#my number one goal will always be what is funniest to ME
thestobingirlie · 10 months
the byers being anti-jancy is as real to me as the wheelers being pro-stancy.
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beingfacetious · 6 months
so this year I ~challenged myself to post a gifset once a week, because making gifsets is something I enjoy very much and can always improve in but literally cannot do for money or lbr meaningful validation and I am historically bad at doing things that fit those categories!
I ended up posting 54 gifsets in 2023, one a week plus a few extras lol. A few stats behind the cut just for fun!
Most popular overall: "I'm so glad I met you" with 1,738 as of this morning. Objectively correct. The nicest-looking gifs I maybe made all year and an all-time scene. Made it my pinned post recently.
Least popular overall: A Community set of Jeff making a Dane Cook joke, coming in at a grand total of 39 notes. This was actually a remake of a set I made YEARS ago because I think it's a great joke lmao. A set doomed imo by the youths on my lawn not knowing who Dane Cook is and also tbf Jeff as the only featured study group character.
Honorable mention to the Rangers World Series set I made, but I'm actually floored and delighted that it got 43 notes. There are dozens of us!!
Gifsets made per fandom:
Community: 14 (!)
Doctor Who: 10
Elementary, Mythic Quest, Ted Lasso: 5
Succession: 3
Last of Us, Leverage, Severance, Shrinking: 2
Always Sunny, The Bear, MLB (haha), Scrubs: 1
I'm a little insulted for Elementary tbh! Otherwise this pretty much tracks.
By average number of notes and not counting the one-offs:
Least popular fandom: Mythic Quest with an average of 130 notes across 5 posts. I don't care. I'll win you all over.
Most popular fandom: Leverage with an average of 837 notes across 2 posts, both of which were Hardison/Parker, so...
Most popular fandom not inflated by Hardison/Parker: Doctor Who by a mile with an average of 775 notes per post. Feels good. Feels right. We're back baybee
Interesting split of 18 shippy sets and 36 non-shippy. Including "outliers," shippy sets averaged 621 notes compared to an average of 332 for gen sets. Throwing out the two lowest note-getting posts from each set, the averages jump to 680 and 350. Also not a surprise; fandom loves a ship lol.
Number of sets (avg. notes) per ship, not including one-offs:
Ted/Rebecca: 2 (333) (womp womp)
Jeff/Britta: 3 (267)
Hardison/Parker: 2 (836)
Ten/Rose: 2 (619)
Nine/Rose: 6 (890)
Doctor/Rose: 8 (823)
It shows that I trailed off my RTD1 rewatch mid-s2 lol. (Which seems blasphemous!! but it was never the right time to handle the satan pit episodes, you get it) Doctor/Rose supremacy obviously but also justice for Jeff/Britta, the greatest relationship ever known
Some one-off fandom set thoughts:
The Dr. Cox set was a mostly-for-me fave. The Always Sunny set happened because I thought the Aaron Paul/Bryan Cranston episode was one of the funniest the show has had in years; that episode was also what finally pushed me into watching Breaking Bad this year, which I mostly really enjoyed lol.
The set I made from the finale of The Bear s2 ended up the sixth most popular set of the year with 1k+ notes and it's probably the set I most notice on my activity page every week. It does look really nice but also, I see you, Syd/Richie fandom, and I hear your siren song. Maybe in 2024...
So OK! Hey! I set a meaningless fun goal and accomplished it!! I'm not setting another specific gif goal for 2024 so will probably be a lot more sporadic. Or not! Who knows!
OK pals, thanks for indulging me, happy new year <3
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ziskandra · 1 year
Choosing violence ❤ number 7, 20 & 21?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? okay so i already answered this question here, but rereading my answer there made me remember that there is yet more violence within my heart. before i start, a disclaimer: i cannot remember for the life of me if you also mass effect, so if you do not, apologies in advance for going on a rant for which you have limited context. that being said, the first character that immediately comes to mind is reyes vidal. andromeda fandom was only even really active for like, three months, but the amount of flare ups that happened that were centered on this one man...! who i will admit is quite fascinating, not that you would know it given the way most of his fanbase acted. because god forbid anybody characterise this man, who styles himself as the charlatan, who canonically tricks Ryder into doing his dirty work, be portrayed as maybe a tad manipulative or having goals that are a little bigger than banging his girlfriend. oh yeah. i said it. it was, for the most part, the femeryder fanbase I witnessed acting atrociously; while there were some wild takes on the mreyder side as well (like people saying that nobody should romance reyes with their female ryders), for the most part it was really justified salt due to the lack of mlm romance options compared to all other combinations. but the femryder side? they were eating their own, getting embroiled in popularity contests only one side knew they were even competing in, and it was a whole shitshow!!! anyway, as i said. fascinating character, would love to rotate him in my brain a bit, but sometimes recalling his existence makes me want to chew glass. maybe now that enough time has passed i should do a proper me:a replay and rewire some happier memories over those shit ones. (the funniest(?) part of this was that i was never really a reyder shipper--i was happily hanging out in my rydam corner--but seeing the way some of my friends were treated made me wary of bioware fandom for years to come lol. and yet did i learn? no.) 20. part of canon you found tedious or boring answered here! i have no backup answer for this one alas, i suppose my dragon age hot take is that i actually enjoy most of it 😔 21. part of canon you think is overhyped the ending of here lies the abyss! it's not exactly the canon moment itself, but rather the fandom reaction to it? people often treat it as a big dramatic moment of omg having to choose, but i don't know if it's because I'm a fan of Blorbo Suffering™, or I'm not convinced that whoever remained in the Fade is actually dead (can anybody in thedas truly be killed in a way that matters?), but idk. I just don't find it as emotionally impactful as other Big Decision moments in the series I suppose! (e.g., the Landsmeet, Anders's fate-- they always have me holding my breath, at the very least!) [choose violence ask game]
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ltwharfy · 4 months
1, 8, 11, 12 (for the fandom ask game)
List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
The "Bob's Burgers" fandom is creative- I'm often blown away by the fanart, fics, headcanons, and other forms of creativity on display.
It's pretty good natured- even when folks disagree about things or don't like certain characters, episodes, ships, etc., they are never really that nasty about it.
And it's pretty funny- a lot of the posts from folks in the fandom make me chuckle, which is good because we're talking about a comedy show and if I wanted social media that made me depressed or angry I'd go back to following politics on Twitter.
(Note: This is discussing the "Bob's Burgers" fandom as I've experienced it on tumblr. It sounds like Facebook, Reddit and other places may not be as great. Which is why I limit my Facebook use to interacting with folks I actually know and limit my Reddit use to none.)
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate...
Peter Pescadero. I think he might be the most underrated recurring character on the show. He's pretty much always doing something interesting and has a lot of killer lines. I'd love it if he showed up more often and his friendship with Gene was established more.
11. If you are an artist or a writer, what piece of art are you proud of making?
I could probably (hopefully) give reasons I'm proud of all of my fics, but I think I'll single out "For the Boy Who Has (Allergies to) Everything" here. This is my "House of 1,000 Bounces" prologue telling the story of how the Belcher kids came up with the idea of getting Rudy a pepper spray holster to use for his asthma. This was my first time writing Belcher sibling dialogue and I really enjoyed it. I think some of the lines I give Gene the funniest things I've written, and overall I feel like out of all my fics this is the one that could be most easily turned into a scene from an actual episodes. (Not that that is the goal of fic, but it's still fun to write something that feels like that.)
Also, I want to promote it as it is one of my least read stories about Rudy and Louise, probably because I only tagged it under the friendship tag not the romance tag (but that makes sense-to me- because it is set before "Bob Actually"...)
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom
I enjoy @dianadeadwing's art sooooooo much! I think I end up reblogging basically everything she shares! She does things in a number of different styles and they are all wonderful!
In particular, her "Adventure" painting for Day 2 of Roudise Week might be my favorite piece of "Bob's Burgers" fanart ever. If I could buy a print or a poster of it, I would. It bounces around in my brain occasionally like I am trying to think up a fic idea inspired by it, but i haven't gotten much further than "something about this makes me think of some Gaslight Anthem songs..." But maybe someday!
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
2022 Fanfic Meme Thanks to @samcybercat for tagging me in this!
Word count for the year: 112,950… More than last year, which is surprising! Maybe it was all those Owl House fics I wrote in a number of weeks lol
Number of stories posted to Ao3: Altogether, 151!
Pairings written for:
Janice Quatlane/Melina Whistler
Mermista/Sea Hawk
Fandoms I wrote for:  
Rhythm Thief
Professor Layton
The Owl House
She Ra
My Hero Academia
Most popular story: 
By Kudos, it’s What’s in a name? By hits, it’s Ready Now.
Story I’m most proud of: From Now On… A prequel to Ready Now, where Layton decides to look after the Barde kids. I find it hard to write from Layton’s perspective (because he’s much smarter than me), but I think I wrote him well here, with a lot of references to his past. (Randall, Claire, vague memories of his brother…) And I like the parallels between the Bronev brothers and the Barde siblings. I was kind of hoping it would get more attention, so if anyone fancies checking it out… The link is here. Please don’t be scared off Descole fans. I know it says ‘Descole isn’t portrayed in a good light’ but I only put that because I’m paranoid and it’s no worse than what’s seen in PL4, I swear 
Funniest: I Was a Blushing Teenage Abomination… Hunter doesn’t know how to process these feelings??? Isn’t embarrassment a bad thing??? Also, Gus using Hunter as a makeup model because he can 
Saddest: Probably Those Who Can’t, Teach, because it features Janice mourning for Melina (again). I actually put a possible depression warning at the start, that’s how sad it got.
Least Popular: It’s Where Your Heart Is but I posted that a few days ago and it’s for the tiny Rhythm Thief fandom, so makes sense… It’s there if anyone wants to read a short RT Christmas fic. 
Most Cringe-Worthy: I Was a Blushing Teenage Abomination but it’s meant to be like that. Hunter is cringe and he needs to accept that’s fine. 
Favorite Opening Line(s): Angela stands by, smiling, as Henry places his hand on Randall’s shoulder. 
(From Missing Conversation)
Favorite Closing Line(s):
“Never mind— you could always take my last name!” Gus finished signing the invitation as Matt spluttered.
Gus hummed. “We should ask Steve if he’s going, and see what he thinks of Mattholomule Noceda-Porter—“
“We will NOT!” 
(From “You can take my last name!”)
Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:  Willow saving Hunter from being possessed by Belos.
(A scene from an AU, Out of the Woods, but I’m sure there is fanart for something like this!)!
Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to: A fic with baby Willow and her dads, Harvey and Gilbert (Da and Appa)
Fic-writing goals for 2022: I so badly need to finish a long fic in general. I’m replaying Lost Future to finish the next part of Ready Now, but I also really want to write more of Clarity. Also, that other fic for Put Yourself Back in the narrative, featuring Clark and Brenda. I’m really sorry for anyone who is waiting for an update on one of my multi-chaptered fics. I just find it easier writing oneshots and I guess lots of oneshots is better than no writing at all. 
No pressure if you don’t want to do this, but I’ll tag…
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bardic-inspo · 2 years
do you like transformers too or are you just embracing the megatron vibes? 2. your writing has been stellar lately ahhh 3. do you have a best practices mental rundown of how you go from daydreaming to forcing yourself to sit down and put words on the page? bc I would love to gain insight bc I'm wanting to start writing again myself :0 godspeed w the next BtG chapter!! P.S. when he said he will bring the gasoline... I said WHOAAAA he said the line!!!! very exciting times :)
Hi friend! :D
No. 1 - Good/fair question! It's actually an old nickname I got in high school that's stuck with me a bit. My name was very badly spelled on a certificate and people started calling me Megatron. I ran cross-country and people would shout it at me to cheer me on during races. It died down for a few years and then I had a co-worker who thought it was the funniest thing and started calling me nothing but. I incorporated the 'h' from my actual name as a differentiator. I know basically nothing about Transformers, haha. No. 2 - THANK YOU OMG. You are so so kind <3 🥺 I really appreciate that. Encouragement is always a huge motivator <3 Number three is under the cut for length!
No. 3 - Disclaimer that of course different things work for different people, so grain of salt for all of this. I'll just speak to my own experience as a way to frame this. This ramble boils down to three things: keep track of your daydreams, set a specific output goal (preferably with a group that will help keep you accountable), and the original draft is only for you. Before I really started writing again, I started keeping an excel sheet with basically a list of scenes I thought up/about. This works with a bullet list, too. At first, there were giant gaps between them all, but gradually, my daydreams started to fill in those gaps. This can eventually serve as an outline. But I think it's really important to never stop doing this; if you're at the beginning and you have fresh ideas for the middle or the end, write them down. You'll thank yourself later. Prior to BtG, I basically hadn't written anything for years despite many vivid daydreams and I was really really struggling with breaking back into it. Then I did NaNoWriMo. Going zero to sixty like that doesn't work for everyone, but it jump-started me. The only goal became getting the words down. Not making them good or anything my inner editor wanted to do. I experimented, I changed tenses and points of view without starting the whole story over, and found what did/didn't work for me. I kept forward motion even when I'd decided that, later, I'll go back and fix certain things. I proceeded with it as if they were already fixed for the sake of continuing. I kept up with smaller word-count goals for several months after that, at which point I realized getting words down was no longer my main obstacle and I transitioned away from tracking word count at all. It absolutely doesn't need to be NaNo, and I'm personally of the opinion that NaNo is best for creating "roughest drafts" or breaking a writing drought and don't personally see myself doing it again unless I'm doing more rough-drafting. But having a known, established goal kept me from moving my goal posts, and gave me access to a community to help cheer me on or commiserate. Setting goals with a group of writer friends or doing a set-your-own-goal sort of thing like Get Your Words Out (which I'm doing presently with a habit/# writing days goal) or Camp NaNo are also great options. The other thing that helped me immeasurably was the promise I made to myself: no one but me will see the original draft. I only ended up using very, very small pieces of it in the posted versions of BtG (and I'm almost out of it entirely now!), but I have viewed it as a sort of narrative outline, and an invaluable experience not only for helping my build my writing skills, but also for showing me what not to do with certain plot points. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't gone down those routes. Bonus bit: fanfiction is just a fantastic place to start with writing. You have less pressure in terms of world/character-building and can just focus on building yourself as writer, bit by bit. 10/10 would recommend. I'm seriously flattered that you'd ask me this and please know I am cheering you on so hard in your writing endeavors <3 <3 And I swear I can't say thank you enough for the support. It means the world :) (I'm so so happy you got giddy with the title line finally cropping up!)
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loka-crush · 2 years
Random vent update 29 sep 2022 at 10:54 PM
I feel like shit for no reason - not as I can think of. I feel like I don’t have the right to it bc I’m supposed to be the happy always ready to hang out and support but my mental health has been deteriorating the last couple of years and first I was just not at optimistic and started to be “more realistic” but now I feel like I don’t have the energy to “feel”. The highs aren’t as high and somehow most of the lows aren’t as low u less it’s one of the rare supers. I can feel meh but a little happier and meh a little safer and I can feel like piss. I know it’s genetic and all that but still I feel like I am a white, higher middle class almost to the point where I am the rich I say I wanna eat like dino nuggies… I want dino nuggies now:,(
Like I know most on here probably understand but it’s weird to wake up and pray it’s the end of the world so you don’t have to go to school, not because you hate school but because you just can’t bother to live anymore. It’s weird to never be able to like the smallest of things bc everything offends everyone and it doesn’t matter what you like someone will trash talk it but if you trash talk their interests those ppl can’t do nothing wrong. It’s weird that I thought ED:a were “stupid” bc you would just gain the weight back when you stoped but what I didn’t understand then is that you would never reach a goal weight or that when you did you would be so scared of gaining it back so you just kept losing and any number higher than now was terrifying. I’ve always been the friend that could listen and never get bothered so when you started saying you hadn’t eaten in two days I hated my parents for always making me eat tighter with them, I hated myself for not having a gag reflex and I hated the world for not making me skinny.
I hate my personality more and not everyday, and it’s like I can’t control what I say or do sometimes and then I just hate myself. I do something and obviously I can’t read the room bc they ether dot. laugh at all or it was the funniest thing in the world and I can’t tell when is the right time.
I know I shouldn’t went on here but I find comfort in not trubouling anyone I know who was to scared to say no when I asked if it was okay.
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
—how they hit on you
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𝕙𝕠𝕥 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤: 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕚'𝕕 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖. 𝕚'𝕞 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕠 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕝 𝕤𝕦𝕞 𝕚 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥. 𝕚'𝕞 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕒 𝕨𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕛𝕛𝕜 𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕠𝕠 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪 <𝟛
𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕥𝕠𝕛𝕚 𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕤𝕤, 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕟𝕤𝕗𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕠
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Gojo Satoru:
does his mama know he’s a slut?
gojo flirts with everything under the sun just because he can
a bold mf
easily slides in the dms with no fear
bc he never gets rejected
“lemme stop before your boyfriend gets mad”
“I don’t have one”
will “wait for real? that’s crazyyy” his was way right into your pants
will tell you how you look too fine to be walking around without a man by your side
he’s sick 💀
he’s not above kissing your ass if you play hard to get bc he likes a challenge
if he’s hitting on you irl, he’ll suddenly become the funniest person in the room
gojo’s a natural tease, but he’ll take a little more time to make a joke and slide a compliment in there or two
like…touchy af
you’ll be minding your business and he’ll come out of nowhere, sling an arm around your shoulders, resting his cheek against yours to “complain” about how easy and boring his missions were
will always find a way to mention that he’s the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world
like damn bitch we get it 😐
uses the fact that he always buys souvenirs for people to buy you a bunch of pretty things that remind him of you
you complimented him on his eyes one time and that man never let you know peace again
it’s as if he doesn’t have a whole fanbase purely because of his eyes alone
you regret everything
“ohhoho so you think my eyes are pretty~”
“i guess that means we should go on a date then”
“now how’d we get here?”
you went on the date anyway
rumor has it you kinda like the guy 😗
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Fushiguro Toji:
the way he flirts depends on what his end goal is with you
if he’s just tryna hit, you can expect a few compliments here or there
but he’ll make it known he’s tryna eat ass and be gone by sun rise
he’s got really good bedroom eyes tho so it usually works in his favor
if by some miracle he sees past your ass (and wallet) toji will freshen up on his dating skill from his past two marriages and actually try and woo you
he’s a grumpy old man with not a lot of vulnerability to spare, but i think he’s got some redeeming qualities
he’s not a total brute
i think toji would be methodical when he approaches you
if you're at a bar, he’ll casually sit next to you, order something, sip on it for a while, before finding an in to talk to you
you’re immediately on guard bc he’s a big and very handsome man sipping on hennessy
but his crooked smile and easy-going conversation skills are disarming
maintains his distance as to not freak you out, but gives you all of his attention
his whole body faces you
makes a show of waving other people off when they try and talk to him bc he sees you like the attention hehe 😋
you know he’s flexing his muscles too
believe or not…he’s got a sense of humor
ofc at the expense of other people
he’ll whisper in your ear and have you giggling like a schoolgirl as he points out the stupid things ppl are doing
and would you look at that? suddenly he’s got an arm behind the back of your seat
…when he feels the urge to pay for your drink toji knows he’s not leaving without getting your number
and he does bc who could resist that hunk of man
mannn if it were up to me? he could have more than my number no cappppp 😛
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Getou Suguru:
you know that one video of chris evans flirting w a woman in a garage?
that exactly how i imagine getou pre-insanity break
he doesn’t typically put himself out there, but when he sees you, he just has to talk to you
yknow gojo in the back hyping him up
he’ll walk to you with the most charming smile, hands in his pocket like he’s got everything under control
does the thing where he licks his lips and tilts his head when you tease him
the jawline…im in shambles
he’s such a “oh wow that’s how it is?” ass nigga dkjdfjksnfsjkd shut up i love him 😭
its hard to make eye contact, but the few times he does
good lord
he’s looking at you like you're the meaning of life
like you’re the sexiest thing he’s ever seen
licks his lips AGAIN !!!
he makes sure you’re comfortable throughout the entire conversation
makes it known he’s listening, bc he’ll nod his head and make noises of affirmation when you speak
props himself on the rail or the side of the wall to get himself comfortable bc he enjoys talking with you
when you playfully hit him on the arm bc of a joke he made
yeah…he knows you’re sold
acts like it hurts and tells you the only way to apologize is to let him take you out
once he gets your number, he’s smiling like he won the lottery
does the little “jog” back to his friends 💀
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siriushxney · 3 years
➛ them with a reader who gets really into watching sports
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— included : cc!dream, cc!sapnap, cc!niki, cc!quackity, cc!karl
— warnings : cursing
— note : it won’t be mentioned a lot, but the sport that I thought of as I was writing this was hockey! in celebration of playoffs starting today, here’s some headcanons :) (go colorado)
— also yes my post layout changes every week — i’m trying to find what I like lmfao
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➛ dream
we all know that clay also gets into sports hardcore
so I don’t think he’d bat an eye at you screaming at a tv in the other room
in all honesty I think he’d rush in to see what’s got you so heated
if he understands the sport, he’ll get just as into it with you
jumping and cheering on goals
groaning and yelling when a bed call or goal happens
overall he matches your energy
^ wants to get matching jerseys immediately
➛ sapnap
he doesn’t have to understand what’s going on to flip out
if he sees you freaking out over something
he’ll be freaking out just as much
he gives me ‘physical while watching sports vibes’
not in a weird way
but if the team you’re cheering for scores, he’d just turn to you and hug you
^ he gets excited easily
I can also see him as the dude that’s constantly moving during it
foot tapping, fingers drumming, hands running through his hair, etc.
he definitely gets nervous watching sports (literally me)
➛ niki
while she can see how people get easily hyped up over things
she’s just confused as to why your pacing, yelling, or jumping around
sits on the couch and just watches you lose your shit
“are you fucking kidding me?!”
“what happened?”
will ask you to tell her about what happened even though she watched it happen and can see why you’re either mad or happy
just so she can hear you talk passionately about it
there’s definitely been a moment when she’s streaming and the chat can hear you losing it in the background
➛ quackity
video tapes it
either just for blackmail
to send to his friends
or he’s posting it for the world to see
you make it onto one of those ‘funniest quackity moments’ videos
he will edge you on — if you’re mad about a bad call made, he’ll side with the refs — always
he wants to see how angry he can get you
while he’s teasing and provoking normally, he would also like to actually sit down and watch the game with you
he doesn’t have to understand what’s going on to feel the energy that not only you, but the players on the screen radiate
➛ karl
concerned number two™️
he’d walk in all happy ready to tell you about whatever the hell happened during his stream
see you yelling at the tv
and slowly back away
he lets you be loud — he doesn’t really care
he’s a little scared and a lot of concerned
I feel like he’d also video tape it just so he can laugh at it later
loves loves loves seeing you get so into the game despite not even playing it
^ also I think at first he wouldn’t really be into whatever sport you’re watching
but after awhile it grows on him — so expect him to get hyped and angry with you
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Can I request class 1-a having a new student and one day the hole class have to make a PowerPoint presentation and the new student makses on of the whole class but it's (for example that's why todoroki makes a good boyfriend and bonus points he is a cold and warm pack ) and then they say there is nothing I could find pozetief on mineta but who wants to date him anyway
I hope that makes sense
I’ll try my best!
Fluff 💖
PowerPoint Presentation On Why You Should Date Them!
All of Class 1-A!
For a school project, you had to make a presentation on something that everyone needed or needed to know. After about a week, it was finally your time to shine. "Hi everyone!" You say as you get your computer set up, everyone smiles and looks up at the projector screen. "Okay so this is the presentation I made and it's called "Why You Should Date The Students of Class 1-A at UA." You say as you point at the title. Everyone's eyes go wide, Aizawa doesn't care since it was his nap time. You heard him lay his head on his desk, so you continued.
The first person to show up was Yuga Aoyama! You started to read off the points, "okay so the first person is Yuga Aoyama!" You say as you point to him in the front, he smiles. "Number one, he has wonderful fashion sense! Like that's who you would want to go to for it, second, he can teach you french! Yes, it'll probably take some time but hey, you'll still learn it! And lastly, he is such a fun person to be around!" You look back at him and he's smiling more now, "thank you dearly (y/n), I knew I was that gorgeous on camera!" He says and you laugh.
You go to the next slide, this time it says Mina Ashido! "Next up is my dear friend, Mina Ashido!" You can hear Mina giggle, you smile and continue. "First, she's always there when you need her! She's goofy and lovable so that is a plus! Second, she is romantic! Like girl, it's amazing!" You exclaim, you can hear Mina and some others laugh. "Lastly, she is the best to go anywhere with! She is so sociable and fun that you'll automatically have a great time! Bonus points for her great style, girl send me some of those tips!" You say as you wink at her, she bursts out laughing.
As you continue onto the next slide, it shows up as Tsuyu Asui! On the slide, you include a cute photo of her and a frog. "Now onto Tsuyu Asui! For one, she's mature and responsible! Tsu is focused on her schoolwork and home life. Second, she is like a mom to everyone! She knows how to look after us and makes us feel at home." You smile, Tsu smiles at you and you can hear her go "ribbit" every now and then. "Lastly, she is loving and caring. Even at your weak point, she can help you and give you all the emotional support you need."
"Next up is Tenya Iida!" You say and you can see him blush slightly. "First reason is that he's incredibly smart! If you ever have a problem or even just need some extra help, he'll be amazing for that! Second, he works hard. He is so determined that he'll want to make sure you can achieve your goals as well. Lastly, he's humble. He'll admit his mistakes and the rare occasions when he is rude, that's boyfriend material, guys!" You say that laughing, his face goes even redder. "Bonus points for the fact that he loves study dates, hint hint!" You say as you wink.
The next slide is pastel pink and filled with bubble gifs. "Next up is Ochaco Uraraka! Number one, she's bubbly and loving! She is so friendly and can make a friend out of anyone! Second, she is always excited and loves to go out! Lastly, she may be a bit of an airhead, no pun intended," You giggled, "but she is such a friendly person and she's so empathic." You look back at the class and Uraraka is smiling widely, "I feel honored to be on the list!" She says, you laugh and continue on.
The next slide has thunderbolts all over it, and in those, it spells out "Denki Kaminari". "Okay, so this one is Denki Kaminari! He is super funny and sweet for starters, so that makes him an awesome person to hang around with! Secondly, he tends to joke around a lot and be playful, so automatically he's goofy!" You exclaim, you hear Denki laughing and saying "how did they know!" You laugh and continue, "lastly, he may be a bit of an airhead but he cares for all of his friends. He is such a sweet guy."
You smile, "next is Eijrou Kirishima!" Kirishima laughs and watches the presentation. "He is manly and a gentleman! He knows how to treat you right that's for sure!" Eijrou smiles, "Second, he is super loyal! I mean look at him, he's funny and can make friends with everyone he meets! Lastly, he's kind-hearted! He's super sweet and he is amazing to be around! I'm glad to call him my friend!" You say with a big smile. "Plus, his quirk can be useful in other activities if you know what I mean!" You say, winking. Everyone starts laughing, "nice one (y/n)!" Kirishima calls out to you.
"Next is Koji Koda! For one, he can teach you sign language! It may not seem like a lot, but it can be really useful to know! Second, he's kind-hearted as well! He's super sweet, he's shy but that doesn't stop him from being kind and a good friend. Lastly, he loves animals! Everyone loves an animal person, he's great with them and it's such a cute sight to see as well!" You pause before going on, you spot Koji, he's smiling and clapping. You smile and continue onto the next slide.
"Next up is Rikkido Sato! For starters, he loves to bake! And that's an amazing trait because imagine all of the desserts you can eat! Next is that he is sweet! Just like his desserts, he's super sweet and kind! Lastly, he's a very positive person! He has a good attitude about everything and it's adorable!" You smile, and Rikkido smiles at you.
A picture of Mezo Shoji and him with his friends, you included, shows up on the slide. "Next is Mezo Shoji! One, he's super protective of his friends! It shows how much he cares and loves his friends. Two, he is kind and can make friends with everyone. Thirdly, he is selfless. Which means he's willing to risk his life for any of his friends." Shoji smiles, "thank you (y/n)."
"Next is Kyoka Jiro! She is usually very social, except for when Denki bothers her." You laugh and Kyoka laughs as well, and nods "that's true honestly." You continue on, "second, she has great taste in music! She has a mixture of different bands she listens to, and then she'll even try some new ones for you! Thirdly, she can play different instruments! I find that amazing and she can even teach you how to play them!"
"Now we have Hanta Sero, he's very sociable and friendly! He is also quite funny and I have to say, he might be the funniest out of everyone in here!" Sero starts laughing, "you got that right!" You laugh and go on, "lastly, he's brave! He'll make sure to keep you safe and he's willing to step in for you."
"Now we have Fumikage Tokyami, he is protective of his friends! He will step in and make sure they're okay. Second, he has self-control. This may not seem like a big thing, he knows his limits and he can stay patient. Third and finally, he is very brave! Yes, he's shy but he's brave." Tokyami nods and watches the presentation.
A picture of Katy Perry's "Hot and Cold" shows up on the next slide, everyone giggles, and chuckles. "If you didn't guess from that, it's Shoto Todoroki! He is very calm and collected, he stays calm during stressful situations. He tends to care very much for his friends and values them very deeply, and lastly, he tends to put them first. He's grown a lot from when he first started, he's becoming more sociable!" You say, Shoto slightly smiles and nods. "Plus he makes a great heating pad and an ice pack if you need it!" You say laughing, others join in.
"Next we have our favorite invisible girl, Toru Hagakure! For one, she's super bubbly and overall a very positive person! Second, she likes to collect plushies and other cute things, so that means you'll have a shopping buddy! You have to invite me at some point girl!" You say, she laughs, "for sure (y/n)!" You look back up at the screen, "then finally, she can easily make friends and super sociable! She's such a sweet person!"
You laugh and change the slide, "now the one and only, angry pomeranian, Katsuki Bakugou!" Katsuki frowns, "hey dumbass that's not funny!" You laugh and continue, "yes he is very hot-headed, but he is protective over his friends. Second, he is very determined to do good, he'll push you just because he wants to see you achieve your goals. Lastly, he may have pride but he does have his sweet moments. I've only gotten to experience them every now and then but he truly is a good friend, angry or not." You say with a smile, everyone starts going "aww" and Katsuki's face goes beet red. "I- Thanks dumbass." He says quietly.
"Now onto our favorite broccoli boy, Izuku Midoriya!" You exclaim, "first off, he's super sweet! Like just look at him!" You say pointing to Izuku, he blushes and smiles. "Second, if there's anything you want to know about heroes, that's the man to go to! And lastly, he cares for his friends so much. He loves them and will do anything for them, he honestly just wants the best for them." Izuku smiles, "plus if you ever want some cute dates, that's who you go to!" You exclaim.
You frown as you move onto the next slide, "okay so Mr. Grape Pervert, or known as Minoru Mineta. " You clear your throat with the *ahem* sound, "there's nothing good about him so next!" Minoru frowns as everyone laughs.
You smile, "and our last slide is about Momo Yaoyorozu! She is a natural leader, so definitely determined and focused! She encourages you and helps you out, she wants you to be the best you can be! And finally, she is a really great person. She's an amazing friend and always wants the best for you!" Momo smiles, "thank you (y/n)!" You smile and close your computer. "This was my presentation on why you should date the students of class 1-A. I really hope you did enjoy it! I meant it, you all, besides Mineta, are wonderful people. I'm so glad to have you as friends." You say, smiling.
I hope you enjoyed it! This took FOREVER!
I hope you have a great day!
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educatedinyellow · 2 years
2021 Fanworks Masterlist
I’m rachelindeed on AO3, and educatedinyellow here on tumblr. Here’s a round-up of my fan creations this year :)
(vid) Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane: You Matter to Me. A tribute to Peter and Harriet's evolving romance, from the 1987 BBC series starring Edward Petherbridge and Harriet Walter. 
(vid) Destiel: Fighting the Narrative. The forces of heaven, hell, and the narrative constantly put Dean and Cas into unwinnable, tragic situations, but they always fought to defy fate. Ultimately when the story ends, they break free and can write their own future together.
(fic) best things dwell out of Sight (Holmes/Watson, 9.5K, Ritchie Holmes) In a society where telepathic ability is too often equated with worth, Miss Mary Sutherland is short-Sighted. But that didn't stop her from smelling a rat in Mr. Hosmer Angel's courtship, and her case gives Holmes and Watson the chance to prove that the marriage of true minds requires no magic at all.
(vid) Holmes/Watson multiverse: Just Dance! It's a Holmesian dance party and everyone's invited!
(vid) Emma: Judge of your own happiness Emma learns the workings of her heart. A tribute to the lovely 2009 adaptation of Austen's "Emma."
(vid) Dean Winchester: My Kind of Man Dean's father taught him to be a certain kind of man, but throughout his life his loved ones try to help him figure out what kind of man he truly wants to be.
(vid) Destiel: Scarborough Fair Remember me to one who lives there; he once was a true love of mine.
Total number of completed things: 6 vids, 1 fic, plus 2 pencil sketches
Total word count: 9,600 words
Fandoms created for: Dorothy L. Sayers mysteries, Supernatural, Ritchie Holmes, Emma 2009 miniseries, plus a whole lot of Holmesian adaptations for my multiverse vid
Looking back, did you create more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? A little less, I think. This wordcount is pretty average for me, I usually bow out at around 10K words a year. But in recent years I've tended to make a few more fanvids than I did this year. In the last quarter of the year real life concerns took precedence, and that's fine.
What’s your own favorite creation of the year? I can honestly say I like them all, but my favorite vid is Scarborough Fair -- I've always thought the song was beautiful, and I think the match of lyrics and images turned out quite lovely. And I'm always pleased whenever I get a story written, because that's a good deal harder for me than any of my other creative endeavors. I loved taking the opportunity to add a little magical realism to a Victorian Holmes verse, I adore that kind of thing.
Did you take any creative risks this year? Not…really? Mostly I just did My Usual Sorts of Things :) I did see some progress this year though. I'm proud of the Diana Rigg portrait, it's a definite improvement for me in my sketching.
Do you have any goals for the new year? I have one fanvid already made that I'll be posting in the new year, but otherwise I have no idea what I'll be working on next. I tend to play things very much by ear.
Most popular creation of the year? Ahaha, this one is hilarious! So, the Ever Given got stuck in the Suez Canal, yes? Well, apparently YouTube's algorithms took that as a sign to start promoting the hell out of anything whatsoever with a nautical theme…As a result, a Master and Commander fanvid that I made in 2019 for a small Festivids exchange suddenly and completely unexpectedly took off. This thing had less than 10 likes on tumblr, but purely thanks to mysterious algorithm magic it's currently clocking in at 33,000+ views on YouTube. Truly the funniest and most random thing I could ever have achieved popularity with, LOL!
Creation of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I'm glad whenever anyone looks at anything of mine! I do regret a little bit, though, that there is no online place within the large Destiel fandom devoted to sharing fanvids. I think Destiel fans might enjoy some of mine, but there's really nowhere in particular I can put them where they will be seen. I mean, I put them on AO3, obviously, but in my experience most people on AO3 are there looking for fic, not vids. And YouTube is not well organized for fandoms, there's too much else going on over there so these things tend to vanish quickly into the ether. *shrug* C'est la vie.
Most fun thing to make: Just Dance!! So many Holmeses, so many Watsons, even so many Moriartys! It finally introduced me to Sherlock Hound, which was a delight. Also, Lady Gaga's song is a bop and it was very cheering listening to it endlessly as I worked.
Most unintentionally telling thing: This was intentional, actually, but best things dwell out of Sight was the first fic in which I have been conscious of incorporating some of my feelings as an asexual person into my writing (not in a literal sense, the characters in the fic are not ace, but I'm personally aware of that element influencing some parts of the story).
Biggest disappointment: I've left Vimes/Vetinari languishing too long! Let's get those wheels moving again!!
Biggest surprise: I was so happy to hear that one of my tumblr friends enjoyed my Peter/Harriet vid and was prompted to check out the 1980s miniseries as a result, which they enjoyed very much! What a pleasure, to have gotten to introduce them to something they wound up falling in love with the same way I did!
Wishing you all the best for 2022, creatively and in all other ways, too!
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[hcs] some general headcannons ♡
— dating the karasuno boys >> third years and second years (daichi, suga, asahi, noya, tanaka)
daichi sawamura —
morning walks to and from school because he’s just a good gentleman it makes you cry
never lets you eat lunch all alone. like he’s always by your side or if he’s busy he’ll have suga and asahi or the first years accompany you because he doesn’t want you desserted in a table
its also to make sure that you are eating right!!! mans wants to make sure you’re good and healthy (plus the first years always get giddy when he asks them to come with you since they asks you the most ridiculous questions in hopes to expose a secret about their captain)
daichi just gives them a glare and they shut up
gets you little trinkets that remind him of you when he’s on his away games
“I just think it’s cute and it makes me think of you”
sir-we need to stop you from making us fall in love even more
kinda not the softest but definitely has a hard time saying no to you specially when you pull the puppy eyes
he starts an inner dialogue when you do those to convince him something like buying some shit you know is just a waste of money and he’s all like “oh no not the puppy eyes”
random but serious talks about your future— getting a house, marriage, even kids
and its literally so fucking pleasant to see him looking so intent about planning your future together,,, he’s so sure it almost hurts
love him please
sugawara koushi —
never misses any special occasion that could be an excuse to take you on a date!!!
its just a koushi thing
random duets and soft humming when you two are together because he really has an amazing voice (and you can’t convince me otherwise, go cry about it)
gives the warmest hugs that can cure you of any sadness like at some point you’d believe their actually magic
very teasing but cares very much about you
always has something sickeningly cute to call you and it makes your heart go “kandiska omg” but at the same time you’re also “disgusting please stop”
trolling daichi together because why the hell not (plus daichi has the most funniest “i am done with this” reaction whenever you and suga pull some shit on him)
hinata randomly got the two of you matching mugs for one of your aniversaries
stares at you with the most dorky smile when he thinks you’re not looking but oops you see it and you really just go “oh good he really loves me that much yes”
and yes suga loves you a lot please be the nicest to him because he is soft boy
azumane asahi —
he!!! is!!! the!!! most!!! sweetest!!! boy!!! ever!!! ohmygod!!!
gets shy and flustered when you compliment him but he absolutely loves it when you praise him so do it more
gifting each other soft clothings like cotton sweaters and warm scarves because a soft boy like him deserves soft things too
will never let you walk home alone specially when it gets late because he can’t even stand the idea of someting relatively bad happening to you
giving him all sorts of braids and keeping an extra hair tie, rubber band or head band with you because he sometimes breaks his and you being a good girlfriend is always there to the rescue
WILL AND I TELL YOU, HE WILL always ask for consent either from you, ya mom or ya dad because he doesn’t want them to think bad of him
and they would never??? bruh your parents probably even acknowledges him as their in law already lets be real
you literally not getting why people are scared of him or like think he’s this some sort of thug because??? he is just the softest?? and the cutest??? and everything nice and sweet???
nishinoya yuu —
has a list of disgustingly cute nicknames to call you and he never runs out of them, it just keeps going (babe, baby, princess, honey, lil’ cutie, cupcake, whatever sweet ass nickname exist you name it, he says it)
crackhead pranks with tanaka and cue daichi screaming at the three of you for almost setting something on fire
absolutely sends you selfies from every gym or court he’s played on, on his away games, tokyo, nationals, training camp, wherever he goes he sends you a selfie of him if he can’t convince coach ukai or daichi to bring you along
will fight, and I am absolutely serious, anyone who even makes you frown
ya’ll know he’s gonna pretend to be all cool around you but in reality he’s just a big ass baby who’s loud but you love him anyways
makes it a living goal to remind you how perfect you are because in his eyes you are literally everything
anyone who says the opposite is going to get reckt because he may be small but he’s feral and tanaka backs him up (and thats on bro code)
gets all googly eyed when you smile so warmly at him because ahhh his heart can not survive this
kisses your nose randomly because it makes you scrunch them and you look so adorable focusing on the tip of your nose
10000/10, highly recommend dating him
tanaka ryuunoske —
Always manages to convince you to watch practice or to watch his matches
goes crazy when you borrow or just straight up steal his clothes like please anything but seeing you in his own clothing it makes him incredibly soft (but he makes you wear his clothes more anyways)
lol noya and tsukki called him a simp,,, but he didn’t even deny it??? like fuck whatever you say so what I’ll simp for my baby
your number one hype yes sir
literally thinks everything you do is immaculate and praises all the little things you make. he wants you to feel appreciated no matter what it is because you do the same to him
hanging out with saeko-nee san because she’s all for you and she loves teasing the shit out of tanaka
lol saeko covers up for the two of you whenever you sneak out so tanaka can’t say anything
you being the more mature one in the relationship but thats not saying anything since the both of you are just crackheads
daichi face palming when you did something dumb when he specifically told the both of you not to do so and you both just sit there like “well whats done is done” while daichi nags your ears off for breaking the last broom available
love him please oh my god i would die for tanaka
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sundaysundaes · 3 years
Remember Me
Mark Lee X Reader X Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) | Smut, Fluff, Angst | 14k | Soulmate AU, Friends-to-Lovers AU
CHAPTER 2 OF 2. Part 1 is here.
Summary: “The mysterious cuts and bruises that suddenly appear are actually injuries that your soulmate has obtained, and you share the same marks on your skin.” For Donghyuck and Mark, it's not just an old saying, it's not merely a concept, it's the truth. But as they grow older in a world where everyone puts their faith in the marks that attach their hearts to their soulmates, they have to stop believing.
Notes: This used to be an EXO Fanfic of mine called Remember Me but I want to share this story with my NCT family as well, so I rewrote several things and added more scenes to fit Mark and Haechan’s personalities better.
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It takes Lee Donghyuck approximately ten times to ask Mark Lee to join their soccer game before he realizes that maybe Mark just really hates playing soccer. Or just doing sports in general, for that matter.
“I’ve told you, I don’t want to!” Mark shouts, cheeks reddening in anger. Donghyuck holds up both hands in the air, backing away. Mark is twenty-one years-old while Donghyuck is a year younger. Since Mark needed to be treated at the facility for his injuries back when he was in high school, he had to repeat another year and so he registered late in his new university in Seoul. Seeing how he’s a freshman like him with no friend other than Zhong Chenle in college, Donghyuck thinks they should get along better. Donghyuck has always been friendly and nice to anyone around him—Yukhei would agree on this straight away—but sadly, not everyone replies to him in the same way.
“Okay, okay,” Donghyuck says, laughing softly at Mark’s little burst of anger. “Chill, man. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought that maybe you wanted to play because, you know, you kept looking at us—”
“I wasn’t looking,” Mark harshly responds, tearing his gaze away from the other boy to glance at the girl who owns his heart since forever. “Well, I wasn’t actually looking at you anyway.”
Donghyuck furrows his brows at Mark’s last line that’s almost too quiet to hear. He’s pretty sure that Mark kept stealing glances at the field a moment earlier, so if it weren’t because of Donghyuck and Yukhei playing soccer with their upperclassmen, who was he staring at?
“I’m sorry,” Donghyuck says anyway, and he means it even when his tone sounds too playful. “Well, if you ever change your mind, you can just come over, okay?”
“I don’t do soccer,” Mark bitterly responds as he picks up his book back and places it on his lap. “Now can you leave me alone, please? I want to read in silence.”
Donghyuck scrunches up his nose at his attitude but decides to be the better man. “Alright,” he says, giving him the space he needs. “My name’s Lee Donghyuck, by the way. Nice to meet you, Grumpy Pants!” he exclaims with a cheeky grin before he runs back to the field. Mark Lee is unapproachable, but that only makes him more interesting to Lee Donghyuck.
It takes eleven minutes after the whistle has been blown for Donghyuck to score his third goal that day and she cheers loudly with her hands in the air before she realizes that she’s supposed to stare at her crush secretly. She clears her throat and tries to calm her racing heart as she sits back on the bleachers. Her eyes are still following the boy with the number 66 on the back of his jersey and her heart warms when she sees how his fluffy brown hair flutters under the wind.
That boy’s name is Lee Donghyuck. He’s one year younger than she is and he’s probably the brightest, and the funniest person she has ever met. He’s a bit weird, though, because every time he talks to her, he always speaks like he has known her for his whole life. And he does look familiar somehow, but she can’t remember why. 
Last spring was the first time she met him. She was looking around the campus’ ground, getting to know the environment better before she enrolled in the university by the next semester. And then a ball hit her on the head, making her tumble to the ground.
“Oh, shit! Sorry! Are you okay?” A boy ran to her with a familiar smile and beautiful sun-kissed skin that glistened slightly with sweat. He helped her stand on her own feet and kept apologizing for two times more until he saw her face and began to shout her name over and over again, voice getting louder each time. 
“Holy shit, it’s really you! I can’t believe this!” Without permission, he suddenly leaned in and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off her feet as he laughed wholeheartedly. “Jesus Christ, Noona, it’s been years!” He was crushing her with his hug and she felt strange, afraid even. “I can’t believe I’m seeing you again! I’ve been looking for you every—”
Out of fear and discomfort, she hastily pushed him away. “D-don’t touch me!” she said, backing away and a wounded look fell upon his face. 
“N-noona, it’s me,” he said, attempting to calm her down by reaching out a hand. “It’s me, Donghyuck. We used to play together, remember? At the beach? In Jeju?”
Frowning was her response and nothing more, not remembering his identity at all and that made her sad because that boy seemed like he was really hoping for her to remember him. “I’m—I’m sorry but I don’t know you,” she said and the boy seemed heartbroken for a few seconds before he shook his head and smiled brightly once more.
“Oh wow, then this must’ve been super awkward.” He laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head before he offered her his hand. She could tell he was shaken up by it but he didn’t make it seem obvious. “I’m Lee Donghyuck. I’m sorry for being so weird. You just remind me so much of my old friend. But I got your name right, didn’t I?”
She nodded her head once, shaking his hand. “How do you know my name?”
“Let’s just say I’m a bit psychic,” Donghyuck replied, grinning boyishly and something stirred in her heart. She felt like she knew him but at the same time, she didn’t. It was weird but Donghyuck never worried about such a matter. He kept on talking to her, sporting his cheery grins and beautiful eye-smile as he did and his presence somehow filled the pang that had been so hollow in her heart. 
“Yo, Sleepyhead!” Wong Yukhei calls as he scurries over to her side. He’s breathing hard, beads of sweat forming and rolling down his temple. The man is 183cm tall with silky dark brown hair and a voice deeper than any man she’s ever known. “What’cha doin’, girl? Been here long?”
“Hey, Yukhei,” she greets with a smile, offering him her canned orange juice and Yukhei drinks it in one gulp without hesitation. “Just hanging out. Did you guys win?” she asks, trying to pretend like she wasn’t paying attention to the game (which is somewhat true because she only paid attention to Donghyuck).
“Oh, come on, we all know you were watching the game,” Yukhei says as he flops down next to her seat. “Or were you watching me?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Wong Yukhei is always blatant with his flirting but nobody ever takes him seriously. It’s common knowledge that Yukhei never wants to have a relationship with anyone other than his Soulmate. People tend to date anyone they want while they wait for their Soulmates to appear but Yukhei is a different case. Yukhei only wants the girl who owns the same scar as he has on his wrist.
“Hey, just a friendly advice here,” Yukhei says, “I know you really really really like Hyuck but fucking hell, woman, do you really need to stare at him all day long with that dopey, lovesick look on your face?”
“Hey!” She hisses, slapping his back. “Shut up, okay? And I wasn’t staring at him. I was watching the game.”
“Sureeee,” Yukhei slurs the last syllable. “Then what’s the score? No peeking at the scoreboard.”
She can’t answer. Seeing how Yukhei keeps on mocking her, she eventually sighs and buries her face in her hands. “Is it that obvious?”
“So obvious. Too obvious, even.”
“Do you think he knows?”
“Honey, I think even my grandma knows you have a crush on him.”
“Oh my God,” she sobs to her hands and when she lifts her face, her cheeks are in flame. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I can’t date him anyway, Not until I’m sure that he’s my Soulmate.”
Yukhei furrows his brows. “I didn’t know you were like me.”
“I just think it’s a safer option, you know?” She utters, huffing to the air. “Why would you waste your time dating someone who’s not your Soulmate when you know it’s not gonna work out in the end? Better choose the one so you won’t hurt anyone.”
Yukhei nods proudly and pats her head. “I feel you, Sister. I feel you.”
“Shut up, you’re gross,” she says, punching Yukhei playfully by his shoulder but the said man groans loudly and dramatically acts like she just struck his arm with a javelin. Yukhei stands up and barks, “Sure, when it’s Wong Yukhei, you go around and punch him like a sag of potatoes but when it’s Lee Donghyuck, you worship him like a freaking Greek God! Real fair, Sweetheart, real fair!” Then he throws a flying kiss toward her direction before she has the chance to actually kill Wong Yukhei. She just hopes that Donghyuck didn’t hear him.
She sits back on the bleachers, her heart thumping loudly but Donghyuck never stares back. He’s always like that when he’s too focused on his game. It’s part of his charm, really. 
It’s only Mark Lee who does, staring at her from across the field. He’s a fellow freshman she once met at the library, helping her with finding her books. She always thinks he looks kind of familiar as well but she doesn’t know why. Perhaps some kind of a déjà vu?
She didn’t see him sitting there before (her eyes were too focused on Donghyuck, like always) and Mark never really goes out of his class at break times anyway. He used to always spend his days in the library, working there and reading suspense or science-fiction novels even when he’s read them a thousand times already. This is the first time she’s ever seen him out on the field. Perhaps he’s watching the game too?
She smiles and waves her hand at him. “Hey, library guy!” she mouths, grinning but Mark never mirrors her smile in the same way. He always seems sad, she notices, like he’s trying to achieve something but something forbids him from doing so. She wonders what he craves so badly that he has to force himself away from enjoying his life like he’s supposed to. 
It’s twelve past twelve on a Sunday afternoon when Zhong Chenle passes a watermelon to Mark’s lap and speaks, “Bro, I know it’s not my business but your ex-girlfriend has a huge crush on that kid Lee Donghyuck.”
With a knife in his hand, ready to slice the watermelon into small pieces, Mark freezes and looks at Chenle with heavy pressure in his eyes.
“Whoa, dude!” Chenle immediately backs away, gulping when he realizes he just made Mark upset when the man is holding a knife in his hand. “Be careful with that shit, okay? You look like you’re about to kill someone!”
“Not someone, just you,” Mark replies, looking away and begins to slice the fruit. 
Chenle takes his seat back with more caution in his steps, just in case. “Look, Mark, I don’t want to make you mad.”
“A bit too late for that,” Mark replies, jabbing the knife into the fruit, and Chenle almost shrieks, fidgeting on his seat. The Chinese boy winces a little as he prepares to receive a strike from his friend but it never came. Instead, his friend throws him a small smile and Chenle knows Mark’s been kidding around. Chenle can never understand his sense of humor.
“You have a terrible sense of humor, has anyone ever told you that?” He calms his heart down. “You’re still not over her, huh?” Chenle asks, receiving a freshly cut watermelon from the slightly shorter guy. Mark doesn’t answer him and instead, he grabs his own piece of watermelon and strolls over to lounge on the couch. The sun is blazing outside, sitting on its throne, and burns everything considering it’s the middle of summer and even with this thin layer of clothes he’s wearing, Mark just can’t stop sweating. 
“Dude?” Chenle calls, following him to the couch, and steals a glance at him. Mark is just there, sitting and staring at the fruit without doing anything much other than breathing. “Hello? Earth to Mark, you alright there, buddy?”
Mark slowly moves his gaze back at him and for the first time in forever, he pulls on a gentle, but heartbreaking smile. “I would’ve gotten over her if I could but it’s hard.”
Chenle hums quietly. “You guys loved each other that much, huh?”
“Loved?” Mark chuckles, proffering his piece of watermelon to his friend’s hand in case Chenle wants more. He does. “It wasn’t just love. She was my everything.” The Chinese boy snorts at that but he can actually sense the truth behind Mark’s words, which is why Chenle chooses to stay mute. “I was about to propose to her, you know?” Mark confesses, crestfallen. “We were nothing but stupid brats going on about love and crappy things like that and I had this stupid ring with me that I wanted to give her. I was about to make a promise to be with her forever. I didn’t care whether she was my Soulmate or not. I didn’t care if we were too young to be engaged. I just loved her so much—I still do but…”
But she forgot about you, Chenle wants to say but he decides to keep himself in silence. While Mark was hurting physically during that period after the accident, she was losing her mind. She had recurring nightmares and she lost almost every part of her memories. She lost her childhood, she lost her friends, and most of all, she lost him. She couldn’t see Mark. He never existed in her world. Her loss of memories had helped her to recover quicker than him and her parents also made her go to many therapy sessions in her last few months at the hospital. She’s now healthy and happy and Mark is grateful for that but, of course, a huge part of him died with her that night before the first snow fell upon their smiles.
Chenle forms a question after a while. “Why don’t you try and approach her again, then? You know, start over. Maybe she could fall in love with you again.”
Mark absentmindedly touches the skin around his nape. “It’s better this way,” he says, smiling weakly to the ground. “She’s happier without me in her life.”
“But you’re hurting,” Chenle counters. “And I’m not sure you’re gonna get better tomorrow if you keep being like this.”
“You’re right, I’m never gonna get better.” Mark laughs softly. “I’m gonna remember this forever and I’m gonna live through this every day. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I remember is how I agreed to go with her to town that night. If I hadn’t gone to her grandmother’s place, if I hadn’t gone with her outside—”
Chenle shakes his head. “You didn’t know what would happen—”
“It doesn’t matter!” Mark shouts breathlessly, his hand going over his heart. “It happened and I lost her. That’s it, Chenle. Nothing’s going to change that.”
Chenle looks conflicted and hesitant for a few seconds before he reaches out and pats Mark on the shoulder. “Everything will get better,” he says, trying to spread joy to his friend. “You’ll forget her when you meet your Soulmate. Try to live your life like me, buddy. No good will come from worrying over things that have been done.”
Mark returns his smile but his eyes stay cold.
His dreams always consist of her smile and how her eyes once turned crescents when she whispered, “I love you too, Mark Lee.” His dreams always reel in the way she held him close that night, how she wanted to make him feel happy, how she wanted to be with him, how much she missed and loved him.
It never happens in real life anymore. Mark Lee never existed in her life that way. And that is why Mark stops waking up with a smile on his face.
“Chenle,” Mark starts, “Are you friends with that guy?”
“Who, Donghyuck? Yeah, he’s cool. Gets pretty whiny and annoying most of the times, but—”
“There’s something I want you to tell him.”
“O… kay…” Chenle is startled by the sudden gravitas in his tone. “What is it?”
“She believes in Soulmates,” Mark says, smiling to himself and somehow Chenle can see the disappointment and frustration in his eyes. “She has a scar on the back of her neck. So if he doesn’t have the same scar, it’s better for him to just stay away since he’ll end up hurting them both in the future.”
Chenle analyzes his friend’s expression but he’s still left clueless. “And you’re okay if he turns out to be the one for her?”
Mark glances at him, smiling while his eyes show nothing but a pang of guilt and pain. “At this point, Chenle,” he murmurs, “I actually wish for it to happen.”
“So she believes in Soulmates too, huh?” Donghyuck asks, his shoulders are slumped forward in disappointment. It’s Friday the 13th and while everyone is feeling spooked out over the infamous urban legend, Donghyuck is feeling upset over an entirely different reason. “Damn it!”
Yukhei snorts. “Dude, everyone believes in Soulmates; it’s only you who don’t. It’s basically, like, written in the law or something.” When Donghyuck shoots him a look, Yukhei just huffs. “All I’m saying is it’s not just a myth, dude. This shit happens.”
Donghyuck knows that but he’s really interested in her—well, he’s always been interested in her, since back then when they were young even. Donghyuck didn’t think he’d be able to meet her again but well, luck is apparently on his side. Not that much, though, because she forgot about what they used to have. Donghyuck learned along the way that she’d gotten into an accident in high school and that was how she lost her memories. He understands the situation and he’s willing to restart everything again because even after all this time, Donghyuck still likes her. And for these past few months, Donghyuck has become so close to her once again and it’s like they’re back to that time where they used to play together on the beach with sands under their feet. She still smiles and gazes at him in the way she did back then and Donghyuck thinks her beauty lasts for eternity.
She even said one time, as he was trying to catch his breath after his soccer practice, that he reminded her of the sun, the way he shone so brightly when he played on the field, how his every movement and smile drew attention from the crowd.
“You should be called Haechan,” she said sheepishly, bumping her shoulder against his in a playful manner. “I think it fits you more. What do you think?”
His heart was racing for an entirely different reason. He couldn’t believe that even when she had lost her memories, she still repeated the same thing in the exact same way. So Donghyuck swallowed hard, trying his best to appear nonchalant, and said, “I think that’s the stupidest pet name someone has ever given to me, but it’s okay. You can call me that.”
It would be great if they could be something more. But well, if she believes in Soulmate and if Donghyuck turns out to not be the one she’s waiting for then they probably shouldn’t start anything to begin with.
“This whole Soulmate thing sucks balls!” Donghyuck whines, kicking a pebble stone to the side of the street as he walks next to his tall friend on the sidewalk. “I really want to try and be with her, you know? I didn’t try anything back then because we were too young to understand our feelings but now we’re older and I really, really like her but God-fucking-dammit, Yukhei, what if I’m not her Soulmate? What if she won’t accept me?”
Yukhei pats his friend on the back. “Well, you still have your chance, Hyuck. Maybe someday, she’ll fall and bruise her knees or something and you’ll get the same scar—her scar. Who knows, right? Maybe you are her Soulmate.”
Donghyuck doesn’t put a lot of wish on that. He’s never much of a believer anyway. “She doesn’t seem to have scars now, though,” he says, “So how can we tell who her Soulmate is?”
“But you don’t have scars too, do you?”
“Actually, I—”
“Donghyuck-Hyung!” A skinny boy with fluffy blond hair, calls from somewhere behind him. Donghyuck turns around and grins when he sees the boy approaching him. “Hey, asswipe! What’s up?”
“I told you not to call me that.” But Chenle reciprocated by giving him his personal high five. After a quick chatter, Chenle drops his smile and displays a solemn look on his face. “Hyung, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
It’s on the next day, June 14th, when Donghyuck literally steals Yukhei’s key (he thinks Yukhei wouldn’t mind anyway) and drives his motorcycle for less than a mile, heading south. Donghyuck doesn’t waste any more time. Since he heard what Chenle told him yesterday, Donghyuck has been so anxious. He needs to see her now and he needs to see her fast.
That afternoon isn’t actually chilly, but Donghyuck brings his black leather jacket with him—just for luck. He wears a thin white shirt underneath it and a black full covered helmet on his head. He’s brought another helmet with him, not caring about the possibility of her rejecting his proposal of an impromptu date. Donghyuck has always been that confident.
Getting the address of her house isn’t actually easy, but it’s not the hardest question in the world either. When he stops in front of her house, his wristwatch says it’s 02.14 p.m. He still has enough time to go watch a movie with her and have dinner together—if she agrees to go on a date with him in the first place. 
Jumping out from his—or rather, Yukhei’s—motorcycle, Donghyuck takes off his helmet and ruffles his short hair, pushing back his fringe with his lean fingers. He doesn’t say it often but he thinks he looks a bit hotter when his forehead shows and if he’s going to charm this girl off her feet, he needs all the luck he can get. And that is why he’s putting his RayBan sunglasses on too.
He picks up his phone and dials her numbers. She answers on the second ring and it’s cute that her “Hello?” sounds more like a panic shout rather than a friendly greeting. “Hey, baby,” Donghyuck jokes with a grin, but it makes her gasp. He hears her stutter out his name in return. “Can you go out to your balcony for me?”
“W-why?” she asks, a bit breathlessly for some reason. Donghyuck secretly hopes his voice is the reason behind it. He likes to think he has that effect on her, because sometimes, when she wears her floral blue shirt combined with her white skirt, she has that same effect on him as well. That feeling of needing to breathe when you’re already breathing. It’s weird but he likes it.
“Just do it, please?” he begs, even displaying his puppy eyes though he knows she won’t be able to see them.
“Umm... O-okay then…” 
A moment later, she appears on her veranda, wearing a short, casual navy blue summer dress with a white collar that looks like a sailor’s. Her hair is untied, flowing over her shoulders and Donghyuck can already tell that she’s about to tuck some strands of her hair behind her ears. He always loves it when she does that. He’ll love it even more if one day she gives him the chance to do it for her.
“Umm, I’m already out,” she nervously mumbles out, pushing her locks to the back of her ear. Her phone is strapped to her ear and she examines her surrounding until her eyes land on the man who’s leaning on a (stolen) bike.
“Hey,” Donghyuck smiles that one smile he knows could drive women crazy. He adds this thing with his eyebrows just in case she’s not affected by his smirk. “So, I woke up this morning and I thought of you. Wanna go out on a date with me?”
She gapes, her cellphone almost slides down from her hand. “I-I’m—” Even Donghyuck can see her blush from under there. “Donghyuck-ah, I—”
“How many times should I tell you?” Donghyuck sighs, playfully sending her a glare. “Just call me by that name you gave me.”
“D-didn’t you say it was stupid?”
“It’s stupid because it makes me feel special.” And he doesn’t lie, not in the slightest. “You make me feel special.”
Her face burns even more. “Look, I don’t think I can go—” She takes a look behind her, worriedly glancing to her room. “I’m supposed to stay in my room and—”
“Have you ever broken any rules before?” Donghyuck asks and if she hadn’t lost her memories, she’d say yes and tell him that that’s the exact reason why she got into that accident. But this new version of her only gnawed at her lip worriedly. “Come on, Noona. You don’t need to tell your parents.” He’s extremely persuasive, especially with that signature eyebrow-raise of his with his eyes twinkling mischievously after he took off his sunglasses. “Just come with me. I’ll take you back home before they even know you’re gone.”
It’s tempting. Donghyuck’s offers are always tempting and he looks really good in that leather jacket while sporting his messy pushed-back hair. She once thought Donghyuck looked the best wearing his soccer jersey on the field because he appeared so young and boyish that way. But this. This exact style. He reeks of masculinity and pure sex—
“Are you coming?” Donghyuck snaps her away from her reverie. She continues nibbling on her lip in anxiety, looking back again before she glances at the boy once more. “Okay, yes,” she finally says and Donghyuck tries not to jump and stab the air in victory. “I can’t go down from the stairs, though. My father’s in the living room.”
“Well then, jump,” he simply says, walking closer until he stands just below her balcony and tries to be as quiet as possible as he strolls through the bushes. “Come on, Noona. Jump. I’ll catch you.”
“T-there’s no way I can do that!” Her cheeks spark bright red. “I’m wearing a dress!”
“Well then, I’ll close my eyes.” He spreads his arms wide to catch her and simply closes his eyes like he said. “See?”
“How are you planning to catch me when you can’t even see me?!” She protests and Donghyuck wants to laugh because her shrieking voice is so pleasantly cute.
“Hey,” Donghyuck says, opening his eyes again just to gaze straight into her eyes. “I won’t let you fall. I promise. Don’t you trust me?”
Something in the tone he uses lights a spark in her chest. “O-of course.”
“Then trust me.” Donghyuck smiles again and shuts his eyes closed. “Now jump.”
She still hesitates, thinking this over and over again with her hand pressed nervously against her chest. Finally, she decides to just get this over with. “I’m—I’m a bit heavy, though.”
“You’re not heavy, you’re pretty,” Donghyuck smoothly says and on any other occasion, she would have laughed because that’s probably the worst line to say at the moment. “Now come on. Jump.”
“But Haechannie—”
And she does. With a rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins, she jumps in her sailor dress with only her phone being held in her hand. She’s about to yelp but the fall is too fast that it ends before she can scream. True enough, Donghyuck manages to catch her with his arms and she falls with a small ‘oof’ to his chest. 
“Hello Kitty panties?” Donghyuck teases, his spine being pressed against the ground and although it does hurt a little, everything is worth it since she is now lying on top of him. “Really, darling?”
She gapes, blushing madly, and lands a small slap on his chest to cover her embarrassment. “You said you wouldn’t look!” She makes too much rustling noises over the fuss, while Donghyuck tries to contain his laughter. He would’ve let her hit him again if he didn’t hear someone’s footsteps closing on them.
Her father is now walking through the front door. 
Donghyuck does the most brilliant thing to do at the moment—according to him anyway—which is to roll to his side and hide both of their bodies behind the bushes. She ends up lying on the ground with Donghyuck’s body covering her. He holds her head close to his chest so she won’t knock herself on the ground. Her ear is pressed against his heart and she cannot focus when Donghyuck pulls her closer and warns her with a whisper, “Be quiet...” 
Her father doesn’t take a detailed look around the place, probably wondering whether it was just the neighbor’s cat doing noisy things as always. He ends up leaving after picking up the newspaper that he forgets to retrieve in the morning.
When the sound of the front door being closed reaches their ears, they both let out a relieved sigh. “Holy shit, I thought I was about to die,” Donghyuck says, laughing when he sees her holding back her smile. “Your hair’s a mess.” He reaches out a hand and fixes her fringe and that’s when she realizes that she’s in such proximity to his face and she’s literally lying underneath him.
She immediately pulls away and stands up properly before she slightly bows with her face blazing hot. “I’m—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hold you like that—”
“Hey, relax,” Donghyuck says, cleaning the dirt off his ripped jeans as he stands up as well. “It was my fault. And I was enjoying every second of it anyway so...” He grins that familiar boyish smile of his and although she pouts and pushes him playfully by the shoulder, inside her thumping heart, she feels alive.
“I can’t believe you saw my panties,” she mutters, fixing her hair as her cheeks continue to burn. “So embarrassing.”
“I think it’s cute.”
Her face is about to explode. “You promised you’d close your eyes!”
“I didn’t.” Donghyuck wiggles his eyebrow once in a teasing manner. “I only promised you I’d catch you. And I did, right? I didn’t let you fall.”
She looks away, trying her best to calm her racing heart. “Y-yes. Thanks.”
“My pleasure. Now, come on,” Donghyuck says, taking her hand without permission (not that she’d mind) and guides her to his—Yukhei’s—ride. “I’m thinking of relishing our childhood memories and—” he stops when he sees her frowning and he looks flustered because, “God, I’m so stupid. Of course you wouldn’t remember.” His voice is quiet before he gets a grip of himself and clears his throat. “What I want to say is, there are two choices you can choose: First, it’s a safe option where we go out to the movies, choose whatever it is that’s lame enough so you’ll get bored and start talking to me during the play—hey, stop laughing!” Donghyuck pokes her on the cheek when she giggles at his words. “And then we’ll get dinner afterward before I take you home. Or second, and this is the more daring one, we go to the nearest beach and see whatever the hell that’s going to happen there and just let God decides where we go next.” He gives her another spare of his helmet. “So what do you wanna do?”
She thinks about it for a few seconds, just to build the hype, before she says, “I’ll go with the second option.”
“Well, I am hurt,” Donghyuck mutters. “You just thought talking to me during the movie would be boring, didn’t you? You’ve underestimated my interpersonal skills, woman.”
“It’s not that,” she replies, grinning as she sits behind him and wraps her arms around his waist. “I’m just worried that you’re gonna order pizza for dinner and I don’t think that’s gonna be romantic.”
“Ah, so you want our situation to be romantic, do you?” Donghyuck teases, her plan backfires. “I knew you’ve always had the hots for me.”
Her jaw hangs low on her blushing face. “That’s not what I—” And her words end up with a scream when Donghyuck suddenly drives off. She winds her arms tighter around his waist and Donghyuck laughs because she’s adorable in the way he finds to be the cutest form possible.
To her, this is the first date she’s ever experienced. She has never been with anyone before him and she likes Donghyuck so much because he seems so carefree and fun, while on the other side, dangerous and unpredictable. He’s a bit four-dimensional and she wants to know what’s hidden more under those multilayer personalities of his. But what attracts her the most is how she feels familiar and safe in his presence. She feels like she can trust him as if she’s known him for her whole life.
Had the accident never happened, she would’ve noticed how different Donghyuck is if being compared with her past boyfriend, Mark Lee. While Donghyuck is impulsive and daring, Mark has always been the cautious one. Mark is the guy who pays attention to every little thing that happens to her—even when she doesn’t realize it herself. While Donghyuck, on the other hand, is that person who desires simplicity. The boy who says, “I want you” instead of “I need you”. And that’s entirely different than how Mark, the boy who offers commitment and loyalty, had promised her once.
But memory is just a memory. Donghyuck used to live in the shadows of her mind, but now he’s alive and there’s no way he’s going to let her go for the second time.
It’s time for Mark to stay in the darkness and just let go of what he used to have.
This time, the table has turned.
Mark Lee sighs for the fifteenth time that day because his mother keeps on pestering him to go back to his daily therapy session but he’s not having any of it. Not today. He’s already tired of having to go to the doctor every day only to hear the line, “There hasn’t been many changes but don’t worry, we’ll get you better soon, Mark,” or maybe in some better days like yesterday, he got a “Good news, Mark! We can start the surgery by the end of the week! That is, of course, if you’re willing to follow the procedures and healthy enough to undergo the surgery.” 
Mark is scared to his bones but he doesn’t tell anyone that. Being consumed with fear isn’t something he wants to be proud of and he knows that it won’t do anything other than making people worry about him more. He’s had enough of that. So he just smiles and tries to get better for his mother.
Not today, though. Today, he needs to let go.
This is why tonight, he puts on his sweater and strolls out of his house without telling anyone. He rarely breaks any rules but today, he just wants to get out and breathe the outside air as much as he wants to. He takes a deep breath and with trembles in his fingers, he reaches out for his brother’s bicycle. The memory of the accident is still clear in his head but he’s already promised himself he’d move on. And this is him, moving on.
He rides the bicycle slowly, still remembering to take care of his condition. He keeps pedaling until he reaches her new address. They used to live next to each other, but after the accident that happened with Mark, her family thought that it’d be better if they stay as far as possible from each other. But here he is now, standing in front of her gate with an anxious heart and shaky fingers, just like how it was when he picked her up for their first date.
Mark weakly smiles to himself. “Just say your goodbye and leave, Mark. Just do that and move on.”
He presses the doorbell and waits.
A moment later, she comes out wearing a knitted sweater Mark once gave her for their second anniversary and that sight of her made him feel like the earth is sinking below him. Why is she wearing that? He screams in his mind, as his eyes grow wide. As far as Mark knew, her parents tried to keep every little bit of Mark away from her, to keep her safe just in case it’d bring something painful to her shattered memories. Her mother probably mistook it for her own sweater and that was why she didn’t throw it away.
“I’ll call you later, okay, Haechannie?” she says, giggling to her cellphone as she walks toward the fence that separates her from him. “I know. Of course, I’ll brush my teeth. I’m not you.” She laughs quietly, muttering ‘one sec’ to Mark as she tries to drag open the gate. “Okay, hey, I really need to go. Someone’s here.” 
Mark tries to stop the wounded look from appearing on his face. Someone, Mark thinks, smiling bitterly. She doesn’t even know my name.
“I’ll call you—” Then she laughs again, her cheeks getting red and Mark secretly hopes that it’s because of the cold, and not over Donghyuck’s words from the other side of the line. “Yes, okay, good night. I’ll see you later, Haechannie. Bye.” Then she shuts her phone and looks at Mark apologetically. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. My boyfriend just kept on babbling,” she explains, chuckling in embarrassment. “Hi, is there anything I can help you with?”
Her laughter still sounds as airy and adorable in his ears and Mark tries to erase the sickening feeling in his gut after knowing that he’s no longer the reason behind her laughter.
“Hi, uhh…” Mark rubs his nape, clearing his throat. “You probably don’t remember me, but umm—we’ve met at the library? I helped you with your books.”
She frowns for a few seconds before her eyes light up. “Ah!” She exclaims, smiling widely at him. “You’re the library guy! Hi, yes, of course, I remember you.”
Library guy. He can’t take it anymore. “It’s Mark,” he murmurs.
She blinks. “What?”
“My name,” he says, louder this time. His fingers are curling into fists on the sides of his jeans. “My name is Mark Lee.”
“Oh,” she says, throwing another heartwarming smile as she offers him her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Mark Lee.” The way she says his name still feels natural to his ears, which only makes him suffer harder. She tells him her name, wanting to give him a firm handshake.
“I already know your name,” Mark says, and somehow his tone seems cold. She drops her hand with a surprised look on her face. Mark wonders whether she sees the dejected look he displays on his face because her smile vanishes completely and she seems utterly heartbroken. To her, Mark looks exactly like Donghyuck used to stare at her sometimes—that look when someone wishes to be remembered. She doesn’t know what happened in the past but she knows she’s hurting him somehow.
“I’m sorry,” she says, almost in a whisper. “I have… I have a bad memory so… If we’ve met before and I can’t remember you, I’m… I’m really sorry.”
Mark wants to slap himself on the face for being so selfish. He just hurt her again. She doesn’t even know him and he just hurt her again. “No, it’s not that,” Mark hurriedly explains with a reassuring smile. “I know you because I once saw you writing down your name when you borrowed the book. I work at the library, remember?”
She blinks twice before she lets out a relieved sigh. “Oh... Right…” she utters, smiling to herself. “Well, I… Thanks for helping me out back then.”
She looks just as beautiful as she used to when she snuggled up against him on the couch. Mark brings his hands into the pocket of his jeans so he won’t accidentally stroke her cheek or lace their fingers together. “No problem.”
“So, what’s up?” she chirps and Mark realizes he needs to find a better excuse than this is probably the last time I can see you and that’s why I want to say goodbye properly.
“It’s umm…” It’s painful for him having to lie straight to her face like this. He never once lied in front of her when they were together but now that they’re living separate lives with no connections to each other, it feels like that’s what he’s been doing all the time. Just lying, forcing himself to smile,  distancing himself from everyone, and pushing himself to say her name effortlessly even when the pain in his chest is overwhelming. “Nothing important, really,” Mark says, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. “I just came here to remind you that you need to return the book by tomorrow.”
“What? Oh!” She gasps, placing a hand over her mouth. “You’re right! Oh God, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.”
Mark only smiles back and his eyes are soft and gentle. “No problem. It’s my job anyway.”
She laughs a bit. “Such a hardworking young man. Next time you could just call me, you know? You don’t have to come over to my house. It’s freezing.” The way she talks is always fascinating to see and hear. Her smile never leaves her face and her hands are constantly moving animatedly every time she opens her mouth. Mark can actually feel his heart racing at the sight of her. “Oh, look at that.” She announces, glancing at Mark’s hands that are starting to go red from the cold. “You’re not wearing any gloves. Wait for a sec, will you? I’ll get you some!” And she hurries back into her house before he can stop her.
When she comes out a moment later, she carries a pair of her gloves (Mark remembers well the salmon pink color and the white stripes at the end of it) and her cheeks glow in a darker shade of red when she says, “These are mine but they’re a couple of sizes bigger on me so I hope they’ll fit.” She tucks his hands inside the gloves exactly like that time before Mark pushed her against the fence and poured his feelings against her lips. When she’s finished, she also asks, “There. Better?”
Mark can’t stop himself from feeling hurt. It’s like his heart is being ripped apart and he can’t do anything to prevent it. Before he knows it, his eyes grow hot and his vision starts to blur. He doesn’t let his tears fall though. He quickly covers it with a grateful smile. “Thank you,” he says and she smiles back, squeezing Mark’s hand in a friendly way before she lets go.
“You’re welcome,” she cheerfully says. “By the way, Happy Christmas Eve.”
Mark smiles while his heart is breaking. If he closes his eyes right now, will the earth swallow him whole?
“So, Mark Lee,” she begins, leaning her back to the fence. “Is there anything else you want to remind me of? Did I forget to pay for the book or something?”
There’s a lot of things he wants to remind her about. The warmth of his hand, the sound of his voice when he confessed to her, the taste of their first kiss, everything. But every little joyful memory he has of her will only inflict pain on her behalf so he holds himself back. Mark laughs, shaking his head. “No, you’re okay,” he says, staring at her with a gentle smile constantly displayed on his lips. 
After a while, she playfully raises an eyebrow in question. “What? Why are you staring at me?”
Mark doesn’t know what’s gotten into him, but at that moment, he reaches out his hand and pushes her bangs out of her eyes, just like how he used to do back then. She freezes on her feet, her eyes growing wide, her breathing stalls.
“I’m—” Mark splutters. “I’m sorry, I just—” He panics, his hand going over his chest, feeling his heart thumping fast and it begins to hurt—more than anything he can ever bear. “I’m so sorry.” And he turns around, carrying his bicycle with him before he pedals away through the night. His heart is screaming with more pain for the distance he puts between them.
She stands there on the ground with parted lips. Her eyes are fixed on Mark’s back as he drives away and then suddenly, a tear slips out from the corner of her eye.
“Oh…” She falls to her knees, hugging herself with her arms as she cries and cries and cries harder over something she doesn’t even know what. She just feels so hurt, as if something is tearing every bit of her heart apart. She covers her mouth as she sobs louder. Breathing becomes hard, just as hard as she tries to explain why is she feeling like this. Why does she feel like someone is leaving her? Someone very important, just like a piece of her soul. What is happening?
“Honey!” Her mother comes out with shock written on her face and cradles her into her arms. “Darling, what happened?”
But she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know what to say. She just feels like dying. She just feels like she can’t breathe.
It’s as if a promise had just been broken and there’s nothing left of it to reminisce.
Mark stops and jumps off his bike the second he makes a turn a few meters away from her house. His hand is curling against the front of his shirt while the other one is holding him up from not lying flatly on the ground. He’s on his knees and he coughs to the cold night, gasping as if he was on the edge of losing his life. Her name is on the tip of his tongue and everything feels like knives, piercing through his skin.
He was so close. For a moment there, Mark saw her looking at him like she remembered him. She’s not supposed to remember him.
It hurts and Mark can’t fight his tears back anymore. He cries.
Donghyuck is staring at the latest episode of his favorite drama on channel 16 with drowsy, half-lidded eyes as he places his head on top of his girlfriend’s lap. They were in Donghyuck’s dorm room, specifically on his single-sized bed and she’s there, stroking his hair softly because Yukhei is out playing basketball with the new Chinese student and that means they can have quality time together.
Dating Donghyuck has been easy and she is enjoying every second of it. Donghyuck, that peculiar human being, likes to impersonate people as his daily jokes and it has become quite of a habit. From his usual Michael Jackson impersonation to something way more extreme such as creating new personas for himself. 
It started a week ago when Donghyuck picked her up to campus wearing ripped, washed-out jeans, black boots, and a wifebeater underneath his black leather jacket. The weirdest thing was, he had a cigarette sticking on the side of his mouth but it wasn’t lit—Donghyuck never smoked anything in his entire life.
“’ Sup,” he said, lowering his voice to make it sound deeper after he spat to the ground in a manly way (based on his own opinion, of course).
“What on earth is happening to you?” She asked, staring at him bewilderedly from head-to-toe.
Donghyuck pretended to blow some smokes from his cigarette. “The hell are you talkin’ ‘bout, girl? I’m a gangster. This is what gangsters do. Now hop on my bike, you little shit.”
She just stared flatly at him. “I’m not gonna go anywhere with you talking to me like that.”
“But I’m a gangsta! Gangsters swear, sucker.” 
“And you think swearing is attractive?”
Donghyuck snickered, breaking out of his character. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry. I’m just trying on something new,” he explained, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles once. “You look very pretty today. Now, will you please go with me? We’re going to be late.”
“And you look ridiculous.”
“I know,” he chuckled and then he began to get into character again. “But I’m serious. Get on my fucking bike, bitch.”
She sighed but rode away with him anyway.
On the next day, he dressed up in a pair of baggy pants, a shirt with the words “Nerds for life” written upon it, eyeglasses that were too big for his little face, and sneakers that were way too white and way too clean.
“Good afternoon, my fellow specimen!” He saluted, holding a Star Wars graphic novel in his hands as he sat beside his girlfriend on the bleachers. He was supposed to get ready for another soccer game that was going to start in another half an hour, but here he was, dressing like a dork and bugging her like always.
“Let me guess,” she sighed, rubbing her temple. “You’re a nerd.”
“A nerd, I am not,” he said, imitating Yoda from the Star Wars franchise. “But a beauty, yes you are.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous, I am not.”
“Will you stop it already?”
“Stop, I can not.”
“Shut up!” She was beginning to laugh when Donghyuck kept talking like that as he tried to kiss her. “No! Don’t kiss me! You’re gross!”
“I am Donghyuck Skywalker and you are my mate, Princess Leia!” He announced, suddenly standing on one of the seats and opened his arms widely above his head. “We shall roam the entire universe! Just us two, you and me, with your beauty shining brighter than the stars!” Then he jumped back down, placed his hands on his hips, and smirked as he spoke, “Now open up your hangar ‘cause my starfighter needs refueling—”
That happened almost every day for at least an hour-long, but him dressing up like an idiot was enough to attract the entire campus and to make his girlfriend dying from either laughing too hard or drowning in secondhand embarrassment—the latter tends to happen more often. From being Hyuckcutio—the desperate lover from the medieval age (he wore a cape and had a rose between his teeth), Donghyucko Mucho—the Spanish guy who fell hard for his Rosalinda (he had a fake mustache on his face), to Donghyuck Dawson—the American dude whose heart still sailed for his Rose DeWitt Bukater even when the ship fucking sank. 
She found him to be amusing and it was really entertaining watching him work hard to impress her. But if she had to choose, the moment she loved the most would be when Donghyuck dressed up in a plain white tee, washed-out jeans, and a smile that was bright enough to make other people look at him in a daze. His brown hair wasn’t styled in any way, and it looked so fluffy with bangs falling over his eyes. 
He sat on the bleachers next to her and playfully bumped his shoulder against hers. “Hey, baby.”
His girlfriend smiled back, cheeks glowing in pink. “Who are you trying to be now?”
Donghyuck shrugs. “Myself.”
“Hmm…” She hummed before she kissed his cheek. “I think…” I like this one the most. “You look ridiculous.”
Donghyuck laughed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he ruffled her hair. “I know.”
“Something weird happened to me yesterday,” she confesses, playing idly with Donghyuck’s dark strands as she hangs around on his bed. Donghyuck’s head on her lap is a comforting weight she tends to miss when she’s alone in her room. “There’s this guy who came to my house late in the evening and he looked familiar but I can’t place who he was in my mind.”
Donghyuck turns around and looks up at her. “Maybe he’s an old friend?”
“Maybe,” she sighs. “He kept on staring at me and when I asked him why, he kind of brushed my hair and I just cried.”
Donghyuck raises his right eyebrow. “You cried?”
She nods, looking worried and dispirited so Donghyuck lifts his head off her lap and pats her head. “Hey, hey, hey,” he says, giving her a playful smile. “Don’t worry about it, okay?”
“I don’t know what happened, it’s just—” She exhales heavily, lacing Donghyuck’s fingers with hers. “I suddenly felt so sad and there’s this pain aching in my chest. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Hey,” Donghyuck kisses her knuckles to soothe her down. “You’re okay. Nothing’s wrong with you. That guy was probably some sort of a voodoo believer or something and he tried to hypnotize you. I’m just glad you’re not hurt.”
She smiles, giving her boyfriend a flick on the nose. “Stupid. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Sure, it does!” Donghyuck swiftly pulls her by the leg and she falls to the bed with a giggle on her lips. Donghyuck climbs up her body, kissing her cheek before he grins at her.
“What?” she asks, her eyes have that teasing twinkle in them. “You look like you’re about to kiss me.”
“No, I don’t.” Donghyuck snorts. “What, just because I’m lying on top of my girlfriend with my face being this close, you think I want to kiss you? Such confidence you have.”
She retaliates with a playful shove against his shoulders and Donghyuck laughs before he pins both of her hands to the bed. He leans close and kisses her lips, gentle like usual but also has that fiery spark behind it. 
She tenderly smiles and lets him kiss her one more time before he sighs and trails his fingertips along the side of her face. “What now?” she asks, grinning teasingly.
Donghyuck’s playful smirk has vanished away from his face. “You know I love you, right?” he asks, his face serious as he traces her bottom lip with his thumb. This is actually the first time she hears him say those three words and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t surprised. 
She parts her lips to speak. “Why are you suddenly—”
“I just thought you should know,” Donghyuck says, his eyes are deep with sincerity and adoration. “I’ve actually been in love with you for a while. I guess I’ve even loved you from back when we were kids.” He chuckles quietly to himself when he sees her frowning. “You don’t remember anything, do you?” He twirls a strand of her hair around his finger. “Back then when I hit you with my ball and you just stared at me with that cute look on your face? You don’t remember that?”
“So that spring wasn’t the first time you hit my head with a ball?” she gives him a look and Donghyuck laughs before he kisses the corner of her mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I guess I have the knack in running to damsels in distress and hitting them on the head with my ball.”
“Yeah, with you being the cause of their distress.”
Donghyuck pinches her cheek until she bursts out laughing. He rolls to his back and brings her forward to lie on top of him. She balances herself by putting her hands on his chest and Donghyuck tucks her hair behind her ear. “Do you love me?” he asks, quietly and she can see the insecurities in his eyes. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t but—”
“I do,” she hastily answers before he starts rambling nonsense. “Donghyuck you’re my Soulmate. Of course, I love you.” She bends her head down to kiss him deeply, tugging his lower lip with her teeth. “I do. I love you.”
Donghyuck groans lowly before he flips her back to her previous position, him hovering above her. He parts her lips with his and begins tasting every corner of her mouth, making her moan delicately against his warm lips. She cards her fingers through his hair before she rests her hand on his nape, touching the scar that has the exact same shape as hers.
A mark that indicates they’re both connected as Soulmates.
The clock indicates that it’s 05:17 p.m when his mother hugs him close to her chest. “You’ll be alright, Mark,” she whispers in his ear, her voice breaking. “I will just be right here and we’ll meet again in a few hours, okay?”
Mark Lee smiles brokenly to his family as he leans back on his wheelchair. His father pats him on his shoulder, “I’ll see you later, Son.” 
His older brother gives him a familiar punch to his shoulder, teasing him although his concerned eyes betray him. “You’ll be okay, buddy. Think about it, we can play soccer again after this and I don’t have to hold back for your weak ass.” And Mark only chuckles softly before the doctor drags him away to the surgery room.
“Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad,” Mark says, waving his hand and he can hear his own voice ready to shatter into pieces in the next seconds. “Bye, Hyung.”
And he dedicates his final farewell with a thought of her name.
“Everything will be fine, Mark,” the doctor says, eyes sparked with reassurance though his words mean nothing to Mark’s ears. The patient lies on his bed, taking a deep breath before the nurse injects a needle into his skin. “We’ll get you a new heart so you can ride your bike all day long again like you used to, okay?”
“Okay, Doc,” Mark simply responds, mirroring his smile that soon drops to the ground the second the older man glances away.
“Can you count to ten for me?”
The boy nods, beginning to count as the liquid runs through his veins, making him feel numb and sleepy.
He remembers that one morning when he first realized he was in love. It was when she appeared in front of his room, breathless with a frantic look on her eyes, and screamed at him for not telling her that he was having a fever. She skipped school that day, no matter how many times her mother tried to drag her back there, saying that she wanted to stay at home and take care of her best friend.
Mark remembers the second month after they started dating. Of melted ice cream cones and chocolates they shared after school was over. And those secret kisses they stole from each other when their parents weren’t looking. Mark remembers how she used to compare him with summer, and when Mark pouted because he thought she was talking about how his pale skin easily got burned under the sunlight, she only laughed, kissed his cheek, and said, “You’ll always be my summer, Mark.”
He remembers how they used to speak those three words every night and every morning of every day. He remembers how they used to be so shy and he also remembers the day those three words became a promise. A promise, in Mark’s case, that lasts forever. But one that she’d forget in the near future.
Mark had only sung to her with his nervous fingers playing his acoustic guitar four times, but the adoration and the love she had in her eyes lasted for four years.
“There are five reasons why you should fall in love and stay in love with me, Mark Lee,” she once said with a smug smile on her face. “First, I’m a natural beauty.” Mark yawned and she threw her pillow at him. “Second, I’m a loving and caring person.” Mark rolled his eyes and he got a glare in return. “Third, I’m smart—like hella smart.” Mark began to bury his face in his pillow and she flicked him on the ear. “Fourth, I’m sexy.” Mark stared at her with boredom in his eyes as he clapped his hands nonchalantly. “What, it’s true! You said so once, don’t you dare lie to me! And last but not least, I’m your best friend and I’ve understood you as well as I know the back of my hand.” Mark secretly smiled at that.
“Well,” he said, “you know how many reasons are there for you to love me?”
Her eyes twinkled in a teasing manner. “How many?”
“Just one,” Mark said, lacing his fingers with hers.
“And that is?” she asked, looking up to him through her long, beautiful eyelashes.
“It’s because I love you,” Mark said. “Unconditionally and everlastingly. That should be enough reason for you, right?”
And he muffled her happy giggle with a kiss to her lips.
Mark’s eyes start to grow heavy. “S… Six…”
He remembers the way she blushed when he swatted her bangs away from her eyes. Remembers the way she warmed his hands, puffing her cheeks when he was risking his health for her sake. He remembers the way she gasped against his mouth, her spine pressed against the fence, her fingers fisting at the fabric of his sweater. 
“What are you doing, Mark?”
“I’m writing a song.”
“What’s it called?”
“Seven days.”
Mark went flustered and he nearly fainted when she stole his notepad and kept herself moving, dodging his every attempt in retrieving it, before she read on the lyrics he wrote.
“Surprisingly, a week feels really short. Any time spent with you, to end it, it’s a pity. I’m still curious about everything about you. I fall for you more as I get to know you.” 
She sent him a look and Mark immediately babbled, “It’s not specifically about you, it’s about people in general—“ But she muffled the rest of his excuse with her lips, hands tugging around his collar, pressing him closer than ever.
They just turned eighteen but Mark had her lying underneath him, fingers trembling and lips bruised from his feverish kisses. “I want to be with you. I want to make you feel good. Let me be yours.”
“Am I making you happy?”
A tear slips away from his eye as he begins to close his lids. And the boy never gets to finish counting because his dreams stop there. And now, nightmares welcome him with open arms, just as darkness begins to envelop him once again.
Like an old friend.
“Don’t you think Yukhei will get mad?” she asks, giggling as she buries her face in her boyfriend’s chest, still peppering small kisses now and then. The clock’s ticking, showing the number 18.18 on the screen of her cellphone. They’re still mostly naked underneath the sheets—with her dressed only in her lingerie and Donghyuck only wearing his boxer—not caring that his roommate, Wong Yukhei, can come back there any second.
“What, because we just had sex on his bed and cuddled afterward?” Donghyuck says, and he chuckles when she punches his shoulder. “Hey, I did say I love you but easy on the hands there, Mike Tyson.”
She beams at him and giggles again when Donghyuck begins to hover above her and trails butterfly kisses from her neck to her collarbones. “Shouldn’t we shower? I feel so dirty,” she says, chuckling when Donghyuck licks a long stripe on the sensitive skin.
“Well, I’m about to do something dirtier to you so why bother?” He slides his hand down her stomach, making her fidget a little with his silky smooth touch, and hover his fingers above the line of her lingerie. Noticing how she nibbles on her lip, anticipating something to occur, Donghyuck smirks. “If I ask you to beg, would you do it?”
Her cheeks turn scarlet but she quickly retorts with, “No way in hell.”
He pouts, jutting out his lower lip. “I could make you feel really good, though.”
She can’t stand being the opposite of him when he’s being sinfully seductive like this. “I’m leaving,” she announces, attempts to wiggle herself free from his hold but he catches her with a snicker tumbling off his lips. Settling her down on his lap, he lays a hand on her spine while his other one sneaks around her waist, bringing her close until his lips graze the supple skin between her breasts.
“You’re leaving?” Donghyuck murmurs, landing another trail of kisses between the valley of her breasts, tongue darting out to taste her skin. “But I still need to worship my Goddess.”
She wants to send him a snarky remark but she’s too deep in pleasure to care at the moment. She sighs and runs her fingers through his hair. Donghyuck flips her around, laying her back to the bed, and spreads her legs apart so he can fit between them. She becomes nervous from the intensity of his gaze as if he’s being consumed by desire and he wants to drag her with him.
“I can’t believe you’re mine,” he says, bending down until she can feel his breath fanning the inside part of her thigh. “I’ve been wanting you for so long, you don’t even know.” His eyes never leave hers as he sucks bruises on the sensitive skin of her thigh. “And now that I have you where I want you, I still couldn’t get enough. What should I do?”
She swallows hard, instantly closing her eyes when he pushes her lingerie to the side, fingers dipping inside her warmth. His eyes glimmer with lust, wetting his lower lip once as he’s captivated with her sultry expression. “Fuck, you’re so sexy like this.”
Her fingers are twisting against the sheet when she hears his praise followed quickly by the heat of his tongue rubbing against her clit. She’s drowning, intoxicated by his every move, her orgasm nearing close.
But then Donghyuck suddenly stops and breaks away. His eyes are stern and wide, filled with horror.
She frowns as she follows his gaze, landing her eyes on the middle of her bare chest. There’s a long cut, fresh and red, that starts to appear inch by inch on her skin. It begins from a few centimeters below her collarbones to the skin between her breasts, until it stops just a few inches away from her navel.
“W-what is this?” She sits up straight, touching the cut with trembling fingers. She doesn’t feel any pain, which means—
She takes a look at Donghyuck’s chest—at the man who claims that he’s her Soulmate—and finds nothing. There’s no scar on his chest. The mark comes from someone else.
Donghyuck’s not her Soulmate.
Donghyuck’s gawks at the sight before he stares back at her without blinking. When realization appears vividly on her face, he gulps and stutters, “I-I can explain…”
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” She screams, her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. And when Donghyuck just gazes at her in shock, she pushes him away by his shoulders with so much force, he almost topples off the bed. “GET OUT!”
“W-wait—” Donghyuck tries to explain, standing on his feet with his eyes filled with fear of being thrown away. He looks like death is approaching him. “Noona, please, listen to me—”
“No!” She throws everything she can reach by her hands—his pillow, the sheets, his clothes—while her eyes begin to grow hot and the pain of being betrayed and blatantly lied growing more vividly behind her chest. “How dare you do this to me, you—”
“Noona!” Donghyuck holds her wrists and tries to keep up with her struggle. “Please, calm down and listen—”
“I HATE YOU!” She bites back, crying with her teeth gritting behind her lips when Donghyuck has her pinned back down to the bed. “I hate you…” her voice reduces into a softer tone but somehow it adds more fresh wounds to Donghyuck’s feelings. He knows she doesn’t hate him just like how he will never be able to hate her, no matter what she does. Soulmates or not, she truly does love him. But this... This new scar on her chest... This still changes everything.  
Donghyuck’s eyes turn sorrowful—there’s no more light in them. No joy, no mischievous gleam, nothing but a disappointment he has brought upon himself. “Noona…”
“I believed you,” she sobs, staring at him with broken eyes and quivering lips. “I believed you, Haechannie—how could you do this to me?”
Donghyuck loses his grip, feeling all of his strength leaving his body. “I’m…” He swallows and reaches out a hand when she throws her wrist above her eyes. “Noona, there’s a reason why I’m doing this—”
“Your scar!” She suddenly yells, eyes filled with nothing but rage. “That scar on the back of your neck—is that fake?”
“Answer me!”
Donghyuck freezes, his throat feels dry when he speaks. “Yes,” He finally admits and he can almost hear her heart shattering apart. “Yes, it’s fake.”
She lets out a breath, one hand going to the side of her head. “I can’t believe it…” Her breathing goes a bit ragged. “I can’t believe you’ve been lying to me—”
“Yes, but—”
“After all this time,” she says, staring at him with new tears in her eyes. “After all this time, Haechannie… You’ve been lying to me.”
Donghyuck endures the pain that comes every time she says those words. “Noona, please, you need to listen to me.” And when he tries to take her wrist again, she pulls back immediately.
“Can you please leave?” she asks between her quiet sobs but her tone is definite. “I’m… I’ll be away before you come back so just—” 
“Noona, can we at least talk—”
“Hyuck, please,” she cries, fisting the sheets underneath her. “Just leave me alone.”
And Donghyuck does as she says because he feels that if he stays just a second longer, she’ll break apart even more and he never wants to see her like that. He’s supposed to bring smiles to her face—to make her laugh just like the old days, but look what he has done now? 
Goddammit, Hyuck.
He hurriedly puts his pants on and he’s already standing at the door before he can even place his shirt back on. “Noona…” He whispers, taking a last look at the girl who’s now hugging her knees to her chest and crying miserably to her hands. “I’m so sorry.”
But she doesn’t hear him. She doesn’t want to hear him.
Just let me be alone.
Donghyuck brings his gaze down to the floor. “I’ll give you some time to get ready. I’ll make sure you’ve left before I come back,” he says, closing the door behind him. “Goodbye, Noona.”
This situation seems familiar but it feels way, way much worse.
Mark Lee 
18: 01: 19 
“Doctor, how is he?” Mark’s mother quickly asks the man when he steps into the waiting room. Her husband stands behind her with a stiff hand on her shoulder, praying for his child’s health. Mark’s older brother bites his lower lip, waiting anxiously for the moment he can breathe in relief because he knows his little brother will be fine.
But that turns out to be wrong when the doctor shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry.”
The surgery has failed. Mark’s body rejects his new heart and he can no longer be saved.
Life ends but their sorrow stays.
After passing twenty minutes of trying to calm herself down, burying herself under the sheets during those dreading minutes, she finally gets up from the bed. Her hands are still shaky when she collects her clothing and dresses properly. She stares at herself in the mirror, taking a glimpse of the new long scar in the middle of her chest before she buttons her shirt up. Something must have happened to her other half—she needs to find out what it is. She needs to know who it is.
She closes her eyes. Everything hurts and she doesn’t know why but that man’s face—the guy who stood by her gate last night—keeps appearing on her mind. But every time she remembers him, another wound breaks inside her chest, and tears begin to roll down once more.
Exhaling a deep breath, she searches for her phone. She quickly scrolls through her contact list and dials the numbers she’s been searching.
Pick up, pick up, PICK UP!
A woman’s voice comes through the line. “Hello, Yongsan Municipal Library, how may I help—”
“Yes, hi,” she hastily greets, voice still filled with quivers but with more strength behind it when she introduced herself. “I’m looking for this guy named Mark Lee—he w-works at your place a-and—” her voice breaks at the end, trembling with tears that’s about to flood her eyes. “Can… Can you please, let me speak to him?”
There’s a silence on the other side of the phone and she wonders whether that lady doesn’t understand the words she just said or for some entirely different reason. 
Please let him be okay.
“You’re looking for Mark Lee?” she asks and she nods until she realizes she can’t see her. “Y-yes,” she croaks out.
“Well, he hasn’t come here since two days ago,” the lady explains while her heart sinks below her stomach. “He said he was about to go through surgery—”
“Yes, for his heart,” she answers and her hand unconsciously goes to her chest. It’s starting to make sense now. “I heard he got into the operation room a few hours ago. I’m still waiting for the news, actually. It’s—oh wait, I got a mail. Maybe this is it.” There’s a rustling sound going on in the background and she waits with her heart thumping loudly. A few seconds later, she hears a soft gasp, “Oh my goodness.”
“Ma’am?” she starts. “Ma’am, what’s wrong? Is he alright?”
Say yes. Please say yes.
Another silence before the lady comes to answer her with a voice so quiet she almost mistakes it as a whisper. “Mark Lee has passed away, just a few minutes ago. He was—”
She drops her phone to the floor in panic and quickly unbuttons her shirt again. She runs to the mirror, focusing her gaze at her reflection and she finds nothing.
The scar on her chest has vanished, not even leaving a trace of it behind. Just like the memories she had with him.
Donghyuck doesn’t really leave the room even when she has screamed at him to do so. He’s closed the door behind him but he doesn’t walk away. Instead, he slides down to the floor, pressing his back against the wooden surface, and waits. The hallway is empty and Donghyuck shivers from the cold.
God, you’re so fucking stupid, he thinks to himself. You shouldn’t have agreed with Chenle. You should’ve known this wouldn’t have worked.
Donghyuck traces the scar on his nape—the fake scar that he made to make her believe. To make her think that he was her Soulmate.
He feels like he’s about to vomit. He’s so sick of himself. Disgusting, he thinks, you’re a piece of crap, Lee Donghyuck. He closes his eyes, biting on his lower lip as his mind flashes back to his conversation with his younger friend, Zhong Chenle.
“Hyung, there’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“You said you wanted to get close to her, right?” Chenle had once said to him. “She has a scar on the back of her neck. That’s the clue.”
Yukhei reached out to see what was hidden behind Donghyuck’s collar. “Shit, dude,” he said, hissing, “You don’t have it. The scar—you’re not her Soulmate.”
Donghyuck’s heart flopped and it took a moment for him to recover. “W-well…” He barked a laugh, masking his disappointment though he wasn’t fooling anyone. “Well then, there goes my chance.”
“No, you still have a chance,” Chenle corrected. “I know who her Soulmate is. And he’s dying.”
“Mark Lee,” Chenle said with sorrowful eyes and a broken heart. Donghyuck knew perfectly who he was—that guy, the owner of prominent cheekbones, thin lips, and pale skin who constantly refused his offer to play soccer together. “Mark Lee is her Soulmate, Hyung. But he’s... He’s dying. His heart is weak and that’s why he doesn’t want to get close to her. He knows he’s not gonna last long.”
“B-but—” Donghyuck splutters, frowning. “Does she know about this?”
“No,” Chenle shook his head once. “They used to date and she didn’t even know it back then. They didn’t know it back then. Then they got into an accident and she lost her memories. Mark thinks it’s a chance for him to stay away from her.”
“That’s ridiculous!” Donghyuck shouted angrily. “He’s her Soulmate! She deserves to know! They deserve to be together even just for a while—”
“He doesn’t want to. He’s given up, Hyung. He wants me to tell you that.” And his next words were the last thing Chenle said before he left with an apologetic look on his face. “I know you want to push Mark to be with her but I think you should stop. He thinks it’s better this way.”
Donghyuck hissed under his breath, pushing his hair back in frustration. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Yukhei gaped before his friend confronted him and asked, “Yukhei, what happened when your Soulmate dies before you know them?”
The tall boy realized where Donghyuck was going with this. He remembered how Donghyuck hadn’t gotten any scars on his body yet.
“You’ll find yourself another Soulmate.”
With that in mind, Donghyuck ran through the corridors, stepping into the faculty he knew Mark Lee was in. The paler boy was in the middle of his literature class and Donghyuck just went in, blurting out, “Sorry Prof, it’s an emergency!” to the lecturer before he yanked Mark out of his seat. The older one was quiet, following him without asking questions until Donghyuck shoved him against a wall in an empty hallway.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Donghyuck asked through gritted teeth. His hands were grasping tightly against the fabric of Mark’s collar.
Mark stared at him back with cold, almost challenging eyes. “I should be the one who asked you that. You’re the one who suddenly dragged me over here.”
“She’s your Soulmate!” Donghyuck nearly screamed at him. “Do you know how rare it is to find your Soulmate at such a young age?”
Mark only kept his face straight when he replied, “So you’ve heard.” 
“Yes, I’ve heard, you asshole,” Donghyuck spat back. “And from your friend too because apparently, you’re too busy being such a fucking coward to tell me yourself!”
Mark’s eyes darkened at his degrading words but he didn’t say anything.
Donghyuck exhaled in exasperation. “Look, Mark. do you know how much she wants to find her Soulmate? How much she wants to be with you? You’ve known all along and I know you guys had a history together so why the hell aren’t you two together now?”
Mark’s jaw clenched before he broke their eye contact. “It’s better this way.”
“Why, because you’re dying?”
Mark’s eyes grew hard before he closed them. “Among many reasons.”
Donghyuck was on the verge of punching him so hard across his jaw but when he saw the wounded look that flitted through Mark’s eyes for just a few seconds, he restrained himself. Instead, he just asked,” How could you be so selfish?”
Mark immediately turned to look at the other man with a hard glare, his heart beating fast from his rage. “Selfish?” Mark asked, his tone sounded almost as sharp as a knife. “I’m selfish? Donghyuck-ah, I’m letting the person I care about the most in the world fall into another man’s arm because I don’t want to hurt her! If I die, she’ll—”
“She’ll what? She’ll be sad? Devastated? Well, hey, news flash, Mark. Everybody dies!” Donghyuck exclaimed. “You say you’re dying but you can never know when you’re actually going to die. My condition is as good as a person can be but who can guarantee I’m gonna live long? What if I get into an accident? What if I suddenly get sick and die the next day? You can never know so don’t use that as an excuse, you coward!”
Donghyuck had a point; Mark knew that. But it wasn’t easy.
Mark just shook his head. “I can’t do this.”
“Of course.” Donghyuck scoffed. “And that’s why I said you’re being selfish.”
“You want to talk about being selfish?!” Mark was losing his patience. “Try to look at yourself! You’re here, pretending like you care and want us to be together when it’s obvious that you’re happy with all of this because you get to have her for yourself—”
Donghyuck punched the boy with his right fist. He couldn’t help it. He snapped.
The punch wasn’t hard enough to knock the teeth out of his mouth but it was hard enough to make Mark feel lightheaded and fall to the floor. He hissed, rubbing the pain off his jaw, and leaned his back against the wall. 
“Fine,” Donghyuck said, staring at the boy who looked up at him with a new bruise forming along his right jaw. Donghyuck could see how much Mark wanted to be with her and how much he tried to convince himself to do so. But he could tell how Mark was afraid. That boy almost lost everything once—he knew how awful it was to be left alone. He didn’t want that to happen to her and though Donghyuck understood that, he just couldn’t accept it yet. “If you want to give up on her,” he said, “Then go. Do it. I’m not you so I don’t know how you feel but I can see that deep down inside, you still don’t want to let her go. But the thing is, Mark, I’m gonna fight for her. I’m gonna make her happy. Soulmates or not, I’m gonna try to make her feel loved because I am—I’m in love with her. But I am not happy taking her away from her Soulmate—from you. That’s your fault. You had two options and you chose to leave. That’s your own decision, so don’t try to make yourself feel better by telling me how I feel. You don’t know me.”
Mark brought his head down, nibbling on his lip. His eyes felt hot and he felt downright awful about himself. He didn’t mean to insult Donghyuck—he was just angry for a second there. His emotions had gone over control.
“Then go make her happy,” Mark said, picking himself up from the floor and walked away. Donghyuck stared at his back and nodded with a sincere promise even when the boy could no longer see him.
“Stupid,” Donghyuck murmurs to himself as his flashback ends. “Mark’s right. You’re selfish. You’re such an idiot.” He punches the ground beneath him a few times out of frustration before he slides his fingers through his hair and pulls on the roots. He doesn’t notice how he just cut himself along his knuckles, his skin breaking and bleeding slowly through a thin layer. “You can’t even be sure you’re her next Soulmate, Hyuck. You’re just an idiot. An idiot and an asshole and you just lost her for the second time in your pathetic little life.” He closed his eyes and leaned back to the door. 
Noona, please forgive me.
She slides down to the floor and hugs her knees to her chest. Pressing her temple to her knees, she sobs until her entire shoulders begin to shake.
Mark Lee was her Soulmate. And he knew—that’s why he came to her house that night. Why didn’t he just tell the truth? And why did he look so familiar? So familiar and yet she doesn’t remember anything. Why can’t she remember him?
God, I beg you, please. Let me remember him, she prays under her muffled sobs, if he ever meant something to me, please, let me remember him. I don’t care if it’ll hurt me, I don’t care. I just want to remember him. That’s all I ask.
But as Mark dies, the permanent scar he gets on his chest before his final moment dies with him as well. The memory of him never suffices and Mark is just a shadow, following her everywhere but one that she cannot see.
She braces herself to glance one more time at the scar on her chest but there’s none. The cut has disappeared. She’s just as good as new.
Except for the faint cut that recently appears on her knuckles.
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a34trgv2 · 3 years
Why It Worked: The Princess and The Frog
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Introduction: The Princess and The Frog is an animated musical fantasy romantic comedy film. Directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, the film stars Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos, Keith David, Michael-Leon Wooley, Jim Cummings, Jennifer Lewis, Jennifer Cody, John Goodman, Oprah Winfrey and Terrence Howard. The film was released on December 11, 2009 and recieved very positive reviews from critics and audiences (85% of 200 reviews agregated by Rotten Tomatoes gave an average rating of 7.4/10). The film grossed $269 million on a budget of $105 million. For the past decade, I've grown to love this movie more and more with each passing year. Having rewatched it recently, I now firmly believe this is one of Disney's best films. In this post, I'd like to go into detail as to why.
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The Plot: Based on the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale, The Frog Prince, mixed with the material in The Frog Princess by E.D. Maker, this film tells the story of Tiana, a waitress trying to earn enough money to start her own restaurtant. She encounters a talking frog, who's actually Prince Naveen turned into a frog by Dr. Facilier. He agrees to help Tiana get her her restaurant if she helps him turn back into a prince by recreating the classic tale of The Frog Prince. This backfires and now they're both frogs hopping around the buyou with their gator friend, Louis and a cajun firefly named Ray, to find a way to reverse the spell they were put under. The film is really a subversion of classic fairy tale tropes that makes the film feel fresh and new. The goal for our leading lady is not to fall in love with a prince but to make her childhood dream come true. What also makes this film standout is how magical they make New Orleans, paying tributes to jazz music and cajun cuisine. I also found the humor to be very funny, with many of the jokes getting a great laugh out of me. One of the funniest scenes in the film is when Tiana and Naveen outwit a trio of frog hunters. The slapstick and perfect timing had me in stitches. What really makes the story so engaging is the animation. It's too bad Disney hasn't used 2D animation in their recent films (not to say they don't look amazing in 3D) because the animation in the Princess and The Frog is amazing. The character movements feel so smooth and fluid and they're designs are unique and well defined. It should also be noted that some 3D was used for background elements yet are coated with a 2D paint so well you never would've noticed.
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Cast and Characters: The cast of this movie did outstanding jobs voicing these characters, who are all well developed and very likable. Starting with our leading lady, Tiana is a smart hardworking woman that's determined to start up her restaurant. She's also sassy, funny and a great cook. Anika Noni Rose was perfect as Tiana as gives the character a very determined and no-nonsense tone in her voice. Prince Naveen starts off as an arrogant playboy that only wants to live a carefree life. However, the more time he spends with Tiana, the more he realizes that not everything is just going to be handed to him. This is especially true during the scene when he and Tiana are making gumbo and he comes to realize he's so used to having everything be done for him that he doesn't even know how to take care of himself. Bruno Campos gave a very stellar performance as Naveen, giving him such charm and funny lines while also selling the more personal aspects of his character. Louis the gator is such a fun comic relief that plays a mean trumpet. He easily brings out some of the best laughs and Michael-Leon Wooley gave a very memorable performance as the character. Ray the cajun firefly just might be one of Jim Cummings' best vocal performances, up there with Darkwing Duck, Pete, and (of course) Winnie The Pooh and Tigger. Ray might appear to have a screw or too loose, but he's actually a really smart, brave and reliable ally who's more than willing to help his friends. His love for Evangeline (which is actually the North Star) feels very genuine even if it might come across as odd at first. Then there's the film's made baddie, Dr. Facilier (often referred to as The Shadow Man). Dr. Facilier is every bit as charming as he is sinister. He's manipulative, he's smart, he's charsmatic and he loves what he does. Keith David was excellent in the role, giving him a deep yet unsettling tone in his voice.
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Super Supporting Players: This film has one of the strongest supporting cast I have ever seen. Each of the supporting and even minor characters leave a lasting impression and make the film feel lived in. Lawrence, Naveen's butler, acts as the secondary antagonist of the film, being the catalyst of Naveen's desire for a carefree lifestyle. He sides with the Shadow Man and poses as Naveen while the prince is a frog in order to marry Charlotte La Bouff. Speaking of Charlotte, is very much nothing like the standard spoiled brat. Rather than be snobbish, selfish and rude, Lottie is a true friend to Tiana and is willing to help her get her restaurant. Believe me folks, after having to deal with the likes of Gem Stone, Princess Morbucks, Sincerity (What About Mimi), and Tricia Holmes (6teen), Charlotte is a breath of fresh air. Her father, Eli (aka Big Daddy) is also a very kind and caring figure who, despite spoiling his daughter, clearly raised her well as she gets her generosity from him. Mama Odie is a wise 197 year old blind lady that not only helps our heroes on their journey, but helps them understand the difference between what they want vs what they need. This is echoed by Eudora (Tiana's Mom) earlier in the film, who even in the limited amount of screen time she had exerts such a motherly personality and has authentic chemistry with her daughter. Then there's James (Tiana's Dad), the main driving force behind Tiana's desire to open her restaurant. Despite succumbing to the frequently used "dead parent" trope, every second he's on screen is imperative to the story. He's a kind hard working man who dreamed of opening his own restaurtant with his daughter Tiana. When she tells her Dad about the wishing star, he gives her great advice: "that little star can only take you part of the way. You got to help it along with some hard work of your own and then you can do anything you set your mind to." What truly makes this supporting cast come alive are the stupendous voice work from the actors who portrayed them. Jennifer Cody was fantastic as Lottie, making her sound so energetic and lively. John Goodman is always a treat to hear and he brings such a humble fatherly presence to Eli. Jennifer Lewis perfectly captures the sass and erratic nature of Mama Odie and is an amazing singer. Peter Bartlett right captured the bumbling mannerisms of Lawrence and when he's disguised as Naveen he exerts more confidence in his voice. Oprah Winfrey, who was also a consultant for the film, played Eudora beautifully as a kind and caring mother and they couldn't have picked a better actor than Terence Howard for the role of James.
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Songs and Music: Randy Newman is a musical genius! Every single song in this film is written wonderfully with an awesome beat, wonderful lyrics and the amazing vocal talents of the stars. Starting with the opening track after the lovely melody prologue, Down in New Orleans perfectly introduces the audience to this city and what it's like to live here. The late Dr. John brought such authenticity to the song being a New Orleans native and he had great singing chops. Almost There, Tiana's number, is not so much an I want song, but more like "I'm so close I can almost taste it." Anika Noni Rose has great singing talents and carried that long final note like a champ. The villain song, Friends From The Other Side is (in my opinion) one of the best Disney villain songs. It perfectly captures the charismatic and manipulative nature if Dr. Facilier and Keith David's baritone singing makes this all the more memorable. When We're Human is an upbeat song that showcases the excellent singing talents of Anika Noni Rose, Bruno Campos and Michael-Leon Wooley as they sing about what they'll do when they're human. It also makes great use of the trumpet, the go-to instrument for jazz. Ray is given the distinct honor of singing 2 songs, which are polar opposites yet are both wonderfully well crafted musical numbers. The first is Gonna Take You There, which is a classic cajun song in with Ray sings while he and his firefly family take our heroes to Mama Odie's. It's bounce, it's fun, it's makes great use of the accordion, it's just a great song to listen to. The second is Ma Belle Evangeline, a slow yet beautiful love ballad Ray sings for Evangeline. Even though Ray is singing to a star, it feels very genuine with his mix of French compliments and Louis' slow trumpet playing. Than there's the last musical number before the reprise of the opening track, Dig A Little Deeper. This is my personal favorite song in the film, and that's saying something because they're all great. Dig A Little Deeper incorporates a choir of roseate spoonbills to make it look like a church service on Sunday. It also has a great message behind it about finding what you need versus trying to get what you want. Also, Anika Noni Rose coming in with that extra verse was the perfect cherry on top. In addition to these spectacular musical numbers, Randy Newman also made a very memorable score incorporating strings and strong brass for intense scenes and some soft, subtle tunes for the quiet moments. Where the score truly shines is during Ray's death and funeral. From the sad reprise of Ma Belle Evangeline all the way up to the music slowy but surely picking up as Ray essentially becomes the brightness star in the sky next to Evangeline, this scene best showcases what a great score this film has. The song that plays during the credits, Never Knew I Needed by Ne-Yo, was also the picture bookend to the film, capturing the film's central message in a wonderfully crafted pop ballad with a beautiful piano tune.
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Where It Falters: 👆. No, seriously this film is still a 10/10 in my book, but I personally would've amended this response from Lottie to "Travis, when I said later, I really meant not ever." Still shoots the guy down but without making her speak for all women. This concludes my meaningless nitpick.
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Conclusion: The Princess and The Frog is without a doubt one of Disney's best films and Tiana is my personal favorite Disney Princess. The animation is spectacular, the characters are great, the songs are all wonderful, the voice acting is superb and it delivers a great message of finding what you need versus trying to get what you want. If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend giving this film a watch on Disney+ if you have it. Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you soon ;)
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This addition of Why It Worked is dedicated in memory of my grandmother, Margaret "Peggy" Simpson. I'll see you in Heaven Grandma.
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themerrypanda · 2 years
2021 Fanfic Review
I found this format through @pandirpus and liked it enough to give it a go (and include some stuff from my earlier years before I've done reviews like this.) Any writer friends that want to try it out are welcome!
Published word count for the year: 196,288 total. From 2019: 41,165. From 2020: 77,945. From this year, 2021: 77,179. (Dang, I wrote and published more than I thought this year compared to the last. Go me!)
Written word count for the year: About 278,963 all time. (Too many Google Docs to attempt to get an accurate amount from each year.)
Number of stories posted to AO3: 25 total, 14 just this year. Of the all time total, 17 are from Stardew Valley and 6 from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Fandoms I wrote for: Stardew Valley, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and a brief stint into Loki (TV Show). (In 2020 I also added my very first fanfic for Darkwing Duck that is now ten years old.)
Pairings written for: Of the pairs I actively made (or am making) their stories focus on the romance...
Ferdithea (Ferdinand/Dorothea, FE3H)
Setuela (Seteth/Manuela, FE3H)
Sylki (Loki/Sylvie, Loki)
Elliott/Nicole (Stardew Valley)
I have also done Dimileth, Sylvgrid, Felannie/Netteflix (all from FE3H) in 2020, and Alex/Sara (Stardew Valley) in 2019.
Most popular story: Always. For All Time. wins by total kudos. That’s what I get for writing for a very populated Marvel fanbase lol
Story I’m most proud of: For Stardew Valley, Home and Our Friend Linus. (But really, anything from this collection was fun to write.) For FE3H, my long-fic Rusalka. I'm thirteen chapters (54k words) into it, and I feel like I might actually finish something novel-length with this one.
Funniest: From Stardew Valley, either Doctor Pringle or There's Always A Bigger Fish. From FE3H, The Tale of Sylvain.
Kinkiest/Flirtiest: I don't do smut. The most flirty I get is probably between Alex and Sara the end of Dinner Date for Stardew Valley and a couple Seteth and Manuela interactions in Rusalka for FE3H.
Saddest: From 2021, Stardew Valley's Evelyn. From 2020, FE3H's Haunted.
Least popular: Clear Sky, my novelization of the prologue of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, suffered most from initial "advertising" (accidentally misleading plot summary) upon release. also, no ships
Most cringe-worthy: Probably my first publication, a diary/journal of a generic farmer’s first three seasons in Stardew Valley. I had written it intending to end at about Summer Year 2 and splitting off into a bunch of different farmers’ stories with each bachelor or bachelorette. The farmers (and what I want to write) evolved drastically since.
Favorite opening lines: "Willy stepped outside of his fishing shop and home and inhaled a great, satisfying waft of sea-salty air. A pleasantly cool rain drizzled on his face, and his lips curled into a smile. It will be a mighty fine day for catching red snappers, he thought." ~ Rain, Smoke, and Fish
Favorite closing lines: "“Good kid,” Marlon said. “Bummed I missed the lesson. It’s been, what, fifteen years since your last one?” “Be here tomorrow, practice dummy,” Gil said. “I’ll put you to work.” Marlon laughed. “You’ve been saying that for forty-one years, Gil. And I still don’t believe you.” Gil shrugged as he rocked his chair, a sly smile creeping onto his face." ~ A New Apprentice
Top scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated(TM): For Stardew Valley, Elliott/Nicole looking at the Moonlight Jellies, whether from the dock or a rowboat. For FE3H, Ferdithea during a yet-to-be published scene of them dancing at a ball together.
Story I haven’t written yet, but intend to: For Stardew Valley, maybe a couple of short stories. The bigger goal is to write about Harvey and his relationship with an OC psychiatrist named Kim. For FE3H, I’ve had for over a year a thirteen-chapter WIP of meetings between that many pairs in the Goddess Tower.
Fic-writing goal for 2022: Publish at least ten more chapters of the long-fic Rusalka before 2023.
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
2021 Fanfic Meme
Tagged by @samcybercat, thanks!
Word count for the year: 85812 words on AO3
Number of stories posted to Ao3: 115
Pairings written for:
Janice Quatlane/Melina Whistler
Randall Ascot/Henry Ledore/Angela Ledore
Lucille Layton/Roland Layton
Luke Triton/Arianna Barde
Luke Triton/Marina Triton
Brenda/Clark Triton
Flora Reinhold/OC
Hershel Layton/Claire Foley
Anton Herzen/Sophia
Fandoms I wrote for: Professor Layton, Rhythm Thief, She Ra and the Princesses of Power, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts.
Most popular story:
By hits and comments, it’s Ready Now— a PL AU where Layton adopts the Barde siblings…
By kudos, it’s Bespectacled— a Kipo oneshot where Hugo needs glasses.
Story I’m most proud of: Again, it’s Ready Now. I’m amazed at how much I’ve written for this fic! I have a bad habit of not updating multi-chaptered fics, but I really enjoyed writing about Arianna and Tony (and Crow) going to live with Layton. I liked writing from Arianna’s perspective in another (unfinished) fic, so at least something good could came from that and the Spectre’s Call gang could get more content.
Funniest: I think that would be Cut Concepts, a Miracle Mask fic based on the concept art of Henry and Randall. Henry gets a moustache and Randall gets an AWFUL haircut when he’s older. And I’m just pleased with the punny title!
Kinkiest: I haven’t written anything like that this year. I even went back and deleted some ‘kink’ fics on my old account because they made me cringe.
Saddest: Probably all the JANICE/MELINA ANGST… Inheritance, Secrets, Of Poodles, Crushes and Holiday Plans, and Drag Me Down.
Irrelevant is also sad for the subject matter…
Least Popular: I’ve been writing short fics based on prompts that are approximately ten lines long, so obviously they won’t get as much attention. Most most recent one, Inheritance has the least amount of kudos, but that’s ok!
Most Cringe-Worthy: You shall not pass for the Lord of the Rings references. But it’s kind of supposed to be cringy with Clark being a LoTR fanboy…
Favorite Opening Line(s):
From What have you got to lose?…
“Dibs on the dog!”
Randall clutched all of the metal tokens as if they were priceless treasures. “You’re always the dog,” Randall argued.
“Duh!” Dalston jabbed a thumb at the blue dog logo on his T-shirt. “I’m the only one who actually owns a dog. So hand him over!”
Favorite Closing Line(s):
From Flowers From A Ghost:
“I need a list of anyone and everyone who would want to harm the professor and Luke,” Flora demands.
Clive sighs, but straightens up in his seat. He smirks. “That would be a terribly long list—“
Flora points her pen at him. “Then you’d better start talking.”
Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: Just anything from Ready Now, but specifically the moment where Arianna hugs Layton for the first time at the end of the first chapter.
Also, Flora comforting little Kat after a nightmare during a short oneshot titled I'm not gonna lose you now
Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to:
I neeeed to finish the next part of Ready Now. They’re nearly at Lost Future… After that, we may get a flash forward to the future, but then again, I’m not sure because I know flash forward futures can be quite divisive!
I also desperately need to finish the second part of a fic I started back IN LAST JANUARY called All For Naught.
There’s at least two more parts of Put Yourself in the Narrative I want to write— the Brenda & Clark fic, and the Monte d’Or fic.
And I’d really like to write more fics for She Ra and Kipo, now that I’ve done short oneshots for each already!
Fic-writing goals for 2022: As I just said, I definitely want to write more for She Ra and Kipo! I also have an idea for a Mirio/Tamaki fic that I’d like to write!
Tagging: @asa-liz, @vermontwrites, @edward-elbowlick, @northelypark, @sixtyfourk and anyone else who sees this and wants to do this!
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