#my overdramatic backstories
adozentothedawn · 7 months
Carolus' children have names!
Porcelain von Valancius, called Penny (or sometimes Porky by her brother), her oldest child. Conceived during her time as a guard for merchant ships, after she was exiled from her position as a battle psyker in the military, with a Drukhari soldier who she met and fought during multiple assignments. Coincidence (and skill at survival) had them meet again and again and develop a personal rather than general hatred for each other, which then culminated in an extremely angry and prejudiced one-night stand. About two weeks later she finally managed to kill him. Carolus was in a very bad mental state during that time, so when she noticed she was pregnant she couldn't really bring herself to care. She didn't expect the fetus to be viable anyway, so she decided that either it would kill her and solve her problems that way, or the resulting miscarriage would be of scientific interest to someone. Except that against her expectations when the baby was born she was entirely healthy, if odd looking. Put on the spot Carolus made the decision to be a mother. She built herself up again as best as she could, pretended her daughter was a low level mutant and found a somewhat peaceful colony of mutants in a corner of her sector where she could trust someone to take care of the child while she went off to earn money to send back. When Theodora called her to the expanse she took her daughter with her and found her a safe place on Janus before going on board.
Porcelain is a highly energetic child, easily excitable, and due to her heritage drawn to strong emotions. This can manifest both in temper tantrums to provoke the people around her into anger or things like long monologues of compliments or singalongs to incite excitement or happiness. She is not cruel but oftentimes callous about the feelings of others, since she gets as much out of people's anger or grief as out of their joy. That does not however mean that she doesn't like people, quite the opposite. She easily connects with people, regardless of their opinion of her, leading her to occasionally declare people her friends who deeply despise her, precisely because of their strong reaction. This includes Marazhai, who only got survive his terrible decisions because Carolus is concerned about her daughter's safety without at least rudementary knowledge about the other half of her legacy. He gets brought onboard specifically as Porcelain's babysitter and tutor. He absolutely despises it and Penny, but knows that she is the only reason he's alive and thus cannot just kill her without consequences. She loves him. Absolutely adores him and everything he does end up teaching her. Her mother's influence does remain strong she does not fall into indiscrimenate murder and torture but she does highly enjoy the tussles she has with Marazhai and the occasional hunt he takes her on. He also tendency to just grab her by the scruff of the neck and carry her around like a handbag. She thinks it's hilarious. She also calls him "Uncle Marzipan" and is absolutely gleeful about how much he hates it. He in return calls her "Pentakill" because he decided that her name is terrible and not to be tolerated. The Mon-keigh should be glad he didn't choose a drukhari name.
Leopold von Valancius van Calox is Carolus' son with Heinrix. (Yes there is a whole situation going on my brain how he deals with Penny's existance but that's for later.) He is born sometime during the game, though I have not exactly figured out when yet. When Carolus learnt she was pregnant again she gave Heinrix a decision: he could either claim the child as his or they sweep their prior relationship under the rug and she would never mention the child's parentage. Either way she would not stand his way. She certainly would have been sad if he had decided to deny it, but she would have respected his decision, and it had to be just his choice to make. Some of the officer's would have certainly known, but no one would go against a Rogue Tradr's orders to shut up about her private life. It took him the entire duration of the pregnancy to finally make a choice and only when Carolus went into labour did he break and made his decision to be a father, with the thought that he would come up with a way to deal with Calcazar's judgement some time later. Of course it turned out that said dealing would be both a lot easier and a lot harder than expected. He never did say anything about it, but he went to her chambers, was let in and stayed for the duration of the birth, which was as good as admission. Abelard judged him greatly, for many reasons.
Leopold is a calm child, curious but by far not as exciteble as his sister (who was absolutely extatic about getting a sibling and had to be forcibly kept from the birth so as to not be distracting). Later in his life he showed Psyker abilities, something that concerned but not surprised his Psyker parents. The reveal was thankfully not nearly as dramatic as both his parents' . His sister felt it coming and refused to play with him because of it, feeling unsettled by the weird energies around him. This persisted until he eventually threw a temper tantrum and set a rug on fire, thus confirming both Carolus' and Heinrix' concerns. Although they both he agreed he would have to be sanctioned, they also agreed to never under any circumstances put their son on a Black Ship. Eventually it was decided that Heinrix himself would bring him to Terra, monitor any and all procedures and eventually take him home again. They both leveraged all of their political powers to make sure they could take him back, calling in many, many favours and issuing equally as many threats and bribes. They succeeded. Leopold himself only learnt multiple years after that trip what had actually happened. (I do have notes on a short one-shot about the trip maybe) (How does this work with the whole Warp storm situation? I don't know and frankly I don't much care, both the warp and the god-emperor will bow to my will to ignore canon)
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onaperduamedee · 1 year
Fandom: The Wheel of Time (TV), Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan Word count: 2451 Relationships: Moiraine Damodred & Lan Mandragoran
Knowing they had been walking toward that end for twenty years did not lighten the burden. They both had grown complacent out of endurance, though their resolve had never wavered.
After her night with Siuan, Moiraine steps back into her responsibilities, confronts a few ugly thoughts, and lets doubt in.
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jaxie101 · 10 months
the hunger games has been my roman empire since i read when it when i was 10 and here are all of my smaller empires bc this has always been my favourite series ever:
the tributes being treated to a life of luxury both as a “last meal” sort of thing and as a way to make them more vulnerable for the games. keeping them well fed before the games so the starvation hits harder
peeta repeatedly calling himself a mutt after katniss does :(
katniss’ ptsd
katniss being such an unreliable narrator
when cato realised he’s just as much of a toy as the rest of the kids
when gale says he should’ve volunteered in peeta’s place. NOT for peeta, not to save him the trauma, the injuries or his torture, and not to save katniss and to be there for her, PURELY bc he knew that getting hurt would get her attention.
peeta’s “real or not real” and how easily katniss accepts it as his way of recovery
how perfect katniss’ character was. i was a little girl and i wanted to be exactly like her when i grew up. she wasn’t the cliche “doesn’t need anyone accepts this specific guy that will always save her” she saved peeta, and some times peeta saves her
probably the overdramatic english lit nerd in me but katniss’ hair going from intricate braids to messy ponytails
(tw sex assault) in the books katniss was terrified that peeta was going to be r&ped, for some reason that’s always stuck with me
what happened to finnick
how well written and realistic the books were. peeta loses his leg to the infection, katniss loses her hearing in one ear, finnick suffers from extreme ptsd and it shows in district 13, peeta not being an easy fix. he still suffers years later, but he slowly pieces himself back together. Johanna’s anger, people often don’t like the fact that ptsd DOES make you angry, haymitch’s backstory and effie’s growth.
the mutt’s have the dead kids eyes in the first games
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oblique-lane · 3 months
idk if youve done it yet but i would actually lose my mind if you did an analysis for demo
Aye aye captain 🫡 Time to overdramatize again!
Let's address Demo's wounds
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(Demo's backstory was changed through the years but I'm sticking to the older version because I find it more grounded)
Demoman's story is easily one of the most tragic of all the mercs. Imagine you have been abandoned from birth, your parents simply rejected you for what you are. But luckily you have been adopted by some good people who replaced your parents and made you a relatively happy child.
And then you accidentally kill them. You're 6 years old. How does that feel?
I can't even imagine how a child's brain can't comprehend the idea of being a murderer. It was an accident, of course, they were blown up by a big explosion he created (genius kid found out how to do that, huh?) but still. His parents were dead and he knew it was his own fault. He learned he was dangerous as he is.
How was it like pondering about it in the orphanage?.. "I didn't want this! I want to go back and fix it, I'm so sorry", something like that. But he couldn't go back in time, so being covered in such an avalanche of guilt, he learned he needs to repress himself.
Demo have always had an explosive temper (no pun intended), it was his true nature, pure emotion: if he's happy, it's 100%; if he's angry, it's a full blown storm. If he loves, he loves with all of his heart, and he has a big one.
Living on the impulse, all or nothing, that crucial accident revealed that letting his true nature go will only end up as destruction in the end. Irreparable damage.
We don't know what exactly was happening to him during his orphanage years, but if I'm to guess, repressing everything about him: his interests, his character, his whole nature, was a thing to choose. He thought that he had to become still and quiet as to not to repeat that kind of tragedy ever again. He probably didn't have people to be friends with either, either because people rejected him for his past, or he avoided them himself due to his internalized shame, at least that's a guess.
But everything repressed returns to the surface sooner or later. As a child, living for so long under overwhelming guilt, grief, hate, pain and sadness, under the skies that are almost never sunny in a all-year-long damp and coldness of the Ullapool. Incomprehensibly grey. It was depriving.
He was always fascinated with explosions. He didn't touch it for a long time, but maybe something like seeing fireworks again one day made something inside him tremble... And to remember.
Explosions. Launch... Acceleration... Release. And every time the release happens, his soul fills with excitement, the body feels lighter and shivers go up the spine. Release happens inside his head too, for the explosions make his worries and pain go away for a moment.
He couldn't find another way to release his bottled up emotions, so gradually he returned to make explosives again.
It was something like an addiction. Similar to pyromania, except no one bothered to research this one. At the moment of explosion he could let his anger out, he could scream, he could run around freely, he could sense heat in his chest; he could be himself. As he once was.
Everything was cold. But the explosions were hot.
He thought it was under control, just a little bit of KABOOM after school, but he craved more and more every time, more vivid, more violent...
That's how he lost his eye. (...Was it a subconscious act of selfharm?)
The missing eye was a forever reminder of how deviated he actually was. He learned that he couldn't repress or change what he truly is - a monster. A Black Scottish Cyclops, wether it were his peers who called him like that or he himself, out of misery. There was indeed something seriously wrong with him.
It seemed like the only thing he was capable of is destruction. Destruction is the only environment he's comfortable with. Peace was always so anxious and depriving, and breaking things felt calming, so he figured it must be right.
And then his birth mother came and took him back, "now that's he's a worthy DeGroot". It was unexpected but... Pleasant. So he wasn't THAT worthless after all, huh? Turns out, it was really familial, the destruction thing. At least he found out that there was a reason behind all of this.
His new mom was, saying honestly, pretty cruel with words. She was not at all gentle, she was very strict, demanding and straight up abusive. It was never enough for her no matter what Demo did. She didn't want results from his work, she's just always wanted to mess with his brain.
And for whatever reason... This setup felt right for him. To be thrown around like that, to be humiliated harshly, it felt fitting, it wasn't causing anxiety or anything. He has to be a scapegoat, he had to forget about being a child and to start working as an adult, at the same time somehow replacing a father he still didn't have, but it felt good enough. Confusing relationships felt good enough.
Destruction was his habitat, and his heart could no longer accept anything else.
Cruelty wasn't warm though, just familiar, just an environment to not to go insane. But he craved warmness so badly... Yet every time he would get close to someone and receive a little gentleness and care, it would feel sickening. It felt unnatural, it reminded him of his lost parents and of everything that's wrong about him.
The only warmness his body could accept was alcohol, making him bubbly and comfortable and relaxed. He almost felt normal, happy even. Alcohol heat made him melt, and he felt so fulfilled as if he was in paradise, back to the womb.
Yet after the effect wears off, he feels lonely as ever. Quickly, existing without alcohol becomes pain. Existing at all. He became an addict.
Not that everyone he met rejected him, rather, he subconsciously reached out to those who would be cruel to him. Again, gentleness hurts wether he knows it or not. He's only good in destruction.
Lonely and clingy, ready to overshare, overall mess yet carrying a big baggage of love that has no one to give it to. Maybe because he can't give it to himself in the first place. There's so many issues unresolved because he can't handle them alone, yet there's no one to help since he was already trapped in a closed circuit of self sabotage.
He will keep acting like a party beast, always crazily emotional and overdone upbeat, a simple drunken man who will not be taken seriously that way. Maybe that's what he wanted, to not be seen as deep by anyone for not be reminded of his misery once again.
Seems like we bought that too.
The enemy Soldier might be an exception though. The man he really treasures his friendship with turned out to be an enemy; repeating the rule again: it's only acceptable when dangerous. Soldier deeply cares for Demo, however he's not gentle or pitying, he's as destructive and explosive as Demo is, and these two are a very rare perfect combination of destructing each other in the act of love. Both broken beyond repair, soul on soul, forever to be misunderstood by the outsiders. This is something about this relationship that looks like a golden lining.
They will not fix each other, but they sure are going to have a good time!
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hogoflight · 10 months
on the topic of people wondering What The Fuck Is Up with This Guy my friend knows (TOA Apollo), Asclepius having to explain his father to anyone is. Oh boy.
You could say Asclepius lives on Earth / visits Earth much more than he does Olympus because his domain is completely and wholly centred around serving people and helping medical research come through. Additionally because he still finds Olympus and all of its posturing jarring, and maybe finds comfort in helping people like he used to and has done since ancient times.
THIS COULD ALSO MEAN that he has. Mortal friends. Which also means he’s had to have told them about his dad at some point.
Asclepius’s friend: How come we haven’t met your dad yet? Is he a prick? Asclepius: NO, no, my father was and is very kind and gentle to me, the problem is more that he can be rather… a bit much. He sometimes tends to be very… protective (VERY protective) of me (As in, the police get called). The problem is more that he can get a bit. Uppity? sometimes? He’s certainly been… cruel. More than his, or anyone’s, fair share of cruelty. But he’s improving? Asclepius’s friend: Oh wow. That sounds really complicated. Well what about your mother? Asclepius: WELL. YOU SEE. AH. OH GODS UHHHHHH-
They would make a conspiracy board for him being a gang leader (or something)! Because:
Had Asclepius’ mother killed (?!?! THAT’S HORRIBLE WHAT!)
Expressed deep, deep regrets and remorse about having Asclepius’ mother killed in a very “I was young, foolish and failed to think of anyone other than myself… I have worked with violence for a long, long time and have made many horrible, cruel decisions… I fear I am too long gone… but I wish to work with myself to be a better person, for my son whom I love dearly…” kind of way (in a mafia movie way).
Asclepius says he is in exile from his supposedly-infamously murderous family because they tried to kill him (and succeeded but SHHHHHH). And the one to order his death being his grandfather. Because he (vague conclusion through Asclepius being vague about his life) didn’t want someone to die -> didn’t want to kill someone? (“The pipeline is there!!” They say.)
Apollo going “ah yes I too share a great interest in medicine, like my dear son! Although my son is (proudly!) better at so than I am. Well, admittedly, I can sometimes tend to be, less focused on - y’know, helping someone injuries hurt less, you could say.” LIKE THAT’S VERY SUSPICIOUS.
(Ok but don’t worry Asclepius’ friends aren’t actually concerned about his dad being a mafia member at all because that would be actually Awful and Terrifying. This is an inside joke after Asclepius awkwardly explained his complicated relationship w his dad his friend was jokingly like “woah… that sounds like the backstory of a main character from a mafia movie…” and Apollo heard about his from the grapevine and immediately summoned like 20 identical cats for him to intimidatingly stroke. 
The tone of the last section is making a fake BuzzFeed Unsolved / general conspiracy theory video w your friends about one of your friends. No one ever feels like they are in any danger and I imagine most probably know who and what Asclepius and Apollo actually are but tease them with this. BASICALLY THE JOKE IS THAT THEY’RE MAKING FUN OF MAFIA MOVIE STEREOTYPES AND THE WAY THE MAFIA IS DEPICTED IN MOVIES. WHICH IS VERY ROMANTICISED, OVERDRAMATIC AND SILLY.)
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lilacartsmadsion · 3 months
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“You want perfection? I’LL SHOW YOU PERFECTION!”
“Do not invoke The Nameless One’s Wrath”
That was the warning The Apoditic One spoke. To the Wizards and To the Whole of Earthbread.
Except…The Wizards did not heed that warning…
Long ago, when Wizard City was ruled by the gods known as Wizards recruited The Nameless One to create a plethora of Cookies to harness the power of the Moon.
Time and time again…The Wizards would deny creation after creation from the god, until he finally was able to create a cookie of their desires.
Once the Slumbering Moon was born, the Wizards praised her existence…while the rest of her essence were scattered to the horizon…
While the Wizards celebrated…taking the credit for the creation of The Slumbering Moon and no longer acknowledging the existence of countless other life forms that helped make her…The Nameless One suffered.
For the Nameless One loved all his creations, even the Beasts who dared to rebel against him caused him to grieve them when he sealed them away…
He watched as time and time again did the Wizards discard the essence of his Creations into the abyss, frantically searching for a way back, he watched as they suffered and were heartlessly buried as test subjects in the soils of Earthbread.
He could not take the suffering anymore, in his anguish and fury the Nameless One let out a guttural cry. All those who heard it bowed their heads in fear, with the exception of the False Gods, The Wizards.
Through the Darkness the rest of the gods fled the wrath of The Nameless One as he channeled his own emotions into the most powerful of doughs…
The Ultimate Dough. With his sheer wrath, a cookie born from darkness was born out of the anger of the god. She drove away The Wizards upon his command. “See to it that these False Gods learn their place in this world!”
Like cowards the Wizards ran from the gates of Wizard City, for a while, the sky was red as Strawberry Jam…and there was silence…
Once the false gods had fled from the lands of Earthbread The Nameless One commanded. “Let all who trespass into this land learn my wrath, see to it that none shall enter here again.”
And just like that…stationed in the very borders of Earthbread, The Pillars of Darkness guard the Outside World with an Iron Fist. None shall enter and None shall leave.
Beware the Wrath of the Nameless One, for The Dark Enchantress will consume you into the endless Abyss.
So yeah that’s DE’s backstory in this AU. This is why she can’t have started the Dark Flour War.
In this AU Gingerbrave killed all the Witches so WL wouldn’t have gone to the feast. She did travel to Beast Yeast where Gingerbrave spends most his time
However as I said DE still exists. Just in a different way. She’s stationed as a guardian of Earthbread placed at its borders to keep from things like Witches and Wizards. (Minus the Witches)
Also yes those are Gingerbrave’s eyes, he started putting makeup as a reminder for Mystic Flour Cookie, the only Beast who saw his true face.
Some of the words in this story are ‘overdramatized’ as they are words based on the interpretations of Cookies. No one actually knows what Gingerbrave said, not even Moonlight Cookie who was there during the story.
Inspirations for DE’s design
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For Mystic I just took her necklace. I mostly based her off of Pomegranate here. And since I wanted to give a nod to her original backstory, I decided to add some inspirations from WL’s hair and gloves. As well as making DE’s dress gradient to White. As well as make her dress resemble the petal of a flower.
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choccy-milky · 7 months
You don’t have to reply to this, but I just wanted to apologize for the previous ask!! I didn’t mean to slander Sebastian, or to better word it, your own Sebastian that you created (not sure if I’m wording this right lol) in your art/fan fiction. I didn’t mean to imply he was just an overall violent or rude character; I was just trying to poke fun at the run-ins he’s had with Leander & Lawley in your own little oc world. I know those encounters in your writing had plenty of backstory and reasoning behind them, and you didn’t just write him to be someone who outlashes at others unreasonably. I should have expressed myself properly and not just assumed you would automatically read my intention from such little words. It was definitely careless of me since, as someone who’s been admiring your work for a while, I know you’ve had issues here and there with people bashing your work and not understanding the complexity of your story, and my small comment where I said ‘cough violent cough’ definitely could have been thrown into those critiques without me further explaining myself in the previous ask. I’m not sure if I’m being a bit overdramatic by sending you this long apology, but I genuinely felt bad seeing how my joke didn’t land and possibly made you upset. Again, I really appreciate all you do for the fandom, and I’m sorry!
AW I FEEL BAD LMAO, U DIDNT HAVE TO APOLOGIZE💖😭😭it didnt make me upset!! but i am happy for the clarification and that you dont actually think my seb is just super violent for no reason BAHAHA cuz like you said, i guess i got a bit defensive of him cuz of some ppls interpretations of him lately(mainly cuz of the relic). but AGAIN U DIDNT HAVE TO APOLOGIZE! IM GLAD U LIKE MY SEB AND MY FIC AND MY ART, TYY!😭 i guess we're both just overdramatic girlies huh💃💃
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jk i changed my mind🤬🤬 seb unleash the violence and protect clora from this anon 🤬🤺🤺 (lmao no but THANK YOU!!)
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inpursuitofnunchi · 2 months
Ok so thriller bark was meh and kinda draggy. The whole arc of the invisible lion dude peeking at nami in the shower and then trying to SA/abduct her over and over again gave me SO MUCH ick ew.
I mean obviously it was meant to introduce Brook and Bartholomew Kuma (Bible holding demon istg he scares the fuck out of me) so i watched it all the way through. The foshfoshfosh and haraharaharahara laughs of that zombie princess Perona and dr. ogback were annoying as hell 😭😭 i wanted to smack them so bad. It had its funny moments tho. Perona flooring everyone with the negativity ghosts and not being able to even nudge Usopp was hilarious. "I'm always negative! 😡😡😡" I feel ya bro. And sanji and zoro's zombie versions fighting 🤣 chopper my favorite baby all round cutie always A+ for him 🥺❤️
But soon after that we reached Sabaody Archipelago and WE ARE SO BACK BABY!! excellent, excellent season which transitions smoothly into amazon lily and impel down. The uncomfortable reality of the world and the Luffy being the only one with a spine, YAS MY BOI love to see that ❤️✌🏼A lot in this season made me very very uncomfortable but in a good way. The jokes about Zoro's 0 direction sense are timeless, truly 😭. Amazon Lily was basically how men imagine matriarchal societies to be 🤣. If there ever existed an island like this, the inhabitants would likely not be wearing such uncomfortable looking skimpy clothes 😭 they'd get boob rash from so much boob and so many strings lmao. But the Snake Princess falling in love with Luffy is classic "my toxic trait is falling for unavailable men" lmao, her overdramatic delusional internal monologues were hilarious, loved her (even though she kicked little animals - WHY GIRL - which one bit you). Her backstory was heartbreaking, 10/10 execution. Luffy my golden boi, giving the ace representation we deserve even though your brother is named Ace lol. I'm watching Impel Down now and im worried for Ace, i hope he survives the execution here because i love him and i want to see more of him pls 😭
Ok this was my one piece watching update after a long break (i drifted but came back ~~) i love one pieceeee zoro and robin are still my bias lmaooo
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kazuromi · 9 months
so you know that one post i made about velvet and veneer headcanons that i said i'd make last month but was too lazy to make a follow up? well, now after bombing all of my finals and then having a lot of shit go down on christmas weekend, i have summoned the motivation to actually write down these bad boys.
they're twins. in that one scene, velvet was just being overdramatic about when veneer was a baby. she really doesn't have any memories from before she was 3 years old.
we all agreed that veneer is gay and velvet's a lesbian, right?
velvet used to be a very aggressive kid. like she'd attempt to beat up people twice her size.
meanwhile, veneer was very shy and not very assertive. in elementary school, that led to him being bullied by other kids. that's also probably one of the main reasons why velvet ended up being an aggressive kid.
veneer would get really good grades, like valedictorian level. velvet never got a grade above a c, and if you ever saw her getting a decent score on a test, you'd know that she was probably cheating. however, the teachers mostly didn't give a fuck.
the two of them would play various video games together. veneer usually lets velvet win because she's a sore loser.
velvet's real name isn't velvet. she's also named after a dental term, but she changed it because that name was atrocious.
if they didn't get cancelled for using the trolls as drugs, they'd be cancelled after someone finds their old twitter accounts. at least velvet's. she seems like the type of person to be on kpop stan twitter.
veneer used to be a theater kid. in seventh grade he'd quote really obscure musicals every time he talked.
velvet dresses like a pinterest coquette.
you know when the prison plays certain music to make you confess to your crimes? the mount rageous prison used brozone's entire discography for that. jokes on the prison, they both enjoyed it.
i have an entire angsty backstory that i've written for them that i'm too lazy to write out.
that being said, like, comment, reblog, and follow for a part 2!
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The trailers got some pretty interesting point and some really stunning visuals (and some lovely signs of wachowski family stuff) But its been way over shadowed by this huge anxiety and misery that the fandom's gonna be split in two
I seen some people in mega hype mode, super excited and happy about the film and i've seen some people so frustrated and annoyed about everything around it. And sure thats fine, everything's gonna have people that love and people that hate it.
(I think i fall somewhere in the middle. theres things i adore about these versions of the characters, the different lore and backstories is a fun alternative to play around with, but theres also things that frustrate me and i do not want to acknowledge or have within my interpretation.)
But I can't shake this fear that during the movie hype the state of the fandom is gonna be at worst a toxic battle and at best two sets of people ignoring each other and mingling that used to happen doesnt any more. I worry that no matter what i say I'm gonna be alienating myself from someone since I'm sat somewhere in the middle and at the same time I can't match either 'sides' level of hate or love for it, making me once again feel separate.
I know my brain tends to be overdramatic and catastrophise, and its probably gonna be fine. I've fallen into 'It's so over' spirals over the smallest of things. But can we all just be nice to each other? I don't wanna see friendships be torn apart by this.
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glacierclear · 1 year
im sorry i need to dump all my thoughts about ada x leon somewhere for personal fulfillment reasons,
big disclaimer: resident evil canon/lore is inconsistent and my feelings/thoughts on all this is NOT me stating it as fact. It's 99% speculation and me interpreting context. I'm just having fun!
it's really wild that i started my resident evil experience hating Ada. I did not understand her character and the way she's portrayed is very inconsistent and confusing (probably on purpose) and, like many others, I assumed the choices she made and the pain she inflicted on others was malicious and intentional.
But something clicked recently,,,I understand now that she didn't choose this life. She doesn't WANT to be a spy. She doesn't WANT to be a mercenary. Everything she was and everything she had was taken and stripped from her. She doesn't even have a real name anymore. I think seeing the small insight of her backstory in the biohazard manga really put all the pieces together and brain blasted me with understanding. Her entire character (to me, at least!) revolves around survival and self-preservation. She is a SELFISH character, not because of ego or power, but because of a LACK of power. She no longer has autonomy over her life in a way that matters and so the only thing left for her is to stay alive.
And I just think that ties so beautifully with Leon's struggles. Both of them being forced into this life where they have to live and die at the hands of the people who control them. And, listen...listen...it's overdramatic as fuck and a VERY idealistic/romanticized interpretation of their relationship, but honestly it makes me hella emotional thinking about Leon potentially being one of the few things in life Ada wants to live for other than herself. Him being the only person in the entire series who has ever shown her genuine, selfless kindness and care,,, and the fact that her circumstance and the trappings of her life forced her to betray him and she has to live with that guilt and has to come to terms with the fact that she will never genuinely connect with people because who even is she anymore? She has no sense of self.
And her entire campaign in RE6 resonates me in such a weirdly poignant and impactful way. RE6 has some WONKED UP writing and it's so silly and stupid; but I think if it was tweaked a little bit it would be a genuinely moving story about a woman losing her agency and bodily autonomy to a violent man who wants to own her and her fighting with his fabricated, demented vision of her. It's a manifestation of his greed and possession...and then she kills her clone and immediately after she sees Leon again and his first immediate instinct is to protect her and sacrifice himself again for her and throw himself into MORE bullets for her even after the betrayal of RE2 ........ and then after that she finally snaps and FINALLY chooses to fight for HER morals and HER justice by killing Simmons' bioweapon.
Like, listen, I hate the trope of "woman traumatized being saved by a man" in most cases, but something about the way I see Leon and Ada just makes SENSE man.
The fact that she specifically goes out of her way COUNTLESS times to protect him and save him and none of it is enough to get him to forgive her. None of it will ever be enough but she keeps trying anyways. Like, damn, his entire mission is Spain is only possible because Ada saved his ass like...four times??? And you can make reasonable arguments that she doesn't care about him he's only important for her mission, and to be honest I think that interpretation is also valid, but for me personally I just think she cares about him so much but it's in his best interest to continue believing she doesn't care.
And I just want them to be happy. But it will probably never work out between them, just due to everything...they can't escape their lives. They're both kept alive by two opposing morality systems. Leon's guilt and unyielding need to fight for truth and innocence and to protect everyone he's lost and everyone who depends on him. And Ada to hold onto herself and what whittling remains of self-identity and independence she still has when it was all taken from her, even to the point of someone making a damn clone out of her.
Man I just love them so much I'M SO EMOTIONAL!!!!!!!
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covenofwives · 4 months
The God Under the Blossoms
GeorgeHD has a peaceful life as the God of the Overworld. He is with the love of his life and God of the Nether, Sapnap4k, and the two can raise their younger brothers, George and Sapnap in peace. But during a day out, the Gods and their siblings stumble upon another Realm God...and another sibling.
My new AU to do with the Dream Team and their God siblings is here!
A few details are still unknown for this AU for now, but a quick backstory is after "something" happened, HD and 4K were blessed to be Realm Gods and they stayed in contact. They both confessed their feelings early and became husbands. HD and 4K were given their brothers on the same day and have been raising them together ever since. So the AU will focus on just daily life stuff but there will be "lore".
The Dream Team are all the same age because I just can't math so they are about 4 years old in this fic. This fic does have a lot of lore, but there are tickle moments between it so hopefully people can still enjoy it.
This fic will also be tagged as "GodSiblingAU" just for ease rn. I understand that's confusing but if I think of another name for it I'll change it in the future.
It was a perfect day on the Overworld. The sun was high and warm and the air was gentle and cool. It was predicted to be warm until the evening, then rain would start. GeorgeHD couldn’t think of a more perfect ending. A warm day in the sun to then be lulled to sleep by the soft patters of rain. A very perfect day.
But what made the day so perfect for HD was the fact he could spend it lounging in the arms of his true love.
Sapnap4K was a God blessed with a tall, built body and his arms were always open for HD to fall into. Which is how HD found himself this morning.
While the brothers, George and Sapnap, played out in the meadow, HD and 4K lounged at the top of the hills, watching over them. HD had started on 4K’s lap, and now he was laid over the Nether God’s chest and using his bicep as a pillow. He had absolutely dozed off a few times to the sound of their brothers laughter and 4K playing with his hair. But just when he really settled in for a nap, he felt a poke at his cheek which roused him.
It was a small tap of a claw on his cheek, but it was enough to get him to peek open his eye and look up to 4K. Smiling down on him.
“I think you’ve napped long enough.” 4K said. His voice was warm in HD’s ears and his chest rumbled with his words. All these things did not help wake HD up any more.
HD stretched himself out, taking up more space of 4K’s lap, before settling back down over his bicep once again. “I can decided when I’ve napped enough, thank you.”
“Oh can you?”
HD had shut his eyes again, but he could hear 4K’s smirk and the poking claw returned, except it targetted on HD’s side. It wasn’t enough of to draw out a big reaction, but it was enough to make HD squeak, and try to cosy himself in further to 4K’s arm.
“Come on. You said you wanted to take a walk to the cherry biome.” 4K’s voice turned soft instead of teasing. The hand returned to HD’s side, but it was laid out flat instead of trying to poke. His fingers stretched and rubbed soothingly over HD’s stomach and sides. “The boys want to go too.”
While HD was always alert to 4K’s voice had more of a lulling effect than coaxing. “The boys are happily looking for the largest stick they can find right now.” HD was confident they were right, but they peeked their eye open ever so slightly just to check. Sure enough George was trying to pull a stick out from under a bush while Sapnap was trying to pull the entire bush from the ground.
“Well I want to go.” 4K almost huffed. HD gave a look up, making sure 4K was still giving his overdramatic pout, and wasn’t actually upset. When he’d confirmed it was a pout, he settled again.
“I just want to nap for five more minutes.” HD sighed as he nuzzled against 4K’s bicep. “Then we’ll head out to the biome when the boys are ready. Promise.”
4K scoffed. “I think you just want to have an excuse to use my bicep as a pillow.”
“Prime gifted you with perfect biceps. It would be a sin to waste them.”
4K scoffed again and HD waited for the smart reply but it never came. After nothing for another minute, they relaxed again. The focused onto the sound of the rustling leaves and grass as their mind stilled and settled. Then, just on the brink of sleep, another prod into their side.
HD wiggled slightly, giving a look up to 4K. The Nether God was happily watching George and Sapnap play. After a moment HD settled again. Perhaps 4K’s hand just twitched without thinking. HD settled back in, letting the moment pass but then another poke came to his side. And this time the offending finger wiggled.
He was past the point of believe it was a mistake. HD wiggled while trying to keep his voice in a warning tone, but the giggles didn’t help him sound serious. “F-Fohour Kahahahay…!”
“Yes, my love?” 4K was keeping his voice calm, but his wide grin betrayed him.
“Yohoho’re tihickling!”
The fingers had stopped kneading into his sides, now they were skittering and poking up and down his sides and hips. Even his other hand joined in on the other side so HD’s giggles quickly turned into laughs. “4K!”
“I’m not tickling you.” 4K said so innocently while he loomed above the tickled God. “But you happen to be laying on a tickle bed.”
“Nohoho Ihi’m nohohot!” HD tried to pull himself up, but as well as tickling, 4K held him down and any slight freedom he got HD was immediately pulled back down. “Stohohohop!”
“You must have fallen asleep on the tickle monsters bed!” 4K gasped. “And the tickle monster always punishes those who fall asleep in his bed!”
“Nohohoho hehe d-dohoesn’t!” HD’s reasoning ended with a yelp, as 4K’s fingers went back to focusing in on his hips. His hips weren’t his most ticklish spot, but being so close to his sides put him overly on edge. And 4K was skilled at faking out going for his spots. “Plehehease!”
“What are you doing?”
HD opened his eyes, his cheeks blushing furiously as he saw George and Sapnap making their way towards their brothers. He opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a surprising squeak when 4K tweaked his ribs.
“HD fell asleep on the tickle monsters bed.” 4K answered. His fingers still continued their tickling, now getting to skitter over HD’s stomach as the God tried to turn on his side more and curl up. “And he’s been caught!”
The boys eyes widened with an overdramatic gasp from Sapnap. “He tried to nap!” He called out.
The realisation made George gasp as well, though HD could barely focus on where the conversation was going as his hips were mercilessly tickled.
“You said we’re going to the cherry trees!” George pointed accusingly.
“Wehehe ahahahre-EEK! FOHOUR KAHAY!”
4K went right for his sides then, buzzing right into them as he was distracted and then when he brought his arms down to protect them, 4K went right back to his hips.
“He needs to be tickled awake.” 4K playfully growled at the two kids. “And the tickle monster needs the little monsters help!”
The boys expressions went from accusing to mischievous and they leapt at the opportunity. Literally jumping into 4K’s lap with HD to get at him.
“NO! Dohon’t yohou dahahare! I am awake! I ahahaham!” HD tried a mix of threats and pleading until 4K moved his hands up.
The Nether God lifted HD’s arms up off his sides, taking advantage to tickle his armpits as well, and stretching him out nicely for Sapnap and George to get at his sides, which they did immediately.
George was on his left and Sapnap on his right, their little hands squeezing, skittering and fluttering all up and down his most sensitive spot. Merciless. George and Sapnap had no want for anticipation or build up, they wanted to get at the worst spots right away and Prime sake they really went for it.
HD shrieked as he wiggled. His body was screaming to struggle and fight with everything he had but he was cautious of his brother and Sapnap being so close and didn’t want to hurt them. Being tortured in his worst spot and not being able to move from consequence just made the torture worse. His skin prickled with his over sensitive nerves and he begged.
4K stopped right away. He lowered his hands, grabbing at George and Sapnap’s to get them to stop while HD curled up as tightly as he could and sucked in air like he’d been on the verge of suffocating.
“He’s trying to sleep again!” Sapnap accused again before looking up as 4K chuckled.
“No, he’s just catching his breath.” 4K said, one hand patting over HD’s back. “But hopefully he’s learned a valuable lesson about taking the tickle monster's bed.”
HD cursed so softly under his breath only 4K could hear it with a twitch of his ear. His smirk widened as George partially climbed over HD’s back.
“What did you say?” He demanded.
“I said, let’s go.” HD lied, catching majority of his breath. He called forth one of his helper hands, an almost opalescent looking white hand that materialised from nothing, that grabbed the back of George’s overalls and lifted him off. The little brunette squeaked and giggled to the lift, as HD turned on his front and pushed himself up.
“The cherry biome isn’t far. We can walk.” 4K suggested casually, and grinned when HD glared.
“Absolutely not.” HD huffed. When he’s sorted himself out mostly, the ephemeral hand dropped George into his arms and disappeared into white mist. “Teleport. Now.”
It was tempting to tease HD more, but Sapnap and George were growing restless, both of them vocally voting for the teleport option. With a sigh, 4K relented and stood up with Sapnap in his arms after HD. In a split second, all four of them were gone from the meadow and appeared in the midsts of a cherry grove.
The biome was located on a small mountain structure, though it was thankfully free from any sudden cliff drops. Since it was higher than their meadow it was colder, and windier but that just made the pink trees sway more and more of their petals danced through the air. The lime green grass was littered with fallen petals and small pink flowers.
George and Sapnap were enchanted and then suddenly energised, squirming out of HD and 4K’s arms to run off.
“Let’s see who can catch the most petals out of the air!” Sapnap challenged, already grabbing a few mid run.
“Don’t wander off too far! Stay where we can see you!” 4K called after them and while the two shouted back a ‘yes’ they were already lost in their own game.
“Are you happy now?” HD grumbled. “We are here.”
“I am very happy.” 4K beamed. He curled his arm around HD’s waist, pulling him in close to his side and purred in his ear. Even though HD tried to keep his grumpy pout, he couldn’t resist the smile pulling at his lips. “I get to take a walk with my perfect husband through the cherry grove.”
“You’re such a sap.” HD tried to play it off, act like the purring and words weren’t getting to him. It was impossible to act since near everything 4K did made HD’s heart leap.
“Aaaand…” 4K carried on. “After the walk we can all take a nice nap under the cherry blossom trees.”
That did sound nice, despite how much HD wanted to scoff. Cuddled with their love while the pink petals rained upon them both was a picturesque sight. “I suppose that sounds nice…” HD replied coolly, but the grin over 4K’s face told him he wasn’t buying it. HD wanted to kiss that stupid grin off his face, but just as he grabbed 4K’s chin to pull him in a chilling sound pulled them apart.
George and Sapnap had screamed. Not like the scream of them playing they were so used to hearing, but as though something terrible had jumped out at them and they screamed in terror.
Immediately the Gods pulled apart and rushed to their brother’s sides. They were far, but kept in sight as they promised and the Gods crossed the distance in less than a second.
“What happened?!” HD grabbed George as soon as he could and lifted him into HD’s arms. He looked fine, at least not hurt, but his eyes were teary and HD’s helper hands appeared to worry over him.
“There-there’s someone here!” George sniffled, his voice high pitched and wobbly.
It was common that others would come across the Gods and their brothers during the day. It was never a problem as they were well known so it was either a friendly greeting or people giving them space to carry on. But this was clearly not that.
“Who?!” 4K asked, already picking up Sapnap. He was teary eyed as well and buried his face into 4K’s neck. “Where are they now?”
The boys didn’t need to answer that one. They were stood in front of a small cherry blossom tree, with a thin trunk and branches it looked more like a bush. And from that bush something leapt out.
It leapt back from the bush, putting as much distance as it could between them and the Gods. It was a somewhat humanoid shape, and covered in green, but those were the only details HD could make out as it tried to sprint off.
George was quickly handed off to 4K as HD pursued the stranger. They had already crossed a large distance of the biome, but now they quickly went for the edge of the mountain to jump down to the forest below.
HD was faster, able to close the distance between them quickly just as the stranger got to the edge of the grass. However, before they had a chance to jump, HD formed a cobblestone wall in front of the stranger and partly curved it around them.
They stopped just before they smacked into the wall. Their arms braced on the walls, feeling around it desperately before they turned around and saw HD.
It was not a mortal, as HD had suspected. No human could have been that fast. HD could feel it was someone powerful and he concluded it must be another God. Gods were common to meet for them as well, but HD had never seen this one before. They were tall, taller than HD but probably not reaching 4K’s height. They had pale blonde hair, a little frayed and messy, and their eyes were covered in bandages crossed over one another. They had a large green cloak on, though it was ripped on one side, showing the God had four sets of arms. The top two were braced onto the wall behind them, and the other two huddled under the cloak.
If the God had meant to hurt them he was certainly in no condition for a fight. Still, HD kept his guard up as he approached. He left a wide enough space between them so the God wasn’t crowded in or cornered and before he could speak, the God opened his mouth first.
“I-I don’t want trouble. I did not mean to...just let me leave, please!”
His voice sounded desperate and doubled, like there was a second voice repeating the words but in an almost growl. Similar to an effect HD and 4K had with their own voices.
HD wanted to remain calm, but his eyes kept looking to XD’s lower arms huddled in the half of his cloak not ripped. They were curled, like they were holding something and HD couldn’t risk it. “What’s in your cloak?” He asked, keeping his voice calm but firm.
A weapon would have no effect on him, but if this stranger was dangerous and had anything that could threaten the boys, HD had to be ready.
The God contemplated his choices. HD could see he was looking between his arms and HD with a twitch of his head. Then he seemed to look around, as though trying to find a way out. HD was about to ask again when the God relented and they slowly opened their cloak.
It was a boy in the God’s arms. He could have been no older than George or Sapnap and he was the near spitting image of the stranger, with blonde hair and a matching black jumpsuit. But the boy only had two arms and one of them was horribly burnt.
HD’s suspicion fell to sympathy 0and he looked back up to the God. “Is he your brother?” He asked calmed. The stranger tensed to the question and HD slowly raised his hands to show he meant no harm. “What is your names?” HD asked.
The God hesitated before answering. “D-DreamXD...this is Dream.”
Of course! HD felt so stupid he hadn’t realised it before. While he knew the stranger was clearly another God there were only few who felt that strong. HD should have known it was the God of the End. The illusive DreamXD who never left or invited anyone to his realm.
“P-Please. We are sorry. Just let us go and you will never see us again!” XD pleaded.
It was becoming clear there was some misunderstand somewhere. George and Sapnap had clearly been spooked by XD, but it was nothing malicious.
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding here.” HD spoke calmly and slowly put his hands down. As he did he lowered himself down to kneel on the ground, trying to keep himself as less threatening as he could. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
He watched for any sign of XD relaxing, but it never came. Tried as he might his eyes also kept wandering back to Dream and his burnt arm.
The boy stared with wide green eyes at HD under the shadow of the cloak. He was clung to XD’s side and held up by the God’s lower arms. Well...one of his arms clung to XD. His left arm was limp by his side, and twitched every once in a while. From the back of his hand to just below his shoulder, the skin was purple and burnt and while he never took his eyes off HD, he’d wince every once in a while to the twitching of his arm. The burn seemed new, and still painful.
HD’s attention turned back to XD who pressed himself further back into the wall as HD heard the shuffling approach behind him. He quickly turned his head to see 4K walking closer with George and Sapnap in his arms.
“Is everything okay?” 4K asked, looking from HD to XD. “What’s going...oh!” His eyes saw Dream, and widened with realisation. “He’s…”
“We’re fine here, everything is fine.” HD soothed. He turned back to XD, thankful he hadn’t bolted and then looked back to 4K. “We’re just talking.”
“Just let us leave and we won’t trouble you!” XD pleaded.
“There’s no trouble.” HD quickly soothed and turned back. “We just want to know what happened.”
“We saw him!” George said excitedly. HD looked back to see he was pointing at Dream. “We saw him in the bush. Then the man took him away.”
The events were starting to make a little bit more sense in HD’s head, clicking together slowly but at least they were clicking together. George and Sapnap must have come upon the small tree and seen Dream. Either he had wandered off or he wasn’t mean to be so close to them, DreamXD had quickly grabbed Dream and tried to flee.
“I-I did not mean to scare them.” XD quickly defended. “Please.”
“No, no it’s fine. You did nothing wrong.” HD quickly soothed. “Listen. I can help you. Dream, was it? He’s hurt. I can heal him.”
It was the first time XD had relaxed, even just slightly. His expression faltered a little and he looked down at Dream in his arms. He looked less guarded and worried to just show a speck of concern and maybe hope.
“I’m GeorgeHD.” HD carried on. “I’m the God of the Overworld. The God behind me is Sapnap4K. He’s the God of the Nether. And those are our brothers, George and Sapnap.”
XD looked between them as they were introduced. His eyebrows drawing together slightly when he looked and George and Sapnap and HD could see slow realisation.
“I…” XD looked down at Dream again and then back up. “Can you...help him?”
Without wanting to seem too eager, HD nodded slowly. “Yes. I can heal that burn. Why don’t we heal Dream first, and then we can have a talk. Okay?”
XD did nothing for a long while. It was only a few seconds but the crawl of time felt so slow. The blonde God bit his lip before taking his attention off HD and down to the little Dream. He whispered something too soft for HD to really hear, but Dream shook his head to it and tired to bury himself further into the cloak. XD whispered something else and it took Dream a while before he pulled his head out of XD’s side. His green eyes were filled with tears but he didn’t try to hide again when XD looked back up to HD and spoke. “Please heal him. If-If you can.”
HD smiled. “Of course.”
HD found it easier to be calm and softer when he had to heal. He knew he could come off as brunt and distant even when he didn’t mean to, but when it came to a matter of well being, HD found it easy to slip into that soft role again.
He approached the two slowly, not getting off his knees, and he was thankful when XD knelt down and came just a bit forward to meet him. HD took in every details he could of XD. His face was young but his eyes completely covered in wraps. HD used to wear similar wraps over his eyes before he could control the shine they would give off. He wondered if it was something similar with XD but all his attention focused on Dream when XD unwrapped his cloak.
Instead of clinging to XD’s side, Dream now wrapped his one good arm around XD’s lower arm. His injured arm lay as limp as he could make it by his side, but even the slightest movement made Dream wince.
“This won’t hurt, okay?” HD spoke to both brothers but he smiled at Dream. Dream just watched him with a blank expression that was broken up every once in a while by a flash of pain or to look up pleading to XD.
HD had prepared himself for a panic and struggle but he was surprised and thankful when Dream remained calm. He watched HD’s hand approach him like a hawk, his eyes getting bigger and bigger as it approached, but he never cried or tried to run even as the hand was just an inch over his burnt skin.
As HD suspected the burn was infused with some sort of magic, but it was nothing he couldn’t heal. He started at the top, just under Dream’s shoulder and watched his own palms glow ever so slightly. The burnt skin under his hand slowly started to mend, and more and more disappeared as HD slowly worked his hands down. He was careful not to move too fast and make sure his magic kept Dream from feeling any pain. He could see it working, as the fear in Dream’s eyes slowly melted away with the pain and then turned to wonder as he watched HD heal him.
When the last burn on the back of Dream’s hand was healed, HD pulled back his hand. “See? All better.”
Dream quickly pulled his arm up, inspecting the skin with awe as XD was as well. The blonde God looked back up to HD, the guarded expression dropped to gratitude...and exhaustion.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!”
There was a thousand questions HD had, but XD didn’t look up for answering anything. Dream didn’t either. They were both tired. Their hair and clothes a mess, matted or torn. The End realm was closed off from everyone for years. Even Gods could not go in. Something had to have happened to cause XD and Dream to flee to the Overworld, but HD felt it was cruel to ask.
Instead, he slowly lifted himself up off the ground. XD slowly followed his lead, still holding Dream close to his chest.
“Listen. I don’t know what’s happened but...are you...trying to live in the Overworld now?”
HD wasn’t sure how to phrase the question delicately, but it was clearly wrong since XD’s expression went to worry again.
“We-We would not be a bother. We will go as far away from you as we can, you won’t even know we are here!” XD quickly babbled and HD felt guilty.
“No, no. That’s now what I meant.” HD quickly soothed. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant… I’m trying to…”
“What HD is trying to say,” 4K voice suddenly spoke up, and HD looked back to see the Nether God had came right behind him. He was no longer holding George and Sapnap, they instead hid behind his legs and looked up to the new God and brother. “Is that it’s no trouble if you want to stay in the Overworld. You are welcome.”
HD gave a small sigh of relief, thankful 4K could convey his words better. XD made a similar sigh. His shoulders relaxed, no longer tense and he gave his first smile. “That...th-thank you.”
“But,” HD continued, determined to find the words. “If you don’t mind me asking. How long have you been here?”
XD looked worried, but not as scared as he had before. It probably helped that HD lowered the cobblestone wall behind him. “A… A few days I think…”
“Four days.” Dream’s small voice whispered. The way he clung so close to XD’s chest and turned away from the others meant the whisper was only for XD, but HD’s ears twitched and picked it up.
“Do you have a home? Or shelter set up?”
HD could see the answer immediately. Neither looked like they’d been sleeping easy. XD looked away, almost ashamed. “I… I can’t… We can’t craft...here…”
HD’s heart lurched, thinking of Dream with his arm burnt and in pain, living rough in the wild. Clearly it effected XD as well. Sleep was not needed for Gods as it was for mortals, but they still needed rest and still showed the signs of fatigue. XD looked like he hadn’t slept for a week.
“Listen, I’m sorry your first few days on the Overworld haven’t been good for you two. But, just so you two can rest easy for tonight, I’d like to invite you to stay with us.”
The offer settled uneasily with XD. He kept looking away, but he also would look to Dream and something in his voice told HD that he was considering it for his brother’s sake. “I… We would not want to intrude…”
“You wouldn’t be intruding at all.” HD quickly soothed. “We have more than enough space and if you don’t want to I can give you the ability to craft here and you can go and make a home for yourself and Dream. But if you just wanted to rest for the day and start fresh tomorrow, we’d more than welcome you.”
XD paused for a long while, and HD was just the little bit hopeful that they’d agree. After a moment of silence, XD spoke. “I would like to discuss it with Dream.”
HD nodded. “Of course. Please do.”
HD and 4K gathered their brothers and let the End God and kin have a moment alone. HD kept them in his vision still, making sure they didn’t run off though he promised himself he would not chase after them. If XD and Dream wanted to remain alone, he couldn’t force otherwise.
“If he bolts off again, we can catch him.” 4K lightly bumped his shoulder into HD’s, snapping him out of his somewhat daze. The Nether God’s voice was in half joking, though when HD looked up 4K almost looked serious.
HD felt a little guilty. “I’m sorry I offered them to stay without talking to you first.”
“Hey, don’t apologise.” 4K shrugged. “If you weren’t going to offer, I certainly was.”
“Are they coming home with us?” Sapnap asked, pulling himself up from 4K’s arms till he was practically climbing up over his brother’s shoulder.
“Hopefully.” HD wished, and as he glanced over to XD just to make sure he was still there, the End God was approaching the group again.
Dream had retreated back into the cloak, but he was now held up by XD’s upper arms and clung into XD’s chest. “If the offer still stands, we would be happy to take you up on it.” XD spoke slowly.
HD controlled his reaction, trying not to be too excited. Instead he just nodded. “Of course! Please, join us.”
A thin mist crawled through the cherry tree biome, eventually forming into a cloud that took the shape of a large door. It open up to a wide, grand room. The walls a soft looking blue, looking like they were made of clouds themselves. Stars twinkled down and disappeared from the floor above and a large spiral staircase lay at the back of the room.
4K took George and Sapnap with him to another room down one of the hallways, despite George and Sapnap’s protests. It was easier for HD to show them around without an audience and XD clearly relaxed more when it was just himself, Dream and HD.
HD watched carefully as XD followed him up the spiral staircase. He took careful, unsure steps. Wispy clouds softly fell over the steps and once XD saw they were harmless he followed more easily.
The upper levels of the palace were a dark blue, like clouds on a night sky. Golden sparkles shimmered through the walls like stars in the distance, and Dream seem intrigued, peeking his head out to watch them before realise HD was watching him and shuffling back in.
There were many empty rooms just waiting to be used in the palace. There was one just a couple doors down from HD’s room and with a quick thought it was morphed into a bedroom, filled with standard furniture. A wide bed on one side of the room, with soft fluffy pillows and sheets. In the middle of the room was a set of comfy chairs and a table beside a dresser, and off to the side there was a separate wash room with a bath almost as big as the bed.
“You should have everything you need.” HD explained while giving a quick tour of the room. “But if you need anything more, my room is down the hall and I will find you if you call on me.”
HD knew he was babbling and he could only hope he wasn’t coming on too strong but XD looked far more relaxed than he ever had, and he smiled warmly. “This is fine. More than fine.” He quickly assured HD. “Thank you.”
HD was eased seeing the God smile for once. He wanted to offer anything to the two of them at that moment, but instead he nodded and quickly left to return to the others.
4K had taken the boys to the playroom, which was a perfect distraction for them. George and Sapnap were attempting a floor jigsaw, but that was quickly abandoned when they saw HD walk in and they rushed over demanding answers.
“Are they staying?!” “Where are they now?!” “Do we have a new friend?!” “Can we see them?!”
“Calm down.” HD tried to settle them. It was easier when 4K came over and took Sapnap in his arms, and George was calmed when HD gave him a bit of his robe to rub between his fingers.
“They are settling into their room just now, and they are not to be disturbed.” HE warned, getting a chorus of ‘aww” from the two.
“Yous almost scared them off before, you want that again?” 4K half joked.
The two gave grumbled responses defending themselves but it raised and interesting point.
“What actually happened?” HD asked as he sat down on one of the many beanbags around the room. 4K follow to sit in the one beside him, letting Sapnap crawl all over his arm. “In the cherry biome. Did you see Dream first?”
“Yes!” Sapnap nodded, almost jumping out of 4K’s arms. Luckily the Nether God was an expert in catching his brother. “We were looking in the tree for the biggest stick! The boy was behind the leaves!”
“He jumped when he saw us. Then the man quickly grabbed him and ran off.” George finished.
HD put the timeline of events in his head together. “So you two screamed then? He scared you?” HD asked.
“We didn’t scream!” George defended his tiny pride, his face burning red. “He didn’t scare us!”
HD and 4K gave each other a look, remembering the tears and scream they both heard that kicked them both into brother mode.
“Was Dream okay?” Sapnap asked softly.
HD decided it was best to keep details of the injury vauge. He didn’t know how much the two saw but he wasn’t going to say anything more than needed. “He was a little hurt but he’s alright now.” He assured Sapnap.
“Will we see them today?” George asked, his eyes almost wide with hope.
“Only if they want to.” HD calmly explained. “Until then, we’ll give them their space.”
The boys were upset, and even more upset when they couldn’t go back to the cherry biome for the day. 4K quickly distracted them with a treasure hunting game, which they started begrudgingly but then started getting into it. Especially when 4K promised a prize for whoever wins.
As the boys played HD quietly offered to 4K that HD could stay in the palace, being available for XD and Dream, and 4K could have taken the boys back to the biome but 4K refused, citing he wanted to be there for support to HD. While HD called him sappy, he had to remind himself to thank 4K properly later.
Despite HD remaining hyper alert, XD and Dream did not leave their rooms for the rest of the night. The sky outside dipped to a lilac as the clouds started to burn a sunset orange. The walls of the palace reflected the change and when it became night, the whole place was a dark blue with stars shimmering through.
George and Sapnap claimed they weren’t tired while almost falling asleep in HD’s arms. They had asked to both sleep in George’s room, where they had already made a pillow fort and the Gods let them settle in for their sleepover while they retreated to HD’s room.
It was exactly the type of room HD was suited to have. The bed took up majority of the space, with sheets that looked like rolling night clouds that hung over the bed’s edge. There were golden stars and phases of the moon hanging from the ceiling, between the hanging blue fabrics and netting. The moons bathed the room in a soft silver glow, and made everything calm.
HD could have melted into the bed as soon as they lay down, but they refused to allow themselves that calmness. Though it was much harder to fight off when 4K was kissing their cheek and cuddling in close to their side.
“You did a good thing giving them a place to stay.” 4K’s voice was soft and purred the right way to make HD weak. They wanted nothing more than to curl up into 4K’s arms, but the nagging worry of their visitors needing them kept them up.
“It was the right thing to do.” HD shrugged. Partly to play off his good deed and another part to stop 4K’s kisses. “But I also think maybe… I’m making up for something, in a way?”
4K pulled back ever so slightly, propping himself up with his arm. “What do you mean?”
“I just…” HD searched for the right words. It was a growing thought he’d had ever since he’d realised who XD was. “I feel like… When we were given George and Sapnap I thought it was because we were...connected? I just thought we were somehow blessed. But then XD also has Dream, and it’s no coincidence since they’re a realm God too. So we were all given brothers, but because we never knew XD we didn’t know.”
“You think it means something?”
“It has to, right? We checked when we got the boys, no other Gods got any siblings. It’s only us Realm Gods. So we were given these brothers for some reason. And while we had each other to help with it, XD was alone.”
“We’re not to blame for that.” 4K quickly defended, though his tone was more in assurance than defensive. “He closed off the End to others, even we couldn’t get in. And before that Prime didn’t want us meeting XD.”
“I know...but it still doesn’t sit right.”
But there was nothing HD could do about it now. He could try and offer support to XD if he decided to stay, but that would be up to the End God.
“You need sleep.”
4K poked HD’s nose, pulling him out of his thoughts. He blinked, looking over to 4K who was settling over the bed again and he remembered his resolve to stay awake.
“You sleep. I want to stay up in case XD needs me.”
“If he calls, or even moves an in inch out of his room, you would know.” 4K quickly replied, as though he was waiting for this. Of course 4K would know HD’s plan. He knew HD’s thoughts before the Overworld God even knew them sometimes. “And you are stressed, starlight. You need sleep.”
HD was never one to turn down sleep, but he kept to his guns, and shook his head. “I will be fine. You sleep.”
4K sighed through his nose as he shuffled himself just a little closer. His arms wrapped around HD’s waist and he settled in like he was going to sleep.
But of course he wasn’t. HD absolutely knew he wasn’t. He kept on edge when he felt 4K’s hands slide around his sides, and while it took a little longer than he thought, he felt the first skitter of claws against his side and making him squeal and jump but he was held down in 4K’s arms.
“Fohour Kahay…” HD warned. His voice wasn’t as stern as he would have liked but he was proud he only had some giggles in his voice.
4K’s eyes were closed with a stupid small smile on his face, but he gave a low him, showing he was listening.
“Stohop tihickling…”
“Hmm…” 4K hummed again. His eyes still closed as he spoke. “I don’t know who this ‘4K’ is. I’m the tickle monster. And you are in the tickle monster’s bed.” 4K’s fingers trailed up, over to HD’s ribs where they stayed. HD tried to grab at 4K’s wrists but it was a futile attempt. “And if you’re in the tickle monster’s bed, you must want tickled to sleep.”
His thumbs just pushed in ever so slightly, kneading over his lower ribs. It didn’t tickle as much as his sides and 4K knew it. He knew every spot over HD’s body. He knew the spots to make him scream, the spots that worked him up into a frenzy and the spots that made him melt.
On cue, HD melted. He gave a low whine, breathy little giggles pouring from his lips and he tried fruitlessly to struggle. It was more like a kitten wiggling with his strength. His bones felt like mush and refused to listen to him. 4K may have been right. He was stressed and tired, but he wasn’t letting 4K win so easily.
“Y-Yohou tickled mehehe awahake earlier whehen I was ohon yohour bed. N-Nohow you tihihickle mehe to slehehehep…” HD sputtered. “Yohou tihickle monsters are vehery f-f-fihickle!”
“F-F-Fickle?!” 4K gasped dramatically. “You insult the tickle monster now?! Oh now you’re in for it!”
4K rolled over on his front, squishing HD into the bed. Struggling was near impossible now, but HD foolishly believed that to mean it was harder to tickle him. Very wrong. 4K wrapped his arms under HD, setting his hands over HD’s ribs again. It was a perfect position to get at HD’s ribs again, and even tickle the back of them.
“No no no no nooohohohohoho…” HD giggled again. He shook his head, trying to bury it in 4K’s mane of hair. “Thahahat’s tihihicklihihiy…”
“Well yes, that’s entirely the point.” 4K spoke in a purr. His tail looped around HD’s leg, it’s fluffy tip brushing over HD’s ankle so gently. “I’m going to tickle you into a deep sleep.”
“Nohoho yohohour n-nohohot…” HD giggled back, but even he could hear the fight leave his voice. He couldn’t even muster up enough strength to pull his foot away from the fluffy tail curling around his ankle again and again.
“Yes I am~” 4K cooed. “You’re soooo sleepy already. No-one can resist the tickle monsters sleepy tickles.”
“Nnmmm…” It was less giggling now. The tingles still ran through their body, and tickled over their ribs, but HD had no energy to fight it. 4K was warm and his weight was comforting on them. It was useless.
“Ohohokahay. Ohohokahahay…” HD giggled and sighed when 4K’s fingers stopped. His tail still kept softly swishing though. “Ihihi’ll slehehep for a bihit…”
“Perfect.” 4K purred, pressing a kiss under HD’s chin. He pressed another to HD’s ear as he whispered. “You will be more help to them after a good nights sleep.”
HD hummed softly as 4K settled down. He placed his head over HD’s chest, listening to his heart while HD lazily draped his arms around his back. “You’ll feel better once you sleep.” 4K’s words were more slurred purrs than words.
HD could only hum again while his fingers played through 4K’s hair. The purrs on his chest eventually turned into soft snores and the silver light in the room dimmed. The stars twinkled above and HD slipped his eyes closed.
If he was called upon, he would wake. Until now, HD slept.
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capn-twitchery · 8 months
Tell me some fun snippets from your brain (not winning at getting them out without invitation but I also want to Know)
OOOH thank you let me see what i've got,,,,here is a definitely incomplete list of incomplete concepts rattling around in my brain that i wanna expand on sometime
backstory stuff for both of them! red honey stuff for twitch i still gotta iron out the details for
& stuff for grace pre-neath which is very vague currently, and i FINALLY figured out why he's doing nemesis--but it's not for himself. it's for a dead guy that he murdered
also wanted to do an interactive story from grace's pov of the aftermath of the ship ending up in the neath & the search to find help, slowly losing crew along the way (tragically Or murderously) up to when twitch bails him out
evolution gripped me by the brain and i really wanna clink twitch against the second sacristan (as Enemies of some kind) but i gotta figure out where i'm going there. you can definitely get a bad ending AU out of it but i'm not sure what else!!
speaking of bad endings, sending grace to the grand geode to get Dawnpilled >:3c he ends up there in canon anyway (and gets out before he ends up as a sequencer) but both would be fun to explore
i have some wips for this already but some ideas for the SSea officers on twitch's crew, their dynamics, their history with twitch, etc etc. there has to be some drama there, i can't imagine murdering and resurrecting the navigator for purely selfish reasons does nothing to the crew dynamics
i also have about 100 unorganised snippets of dialogue or mini comics in my head,, most of them are just silly goofy things based on me trying to figure out wtf grace and twitch have going on
their first meeting(s), feelings about developing crushes (horrified, mostly), overdramatic arguments bc neither of them can verbalise their feelings if it kills them, twitch being a goddamn weirdo, but also cuter things. because i am nothing if not a hurt/comfort fan 😌
(i hope this was even semi understandable to anyone other than me!! i am notorious for never pinning my ideas down. thank you for asking me to ramble it is Always appreciated♥︎)
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
An alternate take on "Tangled" (2010)
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I've been on a roll with these lately! While I find "Tangled" underrated, there are some things I'd change to make it more enjoyable for me. BTW, I've never watched the animated series in it's entirety; I only know a few things, so I can't include much from that perspective.
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In terms of Rapunzel, I'd wanna tweak a couple things, mainly nit-picks. One of them is making her older than 18; I feel like it shows that she's very young, and Flynn felt very mature by comparison, so it felt a bit off to me. I'd also love for Rapunzel to have another outfit. I love her OG one, but the concept art outfits are gorgeous as well. Maybe she packs a change of clothes. Plus I wish she looked a little bit less frail, given her athleticism. I'm not saying she's gotta be buff, but less thin than she was in the final product. Just my two cents. Plus let's think about her using her crossbow along with her frying pan. And I'd probably make her cynical about the world, reeling back on the naivete a bit. And controversial change: make her illiterate. I thought to myself why Gothel would go through the trouble of teaching her how to read, especially if it kept her docile. I could imagine her giving Rapunzel a lot of misinformation, which Pascal does his best to fix. Her love interest would teach her how to read, which I feel like would be a great bonding experience. Speaking of which...
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2. Replace Flynn Ryder with Bastion. I find a lovable guy trying to get out of being a thief more interesting than the dime-a-dozen pessimistic thief trope (check out my post on that). He's basically Kristoff, and I love the size difference between them. And given that Bastion is a thief and had a rough life, it's likely he didn't learn to read much, either. Perhaps they learn together--or maybe he was taught how to read and taught Rapunzel. Either way, it makes for a romantic bonding experience. Plus Bastion trying to escape his boss gives him his own story arc; in the OG film, the Stabbington brothers pursue Flynn, but this amounts to nothing because of Gothel. Their biggest role was helping Gothel make Rapunzel think the outside world was dangerous. Bastion is eventually framed for his boss' crimes and blinded, and his dog Beau guides him back to Rapunzel. I did still want Gothel to kill him and Rapunzel bring him back to life, but maybe blinding and death is too much at once.
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3. The powers of Rapunzel's hair has different parameters. Similar to the animated series, it is very durable and difficult to cut; this is revealed to be due to Rapunzel's subconscious nature to distrust others. As a result, it isn't until Rapunzel falls in love with (and thus trusts) Bastion that he can cut her hair. I think it's a neat metaphor for letting your guard down, a Samson and Delilah situation--except this doesn't end poorly.
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4. Adventures in Corona are WILDLY different. Rapunzel and Bastion spend more time there in the film--in fact, I'd say they spend about half of the movie there. Rapunzel accidentally heals someone else while healing Bastion, and decides to use her powers to heal others in Corona, albeit anonymously because of Gothel scaring her about people wanting to manipulate her. This turns out to be true when Rapunzel's identity is revealed. She is further exotified due to her blonde hair while everyone in Corona has brown, black, or red hair (not sure if this is the case in the OG film, but in my version it is). Gothel makes this worse, revealing the decay incantation while Rapunzel is asleep, harming someone in the process. Bastion helps her escape before she is brought before the king and queen for a trial, and Gothel "rescues" her while Bastion takes the fall for it and his boss' crimes. Plus I'd want to use the demo lyrics for the decay incantation; they feel more haunting (albeit shorter).
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5. More of Gothel's backstory is explored, and she is less overdramatic in this version, so that she comes off as more serious and concerned, and may even make the audience question whether she really cares about Rapunzel. Plus her gradual aging is more apparent, as when she visits Rapunzel, she barely recognizes Gothel at first, as she's aged a lot since Rapunzel left.
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6. Varian and Cassandra are canon here, given that Rapunzel spends more time in Corona and forms platonic connections. I wanted to work in the moondrop storyline, but the film has enough going on already. I will admit I'm kinda torn about including Varian because of the sci-fi elements that come with him being an alchemist and the clash it makes with the magical and mystical vibes of the film, preferring instead for him to be a wizard to expand on the fantasy aspect--but that's probably an unpopular opinion since it's the exact opposite of who he is, to my understanding. Cassandra is kind of key to helping Rapunzel question Gothel, though--not in a direct way like Bastion, but due to the fact that Cassandra looks like Gothel. This is jarring to Rapunzel, as she first dismisses her as a descendant of Gothel (her mother does adore her youth, after all), though this only gives Rapunzel MORE questions to ask her "mother," especially as she now realizes they don't look anything alike. If anything, she at least wants to ask about her father, which does kinda pave the way for an updated version of the deleted song "Are There Girls In the World Like Me?" I also wanted to include a subplot where Gothel manipulates Cassandra (who in my version, never knew her mother, and doesn't see a resemblance due to her aged appearance) into being envious of Rapunzel for being raised by her mother, but I don't think there's enough time to fully flesh that out with everything else. Honestly, a part of me wants to remove Cassandra and Gothel's relationship entirely and have Cassandra exist independent of her show counterpart's history since there isn't time to really focus on it.
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7. Bastion is royalty. Perhaps ripping off of Barbie's Rapunzel a bit, I'd take into account Flynn Ryder actually being royalty and making Bastion the kidnapped son of a neighboring royal, making him once again similar to Rapunzel; kidnapped and used for dastardly deeds. This threatens to throw the kingdom into war, and Gothel hopes it destroys any thoughts of searching for Rapunzel, as she tells King Edmund that Bastion was kidnapped by the Corona royal family. I do like the idea that Bastion does have a sibling or two just so he isn't first in line for the throne, though; it's tough enough that Rapunzel has never learned to rule a kingdom, and Bastion being the heir to his throne doesn't bode well, either--at least not in a practical sense. I love the idea that by the end of the film, everyone is left with introspective thoughts and able to start anew after all the pain they experienced.
Lemme know what you think! I thought hard on it, and similar to "Big Hero 6," I had a lot I wanted to include, but it may be too much for one film.
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goblinofthelaboratory · 7 months
oc dump; long post
The Everon Family:
lil found family with convoluted backstories. v intersectional so maybe im getting stuff wrong but im doing my best to show their pain while still letting them enjoy their life together.
they're all more or less colour coded because it's easier that way, i have detailed ideas of what they look like but picrews are easier and if i try to put them down on paper i will try to burn the evidence of my failure
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Qadir, a second generation american of syrian descent, attended med school on scholarships and is a resident neuropathologist. The accident that killed his parents(cliche i know) damaged his spine and revealed very early stage degenerative disk disease. He regularly uses various mobility aids. He's also very friendly, plus-sized, and a femboy.
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Yelisavetta, often called Lisya(Leesyuh). She is a Russian immigrant of Mongolian heritage. Her parents immigrated with her when she was 14, and becoming more acutely aware of her transness. She remains stealth for safety reasons. Lisya is quiet and reserved, but quite sympathetic and kind. She is employed as a social worker, and one of the first to reach out to anyone in need. complex PTSD
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Celeste She is proudly Chicana and Deaf. She's used to moving around and not fitting in anywhere, so she decided to fit out. She's fluent in several language varieties, including LSM, ASL, written and spoken standard spanish, standard english, and chicano spanish. She prefers to speak a combined dialect of LSM with ASL. This is the language the other Everons use to communicate with her. She does not use hearing aids because she hates them. She loves stars, and is an edgy femme lesbian. also works as an accountant because she's good with numbers
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Brooklyn, often called Brooke. She was born n raised in New Orleans, LA and is mixed Haitian-Rromani. She inherited the family restaurant and does her best. She can cook, not coordinate. ADHD combined type. She's very outgoing and sweet, but tends to over extend herself. She loves cooking and is usually in the kitchen experimenting. (her color is green she just steals Eliott's shirts)
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Eliott. wet beast. He's Black and grew up in the Deep South, has an angelic singing voice that his parents exploited from a young age. They also encouraged his strong perfectionistic tendencies. He refused to acknowledge the mere possibility of his situation being abusive or himself being bi until the age of 16½, at which point he had an existential crisis. Ever since, he's been recovering from those experiences. Has done extensive research and recognizes himself in OCD, C-PTSD, autism, ADHD inattentive, and severe depression, but doesn't want to claim any for fear that he's just being overdramatic. we all love and value Eliott.
@life-is-okay-rn @mayhem-moth @snailcheeserulz @dandelions-arent-weeds @urlocalsupermarketofendocrinosis
idk who all wants to see this but have at it
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noisester · 3 months
He's been sitting in his office and staring at a portable mirror for an eternity. Posters of the staggering amount of programs he's managed to get involved in cluttered up the walls around him. That was... A lot. Even by rat bastard standards, that was a lot! Shame he can't be fully in peace knowing the snake didn't pop out of existence in the end, but hey. Despite it all, he could confidently say the Fake Noise kerfuffle was reaching its conclusion. Noisette already mentioned she needed to head out to fix her café, so he was positive she wasn't gonna get abducted by the horrors anytime soon GABYYYYYYY WHEN I GET YOU GABY--.
Honestly? It was a good opportunity to process the events and take a breather. NTV was still hanging by a thin thread, but he wasn't too worried about it. Nuh uh. He wouldn't say it aloud, but... The burnout finally caught up to him. He did do the bare minimum of uh. Quietly toiling away at a control panel to broadcast his little update message and have his channel do re-runs. His audience probably wasn't starving for fresh content and must've gotten overstimulated after all of that chaos, anyway. Weird thing to acknowledge given the projects Noise usually creates.
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"I'm nothing like that fraud." He reassures himself while still looking back at the mirror, "I don't run my shows out of desperation; I've got a life outside the industry! 'The Noise' is just a TV thing! Yeah--... Just a TV thing."
He tries to stay in a comfortable position by leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head, but his forced smug grin states otherwise.
"What more could a guy ask for, woag? I run NTV, I have a lovely girlfriend, I make Peppidiot suffer when I feel like it........... I run NTV."
Another long minute of deafening silence. He took his hat off and leaned further into his chair to shake off that lump in his mind, but instead ended up getting lost in his thoughts again...
Who was Theodore? A man of many traits and qualities who loves his job, plainly. Simple. One-note. Presumably got involved in an unknown incident at work. Woke up to Bossman giving him a helping hand and asking him questions after losing consciousness. Even when months had passed, he could still somewhat feel that ache on his head haunting him... Okay, I got bonked there, but by what..?
"...Would it make that much of a difference? To have my memories back?" What could he gain from this? Awareness? Respect? Acknowledging things he probably didn't need to? Sating the missus with information he couldn't provide back when they were getting to know each other? There's noticeably a large mallet standing in the corner of the room. You know, that iconic gag in movies that would either magically bear fruit or further reset your brain after getting bashed with it. Well, considering the amount of times he got comically thwacked with a broom to no avail... That wasn't an option.
Part of him wondered if he could piss off the writers by cheating and directly asking Noise Emptyzone about his backstory for hints, but alas, his head might be an empty zone in itself as well. Ugh.
"My life is great as is. I've got everything I want! Sure, it'd be nice to have some context, but." But it might not be worth it, would it? Besides, amnesia backstories are super rad when you think about it! You get to stand out from the crowd while they all stare at you weird! Not that he cares about how others perceive him, it's just a nice thing to consider when toying with people is your whole schtick. Yeah, yeah.
"What if I'm being overdramatic and my amnesia was a blessing a disguise? Huh? What if I'm just a guy with a nothingburger past? What then??"
"Nooooiiiise, buddy, chum, pal! It's not in your nature to ask this many questions at once. What gives?"
One of the posters on his walls replied.
Noise didn't have the guts to turn to face the intruder. Or is it an intruder? Was he imagining a voice in his head? Which belonged to THAT clown, precisely? It certainly wasn't another bluetooth joke from Mr. Emptyzone. Even if it was, he wouldn't be mimicking the voice of his boss and... Watch him from the sidelines like that. Yeesh.
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"Goddamnit," He finally mutters, "Did the bomb summon you??? We went over th"
"Ohhhhh, no no no! Quite the opposite, in fact! Your little trick proved me you didn't lose your edge!"
"...Okay, I DID regret hiring you." Comical pause, followed by a wide smile and a shrug A smile big and wide. A smile very big and wide, "But what can silly ole me say? It's a move that did wonders at its time! Heehoo!"
Noise remained uncharacteristically speechless. He didn't show any sign of hostility, nor did he bite back at his dumbass boss finding amusement in all of this. The poster was quick to notice that before rolling its eyes.
"Tongue-tied, eh? Oh well, keep annoying that sweaty Italian, Noise. It'll only benefit the both of us. Good luck with your career! And remember: don't ask questions, have fun with it! Toodle-oo!"
And with that, the illustration within the poster went back to its previous pose, ceasing to animate.
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He's fine.
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