#my sibling showed it to my whole family
angelpuns · 7 months
Me when I was supposed to work on comics tonight but instead spent like 30 minutes playing that fucking watermelon game
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bruhstation · 1 year
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the journey of gordon juniperus gresley (and still ongoing)
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girl-bateman · 7 months
How does one get assigned as sam coded / dean coded ? Do I need a doctors note ? A psych evaluation perhaps ?
#i keep going back and forth on it#bc i used to identify with dean for the longest time bc i was so repressed and emotionally closed off (+older sister)#and at that point id spent my youth very purposefully protecting my younger sibling from our dad#and i guess in my brain i paralleled that with dean staying behind with john while sam took off for stanford#and dean protecting sam from knowing too much abt the supernatural#BUT having grown up ive now become the one resentful and angry at our father while my sister protects him#and our fights remind me a lot of scenes from the show where im obviously identifying a lot stronger with sam#plus the whole thing abt being the families designated academic or whatever#while also feeling cursed from the minute i was born and crushing at the guilt of everything wrong with me#and trying to be a good person and saving others to make for the fact that i feel an intrinsic evilness about myself#so like... yeah sam is very very relatable too in that sense#bc he also has that hope in him- the belief in god. in angels. in goodness. and i have that too !#im just also a miserable cynic at the same time :)#so ????#i havent been in the fandom for long enough to know the full requirements of being a sam or dean girl#(and by that i mean i havent been in the fandom for long AFTER i rejoined from my 10 year hiatus)#i literally would love to read someones page long explanation of what sam coded vs dean coded entails#someone with a spn hyperfixation or special interest needs to provide me with the goods fr 😭#spn
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years
hello all i have an absolute monster of a meta essay for you that I like to call “The Umbrella Academy is so close to saying something about the concept of nuclear families and if the writers are doing it on purpose its going to be beautiful”. Its almost 2k words.
For the record, since i think its relevant and greatly informs my thoughts, i am a nonpartnering aromantic person and i strongly believe that the idea that a family is a pair of romantic partners and their children needs to go. Thats uh. Bigger than the scope of this essay. But it does inform a lot of my thoughts on this particular theme in the umbrella academy so there you go.
First, some semantics: technically the only family member to actually get to the point of “nuclear family” is Allison, who then divorces her romantic partner. Only her and, technically, Diego, have kids. Most of the others have love interests but because of the beauty of being different people with different life experiences, their particular romances often do not fall specifically into the the box “nuclear family”, though some could eventually given time (and some may not ever). That being said, associated with the term “nuclear family” is a pattern, historically, of children growing up and finding a romantic partner and moving out into a single-family home, where they have children raised only and specifically by them and their romantic partner, and they thus grow apart from their siblings and parents. This is a pattern that is held, at least in America, as The Best pattern, and anyone who does not achieve it is failing in some way. And that pattern, of leaving behind the family you grew up in to make a home and a family with a romantic parter? That’s everywhere in TUA. I would argue that the tension between the siblings’ urges to follow it, and between their urge to reconnect with each other, is one of the main themes and a main source of tension through all of the show.
Pre season 1, most of the Hargreeves build their own lives after escaping from Reginald, but only Allison creates her own family. Then, in season 1, a few relevant things happen
One, Allison is separated from her daughter, and desperately wants to return to her. Returning to her daughter inherently and repeatedly means separating herself from her siblings and returning to a family unit that does not involve them. I am not arguing that this is a bad thing, or that Allison should not be with her daughter; I am pointing out that the family Allison has with Claire is separate from the one she has with her siblings (There is one notable exception to this, based on my memory; Allison asks Luther to join her on her flight to LA in the Day That Wasn’t, after they rekindle their romantic relationship).
Two, Viktor begins a relationship with Leonard, who deliberately isolates him from them, which does fit the pattern but is kinda unfair to use to serve my point lol
Three, Klaus meets Dave. Klaus has the power to return to 2019 at any point he wants, and could even bring Dave if he so chose, but remains in the 60s away from the modern day and his family with Dave until Dave tragically dies.
and Four: the world threatens to end and the umbrella academy tries, badly, to fix it by coming together once again. Allison is constantly torn between wanting to help save the world and wanting to be with her daughter, Viktor is manipulated away from his family (not that the hargreeves probably needed the help lol), and Klaus breaks away entirely to spend months away from them with a man he falls in love with. Bad things? Not necessarily, apart from Viktor’s shitty boyfriend being abusive. But the beginning of a pattern.
Season 2. The Hargreeves have all had months or years in Dallas, and many of them are beginning new lives with new families.
Allison, once again, is married. Viktor has a blossoming relationship with a woman he loves and is devoted to taking care of her son, who he loves too. Diego has acquired a love interest as well (Lila my beloved), Klaus is trying to prevent his past-future boyfriend from enlisting, and Luther is trying to figure himself out. Obviously a major tension in this season is between Five trying to round up his siblings, and his siblings’ prioritizing their lives in Dallas, which they’ve built with hard work and are just getting used to. This does not involve a tension between a nuclear (or nuclear-ish) family and their siblings for all of them, but it does for Allison especially, and Viktor, and to an extent, Klaus. An important thing to note here is that the siblings are not averse to reuniting, as they often were in season 1. They have been worried about each other! They have been looking! and yet even once they reconnect their little lives stay separate. They talk about it, but do not invite their siblings into their lives. They meet love interests offhand, but do not integrate. All of them, even when trying to reconnect, still have two separate lives that they have to choose between.
Season 3. Oh boy.
perhaps not “oh boy” for the reasons that you think. The reason its “oh boy” is because there are three parts to how i will talk about s3: The romantic interests-slash-nuclearish families, the way the hargreeves talk about their own family, and The Ending.
First, Allison again. Allison begins the season once again wishing desperately to find Claire, and mourning leaving Ray behind. She leaves almost immediately, and gets to LA only to find that Claire does not exist. Getting to a world where Claire exists, or Ray exists, or both, becomes her motivation for the rest of the season, pitting her against multiple of her family members. Fair! She is more worried about the family she has lost than the family that is right in front of her and fine, which is perfectly reasonable. And obviously, she is considerably more invested in her toddler’s well being than her adult brothers’. What I point out is that once again, her family with her siblings and the families she’s made are separate entities from each other, and this fact is forcing her to choose between them.
Second, Luther. Luther’s relationship with Sloane begins similarly enough to previous ones in the show- Luther is making a choice between a romantic partnership and his siblings, it causes tension, the romantic partnership and his siblings form two different units and never the twain shall meet. But. Then Sloane gets folded into the Hargreeves siblings- or rather the Umbrellas, since she’s a Hargreeves too lol. Sloane is... not a character, no offense, but I’m presuming that she is supposed to be integrated with the Hargreeves since that is the impression of the writers intentions that I get and for the sake of being nice to them I will pretend that they succeeded. Interesting! A romantic partnership that is integrated into their family, and not existing as a separate one adjacent to the rest of them! That has never happened before. Even Allison and Luther’s romance is not Part of the family formed by the rest of the siblings; it is, narratively, treated as something separate
Three, Diego. And Lila. Once again, a change of pace. Lila comes here for Diego only at first, but quickly is embroiled in the Plot and the Family. Lila has always been more integrated with the family than other love interests, if only because she has much more plot relevance than most of them, but even then her primary real interactions have been with the Handler, outside of the family entirely; or Diego, with the occasional exception of trying to murder Five. This season she is fully and completely part of the family, and has one on one, meaningful interactions with not only Diego but Allison, Five, and Klaus as well.
 Two love interests in one season that arent separate from the rest of the family, huh?
So what about the way the Hargreeves talk about their family this season?
Allison begins the season once again wishing desperately to find Claire, and leaves almost immediately. Viktor encourages her to leave, believing that Claire still exists and that finding her will help Allison. To do so, he encourages her to find her “real family”.
Later, Klaus goes on a roadtrip to find his biological mother. On the way, he commiserates with Five about their lives, and they both wonder if what they have could even be called a family.
Contrasting, there are multiple scenes on multiple occasions in season 3 alone where Allison, Five, Luther--  all of them-- declare their love for each other. They’re a family. No matter what.
Now The Ending.
The Ending is one of the saddest parts of the show to me, and makes me desperately hope that The Umbrella Academy gets a season 4, because The Ending leaves the siblings utterly divided.
Luther is searching for Sloane.
Diego and LIla are presumably going to build a life together with their future child.
Allison is all the way in LA, living an idyllic dream where both Ray and Claire are alive and returned to her.
Even the remaining siblings, who do not have lives laid out for them, have walked away from one another to return to normal, nonpowered lives. If the story ends here, in the tension between the family you grow up with and the family you build with a partner, the siblings have prioritized their own lives, and the family they’ve spent three seasons trying to reconstruct falls apart under the weight of.... living a normal life.
What I want from the Umbrella Academy, what I hope we get if there is ever a fourth season, is the Hargreeves figuring out what family works for them. They have constantly been pulled between their siblings and their own lives, and have almost never allowed the two to mix. I find the story of the nuclear family, where all people are expected to find a partner and have children and for that and only that to make a normal life, to be depressing and isolating. I desparately want the Hargreeves, who have been trying so hard to reconnect, to find a better story for themselves. Every season so far has been building a stage for this storyline. Season 3 is literally ending with many of the Hargreeves getting idyllic little family units while walking away from each other, and if that doesn’t spell “we’re going to be Dealing With That” then I don’t know what does. They really could be telling a story that says “Leaving the family you grew up in behind doesn’t have to be the only answer”. It could be so good. But do i trust the writers to realize what they’re doing, or is their writing just littered with unexamined assumptions about how families are structured? I just don’t know.
#tua#the umbrella academy#luther hargreeves#diego hargreeves#allison hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#five hargreeves#viktor hargreeves#i mention ben exactly zero times so he doesnt get tagged but hes here in spirit#ha#lila pitts#i dont think anything after the first five tags shows up in the main tags but whatever#writing this made my brain melt out of my ears and then i had to edit it? gross#i didnt have to edit it but i did want it to be like. readable and not complete nonsense#i could do an epilogue about five who also kind of has a little family off with delores#that is simultaneously necessary for his sanity and also always always second to his siblings#but i didnt really have anything to say about it other then 'thats a thing that happens!' so i didnt include it#not that this whole thing is THAT much more than 'thats a thing that happens!' but#anyway when talking about all this 'the little families they build with a romantic partner' and#'their lives they build away from their siblings that may or may not include a romantic partner'#are easy to get tangled up and i think i fell into that a few times#but im specifically trying to get at the common narrative of leaving beihind your old family to make a new one with a romantic partner#and how that doesnt need to be the only narrative to exist#you dont need to leave your siblings behind to build a family#the two do not need to be separate#they can be if that is what is good for your life#but they do not have to be#tua s3 spoilers#s3 spoilers#tua spoilers
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kiritouyadeku96 · 1 year
Does Shouto deserve better? Yes of course he does, he deserved better from the day he was born(as did the others) but that goes without saying! And I get being upset for Shouto this chapter, and I get the thought of the family are taking one hell of a risk! Which if it does go wrong then yes, Shouto is in for heartbreak!
However, I’m sorry but I don’t get that person ranting in their tags that “now the family leave him because they want to die with Touya”, when that is NOT the case at all! They are taking action because they don’t want to lose anyone else, not Enji and not Touya! The only member who was thinking/“wanting” to die with Touya here was Enji, the others are there because they have hope and want to stop tragedy from striking the family again! It is NOT the whole family on a suicide mission, they are not hoping to die here with Touya get over yourself! If that was the case then Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi wouldn’t even be bothering to try and cool them both down, like use your brain for god sake!
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justarandomlambblog · 1 month
actor au time
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spacedace · 2 years
Alright so I know a lot of peeps aren't going to like my take here, but the thing to remember about Azula smiling at the Agni Kai between Zuko and Ozai is that we're shown Azula smiling only because that's how Iroh imagined her reacting.
Thr flashback we see is from Iroh's perspective, everything we see is what Iroh saw. Except that Iroh looked away when Ozai burned Zuko. He told us this and we say it in his flashback. Specifically he turned away from where Azula is standing next to him, so there's no way he could have seen her smile.
But we did see her smile in his flashback which, to me, means that her smiling while her brother got burned was just what Iroh imagined her to be doing at the time.
Now, I want it on record that I don't hate Iroh (I love him and his tea so much yall, i just think he's a lot more complex and interestingwhen you acknowledgehis character flaws) and I'm not saying that he purposefully lied to make Azula look bad either. I think it's simply a matter of how Iroh sees Azula, which pretty consistently has been shown he doesn't seem to like her very much. He favors Zuko, but I think Iroh - much like a lot of other people - see Ozai favoring Azula and think that his brother does so because Azula is like Ozai, and holds that belief against her. So much so that he can't see the child beneath the image projected on her (by herself and others) like he can with Zuko.
TL;DR: we have no idea what expression Azula really had during thr Agni Kai and are only seeing Iroh's skewed ideas of what she looked like in the scene.
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steelycunt · 10 months
there are a lot of odd takes out there re succession but i do think pretending the ending doesnt make sense or was bad because it isnt what you wanted or your fav didnt come out on top is up there like...i was a kendallgirl team ken baby etc but to pretend that it going to tom is like. a badly constructed ending because you dont like tom is so baffling...surely you can separate the two. when has succession ever been about what people really getting what they deserve...did you think all the wrongs would be righted at the end. justice etc. when has this show or this family worked like that when has waystar worked like that...when has succession ever been about the siblings WINNING. be so serious
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thedreadvampy · 6 months
stressed 🥲
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 years
Realized that a fair amount of percentage that I legitimately would like for Camilraeda to be canon is that I watched ok ko, where KO's father figure and mom literally got married and had a budding romance that came from a troubled history but was restored in due time, with a fair amount of it being in due to KO.
Plus, that'd be an actual canon Poly ship. Rad as hell 🤟
There's also a couple more reasons but like mainly it'd just be really fun ✌️😔
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amorremanet · 10 months
Happy Monday, this Barbie is seething in her corner because her fellow westerners insist on being ignorant jackasses about going “wAaAaAH, BuUuUuUuT iT’S iIiIiIiNcEsT!!!!1” with regard to Chengxian/Xiancheng, a ship that:
1. literally is not, by any definition, incest;
2. hugely affects the plot of its story in several ways that are directly related to it NOT being incest;
and 3. has several explanations about why it IS *NOT* incest out there, across multiple platforms, written by fans who actually know Chinese, don’t have to engage with the text exclusively in translation, and have a much stronger understanding of the cultural normas and nuances at play in this relationship than us westerners, who can read and learn and try to do better about checking ourselves while engaging with CN texts, but will likely always be, to some extent, projecting western ideas onto them
but………y’know, sure, whatever. If it makes you happy to completely flatten a deeply complex and nuanced relationship into “everything about them is Normal Sibling Behavior and that’s literally all it will ever be,” despite both CN fans explaining why that’s wrong and the text itself offering multiple examples to the contrary, then hey, be my guest (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
#opinions for ts#wank for ts#venting for ts#disclaimer: i fully endorse blocking anyone you want to block; i'm just venting abt people in mdzs/cql fandom doing so for reasons that are#at BEST based in serious cultural ignorance & projecting western ideas/definitions onto chinese media & seriously the puritanical#pearl-clutching of it all? mn. FAR too much. BUT WITH THAT BEING SAID:#mine: text#fandom shenanigans#mdzs#chengxian#imagine saying with your whole chest that you block people who 'tag [your] posts featuring siblings as incest ships'#about a relationship that would genuinely be more socially acceptable in its own context if it WERE incest#because if it WERE incest then they would have 1.000% more of an excuse to be as obsessed with each other as they are#imagine calling yourself a jiang cheng stan & not understanding that: 1. he is genuinely obsessed with wwx to a degree that FAR EXCEEDS wha#is generally considered 'typical' or 'normal' for actual brothers (be they biological adopted sworn or martial); 2. jc gives wwx WAY more#latitude than actual blood family would get if they were doing even a fraction of what wwx does during his yllz arc; 3. jiang cheng's life#would be SIGNIFICANTLY FUCKING EASIER on *SEVERAL* counts if wwx were actually his brother—something jc COULD HAVE MADE HAPPEN with a sworn#brother ceremony but he just?? didn't?? felt it wasn't necessary maybe?? possibly internalized some of yzy's abuser logic about how wwx was#always showing him up & a Threat to him?? A LOT OF REASONS PROBABLY; MY MAN IS COMPLICATED—but doing said ceremony would've made jc's life#SO much easier bc he would've had an actual socially acceptable reason to treat wwx the way he does (& not to sound like enoby dark'ness#dementia raven way but: a/n—if u think either of them treats the other like Normal Brothers GET DA HELL OUTTA HERE. literally they only act#like Normal Siblings if your standards are the so-called 'erotic codependence' of Sam & Dean Winchester or literal canonical sibling-fucker#Cersei & Jaime Lannister………but lol ok sure jc's behavior toward wwx is TOTALLY just LiTtLe BrOtHeR SyNdRoMe!!!1); & 4. within the context o#the narrative? lmao 'normal' brothers do not sacrifice themselves for each other like jc does for wwx (& vice versa). 'normal' brothers in#mdzs spend 10+ years plotting an elaborate baroque revenge scheme to completely ruin a sworn brother's life bc he killed the bio-bro & also#stole nmj's filial vengeance kill by saving nmj from wen ruohan. 'normal' brothers judge each other's choices in precious meow-meows like#'i don't mind you being gay but does it have to be THIS guy?' 'normal' brothers send their bros to qiongxi pass knowing that Some Absolute#Fuckshit will likely ensue. like?? nowhere in the text of the novel do ANY of the 'normal' brother pairs behave ANYTHING like chengxian#i've said it elsewhere but nhs looks at chengxian like 'damn that's intense. can't relate. glad it's not me.' grigor mothman (he who gave u#cersei & jaime—literal twins!—fucking in a church next to their dead teenage son's corpse while she's menstruating) looks at xcx & goes
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cherrymoonvol6 · 1 year
#surprised that the lunter anti s haven't been using 'echoes of the past' as sblings propaganda#the clear cut parallel of luz offering her hand to king when it comes to revisiting the truth about his ancestry#a character she'll later come to call his little brother#like uhhh maybe the fact hunter and luz have no canon sibling bong is confirmation enough that it wasn't the point of it#when there's absolutely nothing set up for luz's connections with titan before WAD chose to take a gigantic shit on the show's themes#esp when hollow mind does the work to connect luz with belos with the whole you and i are very alike villain speech#and of course cannot forget the caleb/evelyn parallels. lunterinas no one will every take that away from you btw#they could've chosen to make evelyn and caleb have a familial bond but nope. caleb impregnated the shit out of her and You Will Know That.#maybe there's some canon evidence that the intention was to follow up on the siblings allegations#but like... then i look back at TTT and how luz calls hunter 'family' in the context of their connection to the hexsquad instead of nocedas#and how TOH commited hard to vee having a familial connection with camila despite how little time they had and it's implied in the-#-timeskip that luz and vee have grown up together as family#(by all means luz/vee shippers go ahead you guys are neat and canon is a mere suggestion)#but yeah like. uhhhhh i'm bery drunk rn can you tell heehee#anyways idk what i was getting here#echoes of the past is still like a 9/10 episode i love it will all my little heart#and maybe the writers had in mind that lunter could develop into a familial bond before they realized the implications of evelyn's existence#and then were like welp. this is awkward now is it. and neither committed to sibling bond or romantic bond#also let it be known that youtube user local has changed my entire outlook on media and you should watch his videos#and he's like a year younger than me. do you want to make out with me white boy. i am free every monday and wednesday#toh#oh wait i have another thought. amiter is a Good ship. way more potential than huntlow#amity has two hands :)#oh nooooooooooo i didn't censor the ship JDHKJFHSKJFHSFHDSKJFHDJKSHFKDSHFJKDSHFJKDSHFJKDSHFJKDSHJKFHDSJKFHDSJKFHDJKSHFJKDSHFJKDSHFJKDSHFJKDH
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
That birthday ask got me thinking? Do the funky guys have birthdays and/or do they celebrate them?
they dont celebrate their individual b-days per se, but they do have a celebration on every anniversary of the day Een's dad came for them! it started as just a unusually big dinner, but with every year(deca-phoeb??? how did these names work.....) they added new traditions until it eventually became basically a group birthday for the guys + a thank-you-for-saving-us-and-letting-us-stay-on-your-ship dinner + a time to reminisce about everyone's past! they exchange small gifts, eat a bunch of good food(usually made by soup) and stay up late bickering and watching movies<3
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shrikebrother · 1 year
since im a musical mood now im gonna talk abt zoe murphy bc i have a lot of feelings abt her
#i think part of why zoe loved evan so much is bc she so badly wanted to feel closer to her brother and by loving and being loved by someone#who connor cared enough for to be best friends w/ while he was still alive she could understand him that way. and maybe she could also feel#as if she was being loved by connor through evan. not to mention how the version of connor evan fabricated cared deeply for zoe#and showed a lot of affection towards her. which for someone like zoe whos been completely detached from her brother for so long must mean#So Much. and like. i think its pretty obvious just how ignored and overlooked zoe is by her family and probably also by her peers to a#certain extent. so someone recognizing her and loving all these little parts of her mentioned by evan in iicth would really touch her#and that someone being Connor... i can see why she would be so quick to forgive evan for kissing her out of nowhere#of course i do think that zoe Does love evan himself genuinely bc of what was said in only us and also bc zoe finally has someone of her own#(and that feeling is mutual bc evan pretty much sees zoe as an outlet to project all his desires onto.)#to quote that one abf essay quote ‘u give so much of urself to other ppl but zoe is just for you’#that might not be the exact quote but like. u get the gist. and i think evans genuine affection towards zoe makes her start to feel the same#way abt him. they can allow themselves to be selfish with each other. they’re just For each other no one else#anyway. back to the siblings. i think the whole concept of deh and also everything evan and zoe’s relationship is built on definitely has#like. some Questionable implications abt connor and zoe’s relationship or at least abt zoe’s feelings for connor. and her feelings for evan#-by extension.#i could literally just be spewing nonsense and my take makes no sense but like. it makes sense to Me and it drives me insane#txt
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tenrose · 2 years
Allison is the only one who has someone to miss in their original world and nobody is acknowledging it. I don't even think they realize it.
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ceruleanmage · 2 years
ahahah. don’t you just love it when you watch you and your extended family tear apart at the seams. sooo fun
#vent in tags#in a bit of a pickle with the Cousins#one of them is having a wedding but it’s in a place that my family cannot get to easily#or I mean. we can get there by flying but that’s a whole other can of worms#like logically none of us will be granted time off for that since we just all took a week off last week#not to mention when people go back to school we’re gonna be severely understaffed and they’ll need everyone they can get their hands on#but my cousin is trying very hard to get us to book tickets for a flight now—the wedding is in november.#we’re trying to tell them we just can’t commit this early. but they’re being really pushy about it#kinda guilt tripping us with “you know how important this is to me and [fiance]”#and we’re all like. yeah. we get it. but we literally can’t make this decision until november rolls around#because only then will we know the extent of our Work Crises#i know damn well that if we can’t make it to the wedding they’ll blame US and not the fact that they chose a really inconvenient destination#and like yeah.#it’s their wedding. they can do whatever the hell they want. but expecting us to spend all that money to show up for a couple days is rude#and it’s not even that money is necessarily the problem—though it is a huge factor considering my parents are prepping for three of us—#—to go to college#but the biggest thing is just that they don’t seem to get that we’re decent people and we’re not gonna fuck over our workplace just for this#the store is understaffed already. if the staff weren’t so kind I wouldn’t care. but theyre all truly wonderful people#like. are we supposed to apologize to our cousin for taking our jobs seriously and caring about keeping the store running smoothly?#the four of us (yeah. all my siblings work there) CANNOT get time off again like we did a week ago. that was a one time thing#so like. sorry fam but the weddings lookin really unappealing right now#mage monologues#tw family
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