#my love to all Star Trek fans you’re my whole family
tinyfaust · 6 months
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i don't quite know
how to say
how I feel…
those three words
are said too much
they’re not enough
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synthville · 2 years
upon rewatch:
LOVED seeing raffi work. focused and a with a clear directive like that’s queenie. the only light in a season that’s really not in service of anything but ‘hey remember when’ (aka lowest form of conversation word to tony soprano!)
if i was a tng fan who’d waited all this time to see my faves reunite and was being fed this badly lit slop id riot. low effort stupid stakes and characters who are lacking facsimiles of themselves on a dull version on an ‘adventure’ that was done better decades ago? the pits.
originality has left the building. never even made it inside actually
like i know this ain’t the ‘greatest season of star trek picard’ the press and era stuck fans have been praising??? lmfao everything is so stupid
seven and raffi’s scene was even more diabolical the second time around because what do you actually mean this is the best you can do star trek picard don’t piss me off
three and a half conversations solely between women (the fact that saffis breakup convo counts helppp) that weren’t about men i think so. that’s the future :)
sevens whole voy family moment was bittersweet like it’s nice that they finally remembered that part of her life existed but also it left a bad taste in my mouth. maybe id feel differently if i thought it was actually going somewhere idk. with the brushing off of the lsc and the way things are playing all these references only come off as heavy handed reminders from the writers that the past is everything and looking forward is useless because why try to build and go on when everything you used to know is actually all there ever is (unless you’re giving up vital aspects of yourself to blend into and serve the institution in which case change is not only accepted but encouraged*) ik they did less than the bare minimum to cement la sirena as a group but they were still important to each other and the constant reiteration of the way things were is so bleak. *situation is a lot more nuanced than that blah blah im in my feelings lol
should definitely be used to it by now ik but it still blows me that they erased damn near everything. like just fuck the la sirenas huh. those two years was just lallygagging with randos ig
the endless disdain for the past seasons as if this season is anything to be proud of is ?
so much about how this show is written and presented (will someone turn on lights goddamn!!) is absolutely unbelievable. things just happen like there aren’t actual paid professionals in charge of making it good. nuts.
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Please discard this question if it makes you uncomfortable but,
Your takes on the Naruto characters are so much fun to read, they're so unique and sometimes too relatable haha XD but they're also very intimidating to someone still figuring themselves out (me aa (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)). My question is, how did you grow to be comfortable enough to share them in public? And not just Naruto posts, do you have any tips on being more comfortable with oneself?
This is more about being vulnerable with yourself and your ideas then it is about Naruto, topics like these can be very burdensome, so if you don't feel like responding please don't. Wishing you a good day <3
Hchxuxz this is probably going to be a ling answer but i’ll try my best not to write you an essay.
First of all, it took me years to grow into being comfertable sharing my headcannons. When i first joined tumblr i was in the marvel fandom and it was very open ended but not really the best for feeling like you could be free with your headcanons.
I explored things like my own gender through the character of Hawkeye (Clint Barton, hence my AO3 name) and it was hard at times because in that fandom if people don’t like what you’re doing they say so and tbh there’s so many marvel fans that it’s overwhelming
But then I joined the star trek fandom. Because of the premise of star trek (diversity and tolérance) it was a lot more welcoming. People wanted to read about my trans McCoy headcannons and I got to read headcanons i hadn’t seen before (like Trans Uhura, Pan Spock, etc. Things i’d never thought of) and it really opened up my idea’s and allowed me to explore even more.
I didn’t stay in star trek fandom (even though i still adore star trek) because i just… didn’t have the creativity i wanted there. But it’s the fandom that really helped me open up and find comfirt
Not just fabdom helped me though. Space had a lot to do with me finding myself. I was lucky enough to live in other countries away from family, which gave me the freedom to explore who i really am and who i wanted to be. My husband and I were living in Israel when he first told me he was Bi and I told him that i thought I might be androgynous (my gender has changed since then as i found more comfort in myself, but it was a damn good starting point)
The big question though: how did I grow to be confertable enough to share my ideas
Marvel fandom helped me a lot with this. Even though i did leave the fandom, it was my first real experience with people getting mad at me for my takes and at first i let it get to me. I got genuinely upset.
Then when I started tompull away I realized i was letting it affect my real life. I was getting upset with my friends and my husband, and I wasn’t ok with that
I didn’t want to be that person
So i stepped back, took a breath, and thought ‘why do i care?’
I’ve been bullied my whole life for a variety of things. From being a ‘tomboy’ (gender non-confirming) to liking the wrong things (star trek and stargate fan in junior high and naruto fan in high school) to having shit spelling to just… being myself
I got tired of letting the bullies win and decided that I wasn’t going to do that anymore. Sure they could have their say and try and tear me down, but at the end of the day I have love and support and that’s what matters
I have an amazing husband
An amazing kiddo
My parents arn’t perfect but my mom will sure as shit fight anyone who try’s to call me ‘mom’ or ‘mommy’
I became comfertable sharing my reality and my headcannons simply because i stopped carinh about what others think. If they get downright rude and insulting i block them.
As you find yourself and search the world for your meaning and your reality, remmember this one very simple thing anon.
Other people matter, but their opinion’s stop mattering when they start tearing you down. No one has the right to tell you what your reality is. No one has the right to tell you how you should feel.
I found confidence because i realized other’s only tear you down to make themselves feel good. Stop letting them have that win. Stop giving then that confidence boost at the cost of your own confidence
You are amazing
You are beautiful
The world needs you as you are and as the person you are meant to be. Whoever that person is
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the-uss-wossname · 2 years
So I recently saw a post about discovery being the queerest star trek and I said I wasn’t going to write a speech about why it’s actually ds9, but i did it anyway.
So! Below the cut I’ve listed most of the queer moments and queercoding that I remember from my two watches of ds9. There are a lot of them! So even if you don’t read the whole thing I still urge you to watch ds9 if you’re a fan of trek and want to see queer trek!
Note: this post contains spoilers for ds9
In explicit canon:
-Jadzia Dax was the first canonically pansexual and transgender main character in Star Trek. No one ever makes a big deal of this. She is shown correcting people on her name and pronouns on screen and people just rolling with it!
-Rejoined: jadzia falls in love with a woman on screen, the entire cast supports her. They tell a queer story by including an in-universe taboo on reassociation, and beautifully pull off a queer story where women loving each other is seen as natural and normal, but also reflects on the taboos of gay relationships in present society!
-mirrorverse ezri and Kira’s lesbian kiss!!!! (the entirety of the mirror verse is so queer, actually)
-we hear about a man giving birth in casual conversation and this is treated as normal. He gets paternity leave! “You mean he’s pregnant?” “Yes!” “Oh I should send him something”
-a cross dressing ferengi woman is better at finances than quark and gives him gay panic when she starts hitting on him as a guy- by the end of the episode it’s implied that he did actually reciprocate. This was an Interesting one.
-that time quark had to dress up as a woman to further the woman’s rights movement : granted this was mostly played for laughs but the implication of quark getting mtf surgery in like an hour no questions asked sure is something, and most of the humor comes from the fact that it’s Quark.
-O’Brien saying he wishes his wife could be more like a man sometimes (this man is bisexual)
-Changelings don’t have gender. Odo doesn’t have a gender. He is literally gender fluid. I believe it was one of the comics where he pointed this out as an excuse to help Kira do a mother-daughter thing. But yeah he’s very explicitly chosen his human form and gender, which is pretty neat!
-so much sex positivity! They have so much sex on this show! We see odo lose his human and goo virginity! The amount of times quark gets oomox on screen! Sisko and kassidy waking up together! Worf and Dax! Quark and his Klingon wife! Bashir and leeta! Kira and her various lovers! Dax is talking about it constantly! Quarks mom fucked the Nagus and brunt was in his closet! Sex is treated both as a serious thing and as just a thing you do and the topic is explored in so many interesting ways!
-great takes on masculinity and parenting as well! Sisko is such a good dad! Rom’s entire arc touched on this as well! Miles who is just such a wife guy! All these men who love their children, aren’t afraid to be emotional and caring and kind, especially with the contrast of misogynistic, overbearing, “manly” characters like quark and dukat being shown as undesirable!
And of course, there are plenty of storylines that hit on queer themes like found family, coming out as “different”, the intersection of gender and cultural norms,
So much queercoding:
-garashir is so intentional that Andrew Robinson (garaks actor) has, on multiple occasions, expressed that it should have been canon, discusses how he set out to flirt, their entire first interaction is about the gayest thing I’ve seen, they have regular lunch dates, get very anxious when the other one is gone. The way they look at each other like they’re gonna eat each other. It’s more canon than some of the canon relationships to me and is the closest two trek actors have gotten to spirk since spirk
-garaks storyline and character on its own is very gay. Props to Andrew Robinson for making the “ziyal likes garak” storyline so uncomfortable and for acting garak so gay we love him for it. He has said before that garaks sexuality is inclusive and you can read more about that in the book he wrote if you want!
-Kira nerys is a lesbian. (“The stones are straight, it’s me who’s-”) She dresses and acts like a lesbian. She eats every woman she sees with her eyes. Every one of her relationships with men is with a man who has power (eg the lesbian “he must therefore be attractive, right?) and ends with them dying or leaving. (“The prophets said we weren’t right for each other” lmao ok). Her last relationship was with odo, the literal gender fluid. That man is goo, that man is the last man you date before you finally admit you’re a lesbian “just to see”. PLUS her lesbian kiss in the mirrorverse I rest my case.
-odo was played as asexual for the first few seasons and Rene has said at events that he has always thought of him that way. Do I wish they continued with this? Yes.
-quark and Odo’s weird little thing. They hate each other. They love each other. They’re obsessed with each other. It’s great. Its definitely unhealthy and also pretty queer. One time they kissed for comedic effect on screen and it was a little bit too convincing.
-the O’Brien polycule. This series of episodes was great because it showed surrogacy as a valid thing to happen, and also because of that whole thing between Kira miles and keiko. What happened there? Who’s to say
-Kira and Dax, especially in the early seasons. Kira was truly following her with her eyes in every scene together it was great. I personally don’t see it but many many people do
-ezri my beloved she is a lesbian as well. Look at her. I personally have always been of the opinion that she’s non-binary. But also look at her, short hair, tense relationship with her family, drive towards found family and a queer community, mirrorverse lesbian kiss, yk
-also Julian bashir is trans coded. I don’t know enough about this to tell you but my transmasc friend said so so it must be true. They changed a lot with the genetic engineering who’s to say. Also the name change is right there
Quite frankly, the only character that isn’t presented as some sort of queer at one point or another is captain sisko! You could make an argument for every single other cast member for some or another type of queercoding which is wonderful!
So, yes, in many cases they weren’t allowed to say it outright, and they of course weren’t advertising queerness as a positive in the 90’s- but ds9 is full of both canon and implied queerness and touches on so much about gender and sexuality which was really boldly going back then! That’s why it is and will always be one of my favorite shows and my favorite trek!
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signipotens · 2 years
watching the star trek movies again. i refuse to rank them because i love them all, but here are some thoughts. i may have a bit of an attachment to one of the characters.
The Motion Picture: One of my favourites. The 2022 Director’s Cut makes all of the sweeping establishing shots even longer and the music is so good, it’s so indulgent i love it. Enamoured with McCoy asking if he can tag along when Kirk pulls Decker aside and then powerwalking into the turbolift without waiting for a response. Love that whenever anything vaguely sad happens the characters all immediately tear up.
Rating: Prosthetic beard and gold medallion / 10
The Wrath of Khan: I still hold my longstanding position that this one is actually kinda confusing and all over the place, especially if you have no clue who Khan is like I did when I saw it as a kid. The ending is really impactful tho and I still always cry. Classic “despite his protestations, Spock is by far the most impulsive member of the crew” moment. Love McCoy counselling Kirk at the beginning. Most of the shots of the the Enterprise in spacedock are reused from TMP, which I wouldn’t have noticed had I not watched them in quick succession.
Rating: What about my performance? / 10
The Search for Spock: Wish they centred katric ark McCoy more, but I live off of the “but it seems that I’ve missed you” scene. Judo master Sulu. Saavik doesn’t get enough respect. The whole heist scene and the ending on Mt Seleya is great, but some of the Genesis planet stuff is kinda eh. I feel bad for Maltz (who is apparently played by John Larroquette??) because he wants to die so badly but no one kills him. Love it when Vulcans are super religious.
Rating: The way McCoy smiles after Spock remembers Kirk’s name / 10
Voyage Home: Honestly wasn’t what I was looking for in this run thru, but it’s still very fun. Wish McCoy was in it more. I feel so bad for him at the beginning trying to have a rapport and Spock is just… not there for it. Love the president’s uniform. love all of their uniforms. My Mormon friends all love the LSD joke and I always think of them when I get to that part. Another classic “Spock is the most impulsive member of the crew” moment.
Rating: Well, nobody’s perfect / 10
The Final Frontier: This is the best Star Trek, actually. I’m surprised gay fans aren’t all over this one. Lots of people think it’s about God but it’s actually about finding your family from among those you can trust to give you the love and support you need to make it through your pain, and coming to terms with when you’re alone or when you weren’t there for others with their help. Love that the villain is genuinely a good guy. Love that instead of Sean Connery, they got the guy from that one gay movie from 1970. (he plays sybok better than connery ever could tho.) Pioneer 10 :'​( It’s kinda stupid, but it has the best character interactions in the entire series and it’s the only film to really put McCoy into the spotlight.
Rating: Melville :​) / 10
Undiscovered Country: Solid finale for the original cast. The signatures at the end and the “where no man—where no one—” always get me. So does McCoy devastated he can’t help the Chancellor. The Kirk fight on Rura Penthe is fun, but I think the comedy is one of the weaker aspects of this one. Shout out to my mother, who, upon seeing the opening scene, goes “oh is this the one with Christian Slater in it?” (he’s in it for less than a minute.) also shout out to “the ice cave monster,” i’ve been looking for you. Love Spock’s little lies.
Rating: Sweet Jesus / 10
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Seth MacFarlane - Blue Skies / Songs From Home Seth Macfarlane is what I’d consider a Renaissance man; he’s an actor, singer, writer, animator, director, producer, and probably a lot more things that I can’t think of at the moment, but he can do it all. Most famously known as the creator and star of Family Guy, the animated sitcom that’s been notorious for being canceled twice (but still steadily on the air for the last 17 years, give or take), as well as American Dad, he’s also the director of Ted and its sequel, as well as the creator of The Orville, a Star Trek-inspired show that’s on its third season at the moment. One thing that a lot of people may not know is that he releases music, too, and he has since 2011. MacFarlane is a big fan of jazz music, especially Frank Sinatra, so he’s been putting out jazz cover albums over the last decade, and his newest LP, Blue Skies, is no exception. Honestly, there’s not a whole lot that I have to say about this record, because if you know going into it that it’s a jazz record, and it covers a lot of famous jazz standards (and I believe there’s an original song or two), that pretty much sounds like Frank Sinatra, you’ll have an idea of what to expect here. Personally, I really love this album, and that’s the main reason why I wanted to briefly talk about it. Blue Skies might honestly be one of my favorite albums of this year, but not because it’s super unique, innovative, weird, or anything like that. Instead it’s a catchy, fun, swinging, and well put together jazz record that I just can’t stop listening to. I’ve listened to this album a lot for the last few weeks ever since I found it, but I really love it. There’s not a lot here, as it’s just MacFarlane singing jazz covers, but on songs like “No Moon At All,” “It’s You Or No One,” the title track, “That Old Feeling,” “You’ll Get Yours,” “If I Were A Bell,” and a few other cuts, he sounds great. It’s a very straightforward album, but sometimes that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with that, especially when this type of music is very niche nowadays. Back in the 1940s, it was very popular, but now, you barely hear it, minus a few very important and older artists. MacFarlane is bringing it back, and I really enjoy it. He also put out a record last year with former Victorious star Liz Gillies entitled Songs From Home, and I wanted to briefly touch on that, too, because it has some great duets, such as “It’s A Good Day,” “Ain’t We Got Fun,” “Calcutta,” “Come To The Mardi Gras,” and “Peachtree Street.” Those are all great, too, and they showcase both singers very well, but they’re just jazz / standards covers, there’s nothing really too much to it. If that’s something you’re into, or you want to hear some very catchy and fun music, you might enjoy both of these records, I’d totally check them out. I love Blue Skies a lot in particular, and it’s definitely going to be on my album of the year list, that’s for sure. I’ll definitely be talking about it in some way, but I can’t get enough of this record in the best ways possible. There’s nothing wrong with a record that doesn’t have a whole lot to offer, especially when that sound is very niche and/or they execute in a very good way. MacFarlane has a killer voice, and he uses it very well here.
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rachelgreyisgay · 3 years
My Stupid Rachel Headcanons
1. kate called rachel sweet girl in 811, and when rachel was brought to 616 she started calling kitty sweet girl and now it’s their term of endearment
2. rachel likes milfs
3. rachel wears her hound uniform but in red bc mojo used it against her...she wants to reclaim it and have that uniform associated with good so that no one can use it against her again
4. i have this scene in my head where brian and rachel are butting heads and brian is trying to get a rise out of her and rachel goes “i don’t have to prove that i have a bigger dick than you, i already know”....blah blah blah something about rachel not having a big dick and then, after thinking through how mad it would make brian, “...that’s not what your sister said” like a petty little bitch
5. rachel only feels like she’s home on three occasions: when she’s in kitty’s arms, when she has the phoenix, and when she’s among the stars
6. rachel unronically wears cargo shorts
7. kitty made her wear that stupid cape that one time, and she only agreed bc kitty designed it for her
8. rachel drinks orange juice straight out of the carton
9. all of rachel's things can fit in a duffel bag. and she doesn't like unpacking that duffel bag.
10. rachel hasn’t slept through the night since she was a child and she often gets up in the middle of the night and eats. this brings about many late-night conversations with other x-men
11. rachel may be on decent terms with logan, but she constantly reminds him that he tried to kill her
12. “you kiss my mother with that mouth??” being said to logan
13. the word “bub” is in rachel’s vocabulary because of logan
14. kitty left piotr at the altar bc subconsciously she knows she loves rachel ARGUE WITH THE WALL
15. i legitimately can’t remember what comic this is from but everyone was supposed to be wearing red and someone asked kitty “where’s your red?” and i can’t remember what kitty said, but idc she said “at home” and she 100% was talking about rachel
16. RACHEL. ADORES. HOPE. this woman has spent her whole life yearning for a family and you’re gonna tell me she didn’t jump all over the fact that she has a niece?? smells like bullshit
17. rachel’s strap is red, duh
18. rachel didn’t know to land in london after escaping mojo, she just hoped really hard she’d make it home. and somehow that brought her to the exact place kitty was
19. rachel calls jp “boober” only because it pisses him off
20. franklin is rachel’s beard. she needed companionship in the camps and there weren’t many ppl to pick from. she does love franklin, but in the way that she loves kurt. not in the way she loves women.
21. rachel has trouble differentiating between romantic and platonic feelings. this is why she confuses her feelings for kurt and franklin. she’s never been shown consistent support and affection from the people she considers friends, so she thinks that when others do that for her it must be romantic
22. rachel is a massive nerd. major star trek and star wars fan. she definitely made kitty and kurt dress up as luke, leia, and han with her.
23. rachel keeps threatening kitty with the idea of shaving her head. kitty is convinced they’re empty threats. they are not.
24. rachel definitely had a crush on illyana. but she also had intense feeling of wanting to be her.
25. rachel gets fucking bent whenever nathan refers to her as his little sister.
26. way way way in the future kitty and rachel head their own team and they go by captain grey and captain pryde...needless to say most of the team is queer.
27. “is that my mom or your mom?”
“does it matter?”
“it matters. my mom never tried to fuck our dad’s brother.”
28. even when she’s not the phoenix host, she keeps her close by wearing phoenix inspired jewelry. a necklace. and arm cuff. a single dangly earring. an ear cuff.
29. rachel has issues with being physically affection to most people.
30. rachel doesn’t like when people touch her without her consent. especially her neck and torso.
31. rachel made a telepathic bond with kitty just like she did with nathan, but she often regrets it bc she hates feeling how hurt kitty is when she can’t fix it.
32. rachel constantly wonders what about her makes so many men approach her and flirt with her. she’s a tall, muscular woman with a mullet who consistently dons massive spikes and mainly non-feminine clothing. what about her says she wants a man’s attention??
33. ray has major resting bitch face.
34. rachel has called brian a pig on many occasions.
35. john grey was the only member of her family that rachel felt really loved her as family.
36. rachel worked with hope prior to her becoming the phoenix bc scott is incompetent.
37. rachel can’t fucking cook (sorry babe) but at the same time, when she first came to 616 she was always hesitant to eat food others made for her.
38. rachel hates the feeling of being drunk. not having complete control of her body reminds her too much of how she was drugged as a hound.
39. but she is a stoner gay
40. rachel has experienced her mother dying multiple times. her bond to her mother transcends the multiverse. and somehow, it gets worse every time.
41. rachel refuses to have any biological children. she’d be open to adoption or her future partner using a surrogate, but honestly has no plans or urge to be a mother at the moment.
42. rachel is a fucking FLIRT.
43. rachel and ruby met and are best friends you can’t convince me otherwise.
44. although she doesn’t necessarily want children, rachel is actually pretty good with kids.
45. rachel hates cops.
46. rachel will always show up to an event dressed better than you (unless you’re emma. emma would win that competition)
47. i’m legitimately stuck between wanting rachel to have no genetic relation to scott and rachel having three biological parents. if she is related to scott, she has his eyes (this one is 100% stolen oop)
48. rachel threatens to snitch on remy to anna marie whenever he fucks up
49. rachel is fucking tough. but that doesn't mean she doesn't cry. she cries quite frequently because of how her emotions and trauma can overwhelm her.
50. rachel constantly wonders why she’s in 616. she originally thought it was her own fuck up, but the phoenix sent her there outside of her control. she feels like she has no purpose. but even still, she vows to keep fighting for mutantkind so they won’t suffer the same fate mutants did in her world. she never realizes that she did exactly that and that it was her purpose all along. if she never landed in 616, she never would’ve become mother askani, and nathan would’ve never lived to raise hope if rachel weren’t there. rachel was integral to bringing the mutant messiah to where she needed to be. and rachel hasn’t realized that she is doing more to protect mutantkind than most. she still feels lost.
51. rachel is a leftist. you want me to believe that she lived through a genocide and came out a centrist? bullshit.
52. this isn't even a headcanon bc she did it in excalibur but she braids her mullet when getting suited up and it looks like a rattail.
53. kitty and rachel 100% recreate that one picture of the women doing their makeup:
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and it stars with kitty on top, but kitty can't do makeup for shit (still love you, though) so they switch and it sends kitty into a gay panic.
54. out of everyone in the summers-grey clan, nathan and rachel have the best bond and relationship. although it's not super lovey and affectionate outwardly, they always have each others' back and know they can rely on one another. and they bully the shit out of one another. that's what family is for.
55. fellow lesbian laura teases rachel about her crush on kitty all the time. they also go to gay bars together.
56. while rachel is a butch lesbian, she can rock a mini dress and heeled boots like nobody else (especially if they're leather). but she tends to wear a suit when attending formal events.
57. if she can wear big stompy boots, she will wear big stompy boots. bonus points if she can stomp on someone in them.
58. she loves the 80s. 80s movies. 80s fashion. 80s music. she also has a crush on joan jett.
59. rachel is constantly tucking kitty's hair behind her ears.
60. rachel absorbs the phoenix indefinitely, marries kitty, and fucks off to space and lives happily ever after.
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fictionadventurer · 3 years
I can’t stop thinking about the Superman AU where Kara doesn’t get lost in the Phantom Zone so both children are raised by the Kents.
Kara’s ship was set up to teach her English (and possibly other Earth languages) during the trip, so the Kents learn the whole story of Krypton right away. Both kids keep their Kryptonian first names.
Kara’s extremely protective/possessive of Kal at first. She was sent across solar systems to take care of this kid, and it’s hard to step back and let anyone else fill that parent role.
Right away, the Kents notice that Kara’s stronger and faster and more durable than a human, but she doesn’t start developing outright superpowers for at least a few years. Kal starts showing signs of it by the time he’s in kindergarten, though extreme powers don’t really start to develop until his teenage years.
Kara’s homeschooled for a few years, but she does attend Smallville High for, yes, the socialization. (And to quell some of the rumors about the weird kids the Kents adopted).
The Kents have a swingset that’s the site of tons of terrifying acrobatic stunts from two children who are developing powers of invulnerability and flight.
Kara never quite loses her Kryptonian accent. In high school, there’s a running gag where she claims the accent is from more and more ridiculous places. Metropolis. France. Antarctica. Mars. Middle Earth.
(One time someone joked that her accent was from Alderaan, and it hit way too close to home).
(The official story from the Kents is that Kara was adopted from parents who did a lot of traveling and her mixed-up accent was worsened by a mild hearing/speech impairment).
The Kent household is bilingual. The kids are both fluent in Kryptonian, and Martha and Jon made sincere efforts to learn, though they’ll never be really adept. About half of the conversations in the house occur in a pidgin Krypt-lish.
For Kara’s sake, they try to adopt Kryptonian celebrations into their family traditions, but it’s difficult when a good chunk of Kryptonian holidays celebrate celestial events that they can no longer see or family connections that no longer exist.
Kara = Jock Girl. Kal = Nerd Boy.
Kara’s smart, but her early education on a different planet makes it harder to adapt to this world’s knowledge system, so she doesn’t put her focus toward academics.
She’s somehow both a tomboy and the girliest possible girl. She’ll be shoveling manure one minute and buying mascara the next.
She’s also got a very practical, no-nonsense personality, but she’s devoted to her carefully curated selection of stuff animals. She may have made one or two based on memories of Kryptonian animals.
Kara’s on a couple of athletic teams in high school. I could see her being on a dance team because good performance requires her to work in sync with the entire team, so her superpowers don’t give her that much of an advantage. And she’s in volleyball because she has a volleyball girl vibe.
Kal’s more introverted and sheltered (especially with two protective mother figures hovering over him), but he grows up comfortably human while fully acknowledging his Kryptonian heritage. He really does need glasses as a kid, learns to read young, and overall slots comfortably into the role of Friendly Neighborhood Nerd from his early elementary years.
(”What’s Kal short for?” people ask him. “Kaleidoscope”, he replies.)
Both kids are close with both Kents, but Kara has a particularly strong bond with Jonathan while Kal is more similar to Martha.
Kal bonds with Martha over her collection of pulp sci-fi books. (Kara finds their depictions of other worlds too unrealistic). They’re also both Star Trek fans--Kal prefers the original series, while Martha prefers Next Gen.
Kara stays on the farm after graduating high school. She still feels a strong duty to stay and care for Kal, and though she won’t say it out loud, she needs to cling to the sense of home that Smallville provides after losing her home planet.
She helps out with the farm work, and also works as a paramedic and/or firefighter. The job serves her caretaker strengths, and also provides a lot of opportunities to use her powers to rush to the rescue. It doesn’t take long for the “Smallville Angel” to become a local cryptid.
Her love interest is a down-home Smallville boy. Possibly a high school sweetheart, possibly someone she meets on the job, whether working alongside him or helping to rescue him. He has a very hands-on job, whether it’s as a firefighter, construction worker, or a farmer.
By the time Kal’s a high school freshman, he takes over the Smallville High paper and transforms it from a sports-scores-and-lunch-menus fluff page into a hard-hitting investigative paper. Within his first few months on the paper, he uncovers an embezzlement scandal at the school.
Kal is far more at home in Smallville than Kara is, but because it’s the only home he’s known, he also feels more of a drive to explore the world outside it. He does some traveling after high school, goes to Metropolis for college, and though he visits Smallville frequently, he never lives there again after leaving.
Kara gets married (to the above-mentioned love interest) around the same time that Kal graduates high school. They settle down in Smallville.
Kara has at least one biological kid, but she also becomes a stepmother/adopted mother. Could be that her love interest is a widower with children from his previous marriage. Maybe they adopt a couple of his brother’s kids. Maybe they adopt some kids from a rescue situation Kara came across. But I want Kara to have to deal with some of the “You’re not my real mom” stuff that she put Martha through.
(And it’s even more interesting from the perspective of the kids. When do you tell them? How do they deal with “my stepmother is a space alien who shoots lasers from her eyes”?)
Kal takes up hero work in Metropolis, but has a harder time keeping his identity secret with so many eyes around. With his imagination primed by pulp sci-fi, it doesn’t take long to come up with the idea of a costumed alter ego. Kara thinks it’s a bit silly, but her heart soars when she sees the costume’s focal point is the House of El crest, and she loves that it becomes a symbol of hope for this world.
It’s a big step when Kal brings Lois home to meet the parents, but the real test is when she meets Kara.
“She’s my big sister. Well, really my cousin. Also kind of my mom.”
“I didn’t think you were that kind of hick, Smallville.”
If she’s being completely honest, Lois is intimidated by the idea of meeting someone with all of Kal’s abilities and a mother-wolf instinct to protect him. But the Kents are intimidated by Kal getting involved with an investigative journalist who’s the daughter of a military general.
They hit it off great, though, and both sides quickly realize they have nothing to worry about.
There’s also a huge Kent extended family that was involved with these kids from the moment that Jon and Martha found spaceships in their cornfield. The Kents are exactly the clan you want at your back when you need to hide two alien kids from the government. Need fake identification and adoption papers? Someone to steer the Men in Black off the trail? The Kents will pitch in with enthusiasm.
Not everyone in the family knows about their abilities or secret identities, but they’re a close-knit clan anyway. They have a harder time adjusting to having city-gal Lois among their ranks than two space alien kids.
It’s a crazy, chaotic, blended and adopted family that’s growing and shifting over the years and always provides a place for Kara and Kal to belong.
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
some x-men fic recs
the weekly surge of fandom-related hyperactivity hit a few days late, but i’ve been reading a LOT of fic today and i actually found some xmen authors on ao3! in the wild! with really good takes! i’m so excited about it and i’m gonna post about it even though i’m not sure any of y’all care about xmen because i don’t want to lose them lmao.
GrayJay - really good scott summers takes. excellent scott summers takes. like, oh my god. also some AWESOME rachel summers fics (and scott & rachel fics and rachel/kitty fics). some notables:
SPECTACULAR masterpiece of an epistolary work set between scott finding alex and alex manifesting (scott&alex, scott/jean, charles&scott, i want to write a fic based on this where alex finds out about the xmen by seeing scott in action but that’s a Whole Other Story)
scott and alex and illyana open a pizza parlor (scott&alex, scott&illyana, VERY cool take on illyana as well as the brothers, of course)
rachel and scott-who-isn’t-her-father spend christmas together (scott&rachel, scott/jean, i LOVE this summers family content and i’m obsessed with thinking about the traditions scott and rachel build)
some books in rachel’s library (scott&rachel, rachel/kitty, absolutely fucking obsessed with the fact that rachel inherits scott’s found family)
scott is trans and not much changes (scott/jean, moira&scott, hank&scott, everyone&scott, i am so here for trans scott and i’m so glad it seems to be a popular trope because i’m OBSESSED with it, it’s so good, for a guy obsessed with control and image and-- i’m rambling)
scott and matt murdock have a tradition of pool (scott&matt, scott&logan, besides being a really good take on scott and matt as people it is also possibly the BEST scott and logan dynamic i have EVER SEEN and i’m still reeling from it)
scott and madelyne, in the beginning (scott/madelyne, scott/jean, A GOOD MADELYNE TAKE?? IN MY AO3 HISTORY??? IT’S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK!)
scott and kitty at the very beginning of whedon’s astonishing (scott&kitty, scott/jean, scott/emma, kitty/piotr, kitty&emma [more or less], i’m a fan of everything but most notably the focus on the fact that scott knows how to deal with telepaths and the acknowledgement that kitty and scott don’t actually? know each other that well?? i love it. a good take. an excellent take.)
(i don’t know if they’re on tumblr but if they are can someone point me in their direction? i want to follow someone who has such excellent ideas and characterizations)
Dain (tumblr at @ndscottsummers) - MADELYNE PRYOR RIGHTS?? GAY RIGHTS?? AUTISTIC SCOTT RIGHTS?? IT’S ALL HERE, FOLKS! some notables:
jean comes back in x-factor #1 and nathaniel essex happens (scott&jean, scott&madelyne, the idea that jean masks her autism by using telepathy lives RENT FREE in my head. this is also the ideal scott-doesn’t-trust-it’s-jean situation right here and i am LOVING IT)
scott comes back to life in house of x #5 (scott/ororo, THIS SHIP is godtier and i don’t know why there isn’t more content for it. only reason i can think of is that this fic can’t be topped. just like... “She asks him how she knows who he is and he answers with the first truth he thinks of: that she is one of the forces that has shaped him, that he may be reborn but the marks she has left on him will never fade.” ARGH)
kitty thinking about how rachel knew her in the future (pre relationship rachel/kitty and i’m OBSESSED with it folks, imagine having SUCH a good grasp of this ship and their complicated time schenanigans)
scott is trans and his team supports him (everyone&scott, i am IN LOVE with everyone accompanying him to the store, do you hear me? in LOVE!!! it’s so good!! it’s such a good fic!! those original five being kiddos and taking care of each other and refusing to leave anyone behind!!!!!)
they also have some AMAZING star wars fics, including two twin fics (luke braids leia’s hair, luke and leia take a break from hanleia’s wedding) that are literally everything i have ever wanted. like if you’ve been around here for more than ten minutes you know that is not an exaggeration. also!! aro luke rights!! my FAVORITE headcanon about luke’s identity and these fics are so GOOD!!!
Duck_Life - i have never felt more vindicated in being extremely multifandom. i’m still working my way through their VAST archive but like. oh my god. i’m in love. some notables:
series of xmen ficlets (this is cheating, especially since i’m gonna bring some of these up later, but READ THIS. these fics are all fantastic and once you get to, like, part 26? or so? you’re following along with the dawn of x relaunch, which is EVERYTHING i have EVER WANTED, y’all have no idea how much i’ve craved fic about the newest comics. amazing stuff. the best new mutants content ever.)
trans smolverine bonding with kitty and rachel (laura&kitty, laura&rachel, i am obsessed with the idea of trans smolverine - thanks star - and i’m EXTRA OBSESSED with kitty and rachel trying to bond with her and make friends with her and teach her how to be a human being. it’s really good)
jean and scott and logan, without doors between their bedrooms (jean/scott/logan, LOOK. okay. i was gonna go in order, i was gonna do these fics in the order they were written, but i literally sent this fic to everyone that knew what xmen was because i’m SO EXCITED about it. the scott characterization!! the fact of them getting together!! the ideal dynamics!! THE FUCKING SCOTT CHARACTERIZATION!! this fic broke me i am ruined and i regret nothing. thank you op for my life)
i was gonna rec more fics from them but it’s getting late and i should probably finish working my way through the rest of their fic before i rec more but! go read it!! (they also have some EXCELLENT star trek fic. i got sidetracked. this is why i’m not done with the xmen stuff lmao.) i’ll get back to this, hopefully, although knowing me i probably won’t. anyway, go forth and enjoy!
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1 & 5 for the first random asks list!
5. what made you start your blog?
Karl Urban. I joined Tumblr after seeing Star Trek Beyond in 2016 because it was that film turned me into a full blown AOS McCoy girl and I wanted to look for fan fiction. But I didn’t get proactive on here until catching a repeat of Beyond on television in 2019 and started writing my own fan fiction. 
1. what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
One thing was obvious as something that shaped me but I really had to think on the other two.
TW: bereavement 
Sorry to get sad straight off the bat, but the deaths of my mum in 2014 and my best friend (who was was older than me and who I was in love with, but that’s a whole other story) in 2016.
My friend's death hit me really hard, and I had bereavement counselling for a year because his death was out of the blue. Even though he had suffered a stroke over a year before, thankfully no motor skills had been affected and his speech was improving all the time, but he had gone back to America as he was due to come visit me in August of 2016 but sadly died a month before. I know that I am very much not the same person I was before I got the call that he’d passed away.
My mum's death two years earlier, while obviously sad and devastating, hit me very differently. I guess because my parents are older than the average and she had been living with MS since I was born, plus the classic thing of the parents always dying in Disney films, so from a young age you’re aware it's going to happen at some point. I’m just glad that I was at least 27 at the time. Since then, I’m closer to my dad. Not that he was distant, but both of my parents are of a generation where feelings and talking about things is not the norm, but we definitely talk more regularly than we used to.
On a more lighter note, and something that might seem trivial, but the first time I went to London on my own. I know that makes me sound like Babe going to the big city or something, and that is an accurate description of me as I am a country girl who grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, which means I was a little bit sheltered from the bigger, wider world. My family never really went on vacation because it was hard with my mum being in a wheelchair, plus my parents are not natural holiday makers. So the first time I went to London alone felt like a personal achievement.
Lastly, the decision to move out of shared housing and live on my own. I was lodging with my boss at the time and his girlfriend, a lovely couple whom I got on well with, but I knew one day I’d reached a point where I needed my own space. It’s good to know I can rely on myself, but it also means you only have yourself to rely on.
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Unabridged: 109 (1978)
The X-Men, those plant-loving mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. We’ve been untangling that history for a while, but sometimes, you really want a more in-depth look. Interested? Then read the (un)Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 109) - by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
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Ororo not noticing Moira casually drowning Banshee or Wolverine being punted around by some poutine-roided idiot because she’s too busy eating the Piotr-shaped eye candy is such a mood.
I wonder what my ethnic curse would be. Perhaps: ‘By Mata Hari’s bedazled bikini!’
Plot-wise, issue 109 is not that dense. Half the issue deals with the X-Men coming home from their space-adventures, the other half has Wolverine dealing with the Canadian government coming to claim their lost asset. I mean, Claremont uses three pages to tie up some loose Shi’ar ends through flashback because the last issue couldn’t fit it all in. It’s by its very definition a breather issue.
Doesn’t mean it’s not awesome.
WHERE TO START?! Why not with plant mommy Ororo?
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Storm’s secondary mutation has to be that her hair always looks like a fabulous follicular cascade, even during an indoor spring shower.
Look, if I had weather powers, I’d probably be using it for mundane shit like watering my plants and ensuring nice weather at my friend’s weddings too. (Okay, maybe sometimes I’d zap dudes who tell random girls in bars to smile more.)
While Storm talks to plants and takes all her clothes off, Kurt does the other thing I do after a rough day at the office: he calls someone for some nookie.
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I love that Amanda is so extra that she gives out signed photos of herself.
Kurt just looks so fucking cute here. Look at those little fangs! Yeah, Amanda, get it.
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Like a lot of people to whom communication comes as easily as breathing, Piotr is defeated when faced with a blank letter. Look at that trash can: he’s tried this waaaaay too many times.
Anyway, I think “Sorry I haven’t been writing, was busy saving the universe. Weather’s lovely” has a nice ring to it.
Star Wars had been out for around half a year when this comic was published, and it’s safe to say Claremont was a huge fan. You can tell by the direction these comics are taken: the whole Shi’Ar space opera is obliquely inspired by Star Wars and Star Trek and their aesthetics. I mean, Corsair asks to be beamed up and there’s even references to a captain “Spo’ock”.
It was the end of the 70s. Everybody wanted to be a Skywalker: space was big, y’all. Nightcrawler loving the movies is not a coincidence - I wonder if Claremont was also a fan of Errol Flynn.
Anyway, we follow Kurt one more floor down, where he spooks Scott, brooding at the window. The result is an unintentionally hilarious interaction, where Scott and Kurt discuss Real Issues Like Men while Jean comes out to her parents outside.
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“Mom and dad, I’m… the Phoenix.”
“Honey, we figured you might be when you introduced us to Misty Kn… Wait, what?”
To be fair, being possessed by a cosmic force for rebirth is almost the same as being gay: it imbues you with fabulous new insights, you start experimenting with your wardrobe and ever so often, you want to burn down the galaxy because some bitches in a gay club have slighted you.
But all that will come later.
Anyway, Jean’s kinda silly coming out leads to a pretty honest heart-to-heart between Nightcrawler and Cyclops. Scott tries to give Kurt grief because of his happy-go-lucky attitude, and Kurt gives him a deserved put-down.
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Life can be unkind, Scotty, so embrace the kindness provided to you by a wise little devil.
Scott prefers to brood and Kurt is hanging with Amanda, so it’s a foursome - maybe even a double date? Moira and Sean, Piotr and Ororo. Logan asks for a ride - not because he wants to eat cheese and crackers among ants, no, he wants to blow off steam.
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The X-Men’s chicken or egg: did Logan’s sideburns decide the shape of his headpiece, or did the headpiece shape his haircut?
I started reading the X-Men just when the Marvel Universe was starting to reach the height of Wolverine saturation: he was simply everywhere. Like, at some point, he was in X-Force and the Avengers while also being a Headmaster of the Jean Grey school. Add to that him being the face of the Fox X-Men universe… Listen, it was easy to get sick of him. I kind of did.
But this? Original flavor Wolverine, who’s still kinda short, kinda ugly and kinda stuck being a loner? He works as a character. Chris Claremont is beginning to explore his duality: the wild animal who has been experimented on vs. the honorable man who would do anything for his found family. He gives me major Granny Weatherwax vibes: he’s the kind of person who doesn’t need people, but he does need people to know that he doesn’t need people.
So yeah, he's still cool.
Also, his healing factor hasn’t been kicked to superhuman levels yet - you know, being able to regenerate from a single cell or whatever - so he actually feels kind of anxious when he’s about to toss himself off cliffs etc.
Not happy about that red belt, though.
Anyway, Wolverine is out doing the noble hunting-without-killing-thing, and then this motherfucker wrapped in a flag shows up. Look, I know I have something against dudes who brandish their nationality as their superhero identity, but this fool is just… ugh.
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James MacDonald = the worst. Trust me on this.
Major MacMapleleaf then punts Wolverine across the forest, right into the other X-Men’s picnic, and now we’re all caught up.
Out of all the X-Men in this issue, Sean gets the least amount of screen time but, hey, at least I can steal a joke from him.
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Don’t worry, despite the martyr/pièta pose, Moira will turn out just fine!
You weren’t worried?
Look, is there anyone who genuinely likes Moira as a character?
James Hudson, being the worst, doesn’t give a fuck that he just cross-fired an innocent woman - er, innocent as far as he knows, at least - and just nopes out of there, too outnumbered to fight the X-Men.
Yeah, you better run.
He vows to return with Alpha Flight, which… Eh, he’ll at least bring some more interesting characters with him. (Snowbird!) Now that he has sown enough seeds for a future plot to pick up on, Claremont calls it a day. I will also call it a day, after a little fashion watch. Out of all of these character, who has chosen the worst outfit?
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Scott. It’s Scott. Look, I get that those ruby quartz glasses make the world a different color for you, but you’re wearing a mustard suit and a bespeckled yellow shirt underneath. Even when considering Moira’s attitude, it’s still the most stank thing in the doorway.
Sean, just what do you see in her?
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awkward-gay-bro · 4 years
A New Chapter
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Tom wanted to start a new chapter in his life, that’s why he left. He’d done some amazing things, and despite what anyone said, he was leaving behind a legacy. But to him, it felt different. He’d fought alongside these men for a long time. Hell, he’d played for the team for twenty seasons. He joined that team before most of Gronkowski’s slam pieces could talk. So to him, he wasn’t just leaving behind a legacy. He was leaving behind a family. That’s why Gronk was making him go out tonight. They were celebrating an end of an era, and as Julian had said, they were cementing that their bond would last beyond any team. 
Tom was hesitant for this boy’s night out, he was a good decade older than his former teammates. He may be in peak physical condition, but he couldn’t deny that he couldn’t keep up with them on any sort of club scene. He’d much rather be at home with his family, just enjoying a beer. Tom had tried to convince Gronk that they should just come over, have a nice dinner, and maybe a game of poker, but his playboy friend wouldn’t have it. Gronk had insisted they go out in a blaze of glory. 
So after picking up Julian, he and Tom met up with said playboy friend, and they all jumped into the overly extra escalade limo. “I told you we’d need a driver, Tommy boy,” Gronk said as he pulled open a bottle of cognac and started pouring. “We’ll ease you in with a drink now to get you’re warmed up, but we are definitely taking shots right after.”
“Guys, I can’t go too hard, I’ve got early morning brunch with Giselle and the kids tomorrow,” Brady pleaded to deaf ears. Gronk shoved the glass into his hands before taking a swig directly from the bottle. 
“What’s the point of the driver if we don’t have some fun?” Gronk chuckled. He rose to his feet, pulling Brady up with him and said, “Tom, look at me.” He placed his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “This is our last hurrah, you can go back into family mode in the morning. Tonight is all about having fun, right Edelman?”
“Right,” Julian responded, laughing at his friends as he reclined into the cushiony limousine chair. 
“You said you wanted to start a new chapter, Tommy boy, well that starts with us closing this chapter. You want to give it a proper ending don’t you?” Gronk said, putting out his hand for a shake to seal the deal.
Tom reluctantly grabbed the other man’s hand, finally giving in. “Fine, but you have to explain my hang over to Gise-” Before he could finish his sentence the limo came to a crashing stop. Brady and Gronkowski went flying from the impact, and everything went black. 
Tom woke up in a room he’d never seen before. It looked like a hospital room, but one that would be on the set of Star Trek. There were all sorts of machines he’d never seen in a hospital before. He couldn’t understand what anything was or why he was there. Then everything came back to him. He was standing in a limo with his friends and then…
“Rob! Julian!” 
“Julian’s fine,” a soft voice said. Tom looked over and saw his former teammate laying in a hospital bed like his own. He looked deflated. The rugged face and imposing frame Tom was used to seeing was gone, replaced by a softened face sitting on a withered body. 
“That’s good, what happened to us? How long have we been out?” Tom asked in a panic, assuming it must have been a long time if Gronk’s muscles have atrophied to such a degree. 
“The crash was last night, you slept in for a while but not much more than a hangover would have caused,” came an unfamiliar voice. An insanely tall man walked into the room, “My name is Vince, and I think we should have a talk, Tommy.”
“My name is Tom,” he yelled, “And what’s going on? Where are we?”
“You’re in our lab. You suffered a fatal accident last night, so you were brought here,” the man said calmly. 
“How could it be fatal if we are talking?” Gronk yelled out. 
“We have found a way to heal even the most egregious wounds. A way to pull someone back even when they have one foot out the gate. However, there are some side effects,” the man said, moving towards the two. “Your colleague, Julian, is quite the fan of ours. He quickly called us and got in touch with your families. We filled them in with what we could do, and what the outcome would be otherwise. We also filled them in with what our end of the bargain would be, and they all agreed.”
“What do you mean your end of the bargain? We didn’t agree to anything,” Brady said angrily. 
“It’s simple enough, you’ll be the newest additions to our new wrestling league,” the imposing man said, “And I assure you, all of the paperwork has been signed and the contract is binding.”
“I think I’d rather stick to my current career,” Tom responded, “I don’t know much about wrestling.”
“I think you’ll find your body isn’t much fit for football anymore, and don’t worry, this isn’t your typical wrestling. I think you’ll be a fan favorite soon enough.” As he said this, a nurse walked into the room, pushing a rather large mirror. “Now brace yourselves, boys, this step in the process can often be jarring. It’s time to meet your new you.”
Tom and Rob started to climb out of their beds, their feet dangling above the floor. Reality began to set in to both men, formerly well above six foot, that it wasn’t just their muscles that had shrunk. They walked to each other first, which gave them a terrifying glimpse into what their own appearance would look like. Rob realized that he’d lost the two inches in height he’d usually had over his friend. Realizing he didn’t know the size of this room, he had no focus point to find out his new height. 
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“How tall are you Vince?” he whimpered. 
“Well, I tell everyone 6’2’’, but I’ll be honest. I’m 6’1’’.”
Both men’s eyes went wide, this imposing man was standing three to five inches lower than where they should be. And they didn’t even meet his chin. Gronk oddly held out his hand to his friend. He needed support to take that next step of looking in the mirror. The former ladies man wouldn’t have ever felt the need for that physical embrace, but for some reason all he wanted was the former Tom there to protect him. The new Tom’s hand was small and dainty, void of any of the callouses two decades of ball had given him, which made Gronk’s stomach drop and flutter simultaneously.
“If you’d like a moment to take everything in, I can step away. I’ll be back in a few minutes so that you can redress.”
Hand in hand they walked in front of the mirror and took in their new selves. Their hospital gowns fell shapelessly, masking their new silhouettes. They undid the strings and let them flutter to the ground. With their hands still clasped, they studied every nook and cranny of their lithe new frames. Their muscled chests had been completely flattened, and their rigid abs had been completely smoothed out. The dainty hands that were still entwined were connected to slim and hairless arms. Their shoulders had collapsed in on themselves, showing that their backs would no longer have the straining muscles either was used to. 
Their bodies weren’t the only things that had changed. Though they could still recognize each other, there was no denying that their faces were slightly different. Most obvious at first glance was the complete lack of hair beneath their eyes, while the rest of their hair had grown more lush. Even their lashes were longer, fluttering whimsically every time they blinked. Rob’s lips had filled out, something that he’d love to see on a girl about to go down, but it was jarring on his own face. No longer did Tom look older than his peer, all signs of age had vanished from his face, crows feet, laugh lines, they’d all faded away leaving him looking twenty years younger. 
The men took a deep breath and finally looked down. Their once proud packages had dwindled away to nothing. Gronk had always been proud of the girth that he had hidden, but now it would like tiny even in his own diminutive hand. They were completely devoid of hair, it looked like they’d gotten the full Brazillian. Tom caught himself staring more at his friends package then his own, he’d seen it in his former glory time and time again, and didn’t know why he was missing it so much. For a moment, Tom realized that he was standing naked, holding a man’s hand, staring at his package. But that thought quickly faded, as Rob was the only part of this whole experience that felt right. 
When Rob looked over to do his own inspection of his peer, he was shocked to see that something hadn’t shrunk at all. If anything, it had grown. “Holy shit, that’s huge!” he said, his jaw dropping. For the first time since they’d stripped he untangled his hand as he walked behind his friend for a better look. “Tom, you’re thicc.”
“What are you talking about?” he said as he placed his hands on his rear. His once perky behind had grown massive. He could still feel muscle, but it was now behind a healthy layer of jiggling fat. Before he could continue his exploration, Rob pushed his hands away, placing his own palms on the other man’s naked ass. The two ballooning cheeks felt even bigger with his now tiny hands, and he couldn’t help himself from tightening his grip firmly on them. This sensation shot all the blood in his Tom’s body directly to his package, his tiny nub now standing firmly at its full inadequate two inches. Never before had a man’s touch caused this sort of feeling, which put him into a panic. Rob was dealing with a panic of his own, as all he wanted to do was dive face-first into the other man’s new assets. Quickly stopping himself, Gronk turned around to check out his own rear end, looking to see if he’d gained a similar new shape. 
Tom was terrified that his friend would see his erection, but his smaller endowment went completely unnoticed. They both craned their necks to look at their new buns in the mirror. Gronk was actually happy with his new butt, he’d been known to shake his booty on the dance floor. His butt looked like it had stayed the same size, while the rest of him had shrunk around it. But even with how disproportionate it was, it was still overshadowed by the mammoth behind his cohort had grown. 
“Knock, knock” Vince said. Quickly the men pulled up their robes, not comfortable with someone who’d been smaller than them seeing their fairy like frames. As he entered the room he chuckled quietly, noticing that neither man was able to keep their shelf like bubbles contained in their robes. “I hope that was enough time for you to get acquainted with your post rejuvenation bodies. Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty of your new contracts. Obviously, Tommy, we’ve made the appropriate payments to the Buccaneers and your contract with them has been dissolved.”
“You can’t do that!” Tom yelled. 
“I think you’ll agree that you don’t belong on a football field anymore. Now, due to some of the psychological aspects of this change, we’ve found that it’s best you have a care taker. We’ve decided it best to keep you both together, so we’ll be setting you up with a nice apartment for your caretaker and you both.”
“I have a family! I’ll be living with them! My wife-”
“Your wife is well aware of our new arrangement and is in full support. She’d rather you be alive like this than not at all. And she understands that you will have certain new needs that she can not provide. She also advised us she didn’t want your children seeing you like this just yet. Now, the nurse here has been kind of enough to help you both get dressed and drive you to your new residence, so be polite to him. I will meet you there where we can get you set up with your new wrestling personas.”
As they waked into their new apartment, the nurse bid them adieu with a nice goodbye smack on Brady’s ass. Tom was more shocked by the soft moan that the grab had elicited, so he quickly started to explore the new apartment. It was a pretty nice place, wonderful view, nice modern set up, but though it had multiple rooms set up, only one had a bed. The bed was bigger than any he’d seen, but he was still shocked to find he’d have to share with Gronkowski. He made a note to himself that Gronk would have to sleep on the couch. 
As Tom walked back into the living room he saw Vince standing there. “Ah good, you’re finally here,” Vince said. “You’ll find the room down the hall has your new costume, Tommy. Robbie, yours in the room to your left. Your handler has filled us in on the personas that you would both be most comfortable with.”
As they’d time had gone on, both men had grown more complacent with their new lot. Though Tom hated it, he found that if even his wife wanted this, there was nothing he could do. Gronkowski at first was furious at his loss in stature, but all the attention he’d received from the nurses and lab staff had made him start to enjoy his new role. Even if the attention had all come from men, he was an attention whore and he’d take it where he could get it. As they both made their way to their rooms to change, they heard the noise of a door opening and a familiar voice coming from the living room. 
“Ah, you’re finally here. I’m sure you’ve filled out all the paperwork and you understand your new duties as a member of our company?” they heard Vince ask.
“I do. And honestly I’m elated to get to be a part of it. I’ve been a big fan of the new league. Are they here yet?” The other voice asked.
“Yes, Mr. Edelman, they are getting changed into the costumes you suggested as we speak.”
“Oh, call me Julian. And I’m so excited you liked the names.”
“Alright boys! Time to come out!” Vince yelled down the hall. As the two former athletes walked out to the living room, they were shocked to find their former teammate standing in front of them. “Julian, meet the Playboy and the Patriot.”
Julian looked down to see the scantily clad twinks that had once towered over him. Tom Brady was wearing a blue tank top that showed off his supple lithe arms, which had his former number twelve emblazoned on the breast. His small package was now concealed in an American flag styled speedo. Julian smiled to himself as Tom tried to shield the view from his bulge, and smiled harder when he saw how far those stripes stretched out on Tom’s backside. With Tom, the tank top at least hung a bit to hide his upper body, but with Gronkowski, the skin tight black leotard was painted on. Julian was ecstatic to see the direction they’d gone with his Playboy idea. Bunny ears stuck up from Rob’s styled hair, while his neck and wrists were encased in a cute bow tie and adorable cuffs. The piece de resistance however, was the fluffy bunny tail resting above the tight end’s wide receiver. 
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“Tommy, Robbie, I couldn’t handle what had happened to either of you and I knew I couldn’t go on in a world with either of you missing. So I called Vince’s people right away and of course I volunteered to be your handler when they explained the mechanics of the situation.” 
Rob had always had to look down at his smaller friend, but now he was staring straight up at the other man. He’d never really thought about it in his former life, but he couldn’t help noticing now that Edelman looked as much like a model as he did a NFL player. His heart fluttered as he walked over to his friend. Tom had a similar feeling, wanting to be mad that Julian could do something like this to him, but he also felt an unusual feeling while he stared at the sculpted man. Again he felt his tiny nub raise to attention, hardly noticeable even in his skin tight briefs. 
“Come here for a second, Robbie,” Julian beckoned. Gronk’s heart fluttered a bit as he walked over to his friend, who reached down and tugged on his fluffy bunny tail. Immediately Gronk moaned out in pleasure, confirming Julian’s theory of how the tail was kept in place. “Nice,” he said as he moved his hand down to cup Gronk’s left cheek. 
“Now you will all have plenty of time to discuss your new arrangement boys, but our league moves fast. We have to go out and take some promotional pictures of you in your new personas. You’ve got your debut match coming up this Friday and you’re going up against the most popular tag team in the League,” Vince explained, rushing the men out the room. 
“Don’t worry guys, I’ve been talking to Dean, their handler. I think you guys are going to do so great against the Leather Lads. Now in this form of wrestling it’s less about taking your opponent down and more about getting your opponent off,” Julian said as they walked. With one hand already around Gronk’s waist, he grabbed Tom’s enormous shelf with the other and pulled him into his arm. He slid his hands beneath Tom’s speedo and began to slide a finger in and out. Until this point, Tom had still been putting up a fight. But the pleasure he was feeling now was unlike anything he’d felt with any of the women he’d been with. He arched his back pushing Julian’s finger deeper into him as Julian slipped in a second finger. All thoughts of sleeping on the couch dissolved as he started to fantasize about the different things him and his former teammates would be doing each night. 
Walking with both men pressed into him, he said, “Dean was even telling me about a new idea where you would work together against the other wrestler’s handler, trying to get them off before the other team. You two versus Dean, while I go up against Seth and Brad.”
The men all arrived at the camera set for their upcoming match to find the other wrestlers were already mid photo shoot. Dean Ambrose stood there with his leather clad twinks, Seth Rollins and Brad Maddox.
“Oh yeah, we are definitely doing the handler match,” Julian said, his eyes focused on Brad’s perky little tush. 
“Agreed,” Tommy said, his mouth watering at Dean’s broad shoulders.
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maxbegone · 4 years
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Part two of the Schitt’s Creek Community Fic Rec is here! This time, we focused on celebrating our favorite AU’s! Once again, this is dedicated with love to the the authors of this community! Every participant chose one AU (which was a little hard to do for some) to share and why they enjoyed it.
Thank you to everyone who submitted!
@bestwisheswarmestregards​ // @brighter-than-sunshine​ // @danieljradcliffe​ // @devilstelephone​ // @fishyspots​ // @imargaery​ // @justwaiting23​ // @patrickbrewsky​ // @rockinhamburger​ // @roguebabyinyourstore​ // @rosebuddsmotel​ // @stuck-on-your-heart​ // @the-13th-wheel​ // @thedidipickles​ // @thisbuildinghasfeelings​ // @yourbuttervoicedbeau​
And a very special thank you to anyone who has ever written anything in this community! 
Everything is posted below the cut, and you can check out part one here! 
**As always, if I missed an author’s tumblr handle, please let me know! 
Odd Man Rush by @samwhambam​
It’s David and Patrick and Hockey! Three of my favorite things! Also the ending is one of my favorite endings. It’s so sweet! It’s part of the series score and all of the stories are so cute but this one is my favorite!
Thanks For Choosing Bagged! by dinnfameron
I love this one because the dialogue is so adorable, and true to David and Patrick! I can totally see the characters getting involved in something like this, like a different version of a rom-com.
Going Down by concannonfodder
This is one of the best stories of NYC!David and recently out Patrick while they're both trying to find themselves. It's beautifully written and my favourite part is that each chapter switches between David and Patrick's POV. It does a great job of highlighting the aspects of their personalities that we know and love but shows them to us in a new light.
sustineo by @rockinhamburger​
The contemporary art discussions between Patrick and David are interesting and important to the story. Patrick still cares for and emotionally connects with David In a world that is so different than Schitt’s Creek. I liked that Sebastian Raine was the evil force without being included as a character.
Welcome to Cabaret by @vivianblakesunrisebay​
It's lovely from start to finish! In this 'verse, Christmas World didn't pull out, so David didn't get the lease for the general store. Instead, he gets roped into helping Moira with Cabaret, and meets Patrick (kind of) through that. I love the way this author writes. The dialogue is in-character, and the plot is wonderful and pulls out moments from canon and reimagines them in some truly inspired ways. I'm such a fan of all of this author's works; this was the first one I read, and it remains my favorite.
David.; or, a Tale of Misapplied Sense by Siria
A Jane Austen D&P AU and it is BRILLIANT. If you're an Austen fan, you will be able to immediately pick up on how well this author adapted Austen's style, wit, character descriptions, and ability to whack you over the head with romance when you're not even ready for it yet. Siria is a very experienced fanfic writer, but writes for many fandoms, so I think that's maybe why it doesn't have that many hits? I'm so glad I clicked on it. I want to wrap myself up in this story. I want to make a podfic out of it. I want to put it on a t-shirt and wear it every day. Also, it's in a regency AU where homophobia isn't a thing, so you don't even have to worry about that. I want to tell you more, but that would spoil it. Just read the damn thing and thank me later.
You Were the Ocean, I Was Just a Stone by @al-ex-an-d-er-hamiltons​ 
The image of a curly haired fisherman Patrick is enough but this whole fic is such a sweet concept. Their interactions in this are so reminiscent of the show but also so different because they already know each other vaguely, and I come back to this fic over and over just because it's the perfect mix of angsty miscommunication and fluff.
Known and Be Known by ahurston
As someone who tends to lean toward canon/canon-divergent stories, this was a refreshing take on an AU. Beautifully written and wonderfully raw, ahurston conveyed the vulnerabilities between both David and Patrick so wonderfully. “The mortifying ordeal of being known,” personified in fanfiction format. With humor and some wonderfully hot scenes peppered throughout, this fic was just brilliant from start to finish. I love when authors explore Patrick's insecurities and vulnerabilities - they aren't written about as often as David's are. I implore you to read this, if you're able.
Bound by Symmetry by barelypink
They say write what you know. I instead read what I know. David is the accidentally fantastic teacher we all wished we'd had in high school, and some of us wish/hope we are or might be one day. This fic is a great exploration of combining everything David knows he is (creative, bright, v.knowledgeable about art) and all the things he thinks he's not (empathetic, a role model, great with kids, selfless, kind, & big hearted) The selling point quote: "And it feels good, David realizes, to have a job that means something, a purpose beyond himself. A place where he feels like he belongs, just like his students." (David Rose proves he is both a good and nice person).
Blackbird, Fly by distractivate 
This is a post-apocalyptic story about love, connection, and hope, with a central theme of growth from destruction. I could not put this one down; I read it feverishly in one sitting, desperate to soak up every word. I love this fic because it is what I like to think of as an exemplar for transformative works (one of ao3’s top values). I love the way the fic stretches toward the light in the dark. It makes me think: about the quintessential elements of these characters, what remains the same despite changed circumstance, and what inevitably shifts when these characters we know and love are faced with a situation far outside their experience or comfort. This story likely hits differently in 2020, when post-apocalyptic narratives feel much less distant than they might have just a year ago. And yet, all the more reason to read an incredible work about hope and resilience and transformation.
Fifteen Hundred Miles by MoreHuman
Where do I even begin with this fic? I was at first skeptical about what reason David Rose would have to willingly subject himself to a trek through the wilderness out of his own volition. Well I’m so glad I ignored that admittedly stupid part of me because this is one of the mostly beautifully crafted stories I have ever read. Patrick and David are individually on their own journeys of self-discovery, but the way they help each other find what they sought... It’s breathtaking. Their feelings for each other bloom so organically over their time together that despite the circumstances laid out before them, the miles that they stumble and walk and run bring them miles closer to each other. Closer to the love that they both didn’t know they needed. The characters come alive and are identical to their canon selves. The dialogue and banter are spot on David and Patrick. The writing itself is superb. The tropes are incredible, the pining and *oh no there’s only one tent.* The slow burn is tantalizing but in a way that feels true to a genuine love story. The way the setting somehow breathes in tune with the characters, the way they leave messages behind in the trail register—conveying more than they can utter aloud— and the way their families communicate with them throughout their time on the trail through letters. All of the elements of this story ground it in universal truth, in feelings that are not only relatable, believable but demand to be felt. I can wax poetic until I am blue in the face, but really... Read this story. And then reread it a million times.
I Carry These Heart-Shapes Only to You by @ladyflowdi​ and @ships-to-sail​
There are over 180,000 words in this WWII AU, but not one of those words is wasted. It is gorgeous in its prose, and incredibly romantic without romanticizing the very real pain and tragedies of the era in which it exists. It's not an easy read by any means, but it's the kind of cathartic emotional journey that is more than worth it in the end.
kiss from a rose by mihaly ( @davidroseshusband​ )
What can I say about this very special fic that would do it justice? In this story, Alexis stars in a Bachelorette-style dating show and it’s every bit as brilliant as it sounds. On top of the incredible characterization, there are little surprises at every turn, there’s pining, and of course, there’s love. Secret love, even. This fic is truly addicting – I promise you won’t be able to stop once you start reading, and it will leave you feeling so satisfied (and if you’re like me, a little misty)!!!
Hold Me Like You’ll Never Let Me Go by @mooodlighting​
It is a wonderful short AU where Patrick and David where they meet at an airport after they get snowed in. It is cute, there is longing and pining that just make it a wonderful read!
Beneath the Winter Snow by Distractivate
The writing is so utterly gorgeous all the way throughout that I frequently needed to take breaks to breathe. The author *perfectly* builds an Olympic world that I can totally see my favorite characters inhabiting, and the resolution is gorgeous. All of Distractivate's AUs are amazing, but this one still stands out.
How Do We Get Back by @unfolded73​
This one deals with a literal alternate universe, which is the first thing I loved about it because I had never read a fic quite like it before. It's a beautifully written 60,000+ word masterpiece that definitely makes me feel ALL the feelings. In addition, it is absolutely riveting. I could not stop reading until I got to the end.
Make It To Me by figmentof ( @rosesdavid )
Epistolatory fic is SO hard to pull off and the author does such an incredible job with the way the characters shine through even though we only see them interact via text message. This fic is my comfort food and I reread it regularly <3
Anonymous Recs:
Just Breathe by olivebranchesandredwine
I love this one because it's got Patrick as a yoga teacher (hot!) and shows David being proactive about anxiety and it's just such a lovely story.
Shall I Stay? by alladaydream ( @maybewecandreamalittle​​ )
This is so worth the 100k wordcount. 18-year-old David and Patrick sweetly leaning into first love, a lot of angst and pining in the middle that allow them both to heal and grow, and a heartfelt reconciliation. Plus, two bonus cherries on top with artist!David and a beautiful epilogue in which they (spoiler) live happily ever after. The tone and pacing of this fic is so good, and I always go back to it when I want to read something comforting.
Your Heart is Keeping Time with Me by @yourbuttervoicedbeau​
I haven't seen 50 First Dates, but this fic is better than the movie could ever be. The author's writing is so beautiful and her David who has amnesia and her Patrick who wants to help him are just PERFECT. I want more and more and more of this.
Once again, thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to every single person who has written something in this community! It would be wonderful to do a part three, but for now, enjoy some alternate universe fics! 
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
3, 7, 10 if you’re still doing the star trek asks :)
3. Favorite chief engineer?
Geordi💕 he’s one of my favorite Star Trek characters overall because (aside from forced romantic subplots 🙄) he’s wholesome and sweet and able to make friends in unlikely places and I find that undeniably charming. Plus I’ve had a crush on Levar Burton since I watched Reading Rainbow as a kid. I also really imprinted on Data when I first watched TNG at like, 9 years old, and enjoyed Geordi’s friendship and patience vicariously through him. So he holds a special place in my heart no matter what!
7. Episode you could watch over and over?
I have three that really stick out to me.
Return to Tomorrow from TOS which has a really cool story structure reminiscent of ancient mythology. With gods and challenges and moral propositions and symbolism, with Bones as the protagonist! I love me some Bones-centric episodes and watching him go on an almost blow for blow classic hero’s journey was super cool. Plus I love Henoch, he’s probably one of my all time favorite Trek antagonists, he was just the right balance of evil and sassy and was of course, played by Leonard Nimoy and that’s always a win.
The Offspring it may be REALLY sad in the end but it’s so wholesome and wonderful otherwise. Seeing what an amazing dad Data is to Lal. Lal getting to choose her gender Hits Different now that I am aware of and honor my own transness. Plus Lal is super sweet and deserved better and all of her character interactions with the rest of the crew are great.
Innocence listen I feel like everyone knows that I am a diehard Tuvok stan, especially when Tuvok allows the fact that he is a father to shine through, and that episode gives him every opportunity. I want to kiss whoever came up with ‘hey Tuvok is a dad right? Let’s strand him on a planet with a bunch of mysterious children!’ Right on the mouth! We got so much of Tuvok being a big softie and I love seeing normally ‘emotionless’ characters do that! Also Tim Russ has a gorgeous singing voice and I wanna hear the other 400+ verses of Falor’s Journey damnit!
10. When did you become a Star Trek fan?
I feel like I’ve only hit like, full blown Trekkie status recently because I abandoned Star Trek as a whole for like a solid 6-7 years before plunging headlong back into it. But if we want to get technical ive been a fan since I was like 4 or 5 years old because I first got exposed to Star Trek through the Animated Series and IMMEDIATELY imprinted on Spock thanks to Yesteryear (baby spock baby spock baby spock!!!). I jumped ship for a few years because my step dad tried to show me Wrath of Khan when I was 7 and I got freaked out by the brain slugs. Then I watched a bunch of TNG as my Emotional Support TV Show while some drama was going down in my family. Then the AOS movies, then watched a bit of every other series throughout middle school. But then I stopped for a while when I started suppressing/ignoring a ton of shit about myself in highschool. But I’m back babey! Imma finish what I started!
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anti-jack-kline · 4 years
I just watched the scene where jack kills mary bc I’d never seen it before and. I want to vomit. I didn’t even watch it with sound and I was horrified. just based on what I saw she was clearly scared of him, but also worried about him, trying to figure out how to help him. she shows ONE negative emotion, and apparently that’s too much for him, and he kills her. the people in the comments are just. vile. someone literally said “my poor baby jack” . . . like. he KILLED her. bc she was upset with him. bc he couldn’t handle his fucking emotions. he’s old enough to drive a car, he’s old enough to hunt monsters, but he’s not old enough to control his own fucking temper? get the hell out of here. children can learn how to do that! children go in time-out, they get things taken away, and they learn hey, it’s not okay to hurt someone, here are some calming exercises to help you work through your emotions when you’re upset.
if jack knew he had trouble controlling his powers and emotions, he should’ve worked on that instead of watching riverdale or whatever bs headcanons his fans have for him. innocent people don’t deserve to die just bc oh, we can’t hold poor jack accountable for his actions :( sam jumped in the cage with lucifer. cas took on sam’s pain from hell. dean was willing to live on the fucking moon if it would stop him from killing people. jack is strong enough to kill, apparently, but not strong enough to resurrect someone? he just makes a frowny face like that’s supposed to make up for literal murder? and then fans are out here wanting DEAN to be killed bc, god forbid he be upset about his mother’s death. god forbid he relive the trauma he’s had since he was four years old.
like. I don’t care if mary was boring or annoying. I think jack is boring! I think he’s annoying! but I have to see people treat him like the epitome of goodness, knowing he’s killed multiple innocent people and done nothing to make up for it. he’s ACTUALLY the epitome of every abusive man who gets away with shit just bc they didn’t know any better. or their victim was overreacting. or the victim deserved it. oh, I am in a rage. I’m sorry to go on like this but I am PISSED. this is why I hate jack. when people are saying they’re glad a woman is dead bc she was “annoying”, that she DESERVED to die for that, and meanwhile this whole fucking show was built on dead women, built on pushing female narratives aside for the men, and they have the devil rape a woman, and that woman dies giving birth to his child, and then they do THIS, and try to justify it. oh. oh, I am mad. what a vile, disgusting character.
On the other hand, this storyline has relied on sexist and harmful tropes so yey for continuity?
Alright, jokes aside, this deserves an honest answer. 
Thing is, I can see where they were going - they wanted to create a tragedy by showing a good, innocent character doing something bad due to circumstances beyond his control. Trouble is, they didn’t think it through. By the time they reached the point of him killing Mary, Jack had had multiple chances to learn better, or at least to realize he should learn to control himself, but instead, he was still killing people and doing anyone’s bidding whether demon or angel or whatnot. And even soulless people are supposed to have brains - Sam famously claimed he “worked better now” which even makes sense, considering emotions tend to cloud your judgement. So Jack should have known he was dangerous. 
Add to that the times we live in, and the subtext and implications. If this had happened in, say, some Star Trek mind control episode in the Eighties, I would probably have shrugged it off as “they didn’t realize what they were doing”, but as to here...
What we actually see is a man - and boy, the casting of “cute white guy” doesn’t help, although at least they didn’t saddle a POC with this role that would have been even more terrible (I frankly admit I don’t think anyone could have made this work for me) - who has considerably more power than the one he’s talking to - a woman - killing said woman while she is pleading for him to stop causing harm while still being worried about and loving him. It’s textbook in abuse cases - down to the “she made me do it” argument. It’s so tone-deaf and full of terrible implications, especially since Jack gets absolved and becomes God just because he’s sorry, that I’m frankly astonished not a single person in the writers’ room realized what they were doing. The only reason I chose to believe that is because it is infinitely preferable to the possibility that they knew and either didn’t care or that this - all the sympathy being given to the killer/abuser, who got to make puppy dog eyes and cry about how sorry he was instead of his victim, who we were simply told was so happy and at peace after having been killed by someone she considered as part of her family - was a good story to tell in the year of our Lord 2019. 
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xenotwink · 3 years
Good afternoon!! 💙
What’s wrong with the Unwind author? Genuine question. Never heard anything about it, so I’m curious, and cautious.
Leaving the poster in can be nice if you’re trying to keep your collector’s edition in perfect shape, but I get you. It’s definitely more fun to actually put it up, lol.
Omg shrimp babies are here?? 🎉 Congrats on becoming a grandparent! I want to see them, even though I know the phone camera will not pick them up right now, I just. Want to see them so bad.
Oh, sorry! I actually did screenshot your friend code last time you posted it. I haven’t played it in months so I haven’t gotten it figured out, yet. Gaming is not one of my hobbies anymore. 😅 Multiplayer games are not my choice when I do play, but will still add you once I’ve gotten on again.
That Star Trek magazine looks amazing. Was that at B&N? 👀
Actually, I don’t like the Jedi (prequels era), myself, haha. Some of it has to do with just not liking fantasy and preferring the sci-fi aspect of Star Wars, but a lot of it has to do with their messed up politics, the “no attachments” rule (which they also use to remove children from their families- I am not a fan of this), the slavery they employed and allowed in some systems, and the holier-than-thou attitude they seemed to pick up for a while before Order 66. I don’t mind if people like them, and I love specific Jedi like Kanan, Luke (OT and Legends only), Ahsoka (also prior material- I didn’t care for her most recent portrayal as I personally felt it didn’t line up with her character or her sentiments), and Bardan Jusik from Republic Commando. It’s mostly the mentality they pushed during the Clone Wars and TPM-age that I don’t care for. Haven’t yet read The High Republic, so I can’t give you any preferences or dislikes, there, unfortunately.
Also The Amazing World of Gumball is aptly titled. That was a great show.
How’s today so far? It seems like you’ve been having a nice vacation! 💙
I cut my hair Friday night + Saturday morning—I realized I started too late, lmao—and now have a purple and blue Gwen Stacey look (Spiderverse). It’s very comfortable, very light, and I like it.
I think he’s probably fine as a person (a google didn’t show anything) and the whole book is supposed to be overdramatized abortion or whatever but it’s like. First of all, I read it in college in a young adult lit class and just was livid about it because it’s just stupid and dramatic. And two, now that I work in that actual field?? Making people repulsed by organ donation is. Bad. Especially when so much good can come from one (1) body! And you’re so dead when it happens. Your brain is kaput. It’s done respectfully. So I get what he’s trying to do there but ultimately it is a degrading view of this industry.
Poster is gonna get in the way! So is book jacket! Get that shit outta here!! I’m trying to read!!
I hope the little shrimps are getting enough stuff to eat. Some places say that you have to add stuff. Other places say it’s fine if you have plants. Idk. I mean, still not totally sure if they’re in there. A Mystery.
I feel that. It’s either all in or haven’t played in months. Multiplayer games can be a lot of fun tho! Even if you just pop on for one match! It’s fun to know you’re playing with someone you know.
The Star Trek magazine was actually at the grocery store agjdkgjjsgsgjdfkhk.
Okay yeah I agree with most of that. I think the war is what ultimately destroyed the Jedi order and losing sight of their original goals. Which. Is why everyone should read the High Republic where the Jedi are Cool As Fuck and just doing very well and have different paths people can take. And yeah. Very good. Mostly tho who wouldn’t want a lightsaber and also the Force? Pls.
It’s been good! Probably should have gotten out of the house more and done fun things or gone out but also I don’t care. Just resetting myself. Which I’m def gonna try to do every couple of months. 40+ hours a week is a lot. But it is what it is.
Oh!! That’s such a good look. I love that for you!
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