#my maidenless bitches <3
scarletmeer · 2 years
The reason Vergil is my favorite DMC character is because he’s a pathetic sopping wet cat of a man. He’s that bitch and men and women alike wish they had his swag. He’s a mass murderer. He is the storm that is approaching. His ptsd has ptsd. He has canonically fucked. He’s terminally maidenless. He ripped his own son’s arm off and left him to bleed out on the garage floor and may have to have a relationship with Nero in spite of that. The Yamato is cool as fuck. He probably spent a few years in a jar in Agnus’s basement. He dresses like an old man. He’s responsible twin-coded but has fucked up more and worse than Dante ever will. He’s babygirl.
Nero is a close second because he <3
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littlewestern · 7 months
if you’re still taking ship asks, thomas? and if not i understand!💙 ty either way
I sat here looking at this ask for about 45 seconds with a blank expression on my face because my knee-jerk reaction to people asking what I think about about Thomas is usually, "I don't think about him at all <3". This is both rude and not true.
I like Thomas in small doses! I like early season little shit Thomas who makes life harder on everyone around him because he's new and doesn't know anything, and I like later season CGI revisits to little shit Thomas so long as it doesn't get too obnoxious. One of my favorite things about the later seasons of Little Shit Thomas is how faithfully it hews to the source material.
There are two things that remain wholly consistent across the TVS canon Thomas iterations: 1) He hates his snowplow and 2) He has zero game. He gets absolutely no bitches. Negative rizz. Maidenless behavior. The only women who love him unconditionally are his coaches. I think this is one of the funniest things about his character.
Across the board, whenever he meets a girl engine in a serial episode, Thomas immediately starts beefing with them. Emily, Rosie, Ashima, Nia, Cleo. Granted, Thomas will beef with most new engines he meets at first because he's insecure and wasn't raised right, but with the girls it goes on without exception. And it's also funny, as I mentioned.
That said, this is the foundation for what is probably my favorite Thomas ship that NO ONE has ever heard of, of which I am the sole captain and which I will probably go to my grave defending.
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For what they are, the Italian characters in BWBA are probably some of the most overdeveloped side characters I've ever seen on this show. And for basically no reason, because no one besides DJ and I watched season 23 and paid attention.
That said, you might be surprised to hear that Gina is one of my favorite characters in the entire TVS and no I'm not even joking about this lol.
I love her design, I love how pretty she is, I love that she reads as a little bit older and more experienced without watering her down to something bland. In the episodes she shows up in, she demands all of your attention and I'm happy to give it because she's got this fantastic design and colorful personality I find eminently watchable. That on it's own is enough to make me like her.
But my favorite thing about Gina is that, like all the other female character mentioned above, she frequently gets into little arguments with Thomas. The difference here is that while Emily and Rosie and Nia and Ashima don't really let Thomas's immaturity get under their skin and move on from their arguments with him easily, Gina gets so upset when Thomas argues with her.
Like magic, this transforms the relationship from scanning as "coworkers having a disagreement" to "Gina cares what Thomas thinks about her, and the fact that she cares bothers her so much". It's hard to describe without having seen the episodes, so I do encourage you to watch All Tracks Lead To Rome to see what I mean. It;s fascinating behavior from an engine who, up until the point she starts arguing with Thomas, seems like she has her shit together. Then Thomas says some dumbass shit and she immediately lets it ruin her day.
it's like. You ever develop a crush on someone who is just... Like you can't stand them sometimes? But you still have a crush on them even when you're completely done with their shit? And you're mad at yourself for still thinking their dumb face is adorable and for letting it bother you so much because you can't stop thinking about their dumb adorable face even though you're mad? No? Just me?
Well. It's like that. And that is such a funny and refreshing way to approach a character dynamic, especially in this show where most of the side characters are One Note Nobodies.
tl;dr: Gina is morosexual. Thomas asked her what the Italian word for al dente was and now she dreams of kissing him under the moonlight. And she hates that so much.
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Also go watch the Italy episodes of BWBA, they're great.
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proxylynn · 5 months
What is your opinion on those male power fantasy video games where the male MC gets multiple girls? Me as a women I really hate it but hey it’s fictional so who cares but I still wanna know your thoughts on it.
[Oh boy, as a tomboy gal I'm gonna have very interesting perspectives on this due to mainly going for guy games when growing up. That said, I'm not gonna let them slide when I see shit that isn't necessary, so even games I love are on the chopping block.
Now, I see nothing wrong with power fantasy-themed games. I love the Overlord and God of War series. Nothing quite feels as satisfying as just being this all-powerful force that dominates the world by being OP. But when they add this extra bit because they want to appease the "maidenless", then I get annoyed. God of War, the OG games, and Overlord are products of their time. Kratos fucking women in between slaying is a way to get bonus blood orbs doesn't make a lot of sense to me narratively speaking. He's on a revenge kick for being tricked into killing his wife and daughter, so why is this grief and rage-filled man stopping to get his sword wet with randoms? I don't think I'd be on a god murder quest for the sake of my fallen husband, spend countless hours killing monsters, swearing to commit to my cause, only to be sidetracked by finding a random bed with horny guys on it. I'm just gonna be "You guys have fun" and walk away. I'm on a revenge my love guest damn it! I am not fuking around. The new God of War did this so much better. All the power, the emotion, the trauma, and it's written with consistency that I'm ashamed when I first hear about it that I expected it to still have Kratos fuck around. Bad me.
Overlord is interesting in YOU are the bad guy, so naturally I fell in love with that instantly. Game one I think handled this best (there are like 5 games but I only know the first and second so that's my insight), in the first one you are rebuilding the Empire of Evil after the last overlord was killed. You have a mortality level, you can be an evil prick that causes so much damage that it's not canon to the sequel or a force of power that is a threat by your people like you more than the fallen heroes who have been terrorizing them. So far, sounds awesome. Then you find Rose and she becomes your mistress and, aside from how your minions act (Fuck you, Gnarl!), you treat her as an equal. Eventually, you find Rose's sister and you get to make a choice, the tower can't hold both of them, so do you stick with Rose or replace her with her vain sister Velvet... whoever you pick will then thank you with sex. Now why is this okay? Because it only happens once and isn't a main game mechanic. In Overlord 2 however...It's still not a game mechanic but now it's a reward for vain reasons. In game 2, you can now have up to 3 mistresses (the childhood friend/crush who's a badass that does like you, the vain rich hot noble bitch that only likes your money and power, and a fae goddess who hates you but gets corrupted and now is thirsty for your dick) and the game doesn't handle them or anything right, lots of sexists and fatphobic jokes but that's a rant for another day. To get the sex all you have to do is buy all the furniture for their rooms and getting all three unlocks a fourth scene as they group on you. (I should note the sex is offscreen like GoW and derpy, so why bother) This basically plays on something Gnarl says about female being simple and to keep them happy you just have to give them shiny things. (Again, fuck you, Gnarl!) This sucks as it was very incel before incel was a thing but, remember what I said about the Fae mistress? Her corruption is something we can't stop and it's US that does it, we drain her power to fuel our tower heart but doing so taints her with evil, and it's here we have a choice. We take only enough to fuel the heart or we take all her power and kill her as she becomes a banshee...either way, she loses who she is and just wants to fuck us. This is fucked up as her people are there and begging this to stop, for her to fight back and she's too pure to sink so low, and it's worse if you kill her because as a banshee she's tied eternally to the Overlord...she can't leave us even if she could. Why? Why does it have to be so fucking dark and insulting? They even represent this in the new morality system, no longer is it based on acts of Selfishness and Selflessness, now it's based on Domination and Destruction. You even learn a magic to force your will on others and if you use it too much on a target they die!
Things like this are so damn needless and I'm convinced it's just some devs tapping into their own fetishes when they do it. You can do power fantasies without pointless sex or dehumanizing actions. In fact, it's hypocritical that there is none for women players. If devs feel uncomfortable with such things happening for male characters, then they shouldn't do it for female characters. This is an age of all genders playing games. Grow some damn balls and either stop doing this pointless piss poor excuse you call "fan service" or be equal by doing this treatment to guys in games as well as gals. I have mounted this hill and I shall die on it, but I shan't die without making my point.]
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linawritesocs · 11 months
Here is my writing for you <3
Aka reasons why I KNOW Lilia x Lina x Rollo is canon frfr
First of all, the vibes and the aesthetics are there. Trust
The :D x :( x :| dynamic is so fun. So so fun
Lilia is scooping you and Rollo up in his arms and giving you both forehead kisses <3
You and Rollo have things in common and I think you'd be able to help each other get through a lot of stuff!
Plus Lilia is there to always support you and he's very understanding!! No judgment from him at all, absolutely 0
Again, LILIA AND ROLLO WOULD FIND YOUR SMILE AND LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU STUNNING!!! GORGEOUS!!! They wouldn't want to change a single thing about you!
They'd take such good care of you, no cap. Seriously. They'd be absurdly good at it. And they're incredibly careful and ask if you're comfortable :)
Why did they fall for you? Not sure with them but in my head, they saw a failgirl meow meow (affectionate) and went "OMG I LOVE THEMMM" and "...Okay so I love them"
Also that one Halloween drawing you did is like. Stuck in my head permanently. The vampire x witch x priest one.
Ngl I think y'all should have a pet cat. Idk why but it seems right
So the fireworks during masquerade, right? Or whatever they were if they weren't fireworks, I'm not sure jsndkfs
I think Rollo would take you both to a place that's kinda far and the sounds aren't very audible, but the view of the town is great! And you get a clear view of the fireworks so that you don't have to miss how pretty they are!
I'm trying to think of date ideas but I'm kind of blanking rn? I know it'd be something more low-key... OHHH what if cat cafe??? (I feel like I keep mentioning cats but that's literally your and Rollo's energies, I can't just forget cats)
Whenever you're sick, Rollo would definitely take some time away from NBC, like a few hours, so he can see you and make sure you're doing all right! Maybe he brings you some food or medicines he heard is good for you!
I'm sure Lilia does a really good job too, plus he'd make sure you aren't lonely and in low spirits!
Random thought: If Silver is basically the son of Lilia and Lina, what's Rollo's role? I feel like he doesn't dislike Silver, that's all, but if you have thoughts... 👁️👁️
Cottagecore house cottagecore house cottagecore house
Once y'all graduate I can see you having a cottagecore house. Yes just like Seth and Rollo
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and you're right. rollo x lina are just cat x cat. both of them are so cat-coded.
everything about the vampire x priest x witch au is perfect. lina and lilia already dating and lilia going "hey dude wanna form a polycule". rollo naming one of the bells john and making cole and sebastian worry for his mental health. rollo being So Scared that someone is gonna find out about his relationship with those two but when cole and sebastian do find out they just go "OMG SO YOU DO HAVE BITCHES SLAYYYYY- ahem, we mean. wow.. you're not maidenless.." lina secretly being a catgirl and hiding her cat ears under her witch hat and fully turning into a cat when she's comfortable around rollo. honestly priest!rollo is a very popular au concept especially with a vampire/witch/other "monster" s/o but like. come on. we all know this is the best one /lh
. I GUESS SILVER CAN ALSO BE ROLLO'S SON THOUGH THAT'D BE SO FUNNY IT'S LIKE ".. so. uh. y-you're dating my father." ".. yes" "and you're also dating my mother" "also yes" ".. uh. does that make you-" "i am literally one year older than you" "okay father number two" NO BUT THEY EVEN LOOK KINDA SIMILAR. KNIGHT OF DAWN WHO. i'm actually obsessed with the way how silver actually looks and acts like a mix of them. he can appear very suddenly, scaring others in the process, just like lilia, he's eepy like lina and also tends to blame himself a lot just like them and he looks a lot like rollo and is very serious and responsible, just like him. he is literally their son. i'm gonna sob
here are some of my fav lina x lilia x rollo concepts if you don't mind me sharing!
lilia is 700 years old and he's been through so much and it took a lot of time for him to change and become the gremlin that he is today. lina is MUCH younger than him, but she also had to go through a lot of horrors. lilia never says that their trauma isn't valid and never says stuff like "well at least you didn't have to fight in a war". he just hopes they can feel a bit lighter when he's around.
i've mentioned before that i imagine lina's unique magic hurting them a lot in exchange for them to do things as good (or better than) as others so yeah, maybe rollo would find lina suspicious at first but then imagine him finding out about what her magic is doing to her and he's like. "SEE. I AM RIGHT. WE HAVE TO SAVE YOU WE HAVE TO GET RID OF MAGIC WE HAVE TO-" and lina is standing there like "sir.. why do you want to save me.."
*sobs* rollo putting a flower in lina's hair while she's sitting lost in thought and comparing her to that flower *CRIES*
rollo being confused why lilia is 100% okay with a poly relationship and lilia is like "well. uh. well. you see. i have EXPERIENCE" mallenoa and her husband (possibly crowley)
ACTUALLY IT'S SO FUNNY bc if you think about it lina x lilia x rollo is like a reverse version of that relationship. it's not the "actual queen" and a "trash man" it's "the nbc student council president and the most talented student from that school" and "a wet cat i found on the street and said "i just think it's neat"".
*SOBBING* LINA HAS NOTICEABLE FANGS.. DO YOU KNOW WHO ALSO HAS THOSE.. which means linalilia can just bite rollo whenever they want.
lina and lilia dye each other's hair all the time and try to make rollo join them. they fail but it's okay
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egirl-vrissy · 2 years
Just kill yourself pls <3
Mad cause I got bitches paying for my girlpills meanwhile ur a maidenless anon who's manipulated by fascists online into hating other women. Jsyk while ur fuming im fucking 😎😎😎 tgirls simply keep winning.
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vdragon-creations · 3 months
Quick CW for mentions of SA. Just letting you folks know.
Just woke up to two asks in my inbox! I was pretty hyped until I realized they where both vile. Both of them wishing I would die, and the other going into detail about how badly they want me to die in a slow and painful way, and even going so far as hoping someone SA's my corpse.
Idk who shat in thier fruit loops this morning, but I do have 3 things for them.
1. If you're gunna waste your time throwing vile my way, at least get creative! You pain my artistic soul with such bland and unoriginal spewings. You think this is the first time I've been told to go die or that they hope I die? Oh please. Get in line bitch.
2. You had to make the active decision to select anonymous when sending that to me. That tells me how much of a coward you are. Yet here I am, proud to be who I am, flaws and all. While you can't even put a face to your words.
3. I've blocked you now, and that's because I simply have no time to waste dealing with any further interations with such maidenless behavior. So I will continue with my philosophy of "Sometimes the best revenge is a life well lived."
In conclusion, no. I will not die. At least not yet. I'll continue to live my life, touch grass, fuck my man, pet my cat, get that bag, and most importantly....live a much better life then someone who's only reason for existing is to make everyone else as miserable as they are.
Get fucked, and maybe some therapy. Bye!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
Sorry if this is weird - but can we get The Star Seven and where they fall on the LGBT spectrum? :3 Or physical/mental illness N stuff? (Also you're my favorite fanfic author of all time! Ur so cool <3 )
Tysm I’m fucking losing my shit at being someone’s favorite fanfic author!!! And I am ALWAYS down to go stupid abt OrangeJuiceVerse oh my fuck.
Also!!!! There is not a single neurotypical mf in the entire 7!!! These bitches are soooo out here terrorizing any therapist they try to go to. So to start Off.
Kyle. That little I Learned Something Today Ass Bitch is SO fuckin gay!!! Like he realized as a preteen that he he didn’t actually like women like that (no wonder he’s Maidenless smh) and he was like OH! Bc the way he felt abt Stan was soooo homiesexual dear lord he whole ass kept it to himself for way too long. He’s also on the ace spectrum, bc as a demi loser, I feel like he’s demi idc. Like this man fr thought porn was something only referenced in movies and then Kenny showed him some shit and he was like WHAT THE GODDAMN HELL IS THIS rip same Ky. As for mental illnesses and such, aside from being Down Horrendous for the sbf, this poor guy is sooo fucked in the brain. So he’s got awful anxiety, borderline obsessive compulsive tendencies, a fucking eating disorder (for a lil while in hs, he’s mentally fine in that department during most of the ojv), some kinda martyr complex. And physically? Mans a mess. Type 1 diabetes, absolute shit immune system, chronic issues with his left knee, probably anemia, on the verge of developing early onset arthritis when he gets older bc he fucked his body up with the ed, he’s STRUGGLING. He’s also stubborn as fuck and has frequently passed out because he didn’t want to check his levels. He gets in trouble with literally everyone for that.
STAN!!! Jesus this poor boy. My absolute Bi King!!! (Kyle may be the one biking around town bc his road rage is so godawful but Stan is the BI-king) yeah I’m a bi Stan believer bc this man is a HUGE simp!!! Ohhhh my god this boy when he was younger he’d see someone pretty and be SO down bad. But the only person he ever was actually good at being in a relationship with was Kyle. Stanley Down Bad Marsh, since the moment he knew what beauty was, beauty was Kyle. He did have a crush on Wendy in 4th grade, but then he was like kyyyylllleee. (Jail to stan). God his brain is so fucked. First of all RANDY is his father so he’s got trauma out the wazzoo, he’s an alcoholic, and he’s so plagued with adhd and dyslexia like pack it up Percy Jackson (he’s so Percy coded argue w the wall) plus this guy is depressed as hellllll. Oh my fuck Sadsack is real his lows are LOW and Kyle has threatened him with his therapist friends before. He’s doing better later down the timeline, thank you aa, oh yeah there’s the alcoholism too, but he’s the support group KING my darling boy ojv stan!!!
Kenny. Ok man the Kenny Of It All is sooooo bizarre. So he is immortal, but no one knows except for Marj! This takes such a mental toll on him, this guy is out here fully discombobulated bc he just came back from a rebirth and everyone’s like oh hey Ken where’d u go yesterday. His deaths have gotten less frequent as he grows up, but tbh he is still veeeerrry prone to bouts of depression and anxiety because of them, especially when he feels forgotten. I delved into that here and a tiny bit here, his mentality honestly can’t really be put into words. Like his brain doesn’t make sense even to himself. ALSO!!! He is THE Pan Without A Plan he’s so all over the place if you put him in the same room with Stan (his Blood Brother In Desperation, his Ride Or Die Disaster Bi), someone’s comin out in need of an emergency room.
Tweek!!!!! Dude Tweek that poor kid. Addiction, ocd, anxiety, the guys got it all. Also, another bitch on the ace spectrum? Yep. Homoromantic for sure, and closer to the sex-repulsed side of things.
Craig is an enigma dude, like this mf is so nonchalant about everything until he isn’t, the typa man to just casually drop some random piece of lore and you’re just like BRUH TF?!? Smh but anyway so he’s autistic, diagnosed as a kid when his parents were like our son got something goin on, and then everyone in his life was like ohhhh that makes sense. He gets kind of violent in his meltdowns, punching walls and shit, and he’s SCARY!! Not because he’s trying to be, like OrangeJuiceVerse Craig is such a softie, but he’s also scary looking! Like he’s 6’4 and long as hell, resting bitch face, he’s honestly kind of terrifying until you get used to him. He’s got the most absurd dry sense of humor though omg he and Kyle have this stupid “we can be assholes for fun” vibe. He’s a full blown gay ass dude btw.
MARJORINE MY BELOVED! She doesn’t label herself really, she just knows she loves Kenny, and her heart is so big like Love Is Stored In The Marj (unfortunately she’s also the queen of mlms and has had multiple pick me phases smh gullible queen). So she ALSO is autistic, and omg she’s a lot of the reason Kyle switched his major from premed to psych. I’ve mentioned before the m5 living together the first year of college and one time Marj had a bit of a problem at a karaoke bar with Stan and Stan my precious sweetheart IMMEDIATELY brought her to Ky (Kenny had studio hours) and Kyle’s letting her braid his hair and he’s helping her through her meltdown and she’s like “you should really do this as your job”. She was right. Kyle’s fantastic at what he does.
Jesus fuckin Christ Cartman. No one knows what the hell his sexuality is. He won’t tell you. He won’t disclose his pronouns either. (Tbh this mf never fully figures out his sexuality or gender he’s just vibin and also doesn’t care.) Also bruhhhh he’s such a disaster mentally. He’s been on a cocktail of meds since middle school for schizophrenia, sociopathic personality disorder, bpd, poor dudes got too damn much going on. BUT he’s relatively stable from like 6th grade onwards. Just an asshole for fun and out of habit. (OJV Cartman is so much fun to me)
OKAY! Dude you have no idea how excited I was to get this ask I’ve wanted to talk abt what the OJV Star Seven have goin on mentally foreeeevvvver!!!
Any curiosities someone has about OrangeJuiceVerse or ANY of my other stuff PLEASE ask me about whatever! I am super annoying and Weird!!!
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foxounderscorecube · 1 year
I have slight suspicion you like Varré
Okay no but since I have only really watched a few videos of Elden Ring I didnt know much about Varré so as always went to my gf for info
And unfortunately apparently my girlfriend skipped Varré by accident near the beginning so actually she knows nearly nothing of the guy, rip </3
My secret is out... I don't know what gave it away 😔
Varré is most well-known for being the first NPC you meet in the Lands Between where he promptly calls you maidenless. He's smug and smarmy and generally a bitch and once you've fought Godrick, he will try to recruit you as a follower of Mohg - the Bloody Fingers are one of the invasion covenants in the game. I'm not a big PvP person but of course I join them for him <3 This is where he starts calling you his lambkin, the fucking weirdo, because while he can't help being a smug fuck, that won't stop him trying to emotionally manipulate you.
According to Varré, once Mohg has founded his dynasty, he'll bring in a new age where all of his followers live in a wonderful world full of love. I don't actually know if there's much lore on how Mohg's going to do that, but I know his power comes from Outer Gods (a.k.a. not Marika/Radagon/the Greater Will) because the Mohgwyn spear apparently stabs this one goddess and is powered up by her blood, if I recall correctly. So maybe it's just that he intends on liberating the world from the Greater Will (which is a similar goal to Ranni and what Rykard initially intended, I think). Gideon Ofnir basically thinks Mohg is just cosplaying cult leader, though. There's no Age of Blood ending to the game, though, which is a shame.
Varré uses a weapon that's a big bouquet of metal roses, which I think is very cool and correct of him. Bloody Fingers all use weapons that inflict Bleed for obvious reasons, but he's very fashion about it.
If course, it being a Fromsoft game, following his questline ends up with him dying when he invades you, where he's a bitch about it until the end.
He is not a very good person and there are sweeter and more loveable characters in the game by far, but I can't help it. I just adore him anyway!!!
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victoria1676 · 2 years
Imagine if Dadza And Mumza Sent a Crows to Reader while she's in SAGAU
Crow: Where the fuck are you
Reader: Hi Dadza...To be Honest...I have no Idea...
Crow: Who's kids are these..they said they know you
Chat just screaming: MUMZA MUMZA PHIL PHIL
Chat: Tommy Broke your Redstone doors
Crow: Have you tried Eating Sand?
Reader: Wilbur??? Is that you???
Chat: Someone Get Wilbur..He's at it again
Chat to everyone who killed you and Bennett, Razor and Diona : Man Y'all Are Shit L+Ratio+You fell off+cope+don't care+didn't ask+stfu+owned+yo mama+ok+u Smell+Bozo+cry about it+triggered+Get real+Get wrecked+stay mad+reported+banned+get a life+hoes mad+ No bitches?+ Maidenless—......
Reader:..... They're not gonna stop *sips drink*
Also Chat: I love you (Reader) <3(Less than three)
God I love writing these
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lmao the sheer pause of Reader who look at the crow that has a beanie and be calling Philza about Wilbur eating sands HAHAHAHHA PLEASE THAT STREAM LEGIT MADE ME LOOK LIKE THAT CONFUSED MATH EQUATION MEME HAHAHAHAHA
Ah yes reader definitely sipping her tea while ignoring the Chat insulting and going pissy mode on the acolytes in my story XD
but yes the chat love reader and some actually simp on her which is funny cause Tommy was one of the victims to hear or saw the crows SIMP in his big sis that he had to kill them (unfortunately they survived HAHAHAHAHHA)
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squicksquak · 2 years
what i'd have the om characters saved as in my phone
Lucifer: My Sun ☀ (bc im sappy and infatuated with the sun/ moon dynamic)
Mammon: Mams (cute short and to the point<3)
Leviathan: Maidenless lass (bc let's be honest this man gets absolutely no bitches when hes not in his admiral attire)
Satan: Step son😟 (bc he would absolutely hate it and my mc is married to luci + loves to annoy him<3)
Asmodeus: Maiden slayer (bc unlike his brother he gets bitches)
Beelzebub: Cutie B (i like him hes nice<3)
Belphegor: Murder B (hes cute too, and i do like him but i will not let him live that down fuck him)
Solomon: saved him as his phone number to annoy him. imagine he sees his pfp pop up and then his nr he would be so offended LMFAO
Simeon: Simimimimimi (he needs a nap)
Luke: Cupcake (cute nickname plus he bakes)
Barbatos: Barbie💞 (not much to say ab this one i just think its cute)
Diavolo: Dia (again not much to say i just call him that a LOT)
Raphael: i wouldnt have his nr saved. fuck him.
Mephistopheles: Burble (his hair is purple and i think he'd find it funny)
Thirteen: Wife<3 (listen i am in love with her and i think my mc and her would get along splendidly and call eachother wife)
Michael: ik we dont have his nr but simeon sure does bc theres a chat with them so i would ask him for it JUST to block his nr. fuck you Michael you know what you did.
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hematomes · 2 years
and WAAAH OMG THATS VERY EXCITING HOLY SHIT !! i have not made art in. a very long time either so i think i understand the apprehension,,, it’s gonna be all good tho hira, pls have fun and do not put too much pressure on yourself <3
also when im back from airport hell ill prob be on discord if u wanna chat abt things u cannot talk abt here, but no worries if not my dude <3
zbdjz IT IS,,, i have too many ideas. this is horrifying. anyway !!!! don't worry ill go easy, i just hope my brain won't make me give up in 2s
mmhzbdjz actually yeah that would be cool, PLUS WE HAVEN'T TALKED THERE IN AGES SO!!! hmu when you're available <3
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