#my sister is awesome but my parents see her as like a drama queen
outofbinaryspace · 2 years
espresso depresso
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i-am-church-the-cat · 2 years
what's up bitches, 9-1-1 6.08 watch analysis time
strong female heroes are great but so are pretty princesses
i always feel jealous whenever i see a renfaire. i've never been to one
the metaphor for a queen bee is kind of funny compared to the strong female hero v. damsel in distress debate
oooo Madney house hunting?? im very excited this could be awesome
Uncle Buck is the loml
Jee is leveling up Buck's parenting skills :)))
coming home for diner
with a guy? whosee Darius? did i miss something?
"tOo MaNY dIStrAcTioNs"
i'm so caught up in fanon that i honestly did not expect May to bring a guy home. was 100% ready for her "friend" to come over and she comes out as a lesbian
Buck's parenting arc is great but i feel like if it has nothing to do with Christopher than it's kind of pointless? Buck already is a dad, he has a son, and I *need* Buck to remember that, and for the show to remember their relationship.
Athena is waaaay too suspicious of this guy. he's clearly freaking the fuck out. I hope he gets a better job though
Christopher Diaz what are you hiding huh?
Jee is the best little girl. Love her sm.
Hen and Athena hanging out are always my favorite scenes. They're great together and always low-drama
what the heck is a kickback?
so there's a major focus on all the kids huh? makes me sad that we probably won't see harry this episode. and denny hasn't been mentioned yet so he might not be but i kind of want him to be
this guy is creepy as fuck. and misogynistic??
Buck is sooo concerned about Chris dating *Mrs. Garcia RIP*
fuck not these idiots
how is having sex on top of a moving firetruck your fantasy??????
the crew talking about Chris with Eddie is great. "Carla. From now on I'm only talking to Carla." suuuure
they're stupid af they deserved that
"Yeah and unless that song was based in truth, I don't think it was ever actually raining men" BUCK WTF. Eddie's look said it all fr
Bobby looks so disappointed "You don't know, what do you mean you don't know??" "And it's not a truck it's an eNGinE" Bobby-
May, do not go in there. That place ain't worth shit.
This guy is fucking s t r a n g e /neg I like strange but that's just fucking stupid
Misogynistic. Knew it.
Did she lock her doors? Are her windows down??? Was she not raised by a police sergeant??????
the ONE white guy in that house was evil. art imitates life fr
is Erik Peter Pan from OUAT???
May is the one true boss of this show I'm sorry Athena but I'm still ACAB
Oh the Rn faire is back
axes <3
Buck is legit everywhere. He has to have a scene with Christopher now right???
The sisters have my whole ass heart
This couple is crazy
Jee Yun is so fucking adorable oh my god I can't stand it
2 weeks? i need to update my calender
final thoughts: Buck is somehow going to become The Dad. Idk how but he's parented every kid of this group at this point. I kind of want to see him babysitting everyone at once ngl.
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randomgentlefolk · 3 years
CPC chapter 124 and future (there's no spoiler dw lol)
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I love this comment so much 😭
This is my first time posting tumblr on (in? I forgot grammar) my phone, how do you do this-
I don't really write much in my phone but here we go-
First of all, why- queen polygon. WHY. Goodness gracious I feel so bad for Curtis and Prez in the chapter like my guy here is wow he lied and put the blame on himself like man you deserve a reward for your hardworks. And my gal here, holy molly guacamole.. what is wrong with her parents (especially her mom) 😭
I already feel bad and all but NO, it doesn't srop there because Whitney says "angst go brrr" and then
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Okay Whitney's family. Can we talk about how messed up they are ಠ,_」ಠ
Like oh yeah Whitney here attempted to murder his ex fiance's nurse by turning him into a spider and then stepped on him, but failing in the process and turn his ex fiance into a giant spider instead haha anger am i right? Not to mention his brother ALSO attempted to murder Whitney by cursing him into a white tiger AND THEN TURNING HIM INTO HIS CAPE GOODNESS SAKE WHAT THE HECK. next thing we know their sister will curse Greyden but also getting cursed in the process lmao. (Is it just me or Blacquelyn (how to spell her name) looks like Wednesday Addams)
In 2 weeks we're getting a chapter about Frederick's bullies! I miss this boy.
He will probably stand uo for himself but damn I want his brothers to stood up for him, I'm a sucker for brothership
Speaking of Frederick, I have a little opinion that may or may not get me attacked.
I'm honestly a little annoyed whenever people in comment or smth else call Frederick "sunflower"? I don't know. It's just from the frederick chapter, we saw how Frederick was traumatized by this nickname right? Like that one scene where we saw a little bit of Frederick's past, he got reminded of the past when he saw sunflowers right? So yeh just a thought.
But now that I think about it, he already kinda had a peace with his past?? The one with Whitney I mean. And he didn't seem bothered with the sunflower balloon
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Woah the picture is big
Soo.. I guess? I don't know. What do you think?
Ehem, okay, next topic.
I'm nervous about the next episode because so far Lance and Lorena is like, a pretty healthy and sweet relationship and the thumbnail of the episode is making me worry
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okay you can't really see the thumbnail but anyway
Speaking of thumbnail, I think we're gonna have some.. ✨drama✨ of the polygon fam based on the thumbnail
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Oh. Nevermind. He just looks like he's choking.
Well, last but not leastttt...
Let's appreciate lambcat here for creating an awesome webtoon with a wonderful message. CPC helps me relax and calm down when I'm overwhelmed and thank you SO SO MUCH. Every episodes are wholesome and it always brings my mood up, and of course, it gives my brain something to theorize about which I love. You've done a really great job, lambcat.
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nextonmy-tbr · 3 years
Book Review: The Folk of the Air series
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Author: Holly Black
Genre: YA Fantasy
A girl and her two sister’s parents were murdered in front of their eyes and kidnapped to live in a completely hidden and different world from humans. A world where treacherous, manipulative and beautiful faeries lived. Now that they have grown up the girl wants nothing more than to belong in this world, despite many faeries hating humans, despite her mortality, despite never being as beautiful as them. As she tries to make her place, she gets more involved in trickery, deception, bloodshed and betrayal. To see how she manages to come out victorious from the other end, read the book to find out…
My thoughts: -
The Folk of the Air is a trilogy consisting of three books: The Cruel Prince, The Wicked King and The Queen of Nothing. Honestly, when I started reading The Cruel Prince, I thought that it was quite boring but I was proven wrong very quickly as soon as I saw Jude getting into action (I was waiting for that so much). After that the entire series is pretty much a roller coaster ride. I liked that Cardan was shown as a 19 year old teenager instead of some 500 year old fae despite all the immortality jazz.
Plot: -
“Faeries make up for their inability to lie with a panoply of deception and cruelties.”
I think the interesting plot was the selling point of this book. Everyone loves a book full of twists and turns, loyalty and betrayal, love and hate, alliances and war - this book is full of it. The one thing that makes the plot catchy is Faeries. Faeries are very interesting creatures; they are beautiful, deceptive and manipulative and these qualities are used to the full advantage due their inability to lie. It actually is really fascinating to see how they lie without actually lying.
Characters: -
“Instead of being afraid, I could become something to fear. ”
I love how our protagonist Jude is a morally grey who does questionable things for her benefit. It somewhat makes her character very interesting and gives her an edge. Her character progression throughout the series goes from being an ambitious girl who wants to be accepted and respected by the faeries to a strong woman who is ruthless and overpowers faeries. Her love-hate relationship with faeries (especially Cardan) makes the book captivating.
“If you’re the sickness, I suppose you can’t also be the cure.”
My feelings for Cardan Greenbriar went from ‘He is such an asshole’ to ‘Maybe he is not so bad’ to ‘Oh! He is such an adorable cutie’ real quick. There are lot of shades to Cardan that you get to see in this trilogy. We see him being a cruel asshole, inconsiderate jerk, abused brother, a lovable idiot, a good friend, loyal king, being horny/obsessed/in love with Jude.His character matures a lot during this book series. It was exciting to see his journey.
Talking about other characters Vivi and Heather deserved more page time to be honest and they are seriously underrated. Taryn should be taught what twin/sister loyalty means coz she seems to be uneducated in that department. She is unloyal, whiny and thank God for the little bit of character arc given to her at the end. It gives me hope for her. Can we all collectively agree Locke and Balkin deserves a special place in Hell (there is nothing more to say about those two).
This book series is a great read for those who enjoy enemies to lovers trope, some drama and betrayal, and awesome character growth. Let me know what are your thoughts on this book. You can also recommend some books to read or to write reviews on.
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pivoineecarlate · 4 years
What are your top HCs for season 2 for each character?!
This is gonna take some serious thinking but here we go :
- Julie : our queen. I think now she's gonna start S2 with her full confidence back, ready to rock out and perform and spread joy and music everywhere. She doesn't think anything could happen now, the guys are safe, it's all good. So when Caleb happens.. it's gonna be a lot for her, especially since it's going to be through Nick, who was always so supportive of her and now is trying to ruin everything.
- Luke : NO MORE CRYING I CAN'T TAKE IT. But seriously Luke is obviously more focused on the actual music and not so much on legacy anymore. He already wasn't that keen on finding what their unfinished business was in the first place, i guess he will want to focus on the songs, and handling his crush for Julie. Maybe trying to forgive Bobby/Trevor, more on that when i get to him.
- Reggie : my sweet boy needs some love ! I'm not talking about romantic love necessarily but just him being loved and supported by the band. I need his bond with Ray and Carlos to grow, i want both of them to know about his existence and be the stable family he never got! Definitely still the goofy positive dork he is, maybe more confident and out there!
- Alex : this is going to turn into an essay if i don't control myself but OBVIOUSLY i need him to found and break Willie free. I see him opening up more, "owning his awesomeness" full time, still staying true to himself but recognise that anxiety doesn't have to define him. I can see him trying to reconnect in some way with his past but none of that homophobic parents thing it's been said and done i don't want jatp to go down that route at all for him. I think his relationship with Julie deserves more light on it as well, he seems so supportive of her, which makes me think he definitely has a sister somewhere.
- Caleb : is gonna bring so much drama i can already feel my frustration growing because i need him to leave my children alone! I think he's definitely going to try to break whatever magic bond is in between Julie and the guys. I don't know for sure how, but since his plan to lure them away didn't work he's gonna want to attack the source of their strength : Julie herself. I like to think the effort needed to possess someone means his hold on the people he stamped will lessen and allow people like Willie to take a breather and hopefully break free easily. But i don't want him to appear as Nick for more than four episodes otherwise why cast Cheyenne Jackson if we don't see him much more.
- Willie : i ultimately think he's safe, but unaware of anything that is happening. Maybe he's having to take care of some things at the club since Caleb mysteriously went missing. So he doesn't really have time to skate around anymore. He doesn't stop thinking about Alex though, wondering if he's happy after crossing over, finally free from his anxiety. I definitely think he's going to fight against Caleb any chance he gets and not let his fear rule over him. He already lost Alex anyways so why fear for his soul anymore. MORE OF HIS POWERS SHOWING PLEASE and him meeting Julie !
I still have thoughts for Flynn, Carrie, Nick and the Molina family but i don't like my posts to be too long so it'll be in a part 2 very soon!
Thanks for the ask Anon ~
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Gotham Comic Con”
The Joker and his girlfriend decided to attend “Gotham Comic Con” this year dressed as The Batman and Cat Woman. It took Y/N some time to convince her boyfriend but here they are about to have fun and nothing could spoil the event. Right?...
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“Oh my God, this is awesome!” you giggle entering the venue designated for the yearly special event “Gotham Comic-Con” dressed as Cat Woman.
The Joker is right behind you sporting The Batman outfit and he flexes his knees a few times, growling.
“What’s wrong?” you ask although you have a clue because J’s been complaining about since he got off the van parked on Lot B5.
“I hate these stretchy pants! I don’t know how that asshole does it!”
“You’re the one that insisted to come as Batsy,” you reveal point out the truth. “You could have been anyone else.”
“Like who?”
“Cinderella,” you elbow him and your boyfriend is not a huge fan of the concept.
“The drama, obviously,” you keep walking alongside him and he’s definitely ready to blow at your insinuation when you gasp. ”Baby, I think that’s Bane!” you gesture towards a massive individual flaunting a Sub-Zero costume.
“How can you tell?” The Joker squints his eyes and the bubbly Y/N has to say it:
“I would recognize his physique anywhere! Plus, he still has the scar between his eyes,” you pucker your lips and The King mumbles a bunch of PG 13 rated things regarding his business partner.
Last week they got into a brawling and almost killed each other.
The reason?
The Joker believes that Bane always flirts with you (which he does since he likes to refer to you as “a breath of fresh air”); stuff escalated until you had to break it up: J ended up with a busted lip, Bane with a cut between his eyes due to The Clown trying to stab him in the head and you ended up with an inflated ego.
“Hello Mister B.,” you tap the pile of muscles and he turns around to see who’s bothering him.
“Y/N!” he excitedly exclaims, immediately unhappy at the sight of his business partner. “Joker…” the low tone greets.
“Bane…” J sneers.
“What are you two doing here?” Bane inquires.
“Having fun; I finally convinced him we should do this and mingle for once. No better way to spend the day,” the bubbly comment pleases your conversation partner. “So we dressed up and here we are.”
“I must say you’re like a breath of fresh air,” Bane admires your skin tight costume and stilettos which prompts The Joker’s disapproval:
“If you want fresh air, go outside!”
“Make me!”
Oh no! Not again!
“Are you here alone?” you change the subject and distract them from getting into a fight. Not that you wouldn’t enjoy it, but… too many witnesses at the packed Comic Con, it could end up in a total disaster.
“With my niece and nephew. I lost them for a second and I’m searching the premises; they can’t be far,” Bane reports. “Which reminds me: I should get going and find them otherwise my sister will go ballistic. I’ll see you later, Y/N,” he acknowledges you and ignores your man.
“Bye Mister B.,” The Queen snickers at the evident teasing.
“Just her, huh?” The Joker grumbles. “What about me? Did you forget we have a meeting next week???”
“Too bad and super sad: I’m not talking to you!” Bane’s attitude emerges.
“I certainly could care less because I’m not talking to you either!” The King strikes back.
“Then what are we going to do?” Sub-Zero’s better judgement brings up a good argument.
“Y/N will translate!” J proudly states.
Oh no! Not again!
That means they will snarl and make weird noises and you’ll have to guess what it means; an absolutely excruciating task that even a breath of fresh air can’t accomplish without losing it.
Maybe you should let them kill each other. 
“Fine!” Bane decides and distances himself from the couple while the Joker shouts since he has to have the last word:
“Mister Batman?” the 5 years old dressed as a hobbit shily tugs on J’s cape.
“Hm?” the fake vigilante looks down. The little boy suddenly sneezes and wipes his nose with the fabric as the mad man is less than lenient at someone ruining the outfit replica he paid a fortune to have.
“Goddamn…” and he can’t finish his sentence because a large group of screaming children surround him in a heartbeat.
“Batman! Batman!” they jump up and down hyped up to see their hero.
“Go away!” J attempts to reason with the sea of kids he has no patience for. Of course nobody can hear him over the deafening sounds that attract more offsprings and parents.
“That’s so cute!” one of the moms gushes and takes a picture. “It’s delightful seeing a guy dressed as The Batman performing such a public service for our town!”
“He loves people, especially babies, “ you lie without blinking and immortalize the moment yourself.
“Awww,” a few people sigh touched by your praises.
“He must be a nice dude,” a kid’s dad concludes and you sweetly smile from under your mask:
“You have no idea.”
Somebody from the crowd places an infant girl in The Joker’s arms and the mob goes ballistic!! Rosie cheeks keeps sucking from her binky, glaring at the interesting person.
Clapping, cheering and whistling intensify whilst J feels compelled by his increasing popularity to lift the 6 months old above his head for everyone to see how cool he is.
This is not bad, The King enjoys an endless string of applause and the sudden explosion occurring in the diaper followed by quite a foul smell puts an end to his exuberance.
“Jesus!” he crinkles his nose, appalled. “Whose kid is this?” he yells and the thrilled parent waves at him, taking back the stinky, adorable bundle of joy. “Uncle Batsy needs to run!!” J makes up a random plan although nobody can hear him: the noise is overwhelming after he hyped them all up.  “Let’s bail before they trap me again! Pretty soon I won’t be able to walk, Princess. Everything is crammed in there, a total mess! I hate stretchy pants!!” he addresses his woman and quickens the pace until an atrocious abomination stops him in his tracks.
A specimen mocking The Joker wearing a purple suit is getting quite the attention: over exaggerated red lips smudged over the lip line, tattoo on the forehead that spells “Cabbaged”, a bunch of cheap golden chains from the Dollar Store around his neck and a sloppy green wig complete the assemble in a cringy manner.
You are equally speechless and The Joker manages to utter:
“What… THE HELL… is that????!!!!”
“Ummm… a Clown?” your sassy remark doesn’t score high marks as expected; you feel his eyes burning holes through you.
“You’re hilarious! Would you like to share your standup comedy talents on the stage??!” his index finger points at the platform meant to host a guest appearance from Bruce Wayne in the next hour.
Courtesy of “Wayne Enterprise” sponsoring the event: free food and refreshments for everyone under 18 years old.
You don’t answer and pout, upset J’s pissed attitude is already ruining your mood.
“I’m going to kill that buffoon posing as me!” he inhales full of spite and reaches for the knife hidden in his left boot.
“You can’t…” you hesitantly halt his movement. “Dozens of people, that’s just asking for trouble!”
“I’m not going to let a prick disrespect me!”
“You won’t, we’ll figure something afterwards. We can wait for him outside in the parking lot and take care of it without drawing attention! Please?” you beg hoping he’ll listen to you. “Pleeeaaaase!!!!“ you insist, perfectly aware he’s about to commit murder regardless. “I have a bunch of VIP passes to take pictures with celebrities. You promised J!” you stomp your high heels, exasperated. “You promised we’ll have a fun date!!”
“Why do I have to take pics with celebrities?! I don’t like anybody!”
The look on Y/N’s face: sheer disappointment; most of her features are covered with the mask yet he can tell.
“But I like you so the most I’ll do is take a selfie with you!” The Joker makes amendments on his own terms.
The Queen sniffles, trying to bottle up her emotions and she can’t help it: she bursts up in tears at her boyfriend’s candor.
Oh no! Not again!
The King of Gotham says nice things maybe twice a year and each time you struggle not to cry but it’s impossible: how can one resist such charm?!
Your complete meltdown makes him roll his eyes while your shaky hand takes a picture of the royal duo.
“Ugghhh…” J’s grimace turns your attention towards him.
“What is it baby?” you wipe your tears with his cape.
He would probably criticize such affront still there’s a pressing issue taking precedent.
“Princess, these tights are making my legs numb. I can’t feel my crown jewelry anymore.”
“Huh?” you forget to weep, startled.
“Cursed stretchy pants! I think I won’t be able to have sex for a month!” The Joker stretches his feet, uncomfortable.
“What??!!!” you raise your voice, panicked. “A month???!!”
Hell no!
Y/N grabs The Joker’s right hand and starts dragging him after her, yelling:
“Out of the way! Out of the way, it’s an emergency!!” whilst everyone is wondering how can someone wearing those 7-inch stilettos can march so fast.
“Where are we going, Pumpkin?!” J is inquiring and you yank at his arm, alarmed.
“To the car!”
Y/N doesn’t have time for explanations: she basically flies across the parking lot to get to section B5, opens the van’s back door and shoves J inside. He lands on his abs as you relentlessly pull on his boots, accomplishing to take them off in record time. Then you heave at his tights, huffing a storm at the stiff garment:
“I’ll be damn if I’ll wait a month for a ride in Funky Town!”
A mother and her 11 years old son pass by and she covers his eyes, horrified at the indecency as she guides him throughout the maze of vehicles.
“There are children here!” the woman protests. “Get a room!”
Luckily, she wasn’t heard by The Clown and his girl because… victory! The stretchy pants are off, J only in his boxers now.
“How are you feeling?” you roll him and he exhales, assessing the damage succeeding Y/N swift actions.
“Not sure, same?... Sit on my lap,” J offers and you don’t need a second invitation.
“Well?” you hold in the anxiety reaching high levels under these dire circumstances.
“Dunno, kiss me and we’ll see.”
You kiss him and he purrs.
“Well?” you interrogate again.
“Kiss me again!” he orders and you put more passion into it since your future happiness depends on it. “Hmm…” J groans. “I believe things are improving.”
“Yeah?” Y/N is about to have another breakdown although J didn’t say sweet rubbish; it’s just that kind of occasion.
“Then… what do you say we go home and celebrate your recovery?” you whisper in his ear.
“What about Comic Con?”
“Screw it!” you hop off his knees. “I’ll drive, you focus on your convalescence, ok baby?”
“Ok,” The Joker agrees and begins to stride around the van as Bruce Wayne’s limousine happens to drive by, the billionaire preparing to attend the event he sponsored.
“Stop the car!” Bruce commands at the weird view in the distance: a man wearing a replica of his Batman suit-- helmet, mask, gloves, cape… but no pants or boots, the bottom part of his attire consisting solely of underwear. “Right when you think you saw it all…” he shakes his head in denial, oblivious about who the person is.
Mister Wayne should at least have some empathy for the man enduring those tights for as long as he could; it might not be a record, but who could ever beat the real Batman at wearing stretchy pants anyway?!
Also read: MASTERLIST   
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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hedgefairy · 3 years
Okay, I know, I know, it's already old news, everybody and their uncle in the costuming community has already talked it over, but anyhoo, I made notes when I crawled my way through effing Bridgerton and I will be damned if I don't vomit them onto this site. I have 32 pages of this shit, I'm not gonna throw that away.
I'm also typing this on my phone because I'm stuck on a trainride that's just doubled in length because this is the 2021 Northern German snow storm. What, there's snowflakes on the rails? We cannot possibly keep up our schedule, say goodbye to 90% of the connections.
Okay, on to Bridgerton, Episode 1
We're in Britain (oh, London, okay), allegedly 1813. I see people who are clearly meant to be asympatico, but is this size incusivity I spot there? Daring! Gasp! Me li...
Oh wait, no. The character is promptly shamed for her figure (which is mostly caused by the horrible cut of her dress. Every size can look great in Regency garb, but never mind, we need to make the "fat one" look bad!).
Also, no shifts under the stays. Why. There was obviously enough budget, don't tell me you couldn't afford a few strappy tops - it's not like the rest is historically accurate, so it would have sufficed to send some poor underpaid intern to H&M and get some. Nvm, that wouldn't be sexay.
Wait, is the garishly dressed (always a sign of a character of bad character in a costume drama) woman Delphine from Selfridge? Does she always have to play bitches? That's not nice, and just because she has a recognisable face, which by modern (read: americanised) standards is not favourable enough. Ugh. But I like the actress, so I'll let it slide (for now).
Lol, buttocks.
Not sure about the girls' dresses. Also, the Queen is a WOC, cool!
Oh no, one of the Featherington sisters faints! But that's okay because the Featheringtons are just comic relief and foil anyway.
I get weird incest vibes from the Bridgertons.
So the court is clearly 18th century and the show is set in the 1810s. I've by now seen several explanations for this decision, I still think it robs the Queen of reproductions of her actual historical gowns which were heavily inspired by the 18th century but so. Magnificently. Weird. It would have been so neat, and more of a "hey, I'm kinda out of touch with things" vibe, but hey, I'm not the one getting paid for making those taffeta gowns here (her hair is glorious, tho).
I'm very into the intro.
That Regency gossip girl is a real b, not unlike the Dowager Countess of Downton (unpopular opinion, I think she's pretty overrated, yes, I like Maggie Smith).
Again, no shifts.
Where do I know the "pragmatic" Bridgerton sister from? Ah, it's The Paradise. And Jonathan Strange. (Wait, she's my age. And she's supposed to be a teenager. Man, do I love a good Dawson casting. I like the actress, though, she has a face ™!).
Aaaah. We get it. She's the spirited one. She also doesn't care about dresses because she's not like other girls™. I really like her voice (but she still doesn't sound like a teenager).
The heck is up with Lady F's dress and that of her friend? Oh, yeah. Antagonist fashion.
Of course the Featheringtons are Horrid Hags™ aside from Penny who's nice, but the pudgy one (at least we don't get a case of "she's not conventionally attractive so she's bad").
Oooh, the cousin! Supposed to suck, but ofc she's a stunner, and only Penny (who's the nice one, remember!) is delighted to have her around. She's also a POC, which is nice but apparently that means she does not follow fashion, hair-wise. I would have loved to see some Regency hair on her, it would have been so pretty *cries in Greek updo*
Ugh, we're still in Ep. 1, typing this on my phone was a bad idea.
Lady Danbury and the Duke guy are delightful with each other (more POC! So neat!).
The girl the oldest Bridgerbro screws is apparently a singer, which isn't up to status for his doucheship, and she doesn't wear a shift.
The music at the ball sounds like something from the Top 40s, but I'm woefully ignorant of contemporary music charts so I can't tell what it is. I like it when they do that in historical-ish works, making well-known pop or rock stuff work for the ambience (ugh, that dance scene to Golden Years in Knight's Tale. My heart. In a good way.)
I dig the Ducktail hair of Penny's crush. Oh, wait, that's a Bridgerbro. I don't quite get why the hair trends of the time don't apply to the POC characters or extras, but seeing how most white characters also show a shameful disregard for the weirdnes and gloriosity (that's not a word) that is early 1800s hair (the 1830s take the cake, tho) despite those hairdos being basically designed for white people hair, I don't think I care much (well, I do, but about all of them). Overall the hair is horrid and not very 1810s. Let's just leave it at that.
Like a good old romance novel (I've since been told that Bridgerton is supposed to be a pastiche of such novels, but I really couldn't tell from the series, not at all, and I'm not inclined to read the books) we have
a pretty, kind, superpure daughter of the main family
the mean matriarch (could have been an aunt, too, but here she's the mum) of the rivalling or antagonist family
a spirited daughter of the main family (in most romance novels this would be our heroine but so far she refreshingly lacks a love interest and pretty daughter seems to get the most screen time)
a Horrid Suitor™
a Hot Suitor™ who doesn't want attention
a really good and doting good parent
Lol, misheard Greece for Grease with Ducktail Bridgerbro, whose name is Colin, apparently. This is funny because of his Danny Zuko memorial hair.
Overall a bit too much bling for my taste, and too few pearls. It looks like an episode of My Super Sweet Sixteen with a Regency theme.
Of course the romance is going to be the Pretty One aka. Daphne and the Duke and he's even bros with her eldest bro. Wait, are they exes? I can haz bi? No? Aww, shucks. Maybe in another episode (spoiler: no).
Okay, WHAT is it with Lady F's dresses and hair. Like, she reminds me of Mars Attacks. Which, as you might remember, was not set in the Regency period.
Lord B (Bridgerbro the Eldest) sucks, he's screwing Opera Girl without any intention of marrying her but he's bitchy about his sister being ogled by his Eton (or wherever) bestie?
Oh, I'm in Hamburg now. And my train back home got canceled, so back to Berlin it is because there's not a single option to get to Hanover tonight, at least that's what the lady from the train station is saying, "oh well, you'll have to go back and try again tomorrow", so that's awesome...
Honestly, if it weren't so late and I didn't have things to do at home I'd find this terribly exciting.
Back to Bridgerton!
Where were we? Ah.
I can't even read my own annotation. Something about George III. I think I was upset about how they totally ignored that it's called Regency because George IV acted as the regent king, and he doesn't even feature in the series, I guess because they wanted to play up the Queen? Not a fan, because thanks to Horrible Histories I'm quite fond of that guy.
Again, no shifts.
Oh, look, it's Horrid Suitor™, destined for leftovers.
The Featherington cousin gets all the attention but no fleshed-out character.
Penny Featherington's dog is named Lord Byron, which ❤️
I like the Duke! He's there, drinking in his club (even though they're a patriarchal remnant of the past I have a weird appreciation for stuffy Gentlemen's Clubs, I blame Bertie Wooster and the Drones), calling Lord B out for his general fuckery.
Oh no, Ducktail Colin is more into the Cousin than Penny, who obviously pines for him!
Thank you, Lord B, for enabling Horrid Suitor™. Nobody asked you to be such a fucktwit.
The Queen is, of course, a bit of a bitch, but patronage from cool Lady *scrolls up for name* Danbury ensues for Protagonist Girl™ Daphne.
"I wish they had found a better trend language", what the heck did I even mean by that? That's what you get for just scribbling down notes while watching and simultaneously sewing. 18th century pants, in case you wanted to know.
Cousin is angry, probably because Lady F behaves like Cinderella's evil stepmother, because Cousin is prettier than her daughters and gets, like, all the suitors because Lord B bitched away everyone who wanted to get into Daphne's dowry ifyouknowwhatImeanwinkwinknudgenudge, right across the street into Cousins parlour.
The Bridgertons are annoyingly perfect. Ugh.
Oh look, it's "banter" between Daphne and Dukey! It's so Pride & Prejudice! It's almost a tiny bit Shakespeare! I put banter in parentheses because wow, nope, I'm not getting any chemistry here.
Uh, Lady B calls out Lord B (aka. her son aka. Bridgerbro the Eldest) for his screwery with Opera Girl and his outpimpery of his sister to Horrid Suitor™, buuuurrrrrnnn. He promptly calls of his affair with Opera Girl.
No shifts!
Penny gets to dance with Ducktail Colin at the thing! Good for her, but it's a country dance with jumping and fun, because she's a) the pudgy character and b) a Featherington, so it can't be something romantic and pretty (I personally like country dances, but they aren't protagonist dances).
Oooh, Cousin had her period, oh no, oh snap, oh she didn't, because she's PREGNANT! Shit, that's problematic, and not because she's an unmarried woman in the 1810s, but because she gets close to no lines at all so far, and suddenly she's pregnant and telling Lady F that she sucks for being privileged, violence ensues, this is ugly. Man, I get what some critics mean by "the POC actors*actresses get all the problems" and that not exactly being great.
Horrid Suitor™ makes property claims about Daphne, eeewwwww, thanks to Lord B's general suckiness, ewww, r@pe attempt ensues, was that really necessary? It doesn't really fit in with the rest of the series and generally nope, yay, broken nose! (which was indeed totally necessary). Nice one, and probably the only scene so far (spoiler: overall) in which I actually like Daphne. Dukey thinks a mean left hook is attractive, and, generally speaking, he's not wrong.
Daphne and Dukey come up with a pseudo-shakespearean plot to pretend to be totally into each other so she can attract suitors by being not available and he gets not to have fangirls by being not available, and as someone who has read a few too many historical-ish bodice rippers I know exactly where this is going. I mean, come on.
I can't see enough of the following choreography to complain about it. Man, I miss historical dance classes.
And that concludes Ep. 1! Finally! Thank you for getting this far, sorry for all of it (especially typos, it's the bane of unwanted autocorrect), I guess?
Update on the train situation: I've been told by the ticket control person that I shouldn't get my hopes up until noon tomorrow.
To be continued,
because I didn't take these 32 pages of notes for nothing.
16 notes · View notes
cylonalyna · 4 years
Alyna watches Xena! S01x01 – Sins of the Past
Beware. For the road is long and full of spoilers… I mean, if a 25 years old show can be spoiled. But fair warning.
I was never a fan of Hercules so when I watched the pilot I didn’t know what Xena’s back story was and that it was Hercules who convinced her to change her ways. And because I didn’t know that, I thought Xena was just this ex-evil warrior who changed her ways because of some reason known to her. Anyway, I remember watching this episode out of boredom and thinking it’s just a female version of Hercules, but oh boy, was I wrong. Thankfully. And this thing here was supposed to be short but I made a very long recap of the episode. Sorry not sorry, I’m gonna be making recaps of the series. Yes, every single episode… Not regularly... And it's gonna be long… Deal with it.
And maybe read it and let me know what you think. :)
Oh, and if there are any grammatical or punctuation errors also let me know. English isn't my first language so there might be some things to fix. :)
We start with Xena is going through some burned village reminiscing on her past when she was just killing, pillaging and burning villages… And people too, I guess. And then there’s this boy coming out of a burned house asking for food. And when Xena asks him where his parents are, he says Xena killed them. He describes her attack as if the goddess herself showed up and fucked the village up for no reason and Xena is all like:
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And it’s really one of the best moments of a pilot, because we’re shown flashback of the attack so even without watching Hercules and meeting Xena there we can see she used to be a bad bitch. So before leaving she gives the kid some bread and cheese so he could hide in his burned house and eat something before he dies of some sickness, gets killed, is eaten by wild animals in search for food etc. Brilliant plan boy, you’re a prodigy.
So then we have the scene where Xena digs a hole and puts her armor her sword and chakram there and frankly, she’s not really a clean lady since there’s still blood and some meat pieces on her chakram.
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*rule #1 - wash your weapons from enemies intestines*
And suddenly, a whole bunch of villagers is chased by some warlord taken straight from Mad Max movie. Xena observes the situation, the Mad Max warlord says he’s gonna get the girls (men, smh) and then this blonde girl is all like “take me and leave everyone” and warlords are like “lmfao, nope” and Xena is all like:
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*Carless Whisper saxophone solo intensifies*
Because frankly, who wouldn’t be? I know I had the same reaction to Gabrielle so I get Xena. I totally get it.
So when the warlord wants to whip Gabrielle for being insubordinate Xena suddenly jumps into action and starts kicking ass. We get backflips, kicks, punches and a really awesome action sequence until Xena is hit in the head (because she was watching if Gabrielle was safe and it got her distracted. Again, totally understandable).
Men are standing there groaning “argh, grr, rghhg” or something like that and then BOOM! Xena takes out her sword from the hole and with a laugh starts fighting them. And you can see how much fun she has. She kicks warlords’ asses and realizes they’re from Draco so she tell them to say hello from Xena. But who’s Draco? What does he do? Is he more evil then Xena? We don’t know! And… opening!
In a time of ancient gods, warlords… Well, you know it.
So later on Xena is in this small village surrounded by the villagers and Gabrielle is fawning over her and the whole situation, and Gabrielle’s father comes in being all like “thanks for saving us, but now GTFO” and this tall dude behind him wants to take Gabrielle. But Gabrielle is all like “dude, I know I’m supposed to marry you against my will and then die in childbirth or of boredom, but I’m not gonna listen to you. GTFO”. So when he leaves, Gabrielle begs Xena to take her with her. Xena being stoic and supposedly unmoved by Gabrielle words of course disagrees, because “she works alone” and… Then she tells Gabrielle she’s going to Amphipolis, because OF COURSE Gabrielle wouldn’t try and follow her. Nope. Not at all. And she goes like “don’t follow me, you don’t wanna make me mad, do you?” and of course Gabrielle is all like “yeah, no sure, I get it” but then is of course “meh, she’s not that scary. I just need a plan!”
So we move to Draco’s camp where he’s without shirt exposing his bare chest, being all handsome and shit, and being badass when catching almost four arrows at once. But then he’s sort of colorblind… I mean he notices the color of the arrow that wounded him but can’t see who has green arrows when the dude’s arrows are visible from behind his back...
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*seriously Draco…*
Anyway, later he’s alone and Xena sneaks in and they have the whole who's tougher bitch, which is Xena of course, and she asks him to leave the village alone (because of her future wife or something) and Draco’s all like “yeah, sure… If you join me” and when Xena says she can’t join Draco, being a typical man he asks why. And we get this really awesome scene where Xena dramatically turns her back, stares at nothing and says she’s going home. OH, DRAMA!
So Draco becomes even a bigger drama queen than Xena and tells our warrior saying he’s dreamt of being in love with her or… fighting in battle or whatever, can’t remember, but Xena turns and Draco goes all soft and says he’ll spare those villagers. But he also asks Xena what's she looking for at home. Being still in drama mode he tells her that when he tried to come home his dad beat the shit out of him with a blacksmith’s hammer. And he survived that. Damn, he IS badass! I mean, have you people ever seen a blacksmith hammer?!
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*10/10 wouldn't recommend this an educational tool*
Meanwhile, Gabrielle wants to escape home in the middle of the night and while sneaking out she… Hits strategically placed table waking up her sister Lila. Gabrielle explains to her she needs to follow Xena because she’s in lo… She wants to be a warrior like her and that she doesn’t love Perdicus and it’s her destiny. So Lila being a supportive sister is all like “Go, chase your girlf…. Dreams! Just do it!” and Gabrielle leaves.
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*Lila being a supportive sister*
It’s daylight and Xena is riding Argo when suddenly her horse stops all afraid. So Xena gets off the horse that suddenly runs away and… The Blind Cyclops shows up with Draco’s dad’s blacksmith’s hammer! (I honestly don’t know if I used Saxon Genitive in the right way, but I hope you get the meaning). Xena is all like “Fuuuck, that’s a big hammer!” which makes the Blind Cyclops even more badass than he already is, but she stands to fight and humiliates him by dropping his pants. He starts bawling like a baby and Xena leaves him and continues her journey to Amphipolis, because she has no time to deal with Cyclops drama.
But Draco is plotting against Xena. He decides to attack Amphipolis and pretend it was Xena who told him to do it. Plot thickens, you guys.
Gabrielle is afraid of bridges… And gets caught by…Yes, you guessed right. The Blind Cyclops. But being a smart girl she says she’s out here to find and kill Xena because… And here we have very subtexty dialogue:
C: “How’s the young thing like you is gonna kill Xena?”
G: “That’s the point. She’d never let a man get close enough to do her. At least not that kind of do her. But a young, innocent looking girl like me, I’ll catch her totally off guard…
*You sure will, Gabrielle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
At the same time, Xena is being followed by Draco’s warlords. They’re dumb enough to think she doesn’t know so she goes all ninja on them, fingers the Mad Max warlord… I mean, she cuts the blood to his body… Pervs. ;) And when she learns about the plan she leaves to stop the invasion.
In the next scene, Gabrielle is chilling out on the road when some old dude stops and tells her to GTFO, because she’s blocking the only route to Amphipolis. So Gabrielle convinces him to take her with him and the old dude agrees.
So while Gabrielle and the old man are traveling on the only route to Amphipolis, Xena is taking a detour through the hills for dramatic effect or something. Basically, New Zealand… I mean Greece is a beautiful place so why not show it, right? Right?
She meets those peasant women singing Bulgarian…  I mean Greek chants and rides through them, but they don’t give a shit being too into chanting and putting on stacks of… Hay, I guess. Meh, whatever.
So Xena reaches Amhipolis and goes into a tavern to drink wine and sleep with beautiful women. But unfortunately it’s not that kind of a tavern and there’s no wine and beautiful women to sleep with. All she meets are angry people, silence and… wait for it… her mother, Cyrene!
Cyrene grabs Xena’s sword and tells her she’s not welcomed there and she should GTFO. Xena wants to rally people against Draco but Cyrene is against and she tells Xena she’d rather die and that she’s not her mother. And it’s a rather powerful stuff, because we only know glimpses of Xena’s past so we don’t really know how big her crimes are. Of course burning one village and killing peasants is a big no no, but Xena is too big of a character to be hated for such a minor offense. Anyway, villagers in the tavern also tell Xena to GTFO so she does.
Draco is pissed that Mad Max warlord told Xena about his plans and tells him to pick a weapon. Sadly it’s not Draco’s father’s blacksmith’s hammer because that’s been stolen by the Blind Cyclops, but a simple spear. Still, Draco proves to be truly awesome by kicking Mad Max warlord’s ass and killing him while telling new plans to his people. Truly, he was a great choice for a pilot.
In the morning, Xena comes back to the tavern looking around hoping to find some wine and beautiful ladies to sleep with, but to her disappointment there are still none. But her sword is there. And her mom is there. Oh boy, this tension between them could cut diamonds in half. But we get a bonding moment where Cyrene and Xena open old wounds so they could heal, and Xena tells her mother she might not be able to set things right, but she’s gonna spend the rest of her life to try. It’s another great moment in this show where we see Xena in her vulnerable state and not all powerful and strong. And this moment is ruined by villagers coming into the tavern saying Xena’s army is burning fields to which Xena answers they’re lying, Cyrene feels all hurt thinking it was all a ruse and leaves, and villagers start throwing rocks at our warrior princess.
But then Gabrielle comes to the rescue! Because Gabrielle has a natural talent to talk her way out of troubles, she uses it to save Xena. She uses a cunning bluff of “if you hurt bad guy’s girlfriend imagine how pissed he’ll be”. So the villagers reluctantly agree and decide to not commit murder. After a small talk Xena takes Gabrielle on her horse and takes her to her dead brother. Because, you know, there’s no better start of a romance than a visit at the crypt.
So Xena is talking to his dead brother saying she’s lost but that she’s gonna be ok, but that she’s alone and then Gabrielle shows up saying she’s not. And by the way that they’re looking at each other we’re to believe these two weren’t into each other from the beginning? Please.
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*they’ve known each other for like 1 hour and we get those looks already? So straight indeed*
Meanwhile, the villagers are waiting for Draco to make a deal, but when he shows up he’s threatening to destroy everything and kill everyone unless they tell him where Xena is. And this is another great moment for Draco, because he really is a scary and ruthless dude and I really wish he was more in this show then just 3 episodes. It was a wasted character, imo.
Anyway, while threatening the leader to kill him, Xena shows up and Draco makes fun of her asking about the homecoming. Again, he tries to convince Xena to join him and goes all Palpatine saying she should “celebrate her dark side”, but Xena is all like “pfft, fuck off and let’s fight to the death”. Draco tells her to choose weapons, but Xena leaves the choice to Draco. Now, Draco being a really smart guy and someone who knows how good Xena is with swords, chooses staffs. I’m sure he believes it’ll give him advantage or at least even oit the odds. Xena chooses the conditions and her conditions are to fight on a scaffolding. The first person to touch the ground is gonna die. Draco agrees and tells his people that whoever falls first is to be killed.
Doing a flip with the help of his people he gets to a scaffolding and grabs his staff. Xena is way more of a showgirl. She hits the dude with his staff and when he leans down she jumps on his back and then on a head of another warlord and jumps to meet her opponent.
They start fighting. It’s an even fight and Draco proves to be a worthy opponent. Soon Xena has to fight to stay on the bamboo scaffolding as it starts to fall off. The archers prepare to shoot, Cyrene shows up and everyone is thinking if she’s gonna fall. But no, Xena standing on one bamboo stick starts hitting bamboos under Draco’s feet to make him back out and leave him vulnerable. But Draco stands tough and very soon he manages to make Xena almost fall again. She manages to hang on her staff, her legs barely touching the ground. Cyrene starts panicking, being all teary, because, come on, she’s a mom. No matter how pissed our moms are at us, they worry 24/7.
Draco starts hiting Xena’s hands wanting her to let go and fall, asking her why she would die for the people that hate her. But Xena grabs Draco’s staff with her feet and doing a truly awesome backflip she manages to stand on the scaffolding again attacking him. Draco almost falls but jumps on people’s heads and give Xena a signal to join him.
And the same villagers who earlier denied Xena her wine and beautiful women to sleep with, and wanted her dead are now supporting her… Literally. She manages to stand on the arms of one person and attacks Draco. They do backflips, kicks, punches and all that for a few minutes and then with one swift kick to the chest Draco falls down on the ground and Xena jumps on his chest looking down upon him to let him know he’s just a little bitch and not a match to her skills. Xena promises to spare Draco if he leaves the valley and he agrees.
But one of his warlords decides to sneakily attack Xena from behind. Gabrielle’s warns her, but before the warrior can react Draco throws his knife at him. After all, Draco may be a ruthless warlord, but he’s honorable.
After the fight Xena is preparing to leave when Cyrene shows up and hugs Xena, who asks again for forgiveness and is, of course, given that. It's a truly awesome moment in this pilot.
But, and honestly I have no idea why, Xena doesn’t stay in the tavern for wine and beautiful women to sleep with. Maybe there is no wine and beautiful women to sleep with after all. Instead, Xena starts a fire near some woods when she hears some noise and goes into a warrior mode. But, as it turns out, it’s just Gabrielle saying she wanted to follow Xena without her noticing, but she couldn’t start a fire and it’s cold and there are mosquitoes looking lkke eagles or something.
Xena wants to send her back home, but Gabrielle says she won’t go. There’s a talk about not belonging there and Xena seems to understand Gabrielle completely. So when she gives Gabrielle a blanket we get one of the most beautiful moments in the pilot.
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*couldn't find gif so you're stuck with bad screenshot*
And in the morning we see Xena and Gabrielle travelling to new adventures to right wrongs, drink wine and… Oh forget it.
This episode is all kinds of awesomeness. It’s a great introduction to a character of Xena even to those, like me, who didn’t know her from Hercules. It has tons of very well choreographed fights, amazing music and it’s a rreally strong pilot that makes you wanna see more.
47 notes · View notes
alynawatchestv · 4 years
Alyna watches Xena - 01x01 Sins of the Past
Beware. For the road is long and full of spoilers… I mean, if a 25 years old show can be spoiled. But fair warning.
This thing here was supposed to be short but I made a very long recap of the episode. Sorry not sorry, I’m gonna be making recaps of the series. Yes, every single episode… Not regularly... And it's gonna be long.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated. 👍👍👍
We start with Xena is going through some burned village reminiscing on her past when she was just killing, pillaging and burning villages… And people too, I guess. And then there’s this boy coming out of a burned house asking for food. And when Xena asks him where his parents are, he says Xena killed them. He describes her attack as if the goddess herself showed up and fucked the village up for no reason and Xena is all like:
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And it’s really one of the best moments of a pilot, because we’re shown flashback of the attack so even without watching Hercules and meeting Xena there we can see she used to be a bad bitch. So before leaving she gives the kid some bread and cheese so he could hide in his burned house and eat something before he dies of some sickness, gets killed, is eaten by wild animals in search for food etc. Brilliant plan boy, you’re a prodigy.
So then we have the scene where Xena digs a hole and puts her armor her sword and chakram there and frankly, she’s not really a clean lady since there’s still blood and some meat pieces on her chakram.
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*rule #1 - wash your weapons from enemies intestines*
And suddenly, a whole bunch of villagers is chased by some warlord taken straight from Mad Max movie. Xena observes the situation, the Mad Max warlord says he’s gonna get the girls (men, smh) and then this blonde girl is all like “take me and leave everyone” and warlords are like “lmfao, nope” and Xena is all like:
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*Carless Whisper saxophone solo intensifies*
Because frankly, who wouldn’t be? I know I had the same reaction to Gabrielle so I get Xena. I totally get it.
So when the warlord wants to whip Gabrielle for being insubordinate Xena suddenly jumps into action and starts kicking ass. We get backflips, kicks, punches and a really awesome action sequence until Xena is hit in the head (because she was watching if Gabrielle was safe and it got her distracted. Again, totally understandable).
Men are standing there groaning “argh, grr, rghhg” or something like that and then BOOM! Xena takes out her sword from the hole and with a laugh starts fighting them. And you can see how much fun she has. She kicks warlords’ asses and realizes they’re from Draco so she tell them to say hello from Xena. But who’s Draco? What does he do? Is he more evil then Xena? We don’t know! And… opening!
In a time of ancient gods, warlords… Well, you know it.
So later on Xena is in this small village surrounded by the villagers and Gabrielle is fawning over her and the whole situation, and Gabrielle’s father comes in being all like “thanks for saving us, but now GTFO” and this tall dude behind him wants to take Gabrielle. But Gabrielle is all like “dude, I know I’m supposed to marry you against my will and then die in childbirth or of boredom, but I’m not gonna listen to you. GTFO”. So when he leaves, Gabrielle begs Xena to take her with her. Xena being stoic and supposedly unmoved by Gabrielle words of course disagrees, because “she works alone” and… Then she tells Gabrielle she’s going to Amphipolis, because OF COURSE Gabrielle wouldn’t try and follow her. Nope. Not at all. And she goes like “don’t follow me, you don’t wanna make me mad, do you?” and of course Gabrielle is all like “yeah, no sure, I get it” but then is of course “meh, she’s not that scary. I just need a plan!”
So we move to Draco’s camp where he’s without shirt exposing his bare chest, being all handsome and shit, and being badass when catching almost four arrows at once. But then he’s sort of colorblind… I mean he notices the color of the arrow that wounded him but can’t see who has green arrows when the dude’s arrows are visible from behind his back...
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*seriously Draco…*
Anyway, later he’s alone and Xena sneaks in and they have the whole who's tougher bitch, which is Xena of course, and she asks him to leave the village alone (because of her future wife or something) and Draco’s all like “yeah, sure… If you join me” and when Xena says she can’t join Draco, being a typical man he asks why. And we get this really awesome scene where Xena dramatically turns her back, stares at nothing and says she’s going home. OH, DRAMA!
So Draco becomes even a bigger drama queen than Xena and tells our warrior saying he’s dreamt of being in love with her or… fighting in battle or whatever, can’t remember, but Xena turns and Draco goes all soft and says he’ll spare those villagers. But he also asks Xena what's she looking for at home. Being still in drama mode he tells her that when he tried to come home his dad beat the shit out of him with a blacksmith’s hammer. And he survived that. Damn, he IS badass! I mean, have you people ever seen a blacksmith hammer?!
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*9/10 parents wouldn't recommend this as an educational tool*
Meanwhile, Gabrielle wants to escape home in the middle of the night and while sneaking out she… Hits strategically placed table waking up her sister Lila. Gabrielle explains to her she needs to follow Xena because she’s in lo… She wants to be a warrior like her and that she doesn’t love Perdicus and it’s her destiny. So Lila being a supportive sister is all like “Go, chase your girlf…. Dreams! Just do it!” and Gabrielle leaves.
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*Lila being a supportive sister*
It’s daylight and Xena is riding Argo when suddenly her horse stops all afraid. So Xena gets off the horse that suddenly runs away and… The Blind Cyclops shows up with Draco’s dad’s blacksmith’s hammer! (I honestly don’t know if I used Saxon Genitive in the right way, but I hope you get the meaning). Xena is all like “Fuuuck, that’s a big hammer!” which makes the Blind Cyclops even more badass than he already is, but she stands to fight and humiliates him by dropping his pants. He starts bawling like a baby and Xena leaves him and continues her journey to Amphipolis, because she has no time to deal with Cyclops drama.
But Draco is plotting against Xena. He decides to attack Amphipolis and pretend it was Xena who told him to do it. Plot thickens, you guys.
Gabrielle is afraid of bridges… And gets caught by…Yes, you guessed right. The Blind Cyclops. But being a smart girl she says she’s out here to find and kill Xena because… And here we have very subtexty dialogue:
C: “How’s the young thing like you is gonna kill Xena?”
G: “That’s the point. She’d never let a man get close enough to do her. At least not that kind of do her. But a young, innocent looking girl like me, I’ll catch her totally off guard…
*You sure will, Gabrielle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
At the same time, Xena is being followed by Draco’s warlords. They’re dumb enough to think she doesn’t know so she goes all ninja on them, fingers the Mad Max warlord… I mean, she cuts the blood to his body… Pervs. ;) And when she learns about the plan she leaves to stop the invasion.
In the next scene, Gabrielle is chilling out on the road when some old dude stops and tells her to GTFO, because she’s blocking the only route to Amphipolis. So Gabrielle convinces him to take her with him and the old dude agrees.
So while Gabrielle and the old man are traveling on the only route to Amphipolis, Xena is taking a detour through the hills for dramatic effect or something. Basically, New Zealand… I mean Greece is a beautiful place so why not show it, right? Right?
She meets those peasant women singing Bulgarian…  I mean Greek chants and rides through them, but they don’t give a shit being too into chanting and putting on stacks of… Hay, I guess. Meh, whatever.
So Xena reaches Amhipolis and goes into a tavern to drink wine and sleep with beautiful women. But unfortunately it’s not that kind of a tavern and there’s no wine and beautiful women to sleep with. All she meets are angry people, silence and… wait for it… her mother, Cyrene!
Cyrene grabs Xena’s sword and tells her she’s not welcomed there and she should GTFO. Xena wants to rally people against Draco but Cyrene is against and she tells Xena she’d rather die and that she’s not her mother. And it’s a rather powerful stuff, because we only know glimpses of Xena’s past so we don’t really know how big her crimes are. Of course burning one village and killing peasants is a big no no, but Xena is too big of a character to be hated for such a minor offense. Anyway, villagers in the tavern also tell Xena to GTFO so she does.
Draco is pissed that Mad Max warlord told Xena about his plans and tells him to pick a weapon. Sadly it’s not Draco’s father’s blacksmith’s hammer because that’s been stolen by the Blind Cyclops, but a simple spear. Still, Draco proves to be truly awesome by kicking Mad Max warlord’s ass and killing him while telling new plans to his people. Truly, he was a great choice for a pilot.
In the morning, Xena comes back to the tavern looking around hoping to find some wine and beautiful ladies to sleep with, but to her disappointment there are still none. But her sword is there. And her mom is there. Oh boy, this tension between them could cut diamonds in half. But we get a bonding moment where Cyrene and Xena open old wounds so they could heal, and Xena tells her mother she might not be able to set things right, but she’s gonna spend the rest of her life to try. It’s another great moment in this show where we see Xena in her vulnerable state and not all powerful and strong. And this moment is ruined by villagers coming into the tavern saying Xena’s army is burning fields to which Xena answers they’re lying, Cyrene feels all hurt thinking it was all a ruse and leaves, and villagers start throwing rocks at our warrior princess.
But then Gabrielle comes to the rescue! Because Gabrielle has a natural talent to talk her way out of troubles, she uses it to save Xena. She uses a cunning bluff of “if you hurt bad guy’s girlfriend imagine how pissed he’ll be”. So the villagers reluctantly agree and decide to not commit murder. After a small talk Xena takes Gabrielle on her horse and takes her to her dead brother. Because, you know, there’s no better start of a romance than a visit at the crypt.
So Xena is talking to his dead brother saying she’s lost but that she’s gonna be ok, but that she’s alone and then Gabrielle shows up saying she’s not. And by the way that they’re looking at each other we’re to believe these two weren’t into each other from the beginning? Please.
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*They’ve known each other for like 1 hour and we get those looks already? So straight indeed*
Meanwhile, the villagers are waiting for Draco to make a deal, but when he shows up he’s threatening to destroy everything and kill everyone unless they tell him where Xena is. And this is another great moment for Draco, because he really is a scary and ruthless dude and I really wish he was more in this show then just 3 episodes. It was a wasted character, imo.
Anyway, while threatening the leader to kill him, Xena shows up and Draco makes fun of her asking about the homecoming. Again, he tries to convince Xena to join him and goes all Palpatine saying she should “celebrate her dark side”, but Xena is all like “pfft, fuck off and let’s fight to the death”. Draco tells her to choose weapons, but Xena leaves the choice to Draco. Now, Draco being a really smart guy and someone who knows how good Xena is with swords, chooses staffs. I’m sure he believes it’ll give him advantage or at least even oit the odds. Xena chooses the conditions and her conditions are to fight on a scaffolding. The first person to touch the ground is gonna die. Draco agrees and tells his people that whoever falls first is to be killed.
Doing a flip with the help of his people he gets to a scaffolding and grabs his staff. Xena is way more of a showgirl. She hits the dude with his staff and when he leans down she jumps on his back and then on a head of another warlord and jumps to meet her opponent.
They start fighting. It’s an even fight and Draco proves to be a worthy opponent. Soon Xena has to fight to stay on the bamboo scaffolding as it starts to fall off. The archers prepare to shoot, Cyrene shows up and everyone is thinking if she’s gonna fall. But no, Xena standing on one bamboo stick starts hitting bamboos under Draco’s feet to make him back out and leave him vulnerable. But Draco stands tough and very soon he manages to make Xena almost fall again. She manages to hang on her staff, her legs barely touching the ground. Cyrene starts panicking, being all teary, because, come on, she’s a mom. No matter how pissed our moms are at us, they worry 24/7.
Draco starts hiting Xena’s hands wanting her to let go and fall, asking her why she would die for the people that hate her. But Xena grabs Draco’s staff with her feet and doing a truly awesome backflip she manages to stand on the scaffolding again attacking him. Draco almost falls but jumps on people’s heads and give Xena a signal to join him.
And the same villagers who earlier denied Xena her wine and beautiful women to sleep with, and wanted her dead are now supporting her… Literally. She manages to stand on the arms of one person and attacks Draco. They do backflips, kicks, punches and all that for a few minutes and then with one swift kick to the chest Draco falls down on the ground and Xena jumps on his chest looking down upon him to let him know he’s just a little bitch and not a match to her skills. Xena promises to spare Draco if he leaves the valley and he agrees.
But one of his warlords decides to sneakily attack Xena from behind. Gabrielle’s warns her, but before the warrior can react Draco throws his knife at him. After all, Draco may be a ruthless warlord, but he’s honorable.
After the fight Xena is preparing to leave when Cyrene shows up and hugs Xena, who asks again for forgiveness and is, of course, given that. It's a truly awesome moment in this pilot.
But, and honestly I have no idea why, Xena doesn’t stay in the tavern for wine and beautiful women to sleep with. Maybe there is no wine and beautiful women to sleep with after all. Instead, Xena starts a fire near some woods when she hears some noise and goes into a warrior mode. But, as it turns out, it’s just Gabrielle saying she wanted to follow Xena without her noticing, but she couldn’t start a fire and it’s cold and there are mosquitoes looking lkke eagles or something.
Xena wants to send her back home, but Gabrielle says she won’t go. There’s a talk about not belonging there and Xena seems to understand Gabrielle completely. So when she gives Gabrielle a blanket we get one of the most beautiful moments in the pilot.
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*couldn't find gif so you're stuck with bad screenshot*
And in the morning we see Xena and Gabrielle travelling to new adventures to right wrongs, drink wine and… Oh forget it.
This episode is all kinds of awesomeness. It’s a great introduction to a character of Xena even to those, like me, who didn’t know her from Hercules. It has tons of very well choreographed fights, amazing music and it’s a rreally strong pilot that makes you wanna see more.
Edit: I got the gif. Thanks @girl4music​ :)
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*there’s nothing gay here. nada. zero... mhm...*
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Episode 10: Silent Night
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This show is taking over my life and I’m not even mad.
Spoilers ahead.
0:28 - This whole scene. Malcolm’s eyes. Holy crap. He looks sad, tired, scared. It utterly breaks my heart.
0:48 -  This is Malcolm descending into a panic attack. :( ALSO though - we have confirmation that Ainsley used the clip of her father screaming about how he was a good father. Did Ainsley also use the clip of her listing her brother’s diagnoses? Because honestly, that would be a terrible sister move. I can’t see Malcolm wanting people to know about his diagnoses unless he really trusts them. Is that why Malcolm’s having the beginnings of a panic attack right now? Because he’s realizing that everyone knows. Or is it simply the fact that his father is triggering bad memories for him? Or is it a combo platter?
1:00 - ICONIC. You know this is hilarious and totally in character for Jessica. BUT I think she threw her shoe because she saw Malcolm panicking and she knew that throwing her shoe would shock him out of a full-blown panic attack. I think that if he wasn’t panicking she would’ve just screamed at him and turned off the TV. 
1:20 - Look at how sad Jessica is here. She isn’t upset that her son isn’t normal or that she’s not getting grandchildren anytime soon. She’s upset that her son isn’t happy and that he’s suffering. She blames herself for it. We saw that in 1x7. 
1:40 - This little conversation between Malcolm and Jessica is really cool. They’re both trying to comfort each other and they’re both concerned for each other. 
2:24 - Reason #1214 (yes- I pulled that number out of thin air) that Malcolm needs some sleep. Or some time off. Or some peace. -- The boy didn’t notice that it was Christmas Eve. I don’t care if you don’t celebrate Christmas - the Christmas season has become a massive corporate holiday. It’s almost impossible to ignore. Between the commercials, decorations, sales, music ... how can you not notice?
2:51 - I adore this moment. Look at how happy Malcolm his watching the children run around happily. I’m telling you we need a scene where bright has to hang out with a little kid. It would be cute. Also - Gil. That look that Gil initially gives Malcolm is a look of pure love. He’s happy to see Malcolm smiling. He’s happy to see Malcolm on a holiday. He’s happy to see Malcolm on Christmas Day. 
3:35 - Personal disclaimer. I immediately hate Colette Swanson. Simply because Malcolm hates her and Malcolm finds it in him to have compassion for murderers. Therefore - this woman must truly suck. 
3:38 - Malcolm looks crushed when he finds out Colette is in charge. Gil is enjoying teasing Malcolm. It’s cute. I like it. 
4:05 - Ok. So 1) Malcolm has gone full-blown manic again. Check out the way he just greeted JT. and 2) I looked it up. Kringle is a Scandinavian pastry. So does this mean that Tally’s family has Scandinavian roots? Or JT does and his wife makes it for him? I need to know. 
4:13 - Dani looks concerned when she asks if Malcolm has seen Ainsley’s interview. This makes me think that Ainsley probably did include the clip where she lists Malcolm’s diagnoses. This makes me sad. It also makes me lose some respect for Ainsley. 
4:37 - How well did Gil know Turner? Gil looks really sad here. Is it sadness because he and Turner were friends? Or just the general sadness that comes over you when you realize that someone you knew died and it makes you remember how fleeting life is?
4:55 - I love how that subtle shot at Malcolm went totally above his head. 
5:19 - Where’s Edrisa? We isn’t the medical crew there? 
5:34 - When Malcolm takes the gun Gil looks a little alarmed and concerned. Then he shares a look with JT. JT looks concerned too. Actually this whole scene - as Bright gestures with the gun the camera keeps cutting to Gil and/or JT and Dani who have matching looks of concern on their faces. 
6:20 - And this is what they were afraid of. The manic idiot, who is clearly not doing well right now, just put a gun to his head. I love how Gil reacts. It’s the same way an angry parent would talk to a misbehaving child. 
6:32 - How much do you want to bet that Gil continued that conversation later. Malcolm’s passive suicidality is really getting out of hand. 
7:28 - This is great. “Sounds like you.” It’s true though. Since his wife died I’m sure Gil threw his whole life into his work. Now he just works or worries about the team. He seems to know it too. The warning look he gives Dani is a look that says “not the time” not “you’re wrong and I’m annoyed at your sass”.
7:50 - Okay. Colette is a b**ch to Bright. Right off the bat. What happened between them?!? Seriously? This is not professional behaviour. This is straight up harassment. The team does Not Look Happy with the way she’s talking to Bright. All three of them look some mixture of annoyed, confused, and concerned. 
8:21 - This whole scene is painful to watch. Colette being more of a b**ch to Malcolm and Malcolm acting like an excited puppy who desperately wants to help. BUT at 8:21 the look JT gives Colette before he walks away. hahahaha I’ve never noticed it before. He’s like “Not my circus, not my monkeys. This woman is cray cray. I’m out.”
8:45 - Love the parallel between 1x5 when Malcolm asks about how Dani knows Estime and here when Dani asks about how Malcolm knows Colette. Also look at Malcolm’s face when he responds. He looks dead inside. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him look at anyone with cold, detached, hatred before. What did this woman do to him?!?
8:50 - Malcolm looks upset here. The way he looks at the ground. Huh. Is Colette just another one of Malcolm’s bullies?
8:58 - I hate how condescending Colette is to everyone in this scene. I love how Dani looks at Gil for guidance on how to respond. Gil looks so mad he’s even refusing to make eye contact with Colette more than strictly necessary. If this woman wasn’t FBI, just a regular member of the NYPD, I swear Gil would lose it on her. 
9:10 - Dani looks so upset that Gil is making her work with Colette. AND look at that little warning look Gil gives Malcolm when he says “you’re with me” AND look at that smile that Gil gave Colette before he walked out. hahaha that was not a kind smile. Gil is my hero. 
9:26 - Honestly I hate this woman more than I hate Martin. Look at how poorly she makes Malcolm feel. Look at how condescending and rude she is to everyone. IS THIS THE UMBRIDGE OF THE PRODIGAL SON FANDOM?!? Because honestly, if she turns out to be a victim in a future episode I won’t even be mad if the plot doesn’t make sense.
9:34 - so Malcolm has a desk again? Or he’s forced to work at his desk because the case board room has been overtaken by the FBI? Either way - Gil looking at Malcolm with concern and sympathy is fuelling my soul. 
9:40 - Ok so two things. 1) Has anyone else noticed that Malcolm only has ONE (1) watch. A brown leather watch. It doesn’t look like a super fancy, expensive watch either. This seems strange for a rich dude (they usually have a lot of watches or at least a fancy Rolex that they show off). I know that doesn’t fit with Malcolm’s personality but the fact that he only wears the one watch makes me headcanon that it was a gift from Gil and Jackie. Maybe when he graduated college or something? THING 2) Is Malcolm avoiding Ainsley’s call because he’s pissed with her about the interview or because he’s got too much going on right now and he can’t handle a drama call from the family?
9:46 - Does Ainsley seriously not feel bad about that interview? I mean she’s asking her brother for a favour right after stabbing him in the back. 
10:21 - Shaky hand, scared eyes. This isn’t good. 
10:38 - Detective Shannon is a dick. I mean. Even if Malcolm was an accomplice to his Dad’s murders - you just don’t talk to a kid like that. Especially if that kid is showing signs of emotional distress like baby Malcolm is in the flashback. The shaking, slight rocking of the body, eyes screwed shut, shaky voice. Poor little guy is terrified. 
11:15 - This suggests that Gil knows about how Shannon treated Bright. How did Gil find out? Recently or when it was happening? What did Gil do/say to Shannon when he found out? Does Jessica know? Is this why Malcolm went mute? Or did this happen after Malcolm started talking again?
 11:31 - Okay so protective/concerned Gil warms my heart. You all know this by now. But look at the moment after Shannon calls Gil “lucky boy”. Gil looks positively furious and Malcolm looks scared. Almost like Shannon’s voice is sending him into a C-PTSD flashback. BUT once Malcolm snaps out of his fear he looks angry and suspicious. 
13:20 - Gil’s quiet warning is awesome. You can tell that he’s not mad at Malcolm. He thinks Malcolm’s little speech is justified. He’s afraid of what this gun toting lunatic might do to Bright if provoked. 
13:34 - This is one of my absolute favourite moments in the show’s history. Look at the way Gil jumps in front of Malcolm and holds Shannon back. That’s partially the cop in him doing his job BUT that’s also a man furious that someone would have the nerve to try and hurt his son.
13:51 - and now Malcolm looks manic again. Gil still looks pissed. 
14:38 - Gil’s taking this case personally. Makes sense, even if he didn’t know Ian Turner very well. Gil is a good man who has a very strong moral code. He’s a protector. It makes sense that he would be pissed that an extremely good man was murdered for no good reason. 
15:25 - Dani, you are my queen. Tell that b**ch that’s she’s out of line. You go girl.
16:00 - Oh no. Dani is questioning Malcolm. Colette is getting into her head. 
16:37 - Okay. It’s Christmas Day. Jessica is supposed to be at home ordering people around to prepare for Christmas dinner. But instead she is at the precinct because Ainsley’s interview is causing her a lot of pain. She’s haunted by the Surgeon and Ainsley’s decided to air out the family issues to the public - thereby giving Jessica no where to hide from her pain. Also - LOVE the way Gil walks in to the room. He knows Jessica is going to come to him with a slightly manic, half-baked plan and/or theory. He’s stressed. He’s in a bad mood. He’s worried about Malcolm and he can’t handle another manic Whitly right now. 
17:20 - Gil doesn’t act surprised that Martin chloroformed Malcolm. When did Gil find out? I would’ve payed good money to see that. Also - how selfless is this dude? He’s clearly an emotional mess right now but he stops everything to try and comfort Jessica. He can’t help but be concerned about her. There are sparks here. Check out the way he holds her hands. Check out the soft look that he gives her.
18:25 - All I’m going to say is that when it comes to Malcolm and Jessica - the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
19:35 - JT talked to Dani about Malcolm’s date. He was so concerned about Malcolm that he called Dani because he knows they’re close. Do you think they told Gil?!? Or did Malcolm tell Gil?! Gil has to know. Right? 
19:50 - Malcolm, sweetheart. No. Honey, you’re not broken. Look how sad Dani is. She wants to help him. She can see how deep his depression is. This is honestly so concerning. When someone says something like this, sincerely, with that much pain in their eyes - just take them to see a doctor or just have someone stay with them. Please. They need supervision. They might be a danger to themselves. 
20:02 - Ever notice how a lock of Malcolm’s hair falls into his face when his mental and/or physical state starts to get seriously unhinged.
20:46 - Oh. My. Goodness. That Christmas ornament is precious. Look at how happy and cute baby Malcolm and baby Ainsley are. 
21:15 - This is such a good conversation. Usually Jessica is overprotective, overbearing, and somewhat controlling when it comes to her children. However, Jess is totally justified in what she says to Ainsley here. It frustrates me that Ainsley is so upset about it. Ainsley really can’t see how her ambition is destroying her relationship with her family. She can’t see that the actions she’s taking to further her career are at the expense of the mental well-being of her mother and brother. 
21:45 - “You’re playing the victim.” Ouch. That was a low-blow Ainsley. It’s not true either. Your Mom is traumatized. To an extent your mother and brother are victims of the Surgeon. You are too. Your mother just wants some peace and privacy. That’s not unreasonable.
22:50 - Yikes. Has Shannon been following Malcolm? Look how scared Malcolm is. He’s so much more terrified of Shannon now that Gil isn’t with him. You know how we can be sure that Malcolm is a good person? He actually looks sympathetic towards Shannon. Upset for Shannon.  ALSO quick side note - is Malcolm holding a pie? Did he buy a pie to bring to the family Christmas dinner? Why is that making my heart melt?
25:03 - Pissed Gil is such a mood. 
26:24 - Anyone else find it concerning that Malcolm is so desperate to catch the Junkyard Killer and to get answers about that camping trip that he is willing to get in a car and go to a random garage with the ex-detective who traumatized him? Also - they have surveillance pictures of baby Malcolm? Isn’t that illegal? I didn’t think you could photograph minors like that?
28:15 - Shannon just won over Malcolm. Look at that sadness and compassion in Malcolm’s eyes. Dang. That’s kind of sweet? Shannon’s still a dick though.
29:25 - Sometimes when Malcolm starts being sincere, soft, and supportive - I swear I’m watching him channel Gil. 
30:02 - Anyone else think it’s weird that they left the car running outside with the headlights on? Just me? Ok. Carry on.
30:11 - How poetic that John Watkins is near the end of the list, alphabetically speaking, so it’s one of the last names they check.
30:50 - Malcolm looks downright terrified when Shannon shows him his gun. 
31:35 - haha Gil is so exhausted here. Look at him when Bright hangs up. Gil’s like, “Of course. What did I expect? I can’t control this man-child. Please remind me why I love him before I do something I regret.”
31:50 - This is Granny immediately strikes me as really weird. Like more than just regular nutty old-lady weird. 
33:10 - Look how uncomfortable Malcolm looks around Matilda. He’s interested in John’s childhood and he’s still working the case but he’s clearly freaked out by Granny over here. 
34:39 - Malcolm’s eyes are looking hella manic again.
34:50 - OMG. hahaha Malcolm looks horrified when Matilda pours that gravy stuff on his food. I’m shocked that he didn’t puke. 
36:00 - This photo album is...wow. Really increases the creepy factor of this case. 
38:45 - This conversation between Colette and Gil is awesome. Gil is scared. He’s trying to protect Bright but he’s also knows that he needs help. Dani and JT look scared. 
39:27 - OMG. I didn’t like Shannon but he didn’t deserve that. 
39:48 - So Matilda is kind of a serial killer too. Right? She knew her grandson was a murder and she helped him. She condoned it. She’s as bad as he is. 
40:45 - Oh Jessica is desperate. She’s totally throwing Gil under the bus here. She wouldn’t do that unless she was desperate. 
41:25 - Dani and Gil look terrified. OMG. My heart is breaking. 
42:20 - Malcolm has that knife right in front of his mother’s townhouse. So I guess Martin was lying in 1x7 when he said they bought it off the turnpike in New Jersey during their camping trip. 
So...things are getting scary for Malcolm. Thanks for hanging out Prodigies. 
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the-starsabove-you · 4 years
The Stars Above You - Christmas Chapter
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Christmas Chapter- Winter Lovers.  A/N: Merry Christmas! A bonus chapter for this story! Enjoy!  Pairings: Jamie Benn x OFC. Hints of Tyler Seguin x OFC  Rose groaned when she heard the knocking on her door. The boys and her were in New York to face to Islanders, it was two days before Christmas. It would be their final game before everyone would be going home to be with their families for the holidays. Rose got out of bed and opened the door to see it was Klingberg, she could tell he was up to something with that grin. She looked at the clock and saw it was still morning “I swear to god John, if you intend on waking me up just to go outside and have a snowball fight, I will literally make the biggest snowball and throw it at you.” She warned and Klingberg who raised his hands in defense “I’m not planning on anything… Yet. I’m just being sent to wake you up and make sure you dress warm” He said and Rose looked confused “Just get dress, I have to make sure you get to the location in like an hour” Klingberg said and Rose gave him a look “Now I feel like you’re kidnapping me to kill me” “I do wanna kill you sometimes, mostly because you steal some of my snacks on the plane when I’m not looking. But again, my revenge will happen another day” He said as he walked inside the room “Come on Rosebud!” “You know I hate when you call me that” She muttered as she was choosing between a black sweater and a gray one “Black one, looks nicer” He said and she nodded and got some black jeans and black boots and got them on. Klingberg nodded in approval when she was ready “Beautiful, Stunning, would cry right now if it wasn’t cold outside” He said and she slapped his arm and he pretended he was hurt “Ow, I can’t play no more!” “Alright, let’s go drama queen.” She said as they were walking out of the room and she got to the rental car and Klingberg went to the passenger seat and she glared at him “Well?” “Oh yeah, sorry!” Klingberg grabbed his phone and got the location and she drove them. They made it to a nice building in New York that had a penthouse suite at the top and she looked at him “Why are you bringing me here?” “Shhh, no more questions! Let’s go!” They made it into the elevator and she nodded in approval of how the inside looked so beautiful. It wasn’t until the door opened and she was in shock at the scene in front of her The Dallas Stars were wearing ugly christmas sweaters with santa hats. They all cheered when they saw Rose. “You made it!” Esa said as he rushed towards her and hugged her. Rose chuckled and hugged him tightly before she saw the boys gathering around her and she hugged each of them. It was Jamie who held on to her waist and she hugged him “This is so beautiful!” She said when she saw there was a christmas tree and everything was decked out with christmas stuff. “Merry Christmas Flower” Jamie whispered to her and she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist “You did this didn’t you?” “I know you’re alone for Christmas.. A majority of us go home to visit family while the rest stay in Dallas. So we all agreed that we should have a Christmas party with all of us.. Cause we’re family.. And we don’t leave any family behind” Rose grinned and she kissed his cheek and he blushed. Jordie came to them with some drinks “Come on! We gotta celebrate before we beat the Islanders tonight!” Everyone was singing and dancing. Jamie was by Rose’s side the whole time. Spezza and Rose were talking about Spezza’s kids and Rose was literally squealing with the cute pictures he was showing her. Jamie excused himself to go talk to Esa, Dickie and Klingberg. Rose looked outside and saw it was lightly snowing. She then saw there was a figure standing outside in the balcony and without thinking, she walked towards the door and opened it, and she was greeted by the chilly air. Tyler was standing out at the balcony, in awe of the snow as he was looking at the view of the city. Rose watched him for a moment before speaking “Didn’t see you come in” She said and he nodded “Snuck in about an hour ago.” He said and she walked until they were standing side by side and she looked at the view “Love the snow?” She asked and he nodded “You don’t get much of this in Dallas.. I always love looking at the snow. It’s peaceful” He commented and she nodded in agreement “It’s just so relaxing.. Can distract you from some stressful things” She said and Tyler was quiet for a moment. Rose and Tyler were enjoying the snow, they were silent. It wasn’t until Rose spoke “Are you going home for the holidays?” She asked and he nodded “Yeah, gonna be with my parents and sisters. I haven’t seen them in a while” He said and he looked at her “What about you?” “I’m gonna be home, watching some cheesy Christmas movies and drinking some coffee.” She said and Tyler looked at her “You don’t have a family to go home to?” Rose flinched at his bluntness but she nodded “My mother and I don’t have the best relationship. So I’ll be in Dallas” Tyler was silent for a moment before nodding “I think you’ll be alright” He said and she nodded “Yeah, me too” Tyler and Rose looked at each other for a couple of moments and it was just.. Comforting. Tyler coughed before looking at the city view once again “I have to go, I promised I would be meeting someone before the game” He said and she snapped out of her thoughts and nodded “Yeah, I’ll see you at the arena” Tyler excused himself and left the balcony. Rose soon went back inside and saw Tyler was indeed gone. Jamie saw her and he called her over and he used his Captain-Voice “Guys, come here!” The boys suddenly huddled around Rose who was very confused in the moment before Jamie took out a small present and he handed it to Rose “It’s something from all of us, we thought it would be something for you to remember all of us by” He said and she carefully unwrapped the present and it was a small box and she opened it and she smiled softly. It was a chain with a golden star. On the golden star there were emeralds on it. She gasped softly as she looked at it and she looked at the boys with tears in her eyes “You guys.. No one has ever done this for me before” She whispered The guys had smile on their faces and a couple of them started to hug her. Jamie had a smile on his face “Here, let me put it on for you” He said and she turned around and Jamie took the necklace and placed it around her neck. She turned around and Jamie had the biggest smile on his face “Beautiful” Rose blushed and the boys cheered and she hugged each of them. It wasn’t until Spezza came to her and he nudged her “If you want.. You can spend Christmas with my family and I. The Mrs. would love to have you and the girls would love to meet you” Rose smiled remembering about Spezza’s wife and how lovely she was when they had met. She nodded “I would love that.. Thank you so much” She said as she hugged Spezza who grinned “You’re family.. I’m not going to let you spend the holidays by yourself” The party went on smoothly. There were lots of laughs including Klingberg singing the top hits of Christmas songs at the top of his lungs. The game went really well. Tyler and Jamie each got a goal and they defeated the Islanders. The boys were exiting the Locker room and Rose nudged Jordie and Jamie “Good game boys, you did awesome!” “Thanks to our star over here” Jordie said who patted Jamie’s shoulder who gave him a look. Jamie looked at Rose “A couple of us are going to see the Tree at Rockefeller. The others are going to sleep a bit before we board the jet. Do you wanna go?” He asked and Rose’s eyes lit up “I’ve always wanted to go!” “Great, let’s go” He said and he grabbed her hand and they rushed out of the Barclays Center and to the snowy night. Rose’s eyes lit up when they were in front of the tree. Jamie was grinning from ear to ear. Klingberg and Jordie were behind them while Dickie was taking pictures. “It’s so beautiful” She whispered and Jamie looked at her “It is.. You’re beautiful too.” He said and she narrowed her eyes playfully at him “Thanks for the cheesy line” She said and he grinned “Any time” They were watching the people ice skate below and the music was playing. Rose looked at Jamie “Thank you.. For all of us. This is something I won’t ever forget” She said and Jamie kissed her forehead “I wanna make sure that you know that you have a good support system here.. That you have people who care for you” Rose smiled and she wrapped her arms around his neck and Jamie wrapped his arms around her waist as he brought her in closer and they watched the tree. It was such a sweet moment and Rose was so grateful for Jamie and the boys. They were truly the best part of her life and they were the source of happiness. It didn’t make her job feel like a job.. She was taking pictures and videos of her family playing on the ice. Rose suddenly felt a snowball thrown at her and it hit her on the shoulder and she shrieked. She turned around to see Klingberg smiling “I told you, I have to get you” Jamie laughed and Rose gave him a look “Why you!” Rose untangled herself from Jamie and was making a snowball. Klingberg started to run but Rose was running after him and she got him in the back. They were both laughing and Jamie looked at them in amusement.  Jamie laughed as he joined Rose, Jordie and Dickie in a snowball fight. It was a perfect way to end the amazing day
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princessanneftw · 5 years
The Crown's Erin Doherty on playing Princess Anne – the voice, the hair and the style
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By Caroline Leaper, Senior Fashion Editor for Stella Magazine.
As she joins acting royalty for the new series of the hit TV show, the actress discusses her transformation into a princess and just how long it takes to create THAT ’do
Erin Doherty is explaining how much fun it is to pretend to be very, very posh when you’re not. In the lead-up to playing Princess Anne in the new season of the hit Netflix drama The Crown, she says that she spent days practising her best royal voice in mundane scenarios, and offers to order a smoothie at the café we’ve met in ‘as Anne’, by way of demonstration.
‘Anne’s accent, and the whole family’s accent, is so weird,’ she laughs, snapping back into her own south London dialect. ‘It’s alien to me, I’ve never heard anyone else talk like that. My natural voice is the opposite. I watched YouTube videos and would practise when ordering a coffee, or speaking to people I didn’t know. The reactions were brilliant; I’m looking casual with this crazy posh voice coming out of me.’ Indeed, today she looks quite unroyal in her Breton top, khaki trousers and Birkenstocks.
Playing the Princess Royal is Erin’s first major television role. The 27-year-old from Crawley had a small part in the BBC adaptation of Les Misérables this year, and appeared in an episode of Call the Midwife back in 2017, but has otherwise stuck to the stage, graduating from Bristol Old Vic Theatre School to The Young Vic and The Old Vic, after being hailed a rising star of her generation. She is palpably excited about being in The Crown, and refreshingly honest about how she’s ‘winging it’ on one of the most anticipated TV shows of the year. She does, I should say now, deliver an incredibly convincing Anne. When casting director Nina Gold told her she had got the part, she celebrated by having a curry.
The Crown season three will span more than a decade, from 1964 to 1977, warranting an all-new cast to play the ageing royals. 
Olivia Colman picks up from Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth, Tobias Menzies follows Matt Smith’s Duke of Edinburgh and Helena Bonham Carter takes over from Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. We’ve reached the years when the Queen’s children are coming of age; Erin’s Anne is in her late teens when we meet her, and is full of fantastically feisty opinions about being ‘launched’ as an adult in the Royal family.
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We all know the plot, or so we think, as The Crown is based on real events. But the brilliance of the show is that we don’t know which bits of history creator Peter Morgan will zoom in on. Season three might cover the time when, in 1974, Ian Ball attempted to abduct Anne and hold her to ransom for £3 million. (‘Not bloody likely,’ she famously said to her kidnapper, and her father Prince Philip quipped, ‘She would have given him a hell of a time in captivity...’). We might get to see Erin in bridal attire, as Anne’s first wedding to Captain Mark Phillips took place in 1973.
Erin is tight-lipped about which events do and do not make the cut. ‘You know what happens to Anne,’ she says. ‘It’s not hard to guess. But Peter makes these people so fascinating because of the way he focuses on stories which might not have been the headlines everyone remembers.’
Anne’s story, Erin says, was largely unknown to her before she began researching ahead of her audition. ‘Princess Anne, honestly, didn’t mean anything to me,’ she explains. ‘Like a lot of people who grow up in Britain, I think, [the Royal family was] always just there. My family watched the Queen’s speech at Christmas, but other than that, you feel a bit removed from it. I had to research her and then I realised, wow, this woman is awesome. I fell in love with her.’
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Anne’s reputation as the reluctant, truculent royal, who was more interested in riding horses than wearing ballgowns and playing the part, has come good of late. Where once the tabloid press dubbed her ‘rude’, ‘dowdy’ and ‘austere’, her dependability, cracking wit and commitment to public duty now see her celebrated as the most hard-working royal each year (she completed 180 days of engagements in 2018, 20 more than Prince Charles). And her never-wavering signature style suddenly chimes with the fashion industry’s new drive for more sustainable shopping. ‘At 69, Princess Anne’s country-chic look and penchant for rewearing couldn’t be more on trend,’ a fellow fashion editor of this newspaper wrote back in August.
Erin discovered pretty quickly that her new ‘family’ is full of eccentric, fun and 
complex characters. In one of her first scenes, she is sitting around a television with the Queen and Princess Margaret for tea, cigarettes and whisky, to watch Royal Family, the famously ill-fated 1969 BBC documentary (the reception to it was so bad that it was banished after airing, with the press suggesting director Richard Cawston’s fly-on-the-wall approach had ‘cheapened’ the monarchy). In real life, of course, that meant cosying up with her new co-stars, a cast of national treasures and Oscar-winners.
‘Scenes like that were surreal, but everyone was so normal on set,’ Erin says. ‘Seeing someone like Helena be so calm and cool has been a gift. What makes it weird is that I then go home to my houseshare and my housemates are like, “Your job is insane, did you see Olivia Colman today?” I obviously can’t tell her that they love her in Fleabag every day, that would be weird. And ultimately I’m trying to be like her daughter and build this relationship up with her, so the main goal for me is to forget about the fact that she is Olivia Colman. My dad is the worst for it, he took a flight and texted me, “I’ve just seen Olivia Colman doing the BA safety advert – tell her she’s great in it.”’
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As well as the voice, the other thing to get right when becoming Anne was the hair. Today, Erin’s hair is soft, straight and centre-parted. She says it takes a lot of work to mould it into the Princess Royal’s trademark style each day.
‘The hair takes a solid hour and a half,’ she laughs. ‘Most of that time is spent backcombing and setting it with hairspray. Sometimes if it’s not poofy enough, we have to use a sponge doughnut underneath to hold it up more. I’m no wiser as to how she actually does hers. It must be pretty solid, as she doesn’t change it much.’
In Anne’s youth, Erin points out, the Princess typically only set half of her head, leaving some hair down and smooth at the back. For season four, though, which started filming this month, Erin is expecting to double her time in the hair chair, as Anne switches to her mainstay full halo. ‘It takes even more time if she’s wearing any sort of a hat,’ she groans. ‘I brace myself if it’s a hat day.’
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Costume was crucial to Anne’s character. This season of The Crown will revisit the Princess’s fashion heyday in the ’60s and ’70s, when she wore sharp checked suiting and chic flares, and was photographed by Norman Parkinson in the era’s Pucci-esque saturated floral prints. Costume designer Amy Roberts recreates some of Anne’s most memorable outfits – many of which would still look relevant and stylish today.
‘She was so on-trend in the 1960s and ’70s. She figured out her style at that age and she has stuck with it ever since,’ says Erin. ‘I created a Pinterest board of her outfits and I saw this amazing thing of Anne throughout the years, reusing her gowns, sometimes rocking it again 20 years later. I love that about her. She must not get rid of anything.
‘My favourite outfit, though,’ she continues, ‘is the one in the first scene you’ll see from me. The idea is that her parents have just pulled her away from riding and she’s 
angry and stressy, so I’m wearing riding boots and stomping around.’
Erin understood that, of all the looks, this would likely be the one that the Princess Royal herself would favour too. ‘So often she’s in these amazing ballgowns, but you can tell that this would be her preference,’ she says. ‘It just feels more like her. Because of her sporting side, I don’t think she gets enough credit as a style icon. You meet some people who remember that she was fashionable, but a lot are like, nope, she’s just horses.’
Ah, the horses. For Olympic athlete and European eventing champion Anne, riding has been a passion since childhood. For Erin, it was a case of all the equestrian gear and no idea.
‘I’d never been horse riding before filming this, it was the first time I’d ever put on jodhpurs,’ she admits. ‘After my initial meeting with the casting team, my agent rang and was like, “Are you OK with horses?” The part was still in the balance, so I said, “Yeah, of course I am.” As soon as I put the phone down I thought 
I can’t believe I’ve just said that. It’s notorious that actors will say they can do something and learn how later, isn’t it? I was petrified. Luckily I had 
a bit of time, so it’s sorted now and I can ride.’
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Horses may not have been on the agenda for Erin growing up, but football was. ‘I was pretty good – I was scouted to play for Chelsea,’ she says. ‘I really hated school, so I lived for the weekends; I’d play football on a Sunday morning, and then in the afternoon I would go to stage school. When I was about 14, the schedule was getting so intense that my dad said I needed to choose one. I still do my keepy-uppies in the garden. I’d love it if someone remade Bend It Like Beckham – I’d be totally prepared for that part.’
Erin is one of three children (she has an older sister and a younger brother), and her mother, a retired medical practice administrator, and father, who works in airline operations, split up when she was four and now, respectively, live in Guildford and Folkestone. She’s living in south-east London in a houseshare with strangers who have become friends, and who work in entirely different fields. She grew up, she says, happily hanging around in Croydon wearing a tracksuit. ‘That was our best town to go to with your friends.’
When The Crown was first released, the original cast found themselves famous around the world. Appetite for the show is especially high in the US where, as Erin points out, ‘they flip for the royals.
‘It exploded for the last cast didn’t it?’ she considers. ‘They’re all pretty high-profile now. It’s mental what could happen, but I’m really not prepared for it and I also don’t think it’s healthy to expect it. Imagine thinking your world is going to change then nothing happens, that would be heartbreaking. I don’t think people would really recognise me in the street anyway, I look quite different when I’m not made-up with the hair.’
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Claire Foy and Vanessa Kirby, particularly, benefited from the magazine covers and fashion status that came with the territory, as designers from Erdem to 
Gucci vied to dress them on the red carpet.
‘I’ve never really done a red-carpet event,’ Erin says. ‘I was speaking to my publicist and I think we’re going to get a stylist to help. Honestly, these conversations are so alien to me. It’s actually more intimidating to do these things where you have to be yourself. I can get very anxious and I’m more of an introvert if I’m not acting, so the simpler these things are and the less I have to think about what I look like, the better.’
Her photo shoot with Stella is the first that she’s done, an experience that she enjoyed, she says, because she was able to treat it like playing a role.
In her own life, comfort takes priority. ‘My style is pretty androgynous,’ she says, ‘I’m all about not abiding by gender norms, not because I have any particular view of myself that way, but I like messing things around and trying different things. I’ve always been sporty and I’m drawn to clothes that are baggy. What I hope is that you’ll still be able to see me [even when I’m dressed up on the red carpet] and I’ll look back and think this whole experience was amazing and fun, not a surreal period of my life that I didn’t really live in.’
It will be surreal, probably. But Erin seems to have put in the work to ensure that her portrayal isn’t a caricature, and she has got under the skin of one of the nation’s famously-hardy senior royals. She did weeks of research, listened to the historians on set, nailed that voice and even investigated Anne’s Chinese zodiac sign, just in case it gave a crumb of insight to work with. ‘Anne’s a metal tiger,’ she confirms.
Talented, funny, hard-working and, crucially, not at all starstruck by the royals. It is, likely, exactly what the Princess Royal herself would want from the person deemed tough enough to play her.
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rebelmeg · 4 years
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I am PSYCHED because I managed a blackout again!  And a Dum-E badge as well, with my adopted squares!  HOLLA!  Fills and info below the readmore.
S1 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 2: Helpless
Bucky & Tony & Bruce
James and his (somewhat stolen) son Tony have been living happy lives under the radar for the past five years. They move a lot, and leave a lot of friends behind, but then Tony meets a little boy named Bruce. In another world, James and Tony might move on, though it breaks their hearts to have to say goodbye to the scared, hurting little boy that is Tony's best friend.  In this world, however... they don't say goodbye.  AKA, Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony
S2 - Iron OTP Cuties 
Cross stitch Cuties Tony and Pepper wearing their suits
S3 - And Shawarma After  
MIT Bros, referenced Brooklyn Brothers
The shawarma party is over, the Avengers are going their own separate ways, and Steve sticks around long enough to learn a little bit more about one of his teammates.
S4 - Science Field Trip
Tony & the Science Sons, T’Challa & Shuri
Tony takes the Science Sons on a field trip. And where else would he take them but the most awesome and scientifically advanced city ever?
S5 - I’m Sorry
Tony finds Pepper in an unexpected situation. Apologies are exchanged, tears are shed, and it happens with their arms around each other.
T1 - Got Your Nose! 
Dum-E & Tony
Dum-E is intrigued by the game Ton-E is playing with the miscellaneous smol child that is hanging out with him in the workshop.
T2 - Ghost and the Machine - Angst with a Happy/Hopeful Ending 
Bucky & Tony
The angst ending to The Ghost and The Machine! 
T3 - Parent, Teacher, Cupid
Rhodey/May, May & Peter
Peter's third grade teacher, Mr. Rhodes, is awesome. And Aunt May is awesome too. Maybe, since Peter knows they like each other, he could help them...
T4 - Hot Mess Racecar Tony Cross Stitch Cutie
No pairing
Cross Stitch Cutie Tony
T5 - Every Surface in the House, AKA: Permanently Damaged Platypus
Pepperony, MIT Bros
Rhodey is scandalized, Tony is only slightly ashamed, Pepper isn't done with Tony, JARVIS is fond, FRIDAY is amused, and Natasha enjoyed the retelling.
A1 - Save Another Life (It Will Be Worth It) - Chapter 4: Turning Point  
Bucky & Tony & Bruce
James and his (somewhat stolen) son Tony have been living happy lives under the radar for the past five years. They move a lot, and leave a lot of friends behind, but then Tony meets a little boy named Bruce. In another world, James and Tony might move on, though it breaks their hearts to have to say goodbye to the scared, hurting little boy that is Tony's best friend.  In this world, however... they don't say goodbye.  AKA, Kid Bruce remix fic with Dad Bucky and Kid Tony
A2 -  The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 16: A Secret Revealed  
Bucky & Natasha & Tony, Howard Stark/Maria Stark
If you asked the Asset, he'd say it started with being given a name, something of his own. For the first time he had something for himself, and he became greedy. So she became his as well. If you asked the little Widow, she'd say, “It started with a brother. He was my brother and I wanted another.” If you asked Howard Stark, he'd say, “It started with the Serum, and it ended with a Serum.” But if you asked the youngest of them all, he'd answer, “It started like everything, an action was the catalyst for a chain reaction. I was just lucky to have a brother and a sister, a real father and another mother, through it all.” The moral of the story is that a true family always finds each other.
A3 - Tiny Tony Cross Stitch Cutie
No pairing
Itty bitty Cross Stitch Cutie Tony magnet
A4 - Tony & Morgan Plaid Cross Stitch Cuties
Tony & Morgan
Cross Stitch Cuties
A5 - The Ghost and The Machine - Chapter 17: I Can Live With This 
Tony & Bucky
A slight problem on an op leaves CIA agent Bucky Barnes with something of a dilemma... a dilemma that never stops talking, floats in midair, and seems bound and determined to drive Bucky absolutely out of his mind with an endless barrage of questions.  Tony really just thinks Bucky is being a drama queen, and honestly, he's a writer. Who could blame him for trying to conduct proper research, no matter if he's dead (is he?) or not?
R1 - POSTING SOON: The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 22
Bucky & Natasha & Tony
If you asked the Asset, he'd say it started with being given a name, something of his own. For the first time he had something for himself, and he became greedy. So she became his as well. If you asked the little Widow, she'd say, “It started with a brother. He was my brother and I wanted another.” If you asked Howard Stark, he'd say, “It started with the Serum, and it ended with a Serum.” But if you asked the youngest of them all, he'd answer, “It started like everything, an action was the catalyst for a chain reaction. I was just lucky to have a brother and a sister, a real father and another mother, through it all.” The moral of the story is that a true family always finds each other.
R2 - Poker Night at the Casino
Tony & Bucky
Poker moodboard
R3 - Ghost and the Machine - Ouch Ending
Bucky & Tony
The ouch ending to The Ghost and The Machine!
R4 - Rhodey Booty and College Anecdotes
MIT Bros, Tony & Avengers
A sleep deprived Rhodey is all kinds of fun, and Tony celebrates a birthday with his family.
R5 -  Through A Child's Eyes, It's Different - Chapter 20: A Breakthrough
Pepperony, MIT Bros, Tony & Happy
The Accords debacle is long over, and the ex-Avengers have come home. Things are not going well, particularly when Tony gets kidnapped by the villain-of-the-week and ends up in the middle of a freak lab accident.  Seeing things through the eyes of a child sounds kind of poetic, and in some cases, it is. But for the rogue Avengers, it's a shocking and harsh look at their past deeds, as well as a closer look at who Tony Stark really is when he doesn't have all his self-made masks up to protect him.  With Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy there to keep him safe and love him, Tony navigates the weirdness his life has become, while Dr. Strange, Thor, and Dr. Foster work to figure out what happened to Tony and if the deaging can be reversed.
K1 - A Little Motherly Push
Rhodey & Mama Rhodes & the Stark Family
Mama Rhodes is not above a little bit of nagging and above-board manipulation to get what she wants.
K2 - Through A Child's Eyes, It's Different - Chapter 6: Very Familiar Eyes
Pepperony, MIT Bros
The Accords debacle is long over, and the ex-Avengers have come home. Things are not going well, particularly when Tony gets kidnapped by the villain-of-the-week and ends up in the middle of a freak lab accident.  Seeing things through the eyes of a child sounds kind of poetic, and in some cases, it is. But for the rogue Avengers, it's a shocking and harsh look at their past deeds, as well as a closer look at who Tony Stark really is when he doesn't have all his self-made masks up to protect him.  With Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy there to keep him safe and love him, Tony navigates the weirdness his life has become, while Dr. Strange, Thor, and Dr. Foster work to figure out what happened to Tony and if the deaging can be reversed.
K3 - Bot Shaming - Part 1
Tony & Dum-E
Dum-E broke the fourth wall, and Dad is shaming him on social media. (Moodboard)
K4 - Pepperony Soulmates Moodboard
Tony has been interviewing for a PA all day, and he expects that he’ll be wasting the rest of his day the same way. Until Pepper Potts walks into his office, and words flower under their skin.
K5 - Morgan’s Valentines  (Valentine’s Day fluff fic with Morgan making valentines)
Morgan & her family, Pepperony
Morgan makes a valentine for all the people, creatures, bots, and AI's in her life.
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Adopted Squares
Sharon Carter: Rebelmeg Drabbles - Chapter 10: Stark Cousins Summer Camp
Tony & Sharon
Sharon blackmailed Tony into coming to summer camp with her as a counselor. She is beginning to regret it…
Iron Dad: Tony Stark, Doo Doo Doo-Doo Doo
Tony & Morgan, Pepperony, Tony & the MCU teens, MIT Bros
Tony has Dad Brain, Morgan is disinterested in her nap, FRIDAY is amused, and a whole pack of teenagers are watching it unfold from behind the couch.
Tony Stank: Stank Industries moodboard
MIT Bros
Rhodey has been wearing Stank Industries shirts for months. Tony finally notices.
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shadowed-dancer · 5 years
SVTFOE Season 4 Rewrite
Long, long ago I hinted that I’d make this and then I didn’t post it. It’s been sitting in my drafts for months so I figured “hey, maybe it’s time.” Some of you may recall this rewrite I did back in May which changed the events of Cleaved, but I wanted to go further. In an ideal scenario, we never get to the point where Cleaved is a necessary episode because the build up of the season was designed in a way that any resolution ends up being unsatisfying.
For this little writing exercise I’ve decided to undertake, I’d like to establish my ground rules. I will be working with the amount of episodes already allotted to season 4 (21 episodes) and I’ll be writing under the idea that they are aired the same way (two every Sunday, with the finale being aired alone. I’ll put a “-” in between episodes so you know which would have aired together). Some episodes will remain the same, some will be similar but will have changes, some will borrow ideas from real episodes, and others will be the same as episodes we actually got, just shifted to a different point in the season. Some of my episodes will be 10 minutes, others will take the whole 20.
As always, this is just for fun, I still have the greatest respect for the svtfoe team and what they created.
It’s a super long post, which is why it’s under the cut. I worked really hard on this, so any likes and reblogs are appreciated! Alright, without further ado, season 4!
Episode 1: Butterfly Follies
I found that this episode was a lovely reintroduction to the characters, so I wouldn’t change anything about it.
Episode 2: Escape From Pie Island
Honestly, it was fine. I think it tied together the “finding Moon” plot from Butterfly Follies pretty well. I’d include a little more about Festivia if anything.
Episode 3 A: Moon Remembers
A nice episode as is, I wouldn’t change anything
Episode 3 B: Swimsuit
Also an awesome episode! One of my favourites actually, so it stays (don’t worry, we’ll get to the juicy changes soon enough)
Episode 4 A: Ransomgram
Ransomgram was a cute episode. It helped us take a break from the plot driven drama of the past few episodes. HOWEVER, I would change 1 thing. At the end, when someone has to stay in the ab dimension to repair the damage, I’d have Star do it (like she tricks Marco into leaving, closes the portal behind him, then comes out a few seconds later in Mewni). This way her age evens out with Marco’s. The way it’s currently written actually makes the age gap worse! So yeah, have Star stay behind without Marco.
Episode 4 B: Lake House Fever
A good episode, I loved seeing more of Dave and Wrathmelior, but I would start really foreshadowing that Star and Tom are about to break up. Don’t have the cute “are you an angel” exchange at the end. Instead, let them have the awkwardness of a couple who’s fallen out of love. We want to break people off their desire for Tomstar early, not super late.
Episode 5 A: Yada Yada Berries
Who doesn’t love a good detective episode? Plus, the events of this will be important later. It stays the same
Episode 5 B: Down by the River
Similar to the original, but now have Moon actually excited to start a new Kingdom. It’s in her nature, she’s been trained to be queen her whole life, so show the establishments of the new kingdom, but with a queen who really wanted it (have her be excited when new people show up, have her eagerly establish living quarters and such).
Episode 6 A: The Ponyhead Show
Same title, different plot. Ponyhead’s new show is set to premiere with it’s first celebrity guest, Eclipsa, but someone cuts the connection. The show was supposed to be Eclipsa’s first official address to her people. This episode’s plot is the characters trying to get the connection back before their allotted time runs out. They end up succeeding and Eclipsa gets to sing her song. Also, cut all the Kelly and Marco interactions, or at least make it super obvious that they are just friends (why not give Kelly a boyfriend? One that isn’t Tad)
Episode 6 B: Surviving the Spiderbites
Perfect episode, wouldn’t change a thing. Absolutely amazing.
Episode 7: Curse of the Blood Moon
Yeah, I cut the entirety of the original episode 7 and shifted this one up a bit, but can you really blame me? Those episodes were pointless! This episode was good, I wouldn’t change to much, however, make it really obvious that, after the curse is broken, Marco still thinks everything about Star is adorable. She could also feel the same way about him. To make room for this, cut that weird couch segment.
Episode 8 A: Princess Quasar Catepillar and the Magic Bell
This was a fun episode, and since we’ll just be coming off of a plot driven episode, let’s do something cool with Ludo!
Episode 8 B: Ghost of Butterfly Castle
Same as the actual episode, but now we learn that Mina was not only behind the Yada Yada berries, but she was also behind cutting the connection at the Ponyhead Show.
Episode 9 A: Cornball!
Same as the actual episode we got, but without the whole “Break up buddies” thing between Marco and Kelly (remember how we cut that whole episode?) Now, we just have Marco and Kelly being friends, maybe with Marco hinting that he really likes Star and Kelly giving some relationship advice?
Episode 9 B: Meteora’s Lesson
Same title, but it’s been rewritten! So, the episode plays out the same up until they meet Toffee. In this new episode, they don’t meet Toffee at all! Instead, they travel to Skywynne directly after she destroyed the dimension. Turns out the lesson wasn’t for Meteora, it was for Skywynne. Glossaryck reassures Skywynne that everything will work out between her and her crush and, as proof, he brought her great granddaughter from the future. Skywynne is super confused and attributes the whole thing to being a hallucination caused by her dipping down for the first time (because remember, Skywynne thinks Glossaryck is dead at that point in her life). Glossaryck tries to explain that he’s real and, to prove he’s fake, Skywynne grabs her wand and is about to blast him. Meteora reacts to this and dips down to protect him (like the way it’s described in the book, out of the protection for another). Glossaryck and her go back to their own time, leaving Skywynne really confused. It ends the same way the real episode does.
Episode 10 A: The Knight Shift
I didn’t like this episode, but I like the relationship building between Marco and Star. It ends similarly with Marco saying that, no matter what, he’ll be there for Star and will visit her often. He then gets a call from his parents, leading us to...
Episode 10 B: Mariposa
A completely new episode! Marco and Star learn that his new baby brother is about to be born, so they return to Earth. Maybe there’s some trouble getting there or whatever. It would just be a cute episode, so I won’t go into huge details since they don’t matter, but it would obviously end with the baby being a girl and being called Mariposa! Star decides to stay on Earth for a few days, realizing that she feels more comfortable there than on Mewni at the moment.
Episode 11 A: Britta’s Tacos
Pretty much the same episode we actually got. I liked it.
Episode 11 B: Beach Day
Again, same episode as what we got in the actual season. However now there is the obviousness of them slowly wanting to be a couple.
Episode 12 A: Gone Baby Gone
Pretty much the same episode because I love getting to see the teen designs for Mariposa and Meteora. However, this time it’s not Heckapoo who leaves a portal open, instead someone (doesn’t matter who) accidentally cuts a rift to the abs dimension. Also, now we’d actually get to see adult Star from when I aged her up back in ransomgram!
Episode 12 B: Sad Teen Hotline
Tom comes to visit Star on Earth and breaks up with her. It’s basically the same as the original episode, but the portals are actually being affected by their emotions (not by Heckapoo closing the portals). It ends with him coming to terms with it and is able to make a proper portal to leave.
Episode 13 A: Pancake Day
Similar to the episode “A Spell With No Name” from the actual series in the sense that we get to hang out with the spells again. Star’s spells are in a bit of a panic because ownership has transferred from Star to Eclipsa and they fear they may never be used again! To help ease their minds, Narwhal and Spider go out to the other rooms and interview spells from past queens (specifically spells we actually read about in the book) and they get to realize that, even if another princess doesn’t use them, they still can lead good lives inside the wand! To celebrate, the invite their new spell friends back to their room for a pancake day.
Episode 13 B: Junkin Janna
Star needs to accompany Eclipsa to a meeting with the MHC, while Tom needs help keeping his mind off his breakup with Star. Janna tags along with Star to Mewni and offers to take Tom boot sledding. Eclipsa and Star learn that there are readings of magic being emitted from the destroyed Butterfly castle (not the monster temple). Eclipsa and Star say they don’t know who it is, since neither of them had gone back. Meanwhile, Tom and Janna get attacked by the bird and we learn that Mina is creating a giant suit of armour for... something.
Episode 14: General Loveberry
A flashback episode! Yay! This episode starts the same way “Pizza Party” starts, with an introduction to rag peddler Mina meeting Solaria and the promise that Mina will be the fiercest warrior Mewni ever knew. It cuts to a scene at the meeting table (the one from “Moon the Undaunted”) with Jushtin yelling at Solaria that the idea is insane. Mina says she’ll happily risk herself to defend the kingdom, and that perhaps Mewni is lucky Jushtin never became queen. Jushtin stands up and takes Eclipsa from Solaria, saying that it’s his sister’s choice on how to proceed, but that it’s no place for a baby.
We then go through a series of cuts to the different Queens at the table. At each cut, Mina becomes a little more unstable.
We start with Queen Eclipsa and Shastacan arguing about whether to deploy the Solarians. Mina reassures Eclipsa that her armies will destroy every last monster, making Eclipsa squirm. She says that she’s the queen and her decision is final, they will not use the Solarians.
Cut to Festivia and the MHC. True to Festivia’s chapter, Rhombulus is suggesting war, Omnitraxes says to wait, Glossaryck isn’t there, and Heckapoo is being super supportive of Festivia. She decides they will go to war and Mina says her army will fight just as hard, if not harder, than when Solaria had first made them.
Cut to Dirhhennia doodling balls on a piece of paper while Festivia introduces Mina and describes all the valiant things she did. Dirhhennia looks up and shrugs, making some comment or whatever. Festivia and Mina exchange a look and it cuts to the literal same scene, but now it’s Crescenta excitedly listening to the victories of Mina. She says that, with her plans for the kingdom, Mina and the Solarians won’t need to fight, and that they can take a break, but it’s good to know they fought so hard.
Cut to Rhina asking if it’s possible for the Solarians to protect her on a trip to the Underworld. Mina explains that not many Solarians are left, and besides, their job wasn’t escort missions, they were made for battle.
Cut to Celena comforting Mina, as we learn that she is the last Solarian left.
Cut to the MHC arguing again with Estrella drawing instead of paying attention, while Mina tries to explain the benefit of another war.
Finally, we cut to Queen Comet explaining her idea for a peace treaty. Mina tries desperately to change her mind, but Comet refuses and explains how the tension between monsters has been going on for too long. She tells Mina a detailed plan for her trip to make he deal, and is then called in by Moon, who needs help figuring out a pie recipe. Comet leaves and Mina is left to think.
Under the cover of night, Mina goes out to the Monster camp. The Monsters freak out as she walks in, but she explains that she means them no harm... yet. She demands she speaks to the general (Toffee) and she gives him all the details of Comet’s travel plan. She says that a peace treaty won’t benefit either side, and he says he agrees. She tells him to do whatever he wants with that information, before she runs back into the woods.
We then get a cut to the present, where Mina is standing in the garden at night, facing statues of the previous queens that we just saw. She apologizes to Comet, saying that it was the only way to end the war once and for all. She hears footsteps behind her, and Moon appears. She says “I’m ready to help” and Mina smiles.
Episode 15 A: A Boy and His DC‑700XE
Again, same episode. This was a really nice, fun episode. However, any and all jokes about Tomco are removed, and instead Tom says that if Marco wants to date Star, he can.
(I want to deal with this now, because I know someone will ask. The reason I don’t want any Tomco hints is because, in this fake season, Starco is already under way. I want to minimize the shipping drama and just build as healthy a relationship as possible for Star and Marco, one that the fandom would hopefully be ok with).
Episode 15 B: Return to St. Olga’s
Eclipsa comes to Star and says that Meteora won’t stop crying and she’s not sure why. She gives Star a drawing that Meteora did, which Star immediately recognizes (it’s just a bunch of scribbles, the audience isn’t meant to know what this is but somehow Star gets it). She tells Eclipsa she knows what Meteora wants, and goes to get Marco. They then go back to St. Olga’s and we get to check in with the girls over there (they’re doing well). The details don’t really matter, but in the end they find Meteora’s old car parked out front (the one she used to live in) and in the trunk they find the dolls of Eclipsa and Globgor. They return with the dolls and Meteora begins clapping before hugging them close. Eclipsa expresses her shock, stating that she hadn’t seen those dolls in 300 hundred years. It ends with Eclipsa looking at the Globgor doll and smiling.
Episode 16: The Monster and the Queen
Similar to the real episode, but longer. It ends with Star proclaiming that Eclipsa will receive a proper coronation, and then will become the proper queen of Mewni once again.
Episode 17 A: Doop Doop
Same title, altered plot. Moon goes to Star and tells her to go on vacation to Earth because the stress of planning a coronation is clearly starting to get to her. Star agrees, saying it would be nice to take a break from planning. Star and Marco go through Mewni and say good bye to all their friends, ending with Doop Doop, before actually leaving for Earth. Once they’re back on Earth, Star says she forgot something and tries to open the portal, but it doesn’t work. She questions if it’s because she’s emotional, like what happened with her break up with Tom. She attempts to call Tom with the intention of having him bring the thing she forgot, but it goes to static. Her and Marco realize something is wrong with the portals.
Episode 17 B: Jannanagins
Same episode, but now Tom isn’t here.
Episode 18 A: Mama Star
Same episode, but Tom isn't here.
Episode 18 B: Ready, Aim, Fire
Similar to the real episode, but Globgor is not free yet. Star, Marco, and Janna all wake up in different places on Mewni (Doop Doop, lint catcher, and Meteora’s nursery). Marco learns that the MHC plans on freeing Globgor, then having the Solarians attack while he’s still disoriented from being freed. Moon is shocked that Star has returned, and Star goes to help Eclipsa, whose castle is under attack. Janna is staying with Meteora while Eclipsa defends her castle and her people.
Episode 19 A: The Right Way
Star and Eclipsa defeat the one warrior (not with the total annihilation spells, just with something else). Moon shows up to help but slips up and reveals she sent Star to Earth knowing this attack would happen, and that she wanted Star away from the danger. She’s then forced to explain herself and reveals that she (Moon) made the new Solarians with the intent of getting rid of Globgor once and for all. Moon speaks of the horror stories she was told about Globgor, leading Eclipsa to speak up with the truth.
Episode 19 B: Queen of Darkness
A flashback episode, very similar to “Moon the Undaunted” from season 3. This would be the story of Meteora’s kidnapping, Globgor eating Shastacan, the attack on Spiderbite village, and Globgor’s crystallization. The whole episode would end with Eclipsa being crystallized.
Episode 20 A: Here to Help
Moon tries to reason with Mina, explaining that she was wrong about Globgor and that he was just a parent looking out for his family. She takes away the powers of the Solarians, leaving Mina as the only one left. Moon tells Mina that Eclipsa will leave with Meteora and Globgor will stay crystallized forever. Mina complains that they are all being let off too easy and tries to attack, but is held off. The group of heroes fall through a portal like they do in “Pizza Party”, and they meet Heckapoo.
Episode 20 B: The Tavern at the End of the Multiverse
Heckapoo reveals that Rhombulus and Mina are going to destroy Globgor and there’s nothing they can do, so they might as well stay safe until this whole thing blows over, then Moon and Star can return, while Eclipsa and Meteora stay in hiding. Moon is mad until she realizes this is exactly what she did to Star, and suddenly understands Star’s conviction to fight for her beliefs. Star is freaking out over the whole thing and sees Glossaryck, forcing herself into his eye. From there, she tells him she needs advice and he takes her to the grandma room. The ghosts appear similar to the actual grandma reunion scene, but this time Star asks them for help on what to do. A few of them motion to Moon’s tapestry, revealing Toffee can speak. He and Star have a civil conversation which leads to him revealing that Mina gave him the information on where to find Comet. Star turns to ask the ghosts if that’s true, but they’re gone. She sees her tapestry though, it’s her and Marco holding hands while standing on a stage. They are facing away from the audience. Facing towards the audience is Eclipsa, Globgor, and Meteora, being cheered on. Star realizes this is the coronation and that she needs to make this happen. She returns and explains that Eclipsa needs to be the true queen again. When Moon protests, Star reveals that Mina helped plot the murder of Comet. With that, Moon prepares for battle.
Episode 21: Cornonation
The episode begins with the group of friends all backstage while Eclipsa gets ready. It’s not as huge of an auditorium because they’re trying to keep things pretty quiet so they don’t attract any unwanted attention. (At some point here, Marco can point out the typo of “Cornonation”). Eclipsa learns a string on her guitar broke and runs to go fix it. Star goes after her and finds that Globgor has escaped. It was Mina who convinced Rhombulus to let Globgor out, but they didn’t anticipate he’d be so fast and he escaped. In a panic, he crashes into the coronation stage (rather than running to the swamp) and Mina goes for the attack. At some point, we show Moon returning to Butterfly castle to get her armour, and there can be another scene where she looks at her mother’s tapestry, smiling before going out to avenge her.
At this moment at the Coronation, Eclipsa is being crystallized but suddenly breaks out her butterfly form and dips down for the first time. She and Moon join forces to do the spell with no name but now it's effects are less deadly, it simply destroys Mina’s armour (rather than flying out and melting everything else). Moon can have a cool moment where she confronts Mina about Comet.
The MHC is still fighting Globgor and we get a similar cool fight scene. Tom suddenly flies up (he was back stage with Marco) and summons the dead queens (remember how he did that with Mackie Hand?) Mina is about to deliver the final blow on Globgor, who’s been reunited with Meteora, when Solaria intercepts the blow. Mina asks her why she’s doing this and she just holds Mina’s face in her hands. “You’ve served me valiantly, Mina. But it’s time to rest.” Mina returns to her normal form and looks around and sees how innocent Globgor looks with his family. She runs off into the forest.
The dead queens take a moment to look at their family. Solaria has a touching moment with Eclipsa and her family, showing she accepts it. Jushtin can swoop in and ruffle Eclipsa’s hair, causing them all to laugh. Maybe even Festivia and meet with Eclipsa (just a silent scene), perhaps with a hug from Eclipsa to Festivia. Meanwhile, Star and Moon reunite with Comet. Star finally gets to meet Celena and apologizes to Festivia for destroying her legacy. Star then makes amends with Skywynne, to whom she confesses that she was her favourite grandma. All the queens wave goodbye and are about to leave when Eclipsa stops them. “I know that some of you aren’t my real family, but we were all Queens of Mewni. And this kind of reunion doesn’t happen every day so... will you stay for my coronation?”
It ends the same way the real episode ends, but now we see all the character’s we’ve come to know sitting in the audience (including the queens and including some earth people like Marco’s family). The credits roll as Eclipsa and Globgor continue singing an extended version of their song. The last shot of the show is Star and Marco kissing backstage, with Marco’s cheeks glowing.
Some Final Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed! Since I have your attention, I thought I’d justify and explain some of my reasonings for making the changes that I did. If this doesn’t interest you, feel free to click away now
Ending With Globgor’s Freedom
Some of you may be wondering “Why would you free Globgor at the end?! Don’t you want to show how cute he and Eclipsa are?” I do, which is why I extended “The Monster and the Queen” and why I added another flashback episode about them. I want you to think really hard though for one second. After his freedom in the original series, what did he do? He was injured, sure, but that didn’t lead to anything. He was just sort of... there. Did you know that Globgor doesn’t say a SINGLE word in Cleaved? Yeah...
Ending With the Coronation
Think about it. Svtfoe has always been about Star being a magical princess. This is the physical proof that that point in her life is coming to an end, just as the show is coming to an end. When I first watched season 1, I kind of assumed the series would end with Star becoming Queen. After we learned that Eclipsa was still the true heir, it only felt right to end it this way.
Adding “General Loveberry”
This fan made episode was honestly just a way to give the queens voices, but it also helps flesh out Mina’s character and show her descent into madness. She has seen all her fellow solarians die, she has served every queen, give her this recognition!
Making Mina Responsible for Comet’s Death
I had seen this theory floating around, but unfortunately I don’t know who created it. However, I think it adds a valid reason for Moon to turn on Mina. In the original, Moon flips sides too much, and her only reason for betraying Mina is “I didn’t know she would go so far”. HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT? In mine, Mina DOESN’T go that far. She’s ready to do her duty to get rid of Globgor, and that’s all. It’s her past actions that catch up to her.
ALSO it would show Moon that her monster bias wasn’t completely right. I didn’t elaborate too much in the above section, so I’ll do it here. I would make it very clear throughout the series that Moon kind of blames all monsters for Comet’s death, so learning it was actually a Mewman, her trusted general no less, that was truly behind it makes her rethink everything.
Swapping Toffee for Skywynne in “Meteora’s Lesson”
Reason #1 is because I want to hear her voice, and she wouldn’t be in the “General Loveberry” episode. Reason #2 is because I want to see moments of the book addressed in the show. The fact that a queen destroyed a dimension is oddly glossed over in the series. I also think that visiting a past queen is more relevant than visiting Toffee, especially in my rewrite. Originally, Toffee’s appearance felt like fan service, but it kind of reminded people that Toffee wanted magic destroyed. Well now we don’t want to destroy magic, so Toffee can have his appearances in “General Loveberry” and “The Tavern”.
Not Destroying Magic
In my opinion, destroying the magic was NOT a satisfying way to end. Magic had always been a part of this world, so to come to the decision to destroy it  ONE episode in advance, it felt awkward. Keep magic, keep the queens, but now it’s a new generation. A generation where a queen will rule hand in hand with a monster.
Changing “The Spell With No Name” to “Pancake Day”
Is it just me, or did the original episode “The Spell with No Name” feel super over hyped? Like, they foreshadow this horrible destructive spell, and then Eclipsa uses it a few episodes later but nothing happens! There’s no “Oh my corn we need to stop it!” It just flies off, doing who knows what, and it’s never addressed! With my shift to a lighter episode, we get to address something that I assume would be a very real concern for the spells (not being used) and we get to meet some other spells. This also helps ease the audience into the idea of meeting the past queens, so it doesn’t seem as weird when they pop up at the end.
Why not break up Tom and Star even earlier?
I considered breaking up Tom and Star right after the Bloodmoon curse thing, but it felt too rushed. I felt there needed to be time where they're in a relationship, but it’s clear they aren’t super pumped about it. The way I have it, we still get lots of time between their break-up and the finale, plus Star and Marco never actually confirm they are dating. It ends more on the promise of “Let’s see if this works”.
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ussjellyfish · 5 years
my insomnia laced dragon queen season s7 au
mostly becuase it won’t leave my brain alone....
Dragon Queen snuck into s7, which a touch of Glass Believer. (it’s not a real fic because my brain doesn’t really have time for that, but if I did...)
(should probably dedicate this to the person posting in the tags about how they didn’t ship dragon queen, nothing makes me ship it harder, apparently. )
Henry, Ella, Regina and the resistance run into Lily in the EF2. Lily’s also been wandering the realms, trying to find herself. She gets lost easily, no real concept of time either, being that she’s a dragon on this side.
Henry recognizes her before she recognizes him. He’s supposed to be a kid, he’s like twelve.
They laugh about that. She comes home with him from the tavern where he was getting supplies, listening to everything that’s happened to him since he left Storybrooke.
they meet Ella who’s initially a little skeptical of Henry returning to top secret camp with strangers, but no, this is his sister.
Half-sister. Sort of.
“Oh? I didn’t know you had a half-sister.”
Henry shrugs a little, scratches the back of his neck. “The other half is dragon.”
“Dragon?” And Ella thinks that’s actually pretty amazing (if she doesn’t think about it too much, there’s some weird logistics there, but a dragon is really helpful to the cause, because it’s air support, that’s awesome.)
Lily listens and is willing to help them but when they start talking about actual combat she pauses. “You kind of want Mom for that. I can look scary, definitely burn some stuff, lots of stuff, but anything precise is still kind of beyond me. I can do sound and fury but I’m not really good at the terrifying beast thing.”
Ella takes a moment to blink and switch “Mom” for “Dad” in her head, because no one really specified the pronouns before.
Regina returns from doing something outside of camp and Henry and Lily are talking about trying to summon Maleficent and Lily jokes that it’s not the other world. She can’t just call her.
Regina looks kind of sheepish and corrects Lily that actually, there’s a summoning spell for Maleficent that Regina knows because it was in her spellbook, that Regina basically memorized as a young woman, because she’s a giant nerd and she was fangirling, and she might have had a chance to cast it someday.
Regina casts the spell, because two dragons in the resistance is pretty damn cool. Maleficent appears all drama and fury at first, old school terror, until she recognizes Regina and drops the green flames.
“I didn’t know you knew that spell.”
“I knew all of them, never thought I’d need to cast it.”
And Ella, who’s just sharp as hell, watches them kind of sort of flirting and nudges Henry who’s all.
“They broke up literally ages ago.”
“That’s not what broken up looks like, Henry.”
“They’re friends.”
“And they’re Lily’s parents.”
“You’re the author,  tell me, how did that story end for them?”
He doesn’t know. Regina’s never talked about it. They ask Lily and she’s also in the dark. She knows the gist of it, Regina wanted to cast the Dark Curse, Maleficent didn’t, they fought.
“Regina kept Mom in dragon form in a cave for like, forever.”
“Just the curse.”
Ella watches Regina and Mal talking across camp and there’s no animosity, none at all, they’re catching up like old friends. Really old friends who walk around holding hands.
Henry and Lily are both all “there’s nothing, really.”
Ella gives them an “uh-huh, sure” sort of look.
In Hyperion Heights, Roni needs money to fight Victoria. Some kind pf outrageous permit or something, and she doesn’t know how she’ll get it and Herny mentions something about fairy godmothers, and she laughts.
“That’s it.”
And she ‘summons’ Mal with a tattered old business card that still has her contact info, and as much as Roni is not Madame Mayor Regina, Maleficent in the cursed world is an airy sort of hippee with thick glasses and scarves and a save the rhinos t-shirt. She’s even vegan.
Henry doesn’t see how she can possibly be helpful fighting Victoria.
Regina explains that Mal is actually a brilliant financier, they met in college. Mal was day trading her way through an accounting degree.
“And?” Henry asks, because there’s some tension before Mal and Roni, kind of delicately flirty.
“And she has a cat named Lily.” Roni pours herself a drink and sighs. “We had a cat.”
“And nothing, we went our separate ways, she went to Tanzania to save the elephants and the alligators and wildebeest, I ran this bar.”
Mal works on Roni’s books and the ordinances and can help Roni turn the bar more profitable but it’ll take a few years to make what Victoria wants.
Roni’s crushed but puts on a brave face and starts making them a ‘you tried’ drink and she sets it in front of Mal and is ready to give in and Mal takes the drink and grins.
“Of course, if you had an investor.”
Mal takes out her checkbook and writes a check (on some “save the elephants” ridiculously cute check). “Here.”
“I cant.”
“Of you can, I can’t let you lose your lair.”
“It’s not a lair.”
“No, it’s a very nice bar and I’m glad you kept it all this time.”
Roni takes the check, drinks and pours them another set of shots. “How’s Lily?”
“Would you believe she’s still with me?”
“She must be the oldest little cat.”
“She’d remember you.”
“I doubt it.”
“I don’t.”
And they get far too close to each other, but don’t kiss. Henry catches them hugging goodbye and Roni explains the whole thing in a haze, puring herself another drink.
It’s plenty of money, enough to set Victoria back and keep fighting and--
Lily’s still alive. She’s like a twenty-year old cat, which is ridiculous. She’s just a cat.
“But you never had a cat on your own, did you.”
“Never wanted one.”
And they look at each other far too long and it just hurts us that they don’t know they’re related because they just ache for that family connection.
“Maybe you did want something, and you were just afraid.”
“It was a different time, Henry.”
“Of course, I get it.” He lifts his drink. “But you’re here again now.”
Later he’s talking to Ella and mentions that Roni might just have a crush on her ex.
“What kind of ex?”
“The kind you never really get over.”
“I knew there had to be something in her past, she’s too much of a romantic.”
Back in the EF2, Mal and Regina fall wistfully for each other again, but neither of them mentions anything. It’s just nice being togther, talking, having someone who understands everything. They gear up for a fight and it’s just like the old days.
Except they’re on the same side. With their children.
“Grandchildren even,” Mal teases Regina.
“She’s beautiful.”
“I know.”
The fight happens offscreen because we have no budget for cgi dragon battles, and its weirdly offscreen in Hyperion Heights too.
Victoria fumes and threatens Roni. Roni has the last laugh because she’s safe for the moment.
Mal asks her to host a fundraiser for whales or something and Roni teases her that she could just write the check.
Mal laughs, because she will, she donates everything she can get out of the evil capitalist stock market to all the right charities, even has several of her own, but sometimes it’s the idea that has to spread. People need to believe they can do good.
Roni smiles kind of wistfully at her, because that sounds so familiar but she can’t place it.
Back in the EF2, the fight’s over, Mal did the ridiculously dangerous thing they needed her to do, and she flies back as a dragon and shifts back, eyes shining, almost laughing, drunk on battle, but she’s injured and spent and sways a little and Regina catches her.
Mal insists she’s fine, just burnt more than she’s needed to for a very long time.
“You were wonderful.”
“As were you.”
And Ella elbows Henry REALLY hard because they’re leaning into each other, nearly kissing (and Regina’s so damn sort it’s adorable)
Switch back to Hyperion Heights and they’re walking, hands in their pockets, passing just under the Troll Bridge and it’s raining a little and they pause, waiting it out and they get a little close to each other, then closer and Roni jokes that Mal had to swoop in, save her like she’s some endangered cat in the jungle.
Mal teases that very talented bartenders are rare indeed, and need to be protected. They’re very close to each other. Mal invites her back to say hi to Lily.
“Lily doesn’t remember me.”
“I’ve never stopped thinking about you, so how could she?”
Roni hesistates, Mal starts to step back, letting her go, again, but Roni grabs her, kissing her in the chilly Seattle rain.
And we cut back to the EF2, where they’re sitting by the fire, Regina’s cleaning the last of an arrow wound in Mal’s side, healing it up.
“That’s not something you got from my spellbook.”
“No, no I guess it’s not.”
And they’re very close, right next to the fire, and Mal’s half-undressed, wrapped iin a blanket. “You’ve come so far since you broke down my door.”
“I guess I have, but you- you have Lily and you’re here, being pretty damn heroic.”
“Heroic stings a little.” Mal teases, and Regina kisses her hand.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For defending my family.”
“Of course, they’re important to you.”
“They’re everything.”
Mal’s eyes get soft, and she tears up a little. “You know, I never, ever regret you being Lily’s mother, because you love her so fiercely.”
“She’s my daughter.”
Mal touches Regina’s chin. “And I’m so grateful.”
And they’re close, very very close.
“Loving too much has always been my problem.”
And Mal kisses her, gently. “I don’t think it’s a problem at all.”
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Winx Club season 8/21
In which we all do some DDR.
21 Dance Contest on Melody
More Musa/Riven stuff, strap in guys!  I swear, this season turned me from not caring about that ship to hating it with a fiery passion.  Come on relationship, redeem yourself already so I can go back to standing peacefully outside all fandom drama sources like I want to!
Alfea!  Grizelda is teaching “magical self defense class”  in the courtyard.  I like how we’re seeing all the teachers—except Avalon, I wonder what happened to him!  They’re doing magic shield practice and Knut and Kiko are shooting cannonballs with a catapult to be shielded against. I wonder if shields against a physical object and shields against a magic zap are a different spell.  But grizelda says the cannonballs ‘simulate a magic attack’ so maybe not.
Stella’s shield is a gold star.
Musa is up next, she practiced a lot but her phone rings just at the wrong time. Riven wants to go out for ice cream!  Musa does not sound enthused, like at all.
So they’re back together?  I don’t really remember them getting back together.  My guess is here’s what happened: the second-half writers were told that part of the plot in the first half was that Musa and Riven would get back together, and then the first-half writers… flubbed it.  It happens to us all, you get to the end of the story and realize you didn’t manage to do one of the things you were planning to do.
Or else this ice cream date is Riven’s attempt to actually get back together.  
  Because she’s paying attention to her phone she nearly gets beaned with a cannonball, and then Knut launches Kiko from the catapult, and then the star box appears to save us from the slapstick.
...Is this a glitch?  The box floats there silently and the Tecna says something about the world of music.  I think the dubbers forgot to put in the sound file!
I like that the minor fairies also gather around to hear the star box.  I wonder if some of them are hoping in their hearts that this time the box will say it’s someone else’s destiny to find the prime star.  We never see the minor fairies being jealous, but they must be, the Winx get to do everything and they’re singers too!
Bloom asks to be excused and Grizelda says the fate of the magic universe is indeed more important than their lesson.
So Musa texts Riven that they have to go save the universe again.  Flora says Musa should give him one more chance, “it’s just ice cream.”  Flora, I love you but quit pressuring Musa! -_-
Musa: ‘I don’t need him telling me his feelings unless he can show me!”  Uh, I agree with the sentiment Musa, but that’s what he did with the hologram projector and all that showed was that he’s a bonehead. But Musa perks up because she’ll get to see her dad.
Bloom is concerned about the Trix getting there ahead of them, but Stella says there’s no way the Trix could be there already and we cut to…
The Trix were there already!  Aerial zappy battle for the star, which is on top of one of these really cool giant rock spires that have the tops carved into treble clefs.  Love the geography!  I want to imagine who carved these things, I wonder how people know when they move into a realm what kind of magic it will have.  The girls’ home realms each have a certain flavor, while Magix isn’t associated with any particular kind of magic. Imagine being an explorer visiting new realms to discover their magic...
In the fight the prime star gets dislodged and its little hamster ball goes sailing off towards the city.  Everybody follow it!
Musa says, ‘it’s flying toward the Melody disco!”  wait, is that whole thing a disco?  The scales of things are sometimes confusing, I thought it was a whole city but maybe it’s just one building.
Cut to… a disco! Or some kind of… do nightclubs really look like that?  Colored lights, big speakers, several levels of dance floors, big screens. Very cool.  The partygoers do not look particularly traditionally Asian, they’re all colors and wearing big pants and hats and sweaters.  I think this is like, Asian punk clothing?  K-pop style? I don’t follow K-pop and I don’t go to night clubs, but if they looked like this I might.  
And there’s Galatea!  The art style has actually made her look older than she was, she’s wearing the same dress as when we saw her in the sovereign council, that super skinny dress with the ruffles up front. I feel like the very classical-music Galatea should look more uncomfortable at this not-classical club, she doesn’t fit aesthetically, but she’s having a grand time announcing the annual Melody disco competition.
The Winx come in, Musa says this is Melody’s biggest party and Galatea organizes it every year.  it’s like her pet project, I love it!  Galatea holds up the prize for the “dancing queen”, a crown with a treble clef on it, and the prime star landed inside.
Ok, it flew from outside and landed perfectly in the crown and Galatea’s holding it up and doesn’t notice?  Come on. ...was what I wrote when watching in Italian, but in English it’s even worse because Galatea did see it and she just says, ‘this crown and a special extra that just fell from above.”  So Galatea doesn’t recognize an important magical item or wonder where it came from or why… groan.
So Musa goes, “Hey, Galatea, old friend, we need that star and then you can go back to enjoying your contest!” and Galatea gives it to her--
Not.  That is not what happens.
Flora does suggest they just ask for the star but Musa says it won’t be that easy, “Princess Galatea takes this event very seriously.”
The Trix are here too.  Icy tries some magic to “bring down the house!” and it doesn’t work and all the punk kids glare at her.  She looks quite worried for just being glared at by a bunch of punk kids!
Galatea says very prissily, “Remember, the disco is protected against magic attacks, so no cheating please.”  I dunno if it’s just me but I’m seeing Galatea as, she acts all prissy but she’s like a stealth nerd who pretends to be all formal but secretly just has a ball going off on nerd stuff.  Or in this case, disco.  Maybe that’s just me reading what I want to see into the character ‘cause it’s such a fun image of her.
Anyway, we’ll just have to win the contest to get the prime star!
Bloom seems pretty happy about this, and Aisha says the star case mentioned harmony so winning a music contest would make sense as a way to get the star.
Stella says, ‘everybody, hold still!” and gets everyone dressed up. Gradient-colored outfits with neon edging.  Bloom comes off worst, the designers couldn’t bring themselves to go with blue so she’s in mostly a muddy purple and her hairstyle is not good.  Flora’s is similarly blah, Musa has cute banding across her top and I like her very ninties hair.  Tec is cute in green and Stella in yellow. Aisha’s turquoise with purple neon looks the best, and she says this might be the best outfit Stella’s ever put together.
Are these dolls?  I hope so.  I not-so-secretly want Winx dolls with glow in the dark elements, because I want them to be Moondreamers.  Cosmix totally granted my Winx-moondreamers wish, except for the glow in the dark stuff part!
Musa’s ready to dance but the others tell her to go see her dad while she can.  The others mention Aisha is a talented dancer, yay for them remembering that.  So Musa goes to visit her dad.
The Trix notice Musa’s leaving and Darcy wants to go after her to make sure she doesn’t “know something we don’t.”  Smart, Darcy!  Icy grabs her sister and says they have to win the crown.  But Darcy says, ‘You don’t need me, you have our secret weapon.”  What weapon?
  Icy and Stormy get their dance clothes on and they look awesome!  Way better than the Winx.  Icy’s hairdo is a bit much but other than that they rock.
We cut to Red Fountain.  Sky and Brandon are sparring.  Riven is brooding about Musa avoiding him.  Sky says he should try talking to her, but Riven says every time they talk they end up arguing.  Brandon suggests they argue because they have strong feelings.  Sky says, “Talk to musa face to face, show her your feelings.’  which is what Riven’s been trying to… sigh.
Back on Melody Stella offers to help explain the dance contest rules.  Galatea recognizes her by name so the girls totally could call on their friendship with Galatea to get the star.  it’s also cool that one royal recognizes another.
This dance contest is like DDR Twister, anywhere on the floor can light up and also spots in the air.  I cannot wait until this is a real thing in AR. It’s coming, people.  It’s coming.  
Stella eventually flubs it, she gets catapulted off the stage and lands in Bloom’s arms.  Galatea explains if a dancer misses even one step she’ll be eliminated
Icy vs Flora dance! People recognize Icy, Galatea does… and nobody calls the police to report public enemies on the loose and in the same room with the princess!  People cheer for Icy like she’s a normal contestant. Maybe they don’t realize she’s THAT Icy..?
Bloom says, “Icy’s not bad!” in both Italian and English.  Flora grins cutely the whole time and is pretty adorable, but she loses and gets carried off the stage in a bubble which pops, dropping her in Aisha’s arms.
I used to love DDR. I was terrible at it, but it’s fun.
Darcy is following Musa to her house.  Musa meets her dad!  Hugs!  Musa’s house is cool, it’s Asian-ish with like, lines of music along the roof..
Inside, screens, sliding doors, Asian style tea set.  Musa remembers her childhood with her parents, it’s really sweet.  Baby Musa has two pigtails. There’s a huge double-harp, it has part an upright normal harp and part a bench with harp strings over it and Matlin and Ho-boe played it together.  I wonder if that’s a real thing, it’s like the sofa of harps.  Hoe-bo calls it the “Harmony harp” and says even the stars come to listen.  It can only be played by two people whose hearts are in harmony, so hoe-bo hasn’t been able to play it since Matlin died.
Darcy: ‘What a sweet moment.  I’d better ruin it right away.”
pffft!  Darcy, I love you, never change.
Tecna vs Stormy dance!   Stormy says it’s time for the Trix to unleash their secret weapon, but Tecna isn’t worried.  She says the dance contest is kind of like a video game.  And it is, but you need physical strength and speed too.   If I were writing this I’d have Tecna say, “Anything where you can ‘level up,’ I can win!’
Stormy turns out to be “better than Icy… a lot better.”   Tec gets farther than Flora did and ends up in a perfect tie with Stormy.  Galatea chirps, “Double perfect!” and tec says ‘achievement unlocked” again. They go to a higher level that’s like breakdancing where you have to spin around on your back and stuff.   Eventually Stormy wins.
Galatea should not be so chipper about public enemy numbers one and three winning her contest.  She knows who the Trix are, she’s calling them by name…
Stella runs right up to icy, “wait-wait-wait, STORMY was your secret weapon?”
Stormy: ‘Five time dance witch champion.”
Icy: ‘She’s kind of a rising star in the world of dark dance competitions.”
Bloom: “Dark dance competitions?”
Aisha: “It’s a thing.  Unfortunately.”
Ok that was great.  and Aisha’s delivery of that last line was spot on.
Musa is eating ice cream with her dad, it’s sweet.  He asks why ice cream and guesses it’s about Riven.  Musa says, “It’s not about Riven.  It’s never about Riven actually.”  Hmm.
Darcy is lurking outside, she says ‘Musa’s making this too easy.  I’ll finish it with a single shot.” O_o
thankfully riven turns up to save the day.  They fight but Darcy can do all her illusion stuff and she wins without too much trouble, and puts a mind control spell on Riven.  She sounds just delighted at her new plaything.  Now she can cause even more havok!
Musa hears a noise outside and thinks it’s the Trix, but it’s Riven.  She invites him in, and she sounds… not drama-y.  She just apologizes for canceling their date and says they can have ice cream now.  Darcy gloats.
Next time: more dancing!  Riven and Musa!  Stormy wins the contest!  Gee, that’s a spoiler.
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