#my motivation for anything is so fucking nonexistent right now i just wanna sleep and cease to exist
the-kipsabian · 11 months
i need to put shit up for sale today but i really dont wanna deal with facebooks bullshit
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niksixx · 4 years
Close as Strangers
Requested: Nope! 
Pairing: The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Fem!Reader 
Description: Based on the song ‘Close as Strangers’ by 5 Seconds of Summer. Lyrics are bold and italicized. 
A/N: Reblog and leave your own tags!! Thanks for supporting me :) 
*GIF is NOT mine. Found on Google. Credit to the owner.*
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Six weeks since I’ve been away
And now you’re saying everything has changed
And I’m afraid that I might be losing you
And every night that we spend alone
It kills me thinking of you on your own
And I wish I was back home next to you
Tommy had a job to do whether you liked it or not. Mötley Crüe was at the height of their success, landing tours in countries all across the globe. Being unfamiliar with the music scene, having a rockstar boyfriend was much harder than it looked. You supported him in every way, being there for him as his fame grew, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said it wasn’t difficult at times.
Shortly after Mötley Crüe’s debut in America, your relationship crossed over the line from casual to serious. You and Tommy adored each other, two halves of one whole, but lately you felt your relationship slipping right through your fingers. And the worst part was there was no motivation to save it.
“I’ve only been gone six weeks, honey.”
Six weeks too many. Now on his second tour, Tommy was busier than ever. Phone calls after every show were either late or nonexistent. In the event that he didn’t call, you tried not to take it personally, finding random things around the house to keep you busy, to keep your mind from wandering.
And then the plethora of rumors started and knocked the wind out of you. Tommy would never cheat on you, his heart was too loving, his soul too pure, but the paparazzi pictures did their job of convincing you that maybe Tommy had been unfaithful.
There was no denying that your relationship was dwindling, changing for the worst. In your bed, the side Tommy slept on grew colder and colder each night he was gone. The body pillow that rests in his place was too soft, lacking the firmness of Tommy’s body that you’d grown to love as you fell asleep beside him. The blankets didn’t compare to having his arms wrapped tightly around your frame.
Everything was just...different.
“Am I...am I losing you?”
It was the word you wanted to scream out to him on the other end of the line, but it wasn’t the word that came out.
“I miss you so much, babe. I hate that I’m not there with you. I’d do anything to come back home to you.”
And you’d give anything to have him back, too.
Are we wasting time? Talking on a broken line?
Telling you I haven’t seen your face in ages
I feel like we’re as close as strangers
Won’t give up, even if it hurts so much
Every night I’m losing you in a thousand faces
Now it feels we’re as close as strangers
On the other end of the line, you can hear Tommy’s name being called either by his bandmates, groupies, or partygoers that found their way backstage after the show. He was easily distracted, shouting back and forth or laughing, forgetting that you were patiently, tiptoeing the line of impatiently, waiting for him on the other end.
“What? Oh, shit, I’m sorry babe.”
He was always sorry.
Sorry for leaving.
Sorry for forgetting to call.
Sorry about the photos.
Sorry for the excessive drinking.
Sorry for becoming distracted midway through your conversation.
Overtime, the word ‘sorry' lost its value.
And when it did, you became even more distant, intolerant of his inconsistencies.
“Tommy, I haven’t seen you in three months. The least you can do is give me five fucking minutes on the phone.”
“Woah. Damn. Chill out. I was just talking to Vince.”
“Chill out?” You ask dramatically, now sitting upright in bed. “Chill out? You see Vince every day, Tommy. All I want is a sliver of your time, five minutes, and you’re giving me a hard time about that?”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Tommy sighs sadly, scrubbing a hand over his face. Cradling the phone between his ear and shoulder, he hastily digs a cigarette from his pocket. He lights it and puffs out a cloud of smoke. “Are you okay, baby? You’re awfully snippy.”
You had every right to be snippy. Miles away in a foreign country, Tommy was living the life he always wanted for himself, all the while you were at home, going through the motions of an ordinary day seven days a week.
At times you were jealous of his success, as it had been the factor that took him away from you. It was hard being cooped up alone in a house that was meant for two people.
In theory, you’d be fine if the effort was there. But amid Tommy’s hectic lifestyle, you were floating in the background unseen.
The sigh from your lips was one of defeat. “No, Tommy, I’m not okay. I feel like my boyfriend is a stranger to me now. I miss you more and more every night, but lately I feel like giving up.”
Tommy pauses, heart racing. His grip on the cigarette tightens. He didn’t like where this was going. “On what?”
The lump in your throat grows, fingers gripping the phone tighter. You almost choke on the words, wondering if it’s a sign to hold them back. “On us.”
“No, no, no, no, no,” Tommy repeats in a rush, hand firmly planted against the cool brick wall behind the payphone. “Don’t say that, baby. Don’t you dare say that. I love you. I love you so much, you know that, right? And I miss you. I miss you all the time. When I’m up on that stage and I look out into the crowd, the only face I don’t see that I really want to see is yours.”
Maybe you should’ve kept the words at bay. But what good would hiding your feelings do? Even thousands of miles away, Tommy could pick up on the cues. The slightest change in your voice could send him into a panic.
“Tommy, being away from you for so long is so exhausting and I just...I don’t want to spend my time sulking and crying and waiting for you to come home. You’re struggling to make time for me when all I want is a five minute phone call, the media keeps reporting that you’re drinking more than usual, and the photos...the photos are tearing my heart in pieces.” You try not to think of the photos or of the groupies that made it their priority to sleep with men like Tommy, but the images were burned into your brain. “I feel like you’ve been on tour forever and I just can’t do it anymore. I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
Tommy’s world comes crashing down around him. Just thinking of you ending the relationship has him sucking in nervous breaths, mind whirling with possible solutions to save your relationship. There was no way he was letting you get away from him. He wouldn’t give you up so easily.
“What if you come on tour with us?” He questions suddenly. “You wouldn’t have to worry about seeing me because we’d always be together. Come on baby, let me show you the world.” He’s sure this idea will work. You’ve mentioned before how the rest of the world seems nonexistent, as you’ve never traveled anywhere outside your immediate country. He’s giving you the chance, and he hopes you’ll take it.
But his high hopes come crashing down as you don’t think twice about rejecting his proposal. “I have my own life to live, Tommy. I can’t drop everything and spend the next four months in twenty different cities. I have to work so I can pay rent and pay for groceries and bills. Be realistic.”
Tommy frowns, crushing the butt of his cigarette under his boot. “You were just complaining about not seeing me. I give you a way to do that and you shut it down.”
The tips of your nails suddenly become important as you cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. You pick and pick, teeth biting the corner of your bottom lip as you do so.
“Baby, tell me where your head’s at,” His voice is small now, unsure. “Tell me you’ll always be here. Please tell me I’m not losing you.”
“I want to be able to say those things. But you’re halfway across the world right now and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I need you here.”
There’s a heavy sigh on the other end of the line as you find yourself sliding off the bed and trudging to the window, staring out into the dark sky. The crescent moon is the only thing illuminating the outside world along with a few street lights on the pavement. Around you, the world outside is quiet. The thoughts in your head? Not so much.
It was a conversation you never wanted to have, but it was necessary. You and Tommy were two different people who needed different things. Was there a chance you were acting selfish by pleading with him to come home? No doubt.
You knew Tommy would never give up his job despite his immense love for you. And while you wanted him to come home, you couldn’t force that decision out of him.
Which is why you had to make the decision yourself.
On the phone I can tell that you wanna move on
Through the tears I can hear that I shouldn't have gone
Everyday gets harder to stay away from you
“Don’t do this,” Words break through Tommy’s quiet sobs as his body is curled in a ball on the floor beside his hotel bed. After receiving what had been the worst news of his life, his legs had given out from underneath him, his body crumbling to the ground. “Please, baby. Don’t do this to us.”
After sleeping on it for a few days, you realized that the only thing you could do was break things off with Tommy. The road to your decision was a long and rough one, but hopefully it would be worth it if there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it was hard. Leaving your love behind wasn’t supposed to be easy. You had your doubts, and numerous what-ifs made you question your decision.
In the end, you knew it was the right choice even if your stubborn boyfriend wouldn’t agree with you. It wasn’t fair to make Tommy give up his dream in the middle of the band’s success. It was okay to be selfish at times, but this wasn’t one of them.
“You don’t know how hard this is for me,” There’s a crack in your voice, and soon a few tears leak from your eyes. Curled in a ball as well, your body sits heavily on the kitchen floor, back pressed against the stove. “I don’t want to do this. I really don’t want to do this, Tommy. But I can’t ask you to give up your dreams and come home. That’s selfish, and I love you too much to make you choose.”
“You’re not even giving me a choice,” Tommy says angrily, tears flowing freely. He runs a hand through his hair, dragging it down over his face, before slapping it lifelessly against his leg. Exhaling a shaky breath, Tommy leans his head back against the side of the bed. “I shouldn’t have gone. Fuck this, I’m coming home.”
“Tommy, no.” The tone of your voice is firm. You won’t let him sabotage his dreams on your account. “Listen to me. I love you. I do. But this isn’t working for us.”
“It’s not working for you,” Tommy corrects sarcastically, wiping his eyes with the back of his free hand. “Last I checked I wasn’t the one ending our relationship.”
You should have expected this, but his words stung as he spit them back to you. There’s no way you can blame him. He’s hurt. He’s angry. You deserve the lashing out for blindsiding him.
“You know I never cheated on you, right?” Tommy sniffles. The thought of being unfaithful to you had never even crossed his mind. “The photos, I mean.”
You nod. “I didn’t think you would.”
The long pause between the phone line is eerie. Tommy’s labored breathing is audible on the other end of the phone, and it’s not the type of breathing from the exhaustion after a wild show. It’s panic. It’s fear. It’s the feeling of loss.
“I told myself I’d fight for you, but if this is what you want, then I’ll let you go,” The words surprise you. Part of you had already imagined Tommy packing for the first available flight, but the defeat in his voice told you otherwise. He was staying put. “You deserve to be happy, and if I can’t do that then--.”
“Tommy, you’ve made me so happy. The happiest I’ve ever been,” There was no denying that. You had never laughed more, smiled more, loved more, than when Tommy became an integral piece of your life. “But it’s just--.”
“Right person, wrong time?”
The last piece of your beating heart shatters. The phone almost slips from your clammy palm as the reality of his words hit you. “Yeah. Exactly.”
Your life would be different if you’d met Tommy at the right time. There’d be no hesitation, no confusion, just blissful love.
Tommy clears his throat and it sinks into your bones that there was a large possibility this would be the last conversation you’d have with him. “Before you go, I want you to know something,” Tommy pauses to gather his thoughts. “I want you to know that we’re going to be together again one day. When all this is over, I’m going to find you, and I’m never going to let you go. You’re the one for me, Y/N. I’m letting you go now because I love you, but I’m going to win you back again. That’s a promise.”
One final tear slips down your cheek. “I hope you do.”
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Hi c: First things first, I love your blog I saw requests were open, so I wanted to ask a nsfw alphabet for Bartolomeo, if you’re ok with it.
(Hell yeah, it’s Barto Time :3)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Barto is ready to tend to your every need after sex. You want ANYTHING, his crew will bring it to you with a call on his DenDen Mushi. It connects to the speakers on the ship, and he orders his men to bring you whatever you need. (“I’m kinda hungry now…” “On it. Oi, bring up some–what do you want, babe?” “I’m craving burgers right now.” “Bring up some burgers to my room. Whoever makes the best one and gets it here fastest gets a copy of one of my autographed posters!”)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his partner’s face. He just enjoys cupping your cheek and kissing you everywhere he can; your soft lips, your cute squishy cheeks, little kisses on the tip of your nose…As for his body, he likes his hair. His hairstyle is awesome (to him, at least), it’s an eye-catching color, and his hair is just so soft; he loves whenever you run your fingers through his hair.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His cum is on the thick side, translucent whitish-colored, and a little bitter. Nothing that will make you gag, though.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Okay, so Bartolomeo knows that Luffy isn’t really interested in sex, BUT…he’s had this recurrent dream where he’s in a threesome with you and Luffy-sama, and it always results in him moaning both of your names and absolutely ruining his sheets. Even if Luffy did have an interest in sex, Barto feels he isn’t worthy enough to sleep with him. I mean, sometimes he thinks isn’t worthy enough to sleep with someone as gorgeous and loving as YOU, so the idea of having a threesome with you two is too much for him to think about.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Personally, I think he’s a virgin. He talks a lot of game, but the instant you make a move on him for the first time he’s a blushing mess. As long as you and the Straw Hats aren’t around, he gives off the impression he’s had sex before with how confident he is, but any questions about any of his past (and nonexistent) conquests makes him crumble a bit. He’s actually gotten close to sleeping with a few people in the past, but once he takes them to his room, they see the shit ton of Straw Hats merch (posters, plushies, cosplay outfits, handmade figures, etc.) and they peace the fuck out. To be fair, seeing a dozen plushies of Luffy, Chopper, and the rest of the gang looking straight at you during sex would be…offputting.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The first time you two have sex, he’s anxious about where he should be and he lets you take the reins. He would want to experiment with a few different positions, and he finds he likes being on the bottom most of the time with you riding him. Cowgirl is his go-to, but as long as he gets to see your face he’s a happy man.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He tries to be serious and put on his cocky, confident persona (like how he was at the start of the Arena), but it falls apart almost immediately when you two first have sex. Whether or not he’s goofy in bed depends on his partner, since he’ll follow their lead and try to match their energy. If you’re more serious, he’s more serious. If you’re more giggly, so is he.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Yes, it’s green. And yes, he grooms it as meticulously as the hair on his head. He has a small happy trail and he used to shave it, but after overhearing a few women talk about how they found men with happy trails hot he decided to leave it. It’s surprisingly soft by pubic hair standards!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Barto is VERY intimate and romantic. He may come across as a monstrous badass as Bartolomeo the Cannibal, but in the bedroom he is so gentle. He wants to worship you like the king/queen you are, and sex with him involves a lot of foreplay. He likes positions where he can look you in the eyes and cup your cheek as you ride him, and his hands and mouth never stop exploring your body. His kisses have a little sharpness to them thanks to his teeth, and he tries not to draw blood or hurt you unless that’s what you want.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Does it about three times a week. He gets hard at the drop of a hat, and it doesn’t subside unless he takes care of it himself. He had a magazine when he was younger, but now he prefers to use his imagination. Even though he does fantasize about some of the Straw Hats, he would NEVER use any of their merch or wanted posters– If he tainted any of his mint-condition, pristine posters of them, he would throw himself into the ocean with his pants still around his ankles. Once he’s with you, he sticks to thinking about you…and/or Nami sleeping with you. And/or Robin. And/or Franky, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Luffy-sama…
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This is a Straw Hat-only fetish, but cuckolding and/or group sex. Obviously this doesn’t apply to Chopper, but as for everyone else? Hell yes. As stated above, he loves the idea of sleeping with you and one or more of his idols at the same time. He wouldn’t even have to be involved, either; seeing Zoro-san taking you from behind with Nami and Robin both sharing you in front, Franky using a few “special inventions” on you, Luffy completely wrapped around you and giving Bartolomeo a sly wink…INSTANT NUT. He feels guilty whenever his fantasies involve Luffy, a) because he doesn’t feel worthy enough to sleep with Luffy or even watch him in bed and b) he gets the feeling Luffy wouldn’t really be into that. Still, it turns him on like you wouldn’t believe.
Non-Straw Hat kinks? He gets really turned on when you wear his clothes, and if you wore his coat while riding him he would lose it. He’s also a bit of a sub, so he likes being on the receiving end of some light BDSM/teasing/edging. He also has a praise kink. It doesn’t even need to be sexual, just tell him he’s a great fighter or that his hair looks cool and his pants will start to get tight.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He isn’t too fond of public sex. Sex is one of the few times he indulges in being submissive and vulnerable, and he doesn’t want any random assholes to see him desperately begging for you to make him cum. He usually sticks to a bed, couch, or the floor of his room. While he doesn’t want people to catch him in the act, he DOES enjoy bragging to the crew over his DenDen Mushi once you two are finished. (“Guys, I just made ____ cum four times in a row!” And then there’s just a fucking chorus of cheering from every part of the ship)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Like I said, he enjoys seeing you in his clothes and any time you praise him he gets turned on. Seeing you kick someone’s ass or verbally go off on someone is also really hot to him; he already knows you’re a badass, but there’s something about seeing you just wreck a bitch that makes his blood rush south.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing that would hurt you. If you’re a masochist, he would try really hard to satisfy you, but he just can’t bring himself to do anything really major. Like he would NEVER under any circumstances slap you during sex, even if you beg him to. I mean the dude apologizes if he grips your hips too hard or if he accidentally bites you when he’s giving you a hickey.
He thought he would enjoy roleplay, but it turns out it just isn’t his thing. He doesn’t wanna fuck you if you’re pretending to be someone else, he wants you. And he’d be kinda hurt if you wanted him to pretend to be something he isn’t.
No bodily fluids. He enjoys being teased and degraded, but he does NOT wanna be pissed on. If you get periods though and you want to have sex during Shark Week, he’s fine with sex as long as it’s easy to clean up after (having sex in the shower, putting a few towels down on the bed, etc.)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He likes to give you oral, but he worries about hurting you with his sharp teeth. If you have a penis, he learns how to deepthroat as soon as possible so he can take all of you in his mouth (and he firmly believes that spitters are quitters. You cum in his mouth, and he WILL swallow and wipe what’s left off his lips before pulling you in for a kiss.)
If you’ve got a vagina, he improves his tongue’s dexterity by trying to tie a cherry stem in his mouth every day until he can do it easily. The closest he really gets to being dominant is when he’s giving you oral; he’ll pin your legs down with a  small growl and stare at you intensely as he eats you out like you’re his last meal.
His first time isn’t anything amazing, but he’s a fast learner. Once you two have been together a few times, he learns how to tell when you like what he’s doing.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s the kind of guy to start slow and sensual, but the closer he gets to cumming the faster and more desperate he gets. Because he prefers having you on top, he likes to let you set the pace; he also LOVES when you two go faster and faster, and you suddenly slow down to tease him right as he’s about to cum.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s cool with quickies! Whether it’s because you just need to fuck away your pent-up stress or you just have a busy day, he totally understands why you’d want a quickie. He’d prefer proper sex though, but if you ask for a quick round he eagerly agrees. He doesn’t initiate quickies that often, maybe once or twice a month.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Barto trusts you completely, so he’s open to trying anything with you at least once. Even with his turn-offs, he’ll really try to experiment with his boundaries; if you wanted him to hurt you, he’d just start grabbing your ass a bit rougher than usual; after some prodding from you, he’d spank you. But any further than that, and he’d say he doesn’t feel okay with it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Barto’s stamina is fairly low at first; the first time he has sex, he was so overstimulated and overwhelmed with emotion that he just collapsed after his first orgasm. As he sleeps with you more often, his stamina builds up and now he can go three or four rounds before he needs to tap out. He doesn’t take a break until you’ve climaxed at LEAST twice. Like his stamina, he doesn’t last very long at first but he can go longer and longer over time. Since he refuses to stop until you’ve cum at least twice, he’ll push himself to keep going even if he doesn’t know how long he can last. He’ll typically last about 15 minutes per round on average, and he usually manages to make you cum before then.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s a simple guy; when it comes to jacking off, all he ever needed was his own hand a good imagination. So he doesn’t own any toys, but if his partner wanted to try them out he would happily try some out (whether it’s on him or on his s/o)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He prefers being teased by you, so he’ll only do it a little bit if he knows it’ll get you to “punish” him for it. If he notices that you enjoy being teased, he’ll do it a bit more during foreplay (kissing your neck and earlobe, dragging his teeth along your skin, lightly squeezing your thighs, etc.)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s pretty damn loud, not gonna lie. He doesn’t mean to be, but you just make him feel so good! He doesn’t like anyone aside from you to hear him beg, but because he’s so loud he usually has to quiet himself by moaning with his mouth against your body or by making a soundproof barrier around the two of you. He’d love it if you gagged him to keep him from making so much noise, whether that be with a ball gag or just a piece of cloth.
Constantly switches between praising you and begging you like the desperate little slut he is. When he cums, it’s usually with a low whine/growl thing that’s just…so hot when you hear it. If you’re the kind of person to make him say things in bed, he does it immediately without any thought to who might hear you, which is why he usually makes a soundproof barrier before you two go at it (“C’mon, Barto, tell me how bad you wanna cu–” “Ah, fuck, ____, I need you to make me cum so badly, I can’t take it anymore! Fuck, please, please…”)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
While he usually makes a soundproof barrier, he used to forget to lock his bedroom door in the heat of the moment. Long story short, Cavendish once walked in on the two of you: Bartolomeo was gagged and blindfolded, and Cavendish had walked in on him right as you two were cumming. Thanks to the barrier, he couldn’t hear you two but he saw everything. He just froze and his eyes widened, and once you realized he was there and made eye contact, he just slowly backed out of the room. You didn’t tell Barto what had happened, but now you always make sure his door is locked whenever you two are about to have sex. If Bartio knew that Cavendish had seen him being your blindfolded and gagged fucktoy, he wouldn’t even know how to deal with it.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Your boy is a shower: 7 ½ inches flaccid and 8 ½ inches erect. Fairly average girth, and it’s a little pink at the tip. It’s got one vein on the left side, but it isn’t noticeable unless you’re staring at his dick for a while.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Ideally, he wants to have sex 4 to 5 times a week, so his sex drive is pretty high. He doesn’t even care if it’s just oral most of the time; as long as he busts a nut, he doesn’t care how it comes about.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends on the time of day. Morning sex actually makes him energized and pumped, but afternoon and evening sex makes him more sleepy once he’s climaxed. He’s more likely to fall asleep in the evening, but he won’t do it if you’re in need of some aftercare. Once you’re satisfied (in more ways than one~), he collapses against his mattress and holds you close for some post-sex cuddling until he falls asleep. If you spoon him, run your hands through his hair, and murmur some gentle praises in his hear, he’ll melt in your arms.
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fijiangecko · 5 years
High Notes
A/N: After a long hiatus (once again), here’s my latest piece. It isn’t super well edited, but I hope you all like it!
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5,100+
Weed. Mary Jane, grass, marijuana, the crooked rope, the wacky tobacky - whatever you call it, you've got it. Unfortunately, that means hiding it during room checks at the dorms, but it wasn't hard in any sense to hide it. Iida doesn't have a keen eye for drugs as he has no experience with them (and he'd like to keep it that way). On the other hand, Sero helped you disguise the scent and gave you a few tips on how to keep everyone off your tail. Weirdly enough, when school started you immediately caught on that he was a stoner, but it didn't seem like anyone else caught it. Not even the Bakusquad, which both of you were apart of.
"So are we smoking tonight?" Sero whispers as he walks alongside you to lunch. You were lagging behind the rest of the group.
"That's the plan." You respond. He nods. Everyone had decided to go out for lunch since it's the weekend and your only time to relax. The mall wasn't busy per say, but it's wasn't slow. The crowds were sparse so it was easy to keep up with Katsuki, who was leading the group.
You watched him carefully as he moves; anytime his head turns back and you got a profile view of his face your stomach does flips. How can someone be so handsome and yet act like a demon. Even though he was a cocky son of a bitch, you respect his drive and motivations. You just wish that you could get him to notice you. In class you were just average, and everything about him was exemplary. It sucks even harder because you put everything you have on the table for school, and it's just not good enough. You feel inadequate: for his attention, for the school and most importantly to become a hero. And that's why you smoke.
It takes the edge off whenever things start heading downhill. It helps ease the pain and let's you forget about the world for a moment. Especially when Sero's around. People may not see him as front and center but that dude's funny as fuck. He's quick to a joke and always knows the best comedic timing. He's a really nice guy and you're glad he's your best friend.
"So where we eating Mina?" The pinky turns to you with a wide smile.
"There's this really yummy ramen place just up ahead. They got it all, I'm telling you."
"It's really good you'll like it." Kiri chimes in.
"Oh, so I see you two have been here before… perhaps together??" You wiggle your eyebrow suggestively.
"BRO ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!" Kaminari can't handle sexual tension. Kiri slaps him in the chest.
"Shut up man someone could hear you, and no. We aren't. I came here with my parents." You, Sero and Kaminari were laughing your asses off as you entered the restaurant, trying hard to contain the fits of giggles so it wasn't distracting to other patrons.
You all sat down in an unfortunate position. You got a corner seat with Sero to your left, but Katsuki in front. His scowl was unchanged since arriving, but somewhere deep in those scarlet eyes you can tell he's having a good time. 
Dinner goes off without a hitch. Everyone enjoys their noodles and has a good time talking. Every now and then you steal a glance at the blonde, but he is always looking elsewhere. It's not like you want to get caught staring at him so he's finally get the idea you were in to him ... course not.
"You need to stop being so obvious dude." Sero talks with a mouthful.
"Shut up I'm not obvious. I'm just looking around." His face dead pans.
"Uhuh." You both laugh to yourselves and don't catch the jealous look on Bakugou's face.
After dinner the group heads back to the dorms to have a movie night, but first you were gonna go change into PJs. Everyone separated to their rooms to get changed.
"I'm just going to bed." You caught Katsuki talking to Kiri.
"C'mon man! It'll be fun! You never bail on movie nights even though you claim to hate them." His scowl deepened.
"No. I'm not hanging out with you shitheads I wanna get some quality sleep."
"Says the guy who goes to bed at 8 every night. It's the weekend! Hang out with us!" Kiri's plea’s don't seem to be doing much, but you decide to step in.
"Movie nights not the same without your snarky comments, you can't bail on us Bakugou." You stick your lip out slightly and slump your shoulders in a pout.
"God, fine! Stop fucking pestering me." Everyone erupts into hoots and hollers while missing the small blush on Katsuki’s face. The time had come for everyone to split up and put on PJ’s , so you opted for the stairs since you ate some extra food tonight and Sero follows you, which Katsuki notices.
"Should we hit it now or later?"
"Uhh, I guess now. I'm prolly gonna pass out towards the end of this movie anyway."
"Sure [Y/N], Mrs. 'I can't handle more than two hits without going fucking insane' ". He snickers at your face starting to turn red.
"Damn dude, wasn't expecting to get fucking roasted tonight. Shit." Embarrassment levels are skyrocketing but it's all in good fun. He wasn't wrong though. You usually get all active when you smoke more than normal. "I'll just have to show you up then." You smirk at him.
"Oh a challenge!! You're on! Hopefully the others don't catch on." He wiggles his eyebrows. 
You scoff at the thought, "they haven't caught us yet," you walk through the door from the stairwell to the 3rd floor, "and I don't think they will." You both laugh. An elevator sing catches you off guard.
Katsuki had just gotten off to go to his room and heard you two talking. His face flushes red, eyes burning with anger. He doesn't say anything as he stomps to his room. Your heart is pounding and the impending doom of a major fuck up in your (nonexistent) relationship slams into you like a car.
“Fuck,” your knees give out and you fall to the floor, staring at the carpet. “God damnit Sero. GOD DAMNIT!” Tears start to well at the bottom of your eyelid.
“Hey,” Sero knells next to you, “it’s okay. I bet he only caught part of the conversation.” He grabs your shoulders and tries to get you to stand up. He walked in a few seconds after you and didn’t fully see what was going on at first.
“I don’t think you understand, he caught the last sentence. He looked like he wanted to kill me.” Sero’s eyes soften at the explanation; he’s known about your crush since you became best friends. In fact, that’s the thing that probably qualified him as your best friend. No one else knew about it and he wasn’t intending on telling anyone soon.
“Let’s get to your room and forget about it for now. Everyone’s gonna be waiting on us if we take too long. It’ll be good to forget about this and figure it out later.” He finally hoists you up and the both of you linger to your room where you change in the bathroom and he changes with an extra set of clothes he left at one point. After getting all changed, you pull out the bong and the little tupperware container of weed and take a couple hits.
...scratch that. A lot of hits; you smoke almost the whole container and Sero takes little to none of it.
“[Y/N], hey. Chill out a little. We’re just trying to have a good time, not get caught.” He takes the bong and starts to clean up a bit.
“You’re right,” you nod while shutting your eyes, trying to let it sink in (even though you know it’s gonna hit hard in a couple minutes). “Let’s go have fun, with our friends and forget that my crush thinks that we’re fucking.”
“You got it.” He leads the way out of your room, but not before you swipe your wax pen and shove it in your sweatpants.
You decided to take the elevator, and much to your surprise, when it opens you see the spiky blonde hair sitting on the couch next to Kiri.
“Hey guys! Took you long enough.” He flashes his spikey teeth in a wide grin.
“The stairs really fuckin’ winded me, sorry. Took me a second to get to my room.” You felt a giggle start to bubble in the pit of your stomach, but you suppressed it for the time being.
It was definitely kicking in.
Sero caught your jaw muscles clench in an act of suppression, and only smiled in response. To an onlooker (*cough* Katsuki *cough*) it looks like Sero just blatantly checked you out. Rage starts spreading throughout his body. 
How the fuck can she fall for him?! What did I do wrong? He faces away from you all. "Turn on the fucking movie already." 
Everyone sits down and gets comfy. Mina, Kiri and Bakugou sit on one couch and Kaminari, Sero and yourself sit on another. You take a blanket before sitting down and spread it over your group. The movie starts to play and everyone has their eyes on the screen. Well… almost everyone. Katsuki continues to glare at Sero as he thinks about what he has that he himself doesn't. It's not like he's jealous or anything… totally not that.
Sometime during the movie you lay your head down on Sero's lap and take out the wax pen from your pocket. Using the blanket as a cover, you take a small hit and turn to him and blow what little smoke there was to his face.
"Dude, you're gonna get us caught." He whisper yells as he slaps his hand over your face. Seeing him trying to act stern with you causes the giggle to erupt out of nowhere. The whole group looks at you two.
"Tapearms, you trying to suffocate her?" Katsuki growls. He instantly removes his hand from your face and the giggles won't stop. Now you're full out cackling and you can't stop.
"[Y/N], you okay babe?" Mina asks from across the room. Your face is red and it's getting harder to breath, not to mention your and are starting to hurt. You can't form words and it's starting to get to be too much.
"Shut the fuck up, we're trying to watch the movie." Katsuki stares at you, but there's no malice behind his eyes. You try and stand up to walk to the kitchen, but your knees buckle and you fall about halfway through.
"Good God man." Sero hops out of his spot and helps you to the kitchen table. It takes a couple of minutes but you get there and when you do the wax pen is once again pulled out. "No [Y/N]. No more for you." He attempts to grab the pen but you raise it up high before.
"Fuck you. It's mine and I bought it. I'll do what I please."
"Not if it's gonna get us caught. Now hand it over." You stick your lip out and pout, then slowly you bring the pen down. Before you turn it over you hastily stick it in your mouth and start to take a drag.
"DUDE!" Sero whispers shouts (more shouts) and swipes it out of your mouth. You start to cough up a cloud and he rips the pen away. Now in panic mode, Sero starts to flail his arms around to get the smoke to disapparate. You laugh at your doofus best friend and continue to cough, loudly.
"Can you two be quiet for like, two seconds?" Kaminari shouts from the couch.
"Seriously guys, we love you but we're trying to watch it." Mina sounds disappointed.
"Nah, they've ruined movie night. I'm going up." Your crush stands up and shoots a deadly glance your way.
"Bakubro, c'mon. They're a little annoying right now but it's nothing you can't handle. What if we play Mario Kart?" Kiri tries to reason. Mina and Denki look a little upset, and begrudgingly agree to the new plan.
"No. I'm fuckin tired." Watching him turn his back makes you panic. Does he hate me?
"I bet I can kick your ass in Mario Kart, Bakugou." Everyone looks in surprise at who's challenging the beast. Sero looks back at you and winks as he saunters over to the TV and sets up the game. "What do you say, Kacchan?"
He's done it now. Katsuki stomps his way back into the living room and fumes at the thought of an extra like tapearms actually beating him. "You're on fuckface." The rest of the room cheers for Bakugou's return and Mina walks over to you.
"I think I'm just gonna let the boys play this one out. Looks like Bakugou's ready to kill someone."
"Yeah, wasn't expecting Sero to challenge him. Especially when he's shit at Mario Kart." You laugh at the thought.
"Well since we're the odd ones out, how bout we grab the speaker and play some tunes." You smile at her and grab your phone to pick a playlist.
After grabbing the speaker and putting on some music (much to Katsuki's distaste) Mina and yourself go to the kitchen and start making some snacks. "So are you and Sero…?"
Your face turns into a tomato, "No, God no. He's my best friend and I could never think about him in that way."
"Mhm, well Bakugou mentioned that you guys were talking about 'not getting caught' in the stairwell." You heart nearly implodes at the mention.
"Fuck no! Absolutely- no- Mina I swear to you that that was not what we were talking about. Bakugou just caught us talking about the absolute worst time." You were stuttering and stammering to get the explanation out.
"Okay, well if you weren't talking about that, what were you talking about? What didn't you want us to find out?" Fuck! There's no way out of this one.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to talk about it. You can't tell a fucking soul, got me?" You jab a finger into her sternum and your eyes care importance in them.
"Damn [Y/N], you're acting more like Bakugou." She laughs a little to lighten the mood change.
"I'm dead serious Mina, if this gets out Sero and I are fucked. Big time. No coming back."
"Shit, okay. I got it. This stays between us." By looking into her eyes, you can tell she way being serious.
"Okay," you take a deep breath, "Sero and I smoke weed together. Like, on a weekly basis and I'm high as fuck right now." She looks shocked, but only for a couple of seconds.
"Now that you mention it, that actually makes a lot of sense." She puts a finger on her chin and taps it inquisitively. "Wait, you're high right now?"
"Yeah, had more than I should've cause I saw that Bakugou caught us saying cryptic things and now I'm pretty sure he hates me."
"Well, you should've seen him when he told us. He was furious because he was certain you guys were friends with benefits." Speaking of the devil, he shouts in victory across the room and the other boys tell him not to rub it in.
"God he's so hot." You don't realize what comes out of your mouth until it's too late 
"I KNEW IT!" Mina starts doing a happy dance. "Kirishima owes me 10,000 yen!"
"You guys fucking bet on it!?"
"Hell yeah we did. You aren't sly at all! We totally caught you staring at him, multiple times in and out of class." God, am I really that obvious?! You try and suppress the embarrassment starting to appear on your face, once again.
“Okay, well you gotta keep your mouth shut on this too! He doesn’t seem to know and I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Just tell him [Y/N].” She got back to finishing up the snacks and proceeded to walk over to the common area.
“Hell no. You think I’m fucking crazy?!” You grab the other bowl of snacks and follow her.
“Considering you’re high? Yes, I think you’re crazy.” She half turns and gives you a look. “Plus, you shoulda seen the way he was talking when he told us what happened. He seemed furious at Sero when he was explaining.”
“Just because he was angry when he was explaining something doesn’t mean he likes me back. He’s angry all the time. Also, I don’t feel like being the class clown anytime soon, that job is reserved for Kaminari.”
“What are we talking about, ladies?” Denki peers over the couch. “Couldn’t help but hear my name.”
“Not much, actually.” Mina starts, and his face falls immediately. “Just talking about who’re the clowns in class.”
“Well you can count these three.” Katsuki points to the boys around him as he approaches you. You’re heart rate picks up and you lock eyes with him, but only for a second. He swipes some food from your bowl and walks to the kitchen to get some water. You’re surprised that your heart stayed in your chest as Mina gives you a supportive pat on the shoulder.
“So are you gonna play?” Sero moves the controller in your direction.
“Nah, don’t feel like getting my ass kicked.”
“See. She knows what’s good. Don’t mess with me.” Katsuki plops down on the couch and gets another race going. As he was doing that, the strum of a guitar fills the air and your eyes go wide with immediate recognition.
“No, nope. You’re going to bed.” Sero knows what’s about to happen and tries to pull you with him towards the elevator.
“Fuck you, Mina wants me to stay. Right girl?”
“Hell yeah.” She gets up and uses your other arm to start a tug of war. Your body being the rope, of course.
“Could you extras take this somewhere else?! We’re trying to fucking play a game.” Katsuki’s eyes start to twitch.
“Sorry babe, but I’m bout to sing my heart out and you’re gonna enjoy it. M’kay?” You jerk your arms back to your sides and point an accusing finger at the blonde who stares back at you in slight shock. In fact to room stares at you in shock, but you couldn’t care less. 
You loved singing, but rarely ever did it due to embarrassment. Obviously when you were high, there wasn’t much embarrassment to be had unless it was something super sensitive. If someone caught you singing it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but if someone caught you talking about Katsuki’s abs… yeah, you’d just about die.
“You, you love it how I move you,
You love it how I touch you,
My one, when all is said and done,
You’ll believe God is a woman,” You sing breathily and precisely, hitting every note as the song progresses. Unknowingly, you sway your body to the music and swirl your hips to face Mina. You stick out your hands and she hastily takes them, knowing what is about to happen. You both move closer in to one another and start to grind, dancing in front of the game screen which has been long forgotten as the horny teens take in the scene in front of them. None of them knew either of you danced, and they sure as hell had no idea that you sang like an angel. Well, more like a seductress in this situation. Even in just pajamas, the way your hips moved caused light blushes to appear on all of their faces, except Sero’s. Katsuki didn’t even bother to look at Mina as he ravaged you with his eyes, taking in your form and committing this moment to memory. He starts to get all hot, and can’t help but think impure thoughts as you dance around the room with Mina.
This continues on for a minute more when you suddenly lock eyes with Katsuki. “I'll tell you all the things you should know
So, baby, take my hand, save your soul
We can make it last, take it slow, hmm
And I can tell that you know I know how I want it, yuh
But you different from the rest
And boy, if you confess, you might get blessed” His blood is running like lava through his veins. He doesn’t want to break eye contact with you, but he so badly wants to look at your hips and whatever glances he can of your skin when your shirt rides up.
“See if you deserve what comes next
I'm tellin' you the way I like it, how I want it” Mina giggles and cheers you on while matching your hip movements and rolls with you.
Kiri leans next to Katsuki and whispers, “Bro, just man up and ask her.” He doesn’t even look at his friend and keeps his eyes trained on you, waiting to see what you do next.
“She made direct eye contact with you, basically during the most sexual part of this song! If that doesn’t mean something, then I don’t know what does.” Kiri nudges his arm, but doesn’t get a response once again. Thinking that Bakugou’s just embarrassed, he continues to whisper, “If her and Sero really are… you know, then she would’ve looked at him!” The blonde smacks Kiri on the chest.
“You better shut the hell up before I make you. I can’t fuckin’ hear her sing when you’re running your mouth like that.” Again, his eyes don’t leave your body once. Kiri backs off and goes back to watching you.
The chorus hits a third time and this is where things get fun. Several different harmonies play at once, and you join Ariana in singing the falsettos. “You, you love it how I move you
You love it how I touch you
My one, when all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman
And I, I feel it after midnight
A feelin' that you can't fight
My one, it lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman, yeah, yeah” Kaminari, Kiri, Sero and Mina all erupt into cheers as you finish up the song, breathing heavily as you do so. You can’t help but smile wholeheartedly at the fact that you just sang God is a Woman with perfect pitch, while dancing and while high. Not to mention you totally flirted with Katsuki during the middle of it and he didn’t even blink while you locked eyes…
Holy shit you flirted with Katuski during the middle of the song and he didn’t break eye contact with you. What the fuck is going on?!
“You were amazing [Y/N]!! I didn’t know you could sing like that!”
“Haha, yeah,” you start to rub your neck and walk over to grab a glass of water.
“Why didn’t you tell us you could sing?” Denki nearly bursts with excitement as he strides next to you.
“I didn’t think it was relevant? I mean we’ve never really talked about it so I never brought it up.” They all agree with that statement to some extent. A wave of exhaustion washes over you, and you stumble a little when walking back to the couch.
“Fuck,” you attempt to speed over to the paper towels, but a hand stops you. Bakugou grabs some and cleans up what you spilled. “I’m pretty tired guys. I think I’m gonna head up.”
“No shit, you practically spilled your drink all over the damn floor.”
“It was just water, and I didn’t ask you to fuckin’ clean it up for me.” He growls in response, but continues to clean. Sero gets up from his spot.
“I’ll go ahead and make sure [Y/N] gets to bed okay. Who knows if she’ll pass out on the way up.”
“I’m taking her up. Sit down tape dispenser.” Bakugou’s gaze clashes against Sero’s, who looks more concerned. He looks to you for approval. Your heart, once again, is trying to pounce out of its cage, but you figure it’s just Katuski trying to go to bed without anyone stopping him this time. You nod slightly, and Sero sits back down.
After throwing away some soggy paper towels, Katsuki leads the way to the elevator and you both step in. Your cheeks heat up, and you turn your head so you don’t face him fully.
“So where’d you learn to sing?” His voice is soft and calm. This is a side of him you’ve rarely seen, meaning that his is a very special moment and you sure as hell can’t fuck it up.
“My mom used to sing, so she taught me some when I was younger.” You glance at him, only to find that he’s staring right at you. Quickly you turn away and clear your throat.
“Well, it sounded good from where I was sitting.” You feel his vermillion eyes on you, but don’t look.
“Thank you.” The soft chime of the elevator indicates it’s time to get off, and you both proceed out and walk into the hallway. Much to your surprise, he continues to walk with you to the girls side of the dorms.
“Uhh, Bakugou-”
“Katsuki.” Your face is definitely a cherry, and your heart is skipping every other beat. Upon looking at him, he gives you a soft smile that makes your stomach and chest clech in adoration and pure love.
“Right… Katsuki, isn’t your dorm on the other side?”
“Yeah, but I wanted to see you off.” As of now, you reach your dorms door, and you’re forced to turn and face him fully.
“Well, thank you. I’m sorry movie night was ruined. I’ll be sure to make it up.” You bow slightly.
“Don’t worry about it. That movie was shitty anyways.” A small shade of pink rises on his cheeks, but you’re not sure if it’s actually him or your mind playing tricks on you.
“Have a good night Bakug- Katsuki.” You smile smally and he hums in approval. It’s now or never [Y/N]. Before he walks away, you place a hand on one of his checks and lightly kiss the other one. You rush to turn around and walk into your room, but before you can do that he catches your wrist.
“Go out with me.” His voice sounds worried, but it’s more of a statement than a question. The grip on your wrist isn’t tight by any means, which means he’s giving you the option to walk away. You turn slowly to face him, and see that his body is all tensed up. His eyes are laced with anticipation, worry and hopefulness.
“Yes.” It comes out more of breath than an actual word, but it gets the job done. His body visibly relaxes and he releases your wrist. 
“Thank fucking God. I thought you were going to say no.” He laughs, actually laughs. Again, one of those rare occurrences that you immediately soak in.
“Is it cause you thought Sero and I…?”
“Yeah. I was not happy about it.” This time you laugh.
“Mina told me. I thought for sure you weren’t gonna talk to either of us ever again.”
“Sero, maybe. You, no. I don’t think I could not listen to your annoying voice.”
“Ouch.. but thanks I guess?”
“Don’t mention it. Anyways, what the fuck were you guys talking about if you weren’t trying to hide that you were porking?” 
“Uhhh, well you probably won’t like it anyway, so I don’t know if I should say.” You rub your neck again.
“What the fuck?! We’re dating and now you won’t tell me shit?!”
“Dude, we haven’t even gone on a date do don’t say that ‘we’re dating’.” He grumbles.
“Just fucking tell me. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad.”
“You can’t tell anyone, okay? I could get into big trouble.”
“Just get on with it.”
“We were talking about smoking that sticky icky.” You pop an eyebrow up smuggly to see if he picked up what you were putting down.
“ ‘Sticky icky’? Is that seriously how you’re gonna break to me that you smoke weed?” He asks in disbelief. You laugh at his reaction. “Be grateful your cute or I would’ve dumped your ass right here right now.” Your glad no one else is in the dorms right now, because you cackling.
“Bro, we aren’t even a thing. Chill out.”
“Tch, we will be soon.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and the blush reappears on his face.
“Awww, that was cute.” You peck his cheek again and his face gets as red as his eyes. 
“Whatever.” A yawn racks your body.
“Okay, well I’m pretty tired so I'm gonna head to bed, but tomorrow we should talk about the date, yeah?”
“Why don’t we just go tomorrow?”
“Sure, it’s a Sunday so why not? What time?” You yawn again.
“How about you go to bed, and whenever you wake up and get ready is when we’ll go? I’ll be up before you anyways.” You sarcastically scoff.
“I’ll have you know that I get up at a reasonable hour. You just feel the need to get up early for God knows why.” You huff.
“Sure. Getting up at 11 in the morning is ‘reasonable’.” He air quotes.
“Do you know my sleep schedule?”
“No! I’m not a creep you weirdo.”
“Uhuh. Sure Katsuki.”
“Whatever! Go to fuckin’ bed so I can take you out tomorrow!” You giggle and, for a third time, grab his face and plant a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“Night.” Then you disappear into your room. You see the shadow of his feet in front of your door, but they move on after a couple of seconds. Your mind races about what just happened in the last 10 minutes and how you weren’t even thinking for most of it. If you weren’t high, you don’t think you would’ve kissed his cheek and the rest wouldn’t have happened.
Lying down on your bed, you take a deep breath and let your body sink into the mattress. Whatever tension was left has dissipated leaving you in a state of total relaxation. Slowly, your mind bleeds into a dream realm where you can’t wait for tomorrow to come.
“Fuck, Sero still has my wax pen!”
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mydarlingklaus · 5 years
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Summary: Species of all kind are welcomed at the Whitmore Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted, but that doesn't mean they all necessarily welcome each other. Ambitious supreme witch Caroline Forbes shares a mutual loathing with arrogant yet mysterious vampire Klaus Mikaelson. A spiral of events occur when their two dueling worlds collide and they have to ask themselves, 'is it worth it'?
Chapter 3 is updated!! 
I just wanna say how humbling it is that this story is being so well received. I love reading your reviews and it’s what keeps me motivated to update as quickly as I have been so thank you. Can’t stress it enough!
Under the cut is the first part of the chapter but  I would appreciate if you leave reviews on my fanfic account. But let me know if posting the full chapter on both tumblr and my ff account is preferred.
The full chapter can be found here and reviews are appreciated, as always (: 
Time was passing slowly, too slowly.
Class was dragging but luckily it wasn't a difficult subject. It was a general magic course, basically beginner chemistry that every student of any kind was required to take before graduating. Caroline could practically do all of this in her sleep. What had her on edge was the news she heard just 20 minutes ago, that she had to share a class for the rest of the semester with the boy she loathes.
He seemed to be everywhere and wouldn't bug off, like a nagging pest. It was as if Klaus was making it his life mission to make Caroline's last semester as miserable as possible by forcing his way into every aspect of it.
She could barely focus on the lesson Professor Sommers was teaching with her brain scattered.
Glancing over her left shoulder she spotted Klaus who actually seemed to be paying attention to the lecture. The crease in his forehead that usually appeared when he was fixated on something visible and deep; Caroline recalled from the few times she's caught him staring at her. His eyes squinted in determination, full bottom lip trapped between his teeth and left hand rubbing his scruffy cheek while his right scribbled down notes.
- Rebel Klaus Mikaelson turned ideal student?
- Why are you studying him?
Caroline blinked out of her curiosity and discreetly cleared her throat while uncomfortably shifting in her seat. Her moves not discrete enough given that Klaus was now focusing on her from afar with an expression full of wonder; no smugness in sight. They both had some sort of radar that detected when the other was looking.
The professor continued her lecture while the two of them were staring each other down like it was a job.
- Is this foreplay for him?
Feeling like she was giving him enough of her time, Caroline rolled her eyes and turned back towards the front. Not seeing the victorious smile sketched on his face.
She straightened her back and sat up right to appear studious and focused, fighting the urge to look over at him again.
"You know, you two should do us all a favor and just fuck to get it over with already."
Caroline nearly jumped out her seat, not the least bit aware that Katherine was sitting right behind her with a teasing smirk on her lips.
She appeared out of nowhere and mouth practically in her ear; no consideration for personal space. Similar to Klaus's behavior.
- God I hate vampires.
Caroline kept her attention towards the front of the class as she harshly whispered. "Uhh, excuse me?"
Katherine rolled her eyes. "Please you and Mikaelson have been eye fucking each other for the past 10 minutes and not gonna lie, it turned me on."
"Oh my god. Are all vampires this perverted and nosy?!" Caroline strongly whispered, looking around to make sure no one was listening to them.
She shrugged. "Probably. All the ones I've met are but we're highly sensuous creatures after all, are you surprised?"
"I wouldn't know. Vampire 101 isn't really my level of expertise."
The brunette leaned forward. "Lets just say we have incredible senses and can detect sexual tension from a mile away and you and him definitely have a lot of it."
Her blush deepened.
"I have a boyfriend." Caroline clarified.
She scoffed. "And he's the only one I have any kind of sexual tension with."
"That's not really how sexual tension works, babe."
Caroline swiftly turned in her seat. "First of all, I am not your 'babe'. I'm not your anything. Second of all, we're forced to live together and apparently have a class together but we are not friends, not even in the slightest so you cannot talk to me about things like this especially when they're not true."
"You're getting quite defensive over something that isn't true." Katherine said suggestively.
"Be- because I don't want any kind of rumors being spread about me." She stuttered. "I don't associate with vampires and never will so you and your buddy Klaus need to get a life and leave me alone." Caroline said angrily.
The brunette clicked her tongue against her teeth. "Just because we're both vampires doesn't mean we're bffs. He has no idea who I am, yet, and I only know him because it's kinda important to know who's the leader of my own faction."
"Ask me where I asked, or showed that I care." Caroline sassed before turning in her seat again with a dramatic sigh.
Katherine glared pressing her lips together as she sat back in her chair. "All I know is that the werewolf has never gotten you this hot and bothered and I've only known you for a day. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong."
The blonde stayed silent shaking away the obvious blush of her cheeks from Katherine's accusation.
- Me? Klaus Mikaelson? Sexual tension? I rather swallow a blade.
Klaus wasn't hideous, obviously. Definitely one of the most attractive boys she's ever seen with a sultry English accent to match, but his arrogance and murderous tendencies were a definite turn off. Most importantly Caroline was with Tyler, she was happy with Tyler, and it angered her that Katherine would think she'd feel that way about anyone else but him. It also sent paranoia through her mind, wondering if Katherine was the only one with these ridiculous accusations.
The professor turned on the lights, indicating the lecture was over, but made another announcement.
"For this project you will be assigned one partner, of my choosing, to conduct and present a spell. You can pick any type of spell you'd like as long as you get it approved by me first so, no hexing." She said with a small smile.
"I think she's referring to you, love." Klaus blurted.
Caroline didn't realize he was addressing her until she felt the whole class snickering while looking at her. The professor settled down the class instigating while Caroline's eyes transformed to arrows and Klaus's face was the target.
Oh, so badly did she long to slap the stupid smirk off his face until it was red and bare. She hated how much she allowed him to snoop under her skin but he was just begging for a reaction with every stupid comment he would make.
"Mister Mikaelson," The professor clapped her hands together. "What an honor to have you in yet another one of my classes this semester. Since you clearly are so enthused by this assignment, you'll be the first person to receive their partner."
Caroline began packing up her belongings so she could exit the classroom as soon as possible. Being in Klaus's presence any longer than necessary was already giving her a rash.
Her movements ceased when she heard her name, not sure if she heard the context correctly.
- No. No, no there's no way.
"What?" Caroline questioned.
"Miss Forbes, I said I'm assigning you as Mister Mikaelson's partner so get to it!" The Professor clarified. "That will be all class, I'll see you on Thursday." She dismissed.
Caroline was frozen and distraught. Face drained of color and mouth opened slightly.
"Guess you'll have plenty of time to work out that, nonexistent sexual tension huh?" Katherine giggled before throwing her backpack over her shoulder and standing from her desk.
How can this be?
The whole class literally just witnessed how terribly chaotic these two are being in the same room, let alone working on a project together for the next two weeks.
- What the fu-
Caroline was a range of emotions from pissed to confused to pissed all over again, and she definitely was not going to allow Klaus Mikaelson to have any affect on her grade.
She quickly snatched up her bag and hurried down the stairs of the lecture hall to confront her professor who was propped up on the wooden desk reading through an essay.
Of all the professors Caroline's experienced in her academic career, Professor Sommers was definitely her favorite. Her first name Jenna, but she preferred students address her as a professor; understandable. She was only about 12 years older than Caroline, mainly why she connected best with the students but still required respect and it was given. The first year Caroline attended one of her seminars she thought she was a fellow witch due to her knowledge in magic, but learned she was actually a banshee; practicing magic was a hobby.
Given that she was of one species but followed the practices of another was admirable, at least for Caroline and felt she was a reliable ally to talk to about certain struggles. They had a great trusting relationship wrapped with mutual respect, but today was the day where they might finally butt heads.
Caroline sighed when she reached her desk area. "Professor Sommers?"
"Caroline." She acknowledged still staring down at her paper. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
Licking her lips nervously she sighed again. "I respect you Professor, you know that and would usually never question your judgment but I think it is very unwise to pair me and Mister Mikaelson together for this project."
"Mister Mikaelson? So formal, you'd think we were strangers."
"One could only dream." She mumbled.
Of course he was standing right behind her.
"I have to say Professor, me and judgy here never see eye to eye but I have to agree with her on this one. So shouldn't that be incentive enough?" Klaus claimed now standing next to an annoyed Caroline.
"Seriously?" Professor Sommers's eyebrows raised intriguingly, placing her paper on the desk and folding her hands in her lap. "And why is that?"
Caroline scoffed. "Did you not see how completely rude and disrespectful he was towards me in class just now? Imagine what I would endure for two weeks?!"
"Ah, playing the victim." Klaus sighed. "Very typical witch behavior."
Caroline slammed her hand on the desk and faced him with her other hand on her hip. "Yes, I am a witch and you're a bloodthirsty vampire which already makes us a lethal combination." Turning towards the professor again. "We can't even have a civil conversation without him insulting me."
"Pot meets kettle." Klaus growled.
"Our factions are not meant to collaborate. You understand, right?" Addressing her teacher.
"Are you two done, or should I leave the room so you can continue your marital bickering?" Professor Sommers asked rubbing her temples.
"Yes, I understand completely how things work around here, I use to be in your shoes remember?" She began. "When I attended this school it was the exact same routine. Everyone stayed with their own, but I swore to myself that when I began teaching I was going to break that cycle. That's why I decided to teach a general education course, so not only I interact with every type of student but so that you all can interact with each other as well."
Klaus and Caroline both crossed their arms as she continued.
"Vampires and witches have never gotten along, I know. I've read countless amount of history books on it and have witnessed it my whole life but I don't care. This is the place where all your prejudices go away if you want to get a good grade, but more importantly to get a better insight on the supernatural world you're living in. You need each other more than you think." She concluded.
Caroline scoffed. "I highly doubt I will ever need him for anything."
Klaus chuckled under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Well might as well get use to it because you're gonna need each other for this assignment. So you have two options: you can either be partners and guarantee yourself a good grade or you refuse to work together and receive an 'F' which means you fail the class and can't graduate this semester. Up to you?" The professor shrugged nonchalantly.
As if they had a choice.
The way both side eyed each other then dishearteningly conceded to the terms was proof of that.
"That's what I thought. See you both on Thursday." She smiled then waved them off as they walked out of class.
Klaus's shoulder purposely collided with Caroline's as they both attempted exiting through the door. His skin brushed hers chillingly making her jump back unexpectedly.
He didn't bother acknowledging her awkwardness even when she began walking ahead of him.
"You should watch where you're going, love." Klaus suggested.
The blonde growled, turning on her heel and charging back his friction until she was directly in his face.
"Listen we might be forced to work together but let's get some things clear: we are not friends okay?" She began. "We do not engage in any kind of conversation or interaction outside of this classroom and assignment, got it?"
Both of Klaus's eyebrows shot up at her demands. He wasn't sure if he was more offended or impressed.
Instead of pestering, he nodded his head. "Understood, love."
"Oh and another thing, you will stop calling me by those stupid pet names. My name isn't 'love." She hissed.
Klaus's smirk grew mischievously, making Caroline tense. His eyes appeared dangerous and amused staring back into hers.
The gulp she just initiated didn't go unnoticed by Klaus who tilted his head curiously walking towards her. His steps careful and light.
Caroline didn't realize how many steps he had taken until her back was now against the wall. Both his hands placed beside both sides of her head trapping her in his hold. The warmth of his breath fanned her reddened face. Her entire body felt hot and tingly from his stare alone. Dark eyes and dark thoughts.
Their chests nearly touching, hers heaving when she finally looked up at him. His trance took its usual effect as it dragged her in once again.
They were completely out in the open, bodies almost connecting against a drywall as if no one would walk by and see. Caroline should've been more aware of someone seeing them in this position but she found herself caring very little.
Not the way his full red lips complimented those sparkly eyes. Caroline had never been this close to him, noticing the stream of green around his iris and the blue-green hue masking the simple blue she's grown to know.
He hadn't touched her and they hadn't done anything, and nothing was going to happen, so why did she feel so dirty?
- Maybe because you aren't pushing him away?
Caroline blinked repeatedly, swallowing. "What are you doing?"
He grinned at the hoarseness in her voice. "Nothing, nothing at all. You're the one making all the rules here. You said no more pet names so I wanna know what I should call you then..." Klaus claimed. "Princess, sweetheart, Goldilocks..." He listed jokingly but sensually, twirling a strand of one of her blonde curls between his fingers.
The move so casual yet erotic.
Caroline's hands began to sweat at the feel of his finger slightly brushing her cheek. She balled her fists till her nails dug into her palms as her hair remained in his soft grasp.
She unintentionally looked down to his lips but quickly back up to his eyes.
The lump in her throat bobbed up and down from her harsh gulp. He always examined her so thoroughly it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
"My name is Caroline. That's what you can call me. Clear?" She demanded still fixated on his intimidating glare.
He smirked. "Such a prude. Pet names are much more entertaining." Klaus commented twirling her hair delicately. "But all right, I'll play by your rules but just so you're clear," Moving closer into her space. "For the sake of my grade and not being expelled for murder I'll let your attitude towards me go this time. But that's the only say you'll have from here on out. I don't take demands from anyone, especially not from a prissy judgmental witch who always has her knickers in a twist."
Klaus caught her wrist mid air when she quickly raised it in an attempt to slap him across the face.
Her fiery eyes matched his that were now the threatening golden hue.
She nearly winced in pain at how hard he was holding onto her. Through all their bantering and insults Klaus never seemed genuinely upset with her, until now.
Caroline was breathing heavily, not just from the rushed motion of her attempted assault but from the burning feel of Klaus's touch. Like his hand was burning a hole into her flesh. His grip tightened as he pulled her back from the wall and closer to his chest; still keeping a short distance between their bodies. Both their faces tense and red in anger. Their breaths hot and labored fogging the air between them.
The black spidery veins outlining his cheekbones oddly fascinated Caroline, she couldn't resist staring at them. How was he able to make them appear on and off? What was the purpose?
Everything about vampires didn't make sense to her.
Noticing her lingering stares, Klaus's expression relaxed and his grip on her wrist loosened. He didn't even realize he wasn't saying anything this whole time, or remember what he planned to say initially. As if the seeing into her eyes, closely, for the first time struck an uncomfortable cord of emotion through him.
Klaus took a deep breath retreating his vampire features. Even showing her that side of who he was made him feel weak, and Caroline Forbes of all people didn't deserve to see it.
Caroline felt she was snapped back to reality when his face returned to normal. The window of fascination finally closed.
He finally dropped her hand and balled his fists together and face in front of hers.
"I wouldn't try that again." His voice low and threatening pushing his hands off the wall to create a distance between their bodies.
Of course he disappeared by the time Caroline caught her breath and turned his direction. Her breathing mellowing down as she settled her body against the wall. She pushed her hair back with her fingers and licking her dry lips tiredly. Feeling like her skin was ablaze and the wind was knocked out of her from his stare alone.
And touch...
- What just happened?
The link to the rest of the chapter is above! Reviews are appreciated, thanks loves (:
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sweetiecelin · 5 years
The Hunter’s Girl (Sam x Reader)
Chapter  1
“Sam?” A familiar voice spoke from behind the brothers.
“(Y/n), thank god you still-” Sam started but was cut off.
“Get the hell away from here. You got the hell outta Dodge the first time, do it again.”
(Y/n) shoved through the brothers and made a beeline for the door, but Sam jogged after her and grabbed a tight hold on her wrist,”Please, just listen, I just wanna talk.”
“You just wanna talk? Get your hand the hell off of me before I break it, Samuel.” (Y/n) spoke intending to keep her promise.
Sam quickly let go,” Please (Y/n), let me and my brother help- talk to you. We’re gonna try and save lives, bare with us.”
(Y/n) met his pleading eyes with a glare that could kill him, “ No. If you don’t get off my property, you and your dear brother will get arrested.”
She leaned close to his ear,” Don’t forget that I have friends in high places, Sam. I don’t like you, so they don’t like you; Don’t forget it.”
She turned  on her heel and unlocked the door, “Oh and Dean, hope your brother told you about me.”
As soon as the door closed behind her, Sam turned facing his brother with a sour face, “Don’t tell me… she’s a werewolf?”
“No, close human raised with the wolves.”
Dean looked at his brother, “Like Tarzan?” Sam nodded his direction of the car. Dean took the hint and started on his way, “So definitely like Tarzan.”
“No, No, she isn’t like Tarzan. She’s like a werewolf, she is going to protect the leader with everything she’s got.”
“So did you two…?” Dean questioned once the car doors closed.
“Almost, one night. The night you called.”
“Did I y’know, interrupt?” Dean asked, suddenly more interested.
“Not that it matt-” Sam started coughing, what came up made Dean chuckled.
“So, I did interrupt, man I-” Dean started.
Sam rolled his eyes, “It doesn’t matter okay? She’s moved on with her life, probably.”
Dean started the car and pulled out, heading to the local diner, “There’s always a chance that she didn’t. How knows Sammy, she could be your true love.”
“Shut up, Dean. She and I are too different to even make it work; She was raised by werewolves and they respect her, I’m a hunter and- and it just won’t work.”
“It worked before didn’t it?”
(Y/n) was in the kitchen dancing to the radio as she cooked breakfast, she wanted to make sure that Sam’s morning was better than the past few. He looked like he had been to Hell and back a few times, she decided that Mama Maggie’s famous hangover breakfast can help his nightmares. She had heard him crying out for a man named Dean in his sleep.
Sam had walked in on (Y/n) dancing in the kitchen in a thin tank top and men's boxer shorts, “Is this your morning ritual?”
(Y/n) squeaked and jumped out of her skin, “Fuck! Jesus, you scared me, Sam!”
Sam raised his hands in a defensive manner and chuckled, “Heh, sorry it’s a habit to move around quietly.”
“So…. how’d you sleep last night? You’ve woken me up if you needed anything, you know that right?” (Y/n) quickly said trying to make her guest comfortable, but failing miserably.
“I slept fine. Um, thanks for letting me sleep here for now.”
(Y/n) offered Sam a gentle smile “It’s fine. Going through a loss can be tough of people. Even the strongest tend to break.”
“So, if you want I can try and get a job and pay rent as much as I can to help out you know?”
“Decided you’re going to stay?” (Y/n)’s smile never changing,
“Heh, yeah, I’m thinking about stay settling down for a few months.” He confessed, looking at her.
“What are you good at?” She spoke trying to help him.
“Um, I’m good at manual labor, people, I guess. Nothing else comes to mind.”
“Ya like books?”
Sam nodded, “Yeah, I kind’ve got a love for reading..”
“My buddy who owns the best bookstore in town is looking for some help around the store. Look I know this sounds like something a teenager would accept but he pays well.”
“I guess, I’ll look into.”
“My bar also has an opening- Well it isn’t really my bar it’s owned by a kind woman, I just help manage it.”
Sam got taken out of his daydream, with Dean snapping his fingers in front of his face.
“Dude, snap out of it. You good? Because we’re at the diner.”
Sam sighed, ”Can’t you just go in and get the food? I’ll wait here.”
“No. C’mon Sammy, we’re not going to have you spun out of whack by some chick.” Dean hopped out of the car and waited by the front of it until Sam hopped out.
“Fine, Dean! Let’s just get this over with.” Sam got out of the car and entered the diner and the whole place fell silent.
Tracy, one of the pack members,  walked up to the brothers with a fake smile plastered on her lips, “If you could kindly pick a seat, one of our staff with shortly assist you, hunters.”
Once that word left her tongue, the older male, members of the pack started growling lowly at the men. Sam sent a pleading look in Tracy’s direction.
“C’mon Tracy, don’t do this.”
“Do what? Make sure you hurt, just like (Y/n) did once you left without a trace? I think I’ll keep doing this, you son of a-”
“Tracy!” Henry’s alpha voice boomed through the diner, ”We don’t treat people like this, no matter how many times they hurt us.”
“But, Hen- Alpha, he hu-”
“He hurt (Y/n) I know, but she isn’t pack of the pack. The rules don’t apply to her.”
Tracy rolled her eyes, then glared at the brothers, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Including hunters and Pack Alpha. We respectfully ask you to leave our establishment.”
Henry placed a hand on Sam’s back,”Don’t worry, we can dine at the bar. Like old times, Sam.”
(Y/n) and Sam had strolled into the bar. (Y/n) smiled at the bartender and the barflies that had been there since opening.
“Hey, Josie. You know that favor that you owe me?” (Y/n) smiled widely at the bartender.
“You finally calling it in?” The older women teased.
“Well, I thought it was about time, after what..  Fourteen years?  My friend Sam here needs a job.”
Josie sighed “Not hiring at the moment hun.”
“C’mon Jos, Kathy ain’t gonna be lifting the heavy packages with that baby of hers, then her maternity leave.”
“You good at bartending, child?” Josie questioned skeptically.
Sam nodded,” Yes, ma’am, A family friend used to run a bar a few years ago, my brother and I used to help out when it got to busy.”
“Mmm, I guess you’re qualified enough. You start tomorrow night.”
Henry and the Winchester Brothers entered the bar and the normal buzz of Joe’s was almost nonexistent. Josie glanced at the large men.
“What can I get you, boys?” She asked in an easy-going manner.
“Hey Mama Jo, could we get three home-grill burgers and three beers?”
“Of course… coming right up.” Josie turned around and gave the simple order to the cook and gave the men the beers.
“Now, Samuel Winchester, why did you decide to come back?”
Sam choked on his beer “A case… the mur-” Dean had kicked his brother's leg “What the hell man?”
“What? I did nothing.”
“Now, Y'all working a murder case in our town? Now that I think of it some patrons the past couple of weeks gave me a weird feeling.” Josie continued.
Dean glanced at the woman “What did you mean?”
“A couple of rough looking guys gave me an odd feeling. They felt like they had a certain motive.”
“(Y/n) say anything to you about it?”
“No, now that you say that, they were stalking her and a few other humans like they were prey. If anything those are-”
Henry cut her off “New members of the pack. Came here a few weeks ago, asked if they could join, some hunters killed their pack.”
Josie rolled her eyes “And you believe them? They looked like brutes, I doubt that their pack got easily killed by hunters.”
Dean couldn’t believe what was going on, a couple of werewolves were talking open werewolf business in front of two hunters, and his brother knew about this.
“You guys, uh know that Sammy here and myself are a couple of hunters, right?”
Josie and Henry looked at Dean, with a sarcastic look on their faces.
“Dean and Sam Winchester; saved the world a couple of times, sons of John Winchester, civilian-turned-hunter, and Mary Campbell, raised-hunter. I’ve known who you two are before Sam first sat down here.”
Sam chuckled “She’s like Bobby and Ellen, mixed into one minus the paranoia and hunter thing. She helps whoever needs to be helped.”
(Y/n) entered the bar and sighed “Look what I found. A mutt and a couple of hunters.”
Henry flipped her off without even looking at her “Sucking dick is the only thing you’re good at sweetheart.”
The younger female smiled “I’m also very good at pouring shots, Alpha.”
Josie sighed “(Y/n) apologize, now.”
“You’re not my mother.” (Y/n) snapped back.
“Shut up, I raised you that should be close enough.” Josie teased.
“I’m sorry Samuel.”
Josie sighed “Sorry for what?”
“I’m sorry for being a bitch.”
“Now, Sam apologize.” Henry and Dean both laughed.
Sam blew a raspberry “I shouldn’t apologize.”
Josie reached over the counter and smack the back of Sam’s head “You left her high and dry while you were going steady.”
“Woah, Woah, Woah. We were never going steady.”
“My bad, Y'all were courting each other.”
Henry and Dean just continued laughing. (Y/n) and Sam both looked at them and hit them.
Sam spoke up “Listen, me and (y/n) never gonna happen.”
(Y/n) chuckled “Not what you said the night you left. ‘I think  I’m falling in love with you’ ‘I don’t care what others think’ ‘We should be together’.“
“He was only saying those things to get into your pant sweetheart,” Dean spoke while he nursed his beer.
“No duh. No one could ever love a hunter.”
“(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), take that back.” Josie harshly commanded.
(Y/n) chugged the rest of her beer and got up “No, he doesn’t deserve any apologies, everything he touches gets destroyed.” She stormed out of the establishment and Henry went after her to calm her down.
Sam sighed “I knew we shouldn’t have come back. This is just a mistake, the pack will handle this like they always do.”
He started to get up when Josie spoke up “Sit your ass down, Sam. She’s just being overdramatic. But you are too.”
“How the hell am I being dramatic?” Sam tried to understand.
“Dude, you should’ve tried talking to her reasonably, tried to have understood how she felt after you left,” Dean said without thinking twice. “She must've been heartbroken after the fact that you up and left her leaving only a note behind.”
“Sam, my boy, you’re fucking stupid.” Josie disappointedly sighed.
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
Fire Meets Gasoline (3)
Summary: You leave your city to start over in your best friend’s town, oblivious to the fact that you have an unexpected roommate. What will happen when fire meets gasoline?
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1513
Warnings: idk
A/N: This will help the plot hopefully. Don’t murder me for being a chaotic writer.
Part 1 - Part 2 / Series Masterlist
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“Welcome to the Blood Moon, what would you like to drink tonight, asshole?” You spat at Loki, who was sitting down next to Valerie at the barstool. He smirked at you and you smiled back, faking it of course, since your boss was staring at you, as always. Jerk.
“What would the kind lady recommend?” He said ironically, Valerie was frowning, confused looking at you and Loki, back and forth.
“Y/n, I should really go, I have an early meeting at work.” You looked at her, disappointed at yourself for making her waste her time listening to your banter with your annoying roommate.
“Sure, would you like to grab a coffee soon, though?” You asked her, hoping she would agree and give you her number. She shot you a bright sincere smile and nodded, taking out from her bag a pen and taking your hand, writing at your palm her phone number.
“Call me or text me, okay?” You nodded and leaned in, giving her a kiss on her cheek. Valerie said goodbye to Loki and left, leaving you a bittersweet feeling about the encounter. You watched her leave, waiting for her to turn around or something, but that never happened. You were staring at the door when someone cleared their throat quite loudly. You sighed and rolled your eyes, looking back at Loki, who was now staring at you with a surprised expression. You frowned and asked him what was his problem, to which he answered that he would get cavities after seeing your little show.
You took your phone and wrote down Val’s number and texted her so she could save your number as well. Once you were done, you decided you could face the annoying asshole in front of you. The annoying hot asshole.
“I recommend you to have a glass of bleach, but since I wanna drink too, I will just mix some stuff. Is it okay?” He opened his mouth to answer but you cut him off. “I actually don’t care, I’ll do it anyways. Be right back.” You smiled at him sardonically and turned around to pour the drinks.
You handed him his shot, raising your own and downing it at once. You shivered as the cold fluid burned your throat, an amused Loki staring at you, his drink still untouched.
“Too much for you, or what?” You teased him, knowing for sure he would take that as a challenge. He rolled his beautiful green eyes and downed his shot, his face scrunched due to the strong liquor.
“Another.” You said while you turned around to refill the shots, not waiting for an answer.
After a few hours and almost a full bottle of vodka, you found yourself ordering french fries with mayonnaise. You sat on the curb on the sidewalk, in the parking lot where Loki had his motorcycle parked. He sat next to you and ate one of your fries, you glared at him but offered him more.
“So, Loki, why do you hate me so much, uh?” Your stupid inebriated brain asked, but you kept staring at your fries. He didn’t answer immediately so you looked at him, finding him staring at you in awe.
“I tried so hard to make you like me. I even cooked for you for a full week, and I hate fucking cooking. And you are just an asshole all the time. Do you want me to leave?” Loki was speechless, the guilt he felt that same day growing back on his chest. He was about to answer, when the words you spoke about him came back to his mind.
“Do you even care about what I think? It’s not like someone asked me if I was okay with a total stranger living in my apartment.”
“Well, sorry for messing your important and private life. Thor never told me about you being back.” You stood up and lit a cigarette, the toxic smoke relaxing your senses. So he finally told you why he hated you. Now you knew what he really thought about you, and if you were being honest, it was better than being ignored. What a pity he said it when you already were settled and had nowhere else to go.
Loki shrugged his shoulders and looked at the night sky, wondering if that really was the motive of his hatred towards you.
“Whatever, Y/n. I won’t kick you out if that’s what worries you.” He sounded...sad? Or was it the alcohol, playing tricks with your own mind? You wanted to go home, you wanted to forget everything for a night. You crossed your arms while smoking, thinking about what Loki said. He was right, he had all the right to be pissed because someone intruded, but it was not your fault, you didn’t know about his existence until you saw him at the apartment, and you really thought Thor talked to him about it, but he never did apparently. You turned around to face Loki, who was staring at the pavement intensely. He looked so beautiful under the pale moonlight and the street lights, his hair covering his face as he stared down and you suddenly felt the urge to ran your fingers through his raven locks. What the hell was going on in your mind? You threw your finished cigarette and started walking away.
“Hey, hey. Where are you going?” Loki stood up and grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You shook your arm trying to get rid of his grip and he let go of you.
“I’m going home, where I can’t bother you.” You turned around again and started walking, but he stopped you again. You sighed, slightly pissed.
“Let me give you a ride. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He said way too fast, not even thinking about what he was saying. You opened your mouth but he spoke faster than you. “Thor would murder me if something happened to you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter, I can take care of myself.” You huffed, tired of men thinking they were actually important and relevant in a woman’s life.
“I know you don’t need me, but please, let me take you home.” He said, sincerely. So Thor really did scold him.
“Okay, fine. Are you drunk, though?” He shook his head and pointed to his bike with his head. He walked to the vehicle and you followed him, unsure about all this situation. Loki opened the seat and pulled out his leather jacket, handing it to you, since you just brought your sweatshirt. He got on the bike and waited for you to get up to start the engine, leaving the parking lot behind.
You snuggled into the jacket and used the opportunity to smell Loki’s scent, which was a mix of cinnamon and lavender. He accelerated, so you grabbed his waist and pressed your body against his back. You’ve always been scared of bikes, and you just realized you were in one, with someone you didn’t trust the slightest. Loki felt your tight grip around his body, so he slowed down, feeling you relax against his body again, but never letting go.
Your not so drunk self decided it was a good idea to explore his chest with your palms, going up and down, a small smile forming on your lips, knowing what that did to a man’s body. You rested your hands on his lower belly, your pinkies almost touching his bulge. Loki’s body stiffened at your contact, but he soon reacted and took your hand in his, placing it right above his crotch.
You moved your hands again and placed them on his back, under his clothes, his cold skin reacting to your hot one. Goosebumps erupted on his skin, and he knew right away this night was going to be a huge mistake.
“You still want to drink?” Loki asked, already in your room. You arrived to your apartment and decided to keep drinking, so you invited him to continue the little party. You shook your head and sat, Loki looking at you in awe, laying across the bed beside you. In a shift move, you were straddling him, your fingers gracefully tracing patterns on his chest, until you reached his waistband.
You groaned in pain when the sunlight hit your face, the strong headache numbing your thoughts. You moved and stretched your arm, making you panic when it touched something more than just pillows. You shot your eyes open and looked over your shoulder, your blood running cold when you realized who was beside you, sleeping soundly.
Fuck. You stood up and ran to the bathroom, emptying the nonexistent contents of your stomach. You slept with Loki. This was not happening. You had just one rule, no sleeping with someone who didn’t mean anything to you and you just fucked that up because of one stupid night. Loki didn’t mean nothing to you, he was just your roommate, not even your fucking friend. What have you done? Why the fuck were you overreacting?
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bitchpaw · 5 years
well heres a vent post cus im socially inept and dont wanna talk to anybody right now
im sad. i spend all day doiong nothing at all in my room. i just swing between been so disappointed and bored and being angry and sad. all day i just aimlessly watch youtube or eat chocolate or something. i get pissed off constantly bc my current special interest has exactly 2 communities and i despise everyone in there. interacting w them and making my ocs for that gorup just make me feel dirty cus theyre all bigots, and i try to talk about  it btu whats the point. none of my actual friends would like it and i get bored doing it on my own. then i feel guilty for even being there and anxiety cus idk what to do, if i should leave and be lonely or stay and get validation from my art from ppl who are gross anyway. i feel so fake and like everyone would hate me if they knew me. id ont fit in anywhere, nobody knows the real me. i keep everything to muself cus i dont wanna get ostracized and get sad when i build superficial relationships w people i dont even like, who wouldnt even like me either if they knew the real me. tahts what it feels like. my parents say im paranoid.  ireally need to see a therapist, but i cant. cus the uk gov just keeps killing the mental health industry, stealing all its money for fucking embezzling or god knows what. ive been on the waiting list as urgent for years. im struggling with my hygiene again. i cant sleep. my physical health is failing , i sit down all day and i know its fucking with my heart eventually and getting blood clots in my legs. my teeth are probably rotting, im trying to do proper dental care but its so hard. im just so tired and apathetic. ive been depreseed since i was 10, maybe even before.  iused to only shower once and week and i dont wanna go back to that but i have zero energy. idk when i last showevered. ive been meaning to go walk my dog for like 4 days and i still havent been able to get the energy. i never talk to anyone properly, i dont feel like i have any friends that dont hate me or are accessible. my paranoia gets worse every day, i feel unsage in my own room, always being watched. to a delusional degree. im losing my apetite. its too warm to go outside so i just feel like shti. as usual my skin looks awful but thats never going to change i geuss. i need to cut my hair. dysphoria. etc. i still havent confronted my past trauma.  i spend all day, for years now, terrified my abuser is going to idfk ruin my life somehow. even  tho i know theyre a sad sack of shit and probably cant do anything. im just so scared of being ridiculed and alone. which is bc of like 3 layers of different traumas and paranoia. i told my psych i wanna go at my problems from a trauma perspective cus treat the source not the symptom, etyc, but she probably didnt take me seriously/. nobody thinks im actually traumatized except my mom and shes emotionally nonexistant and has her own shit to deal with. like a lot. i just dont know what to do. i want to go back and re do my life. ineed to stop thinknig someone is just going to save me thru therapy or something i guess, but i  dont have any discipline or energy or initiative to try and help myeslf a tthis point. i have no hope for the future. etc. im so empty and feel so little actual emotion or empathy or shit i feel like a psychopath most of the time. i no longer have any self esteem or bravery to stand up to bullshit or people belittling me, even my ‘friends’, i feel like such a fucking mouse. i wish i was a child again cus i used to be actually forthright,  iwas motivated, talented. i still feel like a child. theres more but i dont see the point in adding to this. ur a champ if u actually read this far, jesus 
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