#my situation last year was not tragic and everyone is fine
purplepixel · 6 months
Dont worry y’all, he’s not dead.
Its been exactly one year since I made this. This was the first animatic I made with rise. Technically a repost from twitter, since i wasnt on tumblr when i made this. I held off posting here when I did make the switch bc…reasons. Its kinda weird looking back on this animatic. Its somewhat of a time capsule for me bc THIS IS 100% PROJECTION. I made this one afternoon in response to what was going on in my life at the time. Draw your feelings to cope and all that jazz. I wanted to reshare this bc 1) archiving reasons 2) show how much ive improved from this 3) ok maybe i still think i did a good job with it and 4) Im ready to share part 2 that ive kept hidden for an entire year. Nobody has seen the follow up animatic. Not even my bestie. It’ll give more context to this animatic, but i also like the idea of this one standing on its own and that anyone can interpret it however they like.
Oh hey, this was my first time animating in procreate as well? Back when i didnt know you could use group layers to animate in procreate HA.
Part 1 | Part 2
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shaevilux · 1 year
People knock on Rhoam for being a bad dad cuz he's distant and stern to little Zelda and say how Rauru is the goat (heh) for taking her in like his own daughter. Like Zelda had her real parental connection with Sonia and Rauru. But frankly that's a little reductive.
Rauru literally descended from the heavens, married a priest, started a kingdom. Man didn't really know much strife yet. There's no looming threat of calamity or prophecy yet. Things are peaceful. Things are fine. Things are great. Zelda dropped in during this time, talking about a doom that's going to happen tens of thousands of years in the future.
This sad, lost princess.
Of course any reasonable person would take her in and calm her and tell her she is fine and listen and support her.
Rhoam not being able to be this kind of figure for Zelda is tragic. Just read this poor man's journal entries:
"It has been a year and three months since her mother passed. Perhaps she is held back by heartache too deep to heal. If the Ganon prophecy wasn't looming over our heads, I would tell her to take her time... To wait until she is ready. But our situation is dire and leaves no room for weakness—even on behalf of my beloved daughter. My heart breaks for Zelda, but I must act as a king, not a father. I must order her to train relentlessly at the fountain." Pg 4.
"In truth, I understand Zelda's feelings. Painfully so. She lost her mother, her teacher, before she could learn from her. Ten pointless years of self-training, without so much as a book or note to help her find her way... Those in the castle talk behind her back. And I, her only family, scold her for her shortcomings. No wonder she wishes to hide away in her beloved relic research. I'd love nothing more than to console her... But I must stay strong. She MUST fulfill her duty, just as we all must. Even if she comes to despise me." Pg 6.
"I have been told my Zelda went to the Spring of Wisdom... This will likely be her last chance. If she is unable to awaken her power at Lanayru, all hope is truly lost. If she comes back without success, then I shall speak kindly with her. Scolding is pointless now. I forced 10 years of training on her... and after all that, it seems her power will stubbornly awaken some other way. Perhaps I should encourage her to keep researching her beloved relics. They may just lead her to answers I can't provide. For now, I sit anxiously, more a father than a king in this moment. I sit and await my daughter's return." Pg 7. (He fucking dies and never gives Zelda this bit of closure uuuugggghhhhhhh Zelda I'm so sorry Rhoam I'm so sorry)
It sucks because most people remember the cutscenes (duh it's more immersive and important) and in the cutscenes of the first game Rhoam was mostly shown as being stern and mean to babygirl Zelda, who is closed fists explaining herself to him at the verge of tears. And in contrast everyone in the first royal family of hyrule in the second game treated her with such kindness and we can see how happy she was being there with them.
Rhoam was shackled by duty. By prophecy. By the looming calamity. And from the day he named his daughter 'Zelda' he shackled her as well.
And what does Zelda do with these shackles? She accepts them. She tolerates them. Because she loves her father and her kingdom and knows there's a power dormant in her that can stop the calamity that she must do her best to unlock. She does this dutifully. She does all the training, she does everything that is required.
But it still doesn't unlock. So she tries other ways. She isn't just going after the 'relics' because she's scholarly and nerdy and wants to learn about them. She does it because she's pragmatic. She knows her sacred sealing power isn't present in her. She knows she might not be able to control it or even unlock it in time.
So she tries this alternative approach. The Divine Beasts, the guardians. Ancient tech that was used to prevent the calamity of their time. And she awakened the tech. And her father chose the champions for each divine beast. And they were all prepared. And it's all thanks to Zelda.
And then... Fucking tragedy again. Ganon probably learned his lesson from the last time he was thwarted and immediately went for the tech, corrupting it and turning it against the new users. Against Zelda.
It's never really stated how fast it all turned to shit when the tech betrayed them (or maybe I don't remember) but every account points to it being almost overnight. The champions died. Rhoam died. And suddenly, suddenly Zelda unlocks her sealing magic.
I always always hate the literary trope of using tragedy to unlock a great power that could've actually stopped the tragedy from happening in the first place.
And it's no different in BOTW. I hate that Zelda had to go through all this to unlock her powers.
And then what happens next?
She's stuck in limbo (in an almost mocking parallel to Rauru in the next game with his imprisoning arm) holding Ganon back. For a hundred years.
This young woman had gone through so much only to be trapped with a calamity seeking to destroy Hyrule for a century.
Does she know her father died in the war? Does she know the champions died in battle? Would she know Link would survive in the Shrine of Resurrection? Would she know how long it would all take? The century she would have to wait?
I think she didn't. I think it all happened too fast. I think ultimately, she decided a stalemate with ganon was an agreeable outcome. I think in her mind she probably thought she failed Hyrule. When the divine beasts turned she must have been distraught. Distraught might not even cover it tbh. But at least... At least when the kingdom was brought to it's knees by the corrupted tech and was waiting for the final blow, she had the ability to ensure the final blow never came.
And oh boy I have a looot more to talk about regarding Tears of the Kingdom. But I do want to have a couple of more playthroughs of it to really formulate what I want to say.
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donaweasley · 1 year
A Walk in the Dark
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
After an awkward incident involving your one and only crush George Weasley, he tries to sort the uncomfortable situation out. But will it lead to some revelations or...just a heartache?
Previous chapter: Everything is Fair in Love and War
Warnings: Teenage, high school fluff.
Read time: ~10 mins
Note: I've assumed that the reader is 14 years of age here but you're free to put in any number you like! And you can put the reader in any house you wish to!
Next story in the sequence coming up!!
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The morning was eventful, with Fred, Ron, Ginny and Molly of all people, assuming that George and (Y/N) had shared their first kiss in the redhead’s room while the rest were downstairs. Yes, pretty much embarrassing, given the fact that the visitor was buried deep in her humongous crush on her said best friend. And disappointing, too, given that George was furious at them, which subsequently made her conclude that he was repelled at the thought of any kind of romance with his best friend.
The rest of the day was awkward. (Y/N)’s heart was wearing a frown but she had to keep her bubbly personality up to show everyone that she didn't give a damn about who thought what about George and her. She did, to be honest, give a damn...or two...quite a lot, actually. George had calmed down but she found him being slightly uncomfortable around her. She attributed it to her own dejected mind, and called it a figment of her imagination.
After dinner that night, when they were all seated in the living room, George slipped in to sit beside his bestie for a brief moment.
"Wait until everyone's gone", he breathed into her ear. His warmth, once again, aroused those tickles in her stomach which had taken the poor girl almost all day to quieten.
For the rest of the night, she couldn't focus on the conversation anymore as her head was muddled with questions as to why he might have asked her to stay back.
"You okay, (Y/N)?" She almost jumped out of her seat when Ginny called her.
"What? Yeah. Yes. I'm okay. Just...just thinking that I haven't called my parents for two days now. I should call them tomorrow. Can you please remind me?"
"Yup. Okay!" She smiled reassuringly.
"Great! So we're all going out tomorrow evening", Ron's face brightened up.
As the night grew older, the group of friends became more and more tired, and most of them eventually retired to bed. Had (Y/N) not been on the verge of imploding, she would have probably fallen asleep on the couch.
The twins and (Y/N) were usually the last to go to bed. So, there they were, seated on the floor near the couch. Fred was just about to jump to another topic when George stopped him.
"Fred, you go, I'll be coming in a while", he said.
Fred stared at his twin as if the latter had grown another head.
"After what you did this morning, I don't owe you an explanation. I owe you a prank. Pulled on you", George clarified before Fred could ask anything.
This made her giggle.
"Fine, I'm going but..." Fred tried to feign a tragic face.
"That's okay, brother, I won't make out with her", the younger twin put an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder.
"Hey!" Thoroughly embarrassed, she tried to give him an offended look.
"What? You want me to make out with you?"
She just prayed that neither of them would see the heat creeping up her ears.
"Shut up, George. It's not funny."
Fred sat there staring at the duo with furrowed brows while George and (Y/N) chuckled nervously.
"Alright, then", Fred finally spoke up, "I'll leave. (Y/N), I hope that you won't break my heart." Very theatrically, the older twin put a hand over his chest.
"I'll remember, drama queen!"
With a quick hug, Fred left her with his brother but not before glancing at them over his shoulder with a wicked smile plastered on his face. And once again, George and (Y/N) descended into that uncomfortable silence.
"So?" She broke the silence.
George pondered for a while.
"Care for a walk?" He finally said.
"Now? This late?"
"Don't worry, I won't bite", he winked, and she melted into a puddle beside him. It was a relief that he didn't notice.
Probably. Hopefully.
"It's not your bite that I fear, mister. It's the...dogs...and other..things", She said quietly.
"You mean, ghosts?"
George laughed. "You forget that you're living with a ghoul here!"
(Y/N) shuddered at the mere thought of it. She had never seen it although the sounds and the stories were enough to scare the shit out of her.
"Really?" George was still laughing, "after all these years of living with ghosts at the school, you're still scared?"
"They are ghosts of Hogwarts! They are a part of the school. Okay, I'll go. Let's drop this topic. Right. Now."
"Alright! But I can't guarantee anything."
"Guarantee what?"
"Well...y'know...about what we might meet on the way."
"Shut up! I'm not scared! I'll have you by my side!" She wrapped an arm around his.
"Aha? What if I am not me...?"
"Shove off!" She pushed him away. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"
George was laughing. "Okay! Okay! Come."
He pulled her up and gently pushed her towards the door.
It was refreshing outside. The moon was a thin curve against the clear starlit sky. The cool breeze and the quietude soon made (Y/N) forget the events of the day and the turmoil in her mind calmed down a bit. But as soon as George stepped beside her, her “stupid” mind - as she called it - transformed the entire scenario into a romantic one.
"It was getting stuffy inside", George smiled.
"Yes, it was...kind of. … Tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"Why you brought me here, of course."
"Why? Can't a guy ask his best friend out on a walk?" He feigned hurt.
She rolled my eyes, "Of course, he can. But you forget that I know you only too well to know when you simply need a walk and when you're bursting to say something."
He smiled sheepishly, "Caught me, huh?"
"As always!"
"Okay", he inhaled deeply, and the butterflies in her stomach started fluttering violently in anticipation.
"This might sound odd. No, it's definitely going to sound odd", he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
Oh, those usual signs of nervousness! But why is he nervous?
Inside her head, a voice was screaming in anticipation, "Oh! C'mon, just say it Georgie!!"
"Okay, look. What happened in the morning...y'know with my family saying those weird things and all...well, you're not mad, are you?"
"What? No! Not at all!" She tried to sound absolutely casual. "Why?"
"No, it's just...it was awkward, and..."
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, "I noticed that you were a bit off after that. So..."
"Oh!" She had to come up with a lie, and quickly. "I was just thinking that...umm... it's so much fun at your house, and I'll have to leave in 5 days. Yeah. That was what made me sad." She gave him her widest smile.
He smiled back, clearly not convinced at the flimsy explanation, "You sure?"
"Yes. Of course." She noticed him looking suspiciously at her, and so she looked away.
"You looked somewhat uncomfortable yourself. All okay?" She smartly diverted the questions towards him.
"Yes. Yes, I'm fine”, he replied nervously.
"You sure?" She tried to mimic him.
George laughed, "Yes. It's just that", he stopped walking, "I was worried about what you might be thinking. You looked slightly upset."
He was looking at anywhere but her, and shifting his weight on his feet. "I don't want to lose my best friend, y'know", he finally looked at her after a pause.
"Best friend", She thought. "I wish I were a little more than that to you, Georgie."
"You won't", She smiled and took his hand in hers. "Never." She held out her pinkie towards him.
"Pinkie promise?" He laughed. "Really?"
"Umm, yeah! Let's say this is our version of the unbreakable vow."
"Okay", he locked his pinkie with hers, "done!"
They both laughed. And then somewhere in that happy moment the laughter faded away and was replaced by silence. A comfortable silence where only their eyes and smiles spoke. For a moment (Y/N) thought that she saw the same love in his eyes as she held for him.
But no. That’s impossible. He has just confirmed it himself. I’m his best friend. Only his best friend.
She decided to act before her emotions got the better of her.
"Let's go", She tugged lightly on his little finger which was still locked with hers.
"Oh!" His smile dropped, "You're sleepy?"
"No. I just...I don't know. You want to stay here longer? I don't mind. It's pretty nice out here anyway"
"No, it's okay, we can go. No problem. Besides, who knows what might be lurking in the shadows." He looked around with a frown but his eyes shouted "mischief".
"Ha ha! You can't scare me, Weasley. Besides, I have my best friend with me. He'll protect me", She smiled at him.
"Yeah, you can count on that", he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
I wish you knew what you're doing to me, Georgie!
"So", he spoke in that peculiar tone which was always followed by a mischief, "I remember you saying that you are not afraid of...my bite!"
For the God-knows-how-many-times that day her ears heated up again.
"Where are you headed exactly?" She asked him with furrowed brows.
"Just saying", he shrugged, "what if I'm a vampire in disguise? See, I have brought you this far from home, on a dark night, in the wee hours. And I'm so attractive that you couldn't say no to me. Now", he leaned closer, "what if I grow fangs and-"
She punched his chin.
"Ow! You little villain, you!"
"Oh! Did the little, weak human hurt the mighty vampire?"
He groaned.
"Now stop that acting, and let's go home before they start thinking that we have gone off snogging again."
At this, George straightened up and forgot all about his drama. (Y/N) raised a brow at him. Smiling sheepishly, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder once again, and they started off towards the Burrow.
"You know, George, if you try to scare me once again, I'll bite you."
George chuckled, "I wish!"
"What?" She froze.
"What?" His eyes were as big as saucers.
(Y/N) stared at him. "What did you just say?"
"What did I just say?" He gulped nervously. "I said 'you wish!'. Yes, I said 'Hah! You wish!'"
"Noooo..." She was sure she heard something else.
"Oh! (Y/N), you're hearing things. What else would I say? Come now, let's get inside before you start seeing things."
He pulled her towards his home which was now only a few more steps away. His words were still ringing in her ears. She looked up at him. Even in the dark, she could make out the tint of pink on his cheeks.
What the hell is going on?
They stepped inside, and George carefully locked the door.
"Care for some snacks?" He asked a bit nervously.
"Nope. I'll just get some sleep."
"Yeah. Me too."
He walked her till Ginny's door.
"Alright, good night, mate", he held out his fist.
"Good night", she punched it lightly.
Instead of heading upstairs to his room, George still stood there as if debating with his thoughts. Both the twins and (Y/N) usually hugged before going to bed but given the incidents of the day, it wouldn't be a surprise if they were having second thoughts.
After watching George's unrest state for a few seconds, she decided to drop her guard and take action.
"Hey", she touched his arm, "come here."
She wrapped her arms around his waist. It seemed to work instantly because she felt him relax. The next second, his long arms had her enveloped in a bear hug, swaying her lightly.
"Thanks", he smiled when they pulled apart.
"What? Why?"
"Nothing. Now go. It's pretty late."
He stood there, waiting for an explanation.
"Goooo!" She turned him around and pushed him.
He laughed, "Okay, as you say. Good night!"
"Good night", she smiled.
That night, (Y/N) went to bed with a heavy heart, knowing that the boy on whom she had been crushing for so many months now, sees her only as his best friend.
That night, George went to bed wondering if he had let go of the only chance of conveying his feelings to the girl who he had been in love with for over a year now.
@olivetheoryx @yep4nai @scram1326 @ariaterum @persephone13 @gimme-gimme-georgie-weasley @nunanuggets @lolhelpimtired @madmadgirlperson @dontfallinlovelol @r4ttusr4ttus @emilykolchivans @queerponcho @loveforweasley @turvi @lovers-111 @waitforiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit @justafangir1 @the-holy-trinity-l @minatozsana @baddiebbarbietngz @moomscore
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the-music-maniac · 2 years
It's 2023 and I'm angry once again about the shitty writing in the last few seasons of Voltron.
Today's topic - Shiro. More specifically his romantic relationships - and the wasted potential.
I think I'm mostly annoyed at how the writing choices just don't make any sense to me. Specifically the part where they literally didn't give us any information about Shiro's love interests. Nothing. Like who does that? Who writes a romance where one half of the couple is entirely an unknown? They didn't do that for any other main ship in the show, only the lgbtq+ one and maybe it wasn't intentional but it kinda rubs me the wrong way.
Correct me if I'm remembering wrong but I think the one scene they show us of Shiro and Adam is in the midst of a fight - they don't really show their relationship in exactly a good light and it's the ONLY thing they give us of them. Why is that the only thing you show us. How did they meet? What was their relationship vibe? Milestones in their relationship, important moments, uh what kind of person Adam was? Anything? ANYTHING??
Don't get me wrong, all the Adam x Shiro fanart and speculations are absolutely amazing, and y'all are an absolute wonder, I hope everyone who does ship Adam x Shiro keep finding all the joy and happiness in that ship - but just, I find it personally hard to ship two people when I know vastly more about one of the people and nothing about the other. And there's some part of me that almost feels like Voltron did this on purpose. They put no effort into Adam and Shiro and it pisses me off. And then! They continue to put in zero effort, and kill Adam off! Okay fine! I guess he was just meant to be a side character, cannon fodder for Shiro's tragic backstory, WHATEVER I HATE IT BUT OKAY?!
And I would perhaps be able to make my peace with it, if I didn't feel that they ignored literally the perfect candidate for a relationship with Shiro after Adam, with all of the foundations already fucking BUILT. It would have taken so little effort at that point to write a compelling relationship where BOTH characters are well known and loved. I am talking about MATT. Hear me out.
We actually KNOW Matt. We are fond of Matt. He is our meme lord. He is our bespectacled (or not so bespectacled anymore) badass. A rebel, a staff wielding king. And not only that, he has known Shiro for a damn long time. He was literally in the first scene of the show WITH Shiro. They worked together at the Academy and in the field, not knowing each other that well of course, but got thrown into that entire Galra kidnapping situation, protected each other in the field, lost contact, got reunited, became friends - meanwhile Matt became like, a ten bajillion times more confident in himself, more reassured, taken on a leadership role, a scenario where it could potentially lead to some people (AHEM perhaps a certain person with one arm) sitting up and taking notice after years of knowing the other person -
Like do not try and tell me that's not the perfect set up for a developing relationship. Someone you've known for a long time, circumstances push you to work together, get to know each other, save each other, and you get closer and eventually realize hey. I think I might like this person. That shifting dynamic, that developing relationship - what could be better? AND IT WAS BASICALLY ALREADY IN THERE. IT WAS SITTING RIGHT THERE, IT WAS XISNJSNJSBDJDNDNDBDND
Also they would be an absolute power couple, don't even lie to me.
Their personalities are so fucking compatible as well. Like Shiro's seriousness and competence and dry humour in contrast with Matt's endearingly nerdy brand of goofiness along with his own competence/skills? Can you imagine how adorable that would've been?
Not only that, Shiro is already basically Pidge's pseudo older brother. They have such strong sibling vibes, can you imagine how awesome it would've been if Shiro had actually become Pidge's brother in law???
Not to mention having Matt start up a relationship with Shiro - bisexual/pansexual representation.
All I wanted was SOME effort. Like, I would have been perfectly happy with Adam X Shiro or Curtis x Shiro if the writers had simply put in an ounce of effort into making it convincing. It's such lazy writing and it makes me so upset, thinking back on it. And it makes me even more upset realizing they could've made it amazing by picking a character that already has the perfect setup. the lack of effort almost feels intentional, because it wouldn't have even taken that much to make a convincing, well written relationship. ThIS is the representation you hinted at for so long? This is what we waited for? Are you fucking joking. I'm gonna riot, Shiro and Adam and Curtis deserved better.
I have a feeling thinking about this stuff is gonna make me spiral and sooner or later I'm gonna start ranting about the lack of effort they put into Allura and Lance as well And the lost potential of Klance of course
God, Voltron was such a shit show.
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 months
Nobody asked for it but fuck it. Some thoughts on TF1 now that a bunch of new info and the second trailer is out. As with seemingly everything in this godforsaken (mostly affectionate) franchise, my opinions are kinda mixed.
So first the things putting me off I guess. For one the humour is… eh. Some of it looks kinda cute but on the whole pretty annoying. I know this is just a normal thing in Transformers, after all they are made for kids so dumb humour is to be expected. And I doubt it will get half as obnoxious as something like Bayverse, which straight up felt like an Adam Sandler flick at times. I also wouldn’t be too surprised if this is a movie where a lot of the humour gets dropped by the third act. And speaking of which… eh, not sure about the plot. I’ve made it clear I have complicated but mostly negative opinions about trying to give the Decepticons initially sympathetic motivations and given this is apparently mostly pulling from Aligned ehhhh… not sure. I know it’s been a thing in a fair few of the major instalments in the last 14 years and I think it could be an interesting way to explore how easy fascist thinking can be fallen into but in reality it’s always kind of felt like a cheap way to get more money from fans of the space fascists. And I kind of hope we move past it someday.
(Side note, this is one of the main reasons the IDW comics hold no appeal, it sounds like they did their best to clean up a bunch of the major ones (bar the hate-sinks) and make everyone else look worse for… some reason. Favouritism or money most likely.)
Then again Aligned was also pretty clear about the Cons being Fucking Evil and the director has at least been clear about Mega ending up as utterly ruthless and power hungry so I may be getting ahead of myself but eh. A lot of it also comes from that being a pretty common type of JRPG villain who at this point I cannot stomach. I’ve seen it too much and I’m tired. That said, I DO like it inasmuch as it can mean interpersonal conflict which I will get to in the next bit.
Also curious what the Quintesson’s role in this all will be? So long as they don’t try and make robot politics a thing I’ll probably be fine.
Onto the positives holy SHIT I love the character designs so fucking much. They manage to be both sleek and blocky and they’re clearly made of metal. I am a person who VASTLY prefers it when the bot designs are chunkier so this is a big win for me! Also the animation is just *chef’s kiss* the fight scenes are gonna look so good. And I’m still glad as heck Elita-1 is here. Then there’s the fact that I am a fucking SUCKER for tragic friendships, and I am already digging what I see of Dee and Orion’s dynamic. It looks fun turned to pain, and I like it. I think putting them in the same starting point, longtime buddies in a crappy situation, is easily the best way to do something like this. Makes it wilder when they become robojesus and robohitler. And it means we get a full-on throwdown between Optimus Prime and Megatron with the budget and animation of a modern movie where I can see what’s happening. FUCK. YES. Let them fight!!!
So… I dunno. Things that look interesting, things that look annoying. I almost certainly won’t even see the movie until after it leaves theatres so…
I’ll keep with my earlier opinion I hope it’s a good time for the kids.
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chodzacaparodia · 17 days
6, 11 and 29 for the anime ask game!
Thank you so much for the asks ♡♡
6. popular anime you didn’t like
A big no for Sword Art Online from me. I didn't like almost any of the characters, the main character was boring, too perfect and everyone was into him anyway. The main romantic relationship was meh. I watched about 2 seasons and thank you very much. I was struggling with it. In both seasons 1 and 2, I had the feeling that half of the season was just fine and the second one was really painful.
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
ID: INVADED. Honestly, the description didn't appeal to me, it seemed to me that it wasn't my thing. But a few AniTubers recommended this and I had already really liked the songs from ID: INVADED (which randomly appeared on YouTube). In fact, I started it mainly for the music xD And I couldn't tear myself away! I remember well that I finished it on some New Year's Eve and I had such a WOW. Mindblowing! Literally, I felt that my brain had to work at full speed. Yeah, very interesting anime
29. anime that deserves another season
Romantic Killer!!!
GOD, this series is so good!!! I had a great time watching it only to be traumatized by the last episodes. I recommended this series to my friend who doesn't watch anime and she also liked it so much that when she came to my place a few days later, she wanted to watch it again (I totally understand, I had a great time rewatching it too). Anzu is one of the best protagonists ever and is very relatable! She just tried to avoid any romantic situations at all costs and wanted her games, cat and chocolate back 😭 Best girl!! This series is so funny (not counting those tragic episodes which were SO good and only confirmed how great this anime is). I just need more.
Thank you again! Have a peaceful evening ♡
Anime asks
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
To give credit to the last of us for its queer rep, it’s not just queer characters who have tragic/bittersweet endings. Literally everyone (siblings, parent and child, heterosexual) queer or not, has tragic endings. The older queer couple gets the best one out of all of them.
I guess? I mean, it is certainly much better than if they were the only characters to die in the storyline. But people were on tumblr talking about how theirs was a happy queer story. And I think it is the misleading discussion around these characters that bothers me even more than the writing. Like if I had watched that episode instead of looking up the plot summary, I would have had a meltdown at the end when they both died because I truly had gotten the impression that it was going to be a happy story.
But now that I've mentioned the writing:
It's nice that they live till their 70s. It's nice that they get 20 beautiful years together. And it's a bit fucked that the writers felt the need to end those 20 long years on-screen with a terminal illness and suicide in the same episode they are introduced. It would have been incredibly easy to just say that those men get to live on past the end of the episode. There are a million reasons those men could have continued living in the story.
But that's the thing about a show like this. I think there is a distinct possibility that this show is actually incapable of writing a satisfying happy ending.
Craig Maizin, the show's writer, gained acclaim recently with Chernobyl, proving that he is apparently excellent at writing a long, horrifying tragedy in which character struggle only to find there is no way out.
(His other main credits are The Hangover sequels and the Scary Movie sequels, most of which I haven't personally seen, so make of that what you will.)
But more than the writer's background, the show itself troubles me. It has this repeated mantra in it that goes, "when you're lost in the darkness, look for the light." Which is a cool phrase.
But I have reason to suspect that this writer genuinely doesn't know how to write the light. I have no reason to believe he does. I hope I am wrong.
But when you write episode after episode after episode that is an endless inescapable slog of tragedy and desperation - and then advertise it to me, a sick queer person actually living through a pandemic and trying to escape disease and poverty - well.
I think a better writer would include moments of light and hope beyond just trauma bonding. Moments that don't end in death.
When my wife writes about characters in awful situations, there are still these moments of genuine loveliness and fun and joy between the characters; these moments remind the reader what is worth actually fighting for, living for. Imagine! Entire chapters in a post-apocalyptic novel in which characters don't undergo a "hacking someone to death with a cleaver" level of trauma!
But the fact that Bill and Frank still had to die even after an earnest attempt to tell a beautiful love story....
I fear that the light the story ends with - if there is any - will be as dim and desaturated as the show itself. And personally, I am at a point in my life where I don't care to see a story like that.
It's fine if you do like it. It doesn't matter to me if you find beauty in a tragic queer love story. There are places for that in this world. But it is tragic. I am sure of that. And I wish I hadn't been seeing posts saying otherwise, ya know?
And I hope I am wrong about the writer. But I see cracks in the premise. Like in Stranger Things. There was always a promise of light that kept me watching, but it never seemed to come. Instead, the misery and trauma continued to stack and compound for the lead characters, like in TLOU. But... does the writer know how to make that worth it, for us, for the audience - for me? I don't think he does.
I think it very possible that the light isn't really coming for Ellie and Joel in a way that provides catharsis because I have noticed that on shows with no intermittent joy and hope, this is too often the case.
But I do hope I'm wrong. Because if I am right, then a lot of mentally ill fans will leave the experience more depressed than if they hadn't watched it at all.
But for my own part, I'll just continue to skim through the show for monster design ideas. And also I'll say that everyone should watch Infinity Train - ESPECIALLY season 2 of Infinity Train, if they'd like to see a story in which people actually DO find a light that makes the whole journey feel worth it.
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toadsdrool · 3 months
i would love to share with you all a compilations of some of my first prince fanfictions from last years first prince week!
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this hope is
a first prince soulmate au!
Alex's palms were sweating so bad he was pretty sure he could drown a small European nation. His suit was sticky with it. He was thankful for the dark color, it would hide the worst of it under his arms. Plus, he couldn’t get his hair to lay right, that morning. June and Nora kept telling him he looked fine, but that was all it was. He looked fine. His mother was the Democratic nominee for President of the United fucking States and her son looked fine. He didn't need to look anything else. He wasn’t the main event. He didn’t matter. But he was there, in Rio, at the Olympics, and it felt like the whole universe was watching him.
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Alex and Henry watch a sad movie (picture Spencer but its Arthur instead of Diana) and snuggle about it.
Alex followed the tear tracks down his splotchy cheeks. “I know. I’m sorry.” “No, it was actually kind of nice. Bea’s right it’s a gentle retelling of a shite situation. It was good to see him how everyone else saw him.” Henry took a shuddering breath. “Some things were obviously fictitious, but I like to believe that’s how he felt. He would’ve loved you.”
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asking you to stay
Alex and Henry are forced across the pond again and have to fall back into their old methods of being in each other's company (i.e. phone sex). Even though it's been years and they should be past this kind of juvenile back and forth, a love like theirs never ages, never really changes, it's written in the stars.
“Come back. Be here. Please.” He punctuated each phrase with a hard shift of his body slowly but surely pulling himself out of bed. He closed his laptop and gingerly set it on Henry’s empty nightstand. “I would love to. I genuinely am starting to believe they want me to deliver the bloody baby.” 
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say it with your hands
Alex 'Dizzy' Claremont-Diaz's parents are both hockey legends, his mom runs the NWHL and his dad was the first overall draft pick in '98. Tragically, an injury that took him out shortly after he joined the NHL, leaving him coaching for the rest of his life. Altogether, Alex has way too much riding on winning the Stanley Cup. Only one thing stands in his way: Henry 'Ice Prince' Fox.
"In June's defense, you are half the height of most of the guys on the ice." Alex shoved him, lightly. "I am perfectly average, Your Majesty!" His face crumpled at the nickname. "I beg you to not." "Okay, baby," Alex said, kissing his temple in apology. "No ice names. No Dizzy, no Foxy. Just us. Let's get to bed, big game tomorrow, or so I hear."
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just a little taste
Henry's not taking care of himself while he's away in England. Alex devises a plan to get him back in tip-top shape. Something to the tune of Henry devouring sushi off Alex.
"Okay, so you can tell me to fuck off." He sounded nervous, it made Henry giddy. "I doubt I would see the need." "No." Alex let out a breathy laugh. "I may have taken this too far." "Alex, what have you done?" "See for yourself."
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Minutes to Midnight
Minutes to Midnight starring Henry Fox should have been the blockbuster of the century. Alex should have been calling up LGBT+ activists, setting up first looks, and scratching at doors to get a glance at a script. Under different circumstances, he would have. In the current ones, he just did his job. Until he gets drunk and starts to meddle on twitter.
"Great. Love a last minute rendezvous with nepo babies." Alex stretched in his seat, and jutted his chin towards the other chair, a wordless invite for Henry to join him. He nudged the tea towards him and offered his hand, remaining seated. "Alex Claremont-Diaz, charmed I'm sure.” "Yes, well, I certainly love taking time away from my busy schedule to meet with self-assured pricks who can't bother to fact-check themselves before they wreck themselves on Twitter." He took Alex's hand, firm hold verging on too tight squeeze, and shook it, once, before dropping it. "Henry Fox, pleasure."
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
I was going to post something a little bit longer but it got deleted when my computer shut down so ill just keep it short . What if there is a scene kind of like in "The Butterfly Effect," where Aemond and Luke are having this conversation in a diner and Aemond finally got Luke to meet with him but not only that it has been a good minute that they have seen each other because well Luke ran away and he got tired of all the family drama and quite simply he has too much trauma that he is dealing with his own sh-. This is the first time Aemond has seen Luke in a while and Luke appears worse than when he had last seen him, he looks pale, gaunt, heavy bags, scars now on his face, old scabs on his arms and hands, signs of drug use and other self destructive qualities. He looks tired and really doesn't care in the slightest what Aemond has to say about the past life or his apologies. Because he is over it. All the while Aemond is trying hard not to fall apart at seeing the love of his life in the condition and is trying to get Luke to come back again to his old self to come back to him, to remember the love he had for his family, but Luke can't feel that love anymore because people have shown nothing but hate and ugliness to him that its overpowered all the love he was given in the past life. Like the scene in the film he tells Luke with tears in his eyes "You were happy once." Luke is just listening to Aemond talk about the past and how he regrets hurting Luke and Storms End, and Luke has this sleepy drugged out look in his eyes scoffing at Aemond and saying that he is still that kid stuck in the past, and tells Aemond mockingly and nonchalantly "its okay Aemond, don't worry, you didn't break me, other men did that, so don't feel bad about it." "So what, you want me to apologize for the eye, okay I'm sorry, you want me to apologize for the pig joke? you want my forgiveness, fine you have it." "That kid you killed at Storms End, is dead, he died there and if he did come back, he's been dead a long time ago." Luke just gets up barely able to walk and walks away "I got my own sh- to deal with than something that happened 2k, 10k years ago." Scoffing at Aemond. Aemond at this point is broken beyond any repair.
Inspired entirely by your amazing story "Forget Me Not," Unohananbbygirl and "The Butterfly Effect."!
This is so beautiful yet so heartwrenching!
I love this little drabble because the possibility of Luke running away and falling further and further down the rabbit hole of drugs, stealing and sex work is a big one. All it takes is the wrong words from the right person and Luke could very much just say forget it and decide that fighting the person he’s become isn’t worth it in the end.
I think that’s one of many parts that makes FMN so tragic. This scenario you’ve written has just as much of a chance at happening as the happy ending we’re all waiting for. So many people who live in a simyreality end up like this everyday, regardless of their financial situation (though coming from a harsh background makes it all the more likely)
Luke very well could feel himself incapable of change and choose to part ways with everyone because even though Luke will always be that caring kid down to his very core, Lucerys Velaryon died above ship breakers bay with his dragon over a thousand years ago and isn’t ever going to come back. That in itself is enough to convince Luke that the family is better off without him since the person they’ve been looking for is technically no more.
Now that I’m thinking of it, this makes me wonder if the reincarnation cycle would just keep on continuing until everyone gets their shit together. Of course this current like they’re living is a second chance, but would they get a 3rd, 4th, 5th, so on and so forth if they fail to truly fix everything. Sort like a circle of hell, forced to continue on as the world changes until everyone gets their happy ending. My god anon, you have my brain working overtime and I love you for it lmao
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serafiel-jacobs · 10 months
Escape (FANFIC)
New Chapter of my Angst series 💜
“I need the two of you to please behave while I’m gone”
This was bad, but this time Geppetto had no other choice but to leave the house, he was being summoned to testify about matters involving the puppet frenzy that occurred two years ago, Geppetto had managed to avoid all suspicion until this point, it was extremely easy to blame everything on the alchemists and he wasn’t stupid he knew how to cover his tracks, however, there is a new journalist who has kept pushing the issue, not just about this but about many other conflicts that have occurred in Krat.
Krat isn’t the same place that it was before and recently it shows, crime has gone way up, a new group of stalkers has formed, but these don’t care to help people, they would rather harm them, and this so-called journalist wanted to put an end to all of this.
Well, that idiot is just going to get himself killed, so Geppetto isn’t too worried about that, the man is after people with even more influence than him, and it’s not going to take long before someone reports news of his tragic suicide.
What Geppetto is worried about is leaving Carlo and Romeo alone.
“Especially you Romeo” Geppetto knows that if they try something, it’s going to be Romeo’s idea in the first place; Romeo is a good boy, but he is a little boy and little boys sometimes tend to misbehave.
As for Carlo he is more worried about him hurting himself again, but Romeo cares about Carlo and he wouldn’t let him hurt himself, Geppetto can fully trust Romeo with that.
His sons stay quiet and don’t say anything, he lets out a big sigh, Geppetto wants to believe that everything will be fine but he is worried about his little boys, it's already hard to trust them to take care of themselves, much less be left alone.
Before Geppetto leaves the house, he gives them one last stern look.
“If the two of you are going to try anything that will get you in trouble, at least have Gemini with you”
The two of them just gave him a nod, Gemini may be small but at least he has more sense than them, he could keep them safe.
A few hours had passed before Romeo finally spoke up.
“Carlo we are leaving”
“Romeo daddy said-“
“I know what he said, we are leaving, this is our only chance, please” Romeo is begging Carlo with his eyes to come with him, he doesn’t want to leave him alone here, Carlo is clearly hesitant, but it makes sense their father fully has him under his spell; and Romeo knows that truly Carlo can’t take care of himself, that if he leaves with him it’s going to be hard to survive out there, but he is willing to do what it takes to protect Carlo, no matter how hard it would be.
Carlo relents and they make their preparations to leave, they pack each a small bag with supplies, they just need something to defend themselves if the worst comes, Romeo goes to his father’s workshop and finds a machete there, that would do. Carlo straps Gemini to his belt, obviously, they aren’t leaving without him, and Gemini tells them to be discreet and careful; the front door is locked from the outside but with the machete, he breaks the lock and they easily open the door, Romeo takes Carlo’s hand and they leave together.
Romeo and Carlo can barely recognize Krat, it’s a complete mess, it seems like everyone except the elite class of the city is having a bad time, the air is even tense, and they can tell that people are not happy about their situation.
They follow Gemini’s advice and are discreet while moving, specially because of their clothes, it’s a dead giveaway since their father obviously buys them clothes only rich spoiled brats would wear, well at least they can’t deny that the clothes are comfortable.
They are trying to get to Krat central station, and it’s hard, as their house is in the complete opposite direction, taking any mode of transportation would make them stand out but they have no choice but to keep going by foot; when Twilight has engulfed the night sky, they take a quick break, this was extremely tiring, their physical strength is not the best, both of them are underweight and constantly being sedated has taken a toll on their muscles.
Carlo and Romeo look at each other, they are worried, it’s only a matter of time before their father realizes they are gone, a part of Romeo is starting to regret this, if they are caught… he doesn’t even want to think about it, they have to keep moving forward.
As they are resting, Romeo can sense that Carlo has become tense, his body starting to shake, and he starts to cover his ears; Romeo knows him too well, and he knows that he has to comfort him. 
“Carlo, Carlo look at me” He grabs his brother and pulls him into a hug, “That's not your mother, she would never say those things to you, she loved you” 
Romeo can see that Carlo is panicking and desperately trying not to listen to her, trying to tune her out. 
“Carlo you are strong, I believe in you, please you have to calm down, you have to pull yourself together” He has to, for their own sake he has to, he can't panic here, if they are discovered here it's bad, specially since people will ask questions and no one can find out that they are alive. Romeo hugs his brother more tightly, he can hear Carlo trying to calm himself down. 
“I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry”
Gemini starts chirping to get their attention, Romeo is glad he is lucid enough to understand him, he picks up Gemini from Carlo's belt and hands him to him, Carlo holds him to try and calm himself, it works, and they continue moving forward.
Eventually dark consumes the night sky, it’s almost pitch black, and most city lights are broken or are barely functional, thankfully with Gemini by their side they have a source of light, and with enough perseverance they manage to make it to Krat Central station. However there is a problem, it’s already too late, the station has just closed down, this is bad, they are going to have to wait till morning to enter.
“Romeo I feel tired,” Carlo says in a drowsy voice.
Romeo looks around, there is a beach that is thankfully illuminated by a lamp not too far from them, they make their way and Carlo sits down, Romeo is thinking of asking him to sleep there and that he would keep guard, it’s completely deserted, it’s… odd, he knows it’s late but he would figure there would be at least other people outside, but the more he is outside the more he realizes how much Krat has changed.
Gemini is chirping at them and that grabs their attention, he is telling them that maybe it’s best to find a place to hide, that this area is too exposed, Romeo agrees but unfortunately, it looks like it is already too late, someone else has noticed them.
“What’s a pair of pretty boys doing out here so late?” They turn to face that voice, it’s a stalker with a tiger mask, it’s a man probably a few years older than them, next to him is another stalker, one with a lion mask, his man is extremely muscular and very tall almost two meters tall.
Romeo can tell instantly that they mean trouble and tells Carlo to stay behind him.
“What? Are you scared of us? The man in the tiger mask said, “Well, you should be, we don’t take kindly to rich kids coming to our territory” He gave out a small laugh and continued, “So, I’ll give the two of you the benefit of the doubt and ask again, what’s a pair of pretty boys doing out here so late?
They stay quiet, no matter what they say, they can already tell that those two want to harm them.
The man with the Lion man got closer to them and drew out his weapon, but the one with the Tiger mask waved his hand to stop him, He looked like he wasn’t done talking to them.
“Oof, though crowd, why the serious faces? I’m here trying to be friendly and have a normal conversation, yet the two of you are no fun, or do you rich kids believe that you are beneath speaking with us?”
“Look, we are going to leave if that’s what the two of you want “ Romeo really hates their guts but he needs to de-escalate the situation and find a safe spot for him and Carlo.
“Mmm, I’m afraid it’s not going to work that way” The man in the tiger mask now drew his weapon, “Two young high-class men outside at this hour? Don’t tell me the two of you ran away from mommy and daddy”
Carlo looks away, Romeo wants to look away as well but he takes the machete, it looks like there is no other choice but to fight.
“Wait, don’t tell me it’s true” The Man in the Tiger mask laughed again “Why did the two of you not get what you wanted and decided to throw a tantrum? This is just perfect, we are going to have fun asking your family for the ransom money”
Despite the huge disadvantage, Romeo had the upper hand, his training as a stalker was still paying off, but in the end, there was only so much he could do, and when the machete was broken it was all over.
Carlo and Romeo were backed against a wall, literally, as the Lion mask stalker cornered them and grabbed each other with force, they didn’t like the fact that Romeo had fought back, the stalker with the Lion mask had a tight grasp, if he really wanted to, he could break their necks. 
Carlo started to cry, he started to call for daddy, he was scared, Carlo closed his eyes, he didn’t want to face this, he didn’t want to think about this, he wanted daddy to save them.
This was a mistake, this was a huge mistake, Romeo cursed himself for being so stupid, for trying to act tough, he should have been a good boy and listened.
The two stalkers are mocking them but there is nothing they can do. Romeo closes his eyes as well and starts to cry, he starts to ask daddy to save them, daddy always made everything better, and he wants daddy to be there.
The Lion stalker kept adding pressure, they both felt like they were running out of air.
A loud bang echoed through the empty streets; Romeo and Carlo felt the grasp lose, falling to the ground.
“What the-“They heard the voice of the tiger stalker but then, another loud bang, it was very close, and they could now smell the gunpowder left behind by the bullets.
Calo and Romeo opened their eyes, their daddy was in front of them, he had a gun in his hand, and his face and parts of his clothes were covered in the blood of the now-dead stalkers, who had been shot in the back of their heads.
They ran up to him and hugged him, desperately not wanting to let go, their crying had begun to be more intense, in between sobs they were apologizing, Romeo more so than Carlo, he was begging for forgiveness.
Geppetto wanted to comfort them, but they needed to leave right away.
The only way they can get caught is if they are seen by someone, and the streets being empty were in their favor, no one would miss those two, clearly, they were trouble, they got lucky, and a police investigation sure won’t happen, it would become a close case rather quickly, this is how Krat is now, this is why he doesn’t want to let them outside, it’s dangerous, it’s cruel and unforgiving.
Back home Carlo and Romeo fell asleep almost instantly, exhausted from what transpired.
Geppetto cleaned himself and let out a deep sigh, he knew this would happen, that’s why he told them to take Gemini, they didn’t know that Gemini had a tracker on him, hell not even Gemini is aware of that.
When he went to bed with them, he pulled each of them closer to him, he was shaking, he was scared, he almost lost them again, they could have died, had he not been there just in time his two sons would have been dead. Geppetto began to cry, it was too much for him, he knew they would try and run away but he didn’t know things would end up so badly.
He can’t let this happen ever again, he needs to make sure that they won’t leave him again.
He needs to start showing them why he knows best for them.
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acefaun · 1 year
Which stories are you currently working on? 🙂
Leeets see… 👀 Let me give you a peek into my fanfic world right now.
I have a few that I'm currently working on(drafts and rough drafts and final drafts and a couple things that need grammar and spelling checks).
And the one's in the screenshots don't count the other 40 requests that I've had waiting since January that I haven't touched yet. Something happened in January where I think the same person was sending me multiple requests a day and my inbox got overwhelmed. they were pretty good though, so I'm definitely interested in getting to them sometime. I just wanna make sure everyone gets turns and that I'm not just writing for the same person all the time, so I try and focus first on answering the requests I get out of anon-mode since I can have the tangible evidence that they're a different person. I'm trying my best, there's just so many anon requests that I can't tell anyone apart.
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It's all organized in my head despite how things look here, I promise. Tomorrow I'm posting that Leo~ Human Love looking thing. That's random little thing I wrote sometime last year and forgot about it in my various folders because I didn't realize there was a LEO SIMP TO SHARE IT WITH. I'M HERE FOR YOU. That one's basically about a human who was secretly raised by the dept. of punishments and she has this crush on Leo and there's a whole situation there.
Then early next week (heck, maybe Tuesday if I feel like editing it), I'll post Lou~ Exam. That's about an MC who's stressed about an exam and Lou's doing his best to support her.
After that, I have another Leo fic called Heir where the zodiac gods are taking care of the King's daughter who by all means does not want to work in the palace and listen to Zyglavis' nagging. All the gods are basically telling her how she's supposed to act and who she's supposed to be. So Leo helps her out by sneaking her off to Earth where she can learn more about herself and not this fake vision of what she's "supposed" to be.
The rest in my "requests" folder are still in progress! But I'll give you a run down of what to expect from there.
Heir to the Throne: Your zodiac god is in love with you, the King's daughter, and he declares his love to you, deciding it's completely worth his time to try and win you over. The only problem is that he has to seek the approval of the King regardless of her feelings for him. The wishes gods have the approval of the King much easier than the punishments gods.
Moving On: Your god breaks up with you and you turn to your childhood best friend for love and support, only to later end up in a tragic accident that could have been avoided had your zodiac god been there. So he shows up with a letter… Only, what does it say?
Zodiac Swim House: A crossover between SCM and Free!Iwatobi Swim Club. Teen!MC admires the iwatobi swim club and wants to be a member. It's winter so her only choice to join them is by asking her zodiac dads for a competition pool in their back yard. Surely that would impress her new swim mates! (I might add various scenarios to this one where MC ends up with different swimmers and her zodiac dads react to her human boyfriend/girlfriend.)
Lou~ The Outcome: The second part to the Yandere Lou fic after MC is rescued and Lou is arrested. In this part, we look at his broken aftermath. We really see things from his perspective and everyone's reactions to what Lou's done. (This one is mega angsty and I'm definitely looking forward to it.)
NSWF Scorpio~ Nice Thighs: Where you only want to spend a nice day nuzzling into Scorpio's very lovely thighs. It's not like he can say no to his happy girlfriend… What's the worst that can happen? You end up… squished between his thighs…? Pfft… That's fine. (THIS ONE MIGHT ACTUALLY COME OUT SOME TIME AFTER MY LEON FICS OR MAYBE EVEN BEFORE BECAUSE IT'S COMING ALONG SO NICELY AND I REALLY TORTURED SCORPIO IN THIS ONE AND I'M HAVING FEELINGS FOR SWITCH SCORPIO RIGHT NOW. AND I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING FOR THIS, AND I WANNA GIVE YOU YOUR GOOD BOY.)
NSFW Lou~ The Sincerest Apology: Where you, Lou's goddess girlfriend, gets jealous over Lou being polite to another goddess. Lou is extremely submissive in this story and finally gets a taste of his own medicine as far as teasing you goes. Of course, you're not really mad at him… but an apology for sweet talking another goddess would be nice.
Road Trips: This was based on a simple question I got about if the gods liked to travel but I had a lot of art I wanted to make with it, but never had time to draw. I'm super frustrated that I don't have time to draw all the art I want for this because the ideas are soooo cute, so I might just rewrite it to where all I'll need is my main drawing and I can just describe the rest. It won't be as cute, but… the question will be answered. (the answer is yes, by the way…)
Spilling Tea: This is basically my personal thoughts on each of the gods and I feel like I'm shit talking behind their backs so I decided to call it "Spilling Tea". You'd think this would be a quick and easy thing to write and post, but I have opinions and opinions take time. (plus, I forget I'm writing this sometimes….) I only wrote about Leon, Karno, and Huedhaut so far, so I have quite the ways to go. I mean, it's not all bad… I hardly had anything to complain about with Hue, and Karno was also very little. You could imagine the shit I said about season 1 Leo though. BUT I HAVE GOOD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THEM TOO. Still, I think Lou might be the only one I don't have any complaints ready for. He has yet to do me wrong that I can instinctively remember. Partheno's gonna have a novel of things; I love him, but he did me so dirty.
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I’ve honestly been bothered by the fact that you chose to post your fic about a loved one suddenly passing away on the day Johnny died. While I get it was an anniversary of someone from your life passing, it seemed quite insensitive. I feel you could have held that fic and posted it not on that day, because I am not sure how you wouldn’t have known Johnny passed since it was pretty public on tumblr that day and even the day after. I sense that you did not know Johnny before this tragedy, which is fine, you didn’t have to be his number one fan or even know his name. However, that’s is clearly why you chose to only really acknowledge and post about him, if you wish to call it that, when you shared cole caufield changing his jersey number. And then only again said anything in relation to the situation when you found out his wife is pregnant. Not to mention so is his brother’s wife, but that didn’t seem to make you sad enough to post about it. I’m not saying you can’t be upset by his passing, everyone should be upset because it’s a horrific tragedy that didn’t need to happen. But it just seems a bit odd that you pick and choose what to post about or only seem emotional over certain details of this entire situation. Again, you don’t have to know him to be upset, I’ve seen plenty of blogs on here reblog things about him regardless if they knew who he was or not. Yet the only thing you seemed to be touched by to reblog was Cole changing his jersey number, because that must fit the content of your blog better than a photo post of Johnny/the blue jackets/the flames. And again, posting that you’re upset seeing that Johnny’s wife is pregnant? So is Matthew’s wife…didn’t see you post about that making you upset. I just think if you’re going to be selective in what things you want to reblog or post, but don’t even acknowledge the person with any sort of reblog or something, then don’t let the first thing you share be Cole caufield changing his jersey number, because that’s a choice
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I hate that I have to even address this right now but I will. Johnny died August 29, my aunt passed away August 31st of last year. I did know Johnny passed away and I don’t deal with death well especially since my aunts anniversary was days away. I will be honest with you and say I wrote that fic that day (August 31st) as I said in the authors note to work through some much needed feelings. I always post things right after they are written the only time I haven’t was when I was on vacation. I honestly didn’t put together how close to dates were but they were NOT the same day.
I have also lost someone in my life (not that it’s your business) due to drunk driving, so the situation in a whole is sort of triggering. I will be honest I didn’t know who Johnny was prior to his passing which is one of the reasons I choose not to post about him passing. It feels weird to repost about people I didn’t know for the sake of posting. I am however a fan of Cole, and as someone who has lost a lot of people due to tragic events happening in their life I decided to reblog something I already saw. I know about Matthew’s wife Madeline being pregnant and have known since he passed. In general on here if you notice not many people mention Matt on here which I think is sad. But I choose not to judge people on how they grief people they look up to.
I am sad for Madeline but it’s a different type of sadness than I have for Meredith, maybe that makes me a shitty human being. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t really see people on here mentioning Madeline at all or the fact she’s I believe about 5 months pregnant (I don’t know if that’s true please someone fact check me). I know people whose partners died while they were early on in pregnancy before they could even tell their family members and it reminded me of that personal connection, which is why I posted about Meredith.
And you’re right in the sense that it was a choice I posted about Cole’s number first. But I don’t like pretending I know someone or look up to someone when I don’t know them. But I do know what it’s like for someone who you are friends with or admire deeply to die suddenly by a drunk driver. And if you look back on what I said in the post about Madeline I said “why does this keep happening?” I was talking about the US and how we view drunk driving and how it’s not taken seriously enough sadly.
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sonalirichard · 11 months
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My beloved
Amit ji ♥️, you are a very happy Person , because you have time and you can "pull the Cat by the tail" for a very long time , hoping that everything will be resolved by itself , or with the help of Higher Forces 😇 ...
Unfortunately , even with all my desire , my time is very limited , and it does not depend on me ...
You should definitely Read this Letter and find out the whole Truth , because maybe this will be my last Message for you ...
💚💚💚 As you remember , I wrote to you several times about my Extreme difficult Life Situation , and I begged you for Help and Salvation ♥️🙏 🕉 ...
But I was frankly Shocked that My Beloved Amit ji🌹 did not allocate a few minutes for me , and did not even express his Moral Support to me , did not even support me with Words of Support ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
You could tell me that everything would be fine and support me in the most difficult and terrible moments of life , BUT YOU DID NOT IT ‼️‼️‼️
And your Support Means A Lot To me 🕉 😇💝🌹💝 😇 🕉
And now I"m asking myself a Logical Question ~ What kind of Man and Person DO I LOVE 💟 ⁉️❓⁉️❓⁉️ 💟
I LOVE A PERSON who absolutely does not care whether I am alive or not , how I feel , and what is really happening to me ?
Why do I and MY LIFE have no Value and Significance for my Beloved Man ⁉️ ⁉️ ⁉️
Amit ji 💜 can support anyone and express his compassion or regret , but for some reason I did not wait , did not see or even heard a single Word of Support from you , Mr . Tiger 🐯 ...
I sincerely and with all my soul believed that you would Save Me , my dear Amit ji 💝🙏💝
And yes , now I feel not only Alone in this World , but also an absolute Stranger on this Planet Earth 🌎 , and my only Wish now is for a Spaceship to arrive and take me to Another Planet ‼️
💜🎵🌹🆎️🌹🎵 💜
You didn"t even Congratulate me on my Birthday 🎁 on October 7️⃣ th 🎀
You wish everyone a happy Birthday .
But apparently
I don"t deserve your personal Congratulations ...
Okay , never mind ...
In fact , I have no complaints 🌺
And now about what is happening at the moment in my life ...
As you know , the so-called "Family" ~ fake "mother", "father" and younger "sister", three perverts and jerks , crazy freaks , obsessed with hatred , greed & envy , dreamed of depriving me of my only home , and
I had to defend myself in 2 Courts ����‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😈
Yes , the last
2 times , the Court closed the Case , but these damned bastards did not calm down , and AGAIN WENT TO COURT FOR THE THIRD TIME , PAID A LAWYER & ARE GOING TO EVICT ME FROM MY APARTMENT TO THE STREET AT ANY COST , LIKE A STRAY DOG 😈‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😱
My room is in a small apartment measuring only three by four meters , and even that is going to be taken away from me ‼️
THESE SNAKES 🐍🐉 believe that I have no right to live as a Person in an Apartment , and should live on the street like a Dog 😱
You can"t even imagine what crazy hatred , poison and evil 😈 these Murderers are filled with ‼️‼️‼️
I am afraid to be even in the same City next to these Moral and Spiritual Freaks 😡🤬🤢
But even this is not enough for them !
Now they dream of Taking away and Selling my Home and Enriching themselves with money 💰 , due to my complete physical destruction ‼️‼️‼️
I know that this is an INCREDIBLE SURREAL WHEN the so-called native "mother" wants to take her daughter"s life , but YES ✅ , THIS IS A TERRIBLE REALITY , LIKE IN A HOLLYWOOD HORROR MOVIE !!!
💰 💵💲💳💲💴 💰
IN INDIA 🕉 🇮🇳 ♥️
Unfortunately , at the moment I don"t have this money 💰 , and I can"t solve this damn problem ‼️
And when I find myself on the Street in the status of a Stray Dog or Cat , it will be too late to change anything ‼️
I received a Postal mail today ~ Notification that they want to evict me from my home !
And I have a Question ~ WHERE IS GOD 😇 and
MY AMIT JI ♥️ ⁉️
Apparently , I will never know the answer ...
⏰⏳TIME , time decides everything , but I DON"T HAVE IT ‼️
🎵 ♥️🅰️💋🅱️♥️🎵
AMIT JI 💋💋💋...
But apparently my Dream will die under a Layer of Ashes after the Universal Fire that destroyed my LIFE ...
💚 🌸⚘🌸⚘🌸 💚
God , either give me a New Life , a New Home , or end this Horror & take me to Heaven , which I rightfully deserve 🕉 🙏 ‼️
My Dearest
Amit ji 👑 , for the last time I beg you ~ SAVE ME 🙏 🕉
✅ If you don"t want to be my Savior , then tell other People of Charity or Benefactors about me who are able to help me and save me ASAP 🙏 ...
You can give these people my Contacts , and they will be able to contact me & to help me ...
⁉️ 💜 ⁉️ 💜 ⁉️
My Dear Big 🅱️ , what do you want to offer me ~ to seek help from other Strangers
or from
♥️ MY PHONE 📲 :
7 920 897 19 89 .
I am waiting for Your Appearance , Call or Message every minute , every day and night , at any time .
I feel that You have been preparing many times and were going to Call and Write to me , but each time you postponed it for later ...
The X - Hour has come and I can"t wait any longer ...
These bandits come , kick my door , knock and ring the doorbell , blackmail and threaten to deprive me of housing ‼️
I don"t feel safe behind an iron door and two locks ‼️😈
I no longer want and cannot live in Fear , Anxiety and Stress , do you understand , my dear❓
Thank you for your attention and understanding 🙏
I hug and kiss you with love 💘
Your Babe ♥️
🕉🏆🪔 🕉 🪔🏆🕉
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elijahkelly · 1 year
It’s been over ten days since my last post and I’m baffled at how much has happened.
Dylan worked his last shift at Sanderson.  He’s been occupied all day every weekday doing grad school and stuff for his new job.  Normally I’d be sad that I don’t get to see him very often.  But for anyone who has read this blog, you know Dylan and I have been kinda tense with one another lately.  So I’m trying to put a positive spin on it, seeing this as an opportunity to grow separately from one another and spend the entire time attached at the hip.  I think it’ll be good for us.
A few days later, Ozzy called me.  He told me that his dad had passed and he was gonna be taking some space from everyone and everything for a bit.  This broke my heart.  Ozzy is one of the kindest, funniest, purest people I have ever met, and it blows my mind how such tragic, awful things can happen to the people who deserve it the least.  I spent every day after that texting him asking if he was okay.  He apparently only told me and Trent, which is touching because I was one of the two people he wanted to bring up to date.  But my heart shattered for him.
On Saturday, Trent and I went to a local tattoo shop because I was wanting to get a new tattoo for a while.  The tattoo artist was very talkative (to a fault).  He had told another customer that my tattoo would take between 30 and 45 minutes but when we got started the process ended up going for about two and a half hours.  It took him twenty minutes just to put the stencil on me, then another twenty for him to start the tattoo, because he just kept rambling.  It would’ve been fine if he were just talking about casual stuff.  Contrarily, he was telling us about how awful the other staff there are, talking about how he has almost hit a woman on multiple occasions, the origins of different racial slurs, slavery, stories about the KKK (and his roommate who used to be a member), cancel culture and how stupid he thinks it is, and celebrities that possibly have doppelgangers (his list included Tupac, Joe Biden (because sometimes his earlobes are attached and sometimes they aren’t), and Beyonce (because supposedly her ass changes size every day)).  I told him that I had heard a conspiracy once that Eminem had been replaced with someone else because of the dramatic change in his facial structure, and the artist started adamantly explaining how that was a result of rehab, as if his theories aren’t also easily explained away.  It was an experience for sure, but the tattoo turned out great and I only paid $120 for it (it’s now my biggest and cheapest tattoo).
That day, I had received a text from Ozzy.  He told me he wanted to come with us to see the Barbie movie the next day.  I was so ecstatic, as he had been (understandably) distant since his dad passed.
Yesterday, we went to see the Barbie movie.  The group consisted of me, Dylan, Heather, Ozzy, Trent, Missy, Sav, Jena, and Anna.  We all got dressed up and cute for it and it was so much fun.  What an incredible movie, wow.  It was really heavy hitting and it made me cry a couple times.  I’m going to see it again on Tuesday with Becca since she didn’t get to come with us.
After the movie, Ozzy invited me and Trent to come walk around campus with him and play Pokemon Go with him and his roommate, which I was not about to say no to since Oz had been going through it and was expressing interest in spending time with me.  It was really nice, we all talked and had a good time, and it warmed my heart that Ozzy wanted to be around me with everything going on.
The last thing I wanted to talk about here was my living situation.  I have been pretty comfortable with my living situation during my college experience, since I have never had to live with strangers.  At the college I attended during my freshman year, I managed to live alone in my two-person dorm room.  My sophomore year, I lived with my best friends (Dylan, Becca, and Sarah) and during my junior year, Sarah moved out and my other best friend Heather moved in.  So I have been pretty consistently happy with my living situation thus far.  But the cracks are forming very quickly.  Dylan is moving out because his job requires him to live on campus, so he’s subleasing his room.  Heather can’t afford to live in our complex anymore, so she’s subleasing to someone else as well.  The person subleasing for Dylan is a friend of ours who we have hung out with a few times, so at least she’s a familiar figure.  But the one who is subleasing from Heather is a complete stranger.  I’m fine living with him, but Becca doesn’t think she’ll be comfortable, so she raised the possibility of her moving back in with her mom.  So suddenly, I’ve gone from living with three of my closest friends to potentially living with two people who I don’t really know for my senior year.  This sudden change has thrown a lot of stress my way.  On top of that, I have to do my grad school searching, and I’m starting to lose momentum.  But this is a big year I have ahead of me.  It’s gonna be a lot, but I’m actually pretty excited.
Will update if anything notable happens!
Bye for now.
0 notes
shirebarbie · 2 years
[Anthony Bridgerton x f!reader] Is That a Challenge (pt. 2)
a/n: here it is, another part! i am so glad you liked the first one and i honestly can’t believe you wanted to read more! hope this will do it justice :) let me know!
summary + setting: everyone is still an emotional mess as important topics and feelings are discussed in Anthony’s room (I know it was kinda forbidden!! let me be). no particular warnings.
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[Y/N] squinted, looking over Anthony’s shoulder as she held him close, and she managed to read the numbers engraved onto his father’s grave – today was the anniversary of his death. She wished they had not ventured so far onto the grounds, no matter how much they had been caught up in their quarrel. With each passing year, she was becoming more and more aware of the pressure Anthony was feeling as the head of house, still without a lady, and she wanted to scold herself for not considering today’s date and taking another path on their walk.
Anthony was still wrapped up in her arms, crying without a sound, only a tremor in his shoulders. Outside it was getting darker and colder, but Anthony didn’t yet seem to be feeling better. It was as though the weight of all of his feelings was crashing down on him simultaneously – the good and the bad, the romantic and the tragic.
“Perhaps we should get you to your room, alright?” [Y/N] muttered into his hair as she rubbed his back. “We can talk about everything when you are warm and comfortable.”
In response Anthony sniffed, moving away from the woman holding him. In her eyes he could read the mirrored sadness of his own, wishing to take it away at once and bring her dazzling smile back to her face, but he knew [Y/N] well enough to know she would tell him something among the lines of “It is perfectly fine to feel things.”
He enveloped her smaller hand with his as they started walking towards the house. Both of them assumed the family would be looking for them, but somehow that was unimportant at the moment.
“I want you to stay with me, in my chambers” Anthony admitted quietly, looking down at the ground as they walked. He sniffed again. “I know it is extremely inappropriate, and I really do not wish to drag you into any sort of scandal, but I just need-“
“I think just being a friend of yours for more than twenty years is scandalous enough, how much worse can it get?” [Y/N] joked, hoping it would make him smile; and it did, if only for a fleeting moment.
“You are right, indeed,” Anthony smiled and gave her hand an affectionate squeeze. “Does that mean you will stay?”
“Of course I am staying, Anthony! I really cannot leave you alone, not today,” the girl said earnestly. “You mean way too much to me.”
Very soon, the two of them managed to sneak into Anthony’s room. They only passed by one other person by accident, and it was Violet Bridgerton. No words were spoken between the three of them – his mother knew him too well, after all. Everything that it took was for her to look at her eldest all disheveled and downhearted to understand the situation. The woman just nodded at the pair and went to her own room for the night.
Anthony all but dived into the heap of blankets and pillows on his bed, making [Y/N] giggle at his antics.
“At least take off your coat and boots,” she scolded him, making him turn his head swiftly to face her.
“You just want to see me with no clothes on, Lady [last name], am I right?” his eyebrow quirked upwards, mood obviously improving.
“Well, yes, but not right now,” she caressed his cheek as he leaned in closer, breathing in her familiar and comforting scent. In spite of all the burdens he was carrying, and how strict he was to himself, [Y/N] was perhaps the only person he could completely relax around. Somehow… it felt like home. “Go on now,” she broke the moment, her own heart thumping against her ribcage, “I will go and make us some tea. And try not to get caught.”
When [Y/N] returned, as quietly as possible, with two cups of steaming tea, Anthony was wearing his night shirt and he was sitting on the bed wrapped up in a duvet all the way up to his nose.
“Is this how a gentleman is to sit in the presence of a lady?” she inquired with a mischievous tone. “I had thought better of you, Viscount Bridgerton.” The girl smiled as she took in the sight of the man she loved, in a very unusual setting. As she handed one cup to Anthony, their fingers brushed.
“In my humble opinion, we are way past being a gentleman and a lady around each other,” Anthony looked at his tea and then back at [Y/N]. “Thank you for this.”
“It was nothing, really. We do not need you to catch a cough just because I got so carried away yelling at you, and then we walked so far,” [Y/N] bowed her head, exhaling shakily. “I am so sorry about all of this,” she admitted in a quiet voice, holding her cup with both hands to warm them up; although her cheeks were burning in such a close proximity to a very handsome man.
“No, [Y/N], please, no apologies are necessary,” Anthony immediately spoke up. “If anyone should be the one doing that, it would be me.” Every time her name spilled over his lips, [Y/N] almost shivered. It sounded so wonderful in his deep voice.
“Anthony… it is completely normal to feel things. Especially here, in the countryside, during this time of the year for you. Allow yourself to feel and process all of that.”
She took his silence as a sign to continue, as he started to sip his tea.
“I know it is incredibly difficult for you to talk about that- that tragedy, and I know what you have gone through, but perhaps it would help you if you allowed yourself to confide in someone, if you allowed yourself to feel sad, angry, lonely, worried about the future, anything.” [Y/N] set aside her cup and sat on the bed in a similar fashion to Anthony.
“I just want the best for you, I just want you to feel better, because burying those emotions under the carpet is not going to be a long-term solution, Anthony,” she sighed heavily, trying not to get caught up in her feelings as she was trying to talk about a serious topic.
“It is just… so difficult to reminisce those days, [Y/N],” the brown-eyed man confessed, having finished his tea. “Sometimes I feel as though my body and mind were in complete shock for weeks, blocking me from remembering any of it, and other days I can recall every single moment of pain and uncertainty.” Anthony looked away towards the large windows of his room, a massive weight sitting on his chest. The duvet he was covering himself with had fallen from his shoulders onto his lap.
“Even if I wanted to, I do not even know how to talk about it, I-I have never even done that with anyone,” he took a ragged breath, “not even my mother, who, better than anyone else, knows how it felt.” For the second time that turbulent day, Anthony felt his breathing getting out of control and he quickly buried his face in his hands, shoulders rising with each intake of air. [Y/N] reacted instantly, wrapping her fingers around his wrists gently and leading him up from the bed towards the bench under the open windows. Anthony gave her a grateful half smile as he attempted to compose himself yet again, still upset that he couldn’t hold it all together.
“I cannot talk about that with anyone, but…” his tired, teary eyes travelled from the night sky through the window to the girl in front of him, “I could try with you. You understand me, [Y/N]. You understand me in ways I have never even thought possible.”
“I love you,” she breathed out.
“You…love me?” Anthony’s eyes widened, his full attention on [Y/N] – as if she hadn’t called him “my love” mere hours ago.
“Anthony, I adore you.”
His lips formed different shapes and letters, but no words came out. However, in his eyes she could read all the joy at her confession.
“At long last, I have left the Viscount Bridgerton speechless,” [Y/N] laughed softly, enjoying every expression on his face. “Now I have truly lived through everything.”
The girl’s laughter was soon joined by Anthony laughing loudly and genuinely, for the first time in God knows how long. How was it possible for his mood to improve in such a short time around this person? He was bewitched, body and soul.
Somewhere during the short laughing fit, their fingers found their way to each other’s and they got intertwined. As the laughter died down, both of them were left slightly panting, [Y/N] even wiped away a happy tear.
“I do not think you have lived through everything yet,” Anthony murmured lowly as he gradually leaned in towards [Y/N]’s face. His voice, his eyes, his scent were so hypnotic, and after twentysomething years of yearning for this man, and this man only, [Y/N] finally threw caution to the wind and connected her lips with Anthony’s.
Their first kiss was slow, but so passionate and charged with the intensity of their feelings for each other. Anthony was cradling [Y/N]’s face between his rough hands as their lips parted, noses brushing against one another. A blissful, breathless moment both of them had been waiting for, pretty much their entire lives. And finally, after a day of emotional rollercoasters, their daydreams finally turned into reality.
“You have not lived through being my wife yet, Lady [Y/N],” Anthony smiled suggestively, still unwilling to move away from her face.
“Is that a challenge?” her lips quirked into a little smirk as she delicately ran her fingers up his arms, making him shiver.
“Maybe so,” Anthony pressed a chaste kiss against [Y/N]’s lips. “And if I know you well enough – which I do like to believe – you have never been the one to shy away from a good challenge.”
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inmynotes63 · 2 years
He part 2
Max Verstappen x reader
Number of words: 4555
Warning: smut (at the end)
I hope you enjoy it <3
You didn't answer a single one of the messages Max had sent you throughout that tragic day, nor any of the following days, you felt humiliated and used, you still remembered how the Dutchman simply left that room, without saying a single word, it was degrading to know that you embarrassed him so much that he preferred to take you to a hotel than to his apartment, although at the end of the day it was the best decision, so you wouldn't have to deal with the press when you left that place, you never thought you would end up in that situation, you knew beforehand that you couldn't tell this to just anyone, and although Lewis was your first option to look for a solution, after thinking about it for a while you decided to leave things as they were, without involving third parties, you didn't want more drama in your life, besides, Max wasn't worth it, and this wouldn't be your first one night stand, so you let things take their course.
You attended the Italian GP, as it was one of the few dates that didn't interrupt your schedule, at the beginning you thought it would be a quiet weekend, Lewis coming second with Bottas in Pole, the team was happy with the positions, and everyone expected things to stay the same, until the incident happened, Max's car had been hooked to Lewis', the whole team was upset and worried, as if the Halo hadn't been there at that moment, the Dutchman's car would be crushing the seven times world champion, the scene was repeated in all the hospitality televisions, thank heaven both drivers were in good conditions, and after the British driver left the medical center he locked himself in one of the offices, you didn't want to disturb him, so you just waited around, hanging around the offices of the other teams, you stopped when you saw in a small corridor a frustrated Max and Horner leaving that small space, you tried to turn around and go as far as possible from there when you heard his voice.
-Did you also come to tell me how upset you are?" he questioned while he sat on the floor, you just shook your head and came a little closer to him, "then why did you come, I don't think it's to repeat what happened last time, since you disappeared?
-I disappeared, I remind you that it was you who left me alone in that room.
-Of course not," I exclaimed annoyed, "I went downstairs to get some breakfast for both of us and when I came back with your food, you had already left, and apparently I either got your number wrong, or you are a capricious little girl who ignores my messages completely.
You were surprised to hear those statements, so much so that you didn't know exactly what to answer, the stubborn part of you didn't want to give in, since you were still upset about everything he had done all year, plus what he had just done in the race, however, the other part that was subdued and betrayed by your feelings and emotions, managed to make your heart soften a little wanting to hear what the Dutchman had to tell you.
-Well, you could have ordered room service or just let me know," you tried to keep the timbre of your voice as neutral as possible, so that he wouldn't discover how nervous you were.
-Okay, I admit, I wanted a moment to myself, that's why I left that room, but I think not saying anything to you was a mistake, and I didn't think it through very well.
-Yeah, I guess not.
-Anyway, how is Lewis?
-I guess he's fine, I haven't heard much from him.
-Ah, no?
-No, I just know he's out of the medical center, he's fine and he's talking to Toto.
-If a girl as pretty as you were waiting for me in my box after an accident, you'd definitely be the first person I'd want to see.
-Don't be silly -you said between nervous laughs while you sat next to him trying not to ruin your dress, you were finally having a normal talk with the ojiazul, and if you were honest, you were glad he was back to the way he used to be.
-Would you let me fix things between us? -His question took you out of your comfort zone a bit, you wouldn't expect it in a million years.
-Max, I don't think there is an us, the way I think you're thinking.
-Honey, just listen to me, we did things wrong that night in Monaco, but I didn't know how else to get you to go out with me, without someone interrupting us, I didn't mean for us to end up in that hotel room either, but if you would just give me a chance I know we would work it out.
-For God's sake Max, you can't just say it wasn't your intention what happened in Monaco, I'm not that stupid, and even though you're a little right that we did things wrong, and that I should have answered your messages, I'm still not interested in making "this", work -you made quotation marks with your fingers to make it all clearer to him.
-Well, just remember this, he won't reciprocate, even if you wait for him your whole life.
And he simply stood up and left that place, leaving you alone, again, you knew clearly what he meant with that last sentence, Max still thought you had feelings for Lewis, it was funny, something that bothered you was finally helping you to keep that boy away from you; after that meeting, thank God you didn't see Max again at the circuit, it seemed he had left, and honestly you expected to do the same, Lewis didn't seem to want to talk to anyone and you understood that, so you just sent him a message telling him you were leaving the circuit, that race was a complete disaster, you just hoped he would be ok for the Met Gala, it was a fashion and charity event to which you both were invited, and you had planned to travel together, so while the British guy was arranging the things he had to arrange you decided to organize all your things.
When you arrived at the hotel, the first thing you did was to take a shower, you wanted to relax a little from all the tension that emanated from those men who seemed to be from the caves, after you finished you took your phone, and finally opened the conversation that terrified you so much, Max Verstappen's chat, you didn't even have it registered, but you knew it was him, you read his messages where he was trying to get you to contact him, there was even one that surprised you even more than the rest of the others, the guy was asking you to attend the French Grand Prix, you remembered that you were in Paris that week for a photo shoot, but still, you didn't have time to travel to Le Castellet and be able to attend the race, but despite that, you were surprised that Max asked you, you mentally beat yourself for not answering his messages, but you didn't plan to fall so fast. You packed all your things and decided to go down to the hotel restaurant, it was time for dinner and you didn't want to be locked in your room for the rest of your stay in Italy, when you arrived the first person you saw was Angela Cullen, Lewis' personal assistant, she was a very nice person and you were good friends, so you decided to approach her table.
-Is he busy?" you said when you were next to him.
-Oh, honey, of course not, sit down.
-Thank you," they both ordered their meals and began chatting as they were brought to them.
And why are you here alone Angie?
-Well, some of the guys decided to go to a bar and I'm not really in the mood for that anymore.
-I understand you," you smiled at her, "how did you see Lewis?
-He's fine, he's just upset, but believe me, he'll be fine by tomorrow, you don't need to worry.
-It's a relief to hear that.
-I know, those men are going to end up killing each other on the track.
-If they keep behaving like complete fools, I wouldn't doubt it for a second.
-Speaking of fools- Angela mentioned turning towards the entrance where you could see Max, he was wearing a white shirt that looked amazing on him and khaki shorts, the guy gave them a smile as a greeting, but instead of heading to the restaurant area he went straight to the bar -I have to admit, that man is handsome.
-Angela! -You reproached him in a whisper so the other diners wouldn't hear you.
-What, just because he's from the opposite team doesn't make him less handsome -that was true- besides, I saw you talking to him at the track, so you can't reproach me for anything.
-Wait, you kind of saw me, someone else saw us talking, you asked nervously, since according to you I had been taking care that no one saw them, you didn't want to be part of the scandal that apparently Formula One could offer to whoever allowed it.
-No, don't worry, I'm one of the few people who take that shortcut, it's unlikely that anyone would see them," he said trying to reassure you a little, until he realized how nervous you had become.
-Wait, did you and him… or for God's sake, did you sleep with him," she whispered the last and your cheeks turned bright red, "But when, how, did you not hate his guts?
-Angela, stop.
-Oh my God it's true," you reproached him with your eyes, "I'm sorry, it's just that this is very rare from you, in the years I've known you I never thought this would happen, well, maybe with some other driver, but not with Max Verstappen.
-I know, even I didn't expect that to happen to me, I was very drunk and he is very good at what he does.
-God stop, hahaha I can't believe you are telling me this, but relax, your secret is kept with me, Lewis will never find out from me.
-Thanks, but I don't care if Lewis finds out or not, I know he won't be upset with me, it's just that Max is self-centered, most likely he only slept with me so he could tell his friends that I was in his bed.
-Do you really think that about him, gossip in the paddock runs fast and I've never heard of Max divulging what he does in his room.
-Believe me dear, Max has always known how to behave in front of his partners, I wouldn't be surprised if very soon we see you with blue pompoms and the Red Bull logo on your clothes.
-God no, I may have slept with him once, but I won't stoop so low as to pose in a magazine with a bottle of Red Bull in my hand, or if I'm a commodity.
-Come on, he can't be that bad, you can tell he's a good guy, why don't you give him a chance.
-You're serious, do you think he's worth it?
-Well, if I were single, and a few years younger, and that cute guy told me he wanted to fix us up, I wouldn't hesitate.
-No way, you overheard our conversation," you accused her.
-Just a few sentences," she replied without giving it much importance, "although I could tell Max sounded a little desperate, and now I understand why.
-I know, you may think he thinks I like Lewis, it's ridiculous, but it's better that he thinks that, so he'll stop bothering me.
-Think about what you're doing, honey, don't waste opportunities, that man is sexy, and a little sex without commitment doesn't hurt anyone.
-And why do you suppose he only wants sex without commitment?
-You slept together in Monaco, didn't you? -you nodded your head in response- Well dear, if that guy wanted something serious with you long ago he would have contacted you already, I don't know even inviting you to a Grand Prix, so maybe he's just looking to relax with a pretty girl, and you should do the same, try to lose calories and relax with a little night action, you'd both win," the woman mocked, and in part, she was right, a relaxed and uncommitted relationship wouldn't hurt, but there was also the fact that Max did try to communicate with you and had even invited you to a gp, which made things even more complicated.
-All right, Angela, I'll think about it, but I can't promise anything.
-Well, that's a start.
When they finished their dinners they got up from the table, you were questioning things a little bit, you were between going to the bar and being able to talk properly with Max, or going to your room and keep avoiding him until he had no other option, Angela immediately noticed your nervousness, so she decided to act, apparently she was turning into some kind of cupid.
-Honey, it's still too early for you, why don't you go to the bar for a while and have some fun.
-I'm not sure about that, I'd rather go to sleep.
-You can sleep when you're old, now go have fun and have a drink to my health.
-But I
-But nothing.
He guided you to the area where the bar was located and before you could continue protesting he left almost running, you shook your head while you turned around to leave that place, but something in your head stopped you, you turned around and you could glimpse Max sitting at the bar by himself, the scene was depressing, everyone around him was with company but the only company the pilot had was his drink, feeling a pang of compassion in your chest, you entered the place, several looks fell on you, but you tried to act as normal as you could until you sat on a bench at the bar, the Dutchman seemed not to care who was the person next to him, the bartender approached you.
-What can we offer you, miss?
-A glass of white wine please.
-Right away.
As soon as Max heard your voice he turned to you.
-Thank you - You took the drink the man was offering you - Hello Max.
-Hi, what are you doing here?
-Well, I felt like some wine, do you mind if I sit here? Because I can move if you prefer.
-No, of course not, I just thought it was weird that you came to where I am.
-It's okay, I also came because I want to talk to you.
-So, about what?
-Well, I saw the messages you sent, and I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to the French Grand Prix.
-That you didn't even attend.
-Yes, I had a photo shoot that week, and even though I didn't see your message I still couldn't attend, anyway I just wanted to tell you that it was a nice gesture on your part.
-It doesn't matter anymore, so you have nothing to thank me for.
-I know, but I still wanted to do it.
-If that's all you had to tell me," he turned to his glass and drank all the content that was left in it, you took a sip from your glass, you didn't know exactly why his attitude was hurting you when a couple of hours ago you had rejected his proposals to talk like civilized people, but if you were honest, Angela's words had a strong impact on you, if you solved things you would both benefit, it was obvious that Max wanted them to repeat what happened months ago, he made it very clear in his messages, and you couldn't get the memory of his hands on you out of your mind, even if you were ashamed to admit it.
-Do you think we can talk somewhere a little more private' -you mentioned while you looked around, there were quite a few people and the fact that the golden boy from Red Bull was next to you -a Mercedes- was very entertaining to watch, and they were attracting the attention of several.
-And for what? -he questioned, it was obvious he was a little over the top.
-Just follow me," you stretched out your hand to him hoping he would take it.
-Fine, but it better be something important and Lewis better not be there.
The boy paid for what they consumed even though you had insisted that they charge it to your room bill, but he let you pay for a bottle of wine that you asked to be brought up to your room, you guided him through the hotel, they went up to the elevator and you pressed the number of your floor, when they were there the Dutchman spoke.
-I think this is private now, what do you want to talk about?
-Well, I just wanted to apologize for my bad attitude earlier, I didn't mean to be rude, it's just that I was taken by surprise and then I saw the messages where you invited me to France and I felt worse, I'm sorry.
-So you finally deigned to open my messages, and, tell me majesty, is there anything else I can help you with?
-You're behaving like an idiot, you know that?
-Well, I'm sorry I'm not what you were expecting.
You were about to answer him when the elevator doors opened indicating that they had reached your floor, the Dutchman let you out first and you headed towards your room, where an employee was already waiting for you with a bottle of wine in his hand, you thanked him and put the key to your door to be able to enter.
-Are you coming in or are you going to continue throwing tantrums? -You questioned him while you took off your shoes and left your things on the small piece of furniture that was in the entrance, Max entered the room and sat down on the sofa waiting for you to sit next to him, which you did, you passed him the bottle and a couple of glasses to pour them -Do you honor me?
-If you do this just because Lewis is busy and I'm your only option… -You cut him off before he continued, while you took the glass he offered you.
-Are you obsessed with Lewis or why the hell do you have to bring him up every time we talk, don't you remember that I slept with you and not him? -I settled on the couch sitting on my heels so I could look him in the face while I was talking -what do I have to do to make you understand?
-I'm not obsessed with Lewis," he declared as he finished his drink.
-So, what's going on, he and I are just friends, I don't know what made you believe otherwise.
-It's just that you're always together.
-I know, you made that very clear to me in Monaco.
-Let me finish, will you? -Okay, sorry.
-All right, I'm sorry.
-Well, being always together, it was very difficult to strike up a conversation with you, besides, in the previous GPs, when we talked more than three sentences it was only because we had a sponsor in common, but instead, with Lewis you were always talking, most of us drivers thought you two were a couple, which was weird since he is much older than you -You laughed at his last statement, since he had been in a relationship with an older woman.
-God stop, just because I talk to a guy doesn't mean I'm dating him, it just means I find him interesting, however how can you say it would be weird because he's older when you did date someone older.
-You're right about that.
-Well, but seriously Max, you have to get that crazy idea out of your head, there's nothing going on between Lewis and I, and I doubt that anything could happen.
-How can you be so sure?
-Do you know how to keep secrets? -You whispered as if someone else was in the room and could hear you when they were clearly the only ones in the room, Max nodded in response just as stealthily.
-Lewis has a girlfriend, he's never told me who she is, but I know she was one of the top models in the industry.
-Really? -you nodded as you placed a hand on your heart to make him understand that you were serious, you sat closer to him.
-So I don't think you should worry too much about him," you placed your hands on his shoulders as he settled further on the couch so you had better access to him.
-I think the wine gets to you pretty fast, honey.
-You think so? -You sat on his lap and he placed his hands on your waist.
-A couple of hours ago you were telling me that what happened in Monaco would never happen again, and look at you now, what made you change your mind?
-The truth is that I haven't been able to get that night out of my mind, neither your lips - run one of your fingers across his lips - or your hands and much less everything we did together, and it seems that after seeing your messages you haven't forgotten it either.
-I could never.
-And I don't think a little sex without commitment would hurt us, don't you think so too?
-So that's what you want, isn't it? A little sex without commitment, I never thought that about you," your cheeks got a little hot as you were still embarrassed by that fact, but Max was exerting some kind of control over you, it was strange, but you couldn't hide anything from him, so you just nodded your head, "Well, I think a little sex without commitment wouldn't hurt, it would help me and de-stress a little.
-And you would help me to lose calories, we both win," you joked, but your smile was thrown away by Max's thick lips devouring yours with firmness and passion, you immediately tried to follow his rhythm while your hands embraced his neck, his lips were addictive, They had a bitter touch because of the liquor they had consumed recently, but it was a pleasure to feel it, he held you tightly by the thighs and then got up with you in his arms and guided you to the bed that was a few steps away, he let you fall on the softness of the mattress, You took advantage of that to get more comfortable on the bed, placing your head on the pillow and opening your legs so he could lie down with me and continue with his kissing session, but instead of going straight to your lips, Max climbed on the bed and planted kisses along your legs, starting from your ankles, up to your ankles, starting from your ankles, until he reached the inside of your thighs, thankful you were wearing a dress, on the contrary it would take longer to reach your skin, the Dutchman went up your dress until he reached your hips, when you heard him let out a chuckle.
-What's the matter?
-Are you really wearing shorts, how old are you 12?
-Well, I didn't want everyone to see what color my panties are if my dress was lifted up," you tried to defend yourself from his teasing.
-Hey, I think it's cute, but right now it's essential to know what color your panties are.
I lower my shorts and pull them down my legs, the sorrow of a few moments ago had vanished and all you wanted was to have his touch, Max contemplated the little sky blue panties you were wearing, he didn't expect you to wear that kind of colors, but it matched your creamy skin, and it drove him crazy to see the moisture that was already accumulating on them, and even more to know that he was the cause of that, he planted a kiss on your mons pubis, and when you expected him to continue, he stopped turning around on the mattress and lying down next to you.
-Take off your dress," he said as he placed his hands behind his head enjoying the view you were giving him, you stood up and pulled down the straps of your dress, exposing your breasts, Max sat down on the bed, leaning his back against the back of the bed.
-You nodded as he removed each of the buttons of the shirt, leaving his strong abdomen in sight, it was a delight and you could not deny it, Max unbuttoned his pants still with you on top of you, you lifted a little to facilitate his work, until he released his erection that was imprisoned by his jeans, When you returned to your position you couldn't hold back any longer and a loud moan escaped from your lips, causing Max to completely lose his mind as he ripped your panties with ferocity and began to stimulate your center with his hand, enjoying the wetness you had accumulated he took some with his fingers and brought them to your lips, which you began to suck tasting your own juices.
-I think someone is ready.
-Please Max," you whimpered in his ear.
-Please what my love?
-Please Max, I need you to fuck me.
And without further ado, he pulled down his boxers so he could enter you, and start pumping, your moans were music to his ears, you couldn't believe you were repeating this, only this time a little more sober than last time and now on top of him, who knew things would take that turn; you tried to get into a better position, when you noticed that the dutchman took your waist firmly and began to guide you in the movements, letting your sounds define the best position, it wasn't long when he realized that you were about to reach your point, starting to accelerate the rhythm, you were a trembling mass, you no longer had a specific rhythm, you were no longer carrying a specific rhythm, You no longer had a specific rhythm and began to let yourself do as Max wanted, until without warning you cum, letting out a small cry of surprise, you did not remember very well what had happened the last night you were together, as was that exquisite feeling, and now you knew you had made the best decision, you let yourself fall into his arms surrendered; Meanwhile Max's movements became fast and careless, looking for his own release, when he was about to come he wanted to get out lifting your body a little but you stopped him.
-I'm on birth control, there's no risk.
-Are you sure? -You just nodded and without further ado his release came, you moaned slightly when he came out of you, you immediately felt an emptiness and looked for his arms, you were a very affectionate person although you didn't want to admit it in front of Max, he instead took your face between his hands and planted a soft kiss on your lips, you enjoyed the sensation of his thick lips against yours, they rolled on the bed, Now you were under Max's strong body, when you separated you didn't say a single word, you didn't want to ruin the moment, the boy lay down next to you, and you leaned your head on his chest, the movement made you remember what was between your legs, you stirred a little uncomfortable and although you wanted to rest a little you also wanted to take a shower, so you tried to stand up but your legs were a little numb.
-You need help with that, honey.
-Please," you turned to him pouting waiting for him to help you to get to the bathroom, Max stood up and walked straight to you, you blushed a little when you saw him totally naked in front of you, you tried to cover your body a little and look away, you heard him laugh.
-I keep confirming it, you change your mind very fast during the day, first you reject me, then you seduce me with a bottle of wine and now you are a shy girl, do you keep any secret that I should know, or will I have to discover them? -He took me in his arms, you put your arms around his neck and kissed him.
-Shut up or you won't find out any more," the Dutchman passed a hand over his lips as if sealing them, and left you on the bathroom floor, he turned around and was about to leave that room.
-Call out if you need anything.
-Max," you called out to him, and he turned his head, "Can you help me carve my back?
The boy just smiled and they both got into the shower, and that's where it all really started, and they never thought that a little casual sex would cause them so much trouble in the future.
+Wait for part 3+
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