#my very own special art tag just for me because i am a special girl
miyaxnala · 5 months
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posting this here as a way to motivate myself to finish this (hopefully). done for my color theory class where our palette had to consist of some muted colors and one saturated color :)
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
fic request guidelines masterpost and tag library
fic requests are currently [OPEN/CLOSED]
fulfilled requests quick link [here].
ko-fi page [here].
see below the read-more for guidelines!
things I prefer to do:
f/f ships
nsft(w) depending on prompt
my otp chenmiya (typically I age up amiya for these)
sweet and wholesome, sane and consensual
toxic and messy, insane and dubious
ticklekink trash
other ships I love; ch'en/blaze/amiya, ch'en/blaze, horn/mandragora, texland, abyssal hunters/each other/irene in any combination, ursus girls in any combination, scavenger/closure, leizi/blaze. I'll update this as I remember more but those are the top ones
characters I love, all the above plus; dorothy, scavenger, warfarin, closure, earthspirit, cantabile
things I'll do:
almost any f/f ship
star ocean 2 femslash <- and if you're a star ocean 2 fan i wanna be fwiends (つ≧▽≦)つ
ex astris girls
fandoms you know i know
polycules (abyssal hunters, ursus girls, nearl and the girls and most any others you can think of)
het on a case by case basis-there's a few I'm down with like whisperain/phantom (based purely on the op rec interaction being really cute) and...I can't remember any others rn. i'm not inherently opposed to a decent het.
I can and will write fucked-up shit. Don't be shy. You will not surprise me and I will not judge you.
examples: sexy cannibalism, sister incest, dub-con in the right circumstances.
gen-fic is okay too though i promise
au's are fine too
things I won't do:
self-insert or cis male!doctor/anyone. if I'm writing the doctor they are either female, nb or genderqueer in some way and they will be their own unique character
anything that goes so far against a character's personality that it's too difficult to write. if you want something specific you can get detailed in your prompt request though and I'll do my best to rise to the challenge!
lesbian-coded characters in het ships. I know this can be a little subjective so it doesn't hurt to ask if you're not sure.
blaze/greythroat. sorry. it's just an ick for me.
characters that are fairly obviously not even pre-teens yet. suzuran is too young.
some considerations:
amiya is kind of a special case. there's a lot the game suggests about her mental maturity vs. her age and i think in any setting aside from arknights i usually call bs because it's usually a lay-up to some kind of 'ship yourself with this underage character, look it's okay' kind of vibe, but arknights puts pretty exclusive emphasis on the familial relationships with amiya and the 'self-insert' character. i feel that as a pharmaceutical CEO with a lot of stress and centuries of grief and empathy stored in her body...girl can do what she's gotta do with the other characters. I do like to age her up a little bit to avoid the gymnastics of trying to explain everything every time though. I ship her with pretty much any woman in the game in the right contexts. update: please please PLEASE consider this carefully before you offer to let me come be in a server/come discuss story ideas anywhere. i write what i write because it matters to me and even if it didn't matter to me as much i really strongly feel that art is the safest medium in which we explore things that might be harder for people to understand otherwise. i am very clear and front-facing with chenmiya being very important to me and it's a pretty solitary existence at times because of it, so please don't invite me somewhere and then ask or expect me to amputate that part of myself because i will be very very hurt.
I do reserve the right to refuse a request for any reason. I do this for fun in my free time, for free, to work on my writing a little, and while I don't refuse things outright most times, please understand if I just lose a little steam.
length of the work will depend entirely upon my inspiration-I'll try to make sure you at least get a drabble size of a few sentences, but I'll do my best to make the most out of the prompts you take the time to send me.
i know most triggers to tag for but if you need something else tagged drop me a line. I gotchu.
okay, that's about it! I'll update when I'm taking requests at the top of the post, so check for availability before you send in a prompt.
thank you for reading! can't wait to write for you.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
October 21st
Cosy pyjamas
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Ah Maglor and Finrod, my two beloved but very annoying friends (haunting me endlessly)...
I am not entirely sure who to tag as I've read so many ficlets and full-blown fics about them. Hmmmm...@oopsbirdficced, I've made reference to Finrod/Caranthir though haha...
Also special shoutout to @cuarthol who writes a beautiful Finrod and who does so many different things with such style and poise that I am always in awe! Check it out!!!
Here's the amazing art by @theresonlyzuul ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Words: 568
Warnings: Undressing...nothing really :D
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“Eru forfend,” Maglor cursed under his breath as he unwrapped the parcel Finrod had handed him with such evident pride; he was still not entirely convinced of the “girl’s night without the girls”-sleepover plan his favourite half-cousin had come up with but – as several of his brothers had explicitly refused to attend it – he had taken it upon himself to fulfil Finrod’s whimsical wish.
How could he have resisted when his kinsman – clad in a silken pyjama in a shimmering emerald green that much complimented his sparkling eyes – was all but bouncing like a ball of pure light in his eager anticipation of the fun they’d have?
“Where did Nelyo go?” Finrod asked wistfully while Maglor unfolded the thick, warm pyjama in Fëanorian red onto which tiny harps and flutes had been embroidered in a beautiful display of both skill and artistic talent. 
The golden-haired menace had been so enamoured with his own plan that – evidently – not even Maglor’s lack of suitable attire could stop him from making this the most epic and memorable of sleepovers since before the first coming of the light.
“My sweetling,” Maglor sighed dramatically, shedding his own clothes shamelessly to slip into the generous gift he had been granted, “did you really think Nelyo and Finno came because they wanted to emulate the secret meetings your sister and Aredhel have?”
“Yes,” Finrod replied, outraged by the suggestion that he’d doubt his cousin’s word.
“I am most aggrieved to let you know then that tonight’s entertainment shall be reserved for the two of us; it’s highly improbable that the other firstborns will join us before it is time to scurry back to our own beds.”
“I am being used, am I not?” Finrod made a face that wavered between vexation and fascination.
“Do you object to the intimacy?” Maglor cocked one eyebrow provocatively, giving a little twirl so his host could admire the shape of his body underneath the heavy layer of warming fabric. He loved the fact that his bad circulation and tendency to feel cold when sitting down for too long had been considered in the choice of apparel; Finrod’s discreet attention to those details warmed his heart more than any pyjamas could ever have warmed his icy limbs.
“Not in the least,” Finrod chirped with renewed enthusiasm, “you’ve always been my favourite anyway. We can share a blanket.”
He was feeling quite snuggly and comfortably cosy already, but Maglor was not fool enough to refuse the chance to cuddle up against his golden-haired cousin and bask in the heat of his indefatigable hopefulness. 
His eyes narrowed as he grew suspicious of his own enthusiasm. “What about Moryo?”
Finrod blinked at him, the very picture of startled innocence, and breathed: “Yes, what about Moryo? Let’s not talk about your brothers, hmmm?”
There were things Finrod was clearly dissimulating or – which was more probable in his case – pointedly ignoring until they came to bite him in the behind, but Maglor agreed that, just this once, he should not waste a single thought on his annoying, disruptive, and dearly beloved siblings.
Nodding vaguely, he hurriedly thought a few soothing words and shreds of half-forgotten prayers to Eru so the One would not prompt Nelyo and Finno to change their mind after all; this promised to become a very lovely evening indeed and Maglor had no desire to see it interrupted by anyone or anything.
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@fellowshipofthefics :D (I am making good on my month)
Lots of love from me...this was a small - a little sweeter - ficlet. (Can't all be bad smut and insinuated sadness, right?)
-> Masterlist
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
15 questions to get to know me!
Thank you for tagging me, dearests @something-tofightfor and @songsformonkeys!!!
1. are you named after anyone?
No. Unless you count my middle name. My paternal grandmother had two middle names and my sister and I got one each.
2. when was the last time you cried?
About a month ago in a psychopomp lecture during a guided meditation. When guided to talk to an ancestor, my Auntie B came up and it was waterworks. She's a good one, my Auntie.
3. do you have kids?
Nope. I've known from an early age that I would be a child-free lady.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes. It's usually in the form of tough love when my SO or my artists need to be given a little correction but also need to take it with a spoonful of playfulness.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their aesthetic. I acknowledge my initial learned prejudices about them and wait for the delightful moment when they prove my societally-engineered expectations wrong. (The N and J are strong in this INFJ. And then my F/T toggle kicks in real hard.)
6. what’s your eye colour?
I just put gray on my ID, but they're blue-grey on the rims and green-grey inside? And they're more blue or green or grey depending on reflection from what the sky is doing and what I'm wearing so...?
7. scary movies or happy endings?
Both. I am obviously a sucker for a soft, happy ending. But I love love love horror films to the point where most of them do not scare me anymore. But when I do find one that gives me the tingles, I will love it forever.
8. any special talents?
I have a lot of special skills that I've honed, but inherent talents? (Where skills = learned and practiced acts and talents = just good at it from the get go.) I guess the biggest one is being able to pick up an instrument for the first time and play a song on it by ear. I guess also I'm pretty empathic. Oh! And I'm very very good at always choosing the slowest line in the supermarket; I don't even have to try!
9. where were you born?
In Minnesota, but not in Minneapolis. I was born in the city I was raised in and then escaped to my college town and then escaped the country altogether for a little while before coming back to Minnesota.
10: what are your hobbies?
Writing Pedro fic, reading Pedro fic. Reading in general. Video games, embroidery/cross stitch, collecting tarot decks and stickers. dinking around with musical instruments and trolling Etsy/Ebay/Craigslist for new ones. Online shopping's a big one. Puzzles--logic puzzles, sudoku, word puzzles. Thrifting for wardrobe and art purposes. Making weird shit out of thrifted junk. Board and card games.
11. have you any pets?
Right now, we just have the one dog and we're on senior care with her. She's a black lab mix that we took in from a neglectful family member when she was 12, riddled with tapeworm, heartworm, and tooth problems (all of which we fixed). Thinking we could give her some pretty happy golden years, I was like, sure. I can put up with this very stupid, very neurotic dog for a couple of years if it means she gets to go down happy and warm.
Well, it may be too happy and too warm in our house, because she's 19.5 and the welcome was worn out years ago. Girl just keeps on ticking. She needs help getting up half the time and her back legs don't work very well so she needs to be lifted to go outside (both doors require stairs which she can't do anymore). She has accidents in the house not just daily, but multiple times a day and we just keep dog pads down in the bedroom and my hands just constantly smell of bleach now. She's mostly deaf and fairly blind and is, without hyperbole, the dumbest dog I've ever known or owned in my life. But that also makes her constantly hilarious. And very happy despite her struggles....we often say in this house that "she's just too happy to live and too dumb to die."
I wish I could say that I loved her, and in a way I do. But while she's very sweet and very friendly, she's not interested in the exchange of affection or in any way that "shows she knows what you're feeling" kind of pet, so we've never really bonded. Even after all these years, she feels more like a guest than family. She just exists to be a benevolent force of fur, odors, and amusement in our house for now. And we just try to keep her as comfortable as possible for as long as we can.
12: what sports do you play/have you played?
When I was young, my folks tried to get me into softball and skiing, but I always shied from the ball and never wanted to ski too fast because I didn't want to get hurt. I was on the swim and gymnastics teams in junior high and did pretty well there, but was only really doing it to stay close to my grade school bestie. I couldn't keep up with her and found the performing arts instead. So now, nothing.
13: how tall are you?
14. favourite subject in school?
I actually really loved biology and chemistry. And anything where I got to use my hands like art, home ec, woodshop. I excelled in English and music, but I think I really enjoyed my science classes more.
15. dream job?
I have my dream job! I help new artists produce their work and experienced artists challenge themselves! AND I'M GOOD AT IT.
But if I didn't have this job? I'd probably love to be a PA to someone artistic and kind. I know somebody that used to be Neil Gaiman's PA and that sounded like the best thing ever.
tagging: @unbound-space-trash @lowlights @nicolethered @beecastle
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mychaotic-academia · 1 year
I’ve never posted any “about me” stuff so here’s some random me-based facts if anyone was curious!
I am 27 going on 28 (my birthday is October 21st)
I’m married to the love of my life, Vee, and she and I met when I was 18 and she was 21. I auditioned for her A Capella group in college and she fell in love instantly (the funny part is I was just thinking “I hope this girl lets me into her A Capella group” but I wasn’t far behind)
I have a cat named Bunny that I’m obsessed with. She’s a calico short hair and I do sometimes post pics! I tag them #Bunny
I work as a paraeducator in a high school, which basically means I help students with IEPs and such in classrooms. Right now I work in a classroom for students returning to school after school avoidance or hospitalizations. I love my job!
I’m in graduate school to get my Special Education degree so I can become a Special Ed teacher. I love being in classes again and I’m excited for the new step in my career!
I majored in Psychology in my Undergrad, and the 4 years I spent at University were amazing! I was originally going to be an adjustment counselor, but changed my mind.
I’m a creative person, and I write (poems, stories, novel length projects that never come to be), paint, play music, and sing. I sometimes post some of my creative content here too!
I’ve been a voracious reader since I was old enough to read. Before that my Dad read to me every night before bed. We kept that up through sometime in Middle School as we read all the Harry Potter novels, most as they were coming out (I’m old!)
I’m a pagan and a not quite professional but working on it psychic. I love doing readings for folks so ask away! I’m working on getting fluent enough to pick up a gig somewhere as a reader.
My parents are both writers. My mom has a published book of poetry and is published fairly widely for her poetry. My dad has self published two novels (he didn’t want to deal with getting a publishing deal but his books are good!)
I’m majorly into aesthetics and general awe. I see beauty everywhere and I’m constantly amazed by the world. My theory is that I’m a brand new soul and so everything is exciting to me, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
My old blog (if I follow you it is unfortunately still my “main”, nullnvoyd) was a BPD blog. I deleted everything and pretty much deactivated it as far as I could because it wasn’t helping. I’ve struggled with mental health since I was a kid, but am in a very good place right now, which feels amazing.
I was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago and it has explained so much!
I live in Massachusetts and am watching the trees for any signs of leaves turning because it truly is a marvel to live in New England in the Fall.
I was born in Newfoundland Canada. My parents grew up there. In the early-mid 90s (when I was born) the fishery crashed and Newfoundland had unemployment of around 30+%. My dad got a job down here because he was, at the time, one of the few people who could do what he does with computers. I’m still only a Canadian citizen, mainly because its expensive to become a citizen in the US. I want to be a citizen for the next election though so I’ll have to prioritize it.
I used to own a crystal shop, but its down for now because I’m working and in school full time.
I was on Tumblr back in the day, when it was at the height of its popularity. I think it was 2011 or 2012 when I made my first account. Crazy how time flies once you leave public education and start getting older.
I love makeup and fashion, and I was self conscious about it for a long time because it didn’t feel like an “intellectual” pursuit, but that was completely a misconception. They are forms of art!
So thats a bit about me! Theres more, I’m sure, because people always contain untold multitudes, but those are what I could think of on half a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning.
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ni-kol-koru · 2 years
a big big thanks to my lovely mutuals @vespersposts and @lylakoi for tagging me in this little answers questiongs game! i am so excited to answer! 🩵
1. Are you named after anyone?
yes! and there is a longish story behind it! my parents struggled having kids for a long time before having my twin sister and i. they tried everything possible, but mum just couldn't stay pregnant. no doctor could tell why and no amount of praying was helping. when they almost gave up, after 8 years of trying, on December 19th, mum finally found out she was pregnant! in Orthodox Christian Calendar that's a day called St. Nikola, and so mum knew that the baby would be named after him, to honor him and thank him for the blessing! then she found out she had identical twin girls! we ended up being born sooner becayse my sister was developing way faster than me and she was so big she was kind of crushing me, leaving me with almost no oxygen. she was eating all my food as well, so i was starving, too. doctors thought i wouldn't survive, but my mum says that she believed in me and was praying to St. Nikola that i would be healthy and okay. and so i was the baby named after him! now i bear a female version of his name, Nikolija!
2. When was the last time you cried?
two days ago actually... before posting my art on here i had a little crying session because i was really worried and thought people wouldn't like and enjoy my work. then i cried from happines when my first like happened a few minutes after i posted!
3. Do you have kids?
no, but maybe one day i would like to have them.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i don't think so, but some of the people i know claim otherwise?
5. What's your eye color?
dark brown! they are very dark though! most people in my life thought they were black before i pointed a flashlight in them.
6. Scary movies or happy endings?
i am not a fan of scary movies, so happy endings!
7. Any special talents?
not sure if this is a talent, but my intelligence is really high! after doing my iq test my examiner told me that i was really impressive and that the last time she encountered someone so bright was like a decade ago. i have an iq that's between 135 and 145, but i was never given the exact number for some reason?
8. Where were you born?
on a sunny and beautiful August day, in the middle of her vacation abroad, my mum had a weird gut feeling about the babies in her belly. she asked my dad and her parents if she could visit a doctor. when the doctors had a look they said and she had to urgently give birth or one of her babies could die. she originally wanted to go home and give birth there, but she decided she didn't want to risk anything, so, my sister and i were born during mum's vacation in Trieste, Italy!
9. What are your hobbies?
i have a bunch of hobbies! my oldest and absolute favorite hobby is drawing, i do that since i know for myself! i also really love dancing and i have been a folk dancer for a really big part of my life. now i am just a casual part of a folk dancing club because i don't have enough time to commit to it fully... i have a hobby similar to it, and it's learning K-Pop and J-Pop dances! i am a big fan of a few Korean and Japanese groups and i find learning their choreographies enjoyable! i also love learning languages! in school i learned English, Russian and German, and on my own i am learning Japanese and Italian! i might not speak them all fluently, but i am actively working on them! watching anime is one of my favorite hobbies as well! i also play video games, mostly the ones that you create things in, like Minecraft and the Sims! another hobby of mine is collecting K-Pop photocards of my favorite girls, SuA of Dreamcatcher and Nayeon and Dahyun of TWICE! it's my most recent hobby! throughout my life i have tried many more things like singing, crotchet, embroidery, making sculptures, animation, sewing, writing, reading, a few different sports, but these are the ones that stuck with me for the longest!
10. Have you any pets?
yes, i do! i have a cat and a dog! my dog is a black labrador named Oddie! he is turning 10 human years old this year! he is the sweetest and cutest boy, but his health is slowly declining and i am scared for him. he has been by my side since i was 8 and i wish he could stay by my side forever, he is truly my favorite dog ever! i also have a black cat! my mum's friend found him in the garden and now he is our precious Leo. he is cuddly and sweet and he loves spending time outdoors. he sometimes gets injured and gives us heart attacks, but he always ends up being okay!
11. What sports do you play/have played?
if dancing folklore is a sport, then yes! i have also attempted volleyball and basketball a couple of times in my life, but i am really clumsy with my hands so i was never good at them and quit them really quickly.
12. How tall are you?
i was around 168cm last time i checked it!
13. Favorite subject in school?
i really love Geography, History and English. though Biology and Chemistry are right behind them!
14. Dream job?
a concept artist for cartoons. that is something i want to do since i was literally 10 years old and i still stand by it! if that doesn't work out then becoming a tattoo artist sounds awesome! i already draw a lot on people in my school and it is really fun, and the job is very well paid!
anyone who follows me is open to answer these questions!
though, i would really like to hear your answers: @mibuchis @zelandiangelo @shofii-j @kumikoshortcake @candycaneaddict @shintaroukazunari @teiasstuff @tamnozeleno @nat6lie 🩵
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tagged by the wonderful @sarah-crewe!!
1. are you named after anyone? nope. my parents just liked the name :-)
2. when was the last time you cried? as prone as i am to being blue i don’t really cry all that often. mostly at touching books, movies, or tv. so i think the last time was last month when my sister had to put her puppy to sleep because he had a really rare, aggressive cancer. she just loved on him so much and made his exceptionally short time on earth full of comfort and happiness.
3. do you have kids? thankfully no i would be a terrible parent lol i am not even a good pet parent. i have no maternal instinct and i am way too protective of my alone time. i will someday be a very good auntie bc i think kids are so smart and great and fun to be around, but i like that i can give them back to their parents when i need a break and and i like that i’m not the one responsible for making sure they don’t turn out to be jerks
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? when i’m feeling spicy yah
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? i tend to lipread since subtitles aren’t an option IRL, so the first thing is usually someone’s smile! like. noticing what people think is funny or how they look when they’re laughing. what shape their smile is, is it  : ] or  : ) or  : D or : > or : } or : | or  : B or : [] or : Ì (that one is a dimple)
6. what’s your eye color? brownish greenish ish ish
7. scary movies or happy endings? scary movies with happy/hopeful endings!
8. any special talents? i can make a water droplet noise with my mouth a la cameron from ferris bueller’s day off https://youtu.be/-HCW8PrmrCo?t=54
9. where were you born? dirty jersey baybeeeeee born n raised
10. what are your hobbies? sewing (mostly making my own patterns for little crappy toys for my friends), owning books, taking personality tests and quizzes and analyzing myself based on my results, making little paper crafts, doodlin, playing pathfinder, and lately cooking
11. have you any pets? i am stepmother to my gf’s two cats Honey & Cooper, or as I call them Big Lady & The Boy
12. what sport do you play/have played? i have tried every sport under the sun as a child, but was nerfed by the universe with pretty bad asthma so nothing ever stuck. i was a great kicker in soccer, but couldn’t keep up with the running. i loved horseback riding but got pneumonia and developed an allergy to them. i loved softball, but again with the running. tennis, martial arts, ballet... you name it, i tried it. except for hockey, that was never popular enough where i grew up to have a girls league team but i always loved watching
13. how tall are you? 5'3/4″ but my license says 5′1″ and i’m stickin’ to it pal
14. favorite subject in school? you all thought i was gonna say physics or math but it was actually english!! i loved all of the assigned reading in hs, and the not assigned reading that my teacher recommended to me outside of class, and spent most of my time with my nose in a book from age 4 (when i learned to read) until 22 when i got a grown up job. i’ve been reading stephen king since i was like, 12 lol.  in college i had a really engaging professor who fostered my love of writing. also tied for a very close second are physics and math lol gottem
15. dream job? this is a hard question because i was very fortunate and got my “dream job” out of college but realized quickly that i was not built for the environment that type of work requires or the people it attracts. my job now is technically the same function but at a very different company that is a much better fit for my personality and my values. so i have two new dream jobs (which honestly were always kind of there as pipe dreams). i would love to teach high school physics or be a writer. i am surrounded by a lot of creative people who encourage me to write which is lovely but i know i am not cut out for the instability of the entertainment industry lol nor do i think i’m talented or hardworking enough to make it there. one day i would like to make an indie horror film tho. also i second @sarah-crewe​‘s desire for a four day work week
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marshiestars · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
thank you @scrawnytreedemon for tagging!! let’s begin, shall we? :3c
Three Ships: ughhhhh this is real hard because I JUST invented the most horrible, wonderful “why does it work” crackship a few weeks ago, but if I want to include it, I have to ignore one of my three big zelda ships :C
1. Ghiralink. because of course. I feel like it’s illegal to leave this one out or put it any lower. it’s the good food. it’s well-established. I can afford to be picky with my content. it’s great :D
2. Astlink! sorry Kohlink, but Astlink is less likely to scare half my audience away 😔.
tbh I’m still VERY surprised that Astor and Link aren’t paired together nearly as often as Zelast (Astor / Zelda). don’t get me wrong, both are rare pairs, but somehow Astlink is even *rarer* shksjhdjhsshs, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. either way, it's 'moody goth bitch rejected by society (or maybe he rejected society first, it's a chicken or egg situation tbh) with the perfect golden person that everyone admires who secretly has their own issues'!! and it's about how they're on the complete opposite sides of this huge conflict and yet they find unexpected parallels in each other! and having everything fall apart but deciding to be a better person, even when the rest of the world says it's too late, because that one person believes in you and is willing to give you a chance! darkness and light! it's GOOD FOOD
(...man, I really gotta finish chapter 3 of swordsman and the seer.)
3. ...fuck it. scrawny, I hereby challenge you for the title of Weirdest Fucking Crossover Ship. Ghirahim x Godrick? Sephiroth x the Hollow Knight? I'm intrigued, but not crumbling to ash at the thought.
and so I give you this in place of gushing about Kohlink, which is unbelievably rare, but damn it, at least they're from the same source material! besides, I wasn't the first person to pair them by a long shot, no, no, no.
but there’s a special, lonely sort of pride in knowing you’re probably the first of 8 billion people in the world to ever even think of a pairing. ready? here it is:
R*x D*ng*rv*st x S*np*i from FNF.
(censored their names like that because if this shows up in the tags I’m gonna jump out a window)
yeah, man. I don't even know either.
I mean, I do know, somewhere, and my original train of thought is buried in the memory slush of a few months ago, gone forever. so now we're here. fuck. kill me. why am I writing shit for these two. girl what the hell is this
everyone who reads this post, I want a brick emoji in my inbox to simulate getting one through my window
First Ever Ship: ANYWAY, fuck, I don’t even remember at this point, I've been in greater fandom for so long. wait... oh, son of a bitch, nevermind, I do.
it was Billdip.
DO NOT COME AFTER ME, I DON’T SHIP IT ANYMORE. haven’t for years. I was 12. but I loved Bill Cipher (still do, he's my funny meow meow blorbo <3) and was very upset when the finale happened even though I knew that was how it had to be. but every time Billdip art came across my screen, I saw cool art where he: # 1. was still around and # 2. was more often than not a pretty human / humanoid (this was at the height of his sexymanification). hell, I didn't even give a shit about Dipper honestly, I just wanted more Bill content. and again, being literally 12, I didn’t really stop to think abt any moral implications. but yeah.
(also nowadays I hc Bill as ace sooo)
Last Song: 'She Had The World' by Panic! very nice to sing to, it's right in my range <3
Last Movie: does ‘My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas’ count? it’s a childhood film and practically tradition for me to watch it every year for christmas lol. although this year I’ve been replaying it for... research purposes. yeah. totally not for a lethally cursed fanfic, no sir.
if that doesn’t count, then ‘The Lego Movie’!
Currently Reading: nothing atm!! even as my 'to read' pile gets taller by the day, hhhh
Currently Watching: Minty Christmas, again, but definitely not so I can copy the dialogue verbatim to use as the base for a coked-up christmas crack fic
Currently Consuming: soup <3
Currently Craving: instant ramen, good god, especially if it’s spicy. they have cups for sale in vending machines around campus but they’re all beef and chicken flavour :C
I won't tag anyone else in this because nine people is a lot; far too many to bother with this wall of personal nonsense shdhdj but thanks anyway for tagging me scrawny, my beloved mutual!!! <3
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windmilltothestars · 2 years
15 Questions Meme!
Not really tagged by @magnetocerebro but it’s been a while and I’m in the mood, so why not?
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of?  I apparently had an ancestor named Malinda Minerva Spanigal!  Is that not the coolest name ever??  My parents also found ‘Malina’ in a name book or something and decided they liked the sound and meaning of it and it could also honor the ancestor but just knock of the ‘d’!
2. What was the last time you cried?
It’s actually not too recently, oddly enough!  I’ve been a little on edge for hormonal reasons the past few days, and the good ol’ dissatisfaction with my current place in the world, but I’ll cite the funniest example.  I watched an episode of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys where the people tried to put Herc on trial for inspiring people to endanger themselves by trying to be ‘heroes’ and how ‘heroes’ had no place in a civilized society.  But in the end he gave a passionate speech about what it means to be a hero and if that’s wrong in the modern world, he’ll gladly go to prison for it, and then all his friends stood up and did the “I am Spartacus” thing to stand by him, and I’m not gonna lie, I got a little choked up.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope!  This is unusual among my high school classmates, but normal among my college friends.  I do have two cats that I unload my motherly feelings on, though, along with some of my friends’ kids, to whom I am an honorary auntie.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
I’ve come around to being mostly irony-free and earnest!  However, I feel being around my brother brings out my sarcastic side.  And sometimes I will try to use sarcasm for good, ie. sarcastically complaining about my friends’ qualities that are clearly false and the opposite of their best qualities, to demonstrate how absurd their own self-criticism is to me.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I mean, obviously just seeing them I’ll notice what they look like, but I feel I am also very attuned to the kind of energy people project, and shy away from certain kinds of energy and gravitate toward others.  I don’t mean anything weird and spiritual by this, I just mean the vibes and emotions I pick up from the way people talk, carry themselves, respond to others, etc.
6. What’s your eye color?
It’s a dull greyish shade of green or blue that looks greener or bluer or brighter depending on what I’m wearing.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I mean, for sure happy endings!  There’s certain brands of ‘horror’ that aren’t too rough for me and have elements I do enjoy, but often that milder horror will have a happy ending, too!
8. Any special talents?
Well, if I’m honest, I have no false modesty about my singing voice.  In fact, I have been known (to my shame) to get a little vain or show-offy about it.  But so many people tell me it’s nice, and I take great joy in singing, and I like the sound of it, too, and I have a special pride when I am able to lead people in song because my voice is on-pitch and strong and confident.
9. Where were you born?
Billings, Montana!
10. What are you hobbies?
At the moment?  I’m trying to get back into drawing and writing fanfics.  But I have not achieved massive success so far!  I’ve had more success reading through my third biography of Lafayette, and writing weird meta-essays comparing fandom stuff . . . When I’m with like-minded friends, we always sing folk-songs or hymns together, and that’s always a wonderful time!  Occasionally I enjoy playing my guitar alone or cross-stitching as well . . .  To simplify, my hobbies are everything and nothing!!
11. Do you have any pets?
Cats!  My two girls I adopted in Korea, Kartoshka (Toshka for short) and Dulcinea (Dulcie for short) have now joined their venerable old uncle Phoenix, whom I got in high school and who stayed with my parents while I was in Korea.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to play softball in middle school, and I took a summer course in Mixed Martial Arts once.  When I was a little girl, I took ballet.  But I’m not super-athletic by nature, so I haven’t played in quite a while.
13. How tall are you?
5′3′‘-5′4′‘ I think.
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Choir, Art (specifically loved my sculpture class; my teacher was amazing!) and Acting in high school.  Really loved my Philosophy class and Classical Mythology class when I got to college, but my FAVORITE class of my college career was Screenwriting!
15. Dream job?
Well, as you can see by my favorite subjects and favorite hobbies, my interests are very wide across the spectrum of the arts!  Do I wanna be a musical theatre actress?  A folk/filk singer?  A stage or film director, or actress?  A screenwriter?  An author of fiction or an author of comparative literature criticism?  A comic book writer/illustrator?  A sculptor?  An English teacher or college lecturer who just gets to monologue about my favorite books and themes as a living?  A youtuber who does the same?  All of the above and more? 
But also, my career experience so far has been in International ESL Education, and I do love working with kids!  I specifically loved working closer with individual kids in a tutoring capacity, while also experiencing new cultures!  So I was looking into au pair/governess stuff . . .
Following in the footsteps of my esteemed forebear, I won’t tag anyone specifically, but welcome anyone who sees this (especially if we know each other!) to participate, if they feel so inclined! :)
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chocopinda · 2 years
Tagged by beloved @michaelmandog
1. Are you named after anyone ?
I'm named after a book as far as I'm aware. My second name is very masculine which I greatly enjoy, it references a family member.
2. When was the last time you cried ?
3. Do you have kids ?
Nope and thank god.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot ?
I honestly don't really know, I know some of my friends use it a lot and sometimes it flies over my head which they find very entertaining.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people ?
It feels a little shallow to say but I probably notice clothes first. It's just something that interests me. Probably has something to do with me being bad with eye contact as well ;').
6. What’s your eye color ?
Light brown/hazel I think.
7. Scary movies or happy endings ?
Oohh this is a hard one. I love fun comedies just as much as anything scary or tragic I think. Yeah sorry, I won't be able to pick just one.
8. Any special talents ?
I've had multiple people say that they find my presence comforting, I'm honestly not sure why and in hindsight I wish I'd have asked why. I can put Ikea furniture together on my own that'd require two people according to the manual. I genuinely don't know any talents I might have.
9. Where were you born ?
A little town in the South of the Netherlands, with how small the country is I won't be getting anymore specific since that'd be pretty much akin to giving my address.
10. What are your hobbies ?
So many. Drawing being my big passion. I also like to tinker with my desktop, play Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. I like reading too but I've not done much of that lately, I like horror/thriller the most but I've read lot of fantasy as well. I enjoy a little bit of writing every now and then and last year I started picking up electric guitar but I'm still terrible, it's okay though because it's still fun. Lastly, I am a leader/supervisor of the Explorers (age 15-18) every week at one of our local scouting groups. I genuinely don't know English scouting terminology so I can't put it in a better way than that :').
11. Do you have any pets ?
Two precious little bunnies, Ciri (will take a bite out of your ankles if you're in the way but is also a real sweet girl) and Pablo (absolute coward, look at that little man. Down for some cuddles if you bring snacks though).
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12. What sports do you play/have you played ?
I've played badminton for a little bit in the past, but I never really got back into it. I am still a part of scouting.
13. How tall are you ?
169 cm/5'7 ft (I think?).
14. Favorite subject in school ?
I enjoyed the languages and art. In hindsight I think I would've loved math and/or chemistry/physics if I wasn't such a miserable thing during high school, I just didn't want to put in the effort for those types of subjects since they were difficult for me.
15. Dream job ?
It used to be tattoo artist until recently because I've been growing an interest in costume design, and there do happen to be studies for that in the Netherlands so who knows, I've definitely been orientating myself a little. Changing my goal would be just as terrifying as it is potentially exciting, so for now I'm just thinking of what I want to do with my life. I want to draw at least, and work with my hands. Tagging @insanityofvaas , @jasonsnowwhitebrody , @kettleghost , @el-michoacano , @bluewaterlily, @seraphtrevs and @watasemasaru No pressure at all! This one gets pretty personal :'). And as usual I have no idea who already got tagged so sorry! D:
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va-mp3 · 6 months
⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。𓆩♡𓆪 𝔄𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𓆩♡𓆪。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧
hello there! my name is vampy, but I also go by vamp, and welcome to my room posting blog! I post room pics here, as well as outfits, playlists, and other pictures of collection based hobbies.
I’m a doll and plushie collector, as well as an art collector. I do have official merch and wall art but most of what I own poster and print wise is from small artists I’ve bought from at conventions. I’ve been going to cons since I was about 11 ish and I’m 20 now. I’ve been basically a hikineet for the past two ish years, and have only recently started readjusting to being in public again. a majority of my life has been spent within these four walls.
most of my aesthetic revolves around typical goth motifs as well as hyperfeminine aspects, nostalgia, and magic or witchy elements. I’m plus size and enjoy talking about plus size alt fashion as well as historical fashion!
my first anime was sailor moon, and it holds a very special place in my heart, alongside other magical girl anime. I play a lot of otome games, as well as other dating sims and games with similar structures. if you’d like to see my otome/twst/dating sim blog, it’s @touch-starved-apprentice! I’m in a whole bunch of other fandoms, and my general fandom posting/anime blog is @shut-in-magical-girl. my main blog is @big-pink-comfy-couch, so that’s where I follow from. I also run a witchcraft/paganism blog @vampeatscrystals if you’d like to see me talk about spirituality and what I do with my craft.
I’d love to be mutuals as long as you’re 18 or older! I don’t really wanna be moots with minors, nothing against y’all, I just don’t feel very comfortable with it. my blogs all kind of have different rules about minor interactions because some of them have different content. this is an MDNI blog, just because I’ve found minors in this particular community to be people I don’t want interacting with my blog. I also am friends/moots with people who have nsfw figures or wall art and will likely be reblogging their pictures quite a bit. my otome blog has been around for quite some time without any restrictions on who can follow me or interact with posts beyond minors blocking my specific nsfw tag, so I don’t mind it as much there as long as I’m not dm-ed. I reblog mostly there and on shut-in-magical-girl so as long as it’s not tagged as nsfw, minors can reblog whateves, I don’t really care. here though, and on my Instagram, Twitter, and MFC, I’d prefer it if minors would stay away.
I have some other rules but those can be checked on my DNI list.
If you have any questions about who the artists of my wall art are, music I listen to, etc etc feel free to ask. I am rather concerned about my privacy so I’ll be blurring my face/not showing it/obscuring it in all of my photos of myself.
And yeah. I hope you enjoy my little corner of the internet. :3
𓆩♡𓆪 vamp/vampy 𓆩♡𓆪 she/they 𓆩♡𓆪 queer 𓆩♡𓆪 20 𓆩♡𓆪 goth 𓆩♡𓆪 an eldritch abomination in the shape of a bat cat thing 𓆩♡𓆪 au-dhd/c-ptsd 𓆩♡𓆪
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rize-is-writing · 2 years
hello!! i found you in the tags and i found your little match-ups to be very cute, so i wanted to give it a try. it's my first time writing one of these sooo.. hehe.. 👉👈
would it be ok to ask for a romantic genshin matchup? they/them for me, i don't really have a gender preference, but i do have a type, if it's of help in narrowing the selection: it's the serious type.. or the silly little weird ones.. uuu.. swoon ( ◡‿◡ *)
i'm an adult!! on the younger side of.. adultism. AHAH, sooooo!!! i'm an infp, melancholic temperament. i resonate with the latter quite a bit. if one could deduct anything from those, it's that i'm the dreamer type. i like to introduce myself as a polite, very not-special person, but that is a facade i cannot upkeep for more than two weeks, because i am.. incredibly jumpy and affectionate when i'm used to the person i'm with. like my anxiety just vanishes for a bit and i will take their hands and i will start twirling them to street music (and that's a true story). i can say i'm creative—nothing uncommon in this sphere, but i'm an artist—i like trying all sorts of mediums and forms of art, from embroidery to gouache to playing bass, so i can say confidently that i have really good hands!! when i'm not spacing out, at least. i've been cursed with airheadedness and a severe case of daydreamer—i am often stuck in my own head thinking about whatever's on topic, the real world sometimes just floats over my head. i try my best to be there when it's necessary! when someone needs me there, i'll be there with one call. aaaaaa i consider myself your average eccentric!! not strange among the strange, but not entirely fitting with the average crowd. but i like my own category, because that means i can define it myself!! ^_^ i am not often outside and i don't make many connections, but the ones i do are treasured forever.
aside from that, anything else remarkable.. i don't think much. one thing that gets noticed about me a lot is.. well, my airheadedness, the horrible observations of me being 159cm, the fact that i am always on the verge of falling asleep. the pain of having to accustom my nocturnal brain to these diurnal schedules.. ✊️ additionally, some things i like are.. cute cats (i have one <3), scary stories even though they give me nightmares, and i enjoy gothic style and music a very "normal" amount.. what i hate is repetitiveness, mostly.
i hope this is not too long!! i have a bad habit of talking a lot hehe, i never know when to stop.. feel free to discard this if it's too much, i do not mind!! either way, i hope you're having a great day today, take caaaaaareeeeee!! <3
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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You sound like a bubbly and fun person, imagining you and Yoimiya talk with each other seems rather fun, given the habit of both of you to talk quite a bit!
Is always easy to talk with Yoimiya about anything and absolutely nothing at all, you can jump from a topic to another, and that would still make sense to Yoimiya as you two talk. With her cheerful, bubbly and easy going personality is easy to approach her about anything, and anxiety would float away like a small cloud. She for sure falls under the "silly one" type of category, a goofy wonderful girl! You two would just dance randomly around the streets, as you said you would do (and did) and Yoimiya would for sure just be okay with that and partecipate wholeheartedly.
Yoimiya would absolutely admire your talents, probably would stare at your works and insist to listen while you play music. This girl is you numer one fan and supporter!
Don't think she would be much bothered by your airheadness, she's there for you if you ever get distracted too much and for sure would love to hear any fleeting thoughts you can have.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 years
Palomino Masterlist
COMPLETE | Explicit 🔞 NO minors allowed
Jack Daniels x F!Reader
Series tags: Dude ranch cowboy Jack AU | mini-series | solo travel romance | lots of horsey details | self-indulgent AF | set in Wyoming | no physical descriptions of Reader
Note: You guys voted for Palomino to be the next WIP after Consent, and who am I to refuse? But honestly, thank you for voting for Jack, because I've been dying to write this story. If you'd like to be tagged, please comment, reblog or sign up at my taglist.
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Part 1: Palomino
Unable to get a refund for a week-long horse-riding pack trip you'd booked with your ex, you decide to go solo. As it turns out, a rebound with a cowboy named Jack while traversing the wild landscapes of Wyoming might just be what you need.
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Part 2: Buckskin
It's an eventful first day on the trail, to say the least.
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Part 3: Dapple Grey
Tinder is a dangerous game. So is Never Have I Ever.
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Part 4: Strawberry Roan
Jack pulls out all the stops for your birthday. All of them.
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Part 5: Appaloosa
You and Jack play house for a day.
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Part 6: Mustang
On the fifth day, you leave the Halfway House behind, and the conversation turns homeward.
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Part 7: Fleabitten
You and Jack spend your last night together in the mountains - for now.
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Part 8: Silver Pony
And just like that, your week at the Statesman Ranch comes to an end, leaving you grappling with the prospect of saying goodbye to Jack.
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Part 9: Warmblood
The hardest goodbye you’ll ever say.
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Oneshots & drabbles
Deleted scenes from the series that I didn't have the word count for.
Bernaise: You watch Jack cook. Deleted scene from Part 4 - Strawberry Roan.
If Only: Jack smiles and brushes a thumb across your cheek. If only you knew.
Peeks into Jack and Darlin's life after the end of the series.
Pressing: Jack marks you as his in an unexpected way.
Real: You call Jack after running into your ex at a wedding.
Cowgirl Aesthetics: 'This dress won't last ten minutes in a real horse yard and you know it, darlin''.'
Miscellaneous headcanons - some requested, some no one asked for.
Silver Pony | Jack’s moustache | Jack and horses | Jack's guilty pleasures | Jack is king of the two step | Jack's allergies | Teak the artist
Mostly made/commissioned for A Palomino Farewell.
Special edition chapter banners
Horses of Palomino
Palominogram: About last night
Palominogram: The cellar
Commissioned art
Belt buckle inspiration
Moodboard: Buckskin
Moodboard: Palomino
Horse girl representation
Mama Daniels' express chili: featured in Fleabitten
Poppy's chocolate & rum cupcakes: featured in Strawberry Roan
Chapter sneak peeks: two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight
Bonus content
Art and misc. generously gifted by my sweetest friends ❤️
A Palomino Farewell
Palomino playlist
A birthday message from cowboy Jack and Cowboy yearning by the most talented @guiltypleasure-art
Palomino edit by the loveliest Heidi @wildemaven
Moodboard by the sweetest Keira @k-ra
Playlist by sweetest Sil @psychedelic-ink for A Palomino Farewell
Palomino-inspired cocktail recipe by darlin' Skye @iamskyereads
I can't believe that Palomino now has its own cocktail!!! I'm so honoured that Skye created and shared this recipe with us. All the elements are perfect, from the Campfire whiskey (Darlin's favourite time of the day - snuggling with Jack by the fire), apple (If Only reference) and Ginger (who convinced Darlin' not to cancel the trip). I cannot wait to try this cocktail myself, thank you so so much my love ❤️
More notes: This is a very personal story to me as I grew up loving and riding horses. I've been lucky enough to go on several horseriding holidays, and I'm writing directly from experience - except the hot cowboy part, sadly. Even if you don't ride, I hope you enjoy this story, and I will be the happiest writer if I impart to you even a fraction of the joy of exploring the great outdoors from the back of a steady (or speedy) steed.
{ Inspo }
{ Main Masterlist | Taglist }
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academicdisasterfic · 3 years
2021 in Fanfiction
Okay, I had this idea to do the three defining fics of each month of 2021 for me, in a very self-indulgent and rambly way, and Lou said it wasn't a completely stupid idea so...here you go? This list will mostly be Wolfstar and Drarry with a few other pairs, but otherwise vary wildly in terms of date, rating, and themes. Please be sure to read all tags, etc.
This was a very turbulent year for me and I read so many fics and consumed so much art that helped me get through it - much of which didn't make it on here. I tried to narrow it down to the pieces that have really stuck with me or evoke very specific memories - the fics that I'll think of when I think of this year.
If you would like to do your own list, please do and tag me! However I will not tag anyone because this legit took me hours lol. We all have to preserve our energy around this time of year.
Without further ado:
I reentered fandom after years of not really engaging with it by reading All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 (Remus/Sirius, 526k, M) - and look, when I say it destroyed me, it destroyed me. It's now got the most amount of hits on Ao3 of any fic (nearly 5 million what) and deserves every single one. I don't think I could ever read it again, purely because of the inherent trauma of Remus and Sirius' canon stories, but I am so grateful to have read it and for how much MsKingBean89 has given the Wolfstar fandom.
So in an attempt to rebuild my serotonin, I turned to the wondrous Text Talk by @juuuuzou (Remus/Sirius, 141k, NR) and it was the most delightful reading experience. This fic has became one of my favourites to revisit and the dynamic between Remus and Sirius was so well done and gorgeous.
I also read Liebestraum by @quoththethestral (Remus/Sirius, 101k, E) and this was such a dreamy, heartbreaking, ultimately joyous fic. The sequel just dropped and I squealed when it hit my inbox. The pain and joy of seeing Wolfstar address their past and rebuild their relationship is breathtaking, and James and Lily are pure perfection.
I started off the month in magic realism heaven with Everything's Connected by mizdiz (Remus/Sirius, 44k, M). I think this was the fic that made me realise how creative it was possible to be with my own writing, and I was so inspired by the imagery and language of this fic. It has the classic hurt aspect of Wolfstar, but a whole lot of comfort too.
My next read was Alt Ed by nachodiablo (Remus/Sirius, 61k, M) and I very quickly bullied everyone in my life into reading it after. This story reimagines the Marauders if Remus were homeschooled and it's such a joyous ride - non-canon compliant, amazing Sirius and James friendship, boss Lily and Remus friendship, hilarious, witty, and so imaginative.
And then...I reread Running on Air by @tinyhistory (Harry/Draco, 74k, T) and boom, I'm back in my Drarry phase. This is such a popular fandom classic, but it's for an excellent reason - it's as close to a perfect story as I could possibly imagine. It made me want to be a better storyteller, because I fell for this story in a way I hadn't fallen for a story in a very long time. This fic genuinely changed my life in that way - I don't think I would have had the courage to start writing without it.
Hooo boy, Such Great Heights by aideomai (Harry/Draco, 93k, E) sucked me in and did not let me go. No matter what I'm reading, I look for elements of whimsy, and I think that's why I love aideomai so much. Obviously their other fics are excellent and I devoured them immediately - I especially loved In the Hand - but this fic was my entry point and therefore gained a very special place in my heart.
She Was Pretty by @skeptiquewrites (Parvati/Lavender, 4k, E) is one of those stories that punched me in the gut with feeling and depth. I am a massive Tee fan and I think the overwhelming feeling I get from her fics is home. This fic felt like home. It has the nuance and complexity that these girls deserve, a complete unravelling of JKR's misogynistic bullshit, and Tee's usual stunning prose. I read this perhaps five times in a row.
freely, as men strive for right is my favourite @bixgirl1 fic (Harry/Draco, 17k, E) which is saying a lot. I actually just reread it after typing that last sentence because I hadn't in a while - I am obsessed, it's fine. Ron's conversation with Harry in the kitchen - iykyk - is something I think about at least once a week? I think this fic, in short, is just everything I love about Drarry in relatively few words. I also adore examining relationships, watching them grow, rather than the story ending at the happy-ever-after. I love friends to lovers. I love this Draco. I love this fic with my entire being. I don't think I can drive home the point more???
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (Harry/Draco, 146k, M) came into my life exactly when I needed it. My anxiety at this point was so awful that I couldn't sleep more than a few hours a night, I wasn't eating, I wasn't functioning. I think that if you've read this fic - and at this point, if you haven't, what are you doing - you know how special it is, and I've certainly screamed at Lou enough about how much I adore it, but it truly has become my comfort read and something I revisit over and over when I need some joy.
I already yelled about A Brief History of Dragons by @eyra (Remus/Sirius, 21k, M) in this post but will I ever stop? Probably not. It's my favourite Wolfstar fic I've read this year, utter perfection, so creative and atmospheric and whimsical and heart-wrenching. It's the most beautiful depiction of neurodivergence and love I've ever encountered. I don't need to go on, you need to go and read it thx.
Oh gosh, Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm by @norelationtoatticus (Harry/Draco, 104k, E) - much like TOOBK - came into my life when I most needed it and instantly became my safe little security blanket. I've probably read it six times (can you tell I'm autistic and latch onto familiarity???) and each time it's like a hot bubble bath for my soul. It's hilarious and endearing and charming and I just wanted to hug Draco and Harry the entire time. Plus, it's my favourite ever Harry raising Teddy fic.
This was the month GallaPlacidia entered my life and I read every single fic in a two-day hurt/comfort fever dream. However, my absolute favourite was The Bolthole, which Galla wrote with aideomai and @tepre (Harry/Draco, 54k, E). I started listening to it on the GallaPod while going for very long walks and something about it - the setting? the amazing believability of Harry's trauma and how it manifests? literally everything about this Draco? - got me. It made me cry in just the right way, and made me laugh just as much.
I then read If the Fates Allow by saras_girl (Harry/Draco, 80k, M) and - yeah, this is another fic that I just consider to be perfect??? Friends to lovers, mutual pining but Harry's an idiot, there's an adorable village, saras_girl signature cute and whimsy creatures, plus Harry has a dog!!!! I tell literally everyone to read this because it's just that good - and I couldn't tell you why this fluffy advent fic beat Turn or Foundations!verse for this spot (both fics were also favourites this year, and I read them all in a row) but perhaps it's just that it saw into my soul a little bit.
Okay babes, I need to find more people who have read Astra Inclinant by @tinyhistory (James Sirius Potter/Scorpius Malfoy, 336k, T), because at the moment I have only one (1!) person who understands the narrative MASTERPIECE that is this fic. I don't think I can even do it justice??? It's not epilogue compliant??? Harry and Draco are both single dads and James and Scorpius are only children???? Teddy is the actual love of my life??? Harry's growth as a father is the most emotional and beautiful thing in the world???? The slow burn isn't even painful because the journey is so sweet??? The wedding scene (iykyk) is the funniest fucking thing I've ever read????? I have highlighted quotes from it that I want read at my funeral. What can I say, I'm a prepared lad.
Look, Beneath a Big Blue Sky by @eyra (Remus/Sirius, 68k, E) is not the only reason I want to move to Yorkshire, but I'd be lying if I said I don't sometimes daydream about tiny lambs and rolling fields and Hope Lupin's crumpets. This story is so sweet and meandering and expansive, with Eyra's usual intricate and poetic writing, and this is now one of my Wolfstar staples. I'm going to cheat a little here and also throw in the Crowns and Coffee Cups series also by eyra (Remus/James, 9k, M) because this series got me into Wolfbucks and now I'm a bit obsessed.
Electric Light (Neville/Draco/Harry, 18k, E) is my favourite seefin fic and my favourite triad fic. I am a huge Neville fan (he's just a good boy) and I love his depiction here, as well as how he draws Harry and Draco together. Harry is utterly heartbreaking but so loving and loveable, and Draco is just trying his best (bless). The emotions in this fic feel so realistic and present and raw. This fic got me into exploring more triad fics and also looking at character studies in a new way.
Friends? Is That What We Are? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (Draco/Harry, 33k, E) is the fic I go to now whenever I'm sad. It's just so funny and real and the most perfect friends-to-lovers scenario, and is full of the A+ banter and amazing chemistry I've come to associate with this author. June was a really difficult month for me and this fic made it so much brighter.
Well, Rooney. You've come out as trans and left your marriage. What are you going to do? You are going to read Just what the doctor ordered by @wolfstarting (Remus/Sirius, E, 96k) over and over again until you know every word of this damn perfect fic off by heart. I don't have enough good things to say about WrappedUp's writing and stories - I love all of them - but this fic pretty much carried me emotionally through the aftermath of my breakup and reminded me that 25 is actually really fucking young. Remus in this fic felt like he saw my soul. I'm obsessed.
This is also the month I met one of the best people in the world, because a friend sent me 1:40am by @softlystarstruck (Harry/Draco, 5k, T) and I then went through and read every single one of Bee's fics before sliding into their DMs and more or less begging them to be my friend. Something about 1:40am made me think that whoever wrote it had to have the most beautiful, lovely mind, and I was right.
I've been reading @lqtraintracks for years, but this was the month I read Heart Like Neon (Harry/Draco, 41k, E) and fell in love with LQT all over again. This fic just felt really comforting to me - Drarry's relationship was so well done and just gorgeous, the story was fascinating, and it has fantastic trans rep. After reading this, I went on a week long LQT binge and it was such a happy and horny and healing time for me.
Okay - sometimes, part of healing heartbreak is just consuming nonstop angst, and stitched and sewn by @wheezykat (Harry/Draco, 8k, E) is the perfect mix of heartbreaking and painful with an ending that warmed me to my toes. In a month where guilt and grief and overwhelm threatened to drown me, this fic was a hopeful reprieve, and I can't thank Kat enough for writing it.
In a similar vein, sometimes healing heartbreak is also just consuming things that feel like pure sunlight, and that's what Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (Harry/Draco, 9k, T) feels like to me. I read this sitting in my favourite spot, a quiet stretch of beach that tourists rarely find, and as I read the last line Evermore by Taylor Swift started playing and I burst into tears (I am nothing if not a gay cliche).
Rounding out this (frankly embarrassingly emotional) month was Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (Harry/Draco, 61k, E). I had seen this fic recced so many times and it did not disappoint. The development of Harry's relationship with Draco was perfect, slow and uncertain and wonderfully vulnerable all at once. It's such an original story, so perfectly executed and I devoured it. Also, I read the scene where the vicar and Draco kissed about five times and sometimes I hear Christ, Draco in my dreams and wake up in cold sweats of horniness.
I usually flat out refuse to read canon compliant Wolfstar because I try to not make my depression worse lol. Then my darling @scattered-moonlight said that annual honesty by @alwaysalreadyangry (Remus/Sirius, 18k, T) was their favourite fic and talked so much about it that I got sucked in...and I am so glad I did. Look. It's sad. It fucked me up in the best way possible. It's also one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I couldn't recommend it more.
And then that trend continued because I came across the queer masterpiece that is Calamity's Child by @aibidil (Teddy/James Sirius, Remus/Sirius, 42k, E). Admittedly, it makes Wolfstar's story even sadder. I cried a lot. But it also healed and stitched me up so beautifully and filled me with a buzzing hope. Teddy's characterisation just spoke to me on a whole 'nother level - as a mid-twenty-something with a string of failed relationships, bad decisions, and still no idea what I want to be when I grow up, it just felt lovely to have someone be like "that's all okay! you'll get there!". This fic was an amazing tribute to queerness and queer history and I couldn't possibly love it more.
And then! AND THEN. @onbeinganangel and @babooshkart hit us with Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity (Harry/Draco, 10k, E) and this whole masterpiece just...lit up my soul. Harry's internal dialogue was so heartbreaking but the promise of the future, the pure and utter joy of future Drarry, was just magnificent. When I finished this fic I was like "This is why I love Drarry." And Boo's incredible art - oh my god, I saved it onto my phone and stared at it for probably hours. Painful and joyous all at once.
Hello again my love @lou-isfake. This was the month I read Like the Son Holds the Moon and was instantly like, okay, favourite. But then I read Oh, Sinnerman (Harry/Draco, 40k, E) and it was like Lou tore open my chest and peered inside. I've never felt so raw after reading a fic. @babooshkart also produced art for this fic that I once again stared at for hours; Boo is so amazingly talented at capturing the essence of a story. I talked about this fic in this post as well but I think it was Harry's voice that really got me here - perfectly done.
This was also the month that Lou sent me a message saying "Roo, have you read The Taste of Țuică by @fluxweeed (Harry/Draco/Ron, 15k, E)?" after I spent twenty minutes waxing poetic about how much I love Ron Weasley. And then I read it. And reread it. And reread it. oh my fucking god. This fic. Let's put aside the scorching hot smut for a second and talk about the character study of Ron done here because it is flawless. FLAWLESS I TELL YOU. Godlike. Oh my fucking god. Also, as a Percy Weasley stan (which I will not apologise for) Show them the night that they dreamed about before has to be mentioned as well - kill me. ded.
And then, another comfort fic entered my life. Just Stay by @nv-md (Harry/Draco, 2.7k, M) is the mutual pining of my dreams. Not only is Ali an amazing beta, friend and all-round good egg, she is an incredible writer who captures love in such a special and tender way. This is the fic I read when I wake up at 3am after nightmares. It's my happy place.
Not to brag but I have very amazing friends who trust me with their words and I got the privilege to cheer read to be a bit of warmth (for you) by @softlystarstruck (Harry/Draco, 9.3k, M). Although I knew instantly it was going to be such a special story, rereading it once published still made me weep. Bee does hurt/comfort to perfection and this is no exception. The way Harry and Draco's relationship unfolds is so unique, so precious and tender and sweet, and it blows me away every single time.
You know how there are some fics where you just want to reach through the screen and personally thank the author for writing them? Yeah, Bridges by @cavendishbutterfly (Harry/Draco, 16k, E) is one of those fics for me. Set in Budapest - my favourite city ever, huge bonus points for that - this story not only has an impeccable Draco whom I love more than life, but is a wonderfully gentle and tender exploring sexuality narrative for Harry, and is just done with such care and joy.
Stupid Love by @the-sinking-ship (Harry/Draco, 17k, E) had me wheezing into my pillow at one in the morning. I read this after seeing the amazing artwork that @bluebutter-art did for this fic and it was so fantastic that I was like i have to read this fkn fic. It's so good. It's so funny. It's so quintessentially Drarry. You can just tell how much Sly loves this ship, and it's a fic I'll definitely be returning to over and over again.
I'm doing four recs here. Deal with it and read them all.
Starting off this month was a comic by the wondrous @bluebutter-art - so rest your weary heart with me. (Harry/Draco, M). I'm pretty sure this fic made my heart expand to about three times its regular size - my chest ached. Fuck. Blue's incredible style paired with the heartwrenching premise made for a blissful reading experience. I love it with every fibre of my being.
I read Special Recipe by @peachpety (Harry/Draco, 1.1k, T) after seeing @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm's gorgeous art for it here. I am a sucker for AUs, particularly college AUs, particularly with jock Harry. I've decided this fic is my love language. It's up to everyone else in my life to work out what that means.
Joy's art also led me to Mise en Place by @corvuscrowned (Harry/Draco, 5.4k, T) which - as someone who feeds everyone in my life rather than talking about my emotions - brought me endless joy. Draco was just perfectly sneaky, and Harry understandably oblivious. What a delight.
And finally, @m0srael's show me how to be your boy (Harry/Draco, 14k, E) is the hurt/comfort of my fucking dreams. Draco and Harry are so sweet and scared and gorgeous, Teddy is an angel, and I love unusual careers. This prompted an excellent cathartic cry and subsequent general contentedness after reading. Amazing.
...and that's the year! Please, if you read any of these fics, leave the authors kudos and comments and praise them for the brilliant work they do for this fandom. Thank you so much for carrying me through such a turbulent year, endlessly inspiring me, and letting me meet some of the most amazing people ever. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2022 xxx
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
His Hidden Desire [1]
Romance, adventure, drama, angst
Bakugou x reader, Todoroki x reader
Word Count: 4.1K
A/N: WELCOME TO YET ANOTHER SERIES! It's been a long time coming but we made it. In the beginning, it's gonna be slow updates because I'm still writing of some WIP that needs to be uploaded ASAP but once those are over with, we will go back to having weekly updates. I also need to get into the groove of writing...
So I'm not particularly proud of this title piece but I paid lots of money for it so I have to use it at least once! Please don't bash the artist in the comments.
Summary: Being engaged to a Prince that doesn’t want you was such a classic move, but it was your duty to do so. But that didn’t mean you could be your own personality. You wanted something outside of the palace walls, something that would excite your world, something more. The only solution to that was to… travel with pirates?!
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“I refuse.” Todoroki’s words pierced your heart like an open wound. Although you didn’t show it, your jaw hung open in disbelief. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to hide how disappointed you were in his answer.
“Son, I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” his father’s booming voice was loud and clear. You looked down at the floor in utter embarrassment as Todoroki continues to vent his frustration over his father’s decision.
“Whatever happened to my feelings, what I want?” Todoroki argued.
“It’s for the better of the kingdom. Besides, (y/n) is a pretty girl. You’ve known each other since you were babies, so why can’t she be your wife?” your ears grew hot with more embarrassment, and it was safe to say Todoroki was feeling the same. Totally off guard, Todoroki didn’t know how to respond.
“That’s not the point dad,” he muttered under his breath. His hands were crossed against his chest and he tucked his head inwards to try to hid his face and the blush that was evident on his face.
“Then what is the point?” his father challenged, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“I… don’t love her,” he softly spoke. You were standing right next to him and even you were having a hard time hearing him.
“Speak up boy,” his father commanded. Then, with closed eyes and all his might, he yelled.
“I don’t love her and I will never love her!”
Ah, young love. That was 10 years ago. His words hurt like a bitch to say the least. Does he love you now? No. But at least that gave you a wake up call to get over your childish crush on him. Despite his hurtful words on how he never wants to marry you, you still remain the best of friends. Still did everything together, just no romantic feelings. Even though later down the road, this special event was still going to happen, you decided to address it when the time comes.
His parents kept you around the palace to try to force a relationship between you two. You thought it would work and that he would eventually fall for you, but Todoroki was so adamant in falling in love with his own person that heartache wasn’t worth it. Don’t get it wrong, you two were still close as friends, but now that you weren’t trying to win his heart every second of the day, you were able to enjoy your own hobbies.
You fell in love with the art of dance. How they move to the rhythm and watching the pure joy on their face as the danced captivated you. You started to practice with a dance teacher, them teaching you the very basic of basic steps.
“Posture, Lady (y/n),” the teacher lightly wacked you on the back with a stick, causing you to jolt up with your back straight.
“Sorry,” you apologized for your forgetfulness. Did you mention that dance has very strict rules to follow? A little too strict.
While you were busy learning how to dance, Todoroki was busy digging his nose into books upon books. That was evident when he passed the ballroom, unable to look up from the book he was reading.
“Prince Todoroki! Just in time!” your teacher called over to him. You looked up to see his confused face, rolling your eyes when you see that he still hadn’t put his book down.
“You’d be the perfect partner for the Lady,” the teacher insisted, pulling on his arm to come join you. Still not putting his book down, your dance teacher took his book and threw it who knows where.
“Partner for what?” Todoroki asked, eyes never leaving the flying book, mentally taking note of where it flew so that he could pick it up later.
“Dance. Of course,” the instructor gave a knowing smile to you. If you could face palm yourself, you would. You knew exactly what that smile entails. Thankfully, Todoroki hadn’t quite caught on yet. You’d think Mr. Smarts would catch on, but his head was too filled with those too hard to understand words.
Todoroki didn’t look too fond of having his studies be interrupted to dance silly-willy all over the room.
“I don’t see why this is necessary,” he complained, but nevertheless took your hand in his and assumed the correct position.
“It’s practice for when you do the real thing at your wedding,” your dance teacher said.
“Again with this stupid wedding…” he angrily said under his breath. You couldn’t help but look down at the ground again in shame. It’s not like you asked to marry him either. But it couldn’t hurt him to not be so upset about it. Were you that unappealing that he didn’t even want to consider you as a potential wife?
“Can’t you just help me practice, as a friend,” you emphasized, making it known that marriage was not on your mind. Todoroki gave you one look and finally obliged.
Practice was set in motion. You had been dancing by yourself for quite some time, but you had never danced with a partner before. And this session was a complete mess. The look on the dance teachers face showed all. She was mortified, looking like she was about to give up completely. You and Todoroki didn’t have chemistry at all. Both of you were looking straight at the ground due to both of you stepping on each other’s toes, making none of you look gracious and lovely.
“Ow, that’s my toe!” you shrieked in pain.
“You’re supposed to follow my lead!” Todoroki argued back.
“You’re not even following the right steps!” you pushed him a little to get him back on track, but that caused both of you to mess up even more.
“It’s not my fault you can’t follow instructions,” Todoroki teased.
“Oh yeah? Well at least I’m not a naturally bad dancer,” you teased back. Your friendly banter turned into something a little more flirtatious. More stepping on toes just to bug each other and insults were being thrown every which way to get on your nerves. Little did you know, your dance teacher had already given up for the day and was long gone. But you still were dancing your way around the ballroom.
Dancing wasn’t the only thing you found joy in. You found even more joy escaping the palace walls and blending in with the people around you. But it was only at night when you decided to be a little adventurous.
Being kept within the walls was so restrictive. You felt like you couldn’t find your true self because you were always pretending to be the perfect bride for the prince. Even if you showed any of your true colors, you were disciplined into hiding those away to show the most perfect princess-to-be. It wasn’t until one night when you were roaming the sides of the castle did you find a secret passage way that led you right to the busy streets of the town. Luckily for you, there were no guards posted in that area so you were able to sneak in and out as much as you pleased without getting caught.
You spent many night exploring the cheerful and lively neighborhood. It was so different compared to the dull and uptight upbringing you had in the palace. Everyone was friendly towards you, they welcomed you into their traditions. You were able to discover hot snacks and foods that you thought you’d never try, you bought clothes that were colorful and fun, not neutral or boring. You even bough small antics back from. For memories sake.
“What’s that?” Todoroki asked, stopping in his tracks when he was passing your room and saw you with unusual looking toy that he’s never seen before. You were too mesmerized with the toy in front of you that you didn’t have enough time to hide it away.
“Oh…” you stopped to pause and think of a quick excuse. Only, you were bad at lying.
“Nothing?” you even questioned yourself. You didn’t know how to lie but you didn’t anyway. Way to look suspicious.
“That doesn’t look like something we’d get from the toymaker,” the prince pointed out.
“It’s not,” you say, now hurrying to put it away.
“So, where did you get it?” he came closer to you, getting close to your face as if to intimidate you into telling him your secret information. But you were quick to lock it away safe and away from nosy people like the boy in front of you.
“Looks like that’s my little secret,” you teased, sticking your tongue out at him and strutting away like a boss princess-to-be you are.
Now it’s been a handful of years since you started your living a double life in and outside the palace. The average day consisted of you playing the perfect princess while your night life is where you brought out your true desires and dreams. But your days of sneaking out at night were about to come to an end. You and Prince Todoroki are now adults. Which means… marriage was right around the corner. And the Prince still had no intention of marrying you. At least, from what you could tell.
Aside from studying his days away and physically and mentally dodging the topic of marriage, Todoroki also took up the hobby of mastering sword fighting in order to become a sufficient King. And you could vouch for him, after spying on his practices, that he was becoming a fine swordsman.
Todoroki was taking up fencing, another style of combat fighting to have a more diverse fighting style. Who knows? Maybe it would come in handy someday. The swords were clashing and Todoroki’s head was already filled with frustration. His mind was in the gutter that entire morning that he just can’t seem to fully focus on what he was doing.
“Again!” Todoroki demanded, quickly taking form to strike his opponent back. But his partner was quick on their feet today, never giving the Prince a chance to breath.
“What’s wrong Princey? Can’t keep up with me?” his opponent teased. And usually, Todoroki wouldn’t mind the trash talking. Hell, it only brought more fire to the flame. But this time, it was irking him real bad. But the more annoyed and in his head he was, the more he was messing up. He was about to call it a day until he saw a glimpse of you. Now normally, he would look at you and look away, thinking nothing of it. But in that moment, he didn’t know. Something about how you looked that day was… something different.
You were sitting on a thick tree branch that just so happened to be aligned with their practice window. A pencil and paper were in your hands, a twisted and frustrated expression contorted on your face as you were practicing on how to draw. And your drawing looked horrid. You didn’t know what you were doing wrong, but it certainly wasn’t right and you didn’t know how to fix it. But the look of concentration, how the orange rays of sunlight were perfectly hitting your face and how the loose strands of hair fell down the sides of your face stunned the Prince. And the first thought that came to his mind was wow. Have you always looked like that? Why did you look so pretty? It was such a perfect picture that his breath got taken away.
That moment of distraction made Todoroki lose his practice match. His opponent saw the distracted look on his face and took no time in poking him in the chest, earning him yet another winning point.
“Gotcha,” the opponent taunted the Prince but you know what? Todoroki didn’t care about his match anymore. All previous defeats and annoyances went to the back of his mind, probably never to come up again.
“Good game,” Todoroki dismissed himself.
“That’s it? Come on, one more game!” his partner tried to keep him there but Todoroki was already trotting away towards you.
“(y/n)!” he greeted you at the window. Now looking at you up close, his mind wasn’t playing tricks. You looked so different from how he remembered you as a kid. You looked older, your features had matured. He saw you everyday but how come he never noticed how much of a woman you’ve become. Was he seeing you as a woman now?
“Oh, Shouto,” you were surprised to hear his voice coming from the window.
“What are you doing?” he asks. You showed him your failed drawing of a bird with a defeated look on your face.
“Doodling,” you simply respond.
“In a tree?” he raises an eyebrow.
“Inspiration,” you shrugged.
“Looks like your place of inspiration isn’t translating on the page,” he laughed, taking a closer look at your drawing. Your proportions are all over the place. The head was too big for it’s body, it didn’t have wings yet and there wasn’t a single good line. Abstract art if you will.
“No? But it’s so pretty up here. And you can see the village from here,” you pointed out, looking out into the distance were lights were starting to shine as the sky became darker and darker.
“But it’s safer inside,” Todoroki said, sticking his hand out to help you down. You stared at his hand, tucked your paper and pencil under your arm, and carefully stepped down onto the window ledge while using the other branches to hold your balance. When your balance became stable, you jumped down onto the palace floors and brushed off any debris off you. Todoroki was still there, holding his hand out and in no time, you were already next to him without his help.
“Thanks!” you turned to him, cheerfully and went on your way, disregarding the look of pure amazement and intrigue on his face.
It was in that moment where Prince Todoroki started looking in your direction a little more than usual. He caught himself stealing glances at you during meals, would always look for you to see where you were, caught himself daydreaming about you as you were always in his mind. All because he saw you out that damn window. There’s no way…
He thought it was a one day infatuation. He thought his thoughts of you would disappear as fast as they came, but he didn’t know how to get you out of his head.
It was a rather late night. Todoroki didn’t know what he was doing up so late. By this time, he would have already been fast asleep but a certain someone kept him from dream land. So he roamed the castle until his eyes became heavy enough for him to go back to bed. But an unusual sight became of him. You were still awake. And it didn’t look like you were going to bed anytime soon, judging by what you were wearing.
He saw you creeping down the long hallways with a black cloak on, its hood covering most of your face. Sensing how secretive you were being, he hid behind the wall and only glanced out when he saw you were far enough so you couldn’t sense him. He kept following you down each and every hallway until you got to a dead end. The only think left was… an open window. No way. He rushed to the window and leaned out. Sure enough, you were still making your way to whatever you were doing. But if he didn’t catch up now, he was sure going to lose you. Not taking any chances, he jumped out the window, just as you had done and chased after you, still putting some distance between you two. He saw you glancing from each side of you and you suddenly disappeared through a secret passageway. Were there no guards around? Where were you going? And does he follow you? Curiosity got the best of him and he warily passed through the tunnel only to find himself in the midst of shining lights, loud music, chatter everywhere. He made it outside the palace walls and into the village.
Todoroki’s jaw was dropped and the stunning image in front of him. The sight he sucked in was new and overwhelming. Thank god he was still in his pajamas so he sort of blended in with everybody else. The new environment almost made him forget why he was even here in the first place: he had to go find you. Shit. Because he got distracted, you had completely vanished from his sight.
“Sorry I’m late!” you huffed and puffed, entering the backstage of the performance area where all the other performers were already dressed and ready to go. The leader of the dance was making their way to you in haste.
“Where the hell have you been?” she asked, not happy with how you showed up. “We were about to perform without you!”
“I know, I know! I had problems with my skirt,” you said with an apologetic look. “But I’m here and I’m ready to go!” you said determined.
“Well you better be because we are up next! Let’s go ladies!” your dance leader shouted and all the girls who were performing next were in line. You were the last in line, making sure your skirt, your mask and everything was in place. You didn’t want to get scolded later for not having the proper uniform on. And cue the music, it was show time.
Todoroki stopped to look around this huge crowd that was formed. In front were tables that surrounded the invisible, circle-like stage and everyone else who couldn’t find a seat was standing behind those tables. After a quick glance, Todoroki could tell that those people seated were probably important. Who cares about them though? He was here to find you and there was a good possibility that you were here within the crowd. All he had to do was find you.
Music suddenly started to play from the band next to the circle and from out behind the curtain, several dancers came out to perform. Had he not noticed your unique way of movement, he would have never imagined you dancing in front of a large crowd and especially with these provocative moves. It was hard to pinpoint who you were from all the other girls because of their similar outfits: red, silky skirts with bells handing around the waist with a matching top and a red, silky mask that covered your face except your eyes. You had a way of moving that made you so recognizable to him. And when he watched your further, your unique eyes that made you stand out from everybody else captured his attention and he was left mesmerized.
You were seductive and confident in your movements, swaying your kips and moving like he’s never seen you move before. Sure, you’ve mastered how to dance with a partner and dance on your own, but that was formal dancing. This? Now this was on a whole new level of dance. He could watch you move elegantly across the stage all day if he wanted to.
This. This was the life you wanted. You wanted to be able to move freely to the music playing. You wanted to not worry about anything or have to live up to anyone’s standards. You were able to be yourself here. You weren’t meant to be stuck inside a palace. Here, you were able to escape all your worries, all your fears and just live.
You followed the routing to a T, swaying and moving your body the way it was meant to be moved. You knew you were a crowd favorite. You knew many eyes were on you and that’s why they always put you in the front. This was part of the routine where you separated from the group to do your own thing and pose for the end of the song. You always loved this part because you got creative freedom to do whatever you pleased without a say from anyone.
You spun and spun, letting your red skirt flare out to create a captivating imagine of a flower. By the end of the routine, you had purposely sat on one of the tables, seducing whoever the customer was at the table. But you came face to face with a gorgeous stranger, his crimson eyes drawing you in, actually making you freeze and forget where you were. Your eyes went from trying to seduce and captive the crowd to being seduced and captivated by this stranger instead. It could be the same for this stranger because his eyes seemed to tell all too. He was laid back in his chair, feeling nonchalant about the performance. But when he made eye contact with you, he sat up in his seat, leaning forward on the table to get closer to you.
You knew he was getting closer but for some reason, you didn’t want to back away. You stayed in your ending pose, breathing heavily from the performance while completely spellbound. You couldn’t look away from his eyes no matter how hard you tried.
Whistle. Whistle. Whistle.
The blow of several whistles rang throughout the crowd, finally snapping you out of the trance. You looked back to see a look of panic on everyone’s faces. Soon, a man pushed everyone out the way and screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Pirates!” he shouted. An uproar began and everyone started running in all sorts of directions. Pushing and shoving, everyone was trying to fend for themselves. You, being one of them. You immediately cursed under your breath and leapt off the table to run and grab your things. You were about to run away but you decided to look back at that stranger one last time and he was sitting in the same place, gazing in your direction as if no one was panicking around him. His friends looked panicked though, trying to get his attention and forcing him to get up so they could leave too.
Todoroki didn’t know what was going on. All he knew was that he had to find you fast. He yelled your name and tried making his way to you, but the sea of people made it too hard for him to reach you and eventually, he had lost any sight of you.
You got lost in the crowd, running wherever your feet decided to take you. You managed to grab your belongings despite how rough everyone was being and how little time you had to actually grab it. You grabbed your change of clothes, it being commoner’s clothing, and you changed as you went. You turned a corner, you took your top off and quickly replaced it with your shirt. Same goes with the mask, randomly discarding it somewhere within the village, as well as your pants. It was a shame to throw your outfit away hastily like that, but you couldn’t afford to get caught. Plus, you could always make a new one. Entertainment, like the performance you just put on, was illegal. Whether the cops were looking for pirates or not, if you got caught, there was no going back to the palace without revealing your true identity. And you’d rather keep that for as long as you can.
You heard the cops getting closer, the sound of the whistle was making your heart start to race. There’s no way you were going to get caught now. Panic in full rise, you looked at your surroundings to find some sort of hiding place. You were by the coast and the only decent hiding place was this abandoned ship docked right in front of you. Taking no chances, you climbed aboard the ship, going as deep and as low as you could in hopes you don’t get caught. Once you settled for a good hiding spot in a room in the lower deck, you finally relaxed and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Once as the guards pass, you’d get off as soon as possible and head home. This was too much for one night. You glanced out the small window and saw the guards split ways, making you relieve a sigh of relief. About time. Time to go home.
You stood up and all of a sudden, you felt movement. You held your hands out as if to try to balance yourself. Had you just imagined that or were you going crazy? Another big movement and you fell to the floor this time.
What is happening? Your eyes made it to the window and the deck was suddenly getting further and further away. Panic ensuing in your again, you ran to the window and sure enough, the ship that you had snuck onto was indeed moving.
Shit, you were on the pirate’s ship.
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon
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snobgoblin · 2 years
I guess I should make a pinned post instead of cluttering up my bio! Anyway, click read more if you would like to know more about my blog and about me ^^'
What can I expect from this blog?
This blog is dedicated to my special interests, the Powerpuff Girls and Gorillaz. These often intersect, which is natural since they share a universe!
What do I post about?
I have a few different things I post regularly, all centered around the aforementioned special interests! I make art, theories, and post random facts when they pop into my head! I also have a comic, Chemical X, which attempts to connect the two interests more coherently. I attempt to post fun facts daily but I can't always think of one :( In regards to art and posts: There will be swearing and maybe some skin showing or occasional light gore, but besides that it's highly SFW here. RQ are open but only for PPG and Gorillaz characters, soz, RQ in ask box plz
oh also sometimes I just post random stuff that doesnt have anything to do with anything bear with me
Tag Guide?
my tags are very straightforward when it comes to fandoms, but some special tags are [#chemical x] this is anything concerning my comic au, [#chemical x comic] which is where you can find pages of the comic, [#gorillaz random fact] and [#ppg random fact] show you random facts, as the name suggests. [#art for me] is where I reblog anything anyone has made for me. Also, I like to add on to posts with my own art, you can find that under [#addons]. Comics inspired by my friends messages are under [#friend inspo] quick, short (usually one shot) comics are under [#doodle comic] and an ongoing game where ppl request ppg episodes for me to review is marked [#ppg episode review] a collection of Gorillaz links is under [#gorillaz lore well] also [#writing refs] are my notes on how to write character voices [#noobles] is my OTP check it out I'm begging you
Also, I have a second blog, @chemical-x-ask-blog ^^
Things I should know about when contacting you?
I'm not very good at holding a conversation, sorry D: I wish I were, but I'm just not good at anything but one word answers and I'm atrocious at comforting people. It's not that I dont care, I just don't know what to do. I love to interact! I'm just still learning how to. Also, if I ignore you but I'm online, it's not because I hate you, it's because I'm busy uvu. I will get back to you. Unless you're a creep. Also, I'm very superstitious so please don't scare me as I tend to be obsessive. Also please don't ask for comfort excessively or send song recommendations it annoys me
Basic bio?
18 II INFJ II Sagittarius II Neurodivergent II they/them she/her he/him fae/faer (i tend to prefer different pronouns at different times, but for simplicities sake I really don't mind if you just use they/them as a catch-all!)
Other interests:
these vary from "I dont know a thing about it but I thoroughly enjoy it" to "I am literally obsessed with this", and they're not in any particular order other than the order I remember them in: animation in general (2D, 3D, stop motion, etc), fashion and music from all kinds of different time periods, Marvel (but only Spiderman and Ironman), hearing about and talking about weird dreams, bootleg toys and movies that are hilariously bad, psychology, environmental science, astrology, Wander Over Yonder, the history of computer viruses, the history of 90s and 2000s cartoons and media, Over the Garden Wall, Studio Ghibli Movies (I have a really nice collection of them now :D!!!), Moominvalley, the vibe of the Tinkerbell movies.... (more later)
and many many more. I just love this planet and all the things it has to offer. these human things are pretty great sometimes
Might add more when I think of it but that's all for now ^^' thanks for reading
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