#my sibling and i share a strange humor
alexwrekk · 5 months
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My sibling is at the Punk Rock Museum in Vegas and while I'm skeptical about a lot of it from the founders to some bands involved, I'm glad that someone is archiving this sort of thing.
She said I should go again with her when I get married in their horrible chapel. I said only if I can get married by a Joey Ramone impersonator and they have a variety backdrops screens you can pull down like the front of CBGB, an alley, a brick wall, a wall of flyers, a crowd shot, or the stage at Gilman.
Then I suggested they have one of those plywood things they have at carnivals where you can stick your face in the hole of the picture on the front. The picture on the front would be that Minor Threat photo of them on the porch.
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cera-writes · 16 days
How about Nightcrawler falling for Remy's honorary sibling?
Moonlight Sonata
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x gn!reader Tags: fluff, humor, flirting, baking, slight competition, developing feelings
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The scent of fresh pastries mingled in the air, a peculiar scent that had become strangely comforting to Kurt Wagner.
He stood in the doorway to the kitchen, watching you knead dough with surprising finesse for someone who could lift a priceless artifact from a guarded vault without breaking a sweat. You hadn't even noticed him yet. You were in your own little world it seemed.
Gambit, ever the charmer, had introduced you to the X-Men as a "distant cousin" from New Orleans with a knack for "acquiring rare finds." Professor X, ever the pragmatist, saw the potential in your unique ability to manipulate probability, making you an invaluable asset for training the team. But over time, Kurt had discovered you were more than just a valuable asset.
You possessed a dry wit that rivaled Logan's, a fierce protectiveness that mirrored Ororo's, and a surprising talent for pastry. Your μπεκλαβές (mezeklaves), a flaky Greek cheese pie, had become a favorite amongst the X-Men, even the health-conscious ones (though they wouldn't admit it).
Tonight, however, the kitchen was empty except for you. Kurt, ever the teleporter with a conscience, decided to make his presence known with a gentle, "Guten Abend."
You whirled around, a dusting of flour on your cheek, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Kurt! Ya scared the bejeezus outta me." Your voice was laced with an accent similar to Gambit's, which Kurt found endearing.
Kurt chuckled, a low rumble that seemed to emanate from the shadows themselves. "Apologies, Meine Freund. I did not mean to startle you." He bamfed beside you, the brimstone scent that clung to him momentarily overwhelmed by the aroma of butter and sugar.
"No harm done," you said, patting some flour off your apron. "Just surprised to see you here. Thought you preferred the… darker corners."
"There is a certain charm to moonlight," Kurt admitted, "but the company is even more delightful."
Your smile faltered slightly, a flicker of surprise in your eyes. "Are you… complimentin' me, fuzzy elf?"
"Only stating a fact," Kurt replied, his own blue fur dusting a faint pink. "You bring a certain… warmth to the kitchen. A welcome change from the usual… chaos."
Your smile returned, wider this time. "Well, someone has to keep Remy in line," you said, a playful jab at your honorary brother. "Though between you and me, I'm the better cook. Jus' don't tell him that."
Their conversation flowed easily, filled with shared stories and laughter. As the night deepened, Kurt found himself lingering longer, captivated by the way your mischievous glint sort of mirrored Remy's in your eyes. When you finally stretched, a hint of weariness in your movements, Kurt surprised himself by blurting out, "Perhaps you would… care to join me for a walk… under the actual moonlight, I mean."
You raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in your eyes. "Just the moonlight, huh, Kurt? No shadows, no surprise teleports to some forgotten realm?"
Kurt felt a familiar warmth creep up his neck. "Only… pleasant company, my friend. I assure you."
You considered him for a moment, then a slow smile spread across your face. "Alright, Kurt. But if you try anythin', I won't hesitate to manipulate the odds and send you tumblin' into a vat of flour."
A teasing glint flickered in your eyes, and Kurt couldn't help but grin back. "A vat of flour, you say? Sounds like a messy proposition. Perhaps a stroll on the balcony would be a safer choice?" He gestured towards the large glass doors leading outside, moonlight already casting an ethereal glow on the patio furniture.
You dusted a stray bit of flour off your shoulder, your gaze lingering on him for a beat longer than necessary. "Maybe you're right, fuzzy elf. Sides, I wouldn't want to risk ruinin' these." You gestured towards a fragrant pan of pastries cooling on the counter. "Remy's been braggin' about my skills to Stormy all week. Gotta keep up appearances, right?"
Kurt chuckled, a warmth blooming in his chest. "Storm wouldn't dare challenge your culinary prowess, even with Remy vouching for her. But perhaps I could offer a different kind of challenge on our walk?"
You quirked an eyebrow, a playful challenge in your voice. "Oh yeah? And what kind of challenge might that be, Nightcrawler?"
Kurt leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "How about a test of your probability manipulation skills? We could see who can find the most… interesting object under the moonlight."
A slow smile spread across your face, the mischievous glint in your eyes mirroring his own. "Now that's a challenge I can get behind. Just don't come cryin' to me if you end up teleporting into the Danger Room by accident."
Kurt threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the quiet kitchen. "Never underestimate Kurt Wagner, Schatz. Let's just say, I have a certain… affinity for finding unexpected things."
With a playful wink, you grabbed a clean dish towel and wiped your hands. "Alright then, furball. Lead the way. But be warned, I have a knack for finding trouble… and sometimes, trouble finds me."
Kurt offered you his arm, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "Then perhaps tonight, trouble will find something delightful instead."
Together, you stepped out onto the moonlit balcony, the promise of a playful competition and a blossoming connection hanging heavy in the cool night air.
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Hii! I've requested from you before ( I requested yan superman and what he told lois and his parents about reader) but anyway, I had another idea for a one-shot to share if you don't mind! ( It's a bit of a marvel x DC thing)
Reader being the child of a villain and being saved by Batfam and/ or superfam and taken into their family. One day the justice league gets wind of some kind of interdimensional portal that opened up. Superfam / batfam shocked to see it's their darling child. Basically they come from a universe where they were never saved by their father and were raised by their bio villain parents. I could imagine superfam's darling being like Deadpool or being raised by someone like him (ignoring the fact he's from marvel). They swear a lot and have a crude and sarcastic sense of humor. Just the complete opposite from superman's version of his child.
For Batfam reader would be like Laura Kinney, and since they were never saved they ended up as a test subject for a secret organization trying to create mutant solders. They see reader following their father and not exactly know how to interact with people without trying to murder them. (Much like Laura Kinney in the movie Logan). They don't talk and once they've calmed down they are a sweet kid just damaged. Imagine batman's anger seeing Logan act so aggressive/ passive aggressive towards different reality! Reader.
It breaks both families hearts to see their child be so different due to all the pain they went through. Maybe the justice league uses their counterparts technology and their data base and they basically see what reader went through. All the intense testing that's basically torture ( if you're comfortable writing that) like the documentation of every experiment that reader went through. ( Maybe in their universe they didn't know the gravity of the whole situation and didn't see what happened they just knew that this kid needed help).
Anyways that's just what's been on my mind, thank you in advance if you do answer❤️ have a good day sirrr!!
Hi!! I would absolutely love to write this, it’s such a neat idea! Especially given the different reactions each family member would have, as well as how it works!
So for this, I’ll be doing the Batman one, but I honestly think there will be a Superfam follow up!
Logan will not be on screen, but he ( as well as other Marvel characters, will be referenced!! Reader has enhances senses, on par with Wolverine
Warnings: medical abuse and torture, obsessive behavior, some deeply traumatized children, reader is non-verbal for the most part, mentioned child neglect and controlling behavior. As always, read safely and enjoy!!
You had lived in a mansion before. Briefly, of course, not having like being tied down by the X-Men and their strange customs, but you had lived there. It had been awkward and strange and uncomfortable, adjusting from life on the run to life with a bed and a warm plate, not helped by the fact that Wolverine had wanted nothing to do with you.
This wasn’t that. This was so far from that it made you seethe with rage.
You drag your claws over a bit of wood, gouging into it, and grit your teeth. You had been avoiding your dimensional counterpart, and their siblings, and now you you were trying and failing to carve something from the hunk of dead wood you had found under a tree. It was slow going, since you didn’t have any proper tools and the action only reminded you of the fact that, somehow, you had drawn the dimensional short stick and gotten completely screwed.
You throw the hunk of wood at the tree with an enraged shriek, and it shatters, tiny bits of wood flying everywhere. It wasn’t even good carving wood anyways. Too dry and brittle.
You begin to search for a new one. Alfred- their butler- kept the grounds neat. Pristine. It was hard to find any wood of carving size lying around, and it was even harder to find a piece worth trying to carve.
Your ears prick at the sound of a body moving, the footsteps so silent there’s no possible way you would have heard it if you weren’t a mutant. There’s a pause, and then the body moves forward again, this time much louder.
It takes you a moment to realize they were announcing their presence. The thought warms your chest a little bit, and you retract your claws, feeling the skin heal over and the pain vanish.
Dick -your counterparts oldest brother- steps out into view. You stare at him, even as he continues to approach, a friendly smile on his face. Everything about him, his body language and the way his blue eyes sparked with concern, was an open book, a far cry from when you first arrived and he watched you with sharp eyes while keeping your counterpart away from you.
You didn’t trust it, and you shift, narrowing your eyes at him. He doesn’t seem phased.
“Hey! I was looking for you. Dinner’s ready, if you would like to come eat?” He offers with a small half smile, and your stomach decides for you. You nod, and he grins.
“Come on than. We’ll be eating in the main hall tonight, since everyone is visiting to help you with everything that’s been going on.” He doesn’t touch you, although his hand twitches like he wants to, and you appreciate it. You wonder if your counterpart also didn’t like being touched, or if they had grown used to it.
You follow silently. He seems content to let the silence hang, before he glances at you.
“Damian had a lot of similar problems when he first got here. The anger, the violence. He wasn’t used to having anyone in his corner.” It’s a statement. One that baffles you.
Had they really realized how much you were struggling with such ease? If so, how? You knew you were violent and abrasive, you came by it honestly, so how were they so good at telling? Not even Logan, your father, had realized, and you both had spent so much time shoving each other way that it had become a familiar song and dance.
You don’t say anything. You don’t think he expects you too, even though he lets the silence hang in the air. It’s not an awful silence. It’s almost peaceful, actually.
The Mansion was in full view now, old brick and ivy covered walls, and you follow him inside. You are immediately hit with the sound of laughter, and yelling, and delighted clapping and whooping. It takes you a moment to reorient yourself, but when you do, you quietly slip further into the halls, sticking close to Dick.
He seems almost smug about that. You figure it’s simply another one of this world’s weird eccentricities.
The hall has one massive, long table, and there are so many people there. You had seen some of them, you recognized the white-haired one as Jason and the shortest as Damian, but so many of them were entirely new. Your counterpart seems comfortable, and you avert your eyes from them, slightly weirded out to see your face on someone else.
“Oi! Dick, get over here!” Jason motions, pointing to the two seats next to him. Dick grins, sitting in his seat, and you sit as well, idly fiddling with your silverware.
“So how come you were the only one able to find them when the rest of us were tearing through the manor looking for them?” Jason complains, and he passes a plate, Dick serving his food and yours. You don’t know if you’re pleased or annoyed, but he gives you plenty and that’s all you really care about.
“They just needed some time to cool off outside.” Dick shrugs, and you start eating, your stomach twisting angrily every second you don’t.
“Whatever. B managed to get some results on the the blood tests, so all of that is.. in the works.” Jason gestures vaguely, and you frown, before a new person huffs.
She’s blonde, and pretty, with sharp blue eyes that narrow at Jason.
“Keep talking shop at the dinner table and Alfie’s gonna bench you.” She sing-songs, before turning to you. “I’m Stephanie, by the way. I wasn’t here when you arrived, or else I would have kept the guys from being too stupid.”
“Oh bullshit! You would’ve been pulling stupid shit right alongside us.” Jason protests, and you snort. The sound surprises you, but it makes a delighted grin appear on Stephanie’s and Jason’s faces, and even your counterpart looks pleased.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She declares imperiously, nose upturned to give the illusion of looking down at Jason. It doesn’t work, mainly because he was so much taller than her and she was fighting off a smirk.
“Uh-huh. Sure Blondie.” Jason drawls, and you take another bite of food.
“Can we please not do this? It’s way too early.” Another new person, alarmingly pale although maybe his complexion was just like that, groans, rubbing at his forehead. You tilt your head, wondering whether he was injured. You didn’t think so.
“Timbers, it’s five in the afternoon.” Dick points out.
“Oh he definitely didn’t sleep again last night.” Jason says, almost gleefully. “He’ll be lucky if Alfie doesn’t chew him out.”
“I was busy! Anyways, I managed to get it so that, at the very least, we can access the files B found on our newest visitor.” He shrugs, and you tense. You had some idea what would be in those files, and none of it was good. The only people who had kept files on you back home, who had known you existed, was the lab you came from and the X-Men. You’d read both. They weren’t flattering.
You hear Jason suck in a breath. You slide your plate away, and everyone’s attention shifted to you.
You press your lips together, and then point towards the door that would lead into the room where the clock was.
Somehow, they understand you perfectly. You wonder if they also have a telepath.
“You want one of us to come with?” Jason asks, and there’s a sharp gleam behind his eyes. You don’t know how to decipher it, but you shake your head. He frowns.
You don’t wait for his response, instead slipping out of the room. Everyone is quiet when you leave, even Stephanie and Tim.
You step into the Cave, and the cool, moist air tickles your skin. It smells strange. Machinery, and gunpowder and underground. What you would think an underground lab or facility smelled like, but steeped in different, strange scents. All of your counterpart’s siblings. Medical supplies. Dog, even a hint of cow. It was a strange amalgamation of scents that was oddly fitting.
There’s was also the acute scent of rage. You stiffen, and you resist the urge to let your claws out, instead going down the stairs even though your instincts demand you do anything but. All else fails, you could simple flee.
Bruce- Batman- was standing in front of a massive monitor. He was stock still, every muscle coiled into something sharp, something dangerous, and the sight of it makes your heart clench in your chest in worry. The white lenses of his cowl were fixed on the text on screen, completely hiding his eyes, and if it weren’t for the scent of grief and anger radiating off him, you might have assumed he was simply like that. He always seemed able to come off as far more dangerous than he was. Or just as dangerous as he was.
You look at the monitor.
It was an old, old file. Ancient. From when you were too young to remember, based off the date. Either way, it had never illicited quite an extreme reaction before.
He stiffens. Maybe he finally broke out of his trance of rage to realize he was around someone else. You could relate. Anger could be.. blinding, sometimes. Emotions could be blinding.
He turns.
In a moment, everything about him changes. His entire stances softens, into something so much softer and far more gentle. His scent changes also, and there’s something entirely new in his scent. The grief and rage soften into something else, and you have no idea what to do with that at all.
There’s salt in the air that wasn’t there before.
You frown, and then turn just slightly, pointing to the time, and the entrance to the cave. He releases a shuddering breath, and nods.
“I’ll be up in a moment. Let me get changed.”
You nod, and for a second, consider what to do. Leave him here, and join the others, instead of waiting? You would like privacy, if you were nearly as emotional as he seemed right now. Or stay, and offer support?
You turn away, offering him his space, and go up the stairs.
Strangely enough, you are confident he will follow, and your skin doesn’t crawl despite the fact you had your back turned.
You wonder if everyone in this new world was as strange as these people. You’re not sure you would mind it if they were.
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toska-writes · 1 year
i absolutely adore all of your platonic padawan stories, i think the friendships and sibling dynamics you write are incredibly well done. if this tickles your brain, could you write something for Wolffe? i love the “grumpy but only soft for the sunshine” trope, especially for him, i think it was made for him.
much love <3
<3 thank you so much
Summary: Wolffe is normally closed off to many so it’s the perfect opportunity to try and see just how far you can push the line
Paring: Wolffe x GN padawan Reader (it’s not platonic this time… Just kidding! It totally is!)
Warning: none really- Wolffes there for you
Word count: 938 this one’s pretty short sorry!
Notes: I’ve been watching The last Of Us and omg I’m in love with the dynamic! Yes I did borrow a joke from the show- I spent so long reading very bad jokes
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"Ok ok one more I promise." Your laughs broke apart your words while you tried to catch your breath. "I stay up all night wondering where the sun went," At this point Wolffe wasn't sure he would even hear the punch line, "but then it dawn on me."
You paused for a second doubling over laughing without a care in the world. Many passing on this foreign planet gave strange looks but it didn't seem you noticed.
A scoff escaped from the lips of the man that loomed overtop of you. His eyes already reaching to the atmosphere.
"Come on that one was funny!" You tried to reason with him as you whipped your eyes. "Did you not get it or something Wolffe."
He quickly put a hand up while another rested on your shoulder. "Believe me I got it." Wolffe was going to ring the neck of Sinker and Boost for all the jokes they were sharing with you. Maybe it was a conspiracy against him who knows.
You stumbled back from him grabbing your chest dramatically. "I'm hurt that my beloved commander doesn't enjoy my humor"
Wolffe stared at you for a moment. How was he stuck scouting with.... You.
Surely by the time they get back to the camp his eyes would be stuck in the back of his head from rolling them too hard.
You laughed again at the end of your own remark running ahead of Wolffe again.
"Oh come on Wolffe something has to make you smile more than that!"
"Commander we are expected back at 01900" Wolffe picked up his pace to keep up with his overly excited padawan.
It was your time to roll your eyes as you've seen over 1000 times. The thing that Wolffe needed to learn was that he didn't have to be alert and 'at work' all the time, and who better to teach him now.
"Wouldn't master Plo look stunning in a poncho like that?" You stoped abruptly at a brightly colored stall, fabric of many different colors hanged all around. A huge smile still painted your face as you looked up to him.
The poncho is question was one of the most hideous things Wolffe has ever seen and that's really saying something. He met your excited gaze wondering if you were waiting for him to respond to one of your jokes.
For the second time today he let out another scoff giving in to what you wanted. "Maybe on Comet." Wolffe added in a very quiet tone.
The look on your face however was priceless, and maybe that was worth joking around just a little bit.
You continued to weave your way down the crowed streets- clearly it was much easier for you to make your way through than the 6ft tall man with the 80lbs armor kit on.
Wolffe let out a gruff when you got a little too far in front of him. "Commander." He called for a second "Y/N"
Out of the corner of his eye as he continued to walk through the vibrant planet a figure emerged from a neighboring alleyway.
Wolffe couldn't shake the feeling that something was up and his suspicions were only confirmed when the figure spotted you.
The sounds drowned everything out around you, this planet seemed at ease and that was something the entire battalion needed. A person stood close beside you, Wolffe should have been the one at your side but when you looked up in was far from him.
"What-" you started taking a step back from the stranger. Your hand flew to where your lightsaber was hidden under your robes.
The person came closer to you now and was about to say something when a voice sounded from somewhere behind.
“You have three seconds to get away from the them until I have an entire GAR battalion surrounding you. Got it buddy.” Wolffe appeared with a look you’ve only every seen while on the battlefield. A lion of pure rage.
The stranger only frantically nodded a few times before hightailing it out of there. The smile from before was whipped off of your face.
Taking a huge gulp in you quietly said. “Thanks Wolffe.” You walked over and stopped at his side. “Sorry about that.”
Something inside of him twisted. He looked towards you once again, your face seemed blank without the show of your teeth like he was use too.
“Come on sir, I’m sure we can find something in these shops worth taking back to the group.” Wolffe guided you back on path of where you were technically suppose to be scouting.
Your eyes lit up at all the stalls around you as you ran from one to the next searching for something that peaked your interest. Wolffe followed this time more closely on your heels.
As he followed he thought back to taunting words of some of the Wolffe pack. “God what a softy.” “If only the commander was that nice to everyone.” “Turning into General Plo aren’t you?” The comments sounded in the back of his head.
The group was trying to patronize himself before, but watching you now he realized that you mattered more to him than he thought was possible.
“Heyyyy Wolffe.” You called him back from his thoughts, holding up something as you said. “Would you look at this. A joke book! We have to get it.”
Wolffe hoped that the soft spot wasn’t too soft as he stood there for a moment wondering what to say.
Taking a breath in as he joined you by the table he spoke clearly.
“Definitely not”
Tagliatelle: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
I thought I was the only one who weirded out by the fact that a mother can define ON THE INTERNET her own daughter a “drunken accident”. Like??? Everyone find her so funny. Maybe I have no sense of humor, but I can’t tell from experience that knowing to be your parents’ accident hurts A LOT. It isn’t something you want to make public. And yes, she’s definitely bragging. We get it, Georgia, you’re the luckiest woman alive, now chill. There’s no need to remind us about your sex life, unless you have something to prove...
Hi there! I'm so sorry to hear of your negative experience, and that it affected you so deeply. It's a curious thing, too, because in the same post where Georgia wrote that caption, she has Birdie's face censored/covered up. So seeing her kids' faces is too private, but sharing that piece of information (about Birdie and about Georgia's sex life) is somehow okay? Because that seems like a pretty strange disconnect.
I also think what a lot of people are missing is that in many cases, using the word "accident" when referring to a pregnancy also tends to correlate with "unwanted." There is an entire media trope built around this that we see in both TV shows and movies (i.e., an older sibling saying to a younger sibling, "Mom told me you were an accident"). And while this can be and has been played for both comedy and drama, the underlying negative connotation is the same: That Sibling #1 is saying it as an insult/to be hurtful toward Sibling #2. And that feeling of being unwanted is not something lightly brushed aside.
But if the comments on this post are any indication, you are definitely not the only one who felt weirded out by Georgia's caption, and I would not at all say it has anything to do with a sense of humor. This is par for the course for Georgia, as she posted this about Ty on Valentine's Day last year (putting it side by side with today's post, so we have the comparison):
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...As well as her repeated use of the hashtag #vaginabragsunday (or just #vaginabrag) when making posts about her kids. She even (inexplicably) used that tag on her post for David's 50th birthday a few years ago.
The common thread with all of these (the post about Birdie, the post about Ty, the post about David) is that these posts are meant to be about someone else, yet she manages to center herself in them instead. That's where I think much of the issue lies for many of us--that this post for Birdie's birthday was phrased as if directed toward her, yet Georgia is using it to brag about her sex life, and clearly aiming that/the post itself at the general public.
Which brings me to your assertion about her having something to prove. As we know by now, Georgia has pretty much built her brand around the concept of--to borrow a terrific turn of phrase from @clayisforgirls--"I shagged David Tennant and you didn’t." But what I feel like some people are missing is that "I had sex with David Tennant" is a world away from and not the same thing as "I had sex with my husband David, the man I love." And if she needs to brag and seek validation from complete strangers--on her own kid's birthday post, of all places--that seems to speak volumes about the state of her and David's relationship, and not in the way that most people commenting today seem to think it does.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. I think folks often feel like they can't speak honestly about these things in the fandom, so I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to do so. Thanks for writing in! x
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
thank you thank you thank you for feeding me the halfling content. It warms my cold dead soul and I love it so much. 94 notes too at the current time I’m writing this, and gah, I’m glad some people enjoy the short races like I do.
To add if I may, I know I’m going off into human kink territory, but I feel like in all other races x human, there is a certain tone towards the human partner. High elves thinks they’re fundamentally less intelligent and naive, wood elves like to ‘fix’ them/change them, dwarves’ fantasy is to have a clumsy human assistant, etc.
Which don’t get me wrong, is hot. I’m all here for kinky shit, but I do like the tenderness of halflings. Imagine, a human stumbles upon a halfling grove while injured. They pass out, and awake to a group of halflings fussing. They’re tender and kind. One is hurriedly trying to sew their blankets together to keep you warm, another is tending to the fire, one is bringing you soup, etc.
Maybe you groan and protest you’re fine, trying not to hit your head. But you stumble and a worried halfling is tenderly scolding you. As you recover, you learn more about them. You drink with them, share nights under the stars, watch as they dance, and celebrate festivities together. They live such peaceful lives. Maybe you’re resistant. Maybe you’ve had a bad home life and don’t trust the families that love each other without something to get in return.
And yet, when you start a relationship with a halfling, you get their family too. Their siblings, their nieces and nephews, their cousins, and oh you just have to met their great aunt who lives on the top of the hill.
Maybe you stay with them. Or maybe you have to continue on your journey. When and if you do come back, your halfling lover(s) hand you a stack of love letters they write you. They are worried sick and hold you so tightly you’re strangely impressed.
Gah, I’m rambling but I love the idea of a human, rugged and hardened by the world, fall desperately in love with a halfling. I love a tender human kink and would love to get into the smut sometimes, but like I said, thank you so much for humoring my requests!
I'm really happy you liked it! I remember you from the early days of the human kink posts and immediately recognised you when I saw you in the requests <3
And yes, you get it. Halflings are described as the best friends of humanity for a reason! They represent home, security, and comfort, and god knows humanity is desperately in need a break from this cold warm and go to bed in a warm home.
It goes both ways too, halflings adore all the arts, be it painting, writing, music or anything, and humanity is the biggest ever source of it. Which is why so many halfling settlements get built near human cities, they adore their human neighbours creativity and are eternal greatful for the many manu gifts human has created into this world that they can spend a lifetime of exploring it.
Humans are the excitement and entertainment to them, the fun, art and laughter. I imagine halflings to be one of the few races who happily would listen to a human ramble about their ideas and dreams rather then condcendingly shushing them like the elves or infantilising their simple dreams like the dwarves who live complex lives.
Which is why humans are suspicious when they're met with halflings' hospitality after being met with all the other races, some of them even tried to enslave the humans.
And the halflings really live the dream most humans long for. A community of people who live off the lands and help each other, neigbours that know each other and share their celebrations and happiness. Where everyone contributes what they can and no one is left out.
Sometimes being human is tiring, a constant race where you have to prove your worth. To continously create, shine and preform for everyone around you. And endless dance that's expected of you rather than appreciated.
So the fact the halflings will nurse a wounded human back to full health in exchange for nothing comes as a surprise. The fact they opened their doors to you amidst a rainy storm and let you dry near the fireplace inside before cutting you a piece of their pie.
Even when you're back at full health, they don't ask for much of you. Just helping them with the tasks they can't do. Someone's cat climbed on a high tree and you're taller than them so maybe you can shake this bag of treats near the cat until it comes down? Or help them pick apples from this tree?
Especially your halfling lover, they were so patient with you and your wounded trust. Coming to visit you while you recover everyday and bringing you various things from their walks.
Sometimes a piece of warm bread and a warm cup of milk. Sometimes a stray dandelion with a ladybug they didn't notice that was munching on its leaves.
You ask them why and they say why do they need a reason to? You have a kind soul, they can tell, so it's normal for them to like being around you.
And maybe, if you're in the mood for chatting, maybe just maybe you can talk to them about the things you like? You see humans get this cute spark in their eyes whenever they talk about their passions-ah yes they do find humans quite cute but don't worry, they didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything.
Maybe they hint at how beautiful they find humans, how they like the feeling of their hands, how much their different smiles melts the halfling's heart.
They admit you're just as beautiful as they imagined humans to be, there's unusual shyness in their voice as they admit that.
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Day eighteen
Uncle Mario Auditore was a strange man to Desmond's oldest three sons. Altaïr, Malik, and Kadar Miles, yes Claudia actually took Desmond's name, and so did the kids telling their dad to keep to show that his father didn't hold power over him just because they shared a name and blood. Anyway the boys had no idea as they had been from before the 15th century. Leonardo Miles knew him and wasn't phased. He even tried to help his siblings understand but it wasn't easy.
Then they heard their grandfather Giovanni freaking out over his brother coming to visit them since he moved to the states recently himself. Altaïr approached and asked
"jd, are you okay? You are tense."
Giovanni paused to look at his oldest grandson son, a bit of pride at the concern, then remembering that he's older than he looks he sighed before asking
"May I respond as a fellow brother of the Creed and not your grandfather for the moment?"
Giovanni nodded before he sighed and said
"I got into a very heated argument with my brother when we were younger. He wanted fame, fortune and glory as an assassin, action in the field. I on the other hand wanted a quiet life. A wife and children, a steady job and working from the shadows. We called each other idiots and bastard for what the other wanted and we went out separate ways. We didn't even speak when we dealt with the Shroud of Eden that had been hidden in our home city. My last words to him were spoken in anger and it is something I regret."
"I know too well this pain. Regretting not taking a different course. Had I been more humble earlier on, maybe Kadar would have lived and Malik wouldn't have lost his arm. Dad calls it bargaining and says there is little use in it, as it holds us back. That we should forgive and move on. Like Malik did. He had every right to be angry with me, and had every right to not forgive me but he did because I had grown and changed. I am not perfect by no means but..."
He trailed off and Desmond picked him up and said
"Look, dad, there is nothing wrong in at least humoring Zio with the visit. Bear in mind he gave Mom, Ezio and Claudia a home. He didn't have to do that, hell he could have just left them to deal with Viri, but no he stepped up."
Giovanni nodded.
Now here was the man. Friendly and kind. Giovanni did look uneasy until Mario approached him after reuniting with Maria and Ezio. Claudia and Desmond were out at the moment. Mario spoke first
"Fortello, I am so sorry for the cruel words I spoke to you. I was young and dumb and didn't understand why you wanted what you did. I partly do, having guided Ezio and Claudia."
"Mario, I should have spoken with you far sooner. I was the fool. I am sorry."
They looked at each other before laughing together. Giovanni then introduced Mario to Federico. He also introduced him to the four boys that were Claudia's and Desmond's. Mario knew Leonardo already but was surprised that the great Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad was one of the children too.
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b0red-b1rds · 7 months
Y'all, I had an idea (kinda)
So, my older brother and I were discussing the presence of Aloy in Genshin Impact and the implications of that.
If Aloy could visit Teyvat, couldn't other characters also show up in Teyvat? I mean, the Traveler is just one of several such visitors, so it's possible.
Now, that got us thinking... who would be an awesome addition to Genshin Impact? What would their roles be, what would they do?
And brother, we had some pretty funny ideas.
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Can you imagine, if you please, Kratos from God of War appearing in Teyvat? Likely a Bifrost incident, leaving him temporarily stranded in a strange world where gods... live among their people? Mind boggling.
And picture him meeting those gods! A drinking competition with Venti! (Venti would lose, let's be real here.)
Sharing stories with Zhongli, bonding over how both were once masters of war, and now they both live peacefully among people!
Perhaps a sparring session with Ei! While he'd certainly beat her seven ways to Sunday even without his weapons, he'd be able to frame it as a chance for her to improve her martial skills. It's sparring, it's training, not a true battle.
Oh, he'd totally carry Nahida on his shoulders if asked. I wouldn't be surprised if she reminds him of his first kid, yknow? He'd also appreciate just how eager she is to learn about everything. Definitely able to bring a new perspective on things.
Kratos would not like Furina at first. Too dramatic, too high and mighty, acts why too much like the gods he knew. But when word gets to him about the prophecy and all she's done to keep her people safe... well, I don't think anyone could stay mad at her for long, not even him.
(Kratos, as a playable character, would have a Geo vision. Can't convince me otherwise.)
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Not only that, another good crossover character would be... Alucard from Castlevania! Dude is insanely strong, has so many cool abilities, and his dry sense of humor would be an amazing addition.
Not only that, but his looks would cause him so much trouble.
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Just imagine the Traveler wandering around doing some commissions when suddenly someone comes running up yelling, "I found your sibling!"
Only for the "sibling" to be a very confused dhampyr who is quite certain he doesn't have any brothers or sisters.
(Alucard is either a Cryo or a Hydro sword user, can't change my mind).
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svltburn · 1 month
⚡, 🌱 , and 🐸 for the oc ask game!!! (ignore it if the emojis end up looking weird, i had to copy/paste them cuz im on pc LMAO)
i can't decide, so i'm going with my three favorites - axel, luca, and max. thank you for the ask btw, i love never shutting up <3
⚡- Does this OC have any unusual or irrational fears?
i wouldn't say fear necessarily, but axel has ocd, and there are some strange things that make him uneasy. he keeps obsessive track of everything numerical in his life, i.e. his money, his boyfriend's medication, etc.
luca's irrational fear is that his time with his husband is finite. he's working on it.
i actually can't think of any of max's fears that are unusual!
🌱- Share one of this OC's early memories.
honest to god, axel's first memory is of becoming an orphan. he's repressed any memories of his family and life before he was living on the streets as a teenager.
luca is the oldest of (i had to go count his siblings) seven, and he remembers his little sister's baptism. barely, but he remembers the church and having to sit still and be quiet and not being very good at it.
similarly, one of max's earliest memories is of his parents bringing his little sister mina home from the hospital.
🐸 - What's this OC's sense of humor like?
axel's is very sexual, but he's pretty sexual in general.
luca's sense of humor is lighter, maybe kind of catholic influenced, so he doesn't find certain topics amusing, but he's slowly loosening up.
max has straight up died before, and has tried several times since to do it again, so his is very dark.
🦋send me an emoji oc ask🦋
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wolfcursd · 1 year
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[ logan lerman, twenty nine, cis man ]. you’ll never guess who i saw in stanley park. that’s right, it was [ isaac brenner ]. [ he/him ] is a [ photographer at vancouver sun ] and they’re apparently a [ werewolf ]. did you hear they are [ humorous & adaptable ] but also [ distant & pessimistic ]? no wonder, anyone who reminds me of [ never knowing how to be on time, always warm to the touch, a soft voice never knowing what quite to say ] is sure to give that impression.
full name: isaac samuel brenner.
age: twenty nine.
gender + pronouns: cis man + he/him.
orientation: bisexual.
occupation: photographer at vancouver sun.
species: werewolf.
character inspos: oz from buffy, shaggy rogers from scooby doo, & peter parker from spiderman.
grew up in michigan with his parents and two siblings. parents got divorced while isaac was in high school but he has never particularly been close with either of them so it didn't impact him much. he always wanted to be closer to his family but isaac has never been good at sharing his feelings.
has been living in vancouver for a few years now. he moved to the area after dropping out of grad school and the desire to start fresh somewhere he couldn't possibly know anyone. with a bachelors in history under his belt, a couple hundred dollars to his name and nothing to lose, he went north. it was the federally regulated weed that really swayed his choice.
was bitten a few months ago and is unaware of his species status. has woken up in some pretty strange places, but as someone familiar with alcoholic benders, he never really thought much into it. while isaac isn't aware of every single supernatural detail, he's not quite at the "believing" part but he's certainly at the "something not normal is going on" part. wants to be left out of it altogether if possible but his job usually puts him in the right place at the wrong time. it's how he'd gotten bitten, been somewhere for work and some guy he was trying to help just bit him.
pretty chill and has a good heart but tries to avoid being someone with responsibilities or expectations. isaac doesn't like to rock the boat and when things get tough, he usually just leaves the situation for someone else to deal with. spends a lot of his time practicing his drums ( his apartment neighbors want him dead ), going on errands for the newspaper, and not being sober. really used to love the idea of leaving the us but now he wonders if he should leave again because there's just too much going on for his taste.
desired plots: ( feel free to toss ideas my way )
roommate. taken by bowie . isaac has been living in apartments ever since moving to vancouver - it's possible this is someone he's been roommates with for years or someone he's moved in with recently. as much as he likes being alone, he also likes having a savings account.
ex partner. maybe they were dating soon after isaac moved to canada or maybe they broke up more recently. could have been mutual, could have been on isaac's part, could have been on their's. just fun ex drama.
one night stand, friends, acquaintances, etc.
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andy-the-8th · 1 year
I'm gonna go on a little bit of an off-ish topic rant about So Weird for a second and do my best to keep this mostly positive (this blog is about old DCOMs so I'm going to say this is still on-topic, feel free to filter the tag "so weird" if this is outside realms of interest). I will also offer the caveat that I only watched the first two seasons and only ever intend to do so
One thing I actually enjoyed about this series (besides the fact that it was willing to engage with actual grieving and long-term effects of that on family dynamics) is that it was super casual about showing physical platonic affection
The main characters are all kind of a big family (I pitched it to my friend as "the X Files but instead of feds it's a 90s alt rock sort-of-throuple dealing with their blended teenager sibling group's shenanigans"
For the record I use the term "throuple" mostly for humorous brevity - I don't read Molly as having any actual romantic or sexual subtext with the Bells, but I would say they all kind of co-parent together to some extent or another
Platonic affection isn't presented as an uncommon thing between parents and kids, or between siblings/pseudo-siblings, and is casually shown in the series (I think it was the first or second episode that had Clu sleeping on the bus's couch, head on his mom's lap with her just stroking his hair, and this character's like 17 or 18)
I would even say that if you had to pick a single character relationship that the series is About, it's Jack and Fi's sibling bond and navigating that through the lens of having different responses to their father's death (the Mulder/Scully dynamic they have is sort of a whimsical translation of that). I think there's a reason that perhaps the scariest moment in the series is where the Will o' the Wisp is threatening to turn their relationship against them to trap Jack's soul forever, and the way he's defeated is essentially because he doesn't understand the love they have for each other even (or especially) under the ways they conflict with each other
Just in general siblings/parents hugging or casually sitting cuddled together is pretty regular. Maybe the characters are supposed to be just super comfortable being close with each other from sharing enclosed space so much, as 6 mostly adult-sized people literally living on a tour bus together, but it's nice to see
Which leads me to the topic of Carey's relationship with Molly once he replaces Clu in season 2 - I have seen some fans want to read some sort of subtext in there but honestly I find that incredibly uncomfortable. If anything he's just kind of reaching out to a close adult family friend he can come to about his struggles/music aspirations/etc outside his biological parents, and yeah because he's a hot guy in his 20s it reads a little differently than the younger teens, but I don't personally see any plus into reading that as having some kind of romantic/sexual tension
like we see expressly in the flashback scenes that Molly has been kind of a third parent-figure (and I use that intentionally openly; locking parental roles into a strict binary of "the mom" and "the dad" isn't what we're about here) in his life growing up, so shipping or semi-shipping that is extremely unpleasant and strange in my opinion
Same with shipping Clu with either Jack or Fi, or (I have seen it and it's rather repulsive) Jack and Fi together, it feels like a fundamental misunderstanding of the character dynamic
going to comment on fandom in general though, I notice sibling incest ships tend to arise in situations where actors have a lot of chemistry, and writers are channeling that into their family dynamic but it means that love interests feel kind of flat by comparison - it's sort of another side of the same fandom-discourse dodecahedron which posits m/m ships get popular because male characters tend to be written with more dimension than female ones, which gives fans more to be interested in and read into and simply enjoy as narrative devices. You engage more easily with a story and its parts when there's simply more to work with
Shipping as a primary means to engage with media is a thing, I get that, so like do what you want, thought crime isn't a thing and characters aren't real people etc etc etc. However, reading a positive portrayal of (often interestingly non-traditional) family affection as somehow sexual I think fundamentally misses key points of the whole story. The fact that there aren't really any obviously shippable characters in the main cast isn't a bad thing
mumbled aside about the moderate amount of frustration I have with the other fandom I write for where for some reason people feel the need to pair up the entire cast in some combination or another but not going to get into that here
Anyway I am not trying to start fandom discourse in a microscopic old fandom like this; I more meant this to positively comment on how open the series is with letting family members show affection and to give my two cents to the void on the Carey & Molly subtext interpretations
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 10 - The Aftermath. Episode 2.
Rose: *She smiled softly and sipped her wine* it's still a strange thing to get used to, my little brother, having involved himself with a man. And on top of that, he is in a relationship with two men.
Congo: *I chuckled deeply* No Rose, he is in a relationship with Andy, and Andy happens to also be married to me. Evan and I do not kiss, nor do we have sex, or share any romantic feelings. I see Evan as a dear friend and a family member. Maybe even as a son in some ways. My heart only sees Andy, and there will always only be space for him as my partner.
Rose: *She smiled warmly* That's so sweet. I wish I had someone to talk so warmly about me.
Congo: *I raised my glass and nodded at her* Maybe someday you will. As I sipped my wine, I lifted the heavy lid of the big iron pot simmering on the stove, taking a quick look at the juicy pot roast, and as I put the lid back on, I couldn't help but notice it looked like she had more questions. So in a warm but still firm voice I told her* Rose, if you have any more questions, I would prefer you just ask them. I always say; better to ask one time too many, than making up your own stories.
Rose: *Chuckled warmly and sipped her red wine* that's true, but I don't like sticking my nose too far into other peoples private lives.
Congo: *I smiled big, and laughed softly* I do appreciate that a lot, but being in a relationship with Andy, not much is private any longer. I have gotten used to it by now. *I chuckled deeply and sipped my wine, then nodded at her in a 'go on' gesture*
Rose: *She paused a few seconds, then went on* Do you want to have kids, Congo?
Congo: *I smiled softly, but couldn't hold back a small frown* Yes, Rose. I would love to have kids. But this particular subject is a bit fragile. You see, Andy wants kids even more than I do, and in his previous relationship, he was actually promised to have kids. So now, obviously, he is sad he can no longer have that.
Rose: *She frowned softly as well, and brushed a strand of hair behind her right ear* I see. But couldn't you two adopt? I mean, you seem like a great couple, really warm people, I can easily imagine you two having a couple of small kids running around here, and I mean you definitely have space for it. This house just goes on and on. And I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind. He likes kids, he just never thought of having any, since he can't.
Congo: *I smiled softly and shook my head lightly* Unfortunately, Andy's heart and mind was set on having kids of his own. That dream was brought to ashes only about a week ago, when he figured his ex, the person that promised him kids, now is due to have one, without Andy. It's a long and private story, I don't wish to go into further details on. But, according to Andy, he no longer wants kids. Well that's what he says on the surface, but if you know him good enough, as Evan and I do, it's easy to see he still wants kids, just as much as before. And I think we have both reached a point, where we both wish we could give this to him. But as none of us is willing to have a sex change, I guess sometime in a not so distant future, we have to try to convince him to adopt.
Rose: She nodded slowly Yes, I think that sounds like a plan. And Im happy to hear Evan is on board with it. I think he would be a wonderful dad… you two for that matter, you are alike in many ways. And I have no doubt Andy would be a terrific dad, even if I only know him a tiny bit. He has a wonderful energy, a great sense of humor, and I just love how him and Lily seems to be long lost siblings she laughed warmly they really act like kids when they are together, which is so strange for me to observe, since Lily normally is one of the most responsible adults I know. She truly blossoms around Andy's energy.
Congo: Before I could get to reply to Rose's comment, the front door swung open, and in came Daniel, marching straight towards the fridge Good evening Daniel I smiled at Rose and shook my head lightly Daniel: He peeked out from the fridge, already stuffing his mouth with a chicken leg, mumbling with his mouth full Evening! What ya cooking? Congo: I chuckled deeply Pot roast and baked potatoes…. I would offer you to stay for dinner, but I think it might not be time for you and Evan to be in the same room yet?Daniel: He chuckled hoarse from inside the fridge, still talking with his mouth full yeah…. I guess Lily were off limit… tell me… Rose… he looked at Rose a bit wodering, then pointed at her with the half eaten chicken leg your name is Rose, right? Rose: she chuckled lightly and nodded her hair, clearly observing Daniels naked chest yes, thats my name… Daniel: Grinned wide, then noticed a piece of chicken he had dropped on the floor. He bend down and as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he picked up the piece of chicken, stuffed it in his mouth, chewed a couple of times and swallowed it Congo: I shook my head and smiled at Rose good thing I like to keep my floors clean I winked at her and opened the oven to check on the potatoes
Daniel: So where is Willy? His eyes searched the kitchen floor, gliding into the dining room and further into the living room, clearly searching for the Italian Greyhound puppy
Congo: I chuckled silently Daniel stay focused. Weren't you getting ready to ask Rose a question?
Daniel: He looked puzzled for a while, then grinned wide and turned towards us ahh I was just going to ask if she was off limits too, or if it was only Lily? He laughed loudly and stuck his head into the fridge again, smiling bright as he seemed to find what he was searching for, stuffing himself for a couple of minutes before he slammed the fridge door, and yelled out loud WHO'S A GOOD BOY!!!
Rose: Observed Daniel with a soft laughter as he threw himself on the floor and rolled around with the small grey puppy is he always…
Congo: All over the place? I chuckled deeply
Rose: Nodded with a small smile
Congo: I nodded softly when he forgets his medication yes. Daniel has ADD, and he tends to get really hyper when he forgets to smoke his medical joints. Which happens more or less every day, the ADD often toasts his memory, so he often do or say random things, or randomly switch from one thing to another. But he's a sweetheart really, he just needs to be reminded a lot. Daniel!
Daniel: Quickly got up on his knees Sup?
Congo: I shook my head lightly How about that joint?
Daniel: Looked a bit confused as he patted the pockets of his army pants what joint?
Congo: I couldnt help but roll my eyes Behind your left ear Daniel.
Daniel: He grinned wide as his fingers found the joint, quickly jabbing it between his lips, and lit it with a big drag I was wondering where I had placed this. He quickly got up, opened the fridge again, and grabbed a beer, and as he opened it he winked at Rose with a cheeky grin I live next door..
Rose: Shook her head and chuckled softly Yeah, thats not going to happen.
Daniel: No, Im just saying.. in case you get lost at some point and cant find this house…
Rose: Nice try…still no.
Congo: *I sipped my wine and leaned back against the counter. This ought to be good. Rose were one of the best cops in her department according to Evan, and willpower was her middle name. For Daniel this would be like trying to move a school bus with only his pinky finger.
Daniel: Pushed his beers against his lips, and as he leaned his head back, he let some of the golden liquid dripple down his chin and chest, making the whole kitchen look like a cheesy commercial, it was very hard to contain my laughter. And it only got worse as he started flexing his muscles while continuing to drink the beer
Lily: Hi Danny! Her voice was high and cheerful as she walked up behind him and slapped his butt
Daniel: The most goofy look I have ever seen spread on his face, followed by an if possible even more goofy laughing, and he immediately put down his beer
Lily: Chuckled softly, picked up his beer, petted him on top of his only few mm hair, and sipped his beer what has gotten into you today?
Daniel: He snapped out of the goofy look faster than any of us had expected, pointed at me and grinned wide well sadly not Congo! Its safe to say we all laughed loudly
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What is Illworth and the Pussy Pirates / Illworth and Deisy?
Illworth and the Pussy Pirates is a concept of collaboration between me ( @arachnidzero ) and my partner. I am wanting to create this story into a comic when i am older, having animated shorts for self contained stories too. The characters and story as a whole is very reflective of my own life and trauma, as well as friends and foes.
The story revolves around Illworth, who overcomes her trauma and getting her and her crew caught up in a harsh battle between the Government and Dragon-turned-Humans, and uncovering the secrets of the corruption of the worlds leaders.
Illworth is the captain of the Pussy Pirates. She is engaged with the second in command, her right hand girl, Deisy - a mage who has the power to talk to a God. There is also their adopted son, Albert, a strange young boy who never seems to grow, and has strange Kelp growing out of him.
Alongside the Pussy Pirates, there are Albert's Older Siblings - Mason, another pirate captain of his own crew of thousands, and has the 6th highest bounty in the land. As well, there is Ares, a quiet woman and the only girl in their family. she travels the world, becoming queen of the monkey island for a few years, as well as joining a rock band full of technology.
There are also the pussy pirates allies, like The Seller - a small travelling man who carries a large bag and seemingly knows everyone, yet not much is known about him, apart from the fact he is linked with underground people. He is Illworth's best friend, and assisted her in her situation with a woman called Dolly.
Dolly was a one night stand of Illworths, who quickly become obsessed and attacked her in the night, stabbing Illworths eye out, and dying in the process. The Seller took the blame for the death, and went into hiding, as Dolly is the daughter of a high ranking Government Official, an enemy of the Sellers.
But what is Illworth and Deisy? Whats the difference between that and Illworth and the Pussy Pirates?
Illworth and Deisy is a 'human' alternative universe of the two women, set in the early 2000's and when they are in their 20s. They live in a shared apartment with another roommate, Yandhi, and arent dating when the story takes place. I would like to have this be the point of view of Deisy.
Illworth is a greasy loser. with no job, she spends her day eating food and gaming on the couch, watching anime and drawing up concepts for her dream concept 'Illworth and the Pussy Pirates', where her and her crush, Deisy, live their lives as epic pirates. She also goes out often to visit her friend, The Seller, who works at Block Buster.
Deisy is Illworths roommate, they went to school together but only actually spoke when they were 19. She has a job at a coffee shop, and pays the bills for her and Illworth, who keeps promising to pay her back. Her life is slightly stressful, especially with the strong presence of their roommate, Yandhi, who constantly fights with Illworth.
Yandhi is the older sister of a large family, moving in as an escape from all of them. She takes interest in Deisy, creating a slow but intense toxic relationship with the two., which finally ends after Illworth and hers tension heightens and a physical fight breaks out, resulting in the two tumbling out a window.
the rest is Deisy growing from the experience, she grows closer with Illworth as she realises what Yandhi put her through, growing confident to kick Yandhi out and cut her out of her life.
This is the currently concept we have come up with, but we have also created humorous one shots in this AU. It puts more emphasis on Deisy and the two growing from that, but we havent finished and arent confident on this is what we want this AU to be.
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rinwellisathing · 1 month
It's A Thankless Job: Part 12
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Halsin preferred to give his partners space when they needed it, a request wasn't even necessary, if they chose not to come by or contact him for a while, he would simply respect that decision and push his mind to assume the best. Years of anti-anxiety practice and coping mechanisms made it easier, though he couldn't fully erase the hurt. In Sentry's case, the hurt was compounded by worry for the younger man. He had shown himself to be impulsive, mercurial, and there was still something he wasn't telling Halsin, the druid knew. He would never pry, of course, but that little inkling of concern still scratched at his brain. He wasn't one for social media, normally, he tended to prefer the outdoors or quiet creative pursuits such as sketching or whittling, as the multitude of beautiful carvings and painstaking anatomical sketches of plants and animals around his office showed, but he did have a simple account he didn't check or use much just in case a patient's people needed to contact him and couldn't get him on the phone. The account had very few friends since Halsin didn't really update it, never posted, and only really answered messages, the list showing only a few names: Jaina Thalassia, Gale Dekarios, Nettie and Rath's accounts were present on his friends list as they'd insisted...He looked up to the search function and with a deep breath, did something he'd never done before...He decided to snoop, even if just a little in a way most might argue was completely normal. 'Sentry Ojeda' he typed in, and quickly found the profile he was looking for, the picture was Sentry posing in a finely embroidered suit on the arm of someone whose face and body were out of frame. The profile didn't have much available publicly, a few pictures and a friends list. Halsin found himself hovering over the friend request button, telling himself most people did this, it was perfectly normal, only someone uninterested in technology as he was would consider this strange. Hells, wasn't it more strange that he'd slept with Sentry, shared so many conversations with him, even loved him, and hadn't befriended him online yet? He inhaled deeply and clicked the 'send request' button. In seconds, the request was accepted and a message popped up. Sentry: Heeeeeey sorry I worried you <3 Which, like, I'm guessing I did because you don't seem like a social media kind of guy? You: Ha...A bit, I have to confess. Are you alright? Sentry: Oh yeah, just really busy. Got tons on my plate rn, yknow? World's best big brother, churning out content, clients, murders.... Halsin quirked a brow at that, leaning in and trying to think of a response before he was interrupted by another pink. Sentry: Just kidding about that last one... The joke was, perhaps, in poor taste after the recent rash of killings throughout the city, but then again Sentry WAS in his twenties, Halsin had to realize his humor was likely to tend towards edgy. Sentry: Unless?
The druid rolled his eyes. Sentry: Nah, I'm seriously just kidding, for real. You: I see, I didn't know you had siblings. It's good of you to care for them. Sentry: Nah, I only really have to worry about the one because she's still a teenager, everyone else is older than me actually and we all pitch in, so like don't paint me as a hero or something. You: Fair enough. Do you want to go for another walk in the woods together?” Sentry: Oooh, the risk of getting ravaged by a bear??? Or ravished, maybe? Halsin paused a moment, thinking intently about his reply. Every time he started to type something out, however, he found himself backspacing it, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed in concern at the thought of how each thing could be misinterpreted. Any joke could come across as a slight, appearing overly enthusiastic might make Sentry feel like it was just about sex, more like a client than a partner. Trying to be romantic, however, might make Sentry feel undesirable, like Halsin was deflecting or turning down the chance to fuck him. He ran a hand back through his hair and inhaled deeply. There was also the problem of addressing Sentry in the reply, a pet name too romantic might make him feel that things were moving too fast, just his name might make it feel cold and impersonal, This would have been so much easier in person... Finally, he took one more deep breath and replied: You: I'm certainly open to suggestions. Sentry: Cool, cool...Tomorrow night? You: Sounds good.
--- After closing out of his chat with Halsin, Sentry noticed a message from Orin and opened it, scanning the contents. Images of absolutely lazy, poorly done kills. More than that, the crime scenes were decorated with what could almost have been Bhaalist symbols except for a few details missing. Details a Bhaalist should be aware of, but an outsider wouldn't consider. Baby Sis: Copy-cats, slaughter-kin! Copy-cats skitter-slinking about our territory! They pry and prod, scuttling about and mocking our work. Me: Oh? Well, baby sister, let's look at the positives. Gary would have wanted us to, after all? See that blood red lining: Haven't they just provided us with an excellent crop of new victims? Baby Sis: Yes...send them a message. Slit and stab these pretenders. Make mince-meat of them. Me: Think you can find them if Gabraela and Jackal help out? Meanwhile, I'll grab Tomi and we'll meet you at the shed in the back of the cemetery.
Baby Sis: Time for a Blood-Bath!( This was followed by a gif of a deranged cartoon character splattered in blood dancing manically)
Sentry closed his phone and smirked. Oh, tonight had just gotten interesting. He looked around the room he was currently in, a bedroom in a cozy little town home in the upper city and sat down on the rumpled bedding for a moment, taking in the blood spatter all across the walls, the saturated carpet beneath the cooling corpse. He casually swung his legs a moment and then stood, sauntering over to the closet. Eh, this guy had been about his height and build, and he didn't really feel like going home to change into something more appropriate to bother Tomi at work in. He chose a simple black suit and polished black shoes, grabbing a duffle bag from the closet floor for his own clothing. Thinking further, he looked over the dresser and began lifting the various perfume and cologne bottles, taking a sniff at each of them before finally settling on a very mild scent that was close enough to his usual patchouli, vetiver, and roses, a difficult combination to find. When he was properly dressed and smelling nice, he made his way out of the house through the back door and into the alley. Fel would be here to deal with the mess soon enough and Tomi's building was at least a thirty minute walk. --- “ So in the next quarter, I believe we will see a marked increase in our products' popularity. Our allergy medications will see an uptick in the fall, followed by many of our pain relievers in the winter. But most of all, our research shows anti-depressants increase in popularity too as it starts to get darker and colder out. Who knew?” The woman at the front of the board room appeared to be a middle aged half elf of Kozakuran descent, her black hair pulled back smartly with a tortoise shell clip, a few strands of grey framing her face. Her dark eyes were sharp and focused behind a pair of fashionable spectacles and her pants suit was immaculately pressed and made from fine, soft material. Sentry rolled his eyes. It was amazing how many people fell so easily for Tomi's little disguises. If they knew what hid beneath them, they might never sleep again. He shook off his distraction as the secretary, a pleasant, pretty young deep gnome gestured him forward, opening the door for him. “Ah, Miss Yubari, I'm so sorry to interrupt, your son is here to see you, he says there is a family emergency?” The young woman whispered softly, more of a stage whisper, really. “I see...Well, we can surely table this for now, after all, you know how important family is to me. How about this? By noon tomorrow, have some research of your own ready and we'll cater a lunch meeting. My treat.” Tomi's tone was gracious and maternal. So much so that her employees couldn't help but nod their agreement and murmur well wishes. “Hope things are alright, Akiko” “Take all the time you need, Miss Yubari.” “We all know you'd allow the same for us.” “Oh you are all just too kind. Thank you so much.” Tomi waved to them and excused herself from the room, approaching Sentry. “My sweet boy, what can mother help you with?” She fussed over him quite visibly while her employees were in ear shot and could see them, all while slowly guiding him towards the elevator.
Once they had left the building completely and were in Tomi's car, a sleek pink sports car with tinted windows, Tomi's body rippled and writhed, something horrid wriggling beneath her flesh as her body warped and twisted from the professional looking older woman to the glamous beauty she usually presented herself as. “Now, what was so important that you had to interrupt my meeting? I was this close to getting another spiked shipment out!” Tomi complained. “We have copy cat killers, big sis. Orin and the others are on capture duties, but we need to be there too when they get them to the shed, you know, so they really see the 'error of their ways'” Sentry explained. “Ugh....I hate it when those little pretenders get big ideas. You see, this is why that Murder Tribunal of Sarevok's was a stupid idea from the start! You know, in Kozakura, when we recruited unholy assassins, it was from the finest Bhaalist families who'd worshipped for centuries, not any edgy little so and so who could stab a stranger.” Tomi shook her head.
“I mean, honestly fair. Half of these cultists are tryhards anyway, I remember when Gary was alive, half the jobs he brought me along to before he started really training me were fixing these idiots' fuckups and getting rid of them after too many. That part was fun at least, though...And on that note...” He grinned as they pulled up to the back parking lot of the cemetery far behind where the manor stood, a large dingy shed halfway between the lot and the house. “I think tonight is going to be something very special, some real family bonding. Don't you?” Tomi nodded, skin rippling and churning again as her beautiful clothing became a simple beige smock and a pair of scrub pants, simple steel toed work shoes covering her feet and surgical gloves on her hands, the final touch was a surgical mask across her mouth and a simple blue scrunchie holding her long dark hair up in a ponytail. “Aww, you don't have special clothes, dear brother, you'll mess up that nice suit!” “I mean, I stole it from a client who was on the disposal list, so I don't think anyone is going to miss it.” He shrugged as he stepped out of the car, Tomi joining him with a little frown. “You should seriously consider dressing more presentably now that you're chosen, Sentry.” She chastised. “It just makes a nicer impression. Mother always said first impressions are important.” Sentry rolled his eyes. “And then you killed her, so I guess her advice wasn't all that important. And anyway, my clients like my clothes just fine, haven't had a dissatisfied customer yet.”
The two continued along the path up to the shed, opening the doors and entering. Jackal and Gabraela were already standing there, Gabraela in her old battered Flaming Fist uniform, hair pulled back into a tight braid, Jackal dressed in his hunting clothes, grey hair tucked into a battled old cap. Orin practically skipped over to greet Sentry and Tomi, dressed in a pair of bloodied overalls and a T-shirt that was white when she left the house, her long hair pulled into a quick, messy bun. “Slaughter-kin! Welcome to the fun! These things went skitter-slinking through our territory trying to impress grandfather's murder-council.” She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Oh, but sadly the unworthy filth-things were found wanting.” She nodded towards three bound figures in chairs at the back of the shed. “Aww, so sad!” Tomi clasped her hands in mock sympathy. “well, waste not want not, yes?”
“Exactly. I think the sculpture garden could use some new pieces and I'm feeling really inspired lately.” Sentry agreed, sauntering forward. He looked down at the trembling figures before him with disdain. So common, so ordinary. A dwarven woman with red hair and eyes, a blonde haired green eyed elven girl probably around Orin's age, and finally a human man with brown hair and eyes, pasty skin slick with sweat. “Alright, you pitiful wannabes. You want to be Bhaalists so badly? Welcome to family bonding night. My name is Sentry Ojeda, you've already met my baby sister Orin. We'll be leading the fun.” He grinned, crossing the room to a work bench covered in various tools. “Oh, but don't worry, you'll get to know Tomi, Gaabii, and Jackal as well. Hells, by the end of tonight? We'll all be one big, happy family.” The failed initiates were trembling as they watched Sentry examine the various implements, holding them up so everyone in the room could see as he inspected the various blades, hammers, clamps, hooks, and drills. His expression remained thoughtful, brow furrowed in consideration, but beneath it all, he was hiding a nasty sense of excitement.
Meanwhile, his siblings were enjoying a moment with their prey. Gabraela stood stoic in the corner, arms folded across her chest, simply staring down at them silently. Orin made her way over to the dwarf and grinned widely in her face, her body cracking and twitching as she transformed slowly into her perfect mirror image. “Oh, it thought it could be slaughter-kin? It thought to stab and prod and poke its way into our family?” She wagged her finger as though at a naughty child. “But it didn't try very hard? No, no, no...tsk tsk...Its blood-offerings were so boring...so dull...Unimaginative.” She grinned wickedly, grabbing the woman by her long red hair and pulling a switchblade from the pocket of her overalls, running the blade down the side of her face, her smile widening unnaturally as the woman screamed in pain, tears welling in her eyes. “Oh hush now, shh shh shh!” Orin stroked her hair mockingly, licking blood from the side of her face. Tomi approached the man, tapping her chin and looking him over a moment. “Hmm...Oh! I recognize you! So sorry it took so long, but you've got such a forgettable face...” She giggled, ruffling his hair. “You're that tech guy on our client list. Aww, well, Sentry, I guess I owe you an apology! You satisfied this one quite a lot if he tried to join the family after meeting you.” She cooed teasingly to her brother before turning back towards her prey. “Gosh, I'm so sorry to say but...you really aren't his type. But don't worry! Tonight will be so, so special. The most intimate you've ever experienced!” She patted the man's shoulder, slinking around behind him, her fingertips tracing across his skin, the prickle of her long, sharp nails teasing every few seconds. The elf girl's eyes widened as Jackal approached her slowly like a wolf stalking its prey. He retrieved a cruel hunting knife from his boot and held it to her cheek, tilting her head from side to side. “Your skin's the only thing keeping you from lookin' like one of them prim matriarch bitches from back home...Maybe I should take it off you so as to make this sweeter.” He growled, bearing down on her as she closed her eyes and sniffled. “You fuckin' prissy little porcelain dolls think you're fit to join us and look at you...LOOK AT YOU! Flinching at the sight of a simple tool.” He sneered in disgust, spitting on the ground beside her. “Makes me fuckin' sick to my stomach.”
“Well, looks like everyone's chosen their kill for the night. Remember, if at any point your toy gets away, it's on you to bring them back....Oh, and if yours breaks early, no one else owes you a crack at theirs.” Sentry explained, stepping away from the table which was now expertly laid out with so many shiny playthings, glinting wickedly in the dim, dusty light of the shed's swaying ceiling bulb. “Oh slaughter-kin! Join me! My name-day is soon, we could make a hanging treat-vessel of it!” Orin approached eagerly, grabbing Sentry's hand in one hand and a sledge hammer in the other. Sentry grinned and grabbed one of his own, joining his sister. Jackal reached into a belt pouch and pulled out a small dart, careful to avoid the tip himself as he jammed it into the girl's arm. She yelped and wailed as he used the knife to cut her bindings. “You got a ten second head started, girlie, I suggest you start runnin'.” The Drow smirked, stepping back and gesturing to the door. The girl blinked and struggled to her feet as Jackal began to focus on his watch. Tomi approached the table and ran her hands over the tools, pondering carefully until her perfectly manicured fingers danced over a drill. Her red lips curled into a cruel smirk behind her mask and she looked to Gabraela. “Oh sister dear? Would you help me clear the table and clamp the specimen in place?” She batted her eyelashes at the tall Tiefling woman, who nodded silently and approached, lifting the bound human by his neck as Tomi expertly put the unused tools away.
Sentry grinned and gave a huge, sweeping theatrical bow to Orin before lifting the trembling, bound dwarf woman from her seat and lifting her up. He frowned, screwing up his face and thinking for a moment. “Hmm...I wonder.... Ah! Well, soon-to-be birthday girl, you are called Orin The Red, after all. So...why not?” He gave a sadistic little giggle and raised the woman's squirming body not quite high enough for the hook swing from the ceiling to catch the rope, instead digging it in between her shoulder blades and letting it sink into her flesh, laughing as Orin clapped and bounced eagerly up and down, all the while the woman was screaming hysterically, muffled by her gag. Her eyes rolled back, nostrils flaring, pain shooting through her body as Sentry stepped back, admiring his work. “Alright, you know the rules of the game, baby sis.” He grinned, taking off his tie and expertly fastening it around Orin's head, covering her eyes. “Now no peeking! That's cheating!” “Oh, alright slaughter-kin.” Orin chuckled as she raised the sledge hammer eagerly.
Sentry danced back a few paces to an old boom box on a stool in the corner and clicked it on, an energetic party anthem beginning to blast through the shed as Orin began swinging at the sobbing woman. The elven failed initiate gasped in horror as she heard the sounds coming from the shed, trying to hobble away faster into the misty woods of the cemetery. She couldn't hear a thing over the music, not footsteps, not night birds or insects, she had no way of knowing where her pursuer what coming from and she caught a whimper of despair in her throat as blood continued to issue from her wound, likely marking a trail behind her. It was hopeless, but what choice did she have? She felt her heart hammering in her chest as she pushed throught the plants and trees, desperate to find her way out.
Click...Click... Click...Click... The sound of pebbles falling on the ground, her eyes darted and her head turned this way and that as she tried to locate the source of the sound, she forgot herself and let out a wail of despair as she pushed on deeper into the dark woods. “Oh...Well, that's disappointing.” Tomi clicked her tongue, shaking her head. “Ah well, better it happened to ours and not one of the ones who can't take a little disappointment.” Tomi giggled. “Right, Gaabii?” “Hmph...Still disappointing this one thought he could be one of us.” The tiefling woman shrugged, staring contemptuously down at the unmoving body on the table, his face gone stark white, blackened veins straining against the flesh. “It was one syringe, right?” She asked as she began to undo the leather straps she'd only just bound him in. “Yes, but in all fairness, I think I mixed this batch fairly strong...Mm...ah, well...I'll just intersperse it into the weaker batches. It'll be like a game!” Tomi squealed excitedly, clapping her hands together. “What fun.” All the while, slams of the sledge hammer hitting the wall on occasion or the sound of bones cracking and screams of pain echoed from the other side of the room as Sentry and Orin took turns swinging the hammer blindfolded at the dwarven woman, who was by now bleeding profusely from the hook piercing through her back. The screams began to die down as liquid trickled down her legs and her eyes went blank. “Aww, it gave us no flesh-treats from its skin-sack.” Orin pouted. “Hey, no problem, I'll bring her down and cut her open once Tomi frees up the work table. Besides, look at the way all those bones broke, it's beautiful, yeah?” Sentry asked, stepping back and admiring the work he and his sister had done. Orin paused a moment and then her face lit up with manic glee. The two stood in awe of their handiwork for a moment, Sentry slinging an arm around Orin's shoulder and pulling her in for a side hug. All four siblings turned around as a foot collided with the door, kicking it open with a loud BANG as Jackal entered, dragging a bound, bloodied sack behind him. “Hunt's over. Vapid little thing didn't put up much of a fight.” He spat, tossing the sack in the corner. “You two freaks can fight over parts for your little arts and crafts projects...” He nodded towards Sentry and Orin.
“Well, with that out of the way, guess a dedication to father is in order, right?” Sentry suggested. “Let me paint the sigil, slaughter-kin! Let me wield the gore-slick brush and call father to see our great work.” Orin danced eagerly on her tiptoes. Sentry thought a moment and nodded. “Sure, what the hells? Go nuts, kiddo.” He nodded towards the can of paint brushes on the work table. As Orin got to work painting the sigils, Gaabii and Jackal dragged the bodies over to where she stood. Tomi opened a small box under the work bench and pulled out the black and red robes, beginning to hand them out to her siblings as Sentry took his place at the head of the group. The siblings finished their work and knelt together in rows of two as Sentry dipped his fingers into the blood they'd spilled and passed through the group, marking each of his siblings with their bounty and then taking his place kneeling at the front of the group, marking his own face. The five of them bowed their heads in contemplation as they made their offering.
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khorai · 5 months
For the character meme Loki
My first impression of Loki was that he looked like a gladiator because of his helmet (I'm not even joking).
His twisted sense of humor and sarcasm amused me a lot, and I found him rather charismatic as an antagonist. But over time, I discovered other aspects of his personality that slowly made me revise my perception of him. I would now say that Loki is much more than the initial caricature I had of him.
He is... complex.
Despite his flaws (which tend to be noticed first), he possesses exceptional qualities. He is kind, not necessarily in the traditional sense, but kind nonetheless. He is strong both physically and emotionally, courageous when needed, fiercely protective, and loving, so very loving.
He is engaging, has a great sense of sacrifice, but can also be a real two-faced jerk. He is quite dichotomous in that he embraces his nature as much as he condemns it.
His status as the "god of mischief" was a defense he gradually abandoned to reveal the person he truly is underneath, a person capable of change.
He is someone capable of the worst and the best. After all, we have seen him commit atrocities just as we have seen him perform wonders.
He is just incredible like that.
Today, I see Loki as a free and unpredictable being: free in his choices, his actions, and his emotional depth and richness make him immensely endearing and captivating.
I have many favorite moments, but I think my absolute favorite is probably when he threatens Thanos with his spear (to protect Thor). This scene always gives me chills; nothing can surpass it in my eyes.
For a while now, I've been obsessed with the idea of a story in which my two favorite characters, Sakura and Loki, find themselves thrust into an unknown universe and must team up to find a way back home. I want to see them interact and form a bond, not romantic but entirely platonic. A duo formed by these two would be iconic, and nothing can convince me otherwise. Since I can't find a fiction of this kind, I'll probably end up writing it myself to satisfy my craving.
I love his relationship with Thor; I've always had a soft spot for sibling relationships, and I find the one he shares with his brother incredibly cute, funny, and touching.
I don't have really unpopular opinion , but I think his connection with Mobius is closer to a parent/child slash reluctant best friends dynamic than a romantic relationship.
In my imagination, Sylvie and Mobius sometimes visit Loki through a portal opened by America Chavez (or Doctor Strange) so he doesn't feel alone. I know it's not very plausible, but it's my headcanon, let me dream.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
*taps the mic* uhh, well I just uhh well y'know I umm– >:ロ I truly never know how to respond to you most sometimes /ht ?? Really?? /neu ME?! I'm the bully?! I can't believe you!!! "heheheh" ( ° _°) ...wait, now I'm kinda questioning myself... hm (ಠ_ಠ ;) /gen /kinda confused tbh /in a neutral way tho, if that makes sense??
WHAT– darling, we can talk this out,, :'C there is just no winning with you hhhskjgfh /t /pos /hpos 😒
Karma is unfair and biased, but I try for our writebabies <//33 /hj I'm playing hot potato with it currently, but give me like a day and then I'll properly be lazing around for a whole day lmao
Although that image made me laugh, no <33 They are ours, and we will all stay here~~ <333
A waffle cake, a panna cotta, the more nicknames given the more sweets I find out about lol /t /gen /pos ?? Haven't I told you before tho??? I'm pretty sure I told you that before?? /neu
...(°ㅂ°╬) I haven't seen in that direction so you are taking and innocent person, don't you think that is unfair? >:(( I do! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to paint as much the past year, but I still draw, and I enjoy watching people paint :DD Hm,, I mean there is the painter Albert Bierstadt, I absolutely love his paintings, but I don't really have a "deep meaning" with them, they just fill me with a lot of awe and joy :)) But his paintings definitely inspired me (still do) when I was younger, and they actually encouraged me to start photography years ago lmao. The same is with Oswaldo Guayasamín, I don't really have any "deep meaning" with them, but I grew up with his paintings due to my ma's family, so I enjoy looking at his works, they remind me of family, in an odd way. mwah♡
/┬┴┬┴┤(⁄ ⁄•̀⁄_⁄├┬┴┬
/everyday I endure abuse and straight up murder by you, yet here I am... repeating the same damn process... (╥_╥) /t /nsrs
-panna cotta
yes, I know. you fall into a tremor, you make this puppy-scared face and everyone looks at you and thinks, "oh my god, get him out of here, someone give him silence, he's going to cry urgently, turn down the volume, turn down the volume" sjshhddhdhdhd sjhshsh the truth is told "the family rests on the patience of a panna cotta" /t /j ? of course, cutie~ provokes me to tease you even more hehehe~ someone is just a shy flirt, I see, although you used to be quite smooth~ are you getting old~? yes!!! you're a bully!!! constantly tormenting the poor dove!!! hooray hooray gaslighting works!!! jshshdhdhd /t /j /i get you don't worry, sweetie♡
can we???... maybe, but I only crave blood >;33333 this is a family trait on the maternal side; only my mom, me and my younger sibling possess it. fortunately, my youngest is not that good yet, but imagine the battles when she and I come together in battle if we lack the prudence to give up earlier dhdhhdhdhdh hehehe,,, kith kith<333
in my opinion, now it is more than fair and on time~ almost instantaneous~ <333 I know, dear. it remains to be seen whether you are lying down because you are conserving energy or because you are easily exhausted hwhwhhw /ht /affectionate
hooray, soon our communication will reach a point where we will share a sense of humor~ finally, you won't be able to brush me off with "we're not close enough" anymore, because even if a common sense of humor doesn't give you intimacy, then you're obviously a biorobot and I'm not sure if I want to let kids communicate with such a pamna,,,, /t /j /nsrs
dear,,,,, waffle cake,,,,,,, everyone knows waffle cake, it's practically the best thing in the world,,,,,,,,,, It's like a napoleon cake ??? I know that you love me because you continue to communicate with me, but, dear, if you love me even despite the fact that I constantly kill you, I have a question,,,,,,, many questions,,,,,,,,,, /t /hj
why are you reacting as if I'm leading you into a dark forest towards a strange hut while there's not a single living soul around pretending to be a minor and accusing you of something you're sure you're not to blame? relax, it won't hurt, you might even like it >;33333 mmm!!! how interesting... you know what I'll ask next — favorite painting / paintings by Albert Bierstadt and your first acquaintance with it / them? mwah mwah♡
/ AWWWWWW,,,, cutie cutie cute pie,,,,, little one,,,,,,,, sjdhjdhdjdhd sweetheart<//333333 mwah mwah mwah<3333333
/ well... you're just masochistic, honey — we both knew it for a long time, though, but I'll let you deny it because sometimes I have to be kind to you<3333 /t /j /nsrs
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