#hogwarts fandom
donaweasley · 1 year
A Walk in the Dark
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
After an awkward incident involving your one and only crush George Weasley, he tries to sort the uncomfortable situation out. But will it lead to some revelations or...just a heartache?
Previous chapter: Everything is Fair in Love and War
Warnings: Teenage, high school fluff.
Read time: ~10 mins
Note: I've assumed that the reader is 14 years of age here but you're free to put in any number you like! And you can put the reader in any house you wish to!
Next story in the sequence coming up!!
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The morning was eventful, with Fred, Ron, Ginny and Molly of all people, assuming that George and (Y/N) had shared their first kiss in the redhead’s room while the rest were downstairs. Yes, pretty much embarrassing, given the fact that the visitor was buried deep in her humongous crush on her said best friend. And disappointing, too, given that George was furious at them, which subsequently made her conclude that he was repelled at the thought of any kind of romance with his best friend.
The rest of the day was awkward. (Y/N)’s heart was wearing a frown but she had to keep her bubbly personality up to show everyone that she didn't give a damn about who thought what about George and her. She did, to be honest, give a damn...or two...quite a lot, actually. George had calmed down but she found him being slightly uncomfortable around her. She attributed it to her own dejected mind, and called it a figment of her imagination.
After dinner that night, when they were all seated in the living room, George slipped in to sit beside his bestie for a brief moment.
"Wait until everyone's gone", he breathed into her ear. His warmth, once again, aroused those tickles in her stomach which had taken the poor girl almost all day to quieten.
For the rest of the night, she couldn't focus on the conversation anymore as her head was muddled with questions as to why he might have asked her to stay back.
"You okay, (Y/N)?" She almost jumped out of her seat when Ginny called her.
"What? Yeah. Yes. I'm okay. Just...just thinking that I haven't called my parents for two days now. I should call them tomorrow. Can you please remind me?"
"Yup. Okay!" She smiled reassuringly.
"Great! So we're all going out tomorrow evening", Ron's face brightened up.
As the night grew older, the group of friends became more and more tired, and most of them eventually retired to bed. Had (Y/N) not been on the verge of imploding, she would have probably fallen asleep on the couch.
The twins and (Y/N) were usually the last to go to bed. So, there they were, seated on the floor near the couch. Fred was just about to jump to another topic when George stopped him.
"Fred, you go, I'll be coming in a while", he said.
Fred stared at his twin as if the latter had grown another head.
"After what you did this morning, I don't owe you an explanation. I owe you a prank. Pulled on you", George clarified before Fred could ask anything.
This made her giggle.
"Fine, I'm going but..." Fred tried to feign a tragic face.
"That's okay, brother, I won't make out with her", the younger twin put an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder.
"Hey!" Thoroughly embarrassed, she tried to give him an offended look.
"What? You want me to make out with you?"
She just prayed that neither of them would see the heat creeping up her ears.
"Shut up, George. It's not funny."
Fred sat there staring at the duo with furrowed brows while George and (Y/N) chuckled nervously.
"Alright, then", Fred finally spoke up, "I'll leave. (Y/N), I hope that you won't break my heart." Very theatrically, the older twin put a hand over his chest.
"I'll remember, drama queen!"
With a quick hug, Fred left her with his brother but not before glancing at them over his shoulder with a wicked smile plastered on his face. And once again, George and (Y/N) descended into that uncomfortable silence.
"So?" She broke the silence.
George pondered for a while.
"Care for a walk?" He finally said.
"Now? This late?"
"Don't worry, I won't bite", he winked, and she melted into a puddle beside him. It was a relief that he didn't notice.
Probably. Hopefully.
"It's not your bite that I fear, mister. It's the...dogs...and other..things", She said quietly.
"You mean, ghosts?"
George laughed. "You forget that you're living with a ghoul here!"
(Y/N) shuddered at the mere thought of it. She had never seen it although the sounds and the stories were enough to scare the shit out of her.
"Really?" George was still laughing, "after all these years of living with ghosts at the school, you're still scared?"
"They are ghosts of Hogwarts! They are a part of the school. Okay, I'll go. Let's drop this topic. Right. Now."
"Alright! But I can't guarantee anything."
"Guarantee what?"
"Well...y'know...about what we might meet on the way."
"Shut up! I'm not scared! I'll have you by my side!" She wrapped an arm around his.
"Aha? What if I am not me...?"
"Shove off!" She pushed him away. "I'm not going anywhere with you!"
George was laughing. "Okay! Okay! Come."
He pulled her up and gently pushed her towards the door.
It was refreshing outside. The moon was a thin curve against the clear starlit sky. The cool breeze and the quietude soon made (Y/N) forget the events of the day and the turmoil in her mind calmed down a bit. But as soon as George stepped beside her, her “stupid” mind - as she called it - transformed the entire scenario into a romantic one.
"It was getting stuffy inside", George smiled.
"Yes, it was...kind of. … Tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"Why you brought me here, of course."
"Why? Can't a guy ask his best friend out on a walk?" He feigned hurt.
She rolled my eyes, "Of course, he can. But you forget that I know you only too well to know when you simply need a walk and when you're bursting to say something."
He smiled sheepishly, "Caught me, huh?"
"As always!"
"Okay", he inhaled deeply, and the butterflies in her stomach started fluttering violently in anticipation.
"This might sound odd. No, it's definitely going to sound odd", he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
Oh, those usual signs of nervousness! But why is he nervous?
Inside her head, a voice was screaming in anticipation, "Oh! C'mon, just say it Georgie!!"
"Okay, look. What happened in the morning...y'know with my family saying those weird things and all...well, you're not mad, are you?"
"What? No! Not at all!" She tried to sound absolutely casual. "Why?"
"No, it's just...it was awkward, and..."
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, "I noticed that you were a bit off after that. So..."
"Oh!" She had to come up with a lie, and quickly. "I was just thinking that...umm... it's so much fun at your house, and I'll have to leave in 5 days. Yeah. That was what made me sad." She gave him her widest smile.
He smiled back, clearly not convinced at the flimsy explanation, "You sure?"
"Yes. Of course." She noticed him looking suspiciously at her, and so she looked away.
"You looked somewhat uncomfortable yourself. All okay?" She smartly diverted the questions towards him.
"Yes. Yes, I'm fine”, he replied nervously.
"You sure?" She tried to mimic him.
George laughed, "Yes. It's just that", he stopped walking, "I was worried about what you might be thinking. You looked slightly upset."
He was looking at anywhere but her, and shifting his weight on his feet. "I don't want to lose my best friend, y'know", he finally looked at her after a pause.
"Best friend", She thought. "I wish I were a little more than that to you, Georgie."
"You won't", She smiled and took his hand in hers. "Never." She held out her pinkie towards him.
"Pinkie promise?" He laughed. "Really?"
"Umm, yeah! Let's say this is our version of the unbreakable vow."
"Okay", he locked his pinkie with hers, "done!"
They both laughed. And then somewhere in that happy moment the laughter faded away and was replaced by silence. A comfortable silence where only their eyes and smiles spoke. For a moment (Y/N) thought that she saw the same love in his eyes as she held for him.
But no. That’s impossible. He has just confirmed it himself. I’m his best friend. Only his best friend.
She decided to act before her emotions got the better of her.
"Let's go", She tugged lightly on his little finger which was still locked with hers.
"Oh!" His smile dropped, "You're sleepy?"
"No. I just...I don't know. You want to stay here longer? I don't mind. It's pretty nice out here anyway"
"No, it's okay, we can go. No problem. Besides, who knows what might be lurking in the shadows." He looked around with a frown but his eyes shouted "mischief".
"Ha ha! You can't scare me, Weasley. Besides, I have my best friend with me. He'll protect me", She smiled at him.
"Yeah, you can count on that", he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
I wish you knew what you're doing to me, Georgie!
"So", he spoke in that peculiar tone which was always followed by a mischief, "I remember you saying that you are not afraid of...my bite!"
For the God-knows-how-many-times that day her ears heated up again.
"Where are you headed exactly?" She asked him with furrowed brows.
"Just saying", he shrugged, "what if I'm a vampire in disguise? See, I have brought you this far from home, on a dark night, in the wee hours. And I'm so attractive that you couldn't say no to me. Now", he leaned closer, "what if I grow fangs and-"
She punched his chin.
"Ow! You little villain, you!"
"Oh! Did the little, weak human hurt the mighty vampire?"
He groaned.
"Now stop that acting, and let's go home before they start thinking that we have gone off snogging again."
At this, George straightened up and forgot all about his drama. (Y/N) raised a brow at him. Smiling sheepishly, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder once again, and they started off towards the Burrow.
"You know, George, if you try to scare me once again, I'll bite you."
George chuckled, "I wish!"
"What?" She froze.
"What?" His eyes were as big as saucers.
(Y/N) stared at him. "What did you just say?"
"What did I just say?" He gulped nervously. "I said 'you wish!'. Yes, I said 'Hah! You wish!'"
"Noooo..." She was sure she heard something else.
"Oh! (Y/N), you're hearing things. What else would I say? Come now, let's get inside before you start seeing things."
He pulled her towards his home which was now only a few more steps away. His words were still ringing in her ears. She looked up at him. Even in the dark, she could make out the tint of pink on his cheeks.
What the hell is going on?
They stepped inside, and George carefully locked the door.
"Care for some snacks?" He asked a bit nervously.
"Nope. I'll just get some sleep."
"Yeah. Me too."
He walked her till Ginny's door.
"Alright, good night, mate", he held out his fist.
"Good night", she punched it lightly.
Instead of heading upstairs to his room, George still stood there as if debating with his thoughts. Both the twins and (Y/N) usually hugged before going to bed but given the incidents of the day, it wouldn't be a surprise if they were having second thoughts.
After watching George's unrest state for a few seconds, she decided to drop her guard and take action.
"Hey", she touched his arm, "come here."
She wrapped her arms around his waist. It seemed to work instantly because she felt him relax. The next second, his long arms had her enveloped in a bear hug, swaying her lightly.
"Thanks", he smiled when they pulled apart.
"What? Why?"
"Nothing. Now go. It's pretty late."
He stood there, waiting for an explanation.
"Goooo!" She turned him around and pushed him.
He laughed, "Okay, as you say. Good night!"
"Good night", she smiled.
That night, (Y/N) went to bed with a heavy heart, knowing that the boy on whom she had been crushing for so many months now, sees her only as his best friend.
That night, George went to bed wondering if he had let go of the only chance of conveying his feelings to the girl who he had been in love with for over a year now.
@olivetheoryx @yep4nai @scram1326 @ariaterum @persephone13 @gimme-gimme-georgie-weasley @nunanuggets @lolhelpimtired @madmadgirlperson @dontfallinlovelol @r4ttusr4ttus @emilykolchivans @queerponcho @loveforweasley @turvi @lovers-111 @waitforiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit @justafangir1 @the-holy-trinity-l @minatozsana @baddiebbarbietngz @moomscore
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diagonhylie · 1 month
What would you like to experience if you were able to go to a website that could allow you to feel like you’re in Hogwarts as a student?
I’m developing a fan-based website and would love any ideas or suggestions you guys may have by commenting down below!
More details on the website coming soon! 🖥️🦉🍺
QUICK NOTE: Also, I will be changing my profile pic so heads up!
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Stay Social With Me!
Owl Post ✉️🦉
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official-n-a-shoemaker · 11 months
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I asked an Ai to make an older Sebastian Sallow as a warrior and this is what it generated for me.
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evermoreismychild · 2 months
regulus: it’s like we finish each other’s—
james: …homework
regulus: ???
james, in tears, sliding his potions work over to reg: please
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Closeted Harry coming out to Ron after his breakup with Ginny and Ron just being like, “cool just don’t date one of my brothers”
Fred and George freezing and looking at Harry with nothing but absolute delight at the potential mischief.
Harry making eye contact with them, immediately understanding their intentions, and winking as he puts a finger to his lips, shushing them.
Ron following Harry’s line of sight and screaming “NO. NO. FUCK NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.”
Harry and the twins platonically flirting in the most obnoxious ways imaginable.
Harry showing up to breakfast in the Great Hall late with a different twins sweater on, looking debauched. One or even both the twins give him a salacious once over. Ron wants to sink into the floor and die.
Ron eventually gets used to this but absolutely loses it when the rest of his brothers send him their sweaters and flirt with him at the Burrow.
The Weasley boys sending flirty howlers to Harry just to send Ron spiraling.
Ron being so relieved when Harry dates literally anyone who isn’t one of his older brothers.
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joytri · 9 months
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the history of magic
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whos afraid of little old me? // mattheo riddle x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist: whos afraid of little old me - taylor swift
summary: mattheo riddle isnt scared of anything , but when you blew up at him for messing up your potion. he felt fear for the first time. fear of a usually bubbly hufflepuff.
y/n used , comedy, short , female rage x
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"WHAT THE FU-!" you screamed loudly as bright green liquid dripped down your face and onto your uniform , your mouth open in shock and your hands trying to wipe the liquid. mattheo beside you mirrored the same appearance , covered head to toe in the slime like thing.
"miss y/l/n i suggest you dont finish that sentence before you lose hufflepuff house points. wait here, i will go alert madame pomfrey." snape said monotonously as he walked out the room, uninterested as ever.
the whole classroom stayed in a stunned silence as you desperately wiped yourself down , mattheos laugh breaking the tension , "why did he leave to get madame pomfrey when its just a small mess-"
he was cut off by theodore , who stood on the other side of him gulping and staring at something behind mattheo in horror.
"i think i know what shes going to be needed for..." theodore said quietly as mattheo looked at him confused before following his eyes , his gaze landing on you as you looked down at the floor with clenched fist and a shaking body. you looked like you were going to explode just as the potion had.
"are you okay love-" mattheo started before being cut off by you jumping on him , legs wrapped around his torso and hands pulling fiercely on his hair as mattheo screamed.
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU MATTHEO RIDDLE , I TOLD YOU NOT TO PUT THE PHEONIX FEATHER IN YET YOU STUPID SHI-" you shouted loudly , rage boiling your blood as the boy spun around , desperately trying to push you off.
"someone get her off!" another slytherin girl said as lorenzo scoffed.
"im not quite sure i want to get involved in that-" enzo started bluntly before panicking when your legs and arms began hitting mattheo.
it had taken lorenzo , draco and blaise to get you off mattheo. the immense battle had ended with you held back at the arms , legs and waist by the three boys. mattheo falling to the floor dramatically.
"its broken! its broken!" mattheo screamed , kicking his arms and legs around like a toddler.
"whats broken...?" theodore asked in confusion.
"i-...." mattheos crying response was cut off once he realised that he was infact surrounded by his classmates, and he couldnt allow his cold demeanor to slip. eventhough his bad boy persona had been long forgotten the second a shrill scream left his mouth.
he simply stood up and pretended to brush himself off , ignoring the pain in the back of his leg , somewhere you had kicked successfully. mattheo looked at you , seeing you breathing heavily and eyes burning holes through him.
"i wish i could be mad but you look really cute when youre angry." mattheo said with a smirk , his words surprisingly genuine.
however you didn't like that one bit , wrestling the three boys who held you back and going to pounce on mattheo again- who had started running away in pure fear.
"SOMEONE GET MADAME POMFREY!" mattheo screamed as he ran out of the potions classroom, you hot on his case.
this is one of my fav one shots ive ever written LMAO
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basiatlu · 2 months
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Harry warmup doodle
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koshlis · 2 months
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Y/n: Just… Apologize to each other on the count of three.
Y/n: One, two, three.
Y/n: Well, now I'm disappointed in both of you.
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houseofceline · 5 months
My Pretty Girl - T.N.
Foreign Touches and Breakfast in Bed
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Pairing: Ravenclaw and sort of ditzy but talented Reader x Slytherin notorious playboy Theodore Nott
Warnings: Asshole Theo?
Summary: You wish you never woke up.
Author's Note: Hey guys! It's been a while, sorry for the wait but here it is!
< 6
“How much did you even drink last night?” Cho cringed holding your hair back as another round of vomit spewed out of you and into the toilet. You could feel your head pounding as you sat on the bathroom floor trying to calm yourself down. Waking up to a hangover and your period may be the worst combination known to man, or really women. Thankfully there were no classes today. 
“Too much,” you breathed in and out, making sure there was nothing else coming up. 
“Come on, we need to go to breakfast, you need to eat something.” Cho tried helping you up as you gripped onto the sink for support. 
You were not ready to go out in public like this. Bed hair, snippets of last night makeup look in the form of smothered mascara on your cheek, and a million knives stabbing your uterus. Definitely not a pretty sight. Plus, you did not want to see any of the boys after last night incase of something embarrassing you might’ve done while out of it. 
“I don’t wanna go,” you groaned as you flopped on your bed and curled up into a fetal position. 
“You have to eat something Y/n,” Cho spoke softly as she ran her fingers through your hair, trying to flatten it. 
“I’ll eat later.” You grumbled closing your eyes, menstruation already tiring you out. 
“I’ll be back,” Cho said as she left the room, but you were too tired to say anything as you slipped away to dreamland.
A foreign touch on his chest causes Theo to stir awake in confusion. 
What the hell.
He blinked a few times, allowing his vision to clear up.
Seeing the fake blonde from last night he groaned. 
“Why are you still here?” He mumbled, swatting her hand away from him as he scooted further away from her. 
“What do you mean baby? We don’t have classes today silly,” Hannah replied as she sat up, still nude from late night activities. 
“Right, so the last thing I want on a free day is to see your face. Get out.” Theo mumbled hoping she’d leave so he could sleep so more.
“Theo baby, don’t be so mean,” she spoke, reaching out for him again causing Theo to sit up in a huff. 
“You know the deal, you were supposed to be out before I even woke up,” he ignored the nasty feeling of her calling him cringey pet names. 
“Theo we don’t have to be like this.”
“My name is Theodore,” he stated as he got up and got dressed. 
He sighed as he picked up her clothing items off the floor and threw them at her. 
“I’m leaving since you won’t. But I advise you to wake up before Malfoy does, you know he doesn’t like you.” Theo said as he walked out, ignoring the gasps of surprise when her bra landed in her face. 
What an annoying girl. 
He walked to the Great Hall, deciding that he might as well grab breakfast since he was awake. 
“Did you fuckers seriously eat all the sausages?” Theo scoffed as he took a seat in front of Mattheo. 
“What the fuck did you want me to eat? Those nasty ass muffins?” Blaise replied as he passed a goblet of orange juice to him. 
“HEY! They’re not nasty,” Lorenzo spoke up with crumbs falling out of his mouth. 
“Buddy you’re getting it all over me,” Mattheo shoved the boy next to him with a scoff before glancing over at Theo. 
“Fun night huh?” Mattheo raised a glass towards the bruise-like mark on Theo’s neck. 
“Fuck are you serious?” Theo groaned as he rubbed the side of his neck. 
“I knew I’d regret it, she’s been so possessive lately,” Theo rolled his eyes as he continued eating breakfast. 
“Well I mean you’re always going back to her, maybe she thinks something will happen between the two of you,” Mattheo responded while Theo laughed in response. 
“She’s a Hufflepuff, you know only Slytherin girls are worth dating.” 
Mattheo frowned as Lorenzo looked up from his breakfast.
The whole table fell silent as Lorenzo finished chewing his muffin, “Y/n’s a Ravenclaw. I don’t think she lacks anything compared to Slytherin girls.” 
“Yeah in fact I think she looked better than any Slytherin girl last night,” Mattheo mumbled, causing Theo to look up in surprise. 
“She was there?” He gaped, suddenly feeling like he was going to throw up. 
Lorenzo rolled his eyes knowing that Theo had no right to even care if she was there or not. Mattheo and him had begun to care for the girl as if she was their baby sister and at first they were rooting for Theo, but now they weren’t so sure anymore. They had thought that she could be the one to make Theo better. After all it was him who had shown interest first, it was him who had begun to change because of her. She was the first girl Theo had ever described without using compliments that didn’t mean anything. Never spoke about how hot her body was instead ranted to the two boys about how angelic her face looked while she studied and how she smelled like flowers and vanilla. Not only cared about what was on the outside but on the inside as well, bragging to the boys about how talented she was and how cool her nail designs were. That is the same boy who had his eyes set on someone else last night, and the thought of it even made Lorenzo want to either cry or punch him. 
“Yeah but don’t worry, she didn’t need your company,” Lorenzo scoffed as he continued to eat his breakfast again. 
Lorenzo isn’t the type of person to show any resentment or hold any grudges, so Theo definitely knew he might’ve messed up. 
But before Theo could say anything, a familiar face approached up behind Mattheo and Lorenzo. 
Following Theo’s gaze the two boys turned around and greeted the girl. 
“Chang! What’s up?” Lorenzo greeted happily, a complete 180 switch in tone. 
“Hey boys, I’m grabbing breakfast for Y/n since she doesn’t feel well and I thought seeing your faces would cheer her up,” Cho explained as she showed them her plate of chocolate chip muffins. 
Theo furrowed his eyebrows, “Is she okay? Is she sick?” 
Cho rolled her eyes at the boy who caused her best friend to come back to the dorms sobbing her eyes out. She didn’t even know Theo that well but as she watched Y/n clutch her heart as she cried in her arms, she felt as if the boy had broken her heart as well. 
“She's fine as if it’s any of your concern,” Cho brushed Theo’s questions away as she avoided any eye contact with him. 
Lorenzo and Mattheo didn’t bother coming to his defense but instead got up and grabbed some juice and fruit before following Cho. 
Theo looked down at his plate and suddenly didn’t feel very hungry anymore. Blaise sighed before patting his mate’s back in comfort while Theo pushed his food around. 
Maybe he deserved that. 
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karinagiada · 5 months
“We’re all dying,” Sirius replied.
“Maybe.” Remus agreed, lacing their fingers together, “But shouldn’t life last longer, if it can be like this?“
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slythergirl666 · 5 months
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remus lupin who loves to sneak up and hug you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder to give you sloppy neck kisses. remus lupin who asks you to sing him to sleep. remus lupin who begs you to help him in potions, the only class he's barely passing. remus lupin who always brings you food at the most random times. like you'll be in the middle of a history lesson and he'll just pull out an apple, offering you a bite. remus lupin who ends up doing your homework for you when you ask him for help. remus lupin who always has a book in hand. remus lupin who loves to lay his head in your lap when you're reading in bed together. remus lupin who gets flustered when you want to take care of his scars. remus lupin who loves seeing you in his one of his sweaters.
sirius black. james potter.
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slytherin-paramour · 1 year
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It's true though 😅😅
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kaciebello · 2 months
Random texts with bf!Mattheo Riddle
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Masterlist Social media masterlist ☀ Mattheo Riddle x reader Summary: just random texts from Mattheo Warnings: none Authors note: Haiya! I always wanted to try this type of thing so here is my attempt. I will definitely do one like this for all the boys, but if you have any prompt you wanna see all of them react to, don't hesitate and ask! Hope you like this a little bit! ‪♡
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Tag list: @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo , @klimovatereza-blog , @lafrone ,@enfppuff , @rafegfs , @frogtape , @lovelyygirl8 , @catiwinky, @anyam444 , @leeleecats , @ghostgardn , @reverse-soe , @ultramarinetovelvet , @iwishigotswallowed , @jazz-berry , @justatadbonkers , @partnerincrime0 , @schaebickel , @bunnyhopsstuff , @deluluassapocalypse , @adreamingpendulum
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ziaverse · 11 days
‘why do you read “various x reader stories?”’
first, i’m a narcissist and will not read it if it’s not about me
second, I love the feeling of people liking me
third, I was ignored as a child
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