#my son who gives himself diseases on purpose
little-eye-guy · 2 years
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based on something i did in game
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dollar-store-kazoo · 11 months
Can you tell us about your Raven?? He seems like such a cool lil guy :D
I inspired his outfit off of Japanese streetwear, which was an incredible idea by my friend @coffee-coloured-crow (shoutout to him!)
I decided to keep some aspects from his og design, but twist them just a bit (the cape, rope, his eye, and the slippers on the baby design.)
As for the jacket patches, each one has a correlation with death in symbolism. The skull and crossbones, just death in general. The plague doctor being death and disease. A black butterfly can symbolize just death, the specific death of a family member, or just a bad omen predicting death or injury. I gave him these patches because he’s the typa guy to go all in on the symbolism. He’s Death’s child and he isn’t going to let *anyone* forget it, he’s proud to be the child of Death.
I also gave him some raven feathers, some messy misplaced ones as a baby, and two attached to his cape in his late design. This is because I headcanon Raven can turn into an unkindness(a flock) of ravens using his magic! It’s much messier when he’s first figuring it out as a child, which is why the feathers are sticking out of his clothing that way. Though he does get the hang of it as he gets older, he keeps two feathers pinned to himself because he thinks it’s a nice aesthetic choice. It also fits his name, go-figure! (Best be sure he’ll make jokes about that.)
And with the black consuming his bones from his fingertips and neck, yet some more symbolism. Since he is the son of Death, it doesn’t only represent the slow pursuit of death in a mortal’s life, but it has physical purpose too. It grows more and more into his bones as his life goes on, and as it grows, the more powers he gets. He mostly gets his powers from his father(Reaper) because of this, but he isn’t exactly overjoyed about it. He *is* proud to be Reapers son, but he doesn’t want to be a complete copy of him, that’s the trick. He wants his *own* powers, and not just one where he can turn into birds whenever he wants. He wants *more*!
He eventually begins to try and twist these powers into his own, trying to use his own unique magic to change them. No matter how hard he tries, they don’t seem to change. He eventually learns that he needs to find his own self before his powers start to take their own shape, because most of his life he lived in his father’s shadow.
He has to go on a classic journey of self-discovery, but it’s not really a “journey” per-say. He tries to learn from his little sister, Shino! She was very quick to seperate her identity from being “daughter of death” and he spends more time with her to figure out how to do that himself. He keeps it a secret but Shino eventually finds out because of the suspicious amount of time he’s giving to her. She teases him and all that, as siblings do, but she helps him. Eventually, he finds who *he* is meant to be, and his powers form. As for what those powers are…??? Idk yet💀
Depsite finding his true self, he still keeps the death imagery and symbolism on his clothing, because he still has a duty to uphold. He might not take is as seriously as his big brother Goth, but he might as well take advantage of it and make a killer outfit. That’s what he thinks, anyway.
Also, thanks for the ask! This is the first time I’ve gotten one, and it was really fun to answer. Hope I satisfied your want for info about this silly guy!
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Back with more Lab Rats au! And guess who helped with this? @nerd-chocolate
Angst Ahoy!
The Bionic Class got their memories erased of their old lives once the government facility took them away when they were only two. Memories like families and life experiences as well.
The only memories they have are ones with government facilities except the kidnapping
The ones who weren’t kidnapped but instead, willingly given away are Cosette and Ismael
Asshole parents, man
One day, Cosette finds a video in their file. Its clicks play on the video, and it shows two people talking. The one in charge of the project, and its mother.
As the video plays, Cosette notices that the woman in the video looks very familiar but she brushes it off until near the end when they see a little girl. Her.
The video ends with their mother saying “Make sure my daughter never knows. She is nothing but a mistake.” And walks away as the video ends. Cosette is not only terrified by what they just saw but are sad and mad that their own family doesn’t even care about giving them up for a project
Cosette’s mom served in the military, and gave Cosette to the government at a very young age to the point where they didn’t even have to erase her memories because Cosette never got to know their family that well
Ismael’s mom was very neglectful of him the moment he was born
She left him alone, forgot to feed him, and ignored him when he cried
When some government agents arrived, she just handed him over, telling them, “Go nuts,” and they were just, “… Damn, lady. At least put up a fight.”
The agents just let him transition, didn’t even even try to deadname him. He’s a kid who can teleport, of course they’re not going to upset him
Austin T is android in this au (As seen in the incorrect quotes)
When he was very young, Austin was diagnosed with a deadly disease that had no cure
His parents didn’t want him to die and since they have ties to the government, they ask them if they can transfer their son’s brain into a new body
They say yes, but on condition… They want him to be part of a project they are working one, one that can make an android sense like a human and blend into the crowd.
Desperate, the parents agree to the project
Austin T doesn’t know he himself is an android but the other Austins know this fact and exploit for their own benefit. Who knew a sleepover would be an opportunity for your guests to snoop around?
They knew this ever since they were little and using Austin T ever since
They even found a remote control in his parents room that allows them to control him without his knowledge and consent, basically using him for their entertainment and purpose
Marc is the only bionic kid with a Commando App, and it terrifies him. Whenever the Commando App disengages, he wakes up confused with no memory of what he’s done
When activated, Mike’s as strong as Denise, and that, combined with Mike’s rage-induced rampages were never good
To get him under control, the scientists would often tase him should he ever go on another one of his riots
He tore open a tank made of pure tungsten. It took two horse darts to take him out when the tasers didn’t work because he built up a tolerance… How fucked up is that
Strangely, Mike has some vague memories of his parents, but not enough that the scientists have to worry about
Jean X Austin (Post Lab Days)
Jean originally HATED Austin T because he and his friends terrorized everyone at school. Although, Austin T really didn’t do any bullying
But soon, Austin T found the nerve to stand up to them after they went too far with their bullying, and started making friends with the other students… Especially Jean
So, they started dating! Yay!
Now here’s why Austin T left the other Austins in the first place. The remote they use to control him glitched so he was no longer under their control, but, then Armbruster had some guys fix it (No questions asked), so now they mess with Austin while he’s dating Jean
The people who fixed the remote botched it and gave the other Austins access to Tomassian’s own version of the Commando App which allows him access to all of his abilities- Laser vision, super strength, force fields and invulnerability
Fortunately, but also unfortunately, Austin’s face came off when Denise punched him, so all anyone saw was a kid with a “robot mask” going on a rampage through Paris
Mendeleiev managed to deactivate Austin’s Commando App, but they still don’t know how it was activated in the first place. Fortunately, it’ll never happen again, she fixed Austin’s face, and now he’s a student in their class
Marc x Nathaniel
Marc’s worst fear is that he and Nathaniel get into a fight and he uses his powers to make him forget anything happened
But that's nothing compared to his Commando App activating when he's around Nathaniel
The moment he senses danger, Mike will show up and won't stop until he's deactivated manually or he doesn't sense any "danger"
The moment he sees Nathaniel with a cut or bruise, Marc immediately suspects the worst and avoids Nathaniel for a while until he's sure Mike didn't hurt him
(Light fluff) Just to make Nathaniel laugh, he'll control one of the Austins and have them do this
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Cosette x Zoé
Cosette was a little insecure about how she looked when Zoé started dating her and would sometimes shapeshift parts of her to look how she thinks Zoé would like her until Zoé realized what she was doing
Zoé is always worried she's too boring because her friends are fucking bionic superhumans
Cosette always manages to convince her she’s anything but
When they’re bored or just really wanna mess with Audrey, Cosette will shapeshift into her and do a bunch of stuff Audrey would never do in front of cameras
Of course, this earns them a stern lecture from Zoé… Or, it would be stern if she could keep a straight face
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11th January >> Mass Readings (USA)
Wednesday, First Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading Hebrews 2:14-18 He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way, that he might be merciful.
Since the children share in blood and Flesh, Jesus likewise shared in them, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the Devil, and free those who through fear of death had been subject to slavery all their life. Surely he did not help angels but rather the descendants of Abraham; therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people. Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9
R/ The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
Give thanks to the LORD, invoke his name; make known among the nations his deeds. Sing to him, sing his praise, proclaim all his wondrous deeds.
R/ The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
Glory in his holy name; rejoice, O hearts that seek the LORD! Look to the LORD in his strength; seek to serve him constantly.
R/ The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
You descendants of Abraham, his servants, sons of Jacob, his chosen ones! He, the LORD, is our God; throughout the earth his judgments prevail.
R/ The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
He remembers forever his covenant which he made binding for a thousand generations – Which he entered into with Abraham and by his oath to Isaac.
R/ The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. or R/ Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation John 10:27
Alleluia, alleluia. My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord. I know them, and they follow me. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases.
On leaving the synagogue Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her. He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them. When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew him. Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. Simon and those who were with him pursued him and on finding him said, “Everyone is looking for you.” He told them, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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shammah8 · 2 years
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
In 1 John 3:8, the Bible gives us a clear message on the purpose of Jesus’ coming. It says, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil.” What are the works of the devil?
In the first part, it reveals the works of the devil to besin; doing things that are inconsistent with the will and plan of God. It includes wickedness, evil, destruction, sickness, pain, affliction, and even death, for the Bible says death is the result of sin (Romans 6:23).
But thanks be unto God! “Jesus came and abolished death and brought life and immortality to light” (2 Timothy 1:10). In Acts 10:38, the Bible says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” The sicknesses, diseases, pain, misery, and suffering in the world are all works of the devil. But Jesus brought healing and health; He brought light, joy and peace. He destroyed ALL the works of the devil. Hallelujah!
Therefore, if ever the works of the devil try to manifest in your body, in your home, or in any area of your life, just remember that Jesus already got rid of them. All you have to do is maintain your faith on what He’s already done. Refuse to accommodate anything of Satan and of darkness in your life and in your sphere of influence.
Hebrews 2:14-15 says, “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” This scripture has already been consummated. Therefore, enforce the victory Jesus Christ wrought in your behalf and enjoy your glorious life in Him. Hallelujah!
I have the same life that Jesus has, in its fullness. My life is sickness-proof, disease-proof, poverty-proof and failure-proof. It’s a life of glory, victory, success and excellence. Nothing of the devil can stay in me, for I’ve embraced the transcendent life that’s in Christ Jesus. I’m a partaker of the divine nature; I’ve overcome the world. Hallelujah!
1 John 5:11-13; 2 Timothy 1:9-10 TPT
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The Hidden Gods Origins Book 3: The Writer
!!WARNING!! Extremely hefty stuff ahead just like the last two books.
CHAPTER I: Early Life
Born a Human Hybrid to a Father that was a Billionaire  
Epidemiologists and a Mother that was a test subject. 
His Mother, 
His Mother had taken Valter away from the laboratory for something Valter didn’t know, but she had to sell body to make ends meet.
Valter had a hard life as he lived in Whitechapel London where he was beaten senseless just for existing.
The only reason he kept a smile on his face was the gift he was blessed with, he was able to see emotion in people with his bad eye. 
In simple terms, people would appear a color based on their emotion and his Mother had a Color he loved. 
But when Valter was 13 he walked in on his Mother having a Mental Breakdown, she was crying about how someone promised to come back.
She was holding a flier that mentioned a rich Epidemiologist had gotten married. 
She then went into a fit of rage, yelling at Valter telling him the only reason she birthed him and raised him was so she could be with the Scientist and have Money. 
Valter saw now, the Color he saw in her was not for him; but for the Father who left him behind… 
Valter’s mother threw a book at Valter causing him to bleed. 
Valter stopped and picked up the book and realized what he was…
He methodically told his Mother “Don’t worry Mother, I’ll help you see the gift.” 
He turned and grabbed his Mothers neck and slammed her against the Wall. 
She fought him off but before she could do anything; Valter plunged a Knife under her Chin and pulled towards him.
Valter, drenched in Blood left the Brothel and went to his Fathers house. 
He kicked down the door where his father was standing with a guard who tried to stop him.
Valter straightened his hand and plunged it into the side of the guard. 
The Guard barfed and fell as black boils appeared on his skin and he Convulsed.
“Please Don’t hurt me! I’ll give you anything! I have plenty of money, take all of it, just don’t hurt me!” 
Valter looked up at his Father as his Skin began to darken with disease. 
“Are you this Gentleman?” Valter held up the Flier. “Y-yes that is me and my wife.” 
Valter twitched.
“This plague will bring the downfall of whatever battleground it’s dropped on. Enemies will be eaten from the inside out.”
Valter’s Father was confused “W-what?” Valter then looked his father in the eyes, his bad eye now glowing. 
“That’s from ‘Plague weaponization.’ The book you wrote, surely you read your own book before you left it for your future son to find, right father?” 
Valter explained.
“Father? I-I- I don’t-” Valter plunged his hand into his Fathers heart and tore it out before crushing it in his hands. 
As his Father began turning into a monster of Plagues, Valter finally felt the feeling of purpose he’d been looking for his entire life.
His Lust for Battle
He became a Mercenary and would really do anything if you paid him enough. 
However during one of the Battles he was contracted in, he felt an unknown rage he had never felt before build up in him, it was…
Magical energy overflowed through his body as the entire battlefield exploded in energy. 
When Valter collected himself and looked around and saw a glowing pentagram in the palm of his hand and the battleground filled with charred corpses.
Valter looked into the symbols on the Pentagram and tracked them back to a Demon named 
“Heisenberg Richter,” better known as “Heinrik”.
Heinrik was the grandson of Davoth who was the creator of the Gods in the universe he originated from, Heinrik was described as a vicious psychopath who strongly believes in the phrase “Actions speak louder than words.”
He hates humans as they killed his entire family and sold him to a circus, it is said at this point the personality known as Heinrik was created. Valter opened a Portal to Hell and Killed some very rude imp’s in his way, when he finally got to the destination, Valter was shocked by what he saw. Heinrik was sitting in the middle of an alleyway in a chair, doing nothing but staring at a wall.
“Can you go away?”
Heinrik said blankly.
Valter groaned.
“No! I want answers!!!”
Heinrik roared and ran at Valter.
Valter then had his Ass handed to him on a silver platter. 
Valter raised his hands up and dropped his weapon,
“I YIELD! I JUST WANT ANSWERS!” Heinrik leaned down with his teeth just centimeters away from Valter’s face,
Heinrik asked, Valter showed the Pentagram on his hand and Heinrik examined it.
“Oh! Sorry about all that, a friend of mine is grieving and I got very lost grieving for him, didn’t think that after all these years, you’d finally find me.” Valter looked at Heinrik confused,
Heinrik laughed Maniacally.
“DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT All YOUR ENHANCEMENTS WERE JUST DNA MODIFICATION?! HA! Those scientists needed a template for a being like yourself, AND I-“ Heinrik inhaled before saying:
“-Was that Template; I am your real father.”
Valter got up in disbelief. Heinrik then began to explain himself. “You see when I’m bored I’ll sometimes make deals with humans and your Creator- that hot shot scientist summoned me and asked me to create a spawn of myself with a girl who was willing to bear the child.”
“Wouldn’t that make me a Demon Human Hybrid?”
Valter asked.
Heinrik used magic and summoned a cigar and began to try and light it with a snap with his fingers.
“No, he said something about replacing the human DNA with something else, and even if that wasn’t the case, my demon genes are extremely dominant and wouldve turned any human genes into demon genes so I don’t know what you are, but I know what you aren’t, any part human.”
Heinrik finally managed to ignite the cigar.
 “anyway when I figured out she WASN'T WILLING and I was going to kill that scientist but he broke the contract like a- F*CKIN WASTE OF MATTER! Who I WOULD DROWN IN FLESH AND FIRE!” Heinrik blurted out.
Heinrik reasserted himself and took a smoke from his cigar.
“I will never use someone’s body for my Pleasure only their PAIN. It is a family oath you will uphold.”
Heinrik explained further.
Valter stood there like an idiot confused at this revelation.
Heinrik clapped his hands to get Valter’s attention,
“Here’s the Deal, HOW ABOUT I teach you how to use these Demonic Abilities of yours and actually fight? I’d like to get to know my only child more!” Valter turned his head, 
“And if I refuse-“
Heinrik grabbed Valter by his neck and raised him up.
Heinrik stated…
Now, Valter, had become the Founder and Commander of 
“The Ruptured Crusade” 
a group devoted to stopping the difference between Peasants and Monarchies in order to remove Class Bias.
Valter went by “Valter Menendez” at this time as he didn’t want to be associated with his Father, he wanted to build his reputation himself and not piggyback off of his fathers infamy.
The Ruptured Crusade’s goal was If you wanted to have Status you would have to earn it in combat and everyone could have the chance, Rulers would have to be physically strong to rule, if you were strong enough to rule, then you could rule however you saw fit. 
Valter didn’t care as long as you could earn your power in combat.
Kingdoms who refused would be eradicated.
 The Ruptured Crusade, unlike other Armies, had a battle strategy involving the creation of masses of entities called “Eruptions”.
That with diseases to cause their opponents to break down from the inside and out while being an overwhelming force that Valter would heal with magic.
 It would essentially be a Wall of Flesh that would endlessly repair itself.
Valter himself was festering with diseases which would incubate in him to increase their lethality and create new concoctions of pestilence, it was theorized this was due to the unknown species he was related too.
Anyone could join his cause and would not be treated as Cannon Fodder. 
Valter dedicated his Entire existence to the goal of the Ruptured Crusade. 
But because of that very dedication, Valter would become the Villain of the Story he was in. 
He Became Famous and Infamous for his Brutality and Success in The Ruptured Crusade. 
Valter one day, was freeing slaves from a kingdom he’d just decimated, when he met a woman.
She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
She had short stature and Messy Blonde Hair.
They instantly hit it off and from this love.
A Child was born.
Jackson Menendez.
However, the Mother of his son died from some kind of event that caused Valter great guilt, it is unknown what this event was.
This sparked a fire in Valter.
One day in the aftermath of a Battle. Valter told Jackson to scavenge the battlefield for metal weapons and for every scrap he collected he would earn a gold coin.
Valter said they needed the scrap.
But this was a lie, he wanted Jackson to know death, this left a bad mark on Jackson.
However Valter was a neglectful Father.
To avoid the Grief and Guilt of the death of Jackson’s Mother.
Valter completely invested himself into the Crusade and forgot his responsibilities as a father.
And when Jackson messed something up badly, he became verbally abusive.
Valters Right Hand, Warden, had to raise Jackson almost entirely up to the point of Valter and Jackson’s falling out.
It happened when Jackson witnessed Valter killing a Man in front of his family by Lifting him up before choking him and snapping his neck then throwing him to the ground like he was nothing.
Jackson believed his Father had gone too far.
Jackson told his Father the concerns he was having.
Valter clarified that the man betrayed the Crusade and not many things anger him as much as the betrayal of trust.
Jackson tried to stop his Father, but was beaten to the ground quickly.
Jackson then vowed that he would stop Valter’s Bloodlust, before leaving him.
Valter was beyond vexed.
He spent the following months going on Crusades and getting black out drunk.
One day in a fit of Drunken rage, Valter decided to Humor himself by threatening to Vaporize a Kingdom unless they give him a Bride from the Royal Family, he thought they would refuse and he would invade anyway.
You could imagine his shock when a younger woman showed up on his Throne that week. 
Her name was Calista Aelina, the best Witch in all of the Lands. 
Valter was a man of his word so he left the kingdom alone as promised.
Calista became Valter’s Consort and after a VERY ROCKY start and a battle between them, they ended up falling in true love.
Not too long after he was going to infiltrate a Prison to release his soldiers when he found 2 individuals.
A man covered in Bandages with robotic hands and eyes that glowed with fire, and a Man with a Mask and a stovepipe hat that could talk without speaking, these 2 were The Tarnished Minds and Nameless One.
 The Tarnished minds were 3 Tarnished from The Lands Between that conquered them differently before they were fused into 1 entity which created a fourth personality, the personalities included 
Frenzy, The Lord of Frenzied Flame:
Who was the dominant personality and the one Valter saw first, he was a Tarnished who gave himself to the Maddening 3 Fingers. 
Synth, The Godskin Outcast:
A Godskin who outcasted himself and became Tarnished after the Godskins defeat to Maliketh.
An unknown Cleanrot Knight who was killed by a mixture of Scarlet Rot and Deathblight but his body kept fighting. 
 The Final and new personality created with all of their traits combined and was a Genocidal Super Weapon who could use anything the others could, with it’s Achilles Heel being it was very stupid.
The other man was known only as
“Nameless One”
Nameless One was a legendary Bounty Hunter known throughout the Reality’s for his use of outdated Tech yet having much success, he was very brutal and was an expert in CQC and Marksmanship, and also one of the best Doctors to ever live.
They Joined Valter and all of them became good friends. 
However Valter’s job was one of constant movement and he had to go on what would be his Final Crusade because Jackson had returned.
He left the Fortress to Calista, The Tarnished Minds and Nameless One before leaving. 
During his Final Crusade he met a Young Girl who was orphaned in an attack against The Crusade. Valter adopted her and raised her as his own until she eventually pledged her loyalty to him and the Crusade.
During the Climax of the Story, Valter’s Crusade was ambushed and outnumbered by Jackson and his Comrades, they gave him the chance to surrender only for Valter to say…
“I will break! Before I yield.” 
The Bloodiest Battle all the surrounding Omniverse’s had ever endured took place. 
While fighting Valter, heard the Girl cry out, Valter wiped the Blood off his Helmet only to see that Jackson had Stabbed her… 
Valter went Ballistic and Charged Jackson, but Valter was narrowly defeated and was on his Knees, which is when he realized something. 
Valter should’ve won the Duel, as he was Stronger. Faster and Smarter.
But Jackson had Plot Armor and therefore could never lose. Valter’s Blood Boiled over the fact he had now lost everything to an overused concept.
As he realized this, he felt a forbidden power engulf him and it asked a simple question.
“Would you mind? Would you mind if the Gates of hell were opened? Would you mind if the thing in front of you that you called a son dead was dead? Would you mind Witnessing power? Would you mind feeling unfathomable pain? Would you mind the ability to challenge those beyond the rules? Would you mind SUCCUMBING to Insanity, and giving into your perfect hatred?”
 It offered him a deal, he would gain everything... at the cost of everything... Valter responded to the Voice with 2 words;
“Release me.” 
Valter then felt unfathomable pain wash over him as his morphology changed. 
Transcription of the Aftermath:
“Give up” Jackson whispers
holding his blade steadily against Valter’s throat. The metal glistens lightly under the Red Sun, Jackson was a symbol for the world he so loyally fought for. 
Valter tried to appeal to him once, when His Right hand had told him of Jackson’s plot.
For a brief moment, Valter had let down his guard and approached his son in private, telling Jackson that this mission he was carrying was nothing more than a shackle, but the self-righteous are not so easily won over. 
Valter knew he should’ve known from then that Jackson would stop at nothing to take Him down to the pits of hell.
The blade pressed heavily against Valters throat, causing a line of Crimson to streak down his skin and over his clavicles. 
A limp hand lays near Valters kneeling form, and its skin makes him think of a little girl he nurtured as though she were his own.
Valter remembered the way she smiled at him, with her little braids and big dreams that everyone told her were impossible to achieve. 
Valter thinks of her defiance and her fire, shining as brightly as the sun on the day she swore her allegiance to him, and His cause against the corrupt.
Her arm lays near Valter now, nestled between bits of grass and dirt, forever still. Beyond her still form are many others like her, coated in red with eyes open and faces frozen with terror.
The clearing that rang with noises of battle was now quiet and somber, or a battle would be too much of an exaggeration. No, this was no hard fought battle of equal resistance. 
From the moment his son had barged into their abode alongside his comrades it was nothing more than a massacre. 
“What?” Jackson grunted waiting. Valter laughed at his son's patience because he certainly had none when faced with the pleas of those he had murdered in the name of doing what was “Right”. 
Valters blood boiled under his skin, He felt... unhinged.
“You took everything from me.” Valter said slowly, leaning his head back until he was able to meet his eyes, uncaring of the way the blade dug deeper into his skin. 
Jackson’s eyes were unsettled, but Valter’s were far from caring. 
Valter’s soul burned with the cries and pleas of the perished, and He was unafraid.
“From this day on…” Valter said aloud and clear in the silence of the battlefield. 
“I will no longer watch in silence as you strip away all that you deem as ‘evil’ . I will stand against you- OR ANYONE! No matter the cause, and I will make it so that they may never rest. Jackson, I will make you SUFFER; As I have Suffered. I will make you regret every step that brought you to me here today, in the midst of this bloodshed you call justice. If your people so desperately want someone to abhor, then you have succeeded, my son.”
Valter’s skin started to crack like porcelain and began to dissolve, as his Morphology changed. Screams then began ring out across the clearing. 
Jackson jerked away uneasily looking wide eyed around the area as his comrades dropped one by one, writhing on the ground in pain and agony. 
Jackson looked from one person to another in hopeless desperation and confusion. With the blade no longer against Valter’s throat, Valter briefly reached his hand out to the arm near his knees to clutch it tightly, laughing maniacally.
“STOP IT!” Jackson yelled, pointing his blade at Valter’s kneeling form. “STOP- STOP HURTING THEM! STOP IT NOW! OR I'LL-“
“-KILL ME?!” Valter finished for him, standing up on new feet. 
Valter was remade now in the midst of bodies, blood and suffering. With screams of agony ringing in his ears as a background track Valter put his hands out to his sides.
Valter makes his way towards what He called his son. 
“Stop this! Stop- this is not who you are!” 
Jackson begged. Valter begins laughing Maniacally and uncontrollably As a Static effect flickered off of him Valter threw his head back before he looked back at Jackson. Now having No Facial Features but gouged out eyes. Valter laughed Maniacally, having clearly lost his mind.
“I thought you wanted a villain?!” 
Jackson began shaking his head.
“No, not like- not like this- no no no!”
Valter stopped laughing,
“Your people wanted a Monster! AND I SHALL BE THAT MONSTER!” 
Valter continued, ignoring Jackson’s useless blathering. Valter called upon the power and let it twist around him, as Crystals materialized around him turning Valter into the devil everyone wanted him to be, and he felt nothing but anticipation.
Valter Paused.
Valter’s jaw then ripped open revealing a Maw of teeth, As the Manifestation of Bloodlusted Insanity embedded itself into his arm creating a massive sword which he stabbed into Jackson while Running him into a Wall before dropping kicking him through it. Jackson Groaned before flying up slightly and ramming straight into Valter. Jackson put Valter into a Hold where his Arm could Break, but Valter wasn’t having it, he didn’t care anymore. He Pulled Breaking his own Arm to take a Bite out of the neck of Jackson.
“AD PROFUNDIS!!!” Valter yelled Sending him to the Ground below.  Valter’s arm began to Twitch and snapped itself back into place. Valter dropped down and approached Jackson on the Ground.  Jackson tried to swing his sword at Valter who stopped the sword between his Fingers. 
“WHAT?!” Jackson yelled in Shock.
“INFIRMUS!!!” Valter screeched before snapping the Sword in half. 
Jackson threw a Punch into Valter Stomach which Valter didn’t even seem to notice. Jackson stepped back as Valter turned his head in fascination at Jackson’s pathetic attempt to harm him. Jackson then began an Onslaught of Punches which didn’t phase Valter. Jackson stopped before falling down and looking at his Bloodied hands. He had Punched Valter so fast and so hard they began to Bleed.
“SUBADASHI.” Valter responded before anticlimactically Punching Jackson once sending him to the Ground, Valter groaned and turned to grab one of the many dead bodies by the head Head.
Valter then Crushed the Dead Body’s Skull before tossing it back to the Ground. Valter knelt next to Jackson
“Look at her, Jackson.” Valter pointed to the girl's body.
“She’s what kept the Madness from getting out.” Jackson stood up. 
Valter raised The Mettle of Madness he had gained and levitated Jackson into the air.
Valter raised his hand and began to twist Jackson Limbs then, turning the Mettle of Madness into a Spear then ramming it into Jackson’s Chest and putting the spear into the ground hoisting Jackson up before ramming his hands into Jackson’s chest and pulling out his Rib Cage causing his head to be torn off his body and to stay atop the spearhead.
Valter made the most maniacally insane laugh one could make.
Jackson’s blood splattered everywhere Drenching Valter in his own son's Blood.
Valter's laughs quickly turned into screams of perfected hatred as Valter fell to his knees as energy leaked from his mouth until he blasted it all into the Sky creating a blast then silenced everything that existed.
He looked around at the void he created and realized what it actually was. A Canvas and Notebook, to Paint a New Reality and Write a New Story… 
When all was said and done, Valter looked at the Void and created a new reality.
Now, it is unknown if it was in 
 or just plain Insanity 
But the universe Valter created was one of Scorn. The inhabitants had to survive against Monsters as Valter spectated the Bloodshed and Struggle and intervened to cause Chaos or lend a helping hand from time to time to see what would happen. During this time Valter dug whatever parts of himself and his past in a hole and threw away the hole. Changing his name to “The Writer”.
Eventually he saw Universe’s in his possession vanishing. Writer quickly found out he needed to keep all of the Omniverses in his possession from collapsing in on themselves. This proved a monumental task that he still struggles with. He was feeling unfathomable amounts of Pain, Stress and exhaustion while losing his Sanity in what would be called a “Shattering”. 
Writer would find a realm created by a goddess named “The Entity” and strike a deal with her. This would relieve this Stress but take a toll on Writers Psych. He found himself depressed due to the Pain of his Job. He had no Purpose or motivation, in his eyes he didn’t even know why he bothered. 
During this time, he wandered many different universes doing many different things and having countless families and loved ones but since he lived so long and his profession was so dangerous they would die and even if they didn’t he would outlive them. He would occasionally visit some of his many children as he felt bad for leaving them. But he physically couldn’t spend the time. Eventually he just did what he did with his Universe and just assisted and caused chaos just to see what happened. Although he had the power to extend life, he vowed to never use it, as he felt that people die for a reason and he will not prevent that natural order of things.
CHAPTER IV: Second Wind
To fix things he needed to pace himself.
After scouring Omniverses, he found a man named 
“James Anderson Jr.”
He was going to be executed for countless Murders he had committed.
Before he went insane, he was one of the S.C.P. Foundation’s best Operatives but went insane allegedly because of an Anomalous Object, and went on a decades long Rampage due to the insanity.
He gave James the power to break out, which he did and after James settled things that were going on for him, The Writer gave him a proposal. 
He would reset the timeline so James never went insane and his name wouldn’t be Tarnished and make a clone of him before he became what he was now to take care of things and perhaps be a Spy.
But he himself would have to manage the Omniverse’s Writer owned from the inside and become a Collective God…
Or he’d die.
James Accepted the first option and gained the name
The Writer then researched potential fixes for his mind and remembered a rare race called “Avatars” which could Host beings like him to help them control and even enhance their power. 
Writer had used them in the past but they never ended very well as he’d end up Killing them for one reason or another.
He figured he would find one that would actually like him before he hosted them. 
He found only one who was willing to try; a Boy named 
Simon Williams. 
When Writer found him, Simon was being Bullied at school because of what he found attractive. 
Writer made his presence known to Simon, telling him what he was and why he needed Simon’s help.
Simon refused, but after Writer humiliated his biggest Bullies, Simon reconsidered.
They eventually began to see each other as friends after many years, but this friendship would soon blossom into Love.
Writer was enjoying his life again, until he realized remnants from his past as Valter had resurfaced; Jackson had resurfaced. 
Writer gathered anything from his last life all into one location and with Simon’s Help.
 The Writer set everything ablaze and Banished what was Jackson, before apologizing to the girl he lost so long ago and telling Simon who refused to leave that he wouldn’t die alone.
Writer then fused Simon’s Soul with his own to prevent Simon’s Death in the very real possibility that Writer would survive. 
CHAPTER V: Rekindled
When Writer awakened from his Slumber he found himself in a; broken body, a cacophony of voices yelling at him, but one of those voices spoke louder than the rest, it was a familiar and calming voice.
It told him to stay calm and kill anything that moved. 
The Writer shoved his arm through the floor and The Mettle of Madness manifested into his arm and turned into a form similar to a blunt stick and did what was told of him.
Kill everything that moved.
Calista introduced herself to Simon and explained who she was and who The Writer really was. 
She then explained Simon's current situation and that she had a way to separate him from The Writer. Simon wanted out so he gladly agreed with her.
Calista needed an entire team of mages just to do the procedure, but it worked.
The 2 Men were separated, Simon was woken up first and was treated by the Mages who were announcing this magical miracle to a council of Mages, Warlocks, Witches and Wizards. 
Simon looked over at the other table where The Writer laid. Simon was horrified at what Writer’s face actually looked like.
Simon now understood why he hid it behind his outfit.
As Simon stared at him he felt a sharp pain strike in his head. 
The Mages looked over and asked him what was wrong but it wasn’t Simon they needed to worry about. 
The Writer began Twitching and started pulling at his Restraints, And the Room went into Chaos.
 The Writer started Screeching, before he broke the Restraints keeping him down and Rushed towards a Mage…
Simon was under a table hiding and terrified. The Room was splattered in Blood, a Mage laid on the ground groaning in pain. 
Simon, having a Panic Attack, was trying to control his breathing. But he stopped breathing altogether when he heard loud footsteps and scraping.
It was The Writer, he twitched and turned while grumbling in Latin with a Jagged form of The Mettle of Madness being Dragged behind him.
The Writer stopped abruptly and stared at his claws drenched in Blood as The Mettle of Madness Embedded itself into his arm again.
The Mage on the ground asked for someone to help her which caused The Writer to approach her. She pleaded for her life but before she could finish. 
The Writer roared and slammed his Claws down onto her, smashing her against the ground before taking a bite into her flesh and spitting out chunks of meat.
Simon was paralyzed in fear, one of the other Mages tried to make a run for it but The Writer appeared in front of them.
They didn’t make more than 20 steps before they were also consumed by The Writers Fury.
The Writer stumbled over to a wall, he kicked a computer on the ground out of the way and leaned against the wall and started panting.
He then tore out some devices that were placed on him before he set his gaze met Simons. 
Simon crawled backwards as The Writer approached him.
The Writers Maw of Teeth showed as a long tongue came out and moved like a snake.
The Writer then screeched and pulled himself away from Simon while The Writer held his head in pain.
The Writer then slammed his wrist against his head focused back on Simon
The Writer reached his arms out and grabbed Simon where his Shoulders met his neck.
The Writer opened his teeth and his tongue seemed to split up as the tendrils approached Simon's Face.
But before anything could happen, a Magic Blast shot Writer in the Head knocking him out, it was Calista…
“Sorry you had to witness that Simon.” Calista sat him down after everything was resolved. 
“The results are in, Valter did indeed fuse your souls together, however the way he did so has never been documented before and it seems when we separated them, Valter went into some kind of Primal state and; well……….. he was in, Heat? 
Look I got no F*cking clue what happened to him while he was f*cking you instead of me.”
Simon sat there dazed trying to take everything in. 
Calista sighed,
“Well I’ll start listing your options-”
Simon then interrupted her.
“Put me back in.”
Simon said Blankly
Calista slammed her hand down. 
“If I do that you will effectively die, Valter’s soul is so much stronger than yours and it will assimilate and devour yours until theirs nothing left of you remaining-” 
Simon stood.
Calista said nothing. 
She walked up to Simon and gave him a Hug. And their souls were Reforged together.
POV SWITCH: The Writer
The Writer awakened again and learned about the Witch that saved his life for an Organization and The Writer was under her supervision for a long time. 
All the while, Writer grew guilty with Simon’s Plees to be let go. The Writer knew they would stop eventually as they became one.
Then the worst came to pass, The Writer learned that the Witch was Calista. 
This Broke what was left of his Motivation and caused him to have the worst Shattering yet. 
Many lives were snuffed out that day.
It ended when Calista, Warden, The Tarnished Minds and Nameless One calmed Writer down to the point of stopping and being in a Catatonic State.
“The Hero’s Jailers” would take The Writer where he would lay dormant, just sitting still in his Cell the whole time and rarely moving. 
However he was awakened to an Entity’s existence. 
CHAPTER VI: Reignited
The Writer sensed the existence of a Girl, a Girl who was destined to be a being of his Power and to potentially become his Predecessor.
 The Writer Caused Chaos in the area where The Tarnished Minds, James Anderson Jr, 6288 and Nameless One were in and told them to get this Girl to a safe location for Writer to talk to her.
When they did what was asked, The Writer then escaped The Hero’s Jailers, to meet the Girl.
Her name was Ada, Writer also learned she was a Yandere, which complicated things as if he wasn’t careful she could get violent or grow the wrong kind of attachment to him. 
The Writer asked her who she was, she told him that when she was a child The Hero’s Jailer’s killed her Family trying to Capture him, And that 6288 had unlocked her godhood.
The Writer apologized and explained The Shatterings to her before he offered her an Ultimatum. 
Train under him and his Friends
He would end her Story right then and there. 
She laughed and accepted, overtime they began to see each other as Father and Daughter with Calista being the Mother.
This was one of the best times in The Writers life so much so that he even had a daughter with Calista named Hizuru.
However near the end of this time Writer felt a presence he had not felt in a long time.
 The Writer told Calista, YanderAda and all of his comrades to pack their things, as he had someone to see.
They entered a portal and arrived at a warehouse.
There were a plethora of Hostiles, The Writer turned to YanderAda “Dont die…”.
The battle was a long and vicious one, but as they made it into the main room, a man in a cape and armor stood before them.
The Writer and the man stared at each other for what felt like forever before The Writer dropped The Mettle of Madness and transformed back into the Armor he wore as Valter. 
“Let’s see how this ends without Plot armor this time, Jackson…” 
Valter stated.
Jackson groaned before rushing at Valter.
Ada raised her hammer but Calista signaled her to not engage, this was a 
The fight unsurprisingly was a one sided stomp of Jackson.
Every move Jackson made Valter parried and punished.
“You were called a HERO.” 
Valter dodged a Sword swing.
“I was called a VILLAIN.” 
Valter ducked under the next attack and swept the leg of Jackson.
Valter grabbed Jackson's head and shoved him into a wall.
Valter Clotheslined Jackson and turned him around before Valter kicked Jackson in the stomach.
Valter stomped on Jackson’s back.
Valter threw Jackson through a wall before using the Pentagram on his arm pulling Jackson back to him and in a chokehold.
Valter slammed Jackson on to the Ground. 
Valter’s jaw began cracking as it widened as energy began leaking out of his mouth.
Valter began spewing energy at Jackson, shooting him into a wall as the energy burned him.
Valter looked up and the energy stopped flowing out of him.
Jackson coughed up blood as Valter took a deep breath.
Jackson looked up from the ground as Valter grabbed the Mettle of Madness and turned it into a Blunt Form.
Writer then started to Rant.
After the outburst of heinous insults stopped, Writer took a deep breath before saying.
“Everyone but Calista and Warden, wait outside; this is going to get messy.” 
Ada stomped down, “I’m not going anywhere.” Ada said in protest.
“Let’s see who the sheep are!” Jackson yelled.
 N, The Tarnished Minds and 6288 all left. Calista approached Ada, “Come on, you Shouldn’t see this.” 
She explained trying to grab Ada’s arm. Ada walked back. “If your staying with him, and SHE’S STAYING WITH HIM, then so the F*ck am I.”
When the door shut, Jackson looked at Valter “Been a long time, Father.” Jackson stated
Valter twitched and turned back into The Writer and slowly walked up to Jackson. 
Tightly gripping the Mettle of Madness, Jackson and Writer exchanged a long glance.
“I see you replaced for the 2nd Time.”
Jackson smugly said looking at YanderAda and Hizuru in Calista’s hand.
The Writer roared and Slammed The Mettle of Madness across the Face of Jackson.
Writer panted for a few seconds before merciless beating Jackson’s head.
When Jackson's head was as a paste, The Writer fell to his knees and began screeching and tearing out flesh with his claws and his maw of teeth.
When there was literally nothing left to beat. 
The Writer shoved his hand into the pile of meat and pulled out the spirit of Jackson, still alive from the Plot Armor left inside of him.
“Just; DIE!!!!!!!!”
Writer screamed as he used Rancor Destruction on Jackson.
Calista casted a teleportation spell that teleported everyone to a safe distance.
After the Eruption, The Writer stood in among the ashes, as it started to Rain Jackson’s Blood from above, for hours The Writer yelled in anger while his son’s Blood rained from the sky drenching him in it. 
Calista later said that she could only describe the sound she heard as
“Pure Hatred mixed in with unfathomable guilt with a hint of grief."
CHAPTER VII: Suppressed
After settling into his new home with Calista, Ada, Hizuru and his Friends.
Odin and The Hero’s Jailers would lead him to Cabin atop the mountains…
When it was over, The Writer felt a Shattering coming and had to leave. 
He returned to The Hero’s Jailer’s to keep his power from getting too Chaotic.
But an Incarnation of Odin would request for The Writer to be released temporarily as he had use of him. The Writer followed Odin’s orders as he didn’t have any motivation to retaliate.
The Death of a Hidden God:
The 9 of them ran to cover.
The King
And 6288 with 
James Anderson Jr.
 They were outmatched.
King dragged The Writer through the Sand.
“Come on Valter! You can still Fight, you still have that flame in you, don’t let that Flame Die!”
The Writer stayed silent.
YanderAda yelled in anger.
Rex yelled in response.
Slattern both Entered Adrenaline before they both roared and held off the enemies.
They set up Writer on a Stone and Warden began examining The Writer.
YanderAda said as she shot back at the Enemy.
Warden turned to look at everyone.
“It’s over. I cannot see any Will left in him.”
King began denying it. “NO NO! HE CAN’T!-“
Rex teleported to his Father and cut him off.
“Dad, it’s over, you can’t hold on to him forever.”
YanderAda stood still and looked at her Father and knelt down to him.
The Writer jolted forward and his eye glowed brighter than it ever has.
“My time is fading, but yours-” Writer began laughing uncontrollably. He’d gone Delirious “-Yours is FAR from over.”
The Writer took his hat off and put it on his Daughter’s head taking her aback.
Writer said between giggles.
YandeAda began stuttering before The Writer pulled her into a Hug.
“Let me say goodbye to my Friends… I’M SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST! You.”
YanderAda walked away.
Warden approached The Writer.
“Master, without you, my mission...”
The Writer smirked and put his hand on Wardens equivalent to a chin.
“See that girl over there, PROTECTING 
Our Family! IS Your Mission, NOW GET THE F*CK OUTTA HERE AND DO WHAT YOU WERE MADE TO DO! You don’t need me anymore, you're free, I couldn’t have asked for a better guardian.”
Rex looked at The Writer and gave him a Salute and Writer returned it.
Calista then walked up to The Writer and kissed him before scratching his head and calling him a
“Good Boy”.
Writer remarked.
Calista scoffed.
6288 simply bowed to The Writer.
“I will never forget my Job or my oath to you, thank you; for everything.”
The Writer Twitched
“I suppose you; 
6288 facepalmed.
Then The King knelt down to The Writer, “T’was a good fight.”
The King removed his own Helmet and put his hand on the Top of Writer head.
“Lay your head and rest…
Old friend.”
As The Writer laid his head down.
YanderAda crouched by her Father and they shared another embrace.
“My Daughter, I have something for you.”
Writer struggled to raise his arms as he put his left hand to his right arm.
The Writer ripped a long string of shattered pieces out of his arm horrifying everyone.
The Writer yelled in Agony and somehow laughed at the same time as he Dislodged The Mettle of Madness out of his arm.
His arm was basically just bone by the time he was done.
YanderAda sat horrified as the Writer looked at the Shards in his other hand.
The Shards began violently twitching as they began to glow and catch on Fire as The Writer laughed maniacally.
The Writer raised into the air, shocking everyone as an Abyssal Gods Will spoke through him.
The Writer twitched and fell back down and looked at YanderAda, 
“A very long time ago, 
Do you remember why I said I made you Infertile?”
YanderAda exhaled, “I was too broken to understand Family.”
Writer tried to smirk as his Sharp teeth fell out of his mouth.
“You understand 
that now, and 
the beauty of it is. 
Once this is over, anything that was ever taken from you; will be returned.”
The Writer screamed as he commanded all of the Energy that was stored inside him to tear himself apart as that Energy went flying into YanderAda. 
Writer yelled.
When that was over.
A frail Valter sat still and muttered: 
“My Ada; Save… Them.” 
Valter coughed. 
“Simon; I'm sorry………”
And he fell silent.
He had written everything he could.
Everyone stood in disbelief as 
Her right eye glowed brighter than ever.
Ada put on The Writers hat and calmly walked out of their hideout. 
Where Ada stood before them all.
She stood completely still as every blow she endured didn't even phase her.
She walked forward. Nothing was going to stop her.
Ada calmly raised her hand and did a flicking motion.
Everything in front of Ada was ripped to shreds;
and Ada continued her stride.
The Others watched in disbelief.
Everyone asked Calista what happened to 
The Writer and what Ada was doing.
6288 answered for her.
“She’s right there.
SHE’S; The Writer.”
Ada broke down everything in her Path.
“No more downsides. 
No more Motivation. 
No more Shatterings. 
The Purest Form.
She’s everything Valter was meant to be.
She isn’t YanderAda anymore,
Calista added.
The Enemy leader stood before the Perfected Ada.
She inhaled a deep breath…
and screamed.
A Shockwave of Demonic Fire erupted out of her followed by a storm of shards from The Mettle Of Madness covered in Destined Death seemed to create a Tornado around her before being turned into a massive projectile that was thrown downward.
“The Final Journey.”
There was nothing left. No rubble, No Death, 
just Silence…
When the dust cleared.
Ada was on her knees and Crying in the Middle of the Clearing holding what appeared to The Writers Hat.
The Others approached her.
James Anderson Jr. finally spoke up, he had been silent the whole time.
“I’m sorry for my silence, but I was informed by
The Writer regarding his Will months before; this.”
Gryphon immediately grabbed James by his Shirt Collar.
James' eyes then Glew Red as The Writer’s voice boomed out of his mouth.
“Hello Friends this is; Valter.
I apologize I didn’t tell any of you about…
But I only trusted James with this information as anyone else wouldn’t have kept this information from exiting their Vocal Cords.
But as you have all seen first hand, 
Ada has gained my Power, or at least a version of it.
This is because of my Title you see, ‘The Writer’ wasn’t my name, it was my Title. 
I’m aware of 2 Others who had this title before me, they have long since died
And I have joined them.
My Physical form died as soon as The Mettle Mettle
Was disconnected from my Body.
However my essence still exists, far far away in a Palace with those who came before me.
And if Ada doesn’t get that essence soon…
She’ll end up like me.
I’ve trusted James to take her on that journey, I permit NOBODY ELSE!
I restored some; things that were missing…
James’s Eyes stopped glowing Red and turned back their natural Orange.
“Writer told me Ada’s emotions were the only way she’d be able to do; that, is if she thought he was dead.”
Ada stood from the ground and put
The Mettle of Madness
on her Back.
And walked back to the others.
“Let’s get to it James.”
Ada put on The Writers Hat…
((Quick FAQ Answer: Yes, The Writer is still alive and yes we will see him in the full book series, he just kinda reappeared in his original funny void area, it just takes a while to return to the THG universe.))
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j-graysonlibrary · 9 months
The Xiang Chronicles: Book One Chapter 28
Title: The Xiang Chronicles: Book One
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 83k
Genres: Fantasy, adventure, drama, LGBT+
Available on: my website
Synopsis: Every few centuries a hero is born—one chosen by the God Tiandi to carry out his will in the mortal realm. The Xiang. Whether it is to quell a war instigated by the forces of shadow—of Shakti herself—or whether it is the miasma that poisons the world, the Xiang is born to bring the world back into balance.
Shu Pangu Min knows what his purpose is and he does his best to fulfill it even if he doesn’t fully understand all of the details. He must travel from city to city—lord to lord—to clear out the miasma. Along the way, he is to enlist the aid of four disciples. Each is to be of a different country and each must have high resonance and deep faith.
The holy men who raised him have great confidence in his future successes and they leave him to begin his journey on his own. But, can Pangu live up to the expectations of those around him? Can he really save the land like all other Xiang before him or will his unconventional methods doom them all?
Full chapter 28 under the cut
Chapter XXVIII
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you,” the man said and bowed, “My name is Huan Viren Ai and I am in charge of Ultimos at the moment. I have heard many tales of your travels thus far, Oli and I have been waiting eagerly for the chance to be your host.”
Pangu almost forgot to bow. “Oh…well it is a pleasure to meet you as well, your lordship.”
Viren’s pale yellow eyes drifted between them. “You have not found your last disciple yet, I see.”
“No, the um…the trip has been quite unorthodox so far,” he answered him and laughed nervously.
Lord Viren chuckled and pushed some of his hair from his face. Even his hands were long and elegant. “Oli…could you give us a moment to discuss things privately?”
The boy glanced between everyone but nodded. “Of course,” he said and walked out of the room, shutting the doors behind him.
“Have you four eaten dinner yet? I would love to treat you to some of the delicacies that Ultimos has to offer,” Viren suggested and smiled.
“I could use a meal,” Kira mentioned and was promptly elbowed by Baiya. “What?”
“It could be a trap,” he said under his breath.
“When everyone saw us come into the palace? I doubt it.”
“We would love to,” Pangu answered in a louder voice to shut the both of them up.
They moved, as a group, to a dining hall where food was set out for them but no servant stayed around to wait on them. Viren requested for the room to be cleared out and for only the five of them to be present. Kira started eating but did keep his eyes on the Lord in case he tried anything.
Raine found himself looking between the Lord and Kira, unsure of where to keep his attention. He ate cautiously but the food was so delicious it began to demand his attention. Baiya was the only one not eating at all and he stared at Pangu who looked at lord Viren with a smile.
An ugly feeling crept into his chest that he hated.
“I am sure my uncle, Lao, sent you here to dispose of me, correct?” Viren started a little ways into the meal.
“That was his intent but not ours,” Pangu said immediately. “He painted you as a villain and insisted that you were the cause of so much miasma. Yet…there is nothing here in the capital.”
The man smiled and nodded. “He believed the position I have should have fallen to him since it was his brother and sister-in-law who had controlled Ultimos previously. They fell ill and were both taken by the same disease but, in their will, they left me both the city and their son to care for.”
“You are quite young for a Lord,” Raine mentioned, “Yet they trusted your experience?”
“I may be young,” he agreed, “but I have been training for leadership my entire life. My family…my clan…we have controlled the Huang territory for five hundred years and all of us learn from birth of that responsibility. I just dedicated myself to it with more…intensity than some others.”
“To be honest, your uncle is terrible at it,” Kira stated through a mouthful of food.
The lord chuckled. “Since we are guaranteed rule because of our blood, some members of the family do not try to educate themselves on what it takes to rule a city. After all, they will be awarded the position anyway so why bother? My uncle is of that mindset.”
“But the people suffer for it,” Pangu responded, unable to hold in his grievances about Sun-Shi any longer.
“Indeed they do. Many people from Sun-Shi have come here recently, looking for a better quality of life.”
“It does seem peaceful here,” Raine admitted.
“I have taken an approach to ruling that some see as extreme,” Viren said, “None in my city are without a home. Under a certain bracket of income, there are no taxes that are forced upon anyone and, above a certain income bracket, taxes are required. I pay taxes as well which was not something my aunt and uncle did before they passed. But, since I have adjusted the economics and quality of life to benefit those who might have struggled otherwise, the city is happier than ever and commerce is more alive than in any other time in history.”
“Who would have thought that having one’s needs met and having spare money would boost the economy,” Kira said with heavy sarcasm.
“So, Lao must also hate you because you make him look bad by comparison,” Pangu guessed. With how the poor in Sun-Shi were treated, it was no wonder so many had left to come to Ultimos.
“Unfortunately, yes, this is a matter of my uncle’s pride.”
“It seems as though we might have come all this way for nothing,” Baiya finally spoke up.
But, Lord Viren shook his head. “It pains me to say that, even if my city looks happy and prosperous, there is still a great threat that requires the Xiang’s assistance.”
Pangu tilted his head to the side. “What is it?”
“Months ago, I started to notice the miasma settling in so…I had a few soldiers scout around town and the surrounding land.” Viren gulped. “One group found a cave to the east of the city where the miasma seemed to be flowing from. I went to assess it myself and then I hired some engineers to construct a proper lock for the hole. At the time, I thought it was over. The miasma dissipated and no one in the city noticed any different but…”
“But what?” Pangu urged.
“The lock is losing integrity with every passing day and I fear how much miasma might be behind it, just waiting to burst and overtake us. If that happens…”
“Sudden exposure to large amounts could kill the average person,” Pangu said with a frown. “…This is not good.”
“Did you really think covering it up would work?” Baiya asked with narrowed eyes. “That it would just go away?”
“I am no expert on the substance,” the Lord admitted, “but it did appear to be working at first and I allowed it to slip my mind.”
“It is okay—we can handle this,” Kira assured him and glanced to Pangu.
“Thank you.” Viren sighed. “I hate that I have put everyone at risk and I hate even more that I cannot solve this problem on my own. But…I am grateful to have you here, Xiang. Now may not be the time to say this but…I have always been delighted by the stories of the Xiang in the past and I was thrilled to learn of your journey as I knew I would finally be able to meet you.”
Pangu chuckled. “Raine was the same way when we met.”
“It was an academic pursuit,” Raine tried to defend himself.
Viren laughed a little this time. “The stories are all very interesting. It was hard to imagine a regular person as being the Xiang. Pangu, you surprised me.”
“Am I very normal?” he asked.
“It is not that,” the Lord retracted his words and tried again, “You are easy to speak to. I was expecting some somber man who talked of sacred duties and the will of Tiandi with every breath.”
Kira laughed. “Not our Pangu.”
“He is still duty bound and does what he believes Tiandi wishes of him,” Raine stated, “But his priorities are helping people first and foremost.”
“Helping people is the will of Tiandi,” Pangu pointed out.
Baiya almost wanted to point out that Pangu believed a lot of things that went against the teaching of his god but he kept it to himself. For some reason, he found himself almost unable to speak. He’d barely been able to eat as well. Something about the way the Xiang looked at the lord of Ultimos made Baiya think of their conversation in the hot springs.
Perhaps Pangu had finally found his type—not that he would act on it anyway but it was still a hard reality to come to grips with.
“Well, we can head out to the miasma spot tomorrow morning,” Viren said, looking between them, “Each of you has a room prepared in my palace so rest as much as you can before the morrow. Oli will show you to your rooms…”
All of their rooms were similar—wide open spaces with a bed in the center and an open door that led to a balcony which overlooked the garden behind the palace. Pangu took in the fresh air before sitting on the side of the bed and closing his eyes.
He had expected a lot from Ultimos but he had gotten none of it. There was no blanket of miasma, no overlord in charge, and no political nightmare. Though, he supposed there was still an issue with politics that remained unresolved but it wasn’t a priority at the moment.
Just as he was decompressing, a soft knock came to his door.
Pangu figured it was one or all of his disciples wanting to talk so he didn’t waste a second in walking over and pulling the door open.
It was who Viren stood on the other side.
“Oh,” the word came out of Pangu before he could stop it, “I um…I was not expecting you…your lordship.”
“You can call me Viren, Pangu,” he said with a soft laugh. “Do you mind if I come in?”
“S-sure,” Pangu stammered and backed away.
Viren shut the door behind him and walked to the center of the room. He looked around as if the scenery was new to him before setting his eyes on the Xiang. “I wanted to talk some more with you…if that is okay.”
“Sure,” he said again and then cleared his throat. “We can talk…what…um…what do you want to talk about?”
“Xiang stuff. I am very curious.” Viren stopped in front of the bed and then sat on the edge. “So long as there are no secrets you are forbidden from sharing…”
“No secrets, no,” Pangu responded and sat down as well. He wasn’t sure where to place his focus since looking into the man’s eyes made him too nervous. “At least I do not believe there is anything I am forbidden from telling others.”
“You were raised by servants of Tiandi, correct? I read that all Xiang are trained from an early age.”
He nodded. “Four old men came to pick me up from my home when I was around five years old. After that, I learned how to cultivate my energy and manipulate the elements around me. I learned about history and everything about Tiandi.”
“It was just you and your teachers?” Viren asked and combed through his hair, bringing his braid to rest over his shoulder.
“Twice a year I was allowed to visit my family,” Pangu stated.
“What about friends? Others your age?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“That must have been lonely,” Viren mentioned.
“If it was, I was too busy to notice,” Pangu said honestly. If he ever stopped to consider how isolated he was, he would be promptly distracted by a lesson or a training session.
Viren hummed a little. “Hmmm…I think I understand to some extent. My upbringing revolved around politics and my eventual position. No one spoke to me unless it was about business. It is still that way sometimes only now I get the occasional complaint that I need to marry and have an heir.”
The Xiang smiled. “Why don’t you?”
“I…it is not one of my interests at the moment,” the Lord evaded the question, “Anyway, why don’t you tell me of how you met your disciples? I would love to hear it.”
A couple of rooms down the hall, Baiya lay in his bed but was unable to sleep. He stared at the ceiling and wondered what the next day would bring. If the backed up miasma was too much, it could seriously hurt Kira so he worried about that.
He tried to focus on that aspect but his mind kept wandering to Pangu and the way he was around Lord Viren. If the Xiang found the man attractive then there was almost no way he also looked at Baiya in any special way. He and Viren couldn’t look more different. Viren was elegant and beautiful with soft features and Baiya was…not.
Not that anything would ever happen between him and Pangu anyway, he kept telling himself. Even if the Xiang did have feelings for him, they could never have a relationship. Unless Pangu decided to throw all of the rules away…
Baiya shook his head and sat up. He walked to the balcony and looked around, nearly jumping when he saw Raine a few feet away, also on his balcony.
“Can’t sleep?” Raine asked and leaned forward on the railing.
“No,” he answered. “Kira’s not with you?”
The other man raised an eyebrow. “Why would he be?”
Baiya shrugged but didn’t respond to his question. Instead, he said, “I’m going to try to force myself to sleep. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight…” Raine responded and sighed. He looked down the ground. The rooms weren’t especially high up so he could see the guards standing around quite well. Further toward the edge of the garden, by some of the trees, he caught sight of Kira.
He squinted to try to get a better look and noticed someone by the man. They were in an elaborate dress and had long hair so Raine assumed they were a woman. When he saw their hand reach out to Kira and Kira retract dramatically, he knew he needed to interfere.
Raine rushed out of his room and headed down to the garden as fast as he could without alerting the guards. He wasn’t sure what he’d run into when he got to Kira but he was prepared to fight if he had to.
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What do you think an AU where the Diaboys and Yui are just normal humans would be like? I imagine something like this:
The triplets, Subaru, Kou, Yuma, Azusa and Yui are college students. Shu, Reiji and Ruki work at the company of their billionaire father, Karlheinz.
Kino is the unrecognized son who seeks to take over his father's company and take revenge on his brothers.
The Mukami and the Sakamaki do not get along well.
Yui was adopted by Karlheinz when she was ten years old, however, she did not grow up with the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers, (Karl kept her away from his sons and his wives).
As in canon, Karl would be very pleased if Yui falls in love with one of his sons.
The Tsukinami are one of the richest and most powerful families in the world and as in canon they see Karlheinz as their greatest rival.
What do you think? I think my headcanons are very cliché, so feel free to add your own.
I don't think there's anything wrong with clichés anon! And I wouldn't have said your headcanons are anyway.
When I imagine AUs where the diaboys are normal humans, I will admit it's usually for the sole purpose of shipping myself with Shin so they tend to be routed in my life and my own experiences to a degree.
I definitely like the idea of the guys being college students rather than high school students, especially as they're all older than the ages they give for school so the only character you're really aging up is Yui.
Personally I like the idea of Karl being a businessman/politician because it ties into his identity as Sakamaki Tougo (and also because I think the characterisation of bastard politician fits him well).
I would imagine that rather than having the Sakamaki brothers for his experiments like he does in canon, in a modern AU, Karl uses them as tools to further his public image, same thing with the Mukamis.
I personally wouldn't have Karl adopt Yui because I'm just not too into the idea (she deserves a good parent) but if that's what you want to picture then more power to you. I'd probably have her brought in by Karl in the hopes of fixing his sons attitudes after they cause some sort of media ruckus, secretly planning on handing over the business to whoever ends up with her as it'll make for good press if his successor has a pretty well-mannered wife. The Mukami brothers are brought in to make sure his sons don't terrorise her too much, but they see it as a chance to prove that they're better than Karl's biological sons so Ruki can inherit the business.
As for the Tsukinamis, in any sort of AU where they're human, I tend to headcanon them as coming from an old money family that's recently fallen into ruin. Personally I'd set it up so that Giesbach was some sort of political rival of Karl, who then had a very public fall from grace (courtesy of Karl himself although whether the Tsukinami boys know that would depend on how friendly I want them to be with the Sakamakis in the AU).
The family fall into debt as it turns out Gies made a lot of ill-advised business decisions and Krone starts to suffer from a disease (maybe something hereditary) and passes away. Driven mad by the public humiliation and death of his wife, Giesbach becomes convinced Carla is plotting something against him and takes any remaining family money and flees. This leaves Carla and Shin pretty much penniless, made worse by the fact Carla appears to be suffering from the same disease as Krone. Shin ends up having to take a bunch of part-time jobs so they can afford somewhere to live, with Carla swearing he'll find a way to restore their family name and potentially get revenge on Karl.
It's not exactly glamourous but I do think it fits the situation they're in in DF.
I'd stick with Kino being Karl's illegitimate son who wants to shame the Sakamaki brothers and the Mukami brothers for a shot at getting the whole damn inheritance.
Anyway these are just a couple of my thoughts on it, if you don't like them then please stick to your ideas anon!
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
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life is full of ups and downs downs downs downs dow
loredump under the cut. not kidding when I say its gonna be long!
oh shit you actually clicked keep reading thank you for your interest 😭😭😭
YOU KNOW THE DRILL tw // suggestive dont read ahead if youre uncomfortable with the topic of aphrodisiacs! 
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before anything, I gotta explain he was born to parents who had an infatuation quirk (makes them hardcore fall in love with you) and an infection quirk (transmits a virus via saliva)  
developed his quirk late, since they usually get it by the time kids are four 
most people knew him as quirkless before the first incident 
in middle school, his class was preparing for a school play, he and his classmate got cast as the main lead prince and princess 
coincidentally, they both had a crush on each other and had a scene where they kissed
technically they weren’t supposed to, since its just a play, but one time they were practicing in private and wanted to try kissing “for real”
so they shared a super giggly cute middle school first kiss but well UNFORTUNATELY FOR HIM HIS QUIRK HAD WELL DEVELOPED– 
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the only way for the quirk’s effects to go away is to come at least once or pleasuring yourself until it goes away
rip now that I’m thinking abt it, I don’t even think anybody would even kNOW HOW TO MAKE IT GO AWAY so lets imagine she painfully stays that way until they figure out how to make it stop :^(
there’s a big fight that happens between the teachers, principal, and parents of both parties 
of course the crush’s parents got mad and called their kid a fuckin uhhhhh sexual predator or some shit despite also beING THE SAME AGE AND NOT EVEN KNOWING ABT HIS OWN QUIRK LIKE HELLLO
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obviously an incident like this is going to spread like wildfire but the principal does not want something like this to leak, especially since it was not on purpose and was a total accident 
the other kid’s parents and some teachers did not feel comfortable however, and sato was forced to drop out
but not wanting to spread the gossip about their son’s quirk and the incident, they leave the town and move someplace else
thankfully, the principal gives the sato family his good grades and a recommendation to a decent highschool for the trouble
they’re originally from osaka, but moved to tokyo 
this is where they start taking precautions with sato, basically teaching him to be careful with his saliva 
it was easily taught and learned esp since the mom was already like that around him and others everyday anyway!! she has to take care of her saliva-based infection quirk, after all 
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he got enrolled into a regular highschool in tokyo
no hero course, no support course, no business, just a regular ol’ school
if before, he loved surrounding himself with people, this was where he was forced to develop a lonely disposition to protect himself and others
at least his parents were very protective and supportive of him and they were generally a happy family!
but in school, pretending to be quirkless was just as difficult, getting bullied or pitied for having no special abilities 
his excuse for wearing a mask all the time was because his mother had a virus-related quirk, and had to be careful 
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one day his dad was suddenly got really, really sick
the more he had an excuse to wear a mask because he didnt want to get whatever disease his father started to develop 
sato started thinking it could be his mother (but why?) the results didn’t say anything about an unknown virus killing him (which is his mom’s quirk), and that his father really did contract a strong yet very normal disease 
while on his second year in highschool, his father, yozo sato, died 
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apparently, without him knowing anything about his parents, his mother, oba sato, was actually under the dad’s infatuation quirk this whole time
she realised she wasn’t really in love with him when oba had accidentally allowed a drop of her saliva to fall into the meal she was making him, making him sick, and therefore making him weak enough to deactivate his quirk on her 
oba, back in her college years, wanted to marry someone else but yozo, who had a crush on her wanted her to himself, used his quirk to make him fall in love with her 
so in revenge for making her put up with him all these years to the point of marriage and having a kid, she continued to do this to his food 
her quirk doesn’t make anybody sick enough to die, but it made her husband’s immune system weak enough to the point that it contracted a real, serious disease which he ended up dying from instead 
sato only finds out the real story when he graduates from highschool, days right after his graduation the mom confesses it all 
she does say she truly loves him, but can’t stay around him knowing he was technically “unconsensual love”
sato gets reminded of what his quirk does, and true enough, that’s what him and his quirk turned out to be (a sick combination of his mom and his dad) 
they cant bear to be around each other after that revelation and decide to just not see each other again 
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he enrolls into an education course, inspired by the kind principal who helped him finish his middleschool-highschool education when it all started going downhill 
sato struggles paying for his college fees esp since he doesn’t exactly have his parents supporting him anymore, nor any contact with immediate family 
he has a lot of part time jobs that go all around the clock, he continues pretending to be quirkless so he gets bullied, and has to deal with all that emotional baggage plus being alone so…….clearly my man is TIRED as hell 
his side job hustles include: convenience store cashier, bookstore attendant, bar bouncer, and rookie gym trainer (he went to the local gym long enough for him to get recommended a job as a trainer)
college was that point where he starts developing a hardcore yearning for a companion because oh my god hes so lonELY (but cant)
there’s this bully guy who always picks on him in college (for being “quirkless” and a loner and overall a fuckin weirdo with a mask)
tbh sato doesnt really give a shit he’s so used to it but he doesnt have his mother as an excuse to wear the mask anymore, this is where he starts forming the “I have bad breath” excuse 
“口臭い” (kuchi kusai) translates to “bad breath” or “stinky mouth” so sato unlovingly gets nicknamed “kusato”
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one day he’s walking around the campus at night and finds the bully with his gang cornering another quirkless student, with plans of assaulting her 
sato was never the hero type, and was about to ignore the commotion as to not get involved, but something in him moved on its own and he found himself face to face with the gang 
he confronts them, but the bully mocks both him and the girl for not having powers to stop them anyway 
SIKE BITCH sato’s able to easily strike the other two guys, knock them off their feet enough to be able to tug the to-be victim aside, telling her to report them, before asking her to run away as fast as she can
none of the guys want that (they’re all students) so they have a full on brawl (and this isnt hero academy, its a totally normal university so I wouldn’t assume these guys had very impressive quirks)
except the main bully actually has a pretty decent quirk (he’s like a kinda half human half dragon with sharp claws, scales, and dragon eyes) and gets to injure sato with his sharp claws, seriously injuring his face
a part of his ear is also sort of sliced off, which is how his mask gets accidentally removed in the process 
the dragon bully grabs him by the collar and starts angrily shouting at him for ruining his night, being able to do all this shit without a quirk and all and all other derogatory speech 
“Well? what do you have to say for yourself?!“ 
Sato stays silent before spitting right into the bully’s mouth 
The bully drops him immediately, about to angrily fuck him up for doing something super fucking gross but WHOOP WHOOP YOU KNOW WHATS BOUTTA HAPPEN the quirk works immediately and the bully is a TOTAL MESS on the ground 
Im going to TLDR this part cos its…obviously nsfw but like: sato fully embarrasses him in public (beside the bully’s two colleges nonetheless) 
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sato stays in the hospital for some time to heal from his wounds 
fortunately, afterwards, the bullies all get expelled 
unfortunately for sato, he also gets expelled for engaging in bad behaviour, and the bully did say what happened to him (and the college principal did not want his…dangerous quirk on campus) so as to lower any incident, all four were expelled 
at least without having to pay for college fees anymore, he could fully focus on paying for food, shelter, and clothes 
minus of course the hospital bills needed to pay plus he got a sick ass scar from it anyway HAHAHAHA BSDJHJRHDHF
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he had a lot of jobs here and there, but was more or less doing best as a trainer at a local gym where people weren’t allowed to use their quirks and strengthen their body regularly 
a few years went by and he eventually shrugged off everything that happened in his final college years but one day someone familiar walked into the gym! It was the fellow college student he saved!!!
she became a policewoman who wanted to get stronger in this quirkless friendly gym and hadn’t given up on her dreams of being a “hero,” inspired by how sato saved her that day
sato never really saw himself as some hero, he was left many nights alone thinking about how easily he could become a villain with his quirk, so hearing that really made him happy 
he trains her as her gym coach and she eventually asks him to join her patrol this small part of the city from a gang that was currently going around doing crimes since he’s good at it anyway, saying she could use some extra hands hehe
so yeah!! he does this side gig with her where he patrols alongside her looking for gang crimes and such c:
thank you for reading all the way here!!!
feel free to ask for questions or for any clarifications 😭😭😭!!!!!!
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broadstbroskis · 3 years
the wedding date | morgan rielly
a/n: well first things first, i’m gonna give a shoutout to myself, because i started this fucking thing back in august and it’s finally completed (that’s right, it took me 7 months to write just under 5k, shhh, it finally came together). 
anyway, since i started this back in august, you can tell i’ve had this idea for a while. it’s morphed and changed a bit but the basic premise has stayed the same- you go home with morgan for a wedding and everyone thinks that you’re the girl he’s been dating for the last few years- so i hope you all enjoy! (also i’m sorry i suck at titles but like i’m not)
a special shoutout to these lovely people who have listened to me whine about this at any point over the last SEVEN MONTHS and some fellow mo lovers because you’re all amazing and i love you, @denis-scorianov, @brockadoodles, @danglesnipecelly, @laurenairay, @hockeyboysiguess
When Morgan approaches you, with what you’ll later learn is only his first attempt to ask you something, you don’t even give him the chance, really. “Hey, what are you doing this summer?”
“Not you.” You quip back, grinning cheekily, ignoring the barks of laughter from Matthews and Marner beside him.
“Haha.” Morgan deadpans, but it’s busy that night at the bar, Saturday night after a Leafs win, and you’ve really got to get back to work now that you’ve finished serving them, so you’re already walking away from him.
The second time it happens is a Friday night, a few weeks later, when you’re out with some friends for the first time all semester. It’s late enough that you’re feeling just on the right side of tipsy, you’re drunk enough that you know you’re going to go home with the guy you shouldn’t, and you’re okay with both of those things. 
At least, tonight you are. Tomorrow morning will be a different story.
And then, Morgan stops you at the bar. “Hey.”
“Hey!” You grin back...and then it slowly fades as he just hems and haws. “What’s up?”
“I-” He blows out a frustrated groan.
Your eyebrows raise. You’ve known Morgan for years now, since his first season with Leafs had been right about when you started working at the bar for some extra cash after realizing just how expensive school was getting and grad school would be beyond that. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen him at such a loss for words. “Alright, well if you can’t think of it now, get back to me later, okay?”
“Wait-” He says, so you give him a minute or two, but there’s still nothing.
“Ok, I love you, but this is my one night out before my dissertation is due later this spring.” You tell him, reaching out for a hug. “You have my number and you know where to find me.”
“Ok.” Morgan smiles a little. “Have fun tonight.” And then you slink away from him, back in the direction of your friends, ready to let loose one last time before the craziness sets in.
The night that Morgan finally gets his question out is a quiet one in the middle of the week. He settles himself into the corner, doing his best to be discrete with a hat covering his face. By the time you and your coworker get everyone settled with drinks and you make your way over to him, he’s caught the attention of one older man, who immediately walks back to his girlfriend when you arrive at Morgan’s section of the bar.
“Well finally.” He’s free of all teammates, a rarity but not unheard of, especially this late in the season. “What’s a guy gotta do to get some service around here?”
“Oh sorry!” You tease. “Did I interrupt something here? Did you want me to call that guy back up so you guys could finish up?”
He flattens you with a look. “Don’t you dare.”
You giggle, leaning down against the bar in front of him. You know how much he loves the Toronto fanbase, but as playoffs approach, the fans are becoming more vocal and more forward with their thoughts. “You want another drink?”
He looks down at his glass, contemplates for a minute, and then nods, so you return quickly with a new beer for him and then smile as you watch him take a large gulp of it. “So what’s new?”
“Ehh loaded question.” He says cryptically. You give him a look. “But hey, you’re here on a Wednesday! You done with your...dissertation?” He trails off hesitantly, smiling at himself when you nod.
“Yup. I should know next week if I’m all clear.”
“And then?” He prompts.
“And then you can call me doctor, asshole.” You tease.
“I mean, Dr. Asshole isn’t what I would have gone with as my first choice, but if that’s what you want…”
“Morgan!” You laugh, ducking your head at the lame joke.
He’s grinning when you meet his eyes again, pleased as always that he could make someone laugh. “But seriously, that’s awesome! I’m excited for you.”
“Thanks.” You grin.
“What’s your next step then?”
“Umm I get to start researching infectious diseases for money.” You tell him excitedly, since you’d accepted a job with the University of Toronto’s medical research facilities. “But it doesn’t start until August.”
You’d expected Morgan to tease you about your excitement of infectious disease-something he and his teammates (among many other people you know) have done multiple times before-but instead, he perks up and says, “So you’d be free, on say, the weekend of July 8th?”
“Why?” You ask suspiciously. Experience has told you not to immediately say yes to this.
Morgan sighs. “Look. I need a date for a wedding back home that weekend.”
“And I’m the best you could come up with?”
“Best?” Morgan repeats. “You are funny, you’re pretty, you’re a doctor, all of which, frankly, puts you well out my league.”
“You’re not wrong.” You agree cheerfully, which puts the smile back on Morgan’s face, as you’d hoped. “But that doesn’t explain why you’d need a date to this wedding.”
The smile fades quickly and you wince. “I was supposed to go with Laura.”
You frown. “What happened to Laura?” Last you’d heard, the two of them were solid. Really solid. Headed for a wedding themselves, solid.
“She wasn’t who I thought she was.” He says flatly.
You wince. “I’m sorry, Mo.”
He shrugs. “It’s over and done with now.” You send him a reassuring smile. “So will you come?”
Well, there’s really no way you can say no now and not feel like an asshole. “Sure.”
The grin returns to his face. “Knew you’d come through for me.”
Morgan rolls up to the airport in Vancouver to pick you up in a very fancy looking Jeep, a far cry from the sporty Porsche he drives in Toronto, and you call him out on it immediately. “I see how it is. You go home and you’re a fancy country boy, not a fancy city boy?”
He laughs. “Fuck off.”
“Gladly.” You tell him, grinning teasingly. “Drop me off at departures, will ya?”
His tone immediately turns serious. “Thank you. Seriously. Thanks for coming.”
Your smile remains on your face, still beaming over at him. “It was nothing, Mo.” It wasn’t, really, and you both know it. You’d quit your bar job a couple weeks early because of this, but you were happy to do this for him. He’d been down about Laura, down about being bounced from the playoffs again. This spring had been rough on him and you were more than happy to do your part to cheer up one of your closest friends.
Morgan hmms, in a way like he’s pretending to be casual about it, but he changes the subject as he switches lanes to pull onto the highway.
Morgan has a whole itinerary for the next few days, prior to the wedding, but promises he’ll take you around to some of his favorite spots before you leave late next week. A quiet night tonight, dinner with his parents and brother tomorrow, and then the wedding stuff began the following day.
Much like his fancy Jeep, his fancy house in Vancouver is also nothing like the condo he owns in Toronto. You wouldn’t go so far as to say that his condo is...edgy, but it’s pretty modern? The house here in Vancouver is larger, sure, but reminds you a lot of the house you grew up in...or well, a larger and fancier version of it.
“Gonna give me a tour?” You turn to Morgan, who’s standing next to you almost awkwardly, as you look up at the beautiful house in front of you. Your bags are still in his hands, and you nudge his arm playfully, reaching for one, but he won’t let you grab it, smiling back at you as he starts to lead you in.
The inside is just as nice, and even though it’s clear that his mom and interior decorator have done a lot of work on it, there’s still a lot of Mo touches too. Each one makes you smile, the ones he points out in his tour and the ones that he doesn’t, until he finally leads you upstairs, dropping your things in one of the spare rooms. “Did I-“
“If the next words out of your mouth are say thank you, I’m walking out of this house.” You warn him.
“-ask what you want to do for dinner tonight?” Morgan finishes lamely and you laugh.
“That sushi place you always hype up?”
Morgan smiles. “Anything you want.” He says, and then, instead of the thank you that you know he wants to say, he pulls you in for a hug and squeezes tightly, before letting go. “Change and we’ll go?”
“Shower, change, and we’ll go.” You correct, dying to get the feel of airplane off you. “45 minutes.”
Morgan looks at you knowingly. “Sure, uh huh.” He says, nodding like he knows it’ll be much closer to an hour, an hour and fifteen, and you laugh, shoving at his shoulder before he makes you want to stretch it out to an hour and a half on purpose.
Morgan’s parents might be the nicest people in the world, but they’re also a little...odd? Like, you’re not trying to be mean, because just like Morgan, they truly are the absolute sweetest, but, like, they just keep smiling at you with this knowing smile, like they know something that you don’t and it’s just...weird.
But they welcome you with open arms, when the two of you show up to dinner on your second night in town, hugging you just as tightly as they hug their own son, maybe even tighter than they hug the son who still lives in the same province as them. 
“We’re so excited to finally meet you!” Morgan’s mom gushes, once you get settled in their kitchen with a glass of wine, which at least explains the weirdness a little. “
“You guys too.” You admit. You’ve heard so much about them, his parents and brother, over the years of friendship with Morgan; it’s nice to finally put faces to names, to stories. “Thanks for having me tonight.” Next to you, Morgan nudges you, a grin on his face. You can practically hear him. Stop saying thank you, like you’ve been saying to him for the past day. 
“Oh stop!” She says, practically in time with his nudge. “Morgan tells us you’re a doctor now!” It’s said with pride, like you may as well be one of her own children who’s done something great.
“Yeah!” You smile, swirling the wine around a little, and then, because you don’t want there to be any confusion. “Not that kind of doctor; you should still call 911 if something happens.”
His dad laughs and his mom beams. “What kind of doctor then?” His dad asks, and you spend a while talking with his parents about epidemiology and your dissertation- his mom, it turns out, works in a similar field, and it isn’t long before the two of you are rolling your eyes about some research that just came out.
“What?” You ask Morgan, laughing, when your conversation breaks out, and she has to go check on dinner, at his dad’s request, before he burns it all entirely.
“I just forgot how excited you get about infectious diseases.”
“Can’t believe you’ve been out here this whole time knowing that your mom and I both exist and haven’t introduced us.” You announce. “The rudeness, the hearsay.”
“I don’t think that’s how that word’s used.” Morgan cackles.
“Oh, sorry, are you a doctor?”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with knowing how that word is used!” He protests, laughing.
You ignore him. “If you even think of keeping her from me when they come to Toronto…”
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and squeezes. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Are you ready yet?” Morgan calls, and you take one last look in the mirror on the wall, smoothing the pleats in your dress. “We’re going to be late!”
“But it’s gonna be worth it!” You sing-song as you descend the stairs to meet him in the living room.
“Is it ev-” He cuts off abruptly, eyes wide and swallowing visibly as he cuts off. “Wow, okay then.”
“Worth it.” You wink at him, brushing past him to grab your purse. 
Morgan’s laughing as he picks up his keys, this soft and gentle thing that you can’t help but smile at. “Yeah, I should’ve known it would be.”
“You’ll know better for tomorrow!” You tease, and breeze past him to get in the car.
The ride to his cousin’s rehearsal dinner isn’t far, spent mostly laughing as you keep switching the station from anything Morgan changes it back to. By the time you arrive at the restaurant, you’re both giggling as you enter, flagged down almost immediately by Morgan’s mom.
“Look at you two!” She gushes.
“Mom.” Morgan says dryly. “Come on.”
She smiles at him indulgently. “Make sure you say hi to your cousin.” 
“Yeah, of course.” Morgan nods, grabbing your hand to pull you away. “Just after we hit the bar.” He mutters and you giggle.
His cousin, the bride, and her husband-to-be seem to have the same idea, and it’s just as you’re turning away, wine glasses in hand, that you nearly run into them.
“Oh!” Ashley beams excitedly, once Morgan introduces you. “Hi!”
“Congratulations!” You return the excitement. She’s so bubbly and bright; it’s easy to do, even though you don’t know her. “You guys look so great tonight; you’re going blow us all away tomorrow.”
“She’s going to blow me away tomorrow.” Dylan jokes, but you can tell by the twinkle in his eye that he’s entirely serious.
“Oh stop.” Ashley knocks his arm. “And you too,” She gestures at you. “You look amazing! How’d you do your hair like that?”
“This?” She nods and you walk her through it quickly; it’s a look that’s so much more simple than it looks and she’s gasping by the time you’re done. 
“Ok, mhmm.” She nods. “I’m getting your number from Morgan later so you can go over that with me again because I’m definitely going to forget.”
Morgan flicks a piece of your hair. “It’s a hairstyle, what could you possibly forget?”
You and Ashley exchange a look. “I got you.” You reassure her as you both laugh at him.
“Men, honestly.” She shakes her head, as Morgan and Dylan protest, but then before you and Ashley can talk any more, she and Dylan are being called away, and there’s promises for you all to catch up tomorrow at the wedding.
“You can’t have her phone number unless you promise not to talk about me.” Morgan says.
“Fat chance.” You tell him. “But nice try.”
From there, you start making your way back to his parents, stopping off to chat quickly with relatives he recognizes (and once, ducking purposefully into a small crowd to avoid an aunt he doesn’t want to see). You feel like it shouldn’t be surprising how nice his family is, given how genuine Morgan is, but each person you meet welcomes you so warmly, with kind words and open arms. 
“You must talk about me a lot.” You tease, as you two start making your way to your table.
Morgan shrugs. “More than I’d realized apparently.” You cackle and he laughs; it’s familiar and easy, but then you’re easily distracted by the appetizers coming to the table and fighting Morgan for extra of your favorites-also familiar and easy.
It’s another morning of Morgan waiting impatiently for you, being rewarded with his gaping jaw dropped, and teasing him the entire ride to the wedding, before he easily gets his revenge when you tear up at the ceremony.
“You don’t even know these people!” He nudges you forward toward his cousin in the reception line right after the ceremony. “And you’re going to cry like that?”
“It was a beautiful ceremony!” You defend. You’d been right yesterday; Ashley had easily blown everyone away from the moment she’d entered the room. Their vows were incredible; you didn’t understand how anyone wasn’t crying.
Morgan snickers, nudging you forward again. “God, what do you do at weddings you actually know the people at?” He pauses as you both step closer another, like the idea has just come to him. “Oh man, what are going to do at your own wedding?”
“Bawl my eyes out, obviously.” You say dryly. “Tell my future husband to bring tissues.” You move up, next in line for Ashley and Dylan. “You clearly didn’t get the message.”
“What’d you do?” Ashley pokes him; you guess whoever was in front of you was a guest she didn’t know all that well because they’ve moved along pretty quickly.
“Me? I’d never.” Morgan says innocently, ducking down to kiss her cheek.
“I’m just giving him a hard time.” You agree and she grins, shocking you when she pulls you in for a hug. 
“He probably deserves it.” She says cheerfully.
“Wow, I see family loyalty goes a long way here, huh.” Morgan deadpans.
Ashley gives him a look. “Not for much longer, I guess, though?” She nudges him.
“Oh I see how it is, you’ve been married for all of five minutes and suddenly Dylan’s family is better than ours?” Morgan teases.
Ashley blinks. “That is...not how I meant that at all.” She says, but before she can say anything else to you, the couple behind the two of you starts sighing impatiently, and you all realize how long you’ve been talking for. You quickly congratulate her and then move along to Dylan as well, before stepping out of line and moving towards the reception area.
The bridal party was quick to get the reception started after the ceremony, so when you and Morgan make your way over, there’s already a decent sized group chatting and drinking. You both grab drinks from the bar and make your way to a group of his cousins, chatting for a while and laughing along as they’re sure to include you in all of their jokes.
When it comes time to start making your way to your table for dinner, you excuse yourself to the bathroom quickly, running into Morgan’s grandmother when you’re there, who had the same idea as you it seems.
She lights up when she sees you fixing your hair in the mirror, stepping up to wash her hands. “It looks great.” She assures you and you smile, thanking her. “Are you having a good time?”
You nod, following her out so the two of you can make your way back to the reception. “Such a good time! Everyone’s been amazing and Ashley and Dylan are beautiful; it’s been a great weekend!”
“It’ll be great to be all be here again,” Morgan’s grandmother smiles at you and you return it politely. “Next summer.” She adds, like an afterthought, and you shrug. She’d know better than you what the upcoming engagements look like. You can barely remember the names of the people you’re seated with tonight.
“If Morgan brings me back then.” You throw her a finger gun and she laughs-loudly.
“Oh, you’re a trip!” She nudges you gently, laughing. “Such a doll. Let’s get another glass of wine together before we go back, shall we?”
“I will never say no to that.” You’re pretty sure you still have a couple minutes to spare before you need to sit down. 
His grandmother links arms with you. “My kinda gal.” She beams and her smile is contagious, just like Morgan’s is when he’s really happy, so it’s not hard to grin along with her as she tugs you along for another glass of rosé.
The evening’s winding down- the wedding long over and the after party beginning to do so as well. Almost all of the older relatives have made their way home or to their hotel rooms but there’s a few sloppy cousins and friends still going hard (you’ve got some serious concerns how the one groomsman is even going to make it upstairs). Ashley and Dylan keep stealing glances at each other, like they’re wondering if it’s late enough for them to sneak away yet, but each time they look like they’re going to, someone calls for another toast.
Morgan nudges you. “Hey.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a couple cigars. “Outside with me?”
You think about it for a second. Usually, you love a good cigar-and you’re sure that Morgan’s managed to acquire a good one- but tonight? “Not really in the mood, but I’ll come out.”
He grins, a little crooked, and offers his hand to help you up from the couch the two of you have been sitting on. Outside, the weather is beautiful, one of those crystal clear nights with a light breeze where you feel like you could be outside for hours. He lights the cigar while you continue to sip at your wine, the two of you standing in comfortable silence, until the door opens again.
“Cigars without me?” His brother grumbles. “I see how it is now.”
“Yup, just left you behind on purpose.” Morgan says shamelessly, but he’s already pulling the spare out of his pocket and handing it over.
“Yeah?” Morgan asks, amusedly. “Why’s that?” 
His brother gives him a look, and then, when Morgan doesn’t react, looks over at you, but you just shrug. “Just promise you won’t forget about me once you pop the question.”
You choke on your drink; Morgan looks just as shocked, the cigar halfway to his mouth. “What?” He says finally.
For the first time, his brother looks unsure. “I think...we all just thought...once you brought her home, that was the only thing holding you back?”
“Oh my god.” Morgan says breathlessly.
“I’m not-” You add helplessly. “We’re not-”
“Oh.” His brother winces. “Wait, so you’re not…” He trails off and the silence between the three of you becomes so thick it’s almost palpable. You don’t know what to do, what to say. What he even means. “You’re not together?” He says finally, sounding like he’d rather be anywhere else, doing anything else.
You can relate. You shake your head slowly, notice Morgan’s doing the same out of the corner of your eye.
“Um.” His brother continues. “And-and you haven’t been-together?” Another head shake. “Wow. A lot of people are going to be very disappointed.”
“A lot of people?” Morgan repeats. “Who...who all thinks this?” But you don’t need an answer to know and apparently, he doesn’t either. The silence thickens somehow; you didn’t think it was possible. 
“Um.” His brother’s already backing away, even as he speaks. “I’m gonna go now. Before I say anything else to make this worse.”
He’s gone before you can tell him you’re not sure that’s possible, leaving you and Morgan in the loudest silence you’ve ever experienced. 
It’s abundantly clear Morgan feels it too, from the way he won’t even meet your eyes, will barely even look at you, actually. And there’s so much to say here, but well, “You never brought Laura to meet your family? Never let them meet her at home?” Apparently, they really weren’t as serious as you’d thought.
Morgan laughs hollowly, finally meeting your eyes. “That probably should have been a clue, huh?”
“A little bit of a red flag.” You agree. It’d been how many years? Morgan’s tight with his family, that much you knew before you’d come out here and only became clearer as you met them. “Why...why didn’t you ever introduce them?”
Morgan sighs. “I think-I always knew something wasn’t right. And I just didn’t want to admit it?” He sighs again. “I shouldn’t have brought you into this.”
“You didn’t know.” You tell him gently. “And I wanted to come.” You remind him. “I was happy to!” You pause for a second. “I was happy to come across the country to a wedding with you and your family with barely a second thought. So maybe we both need to re-examine what happened here this weekend.”
“Maybe we don’t.” Morgan says simply.
“What?” You frown, confused.
“You were happy to fly across the country for a wedding with me and my family.” Morgan repeats, with a small smile on his face. “And then you come here and meet my entire family, and they think I’m ready to propose to you, because you're the girl they hear me talk about all the time.” Your jaw drops-is he saying...what you think he’s saying-and his smile grows into a grin. “I think this thing between us has been more than either of us have been able to admit because we’ve had other things going on- school or hockey or-”
“Other girlfriends?” You supply teasingly, when he trails off, like he’s afraid to mention her name.
He nods. “There’ve been other boyfriends, too.” He nudges you, just as teasing.
“There have.” You admit, because it’s not a lie, but none of them have ever worked out, for a variety of reasons, but you can’t help but think, that now that he’s mentioning it, Morgan might have been a part of those other reasons.
He’s back to smiling again when he continues, leaning against you slightly. “I think we owe it to ourselves to see what we could be.”
You lean back against him. “You do, do you?”
“I do.” He nods.
“Little early for that, don’t you think?” It takes a second for your joke to land, but once it does, he cracks up and it brings a smile to your face. 
“We are at a wedding.” He grins, nudging you playfully. “Who knows, maybe someday it’ll be ours?”
a bit in the future
It’s one of those beautiful sunny days where the sun is shining with a light breeze where you feel like you could be outside for hours. 
Unfortunately, you’ve got a huge project due at the end of the week, so while Morgan’s been enjoying the lake all day, you’ve been sitting at a table on the dock, staring at your laptop, tapping away at your keyboard, and ignoring his increasingly annoying calls for attention.
It’s harder to ignore when he comes up next to you, wrapping his wet arms around your shoulders. “Morgan.” You try to shake him off. “Come on, gimme like ten minutes and then I’ll come in.”
“Promise?” He asks.
“Yes.” You say because if you can get this one last thing done you’ll be ahead of your goal for the day.
It works; Morgan sits down next to you quietly, scrolling through his phone for a bit, and then, jumps up and runs inside the cabin, and you jump on the opportunity of quiet to get ahead even further, losing yourself in your next bit of project.
“Hey,” Morgan says casually, and it scares you a bit, his return far quieter than he’s been all day. “What are you doing the weekend of July 8th?”
“I don’t know, that’s like a year away!.” You snap, turning to tell him to stop annoying you, only for your jaw to drop when you see him down on one knee.
“Want to get married then?” He says, a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face, like he’s been waiting for this reaction, like it was everything and more.
“Oh my god! Are you serious?” He slips his hand into his pocket and pulls out a ring; you gasp. “Morgan!”
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes, oh my god, yes!” Your computer long forgotten in the face of an engagement ring, you throw yourself at Morgan, who catches you easily, like he was prepared for this. He probably was. He knows you better than anyone; he’s your best friend and so much more. He barely manages to slip the ring on your finger before you’re kissing him. “I love you!”
“I love you, too.” He grins. “Are you sure you’re ready to take this jump with me?”
“Of course!” You beam, but it hits you just a minute too late. He’s already jumping in the water. “You’re the worst.” You sputter out at him, purposefully spitting lake water at his face. 
He doesn’t even look like he minds. “For better or worse.” He grins.
“That’s not what that’s referring to!” You splash him and he splashes back but before it can devolve into a full on splash attack, he’s pulling you into his arms.
“I mean it though.” He says, kissing you again. “And I’ll tell you again, next summer, at our wedding.”
Our wedding. The words sound almost unreal, too good to be true. “I’ll be the one in white.” You promise. “Or, well, maybe ivory.” You say and it’s hard to kiss Morgan then when he’s laughing so hard.
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startanewdream · 3 years
Hi! Only if you are comfortable, can you please write something funny where James and Lily live and James gives Harry the sex talk?
Hi, Chhavi! 
It turned out that this was embarrassing for Harry, James, Lily and me. Also, it turned out I am not capacitated to give sex advice, so there is a lot of interrupted scenes in which I hope James and Lily were good parents and gave good advice to Harry.
I supposed The Talk 1.0 was very ordinary and given in a moment that Harry did not really even see girls yet, so here is The Talk 2.0 when Harry is already dating Ginny, so it’s really more awkward for everyone 🙃.
So here it is and I hope you enjoy this silly fun piece of James and Lily being responsible parents, with a little bit of Jily and Hinny.
The Talk 2.0
(Rated T but, you know, it’s The Talk, so sex is mentioned)
‘Do we really need to do this?’, James asks, for the third time, as he and Lily are going up the stairs.
Lily sighs.
‘We talked about it, James. Yes, we need’.
‘I’ve talked to him before, Lily. Harry knows about - well - you know what he knows about'.
She raises her eyebrows.
‘The fact that you can’t say “sex” in the same sentence as your son’s name isn’t really giving me confidence’.
He flushes, mumbling to himself, his arms crossed as Lily knocks on Harry’s room.
‘Neither did you’, he grumbles at least.
‘You didn’t say “Harry” and you-know-what in the same sentence either’.
‘Oh, hi’, Harry says weakly, refusing to look in their direction. 'I was just about to sleep now -'
‘We need to talk, Harry’, Lily says, and James admires how her voice doesn’t show any of the anxiety he knows she feels too.
As much adamant as Lily is of having The Talk 2.0, neither of them is thrilled by having to do that.
Harry’s hand goes automatically to his hair, messing it without even realizing what he is doing, and James recognizes his own quirk there.
‘Everything is fine, Harry’, he says soothingly. ‘Why don’t we just go downstairs for a nice chat?’
Harry sighs deeply, looking like he would very much face Voldemort again than talking with his parents right now, but he nods.
They go to the living room, and Harry sinks on the armchair, leaving James and Lily to sit right on the couch right in front of him. James winces; all this feels too much like a lecture and he can’t fault Harry for looking at his knees with a half-guilty half-annoyed expression on his face.
‘I am sorry, ok?’, he says suddenly. ‘I - I forgot to lock the door and… it won’t happen again’.
‘Which part?’, James asks before he can stop himself. ‘You and Ginny snogging in your bedroom or Lily catching you?’
They both look at James without smiling, but he will defend the whole situation is a little bit funny.
Of course, he would feel different if he had been the one to arrive in his house in the middle of the afternoon and heard a cry coming from his son’s bedroom and had opened to find… whatever Lily had found.
She hadn’t given him full details other than saying it involved some stage of undressing and James hadn’t asked, but he knew it had been awkward enough that Ginny had not stayed for dinner and, as far as he knew, few things would really embarrass his favourite future daughter-in-law. Or probably Ginny knew the dinner would be equally uncomfortable. If that was the case, she had been smart; neither Harry nor Lily had said one word to another all night, refusing to meet each other’s eyes, both in a mix of embarrassment and anger.
Then, after dinner, Lily had summoned James to have The Talk 2.0 with Harry, despite James’ insistence that he had already talked to Harry five years ago.
‘Five years ago he didn’t have a girlfriend’.
‘I am pretty sure things are still the same, Lily’, he had argued, but Lily ignored him.
‘Harry’, Lily begins, with as much dignity as she can muster. 'This is not just about what happened early'.
‘You scold me in front of her’, Harry accuses, crossing his arms. ‘Then you made her leave like… Like if we were doing something wrong’.
Lily closes her face.
‘I didn't want Ginny to leave, of course not, but… I won’t be the bad guy, here, Harry. You were the one who was - who brought your girlfriend in the middle of the afternoon without telling us first’.
‘I told you she was coming by’, he mumbles.
‘For dinner. That usually means late in the day, you know’. She gives him a knowing look. ‘Did Molly know she was here with you?’
This makes Harry narrow his eyes.
‘Is that a threat?’, he asks, even more annoyed, and James sees it’s time to intervene.
‘No one is threatening anything and, no, we won’t mention it to anyone’, he says, placing his hand around Lily’s shoulder to calm her too. It’s really unusual for her and Harry to argue, but their fights are the worst if he doesn’t interrupt them before their emotions are too high. ‘We just need to set some - ah - coexistence rules’.
‘And before that’, Lily continues, seeming more in control. ‘We need to talk to you about some important things. And, yes, it’s a sex talk’.
Harry grimaces.
‘I - Dad already talked to me, you don’t really -’
‘No?’, challenges Lily, raising her eyebrows and James suddenly wishes to warn Harry of the danger there. ‘Do you really think you know everything?’
‘I get the biology part and - well - if you must know - Ron got me a book -’
‘“Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches”?’, Lily scoffs. ‘That book doesn’t cover anything’.
‘You know that book?’, James asks, surprised, and Harry looks at him.
‘Do you know that book?’
James rolls his eyes.
‘My old dad got me and Sirius one when we were fifteen’.
‘The fact that you still took two more years to finally date me should show you the quality of the book’, Lily teases, looking amused. 'Besides, that book is really outdated’.
‘It seemed complete’, Harry murmurs, but he looks uneasy as if he is worried about what content the book is lacking.
‘Well, the book didn’t tell you to cast a simple Silencing Charm on the door, did it?’, Lily points out, making Harry blush. ‘So, yes, we will talk’.
Harry grumbles, but he nods. There is a moment of silence, and James sees Lily debating with herself how she will start. She takes a deep breath.
‘It is normal that you and Ginny want to take your relationship to the next step, but I just want you to think if you are ready - oh, don’t give me that look’.
‘You are talking like if we were kids’.
‘I meant that you’ve been dating for only two months and it’s your first serious relationship’.
‘We started dating more than one year ago actually’, Harry corrects, with a shadow of a smile on his lips.
‘I thought you broke up with her for her own safety?’, Lily counters, narrowing her eyes, and that wipes out any amusement on Harry’s face. ‘Any more sassy comments?’
James thinks it’s rather ironic that Lily is criticizing Harry for saying anything sassy, but he is not stupid enough to note this.
‘What your mother means -’, he says instead ‘- is that you shouldn’t rush into things. Did you two talk about it?’
‘No’, Harry admits. ‘We weren’t really… we were just… Look, we weren’t going to have sex today, ok? Can’t you just drop it?’
His face is all red and Harry looks really upset, though James can't say if it's for saying that out loud or because of what he said.
‘Well, you two might someday’, Lily says gently, all her motherly instincts emerging at the sight of Harry’s distress. ‘And when that happens, we want you two to be careful and to know what you are doing’.
‘Nobody knows what they are doing the first time, Lily’, James murmurs and they exchange a fond look that makes them both smile softly, thinking of questions whispered in the middle of the night and nervousness and that happy feeling of finally...
‘Well, keep looking at each other like that and it’s the best way to keep my mind out of it’, Harry grumbles, looking purposely at the ceiling.
James chuckles.
‘We don’t want to talk you out of it - mostly because it won’t work. We really just want you two to be safe - you know, your mum and I are way too young to be grandparents’.
The red in Harry’s face increases.
‘Do you know contraceptive charms and potions?’, Lily asks, all business again. ‘Or even better, use the muggle way - it prevents a lot of diseases too, you can never be too safe…’.
Harry mumbles something under his breath.
‘What was that?’
‘I have bought condoms’, he says in the lowest voice he can manage.
Lily and James carefully avoid making eye contact.
‘And you know how to use them?’, James asks, a bit afraid of Harry’s answer.
‘Yeah, you don’t need to - let’s not do that banana thing, ok? I saw Mr. Weasley talking to Ron… and it was weird enough’.
There is another moment of silence.
‘Fine’, James says lightly. ‘Then let’s talk about those charms too, right? It’s always good to be prepared for all occasions…’
It’s well past midnight when James knocks on Harry’s door. After a few seconds, Harry opens it.
‘May I enter?’, James asks, all formal, since they agreed on a few rules minutes ago.
Asking permission before entering Harry’s room. If Ginny is in his room, the door will be open slightly at least when his parents are home. Letting them know before-hand if Ginny will be visiting (they won’t ever forbid it). She can spend the night but in another room until she is out of age. No using the Invisibility Cloak to visit her at night.
That last one James seriously doubted it when Lily and Harry agreed to it, but he didn’t say anything.
He would not betray Lily’s secrets for Harry and he would not deny his son the better use for that Cloak.
‘Sure’, Harry says, giving him space. James sits on the edge of Harry’s bed, while Harry lays lazily against the pillows of his bed.
His son seems more at ease now the safe sex talk has ended. James supposes there are few subjects that could be more awkward. It almost makes James miss talking about Horcruxes and pieces of Voldemort’s soul.
‘Here’, James shows him a key.
‘What is that?’
‘There is a cabin in the woods if you follow the trail leaving our backdoor, just a ten-minute walk. It’s where we used to turn with Remus in the Full Moon’.
‘And why are you giving it to me?’, Harry asks, bewildered. His parents always forbade him of going alone in the woods and that was one of the few rules Harry had actually followed all his life.
‘Well, obviously we aren’t using anymore, and it’s a nice cozy place. All equipped, with fireplace and a small living room, bathroom and -’, James takes a deep breath. ‘- there is a double bed too’.
‘I am not naive, Harry, and I remember what it was like being seventeen - well, all your mum and I wanted with that talk was make sure you two are safe. Not to disturb you or anything - and trust me, it was far more awkward for us than it was for you’.
He laughs.
‘I truly doubt it’, Harry says, and for a moment they share an equally embarrassed look before Harry tentatively grabs the key. ‘So… I am just free to use it?’
James sighs. ‘I trust you not to rush things, Harry. And I thought… we don’t want to catch you in an awkward position - not again - and… you two deserve some time alone without worrying if anyone is going to interrupt you. So… whenever you two are ready, it will be there’.
‘Oh’, Harry is blushing, his face radiating heat. ‘Thanks, dad’.
‘It was your mother’s idea, actually’, James says, grinning when Harry looks surprised. ‘She was just concerned for you, Harry, not really mad. And… besides everything we talked before, which is important and you should keep in mind for your and Ginny’s safety… remember to be patient, ok?’
Harry blinks, confused, and James sighs heavily. That’s your job, he says to himself. You remember how things were far from perfect in the beginning.
‘Just… be gentle. Always care more about her than about yourself - and always asks if she is comfortable. If she says no, or if she regrets starting it, no matter what are you doing, you stop’.
James expects Harry to argue with him at the obviousness of what he is saying, but surprisingly, Harry just nods, seeming to be concentrating on recording James’ words.
‘And then, if you are both ok with it… You two take your time. It’s normal to not know what you are doing at first, but you will only learn if you talk to each other and listen to each other, okay? This is actually very important’.
‘What if -’, Harry hesitates, before looking at his own hand. ‘- and what if I am not good? What if I mess it up so much that she never -’
‘Harry’, James interrupts him softly. ‘As I said, no one knows what they are doing. So… you discover together. You are in love with her, right?'
His face reddens, but to Harry’s credit, he doesn't deny his feelings.
'Yes', he admits in a whisper, sounding more fascinated by it than flustered.
James smiles.
'Then you let that feeling turn into something good for both of you'.
‘It's because of what I feel that - I am afraid, I mean...  Can I - can I make it good? For her?’
James sighs.
‘Yeah, actually… I suppose there are things you could know that would help… But let’s say it very objectively, ok? You do know I almost think of Ginny as my daughter, right?’
That makes Harry let out an unexpected laugh.
‘I hope not too much’, he says, playfully. ‘Because I really don’t have brotherly feelings for her'.
James rolls his eyes.
‘Yeah, I got that covered. Well, I think we already had this conversation once, but I’m sure you were too busy when you were thirteen to think this would ever be important. So, a woman’s body -’
James feels tired and much older when he finally enters his and Lily’s room.
‘You took long enough’, Lily says teasingly, and James sees she is in a far better mood than a couple of hours before, lying lazily in the bed, already under the blanket.
‘It is your fault. “The Talk 2.0”, you said, it will be fun’.
She smirks, turning to him as James lies down heavily on the bed.
‘I never said it would be fun, just that we needed to do it. I know you have all these white hairs already, and I don’t deny it would be cute, but I really don’t want any grandchildren yet. You know, I just want -’
‘That Harry gets to finally enjoy his life’, James acknowledges. ‘Yeah, I know. Me too’. 
She sighs happily, getting closer to him, and James sees her naked collarbone when she places her hand over his chest, casually opening the buttons of his shirt.
‘Now - I know it’s late - but I kept thinking of a summer night twenty years ago…’
‘I try to forget that night’.
‘Really?’, challenges Lily, looking at him, and James has a deja-vu of that same night.
They had been dating for a while, and while he had been untroubled and quite satisfied with everything they had done together on empty classrooms, he had felt guilty of taking a step further with Lily despite the fact that his body kept making it perfectly clear how much he wanted her and Lily kept giving all signs that she wanted more too. His trouble conscience had been solved when Lily had appeared on his bed in the Boy’s Dorm Room on a summer night, hidden under his Invisibility Cloak.
She hadn’t been wearing anything under the Cloak.
‘So, Potter? Do you want your Cloak back?’, she had whispered to him, in a trembling voice that mixed braveness and challenge and that time his guilt had paled in comparison with everything else he felt for her.
He smiles at the memory.
‘Well, I just like to think I improved a lot since then, you know’.
‘You did’, she agrees playfully. ‘But I remember fondly of that night - it was the first time you said you loved me’.
‘Of course I was in love with you’, James notes as if it's obvious. ‘Why do you think I let you take away all my innocence?'
‘You were never innocent’, Lily disagrees, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
‘Oh, I was. So pure. But there was this redhead girl that totally bewitched me’.
‘Redhead girl? Seems to run in the family’.
‘What can I say? We Potters have one weakness’.
‘Hmmm’, she sighs, letting her hand slide over his chest and then down. There is a satisfied smile on her lips. ‘It doesn’t seem much weak right now’.
James grins, pulling Lily so she gets above him. The blanket falls and, just like on that summer night, she is not wearing anything under.
‘As I said, bewitched’, he agrees, trying to kiss her, but Lily laughs and stops him to take her wand in the nightstand.
‘Let’s set the example, shall we?’, she points her wand to the door. ‘Silencio!’
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alirhi · 3 years
okay. let's do this shit.
Guess what, bitches? Mama bear's back and angry all over again. Remember when I said I might dive into a ragepost about how Bucky's treated after completing the one about Loki? This is it. This is the post. Welcome to fucking Thunderdome.
I will actually try to keep it civil. No promises, but I'll try. and I will not be accepting "constructive criticism" about my rage. Just so we're clear.
Got it? Good. Let's dive in.
In case you don't want to read the whole thing (I know I get wordy) here's what this whole post will boil down to: BUCKY NEVER HAD A FUCKING CHOICE. NEVER. NOT ONCE IN HIS ENTIRE ADULT LIFE.
Now, quick reminder: I don't read comics. I know nothing about Bucky's comic canon, except what Sebastian liked to bring up as often as possible during TWS/CW promotions: at some point, Bucky boned Nat. XD Since Bucky only exists as a Marvel property, I won't be bitching about other source material being disrespected like I did with Loki. This is all MCU, my dudes. And honestly? That's enough, because though we don't see nearly enough of Bucky for my liking, we do manage to get a rich, deep backstory to him in the material we're given, partly thanks to better writing in the early days of the MCU, and partly thanks to Sebastian Stan's phenomenal acting. Unlike the writers of the Loki series, Seb knows how to show, not tell. And gods, what stories those eyes show...
Let's start with the army. In an old post illustrating what an absolute BAMF Bucky Barnes truly is, I mistakenly said he enlisted, and a kind soul educated me on the incredible attention to detail Marvel used to pay - in this case, Bucky's ID number. 32557038. As this kind, eagle-eyed soul pointed out to me, the first two digits of that number - 32 - signify that Bucky was drafted, specifically from the NY, NJ, DE area (that last part is rather obvious, as Bucky and Steve are from Brooklyn lol). Bucky didn't choose to go to war. He was drafted. He was forced to fight, or go to prison.
Bucky was born in 1917, which means - again, as someone pointed out to me a while back - he came of age during the Great Depression. As a child, he would likely have seen his parents living comfortably and able to shower each other and him and his sister with gifts and fun memories, and then POOF. Stock market crashes when he's only 12-years-old, and life becomes brutal and painful. He manages to have some fun with his best friend Steve, and spends his teens/early 20s chasing girls and keeping his stupid, stubborn, tiny friend from getting beaten to death.
Steve constantly has something to prove. He's absolutely got what my mom always called "little man's disease", and Bucky's just doing his best not to roll his eyes too much at this asthmatic chihuahua constantly trying to beat up Tibetan mastiffs. While Steve keeps lying on his enlistment forms (an actual crime) trying again and again to get into the army and prove what a badass he is (definitely not), Bucky's had enough trauma and upheaval in his life and he just wants his stupid friend to calm tf down and live. Enjoy the fact that he doesn't have to go to war and get his limbs blown off.
And then he gets fucking drafted. This sweet, resigned realist who knows exactly how dangerous the war really is, is forced to put on a uniform and go fight strangers alongside other strangers thousands of miles from everything he knows. And on his last night of freedom, when he just wants to hang out with his friend, see some cool gadgets, and dance with a pretty girl, his stupid angry chihuahua friend feels the need to lie and try to enlist again.
Okay. Gotta get back on track. Ragepost about mistreatment of Bucky, not how much Steve annoys me. Sorry. Anyway...
Bucky's drafted, accepts his shitty lot with a brave smile, and is shipped off to Europe, where he is captured by HYDRA and presumed by the Allies to be KIA. Instead, he's strapped down, tortured, and given the HYDRA version of the super serum against his will. Steve rescues him, and Bucky knows he can't leave his idiot friend to his own devices to get his head blown off, so he dives right back into the fray. And then he falls off a cliff, loses most of his left arm, and is declared dead...again. This one's pretty damn valid, though lol. Without the serum no one knew he'd been shot up with, there is no way he would have survived that fall.
Here is where Bucky's story gets truly heartbreaking: His autonomy, his ability to consent is stripped from him through electroshock torture/brainwashing. The trigger words are conditioned into him during this process, and boom. Ten words in Russian, and Bucky Barnes is gone. Even the confused, hurting shadow of him is gone, leaving only a perfectly obedient killing machine, with Bucky's pretty face. He's strong as all hell, though, so they can't keep him fully under their control for long, not without more torture, when the disorientation of being fucking frozen wears off on longer missions.
I cannot stress this point enough, guys: Bucky. Had. No. Choice. Not like the draft, where his choices (go and get shot at, refuse and go to jail, or dodge and run to Canada) just suck. No, he literally didn't have a choice. He had his ability to choose stripped from him. If that's too complex a concept to really sink in, try this: His brain was fucking raped. Repeatedly. For decades. Nothing the Winter Soldier ever did was Bucky's fault. Nothing. Ever. Not remotely, no matter how you fucking slice it. Bucky is not an assassin. I almost said "not a killer", but he was a soldier, and a sharpshooter. He definitely killed when he was himself, but that was in a war, not a series of assassinations.
So far, imo, so good. This is just a rundown of Bucky's pre-show backstory. I don't love what he had to suffer, but I do love how it was treated in the movies. People were afraid of him, but when they knew the whole situation, Steve, Nat, and Sam rallied behind him. Natasha had plenty of reason to want the Winter Soldier dead; he'd tried to kill her multiple times and almost succeeded. Sam had no reason to help Bucky at all; he didn't know him, didn't trust him, and again, TWS had tried to kill him. But he stood by Steve, and when Bucky showed the clear difference between himself and TWS, Sam stood by him, too, and fought alongside him.
And it's very realistic, imo, that Tony didn't give a single fuck that Bucky had no choice. He watched this man murder both of his parents on tape. If TWS had killed my dad and I saw proof of it, I'd try to kill Bucky, too. Grief wins out over logic. Most emotions usually do. And that's a very important point we're going to come back to in a few minutes.
Bucky was really only in like ten minutes at most of IW and Endgame, and for multiple reasons I hate those movies, so I'm just gonna skip them, kay? Kay. On to the main event!
Here's where I get pissed off. Even if I didn't have an unhealthy attachment to this character, or the depth of appreciation for his tragic backstory that I do, the lack of continuity between the movies and the show alone would still piss me off. It always does. Don't even get me started on Joss "Continuity? What continuity?" Whedon and his (iconic, but flawed) shows. Ahem. Back on track...
Let me just get one little thing out of the way real quick: I fucking LOVE The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I love it. This show amazed me when I first watched it, and I still love it after many more viewings lol. I have only ever watched it all the way through without skipping over as much John Walker shit as possible the one time lol but I love how Sam and Bucky interact, and I fucking adore how Sam's arc was treated. I just wish they'd show the same care and attention to Bucky.
Because what they did to Bucky in this show is a fucking travesty. There was a tiny ray of hope in the pilot, when he called out Dr. Bitchface for being a terrible shrink. I thought that would be the start of him realizing he needed to find someone else and ignore the damaging shit that woman was telling him. But...nope. No such luck.
The show really had a strong start, I'll give it that. We see Bucky having nightmares of his time as TWS and struggling to hide how his traumatic memories are affecting him as he tries to live in the world again. He befriends the father of one of HYDRA's victims, which can't be good for Bucky (and we're shown it's definitely not when he sees the shrine in Yori's home to his late son) but it's sweet, how he's trying to connect and reach out to someone who's hurting and lonely.
They drop the ball a little with the whole... Bucky can hack a fucking car, but can't figure out Tinder thing. Had they just run with the fandom interpretation of the tiger photos line, that it shows that Bucky is bi and left it at that, I'd have been okay with it (and no, that is not because I ship Sam/Bucky. it's because Bucky is and always has been a certified nerd who loves technology and has consistently shown very little issue learning to use new gadgets). The outdated flip phone he handed his terrible court-mandated shrink was a burner; I liked that theory when I read it, especially since it's the only time we see him even holding a phone that old lol. This all could have fit the "Bucky is a sassy bisexual nerd" narrative and it'd be okay. Instead, the director was like "NOOOOOO that line was just to show how old he is and how he can't figure out all this newfangled technology!" Woman, you had him remotely driving someone else's vehicle with a tablet. That is NOT a man who can't figure out a damn smart phone!
But that's just a minor annoyance. What fills me with absolute rage is how everyone - not just the shitty therapist who lashes out at and purposely triggers her traumatized patients, but EVERYONE - Sam, Zemo, people who should fucking know better ALL treat him like he's a psychopath and a ticking time bomb. Like he chose to take the serum and he chose to kill for HYDRA, and he's just seen the error of his ways. *barf*
Bucky in the movies is established to be a victim, through and through. His guilt over what he was forced to do is natural, and that he sees himself as a monster makes sense... but that doesn't mean it's correct. The one and only thing I ever liked about Steve Rogers is at least he got it. He pointed out that none of it was Bucky's fault, he tried to show him that he was worth saving. That's the other reason I refuse to talk about Endgame. This post will get a WHOLE LOT LONGER and a lot fucking angrier if I open that door.
Zemo supposedly knows everything about HYDRA and super soldiers... So why does he treat Bucky like he's a corrupt serial killer? (this, for the record, is why I don't like Zemo) Why does he never point out that Bucky was given the serum against his will, or that his actions, when he had control of them, proved that he was never corrupted? Bucky never wanted to become superhuman. Bucky didn't even want to fucking fight!
Sam, despite constantly resisting the label, is shown very clearly to be Bucky's friend. By episode 3, he cares. He worries about how Bucky is getting lumped in with the other super soldiers in Zemo's speech... But he never really defends him. He says "what about Bucky?" but he doesn't point out that Bucky's a good man, he's fought so hard to help people, he does everything he can to avoid killing... And that fucking speech in episode 5. I was with him on "you gotta stop looking to other people to tell you who you are." I was like "YEAH! Tell him, Sam! Bucky, you're WORTH SAVING, boo! Your value does not hinge on someone else's opinion of you!" And then... Sam dropped the ball.
He not only continued the disturbing pattern of victim-blaming in this show, and in Marvel/Disney properties in general, but he gave really dangerously bad advice! No one in their right mind, mental health professional or no, would EVER tell a traumatized former assassin (whether he was responsible for his actions or not) to go confront his victims' families out of the blue with no warning and no one to mediate and keep things from going to shit. Yori already knew his son had been murdered because he was in the "wrong place, wrong time." How is it being "of service" to tell him you're the one who killed him?! Remember how I said Tony's reaction to learning the full truth about his parents' deaths was valid and would be an important point later? Hi! Welcome to later. THAT is the natural reaction to facing the man who murdered your loved one(s). And even if Yori didn't get angry and lash out, HOW IS IT "HELPING" HIM OR BRINGING HIM "CLOSURE" TO KNOW THAT HIS FRIEND KILLED HIS FUCKING SON?!?!?! This man befriended him, bonded with him, watched him grieve... And now he's learning this is the man who caused all his pain and heartache to begin with? That is so toxic and psycho I just... I can't even... UGH.
And then there's the equally toxic and damaging "deeply traumatized person just needed a stern talking to and a hug to be ALL BETTER AGAIN" ending. I loved seeing Bucky happy and socializing, but it was too soon, and it was unearned. And it sends a fucking awful message to people actually struggling with PTSD, and to their loved ones who don't know how to help them. Heaping more blame on them and then hugging it out is NOT helpful!
This show could have been damn near perfect with just two changes. That's all. Just two. 1) Someone, anyone, bringing up the reasons why Bucky was never a villain in his presence. Someone being in his corner and reminding him, like Steve did, that it wasn't his fault and he's not going to "snap". 2) More time devoted to Bucky's healing. Actual fucking healing, not the shit they tried to pass off as a magic fix-all. He can have his happy barbecue moment, just don't frame it as "everything's great now!" Healing isn't linear, and there will be both good days and bad. Some of the most fragile people in the world have the brightest smiles.
If we get a season 2, which this amazing show absolutely deserves, and they address this stuff, all will be forgiven in my book. Expanding on his story and his journey toward healing will help to reframe that "happily ever after" garbage as something more realistic. But as it stands now... Fuck Marvel.
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mistaeq · 3 years
Tuesday, 29th December
Greek Mythology!Duwang Gang AU: Headcanons
TW // sliiight nsfw-ish or non-con hints in dionysus' part. come on it's dionysus.
Today I offer you these babies. Tomorrow who knows. Hope you enjoy, I had fun with writing these.♡
Greek Mythology AU: Duwang Gang Headcanons. [includes: Higashikata Josuke, Nijimura Okuyasu, Kujo Jotaro, Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, Kishibe Rohan]
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Seen as the most beautiful god, Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. One of the most important and complex of the Greek gods, he is the son of Zeus (Joseph) and brother of Artemis (Holly). As the protector of young, Apollo is concerned with the health and education of children.
He's seen every early morning, on his chariot, to bring the sunlight up in the sky, all over the Olympus. Josuke's the dream of many nymphs, who look at him from afar, singing songs for the god with their sweet voices, a sound so sweet, a sound so celestial... which is covered up by Apollo's voice fucking around the Olympus with young Dionysus (Okuyasu), pulling pranks on Poseidon (Jotaro) or getting drunk.
You're the most envied creature out of everyone in the Olympus, because Josuke only has eyes for you. Envious nymphs stare at you, and comment on you, trying to convince themselves that they're way better than you are.
"Don't listen to their envy and their insults, they don't know how to cope with the fact that I have clear preferences..." he'd say, caressing your cheek and neck. "This is what poisons relationships and romances... envy... jealousy... but we don't have these useless problems, do we, love...?"
His relationship with other gods on the Olympus is usually fine, but it's not like he cares about hiding his feelings. Almost everyone who knows Josuke, will get to know after not even a week that the god is crushing on you, and that he wants to marry you. You sure hope he's not gonna behave the same way he did to Daphne...
It seems that he has healing powers, and if you happen to not to be a deity, he'll gladly use them on you, Josuke wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to you.
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Surely not known for his capability to reasonate, Dionysus was the ancient god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and ecstasy. The god is shown to be a beardless, sensuous, naked or semi-naked youth. Though Dionysus was mostly a kind and generous deity, he could be cruel when he needed it. For some reason, Aphrodite (Yukako) doesn't want to get close to him. She looks scared.
He doesn't do much, during the day. Let's say his favourite thing are feasts. Not really chaste ones, to be completely true. Okuyasu's mind is almost totally hedonistic, and won't feel guilty just because he spent a day watching dancing maenads and had fun teasing them with his Thyrsus instead of caring about whatever mortal dude needed him on Earth. Most of the time he's drunk, but Josuke has his back for some reason.
Many say they don't envy you for being the god's favourite creature, but you don't really care. You enjoy lying down with Okuyasu, caught in a ecstatic feeling as he turns you on with his touch and teaseful words whispered at you.
"Tell me, is it embarrassing for you to be the only one to lie beside me during feasts?" He'd run his lustful gaze and hand all over your body as he asks so, and smirk a little. "No? It isn't...? Sounds like you really like it instead, to be completely honest. Good... really good, in fact. Kiss me now."
He doesn't really have a brilliant relationship with other deities, apart from Apollo. He sometimes sees Echo (Koichi), but not much more. Still, everyone knows it when he has someone he's interested in. The man becomes possessive, Okuyasu will make sure everyone knows you're his. He might give a demonstration during feasts.
He likes to feed you grapes, and in case you liked wine, Okuyasu would want to hold the glass for you as you drink. He likes to do this for you, and you don't mind letting him.
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Poseidon is the violent and ill-tempered god of the sea. He is nowadays known exclusively as a sea god, but in ancient times, he may have been the god of the earth and fertility or even the supreme god of the sky. His huge height and strength come from his Titan parents, Cronus and Rhea. What he can't acquire with romance and gentleness, he does with violence and craftiness.
He sometimes uses the sea as a coping mechanism for his tiring life. Jotaro doesn't find his ocean so bad to be in, he concentrates and spends his time doing stuff gods... do? What does he really do, is not clear? Apollo and Dionysus tried to stick their heads into the water to spy on him several times, without any result. It's not like he's so happy when mortals need his help, but he can't pull back from his duty.
Poseidon probably noticed you because you weren't bugging him for pointless stuff. He likes pleasures too, like most of the deities do really, he just needs to find the right creature for him. Jotaro doesn't enjoy partners who talk too much.
"Don't worry about being a bother for me. You're the first one who isn't truly bothering me, I take it as a goal by now." he'd say, after he closed you in a bubble in order to bring you under the sea with him. "I never dare to show my realm to people who I judge as annoying, remember that."
It's not like he doesn't have a good relationship with other deities, he basically doesn't really care. He'll just be happy with being under the ocean whenever he feels Josuke and Okuyasu approaching, or not to be there during Apollo and Calliope (Rohan) debates. Give him some deserved peace and an ocean and he'll be grateful forever.
If Jotaro lets you in his private place which is the ocean, consider yourself special for him, for he hates having people there, above all people who are there for him purposely.
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Echo is a mountain nymph, or oread. The myth says that Echo offended the goddess Hera by keeping her in conversation, in order to prevent her from spying on one of Zeus' lovers. To punish him, Hera deprived him of speech, except for the ability to repeat the last words of another. Because of this, his good heart is often misunderstood, but he managed to be appreciated nonetheless.
Koichi would rather have no conversations, for he's not able to say nothing more than the last words his interlocutor said. But he's down to make people understand what he wants to say, by writing it down or through gestures. Apollo approached him once, and brought Dionysus along. He doesn't know how to feel about hanging with gods, but since his issue isn't a problem to them, he'll keep them around. Until they misbehave...
When he gets to know you and notices you aren't willing to exclude him for he doesn't talk properly, his heart melts. Echo wants to spend most of his time with you now, since you make him feel comfortable about the problem Hera caused him.
"I love you, I love you, love you, love you, you, you..." he'd repeat, after you told him that. When he wants to say something like this, you say it for him, so that he can repeat it and say it as well. "You're important to me... important to me... important to me... to me... to me... me..."
Look, he's trying his best, really. Deities aren't known for their inclusive ways, and when he asked you if it was because of his past, you quickly said it wasn't. Nobody cared about it there. Deities were like that with every nymph. Echo had a chance to build up a good relationship with Calliope (Rohan). The muse taught him a lot.
He has fun bringing you to places where your voice echoes, to make you judge who does it better between him and the nature. Needless to say, Koichi always wins.
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Aphrodite was known primarily as a goddess of sexual love, beauty, fertility and even occasionally presided over marriage. Even prostitutes considered Aphrodite their patron. She's had many mortal lovers, and none of them should have ever dared to make her upset. She won't be down for forgiveness, she's really never been. Still, Aphrodite found herself often in trouble due to her personality.
Differently from many other deities, Yukako's real fun consisted in watching humans' love stories bloom and wither. Sometimes she was the reason, sometimes she wasn't. Mortals were so easy to play with. It was when she thought that playing gods was just as simple, that she got caught into a trap. Since that mistake, she decided she would have been amused enough to be happy by mortals' love stories.
Oh, Aphrodite's so used to creatures - above all gods - who tried to stick around her for her body only, so that when you give an appreciation for her intelligence, she'll remember it and love you forever. It's like you signed up a free trial to be loved.
"You know, it's difficult to make me feel love so strong I don't even think about the lustful part... but apparently you managed to do so..." she'd say, sitting in the calm forest as she hands you a flower. "It's good to know someone doesn't love you for your body only but for yourself as well."
Yukako's relationship with other deities and creatures is just... ambiguous? She may never judge what's behind everyone's gaze. Hatred? Love? Lust? Who knows. All she knows, is that the only sight of Dionysus makes the ground under her feet disappear in fear. Compared to him, she'll just be fine in everyone else's company.
Everything she does, it's for the good. If it happens to harm you, Yukako definitely didn't mean it. It'll be enough to tell her, and believe me, it won't happen again.
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In Greek mythology Calliope is the muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry. He's called the "Chief of all Muses". He's down to help every literate artist who needs him, gives inspiration and guides the mortals' talented hands, as far as they deserve his power. Calliope's used to be mentioned, and might happen to get upset if not. Even if he's only halfway a deity, he's known for his confidence.
The most famous out of the Muses, Rohan won't forgive anyone who's never heard about him before. He can be seen around Echo a lot lately, since he found the nymph's story interesting and won't hold back from inspiring a mortal with writing about what happened to Koichi. He's used to collect creatures' stories, in order to be written by someone who's talented enough to talk about them properly.
He probably got interested in your story first. Then, for some reason he grew possessive of it. Calliope won't let a mortal put their filthy hands on a story so pure. Let the Muse be the only one who can properly love you.
"This story of yours is so beautiful, I can never have enough... and it's mine only, is it, y/n? Is it?" he'd ask him forever until you answer yes, he'll find no peace at all. "Let me get inspiration from you. Let me be the only one who can properly appreciate your life... just like you deserve."
His relationship with other creatures and deities is... rather good? Rohan's used to have debates and discussions with Josuke, and most of the time they just disagree. Though, many envy his capability of being so creative and smart, mortal writers ask for his help several times. Aphrodite and him sometimes fight over Echo.
He'd write lots of poetries in order to edulcorate your feelings towards him and make you forgive him for his excessive possessiveness. Rohan often succeeds.
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theymadeitlh28 · 3 years
I am convinced Cas knew about Dean’s feelings for him. He almost confessed twice. The first time Dean said „I need you“ and not in the „hey, man I need you to heal me after hunts“ but in the „I need you in my life bc of you, bc you are my best friend and I don’t want to go on without you“ kinda way. The way he said it the second time almost sounded like „I love you“ bc of the way he pronounced it, bc of the intonation, and that is what snapped Cas out of it. (They cut it out of the original script bc they felt that Dean would not say I love you this early. He hadn’t even said it to his brother only to his mother in the dream he had bc of the ghoul. But the fact that it was intended to be I love you gives the I need you even more meaning) However it didn’t go as he hoped he would bc Dean never mentioned it again, kept calling him buddy. So he doubted his thoughts and kept his feelings to himself, afraid to push Dean away.
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Dean’s second almost confession happened 6 seasons later. Dean’s prayer. „I‘m sorry it took me so long to say it“ is not only about the forgiveness. Prayers are not always spoken out loud, we don’t know if he added anything in silence, all though I don’t think so. Dean didn’t say I love you there, maybe because he thought Cas deserved to hear it when he was standing right in front of him and not through a prayer he isn’t sure Cas could even hear. So when he finally found Cas you could see determination on his face. I believe he wanted to tell him then and there. And when he started with „Cas, I need to say something“ and Cas interrupted him he was confused and devastated, but he respected Cas decision. He didn’t push after „I heard your prayer“. Maybe he also was relieved for the diversion bc he is emotionally repressed and he is not the character who says I love you lighthearted, maybe he also thought that Cas doesn’t reciprocate and this time it’s Dean who is afraid to bring it up, afraid to risk their friendship. But Cas knew he had to stop him bc if not he would have been happy. It would not have mattered that the world was ending bc he would have been truly happy and he couldn’t risk it, so he interrupted Dean.
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The last time it is Cas who confessed bc he hasn’t got anything to lose. He could only win bc even if he is gone he had saved Dean and the all of the others. But he already knows Dean loves him, he is almost certain he does. (The actors changes the script here a few times.) After the „I love you“ Dean said „Don’t do it, Cas“ (Script said Cass). He doesn’t look like he is disgusted that his best friend is confessing his love to him, no he is afraid. Yes, he is shocked and surprised and can’t say it back therefore. He is after all still an emotionally repressed character. But his „Don’t do it“ is a plea for Cas to not go there. It’s a don’t tell me you love me to then leave me alone, don’t give me all I wished for and then take it away before I can get a say in it. It’s a longing for Cas to take it back just so that he won’t leave him again. Dean knows what life felt without Cas and he pleads that Cas won’t put him through that again. But it’s to late and he knows this too, so when Cas pulles him on while saying „Good bye, Dean“ he wants to ask him something, you can hear the „What..“ that hangs in the air. You see that he is too shocked to do anything but expects something at the same time, maybe a kiss, maybe a hug, anything at all but not being pushed out of the way. He crumbles as he watches Cas being taken by the Empty and you can see that in that moment he is numb. He looks around for him and when he realizes that this was Goodbye forever, he breaks. At this exact moment Dean’s world ended. Outside of the walls he was leaning against was his brother, his son who needed his help but he had no fight in him. He ignores Sam’s call and he had never done this before. This man lost the love of his life in that moment and simultaneously the reason for him to fight.
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Another big thing is that Dean seems happy in the final episode. We know he was always devastated when Cas was dead. A walking meat suit so to say. Dean is the best hunter with Sam together, he never made a mistake that was so banal that he overlooked a screw he saw more than once during the fight. He knows how to take on a bigger persona, a stronger monster than him, he knows not to launch himself at it, so why did he. Psychological speaking, a person who is keen on dying makes peace a few days prior with their decision, appeares calm, happy and content; suicidal or not, taking their own lives or dying bc of a letal disease. This is what I see in the last episode. Dean knew his brother was finally happy, had someone in his life to look after him when he would be gone, but he wasn’t. He was numb, he had no reason to life. He had no son on earth, his purpose in saving the world was fulfilled. He couldn’t retire bc then he would have nothing. He had no one waiting for him at home bc the one thing he wants is the one thing he can’t have. In Dean‘s mind Cas is gone forever and most of the people who are most important to him are in heaven. Dean wanted to die. There is no other explanation as for why Jack didn’t send Cas to heal him or did it himself. It’s why Dean asked his brother to tell him it’s ok, so he knows Sam will be able to get over his death instead of telling him to get help. And Sam knows bc he doesn’t tell him to hold it together, to keep fighting till he gets help. No, Sam pleads to Dean not to go just like Dean pleaded that Cas won’t leave him. When Dean arrived in heaven he was content, he wasn’t happy yet, he was relieved. „At least I made it to heaven“ is so important here bc it is common sense that suicide is a sin, that people that take their own life go to hell. Dean hoped that by dying in an accident he would bypass this fact even if he provoked the accident. He is also surprised about the changes made in heaven that his kid , as Bobby said. You can see his face fall for a minute when Bobby mentions his Dad, like he is afraid he disappointed his father by becoming the person he was, maybe even by falling in love with a gay angel. The moment Bobby mentions that Cas helped Jack Dean smiled, smirked even bc his plan not only worked but bc his dream came true. He had his Cas back, or at least Cas was alive and he could see him. „It’s almost perfect“, what did he mean by this. Was he talking about Sam only or was he missing something else too. Bobby then tells him he can have anything he wants anything he wishes for and Dean gulps. He diverts Bobby‘s questions about what he is gonna do about it just like he always did when someone mentioned his feelings for Cas on earth, but then his face falls on baby and he seems determined. He answers „I think I‘ll go for a drive“ casually but his face is not the face of someone who just wants to take a stroll through heaven. His face is the face of someone who is determined to get something done. Call me delusional but I think Dean took that car to go and find Cas. To finally tell him that he loves him too. To get everything he ever wished for and bc that means all of them happy he meats Sam on his way, maybe after he went to see Cas and Jack, maybe before. But Dean decided to take his car to a specific location, he was determined when deciding to go for a drive. We don’t get to see Cas and Dean reuniting, but we all know that for Dean to be truly happy he needs not only Sam but also Cas. And as Bobby said You can have all you wish for, we know that Dean got to have Castiel.
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wylanvnneck · 4 years
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This 2 part fic was written for the Secret Snusband Gift Giveaway hosted by @jurdannet​ and @jurdannetrevels​ for my lovely Knife Wife @lilacs-with-lavender​.
Rating: T for Tyrannosaurus
Summary: Inspired by an episode of my favourite Cop TV show, ‘Castle’, in which a bet takes place with pretty high stakes, although the plotline has been tweaked to fit this fandom. My Knife Wife said she loved the Enemies to Lovers trope so that’s what I’ve (tried to) write here and I hope you enjoy the story of Homicide Detectives Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar and their mutual enmity.
Warnings: Not so graphic descriptions of murder and mention of drugs. (Really not sure what I need to tag, so please let me know if I’ve missed something.)
Posted as a Gift on AO3 | Part 1 | Masterlist
Part 2
“Lil, It’s 7.15 and I still need to decide on a dress, help!”
The ever helpful Liliver is currently perched on her bed, legs crossed and unruffled in stark contrast to Jude’s frantic rummaging of her sparse closet. She comes across a sparkly orange sequin dress that she holds up for her friend’s inspection.
“Honey. You’d look like a broken disco ball.”
“The girl at Saks said sequins were in.”
“She lied.”
Ugh. Damn Greenbriar for his stupid bets and his stupid dinners and his stupid brain which occasionally stumbled upon solutions. Defeat was a bitter pill to swallow.
She’s contemplating over whether to excuse herself for the night by pretending to have an infectious disease which requires keeping all other humans at a distance of five feet, when the doorbell to her apartment rings.
“Lil, would you mind answering the door for me please?” she asks, conscious of the fact that she was dressed in only her underwear.
“Sure, but when I come back you’d better not be wearing that ghastly hot pink dress I saw in there,” her friend calls as she unravels herself from the cozy mattress and leaves the room.
Foiled again. Jude’s just about out of options and the only thing that she can fathom being worse than having to be Cardan’s fake girlfriend for a night, was having to do so while being completely underdressed and out of place in a roomful of his father’s closest business associates.
“There was a package delivered to your doorstep,” Lil says as she re-enters the room, carrying a white parcel in her hands.
“A package? But I haven’t ordered anything.”
“Open it, maybe there’s a note,” she hands it over. The detective inside of Jude is wary, but she’s too curious to not open it so she gently rips open the package’s wrapping to reveal a large square box tied with a silver ribbon and tag attached to it. ‘Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo’ are the only words written on it. She knows immediately who it’s from and she feels an answering surge of anger along with an emotion that isn’t easy to decipher.
“I knew he was arrogant, but this-” She roughly unties the ribbon and tears open the lid  and inside is the softest folded up material that she’s ever seen. Gently, she takes it out and it unfolds, turning into a simple but gorgeous black cocktail dress with an A-line skirt and off the shoulder sleeves, the picture of elegance.
Lil’s silver eyes are wide when she lets out a low whistle, “Damn.”
Jude is speechless.
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“Wow.” Cardan’s voice sounds slightly higher pitched than usual before he clears his throat, standing just outside Jude’s doorway. “You clean up nice, detective.”
With a little help from Lil, she had accessorised the dress with a silver choker necklace that had belonged to her mother and a small velvet clutch. Her hair was carefully put up with dozens of little bobby pins and she feels sexy and ready to conquer whatever the Greenbriar family had in store for her.
Cardan himself is dressed in a coal coloured suit, a silky scrap of fabric tucked into his jacket pocket, shiny enough to match his eyes. There’s the faintest shimmer of gold on his defined cheekbones and his curly locks are just untidy enough to look stylish and it’s unfair how handsome he is.
“So do you.”
He steps back and holds out his arm for her in the way that gentlemen did in those historical dramas that Lil was always forcing her to watch and it shouldn’t have made her blush as she clutches the soft fabric covering his arm, but it did. She blames it on the corridor’s harsh fluorescent lighting.
Together they glide to the elevator and wordlessy head to the garage where Cardan’s sleek grey Maserati stands out amidst the other rundown cars belonging to the other apartment tenants, her neighbours, yet another reminder of all the differences between the two of them.
“Your carriage awaits you, my lady,” he opens the door for her, something that most of her few disastrous dates had neglected to do in the past and she’s so used to thinking of him as an indecorous scoundrel that him being so courteous was almost unwelcome. She’s not used to spending time with him outside of work and she’s strangely out of her element.
Cardan goes round and gets in on the other side and Jude secures her seatbelt as he starts up the car and swivels his head around to watch the back of the car before reversing.
They’re cruising along in his car and the only noise is the smooth purr of the Maserati and it smells of the pine air freshener that he’s pinned up to the rearview mirror. She leans back in her smooth leather seat and watches as they pass by buildings and skyscrapers and shops, the city buzzing with nightlife.
“So, what exactly is it that I’ve gotten myself into?”
Cardan takes his eyes off of the road to shoot her a swift glance before focusing back ahead of him, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear stick. 
“Well, it’s a dinner party with some of my father’s closest friends, all of them snobs and all of them with their own agendas. I suppose I should also mention that this party is to celebrate the win of his company’s recent lawsuit.”
“Sounds like it’ll be wonderful.” Her words are dry with sarcasm. She has no desire to spend the night making polite conversation with aristocratic stiff necks who would look down upon her, but a bet was a bet and she had to admit that so far Cardan wasn’t making her regret her decision to agree to his challenge.
He surprises her by letting out a low and husky laugh, “You have no idea.”
There’s an awkward silence. 
“Thanks for the dress, by the way.”
“You’re welcome.”
For the short remainder of the ride the only sound that can be heard are the songs being played on the radio.
The party is in high swing by the time they get there, champagne glasses clink, waiters in their smart uniforms walk around carrying trays of hors d'œuvre  and the low rumble of conversation and piano music fills the air. The private outdoor venue is large and there are fairy lights strung on the bordering walls and tea candles on each table, creating an overwhelming effect.
There’s a slightly raised ramp at the other end of the entrance where a podium had been set up, complete with a banner displaying a fancy script that reads ‘Elfhame Enterprises’, which was the name of Cardan’s father, Eldred Greenbriar’s company.
Cardan has been holding her hand since he opened the car door once again for her and now, standing at the entrance of the party and waiting for his invitation to be accepted by the guard stationed at the gate, he squeezes her hand tightly in his and the act seems unconscious. There’s a tension clearly written on his face. 
For once she doesn’t need to raise her head to speak to him, thanks to her three inch heels and she leans over to discreetly whisper in his ear, “You ok?”
This time the gentle squeeze that he gives her is definitely on purpose.
 “I’m fine.” There’s the smallest of curves to his lips.
A diminutive lady with pale skin and Cardan’s sharp cheekbones and raven hair bustles up to them, a long stemmed wine glass filled to the brim held loosely in her hand. Jewels glistened on her long and low-cut gown, adding to the air of opulence that she exuded. 
“Cardan, you’ve finally arrived. Oh and you’ve brought someone with you!” 
“Hello, mother.” There’s a tightness in his smile. “Yes I did, allow me to introduce you to Jude Duarte.”
Stepping forward she firmly holds out her hand to Cardan’s mother and is graced with the barest of shakes in return, “You may call me Ma’am.” 
“Of course, thank you...Ma’am.”
Mrs. Greenbriar gives Jude a long and thorough onceover, dissecting her with cold eyes as if she were a mere insect and the feeling is extremely disconcerting. She looks to Cardan for support, but he looks just as out of depth offering her a look of sympathy with the features that so resembled his mother’s.
“So, Judie, what exactly is it that you do?”
She stands taller and staunchly replies, “I’m a Homicide Detective for the 12th precinct.”
“Ah. I see.” The words reverberate with barely hidden disappointment and distaste and just like that she no longer pays Jude any attention, turning to her son and reaching out to possessively clutch his arm and whisper something in his ear which makes him tighten his jaw further before bouncing off, wine spilling over from her glass.
“That was my mother.” Cardan says, unnecessarily.
“Right.” Jude couldn’t help what but wonder about what sort of a childhood he would have had to endure. Perhaps his mother hadn’t always been so disparaging. It seemed that there was a whole different side to Cardan’s life that she’d never known about.
“She's - hard to explain. I apologise for her behaviour though, she shouldn’t have treated you that way.” He’s sincere, but there’s also an underlying note of sadness. The type of sorrow that you would feel if you were let down yet again by someone that you always gave second chances to. Her heart gives a pang on his behalf. Before she can reassure him he continues, as if desperate to push the subject behind them. “Anyways, let me go get you a drink, what’ll you have?”
To the side of the grounds is a long table covered with a white cloth with various bottles of alcohol lined upon it, their colourful glasses glinting under the fairy lights. Behind the bar there’s a bartender in uniform, smoothly mixing drinks to order as rich elites look on.
“Um, maybe a Martini?” She names the first drink that comes to mind. 
“A Martini, huh? Dirty, perhaps?” His trademark flirty smirk makes a reappearance and Jude knows exactly how to handle it.
“Yup.” She pops the ‘p’ in what she hopes is a seductive manner. “Just the way I like it.”
His pupils seem to darken just the tiniest bit and his mouth makes a slight ‘O’ shape before he promptly turns on his heel in the direction of the bar muttering, “I’ll be right back.”
After a few moments of standing near the entrance, moving only to accept a smoked salmon canape from a passing waiter, Jude pulls out her phone from her purse to find multiple texts from Lil.
So? How’s it going?
If you need me to call and be your ‘family emergency’ so you can escape, I can totally do that, just say the word.
You alive?
Biting back a grin she reassures her dramatic friend that she was definitely still alive. She’s just pressed send when she senses someone’s stare on her and something about it makes her skin crawl. She looks up and is met by the sight of a tall girl in a jade green V-cut and backless dress with vibrant blue hair. Nicasia.
“Why, Judie, fancy seeing you here!” Jude inwardly grimaces. Nicasia’s voice hadn’t gotten any less painful to hear since their last encounter. Standing in front of her now, she can’t help but think that she looked slightly ridiculous in all her fripperies, opaque pearls dangled from her ears and around her neck, gemstones glistening on her hair and cerulean eyeshadow that completely overshadowed the rest of her face. Strange to think that the last time they’d met, Jude had been plagued with envy, not even really knowing why.
She plasters a carefully manufactured, artificial smile on her face. “Nicky! What a delight to see you again!”
Nicasia’s face twists for a mere second before her cheerful and friendly facade is back in place. “Quite. Although, I can’t imagine how you’ve come to be here.” 
Her words are clearly a question, one that Jude answers beamingly, “Oh, I’m here with Cardan. As his date.”
She watches as the blue-haired girl’s eyebrows fly up her forehead, unable to contain her surprise. Jude knows a moment of smug victory and Cardan chooses this moment to walk up behind her carrying two cocktail glasses in his hands. He stops right next to her, handing her a glass with clear liquid and an orange twist inside it before slipping an arm around her waist, sending a zing up her spine. What the hell did he think he was doing? She briefly considers shaking him off, before realizing that he was holding her this way for Nicasia’s benefit. After all, she was his pretend girlfriend for the night.
“Nicasia! How lovely to bump into you!” His smile is just as fake as Jude’s had been and that fact shouldn’t give her a moment of satisfaction but it did.
“Why hello there Car! Yes your mother invited me, wasn’t that sweet of her? And I was just talking to Judie over here, it’s been lovely seeing her again.” She brings a hand up to her neck and starts twirling a pearl necklace. “I didn’t realise you two were an item?”
Cardan holds her even tighter against him. “Well, what can I say, she swept me off my feet.” 
He turns his face to her and gives her a subtle wink before molding his expression into an excruciatingly sappy look of affection, the kind that only existed in extremely cheesy early 2000s Disney movies. Suppressing a smile she returns the look to the best of her abilities.
“Aww, Honey Bunch, you are too adorable!” 
Go big or go home, right?
Cardan has difficulty not breaking into laughter but he manages to hide the hysteric sound that leaves his mouth as a deep cough and if this charade went on for much longer she didn’t think she could resist cracking up either.
“Only for you, Kitten.” That almost undoes her.
Nicasia makes a low sound of disgust at their little act and barely bothers to make up an excuse for herself before stalking off, her stilettos clicking against the paved pathway. 
“Oh thank God she’s gone, I was afraid that we’d be regaled with ‘Nicasia’s Trials During Sea Travels, A Saga; Part II.’” He’s referring to her last conversation with Nicasia when she had dropped by the precinct to drop something off for him and had ended up spending almost half an hour recounting her issues with sea-sickness. By the end of that half hour Jude had felt like clawing her eyeballs out.
She can’t help but laugh at both his comment and the recollection of their ridiculous masquerade and he rewards her with a look of astonishment, before a slow smile spreads over his face, eyes unbearably soft. “There’s that laugh.”
He’s referring to their conversation at Fair Folk Inks when he’d accused her of being uptight. The recollection should prompt Jude to make a snappy retort, but instead she simply swallows against the sudden lump growing in her throat and her heart is beating quick enough for her to hear. What on Earth was going on? This entire night had felt strangely like being stuck in limbo, her and Cardan shedding their competitive workplace relationship for one that was a lot more informal, a lot more together.
She takes a sip of the forgotten Martini in her hand, trying to push her errant thoughts away. Before she can think of a way to defuse the situation, the tinkling sound of metal being struck against a glass rings out through the night air.
Unnoticed by her, an elderly gentleman in a midnight blue suit that contrasted heavily with his bright blonde hair and owlish bronze eyes had stepped up to the podium. In his ring clad hands he held a wine glass and a fork, explaining the sound that she had heard earlier. Standing a little behind him but at his side is Mrs. Greenbriar, gripping a re-filled glass of wine. There also appears to be someone else standing next to her on the ramp, but the crowd around it is so thick that Jude can’t quite make him out.
“And there’s good ole’ Dad.” Her date for the night doesn’t sound at all enthusiastic about the appearance of his sire at the podium. “Looks like he’s about to grace us with an Eldred speech.”
And indeed, the old man waits until everyone is paying attention to him before he sets down the fork and raises his full glass in the air as he speaks. “Ladies and Gentlemen, as I’m sure you all know; since otherwise all you blighters wouldn’t be here,” there’s a slight smattering of obligatory laughter, “Elfhame Enterprises has recently undergone a lawsuit, which we came out of with a resounding victory against the Seelie Corporation, as everyone knew we would. Nevertheless, let us raise our glasses in celebration and as a toast to many more years of victories and resounding successes!”
United, his entire audience dutifully raises their glasses in a toast and downs the contents, Jude herself takes the smallest of sips from her Martini out of respect, although the alcohol tastes more bitter than before. She had never been a huge fan of these big businesses that bribed and blackmailed and pocketed money for themselves at the cost of so many others and she’d been a detective for long enough to cement that dislike. Then, she makes the startling discovery that Cardan himself had not raised his glass, nor taken a sip, instead, the hand that clutched his drink was doing so so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. Before she has the time to question his surprising behaviour Eldred continues speaking. 
 “In regards to the many years to come for Elfhame Enterprises, well, as you all know I’m not as young as I once was, although I can definitely still party the way I used to,” more polite laughter,
“and it is very likely that I shall be retiring for good in a few years. Until that bittersweet moment arrives however, I am glad to announce that working right along beside me and learning the ropes will be my heir and the man to whom the running of my wonderful company will fall to...my beloved elder son, Dain Greenbriar!”
If a meteor had just flown across the sky and landed two feet away from her, Jude couldn’t have been more shocked than she was at that moment. Cardan had a brother.
She watches in slow motion as the previously hidden figure beside the now jubilant Mrs. Greenbriar steps forward to stand by his father. Unlike Cardan, Dain was the picture of his father, except 30 years younger. His blonde hair was light and shiny and his face was harsh and unforgiving, the angles seeming as sharp as a blade. His handsome but smug smile rubs Jude the wrong way, making her instantly dislike him. Next to her, Cardan wears a shield of uncaring resignation, but whilst she watches him watching his family, there’s an underlying sadness seeping from his countenance and she knows him well enough to detect it.
Jude had always taken Cardan at surface level, he was rich, came from a wealthy family with high connections and lots of influence and he was also a playboy. To her, that meant he had been given an easy life, one where he never had to work hard for anything and got a free pass into doing whatever he liked, so very different from the life that she had lived with her struggling single mother after her father had passed away during an accident at his forge. And now it looked like her disdain for his background had been unfounded. His mother seemed to only care about money and positions, his father was no better and from the self-satisfied grin on Dain’s face she could surmise that he was the golden child of the family, coveted by all and ‘overshadower’ of his younger brother.
The same younger brother whose existence his entire family and their friends seemed to have forgotten about. 
Enough was enough.
She deposits her Martini onto a passing tray and does the same with Cardan’s untouched one which she wrestles from his tight grip, before reaching out to take his hand in hers. He tilts his head and considers her for a moment before surrendering with a slight shrug, his usual debonair sucked out of him. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here.”  She drags him out through the entrance, not stopping to consider if any of the guests was watching them in the turmoil of congratulating Dain and his father.
The moment they’re out of the gates she stumbles into a nearby deserted alleyway, towing a bemused Cardan along with her. They come to a sudden stop right next to a streetlight, and unhesitatingly Jude plonks herself down onto the relatively clean looking sidewalk, with no regard for her new dress. 
“Sit.” She pats on an empty spot next to her.
Cardan raises an eyebrow at her, before giving in and seating himself in the place she’d indicated. Her heel clad legs stretch out next to his feet encased by fancy leather Oxford’s.
“Talk.” She silently encourages him with her eyes.
“I-” He starts, then stops. Struggling to meet her steady gaze he finally bows his head and forces himself to speak. “I suppose you could say that my family has never been the most loving,” understatement she thinks, “and ever since the day I was born I was nothing like my big brother, he talked; I watched, he walked; I crawled and it was always like that. He would excel at school, I used to run riot with my friends. I always knew that they loved him more.
“When it was time for me to find a job, I knew that I didn’t want anything to do with the corporate world, I’d seen what it did to my parents and my brother and I wanted nothing to do with it. So I decided I’d do the exact opposite. I’d try my hardest to fight for justice and go against everything that my family stood for, corruption, money and power. That’s why I became a cop, why I enrolled at the academy, why I used my father’s blood money to pay the fees, so I could give back to the community in even some small way. Needless to say, my parents weren’t very happy with that decision.”
His words hit Jude like a volley of arrows. She’d been so very, very wrong about the man sitting next to her. This man who fought so hard to escape his family’s legacy. Regret rushes through her and reaches out for his hand and squeezes it gently, the way he’d done to her earlier.
“Cardan, listen to me, what your family thinks about you doesn’t matter. I wish that you’d grown up with parents and a brother who loved and treasured you the way you deserved, but you know what? 
“I think you should be proud of who you are. Because everything that you’ve been through has made you who you are today; Cardan Greenbriar, a pretty smart cop - despite what I said earlier, it wasn’t true and I’m extremely sorry for it - and a partner who always keeps up with me and someone whom I wouldn’t hesitate to entrust my life to and the man who manages to charm everyone in the precinct with his magnetism.”
He’s squeezing her hand right back and his eyes are glistening suspiciously as they burn into hers. A shaky smile manifests at her last few words after which he looks down once again and mutters, “not everyone.”
“Not everyone.” His voice is stronger now when he raises his head again, more combustible. “You said that I’ve charmed everyone at the precinct, but there’s one woman who appears to be immune, despite being the one woman that I’ve had feelings for for quite a while now…it’s you, Jude.”
She can hear the blood rushing in her ears as her heart thumps. He thought she was immune to him? So had she, she’d thought she hated him, but now she’s wondering if what she felt for him was so much more than hate. Yes, he had her hackles rising faster than anyone else did and his occasional arrogance was a never ending source of annoyance to her, but he was also the man who understood her when she was working overtime on a tough case, always bringing her coffee whenever she pulled an all-nighter, always making sure to inquire after her mother’s health, always making sure she had a safe way of getting home. So many times he’d helped her out in little little ways, disguising his kindness as him merely trying to get under her skin and now her oblivious self was finally starting to realize it.
He smells like pine and Cardan in the aftermath of his confession, and he’d called her Jude, not ‘Duarte’ and he had feelings for her and what she’s about to do next was something that she never dreamed that she would do before, and yet, it was somehow inevitable. She leans over and kisses him.  
His lips are so very soft, like a feather, and the moment they meet hers she bursts into flames. This kiss was unlike any that she had ever had before, It was a forge-fire hot conflagration and she didn’t care if it burned her. The flame that had always been there between them is stronger than ever and it felt as though all this time the ‘hate’ burning through them had been hiding a much more powerful passion beneath it.
He brings his hands up to her neck and gently tugs at the bobby pins holding up her hairdo. She barely notices as they skitter to the pavement, leaving her brown locks down for him to pull at. She does the same to him, carding her fingers through his thick curls, curls that felt as sleek as a puppy’s fur against her questing hands.
Panting, he pulls away first and she has to force herself not to follow his lips with hers. Slowly she opens her closed eyes and looks at him, so close now that she can see the slightest flecks of colour in his dark eyes as his breath stirs her loose hair. 
“Wow. That...wow,” he babbles, “I - we should date, that was, I mean-”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
He does exactly that and later, when he asks her out, she has no answer for him but ‘yes’.
The End.
Liles, this fic was for you and I hope you enjoyed it. It’s been really fun getting to know more about you through our anon asks and answers and feel free to PM me anytime💕
Once again, I’m tagging: @cupcakesandkittens​ and @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​
Please let me know (via ask or PM) if you’d like to be added to or taken off of my taglist!
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secretshinigami · 3 years
Title: Zombie Note Author: @izaori For: @llawlietofficial Pairings/Characters: Light Yagami, Ryuk, L, Matsuda, mentions of other characters Rating/Warnings: Teen, nongraphic violence, potentially unsettling descriptions of zombies (the effects of death on the human body are interesting, right? Now make that corpse jiggle) Prompt: Light didn’t read the fine print on the death note and now everyone he killed using it has turned into a zombie Author’s notes: Interesting idea! I wanted to explore Japanese folklore in either the fanart you requested or fanfic but I quickly discovered that these ideas are popular because they are specifically western. That being said, I tried to incorporate a couple cultural things since Death Note is so Japanese culture heavy, and I figured it would make sense if something like a “zombie note” happened would have something related, too. Then I got wrapped up in the details… I hope you like reading. It’s much more than 750 words. Thanks for the fun idea! It was a great last prompt to go out on! I wanted to do the fanart but it just wasn’t coming out right. Bonus sketch at the bottom based on those requests, though. Mods feel free to ditch that if you want just the fanfic.
There’s a saying that life doesn’t always go as planned. Light Yagami, top student in the country and owner of a death note, knows this very well. He’s quickly learned that sometimes death doesn’t go as planned, either.
With someone more average, less motivated, maybe even scared and cowardly, there could have been minimal damage. An incident or two at most, enough to be written off as something silly like someone eating bath salts. Unfortunately for Light, and for people around the world, the young man had written names of hundreds if not thousands of criminals in the span of a week, along with scheduling many more to die that he cannot reverse. Death cannot be erased.
News of the first revival popped up in Japan, of course. Light had tried to space out the deaths enough that authorities could keep up with the stream of dead bodies, but there was bound to be a build up at first as society gets adjusted to a new, less crime ridden world. In a morgue somewhere, apparently one of the first criminals he had killed as a test subject got up from the table. The previously dead man scared the undertaker out of his mind, reaching out for him, clearly wanting to take a bite–!
It really was a stroke of luck that the undertaker had already sewn the corpse’s mouth shut using wire. After getting a quick yet confused grasp on the situation, the undertaker took the nearby fire extinguisher and made the corpse still once more.
News got out fast across the world. Dead bodies coming back to life. Unfortunately, not many people were nearly as lucky as the undertaker. Those killed by the zombies were turned into zombies themselves so long as they were salvageable. The very smallest relief is that the zombies seemed to ignore small children.
Light paces around his room, death note on his desk, untouched. It was obvious to him from the first occurrence but even the news is broadcasting what everyone is thinking now. Kira has created zombies. Any of the praise he had previously is gone, replaced with fear and disgust. Only a select few loons are absurd enough to support someone turning criminals into zombies! A few minutes pass, and Ryuk laughs, breaking the tense silence.
“This is funny to you, Ryuk?” Light asks, tone sharp. He stops in his tracks, glare icy.
Ryuk stares at him, unblinking. Can a shinigami even blink? “Very,” Ryuk states, “since I thought you read all the rules.”
“None of the rules say anything about zombies!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Light.” Ryuk floats over, snickering to himself, and flips open the death note. He points to a seemingly blank page on the back. Upon closer inspection, in a different more similarly colored ink, there is a rule that clearly states that humans written in the death note by another human that have died will come back as zombies after 72 hours from their time of death, provided their body is intact enough to be reanimated. Not only that, but a second rule states that these reanimated humans are able to do the same to other humans with the same restrictions.
Light can’t help but gawk at the hard to notice rules. He had been so careful to read over the rules before, but had missed this. Shameful trickery. Ryuk laughs again, watching the gears turn in Light’s head. These people are already dead, the death note can’t kill them again. Even if it could, they’d simply be zombies another time over.
Meanwhile, government officials that had already been pointing fingers about conspiracies on the deaths of criminals across the globe are now making much more serious accusations. This has now escalated from planned death to some kind of biowarfare, involving what is assumed to be a state of not actual death followed by this zombified state. There are arguments, with some people insisting that these are genuine zombies, not flukes. These people would be right.
L sits in solitude, listening through his computer to the chaos in Interpol. This Kira person, was this their intention all along? It’s not the feeling L had first gotten from them, but it had also only been a week since the Kira murders started. For all he knew, Kira could have planned this from the beginning. L feels rather confident that this was not, in fact, Kira’s goal, for if he was Kira and wanted to bring around the death of many people to become zombies, he wouldn’t have picked criminals. There would have been some overlap with criminals for sure, but just criminals? Not a chance.
Watari brings in L over the conference call, and L lays down the law. To prevent as much further tragedy as possible, no more reporting crime as much as possible. In fact, try to keep everything on paper. On the possibility that these aren’t genuine zombies, a cure for this zombified state should be researched. Furthermore, the finger pointing needs to stop. No country would have willingly inflicted this upon themselves along with the rest of the world. It goes on similarly with L heading to Japan.
Just how many criminals did Light already sentence to death? Pages upon pages, names and names, all over the world criminals continue to die. All over the world, corpses begin to reanimate. In more fortunate, more savvy places, people have already begun cremating all the corpses to circumvent the problem. It’s hard for a zombie to happen if it’s a pile of ash. Some places, however, are already under total lockdown. Mass zombie infestations turning people left and right.
Light pours over ideas, drilling Ryuk for answers, but Ryuk doesn’t give. He laughs, giving vague responses and going on about how interesting humans can be in a crisis. Light has had to completely halt his plans in cleansing the earth of criminals. By the sound of it, he won’t be able to continue his plans at all. The death note was just a farce, a false hope. Something designed to be dangled in front of his face like bait that he took like a starving fish.
“If I’m the one who created these zombies, shouldn’t I be able to control them? Since I’m able to control the actions of people before their death, to an extent.”
“No,” Ryuk laughs, “You can’t control a thing. This isn’t about you, Light. The power isn’t yours. You’re just using it.”
Of course. To a shinigami, to Ryuk, this is all just a funny game. Light feels burned by something he didn’t fully understand the scope of to begin with. It truly wasn’t his power, but he felt it was given to him with purpose. Bestowed upon him by some divine intervention because he is able to sway fate with a written name.
Zombies. Walking the streets, drudging, semi-intelligent despite being functionally brain dead. Varying degrees of rotted bodies. It’s funny and unfortunate, really, because one would think that a lockdown because of an actual zombie outbreak would mean people would stay inside as much as possible. That’s not the case.
“The government can’t take away my freedom!”
“The zombies are misunderstood!”
“There are no zombies!”
An actual zombie apocalypse could be in the works and there are people denying the existence of the zombies. Some people believe the zombies are real but straight up don’t care whatsoever. Then there are the people who think of the zombies in almost an animalistic sense, thinking that since they were once human they shouldn’t be killed again even though they are actively trying to eat at and therefore turn more humans.
It’s impressive. It makes Light want to double down and get rid of criminals more, give people a reason to think more clearly, but the more he tries to create that ideal world the more damage he’ll do.
L’s solution is simple, after an autopsy. Or vivisection, depending on how one would argue the inspection. The zombies are just animated corpses. It isn’t a disease. It isn’t a mass case of doctors and undertakers around the world collectively thinking all these bodies are corpses. Something impossibly otherworldly must be happening right here, right now. A force beyond their mortal comprehension is making these corpses come back.
“Kill them again,” L says bluntly, “Destroy them. If it’s a zombie, it’s already dead.”
“Ryuzaki, what about their families! Surely they wouldn’t want their loved ones being destroyed!” Somebody argues with L, of course. “What would you do if Watari became a zombie?!”
L puts a finger on his lip, dragging it down. His eyes go to the ceiling. “Unfortunately, I’d have to kill Watari. If the situation was reversed, he would need to do the same. Regardless, there is no saving them. The zombies exist only to destroy, so we must destroy them.”
Watari doesn’t respond, but what L said is true. He doesn’t want to think about it since he considers L to be his son, but if something were to happen that led L to become a zombie, he would want to be the one to put L down. He’d be much more upset if someone else did it.
Gun shots. Bats. Sledgehammers. People running over zombies with their cars. Some people have taken this as an excuse to let out their violent urges. Light sees this on the news and feels his blood boil. Something he wanted to prevent, senseless violence, has sprung up even more because of this damned note. Telling Ryuk to take it back is pointless. The damage is done. What would happen, though, if Light held onto it without using it? Would Ryuk kill him?
Light glares at the shinigami. “You said I was the first human you’ve seen write this many names so fast. That implies other humans have had a death note. Wouldn’t somebody have noticed a zombie before?”
“Who knows?” Ryuk floats over to the window, looking out at the abnormally empty street. “Maybe it’s been forgotten.”
There’s nothing Light can do to reverse the chaos, nothing he can do to end it. Fine, then. The worst have the worst have already been written, many other well-known and otherwise publicly known criminals have already been written. More zombies are bound to appear, but this is it. On a regular piece of notebook paper, Light writes himself a note explaining the situation, knowing he won’t necessarily believe it when he reads it.
“The death note is worthless to me now. If this is its purpose, I don’t want it. Take it back!”
“I’ve had a lot more fun than I expected already.” Ryuk laughs, grabbing the death note away from Light. “Too bad. I wanted to eat more of your apples. They’re so… juicy.”
“Leave already.”
Having excellent marksmanship, Matsuda is part of the force assigned to patrol. It’s not his favorite thing in the world, in fact, he’s a little scared of the zombies. Too bad for him his skills are simply too much to pass up on in a time like this. He’s got not just one, but two guns locked and loaded, ready to go. It’s unusual for him to have even one on him most of the time, but the circumstances are grim.
Think on the bright side, Matsuda. According to sources around the world, the only new zombies popping up are ones being turned by already existing zombies, which are dwindling. He’s already taken down a couple. It’s unnerving. Most of them look almost like they could be okay if they put on a little weight, got a little color. Initially, Matsuda was surprised that rigor mortis let them move at all, but was quickly informed by an irritated Aizawa that at most rigor mortis lasts up to 84 hours. Then Matsuda felt grossed out by the idea that the zombies might be overly squishy. That idea was quickly stamped out, as the zombies are probably not squishy at all due to dehydration. Would they even really have blood? Probably, right? The one he shot had some blood.
What disturbed Matsuda even more was that when he went to check the body, taking hold of the hand, the skin came clean off like a glove. Admittedly, it made him sick. None of the sighted zombies have looked particularly bloated, though, which is a positive for him. Matsuda wasn’t sure what he would do if they smelled any worse than this.
Smelled. Can they smell? Matsuda was lost in thought, wondering how the zombies managed to find their way around, when he was interrupted by his earpiece.
“Focus, Matsuda.”
“Sorry, Ryuzaki!”
He taps something on a device that lets a cleanup team know the location of the zombie before moving along, wondering again about a zombie’s senses. Depending on how they died, their eyes might be all dried up, so surely, they couldn’t rely on vision. Maybe hearing is the way to go unless they died already deaf. Then Matsuda remembered that these zombies aren’t actually a result of an ailment. Not the original ones at least. The ones turned after the fact were declared uncurable as well, and Matsuda had his doubts, but the human body can only take so much decay before it’s irreversible.
Another shot rings out. Matsuda means business.
Light sits at the dinner table with his family, discussing the zombie topic. Light now has no memories of ever having owned or used the death note, and his brain has filled in the gaps for him. His dad insists that they all continue to remain in lockdown, that he can make the runs himself if they absolutely need anything from the market. Light encourages his dad and offers assistance. Why wouldn’t he?
Sayu and Sahicko have a brief argument that ends with Soichiro telling Sayu to respect her mother. Light smiles. For some reason, he was beginning to miss this.
By the time the zombies are cleared up, L is unsatisfied. He was never able to pinpoint who or what exactly caused this out break. Many people try to tell him it was a freak accident, but he knows better. Even if it was an accident, it was no accident. L wanted to know so badly who the face behind the operation was. He clenches his fist and bangs it on the table.
“Kira…” Yes, whoever Kira was, if they’re still out there, might have been killed by their own creation. What a twist of fate. L decides for his own sanity that Kira is still alive, but he doesn’t press the subject. How could he? Kira is seemingly no longer active, and the zombie situation has been solved. If something like this ever happens again, L will be ready to track down and find Kira.
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