#my mind is weakened bridge that will collapse as soon as I try to use it
forgottenfeesh · 1 year
Also just a thought to think of (if that makes sense which I’m 99% sure it doesn’t)
I keep seeing fan art of Logan being controlled by Remus , Janus and orange but don’t forget literally all the other sides have been doing it to him for the entire show.
Like who made him turn more apathetic as a desperate attempt to get people to listen to him.
Who made him stop talking about his passion because he got a little pissy that Logan had some attention.
Maybe even the dark sides are trying to free him from this so he can actually be himself.
Just a thought.
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Snake Charmer: Sesskag fic
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Summary: Sesshoumaru is extremely amused by the prey currently trapped in his den. Kagome just wanted a vacation. Naga Sesshoumaru fic. Sesskag AU.
Rated M
Read on Ao3, fanfiction.net or Dokuga
AN: Sooo I might make a series of stories featuring Monster! Sess or Monster! Kagome. I've already written a vampire one and a werewolf one. Shall see! I hope you enjoy this. 
Snake Charmer pt. 1
Impossibly blue skies free from clouds stretched out above her head that bright and cheerful morning. It was hot. Uncomfortably so, but Kagome welcomed it despite the sweat beading at the back of her neck. Clad in a two-piece bikini hidden by her cute blue summer dress, the cotton thankfully thin and breezy, she drank in the sunny scenery greedily.
Hawaii sprawled out, with its rolling hills, high cliffs and exotic greenery. True, it was a little tourist-centric where they were staying, but the Japanese college students could hardly complain.
"I'm so excited for cliff diving~" Eri grinned, practically buzzing as they walked down a road beside the ocean. "Kyle said he'd meet us there, right? Do you think he'd be more attracted to a confident girl, or should I pretend to be scared?"
Yuka rolled her eyes, adjusting the strap of her bag over one shoulder. "From the way you were flirting last night at the hotel, I don't think he'll care either way."
"Maybe just fake a dizzy spell so he can catch you in his big strong arms~" Ayumi giggled.
"And what about you? I'm sure his friend will be there."
"Oh, don't get my hopes up!"
The three laughed, noticing their friend's silence once the girlish giggles died down.
"What's wrong, Kagome?" brows knitted with concern, Ayumi gently tapped her shoulder.
Shaken from her reverie, Kagome dragged her distracted gaze away from the ocean. "Hm? Oh… nothing," she smiled. "I was just thinking about what that man tried to say to us."
"You mean the Native we saw earlier?" Yuka arched a brow. "Forget it, none of us know Hawaiian and when he switched to English it was a lost cause. None of us can string a sentence together."
"It's true, I forget most of mine when we left school," Ayumi sighed mournfully.
"I flunked English," Eri smirked.
Shaking her head, Kagome folded her arms and frowned, "maybe so, but I could pick out a few of his words. 'Water' and 'no' with some kind of motion with his hands. He approached us while Kyle was talking to us about the cliff diving location with that map. Maybe it's a dangerous area, and the man was trying to warn us?"
"If it was a warning, Kyle would have told us. He said it was fine, just that we should be wary of any rocks, but he knows the area. It's standard stuff," waving this off, Eri quickened her pace, heels clanking on the hot road.
"He knows the area better than a guy who lives here?" Kagome drawled, sharing a glance with Ayumi. Her more sensitive friend bit her lip, giving a weak shrug.
"Let's at least check it out," she said, adding more under her breath; "Eri is really excited. We can humour her a little by meeting with Kyle again today. None of us has to jump."
Releasing a breath, Kagome set her concerns aside for now. It wasn't like she wanted to be a wet blanket about it. Still, the man's wide, imploring brown eyes continued to nag at her mind. Such an expression could bridge the gap in communication. She'd practically felt his concern.
Kyle was a tanned, brown-haired boy travelling around the world. He struck Kagome as the adrenalin junkie type. Eri fawned over him, positively smitten. It was rare for a foreigner from London to be so well versed in Japanese, and they'd met through an online dating site, organising a get together while he was in Hawaii. Thus Kagome and the others had been dragged along. Kyle was practically their tour guide and means of verbal communication with English speakers.
His friends were less fluent in Japanese. The three shirtless blonde-haired young men flustered both Yuka and Ayumi, talking in broken sentences.
Kagome couldn't say she minded the male attention as they walked together to the cliffs. Obviously, they weren't up for anything permanent, just fooling around. Kagome had indulged in that sort of thing before. Unfortunately, it was quickly becoming boring. Men just couldn't get a clue. Whether it was a long-term boyfriend or a one-night stand, a playboy or attentive virgin, she found her experiences frustrating on a level she couldn't quite understand. It was lacklustre.
Perhaps today would be different. It would've been nice to hang out with Kyle's friends and get to know them if she could just rid herself of the man's warning.
"This is the spot," Kyle grinned, showing his dimples.
The group had stopped atop a cliff with a few trees littered near the edge. Yuka peered over the lip of the side, holding onto a branch.
"Wow, that's uh… quite a drop."
Kyle rolled his shoulder, muscles coiling. "It looks worse than it is. So! Who's going first?" he grinned wider, clapping his hands and rubbing them together.
Eri laughed nervously, hugging his arm, "shouldn't you go, oh fearless leader?"
"I believe in ladies first," sea-foam blue eyes strayed to Kagome, who remained a little uncomfortable.
"What about your friend?"
"Ah- she's a little afraid. I don't think she'll be jumping," Eri dismissed.
"Aww c'mon," Kyle broke away from her to gesture to Kagome, inviting her closer. "At least take a look. No point in walkin' all the way here and not seeing the view at least."
"I can see it fine from here," Kagome gave a smile that showed her teeth. "Thanks anyway."
Judging from her friend's expressions, they clearly wanted her to act more respectful.
Biting back a sigh, Kagome forced a more amiable smile upon her lips and stepped closer to the edge, peering down.
To Kyle's credit, it was a stunning view. She'd never seen water so crystal clear and blue. She couldn't tell how deep it plunged, but the waves rolled pure white, not a blemish in sight. No deadly rocks either.
What had the man been warning us about?
"What do ya think?" a playful voice rasped close to her ear. Kagome felt the heat of his body draw near.
Her lips pursed, "it's beautiful," she allowed. Maybe she was being too much of a stick in the mud, it wasn't like her.
"Then- why not take a closer look?"
Hands shoved.
Blue eyes flew wide as Kagome felt her body careen forward, hair swooping back. Letting out a fearful scream, Kagome felt her feet drag and fly free from solid earth. Gravity pulled her down.
Falling was surreal, disorientating. She'd pretty much left her stomach back with her friends it lept so violently. She couldn't tell up from down, but the ocean swooped in closer and closer.
Instinctively, Kagome sucked in a huge breath.
Making impact with warm waters, she plunged deep beneath the surface, bubbles obscuring her vision.
Almost immediately, still, serene waters swirled into motion.
Kagome's heart thundered with alarm, bracing herself. She mindlessly kicked her legs out of instinct the second something started pulling her downwards. Trying hard to break away from the current, her efforts proved to be in vain as it swept her up like a whirlpool.
Kagome closed her eyes. It became impossible to know where she was, how far the surface lay beyond her reach. Her lungs strained.
Getting desperate, Kagome abandoned all logic and started to swim with the current rather than fight it. If she was going to die, she'd rather it be while doing something. Staying motionless didn't suit her.
Aching lungs grappled for air, and Kagome felt herself weaken. Desperate motions slowed. Her mind hazed with fog, becoming dizzy.
Gradually, she began to resemble a motionless rag-doll.
Something strong and sturdy wrapped around her waist, pulling her body.
Kagome weakly felt the sensation of being yanked. Shadows entered her murky gaze like she'd passed through a tunnel, lights soon reaching her again. And then she was suddenly flicked up and released.
Gasping the second her head broke free from salty waters, she sucked in sharp breaths and coughing violently. Kagome then promptly collapsed.
She blearily noticed the dim lighting and smooth rock she found herself splayed upon, shuddering. I almost died.
It took a few moments to adjust and control her breathing, but eventually, after laying there and recovering from the experience, Kagome shakily roused herself enough to sit up. Looking around, she found a cavern of sorts awaiting her. The layout was spacious. Rock walls sprawled around her, a single circular opening high above in the ceiling allowing a circle of concentrated sunlight to pour down into the ocean pool she'd surfaced in.
Kagome pulled herself onto a rocky platform, following a walkway around the water and leaving wet footprints on cool stone in her wake. Thick shadows lay beyond the opposite side of the pool, with a multitude of paths in the rock-face branching off in different directions. They looked as though they'd been hollowed out by a huge earthworm. Kagome wagered they were a maze of sorts.
No way am I going in there.
Glancing up at the natural skylight, Kagome bit her lip. Such smooth rock would be too steep and slippy to climb, and she doubted a helicopter passing overhead could spot her inside. She wasn't even sure how far she was from the mainland. Silence reigned within the lonely cavern, save for lapping water within the glittering pool. She couldn't hear any tourists or speedboats outside.
Kagome swallowed.
The pool.
She didn't exactly like the idea of chancing another swim. However, diving in again to reach the open ocean could be her only chance of finding help.
Putting it off for now, Kagome wandered around the edge of the pool, rubbing her arms absentmindedly. She felt shaken from the high fall alone, never mind nearly dying from a random whirlpool.
"That's what that man was trying to warn us about," she mused to herself, glancing at the water. "I hope Kyle doesn't push anyone else in. That bastard!" she seethed. She'd always been a strong swimmer, but if he had pushed in Ayumi, even with regular waters, the situation could've been dangerous. The idea of it only pissed her off even more. "When I get outta here, I'm giving him a piece of my mind. I bet he'll say - 'ohh it was just a joke.' Ha! You can tell that to my fist, buddy!"
A shadow moved to her left.
Kagome jumped, snapping her gaze to it. Sweat pricked at the back of her neck.
Well, it had been out of her peripheral vision. What a convenient time for her mind to start playing tricks on her.
Taking a deep breath, Kagome let the air whoosh out of her lungs. "And now I'm seeing things," she rambled, grasping her hair and wringing out excess salty water. "That's not unusual though, heck I think I see things passing by in the kitchen all the time. Totally nor- AH!" Kagome started badly, looking directly at the shadows. A sleek, long thing swept out into bright sunlight across the floor before retreating smoothly. It had been pale, covered in a sheen that resembled scales.
Was that a… tail?
Kagome took one step back. Then another. Whatever it was, it had been quite large.
She didn't want any of that. None.
Pivoting sharply, Kagome hurried directly towards the pool. Climbing down a rocky incline, she bent her legs, muscles coiling and springing free as she leapt, body arching into a dive.
She made it into warm waters, kicking her legs madly. Gliding down from rippling surface to murky bottom of the pool, Kagome swam towards an opening in the rock wall. Something large and solid slid beneath her stomach then- closing around her waist and yanking.
Kagome's mouth opened in a gasp- pulled from the water with a hard tug. She coughed the second she surfaced, spitting out saltwater and holding onto the thing wrapped around her waist.
The tail.
Kagome's eyes widened, squirming and trying to get free as water dripped from her body, watching the pool drift further away as she ascended. The white scales felt smooth, warm beneath her touch.
Gritting her teeth, Kagome tried to dig her nails in, only to find them repelled by deceptively firm coils.
"You do not possess claws nor fangs sharp enough to cut through my hide, little human."
Kagome jolted, whipping her head up.
Half-lidded, piercing golden-yellow eyes stared back.
She gaped.
Slit pupils dilated.
The man observing her with a wry smile possessed beautifully ethereal features. Pointed ears, exotic magenta marks slashing across his pale cheeks. A silver fall of long hair spilt down over broad shoulders, hanging off the high rock he lounged upon that overlooked the pool. He'd propped both elbows on his bent tail, resting a strong chin upon one hand. The tips of his fingers resembled long, frighteningly sharp claws. Kagome blinked, trying to make sense of his form. His head and torso resembled a human male- physique impressive. From the waist down, however, an impossibly long snake tail sprawled out. She wasn't sure how vast it spread, a little preoccupied.
"Listen pal, I don't know what stage play I've stumbled across, but great effects. Top-notch. The puppet feels really lifelike," she minded some slick hair from her face. "The contacts are hot too, but I'd really like to be set down now."
"Would you?" he purred silkily, tail twisting to flip her upside down. Kagome gasped as black hair cascaded in front of her face, hanging towards the distant pool. "Unfortunately, this one has no interest in releasing you. It has been some time since prey has willingly stumbled into my den like a lost filly."
Kagome's mind raced. Prey. Shit.
"I-I didn't stumble in. The whirlpool-"
"Ah, yes," he hummed, rising from his perch languidly. His form moved smoothly, top half easing closer without fear of toppling from the rock his larger half wrapped around.
"Hn… few mortals are foolish enough to jump from that cliff at noon."
"I was pushed," Kagome seethed, bristling as he prodded and turned her like prized meat hanging off a hook. "Hey! Watch it!" She swiped an arm out, cheeks flushing. "Put me down this instant!"
The Snake-man tilted his head, "curious that of all people, my prey this time happens to be a woman from my homeland."
Kagome had been too startled to really think about it, but they were indeed conversing in Japanese.
"So you're a Japanese demon, huh?" she squeaked. "Awesome. We can talk more about that when the blood isn't rushing to my head. Put. Me. Down," a growl hissed free from her teeth.
His lips spread into a half-smirk, half sneer, exposing sharp, glistening fangs. He turned her upright once more, only to coil more segments of his strong, pale tail around her. A part of it twisted and slid around her knees, parting them.
Something twinged between her legs- a bead of sweat, hot and salty where it rolled down her thigh in a lazy trickle.
Kagome's eyes widened as the moving tail constricted beneath her chest, restricting the use of her arms and squeezing the air from her lungs like he'd trapped her within a huge fist.
His body loomed close, face hovering near. His touch felt oddly human upon her chin: grip as firm as any other arrogant male's.
"The harder you struggle, the tighter my grip," he uttered, gaze and voice almost gentle in their rich cadence.
Kagome fought to keep her breathing even, becoming still. He seemed intelligent and well spoken. If that was the case, talking her way out of the situation might be her best bet.
"For the record, I'm Kagome," she said, trying not to tremble. "W-what's your name, Mr Snake man?"
Ivory lashes fell shut and swept open in a slow blink. His lips parted, hesitating, as though out of practice with speaking it aloud.
The Killing Perfection.
It sounded like a bad omen.
Kagome swallowed and kept blabbing. "Oh, that's cool. Your parents must've been anticipating a nice blood thirsty baby. I'm sure they're very proud."
His expression darkened, and Kagome quickly shut up. Clearly, that had been the wrong thing to say.
Sesshoumaru tipped his head to the side, breath fanning over her ear. "For the record," he uttered, archaic speech clearly unfamiliar with the term but imitating her, "my kind are not referred to as 'Snake Men.' I am a species of Naga."
"I-I see, sorry for using the wrong term," Kagome jolted as something flicked out close to her ear, nearly brushing the shell.
His tongue. Was he tasting the air?
Sesshoumaru made a low, pleasurable noise in his chest.
"You know… unless you're into playing with your food, maybe there's a reason you haven't eaten me yet," Kagome was ever the optimist.
"Pray tell: what would that reason be?" he asked, nose brushing and gliding into her hair. She felt his body roll as he inhaled deeply, having a ripple effect down his entire tail.
Kagome shivered. Oddly, the heat of him wrapped around her sent thrills racing up her spine due to every movement being intimately felt. The anticipation, fear and adrenaline mixed into a cocktail of absurdity. She felt its effects pour liquid heat into her lower abdomen.
"You want someone to talk to. Even people called 'The Killing Perfection' can get lonely. A-am I right in thinking you're the one who pulled me from the water?"
Though she knew it wasn't out of any concern for her, Kagome nonetheless felt a stab of gratitude. "Thank you for that, I mean it. You're terrifying but much preferable to drowning."
Golden eyes danced. "Your compliments leave much to be desired."
Kagome's lips twitched. "Do you see what I mean, though? Maybe you just want a delightful conversationalist."
"Hn, perhaps," Sesshoumaru adjusted her, so that she loomed above him, his head dangerously close to her chest, "or perhaps I do just enjoy playing with my food."
Kagome jolted and gasped as a regal nose glided up the valley between her breasts, lips skimming, a teasing drag. She tried to squeeze her thighs together- prevented by a segment of his tail that rose and undulated slowly against her core, rubbing. Shamefully, Kagome moaned. Her wet dress, plastered to her form- pitifully could not hide the hard peaks of her nipples as her body heated.
"You respond quite enthusiastically to me, woman," Sesshoumaru purred, tongue flicking out to lick a long, wet arch up her chest, collarbone and neck. "Have you considered...you might enjoy my 'playing' with you?"
Panting, she quickly stopped her squirming hips. "L-let's talk about this," she swallowed, catching her breath. "We could make a game out of it. A real one."
Thankfully, his tail stopped.
"I am listening."
Okay, keep talking Kagome. She shifted, looking at the glittering slashes of magenta cutting over his tail like stripes. It was safer than getting distracted by his enchanting eyes.
"Is there a way out of here other than the pool?"
His silky voice caressed her hearing. "Yes."
"T-then let me run for 15 minutes. If I find the exit- you let me go. If you catch me, then fair enough, I'm yours to eat or... or whatever," Kagome muttered, cheeks heating. "But I can and will defend myself during the run."
Sesshoumaru's claw-tipped fingers grasped her chin, turning her face back to look at him.
His eyes were hypnotic in their richness of colour. Slit, inhuman pupils only drew her in instead of repelling. They smiled even as his lips remained still.
"Nothing would please me more," he purred, free hand gliding down her stomach, making it twitch. "You possess a silver tongue, girl. I have not met a prey that could hold a conversation before."
"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself- when you're not talking about eating me."
Chuckling with rich tones, the Naga loosened his tail, unwinding it so that she slid over his coils down to the walkway next to the pool.
Standing on her own two feet again, Kagome righted herself, glancing up at the looming Naga.
"Run along, little filly," he uttered languidly. His soft, masculine voice oddly put her at ease even as she prepared to run for her life. Perhaps this was how he lulled prey. Kagome chose not to examine why she'd responded so... favourably to him. It was the humidity. The adrenaline.
Kagome headed for a tunnel, realising half-way her mistake. It was pitch black inside, and she had no light.
Almost as immediately as she'd stepped inside- green flames flickered to life upon the walls. Torches lit her way, scattered further ahead.
Steeling herself, Kagome took a breath, bursting into a run.
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wann-der-lusst · 3 years
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00:00 (Zero O'clock)
by Audrey S. Bill
It was late in the evening, and she knew he'd be there because he'd dropped his cigarette in the sink... and just knowing he was there made her entire body shiver.
"Why were you late, Athena?"
As she was about to turn the doorknob, she felt his heavy hand on her shoulder. Her hands trembled and her heart pounded as if it were the first time something like this had happened.
"When will I ever get used to this?" That was her thought as she let him lead the way to his room.
She was putting on her clothes while staring at the man fast asleep next to her. Tears stream down her cheeks as she walks out of the room quietly.
After several days, she is still sore. No matter what she does, she can feel it all over her body. She couldn't eat anything and couldn't go about normal routine... And there she lay on a cold floor, helpless and alone, wishing to be seen, heard, and saved.
Two years later, she attempted to live and interact with others again. She joined a school organization and spent most of her days at school, where she met Eros. He is a year older than she is. Everything about him is beautiful, from the depths of his eyes to the gentle expressions on his face. Eros had the kind of face that makes you want to stop in your tracks. While Athena appeared to be an ordinary girl in the corridor, she wore a downcast expression on her face and eyes, as if she were trying not to draw attention to herself. Eros walks her home, buys her dinner, and speaks words that make her want to sweep on her knees. Athena was surprised because it was the first time she had felt so cared for; this is the joy and comfort she has been looking for. It is the same feeling she had as a child. She wiped away the sticky stream of tears that streamed down her face as she recalled her father's days. All of the walls she had built up over the years crumbled. She appears to be willing to let people in... yet again.
Months have passed, and she still can't believe someone has stuck by her side. She now has family-like friends, a boyfriend who adores her, and a mother who looks out for her and has promised never to abandon her again. She couldn't have asked for more. She remembers how sweetly he confessed to her, how he strummed the guitar for her while singing in front of the crowd. She had no idea what she deserved at this point.
Eros flicked her forehead when she was zoning out.
"Are you okay, Athena?" He gently touched her cheek to see if she was okay.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks for walking me home again!" She exclaimed joyfully.
"I'll never get tired of you, Athena." He gave her a warm smile.
"Indeed, it's the little things that matter the most." She reflected on herself before going to bed.
It was the fourth of the month, their special day, and they had decided to go to the mall. On the other side of the road, Athena was waving to Eros.
“Wait up,” he said with a smile and a wave. They waited for the stop sign to turn red before continuing their walk.
3... 2... 1...
As they walk towards each other, he suddenly pushes Athena, and all she sees is him... lying on the floor... covered in blood. Athena was stunned, and her entire body went numb. Her only sensation is the flow of hot tears from her eyes down her cheeks. This was far from what she had hoped for. Many people have gathered around him, calling an ambulance, and photographing him. People have also gathered around her, asking about her health. But all she can think about is how she can't move at all.
“I should be there instead of him. What exactly am I doing here? Why did he bother saving me?” So many thoughts had built up in her head. And when she heard the ambulance, she completely lost it. She has a lot to say but can't seem to find the words. It's just her eyes... closing.
“All I can see is white. Am I dead? Was it all a dream?” She thought to herself.
"Athena," she then noticed her mother's concerned expression.
"What am I doing here? Where’s Eros?" She asked.
"Don't worry, you're fine now. You're here at the hospital."
"Where's Eros?" She asked again.
She simply looked at Athena with a worried expression on her face. “What the hell is going on?” She reflected on herself once more, trying to remember everything that had happened before she passed out. Her head ached at the thought of Eros lying on the floor full of blood... She screamed and cried hysterically as her mother and nurses tried to calm her down, and she gradually weakened as sedatives were injected into her body and her eyes closed.
Five hours later, she woke up and just stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks as she remembered the incident. Now that she thinks about it, she realizes how perfect that day was. She awoke the next morning, to find her man sleeping soundly because she forgot to turn off the Skype App on her laptop while speaking with him. She made perfect eggs; she didn't burn the hotdogs. Her Research Paper also received an A+. Everything worked out perfectly for her to get to this point. Her mother just hugged her, but she couldn’t feel her. She can't feel the warmth of this embrace. She was... lonely.
The man she adored was inside the coffin. She can't look at him because the mere fact that he's there breaks her heart into a million pieces. Athena believes that everyone in the room despises her; she feels responsible for everything because she is the one beside Eros as he breathes his last.
“No one expected this to happen... but life is truly cruel to me. How did we get to this point? Why did he fall in love with someone like me? I should be the one inside that coffin, not him. He does not deserve any of this. God, why now?” She sobbed quietly as she stared at Eros’ face.
After Eros died, Athena began cutting again. She couldn't get his smiles out of her head while trying to save her. When Athena sees blood from her wrist, thighs, and other areas that aren't visible to the naked eye, her heart calms. For her, physical pain was easier to bear than the emotional pain she was going through. She couldn't fathom how people went on after Eros died. All of the memories she had buried in the past resurfaced. And as she browsed through her gallery, she noticed that it was filled with photos of Eros and her.
“You know that I rarely pray at night. But I'll do it for Eros' sake. Please make him come back to me. Just this once please...” She cried and prayed until she fell asleep.
After a few months, at her mother's request, she began seeing a psychiatrist. “It's all for the best.” That is what they continue to tell her. Athena, on the other hand, felt she was labeled as "crazy" as a result of this.
"I completely understand what you're going through right now."
"Everything is going to be fine."
"You can count on me."
These are the words she keeps hearing from the Doctor. Athena believed the doctor was simply doing her job, as she had told all of her patients the same things. She still has a sense of emptiness. The words, however, lingered in her mind, and she felt as if her heart was gradually giving in.
“Is this okay, Eros? This doesn't mean I'll forget about you...” Athena contemplated herself.
It's been a year, but it only seems like yesterday. Athena had given up hope, but she is now smiling. She attends church every Sunday, she has grown closer to her family, her friends have consoled her, and they have all contributed to Athena becoming the person she is today. She was overjoyed that God had restored her life. When Eros died, Athena's world collapsed around her, but she soon realized she wasn't to blame; his death was an accident. Her nightmares keep her awake at night, but she is relieved that the man who abused her weaknesses as a child is now in prison.
Am I seeing things? Or is this really Eros? He is dressed in a white coat and is smiling and waving at me. I felt him as I held his face to see if he was real. He doesn't say anything, all he does is stare at me with his piercing eyes. Finally, he spoke...
"Athena," he begins.
The air became cold as he said my name... it's different.
"Why didn't you help me? Why... why did I even save you in the first place?!"
For a brief moment, I was stunned. This is not what I am expecting. I can feel all of his anger, despair, and betrayal from the way he said those words and the way he looks at me now.
I was about to approach him when he took a step back, his eyes welling up.
He shook his head and moved his gaze away. Is he going to leave me again? He's becoming blurry now. No way... We should be together… Eros. No, please...
Athena screamed as she struggled to breathe. Her vision became blurry because of the tears. She had been fine for months, but it suddenly reappeared. Eros was blaming her in the dream… A single dream that has now destroyed everything she has worked for. She's blaming herself once more.
"It's entirely my fault..."
As she stood next to the bridge, she reflected on her day, which she described as "beautiful." She went to see Eros in the cemetery. Everyone was smiling and doing their best to make her feel "loved." She smiled heartily at the thought of people going to such lengths to make her happy. Her heart skipped a beat as she considered all of her loved ones, and the thought of leaving them. Athena gave everything she had, but she was also a master of disguise. Her mind is already made up that all of her misery and the monsters within her will not stop unless she makes a move, and she believes that people who get too close to her, such as Eros, will only hurt themselves.
The cool breeze caressed her skin, as if it wanted to embrace and feel her.
“Is that you, Eros? Dad?" Her eyes welled up with tears as she remembered them. She simply hopes that no one will blame themselves for having to die because it was her choice. She is certain that she will be happier. She sincerely wishes for the pain to end. She's desperate to put an end to it.
She took a deep breath and looked out at the water, which was plain blue but beautiful. She looked down at her phone and smiled one last time.
“Happy Birthday, self.”
At exactly 00:00, she jumped off the bridge, allowing her body to be thrown into the deep blue sea.
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elonscult · 3 years
The Awakening - Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Sabrina woke up with the feeling of a freight train running through her head followed by a burning sensation coming in waves from her left cheekbone. The memories of the night before started flooding her mind making her headache intensify even more, a frown now on her face.
She stayed still for a couple of minutes, hearing the quiet breathing of Elon sleeping next to her. He had placed one of his legs between her thighs and was hugging her from the waist with one arm.
The sensation of his body close to her made her feel a little bit better but not quite.
Sabrina moved slowly out of bed trying to not wake him up, she looked up to his face and appreciated the sight of him sleeping so peacefully, he had a calm expression that almost looked childish. Aware of her surroundings, she felt thankful for being in his house. She didn’t allow herself to think about what happened, the whole thing felt foreign to her, almost like a blur or a scene in a movie that leaves you with a bad feeling after you watch it.
Without wanting to pay attention to the way she was feeling, Sabrina walked towards the bathroom in Elon’s room where she found a bag with some of her clothes. She took a quick shower and once she was done, she walked into the bedroom again finding Elon still sleeping.
Sabrina tried her hardest to keep him out of her mind, but it was impossible. She loved him, and that was the truth. Although, she hated that he had that kind of power over her life, it made her feel vulnerable and exposed. She thought about the wedding, the way he had made her feel so humiliated and the way he didn’t answer the phone when she needed him most.
A muffled buzz coming from the bathroom interrupted her subconscious thoughts, she followed the sound later discovering that it came from the bag of clothes she saw earlier. She rummaged through the contents until she found her phone.
She frowned as soon as she saw the endless missed calls from her father. Not exactly sure of what she should do next, she hurried downstairs and grabbed the keys of one of Elon’s cars.
  The familiar house now standing in front of Sabrina made a whirlwind of emotions form in her chest. Unsure if she felt safer than threatened, she stepped down of the car and walked towards the entrance. She had walked this same path probably a million times and somehow it still felt foreign.
“Dad?” she called as she opened the door. The immense mansion now showing itself in all its splendor.
“Sabrina?” a strong voice responded from the kitchen. “Is that you?”
The usual assurance and confidence with which she walked did not seem to be present as she moved towards the known voice.
“Well, I don’t think you have any other children” she said now walking into the kitchen catching her father sitting in front of a glass table next to a large window that expanded almost all the way from the ceiling to the floor. His presence always seemed to fill the entire room, making it hard for the both of them to be there at the same time. He was a well-founded man, old school. Tenacious and firm, those were the qualities that had made him reach an overflowing number of goals.  Yet, it wasn’t the nature you would exactly want from a parent.
He looked away from the book he held in his hands to look at Sabrina with a stern look that quickly turned into concern.
“Look at that, almost half of your face is bruised!” he said, looking at the hurt face of his daughter.
A warm set of arms surrounded Sabrina; she hugged his father back inhaling the scent of the tall man.
“Don’t worry” she said breaking away the hug.
He grabbed her chin to hold her face in place while he looked at the dark wound on her left cheekbone.
“Dad” she said pushing away his hand and sitting down next to his place at the table.
He sighed looking irritated, then he sat next to her.
“I called you a million times last night and today, can’t you at least pick up the phone” he said.
“Yeah sorry”
“You almost gave your mother a heart attack, she is worried sick” he said displeased “And you weren’t even home when we came by”
Sabrina felt for her father, she understood where his concern was coming from and she hesitated to bring up the fact that she was at Elon’s house.
“I wasn’t there” she limited to say.
“Clearly you have other priorities” he said, his tone with no particular difference.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she asked annoyed. “Elon was there and I didn’t want to stay home by myself”
“Well, if you had called us, we would have been there too! I can’t believe you wouldn’t even call us during an emergency” he almost yelled.
“Fair” she said. “I just didn’t want you to get involved, the press was there and it was a whole thing”
“I don’t like this, you know?” he moved in his seat uncomfortable. “This guy, he puts you on the spotlight and it opens the door to this kind of things happening”
“This guy has a name, and he didn’t put me in the spotlight any more than you did”
“It’s not his fault” she continued.
“Don’t talk back to me” he said firmly looking at the black-haired woman sitting next to him.
He thought of all the sacrifices he had made for his daughter and about the life he had planned for her. She was perfect, engineered, as so many rich parents had arranged in this weird future, to be perfect. And he hated the idea of some guy, such as Elon, just coming in and ruining it.
“At least he had the decency to call me, that I give to him” he said.
Sabrina raised her hand to massage the bridge of her nose, clearly annoyed at the information his father had just told her.
“Stupid” she thought to herself.
“Whatever, dad” she finally said.
“My legal team is already working on never letting that creep get out of jail” he said naturally, almost as if it was the most obvious thing.
“Thanks” she said moving to give her father a kiss on the cheek. “I do appreciate it”
“Right” he shook his head smiling.
“I’d love to wait for mom but I have to go” Sabrina said. “Don’t be so angry all the time, you’re old and you’ll get a heart attack, then I’ll have no father.” She smiled.
“Funny. I want you home tomorrow for dinner” he said.
“Maybe” she answered.
“Sabrina” he said with a stern look.
“Relax, we’ll be here”  
“Just you” he said.
“Both” she said now walking towards the door.
  Sabrina thought of a million things to say to Elon while she drove through the city, her heart was beating fast, her hands were white from gripping the wheel so hard and she felt angry, an anger that she had trouble controlling, she had that bad habit of being explosive and Elon had always told her that she acted like a little child throwing tantrums. But this wasn’t a tantrum, she didn’t want him to involve himself with her parents.
When she finally arrived at his house she tried to calm down, she wasn’t really in the mood to have another fight cause then she would have to go back to her place. She thought about staying with Alec and then she remembered him being angry at her the night before.
“What a fucking mess” she thought.
She found Elon in his office; her mood shifted as soon as she looked at his face. His blue-ish eyes going rapidly through some file on his computer, the dim light of the monitor highlighted the soft freckles on his face and she wished to count every single one of them. She wished to kiss him in that exact moment.
Sabrina leaned against the door frame crossing her arms, not really sure of what to say.
“There you are” Elon said, smiling. “I’ve been wondering where you were” his steady gaze now all over her.
“I, uh” she hesitated. “I was at my parent’s place”
He frowned unconsciously, sensing the tension building between them.
She simply looked at him.
“I’m not gonna apologize for calling your dad” he finally said. He sighed and leaned back in his chair.
She nodded with a blank expression.
“Are you going to say something?” Elon asked.
“You already know how I feel about it” she said.
“I know, but they’re your parents” he answered.
“Yeah exactly, that’s the thing” Sabrina said, now starting to get annoyed.
“Don’t start something” he said.
“I’m not starting anything. You just don’t understand” Sabrina said, looking hurt.
“The only thing I know is that if my kids were in that situation, I would’ve wanted to know about it” Elon said softly. “They care about you, your parents, I know that”
Sabrina thought about his kids, the way they were almost the exact copy of him. The way he acted when he was around them, it warmed her heart. She wondered if she would ever be a mother, thought about her own strange relationship with her parents, she had always thought she wasn’t good enough for that kind of life.
“Don’t be angry” he said standing up and walking her way. “Please”
“Please” he repeated.
He came close to her and cupped her face with his hands. Sabrina couldn’t move. She limited herself to let him guide her head until she could look into his penetrating eyes, those eyes that surely could read her soul. They hypnotized her like the ones from a predator calming his prey.
Sabrina shivered underneath his embrace.
And then, his hot and exigent lips covered hers. She moaned in response. She had heard all her life abut kisses that made knees weaken and Elon was the only one that had that effect on her.
She thought that man smelled stupendously, that it was a pleasure to touch him and, also, that he tasted so much better.  
On her own initiative, her arms surrounded his broad strong shoulders. The heath from his chest introduced into her body, inciting her with the erotic promise of their bodies collapsing together. Every inch of his magnificent body was intimately close to her, caressing her with the intention of waking up all of her feminine instincts. His presence stimulated her like no other man had ever done before. She slid her hands through his back muscles and sighed when she felt them move beneath her hand.
Elon felt like his head was spinning with the warm touch of Sabrina, with the sensation of her arms surrounding him while his own hands traveled her soft precious skin.  Oh, how much he liked the mumbling sounds with which she responded.
“Alright” she finally said, giving him a faint smile. Their bodies still close.
  The day continued normally, Elon decided to work from home, not wanting to leave Sabrina alone after what happened. He knew her, he knew how affected she was by it, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. He walked from his office to the living room where she was laying down watching TV. Her soft hands placing an ice pack on her face. Elon felt a weird sting cross his chest thinking about how much it probably hurt. The thought of someone punching her made him feel sick.
“Hey love” he said softly, sitting next to her. He placed his hand right over hers and pushed away the ice pack, somehow the bruise on her cheekbone looked worse than before, now a combination of purple, green and black that made her hazel eyes look more yellow. He frowned.
“We should probably get this checked out” he continued.
“No, I’m okay” she said reassuring him. How much he wished she really were.
“Are you done with work?” she asked.
“Yeah, sort of” he smiled. “Are you hungry?”
“Uhm yeah, I actually wanted to go pick some stuff up from my house” she placed the ice pack on the coffee table in front of them and incorporated to be sitting instead of laying on the couch. “Would you please go with me?” she said.
“Of course, honey” he said, unsure if it was a good idea. “I could also send someone”
“No, I wanna go” Sabrina added.
  As they arrived at her house, memories of the night before started to come to Sabrina. She moved uncomfortable in her seat, letting go of Elon’s reassuring hand.
With growing anxiety, she stepped into her house and climbed up the stairs towards her room. Elon followed her and watched as she stood rigid and distant. Her face was pale. He could kill the guy that had done this to her. No one should go through that much fear, especially in their own home.
When they reached her room, she stood still for a minute looking back at him. Her stomach revolving. The mattress was down of the bed frame, the sheets were torn apart, every single drawer open and their contents scattered. Elon placed his hands on her shoulders to comfort her. Sabrina felt violated as she walked into her closet and found everything on the floor. Tears started to form on her eyes.
Elon held her close to him, wrapping her in a hug and she didn’t let go, she was holding onto him so strongly that he was having trouble breathing, and she was crying like as if her heart was breaking to pieces. She hated that her home no longer felt safe.
“You don’t ever have to come back here” he said stroking her hair. “Move in with me”
“No, it’s not that easy” she said still sobbing.
“Yeah, it is that easy” he answered.
She separated to look at him.
“No, it’s not” she repeated. “God, are we even together?” she said whipping the tears from her face and taking a few steps back.
Elon ran his hands through his hair in exasperation.
“Sabrina” he began to say.
“This is my home, I can’t just leave” she said. “Specially if I’m not sure of where we’re at”
He sighed. He loved her, and he wished that was enough. But he knew things weren’t that simple, he wanted them to be, but they weren’t.
“We’re here, together, what are you not sure about?” he said.
She shook her head, distressed.
“Sabrina, do you not love me?” he asked, almost too scared.
She hesitated, breaking eye contact with him and looking anywhere else.
“It’s not about that” she finally said.
“Well, do you?” he asked again.
“You know I do”
He let out a deep breath, as if a huge weight had been lifted off of him.
“Then let’s love each other” Elon said. “Let’s start there”
Sabrina’s mind was spinning, she loved this house, it was her own little world, she wasn’t ready to let it go, possibly cause it meant letting go of her independency.
“I’ll take you to dinner, somewhere nice, just the two of us” he said, holding both of her hands and rubbing them with his thumbs.
“I’m not really in the mood to go out right now” she said truthfully.
“I know, baby. Trust me, it will help clear your head”
She looked at him almost with a frown on her face, he hated seeing her sad. It made him feel powerless.
  Sabrina hopped into the black Roadster, flashing an adorable grin that made the corners of her eyes scrunch up. Elon nearly took her right back up to his house when he saw her cute little outfit. She wore a strapless, 10 inches above the knee, black, brown, gold and white turtle shell-pattern-like dress. Her long tanned legs embellished with a pair of black tie-up heels that reached the middle of her calves. The long locks of black hair fell in waves on her back all the way down to her waist.
“Are you trying to kill me?” his tone was playful.
Her smile lessened for a minute, head titled, worried she had done something wrong, maybe wore the wrong thing.  
“I have half a mind to take you right back upstairs” he leaned into her neck, his nose sliding up underneath her ear, his warm breath sending shivers up her spine.
“And fuck you into oblivion.” He whispered.
She smiled. He reached over her shoulder and gripped the seatbelt, wrapping it over her, buckling her safely to the seat.
When they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated rapidly even thought they didn’t have a previous reservation, Elon’s status would let him in without hesitation. He placed a hand on her lower back guiding her as they followed the attendant and then he pulled the chair to let her sit before sitting himself in front of Sabrina.
Elon quickly ordered for the two of them, not giving Sabrina even a chance to look at the menu.
“I hope you don’t mind, honey. I know what’s good here.” He spoke.
She smiled back at him and shifted in her seat, peeking around the expensive room, feeling overwhelmed. He reached across the table to grab her hand, reassuring her.
“Thank you” she said looking at him before frowning for a short second, almost unnoticeably, looking for the next words she wanted to say. “I appreciate that you’re trying to make me feel better” she continued.
He looked at the hand he was grabbing, her fingers cautiously resting on his own. He rubbed them in a loving way, then, he looked at her.
“I’m sorry, for everything that happened that day. I really am” Elon said.
She gave him a comforting smile. The bruise on her face now covered with makeup, barely visible.
Elon felt so guilty. He shouldn’t have let her go, they could have arrived home together and everything could have been avoided. Or at least he could’ve protected her. He wished he had protected her.
“Just an unfortunate series of events, it’s not your fault” she said, reading the regretful look on his face. “Don’t blame yourself for this” she leaned forward, emphasizing her words, he still holding her hand. He sighed.
“I want to be with you, only you. There’s no one else for me” Elon said.
Sabrina looked away for a second.
“I want to be with you too” she said. “I just-.”
Ivory porcelain dishes were placed down on the dark stained wood table, interrupting their conversation. The food -that looked more like an art piece than food- was plated so creatively. Sabrina almost felt guilty that she was about to eat it. She wasted no time and took a bite of the alluring decorated dish, a wave of flavor swiftly traveling through her mouth.
“You were right. This is incredible” she said, grinning from ear to ear.  
“I know” he said smiling and later taking a bite of his plate too. Then looking at her encouraging her to continue the previous conversation.
“I need to be sure you’re done with Camille, I don’t like feeling unsure of us. We have already done that, remember? That’s why we broke up back then.” Sabrina said, her melodic voice echoing through his ears.
“I don’t want you to feel that way, to be unsure of my love” he sincerely said. “Things with her are complicated. I so- wish that they weren’t.” He ran a hand through his scruffy dark hair.
“She doesn’t want to sign the divorce papers. She wants to go to court. More money. Mess with me. At this point, I’m not sure” he let out.
She looked at him, a strange sentiment growing in her chest. She tried to imagine how much it must hurt to be treated like this by someone you once loved. She hated the idea of him being still legally married to that woman.
“I’m sorry you’re going through this” Sabrina said, looking at him lovingly. Wanting to take away all of his worries.
He took a hard look at the woman sitting in front of him, his love. Wondering if she could ever be capable of doing the horrible things Camille had done to him. Sabrina was everything his ex-wife wasn’t, intelligent, capable, caring. And she so rarely made him feel unsure of her love.
“I love you, E.” she said, desiring to find stronger words to express the adoration she had for Elon.
She stood up and leaned forward to place a quick kiss on his lips. Her familiar taste made Elon’s heart skip a beat.
“I love you too” he said. As he had so many times before.
She sat back down and they enjoyed the rest of their dinner. After, Elon took her for a walk in the area. The busy Los Angeles Street unusually empty. Their arms laced together as they moved forward.
Elon kept a tight grip on her as he walked them inside a store. The room smelled like luxury. White walls led up to the high ceiling. Marble tiled floors spread wide, holding bright displays.
“What are we doing here?” Sabrina whispered.
“I told you I wanted to make you feel better” he whispered leaning into her ear.
Although she desperately wanted to argue him on it, she stayed quiet. He smiled, pleased at her obedience.
Fabric clothing covered the walls, expensive jewelry sparkled under the lights.
“Like anything you see, baby?” he said.
She bit her lip, not really sure.
“You don’t need to spoil me like this” she said. Growing up in a well-off family had made Sabrina quickly associate love and affection with expensive things, being as her parents would often show it to her that way. Now that she was older, she longed for genuine connections.
“I feel bad about this kind of stuff. I don’t want you to think this is why I like you” she continued.
He laughed at the irony of her statement. He knew she was capable of affording anything she wanted herself.
“I don’t care if you feel bad. I want you to be dripping in my wealth. Let me.” He spoke slow. Making her heart beat faster.
She smiled almost excited.
“Fine” she said.
The assistant set up a dressing room for them, adding a few pieces in along with the ones she and Elon had picked out. The dressing room was wide, mirrors covering the entirety of the walls, a bone-colored sofa attached to one of them.
They spent the next half hour in there, Sabrina would change into each piece and show it off to Elon. He sat on the couch, filling the room with his masculine presence. He unfortunately was on a work phone call, despite his efforts to get rid of them earlier in the day. Each time she would parade around, he felt his pants growing tighter.
“Babe” she said. Elon’s eyes looking up to hers, still talking into the phone. “Can I have some help with this zipper?” she asked.
“I’ll call you in a moment” he hung up, shoving his phone into his pocket.
Sabrina was wearing a satin red dress, she stood facing the mirror, lifting up her long curls to expose her bare back and zipper. He couldn’t take his eyes off her body. His hands reached down and pulled the zipper up slowly, encasing her body in the expensive fabric.
“Thank you.” She said brushing down the sides of the dress, placing it correctly. “What do you think?” she asked looking at Elon through the reflection.
His long hands slid up over her ass, up her sides, resting on her breasts to rest on them, slightly grasping them.  “I’m about to rip this to shreds and have my way with you.” He said.
Sabrina let out a big laugh. “Shut up. Seriously, what do you think?”
A smile spread across his face as his hands fell on her hips. He slowly pushed up the dress, exposing her black underwear. He then shoved his hand into the front of them, his thick fingers finding the center of her body. He stroked over it in slow circles, watching her face in the reflection of the mirror. His other hand finding its way back up to her chest, grabbing a handful.
Feeling her breathing slow down and her body pressing closer to him, he dug deeper between her legs, shoving two fingers inside of her. She moaned at the feeling.
“You have to be quiet, doll.” He whispered in a deep voice.
His fingers pushed further into her, finding their place pressed against her most sensitive spot. She leaned back into him. He felt her contract around his fingers.
Pulling his fingers from her, he turned her around to face him. Grabbing the neckline of the thin fabric, he ripped the dress in half.
“Elon” she said surprised. He quickly silenced her and turned her around again.
“Be good and cum for me” he said.
“Mhm” she whined, breathing out. She felt his hardness through his pants, hard as possible, pressed against her. She rubbed back onto it, drawing out a growl from him.
“I said be good” Elon said pushing his fingers deeply, making her reach that magnificent release.
He kept his grip tight over her to held her up while she wiggled up against him. She stared at him through the mirror, the sight of him helping her along and intensifying her climax.
He slowly released his tight hold on her, leaning her on the wall. He lifted his hand to his mouth and licked each finger and his palm, enjoying the taste he was getting. Her taste.
“Did that answer the question about the dress?” he asked.
She laughed, pulling the shreds of fabric off her shoulders.
They grabbed everything and took it to the front of the store to the register. The cashier gladly ringing everything up, pleased by the amount of money they were spending. At the end of the transaction Elon dropped the remaining of the dress into the counter, staring at the woman behind it. Sabrina’s face turned red.
Without saying a word, she rang up the shreds of the dress. Swiping the black card. Elon smiled back at his lover.
It’s been literally so long lmao but anyways hope you like it, I will try to upload the next one on Monday, thank youuuu sooooo much for your sweet messages🤍
I don’t know if you still want to be tagged, let me know:)  🤍  @ourloveisforthelovely
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stories-sometimes · 5 years
I’ve Made A Huge Mistake {1/?}
Peter Parker x Reader, Quentin Beck x Reader 
Summary: Peter just wanted to enjoy his trip to Europe, maybe even confess his feelings to his best friend. But along came a mysterious new hero to ruin all of those plans. Peter and his class are aged up and in college.
Warnings: Violence in later chapters, manipulation, age gap
Word Count: 2087
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
The blip had been stressful, college had been stressful, overall it was pretty safe to say Peter’s life was ridiculously stressful at the moment. He was hoping this trip to Europe would help him blow off some steam. And who knows, maybe it will be the perfect time to tell his best friend that he was madly in love with her. So there he was, standing in an airport with Ned, waiting for her to show up. Finally she did, looking effortlessly perfect. She’d always been pretty, and he’d probably always been in love with her, but now she was on a whole other level. And somewhere along the transition between schools she found an affinity for short skirts, which Peter (along with the majority of the male (and some female) population on campus) firmly believed was purely to torture him. 
“Hey, you look great,” Peter said, feeling a strong sense of pride as he watched her face turn a couple shades of red darker. “You excited?”
“Yeah, I really need this break.” She responded.
“Same, wanna just be a normal person for once.”
“So no Spiderman?” Peter shook his head. “What are your guy’s plan then?”
“Single bachelors in Europe.” Ned answered, Peter watched her carefully, trying to figure out if her face did drop a little or if it was just his imagination.
“Well that’s his plan.” Peter mumbled.
“What’s your plan then?”
“I don’t know, just gonna see what happens.”
“Alright, I should probably go check in on MJ.” She said as she walked away. Peter watched her, admiring the way her legs looked in that skirt. 
“Single bachelors in Europe.” Ned tried to remind him.
“Yeah, that’s your plan.” Peter answered absentmindedly. The plane journey was reasonably uneventful, minus her falling asleep on Peter’s shoulder and him trying to make sure his brain didn’t short circuit. And somehow Ned managed to start dating Betty, neither her nor Peter could figure that one out.
They finally reached Venice, and even though their hotel was a little shoddy, the city itself was more beautiful than any of them could have imagined. The three friends all split up, Ned went off with Betty, she went off with MJ and Peter was walking around the city on his own, aimlessly wandering around the old streets. One small jewellery store ended up catching his eye. It was down a small alley, a good walk away from the Grand Canal. There was a delicate silver necklace with a detailed, glass daisy charm.
It reminded him of when they were kids. How she thought they were the prettiest flowers and how he would search round parks and the occasional crack in a sidewalk for them. He’d bring them to May, who would help him tie a bow around them. Then the next day he’d give them to her at school, feeling the greatest satisfaction a kid could possibly experience when he saw her face light up. It would be the perfect gift to go along a lifelong love confession. 
Peter entered the store. Lucky for him the necklace was within his budget. He carefully placed the package in his pocket, planning out how to tell her how he felt in his head. He strolled out of the store, an extra little pep in his step.
“Boh.” Mj said, popping up behind Peter, closely followed by her.
“Boh. It’s the perfect word in the world. Italians created it, and I just discovered it.” MJ explained.
“She’s very proud of that.” She said, smiling at MJ’s unusual excitement.
“What does it mean?”
“That’s the thing, it can mean a million things. It can mean ‘I don’t know’, ‘get out of my face’, ‘I don’t know and get out of my face’. It’s the best thing Italy ever created, except for maybe espresso.”
“Oh, so you’ve been drinking espresso.”
“How did you possibly guess that.” She jokes making Peter laugh. MJ sticks her finger up in response to her two friends. A man came up to the three of them before MJ shooed him off with a simple boh.
“Boh is my new superpower. It’s like the anti aloha. I was born to say this word. So, what’s in the bag?”
“Um, boh.” Peter responded.
“Nice.” MJ smiled before walking away after she spotted Brad, leaving Peter and her alone.
“You think they’ll get together?” She asked Peter, watching MJ and Brad interact.
“No!” Peter said surprisingly abruptly, “why, did she say something to you?”
“She likes him, thinks he’s really nice. But she’s not ready for a relationship at the moment, the world’s too messy for that right now.”
“Tell me about it.”
“What do you think?”
“I don’t want them getting together. Don’t think they’re right for each other.” Peter said.
“Oh.” She said, feeling her heart drop a little. Why did he care so much about MJ’s love life?
“So you two have a nice time?” Peter smiled.
“Yeah, the city’s insanely pretty and I also got to find out how much pigeons like MJ.” She replied, trying to lighten the mood and ignore the jealousy bubbling in her chest.
“Wait … what?”
“Yeah, I’ve got pictures.”
“You have got to show me.” There was multiple photos of an awkward-looking MJ covered in a stupid amount of pigeons. In front of them a hoard of crabs scurried out of the water. 
“Whoa,” she said, moving her phone away to watch the animals. “What the hell?” All the water around them began to flow towards the middle of the river. Seconds later the water exploded above the river. People quickly began to panic, running away from the water. Ned and Betty slammed into her and Peter, scrabbling out of their gondola. The water soon formed a giant-like monster.
“What is that?” Ned asked, panicked as he scrambled out of the boat.
“I don’t know, I don’t know.” Peter shouted back, “You just need to get them out of here.” He gestured to Betty and MJ. Ned nodded, guiding the two girls far away from Peter. 
“Do you have your suit?” She asked him. He shook his head. “Why not?”
“I’m on vacation.” She glared at him. “You need to get out of here, don’t worry about me just get to safety.” He said, holding onto her shoulders protectively. She nodded.
“Take this.” She said, pulling out a masquerade mask from her bag before kissing his cheek and running off. He blushed before regaining his composure and placing the mask on his face. The monster smashed through the surrounding buildings sending rubble raining down on the fleeing civilians. Streets flooded with water as parts of the monster flew out to attack. Peter put on his web shooters and shot out at the monster. The web went straight through it. You fucking idiot, he thought to himself. He spotted a bridge, vaulting over poles sticking up in the river to get to the higher ground. Before he could prepare himself for a fight he was hit by a blast of water. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a masked figure fly down, shooting green beams at the water. The figure was dressed in green and golden armour with a fishbowl-like mask. Peter watched the mysterious guy fight the monster, the water thrashed out, hurling the man into the water. Peter panicked, climbing up the side of a building to get a better view of the situation. The man somehow remained reasonably unharmed and flew back up to carry on the fight.
“Hey!” Peter shouted, getting the attention of the man, “Let me help, I’m really strong and I’m … sticky.”
“I need to draw it away from the canal.” The man shouted, flying towards the city centre, luring the monster away from its source of power. As the man flew away Peter swung up to a bell tower that was about to fall - potentially about to crush a number of civilians, including a cluster of his classmates. He shot his webs to more stable buildings, using all his strength to prevent its collapse, ignoring the pain as the bell slammed into his head. He manages to pull the tower back into place, shooting a series of webs to keep the tower up. He stood up to watch the man formed green mist around the monster, repeatedly hitting the monster with it. The monster weakened, losing water and power. The man flew up to closer to the tower Peter was on. Green triangles sent beams out at the monster until it was about to be defeated. Right before the monster fell Peter spotted her standing on a bridge behind the monster.
“My friend’s on that bridge.” Peter shouted, the man looked from Peter to her, frozen in fear, cemented to her spot on the bridge. The man sent one final blast out at the monster and as it fell towards the bridge, the man flew out towards it. The remaining water crushed the bridge below it, leaving her screaming as she began to fall down into the water. Peter felt the world crumbling down around him, he’d lost too many people, he couldn’t risk adding her to the list. He began to swing out towards her, but before he could reach her he saw the man dive into the water, soon emerging with her in his arms. Peter relaxed instantly, dropping down a safe distance away from his friends. He watched as the man held tightly onto her as he placed her down on the ground. The college students all cheered for the man as he saved their friend.
“You alright?” The man asked her, continuing to hold her as she coughed up the water. He had one hand on her waist and the other placed high up on her leg, dangerously close to the end of her skirt.
“Yeah, I can’t thank you enough. I thought that was going to be the end.” She said, smiling admiringly up at him. Her hands also remained holding onto him as though if she let go she’d be back in the water.
“I couldn’t let you die on my watch.” He said, his hand leaving her waist to push the wet hair out of her face. She blushed, looking down at his other hand. Only then did he seem to realise how high up her leg his hand was. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s fine, I don’t mind.” She replied, the same grateful tone in her voice. She pulled down her skirt slightly as he helped her up.
“Here, take this, it’ll warm you up a little.” He said, removing his cape and wrapping it around her shaking shoulders.
“You sure you don’t need it?”
“I’ve got a spare one, you need it more than I do.” He pulled the cape tighter around her, he placed a hand on her cheek which she instantly leaned into, “stay safe.” He said before finally flying away, waving to the cheering crowds around him. Peter had watched the two’s interaction from afar, a strong feeling of guilt consuming him that he wasn’t there to help him. He had vowed the day she found out he was Spiderman that he would always be there to protect her, save her from any harm that may come her way. And if it wasn’t for this mysterious saviour, she could have easily been dead. Peter tried to push these feelings aside. His classmates now all surrounded her, checking she was alright, asking about the man, failing to hide their envy of the small interaction. Peter walked slowly back to the group, checking that the necklace was still intact. Thank God it was.
“Peter!” She shouted, running over to him and wrapping her arms and the cape around him. “Thank God you’re alright, I was so worried. How are you?” She buried her head in his neck.
“Hey, hey, this isn’t about me. You almost drowned, I should be asking you that. I promised to protect you and I didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you dare apologise.” She said, lightly smacking him on the chest. “You had other things to deal with.”
“I just can’t lose you as well.” Peter hung his head.
“You’re not going to, I promise.” She smiled at him, he looked up at her through his lashes. Her heart swelled and she almost hated him for how adorable he looked right now. “Who was that guy?”
“I have no fucking clue.”
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The Ice Queen Chapter 1 of 4: Rest
This fic is based off/inspired by another fic of mine called 'Rest'. If y'all have read it, you should know at what point the idea for this fic came to me. It's the darkest thing I've written a long time so be aware of that. It's basically, what if instead of Hat Kid bringing Snatcher to her ship after the Ultra Snatcher fight, he somehow manages to keep his weakness hidden from her and once she's gone, Vanessa swoops in to take advantage of his weakness.
Even from all the way in her manor, Vanessa could sense the massive amount of power being expended in the Forest. It had to be her prince because who else could it be? He must be fighting a powerful foe to be using that much power.
How likely was it that he would lose? Low but with how much power he was expending he’d be weakened. Maybe enough that she could finally get him back. He was hers, she needed him back and it was about damn time she got him. And when he was in her clutches again, she was never going to let him leave.
She rushed out the manor. The snow and cold outside increased from just her presence alone as she started for the forest. She passed by a dweller on her way there. It cowered from her even though it had been so long it had to have forgotten why it was afraid of her. Before it could run, she shot out a hand and froze it in a block of ice. The last thing she needed was her prince or his filthy minions to know she was coming.
Upon crossing the ice barrier and then bridge that separated her domain from her prince’s, the fight was still going on. She crept closer and closer until, concealed within the forest’s shadow’s she could see into the arena and identify the combatants. It was her prince all right, a ghost but still hers, flashing rainbow colours for some reason and throwing all sorts of magic at… a little girl? It was hard to tell from this distance but she looked similar to the little girl that had invaded Vanessa’s manor a while back. Had to be the same one, right?
Regardless, despite everything being thrown at her, the little girl was still alive and seemingly unscathed. Meaning she was probably winning because she for sure got a hit on the prince.
Vanessa might’ve felt bad for him, getting beaten by a child, but he deserved a little bit of punishment. He’d left her and refused to come back despite everything she’d done to make sure it’d just be the two of them forever. No one to cheat on her with, no studies to distract him from doting on her, no one but the two of them forever.
So, a little bit later, when the child won, Vanessa almost felt like cheering. A little bit of humiliation was good for him and as soon as the kid was gone – vanishing after he’d given her something – he slumped forward in the defeat, the rainbow effect gone now. Even from this distance, his posture made it clear that he was in pain and exhausted, worn out from the fight, even more than she would’ve thought. Meaning, she was basically as good as hers once more. All she had to do was take him.
Snatcher somehow managed to hold himself together until Hat Kid left. As soon as she was gone though, he let himself slump forward, panting hard. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt more exhausted or been in more pain since he’d become a ghost – he wished he could say at all but well, he couldn’t.
But how could have he lost to her again? He’d thrown everything he’d had at her. He’d taken two EX potions this time, how had that not been enough to best her? … And now he was paying the price for that, and he’d thought the aftereffects of drinking one had been bad.
“You need help Boss?” one of the Subconites gathering around him asked.
“No, I’m fine,” he lied. But there wasn’t really anyway they could help other than maybe carrying him to a place he could rest which was not going to happen.
With a groan, he pushed himself back up, forcing himself to float again. Luckily, floating took the least amount of energy, less energy that it took living things to walk, so he should be able to at least get a place he could rest before collapsing again. It wasn’t going to be a pleasant journey though so… might as well get going.
He was just exiting the arena, his Subconites sticking with him even though they didn’t need to, when he finally became aware that something was wrong. His sense of Vanessa, normally on the fringe of his how far he could sense, wasn’t there in her manor anymore but instead…
A blast of ice came from the forest to the left, sweeping through the group of Subconites in front of him, impaling them with large spears of ice rising off the ground. The Subconites not in the line of fire or who managed to move out of the way in time, panicked immediately. They screamed as they scrambled to get away, vanishing into the forest, thankfully she let them.
Snatcher quickly spotted her glowing red eyes amongst the trees to his left and gestured, summoning a laser to blast up from underneath her. But… nothing happened, not even a spark. He’d worn himself out while fighting Hat Kid, he had nothing left.
“Oh, my dear sweet prince.” Vanessa’s voice sent chills down his nonexistent spine. “You’ve gone and tired yourself out. I think its time for you to come back home and rest, don’t you?”
Another blast of ice magic shot out from her clawed hands. Weakened as he was, Snatcher couldn’t counter it, so he tried to dodge but was too slow. It was glancing blow to his side but it was immediately engulfed in ice. Freezing cold and biting – he hadn’t felt such awful cold in so, so long – it immediately started spreading.
He tried to blast it off but nothing. He could do nothing! He was helpless as another blast of ice hit him, solidly in the center now. He tried to claw it off with his hands but all that did was cause the ice to spread to them and then start creeping up his arms too.
“You peck-neck whore bitch,” he cursed at her as they ice kept spreading, far too fast. He summoned some of his exploding potions. Alas, he couldn’t create many right now but he tossed them anyway. It was better than running, not he would even get far with how fast the ice was spreading across his form.
Predictably she easily shot them out of the air with another blast of ice. She lifted her other hand to shoot more ice at him, hitting him on the face now. “How dare you say such a thing to me. I’m your princess, your one true love.” In her dreams maybe but with the ice on his face, already spreading, he could no longer speak which was probably her intent.
It was a horrifyingly short amount of time before he was completely engulfed in ice, his arms frozen in position from when he’d clawed at the ice on his chest. It pressed in on him from all sides, forcing his form to shrink against his will. He couldn’t even move to fight it as it made him smaller and smaller until he was as small as his form could physically get; the size he’d been right before death. Which was far too small for him, he liked being big, taking up a lot of space.
“My precious sweet prince,” Vanessa said as she strode closer, her aura distorting the air around, making her even more unpleasant to look at. “You should’ve known better than to do something that would make you so vulnerable. Unless…” she switched to a whisper as she leaned in to caress his face, “this is what you wanted?”
Snatcher wanted to curse and shout and pull away from her foul touch, even through the layer of ice it made him feel physically ill. He wanted to blast her into nothing, leave not a single speck of her behind. But he was helpless; frozen solid, completely at her mercy which he’d sworn to himself would never be the case again. And yet, here he was.
“Let’s go home, shall we my love? This time, you’re mine forever, no one’s going to take you away from me ever again.”
The exterior of the manor was much how he remembered last seeing it as he exited a new ghost, just more worn and the ice had had time to settle in more. She carried him towards it – thankfully using magic so she at least wasn’t touching him – as he renewed his efforts to escape the ice encasing him. Magic or just sheer force of physical power to break it, anything, but the biting cold ate what little bit of strength he’d had left. He couldn’t even summon his potions anymore.
He was a damn fool! How could he have let himself get so weak and vulnerable? He’d gone into the fight knowing win or lose, he was going to be exhausted at the end of it. The two EX potions had been a mistake, he should’ve taken one again and just… tried harder? Didn’t matter though, he’d lost and now he was getting carried into the place he’d probably have nightmares about if he could sleep and dream.
“Does it feel good to finally be back home my prince?” Vanessa said as she opened the front door and brought him inside.  “Sorry about the mess but I know you don’t mind. You were always messier than me anyway.” She closed the door and locked it as if anyone might actually want to enter this hellhole.
“I really wish you looked more like your old self,” she continued as she turned back to face him, floating by the door. “You were so handsome.” She reached up a hand to touch the side of his face again, making him flinch internally because he couldn’t physically. “But that’s probably why everyone was trying to steal you away from me so… I guess it’s for the best.”
How had he ever loved her? How had he been stupid enough to not see how obviously crazy she was? If he could, he’d go back in time and slap himself for being an idiot and falling for her lies and false charms.
“But speaking of that,” Damn she could really talk, huh? Why couldn’t she at least shut up. “before I bring you up to my room to sleep and cuddle with me you need to learn a lesson about not leaving me.” What did that mean? He was unfortunately about to find out.
She gestured with one clawed hand, pulling him along as she turned to start walking again. Down the hall, passing the door that led to the kitchen and then dining room. They were either headed around the corner and to the living room and staircase, leading to the second floor or… to the door that led to the cellar.
Please not the cellar, anything but the cellar would be better. Snatcher would rather die again than go back down there. But of course, that was exactly where she was going. And he couldn’t do more than shake a little as she opened the door and started down the stairs, magically pulling him along too.
At the bottom of the steps, the cellar was dark and wet and horrible and awful. He hated it so, so much. Even worse was around the corner, the wall he’d died on. His chains still hung there, old and rusted. And was it just his imagination or he could he see an outline of a body, his body, on the wall?
At this point, as she brought him closer, he would’ve begged for mercy if he could. Screw dignity or not giving her the satisfaction, he did not want to be anywhere near that wall. But he couldn’t even make a single squeak as she brought him right up to it.
Standing before it, she gestured again, moving him so his back would be too the wall, touching it if not for the ice encasing him. She raised her other hand, shooting more ice magic. Chains of ice descended from the ceiling to wrap around his upper arms and take his weight as the magic keeping him afloat vanished.
It didn’t hurt, even with the ice he wasn’t that heavy and he didn’t have any bones or joints to be strained by his weight, but it was still awful, awful, awful.
“There,” Vanessa said, sick satisfaction in her voice. “I know you don’t like it. This is where you died after all, freed by that stupid, stupid Moonjumper, oh how I hate him. But he won’t be coming this time, you no longer have anything to offer him and if he tries anyway, I’ll destroy him.” She reached a hand up to stroke his face again with her claws. “You’re all mine now, forever and ever. No one’s going to take you from me this time, no one.”
She went on but Snatcher quickly lost track of her words. Everything blended together like one horrible, horrible scream in his mind, erasing his ability to think.
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erintoknow · 4 years
it feels like a lie
Spiraling - A Fallen Hero: Rebirth Fan-fiction
Three lives to juggle means three times as many more lies and conflicting agendas. How is anyone supposed to balance all of this? [Please Just Go]
[Read on AO3]
Alarms blare inside your helmet. Shit. They realized you're here.
Rosie is on the other side of the city; you had her create a distraction coating Memorial Park in smoke to try and lure The Rangers away. After the bridge fiasco last week you could use a break, sick as you are of fighting Argent.
That doesn’t do anything for the local rent-a-cops.
With a practiced haste you fold up the sheaf of papers and tuck them into a black storage bag attached to your suit belt. You’ll have to go over the rest in detail when you’re back at your best.
For now, you better cover your tracks.
The Nanovores make quick work of the rest of the filing cabinet before you turn yourself to the rest of the record room. Pulling out paper sat random, ripping shelves off their hinges and toppling over entire metal units. Damage done, you put a hand to one wall and weaken the joists.
Squaring your shoulder you back up, bracing yourself. When you charge forward, the drywall collapses into splinters and dust. Cries of alarm echo out in the hallway and someone fires a gun.
You turn towards the source and the man in the dark blue uniform takes a step back. You grab his mind, pulling him into a daymare just long enough to close the distance and knee him in the gut. Catch the gun before it hits the ground and it dissolves into dust in your left hand. “Someone could get hurt.”
You let the man drop and he just lays there, staring at you.
As tempting as it is to keep basking in the adrenaline rush, you should get out of here before Argent shows up.
Besides, Ariadne and Jane both have appointments of their own to attend to today.
To the same woman.
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you adjust your sunglasses, press them up your nose and flush against your face. You’re just… going in to check on Ortega. That’s all. Nothing weird about that.
Just your friend.
Who is your friend.
That you’re checking on.
You step up to the door, hesitate – hand on the handle shaking. You let it go. Shit. Shit. Fucking – You turn back to the door and throw it open, storming in. The secretary at the desk looks up at you in alarm, one arm poised under her desk. “Hello! Can I… help you?”
“Ortega.” You state. Wait. Shit. Context. She needs context. “I’m here to see Ortega.”
The woman frowns at that, eyeing you up and down. “Can I ask who’s calling for her?”
You echo her frown back, cross your arms under your shawl. “I… guess?”
The two of you stand there in silence.
Wait, shit – “Ariadne.” You offer. “Ariadne Becker.”
Her face perks up, suspicion easing slightly. “Oh! Your Ortega’s friend. I remember you now.”
You frown at that. She does? You’ve only been here, what? Twice? “I’m… sorry?”
She laughs, which only makes you frown more. “Ortega mentioned you were coming by today.” She did? “You can take a seat, I’ll let her know you're here.”
It’s not a long wait. Have to bite your lip to keep from smiling at Ortega walking out of the elevator. Raise a hand to catch her eyes. “Hey.”
She takes sight of you and smiles. “Hey yourself.” God. Just seeing her here is a relief. This building isn’t anything like the HQ your used to. Too clean and too sterile. Professional. Like the Farm.
“I – I made it. Hope you're happy.”
“You bet.” She grins, smug. No one would ever accuse Julia Ortega of being a graceful winner. “Com’on,” she beckons you after her. “Let’s head to my, uh...” She flashes a grin back at you, “special office.”
You tilt your head as you follow her back into the elevator. Tuck your sunglasses into your purse. Are you supposed to laugh at that or…? “Should I be worried?”
“Nah.” She punches a number into the keypad. “I’m too tired to get into trouble today.” She raises her other hand, shakes the coffee thermos she’s holding for emphasis.
Small talk with Ortega is an old routine. As comfortable, as it is dangerous: to forget for a moment this woman is actively working towards your destruction. That her smile is directed at an empty facade.
At least Jane gets to kiss her.
Oh –
Why did you have to think that just now?
You follow after her out of the elevator, a short walk past offices and meeting rooms and into what looks like an unfinished closet, ceiling joists exposed naked to the air. An obviously outdated computer, weighs down the desk at one end of the room while a white board with empty red circles spans another wall. But what really gets your attention is the set of out of place and utterly garish cheetah-print chairs. “What the…?”
“Donations.” Ortega shrugs, as if that explains anything. She pulls a seat over for you. Comfy enough, you guess.  “Sorry Ari, I can’t chat too long,” Ortega slides into the seat across from you, a coffee in one hand. “I’ve got to meet someone for work later.”
You frown at that. “Oh. Um… sorry?” Isn’t she meeting Jane? Going somewhere else first?
Ortega blinks, taken aback. “It’s… not your fault?”
“That’s my line.” You force a laugh, trying not to look as awkward as you feel. One hand pokes out from under your shawl to fiddle with your sunglasses. “I just… thanks for meeting me on short notice like this. I… know this, um, new villain has you running ragged.”
“It’s fine.” Ortega waves your concern off. “You know… you’re always welcome to stop by when I’m at HQ.” She makes a face, sitting back in her seat. “Which is… all the time now since, well…”
“Chen still won’t let you back on active duty?” How long has it been now? Two months since she got out of the hospital? Time is starting to blur. Getting harder to track.
“He’s afraid I’m going to do something stupid.”
“Hrm. Y–yeah, that definitely doesn’t sound like you.”
“Shut up!” She laughs, punching you in the shoulder. You make a show of almost falling over, as if you’d been hit far harder.
“You poor thing.” You tsk, a faint smile fighting to form. If Ortega’s staying on a desk, she’s safe. Safe from someone that could hurt her again.
Safe from you.
You glance at the doorway. “You must be bored out of your mind, stuck here.”
Her smile gains an edge, “Don’t worry. I’m keeping plenty busy.”
You frown, searching her eyes. “I know that look Ortega. That’s a – a face that means trouble for somebody.”
Her smile only broadens. “Only the ones that deserve it.”
You eye the whiteboard. All the conspicuously empty circles. “And how’s that going?” That’s the real question, isn’t it? How aggressive can you get with your tactics before the Rangers buckle down?
Assuming they don’t collapse like a house of cards first.
Ortega shrugs, noncommittal. “I’m working on it. I’ve got a…” Her eyes flit away from you for a second before returning with a smile. “A multi-pronged approach, let’s call it. Keeping me busy at least.”
“Just… d–don’t get yourself put in a hospital again. Okay?” You try to catch her eye. You don’t have to fake this. This sincerity. The ache in your chest. “Please?”
She smiles back at you, soft, maybe a touch sad. You can never be sure with these kinds of things. “I’m taking this dead serious Ariadne. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Mm.” You frown. If anything her assurance just makes you more concerned she’s going to do something stupid. “Is that why you’re plotting in Harry Potter’s broom closet?”
Ortega gasps in mock shock, a hand to her chest before collapsing into laughter. “Ariadne! I’ll have you know this is the most secure broom closet in Los Diablos!”
You laugh, “Nothing’s secure in this city.” You should know. It’s been hell isolating your workshop off the network.
Ortega clicks her tongue and taps the side of her nose. “Not so hasty now. Maybe that's the Mayor’s line but you shouldn’t believe everything she says.”
“Ortega!” You laugh, “did you just tell me not to trust the government?”
“Well, when you put it like that it sounds silly.”
“Uh-huh. And since when did you become a technology wizard?”
“That used to be your job.”
You fake a laugh. “Hey, if anything, it’s, uh– well, it’s more my job now than it ever was.”
“Well, I had some help.” She glances away, “Angie has a bit of a way with technology.” There’s a pause followed by a wince, “Don’t tell her I told you that.”
Ortega takes a drink from her coffee, dragging it out. “Because she’ll kill both of us.”
“I’d, um – I’d just as soon steer clear of her.” You answer, waving the concern away. “She s–s–scares the hell out of me. She’s like a… like a… woman-shaped shredding machine.”
“Angie’s really sweet! She just takes some effort to get to know.” A meaningful glance is shot your way. “Not unlike a certain asshole in this room.”
You smile back at her. “You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that.”
“Ouch! You’re vicious today.”
“S–sorry. I…” You go silent. Not sure how to finish that sentence. What else you can possibly say…? “Hey, um…”
“You said I could pick somewhere we volunteer at… that isn’t a hospital, right?” You watch her from the corner of your eye, not quite facing her.
“Uh, hey, yeah! You had somewhere in mind?”
“Y–yeah. There’s uh… there’s this soup kitchen. Up in… Pasadena. They’re… small so we should, uh, call ahead.” Got some memories of that place. Hadn’t expected them to still be around, over seven years later.
“Pasadena?” Ortega purses her lips, thinking. “That’s around one of your old haunts, isn’t it?”
You nod. No point trying to play it off “Y–yeah.”
“Okay. You make the arrangements, let me know a date. I’ll try to make sure my schedule is clear.”
“That’s… thanks.”
Ortega takes a sip of her coffee, “So. Was that all you wanted to ask me about?”
“Not exactly… um.” How do you put this? You shift in your seat. “I’ve been, uh – seeing the news stories lately… What’s this about Argent working with vigilantes? Did you know?”
“I…” Ortega looks away, back down at her coffee. “Yeah. I mean. It’d be kind of hypocritical of me to disapprove, don’t you think?”
“Someone’s going to get hurt.” You sigh, “I mean… I understand what you mean but…”
“We made a good team.”
“...yeah.” You sigh, hold yourself up with a hand to your forehead. “But Lady Argent doesn’t seem to be a – well…”
“A team player. I know.” Ortega glances up at you, a quirk of suspicion on her lips. “But you’re retired now, Ariadne. You told me yourself, this isn’t your world any more.”
You sit back, stare out the window at the passing traffic. “I… I know. But – having…. Having you around again. It’s… hard not to care. I… want to let it go. But when it seems like the Rangers are falling apart and I’m just…”
“Now that sounds like the Ariadne I know.” Ortega’s voice is sad, sad enough to get you to look at her again. “You never could just sit on the sidelines. Even when it was for your own good.”
You make a face. “Well, neither could you.”
“Guilty as Charged.”
“Oh f–fuck you.” You laugh, slapping her hand away. “I can’t believe you never – never made that pun before.”
Ortega’s smug grin doesn’t leave her face. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed your helping Herald now.” She leans over to you, still grinning. “Anything I should know about?”
You lean away from her, eyes wide. “W–what!? I’m just– we’re just–”
Ortega bursts out laughing. “Relax! I’m only teasing you.” She looks up, sees the expression on your face and starts laughing again.
“Asshole.” You hiss at her, face red. “He’s just a dumb kid who doesn’t know the first thing about how to hold himself in a fight.”
“I think that fight with Ghost finally shocked him out of his comfort zone.”
“Or maybe,” You give Ortega a pointed look. “You all just weren’t training him right.”
“You were his childhood hero, you know that right?” Ortega’s smile fades. “He looks up to you.”
God. There’s a terrifying thought.
“Give it time.” You huff. “I’ll fix that too.”
“There she is!” Jane flings her arms into the air, “I missed my practice buddy.”
Ortega laughs, catching Jane in the coffee shop door. “Just your ‘buddy’ huh?”
“Hmph!” Jane pouts, “You know what I mean.”
“Madre de Dios, I’m so glad to finally be out of that hospital.” Ortega smiles with her whole face, pulling Jane in for a hug. For a moment it feels like they might kiss. And then they disentangle.
Jane mirrors the smile back with a touch of puzzlement. “Did they really only just let you out?” Jane and Ortega haven’t had a chance to meet up since Ghost crashed the Gala over a month ago now. Two months? It’s getting hard for you to keep track of time. But you know she’s been out for a while now.
What’s going on?
Ortega’s smile freezes on her face as she rubs the back of her neck. “Well… I’ve been busy too. Work.” She flaps an arm in the general direction of Ranger’s HQ “Sorry. I should have at least called.”
“It’s okay…” Jane’s smile takes a bitter edge. A knot twisting in her gut. “Our date didn’t exactly… go well, did it?” Maybe that’s it. She’s just trying to spare Jane’s feelings.
“Hell, Jane, I am so sorry. And then you got… hurt because of me and…” Oh. That’s why she’s been avoiding Jane. Guilt. That makes sense. You understand guilt.
“Stop it.” Jane presses a finger to Ortega’s lips. “It’s not your fault. It’s…”
Ortega takes her hand, gently lowering. “Ghost’s.”
Jane laughs, disdainful. Weaves her fingers between Ortega’s as they move to walk down the street together. “Is that really the name now?”
“How dumb. What is this guy, emo?” Jane glances back towards Ortega. Was that a frown on her face? It’s gone. She’s smiling again. Jane smiles back.
“It is pretty dumb isn’t it?” Ortega laughs along. “I’ve heard worse ones before though.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Emperor President is still my top pick.”
Jane laughs, “That’s not dumb, that’s fucking amazing.”
“Maybe it wraps back around to that.”
“Well, maybe it does.” Still laughing, Jane twists around so she’s standing in front of Ortega. Bringing the both of them to a stop. “So. I think you owe me something.” There’s a glint in her eye. This is – this is forward. Too forward? No, it’s Ortega. Relax.
Ortega’s face is a careful blank. “Do I now?”
“Another date? I…” Jane breaks eye contact, biting her lip. “I mean. If you want to. Of course.”
Ortega squeezes her hand. “Of course.” Her smile turns sheepish as she looks away too. “Honestly, I… was worried I had, well, scared you off after everything.” It’s like a weight is lifted from Jane’s shoulders. The sun is brighter, the sky bluer.
“Hey!” Jane pats her on the face, redirects her to meet Jane’s eyes again. “It’s going to take a lot more than bombs and a mentally disturbed wacko to scare me away.” She tilts her head, laughing with her eyes. “that’s practically my day job already with all the debt BS.”
“Alright…” Ortega’s smile broadens, more confident. “Alright, great!”
Jane steps forward in Ortega’s space, “And I’ve got just the idea of where we can go…”
16 notes · View notes
zecretsanta · 5 years
To: @chessanator​ From: @whatever-43​ /  (mechadogmarron@AO3)
Happy holidays! I hope you enjoy this... not even slightly holiday themed fic! :)
“Aum Shinrikyo?”
“Hm.” Akane added the group to the growing list of organizations that might feasibly have a religious terrorist, writing as small as she could to leave room for even more names. “I don’t think we’re getting anywhere this way.”
“Without even knowing a nation, it’ll be difficult to narrow it down.” Phi tapped her foot, thoughtful. She and Sigma had signed on to help Crash Keys, with the understanding that as soon as this terrorism business was done, they were out, thank you very much.
“He mentioned it was a nuclear attack, right?” Sigma said. “Most countries don’t have nukes. You can cut off a good chunk of these. Should be workable.”
“Doesn’t matter, if they can provoke a nation with nukes to use them. Or attack a nuclear power plant. Once the bombs start flying...” Phi shrugged. Her friend — coworker? father? — could be an absolute goddamn buffoon, but that went without saying.
“Phi’s right. Speaking of which — Sigma, Phi, did you have any luck using Sean to access Delta’s quantum computer functions?”
“Wouldn’t’ve here listing terrorist groups if we had. Whatever protection he’s got on that thing, it’s way beyond anything I’ve ever seen. Frankly, I don’t think it’s possible without an advanced quantum computer of our own — there are forms of encryption and protection they can solve in an instant that conventional machines will never solve.”
“Takes one to break one, huh? And I assume there’s nothing on the market like that...” Akane sighed.
He shook his head. “His was one of a kind. I can’t imagine how he managed to build it — he must’ve used the teleporter. But we don’t have access to the damn thing, and dead men tell no tales. I’m tempted to try to SHIFT back and see if we can’t save it, but that doesn’t do anything for this timeline.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I wish I could SHIFT into the timeline where I don’t have to think about SHIFTing.” Junpei rolled his eyes.
“But if you did, you would still know about SHIFTing, and that you would be here and forced to learn to SHIFT. You would increase the amount of SHIFTing in the metatemporality, if by an infinitely small amount.” Akane smiled, and Phi had to choke back a groan. “Well, not exactly. It’s actually an interesting question — whether you choose to SHIFT or not already splits a timeline, so ultimately, all it does is let you choose which timeline you’d rather inhabit. In essence, that we’ve attempted to do this at all, or ever would, has already created an infinite manifold of quantum possibilities by which—“ Her face suddenly went blank, and she closed her eyes. Weird. Phi glanced over to Junpei to see if it got a rise out of him, but both he and Aoi seemed calm enough.
There was a moment of comfortable silence, and then Akane threw herself across the room, eyes snapped open. “Everyone, up and out!”
“What’s up?” Junpei asked, not waiting for an answer to rush to her side. Didn’t need to tell Phi twice, either.
“There’s a bomb in the building.”
“Any chance of disarming it?” Phi’d bothered to read up after the A-B; she and Sigma had decent chances versus anything conventional. But if two death games had taught her anything, it was just how ridiculously unconventional you could get.
“The Aoi who told me didn’t know anything about it. Roof collapse.”
“Got it.” Aoi pulled the fire alarm as they scattered, though God willing no one else should’ve been in the warehouse they’d been meeting up in.
It was a huge building, but all of them knew how to get the hell out of a place, in more ways than one. It was familiar: against the ground, go, go, go!; every eye and ear alert for the first second’s notice that it was time to SHIFT, bodies equally primed for the feeling of someone SHIFTing into them, as so often happened in times of disaster. But the door was in sight. Akane first, than Aoi and Junpei; finally, Phi, and then—
Sigma was halfway out the door when they heard the catastrophic boom, followed by screeching beams as the building suddenly weakened from the loss of support and the heat and fire. He froze, and without thinking, Phi grabbed him and pulled him the rest of the way.
“It’s not safe here,” Akane said. “Whoever did that, we don’t know if they’re still around. And none of us want to deal with cops. Aoi, send a message to all the other Receivers and let them know someone’s after Crash Keys — bet SOIS is another target. Phi, you’re driving.”
“Got it.” The five of them piled into the heavy truck, wheels spinning before the last door was even closed.
Whatever their enemy was, they’d noticed Crash Keys. Now, the game was on.
“So you can Receive messages even from other timelines?”
Akane nodded. “Not consistently, but Junpei’s been able to cross-Send to me before. Aoi only picked it up recently. I think the Decision Game strengthened my ability to Receive. I’m sorry, I figured you two knew.”
“Water under the bridge,” Sigma replied. Phi wanted to tell him to shut up — it was an incredible skill to have, to transfer information without endangering the consciousness — but they had bigger fish to fry. “I assume you’ve been keeping an ear out for any more information?”
She nodded. “But I only ever get snippets, so I don’t think I’ll get anything useful, and so far we all live in a timeline where no one SHIFTed back to warn us.”
“Hm. Well, we know they know about us, and they’ve got a presence in Japan. I’m guessing they could follow us even if we left the country.” Phi pulled a thoughtful expression. “They may not be a known terrorist cell; could even be something recent. Did SOIS know where we were meeting? They could have a rat.”
Akane shook her head. “I don’t share details of our operations with anyone. We have too many enemies, and a group that big, rats aren’t just likely, they’re inevitable.”
“Hm. It’s possible one of us is a rat, but there are an ungodly number of ways to track someone. If someone had their mind against us, figuring out where they were would be trivial.” Junpei shrugged. “Saw a lot of them, the past few years. You wouldn’t believe how many places you can stick a GPS transmitter.”
Sigma nodded. “We can’t ignore the possibility of a traitor, but we have no evidence towards it and no actionable way to work around it. Either way, our enemies have shown they’re willing to go to lengths against us. We can’t assume we’re safe until this is figured out. They might go after our associates, too... You guys should contact Carlos. Phi, you get ahold of Diana. I’ll talk to Sean.”
“If they have a trace on our phones, that could make the situation worse.” Phi sighed. “We’ll want burners.”
“Already got you covered,” Aoi said. “They’re in the glovebox. Akane, could you pass them around?”
Calls went quick. The critical warnings first, then the usual pleasantries: “keep Eric out of trouble, you know how he gets”; “say hi to Maria for me”; “...love you too, Mom.” As soon as the relevant news had been spread, Akane collected the phones and — checking to make sure they wouldn’t hit anything first — threw them into an odd metal bag.
“It’s shielded to block network communications,” she explained. “I’d love to incinerate them, but we don’t have time for that. We’ll want to stay on the move as much as we can for now. The first question: do you think they know about SHIFTing?”
“If they know about Crash Keys, they almost certainly have some knowledge of psionic potential, but it may be an incomplete understanding. That may be why they went after us when the expected apocalyptic date isn’t for another couple years. If they don’t have a strong understanding of the concept of timelines, they may think it’ll prevent us from using our abilities to send information about their operations backwards. After all, a dead man can’t SHIFT,” Phi said.
“According to the parallel possibility hypothesis, the less likely it is for us to survive to stop the apocalypse, the fewer timelines will be generated in which it happens. Ultimately, that doesn’t matter in conventional metrics, but it means that fewer timelines exist where we can SHIFT, meaning fewer timelines exist overall where we do... Of course, the objective temporal space hypothesis contradicts this, but a lot of psychospacial researchers believe in the former. It has to do with a contradiction between conventional quantum physics and conventional quantum mathematics — we don’t know which is correct. For what it’s worth, I subscribe to the latter.”
“So what you’re saying is that they might be in the know about the whole thing?”
She nodded. “They may even have access to a quantum computer, in which case the answer of how they’re keeping eyes on us is trivial. Awareness of the subject is growing rapidly, after all — I suspect that if the world doesn’t end, governments will begin officially acknowledging psychic phenomenon within two decades. It could be associates of Cradle.”
“Damn, I wish Delta would’ve given us more hints. Snail this and snail that, like, shut up, dude!”
“Junpei, that’s it!” Phi was too calm to jump to her feet, and she was buckled in in a moving truck anyways, but damn if she didn’t want to. “Delta’s snail was what connected all of us — what brought us to our lives. But it wasn’t connected to him. It was only because of him that we were born, and he only had us born because of the apocalypse, right?”
“So, he was bullshitting us?” Junpei said.
Phi shook her head. “I don’t think so. I think he was giving us a hint that he was connected to the apocalypse; that completes the circle, because the snail lead to Cradle, which became a prototype for his Free the Soul. If Delta is, in some way, at fault for the apocalypse, the timeline stabilizes around him; his existence creates the circumstances for his existence.”
“So he needed to create the apocalypse to stop the apocalypse so he could be born? That doesn’t make—“
“I see, I see! Jumpy, you should pay more attention. It’s an example of a bootstrap loop. Essentially, his existence was already a casual loop — as in the bootstrap paradox — so by nature, he was driven to strengthen the connection.”
“Wait, he was connected to Free the Soul, right?” Sigma said. “Phi, do you remember Dio?”
“He said he was the fourth generation of Left clone, back in 2074. If Delta died in that timeline, the clones would have to be raising themselves, right? So if we assume twenty years between generations, that means the first generation was born 34 years ago. They’re old enough to be wracked with grief over the death of your weird brother-father-figure. Old enough to keep manning his terrorist group, like they did in our timeline. Old enough to plot vengeance. And with Delta, their savior, dead...”
“...they might just decide the world should burn. Bombs are a huge part of their MO, too.” Phi turned to Akane. “Does Crash Keys have any experience with Free the Soul? Only some? Well, let me fill you in...”
“Tell me again, why did we bring Carlos?” Aoi gave the man an odd look.
“The more SHIFTers the better. We might be able to pull you along with this many. Hopefully we won’t need to, but...” Akane shrugged. “Best to be prepared. And he’s a better shot than any of us.”
“Guess no one would hear a gun all the way out here.” The remote compound that they’d found — courtesy a SOIS tip — was miles and miles from civilization, disguised as an abandoned old farm. But they all knew that behind that veneer of nasty old wood lay a sizable cell of Free The Soul adherents.
“You know, I heard in some countries they’re taking down old barns for the barn wood. It’s considered a hot commodity,” Akane said as they completed their scope of the outer perimeter. No noise, no movement, nothing. Junpei’s aerial drone hadn’t seen anything from above. By all accounts, the place was empty.
“Maybe we should call ‘em here.” Junpei waved them over to a door. With a nod all around and a creak, he opened it.
“Jesus fuck!” Sigma swore.
If not for the dozens of perfectly identical bloody bodies, it would’ve been a fairly typical cult barn (in his limited but surprisingly nonzero experience), but then there were the bodies — each identical copies, a bit older than the Dio he remembered, each coated in blood from their mouths, their ears, their eye sockets.
“What the hell is this?” Junpei shouted. Akane grabbed him before he could get any closer. “What—“
“Whatever it is, we don’t know that it’s safe. They’ve used diseases before. Did any of you see anything like this during the Decision Game? No? Alright. Mask up, all.”
Although he didn’t get too close, Sigma still took a moment to examine the corpses as best he could. Their clothes were simple and unassuming, not designed for drama and grace in the face of what must’ve been a particularly violent ritual suicide. They didn’t have any obvious wounds; it looked more like it had exploded out of them. Even with the limited viewing angles available, if there had actually been a physical cause, it would’ve had to be visible, unless someone had dressed them all after they’d killed themselves in the nude.
Which… didn’t seem beyond Free the Soul, but he didn’t exactly have a Hazmat suit on him. It definitely wouldn’t be past Free the Soul to poison their corpses, either. And God knew what the hell these men had for diseases. Radical-6 didn’t come from nowhere, after all.
“Do you think there’s a reason they did it?”
“Maybe the next batch of clones is ready to take their place?” Carlos said. “I mean, fewer mouths to feed and all that. These guys are old enough to have kids getting ready to take their place.”
“Not a bad guess, but if they’re preparing to end the world, I’d think they’d need all the manpower they can get.”
“Probably not. Radical-6 didn’t take a lot of people. Just took…” Phi trailed off. “You know. It’s how you use it, not what you’ve got. Although I can’t imagine Delta built that facility of his without some help.”
“Another perk to the clones, right? And if he had the ones who knew the details off themselves, they couldn’t rat on him. If he’d… been alive, anyways. Do they know about what happened?”
“Almost certainly. Unless he wanted them to remain in ignorance, anyways. That happens in cults sometimes, you know.” Akane shrugged. “If they know their leader is dead, it humanizes him, and weakens the cause. But I don’t think Free the Soul’s core adherents had anything to worry about with that. A clone raised in the cult is different from a regular person who joins looking for some kind of meaningful contact and applicable philosophy. Junpei, do you still have your scanner devices?”
Junpei nodded. “Do you want me to scope the place out?”
“Yeah. If this was the cell location, and not just a spot for a mass suicide, they’ve got to have some kind of living quarters.”
“Good point.” He deployed a weird little metal device he pulled from his bag, which skittered across the ground, edges rolling in circles. Soon, it stopped in place over what looked like plain dirt. “There’s something about six inches below.”
“They did a good job on covering it up. Good find.” With six people, it took no time at all to clear the space, revealing a clean metal hatch, out of place in the rustic, rotted space. It had some sort of baffling sliding puzzle lock that wouldn’t really serve to keep anyone out, just inconvienence them — one that Phi popped in a blink of an eye — and then they were looking at a deep tunnel down into darkness.
“Headlamps on. I’ll lead. You next, Jumpy. Then Carlos, Aoi, Phi, Sigma.”
“Got it.” Her tone brokered no argument.
The space beneath them was unlit, a basement of smooth concrete walls. Each door was unmarked, the inhabitants presumably well aware of the contents; opening them revealed the standard sort of things one might expect in a barracks — six simple dorms fitting four each, bathrooms with communal showers, a small reading room with only Free the Soul approved texts; largely, known scriptures, with a smattering of what must’ve been Delta’s own work.
“We’ll come back for them. Living targets first. Books aren’t going to disappear.”
“Got it.”
There were no clone tanks, no technology for producing more Lefts, which suggested that this wasn’t their main facility. But the room at the end of the singular hallway gave off an aura of something’s-in-here — despite being identical to the rest.
Akane signaled Carlos, and he readied his weapon. Then, with a flourish, she pulled the door open.
Behind the door was a familiar man — familiar in his blonde hair, in his graceful features, in his sense of dress, but not in the way he held himself.
The next generation of Lefts? But he seemed different, somehow.
“So you found us here,” the man said, and turned to meet Akane’s eyes. “My name is Left.”
“You’re planning a terrorist attack.”
“Yes. You saw the bodies upstairs, right?”
She nodded. “Killing your own brothers in cold blood.”
“Not exactly. They’re not really mine. You see, I arrived in this timeline eight months ago — the same day my brother died.” His face broke into a sad smile. “I used the teleporter, of course. I’m incapable of SHIFTing.”
“You’re the original Left, aren’t you?” Phi watched him, eyes sharp — tense and ready to respond to even the slightest indication of trouble.
He nodded. “Eight months ago, when I was fifteen, a man brought me to the teleporter and took me forward to this day. He said I might be able to meet with my brother. But I found out almost immediately that Delta had been killed. And there’s no way I can set the transporter to ensure I’ll be teleported into a timeline with him.”
“So you took control of Free the Soul?”
He nodded. “Delta had contingencies, plans. My clones listened to me, and I studied my brother’s research. Eventually, I developed a plan — one he himself must’ve seen me learn through his quantum computer.”
“A plan to destroy the world that took you from him?”
“If it comes to that. Destroying all of human life isn’t difficult, really. It’s hard to destroy it selectively, to keep a few alive. But to just decimate, with no care in the world? Trivial. My brother developed a virus for his Decision Game, one called Fanatic Bio R. You wouldn’t have seen it; it was in a game for the non-SHIFTers. But it’s completely fatal. And I’ve modified a version to be more contagious.”
“So you’ll release it on the world and — what? Even if it’s contagious, there’s no way it could spread to everyone,” Phi said.
“No, it can’t. But that’s the beauty of it — it doesn’t have to. It’ll be obvious to any scientist that studies it that it’s completely artificial. Once the governments know, the fear starts. The wars start. The bombs start. Mankind’s governments have all the power they need to end all human life — they just need a bit of a push.”
“So you’re the terrorist he warned us about.” Akane’s voice was steady.
“Yes. But don’t worry — if you do what we say, no one will get hurt.”
“Why would we listen to you, you sick bastard?”
“Didn’t I just explain why? If I’m killed, my contingencies go off. The plan doesn’t need me breathing; it’s not like I’d survive anyways. And no one has to die for my plan. You’ll even get to save a life. All you have to do is SHIFT back to before you killed my brother, and let him live — and with so many of you, it shouldn’t be a problem to take me with you.”
“You don’t have a body there.”
“I don’t have a body, no. But I have clones. It’s the same idea — I’ll be able to SHIFT into one of them. After all, if there was a transporter copy of you in the same timeline as an original self, you could SHIFT into either. It’s the same concept. And there’s none of the ethical issues with SHIFTing someone into an unpleasant timeline — I’ve made arrangements to be sure that the plan won’t fire once I’m gone. They’ll simply move eight months forward to find that they’ve been spared the work of finding the terrorist. If anything, they’ve got the lucky end of the stick.”
“How do we know you and Delta won’t go killing people in the new timeline?”
“Why would we? From what I remember, before the me left in the old timeline died, he was a normal man. For all his posturing, he only wanted to be with family. Two of you started Nonary Games, didn’t you? You’re not so different. I saw the results of his Decision Game. I saw how many people your mother killed for you in that timeline, Phi.”
Phi opened her mouth to respond, but Akane cut her off. “Let us talk about it. We’ll give you your answer in... fifteen minutes, let’s say.”
“Of course. I don’t have any way of monitoring the facility, and all of the doors here are soundproof. You can speak wherever you’d like.”
As soon as they were out of earshot, Junpei nearly exploded. “Did you hear that bastard? Playing with our lives like that? And—“
“Just a moment. Aoi, I need you to leave. Start making arrangements to stop his Fanatic Bio R plan, just in case. If we do SHIFT, our chances of pulling him are better if you’re not there.”
“Got it. Stay safe. I couldn’t bear to live without you.”
“Plenty of you already are, you know. But don’t worry — an Akane will come home for you. As for everyone else, is anyone definitely in support?”
Carlos nodded. “I—“
“Arguments later. Anyone definitely against?”
Junpei nodded. “That crazy asshole—“
“Arguments later. Phi, Sigma, you’re on the fence?”
“There’s a timeline where we do it and a timeline where we don’t. Each of those has a timeline where it was the right choice and a timeline where it was the wrong choice. It’s hard to say which one is which.” Phi sighed. “I texted Mira, and she confirmed Fanatic Bio R was in the game. Apparently she and the others injected themselves with Radical-6 to stop it from killing them.”
“Hence releasing Radical-6 to stop the terrorist — Left’s plans would’ve been useless in that timeline. Even if he survived, the disease would’ve done nothing, and even if it had, the governments would’ve collapsed before they could go to war.” Sigma nodded along as he spoke. “It makes sense.”
“Exactly. So the weapon exists, and there’s no reason to assume he wouldn’t use it. But whether a fifteen year old could establish a global network in a span of months to effectively modify and spread a dangerous disease the moment he was stopped, well, that’s more questionable.”
“So it could go either way.”
“Yeah. And that’s assuming his plan worked. There’s a good chance Fanatic Bio R kills everyone wherever he sets it off and dies without spreading. It gets blamed on chemical weapons, maybe, some terrorist group or controversial government takes the fall, and we all move on. I’d say it’s a roughly 30% chance it’s really bad, and maybe a 5% chance it’s apocalyptic.”
“Those are pretty good odds, though, right?” Junpei said. “Carlos, you should just shoot him.”
“They’re not as good as they look. A 5% chance of the apocalypse is huge. What matters is the chance of things going wrong if he’s reunited with Delta. I’m guessing it’s probably comparable.”
“I see. Then why don’t we do both?” Akane said. “Flip a coin on it — that’ll make a good point to split the timeline, so one of us can come back if we’re wrong. Then, if it’s heads, we SHIFT with him — unless someone SHIFTs back first and tells us not to — and tails, we kill him, again, unless someone SHIFTs back. That moves the odds in our favor as much as it can.”
“That’s a pretty good plan. And it works for you two, too. If Carlos is right, when we pull up tails he’ll SHIFT back and stop us. If Junpei is right, when we get heads he’ll SHIFT back. At worst, only one of us is stuck in a bad timeline, and the chance of that is pretty low.” Sigma shrugged. “Any of you have a coin?”
Akane smiled, pulling one from her pocket. “If any of you want out, it’s your last chance to climb that ladder. Goes for you too, Junpei, Carlos. You don’t have to be party to it.”
“I’m not leaving your side,” Junpei replied, and she tossed the coin in the air.
Somewhere in a Nevada desert, a gun didn’t fire.
Somewhere under a barn in western Iowa, one did.
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Make Them Pay
Summary: You’re Catelyn’s handmaiden, but you and Robb fall in love. When the red wedding happens you have to flee
Pairing: Robb x reader
Warnings: angst, character  death, smut
You sat on your horse looking down at Robb's war camp with a smile on your face. It had been weeks since you last saw him. While traveling with Lady Catelyn to King's Landing and then to the Eyrie after taking Tyrion Prisoner you had missed him greatly. You were almost positive that Lady Catelyn or Ser Rodrik would notice you pinning after the young lord, but thank the gods they hadn't. Being a handmaiden, even for Lady Stark, meant you weren't worthy of Robb. That didn't stop you from loving him and him from loving you. Sitting there you thought back on your times with Robb and felt your heart flutter.
You crashed into a warm body as you rounded a corner in Winterfell. You were on your way to Lady Stark's room taking her a dress that had just been delivered. "I'm so sorry. I should I have paid more attention to where I was going," you said. When you looked up into the warm blue eyes of Robb Stark you felt yourself blush. He was quite handsome and in the time you had worked for his mother you had grown quite fond of him. "It's alright, Y/N. I wasn't paying attention to were I was going," he told you with a warm smile. You felt the heat in your cheeks rise as you took in his dark red curls, Tully blue eyes, sweet smile, and strong jawline covered in stubble. That was the first time you spoke to him, but it wouldn't be the last.
Over the next few weeks Robb sought you out every chance he had. Conversation between the two of you was light and friendly. You felt yourself growing fonder of him, but you knew it would never amount to anything. On this particular day you were taking a walk through the Godswood finished with your duties for the day. "It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful it is out here," you said looking at the weirwood. "Aye it is, but not as beautiful as you," Robb said causing you to turn around quickly. "What did you say?" you asked. He walked closer to you cupping your cheek in his gloved hand and smiling down at you. "I said it's not nearly as beautiful as you," he repeated. Without another word he pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
With the thought of his lips on yours you pressed your feet into the side of your horse edging her closer to the camp. You saw Robb and his mother hugging and held back not wanting to let the others in on your secret relationship. That night after everyone was settled Robb joined you in your tent. He pulled you close pressing his lips to yours in a heated kiss. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders holding him tightly. His tongue came out and grazed your lips asking for entrance. Once you gave it to him he began mapping out the inside of your mouth. You moaned having missed the feel of him pressed against you like this.
He walked you backwards toward your bedroll and laid you down upon it. Robb broke your kiss and buried his head in your neck lightly kissing you up and down. "I missed you dearly while you were gone," he whispered. You ran your hand through his hair and groaned when he licked the sensitive spot just below your ear. "And I missed you," you replied. One of his hands began trailing up your leg until he reached your thigh. While drawing circles there with his thumb he said, "I want to show you just how much." You let out another moan this time in anticipation. In the entire time you had been with Robb you had never made love and the idea excited you. However that night he held himself back and only used his magnificent fingers to bring you to your release.
Time passed and the war raged on. You sat in your tent feeling completely lost. Your Robb was now betrothed to another and all for nothing. Sure he had gotten the bridge, but it had been to late his father was now dead. That night when Robb came to you, you could see a war raging inside him. "What is it Robb?" you asked. He stalked toward you crushing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. "I can not marry the Frey girl when I love you, Y/N. I just can't do it," he said. While the thought of him breaking the betrothal gladdened you, you knew it wasn't the right thing for him to do. "As much as I don't want you to, you have to," you told him.
His eyes darkened as he looked at you and you wondered what he was thinking. When his hands gripped your waist tight and his lips crashed upon yours once more your mind went blank. You kissed him back just as intensely as he was kissing you knowing you wouldn't be able to much longer. You felt your dress sliding up your legs and over your torso when Robb had it bunched at your chest you broke the kiss allowing him to pull it the rest of the way off. You thought tonight was going to be the same as the other night when his hands found your sex and began working you over.
You let out a wanton moan your head falling back when he pushed two fingers inside you. You gripped his shoulders tight as your knees weakened. "Feels so good, Robb. Don't stop," you groaned out when his thumb began rubbing your clit. You leaned forward resting your body against his barley standing up on your own. If it wasn't for his arm wrapped around you, you were sure you would have already collapsed. "Cum for me, my love," he whispered in your ear causing his warm breath to ghost over you. You clung to him tightly feeling your orgasm approach. You buried your face in his chest to quit the scream trying to escape. When your orgasm washed over you white lights burst behind your eyes as a silent scream tore from your throat. You tensed and quivered in Robb's arm.
When you finally came down Robb carried you to bed and gently laid you down. When he began shedding his own clothing you knew tonight would be different than all the others. "I'm yours and you're mine, Y/N. I plan to show you just how much I love you," he said before pushing his lips to yours again. His cock brushed against your sex causing you to whimper. You desperately wanted him, but at the same time you were nervous. Robb was slow and gentle sliding his large member into you not wanting it to hurt. When he pushed past your maidenhead you grunted in pain. "Are you alright?" he asked looking down at you. You nodded your head after a few moments signaling that he could begin moving.
The first few thrusts were painful, but the pain soon faded to be replaced by pleasure. "I love you," you told him. His blue eyes locked with you e/c eyes and he gave you a loving smile. "I love you," he replied. His slow sensual thrusts had your body tingling and warmth building in the pit of your stomach. Robb feeling how close you were sat up so that he could slide a hand in between you and rub your clit. Your mouth fell open in a breathless moan when his fingers found it and you bucked against him. Shudders rocked your body the closer your orgasm grew. You whimpered grabbing Robb's arms tightly trying to ground yourself in the moment. You were unsuccessful as once again pleasure washed over you. A few thrusts later and Robb followed you over the edge.
The two of you curled up together falling into a dreamless sleep. The following morning he took you to the woods to be married in a secret ceremony. At first you were leery wondering what the repercussions would be, however, you loved Robb and this was what you had always wanted. After that things seemed to be going well. Every battle they went into they came out victorious. It wasn't until the news of his brothers and grandfather came that things took a turn for the worst. You became very sick and had to stay at Riverrun when everyone else left for the twins.
Robb didn't like leaving you behind anymore than you wanted to be left behind, but there was no choice. He needed to be at his Uncle's wedding and you just weren't healthy enough to join him. In the end your illness had been the only thing that saved your life. When word reached you of Robb's and Catelyn's deaths you collapsed to your knees a cascade of tears running down your face. How could the gods be so cruel? You had only just learned that you weren't ill that you were carrying Robb's child; the heir to the north. Knowing what would happen now that the Freys had control of the Riverlands you packed your bags and fled.
You stood on a balcony over looking the city letting out a heavy sigh. Resting a hand on your swollen belly a tear ran down your face. "We will avenge your father. I promise little one," you whispered. A throat clearing behind you had you turning around. "The Lannisters will pay for all the pain and suffering they have caused. That I promise you," they said. You smiled and nodded your head. "I have no doubt you'll make them all burn my queen," you said. Daenerys gave you a smile of her own as she walked toward you and offered you a hug. "When the time comes we will watch them burn," she said. You allowed her to wrap her arms around you grateful for the comfort of a friend. While you still weren't sure what had led you here after you knew it was were you needed to be.
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catyo90 · 5 years
The Hunt: Chapter 38
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Over the next days through the endless valley with the mountains towering across the horizon, with every step the company took Y/n could feel a sense of pride amongst the others. Every step was closer to Erebor. Soon their path brought them to the edge of the mountain where goblins were known to reside. Dark clouds spread through the sky as thunder and lightning clashed together against the mountains. The rain was too harsh for some to see in front of them, Thorin has Y/n next to him causing his worry to rise but also with Kili and Fili behind. Thorin turned to the others as the path ahead grew smaller with each step. 
“Hold on!”
With the wind rushing past and the lightning only making the path visible every few minutes. 
Y/n turned around to see Bilbo had almost fallen off, luckily Balin and Bofur caught him. Y/n knew that continuing on would put the others in danger, she turned to Thorin.
“We can’t stay in these conditions.” Thorin nodded as he yelled out to the others.
“We must find shelter.” At that moment a large area of shade covered the company, Balin looked up to see a massive boulder being flung toward the cliffside.
“Look out!”
Everyone clung to the side of the cliff. Thorin managed to cover Y/n as she held on to him tightly. The boulder shattered like glass and tumbled down, luckily no one was hit by the debris. The mountainside began to shift in front of them revealing stone giants. 
“This is no thunderstorm, it is a thunder-battle,” Balin said as he pointed to another stone giant grabbing once again another boulder to hurl toward them. As soon as the second boulder struck the cliffside the others felt the mountain shaking. Y/n looked up to see the cliffside they were on was part of another stone giant. She heard the stone cracking and breaking off as the legs started to move. She heard Kili fell out Fili’s name.
“Fili, grab my hand.” 
 Thorin turned around to see the company was now divided as the legs of the stone giant separated. The giant they were on was headbutted against another, causing it to stumble backward back against the mountain. Thorin and the others with him quickly ran onto the safety of the mountain. Y/n watched with worry as the others were still trapped on the stone giant. She saw another giant grab a boulder and threw it at the head causing it to fall off. The giant stumbled as the Bilbo and the others held on for dear life. 
“Hold on!” Y/n yelled out with concern as Fili and Bilbo held on. The giant’s leg started to weaken as it fell against the mountainside. Horror and worry enter Y/n mind at the thought of the others being dead. Thorin yelled out as he carefully ran forward. Y/n saw the giant fall down with none of the others following suit. Y/n saw Thorin had stopped and quickly ran over to him to see the others laying down from the impact. She rushed over to Fili and Balin and held them close as she smiled to Bombur and Bofur who helped each other up. Thorin smiled at the sight of Fili being alive.
“Thank Durin.”
Bofur started to look around as he asked the others.
“Where’s Bilbo. Where’s the Hobbit!”
Y/n and the others looked around to hear Bofur calling out. Y/n turned around to see BIlbo hanging on to the edge of the cliffside. Thorin yelled for them to help him. Bofur lunged forward with Ori trying to help him up. However, the poor hobbit was too scared to let go and reach for their hand. Dwalin kneeled next to Bofur offering a hand but he simply couldn’t reach. Thorin quickly climbed down the side, Y/n quickly rushed to the edge at the sight of him helping Bilbo. Thorin had managed to grab a hold of Bilbo’s pack while also lifting him up so he could reach. While Bilbo had managed to get to safety, Y/n saw Thorin slip, luckily he was caught by Dwalin. She offered him a hand at the sight of Dwalin having some trouble.
“Thorin take my hand!”
Thorin quickly grabbed Y/n hand as both Dwalin and her managed to bring him back to safety. Kili who was standing behind them helped him up as Dwalin spoke.
“I thought we lost our burglar.”
Thorin looked down at the hobbit with an annoyed look. Bilbo looked up at him trying to catch his breath 
“He’s been lost...ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us.”
Y/n looked at Thorin with disappointment as she helped Bilbo up while Dwalin and Thorin went off in search of shelter. Only a few moments later did they manage to find a cave. Y/n had the others follow behind her to wait for Thorin to make sure it was safe.
“It looks safe enough.”
“Search to the back; caves in the mountains are seldom unoccupied.”
Dwalin was given a lantern from Bofur as he searched to the back only to end the end of the cave. No dangers in sight.
“There’s nothing here.”
Thorin signaled to Y/n who brought the others inside. Gloin started to grab some wood from his pack to start a fire.
“Right then! Let’s get a fire going.”
“No, No fires, not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light.”
“We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan.”
Balin said as he looked worried about Thorin’s eagerness to leave the wizard without telling his plans.
“Plans change.” Thorin turned to Bofur telling him to take the first watch. Bofur seemed a bit annoyed but followed through. The others readied for bed as the grabbed some blankets and started to settle down for the night. 
A few hours passed, Bilbo slept in the back with Bomber while Y/n slept next to Thorin who on either side had Fili and Kili sleeping next to him. Y/n found herself unable to sleep for a few moments however the others were out as quick as a flame in the rain. Y/n heard the rustling and sound of footsteps she quickly glance up to see Bilbo tiptoeing through as to not wake the others. She thought about getting up until the sound of Bofur’s voice stopped her.
“Where’re you going?’
“Back to Rivendell,” Bilbo said as he sighed to himself.
“No, no, You can’t turn back now, your part of the company. Your one of us.”
“I’m not though, am I? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I’m not a Took, I’m a Baggins, I don’t even know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my door.”
At the mention of Thorin’s name, Y/n sighed as she knew the words that Thorin had said clearly struck a nerve with Bilbo. She knew though that wasn’t the truth. She looked up to see Thorin had woken up to the sound of their conversation. She watched him looking thoughtfully as he listened.
“You’re homesick; I understand.”
“No, you don’t, you don’t understand! None of you do- You’re dwarves. You're used to- to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere.”
Though Y/n couldn’t see Bofur’s reaction she knew he was hurt by his words as she was. 
“I am sorry, I didn’t...”
“No, you’re right...We don’t belong anywhere.”
Thorin sighed as he looked at Y/n. She knew there was a bit of truth to it. For ages, dwarves were looked down upon, only known for their solitude and greed. Actions that not all dwarves were victims to but sadly not many would disagree. Y/n looked at Thorin and gently brushed her hand against his slightly entangling her fingers with his. 
“I wish you all the luck in the world.”
Bofur said as he placed a hand on Bilbo’s shoulder, Bilbo turned around to walk away until Bofur asked what he saw underneath his coat. Y/n saw in the reflection of Thorin’s eyes a small blue glow but also from Orcrist which Thorin held in his arms. Small creaks sounded off as the sand on the floor started to fall through. Thorin quickly sat up as he yelled to the others.
“Wake up! Wake up!”
Before anyone could react, the floor of the cave collapsed. Everyone started to fall down toward a tunnel leading to a wooden cage. Everyone struggled to get up as a sudden horde of goblins could be seen running toward them. Thorin and Dwalin kept Kili and Fili behind them, as soon as the goblins started to attack toward Y/n Thorin got in the way. The horde started to grab at their weapons and push them away. All of the dwarves tried their best to get rid of them but to no avail. Y/n turned around to see Bilbo had simply ducked underneath the horde without being noticed. She knew not to bring any attention to him and simply hoped that he would manage to get to safety. 
The goblin horde brought the dwarves past the vast tunnels and bridges to a ginormous throne where the Great Goblin sat, he was far larger than any goblin and far more ugly with warts and wrinkled skin as well as a grotesque body. 
“Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?”
The goblins started to explain to the Great Goblin, immediately the Great Goblin ordered them to search and strip of their weapons. The goblins soon stripped every weapon away soon asking once more why we were there in the cave. Y/n quickly moved Kili and Fili behind her while the rest of the company blocked Thorin. The great Goblin bellowed loudly as no one answered his questions.
“If they will not talk, we’ll make them squeak! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the bone breaker! Start with...”
The goblin glance went to Ori but noticed Y/n hidden behind him.
“The Dwarrow-dam.”
Just as the goblins started to cut through the group, Thorin stepped forward while Dwalin stayed close to Y/n.
“Well, well, well look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, So of Thror; King under the Mountain.”
The Goblin bowed clearly with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
“Oh, but I’m forgetting, you don’t have a mountain. And you’re not a king. Which makes you nobody, really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg.”
Thorin looked up with surprise and disbelief. Y/n looked at both Dwalin and Balin looking for answers but they were clearly as confused as her.
“Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago!”
“So you think his defiling days are done, do you?”
The Great Goblin laughed as he turned to a tiny goblin sitting in a basket and holding a slate. Whispering some kind of orders to it. The tiny goblin wrote down the message on his slate; cackling. It pulled a lever, causing the basket to start sliding down a system of ropes and pulleys into the darkness.
After only an hour the goblins brought instruments of torture to the throne room while the Great Goblin started singing and dancing, much to the dwarves displeasure. Suddenly one of the goblins shrieked in horror as it threw Orcrist down onto the floor. Every Goblin started to shriek and howl in fear and rage. The commotion gave Y/n the opportunity to grab a small dagger from the pile as she hid it under her cloak. The great Goblin who was clutching onto his throne in fear.
“I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver, the Biter, the blade that sliced a thousand necks.”
As he spoke the other goblins hissed in anger as they started to whip at the dwarves with ropes and chains. Y/n covered her head as saw Thorin fall to his knees at the pain from the chains. Kili and Fili managed to fight off a few but soon were overwhelmed. 
“Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!”
The Great Goblin pointed to Thorin who was held down by Goblins, one of them pulled out a knife and readied to bring it down to behead Thorin. Y/n reached out as she screamed.
Suddenly a massive explosion of bright light spread through the throne room, all the sound was muted to Y/n as she managed to knock the Goblins away from her. She looked toward Thorin to see the goblins had been blasted away from him, she quickly ran to Thorin’s side. She placed a hand on his face. 
“Thorin...Thorin are you alright.”
Thorin opened his eyes as the light slowly started to return to the area as the goblins and the rest of the company slowly looked up to see Gandalf walking toward them wielding both staff and sword.
“Take up arms. Fight. Fight!”
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kusunogatari-a · 6 years
[ Return ] [ @abyssaldespair​ ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū ] [ Death mention ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ]
The summit isn’t for a few days. In the meantime, he has Danzō’s every move watched, waiting for the time to act. Logic tells him it can’t be until after the summit. After he makes his intentions known. Surely the coward will flee, try to make it back to Konoha…
But he won’t be making it back.
Sasuke is eager to exact his revenge upon part of the council that condemned Itachi. Obito will allow it. But this particular battle is one he’ll have to have a hand in. Danzō, after all, has a debt to pay to him, too.
For every blemish he left upon Ryū’s flesh, Obito will give him ten in turn...until he’s little more than a mangled mess of gore. The councilman has been a target for quite some time, given his method of operations. But never did Obito think the prospect would be so eagerly awaited.
Getting into the meeting isn’t easy. Testing Sasuke’s abilities for what’s to come, Obito lets him blaze a trail, but as always, the younger Uchiha is stubborn and too short-sighted. Nearly turned to dust by the Tsuchikage, it’s Obito who pulls his unconscious form to safety, addressing four of the five Kage in a moment he’s waited for for years.
Of course Danzō has fled, knowing of Sasuke’s intentions. But it’s his the coward had best be wary of.
As expected, they refuse his ultimatum...and he declares war, fading into his own dimension to find Karin tending to his accomplice. From there, it’s a matter of hunting the false Hokage.
They find him on the samurai bridge. Obito makes short work of his Root underlings - as much as he wants to make them pay as well, he decides to take them as insurance. Tossing them into his dimension...he then turns his attentions to Danzō.
Sasuke may not like his interference...but he’ll leave the councilman alive enough to let the younger Uchiha have his fill of violence.
Between the pair of them, Danzō stands no chance. With a rather spectacular finish...the bastard dies at last. Taking the body with intent to harvest Shisui’s eye, Obito leaves Sasuke to finish up. The eye, however, is destroyed...a pity. Kotoamatsukami would have been useful. And before he can head back to Ame to tie up Konan’s loose end and retrieve the Rinnegan at last...Zetsu reports that Sasuke is in trouble.
And of course, the trouble happens to be none other than his previous team. Including friend-killer Kakashi...and the Kyūbi.
Despite his intentions to leave the past in the past and look toward the perfect future...there’s still a stirring of resentment in him at seeing Kakashi. The man - boy - who killed Rin. Took his hope. Led him to this path.
And yet maybe he also has something to thank his teammate for.
But now is not the time to confront him - Obito is sure it will come during the war. For now, he takes a rather addled-looking Sasuke back to receive Itachi’s at-first refused eyes. Something must have happened during his absence to change the teen’s mind.
Once the operation is over, and Sasuke has little more to do than heal...it’s then he’s confronted by Kabuto...who reveals he knows he’s not Madara. An unexpected hiccup, but...to keep his plans in place, he agrees to the man’s terms, tentatively agreeing to work in tandem. It might work to his advantage, though...he’s far from happy someone has the power to revive the old bastard. With that settled, and finally finding a moment to himself, Obito decides to make one last stop before returning to Ame.
He told her he’d come back when the deed was done.
...he can only hope she’ll be more whole than when he left her.
Though he’s only been there once, Obito makes the jump to the ruins of her home village on his first try. Today, the valley is foggy - so much so, he can barely see ten feet from his face. A gentle rain pours, soaking into the shoulders of his cloak as he follows the worn road. Ahead, yet unseen, he can sense her chakra. Though still muted from its previous vibrance, it’s brighter than before. A small hope sparks in his chest.
As the manor looms from the mist, the weather seems to lift ever so slightly. Coiled nearby, keeping a watchful eye, is a rain-dappled Suigin. A silver orb moves in its socket to look to him, but she offers no comment.
Sitting along the edge of the front first floor balcony, dressed in a downy grey yukata with bare feet hanging from the edge, is Ryū. A cup of tea is held in hands atop her lap, gaze distant as she looks lost in thought. Though not quite as gaunt as before, there’s still an odd frailness to her frame, a heavy exhaustion in her posture.
And then she sees him.
Slowly, eyes widen. Unfurling from her melancholy like a drying bloom given water, Ryū brightens as much as her body will allow. A hand sets her tea aside upon the engawa, and - without anything else holding her back - she finds her way to her feet with intentions to run.
Intentions which, apparently, she can’t quite yet achieve.
Before she can collapse, Obito flickers to her side, earning a soft sound of surprise as he simply scoops her from her feet. Arms find a tentative hold around his neck, and pale cheeks flush a pretty, startled pink. “O-oh!”
“You should be resting,” he murmurs, giving her a look.
Her head ducks sheepishly. “...I know. I just...got ahead of myself.” Softening, she burrows her brow to the crook of his neck. “...I missed you so much…”
“...and I, you.”
Without a word, Suigin rises with a rustle of scales, stalking off into the trees and leaving the pair alone.
“...I think she’s giving us a little privacy,” Ryū giggles wispily.
Obito gives a hum in reply, taking her previous seat and keeping her atop his lap. Even so, his grip is careful. “...how are you feeling?”
“Much better. Still...a little shaky, but I’m doing well. Suigin-sama has been very...attentive.”
At her tone, he perks a brow.
“...maybe a little stifling,” she adds, giving a demure smile.
Another hum. Now that he’s here...he’s not sure what to say.
In the silence, Ryū lets her eyes fall, expression following suit. “...she and Fubuki told me what happened. What you did. And...I wanted to apologize.”
...he’s so stunned, he can’t muster the words to refute her.
“I know I must have worried you so badly. They told me you came for me. I...I knew you would. I just...clung onto that, and waited, and -!”
“Ryū.” Obito cuts off her rambling with the single syllable. He cups her cheek, still tinged yellow from a fading bruise. Only a few small scars mar her face - one along a brow, another through her top lip, a burn along her jaw. But no matter their size, they still bring a weight to his chest. “...there isn’t a damn thing I want you to apologize for. Nothing. It’s me who should be begging your forgiveness. I let this happen, I -”
Her head shakes in his hold. “...we both knew there were risks. And I don’t want you to feel guilty, Tobi. I knew what could happen, and I kept on anyway. I was willing to take that chance. Because...I don’t think there’s a pain anyone else could give me that would be greater than losing you.”
A lump in his throat cuts off any retort.
She gives a soft smile. “...please don’t feel bad. I told you before - I’ve had more happiness with you than I have the rest of my life before meeting you. And to me, that’s worth any price. Did shishō tell you about...about the numbing?”
“...she did.”
“I hardly felt a thing! Only...well, only when my chakra would run out. But they were usually almost finished by then. I just had to pretend so they wouldn’t catch on. So really, it wasn’t that bad.”
He gawks at her. “...you were tortured…! Ryū, you -!”
“I was. But I just knew I had to be patient. I had to wait them out. Because...I knew you’d find me.”
“If not for me, they’d never had taken you at all…”
“...true. But Tobi -”
“If I knew there’d be no consequences...if no one else would ever find out what we had, and condemn you for it...it would be best for me to leave.”
Ryū’s face goes slack. “...b-but…”
“...but...there’s no turning back now. And I have to take responsibility for this. This, and anything else that might happen because of me.”
“Tobi, I -!”
“And,” he cuts in, tone losing its edge and lowering. His hand guides her forward until their brows brush. “...maybe despite my logic...I don’t want to let you go. Selfish, isn’t it?”
“If that’s true...then I’m just as guilty,” is her murmured reply. “Besides...hasn’t this all been rather selfish from the start…?”
Obito can’t help a soft snort. “...I suppose you’re right.” Silence falls for a time, the pair of them simply taking in the presence of the other. But eventually, he can’t help but ask, “...how are you, really?”
“...I’m tired,” Ryū admits. “More tired than I’ve been in my life. Suigin-sama says it’s from the toxin. It’s meant to keep the victim physically weakened. And since I missed the next day’s antidote when you brought me here, it did a bit more damage than it had been doing. But she says I just need rest.”
“...and your wounds?”
“Almost all mended!” Shifting, she rolls up a sleeve, baring a myriad of marks. “...she had to work fast, so...the scars are a bit more noticeable than they could have been, but I don’t mind. It’s just tougher tissue.”
Hesitantly, almost as though afraid he’ll reopen them, Obito gently grips the limb and brushes a thumb over the blemishes, raised and ragged from the rest of her skin. A lump settles in his throat he has to swallow before speaking. “...was anything broken?”
“No...everything was more superficial. I...don’t know how long I was there, but they must not have reached that point before you came.”
He gives a curt breath, but doesn’t retort. “...you should be able to go back to Konoha soon. The man who did this is dead.”
To his honest surprise, she doesn’t really react. “...I see. Dan..zō?”
“Yes. Leader of an unofficial group of ANBU-level shinobi. And temporary Rokudaime, while Tsunade is comatose. Given that his operations weren’t sanctioned by the village, I’m willing to bet no one else knew of whatever accusations were made against you. In a few days, we’ll see about getting you back home.” Of course, the little house had been in shambles, torn apart by Ryū’s struggle against Root. “...we’ll have to find an alibi for you. Perhaps claim a kidnapping you’ve since been saved from.”
Her brow furrows. “...what about the shinobi under his command? Will they tell anyone about me?”
“...I don’t know. Root officer loyalty is mostly forced, though a few were truly devoted to the man. Given how things are going...I’m not sure they’ll have time to bother with you. With Danzō dead, there’s going to be enough for them to deal with. And if things look dour...you can always come back here.”
“...I guess so.”
Another pause falls between them, each lost in their own thoughts. Obito still can’t help but question if his presence will do more harm than good...but for now, he has a debt to pay, regardless of her refusal. Sighing heavily, he embraces her more fully, practically enveloping her. “...I’m just so glad you’re alive...”
Pinned against his chest, Ryū softens. “...I’m all right.”
“No, you’re not.”
“...but I will be.”
He only gives a curt hum in response.
“...can you stay very long…?”
...he shouldn’t. If the war is to begin, he needs to eliminate Konan, and take back the Rinnegan. “...for a little while. Not long. I have something pressing to attend to.”
“Besides,” Obito replies, letting his tone deepen slightly. “You’re still healing. I don’t want to hurt you…”
Cheeks flare red, giving his chest a reprimanding slap. “T-that’s not what I meant!”
He chuckles, hardly feeling her beratement. “I’m teasing you. But yes, I can stay - only a little while. Is there something you wanted?”
“Not...specifically…” Ryū avoids his eyes. “...I just...don’t want you to turn around and leave so fast. I miss you…”
Still hearing the exhaustion in her tone, Obito thinks for a moment before suggesting, “...how about a nap?”
“But then you’ll leave while I’m asleep.”
“And then I’ll be back again soon.” He’s going to be busy...but maybe one last time before things pick up. Just to be sure she’s on the mend.
That she’ll make it to the end.
“...okay,” is her quiet reply, giving another squeak as he stands with her in his arms. Already knowing the way, he takes her to the manor’s master quarters and sets her along one side of the bed. Unable to stay for long, he only shrugs out of his cloak before laying atop the sheets beside her, curling protectively.
Ryū gives a quiet giggle. “Are you my turtle shell…?” she asks, clearly addled.
He snorts against her hair, allowing a hint of a smile. “...I suppose I am.”
“Mm…” Already she’s fading fast. “...then...nothing can touch me…”
“...nothing at all.”
It’s not long before Ryū concedes to sleep, body eager to rest. Even so, Obito lingers a while longer, slowly tracing over whatever scars he can reach as rain hums against the manor.
In a way, now...they match. But no matter the scarred skin, to him, she’ll always be beautiful.
Eventually, he pries himself away, giving her one last kiss upon the temple and watching her lips curl. He takes up his coat, moving back down the stairs only to see the sage, again in her human guise.
“Fubuki has just returned from Konoha. Tsunade has awoken.” Eyes glance as though able to see her student through the ceiling. “...tomorrow, I will take Ryū back and weave my story to the Godaime. Hopefully my presence will deter the bastard’s followers from bothering her further. But surely there is more for them to worry about.” She looks back to him, gaze unyielding. “...apparently...a war has been announced by a masked man of Akatsuki.”
Obito stares back, having no reply.
“...I will tell her nothing. I cannot know if she will learn more herself. To me, the only thing that matters is your debt...I will not dash at her happiness. At the very least, this will likely make her a far lesser priority, so long as no one seeks to use her as leverage. I will attempt to undermine their suspicions of her connection to you alongside our alibi. Perhaps that will be enough to dissuade them.”
“...thank you.”
“If you seek her again after tomorrow, you’d best go to Konoha first. She will likely be there, unless I find threat enough to take her back. Should something else go awry...you know where to take her.”
“I do.” After a pause, Obito swallows his pride and gives the beast woman a deep bow. “...thank you for doing what I could not.”
Suigin considers him. “...I suppose I must say the same.”
Rising and giving a curt nod, he phases back into his other dimension. Determination clenches fists at his side. He’s almost there.
“...to Ame, then.”
     OKAY so I actually got this done in...relatively good time, woo!      Dunno if anyone will really notice beyond Meg and angel, but I took down the drabble ‘Reality’ cuz...I’m a dumb and mixed up the order of Konan’s death, and Danzō’s. So it was in the wrong spot, AND because of Stolen being canon now, I have a few details to change in it anyway. So the next post will seem a bit familiar, but with changes! It’ll be up as soon as I get the edits done~      As for THIS one...it’s a wee bit short, and maybe a bit tame compared to the one before =‘D But Meg was right, it was good to have some follow up, especially leading back into Reality once I get that revamped. So this is sort of an intermission drabble. There’ll be more in the repost, I promise lol      And I guess that’s...all there really is to say? Not much left to this, I think. Ryū, in WHoH, doesn’t really have much involvement in the war. Especially now that she’s a little hecked up. So we might, depending on what Meg wants to do, go from Reality to...the tentatively last one? We’ll see! Tho something tells me someone doesn’t want it to be over, me included xD      *skips off to finish my edits*
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osang171819 · 7 years
Here be Odysseus
“Look for the spiders on the ceiling.”
Rose, my loving better half, kidded on the phone. I have just read “The Odyssey of Homer” by Alden Mandelbaum on my way to Cauayan, Isabela and the idea of heroic exploits and treacherous journey was keen on my mind.  Her usual tongue-in-cheek remark echoed all throughout my daily route as account manager of a company.  Am I really on a journey - an odyssey- to pin an Odysseus?  Do we still have heroes like him in our midst to start with?  
Lying on my bed that night in our staff house, I stared at the kisame. I willed it to talk back. It just stared back at me- an expanse of peeling plywood. Sullied but space for spiders to build their webs.  Then I saw the vignettes on the ceiling. And on the montage of that week’s events.
“Bridge under repair.”
The sign greeted motorists traversing Cagayan’s Buntun Bridge.  I sat squeezed in a jeep going to work.  The gag- inducing smoke wafted through its windows.  I looked around for a breather.  As vehicles slowed down, I noticed everyone looked up.  Workers clinging like spiders on the beams of the bridge!  Sanding, repainting and retrofitting it.  Risking life and limbs as vehicles sped 21 feet below them.   Workers sheltered by hard hats “tight rope walking” a scaffold lingered in my mind.  Odysseus and his men passing through Charybdis and Scylla fleeted through my mind.  The Cagayan River and the busy Buntun Bridge were like two perils to them.    “Diyosko, tarabayemisuda,” I prayed. Regardless of dangers at work, here be heroes.Here be Odysseus- dauntless in their quest for the hard-earned compensation that supports lives.
The gorilla reminded us passengers. Similar to the stoic Cyclops in the Odyssey- watchful of the tiniest false move.  Then like movie reel moving backwards, I heard the sounds and saw the events again.   I saw happy teachers like my wife, Rose, welcoming students in Cagayan National High School. Their Circe-like smiles beacons on the sea of first day highs and sighs. I heard the news of the benchmark Pagasa Elementary School in Kalayaan Islands.  The image of the inspiring kindergarten teacher trying to ease jitters and whimpers appeared.  They were images of Odysseus traversing high and hell waters just to reach home. Despite sporadic dissatisfaction at work and being thousands of miles away from loved ones, here be heroes.
“I don’t believe in Superman and superpowers! Why must I even consider this  Odysseus in our list?”
Rose shared in one of our phone talks what her student retorted. She recounted how the students were on their wits’ end as she gave them an ultimatum to finish a documentary.  This petulant remark of her Special Program in Arts (SPA) student pierced the tensed environment.  She mentioned how a pregnant silence from the ragtag budding journalists ensued. Her voiced reverberated with mischief as she went on, ”I watched as they harried and hurried to finish the documentary film.  Just when I thought they would throw in the towel, my students produced I am an Earth Keeper.A documentary video of the youth healing the land. Young, petulant, and idealistic they may be, yet here be heroes.  Here be Odysseus warding off the lure to laziness and easy life.  
Vignettes and montages all.  Yet glimpses of Odysseus in our midst. We set out on a treacherous journey everyday. We are like the spiders- we weave cobwebs of commitments and service as we trek home.  Like the spiders on my kisame, we build them the way spiders knit their homes - backwards.  They move in circles to produce the silk thread for their home.   They do not look ahead.   They cannot avoid bumps.  Their web is deformed.  Their silk thread is stretched and weakened.  The web-making ceases.  Then as soon as the spiders get back, they resume the process.  
So like Odysseus on his quest for home.  He defeated and blinded the Cyclops, broke the trance of Calypso and her singing sirens, bewailed the clutch of Circe, conquered the death-littered House of Hades, passed through unscathed the passage of Charybdis and Scylla.  Any mortal would have given up and perished but not Odysseus.  He was hell-bent on finding his way back to Penelope and his son Telemachus.
The ceiling where we build our web is bumps-filled. But the bumps on the ceiling cannot break the spiders’ thread.  They cannot remove the web.  Why? The thread comes from the spider. This home-building substance is endless.  Similarly, everybody is an Odysseus:  a dauntless hero, a part of the solution, of the web.  His unwavering commitment to work is like that of spiders. The thread is inside him.  Despite a soiled and treacherous workplace, he will not run out of thread.   The Odysseus in him continuously get out for he knows that if the thread is cut, the whole web will collapse.  The journey home is not completed.
Jesting she might be, my wife was right.  The spiders on the ceiling showed me.  Now, I would always let my thread come out.  Even if the road is fraught with bumps and dangers and enticing Circes, I will pull myself up and keep on building webs of service and trust.  I will remain steadfast on my way back home where my “Penelope” awaits.
“The spiders on the ceiling….” I began texting her.
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play-read-write · 7 years
Go Go RWBY Rangers!
Fandom: RWBY Words: 2841 Characters: RWBY, Ozpin, Salem Description: When the evil witch Salem gets ahold of a powerful artifact, her latest monster puts the kingdom of Vale in danger. It is up to the four Power Rangers to stop her and keep the city safe. (b-day gift for @roxyroxas1313. Happy birthday ya nerd.)
“Oh come on.” Yang says, “Just one bite.”
“Why on Remnant would I do that?” Weiss asks.
“You haven’t lived until you’ve tried it.” Yang says.
“It’s dripping… something.” Weiss says.
“It’s good.” Ruby says around a mouthful of food.
Weiss sighs and accepts her fate. Reaching down she picks up the… thing off her plate. It was so soaked in grease and other things she could hardly tell what it was. Leaning over her plate she took a bite. She chewed slowly, grimacing a bit, and then swallowed.
“Well?” Yang asks as the whole team looks at her.
“It’s odd.” She says, “But I suppose not as bad as it looks.”
“Yeah!” Ruby says, reaching over the table and giving Yang a high five.
“Ugh, they should give more napkins when they serve this.” Weiss says, looking at her hands.
“You know it’s supposed to be eaten with a fork, right?” Blake says, taking a forkful of her own.
“What? But they…” she looks at Ruby and Yang, both with their hands filled.
“They’re just messy.”
“Get bigger bites.” Yang says, as she chews. “More flavor.”
Weiss steals the napkins from both Yang and Ruby to work with her own at cleaning off her hands before she grabs a fork. “I guess food is food.” She says.
“That’s the spirit.” Ruby says, “More monster fighting power.”
“What do you need, My Queen?” Watts asks, standing in the meeting room.
“I have found something important.” Salem says from her seat at the head of the table. “When the moon was shattered so long ago, remnants of the power that did so fell upon the world below. Each one contains within it a fraction of that power, but just a fraction is enough. When combined with one of my Grimm it could make them powerful enough to destroy the kingdoms.”
“Ohhhh, those sounds wonderful.” Tyrian says, rubbing his hands together. “Let me help, I can go retrieve them for you. Maybe give a lesson to those pesky power rangers as well.”
“No, you are to track down the other morphers. We can’t have somebody getting ahold of them and adding new power rangers to our problems.” Salem says, “Watts, I’ll need a monster for this. I need something that can get ahold of the piece, strike fear into the hearts of others, and deal with the rangers as well.”
“Very well, I have just the thing.” He says, “A nuckelavee should do.” He reaches to the stand of clay figures beside himself and places one on the table. “A touch of your power and you’ll have a beast of terror.”
Salem’s eyes glow as she looks at the figure and in a flash there is now a beast standing beside the table, its movements stiff, the sounds of bones cracking. A horse’s body made up most of it, but out of the top like a rider was a humanoid shape, except for the long arms that dragged the ground. “It’s perfect.” She says. “You have your missions now, let us get to work.”
“So, why are we hitting up a museum?” Yang asks, walking with her hands behind her head.
“A new meteorite is on show.” Weiss says, “Recently discovered in one of my family’s mines.”
“Cool, space rock.” Yang says.
“Not just any ‘space rock’ you dolt.”  Weiss says.
“They think it might be a piece of the moon.” Blake explains.
“The moon is a space rock.” Yang says.
“She’s not wrong.” Blake agrees.
Weiss sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “Why do I try?”
“It’s okay, Weiss.” Ruby says, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Lots of people don’t realize the moon is a space rock.”
“That’s not what I… never mind.”
A scream cuts through their chatter as they walk around. “What was that?” Yang asks.
“This way!” Ruby says, charging off towards the direction the sound came from with her team in tow. As they run into the other room they see the cause. Black, red, and white, the beastly figures of beowulves rush through the building.
“What are they doing here?” Blake asks.
“Look!” Ruby points out as one of them grabs a white rock from the middle of the room.
“That’s the meteor!” Weiss says.
“We gotta stop them.” Ruby says. “Don’t morph, there’s too many people.”
“Right.” The rest of them say as all four rush into the room.
Ruby runs in and punches one of them in the face, knocking it down. Then she kicks out as another one comes at her, hitting it in the chest and knocking it back. She ducks under another one’s swing and uppercuts it in the stomach before sweeping its legs.
“Always with the mooks.�� Yang says as she punches a beowulf in the chest, knocking it backwards into another one. She grabs one by the neck and picks it up with both arms, throwing it into another that was about to tackle a civilian.
“They’re getting away with it.” Weiss calls out as she jumps up and split kicks two beowulves. When she lands she drives her heel into another one’s toes, causing it to grab its foot with both claws, howling in pain as it hopped up and down.
“I’m on it.” Blake says, rushing at the one’s escorting the piece out. One came at her and she jumped, landing on its head and jumping off into a front flip through the air, landing in front of the others. “Going somewhere?” she asks.
Just then a crash resounds through the building as something sweeps overhead, tearing through the walls. Then, bursting through the weakened frame, a beast like a horse and rider rushes in. It grabs the Beowulf with the meteor and runs off, dragging it with it.
Blake is about to take off after it when she hears a cry for help. The building had been damaged, spreading rubble around, some of it landing on people. Deciding on that instead she runs over to a woman with part of a wall collapsed on her. “A little help.” She says.
Soon enough the others run over and grab ahold as well. Together they lift it enough for the woman to crawl out from under it. “Thank you.” She says as the let the wall drop.
“No problem.” Ruby says. “Alright guys, spread out, see who else needs help.” She says, “We’ll head to Ozpin once we’re done here.”
“Very good.” Salem says as the beast places the stone down on the table. Running her hand over it, it starts to glow. She picks it up and holds it in front of her, up to the nuckelavee. “Now take the power and use it to destroy that annoying little kingdom.” She says as it glows brighter, an ear piercing screech rending the air as it takes the power in.
“This is not good.” Ozpin says, his large face appearing on the wall in the form of a floating head, “That was no mere meteor that was stolen.”
“What was it?” Ruby asks.
“When the moon was shattered many of the pieces drew in and stored the energy that had done so. Some burned up, some were destroyed, others though, they landed. Even a piece as relatively small as that one can hold quite a bit of power.”
“So what do we do?” Blake asks.
“You fight.” Glynda says from the side of the room.
“She is correct.” Ozpin says. “This was a small stone. In the form of one of her Grimm Salem may have the power to undo the walls and many of the cities structures; however that is why you are here. Even though it was a weak one, it will make this beast much more powerful, but not insurmountable. You will have a tough fight ahead of you, but I believe you can win.”
“Yeah, we got this.” Ruby says.
“Totally.” Yang says, “What better way to show that stupid Salem who’s in charge than by kicking her steroid monster to the curb?”
An alarm then sounds from one of the nearby computers. Glynda heads over, tapping at the keys to check it. “It seems there’s an attack. A grimm is in the city.”
“Rangers.” Ozpin says, “It’s time.”
“This way.” Ruby says as she ran through the city. They’d been teleported down pretty close to the attack so they could make it there quickly. “There.”  Ahead of them was the same beast from before, it’s arms stretched out to impossible lengths as it smashed buildings, ripped up lamp posts, and tore the city to pieces. People ran away screaming and covering their head as debris fell around them, nobody even noticing the four new arrivals. “Looks like it’s time. Ready?”
“Yeah.” The other three said. Then, together, all four of them let out, “It’s morphin’ time!” They all activate their powers, holding their sigils out in front of them. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang crying out their respective animals in unison.
A moment later and their all fully equipped, their suits color coded, HUD equipped helmets on, and weapons in hand. “Go!” Ruby yells out as they charge at the monster.
As they rush at the grimm it sees them coming, turning and throwing its arms at them, hands rushing forward. Yang and Ruby dodged to the side as Weiss and Blake jump into the air, slashing across its torso. Blake swings her duel blades, slashing at the horse’s flank while Weiss does the same on the other side.
It twists and kicks with its hind legs, hitting Blake in the chest. Sparks fly as its hooves hit her armor, sending her flying backwards. Then it rears back, its front legs kicking at Weiss and knocking her down. It then brings its feet down to land on her, but is caught by Yang, one hand on each hoof. “Oh no you don’t!” She says.
Ruby rushes in, swinging her scythe at its back legs while Blake, now up, helps Weiss out of the way. Finally it managed to knock Yang away, and kicks at Ruby, who manages to dodge. The rider spins itself, winding up, and then turns the opposite direction, the long arms spinning like the blades of a helicopter.
They were all flung back with sparks flying as the clawed hands struck their armor and tore out chunks of the buildings around them. “Weiss, Blake, Arms!” Ruby calls out as they get up. “Yang, horse!”
“Got it!” They say, rushing in. As they do the arms shoot out at them. Blake and Weiss both dodge to the side as the arms crash into the ground and then stab them, pinning them to the ground.
Yang runs in with a yell, jumping into the air. The large gauntlets on her fists shined in the sunlight as she came down, smashing into the horses head and knocking it to the ground.
Ruby ran in from behind Yang, jumping onto her sister’s shoulder and then off she leapt at the beast, swinging her scythe in a slash across the torso. The raw power released causing a shower of sparks to explode out from it.
Watching from a Seer at her home base, Salem frowned. “No.” She says, “Grow and destroy them.” Her eyes glow as she lets her magic flow out, activating the fallen meteor power in the grimm. As she does it grows, towering over the buildings now, fully healed. It lets out a cry into the air that left everyone for a mile holding their ears.
“Oh no.” Weiss says.
“That is one big pony.” Yang says.
“Let’s show it some size of our own.” Ruby says, “We need animal power!”
The ground shook at her call for aid was answered. Coming from all directions the Zords rushed to their sides. All four of them gathered their strength and jumped into the air as the mechanical beasts approached, landing in the cockpits of their own.
“Suck on this!” Yang says, flipping a switch and throwing a lever forward. The yellow mechanical bear charged forward, rising up on its hind legs to claw at the oversized grimm. As she did it reared back and kicked forward with its front legs, knocking her back.
“Yang!” Blake calls out, rushing the black and purple panther forward. It leapt and slashed at its side with sharp claws. As she did, Weiss flew in, the wings on the white and blue swan firing their guns with bright flashes. Ruby joins in, her red wolf rushing forward and biting at the hindquarters.
The nuckelavee cries out and twists enough to detach Ruby before kicking her away. It then lashes its arms out, one clipping Weiss’ zord and sending it skidding across the ground. The other arm grabs ahold of Blake and throws her crashing into Yang who had just started to rise.
“This isn’t working.” Ruby says, “Form up; it’s time we finish this!”
“Right!” All three of the others answer. Then together they place their sigils into their zords consoles, activating the sequence. Yang’s bear splits in two, each side forming legs and feet. Ruby’s wolf curls up, forming a torso and head, which mounts on top. Blake and Weiss’ zords each form arms and hands. All four cockpits now reoriented into one, the megazord is formed.
“Let’s do this!” Ruby calls out, “Megazord, go!” The giant robot rushes forward, charging at the grimm. Two arms shoot out to meet it and it just keeps running in, instead of dodging it grabs both arms by the wrists and steps in, head-butting the beast.
However when it did the horses head swung up, hitting it in the stomach and then biting down, crunching on the metal. It reared back once more then, its arms stretching so it could, and then stomped down, striking the robot in the chest and knocking it backwards down the street.
They get back up, guiding the megazord to its feet. “Weapon time.” Ruby says, “We need the power sword.” Answering her call the giant sword came down, fired out from their secret base, Beacon, and falling down from the sky into their hand. “Now it’s a fair fight!”
The nuckelavee let out a cry and charged at them, which they sidestepped and lowered the sword, dragging it across the beast’s side. This earned another cry, this one of pain, as it spun around to face them. Switching to a tactic that worked before it throws its arms forward at them once more.
They deflected one of the arms and stepped into the other, swinging the sword and cutting off the limb. Before the grimm could react they swung the blade around, slashing upward to take the other one off. “This is it guys, finish it off. Power Strike!” Ruby says. All four of them raise their arm and then bring it down in a horizontal slash. The motion controls work as the sword activates to full power, glowing bright and slashing the air, the power cutting the beast and destroying it an explosion of sparks and magical energy.
“That’s right!” Yang says.
“We did it!” Ruby cheers.
“Yes you did.” Ozpin’s voice comes over the speakers in the megazord. “Good job, Rangers. The city is once again safe for now.”
“Disappointing.” Salem says from her seat. She taps a finger on the table as she gazes into the distance. “Even with the power of the moon breaker they still won. I will need more to deal with these pesky power rangers.” She says. “No matter, when I get the relics, even they will bow before me.” She says, “You will not win forever, Ozpin.”
“Hey there, Rubes.” Yang says, her and Blake walking up to the bar that Ruby and Weiss were sitting at. “Celebrating?”
“Yep.” Ruby says, “Chocolate ice cream. Any better way to celebrate saving the city?”
“Can’t think of one.” Yang says, as she sits down. “It’s good stuff.”
“I like vanilla.” Weiss says, “It’s the finest of the flavors.”
“Nope, strawberry is.” Ruby says, “They were just out.”
“Can’t go wrong with a couple scoops of chocolate though.” Yang says, and then gets distracted. “Hey look, we’re on the news.”
“After a long and arduous battle, the power rangers managed to defeat the latest of Salem’s minions. While a part of the city was heavily damaged by the monster, they surely saved the rest of the city from destruction. This is Lisa Lavender, signing off on your power rangers update of the day. Stay tuned for all updates on Vale’s heroes as it happens.”
“Guess we did good.” Ruby says.
“Yep.” Yang says.
“We saved a lot of people. It feels nice.” Blake says.
“As long as we’re here, Salem doesn’t stand a chance.” Ruby says. She was sure it was true too. They’d been given this power to save the world, and there wasn’t a doubt in her mind that they would do so.
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aeyemenethes-blog · 8 years
Lathbora viran Ch. 1
This is the first chapter in my Solas x Lavellan fanfic that is on AO3. Here's the link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10213937/chapters/22667927. I do have the chapter here is  well. It is in Solas 1st person POV.
Chapter One
Darkness swallowed up the world – cracking its structure into fragments – and the Fade cried out. The sundering shredded along my skin, blood and nerves, bringing a prickling of warm liquid to the corners of my eyes. In a snuff of a candle, lives beyond counting extinguished, reminding me of another day similar to this one in its passing.
The Veil stretched out before my eyes as a puckering scar still within the first hours of its making.
A sharp green glow stung my vision, drawing me toward the dead, and – on wobbly legs strained against a crudely shaped staff for support – I cut a path to the base of the mountain. Seeker Pentaghast would be waiting there with her soldiers just in case the Conclave went awry; though I doubted her forces could repair this. Echoes reached out first from the dead, and then the living, as I crossed the stone threshold into Haven.
“Follow.” The Seeker’s bark tore at my senses, and I caught her armored form tearing through onlookers in a mad dash. “Bring her.”
A small contingency of soldiers – no more than five – carried a lithe, limp body clad in ill-fitting clothing meant for comfort as much as camouflage. I stopped to watch them make their way to Haven’s Chantry and found myself rooted in two directions. Pressed one way toward the spirits drifting through the new vortex in the sky, and yet drawn to see who it was the Seeker and her men carried. A whimper tore at the back of my throat, more wolf than elf, but I forced my feet through the ankle deep snow. Numbness had replaced my uneasy relationship with the cold long ago until all I wore were the foot wraps, and not shoes, thankfully.
In the Chantry, people huddled – many in fervent prayers – both elven and human, while others wept openly and rent their clothing before the statues of a woman. I caught husky tones calling out her name as well as the name of their god – her lover – in supplication. Always the same no matter the era. In tragedy there was no division between race and class, just oneness in grief. Heavy smoke and incense from lit braziers of Andraste, and priestesses swinging pendulums belching fog permeated the room, deadening my senses further. In the haze, I could just barely make out the forms of the soldiers by the parting of the gathering crowd.
Seeker Pentaghast led her group down into the dungeons, and I slipped through the door behind them keeping to the shadows. Curiosity spurred my body despite still reeling from the sudden shock in the Fade. It happened while I visited the battle of the Hero of Ferelden against the former cultists who claimed Haven for a time. When the Fade buckled, I was shot out of the memory as if I became ice water thrown onto a blazing fire.
With the harsh reality of the living temporarily dampening my connection, I warred between terror and relief before resigning myself to present events. So many lives lost in a single second threatened to overwhelm me, and I touched my temple where I felt the tender blossoming of a headache beginning. It fluttered in tempo with my heartbeat – accelerated and shallow.
Cassandra’s clipped tone as she spoke my name jarred me from thought, and I noticed her gaze hovering through the darkness in my direction. No reason existed adequate enough to excuse my hiding in the shadows like some Darkspawn Hurlok. Somehow I knew she was aware of that too. Curling my calloused palm tighter around the worn, leather binding of my staff, I took a tentative step into the torchlight. Cool eyes followed my movement, narrowing as I drew closer, but I dropped my gaze to regard the Seeker’s quarry.
A brow twitched and my jaw ticked as I saw a bloodless face, strained and slick with sweat. Gaunt from a lifetime of rationed meals and hard work. Refined, delicate features lay beneath a thick layer of blood and gore – most of which did not appear to belong to them – seized and jerked in pain and fevered dreaming. Curiosity gripped me again, and I knelt beside the prone figure careful not to touch them. Yet.
Precaution and, perhaps, warding were needed before I proceeded.
“What happened, Seeker?” I asked, wincing slightly at the hoarse whisper of my voice, though I doubted the human saw anything past a crease of my brow.
The question, however, sparked something in the woman’s eyes. Anger? Hatred? And she stabbed a finger upward – presumably at the sky beyond – her nostrils flaring. “Are you daft, elf? Did you not just see what happened to the sky… to all those…”
People. I finished silently but said aloud, “Even the blind can see the sky now, Seeker. I ask after the condition of this person.”
Pulling herself to her full height, Cassandra folded her arms just under the indent of the breastplate she wore. The way she puckered her lips into a frown tore at the scar down her cheek, as if opening the old wound, though only in illusion. “Many are dead or wounded so it shouldn’t surprise you that I bring one into the Chantry.”
I gave her a flat stare, letting her know I would neither back down from my inquiry nor fall for her baited trap. She couldn’t place the blame of whatever happened at the Conclave on my shoulders. I wasn’t even near the mountain top when that magic rent the sky asunder. Instead, I thumbed at my temple again, feeling the dull ache now throbbing. “Cassandra, I am only surprised you chose the cell of a dungeon as your base of operations when your patient requires healing.”
The ichor in her eyes simmered, and I felt the heat of her emotions fan over me. I braced for the inevitable boiling that usually accompanied her tirades, but her face softened to show a momentary lapse into sorrow. It hardened just as quickly.
“Save her, Solas.” Cassandra’s command was tinged with a warning. “She is the only one who survived the explosion at the Conclave. I want answers.”
Again my eyes slipped down to the unconscious woman, and feather light shivers ran down me as I saw the strange curls of greenish mana lacing her tattered body – congregating particularly around her left hand. It felt so familiar and nauseating. Wrong. Reaching forward – knowing what I would find, but needing confirmation all the same – I picked up the hand and turned it over, tracing a dispassionate gaze transversely on the glowing fissure carved into her palm. I forgot about the want for wards the instant the puzzle pieces fell into place.
Mine. There was no mistaking the Mark’s origins or how it came to be on this woman’s flesh. Now, however, was not the appropriate time to explain my knowledge of it. Not when admittance would beset the fangs of these rabid dogs down on me. I couldn’t fend off their onslaught in my current state. Soon, but…
Setting down the hand, I looked up to see the Seeker sneering, but with a questioning gleam in her eye. “You would do well to get a mage who excels at healing magic, perhaps Adan. My magic is better suited--”
“By the Maker!” Cassandra grasped her hand around my bicep and jerking me upward, the metal from her gauntlet biting through the cloth of my tunic to the skin underneath. Her face was mere inches from mine and – when she spoke – her breath clung to me hot, and damp. Uncomfortable. “This isn’t a request so you better succeed, Solas. Not just for her sake but yours.”
A growl pushed its way out of my nose, and I yanked my arm free, more annoyed that it would bruise, than angry about how she handled me. If our positions were reversed, I might’ve done the same thing were I a millennia or two younger. I didn’t blame her for her brusque manner. Fear laced behind those dark eyes not used to having the situation ripped from her control.
I pinched the bridge of my nose to ward off a crashing wave of dizziness from my newfound headache. Then gave a soft sigh. “I can promise nothing but to try.”
Gesturing to one of the soldiers with a slight nod of her head, the man slipped out a sword from the scabbard at his waist, and pointed it at me. Inches from my chest. A part of me laughed at the act. If I was a little stronger I would have actually laughed out loud, but I just rocked back on my heels, and returned my attention to my new charge.
“See that you do, apostate.” Cassandra seethed through clenched teeth then turned on her heels, and left me with her soldiers – swords trained on me – and the pitiful, collapsed creature on the flagstone.
A sick feeling washed over me. Underground, the voices of the dead and dying – of the torn Veil and Fade demons spewing from the green hole in the sky – all were muffled and niggled at the edges of my suddenly weary mind. Except one. I sidled the woman's limp body onto my lap for better access, and called forth what healing magic I possessed.
The mana itched to the surface of my skin through veins and nerve endings alight by the rush of raw energy. All at once sensations of dread and arousal blanketed me as it did every time I summoned up my magic. Maybe it was the Veil filtering and dampening my connection that brought about these unpleasant emotions because they were never present before the Veil’s creation. But now I found I couldn’t deny my body the urgent addiction the very act of magic brought. Pushing down the ill-conceived thoughts into the precipices of my mind to pick apart later, I concentrated on the matter at hand.
Grasping onto the mana with a sharp, calculated tug, I guided it into the unconscious woman, watching her body pull onto the streams of faint light like it was dying of thirst. Working through the intricate system of a living creature came with some resistance, but in such a weakened state, I batted it aside with little effort.
The Mark on her left hand flared to life, and I felt it reach out trying to choke me. I cast a barrier around myself, and continued grafting the healing magic onto the areas she hurt the most. Her body was scorched and dry in so many places, and the healing soaked her like a wet balm along her desert planes. I hummed gently under my breath as I worked to knit flesh and restore blood. And when the blood and gore receded from her face, I looked upon her as if truly seeing her for the first time, and I gasped.
Inside me, the Wolf stirred.
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sailoryue · 8 years
Tale of a Saiyan's tail pt 3
Bra continued terrorizing the forest, seemingly finding the trees an annoying adversary, snagging at the tutu sewn into her suit. She suddenly paused, narrowing her eyes and began readying an energy beam, as Vegeta had known she would figure how to do. Right now she was running on pure instinct. Most untrained and lower-classed saiyans never bothered training in their great ape forms, it was often difficult given that Vegeta-sai's moon was full only once every 7 years, and most didn't see the point. Vegeta's own father however saw to it that on his first full moon, at the very age Bra was, he would learn Control. His father had an advantage in that training tho. Vegeta had to teach his daughter control, outside of his ape form. He fired a low powered blast above her head, breaking her concentration causing the energy she was accumulating to disperse. "Hey! Watch firing at our daughter like that!" Bulma's voice shouted in the earpiece he had nearly forgotten he was wearing. He shot a glare at the nearby remote drone hovering overhead. "First of all, you have no idea what destruction that blast could have wrought, secondly, had I not fired that low powered big bang, she would have fired a major blast, that would have destroyed your barrier." "FIRST of all, " Bulma countered, "I in fact DO have an idea at what destruction such a blast can bring. I've seen Goku use it before." That statement took Vegeta off guard, "Wait, when the hell did you see Kakarot turn into the great ape?" "I could have sworn I told you this story. It was a long time ago, when I was 16." How had Vegeta not heard this story before? In his distraction however, Bra took this time to grab him in her hands. Vegeta cursed under his breath for foolishly allowing that to happen. "Oops, sorry dear." Bulma's voice chirped from the earpiece, before going completely quiet. Vegeta growled and struggled to get out of the firm grip of his daughter, who thankfully hadn't done more than just hold him. He had to think, and think fast. An Ozaru's grip can crush damn near anything. "Bra, please release your father this instant." He said as patiently as he could muster thru clenched teeth. He could easily break her grip just by going super saiyan, but he worried that doing so may break her hands. If she broke a few ribs, that didn't matter. Any injury he obtained was inconsequential compared to any injury done to his daughter. Rather than do what he said, all Bra did was stare blankly at him before uttering an earth-shattering roar right in his face, spraying him with spit in the process. That was not pleasant. Obviously words weren't going to work. At least not spoken ones, as she was not hearing them. He focused his abilities. 'Bra. This is your father. Let me go now!' He sent a telepathic message to her. This caused the massive beast his daughter became to pause; not a moment to soon as she had just started to squeeze. For now it was just a tad difficult to breath. She looked around trying to find the voice that just spoke to her. 'Bra, I'm here, in your hands' He tried again, bringing his mental voice a little louder and firmer. Bra looked down at her hands, and tilted her head. She uttered a questioning grunt. 'Yes, down here. Do you recognize me?' Bra uttered another grunt, softer. Her mouth moved as if to try to talk, but all that came out was growls. Followed by a huff. Vegeta couldn't help but chuckle. 'It's ok daughter, it takes time to speak in that form. Your father would greatly appreciate it if you would let him go?' Vegeta felt the massive grip around him finally loosen he floated in front of Bra in her great ape form. “Good. We will work on telepathy another day. The great ape mind can be a little... over whelming at first.” Then he switched to telepathy, as he was actually getting somewhere with that. –---- While Vegeta was having a one way mental conversation with his daughter, the great ape, Bulma and Trunks were in a nearby observation post just outside the barrier she had put up. She didn’t worry too much when the drone stopped picking up audio. She saw that in some way Vegeta was communicating with Bra, even if not out loud. She knew that Vegeta wanted privacy at this point, as she watched him pull the communicator out of his ear. She turned off the audio feed from the drone as at this point it was pointless, but still watched the video. Trunks was looking out the window with a pair of binoculars. There was a sudden whoosh sound followed by a crash. She turned around to see Goku standing with his fingers on his forehead; Goten was laying on the ground, having apparently lost his footing when they 'landed.' "Bulma, quick! There's a large power level nearby!" He exclaimed. Bulma rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am well aware." She pointed to the video screen. Goku came over and saw the scene playing out. While Goku watched the scene of Vegeta talking with the blue furred great ape, behind them Trunks helped Goten up, silently greeting his friend, laughing at how Goten always falls over when he instant-transmissions. "Sorry, dad was in a rush on that teleport and it caught me off --, holy crap what's that!?" He said taking notice of the looming figure in the distance. Trunks handed him a pair of binoculars. "It's Bra." "EH!? THAT'S LITTLE BRA!?" Goku shouted in surprise. "Yes. It is. And Vegeta is trying to train her on controlling that right now." "Oh, I thought I sensed his energy near there. Lucky I thought to lock on Trunks's energy instead then" Goku chuckled. Bulma quirked an eyebrow. "Yes, it is a good thing. If you ended up breaking the hold he had on Bra's concentration, he probably would have let her throttle you had she got you first." Goku gave a sheepish grin. "But does he really got her under control?" He asked getting rather serious. He knew how destructive that form can be, how one can be completely and utterly lost in its instincts. Bulma pointed at the video monitor again, with a proud grin. "Considering she's no longer tearing up my forest, You tell me." Goku watched the scene of Vegeta perched on the giant ape's knee with a determined concentration on his face. He made some gestures as if telling a story. Goku was impressed. "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle!" He said with a chuckle. Goten groaned while Trunks rolled his eyes; Bulma pinched the bridge of her nose. Goku always had such a terrible sense of humor. "Anyways," She sighed, "As you can see Goku, we have everything under control here. The sun's going to rise soon, so its best that you get going before Vegeta realizes you are here." ------ As the sun began to rise, he felt a shift in the air as the energy withdrew itself into his daughter. Her giant great form began to dwindle, and shrink as she slowly turned back into a small child. He floated down to the ground right as she was 100% back to normal, catching her as she collapsed, weakened by the transformation. Once safe in his arms she fell into a deep sleep, snuggled into his chest, tiny fist clenching his shirt. He smiled, chest swelling with pride. 'Sleep well my little princess. You did well, and we have two more days for this lunar cycle to go.' He took off into the direction of the observation post that Bulma and Trunks were staying, noting that Kakarot's energy had vanished. The other saiyan was lucky he didn't stick around as he was not in the mood to deal with him. He too needed his rest for tonight would be another full moon. Funny how the Earth's lunar cycle provides 3 full moons every month; it was baffling! Looking down at his sleeping daughter in his arms, he smiled to himself. Yes, she was going to be a great saiyan warrior when she grew up. And he couldn't wait to see how she expanded her potential! ------- ok so i may have taken a little creative liberty on this one. I know that in dragon ball that Goku never used that beam attack great apes use, but.... lets just say for the sake of this he did. anyways. this was fun to write, and there was one line that i absolutely had to put in... I probably have one or 2 more fics in my series of family fics for the Briefs. hope you enjoyed, and please review~!
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Giving #Birth to a Nation Through Destruction: The Importance of #Midwives and #Doulas "#Allah knows what EVERY female bears, and that of which falls short of completion and that which they grow. And everything with Him has a measure." Holy #Quran 13:8   Have you ever thought about what will happen to all of the pregnant women and girls when the Destruction hits your city?  Have you considered where you will take your wife, your daughter, your sister, etc to get prenatal care and who will deliver our precious babies when God destroys all of the hospitals in your city?   Who will deliver our babies During and After Such destruction?   Why do you think #God would destroy a hospital or even allow a hospital to be destroyed?   In my opinion this is the most important, most urgent article I have ever written in my life. I pray that Allah guides me to use these words to reach your heart in particular, and I beg you, I plead with you, to forward this on to every one you know.    I pray this goes around the world at least seven times    I believe one of the Most Important roles in the universe, at this time, is that of Midwife/Doula.   What is a Midwife?    According to MANA (Midwives Alliance North America" A Midwife is "Midwives are the traditional care providers for mothers and infants. Midwives are trained professionals with expertise and skills in supporting women to maintain healthy pregnancies and have optimal births and recoveries during the postpartum period. Midwives provide women with individualized care uniquely suited to their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and cultural needs. Midwifery is a woman-centered empowering model of maternity care that is utilized in all of the countries of the world with the best maternal and infant outcomes such as The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Canada."      I believe one of the MOST Sacred, the MOST Noble, and the MOST critical aspect to building the Kingdom of God is through the midwife. She is a very special human being.   This wicked and evil world(America) is finished.   America is being destroyed as we read these words, by Almighty God. By the time you finish reading this another city may be destroyed financially. And as God takes one world(America) out, He is bringing another one in. A world of peace and happiness. A world free from disease and sin. And He is going to bring that entire new world, that new heaven and the new earth, through the womb of a woman.    You may be thinking, "Well brother, what does this have to do with Disasters?"   This has everything to do with disasters, the absolute destruction of America.   When you hear God is Destroying America what do you see in your mind?   Do you see the White House being destroyed?   Do you see the dollar falling, piled up burning in the streets?   Do you see terrible and destructive wars around the world? Riots and Protests in America so violent and destructive it is too dangerous to even go outside?   But can you imagine this? Can you imagine every hospital in your city destroyed? Can you imagine every hospital, every doctors office of our open enemy completely collapsed in a piles of ruins. All of these evil and wicked institutions are being destroyed for the intentional killing and poisoning the people of God for centuries.   And while all of this is happening, what will we be doing?   We will continue to produce. We will continue to have babies.   But Who will bring these special babies into the world?   Dear Midwives, I respect you, I admire you, and I Honor you and ALL that you do.     There was a time I did not even know about Midwives/Doula's or what you did.  But Allah put me in a special place to witness a home birth. And I will never in my life forget that experience.    Most of Our people don't know about Midwives/Doula's. We didn't know we could have our babies at home. We don't know that many of the rich and powerful have their babies at home. Many only know one thing, when we get pregnant, find a doctor, and have the baby in a hospital.   Which is the absolute WORST thing we can ever do. And we should never let these demons take our babies out of our sight.   A Midwife should want for nothing. All of our Midwives must be taken care of like we care for our Ministers and priests. Even better than we care for some of these wicked and corrupt leaders. Because our future comes right through their hands. For many of us the very first voice, the very first person our babies will ever touch, is a Midwife.   To my Sisters. There is no better occupation you could strive for than that of a Midwife/Doula. None. If you are thinking about what you want to do with your life, if you're thinking about changing careers, please consider midwifery. Mothers, encourage your daughters to consider midwifery.    We are going to need you. Soon. Find  a midwife or doula and start learning now.  I read a report that there are over 7 billion people on the planet.    What is a Doula?  According to Wikipedia:  "A doula; also known as a labour coach and originating from the Ancient Greek word δούλη meaning female servant), is a non medical person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, as well as her partner and/or family, by providing physical assistance, and emotional support. The provision of continuous support during labour, which may be provided by doulas, nurses, family, friends, etc. is associated with improved maternal and fetal health and a variety of other benefits. Certification and training is offered to doulas, though there is no oversight to their practice and the title can be used by anyone.[5] The goal of a doula is to ensure the mother feels safe and confident before, during, and after delivery"   Dear Midwives and Doulas, tomorrow we face destruction like we have never seen in the history of this world. And while many cities and states will be destroyed, we will continue to bring in more and more babies.   Many of our people don't know of you today. But tomorrow, when the hospitals are destroyed, they will search high and low to find you. With the help of Allah I want to help bridge that gap.   My goals for writing this article is to:   A: To Urge our women and girls to turn to Midwives/Doula's to bring their precious babies into the world.   B: To Urge as many of our girls and women to look your way to learn how to become Midwives and Doulas.   C: To form a connection with you, so that in times of #Disaster/Destruction, in times of Emergency, Crisis and Destruction, and in that dark time when  those find out they are pregnant, we can know exactly where to send them in each city, or in times of emergency we can call for you, and you can call on us, to help each other save the lives of our people and their babies.   We don't have enough midwives or doulas.    I've been following a few Midwives/Doula's on Facebook, one in Particular is Sister JayVon Muhammad of Urban Midwifery. Here is the link to her facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jayvonmuhammad?fref=ts  Also another link for her is https://www.causes.com/causes/396222-urban-midwifery-inc  She is based out of the West Coast and I believe She teaches as well. We must help and Suppoort our Sister. Please donate what you can to help this sister. Because tomorrow it may be your wife, your sister, your daughter or cousin who will need her. And she may be so busy that there will not be enough time in a day for her to deliver all the babies.    We MUST have women of God standing there to bring in what He has called forth from the wombs of our Women.   In our Lessons given to us by our Saviour Master Fard Muhammad, He tells us and warns us of the doctors and nurses of our open enemy.   These demons can't wait to get these needles into the darker babies of the earth to kill them. No sooner as the babies are born the nurse of our open enemy is standing there ready to stick the needle in filling our babies with poison and death. Ready to feed them to the wild beasts. Weaken them mentally and physically so they are no threat when Fed to a system waiting to devour them.    So we must help our Midwives now. So they can train up other girls and women because the hour is upon us.   Brothers we got to cover down on our Midwives.    As this evil world is going out and our people begin to turn to our midwives this enemy may target them.   We Must Cover down on our Midwives/Doula's and protect them.   Midwives should not want for anything. The only thing they should be focusing on is bringing in our precious babies. Right now, as we read this, our Midwives are having fundraisers just to be able to stay open to do what? To deliver OUR babies.    That is absolutely insane that these sisters have to beg us to help them to deliver our children into this world. To many of us are more concerned about where we are going to have the baby shower instead of who is going to deliver the child.     "We have to ask ourselves, “Is this a plan?” Why is the mortality rate of Black people so high? No prenatal care is emphasized to our young women, so they are not protected in their ideas of sexual involvement. Therefore, our women are having a lot of babies; but with a lack of knowledge, our babies are dying from lack of care and disease." #Farrakhan: Black youth: Organize & defend your community http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Minister_Louis_Farrakhan_9/Black_youth_Organize_amp_defend_your_community_3017.shtml   Many of us have never been in the presence of a Midwife. But WHEN you do, you will understand what I am trying to get across to us. We must help these sisters in ANY WAY we can. They are truly the Laborers of Almighty God Allah.   These Midwives are so special, so precious, they must be protected and cared for.   If you are expecting and you are thinking about having your baby in a hospital. If you would Please reconsider and don't not think of home births FIRST. Contact Sister and ask her for counsel. I've followed this Sistet for years and though I've never met her, I greatly admire her and I always want to help our sister and ALL Midwives and Doulas. I pray this article does that.   It's best for us to stay away from these hospitals  with our babies.   If you know of any Midwives or Doulas will you please forward this on to them. What we desire at this time is just a simple contact.  Send us your name, and city state contact info. This is only Emergency Contact Information. We want to build a registry so during times of disaster we will know who we can contact in each city where our people are expecting. The office we are forming at M.R.T. Will ultimately be run by a Midwife/Doula.    Please help us help our midwives by sending this out and help us help our future babies   Thank you   As Salaam Alaikum   Brother Michael    "The NURSE'S LAW was to KILL  the Black babies at birth by sticking a needle in the brain of the babies or feed it to some wild beast; and tell the mother that her baby was an angel baby and that it was only taken to heaven, and some day when the mother dies, her baby would have secured her a home in heaven. But save all the brown ones and tell their mother that she was lucky that her baby was a holy baby; and she should take good care of her baby, educate it, and that some day it would be a great man. All nurses, doctors and ministers - Yacub put them under a death penalty who fail to carry out the law as it was given to them" 
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