#my only reason i can imagine for that is that burie was afraid to put out a song about unabashedly chasing fame and glory after the split
baffles me TO THIS DAY why the vices & virtues bonus tracks never made the album. a lotta them are better than what actually made the cut and those 6 songs are some of the best music panic! ever made, especially post-split
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
tw - fem!reader, emotional manipulation, possessive behavior, prolonged imprisonment.
“Mistress prisoner?”
There was a knock, the sound of hoofed feet shuffling against a tile floor. You shrunk into yourself, suddenly thankful you’d chosen to take such a claustrophobic linen closet to seek refuge in, that Neuvillette’s awful gowns provided so much fabric for you to bury yourself in.
“Mistress prisoner? Are you alright?”
Another knock, a round of hushed whispering. Clearly, he’d sent more than one, this time.
“Should we get a healer for you, mistress?”
You swore under your breath, burying your face in your knees. Curse your bleeding heart.
Slowly, taking pains to wipe the lingering tears from your cheeks without wrinkling the fine silk of your sleeve, you pushed yourself to your feet. He was a bastard of a man, an underhanded thief masquerading as the living embodiment of justice, but tragically, Neuvillette had caught on to the only weakness you had in this palace of unearned punishments and hollow promises. You would be able to bear it if he thought of you as a petulant child, too stubborn to accept his protection or his love, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be quite so heartless when it came to the melusines.
You pulled the door open, resting your shoulder against the frame. He’d sent three, this time – all wearing modified garde uniforms and none standing taller than your waist. They were clustered close together, but as you emerged, the centermost girl stepped forward, this one totting pastel pink skin and curling horns and cheeks you’d give anything to squeeze. “We spoke with Monsieur Neuvillette,” she started, clearly shy despite having appointed herself as the leader of their little group. When she paused, her gaze fell away from yours, dropping to her feet. “He said you wouldn’t mind if we asked why you don’t want to attend the opera with us, tonight.”  
Oh, you were going to throttle that old man.
You forced yourself to smile. No part of you wanted to be seen in public with your captor, to hear onlookers praise his kindness, his willingness to care for even the most irredeemable of criminals while knowing he wouldn’t make it past the first aria before finding some reason to pull you into some unused dressing room and abuse his authority yet again. But, explaining the length of your hatred to the creatures he showed so much fondness toward would be like trying to tell a child that their favorite candy was the source of their aching cavities. You were better off saving your breath. “Neuvillette didn’t mention that you’d be coming with us.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise.” It was the blue one, this time – with flowers dotted across her arms and legs and a tone so meek, it was all you could do not to take her into your arms and promise her that you’d go to as many operas as she could stand to attend. “He said it’d help to raise your spirits.”
You let out a soft coo, crouching down to their height. “It was a very sweet idea,” you said, fighting not to melt at the sight of their little, doe-like noses and big, star-filled eyes. “And I very much appreciate that you three would care enough to try and cheer me up. It’s only…”
You paused, clicked your tongue. Predictably, the third member of their little trio (who had yet to uncross her arms or drop her adorably pointed glare) chimed in. “What is it? We don’t have all day, y’know.”
“Well, I might not be at my best, but Monsieur Neuvillette’s been awfully lonely lately too.” Lonely – that was one way to put it. It was hard to imagine he’d even be capable of feeling anything so fundamentally human. “I’m afraid, if I’m having so much fun with all of you, he might feel a little left out. You can understand why I wouldn’t want to do that to him, can’t you?”
There was a round of nodding heads, of words of affirmation. The leader piped up first, both hands balled into fists and wide eyes bright with a resilient spark. “We won’t let Monsieur Neuvillette get lonely!”
“We won’t leave his side!”
“We’ll stick to him like glue!”
With a breath of a laugh, you pulled the little trio into your arms and press a kiss into the tops of their heads. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, girls. I’ll see you at the opera house tonight, and remember–“
This time, you didn’t have to fake your smile.
“Don’t let Neuvillette go a moment without your delightful company.”
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anangelinthepit · 2 months
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Bruise my Bones, but Leave my Heart Alone
Hello, Lovies here we go with part 9 as always trigger warning ⚠️ sensitive topics. Read at your own risk. I love you all dearly🩵 -Magenta
Part 9
I think I’m two seconds away from acting on my impulse. My head was spinning and my vision was getting blurry with the amount of tears that I could no longer hold back. I’m so tired of crying. I can’t even imagine bringing a baby into all of this, this chaotic fucking merry-go-round that I call my life.
“It was one fucking time,” I said wiping my face.
“Sweetie that's all it takes. You guys didn’t wear any type of protection at all?”
“Shawnah if I did, I wouldn’t be carrying this man’s fucking baby. What am I gonna do?” I said lying down on the bed.
Noah and I barely know each other, we’re still learning, and not only that there’s still a possibility that we are in danger. Things have been quiet for a bit but that’s how it goes. Calm before the storm. They know I’m with Noah and it’s only a matter of time they put two and two together. They’ll figure out where we are and light this whole place up in flames. If I leave, they won't know where I’m at and leave Noah alone. It’s me they’re after, I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m collateral. I love Noah with all my fucking heart but I love him more when he’s alive and in one piece. I put my hand on my stomach and realized I had to think about Noah and the baby now. If this will keep them safe then so be it.
“I have to leave,” I said
“If I leave then I can protect both Noah and the baby.”
“Y/N calm down, really think about what you’re saying. You are now in a fragile state. You would have no money and no place to go. I know you're afraid, but we haven’t heard anything about that gang in God knows how long. For all we know, they probably gave up, California is dangerous for a girl, a PREGNANT girl.”
I wanted to believe Shawnah, but with the experience I have with this, I know it's not over. It's far from it, actually.
“I don’t think you understand how deep Jason was in with this gang. They once hunted a man for a whole year to get their money back plus some. Also, do you think the boys are telling us the full truth? Cause I sure as hell don’t. They don’t want us to worry and while I respect their decision, being left in the dark about all this isn’t safe for us either.”
“If you leave, Noah will come and find you and bring your ass back here. You KNOW how that man gets when he can’t find you. Is leaving the best option?” Shawnah asked trying to reason with me
“It’s not only the best option but it’s the final option. I’m leaving tomorrow and you’re gonna help me.”
“Help you what? Pick out both of our caskets. Cause when Noah and Jolly find out we plotted behind their backs, they’re gonna kill us and bury our bodies in the back fucking yard.”
“Pfft, you think this is my first escape? If Noah wanted to kill me he would have done it already. Trust me, that was their first option when they kidnapped me.”
“So why make it an option now? Y/N I can’t help you with this. I would have to be the one to tell them.” Shawnah said in protest
“Look I’m either doing this with or without you. Without will be a lot harder but either way it’s happening. Are you gonna help me or not?” I said
“Y/N I think you’re making things more difficult than what they need to be. There are other options that we can consider. Please be reasonable.” Shawnah begged
“Again you are either against me or with me. Which is it? I said, crossing my arms.
“Will you at least come back?”Shawnah said with tears forming in her eyes
“Yes, in a few months. I promise and I’ll keep in touch but you can’t tell Noah or Jolly.” I said
Shawnah let out a big sigh and realized my mind had been made up. I know we only have each other in this house but best friends stick together. She’s my ride or die and I meant that.
“I hate you”
“I love you too”
Shawnah hugged me and started to form a plan on how we were gonna get me out of the house.
“Will this work?” I asked
“Only one way to find out. Well sleep on it tonight and see how we feel in the morning. Just try to be normal during the cookout tonight. If Noah suspects anything is off, he’ll be on you like a demon on a whore.”
“Did…did you purposely use that metaphor?”
“Oh my God Y/N you’re not a whore.”
We both shared a laugh and went to leave the room. We slowly went down the hallway back to Noah’s room to try and pack up some of my things
“I think he might still be downstairs.”
I opened the door and was met with an annoyed Noah sitting on the bed waiting for me.
“Welp, R.I.P”
I shot Shawnah a glare and told her I’d see her downstairs. I closed the door and smiled at Noah.
“Hey baby, everything okay?”
“No actually. I think my girlfriend is hiding something from me.”
“Your insecurities are showing. Baby, I promised you no more secrets remember?”
“So you want to tell me why you’re throwing up, haven’t been able to stay awake half of the time, and were in Jolly’s room with Shawnah whispering.”
“Someone’s been observant,” I said smirking. Hoping I can blow this over with some charm
“I’m not fucking around Y/N. You’re hiding something from me. Spill it right now.” He said getting up from his chair.
I would be more willing to tell him about the pregnancy if he wasn’t so fucking hostile. One thing about Noah and I is we are both cocky assholes.
“you think I want to tell you anything when you’re like this? Look at you, you moved towards me like you were gonna knock me out.” I said crossing my arms. All I could think about was how his next move was gonna make it easier for me to up and leave tomorrow
Noah sighed and rubbed his forehead trying to control his frustration.
“Okay baby you’re right. Can you please tell me what’s been bothering you lately? I hate seeing you like this my love, was it something I did?
“No baby it wasn’t,” I said
“Then what is it? Please Y/N talk to me.”
I had no choice but to come up with a lie on the spot.
“I’m just worried about you going on tour. I was once a fan, and I know how crazy fangirls are, and it makes me nervous.”
Noah looked at me like I just offended him and his great ancestors. I get the lie probably wasn't the best, but it was the only thing that came to my mind
“Baby. We gotta work on your anxiety because that's so ridiculous. I don’t have time or other women, let alone want another woman. Not to mention, I meant it when I said wherever I go, you go too”
Noah got up from the bed and hugged me.
“Look at me. There is nothing in this world that will ever stop me from being with you or loving you. Not another woman, Not death, Not even god himself. Do you understand?” I nodded my head and just gave him one last hug.
In the back of my mind, I was starting to reconsider the decision I made. I wouldn’t be able to hug him like this for a while or hold him close as he would bury his face in my chest. Whisper to him how much I love him and how I’m so happy he saved me. He’s done enough for me. I think it’s my turn to save him now.
“You feel up to going downstairs?
“Yeah lets go,” I said, smiling
We made our way downstairs and joined the rest of the gang for the cookout. I'm gonna miss this, but I'd miss even more if it was taken away from me permanently. We had some good laughs and good food. Of course, as the night went on, everyone started to do their own thing. I kept looking over at Shanwah now and again to see the expression on her face. It's not that I didn't trust her, but I put a huge burden on her shoulders. Anyone can crack under pressure, and I'm afraid that is exactly what's gonna happen. When I looked over for the 15th time, I saw that Jolly was whispering dirty, sweet, nothing into her ear. They got up and made their way into the house to do their hourly banging. This made me roll my eyes. How the hell do they have the energy to do it every hour on the hour? Noah and I did it 7 times in one day after I moved in once, and that was exhausting. I chucked at the memory, but then I realized something as I watched them go up the stairs to their room.
That fucking pregnancy test is still in their bathroom on the fucking counter.
Jolly’s POV
Shawnah, please don't fucking lie to me again. What is this?
I hope you all enjoyed it. I'm starting to love this series all over again. See you guys in the next chapter. 🩵
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @chey-h @hurricanesfollowyou @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @chey-h @concreteemo @concreteangel92
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spunsugarmusings · 6 months
Young Frankenstein: The Musical Starter Sentences
Starters from the Mel Brookes' hit musical Young Frankenstein. Change pronouns and tenses as necessary, and enjoy!
"What happened in that castle made our lives a living Hell!"
"We're the happiest town in town!"
"Hold the happiness!"
"Please, do I look like the kind of madman who'd prowl around graveyards, digging up freshly buried corpses?"
"I don't indulge in hijinks or tomfoolery!"
"I live for truth and reason, that's the reason I exist!"
"Hearts and lungs are simply tinker toys when stacked against the brain!"
"His reflexes have no freedom to react when I mistreat him."
"Those naughty thoughts are fine with me as long as they stay locked away in your imagination."
"You can savage me and ravage me; I care not what you do."
"Oh everybody look! How unique. They're not touching."
"Please keep your hands off these."
"It'll be like old time, you and me, right up there with the world's greatest pairs!"
"We've only met in a dream!"
"Up until now it's been the worst time, but now that you're here, we're a team!"
"What good is a stooge if he ain't got a boss?"
"I'm very high spirited, doctor. I hope you won't hold it against me."
"So, have you thought of any ways you could use me?"
"Nothing's better than a hayride, underneath the sun."
"There! There wolves!"
"There wolves, there castle!"
"Don't risk my curse, it could be worse!"
"Join the family business, learn the family trade!"
"Make yourself a monster, and make the world afraid!"
"Follow in our footsteps and you'll earn eternal fame!"
"As you know, predestination, from the day of your creation has determined you vocation, that's a fact!"
"Just relax, create a serum; come up with a brilliant theorum!"
"This is one position that you never can decline!"
"Love dances in on a whim."
"He was a bully and a brute, he was as crazy as a coot!"
"He was my boyfriend!"
"He always treated me like dirt!"
"But I was happy to be hurt!"
"I was an innocent young lamb, and he was a dirty old goat."
"He was the one I gave my heart to, but we were never wed, even so."
"If I'd mention wedlock, he put me in a headlock!"
"When I asked to be his wife, he stabbed me with a kitchen knife!"
"Where did all the good times go?!"
"If he had an angry fit, I was the first thing that he hit! But I didn't give a shit!"
"So, now we hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself."
"Death has ruled without question."
"Tear the night asunder, cast your light upon the dark!"
"Give my creature life!"
"We're considered both a Death and a Tourist Trap."
"Rich and poor are all soft-shoeing it in hotels or huts!"
"Even dogs are also doing it, pedigrees and mutts!"
"Do the Transylvania Mania!"
"Catch the monster before he strikes again!"
"Hello heartaches, goodbye kvellings."
"Let's forget about thinking, thinking's never smart."
"Flush your brain right down the drain, and listen to your heart!"
"Lose your mind, 'cause love is blind, and listen to your heart!"
"You'll find such bliss in the kissin' you're missin'."
"Intellectuals are ineffectuals when it comes to making love."
"Don't resist cupid's dart."
"Everybody loves to get a surprise."
"It all can change, if your fates arrange a nice surprise for you."
"There’s nothing like a wonderful surprise!"
"Here’s what we advise, never bother people with a surprise!"
"It's been so long since I felt the touch of someone's hand."
"Oh, Lord, let's face it, we're talkin' LONELY here!"
"You don't know your left from your right."
"You'll be the greatest creation of man since the invention of fire!"
"You'll be cheered, never feared evermore!"
"You know, until now my life has been nothing but a meaningless world of silly parties."
"Again? Oh, you're incouragable, aren't you?"
"We will take a hay ride when we're on our honeymoon!"
"Even monsters fall in love!"
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A Year of Love and Horror
(Dieter x horror loving female)
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Words: 1, 178
Summary: I don’t know if it’s actually been a year since I started this series but I’m celebrating their anniversary, which is October 1st. Check out this story and this one to understand certain references.
Warnings: saucy suggestions, lots of adorable fluffy goodness, Dieter being Dieter
Check out masterlist here
“It’s just special effects. I’ll be fine. I’ll be having churros after this. It’s just special effects. I’ll be fine. I’ll be having churros after this.”
Dieter went through this mantra while waiting in line with you. The Haunted Mansion has always been your favourite ride at Disneyland, but Dieter had to confess he’s always been too afraid to ride it. You squeezed his hand, momentarily breaking him from him chanting his mantra.
“You doing okay?”
He just nodded. This was going to be the first ride of the day so it would be over and done with, no dread looming throughout the day. If he focused on the after, he would make it. He watched every behind-the-scenes video you could find about the ride and watched a ride through from the safety of the living room. He was still terrified but determined to get through this. He wanted to make an effort especially today.
It was your one-year anniversary, and you were celebrating at the supposed happiest place on earth. Arriving the night before so you could get an early start on rides, Dieter had an earlier start with you. He also hoped to forget the impending frights awaiting him by burying himself in you.
“Happy Anniversary honey cakes.”
“Happy Anniversary Dieter.”
He moved further up to bed so he could face you, “Do you want presents now or later?”
“So that amazing orgasm wasn’t my present?”
“Oh, that’s just the usual morning special,” he snuggled a lot closer to you. “Fancy another one?”
“I had more than enough last night so I think I’ll be fine,” you kissed him then got up from the bed. “And I’m hungry and want to get started on rides as soon as possible.”
An apprehensive look went over Dieter’s face, so you put a reassuring hand on his cheek, “Just go through your mantra and focus on churros.”
Now he was standing in the sinking room trying not to have a sinking feeling. He focused on his breathing and imagining the smell of churros. Before he knew it, he was seeing sunlight again.
You thought he did extremely well. Managing to keep his eyes open for most of it although he squeezed your hand more firmly in some parts. You couldn’t help but hug him.
“How was it?”
He sighed in relief, “Not too bad. I survived.”
Nudging him over so he’d be in view of the churro cart, you asked, “Churro?”
After that treat, the rest of the day was thoroughly enjoyable. Avoiding the Tower of Terror as Dieter was not ready for that one, you went on several more rides. Stopping for lunch at the Red Rose Tavern, Dieter was thrilled at the Grey Stuff dessert and tried to not scoff the whole thing. You both went back to the hotel for a rest before going out later for dinner.
“Okay, my present first,” you handed Dieter a neatly wrapped gift.
Dieter joyfully ripped off the paper and soon he was looking at a framed picture; actually, it was a collage of pictures which were cut up and arranged to create the silhouette of Beauty and the Beast.
“You made this?” you nodded. “Now my present is going to look crappy in comparison.”
“I’m sure it won’t be,” but he had a glum look as he handed you a much smaller gift. Unwrapping it, you held a pack of playing cards which seemed familiar.
“Was this the pack of cards you tried to impress me with?”
“Yeah, but now,” he turned the box around to reveal some writing; it read ’52 Things I Love About You’.
“The problem was only coming up with 52 reasons,” he mumbled.
Trying to hold back tears, you instead buried your face in his chest. “I love it!”
“You do?”
“Yeah,” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And I can carry it around with me whenever I want.”
Dieter sighed in the way that could only mean he didn’t realise that fact but was now happy in his accidental thoughtful gesture.
Dinner was held at the Carthay Circle Restaurant. It was a fun excuse to dress up. Dieter regaled you with the story of how it was based off the Carthay Circle Theatre back in the Golden Age of Hollywood. The food was amazing and over dessert, you both clinked glasses, toasting the day.
“Here’s to another million years.”
“A million years?” you asked.
Dieter had a bashful look, “I was going to say another year but that didn’t sound grand so tried to go with many more years and then it melded into a million,” he swallowed and ran his hand over his head. “Sorry.”
“Nope, I love it. I hope we get a million more years together. Even if we end up as ghosts.”
“You’d be a ghost?”
“Well if you’re coming back as a ghost, then so am I.”
The next day, you made it back home sometime in the afternoon as the evening before and the following morning was spent in amorous appreciation.
Walking back into the living room after putting away everything, Dieter came up to you holding out another gift of a jewellery box.
“Dieter, I thought we agreed on no jewellery.”
“We did. But this is a day after present. And it’s for both of us so it doesn’t count.”
Giving a happy shake of your head, you opened the box. Covering your hand in shock, you looked at Dieter with tears in your eyes. Inside the box was a broken heart charm bracelet but the broken pieces were in the shape of a puzzle.
“Is this a two-piece puzzle?” Dieter nodded. “You remembered that?”
“Of course I remembered that adorably weird little thing you said.”
The hug you gave him was as massive as you possibly could manage when there was so much Dieter to hug. He leaned down so you could give him a very passionate kiss.
After putting the bracelets on both your hands, you gave him another kiss. “I love it and I love you.”
Later that night, while you were in the bathroom getting ready for bed, Dieter went over to his unpacked bag. Making sure you weren’t going to come out, he took out a small box. It was a small white box. He walked into the walk-in wardrobe and went to the furthest corner of his side that he knew you never went to. Pulling out a drawer to its fullest, he took a pair of shoes he rarely wore. He opened the small white box and took out a small gold box. To the observant, it was the key from The Mummy, and pressing a hidden button, it opened exactly like it would in the film. Dieter took one last look at the ring before putting it back in its small white box and then hiding that in one of his shoes. He closed the drawer with a sigh, hoping he could get the box out soon.
Maybe in a year.
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic @glshmbl
Picture references!
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heyovivi · 8 months
Read Along with No Context
Okay is Cormac alive? Because Ruhn is describing these shadows that watch him and Cormac is the only one in this universe who has Shadowsinger-like abilities.
Never mind.
Sooo Azriel just be playing hide n seek
“Give me one reason not to bury this knife in your spine.” 😍😍😍 Azzy baby
“You’re dead to me.” 🥲
So Azriel’s siphons focus his powers to make weapons…can he make weapons of bondage 👀
Not Azriel being afraid of a flash light 😂
“He wanted many things with her. A normal, happy life. Children.”🥲
Theia: I wonder what the home I built and fought a war over will be like in the years to come…😌
Rhys: welcome to the Prison where we keep the deadliest bastards around 😀
Wait is Azriel star born?
So we don’t like Theia?
lol if Azriel is star born I bet his mom may know something about it
So I’m thinking he’s probably not related to Silène but Helena— because I think the words only protect or welcome members of Silene’s lineage
But then, again, the blades are supposed to have specific abilities. And if Azriel has just been using truth teller as a regular dagger, maybe he isn’t starborn, because only starborn people can tap into those abilities. So in the hands of Ruhn or Rhys it would be very different.
Then again it would explain why he also has shadowsinging abilities
Ighhhh my ship is going down 🥲🥲🥲
But they also didn’t have much to start with
is it Ethan of Eye-than
I think my wolf baby has just gone through too much, he deserves a little happiness, even if it is from a bossy and bitchy wolf
I’m just assuming…does killing an alpha make you an alpha??
I’m not saying that what Theia did was right, but I feel like it could be argued that using multiple troves at the same time probably messed with her mentality… like, look at what the mask did to Nesta, just the mask, it made her kind of like a puppet to its whims. I can’t even imagine what all the troves put together can do to one person.
So…High Ladies did exist
I think this goes to show that Rhys should definitely not be high king and he should not be able to have power over multiple troves. I know in pass books he kind of has this cool exterior, but I feel like going into this book and knowing the spoilers ahead, he is kind of going down this path of insanity. I’m not saying that he’s going to go full on insane, but the worries he has for his court and family added with the need to protect them can lead down a similar path of that of Theia.
Bryce can be really…troublesome
I’m kindve got annoyed but I understand her distrust
But like girl—you just hear from your ancestor that she locked up monsters of all kinds there and your bright idea was to shake the place and wake them up 🧐
Also idky but I think…Jesiba is Helena
Ngl but I was hoping for Nesta to use her signature move to kill the Asteri
Nvm she did
So I guess Nesta is also a Starslayer
Holy shit she took Azriel’s Security Blanket
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sp1lled-lemon4de · 1 year
ꨄ︎Bubblegum Bitchꨄ︎ ____________
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Fandom: MHA (My Hero Academia) Characters: Mina Ashido x Fem!reader Genre: Fluff and smut A/n: Happy pride month!!! its my first btw...if you didn't know im Pan <3, also here is a cute gay fic :D
____________________ Having Mina as your friend was amazing, she is amazing. She is so bubbly and such a friendly person. You often found yourself staring at her, during lunch or
stealing glances at during classes.
She was your pink mutant best-friend. Key word…was…
You loved and hated your study sessions with her, reason being most of the time you wouldnt even study…
The pink haired girl wouldnt even open a damn book, much less read its contents.
She would usually just sit down and talk about cute guys she sees on the road, literally airport crushes. The chances of you ever getting to see them were very low, and you didn't want to do the math.
At some point it got annoying…not like you would ever tell her… you know what it feels like to get shut out by the people who you think care about you and are interested in what you have to say, especially if its something your passionate about.
But the thing that worried you the most was the fact that your mind wandered, like really far…
you would see her bubble with excitement and her pretty pink lips move with every word, you swore time both slowed down and speed up when you were with her…
She noticed…
Mina noticed your reaction to her 'antics' and how you treated her… she knew but never really said something.
That was until one night…it honestly was a blur for you (listen im too lazy to give you background details, use your imagination for this one T-T)
You could only focus on the pretty bubblegum pink girl on top of you, and how close her leg was to your private areas.
Admit you like it, is what your sinful nature told you, but she was your friend and you have to admit, her being your somewhat crush was ok, but that didn't give you the right to overly sexualize her.
You made sure not to lay a finger on her, scared that you would scare her away…
She opened her mouth and you could see she was speaking, but you were too lost in the moment to focus.
she moved her head between you neck, "can i?" she asked, her hand dangerously close to her destinated area.
You wanted to speak but you were afraid you would let out a pathetic little whimper or moan instead, so you just settled for a nod and a little 'mhm' giving her a green light to let her have her way with you.
Things got heated and you soon found yourself on top of her, her chest and pretty pink nipples exposed for all and by all i mean you to see.
you wanted to touch her but felt so embarrassed by your wants and needs that you just buried your face in her neck.
she let out a small chuckle and a few harsh breaths, patting your head, reassuring you… and the rest was a blur.
LMAO I HAVENT POSTED IN LIKE FOREVER Had art test today :D art is my fav subject and i think the highest i got in art so far was 91% aiming for higher though >:D Did my painting today the theme was 'night lift' i painted a fancy wine glass and explain the painting and at the back, i used mixed medium lmao...and when i finished one guy from my class and his exact words were "Author/name why you does do everything so good dawg" anyways my classmates loved it and i put tons of effort i really hope i get higher this term :D <333
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 1 year
Hakuoki Ginsei Saito Story 2
tiny bit late sorry.... but i kinda took a nap after watching picard lol. -.-
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Hakuoki Ginsei B’s Log 2020年4月 Saito Short Story “Kisaragi (如月)” [meaning the 2nd month]
Translation by KumoriYami
It was snowing.
Kyoto, Nishi Hongan-ji Temple. I was alone in the courtyard looking up at the sky, which looked like it had been dyed white by the snow.
"This could be the last time I get to appreciate the snow at headquarters…?"
The words spewed out became a white mist, melting into the cold February air.
…Do I have any thoughts about leaving/Do you not want to leave the Shinsengumi?
When Ito-san spoke the other day, I answered that I did.
Which is why in not so distant future, I will be parting with the Shinsengumi and leave headquarters with the Guardians of the Imperial Tomb.
"…Everyone, I'm afraid that everyone will get angry…."
But that is how it should be.
For those who had been there since Shiekan and supported our comrades until now, there can be no crueler betrayal than this.
Souji will appear to say nothing, but if encountered on the battlefield, he will certainly kill me without the slightest hesitation.
If it was Sano and Shinpachi, they would definitely blame me for leaving.
I'm afraid that the rest of the members will be the same. Although everyone's reaction will be different, they will angry with my disgraceful actions.
But, if there was someone not like that, then it would be—
"….Yukimura. Will that girl grieve too?"
That kind-hearted girl, will she get angry or cry because of my betrayal?
If it's for some other person, their reaction can be imagined, but for some reason, only that person's reaction cannot be predicted.
"...Don't think too much about it."
Showing any mercy to the Shinsengumi will cause problems for this mission.
Shaking my head to dispel this senseless melancholy, I turned my gaze towards the falling snowflakes once again.
In the corner of this silver world, there was a faint burst of red.
Inside the courtyard, it appeared that there were colours aside from white.
As if fascinated, I quietly extended my hand through the snow.
Buried in the snow was a blooming and cold camellia, tinted in a red that was lighter than blood, but brighter than that of sakura.
"...It blossomed beneath this snow?"
My outstretched fingers brushed the snow away and gently touched its soft petals.
I couldn't help but put a smile on my face.
Before I knew it, those feelings I had been thinking about, graudally erased themselves from my mind.
"....My bushido, is with the Shinsengumi."
Yes. Even if I am considered a traitor, there is no need to grieve.
Regardless of how much one's thoughts are covered in the ice-cold snow, deep inside, there will indeed be a bright red camellia blooming.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
Take a step back for a sec
Is syscourse something you're enjoying currently or are you self harming in a way by going into the tags knowing it will stress you out?
??? Dude
That's fucked up, and I hope you know that
Imagine walking into a stranger's inbox and suggesting to them that they are self harming. Anon, I get you're trying to look after people's health, and that's admirable -- but genuinely, that's not your job, and making it your problem is not only unhealthy for you, it's also uncomfortable for me. And if this is because I told people they're allowed to be angry, then it feels like you're conflating anger with self harm, which is exactly the problem I was talking about.
UwU🌸 But what do I know I'm just a syscourse obsessed sysmed.
A personal rant/vent under the cut
I don't handle stress well by being quiet about my feelings, I like to be loud and obvious and an open book about my thoughts. I made it to where I am today (I have never said how many followers I have, and I never will, but... guys... yes, hi, i love you all, and I consider myself to be very successful in my career and life) by just being me and yelling about things on MY blog.
This is how I've become healthier
I stopped caring so much about what everyone thinks and put myself first. What makes me happy? What is healthiest for me?
Spoiler: burying my emotions, not engaging in something I love, and giving up a productive outlet for my wildly fluctuating up and down emotions is not the answer
This was my first step to overcoming shame, and when this kind of talk started in SN, it ruined it for a LOT of people, both members and mods
What had been a mature, self moderated, active, vocal, and welcoming community suddenly turned on each other in an attempt to not be the "crazy one" that cared too much or got too involved, because suddenly everyone was afraid of being accused of self harming through something they genuinely enjoyed
I fall apart when I feel like I can't talk about things for fear of judgement, and I know I'm not the only one
Leaving SN and coming back to syscourse full force has made me happier than I've been in over a year. I'm sleeping better, I'm less anxious, I'm not scared to open tumblr or discord anymore, I can spend time with my partners without worrying about what's happening
I feel in control of my life and the things happening in my social vicinity, and it's left me more brain power to focus on my personal things-- work, family, etc
I'm back to laughing with people who understood what I was feeling, and joking about the things that stress me out, rather than trying to bury it all
I know this is going to shock you, but it's okay for something to be stressful and enjoyable at the same time
Video games, horror movies, puzzles, roller coasters-- all of these heighten stress levels in enjoyable, positive, healthy ways
Can it become maladaptive? Absolutely, but it's not your job to be going to strangers and asking this
Especially something as serious as self harm
Like, you're not just asking, "do you think maybe you'd benefit from a quick break before you post?"
You're full on overstepping personal boundaries when you put people in this position
There is literally zero reason to ask this question, in that way, with those words, unless you're projecting
Spin on it, friendo 👍
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violetwinterwidow01 · 6 months
Civil War: Dumbfounded (AU)
This popped in my mind, i had to throw in my 2 cents😜
Before Ross leaves, Cevyn grabs his attention.
Cevyn: Hmm, seems like he finally grew some balls, but allow me to crush them before you go...
He drops his head, sends his security out of the room and turns around. Everyone's eyes land on her as she absentmindedly swivels in her chair staring up at the ceiling. Cevyn lulls her head to the side, to look at Ross, and scoots up folding her hands on the table.
Cevyn: If you could give us a logical explanation as to WHO or WHAT is going to save this planet from the next alien invasion, we will gladly get out of what little hair you have left...
She rises out of her seat before he can speak.
Cevyn: And if you're gonna stand there naming off the Army, The Navy, The Seals, The Air Force, Police, Firefighters, Doctors, Scientists, pretty much anybody that has no goddamn expertise in this field... youre gonna need a third tripple bypass fucking around with me.
Rhodey snickers. She smiles.
Rhodes: Cev, calm down-
She cuts Rhodey off.
Cevyn: I am calm. Im simply waiting for an answer.
All eyes are set upon Ross as he blankly stares at the enraged yet calm woman hes been afraid of since the day they met.
Heres a backstory on Cevyn and Ross. The hatred runs deep. When Cevyn was 10 , Fury thought it would be a good idea for them to meet so that Ross was made aware of her powers, but mostly because Fury wanted to know if he could trust him, and the only way he could tell was if Cevyn shook his hand. Shaking hands allowed her to read someone, sense their aoura, and to see into their future. Seeing everything caused Cevyn to snatch her hand away and give him a death glare that could make Satan piss himself. From that point on, Cevyn knew that she would never get along with him, so she stayed as far away as she possibly could. Until she became an Avenger.
She saunters standing in front him. At this point everyone can see how intimidated he his by her. She snaps her fingers to get him out of his daze.
Cevyn: You have nothing to say do you? Because that's exactly who you were going to put in place of us weren't you?
Ross looks around the room for any signs of help. Wanda looks down, Vision looks straight ahead, Sam looks behind him, Natasha smirks, Rhodey lightly chuckles, Steve's shaking his head grinning, and Tony... you know those really good silent laughs you get? Yeah, thats where he is.
Cevyn: After all these years, still the same dumb ass expression on your face. Do you know the real reason why we do this, cause if not I'll be happy to break it down for you. We do this because we love this planet. Its the only one we call home. Nobody else can do what we do. Yes, there will be consequences. Yes, there will be collateral damage. But we can't help it when that happens. It shows that we are trying our best to control the situation, and save lives all at the same damn time. Do you have any idea how hard this shit is?
At this point, her body is vibrating with malice, yet she never raises her voice and masks it with laughter. Steve gets up to rub his wife's shoulders coaxing her down, while the team watches the scene unfold before their eyes. Tony sits in the corner burying his face in his hands, trying his hardest to suppress his snickering.
Rhodes: Tony, nows not the time to laugh.
Cevyn: You're one to talk. Over here about to keel over in laughter, go ahead and laugh because it is funny. This asshole has been a joke since the day Fury took me to meet him. The nerve of you walkin' up in here with the gall and the gumption to give us this bullshit proposal, basically saying you wanna keep us on a leash. In case you've forgotten, we're here at our own free fucking will, so Ill be damned if any of us will turn into somebodys bitch. This aint prison.
Natasha/Sam/Wanda: Oh my god🤭🤭🤭
Cevyn: You wanna know why i despise you so much? Youre sneaky, conniving, undermining, and repulsive. But, more importantly, it's the fact that you don't let your brain catch up to your actions. You do before you think, and that is highly disturbing. All im sayin is that You need us, and until you figure that out you can shove these accords right up your scrotum. I'm going to take a nap.
Cevyn shoves the accords into his chest walking out of the room. Tony can't contain his laughter any longer, and neither can the rest of the team. Steve chuckles and halls ass to follow his wife.
Steve: Sweets???
Cevyn: Steve, i dont wanna hear it. That imbecille has been a thorn in my side since i was 10. 10!!! Do you know how fucked up you have to be for a child to realize, "Hmm, theres something wrong with this mothafucker! Piece of shit dont know left from right, north to south or yes from no." Its time someone had the cojones to knock some sense into him.
Steve calms down from laughter. God he loves this woman.
Steve: First if all, language. Secondly i was just gonna say you were right.
Cevyn: Well, Thank you.
He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her. He pulls back.
Steve: How are you feeling?
Cevyn: Tired. Not even showing that much, and this baby of yours is already kicking my ass. On top of that this asswipe comes in here causing a ruckus.
Steve laughs again. She joins in.
Steve: Can you see what he's gonna do next?
Cevyn: Ol' dumbass is gonna have chat with the United Nations. They're gonna realize what a terrible mistake this is and that if they were to go through with it, they'd be losing half of earth's mightiest superheroes. This also buys us more time to get to Bucky.
Steve quirks an eyebrow looking down at her and her stomach.
Steve: Us???
Cevyn: Yes. Me, you and Sam. Ill detach my conscience so she can go with you guys. She wont be pregnant.
Steve: okay.
Cevyn: Now, since all is said and done, take a nap with your wife and child.
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, leaving lingering kisses all over his neck. He scrunches up his nose.
Steve: A nap?
Cevyn: Yup. Why?
Steve: I was hoping to do something else. What you did back there, made me feral.
She pauses mid kiss, Pulling away.
Cevyn: Even more than you normally are?
He deadpans.
Steve: Im offering you some head. Take it or leave it.
Cevyn: Fine.
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heygutlcssa · 1 year
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@soldwrecked ASKED: “ can you forgive me? ” (JACK)
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They never used to fight. Sure there were arguments, but they always resolved themselves. Jack was prone to his fantasies and ideas that never made their way to realities. Graziella was always there to ground him. She was the adult, she often told him no. they either never had the money or means for his thoughts.
They'd never yelled at each other before. it was never this explosive. He had once promised that she'd never have to worry or be frightened. She never imagined the thing she'd be afraid of was him. She hadn't done anything wrong-- she had only seen them.
He had only cheated on her.
When the fighting didn't stop, when she felt attacked enough she had sent her fist into his face and fled further into the house. She had hidden in the cast iron tub behind the shower curtain. she'd held a bath towel close to her chest and simply sat there sobbing into it.
She had tried her hardest to make things like they had been before they were married. things were easy then. She didn't have money so she had no care for her lack of it, now they needed money or else they would lose their home. She didn't have a safe place to call home, so what did it matter that she was out all night long? Now she was expected to be home and to take care of that home. She missed the nights in the truck. She missed his big grand plans, his dream of a proper ranch. Wasn't that what they were saving for?
It wasn't her fault that she couldn't drive. She never owned a car and he had promised she would never nee to learn. He would take care of her.
It wasn't her fault that she never got the proper education to be able to apply for a job. If she had, she could leave. She could figure out how to get a divorce ( like she imagine he wanted) and be left with something to get started again. that is if a court would even grant her a divorce. If a court didn't need to know the reason. They put those kind of stories in the paper. Perverts like that went to prison if they weren't killed first. Jack wasn't like that. Not her Jack.
Maybe she could pick up the pieces of her shattered heart. Maybe she could fix this. Maybe they could simply go on. He kept her safe, it was now her turn to do the same, whether he liked it or not.
"If you hadn't grabbed me like that i wouldn't a hit you so hard." she sniffed. She had gotten scared. "But i didn't do nothin', Jack. didn't do nothin' but be your wife." She was already crying again. the shower curtain acts like a shield, and she doesn't bother to pull it back to look at him.
"You cheated on me. You lied. Why in the hell did you pick me if you was just gone a leave?" she sobbed and buried her face in the towel before muffling out "I was fine in the dirt on my own. You said--" she lifted her head, choking on a sob" -- you said you loved me. Me. And now you say you ain't never loved me. What am I supposed to do with that? Where do you want to push me off to? Cause, according to you, and what all you been doin', you'd be happier if I weren't around." she sobbing harder now. She was foolish to think she'd have anything happy in her life. She'd thought she'd been dreaming when he said she wanted to get married. She was.
and now she had woken up.
"I told you, before you took that job that you'd leave me, and you told me never. You said.." she almost can't say it. " ... you said that whereever you was goin' you was takin' me, too. You lied. Jack.
You lied. "
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Last time, Gwen arrived in the Black Citadel with Tybalt, and they managed to make their way through without casualties to anything except the composure and ego of an annoying former acquaintance of Tybalt's.
So they head out of the superstructure of the Citadel and into the village of Smokestead. It's still got the Charr aesthetic, but Gwen can see more sunshine, and to her astonishment, another human not far away—a merchant who looks at her with clear surprise before smiling. Tybalt says he has to talk to someone briefly and starts chatting with another Charr, and Gwen heads over to the merchant.
"I'm Jaspir Rykes," the merchant says. "It's great to see someone without fur."
"I'm Gwen," says Gwen.
The merchant gives a low whistle.
"Don't repeat that one too loudly around here. These Charr and their attitudes are something else. Only reason I put up with 'em is because they're so eager to buy my goods."
Gwen smiles back. In a quiet voice, she says, "I can imagine. Well, there are worse things than taking gold from Charr."
"Plenty," Jaspir says emphatically. "I come from Lion's Arch to trade here. Sure, it's a hop and a skip through the Asura gate, but the point is that most of my buddies back home won't set foot in this place. Too scared."
Gwen glances around at the forbidding metal structures and the Charr soldiers all around, and tries to ignore the twitching between her shoulder blades. "Understandably. But their loss is your gain."
"Sure is. Do you want to look at anything?"
Gwen takes the hint and buys some minor wares despite having very little money at this point. But she's ready to help other humans in Ascalon, especially those following her own ancestors' trade in the face of some very steep obstacles.
Tybalt is still talking, so Gwen stealthily eavesdrops on a sylvari who is babbling about metal!! cities!!! and how it speaks to just how strong the Charr are, to be so at home here!!! Gwen flashes a pleasant smile while basically thinking "fuck that" and rejoins Tybalt, who is wrapping up his own conversation with a scout. At last, they head out to the plains.
Gwen genuinely meant to stay close to Tybalt, but she hesitates as he steps onto the grass. Despite knowing better, it's been hard not to imagine Ascalon as the barren husk from her people's stories. He looks back.
"Are you coming?"
"Of course," Gwen says, but it takes an active exertion of will to force herself to set her foot down on the earth past Smokestead.
This, not the metal monstrosities, feels like Ascalon. Her own ancestors walked here, lived here, plied their trade here, experienced the joys and suffering of ordinary life here. Once, her family had a home. And it was here. She's nearly shaking as she hurries to catch up with Tybalt, and doesn't know if it's excitement at being there, rage at what was brutally taken, or just the general tangled emotions of being in Ascalon. She's blinking rapidly as she looks around at the tall trees and the grass. It's a relief that Tybalt doesn't say much and stays a little ahead of her—perhaps unnecessarily shielding her, but it means she doesn't have to put on a mask for him just yet.
As they continue, they receive some odd looks from various soldiers, but the company of a Charr seems to allay most suspicion. There are some pointed remarks within earshot. Some soldiers are talking near a barn about how they're fighting "the same filth" (Gwen: 🔪) they conquered centuries earlier (that's be news in Ebonhawke!) because they buried!!! Ascalon. Another says the king's men won't stay dead.
The first soldier: The fact that they exist at all is an insult.
Gwen doesn't look forward to fighting her people's ghosts, and she's sorry that they're trapped, but part of her is still like ... huh, good for the ghosts, then.
One soldier in reddish armor is talking about how he's not afraid of ghosts, and another one in more purely metallic-looking garb replies, "You should be."
Gwen represses a smile.
"Ghosts aren't dangerous," the first soldier insists. He glances around and at the sight of Gwen, squares his fairly impressive shoulders. "Especially not human ones."
The other soldier just ignores her. "Wait until dark. If you're still alive at daybreak, we'll see if you still think that way."
As they continue, Gwen hears someone pointedly talking about how the humans ravaged the land for centuries (internally: it was fine before y'all fucking seared it) but they'll reclaim it from the ghosts and have their homeland back (please, as if the Charr didn't steal it themselves in the first place).
She hurries to catch all the way up with Tybalt, who seems to be half avoiding the glances of other Charr, and half trying to guard her from them. But Gwen minds her manners, and strides alongside him as they leave the Gunbreach Hills behind and towards the ruins of the Barradin estate.
Tybalt, the friendliest face by far, looks over at her. "Well, here you are." He gestures broadly at the greenery around them. "What do you think?"
Gwen avoids looking at the ruins and says, "It's very beautiful." Carefully, she adds, "I can see why so many people have wanted to live here." Like Mother and Papa. "You before us, and the grawl before you, and maybe someone else before them. Who knows?"
Tybalt's expression is suddenly hard to read.
"The Priory people, maybe," he says. "But it's nice, yeah. A pity that..."
He doesn't finish, and she doesn't know what he was going to say—whether it was about Ascalonians, or the Priory, or his own dubious position among his people. She doesn't ask.
"Oh, look!" says Gwen, pointing. "There are blueberries here, too! Is it safe to eat them?"
Tybalt, back to his usual self, nearly laughs. "Yes, it's safe. Nobody's going to shoot you over a blueberry."
Cautiously, she takes off a glove and reaches for the berry. It doesn't look any different from in Kryta, but she still nearly shivers as her bare finger touches the leaves and berries of the plant. She tells herself not to show weakness in front of a superior and pops one into her mouth.
"Delicious," she says, and Tybalt does laugh then, and eats a few himself.
As they're making their way further north, approaching Lake Feritas, they see Charr fighting Charr. Gwen's kneejerk response (not aloud) is essentially "some problems solve themselves", but she quickly realizes some of the Charr are Flame Legion, the successors of the architects of the Searing. Her face hardens.
"We'd better help," she says. "Those Flame soldiers don't seem especially competent, but there are a lot of them."
Tybalt looks surprised. "You sure about that?"
She's a little concerned that jumping into open battle might look bad, but shrugs. "We don't want them to get a foothold here, do we? I can't think it'll be too hard with us along, and the Flame Legion aren't my friends or yours."
Also, her sword hand really longs to stab something.
Tybalt hesitates, then says, "Well, if you're sure."
She's rarely fought Charr before and makes mental adjustments as they hurry forwards—the heart's higher, she'll have to aim up, they may not be expecting chaos magic from any source, so hurry and blast it at them before they figure out how it works, remember to block attacks with magic, they're stronger than humans would be. But sure enough, she and Tybalt are much better and are able to clear out the Flame Legion without much trouble.
One of the Charr who was struggling to fight them off says triumphantly, "Well, this area is now Flame proof. Or Flame resistant, at least!" She glances between Gwen and Tybalt. "Didn't expect to see your likes around here," she adds to neither in particular, then looks more seriously at Tybalt. "I'll see to it that the brass is informed of your heroic actions."
He mumbles some kind of thanks, and once Gwen cleans her sword, they're on their way again. They fight more Flame Legion on the way east, and Gwen listens carefully as they pass by two of the legions' headquarters. In the Exterminatus Headquarters, the Iron Legion's base of operations, Tybalt is jumpy but able to excuse their presence with some explanation she doesn't bother listening closely to; she's paying more attention to the people around her. Someone's complaining about ghosts again—after all this time, they're still fighting off Ascalonians, and it's literally the same Ascalonians.
Pity you can't buy ghosts drinks, she thinks.
Tybalt settles down a bit as they keep going, and she looks at him once they're out of earshot.
"Seems like they know you there," she says.
"I've got some acquaintances," says Tybalt. "Not everyone's like my—like old Cornelius, back in the Citadel." He pauses, then blurts out, "This was my legion once."
He seems surprised at himself for saying it. Gwen's a little sorry for him—and sorrier when it strikes her that she's not the only one here without a home, passing through a homeland. Part of her is also a little relieved that she's not the only one troubled enough to let more things slip than they should.
"Cornelius was an ass," she says. "I'm glad you aren't all like that."
He brightens a bit at that. Gwen can't help wondering if he knew it'd be this uncomfortable to go back, for himself as well as her, when he offered to take her here. He could hardly be completely oblivious to that. And if he did know, as hard and painful as it is for her in some ways, it was kind to do this for her. Shockingly kind, really. Gwen studies him, trying to understand what she's missing. How did this legion turn out someone like Tybalt? Was he more like the others once?
"Me too," Tybalt says firmly.
Before they've gone much further, they essentially run right into ghosts, and Gwen is fighting them before she quite knows what's happening. But some of their cries make it clear that they're confused and traumatized about what's really going on and still think it's the days of the invasion. She's intensely sorry for them even as she cuts them down, and clenches her fist after sheathing her swords.
Be at rest, she thinks. At least for a little while.
It's not long afterwards that they encounter their first Separatists, who immediately descend on Tybalt only to look up in astonishment when Gwen blasts them backwards.
"Traitor," one spits.
"You'd know," she snaps back, and Tybalt and Gwen readily fight them off.
She's fought plenty of humans before. But not often other Ascalonians, and there's no satisfaction in it, for all that she dislikes Separatists. She does dislike them a lot, though. Pretty much any Ascalonian gripes with Krytan policy or the crown or the terms of the peace treaty with the Charr are easily dismissed as Separatist talk, so they're a convenient way to silence dissent among others who aren't indiscriminate terrorists. For all that they oppose the establishment, they're some of the most useful tools of it. She wonders if they know, or are even capable of knowing.
"I'm surprised they got so far into Ashford without anyone noticing," she notes.
"Magic, I bet," Tybalt says. "They've got lots of tricky spells and such, and it's not like they'd hesitate to kill anyone who did see them. They've got to have a camp somewhere here, but we—the legions haven't found it yet."
Gwen cleans her sword again. "Magic does have its uses."
"You don't mind fighting your own kind?"
"I've fought plenty of humans," she reminds him, a little disingenuously. "And Separatists are treasonous scum that make the rest of us look bad."
She doesn't say what she means by us; she figures it's pretty obvious that she's not talking about all humans. And she's kept her dislike of Queen Jennah pretty close to her chest, so she doesn't feel the need to tell him about her personal dissent, given the Order's (pragmatically understandable) support for her rule. It's difficult enough that he knows how much she's always disliked Charr, the people who slaughtered her parents and so many of her ancestors and people. Even if she doesn't dislike him particularly, and even if she has no patience for Separatist nonsense, it can't help but put a little distance between them. He's been pretty decent about it, all things considered—more than decent, in fact, by a long ways—but she doesn't want to push him further.
"Thanks for asking, though," she adds. "What's next? I've been hoping to see sunflowers."
They decide to sell the odds and ends they've accumulated, and they're near to Ashford Forum, so they head there and strike bargains with the merchants. Gwen actually gets better deals than she was expecting, and it's a relief to have some money in her pocket again.
It's while they're resting there and talking over the next direction to take that a Charr messenger comes running into the forum. Gwen glances curiously at the messenger, only to stiffen in surprise when the messenger looks around and then, upon seeing Gwen, runs straight towards her.
"Hey—" Tybalt starts to say.
"Human! Is your name—" the messenger says, and looks down at two sealed letters in her hand. Her expression shifts to a slight snarl. "Gwen?"
The forum has gone quiet, and nearly all the Charr in the busy forum are looking her way. A few actually seem nervous, and are peering quickly around, as if Gwen Thackeray's ghost might show up to cut them down at any moment.
Gwen sighs. "Yes. I'm Gwen Velazquez."
"Good. Had a time finding you." The messenger shoves the messages into her hand; they're each closed with a blank seal, and Gwen isn't sure what that means. Has it got something to do with the Order? Or is this about Deborah? Has she lost her all over again, or—but that'd have the seal of the Seraph, wouldn't it? And why would there be two messages?
"Ahem," says the messenger. Gwen looks blankly at her, then remembers the existence of money. Reluctantly, she reaches for her coin purse, only for Tybalt to drop a generous amount of silver into the messenger's hand.
"Thanks," Gwen manages to say as she breaks the seal on one of the messages.
"Yeah, thank you," Tybalt tells the messenger, but Gwen's too distracted to clarify what she meant. "Have—"
Without another word, the messenger lopes off.
"—a nice day!" Tybalt shouts after her.
Inside, the letter is dated over a week earlier, and addressed to Gwen Velazquez, Hero of Shaemoor, Advocate of the Crown of Kryta. She scowls slightly, only for the scowl to deepen as she glances towards the bottom of the letter for the signature.
Your Herald
The hell? She guesses that this is the earlier of the messages and had been intended to reach her sooner, but other than that, she hasn't got the slightest clue. As if someone like her would have her own herald—the very idea is laughable.
Still, she returns to the top and reads it properly.
We have not met, but I have long been a follower of your exploits.
Well, that's not disturbing or anything!
I am a collector of tales of great daring and heroism, and your name has come up increasingly in the stories that have been reported to me. I've spoken with your mentor, Logan Thackeray, and the suggestion was made that I contact you and add your stories to my collection.
Captain Thackeray was a member of an adventuring group known as Destiny's Edge. The were legendary heroes, but went their separate ways about five years ago, for reasons I have yet to discover—none have chosen to share that story with me. If you discover the nature of their separation, I would be most appreciative.
Ridiculous. As if Gwen would betray Logan's secrets to a stranger, even if she had some means of contacting or identifying that stranger.
Thank you for your help in this, and I will get in contact with you in the future, and hope to keep you in touch with the whereabouts of Captain Thackeray and the other members of Destiny's Edge.
Also disturbing! But potentially useful, at least.
Through this I will remain,
Your Herald
Tybalt says nothing as she reads, and at least pretends not to be reading over her shoulder, but rather is whistling slightly as he looks at some merchandise not far away. Without a word, Gwen hands the letter to him, which seems to break the quiet pervading the forum. Everyone goes back to what they were doing, except Tybalt, who quickly scans the letter.
"Interesting," he says. "Might be handy. Definitely creepy."
Despite herself, she smiles. "That one must have gotten to me late. I guess I might as well see what the new one says."
It begins, Hail, mighty hero!
Gwen sighs.
Destiny's Edge was a guild of legend, and it saddens me to hear they no longer wish to be together. However, I have heard through my sources that Eir Stegalkin has made a bee-line for the Catacombs beneath old Ascalon.
At that, she pauses. After the disastrous meeting of Destiny's Edge, Gwen skulked around long enough to hear Caithe and Eir mourning the estrangement of the guild members, and Eir said something about a plan or an idea. But what plan would involve the ancient catacombs here? They're the catacombs of Gwen's and Logan's people, not Eir's.
Maybe Eir's presence here is connected to something else; it's not like Gwen knows her, or much about her. But it seems an odd coincidence.
I don't know why she is going to that haunted ruin, the herald's letter goes on, as it is swamped with human ghosts, victims of the Foefire. More importantly, the Catacombs are in the heart of Ashford, which is now Charr territory—Gwen's fingers tighten on the letter—and Rytlock will not be happy with this particular Norn tromping through his territory.
Thought you might be interested,
Your Herald
Without a word, Gwen hands the second letter to Tybalt.
"Very interesting," he says after reading it.
He doesn't say anything else, and she can imagine he's not going to around this many listening ears. She tucks the letters away and makes sure her coin purse is intact, then he strikes out northeast from the forum and she hurries to keep up.
Once they're safely out of earshot, Tybalt says,
"Our friends and I have been very interested in Destiny's Edge for awhile. They had some peculiar people, sure, but ..."
Gwen very carefully does not smile at Tybalt, least Charr-like Charr ever, calling anyone peculiar.
"...well, effective ones. Once. I'm pretty curious about what Eir would be doing in the human catacombs."
"After they argued in Lion's Arch," says Gwen, "which I'm sure you've heard about, Eir said something about having an idea for bringing them together. This might not be related, but ..."
He gives a decisive nod. "But it might. It'd be good to know what's going on. Whether it's related or not, really. You know, we're not far from the Catacombs here."
Gwen eyes him warily. "You're not thinking of..."
"Only one way to find out what she's up to," he says cheerfully. He sobers slightly. "We can't sneak or trick our way through this one, though. Not with the ghosts. I hear there are are some powerful ones down there, too. Worse than Barradin by far. It's understandable if you're jumpy about them."
Gwen knows the stories of Barradin's heroics in life, and how he stepped aside for Adelbern only for the Searing to shatter Adelbern's mind. She knows Barradin lived to discover his daughter, Althea, had been burned alive by the Charr. She hasn't thought much about what he gets up to in death. But he'd been a noble man and she wishes he could find peace. As for those in the Catacombs, she isn't sure if she knows their stories or not—she knows a lot of the Ascalonian stories, but though it's unjust, nobles' stories get remembered and passed on more. But she bet these other ghosts are suffering, too, whatever their power.
"I'm not afraid," she says. "I'm just not sure our friends will like us barreling in."
"Ah," says Tybalt, lifting his paw, "but we're resting, aren't we? Not running errands for them right now. We can do whatever we like. And if it happens to be useful, well ..."
Against her own judgment, Gwen gives a low laugh.
"Never change, Tybalt," she says, clearly surprising him. "All right. Into the haunted tunnels we go."
[Note: most of the non-Tybalt interchanges are taken from canon, though some (like Jaspir's) are slightly altered to account for Gwen's personality/presence. It's my headcanon-fic and I do what I want :D]
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stormy-caffeine · 2 years
I will always be so grateful to have the partner that I do.
The ways that we're different only make us stronger and more understanding of the world and ourselves. Without them, I wouldn't be alive right now; even if I somehow managed to make it to this age without them, I wouldn't be the same as I am now in any way.
They opened me up to finding who I truly am and embracing who I found. They stuck with me through all the shit that I put myself through in the process and let me make my own mistakes on the journey of figuring myself out and my boundaries, and respected every single one that I set up, temporary or otherwise.
In the time we've been together we've both evolved into entirely new beings, though in opposite directions. I have so many labels I made an entire carrd and organization system to keep my own information straight and legible. They go unlabeled, as a gender, orientation, presentation, what have you. Entire opposites but perfect for each other.
They let me know that I have value in this world no matter what anyone says or may try to take from us.
They have let me explore emotions I never thought I had inside because they were the only one to recognize the deeper issues I had and then stayed to keep working on them with me! Buried under all the dissociation and hopelessness I had, was a whole world of emotions and repressed means of expression that I had entirely written out of my own story.
They make me feel so wholly complete and fulfilled that I had to find and invent knew words for how I felt certain emotions, the words that I had found previously were absolutely not enough to properly express what they allowed me to experience.
We've been together for almost 8 years now and I will never get tired of hearing their thoughts, their opinions, the wisdom that they hold about this world and the way people can experience it - the way that they have always experienced it.
In every feasible meaning, I cannot imagine a world, past present or future, that does not include them in my life in some way, as partners or more or even less. Knowing that they are breathing is enough to give me hope in this world and to give me a reason to breathe as well.
As long as they are okay, I have a reason to believe life is something to be enjoyed and not trudged through until the day you finally get to leave the pain and stress and effort behind. I had dreaded immortality more in my life than I've ever considered being afraid of death; now, if I was made to live forever, my only request would be to have them be by my side for all that time.
The death of the universe itself would be the only thing I hope to ever part our souls, if even that.
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yeouls · 3 years
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SYNOPSIS | an innocent virgins late night craving for her boyfriends cock <33
CONTENT | blowjob, a whole lotta praise, shy reader.
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it was on impulse. you hadn’t taken full aware of your actions until you found yourself sitting in the living room of your boyfriends apartment at two in the morning. a droopy eyed jean was certainly shocked by your presence.
“are you gonna tell me why you’re here so late, babe?” he yawned as he pulled you closer to him on the couch. his sleepy voice filled your stomach with a warm sensation. his scruff pricked your neck in a tickle as he drowsily buried his head into your neck.
“i…um…i wanted to try something.”
you were nervous to tell him the real reason for your presence so late at night.
“it couldn’t wait till tomorrow?” he asks as he peppers soft kisses into your neck.
although the two of you had been a couple for the past six months you never tried anything. it was always kisses and hugs that were nothing but innocent. jean had been well aware of your chastity and insisted on taking things slow. but the continuous whispers of wanting to take a step forward were persistent in your thoughts.
“are you going to laugh at me if i tell you?” you question as you fiddle with your fingers in your lap.
“i don’t know where this is coming from but i would never. you’re my pretty girl, aren’t you?” he reassures, softly grabbing your jaw making you look him in the eye. his words seemed sincere but the lingering fear of him laughing at your foolishness was an inevitable emotion.
“can i show you instead?”
his face merges into that of a confused man. his eyes were less fogged with sleep and more fogged with intrigue. your mysterious request had taken him by interest.
he pulls you closer by your jaw before placing a soft kiss to your lips. “if that makes you feel better, go for it.”
you nervously chew on your bottom lip as you slip away from his grip.
“um…can you close your eyes?” you request as you avoid meeting his curious gaze.
“you’re beginning to scare me but if you insist,” he amusingly chuckles as he obliges to your request. with his arms splayed against the top of the couch and his legs slightly apart you were at an advantage.
with knees weak from nervousness you manage to slide from the couch onto the icy, wooden floor. the moment your hands traced up and down his built thighs, jean had opened his eyes in shock. after all, his innocent girlfriend was on her knees in between his legs with a look of desire spilling from her eyes.
“baby, what are you doing?”
his voice was breathy from shock as your hand trailed up his leg.
“i wanna touch it.”
you finally managed to bring yourself to say it. his reaction was not one you had expected. he didn’t laugh nor yell. he grabs ahold of your wrist as he pulls up onto your feet and settles you in his lap.
“who taught you that, princess? you don’t have to feel forced to do things like that just because we are dating,” he says with a voice laced in worry and concern.
“no one, i didn’t get to do anything nice for you on your birthday,” you explain to him as you fiddle with your thumbs. you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye because of embarrassment from the stunt you pulled. what were you expecting?
“i don’t want you to do anything you might not like,” he whispers as he cups your cheeks to grant you comfort.
“but i want to make you feel good,” you murmur as you finally bring yourself to look into his eyes.
“you can’t force yourself to do something you don’t know how to do, baby,” he sighs from frustration.
the truth was that he held himself back with every nerve in his body to try and not take you right there on the couch. your pouty lips and lust driven eyes were hard to resist.
although he protested the action, his dick was growing harder by the second and you could feel it.
“can you teach me? i wanna learn how to make you feel good.”
“will you promise that you’ll stop whenever you feel like it and not force yourself?”
a smile appears on your face from his statement.
“yes, i promise.”
“if you want to stop, you have to tell me,” he reiterates as he softly brushes your cheek.
“i understand,” you reassure as you pull him into a kiss. his worrisome nature when it came to you showed you that he truly cared.
“get on your knees,” he orders against your lips. you eagerly comply as you once again place yourself between his thighs. your stunt on him early truly did a number seeing how there was a large tent in his pants.
the sight of the bulge in his sweats was enough to make your heart pound against your ribs. you hadn’t even pulled his pants down and you could see how big he is.
your eyes momentarily flick up to look at him only to see that his hazel eyes had gone dark with a fervid lust. you bring your attention back to the excitement between his legs. your hands begin to caress his thighs and inch up towards his groin.
“fuck, baby,” he hisses as you massage his hardness through the thin layer of material. you weren’t aware that such a light touch could bring him pleasure. you can only imagine how much sexual frustration he has built up in the past half year.
your hands eagerly make their way towards the band of his sweats. your action comes to a halt as jean quickly grabs a hold of your wrist. “let’s move to the bed, your knees will hurt here.”
you really didn’t have a preference as long as you were able to please him. you nod your head in agreement as he guides you with him by your wrist. if anything, you take more of a liking to the cushioning of his bed than to the cold, hard wood floor. you enjoy how his calming scent enveloped the sheets.
while you favored the comfort of the bed, jean propped himself up against the headboard. you waste no time as you impatiently take your position between his thighs. he couldn’t help but chuckle at your excitement. if he knew that you were this eager to try such things, he would’ve definitely brought it up earlier.
he rasps at the cool air as you tug down his sweats. you can’t bring yourself to move from shock at his size. his cock was long and thick with a flush red shade.
his hand cups your cheek as he guides you to his eyes. “don’t worry, baby. we won’t do anything that you’re not ready for, okay?”
you nod as you gulp before reaching out to his cock. it feels hot to touch under your cold finger tips. you could hear him grunt from the soft contact. you grip it as if it were some precious gold. you hold it familiarizing yourself with the ridges of skin and pulsing veins that inched up the sides.
you had come all this way but you didn’t know what to do with it. you blankly stare at your grip on his dick and than back at jean looking for some guidance.
“hold it a bit tighter, princess. you’re not going to hurt me,” he explains as you oblige by his order. “and than you move it like this.”
his large, callous hand grips over yours as he begins to pump a slow pace. he leads your hand up and down along the flushed skin. you are in awe of how clear beadings of liquid drool from the tip creating a glistening layer on the red skin.
“it keeps getting bigger,” you whisper in a shy tone. you were the one who started all this but you couldn’t help feeling shy in such an intense moment.
“that’s because you’re making me feel so good,” he rasps as he lets you take lead of the pace. he uses both his hands to cup your cheeks and pull you into a kiss as you continue pump him at a quicker pace in your hand.
“fuck, you’re such a good girl,” he groans against your lips. the new pet name causes heated flutters in your warm cunt, you liked it. a foreign feeling of wet pleasure pools in between your legs. you can’t help but squirm in attempt to relief yourself.
you fall back from the intense kiss with a low whimper.
you experimentally rub over the swell tip of his dick. his cock gently twitches at the teasing touch. he now stood fully erect in the confides of your hand.
“good god,” he grunts under his breath as you lean forward and place a kiss on his blushing tip while you continue to pump him in your hand.
“can i put it in my mouth?” you ask with half-lidded eyes. how could he say no when your puffy lips were centimeters away from his dick?
“don’t force yourself to take it all, okay?”
you nod your head in compliance as he pushes your hair out of your face. he softly grips your chin pulling you towards his cock. “spit on it for me, baby.”
you listen as you collect the warm liquid in your mouth letting the string fall to the slit of his tip. “a little more for me, princess.”
you spit again coating the head of his dick in the clear substance. “just like that.”
you keep rubbing your thighs together in anticipation trying to gain a sense of pleasure. the sight of his dick was enough to have you dripping. all you wanted to do was see how it would fill you. how you would be a fragile, crying mess under him.
you can’t even wait for him to give you an order and impatiently run your tongue up the base of his cock. you were eager to feel him pulsing in your mouth—eager to taste him. the salty flavor of him fills your mouth. it wasn’t unpleasant, you were in fact delighted with the addicting taste. you tasted the tangy pre-cum leaking from his tip with excitement.
you take your time letting your tongue tease at the sensitive ridge under his tip before softly sucking on his tip.
“fuck, watch your teeth,” he hisses as he pulls you away for a second. you were afraid that you had hurt him.
“you’re doing great but try and use your tongue and not your teeth, okay baby?”
“okay,” you murmur before pressing your lips to his dick again. you take as much of him as you can before sucking—this time without your teeth in the way. you hollow your cheeks and begin to move up and down against his hard cock. you feel encouraged by his breathy moans.
through your thick lashes you begin to observe the contours of pleasure on his face. he had gone pink all the way to the tip of his ears. you can see the rises and falls of his chest as low grunts and praises peered from his lips. his brows knit together as his plump lips were slightly open allowing mumbles of words to pass through.
you push his dick deeper into your throat as you attempt to take more of him into your mouth. your soft gags and lewd slurps on his skin fill the room. your eyes brink in tears as drippings of saliva drool from your mouth.
“god, you’re doing so good, my pretty girl. so fucking good,” he coos as you administer a slightly quicker pace. he gently bucks up into your throat as you feel him twitch against your tongue.
the warm drops of a bitter liquid hit the roof of your mouth before coating your tongue.
“i know it doesn’t taste good, baby. spit it out, don’t force yourself, hm?” he practically begs as one hand grips your cheeks and the other props under your chin.
you try to swallow but you couldn’t bring yourself to let it past your throat. it was thick and strange in consistency and didn’t taste all that good.
you open your mouth allowing the substance to fill his palm. “there you go, good girl.”
he leans over pulling tissues from the box on the nightstand before wiping his palm.
“did i do good?” you ask as you shyly play with your thumbs.
“you did amazing, baby,” he praises as he flips you to lay underneath him. his fingers linger along the band of your leggings as he pulls them down in a swift motion.
“and now it’s my turn to return the favor and make you feel good, isn’t it?”
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sugarylawliet · 4 years
In Death Note, you know the part where the L placed spy cams everywhere within Yagami’s house?
What if Light and his girlfriend start doing the deeds to look like normal hormones teens?
YES OMG i’ve actually thought of this before so i’m so glad someone requested it LMFAO
> warnings: swearing, smut, degradation, sir kink, kind of exhibition??
  Light tossed his backpack onto his bed, loosening his red tie before collapsing onto the bed himself, letting his exhaustion express itself in the most natural way he thought possible. It’s hard to act natural when you’re being watched; you almost forget every aspect of your daily routine, putting excessive thought into typically mindless tasks like walking around your house or laying on your bed to the point of obviousness. 
“Light, wanna play video games?” Ryuk asked, standing before the boy.
Light fell back onto his bed, placing his hands behind his shoulders with a deep sigh. Closing his eyes, he prepared for the performance he’d have to put on. How could he ignore Ryuk without giving off reactions to the shinigami’s words, tilts of the head or instinctive hums of agreement that could incriminate himself in a matter of seconds.
“You listening? Hello?” 
Light only ignored him, grabbing a long beige coat from the closet before heading outside, Ryuk following close behind.
“Hey, Light, what’s with the brushing off? I’m starting to get annoyed.”
He popped his collar and rolled up his sleeves, checking meticulously for any bits of wire or chips of plastic that could be audio bugging him. 
“Light! Hey!” Ryuk wined.
“There might be secret hidden cameras around the house,” The brunette broke the silence, his voice in a slightly raspy lowered tone, almost a whisper, “Or microphones, probably both.” He explained, going on to detail his clever methods of finding out if someone had been in his room- or if someone had opened his door, at least.
“Let’s go on a camera hunt! You got a plan after that?” Ryuk asks.
“Simple, make it seem like I have no idea the cameras are even there, and that I’m just a normal teenager. I’ll probably need some excuse for why I have that paper and lead in my door, they’ll want to know why I don’t want anyone in my room, what I’m hiding, and if the footage reveals I’m hiding absolutely nothing, that’ll look even more suspicious. Every teenager has secrets.”
“So what’ll you do?”
“You’ll see.”
“This feels objectifying, Yagami.” 
You walk down the street leading to your boyfriend’s house, accompanied by the man himself as he explains his, quite frankly, pervy plan.
“Objectifying? We have sex all the time, Y/N.”
“Yeah, but nobody plans out when they’re gonna fuck. It’s just weird.”
“Hey,” Light stops walking, facing towards you as he gently lifts your chin with his thumb and index finger. The feeling made you melt, and he knew that very well. The way Light held your face and looked at you like you were the only thing on earth felt exhilarating, he could tell you anything in that position and you’d believe it. And that’s just what he does, constantly. “This is not an option, this isn’t personal business. This is about Kira. This is going to throw suspicion off me, okay? Do it. For me.”
You sighed deeply. He had you the moment he held your chin like that. “And there won’t be any explicit footage of us? There won’t be a camera like, right there?”
“I don’t know where all the cameras are, but there aren’t many like that in my room at all, we’ll be safe.” He lied, a practice that came so easily to him he no longer viewed it as morally wrong. It was just something he did, like going to school and eating dinner or doing homework, he also lied.
“Okay.” You agreed with a smile, prompting him to release his grasp on you and continue the walk home.
“I didn’t realize he went through such great lengths...might there be something in his room that he doesn’t want anyone to see?” Soichiro Yagami remarked, watching Light fiddle with the thin strip of paper in the doorway and the piece of lead in the hinges as you stood patiently behind him.
“Well, considering he’s 17, it isn’t all that unusual. I’ve done it myself, for no reason at all.” L responds, “I am a bit curious, though, as to what he’s hiding so admently.”
You enter Light’s bedroom with him, shutting the door behind you as you watch him toss his bag down besides his bed. 
“Y/N, are you scared of me?” He turns to face you.
“Hm? Why would I be.”
“L, the best detective in the world, thinks I’m Kira when I’m not.”
Oh, Light.
“He makes me out to be some kind of monster,” He continues, “I’m worried you’ll start to believe him.”
“I’m not scared.”
“Maybe you should be.”
Before you could register his comment, Light lunges for you, tossing you onto his bed before tickling your stomach and sides.
‘L-Light! St-stop! Please!” You cried between giggles.
“Make me.”
Understanding, you connect your lips to his, causing his hands to rub up and down where he previously tickled you. You moaned into the kiss as Light pushed harder into it, his desperation showing. You wished he would take his time, but you knew the real reason you were here. His hands slid down to your lower half, pushing his hand inside your pants and rubbing your clit through your panties. You gasped, hand reaching up to grab his wrist reflexively. He let out a chuckle. 
Impatiently, he stood up straight, unbuttoning your pants before slipping them completely off along with your panties, leaving you in only your t-shirt on his bed.
“I figured,” L sighed, “You can close your eyes if you’d like, Yagami-san, but I’m afraid I need you here for legal purposes.”
Light crouched down onto the floor, lifting your legs to lay bent on his shoulders. Teasingly, he licked a line down your slit, earning a gasp from you. He straightened himself out again, moving towards your face. “L is watching,” He whispered, his hot breath on your ear, “Put on a show.” He smirked.
Watching? Had Light lied?
Light lowered himself back down to push his tongue inside you. His tongue wriggled around, exploring your walls with lust.
“Oh, Light” You moaned, slapping your hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. You knew L, you knew the whole task force for that matter. Your face flushed with embarrassment imagining any of them reviewing this footage and hearing your moans. Hell, Light’s dad worked with L, he could be watching for all you knew.
You jolted at the sudden sting of Light smacking your thigh with an open palm. “Don’t hold back, angel, and don’t cover your mouth. I want to hear all your pretty moans.” He said, removing himself from your core before pressing his lips almost to your ear again, lowering his voice to a whisper, “I want L to see how good I make you feel. Got it?”
You faintly nodded before he returned to your heat, dipping his tongue inside once again while his thumb felt your clit, rubbing it in circles. You knot your fingers through his brown hair, bringing his face closer to your pussy with a moan. He sped up his actions, practically abusing your clit while his tongue hit your g-spot, curling sightly upwords inside of you.
“Fuck, Light, I can’t, I’m gonna...”
With that, Light pulled away, leaving you edged and wanting more. You pouted, sticking your lip out with a whine. Light, having none of it, roughly raked his hand through your hair, forcing you up close to his face by your scalp. “You listen to me.” He growled, the heat of his breath warming your face, “No whining, and no disobeying. Got that?” He yanked your hair with the last syllable for emphasis. You let out a weak “Mhm.” 
He shoved you to the bed chest-first by your hair, never letting his fingers leave your locks. 
“Ass up.” He commanded, you obliged slowly, legs feeling a bit sore from him eating you out.
Hastily he unbuckled his belt before folding it in half, smacking your ass with it leaving a slight red mark. “When I tell you to do something, you do it quickly.”
“Yes Light.”
You yelped as he smacked you again with the belt in the same place, the stinging leaving your ass feel like it was burning. 
“Yes who?” He asked.
“Yes sir.”
“Atta girl.” He pushed his khakis fully down before aligning himself with your entrance, rubbing his head up and down your slit teasingly.
“Sir please...” You begged.
“Please what? Say it.”
“Please, please fuck me sir. I want your cock, please.” 
“Well, only since you asked so nicely.” Light slid himself into you with a groan. Slowly, he rocked himself into you. 
“F-faster, please sir. Faster.” You moaned, gripping onto the sheets.
Light obliged right away, almost as if he was waiting for you to ask for it. He quicked his speed, pounding into you mercilessly. He licked his lips, relishing in the loud slew of moans and curses spilling from your mouth as he fucked you.
“Look at you, you fucking slut. Begging for me to go faster. You’re so goddamn desperate for my cock, you dirty whore.”
You couldn’t help but moan at his words, though degrading, the fact that Light liked you at all made you feel worth something. Light Yagami, Kira, the god of the new world, liked you. Though you’d never admit it to the stubborn boy, he could say almost anything to you, about you, and you’d still love him.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so tight.” He knotted his fingers back into your hair for stability as he thrusted into you even faster, burying himself deep into you.
“Oh my god, fuck, Light- sir, it’s so good.” You cried, feeling your orgasm creeping up once again. “I’m gonna...”
“Do it, come for me angel.” He encouraged, bringing his free hand up to play with your clit. The stimulation sent you over the edge. “Oh fuck, oh my god, fuck you feel so good.” You came loudly, only a little before Light did as well.
L watched Light collapsed beside you on the bed, only the sound of your breathless pants escaping the monitor. “Uh, they’re done, Yagami-san. You can...open your eyes again. Honestly, this security footage may be useless now, at the very least we cannot bring it to court, considering your son and his girlfriend are both 17. Perhaps this was his plan along.”
“You’re saying this makes you more sure he’s Kira?!” Soichiro raised his voice.
“Well, it definitely raises my suspicions.”
Light finally stood up, tucking himself back into his jeans. Before you could pull your bottoms back up, he picked up your panties from the floor, playfully spinning them around his index finger. “You won’t be missing these, will you?” He asks sarcastically, tossing them into the drawer in his bedside table. 
“Ah, so that’s what he’s hiding. A valid excuse to not want family in your room but... unexpected, to say the least.” L remarked, still somehow watching the cameras.
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booberryfun · 3 years
Day off
As the golden rays of the morning sun bathe the room in an amber tone, Villain lazily opens their eyes and fumbles for the alarm clock. Exactly 2 minutes before that thing blows up, better shut it down. Biological clock is a funny thing, really. Remind yourself of the time you want to wake up the next day and whala, always 2 minutes to spare before a bomb goes off. Of course, it’s still necessary in case of oversleeping, but Villain would rather their sweet dreams wouldn’t be crushed by some weird loud music and lots of buzzing like those god damn mosquitoes trying to suck up some food. Also for another reason, but never mind that.
Rise and shine, the villain sits up and stretches their arms, their back, and gives their neck a few cracks. Damn it feels good. Time for breakfast, they can already imagine the smell of honey waffles filling up the kitchen. Villain is just about to turn around when an arm flies across their lap and something soft nudges against their thigh.
“Mm...” a low purr touched with a speck of morning sleepiness.
And that’s the reason why Villain didn’t want the alarm to go off. They’ve got to let someone enjoy their sweet dreams too.
“I was just about to kiss you and you’re afraid of me getting out of bed?” A smile soft as the morning glow makes its way across Villain’s face as their hand sinks into the other’s hair, caressing them along with a few gentle ruffles.
They sit there for a while, just peacefully playing with the silky smooth hair. Of course, there’s more than just the hair and the tranquil atmosphere. Maybe it’s their lover’s sleeping face, the calmness it brings to their heart, or just the blooming feeling of love inside their chest that only they can bring about. You can tell just how much Villain wants the moment to last. But it’s a Tuesday morning...
“Alright sleepyhead, I’m going to be late for work.”
“Mm...” there’s no sign of waking up.
Feeling the grip on the hem of their shirt tighten... Urgh god, why must their love be such a kitten while asleep? Their heart sinks cold for they don’t have the heart to break free from the loving binds. Villain lets out a defeated sigh before trying once more.
“Darling,” coming with the call is a soft kiss on Lover’s head. “I’ll be home early, I promise.”
There isn’t much to hope for since Lover is such a heavy sleeper, so Villain has already braced themself for not being able to get anything done this morning. Until…
“It’s my day off,” a sleepy voice croaks.
“Yes, I know,” Villain hushes as they reach for their lover's hand and slowly untangle their grip.
“It’s my day off so it’s yours too,” but hell will the other let go.
“Villain,” Lover groans with a voice still sheepishly low. “Your work is fighting me. It’s my day off, so you’re going to get down here and snuggle up with me right this instant.”
Well... who can say no to that?
“Haizz, alright my love.” The loving smile has turned into another loving kiss as Villain delivers themself onto the bed and pulls Hero closer in their arms.
“Honey waffles can wait. I’ll make them today.”
And with their face buried deep in Lover’s hair, Villain lets the voice in their head speak one last time before drifting into dreamland.
“Yeah, honey waffles can wait.”
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Dumbass me (again) posted this like 10 hours ago but forgot to put tags ;-; my brain is really not working today help-
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