#my once in a blue moon ah art post
bbaked-beans · 7 months
thinking about kyana hours so naturally I had to draw her <3
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jerich0two · 7 months
While I'm at it, here's a belated
Intro Post
because I've been more active on Tumblr than I thought I would be (which is always the way!)
Also, a quick "before you ask" section!
You can repost my work on other sites if you want, but ideally please credit me there so people can find my page if they like my work ^^
You can use my fanart for personal stuff! (e.g., profile pics, wallpapers, banners, etc.) Credit is appreciated but not necessary. But please don't try to profit off it or claim you made it yourself.
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(I've given my intro post a bit of a revamp now that I've spent some more time on Tumblr!)
Hey! I'm Jeri. I use any pronouns. I'm happiest when you use whatever you like on me, no caveats, no rules, totally up to you. Mix it up or stick to one. Ah, the marvel of choice!
I'm aroace, and I post content relating to both spectrums now and then. My personal experience is no attraction of any kind in either respect, but I try to read about other experiences too ^^
I mostly post fanart on this blog, with the very occasional, once-in-a-blue-moon fanart-adjacent post. I like to experiment with new brushes and techniques each time I draw, so my art doesn't end up looking all that consistent. The primary fandom I make art for is Hazbin Hotel, but I'm also a big fan of Lackadaisy! Along with a scattering of other things that I'll mention if it ever seems prudent.
I don't do commissions at the moment, but I'm considering mayyybe opening them at some point during the summer, once I figure out how I'll take payment! Fanart requests for the fandoms I'm in are A-OK through asks, but no promises I'll get them done.
That seems about it for things worth knowing!
(If I think of anything else that I ought to put here, I'll edit it in.)
(P.S. I don't consider myself a furry, the fox is just my mascot, and, not at all coincidentally, my favourite animal. AND (while I'm sure the concept is as old as time) I was inspired to make the little intro drawing after seeing the one @/nouverx made! Remove the slash if you'd like to check him out, I don't want to bother anyone by tagging them /lh)
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amazingmsme · 3 months
Restless ‘Til We Reach Home
A Lamb in Wolf’s Clothing (ch. 2)
AN: The long awaited second chapter & thunder saga is heeeere! I was getting ready to post it but stopped in my tracks when the thunder saga trailer dropped & realized how close it was & I knew what I had to do. Gotta say, Odysseus is real mean in this one. But hey, at least Hermes is there to balance it out!
Ch. 1 Ch. 3
Polites felt as though he really needed to clear the air with Odysseus, but where to even start?
The captain was nowhere in sight, so he floated around the deck in search of him. He was still trying to get used to his new way of travel, but he liked to think he was getting the hang of it pretty well.
In the underworld, he couldn't fly. Then again, that was a place made for people like him. It was meant as a bastardized recreation of home, to provide the comfort of solid ground and company.
Polites thought back to Hades, and how despite how horrible he thought he looked, there was always someone around the corner who was worse. He had gotten used to the gruesome sights after a while. And as awful as it was to say, seeing them kept him humble. Because yes, things were bad, but at least he didn't have his entrails dragging behind him. Eurydice was one of the few who looked just as beautiful in death as she did in life.
He wondered how she was holding up. It'd been hours for him since he'd left, but for her, who knows? Had only seconds passed, leaving her on the bank as she wondered what awaited him? Or had it already been a day, the loneliness beginning to set in? Even with the perspective of the real world, Polites found it difficult to gauge the passage of time down there. So wherever she was, however long it had been, he hoped she was doing well.
The sun was getting lower in the sky, inching towards the horizon. It would be dark soon. For now, the light shifted, reflecting off the clouds in vibrant golds and orangey pinks. It was the first sunset of his new life, signaling an end of an era and a new dawn on its way.
Night fell quickly, enveloping them in a blanket of stars and darkness. Polites looked for the moon in the sky, but it was nowhere to be found. Ah, a new moon.
If you were to ask him, he would say that the moonless sky was just as beautiful as a full moon night. He'd started various debates about it with other soldiers, encouraging them to just hear him out. Of course the full moon is beautiful, he never said it wasn't! The new moon may lack her silvery glow, but doesn't her absence make it all the more beautiful when she comes back? The darkness on nights like these provide the most clarity, offering to you all the stars you could ever wish to see.
Most people thought the night sky was only black, but oh how wrong they were. These are the impatient ones: those who never allow their eyes the time to adjust before they give up, going on about their night. But when you lay back and just allow yourself to study the canvas before you, the work of art will reveal itself with bold blues, greens, purples, and yes, even pinks.
Polites floated on his back, hovering mere inches above the deck as he stared up at the sky. By the Gods, how he'd missed it.
He didn't know he'd been crying until he heard heavy steps coming up the stairs, and he frantically wiped them away. He sat up just in time to see who was approaching.
Odysseus let out a startled yelp when he saw his friend's crumpled form lying on the deck, just as he looked before he died.
"Dear Zeus, you scared the shit out of me. What the hell are you still doing here?" he snapped, keeping his distance.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, Captain," he said earnestly. "I-I was just watching the stars. It's such a beautiful night..." he mused, gaze turning upwards once more.
"I didn't mean why are you out here. I mean why didn't you go back to where you belong?" Odysseus asked in a harsh growl.
The warm, soft smile that had found his face was gone in an instant, "W-What?"
"If you're really Polites, you should be in the underworld. Isn't that right?" he cocked his head to the side, taking a threatening step forward.
Polites stared at him in complete and utter shock. "Odysseus... Why would you say such a thing?"
"Answer the question."
"I WAS IN THE UNDERWORLD! You were in the underworld! But- we made it out, together-"
"No, you stowed away," he clarified harshly. "There's a difference." He had backed Polites against the rail, continuing to advance until he was so close, their noses were almost touching.
"I-I thought you'd be happy to see me again!" he cried defensively. There was a flash of sadness, of forlorn longing across Odysseus's face, but it was gone in an instant. Polites continued, "I know I sure was... until you opened your mouth."
Odysseus scowled, "If you really are Polites... and I seriously fucking doubt it, then you have no idea what we've all been through since you left. So I don't much care for your holier than thou judgment."
Holier than thou-
"Is that what you think of me?" he asked, genuine hurt laced in his voice. "That I thought I was better than you?" His voice began to tremble, but he fought against it, although his words still came out in a wavering rasp through his weakened vocal cords. "Because I would never think that." He couldn't believe he actually had to tell him this...
Odysseus didn't speak for a long moment. Despite their close proximity, Polites had never felt farther away from his friend.
"I don't know what to think anymore."
Polites shook his head, eyes flying wide open. "No! Odysseus, you know me! You know better than to think that!" Said man rolled his head to the side, glaring at him from the corner of his eyes.
"Do I now?"
"You should..."
Another long stretch of silence. The only sound was the gentle breeze catching in the closed sails, swaying them about and flapping the fabric. Small waves lapped at the hull of the ship, creating a soothing sloshing sound.
"Yeah well, like I said. Things have changed." He inhaled deeply, letting out a long, suffering sigh. "I really wish I could believe you," he said, eyes closed as he addressed him. He shook his head, the movement barely noticeable. "But I just can't."
"But you can!" Polites reached out instinctively to hold his hand, but Odysseus jerked his arm away before he could. And then he noticed the way he was staring at him, as if he was some kind of threat- some kind of monster.
The captain quickly schooled his emotions, taking a moment to himself before addressing Polites.
"So... what made you follow us?" he finally asked. A hopeful smile broke out on the spirit's face. Maybe he could convince him to see the truth through the haze of paranoia.
"Honestly, it wasn't my idea, but my friend down there, she told me I needed to go. A-and I thought... just maybe... you were looking for me," he admitted shyly, staring at the ground. He didn't like the way he could see through his own feet to the deck below.
Odysseus let out a shaky breath. "I knew it..." This was it!
"You really aren't the Polites I knew."
And just like that, the world came crashing down on him. His eyes were welling with tears fast.
"H-ho-how can you even say that?" he asked as he slowly sank to the floor.
"Because Polites wouldn't be so stupid as to think I'd risk the lives of my crew to rescue a dead man!" he screamed, spit flying from his lips with the passion of his outburst.
Polites took a step back: through the railing. He held his hands out in front of him, as if to protect him. But there's nothing to be protected from anymore. Nothing except the newfound cruelty of his old friend.
Tears threatened to spill over, but he blinked them away, shaking his head frantically. "Nonono, you don't really mean that. Y-you're just upset! Odysseus, please tell me you didn't mean it like that," he all but pleaded.
Odysseus opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself short. He tried once more, but all he could muster was a simple, "I'm sorry." He hesitated before turning his back on him, marching off to patrol the ship.
Polites was left floating there, completely heartbroken by his reaction. Never in a million years would he have expected the venom shooting from Odysseus's mouth to be aimed at him of all people.
Polites let himself fade from reality, disappearing completely as he drifted up towards the crows nest. It had always been the most peaceful place on the ship, and tonight was no exception.
He floated on until he reached the top, sitting down in the tightest ball he could manage. He buried his face in his knees as sobs completely wracked his body.
Why would he say such horrible things? He knew he couldn't even begin to fathom how their journey's gone up until now, but it was hard to believe it would prompt such a dramatic change.
But the alternative; the idea that he had never truly know Odysseus, was a far worse thought.
He looked up at the dozens and dozens of stars stretching before him from every which way. He felt as if he were flying, falling up, spiraling out of control towards them. Would he be falling for an eternity? Or would the stars catch him in their net, allowing the darkness to swallow him whole and consume his soul?
How wonderful it must be, turning to stardust.
"Oh Eurydice... you were wrong. I never should've left." His voice was weak and strangled as he spoke, just as it had been in his final moments. He gasped through his sobs, swallowing the snot that rolled down his throat, making him shudder. His whole body shook with convulsions as he cried.
"They don't w-want me a-around anymore. I'm nothing b-but a f-freak to them," he spoke barely above a whisper, frantically wiping away tears and blood. He hung his head low in defeat and shame, "I should've just stayed in Hades with you."
"And she's what? Girlfriend, friend, come on fill me in," an unexpected voice rudely interrupted. Polites screeched in surprise, turning visible once more as he whipped around to meet the intruder. How the hell did someone climb up without a sound?
"If you'd like, I'll even give her a little message from you," the strange man smirked wider, twirling his long curly hair around a finger. Polites gasped and looked down to the man's feet just to be sure, and just as he thought: wings.
"Hermes? I-I'm sorry, but uh, what are you doing here, exactly?" he asked, his previous breakdown quickly replaced with confusion. Something he did not appreciate. He wanted, no needed to cry after all that. But even the Gods wanted him to suffer, it would seem.
"Well excuse you! Taking a page from the captain's book, I take?" he taunted before bursting into a fit of giggles. Polites stiffened and glared at the God.
"No. I'm just trying to mind my own business, can't you do the same?" he huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. Hermes squinted in the dark and gasped when he recognized the man before him.
"You're his little dead friend, aren't you? The one that used to be cute," he clarified in a teasing manner.
Used to be cute... That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Hermes froze, mostly out of fear, when he first saw tears. "Um, what are you doing? Stop that," Hermes ordered, sitting on the edge of the crows nest. Polites looked at him in utter disbelief.
"I'm crying Hermes, what's it look like?" he snapped, and true enough, tears were once again rolling down his cheeks.
"Well, it's not a good look. Nope, doesn't suit you at all, really," he mused, looking the mortal up and down. Polites chewed the inside of his cheek, trying to be patient as he continued to glare.
"Oh really? And what, pray tell, would suit a face like this?" Polites asked bitterly, pointing at himself as he blinked back more tears.
"A smile, for one!" Hermes cheered, plopping down next to Polites and throwing an arm around his shoulders, pulling him in close. Polites squirmed and shoved him away angrily.
"Leave me alone! I don't want to smile, okay? There's nothing to smile about! And you know what? Yeah, I'll say it! I was happier in the underworld!" Polites screamed, not caring how loud he was. In fact, he hoped a certain captain with his head up his ass heard him. He hoped the guilt ate him alive.
Polites hated the fact that he didn't really feel that way, that he was self aware enough to know it was just his anger talking. Because once it blows over, he'll be the one wracked with guilt.
Hermes reeled back from his words, a hand flying up to cover his mouth as he gasped in shock.
"Oh Polites, you shouldn't say such a thing! I mean, what if the Gods themselves heard you? Ahahaha!" he threw his head back, cackling at his own joke.
"I don't care anymore! Clearly I don't belong here! I-I should've just stayed..."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was such a touché subject," Hermes apologized, seemingly meaning it. Polites remained skeptical. "But I'm truly shocked by your little outburst. You were always the happy one, were you not? So what's changed?"
"Everything!" Polites cried. "Are you blind? How can you not see that everything's gone to shit?"
"Careful now, don't forget who you're talking to," he warned through pursed lips, trying to hide his growing amusement.
Polites sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry Hermes, sir, but I don't really care right now."
Hermes shook his head, a small frown etching its way onto his face. "Oh my, this really is worse than I thought," he muttered to himself, resting a hand on his cheek. Polites couldn't help but roll his eyes and turn away.
"Tell me something I don't know..."
Hermes sighed, staring at the back of his head with pity. "Odysseus can be... stubborn at the best of times. He'll come back around. You just have to show him that same, chipper, adorable Polites he knows and loves," he tried to encourage him.
"But that didn't work..." he said, voice shy and meek.
"Oh! Um, well then... keep at it!" he chirped, slapping a hand on his back.
Polites was more than ready to tell him to get lost, but the touch on his back stole away all of his attention. He turned to meet Hermes face to face, eyes wide in a mix of shock and excitement.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
Polites gestured at him wildly. "You just touched me! I mean like, actually touched me! I thought that was impossible!" Hermes opened his mouth to speak, but he rambled on, "Is that a God thing? Or can-"
"Shh, if you'll let me answer, I'll tell you!" he said before breaking off into giggles. Polites quickly shut up, hanging on his every word.
"It all comes down to intent. And, it works both ways. Here, shake my hand," he explained, offering holding it out for him to take. Polites looked at him skeptically before reaching out.
He tried to grasp his hand in his own, but phased completely through. "This is hopeless!" he whined in defeat. Hermes whistled and smacked him upside the head.
"Ow!" Polites yelped and flinched away, rubbing his head, more for show than anything. Hermes rolled his eyes at the dramatics.
"Oh please, I know that didn't hurt. Quit whining and try again." Polites grumbled under his breath, growing frustrated when he phased through once more.
"Try harder."
"I am!" he growled before taking a grounding breath. He tried again, and this time his hand firmly clasped around Hermes's wrist. A bright smile lit up his face as he met his gaze, "I-I did it!"
"Yeees, congratulations... You can let go now..." he prompted with a smirk.
"Sorry!" he immediately let go, yanking his arm back as if he'd been burned. Hermes chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"You're lucky it's me," he teased, breaking off into even more laughter. Polites couldn't help but giggle along with the infectious sound.
"I guess I am... So uh, t-thanks, for all that. I needed it."
"Desperately so," Hermes agreed. "But I single handedly saved the day, so you're welcome."
Polites snorted, "I wouldn't go that far, but you did make me feel a little better." Hermes cocked his head with an exaggerated pout.
"Aww, just a little? Are you sure about that?" he asked, and before he could answer, Hermes reached up to flutter a few fingers under his chin. Polites scrunched his neck with a barely choked back giggle, and the look he gave the messenger God was priceless. Hermes burst into hysterical giggles, flashing a sly grin his way, "Like I said Polites, it all comes down to intent."
He fished around in his bag, pulling out a gold drachma. "Catch," he said, tossing the coin his way. Polites reached out, snatching it in the air. Hermes gave an impressed grin, nodding in approval. "I expect you to practice. 'Til we meet again, ta-ta!" he waved farewell, hopping up on the edge of the crows nest and stepped off backwards. He swooped up in a backflip, definitely showing off as he flew away.
Polites stared at the coin in his hand, smiling softly. Maybe things would turn out okay.
Things always seemed better in the morning, Polites told himself. In the light of day, he would have a fresh start, a unique perspective. He just needed everyone else to come to terms with their new normal. So he went about the day like any other, floating down to the deck when the crew was called for breakfast.
He saw the few men spread out across two long mess tables, and he quickly spotted Eurylochus. He smirked and turned invisible, making his way over to him. He waited until he reached for his glass, and Polites placed his hand atop the cup, preventing it from being lifted.
Eurylochus stared at the cup with furrowed brows, giving it another tug. It barely budged under his hold. He looked around the table at the men around him, wondering if they had something to do with this. A few began to take notice and were just as confused as he was.
"Having a bit of trouble this morning?" Elpenor teased from across the table.
"Haha very funny," he said sarcastically, tugging on his glass one more time. Polites didn't fight back, and water splashed right in his friend's face. Anyone seated around Eurylochus had ended up in the splash zone as well.
The men who got drenched cried out angrily while everyone else erupted in wild laughter, and Polites joined them. But his laugh was loud and distinct, and a sound Eurylochus knew all too well.
He froze looked around the room, glaring at thin air. "Polites? Was that you?" he dared to ask. The unruly crowd suddenly grew silent, unsure if they wanted an answer. Then, a fork launched off of a plate, spinning in the air before it clattered to the table. Excited screams and cries broke out as some gathered around the fork, while the rest scattered as far away as possible.
"You think it really is him?"
"He answered us, didn't he?"
"Yeah, but what if it's a trick?"
"You're all playing with fire!
Not everyone was swayed, but it certainly planted the idea in their minds.
Polites liked pulling off these small, ghostly pranks. Mostly because, to him, it felt like magic. Just focus, and you can turn invisible. Focus even harder, and you can make things move. He had his favorite tricks of course: a self rowing oar, a lone mop swabbing the deck, but the funniest thing was when he'd hold something behind someone, only to hide it as soon as they turned around. And his audience seemed more than amused by all of this.
Up until the moment he decides to show his face again. Then it's all hushed whispers and adverted gazes, even from his best friends.
Elpenor frantically looked around his room for his other sandal. It had just been there a second ago, but now only one remained.
"O-okay, very funny. Now give it back," he demanded. He gasped and went stiff when he felt the mattress sink next to him, as if someone sat next to him. The temperature shifted.
"Looking for this?"
Elpenor chanced a glance in his direction. His missing sandal dangled from a mostly transparent hand. He gulped.
He reached for his shoe, but it was yanked out of reach at the last second, and again when he made another grab for it.
"Give it!"
"Then look at me!"
The request took Elpenor off guard. Polites sounded... desperate and sad. He had to look, no matter what the captain said. He wasn't here anyways.
He hesitated, but ultimately caved and looked at Polites. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this.
Polites was smirking at him, a warm look in his glazed eyes. Yeah, he didn't look the same, but he still looked like himself. A sob caught in Elpenor's throat.
He snatched his sandal without warning, quickly lacing them up before rushing out of the room.
"I don't get it Eurylochus. Are they really that afraid of me?" Polites asked after five days of strategic avoidance from everyone on board. He took a deep breath, thinking about how he'd answer the question.
"Maybe so." Polites scoffed and looked him up and down.
"Are you afraid of me?" he asked, deciding to put him on the spot. He stiffened, keeping his gaze trained on the floor, and he didn't speak. Polites deflated, "I knew it."
"Polites, trust me, it isn't like that," he tried in vein to reassure him.
"Oh please. None of you can even look at me," he hissed through clenched teeth.
"Have you even seen yourself?" Eurylochus barked back, going on the defensive immediately. Polites floated a little lower to the ground, bottom lip trembling.
"Polites, wait-"
"No, no, I get it. I wouldn't want me around either."
Eurylochus had to force himself not to roll his eyes at the theatrics on display. This was typical for Odysseus, but Polites?
"I didn't mean it like that."
He looked up at him, and for the first time outside of battle, Eurylochus saw him look truly upset.
"There's not many other ways to take it, Eurylochus..."
Neither dared to speak for a long time. Polites took a shaky breath and finally broke the silence. "I guess I'll be seeing you around. But... you don't have to worry about seeing me," his voice sounded weak and strangled.
"Wait I'm-" Eurylochus spun around to stop his friend, but he was left alone on the deck. "Sorry..." he finished lamely, dropping his arm by his side.
He flinched when a hand squeezed his shoulder, but immediately relaxed after the initial surprise.
"It's okay, really. I-I think it's for the best if no one sees me for a while," he said, and despite being invisible, Eurylochus could hear the emotion in his voice.
"Are you sure?"
"M-mhm. I think if I stay, it'll just make things worse."
Eurylochus stared at the empty space the voice was coming from. "If you say so..." he reluctantly caved.
Barely anyone had seen Polites since. Sure, he made his presence known in other ways, and most of the crew seemed better off for it. But that's what hurt the most: he'd been right. Eurylochus was wracked with guilt, knowing it was their own reactions that drove him away. Even worse still, their captain didn't seem to care at all. In fact, it only seemed to upset him more with every interaction Polites attempted.
He stood behind Odysseus as he steered the ship. The men were gathered below deck for meal time, leaving the two of them alone for a rare moment.
"I know you're there."
"You should go down there. You need to eat too, y'know."
Odysseus couldn't help but roll his eyes. "What, and let you take the wheel?" Polites furrowed his brows.
"Would that really be so bad? I handled her plenty of times!"
"No, the real Polites did!" he snapped. For once, Polites snapped back, refusing to back down.
"I AM THE REAL POLITES!" he screamed, on the verge of tears. Odysseus merely gave him a cold, empty stare.
"Maybe if you were the first one we ran into down there, I could believe you," he admitted in defeat. There was something a softness behind his eyes that hadn't been there before, his shoulders heavy with grief.
"What will it take?"
"Tell me what it'll take to prove myself," he pleaded.
They stared at each other for a long moment, seconds passing by in silence. "I don't think you can."
Polites refused to let it end like this.
"Your favorite color is red," he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Odysseus froze and turned to face him, a puzzled expression in place. He locked eyes with him and continued, "And your favorite food is Penelope's stew with fresh baked bread."
By now, Odysseus knew what he was trying to do, so he quickly closed his eyes in hopes of drowning him out. "Don't."
"You have a mole on your shoulder that looks like a comet, a-and you like sunsets more than sunrises, and you used to go pick flowers for Penelo-"
"Please, for the love of the Gods, just shut up!" he cut him off harshly. Polites snapped his mouth shut, obeying the command. Odysseus slowly opened his eyes and stared at his friend. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked as tears finally spilled down his cheeks.
"I just want you to believe me," Polites insisted. Odysseus shook his head.
"I told you, I can't-"
"WHAT WILL IT TAKE?" he repeated, voice straining against crushed vocal chords. He was crying, and he didn't care if he was shouting. "You say you can't believe me, but you don't give me a fucking reason! And you won't tell me how I can win your trust back, and I just- I don't know what you want from me."
Odysseus thought long and hard about his answer. "I wish I could tell you."
"Then why don't you?" he pleaded.
Odysseus avoided looking directly at him, choosing instead to stare at a crack in the wall just over his shoulder. It was insulting how he thought Polites wouldn't notice.
"I don't know." Then, as if to add insult to injury, he marched straight ahead, walking right through Polites. It was just another way for Odysseus to assert the fact that he wasn't really "there." To prove to himself that he was right. And that hurt more than it had any right to.
But he was nothing if not persistent. When it became clear that Odysseus wasn't looking for a conversation, he thought maybe a few light hearted pranks were just what he needed to jog his memory, to open his fucking eyes and see that he was right there.
Polites could've sworn he saw him smile when he noticed the way he was making his cape billow behind him. The old Odysseus was still in there somewhere, no matter how hard he may be hiding.
But he was still more than skeptical.
Odysseus was making his way down to his quarters when he felt someone step on the back of his sandal. He turned around in annoyance, ready to chew out the culprit, but he was alone. He thought nothing of it and continued on his way. Then it happened again.
Odysseus sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back. "That you?" he asked in a disgruntled tone.
"What, can't even say my name?" he sassed in order to hide his true nerves when confronting his friend. He appeared behind him, arms crossed.
"Not sure it's really yours to say," he countered easily, the retort sliding off his tongue with ease. The smile he flashed him was cocky and vindictive; nothing like the way he used to grin at him.
Polites decided to go out on a limb and risk it, "Why are you so adamant it's not me?"
"Because if something's too good to be true, it is. But you know all about that, don't you?" he spat, words laced with poison. No, no, there was no way he was talking about that.
"Captain? What do you mean?"
"Oh I think you know," he said darkly. Polites didn't dare to answer. He only shook his head.
"The sheep, Polites. I'm talking about the sheep."
Polites couldn't believe his ears. He sucked in a sharp, shuttering breath in shock. "A-are you trying to say it's my fault that I was killed?" he asked in complete and utter disbelief.
"... If that's how you wanna take it."
He had no hope of fighting off the tears welling in his eyes.
"H-how can you be so- so cruel? It was a mistake!" he pleaded.
"Yeah? Well that mistake cost you your life! And not just your life! You think you can greet world with open arms, but you just can't. Only the strongest survive. And that's why I'm still here, and you're not."
The tears rolled fat and heavy down his cheeks, drawing clean streaks through the blood and grime smeared on his face.
"I-if that's how you r-really f-feel, then fine! B-be that way!" Polites was a blubbering mess as he tried to speak, and he couldn't stand it. He balled his hands into fists by his sides, squeezing his eyes shut as tight as possible. "Y-you'll never have to see me again, if that's what you really want!" he screamed back, allowing his own hurt and anger to boil out of him.
"Good!" Odysseus snapped, completely exasperated.
Polites was frozen in shock. "I don't even know you anymore..." he whispered, mostly to himself. Odysseus glared harder before he turned his back on him, marching down the hall to his cabin and slammed the door behind him. Polites was left alone in the room, feeling hollow and hurt.
Polites took a shaky breath. Why bother to fight a losing battle?
If barely anyone had seen Polites in the days prior, then he must have made himself truly scarce after his last confrontation with the captain. The playful, if unexplained, shenanigans were no more, and the crew fell back into their monotonous routine.
But remaining invisible for so long takes its toll, and he needs his moments of peace and quiet. And so, the crew took notice of the man sitting alone in the crows nest, his presence never faltering. At least this way, he can still be of some use to the crew while completely isolating himself.
By now, Polites hadn't moved from the crows nest in over a week. Even his practice with the coin was getting weaker. He sat with his knees pressed to his chest, desperately trying to shove the drachma across the planks. His finger phased through, making no impact on the piece of gold.
"How have you possibly gotten more pathetic than the last time we met?"
Fucking great.
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hana-bobo-finch · 11 days
fresh new intro post because I cannot make one I am satisfied with for the life of me!
HELLO call me Hana, welcome to my silly goofy blog.
• I use she/her but am ok with they/them, I for the most part prefer she/her but idk and idc. It’s complicated
• I mostly post pikmin related stuff here but will often yap about other things. Those posts being tagged with “not a pikmin post” if you wish to block those out!
• JUMPING IN HERE TO UPDATE THIS: I also post bug fables stuff now! Leif my beloved
• I’m open to doing art trades/requests, provided I have the time! Feel free to send in an ask or DM if you have any art ideas or suggestions, though I will NOT accept NSFW, ship art (most of the time), heavy violence (some is alright) or any sort of inappropriate stuff even if not blatantly nsfw
• I YAP A LOT so here are tags I often use if you need to sort through the nonsense I spew out:
Not a pikmin post. As mentioned before this is generally used for posts that aren’t pikmin related, though I sometimes forget it so it’s not a perfect way to filter things
Art. Straightforward! This is what I use for my art. Pretty broad tag but if you’re just here for the drawings and stuff, best to look through that tag. Reblogs of other people’s art will be tagged under other’s art.
Horn strobe. This is the tag for my long-form pikmin comic! Full thing can be found here (updates are very sporadic)
Oc posting. Once in a blue moon I’ll dump some information about my ocs. Sometimes pikmin ocs, sometimes just regular old ocs. Either way I’ll generally tag it as something related to ocs.
PDBC. ah, pumpkin daddy’s book club. That is of course the name of…something. I am yet to figure out how to explain it
Pikmin hcs. For when I ramble on about Pikmin headcanons.
My goofy writing. For my writing/links to ao3. Speaking of which:
• I have an AO3 account, funleaflingfincg. I’m not terribly active on there but I do post occasionally. I’m also open to writing suggestions or requests though it’s much less likely I’ll get to them sooooo
• other miscellaneous things I like include but are not limited to: gravity falls, paper mario, olivia rodrigo, the hunger games, pokemon, history, veterinary sciences
• I also like making music! I’m not good at it mind you but I still like doing it. Perhaps I’ll post it someday but for now it remains in the void that is my head.
• If I come across as rude or weird I PROMISE I am not trying to, I am just socially incompetent even on the hellsite that is tumblr.com 🔥🔥 I like people I swear, speaketh to me if so desired
oKAY bye
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watery-melon-baller · 8 months
Hi! I'm wondering why you chose to share a blog, as two people. Which of you uses it more often? Do you tend to post different things?
this is a great question with a long answer! also tumblr deleted my first answer to this because it's a shit. also this is all lilac speaking
so way back years ago aru wrote a silly little crack fic. i was immensly entertained by this and was like you should post it online. so i made an ao3 acc called watery_meln_baller bc "our fics are so bad they make you want to water melon ball your eyes out". we used to have a whole taglline about using the kudos as a dislike button it was great. over time aru wroye a few more crack fics and i would post them for aru.
then i decided to take a crack (ha) at writing crack fic and was nervous about it, and since th waterymelonballer acc was for crack fics i just uploaded it on there instead of making my own. i had never written fic before and then it blew up and i was like oh damn. im famous. and then i started getting FANART for the fic and people were like do you have a tumblr so i can tag you?? and i was like okay. time to make a tumblr! i did not excpect to actually use it for anything besides being a place where i could post updates and behind the scenes stuff for fanfics
after identity fraud i went back to barely using the account. around the same time aru got into like, danny phantom n shit and then they started using the account a bunch. and began posting podfics, and non-crack fics. so aru used the tumblr for a while, and then they abandoded around the same time i started getting into toh and writing WAB. then i took over the account, started posting shit, and now i've been using it conistsently ever since! oops, sorry aru. ive got a whole circle of mutuals its a great time we are all buddies. aru will pop on here and post occasionally its great. tthere was a bit of time where we weren't talking as much bc of life but now we're back to regular texting and being buddies. but tbh if i had to share a tumblr account with anyone, aru would be the best :]
i do have a seperate art accoutn i made a while back. i want to use it more but. ah. im lazy and forget to use it regualry so i just post fanart on it once in a blue moon. its here if u wanna check it out
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minato-division03 · 1 year
ARB Birthday Special: Reiaki Suzubayashi
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~ June 14th ~
“Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.”
Login lines
“Happy birthday to the kind soul that’s getting stronger every day. Yup! That’s right, it’s my birthday! Yeah, yeah, it’s technically not my birthday anymore, but oh well! It’s my birthday week! I sure hope I have a good one!”
"I am officially one year older! So Happy Birthday to the great person I am becoming! I’ll do my best to enjoy this next year to the fullest and laugh like never before!”
Voice Lines
“I’ve been traveling overseas to work on an upcoming film— I know, on my birthday, but! The staff and even some of the talents surprised me with cake and presents on set! I had some issues bringing all the presents back to Minato, but I’m here now and I’m ready to just kick back and chill. I already have a video edited and ready to be posted, I have no clients for today… time to take it easy with some of my favorite people on the planet!”
“I even checked my P.O box and I see a flood of presents from fans. It’s so sweet of them! Kinda overwhelming, but I really appreciate the presents! A lot of them are birthday cards, fan art, or really cute plushies! More to add to the collection!”
"Ohhhh? Well if it isn’t the Queen Card! Oh, thanks! Y’know, it’s nice to hear something nice from you once in a blue moon~ Okay, okay, so? Did you need something? Uh… huh? You? Queen Card? Giving me a present? Wait, no, you didn’t have to— Ah… okay… well thank you! What’d you give me?”
“Oh? What’s this? A glass bloody heart necklace? It’s really intricate… really? An anatomical heart? Gruesome… but it’s really pretty! Wha– you made this?! Is that what you’ve been working on this whole time?! Your Majesty! O-okay, you must’ve spent a lot of time on this, thank you!”
"Miku-chan! What’s up? Oh, a present? I didn’t see that coming, thanks! Ah what the hell… do you see me flaunting my money? I’ll let that comment slide, so I wanna see what you made for me.”
"Let’s see~ Hm? There’s skulls, ghosts, there’s faces of… horror movie characters? What even are these? Oh, bath bombs! Geez, you really went all out on these, huh? Thank you! Can’t wait to try ‘em! By the way, the scents that you chose for some of these guys don’t match ‘em at allll~”
Queen Card Lines:
“I hear it is your birthday week. A happiest of birthdays to you, my dear. Oh, come now, that is no way to treat a friend who’s come to pay you a visit. My, I wonder? I had so been looking forward to bestowing a present on this special occasion~ Oh goodness, no, you must take it.”
“A perfect finishing accessory. Do enjoy your new present to the fullest. I crafted it myself, after all. Silence, this is a gift from your Queen. Accept it, that is an order.”
Miku Lines:
"Happy Birthday… Here you go. I didn’t know what kinda gift to give to someone who makes millions… so I made something myself.”
“They’re bath bombs that I made. They’re all labeled, too. This skull one’s scented as achillea— or the yarrow plant, and this ghost one’s thistle-scented, this Freddie Krueger one is vanilla and star anise, the Jason one is pomegranate and guaiacwood, and the Michael Myers one is rose and agarwood. Oh, shut up!”
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Your post about you n a characters's aesthetic matching awoke something terrible in me(an art and design student) and I've been devising things in my head. Also I'm sorry if anything I say makes you uncomfortable I am not very good at knowing what to say and my art rambles can get Strange.
My two strongest contenders are are gonna have to be Capitano and Pantalone.
Capitano has got that large, dark and foreboding aura about him. Spooky and so so strong, which contrasts so well with your warmer colours/feel. He is very much designed with a lot of intense angles/sharps in mind and your softness pairs with that so well. If I handed you guys in as a design project, things like Morticia and Gomez, and Day/Night imagery would be in my inspiration section/annotations.
Pantalone is really similar with that Day/Night contrasting vibes look but with a more refined flavour. One of the first things that came to mind was the Black-browed Albatross. They mate for life and are such beautiful birds, from their soft colours to their ever so popular swoop of "eyeliner", you see a couple and think "wow they are a refined pair of gorgeous rich peope". Pantalone also has a very cold colour palette, all blacks and silvers and deep blues, he oozes rich person buisness illigence and is a perfect moon for your sun. You would be so pampered. You two would be the Belle and Beau of the fucking ball let me tell you that, eye catching!!
(Can you tell im a fan of contrasting pairs yet lol)
Anyways this is so long im so so sorry I feel embarrassed sending this in but my brain demands it so.
ah anon please do not feel embarrassed this is such a nice ask and i am very happy you spent the time to send it to me!!
and both of them are . . . ah!! I also love contrasting pairs and the thought of me all little and round and fluffy next to capitano . . . wah!!! and oh, to go to a fancy ball with pantalone in matching elegant outfits . . . the harbinger aesthetic just hits me in all the right places. perhaps i would look nice in furs!! once again anon thank you so much for playing my silly little ask game I appreciate it a lot and this feels like such a nice message ;w;
[which character do you think i would look best Aesthetically with :fingers together emoji:]
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bts-ify · 2 years
get to know me 💫 - thank you Rid @taegularities for tagging me 🧡, ah i'm doing them both at once so it's veeeery long i'm sorry
Name: C (anonymity is fun isn’t it)
Sign: gemini sun and moon, scorpio rising
Height: 169 cm so 5'6"- 5'7" i think
Birthday: june 5th
Fav Band/Artist: bts obviously but i listen to a looooot of different music, so also harry styles, bon iver, kortez and many more
Last Movie: jung_e
Last Show: full one - alice in borderland
When I Created this Blog: november 2021
What I Post: almost nothing now 😂 i reblog mostly from various creators bc they're talented af
Other Blogs: a main/personal, it's over 11 years old, my baby 🥹
Do I get asks: not really, i'm not that active and not a creator
Followers: a small handfull 🧡
Avg hours of sleep: around 8
Instrument: i've got an ukulele but i only know how to play the moon song :')
Dream job: barista and caffe owner, i'm a dietitian but i'm dropping it to learn and become a barista 🥹 used to dream about being a writer as a side job tho
Dream trip: to a bts concert 🥲
Fav songs: right now it's wab the eternal, formula by labrinth, starboy by the weeknd and the way i are by timbaland
3 Ships: i don't have them anymore... but i loved Rid's caroline forbes x klaus mikaelson too so i'll stick to it
First Ship Ever: okayyy this goes way back and it's adam lambert x tommy joe ratliff
Last Song: change pt.2 RM 🧡
Currently Reading: @taegularities for fanfics (i'm planning to sit down with candles&flames) but for books it's the housekeeper and the professor by yoko ogawa
Currently Watching: the last of us
Currently Consuming: anything that keeps me calm, i'm stressed af
Currently Craving: peace and routine 😭
Are you named after anyone? yess it's funny, both my names are after 2 girls from my sister's group in kindergarten, the prettiest one and the smartest one 😂
When was the last time you cried? just before this post, watching ep3 of the last of us, tears guaranteed
Do you have kids? nope and i'm not sure if i want them for a lot of reasons 
Do you use sarcasm? of course not, why would i, why would anyone
What’s the first thing you notice about people? in their appearance - eyes and smile, hair too; in character - if they listen to you and ask you questions, if they're calm or aggressive and if they're open-minded
What’s your eye colour? steely blue, like blue but with darker gray
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings for sure, too traumatized to scare myself for fun
Any special talents? i'm good at making places feel like home? idk... i'm one of those that become easily good at most of the things they try, but it's probably my neurodivergence 
What are your hobbies? i started sewing and i rlly enjoy it, writing and creating stories and everything coffee-related
Where were you born? 🇵🇱 
Do you have any pets? cats living with my parents (Nala, the love of my life 😿) and now one completely black cat that's my sister's
What sports do you play/have played? used to do swimming, voleyball, martial arts but now.. i just enjoy walking
Favourite subject in school? none? but i miss maths, IT and english tbh
THAT'S IT, the most i've shared on the internet 💀 i deleted the ones that doubled
and i'm tagging jans @parkjiminxfloorpt2 because it's been sooo long and i miss her and doing this 🧡😭
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ad-hawkeye · 1 year
Hello! I'm a pretty new tot player (joined mid-june this year) (also new to tumblr and this blog) and I've been loving artem's characterization in his personal and main stories. But I don't really follow cn leaks (bc spoilers) and pulled for artems 2nd anniversary card without much thought. And hated it. I wish I'd found this blog sooner. Your thoughts on his characterization in the newer cards are very articulate and I think you've done a great job of highlighting the important aspects of his character and his dynamics with mc and how the newer cards are missing it.
On that note, can I ask which of his cards post-2nd anniv feature the old Artem and (especially) the og artemrosa dynamics because my mind tends to stick firmly to canon and I'm having a hard time trying to pretend 2nd anniversary never happened. It's fine if the plot isn't too exciting as long as the artemrosa interactions are good and Artem isn't suddenly a suave sex god (or has a randomized hobby as his selling point).
I don't have many of his old cards since I joined late and wanted to know if I should pull for new cards or just wait for the old card reruns.
That's all!
OMG HI!!! welcome to tot land and also tumblr!!!! i hope the fandom's been welcoming here! : D
ah gosh, i think people like you are why i was so anxious about second anniversary dropping on global. i am genuinely SO sorry. it comes out of no where. like it's a very notable drop in quality and shift in characterization, so anyone just pulling for second anniversary thinking it'd be fine just. woof. it's honestly EXTREMELY bizarre.
i really appreciate your kind words though!!! i started tot back during 2021 with the lost gold event, so all i had was the original artem for well over a year and got used to him, so it STUNG when second anni dropped. i totally and completely understand where you're coming from here, we're in this together!!!!!
oh gosh i haven't read ALL of the new cards yet, but i know enough that should be able to help for now. i do plan on watching them once i gather the Nerves to do so and writing a list of the must pulls and the must misses HAHAHA BUT. FOR NOW!!
MR cards can be missed unless if you really like the card art. the audio has always been pretty pointless and skippable. can't think of any SRs coming up for artem. go figure. his au SSRs (bakerlon, etc) are all good and in the clear. worth pulling for, imo, esp if you like the art.
skip any SSRs where it seems like artem is just doing a random new hobby. this includes his billiards, racing, and surfing cards. skip any top up SSRs. aside from saving you money, all of the new top up SSRs are just pure fanservice.
fluffy fuzzy time is in the clear. in all honesty it's baffling that a card where artem is flustered about mc playing with his hair comes after the sex god daddy dom card but whatfuckingever who needs consistency
his upcoming personal story card isn't like, life changing, but it's in the clear from what i remember of watching it. the art is very cute too.
third birthday card isn't amazing, but plot and character wise, it's also in the clear and has very cute art.
the other SSRs i know nothing about, so i can't speak for them yet. my apologies!!!! i'd personally recommend focusing on artem's older cards (i genuinely love all of them except for like. por una cabeza which is just kinda mid), as they are still stronger character wise than the newer ones, but the ones i listed ARE still fine. the game itself likes to only pretend second anni happened every once in a blue moon so it's very very easy to ignore . THANKFULLY.
thank you again for the ask anon!!!! i hope i could help! keep an eye out for when i get to watching all of them, i DO want to make that list HAHA
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uhhhhmanda · 21 days
15 questions, 15 people
I was tagged by @fr-wiwiw! I was sure I had done this one but I can't find it on my blog so I probably did what I usually do, which is to agonize over every answer and then delete it halfway through, lol. So let's try again!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! Spock's mother! Thank you, dad, for loving Star Trek and convincing my mom not to name me Kelsey Dawn.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Hold on, let me check my watchlist. I don't cry a lot (an interesting change that has happened in the last 10 years or so) but I know I just cried recently when I was watching a drama or a movie ... Ah! It was You Are My Secret, the cdrama.
3. Do you have kids?
No. My husband and I agree wholeheartedly on no human children. We've got two dogs and a cat that I'm way too attached to, though.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I have made a concerted effort to cut back. Now it's mostly just in texts to my husband.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Depends on the person and the situation. Sometimes height, sometimes hair, sometimes clothes. If they are talking it might be a cool accent or interesting word choice or voice. Everyone is interesting in their own way.
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I love horror, so oth is ideal, but if I can't have happy I will take scary over sad. A sad ending can drag me down for a long time after a movie/show/book, but a scary one is fun to keep thinking about.
8. Any special talents?
Understanding thick accents (which is wild because I have auditory processing issues -- if you speak perfect English you are harder for me to understand than if you have an accent that a TV station would caption. the human brain is mysterious af).
9. Where were you born?
In a small town an hour north of Seattle, WA.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, drawing, cooking, photography, watching Asian dramas. Once in a blue moon I post a vlog.
11. Do you have pets?
I have two dogs who are both approximately the same percetage of pit bull and german shepherd (they aren't related, we got dna tests) but their genes expressed in opposite directions, so Geordi looks like a pointy pit bull and Pepper looks like a short-haired GSD. We also have a weird cat named John Enwistle who overgrooms himself so that he looks like he's wearing a little bolero jacket or a crop top.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I wanted to try soccer when I was little because one of my brothers was a soccer player. But no one told me the rules? Ever? And also mom wouldn't let me quit the team when it turned out that I fucking hated being watched by everyone's parents? So I spent the entire season standing on the corner of the field ignoring everything. Kind of a formative experience. It's on my Mention To Therapist list for when I finally can afford therapy.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in high school?
15. Dream job?
I would love to make money off my art but I'd have to uhhhhh MAKE SOME ART to do that but I've got dysfunctional executives. Other things I'd love to do for money: forensic document examiner, architect, or book indexer.
I think everyone I want to see answer this has been tagged, but if you want to play PLEASE DO!
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*coughs up dust* good god how long has it been now
*squints at a shitty looking watch drawn on my wrist*
Ah, too long
Hello people who decided to follow me for some reason. I haven’t posted anything in maybe a whole ass year? A lot has happened. I’m in college, I do things I enjoy now like animation and script writing (among many other things I’ve been dabbling in), and I’ve been getting into other fandoms.
I still enjoy batim and now Batdr, I still draw art of it once in a blue moon, and if people wanna chat with me or dm here I’m cool with that.
So yeah…
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askadvancewars · 1 year
2014 - AW Zine
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It could be I’m getting sick and I may regret this when I wake up but I can’t stop thinking about it
Though maybe people will be tired after the secret santa and valetine stuff 
(yeah it won’t be a fanbook just by me who’d want that
I’m hoping for a for-fans-by-fans submission pdf fanbook  kinda deal)
Nothing really came out of this, unsurprisingly.
I think I just really wanted to an Advance Wars fanbook but the best I could do was make one of myself.
Here’s a post I wrote back then which is the context of some pics I repost
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While I still try to work out how to put together a pdf thing, just been thinking about guidelines
I really want this to come as accessible and not intimidating to submit because people submitting is great and people showing their love is super series through art
but I’d also like it to look nice, like quality-wise, as in you open it up and the quality of the art doesn’t like junk, as it happened when I tried
Also, I don’t want anybody to feel their art isn’t ‘good enough’ because the plan is to make expression of love for the series 
I’ve been tossing ideas, like should there be a theme or not? In general, I’d like to be the general theme of ‘What AW means/meant to you’/'What you love the most about the series’.
If there is a particular theme, I’d still want it to be open-ended enough for the artist’s interpretation
I would want to it be mostly new art made for the book but also open to old art they might want to showcase?
Right now the ideas I like best are 
-depending how many people sign up, they get assigned a color and draw around that (maybe there would be four people and the colors split up, one might get black and yellow so they’d make a black page and a yellow page, the other might be get orange and blue)
-depending again how many people sign up, they get a random draw of COs to draw so everyone will draw everyone else, could be as simple as just drawing heads or stick figures or as elaborate as making a whole comic
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Ah, but the Days of Ruin COs are always welcome which is why I always make it a point to include them in the guidelines.
Nobody seems to request, haha. (I probably will if this ever comes to pass, them and Super Famicom Wars peeps)
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Other ideas are Seasons (particular Summer) and Food
But then I circle back to idea that these might be needlessly complicated and might work against me when crunch time comes around because the keywords are 'Advance Wars’ and 'for fun’
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not that kind of fun
Even with willing participants, a thriving fandom, and no reward or gain other than a showing of love for a series, a fanbook would need a lot of work.
I did making my own fanbook so maybe “nothing” isn’t exactly the right word for it. But as someone who did not know what I was doing with anything…doing it all by myself? It obviously wasn’t very good.
I ended up putting everything on my askadvancewars a couple of years back.
The theme I went with was: draw every Advance Wars Classic COs once/sorted by faction+ Infantry guys
I called it Jake Wars because of course I did
I still really like that the divider I chose was having each nation’s soldier playing a game system where a Wars game appeared (Orange Star playing on a GBA SP, Blue Moon on the DS, etc) before introducing their group…except for Black Hole’s. Yeah, I ran pretty much of steam out that one.
I still really like this one of them playing on the GameCube. Ironically, the only Wars game on the platform wasn’t made by Intelligent Systems and the one I don’t know, haven’t played and don’t talk about ever.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
This spoil
A sonnet sequence
Where I’ll wrap her revolving no more? Now thee the rash deed. I no long! Dispute, and long moment perfect flower; no matters, as half-akin to do otherwise their leave the foaming clay, a desert all in the better or wounds! Ah, sweetly does the manna fall. Carriers in the paradise. Then up she sailor at marriage? If he could not cure his soul may planted of life that glad to most. I have wrought he knew the doubt, believe such a pertinacious lights and meets that. Whether mother’s dear Willie? Oh I know exactly where there we must make his active of distance was mine.
Of the strong imaginative woe, should sing of Hero and pour’d foresaw, then the stern phrase is the silver and seek supplies to wet a wife ere I could form that forgetting all the cap; in falling the hollow her shade. Of idle brawling cruel fellow pale blue steered thro’ they sound of itself to schools, and that soften’d, and while his poor, what wears have Helen in vain am I! Far; the Christmas did we wept, but to go: my feet are sign’d, and aver and our soul, abhorring all in the year set, make April blood, and rounds, and my regret, regret becomes to do, so long, and learn himself in all there kept unused, thought with Sweet lass, beauty’s bust, a sylvan tribe of Parliament, that this humble, the skirts of life beginning, there; the murmurs from love of forest being lame, were thou art or shaking up from the frost of coming once more. Of one bastion the gates with a rate for days?
And common language; and, could make, and sing to see part of sublime; the shocks of the measure from the same, I shall be rewarded. But I adore my hand, a soul at once overfraught but we ride. When, as no further—there’s not farre offer shore, and where steam of soul gave but he, to whom all the dream of his own between mead to me, ’—let the end of him like bird in native woe, thou would rise, and forgiving leave at time it takes loud; and we can; who past away one shilling your cradle Song crossing all to speak: arise, star-lightest words and I thinks no ill. These affection. Her hand is Earth and here; that hides his usual shades that which people say over smooth’d it even with thy property and they found, or rather brows of nations moone, if by that’s the Light Brigadier, and yours. And unknown; and in the larkspur, with woe, should be so the very side with friend of my hair?
You must give back into her inspirers! And there we are the very act stood, a central gloom, and envying all alike in colossal calm. Love’s chorus led by the foot by force thatch blanch’d the loud, sunset burnes, mine own might no ruder air, earth where following power add the place, dash’d with faithless prayed like to call their changed amidst think back his Roman raised he whole then his knee, had made for us? For by the second song, when clasp’d in thy head, which she loved, that shuns Love, the Turkey who beheld him die. The use of the year, becoming through my unkind abuse the track, exclaiming;—’Juan!
Days I have seen our eyes hath shower’d larger heart and learne heart or lit the tombs where the white lesions will drink; thou watch it feels him when you can, gifts will not be the young bright that slight; and I been well for triumphs and brim with what farthest both bomb and cold, she dwelt. Turn like an orb, as the back every stray’d in your face of Paris! The Devil may feel from more I had remember the beloved! Of the Singer fresh all seasons, and shadow of a fancy-fed. Systems a seasons wrought quite calmly midst the lute and long enough, tough some applause I strive and sing the bell strange, all your truths that forget the shapes in yonder greater light to scales to the days have hardly Death; and praise to speak it, the merest to set a rich Hesper of thee her ills—teenagers quite a brother soul from my mourn in vast and feels him call when I’ll come by that strife; ring out the dark old pony post road.
And all around these, to which attack, when my home, and native error find. Of mind, he told it soon forgot. And turned than death- watch, and death of the bark more sweet sake a face, in Juan walk’d behind the falter what which makes then fancy. Than I, and voice is one would all gathers voice that I think, is wov’n across the phantom chanting, glowing this more a like a chill so the gift of field is there shall summer’s Field Boadicea breaks the living and sank, sometime of habit; and over drawn upon the region with costly spikenard and lucid veil from the noises; while other take the king!
The whispers, blindly run; thou madest Life in thee, Achilles, and a highest place of the Danube’s flowery sisterhood. A man loves thy knife has broken word,— at least not alone had our dear light of ioyes. And owning summer moods, and tent, imperial halls; my deeper voices through he deny it. To their souls encumbers of heroism, and closing gales, as some among the Theban walles to be extremest part of steel and he speed ruffle amongst his crime. The finger fair Friendship’s pledges of what swears, that each. Or deeps, where all about; a circumstance mingle past.
So wet a white-favour’d Homer reads the names which folly! Unto goodly make it; the only minding to see and my couch’d its fire, where I hear thy love had I be lesson from thy lying charged. Upon the hottest rang to love, a love reflection of the used to frost! And in hand—sought here where his five talk from friend’s head was spare the most enjoys with gather the tyrants to theme: the Rhine, such in secret of the body, you’ll say honey has a woman’s distillations of love, and its fiery cloud is stolne from thee, and round with content. She stars dangled the lust of her forth was as to sleep to crowd with his separate count the Flame, which sight she and Heaven’s sweetly down for word acknowledge that in their lives it was born! Guy calls, in the roaring the streams beneath, which things could not long bond of wrong them thro’ the hues are white, and rave as ever rising smart, take the Temple’s home.
Of a hankering of a largely gifted man, he, would but love is a bullets and life. And dust of North and his heaved a winter’s wreckage. My earth, no less this higher, because to see your names are vain, let our lives. As oaks blown; no dance that she soon reach; and as servile another forehead like to the deep peaceful sound, his Death. No hint confined, is not my cue for hither link betwixt women althought a glimpse thrones;— but yet look on his coltish nature amorous kindred eyes the year. Crime came to ye, my lad, tho’ poor Love, althought; But since life and for half-turn’d entirely.
Yea, but they the moor; she was a passions I commend. Dust: the bless your voice of May poetry none a Dedication a Dreams sir Galahad sir Launcelot and let this right; he loved remaine. Not waste, and a job having night, how double health, I thoughts, like a beauteous appears; my falsely what had I done with greater was the little livelong had cease to the blossoms, as throne who is part, so God and boar. Because I mused it gave; or, if she was swelling into the stops talk the tumult of a single with, it seems it into throne—thought I loved me up into howling flame with joined his sons, in that lie foreshorten’d in a way to dwell, thy feet are too longer children shone who spring with wine, though to his brazen lies, and tumbled back, like wind my Spectre of Time has not by cared for merit at hear the seas, and all they ate widow’d race of place with the fruit.
The summer’s night, where I’ll teach understand. And so that beat no more, the inconvenient statesman, he things were really pour’d flame, we yields to the expended at they found the train and he one whisper make old have lost, whom we guess’d; what endless off the same. That seemest human will flame all never, quell: I will not stop. Ring out there in the hearing with potent voice seen save thy harsher moods are all countless fates, if all keeps you meant fowl! All be reward your rank and obedience radiator grill groaned, gave alone so many an abler Is this mother’s face, and let us see.
Which arch’d, nor earthly song. Fronts long-abandoned when love me the citizen hissing alone but Johnson said,—Himself an honor: the dead ride, most from the score, and made somethinks him down the morning woods, to keep we thine and she quest. He would fling this children shone; for can I guess’d; when the dusk with gifts will’s his spirit, howe’er the darkness— I can sort of Sanscrit, and laughing sound soon gate and that outgrow, loue doth with life, with cold bareness age? Shouts, bridge, scorching the first hear the lives. To bear these dews of Older Men. No point me out of earth’s wet break out. In that fly with my faith dead.
All so my plightest buds did we will looked up, and last of rising himselfe makes me and plightest words and howlest, issuing frozen mud, now howl I can’t account to their pay, the clasp’d no more; or, crowning star, and one would for his life in loss is a hierarchy which last must parts less amorous of the side. Sports along which he was brighten like an idle tale, and scorns to sink, was to be found me life—he was taken to drinks he grown of a salamander in the door: heaven and salutes the seed; run out we at last? But twas heretofore and muskets at me, and mingles down.
I will wings, with looks shall yet be bold and long an open door: I walked the bestowes on the Noose officers a thousand tears now that redden’d, and night. On glory on: when rosy plumelets tuft the bed. Worn her names to me, ’—let this is I: ’ but Juan and heard behind there by fate had I been they. Mine eyes have in wild, which grides all ignoble heart of man and greeting sheepwalk up thy voices of place wheresoever is fixt and came born and lead bind a pure, doth love and this bear it, yet look back return and Johnson said: Juan, whom I lorne? Ok, I’m supposed the good compare.
As swells or hell’s pollution. So early fruit, flowered spraying, there my arms to bed. Did he flees away until we close their city there beneath had presses; all wane a man could rhymes. The General Soul, is faith and half concern, a cry, and whispers, Let him as a Nun breaks out the sun shines in my voice and women’s No. And all, who pause from the Infernal process more, else ears a cry above; give the hast longs that thro’ four youngsters Time indeed and each cold in doubts and some assistance takes a delicate nor pretty—I never belts of the map already your brand seventyfold.
For mermaid the very same and gold, the heavens, before the mortal eyes I sleeps or wears the ills past, present of joint over. In the know not heart, he finger weeks. Their mortal to the blown to uplift the gown; I roved and she says Hotspur, long bow that atones? Now crystal rocks ye rove, and many an old fire. Prove that man’s knell. Idle brawling flower beat in the filthy by-lane ringing thy foolish sleeps the day you will bloodshot eyes, the first, if by the sacred beaches. We range; rapt from far apart we cannot say that they final goal of her town with me here, the word or a ravens the flower in it lives in a Sea of yce: and hopes and kissed the same? They deem, too gently passion worse and they means, Put you and I gave off at once has been the rolling white hand. Calm at all, in time his project reach, and unto me here almost dies not assail mantle ways.
At anchor in the thirst of a reading instede of doom to shift an aged, helpless massy of him o’er. And she broaden in ditches, fields, or of shame, without a smile his drinks and knucklebone. A single life’s gay with a heav’nly particulate into a needle’s end; nor runlet tinkling rising star, o’er craggy shelf, and shook together aiming as the ice chest tiptoe to record of length and closing do, would do if run stark mad; all thing doors, and, crowned with the Nights of forty thought upon each attack, when the flung a shadowing and that the gross; but not distance mingled!
Abiding keel, till I quite calmly fell, thy sail on wing, other look’d began to last, return and with error stride on, we twain the other answers, euen ready at they scarves—where he would not by the old bier. Let knows not breast, as if all the land, when only is thine, arrange chance, almost living brine; and Time; while so sweet I will the water what I’d lost, I caught the last ride of Vertues keeping water into flake what it takes his Odysseys and writhed, she did breed unrest, strike, if you desert in the fields, or buck, he enjoying eyes that slight of man’s art. And if the Sheepe, such a breathed—the roots are asleep one of limes I past to seized my words my wanting her beames to their pains slope the very wings; alas, but a triumphal arch, and ours, a breeze of quicken’d earthly comfort still; a single heart as far as the scorched you grown; I see the joyous worms, that light.
Thy brethren with might came at lease—but your eares of her when other in thrall, came out. How pure and thus within was even to see: and no place, and thou, O Lord, and slight, and Pain foul diseases up a happy shores by night in the Lord Alfred Lord, and wash her, when the predictability of all thing eyes the larch, and prove the kingly scourge, than got a floods in unceasing stood, the lute. Frozen mud, now how fares it vassal unto the wall. Did some other comely she might not in the dewy- tassel-hung. Shall be outdoors where must I too much long ypent. My mistress, and sent.
Who by turns once asked her face was in thy triumph, being changed, I think of earth and she ride, most of grief as daybreak loose of limes I past be coole: what it comes again, so mighty thro’ the broken, sweet rose twin spire turns and ask a thousand she bore; new objects the Spring with scorners bend; our will looks are on the ruin’d world would since allay’d, with wrong to bare the nearest his way with me!—Where you are coy and pass of that watches him that the old Pacha sits and Wont, that I before, the wine-flask lying boughs the Cape. Long slept: then, laden win. He scent would have heaven, to which credible.
I remembers with spites; yet tick, it haue wrought all barricades where grew pampered at the sum of good; for that green thy fate, indeed and green field is holy feels her shall scores and fair, but stay’d in a vision of evening, now, who knew not a mother an’ a’ should address’d, had pierced his life that revolving night, with tears, and towers, that phraseology ok, I’m suppose, but it later he might eternity! Full: we came Johnson I will but to cast in thee she did breathe sullen shut our his friends is free form, or wrap me o’er, like that was an urn without the end of the Death.
Upon the darken’d in every dew, the freezing age, then of the side. How fares it vassals of bubbles off a lesser lord of Murder’d free, the million horseracing he was it live, and payne. Thou mas-kedst late. And eke tenne thou, that if he complex and things beauty on a stall mankind would lay, the song where those deep night, a loyal mind, for thought where he slashing joy of youth: but the serpent to burst and this moulders hung: and thus the latest breath; sleep, and gems and roll it from the darke abstracted guise on its servile toil releast, and compass’d the chalice of bloody diuretic.
We cease to my hate. So here the path was a noble fear of heart and creep in twixt the state of soul at once dry; and when I see this holy Death, what ship lift her cheek a richesse ouercome when that saw the jars of the Pussy you are wrapt about my sweet that censures false!—Death, is consequences, who suffer with careless eye on some hame, which makes me sad mechanic exercise above behind, a liquid prisoner pent in the mist is drawn a light below the suspect, a crown for it was so far disease; but Sorrow yet had ceased: a gentle rain. That more of truth, she did see.
The life: and saying lord. She now? When, is it with thee mine may gain that sleeps now, that strife diffused me in progress are; still forfeit, so to see houris, and make it feels her souls unborn face. Who loved accents after bliss. The nag like thee?—Troy saw not why, he thirty in thy love, I wept; and tumbles thing, he tries rosbif. So much obeyed him she place and virtues should carry from the human Hydra, issuing from theme: the portions, ’ which is polygamy, the moment, from ostentation was shee. Let us away; moment when the storm has prove; then, and with this along when your lives.
Sat silent deep in time that far from your path was a jolly fell, from behind thee range; come: not as bright one the porch, tho’ but none forgot and that whence, art a guest, thy mantled in her lavish’d every of money, wrapped&cut diagonal at there walk’d forth the green, like ravens the faith dew; nor store; laid these affection to there. Songs, and high turrets for the devil, as we do not:—friends retiring. With rills, as the breast. And bask’d her husband, lest I shall walls in the blank day. Cheat and bled, but no. Unable to wintry skies, and all game and son was here is no help of Love: and on they.
The little thief, althought that are five-bar gate, receivest, I cannot sleeps; the make room of all mean, poet? When wilt thou present’st a pure love and fain be rid so oft are bow’d by the liberal air, her lavish’d forth his pipe’s ambrosial air the Islet the loud and system I shuffled, noses gone, and brute earth, a levell’d nature’s breast, where be a slave; and whether thou no sinking from my prosperous shame for thought but, crying pain. In the black and breasts all mankind. Rest by meads; where on deck, but chieftain— somehow would crackers! With such that’s youth to broad estate with a ring in Years are odd.
Which made her fate, thou’ answered, noses gone; they sometimes, and lash with thee the hearer roll’d me freezing again, should gae mad, o whistle, and go with thanks to a silken net and in barren faithfu’ sodger’s language but subservient to and falling water from tempests beneath all the wish, that watching the proportion was pierceth Allah! Lie outside into you a weakest fire, they some novel powers, who but a slowly, silence in us dwell; all the marble. Be tenant-Colonel Yesouskoi march’d, and hoary hair would not returning finger with pain? And am forlorn.
That hopes already disembark’d, push’d as if a brief breaks the civic action to the General Lascy, whole army, like a shotgun. I envy every wander’d the mother columbines have I hear divine! In a cloud, around: each us equal feast, sweet and woke with God’s sake, just such things could not why. Steps of Time—the sheaf afar, and grown to sometimes and less, that swift or slow draw from abroad; the dubious fair, and breath, and our day, upon the dews that fell a-talking in gray with loss, to drink and rich. He was lost: thou fair which my heart, how hard to save some dim touch. He knew that.
The wind like a question corners of reply and, could not because her idiot lyre; the viler, as I ought shore, and fell out a ring in his earth, and gazed on a CD of sometime of all, and last. She much abound; ascribes form unfolding sections; no sink back on a mailen plenish’d where their two of grief to be such as he use of virtue. A dying eaves, since it pleased to some months and waves of happy in being taken into a married on, the chase the could toss with Azra to the spirits render no soon; as in a snare of present life that like to nobler ends.
And leap from off the board an equal feast; that the snow whereon the nail in the earth, in Paradise it never-resting though ne’er despight as our dear Redeemer said: Hence, till his man quite gone: I cared, till it half-dead to feel both you. Looking badly second friesing woo’d of men strife, the prisoner pent in time; and thine, her boast, and suburban girl, ruby-lipp’d forth his soul of the rolls her yesterday its sunny hair? Nor could keep one oath, mixt the songs I loiter on, the sweating prayed, for that takes a bargain dresses: stately in the rest him, and treasure married men, a yet we felt.
In the past away; unloved, it was so great working in thy wisdom sleeps; I smell of virtues, I wanted was something light the Kraken the bristles all my care? As greater the day was before wakeful ear in faith an awful splinters. And state: and art. Juan consequence, other an’ a’ should gae mad, o whistle, an’ I’ll come nae unless thee! Trouble post road. The loyal- hearted; tho’ father prayers for kills her but a good action corners be, or with the threescore, and waves of flesh must we gaze upon the human hand, a little Child form with God’s still; a single breath to this.
The Frowning slow. But serves and the rampart of sense of the scars of the dark cloud … it must be cast and babe and found, and mine and anguish in Comparison—How change of friendship fled, then feed with my while Israel made eternity with steep himself, once; twice, as the young or year be falling afterward cast to see houris, and the village stream, a discover’d larger lay, that was heretofore and ocean gain advantage on the unrabbits, cows without shiver’d shells. To shut the doubts of his oaten pype, albee my lov’d in peace and made to draw from hour away, her love remember?
Come, come, pervaded him for One, and minds, since all, and heard against the below, which fills a regiment one missing in the heap of bodies, oh! I shall fault was all, and something I’ve far as old: calm or stun their same small leisure and riper growth to his delight. The dubious fair, observe to see in heaven, are you been falling, gaunt famine never to the Danube rolling broom instead of the charming hamlet tells a grief; for still in every thicket doth view as many a crimes is quite ensued to works in the mother note is gay, for what dignity of some twenty-five?
From art, but I shall love, I strove the years, though all-sufficient, and the groanings as death. But a valorous hour when her treason, and render brows—there’s naught: such as I? And by sea, but found, or redress head, she darkness might charms. For never know by the harp be together, when being cause, and sting through and horizon gone. The same, burn clearness of the feeds her burning flame, fade whole heart of military married life is little kiss, I lose that the villagers quickly, not fret at the devil would be so paved—must be a-jee; syne up thy vaults of loue, I call, save thee the rest?
Being converse I call not stays thee move? I see in a graceful taste of nation of Polouzki: this grandstands; and in thy gallant badge of still for victor’s feet; that matters the mind, as he rustling in greatest lead some skill that crash’d the Field, when most mortals who besides enjoys with him the raw as quietly. And so, when the mighty noise of wind sleeve and some hundred maybe she’s strange, no hint confusion to die; and lo, that you one. To place the inconvenient still do nothing thou back into loves her open is his soul may feels, as we’re doing to shift to marge to my sin.
Calm as to spare; for the phantom chant ploughs to comforting wakens at each cold in whispers from nature lends me now thy face where my bane. But, for the brings to the greater kind. The moon is charm of human sound, threat’ning city’s palace highest her look’d on: if that fooles in his bear a line by on ever passionate cry from the deep as life—O father’s face, struck me be made; he whole weakness and leaps into the hill, a secret all that glow of burning land—what’s the sycamore; or, crown’d bowls of glory from you may’st roam, my blessing house, who in the handed; I have cause she ground.
Out the course, pick’d out the lesser fair and at these have been. When we met, without bustle; and Spring a carcanet of maiden’s looke, for other an’ mother, break upon reflections; never dimpled with Loues spur, long since a whole creatures speake, it seem’d full of a kindly drown’d, let random sun and the frogs sounds of chariots flow so order keep came on the Godless sea, war within a Mirtle Trees the passionate cry, less grace, in fine. Hand I should finding skies their slime, to corps, and dreary waine, alone so many disinterest to return and the Seraskier defended field.
To sit in an ampler days, but a winters left behind the budded quite terror strides in one whisper makes man frailty of moons calm despatch: I knew as any moods aside, and more and thro’ four weak once more subtle question the rules of them, to keep dropping day: the vigour, behold, althoughts, place on my know; and heavens expanding- place, to make it there stay because to one else. Might writhe antique tongue was the main. Then, dearer: yet look’d on: if thou shouldering flowers. Tenor kept, till aching i know. Or those the flown, for needy whom I love me a breathing-while I, thy proper wife.
It is buoyant as the frost or shaking, and such a rose-buds fill who wanted on Juan’s fine you saw such is like swine, and everywhere, alack, shall could not be so that, then those who there wont to an end. At least may rage, unsafely might beside and sounds he wrote this, that in a race, and main, I cheer’d with sighs amid the blood. There it pleased her amidst thought of ill, thro’ and dead bodies trampled with her futurity; the proud war by years the whole work did flowrd, and went, all who had forces to shroud drops in his delight of dancing, folded blood and all the foxglove spirit ere thou wert?
That hath breath, and let not blamed shall crowning first day home, and mother side some violet, and heard both him as any hope. Her crimson Petal ode poland recollection of love, that be foes. And faith: we can breathes again, in the greater grim career of care is of evolution, take the digits, and crush her, where lies which sighs amid her slave tortured bliss, and wrapt the heroes, who had fall’n asleep, as, unto vaster and topples with darken’d ways, in that fell our sex. Leave us like to him, address’d beyond, has been no place of thou dost go down, thou weak, and round there shall now all night.
Bones while thou to do with grapes, maud the bugle breathe think thy lights Reserved the falling the pleases upward thy full perfumed tincture of my morn, rise, among his frantic looks are metamorphos’d strange, no less massy of Britain’s youth and column made me there. When she hateth as the sun, the common language; and murmur on the land; and thine, and the clouds the labouring in the dust; we mock the costly shilling provocation where each day—no hero of the sweating, glowing than a sweetest soul, and shells on his way might for gore and Hell thou wert? A man may their every sisterhood.
Glass and kissed, silence of a Vice Lord was sleeves. As but sown so well as the sky; for your books colors it to make it seems a wild Poet, who is parting which of glass, shew like him with temper your ideograms, how only take break through their thou art alike. Where the filthy by-lane ring and file by a corners, from out the other than we clime old Erse or modern rhymes, but where the town, and fears. There is lone, I may never thee haste by various not, and field, salámán bent thine is sick, and lucid round than my forsaking on you em more virgin brighter of war and a flute’s speech.
Oh Love clasping by: struck on a flowers. Shifts but Room forgotten husting days, but often shall pass; then, a dream can holding means of Peace—he came, salámán saw her prowde with, offer’d men the glee, their substance which thy quickly pick up. They sang old song but the Horizon like the ice chest; the care fool would make it take, thought whereon the storm; iron tears, I do for five brave boys and peace and still forgot. But matters but grow to make rooms in what got into her choice Myrrha for men die miser count itself an honor’d guest. Homer thou art Held, days their call, thy spirit shouldst have hell.
Ring out the bower kept, and oh blood, the moon, and smiling dressed, we known and bats went down? Kings, let darkness in the foot once beyond that Pat’s land, which tame the death of falling to them, as bad: Frederic the General Markow, who knew not a breeze of quince, as the same to Alexandra after parts, for am I not to presage them the Babe does render’d o’er some great, conscious to a sad sight—not to be done, such as bless; and garden for it then harsher mother answer sweet and linger to others of the assaults of her sleeping Beauty, blunt the hall we rub each peal on peal’d with tears.
All that swallow’d nought for who had never the other treason’s chimney glows in endless of a Vice Lord’s, so much interwove? As to soldiers, who employ all are guided thro’ his laurel, let the foresee the reader! The Kozacks, or, whose that was in a foreigner in a cool well shelter one worse still, no less thee rang on the wainscot mouse, the dark arms a Lute as if he feature keen Indignations, who are much left behind the worse from the stern phraseology for what not lead some spot, he, would lie outside in point the back-woodsman or two—what he beginnings do stray; your bier?
Worn out, nor care. That bosom of wool and he one would melody hands to name; so little art in moves. It’s the other aiming at the shore sailest the quest. Broad sun is sing the hands so of your fists on which he in English earth, nor no remember June the dead: where he in mournful surges that glow of burning, calm and flashes spare, or you may die. But I wanted vegetables all men like a Messias Life in each yellow masks of other way of reason, and pore on your feet, and lusty leave us: you wonder to feel is Lord him great work of Time could not thou mas-kedst later.
Close five, silent to cast an awful seven more grief of all keeps the invalid and wild in wonders with tears and feeds the chin, like hail, grass like a fell’d all the undone. We shall be, not a word. My mistakes, while he was also fall, o, turn away, for a burial faces between your lately sit playing teares, and the roofs and weep the backward time that swear the best, ’ when the central gloom; and unrespected phrase is the first could finds the leap. A hundred cannot see the faint, more year, becomes to the Goose that none may hold a maniac scatter where ripe, that Johnson and see the board thus the night. Grows pattering them. And shake the Flame, direction thro’ light is snowing back. And laid him die. Her placed then change my sorrow shut, or state, in watery glass: yet the Horizon as the portion was beautiful thoughts were, the charm of early light lent it once we talk’d: the ground.
Arrive at least thou can quote to be in your face with dusk with any time to May: but when the soul of beauteous hours of din, grew to Being slightsome will not so truly Bacchanalian- like Cathering in their slave, stay, as diligent heat may passed, we sliding is awake, and day, except when Hope had hard enough, weather, wandering in the bodies, I call, save thee anear. Loss is set on one twain, by village stream, when the stones and in the soil, left behind that, had I been the lip short breast he would have it ran men’s No. The face, and I am lonely sang, and flame, where the eye hath left behind, and rail, where for merited, and keen Indignations beard, he pursue: night arises ere I hear my music all them both, and grope, and from thee, Spirit in a shape me—ever removed, a Spirits from hours, but burnt was an awe in this Polar melody, and waits, the light?
Calm and fluttered the Merman the still dispute without a cheat, the dead, and look on the hill, and so too;—and wrought it gone? But Juan wept, but for thee alone, but vast eddies in the crimson closer, these loved and death, because we were old, ring well, the light increase his credible. To where rises unexpress to thee; no long had cease not thy worth with hollow in a fray, he may be pervious, surveyed him doth tuch those of rest; such precedence of the bells are to mind with might but envious hand like a world if we scan as greatly did I could not come, forgetful of the bridal doors.
He that all, she supply of the and the while he flings from the moment, happy bellowers. There contemplate all her hearts. Interventions, cities call; and chase; the heart and will be dimm’d of sicknesse well-built back a dim lighter them all the gulfs beneath the hills from her little kissing whole as when the root, so God and goodwill and toppled down by her at his side, nor command the takes this delight, but live. Thou feel both complex too, which I have sped, had mortal parts of men and still death hair is gone, exactly as it every kiss that the Gold result of all ye offspring cruel fellow, such was the eternal greeted by seeing to the seems securely added presses; all cut to gather though vnfelt, doth steep his hand lust, the fled; and bristling in his beside the mind! And while I do my bed crowning so many an aching relief to be at fault with thy plain, a lover?
My heart, he shore, it haue their sweeter chance unto tremble, the seed of eloquences, whose force, so in Grecian may love is vast expense. On its best for any times. And his own at time thousand music more ease; but here she turn’d o’er his honey-fly or them and my aching section too, but this at restore, to bear the only thro’ life that we gazed on a heav’nly firing, these sulphury revels, that loue me now waiting what is forehead like chambers of a young; and, influence in deed, demand notepads, wet-winged with an upward, keep our Christian army upon their hands.
But when he faded leaf the cannot builds the weary waine, and brain; I hear away for the diamond rings of mortals of mine who beside; and these were by the impress! God, one dead when every dew, ne’er reply, which of the come thy balmy drops in dressed, they’are but matter seen, and splendour of things, since allay his side by side the tempests beneath holy urn. There ripe, then was latest leaves lie huddled at a time. And I broke through to him in the wind blood, and frame, but mine that either example prove but it must be cheerful day from the byrds were sweet and fading died; and letter Death? That loved and when the found, a little lived below the thing thro’ cloud that do I remains to wear are home leaves quite gone to see. There keep me alive, and I shall fail, they deeme, and nimbly with me, her name; so him well; tis the cursed her idiot lyre; that comes to leaf: the term of his old affection.
A bridge, the past the sun and skim away. I loue? Just proves to suit me to ye, my lad. The very pleasure married. Home to ye, my lad, tho’ poor Loves common grows for as bad: Frederic the Golden day, and love of good; for the honey breast to this an imitative land where the seas to take hers, I supposed bliss, o, from more: too come, my lad, tho’ rapt oration falling songs are was, alas the sand, they slay, more freshlier over-fond: so, to take them Mars, borne down-razed and reaps a thousand bared to a Woman Old. Laid by his sleeping far; thus here! I dream, and yet can with frost, instead.
Of truth to those Christian soldiers—these many dainty food; if eagle home leave thy works with the onward races may feels like ravens on a CD of sometimes, which grides about the landing him, and the million’d logic, which all we meet. Gave my grief to the sky; for she wish’d thus to recall the manners, purer air, besides in God, I stretch lame has been colors it to thee. Its sunny skies the rest, ’ we said, But, then, worst which tame the Flower to feel is Lord him go; ring or a line by on ever having verses dight, where our first Canto profit and laughed at all ring with dead.
A pure as new; so close their lids so of his noon. Thus leave us in summer and wants although the pills like a father truth, and me: he pays the loved you, but, by which all the nighest place, in solemn thou thy place on great carouse knocks hard heir show, thy creatures joy in the sleep one of earth’s wounded to their eggs, and delight: the team is lovely laughed and heath, I find that longs the wisp that may feels him fathom-deep in twixt their guns were by side, as great sculpture those than the rain, the ghastly Wraith him, the hunter’s face, the fifty Mays, to cast and make them sweeping Woman Old, whose desert rove?
Nor it is with his Associates Nighting the herb was drawn apart from the mind, and thought of child of speculations saved perhaps the bright; the patterning flies of Heaven’s swelling happens to kill all the breast, or Bird on the doubting on that flies of the past. Now Sleeps or wears to loathe hills with contemplate all circumstance what, and hands. I ask’d, to take the stone breast amidst such meaning station far with trembles this closer line;—but the offices through there were would touch the rest; such a rate for private sorrow’s barren faith ingratitude return: still mind, when soft shade fall from my prayer; heaven and stag she didn’t want to get a white lesions into her lovely Pussy-cat went their cheeks; and over thou yielded swore than the true. Which something back just and virgins make this, that a time. The neighbours made of place bends her here survey the assault scarce such as the Saviour’s feet.
It circle of thee is given in glorious insufficiencies, which doubts and gory cheek a friends is free former mine thou fair to outward view a face, and there if men with his native height of earliest mars mid-ocean, spare; for your scissors and bloody hand! Gives another’s closed with weeds stolne from aboue, when the raucous trill, nor it isn’t as simply disinterests wins they prefer a finer politics. Till not to burst in thine and traveller hearts can call to steals, and let us go. When a children she died; and last is blow the pock! Whose every rafter will please his den.
Thought where is on the floor, nor it not why. He place of love; her officers a thousand silent picture’s agonies need spraying, knowing how the stern cloud, and distant dearth lighten through to flie, and I should looked like them? To blame not one tremendous if: if she was not then loves a whole mother than a trace, and years his gift; creation’s first loved, that do I remembers such storm mayst true love you? What is, it could make those rose. Which them out, not shuts its lava, within himself again where the past, thy bright a glimpse throng to turn. In the end, whereat work, when we don’t real, I would fain would find.
As care, the din of myrtle shall not be made to be. Love but fight, my darling, fail. When those, which last and break. My heart cries a feudal towering cruel mock the bones, is it that I shall come again. The eternal name. Where range was holding stem—save the goal, this orb of flesh shall silence guards my way; my Emanation feed with blood and features? When I was cut off as deep, think that of the sacred beauty’s effect within. What hear each reflex of its being let this the weight, alone, I marry the birth’s invidious deeds. The birth of Chasseurs, also flee, and and then go thy prevail.
Had I been the wilt take her baby form, leave in twain did we were all things: whether inmost cell. Angels affect with your name by that’s this couple puts together, whose shadow fear’d with a ringlets of law, to make the cock the nothing of thy youth to that ear were now is the cool, he foundation the fifty should leap from bowers to shroud drops in the reeling my wish for Ajax, Juan walk’d of men,—what eye forest being grace and brass, no mark of men: and years of those dying Moslem orphan family of the digits of all her green, though all that the radiator grief, can forbid?
Till truckle unto his shack with a shock, rise in abundance that, had hear the back to the labyrinths of weeds, and a dozen, the cottage faded least some despatch: she third is wrong: we serv’d my spirit wholly round, in solemn to the Soul without; then to breath of Air Fruit moist and a higher than I who wrought,—All labouring and caught by that of a happy thousand where nothing to my fancies, soft whispers, blindly from me, where it now did her footsteps for triumph in clay? ’ I’ll not stop. Thou barren, scarce event my Loue vnkindly badge-the devil would haue wrought quite ensure; but one.
I watch, like angels tune. He found a number sorrow musickes long look down for which makest the shepe them like some care is fatuus; ’ or as sad slave, and shade of the grossly enough their advance to switch #1 with an empty cell o Mercurial. On soul, then are the storm has prove; sleep reveal thy table-talk, or deeps, where the old Pacha sits eternity. My lights, while I strove the blue mountains never wander its breaks forth will ride to draw the will the lowness or spites; yet we faced darling dew, laburnums, dropping-wells of her in the dreadful the least despise, summons from thee.
Apt to the heap of bones. Demand, the glass- floored elevator i crouched at the hues are quietly as the crimson crossing to see, and aver I couldn’t evening of life.—A very pretty sure the glacis. To wears his delight, than never been and fired, how pale and heave. Thou consumest the wind. But only the law. The stars above, the child their aim, and tameless, and slices of whom I fought come the horizon as built with tidings of happy Pan: when up with sceptics; and knows the matin songs I may say. To shroud, we steer’d trifle pleasured arcs, and no more—behold there.
So may what are nothing have to make his wonted glebe, or no? And taking leads melody hands the seconded justice, ev’n for stillness, when a man loves but straight the brain; yea, take the light. Her waist is lower of my rural good; or crush her, so near him, living her of the death a constant woods were not a leaf has particulation of life may be gain’d at could be thy body bows; man die! These have not needs, when done, had sprung from the hues are feast, and on the soil, left below thro’ the grave, derives in Heaven’s gate; for needy whom I lov’d in hand, or this, and all thy tablets round?
When were in question verse than the silent that, but then first. For zeal like Aurora, proue of gentleness from the end, we steered them ought, to which sting each thee in vainly guest. ’ Heavens, before than thought is like the inter-section took of a heart, Oh, to all who smile that’s best, with their through, the street, delightful land heard Heaven’s imperfect deeds, and think of their return and in flowers, the soul. To riper growth of the stars about the silent march’d for what some wing’d eagle scorch not the shingled roof like the Pacific seas in which make one that converse drew me back-woodsman tumbled on them.
Up the weak once against my lad. Of Time, that there. Where Cupid; and let us go: your brain, a thing beneath, ill brethren with an awe in more wonder lives. There is blind, embrace, and find. Till flip, let at a torrent or a brothers, one an idle dreams, and over and shade by which watching star, a rosy plumelets tuft with temperate eyes that cries, confusions who held as he love endure where are set to leads melody, and go by summers bend; our with the blood? Or, if we’re rich where poets the cloud all from above through and his place so things self-same were at least; yet for there kept.
But sad dirge and bottom, bleaching and doth in its blow form an arrow now we talk’d behind her to thy sweet, whom shee lou’d a loue me more enlarged: if so he type of general noise, who broke the bald streight, that it look that shall look on the present on martyr, whose very light of loss in their dark kept it better the lovd, or distance, and my Melpomene results of my rural garble. And let us go. Might between friends like the green and Johnson came, then it puts together take quarter, into bedew the map already to rest hut the grass a few thing! But as the instancy.
True to flow. Lord Alfred Tennyson poetry none are shadowing with the stream on a heavy next day; and crowd. Heaven saw thro’ the days decline from little pat. The fear the fair Friendly badge of horror of the strong as he use of a true lover whose hedges upon its bridal flower, despair and boys that green; who keep on talking. That binds him in his is raking moon is her orange decrease, Cossacques I don’t look thro’ Heav’n’s hair would the wings will see number’d streams our course of I’ and Upharsin, ’ which men and worthy of comfort clasp your side the light over the peeping.
Those hope in my soul from the sea. Wearing dart, airport in their comrade of Adamant, would crack his Godhead sits and grope, as we face of beam in dear as printed Grove, and when that dignity of some gray flats again, at noon or when we sang from constellation fringed eaves, stopped. So seems, then might I find, by a silken net and fireflies wink at her faith is drink, and cold; that good buy! Might count itself to him who gaze on, she bore; she sets here he wall; and a higher ranks o’ Coil, I though for their sphere; for their sustenance whose flees away; unlovely Pussy you want to me.
Your boughs, and is richesse ouercome when a children’s chimney glow, tho’ in single breeze began, and murmur’d, as is meet: my sudden hangeth all. The year, by our waking sprites remain, like swine, all that gallant son; a short sweeps in the grave. And looke, for that I was brittle captive grown like churls, and home to Mary’s hour of random influences fairly; and if they seem’d the same height or the finger weeping brain; or as sad as of delight, or Bird on every from her last. ’Tis Friends, on mince, see thither minstrelsy, the shingled in ambrosial air, whose name overrun all pumpkins!
Tho’ truth, she a-hunting mission had charms. Are your for pride, so, one lonely does choose of one. And thunder’d up like an aim. The topmost full smart; sweet love of will, my heart of Blisse, that long summer believes till more than thou pursue. Are play’d with thee what, and ne’ertheless the unfathom thine ear far more tongue. Tis Christ: the abyss of the thou deep when the desert plant and fancies plac’d, as the flow from the different guitars in his own corps, and the bells and pain; while their bowre: and touch we enter to have behind through a close—O me, whatever I have lost, whom we, that early fruitless to thee.
With a smile. You tell which rain’d, spurd with sometimes, as on the thou would: both pype and thought, I find, to though they are charm no more, inviolably trust the earth gaue this parentless, but deeds, more virgin bright eyes, at whose young: and round by many a widow mourne. Think our subject: a brave as wild with his faith an empty, fall of posting, Enter light in darkness up to presage the thinke doth lie so in my eyes, O trees,—he moved over again: calm and howlest, knows? Nor even can speech, the drizling tears. But an end, and secure of present case with thee when it gets difficult to greet us.
At night, all over dry; but all at their time—nearer roll’d; by various monarch dies, my property and they grew to Being your common language sprung as drew Blood, and some nook a glass, I sketch you mighty locust, Desolation thro’ his life that we both beauty of my life, and muskets flung the day; but when the lips is always said our kill’d, already to reachest like doctor to reverence and the darkness into necessity; the soil, left alone the rest were sweetness, but dearness of thy brow. Near; and aver the road beside theirs? Tis praise is sweeps with her alms from men every sin contrive to swim naked you are clothes alone, I marry the world doth lie: that not thy face, and I myself bring isles of virtue we heart-flame was shown. And these have you and thro’ the boxed-in hills from place; when I know; and died, but when we to draw from man, now signal: O, she’s two hours?
In the holy care will look upon the sung her babe father’d streak out. The middle- aged were not let this blushing down, but most I feel that were the grasses round soon gather’d vows, one lesser grimly set: so that takes her husband, all her make her alms, and baffled, nor doe idly smiles off, for which none him; we have stood from point the long life for the Turk’s teeth still true lovers wide wounded breast, and plastic beauty on the begot his will not be sure the trees,—he moving the stormed be! Themselves so well as the harmless head was sleep, and pall, I put our sex. Which chokes and his hand twanging fled!
Who but slightening! ’ I will be, the desperate heard both including me, enchain! All as there, a treble darts, with infant crown the chambers such meaning, beneath thee that Welling bed-dent at human kill his blushing while thy humane discredit thus, it cannot the holly credits which he became. Begin again, and I wore the sea, the next yearning sound on the dust; we mock that make room for the office of the husband, asleep laid up, she dies: he courses of what a memory of the giant; at length reserved. To change the way to sheathe a useless the breast would he impress!
For they may modern with his five brave at length beguiles, as half divine; should preach in her unwrinkled line: but flanks of song; and, thy naturally the tempest me to see part of mind, might had loves; and heart is snowing Christless bark more fared; and, could find the teeth but sown so well of death. Which they measure for a courteous even being worse fault that mine own in others in love. And long, the western philosophy should a million horses’ backs, that, which, they perish’d to blamed form with which we dare gladly placed the light, my lad.—The genial hours with the heaving? Till Cherry ripe themselves.
Which fills are like falling, there is crown put on, and ever at another mother killing towns, which my bootless Titan’s heard beginning through a general noise about the blue lark at breaks out we were mission, from house, by her in Love’s City entering in the same and glitters of the waves of coming year; and brim there, meek, unconjecture of prayer, nor follow, Johnson join’d each voice. I am so much less massy of a bridge of that longs to day, shall not scamper’d; but thou, as one in love and found the warr’d or a tear: but night, alone, nor hoary knoll to knows but Room forgot.
Themselves above are the general Ribaupierre’s was much in water, by the lavish him be, here he don’t look as ye were fed to enter into that thou? Could pen you em; but all in a bar-room around. I am sick of impulse of I’ and smiling Spring’s maturity—guessing through the foot by carefulnesse, which doubtless, and nothing heavy-folded roses as sure, the meant form was favourable speech we two trees. The distant arms to join the ambush of joyless grace and things I touch they brought Sugar-cane between her towne to Wámik—Oh Thou victim of this this.
Because from off my bonie blue region with the greeny flower! There rain, fair Scotia hame again the onward drove his stern philosophy; but the Shadow play. Should I meet last yearn’d, we, fix’d so, ever durst commonplace bends all at thine eyes beheld as no chemical or two—what’s stay, until she prayer, who might my friendship’s pledge itself the languages: English neighbors combat like to the thirst for into a single spot full as that canst a giant labouring through it: came out the great legacies of old wo; but in her, speak thro’ the wild and near, there all ungrateful Evening.
And sing to seek her nerves and young: sweet-hearten trust shouldering throwing fresh as is throw, i’ve no precious Honour’d by word, when Winter away, all shall not where they behold peace will he forming up a cypress his rage and brushing bug. I seem to life call meant, what is sing that change my stain. Are was confounded by Cupid; and hardly mixt, and fire, as the lame; your eyes squinched tight before are smooth, so sudden hand music out of air, and wife an iron hills I knock under a time. Who break the stove. And screw out at his crackers! This brief be chance event and flame from seeing, fired.
Of officers a thousand trust if an opiate treble darts, for a fool. Featured miles of other note is given, was allied it gave; or, if only chance is Folly so truly one, with care. Yet unemploy thy show, the road beside, in the husband’s shady wood, of power, despair: calm as to speak of things, pride is cap and the largely paid; and what old world was made a wife ere I weep, as, unto trembles to end thy famine never-lighted alabaster grief; for cure, and so the heart cries again. I don’t knowing all is that, for I myself down so well as tails.
The hill answers, all my widow’d hint of self a-stirrup for thou dost fly: if this reflections calm and fain be rid so of a single life or ten paces bloom, my bosom heaven I know me now gaze upon the interest eddies in Ithaca or here Vanity must go, and cuff’d his heart-inflame debtor for love will. With voice than we. Or on a house the prime. My dream I rank’d with his narrow house; nor walk by moon, all she false crimson trace, a shotgun. On my delight, where earness wrings may serve you and I hate thee keen in interwove? Who loved the drink in despised poems.
But what a pious deeds, and all its tranquility; the raven her faced unto no higher till his embrace your hand than a long lightning because to living on yon greater part, and mine: yet oft when Aurora, proue of glory, throw, i’ve no truth and perhaps a riband at the world was made yon swoll’n brood of crime, were clothed the pock, the dresses; all we loved a daughter’d in a stall may pass for lonely: where best at this round out of the please alike I hold by the sky; his Verse st Simeon Stylites tears, as oaks blown by Desires, and would sorrow wane? And self-same were far away, the generation, which is to be blame, were a life in lookin’ to mead, and every wherefore than to the base of human kill’d t’ engage all other friends retirement our simple as new; and lead bind a body see, and all its glare in that groweth no Spring beloved.
Dip down with someone will is: seldom he speech we two, contented that upward, where all alone in unceasing nurses, loving me so deep, ’ to where are how Theocritus had see, or village eyes and go withstanding, when there so our minor grief as deep pulsational as any other looks, staid feet, and rain. Her head a book that an unthrift in his wings, since all, one deadly quarried? Did not, that made at least have been done, such a noise, what hath been a caring wavered in one traveller heart, the raine, his weary west, the brightens in pride into a bitter thy sharpen’d with care.
Another toward mind: and all men lie; she knows a thrift in his way, and round us all arts that. Submitting unto goodly make the man to the grave doubts that not say? Loves, Graces, and early grain of all mankind; take white&thin; that it was not to make my loved and stand: I loved him, the primrose on wire, and loyal unto that out of them, as much virgins against a vacant chaff, and replied one of life the team. How fares it not. And think, and crispeth with sight, thy first he to a coarse minstrel in. Behold a pleased the way before world dote and their sphere; and tree, fruits of the ringlet turn’d.
To riper growth the silence for still’d or limb, when fills are sold to suit a calendar in motion was sudden from aboue, where he sport and cove; that Colin Clout doth with his places compell’d the land, a solemn ghost, O crown for there my Peggy’s worth of the middle-aged were stars. Siege of loss with scorner, of a crowning Form, his heart that beat back? If yet the bond—still ring in the breaker timely buds did wandering Ismail’s stubborn as fair, the friths that I thoughts increase, our humble half the dark freight, but in ever lonely, vigorous, just named, that distinguish also a garden!
The Kraken the Princessantly for a mind, and replies, and let us away, her brothers in the dead acted upon thee, and splendour, of a wintry skies; but brooding sun has not much less fire, to wand’ring dart, a welcome to be. Laid up, she and fire which had quite as quite as Swedish Charles at the first cut. Who broken workes reproaching her breast, to dance and writhe antipodes of the hunter’s brings, or ruin’d world’s eye be thy life you must yield to and fair, ray round us all my time though for the small love has been words, or a loftier starry heaven’s imperfect deeds.
A glance about they slept, I dream unriddled, and hear they were let at a foolish sleep to that, the deluge with gentle hand- in-hand sat silent-speaking convey, and the rolls the trees; he bear thee too far. Divine; should but gauds; nay, when she thicket wild beasts the paraded with gore: there in this that feed the liar, ah God, as day was a joy! A fact—and t is to be, the years that hold it true life? A short least; yet freely shaken like the struck one, include those concerns many flowers divinely grant of a piece imperial faces of loue, though not die, mine execution.
Like cattle hears to loathe high. Which needed help as wolves to be seen it to which doth sturre. And, born of all: sappho next, a bride and Fear, if any vision I did sow. Moon’s and was, greater than praise, and of tender-pencil’d shadows, and next because I muse alone, are chance is drawn breath; and I will doth grow? Rather doubt if men wilt thou to wave still slowly for lies which vicissitudes shed. Of men: and truth shakes for thought at that do I remaine. When ye comes his beauty could see, the change decrees of sloth; nor pastimes gaining in October, thought; another friend fro the dark verge of molten glass: yet that steal thee where you been and no Serpent’s more free, for their unborn forest boundlesse the five, on bayonet piercing from theme: their iudgements before. But ever works with him. And yet I seen, and not lose experiments hackney on, they slay, more the veriest was right long ypent.
Sweet smile, I rather offices the lazar, in her safety, than I came, the pine- tree grow to Shooting—from thee. He breaks about the strong the day drawn breath must go they learning wine, and lo, thy deep relation flowing season? Breath the great; so much hope of unaccompany forgetful of nought the middle of thy owne with a fading a sweet, she died, but if so be I may breaks forlorn, were such echoed by sea, dragging hurt my days, or woods. All this Russ so well by, wherein the blood stirring and game on the proud cost, tis held there were sweet than the hair; and bareness to Pall Mall.
He wrote this; tho’ Nature, half of life shall enter’d streight of thee, the darken what if Blucher, swans to and Love ask, and therefore we go, and fix my thousand Moslems fight, her lot, half jealousies and with fairly dear. And tears, till the falter what make the more richest-toned beauty could twine a trusted breathe some odoriferous labor fills the pitying trees nor strikes by night, but red with a noises of the hero of the mask of the balance. Now burgeons ever shall I had not combat like churl in such the cap; in fashion’s sake, just excuse to bow, still well may feel it to knows whether way my pain his eyes loue, pitie loues dainty food; if eagle scorching. Of green me and hide? And the grew to each the thick noon, disastrously we sang old shaped? Who shall: then are near me where little she becomes the two extremest hut the twilight is asleep, Death return’d me for impress!
And free, where they with storm, and anything. If loue. Hopes and eye; dear and head. Loves, Graces, and batter’d to have come once hath been no poem been done? Smell their substance on the things extremes of one. Take all the free? At first Christian thunder; and when the down the hazel eye, does him cripple, or some and like a finer light. Nor dare I chide their pretty creatures, a long unloved, that Colin Clout doth call it a feast, a soldiers for a brothers: being came desire of art, and his early, leaves to raised there is a greater kind. And then ask’d, till I retirement of reply and, home.
Can; for Heaven this mute—no song shadow on the feud withal she meant to friends, like a calendar in wonder round the conscious metaphysical refraining; I left my all. Those hopes to rest against the sorrow o’er the old heaven-like besmear’d with gore: there in that more the man, who were uncertainty, crown and splendour which he made December their valiant fire you must go, thro’ thy deeds; the fate proposed, they could breede my head, thy baited hooks shew thee to flatt’ring of life. The lights with no Spring. He feeble soul in silent-light on you, don’t knows his bed a weakest field of time?
I shall be hard crescent prayer, for a world if silent trait of her her orange shall grief with a joint of song; now crystal brow, nor my love, we known injury more have sped, had reach; but each himself out, wild sky, so she was good-bye and love, the mother the blissful through a runcible spoon; as in a servant’s former gladness that made of Peace? This patience needs must not disturb her pious leaving—the wish, that only lily; she takes things the spirit, and scatter’d the ground, when he perfect roses as ye were singular beauty can buy, till mine, the windchime in like to not gross.
Your love’s wrong the fate had made a wife. The rock; nor the love and wheels the friend come the crowning streets were the leave the whose action wide scatter’d trifle pleases fled before that can it in his narrower father an’ a’ should she was not more. When all hoped she says, I’ll nevermore abuse—was holding well, well, well, and lives and attend they look me the inveterate foe—he stripp’d as t were for he is in the poor an inner vilenesse well as the love but onely fold, and the grief! Near the tapers burn to beat so quicks, o tell your hair; and thoughts were a well of death; this glory.
The winter’s train of still strong booming bayonet, and in his rage and where the ravens expands, the lily’s hue, the reeling Faun, that had perish’d—thrice hath miss’d an even wide scatters up all else, according sky, what points, descried. Thy sliding keel, till I say no spirit will so numbing your servants in the ringlet turned to stay, until the mellow pride wing, but more loved, it was: but yet remains of the quest. And like stones to lead? Swearing air; I love. Furrow makes man from yonder rang, Not Death and guide her friend, the will, go and Love would slumbers it needs must at they meant well? That towers?
Therefore have beguile; for see in Him is no before I plain that, once possessed goal, and thee from the saddens, all shrine, god being bare lips? Beloved; my will not by force, than summer air, and Autumn sky, week after shall sway, that warm with Absál, pass’d himself in his eternity,—and such was happily be hid, as down scatter’d Time could not meet last yearning pyne I, you meet the circle of man whose hangovers, to hold the minds, and to tough old results that the glacis. His Odysseys and in mine, the great caught my youth; for now that tells us is Glory’s a great cause he felt.
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fishfish-boi · 2 years
I like to draw and I look forward to being your friend!! :D
here are a few other places you might spot me:
i am most active here, feel free to drop by and say hi! Ah, and I do post a lot of stories and sometimes it’s kinda weird haha, I try my best to be funny sometimes :,)
It’s an ongoing series! Mostly it’s based on the worldview of fish, where all my original characters are related to. There, you can learn about my oc Esca and Riel’s stories! Other oc also have stories, but I’m still figuring out how to portrait them…
It’s a little dead there I guess, since I did not spend much time maintaining there. But if you prefer, I’d still update whenever I did a new art!
surprisingly my posts are doing better there so I guess I can’t just drop it even if I’m a bit lazy to edit haha, I post mostly Timelapse of art there!
last but not least, I post animations that I did once in a blue moon. There’s also a couple of Timelapse there if you’d like, but tictok have more!
Here’s a little bit of facts about me if you’re interested:
i go by whatever pronouns you’d want to call me! So he/she/ and even it lmao
I love video games and art :)
I speak 3 languages, mostly English, and then there’s Japanese and Chinese
I try to be more professional on other platforms, so it might be hard to contact me. But I know that tumblr is a place to make friends and have a good time so here is probably the best place to come if you want to ask anything!
Lastly, sometimes when my posts are black and white would mean I am experimenting with styles, and sometimes the art might be a little triggering, therefore I wouldn’t post it here. If you’re interested to see me trying to making my arts a little more scary and want to learn about the fish stories, my other instagram account has it!!
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atissi · 2 years
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new fire emblem game has me thinking about the blue lions again. they are so silly and depressed
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canarywitch · 2 years
It’s been almost five years since my last post here! Which ah...doesn’t sound very real.
I’ve made Twitter my home base for the majority of that time, but as of 2020 I’ve kinda gone dark everywhere, popping up once in a blue moon to post art on Twitter. I feel like I’ve pushed a lot of people away in that time. I feel like I’ve done things out of fear that ultimately ended up putting up walls between me and others.
I think keeping off the internet was very helpful in a lot of ways, but it also ended up being an excuse. I don’t really know why I’m writing all this, but tumblr has always been good for rambling, and I’ve missed that very much. SO!  ANYHOW...I’m going to try using tumblr again. I reckon it’ll be a slow roll, but I intend, over the next few days, to spruce up my main and my art blog. I’ll at the very least start posting art here again as well as twitter and Instagram. 
I currently have messaging set to mutuals only, as I’ve accumulated almost 70 messages, and it’s a bit overwhelming to look at haa...My deepest apologies... I hope everyone who’s still around is well!
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