#my thoughts are mainly about ji and his image
mtkay13 · 2 years
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Qi Ye cast poster!!
This had started as a sketch, waaay back as I was still reading Qi Ye. The original is pretty different from this (I considered adding it in the post but I actually don't like it anymore haha), but the plan was already to make this big spread with most of the -more or less- important cast.
I will add here some thoughts about the whole piece, and I guess, Qi Ye itself. My main goal was probably to express my deep and intense feelings for Qi Ye, its grandness, and its awesome cast-- and along with that, flesh out my mental image of each of them, their personality, their style. Here is a table with the names, so we know who is whom, and so I can add some details about my perspective on them and their design.
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Jing Beiyuan has always come quite naturally. I just go for the "prettiest face" I ever came with in terms of : my own taste, and the features I find the most delicate. I'd argue he's the easiest character to draw for me across both QY and TYK. On this image, he's probably around 16 or 17. I find his expressions to be very fun to work on in general.
Ping An is also quite an easy character to draw, just for how specific Priest is when describing him.
Wu Xi's design is mainly inspired by a discussion with my friend Hanya, who talked about how, in SHL, Wu Xi more resembled a northern shaman than a southern shaman. It made me want to explore the designs and characteristics a bit more, and come up with more colourful fabrics, patterns, and darker skin color. Same goes for Ashinlae and Nuahar, to have them matching Wu Xi's aesthetic.
Ming Hua was included in this just because of the mess the mention of his name caused in the story. The two jealousy tantrums are just so delightful!!
Su Qingluan was made to resemble Jing Beiyuan, of course. What I wanted to reflect in her face was her frustration, mainly.
Ji Xiang and Hua Yue... Well. Nothing particular about their design either, but they had to be there. Of course, of course they had to be there.
Finally, an opportunity to draw Zishu with his fan and henchmen! Not mad that he kinda looks like a villain, here.
Lu Yu!! I drew him with an Ashinlae mask, since he disguises himself as Ashinlae. I included him because he matters a lot in my headcanons about Siji Manor. (it isn't specified, in Qi Ye, whether or not he's actually part of the manor, but I like to consider that he is for various reason that I may detail if I ever make a Siji Manor post)
I'll skip Jiang Xue and Liang Jiuxiao because their designs are steady for me, now.
I hesitated a lot for Helian Pei's pose, but ended up going for this one (looking bored, out of his depth, lost in the distance with his birds around him). I considered showing him with a bird in his hands, but I guess that's not the main vibe I get from him. And then, well, golden, flashy clothing, suited for an emperor.
Helian Zhao had to be in a showy armor, and I hated making it because it's so much work, haha. I took inspiration from an armor in NiF. I'm quite happy with how he came out in terms of both vibe and showiness.
I tried going full out on Helian Qi. Making him the villain that Qi Ye deserved. Dark, showy, elegant and horrible.
Helian Yi is also pretty solid for me, by now.
About the illustration itself, the main challenge was definitely to make a nice colour palette while still differenciating all the characters. I wanted to go with something intense, eerie, that could also complement the main tones I would go for (= red, purple, blue and green). I'm quite happy with how the golden tones, along with the green and reddish lights, make the whole thing come together. I struggled a little bit with the composition at first, but once I got the flow and the main figures down, it just happened quite easily. Anyway, I'm quite proud of this, and hope it conveys the love and admiration I have for Qi Ye well.
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radiokathryn-if · 1 year
How would the ROs react if in relationship stage MC accidentally introduced them as their husband/wife while talking to someone?
Nate, unsurprisingly, corrects you in the next breath. Not only is his image of being engaged to Eva in jeopardy with that statement but it makes your 'relationship' waaaaay too serious for him. He does it harshly too and if you take offence there will be an argument and shouting match subsequently.
The smile on Eva's face would start small and keep growing all day! She gets a warm feeling in her tummy and gazes at you softly, which does nothing to deter the other person from the truth. She takes it in her stride and goes with it, letting herself imagine that it was true, just for a moment──that the ring on her finger from Nate had actually been from you.
Mica doesn't react, in fact adds to your slip up casually. They step closer to you (if they weren't already right next to you) and take your hand in theirs. Or maybe they'd silently take the thing you were holding or slip your bag off your shoulder and over theirs. They give the other person a wide and kind smile and say nothing.
Detective Han freezes up, poor thing. Their face doesn't change but it looks like their chest has stopped moving, stopped breathing. And they have──they're holding their breath for your next words so that they don't have to stumble over theirs. They wait for you to correct yourself, slowly relaxing if you do. And if you don't you might have to get them out of there quickly or they might actually pass out. Intimidating my ass.
José will grin cheekily and wink at the other person. They'll very obviously over exaggerate the connection between the two of you, spinning a tall tale about your star crossed romance and how you gave up a life of money and stability just for them and their love. Will not let you live it down. If you actually get married they'll bring it up in their vows or the speeches.
Ji Han goes with it for your sake. He doesn't want to embarrass you if he doesn't have to. He introduces himself afterwards with a subtle nod to his new title and takes charge of the conversation to steer it elsewhere as soon as possible. Will use it against you when you least expect it. Whispers his new title in your ear during sex to catch you off guard during a climax kind of tease.
Fauve's eyes will go wide and she'll turn to stare at you in shock. She's actually speechless for once. The other person takes this shock and misreads it as you accidentally proposed right in front of them. They're cheering and drawing a crowd. Fauve is still staring at you, jaw hanging slightly as she tries to reboot her brain. Her heart leaps at the thought, and once it's registered she's all smirks and playful winks complaining about where her ring is. Get to it MC!
Jackson takes it in his stride. You'd have talked about marriage with him before, mainly what it was like for him and what he thought of it after going through a divorce. He settles on thinking that conversation was still fresh in your mind for some reason and that's why you introduced him as you did. He politely corrects you with a kind smile but his hand on your back as you walk away from the other person doesn't go unnoticed!
??? will straight up blush! They become a flustered mess making the two of you look like a freshly married couple who's still in the frustratingly adorable stage. They don't bring it up after you leave, or like ever again, but it's a staple memory in your relationship now.
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tanzaniiite · 4 years
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requests: OPEN
warnings: body image insecurities
word count: 1.2k
series masterlist
a/n: this chapter takes place further in the future
please reblog and reply, engagement is both fun & important ✨
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happy birthday to my favorite captain 🥳 and dad bod daichi ftw
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“Hey, do have any idea where your father is?”
Suzuki, now sixteen-years-old, glanced at you from her spot on the couch. “No… I think he’s still in the bathroom” She replied watching as your eyes widened slightly in shock.
“Still? I swear if we lose this reservation—”
You muttered slightly, mainly to yourself, as you attempted to put your two-year-old son’s shoes on. “No shoes!” Seiji cried kicking his shoes off for the umpteenth time. You let out an exasperated sigh, it was times like this you wish your husband would help. Seiji admired his father to no end and practically only listened to him. When you found out you were having a boy, you thought he would be a mama’s boy by default. You were sorely mistaken, both Suzuki and Seiji were suckers for their dad. “Ji, please let mommy put on your shoes. Please?” You pleaded but the moment you saw the little pout appear, you knew you lost.
“No shoes!”
“It’s 18:30 (6:30)” 
Suzuki called out since you had asked her to keep track of time for you. What the hell is taking him so long? You thought, picking up Seiji and walking to the living room. “Thank you, watch your brother for me. I’m going to check on your dad and make sure he’s not dead” You quipped passing the toddler off to his sister, who welcomed him with open arms. “Hey stink bug, you know, if you don’t put on your shoes you won’t get chicken tenders” The teen fibbed as her brother gaped at her statement.
Knowing he was in good hands, you made your way upstairs to the bathroom. You knocked lightly before entering, “Hey diva, let’s wrap it up, please. I would like to not lose your birthday reservation” You stated, hands on your hips. Normally, Sawamura would let out a small chuckle at your bossiness and tease you on your insistent need to be on time but today, you were met with nothing. “Sorry.. I must’ve lost track of time,” Daichi apologized before turning to you, “how do I look?” He inquired.
You smiled slightly as you looked him over. Daichi was wearing a simple black button-down, paired with matching black slacks and a red tie pulled the whole look together. You always did like how he looked in black. Moving closer to him, you started fixing his crooked tie. “Other than your tie being crooked… you look incredibly handsome” You complimented undoing the tie to retie it.
“Really? Are you sure?”
That question made you freeze. You glanced up at your husband, who wasn’t even looking at you but in the mirror instead. His brown eyes looked downcast as he looked over his appearance. You were quickly able to deduce what this was about, granted you use to ask Sawamura the same thing for months after your son was born. After having Seiji, your body wasn’t the same, most of the baby weight you were able to shed but some remained. You had stretch marks seemingly everywhere. That first year wasn’t the best for you but Daichi was there. Always reassuring you that you were beautiful both with and without your stretch marks. That gaining weight was normal after having a child and that a little more weight never hurt anyone.
You wanted to be the same pillar he was for you. 
“What do you mean? Of course, you look handsome,” You claimed looking at him, “do you think otherwise?” You asked raising an eyebrow. Daichi chuckled nervously, he knew how gung ho you were about body positivity and how you hated when others looked down on themselves. He knew he (especially) wasn’t exempt from that. “I… I don’t know, don’t I look.. bigger?” He questioned rubbing the back of his neck.
Turning your attention to the mirror, you knew what he was talking about. Daichi didn’t have the same body he had in high school or even the same body he had in his twenties, duh. Weight is a fickle thing that fluctuates any chance it gets. It also comes with age, you both were way past your twenties and well into your late thirties - early forties. It’s only natural that his body changed, you would be concerned if it hadn’t. You finished tying his tie and walked behind him. Sawamura looked at you as he watched you in the mirror. After wrapping your arms around his torso you spoke,
“Yeah but that’s okay”
“But it looks weird”
“I think it looks hot”
You smirked as Daichi’s cheeks flushed slightly. Good to know that after all these years you could still fluster him. However, his somber mood was quick to return. “Wouldn’t you prefer if I had my more fit body? Like how I was in high school? Or even when we reconnected?” Sawamura asked turning back to look at you. You decided to answer his question with a question, “Do you prefer how I looked before I had Seiji?” You inquired. Daichi’s eyebrow’s furrowed, “What? Of course not—” He started quickly taking your hands into his own.
“Did you like me better without the dozens of stretch marks? Without the baby weight?”
“Y/n, what are you talking about? No, you’re gorgeous just as you are. Before and after Seiji”
You hummed slightly, “Then why would I prefer high school you over current you? Hm?” You questioned crossing your arms over your chest. It took Daichi a second before he started laughing slightly. It didn’t take long before you joined him, “See what I did there?” You laughed. Your husband nodded, running his fingers through his hair, “Yes. I see what you did” He chuckled. You smiled slightly, glad to see him smiling. You pulled him down by the tie and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “Daichi, I love you for you. I don’t care what you look like, although your looks did play a minor part” You teased pinching his cheek. Daichi just shook his head, “Thank you, love, I needed that,” He claimed pulling you into an embrace that you happily returned.
“Where did this come from anyway?”
“I guess from looking in the mirror too long and..”
“It’s embarrassing”
“Hun, we’ve been together for five years and known each other for longer, try me”
Your husband sighed dejectedly and mutter something under his breath. You raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. “I said; Seiji called me a teddy bear the other day” He mumbled not looking in your direction. You couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s so cute! Aw, I’m going to call you teddy bear from now on” You stated a wide smile adorning your face. Daichi ran a hand over his face, attempting to hide his smile, “Please don’t” He pleaded. Before you could even answer, a loud knock interrupted.
“I don’t know what you guys are doing and I don’t want to know but it’s almost 19:00 (7:00)”
Daichi glanced at you, “Isn’t the reservation for 19:30 (7:30)?”. You sighed and closed your eyes in realization, “Yes. Yes it is” You confirmed. 
“Also, Ji will not put on his shoes for whatever reason”
Suzuki added. You were on the brink of melting down, Sawamura could see that. You worked so hard to get a reservation at a restaurant that was fully booked all year long just for his birthday. And the fact that your two-year-old won’t put on his shoes was pushing you dangerously close to the edge of a breakdown, was downright embarrassing. 
“…I could put on my sirens to get us there faster”
You looked at your husband, your eyes filled to the brink with love.
“I love you so fucking much”
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taglist [open]: @mus1caln0tes @awh-bliss @i-am-trying-i-promise @tsukkisfatsimp @elianetsantana
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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aphrodite1288 · 3 years
Ks has been receiving love calls since he was still in the army. He had already said that if he was asked to participate in a variety show, he would accept. He doesn't want his private life exposed is one thing, doesn't mean he doesn't want to be promoted. You are making excuses for the neglect, mistreatment and sabotage the career him
#Disclaimer: 1st of all that's going to be a long ass Post to reply to any asks like that, so I hope people would read everything and not just read half of it and go bark somewhere about something I said that I have explained later but y'all didn't reach it to read it! So read everything before making comments or sending me asks. I don't want to repeat what I said here. So read before coming at me and bombard me with asks about stuff I already discussed here in this answer!
Sis you barely even know anything of him now. He already started filming his movie in June and finished filming his MV in late May or early June and you knew nothing about it 💁🏻‍♀️ coz if he really wanted to share that with y'all he would have mentioned it in his bubble or at least we would have seen him outside in the set. BUT HE DIDN'T WANT TO 🤷🏻‍♀️ HE doesn't want y'all to know, and don't tell me "coz SM is locking him up in the basement" that's why he can't breath and write you in bubble?? Heck! He even comes sometimes just to tell us about the weather or to drop a song and never mentioned about anything else about his life or his schedule. Normally all the members update about them going into their schedules but without revealing the content of the schedule coz that's the rules, but at least we get a pic or two of them heading to their schedules! To know that they're jobless! Heck Sehun is jobless now but we see him more than we see Ksoo who's extremely busy with a drama a movie and a debut and album preparations and promotion preparation! But Ksoo doesn't want that! He doesn't want y'all to know things about his life or what he does, or where he goes 🤷🏻‍♀️ That's why his fans and Fansites are so secretive and don't share anything, UPON HIS REQUEST. And to respect his extreme private character.
If he wanted he would have accepted Variety shows darling. He is busy filming a drama and a movie and making a debut and an album and preparing for promotions. Do you think he is free to be on Variety now? Even if he was asked , he can't now. Maybe later after or during his debut to promote for his album yeah, But definitely not now. Yes he had opportunities and he refused them coz he's busy. And maybe we would see him in the future but he is not into reality shows that much. Now he is focusing on his acting career and singing career relatively. As he is still not built as a solo artist yet to start a new journey for building a variety character and image for himself now. But maybe after his debut. Hopefully 🙇🏻‍♀️🕯️🕎
Sis he is busy, booked and he doesn't like being in the lights. He said it himself he had trauma in the past that left scars on him and affected his behavior with his own fans that's why he said he is distant from them.
Stop making me look like I hate Kyungsoo. This account is MAINLY and ONLY about HIM and Ji 💁🏻‍♀️ do you think I'd bother make an acc about him and talking about him 25/8 if I hated him 🤦🏻‍♀️
Fans don't want to admit their idol don't like interacting much with them 🤷🏻‍♀️
That's the truth. He likes his job but not the fans and sasaengs and aeygo part of it. He said it himself, he even thought of quitting Many times, as he found that he isn't FITTING into this idol world.
There's something u need to know, SM only wants to renew with Ksoo and Chan and Ji and Baek and mainly KSOO and Baek. So he is not sabotaged he is favored in the company. It's just that he doesn't like working with sM anymore! and he is enjoying his acting career and idol life while being locked up in the studio and movie sets without fans mobbing him and following him everywhere. If it wasn't for Hongki we would never know that Ksoo started filming and making his album and blah blah. Yes Ksoo doesn't like talking much to the fans and he isn't the type of idols to share everything about his life and everything he does.. with his fans. As he does his job as a real job and he enjoys it. I sometimes doubt that ksoo is the one writing in bubble 💭 except for the song recommandations maybe. 🤔
If he wanted he would have sent y'all pics of himself in Bubble like how all the members do but HE DOESN'T WANT TO 💁🏻‍♀️ Now go blame SM on that too.
I was always told that Ksoo said he wished he was a professional actor and singer but to not be famous! He said he wishes to be known for his talents and to do his job that he loves so much but to not famous at the same time 😂 which is impossible btw. He said he hates fame. He wishes he could do the job he loves so much but without the whole interacting and fame and spotlights part of it. I was told that. Since very long ago and I was sad at first to hear that. But after seeing Kyungsoo enjoying his privacy and not being mobbed and respected by his fans, I was extremely happy. Heck you can rarely hear anything about him or see any pics of him from his fans coz they keep everything to themselves coz I was told that that's what Kyungsoo wants and they keep his life private and never share anything about him- I was so happy to see him do what he likes the way he likes it in complete privacy.
We rarely hear he was out with someone for a meal but when we do, it's years after it happened 😂 or with no pics at all. Like how he met Zico and they were both at the studio maybe collaborating. But we didn't get any pics from his solo stans and Fansites not even Exol. Cuz they know he doesn't like it when things about him get exposed .
Like we rarely saw any pics of him outside not before military nor after. And this been happening for years now since debut (I mean the issue of rarely getting updates and pics about him in the streets or restaurants or hanging out with friends) wdym SM is putting him in the dungeon for once debut?? No! Sorry he was the most promoted member and the first one to start a solo career as an actor ONLY 2 years after his debut when he was still a rookie, he has always been the most promoted among all the members even before Jongdae and Baekhyun ! 🤷🏻‍♀️
To put it up in another way: Ksoo doesn't like working with sM anymore and all the members too as they're all now going to leave and not renew so they mostly accept few of the projects suggested to them to make profit from them and stay active in the lights in the mean time before they decide what to do later. So they will not risk taking big opportunities with big companies or shows and sign big-long term-contracts for a long period with big acting or variety companies coz they can't do much projects now in the name of SM since the contract is nearing its expiration, so as long as they r still labeled as SM ARTISTs and still under SM contract so SM would still take their fair share of the profits, So since their contract is nearing its end..they can't do big projects that require long period of time such as accepting deals for long term positions in a show such as "Official MCs" or "Fixed cast member in a show that would last for years" or to "sign with an acting company coz most of them have the bare minimum for a contract is 3 years i guess (idk i don't remember) or to sign with any company that obliges a long-term contract " etc.. coz SM would still take their profit even after they leave as the contract was signed with those companies when Exo's contract with sm was still on. And that's the last thing they want.. is after leaving your shitty company, they would still take profits from you.
Also most companies don't suggest you big and long term projects when your contract with your company is nearing its end! That's why most if the members now are jobless only getting few short-termed projects, Coz these companies are not only working with the idol BUT they're working with their company as well. As it's the one who decides most of the the idols opportunies and decisions and does everything for them.
So if you don't like the truth and don't like to hear things that don't go along with your fantasies about your Oppa then that's not my problem 🤷🏻‍♀️ Go Fix it .
And I hope you won't drop Ksoo after discovering something about him that you didn't like to admit he has 💁🏻‍♀️ he doesn't like yall to know things about him and he doesn't like interacting with his fans that much through social media. He has a private IG and if he wanted to talk to y'all he would have made a public one but he doesn't 🤷🏻‍♀️ just like Jongdae! And they are free and we should respect their decision! Jongdae Chose his private life over fans and trust me he is so happy with his wife and daughter and i saw them with my own eyes. He is enjoying his privacy and he is caring less about what haters are saying or if fans are disappointed.
You should get used from now on to the feeling that your bias doesn't want your nose always in his life and doesn't always want you to know everything about him and doesn't want to show himself up in programs and projects he doesn't want to do just COZ YOU WANT TO SEE HIM THERE. Also Make it in your heads that your bias private life and his close people are 1000 better than being with you all the time and satisfying your requests and fantasies💁🏻‍♀️
Respect and understand that your idol doesn't always want you to know everything about them and if your Oppa likes to be introvert and private you should respect that ! instead of complaining 25/8 on Bubble and twitter and IG about wanting to see him.
Be like Korean Exol they see Ksoo they meet him all the time they photograph him yet they never share anything or if they do it's after a long time, just coz they respect him and they know how private he is and how he hates his info and pics of him enjoying his day being exposed all over the internet. That's why we rarely get updates about Ksoo from OPs. And even if you beg them to buy his pics and updates they won't give u anything. That's why sasaengs always say they can't get anything about ksoo coz it's very hard as he is a very private person and his info are the hardest and most expensive to get.
Remember in the first half of 2019? When he disappeared for 6 months straight and never updated one word about himself and we were so worried and though he was leaving? He didn't even come out to deny the departure rumors it was SM who did, instead when we were all scares he was leaving and we haven't heard anything of him and were dying of concern, he was enjoying his cooking courses and applying for military and preparing for his position as a chef in military and going on vacation with his friends and squads and lover and chanyeol and you didn't know anything about him, you didn't hear one word from him! (Except for the pics with chanyeol at the airport and just coz chan was there if he wants tI doubt we would have got pics of ksoo at the airport leaving to japan) And he went straight to military after that with no update nor a goodbye Party nor anything! Just a plain letter in which he said he will enlist and after that he disappeared for 3 years (6 months before military and 1 year and a half of military and 7 months after discharge💁🏻‍♀️) Heck He even went and told the member that he will enlist without hesitation coz he is like that and members said they were shocked when he came and said he is enlisting all of a sudden like he just told them he was going to play football or something 🤷🏻‍♀️ He didn't want to make a goodbye party for his enlistment like how XIUMIN did, and why again? for the same goddam reason 🤷🏻‍♀️ don't you ask yourself why we rarely get any news about him 🤔 it's COZ HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW. 😂
After his discharge we heard he went along with Park shinhye and his Hyung actors squad to play golf together right after his discharge (in January 25th) , in February but we got no pics 💁🏻‍♀️ Why? Same reason🤷🏻‍♀️ everyone in korea knows Ksoo doesn't like coming out of the closet and expose himself to the public and interact with FANS and haters and obsessed fans and sasaengs.
Sometimes it's not always the company sometimes it's the idol himself who wants some SPACE. Maybe A LOT of space 😂 in Ksoo's case.
I'm not making excuses for the sabotage and Mistreatment, I'm showing you the Kyungsoo that you probably don't know.
We can't judge SM mistreatment to him now as he is not active now, but once his album is dropped that's when we would see and we could judge if they treat him well or not. And i hope his album would get all the promotions his talents deserve.
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Reviewing Dramas I have watched part 3
My rating system goes like this: 1- Did not like, 2- Enjoyed but probably wouldn’t watch again, 3- Enjoyed and would watch some episodes again (or for movies may watch again), 4- Enjoyed and would watch again, 5- Loved 
TV Series
Pinocchio: 4/5
Trigger warning: Suicide, Victim blaming, attempted murder, actual murder
Pinocchio is about a kid who, after a massive tragedy blown up and twisted by the media causes his mother to attempt a murder suicide by throwing them both in the ocean, gets washed ashore a small neighboring island and takes on the identity of a old man with dementia’s deceased son. Him along with his “niece” who has Pinocchio syndrome, where one will get uncontrollable hiccups whenever they lie, must work to become reporters for two different goals and find themselves facing a giant conspiracy and a question of fact versus impact in media. I really enjoyed this show, it was especially nice how each episode was named after a children’s story. I began this show because I really loved Lee Jong-Suk’s acting in High School 2015 and I was not disappointed. The episodes had a lot of painful scenes but also plenty of funny scenes to balance it out. It kept my interest really well throughout and I don’t remember an episode where I was bored. It does have darker themes so I would be wary of those if you are sensitive to such themes.
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I Can Hear Your Voice: 4/5
Trigger Warning: Attempted murder, Actual murder, Victim blaming
I Can Hear Your Voice follows a woman who witnessed the murder of a father and the attempted murder the victim’s son, despite her fear she decides to testify as a witness. Her statement and evidence as a witness gets the criminal a guilty sentence, effectively making the murder wish to seek revenge. Years later, she is a lazy, cold public defense attorney who does not care for her clients and lacks manners, the young man whom she saved from the murderer and helped is actually a telepath and they meet again. The two of them, along with a former police officer turned lawyer, work together to help those who are truly innocent while also protecting themselves once the murderer has finished his sentence and begins to seek revenge. This show was great, it was funny, sad, annoying, and cute. I watched this one shortly after Pinocchio and it was kind of similar in feel but personally a little more interesting in my opinion. There were a lot of moral dilemmas that not only the characters but I as a viewer struggled with. I even got on my group chat with my friends and asked them about the issues and they struggled as well. I liked a lot of the characters, including the female prosecutor who is the main’s rival. Overall a really great show, definitely worth watching.
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Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency: 5/5
Warnings: Forced suicide, OCD/Nervous habit/ possible hint to self-harm warning.
Flower Crew is about a former, escaped slave who becomes a member of the most sought-after marriage agency in Joseon era Korea after her husband disappears before their wedding leaving her with many debts to the aforementioned agency. She soon finds herself in a very sensitive situation of pretending to be noble and going through the queen choosing tests to save her slave brother, all while trying to decide if she loves the cold, stand offish leader of the marriage agency or if her heart is still after her missing fiance. The best thing about this show is that each character gets their backstory and closure they needed. Usually with shows, my favorite characters (as they are usually the secondary ones) never get the closure or even backstory they deserve. In usual my review fashion, I will not lie to you, I found out about this show about a week before the first episode aired and decided to watch it as it aired mainly because Park Ji-hoon was one of the main actors in it, and he didn’t let me down, he was a proper cringey asshole but I loved him so much. I was worried as the show progressed that he wouldn’t have a proper backstory and only the few hints they threw at me that I would have to piece together, but I was more than pleased when his arc finally came. It was definitely worth the wait and while waiting I ended up loving all the other characters and actors/actresses involved in this show. Definitely would recommend however, dark themes are a regular.
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Beating Again (aka Falling for Innocence): 4/5
Trigger Warning: Heart conditions
Beating Again or Falling for Innocence depending on where you watch it, is about a stern, cold hearted man with a genetic heart disease and a kind but serious secretary whose father betrayed the main character’s father when they were kids making them enemies.  After a set of coincidences, the main character goes through a heart transplant and ends up with the heart of the secretary’s husband. Shortly after the transplant he begins to experience new mannerisms and personality traits that were once the husbands as well as finding himself falling for his secretary. Throughout the show they work to fix his past mistakes, trying to find out what exactly happened to the secretary’s husband, all while figuring out if he is the one in love or if it is his heart who loves her. I really enjoyed this drama; it was more on the serious side most times but had some great humorous moments as well. It also did an amazing job at pissing me off towards the end, most kdrama’s do but this ish was next level anger. I saw it on YouTube and decided to watch it while bored one day and I was not disappointed it was such a great show.
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Who Are You School 2015: 2/5
Trigger Warning: Attempted suicide, HEAVY Bullying, Depression, Victim blaming,  
Who Are You School 2015 is about two long lost twins, one living the life of a pretty well off school bully and the other still living in an orphanage and being ruthlessly bullied. After the bullied twin attempts suicide by jumping off a bridge, the adopted twin who just happened to be nearby due to a school trip saves her. The bullied twin wakes up with amnesia and gets mistaken as the adopted twin, but as she gains her memory she discovers that while she lived the twin who saved her died in her place leaving her with not only guilt for surviving but also with the blame of the death of a friend from her sisters past. This story deals with finding who she truly is and coming to terms with her past while also trying to find the truth behind her sister’s past. This was a good show, however it took me forever to finish as the content messed with my own mental state if I watching too many episodes at one time (and I am a perfectly healthy person mentally so please be careful when choosing to watch), a few episodes was okay for me but when I first attempted to binge it was not a very good idea. I did honestly watch it for Yook Sungjae as I loved his performance in Goblin and while I knew what I was getting into, I did not expect it to affect me as much, his acting is great as usual and his story line just broke my heart. This show also does have a love triangle and it’s honestly the worst written most dissatisfying love triangle I have probably ever personally seen, so, there’s that. Once again very good show, however, practice caution if you are at all sensitive to these topics.
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A Korean Odyssey: 5/5
Trigger Warning: Jump Scares, Anorexia, Self-Harm (sort of)
A Korean Odyssey is loosely based off of the famous Chinese story A Journey to the West. It follows Jin Seon Mi, a young girl who can see ghosts and Son O-gong, a former monkey deity reduced to the status of a common monster after being punished and kicked out of the spirit realm. After Seon Mi frees O-gong from the marble mountains she is cursed with the fate of Samjang, a human who must protect the world from evil spirits. If the Samjang is devoured, the monster who eats her becomes incredibly and uncontrollably powerful. O-gong wants to eat her to gain this power, however a deal made to get Seon-Mi to release him from the mountains, stops him. In fear of O-gong, Seon Mi, with the help of the demon king, gives the monkey deity a Geumganggo, a magical bracelet which makes it impossible to go against the words of or hurt the one who has gifted it, with an unexpected side effect, he is now uncontrollably in love with her. Now Seon Mi has to deal with saving the world from horrible destruction all while dealing with a head over heels and hating every second of it, deity meanwhile questioning both her feelings for him and his true feelings for her. I absolutely love this show. It is my favorite kdrama to date, I am actually watching it a second time with my friend and we are about halfway through, then a few days ago started watching it over again with my older sister so I would say this was deserving of a 5 ranking. I really love all the characters honestly (minus the main bad guys but no spoilers, if you’ve seen it you know who they are) they are all equally assholes and precious children who must be protected. I have to admit though, my favorite story line was the devil king and my favorite character has got to be the shopkeeper’s grandson despite his lack of scenes. I have never seen or heard of One (Jung Jae-won) before this show but I love him so much now. I actually watched this for Hong-ki (notice a pattern, but hey, at least I am honest in my biases.), but I finished this show with more favorite characters than I thought was possible. It does have ghosts and demons which can be creepy to some, but as someone who has yet to be affected by scary movies such as The Ring, and the whole Conjuring series, it really just looks to me like those demon snapchat filters so it’s not actually scary. Overall an amazing show, definitely recommend, 110% worth watching.
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Korean Movies
Secretly, Greatly: 5/5
Trigger Warnings: Graphic images of gore, Mass suicide mentioned, Suicide, Death and Loss
Secretly, Greatly is about three North Korean spies who were sent to South Korea and are given disguises as a fool, an aspiring singer, and a high school student. They soon become accustomed to South Korean lifestyle and find happiness in each other, wanting to live their lives happily instead of spying for North Korea. After an information leak of all the identities of the North Korean spies they must stick together to survive while being hunted down by both sides. It’s a movie about finding family and happiness even in the toughest situations, questioning where one’s loyalty lies, and the strength of the bonds between those who have nothing but each other.
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Northern Limit Line: 2/5 and 5/5 explained below
Trigger Warning: Graphic images of gore, Death and Loss, Actual funeral footage,
Northern Limit line is a movie based of the true story of the North Korean attack of South Korean naval ships during the 2002 FIFA World Cup. It follows the crew members on one of the navy patrol boats, from when Corporal Park Dong-hyuk joins, to after the attack. This movie is really great, and I still love it. The ONLY reason I am giving this a 2/5 is because it messed me up for three whole days afterward. I was an emotional wreck; I had no previous knowledge of this attack and the extent of my knowledge of the movie going in was that it was based off a true incident of a North Korean attack. While I don’t regret watching it, I would probably never watch it again unless I really really wanted to and had like 3 days of free time to be emotionally damaged simply because of the heavy content of the movie thus the 2/5. It is rather graphic with quite a few shocking scenes and even real clips of the actual funerals of the fallen crew members and their families grieving. I cried, and honestly still feel like crying as I am writing this. I did lots of research on the incident afterward as well to further understand the content of the movie. Every actor did amazing in portraying the highs and lows of serving in the South Korean navy and the eventual close friendship between all of the crew only made it even more tragic. If you are able to handle the heavy material of this movie, I highly recommend it as it truly is an amazing and sad story that everyone should see at least once.
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The Con Artists: 4/5
The Con Artists is about Ji-hyuk, a thief that specializes in safe-cracking who teams up with the young genius hacker Jong-bae, and the planner Goo-in for their biggest mission yet, to steal $150 million from Incheon Customs in 40 minutes. This show was pretty good, I liked all the twists and turns as the movie basically took you on a roller coaster ride throughout. At one point I was thoroughly pissed off, but I was played, and it only made the movie better. If you are looking for plot twists galore, you are in the right place with this one. I can’t really say much about it without giving any spoilers (that’s how elaborate it is) so I shall end this review here. Highly recommend!
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Taiwanese Movies
Secrets in the Hot Springs: 5/5
Trigger Warning: Death and Loss, Jump Scares, ghosts
Three teens who have begrudgingly, at least to two of them, become friends go to one of the characters families hot spring to help run the place during school break, strange and hilarious things begin happening around them. They now must figure out the secret behind the mysterious hot spring. Personally, I feel this movie is so underrated, so much so I can not even find a gif for it so, have a picture. I decided randomly to watch this movie after boredom scrolling through Netflix one day and I am so glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed it and did end up watching it again the day after. It’s really cute, if not a little awkward at points, and definitely hilarious. I didn’t find it exactly scary because the humor really distracted me. Some of the humor might not land exactly right with some people, like the constant mention and jokes of two of the boys being in a relationship together when neither were gay. I personally didn’t mind these and see them simply as a culture difference, but some may be a little more sensitive to these materials. Overall, I recommend this movie to anyone who wants a funny, slightly suspenseful, feel good movie to watch.
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
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rosesandfandoms · 4 years
TxT: You cry while they’re away on tour.
Y/n deeply missed Soobin while he was away, but he was living his dream, so she was okay with it. She knew what she got into when she became Soobin's girlfriend. The fans supported him with coming out with a girlfriend. The only hard part was when Soobin went on tours and wouldn't come home for weeks, almost months.
"Today, we went to this fantastic restaurant, and walked around the city," Soobin explained as he and Y/n talked over Skype, "the people were nice, it was fun. I want to take you there someday."
Y/n tried to put on a brave smile. Not wanting to worry Soobin. Y/n was just missing him was all. And they haven't been dating long, so of course it's going to feel a little weird. However, Soobin did make up for it when he came back home, took her to his practices and everything. She just has to get used to the distance.
"Jagi, are you all right?" the leader asks worriedly, Y/n hasn't been acting her usual self. Normally she would be brightly smiling and telling him about her day, a cute puppy that she saw on the street, reminding her of her childhood dog, and a joke her friend told her.
"Yeah," Y/n put on a fake smile, "just a little tired is all. Studying for exams."
"Y/n, I know you, you don't look just tired," Soobin sighed, "you look like something is on your mind."
"It's nothing," Y/n reasoned.
"It's not nothing, come on Y/n, I may be on tour, but I am still your boyfriend. What's wrong," Soobin said calmly, but sternly. How'd he talk to the maknae's about finishing their schoolwork before they'd play games.
"I just miss you," Y/n sniffled.
"I miss you too, Y/n. It just a couple more weeks and then you'll be in my arms again." Soobin soothed, "when I come home, I'll give you all the cuddles you want. I love you."
"I love you too" Y/n breathed out, feeling a little better hearing his voice and promises.
Both of them were bummed. BigHit have Y/n the okay that she could go on tour with her boyfriend. But the odds weren't in her favor. Life made Tomorrow x Together's tour the same time that Y/n's University was having exams, and after begging that she could take the tests online, or earlier, her professors wouldn't let her. So yeah. Yeonjun and Y/n were upset. They had plans after Yeonjun was done doing whatever he had to do, and both were looking forward to going on this tour together. That didn't stop the many, many calls, texts, and video chats though. Y/n would send her boyfriend the answers and he would quiz her during a video chat.
"Right again," Yeonjun chuckled, "you're so smart that I bet you don't even have to study to pass a test."
"Thanks, but this is my worst subject, this lesson we just went over was the easiest," Y/n groaned laying back on her dorm rooms bed. Her roommate was gone for the weekend. Which was a good thing, Y/n didn't want her roommate seeing her cry the whole weekend and stuffing her face with most likely unhealthy food and binge-watching Do Ji Han shows.
After a few moments of silence, Y/n broke down in tears.
"Are you crying?" Yeonjun asked alarmed.
"Yeah," Y/n took a deep breath, "I'm tired, upset, and worn out. I just wish I was with you instead of taking these stupid exams."
"But those exams will pay off, you'll get your degree, and show everyone how smart my beautiful girlfriend is," Yeonjun spoke softly as he stepped outside, the rest of the boys were with him and he wanted to have some privacy once he heard the cries from his phone.
"I miss you so much, it would be easier if I had you here with me to study, you always give me the energy to make it through," Y/n cried harder.
"I'll tell you what, after your last exam, I'll buy you a plane ticket to so that you can meet us at our next stop and you can be on the rest of the tour and take a small break," Yeonjun suggested, "does that sound good? I'll talk to my manager and staff members."
"Yeah," Y/n cooled down, "I'll like that."
"Okay, I'll see you then jagi. Get some rest, you have a busy day tomorrow, I love you don't forget that." Yeonjun smiled at the screen, happy that his girlfriend was no longer crying.
The young couple had just gotten in a fight before Beomgyu left for his London tour. Y/n tried to get over it and move on, but the fight kept replaying, over, and over again. Getting louder each time. Why didn't they end the fight when it was getting worse? Did Beomgyu still love her? Is he thinking about her now, like she is him?  These questions burned at the back of her head, the flames making images in her mind, the times they'd sneak out to see each other when they'd just cuddle and little to music when Beomgyu would take endless Polaroids of the both of them, mostly Y/n, her favorite moments were when they'd cuddle and whisper sweet nothings in the other's ears. But will this all end? Just because of a fight? All couples fight, and it is healthy at times to fight, but what about this? Y/n shouldn't have jealousy plague her when she saw a girl get a little too close to Beomgyu, She should have listened to his side, actually listen to him, and trust that he'd never hurt her that way.
Wanting to settle her thoughts if they did really break up. Y/n picked up her phone and suggested a video chat with him. Regretting when he picked up on the almost to the last ring. I don't want to bother him, he's busy. I don't want to make him more upset. Y/n thought. Her heart beating faster as she heard his angelic voice, making her fall in love all over. This will be so hard if it's the end of us.
"Hello," Beomgyu appeared, from the looks of it, he was in bed. There was a bedside lamp on, his hair was messy.
"Did I wake you up?" Y/n asked, her voice almost shaking.
"No," Beomgyu sighed, running his free hair through his blonde hair, "I couldn't sleep."
"Well, you need to sleep, I'll call lat-" Beomgyu cut her off.
"Y/n what is it?" he sat up more in bed. Though they had a fight, he still loved her, and she wouldn't call him this late if something wasn't bothering her. He knows her all too well. The perks of having someone you love.
"I love you," Y/n finally broke down in tears, no longer able to hold them in, "I'm sorry about our fight. I don't want to break up. I miss you so damn much."
"Jagi, hey, take deep breaths," Beomgyu was fulling sitting up, alarmed, but also quiet since Huening Kai was passed out on the other bed, "who said anything about breaking up. It was just a fight, our first one at that, one was bound to happen. I love and miss you too."
"I want to be with you right now," Y/n sniffled, "you're living your dream and I love that, I just want to be in your arms right now."
"I know, I want you to be too," Beomgyu smiled softly, "I'll be home soon, and we'll talk in person about us, and how much I love you. Y/n, it's really late there, get some sleep."
"I love you," Y/n dried her tears.
"I love you too," Beomgyu dried the ones that were coming out of his own eyes.
Date night. The madly in love couple were having date night over Skype. Couple Goals? Anyway, Taehyun was having a late-night snack, while Y/n was having a mid-afternoon snack. Both telling jokes, and each other about their days. Both missed each other, but they made the best of it. That's what you have to do in situations like these, when you love someone, you force it to work, and not care about the distance. However, Y/n was a little more emotional than normal. That time of the month came, she was cranky, tired of everyone and everything, wanted to have a good cry while sitting alone in a dark room, but most of all she wanted Taehyun's cuddles. Cramps were kicking in, and he always gave her the best cuddles he could manage when her body went through the torture.
"Tae, are you okay, you look upset?" Y/n asked, worried that he might not be feeling well,  is tired, or working himself too hard.
Her heart broke when she saw the little tear fall from his eye. Oh no, she as going to start crying too.
"I just really miss you, I'm tired, I can't fall asleep not knowing if you're one hundred percent okay and if your not next to me," Taehyun tried to wipe away the tears, but they just kept coming out, probably mainly from exhaustion.
"I miss you too, but we will get through this, like always, just a couple more weeks," tears started to come out of Y/n's eyes now too, seeing her boyfriend like this hurt her deeply. All she wanted to do right now was hold him as he cried and tell him that everything is going to be okay.
"I made you cry!" Taehyun froze, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."
"Kang Taehyun, you and I both know that if you start crying, so will I, so don't you dare apologize, there is nothing to be sorry about," Y/n said sternly, "I love you, it's late where you are and you're tired, so go to sleep, we can talk later."
"Okay, I love you too," Taehyun was shocked at the sudden outburst, but got over it when he remembered what week it was, "sleep in one of my shirts, it'll feel like I'm there."
"Who said I wasn't already!" Y/n said after a long pause.
Huening Kai:
Relationships can be hard. Especially when you are young and in love. Everyone will have an input on it, either you're too young to date or it'll be over in a month. They can also be hard when your family doesn't know that you're dating. Fun. But you know? Sometimes you have to keep it that way for a reason, and in this case is, Huening Kai, the Huening Kai. Y/n was the new girl when they met, literally new to the country. Her mother got a really good job as a professor and couldn't let it go away, so the L/n's moved to South Korea. One day, Y/n got up early and walked around town, got in the mood for some coffee before she'd go shop around, and ran into Huening Kai, who was is a rush to go back to the dorms and get some rest since he stayed up late just to practice for his fans, thank the Lord it was Saturday, they bumped into each other, coffee was spilled,  poor guy freaked and offered to buy her another one, they talked, magic happened, they became friends, then boom, a couple. Since it was still in the early stage, Y/n still had to get used to her boyfriend going on tours.
But one night, on a weekend, the couple talked together on Skype. Y/n had a long day at school, still trying to fit in, but she was managing, since she has made some friends. So she was tired and missing her boyfriend at the same time, her first friend she made since the move. And she couldn't help the tears that formed when Huening's handsome face appeared on the screen.
"Y/n it's just for a few days, I'll be back soon," the boy playfully teased.
"I know, I know, I'm still getting used to it." Y/n wiped away the tears.
"Don't cry, that makes me want to cry to and my hyungs are in the same room." Huening Kai told her when he saw more tears coming out of her e/c eyes, his remark caused giggles from his hyung.
"We've already seen you cry before, nothing new, especially when we boarded the plane and you were crying 'Yeonjun hyung, I don't want to say goodbye to my Y/n'." Yeonjun said overdramatically, "oww, Soobin don't throw a pillow at me, it's true, he was looking at her pictures the whole way here!"
"So you missed me too," Y/n laughed through her tears.
"Of course I did, you're my girlfriend." Huening Kai covered his face in embarrassment from his hyungs who were still teasing the daylights out of him.
"Girlfriend?" a voice came from behind Y/n, her eyes widened, "you're dating someone?"
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woo-do-hwan · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream: Episodes 8 & 9
Into the unknown... of this commentary/review. 
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Yes, I am recycling these images because these posters are so beautiful. 
Stuff you may know or may not know to coincide with this: 
1. You DO NOT need to have seen Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (Eternal Love) to watch this. 2. If you have seen Eternal Love, ignore what happens between these two. (They weren’t able to gain copyright access to this novel for Eternal Love, so their storyline was made up and put in as a filler) 3. This is based on a novel, you don’t need to read the novel but it is a great read if you’re interested. 4. I may refer to this as The Pillow Book or TPB. 5. Lastly, there will be some comparisons and I will relate to the novel at times.
The lastly really should be, careful of the spoilers!
Before we get started, I would just like to say this drama I feel is going to become my Eternal Love or Ashes of Love. I see comments on both of those dramas saying they’ve rewatched it so many times and are still in love with it, I believe The Pillow Book is going to be that drama for me.
Episode Eight
I gave in and watched the opening credits. I don’t really know what I was afraid of there, I just need some of those moments to hurry up! It’s the ending credits that we really should be afraid of, hahaha *nervous laughter*
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Let me tell you the search for Fengjiu was literally massive, he really searched everywhere for that fox. Fengjiu only wasn’t found because she had reverted back into her human form, which we’ve already seen. *The one place Donghua didn’t search was the mortal realms because there were billions of them* (Spoilers: Later on in the novel, Fengjiu hides from Donghua in the mortal realms because it was so easy for her to move around and not be caught.) The spoiler has no relation to this, she’s hiding for a completely different reason later on. I just felt it was worth mentioning. 
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Look at her go! I feel like a proud mother watching her child. 
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Oh thank god! Someone is catching on... I thought we were just going to have to sit here and wait for episode 50 for someone to discover it. 
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Bless them! #Fengjiu’sprotectionsquad. Also their *cough* ‘special relationship’ *cough*
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Fengjiu babysits Ah Li a lot while Ye Hua and Bai Qian do their ‘stuff’. These two are a pair if Fengjiu isn’t around Donghua. 
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The. Fox. Is. More. Important. 
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I only just realised that was Fengjiu & Ah Li *facepalm* She was right in front of him! He didn’t even know *sigh*
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these special effects man...
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I really feel for Ji Heng, she’s already lost two important people in her life. Both of them telling her things very abruptly at the last minute, found out her about her true father then he died, Min Su just reveals she’s a woman now she’s died. When will it end for Ji Heng? *It’s slightly different in the novel, they do run away together, however, Ji Heng discovers the truth and she leaves Min Su. Min Su doesn’t die in the novel.*
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We’re playing they actually liked each other card, are we? Damn. Her death hurts even more ;( 
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Oh god. I’m actually tearing up. His face. Aww noooo. 
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o.o wasn’t expecting this.
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the way these people just dissolve and evaporate like that is so poetic. 
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woah, oh damn. he’s serving some shade right there. my man Donghua coming through. 
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Now that would be extremely interesting. I would love to see Donghua go evil for a day or two. 
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(I’ll come back to this in episode nine) This was a funnier scene in the novel, well, I read it that way. 
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How to scare away potential suitors Fengjiu style. 1. Have a handy helper to read out your schedule 2. Make sure they read out the worst of the injuries of previous potential suitors 3. Look pleased with yourself for doing so. You don’t need no man to tie you down! 4. Always have a fight scheduled with a powerful equivalent as a back-up. 
Episode Nine
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(The bit I left in episode 8 to come to ep 9 starts here) SPOILERS: Fengjiu is aware that her shadow is being taken from her whereas Donghua does not. They don’t tell Donghua because he simply doesn’t need to know, it won’t cause him any harm so that’s why they drink a forgetting potion. They also probably don’t want to face Donghua and tell him what they’ve done as well in case he disagrees. (I promise you this will make sense once Aranya’s dream eps are airing.) Both their shadows are sent to Fanyin Valley, this is when the real Aranya’s timeline begins. 
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foreshadowing. heh. (aranya’s dream) 
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The president spilling the beans, we have to stan. (well she’s mainly there protecting Fengjiu but also telling her Donghua has gone to the mortal realm early makes me believe she ships them as much as we do)
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Are you sure about that honey? 
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Let us take a moment to appreciate Donghua’s mortal reincarnation and what he’s going to bring us in the coming episodes. 
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Oh no. I’m attached already. This won’t end well for me. 
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When is Fengjiu not doing things she’s not supposed to be doing? 
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Let’s be real Fengjiu, you won’t just glance at him. You’d stare at him until he got himself in danger and then you would go save him. 
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Fengjiu! NO! What did Si Ming just tell you not to do! 
And we’re finished! Questions? Please ask and I’ll try my best to answer them.  See you next time!
episodes 6 & 7 
episodes 10 & 11
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justleesoohyuk · 5 years
Lee Soo Hyuk WKOREA September 2019 Interview [ENG translation]
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translation by : justleesoohyuk
W: It’s been a long time. What did you spend your days doing?
LSH: I spent most of my time at home so I rarely went outside. In recent months I have been cast in a new film and ready to shoot. As I went through this period of time, I became more greedy and passionate about acting. I soon wanted to go to (or be in) the movies. I’m lucky to have joined Yoo Ha’s new work. Yoo Ha is famous for showing a new side of actors who are already somewhat familiar with the public.
W: I’m curious about the story behind the casting.
LSH: First of all, let me tell you a sad story. I didn’t know much about myself until the audition (laughs), but I was shocked for a while (about landing the role) since I started out as a model for over 10 years. I thought that as I grow older and work more and more, I will show various faces to the public. I want to be a good actor. 
W: The film Pipeline is a story about thieves who steal oil hidden in underground tunnels and dream of turning their lives around. You play a wealthy man who plans to steal tens of billions of dollars?
LSH: This film is based on a true story that happened in Korea. Gunwoo is a person who has personal pain and strives to achieve any purpose. In the drama High School King, I worked with (Seo) In Guk, I’m having fun working with him again after a long time. He (Seo In Guk) was cast first, but he must have said something good about me. I thought (knew) I was able to do it.
W: By the way, I think I saw the white shirt and jeans that you’re wearing today in the first script reading.
LSH: I have about five sets of the same clothes at home. If you like something, buy a lot of it. Now is an age where classic is better than trend.
W: What items would you choose if you could only have three in your closet? 
LSH: Jeans, white shirts, is that enough do you think? That’s not enough (laughs) 
W: As a model turned actor, you’ve passed the glamorous initial point
LSH: I feel like I’ve become a comfortable and stable person since the moment I was given the spotlight as an actor from being a model. For the past two years I had a mediocre and quiet life. It’s time to look at me. When I debuted at 17 years old and worked hard, I didn’t have enough time to think about myself. In fact, talking about myself in the third person is a bit embarrassing. (laughs) what is lee soo hyuk? It was a time when I was thinking about new things and wondering why, why do you like me sometimes? I wanted to express my gratitude and apologies to my fans at the same time. I want to show you a great growth.
W: In the early days, if you look at your filmography, there were a lot of close to fantasy and unrealistic characters such as The Boy from Ipanema and Gwi from Scholar who walks the Night. Then Choi Gun Wook in Lucky Romance and Kwon Duk-bong in The Man Living in our House were characters who were close to reality that could fit somewhere in a neighborhood. Was there a moment of worry about changing your acting spectrum?
LSH: In those days, I wanted to play an ordinary role, but when I think about it, I think it’s a good image for me. Valid Love began to be popular with people, followed by Lucky Romance and High School King. I’m young but I still feel impatient as an actor. I want to be remembered as an experienced actor to the public through various roles.
W: Do you have a role that you’ve wanted to play?
LSH: I’ve been talking about it for 5 years but I haven’t done it yet. I ask the directors every time (laughs) I want to represent the current state of young people in their 20s and 30s in current times. but im too old to take it right now.
W: I’ve working around the clock all year, but have there ever been points you’ve struggled as an actor? 
LSH: I remember the time when I read over the drama Valid love. Han Ji-Seung directed both drama and film. We filmed many conversations with each other It was focused on delicately catching even the slightest trembling of the hands or eyes. [aka the focus was on close up details and responses as opposed to simply acting in mid shots]
W: Are you also eager to change up or overthrow your unique image? 
LSH: The door is always open to change. Director Yoo Ha watched my roles closely, such as the drama Local Hero, which I come out as acting comfortably in. It is best to be able to act in many different ways. 
W: There seems to be quite a lot of change in your physique compared with your model days. 
LSH: When I worked as a model, I was the representing the exhausted thin image. I had no choice, I had to keep my body thin. At that time, it was a plus, and at some point I wanted to broaden my character and gain weight and start exercising. Even if I stay still, my body is not in the same state it was. I think people’s expectations are high, so they work hard. I also like to eat delicious food as per usual (laughs).
W: What kind of man is Soo Hyuk in reality? For example, do you work hard to save? do household chores such as cleaning and laundry, or enjoy meals?
LSH: All you have to do is buy the things you’ve mentioned, saving is going to be a little bit harder (laughs). 
W: You like to assemble things like robots, radio controlled cars and plastic model airplanes? It’s surprising to me.
LSH: I like to make something when i’m home alone. I enjoy building Lego. I also liked sculpting when I went to an atelier a while ago. I like things you do with your hands. 
W: A close fellow actor said ‘he is smart and seems to have a very high IQ, well organised, and not cooler than expected and very compassionate. I remember everything while pretending not to listen. Not really ordinary and there are many surprises. Has a style and examines like A type but the blood type is AB. I was evaluating Lee Soo Hyuk’.  Is there anything you want to correct/refute? 
LSH: what is Young Kwang’s account number? (laughs) I’d like to buy him a meal after a long time. I am grateful, I wont argue.
W: Do you meet (Young Kwang) often?
LSH: I’ve known him since my model days. We meet to exercise and play games. The other day I was forced to play basketball at my Hyung’s place (laughs) He is one year older than me so I just say ‘Hyung’ but we spend time together like friends. He is also in the middle of film shooting but i thank him for helping me in the last two years. He’s a good friend and companion for the rest of my life.
W: You run a private Instagram. I am curious about the 17 photos on it. 
LSH: There isn’t much (laughs) I can show you now. I am not good at taking original photographs. I post or delete weather photos, and fashion, news. etc. I’m following my account but its just a quick way to see and study news.
W: I’ve heard that you usually watch movies eagerly as if you are studying.
LSH: I love the site of IMDB. It’s an abbreviation of Internet Movie Database, and all the movies, directors, and actors around the world are clearly organised. When I watch a movie, I tend to look mainly at the director’s filmography, but when someone comes in, I often look for his work. I can talk endlessly about my favorite movies. Nowadays, Netflix seems to have great documentaries and excellent shooting techniques. When watching a movie, you should look at shooting techniques and colors.
W: When I search ‘Lee Soo Hyuk’ on YouTube, the words ‘exciting video’ are automatically suggested. When do you feel the excitement of someone, when is it the best time to do your job well? 
LSH: Isn’t it the best time to do your job well? Or you can look at your family and friends. When a man or woman looks the most wonderful, look around and do your job well it seems to be. [this question confused me a bit so if anyone can give a better translation for this question let me know]
W: There are actors who expand through directing or producing like Lee Yun-seok, Moon So-ri, Ha Jung-woo, and Lee Jung-jae. Do you want to challenge the realm beyond acting someday? 
LSH: I said I wanted to produce a film not knowing much about it because I was younger (laughs), acting is much more difficult than i thought before when i didn’t know anything (when he was younger). The more you know, the harder it is. The reason is that it is the most fun thing to go to the shoot. I’ve loved movies since my childhood. Even if I don’t necessarily appear so as an actor, getting involved in making good movies is always something I’ve wanted to do and a goal in my life.
                                                     - - - - - - - - - -
source of original korean text
!! do not repost without translation credit : ©
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lordofthenerds97 · 5 years
Omg personality compatibles are so fun! Let’s see I’m a girl & straight to start off. Pretty chill unless I’m passionate about something. A big child honestly with my love for animations movies & cartoons. Honestly very self conscious and want to be wanted for me and not a fake image I put out. Very awkward but only bc i try hard to be likable?? Bit of a dumbass and forgetful but I make up for it with loyalty/love. Have no idea what else to add haha
I love doing compatibles! I don’t do them very often and tbh, this will be one of my first few times doing headcanons. So this’ll be fun for both of us! :D Thanks for asking, hun!!
I ship you with…
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The first time he laid eyes on you was at the carnival
You were working with your brother, helping to operate the tilt-a-whirl
You were leaning against the gate, the metal tucked under your arms as you popped a bubble, watching your brother start the ride
The line was rather long and both you and your brother rolled your eyes, realizing it was mostly full of teenage guys
You were rather disinterested as you watched, having done this a million times
But then you felt a pair of eyes on you
You turn and see a man standing over at one of the games a few yards from the ride
He was a cute guy with a dorky smile and glasses, his dark curls a mess
You flashed him a wide grin and raised your hand in greeting, waving at him
And that was it for him
He started to approach the ride
And to your surprise, you leaned back just a bit more, puffing out your chest slightly and tipping your hat back. You made it a point to also draw attention to your slender legs
He turned and waved at the man shouting at him and you couldn’t decipher what they were saying from your spot
To your disappointment, he turned back to you with a forlorn look before bolting after the other man
You let out a huff and crossed your arms, realizing you lost the only chance you had to maybe end the night on a high note
Skip about three days ahead
You hear about a ton of crazy sh** going down at the mall, and you were so thankful you had called in with the stomach flu 
You blamed greasy carnival food
And then you heard a knock at the door 
With quiet curses being muttered, you huffed and made your way over
And your eyes got about as wide as saucers when you opened it
Jim Hopper, a long time family friend, Joyce Byers, and your mystery man were standing at the door
You looked between the three of them, your eyes mainly focused on the man in the middle
He seemed to be as star struck as you were
“Are you even paying attention to me?”
You snapped your gaze back to Hop
“Sorry,” you mumbled
He rolled his eyes. “Smirnoff-”
“Alexei, needs a place to lay low for a while. Can he stay with you?”
You were rather taken aback by the request. “Why me?”
“Because you’re one of the few people I trust. Besides, I think you would get along swimmingly.”
You agreed and the man Alexei was left in your care
You soon realized he barely spoke English and was from Russia
He loved Looney Tunes about as much as you did
He stayed with you for almost a year
You taught him English by watching Looney Tunes with him and he taught you Russian
He loved the fact that you felt free to be yourself around him, that you were so comfortable with him that you didn’t fear embarrassing yourself
He loved watching movies with you 
Especially Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
He thought your slight awkwardness in social situations was rather endearing
He wouldn’t leave your side if he knew you were uncomfortable
And he realized right away that you were extremely forgetful
So he would be so sweet
And leave you little sticky notes around the house
They would be written in Russian (which you quickly learned to read) or shaky English
Don’t forget doctor
Have to go store
Need milk
Movie night on Friday
And this boy was so soft for you
You loved him for it
Taglist: @mystrangerfics @jasonscotttrash @ssstutteringbbbill@fortheloveofjbbarnes @swingsetsandmuffins @kurt-nightcrawler@wilde-about-art @singlefourever @fullbouquetofwonderland@tiffspnmol @mell-bell @nalgenewhore @spookyskell @seasaltseb@nugget1455 @wayward-queen @carlspudding3 @twistnet@flamingo-lord @-dix-sept- @kanjisabez @tyjo-ji @ritinhasshitposts@savvy7392 @socially-unaccepptable-dameron @stephxtravel@angelicpcrker @languidlover @godhateskyleigh @seiktom@missbingu @galachii @xsweetnsour @ainsley-kay @omg-the-sex-was-amazingggg @cassthegecko @curls-of-sass @banncrs @birdsarethebourgeoisie @arthurianbisexual @immortalmurphy@honeyglob-blog @steveharington @loserrami @jojo-buttercup@victoriandrawings @juliandevorakismyeverything @jazzy-joe @ayatimascd @cheydanoa @insertprideflag @impactshawol@french-dog-joke @lieutenant-biscuit @soda-jungle @iamtheverybiggestgay @inspectorgregorylestrudel@cashmoneychas @t-d-welch11 @soffisnapish @queenbidoof@jadescarlett21 @abiekisner1 @staryowl @heyo–its–mo @fafacakes @existentiallemon @taylorbrantley24 @shesthelastone@fictionalfangirls @rose-fields-forever @dorkasours @teethofdog@jedi-bae @hargrovesprincess @clussysposts​ @hauntedslimetreewinner @secretlyinouterspace @ggbbhehe4455​ @rubinstein1798 @moonmoonysworld @endeavourmxrse@noahbolognase @inthemindofaweirdo @pulp-beach @leelokel @missmfifolypooh @anchy-bananchy @cherrycolaa @my-life-as-a-fangirl @throw-some-music-my-way @fuchsia-knight​ @myluromance @iminabag @rebekahs-worlds-blog @rubinstein1798​ @thegreatestbeeofall @jenniegs @supergingerlocks @slasherfvker​ @stargrovehargrove @fanzzyyyy @dontstahpmemeow @me-vs-everyoneelse @la-vide @sush1alien
Note: Some of the tags don’t work. I’ve run across this problem when the mobile app needs to be updated. So if you see your URL but don’t get a notification of being tagged, please update your app and shoot me an ask to let me know!
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Kim Seokjin x Reader ~ The Big Secret  [Part 2]
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[My BTS Masterlist]
A/N: Please note that this story is not trying to insinuate that any of the members would/do act like they do in my writing; this is all fictional and coming from my imagination. Also, this story does not strictly follow the timeline or realistic details.
I apologize for any plot holes; I’m pretty sure there are quite a few, but I’ve been very busy with personal issues to write, so I wrote this all in one sitting! I’ll try to comb through it all later to fix any issues. Feel free to let me know if you spot any contradicting details or grammar/spelling issues.
Word Count: 3505
The door behind Jin opens and within that very second, a young woman leaps onto the man in question, all four limbs wrapping around the man in question. Six pairs of eyes pop out of their respective heads, blinking rapidly as if the action will aid them in understanding the events currently taking place.
“Oh! You brought your friends with you,” the young woman remarks, pulling back her face, which was nuzzled into Jin’s shoulder. She releases her grip and straightens out her clothes before waving in all the men standing at her doorstep. “Please, come in. I apologize for the mess, but my brother was in a hurry this morning and left all his belongings scattered about; my own schedule has been hectic, so there hasn’t been any time to clean up after him.”
Now, as the six Bangtan boys stand in the apartment with wide eyes, their jaws dropping in further emphasis of their shock. The living room has heaps of clothes and shoes from designer brands draped all over the furniture, recording and producing equipment pushed up against the furthest wall, piles of expensive jewelry scattered on the coffee table, and several boxes filled with a diverse selection of cosmetics pushed beneath said coffee table.
Taehyung is the first to move while the others remain fixated on the priceless items in the room. He wanders carefully past the jewelry-covered table and stops to admire the numerous glass frames hung up on the wall. The very first design catches his attention; a metallic-silver background— most of its surface is covered by five signatures— accentuates a shiny blue logo that the young idol is very familiar with.
This shout of excitement has everyone’s head snapping to look over at Taehyung, who is nearly crying tears of joy as his eyes rake over all the signed album covers hung up on the walls. Jungkook and Jimin run up to join their friend in admiring the displayed collection.
By now, Jin has disappeared into the kitchen and started to brew tea for all the members and his mysterious female friend. When the broad-shouldered idol returns, he and the young woman beside him are met with expectant glares from the rest of Bangtan’s hyung line— mainly Yoongi.
“Who the h-”
“What I think Yoongi-Hyung is trying to ask,” interrupts Namjoon, who has the group’s image in mind; he worries over the possibility of the woman before him recalling Yoongi’s brash words in the near future to fuel the beginnings of a scandalous article, “is: ‘Who are you?’” A timid, dimpled smile stretches across the leader’s lips as he waits patiently for a response. He nearly breaks into a nervous sweat when his hyung and the woman look at each other, a silent conversation taking place between the two.
“I’m Seokjin’s girlfriend and childhood bestie, Kwon (Y/n). It’s very nice to finally meet you all!”
Namjoon nearly faints. 
The expensive paraphernalia lying around in the room and the albums on the wall suddenly makes sense. This apartment does not belong to just anybody. This apartment must belong to Kwon (Y/n), as in Kwon Jiyong’s sister.
Of course, Namjoon cannot prove such a presumptuous statement without actually asking (Y/n) herself, but he has a strong suspicion that his assumption is true. Sure, the surname “Kwon” is fairly common, but there have been articles in the past hinting that G-Dragon, one of the biggest stars in the Kpop and fashion industries, has two sisters; the details were extremely vague.
He feels awkward wanting to confirm her relation to the famous Kwon Jiyong. There is no indication the other members are connecting the dots, but Namjoon wants answers. He walked all the way out to this building in the cold clad in only pajamas and a fuzzy Ryan robe, gave away his ID to a young security guard he just met, and experienced second-hand embarrassment thanks to his fellow group members; Hoseok will be met with a lot of trouble if the trip proves to be pointless.
“So…um…Ms. Kwon, are you-”
The jingling of keys, followed by the unnerving creaking of the front door swinging open, interrupts the rapper mid-question.
“Ah, Jiyong-Hyung, you’re back,” Jin greets, rushing over to the door to assist the man in question with the many bags in his hands.
This time, nearly all of the Bangtan boys faint.
“Of course. What kind of brother would I be if I worked all day during my little sister’s birthday?”
“A horrible one,” (Y/n) pipes up. She sets down her mug of tea before running over to Jiyong to pull him into a tight embrace. “Thank you, Ji-Ji-Oppa~”
“Yah, stop calling me that! I’m not that stupid cartoon cat.”
“First of all, no! Secondly, he is not stupid. Jiji is very caring and cute. And thirdly, it’s not a cartoon!”
Sensing the awkward stares, the two siblings turn to face their audience of six stunned men. Jiyong is the first to step up and greet them, commenting on their music after introducing himself. Each BTS member stumbles over their words, finding it extremely difficult to speak to the man who is a member of their favorite group— their idol.
After shaking hands with BIGBANG’s leader, Taehyung grasps his wrist while staring at his hand, mouth gaping in shock. He mumbles something about not washing or using that hand ever again, but nobody pays any mind to his reaction. 
“Wait a second… If you’re here to celebrate her birthday,” Hoseok comments, brows furrowed in confusion as he points an accusing finger at Jin, “then why did you bring a copy of our routine with you?”
“I was going to go over the choreography with Seokjinnie-Oppa a few times before dinner. He’s already got most of it down, so I’m mainly observing and pointing out any possible adjustments he needs to make. Since I wasn’t expecting my brother to be home so early, I haven’t gotten dinner started.”
“For the last time, I want to cook for you!” Though Jin sounds beyond irritated, his eyes show nothing but pure admiration for the woman before him. His friends are very familiar with Jin’s caring actions and are not surprised that this behavior is more prevalent when the man is around his girlfriend. “You should just relax for your birthday. I want to take care of you. You’re already helping me with the dance moves.”
“How about you both focus on the routine and let observe,” Jiyong suggests with a smirk. “I rarely get to see her dance anymore, so it’d be nice to watch and see if lil’ sis is as good as she claims to be these days.”
Bottom lip pursing into a pout, (Y/n) snaps back with a witty remark. The two bicker for quite some time until Jin ushers them both down the hall into a spare bedroom that had been refurbished into a dance studio; the rest of BTS follow their hyung, curious to witness Jin’s secret girlfriend’s dancing skills while also spending more time in the same room as G-Dragon himself.
Once (Y/n) refreshes her memory and cues the soundtrack, her expression changes drastically. In place of her usual bubbly personality, a stoicism that very few people can pull off, while maintaining a natural swagger, replaces her wide smile and bright, wide eyes. Her limbs move freely in the air, gliding in sync with the music without missing a beat, Jin watching and mimicking her movements at her side all the while. 
The dance line watches silently, impressed with what is taking place before their very eyes; Hoseok now has a very good reason as to why his friend has suddenly been improving during their practice sessions.
Jungkook has his gaze trained on (Y/n) when a sudden thought pops into his mind. His head slowly turns until he spots Yoongi leaning against the wall; the eldest rapper’s demeanor is practically identical to the persona (Y/n) is currently maintaining. A mischievous smirk stretches across his lips, but the maknae chooses to remain silent, for now.
Once the routine is over, Jiyong is the first to applaud the couple, giving out exaggerated compliments to which his sister responds by slapping him. She taunts Jiyong, daring him to provide a better performance, but he argues back with an obvious fact: he is unfamiliar with the choreography, unlike her.
“Fine,” (Y/n) states with a smirk, “BIGBANG it is then.”
“You said it yourself, Ji-Ji. You don’t know the routine. It would be unfair of me to challenge you with that song, so we’ll dance to one of your group’s songs instead. Might I suggest ‘Bang Bang Bang?’”
“But that requires a total of five people.” The idol fights back a smirk, desperate to hide the embarrassing fact that he has long since forgotten majority of the choreography for the song in question. He only remembers the basic moves, since the group never really stuck to the dance routine when performing on-stage; the energy in the building always left them running around across the stage and interacting with the fans. “I am just one person, (Y/n). I am physically unable to perform Youngbae, Seunghyun-hyung, Sengri, and Daesung’s parts at the same time.”
“You worry too much, Oppa~”
The smile on (Y/n)’s face leaves a dreading feeling within the pit of Jiyong’s stomach. Ever since they were young children, her lips would curl up into the same mischievous smile whenever her brain starts scheming. Some things never change… 
“From what Seokjin has told me, the boys are huge fans of your music,” the young woman informs her sibling while gesturing to the idols in question. “I’m pretty sure that at least their dance line knows the choreography for all your songs.”
Upon hearing her statement, the dance line blushes and directs their gaze to the laminated floors, but a pair of colorful slippers enter their line of vision, prompting them to look back up to find (Y/n) standing before them. She gently grabs Jimin and Jungkook’s hands, pleading for them to convince the others to agree to participate in her challenge against Jiyong; Hoseok readily agrees without hesitation, but the two shyer dancers need more convincing before dancing in front of their sunbaenim and possibly humiliating themselves. 
“I can dance instead of Jungkook,” Taehyung offers, his boxy smile stretching across his face. He continues to suggest taking Jungkoook’s place, since the vocalist is also very familiar with BIGBANG’s dance routines, but his main goal is to push the maknae into overcoming his nervousness and agreeing. And if Jungkook agrees to dance, Jimin will follow suit. “I was dancing to ‘Bang Bang Bang’ just last week, so it’s still very fresh in my memory. Jungkook only-”
“I’ll do it!” Jungkook’s sudden outburst startles Taehyung, but the 95-liner is quick to recompose. He shrugs his shoulders and backs down from the urge to whine about not being able to dance with G-Dragon, since a small part of him was hoping Jungkook would refuse. Either way, he is proud of Jungkook for stepping out of his comfort zone.
“Yes!! It’s settled then! Seokjinnie-Oppa, could you pull up the song for use please? Thank you~” 
With their positions assigned and music blaring through the speakers, they begin to dance. Jimin quickly snatches up Taeyang’s position, leaving Jungkook to begrudgingly take T.O.P.’s position as Hoseok politely insists for (Y/n) to choose which member’s she would like to dance in place of; (Y/n) ends up choosing Daesung’s part.
From the sidelines on the far end of the room, Namjoon and the rest of his group members cheer on their peers, who execute the dance routine perfectly without a single mishap.
“Yeeeaaah,” Taehyung screams excitedly while jumping around. His deep voice rivals the loud music as he shouts along to the lyrics. “Bang, bang, bang, let the bass drum roll!!”
Once the song comes to an end, cheering and clapping echo throughout the room. The three members who took part in dancing alongside the siblings turn to bow, thanking them for the opportunity.
“No, no! There’s no need for that! I was the one who invited you to dance. If anything, I should be thanking you for agreeing!” 
“You’re so talented, Noona,” the dance line remarks with bright smiles on their faces. 
“Ahh, no, no,” she shakes her head in denial, shyly smiling as blood rushes up to her cheeks. “I’m not that good. I’m mostly self-taught.”
“What are you going on about?” Interrupting her rebuttal, Jiyong throws his arms over his sister’s shoulders, effectively restraining her in a tight embrace. He shoots her a warning look before addressing his guests with a proud smirk. “Don’t listen to this idiot. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. For your information, (Y/n) is one of YG Entertainment’s top secret choreographers. You boys have already seen several routines she’s choreographed without knowing it; ‘Bang Bang Bang’ and ‘Fantastic Baby’ are two of her co-creations.” 
If it were physically possible for the human eye to suddenly transform into hearts, such would be happening right this minute. The Bangtan boys are starstruck at the information Jiyong has just revealed to them.
Questions practically fly out of their mouths as the seven boys direct their curiosity at the Kwon siblings. Several dance-related inquiries are directed at (Y/n), who gladly answers each question with a smile, while the rappers focus on learning music production tips from Jiyong. However, while his friends are distracted, Hoseok slips over to the corner of the room where his hyung is seated by a laptop and set of speakers.
“Hey, hyung,” Hoseok greets quietly, his feet shuffling around anxiously. When Jin looks up at his fellow group member, he finds that the dancer’s eyes are looking at anything but his own. “I’m sorry for being nosy and dragging everyone out to see what you were up to. It was none of our business, and following you out here was really rude.”
A long silence follows Hoseok’s apology, scaring the dancer. He was worried about Jin’s reaction while waking over to him, but now that he has expressed his regrets, a weight has been lifted off his chest.
“I would be lying if I were to say that I’m not disappointed in you,” Jin admits with a sigh, lifting his head to meet Hoseok’s gaze before turning to watch (Y/n) and Jiyong interact with the rest of BTS; the smiles on all their faces prompt a small smile to tug at his own lips, “but I’m glad you came to apologize. You can apologize to Jiyong-Hyung and (Y/n) later, but right now, you can help me with dinner as part of your punishment.”
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Jubilant cheers erupt in the dining room as Jin directs his blindfolded girlfriend into her seat at the head of the table. Once the fabric slips away from her face, the crowd of men in the apartment burst into song, wishing the young woman a happy birthday. 
“Saeng-il chukahamnida! Saeng-il chukahamnida! Saranghaneun-”
Loud knocking interrupts the cheerful song, confusing nearly everybody in the room, but Jiyong dismisses the odd expressions as he stands to get the door. The individuals at the door, once again, nearly causes the Bangtan boys to faint. The rest of BIGBANG enters the apartment, stopping to hug (Y/n) as she darts over to the door to greet her friends.
“What are you guys doing here?! I thought you were all busy?”
“Jiyong-Hyung texted us an hour ago to invite us to your little party since we managed to finish early,” Daesung explains, “He also asked us to bring your cake. He was going to get it himself, but since we were closer, we picked it up on the way over.”
Noticing his stunned dongsaengs doing nothing but staring with their mouths open, Jin steps forward to welcome the new guests. His casualness only shocks the boys more.
“Oh yeah,” (Y/n) exclaims happily, dragging the eldest rapper by the sleeve into the dining room, the young woman starts to introduce him to the younger idols. “Seunghyun-Oppa, these are Seokjin’s friends. They’re from the group Bangtan Sonyeondan!”
“You could’ve at least waited for us,” Youngbae playfully teases, sauntering into the room soon after. “We all want to meet them.”
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A/N: Sorry for the abrupt skip. I wasn't sure how to end this segment, and after staring at my laptop screen for several weeks, I just decided to end it here and continue with a time skip.
Without realizing how much time has passed since the beginning of the celebration, the idols are taken aback when they gaze drunkenly at the clock hanging on the wall. Soon, the room is filled with commotion as all the artists scramble to gather their belongings in preparation to return back to their respective residences. 
“Where do you guys think you’re going?” With her hands on her hips, (Y/n) shakes her head disapprovingly at the bumbling mess of limbs before her. She waltzes over to the men and begins to pluck away their overcoats, returning the garments to the coat rack by the door. “None of you are driving or taking a taxi back tonight. Some of you are barely standing straight, and yes, I’m talking about you, Seunghyun. Now, sit down while I sort out everything.”
“I can take some of them home,” Seokjin offers. “I haven’t had any alcohol, and since I drove the SUV over, I can transport more people than if I were to take my other car.”
“I couldn’t possibly ask that of you…”
“Well, I offered,” he counters with a smirk, “so I don’t see where the issue is. I can make one trip to drop off everyone in BIGBANG, then come back for Bangtan.”
Sighing in defeat, (Y/n) accepts her boyfriend’s proposition. She returns to the coat rack and slowly assists her brother’s friends with their outerwear as Jin escorts them one-by-one into the awaiting vehicle in the parking structure. 
“Thank you for the party, Jiyong-Oppa. Good night!”
“I love youuuuu~”
“Yes, yes, I love you too.”
Once all of BIGBANG has been transferred from her apartment to Jin’s car, (Y/n) jogs over to her office in search of a sticky note to jot down each member’s respective address. Illuminated by the moonlight pouring into the room through the open windows, the young woman decides to forgo turning on the lights during her hunt for the pad of paper.
Jin returns from the parking garage with all of BIGBANG buckled in and ready to return home only to find the living room empty as he steps back into the parking lot. A faint shuffling noise catches the man’s attention, leaving him to follow his ear while reluctantly entering deeper into the apartment. Despite having been dating (Y/n) for quite some time now, Jin remains hesitant when it comes to exploring his girlfriend’s apartment; he does not feel comfortable invading her privacy and feels as if he is overstepping unspoken boundaries by doing so.
“Where is it? I was using it just the other day…”
Frustrated whispers draw Jin’s attention to a room on his right, so he peeks his head through the threshold to watch as (Y/n) shove around her paperwork haphazardly. A mischievous plan pops into his head and, despite his better judgement, Jin quietly slips into the office to sneak up on his beloved. The darkness shrouds his presence perfectly, leaving the man to stealthily creep across the room without making a single sound.
“I could’ve sworn that I left it next to the laptop… Maybe I moved it back to the dra- Ahh!!”
Deft fingers dart out and make use of (Y/n)’s unawareness, tickling her sides without wavering as the young woman desperately squirms around. Several stacks of paper fall to the ground, followed by the loud thud of (Y/n) crashing into her office chair, but Jin persists with his attack.
“Seokjin, stop,” (Y/n) manages to gasp out between laughs. “It’s getting late and you still need to take everyone home.”
“Fine, but only because you’re right. I’ll continue this one day.” Jin backs away and allows the young woman to continue her search as he offers to turn on the lights. “You shouldn’t be looking around in the dark. You might get hurt on accident.”
Even though she insists on finding her sticky notes without any help, Jin flips on the light switch and immediately spots the item in question before (Y/n). He grabs the pad of paper with a smug smile, promptly sauntering over to his girlfriend in order to wave it before her eyes.
“See, I told,” he teases.
“Shut up.”
“Don’t be mean. After all, I was the one who managed to help you out.”
Tearing off the first sheet with a pout, (Y/n) thrusts the list into Jin’s hands and proceeds to push the man out of her office; her blushing cheeks become more apparent, thanks to a certain idol’s antics.
“Just go take them home already!”
To Be Continued...  
(Only one more part left!)
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btsandvmin · 5 years
Getting it out of the way...
Okay, so here’s the thing. I get a lot of questions about other ships, mainly about Ji/kook and I just want to say that while I understand that a lot of you are curious about my opinion on them there are a few things I would like to say about the topic of other ships. 
If you don’t want to read about other ships I suggest you don’t keep on reading. I also apologize if I sound rude and that this post is a mess, but I really just wanted to answer this and get it done as I don’t really find much pleasure in it.
I want to say to you who sent these asks that I hope you don’t feel that I have anything against you, because you have said nothing wrong or offensive. You clearly like my posts and I really love you all for supporting me and liking my thoughts to much! <3
I just don’t really like talking more about other ships than Vmin. So sorry if you feel sad about my replies. I wasn’t actually sure if I should answer some of these questions at all.
However I am, but be aware that this could be difficult to read for shippers of “all sides” including Vmin shippers. It’s basically just me ranting and speculating as I share my own views.
First of for me it’s much more fun to talk about Vmin and their bond, it’s what I love and it’s the reason I made this blog. Again, not to prove what ship is real or not, but simply to talk about Vmin and what if’s based on things I notice. Also as a bit of a counter to other shippers who love to analyze but always act 100% certain of being right. I also still think that most likely BTS has non straight members but that the odds of there being an actual couple are rather small. But if there is one maknae line is definitely the most suspicious ones for various reasons.
Secondly even if another ship is real you can’t put the relationships against each other. Seeing more of one dynamic doesn’t automatically mean that the other is lesser or has been replaced. Even if two of the members are together why does that mean that they wouldn’t be close with or love another member? If that would be true it would reflect rather poorly on the members involved, basically either making them obsessive/possessive/jealous to the point where it affects their relationship with their friends. Or being neglecting towards your friend because of a romantic relationship. Maybe this could be true in the start (honeymoon phase) of a relationship but we are talking about people who know each other and has been friends for years. You really think Jimin or Tae would abandon the other to the point of not spending any time together outside of work? We know that’s not true, we know they still spend time together even if we don’t hear about it as often. I just think it’s weird to pitch the members against each other in that way, or imply that one or more of them would be insensitive enough to do this for such a long time even if someone suffers for it. Love is not a competition. Fine if it would be mutual and they wouldn’t want to spend time together, but at least we can see that Vmin clearly love each other and they still indicate often that they like spending time together. So why wouldn’t they?
Thirdly, do you even realize how much we don’t get to see? I’ve said it before but idols manage to have relationships that are completely hidden with people they can’t meet very often. If BTS has a couple within the group they surely get to spend more time together than the normal relationship even outside of what we as their fans get to see. But it’s also much more risky and easy to expose if you say or do the wrong thing. Even if fanservice is something they can hide behind partly. In this sense, even Tae/kook makes more sense with how little we get to see from them despite obviously knowing they spend time together too. Just saying that no matter how much we think we get to see, there is still a lot we don’t see. And the things we do get to see are edited and often managed by Big Hit (even though I do not think that all the staff like editors and directors etc would be aware of a relationship if is there is one).
Fourth if there is an actual homosexual couple I think it would be in both their own self-interest and from Big Hit’s perspective to not let it show, at least not too much considering how the fans really look into every single thing. I could be wrong and maybe Big Hit is planning to let Ji/kook come out or be in a glass closet, but it would likely be devastating to their careers. Just a few days ago I saw Korean netizens comment that homosexuals are basically psychopaths. It would mean that they would put being together openly above the success of the group and honestly I just personally don’t think that fits with either Jimin’s nor Jungkook’s personalities who has sacrificed a lot of other things for BTS and their fans (I know this sounds horrible, just saying it’s a huge deal). Not right now at least, when they have renewed their contracts and still has military service to go through. Engaging in “homosexual activities” during military service is even punishable by law in Korea. Of course I don’t know any of this as fact and I do think Big Hit and BTS are very forward thinking and obviously pro LGBT+, so who knows. It would also be a huge deal that would help a lot of people, but as of now I just think it’s unlikely that they would let any member come out as non straight, and even less a couple. Their general attitude towards publicly showing support has grown, but it’s still careful and they would definitely lose a lot of fans, not the least in Korea.
Fifth, the fact is that Ji/kook is getting PR from Big Hit. Most of, if not all, things that reach us be it videos, tweets or written interviews are probably looked over by Big Hit (also remember Vmin checking their answers with each other?). Especially if they have something to hide they would probably have teams that made sure things stayed hidden. I think JK even talked about how they have staff up working while they are on vlive to check reactions etc. It’s just common sense for entertainers of any kind to have their image managed by their company at least to some extent. Also, leaks by staff is how most info on idols’ private info leaks, so a thing like this would be handled very delicately if you don’t want to get exposed. The exception here would be if no one knew about this except Ji/kook basically, but then that wouldn’t explain why Big Hit helps promoting them, also if that would be the case I imagine they would rather act even more careful.
Now of course not all staff could know about them hiding such a thing and things would slip through from time to time no matter what. But you all realize that things like GCF are right there on their official channels? That Ji/kook got asked about the trip several times, and even got moved in the Harajuku sweets interview so that we would get to see the question “What do you like about Jimin?” from JK. And why does Big Hit refuse Taehyung to sing the song with Jimin, if they are okay with promoting Ji/kook in quite obvious LGBT+ ways?
I don’t deny that Ji/kook don’t spend a huge amount of time together, or that they aren’t close, because they surely are. I also don’t think promoting a ship to hide another makes sense, so it’s definitely genuine from their side. They also do have suspicious moments and likely has hidden in each other’s rooms etc. But all I can say is that IF they are together it would seem like they don’t care about being discreet at all. Jimin has even been described by JK as “shameless” and I think the word fits with Jimin’s attitude towards JK since the beginning. Personally I don’t see much of a change in Ji/kook relationship from his side at all. And that is fine, maybe they just are that open and don’t care about being careful at all… But then that begs the question “why does Jimin act careful in regards to Taehyung?" I’m not kidding when I’m saying Jimin and Taehyung acts stiff or quiet at odd times like they try to hold back things, or that they really do seem reluctant to be alone live together.
Below you can see some asks I have gotten on these topics and honestly I kinda just want to get them all out of the way at the same time, because a lot of the things are the same. Sorry if I come off as rude, but I really don’t want to talk too much about other ships, both because it’s not really in my main interest and secondly because I think everyone should ship what they like and I am not here to talk badly about any ship.
Again, don’t feel bad for sending me these asks, and I hope you don’t feel insulted by my replies. These are sensitive topics after all and this is merely how I feel about various things.
 Asks are in cursive:
sometimes i cant help but feel really weird about vmin and feel insecure ji/kook are always together on stage and off stage even in one of taes vlives he said he wanted to call jimin but hes probably with jungkook and so many other things in memories of 2018 i really love vmin but i feel so sad and can’t help but feel that they’ve grown apart and jimins replaced tae with jungkook it makes me upset to think that maybe they fought and arent together anymore :( i’m sorry for bothering u
Even if Jimin spends more time with JK than Tae we don’t see everything and we don’t know everything. But I am confident that Vmin love each other and we know they spend time together that we don’t see. I doubt Jimin would “replace” Tae with JK, and once again their love is not something we as bystanders can measure based on the amount of screen time or tweets we get to see of certain pairs.
Heelow i just wanna ask a quick question, do you watch jik analysis videos especially that one popular shipper named kook/min/world on YouTube and Tumblr her analysis are........ STRONG I've been stalking her on Tumblr and she acts like she knows things and not gonna lie some of the things she says do come true 😕 Anyways where are you we miss you soo much mommmmyyyy 😭
I have watched some, though I can’t recall exactly which ones and what they were about (watched too many random analysis videos to remember who made them). And I agree, there are some strong compelling arguments, both for ji/kook and tae/kook. But most of them are still based in sharing rooms or the GCF or “jealousy” and frankly to me that isn’t enough even if all of them are true. The step from sharing a room to being in a relationship is rather huge if you ask me. And we know idols can be careful about showing things like that even if it’s all just rumors. And again, the behavior of ji/kook just doesn’t seem to show that they are trying to be careful about anything. But that’s just me.
As for knowing things there are plenty of inside information to be found if you just dig enough. It’s difficult to know what to trust and especially shipping info is very hard to trust. There are things like sound of JK and Tae playing games and swearing out on the internet, there are alleged fake dates with women, and not the least many fans knew about the huge internal problems that BTS experienced during 2017-18. So yes, there is of course a chance that people have obtained inside information but it’s really difficult to know what to trust or not even if some things prove to be real later on.
I appreciate your opinion , coz i find it pretty logical and mature. So i have some question about ji/kook . What do you think . Why Jin asked in recent run episode to Jm and JK "Are You Guys dating ?" i also noticed that Tae at that time seemed so quite and distante .. and he didn't laugh with other memebers after that . What do you think why memebers would say such thing as "joke" and do u think it's a joke ? Also Tae's reaction intrigued me and i think didn't other members noticed that too ?
Thank you! I try, though of course it’s extremely difficult to know everything as what is logical to me might not be logical to someone else etc. Still, I’m happy to hear you say my thoughts seem logical and mature.
For me personally things like Jin asking “Are you guys dating?” is one of the biggest reasons I don’t think it’s true. It would be a huge risk and the only reason I could see anyone doing that is if they know the truth will be out soon. They’ve also said this to other members as a joke, so that’s honestly what I think it is; a joke.
Taehyung’s reaction to things like this I have noted tend to be very muted. But on the other hand he also has a neutral face that looks rather sad, meaning he could really just have no real reaction. This is a huge problem I see in analysis videos all the time, that the person analyzing doesn’t actually seem know the members enough to know them “on their own”. Like Tae having a rather “sour” looking neutral face or for example JK who has a billion nervous habits, one which is the famous “tongue” thing. Meaning you can’t automatically assume that things only has that one meaning etc.
hello I really liked everything you write about VMin, I love that relationship that I do not consider it a Shipp anymore, for me it is the purest and most real relationship that any other shipp, I wanted to ask you what do you think about the rings I mention JK in Busan? Jimin got very nervous and JK hinted that it's something between him and Jimin, why did he do that? If you say that BigHit gives you rules to not show your love or your relationship, why did you do that ?, despite that situation
Thank you so much! :) VMin truly has an amazing bond!
I have heard about the rings, though I don’t know if it was confirmed to be exactly those rings (aka wedding/engagement) but I am not sure I know what moment you are talking about with Jimin seeming nervous. I’m guessing it might be from muster, but if someone knows please let me know.
Again, I have no idea what Big Hit says or does (though we do know some things like Tae not being allowed to sing with Jimin or Docskim not being allowed to release the behind story of Lie etc) all I talk about is how I assume they would manage such a situation. But there could be many other ways I can’t even think of. Basically it’s all a guessing game, but personally I think it would be in Big Hit’s interest to not let BTS “run wild” with certain things (like the no drunk tweeting rule). Also even if Big Hit has given them rules they are still capable of breaking those rules if they choose to, though I think it would get consequences. As for the rings a lot of the members have matching jewelry or clothes, so it’s difficult to know if it means anything special.
I'm not the last anon so I don't think they're forced but in relation to change people often say it's usually late 2017—2018. Then there's its because of JK. Because apparently that's when jimin and jk noticibly started spending a lot of time together. And since jimin only has limited time to spend with others, even outside the group, that's when the questions come. For me personally I saw the change after the Malta trip.
The dates always seems to be different even from Ji/kookers, but for Vmin at least to me there seemed to be a possible change in the early 2016 when they basically stopped with their vlives and then started to look super clingy yet pushed each other away at odd times.
As for late 2017-2018 and Ji/kook I have a few things I question in regards to the actual timeline and how that would effect Vmin. First if that was when JK and Jimin actually got together doesn’t that change the whole narrative of GFC and their trip to Japan? I mean, I realize some people see it as when they “confessed” but then it seems odd they would suddenly be super open and out if their relationship was so new. The Big Hit “unicorn shoot” was also before that which means they had already started the LGBT related promotions for Ji/kook. So if Ji/kook is real I think it makes more sense that it would have been going on for longer than that. I also personally don’t think the change is completely due to ji/kook but rather a major change in Jungkook. He did not have a good year 2017 and I think Jimin being there for him was just Jimin being Jimin. I also think that when JK then started to be happier his attitude changed, he started posting on twitter after a long time, dyed his hair basically for the first time and started to be seen outside more often. Sometimes getting “dragged out” by Jimin.
But the question remains if Ji/kook got together why did it affect Vmin so much? Surely if Ji/kook has been together for a long time the other members would have known and let them spend time together of course, but why would Jimin suddenly start pushing Taehyung away just because he got a boyfriend? It doesn’t paint Ji/kook in a good light to see their relationship possibly affecting Vmin’s friendship so much. And more importantly, why would it still after years make Vmin avoid certain things and act weirdly? Jimin and Taehyung are best friends and should still be able to spend time together if they truly want to, and things they say and do indicates that they want that. So why is Vmin so much more private if there is no problem for ji/kook to be so open about spending time together? 
I don’t know, personally I still think Vmin behaves more suspicious which I think would match better with both the risk with being in a homosexual relationship as well as with their respective personalities.
hi i know you are busy and probably answer very late but I've noticed that when Jik are together they always forget about Tae there are so many moments i can't mention here i am sure you know about them but it makes me sad how they just ignore tae especially jk they all were so close before so do you think there is somethin going on between jik? I mean they go on trips jm came back from Japan on Valentine's day nd they were spotted together, maybe that's why tae also doesn't go with jm 😪🤔
Hmm, interesting because I think there are plenty of moments where Vmin end up forgetting other people when in each other’s presence as well. I can think of examples with JK as well, like in Hawaii when Vmin talked about walking together at night and JK just sits there etc. I think this is one of those things that might just be shippers pointing out and over analyzing something that happens with more members than just their ship. Also Tae tends to space out, so that could be another reason. I would have to look at each moment to give a proper opinion.
I suppose if Tae perhaps really liked Jimin and got his heart broken as Ji/kook got together it could mean that Tae would like to distance himself. But there are too many other things that goes against this and I think it would be way more noticeable, not to mention probably show a huge change in physical behavior between them so it seems unlikely. I don’t see any reason for Tae to push away the person he calls his best friend just because he would be in a relationship. I also don’t see why Vmin wouldn’t just be able to continue being best friends even if one of them had a relationship someone.
I love your analyses , coz you're always puts everything so logically . Bdw what do you think of that famous jikook trip together ?? It's still intrigued me why Vmin always wants and say out loud that they want to travel together just Only two of them , and they even made a promise of that ,but then suddenly JM goes w JK (and they likes to talk about that trip a lot) , and i still can't get why Tae coudn't be there too and what stopped them to made their wishful promise ??
Taehyung was actually in Japan at the same time… Which is interesting. But he was spending time with his family. I do agree it’s weird Vmin has never acted on going somewhere together despite having claimed to want to several times, but either we just haven’t seen it or they simply prioritize other things above it. I don’t think it’s anything weird if that’s the case. I also don’t think Ji/kook going on a trip automatically makes them real, not even if Jimin was out with JK (and other friends) on Valentines day.
It’s funny because Ji/kookers stalked them to find which hotel room they stayed in and got all crazy about the bath being see-through, as if not all the members have likely seen each other naked for years. But yeah, when you only see your own ship I guess it doesn’t mean anything that others has done it before. Remember Vmin on Valentines 2014?
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Sorry for sounding bitter and negative, but it’s just not that fun for me to talk about this. I am aware of the other ships and how many odd things there are to find, but I will still stand by and ship Vmin. As I’ve said before they have plenty of odd things too, which means most of the ships probably cancel each other out and aren’t real. Shipping Vmin romantically is what I love and prefer and if anyone says Vmin don’t love each other they are clearly lying. I can support Vmin as best friends just as much as lovers or soulmates. To me what matters is that the members are happy and if another ship being real means happiness for the members then that’s fine by me. I will support BTS and the members no matter what, but as of now we still don’t know anything and I am not convinced of any ship.
Sorry again, I hope I haven’t offended one. But honestly being sad because you possibly might be wrong about a ship doesn’t change the fact that all of BTS love each other no matter what.
Thanks if you managed to read this and still wants to follow me. I really appreciate you all a lot. <3
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faakeid · 5 years
I've been thinking it's kinda tricky to apply the theory that kd is real based mainly on that they're hiding from public eye? So, no couple vacations, no hanging out together, nothing? Everything they DO NOT do is justified by keeping their secret? This way, everyone could be just dating anyone with whom they've never been seen together after work? Sorry,I hope this makes sense, I'm trying to understand whether we've been over justifying their different lifestyles as a well hidden relationship ?
Ah no no. The thoughts about kd relationship have more reasons to be justified than this sort of assumption :)
BUT there’s an interesting point about it that I would like to comment related with the dissociation of their image that may sound crazy but whatevs.
It can be simply explained with, for example, their roommate choices and how it is/was expressed. During Mama era, for example, kd used to tell in more than one occasion about they sleeping in one room (sometimes even in weird situations to mentally visualize) and even other members of ex0-k did it at that time (like p_y). At those times, it was evident their tastes were similar, to the point they watched reality shows and Pororo (a kids show) together, late at night.
After some years, when people asked about their roommate arrangement, it was said they were still roommates, but pcy was with them. That gave a lot of funny stories about how Pcy called ks and he ignored him back (putting a third element and changing the focus. Instead of p_y telling funny stories about ks and ji, cs became the main point shared by JI).
After a while(maybe 2016?) it was said ks slept by himself, changing, once again. It’s normal that, while the group gets a bigger status, they change to bigger dorms and can have their own bedrooms. And, with this configuration, it doesn’t mean anything much.
But a point that bugged me was during a recent interview at ex0’s recent DVD.
At that occasion, ks asked two questions to JI and one of them as asking about they not being able to meet often because he spent more time with his friends. That was JI answer:
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Someone may look at his reply and see nothing wrong. And, per se, it’s not. But, when you look closely at it, weirder it gets. First, he changed the meaning of ks’s question, in a way to not seem as negative (like JI never spending time with the members, just with his friends). It was a misunderstanding because “he spends time with the members who lives with him” but not really because, in the end, doesn’t spend time with 100% of them (hope that what I mean makes some sense).
But the main point for me was how he mentions the fact “I don’t see you/hyung because we live in different floors”. The way that piece of information was delivered, it meant he (ks) didn’t know that information.
I have no idea if JI just received a text with those questions or if the members were with him in the same space while it was asked, but when we deliver information, we have to know who is the target of it. For example: during ex0 second box, KS mention stories about them at the dorm or when he danced JI’s choreography. That information wasn’t directed to JI and wouldn’t make sense if it was simply because he knew that story already. 
In story writing, a big mistake a rookie writer can make is telling a story to situate the reader, but making it obvious to the other person in the scene. Using the same ex0’s second box example, when Ji asks KS about the restaurant location, he replies but with a small vocal pitch and with a few details, because, all that is shown and said is to the public (and not to the person he is talking to). There’s a difference in the target and it just shows.
And that’s really evident during that exy/xion reply JI gives. He’s not telling this information as an answer to KS. He wants to answer it in a way that doesn’t make it as bad as it seems (Ji time with his members) and at the same time putting information about why he doesn’t spend/see KS often but KS obviously knows that JI sleeps/lives somewhere else. That’s the incongruence.
So, if the target isn’t KS, who is it? Just SM team? Or the public who actually consumes this kind of data since ex0’s debut?
I took so long to write this that I don’t remember what was my point in writing this anymore. But, observing their history back then and now, it feels like a gardener job to clean all the loosing ends, making just sort of unnatural how their lack of public interactions is just based in their “lack of common interests”.
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hazydreamerneko · 7 years
Report of LH Live Tour 2017「Shingeki no Kiseki」8/7 Concert in Chiba (PART I)
Original Report (Chinese) found here
Original Text (Chinese) by:初霜翼 Image report by:-流曰-
Translations by: HazyDreamerNeko/LostNeko  (Referencing Lyrics Translations by marchen-v-friedhof)
It’s been a while since I have done any translations, but I was very excited to read the report and have thus sought permission from the Sound Horizon Chinese Wiki site to translate and share the cuteness that is Revo with overseas Laurants ^^ 
It’s SUPER LONG so I will split it to 3 parts, this is part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Any use of the original text please contact the Chinese site/writer to seek permission. Any mistakes with translations please feel free to contact me!
Before the Concert
Day 1 merch sales start from 11am in the morning. Perhaps due to the reservation system employed for the Premium seat audiences, the queue for the merchandises is not very long, it’s possible to see the head of the queue.
Right after 11, announcement was made by staff to conduct the sales of merchandises: We will now begin the sales of「Shingeki no Kiseki」Tour merchandises. Shinzou wo sasage yo!! (Offer up your hearts!!)
Linhora Corps Members: …?! Ha!! (Did the Heart Salute by reflex)
It took a moment for us to realize what we did, and everyone started laughing and clapping. This time, the staffs also did the heart salute to customers as they sell the merch. Entering the venue, purchasing the merchandises, getting the stamp, and taking a seat all happened as usual. My seat for day 1 was on row 13, which was rather close to the stage. I could even see the preparations going on behind the screen before the performance began. I could also easily identify YUKI who took his position with his guitar.  
Announcement before the opening. As expected of Linhora opening announcements, even though it was not SH and there wasn’t Sascha making use of various popular SH lyrics, there were still bunch of settings incorporated to emphasize the story elements. The announcer is a female voice, and introduced herself as “Linhora Corps Relay team Recruit Isuka (TN: Iska?)”
Iska: Everyone from Linhora Ichihara branch, good evening. Welcome to the Live Tour organized by Linhora Corps, 「Shingeki no Kiseki」. I am Linhora Corps Relay team recruit Iska. I heard from our squad leader, Vial, that there are a lot of creatures bigger than Titans in the Ichihara branch. They are  called “Elephants”. Even though they are not a species that eat people, I still get very frightened when I see gigantic creatures!
Subsequently it was various precautionary announcements. These were repeated twice, the first time emphasizing that photos and recordings are not permitted, and the second time to test the wristbands. Unlike Sascha, there are not much lyrics thrown into the announcements at these parts. Iska explained everything in a very proper manner. Her sentences always end with 「~dearimasu」(TN: indicating formality (?)).
After the second round of announcements, it was about time for the concert to start. The screen was still down, and the image of the (shingeki) wall was projected upon it. As we waited, a row of people came up behind the screen, presumably the singers, and they stood neatly in a row. Subsequently, someone whose silhouette closely resembled Revo walked to the center of the stage. Everyone screamed and cheered while clapping.
All the songs from the main performance were fully accompanied by videos from SNK anime, it’s quite extravagant. Moreover the contents of the anime and songs are matched almost seamlessly.  
After the show, someone commented that it is “An Ojisan that loves SNK and is a diehard fan of SNK. He brought together the singers and musicians he liked to create the best SNK music from his heart. This was coupled with the best edited anime clips to form the “official” huge MAD with concert music onsite.” That’s true wwwwwwwww.
Especially in the songs for the female supporting characters, the key sound effects completely match with the anime clips. Regardless if it was the sound of Carla being eaten by the titans, the sound of Ilse being eaten by the titans, the sound of the Petra’s body being tossed from the cart, or the sound of Annie’s female titan fingers being sliced by Mikasa, all these scenes was shown on the screen.
01.   Nikagetsugo no Kimi e (To You in Two Months)
The sound of wind and the sea started after the venue darkened. The wristbands turned blue.
The prelude began with the scenes on the translucent screen. Across the wall, through the Titan Forest, and thereafter is the scene from the first episode of the anime. The wristband turned orange. At the same time the stage lit up, revealing the person behind the screen.
The main singer is Commander (Revo), 5 singers stood alongside him for the harmony. This included the chorus part at the beginning, and the refrain. The choreography is the same as ToLH (Theme of Linked Horizon), there’s a strong sense of déjà vu.
Commander’s clothes are the ones on the album cover. The five singers’ clothes are mainly white, with the Linhora style napoleon jacket in black with gold accents. Their hair are styled similarly to the main character of their songs. The other musicians’ clothes are also of the same standardized style.
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At the part「Guren no hi wo matoi (Wreathing yourself in crimson light)」the huge screens inside of the stage lit up, showing a red sea.
「Ji ni moeru kusa no me ni wa ( grass buds sprouting from the earth)」the images were of fields with flowers
As the screen in front played clips from the first episode, the screen at the back shows the sea. At around the interlude the translucent screen opens and the anime clip transfers to the screen at the back. The dancers appeared at around「Korekara mo tsudzuku tatakai wa (This battle will only grow harshe)」, performing as though in combat with hand lights that looked like silver lightsabers to express the “Battle” here. There’s a total of four dancers here, theres seven on the concert publications. Unless more people are added during subsequent concerts, it should be alternating between the seven dancers.
The band also appeared during the interlude. During the guitar solo, Commander played along with air guitar.
When Sascha announced the song title in German, it was shown on the screen with the handwritten animation effect.
The dancer’s props were super cool this time. During this song we thought it was just normal silver lightsabre representing the blade of the omni-directional mobility gear. But the light effects are actually adjustable, and it was used in various unexpected ways as the concert progressed…
- MC -
After Nikagetsu , Commander made the scissors hands gesture before he even started speaking. It’s super cute!
He spoke too much during this MC and I can’t remember everything, so this is just the rough idea.
Commander: Good evening. We are Linked Horizon. The tour finally started. Ahh, the rehearsals passed in the blink of an eye. I wanted to practice for a while longer, but on one hand it’s the desire for more rehearsals, on the other hand I still wanted to meet all of you sooner.
Commander: This tour is already longer than the rehearsals. That rarely happens for my concerts.
Commander: I’m very happy to be performing with such excellent members. I hope this tour will become one that makes everyone increasingly love SNK.
Commander: Ah from my perspective the lights on the audiences are so bright. Even with my sunglasses it’s so bright! There should still be a lot of people in the back rows, right? Shine some light there for me to have a look~? Fighting for the opening tickets should have been an intense battle for you all, the seats should be quite full, it should be fine to shine the lights there I hope? If it happens that the back rows are not filled, I am going to feel uneasy.
(The lights are adjusted brighter towards the back)
Commander: Oh oh~ Among those seated here, regardless if it’s for Sound Horizon or Linked Horizon, who is the first time seeing us perform today~?
(A show of hands, mostly among the back rows)
Laurants: \Oh oh oh~/ (Claps)
Commander: Thank you, but I can’t see the show of hands like this! Stop clapping for a while, sorry, can the first timers raise your hands again?
(A show of hands)
Commander: Ah quite a few. For this performance, it doesn’t matter to what extend you like or understand Linked Horizon, you can enjoy it so long as you like SNK. Although I trust that there will be a lot of people here who know us very well, the concert today are irrelevant to past concerts! Everyone is on the same starting line. Perhaps the ones who know us well will feel that I am being too long-winded. But I hope to make this as easy as possible for the unfamiliar ones. (He repeated things to this effect several times)
Commander: We intentionally rearranged the CD song sequence for the subsequent set list. Please anticipate what the next song will be.
02.   Moshi Kono Kabe no Naka ga Ikken no Ie Dato (If Everything Within These Walls were Just One House)
The moment the prelude’s pendulum sound began, everyone started cheering.
Although I had expected them to play this song, I didn’t expect it this early!
In hindsight, it made sense since both Nikagetsu and Guren are Revocal. It might be too tiring for him to sing back to back in concert, as per the sequence in the CD. Thus, it was necessary to insert a song by another singer between them. Inserting this song before Guren is seamless both in terms of music continuity and story timeline. After all, the ending to this song matches the beginning of Guren - it is the most suitable under all considerations.
It’s still fully accompanied by anime clips. The beginning is the same “door” as in Jiyuu e no Shingeki (TN: gate? I’m not entirely sure what they are referring to..) , with a young Armin beside the door.  The subsequent video focused on the trio when they were young, and the part in ep 12 where Armin was shouting at Eren after he lose his mind in his Titan form. There were also home Eren imagined (?) and Armin knocking outside the window. The lyrics「Water made of flames, lands of ice and snowy fields of sand are expanding」were perfectly matched with the images in the video.
Unlike in the CD but akin to all the other songs in 《Shingeki no Kiseki》, Sascha’s German narration of the song title was added, with the title simultaneously displayed on screen with animated effects.
03.   Guren no Yumiya (Crimson Bow and Arrows)
Moshikabe logically flowed into Guren no Yumiya.
The narration is of course the album version. The TV Size part of the song used the season one OP animation, thereafter it’s from the first few episodes of season 1, the start of the first episode and Eren vs Colossal Titan etc.
Narration for「That day mankind received a grim reminder…」used the same scene as where the narration appeared in the anime.
The Dancer’s hand lights which we initially thought to be silver blades changed in this song to look like they were spitting fire, such that when they swung them around they looked like burning arrows. What’s even cooler was when they spun it - the afterimage looked like flames!
The「Jäger」and「Eren」were standard Call & Response,「Wir sind der Jäger」also continued being audiences’ chorus.
Commander’s actions were also the familiar set of actions. Yet they seem subtly less than what I remembered from Kouhaku… 
04.   14 Moji no Dengon (14 Lettered Message)
Sung by Eiko Matsumoto.
Scenes are of Carla’s highlights, so of course it’s mainly from ep 1 and ep 2.
During the thunder background sound effect at「Mata kikime no usui kogoto o kurikaesu (I scold you again, as ineffective as it is)」, the stage lights also flashed, imitating lighting.
During「Jikan'yotomare (if only time would stop)」, the images turned to black and white, and the lights on the wristbands faded away.
It switched to Carla’s final scenes at「Tatoe anata ga (Even if you eventually…)」. The rhythm and the sound effect of the titan’s footsteps starts to be almost in sync with the video.  
The melodica at the end was live by Igarashi.
Finally, the sound effect when the Titan bit down M A T C H E S  P E R F E C T L Y with the scene in the anime.
What was already a very impactful scene became even more emotional with live music accompaniment.
How daRE.
In the end the screen showed CG of three birds flying across a sunset sky, recreating the final image in the BK.
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05.   Guren no Zahyou (Crimson Coordinates)
The translucent screen is down. There’s the sound of rain at the start, and there’s also drizzling projected on the translucent screen.
At「Rakuen o samayoeru awarena hitokage (Pitiful silhouettes that wander in paradise)」the four dancers imitated the mindless roaming titans.
「Jäger」and「Krueger」are again standard Call & Response。
The two parts「Sono ishi wa Muda janai (Their dying wish won’t be in vain), Kono mama ja Owarasenai (I won’t let it end like this)」and「Kono ishi yo Toki o koe (Let their dying wish transcend time), Nandodemo Uketsuga re (To be passed on over and over again)」switch between the left and right channels as in the CD, and the light position also change according to the sound channels.  
06.   Saigo no Senka (The Final Battle Deed)
Sung by Tsukika
During the first part of the song, scenes from when Survey Corps depart for the 57th expedition beyond the walls were shown.
They start to use the OAD scenes in the second part.
After「Watashi wa saigomade kusshinai (I will never give up)」,「Kidachi chino kage ni (…from behind the trees)」was immediately matched to the scene of titans appearing. 「Yumiru no Tami… Yumiru-sama.. yokuzo (“…subjects…of..Ymir…” “…great….Ymir…” “Well met…”)」fully correspond to the image of the titan talking on screen. Tsukika will make the gesture of writing everytime she sings「Kusshinai (never give up)」
The second last part of the song fully correspond to final moments of Ilsa in the OAD, the sound (TN: of the notebook dropping?) and the image are totally in sync.
For the last part of the song, the stage was lit with purple lights.
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- MC -
When the darkened stage brightened again, Commander is back with a change of clothes.
Commander: Thank you
Commander: As we kept singing, were you all thinking “Are there no MCs anymore”?
Commander (Turning to look behind): Ah-! Why did everyone disappear from the stage once I come up for MC? Is it because everyone at the Ichihara branch are too uncooperative?
Commander: Nah (Laughs). The next song will be one that is religious in nature. This song doesn’t need the band, instead there’s a choir – (turns around) Even though the choir is not here today, the singers will sing it with the audio of the choir. There’s no accompaniment, so there won’t be any band performing. But it would be boring if it’s only like that, so the band members will be here dressed as believers (Wallists) . They are now preparing backstage, so I’m here to buy time.
Commander: Does everybody know about the Church of the Walls? I don’t really understand their doctrine, but roughly it’s just that the walls are untouchable! If you touch it, you will provoke them! You can only look at the walls, but not touch it! If you touch it, you will offend them! You will be punished!
Commander: Since we can’t touch the walls, can we dig a tunnel from beneath it? No! Even though tunnels are really convenient, isn’t it? You have all travelled on things like Shinkansen right? Like the Tokaido Line (makes gesture of a straight line). If we can’t dig tunnels things will become very difficult (Gestures a squiggly line)!
Commander: In summary, the wall is sacred, you can’t do anything to the walls!
Commander: Has everyone seen the anime? (Image of the Wallists praying is shown on screen) That’s the feel of the Church of the Wall. Does it give you a sense of foreboding? Despite having considered that it might be fun for all of you to sing it, the song requires splitting the singers into different groups. I’m afraid once we start singing you might get confused like “eh? Which part was I supposed to sing again?”, and some will not be able to keep up. So for now – and it’s only optional! If you want, you can do this Wallists action, and link like a chain with the person next to you. It’s entirely voluntary! Absolutely do not force yourself! It’ll be bad if I’m suddenly telling you to link arms with the strange old man beside you, and in hindsight it becomes “I didn’t want to do it at all! We were sweaty and sticky and didn’t want to touch at all but this bastard Glasses Oji-san forced us to do it!” No, it’s voluntary. The band members know each other so it’s fine. For all of you, casually introduce yourself to the person beside you and ask each other “Do you want to do it?”. If yes, reply “Jäger (Looking very passionate)” , if not, say “No Jäger (Looking very disdainful)” like this. I hope I can let everyone have the sensation of being in a great church. After we are done we will be accepting everyone’s complains ––  it will be received and managed after the tour ~
But from my observations, at least most within my field of vision linked arms.
07.   Kami no Miwaza (The Work of the Divine)
The five female singers were wearing white robes with necklaces of the Church of the Wall. They sang while standing on the stairs in the middle of the stage.
The band members stood on both sides of the stairs, cosplaying as Wallists.
There were three steps of stairs, the singers stood in the formation of 2-2-1 from top to bottom steps respectively. At the 「Thou~Thou~Thou~」part, the singers on each step repeat it once. At「Maria」「Rose」「Sina」, the singer on the first step sings 「Maria」, the second step「Rose」, the third「Sina」, symbolizing the three layer of walls.
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(Continues in Part 2)
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allisenoble · 8 years
People are constantly asking and being asked the question, Who are your influences? Who do you consider your hero? Who are your role models? I never know how to answer and end up feeling like I’m having some sort of Mindy Lahiri moment. It sounds totally pompous and terrible to be like … Hm, well I’d say myself probably? but that is how I feel sometimes! I love art, and have seen many pieces that have spoken to me in some way, but I’ve never had that “master artist” whom I felt informed my whole artistic style and way of doing things. I’ve always had this strong aversion to even remotely copying or being influenced by anything at all. I remember growing up in school, my parents would ask me what I was working on in class at the dinner table. I’d go on about some paper I had to write, and one of my parents (usually my dad) would pipe up with, “Oh, I know! You can write about _________!”. I’d get so mad and exclaim, “Great, now I can’t write about that even if I was going to because you said it first so it’s not my idea anymore!”A lot of times it truly was the idea I’d had in my head already, which was super problematic.
I am a very visually based person, and images have always stuck with me more than individual people anyway. As a way to maybe untangle some of my artistic influences, I have shared individual images that have struck me in my artistic journey, inspired me to create, and made me excited about being an artist. You may see similarities between some of these images and the work I aim to create, and some may be as different from my own work as night and day. You will not see any flowers or landscapes. Enjoy!
One of the first pieces of art that really impacted me once I was in high school and actually started developing an artistic style of my own wasn’t actually traditional art, but a fashion editorial from Elle Girl magazine. Elle Girl was infinitely better than it’s preppy, air-headed sister Cosmo Girl, or so I believed at the time – Elle Girl had Emma Watson on the cover (in a marching band themed shoot of all things), and also first introduced me to the band Tegan and Sara via a short article featuring lots of photos of them leaning against walls in cool clothes and an answer to the all important question, what IS that weird sauce that Canadians put on their french fries? Its slogan was “Dare to be Different”, and it did tend to feature more unique, out-of-the-box photo shoots than other magazines geared towards teens. I was super into photography at the time as well as drawing, and though I had never thought of myself as a super confident person, I loved dressing up in fun outfits and makeup and crazy jewelry with my friends and taking photos. I loved doing this because it allowed me to be far more bold and outgoing than my social anxiousness normally allowed me to be. All the outlandish clothes and hair and bright makeup is like a protective mask where you feel more like you are playing a character than anything else, and you don’t have to feel awkward or embarrassed about anything.
I came across these H.R. Geiger pieces at Barnes and Noble of all places, while looking at calendars for my new dorm my first year away at college. I was most struck by his more figurative work. His pieces are super creepy but they tell a story, and I was so impressed by the striking monochromatic contrast and seamless, almost obsessive detail. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. I didn’t end up buying the calendar because I had many more purchases to make and it was like 25 bucks. However, I took down his name to look up more of his work, and have been a fan ever since. Funny enough, I wouldn’t watch Alien, for which he did a significant amount of visuals, until about 3 years ago.
I discovered these works from CC Askew and Camille Rose Garcia respectively in the art magazines I started to devour in late high and school early college. I hadn’t seen a lot of art from current working artists at that time, because art classes in school tend to be overly focused on the past. I understand the whole learn your foundations thing, and appreciating the history of art is important, but I remember being somewhat surprised to discover that there were actually well known artists that existed past the 19th century ;). These solidified my affinity towards pop surrealism, and I fell in love with their heavy use of twisted-storybook-esque illustration, a mix of imagery that can be both childlike and nostalgic yet also deeply dark.
Two works I also discovered in glorious outsider art, street art, and pop surrealism magazines are these by Lori Earley and Sylvia Ji. Both were artists who focus heavily on portraiture, as do I in my work. They used contrasting, unusual colors and their pieces were delicate and feminine but not without a dark, surreal edge.
These pieces by Ray Caesar and Ruben Ireland were the first digital art that ever peaked my interest. For the longest time, I had harbored such a grudge against digital artists (those bunch of cheaters!), mainly because the only digital art I’d seen was poorly executed fan art or digital manipulations that could be done in about 5 minutes with the right mouse clicks on Photoshop.  These artists, however, utilize the medium to do things that you can’t do traditionally. For example, Caesar actually creates entire 3D worlds which he then rotates the camera view within and crops to create his final pieces.  I have recently done some experimenting with digital art myself, and it is challenging, let me tell you!
Another one of my inspirations is always, always my students! One of my students who comes to Express Yourself Artshop from an area assisted living home just taught me last week how to make crochet necklaces!
Fellow creatives out there, be it artists, designers, musicians, writers, actors, any part of the spectrum: who (or what works) inspire(s) you to create?
    Artists To Know: My Personal Influences People are constantly asking and being asked the question, Who are your influences? Who do you consider your hero?
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