#my mom got it but was like 'hm. i mean it makes sense i just dont like this kinda genre' :/ can respect that
thecherrygod · 1 year
i just watched eeaao.............
#my posts#notes: i liked it#sadly i had to watch it half yesterday the other half today bc i did watch it with my parents and it was 'too long' to watch in one sitting#bc they like going to bed early which like. i respect them for that i just wanted to watch it... all at once.#ok out of puns! but yeah i liked it im sad the everything bagle thing gets lost in translation sadly#like they called the bagle a donut.............. sad its not like we dont know what a bagle is but i can get the everything part#as being hard to translate i dont exactly know what an everything bagle actually means like what does it have#is it the normal classic one i have no idea i never had a bagle and maybe i never will bc i also dont like cream cheese dgushig#... different notes none of my parents really liked it my dad didnt understand it to begin with rip#my mom got it but was like 'hm. i mean it makes sense i just dont like this kinda genre' :/ can respect that#idek if the reason i got it easy was bc i actually did or bc im chronically online tho i had tried to skip as many post about it as i could#i do know its a post in here that made me get the parallel of the bagle and the googly eyes tho but i do like that#and also i do like this kinda thing thats almost science fiction and the power of love and intergenerational trauma so like. yeah#.... also i love waymond sighsdug husband of the year#hm. i have nothing else to said unprompted i guess. ah wait i did like the other movie refferences that we could catch tho#anyways yeah that!#i can now stop skipping posts about this movie lmao
0 notes
the girl next door 26
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You fall asleep somewhere between the Humphrey Bogart classic and the Tom Hanks-Meg Ryan romcom. It all blends together inside your eyelids as the world glazes over behind the wall of your subconscious. The black-and-white and vibrant technicolor merge and storm around the images of reality; a courthouse, the smell of grass, and a constricting pressure around your middle. 
A rippling sensation spreads down your thigh as you slowly rouse from sleep. The worn couch cushions have you stiff as you lay on your side, one leg extended as warmth rests just above your knee. Your eyes slit as the TV continues to play, an early morning news show localised to another district. You yawn and scratch your ear as the world comes into focus. 
You don’t remember laying down. You only know one moment you were nestled into the corner and the next, you’re waking up like this. You fell another tickle on your leg and look down at the weight there. Steve’s hand lays on your thigh carelessly as his head hangs back over the back of the couch, his knees wide as his body is slack. He snores up at the ceiling, his other hand on your ankle. 
You turn slowly, careful not to disturb him as you pull your leg away from him. He wakes anyway, his head jerking up as he latches onto your calf, squeezing before he lets you go, and grumbles as he rubs his cheeks. He shakes his head. 
“Mm, oh, morning already,” he mutters as he leans forward, reaching back to touch his lower back, “umph,” he leans against the armrest, “good new, at least, my couch is a lot comfier.” 
He chortles and slides to the edge of the cushion. His jaw tenses before he stands, stretching his legs straight under him as he shifts from one foot to the other. He angles so you can only see his back as he rolls his shoulders. He tugs at the front of his pajamas then glances back at you. 
“Sweetie, you okay?” He asks. 
You nod as you hug your knees and stare down at the couch. The old floral pattern is worn out and you can feel the springs poking up. Still, the idea of getting rid of it is unsettling. 
“This was my grandma’s couch,” you murmur. 
“Aw, I know, sweetie, sorry, I didn’t mean--” he nears and sits back down, dragging his knuckle up your pant leg, toying with the fabric as he watches you, “you must’ve loved her, huh?” 
“I... yeah,” you shrug. 
“If you wanna keep it, how about we put it in your room?” 
“What?” you tilt your head, “my room?” 
“Well, yeah, you can take the guest room. Makes sense, right? Lots more room there. We’ll have to toss a few things but we’ll make it work. And you can put your art stuff in the studio, I don’t mind sharing.” 
“Mm, okay, I guess, I...” you look down at the couch then at him. “You can get rid of it.” 
“The couch,” you turn, slipping away from him. “It’s old.” 
“If it means something to you.” 
“Not really,” you stand and shuffle away from him. “I’m going to get dressed.” 
“Right, uh, yeah,” the coach groans beneath him as he stands again, “I’ll check on mom.” 
There’s stolid silence lingering between you, as if he expects a response. You just continue on to the doorway and he clears his throat.  
“Got some running around to do today, calls to make,” he says, “gotta get at em.” 
You nod and hum but offer him nothing else. You’re tired and disoriented by the disjointed night. Your head is brittle from the lack of sleep and the uncomfortably thin couch cushions. 
“Make sure you come and have breakfast with us, huh? I’ll be going into town soon to sort out the bill with hospital and ask about nursing options.” 
“Okay,” you utter and turn down the hallway. 
It’s a lot. You don’t think you could deal with it alone. It almost makes you thankful for all of it, yet it all still feels very strange. 
You offer to clean up after breakfast as Steve gets ready to leave and your mom reclines on the sectional in the front room. She looks out of it, more than you’ve ever seen her. She was quiet as you ate and looked sickened by each bite. She almost begged Steve to let her lay down. 
As Steve grabs his keys, he seems reluctant to leave. It’s as if he wants you to say something, to do something, but you can’t figure out his expectations. That will be a new worry. No longer do you have to keep your mother happy, but her husband will be just another task. 
The front door closes as you scrub and rinse. You forego the dishwasher and make sure to handwash each dish, taking your time if only to keep busy. You dry up and stack the plates away, put the glasses in neat rows, and sort out the utensils. 
You go to check on your mom. Her eyes are closed and her hand is on her chest. She looks so still you can’t even see her breathing. You cross the room and hover just on the other side of the arm rest, staring at her. Your heart patters nervously as you stare at her chest. 
“What do you want?” She growls and opens a single eyelid. 
“N-nothing, just... checking on you. You... want a coffee?” You offer, hoping to appease her with a dose of caffeine. 
“Should,” she yawns and frames her forehead with her thumb and fingers, leaning against the side of the couch, “goddamn, I’m so tired.” 
You briskly return to the kitchen. You use what grounds are left over in the fancy grinder. You’ve never used one before and it kind of scares you. You measure them out and put the water on, waiting before the machine as you bob on your feet. 
When at last you have enough for a mug, you pour the coffee and add the cream as your mother likes it. As you come out, you hear her snoring. Her arm is slung over her face as her mouth hangs open and her breath catches in her throat. You know better than to wake her so you leave the cup on the coffee table and retreat. 
You’re too restless to stay inside. This isn’t your home. No matter how Steve tries to convince you, you just can’t get used to the idea. He might be nice but it just doesn’t feel right. It’s all so fast. Too fast. 
You sit on the top step and stare out at the street. You cup your chin and watch the sky. The clouds are wispy and curl into each other as the sun blazes down. Your vision blurs as the intense lights causes your eyes to water and you stare into the endless above. 
You glance over at your mom’s house. You want to run over and hide away in your room. You can’t. You have to be there for mom at least until Steve comes back. 
As figure strolls up along the walk and your eyes flick up. You brace yourself for the disproving glare of an HOA minion but instead, find a friendly face. Peter smiles as he stops in front of your mom’s gate and puts his hand on the door. He sees you and waves. 
“Hey, what’re you doing over there?” He asks as he jiggles the gate then strides towards Steve’s house. 
“Um...” you drone and shrug, standing as he nears the edge of Steve’s lawn. You meet him at the low gate and stop across from him, “I sort of... I think I live here now.” 
“You think? Sort of?” He muses. 
“Yeah, uh, my mom... got married?” 
“You don’t sound so sure about that,” he chuckles. “Everything okay?” 
You turn your lips downward and turn out your hands, “sure.” 
“Wow, I’m convinced,” he says dryly. 
“Sorry, I--” 
The toot of a car horn interrupts you and Peter turns to watch as Steve pulls into the drive. Your chest thumps wildly. You’re not doing anything wrong but you feel like you are. 
He gets out and puts a hand up. He comes around the corner of the fence and approaches Peter, “hey, kiddo, you making friends?” 
Steve’s eyes are focused on Peter even as he speaks to you. The shorter, younger man faces him and offers a hand, “hello, sir, I’m Peter. Old friend.” 
“Oh?” Steve’s eyes scale up and down Peter’s figure, “she never mentioned.” 
“Well, just moved back to the neighbourhood, you know?” Peter grins, his eyes twinkling as if something’s funny. Steve peers between the two of you.  
“Mm, that’s nice,” Steve shakes his hand and you see his knuckles pale as he shakes it firmly, “Steve.” 
“New dad, got it,” Peter chirps and the older man’s cheek ticks. 
“Mm,” he squints as his square jaw clenches, “well, Pete,” he nearly spits, “her mom’s not doing too well so she’s a bit busy. Aren’t you, kiddo?” 
He looks at you and you look at Peter. You nod and look away guiltily, “yeah.” 
“Well then, Pete,” Steve releases Peter’s hand and claps his shoulder, “think you should be on your way.” 
“Right,” Peter nods and turns to you, “sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she feels better. See ya round.” He puts up three fingers in a half-wave, “see ya, Steve.” 
He steps past Steve, brushing close as he does, and marches off with a spring in his step. The older man turns to glare after him. You don’t know why he’s so bothered, Peter’s nice enough. Well, maybe Peter isn’t the issue. 
“Sorry, mom’s sleeping so I came out here--” 
“Come on,” he interjects as he lets himself through the gate, “did you give her her meds?” 
You frown as you scurry ahead of him. You didn’t. You thought he had. Oh no. 
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gentaro-kinniecom · 7 months
“Oh you haven’t kissed anyone yet? Neither have I, maybe we could..?”
Characters: Adonis Otogari, Tatsumi Kazehaya, Yuzuru Fushimi, Tsumugi Aoba, Kanata Shinkai, Leo Tsukinaga, Mika Kagehira, Hinata Aoi, Mao Isara and Niki Shina
Cw: fluff! Silly kisses and flustered (?) characters, Keito being mom coded in Mao’s part HELPP, idk what else to say except that..I really enjoyed writing this
A/n: Hi guys! I went missing for like 2 months (school has been absolutely brutal) but anyways, I hope y’all enjoy this silly post, also the reader is the one who tells them that, not the character towards the reader (i hope it made sense 😓)
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Adonis Otogari
“Huh?” what the first thing Adonis replied to when he heard your question. He seriously thought he’d heard wrong and blushed a bit as he ran the words over and over again in his head, he really wanted to kiss you. Especially since he’s had a crush on you for a while, so Adonis gently brings you closer and kisses you. He apologizes later on even, if you didn’t mind the kiss and he’ll try to properly court you afterwards.
-“Can we go on a date? I insist, you’re a wonderful person to be around with”
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Tatsumi Kazehaya
Tatsumi gets embarrassed at the suggestion, he didn’t expect such a bold statement coming from you. He’ll decline the offer, saying that it would be ‘unpleasant’ to kiss if you’re not in a relationship…Tatsumi changes his mind when you suggest trying things out as a couple. Going on dates and listening to his rants about..anything really. He doesn’t want to admit how badly he wants to kiss you, so he does, with no hesitation.
-“Now that we’re together..I suppose you don’t mind me showing you my affection, hm?”
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Yuzuru Fushimi
Nearly drops his tray of tea when you said that. You noticed the change in his attitude, a bit flustered and shy as he offered you some tea. Tori was out to visit Eichi and Wataru was practicing for another show, meaning it was the given moment to spend time with Yuzuru. As much as he wanted to leave, he couldn’t help but want to kiss you. Yuzuru was now grabbing your chin softly and leaning in, parting away as he smiled.
-“It seems a date is in order? I would be delighted to show you some of the best sights in the city”
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Tsumugi Aoba
Similar to Yuzuru except, he dropped the books he was holding and quickly got down to get them back. Yet, you were helping him, and he got more nervous and shy. However, Tsumugi grabbed your hand, whisking you away to a more secluded area to kiss you. He confessed that he liked you since the day you’ve met and it all felt like a dream when you asked him that.
-“I would’ve never guessed that a day like today..we would kiss in the library, but, I’m definitely not complaining..”
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Kanata Shinkai
His face remained puzzled as he asked you to repeat the question again. Kanata smiled as he heard it once more, pulling you towards the waves of the ocean as he wrapped his arms around you. It was usual for him to be so affectionate with you..but as his lips neared yours, you felt your breath hitch. Your clothes were wet by the time you both left the fountain; Kanata was now holding your hand softly while kissing you
-“Hehe~ I like ‘spending’ time with you..do you want to go on a ‘date’ with me~?”
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Leo Tsukinaga
He straight up just laughs and begins writing on the notebook you gifted him a while back for his birthday. Soon holding it up for you as you read the lyrics of a song Leo had thought of the moment you told him that. Suddenly, you felt him kiss your hand before moving to kiss you softly. He moved his hands to your face, still kissing you while smiling and parting away for air, wishing that moment lasted forever.
-“I was hoping you’d say that sometime, you give me so much inspiration~! I’ll make sure to dedicate you even more songs from now on!”
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Mika Kagehira
Mika was sewing quietly when he heard your suggestion. Hands shaky as he stopped what he was crafting. He was lucky Shu had gone to deliver some important outfits, meaning he wasn’t returning until a long time. Mika then looked your way, admiring your features as he then got up. Grabbing your face with both hands as he leaned in, kissing you dearly.
-“I..sorry, I really like you Y/n, and..well..I want to spend time with you..anywhere”
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Hinata Aoi
It all started like a joke to him, he couldn’t believe you were serious about it afterwards, his brother found out and listened in to what he thought about it. Hinata had a crush on you since ever, everything about you was so perfect in his eyes. He felt at comfort for the way you knew who he was and not confuse him with his brother often. After thinking about it he accepted the offer, taking you to the roof and kissing you softly. Smiling as he admired your features
- “I’m glad I met you, you’re so wonderful I…I get speechless whenever I’m around you”
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Mao Isara
Keito coughed a bit, making his presence noticeable in the student council’s room as Mao blushed, he heard it even if you whispered it? Keito just sighed and left the room, warning Isara not to do anything..out of the ordinary while he was gone. But, he just allowed that to happen.. Mao saw as you sat down beside him, grabbing his hand as he smiled; he nodded while leaning forward, you kissed him quickly before Mao then pulled you back for another one.
-“I know we shouldn’t kiss here but..what’s one small kiss going to change? I have the perfect place for our lunch, if you want to join me afterwards”
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Niki Shiina
His brain kinda just..stopped (?) working the moment you spoke, the food that he was making nearly burned as he quickly turned the stove off since it was already done. Niki couldn’t help but wonder if he heard right. He noticed how you looked around the kitchen, smiling and helping him prep the food for his unit-mates. After being alone, he thought about it for sometime, grabbing your hand softly and bringing you back to the kitchen to kiss you softly against the counter
-“You’re so cute when you help me around, we should bake together sometime..”
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
So I'm taking matters into my own goddamn hands-
Meeting Mirage ;)
Either Noah or Mirage might be a little OOC, but I'm giving it a shot
Takes place after the movie, with fem pronouns
Dude, where the hell are you?
Y/N was currently sent a page to Noah, her best friend of 3 years. He was suppose to pick her up from work, as her car broke down and is still getting fixed at the mechanics, but it was well over 20 minutes and he still hasn't showed. He was suppose to be there at 7:30, and now it's almost dark.
I'kl be there in 10 minutes! Domething just csme uo
Several typos, whatever the hell is happening over there is really making him either rush or panic... actually those are both kind of in the same sense.
Letting out a sigh through her nose, Y/N quickly typed out a response.
Yeah, yeah. Better keep to your promise, Sonic.
Not even letting him respond, the H/C-nette shoved the device into her coat pocket. Sure it may be the beginning of the summer, but she get cold easily.
And I mean very easily.
"Man, I really need a hot shower right now."
10 minutes breezed by quickly, seemingly in a blink of an eye. About to page Noah again, Y/N stopped in her tracks when a honk sounded in front of her.
Looking up, her eyes widen in complete surprise at the image in front of them. Her best friend, Noah Diaz, in a fucking Porsche. Well, it looked like it seen better days, but still.
"Yo, you gonna get in or are you just gonna stand there looking so surprised?" Noah shouted from inside the car, a smug look on his face.
Snapping out of it, Y/N got inside the car, buckling in her seatbelt.
Once the seatbelt clicked, Noah started the car onto the route back to Y/N's apartment complex. 5 minutes in and the two are making small talk and all that before Y/N asked him a question.
"So, what happened?"
"To the Porsche. Looks like Frankenstein's monster."
Noah let's out a small chuckle at the comment, "Oh uh, some guy sold it to me for a good price. Because it was all banged up and stuff. Couldn't even start."
"When did you get it?"
"Got it 2 months ago, still has some kinks that need to be fixed. But we've made some progress." He patted the dashboard in a comforting way, a somber smile on his face.
"2 months ago? Weren't you in Perú during that time? Also is Reeks helping you fix the car?"
"Yeah. I think I made a pretty good decision going there..also Reeks is just helping me get the parts, I'm mainly doing the fixing."
"Mm, pretty good job so far. I could help with the paint job? The blue and silver seems to be fading out, but I think it a fresh coat will make it look gorgeous."
After she finished that comment, the car felt like it heated up a little. Not too much to notice, but just enough.
"By the way, what did you do in Perú again?"
"Oh, to study for a job I was doing..got to see some of the landscapes and all that..and nearly died-"
"What was that?"
"Wha-nothing! Don't worry about it at all."
A silence fell between you too, an awkward silence to be exact. He's a little more fidgety than usual.. probably from exhaustion. It's something he does whenever he's very tired. Man, he must be more exhausted than usual.
"Sorry I called you so late, like right after your new job and stuff. It must be tiring."
"Nah I don't mind, you're my best friend after all. Just returning the favor when you babysat Kris last minute." Now Y/N absolutely loves Noah's family. First time she met them, it felt like a bond just, instantly clicked within. So from that day on, she makes a little time out of her day just to visit the Diaz family, especially Kris. He was so sweet, and like the little brother she never had. So whenever Noah or his mom were busy, she babysits him, and brings some food so they can enjoy together.
"I don't mind babysitting Kris at all. He's like a little brother to me anyway."
"Yeah, that's Kris. Best little brother I could ever ask for." A soft smile comes to his face, maybe he should bring some food from that burger joint his family likes, before he goes home so his mom doesn't have to cook tonight.
"Yeah..Hey do you mind if I put in my playlist?"
"Go for it."
Grabbing a mixtape from her pocket, she inserts it into the slot right above the radio, turning the knob to hear what was currently playing.
The familiar rhythm of Virgen by Adolescent's Orquesta brings a smile to your face, increasing the volume as one of her favorite songs plays through the car. Every so often, she would sing along to the lyrics, taping her fingers against the door.
What Y/N didn't know, was a certain Autobot mech was observing her in the passenger seat mirror, noticing the small things about her that seemed to have caught even more of his interest. The moment she got in the car, Mirage had to admit, she was PRETTY. And the compliments she said? Wooo that was feeding his ego.
And she was drop-dead gorgeous, in his optics, he doesn't even know her one bit and he's on his knees just from the sound of her voice. Oh her voice, don't even get him started on her voice. Most purest thing he has ever heard since he had stepped foot on Earth. Got her filling his tanks with a fluttery feeling, or as Noah sometimes likes to refer to, butterflies. What a weird thing to say. (Ngl, I head cannon Mirage to fall in love FAST)
After those few thoughts, the mech started observing her other features. Her eyes, hair, lips, cheeks, hands, even the smallest of moles/freckles that were dotted across her face. Oh and when her smile plastered her face, Mirage felt his spark beat faster.
She was a beauty, a beauty in her own category..
Sadly he wasn't able to admire her much longer, as they stopped in front of her apartment, the sky now completely dark. About to open the car door, the lock clicks, preventing Y/N from getting out. Thinking nothing of it, Y/N goes to unlock it, but it keeps repeatedly locking itself. With a huff, Y/N turns to Noah.
"Dude can you stop that shit?"
"It's not me I swear! Li-like I said, Mir-! The car was all banged up when I got it, still got a few bugs in it.." And as subtly as possible, kept kicking right above the pedals. Not to harshly, but to get the message across to stop messing around.
Finally after what seemed to be forever, the car doors unlocked, with Y/N getting out of the car, making sure to grab her tape. Running a hand over the hood, not noticing the shudder of metal, Y/N waves goodbye to Noah before entering her building, already getting excited for her hot shower.
When Y/N was out of sight and earshot, Noah turned to the radio, somewhat pissed.
"Mirage, what the hell was that??"
"Whaaaat? I did nothing wrong. Also, ouch. Do you have to kick me that hard? I'm still recovering y'know." You could hear the teasing smile on his face, pulling the recovery card whenever.
"Mirage you can't do that."
"Why not? Not like she noticed anything."
"You just can't!"
"Aww but I wanna keep admiring la angel bonita un momento más."
"I wanna keep ad-"
"I know what you said, but, seriously?"
"You gotta introduce me to her one day, Sonic."
"Mirage she's going to freak out!"
"Mm but what are the chances she won't? Pleaseeee? I won't stop bothering you unless you say yesss~" He coos in a sing-song voice.
"Nu uh, ain't happening. Just because you're acting like a kid doesn't mean you're getting it."
"Fine. But whenever you give her ride home, I'll just keep locking the doors."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Noah leaned back into the recliner, pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration. Whenever Mirage says he'll do something, he will follow through. He's ambitious like that. So either; Stay with the no but have Mirage be a brat for who knows how long, or, just get it over with.
"Sooo..Is that a yes?"
He was quiet for a bit, before letting out a sigh,"Fine, fine! Yes, it's a yes."
"Hell yeah, baby! Oh I already have so many places to meet up for dates-"
So that concludes my first post! I like how this (somewhat) turned out, but it's a first. I've made some edits to this and the second part will be out soon, so I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting!
Part 2 here!
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sinsandsweetness · 8 months
i have stepdad!rick brainrot rn, i’d love one where he punishes the reader for being out past curfew, rick sitting by the door watching another boy drop her off
i’m so excited to see where you go with this omg <33
cw- stepdad!rick, dub con? kinda toxic tbh but… it’s fictional so… all for funsies <3 oh and um… not proofread (is it ever anymore?)
The porch light is on and you know you’re screwed. Walking up the creaky steps to the front door and gently turning the handle. Your stepdads figure, standing at the counter sorting some papers. He glances over at the sound of the door latching behind you.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” His gaze goes back to the stack of papers he’s sorting.
You place your bag on the stool next to him and go for the fridge. Grabbing a glass of water and taking a sip before answering.
“We lost track of time, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s 1 in the morning. Curfew is 11.”
“I’m an adult. I don’t have a curfew that’s ridiculous.” You almost laugh.
“You live under my roof don’t you?”
He’s fully focused on you now. Standing there. No papers in hand.
You want to scowl back. But you’re already in trouble. And being a brat won’t help your situation. Not when Rick is already coming in at you. Backing you into the corner cabinet. Your ass hitting the cool marble as he approaches. Cornered.
“Answer.” He demands. Annoyed. No. Angry.
“Yes. I do.” You day through a clenched teeth. He’s still in his work clothes. The police uniform that Deanna gave him way back when they first arrived here. When he first met your mom. When he first took notice of you.
“Who were you with?”
“A friend.”
He breaths out what you assume is a laugh. An unimpressed huff of air and the smallest hint of a smirk pulling at his lips.
“A friend, hm. Don’t know many friends that touch eachother like that.”
He must have seen you. Watched the boy drop you off from his spot on his chair under the living room window. Watched you kiss the boy goodbye after he opened the car door for you. No doubt catching the way his hand grabbed your ass when he pulled you in for another.
Though Rick seems exceptionally calm if he had seen.
“I’m sorry.” It’s not sincere. And Rick can hear it too.
“About the boy? Or about being out past curfew. Curfew that’s been set in place for all of Alexandria by the way. Not just you.”
“Since when?” This is news to you.
“Since one of your friends fucked up and got three of our people killed.”
There was an incident. A recent one. Only a few days ago actually. Some pretty heavy drinking was involved. Shitty decisions were made and it cost the community three precious lives. An open gate in this world will do that.
“I didn’t realize. No one told me.” You’re telling the truth. He must sense it because his jaw relaxes slightly.
But he moves in even closer. If that was possible. You feel trapped. A heavy weight pulling you further into the counter space between his hands. Ricks strong arms framing your entrapment.
“You missed the meeting,” he leans in, though it doesn’t feel particularly intimate. More intimidating than anything. “I wondered why that was. Wouldn’t have to do with some… friend would it?”
You shake your head. Your heartbeat is off the walls and you want him to close the gap between you so desperately. You want him to bend his own house rules and make a fucking mess out of you right here on the counter. Right here in the kitchen where your mother could walk in at any moment.
Right where he refuses to touch you out of his own moral agenda. Outside it didn’t matter. But in this house, touching you was rare.
He’s so close it hurts. His nose almost brushing your cheek. The stubble on his jaw scratches your cheek as he moves to whisper in your ear. Lips so warm against your ear. Brushing the gold metal hanging from your lobe.
“I don’t believe you.”
His voice is quiet. Soft and deep. But It makes you shiver as if he’s just yelled at you.
“Shhh,” he cuts you off. He’s smirking against your cheek. Though nothing about his demeanour is funny. You’re in trouble. That’s all you know.
“You broke the rules. And you lied to me-“
“I’m sorry-“
“Sweetheart, if you interrupt me one more time, your ass is gonna be sore for a week.”
You gulp. Fuck. Ok.
“You’re not getting away with just a slap on the wrist this time. Not tonight, baby.”
He kisses your lips. Gentle and warm. And you’re more than eager to kiss him back. To make it up to him. Anything. Everything. All for him.
It’s not like the boy from outside means anything. He’s nothing compared to the man you live with. The one that sleeps down the hall from you every night. Tempting you with just the smell of his skin and the blue in his eyes.
Your arms wrap around his neck to pull him in close.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper against his mouth between kisses. Muffled and faded into the moans that can’t seem to stay put.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it this time, sweetheart.”
You tug on his hair. Hoping he’ll just let you give him your body as a form of repentance. But it won’t be enough. He needs to punish you himself. To show you some real discipline.
“What are you gonna do?” You ask finally, pulling away for a moment. Just for show really. Giving your most innocent doe eyed act in hopes of even a smidge of pity from the officer.
He doesn’t buy it for a second.
He smiles and your heart skips a beat. You know by the look on his face that you’re in for a night. A week. Maybe longer.
You realize quickly that it isn’t a matter of what he was going to do to you. It was a matter of what he would refuse to do to you. No matter how hard you begged.
And judging by the arousal already seeping through your panties, he’d have you begging on your knees in no time.
taglist- @rickswh0r3 @elnyrae @catt-leya @miinbun @ankhmutes @eternalrose81 @cl0wnb0yyy @grimesthinker @whatthefuuuck @olive3oil @taylormarieee @virtualreader @lust4lovee @fanngirl19 @movidita @cavillsgirl105 @dylanisstilladumbass @dixonslvr @aangelbabysworld @raininhell @gvf23 @iamacowboi @dqllgarden
(lmk if I missed you or if you no longer want to be tagged)
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boyfridged · 2 months
“You just want me gone because you don’t love me.” It does not afford him even a glance. “Don’t be stupid. If I did not love you, I could have dumped you at any corner of this cursed city when you were still a baby.” “Like you did with the foetuses or the dead women you took them out from?”
his mother says all the love in the world might not be enough for him.
– (1430) 1/1, friday night (also on ao3)
My mother did her best.  Once, she said     there will never be enough love in the world for you, but in the dream          she meant it fondly.
– acie clark, intoning
Rationally, Jay knows it has been just two days (or one and a half, really), yet he cannot help but check for the results. He has to press the laptop charger with a book to make sure it stays steady; otherwise, the old brick will shut down at once. Then, the website loads on forever.
And he has to refresh it right away. He refreshes the Wayne Foundation academic mobility scholarship application page twice, thrice, the screen blinking with its contents– Only for him to once again be faced with the bold red letters. His hand trembles slightly as he clicks on the mouse frantically. The same. 
He jumps to his feet and opens the door to the big room; the only appropriate name for what contains a kitchen, doubles as a living space and serves as a makeshift bedroom, the areas and functions blending into each other. He takes a breath in, fidgeting in the threshold. Despite its humble size, the room is meticulously organised, even the dim lightning coming from strategically placed small lamps instead of the main, ceiling one.
“Mhm?” Sheila is seated on the sofa, engrossed in a magazine. There are rollers in her hair, and she’s dressed in a neatly ironed collared blue dress, so she might be planning to go out later tonight. Which means maybe he should have taken the initiative to make dinner himself instead of waiting for her summons. But that’s a problem for later.
“The website says the documents were not received.” 
She reads on, replying only after turning a glossy page: “Hm. Maybe they haven’t updated it yet.” She still does not look up at him: “Besides, you already got into that Star school, didn’t you?” 
The realisation sinks in.
"You didn’t do it,” he stutters, “You said not to post them because you’d bring them in person— And—" His voice catches with emotion, and he hates it, but he cannot help how the confusion blends with an immediate, raw sense of betrayal. It’s the knowledge he could have taken care of the matter himself, and yet– He left it in his mother’s hands, stupidly, because despite her undeniable lack of enthusiasm, she promised.
“It’s the better option, that Queen scholarship. The location. And even a preparatory summer school included-”
But that was plan B. The fact that he applied there first was just an issue of the application timelines- He swallows, his throat suddenly dry. He wants to stay in Gotham. He wants to stay in Gotham so badly his face gets hot all over with emotion. 
Jay blinks rapidly to prevent the tears from welling up in his eyes, not trusting himself to speak. Instead, he stumbles forward. On a drawer, there is a vase so ridiculous that the antique shop almost gave it away for free. His mother always acted like she was made for the finer tastes, despite not being born into them or being able to ever afford them. He pushes it away to access the stack of envelopes and find the one with the Excelsior’s logo, similarly ostentatious. 
He feels as immature as helpless when he slides the letter out to start tearing it. The pristine, thick paper falls to the shabby, lacquered wood of the floor. 
"We have a PDF of that, you know." Sheila's response is typically delayed and typically pragmatic, punctuated by a slight raise of eyebrows. Her calmness makes it all seem inevitable.
His throat is clenching. The accusation barely manages to make out of it:
“You just want me gone because you don’t love me.”
It does not afford him even a glance.
“Don’t be stupid. If I did not love you, I could have dumped you at any corner of this cursed city when you were still a baby.”
“Like you did with the foetuses or the dead women you took them out from?”
In the following bout of silence, Jay expects his mother to stand up. He expects it so readily that he can almost see it in real time. He expects her to slap him, because there was a time when she would, and short years have not served to prevent the sting in the cheek, even the purely imagined one. In that instant, he almost wishes it was real. 
She does not make a move. She does, however, finally look up at him.
“That was crude,” she huffs.  
He doesn’t care about crudeness. He cares about staying home.
“Dad would never-“
“And where’s your daddy?” 
“I’m going to see him,” he announces, turning to the door.
“You’re going to walk to Blackgate,” she says, unimpressed.
“Yes.” He grabs his jacket.
“At 9pm,” she adds, even though it’s barely 8. “Outside of the visiting hours.”
“Yes,” he repeats. He can’t suppress his tears anymore, so that final confirmation is more of a weep than an articulated response. Sheila’s grey eyes bore into him with the same hardened indifference they usually do the second he starts crying. It is only marginally better than the open frustration he could be met with.
He shuts the door and skips every two steps. The bottom of the stairs is cold to touch as he sits down, putting his father’s stiff denim on and curling in. The tears now fall earnestly. The corridor smells mildly of dampness, maybe even mould. It is almost silent, only muffled voices from the ground floor flats for his company, and he allows himself the first two sobs to echo, before hiding his head between his knees. 
Jay wants Dad. He can’t have Dad until next week. It makes him resent him, just a bit, just for a moment, because mom was right; he is not here for Jason; not now, nor truly ever. Bringing up Dad in a fight was no more efficient than betting on a losing dog. He always does it anyway.
But there was plenty more Jason could add; for example: I would rather have Cathy than you. That, he never says. Thinking about Cathy makes his breath catch violently, and cry harder anyway. Dad’s in prison, and Cathy’s dead, and he’s running out of both tears and parental figures to turn to. 
He reaches into his pocket to take out a loose, slightly crumpled cigarette and a lighter. It tingles his throat even before he even takes a drag. The actual drag makes him cough.
“These women would rather be dead than mothers,” was what Sheila said once, right after Jason found out. Sometimes recalling that defence comforted him; it did not ease the irrational guilt, but it did mean that he, at least, was not unwanted enough for her to entertain other ideas. On other days, the easy sympathy with which these words were laced haunted him instead. He chews them over again, for what feels like forever, their taste sour.
“What did I say about stealing my cigarettes?”
He startles at his mother’s voice and nearly drops it, but Sheila quickly grasps it before it burns his fingers. She extinguishes it against the wall. It was already yellowing from all the indoor smoking anyway.
“Come eat dinner.” she says, her tone curt. Her hair is relaxed. She waits patiently for him to wipe his blotchy face and follow her back. He does. The anxiety curdling in his stomach stings as he walks upstairs, watching the elegant curve of the back of her dress. 
The dinner on the table is frozen pizza, because it’s cheap and because his mom hates cooking, and a green smoothie, to compensate for the quality and the lack of nutrition. And next to that bizarre meal there’s a transparent folder. The text on the paper is still blurry to him, letters spilling away from his vision, but he recognises them for what they are; the documents requested by the Wayne Foundation along with the application form. An unfair taunt.
“I will hand it in tomorrow morning. They will accept it,” his mother says.
“And what if they don’t?” 
“Then I will speak with Wayne himself.” 
Jason half-sniffles, half-chuckles. 
“What’s so funny, hm?” she asks, reaching to gently brush his curls out of his face. The touch is so light it’s barely there. But the coldness of her hand relieves the headache he has not yet noticed, probably a result of dehydration. He takes a sip of the smoothie first. It tastes spinachy, and strangely bitter–sweet.
“Sometimes,” his mother says, her shadow dark beside,  “I feel like all the love in the world wouldn’t be enough for you.” 
She might mean it fondly.
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jenniferjareauwife · 2 months
JJ’s teenage daughter having nightmare after the events or ‘200’ and she just eventually gives up on the idea of sleeping whatsoever and JJ finds out about this and tries to help her. <3
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: nightmares
word count: 917
age: 15
summary: you're having nightmares after your mom was kidnapped so you give up on sleeping altogether but she finds out and helps you
I caught my breath as I woke up again, another nightmare. The 18th one the past two weeks. I was sick of it. Once I had one it was impossible for me to fall back asleep. Dreams of my mom dying in the hospital or her being tortured played in my mind on repeat and my sleeping mind didn't give me any relief either. "Hon?" I heard my mom from down the hall and I sighed, knowing how tired I was making her. She always woke up whenever I had a nightmare. It was a mom's sixth sense or something. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah." I rubbed my eyes and sat up. She opened the door and quietly made her way over to my bed.
"You ok?"
"Mhm." She laid down next to me, getting herself under my covers like she always did whenever I had a nightmare. Ever since I was little she would always come in and cuddle until I fell back asleep and then stay with me the rest of the night to make sure I was ok. "I'm fine mom, you don't have to stay."
"But you had a nightmare."
"And I'm 15, I can handle myself." I sighed but tucked myself under her arm anyways. This would be the last time I woke her up, the nightmares were getting tiring and what was the point of sleeping? A little sleep derivation never hurt anyone.
Two weeks had passed and I hadn't slept at all except for a few hour long naps here and there when my mom wasn't home. I set a timer on my phone to make sure that if I fell asleep I would wake up before I had a nightmare. "Baby I got the pizza!" My mom walked through the front door with her keys in her mouth, holding a large pizza in her arms.
"Thanks mom." I smiled, feeling my eyes burn a bit from the lack of sleep.
"Of course. Friday is our pizza night." She set the pizza down on the counter before pulling me into a side hug. My head rested on her shoulder and it was so comfy that I almost fell asleep. When she pulled away from the hug I let out a low whine. "What's wrong?"
"You whined. What's wrong?" She put a slice on her plate before sitting down.
"Nothing." She frowned but didn't say anything else.
"You look tired. Why don't you go to sleep early tonight-"
"I have too much homework and I have to get up early for school."
"You're allowed to take a break." She said softly. "I mean...you've been through a lot."
"You've been through more."
"Yeah but you're my daughter. What happens to me happens to you. Especially with how close we are." She rubbed my back and I frowned, feeling guilty for basically punishing myself for something she went through. "Now what's up? I know that face."
"I...I haven't been able to sleep lately." I mumbled.
"Oh...I thought you weren't getting nightmares anymore, I thought it was getting better."
"No...I just stopped sleeping." I admitted.
"Oh baby. You know that's not good for you, right?" Her voice softened.
"I know...I'm sorry."
"Shh. No apologies. Just finish your dinner and then we can go to bed, ok?"
"No. No if I go to bed then I'll have nightmares and I'll see you dying or getting tortured-"
"Baby I'll sleep with you, ok? You might have nightmares but I'll be right there, ok? I'll be with you the whole time."
"You need to sleep, and that's final." She put her hand over mine, squeezing it gently. "It's ok. I'll be with you the whole time." I felt my whole body relax just thinking about getting a good nights rest.
"Mom?" My lip trembled.
"I really need some sleep." She smiled, her eyes softening.
"Then let's go to bed, ok?" I nodded and held her hand as we walked upstairs. I flopped down on her bed, not caring about changing or brushing my teeth. I just wanted a good sleep with my mom.
"Mom come here." I groaned.
"I have to brush my teeth baby."
"But I want you now."
"I'll be there-"
"Mom I need you." I whined. She sighed and came over to me, forgetting what she was gonna do as soon as she crawled into bed next to me. "I'm scared to sleep." I whispered.
"But it's gonna be ok. I'm right here, yeah?" She pulled me into her, my head on her chest listening to her heartbeat, one of my arms and one of my legs draped over her. "Is that comfortable?" I nodded, amazed at how much my body relaxed once I heard her heartbeat.
"I need this."
"I know sweet girl." She stroked my hair, gently massaging my scalp while rubbing my back. "I'm here, ok? I've got you." She kissed the top of my head. "You can sleep in my bed as much as you need. I don't care if it's every night, I just want you to be getting sleep. I also just like sleeping with my baby girl."
"Mom." I blushed. "Well...I like sleeping with you too. You're comfy."
"Mhm. I know I am." I laughed softly, my eyelids getting heavy. "Just get some rest baby. I'll be right here if you have a bad dream, I'm right here, ok?" I nodded, feeling sleep slowly wash over me. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Don't tell Mom.
Uncle! Randy X F!Reader
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Warning :Mentions of Ghostface, Coming out, Mentions violence.
Summary : During the final showdown Randy, Sam, Sidney, Gale and Reader somehow save the day. Though Randy broke his ankle and Mindy begged him to stay over for awhile.
(Am I making Randy a dilf? Yes, Yes I am.)
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You woke up in the guest room alone, you sighed sitting up. You knew he probably was up with Mindy all night. You put a robe around you and shuffled into the hallway. You made sure to stay silent as you walked towards the living room. Randy was fast asleep on the recliner, his mouth partially open. You gently kissed his forehead causing him to flutter open up his eyes.
"Hm?" He lightly groaned squinting at you. You gave him a soft smile, "I'm gonna make pancakes, okay?". He nodded before drifting back to sleep, you glanced over at Mindy who was propped up by pillows. She wore a tank top with bandages wrapped around her right shoulder. You made pancakes for the three of you. Martha was still at the hospital with Chad, his recovery wasn't as speedy. You grabbed the remote off the side table by the couch. You turned it on letting the Saturday cartoons play. Mindy sat up some narrowing her eyes towards you.
"Aunt Y/N?"
"Yeah?" You said peaking over from the kitchen. Mindy nodded, "Just making sure it's you.". She plopped back down drifting back to sleep. You found breakfast trays under one of the cabinets. You set two of them up, one for Mindy and one for Randy. You gently placed Randy's on his lap and ruffled his hair. You then got Mindy's, "Good morning you two.". Mindy glanced at you, "Too early.". You put the tray down on her lap, "It's 10 am.".
"I agree with her." Randy muttered. You put a hand on your hip, "Then you make breakfast.". Randy looked at his pancakes, "Second thought, I'm just gonna shut up.".
"How's your ankle, baby?" You asked gently. Randy chewed a bite of pancake, "Stings like a bitch.". You sighed, "I know, I'm sorry.". You went over to the side to give him a kiss.
"You two are so gross.." Mindy cringed. Randy smiled, "You'll get it when you're older. Besides it looked like you had a little girlfriend at that party.". Mindy went silent, "It was just Frances..".
"Is something wrong?" Randy tilted his head towards her. She shook her head, "I mean I'm out to my brother and friends. But Mom doesn't know.". Randy nodded, "I don't think she'll mind.".
"You're not mad?" Mindy asked quietly. Randy shook his head no, taking a bite of pancakes.
"It's none of my business who you love. Guy, Girl, Unicorn.".
Mindy smiled, "Thanks.". Randy shrugged, "Don't thank me for having common sense.". Mindy smiled to herself and took a giant bite of pancakes.
"But don't tell mom." Mindy added. Randy nodded, "Of course. But if you need help I'm here for you.".
"Did Y/N really throw a lamp at Billy Loomis when he stabbed you?". Mindy asked. Randy lightly chuckled, "Yeah, she kinda went ape shit.".
"Yeah that's what the stab movie portrayed.". Mindy said softly. Randy leaned back relaxing from his meal.
"Never seen it.".
"How you're in it?! But not really.". Mindy said.
"Did you see the actor they chose for me? Come on! Plus Y/N was way hotter than that chick. Here lemme show you.". He grabbed his phone scrolling through photos. Mindy stared at him, "Do you know how to use a smartphone?" She asked jokingly. Randy gave her a look, "Yes. I do. I'm not that old.". You came back in with two mugs of coffee.
"Here ya go". You gently placed Randy's coffee on the side table.
"Look at her! I found the picture from an SD card on one of her old cameras." Randy shoved the phone towards Mindy. Mindy squinted at the phone while taking the mug from you.
"Wow, Aunt Y/N you were way out of his league." Mindy said. You shook your head, "Stop showing people pictures of me.".
"She's barely aged too." Randy muttered turning off his phone.
"She used to carry this camcorder everywhere in college. She'd always take stupid pictures and photos of me.". You rolled your eyes.
"Randall Meeks get your ass up and clean up your mess.". You said walking into the kitchen. Randy grunted, "But my ankle!".
"You have a crutch use it."
"You heard her." Mindy said. Randy tried to get up, you walked in helping him get the crutch. You grabbed the breakfast tray and Randy grabbed his old cup from yesterday. Mindy watched the two of you with a smile.
"So you're moving out of California?" She called.
"Yeah!" You called back. Randy appeared in the doorway, "I have a new project in New York.". Mindy sat up, "No way! The college I applied for is in New York!". Randy smiled, "That's awesome!". You shooed Randy out of the doorway, he moved down the hall to the guest room. You took Mindy's breakfast tray, "Thanks" she smiled. You shrugged, "It's the least I can do.". You put the tray on the kitchen counter before walking back to the living room.
"How long are you and uncle Randy staying?" Mindy asked.
"I... I'm not sure." You said softly.
"However long we need to!" Randy called from the hall. You put a hand on your hip, "You just have to be in every conversation.". He smiled at you, "Yup". He gave you a kiss before sitting down.
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justanothercmblog · 1 year
Why didn't you try? - Part 2
Summary: Matilda doesn't understand why her dad never seemed to put his family first.
genre: angst
pairing: Spencer Reid & teen!daughter
Part 1
“Tills?”, he cautiously asked after knocking on the door to Emily’s office and stepping in. She was sat on the couch near the window and had her legs pulled in like she usually did when she got anxious. She peered up at him and they both could tell that the other had been crying. 
“Baby I’m so so sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that, I would never want to… I would never want to hurt you, you know that right?”, he rushed to speak after closing the door behind him. 
She bit down on her lip and nodded carefully, peering up at her dad who had stepped closer. 
“Can I sit with you?”, he asked and pointed to the other end of the couch. She nodded. “I shouldn’t have talked to you and Penny like that.” She admitted then, looking down into her lap whistle Spencer sat down on the couch with her. 
“I … I don’t understand what’s happening with you sweetheart. You’ve always been my little Tilly, talking like that just isn’t like you. I know everything with your mom and I is affecting you, I just … I feel like I don’t know you anymore,” he told her softly, gauging her reaction at that. “I’m not a little kid anymore,” was all she said, still not meeting her dad’s eye. “I know..”, he sighed. “You’re too grown-up and clever for your own good.” 
“Mom …”, she stopped herself. It wasn’t her place to tell him how her mom was doing. She just felt so alone with it. So responsible to make sure she was okay. “Hm?”, he questioned her but she shook her head again. 
“I won’t force you to stay with me this week Tilly. I get it if you’d rather stay home with mom.” He could see his daughter clenching her jaw, clearly holding something back. Of course he wanted her to stay with him, wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, but not if she really didn’t want to be there that badly. 
“So you don’t want me either then..”, she finally stuttered out, resentment and hurt evident in her small voice. 
“What?”, he asked in disbelief. “No that’s not what I’m saying Tills, I want you with me all of the time, don’t ever think that! And what do you mean either?”, he panicked while his daughter's bottom lip quivered dangerously. 
“You didn’t want Mom anymore, you didn’t want us.. and now mom doesn’t want me with her either and you don’t want me because I’m such a mess and I’m mean,” she finally said and couldn’t stop the tears from running down her cheek as she tried to keep the sobs from whacking through her body. 
Spencer’s heart dropped as he heard the words leaving his daughter’s lips. How could she ever think that he didn’t want her, wanted them? That her mom didn’t want her? It made all sense now, however, how she’s been acting. 
He vehemently shook his head. “No. Matilda, you’ve got it all wrong baby. We love you so so so much, it hurts how much we love you!”. he scooted closer to his daughter. “Look at me baby, please look at me buttercup.”, he automatically used the special nickname for her and she peered up cautiously. 
“What happened between me and your mom has absolutely nothing to do with you or how much either one of us loves you. I am sure mom is just as heartbroken that you’re with me this week as I am when you’re with her, she told you to stay with me because she knows how much I love you and that you’re safe with me baby, not because she doesn’t want you with her!” 
Matilda nodded though her tears kept rolling. “But why didn’t you..”, she hiccuped, “why didn’t you try?”. Spencer's brows furrowed together in confusion. “Try what honey?” “Mom … Mom loves you. And you love mom and me don’t you? I thought you did but… you didn’t.. you didn’t even try.” 
She cried hot tears now and the way she so desperately looked at him through her tears broke his heart so badly, he didn’t think he had felt worse for the entirety of the breakup. Not when he and Julia had ended it, not when they had told Matilda initially or when she vocally threw everything at him. This look of grief and desperation in his daughter’s eyes, it killed him and now he was crying too because deep down he knew his daughter was right. 
He hadn’t tried enough. he had prioritised work on and on again. Julia had given him so many warnings. Had told him on and on again that she couldn’t do it much longer, that he had promised to step back. But he didn’t. Pushed it to the future again and again, cas after case and hadn’t realised that Julia was slowly but surely distancing herself from him, putting up her guard and preparing to leave or rather kick him out. 
“Buttercup..”, he pressed out. “I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or your mom. I love you both so much.” 
“Then why aren’t you doing anything!”, his daughter cried. “Mom cries every night and she thinks I don’t hear her, but I do! And it hurts! I just sit there and listen to her cry, all alone. And it’s all your fault!”, she sobbed, hugging her legs and hiding her face. 
He breathed through the tears, trying desperately to compose himself, he was the grown-up here, he was supposed to be strong for his daughter. Her words though. They cut deep because he knew they were true and he hadn’t even realised how badly his daughter was affected by it, how badly Julia was. 
“Baby you’re not alone. I promise you’re not. But .. But you’re right.”, he spoke trying to contain his voice. “You are absolutely right, I didn’t have my priorities straight, I really really messed up. I hurt your mom beyond belief, I don’t think we’ll be able to repair this buttercup. I don’t deserve another chance and your mom shouldn’t have to give me another one..” 
“But she loves you! She does! And you love her! It’s so easy!”, Matilda interrupted him. He sighed. Oh to see the world as black and white as his daughter did. If only their love would be enough. There was a tiny part of him that wanted to believe her, that wanted to hope again, but he didn’t know how he could salvage what he had already messed up. Hearing that Julia had been taking it this hard shouldn’t have come as a surprise to him, but he had genuinely thought that she had thought and planned this all so long that she’d be okay. And now he was hearing that his daughter was listening to her mom cry every night, that she was in a way all alone with her feelings about this all. He felt terrible. 
“Tills, I am so sorry baby. Can I … can I please give you a hug?”, he asked softly as he scooted towards her, he wanted to make it all okay for her again so badly. He saw her pressing her lips together tightly before she nodded carefully and he pulled her into his arms. She clung to him tightly and he brushed her hair calmingly while she cried into his shoulder. He shifted a little so that he had his little girl in his lap and could just hold her safe. 
“We will be okay buttercup. I promise you we will be okay. We love you so much baby. We will all be okay.”, he reassured her, his own mind still racing as he rocked her until she seemed to calm down. She didn’t move, just hid her face in his chest and breathed in the calming scent of her dad. It had been a long time since she had last sat in his lap, let him hold her, she had almost forgotten how safe he usually made her feel. 
Spencer didn’t say more, he just held his daughter. She had grown up so much and suddenly it hit him all at once how much he had missed. How right she was when she said he didn’t really know her. “Dad?”, her cracked voice brought him back. “Yes baby?” “Can we go home?”, her small voice questioned. “Of course.”, he didn’t need to think about that. “Do you want to go home to mom?”, he asked cautiously, trying his best to sound as nonchalant as possible but his daughter shook her head. “I want to stay with you.” His heart felt like it was healing a tiny bit, lifted from the pit of his stomach, not in place yet but better. “Okay, let’s get us together a little and go get our stuff, hm? I’ll tell Emily we’re going home.” 
After the two of them had wiped away their tears, especially Tilly struggling with that a little bit, they left the office and were met with stolen gazes from the team. Matilda went towards the conference room to get her bag and he packed his satchel before he moved over to take Emily to the side.  “I’m taking the next week off.” “Of course, Reid, take all the time you need.” “Don’t call me for cases either, Matilda needs me right now and I’ll not be answering my phone.” “Okay. Reid, you know that everyone here would understand it if you were to step down right?” He swallowed harshly. “It might be too late for that now.”, he muttered sadly. “Talk to Matilda, talk to Julia, do what’s best for your family, okay? Don’t worry about us.” He nodded and grabbed his phone typing out a message that was long overdue. *Can we talk, please? I’ve taken the week off.*
a/n: Thank you so much for all the love on Part 1! I really enjoy writing these kinds of scenarios so it means a lot when they are so well received! Let me know what you think and what else you'd like to read from me! xx
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vioartemis · 1 year
I'll die with you (part 7)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You finally put an end to this nightmare, and start a new life in New York, with a new 'hobby'. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: Ghostface stuff, deaths, blood, etc (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You got pushed forward harshly, stumbling into Sidney's arms. Damian was laying on the floor, unconscious, next to the old couch.
How did he even get caught?
You tried to go to him to see if he was okay, but were interrupted by Ghostface.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you"
You looked up to him, watching in horror as he pointed Sidney's gun at Tara's head, and took a step back.
"Go fuck yourselves, assholes! Don't you know the fans never win?" Mindy spat
"First, we're not 'fans'" the Ghostface near you said "And second, you might want to choose your words more wisely, Mindy."
The other Ghostface, the one holing Tara, took off his mask. Her mask.
Blond hair fell on her shoulders, free from the restraining mask.
"Surprise, my love" she said, smirking at Mindy
"Lexi...? I thought you said she got killed!" the brunette said to Tara
"That's what I thought...!" your girlfriend defended herself
"Wait, if Lexi is Ghostface... who's the other one?" her sister asked
The other killer took off his mask, to reveal...
"Who the fuck is that?" Sam asked
No one answered, sharing confused looks, until you finally spoke.
"Ayla... she's a classmate of mine... we have a few classes in common"
"What did you do to make her want to kill you?"
"Nothing! We barely ever talked." you turned to face the killer "Why are you doing this...?"
"Oh, now you're interested in me?" she huffs "You really are a bunch of hypocrites"
You all looked at her, pure confusion on your faces.
"We've been in the same class for 4 years. And not once you paid attention to me. I bet you didn't even notice I was missing last year. But I'm getting carried away, that's not the reason I'm doing this."
"What's your motive then? Why did you even bring me here?" Sid asked "Let me guess, the movies made you do it?"
"These stupid movies? I couldn't care less about the movies! I'm taking my revenge on you all. For what you did to me."
"'For what we did to you'? We don't even know who you are!"
"That's the problem!" Ayla replied, anger rising in her voice
"What do you mean?"
"Last year, my mom's hometown lived a nightmare. We lived a nightmare. We got trapped in the mall, and some guys started to kill everyone. The Woodwork massacre? Rings a bell? Of course not. Because at the same time, you were being attacked. And who cares about a little town when there's another massacre in Woodsboro? No one! No one cared about what happened! Journalists were supposed to come and cover the events. Your mom was supposed to come and cover the events. But because of you all, the medias rushed here and forgot us."
"'Because of us'? Do you think we wanted this?!"
You got cut off by Ayla pressing her knife against your throat.
"I don't care what you wanted. My story was forgotten because of you. And I'm going to kill you all for that."
"And how do you this you'll get away with it?"
"We have the perfect scapegoat here, thanks to you, and your suspicions." she said, pointing Damian
"What does this have to do with you...?" Mindy suddenly asked the blonde
"Me? I'm just here for the adrenaline. We weren't working together at first; we had the same target, some cops, and killed them together. Then we talked, and I agreed to help her."
"You're fucking crazy... Both of you." you said
"Yeah? Whose fault is that, hm? You're the ones to blame for it." Ayla replied, a crazy smirk on her face "You'll tell that to your mom, hm? That, and how you couldn't save yourself, like you couldn't save her either."
When you understood that she was the one who killed your mom, you saw red.
You grabbed the girl's wrist with force, almost breaking the bone, and kicked her in the stomach, sending her a few meters away, her knife falling on the floor.
Lexi was too shocked by your move, and didn't see Sam coming and got punched hard, making her let go of Tara. But the blonde was quick to react, and tried to shoot Sam, who dodged. The bullet hit Mindy, who fell to the ground.
The blonde looked at Sam and ran after her. Tara tried to follow them, but Sidney intervened.
"Help your friend, I'll take care of your sister"
Tara hesitated a second, before nodding and looking at you.
"It's okay baby, I'll handle her and protect Damian. Take Mindy outside and try to bandage her up."
"Please. I don't want you to get hurt..."
She was about to protest again, but finally gave in and went to Mindy. At the same moment, Ayla got up, rage visible on her face, and rushed to you, trying to punch you.
You dodged, and grabbed the nearest object - an old little table - and slammed it on her head.
"Go, quick!" you said to Tara, while the killer was on the floor, trying to get up
You gave a last look to Tara when Mindy and her walked past the door, before concentrating again.
A shiny object caught your attention, partially hidden under a cupboard. The knife she dropped earlier. Taking advantage of her confusion, you rushed to it.
The handle fit perfectly in your hand, as if it had been made for you. The knife wasn't too heavy nor too light, just the perfect weight to be used in the most efficient way.
You turned to face the girl, knife in hand.
"What are you going to do with that? Kill me?" she smirked "You wouldn't dare"
You took a step closer and grabbed her hair, forcing her to look at you.
"Wanna bet?" you asked before stabbing her in the stomach with force
The cry she let out as the blade sank in her flesh was so pathetic, so miserable, it almost made you smile.
"Did I hurt you?" you asked with innocent eyes
"Fuck you."
"Oh, no no no, that's not what we say"
You twisted the knife, causing blood to splatter on you and on the floor, exactly like when she attacked you. Except this time you were the one holding the knife.
"I said, 'did I hurt you?'. What do we say?"
She looked at you, teeth clenched, determined not to give you what you wanted. You rolled your eyes and twisted the knife again.
"What do we say?"
"Yes, you're hurting me! F-fuck..."
She was losing a lot of blood. You would have to be quick.
"See, it wasn't that hard."
You pulled the knife out of her stomach. More blood gushed out of the wound.
Your grip on her hair didn't loosen; it grew even stronger, as you pulled her towards the nearest wall and slammed her head against it.
"How does it feel, huh? Having your head slammed against a wall?" you sank the blade in her side "Sounds familiar?"
You pulled out the knife and stabbed her in the leg and in the arm. Her cries and whimpers were music to your ears. As you pulled her head back, ready to slam it against the wall again, you heard Tara's voice.
You turned around, covered in Ayla's blood.
"What are you doing...?"
"I just-"
"Yeah, Y/n, explain to her how you're trying to kill me and enjoying it" Ayla groaned, trying to free herself from your grip
"Shut your fucking mouth." you growled
"I know you're not like that, baby... You will regret it later..."
You slowly pull the blade out of the girl, a fistful of her hair still in hand, holding her in front of you.
"... Maybe I will... But..." you looked at your girlfriend, pain visible in your eyes "She killed my mom, so..."
You sank the blade in the girl's throat, not letting Tara react to what you just said.
"Who's dying alone now, huh?" you whispered with a slight smirk, pulling the knife out
Blood splattered on your face and clothes as your grip on her hair loosened, letting her fall to the ground. You looked at her, oh so pathetic now, helpless.
God it felt good to get your revenge done.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A year after these events, your little friend group had moved to New York, in hope to have a better life there. And it was working. Mindy, Damian, Tara and you started college like normal people. Not victims, not survivors, just new students.
It was comforting to know that all the Ghostface stuff was behind you.
This city gave you plenty of date ideas, and without the fear of getting attacked at every corner, Tara and you spent most of your time outside, visiting and having romantic little moments together.
But since that very night at Woodsboro, something in you had snapped. This thing had followed you here, leading you to start a new 'hobby'.
You couldn't tell anyone, they wouldn't understand. They would call you crazy, say you had lost your mind.
So, you kept it all a secret, hidden in a wooden box under your bed.
The first three months, everything when well. You were doing a great job keeping your activities a secret. Until that night.
As always, you had packed your bag and waited until Tara fell asleep to sneak out by your bedroom's window. You did what you had to do, and two hours later, you were back in your room.
Little did you know that Tara was awake, waiting for you. She was sitting on the bed, arms crossed, raising an eyebrow as she saw you climbing back in.
You didn't have any other choice and told her everything. And let's say that her reaction surprised you; she offered to join you in your nightlife.
You couldn't hide your shock, your jaw was on the floor. You had think about this moment so many times, and yet, she still managed to say something you hadn't think of. Evert time, she ended up leaving you, in your scenarios.
From this night on, you had a partner in crime. And you had to admit it; she was really good at that.
Two months after Tara joined you, on a 'break night' as you called it, you were cuddling on your bed, when Sam called your names. Hearing the tone of her voice, you quickly made your way to the living room.
"What's wrong?" Tara asked
"Remember the news saying that someone wearing a Ghostface costume had been spotted at night across the city?"
"Yeah, we all agreed it was some freak joking around. Why?"
Sam just pointed the tv, and you both looked at the screen. Someone had just been murdered, and according to the security cameras, the killer was wearing a Ghostface costume.
You turned to Tara, eyes filled with worry. You could say you were both thinking about the same thing, by the way she looked at you.
The bow under your bed hadn't been opened in a week, and none of you acted alone.
That could only mean one thing.
You were not the only Ghostfaces in New York.
~ maybe the end? ~
[Previous part]
׺°”˜`”°º×•°¯`•• ♡ ••´¯°•×º°”˜`”°º×
a/n: before anyone sues me for Ghostface's identity, the lack of 'screen time' she got is meant to mirror the confusion of the group, and the lack of attention she got after what happened to her (kind of foreshadowing (?))
@karsonromanoff @cheesybacon1 @liaaa-1
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itwasthereaminuteago · 6 months
¦¦ Mend ¦¦
Frank Castle & Matt Murdock & Female Reader. M.
This is just a little blurb where you have a kid with Frank and Matt. I wanted to have a little angsty prod at Frank having family again, but then wrap him up in some fluff <3. Please let me know (and reblog!) If you like it.
“Look!” Taylor exclaims, holding a trio of crudely, but very cutely, molded clay figures that she had been working on most of the morning aloft. “I made it!”
“Oh wow, those are so good!” You respond as Matt turns away from his laptop and files to find out what his daughter has created this time.
“Come and see with your hands daddy, it's all of us.” Taylor explains, and Matt kneels down on the playmat to check out her latest artwork, flashing you a smile as he feels each one.
“...and is this one me?” he asks curiously, and you almost laugh out loud at Taylor's utter indignation at the very suggestion.
“No! That's my other daddy, silly! This is you!” She guides Matt's hands to another figure.
“Oh yes of course, I'm such a silly. They are so good darling!”
“I wanna show Daddy Frank.”
You're still smiling at her, although Matt can sense it's become strained. “I know you do sweetie, but he's still away working just now, you can show him when he gets back home, okay?”
Taylor pouts massively. Sometimes you think that's when you see Frank in her the most. 
When the three of you had agreed you wanted a family together, you had let fate decide who would be the father. Matt and Frank had taken you against pretty much every horizontal and vertical surface there was once you had stopped your birth control almost five years ago. And when you found out you were pregnant you weren't interested in a paternity test to confirm anything. As Taylor grew you swore she would look most like Matt or Frank at any time, it was so hard to tell and didn't matter in the end to any of you anyway.
“Make him go on the video mummy, then I can show him!” She demands.
Matt takes her hand as he gets up. “That's a good idea poppet. Why don't we have a little game of hide and seek while your mom checks if he's not too busy, hm?”
You're relieved when that seems to placate her and will allow you some time to actually talk to Frank. You whisper a thank you that only he would hear and take your phone into the bedroom closing the door. It felt as if things were calming down with Matt's after work activities, Frank seemed to be taking work away from home more frequently and for longer periods these days. 
“You alright? What's wrong?” He picks up, accepting the voice call only.
You can't help the scoffing sound you make. “We’re fine. You're not home, that's what's wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Things just got a little complicated.”
“What do you mean? When will you be back? We all miss you, Taylor keeps asking where you are, she wanted to show you something on the video call. I can only keep putting her off for so long, Frank. She's bloody smart y'know.”
Frank sighs. “just don't think she should see me right now, don't wanna scare her.”
“Why what's happened? Are you okay?” 
You hear him clear his throat. “Yeah, uh… face is a little messed up is all.”
You frown. “Let me see.” 
“Frank, I'm not asking, I'm telling you, let me see.”
As he reluctantly switches on the video mode and you're met with the picture of his handsome face albeit marred by black eyes, bruises, and bloody cuts.
You remember the conversation the three of you had about what you were going to tell Taylor her dad's jobs were when she was old enough to start asking. In the end Daddy Matt was a ‘lawler that helps people and sometimes walks into things cos he can't see’, and Frank was ‘a boxer and he protects all of us!’. 
“Jesus.” You respond. “Well, she won't be scared by how you look, I'm almost 100 percent sure she's seen you and Matt a lot worse off. I'll go get her-”
Frank tries to say no but you're already calling out your daughter's name to tell her that daddy is there and he can hear her excited noises over the line.
You sit on the bed pulling her up onto your lap with her recent creations in her hands, holding the phone up so she can see, grinning as she squeals with delight upon seeing Frank. 
“Hey my little pumpkin.”
“Hi daddy! You've been fighting again!? Your face is all broken.” 
Frank chuckles. “Yeah sweetpea, had to show some bad guys some manners.”
You roll your eyes and Taylor cocks her head to the side as she thinks.
“I will put a bandaid on you when you come home!"
“Sure thing pumpkin, you can fix me right up."
"When, daddy?” She presses, causing Frank to stumble on his answer.
"I, uh, I don't know sweetheart, but hey, tell me what's that you got there?” 
She holds up each figure for Frank to see, “...and this is you daddy,” she says at the last one. Her face falls suddenly and she shouts out in frustration, throwing the little model onto the hardwood floor where it breaks. 
“Taylor, no!” You tell her off firmly but she starts to wail, wriggling out of your arms and running into the next room crying.
“Daddy's broken, daddy's broken!”
You see Matt confusedly scooping her up and trying to calm her down before you look back to your phone and Frank.
“’she okay?” Frank asks worriedly as you flump back down on the bed with a deep sigh.
“She's been acting up a lot since you've been away. She wakes up in the middle of the night crying for you, you know.”
“Shit.” Frank pinches the bridge of his nose, rubbing his closed, scrunched up eyes hard with his knuckles. “Uh, listen I gotta go…”
“Frank what's going on with you? You haven’t said when you’re coming back?”
“M’sorry. Look, I'll seeya soon, okay?”
“What? Frank, wait!”
Frank can feel the tears start burning at his eyes as he clicks the red button and throws the phone on the bedside table, hunching over with his head in his hands as he sits on the edge of the cheap motel room bed. He thought he could do this, thought he was ready, could have a family again after all this time. Things had been great at first, when you revealed to him and Matt that you were pregnant he was so happy, ecstatic, so excited at the prospect of bringing up a kid again, showing them the world, sharing the love he had with them. But in the very back dark recesses of his mind there was something that still scratched away at the perfect picture, a constant worry that he had managed to keep well at bay at first, but as his little girl grew older he was losing the battle in fighting it back.
He knew that what he was doing, how he was dealing with it, wasn't right. It wasn't fair to any of you and he resented himself for it, and yet he couldn't help himself. He was terrified.
He'd come back, yeah. He just needed a few more days to get his head straight, knock a couple more shitheads out. Frank just needed to be busy for a while and then maybe he could deal with everything else... later. 
You're dumbfounded with disbelief that Frank had just hung up on you and left things like that, and later at night once you've settled Taylor down to sleep and you're in bed with Matt, you share what happened with him. You were worried about Frank, but at the same time you were also so unbelievably angry and hurt that he didn't seem to be bothered about seeing and spending time with his daughter.
Matt pulls you close, kissing the top of your head. “Hey, I'll find him, bring him home. Don't worry sweetie, it's probably nothing.” He assures you before he’s getting out of bed and going for his suit, although sometimes he could never be sure with Frank.
“I'll be back as soon as I can, alright?”
"Okay." You sigh and watch him go, completely unable to allow yourself to rest until your mind has been put at ease. You look in on Taylor who's thankfully fast asleep, picking up her favourite teddy that had fallen onto the floor and tucking it in next to her.
Matt is surprised to find him not all that too far from home. Although Frank's stealth was better these days than it had been, it had been fairly easy to track him from the smell of fresh blood from beaten up low lifes on the nearby streets and a little focused questioning. He can hear the hammer click back on his gun as he approaches the motel room.
“It's me.” Matt announces calmly. He could do without spooking Frank unnecessarily.
“The hell are you doin’ here?” Frank snaps as he opens the door, scanning the lot behind Matt out of habit.
“Trying to find out what the hell is up with you.” He answers, bullying his way inside.
“Just go on back home, I've got work to finish, I told her that.” He's pacing like a trapped animal. Matt can hear his accelerated heart rate. 
“No. I know it’s not work, it's something else. C'mon Frank, you know you can talk to us, talk to me. What's going on? Are you in some kind of trouble?”
Matt tilts his head as Frank spits out a pained laugh. “Fuckin’... hah, yeah, trouble…”
Matt moves closer to him, he wants so much to hold him, comfort him, but Frank's on such an edge tonight and he's not sure he can. He hates the way that feels.
“You wanna talk here, or-” Matt tastes the salt in the air then, can hear the thick stop in Frank's throat as he swallows the urge to sob. “Frank, we're worried about you.” Matt keeps his voice low and calm, his hand finally landing softly on his lover's bicep. “Please.”
Frank chokes then, he’s shaking his head back and forth, denying who knows what and Matt just wants to fix whatever’s got him this way.
“Hey it's alright, come on and sit down. That's it.” Matt says as he guides him to a seat on the bed, settling beside him just giving him some space.
“Jesus, I- ''Frank starts, turning away, wishing he could hide from Matt's radar sense. “It's just been… fuck, it was all goin' great, y’know, with the kid and everything-”
Matt tilts his head to the side. “So this is about home? About Taylor?” he probes gently.
Frank screws his eyes shut, rubbing his hand over his face. “Mm. An’ now our baby girl, she ain't such a baby anymore… she's- I don't know Red, I'm scared.”
“What is it you're afraid of, Frank?” Matt asks, although he thinks he has an inkling.
“That somethin's gonna happen to her, t-that- that it'll be my fault. That I'll make a stupid mistake and bring somethin' home that'll hurt her, that I'll lose her… like I lost my Lisa-” 
Frank breaks down, his huge frame shuddering as the tears he's been holding back start to stream down his face.
Matt almost doesn't know what to say. He knows what it's like to lose someone but he can barely comprehend how it must have felt to lose your entire family, your entire world in a few brutal moments, right in front of you.
“Staying away isn't going to protect her Frank, and she's in the safest place she can be. 
“I know, I know…it’s just-”
Matt sighs. “Frank, I understand that you're worried but she needs you with her, and so do we.” He gently wipes the tears from Frank's cheeks, his soft touch giving a little comfort to him. “I know we can’t prepare for every risk, but we're always going to be stronger together.”
Frank gives the barest of nods, trying to pull the frayed threads of himself back together for the sake of his family. He knows Matt’s right. 
“Daddy! Daddy” His little angel exclaims as she sees him come in the front door after Matt. She’s all wide eyes and smiles and it fills up his heart again.
“Sweetpea! What're you doin' up?”
When you see the way Frank takes Taylor up in his arms, holding her so close, kissing her cheek and brushing his fingers over her dark hair, it’s not difficult to see what’s been going on with him. You join him and Matt in a giant hug in the hall.
“I’m so glad you’re home.” you whisper, kissing him lightly, avoiding the bruises as best you can. 
Frank hums low, wrapping his free arm around your waist and pecking you on the lips. “Yeah, was just… a lil bit broken after all.” he says. Taylor wriggles to be let down, pulling at Frank’s big paw of a hand urging him to come over to the table. 
“You’re not broken any more Daddy Frank, we fixed you!” She tells him proudly, showing him the little clay figure that you had managed to glue back together again.
You and Matt share a smile and Frank can’t help but grin, blinking away a couple of stray tears. “Yeah you did pea, you sure did.”
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klausinamarink · 9 months
One Kid Gone, Another Up and Vanished (part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 next: Part 5
(no Wayne POV this time sorry!)
When Eddie finally lifts his head up, he’s still on the kitchen floor and everything’s too dark except for the floating ash and vines. It’s a little hard to see clearly when his eyes have tears coming out of them.
Something bumps against his arm. He glances over to see Will sitting next to him, carefully eating soup right out of the can with a spoon. Eddie hopes that spoon got washed.
He watches as Will dips the spoon into the van, stirs it, blows a few nearby ash away, brings the spoon to his mouth and carefully slurps it as if it’s hot. Eddie almost believes that maybe Will did find some way to heat it up while he was silently crying to himself like a baby. But there’s no steam coming off it.
“Why you’re doing that?” He asks without thinking. His voice is raspy as he speak.
Will nearly startles. “Do what?”
“That.” Eddie nods at the can. “Pretending like it’s hot.”
Will makes an ‘oh’ sound and looks away, seemingly embarrassed. “It’s just how I eat soup sometimes…” Then he looks up with a neutral expression. “It’s not that bad. Cold soup, I mean. I think it’s gross when the chicken just, you know, sits around like mush.”
“Hm.” is all Eddie can say.
“You can finish mine.”
“Are you okay?”
Eddie breathes in and out slowly, but ends up coughing. The air here is starting to taste weird at the back of his tongue. “Yeah, I guess.” He clears his throat. “I mean, I’m sorry you had to…” he gestures to himself.
“It’s okay.” Will looks down at his half-eaten soup again. “My mom has those moments sometimes. Mostly because my dad yells at her. I found it better to sit next to her instead of in my room.”
Eddie has known this kid for probably half a day, but he is already willing to die for him.
Speaking of days…
“What time is it here?”
Will blinks. Then he shrugs. “I don’t really know. The clocks don’t work at all. But we’ve heard people getting up so… early morning? Maybe eight?”
Wayne should either be home soon or is already sleeping here.
Eddie snorts, “Okay, power and time are fu- completely useless. Typical of the Vale of Shadows.” He shakes his head dramatically, tsk-tsking. It makes him feel better somehow. Maybe because it makes Will laugh a bit or that Will clearly knows D&D.
Then he nearly jolts up with a sudden realization. Will Byers knows D&D. Not only that it almost makes him squeal in glee, it also makes the wheels in his brain turn into Dungeon Master mode.
And when he’s on Dungeon Master mode, it helps him think ten times better.
Because what the hell, he’s in an alternate dimension with a missing kid and a monster. That’s like prime campaign material!
“Eddie?” Will cuts in just before his thoughts start to make sense.
“Wait, wait. Shush now, Little Byers. Actually, no. You may now speak.” Eddie gets up and starts pacing around, barely mindful of the vines so he doesn’t trip over.
“Uh, what?” Will tilts his head in confusion.
Eddie stands tall before him yet keeps his gaze even as he starts, “Little Byers the Vanished, you have wandered into the domain you identified as the Vale of Shadows. Is that correct?”
Will’s eyes briefly flicker to one side. He nods slowly.
“Declare your arrival to the Vale of Shadows.”
“Uh… I was biking home from my friend Mike’s place. Then the demogorgon appeared in the road…” His breath shudders but Eddie gestures him to continue, “I fell off and I ran. Went to my shed to shoot it but it got me, well, here.”
Eddie grabs his heart with his classic dramatic flair, though he doesn’t fall to the ground. “Oh, a Nat 1 capture by a local monstrosity! But alas, it seems our fates has been mirrored. Now, together as allies of demonic capture,” he kneels down with outstretched arms and his hushed tone, “we must think not just of our escape, but of our survival.”
Will only nods for two seconds before laughter bursts out of his lips. When he catches his breath, he says, “Sorry! I just- I mean it’s really cool that you’re a DM but it’s kind of-”
“Stupid? Dramatic? Very mood fitting?”
Will snickers before asking, “But what are you saying?”
Eddie dramatically gasps before spreading his arms, “Little Byers! Wisdom check!”
He blinks before he seems to register Eddie’s message and looks around the kitchen. “Uh, this is a kitchen…” Eddie waits until Will looks down at the can of soup still in his hand. The boy’s eyes flicker to the rest Eddie had taken out and they brighten. “There’s still edible food! We can take the cans with us! And- and-”
He looks around almost feverishly until he points at a knife rack. “Take the knives as self-defense weapons!”
Eddie doesn’t stop himself from hugging the kid, squeezing him tight and almost throwing him around in a spin. “Little Byers, you genius! That’s a Nat 20!”
Will shrieks with laughter. Oh to be young and innocent. “No, it’s not! It’s more of a 12 in my party!”
“Nope, that’s a 20!”
After their little celebration, Eddie sets to shoving half of the cans in Will’s backpack. Some of it chicken soup, some beans and vegetables. He also checked for the hard foods like granola bars but they were too covered in vines to be pulled out.
The whole time, Eddie feels some hope in his chest.
Just as Will zips up his backpack, Eddie clears his dry throat again and remembers another vital thing. “Shit, what about water?”
Will stops and shakes his head. “Taps don’t work either. Only weird sludge comes out.”
“Have you drank that?”
He gets another judgemental look in return.
“Alright, fair enough.” Eddie observes the cabinets again, biting his lip. “I reckon some folks in this lovely town have stocks of bottled water. At least some drinks that aren’t weird sludge.”
“Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that exists. We don’t have any in my house, but I know Mike’s place has some!”
Great, they’re not going to die of thirst. Unless they die of something else. Eddie shoves that thought away, trying to remember anything else. “Is there anything-”
A grossly familiar sound interrupts them outside.
It’s a growl. Loud and close.
In their frozen state, Eddie stares at Will, both of them sharing wide eyes. Before Eddie even mouths a question, Will nods fast, terror-stricken.
The growling continues. Crunching of dead leaves. Claws dragging across metal and wood.
Shit shit shit shit shit
Eddie can’t think straight at any high-stake scenario. Hell, he can’t even do any of Ms. Click’s pop quizzes. But Will is urgently tugging him up, forcing him to get up and move move.
It’s only by a miracle that Eddie even thinks to grab one of the kitchen knives as a weapon. It’s cheap and hilariously short when Wayne bought the set few years ago, but it’s sharp. It should stab through a monster’s skin enough, right?
He really hopes this demogorgon doesn’t have any acid blood.
“Back door, the back door.” Eddie hisses urgently as he takes the lead. Will nearly stumbles but they’re both on their feet, being swift and quiet as they possibly can.
But apparently the universe doesn’t hate Eddie enough.
At the hall, he steps on one of the bigger vines.
Before he could even curse, the demogorgon roars.
“RUN!” Eddie isn’t sure if he’s screaming at himself or Will as they burst right out of the door. But they’re running fast as they could. Something breaks and crashes in the kitchen but he doesn’t stop. He runs as fast as he could around the trailer, Will’s hand tight in his grasp.
They run across the rest of the park. The crashing sounds get followed up by a ear-piercing shreeee of ripping metal.
Eddie feels Will tumbling behind, but he keeps yanking the boy up, desperate to keep them both on moving feet. They duck behind the other trailers, hopefully away from the demogorgon’s sight.
Eddie finally stops behind one of the homes, close to the entry gate. His lungs are burning like his average gym class. A quick glance at Will, who doesn’t even look at all winded. He peeks behind the wall, trying to catch any movement.
They both jump at a crash of some garbage cans. There’s another roar, but it’s still farther.
Eddie crouches down, meeting Will at eye-level. “Okay, we’re just gonna run away from that thing. We don’t stop until we don’t hear it, got it?” Will nods. “We’re gonna- god, what are we going to do?”
“We can go to my house.” Will suggests, the brilliant angel he is.
“We go to your house. So-”
He stops at another sound’s arrival. It’s only the rumbling of a truck engine coming up the path. But this one he knows from the bottom of his blackened heart. It’s the way from how it putters every five seconds and how the front wheels click from a card Eddie once superglued there at the lovely age of twelve because other rich boys had cards in their bike wheels and he never had a bike of his own.
“Wayne! Uncle Wayne!” He calls out because what the hell, how could he even forget his uncle? Wayne is coming home from on and Eddie wouldn’t be there.
The truck obliviously rumbles on.
A new kind of hurt clenches around him as he stands up and begins to make chase. “Wayne!”
Before he can take another step, Will pulls at his wrist (his bandaged wrist, ow) with surprising amount of strength. Eddie stumbles back and almost yells at him when the demogorgon roars closer.
For the second time, Will tugs Eddie with him by the hand and Eddie lets him to so. As they run out of the trailer park, Eddie almost turns around and calls out for his uncle again.
But the new hurt stops him from that. He doesn’t know if it’s a good thing.
— —
Taglist: @unclewaynemunson @steves-strapcollection @hellion-child @sidekick-hero @mmmmwaffles94 @demolitionjetstar @hbyrde36 @princessstevemunson @sirsnacksalot @tartarusknight @lyriclight @kodaik97 @plsdontdrinkmylavalamp @wuttttttttttt @bookbinderbitch @gutterflower77 @tentativeghost @soaringornithopter @angeldreamsoffanfic @panicatthediaz @renaissan-vvitch @manda-panda-monium
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presleyanswrites · 6 months
Hey I got a request for jj
I understand if u don’t want to do it x
So u are jj sister and 15 and u stared u period but u didn’t tell anyone because u felt embarrassed to and u was in a really pissing mood and you leak though and jj give u his hoodie and then u stares crying because u was embarrassed and jj comforted u tell u can tell him anything hope that make sense x
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pairing: jj x fem!reader
a/n: ahh this is too cute! thank you anon xx
disclaimer: this is a protective jj! brother pairing and is NOT in anyway considered romance.
summary reader gets her period
word count 906
warnings fluff, swearing, grammar
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"God damn it John B," you press your lips to your finger and hiss in pain.
"what?" He turns his head away from the rope to look at you.
you feel the rush in yourself when you try to stand up, so you groan slightly and sit back on the edge of the boat.
you were on your period for the first time, and you knew it too. you couldn't bring yourself to tell any of the pogues, not even your brother JJ.
it was embarrassing, right? i mean you were bleeding out of your ass.
you felt uncomfortable and hot, and annoyed. Everything hurt and the last thing you wanted was to be bleeding somewhere else too.
he grunts and stands up to get over to you and looks down at your cut.
he picks up your finger "did you cut yourself? here-"
you felt anger in your stomach as you jerked away from him, "don't touch me!"
he tilts his head in confusion, and concern as your friend, but regardless he puts his hands up and backs away.
"alright, okay."
you sigh, keeping your lips to your finger as you pull in the rest of the anchor. you were so damn infuriated.
John B starts up the boat and steers away from the marsh, back towards the dock where pope and JJ are loading kegs.
you get out of the hms pogue and back onto the dock where JJ takes your hand to help you down.
"you good?" he notices your annoyed expression
"im fine." you snapped, pope looking over confused, as he hesitated to hand you a cooler.
"y/n can you take this up to the sand?" He nervously smiles as a plead.
you roll your eyes and take it, groaning from the pain in your arm, and when you start walking towards the beach you accidentally drop the keg on the hot concrete and it spills everywhere.
"shit," you moan, tears filling your eyes.
you catch your breath and lean down next to the keg on your knees as you try to pick it back up.
you didn't realize your brother was walking right behind you.
"y/n?" he sighs and comes over to you, and then notices your tears, and then he eyes your shorts covered in blood.
"whats wrong?"
you look up at him desperately before choke on sobs, "everything is just fucking annoying!"
"okay, okay," he pulls you in a hug, wrapping his strong arms around you, "i knew something was up. you never get angry with us, what happened?"
you whimper slightly, "i got my period this morning," tears streaming down your face.
JJ looks a little shocked but chuckles nonetheless, "its okay sweets, sarah can take care of that if you would like." he softly strokes your hair.
you wipe your eyes while resting your face on his shoulder.
he wraps his hoodie around your waist to hide the leak in your shorts.
you felt yourself heat up in embarrassment. your mom left when you and JJ were both very little so you never had a female figure to learn any of this from.
you burst into tears, you had never felt more humiliated in your life. "im so sorry," you whimper loudly
"y/n, its okay." he cooes, "you can tell me anything and you know that."
JJ starts to rub your back into circles gently.
"its okay," he sighs, "i promise."
your lip quivers in embarrassment, looking up at him as he cups your cheek with his hand, "i pinky promise."
"why don't you get yourself cleaned up and i will take care of this mess, okay bug?"
you nod and shakily stand up to go back inside the chateau. you felt bad for leaving JJ to clean up your spillage, but you could barely walk from the pain in your gut, and you knew your white shorts were done for.
you change your clothes after getting a pad from sarah, and JJ was waiting for you outside.
after you open the door, you melt into your brothers arms.
"i feel shitty."
he holds your head to his chest gently, "i know, sis."
you wince in pain from your cramps, and JJ gets you an advil and a water, you swallow both down, your throat still slightly swollen from crying.
"any better?" he asks
"yeah." you sigh, sitting in john b's couch.
"next time this happens you'll tell me, right?" JJ says, fixing his backwards hat.
you nod your head.
"you don't have to feel embarrassed, bug." he sits next to you, placing a hand on your lower back.
"it's you and me, okay?"
"okay." you breathe softly, slipping his hoodie over your shoulders.
"can i get you absolutely anything else?"
you shake your head, hunching over slightly, "im good for now."
he nods his head in agreement.
"okay, just holler for me if anything else hurts okay?"
you smile, "yeah."
"love you, y/n."
"love you too jayge."
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tags @cafekitsune join my taglist♡ masterlist
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justrambles · 1 year
Steve hates it when his parents fight.
It's been only a day since dad came back from his trip and they are already yelling at each other, mom accusing him of cheating on her while she was at home taking care of their child. They go on like this every time, while Steve just sits in the corner of his room waiting for the fight to stop.
But today Steve decides he's had enough. That's why he sneaks out of his room (it's not like they're gonna notice but,) and goes out into the woods. He's only been there a few times, but he's ten now and he thinks he can manage it.
That's how he ends up at Skull Rock, not Lover's Lake. It's not what he expected but Skull Rock is nice in it's own way, Steve guesses. He sits underneath the rock and listens to the sounds in the forest. He watches the ants crawl by, and it's somehow peaceful.
The peace is interrupted not long after.
"You're in my spot."
Steve snaps his head to find a boy with a nearly buzzed hair. He is shifting constantly, leaning from foot to foot, with an annoyed look on his face.
"This is not your spot, this is Skull Rock. It's everyone's spot," Steve counters.
"Wait, it's called Skull Rock? Huh, makes sense. It does look like a skull." The boy makes a pondering gesture, nodding to himself.
"If you don't even know the name of the place, how can it be your spot?"
This kid is unbelievable, Steve thinks, but the boy just grins and sits next to Steve.
"'You don't gotta have a name on it for it to be yours', that's what my old man said. Anyways, I'm only visiting here, so I haven't had a chance to learn the name yet. I'm Ed."
Steve tentatively views the hand reached out in front of him.
"Steve," he says with a handshake. "What do you mean you're only visiting? You're not from around?"
"Nope! I'm just staying with my uncle for a bit until my dad is out again."
"Out of where?"
"The big house of course, Stevie."
"I don't know what that means."
Ed's grin is wide again, and Steve is amused by how he is so full of expressions. Ed starts talking on about all the escapades he and his old man's been through (although they're mostly his dad's alone) and then moves onto some kind of fairytale with Mirkwood and Fangorn and all the other stuff Steve doesn't know about.
It's nice listening to him talk, and sometimes Ed asks for Steve's opinion and doesn't make fun of him when he can't come up with a smart response quickly enough. Steve likes talking to Ed, which is probably why he doesn't notice it's gotten dark.
It's late, and Steve's parents are gonna be so angry with him. He doesn't want to say goodbye to Ed, but the disappointed look on his mom scares him more. As if sensing Steve's thoughts, Ed looks around the forest too.
"It's getting late. My uncle's gonna be waiting for me. You ready to go home now, Stevie?"
"Yeah, you?"
"Mm-hm, except for one thing—," Ed looks a bit nervous, picking on his lips.
"I don't know how to get there."
...Unbelievable. He's unbelievable.
"Well, how do you normally come here? Just go the opposite direction."
"Well, you see, I normally just wander through the forest until I reach here—or there, so there is no direction to go opposite. Didn't know I'd be staying late."
Hearing the last sentence, Steve does feel a bit bad because if Ed hadn't been talking to Steve, he might have gone home while the sun was still up. And he's new to the town, too, it must be more confusing.
"I can... take you there if you want?" Steve offers.
Ed beams at Steve's suggestion, nodding so wildly that Steve's worried he might get dizzy.
"Alright! Lead the way, big boy. To Forest Hills we go!"
Ed grabs Steve's hand, starts walking even though he's got no idea where he's going, and it makes Steve laugh. There's warmth blossoming in his chest and he holds on to that feeling throughout their walk out of the forest.
By the time Steve gets home (on a ride by Uncle Wayne 'cause that man was freaked out that a ten year old was roaming around on the streets in the night), it's really late and Steve's parents are very, very angry.
He's grounded for a month, and when he gets to Skull Rock after, he doesn't find Ed. But Ed did say that he was only staying in Hawkins for a bit, so Steve hopes that Ed's dad got out of that big house and he's with Ed now.
(He doesn't know that Al Munson was in serious trouble this time, unlikely to get out of prison for a long time.)
(He doesn't know that Ed Munson had to stay in the system until Wayne Munson could get full legal custody of the kid.)
(He doesn't know that the sullen new kid in the grade above him—who the teachers whisper about— is the boy he met once at Skull Rock, Eddie Munson.)
(He doesn't know that for a long while.)
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howlingday · 6 months
Lancaster Labors IV
Part I Part II Part III
Ruby: I can't believe it... I finally have a baby in my belly~! All those weird procedures were finally worth it! But that doesn't help how I acted in my first trimester. All those weird panic attacks I had about maybe not having a baby or maybe I did, or how I spent almost two hundred lien on fancy underwear that I never wore because Jaune let me take his underwear and destroy them to fit me.
Ruby: But whatever happens now is going to be different! It's time for me to take charge now that I'm this far into my pregnancy! But first, there was one more thing left for me to do...
Ruby: (Thinking) WHAT DO I DO NOW?!. I went out of my way to not plan for anything in case I wasn't pregnant, but now that I'm actually in this far, I don't know what to do!
Ruby: ...
Ruby: Maybe there's some answers online... (Opens her scroll, Taps around) Oh, I have to come up with a delivery plan? I guess that makes sense; the doctors should know what I want. There's a lot in here, too. Music, alone time with the baby, do I want painkillers- Oh! Should Jaune be in the room?
Ruby: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Hm?
Ruby: Do you want to be with me in the delivery room?
Jaune: Well, I think that's up to you to decide. I mean, you are the one giving birth, right?
Ruby: In that case, I want Jaune to be there. He can comfort me and share the experience, and then he'll hold his baby and he feel like a daddy~! Mm... But I should still look at arguments against it, just to be sure. (Walks away, Taps scroll)
Mom: The smell of blood and amniotic fluid made my boyfriend, now my husband, feel so sick to his stomach, he had to leave the room. Made things really awkward for us for a while. Mom: My husband is too much a sweetheart. He was so traumatized after seeing me in so much pain, we decided to not have a second child. Mom: When I went into labor, I pushed too hard and actually crapped myself in front of my boyfriend. I felt so embarrassed. Mom: After the birth of our child, my husband stopped seeing me as his wife and more as a mom. He couldn't have sex with me, so he went out and cheated on me with another woman. He's now my ex-husband.
Ruby: I... I'll think about this another day. This is giving me too much stress. Still, I might be getting upset over nothing. Will I be a good mom? I've heard kids can be a handful, so can I really be motherly? Yang makes it look so easy...
Ruby: (Getting out of the shower) Ooh... My belly is getting so much bigger.... Ack! Is that hair on my belly?! And it's on my chest, too! Actually, am I smelling more rank now?
Ruby: Am I... becoming a wild animal~? That's right! I'm a mammal! And not all mammals are lovey-dovey and doting on their kids. They raise their babies on instinct! Who cares if I'm not motherly? My job as the mama animal is to make sure my baby grows up healthy and strong! And in that case...
Ruby: Jaune, I've made my decision.
Jaune: Oh?
Ruby: I want you there in the delivery room.
Jaune: Are you sure? You were pretty worried a while ago.
Ruby: Yeah. I'm sure. Because... I want you to be there so you can see my inner animal unleashed!
Jaune: O... kay?
Ruby: I realized something. Giving birth is our chance as humans to reconnect with our primal instincts. I want to know what animal I become when our baby is born, and I want you there to let me know what I'm like, even if it's terrifying! I might become so overwhelmed when I turn that I don't remember what happens, so I need you there to remember for me!
Jaune: Uh... huh... I have no idea what you're going on about, but I'll be there for you.
Ruby: I'll give birth to my baby and let my inner animal instincts take over. That's what my birth plan will be!.
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theshortolivia · 20 days
Get to Know me tag :)
Was tagged for a get to know me tag game by @deerlisteners and these are fun so thought I’d do it for the like two people who will see it, even though, they are both childhood friends and know all this…
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yeah! My moms named me after the character Olivia Benson from law and order because she was a ‘strong independent woman’ like they wanted me to be and they also both had a crush on her/the actress who plays her. Bonus fact I’m p sure if I’d been born male they woulda named me Josiah
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, I got emotional and ALMOST cried at the ‘shoe scene’ (can’t be any more specific cause Huge spoilers) when rewatching Jojo Rabbit, I DID cry when I saw it in theatres and I HIGHLY recommend it as a comedy satire but also a harrowing reminder of history we should never forget (and for taika waititi of course). Um last time I actually cried I don’t remember cause recently my mental health has been depression apathy and not anxiety tears but it was Probably out of frustration at my chronic illness limiting what I can do, not a fun anecdote unfortunately but sometimes it be like that
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and I don’t plan on having any anytime soon for economic, chronic illness, and age reasons (I’m 22 lol I am Not settled in life I don’t even live alone). I would like to have kids when I’m older and more settled health and money wise, I love kids and feel I have so much love and care to give, i think I’d both enjoy and be a good mother. Also, I’d like to have them ‘traditionally’ because I’d like to experience pregnancy and I have some good genes lol. I think I’d like to have 3, partially because I do think I will love to raise and love children but also largely because I want my kids to have multiple siblings and to have a bigger (I know that’s not large in the grand scheme but for like, this day and age and economy and etc) family and for their kids to have multiple aunts/uncles. I love having a brother and wish I had more siblings, I wish I had a sibling closer in age that I could relate to, but I do still enjoy taking care of him and him being my baby brother. I also used to have 5 aunts and uncles (well 10 since they were all married ig) and many many cousins of all ages before we stopped talking to that side of my family, and I have two uncles (and my aunts their wives) and only see a few of my cousins due to where they live, and I am so glad I have family gatherings that big but I do miss the giant ones too, therefore I want for my kids what I have and love.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I am NOT a sports girlie. Up until I was 12 ish I was a very into ballet and modern dancing (would’ve continued but alas anxiety struck) and after that I did musical theatre which is its own style of dancing, incorporating all different types. I’d love to go back but since I stopped dancing due to a steady string of anxiety, anxiety medication side effects, foot problems, and then finally chronic fatigue syndrome, I’ve become out of shape, have really bad feet, and REALLY struggle to find time to take care of myself. I do want to start exercising again in ways that don’t require me to have functional feet like weight lifting, aerial dancing (those fabric strip things) etc. But I am Not good at sports nor do I like it, sorry. I remember basketball in elementary being the most frustrating and volleyball being,,,ok
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hm in general i don’t think I do actually, I’m a pretty earnest and straightforward person myself and idk using sarcasm feels negative? For me? And I strive to be as positive to others as I can be. (Not that sarcasm is always mean I just feel like it don’t my Vibe ykwim) but I’m also somewhat socially and subtextually dense so I think it makes sense I don’t use something I may not be the best at understanding unless it’s obvious
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm, I think that varies a Lot, it’s probably usually either makeup, clothing, hairstyle, or tattoos if they stand out or if they’re something I’d want myself or am attracted too or like aesthetically. I always try to get up the courage to compliment people on things I notice because I feel good when I get complimented so I want other people to feel like that too :) also actually since I’m a cashier and people hand over cash and point cards often I usually notice nails. Oh I also notice extremes in height immediately, I’m short so people shorter than me are like woah! And people super duper tall are also like Woah!
7. What’s your eye colour?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
TLDR happy endings, I’m a sucker for happily ever after to the point where if it didn’t end happily I’ll probably write or st least daydream a fan fiction ending where it does. ESPECIALLY romance it Always gets me. I do like scary movies though, especially psychological horror, although,,,In The Tall Grass FUCKED ME UP (the movie, I don’t read stephen king books cause his writing style makes me uncomfy but man does he have some fucked up terrifying horrible ideas for for him)
9. Any talents?
Ig that’s kinda complicated cause I’d probably call myself a jack of all trades (but master of none). I was one of those kids that was praised for being good at like everything the first time I tried it and now as an adult has to learn how to study and have a huge issue of getting frustrated and stopping anything I try that I’m not immediately good at therefore never being able to improve because I’m not practicing. But I’ve been Told by teachers, professors, and other people that I’m quite talented at singing. I starred in some musicals in elementary school and studied vocals in high school, in choirs the whole time too, so I’d say I’m like, sort of trained in musical theatre and opera and I Have worked to improve my voice. But I was also told that apparently when I was 3 ish I grabbed a mic and went on a stage (probably at play group or smth idk) and belted twinkle twinkle little star and parents laughed and said I’d be a star one day so idk maybe I just have that star quality lol. Oh I’ve also been commended for my acting skills back before I did acting? But I haven’t done much of late and wouldn’t consider myself exceptionally skilled, I want to be though! I uh also had a period in high school where I discovered I liked (and was good at) academics and excelled in science and math and focused Heavily on that, getting awards and whatnot. I’m not gifted but my mom and grandfather are (were, granddad is not alive) and I definitely did get their big brains.
Oh also I’m like a professional daydreamer at this point I write whole ass stories in my head most of which Never make it to the Google docs and I’m Amazingly talented at oversharing I’m sorry in advance tell me to stop talking I literally won’t mind I promise I ramble Too much
10. Where were you born?
Ontario, Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
Too many. I have this issue where I like too many things so I spread myself too thinly to commit to spending enough time practicing on any one thing to improve, and then on top of that have this thing where I can’t just do something for fun I have to be Good at it (which I think stems from being a Talented Kid™) BUT here’s a list here we go it’s long
Learning languages (I’m shit at it tho)
Linguistics (how languages WORK is So Cool)
Learning about cool science things namely psychology, genetic, otherwise biology, or nuclear related
I’m not good at this yet but I wanna get into mixology for fun and also as a job
Can’t sew v well yet but I think it would be So Fun and also good to know cause I have to hem every other pair of pants I get
12. Do you have any pets?
I live w my parents still n we have a dog who’s actually my brother’s service dog she’s a huge black lab named Marshmallow and she is full of so much love but not a lot of thoughts, and we recently got a tuxedo kitten i got to name Carmilla (Carmilla is the name of an 1872? gothic lesbian vampire novella that came out before dracula, see my kitten loved to hide n is super duper fast and also play bites, hence, vampire)
13. How tall are you?
5’1 or 152cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
Too many uhh in high school I rlly loved general biology, my vocal classes (which we learned solos in Italian, German, and musical theatre genres and etc it was amazing), my intro to sociology, psychology, and anthropology class, my human development throughout the lifespan class (I wrote a super cool paper on the theory of infantile synesthesia which tbh is probably the best paper I’ve ever written), and my drama classes. In uni so far I’ve enjoyed my year 1 biology class, Especially the second half cause it was like almost All genetics (soooo fascinating!!!), I Loved my Japanese class which was hard as hell but so fascinating and awesome (I love languages and how they work, and Japanese being so different from my native language of English was really interesting, I also really like Japanese food and culture and nature so learning the language was partially because I think it’s a wonderful language but partially so I can go to Japan at some point), my psych intro class was fascinating and I especially enjoyed the parts on sleep and consciousness and on sensory and perception, those parts of our brains are sooo cool I also really liked my Health Psychology (relating our body to our mind was eye opening and very interesting) class. All those classes had super interesting subject matter AND really amazing sweet and helpful professors. Oh my intro data science class was cool cause I got to do shit of coding which was fun and rewarding
15. Dream Job?
Ok so remember the ‘jack of all trades but master of none’ thing? Liking and being somewhat good at many different things is rlly not helpful for deciding on careers, the end of that phrase ‘but better than being a master of one’ I’d say isn’t true cause I do think being good at One thing has its pros and cons, a pro being it’s def easier to decide what to do. I’ve been told I could probably make it in the opera industry, and I would love to act and sing for a living, whether that’s theatre, film, or voice acting, preferably I’d love to do them all tbh. It feels narcissistic to admit but I do like the recognition for performing, I relish the applause I get during curtain calls or after a solo, I wouldn’t say I Live for the applause but I do like it, I think I’d like to be some level of famous. However I know that’s not easy to attain and I also would love to be a teaching and researching professor of psychology and genetics. I love presenting and teaching and am very good at it (my best marks are always on presentations lol) and I love researching concepts that are interesting to me, like for example if I had to write a thesis right now I’d probably write it about the possibility of finding the epigenetic patterns that cause hereditary depression, anxiety, etc, and use CRISPR gene editing technology to correct those thus ending the cycle of hereditary mental illness instead of putting the bandaid of a medication on it. Also I know that coding and computer science is lucrative right now and I did enjoy my taste of coding so I’d also love to look into that. I Do want to make a lot of money so I can afford to take care of those I love (and myself), be more sustainable, and enjoy some extra things in life like fancy and unique or uncommon to my culture food
No pressure but Also tagging @dragonheart1330 :)
I probably didn’t even say One thing @dragonheart1330 and @deerlisteners don’t already know lol as I said I am soooo talented at oversharing
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