#but then i got to the horse and i lost all willpower
miyaxnala · 5 months
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posting this here as a way to motivate myself to finish this (hopefully). done for my color theory class where our palette had to consist of some muted colors and one saturated color :)
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nobedofroses · 10 months
December 3rd
pairing: Jack Daniels x reader
warnings: fluff with allusions to sex
words: 1.3k
a/n: just some cute first date stuff with Jack, inspired by "Baby It's Cold Outside" in a way, song prompt from @toomanystoriessolittletime's winter writing challenge ❄️
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Jack’s call came the same day that he had asked for your number, and you were just as eager as he was when you said yes to a date as when he asked you. He had asked you to dinner the next night at a restaurant you had always wanted to try at the far end of the city. 
Since you lived near each other (which he knew because you met at your local grocery store), he offered to drive. When you hesitated for a second, he said that you were more than welcome to pick him up instead. His understanding and giving you more control of the situation put you at ease, and you agreed, saying you would be there at 6:30. 
Then, the day of, your boss told you about a last minute meeting early the next morning. It would mean getting to work an hour earlier than you usually did, which meant you needed to go to sleep an hour earlier not to be completely worn out. You figured it would be best to cancel your date, and grabbed your phone, dialing Jack’s saved number in your phone. 
“Hey, darlin’, how are you doin’?” was the first thing Jack said when he answered the phone and suddenly you lost the willpower to cancel the date. 
Warmth spreading softly on your face, you replied, “I’m good, Jack. Really, um, excited for our date.” 
The only thing you ended up changing on the phone call was moving the date up by an hour, once Jack reassured you that he had an in at the restaurant and would still be able to get a table. 
A few hours later, you left work to go and get Jack. While you and Jack lived near each other, he was a little further out, where the properties were bigger and there were no more apartments.  You even saw some horses and goats and were greatly surprised that they had been a ten minute drive from your apartment all this time. 
Jack’s house wasn’t big, and as far as you could tell, he just had a really large yard that abutted a little copse of trees. 
When you parked, you weren’t sure whether to get out and go to the door or honk or text him or what but you were saved from deciding by Jack coming outside on his own. Within a minute, he had his door locked and was in the car, leaning over the console to kiss your cheek sweetly and hand you a little bouquet of flowers. 
From there, the date was perfect. Jack was so funny and sweet, and you even had to fight him over who got to ask more questions about the other. So much better than having to sit and watch a guy monologue for an hour. 
You were back at Jack’s house afterwards to drop him off, but he invited you in for some coffee and cake that he just so happened to have. It was easy to say yes, and easy to sit and chat with him on the couch for hours. 
But when you caught a glimpse of Jack’s watch and saw it was 10:00pm already, you had to go. 
“Oh, I wish we could talk more, Jack, but I really have to go. I have an early meeting tomorrow morning, I didn’t realize how late it was,” you said with a little pout as you stood up. 
Jack smiled and stood too, stepping close and sliding his hand along your waist, “That’s alright sweetheart, it just means we’ll have to have another date.” 
You were about to say yes but then Jack pulled you close and you lost the power of speech, just feeling the warmth of his chest against yours and staring up into his sweet brown eyes. 
Jack’s other hand came up to your jaw and he tilted your face towards him, leaning down to kiss you. His full lips pressed against yours and you let yourself melt into him, returning the soft, slow kiss with a hum. 
You kissed for what might’ve been a couple minutes, but then Jack pulled away and said, “I guess you have to go.” 
But you couldn’t bear leaving without one more kiss and so you whispered, “In a second.” 
Another couple minutes later, you pulled back this time, and started grabbing your stuff. When you were at the door, shoes and coat back on, Jack said, “Maybe I should go start your car so it can warm up for you.” 
“Oh wait, I can do that from here, it’s remote!” you said eagerly, because now you wouldn’t have to wait for him to go out and come back. But when Jack opened the door so the remote car key would work, the door opened to a world covered in white. 
It had been snowing lightly when you had arrived at Jack’s house, but apparently it had really ramped up and had been heavily snowing for the past three hours because there were multiple inches of snow covering everything. 
Both of you stood there, staring in shock, until you shivered and Jack closed the door to keep you warm. 
“Um, I— I don’t know if I can drive… like this,” you stumbled out, looking between Jack and the closed door. 
“No, sweetie, you can’t. I mean, I don’t think it would be safe. There’s so little light on the roads at night. We can stay up and see if it melts, or if you’re— you can sleep here tonight, if you’re comfortable. I have, um, a spare room you can use,” he offered, a light blush dusting his cheeks. 
Jack’s hesitation was adorable and it really did make sense that you should just stay the night and hope it had all melted in the morning. Or at least, it would be bright in the morning and you’d be able to drive safe and slow to the meeting. 
“Okay, yeah, I think I should stay, you’re right. Except…” 
“Except? What darlin’? If there’s anythin’ I can do to make you more comfortable, I will,” Jack said with this sweet, earnest look, putting his hands comfortingly on your shoulders. 
You smiled and dropped your purse to the ground, stepping close to him and reaching out to toy with his belt loops. “I think I’d be more comfortable if I stayed in your room.” 
Jack smiled, a flirty smile that had made your knees weak when you first met him and had you grabbing onto his waist now to help keep you up, “I think I manage that.” 
The next morning, you woke up when Jack kissed your temple. You stretched and opened your eyes to look at him, finding him fully dressed. A glance at the clock told you it was 5:00am and you frowned, “What are you doing up so early? And dressed?”
“I’m gonna go clear your car off and make sure everything’s all set for when you have to leave, honey,” he told you with a smile, which was incredibly sweet, but you didn’t want him to leave. 
“Let me check how long it’ll take to drive, maybe you don’t need to do it just yet,” you said, grabbing your phone off of his bedside table. But when you opened it, you had a text from your boss and multiple weather alerts. “Oh my gosh, it must have snowed all night, some of the roads are closed and my boss can’t even get to work. The building is closed and the meeting’s canceled! ” 
Jack smiled, “Well then, honey, you can stay a while longer, huh?” 
“Get out of those clothes and get back in bed, please. Now we can sleep in, and then later we can… um, do something else,” you said, getting a little sheepish at the end.  “We can do whatever you want, sunshine,” Jack told you with a grin, already half naked and you laughed, feeling grateful for snow like you never had before.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 8.29.23
I did more than nothing this week, which was something. I guess.
I really do want to get back to work on Ductwork, but it's Renji's birthday this week and I wanted to have something postable. Obviously, it would be fun and cool if I could finish that porno I started, but I was struggling with that, and I wanted to divert my brain a little. I do not remember exactly why or how, but I got it in my head that I wanted to write some Renji & Momo Academy horsing around and I came up with something good for that, and I started it. Sounds great, right? It grew in my head a little, but it still seemed pretty do-able, and in a wild thing that never happens, I had both a good ending in mind and a title, and I was feeling good. I even got a whopping 700 words of it written.
Then I got hit with an incredibly stupid and possibly unpublishable, like, future chapter of this thing, on the presumption that it turned into some sort of long anthology of Renji-Momo-Kira-and-sometimes-Rukia stories, who does want that? Everyone wants that. Everyone except me who has to write it. Well, I do want to write it, but I also want to write the story that I am way way super behind on and planned to spend my fall on. Anyway, having no willpower whatsoever (my general writing rule is that when I want to write something, I let myself write it, because the feeling is fleeting and unobtainable under artificial conditions) and write 2100 words that I honestly do not know what I am supposed to do with, aside from let them sit in my drafts for four years until I dredge them out again. o____o
Also, the porno is up to 2871, an increase of 458 words, wrung out of me one by painful one.
Also, I re-read the one Big Scene I really like in Ductwork and it's so irritating to having something this good and to still need, like 50,000 words to go around it.
In other news, I drew a thing. It's...Renji adjacent, so I'm gonna post it on the 31st, since I probably won't have anything else. It's fine, it can be Renji's birthday until I say it's not. (Oh shit I just remembered I have 80% of a Renji - Orihime fic that I found in my drafts that I was hoping to dust off and finish for the Renji - Orihime Birthday Interregnum. Maybe that's still do-able)
I have definitely gotten into a place with my drawing (and my writing is started to go there too, I am afraid) where trying to do anything seems too big and too hard and not worth starting, but I'm really trying hard to fight back against that. I want to figure out something to do, like redrawing screenshots or something, which will take a lot of the hard "picking a pose" up-front friction out of the activity, because I was really close to not-sucking for a while there, and then I lost all my enthusiasm for it. :(
Anyway, the kids went back to school, so the house is a lot quieter this week. They're really good kids, I don't want anyone to ever think I don't like my kids or something, but I get really exhausted being around other people, and it's like every muscle in my body relaxes if I get the house to myself even for a bit. (Mr. P is still here, but it's better than everyone). It also helps my motivation, because I say to myself, "I've got until 3 to get my own stuff done" and then it's Mom-on-call time again and that's honestly really helpful to my executive function.
Grand total: 3319 words and one drawing, distinctly not bad
PS: Despite it resulting in some productivity, I do not at all like the feeling of being scatterbrained like this, it makes me very overwhelmed and short-tempered. I've also been getting a lot of asks lately and it was making those feelings even worse, so I've closed my ask box until I feel like I've got my brain under control again.
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ms-communication · 1 year
Of love and silent melodies (not the final title) 2/?
A predictable escape
The sun was still far from rising when the mercenary got to the makeshift quarters on the outskirts of the village. His horse, a chestnut mare, huffed and puffed exhausted as he dismounted. He hadn't even touched the floor when he saw his superior marching towards him, stomping angrily. He quickly fixed his defeated posture and wiped any emotions from his face.
– I see you here, but no one else is with you. Care to explain why? – she inquired, rage burning in her eyes. The woman interrogating him was barely tall enough to reach his shoulders, but what she lacked in height was evened out by her sheer willpower. She was all lean muscle, with olive skin, deep green eyes and black hair cut at shoulder length. But, more important than her appearance, she was the first in command of the Queen's mercenaries. Also, if one can believe the gossip whispered back at the castle's quarters, she was a lover of Queen Ezrian herself.
– How could you not see this coming, Cillian? I know you don't listen very well, but I believe your eyes and brain work, don't they? – Niysa yelled at him. Even though he was being publicly shamed, the mercenary held his head high and posture straight.
– I was caught off guard. It shan't happen again. – he affirmed. His tone was confident, but his hands were sweating. No one made him feel as inept as Niysa did, her words eating away at his ego. She spit on the floor, looking at him with disgust.
– if you weren't the only one for this task, I would never give you a second chance to disappoint me. But I have no choice, so have at you! Oh, and may the Lords protect you from my wrath if you fail once more. – she said at last, ending the conversation. When she finally disappeared behind the curtains of her tent, Cillian let himself relax. He walked to the nearest tree, sitting down and leaning on the trunk.
He couldn't forget the face of the bard as he cornered him. The smugness and debauchery. The big black eyes gleaming, the long strong nose, slightly tilted upwards. The high cheekbones and the full lips, everything about him so right, it almost felt wrong. "Now I get why the Queen wants him unharmed", Cillian thought to himself. "He'll be one more of her playthings". Sighing, he let himself be taken to a state of meditation, breathing deeper and deeper to reorganize his mind. Before noticing, he slipped into a restless nap, with dreams of his failure.
– I don't think you have time to sleep now, Ian. – Frond said, nudging him lightly with his boot. Cillian stared blankly, still half conscious from being woken up so abruptly. The blond man was standing over him, sun shining annoyingly bright behind his head.
– She'll kill you if she finds out you're not literally running after that scoundrel. – he laughed, but more than a hint of worry in his tone.
– Actually this worked out fairly alright. Now he's probably out there, singing carefree, as he doesn't see me as such a threat anymore. – he shrugged, his tone more confident than he felt, a hint of a smile on his cherry lips. – But, you're right nonetheless. Off I go! – he said, springing to his feet. Sheathed blade and horse packed with goods, he was ready. "Time to cage a bird", thought Cillian, filled with determination.
Dressed in a more casual attire, he hid his flaming red curls beneath a black hooded cape. No chainmail this time, nothing to alert the bard of his presence. All in his bag, of course, one can never be too prepared. After everything's arranged, he left the makeshift camp on his mare, to search for the Queen's lost bird.
On the other side of the tiny town, Finch indeed was dancing, but not as carefree as he would've liked. He was weary and constantly aware of his surroundings. Every glimpse of auburn hair made him jump and the faintest sound of chains would have the hair on the back of his neck standing. Still, there he was, singing and playing the prettiest of songs, dancing with the children as they laughed. He loved moments like these: surrounded by peasants, hard workers and children whose lives were still too short to already be so tough. Finch would never use his enchantments on honest people who barely had enough to survive as it is. He may be a scoundrel, but he was no monster. Never had he taken from people whose situation was like his own.
The performance ended and he was putting his lute away. A small boy brought him half a loaf of stale bread and a boiled egg, while a woman waved from the doorstep of a barely-standing house nearby. Smiling, Finch put the bread in his travel bag and took the egg for a snack, while handing the boy a ring made from flower stems. As the boy ran to his mom, smile wide on his face, the bard went back to his way. He already risked too much by staying the night at the same village he was almost caught. Turning around, Finch waved his last goodbye before entering the dense and dark woods that lead out of town.
Humidity clung to his hair and clothes as he ventured through the trees. Breathing was a strenuous task, making the path feel even more difficult and uncomfortable. The air was hot and still, suffocating Finch. His hair and clothes were plastered against his face and body, clinging awkwardly to his features and figure as thick sweat slid down his back. The bard stood there for a moment, remapping his steps. He chose a strong tree that towered above the others and climbed to the top, immediately feeling the wind on his hair. The sun was indeed high on the sky, already starting to fall a little.
From afar, he could see the cleared path, too unprotected from the sun but also less stuffy. His skin could take a bit of sun with no problem, but he couldn't risk a heat stroke. Especially not now, that he was amidst a pursuit. Breathing deeply the fresh air atop the trees, Finch prepared to get down and resume his journey, when he saw it. Far away, at the horizon of the cleared path, he saw a brown horse and a traveler riding it. Black cape swinging in the wind and bags hanging from the horse. As the man got closer, Finch saw a strand of red hair peek through the hood, being hastily put back under the cloth. The mercenary was way closer than he expected and also, way too determined on his mission for the bard's comfort.
He debated whether he should increase the distance between him and the rider or if he should stay close by and follow the horseman until he set up camp. On one hand, keeping distance would be safer in the short term, but the pursuer seemed extremely determined and the anxiety of the pursuit would slowly eat away at his energy. On the other hand, waiting for a moment of distraction and ending it all would be more time efficient and definitive. Either maiming or murdering the man would solve this whole situation. With his decision made, Finch slid down the top of the tree and silently meandered the forest to the edge of the path, waiting for the mysterious mercenary to pass him. Once he saw the man cross his position on the path, he smiled quietly as he began following the horse. "And so, the cat becomes the mouse", thinks Finch to himself, the sweet taste of victory on his tongue.
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badcomicsrph · 2 years
sentence meme: spirit rider (2021)
"i find this world... strange."
"oh my god -- RUN!"
"web pages have no connection to a spider other than the way they get you stuck for hours."
"i once lost an entire afternoon to cat videos."
"and i would do it again!"
"how one gets any work done with all those cute cat videos, i will never understand."
"it takes the willpower of a god... or a demon."
"a long time ago, a very powerful spirit came to me. one filled with wrath and rage. one that called for vengeance."
"this internet could not bring me answers to better understand myself."
"i have always walked a fine line between the darkness and the light."
"in my time, i was called _____"
"you're hilarious! when are you gonna go up at the comedy store and do a set?"
"i think my particular sense of humor is better suited offstage than onstage."
"i would rather battle a thousand demons than be heckled by a bunch of drunk frat guys."
"there would be no holding me back from those jerks."
"true, we'd need the fire department on standby."
"something is in the bathroom."
"smells like sorcery... and sweaty leather."
"this demon is connected to you."
"owww! watch it, lady!"
"still on for karaoke night?"
"as long as this demon does not kill me, i'm all in."
"you gonna sing the usual?"
"eye of the tiger is the only classic that matters to me."
"one of these days i'm gonna get you to sing something different."
"if it's not broken then why fix it?"
"meet you in the bathroom!"
"i would rather not spoil these good folks' afternoon with existential dread."
"i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say i think we already scarred one waitress for life."
"you're the one brunching at a greasy spoon."
"best that we leave a small footprint."
"this is where i last saw my family."
"i don't know. i have been searching for answers ever since i first encountered the entity."
"this feels like an alien is inside of me."
"you... you've done this before, right?"
"you're just going to have to trust me."
"i will be here... prepared to use my magic if something goes horribly wrong."
"if anything goes horribly wrong, it will already be too late."
"ready yourself. i'm about to enter you completely."
"... be gentle, please."
"i can make no promises."
"his essence is stained with a darkness no amount of scrubbing will wipe clean."
"you just don't stop being the king of hell one day and think that everything is going to go back to normal."
"it's the one thing that fuels our power... the chaos."
"that raw, unbridled vengeance is like a drug."
"no wonder ___ is a perfect host. he lives for the chaos... just like his father."
"i feel there is a great pain that feeds this being."
"yeah i buried this memory for a reason."
"this is most likely a trap."
"ya think?"
"i've got one more stunt for the evening that's sure to make your head spin."
"i'm heading for some burgers if you'd care to join."
"if it knows i am here, it will come for me."
"motorcycles are my thing."
"i can promise we have never met."
"have you ever ridden a motorcycle?"
"one horse is more than enough power for me."
"people have believed the motorcycle to be the demon's steed."
"a motorcycle can never love you back the way a thoroughbred can."
"i wish we could stay with you here."
"you can stay as long as you like."
"i believe in you!"
"we must save your innocence."
"then go. i will hold them off."
"stop thinking you need to save everyone."
"___ always used to say you can't love anyone until you love yourself."
"my soul could definitely use a little watering after all the fire."
"be prepared for anything. it is going to get more difficult."
"i am beginning to suspect you were right."
"i am no longer sure it is here for you."
"how do we beat it?"
"we must be ready for anything."
"you might be right... but my instincts are telling me you are wrong."
"this could pose a problem."
"easy peasy lemon squeezy."
"time to do or die."
"do not let this broken creature claim your soul!"
"none of this is real. you need to fight it."
"i'm tired of trying to figure out what's real and what's not."
"i don't know what this thing wants... and that frightens me."
"i am sorry for your pain... but i cannot let you do that."
"i enjoy when my meal puts up a good fight."
"my will is stronger than yours."
"there is nothing you can do to stop me."
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afurioushawk · 3 years
I think it’s pretty impressive that Hawk is among the top 5 fighters without receiving overt favoritism like Miguel (from Johnny), Sam (from Daniel), Robby (from Daniel and later Kreese) and Tory (from Kreese): Not taking anything away from them because they’re all amazing (and I guess one can argue that Hawk received a fair amount of attention from Kreese in season 2) but it definitely shows the sheer determination and willpower of Hawk.
Lol I know, Hawk gets absolutely no respect from any of his senseis and yet he still won the AVT in the boys' championship lmao. He's truly been a dark horse this whole time. The only people who seem to overtly respect his skills are Miguel and Demetri, but as far as Johnny, Daniel, and Kreese are concerned, they either treat him like shit (Johnny), treat him like a tool (Kreese and Daniel), blatantly play favorites at his expense (Johnny and Kreese), undermine what he's gone through (Johnny and Daniel), and just all around in general don't respect him.
But he got the last laugh, huh? Kreese, motivated by biodeterminism, worked so hard to get Robby into CK when Hawk probably would've done anything for him, only for Hawk to beat Robby in the finals. And then Hawk gets a trophy while Johnny and Daniel lost their dojos.
I know he probably wouldn't, but I hope Hawk gave all of them the double birds.
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applejuizz · 4 years
laughter of youth.
the scout regiment has managed to rescue eren and recover annie’s crystal from their enemies, yet at the cost of many soldiers’ lives. levi learns a valuable lesson of trust. characters: levi ackerman x gn! reader (platonic!), historia reiss, sasha braus, jean kirstein, mikasa ackerman, eren jaeger, connie springer warnings: canon violence (vague descriptions), mentions of blood/wounds word count: 1.764 inspired by attack on titan 2: final battle and the story of “our man”, the customizable in-game character.
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Paperwork after paperwork after all the paperwork...
Levi had come to dread the sound of hasty footsteps pacing up to his wooden office door and its prolonged creak as Miss Four Eyes allowed themselves in carrying yet another pile of experiment reports, barely containing their unreasonable excitement. While they fervently sought the tiniest free space to fit the monstrosity held in their arms, their flow of Titan anatomy ramblings never ceased.
Levi, you won’t believe what Eren managed to do today...!
Victor - who the hell is Victor? - stood awake the whole night and was as energetic as ever in the morning! This new breed of Titans is quite interesting!
I keep naming these Titans and I won’t shut up already and I should slap myself before you kick me across the fields, Levi! - he couldn’t possibly describe the joy these words would bring him coming out of Hange’s mouth. Too good to be true, unfortunately.
He shifted into his chair, straightening his back and shaking off the annoyance that had been constantly pulling on his nerves for three days already.
Thankfully, his office was quiet and the hallway was blissfully empty. Hange had taken a day off from experiments to let Eren rest. On that note, Jean and Eren had stopped arguing for once, Sasha had ceased her relentless search of meat and he could finally relish in the silence surrounding him. It wasn’t often that he got to have such quiet moments to himself.
And because they were so rare, only when he got the chance to savor them did he realize how much he actually hated them.
It wasn’t that he disliked being alone - on the contrary, he loved solitude a little too much for his own good. Instead, he found that whenever he allowed his mind to rest, he was assaulted by intrusive thoughts and memories that he’d rather bury deep in the back of his consciousness. Perks of being a soldier.
His eyes took in rows and columns of observations on the papers in front of him. His hand signed each and every one of them away promptly, yet his mind was drifting, conjuring up crimson fields, disgusting Titan flesh sliced in half, the blood-curdling screams of soldiers trampled off their horses or chewed to their demise. Nothing he wasn’t used to. However, that didn’t mean it didn’t make his skin crawl sometimes.
He thought back to commander Erwin, weak and thinning, laying in a hospital bed with only an arm left. Levi knew his superior was a strong man; he didn’t worry much about his recovery. What did plant the seed of doubt in his heart was the fact that somehow, the man he’d thought nearly invincible had been so badly wounded, and that alone was a strong indicator of the deep shit they all were in.
And of course, the one member in his squad that had never returned from the battlefield hung dark and heavy over his consciousness, a shadow of guilt, the same damn story repeating itself over and over again. No matter how much he tried to avoid it, it came crawling back like an awful nightmare, looming over him along with the deaths of all the other people he has trusted and cared for. Isabel and Farlan, Petra, Eld, Günther, Oruo… and now them too.
I won’t die on you, sir!
Like hell you won’t.
Their promise rang in his ears as if trying to mock him. The shadows of his consciousness sneered at him: look what happens when you decide to trust people, you twerp. Should’ve known better. Haven’t you learned your lesson?
“Tsk.” He set the cup he’d mindlessly lifted back on his desk. The tea had gone cold. He’d have to ask someone to brew him another. Not exactly pleasant, but enough to distract him from the dark path his thoughts had gone onto.
Before he could even stand up from his chair, though, loud voices boomed from downstairs through the whole hideout and caused the floor beneath his feet to vibrate. They were followed by clattering of pots and Jaeger’s unmistakable yelling, obnoxious and over dramatic as always.
So much for his quiet moment.
With an exasperated sigh, Levi picked up his cup again and left his desk and the piles of papers behind, shaking off the last of his melancholy. These damn brats can’t get anything done without wrecking havoc first…
The kitchen was right beneath his office, so all he had to do was climb down the short flight of stairs, put the cadets back in their place, ask horseface to brew him some more tea and go back upstairs. Simple enough.
He came to the sight of Eren, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha and Connie all hunched around in a compact group, chattering loudly and all over each other. Historia’s dulcet tone surprisingly prevailed amongst deeper voices, although she was nowhere to be seen.
“Wait! You need bandages before anything else! The gash in your side isn’t looking good…”
“Yeah! You’ve literally been through hell and back!” Jean marvelled.
“No, guys! They need food!” Sasha exclaimed as if she'd made a grand discovery, grabbing a half-boiled potato straight out of the pot.
“Sasha, no! The potatoes aren’t done yet-”
“Oi, what the hell is going on here?!”
“C-Captain Levi!” Jaeger stumbled back on his feet, broom in his hands, his headscarf sitting askew on his head. The huddle immediately dispersed, everyone had gone dead silent. Levi scanned the room quickly, not paying much attention to the soldiers’ faces and rolled his eyes.
“I thought I told you to clean up the kitchen, not turn it into a pigsty!” He passed a critical hand over the table, gathering up the dust in his palm and making a grimace. Cleaning supplies, pots and cups were scattered all over the floor and the table, as if the cadets had all come to a mutual agreement of dropping everything at once just to see how many white hairs Levi would gain in his hair.
“Get back to work and stop yelping, you’re turning my brain into mush.”
But before he could open his mouth to bark another order at Jean, his eyes finally landed on who was once the centre of the huddle: Historia Reiss holding on to a hunched figure’s arm, obviously attempting to provide support, but ending up resembling more of a lost puppy clinging to someone’s sleeve.
“Captain Levi!” the petite girl exclaimed, a hint of relief present in her voice, “I-I went to get water from the fountain and I found them there! They seem stable, but I think they might need a doctor-”
His thoughts were running at light’s speed, yet he couldn’t get his body to wake up from its frozen state at the bottom of the stairs. What must’ve only been seconds felt like hours. As if time had decided to finally slow down, to finally stop the nonsensical blurry of days, months, years passing by only to give him a chance to breathe. A chance to understand. Was it just too good to be true?
“Captain…?” Springer trailed off, eyes bulging out of his little bald head, and quickly recoiled as Jean subtly elbowed him in the stomach. Only then did Levi notice that he had been standing among the shattered porcelain of what used to be his teacup, his hand still hanging in the air as if clinging to the ghost of the object.
The cadet finally raised their eyes from the floor, face bloodied and battered, yet still brightened by youth and devotion.
“Captain Levi… sir.” They saluted in a weak voice, raising two fingers to their temple.
Their last name rolled off Levi’s lips in a stronger tone than he thought he’d manage, yet still trailed off a bit in disbelief. Clearing his throat, he stepped over the broken porcelain.
“So. You came back, huh?” Out of all the words piled up on the tip of his tongue, begging to spill out, the best he could come up with was a rhetorical question. But the soldier still let out a dry chuckle, straightening their back as much as their wounds allowed them to. Their legs wobbled and the Ackerman girl, who had been quietly watching from the sidelines, immediately jumped in to offer extra support. Seeing the usually stone-faced Mikasa’s facial expression filled with a flurry of emotions similar to those churning in his heart allowed him to relax a bit.
“Of course.” The wounded cadet answered. “I made a promise, didn’t I?”
Levi gave a slight nod, features stoic, yet he felt his heart grow with pride in his chest. The same glint of determination glowed in their eyes as it did back then, during their rookie days, when they had placed their fist over their heart and had sworn to stay alive. He had heard the same promise come out of so many of his dead comrades’ mouths that realistically, he shouldn’t have expected this particular soldier to honor it. Yet for some reason, unknown even to himself, he had chosen to place his fragile trust in them. Maybe it had been their thirst for revenge, or their sheer willpower which, dare he say, could surpass Eren’s; whatever it had been, he did not regret it.
He drew closer, steps light as feathers on the wooden floor and took advantage of their hunched position to card his fingers through their hair, ruffling it affectionately. These damn kids keep getting taller… he thought bitterly to himself. The gesture managed to transform their wince of pain into a look of total and innocent wonder. The look in the eyes of a kid who's just got the utmost gesture of validation from a parent.
“You’re a good kid,” he conceded, patting their scalp twice before letting his hand fall back to his side. He could barely recognize the gentle tone of his own voice. “Although were you not wounded, I’d have roundhouse kicked your ass for scaring everyone like this.”
The phrase hadn’t even been that funny, in his opinion, but they let out a joyous, loud laugh, contagious to the people around them. It even pulled a chuckle out of Mikasa.
And as he stood there in the kitchen, surrounded by the laughter of youth, he finally understood. Placing his trust in these kids, fighting alongside them, protecting them with the price of his life were worth all the risks because they were humanity’s last hope. And he would do anything to one day see their joyful faces wiped clean of crimson wounds and dirt and death. Anything.
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smolstarthief · 3 years
Persona 5/Persona 5 Strikers: Pro-Police or Anti-Police?
Hoo boy... So this honestly has been a LONG time coming on my end because I have seen so much of that debate on social media (Twitter namely) and I can see the points of BOTH sides but there have been moments where it just got out of hand... Especially whenever people tried to put in a more grey/nuanced take only to be slammed and taken out of context. Even repeatedly mentioning the interrogation at the beginning of P5 which, I will admit has gotten tiresome. At least for me, I do still feel for Joker and I wished the game acknowledged his trauma more but there's a thing called, "beating a dead horse" and this is one along with "Haru says ACAB" in Strikers (which was done THREE TIMES in the same arc and it got annoying fast, like shut up already! We get it!). So, let's dive in a little bit:
Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal
Now let me just say I know! Police in Japan are just as bad if not worse than the West and I STILL hate the idea of Makoto wanting to become a cop for such naive reasons (especially with what happened to Sae, her own sister!)... But there are at least some of form of nuances sometimes and by that I mean, I can see what they were trying to do? I do agree that P5/P5S backpedaled SEVERELY by deciding to sweep issues under the rug after addressing them and not continuing from such. In fact I feel like it could have been a hell of a lot better. But P5 did something different compared to previous games and addresses the issues DIRECTLY right at the beginning of said game! It was tense and horrifying, but needed. Of course... They then sweep it under the rug and act like nothing traumatic happened to our protag which is NOT a good look at all and I'm still pissed off about it. In the main game's case, it's portrayed as more black and white with only a SMALL amount of nuance like that cop that was trying to help Futaba when she went out by herself and got lost (which people ignore entirely by the way). So I CAN see where people got the "anti-police" message from... But that's only the tip of the iceberg as it's ACTUALLY more about Systematic Corruption, not exactly or JUST police corruption. Namely in politics with Shido and the Conspiracy (which is apparently still somewhat around in Strikers until Owada's downfall) controlling everything all the way to law enforcement. The force had been basically under his payroll (including the corrupt SIU Director before his death) whether by force or not (mostly not in this case though). Now honestly, the police depicted there are undoubtedly rotten to the core save for a VERY SMALL handful (the cop that was trying to help Futaba which, again, gets ignored by several). Look at the interrogators who ruthlessly beat and drug a minor without any second thought or remorse for example. But again, the black and white narrative the game kept unwittingly doing ended up being to its detriment in a way. I'm not defending those assholes AT ALL! They deserved every punishment given to them! But for a game that goes on about grey morality... It doesn't quite deliver on that. Still though, it does emphasize that it's more of the fault of the whole corrupt system, not just one part of it. There needs to be change and reform which is what our MCs were trying to do in a way (more like inspiring change but still). In the end, it's all about the following:
Corruption and abuse of power.
Again the police depicted in this game were incompetent at best, corrupt at worse with very few silver linings. But it's not just them but rather the one person responsible for the whole mess. Who had them under his payroll? Who controlled them and by extension all of Tokyo? Who was willing to dispose of anyone who "outlives their usefulness" or is perceived as a threat to what he wants (including his own family)?
Bottom line: They are definitely a problem but it's not just them.
"But, Joker and his trauma?"
I definitely understand that and still do. I fully believe he has and still has trauma with the police. Easy! But... I do feel like people go too far with it sometimes. It's hard to explain but there have been moments where people either use it as a justification/argument against someone trying to provide a more nuanced view of things or... Dare I say, depict him like a "uwu soft traumatized boi." Like I said, it's hard to explain on my end so feel free to ignore it. Everyone deals with trauma differently so there is STRONG chance that I'm overanalyzing it. I just remember moments where I just feel a little, I guess annoyed? I'm not sure exactly but final thing: I understand what he went through and I can't imagine how long it would take to recover but I hope he DOES overcome it.
"Sae? Akechi?"
Yep, even though their jobs are different, they are by and large members of law enforcement no matter how you spin it. Both were broken in a way. Akechi is pretty easy to explain with how Shido negatively impacted his life but not much about Sae, who dealt with sexism/misogyny at her workplace along with the trauma of her father's (also a cop) death. She no doubt had some idealism only to be hit with the fact that she's gonna have to use underhanded/downright illegal tactics to get by and even rise up the ranks. She, therefore ended up (well, nearly) corrupted herself before coming to her senses. That's honestly one of the BIGGEST REASONS why I felt like Makoto joining the force to become a police commissioner isn't a good, even a downright naïve, idea. I honestly would have been somewhat fine with it if it weren't for that fact among other things. Regardless of her willpower, it will go south fast.
Now... Onto Strikers!
Persona 5 Strikers
Since the game came out and I started playing it, I still feel like the system is still beyond saving, especially when attempting to do it from the inside. But I don't mind the added nuances that P5 didn't do much of. It's still continuing the critiques, just shows more of what does happen within said system and even has an ACTUAL officer (Zenkichi) say, "Yeah, my job sucks, everyone's corrupt, there are much better ways to do things and make a change but not this. I'm only staying because I have a daughter to take care of and it's all I know. I'm no different from them." Was it all handled well? I wouldn't say "yes" (Joker's trauma is BARELY addressed at all of course) but a little better than what P5's narrative did which only addressed the issues but not exactly follow up on them. Now to be fair... In the system, regardless of where you live, any one within it who remotely tries to do something or speak against it either lose their jobs or even go "missing" irl. Those have happened and it's more proof that yeah, it's rotten to the core. There's no denying it but regardless, that's NOT what the game is about at all. At least that's what I feel about it as it's only PART of the narrative. I think Zenkichi puts it best here:
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Speaking of Zenkichi... Oh boy... Now I definitely understand some of the criticisms with him but honestly, he was the best written (PT) character I've ever encountered! He was honestly the perfect representation of those that genuinely want to help and do good, only to be held back by an extremely harsh reality. It was already hinted at with Sae but here? It 100 percent confirms just how harsh and even cutthroat it can be if it could break someone's idealism so badly. Even Kaburagi of all people thinks the same thing Zenkichi said:
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Then there's his past and it's a tragic one! But let's look more at the decisions he ended up making:
While it was no doubt done to protect his daughter, he ended making a selfish decision along with a selfless one (which was brilliant!) with not only allowing the cover up of his wife's death and denying justice for her, but also ruining an innocent person and their family's lives.
It's horrible, but also... There's a grey area/nuance as with the rest of his character. It was both understandable, but also wrong as he, as Akane's Shadow puts it:
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He sacrificed his values, his morals, all for the sake of having a peace of mind. Speaking of Akane, she's also an interesting case in a way that she more or less perfectly represents the more "black and white" views on justice in general. Namely the more toxic/biased kind. Her reasons are also understandable but she was also acting selfishly by only focusing on how SHE was effected by Aoi's death and not even considering those that were also grieving her death and/or that people grieve/handle grief differently than her. But back on topic.
Her own views and beliefs that law enforcement basically SHOULD be dismantled (mostly out of said childish bias and black & white views) and it's framed as WRONG and it's very much correct on that. Chaos and order are two sides of the same coin, one can't exist without the other. When I say ACAB, I'm calling for reform, defund, have the corrupt held accountable for EVERYTHING and even face jail time for their crimes! Defund the police, have the ones that arrest, harm, and even murder out of bias (race, gender, etc.), lose their badges/jobs and locked up, make improvements! It's saying that there IS still corruption out there and there's no denying it. But fully eliminating the law in general will just lead to more problems. Now granted, she's young and clearly doesn't fully understand why those views are ultimately wrong but still... It was a very interesting subject to tackle and I feel like they handled it well.
Now back to Zenkichi, he was at first in denial about his decisions ultimately being the wrong ones too and even tries to justify it. Of course, his Shadow said otherwise and that was when he finally admitted that he really did act no different from the criminals he despised. But it also doesn't mean he can't redeem himself and that's what ultimately leads to his new resolve:
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That right there along with everything else! There's the nuance! And ultimately despite some hiccups, Strikers handled the grey morality and nuance beautifully! Especially regarding law enforcement! Dare I say, even better than the base game! It continues the critiques with no problem but also showing different sides and areas of it! There is good and evil, but what about in-between? What about the more greyer area? It still says that there IS corruption, sometimes even beyond saving but... Sometimes a small silver lining is hidden somewhere.
Now, the ultimate question:
Is P5 & P5S (namely the latter) Pro-Police or Anti-Police?
Personally, my answer is this: Neither.
Why? What theme do they both have in common?
Someone puts it best on Twitter that the games are more pro-justice and I fully agree!
P5/P5S gives the idea about following your OWN justice, your OWN moral code and rules, paving your OWN path and not let others dictate it! That's what the MCs ultimately start to learn in both games. Therefore it's pro-justice. Again, do I agree that the system is beyond saving? Yeah. Do I at least acknowledge and understand what the narratives are trying to say and nuances regardless even if I don't agree with some writing decisions (ex: Makoto wanting to become a commissioner despite everything)? Also yes. But at the same time, don't judge a book by its cover for other people (not just law enforcement and politics mind you). Especially some that genuinely DO want to help at best. That there is nuance and greyness, just have to look closely. Some of the MCs are still TERRIBLY written and executed (even annoying) but the message was still somewhat there.
Final Thoughts
Now I fully understand how you all feel of course! I still believe in ACAB and even I agree that maybe I'm one to talk and have a lot more to learn about the world... This is just my own attempt at putting my own two cents in. If you disagree, that's fine! This is just what I've felt should be at least talked about more often. And I tried to phrase it as best as I can without coming off as insensitive or ignorant and if I did, I sincerely apologize for that! I'm not trying to say, come off as a "bootlicker" or any of the sort. I'm just trying show discuss more of the grey areas and nuances that are, more often than not, constantly overlooked. How one interprets both games is ultimately up to them. You, the player. And this is my own interpretation. Simple as that. I hope you all have a good day/afternoon/evening!
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I’ve had several people message me and compliment me on the 100+ pounds that I’ve lost so far and I’m flattered and thankful. Thank you everyone for the compliments, it truly makes me feel great! 😘 I’ve had many comments as well like, “wow, you have amazing willpower” and “I could never be that good at controlling my food for over a year”. Thank you! but….
⏰Honesty hour folks, I’m not THAT good and my willpower is far from constant. Yes, I’ve worked hard mentally and physically to get to where I am BUT, I’m human and I make mistakes, I eat things I’m not supposed to and I gain weight. I stepped on the scale today. First time in almost 3 months and I’ve gained 10 pounds. For some that would be devastating and I’ll admit, I’m not happy about it because I still had 30 left to lose before the number I had in mind would be met. Now it’s 40 instead BUT it’s all in my control or in this case due to the lack of control that’s put me where I am today. I’ve spent the past 3 months being more than a little lazy on logging, counting calories, minding what I eat IE… healthy vs. not so healthy stuff and so on…. I did this, no one else and just as before, it’s up to me to decide how to handle it.
I’ve decided to celebrate! I’m celebrating these very important & special things in my life!
✅ Losing over 100 pounds.
✅ Gaining my mobility - I can walk a crossed my living room without gasping for air!
✅ Being able to run 2 miles without stopping.
✅ No longer needing one of my blood pressure medications.
✅ Medically cleared from needing to breathe through a machine for sleep apnea at night.
✅ Able to run and play with my dogs and grandchildren and so much more!
Now it’s time to get serious again, time to get back on the horse and get to my final destination. I’ve enjoyed my little “vacay” after a hard year but I need to go all in again to reach my goal and it’s already in sight so why not reach for it!?! Lots more positivity, lots more workouts and I’m going to try out some new foods / recipes along the way. Stay tuned…. things just got turned up a few notches! CW has been reset on the blog ( no lies here, this is a REAL weight loss blog ) and I’m recommitted to reaching my goal! Chubby girl power activate! Lol! *insert war chant here* War face on!
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sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
(for the favorites) Pokemon~ your choice of what you know better, the anime or a specific game (like Yellow, or Sun/Moon, ect)
ooh this is fun!! honestly I remember the older ones the best but sword and shield were kind of refreshing in a way. Arceus Legends is turning out to be a breath of fresh air too (something something breath of the wild joke) ANYWAY I only ever watched like the original pokemon anime so I'll toss that in with the games as well haha
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) honestly? cyrus from Diamond and Pearl. dramatic little bitch. moody. astronomically grand goals that seem so far out there i just wanna dig into his brain and see what makes him tick
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) WALLY!!! from the original Ruby/Sapphire/emerald games. God i love that kid. What a glow-up!! I was rooting for him to beat me every time! very sad you had to beat him to progress. He is SO SHAPED!!!! his frail little heart is so STRONG and full of willpower and LOVE
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Sidney from the RSE Elite Four!!!! I loved his hair, his style, and also Dark type pokemon. He's also kind of an odd looking dude, not the sort of guy most people would give more than a second thought to, but he's like. also gender goals lmao that's probably why he stuck in my brain like a nettle
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) MISTER BRINEY!!!!!!!!!!!! from RSE :D him and Peeko oh my god. even now, like twenty years later I sometimes randomly utter "Anchors aweigh! Peeko, we're setting sail my darling!" when I start something or go somewhere lmao ah i just. his heart is so full of love for little Peeko and I hope they're still sailing about together :')
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) Silver, the rival from Gold/Silver. I got pretty into Yellow which was my first pokemon game ever, but I got Gold the christmas I was 12 and it poured itself into the wrinkles of my brain like concrete and solidified forever. I love this little asshole so much. Why are you such a dickhead? What's your issues? A little kid catches you peeping on their neighbor and you shove them in the dirt? You steal pokemon and use them to intimidate people? Oh I want to put you in a glass jar and shake you and write a case study on you.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Oh my god. Archie and Max. The Team Aqua and Magma guys. And all the Team Galactic admins. Horse plinko for all of you. What the fuck are you wearing. Look at your life, look at your choices!!
Oddly enough I don't want to plinko Silver, I just want to know what makes him tick. lol Oh. But I almost want to dangle Professor Laventon (Arceus Legends) over the plinko while threatening to send him through unless he changes that fucking hat -_- i'm sorry I just. I can't take him seriously I know he's supposed to kind of be a doofus academic but BLEASE that fucking hat at least wear a matching jacket!!!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) I don't remember... I think it was Black/white?? But that Ghetsis guy. The abusive cult dad. Fuck him. I don't even remember what his shtick was but I'm glad his kid was able to have like. positive character growth.
I really wish I could find my X/Y cartridges, I lost them some years ago and I remember really enjoying that gen :( thank you for asking!! look out, I'm going to go to your askbox next >:D
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tenderlyrenjun · 2 years
Charming Series
where ...
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Amusement Park
Prince Charming Renjun x Cinderella reader
Despite the 21st century, society has labeled you a bad luck charm - born in the fourth season of the year (doesn't follow the Gregorian calendar), killed your mother in child birth, glass cracks when you by. You barely manage to get by, just on pure strength and willpower. Of course, you take advantage of the magical elements when they pop up, but you never thought that your therapist would be your fairy godmother, or that you'd spend the night dancing with the Prince, or that your face would be plastered onto every missing person's ad after his 23rd birthday ball! Renjun makes it his mission to find you, determined to at least take you out on a first date .. until you say no, not wanting to burden him with your bad luck. He relents easily at your declaration and remains your friend, but it's hard to be his friend ... He wasn't given the metaphorical Love at First Sight Award for nothing.
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All I Got
Prince Florian Jeno x Snow White reader
Jeno's kingdom is famous for apples (and other fruits). Occasionally, he hand delivers them to neighboring kingdoms, preferring simpler clothes and anonymity. One day, he hears you singing into a well, while he sneaks around diplomats who know his face. He climbs the stone wall to see you better but accidentally falls in a bush! You hear him, obviously, and rush over to help him. It begins a lovely friendship, constantly bordering more, but you swear him to secrecy, fearing the evil queen, your warden. Months pass by, years drag on, and Jeno sees you less and less. And right before his coronation to crown Prince, he goes to your kingdom to sign a treaty. He looks for you, but you are missing! He thinks you might have fallen in love without him, and he takes a ride into the forest, accidentally taking the path down the dark forest, at night. He runs through the forest, scared and fighting all the animals, until he stumbles on your glass case, illuminated in the middle of a bed of flowers.
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Night Rain
Prince Philip Jaemin x Sleeping Beauty reader
Your parents sent you away with a group of fairies for your protection from the evil fairy Maleficent who cursed you as a baby. You spend years alone, without anyone but the three, doing daily chores, hearing warnings against going beyond the river and that magic doesn't exist. One day, after your 19th birthday, Jaemin appears, accidentally having lost his horse. You find the horse drinking from your side of the river, and Jaemin looks relieved. He crosses the river, to your surprise. And you build up a secret friendship. Your parents, deeming it safe for you to return, tell you about your real life as a princess and the magic, so you tentatively go "home" with them to the castle. Not even one night in, you prick your finger on a spinning wheel that appeared in your bedroom with a note calling it a gift. The entire kingdom falls asleep. Jaemin, a prince of a neighboring kingdom, comes by and fights his way through just to kiss you
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ladyanaconda · 3 years
Helluva Dad Vol. 5: Mom
Hey, guys! We'll start getting more info on Striker's wife and Jake's mother from here on out, though they'll mostly be tidbits. It might be a while before we fully learn what happened to her.
The next morning, Jake awoke with a throbbing migraine. His body and joints were sore to the point he didn't want to move, but the acidic, bitter taste of vomit sent him on a beeline straight to the bathroom.
"Good, you're awake." His father was leaning against the wall, arms crossed. It's almost like he had been waiting for him.
"D-Dad…?" Jake threw up into the toilet again.
"You feel like shit, right? That's what happens when you drink a little too much."
"D-Drink..? What are you…?" Jake brought a hand to his head. "Ow, my head…"
"You and Moxxie got thrown inside a beer barrel during yesterday's job. Evidently, you two drank too much."
Jake shrank a bit. "Am I in trouble, dad?"
Striker's frown softened. After a moment of silence, he sighed. "Nah, it wasn't really yer fault this time 'round, pup." He watched as Jake threw up for the third time. "'Sides, I think the hangover is punishment enough. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
Carefully, Striker undressed Jake and lifted him unto the warm bath he had previously prepared for this moment. Once Jake was fully clean and refreshed, Striker carried him back to his room to dress him in his pajamas and tuck him back in bed.
"Are you going to work, dad?"
"I'm leavin' ya alone in this condition, my boy. I took an absence for the weekend while you recover." Striker ruffled his son's hair. "Chill out, Blitzo and the others can survive without us for a few days."
Jake shivered. "I'm cold." Striker touched his forehead.
"Yer boiling hot, kiddo. You'll need lots of water to make up for the shit yer body is going through right now."
Striker left the room and returned sometime later with a tray, which he placed on the bedside table. Jake glanced sideways to see its contents: A cup of tea with a strong smell and a bowl of soup. Striker picked the cup and held it close to his son's lips.
"Drink." Jake took a small sip. His face scrunched up at the bitter taste.
"What's this?" He asked, sticking out his tongue.
"Ginger root tea. It ain't tasty, but it's good for hangovers."
It took Jake a considerable amount of willpower to actually drink the whole thing, forcing himself to swallow the bitter beverage despite the urge to spit it back into the cup. It left an awful bitter taste in his mouth, but his stomach had settled down somewhat and he wasn't as thirsty anymore. The soup, a plain and simple chicken broth, was more enjoyable. Jake couldn't help but feel like a baby, though. Dad would even tease him with the 'little plane' as he carefully gave him spoonfuls of soup.
"How're ya feelin', kiddo?" Striker once he was done with the meal.
"Tired and sore, but at least I'm not nauseous anymore."
Striker spent all morning dabbing Jake's forehead with a humid cloth to break the fever. Jake felt a little better by midday, though his head and body still ached. He didn't want to be stuck in bed all day, though.
"Dad, I'm bored," he complained.
"What are you complainin' about, boy? I'm doing all the work here." Striker said simply.
"Do I have to stay in bed all day? What if I want to pee?"
"Don't exaggerate, yer not disabled. But if you want to get better soon, you need to rest."
Jake shifted under the covers. "How long do hangovers last?"
"A day or so, dependin' on how much alcohol you consume and your age. In yer case, you should be as good as new by tomorrow if you rest properly."
With no other choice, Jake closed his eyes and did his best to fall asleep. Surprisingly, he managed to drift off after twenty minutes, in part because he was tired.
With Jake asleep for the time being, Striker took some time to himself and to do the chores around the house. The first thing he did was go to the closet near the doorway and open it; Blitzo, tied up and gagged, dropped out. The piece of cloth used to silence him slipped off his mouth.
"Come on, Striker! You didn't have to put me in there!" he protested.
"What did ya expect when I caught you about to sneak into my kid's room at three A.M. like a pedophile?" Striker murmured as he cut him free.
"I wasn't going to miss Jakey's first hangover! You only get to witness those moments once, you know."
"I'd thank you if you kept yer volume down, Jake is sleepin'."
Blitzo slipped a few envelopes from his pocket. "Oh, by the way, you got mail. Why didn't you tell me you got job offers? I.M.P. could get more clients!"
"Really? Now yer goin' to check my mail too?" Striker snatched all the envelopes from Blitzo's hands before he could pry any further. "Good thing I don't have a diary or you'd read it."
"Can you make one? Moxxie's diary is boring me and Loonie hid hers where I can't find it." Blitzo seemed to remember something. "If you'll excuse me, I have to change the bird's water!"
Striker didn't dignify Blitzo with a reply and instead focused on checking his mail. A few killing job offers, this month's light, and water fees, and… His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the seal on the envelope. Striker set the other envelopes aside for the time being and opened that letter.
"Ah, that's so much better!" Blitzo stepped out of the visitor's bathroom, a small piece of toilet paper stuck to his foot. "Maybe I shouldn't drink that much lemonade next time…" He trailed off when he noticed Striker's expression had darkened. "Strike? Are you okay?"
"I need to go out. Keep an eye on Jake while I'm gone."
Striker didn't give Blitzo an explanation or time to protest as he picked up his jacket and hat and walked out the door, whistling for Bombproof to come for him. Wordlessly, he climbed unto the saddle, clicked his tongue, and rode away in a quick canter.
Jake woke up to a purring sound right above him. Shifting a bit under the covers, he opened his eyes and found none other than Blitzo's face inches away from his.
"Hi, Blitz." the impling said simply.
"Any interesting dreams?"
"Not really. Where's dad?"
"He had to go out for some errand and asked me to look after you while he's gone. We're going to have so much fun!" Blitzo rubbed his hands together. "Do you have any horse movies?"
Jake sat up. "Running Free and Black Beauty."
"Which version?"
Blitzo's eyes lit up. "I love that one! Let's watch it!" Jake didn't quite understand why Blitzo was so obsessed with horses, but he didn't really mind. He, too, loved horses ever since he could remember. From what dad said, he'd learned how to ride before he could even walk.
Jake felt more alert and less sore, so he could walk downstairs to the living room. Blitzo made some popcorn and they spent the next hour and a half watching Black Beauty. Blitzo cried a couple of times whenever a horse got hurt, but he completely lost it when Beauty saw Ginger's dead body being carried away.
"Why, Ginger?! Whyyy?!"
"Have you read the novel? It's got more content that wasn't put in the film." Jake pointed out.
"Black Beauty is a novel?"
"No way, you didn't know?!"
"Jakey, the only things I read are Moxxie's diary and the Hellquine magazine."
Time went by. Blitzo sniffed around the house until he came across an old photo album. To Jake's chagrin, it contained baby pictures of him.
"Aww, you were so cute! Who would have thought your old man could take decent photos? Oh, look, you're with Striker and Bombproof on this one!" Jake groaned, trying in vain to hide in the cushions. "Oh, shit, what a big dick you had!"
"Okay, that's enough humiliation for a day!"
Jake tried to pull the album away from Blitzo, cheeks red. They fought over the album until something slipped out and fell down to the floor. Blitzo picked it up.
"Hey, this one wasn't in any of the pages." Blitzo couldn't contain a wolf-whistle. "What a lovely lady!"
Curious, Jake leaned in to take a look at the photo: a tall woman with dark red skin and gold-green eyes sat on top of a fence, running a hand through her long black hair as it was blown back by the wind.
"Is this your mommy, Jakey?"
Jake pondered on it, eyes fixed on the photograph. He's never seen that woman before, be it in a photo or in person. He looked through the album but found no more pictures of the woman. If this was his mother, why are there no signs of her anywhere?
The door swung open at that moment. "Blitz, I'm home."
"Hey, Strike, who's this pretty lady?"
Jake felt a shiver down his spine as he saw his father stop in his tracks, face pale. He knew what was coming. The shock became anger. But it wasn't like those other times dad had grown mad at Blitzo; this time, there was a darkness in his eyes as he stomped towards Blitzo, tail rattling, and wordlessly snatched the photo from his grasp.
"Where did you find it?!" he shouted, making Blitzo realize he had unintentionally reopened an old wound.
"It slipped from that album…" he stuttered, pointing at the forgotten tome.
"Why can't you keep yer bloody nose away from my privacy, Blitzo?!"
"D-Dad, calm down, he didn't mean to-!"
"Stay out of this, boy!" Striker hissed, startling Jake into stepping back.
"Whoa, whoa, there's no need to yell at Jakey! It's me you're pissed at, remember?"
Striker clenched his fists. "Get out."
"Wait, what?"
"Get yer shitty ass out of my house!" Striker didn't even wait for Blitzo to reply; he simply pushed him towards and shoved him out of the door, slamming it shut; Striker panted heavily for breath as he leaned against it.
"Dad, that was uncalled for!" Jake quickly regretted having spoken when his father shot him a frown. The rings around his pupils were thick, another sign that he was pissed.
"How many times have I told you not to look through my things without permission?!" he growled.
"I was curious, dad…!"
"That's no excuse, boy! You wouldn't like me to go look into your own stuff, would you?!"
"B-But dad…"
"I don't want to hear it, boy." Striker pointed to the stairs. "Go to your room, I don't want to see you for the rest of the night!"
Jake was close to tears now. "Daddy…"
Jake didn't dare to talk back to his father this time. He ran up the stairs and into his room, tears in his eyes. The impling climbed into his bed, hid under the blankets and cried himself to sleep.
He hadn't meant to yell at Jake. It's not him he's mad at, but… Seeing her photo in Blitzo's grasp and hearing him ask so casually as if he'd done nothing wrong really pissed him off... That, plus the rather unpleasant encounter from earlier… Great, now he'd have to apologize to Blitz when things calm down.
Striker couldn't sleep that night. There were too many things on his head, and he had to think of what he'd do now that Jake had seen the photo. There's no way he can weasel out of it now, the boy was too smart for that. And deep down, Striker wanted to tell his son about the wonderful woman who was his mother, the woman that he'd…
Striker closed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, trying to push the painful memory away.
He waited until the next morning until he was certain he had calm down to go upstairs to his son's room with a jam and peanut butter sandwich, Jake's favorite treat. Striker tentatively knocked on the door.
There was no reply. Slowly, he opened the door and walked in. Jake was still on his bed, hidden under the covers. He had seen him shifting just before he peeked in, so he knew he wasn't really sleeping, but it was evident that Jake didn't want to talk to him either. Striker sat down on the edge of his son's bed, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"I… I brought you a sandwich in case you were hungry." He was met with silence again. "I know you're not really sleepin', kiddo." His suspicions were confirmed when Jake opened his eyes, but his back was still turned and he still did not speak. Sighing, Striker placed the place on the bedside table and ran a hand through his white locks. "Jake, I… I'm sorry for yellin' at you. I had a… complicated day and seein' that photo in Blitzo's grasp reopened an old wound, so I… I took it out on you."
"Who's that woman?" Jake asked curtly. Striker took a deep breath.
"...Her name was Jane. She's your mother."
Jake sat up on the bed this time. "That's mom?"
"Yes…" Striker slipped the photo out of his pocket, smiling forlornly as he stared at it. "She was a wild-spirited, passionate woman, my killin' partner, and the love of my life. We'd travel and take killin' jobs throughout the seven rings together."
Jake stared at the photo. The question that had been bugging him since Millie brought up the topic on Loo Loo Land left his lips. "What happened to her?"
Striker's smile vanished. That's the one, inevitable question that he didn't want to answer. But he had to tell him something, anything.
"...She got ill and passed away shortly after you were born," he told Jake. It's a half-truth, close enough to what actually caused her death. "You were just a baby, so it's normal for you to not remember her." Jake looked like he'd cry again at any moment now. Striker smiled sadly and wiped a lone tear trickling down his cheek. "But she left me the greatest gift she could give me: you, son."
Jake sniffled and threw himself into his father's embrace. "I wish I could have met her."
"She'd be proud of her little man, no doubt. You remind me of her quite a lot, my boy."
"You have her same spirit, the same fire in yer eyes, her determination." Striker smirked. "And her knack at gettin' in trouble, I may add."
Striker laughed and pulled his son closer to playfully ruffle his hair. Sadly, the sweet moment was brought to an end as he caught a pair of yellow eyes peering through the window. With an annoyed grunt, Striker went to the window and tapped loudly on it, startling Blitzo into losing his balance and falling back with the stair.
Blitzo should have started a stalking company, since he's so good at it XD-
Before I forget, I'd like to let you know that Helluva Dad has a TV tropes page now! Yaaay!
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 25~Part 1
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I really feel like this game was suppose to be a yaoi but in the end they changed it!
Warning!! Kurama is too cute from here onwards!!!
Chapter 24
--------Part 1-------
Kurama: “I suppose, when you know someone for a long time, you can sense him acting different.”
Before long, the heat smoldering in the depths of Kurama’s eyes made my heart beat wildly.
His face slowly approaches------
Kurama: “Yoshino, what the hell did you do in front of that man?”
1. Nothing special that I can think of (+4/+4)
2. I don’t remember.
3. You’re overthinking.
Yoshino: “:....Nothing special that I can think of.”
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Kurama: “You have a habit of playing with men without being aware of it. I don’t trust you.”
I look away, as Kurama stares at me suspiciously.
Kurama: “Tch, whatever.”
After a small click of his tongue, Kurama turned again to Yoritomo-sama and Kagetoki-san.
Kurama: “Anyway, let me give you my opinion on the war against the Court.”
(I can’t believe Kurama has an opinion on human warfare....)
Yoritomo: “I’m all ears.”
We all gulped and listened to Kurama’s opinion.
And an hour or so later, our meeting comes to an end....
Kagetoki: “Then the plan is that way. I’ll get on with the preparations.”
Yoritomo: “I’ll leave that to you. Yoshino. I know you’re tired but you’re going to have to work some more.”
Yoshino: “Yes. I’m ready. I know I attacked some of the Shogunate and the Rebels soldiers...I’m ready to make up for that.”
Kagetoki: “No one has died. It’s a waste of time to think of imaginary atonements.”
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Yoritomo: “The soldiers who witnessed it knew that you were shouting at them not to come closer. They might have been frightened, but that will eventually go away when they see you in your usual self. We just have to wait patiently.”
(Kagetoki-san, Yoritomo-sama....)
Kurama: “It’s not your fault if you hurt someone. Rather, I’m amazed you were able to endure that horrible spell.”
Yoshino: “When I was at my limit, Kurama came to me. That’s why.”
Kurama: “.......”
Our gazes intertwined and I looked away, feeling embarrassed.
Kurama: “Hey, why are you looking away?”
Yoshino: “Mm...nothing....”
(Don’t ask me that...)
Kagetoki: “The air around them feels warm, right?”
Yoritomo: “Yeah. I was surprised when Kurama asked me to help him. So this was the reason.”
(Don’t tell me they already know!?)
Kurama: “What are you talking about?”
Yoritomo: “We are talking about your illicit love affair with our Yoshino.”
Kurama: “Oh that, there’s nothing illicit about it. It’s called ‘Mutual love’. I just discovered earlier today.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Wait!!!”
(We were supposed to be talking about something serious, but how did we end up talking this!?)
....And after telling our story, we each prepared for the final battle.
At the main camp of the Imperial Court, Yasuchika, sitting facing Ibuki and Akihito.
Yasuchika: “....This was not supposed to happen.”
Ibuki: “You can’t deny that it happened. Is there something wrong?”
Yasuchika: “You’ve seen it. It was perfect. It’s not something that can be solved by the willpower alone. To read the wavelengths of human is perfectly impossible even for Tamamo, who is skilled in the art of conjuring.”
Akihito: “Maybe Kurama or Yoshino underwent a big change.”
------Part 2-------
Akihito: “Maybe Kurama or Yoshino underwent a big change.”
Ibuki: “Big change, huh? Anyway, the only thing left to do would be a night raid.”
Ibuki shrugs uninterestingly.
Ibuki: “I don’t think he’s got much left in his tank. We should not wait for him to recover, we should fold him up. Also, the little fox is useless when she’s exhausted. The trouble is, they know what we’re going to do anyway.”
As if he had expected Ibuki’s answer, Akihito smiled softly.
Akihito: “Well then, we have to try harder, even though it’s a muddy way.”
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Yasuchika: “......................”
(The time has finally come.)
Kurama: “I knew you’d be waiting for me anyway.”
Ibuki: “It’s a pleasure to live up to your expectations. Yoshino, nice to see you too.”
Yoshino: “......Ibuki.”
While the Shogunate intercepted the night raids of the Imperial Court’s soldiers.
Kurama and I were out of the party and were approaching the main camp of the Imperial Court.
(To be honest, I still shudder at the thought of fighting Ibuki. But...)
(We can’t lose for the sake of everyone who’s fighting right now!)
Ibuki: “You’re surprisingly a great woman for not falling in despair at my tricks, you know? Apparently, I lost our game.”
Yoshino: “That’s because I had Kurama help me.”
Ibuki: “I’m jealous of that.”
After muttering in a tone of voice that could be a joke or serious, Ibuki pulls out the greatsword on his back.
Ibuki: “Are we playing the same game again? Didn’t you two learn that your duo can’t beat me at all?”
Kurama: “You talk a lot. Why don’t you think it's because of that pride that Yoshino and I are standing here now?”
Ibuki: “I always enjoy playing seriously. No matter what the consequences.”
(It’s coming!)
Kurama’s fan splits the wind and Ibuki stabs the tip of his swords into the ground at the same time.
There was a crack in the ground and Kurama lifted me up softly and flew away.
Ibuki: “Thanks for the breeze.”
As Ibuki narrowly avoids the attack, Kurama stays in the air and creates countless blades of wind again.
Ibuki: “I knew it. You’re powerless.”
With those words, the blue light of thunderbolt approaches us-------
Kurama: “Yoshino.”
Yoshino: “Yes!”
(Lend me the power of the nine-tail fox.)
As soon as Kurama flapped his wings and deflected the light from its path, I held up my hand like he told me to.
Ibuki: “And? What are you doing there?”
The golden dew rises at a slower rate than before.
(I’m worn out from using too many different powers.)
A second flash of light comes from Ibuki’s fingertips as he grips his sword.
Kurama struck it back with a spell-cast iron fan, but----
In no time at all, a third shot ripped through the pale night.
Ibuki: “You can’t start anything if keep preventing it.”
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Tamamo: “That’s why I’m here.”
Ibuki: “.......!”
Without a sound, Tamamo appears behind Ibuki and thrusts a silver ornamental sword at his back.
Tamamo: “Sand....”
A small shield of sand blocked the cut that was meant to pierce his back.
 Kurama: “Get away!”
--------Part 3--------
Kurama: “Get away!”
Ibuki appears again, just barely slashing Tamamo, who jumped backward on his hind legs.
Tamamo: “I used to be good at disguising signs and mirages.”
Ibuki: “It’s still hard to tell, but if you know it’s coming, you can predict it. With Yoshino’s help, you restored some of your power back. I thought this would be a perfect time destroy both Kurama and Yoshino.”
(I can’t believe you’ve read that much....)
Kurama: “Don’t hold back unless you want to fall prey to Ibuki’s attacks.”
Tamamo: “My my.”
Tamamo and Kurama simultaneously create a foxfire and a blade of wind to pin Ibuki down.
Ibuki: “Well well, it’s getting exciting, isn’t it?”
A breathless exchange of slashes and spells.
(Kurama’s guidance is all I can manage to take away from the spell.....)
Ibuki: “How long can the stalemate last?”
Tamamo: “The more Yoshino takes away your power, the more power I have. In that sense, the balance will be broken sooner or later, won’t it?”
Ibuki: “Can Yoshino and Kurama even hold it that long? I think not.”
Yoshitsune: “----I disagree with that.”
Ibuki: “!!”
A figure gallops in on a horse, kicks the back of the horse vigorously, and rushes at Ibuki with the force of his landing.
Before I knew it, the sword had been pulled out and was glittering in the moonlight, creating a wind blade.
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Yoshitsune: “Kurama!”
Kurama: “Don’t rush. I don’t need to be told what to do.”
As he says this, Kurama is already waving his iron fan.
Ibuki: “....................”
Annoyed, Ibuki jumped back and avoided the wind blade from the both of them.
He was distracted by a foxfire which he had just avoided, and a transparent vortex tore Ibuki’s kimono thinly.
(Wow! We did it without any meetings!)
Kurama: “Faster than I expected, Yoshitsune.”
Yoshitsune: “That’s why I came quickly.”
Ibuki asks suspiciously keeping his distance.
Ibuki: “Have you been in touch with Yoshitsune tonight? The main body of the Rebel army must pass close to the Imperial Court from here. It must be difficult to even get messengers back and forth.”
Yoshitsune: “I didn’t get any message from Kurama asking for me. I’m only here on my own because I can’t move my troops behind the Court’s eyes.”
Yoshitsune-sama points his sword at Ibuki while talking with an expressionless face.
Ibuki: “So why did you come here?”
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Yoshitsune: “I felt like Kurama was hurt.”
Kurama: “.................”
Yoshitsune takes one look at Kurama and see how badly he is hurt.
The amethyst eyes turned to Ibuki with a murderous glint.
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Yoshitsune: “At last we finally meet, Shuten Doji. It seems you have taken care of my friend really well.”
Ibuki: “Friend?”
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Tamamo: “You underestimated Kurama, Ibuki. Did you think he wouldn’t have friends? While you’ve been treating him like a baby, Kurama has been going his own way.”
(I was surprised when the name of Yoshitsune-sama came up in Kurama’s plan...)
Memories of our conversations in the main camp of the Shogunate were revived.
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Kurama: “Even if I don’t call him, Yoshitsune will come to me. His soul is closer to that of a demon. He’ll surely be able to trace the familiar traces of my magic.”
Kagetoki: “What if he doesn’t?”
Kurama: “I’ll do the opposite.”
------FLASHBACK ENDS------
 (It happened exactly how Kurama told us.)
Without looking at Yoshitsune-sama, Kurama opens his mouth.
Kurama: “Do you know what I’m thinking now, Yoshitsune?”
Part 2
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monsterywriting · 4 years
Zhulgan (orc) - Prologue
next part | masterlist
AN: Thank you to those who left the kind comments on my update post :) i know i said i’d post this yesterday but reading it again i wanted to fix up some stuff and ended up pretty much completely rewriting it... i hope you all enjoy the story.
word count: 7.4k
f!orc x f!reader
When the notice of war finally reached your village, half a year had already passed since the document had been signed and issued by the king. A town meeting was called and went throughout the night. The village leaders had been nervous to hear the news, not knowing if the fighting had yet to even begin or if it was already on your doorstep. It was eventually reasoned that because no soldiers had been seen in your village nor others nearby, there was no reason to panic just yet.
It wasn’t long after that a foreign platoon swept through the village of Ozryn, pillaging the grain stores and burning down every home and storefront for good measure. No one had been prepared, all the residents sleeping soundly when the attack began.
Most of the village was wiped out, people you’d known your entire life gone in a single terror-filled night. You were among the few survivors led out of Ozryn at dawn in chains, all of you still wearing your nightclothes and most barefoot. Only a fraction of the population were spared and it was immediately noticeable that they had purposefully kept the young women alive, making their motivation for taking you all prisoner all the easier to deduce.
Still, you refrained from sharing your grim observation as some in your pitiable party wept their prayers thanking the Maker for their miraculous survival. You simply didn’t have the heart to crush their hopes so soon—not when you were still trying to come up with a concrete plan for your escape
Unfortunately, the longer the group walked, the more you worried about nightfall. You no longer recognized the land and had lost track of how far from Ozryn you were, unable to concentrate on anything besides putting one foot in front of the other once the adrenaline drained out of you.
The sun was above your head when Mauve, the blacksmith’s daughter, slowed until she closed the distance between you, the chain that connected the two of you dragging along the ground. After a few moments of tense silence to see if any of the soldiers had noticed, she whispered.
“I know where we are.”
You froze in your tracks, playing off your shock as though you merely stumbled in the mud in case any of the guards actually were watching the interaction. You took in the surrounding country, willing the endless hills and marshes to suddenly become familiar to you. It still looked like a bunch of muddy grass when Mauve continued.
“We’ll come up on another village in a day or two. Tasca, halfway to Vircia.”
The names were familiar. Tasca was to the northwest of Ozryn, Vircia straight north. It made sense Mauve would have a pretty good grasp of the land, often leaving the village with her father to make deliveries. Despite the information making your planning a bit easier, your heart still sank. Another village meant another night of death, possibly more prisoners. From Mauve’s grim expression, she had come to the same conclusion.
“Keep it to yourself for now; they can’t know we’re talking,” you finally whispered back, both of you moving back apart.
It took all your willpower not to run your hands down your face in frustration, instead directing your energy to include more people in your revised escape plan.
At some point in the afternoon, the group stopped, word traveling down the procession to set up camp. You were all left to sit around, still chained together and several soldiers guarding your group. While the others all but collapsed where they stood, you forced yourself to remain on your feet, trying to get a head count of everyone who was still alive.
While you recognized all the faces, you knew only a few by first name. Winnie, the baker’s daughter, was closest to you, the only one chained behind you. Her face was relaxed as she was already asleep. Mauve looked similarly exhausted in front of you, though she still managed to remain awake as she laid sprawled on the ground. The rest were from the farming families that lived near the village, all faring marginally better, groups of sisters sitting close together to mourn their losses quietly.
Altogether there was twelve of you, six families left represented of the thirty or so that called Ozryn home- but you crushed that thought before it began.
“What are we going to do?” The elder of the two Littlerock sisters, Rose, whispered. She was around the same age as you and Mauve, the three of you in the same class when you were in school. It took you a moment to realize she was talking to you.
You look down at the Blackbriar sisters, by far the youngest members of your group, all three still teenagers. Everything was still so uncertain—such as how the twelve of you would outrun an entire platoon with horses and crossbows and the twelve of you debilitated and on foot with not a single shoe between you. The most you could share was your line of thinking, much of your plan dependent on opportunity that wasn’t likely to present itself in the middle of an enemy camp.
“We will have to wait and see if they separate us tonight,” you begin carefully, some of the older girls’ expressions flashing with disgust as they caught the subtext. “We need to gather our strength and escape. Preferably by tonight. We’re getting near Tasca; if we can get enough of a head start, we may be able to warn them and get to Vircia.
“Or, Dumir’s soldiers are already on their way and we won’t have to do anything,” you added lamely after a moment, the paltry hope you offered clearly doing little to dispel the gloom hanging in the air. The chances you would be found by anyone able to help and before nightfall were slim, and you all were just as likely to be killed in the chaos of a battle. The only true escape would be to escape on your own, something everyone had to come to grips with on their own.
When a soldier approached your group once again, everyone scrambled to huddle together, Winnie roused from her slumber and dragged close.
You alone remained standing, facing him down and doing your best to block his view of the others. Despite your best effort to keep yourself from showing any of the fear you definitely felt, you couldn’t help but take a step back when he got uncomfortably close. He grinned at you concession, the predatory look he gave you sending chills down your spine. Perhaps you wouldn’t even have until tonight to need to escape.
“All of you, get near the fire,” he finally said, ignoring you to address the group before jerking his head towards the center of camp where a large bonfire was already going strong. “What for?” You demanded in one final act of defiance, refusing to let your gaze drop when he turned back to you, annoyance twisting his features as he now loomed over you in a different threat.
Before he could say anything, a hand fell on his shoulder, the man sending the soldier away without a single order passing through his lips. You immediately recognized him as their leader, the one riding in the front of the procession and the one who had ordered the village be burned to the ground after capturing you all.
“There’s a hot meal for you all by the fire. None of my men will bother you there,” he smiled.
You didn’t trust the kindness of his words nor the honorable front he put on.  It was obviously not for any of your benefits that he protected you from the soldiers; if that were the case, none of you would be prisoners in the first place. His words did, however, give you more information about your circumstances. He needed you all alive and unharmed, if not for his soldiers or himself, then for his higher-ups and possibly until you were out of Dumir - which meant you could potentially have plenty of time to escape before finding out.
You followed after him as he turned to the fire, the others trailing close behind. He led you all to a vat hanging over the fire, soldiers serving bowls of broth and handing them out. You watched carefully as your meals were served, making sure nothing was slipped into the bowls before the hand off. Despite the likelihood of the soup already being poisoned was low, you still waited until you saw the soldiers eating before cautiously digging in.
Taking the opportunity to observe the camp’s layout, you tried to absorb your surroundings. They had set it up in a small valley, the size hidden from anyone traveling unless they happened to be right on the hills immediately surrounding it. The smoke form the fire, however, would make their location visible for miles, which meant they were either unaware that there was a village nearby or they weren’t worried about it. The former seemed even more unlikely as soldiers began to turn in to their tents despite the sun not being even close to setting. That there would be another attack that night was the more likely option.
Just as you were about to voice your observations to the others, you caught the leader staring directly at you, your eyes meeting for a brief moment before you quickly looked down at your plate. The encounter left you shaken, fearing that you had given away your intentions and ruining any chance of escape.
You woke later that evening, hours after you had been led to an empty tent and eventually fell into a fitful sleep after shaking at every noise that ventured too close to your tent. You had laid closest to the tent flap, making it a bit awkward for the others to sleep with the connecting chain but wanting to make certain that you could hear if anyone was going to enter.
There had been a guard posted outside, but as your eyes adjusted to the dark tent, you realized the camp was completely silent—save for snoring just outside the entrance.
While you don’t risk looking out and waking up the guard, you couldn’t contain your excitement as you roused everyone else from their slumber.
You couldn’t just walk out the front, the chances of the twelve people passing a sleeping guard waking him too great, but if you could crawl out the back without jostling the tent too much, then you could run up the hill and disappear in the marsh. You hurriedly whispered your plan to the others, Mauve telling them your destination should you get separated sometime in the night: the Great Gorge to the east that would lead you north, eventually near Tasca.
You, Rose and Mauve eased the back two stakes from the ground, the only injury a splinter in Rose’s finger she quickly pulled out. Once free, the canvas flapped slightly with the wind, hopefully any movement later attributed to that.
Once Mauve had the stakes, however, she got the idea to break the connecting chain, running along loops in your shackles and only fastened at the ends. While you all also had individual chains keeping your arms together, it would be much easier to move without being tethered to each other with a loud chain. Carefully looking at every link in the long chain until she found one with weak welding, she laid it on the ground and stuck the two points of the stakes into the hole, pressing down on the wider tops with both palms with all her weight until it snapped open. You all waited, everyone laying down on the chain in case the guard heard the noise.
After carefully extracting everyone in between the two people at the ends from the chain, Mauve and Rose slowly raised the fabric of the tent in the back, giving you a large enough gap to crawl out.
There was no soldier waiting to catch you as soon as you got out, fortunately. You glanced around the sides of the tent to see if there was anyone near the fire who would see all of you scaling the hill, holding on to your chains tightly as you moved so they wouldn’t make any noise.
The camp seemed deserted with the only snoring audible form the soldier that was supposed to be your guard; definitely unlikely for a camp of forty some odd men after spending the night before attacking a village to be so silent. An unease settled deep within the pit of your stomach but you brushed it aside, the more pressing matter of getting out undetected on the forefront of your mind.
The others crawled out once you signaled it was safe, immediately running as soon as you pointed them in the direction to go. Once Rose was out and gone, you held the tent open for Mauve, dropping it as soon as she was out and the two of you moving between the tents as stealthily as you could. Just as you were about to make a break for the hill, you were yanked back by your collar.
You gasped in surprise, the same soldier you had a run-in with earlier grinning once again with his sword pointed directly at you. You were caught. You tried to tell Mauve to run, but your throat was seized in panic.
Gathering every ounce of your courage, you spat in his face instead, trying to draw his attention away from Mauve so she had time to escape. It worked, his grip leaving your chain and wrapping around your neck as he shook you.
Instead of running, Mauve appeared behind him, wrapping her chain around his neck and pulling, his eyes bulging out in surprise as he dropped you with a squawk. For a moment you sat there, dazed until you realized the soldier was loud. If anyone was still in the camp, they’d definitely hear his gurgling screams. You scrambled to your feet, coughing as you gripped the shackle around your dominant hand as best you could and smashed it over the top of his head, blood spraying from the impact.
Your entire hand throbbed with pain, most acutely in your wrist. A sob escaped you almost immediately after but it had the desired effect, the soldier going limp. You stared for a moment as you watched him stare at you, twitching and then growing still. Too still. He continued to stare. You and Mauve blinked up at each other.
If he was found, it would be obvious you all escaped and in what direction. Mauve pointed at the tent and you both moved quickly to drag him back to it, you one-handed. Mauve rolled him underneath the gap while you held the loose material, careful not to get any blood on it to give yourselves that much more time.
You then ran blindly, time ticking before your group’s escape and your gruesome act were discovered. Your legs burned as you went uphill but you didn’t dare slow even after you and Mauve scaled the hill. The soldiers were already on your heels in your mind, easily following your footprints in the soft ground just as you and Mauve were following your companions’.
You weren’t sure when, but you found your hand in Mauve’s at some point as you ran, both of you tugging on the other whenever one of you stepped into a hidden pockets of water. The two of you were in the true marshland now, the tall grass making it impossible to tell where the wet soil ended and water began. The moon was but a sliver in the sky, as though she kept her light to herself to keep your trek cloaked in darkness from your pursuers. You looked over your shoulder feeling your stomach drop when the column of smoke originating from an orange glow wasn’t nearly as far as you imagined.
“How far is the ravine?” You pant, your hand and throat still throbbing.
“We should make it before dawn,” Mauve answered.
Over the course of the night, you rejoin Rose and Winnie, the latter one of the first to take off but a slow runner. None of you let her fall behind, forcing your group to move slower. It was dawn when you reached the gorge, a jagged break in the landscape with eight ghostly figures visible standing at its edge.
Rose ran ahead, pulling her sister Lily in a tight embrace. You, Mauve and Winnie, being the only members of your respective families to survive, are much slower to join, feeling awkward to interrupt the reunion and somewhat envious that there was no one for any of you to rejoin.
“You’re covered in blood!” Winnie suddenly cried out, looking at you and Mauve in horror in the morning light. You had thought the blood had been washed from you with all the water you fell into throughout the night, but if Mauve’s red face was any indication of what you looked like, you could understand the concern.
“We’re fine,” you said grimly, “but we need to assume that they found out we’re gone already and move fast.”
“Are we going to climb down?” Grace, the eldest of the four Cedar girls, asked, her voice hoarse.
You look at everyone, all covered in mud and looking about as tired as you felt. Unfortunately, your morbid gift in the tent had undoubtedly been found by now, so there could be no breaks.
“Yes,” Mauve answered for you, looking over the edge, “We can rest once we reach the bottom, but up here we’re too exposed.”
You look down as well, the slope steep but not an entirely sheer drop, likely the result of rockslides and time. Swallowing back the growing lump in your throat, you began to pick your way down, sitting forcefully whenever the rocky surface would break away under your bare feet.
A rock suddenly bounced off your back, very nearly making you lose your balance as you feared the entire thing was coming down on you. You looked up, the others also moving down the path you left. The further you descended, the colder the air grew, the small amount of sun you did have disappearing behind rock.
Contrary to what Mauve promised, you pushed the girls to continue moving, following the tapering stream north. The only way to tell the passage of time was the brightening sky, white fluffy clouds moving across the narrow strip of blue you could see. You pass natural grooves in the stone face, not quite large enough to be considered caves but which could provide a decent refuge when you do decide to stop, keeping you hidden from anyone looking from above.
You wanted to put as much distance as you could between you and the soldiers, hopefully going far enough out of their way that they couldn’t justify wasting resources searching for you. Unfortunately, none of you had much strength left to keep moving, the group forced to stop when the youngest Blackbriar girl collapsed in exhaustion.
Everyone huddled into one of the grooves, too cold and scared to split up though that was probably the wiser option. You planned to remain awake, listening for any sign that you’d been followed, but you passed out almost as soon as you leaned against the wall only to be shaken awake by Rose what felt like only a moment later and feeling entirely unrested.
Because your group was at the clear disadvantage - traveling with limited visibility in every direction with the tall cliff faces and the winding path of the ravine - you decided it would be best to travel by night, which would also allow the others time to rest.
You, Rose and Mauve remained awake to come up with a plan, Tasca still half a day’s walk away at least and no food or water to sustain the twelve of you until you reached the village. It was then you finally shared your concern that the reason you all were able to escape the night before was because the camp was empty. It was unlikely you could make it to the village before the battalion, if they did indeed leave to attack it as they had Ozryn.
Rose sobbed as you pointed out that even if you did go straight to Vircia and managed to survive without eating, none of you had any money or appropriate clothes, meaning it was still necessary to go to Tasca and hope there were still some valuables left untouched for you to take.
It was the third morning since the attack that your emotions finally hit full force, weeping silently into your hands until you finally slipped into unconsciousness, and even then the faces of the people of your village haunted you. You replayed the moments you tried escaping, running through the garden as you felt an incredible heat on your back as your home was engulfed in flames behind you. Once again you were cut off by a soldier on horseback and dragged back into the heart of the village, the faces of the stacked bodies you passed stared blankly up at you, covered in soot and blood. You thought about the same look on the soldier’s face back at the camp.
You didn’t let a single noise leave you, not wanting to wear down the others’ spirits any further. For some reason, possibly from some misguided belief that because your father had been the justice of the peace of Ozryn that you were the natural person to listen to, they were all relying on you to get them all to safety. For better or for worse, you would have to remain strong.
When you suddenly felt a hand press onto your shoulder you jumped, whipping around to see Winnie looking at you with similarly glistening eyes. You reached blindly for her and she immediately embraced you. You were grateful for her sturdy frame engulfing you, the two of you falling asleep like that, comforted by each other’s presence.
That night, you travelled again until dawn, stopped for a short rest and then looked for a way to climb out of the gorge safely. The walls were significantly less steep here - about double Rose’s, the tallest of your group, height - not nearly as much of a canyon as it had been out in the marshland. Despite that, none of you could afford any injuries in this pivotal moment in your journey. If the attack on Tasca was anything like Ozryn, the battalion was likely long gone, but you wanted to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
One of the Blackbriar girls found something better, noticing an old goat path along the cliff face with just enough space for each of you to ascend in a single-file line, the river they were brought to long gone but the route carved by countless cloven hooves remaining.
Once the group cleared the gorge, you found yourselves in a pine forest, the mud replaced with dried needles. The unfavorable terrain made everyone slow down, the sharp points of the pine needles making everyone flinch at some point or another.
“Do we all have to go?” One of the Cedar sisters suddenly piped up, her voice trembling with emotion, “Shouldn’t some of us stay in the gorge?”
You sighed, knowing her concern wasn’t entirely unfounded and likely mirrored the thoughts of most of others. You also were loath to see another ruined village, but to split up was dangerous, especially with no supplies or familiarity with the area.
“I’ll go into the village, but you should all stay close,” you answer, quickly adding, “Spread out but keep within each other’s line of sight. Run the moment you even think there might be danger.”
There were slow nods of agreement, but Mauve stepped forward to stop you from leaving.
“I should go, too,” She argued, “two sets of hands is better than one.”
You shake your head firmly, “You have the most profitable skill among us, Mauve. We need you if we’re going to make it in a larger city.”
You didn’t give anyone else time to argue, venturing through the forest the rest of the way alone. There was no smell that would suggest an entire village was burned two nights ago as you approached, but the forest was also completely silent save for the birds flitting through the tops of the trees. When you finally reached the first buildings, they were all still intact but there was no sign of life.
Entering a few of the homes confirmed your suspicion. Tasca had been deserted, likely long before just a few days ago as there was no evidence of a mad dash to get out. Nothing had been left disturbed, wardrobes and dressers carefully closed once emptied, picture frames and other personal items - things that would have been left behind if there was a sudden attack in the night - gone. Even if the soldiers hadn’t ransacked the village two nights ago, you suspected that you wouldn’t find much.
Just as you ended a fruitless search of the village center, you were suddenly seized outside the building, crying out as you were hauled by your hair out into the commons. You caught only a glimpse of your captor, bile rising in your throat as you immediately recognized the leader of the platoon.
Your heart leapt into your throat, any kind front he put up the day before gone as he glared down at you with purple-faced fury. You looked frantically around at the other soldiers surrounding you, your relief that no one else had been caught short-lived as you began to worry about your own fate.
The leader was yelling at you, but you didn't hear much as he shook you like the answers would come tumbling from your lips. You couldn’t say anything as you tried to keep your neck stiff, your stunned silence only seeming to stoke the flames of his wrath. The soldiers were silent as he dragged you to his waiting horse, snatching his riding crop from the saddle and bringing it down on your exposed calf.
You could only scream, mind completely blank with terror. It’s impossible to think, to come up with some means of getting out of this situation alive, but you were struggling to even believe you could. 
Suddenly, a horn - an unmistakeable signal for battle - blasted from the forest, seemingly from everywhere by the way the sound bounced off the pines but definitely close. Shouting erupted around you, though you were only vaguely aware of the chaos as you had gone entirely limp, no energy left in you to react to yet another dramatic turn of events. The leader attempted to pull your dead weight onto his horse, shouting for one of his men to help him, but he was alone in focusing on taking you prisoner, everyone else simply trying to survive the apparent ambush.
You managed to get a full view of the scene unfurling in front of you, not quite registering that orcs were storming into the village from the forest and attacking the platoon. In your defense, you were no where near the orcs’ lands, their shared border with Dumir to the west and definitely not extending this far south or east - orc raiders were the last thing you would expect to suddenly save you, more likely perhaps than only the king of Dumir himself or aliens.
You were released suddenly, narrowly avoiding getting stamped into the ground by the leader’s retreating horse. You ran unsure where you were going but well aware you couldn’t remain in the middle of a battle, at least having the wherewithal to go at a 90 degree angle from where the orc horde was currently pouring out of the forest in an attempt to get out of their way as fast as possible.
You could only pray that the others heard the ruckus and managed to escape, focusing on getting as much distance between you and the fight. Had you any money to bet, it would have been squarely on the orcs, but you weren’t about to stick around and risk getting killed or captured all over again, especially once they realized the village was empty.
The pines began to thin and you began to slow, believing you were nearing the gorge. You immediately skidded to a halt, your heart pounding in your chest as an entire orc caravan stared back at you, clearly as startled to see you as you were to see them.
When an old orc woman stood, you swiveled to your left and ran, though you didn’t even make it more than a few steps before you ran straight into another orc.
You floundered in his hold, unable to understand anything he was saying to you in your panic until a familiar name cut through - Ozryn. Before you could ask what he knew of your village, you heard your name, looking over your shoulder to see the others all standing there, clean and wearing different clothes. Their restraints were gone.
“We thought you’d been caught!” Winnie cried, her and the others rushing forward towards you, “It’s okay, they’re here to help.”
“You speak orcish?” You asked, still somewhat dismayed by all the things happening in such quick succession.
“No, I speak common,” the orc answered instead, much to your surprise. His accent was thick, because of his native tongue or from the tusks you weren’t certain, “The soldiers that destroyed your village trespassed on our land when they crossed into your country. We tracked them from then.”
A bitter taste was left in your mouth as you imagined how differently things would have been had they found the soldiers sooner, even if by just a few days. You would have still been at home, at this time likely taking taking your father and brother their forgotten lunches.
“I am Alkgan. Come, let’s get those chains off. Then you can bathe and change clothes, too,” he said, ushering you towards one of the wagons.
Various weapons were leaned against its wooden side, Alkgan disappearing to talk with whoever was inside the wagon. While you waited, you took in your surroundings, not quite ready to accept that you were completely safe just yet. Beasts milled around the wagons, tearing at the grass; it took you a moment to realize they were cattle, never seeing a breed so large before. The camp was populated mostly by children, from toddlers to young teens. It was obvious where most of the adults were. Few of the children paid you any mind, and those that did seemed more interested in your shackles than the group of strangers walking around the camp.
“This is Vulgud,” Alkgan said, bringing your attention back to the wagon, “He is our weaponsmith.”
The tall orc in question was stepping down from the wagon with a small iron object in hand. You had expected the chain to be broken with a large hammer on the anvil on the ground nearby. Instead, he took one of your hands and searched for the key hole, inserting the tool and seemingly randomly jiggling it around. Within moments, the shackle popped open, giving away and swinging while he repeated the process with your other hand.
You thanked Vulgud, running your finger along the bruised skin of your dominant hand’s wrist, evidence of what you did the night you escaped. It was big, spanning from your knuckles down your arm.
You quickly hid your arm as the old orc woman from before approached, a herd of young children following her. She held a bundle of clothes and ushering you towards a large basin.
Small, chubby hands of every shade of green held onto the rim, all trying to see who was in their tub. You smiled in between scrubbing the mud from your body with soap, the water thankfully opaque with all the grime and dirt from the last two days. They didn’t speak common, directing their questions in orcish to the old woman. She bared her teeth and growled, sending them all scattering, nodding to you before leaving you.
When you were finally changing into the clean set of clothes, Rose gasped, her gaze directed not to your arm but your legs. You looked down as well, noticing the welts that had grown more pronounced on your leg. You had felt the sting while you walked, but you hadn’t realized they had gotten so noticeable with all the dried mud. You pulled up the trousers, covering the marks. The clothes were clearly made for orc children, fitting your waist around but the leg not quite reaching your ankles. Fortunately, the boots you were provided made up for the difference, making the shorter length look purposeful.
Rose left the matter of your wounds at that, both of you returning to the others silently. Once you rejoined the others, Mauve filled you in on what happened while you were in Tasca.
Apparently, they had been found by the orc caravan shortly after you left, before they even had a chance to split up as you planned. They thought they were residents of the village before they saw the chains. It was a fortunate coincidence that the very people you all were running from were the same ones they spent weeks looking for.
“So, what now?” Mauve finished with a question, the others now gathered around you, “Do we still go to Vircia?”
“Shouldn’t we return home to Ozryn?” Grace argued, “The soldiers are all dead, it should be safe now!”
“Why can’t we stay here?” Winnie asked, “It’s safe; at least for a few days…”
“What if we rode along with the orcs?” Rose said, “I’m so tired of running… they’ve helped us so far. I’m sure they’ll pass by Vircia, at least.”
“You haven’t heard?” You all jumped as Alkgan approached the group, all of you watching him expectantly. “Most of the villages we passed were burned down… The larger cities are the same since humans have been fleeing Dumir through our lands for months-”
You stopped listening, despondent over the revelation. Your entire world had literally been razed to the ground just a few days ago and the final shred of hope you had been clinging to had been ripped away as well.
The others were staring at you. You could feel it, but you had no comfort or assurances to offer this time. The news was just as abrupt for you and you had no fallback. They all expected you to be like your father, always knowing exactly what to do and how to adapt, but he also never had to deal with situations of this magnitude in Ozryn so you felt entitled to take a moment.
Wordlessly, you turned around and walked away, unable to provide them the answers the so desperately wanted and overwhelmed with the weight of twelves lives you had found thrusted upon your shoulders. You had convinced yourself that everything would be alright so long as you could reach Vircia, that there would be people there who would no what to do, that you could somehow escape the rest of the war. It was the only way to convince yourself to keep moving and not just curl up and wait to reunite with your parents and brother.
Tasca gone you could handle - you had already suspected it to be the next target of the soldiers and it was always meant to be a stepping stone - but to learn that every other village and town was no longer an option…
You walked straight out of the camp, eventually leaving the forest behind and squatting down in the tall grass. You didn’t sit, not so besides yourself in grief as to dirty the borrowed clothes so soon but still trying to curl up as small as possible. You tried to dampen the nausea you’ve felt for days now, willing yourself to stop dry heaving. There was nothing in your stomach to bring up, but that fact did not stop your body from trying.
Alkgan appeared next to you at some point, plopping down on the ground and waiting for you to compose yourself before speaking.
“The others look up to you. They said you were the reason they were able to escape. Even refused to leave after we removed their shackles.”
“I see,” you croaked, not really seeing anything but wanting to be polite. You wondered why Alkgan didn’t go with the other raiders.
“You aren’t pleased that they see you as their leader?”
You snorted at that, “I’m no leader. There’s just no one else left from our village; they didn’t have any choice.”
“Of course they had a choice!” A deep rumbling that you soon realized was laughter came from deep within Alkgan’s chest as he looked down at you with amusement, the colorful beads that adorned his twin braids rattling together, “They had eleven others, or even choose no one. If you do not accept their trust, then you waste it… and you will need it if you are going to survive.”
You were taken aback by the unexpectedly profound piece of wisdom, the encouragement seemingly from out of the blue. Perhaps that was Alkgan’s role for the caravan, his insight so vital he didn’t go out into battle.
Before you could thank him for his advice, however, the sound of the horn once again echoed through the forest, signaling the return of the raiders. Before the sound even faded, Alkgan was up and walking back to the camp and you close behind, the orc woman leading the group calling out to him in orcish.
She was tall, a whole head taller than Alkgan once he was standing in front of her, who you thought was too tall already. Her armor was dented and covered in blood but she seemed to be in a good mood after the battle, baring her teeth in a gruesome smile and shaking her black plaited hair out of her helm. You gulped as she looked at you, her gaze clearly analyzing you. You were definitely intimidated, glad that you were not been the one to have crossed the orcs.
Mauve had told you that the warriors had already split off from the main group when they were found, so they definitely had no idea why a bunch of humans were in their camp. You could hear nothing while the two talked, the snippets you caught all in orcish anyways, but there was a lot of pointing and looking over at you, which was disconcerting. You stayed rooted in your spot, trying not to look as anxious as you felt while Alkgan walked back towards with you, the orc woman following him. You managed to at least maintain eye contact, even when you had to crane your neck back as they got closer.
“This is the chief of this caravan, Zhulgan,” he introduced the newcomer before turning to her and saying something in orcish.
You could definitely see a resemblance up close even without the similar names, their facial structures strikingly similar and the same mottled shades of green. The two went back and forth for a minute, both seemingly getting annoyed with the other.
The nausea flared up again as your imagination ran wild about what they were discussing, clearly about what to do with the twelve of you. The most obvious thing was being taken prisoner again. Even if your experience thus far told you differently, you felt that orcs would be a less desirable captor than fellow humans.
“We’ll be leaving soon,” Alkgan finally met your gaze once again and you relaxed slightly, though the apologetic look he gave you kept you from fully calming down, “She says… your group should leave now.”
The tension immediately returned to your shoulders. You hadn’t expected to be faced with a decision on what to do so soon, despite having just discussed you options with the others. At the time, it had seemed far away, like you had been getting in front of the issue before it became one and you hadn’t even been able to come to a consensus.
“I- but- Surely you could just stay for the night? If you can just leave in the morning-?” You floundered, trying to think of some reason that could buy you some time to figure out what to do.
“I’m sorry, but we’ve remained on this land for too long already, especially during a war. We’re low on supplies already, we must go,” Alkgan said, the pity clear in his eyes.
You were on the verge of panicking, your mind and heart racing as you willed yourself to come up with some plan, an easy fix that would knock out all your problems. You had no time, unable to pause the conversation to talk to the others, so you were forced to act on impulse.
“What if we travelled with you?” You asked, the desperation clear in your voice. It was a long shot; Alkgan knew your plan was to go north and they were heading west; not to mention that you had nothing to offer them as payment in exchange.
Alkgan didn’t even bother to translate your request before responding, “That’s not possible. You’re humans-”
Zhulgan said something in orcish, Alkgan shaking his head.
“If everyone is fleeing Dumir, we will probably need to leave, anyways.”
“You can cross the border faster here.”
“Some of the girls have family out west.” A blatant lie, but necessary to try and sway Alkgan with a plausible enough excuse. “If they left, it would have been through the orc lands.”
You suppressed every nervous tic that threatened to disrupt your straight face, willing Alkgan to take the natural next step in his argument: that you had nothing to offer. You couldn’t decide who to look at to implore - Zhulgan was the chief, but Alkgan was taking charge of the conversation - so you awkwardly flitted your gaze between the two as a compromise. Zhulgan was staring solely at you, apparently trusting her brother enough to allow him to do so.
“Well you can’t cross without-”
“-paying tribute,” you finished with just a tad too much eagerness but now confident that you could win this argument, “As you know, our village was destroyed. We have nothing of material value to offer you, but we can work off our debt. Mauve knows how to work in a forge and can work metal. We can also help you procure supplies from any of the towns- or work with your animals or help take care of the young ones-”
Alkgan laughed, boisterously loud and making you jump. Zhulgan was still watching you closely, an unreadable look flashing across her eyes, though it was possible you imagined it. You were breathing heavily, not having taken in any air during your passionate monologue. You weren’t entirely sure if Alkgan was impressed with your quick thinking or convinced that you were completely insane.
Rather than clarify, he turned to speak with Zhulgan. You had no way of gauging if the discussion was in your favor or not, Alkgan still looking amused and Zhulgan’s expression frustratingly impassive.
After what felt like an eternity, Zhulgan turned to you, her expression inscrutable. “Your group may travel with us.”
Your jaw dropped, never once suspecting that she could understand what you were saying the entire time. You were embarrassed, believing she would only get a summarized explanation of your words. Still, your proposition had been accepted either way and you were relieved.
Of course, you didn’t have long to enjoy the victory, Zhulgan ordering the orcs to begin loading the wagons. You would have to break the news to everyone else - a prospect that made you dread the role of unofficial leader anew. Grace had already expressed her desire to go home and at least some of the others must agree. However, Alkgan’s words came back to you, putting some air back into your sails. They trusted you to keep everyone safe and you wouldn’t waste it.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Sebek Zigvolt・Voice Lines
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School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Get to class now! You’re wasting time.”
Groovy “Someday I ought to teach you how you’re supposed to behave towards your superiors.”
Home Setting “I take close care of my appearance.”
Home Transitions “I was miraculously able to enroll at the same school as the Young Master. I’d like to watch his growing success from as close-up as possible.”
“I’m hungry... The bread from the school store isn’t filling at all. I want more meat.”
“I joined the horse-riding club because I thought it’d be wise to pick up practical activities. All knights should be able to ride a horse.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “To make sure that you’re not a threat to the Young Master, I’ve decided to observe you all day today. Don’t run out of sight.”
Home Taps “Styling my hair every morning is a chore, but I never want the Young Master to see me looking sloppy.”
“Silver is the only person I know in the Valley of Thorns from the same generation as me. ‘My friend’...? As if I’d call him a friend!” 
“The Young Master is also taking classes here. It’s 1000 years too early for us to be skipping them!!”
“I have a loud voice? What are you saying? Your voice is just too quiet!!”
“Are you trying to play tag? I’ve long since outgrown childish games like that.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “As if I’d lose any contest! The training all of you have done is nothing compared to mine!”
Groovy “Want me to tell you my training routine? Only if you can keep up.”
Home Setting “Let me take you on.”
Home Transitions “To improve yourself, you need to eat well, work well, sleep well, and play hard! ...That’s what Master Lilia taught me.”
“I train so that I can be the Young Master’s sword and shield whenever he needs me.”
“I heard we’re having a long-distance race for our next PE class. I’m better at short-distance, though... No. You aren’t a guard without good stamina.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Why is your back hunched over like that? You look sloppy! Stick out your chest and fix that posture!”
Home Taps “Whenever I go to practice for the horse-riding club, the horses always get scared of me. I’m not going to eat them or anything. They’re so skittish.”
“Being left-handed often comes in handy when I’m sparring. But no matter which hand I use, my victories will always be in the name of the Young Master.”
“There’s no point in training without a reason. It’s important to me that I gain power to protect the Young Master.”
“Don’t waste your breath. All that matters while you’re training is willpower, persistence, and a fighting spirit!! That’s it!”
“You want to play soccer together? ...Alright. I certainly have no plans of losing to a human.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Your appearance reflects who you are inside. I won’t let a single wrinkle to pass.”
Groovy “You want to study with me? Very well. Show me what you’ve got.”
Home Setting “I don’t have any blind spots in today’s class either.”
Home Transitions “I’ll get the highest score on our next test. And then the Young Master will praise me...!”
“The environment in the greenhouse is just amazing. It’s warm, humid, and so easy to relax in there.”
“I learned everything that was covered in our lesson last period when I was in middle school. Education in the Valley of Thorns was very intensive.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The most I’ll do is give you a few hints for your assignment. I’d rather not be dragged down during our joint class.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “You look exhausted. I’ll share some tips with you on how to remain focused.”
Home Taps “I’m very good at solving both numerical and chemical equations. But there’s never a need to use cheap tricks like that when the Young Master is around. Heheh.”
“Do you have any Awakening Potions? I want to try making Silver drink an entire bucket full.”
“Master Lilia gave me this drink. He said it’s an excellent beverage that lets you take in your meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables all at once!”
“I’m not good at art, since it’s so subjective. Subjects where the solutions are very clear is more my speed.”
“Stop tugging at my clothes. I can’t appear in front of the Young Master looking indecent!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Could you recommend a book for me? I’ll try reading it tonight.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “The Young Master would never get upset over something as minor as a school assembly.”
Groovy “Hmph. Even you look befitting today.”
Home Setting “I don’t want to see the Young Master look so dejected...”
Home Transitions “As if I’d ever feel nervous at a school event of all things! Festivals in the Valley of Thorns are so much grander than this.”
“Have you seen the Young Master anywhere? I haven’t been able to reach him in a while. ...Don’t tell me he— ...Again?”
“It’s not worth having a ceremony if the Young Master isn’t participating. They should just stop it midway through.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “YOUNG MAAAASTER!! Where did you go...? Oh, perfect timing. Come look for the Young Master with me.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Grim was causing a ruckus again. I swear, I can’t believe how much of a pig he is. ...What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Home Taps “Before coming to this academy, I spent an entire year dedicating myself to my studies. I did it because I had faith I’d be able to get into this school too.”
“No matter how alert you think you are, Master Lilia will always find a way to sneak behind you. Oh, see? Turn around.”
“I feel like I’ve gotten taller again lately. These robes might even end up being too small for me.”
“Do I look okay? Nothing’s out of place? It’s fine if I appear in front of the Young Master like this, right..? ...Oi, are you even listening to me?”
“Stop with that mumbling. If you want to say something then say it loud and clear!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “The Young Master’s ideas are so grand. Sometimes, I can’t even begin to understand them. That’s why I admire him so much.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Sebek’s birthday event (Mar 15 - Mar 21, 2021).
Login on Birthday “Human, have you come to give me a birthday present? I see... Thank you! I was just giving the Young Master my gratitude earlier as well. I am the luckiest man at this school!”
Unlock Card “No matter if it’s my birthday, I’m not going to abandon my duties as a guard or stop being vigilant!”
“I-I never thought I’d be able to receive a birthday blessing from the Young Master... How lucky am I!!”
Groovy “Despite being a human, you’re celebrating to make me happy... I’ve improved my opinion of you, just a little. J-Just a little!”
Home Setting “Alright! I think I can still perfectly carry out my guard duties in this outfit.”
Home Transitions “This cutlery and tableware is placed in the wrong order. Did you not know I’m left-handed? You didn’t do enough research beforehand!”
“Lilia told me that ‘a sound soul lives in a trained body.’ I must not forgo my training, even on my birthday.”
“My magic manifested at a late age. When I was little, I always wanted to be like my older brother and sister, who could magically light the candles on a cake.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’ve gone hungry all day to get ready for this party. I only had three servings for lunch!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “I-I lost again... This may be a party game, but I can’t stand to keep losing to the likes of a human! One more round!”
Home Taps “Azul told me ‘I heard you liked Magical Analysis’ and gave me a rare book on it... but I feel like he wants something big in return.”
“Riddle gave me a special horseback riding lesson. You don’t often get a chance like that. I’ll remember it as a fond birthday memory.”
“Silver, that bastard! He gave me dumbbells as a gift! That can’t mean anything but him thinking my training isn’t enough!”
“Epel gave me a fruit carving of the Young Master. It’s an incredible piece of work... but there’s no way I could bring myself to eat it!”
“I-I hear an explosion!? What’s happening!? ...Oh, you’re popping party poppers? It’s so loud! You know you’re bothering the people around you!!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Here, I went and got you ten plates of food. ...You’re good with just one? Heh! I know you’re a human, but you eat so little.”
Duo Magic Sebek: “Let me thank you for your blessings, Cater!!!” Cater: “HBD, Sebek-kins~!”
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Tutorial “Follow me, human! Make sure you commit the grand sight of the Young Master to memory.”
Lv Up “Did you see that!? Look at the progress I made!”
“I’ll be able to take even more action now with this!”
“Mm. Not bad.”
Max Lv Up “Maybe now I’ve turned into a man who can gain just a little of the Young Master’s approval. ...No, I shouldn’t act conceited. I need to get rid of these thoughts and focus on keeping myself devoted. Let’s go!”
Episode Lv Up “I always viewed you as nothing but a meager human, and yet you’ve become someone I rely on so much... You’re just always surprising me.”
Magic Lv Up “This power...! Young Master! Did you see that just now!? Wait... He’s not here. Kgh. That must mean this still isn’t enough...!”
Limit Break “I need to get even bigger, smarter, and stronger to be a proper servant for the Young Master!”
Groovy “I’m feeling happy and energized! This really does feel nice. Make sure you never forget all this success I’ve made!”
Lesson Select “Human! I decided to take a class with you today. Which one do you want? Hurry up and pick.”
“What? You look so nervous. Isn’t the point of classes you’re weak in to be a challenge for you?”
“Master Lilia taught me that your classes are just another part of your training. I’m not going to slack off in any of my subjects.”
Lesson Start “Let’s give today our all!”
Lesson End “Knowledge enriches the body and soul! Let’s work hard next time too!”
Battle Start “I’ll swallow you whole!”
Battle End “This win is for our king!”
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Profile Quote “Don’t even think that you can come close to the great Lord Malleus Draconia, lowly human!”
January 2020 Trailer “Are you a new student too? Take utmost care not to be rude to the Young Master.”
Countdown Poster “Meager humans ought to bow down before the Young Master.”
Login Bonus “Hmph! You’re pretty capable for a human. But I don’t go a single day without training myself.”
Player Birthday Wish “What are you doing here? On your birthday, you’re supposed to eat your favorite food, sing, and celebrate. You didn’t even know that…? Very well, then. I’ll teach you how to spend your birthday the right way!”
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Magic History
Good ★
“Come at me anytime!”
“I’m... not tired!”
“Humans are so shallow.”
“I learned a lot from this.”
“The Young Master is even more incredible.”
“Cat! Shut up!”
“Serve the king.”
“The Young Master will make history.”
“Silver’s asleep?”
Great ★★
“I want to get closer to the Young Master.”
“Piece of cake!”
Perfect ★★★
“I have no business with weaklings.”
“Don’t make light of me, human.”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“My answer is this!”
“How old is the Headmaster...?”
“I won’t let you disturb me!”
Good ★
“It’s a beautiful morning.”
“I’m not letting Silver win.”
“I’m not scared of getting hurt.”
“I can’t turn smoothly.”
“Trust me on my speed!”
“My stomach growled.”
“I respect our coach’s stamina.”
“Take control of your problems...”
“I’m going to master this.”
Great ★★
“Oh...! Young Master!”
“I feel like jumping for joy!”
“I’m never off my guard.”
Perfect ★★★
“No one can catch up to me!”
“All right!”
“You want to challenge me?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Headmaster, what do you need?”
“Don’t stand where I’m about to go!”
“Everyone’s so slow!”
Good ★
“You’ve looked miserable all morning.”
“I’m keeping an eye on Master Lilia.”
“I’m very adept.”
“Let’s do this!”
“Immortality, huh...?”
“Did I get ahead of Silver?”
“That’s a gross color...”
“I’m hungry...”
“I’m not a dog!”
“Did you read the footnotes?”
“I see.”
“Humans are so greedy.”
“Gold isn’t going to satisfy me.”
“This jewel would suit the Young Master.”
“Be quiet and take your lesson!”
Great ★★
“There’s nothing I can’t eat.”
“Please praise me!”
“You think I could fail at this level?”
“Hmph. Piece of cake.”
“Gape at the power of the Valley of Thorns!”
Perfect ★★★
“Young Master, please accept this.”
“No trouble at all.”
“This is probably how the Young Master would do it.”
“What do you think? Perfect, huh?”
“You still can’t do it?”
Special Lesson Perfect ★★★
“Stay cool... and composed.”
“No one could outshine the Young Master.”
“Hm? He’s watching me.”
“I’ll get grades that won’t tarnish our dorm’s name!”
“A perfect brew.”
235 notes · View notes
silent-silver-slip · 3 years
Hello I am being a self indulgent brat and making the whole server deal with it
May I request the band finding Aurora as a living breathing dragon and trying to deal with looking after her, featuring Julie being like WE DO NOT HAVE A MANUAL FOR THIS
thank you for your time I will go away now 😂
It might've taken me a few days Angie, but I did it! You now have two stories featuring JATP and Aurora. Only one of them contains Julie, but you get Carlos as a trade off.
For those of you curious, Aurora is this fantastic dragon that Angie made, and you can see her in the picture below.
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And this is Firefly, who gets a mention in the second fic.
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The two fics I wrote for this are below the line. The first one is set in a somewhat canon compliant verse and the other is set in my urban fantasy JATP verse (which you can find on ao3).
I have a friend in you
If there’s one thing that’s remained constant—other than music, of course—it’s the beach. They’re on the boardwalk rather than the sand, as otherwise they’d be walking on the sand. Except they can’t just walk on the sand because it’s soft and makes walking hard and Reggie will complain after ten minutes or so. So it’d make more sense to walk in the firm sand by the sea, except then Alex would start talking about all the potential dangers of walking in the ocean.
Which is why they’re on the boardwalk despite being ghosts. Though, to be honest, Luke doesn’t mind it. It’s nice to walk in the waves when the weather’s hot, but it’s not really warm enough to do that today. Walking along the boardwalk lets them be around people, both those casually walking around and those busking.
Luke’s so caught up in the atmosphere and grinning at the people around him, knocking shoulders and hands with his boys, that he doesn’t see it at first. Reggie does.
“Is that…?” Reggie trails off, freezing beside Luke. Luke turns to look at him, frowning in confusion. “I’m gonna call her Maddy the Magnificent.”
Turning, Luke looks towards where Reggie’s looking—it’s a little bit of distance away and-
“Why are we giving her a title?” The words fall Luke’s mouth without his input. It’s only after he’s said it does he manage to actually recognise what he’s staring at. Sitting by the shore is what could only be a dragon.
The dragon isn’t asleep. The first thing Luke notices is how her head’s up and alert, eyes focussed in their direction. From the distance he’s at, her eyes only look black—dark things like shadows at their darkest. The next thing he notices is her size—she’s maybe just smaller than a truck, but with how she’s lying down, it’s hard to tell. Her head’s a light blue with fins—ears?—spread out wide on either side of her head. The blue grows darker, though, as it moves further down her body, a navy colour at her paws and at the tip of her tail, which is curled gracefully around her body.
The dragon yawns, showing off very sharp teeth, and stretching her wings—which shift from a dark blue at the top of the wing, to going purple then grey then white at the ends of her wing membranes. Luke has the strangest feeling that the dragon is watching them. He’s not sure how to feel about that.
“Have you seen her?” Reggie says, breaking Luke from his thoughts. “She looks magnificent! She deserves a title!”
At last, it seems like Alex has clocked onto what Luke’s staring at and what Reggie’s grinning at. “Nope,” he announces, seemingly to the world in general. “There is not a dragon there. I do not see it. I am Sir Not Seeing Shit. There is NO DRAGON! I cannot deal with there being GHOSTS and DRAGONS.” When Luke chances a glance at Alex, it seems he has decided to close his eyes. Luke wishes it was that simple.
“There’s a dragon there,” Luke says, just as Reggie takes off in the direction of the dragon, “and I need you to deal with that because we’re about to lose Reggie to the dragon.”
That has Alex snapping his eyes open. By then, though, Luke’s already pulled away by a stride. Thanks to his long legs, he catches up to Luke quickly. Together, they manage to reach Reggie before he gets within range of the dragon who has very sharp teeth and eyes that are staring at them.
“This is for your own good,” Luke tells Reggie from where he’s sitting on his bandmates back. Reggie makes a sound of muffled complaint.
Alex pets Luke’s back from where he sitting on Reggie’s legs to keep him from running.
“Let me pet the dragon,” Reggie whines. “You wouldn’t let me get a puppy! Surely, surely, a dragon is easier?”
Alex makes a horrified sound. “What if it’s a ghost dragon? Oh God, what if it’s angry? Searching for revenge?!”
“Hey, do you reckon Julie knows about the dragon?” Reggie asks, completely ignoring Alex’s questions.
However, Luke has a terrific realisation. “Let’s go home and ask,” he says, glancing at Alex and winking subtly.
“If she doesn’t know, I’m sure she’d love to learn about this dragon!” Alex adds, quickly catching on.
Reggie hums, slightly doubtful. But then he’s nodding into the sand. “Let’s go tell her,” he agrees.
One POOF later, they’re back in the studio.
And so, Luke is finds, is the dragon. Except, this time the dragon’s more the size of a large cat and is curled up on Julie’s piano in the sun, looking very content with life.
Luke looks away from the dragon breaking the rules—Julie’s told them no one’s allowed to stand on the piano unless she gives the go-ahead—to his bandmates. Alex looks like he’s going to cry and Reggie seems overjoyed. Neither of them seem to resemble the well of confusion that Luke’s got going on in his own mind.
“She’s a stray,” Reggie says, thankfully not taking towards the dragon—is it the same dragon? Can dragons shape-shift? Should Luke be worrying about the structural integrity of the piano and whether it can stand up to a dragon? Oh God, he’s beginning to take over Alex’s job of overthinking everything.
“She needs a home guys,” Reggie continues. “We have to look after her.”
“We don’t know how to look after a dragon,” Luke points out, reasonably, even if his tone is more hysterical than he’d like.
However, when he looks at Alex for back up, he’s met with the sight of Alex slowly but surely melting, and giving in. He can watch as the thoughts play across Alex’s mind. He fiddles with the hem of his sweatshirt, the zips on his fanny pack, which means he’s thinking at how stressful this is going to be and overthinking everything. Except then he glances at Reggie, at the dragon, and takes to tapping a beat against the fanny pack instead. Just like that, Luke knows he’s lost. Alex turns to him, and says, “What if she doesn’t have a home, Luke?”
And, well, Luke knows a thing or two about being homeless—leaving home, finding another one, and he just gives up, gives in, and throws himself in with his boys. “We don’t know how to look after a dragon!” He protests, but it’s weak, and he’s just watching the dragon. It’s official, the dragon is theirs. Or, well, as theirs as a dragon can be.
This is, of course, the moment Julie decides to enter. She crosses over to them, then pauses, realising what they’re staring at. “Is that a dragon on the piano?” Then, with a shake of her head, she adds, “And do we have a manual for this one?”
As one, the boys turn to her. “Please?” They whine, all puppy-dog eyes and pleading expressions. Beneath the weight of it all, any willpower Julie has crumbles.
Hands on hips, she turns to the dragon. “Well,” she says, ignoring how the boys grin beside her, clearly picking up on her decision, “I wonder how we’re going to look after you.”
That seems to wake the dragon up, she lifts her head, uncurling from where she’d been lying down. She stands, back arching like a cat, wings stretching upwards. “I can look after myself okay,” she says. “I’m Aurora.”
Julie screams. The boys scream. They all scream, clinging to each other.
Aurora preens at their praise. She’s very pleased to see how excited they are at getting to know her. She has clearly decided to find some great friends for herself.
Let our wings carry us
There are many things that the boys are equipped to deal with, and many things they are not equipped to deal with. As it turns out, dragons are not one of their talents.
“Luke, do something!” Alex says, from where he’s standing behind Bobby. Reggie stands behind him, so they’re in single file behind Bobby—except for Luke.
Which is, of course, because Luke’s a little bit stuck at the moment. “Help!” Luke yelps.
Alex glances around Bobby’s shoulder and, despite his fear of the dragon in front of them, he can’t help but laugh a little bit. Even Bobby is grinning, and when Reggie looks, he outright cackles.
“Stop staring and help me!” Luke complains, shoving ineffectively at the horse-sized dragon surrounds him, rubbing against him like a massive cat, purring. It would be cute, if she wasn’t as massive as she was. As a result, Luke’s kind of just drowning beneath her love as his traitorous bandmates gather around and laugh at him.
He shoves at the dragon, being careful to not catch on her wings or anything. As close as he is, it’s hard to really tell what colour she is, but her wings start purple then shift to grey and then to white. Her scales, on the other hand, are blue—moving from a light sky blue at her snout to a dark blue at her tail and paws. He’d probably think her beautiful, if not for the fact she’s trying to stop him from breathing!
“Get off,” he says, shoving at her neck again. Her scales are smooth but solid beneath his fingers.
The dragon pauses when his fingers catch beneath her ear fins, then decides to lean heavily into the movement. Caught unaware, Luke almost falls beneath her weight, then realises what she wants, and finds herself scratching at the scales. He’s not entirely sure she can feel it, but she presses into the feeling, tilting her head.
The sound of a shutter overhead has him frowning and looking up. That’s when he realises that his bandmates have been suspiciously quiet the last few minutes.
It turns out that’d been for a reason. “Hey Luke, keep smiling and scratching the dragon! It’s important.”
“Yeah,” Luke says, gazing up at Reggie who’s precariously leaning over, sitting on Alex’s shoulders, holding Bobby’s expensive camera. The only funny thing about this is that Reggie’s tongue is sticking out. “I’m sure it is.”
The shutter goes off again and Luke sighs. Beneath his hands, the dragon’s body begins to vibrate like she’s purring. “At least you love me,” Luke tells the dragon. She purrs louder, body rumbling with the sound. It’s almost like being in one of those messaging chairs—except there’s no chair and it’s not really comfortable and Luke doesn’t actually know how he’s going to escape the dragon’s hold. She might be perfectly happy about it, but Luke’s starting to get hungry.
“Do you guys have any idea how to get me out of here?” He calls up to Reggie.
“Julie’s on her way!” Bobby reports, and the boys cheer. This results in Reggie almost dropping the camera, over-balancing to get it, Alex almost tripping, and Bobby launches forward and manages to catch Reggie just before he hits the ground.
From where he can see the chaos between the gap between the dragon’s head and her backend, Luke sighs. Honestly, it’s mildly impressive none of them have gotten seriously injured considered the things they do.
Somewhere nearby, there’s the click of a car parking. “Ray’s home!” Reggie reports, gleeful and sounding completely recovered from his near-death from falling off Alex’s shoulders.
Luke is so, so hopeful that Ray can fix this problem for him. Ray might not be Julie, might not have her powers, but Ray seems to be capable in the face of anything that comes his way.
The dragon suddenly freezes, lifting her head and Luke thinks that maybe she’s going to finally move and he can escape! Except, the dragon sniffs the air, sticks out her tongue, chirps, and then vanishes in a burst of light.
“No,” Reggie breathes out. “That’s-”
“Not our problem anymore,” Bobby decides, marching over to Luke who is now free! He checks Luke over, before frowning, fierce in the way he gets only about his friends and music. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
“Okay, but what if someone steps on her?” Luke says, and he doesn’t really want to deal with this. But she’d kind of been cute. In a massive, dragon way. Bobby sighs, loud, but doesn’t stop Luke as he bends down, encouraging the little lizard—that had been a dragon only seconds ago—onto his finger.
The dragon—lizard?—chirps and climbs onto his hand. She’s not overly small, rests comfortably on his hand, and her eyes are dark. She’s got the same pattern as her dragon counterpart had—just without the wings. She seems to smile up at her.
“I don’t want to tell you how to live your life,” Alex says as the boys crowd around the dragon-lizard-thing in Luke’s hands. “But also, what the fuck are you doing?”
“She’s so small,” Luke says, cooing, and Reggie runs a gentle finger down the maybe-dragon-lizard’s back. “Look how cute she is!”
“She will ruin our floors,” Alex counters.
Reggie hums. “But look how cute she is, Allie!”
Groaning, Alex responds. “We can’t have a lizard, we have Pan! And two kind of cats! They might be skeletons, but I feel like we should not test whether or not they’d eat the…” He trails off, frowning down at the creature in Luke’s hand.
“The dragon,” Reggie says helpfully.
“Yeah,” Alex agrees, “that.”
Before they can continue discussing what to do with the maybe-a-dragon-maybe-a-lizard, Carlos appears. “Oh, a lizard, neat!” He squeezes his way into the group, holding out his hand to the shape-shifting dragon.
The creature-that-is-probably-a-dragon immediately scrambles onto Carlos’ hand, where she stands proudly. She lets out a hiccup of fire before chirping. Luke exchanges a frantic look with the others. “Neat!” Carlos says again, grinning down at the fire-breathing animal he’s holding in his hand. “I’ll let her join Firefly!” And just like that, he’s off heads towards the house and to where the open enclosure that Firefly lives in in Carlos’ bedroom.
“Should- Should we tell him?” Bobby says, as they all watch, not moving, as Carlos enters the house. “That she’s a dragon?”
Frowning, Luke considers that hiccup of fire he’d just seen. He feels like he’s seen that before… “Aha!” He remembers. Turning to the others, he points at them, “I told you I saw Firefly breathe fire that one time! I wasn’t lying!”
Reggie hums. “That seems pretty weird,” he says. “Lizards don’t breathe fire.”
“Are you sure you didn’t just have some bad hotdogs?” Bobby asks, all pitying. For that, he gets an elbow from both Reggie and Alex, since he’s trapped between them.
Luke turns his gaze to Alex, his last hope. Surely one of the others will believe him! Alex, however, just shrugs. “You must’ve been imagining things,” he says, like they didn’t all just see a dragon shape-shift into a lizard and breathe fire.
Luke doesn’t quite scream, but it’s close. “Julie’s my favourite,” he announces, turning on his heel and definitely-not-stomping towards the studio.
“We know!” Bobby shouts. Luke ignores the snickering coming from behind him, but he can’t stop the smile curling onto his face. That’s okay though, no one’s paying any attention.
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