she would be a caster or barbarian... Eh, multiclass! She grew up in my household, so obviously, she's a witch. She knows at least 20 ways to kill a person and can summon storms with her emotions. When she was younger, she decided she was going to learn Swahili, so ta da! She wanted to go to school for architecture but then picked up streaming, and now she has an internship for coding ._.
Iiii am somehow a Fae Rogue? All my life, I've vibrated at an odd frequency, so I'm never clear in photos. I don't know how many knives I have anymore, I'm an op pick-pocket, then give me 30 seconds so I can hide in plain sight (true story, they were looking for half an hour). I speak 5 languages (none fluently), play 3 instruments, draw, know how to make pottery on the lil wheel thingy, do embroidery, and am working on my sewing. I also write and am descent at photography. But I'm going to Uni for Marine Science!
Last but not least, my younger twin brother. He has to be at least part elf because of how extra he is, but he's not quite a half elf. 1/4 Elf Fighter! This is my goofy sibling that insists on having a sword collection, has an armoire full of legos, used to think he was a Monster Truck, and works part time as a Fencing Instructor. He was the one that got dad into throwing axes. His life goal is to own a castle somewhere in France to be a safehaven for gays, as well as to direct his own movies.
How did we end up like this-??
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Frontside of the Lego White House:
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Backside of the Lego White House:
Lego White House of 2020 🇺🇸
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @fourbrickstall​
I’m a photographer who likes to shoot portraits,  acro, and toys. My favorite themes are medieval fantasy, steampunk, and apocalypse. I manage a fan community about LEGO photography called BrickCentral, and I am its LEGO ambassador.
Check out our full interview below!
How did you get your start in photography?
I think I have always really liked looking at things through a lens—I had plenty of microscopes and telescopes growing up—so photography was a natural progression. I started out taking photos of nature, architecture, and travel but really became a photographer in my mind when I learned studio photography. I love creating interesting light on people in particular.
What inspired you to work with LEGO specifically?
Several years ago, a couple of photography blogs I followed featured a 365-day phone photography project by Andrew Whyte about a miniature traveling LEGO photographer. It was the first time I had ever seen toy photography. And LEGO! It had been years since I had ever even looked at LEGO, but it brought back memories of smiley-faced space explorers on lunar bases. I was surprised by how modern LEGO minifigures had become: this LEGO photographer was so urban with a beanie hat on its head and a cute camera in its hand. I immediately wanted to create a little LEGO version of myself, too (called a “sigfig” or signature figure, I later learned.) Around that time, I had my hands full with a toddler and was looking for a way to keep shooting creatively. But I only had space for one bag at a time—a diaper bag or a camera bag—so a phone and a minifig seemed like a fantastic way to keep taking photos.
Once I got my LEGO minifigure in the mail, I started shooting and became instantly hooked. Not only on the photography but on the collecting aspect too. I now have hundreds of minifigures and even more LEGO minifigure parts to create custom characters with. So it was the LEGO that caught my attention right away, but the photography workflow is what sealed the deal for me.
What is your favorite piece of all time? Why?
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I really love this photo for lots of reasons. It’s the kind of photographer I want to be: someone who doesn’t let weather or terrain or whatever become an excuse for not doing what they love. I also like that this shot looks like I found this great location in the forest, but the reality is that I shot this on my window sill with just some bark, twigs, and moss that I collected from around Brooklyn. It doesn’t get more metropolitan than NYC, but with just an idea and a few materials, I created a completely different environment. Atmospheric effects are another thing I like to add to my photos, so the “rain” hits the spot. It’s just spray from a water bottle.
From idea to final piece, how long does it take for you to create something?
The great thing about shooting LEGO is that it can be as easy or as complex as you want it to be: from subject to gear, to lighting, to location. As a portrait photographer, shooting an unusual or interesting character is part of the thrill, so I spend about an hour creating one custom minifig from my hundreds of loose parts.
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Sometimes I use official LEGO models as a subject or as a background, and these take some time to build, depending on the size of the set. I build my own models and scenes, too—known as My Own Creations (MOCs) in LEGO lingo. These take me forever because I’m not a great MOC builder, and I don’t have thousands of LEGO parts at my disposal. It’s not unusual for MOCs to take days or weeks for me to finish. 
This tiny red house on wheels took me about 5 days to build:
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This Japanese alley took me a month:
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When shooting outdoors, I look for locations that scale well to LEGO minifigs and models and also have beautiful light. I seek out pockets of light through trees to put my subjects in, but I also make sure to have patches of shadow throughout the scene to give it some depth.
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I already have some favorite locations, so it’s really just a matter of getting to them or waiting for the right time of day. Indoors, I can get shooting rather quickly at any time of day in my studio nook, which is an alcove I’ve set up with lighting and supports just for my LEGO photography. Having that dedicated space and grip really accelerates getting into a flow state. Negentropy is my friend.
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A custom minifig in a MOC photographed in my studio nook is my favorite kind of work to do, but that also takes the longest because of the build time and more complex lighting.
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What are 3 things you can’t live without as a creator?
My camera, my lenses, and Lightroom are three things I can’t live without as a creator. I love the whole process of shooting—seeing how different settings and gear change an image—and then taking that image and making it truer to what I feel in post.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating content that you know now?
I wish I knew that it’s easier to find your tribe when you figure out who you are as an artist first. I think it’s tempting to try to belong immediately because it’s exciting to find other people who share the same interests as you. But doing that too quickly and investing too deeply can influence your art or trap you in a style that isn’t really you.
What are your file name conventions?
FBT-desc-of-lego-subject.jpg I’m not as organized as I would like to be, but I have my folders set up descriptively and by date in Lightroom. It’s great for managing thousands of photos.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
I love the DnD artists on Tumblr! I’m so inspired by their beautiful illustrations, character creations, and storytelling. I played a few campaigns with my Dungeon Master brother as a teenager, so I know and love that world. I guess my affinity for custom LEGO characters is rooted in the character creation part of DnD.
My favorite characters these days are artificers and tieflings, so I follow those tags on Tumblr to see all the stunning artwork by the community.
Check out more amazing LEGO photography over at @fourbrickstall​!
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noccor · 4 years
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Felt cute. Proud of my shelves. Still some space to fill, right now it’s mostly my Lego architecture stuff and my mans butter fly collection. Crazy to think we’ve been home owners for a year, but still an insufferable millenial dw.
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rawk-chikk · 2 years
Tagged by: @baasthasthezoomies
Favourite time of year: The home stretch, the period between Halloween and New Year. So sorta late autumn-slash-winter.
Comfort food: Pasta. Or carrot cake.
Do you collect something?: Plushies. And keyrings from new and/or interesting places I travel to. And Lego Architecture sets. I also have a large collection of Seventh Doctor merch, but I'm not actively adding to it at the moment coz I basically own everything lol.
Favourite drink: Soft drink? Root beer. Grownup drink for grownups that makes the room go all spinny if you have too much? Baileys.
Favourite song: Tina Turner's rendition of 'Proud Mary'... I think.
Current favourite song: According to Spotify, it's 'Slave to the Rhythm' by Grace Jones. No, I cannot hula hoop all the way thru it 😜.
Favourite fic: Hmmm. That's even harder to answer than the music one. I read so much and love so many. Let's just say if you write fic for one of my fandoms, and I've interacted with you more than once on AO3, or outside of AO3, or left one of my trademark rambling reviews, you're on my shitlist.
As in 'you are the shit'. Your work has the RC Seal of Approval.
Which is an actual live seal and not a...y'know...seal.
Sadly there is no seal emoji on my phone (the fuck, Samsung?!), so please accept the Otter of Awesome instead 🦦👍.
Tagging: Y'all know my policy by now. Have at it if ya wanna. Don't if ya don't.
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